{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-} {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-} -- | -- Copyright: (c) 2021 Xy Ren -- License: BSD3 -- Maintainer: xy.r@outlook.com -- Stability: unstable -- Portability: non-portable (GHC only) -- -- This module contains functions for interpreting effects. Most of the times you won't need to import this directly; -- the module "Cleff" reexports most of the functionalities. -- -- __This is an /internal/ module and its API may change even between minor versions.__ Therefore you should be -- extra careful if you're to depend on this module. module Cleff.Internal.Interpret ( -- * Trivial handling adjust , raise , raiseN , inject , subsume , subsumeN , raiseUnder , raiseNUnder , raiseUnderN , raiseNUnderN -- * Handler types , Handling , esSend , Handler , Translator -- * Interpreting effects , interpret , reinterpret , reinterpret2 , reinterpret3 , reinterpretN , interpose , impose , imposeN -- * Translating effects , transform , translate -- * Combinators for interpreting higher effects , toEff , toEffWith , withFromEff ) where import Cleff.Internal.Monad import Cleff.Internal.Rec (Rec) import qualified Cleff.Internal.Rec as Rec import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce) -- * Trivial handling -- | Adjust the effect stack by a contravariant transformation function over the stack. This function reveals the -- profunctorial nature of 'Eff'; in particular, 'Eff' is a profunctor @['Effect'] -> 'Data.Kind.Type'@, @lmap@ is -- 'adjust', and @rmap@ is 'fmap'. adjust :: ∀ es es'. (∀ f. Rec f es' -> Rec f es) -> Eff es ~> Eff es' adjust f m = Eff (unEff m . adjustEnv f) -- | Lift a computation into a bigger effect stack with one more effect. For a more general version see 'raiseN'. raise :: ∀ e es. Eff es ~> Eff (e : es) raise = raiseN @'[e] -- | Lift a computation into a bigger effect stack with arbitrarily more effects. This function requires -- @TypeApplications@. raiseN :: ∀ es' es. KnownList es' => Eff es ~> Eff (es' ++ es) raiseN = adjust (Rec.drop @es') -- | Like 'raise', but adds the new effect under the top effect. This is useful for transforming an interpreter -- @e' ':>' es => 'Eff' (e : es) '~>` 'Eff' es@ into a reinterpreter @'Eff' (e : es) '~>' 'Eff' (e' : es)@: -- -- @ -- myInterpreter :: Bar ':>' es => 'Eff' (Foo : es) '~>' 'Eff' es -- myInterpreter = ... -- -- myReinterpreter :: 'Eff' (Foo : es) '~>' 'Eff' (Bar : es) -- myReinterpreter = myInterpreter '.' 'raiseUnder' -- @ -- -- In other words, -- -- @ -- 'reinterpret' h == 'interpret' h . 'raiseUnder' -- @ -- -- However, note that this function is suited for transforming an existing interpreter into a reinterpreter; if you -- want to define a reinterpreter from scratch, you should still prefer 'reinterpret', which is both easier to use and -- more efficient. -- -- @since raiseUnder :: ∀ e' e es. Eff (e : es) ~> Eff (e : e' : es) raiseUnder = raiseNUnder @'[e'] -- | Like 'raiseUnder', but allows introducing multiple effects. This function requires @TypeApplications@. -- -- @since raiseNUnder :: ∀ es' e es. KnownList es' => Eff (e : es) ~> Eff (e : es' ++ es) raiseNUnder = raiseNUnderN @es' @'[e] -- | Like 'raiseUnder', but allows introducing the effect under multiple effects. This function requires -- @TypeApplications@. -- -- @since raiseUnderN :: ∀ e es' es. KnownList es' => Eff (es' ++ es) ~> Eff (es' ++ e : es) raiseUnderN = raiseNUnderN @'[e] @es' @es -- | A generalization of both 'raiseUnderN' and 'raiseNUnder', allowing introducing multiple effects under multiple -- effects. This function requires @TypeApplications@ and is subject to serious type ambiguity; you most likely will -- need to supply all three type variables explicitly. -- -- @since raiseNUnderN :: ∀ es'' es' es. (KnownList es', KnownList es'') => Eff (es' ++ es) ~> Eff (es' ++ (es'' ++ es)) raiseNUnderN = adjust \re -> Rec.concat (Rec.take @es' @(es'' ++ es) re) (Rec.drop @es'' @es (Rec.drop @es' @(es'' ++ es) re)) -- | Lift a computation with a fixed, known effect stack into some superset of the stack. inject :: ∀ es' es. Subset es' es => Eff es' ~> Eff es inject = adjust (Rec.pick @es') -- | Eliminate a duplicate effect from the top of the effect stack. For a more general version see 'subsumeN'. subsume :: ∀ e es. e :> es => Eff (e : es) ~> Eff es subsume = subsumeN @'[e] -- | Eliminate several duplicate effects from the top of the effect stack. This function requires @TypeApplications@. subsumeN :: ∀ es' es. Subset es' es => Eff (es' ++ es) ~> Eff es subsumeN = adjust \re -> Rec.concat (Rec.pick @es' re) re -- * Handler types -- | The send-site environment. data SendSite esSend e = SendSite {-# UNPACK #-} !