CleverCSS (Haskell) Documentation


CleverCSS is a system for writing templates that are translated into CSS, allowing to build style sheets in a clean and structured way, following the DRY (don't repeat yourself) principle.

The syntax is slightly different from CSS in that it relies on indentation instead of braces to indicate grouping, like the Python language does.

The two things that enable DRY are variables and nesting. Variables are names for CSS values; nesting prevents repeating selectors all over. Here is an example template file:

bgcolor = #f0f0e4

ul#comments, ol#comments:
   background-color: $bgcolor

      background-color: $bgcolor
      font-size: 1.2em

It would translate to (an equivalent of) this CSS stylesheet:

ul#comments, ol#comments {
   background-color: #f0f0e4;

ul#comments li, ol#comments li {
   background-color: #f0f0e4;
   font-size: 1.2em;

You can already see that the template doesn't repeat the ul#comments and ol#comments selectors. Also, should the desired background color ever change, you won't need to replace a zillion references to it, but only one variable assignment.

Other than that, CleverCSS allows expressions involving CSS values as well as grouping of similar property names, as shown below.


As you have already seen, you use indentation and colons to express grouping. There are also other small syntactic differences to CSS that make writing templates less pain:


Variable assignments

You can assign to variables with an equals sign. Variable assignments are not allowed inside blocks, only at the toplevel. Variables can be assigned to multiple times.

foo = 1px
   margin: $foo
foo = 2px
   margin: $foo

would result in body { margin: 1px } and p { margin: 2px }. Referencing variables before they are defined is an error.

There's also another assignment operator, ?=. It only has an effect if the variable is not assigned to yet. This is helpful to provide defaults that can be overridden by e.g. command line definitions. For example, after

foo = 1px
bar = 1px
foo = 2px
bar ?= 2px

$foo would be replaced by 2px, while $bar would be replaced by 1px.


CleverCSS does not process selectors in a special way, but as shown above you can nest selector blocks instead of repeating parent selectors in individual blocks:

ul, ol:
   li, p:
      strong, em:

would result in

ul, ol { foo }

ul li, ul p, ol li, ol p { bar }

ul li strong, ul li em, ul p strong, ul p em,
ol li strong, ol li em, ol p strong, ol p em  { baz }

To achieve this, the selectors are currently bluntly split at commas, so extended selectors involving string matching with a comma will be handled incorrectly at the moment.

As you see, the above handles basic parent-child relations by joining parent and child selectors with a space. However, you can also explicitly determine where to put the parent selector, using the & character:

strong, em:
   a &, #&:

would result in

a strong, #strong, a em, #em { bar }

Using this technique, you can construct selectors quite freely. Multiple occurrences of the ampersand are replaced.


Property specifications work like in CSS: just put a colon after the property name. You can use expressions or variable references (see below) only in property values, not in property names.

Property groups

Since CSS has many property names with common prefixes, CleverCSS includes one more shortening notation, best described by an example:

#main p:
      family: Verdana, sans-serif
      size: 1.1em
      style: italic

would result in

#main p {
   font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;
   font-size: 1.1em;
   font-style: italic;

The -> symbol, followed by a block of properties, concatenates the name before it with each of the property names in the block.

Values and expressions

CleverCSS property values are of multiple types which also exist in CSS:

Type Example property Note
barewords (also called identifiers) font-size: small  
strings (double or single quoted) font-family: "Times"  
numbers (integral or floating) line-height: 2  
dimensions (number + unit) margin-left: 2px  
hexadecimal colors color: #f0f0f0  
colors as color names color: black (1)
colors via the RGB function color: rgb(10%, 20%, 30%)  
value sequences (separated by whitespace) margin: 2px 0 2px 0  
value lists (separated by commas) font-family: "Times", serif (2)
function calls content: attr(id) (3)


  1. Color names are also valid identifiers. CleverCSS recognizes the 140 common Netscape color names and treats them as values of type color, but does not convert them to RGB format until you do arithmetic with them. That way, you can have barewords that are color names without a problem.
  2. This is only used in CSS for the font-family property, but you are free to use value lists anywhere and convert them to other values using their methods, see below.
  3. The functions recognized by CleverCSS, in addition to rgb, are attr, counter and url.

