-- | Drawing of covariance model (http://www.tbi.univie.ac.at/software/cmcompare/) guide trees and highlighting comparison results -- Drawing is done with the diagrams package {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} module Bio.CMDraw ( drawSingleCMComparisons, drawSingleCMs, drawCM, text', svgsize, diagramName, printCM, NodeIndices, buildRowIndexStructure, buildTreeIndexStructure, mergedSecondaryStructureVisualisation, perModelSecondaryStructureVisualisation ) where import Diagrams.Prelude import Bio.CMCompareResult import Data.List import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Vector as V import Bio.StockholmData import Bio.StockholmDraw import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU import qualified Data.PrimitiveArray.Index.PhantomInt as PI import Biobase.Types.Bitscore (Bitscore(..), score2Prob) import Text.Printf --import qualified Data.Colour.SRGB.Linear as R import qualified Data.Colour.SRGB as R import Data.Maybe import Control.Monad.State import qualified Data.Char as C import Graphics.SVGFonts import Bio.StockholmFont import qualified Biobase.SElab.CM.Types as CM import qualified Biobase.SElab.CM.ModelStructure as CM import Data.Either.Unwrap import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Function -- | Draw one or more CM drawSingleCMComparisons :: String -> Int -> Double -> String -> String -> Double -> Double -> [CM.CM] -> [Maybe StockholmAlignment] -> [CmcompareResult] -> [(QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any,Maybe (QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any))] drawSingleCMComparisons modelDetail entryNumberCutoff transitionCutoff modelLayout emissiontype maxWidth scalef cms alns comparisons = diagrams where diagrams = map (drawCM modelDetail entryNumberCutoff transitionCutoff modelLayout emissiontype maxWidth scalef nameColorVector) zippedInput zippedInput = zip4 cms alns comparisonNodeLabels (V.toList colorVector) modelNumber = length cms comparisonNodeLabels = map (getComparisonNodeLabels comparisons nameColorVector) cms colorVector = makeColorVector modelNumber modelNames = V.fromList (map (T.unpack . CM._name) cms) nameColorVector = V.zipWith (\a b -> (a,b)) modelNames colorVector -- | Draw one or more CM drawSingleCMs :: String -> Int -> Double -> String -> String -> Double -> Double -> [CM.CM] -> [Maybe StockholmAlignment] -> [(QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any,Maybe (QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any))] drawSingleCMs modelDetail entryNumberCutoff transitionCutoff modelLayout emissiontype maxWidth scalef cms alns = map (drawCM modelDetail entryNumberCutoff transitionCutoff modelLayout emissiontype maxWidth scalef emptyColorNameVector) zippedInput where zippedInput = zip4 cms alns comparisonNodeLabels colorList comparisonNodeLabels = map getBlankComparisonNodeLabels cms colorList = replicate (length cms) white emptyColorNameVector = V.empty -- | Draw the guide Tree of a single CM drawCM :: String -> Int -> Double -> String -> String -> Double -> Double -> V.Vector (String,Colour Double) -> (CM.CM,Maybe StockholmAlignment,V.Vector (Int,V.Vector (Colour Double)), Colour Double) -> (QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any,Maybe (QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any)) drawCM modelDetail entryNumberCutoff transitionCutoff modelLayout emissiontype maxWidth scalef nameColorVector (inputCM,aln,comparisonNodeLabels,modelColor) | modelLayout == "tree" = ((applyAll ([bg white]) modelTreeLayout),alignmentDiagram) | modelLayout == "flat" = ((applyAll ([bg white]) modelFlatLayout),alignmentDiagram) | otherwise = ((applyAll ([bg white])modelTreeLayout),alignmentDiagram) where cm = fromLeft (CM._cm inputCM) -- select Flexible Model nodes = V.fromList (M.elems (CM._fmNodes cm)) nodeNumber = V.length nodes allStates = CM._fmStates cm boxlength = fromIntegral (length alphabetSymbols) + 2 alphabetSymbols = ['A','U','C','G'] indices = V.toList (V.iterateN (nodeNumber-1) (1+) 0) (indexStructure,_)= runState (buildTreeIndexStructure 1 nodes indices) startState modelName = CM._name inputCM modelFlatLayout = alignTL (vcat' with {_sep=0.1} [modelHeader,nodeTransitions]) # scale scalef modelTreeLayout = alignTL (vcat' with {_sep=0.1} [modelHeader,nodeTreeTransitions]) #scale scalef nodeTreeTransitions = applyAll (arrowList ++ labelList) nodesTree nodeTransitions = applyAll (arrowList ++ labelList) nodesFlat firstInterval = fromJust (find (\(_,p,_,_,_) -> p == 0) (fst indexStructure)) nodesTree = drawCMNodeTree modelDetail alphabetSymbols emissiontype boxlength allStates comparisonNodeLabels nodes (fst indexStructure) firstInterval modelHeader = makeModelHeader (T.unpack modelName) modelColor nameColorVector nodeIndices = V.iterateN nodeNumber (1+) 0 nodesFlat = vcat' with {_sep=0.01} (V.toList (V.map (drawCMNode modelDetail alphabetSymbols emissiontype boxlength (0 :: Int) nodeNumber nodeNumber allStates comparisonNodeLabels nodes) nodeIndices)) allConnectedStates = makeAllConnectedStates allStates highConnectedStates = V.filter (\(_,_,w) -> w >= transitionCutoff) allConnectedStates connectedStates = V.filter (\(stateId,targetStateIndex,_) -> stateId /= targetStateIndex) highConnectedStates selfConnectedStates = V.filter (\(stateId,targetStateIndex,_) -> stateId == targetStateIndex) highConnectedStates arrowList = case modelDetail of "detailed" -> V.toList (V.map makeArrow connectedStates V.++ V.map makeSelfArrow selfConnectedStates) "interval"-> map (makeArrow . indexStructureToConnections) (filter (\(acc,emit,_,_,_)-> acc /= emit)(fst indexStructure)) "minimal"-> V.toList (V.map makeArrow connectedStates) "simple"-> V.toList (V.map makeArrow connectedStates) _ -> [] labelList = case modelDetail of "detailed" -> V.toList (V.map makeLabel connectedStates V.++ V.map makeSelfLabel selfConnectedStates) _ -> [] alignmentDiagram = drawStockholmLinesComparisonLabel entryNumberCutoff maxWidth comparisonNodeLabels nodes aln drawStockholmLinesComparisonLabel :: Int -> Double -> V.Vector (Int,V.Vector (Colour Double)) -> V.Vector CM.Node -> Maybe StockholmAlignment -> Maybe (QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any) drawStockholmLinesComparisonLabel entryNumberCutoff maxWidth comparisonNodeLabels nodes maybeAln | isJust maybeAln = Just alignmentVis | otherwise = Nothing where aln = fromJust maybeAln -- comparison labels do not include end nodes, but no root node. -- end nodes have no alignment columns associated columnComparisonLabels = getComparisonPerColumnLabels comparisonNodeLabels nodes alignmentVis = drawStockholmLines entryNumberCutoff maxWidth columnComparisonLabels aln makeAllConnectedStates :: M.Map (PI.PInt () CM.StateIndex) CM.State -> V.Vector (String,String,Double) makeAllConnectedStates allStates = allConnectedStates where indexStateTuples = M.assocs allStates allConnectedStates = V.fromList (concatMap makeStateConnections indexStateTuples) makeStateConnections :: (PI.PInt () CM.StateIndex,CM.State) -> [(String,String,Double)] makeStateConnections (pInt,currentState) = conns where stateId = show (PI.getPInt pInt) targetBitscoreVector = VU.toList (CM._stateTransitions currentState) conns = map (\(target,bitscore) -> (stateId,show(PI.getPInt target),score2Prob 1 bitscore)) targetBitscoreVector -- | Extracts consensus secondary structure from alignment and annotates cmcompare