-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Oxhead Alpha -- SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-MIT-OA {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-} -- | On-chain view utilities. module Test.Cleveland.Internal.Actions.View ( module Test.Cleveland.Internal.Actions.View ) where import Data.Constraint (pattern Dict) import Fmt ((+|), (|+)) import Lorentz (Contract(..), HasView, Label, NiceViewable, toVal) import Lorentz qualified as L import Morley.AsRPC import Morley.Client.Types (awaAddress) import Morley.Michelson.Typed (pattern (:#)) import Morley.Michelson.Typed qualified as T import Morley.Tezos.Address import Morley.Util.TypeLits (KnownSymbol, symbolValT') import Test.Cleveland.Internal.Abstract import Test.Cleveland.Internal.Actions.Assertions (failure) import Test.Cleveland.Internal.Actions.Misc import Test.Cleveland.Lorentz.Types -- | Call an on-chain view by name. The existence of the view is checked at -- compile time. If you don't have compile-time information about views, see -- 'unsafeCallView'. -- -- Example: -- -- > callView contract #sum (123, -321) callView :: forall name arg ret cp st vd m caps. ( MonadCleveland caps m, HasView vd name arg ret , NiceParameter arg, NiceViewable ret, NiceStorage ret , KnownSymbol name, HasRPCRepr ret , T.IsoValue (AsRPC ret)) => ContractHandle cp st vd -- ^ Contract to call. -> Label name -- ^ View name. Use @OverloadedLabels@ syntax. -> arg -- ^ Parameter to pass to the view. -> m (AsRPC ret) callView = unsafeCallView @ret where _ = Dict @(HasView vd name arg ret) -- silence redundant constraint warning -- | Version of 'callView' that doesn't check if the view exists in the type. -- You'll have to specify the return type. You can use @TypeApplications@ syntax -- for that. -- -- If the view doesn't exist or has incorrect type, a test failure will be -- thrown. -- -- Note that first type argument is return type, the second is parameter type. -- The reason for this inversion is you often only need to specify the return -- type, while the parameter type can be either inferred or explicitly specified -- with a type annotation on the parameter argument value. -- -- Examples: -- -- > unsafeCallView @() contract #id () -- Calls view @id@ with argument @unit@ and return type @unit@. -- -- > unsafeCallView @(Integer, MText) contract #query [mt|hello|] -- Calls view @query@ with argument @string@ and return type @pair int string@. -- -- > unsafeCallView @Integer contract #sum (123 :: Natural, -321 :: Integer) -- Calls view @sum@ with argument @pair nat int@ and return type @int@. Type -- annotations are required due to polymorphic numeric literals. -- -- This last example could also be written as -- -- > unsafeCallView @Integer @(Natural, Integer) contract #sum (123, -321) unsafeCallView :: forall ret arg name addr m caps. ( MonadCleveland caps m, NiceParameter arg, NiceViewable ret , NiceStorage ret, KnownSymbol name , HasRPCRepr ret, T.IsoValue (AsRPC ret) , ToContractAddress addr) => addr -- ^ Contract to call. -> Label name -- ^ View name. Use @OverloadedLabels@ syntax. -> arg -- ^ Parameter to pass to the view. -> m (AsRPC ret) unsafeCallView (toContractAddress -> ch) _ arg = do Sender sender' <- Prelude.view senderL contractBalance <- getBalance ch let ct = runnerContract @name @arg @ret ch callFail = failure $ "Failed to call view " +| symbolValT' @name |+ ": either it doesn't exist or types don't match." res <- runCode RunCode { rcAmount = 0 , rcBalance = contractBalance , rcSource = Just $ awaAddress sender' , rcContract = ct , rcParameter = T.untypeValue $ T.toVal arg , rcStorage = T.untypeValue $ T.toVal (Nothing :: Maybe ret) , rcLevel = Nothing , rcNow = Nothing } maybe callFail pure res -- | Contract that calls a view and saves the result to storage. runnerContract :: forall name arg ret. (NiceParameter arg, NiceViewable ret, NiceStorage ret, KnownSymbol name) => ContractAddress -> Contract arg (Maybe ret) () runnerContract ch = flip Contract fakeDoc $ T.defaultContract $ -- NB: It's not a Lorentz contract to avoid requiring NiceParameterFull and -- NiceStorageFull on arg and ret respectively. T.CAR :# T.DIP (T.PUSH $ toVal $ toAddress ch) :# T.VIEW (T.UnsafeViewName $ symbolValT' @name) :# T.NIL :# T.PAIR where fakeDoc = L.ContractCode $ L.fakeCoercing L.nop