% - 0 pā f /percent (Tw)/ 21三体综合症 21三體綜合症 S - 0 èr shí yī sān tǐ zōng hé zhèng f /trisomy/Down's syndrome/ 21三體綜合症 21三体综合症 T - 0 èr shí yī sān tǐ zōng hé zhèng f /trisomy/Down's syndrome/ 3C - 0 sān C f /abbr. for computers, communications, and consumer electronics/China Compulsory Certificate (CCC)/ AA制 - 3 A A zhì f /to split the bill/to go Dutch/ AB制 - 0 A B zhì f /to split the bill (where the male counterpart foots the larger portion of the sum)/(theater) a system where two actors take turns in acting the main role, with one actor replacing the other if either is unavailable/ A咖 - 0 A kā f /class "A"/top grade/ A圈儿 A圈兒 S - 0 A quān r f /at symbol, @/ A圈兒 A圈儿 T - 0 A quān r f /at symbol, @/ A片 - 0 A piàn f /adult movie/pornography/ A貨 A货 T - 0 A huò f /good-quality fake/ A货 A貨 S - 0 A huò f /good-quality fake/ B型超声 B型超聲 S - 0 B xíng chāo shēng f /type-B ultrasound/ B型超聲 B型超声 T - 0 B xíng chāo shēng f /type-B ultrasound/ B超 - 3 B chāo f /B-mode ultrasonography/prenatal ultrasound scan/abbr. for B型超聲|B型超声[B xing2 chao1 sheng1]/ C盘 C盤 S - 3 C pán f /C drive or default startup drive (computing)/ C盤 C盘 T - 3 C pán f /C drive or default startup drive (computing)/ C罗 C羅 S - 0 C Luó f /nickname of Portuguese soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo/ C羅 C罗 T - 0 C Luó f /nickname of Portuguese soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo/ DNA鉴定 DNA鑒定 S - 0 D N A jiàn dìng f /DNA test/DNA testing/ DNA鑒定 DNA鉴定 T - 0 D N A jiàn dìng f /DNA test/DNA testing/ E仔 - 0 E zǎi f /MDMA (C11H15NO2)/ G友 - 0 G yǒu f /see 基友[ji1 you3]/ G弦裤 G弦褲 S - 0 G xián kù f /G-string/ G弦褲 G弦裤 T - 0 G xián kù f /G-string/ G点 G點 S - 0 G diǎn f /Gräfenberg Spot/G-Spot/ G點 G点 T - 0 G diǎn f /Gräfenberg Spot/G-Spot/ K书 K書 S - 0 K shū f /to cram (Taiwan, from Taiwanese khè su 齧書, lit. to gnaw a book)/to study/see also 啃書|啃书[ken3 shu1]/ K人 - 0 K rén f /(slang) to hit sb/to beat sb/ K仔 - 0 K zǎi f /ketamine (slang)/ K他命 - 0 k tā mìng f /ketamine (C13H16ClNO) (slang)/ K房 - 0 K fáng f /(slang) KTV/KTV room/ K書 K书 T - 0 K shū f /to cram (Taiwan, from Taiwanese khè su 齧書, lit. to gnaw a book)/to study/see also 啃書|啃书[ken3 shu1]/ K歌 - 0 K gē f /karaoke (slang)/ K粉 - 0 K fěn f /ketamine (slang)/ M巾 - 0 M jīn f /(coll.) menstrual pad/ N挡 N擋 S - 0 N dǎng f /neutral (gear)/ N擋 N挡 T - 0 N dǎng f /neutral (gear)/ OK繃 OK绷 T - 0 O K bēng f /band-aid (Tw)/ OK绷 OK繃 S - 0 O K bēng f /band-aid (Tw)/ OK鏡 OK镜 T - 0 O K Jìng f /OK Lens, orthokeratology contact lens that helps reshape the cornea in order to eliminate nearsightedness or myopia/ OK镜 OK鏡 S - 0 O K Jìng f /OK Lens, orthokeratology contact lens that helps reshape the cornea in order to eliminate nearsightedness or myopia/ O型腿 - 0 O xíng tuǐ f /bow legs/bow-leggedness/ P图 P圖 S - 0 P tú f /(Internet slang) to photoshop a picture/photoshopped picture/ P圖 P图 T - 0 P tú f /(Internet slang) to photoshop a picture/photoshopped picture/ P挡 P擋 S - 0 P dǎng f /park (gear)/program mode (on a digital camera)/ P擋 P挡 T - 0 P dǎng f /park (gear)/program mode (on a digital camera)/ P民 - 0 P mín f /(slang) shitizen/commoner/hoi polloi/ T字帐 T字帳 S - 0 T zì zhàng f /T-account (accounting)/ T字帳 T字帐 T - 0 T zì zhàng f /T-account (accounting)/ T字裤 T字褲 S - 0 T zì kù f /thong (underwear)/ T字褲 T字裤 T - 0 T zì kù f /thong (underwear)/ T恤 - 4 T xù f /T-shirt/ T裇 - 0 T xū f /T-shirt/ USB手指 - 0 U S B shǒu zhǐ f /USB flash drive/see also 閃存盤|闪存盘[shan3 cun2 pan2]/ USB記憶棒 USB记忆棒 T - 0 U S B jì yì bàng f /USB flash drive/see also 閃存盤|闪存盘[shan3 cun2 pan2]/ USB记忆棒 USB記憶棒 S - 0 U S B jì yì bàng f /USB flash drive/see also 閃存盤|闪存盘[shan3 cun2 pan2]/ U凸內褲 U凸内裤 T - 0 U tū nèi kù f /contour pouch brief (men's underwear)/ U凸内裤 U凸內褲 S - 0 U tū nèi kù f /contour pouch brief (men's underwear)/ U型枕 - 0 U xíng zhěn f /travel pillow/ U形轉彎 U形转弯 T - 0 U xíng zhuǎn wān f /U-turn/ U形转弯 U形轉彎 S - 0 U xíng zhuǎn wān f /U-turn/ U盘 U盤 S - 3 U pán f /USB flash drive/see also 閃存盤|闪存盘[shan3 cun2 pan2]/ U盤 U盘 T - 3 U pán f /USB flash drive/see also 閃存盤|闪存盘[shan3 cun2 pan2]/ V沟 V溝 S - 0 V gōu f /low neckline that reveals the cleavage/décolleté/gully/ V溝 V沟 T - 0 V gōu f /low neckline that reveals the cleavage/décolleté/gully/ X光 - 3 X guāng f /X-ray/ ○ - 0 líng f /character used in Taiwan as a substitute for a real name (like "X" in English)/variant of 〇[ling2]/ 〇 - 0 líng f /zero/ 〡 - 0 yī f /numeral 1 in Suzhou numeral system 蘇州碼子|苏州码子[Su1 zhou1 ma3 zi5]/ 〢 - 0 èr f /numeral 2 in Suzhou numeral system 蘇州碼子|苏州码子[Su1 zhou1 ma3 zi5]/ 〣 - 0 sān f /numeral 3 in Suzhou numeral system 蘇州碼子|苏州码子[Su1 zhou1 ma3 zi5]/ 〤 - 0 sì f /numeral 4 in Suzhou numeral system 蘇州碼子|苏州码子[Su1 zhou1 ma3 zi5]/ 〥 - 0 wǔ f /numeral 5 in Suzhou numeral system 蘇州碼子|苏州码子[Su1 zhou1 ma3 zi5]/ 〦 - 0 liù f /numeral 6 in Suzhou numeral system 蘇州碼子|苏州码子[Su1 zhou1 ma3 zi5]/ 〧 - 0 qī f /numeral 7 in Suzhou numeral system 蘇州碼子|苏州码子[Su1 zhou1 ma3 zi5]/ 〨 - 0 bā f /numeral 8 in Suzhou numeral system 蘇州碼子|苏州码子[Su1 zhou1 ma3 zi5]/ 〩 - 0 jiǔ f /numeral 9 in Suzhou numeral system 蘇州碼子|苏州码子[Su1 zhou1 ma3 zi5]/ 㐄 - 0 kuà f /component in Chinese characters, mirror image of 夂[zhi3]/ 㐅 - 0 wǔ f /archaic variant of 五[wu3]/ 㐆 - 0 yǐn f /component in Chinese character 殷[yin1]/ 㐌 - 0 tā f /variant of 它[ta1]/ 㐖 - 0 Yè f /see 㐖毒[Ye4 du2]/ 㐖毒 - 0 Yè dú f /India (archaic)/ 㐜 - 0 chóu f /variant of 仇[chou2]/ 㐡 - 0 nuò f /archaic variant of 懦[nuo4]/ 㐤 - 0 qiú f /archaic variant of 求[qiu2]/ 㐫 - 0 xiōng f /old variant of 凶[xiong1]/ 㐰 - 0 xìn f /old variant of 信[xin4]/ 㐷 傌 S - 0 mà f /variant of 罵|骂[ma4]/ 㐺 - 0 zhòng f /old variant of 眾|众[zhong4]/ 㑇 㑳 S - 0 zhòu f /(old) beautiful/clever/ 㑩 儸 S - 2 luó f /smart/clever/ 㑳 㑇 T - 0 zhòu f /(old) beautiful/clever/ 㑺 俊 T - 1411 jùn t /old variant of 俊[jun4]/ 㒳 - 0 liǎng f /old variant of 兩|两[liang3]/ 㒸 - 0 suì f /archaic variant of 遂[sui4]/ 㒺 罔 T - 107 wǎng f /old variant of 罔[wang3]/ 㓂 寇 T - 425 kòu f /old variant of 寇[kou4]/ 㔾 - 0 jié f /"seal" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 26)/ 㕁 却 T 626 61348 què f /old variant of 卻|却[que4]/ 㕑 厨 T - 401 chú f /old variant of 廚|厨[chu2]/ 㕥 - 0 shēn f /old variant of 呻[shen1]/ 㕥 以 T 618 136106 yǐ f /old variant of 以[yi3]/ 㕯 - 0 nè f /old variant of 訥|讷[ne4]/ 㕻 - 0 pǒu f /variant of 咅[pou3]/also pr. [tou4]/ 㖊 噚 S - 0 xún f /fathom (1.83 meters) (old)/ 㖞 喎 S - 97 wāi f /awry (mouth)/askew/Taiwan pr. [kuai1]/ 㗂 - 0 shěng f /variant of 省[sheng3]/tight-lipped/to examine/to watch/to scour (esp. Cantonese)/ 㗎 - 0 jià f /sentence-final particle, contraction of "嘅呀" (Cantonese)/see also 嘅[kai4]/ 㘭 坳 T - 71 ào f /variant of 坳[ao4]/ 㚻 - 0 jī f /see 㚻姦|㚻奸[ji1 jian1]/ 㚻奸 㚻姦 S - 0 jī jiān f /variant of 雞姦|鸡奸[ji1 jian1]/ 㚻姦 㚻奸 T - 0 jī jiān f /variant of 雞姦|鸡奸[ji1 jian1]/ 㛂 - 0 nuǒ f /graceful/frail and petite/ 㝄 - 0 chún f /old variant of 純|纯[chun2]/ 㝇 - 0 chún f /old variant of 鶉|鹑[chun2]/ 㝉 宁 S - 1791 zhù f /to store/to stand/space between the door and the entrance screen/ 㝛 宿 T - 868 sù t /old variant of 宿[su4]/ 㝠 冥 T - 452 míng f /old variant of 冥[ming2]/ 㝡 最 T 178 60450 zuì f /variant of 最[zui4]/ 㝵 - 0 ài f /variant of 礙|碍[ai4]/ 㝵 - 0 dé t /to obtain/old variant of 得[de2]/ 㞎 - 0 bǎ f /(baby talk) poop/see 㞎㞎[ba3 ba5]/ 㞎㞎 - 0 bǎ ba f /(baby talk) poop/ 㞗 - 0 qiú f /(dialect) penis/dick/ 㞙 - 0 niào f /old variant of 尿[niao4]/ 㞞 - 0 sóng f /(coll.) semen/weak and incompetent/ 㟁 岸 T 2226 1925 àn f /variant of 岸[an4]/ 㠀 岛 T - 6677 dǎo f /variant of 島|岛[dao3]/ 㠯 以 T 618 136106 yǐ f /old variant of 以[yi3]/ 㠶 帆 T - 538 fān f /variant of 帆[fan1]/ 㡌 帽 T - 757 mào f /old variant of 帽[mao4]/ 㢘 廉 T - 471 lián f /old variant of 廉[lian2]/ 㢠 迥 T - 396 jiǒng f /variant of 迥[jiong3]/ 㢲 - 0 xùn f /variant of 巽[xun4]/ 㢴 - 0 xī f /old variant of 西[xi1]/ 㤅 - 0 ài f /archaic variant of 愛|爱[ai4]/ 㤙 恩 T - 3475 ēn f /variant of 恩[en1]/ 㥁 - 0 dé f /variant of 德[de2]/ 㥏 - 0 tiǎn f /ashamed/ 㥦 惬 T - 14 qiè f /variant of 愜|惬[qie4]/ 㥯 - 0 yǐn f /cautious/ 㦂 - 0 cháng f /old variant of 常[chang2]/ 㧑 撝 S - 0 huī f /to split/to direct/to brandish/humble/ 㧑挹 撝挹 S - 0 huī yì f /to be extremely modest and polite/ 㧑损 撝損 S - 0 huī sǔn f /to humble/ 㧯 - 0 lǎo f /round-bottomed wicker basket/(dialect) to lift/to carry on one's shoulder/ 㧰 擽 S - 70 lüè f /(old) to beat/to pound/ 㧱 拿 T 318 19956 ná f /old variant of 拿[na2]/ 㨗 捷 T - 741 jié f /variant of 捷[jie2]/quick/nimble/ 㨪 晃 T 2867 1525 huǎng t /variant of 晃[huang3]/ 㨫 㩜 S - 0 lǎn f /variant of 擥[lan3]/ 㨿 据 T - 19409 jù t /variant of 據|据[ju4]/ 㩐 - 0 dèn f /variant of 扽[den4]/ 㩗 携 T - 1350 xié f /old variant of 攜|携[xie2]/ 㩜 㨫 T - 0 lǎn f /variant of 擥[lan3]/ 㩦 携 T - 1350 xié f /old variant of 攜|携[xie2]/ 㪃 - 0 hé f /to beat/to hit/ 㪋 - 0 hàn f /variant of 捍[han4]/ 㪚 散 T - 5634 sàn t /variant of 散[san4]/ 㪟 敦 T - 254 dūn f /variant of 敦[dun1]/ 㫺 - 0 xī f /old variant of 昔[xi1]/ 㬉 暖 T - 5727 nuǎn f /old variant of 暖[nuan3]/ 㬎 - 0 xiǎn f /old variant of 顯|显[xian3]/visible/apparent/ 㮎 - 0 bēi f /variant of 杯[bei1]/ 㮚 - 0 lì f /old variant of 栗[li4]/ 㮸 - 0 sòng f /variant of 送[song4]/ 㯭 橹 T - 256 lǔ f /variant of 櫓|橹[lu3]/ 㯳 - 0 qíng f /variant of 檠[qing2]/ 㱃 饮 T - 3189 yǐn t /old variant of 飲|饮[yin3]/ 㱩 殰 S - 11 dú f /abortion/stillborn/ 㱮 殨 S - 3 kuì f /old variant of 潰|溃[kui4]/to fester/to ulcerate/ 㱾 - 0 gāi f /a kind of metal or jade ornament worn in ancient times to ward off evil spirits/ 㲈 - 0 sháo t /variant of 韶[shao2]/ 㲈 - 0 táo f /variant of 鞀[tao2]/ 㲋 - 0 chuò f /ancient name for an animal similar to rabbit but bigger/ 㲱 - 0 liè f /old variant of 鬣[lie4]/ 㲾 - 0 yǔ f /old variant of 雨[yu3]/ 㳂 - 0 yán f /variant of 沿[yan2]/ 㳄 涎 T - 172 xián f /variant of 涎[xian2]/ 㳒 法 T - 23361 fǎ f /variant of 法[fa3]/ 㳮 - 0 niào f /old variant of 尿[niao4]/ 㴱 深 T 826 10646 shēn f /old variant of 深[shen1]/ 㵎 涧 T - 326 jiàn f /variant of 澗|涧[jian4]/ 㵪 - 0 xián f /variant of 涎[xian2]/ 㵮 - 0 chún f /clear water/ 㶉 鸂 S - 8 xī f /see 鸂鶒|㶉鶒[xi1 chi4]/ 㶉鶒 鸂鶒 S - 0 xī chì f /a kind of water bird resembling a mandarin duck/ 㶶 燶 S - 0 nóng f /(dialect) to burn/to scorch/ 㶸 - 0 xié f /(precise meaning unknown, relates to iron)/variant of 協|协[xie2]/ 㷖 - 0 zhào f /old variant of 照[zhao4]/ 㷭 - 0 fēng f /old variant of 烽[feng1]/ 㹠 - 0 tún f /old variant of 豚[tun2]/ 㹢 - 0 jiā f /see 玃[jue2]/ 㹴 - 0 gěng f /fierce dog/ 㹴犬 - 0 gěng quǎn f /variant of 梗犬[geng3 quan3]/ 㺍 獱 S - 0 biān f /old variant of 猵[bian1]/ 㺢 - 0 huò f /see 㺢㹢狓[huo4 jia1 pi1]/ 㺢㹢狓 - 0 huò jiā pī f /okapi/also written 霍加狓[huo4 jia1 pi1]/ 㺵 - 0 jiǔ f /variant of 玖[jiu3]/black jade/ 㻅 璯 S - 0 huì f /jade ornament in the seams of cap/ 㻽 - 0 xuán f /variant of 璿|璇[xuan2]/also pr. [sui4]/ 㼝 碗 T 536 3174 wǎn f /variant of 碗[wan3]/ 㽞 留 T 646 6648 liú f /old variant of 留[liu2]/ 㽮 - 0 xīng f /old variant of 星[xing1]/ 㿜 瘪 T - 117 biě f /variant of 癟|瘪[bie3]/ 㿝 - 0 xiāng f /old variant of 香[xiang1]/ 䁖 瞜 S - 0 lōu f /to glance at/ 䂖 - 0 shí f /variant of 石[shi2]/ 䂲 - 0 fǎ f /variant of 砝[fa3]/ 䂶 - 0 jié f /variant of 蜐[jie2]/ 䃉 - 0 mín f /old variant of 珉[min2]/ 䅵 - 0 zhuó f /chaff/bran/ 䇲 - 0 cè f /variant of 筴|策[ce4]/ 䈰 筲 T - 10 shāo f /pot-scrubbing brush made of bamboo strips/basket (container) for chopsticks/variant of 筲[shao1]/ 䉤 籔 S - 10 sǒu f /basket for draining rice/ 䊀 糊 T - 565 hú t /variant of 糊[hu2]/ 䌷 紬 S - 43 chóu f /silk/ 䌸 縳 S - 0 zhuàn f /to tie up/ 䌹 絅 S - 0 jiǒng f /monotone garment with no lining/ 䌽 綵 S - 7 cǎi f /variant of 彩[cai3]/ 䍁 繸 S - 2 suì f /tassel/ 䍃 - 0 yáo f /(archaic) vase/pitcher/ 䍹 - 0 shān f /variant of 羶[shan1]/ 䒗 - 0 qì f /old variant of 芞[qi4]/ 䓕 薳 S - 9 wěi f /(arch.) type of grass/ 䔢 - 0 huá f /old variant of 華|华[hua2]/ 䕭 - 0 qián t /a variety of grass/nettle/ 䕭 - 0 xián f /a kind of vegetable/ 䖟 - 0 méng f /old variant of 虻[meng2]/ 䖸 - 0 é f /variant of 蛾[e2]/ 䗈 - 0 méng f /old variant of 虻[meng2]/ 䗖 螮 S - 0 dì f /rainbow/ 䗖蝀 螮蝀 S - 0 dì dōng f /(old) rainbow/ 䗥 - 0 zōng f /see 螉䗥[weng1 zong1]/ 䗪 - 0 zhè f /Chinese ground beetle (Eupolyphaga sinensis)/ 䗬 蜂 T - 1266 fēng f /variant of 蜂[feng1]/ 䗶 - 0 là f /old variant of 蠟|蜡[la4]/ 䘏 恤 T - 211 xù f /variant of 恤[xu4]/ 䘑 脉 T - 3089 mài t /old variant of 脈|脉[mai4]/ 䘚 卒 T - 4428 zú t /variant of 卒[zu2]/ 䙓 襬 S - 2 bǎi f /hem at the bottom of garment/ 䛐 词 T - 5735 cí f /old variant of 詞|词[ci2]/ 䛟 - 0 jiá f /variant of 唊[jia2]/ 䜣 訢 S - 24 xīn f /pleased/delighted/happy/variant of 欣/ 䜩 讌 S - 0 yàn f /variant of 宴[yan4]/ 䝓 - 0 liè f /old variant of 鬣[lie4]/ 䝔 獾 T - 632 huān f /variant of 獾[huan1]/ 䝙 貙 S - 0 chū f /(archaic) animal resembling a tiger/ 䞓 - 0 chēng f /old variant of 赬|赪[cheng1]/ 䟆 - 0 bì f /old variant of 蹕|跸[bi4]/ 䟖 - 0 zhǐ f /erroneous variant of 趾[zhi3]/ 䠀 - 0 chǎng f /to squat/to sit/ 䠀 趟 T 908 642 tāng f /old variant of 趟[tang1]/ 䠞 - 0 cù f /variant of 蹙[cu4]/ 䠶 射 T - 4926 shè f /old variant of 射[she4]/ 䤈 - 0 xī f /old variant of 醯[xi1]/ 䥑 - 0 mài f /meitnerium (chemistry)/ 䥥 镰 T - 192 lián f /old variant of 鐮|镰[lian2]/ 䥯 - 0 bà f /plow/ 䦉 - 0 sì f /variant of 肆[si4]/ 䦕 - 0 pēng f /variant of 閛[peng1]/ 䩄 靦 S - 14 miǎn f /variant of 靦|腼[mian3]/ 䩦 - 0 tiáo f /variant of 鞗[tiao2]/ 䫏 - 0 qī f /mask of a god used in ceremonies to exorcise demons and drive away pestilence/(archaic) ugly/ 䬃 飒 T - 14 sà f /variant of 颯|飒[sa4]/ 䬠 - 0 fēi f /old variant of 霏[fei1]/ 䬪 - 0 bó f /variant of 餺|馎[bo2]/ 䭾 驮 T - 519 tuó t /variant of 馱|驮[tuo2]/ 䯄 騧 S - 0 guā f /piebald horse/ 䯝 - 0 suǐ f /variant of 髓/marrow/essence/quintessence/pith (soft interior of plant stem)/ 䰟 魂 T - 1207 hún f /old variant of 魂[hun2]/ 䰾 鲃 T - 7 bā f /see 䰾魚|鲃鱼[ba1 yu2]/ 䰾魚 鲃鱼 T - 0 bā yú f /barbel (fish)/ 䲔 - 0 jīng f /old variant of 鯨|鲸[jing1]/ 䲠 鰆 S - 0 chūn f /see 鰆魚|䲠鱼[chun1 yu2]/ 䲠鱼 鰆魚 S - 0 chūn yú f /Japanese Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus niphonius)/see 馬鮫魚|马鲛鱼[ma3 jiao1 yu2]/ 䳗 - 0 é f /variant of 鵝|鹅[e2]/ 䳘 鹅 T - 702 é f /variant of 鵝|鹅[e2]/ 䴉 鹮 T - 22 huán f /spoonbill/ibis/family Threskiornidae/ 䴉嘴鷸 鹮嘴鹬 T - 0 huán zuǐ yù f /(bird species of China) ibisbill (Ibidorhyncha struthersii)/ 䴓 鳾 S - 5 shī f /nuthatch (bird of genus Sitta)/ 䴔 鵁 S - 0 jiāo f /a kind of aquatic bird/ 䴕 鴷 S - 2 liè f /woodpecker/ 䴘 鷈 S - 3 tī f /see 鷿鷈|䴙䴘[pi4 ti1]/ 䴘 鷉 S - 2 tī f /variant of 鷈|䴘[ti1]/ 䴙 鷿 S - 0 pì f /see 鷿鷈|䴙䴘[pi4 ti1]/ 䴙 鸊 S - 2 pì f /variant of 鷿|䴙[pi4]/ 䴙䴘 鷿鷈 S - 0 pì tī f /(zoology) grebe (Podicipediformes)/ 䴙䴘 鸊鷉 S - 0 pì tī f /variant of 鷿鷈|䴙䴘[pi4 ti1]/ 䴸 麸 T - 27 fū f /variant of 麩|麸[fu1]/ 䵹 - 0 zhī f /old variant of 蜘[zhi1]/ 䶊 衄 T - 58 nǜ f /old variant of 衄[nu:4]/ 䶑 - 0 tì f /variant of 嚏[ti4]/ 䶮 龑 S - 0 yǎn f /high and bright/ 一 18 217830 yī f /one/1/single/a (article)/as soon as/entire/whole/all/throughout/"one" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 1)/also pr. [yao1] for greater clarity when spelling out numbers digit by digit/ 一一 - 1670 yī yī f /one by one/one after another/ 一一对应 一一對應 S - 43 yī yī duì yìng f /one-to-one correspondence/ 一一對應 一一对应 T - 43 yī yī duì yìng f /one-to-one correspondence/ 一一映射 - 0 yī yī yìng shè f /bijective map (i.e. map between sets in math. that is one-to-one and onto)/one-to-one correspondence/ 一丁不識 一丁不识 T - 3 yī dīng bù shí f /illiterate/ignorant/ 一丁不识 一丁不識 S - 3 yī dīng bù shí f /illiterate/ignorant/ 一丁点 一丁點 S - 3 yī dīng diǎn f /a tiny bit/a wee bit/ 一丁點 一丁点 T - 3 yī dīng diǎn f /a tiny bit/a wee bit/ 一下 194 13924 yī xià f /(used after a verb) give it a go/to do (sth for a bit to give it a try)/one time/once/in a while/all of a sudden/all at once/ 一下儿 一下兒 S - 0 yī xià r f /erhua variant of 一下[yi1 xia4]/ 一下兒 一下儿 T - 0 yī xià r f /erhua variant of 一下[yi1 xia4]/ 一下子 - 2333 yī xià zi f /in a short while/all at once/all of a sudden/ 一不做,二不休 - 0 yī bù zuò , èr bù xiū f /don't do it, or don't rest (idiom); either give up, or go through to the end/Since we started, we must carry it through whatever happens./in for a penny, in for a pound/ 一世 - 770 yī shì f /generation/period of 30 years/one's whole lifetime/lifelong/age/era/times/the whole world/the First (of numbered European kings)/ 一丘之貉 - 12 yī qiū zhī hé f /jackals of the same tribe (idiom); fig. They are all just as bad as each other./ 一东一西 一東一西 S - 0 yī dōng yī xī f /far apart/ 一丝一毫 一絲一毫 S - 67 yī sī yī háo f /one thread, one hair (idiom); a tiny bit/an iota/ 一丝不挂 一絲不掛 S - 60 yī sī bù guà f /not wearing one thread (idiom); absolutely naked/without a stitch of clothing/in one's birthday suit/ 一丝不苟 一絲不苟 S 4552 112 yī sī bù gǒu f /not one thread loose (idiom); strictly according to the rules/meticulous/not one hair out of place/ 一並 一并 T - 352 yī bìng f /variant of 一併|一并, to lump together/to treat along with all the others/ 一个个 一個個 S - 2055 yī gè gè f /each and every one/ 一个中国政策 一個中國政策 S - 0 yī gè Zhōng guó zhèng cè f /one China policy/ 一个人 一個人 S - 0 yī gè rén f /by oneself (without assistance)/alone (without company)/ 一个劲 一個勁 S - 42 yī gè jìn f /continuously/persistently/incessantly/ 一个劲儿 一個勁兒 S - 143 yī gè jìn r f /erhua variant of 一個勁|一个劲[yi1 ge4 jin4]/ 一个头两个大 一個頭兩個大 S - 0 yī ge tóu liǎng ge dà f /(coll.) to feel as though one's head could explode (Tw)/ 一个巴掌拍不响 一個巴掌拍不響 S - 9 yī ge bā zhǎng pāi bù xiǎng f /lit. one palm alone cannot clap (proverb)/fig. it takes two persons to start a dispute/it takes two to tango/it's difficult to achieve anything without support/ 一个幽灵在欧洲游荡 一個幽靈在歐洲遊蕩 S - 0 Yī gè yōu líng zài Oū zhōu yóu dàng f /Ein Gespenst geht um in Europa./the opening sentence of Marx and Engels' "Communist Manifesto"/ 一个接一个 一個接一個 S - 0 yī ge jiē yī ge f /one by one/one after another/ 一个样 一個樣 S - 62 yī ge yàng f /same as 一樣|一样[yi1 yang4]/the same/ 一个萝卜一个坑 一個蘿蔔一個坑 S - 8 yī gè luó bo yī gè kēng f /lit. every turnip to its hole (idiom)/fig. each person has his own position/each to his own/horses for courses/every kettle has its lid/ 一中一台 - 45 yī Zhōng yī Tái f /one China and one Taiwan (policy)/ 一中原则 一中原則 S - 0 yī zhōng yuán zé f /One-China principle, the official doctrine that Taiwan is a province of China/ 一中原則 一中原则 T - 0 yī zhōng yuán zé f /One-China principle, the official doctrine that Taiwan is a province of China/ 一举 一舉 S - 848 yī jǔ f /a move/an action/in one move/at a stroke/in one go/ 一举一动 一舉一動 S - 190 yī jǔ yī dòng f /every movement/each and every move/ 一举两得 一舉兩得 S 4866 67 yī jǔ liǎng dé f /one move, two gains (idiom); two birds with one stone/ 一举成功 一舉成功 S - 0 yī jǔ chéng gōng f /success at one go/to succeed at the first attempt/ 一举手一投足 一舉手一投足 S - 0 yī jǔ shǒu yī tóu zú f /every little move/every single movement/ 一之为甚 一之為甚 S - 3 yī zhī wéi shèn f /Once is enough (idiom)/ 一之為甚 一之为甚 T - 3 yī zhī wéi shèn f /Once is enough (idiom)/ 一之謂甚 一之谓甚 T - 3 yī zhī wèi shèn f /see 一之為甚|一之为甚[yi1 zhi1 wei2 shen4]/ 一之谓甚 一之謂甚 S - 3 yī zhī wèi shèn f /see 一之為甚|一之为甚[yi1 zhi1 wei2 shen4]/ 一乾二淨 一干二净 T - 115 yī gān èr jìng f /thoroughly (idiom)/completely/one and all/very clean/ 一了百了 - 61 yī liǎo bǎi liǎo f /once the main problem is solved, all troubles are solved/death ends all one's troubles/ 一事无成 一事無成 S - 59 yī shì wú chéng f /to have achieved nothing/to be a total failure/to get nowhere/ 一事無成 一事无成 T - 59 yī shì wú chéng f /to have achieved nothing/to be a total failure/to get nowhere/ 一二八事变 一二八事變 S - 0 Yī Er bā Shì biàn f /Shanghai Incident of 28th January 1932, Chinese uprising against Japanese quarters of Shanghai/ 一二八事變 一二八事变 T - 0 Yī Er bā Shì biàn f /Shanghai Incident of 28th January 1932, Chinese uprising against Japanese quarters of Shanghai/ 一五一十 - 127 yī wǔ yī shí f /lit. count by fives and tens (idiom); to narrate systematically and in full detail/ 一些 - 33468 yī xiē f /some/a few/a little/ 一亲芳泽 一親芳澤 S - 3 yī qīn fāng zé f /to get close to/to get on intimate terms with/ 一人得道,雞犬升天 一人得道,鸡犬升天 T - 0 yī rén dé dào , jī quǎn shēng tiān f /lit. when a man achieves the Dao, his poultry and dogs rise to Heaven (idiom)/fig. to ride on sb else's success/Once one man gets a government position, all his cronies get in too/Once sb has cracked the problem, every Tom, Dick and Harry can do it/ 一人得道,鸡犬升天 一人得道,雞犬升天 S - 0 yī rén dé dào , jī quǎn shēng tiān f /lit. when a man achieves the Dao, his poultry and dogs rise to Heaven (idiom)/fig. to ride on sb else's success/Once one man gets a government position, all his cronies get in too/Once sb has cracked the problem, every Tom, Dick and Harry can do it/ 一介不取 - 3 yī jiè bù qǔ f /to not even take a penny (as a bribe)/ 一代 - 2101 yī dài f /generation/ 一代不如一代 - 0 yī dài bù rú yī dài f /to be getting worse with each generation/ 一价 一價 S - 0 yī jià f /monovalent (chemistry)/ 一会 一會 S - 3178 yī huì f /a moment/a while/in a moment/also pr. [yi1 hui3]/ 一会儿 一會兒 S 450 3200 yī huì r f /a moment/a while/in a moment/now...now.../also pr. [yi1 hui3 r5]/ 一传十,十传百 一傳十,十傳百 S - 0 yī chuán shí , shí chuán bǎi f /news pass quickly from mouth to mouth (idiom)/an infectious disease spreads quickly (old meaning)/ 一体 一體 S - 1526 yī tǐ f /an integral whole/all concerned/everybody/ 一体两面 一體兩面 S - 0 yī tǐ liǎng miàn f /lit. one body two sides (idiom)/fig. a situation with two sides to it/ 一体化 一體化 S - 1178 yī tǐ huà f /integration/incorporation/unification/ 一併 一并 T - 352 yī bìng f /to lump together/to treat along with all the others/ 一來 一来 T - 854 yī lái f /on one hand,.../ 一來二去 一来二去 T - 48 yī lái èr qù f /gradually/little by little/in the course of time/ 一侧化 一側化 S - 0 yī cè huà f /lateralization/ 一個中國政策 一个中国政策 T - 0 yī gè Zhōng guó zhèng cè f /one China policy/ 一個人 一个人 T - 0 yī gè rén f /by oneself (without assistance)/alone (without company)/ 一個個 一个个 T - 2055 yī gè gè f /each and every one/ 一個勁 一个劲 T - 42 yī gè jìn f /continuously/persistently/incessantly/ 一個勁兒 一个劲儿 T - 143 yī gè jìn r f /erhua variant of 一個勁|一个劲[yi1 ge4 jin4]/ 一個巴掌拍不響 一个巴掌拍不响 T - 9 yī ge bā zhǎng pāi bù xiǎng f /lit. one palm alone cannot clap (proverb)/fig. it takes two persons to start a dispute/it takes two to tango/it's difficult to achieve anything without support/ 一個幽靈在歐洲遊蕩 一个幽灵在欧洲游荡 T - 0 Yī gè yōu líng zài Oū zhōu yóu dàng f /Ein Gespenst geht um in Europa./the opening sentence of Marx and Engels' "Communist Manifesto"/ 一個接一個 一个接一个 T - 0 yī ge jiē yī ge f /one by one/one after another/ 一個樣 一个样 T - 62 yī ge yàng f /same as 一樣|一样[yi1 yang4]/the same/ 一個蘿蔔一個坑 一个萝卜一个坑 T - 8 yī gè luó bo yī gè kēng f /lit. every turnip to its hole (idiom)/fig. each person has his own position/each to his own/horses for courses/every kettle has its lid/ 一個頭兩個大 一个头两个大 T - 0 yī ge tóu liǎng ge dà f /(coll.) to feel as though one's head could explode (Tw)/ 一倡三叹 一倡三歎 S - 3 yī chàng sān tàn f /(of literature, music) deeply moving (idiom)/ 一倡三歎 一倡三叹 T - 3 yī chàng sān tàn f /(of literature, music) deeply moving (idiom)/ 一側化 一侧化 T - 0 yī cè huà f /lateralization/ 一傳十,十傳百 一传十,十传百 T - 0 yī chuán shí , shí chuán bǎi f /news pass quickly from mouth to mouth (idiom)/an infectious disease spreads quickly (old meaning)/ 一價 一价 T - 0 yī jià f /monovalent (chemistry)/ 一元 - 168 yī yuán f /single variable (math.)/univariate/ 一元复始 一元復始 S - 5 yī yuán fù shǐ f /a new year begins (idiom)/ 一元復始 一元复始 T - 5 yī yuán fù shǐ f /a new year begins (idiom)/ 一元論 一元论 T - 35 yī yuán lùn f /monism, belief that the universe is made of a single substance/ 一元论 一元論 S - 35 yī yuán lùn f /monism, belief that the universe is made of a single substance/ 一元醇 - 6 yī yuán chún f /methyl alcohol CH3OH/ 一党 一黨 S - 0 yī dǎng f /one-party (state)/ 一党专制 一黨專制 S - 0 yī dǎng zhuān zhì f /one party dictatorship/ 一共 557 726 yī gòng f /altogether/ 一再 2407 1140 yī zài f /repeatedly/ 一决雌雄 一決雌雄 S - 28 yī jué cí xióng f /to have a show-down/to fight for mastery/to compete for a championship/ 一准 - 32 yī zhǔn f /certainly/also written 一準|一准[yi1 zhun3]/ 一准 一準 S - 32 yī zhǔn f /certainly/ 一击入洞 一擊入洞 S - 0 yī jī rù dòng f /hole in one (golf)/ 一刀两断 一刀兩斷 S - 60 yī dāo liǎng duàn f /lit. two segments with a single cut (idiom)/fig. to make a clean break (idiom)/ 一刀兩斷 一刀两断 T - 60 yī dāo liǎng duàn f /lit. two segments with a single cut (idiom)/fig. to make a clean break (idiom)/ 一刀切 - 67 yī dāo qiē f /lit. to cut all at one stroke (idiom); to impose uniformity/one solution fits a diversity of problems/one size fits all/ 一分一毫 - 11 yī fēn yī háo f /a tiny bit (idiom)/an iota/ 一分为二 一分為二 S - 108 yī fēn wéi èr f /one divides into two/to be two-sided/there are two sides to everything/to see both sb's good points and shortcomings (idiom)/ 一分為二 一分为二 T - 108 yī fēn wéi èr f /one divides into two/to be two-sided/there are two sides to everything/to see both sb's good points and shortcomings (idiom)/ 一分耕耘,一分收穫 一分耕耘,一分收获 T - 0 yī fēn gēng yún , yī fēn shōu huò f /you get what you put in/you reap what you sow/ 一分耕耘,一分收获 一分耕耘,一分收穫 S - 0 yī fēn gēng yún , yī fēn shōu huò f /you get what you put in/you reap what you sow/ 一分錢一分貨 一分钱一分货 T - 0 yī fēn qián yī fēn huò f /nothing for nothing/you get what you pay for/ 一分錢兩分貨 一分钱两分货 T - 0 yī fēn qián liǎng fēn huò f /high quality at bargain price/ 一分钱一分货 一分錢一分貨 S - 0 yī fēn qián yī fēn huò f /nothing for nothing/you get what you pay for/ 一分钱两分货 一分錢兩分貨 S - 0 yī fēn qián liǎng fēn huò f /high quality at bargain price/ 一切 612 16361 yī qiè f /everything/every/all/ 一切事物 - 0 yī qiè shì wù f /everything/ 一切向錢看 一切向钱看 T - 0 yī qiè xiàng qián kàn f /to put money above everything else/ 一切向钱看 一切向錢看 S - 0 yī qiè xiàng qián kàn f /to put money above everything else/ 一切如旧 一切如舊 S - 0 yī qiè rú jiù f /everything as before/ 一切如舊 一切如旧 T - 0 yī qiè rú jiù f /everything as before/ 一切就緒 一切就绪 T - 0 yī qiè jiù xù f /everything in its place and ready (idiom)/ 一切就绪 一切就緒 S - 0 yī qiè jiù xù f /everything in its place and ready (idiom)/ 一切险 一切險 S - 0 yī qiè xiǎn f /all risks (insurance)/ 一切險 一切险 T - 0 yī qiè xiǎn f /all risks (insurance)/ 一则 一則 S - 851 yī zé f /on the one hand/ 一则以喜,一则以忧 一則以喜,一則以憂 S - 0 yī zé yǐ xǐ , yī zé yǐ yōu f /happy on the one hand, but worried on the other (idiom)/ 一刻千金 - 3 yī kè qiān jīn f /time is gold/every minute counts/ 一則 一则 T - 851 yī zé f /on the one hand/ 一則以喜,一則以憂 一则以喜,一则以忧 T - 0 yī zé yǐ xǐ , yī zé yǐ yōu f /happy on the one hand, but worried on the other (idiom)/ 一动不动 一動不動 S - 503 yī dòng bù dòng f /motionless/ 一劳永逸 一勞永逸 S - 34 yī láo yǒng yì f /to get sth done once and for all/ 一動不動 一动不动 T - 503 yī dòng bù dòng f /motionless/ 一勞永逸 一劳永逸 T - 34 yī láo yǒng yì f /to get sth done once and for all/ 一匙 - 3 yī chí f /spoonful/ 一千零一夜 - 30 Yī qiān Líng Yī Yè f /The Book of One Thousand and One Nights/ 一半 - 4586 yī bàn f /half/ 一半天 - 0 yī bàn tiān f /in a day or two/soon/ 一卡通 - 20 Yī kǎ tōng f /Yikatong (Beijing public transport smart card)/ 一厢情愿 一廂情願 S - 92 yī xiāng qíng yuàn f /one's own wishful thinking/ 一去不回 - 3 yī qù bù huí f /gone forever/ 一去不复返 一去不復返 S - 41 yī qù bù fù fǎn f /gone forever/ 一去不復返 一去不复返 T - 41 yī qù bù fù fǎn f /gone forever/ 一去无影踪 一去無影蹤 S - 0 yī qù wú yǐng zōng f /gone without a trace/ 一去無影蹤 一去无影踪 T - 0 yī qù wú yǐng zōng f /gone without a trace/ 一反常态 一反常態 S - 58 yī fǎn cháng tài f /complete change from the normal state (idiom); quite uncharacteristic/entirely outside the norm/out of character/ 一反常態 一反常态 T - 58 yī fǎn cháng tài f /complete change from the normal state (idiom); quite uncharacteristic/entirely outside the norm/out of character/ 一发不可收拾 一發不可收拾 S - 0 yī fā bù kě shōu shi f /things that have happened can hardly be controlled/to get out of hand/ 一口 - 3789 yī kǒu f /readily/flatly (deny, admit and so on)/a mouthful/a bite/ 一口吃不成胖子 - 0 yī kǒu chī bù chéng pàng zi f /lit. you cannot get fat with only one mouthful (proverb)/fig. learn to walk before you run/ 一口吃个胖子 一口吃個胖子 S - 0 yī kǒu chī ge pàng zi f /lit. to want to get fat with only one mouthful (proverb)/fig. to try to achieve one's goal in the shortest time possible/to be impatient for success/ 一口吃個胖子 一口吃个胖子 T - 0 yī kǒu chī ge pàng zi f /lit. to want to