-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Oxhead Alpha -- SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-MIT-OA -- | Tests on on-chain views. module Test.Interpreter.Views ( test_runtime , test_step_constants , test_recursion , test_create_contract , test_context_restore_on_exit ) where import Fmt (Buildable, (+|), (|+)) import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup) import Morley.Tezos.Address import Morley.Tezos.Core import Test.Cleveland import Test.Cleveland.Instances () import Test.Cleveland.Lorentz.Types import Test.Util.Contracts -- Tests from Tezos -- -- Taken from https://gitlab.com/tezos/tezos/-/blob/6eef585d8e897b94b330323987ee0e6228189791/tests_python/tests_alpha/test_contract.py#L681 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- amongTezosContracts :: FilePath -> FilePath amongTezosContracts file = contractsDir "tezos_examples" "opcodes" file originateViewedContract :: MonadCleveland caps m => m (ContractHandle Natural Natural ()) originateViewedContract = importContract (amongTezosContracts "view_toplevel_lib.tz") >>= \c -> originate OriginateData { odName = "viewedContract" , odBalance = 777 , odStorage = 3 :: Natural , odContract = c } test_runtime :: TestTree test_runtime = testGroup "Basic interpreter logic" [ checkContract "view_op_id" ((0, 0) :: (Natural, Natural)) (10, 3) , checkContract "view_op_add" (42 :: Natural) 13 , checkContract "view_fib" (0 :: Natural) 55 , checkContract "view_mutual_recursion" (0 :: Natural) 20 , checkContract "view_op_nonexistent_func" True False , checkContract "view_op_nonexistent_addr" True False , checkContract "view_op_toplevel_inconsistent_input_type" (5 :: Natural) 0 , checkContract "view_op_toplevel_inconsistent_output_type" True False ] where checkContract :: (NiceStorage st, Eq st, Buildable st, AsRPC st ~ st) => String -> st -> st -> TestTree checkContract fileName initSt expected = testScenario fileName $ scenario $ clarifyErrors ("For '" +| fileName |+ "'") do viewedContract <- originateViewedContract viewCaller <- importContract @(Natural, Address) @_ @() (amongTezosContracts $ fileName <> ".tz") >>= originateSimple "viewCaller" initSt call viewCaller CallDefault (10, toAddress viewedContract) getStorage viewCaller @@== expected test_step_constants :: TestTree test_step_constants = testScenario "Step constants contract" $ scenario do alice <- newAddress auto viewedContract <- originateViewedContract viewCaller <- importContract @Address @(Maybe ((Mutez, Mutez), ((Address, Address), Address))) @() (amongTezosContracts "view_op_test_step_contants.tz") >>= originateSimple "viewCaller" Nothing withSender alice do call viewCaller CallDefault (toAddress viewedContract) let expectedSelfAddress = toAddress viewedContract expectedSender = toAddress viewCaller expectedSource = alice getStorage viewCaller @@== Just ( ( 0 , 777 ) , ( ( expectedSelfAddress , expectedSender ) , expectedSource ) ) test_recursion :: TestTree test_recursion = testScenario "Recursive call" $ scenario do contract <- importContract @() @() @() (amongTezosContracts "view_rec.tz") >>= originateSimple "contract" () call contract CallDefault () & expectTransferFailure gasExhaustion test_create_contract :: TestTree test_create_contract = testScenario "Recursive call" $ scenario do contractCreator <- importContract @() @(Maybe Address) @() (amongTezosContracts "create_contract_with_view.tz") >>= originateSimple "contractCreator" Nothing call contractCreator CallDefault () contractAddr <- getStorage contractCreator >>= \case Nothing -> failure "Unexpected outcome" Just addr -> pure addr constViewObserver <- importContract @(Natural, Address) @Natural @() (amongTezosContracts "view_op_constant.tz") >>= originateSimple "constViewObserver" 2 call constViewObserver CallDefault (10, contractAddr) getStorage constViewObserver @@== 10 -- In Tezos they have a lot of tests covering the fact that environment must -- be restored on view exist (the tests were added along with a bugfix), -- but we don't need this, we use 'ReaderT' that makes the issue hard to produce. test_context_restore_on_exit :: TestTree test_context_restore_on_exit = testScenario "Context restores" $ scenario do viewedContract <- originateViewedContract selfAfterView <- importContract @Address @Address @() (amongTezosContracts "self_after_view.tz") >>= \c -> originate OriginateData { odName = "selfAfterView" , odBalance = 1500 -- transferred by the contract further , odStorage = toAddress viewedContract , odContract = c } call selfAfterView CallDefault (toAddress viewedContract) getStorage selfAfterView @@== toAddress selfAfterView