cabal-version: >=1.2 Name: clevercss Version: 0.2.1 Category: Text Synopsis: A CSS preprocessor Description: CleverCSS is a CSS preprocessing library that allows defining variables and nesting selectors so that you don't need to Repeat Yourself. License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Author: Georg Brandl Maintainer: Homepage: Stability: experimental Extra-Source-Files: documentation.html, example.ccs Build-Type: Simple Flag splitBase Description: Choose the new smaller, split-up base package. Flag parsec2 Description: Are we using parsec2? Library If flag(splitBase) Build-Depends: base >= 4 && < 5, containers, mtl Else Build-Depends: base < 4, mtl If flag(parsec2) Build-Depends: parsec >= 2.1 CPP-Options: -DPARSEC2 Else Build-Depends: parsec >= 3 && < 4 Exposed-Modules: Text.CSS.CleverCSS Other-Modules: Text.CSS.CleverCSSUtil Extensions: PatternGuards GHC-Options: -funbox-strict-fields Executable clevercss Main-is: CCMain.hs Extensions: PatternGuards GHC-Options: -funbox-strict-fields If flag(parsec2) Build-Depends: parsec >= 2.1 CPP-Options: -DPARSEC2 Else Build-Depends: parsec >= 3 && < 4