get fat with only one mouthful (proverb)/fig. to try to achieve one's goal in the shortest time possible/to be impatient for success/ 一口咬定 - 86 yī kǒu yǎo dìng f /to arbitrarily assert/to allege/to stick to one's statement/to cling to one's view/ 一口气 一口氣 S - 1934 yī kǒu qì f /one breath/in one breath/at a stretch/ 一口气儿 一口氣兒 S - 0 yī kǒu qì r f /erhua variant of 一口氣|一口气[yi1 kou3 qi4]/ 一口氣 一口气 T - 1934 yī kǒu qì f /one breath/in one breath/at a stretch/ 一口氣兒 一口气儿 T - 0 yī kǒu qì r f /erhua variant of 一口氣|一口气[yi1 kou3 qi4]/ 一古脑儿 一古腦兒 S - 108 yī gǔ nǎo r f /variant of 一股腦兒|一股脑儿[yi1 gu3 nao3 r5]/ 一古腦兒 一古脑儿 T - 108 yī gǔ nǎo r f /variant of 一股腦兒|一股脑儿[yi1 gu3 nao3 r5]/ 一句 - 8647 yī jù f /a line of verse/a sentence/ 一句話 一句话 T - 0 yī jù huà f /in a word/in short/ 一句话 一句話 S - 0 yī jù huà f /in a word/in short/ 一叶知秋 一葉知秋 S - 4 yī yè zhī qiū f /lit. the falling of one leaf heralds the coming of autumn (idiom)/fig. a small sign can indicate a great trend/a straw in the wind/ 一叶障目 一葉障目 S - 10 yī yè zhàng mù f /lit. eyes obscured by a single leaf (idiom)/fig. not seing the wider picture/can't see the wood for the trees/ 一号 一號 S - 802 yī hào f /first day of the month/toilet/(slang) giver (in a homosexual relationship)/ 一号木杆 一號木桿 S - 0 yī hào mù gān f /driver (golf)/ 一号电池 一號電池 S - 0 yī hào diàn chí f /D size battery/ 一同 - 1031 yī tóng f /along/together/ 一吐为快 一吐為快 S - 12 yī tǔ wéi kuài f /to get sth off one's chest/ 一吐為快 一吐为快 T - 12 yī tǔ wéi kuài f /to get sth off one's chest/ 一向 2936 1487 yī xiàng f /always (previously)/a period of time in the recent past/ 一周 - 993 yī zhōu f /one week/all the way around/a whole cycle/ 一味 - 762 yī wèi f /blindly/invariably/ 一呼百应 一呼百應 S - 40 yī hū bǎi yìng f /a hundred answers to a single call (idiom)/to respond en masse/ 一呼百應 一呼百应 T - 40 yī hū bǎi yìng f /a hundred answers to a single call (idiom)/to respond en masse/ 一呼百諾 一呼百诺 T - 10 yī hū bǎi nuò f /one command brings a hundred responses (idiom); having hundreds of attendants at one's beck and call/ 一呼百诺 一呼百諾 S - 10 yī hū bǎi nuò f /one command brings a hundred responses (idiom); having hundreds of attendants at one's beck and call/ 一命呜呼 一命嗚呼 S - 183 yī mìng wū hū f /to die (idiom)/to breathe one's last/to give up the ghost/ 一命嗚呼 一命呜呼 T - 183 yī mìng wū hū f /to die (idiom)/to breathe one's last/to give up the ghost/ 一命归天 一命歸天 S - 3 yī mìng guī tiān f /see 一命嗚呼|一命呜呼[yi1 ming4 wu1 hu1]/ 一命归西 一命歸西 S - 9 yī mìng guī xī f /see 一命嗚呼|一命呜呼[yi1 ming4 wu1 hu1]/ 一命归阴 一命歸陰 S - 3 yī mìng guī yīn f /see 一命嗚呼|一命呜呼[yi1 ming4 wu1 hu1]/ 一命歸天 一命归天 T - 3 yī mìng guī tiān f /see 一命嗚呼|一命呜呼[yi1 ming4 wu1 hu1]/ 一命歸西 一命归西 T - 9 yī mìng guī xī f /see 一命嗚呼|一命呜呼[yi1 ming4 wu1 hu1]/ 一命歸陰 一命归阴 T - 3 yī mìng guī yīn f /see 一命嗚呼|一命呜呼[yi1 ming4 wu1 hu1]/ 一品 - 827 yī pǐn f /superb/first-rate/(of officials in imperial times) the highest rank/ 一品紅 一品红 T - 136 yī pǐn hóng f /poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima)/ 一品红 一品紅 S - 136 yī pǐn hóng f /poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima)/ 一品鍋 一品锅 T - 3 yī pǐn guō f /chafing dish/ 一品锅 一品鍋 S - 3 yī pǐn guō f /chafing dish/ 一哄而散 - 51 yī hōng ér sàn t /to disperse in confusion (idiom)/ 一哄而散 一鬨而散 S - 51 yī hòng ér sàn f /see 一哄而散[yi1 hong1 er2 san4]/ 一哄而起 - 14 yī hōng ér qǐ f /(of a group of people) to rush into action/ 一哭二闹三上吊 一哭二鬧三上吊 S - 0 yī kū èr nào sān shàng diào f /to make a terrible scene (idiom)/to throw a tantrum/ 一哭二鬧三上吊 一哭二闹三上吊 T - 0 yī kū èr nào sān shàng diào f /to make a terrible scene (idiom)/to throw a tantrum/ 一唱一和 - 27 yī chàng yī hè f /to echo one another (idiom)/ 一唱三叹 一唱三嘆 S - 2 yī chàng sān tàn f /see 一倡三歎|一倡三叹[yi1 chang4 san1 tan4]/ 一唱三嘆 一唱三叹 T - 2 yī chàng sān tàn f /see 一倡三歎|一倡三叹[yi1 chang4 san1 tan4]/ 一問三不知 一问三不知 T - 29 yī wèn sān bù zhī f /lit. to reply "don't know" whatever the question (idiom)/fig. absolutely no idea of what's going on/complete ignorance/ 一回事 - 0 yī huí shì f /one thing/the same as/ 一回生二回熟 - 0 yī huí shēng èr huí shú f /unfamiliar at first, but well accustomed soon enough (idiom)/ 一团乱糟 一團亂糟 S - 0 yī tuán luàn zāo f /a chaotic mess/ 一团和气 一團和氣 S - 23 yī tuán hé qì f /to keep on the right side of everyone (idiom)/warm and affable/ 一团漆黑 一團漆黑 S - 34 yī tuán qī hēi f /pitch-black/(fig.) to be completely in the dark/ 一团火 一團火 S - 0 yī tuán huǒ f /fireball/ball of fire/ 一团糟 一團糟 S - 37 yī tuán zāo f /chaos/bungle/complete mess/shambles/ 一国两制 一國兩制 S - 451 yī guó liǎng zhì f /one country, two systems (PRC proposal regarding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan)/ 一國兩制 一国两制 T - 451 yī guó liǎng zhì f /one country, two systems (PRC proposal regarding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan)/ 一團亂糟 一团乱糟 T - 0 yī tuán luàn zāo f /a chaotic mess/ 一團和氣 一团和气 T - 23 yī tuán hé qì f /to keep on the right side of everyone (idiom)/warm and affable/ 一團漆黑 一团漆黑 T - 34 yī tuán qī hēi f /pitch-black/(fig.) to be completely in the dark/ 一團火 一团火 T - 0 yī tuán huǒ f /fireball/ball of fire/ 一團糟 一团糟 T - 37 yī tuán zāo f /chaos/bungle/complete mess/shambles/ 一场空 一場空 S - 30 yī cháng kōng f /all one's hopes and efforts come to nothing/futile/ 一块 一塊 S - 7001 yī kuài f /one block/one piece/one (unit of money)/together/in the same place/in company/ 一块儿 一塊兒 S - 648 yī kuài r f /erhua variant of 一塊|一块[yi1 kuai4]/ 一堆 - 882 yī duī f /pile/ 一場空 一场空 T - 30 yī cháng kōng f /all one's hopes and efforts come to nothing/futile/ 一塊 一块 T - 7001 yī kuài f /one block/one piece/one (unit of money)/together/in the same place/in company/ 一塊兒 一块儿 T - 648 yī kuài r f /erhua variant of 一塊|一块[yi1 kuai4]/ 一塌糊塗 一塌糊涂 T - 107 yī tā hú tu f /muddled and completely collapsing (idiom); in an awful condition/complete shambles/a total mess/ 一塌糊涂 一塌糊塗 S - 107 yī tā hú tu f /muddled and completely collapsing (idiom); in an awful condition/complete shambles/a total mess/ 一塵不染 一尘不染 T - 85 yī chén bù rǎn f /untainted by even a speck of dust (idiom); selfless and incorruptible/spotless/ 一壁 - 34 yī bì f /one side/at the same time/ 一壁厢 一壁廂 S - 42 yī bì xiāng f /see 一壁[yi1 bi4]/ 一壁廂 一壁厢 T - 42 yī bì xiāng f /see 一壁[yi1 bi4]/ 一声 一聲 S - 16017 yī shēng f /first tone in Mandarin (high level tone)/ 一声不吭 一聲不吭 S - 215 yī shēng bù kēng f /to not say a word/ 一声不响 一聲不響 S - 181 yī shēng bù xiǎng f /to keep totally silent/noiselessly/ 一夔已足 - 3 yī kuí yǐ zú f /one talented person is enough for the job (idiom)/ 一夕数惊 一夕數驚 S - 0 yī xī shù jīng f /one scare after another (idiom)/in a constant state of tension/ 一夕數驚 一夕数惊 T - 0 yī xī shù jīng f /one scare after another (idiom)/in a constant state of tension/ 一多对应 一多對應 S - 0 yī duō duì yìng f /one-to-many correspondence/ 一多對應 一多对应 T - 0 yī duō duì yìng f /one-to-many correspondence/ 一夜情 - 3 yī yè qíng f /one night stand/ 一夜爆紅 一夜爆红 T - 0 yī yè bào hóng f /to become popular overnight/ 一夜爆红 一夜爆紅 S - 0 yī yè bào hóng f /to become popular overnight/ 一夜露水 - 0 yī yè lù shui f /one-night stand/ephemeral/ 一大早 - 403 yī dà zǎo f /at dawn/at first light/first thing in the morning/ 一大早儿 一大早兒 S - 0 yī dà zǎo r f /erhua variant of 一大早[yi1 da4 zao3]/ 一大早兒 一大早儿 T - 0 yī dà zǎo r f /erhua variant of 一大早[yi1 da4 zao3]/ 一天一个样 一天一個樣 S - 0 yī tiān yī ge yàng f /to change from day to day/ 一天一個樣 一天一个样 T - 0 yī tiān yī ge yàng f /to change from day to day/ 一天到晚 - 297 yī tiān dào wǎn f /all day long/the whole day/ 一夫一妻 - 3 yī fū yī qī f /lit. one husband one wife/monogamy/ 一夫多妻 - 3 yī fū duō qī f /polygamy/ 一夫当关,万夫莫开 一夫當關,萬夫莫開 S - 0 yī fū dāng guān , wàn fū mò kāi f /one man can hold the pass against ten thousand enemies (idiom)/ 一夫當關,萬夫莫開 一夫当关,万夫莫开 T - 0 yī fū dāng guān , wàn fū mò kāi f /one man can hold the pass against ten thousand enemies (idiom)/ 一失足成千古恨 - 7 yī shī zú chéng qiān gǔ hèn f /a single slip may cause everlasting sorrow (idiom)/ 一头 一頭 S - 1916 yī tóu f /one head/a head full of sth/one end (of a stick)/one side/headlong/directly/rapidly/simultaneously/ 一头栽进 一頭栽進 S - 0 yī tóu zāi jìn f /to plunge into/to run headlong into/ 一头雾水 一頭霧水 S - 3 yī tóu wù shuǐ f /to be confused/to be baffled/ 一套 - 2837 yī tào f /suit/a set/a collection/of the same kind/the same old stuff/set pattern of behavior/ 一如 - 336 yī rú f /to be just like/ 一如所料 - 0 yī rú suǒ liào f /as expected/ 一如既往 3731 209 yī rú jì wǎng f /just as in the past (idiom); as before/continuing as always/ 一妻制 - 3 yī qī zhì f /monogamy/ 一孔之見 一孔之见 T - 5 yī kǒng zhī jiàn f /partial view/limited outlook/ 一孔之见 一孔之見 S - 5 yī kǒng zhī jiàn f /partial view/limited outlook/ 一字 - 0 yī zì f /in a row/in a line/ 一字一泪 一字一淚 S - 3 yī zì yī lèi f /each word is a teardrop (idiom)/ 一字一淚 一字一泪 T - 3 yī zì yī lèi f /each word is a teardrop (idiom)/ 一字不差 - 22 yī zì bù chā f /word for word/verbatim/ 一字不提 - 0 yī zì bù tí f /to not mention a single word (about sth) (idiom)/ 一字不漏 - 3 yī zì bù lòu f /without missing a word/ 一字不落 - 0 yī zì bù là f /see 一字不漏[yi1 zi4 bu4 lou4]/ 一字不識 一字不识 T - 0 yī zì bù shí f /totally illiterate/ 一字不识 一字不識 S - 0 yī zì bù shí f /totally illiterate/ 一字之师 一字之師 S - 3 yī zì zhī shī f /one who can correct a misread or misspelt character and thus be your master/ 一字之師 一字之师 T - 3 yī zì zhī shī f /one who can correct a misread or misspelt character and thus be your master/ 一字千金 - 5 yī zì qiān jīn f /one word worth a thousand in gold (idiom)/(in praise of a piece of writing or calligraphy) each character is perfect/each word is highly valued/ 一字巾 - 0 yī zì jīn f /headband/strip of cloth worn around the head/ 一字褒貶 一字褒贬 T - 3 yī zì bāo biǎn f /dispensing praise or blame with a single word (idiom)/concise and powerful style/ 一字褒贬 一字褒貶 S - 3 yī zì bāo biǎn f /dispensing praise or blame with a single word (idiom)/concise and powerful style/ 一定 331 25293 yī dìng f /surely/certainly/necessarily/fixed/a certain (extent etc)/given/particular/must/ 一定要 - 0 yī dìng yào f /must/ 一审 一審 S - 90 yī shěn f /first instance (law)/ 一家 - 5441 yī jiā f /the whole family/the same family/the family ... (when preceded by a family name)/group/ 一家之主 - 3 yī jiā zhī zhǔ f /master of the house/family head/ 一家人 - 808 yī jiā rén f /household/the whole family/ 一家子 - 150 yī jiā zi f /the whole family/ 一審 一审 T - 90 yī shěn f /first instance (law)/ 一寸光阴一寸金 一寸光陰一寸金 S - 3 yī cùn guāng yīn yī cùn jīn f /lit. An interval of time is worth an ounce of gold. (idiom)/fig. free time is to be treasured/ 一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴 一寸光陰一寸金,寸金難買寸光陰 S - 0 yī cùn guāng yīn yī cùn jīn , cùn jīn nán mǎi cùn guāng yīn f /lit. An interval of time is worth an ounce of gold, money cannot buy you time. (idiom)/fig. Time is precious and must be treasured./ 一寸光陰一寸金 一寸光阴一寸金 T - 3 yī cùn guāng yīn yī cùn jīn f /lit. An interval of time is worth an ounce of gold. (idiom)/fig. free time is to be treasured/ 一寸光陰一寸金,寸金難買寸光陰 一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴 T - 0 yī cùn guāng yīn yī cùn jīn , cùn jīn nán mǎi cùn guāng yīn f /lit. An interval of time is worth an ounce of gold, money cannot buy you time. (idiom)/fig. Time is precious and must be treasured./ 一对 一對 S - 2409 yī duì f /couple/pair/ 一对一斗牛 一對一鬥牛 S - 0 yī duì yī dòu niú f /one-on-one basketball game/ 一对儿 一對兒 S - 0 yī duì r f /a pair/a couple/ 一對 一对 T - 2409 yī duì f /couple/pair/ 一對一鬥牛 一对一斗牛 T - 0 yī duì yī dòu niú f /one-on-one basketball game/ 一對兒 一对儿 T - 0 yī duì r f /a pair/a couple/ 一小撮 - 88 yī xiǎo cuō f /handful (of)/ 一小部分 - 3 yī xiǎo bù fèn f /a small part/a small section/ 一小阵儿 一小陣兒 S - 0 yī xiǎo zhèn r f /very brief period of time/ 一小陣兒 一小阵儿 T - 0 yī xiǎo zhèn r f /very brief period of time/ 一尘不染 一塵不染 S - 85 yī chén bù rǎn f /untainted by even a speck of dust (idiom); selfless and incorruptible/spotless/ 一层 一層 S - 2761 yī céng f /layer/ 一展身手 - 8 yī zhǎn shēn shǒu f /to showcase one's (unique) talents/to display one's (individual) prowess/ 一層 一层 T - 2761 yī céng f /layer/ 一帆風順 一帆风顺 T 4303 125 yī fān fēng shùn f /propitious wind throughout the journey (idiom)/plain sailing/to go smoothly/have a nice trip!/ 一帆风顺 一帆風順 S 4303 125 yī fān fēng shùn f /propitious wind throughout the journey (idiom)/plain sailing/to go smoothly/have a nice trip!