{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-} {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-} -- | -- Copyright: (c) 2021 Xy Ren -- License: BSD3 -- Maintainer: xy.r@outlook.com -- Stability: unstable -- Portability: non-portable (GHC only) -- -- This module contains the definition of the 'Eff' monad. Most of the times, you won't need to use this module -- directly; user-facing functionalities are all exported via the "Cleff" module. -- -- __This is an /internal/ module and its API may change even between minor versions.__ Therefore you should be -- extra careful if you're to depend on this module. module Cleff.Internal.Monad ( -- * Basic types Effect , type (:>) , type (:>>) , type (~>) , type (++) -- * The 'Eff' monad , InternalHandler (InternalHandler, runHandler) , Eff (Eff, unEff) -- * Effect environment , Env , HandlerPtr , emptyEnv , adjustEnv , allocaEnv , readEnv , writeEnv , replaceEnv , appendEnv , updateEnv -- * Performing effect operations , KnownList , Subset , send , sendVia ) where import Cleff.Internal.Any (Any, fromAny, toAny) import Cleff.Internal.Rec (Elem, KnownList, Rec, Subset, type (++)) import qualified Cleff.Internal.Rec as Rec import Control.Applicative (Applicative (liftA2)) import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix (mfix)) import Data.IntMap.Strict (IntMap) import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as Map import Data.Kind (Constraint, Type) -- * Basic types -- | The type of effects. An effect @e m a@ takes an effect monad type @m :: 'Type' -> 'Type'@ and a result type -- @a :: 'Type'@. type Effect = (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type -- | @e ':>' es@ means the effect @e@ is present in the effect stack @es@, and therefore can be used in an -- @'Cleff.Eff' es@ computation. type (:>) = Elem infix 0 :> -- | @xs ':>>' es@ means the list of effects @xs@ are all present in the effect stack @es@. This is a convenient type -- alias for @(e1 ':>' es, ..., en ':>' es)@. type family xs :>> es :: Constraint where '[] :>> _ = () (x : xs) :>> es = (x :> es, xs :>> es) infix 0 :>> -- | A natural transformation from @f@ to @g@. With this, instead of writing -- -- @ -- runSomeEffect :: 'Eff' (SomeEffect : es) a -> 'Eff' es a -- @ -- -- you can write: -- -- @ -- runSomeEffect :: 'Eff' (SomeEffect : es) ~> 'Eff' es -- @ type f ~> g = ∀ a. f a -> g a -- * The 'Eff' monad -- | The internal representation of effect handlers. This is just a natural transformation from the effect type -- @e ('Eff' es)@ to the effect monad @'Eff' es@ for any effect stack @es@. -- -- In interpreting functions (see "Cleff.Internal.Interpret"), the user-facing 'Cleff.Handler' type is transformed into -- this type. newtype InternalHandler e = InternalHandler { runHandler :: ∀ es. e (Eff es) ~> Eff es } -- | The extensible effects monad. The monad @'Eff' es@ is capable of performing any effect in the /effect stack/ @es@, -- which is a type-level list that holds all effects available. -- -- The best practice is to always use a polymorphic type variable for the effect stack @es@, and then use the type -- operators '(:>)' and '(:>>)' in constraints to indicate what effects are available in the stack. For example, -- -- @ -- ('Cleff.Reader.Reader' 'String' ':>' es, 'Cleff.State.State' 'Bool' ':>' es) => 'Eff' es 'Integer' -- @ -- -- means you can perform operations of the @'Cleff.Reader.Reader' 'String'@ effect and the @'Cleff.State.State' 'Bool'@ -- effect in a computation returning an 'Integer'. The reason why you should always use a polymorphic effect stack as -- opposed to a concrete list of effects are that -- -- * it can contain other effects that are used by computations other than the current one, and -- * it does not require you to run the effects in any particular order. type role Eff nominal representational newtype Eff es a = Eff { unEff :: Env es -> IO a } -- ^ The effect monad receives an effect environment 'Env' that contains all effect handlers and produces an 'IO' -- action. instance Functor (Eff es) where fmap f (Eff x) = Eff (fmap f . x) {-# INLINE fmap #-} x <$ Eff y = Eff \es -> x <$ y es {-# INLINE (<$) #-} instance Applicative (Eff es) where pure = Eff . const . pure {-# INLINE pure #-} Eff f <*> Eff x = Eff \es -> f es <*> x es {-# INLINE (<*>) #-} Eff x <* Eff y = Eff \es -> x es <* y es {-# INLINE (<*) #-} Eff x *> Eff y = Eff \es -> x es *> y es {-# INLINE (*>) #-} liftA2 f (Eff x) (Eff y) = Eff \es -> liftA2 f (x es) (y es) {-# INLINE liftA2 #-} instance Monad (Eff es) where -- no 'return', because the default impl is correct and it is going to be deprecated anyway Eff x >>= f = Eff \es -> x es >>= \x' -> unEff (f x') es {-# INLINE (>>=) #-} (>>) = (*>) -- More efficient, since the default is @x >> y = x >>= const y@ {-# INLINE (>>) #-} instance MonadFix (Eff es) where mfix f = Eff \es -> mfix \x -> unEff (f x) es {-# INLINE mfix #-} -- * Effect environment -- | The /effect environment/ that corresponds effects in the stack to their respective 'InternalHandler's. This -- structure simulates memory: handlers are retrieved via pointers ('HandlerPtr's), and for each effect in the stack -- we can either change what pointer it uses or change the handler the pointer points to. The former is used for global -- effect interpretation ('Cleff.reinterpretN') and the latter for local interpretation ('Cleff.toEffWith') in order to -- retain correct HO semantics. For more details on this see https://github.com/re-xyr/cleff/issues/5. type role Env nominal data Env (es :: [Effect]) = Env {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {-# UNPACK #-} !(Rec HandlerPtr es) !(IntMap Any) -- | A pointer to 'InternalHandler' in an 'Env'. type role HandlerPtr nominal newtype HandlerPtr (e :: Effect) = HandlerPtr { unHandlerPtr :: Int } -- | Create an empty 'Env' with no address allocated. emptyEnv :: Env '[] emptyEnv = Env 0 Rec.empty Map.empty {-# INLINE emptyEnv #-} -- | Adjust the effect stack via an function over 'Rec'. adjustEnv :: ∀ es' es. (Rec HandlerPtr es -> Rec HandlerPtr es') -> Env es -> Env es' adjustEnv f (Env n re mem) = Env n (f re) mem {-# INLINE adjustEnv #-} -- | Allocate a new, empty address for a handler. \( O(1) \). allocaEnv :: ∀ e es. Env es -> (# HandlerPtr e, Env es #) allocaEnv (Env n re mem) = (# HandlerPtr n, Env (n + 1) re mem #) {-# INLINE allocaEnv #-} -- | Read the handler a pointer points to. \( O(1) \). readEnv :: ∀ e es. Rec.Elem e es => Env es -> InternalHandler e readEnv (Env _ re mem) = fromAny $ mem Map.! unHandlerPtr (Rec.index @e re) {-# INLINE readEnv #-} -- | Overwrite the handler a pointer points to. \( O(1) \). writeEnv :: ∀ e es. HandlerPtr e -> InternalHandler e -> Env es -> Env es writeEnv (HandlerPtr m) x (Env n re mem) = Env n re (Map.insert m (toAny x) mem) {-# INLINE writeEnv #-} -- | Replace the handler pointer of an effect in the stack. \( O(n) \). replaceEnv :: ∀ e es. Rec.Elem e es => HandlerPtr e -> InternalHandler e -> Env es -> Env es replaceEnv (HandlerPtr m) x (Env n re mem) = Env n (Rec.update @e (HandlerPtr m) re) (Map.insert m (toAny x) mem) {-# INLINE replaceEnv #-} -- | Add a new effect to the stack with its corresponding handler pointer. \( O(n) \). appendEnv :: ∀ e es. HandlerPtr e -> InternalHandler e -> Env es -> Env (e : es) appendEnv (HandlerPtr m) x (Env n re mem) = Env n (Rec.cons (HandlerPtr m) re) (Map.insert m (toAny x) mem) {-# INLINE appendEnv #-} -- | Use the state of LHS as a newer version for RHS. \( O(1) \). updateEnv :: ∀ es es'. Env es' -> Env es -> Env es updateEnv (Env n _ mem) (Env _ re' _) = Env n re' mem {-# INLINE updateEnv #-} -- * Performing effect operations -- | Perform an effect operation, /i.e./ a value of an effect type @e :: 'Effect'@. This requires @e@ to be in the -- effect stack. send :: e :> es => e (Eff es) ~> Eff es send = sendVia id -- | Perform an action in another effect stack via a transformation to that stack; in other words, this function "maps" -- the effect operation from effect stack @es@ to @es'@. This is a largely generalized version of 'send'; only use this -- if you are sure about what you're doing. -- -- @ -- 'send' = 'sendVia' 'id' -- @ -- -- @since sendVia :: e :> es' => (Eff es ~> Eff es') -> e (Eff es) ~> Eff es' sendVia f e = Eff \es -> unEff (f (runHandler (readEnv es) e)) es