{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, TemplateHaskell, RecordWildCards, TypeFamilies #-}
module Clckwrks.ProfileData.Acid
    ( ProfileDataState(..)
    , initialProfileDataState
    , ProfileDataError(..)
    , profileDataErrorStr
    , SetProfileData(..)
    , GetProfileData(..)
    , NewProfileData(..)
    , GetUsername(..)
    , GetUserIdUsernames(..)
    , HasRole(..)
    , GetRoles(..)
    , AddRole(..)
    , RemoveRole(..)
    , UsernameForId(..)
    ) where

import Clckwrks.ProfileData.Types (ProfileData(..), Role(..), Username(..))
import Control.Applicative        ((<$>))
import Control.Monad.Reader       (ask)
import Control.Monad.State        (get, put)
import Data.Acid                  (Update, Query, makeAcidic)
import Data.Data                  (Data, Typeable)
import Data.IxSet                 (IxSet, (@=), empty, getOne, insert, updateIx, toList)
import Data.SafeCopy              (base, deriveSafeCopy)
import qualified Data.Set         as Set
import           Data.Set         (Set)
import Data.Text                  (Text)
import qualified Data.Text        as Text
import Happstack.Auth             (UserId(..))

data ProfileDataState = ProfileDataState
    { profileData :: IxSet ProfileData
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Data, Typeable)

$(deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''ProfileDataState)

initialProfileDataState :: ProfileDataState
initialProfileDataState = ProfileDataState { profileData = empty }

data ProfileDataError
    = UsernameAlreadyInUse
      deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Data, Typeable)
$(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''ProfileDataError)

profileDataErrorStr :: ProfileDataError -> String
profileDataErrorStr UsernameAlreadyInUse = "Username already in use."

checkInvariants :: ProfileDataState -> ProfileData -> Maybe ProfileDataError
checkInvariants pds@ProfileDataState{..} pd =
       case getOne $ profileData @= (Username $ username pd) of
         (Just existingPd)
             | ((username existingPd) == (username pd))  &&
               ((username pd) /= Text.pack "Anonymous")  &&
               (not $ Text.null (username pd)) ->
                 (Just UsernameAlreadyInUse)
         _ ->

setProfileData :: ProfileData
               -> Update ProfileDataState (Maybe ProfileDataError)
setProfileData pd =
    do pds@(ProfileDataState{..}) <- get
       case checkInvariants pds pd of
         (Just err) -> return (Just err)
         Nothing    ->
             do put $ pds { profileData = updateIx (dataFor pd) pd profileData }
                return Nothing

getProfileData :: UserId
               -> Query ProfileDataState (Maybe ProfileData)
getProfileData uid =
    do ProfileDataState{..} <- ask
       return $ getOne $ profileData @= uid

updateProfileData :: ProfileData
                  -> Update ProfileDataState ()
updateProfileData pd =
    do ps <- get
       put $ ps { profileData = updateIx (dataFor pd) pd (profileData ps) }

modifyProfileData :: (ProfileData -> ProfileData)
                  -> UserId
                  -> Update ProfileDataState ()
modifyProfileData fn uid =
    do ps@(ProfileDataState {..}) <- get
       case getOne $ profileData @= uid of
         Nothing -> return ()
         (Just pd) ->
             do let pd' = fn pd
                put ps { profileData = updateIx (dataFor pd') pd' profileData }

-- | create the profile data, but only if it is missing
newProfileData :: ProfileData
               -> Update ProfileDataState ProfileData
newProfileData pd =
    do pds@(ProfileDataState {..}) <- get
       case getOne (profileData @= (dataFor pd)) of
         Nothing -> do put $ pds { profileData = updateIx (dataFor pd) pd profileData }
                       return pd
         (Just pd') -> return pd'

getUsername :: UserId
            -> Query ProfileDataState (Maybe Text)
getUsername uid =
        fmap username <$> getProfileData uid

-- | get all the users
getUserIdUsernames :: Query ProfileDataState [(UserId, Text)]
getUserIdUsernames =
    do pds <- profileData <$> ask
       return $ map (\pd -> (dataFor pd, username pd)) (toList pds)

getRoles :: UserId
         -> Query ProfileDataState (Maybe (Set Role))
getRoles uid =
    do mp <- getProfileData uid
       case mp of
         Nothing -> return Nothing
         (Just profile) ->
             return (Just $ roles profile)

hasRole :: UserId
        -> Set Role
        -> Query ProfileDataState Bool
hasRole uid role =
    do mp <- getProfileData uid
       case mp of
         Nothing -> return False
         (Just profile) ->
             return (not $ Set.null $ role `Set.intersection` roles profile)

addRole :: UserId
        -> Role
        -> Update ProfileDataState ()
addRole uid role =
    modifyProfileData fn uid
      fn profileData = profileData { roles = Set.insert role (roles profileData) }

removeRole :: UserId
           -> Role
           -> Update ProfileDataState ()
removeRole uid role =
    modifyProfileData fn uid
      fn profileData = profileData { roles = Set.delete role (roles profileData) }

usernameForId :: UserId
              -> Query ProfileDataState (Maybe Text)
usernameForId uid =
    do ProfileDataState{..} <- ask
       case getOne $ profileData @= uid of
         Nothing   -> return Nothing
         (Just pd) -> return $ Just $ username pd

dataForUsername :: Text -- ^ username
                -> Query ProfileDataState (Maybe ProfileData)
dataForUsername uname =
    do ProfileDataState{..} <- ask
       return $ getOne $ profileData @= (Username uname)

$(makeAcidic ''ProfileDataState
  [ 'setProfileData
  , 'getProfileData
  , 'newProfileData
  , 'getUsername
  , 'getUserIdUsernames
  , 'getRoles
  , 'hasRole
  , 'addRole
  , 'removeRole
  , 'usernameForId
  , 'dataForUsername