/ 一带 一帶 S - 4254 yī dài f /region/district/ 一带而过 一帶而過 S - 5 yī dài ér guò f /to skate around/to skip over/to skimp/ 一席之地 - 107 yī xí zhī dì f /(acknowledged) place/a role to play/niche/ 一席話 一席话 T - 150 yī xí huà f /the content of a conversation/words/remarks/ 一席话 一席話 S - 150 yī xí huà f /the content of a conversation/words/remarks/ 一帶 一带 T - 4254 yī dài f /region/district/ 一帶而過 一带而过 T - 5 yī dài ér guò f /to skate around/to skip over/to skimp/ 一干二净 一乾二淨 S - 115 yī gān èr jìng f /thoroughly (idiom)/completely/one and all/very clean/ 一年之計在於春 一年之计在于春 T - 3 yī nián zhī jì zài yú chūn f /the whole year must be planned for in the spring (idiom)/early planning is the key to success/ 一年之计在于春 一年之計在於春 S - 3 yī nián zhī jì zài yú chūn f /the whole year must be planned for in the spring (idiom)/early planning is the key to success/ 一年到头 一年到頭 S - 77 yī nián dào tóu f /all year round/ 一年到頭 一年到头 T - 77 yī nián dào tóu f /all year round/ 一年半 - 0 yī nián bàn f /a year and a half/ 一年半載 一年半载 T - 96 yī nián bàn zǎi f /about a year/ 一年半载 一年半載 S - 96 yī nián bàn zǎi f /about a year/ 一年四季 - 143 yī nián sì jì f /all year round/ 一年多 - 0 yī nián duō f /more than a year/ 一年期 - 23 yī nián qī f /one year period (in a contract or budget)/ 一年生 - 153 yī nián shēng f /annual (botany)/ 一年被蛇咬十年怕井繩 一年被蛇咬十年怕井绳 T - 0 yī nián bèi shé yǎo shí nián pà jǐng shéng f /bitten by a snake in one year, fears the well rope for ten years (idiom); once bitten twice shy/ 一年被蛇咬十年怕井绳 一年被蛇咬十年怕井繩 S - 0 yī nián bèi shé yǎo shí nián pà jǐng shéng f /bitten by a snake in one year, fears the well rope for ten years (idiom); once bitten twice shy/ 一并 一並 S - 352 yī bìng f /variant of 一併|一并, to lump together/to treat along with all the others/ 一并 一併 S - 352 yī bìng f /to lump together/to treat along with all the others/ 一应 一應 S - 372 yī yīng f /all/every/ 一应俱全 一應俱全 S - 100 yī yīng jù quán f /with everything needed available/ 一度 4154 2653 yī dù f /for a time/at one time/one time/once/ 一廂情願 一厢情愿 T - 92 yī xiāng qíng yuàn f /one's own wishful thinking/ 一式二份 - 0 yī shì ér fèn f /in duplicate/ 一弹指顷 一彈指頃 S - 3 yī tán zhǐ qǐng f /a snap of the fingers (idiom); in a flash/in the twinkling of an eye/ 一彈指頃 一弹指顷 T - 3 yī tán zhǐ qǐng f /a snap of the fingers (idiom); in a flash/in the twinkling of an eye/ 一往情深 - 97 yī wǎng qíng shēn f /deeply attached/devoted/ 一往无前 一往無前 S - 58 yī wǎng wú qián f /to advance courageously (idiom)/to press forward/ 一往無前 一往无前 T - 58 yī wǎng wú qián f /to advance courageously (idiom)/to press forward/ 一往直前 - 5 yī wǎng zhí qián f /see 一往無前|一往无前[yi1 wang3 wu2 qian2]/ 一径 一徑 S - 0 yī jìng f /directly/straightaway/straight/ 一律 2464 1565 yī lǜ f /same/uniformly/all/without exception/ 一徑 一径 T - 0 yī jìng f /directly/straightaway/straight/ 一心 - 863 yī xīn f /wholeheartedly/heart and soul/ 一心一德 - 5 yī xīn yī dé f /of one heart and one mind (idiom)/ 一心一意 - 231 yī xīn yī yì f /concentrating one's thoughts and efforts/single-minded/bent on/intently/ 一心二用 - 6 yī xīn èr yòng f /to do two things at once (idiom)/to multitask/to divide one's attention/ 一念之差 - 26 yī niàn zhī chā f /momentary slip/false step/ill-considered action/ 一总 一總 S - 0 yī zǒng f /altogether/in all/ 一惊一乍 一驚一乍 S - 0 yī jīng yī zhà f /frightened/flustered/ 一意 - 3 yī yì f /focus/with complete devotion/stubbornly/ 一意孤行 - 72 yī yì gū xíng f /obstinately clinging to one's course (idiom)/willful/one's own way/dogmatic/ 一應 一应 T - 372 yī yīng f /all/every/ 一應俱全 一应俱全 T - 100 yī yīng jù quán f /with everything needed available/ 一成不变 一成不變 S - 374 yī chéng bù biàn f /nothing much changes (idiom); always the same/stuck in a rut/ 一成不變 一成不变 T - 374 yī chéng bù biàn f /nothing much changes (idiom); always the same/stuck in a rut/ 一房一厅 一房一廳 S - 3 yī fáng yī tīng f /one bedroom and one living room/ 一房一廳 一房一厅 T - 3 yī fáng yī tīng f /one bedroom and one living room/ 一手 - 1665 yī shǒu f /a skill/mastery of a trade/by oneself/without outside help/ 一手交錢,一手交貨 一手交钱,一手交货 T - 0 yī shǒu jiāo qián , yī shǒu jiāo huò f /lit. one hand exchanges the cash, the other the goods (idiom)/fig. to pay for what you want in cash/simple and direct transaction/ 一手交钱,一手交货 一手交錢,一手交貨 S - 0 yī shǒu jiāo qián , yī shǒu jiāo huò f /lit. one hand exchanges the cash, the other the goods (idiom)/fig. to pay for what you want in cash/simple and direct transaction/ 一手包办 一手包辦 S - 25 yī shǒu bāo bàn f /to take care of a matter all by oneself/to run the whole show/ 一手包辦 一手包办 T - 25 yī shǒu bāo bàn f /to take care of a matter all by oneself/to run the whole show/ 一手遮天 - 14 yī shǒu zhē tiān f /lit. to hide the sky with one hand/to hide the truth from the masses/ 一打 - 171 yī dá f /dozen/ 一扫而光 一掃而光 S - 41 yī sǎo ér guāng f /to clear off/to make a clean sweep of/ 一扫而空 一掃而空 S - 36 yī sǎo ér kōng f /to sweep clean/to clean out/ 一技之長 一技之长 T - 56 yī jì zhī cháng f /proficiency in a particular field (idiom)/skill in a specialized area (idiom)/ 一技之长 一技之長 S - 56 yī jì zhī cháng f /proficiency in a particular field (idiom)/skill in a specialized area (idiom)/ 一把好手 - 0 yī bǎ hǎo shǒu f /expert/dab hand/ 一把屎一把尿 - 0 yī bǎ shǐ yī bǎ niào f /to have endured all sorts of hardships (to raise one's children) (idiom)/ 一把手 - 282 yī bǎ shǒu f /working hand/member of a work team/participant/ 一把抓 - 194 yī bǎ zhuā f /to attempt all tasks at once/to manage every detail regardless of its importance/ 一把死拿 - 3 yī bǎ sǐ ná f /stubborn/inflexible/ 一把眼泪一把鼻涕 一把眼淚一把鼻涕 S - 0 yī bǎ yǎn lèi yī bǎ bí tì f /with one's face covered in tears (idiom)/ 一把眼淚一把鼻涕 一把眼泪一把鼻涕 T - 0 yī bǎ yǎn lèi yī bǎ bí tì f /with one's face covered in tears (idiom)/ 一把鑰匙開一把鎖 一把钥匙开一把锁 T - 0 yī bǎ yào shi kāi yī bǎ suǒ f /One key opens one lock./There is a different solution for each problem. (idiom)/ 一把钥匙开一把锁 一把鑰匙開一把鎖 S - 0 yī bǎ yào shi kāi yī bǎ suǒ f /One key opens one lock./There is a different solution for each problem. (idiom)/ 一抓一大把 - 0 yī zhuā yī dà bǎ f /a dime a dozen/a great deal of/ 一折两段 一折兩段 S - 0 yī zhé liǎng duàn f /to split sth into two (idiom)/ 一折兩段 一折两段 T - 0 yī zhé liǎng duàn f /to split sth into two (idiom)/ 一抿子 - 0 yī mǐn zi f /a little bit/ 一拍两散 一拍兩散 S - 0 yī pāi liǎng sàn f /(of marriage or business partners) to break up (idiom)/to separate/ 一拍兩散 一拍两散 T - 0 yī pāi liǎng sàn f /(of marriage or business partners) to break up (idiom)/to separate/ 一拍即合 - 40 yī pāi jí hé f /lit. to be together from the first beat (idiom)/to hit it off/to click together/to chime in easily/ 一拥而上 一擁而上 S - 295 yī yōng ér shàng f /to swarm around/flocking (to see)/ 一拥而入 一擁而入 S - 21 yī yōng ér rù f /to swarm in (of people etc) (idiom)/ 一拨儿 一撥兒 S - 3 yī bō r f /group of people/ 一挥而就 一揮而就 S - 16 yī huī ér jiù f /to finish (a letter, a painting) at a stroke/ 一掃而光 一扫而光 T - 41 yī sǎo ér guāng f /to clear off/to make a clean sweep of/ 一掃而空 一扫而空 T - 36 yī sǎo ér kōng f /to sweep clean/to clean out/ 一排 - 570 yī pái f /row/ 一探究竟 - 0 yī tàn jiū jìng f /to check out/to investigate/ 一掬同情之泪 一掬同情之淚 S - 0 yī jū tóng qíng zhī lèi f /to shed tears of sympathy (idiom)/ 一掬同情之淚 一掬同情之泪 T - 0 yī jū tóng qíng zhī lèi f /to shed tears of sympathy (idiom)/ 一掷千金 一擲千金 S - 26 yī zhì qiān jīn f /lit. stake a thousand pieces of gold on one throw (idiom); to throw away money recklessly/extravagant/ 一揮而就 一挥而就 T - 16 yī huī ér jiù f /to finish (a letter, a painting) at a stroke/ 一揽子 一攬子 S - 49 yī lǎn zi f /all-inclusive/undiscriminating/ 一撥兒 一拨儿 T - 3 yī bō r f /group of people/ 一擁而上 一拥而上 T - 295 yī yōng ér shàng f /to swarm around/flocking (to see)/ 一擁而入 一拥而入 T - 21 yī yōng ér rù f /to swarm in (of people etc) (idiom)/ 一擊入洞 一击入洞 T - 0 yī jī rù dòng f /hole in one (golf)/ 一擲千金 一掷千金 T - 26 yī zhì qiān jīn f /lit. stake a thousand pieces of gold on one throw (idiom); to throw away money recklessly/extravagant/ 一攬子 一揽子 T - 49 yī lǎn zi f /all-inclusive/undiscriminating/ 一改故轍 一改故辙 T - 3 yī gǎi gù zhé f /complete change from the old rut (idiom); dramatic change of direction/a volte-face/to change old practices/ 一改故辙 一改故轍 S - 3 yī gǎi gù zhé f /complete change from the old rut (idiom); dramatic change of direction/a volte-face/to change old practices/ 一敗塗地 一败涂地 T - 177 yī bài tú dì f /failed and wiped over the floor (idiom); to fail utterly/a crushing defeat/beaten and in a hopeless position/ 一文不值 - 19 yī wén bù zhí f /worthless (idiom)/no use whatsoever/ 一文不名 - 9 yī wén bù míng f /to be penniless/ 一斑 - 35 yī bān f /lit. one spot (on the leopard)/fig. one small item in a big scheme/ 一方 - 2109 yī fāng f /a party (in a contract or legal case)/one side/area/region/ 一方面 - 2945 yī fāng miàn f /on the one hand/ 一旁 - 1005 yī páng f /aside/to the side of/ 一族 - 3 yī zú f /social group/subculture/family/clan/see also 族[zu2]/ 一无所动 一無所動 S - 0 yī wú suǒ dòng f /totally unaffected/unimpressed/ 一无所有 一無所有 S - 158 yī wú suǒ yǒu f /not having anything at all (idiom); utterly lacking/without two sticks to rub together/ 一无所知 一無所知 S - 218 yī wú suǒ zhī f /not knowing anything at all (idiom); completely ignorant/without an inkling/ 一无所获 一無所獲 S - 84 yī wú suǒ huò f /to gain nothing/to end up empty-handed/ 一无所长 一無所長 S - 8 yī wú suǒ cháng f /not having any special skill/without any qualifications/ 一无所闻 一無所聞 S - 3 yī wú suǒ wén f /unheard of/ 一无是处 一無是處 S - 37 yī wú shì chù f /not one good point/everything about it is wrong/ 一日三秋 - 2 yī rì sān qiū f /a single day apart seems like three seasons (idiom)/ 一日三餐 - 59 yī rì sān cān f /to have three meals a day/ 一日不見,如隔三秋 一日不见,如隔三秋 T - 0 yī rì bù jiàn , rú gé sān qiū f /one day apart seems like three years (idiom)/ 一日不见,如隔三秋 一日不見,如隔三秋 S - 0 yī rì bù jiàn , rú gé sān qiū f /one day apart seems like three years (idiom)/ 一日为师,终身为父 一日為師,終身為父 S - 0 yī rì wéi shī , zhōng shēn wéi fù f /lit. teacher for one day, father for ever (idiom)/ 一日之計在於晨 一日之计在于晨 T - 0 yī rì zhī jì zài yú chén f /make your day's plan early in the morning (idiom)/early morning is the golden time of the day/ 一日之计在于晨 一日之計在於晨 S - 0 yī rì zhī jì zài yú chén f /make your day's plan early in the morning (idiom)/early morning is the golden time of the day/ 一日之雅 - 3 yī rì zhī yǎ f /lit. friends for a day (idiom)/fig. casual acquaintance/ 一日千里 - 26 yī rì qiān lǐ f /lit. one day, a thousand miles (idiom); rapid progress/ 一日為師,終身為父 一日为师,终身为父 T - 0 yī rì wéi shī , zhōng shēn wéi fù f /lit. teacher for one day, father for ever (idiom)/ 一旦 1320 5312 yī dàn f /in case (sth happens)/if/once (sth happens, then...)/when/in a short time/in one day/ 一早 - 785 yī zǎo f /early in the morning/at dawn/ 一时 一時 S - 5389 yī shí f /a period of time/a while/for a short while/temporary/momentary/at the same time/ 一时半会 一時半會 S - 13 yī shí bàn huì f /a short time/a little while/ 一时半会儿 一時半會兒 S - 51 yī shí bàn huì r f /a short time/a little while/ 一时半刻 一時半刻 S - 28 yī shí bàn kè f /a short time/a little while/ 一时半晌 一時半晌 S - 3 yī shí bàn shǎng f /a short time/a little while/ 一时半霎 一時半霎 S - 3 yī shí bàn shà f /a short time/a little while/ 一时瑜亮 一時瑜亮 S - 0 yī shí Yú Liàng f /two remarkable persons living at the same period (as 周瑜[Zhou1 Yu2] and 諸葛亮|诸葛亮[Zhu1 ge3 Liang4])/ 一时间 一時間 S - 469 yī shí jiān f /for a moment/momentarily/ 一星半点 一星半點 S - 17 yī xīng bàn diǎn f /just the tiniest bit/a hint of/ 一星半點 一星半点 T - 17 yī xīng bàn diǎn f /just the tiniest bit/a hint of/ 一時 一时 T - 5389 yī shí f /a period of time/a while/for a short while/temporary/momentary/at the same time/ 一時半刻 一时半刻 T - 28 yī shí bàn kè f /a short time/a little while/ 一時半晌 一时半晌 T - 3 yī shí bàn shǎng f /a short time/a little while/ 一時半會 一时半会 T - 13 yī shí bàn huì f /a short time/a little while/ 一時半會兒 一时半会儿 T - 51 yī shí bàn huì r f /a short time/a little while/ 一時半霎 一时半霎 T - 3 yī shí bàn shà f /a short time/a little while/ 一時瑜亮 一时瑜亮 T - 0 yī shí Yú Liàng f /two remarkable persons living at the same period (as 周瑜[Zhou1 Yu2] and 諸葛亮|诸葛亮[Zhu1 ge3 Liang4])/ 一時間 一时间 T - 469 yī shí jiān f /for a moment/momentarily/ 一晃 - 488 yī huǎng f /(of passing time) in an instant/(of a sight) in a flash/ 一暴十寒 - 3 yī pù shí hán f /one day's sun, ten days' frost (idiom, from Mencius); fig. to work for a bit then skimp/sporadic effort/short attention span/ 一曝十寒 - 3 yī pù shí hán f /one day's sun, ten days' frost (idiom, from Mencius); fig. to work for a bit then skimp/sporadic effort/lack of sticking power/short attention span/ 一更 - 0 yī gēng f /first of the five night watch periods 19:00-21:00 (old)/ 一會 一会 T - 3178 yī huì f /a moment/a while/in a moment/also pr. [yi1 hui3]/ 一會兒 一会儿 T 450 3200 yī huì r f /a moment/a while/in a moment/now...now.../also pr. [yi1 hui3 r5]/ 一月 - 623 Yī yuè f /January/first month (of the lunar year)/ 一月份 - 276 yī yuè fèn f /January/ 一望无垠 一望無垠 S - 12 yī wàng wú yín f /to stretch as far as the eye can see (idiom)/ 一望无际 一望無際 S - 82 yī wàng wú jì f /as far as the eye can see (idiom)/ 一望無垠 一望无垠 T - 12 yī wàng wú yín f /to stretch as far as the eye can see (idiom)/ 一望無際 一望无际 T - 82 yī wàng wú jì f /as far as the eye can see (idiom)/ 一望而知 - 29 yī wàng ér zhī f /to be evident at a glance (idiom)/ 一朝一夕 - 79 yī zhāo yī xī f /lit. one morning and one evening (idiom)/fig. in a short period of time/overnight/ 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井繩 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳 T - 0 yī zhāo bèi shé yǎo , shí nián pà jǐng shéng f /once bitten by a snake, ten years in fear of a well rope/once bitten, twice shy (idiom)/ 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井繩 S - 0 yī zhāo bèi shé yǎo , shí nián pà jǐng shéng f /once bitten by a snake, ten years in fear of a well rope/once bitten, twice shy (idiom)/ 一木难支 一木難支 S - 3 yī mù nán zhī f /lit. a single post cannot prop up a falling house (idiom)/fig. one is helpless alone/ 一木難支 一木难支 T - 3 yī mù nán zhī f /lit. a single post cannot prop up a falling house (idiom)/fig. one is helpless alone/ 一本万利 一本萬利 S - 24 yī běn wàn lì f /small capital, huge profit (idiom); to put in a little and get a lot out/ 一本正經 一本正经 T - 224 yī běn zhèng jīng f /in deadly earnest/deadpan/ 一本正经 一本正經 S - 224 yī běn zhèng jīng f /in deadly earnest/deadpan/ 一本萬利 一本万利 T - 24 yī běn wàn lì f /small capital, huge profit (idiom); to put in a little and get a lot out/ 一杆进洞 一桿進洞 S - 0 yī gān jìn dòng f /(golf) hole in one/ 一条心 一條心 S - 58 yī tiáo xīn f /to be of one mind/to think or act alike/ 一条绳上的蚂蚱 一條繩上的螞蚱 S - 0 yī tiáo shéng shàng de mà zha f /lit. like locusts tied to one rope (idiom)/fig. in the same boat/in it together for better or worse/to sink or swim together/ 一条道走到黑 一條道走到黑 S - 0 yī tiáo dào zǒu dào hēi f /to stick to one's ways/to cling to one's course/ 一条龙 一條龍 S - 93 yī tiáo lóng f /lit. one dragon/integrated chain/coordinated process/ 一条龙服务 一條龍服務 S - 0 yī tiáo lóng fú wù f /one-stop service/ 一来 一來 S - 854 yī lái f /on one hand,.../ 一来二去 一來二去 S - 48 yī lái èr qù f /gradually/little by little/in the course of time/ 一杯羹 - 0 yī bēi gēng f /lit. a cup of soup/fig. to get part of the profits/one's share of the action/ 一東一西 一东一西 T - 0 yī dōng yī xī f /far apart/ 一板一眼 - 32 yī bǎn yī yǎn f /lit. one strong beat and one weak beats in a measure of music (two beats in the bar) (idiom); fig. follow a prescribed pattern to the letter/scrupulous attention to detail/ 一板三眼 - 5 yī bǎn sān yǎn f /lit. one strong beat and three weak beats in a measure of music (four beats in the bar) (idiom); fig. scrupulous attention to detail/ 一枝独秀 一枝獨秀 S - 35 yī zhī dú xiù f /lit. only one branch of the tree is thriving (idiom)/fig. to be in a league of one's own/outstanding/ 一枝獨秀 一枝独秀 T - 35 yī zhī dú xiù f /lit. only one branch of the tree is thriving (idiom)/fig. to be in a league of one's own/outstanding/ 一柱擎天 - 3 yī zhù qíng tiān f /lit. to support the sky as a single pillar (idiom)/fig. to take a crucial responsibility upon one's shoulders/ 一样 一樣 S 322 22569 yī yàng f /same/like/equal to/the same as/just like/ 一根筋 - 0 yī gēn jīn f /stubborn/inflexible/one-track minded/ 一根繩上的螞蚱 一根绳上的蚂蚱 T - 0 yī gēn shéng shàng de mà zha f /see 一條繩上的螞蚱|一条绳上的蚂蚱[yi1 tiao2 sheng2 shang4 de5 ma4 zha5]/ 一根绳上的蚂蚱 一根繩上的螞蚱 S - 0 yī gēn shéng shàng de mà zha f /see 一條繩上的螞蚱|一条绳上的蚂蚱[yi1 tiao2 sheng2 shang4 de5 ma4 zha5]/ 一桿進洞 一杆进洞 T - 0 yī gān jìn dòng f /(golf) hole in one/ 一條心 一条心 T - 58 yī tiáo xīn f /to be of one mind/to think or act alike/ 一條繩上的螞蚱 一条绳上的蚂蚱 T - 0 yī tiáo shéng shàng de mà zha f /lit. like locusts tied to one rope (idiom)/fig. in the same boat/in it together for better or worse/to sink or swim together/ 一條道走到黑 一条道走到黑 T - 0 yī tiáo dào zǒu dào hēi f /to stick to one's ways/to cling to one's course/ 一條龍 一条龙 T - 93 yī tiáo lóng f /lit. one dragon/integrated chain/coordinated process/ 一條龍服務 一条龙服务 T - 0 yī tiáo lóng fú wù f /one-stop service/ 一概 - 467 yī gài f /all/without any exceptions/categorically/ 一概而論 一概而论 T - 49 yī gài ér lùn f /to lump different matters together (idiom)/ 一概而论 一概而論 S - 49 yī gài ér lùn f /to lump different matters together (idiom)/ 一槌定音 - 3 yī chuí dìng yīn f /variant of 一錘定音|一锤定音[yi1 chui2 ding4 yin1]/ 一模一样 一模一樣 S - 591 yī mú yī yàng f /exactly the same (idiom)/carbon copy/also pr. [yi1 mo2 yi1 yang4]/ 一模一樣 一模一样 T - 591 yī mú yī yàng f /exactly the same (idiom)/carbon copy/also pr. [yi1 mo2 yi1 yang4]/ 一樣 一样 T 322 22569 yī yàng f /same/like/equal to/the same as/just like/ 一次 - 19249 yī cì f /first/first time/once/(math.) linear (of degree one)/ 一次函数 一次函數 S - 3 yī cì hán shù f /linear function (math.)