{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

module Data.Generics.Any where

import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Data as D
import Data.Data hiding (toConstr, typeOf, dataTypeOf, isAlgType)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe

type CtorName = String
type FieldName = String

readTupleType :: String -> Maybe Int
readTupleType x | "(" `isPrefixOf` x && ")" `isSuffixOf` x && all (== ',') y = Just $ length y
                | otherwise = Nothing
    where y = init $ tail x


-- | Any value, with a Data dictionary.
data Any = forall a . Data a => Any a

type AnyT t = Any

instance Show Any where
    show = show . typeOf

fromAny :: Typeable a => Any -> a
fromAny (Any x) = case D.cast x of
    Just y -> y
    ~(Just y) -> error $ "Data.Generics.Any.fromAny: Failed to extract any, got " ++
                         show (D.typeOf x) ++ ", wanted " ++ show (D.typeOf y)

cast :: Typeable a => Any -> Maybe a
cast (Any x) = D.cast x


toConstr :: Any -> Constr
toConstr (Any x) = D.toConstr x

typeOf :: Any -> TypeRep
typeOf (Any x) = D.typeOf x

dataTypeOf :: Any -> DataType
dataTypeOf (Any x) = D.dataTypeOf x

isAlgType :: Any -> Bool
isAlgType = D.isAlgType . dataTypeOf


typeShell :: Any -> String
typeShell = tyconUQname . typeShellFull

typeShellFull :: Any -> String
typeShellFull = tyConString . typeRepTyCon . typeOf

typeName :: Any -> String
typeName = show . typeOf


ctor :: Any -> CtorName
ctor = showConstr . toConstr

fields :: Any -> [String]
fields = constrFields . toConstr

children :: Any -> [Any]
children (Any x) = gmapQ Any x

compose0 :: Any -> CtorName -> Any
compose0 (Any x) c = Any $ fromConstrB err y `asTypeOf` x
    where Just y = readConstr (D.dataTypeOf x) c
          err = error $ "Data.Generics.Any: Undefined field inside compose0, " ++ c ++ " :: " ++ show (Any x)

recompose :: Any -> [Any] -> Any
recompose (Any x) cs | null s = Any $ res `asTypeOf` x
                     | otherwise = err
    where (res,s) = flip runState cs $ flip fromConstrM (D.toConstr x) $ do
                        cs <- get
                        if null cs then err else do
                            put $ tail cs
                            return $ fromAny $ head cs

          err = error $ "Data.Generics.Any.recompose: Incorrect number of children to recompose, " ++
                        ctor (Any x) ++ " :: " ++ show (Any x) ++ ", expected " ++ show (arity $ Any x) ++
                        ", got " ++ show (length cs)

ctors :: Any -> [CtorName]
ctors = map showConstr . dataTypeConstrs . dataTypeOf


decompose :: Any -> (CtorName,[Any])
decompose x = (ctor x, children x)

arity = length . children

compose :: Any -> CtorName -> [Any] -> Any
compose t c xs = recompose (compose0 t c) xs


getField :: FieldName -> Any -> Any
getField lbl x = fromMaybe (error $ "getField: Could not find field " ++ show lbl) $
    lookup lbl $ zip (fields x) (children x)

setField :: (FieldName,Any) -> Any -> Any
setField (lbl,child) parent
    | lbl `notElem` fs = error $ "setField: Could not find field " ++ show lbl
    | otherwise = recompose parent $ zipWith (\f c -> if f == lbl then child else c) fs cs
        fs = fields parent
        cs = children parent