{-# LINE 1 "CMark.hsc" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving,
{-# LINE 2 "CMark.hsc" #-}
    DeriveGeneric, DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleContexts #-}

module CMark (
  , commonmarkToXml
  , commonmarkToMan
  , commonmarkToNode
  , optSourcePos
  , optNormalize
  , optHardBreaks
  , optSmart
  , Node(..)
  , NodeType(..)
  , PosInfo(..)
  , DelimType(..)
  , ListType(..)
  , ListAttributes(..)
  , Url
  , Title
  , Level
  , Info
  , CMarkOption
  ) where

import Foreign
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.C.String (CString)
import qualified System.IO.Unsafe as Unsafe
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Data.Generics (Data, Typeable)
import Data.Text (Text, empty)
import qualified Data.Text.Foreign as TF

{-# LINE 36 "CMark.hsc" #-}

type NodePtr = Ptr ()

data Node = Node (Maybe PosInfo) NodeType [Node]
     deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data, Generic)

data DelimType =
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data, Generic)

data ListType =
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data, Generic)

data ListAttributes = ListAttributes{
    listType     :: ListType
  , listTight    :: Bool
  , listStart    :: Int
  , listDelim    :: DelimType
  } deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data, Generic)

type Url = Text

type Title = Text

type Level = Int

type Info = Text

data NodeType =
  | HTML Text
  | CODE_BLOCK Info Text
  | HEADER Level
  | LIST ListAttributes
  | ITEM
  | TEXT Text
  | CODE Text
  | EMPH
  | LINK Url Title
  | IMAGE Url Title
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data, Generic)

data PosInfo = PosInfo{ startLine   :: Int
                      , startColumn :: Int
                      , endLine     :: Int
                      , endColumn   :: Int
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data, Generic)

newtype CMarkOption = CMarkOption { unCMarkOption :: CInt }

-- | Combine a list of options into a single option, using bitwise or.
combineOptions :: [CMarkOption] -> CInt
combineOptions = foldr ((.|.) . unCMarkOption) 0

-- Include a @data-sourcepos@ attribute on block elements.
optSourcePos :: CMarkOption
optSourcePos = CMarkOption 1
{-# LINE 104 "CMark.hsc" #-}

-- Render @softbreak@ elements as hard line breaks.
optHardBreaks :: CMarkOption
optHardBreaks = CMarkOption 2
{-# LINE 108 "CMark.hsc" #-}

-- Normalize the document by consolidating adjacent text nodes.
optNormalize :: CMarkOption
optNormalize = CMarkOption 4
{-# LINE 112 "CMark.hsc" #-}

-- Convert straight quotes to curly, @---@ to em-dash, @--@ to en-dash.
optSmart :: CMarkOption
optSmart = CMarkOption 8
{-# LINE 116 "CMark.hsc" #-}

ptrToNodeType :: NodePtr -> NodeType
ptrToNodeType ptr =
  case (c_cmark_node_get_type ptr) of
{-# LINE 121 "CMark.hsc" #-}
               -> DOCUMENT
{-# LINE 123 "CMark.hsc" #-}
               -> HRULE
{-# LINE 125 "CMark.hsc" #-}
               -> PARAGRAPH
{-# LINE 127 "CMark.hsc" #-}
               -> BLOCK_QUOTE
{-# LINE 129 "CMark.hsc" #-}
               -> HTML literal
{-# LINE 131 "CMark.hsc" #-}
               -> CODE_BLOCK info literal
{-# LINE 133 "CMark.hsc" #-}
               -> LIST listAttr
{-# LINE 135 "CMark.hsc" #-}
               -> ITEM
{-# LINE 137 "CMark.hsc" #-}
               -> HEADER level
{-# LINE 139 "CMark.hsc" #-}
               -> EMPH
{-# LINE 141 "CMark.hsc" #-}
               -> STRONG
{-# LINE 143 "CMark.hsc" #-}
               -> LINK url title
{-# LINE 145 "CMark.hsc" #-}
               -> IMAGE url title
{-# LINE 147 "CMark.hsc" #-}
               -> TEXT literal
{-# LINE 149 "CMark.hsc" #-}
               -> CODE literal
{-# LINE 151 "CMark.hsc" #-}
               -> INLINE_HTML literal
{-# LINE 153 "CMark.hsc" #-}
               -> SOFTBREAK
{-# LINE 155 "CMark.hsc" #-}
               -> LINEBREAK
             _ -> error "Unknown node type"
  where literal   = peekCString $ c_cmark_node_get_literal ptr
        level     = c_cmark_node_get_header_level ptr
        listAttr  = ListAttributes{
            listType  = case c_cmark_node_get_list_type ptr of
                             (2) -> ORDERED_LIST
{-# LINE 162 "CMark.hsc" #-}
                             (1)  -> BULLET_LIST
{-# LINE 163 "CMark.hsc" #-}
                             _                           -> BULLET_LIST
          , listDelim  = case c_cmark_node_get_list_delim ptr of
                             (1) -> PERIOD_DELIM
{-# LINE 166 "CMark.hsc" #-}
                             (2)  -> PAREN_DELIM
{-# LINE 167 "CMark.hsc" #-}
                             _                           -> PERIOD_DELIM
          , listTight  = c_cmark_node_get_list_tight ptr == 1
          , listStart  = c_cmark_node_get_list_start ptr
        url       = peekCString $ c_cmark_node_get_url ptr
        title     = peekCString $ c_cmark_node_get_title ptr
        info      = peekCString $ c_cmark_node_get_fence_info ptr