nodes for each model-model combination seperatly perModelSecondaryStructureVisualisation :: String -> Double -> String -> [CM.CM] -> [Maybe StockholmAlignment] -> [CmcompareResult] -> [(String,String)] perModelSecondaryStructureVisualisation selectedTool _ structureFilePath cms alns comparisons | selectedTool == "forna" = fornaVis | selectedTool == "r2r" = r2rVis | selectedTool == "fornaLink" = fornaLink | selectedTool == "r2rfornaLink" = fornaLink ++ r2rVis | selectedTool == "all" = fornaLink ++ r2rVis ++ fornaVis | otherwise = [] where fornaVis = concatMap (buildFornaperModelInput structureFilePath) structureComparisonInfo fornaLink = concatMap (buildFornaLinksInput structureFilePath) structureComparisonInfo r2rVis = concatMap (buildR2RperModelInput structureFilePath) structureComparisonInfo modelNumber = length cms comparisonNodeLabels = map (getComparisonPerModelNodeLabels comparisons nameColorVector) cms colorVector = makeColorVector modelNumber modelNames = V.fromList (map (T.unpack . CM._name) cms) nameColorVector = V.zipWith (\a b -> (a,b)) modelNames colorVector structureComparisonInfo = zip3 cms alns comparisonNodeLabels getComparisonPerModelNodeLabels :: [CmcompareResult] -> V.Vector (String, Colour Double) -> CM.CM -> V.Vector (String,Colour Double, V.Vector (Int,V.Vector (Colour Double))) getComparisonPerModelNodeLabels comparsionResults colorVector model = modelComparisonLabels where modelName = T.unpack (CM._name model) relevantComparisons1 = filter ((modelName==) . model1Name) comparsionResults modelNodeInterval1 = map (\a -> (model2Name a,nub (model1matchednodes a))) relevantComparisons1 relevantComparisons2 = filter ((modelName==) . model2Name) comparsionResults modelNodeInterval2 = map (\a -> (model1Name a,nub (model2matchednodes a))) relevantComparisons2 modelNodeIntervals = V.fromList (modelNodeInterval1 ++ modelNodeInterval2) nodeNumber = (CM._nodesInModel model) modelComparisonLabels = V.map (getModelComparisonLabels modelName nodeNumber colorVector) modelNodeIntervals getModelComparisonLabels :: String -> Int -> V.Vector (String, Colour Double) -> (String,[Int])-> (String,Colour Double,V.Vector (Int,V.Vector (Colour Double))) getModelComparisonLabels _ nodeNumber colorVector (compModel,matchedNodes) = (compModel,modelColor,comparisonNodeLabels) where (modelColor,modelInterval) = modelToColor colorVector (compModel,matchedNodes) -- cm starts at node index 0 for root node and ends with end node -- cmcompare does not include root node, but end node comparisonNodeLabels = V.generate (nodeNumber) (makeModelComparisonNodeLabel (modelColor,modelInterval)) makeModelComparisonNodeLabel :: (Colour Double,[Int]) -> Int -> (Int,V.Vector (Colour Double)) makeModelComparisonNodeLabel (modelColor, nodeInterval) nodeNumber | elem nodeNumber nodeInterval = (nodeNumber,V.singleton modelColor) | otherwise = (nodeNumber,V.singleton white) getComparisonPerColumnLabels :: V.Vector (Int,V.Vector (Colour Double)) -> V.Vector CM.Node -> V.Vector (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double)) getComparisonPerColumnLabels comparisonNodeLabels nodes = columnComparisonLabels where unsortedColumnComparisonLabel = concatMap (nodeToColumnComparisonLabel nodes) (V.toList comparisonNodeLabels) columnComparisonLabels = V.fromList (sortBy (compare `on` fst) unsortedColumnComparisonLabel) nodeToColumnComparisonLabel:: V.Vector CM.Node -> (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double)) -> [(Int,V.Vector (Colour Double))] nodeToColumnComparisonLabel nodes (nodeIndex,colors) = colLabels where currentNode = (V.!) nodes (nodeIndex) colIndices = nub [CM._nodeColL currentNode,CM._nodeColR currentNode] colLabels = map (\a->(a,colors)) colIndices -- buildR2RperModelInput :: String -> (CM.CM, Maybe StockholmAlignment,V.Vector (String,Colour Double,V.Vector (Int,V.Vector (Colour Double)))) -> [(String,String)] buildR2RperModelInput structureFilePath (inputCM,maybeAln,comparisonNodeLabels) | isNothing maybeAln = [] | otherwise = if V.null comparisonNodeLabels then singler2rInput else V.toList r2rComparisonInputs where cm = fromLeft (CM._cm inputCM) -- select Flexible Model modelName = T.unpack (CM._name inputCM) nodes = V.fromList (M.elems (CM._fmNodes cm)) aln = fromJust maybeAln r2rInputPrefix = sHeader ++ sConsensusStructure ++ sConsensusSequence ++ sConsensusSequenceColor ++ sCovarianceAnnotation allColumnAnnotations = columnAnnotations aln consensusSequenceList = map annotation (filter (\annotEntry -> tag annotEntry == T.pack "RF") allColumnAnnotations) consensusSequence = if null consensusSequenceList then "" else T.unpack (head consensusSequenceList) gapFreeConsensusSequence = map C.toUpper (filter (not . isGap) consensusSequence) consensusStructureList = map (convertWUSStoDotBracket . annotation) (filter (\annotEntry -> tag annotEntry == T.pack "SS_cons") allColumnAnnotations) consensusStructure = if null consensusStructureList then "" else T.unpack (head consensusStructureList) indexedGapFreeConsensusStructure = extractGapfreeIndexedStructure consensusSequence consensusStructure consensusStructureColIndices = map ((+1) . fst) indexedGapFreeConsensusStructure gapFreeConsensusStructure = map snd indexedGapFreeConsensusStructure --maxEntryLength = length consensusStructure --convert node to column labels as needed for consensus secondary structure columnComparisonLabels = V.map (\(mname,mcolor,comparisonNodePerModelLabels) -> (mname,mcolor,getComparisonPerColumnLabels comparisonNodePerModelLabels nodes)) comparisonNodeLabels --filter for labels that are part of consensus secondary structure by index consensusStructureColumnComparisonLabels = V.map (\(mname,mcolor,colLabels) -> (mname,mcolor,V.filter (\(i,_) -> elem i consensusStructureColIndices) colLabels)) columnComparisonLabels --consensusStructureColumnComparisonLabels = V.filter (\(i,_) -> elem i consensusStructureColIndices) columnComparisonLabels sHeader = "# STOCKHOLM 1.0\n" sConsensusStructure = "#=GC SS_cons " ++ gapFreeConsensusStructure ++ "\n" sConsensusSequence = "#=GC cons " ++ gapFreeConsensusSequence ++ "\n" -- ++ show consensusStructureColIndices ++ "\n" ++ show comparisonNodeLabels ++ "\n" sConsensusSequenceColor = "#=GC conss " ++ replicate (length gapFreeConsensusSequence) '2' ++ "\n" sCovarianceAnnotation = "#=GC cov_SS_cons " ++ replicate (length gapFreeConsensusSequence) '.' ++ "\n" singleFilePath = structureFilePath ++ modelName ++ ".r2r" singler2rInput = [(singleFilePath,r2rInputPrefix)] -- for multiple comparisons we need to return different filenames and labels r2rComparisonInputs = V.map (buildR2RperModelComparisonInput modelName structureFilePath r2rInputPrefix) consensusStructureColumnComparisonLabels buildR2RperModelComparisonInput :: String -> String -> String -> (String, Colour Double, V.Vector (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double))) -> (String,String) buildR2RperModelComparisonInput modelName structureFilePath r2rInputPrefix (compModelName,modelColor,columnComparisonLabels) = (schemeFilePath,r2rInput) where schemeFilePath = structureFilePath ++ modelName ++ "." ++ compModelName ++ ".r2r" r2rLabels = map comparisonColLabelsToR2RLabel (V.toList columnComparisonLabels) sComparisonHighlight = "#=GC R2R_LABEL " ++ r2rLabels ++ "\n" backBoneColor = setBackboneColor modelColor sBackboneColorLabel = "#=GF R2R shade_along_backbone s rgb:" ++ backBoneColor ++ "\n" r2rInput = r2rInputPrefix ++ sComparisonHighlight ++ sBackboneColorLabel setBackboneColor :: Colour Double -> String setBackboneColor modelColor = show ((R.channelRed currentColor)* 255) ++ "," ++ show ((R.channelGreen currentColor) * 255) ++ "," ++ show ((R.channelBlue currentColor) * 255) where currentColor = R.toSRGB modelColor buildFornaperModelInput :: String -> (CM.CM,Maybe StockholmAlignment,V.Vector (String,Colour Double,V.Vector (Int,V.Vector (Colour Double)))) -> [(String, String)] buildFornaperModelInput structureFilePath (inputCM,maybeAln,comparisonNodeLabelsPerModels) | isNothing maybeAln = [] | otherwise = fornaInput:colorSchemes where cm = fromLeft (CM._cm inputCM) -- select Flexible Model nodes = V.fromList (M.elems (CM._fmNodes cm)) aln = fromJust maybeAln fornaString = ">" ++ modelName ++ "\n" ++ gapfreeConsensusSequence ++ "\n" ++ gapFreeConsensusStructure fornaFilePath = structureFilePath ++ modelName ++ ".forna" fornaInput = (fornaFilePath,fornaString) allColumnAnnotations = columnAnnotations aln consensusSequenceList = map annotation (filter (\annotEntry -> tag annotEntry == T.pack "RF") allColumnAnnotations) consensusSequence = if null consensusSequenceList then "" else T.unpack (head consensusSequenceList) gapfreeConsensusSequence = map C.toUpper (filter (not . isGap) consensusSequence) consensusStructureList = map (convertWUSStoDotBracket . annotation) (filter (\annotEntry -> tag annotEntry == T.pack "SS_cons") allColumnAnnotations) consensusStructure = if null consensusStructureList then "" else T.unpack (head consensusStructureList) indexedGapFreeConsensusStructure = extractGapfreeIndexedStructure consensusSequence consensusStructure consensusStructureColIndices = map ((+1) . fst) indexedGapFreeConsensusStructure gapFreeConsensusStructure = map snd indexedGapFreeConsensusStructure modelName = T.unpack (CM._name inputCM) columnComparisonLabels = V.map (\(mname,mcolor,comparisonNodePerModelLabels) -> (mname,mcolor,getComparisonPerColumnLabels comparisonNodePerModelLabels nodes)) comparisonNodeLabelsPerModels --filter for labels that are part of consensus secondary structure by index consensusStructureColumnComparisonLabels = V.map (\(mname,mcolor,colLabels) -> (mname,mcolor,V.filter (\(i,_) -> elem i consensusStructureColIndices) colLabels)) columnComparisonLabels colorSchemes = V.toList (V.map (makeColorScheme modelName structureFilePath) consensusStructureColumnComparisonLabels) buildFornaLinksInput :: String -> (CM.CM,Maybe StockholmAlignment,V.Vector (String,Colour Double,V.Vector (Int,V.Vector (Colour Double)))) -> [(String, String)] buildFornaLinksInput structureFilePath (inputCM,maybeAln,comparisonNodeLabelsPerModels) | isNothing maybeAln = [] | otherwise = if V.null comparisonNodeLabelsPerModels then singleFornaLink else fornaComparisons where cm = fromLeft (CM._cm inputCM) -- select Flexible Model nodes = V.fromList (M.elems (CM._fmNodes cm)) aln = fromJust maybeAln --http://nibiru.tbi.univie.ac.at/forna/forna.html?id=fasta&file=%3Eheader\nAACGUUAGUU\n(((....)))&colors=%3Eheader\n0\n0.1\n0.2\n0.3\n0.4\n0.5\n0.6\n0.7\n0.8\n0.9\n1 fornaURLPrefix = "http://rna.tbi.univie.ac.at/forna/forna.html?id=fasta&file=%3Eheader\\n" ++ gapfreeConsensusSequence ++ "\\n" ++ gapFreeConsensusStructure singleFornaLink = [(fornaFilePath,fornaURLPrefix)] fornaFilePath = structureFilePath ++ modelName ++ ".fornalink" allColumnAnnotations = columnAnnotations aln consensusSequenceList = map annotation (filter (\annotEntry -> tag annotEntry == T.pack "RF") allColumnAnnotations) consensusSequence = if null consensusSequenceList then "" else T.unpack (head consensusSequenceList) gapfreeConsensusSequence = map C.toUpper (filter (not . isGap) consensusSequence) modelName = T.unpack (CM._name inputCM) consensusStructureList = map (convertWUSStoDotBracket . annotation) (filter (\annotEntry -> tag annotEntry == T.pack "SS_cons") allColumnAnnotations) consensusStructure = if null consensusStructureList then "" else T.unpack (head consensusStructureList) indexedGapFreeConsensusStructure = extractGapfreeIndexedStructure consensusSequence consensusStructure consensusStructureColIndices = map ((+1) . fst) indexedGapFreeConsensusStructure gapFreeConsensusStructure = map snd indexedGapFreeConsensusStructure columnComparisonLabels = V.map (\(mname,mcolor,comparisonNodePerModelLabels) -> (mname,mcolor,getComparisonPerColumnLabels comparisonNodePerModelLabels nodes)) comparisonNodeLabelsPerModels --filter for labels that are part of consensus secondary structure by index consensusStructureColumnComparisonLabels = V.map (\(mname,mcolor,colLabels) -> (mname,mcolor,V.filter (\(i,_) -> elem i consensusStructureColIndices) colLabels)) columnComparisonLabels fornaComparisons = V.toList (V.map (makeFornaComparisonLink modelName structureFilePath fornaURLPrefix) consensusStructureColumnComparisonLabels) makeFornaComparisonLink :: String -> String -> String -> (String,Colour Double,V.Vector (Int,V.Vector (Colour Double))) -> (String,String) makeFornaComparisonLink modelName structureFilePath fornaURLPrefix (compModelName,_,comparisonColLabelsPerModel) = (comparisonPath,comparisonLink) where comparisonPath = structureFilePath ++ modelName ++ "." ++ compModelName ++ ".fornalink" comparisonLink = fornaURLPrefix ++ labelPrefix ++ singleColorLabels labelPrefix = "&colors=%3Eheader\\n" --forna only supports a single color per node, which has to be supplied as additional color scheme singleColorLabels = concatMap comparisonColLabelsToFornaLinkLabel (V.toList comparisonColLabelsPerModel) comparisonColLabelsToFornaLinkLabel :: (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double)) -> String comparisonColLabelsToFornaLinkLabel (_,colorVector) | V.null colorVector = "" | V.head colorVector /= white = "1\\n" | otherwise = "0\\n" makeColorScheme :: String -> String -> (String,Colour Double,V.Vector (Int,V.Vector (Colour Double))) -> (String,String) makeColorScheme modelName structureFilePath (compModelName,_,comparisonColLabelsPerModel) = (schemeFilePath,singleColorLabels) where schemeFilePath = structureFilePath ++ modelName ++ "." ++ compModelName ++ ".fornacolor" indexedComparisonColLabelsPerModel = V.indexed comparisonColLabelsPerModel --column indexes have to be mapped to gap free consensus sequence structureIndexedLabels = V.map (\(a,(_,c)) -> (a+1,c)) indexedComparisonColLabelsPerModel singleColorLabels = concatMap comparisonColLabelsToFornaLabel (V.toList structureIndexedLabels) -- | Extracts consensus secondary structure from alignment and annotates cmcompare nodes for all comparisons in one merged output mergedSecondaryStructureVisualisation :: String -> Double -> [CM.CM] -> [Maybe StockholmAlignment] -> [CmcompareResult] -> [(String,String)] mergedSecondaryStructureVisualisation selectedTool _ cms alns comparisons | selectedTool == "forna" = fornaVis | selectedTool == "r2r" = r2rVis | otherwise = [] where fornaVis = map buildMergedFornaInput structureComparisonInfo r2rVis = map buildMergedR2RInput structureComparisonInfo modelNumber = length cms comparisonNodeLabels = map (getComparisonNodeLabels comparisons nameColorVector) cms colorVector = makeColorVector modelNumber modelNames = V.fromList (map (T.unpack . CM._name) cms) nameColorVector = V.zipWith (\a b -> (a,b)) modelNames colorVector structureComparisonInfo = zip3 cms alns comparisonNodeLabels