module AI.Clustering.Hierarchical.Internal ( nnChain , single , complete , average , weighted , ward ) where import Control.Monad (forM_, when) import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as UM import AI.Clustering.Hierarchical.Types type ActiveNodeSet = M.Map Int (Dendrogram Int) type DistUpdateFn = Int -> Int -> ActiveNodeSet -> DistanceMat -> DistanceMat -- | nearest neighbor chain algorithm nnChain :: DistanceMat -> DistUpdateFn -> Dendrogram Int nnChain (DistanceMat n dist) fn = go (DistanceMat n $ U.force dist) initSet [] where go ds activeNodes chain@(b:a:rest) | M.size activeNodes == 1 = head . M.elems $ activeNodes | c == a = go ds' activeNodes' rest | otherwise = go ds activeNodes $ c : chain where (c,d) = nearestNeighbor ds b a activeNodes activeNodes' = M.insert hi (Branch (size1+size2) d c1 c2) . M.delete lo $ activeNodes ds' = fn lo hi activeNodes ds c1 = M.findWithDefault undefined lo activeNodes c2 = M.findWithDefault undefined hi activeNodes size1 = size c1 size2 = size c2 (lo,hi) = if a <= b then (a,b) else (b,a) go ds activeNodes _ = go ds activeNodes [b,a] where a = fst $ M.elemAt 0 activeNodes b = fst $ nearestNeighbor ds a (-1) activeNodes initSet = M.fromList . map (\i -> (i, Leaf i)) $ [0..n-1] {-# INLINE nnChain #-} nearestNeighbor :: DistanceMat -> Int -> Int -> M.Map Int (Dendrogram Int) -> (Int, Double) nearestNeighbor dist i preference = M.foldlWithKey' f (-1,1/0) where f (x,d) j _ | i == j = (x,d) -- skip | d' < d = (j,d') | d' == d && j == preference = (j,d') | otherwise = (x,d) where d' = dist ! (i,j) {-# INLINE nearestNeighbor #-} -- | all update functions perform destructive updates, and hence should not be -- called by end users -- | single linkage update formula single :: DistUpdateFn single lo hi nodeset (DistanceMat n dist) = DistanceMat n $ U.create $ do v <- U.unsafeThaw dist forM_ (M.keys nodeset) $ \i -> when (i/= hi && i/=lo) $ do d_lo_i <- UM.unsafeRead v $ idx n i lo d_hi_i <- UM.unsafeRead v $ idx n i hi UM.unsafeWrite v (idx n i hi) $ min d_lo_i d_hi_i return v {-# INLINE single #-} -- | complete linkage update formula complete :: DistUpdateFn complete lo hi nodeset (DistanceMat n dist) = DistanceMat n $ U.create $ do v <- U.unsafeThaw dist forM_ (M.keys nodeset) $ \i -> when (i/= hi && i/=lo) $ do d_lo_i <- UM.unsafeRead v $ idx n i lo d_hi_i <- UM.unsafeRead v $ idx n i hi UM.unsafeWrite v (idx n i hi) $ max d_lo_i d_hi_i return v {-# INLINE complete #-} -- | average linkage update formula average :: DistUpdateFn average lo hi nodeset (DistanceMat n dist) = DistanceMat n $ U.create $ do v <- U.unsafeThaw dist forM_ (M.keys nodeset) $ \i -> when (i/= hi && i/=lo) $ do d_lo_i <- UM.unsafeRead v $ idx n i lo d_hi_i <- UM.unsafeRead v $ idx n i hi UM.unsafeWrite v (idx n i hi) $ f1 * d_lo_i + f2 * d_hi_i return v where s1 = fromIntegral . size . M.findWithDefault undefined lo $ nodeset s2 = fromIntegral . size . M.findWithDefault undefined hi $ nodeset f1 = s1 / (s1+s2) f2 = s2 / (s1+s2) {-# INLINE average #-} -- | weighted linkage update formula weighted :: DistUpdateFn weighted lo hi nodeset (DistanceMat n dist) = DistanceMat n $ U.create $ do v <- U.unsafeThaw dist forM_ (M.keys nodeset) $ \i -> when (i/= hi && i/=lo) $ do d_lo_i <- UM.unsafeRead v $ idx n i lo d_hi_i <- UM.unsafeRead v $ idx n i hi UM.unsafeWrite v (idx n i hi) $ (d_lo_i + d_hi_i) / 2 return v {-# INLINE weighted #-} -- | ward linkage update formula ward :: DistUpdateFn ward lo hi nodeset (DistanceMat n dist) = DistanceMat n $ U.create $ do v <- U.unsafeThaw dist d_lo_hi <- UM.unsafeRead v $ idx n lo hi forM_ (M.toList nodeset) $ \(i,t) -> when (i/= hi && i/=lo) $ do let s3 = fromIntegral . size $ t d_lo_i <- UM.unsafeRead v $ idx n i lo d_hi_i <- UM.unsafeRead v $ idx n i hi UM.unsafeWrite v (idx n i hi) $ sqrt $ ((s1+s3)*d_lo_i + (s2+s3)*d_hi_i - s3*d_lo_hi) / (s1+s2+s3) return v where s1 = fromIntegral . size . M.findWithDefault undefined lo $ nodeset s2 = fromIntegral . size . M.findWithDefault undefined hi $ nodeset {-# INLINE ward #-} {- -- O(n^2) time, O(n) space. Minimum spanning tree algorithm for single linkage mst :: [a] -> DistFn a -> Dendrogram a mst xs fn = undefined -}