{-# language ForeignFunctionInterface, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- Implementation using qt
-- and a heuristic to shorten the time span to be waited
-- to get closer to the wanted time span.

module Clocked (
  ) where

import Data.IORef
import Data.Sequence

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.CatchIO
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))

import Clocked.Common
import Clocked.WinTimePeriod

-- | The heuristic correction is calculated using a moving average
-- of the time deviation. This is the size of the window for
-- calculating the moving average.
windowSize :: Double
windowSize = 10

-- | Estimate of the time deviation.
-- Empiric data on linux (2.6.35-28)
initialDeviation = 0.00018

-- | the heuristic correction gets limited by a fraction of the wanted time span
heuristicCorrectionFraction = 0.1

foreign import ccall qtUSleep :: Int -> IO ()

newtype Timer = Timer (IORef State)

-- | Run a monadic action with a 'Timer'.
withTimer :: MonadCatchIO m => (Timer -> m a) -> m a
withTimer m = withTimePeriod 1 $
    (m =<< liftIO (Timer <$> (newIORef =<< mkState)))

data State = State {
    lastTime :: Double,
    deviations :: Seq Double,
    deviationMovingAverage :: Double

mkState :: IO State
mkState = do
    now <- getTimeDouble
    return $ State now (mkFullBuffer (round windowSize) initialDeviation) initialDeviation

-- | Waits the given amount of seconds minus the elapsed time
-- since the last call to 'waitTimer' (or the initialisation of the timer).
waitTimer :: Timer -> Double -> IO ()
waitTimer (Timer ref) waitSeconds = do
    state <- readIORef ref
    now <- getTimeDouble
    let heuristicCorrection = deviationMovingAverage state
        waitTime :: Double = waitSeconds - (now - lastTime state) - heuristicCorrection
        waitMicroSeconds = round (waitTime * 10 ^ 6)
    when (waitMicroSeconds > 0) $
        qtUSleep waitMicroSeconds
    after <- getTimeDouble
    let actuallyWaited = after - lastTime state
        deviation = min
            (actuallyWaited - waitSeconds + heuristicCorrection)
            (waitSeconds * heuristicCorrectionFraction)
        (droppedDeviation, newBuffer) = crank deviation (deviations state)
        newAverage = deviationMovingAverage state + ((deviation - droppedDeviation) / windowSize)
        state' = State after newBuffer newAverage
    writeIORef ref state'

-- * buffer functions for Seq

mkFullBuffer :: Int -> a -> Seq a
mkFullBuffer = Data.Sequence.replicate

crank :: a -> Seq a -> (a, Seq a)
crank new buffer = case viewl buffer of
    head :< tail -> (head, tail |> new)
    EmptyL -> error "crank on empty buffer"