CleverCSS extends CSS in that it allows writing not only these literal values, but also expressions involving these values. These expressions can contain these elements, in addition to the literal expressions described above:

Type Example(s) Note
Arithmetic on numbers and values; operators are +, -, *, / and % (modulo) 4 % 3 = 1, 2px + 4px = 6px, 2 * 2px = 4px (1)
Arithmetic on colors with + and - #f0f000 + #000030 = #f0f030, #808080 + 16 = #909090 (2)
Concatenation of strings with + "hello " + "world" = "hello world" (3)
String multiplication "a " * 3 = "a a a "  
Expression grouping with parentheses (2 + 3) * 5px  
Method calls #303030.brighten(40%) = #434343, "hello".bare() = hello (4)
Variable references $foo = <whatever foo was assigned>  

More explanations:

  1. Arithmetic on numbers works as expected.

    You can mix one number and one value in arithmetic expressions, the result will automatically be given the unit of the value. This is natural with multiplication and division but can feel weird with addition and subtraction.

    You can add and subtract two dimensions provided their units are the same or convertable to one another, but you cannot multiply or divide them.

  2. If two colors are added or subtracted, their individual channels will be added or subtracted. If one operand is a number, it will be applied to all channels.

  3. Barewords cannot be added, but you can convert strings to barewords with the bare() method afterwards.

  4. For a list of available methods, see below.


On values of all types:

  • string(): convert to a string.

On strings:

  • bare(): convert the string to a bareword. It is not checked that it has the required format!
  • length(): return the string's length.
  • upper(), lower(): convert the string to uppercase/lowercase.
  • strip(): return the string with all trailing and leading whitespace removed.
  • split(delim): return a list with substrings, split at the string delim.
  • eval(): evaluate the contents as a CleverCSS expression and return the result.

On numbers and dimensions:

  • round([places]): return the number or dimension rounded to places decimal places; places defaults to 0.
  • abs(): return the absolute value.

On colors:

  • brighten([amount]): return the color brightened by the specified amount, which should be a percent dimension. amount defaults to 10%.
  • darken([amount]): return the color darkened by the specified amount, which should be a percent dimension. amount defaults to 10%.

On lists and sequences:

  • length(): return the list or sequence's length.
  • join([delim]): return a string consisting the items converted to strings and joined by delim, which defaults to ", " for lists and " " for sequences.
  • list(): return the sequence as a list, or the list unchanged.
  • seq(): return the list as a sequence, or the sequence unchanged.

Library usage

Using the CleverCSS library is straightforward, just import Text.CSS.CleverCSS and use the cleverCSSConvert function, which is defined as

cleverCSSConvert :: SourceName -> String -> [(String, String)] -> Either String String

The arguments are:

The return value is either Left errormessage or Right stylesheet.

Command-line usage

CleverCSS also can be compiled as a standalone command-line program. It can be called with no arguments, in which case it will convert standard input to standard output, or with file names as arguments, in which case it will convert the files named to CSS and store them in a file with the same name, but the extension replaced with .css (e.g., example.clevercss is converted to example.css).

You can use the -D name=value command line option to assign initial variables. The value is evaluated as a CleverCSS expression when used.

How to get and install it

CleverCSS can be downloaded from Hackage or checked out from Mercurial at <>. It is a cabalized package, so the usual

runhaskell Setup.lhs configure
runhaskell Setup.lhs build
sudo runhaskell Setup.lhs install

should be enough to get the clevercss binary and the Text.CSS.CleverCSS library installed.


The Haskell CleverCSS library is written by Georg Brandl <>. Bug reports and suggestions are welcome!

The CleverCSS template language was initially devised and implemented in Python by Armin Ronacher, see <>.