/ 一次函數 一次函数 T - 3 yī cì hán shù f /linear function (math.)/ 一次又一次 - 0 yī cì yòu yī cì f /repeatedly/over and over again/ 一次性 - 429 yī cì xìng f /one-off (offer)/one-time/single-use/disposable (goods)/ 一次总付 一次總付 S - 0 yī cì zǒng fù f /lump-sum (finance)/ 一次方程 - 15 yī cì fāng chéng f /linear equation/ 一次方程式 - 0 yī cì fāng chéng shì f /linear equation (math.)/ 一次生,两次熟 一次生,兩次熟 S - 0 yī cì shēng , liǎng cì shú f /unfamiliar at first but you get used to it/strangers are first meeting, but soon friends/an acquired taste/ 一次生,兩次熟 一次生,两次熟 T - 0 yī cì shēng , liǎng cì shú f /unfamiliar at first but you get used to it/strangers are first meeting, but soon friends/an acquired taste/ 一次總付 一次总付 T - 0 yī cì zǒng fù f /lump-sum (finance)/ 一步一个脚印 一步一個腳印 S - 37 yī bù yī gè jiǎo yìn f /one step, one footprint (idiom); steady progress/reliable/ 一步一個腳印 一步一个脚印 T - 37 yī bù yī gè jiǎo yìn f /one step, one footprint (idiom); steady progress/reliable/ 一步一趋 一步一趨 S - 3 yī bù yī qū f /see 亦步亦趨|亦步亦趋[yi4 bu4 yi4 qu1]/ 一步一趨 一步一趋 T - 3 yī bù yī qū f /see 亦步亦趨|亦步亦趋[yi4 bu4 yi4 qu1]/ 一步到位 - 42 yī bù dào wèi f /to settle a matter in one go/ 一步登天 - 41 yī bù dēng tiān f /reaching heaven in a single bound (idiom); (esp. with negative: don't expect) instant success/ 一毛不拔 - 14 yī máo bù bá f /stingy (idiom)/ 一气 一氣 S - 127 yī qì f /at one go/at a stretch/for a period of time/forming a gang/ 一气之下 一氣之下 S - 56 yī qì zhī xià f /in a fit of pique/in a fury/ 一气呵成 一氣呵成 S - 84 yī qì hē chéng f /to do something at one go/to flow smoothly/ 一氣 一气 T - 127 yī qì f /at one go/at a stretch/for a period of time/forming a gang/ 一氣之下 一气之下 T - 56 yī qì zhī xià f /in a fit of pique/in a fury/ 一氣呵成 一气呵成 T - 84 yī qì hē chéng f /to do something at one go/to flow smoothly/ 一氧化二氮 - 4 yī yǎng huà èr dàn f /nitrous oxide N2O/laughing gas/ 一氧化氮 - 12 yī yǎng huà dàn f /nitric oxide/ 一氧化碳 - 191 yī yǎng huà tàn f /carbon monoxide CO/ 一水儿 一水兒 S - 3 yī shuǐ r f /(coll.) of the same type/identical/ 一水兒 一水儿 T - 3 yī shuǐ r f /(coll.) of the same type/identical/ 一決雌雄 一决雌雄 T - 28 yī jué cí xióng f /to have a show-down/to fight for mastery/to compete for a championship/ 一波三折 - 34 yī bō sān zhé f /calligraphic flourish with many twists/fig. many twists and turns/ 一波未平,一波又起 - 0 yī bō wèi píng , yī bō yòu qǐ f /before the first wave subsides, a new wave rises (idiom); a new problem arises before the old is solved/many twists and turns to a story/one thing after another/ 一派胡言 - 23 yī pài hú yán f /a bunch of nonsense/ 一派謊言 一派谎言 T - 0 yī pài huǎng yán f /a pack of lies/ 一派谎言 一派謊言 S - 0 yī pài huǎng yán f /a pack of lies/ 一流 3153 1366 yī liú f /top quality/front ranking/ 一清二楚 - 321 yī qīng èr chǔ f /to be very clear about sth (idiom)/ 一清二白 - 5 yī qīng èr bái f /perfectly clean/blameless/unimpeachable (idiom)/ 一清如水 - 3 yī qīng rú shuǐ f /lit. as clear as water (idiom)/fig. (of officials etc) honest and incorruptible/ 一清早 - 54 yī qīng zǎo f /early in the morning/ 一準 一准 T - 32 yī zhǔn f /certainly/ 一溜烟 一溜煙 S - 108 yī liù yān f /like a wisp of smoke/(to disappear etc) in an instant/ 一溜煙 一溜烟 T - 108 yī liù yān f /like a wisp of smoke/(to disappear etc) in an instant/ 一潭死水 - 12 yī tán sǐ shuǐ f /a pool of stagnant water/stagnant or listless condition/ 一灵真性 一靈真性 S - 0 yī líng zhēn xìng f /soul/spirit/ 一炮打响 一炮打響 S - 12 yī pào dǎ xiǎng f /to win instant success (idiom)/to start off successfully/ 一炮打響 一炮打响 T - 12 yī pào dǎ xiǎng f /to win instant success (idiom)/to start off successfully/ 一炮而紅 一炮而红 T - 3 yī pào ér hóng f /to win instant success (idiom)/to become an instant hit/ 一炮而红 一炮而紅 S - 3 yī pào ér hóng f /to win instant success (idiom)/to become an instant hit/ 一点 一點 S - 14165 yī diǎn f /a bit/a little/one dot/one point/ 一点一滴 一點一滴 S - 78 yī diǎn yī dī f /bit by bit/every little bit/ 一点一点 一點一點 S - 133 yī diǎn yī diǎn f /little by little/bit by bit/gradually/ 一点不 一點不 S - 0 yī diǎn bù f /not at all/ 一点儿 一點兒 S 139 1058 yī diǎn r f /erhua variant of 一點|一点[yi1 dian3]/ 一点就通 一點就通 S - 0 yī diǎn jiù tōng f /a hint is all that is needed/understanding each other without the need to explain/ 一点水一个泡 一點水一個泡 S - 0 yī diǎn shuǐ yī gè pào f /honest and trustworthy (idiom)/ 一点点 一點點 S - 735 yī diǎn diǎn f /a little bit/ 一点邻域 一點鄰域 S - 0 yī diǎn lín yù f /(math.) neighborhood of a point/ 一無所動 一无所动 T - 0 yī wú suǒ dòng f /totally unaffected/unimpressed/ 一無所有 一无所有 T - 158 yī wú suǒ yǒu f /not having anything at all (idiom); utterly lacking/without two sticks to rub together/ 一無所獲 一无所获 T - 84 yī wú suǒ huò f /to gain nothing/to end up empty-handed/ 一無所知 一无所知 T - 218 yī wú suǒ zhī f /not knowing anything at all (idiom); completely ignorant/without an inkling/ 一無所聞 一无所闻 T - 3 yī wú suǒ wén f /unheard of/ 一無所長 一无所长 T - 8 yī wú suǒ cháng f /not having any special skill/without any qualifications/ 一無是處 一无是处 T - 37 yī wú shì chù f /not one good point/everything about it is wrong/ 一片 - 6931 yī piàn f /piece/slice/ 一物降一物 - 0 yī wù xiáng yī wù f /lit. one object bests another object/every item has a weakness (idiom)/there is a rock to every scissor, a scissor to every paper, and a paper to every rock/ 一犯再犯 - 0 yī fàn zài fàn f /to keep doing (the wrong thing)/ 一琴一鶴 一琴一鹤 T - 3 yī qín yī hè f /carrying very little luggage (idiom)/honest and incorruptible (government officials)/ 一琴一鹤 一琴一鶴 S - 3 yī qín yī hè f /carrying very little luggage (idiom)/honest and incorruptible (government officials)/ 一生 - 3488 yī shēng f /all one's life/throughout one's life/ 一生一世 - 149 yī shēng yī shì f /a whole lifetime (idiom); all my life/ 一甲 - 0 yī jiǎ f /1st rank or top three candidates who passed the imperial examination (i.e. 狀元|状元[zhuang4 yuan2], 榜眼[bang3 yan3], and 探花[tan4 hua1], respectively)/ 一甲子 - 3 yī jiǎ zǐ f /sixty years/ 一病不起 - 42 yī bìng bù qǐ f /to fall gravely ill, never to recover (idiom)/ 一瘸一拐 - 3 yī qué yī guǎi f /to limp/to hobble/ 一發不可收拾 一发不可收拾 T - 0 yī fā bù kě shōu shi f /things that have happened can hardly be controlled/to get out of hand/ 一百一 - 0 yī bǎi yī f /faultless/impeccable/ 一盘散沙 一盤散沙 S - 52 yī pán sǎn shā f /lit. like a sheet of loose sand/fig. unable to cooperate (idiom)/ 一盤散沙 一盘散沙 T - 52 yī pán sǎn shā f /lit. like a sheet of loose sand/fig. unable to cooperate (idiom)/ 一目了然 4560 165 yī mù liǎo rán f /obvious at a glance (idiom)/ 一目了然 一目瞭然 S 4560 165 yī mù liǎo rán f /obvious at a glance (idiom)/ 一目十行 - 10 yī mù shí háng f /ten lines at a glance (idiom)/to read very rapidly/ 一目瞭然 一目了然 T 4560 165 yī mù liǎo rán f /obvious at a glance (idiom)/ 一直 327 18596 yī zhí f /straight (in a straight line)/continuously/always/from the beginning of ... up to .../all along/ 一直以來 一直以来 T - 0 yī zhí yǐ lái f /in the past always/for a long time now/until now/ 一直以来 一直以來 S - 0 yī zhí yǐ lái f /in the past always/for a long time now/until now/ 一直往前 - 0 yī zhí wǎng qián f /straight ahead/ 一相情愿 一相情願 S - 8 yī xiāng qíng yuàn f /one's own wishful thinking/ 一相情願 一相情愿 T - 8 yī xiāng qíng yuàn f /one's own wishful thinking/ 一眨眼 - 3 yī zhǎ yǎn f /in a wink/ 一眼 - 5692 yī yǎn f /a glance/a quick look/a glimpse/ 一眼望去 - 0 yī yǎn wàng qù f /as far as the eye can see/ 一眼看穿 - 3 yī yǎn kàn chuān f /to see through something at first glance (idiom)/ 一着不慎,满盘皆输 一著不慎,滿盤皆輸 S - 0 yī zhāo bù shèn , mǎn pán jiē shū f /One careless move and the whole game is lost. (idiom)/ 一睹 - 61 yī dǔ f /to look/to have a glimpse at/to observe (sth's splendor)/ 一瞥 - 416 yī piē f /glance/glimpse/ 一瞬 - 232 yī shùn f /one instant/very short time/the twinkle of an eye/ 一瞬間 一瞬间 T - 219 yī shùn jiān f /split second/ 一瞬间 一瞬間 S - 219 yī shùn jiān f /split second/ 一矢中的 - 0 yī shǐ zhòng dì f /to hit the target with a single shot/to say something spot on (idiom)/ 一知半解 - 57 yī zhī bàn jiě f /lit. to know one and understand half (idiom); a smattering of knowledge/dilettante/amateur/ 一石二鳥 一石二鸟 T - 23 yī shí èr niǎo f /to kill two birds with one stone (idiom)/ 一石二鸟 一石二鳥 S - 23 yī shí èr niǎo f /to kill two birds with one stone (idiom)/ 一神教 - 11 yī shén jiào f /monotheism (belief in a single God)/ 一神論 一神论 T - 3 yī shén lùn f /monotheism/unitarianism (denying the Trinity)/ 一神论 一神論 S - 3 yī shén lùn f /monotheism/unitarianism (denying the Trinity)/ 一秉虔誠 一秉虔诚 T - 3 yī bǐng qián chéng f /earnestly and sincerely (idiom); devoutly/ 一秉虔诚 一秉虔誠 S - 3 yī bǐng qián chéng f /earnestly and sincerely (idiom); devoutly/ 一种 一種 S - 31355 yī zhǒng f /one kind of/one type of/ 一秘 - 0 yī mì f /first secretary/ 一種 一种 T - 31355 yī zhǒng f /one kind of/one type of/ 一穷二白 一窮二白 S - 22 yī qióng èr bái f /impoverished/backward both economically and culturally/ 一空 - 0 yī kōng f /leaving none left/(sold etc) out/ 一窍不通 一竅不通 S - 128 yī qiào bù tōng f /lit. doesn't (even) enter a single aperture (of one's head)/I don't understand a word (idiom)/it's all Greek to me/ 一窝蜂 一窩蜂 S - 114 yī wō fēng f /like a swarm of bees/everyone swarms around pushing and shouting/a hornet's nest/ 一窩蜂 一窝蜂 T - 114 yī wō fēng f /like a swarm of bees/everyone swarms around pushing and shouting/a hornet's nest/ 一窮二白 一穷二白 T - 22 yī qióng èr bái f /impoverished/backward both economically and culturally/ 一竅不通 一窍不通 T - 128 yī qiào bù tōng f /lit. doesn't (even) enter a single aperture (of one's head)/I don't understand a word (idiom)/it's all Greek to me/ 一笑了之 - 20 yī xiào liǎo zhī f /to laugh away (instead of taking seriously)/ 一笑置之 - 30 yī xiào zhì zhī f /to dismiss with a laugh/to make light of/ 一笔不苟 一筆不苟 S - 6 yī bǐ bù gǒu f /lit. not even one stroke is negligent (idiom)/fig. to write characters (calligraphy) in which every stroke is placed perfectly/ 一笔勾销 一筆勾銷 S - 83 yī bǐ gōu xiāo f /to write off at one stroke/ 一笔抹杀 一筆抹殺 S - 3 yī bǐ mǒ shā f /to blot out at one stroke/to reject out of hand/to deny without a hearing/ 一笔抹煞 一筆抹煞 S - 7 yī bǐ mǒ shā f /variant of 一筆抹殺|一笔抹杀[yi1 bi3 mo3 sha1]/ 一筆不苟 一笔不苟 T - 6 yī bǐ bù gǒu f /lit. not even one stroke is negligent (idiom)/fig. to write characters (calligraphy) in which every stroke is placed perfectly/ 一筆勾銷 一笔勾销 T - 83 yī bǐ gōu xiāo f /to write off at one stroke/ 一筆抹殺 一笔抹杀 T - 3 yī bǐ mǒ shā f /to blot out at one stroke/to reject out of hand/to deny without a hearing/ 一筆抹煞 一笔抹煞 T - 7 yī bǐ mǒ shā f /variant of 一筆抹殺|一笔抹杀[yi1 bi3 mo3 sha1]/ 一等 - 777 yī děng f /first class/grade A/ 一等奖 一等獎 S - 443 yī děng jiǎng f /first prize/ 一等獎 一等奖 T - 443 yī děng jiǎng f /first prize/ 一筹莫展 一籌莫展 S - 117 yī chóu mò zhǎn f /to be unable to find a solution/to be at wits' end/ 一箩筐 一籮筐 S - 3 yī luó kuāng f /bucketloads of/in large quantities/extremely/ 一箭之仇 - 24 yī jiàn zhī chóu f /a wrong suffered (idiom)/old grievance/previous defeat/ 一箭双雕 一箭雙鵰 S - 43 yī jiàn shuāng diāo f /lit. one arrow, two golden eagles (idiom)/to kill two birds with one stone/ 一箭雙鵰 一箭双雕 T - 43 yī jiàn shuāng diāo f /lit. one arrow, two golden eagles (idiom)/to kill two birds with one stone/ 一節詩 一节诗 T - 0 yī jié shī f /stanza/ 一籌莫展 一筹莫展 T - 117 yī chóu mò zhǎn f /to be unable to find a solution/to be at wits' end/ 一籮筐 一箩筐 T - 3 yī luó kuāng f /bucketloads of/in large quantities/extremely/ 一类 一類 S - 2906 yī lèi f /same type/category 1 (i.e. class A)/ 一类保护动物 一類保護動物 S - 0 yī lèi bǎo hù dòng wù f /class A protected animal/ 一粒老鼠屎坏了一锅粥 一粒老鼠屎壞了一鍋粥 S - 0 yī lì lǎo shǔ shǐ huài le yī guō zhōu f /lit. a piece of rat feces spoiled the whole pot of congee (idiom)/fig. one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch/ 一粒老鼠屎壞了一鍋粥 一粒老鼠屎坏了一锅粥 T - 0 yī lì lǎo shǔ shǐ huài le yī guō zhōu f /lit. a piece of rat feces spoiled the whole pot of congee (idiom)/fig. one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch/ 一系列 - 4786 yī xì liè f /a series of/a string of/ 一紙空文 一纸空文 T - 29 yī zhǐ kōng wén f /a worthless piece of paper (idiom)/ 一級 一级 T - 6006 yī jí f /first class/category A/ 一級士官 一级士官 T - 0 yī jí shì guān f /corporal (army)/ 一級方程式 一级方程式 T - 0 Yī jí Fāng chéng shì f /Formula One/ 一級棒 一级棒 T - 0 yī jí bàng f /first-rate/excellent (loanword from Japanese 一番, ichiban)/ 一級頭 一级头 T - 0 yī jí tóu f /first stage (diving)/ 一統 一统 T - 208 yī tǒng f /to unify/unified/ 一絲一毫 一丝一毫 T - 67 yī sī yī háo f /one thread, one hair (idiom); a tiny bit/an iota/ 一絲不掛 一丝不挂 T - 60 yī sī bù guà f /not wearing one thread (idiom); absolutely naked/without a stitch of clothing/in one's birthday suit/ 一絲不苟 一丝不苟 T 4552 112 yī sī bù gǒu f /not one thread loose (idiom); strictly according to the rules/meticulous/not one hair out of place/ 一維 一维 T - 55 yī wéi f /one-dimensional (math.)