buildMergedFornaInput :: (CM.CM,Maybe StockholmAlignment,V.Vector (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double))) -> (String, String) buildMergedFornaInput (inputCM,maybeAln,comparisonNodeLabels) | isNothing maybeAln = ([],[]) | otherwise = (fornaInput, colorScheme) where cm = fromLeft (CM._cm inputCM) -- select Flexible Model nodes = V.fromList (M.elems (CM._fmNodes cm)) aln = fromJust maybeAln fornaInput = ">" ++ modelName ++ "\n" ++ gapfreeConsensusSequence ++ "\n" ++ gapFreeConsensusStructure allColumnAnnotations = columnAnnotations aln consensusSequenceList = map annotation (filter (\annotEntry -> tag annotEntry == T.pack "RF") allColumnAnnotations) consensusSequence = if null consensusSequenceList then "" else T.unpack (head consensusSequenceList) gapfreeConsensusSequence = map C.toUpper (filter (not . isGap) consensusSequence) modelName = T.unpack (CM._name inputCM) consensusStructureList = map (convertWUSStoDotBracket . annotation) (filter (\annotEntry -> tag annotEntry == T.pack "SS_cons") allColumnAnnotations) consensusStructure = if null consensusStructureList then "" else T.unpack (head consensusStructureList) indexedGapFreeConsensusStructure = extractGapfreeIndexedStructure consensusSequence consensusStructure --consensusStructureColIndices = map ((+1) . fst) indexedGapFreeConsensusStructure gapFreeConsensusStructure = map snd indexedGapFreeConsensusStructure columnComparisonLabels = getComparisonPerColumnLabels comparisonNodeLabels nodes --forna only supports a single color per node, which has to be supplied as additional color scheme singleColorLabels = concatMap comparisonColLabelsToFornaLabel (V.toList columnComparisonLabels) colorScheme = singleColorLabels comparisonColLabelsToFornaLabel :: (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double)) -> String comparisonColLabelsToFornaLabel (nodeNr,colorVector) | V.null colorVector = "" | V.head colorVector /= white = " " ++ show nodeNr ++ ":blue " | otherwise = "" buildMergedR2RInput :: (CM.CM, Maybe StockholmAlignment,V.Vector (Int,V.Vector (Colour Double))) -> (String,String) buildMergedR2RInput (inputCM,maybeAln,comparisonNodeLabels) | isNothing maybeAln = ([],[]) | otherwise = (r2rInput,[]) where cm = fromLeft (CM._cm inputCM) -- select Flexible Model nodes = V.fromList (M.elems (CM._fmNodes cm)) aln = fromJust maybeAln r2rInput = sHeader ++ sConsensusStructure ++ sConsensusSequence ++ sConsensusSequenceColor ++ sCovarianceAnnotation ++ sComparisonHighlight ++ sBackboneColorLabel allColumnAnnotations = columnAnnotations aln consensusSequenceList = map annotation (filter (\annotEntry -> tag annotEntry == T.pack "RF") allColumnAnnotations) consensusSequence = if null consensusSequenceList then "" else T.unpack (head consensusSequenceList) gapFreeConsensusSequence = map C.toUpper (filter (not . isGap) consensusSequence) consensusStructureList = map (convertWUSStoDotBracket . annotation) (filter (\annotEntry -> tag annotEntry == T.pack "SS_cons") allColumnAnnotations) consensusStructure = if null consensusStructureList then "" else T.unpack (head consensusStructureList) indexedGapFreeConsensusStructure = extractGapfreeIndexedStructure consensusSequence consensusStructure --consensusStructureColIndices = map ((+1) . fst) indexedGapFreeConsensusStructure gapFreeConsensusStructure = map snd indexedGapFreeConsensusStructure columnComparisonLabels = getComparisonPerColumnLabels comparisonNodeLabels nodes r2rLabels = map comparisonColLabelsToR2RLabel (V.toList columnComparisonLabels) sHeader = "# STOCKHOLM 1.0\n" sConsensusStructure = "#=GC SS_cons " ++ gapFreeConsensusStructure ++ "\n" sConsensusSequence = "#=GC cons " ++ gapFreeConsensusSequence ++ "\n" sConsensusSequenceColor = "#=GC conss " ++ replicate (length gapFreeConsensusStructure) '2' ++ "\n" sCovarianceAnnotation = "#=GC cov_SS_cons " ++ replicate (length gapFreeConsensusStructure) '.' ++ "\n" sComparisonHighlight = "#=GC R2R_LABEL " ++ r2rLabels ++ "\n" sBackboneColorLabel = "#=GF R2R shade_along_backbone s rgb:200,0,0\n" comparisonColLabelsToR2RLabel :: (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double)) -> Char comparisonColLabelsToR2RLabel (_,colorVector) | V.null colorVector = '.' | V.head colorVector /= white = 's' | otherwise = '.' -- nodeToColIndices :: (Int,(Int,V.Vector (Colour Double))) -> (Int,V.Vector (Colour Double)) -- nodeToColIndices (colIndex,(_,colors)) = (colIndex,colors) -- fillComparisonColLabels :: Int -> V.Vector (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double)) -> V.Vector (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double)) -- fillComparisonColLabels maxEntryLength sparseComparisonColLabels = fullComparisonColLabels -- where fullComparisonColLabels = V.generate maxEntryLength (makeFullComparisonColLabel sparseComparisonColLabels) -- makeFullComparisonColLabel :: V.Vector (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double)) -> Int -> (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double)) -- makeFullComparisonColLabel sparseComparisonColLabels colIndex = fullComparisonColLabel -- where availableLabel = V.find (\(a,_)-> colIndex == a) sparseComparisonColLabels -- fullComparisonColLabel = fromMaybe (colIndex,V.singleton white) availableLabel indexStructureToConnections :: (Int, Int, String, Int, Int) -> (String,String,Double) indexStructureToConnections (acc,emit,_,_,_) = (show emit,show acc,1) data NodeIndices = S [Int] | L [Int] | R [Int] deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) startState :: ([(Int,Int,String,Int,Int)],Int) startState = ([],0::Int) buildRowIndexStructure :: Int -> V.Vector CM.Node -> [Int] -> State ([(Int,Int,String,Int,Int)],Int) ([(Int,Int,String,Int,Int)],Int) buildRowIndexStructure _ _ [] = do (a,b) <- get return (a,b) buildRowIndexStructure row nodes (currentIndex:xs) = do (currentInterval,parentId) <- get let currentNode = nodes V.! currentIndex let currentEnd = getIndexEnd nodes (currentIndex:xs) let ntype = CM._nodeType currentNode case ntype of CM.Root -> put ((row,parentId,"S,",currentIndex,currentEnd):currentInterval,parentId) -- ROOT start tree CM.BegL -> put ((row,parentId,"L,",currentIndex,currentEnd):currentInterval,parentId) -- BEGL set current label CM.BegR -> put ((row,parentId,"R,",currentIndex,currentEnd):currentInterval,parentId) -- BEGR set current label CM.Bif -> put (currentInterval,parentId+1) _ -> put (currentInterval,parentId) buildRowIndexStructure row nodes xs buildTreeIndexStructure :: Int -> V.Vector CM.Node -> [Int] -> State ([(Int,Int,String,Int,Int)],Int) ([(Int,Int,String,Int,Int)],Int) buildTreeIndexStructure intervalId nodes (currentIndex:xs) = do (currentInterval,parentId) <- get let currentNode = nodes V.! currentIndex let currentEnd = getIndexEnd nodes (currentIndex:xs) let ntype = CM._nodeType currentNode let maxId = if null currentInterval then 0 else maximum $ map (\(iid,_,_,_,_)-> iid) currentInterval let newId = maxId +1 let nextId = setNextId ntype intervalId newId case ntype of CM.Root -> put ((intervalId,parentId,"S,",currentIndex,currentEnd):currentInterval,parentId) CM.BegL -> put ((newId,parentId,"L,",currentIndex,currentEnd):currentInterval,parentId) CM.BegR -> put ((newId,parentId,"R,",currentIndex,currentEnd):currentInterval,parentId) CM.Bif -> put (currentInterval,intervalId) _ -> put (currentInterval,parentId) buildTreeIndexStructure nextId nodes xs