{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | Various utilities to tweet using the twitter api
-- Make sure you have a file credentials file (default the executable looks for is `.cred`) with the following info:
-- ```
-- api-key: API_KEY
-- api-sec: API_SECRE
-- tok-sec: TOKEN_SECRET
-- ```

module Web.Tweet
    -- * Functions to tweet
    , tweetData
    , thread
    -- * Data type for a tweet
    , module Web.Tweet.Types
    -- * Functions to sign API requests
    , signRequest
    -- * Functions to generate a URL string from a `Tweet`
    , urlString
    ) where

import Network.HTTP.Client
import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status (statusCode)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Web.Tweet.Types
import Web.Tweet.Utils
import Control.Monad
import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Lens
import Web.Authenticate.OAuth
import Web.Tweet.Sign

-- | thread tweets together nicely. Takes a string, a list of handles to reply to, plus the ID of the status you're replying to.
-- If you need to thread tweets without replying, pass a `Nothing` as the third argument.
-- `thread "Hi I'm back in New York!" ["friend1","friend2"] Nothing 1 ".cred"`
thread :: String -> [String] -> Maybe Int -> Int -> FilePath -> IO ()
thread contents hs idNum num filepath = do
    let handleStr = concatMap (((++) " ") . ((++) "@")) hs
    let content = (take num) . (chunksOf (140-(length handleStr))) $ contents
    print $ urlString (Tweet { _status = content !! 0, _trimUser = True, _handles = hs, _replyID = idNum})
    let f = (\str i -> (flip tweetData filepath) (Tweet { _status = str, _trimUser = True, _handles = hs, _replyID = if i == 0 then Nothing else Just i }))
    let initial = f (content !! 0)
    void $ foldr ((>=>) . f) initial (drop 1 content) $ maybe 0 id idNum

-- | Reply with a single tweet. Works the same as `thread` but doesn't take the fourth argument.
-- `reply "Idk what that means" ["friend1"] (Just 189943500) ".cred"`
reply :: String -> [String] -> Maybe Int -> FilePath -> IO ()
reply contents hs idNum filepath = thread contents hs idNum 1 filepath

-- | Tweet a string given a path to credentials; return the id of the status.
-- `basicTweet "On the airplane." ".cred"
basicTweet :: String -> FilePath -> IO Int
basicTweet contents = tweetData (mkTweet contents)

-- | Make a `Tweet` with only the contents.
mkTweet :: String -> Tweet
mkTweet contents = over (status) (const (contents)) $ def 

-- | tweet, given a `Tweet` and path to credentials. Return id of posted tweet.
tweetData :: Tweet -> FilePath -> IO Int
tweetData tweet filepath = do
    let requestString = urlString tweet
    manager <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
    initialRequest <- parseRequest ("https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/update.json" ++ requestString)
    request <- signRequest filepath $ initialRequest { method = "POST" }
    response request manager

-- | print output of a request and return status id as an `Int`. 
response :: Request -> Manager -> IO Int
response request manager = do
    response <- httpLbs request manager
    putStrLn $ "The status code was: " ++ show (statusCode $ responseStatus response)
    BSL.putStrLn $ responseBody response
    return $ (read . (takeWhile (/=',')) . (drop 52)) (BSL.unpack $ responseBody response)

-- | Convert a tweet to a percent-encoded url for querying an API
urlString :: Tweet -> String
urlString tweet = concat [ "?status="
                         , BS.unpack (tweetEncode tweet)
                         , "&trim_user="
                         , map toLower (show trim)
                         , (if isJust (_replyID tweet) then "&in_reply_to_status_id=" else "")
                         , reply ]
    where trim  = _trimUser tweet
          reply = maybe "" id (fmap show $ _replyID $ tweet)

-- | Percent-ncode the status update so it's fit for a URL
tweetEncode :: Tweet -> BS.ByteString
tweetEncode tweet = paramEncode $ handleStr `BS.append` content
    where content   = BS.pack . _status $ tweet
          handleStr = BS.pack $ concatMap ((++ " ") . ((++) "@")) hs
          hs        = _handles tweet