/ 一網打盡 一网打尽 T - 103 yī wǎng dǎ jìn f /to catch everything in one net (idiom); to eliminate at one stroke/to solve the problem at one fell swoop/ 一線 一线 T - 1398 yī xiàn f /front line/ 一線之間 一线之间 T - 0 yī xiàn zhī jiān f /a hair's breadth apart/a fine line/a fine distinction/ 一線之隔 一线之隔 T - 0 yī xiàn zhī gé f /a fine line/a fine distinction/ 一線希望 一线希望 T - 3 yī xiàn xī wàng f /a gleam of hope/ 一線微光 一线微光 T - 0 yī xiàn wēi guāng f /gleam/ 一總 一总 T - 0 yī zǒng f /altogether/in all/ 一级 一級 S - 6006 yī jí f /first class/category A/ 一级士官 一級士官 S - 0 yī jí shì guān f /corporal (army)/ 一级头 一級頭 S - 0 yī jí tóu f /first stage (diving)/ 一级方程式 一級方程式 S - 0 Yī jí Fāng chéng shì f /Formula One/ 一级棒 一級棒 S - 0 yī jí bàng f /first-rate/excellent (loanword from Japanese 一番, ichiban)/ 一纸空文 一紙空文 S - 29 yī zhǐ kōng wén f /a worthless piece of paper (idiom)/ 一线 一線 S - 1398 yī xiàn f /front line/ 一线之间 一線之間 S - 0 yī xiàn zhī jiān f /a hair's breadth apart/a fine line/a fine distinction/ 一线之隔 一線之隔 S - 0 yī xiàn zhī gé f /a fine line/a fine distinction/ 一线希望 一線希望 S - 3 yī xiàn xī wàng f /a gleam of hope/ 一线微光 一線微光 S - 0 yī xiàn wēi guāng f /gleam/ 一统 一統 S - 208 yī tǒng f /to unify/unified/ 一维 一維 S - 55 yī wéi f /one-dimensional (math.)/ 一网打尽 一網打盡 S - 103 yī wǎng dǎ jìn f /to catch everything in one net (idiom); to eliminate at one stroke/to solve the problem at one fell swoop/ 一而再,再而三 - 0 yī ér zài , zài ér sān f /again and again/ 一聲 一声 T - 16017 yī shēng f /first tone in Mandarin (high level tone)/ 一聲不吭 一声不吭 T - 215 yī shēng bù kēng f /to not say a word/ 一聲不響 一声不响 T - 181 yī shēng bù xiǎng f /to keep totally silent/noiselessly/ 一肚子 - 235 yī dù zi f /bellyful (of sth)/full of (sth)/ 一肚皮 - 0 yī dù pí f /bellyful (of sth)/full of (sth)/ 一股子 - 0 yī gǔ zi f /a whiff of/a taint of/a thread of/ 一股脑 一股腦 S - 31 yī gǔ nǎo f /all of it/lock, stock and barrel/ 一股脑儿 一股腦兒 S - 34 yī gǔ nǎo r f /erhua variant of 一股腦|一股脑[yi1 gu3 nao3]/ 一股腦 一股脑 T - 31 yī gǔ nǎo f /all of it/lock, stock and barrel/ 一股腦兒 一股脑儿 T - 34 yī gǔ nǎo r f /erhua variant of 一股腦|一股脑[yi1 gu3 nao3]/ 一胎制 - 0 yī tāi zhì f /the one-child policy/ 一胎化 - 2 yī tāi huà f /practice of allowing only one child per family/ 一脈相承 一脉相承 T - 56 yī mài xiāng chéng f /traceable to the same stock (idiom); of a common origin (of trends, ideas etc)/ 一脉相承 一脈相承 S - 56 yī mài xiāng chéng f /traceable to the same stock (idiom); of a common origin (of trends, ideas etc)/ 一脸茫然 一臉茫然 S - 3 yī liǎn máng rán f /puzzled/bewildered/ 一腔 - 122 yī qiāng f /full of (zeal, anger etc)/ 一臂之力 - 120 yī bì zhī lì f /(lend) a helping hand/ 一臉茫然 一脸茫然 T - 3 yī liǎn máng rán f /puzzled/bewildered/ 一致 1579 5406 yī zhì f /unanimous/identical (views or opinions)/ 一致字 - 0 yī zhì zì f /consistent phonogram(s)/ 一致性 - 140 yī zhì xìng f /consistency/ 一致性效应 一致性效應 S - 0 yī zhì xìng xiào yìng f /consistency effect/ 一致性效應 一致性效应 T - 0 yī zhì xìng xiào yìng f /consistency effect/ 一致資源定址器 一致资源定址器 T - 0 yī zhì zī yuán dìng zhǐ qì f /uniform resource locator (URL), i.e. web address/ 一致资源定址器 一致資源定址器 S - 0 yī zhì zī yuán dìng zhǐ qì f /uniform resource locator (URL), i.e. web address/ 一舉 一举 T - 848 yī jǔ f /a move/an action/in one move/at a stroke/in one go/ 一舉一動 一举一动 T - 190 yī jǔ yī dòng f /every movement/each and every move/ 一舉兩得 一举两得 T 4866 67 yī jǔ liǎng dé f /one move, two gains (idiom); two birds with one stone/ 一舉成功 一举成功 T - 0 yī jǔ chéng gōng f /success at one go/to succeed at the first attempt/ 一舉手一投足 一举手一投足 T - 0 yī jǔ shǒu yī tóu zú f /every little move/every single movement/ 一般 468 30311 yī bān f /same/ordinary/so-so/common/general/generally/in general/ 一般人 - 0 yī bān rén f /average person/ 一般來說 一般来说 T - 146 yī bān lái shuō f /generally speaking/ 一般來講 一般来讲 T - 85 yī bān lái jiǎng f /generally speaking/ 一般原则 一般原則 S - 0 yī bān yuán zé f /general principle/ 一般原則 一般原则 T - 0 yī bān yuán zé f /general principle/ 一般性 - 86 yī bān xìng f /general/in general terms/generalized/ 一般来讲 一般來講 S - 85 yī bān lái jiǎng f /generally speaking/ 一般来说 一般來說 S - 146 yī bān lái shuō f /generally speaking/ 一般而言 - 37 yī bān ér yán f /generally speaking/ 一般見識 一般见识 T - 128 yī bān jiàn shi f /to lower oneself to sb's level/to argue with sb less well-informed/ 一般規定 一般规定 T - 0 yī bān guī dìng f /ordinary provision (law)/ 一般见识 一般見識 S - 128 yī bān jiàn shi f /to lower oneself to sb's level/to argue with sb less well-informed/ 一般规定 一般規定 S - 0 yī bān guī dìng f /ordinary provision (law)/ 一般說來 一般说来 T - 399 yī bān shuō lái f /generally speaking/in general/ 一般说来 一般說來 S - 399 yī bān shuō lái f /generally speaking/in general/ 一般貿易 一般贸易 T - 0 yī bān mào yì f /general trade (i.e. importing and export without processing)/ 一般贸易 一般貿易 S - 0 yī bān mào yì f /general trade (i.e. importing and export without processing)/ 一节诗 一節詩 S - 0 yī jié shī f /stanza/ 一落千丈 - 51 yī luò qiān zhàng f /lit. to drop a thousand zhang in one fall (idiom)/fig. (of business, popularity etc) to suffer a sudden, devastating decline/to take a dive/ 一葉知秋 一叶知秋 T - 4 yī yè zhī qiū f /lit. the falling of one leaf heralds the coming of autumn (idiom)/fig. a small sign can indicate a great trend/a straw in the wind/ 一葉障目 一叶障目 T - 10 yī yè zhàng mù f /lit. eyes obscured by a single leaf (idiom)/fig. not seing the wider picture/can't see the wood for the trees/ 一著不慎,滿盤皆輸 一着不慎,满盘皆输 T - 0 yī zhāo bù shèn , mǎn pán jiē shū f /One careless move and the whole game is lost. (idiom)/ 一號 一号 T - 802 yī hào f /first day of the month/toilet/(slang) giver (in a homosexual relationship)/ 一號木桿 一号木杆 T - 0 yī hào mù gān f /driver (golf)/ 一號電池 一号电池 T - 0 yī hào diàn chí f /D size battery/ 一行 - 1619 yī xíng f /party/delegation/ 一衣带水 一衣帶水 S - 28 yī yī dài shuǐ f /(separated only by) a narrow strip of water/ 一衣帶水 一衣带水 T - 28 yī yī dài shuǐ f /(separated only by) a narrow strip of water/ 一見傾心 一见倾心 T - 10 yī jiàn qīng xīn f /love at first sight/ 一見如故 一见如故 T - 67 yī jiàn rú gù f /familiarity at first sight/ 一見鐘情 一见钟情 T - 62 yī jiàn zhōng qíng f /love at first sight (idiom)/ 一見高低 一见高低 T - 0 yī jiàn gāo dī f /lit. to fight it out with sb to see who is best (idiom)/fig. to cross swords with/to lock horns/ 一視同仁 一视同仁 T - 125 yī shì tóng rén f /to treat everyone equally favorably (idiom); not to discriminate between people/ 一親芳澤 一亲芳泽 T - 3 yī qīn fāng zé f /to get close to/to get on intimate terms with/ 一覺醒來 一觉醒来 T - 0 yī jiào xǐng lái f /to wake up from a sleep/ 一覽 一览 T - 71 yī lǎn f /an overview/at a glance/ 一覽無遺 一览无遗 T - 8 yī lǎn wú yí f /be plainly visible/ 一覽無餘 一览无余 T - 45 yī lǎn wú yú f /to cover all at one glance (idiom)/a panoramic view/ 一见倾心 一見傾心 S - 10 yī jiàn qīng xīn f /love at first sight/ 一见如故 一見如故 S - 67 yī jiàn rú gù f /familiarity at first sight/ 一见钟情 一見鐘情 S - 62 yī jiàn zhōng qíng f /love at first sight (idiom)/ 一见高低 一見高低 S - 0 yī jiàn gāo dī f /lit. to fight it out with sb to see who is best (idiom)/fig. to cross swords with/to lock horns/ 一视同仁 一視同仁 S - 125 yī shì tóng rén f /to treat everyone equally favorably (idiom); not to discriminate between people/ 一览 一覽 S - 71 yī lǎn f /an overview/at a glance/ 一览无余 一覽無餘 S - 45 yī lǎn wú yú f /to cover all at one glance (idiom)/a panoramic view/ 一览无遗 一覽無遺 S - 8 yī lǎn wú yí f /be plainly visible/ 一觉醒来 一覺醒來 S - 0 yī jiào xǐng lái f /to wake up from a sleep/ 一角銀幣 一角银币 T - 0 yī jiǎo yín bì f /dime/ 一角银币 一角銀幣 S - 0 yī jiǎo yín bì f /dime/ 一触即发 一觸即發 S - 117 yī chù jí fā f /could happen at any moment/on the verge/ 一触即溃 一觸即潰 S - 30 yī chù jí kuì f /to collapse on the first encounter/to give way at once/ 一觸即潰 一触即溃 T - 30 yī chù jí kuì f /to collapse on the first encounter/to give way at once/ 一觸即發 一触即发 T - 117 yī chù jí fā f /could happen at any moment/on the verge/ 一言 - 3 yī yán f /one sentence/brief remark/ 一言一动 一言一動 S - 0 yī yán yī dòng f /(one's) every word and deed (idiom)/ 一言一動 一言一动 T - 0 yī yán yī dòng f /(one's) every word and deed (idiom)/ 一言一行 - 68 yī yán yī xíng f /every word and action (idiom)/ 一言不发 一言不發 S - 425 yī yán bù fā f /to not say a word (idiom)/ 一言不發 一言不发 T - 425 yī yán bù fā f /to not say a word (idiom)/ 一言为定 一言為定 S - 63 yī yán wéi dìng f /one word and it's settled (idiom); It's a deal!/That's settled then./ 一言为重 一言為重 S - 0 yī yán wéi zhòng f /each word carries weight/a promise must be kept (idiom)/ 一言九鼎 - 34 yī yán jiǔ dǐng f /one word worth nine sacred tripods (idiom); words of enormous weight/ 一言以蔽之 - 17 yī yán yǐ bì zhī f /one word says it all (idiom, from Analects); to cut a long story short/in a nutshell/ 一言千金 - 3 yī yán qiān jīn f /one word worth a thousand in gold (idiom); valuable advice/words of enormous weight/ 一言抄百总 一言抄百總 S - 0 yī yán chāo bǎi zǒng f /to cut a long story short/ 一言抄百總 一言抄百总 T - 0 yī yán chāo bǎi zǒng f /to cut a long story short/ 一言既出,駟馬難追 一言既出,驷马难追 T - 0 yī yán jì chū , sì mǎ nán zhuī f /lit. once said, a team of horses cannot unsay it (idiom); a promise must be kept/ 一言既出,驷马难追 一言既出,駟馬難追 S - 0 yī yán jì chū , sì mǎ nán zhuī f /lit. once said, a team of horses cannot unsay it (idiom); a promise must be kept/ 一言為定 一言为定 T - 63 yī yán wéi dìng f /one word and it's settled (idiom); It's a deal!/That's settled then./ 一言為重 一言为重 T - 0 yī yán wéi zhòng f /each word carries weight/a promise must be kept (idiom)/ 一言难尽 一言難盡 S - 56 yī yán nán jìn f /hard to explain in a few words (idiom); complicated and not easy to express succinctly/ 一言難盡 一言难尽 T - 56 yī yán nán jìn f /hard to explain in a few words (idiom); complicated and not easy to express succinctly/ 一語不發 一语不发 T - 3 yī yǔ bù fā f /to not say a word (idiom)/ 一語中的 一语中的 T - 17 yī yǔ zhòng dì f /to hit the mark with a comment (idiom)/to say sth spot on/ 一語破的 一语破的 T - 5 yī yǔ pò dì f /see 一語中的|一语中的[yi1 yu3 zhong4 di4]/ 一語道破 一语道破 T - 38 yī yǔ dào pò f /one word says it all (idiom)/to hit the nail on the head/to be pithy and correct/ 一語雙關 一语双关 T - 5 yī yǔ shuāng guān f /to make a pun/to have a double meaning/double entendre/ 一說 一说 T - 0 yī shuō f /(way of) saying (sth)/statement/argument/theory/according to one theory, interpretation etc/ 一諾千金 一诺千金 T - 15 yī nuò qiān jīn f /a promise worth one thousand in gold (idiom); a promise that must be kept/ 一语不发 一語不發 S - 3 yī yǔ bù fā f /to not say a word (idiom)/ 一语中的 一語中的 S - 17 yī yǔ zhòng dì f /to hit the mark with a comment (idiom)/to say sth spot on/ 一语双关 一語雙關 S - 5 yī yǔ shuāng guān f /to make a pun/to have a double meaning/double entendre/ 一语破的 一語破的 S - 5 yī yǔ pò dì f /see 一語中的|一语中的[yi1 yu3 zhong4 di4]/ 一语道破 一語道破 S - 38 yī yǔ dào pò f /one word says it all (idiom)/to hit the nail on the head/to be pithy and correct/ 一说 一說 S - 0 yī shuō f /(way of) saying (sth)/statement/argument/theory/according to one theory, interpretation etc/ 一诺千金 一諾千金 S - 15 yī nuò qiān jīn f /a promise worth one thousand in gold (idiom); a promise that must be kept/ 一貧如洗 一贫如洗 T - 31 yī pín rú xǐ f /penniless/ 一貫 一贯 T 3643 1030 yī guàn f /consistent/constant/from start to finish/all along/persistent/ 一败涂地 一敗塗地 S - 177 yī bài tú dì f /failed and wiped over the floor (idiom); to fail utterly/a crushing defeat/beaten and in a hopeless position/ 一贫如洗 一貧如洗 S - 31 yī pín rú xǐ f /penniless/ 一贯 一貫 S 3643 1030 yī guàn f /consistent/constant/from start to finish/all along/persistent/ 一走了之 - 78 yī zǒu liǎo zhī f /to avoid a problem by walking away from it/to quit/ 一起 190 15976 yī qǐ f /in the same place/together/with/altogether (in total)/ 一跃而起 一躍而起 S - 197 yī yuè ér qǐ f /to jump up suddenly/to bound up/to rise up in one bound/ 一路 - 2921 yī lù f /the whole journey/all the way/going the same way/going in the same direction/of the same kind/ 一路來 一路来 T - 0 yī lù lái f /all the way/all along/since the start/ 一路发 一路發 S - 3 yī lù fā f /fortune street (idiom)/ 一路平安 - 31 yī lù píng ān f /to have a pleasant journey/Bon voyage!