buildTreeIndexStructure _ _ [] = do (a,b) <- get return (a,b) setNextId :: CM.NodeType -> Int -> Int -> Int setNextId ntype intervalId newId | ntype == CM.Root = newId | ntype == CM.BegL = newId | ntype == CM.BegR = newId | otherwise = intervalId getIndexEnd :: V.Vector CM.Node -> [Int] -> Int getIndexEnd nodes indices | null indices = length nodes -1 | ntype == CM.End = currentIndex | ntype == CM.Bif = currentIndex | otherwise = getIndexEnd nodes remainingindices where currentIndex = head indices remainingindices = tail indices currentNode = nodes V.! currentIndex ntype = CM._nodeType currentNode makeModelHeader :: String -> Colour Double -> V.Vector (String,Colour Double) -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any makeModelHeader mName modelColor nameColorVector = (strutX 2 ||| setModelName mName ||| strutX 1 ||| rect 12 12 # lw 0.1 # fc modelColor # translate (r2 (negate 0, 5))) === strutY 1 === (strutX 30 ||| modelLegend) where modelLegend = makeModelLegend otherModelsNameColorVector otherModelsNameColorVector = V.filter ((/=mName) . fst) nameColorVector makeModelLegend :: V.Vector (String,Colour Double) -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any makeModelLegend nameColorVector | V.null nameColorVector = mempty | otherwise = (legendHead === legendBody) <> rect boxX boxY # lw 0.1 # translate (r2 ((boxX/2)-1, negate (boxY/2) + 6)) where legendHead = setLegendLabel "Legend:" legendBody = vcat (V.toList (V.map makeLegendEntry nameColorVector)) nameLengths = V.map (length . fst) nameColorVector maxNameLength = fromIntegral $ V.maximum nameLengths entryNumber = fromIntegral $ V.length nameColorVector boxX = maxNameLength * 6 boxY = entryNumber * 15 + 10 makeLegendEntry :: (String,Colour Double) -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any makeLegendEntry (mName,mColor) = setLegendLabel mName ||| strutX 0.5 ||| rect 4 4 # lw 0.1 # fc mColor # translate (r2 (negate 0, 2)) setLabel :: String -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any setLabel t = textSVG_ (TextOpts linLibertineFont INSIDE_H KERN False 2 2) t # fc black # fillRule EvenOdd # lw 0.0 # translate (r2 (negate 0.75, negate 0.25)) setTransition :: String -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any setTransition t = textSVG_ (TextOpts linLibertineFont INSIDE_H KERN False 2 2) t # fc black # fillRule EvenOdd # lw 0.0 # translate (r2 (negate 0.75, negate 0.75)) # rotate (1/4 @@ turn) setState :: String -> Double -> Double -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any setState t x y = textSVG_ (TextOpts linLibertineFont INSIDE_H KERN False 3 3) t # fc black # fillRule EvenOdd # lw 0.0 # translate (r2 (x, y)) setNodeNumber :: String -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any setNodeNumber t = textSVG_ (TextOpts linLibertineFont INSIDE_H KERN False 5 5) t # fc black # fillRule EvenOdd # lw 0.0 # translate (r2 (negate 2, 0)) setNodeLabel :: String -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any setNodeLabel t = textSVG_ (TextOpts linLibertineFont INSIDE_H KERN False 6 6) t # fc black # fillRule EvenOdd # lw 0.0 # translate (r2 (negate 2, 0)) setLegendLabel :: String -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any setLegendLabel t = textSVG_ (TextOpts linLibertineFont INSIDE_H KERN False 10 10) t # fc black # fillRule EvenOdd # lw 0.0 # translate (r2 (negate 0.75, negate 0.75)) setModelName :: String -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any setModelName t = textSVG_ (TextOpts linLibertineFont INSIDE_H KERN False 20 20) t # fc black # fillRule EvenOdd # lw 0.0 # translate (r2 (negate 0.75, negate 0.75)) drawCMNodeTree :: String -> String -> String -> Int -> M.Map (PI.PInt () CM.StateIndex) CM.State -> V.Vector (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double))-> V.Vector CM.Node -> [(Int, Int, String, Int, Int)] -> (Int,Int,String,Int,Int) -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any drawCMNodeTree modelDetail alphabetSymbols emissiontype boxlength allStates comparisonNodeLabels nodes indexStructure (intervalId,parentId,intervalType,currentIndex,currentEnd) = nodeTree where nodeTree = currentIntervalDrawing === hcat' with {_sep = 20} (map (drawCMNodeTree modelDetail alphabetSymbols emissiontype boxlength allStates comparisonNodeLabels nodes indexStructure) nextIntervals) nextIntervals = filter (\(_,p,_,_,_) -> intervalId == p) indexStructure currentIntervalDrawing = drawCMNodeInterval modelDetail alphabetSymbols emissiontype boxlength currentIndex currentEnd currentEnd allStates comparisonNodeLabels nodes (intervalId,parentId,intervalType,currentIndex,currentEnd) --- ||| (text' (show intervalId ++ "I" ++ show indexStructure) <> rect 100 100) --drawCMNodeRow :: String -> String -> String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> M.Map (PI.PInt () CM.StateIndex) CM.State -> V.Vector (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double))-> V.Vector CM.Node -> [(Int, Int, String, Int, Int)] -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any --drawCMNodeRow modelDetail alphabetSymbols emissiontype boxlength rowStart rowEnd lastIndex states comparisonNodeLabels nodes intervals = strutY 4 === hcat' with { _sep = 8 } (map (drawCMNodeInterval modelDetail alphabetSymbols emissiontype boxlength rowStart rowEnd lastIndex states comparisonNodeLabels nodes) intervals) drawCMNodeInterval :: String -> String -> String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> M.Map (PI.PInt () CM.StateIndex) CM.State -> V.Vector (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double))-> V.Vector CM.Node -> (Int, Int, String, Int, Int) -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any drawCMNodeInterval modelDetail alphabetSymbols emissiontype boxlength rowStart rowEnd lastIndex states comparisonNodeLabels nodes (intervalId,_,_,currentIndex,currentEnd) | modelDetail == "interval" = intervalVis | otherwise = nodeVis where intervalVis = rect 20 0 # named ("a" ++ intervalIdString) # lw 0.0 === (rect 20 40 # lw 0.1 <> text' (show currentIndex ++ "-" ++ show currentEnd)) === rect 20 0 # named ("e" ++ intervalIdString) # lw 0.0 === strutY 5.0 intervalIdString = show intervalId nodeVis = strutY 4 ===vcat' with { _sep = nodespacer } (map (drawCMNode modelDetail alphabetSymbols emissiontype boxlength rowStart rowEnd lastIndex states comparisonNodeLabels nodes) currentInterval) currentInterval = [currentIndex..currentEnd] nodespacer = if modelDetail == "detailed" then (0 :: Double) else (0.5 :: Double) getCMNodeType :: CM.Node -> String getCMNodeType node | ntype == CM.Bif = "BIF" | ntype == CM.MatP = "MATP" | ntype == CM.MatL = "MATL" | ntype == CM.MatR = "MATR" | ntype == CM.BegL = "BEGL" | ntype == CM.BegR = "BEGR" | ntype == CM.Root = "ROOT" | ntype == CM.End = "END" | otherwise = "NA" where ntype = CM._nodeType node text' :: String -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any text' t = textSVG_ (TextOpts linLibertineFont INSIDE_H KERN False 3 3) t # fc black # fillRule EvenOdd # lw 0.0 # translate (r2 (negate 0.75, negate 0.75)) --textWithSize' :: String -> Double -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any --textWithSize' t si = textSVG_ (TextOpts linLibertineFont INSIDE_H KERN False si si) t # fc black # fillRule EvenOdd # lw 0.0 # translate (r2 (negate siOffset, negate siOffset)) -- where siOffset = si/2 -- | Transform