-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Oxhead Alpha -- SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-MIT-OA {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-} -- | This module defines annotated exceptions and machinery to work with them. module Test.Cleveland.Internal.Exceptions.Annotated ( module Test.Cleveland.Internal.Exceptions.Annotated ) where import Data.Dependent.Map qualified as Map import Data.GADT.Compare (GCompare(..), GEq(..), GOrdering(..)) import Data.Typeable (cast, eqT) import Fmt (Buildable(..), Doc, build, pretty) import Text.Show qualified as Show (Show(..)) import Type.Reflection (typeRep) -- $setup -- >>> import Test.Cleveland.Internal.Abstract -- >>> import Test.Cleveland.Internal.Exceptions.CallStack ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AnnotatedException ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | 'SomeException' augmented with arbitrary annotations. data AnnotatedException = AnnotatedException AnnotationMap SomeException deriving stock Show instance Exception AnnotatedException where displayException (AnnotatedException annmap e) = pretty $ printAnnotations annmap (displayException e) -- | Insert a new annotation into 'AnnotatedException'. insertAnnEx' :: (Semigroup ann, ExceptionAnnotation ann) => ann -> AnnotatedException -> AnnotatedException insertAnnEx' ann (AnnotatedException anns ex) = AnnotatedException (insertAnn ann anns) ex -- | Insert a new annotation into 'SomeException'. -- -- If it's already an 'AnnotatedException', simply adds a new annotation. -- Otherwise, wraps the exception into 'AnnotatedException' first. insertAnnEx :: (Semigroup ann, ExceptionAnnotation ann) => ann -> SomeException -> SomeException insertAnnEx ann se = toException $! case fromException @AnnotatedException se of Just ex -> insertAnnEx' ann ex Nothing -> AnnotatedException (singletonAnn ann) se -- | Remove an annotation of the given type from 'AnnotatedException'. removeAnnEx' :: forall ann. ExceptionAnnotation ann => AnnotatedException -> AnnotatedException removeAnnEx' (AnnotatedException anns ex) = AnnotatedException (removeAnn @ann anns) ex -- | Remove an annotation of the given type from 'SomeException'. If it's not an -- 'AnnotatedException', this is a no-op. removeAnnEx :: forall ann. ExceptionAnnotation ann => SomeException -> SomeException removeAnnEx se = case fromException @AnnotatedException se of Just ex -> toException $ removeAnnEx' @ann ex Nothing -> se -- | Extract the given annotation type from 'AnnotatedException' if possible. lookupAnnEx' :: forall ann. (ExceptionAnnotation ann) => AnnotatedException -> Maybe ann lookupAnnEx' (AnnotatedException anns _) = lookupAnn @ann anns -- | Extract the given annotation type from 'SomeException' if possible. lookupAnnEx :: forall ann. (ExceptionAnnotation ann) => SomeException -> Maybe ann lookupAnnEx se = lookupAnnEx' =<< fromException @AnnotatedException se {- | Try to extract a given exception type, skipping over annotations. This essentially makes 'AnnotatedException' transparent for this function. This is intended to be used as the default implementation of 'fromException' for exception types that are expected to be annotated, as to make 'AnnotatedException' transparent for 'catch', 'try', etc. For example: @ instance Exception GenericTestError where displayException = pretty fromException = fromPossiblyAnnotatedException @ Now, when catching @GenericTestError@, it'll work even if wrapped in 'AnnotatedException': >>> try @_ @GenericTestError (addCallStack $ throwM UnexpectedSuccess) Left UnexpectedSuccess When catching exceptions not explicitly set up like this, this trick unfortunately won't work, so using this function explicitly is required: >>> data ExceptionToCatch = ExceptionToCatch deriving stock Show >>> instance Exception ExceptionToCatch >>> action = addCallStack $ throwM ExceptionToCatch >>> try @_ @ExceptionToCatch action *** Exception: AnnotatedException ... ...ExceptionToCatch >>> :{ action `catch` \(err :: SomeException) -> case fromPossiblyAnnotatedException err of Just (err' :: ExceptionToCatch) -> pass Nothing -> throwM err :} -} fromPossiblyAnnotatedException :: Exception e => SomeException -> Maybe e fromPossiblyAnnotatedException se = (do AnnotatedException _ e <- fromException se fromException e ) <|> fromExceptionDefault se where fromExceptionDefault (SomeException e) = cast e ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AnnotationMap ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Key ann where Key :: ExceptionAnnotation a => Key a instance GEq Key where geq (Key :: Key a) (Key :: Key b) = eqT @a @b instance GCompare Key where gcompare (Key :: Key a) (Key :: Key b) = case compare (annotationPriority @a) (annotationPriority @b) of LT -> GLT GT -> GGT EQ -> gcompare (typeRep @a) (typeRep @b) -- | A map from 'Key' to corresponding annotation. newtype AnnotationMap = AnnotationMap { unAnnotationMap :: Map.DMap Key Identity } instance Show AnnotationMap where show = Map.showTreeWith (\Key -> Show.show) True False . unAnnotationMap -- | Print all annotations from an 'AnnotationMap', given the initial message. -- -- Essentially right-fold using 'displayAnnotation'. printAnnotations :: Buildable a => AnnotationMap -> a -> Doc printAnnotations (AnnotationMap annmap) = flip (Map.foldrWithKey go) annmap . build where go :: Key t -> Identity t -> Doc -> Doc go Key (Identity a) acc = displayAnnotation a acc -- | Try to find the given type @t@ in an 'AnnotationMap'. lookupAnn :: ExceptionAnnotation t => AnnotationMap -> Maybe t lookupAnn (AnnotationMap anns) = runIdentity <$> Map.lookup Key anns -- | Construct a singleton 'AnnotationMap'. singletonAnn :: ExceptionAnnotation t => t -> AnnotationMap singletonAnn = AnnotationMap . Map.singleton Key . Identity -- | Insert a new annotation into an 'AnnotationMap'. If an annotation of this -- type already exists, merge the annotations using the 'Semigroup' instance. insertAnn :: (Semigroup t, ExceptionAnnotation t) => t -> AnnotationMap -> AnnotationMap insertAnn x (AnnotationMap anns) = AnnotationMap $ Map.insertWith (<>) Key (Identity x) anns -- | Remove an annotation of a given type @t@ from 'AnnotationMap'. removeAnn :: forall t. ExceptionAnnotation t => AnnotationMap -> AnnotationMap removeAnn (AnnotationMap am) = AnnotationMap $ Map.delete (Key @t) am ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ExceptionAnnotation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Type class for exception annotations. class (Show ann, Typeable ann) => ExceptionAnnotation ann where -- | Given an annotation and the error message (as 'Doc'), produce the -- text annotated with the annotation. displayAnnotation :: ann -> Doc -> Doc -- | Relative priority for sorting annotations. Annotations with higher -- priority will be applied first. Default is @0@. annotationPriority :: Int annotationPriority = 0 -- | Add an annotation to exceptions thrown by a monadic action. annotateExceptions :: forall m a ann. (MonadCatch m, Semigroup ann, ExceptionAnnotation ann) => ann -> m a -> m a annotateExceptions ann ma = ma `catch` (throwM . insertAnnEx ann)