(Env esSend) -- ^ The send-site 'Env'. {-# UNPACK #-} !(HandlerPtr e) -- ^ The pointer to the current effect handler. -- | The typeclass that denotes a handler scope, handling effect @e@ sent from the effect stack @esSend@ in the -- effect stack @es@. -- -- You should not define instances for this typeclass whatsoever. class Handling esSend e es | esSend -> e es where -- @esSend@ is existential so it uniquely determines the other two variables. As handling scopes can nest, the other -- two variables cannot determine anything. -- | Obtain the send-site environment. sendSite :: SendSite esSend e sendSite = error "Cleff.Internal.Interpret.sendSite: Attempting to access the send site without a reflected value. This is perhaps \ \because you are trying to define an instance for the 'Handling' typeclass, which you should not be doing \ \whatsoever. If that or other shenanigans seem unlikely, please report this as a bug." -- | Get the pointer to the current effect handler itself. hdlPtr :: ∀ esSend e es. Handling esSend e es => HandlerPtr e hdlPtr = let SendSite _ ptr = sendSite @esSend in ptr {-# INLINE hdlPtr #-} -- | Get the send-site 'Env'. esSend :: Handling esSend e es => Env esSend esSend = let SendSite env _ = sendSite in env {-# INLINE esSend #-} -- | Newtype wrapper for instantiating the 'Handling' typeclass locally, a la the reflection trick. We do not use -- the @reflection@ library directly so as not to expose this piece of implementation detail to the user. newtype InstHandling esSend e es a = InstHandling (Handling esSend e es => a) -- | Instantiate an 'Handling' typeclass, i.e. pass an implicit send-site environment in. This function shouldn't -- be directly used anyhow. instHandling :: ∀ esSend e es a. (Handling esSend e es => a) -> SendSite esSend e -> a instHandling x = unsafeCoerce (InstHandling x :: InstHandling esSend e es a) {-# INLINE instHandling #-} -- | The type of an /effect handler/, which is a function that transforms an effect @e@ from an arbitrary effect stack -- into computations in the effect stack @es@. type Handler e es = ∀ esSend. Handling esSend e es => e (Eff esSend) ~> Eff es -- | The type of a simple transformation function from effect @e@ to @e'@. type Translator e e' = ∀ esSend. e (Eff esSend) ~> e' (Eff esSend) -- * Interpreting effects -- | Transform a 'Handler' into an 'InternalHandler' given a pointer that is going to point to the 'InternalHandler' -- and the current 'Env'. mkInternalHandler :: HandlerPtr e -> Env es -> Handler e es -> InternalHandler e mkInternalHandler ptr es handle = InternalHandler \e -> Eff \ess -> unEff (instHandling handle (SendSite ess ptr) e) (updateEnv ess es) -- | Interpret an effect @e@ in terms of effects in the effect stack @es@ with an effect handler. interpret :: ∀ e es. Handler e es -> Eff (e : es) ~> Eff es interpret = reinterpretN @'[] -- | Like 'interpret', but adds a new effect @e'@ to the stack that can be used in the handler. reinterpret :: ∀ e' e es. Handler e (e' : es) -> Eff (e : es) ~> Eff (e' : es) reinterpret = reinterpretN @'[e'] -- | Like 'reinterpret', but adds two new effects. reinterpret2 :: ∀ e' e'' e es. Handler e (e' : e'' : es) -> Eff (e : es) ~> Eff (e' : e'' : es) reinterpret2 = reinterpretN @'[e', e''] -- | Like 'reinterpret', but adds three new effects. reinterpret3 :: ∀ e' e'' e''' e es. Handler e (e' : e'' : e''' : es) -> Eff (e : es) ~> Eff (e' : e'' : e''' : es) reinterpret3 = reinterpretN @'[e', e'', e'''] -- | Like 'reinterpret', but adds arbitrarily many new effects. This function requires @TypeApplications@. reinterpretN :: ∀ es' e es. KnownList es' => Handler e (es' ++ es) -> Eff (e : es) ~> Eff (es' ++ es) reinterpretN handle m = Eff \es -> let (# ptr, es' #) = allocaEnv es in unEff m $ appendEnv ptr (mkInternalHandler ptr es' handle) $ adjustEnv (Rec.drop @es') es' {-# INLINE reinterpretN #-} -- | Respond to an effect, but does not eliminate it from the stack. This means you can re-send