-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Oxhead Alpha -- SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-MIT-OA -- | Tests for checking MorleyLogs processing. module Test.Lorentz.MorleyLogs ( test_MorleyLogs ) where import Prelude hiding (drop, swap) import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup) import Lorentz hiding (assert) import Morley.Michelson.Interpret (MorleyLogs(..)) import Morley.Michelson.Untyped (Contract) import Morley.Michelson.Untyped.Value (Value'(..)) import Test.Cleveland import Test.Cleveland.Michelson (testTreesWithUntypedContract) singleLog :: Lorentz.Contract () () () singleLog = defaultContract $ printComment "log" # car # nil # pair multiLog :: Lorentz.Contract () () () multiLog = defaultContract $ printComment "log1" # car # nil # printComment "log2" # pair # printComment "log3" test_MorleyLogs :: IO [TestTree] test_MorleyLogs = testTreesWithUntypedContract "../../contracts/empties.tz" $ \withoutLogs -> pure [ testGroup "Checking MorleyLogs processing" [ testScenarioOnEmulator "Calling contract with single log" $ scenarioEmulated do idAddr <- originateS logsInfo <- getMorleyLogs_ $ do call idAddr CallDefault () call idAddr CallDefault () logsForAddress idAddr logsInfo @== fmap MorleyLogs [["log"], ["log"]] collectLogs logsInfo @== MorleyLogs ["log", "log"] , testScenarioOnEmulator "Calling several contracts with and without logs" $ scenarioEmulated do idAddrW <- originateW withoutLogs idAddrS <- originateS idAddrM <- originateM logsInfo <- getMorleyLogs_ $ do call idAddrW CallDefault () call idAddrS CallDefault () call idAddrM CallDefault () logsForAddress idAddrW logsInfo @== fmap MorleyLogs [[]] logsForAddress idAddrS logsInfo @== fmap MorleyLogs [["log"]] logsForAddress idAddrM logsInfo @== fmap MorleyLogs [["log1", "log2", "log3"]] collectLogs logsInfo @== MorleyLogs ["log", "log1", "log2", "log3"] , testScenarioOnEmulator "Calling several contracts to check the logging order" $ scenarioEmulated do idAddrS <- originateS idAddrM <- originateM logsInfo <- getMorleyLogs_ $ do call idAddrS CallDefault () call idAddrM CallDefault () call idAddrS CallDefault () logsForAddress idAddrM logsInfo @== fmap MorleyLogs [["log1", "log2", "log3"]] logsForAddress idAddrS logsInfo @== fmap MorleyLogs [["log"], ["log"]] collectLogs logsInfo @== MorleyLogs ["log", "log1", "log2", "log3", "log"] , testScenarioOnEmulator "Calling contracts in parallel with branchout" $ scenarioEmulated do branchout [ ("1", do idAddr <- originateS logsInfo <- getMorleyLogs_ $ call idAddr CallDefault () logsForAddress idAddr logsInfo @== fmap MorleyLogs [["log"]]) , ("2", do idAddr <- originateS logsInfo <- getMorleyLogs_ $ call idAddr CallDefault () collectLogs logsInfo @== MorleyLogs ["log"]) ] -- This test checks the behavior of MorleyLogs when one -- contract is called by another contract. In this case contracts contain only -- logs produced by themselves. , testScenarioOnEmulator "Calling a contract inside another contract" $ scenarioEmulated do logsInfo <- getMorleyLogs_ $ do caller <- originateSimple "caller" () callerContract target <- originateSimple "target" () targetContract call caller CallDefault (toContractRef target) collectLogs logsInfo @== MorleyLogs ["Caller contract called", "Target contract called with 5"] ] ] where originateContract :: forall caps m. MonadCleveland caps m => AliasHint -> Morley.Michelson.Untyped.Contract -> m (TAddress () ()) originateContract name c = do addr <- originateUntyped $ UntypedOriginateData name 100 ValueUnit c return $ toTAddress addr originateW :: forall caps m. MonadCleveland caps m => Morley.Michelson.Untyped.Contract -> m (TAddress () ()) originateW = originateContract "without logs" originateS, originateM :: MonadCleveland caps m => m (ContractHandle () () ()) originateS = originateSimple "with single log" () singleLog originateM = originateSimple "with multiple logs" () multiLog callerContract :: Lorentz.Contract (ContractRef Integer) () () callerContract = defaultContract $ car # printComment "Caller contract called" # (push zeroMutez # push 5 # transferTokens |:| nil) # unit # swap # pair targetContract :: Lorentz.Contract Integer () () targetContract = defaultContract $ car # printComment ("Target contract called with " <> stackRef @0) # drop # unit # nil # pair