/ 一路来 一路來 S - 0 yī lù lái f /all the way/all along/since the start/ 一路發 一路发 T - 3 yī lù fā f /fortune street (idiom)/ 一路順風 一路顺风 T - 21 yī lù shùn fēng f /to have a pleasant journey (idiom)/ 一路顺风 一路順風 S - 21 yī lù shùn fēng f /to have a pleasant journey (idiom)/ 一路風塵 一路风尘 T - 5 yī lù fēng chén f /to live an exhausting journey/ 一路风尘 一路風塵 S - 5 yī lù fēng chén f /to live an exhausting journey/ 一蹴即至 - 0 yī cù jí zhì f /to get there in one step (idiom); easily done/success at a stroke/to get results overnight/ 一蹴可几 一蹴可幾 S - 3 yī cù kě jǐ f /to succeed at the first try (idiom)/easy as pie/one can do it at once/ 一蹴可幾 一蹴可几 T - 3 yī cù kě jǐ f /to succeed at the first try (idiom)/easy as pie/one can do it at once/ 一蹴而就 - 69 yī cù ér jiù f /to get there in one step (idiom); easily done/success at a stroke/to get results overnight/ 一蹴而得 - 3 yī cù ér dé f /to get there in one step (idiom); easily done/success at a stroke/to get results overnight/ 一蹶不振 - 87 yī jué bù zhèn f /one stumble, unable to rise (idiom); a setback leading to total collapse/ruined at a stroke/unable to recover after a minor hitch/ 一躍而起 一跃而起 T - 197 yī yuè ér qǐ f /to jump up suddenly/to bound up/to rise up in one bound/ 一身 - 2291 yī shēn f /whole body/from head to toe/single person/a suit of clothes/ 一身两役 一身兩役 S - 3 yī shēn liǎng yì f /one person taking on two tasks simultaneously/ 一身兩役 一身两役 T - 3 yī shēn liǎng yì f /one person taking on two tasks simultaneously/ 一身是胆 一身是膽 S - 3 yī shēn shì dǎn f /devoid of fear (idiom)/intrepid/ 一身是膽 一身是胆 T - 3 yī shēn shì dǎn f /devoid of fear (idiom)/intrepid/ 一身汗 - 0 yī shēn hàn f /sweating all over/ 一較高下 一较高下 T - 3 yī jiào gāo xià f /to compete against/to measure oneself against/to go head to head (see who is best)/ 一輩子 一辈子 T 1512 1821 yī bèi zi f /(for) a lifetime/ 一輪 一轮 T - 965 yī lún f /first round or stage (of a match, election, talks, planned policy etc)/ 一轉眼 一转眼 T - 73 yī zhuǎn yǎn f /in a wink/ 一转眼 一轉眼 S - 73 yī zhuǎn yǎn f /in a wink/ 一轮 一輪 S - 965 yī lún f /first round or stage (of a match, election, talks, planned policy etc)/ 一较高下 一較高下 S - 3 yī jiào gāo xià f /to compete against/to measure oneself against/to go head to head (see who is best)/ 一辈子 一輩子 S 1512 1821 yī bèi zi f /(for) a lifetime/ 一辞莫赞 一辭莫贊 S - 3 yī cí mò zàn f /left speechless by sth perfect (idiom)/ 一辭莫贊 一辞莫赞 T - 3 yī cí mò zàn f /left speechless by sth perfect (idiom)/ 一边 一邊 S 466 7114 yī biān f /one side/either side/on the one hand/on the other hand/doing while/ 一边倒 一邊倒 S - 80 yī biān dǎo f /to have the advantage overwhelmingly on one side/to support unconditionally/ 一过性 一過性 S - 0 yī guò xìng f /transient/ 一连 一連 S - 569 yī lián f /in a row/in succession/running/ 一连串 一連串 S - 347 yī lián chuàn f /a chain of (events, errors, jobs, problems, successes etc)/a succession of (disasters)/a series/a row (of stores)/ 一退六二五 - 0 yī tuì liù èr wǔ f /lit. 1 divided by 16 is 0.0625 (abacus rule)/fig. to deny responsibility/to pass the buck/also written 一推六二五[yi1 tui4 liu4 er4 wu3]/ 一递一个 一遞一個 S - 0 yī dì yī gè f /one after another/ 一递一声 一遞一聲 S - 0 yī dì yī shēng f /(of singers etc) one answering the other/ 一通百通 - 6 yī tōng bǎi tōng f /grasp this fundamental point and all the rest will follow (idiom)/ 一逞兽欲 一逞獸欲 S - 3 yī chěng shòu yù f /to give way to one's beastly lust/ 一逞獸欲 一逞兽欲 T - 3 yī chěng shòu yù f /to give way to one's beastly lust/ 一連 一连 T - 569 yī lián f /in a row/in succession/running/ 一連串 一连串 T - 347 yī lián chuàn f /a chain of (events, errors, jobs, problems, successes etc)/a succession of (disasters)/a series/a row (of stores)/ 一遍 - 2395 yī biàn f /one time (all the way through)/once through/ 一遍又一遍 - 0 yī biàn yòu yī biàn f /over and over/ 一過性 一过性 T - 0 yī guò xìng f /transient/ 一道 - 3879 yī dào f /together/ 一遞一個 一递一个 T - 0 yī dì yī gè f /one after another/ 一遞一聲 一递一声 T - 0 yī dì yī shēng f /(of singers etc) one answering the other/ 一邊 一边 T 466 7114 yī biān f /one side/either side/on the one hand/on the other hand/doing while/ 一邊倒 一边倒 T - 80 yī biān dǎo f /to have the advantage overwhelmingly on one side/to support unconditionally/ 一部二十四史,不知从何说起 一部二十四史,不知從何說起 S - 0 yī bù èr shí sì shǐ , bù zhī cóng hé shuō qǐ f /It's a long and intricate story, I hardly know where to start./ 一部二十四史,不知從何說起 一部二十四史,不知从何说起 T - 0 yī bù èr shí sì shǐ , bù zhī cóng hé shuō qǐ f /It's a long and intricate story, I hardly know where to start./ 一部分 - 4998 yī bù fèn f /portion/part of/subset/ 一醉方休 - 8 yī zuì fāng xiū f /to get thoroughly drunk (idiom)/to get plastered/ 一針見血 一针见血 T - 71 yī zhēn jiàn xiě f /lit. to draw blood on the first prick (idiom)/fig. to hit the nail on the head/ 一錘子買賣 一锤子买卖 T - 8 yī chuí zi mǎi mài f /lit. fly-by-night one-off business deal/fig. to act recklessly, throwing all caution to the wind/ 一錘定音 一锤定音 T - 46 yī chuí dìng yīn f /lit. to fix the tone with a single hammer blow/fig. to make the final decision/ 一錢不值 一钱不值 T - 46 yī qián bù zhí f /not worth a penny/utterly worthless/ 一錢如命 一钱如命 T - 3 yī qián rú mìng f /stingy/penny-pinching/ 一錯再錯 一错再错 T - 3 yī cuò zài cuò f /to repeat errors/to continue blundering/to make continuous mistakes/ 一鍋端 一锅端 T - 11 yī guō duān f /see 連鍋端|连锅端 [lian2 guo1 duan1]/ 一鍋粥 一锅粥 T - 47 yī guō zhōu f /(lit.) a pot of porridge/(fig.) a complete mess/ 一针见血 一針見血 S - 71 yī zhēn jiàn xiě f /lit. to draw blood on the first prick (idiom)/fig. to hit the nail on the head/ 一钱不值 一錢不值 S - 46 yī qián bù zhí f /not worth a penny/utterly worthless/ 一钱如命 一錢如命 S - 3 yī qián rú mìng f /stingy/penny-pinching/ 一锅端 一鍋端 S - 11 yī guō duān f /see 連鍋端|连锅端 [lian2 guo1 duan1]/ 一锅粥 一鍋粥 S - 47 yī guō zhōu f /(lit.) a pot of porridge/(fig.) a complete mess/ 一错再错 一錯再錯 S - 3 yī cuò zài cuò f /to repeat errors/to continue blundering/to make continuous mistakes/ 一锤子买卖 一錘子買賣 S - 8 yī chuí zi mǎi mài f /lit. fly-by-night one-off business deal/fig. to act recklessly, throwing all caution to the wind/ 一锤定音 一錘定音 S - 46 yī chuí dìng yīn f /lit. to fix the tone with a single hammer blow/fig. to make the final decision/ 一門心思 一门心思 T - 97 yī mén xīn si f /to set one's heart on sth (idiom)/ 一閃念 一闪念 T - 0 yī shǎn niàn f /sudden idea/flash of insight/ 一閃而過 一闪而过 T - 50 yī shǎn ér guò f /to flash past/to flit by/ 一门心思 一門心思 S - 97 yī mén xīn si f /to set one's heart on sth (idiom)/ 一闪念 一閃念 S - 0 yī shǎn niàn f /sudden idea/flash of insight/ 一闪而过 一閃而過 S - 50 yī shǎn ér guò f /to flash past/to flit by/ 一问三不知 一問三不知 S - 29 yī wèn sān bù zhī f /lit. to reply "don't know" whatever the question (idiom)/fig. absolutely no idea of what's going on/complete ignorance/ 一阵 一陣 S - 7671 yī zhèn f /a burst/a fit/a peal/a spell (period of time)/ 一阵子 一陣子 S - 437 yī zhèn zi f /a while/a spell/a short time/a burst/ 一陣 一阵 T - 7671 yī zhèn f /a burst/a fit/a peal/a spell (period of time)/ 一陣子 一阵子 T - 437 yī zhèn zi f /a while/a spell/a short time/a burst/ 一雨成秋 - 3 yī yǔ chéng qiū f /a sudden shower towards the end of summer brings an abrupt arrival of autumn (idiom)/ 一霎 - 56 yī shà f /in a flash/ 一霎时 一霎時 S - 44 yī shà shí f /in an instant/ 一霎時 一霎时 T - 44 yī shà shí f /in an instant/ 一霎眼 - 3 yī shà yǎn f /suddenly/in an instant/ 一霎間 一霎间 T - 3 yī shà jiān f /in a flash/ 一霎间 一霎間 S - 3 yī shà jiān f /in a flash/ 一靈真性 一灵真性 T - 0 yī líng zhēn xìng f /soul/spirit/ 一面 - 6773 yī miàn f /one side/one aspect/simultaneously... (and...)/one's whole face/ 一面之交 - 14 yī miàn zhī jiāo f /to have met once/casual acquaintance/ 一面之詞 一面之词 T - 26 yī miàn zhī cí f /one side of the story/one-sided statement/ 一面之词 一面之詞 S - 26 yī miàn zhī cí f /one side of the story/one-sided statement/ 一面倒 - 3 yī miàn dǎo f /to be entirely on one side/one-sided/lopsided/partisan/overwhelmingly on one side/ 一項一項地 一项一项地 T - 0 yī xiàng yī xiàng de f /one by one/ 一頭 一头 T - 1916 yī tóu f /one head/a head full of sth/one end (of a stick)/one side/headlong/directly/rapidly/simultaneously/ 一頭栽進 一头栽进 T - 0 yī tóu zāi jìn f /to plunge into/to run headlong into/ 一頭霧水 一头雾水 T - 3 yī tóu wù shuǐ f /to be confused/to be baffled/ 一顆老鼠屎壞了一鍋湯 一颗老鼠屎坏了一锅汤 T - 0 yī kē lǎo shǔ shǐ huài le yī guō tāng f /lit. a piece of rat feces spoiled the whole pot of soup (idiom)/fig. one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch/ 一顆老鼠屎壞了一鍋粥 一颗老鼠屎坏了一锅粥 T - 0 yī kē lǎo shǔ shǐ huài le yī guō zhōu f /see 一粒老鼠屎壞了一鍋粥|一粒老鼠屎坏了一锅粥[yi1 li4 lao3 shu3 shi3 huai4 le5 yi1 guo1 zhou1]/ 一類 一类 T - 2906 yī lèi f /same type/category 1 (i.e. class A)/ 一類保護動物 一类保护动物 T - 0 yī lèi bǎo hù dòng wù f /class A protected animal/ 一顰一笑 一颦一笑 T - 28 yī pín yī xiào f /every frown and every smile/ 一项一项地 一項一項地 S - 0 yī xiàng yī xiàng de f /one by one/ 一颗老鼠屎坏了一锅汤 一顆老鼠屎壞了一鍋湯 S - 0 yī kē lǎo shǔ shǐ huài le yī guō tāng f /lit. a piece of rat feces spoiled the whole pot of soup (idiom)/fig. one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch/ 一颗老鼠屎坏了一锅粥 一顆老鼠屎壞了一鍋粥 S - 0 yī kē lǎo shǔ shǐ huài le yī guō zhōu f /see 一粒老鼠屎壞了一鍋粥|一粒老鼠屎坏了一锅粥[yi1 li4 lao3 shu3 shi3 huai4 le5 yi1 guo1 zhou1]/ 一颦一笑 一顰一笑 S - 28 yī pín yī xiào f /every frown and every smile/ 一飲而盡 一饮而尽 T - 3 yī yǐn ér jìn f /to drain the cup in one gulp (idiom)/ 一飽眼福 - 18 yī bǎo yǎn fú f /to feast one's eyes on (idiom)/ 一饮而尽 一飲而盡 S - 3 yī yǐn ér jìn f /to drain the cup in one gulp (idiom)/ 一馬平川 一马平川 T - 21 yī mǎ píng chuān f /flat land one could gallop straight across (idiom); wide expanse of flat country/ 一馬當先 一马当先 T - 65 yī mǎ dāng xiān f /to take the lead/ 一驚一乍 一惊一乍 T - 0 yī jīng yī zhà f /frightened/flustered/ 一马平川 一馬平川 S - 21 yī mǎ píng chuān f /flat land one could gallop straight across (idiom); wide expanse of flat country/ 一马当先 一馬當先 S - 65 yī mǎ dāng xiān f /to take the lead/ 一體 一体 T - 1526 yī tǐ f /an integral whole/all concerned/everybody/ 一體兩面 一体两面 T - 0 yī tǐ liǎng miàn f /lit. one body two sides (idiom)/fig. a situation with two sides to it/ 一體化 一体化 T - 1178 yī tǐ huà f /integration/incorporation/unification/ 一鬨而散 一哄而散 T - 51 yī hòng ér sàn f /see 一哄而散[yi1 hong1 er2 san4]/ 一鱗半爪 一鳞半爪 T - 14 yī lín bàn zhuǎ f /lit. one scale and half a claw (idiom); only odd bits and pieces/ 一鳞半爪 一鱗半爪 S - 14 yī lín bàn zhuǎ f /lit. one scale and half a claw (idiom); only odd bits and pieces/ 一鳴驚人 一鸣惊人 T - 33 yī míng jīng rén f /to amaze the world with a single brilliant feat (idiom); an overnight celebrity/ 一鸣惊人 一鳴驚人 S - 33 yī míng jīng rén f /to amaze the world with a single brilliant feat (idiom); an overnight celebrity/ 一黑早 - 0 yī hēi zǎo f /at dawn/early in the morning/ 一點 一点 T - 14165 yī diǎn f /a bit/a little/one dot/one point/ 一點一滴 一点一滴 T - 78 yī diǎn yī dī f /bit by bit/every little bit/ 一點一點 一点一点 T - 133 yī diǎn yī diǎn f /little by little/bit by bit/gradually/ 一點不 一点不 T - 0 yī diǎn bù f /not at all/ 一點兒 一点儿 T 139 1058 yī diǎn r f /erhua variant of 一點|一点[yi1 dian3]/ 一點就通 一点就通 T - 0 yī diǎn jiù tōng f /a hint is all that is needed/understanding each other without the need to explain/ 一點水一個泡 一点水一个泡 T - 0 yī diǎn shuǐ yī gè pào f /honest and trustworthy (idiom)/ 一點鄰域 一点邻域 T - 0 yī diǎn lín yù f /(math.) neighborhood of a point/ 一點點 一点点 T - 735 yī diǎn diǎn f /a little bit/ 一黨 一党 T - 0 yī dǎng f /one-party (state)/ 一黨專制 一党专制 T - 0 yī dǎng zhuān zhì f /one party dictatorship/ 一鼓作气 一鼓作氣 S - 88 yī gǔ zuò qì f /in a spurt of energy/ 一鼓作氣 一鼓作气 T - 88 yī gǔ zuò qì f /in a spurt of energy/ 一鼻孔出气 一鼻孔出氣 S - 11 yī bí kǒng chū qì f /lit. to breathe through the same nostril (idiom); fig. two people say exactly the same thing (usually derog.)/to sing from the same hymn sheet/ 一鼻孔出氣 一鼻孔出气 T - 11 yī bí kǒng chū qì f /lit. to breathe through the same nostril (idiom); fig. two people say exactly the same thing (usually derog.)/to sing from the same hymn sheet/ 一齊 一齐 T - 2769 yī qí f /at the same time/simultaneously/ 一齐 一齊 S - 2769 yī qí f /at the same time/simultaneously/ 丁 2874 3607 Dīng f /surname Ding/ 丁 2874 3607 dīng f /fourth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]/fourth in order/letter "D" or roman "IV" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/ancient Chinese compass point: 195°/butyl/cubes (of food)/ 丁丁 - 24 Dīng dīng t /Tintin, cartoon character/ 丁丁 - 24 zhēng zhēng f /sound of chopping wood, chess pieces hitting the board etc/ 丁丁炒面 丁丁炒麵 S - 0 dīng dīng chǎo miàn f /chopped fried noodles/ 丁丁炒麵 丁丁炒面 T - 0 dīng dīng chǎo miàn f /chopped fried noodles/ 丁丑 - 17 dīng chǒu f /fourteenth year D2 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1997 or 2057/ 丁二烯 - 46 dīng èr xī f /butadiene C4H6/biethylene/ 丁二醇 - 12 dīng èr chún f /butyl glycol/ 丁亥 - 5 dīng hài f /twenty fourth year D12 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 2007 or 2067/ 丁克 - 35 dīng kè f /Dual Income, No Kids (DINK) (loanword)/ 丁內酯 丁内酯 T - 0 dīng nèi zhǐ f /butyrolactone/ 丁内酯 丁內酯 S - 0 dīng nèi zhǐ f /butyrolactone/ 丁冬 - 21 dīng dōng f /(onom.) ding dong/jingling of bells/clanking sound/ 丁加奴 - 10 Dīng jiā nú f /Terengganu, northeast state of mainland Malaysia/ 丁卯 - 277 dīng mǎo f /fourth year D4 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1987 or 2047/ 丁卯战争 丁卯戰爭 S - 0 Dīng mǎo Zhàn zhēng f /first Manchu invasion of Korea (1627)/ 丁卯戰爭 丁卯战争 T - 0 Dīng mǎo Zhàn zhēng f /first Manchu invasion of Korea (1627)/ 丁卯胡乱 丁卯胡亂 S - 0 Dīng mǎo Hú luàn f /first Manchu invasion of Korea (1627)/ 丁卯胡亂 丁卯胡乱 T - 0 Dīng mǎo Hú luàn f /first Manchu invasion of Korea (1627)/ 丁型肝炎 - 0 dīng xíng gān yán f /hepatitis D/ 丁基 - 70 Dīng Jī f /Ding Ji (1917-1944), real name Li Baicen 李百岑, journalist based in Yanan, martyr of the revolution/ 丁基 - 70 dīng jī f /butyl group (chemistry)/ 丁字 - 27 dīng zì f /T-shaped/ 丁字尺 - 3 dīng zì chǐ f /T-square/set square (carpenter's tool)/ 丁字梁 - 0 dīng zì liáng f /T-girder/ 丁字步 - 0 dīng zì bù f /T-step (basic dance position, with the feet forming a T shape)/ 丁字街 - 3 dīng zì jiē f /T-junction/ 丁字裤 丁字褲 S - 3 dīng zì kù f /thong (underwear)/ 丁字褲 丁字裤 T - 3 dīng zì kù f /thong (underwear)/ 丁字鎬 丁字镐 T - 3 dīng zì gǎo f /hammer pick/ 丁字镐 丁字鎬 S - 3 dīng zì gǎo f /hammer pick/ 丁宁 丁寧 S - 19 dīng níng f /variant of 叮嚀|叮咛[ding1 ning2]/ 丁宠家庭 丁寵家庭 S - 0 dīng chǒng jiā tíng f /double income family who have pets rather than children (see also 丁克[ding1 ke4])/ 丁客 - 0 dīng kè f /see 丁克[ding1 ke4]/ 丁寧 丁宁 T - 19 dīng níng f /variant of 叮嚀|叮咛[ding1 ning2]/ 丁寵家庭 丁宠家庭 T - 0 dīng chǒng jiā tíng f /double income family who have pets rather than children (see also 丁克[ding1 ke4])/ 丁巳 - 7 dīng sì f /fifty fourth year D6 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1977 or 2037/ 丁忧 丁憂 S - 21 dīng yōu f /(literary) to be in mourning after the death of a parent/ 丁憂 丁忧 T - 21 dīng yōu f /(literary) to be in mourning after the death of a parent/ 丁未 - 7 dīng wèi f /forty fourth year D8 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1967 or 2027/ 丁汝昌 - 317 Dīng Rǔ chāng f /Ding Ruchang (1836-1895), commander of the Qing North China Navy/ 丁点 丁點 S - 28 dīng diǎn f /tiny bit/ 丁烯 - 29 dīng xī f /butene or butylene C4H8/ 丁烷 - 44 dīng wán f /butane/ 丁玲 - 66 Dīng Líng f /Ding Ling (1904-1986), female novelist, author of novel The Sun Shines over the Sanggan River 太陽照在桑乾河上|太阳照在桑干河上, attacked during the 1950s as anti-Party/ 丁磊 - 24 Dīng Lěi f /Ding Lei (1971-), founder and CEO of NetEase 網易|网易[Wang3 yi4]/ 丁糖 - 0 dīng táng f /tetrose (CH20)4, monosaccharide with four carbon atoms/ 丁肇中 - 44 Dīng Zhào zhōng f /Samuel C. C. Ting (1936-), American physicist, 1976 Nobel Prize laureate in physics/ 丁艰 丁艱 S - 3 dīng jiān f /(literary) to be in mourning after the death of a parent/ 丁艱 丁艰 T - 3 dīng jiān f /(literary) to be in mourning after the death of a parent/ 丁酉 - 14 dīng yǒu f /thirty fourth year D10 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1957 or 2017/ 丁醇 - 29 