the operations in the -- effect handler; it is often useful when you need to "intercept" operations so you can add extra behaviors like -- logging. interpose :: ∀ e es. e :> es => Handler e es -> Eff es ~> Eff es interpose = imposeN @'[] -- | Like 'interpose', but allows to introduce one new effect to use in the handler. impose :: ∀ e' e es. e :> es => Handler e (e' : es) -> Eff es ~> Eff (e' : es) impose = imposeN @'[e'] -- | Like 'impose', but allows introducing arbitrarily many effects. This requires @TypeApplications@. imposeN :: ∀ es' e es. (KnownList es', e :> es) => Handler e (es' ++ es) -> Eff es ~> Eff (es' ++ es) imposeN handle m = Eff \es -> let (# ptr, es' #) = allocaEnv es in unEff m $ replaceEnv ptr (mkInternalHandler ptr es' handle) $ adjustEnv (Rec.drop @es') es' {-# INLINE imposeN #-} -- * Translating effects -- | Interpret an effect in terms of another effect in the stack via a simple 'Translator'. -- -- @ -- 'transform' trans = 'interpret' ('sendVia' 'toEff' '.' trans) -- @ transform :: ∀ e e' es. e' :> es => Translator e e' -> Eff (e : es) ~> Eff es transform trans = interpret (sendVia toEff . trans) -- | Like 'transform', but instead of using an effect in stack, add a new one to the top of it. -- -- @ -- 'translate' trans = 'reinterpret' ('sendVia' 'toEff' '.' trans) -- @ translate :: ∀ e e' es. Translator e e' -> Eff (e : es) ~> Eff (e' : es) translate trans = reinterpret (sendVia toEff . trans) -- * Combinators for interpreting higher effects -- | Run a computation in the current effect stack; this is useful for interpreting higher-order effects. For example, -- if you want to interpret a bracketing effects in terms of 'IO': -- -- @ -- data Resource m a where -- Bracket :: m a -> (a -> m ()) -> (a -> m b) -> Resource m b -- @ -- -- You will not be able to simply write this for the effect: -- -- @ -- runBracket :: IOE ':>' es => 'Eff' (Resource : es) a -> 'Eff' es a -- runBracket = 'interpret' \\case -- Bracket alloc dealloc use -> UnliftIO.'UnliftIO.bracket' alloc dealloc use -- @ -- -- This is because effects are sended from all kinds of stacks that has @Resource@ in it, so effect handlers received -- the effect as @Resource esSend a@, where @esSend@ is an arbitrary stack with @Resource@, instead of -- @Resource es a@. This means @alloc@, @dealloc@ and @use@ are of type @'Eff' esSend a@, while 'UnliftIO.bracket' can -- only take and return @'Eff' es a@. So we need to use 'toEff', which converts an @'Eff' esSend a@ into -- an @'Eff' es a@: -- -- @ -- runBracket :: IOE ':>' es => 'Eff' (Resource : es) a -> 'Eff' es a -- runBracket = 'interpret' \\case -- Bracket alloc dealloc use -> UnliftIO.'UnliftIO.bracket' -- ('toEff' alloc) -- ('toEff' . dealloc) -- ('toEff' . use) -- @ toEff :: Handling esSend e es => Eff esSend ~> Eff es toEff m = Eff \es -> unEff m (updateEnv es esSend) -- | Run a computation in the current effect stack, just like 'toEff', but takes a 'Handler' of the current effect -- being interpreted, so that inside the computation being ran, the effect is interpreted differently. This is useful -- for interpreting effects with local contexts, like 'Cleff.Reader.Local': -- -- @ -- runReader :: r -> 'Eff' ('Cleff.Reader.Reader' r : es) '~>' 'Eff' es -- runReader x = 'interpret' (handle x) -- where -- handle :: r -> 'Handler' ('Cleff.Reader.Reader' r) es -- handle r = \\case -- 'Cleff.Reader.Ask' -> 'pure' r -- 'Cleff.Reader.Local' f m -> 'toEffWith' (handle $ f r) m -- @ toEffWith :: ∀ esSend e es. Handling esSend e es => Handler e es -> Eff esSend ~> Eff es toEffWith handle m = Eff \es -> unEff m $ -- The 'Handling' constraint of 'handle' will NOT be prematurely initialized here because that will make 'handle' -- monomorphic. Therefore this usage is safe. writeEnv (hdlPtr @esSend) (mkInternalHandler (hdlPtr @esSend) es handle) $ updateEnv es esSend -- | Temporarily gain the ability to lift some @'Eff' es@ actions into @'Eff' esSend@. This is only useful for dealing -- with effect operations with the monad type in the negative position, which means it's unlikely that you need to use -- this function in implementing your effects. withFromEff :: Handling esSend e es => ((Eff es ~> Eff esSend) -> Eff esSend a) -> Eff es a withFromEff f = Eff \es -> unEff (f \m -> Eff \ess -> unEff m (updateEnv ess es)) (updateEnv es esSend)