-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Oxhead Alpha -- SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-MIT-OA -- | Various test assertions in the 'MonadCleveland' context. module Test.Cleveland.Internal.Actions.Assertions ( module Test.Cleveland.Internal.Actions.Assertions ) where import Fmt (Buildable, Builder, build, pretty, unlinesF) import Test.Cleveland.Internal.Abstract import Test.Cleveland.Internal.Actions.Helpers {-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Avoid lambda using `infix`" :: Text) #-} -- | Fails the test with the given error message. failure :: forall a caps m. (HasCallStack, MonadCleveland caps m) => Builder -> m a failure msg = do withCap getMiscCap \cap -> cmiFailure cap msg -- | Fails the test with the given error message if the given condition is false. assert :: (HasCallStack, MonadCleveland caps m) => Bool -> Builder -> m () assert b errMsg = unless b $ failure errMsg -- | @x \@== expected@ fails the test if @x@ is not equal to @expected@. (@==) :: (HasCallStack, MonadCleveland caps m, Eq a, Buildable a) => a -- ^ The actual value. -> a -- ^ The expected value. -> m () actual @== expected = assert (actual == expected) $ unlinesF [ "Failed comparison" , "━━ Expected (rhs) ━━" , build expected , "━━ Got (lhs) ━━" , build actual ] infix 1 @== -- | Fails the test if the two given values are equal. (@/=) :: (HasCallStack, MonadCleveland caps m, Eq a, Buildable a) => a -> a -> m () a @/= b = assert (a /= b) $ unlinesF [ "The two values are equal:" , build a ] infix 1 @/= -- | Monadic version of '@=='. -- -- > getBalance addr @@== 10 (@@==) :: (HasCallStack, MonadCleveland caps m, Eq a, Buildable a) => m a -- ^ The actual value. -> a -- ^ The expected value. -> m () getActual @@== expected = do actual <- getActual actual @== expected infix 1 @@== -- | Monadic version of '@/='. -- -- > getBalance addr @@/= 10 (@@/=) :: (HasCallStack, MonadCleveland caps m, Eq a, Buildable a) => m a -> a -> m () getA @@/= b = do a <- getA a @/= b infix 1 @@/= -- | Fails the test if the comparison operator fails when applied to the given arguments. -- Prints an error message with both arguments. -- -- Example: -- -- > checkCompares 2 (>) 1 checkCompares :: forall a b caps m . (HasCallStack, MonadCleveland caps m, Buildable a, Buildable b) => a -> (a -> b -> Bool) -> b -> m () checkCompares a f b = checkComparesWith pretty a f pretty b -- | Like 'checkCompares', but with an explicit show function. -- This function does not have any constraint on the type parameters @a@ and @b@. -- -- For example, to print with 'Fmt.pretty': -- -- > checkComparesWith pretty a (<) pretty b checkComparesWith :: forall a b caps m . (HasCallStack, MonadCleveland caps m) => (a -> Text) -> a -> (a -> b -> Bool) -> (b -> Text) -> b -> m () checkComparesWith showA a f showB b = assert (f a b) $ unlinesF [ "Failed" , "━━ lhs ━━" , showA a , "━━ rhs ━━" , showB b ] -- | Fails the test if the `Maybe` is `Nothing`, otherwise returns the value in the `Just`. evalJust :: (HasCallStack, MonadCleveland caps m) => Builder -> Maybe a -> m a evalJust err = maybe (failure err) pure -- | Fails the test if the `Either` is `Left`, otherwise returns the value in the `Right`. evalRight :: (HasCallStack, MonadCleveland caps m) => (a -> Builder) -> Either a b -> m b evalRight mkErr = either (failure . mkErr) pure