getPosInfo :: NodePtr -> Maybe PosInfo
getPosInfo ptr =
   case (c_cmark_node_get_start_line ptr,
         c_cmark_node_get_start_column ptr,
         c_cmark_node_get_end_line ptr,
         c_cmark_node_get_end_column ptr) of
       (0, 0, 0, 0) -> Nothing
       (sl, sc, el, ec) -> Just PosInfo{ startLine = sl
                                       , startColumn = sc
                                       , endLine = el
                                       , endColumn = ec }

handleNode :: (Maybe PosInfo -> NodeType -> [a] -> a) -> NodePtr -> a
handleNode f ptr = f posinfo (ptrToNodeType ptr) children
   where children = handleNodes f $ c_cmark_node_first_child ptr
         posinfo  = getPosInfo ptr
         handleNodes f' ptr' =
           if ptr' == nullPtr
              then []
              else handleNode f' ptr' : handleNodes f' (c_cmark_node_next ptr')

toNode :: NodePtr -> Node
toNode = handleNode Node

foreign import ccall "string.h strlen"
    c_strlen :: CString -> Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_markdown_to_html"
    c_cmark_markdown_to_html :: CString -> Int -> CInt -> CString

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_render_xml"
    c_cmark_render_xml :: NodePtr -> CInt -> CString

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_render_man"
    c_cmark_render_man :: NodePtr -> CInt -> CString

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_parse_document"
    c_cmark_parse_document :: CString -> Int -> CInt -> NodePtr

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_type"
    c_cmark_node_get_type :: NodePtr -> Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_first_child"
    c_cmark_node_first_child :: NodePtr -> NodePtr

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_next"
    c_cmark_node_next :: NodePtr -> NodePtr

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_literal"
    c_cmark_node_get_literal :: NodePtr -> CString

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_url"
    c_cmark_node_get_url :: NodePtr -> CString

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_title"
    c_cmark_node_get_title :: NodePtr -> CString

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_header_level"
    c_cmark_node_get_header_level :: NodePtr -> Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_list_type"
    c_cmark_node_get_list_type :: NodePtr -> Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_list_tight"
    c_cmark_node_get_list_tight :: NodePtr -> Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_list_start"
    c_cmark_node_get_list_start :: NodePtr -> Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_list_delim"
    c_cmark_node_get_list_delim :: NodePtr -> Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_fence_info"
    c_cmark_node_get_fence_info :: NodePtr -> CString

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_start_line"
    c_cmark_node_get_start_line :: NodePtr -> Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_start_column"
    c_cmark_node_get_start_column :: NodePtr -> Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_end_line"
    c_cmark_node_get_end_line :: NodePtr -> Int

foreign import ccall "cmark.h cmark_node_get_end_column"
    c_cmark_node_get_end_column :: NodePtr -> Int

-- | Convert CommonMark formatted text to Html, using cmark's
-- built-in renderer.
commonmarkToHtml :: [CMarkOption] -> Text -> Text
commonmarkToHtml opts s = io $
  TF.withCStringLen s $ \(ptr, len) ->
    return (peekCString $ c_cmark_markdown_to_html ptr len (combineOptions opts))

-- | Convert CommonMark formatted text to CommonMark XML, using cmark's
-- built-in renderer.
commonmarkToXml :: [CMarkOption] -> Text -> Text
commonmarkToXml opts s = io $
  TF.withCStringLen s $ \(ptr, len) -> do
    let opts' = combineOptions opts
    let doc = c_cmark_parse_document ptr len opts'
    return (peekCString $ c_cmark_render_xml doc opts')

-- | Convert CommonMark formatted text to groff man, using cmark's
-- built-in renderer.
commonmarkToMan :: [CMarkOption] -> Text -> Text
commonmarkToMan opts s = io $
  TF.withCStringLen s $ \(ptr, len) -> do
    let opts' = combineOptions opts
    let doc = c_cmark_parse_document ptr len opts'
    return (peekCString $ c_cmark_render_man doc opts')

-- | Convert CommonMark formatted text to a structured 'Node' tree,
-- which can be transformed or rendered using Haskell code.
commonmarkToNode :: [CMarkOption] -> Text -> Node
commonmarkToNode opts s = io $
      TF.withCStringLen s $ \(ptr, len) ->
        return $ toNode $ c_cmark_parse_document ptr len (combineOptions opts)

io :: IO a -> a
io = Unsafe.unsafePerformIO

peekCString :: CString -> Text
peekCString str
  | str == nullPtr = empty
  | otherwise      = io $ TF.peekCStringLen (str, c_strlen str)