covariance model node labels to colors --labelToColor :: String -> Colour Double --labelToColor label -- | label == "MATP" = sRGB24 211 211 211 -- P -- | label == "MATL" = sRGB24 211 211 211 -- L -- | label == "MATR" = sRGB24 211 211 211 -- R -- | label == "BIF" = sRGB24 255 069 064 -- B -- | label == "ROOT" = sRGB24 245 245 245 -- S -- | label == "BEGL" = sRGB24 211 211 211 -- S -- | label == "BEGR" = sRGB24 211 211 211 -- S -- | label == "END" = sRGB24 245 245 245 -- E --labelToColor _ = sRGB24 245 245 245 drawCMNode :: String -> String -> String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> M.Map (PI.PInt () CM.StateIndex) CM.State -> V.Vector (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double)) -> V.Vector CM.Node -> Int -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any drawCMNode modelDetail alphabetSymbols emissiontype boxlength _ _ _ states comparisonNodeLabels nodes nodeIndex | modelDetail == "minimal" = drawCMMinimalNodeBox alphabetSymbols emissiontype boxlength states comparisonNodeLabels node nodeIndex | modelDetail == "simple" = drawCMSimpleNodeBox alphabetSymbols emissiontype boxlength states comparisonNodeLabels node nodeIndex | otherwise = detailedNodeBox where node = nodes V.! nodeIndex --idNumber = nodeIndex --nId = show idNumber detailedNodeBox = drawCMDetailedNodeBox alphabetSymbols emissiontype boxlength states comparisonNodeLabels node nodeIndex --nodeType = getCMNodeType node --nodeLabels = V.toList (snd (comparisonNodeLabels V.! idNumber)) colorBox :: Double -> Colour Double -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any colorBox singleBoxYLength colColour = rect 5 singleBoxYLength # fc colColour # lw 0.1 drawCMMinimalNodeBox :: String -> String -> Int -> M.Map (PI.PInt () CM.StateIndex) CM.State -> V.Vector (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double)) -> CM.Node -> Int -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any drawCMMinimalNodeBox alphabetSymbols emissiontype boxlength currentStates comparisonNodeLabels node nodeIndex | ntype == CM.Bif = minimalNode === splitStatesBox -- bifNode | ntype == CM.BegL = splitStatesBox === minimalNode -- begLNode | ntype == CM.BegR = splitStatesBox === minimalNode -- begRNode | otherwise = minimalNode where ntype = CM._nodeType node idNumber = nodeIndex nId = show idNumber stateIndices = V.toList (CM._nodeStates node) minimalNode = rect 5 5 # lw 0.1 # lc black <> text' nId # fontSize 2 <> wheel 2 nodeLabels # lw 0.1 # lc black splitStatesBox = hcat (map (drawCMSimpleStateBox nId alphabetSymbols emissiontype boxlength currentStates) stateIndices) --nodeType = getCMNodeType node nodeLabels = V.toList (snd (comparisonNodeLabels V.! idNumber)) --boxNumber = fromIntegral $ length nodeLabels --totalBoxYlength = 5 --singleBoxYLength = totalBoxYlength / boxNumber --colourBoxes = vcat (map (colorBox singleBoxYLength) nodeLabels) drawCMSimpleNodeBox :: String -> String -> Int -> M.Map (PI.PInt () CM.StateIndex) CM.State -> V.Vector (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double)) -> CM.Node -> Int -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any drawCMSimpleNodeBox alphabetSymbols emissiontype boxlength currentStates comparisonNodeLabels node nodeIndex | ntype == CM.Bif = simpleNode === splitStatesBox -- bifNode | ntype == CM.BegL = splitStatesBox === simpleNode -- begLNode | ntype == CM.BegR = splitStatesBox === simpleNode -- begRNode | otherwise = simpleNode where ntype = CM._nodeType node idNumber = nodeIndex nId = show idNumber stateIndices = V.toList (CM._nodeStates node) simpleNode = rect 10 5 # lw 0.1 # lc black <> ((text' nId # translate (r2 (negate 7.5,0)) <> colourBoxes # translate (r2 (negate 7.5, boxYoffset))) ||| text' nodeType # translate (r2 (14,0))) splitStatesBox = hcat (map (drawCMSimpleStateBox nId alphabetSymbols emissiontype boxlength currentStates) stateIndices) nodeType = getCMNodeType node nodeLabels = V.toList (snd (comparisonNodeLabels V.! idNumber)) boxNumber = fromIntegral $ length nodeLabels totalBoxYlength = 5 singleBoxYLength = totalBoxYlength / boxNumber -- concatenated colorboxes are placed atop the simplenode box with the first colorbox boxYoffset = totalBoxYlength/2 - singleBoxYLength/2 colourBoxes = vcat (map (colorBox singleBoxYLength) nodeLabels) drawCMSimpleStateBox :: String -> String -> String -> Int -> M.Map (PI.PInt () CM.StateIndex) CM.State -> PI.PInt () CM.StateIndex -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any drawCMSimpleStateBox _ _ _ _ currentStates sIndex | stype == CM.S = sState | stype == CM.B = bState | otherwise = mempty where currentState = currentStates M.! sIndex stype = CM._stateType currentState stateIndx = show (PI.getPInt sIndex) sState = rect 1 0.001 # lw 0 # named ("a" ++ stateIndx) bState = rect 1 0.001 # lw 0 # named ("e" ++ stateIndx) drawCMDetailedNodeBox :: String -> String -> Int -> M.Map (PI.PInt () CM.StateIndex) CM.State -> V.Vector (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double)) -> CM.Node -> Int -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any drawCMDetailedNodeBox alphabetSymbols emissiontype boxlength currentStates comparisonNodeLabels node nodeIndex | ntype == CM.Bif = bifNode # translate (r2 (negate 25,25)) <> nodeBox | ntype == CM.MatP = matPNode # translate (r2 (negate 25,25)) <> nodeBox | ntype == CM.MatL = matLNode # translate (r2 (negate 25,25)) <> nodeBox | ntype == CM.MatR = matRNode # translate (r2 (negate 25,25)) <> nodeBox | ntype == CM.BegL = begLNode # translate (r2 (negate 25,25)) <> nodeBox | ntype == CM.BegR = begRNode # translate (r2 (negate 25,25)) <> nodeBox | ntype == CM.Root = rootNode # translate (r2 (negate 25,25)) <> nodeBox | ntype == CM.End = endNode # translate (r2 (negate 25,25)) <> nodeBox | otherwise = endNode <> nodeBox where ntype = CM._nodeType node idNumber = nodeIndex nId = show idNumber nodeLabels = V.toList (snd (comparisonNodeLabels V.! idNumber)) stateIndices = V.toList (CM._nodeStates node) splitStatesBox = hcat' with { _sep = 0.01 } (map (drawCMSplitStateBox nId alphabetSymbols emissiontype boxlength currentStates) stateIndices) insertStatesBox = hcat (map (drawCMInsertStateBox nId alphabetSymbols emissiontype boxlength currentStates) stateIndices) -- bif b bifNode = (idBox nId "BIF" nodeLabels # rotate (1/4 @@ turn) # translate (r2 (1, negate 17)) ||| strutX 0.5 ||| splitStatesBox) === strutY 5.0 === insertStatesBox -- matP mp ml mr d il ir matPNode = (idBox nId "MATP" nodeLabels # rotate (1/4 @@ turn) # translate (r2 (1, negate 17)) ||| strutX 0.5||| splitStatesBox) === strutY 5.0 === insertStatesBox -- matL ml d il matLNode = (idBox nId "MATL" nodeLabels # rotate (1/4 @@ turn) # translate (r2 (1, negate 17)) ||| strutX 0.5 ||| splitStatesBox) === strutY 5.0 === insertStatesBox -- matR mr d ir matRNode = (idBox nId "MATR" nodeLabels # rotate (1/4 @@ turn) # translate (r2 (1, negate 17)) ||| strutX 0.5||| splitStatesBox) === strutY 5.0 === insertStatesBox -- begL s begLNode = (idBox nId "BEGL" nodeLabels # rotate (1/4 @@ turn) # translate (r2 (1, negate 17)) ||| strutX 0.5 ||| splitStatesBox) === strutY 5.0 === insertStatesBox -- begR s il begRNode = (idBox nId "BEGR" nodeLabels # rotate (1/4 @@ turn) # translate (r2 (1, negate 17)) ||| strutX 0.5||| splitStatesBox) === strutY 5.0 === insertStatesBox -- root s il ir rootNode = (idBox nId "ROOT" nodeLabels # rotate (1/4 @@ turn) # translate (r2 (1, negate 17)) ||| strutX 0.5||| splitStatesBox) === strutY 5.0 === insertStatesBox -- end e endNode = (idBox nId "END" nodeLabels # rotate (1/4 @@ turn) # translate (r2 (1, negate 17)) ||| strutX 0.5 ||| splitStatesBox) === strutY 5.0 === insertStatesBox idBox :: String -> String -> [Colour Double] -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any idBox nId nType nodeLabels = (setNodeNumber nId # translate (r2 (negate ((fromIntegral (length nId))/2), 0)) <> wheel 4 nodeLabels # lw 0.1 # translate (r2 (0, 1)) <> rect 3 3 # lw 0) ||| strutX 1.0 ||| setNodeLabel nType nodeBox :: QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any nodeBox = rect 60 60 # lw 0.1 wheel :: Double -> [Colour Double] -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any wheel wsize colors = wheel' # rotate r where wheel' = mconcat $ zipWith fc colors (iterateN n (rotate a) w) n = length colors a = 1 / fromIntegral n @@ turn w = wedge wsize xDir a # lwG 0 r = (1/4 @@ turn) ^-^ (1/(2*fromIntegral n) @@ turn) drawCMSplitStateBox :: String -> String -> String -> Int -> M.Map (PI.PInt () CM.StateIndex) CM.State -> PI.PInt () CM.StateIndex -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any drawCMSplitStateBox _ _ emissiontype _ currentStates sIndex | stype == CM.D = dState # translate (r2 (negate 3,negate 1)) <> statebox 8.0 20.0 stateIndx | stype == CM.MP = mpState # translate (r2 (negate 7,negate 1)) <> statebox 16.0 20.0 stateIndx | stype == CM.ML = mlState # translate (r2 (negate 3,negate 1)) <> statebox 8.0 20.0 stateIndx | stype == CM.MR = mrState # translate (r2 (negate 3,negate 1)) <> statebox 8.0 20.0 stateIndx | stype == CM.S = sState # translate (r2 (negate 3,negate 1)) <> statebox 8.0 20.0 stateIndx | stype == CM.E = eState # translate (r2 (negate 3,negate 1)) <> statebox 8.0 20.0 stateIndx | stype == CM.B = bState # translate (r2 (negate 3,negate 1)) <> statebox 8.0 20.0 stateIndx | stype == CM.EL = elState # translate (r2 (negate 3,negate 1)) <> statebox 8.0 20.0 stateIndx | otherwise = mempty where currentState = currentStates M.! sIndex stype = CM._stateType currentState stateIndx = show (PI.getPInt sIndex) singleEmissionBitscores = CM._stateEmissions currentState singleEmissionEntries = setEmissions emissiontype 4 singleEmissionBitscores singleSymbolsAndEmissions = zip ["A","U","G","C"] (VU.toList singleEmissionEntries) pairEmissionBitscores = CM._stateEmissions currentState pairEmissionEntries = setEmissions emissiontype 16 pairEmissionBitscores pairSymbolsAndEmissions = zip ["AA","AU","AG","AC","UU","UA","UG","UC","GG","GA","GU","GC","CC","CA","CU","CG"] (VU.toList pairEmissionEntries) pairSymbolsAndEmissions1 = take 8 pairSymbolsAndEmissions pairSymbolsAndEmissions2 = drop 8 pairSymbolsAndEmissions dState = setState ("D" ++ stateIndx) (negate 0.5) (negate 1) === strutY 1 mpState = setState ("MP" ++ stateIndx) (negate 0.5) (negate 1) === strutY 1 === (vcat (map (emissionEntry emissiontype) pairSymbolsAndEmissions1) ||| strutX 0.5 ||| vcat (map (emissionEntry emissiontype) pairSymbolsAndEmissions2)) mlState = setState ("ML" ++ stateIndx) (negate 0.5) (negate 1) === strutY 1 === vcat (map (emissionEntry emissiontype) singleSymbolsAndEmissions) mrState = setState ("MR" ++ stateIndx) (negate 0.5) (negate 1) === strutY 1 === vcat (map (emissionEntry emissiontype) singleSymbolsAndEmissions) sState = setState ("S" ++ stateIndx) (negate 0.5) (negate 1) === strutY 1 eState = setState ("E" ++ stateIndx) (negate 0.5) (negate 1) === strutY 1 bState = setState ("B" ++ stateIndx) (negate 0.5) (negate 1) === strutY 1 elState = setState ("EL" ++ stateIndx) (negate 0.5) (negate 1) === strutY 1 drawCMInsertStateBox :: String -> String -> String -> Int -> M.Map (PI.PInt () CM.StateIndex) CM.State -> PI.PInt () CM.StateIndex -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any drawCMInsertStateBox _ _ emissiontype _ currentStates sIndex | stype == CM.IL = ((ilState # translate (r2 (negate 3,negate 1))) <> statebox 8.0 20.0 stateIndx) ||| strutX 38 | stype == CM.IR = (irState # translate (r2 (negate 3,negate 1))) <> inverseStatebox 8.0 20.0 stateIndx | otherwise = mempty where currentState = currentStates M.! sIndex stype = CM._stateType currentState stateIndx = show (PI.getPInt sIndex) singleEmissionBitscores = CM._stateEmissions currentState singleEmissionEntries = setEmissions emissiontype 4 singleEmissionBitscores singleSymbolsAndEmissions = zip ["A","U","G","C"] (VU.toList singleEmissionEntries) ilState = setState ("IL" ++ stateIndx) (negate 0.5) (negate 1) === strutY 1 === vcat (map (emissionEntry emissiontype) singleSymbolsAndEmissions) irState = setState ("IR" ++ stateIndx) (negate 0.5) (negate 1) === strutY 1 === vcat (map (emissionEntry emissiontype) singleSymbolsAndEmissions) setEmissions :: String -> Double -> VU.Vector Bitscore -> VU.Vector Double setEmissions emissiontype normalizationFactor emissions | emissiontype == "score" = scoreentries | emissiontype == "probability" = propentries | emissiontype == "bar" = barentries | otherwise = barentries where scoreentries = VU.map bitScore2Double emissions propentries = VU.map ((/normalizationFactor) . score2Prob 1) emissions barentries = VU.map ((/normalizationFactor) . score2Prob 1) emissions --wrap :: a -> [a] --wrap x = [x] emissionEntry :: String -> (String,Double) -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any emissionEntry emissiontype (symbol,emission) | emissiontype == "probability" = textentry | emissiontype == "score" = textentry | emissiontype == "bar" = barentry | otherwise = barentry where textentry = setLabel (symbol ++ " " ++ printf "%.3f" emission) barentry = setLabel symbol ||| strutX 0.2 ||| bar emission bar :: Double -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any bar emission = rect (4 * emission) 1 # lw 0 # fc black # translate (r2 (negate (2 - (4 * emission/2)),0)) <> rect 4 1 # lw 0.03 --makeSingleEmissionIndices index = V.fromList [PAI.Z PAI.:. index PAI.:. A,PAI.Z PAI.:. index PAI.:. U,PAI.Z PAI.:. index PAI.:. G,PAI.Z PAI.:. index PAI.:. C] --makePairEmissionIndices cindex = V.fromList [PAI.Z PAI.:. cindex PAI.:. A PAI.:. A,PAI.Z PAI.:. cindex PAI.:. A PAI.:. U,PAI.Z PAI.:. cindex PAI.:. A PAI.:. G,PAI.Z PAI.:. cindex PAI.:. A PAI.:. C,PAI.Z PAI.:. cindex PAI.:. U PAI.:. U,PAI.Z PAI.:. cindex PAI.:. U PAI.:. A,PAI.Z PAI.:. cindex PAI.:. U PAI.:. G,PAI.Z PAI.:. cindex PAI.:. U PAI.:. C,PAI.Z PAI.:. cindex PAI.:. G PAI.:. G,PAI.Z PAI.:. cindex PAI.:. G PAI.:. A,PAI.Z PAI.:. cindex PAI.:. G PAI.:. U,PAI.Z PAI.:. cindex PAI.:. G PAI.:. C,PAI.Z PAI.:. cindex PAI.:. C PAI.:. C,PAI.Z PAI.:. cindex PAI.:. C PAI.:. A,PAI.Z PAI.:. cindex PAI.:. C PAI.:. U,PAI.Z PAI.:. cindex PAI.:. C PAI.:.G] statebox :: Double -> Double -> String -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any statebox x y si = (rect 0.05 0.1 # lw 0 # named ("s" ++ si) ||| rect 1 0.1 # lw 0 # named ("a" ++ si) ||| rect 2 0.1 # lw 0 ||| rect 0.05 0.1 # lw 0 # named ("z" ++ si)) === rect x y # lw 0.1 === rect 1 0 # lw 0 # named ("e" ++ si) inverseStatebox :: Double -> Double -> String -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any inverseStatebox x y si = (rect 0.05 0.1 # lw 0 # named ("s" ++ si) ||| rect 1 0.1 # lw 0 # named ("a" ++ si) ||| rect 2 0.1 # lw 0 ||| rect 0.05 0.1 # lw 0 # named ("z" ++ si)) === rect x y # lw 0.1 === rect 1 0 # lw 0 # named ("e" ++ si) --scaling -- | Specifies the size of the diagram. Absolute adapts to overall size according to subdiagrams svgsize :: SizeSpec V2 Double svgsize = mkSizeSpec2D Nothing Nothing -- | Check for available cairo output formats diagramName :: String -> String -> Either String String diagramName filename fileformat | fileformat == "pdf" = Right (filename ++ "." ++ fileformat ) | fileformat == "svg" = Right (filename ++ "." ++ fileformat ) | fileformat == "png" = Right (filename ++ "." ++ fileformat ) | fileformat == "ps" = Right (filename ++ "." ++ fileformat ) | otherwise = Left "Unsupported output format requested (use svg, pdf, ps, png)" printCM :: FilePath -> SizeSpec V2 Double -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any -> IO () printCM outputName = renderCairo outputName getBlankComparisonNodeLabels :: CM.CM -> V.Vector (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double)) getBlankComparisonNodeLabels model = comparisonNodeLabels where comparisonNodeLabels = V.generate (nodeNumber ) makeBlankComparisonNodeLabel nodeNumber = (CM._nodesInModel model) makeBlankComparisonNodeLabel :: Int -> (Int,V.Vector (Colour Double)) makeBlankComparisonNodeLabel nodeNumber = (nodeNumber,V.singleton white) getComparisonNodeLabels :: [CmcompareResult] -> V.Vector (String, Colour Double) -> CM.CM -> V.Vector (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double)) getComparisonNodeLabels comparsionResults colorVector model = comparisonNodeLabels where modelName = T.unpack (CM._name model) relevantComparisons1 = filter ((modelName==) . model1Name) comparsionResults modelNodeInterval1 = map (\a -> (model2Name a,model1matchednodes a)) relevantComparisons1 relevantComparisons2 = filter ((modelName==) . model2Name) comparsionResults modelNodeInterval2 = map (\a -> (model1Name a,model2matchednodes a)) relevantComparisons2 modelNodeIntervals = V.fromList (modelNodeInterval1 ++ modelNodeInterval2) colorNodeIntervals = V.map (modelToColor colorVector) modelNodeIntervals nodeNumber = (CM._nodesInModel model) comparisonNodeLabels = V.generate (nodeNumber ) (makeComparisonNodeLabel colorNodeIntervals) modelToColor :: V.Vector (String,Colour Double) -> (String,[Int]) -> (Colour Double,[Int]) modelToColor colorVector (mName,nInterval) = nColorInterval where nColorInterval = (snd (fromJust entry),nInterval) --nColorInterval = maybe Nothing (\a -> Just (snd a,nInterval)) entry entry = V.find (\(a,_)-> mName == a) colorVector makeComparisonNodeLabel :: V.Vector (Colour Double,[Int]) -> Int -> (Int,V.Vector (Colour Double)) makeComparisonNodeLabel colorNodeIntervals nodeNumber = comparisonNodeLabel where relevantColorNodeIntervals = V.filter (\(_,b) -> elem nodeNumber b) colorNodeIntervals modelColors = V.map fst relevantColorNodeIntervals comparisonNodeLabel = if null modelColors then (nodeNumber,V.singleton white) else (nodeNumber,modelColors) -- First colors are picked from http://colorbrewer2.org, scheme. Comparisons up to -- 4 models are colorblind safe makeColorVector :: Int -> V.Vector (Colour Double) makeColorVector modelNumber = V.take modelNumber colorVector where colorVector = V.fromList [R.sRGB24read "#a6cee3", R.sRGB24read "#1f78b4", R.sRGB24read "#b2df8a", R.sRGB24read "#33a02c", R.sRGB24read "#ffff99", R.sRGB24read "#cab2d6", R.sRGB24read "#6a3d9a", R.sRGB24read "#b15928", R.sRGB24read "#fb9a99", R.sRGB24read "#e31a1c", R.sRGB24read "#fdbf6f", R.sRGB24read "#ff7f00", moccasin, lime, seagreen, aqua ,darkorange ,blue, blueviolet ,brown ,burlywood ,cadetblue ,chartreuse ,chocolate ,coral ,cornflowerblue ,cornsilk ,cyan ,darkblue ,darkcyan ,darkgoldenrod ,darkgray ,darkgreen ,darkgrey ,darkkhaki ,darkmagenta ,darkolivegreen ,darkorchid ,darkred ,darksalmon ,darkseagreen ,darkslateblue ,darkslategray ,darkslategrey ,darkturquoise ,darkviolet ,deeppink ,deepskyblue ,dimgray ,dimgrey ,dodgerblue ,firebrick ,forestgreen ,fuchsia ,gainsboro ,gold ,goldenrod ,gray ,grey ,green ,greenyellow ,honeydew ,hotpink ,indianred,indigo ,ivory ,khaki ,lavender ,lavenderblush ,lawngreen ,lemonchiffon ,lime ,limegreen ,linen ,magenta ,maroon ,mediumaquamarine ,mediumblue ,mediumorchid ,mediumpurple ,mediumseagreen ,mediumslateblue ,mediumspringgreen ,mediumturquoise ,mediumvioletred ,midnightblue ,mintcream ,mistyrose ,navy ,oldlace ,olive ,olivedrab ,orange ,orangered ,orchid ,papayawhip ,peachpuff ,peru ,pink ,plum ,powderblue ,purple ,red ,rosybrown ,royalblue ,saddlebrown ,salmon ,sandybrown ,seagreen] makeArrow :: ([Char], [Char], Double) -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any makeArrow (lab1,lab2,weight) = connectOutside' arrowStyle1 ("e" ++ lab1) ("a" ++ lab2) where arrowStyle1 = with & arrowHead .~ spike & shaftStyle %~ lw (local 0.1) & headLength .~ local 0.01 & shaftStyle %~ dashingG [weight, 0.1] 0 & headStyle %~ fc black . opacity (weight * 2) makeSelfArrow :: ([Char], [Char], Double) -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any makeSelfArrow (lab1,_,weight) = connectPerim' arrowStyle ("s" ++ lab1) ("z" ++ lab1) (5/12 @@ turn) (8/12 @@ turn) where arrowStyle = with & arrowHead .~ spike & arrowShaft .~ shaft' & arrowTail .~ lineTail & tailTexture .~ solid black & shaftStyle %~ lw (local 0.1) & headLength .~ local 0.01 & tailLength .~ 0 & shaftStyle %~ dashingG [weight, 0.3] 0 & headStyle %~ fc black . opacity (weight * 2) shaft' = wedge 3 xDir (2/4 @@ turn) makeLabel :: (String, String, Double) -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any makeLabel (n1,n2,weight) = withName ("a" ++ n1) $ \b1 -> withName ("s" ++ n2) $ \b2 -> let v = location b2 .-. location b1 midpoint = location b1 .+^ (v ^/ 2) (xOffset,yOffset) = setLabelOffset (location b1 ^. _x) (location b2 ^. _x) (location b1 ^. _y) (location b2 ^. _y) in Diagrams.Prelude.atop (position [(midpoint # translateX xOffset # translateY yOffset, setTransition ((show (roundPos 3 weight))))]) --Diagrams.Prelude.atop (position [(midpoint # translateX xOffset # translateY yOffset, setTransition (lclass ++"," ++ (show (roundPos 3 weight))))]) --Diagrams.Prelude.atop (position [(midpoint # translateX xOffset # translateY yOffset, setTransition (n1 ++"," ++ n2 ++"," ++lclass ++"," ++ (show (roundPos 3 weight))))]) setLabelOffset :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> (Double,Double) setLabelOffset x1 x2 y1 y2 -- | ydiff < 2 = (0,0) | xdiff < 2 = (negate 1,negate 1) -- | x1 > x2 && (ydiff > 30) = (negate 1,negate 10) -- | x1 < x2 && (ydiff > 30) = (1,negate 10) -- between split and insert state of same node - left upper(A) | x1 > x2 && (ydiff < 30) = (negate 1,negate 12) -- between split and insert state of same node - right upper (B) | x1 < x2 && (ydiff < 30) = (0,negate 12) -- between same split states of different nodes (C) | otherwise = (0,0) where ydiff = abs (abs y1 - abs y2) xdiff = abs (abs x1 - abs x2) makeSelfLabel :: (String, String, Double) -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any makeSelfLabel (n1,_,weight) | weight == 0 = mempty | otherwise = withName ("e" ++ n1) $ \b1 -> let midpoint = location b1 in Diagrams.Prelude.atop (position [(midpoint # translateX (negate 0.25) # translateY 22, setTransition (show (roundPos 3 weight)))]) roundPos :: (RealFrac a) => Int -> a -> a roundPos positions number = fromInteger (round $ number * (10^positions)) / (10.0^^positions) bitScore2Double :: Bitscore -> Double bitScore2Double (Bitscore x) = x