{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} module Args where import Data.Data import System.Console.CmdArgs -- This is the CLI app definition : what we get from the user data Args = Args { showNotOrphan :: Bool , byPackage :: Bool , byProgram :: Bool , pkgSearchProg :: String , pkgSearchArgs :: [String] , pkgSearchExitCode :: Bool -- To be added -- home :: String -- Use this dir instead of the current -- -- user's home dir -- , verbose :: Bool -- Show everything you do -- , ignore :: [String] -- Ignore these filepaths -- , remove :: Bool -- Give users the option to remove orphan fps } deriving (Show, Data, Typeable) -- This is the cmdArgs-based CLI interface definition chArgs :: Args chArgs = Args { showNotOrphan = False &= explicit &= name "show-not-orphan" &= help "Whether dirs with an owning program show be shown" , byPackage = enum [ True &= explicit &= name "by-package" &= help "Search by package name (enabled by default)" , False &= explicit &= name "not-by-package" &= help "Do not search by package name" ] -- &= explicit -- &= name "by-package" -- &= help "Search the responsible program by package name" , byProgram = enum [ True &= explicit &= name "by-program" &= help "Search by program name (enabled by default)" , False &= explicit &= name "not-by-program" &= help "Do not search by program name" ] , pkgSearchProg = def &= explicit &= name "with-pkg-search" &= help "Program used to search for packages" &= typ "PROGRAM" , pkgSearchArgs = def &= explicit &= name "with-pkg-search-opt" &= help "Arguments passed to pkg-search program" &= typ "ARG" , pkgSearchExitCode = False &= explicit &= name "with-pkg-search-exit-code" &= help "Use program exit code to determine package presence" } &= summary "clean-home 0.0.3" &= details [ "(c) 2012 Ivan Perez - Keera Studios" , "Find more about clean-home at http://keera.es" , "and http://github.com/ivanperez-keera/clean-home" ]