dīng chún f /butanol/butyl alcohol C4H9OH/ 丁醛 - 6 dīng quán f /butyraldehyde/butanal/ 丁零噹啷 丁零当啷 T - 3 dīng ling dāng lāng f /ding-a-ling/(onom.) for sound of bell/ 丁零当啷 丁零噹啷 S - 3 dīng ling dāng lāng f /ding-a-ling/(onom.) for sound of bell/ 丁青 - 3 Dīng qīng f /Dêngqên county, Tibetan: Steng chen rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区[Chang1 du1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 丁青县 丁青縣 S - 3 Dīng qīng xiàn f /Dêngqên county, Tibetan: Steng chen rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区[Chang1 du1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 丁青縣 丁青县 T - 3 Dīng qīng xiàn f /Dêngqên county, Tibetan: Steng chen rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区[Chang1 du1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 丁韙良 丁韪良 T - 7 Dīng Wěi liáng f /William A.P. Martin (1827-1916), American missionary who lived 62 years in China between 1850 and 1916, and helped found many Chinese colleges, first president of Peking University/ 丁韪良 丁韙良 S - 7 Dīng Wěi liáng f /William A.P. Martin (1827-1916), American missionary who lived 62 years in China between 1850 and 1916, and helped found many Chinese colleges, first president of Peking University/ 丁香 - 132 dīng xiāng f /lilac (Syringia vulgaris)/clove (Eugenia aromatica)/ 丁骨牛排 - 0 dīng gǔ niú pái f /T-bone steak/ 丁鯛 丁鲷 T - 0 dīng diāo f /tench/ 丁鱥 - 0 dīng guì f /tench (Tinca tinca)/ 丁鲷 丁鯛 S - 0 dīng diāo f /tench/ 丁點 丁点 T - 28 dīng diǎn f /tiny bit/ 丂 - 2 kǎo f /"breath" or "sigh" component in Chinese characters/ 七 129 7675 qī f /seven/7/ 七七事变 七七事變 S - 69 Qī Qī Shì biàn f /Marco Polo Bridge Incident of 7th July 1937, regarded as the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War 抗日戰爭|抗日战争[Kang4 Ri4 Zhan4 zheng1]/ 七七事變 七七事变 T - 69 Qī Qī Shì biàn f /Marco Polo Bridge Incident of 7th July 1937, regarded as the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War 抗日戰爭|抗日战争[Kang4 Ri4 Zhan4 zheng1]/ 七七八八 - 23 qī qī bā bā f /almost/nearing completion/bits and piece/of all kinds/ 七上八下 - 111 qī shàng bā xià f /at sixes and sevens/perturbed state of mind/in a mess/ 七上八落 - 8 qī shàng bā luò f /see 七上八下[qi1 shang4 ba1 xia4]/ 七事 - 0 qī shì f /the Seven Duties of a sovereign, namely: offering sacrifice 祭祀, giving audience 朝覲|朝觐, administering jointly 會同|会同, receiving guests 賓客|宾客, running army 軍旅|军旅, attending to farm work 田役, mourning ceremonial 喪荒|丧荒/ 七分之一 - 0 qī fēn zhī yī f /one seventh/ 七十 - 353 qī shí f /seventy/70/ 七十七国集团 七十七國集團 S - 13 Qī shí qī Guó Jí tuán f /Group of 77, loose alliance of developing countries, founded in 1964/ 七十七國集團 七十七国集团 T - 13 Qī shí qī Guó Jí tuán f /Group of 77, loose alliance of developing countries, founded in 1964/ 七十年代 - 14 qī shí nián dài f /the seventies/the 1970s/ 七台河 - 4 Qī tái hé f /see 七台河市[Qi1 tai2 he2 shi4]/ 七台河市 - 8 Qī tái hé shì f /Qitaihe prefecture level city, Heilongjiang province/ 七叶树 七葉樹 S - 10 qī yè shù f /Chinese horse chestnut (Aesculus chinensis)/ 七号电池 七號電池 S - 0 qī hào diàn chí f /AAA battery (PRC)/Taiwan equivalent: 四號電池|四号电池/ 七和弦 - 0 qī hé xián f /seventh (musical cord)/ 七喜 - 3 Qī xǐ f /7 Up (soft drink)/Hedy Holding Co., PRC computer manufacturer/ 七嘴八张 七嘴八張 S - 3 qī zuǐ bā zhāng f /see 七嘴八舌[qi1 zui3 ba1 she2]/ 七嘴八張 七嘴八张 T - 3 qī zuǐ bā zhāng f /see 七嘴八舌[qi1 zui3 ba1 she2]/ 七嘴八舌 - 114 qī zuǐ bā shé f /lively discussion with everybody talking at once/ 七国集团 七國集團 S - 4 Qī guó Jí tuán f /G7, the group of 7 industrialized countries: US, Japan, Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Canada (now G8, including Russia)/ 七國集團 七国集团 T - 4 Qī guó Jí tuán f /G7, the group of 7 industrialized countries: US, Japan, Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Canada (now G8, including Russia)/ 七堵 - 2 Qī dǔ f /Chitu district of Keelung City 基隆市[Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan/ 七堵区 七堵區 S - 0 Qī dǔ qū f /Chitu district of Keelung City 基隆市[Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan/ 七堵區 七堵区 T - 0 Qī dǔ qū f /Chitu district of Keelung City 基隆市[Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan/ 七声 七聲 S - 25 qī shēng f /tones of the musical scale/ 七声音阶 七聲音階 S - 0 qī shēng yīn jiē f /heptatonic scale/ 七夕 - 37 Qī xī f /double seven festival, evening of seventh of lunar seventh month/girls' festival/Chinese Valentine's day, when Cowherd and Weaving maid 牛郎織女|牛郎织女 are allowed their annual meeting/ 七夕節 七夕节 T - 3 Qī xī jié f /Qixi Festival or Double Seven Festival on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month/girls' festival/Chinese Valentine's day, when Cowherd and Weaving maid 牛郎織女|牛郎织女[niu2 lang3 zhi1 nu:3] are allowed their annual meeting/ 七夕节 七夕節 S - 3 Qī xī jié f /Qixi Festival or Double Seven Festival on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month/girls' festival/Chinese Valentine's day, when Cowherd and Weaving maid 牛郎織女|牛郎织女[niu2 lang3 zhi1 nu:3] are allowed their annual meeting/ 七大工业国集团 七大工業國集團 S - 0 qī dà gōng yè guó jí tuán f /G7, the group of 7 industrialized countries: US, Japan, Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Canada (now G8, including Russia)/ 七大工業國集團 七大工业国集团 T - 0 qī dà gōng yè guó jí tuán f /G7, the group of 7 industrialized countries: US, Japan, Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Canada (now G8, including Russia)/ 七姊妹星团 七姊妹星團 S - 0 Qī zǐ mèi xīng tuán f /Pleiades M45/ 七姊妹星團 七姊妹星团 T - 0 Qī zǐ mèi xīng tuán f /Pleiades M45/ 七孔 - 3 qī kǒng f /the seven apertures of the human head: 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils, 1 mouth/ 七层架构 七層架構 S - 0 qī céng jià gòu f /seven layer architecture (OSI)/ 七層架構 七层架构 T - 0 qī céng jià gòu f /seven layer architecture (OSI)/ 七巧板 - 11 qī qiǎo bǎn f /tangram (traditional Chinese block puzzle)/ 七带石斑鱼 七帶石斑魚 S - 0 qī dài shí bān yú f /Epinephelus septemfasciatus/ 七帶石斑魚 七带石斑鱼 T - 0 qī dài shí bān yú f /Epinephelus septemfasciatus/ 七年之痒 七年之癢 S - 3 qī nián zhī yǎng f /seven-year itch/ 七年之癢 七年之痒 T - 3 qī nián zhī yǎng f /seven-year itch/ 七弦琴 - 24 qī xián qín f /guqin or seven-stringed zither/ 七彩 - 58 qī cǎi f /seven colors/a variety of colors/multi-colored/rainbow-colored/ 七律 - 71 qī lǜ f /abbr. for 七言律詩|七言律诗, verse form consisting of 8 lines of 7 syllables, with rhyme on alternate lines/ 七情 - 46 qī qíng f /seven emotional states/seven affects of traditional Chinese medical theory and therapy, namely: joy 喜[xi3], anger 怒[nu4], anxiety 憂|忧[you1], thought 思[si1], grief 悲[bei1], fear 恐[kong3], fright 驚|惊[jing1]/seven relations/ 七扭八歪 - 3 qī niǔ bā wāi f /in a state of great disorder (idiom)/ 七拼八凑 七拼八湊 S - 3 qī pīn bā còu f /assembled at random/a motley collection/ 七拼八湊 七拼八凑 T - 3 qī pīn bā còu f /assembled at random/a motley collection/ 七政四余 七政四餘 S - 0 qī zhèng sì yú f /seven heavenly bodies and four imaginary stars (in astrology and fengshui)/ 七政四餘 七政四余 T - 0 qī zhèng sì yú f /seven heavenly bodies and four imaginary stars (in astrology and fengshui)/ 七方 - 0 qī fāng f /(Chinese medicine) the seven kinds of prescriptions 大方, 小方, 缓方, 急方, 奇方, 偶方 and 重方 or 复方/ 七日热 七日熱 S - 0 qī rì rè f /leptospirosis/ 七日熱 七日热 T - 0 qī rì rè f /leptospirosis/ 七旬老人 - 0 qī xún lǎo rén f /septuagenarian/ 七星 - 172 Qī xīng f /Qixing district of Guilin city 桂林市[Gui4 lin2 shi4], Guangxi/ 七星区 七星區 S - 3 Qī xīng qū f /Qixing district of Guilin city 桂林市[Gui4 lin2 shi4], Guangxi/ 七星區 七星区 T - 3 Qī xīng qū f /Qixing district of Guilin city 桂林市[Gui4 lin2 shi4], Guangxi/ 七星瓢虫 七星瓢蟲 S - 0 qī xīng piáo chóng f /seven-spotted ladybug (Coccinella septempunctata)/ 七星瓢蟲 七星瓢虫 T - 0 qī xīng piáo chóng f /seven-spotted ladybug (Coccinella septempunctata)/ 七曜 - 4 qī yào f /the seven planets of pre-modern astronomy (the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn)/ 七月 - 923 Qī yuè f /July/seventh month (of the lunar year)/ 七月份 - 3 qī yuè fèn f /July/ 七武士 - 0 Qī wǔ shì f /Seven Samurai (movie)/ 七河州 - 0 Qī hé zhōu f /Semirechye region of Kazakhstan, bordering Lake Balkash 巴爾喀什湖|巴尔喀什湖[Ba1 er3 ka1 shi2 Hu2]/ 七爷八爷 七爺八爺 S - 3 Qī yé Bā yé f /see 黑白無常|黑白无常[Hei1 Bai2 Wu2 chang2]/ 七爺八爺 七爷八爷 T - 3 Qī yé Bā yé f /see 黑白無常|黑白无常[Hei1 Bai2 Wu2 chang2]/ 七碳糖 - 0 qī tàn táng f /heptose (CH2O)7, monosaccharide with seven carbon atoms/ 七窍 七竅 S - 56 qī qiào f /the seven apertures of the human head: 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils, 1 mouth/ 七窍生烟 七竅生煙 S - 17 qī qiào shēng yān f /lit. spouting smoke through the seven orifices (idiom)/fig. to seethe with anger/ 七竅 七窍 T - 56 qī qiào f /the seven apertures of the human head: 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils, 1 mouth/ 七竅生煙 七窍生烟 T - 17 qī qiào shēng yān f /lit. spouting smoke through the seven orifices (idiom)/fig. to seethe with anger/ 七級浮屠 七级浮屠 T - 3 qī jí fú tú f /seven floor pagoda/ 七级浮屠 七級浮屠 S - 3 qī jí fú tú f /seven floor pagoda/ 七美 - 9 Qī měi f /Qimei or Chimei township in Penghu county 澎湖縣|澎湖县[Peng2 hu2 xian4] (Pescadores Islands), Taiwan/ 七美乡 七美鄉 S - 0 Qī měi xiāng f /Qimei or Chimei township in Penghu county 澎湖縣|澎湖县[Peng2 hu2 xian4] (Pescadores Islands), Taiwan/ 七美鄉 七美乡 T - 0 Qī měi xiāng f /Qimei or Chimei township in Penghu county 澎湖縣|澎湖县[Peng2 hu2 xian4] (Pescadores Islands), Taiwan/ 七老八十 - 10 qī lǎo bā shí f /in one's seventies (age)/very old (of people)/ 七聲 七声 T - 25 qī shēng f /tones of the musical scale/ 七聲音階 七声音阶 T - 0 qī shēng yīn jiē f /heptatonic scale/ 七股 - 3 Qī gǔ f /Chiku township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 七股乡 七股鄉 S - 0 Qī gǔ xiāng f /Chiku township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 七股鄉 七股乡 T - 0 Qī gǔ xiāng f /Chiku township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 七荤八素 七葷八素 S - 0 qī hūn bā sù f /confused/distracted/ 七葉樹 七叶树 T - 10 qī yè shù f /Chinese horse chestnut (Aesculus chinensis)/ 七葷八素 七荤八素 T - 0 qī hūn bā sù f /confused/distracted/ 七號電池 七号电池 T - 0 qī hào diàn chí f /AAA battery (PRC)/Taiwan equivalent: 四號電池|四号电池/ 七角形 - 0 qī jiǎo xíng f /heptagon/ 七言律詩 七言律诗 T - 3 qī yán lǜ shī f /verse form consisting of 8 lines of 7 syllables, with rhyme on alternate lines/abbr. to 七律/ 七言律诗 七言律詩 S - 3 qī yán lǜ shī f /verse form consisting of 8 lines of 7 syllables, with rhyme on alternate lines/abbr. to 七律/ 七边形 七邊形 S - 0 qī biān xíng f /heptagon/ 七邊形 七边形 T - 0 qī biān xíng f /heptagon/ 七里河 - 4 Qī lǐ hé f /Qilihe District of Lanzhou City 蘭州市|兰州市[Lan2 zhou1 Shi4], Gansu/ 七里河区 七里河區 S - 3 Qī lǐ hé Qū f /Qilihe District of Lanzhou City 蘭州市|兰州市[Lan2 zhou1 Shi4], Gansu/ 七里河區 七里河区 T - 3 Qī lǐ hé Qū f /Qilihe District of Lanzhou City 蘭州市|兰州市[Lan2 zhou1 Shi4], Gansu/ 七里香 - 3 qī lǐ xiāng f /orange jasmine (Murraya paniculata)/"chicken butt", popular Taiwan snack on a stick, made of marinated "white cut chicken" butt/ 七零八碎 - 3 qī líng bā suì f /bits and pieces/scattered fragments/ 七零八落 - 205 qī líng bā luò f /(idiom) everything broken and in disorder/ 七項全能 七项全能 T - 0 qī xiàng quán néng f /heptathlon/ 七项全能 七項全能 S - 0 qī xiàng quán néng f /heptathlon/ 七魄 - 0 qī pò f /seven mortal forms in Daoism, representing carnal life and desires/contrasted with 三魂 three immortal souls/ 七鰓鰻 七鳃鳗 T - 13 qī sāi mán f /lamprey (jawless proto-fish of family Petromyzontidae)/ 七鳃鳗 七鰓鰻 S - 13 qī sāi mán f /lamprey (jawless proto-fish of family Petromyzontidae)/ 七龍珠 七龙珠 T - 3 Qī lóng zhū f /Dragon Ball, Japanese manga and anime series/ 七龙珠 七龍珠 S - 3 Qī lóng zhū f /Dragon Ball, Japanese manga and anime series/ 丄 - 0 shàng f /old variant of 上[shang4]/ 丅 - 0 xià f /old variant of 下[xia4]/ 丆 - 2 xx f /one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "myeon"), an ancient Korean writing system/ 万 399 29391 Mò f /see 万俟[Mo4 qi2]/ 万 萬 S 399 29391 Wàn t /surname Wan/ 万 萬 S 399 29391 wàn t /ten thousand/a great number/ 万一 萬一 S 1627 1494 wàn yī f /just in case/if by any chance/contingency/ 万万 萬萬 S - 976 wàn wàn f /absolutely/wholly/ 万丈 萬丈 S - 123 wàn zhàng f /lit. ten thousand fathoms/fig. extremely high or deep/lofty/bottomless/ 万丈高楼平地起 萬丈高樓平地起 S - 3 wàn zhàng gāo lóu píng dì qǐ f /towering buildings are built up from the ground (idiom)/great oaks from little acorns grow/ 万不得已 萬不得已 S - 58 wàn bù dé yǐ f /only when absolutely essential (idiom); as a last resort/ 万世 萬世 S - 337 wàn shì f /all ages/ 万世师表 萬世師表 S - 4 wàn shì shī biǎo f /model teacher of every age (idiom)/eternal paragon/refers to Confucius (551-479 BC) 孔子[Kong3 zi3]/ 万丹 萬丹 S - 18 Wàn dān f /Wantan township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 万丹乡 萬丹鄉 S - 0 Wàn dān xiāng f /Wantan township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 万事 萬事 S - 303 wàn shì f /all things/ 万事亨通 萬事亨通 S - 3 wàn shì hēng tōng f /everything is going smoothly (idiom)/ 万事俱备,只欠东风 萬事俱備,只欠東風 S - 0 wàn shì jù bèi , zhǐ qiàn dōng fēng f /lit. everything is ready, all we need is an east wind (idiom)/fig. lacking only one tiny crucial item/ 万事大吉 萬事大吉 S - 48 wàn shì dà jí f /everything is fine (idiom); all is well with the world/ 万事如意 萬事如意 S - 21 wàn shì rú yì f /to have all one's wishes (idiom)/best wishes/all the best/may all your hopes be fulfilled/ 万事得 萬事得 S - 0 Wàn shì dé f /Mazda Motor Corporation/also known as 馬自達|马自达/ 万事皆备,只欠东风 萬事皆備,只欠東風 S - 0 wàn shì jiē bèi , zhǐ qiàn dōng fēng f /everything is ready, all we need is an east wind (idiom)/lacking only one tiny crucial item/also written 萬事俱備,只欠東風|万事俱备,只欠东风/ 万事起头难 萬事起頭難 S - 0 wàn shì qǐ tóu nán f /the first step is the hardest (idiom)/ 万事达 萬事達 S - 2 Wàn shì dá f /MasterCard/ 万事通 萬事通 S - 4 wàn shì tōng f /jack-of-all-trades/know-it-all/ 万人 萬人 S - 0 wàn rén f /ten thousand people/all the people/everyman/ 万人之敌 萬人之敵 S - 5 wàn rén zhī dí f /a match for ten thousand enemies/ 万人敌 萬人敵 S - 3 wàn rén dí f /a match for ten thousand enemies/ 万人空巷 萬人空巷 S - 13 wàn rén kōng xiàng f /the multitudes come out from everywhere, emptying every alleyway (to celebrate)/the whole town turns out/ 万代 萬代 S - 27 Wàn dài f /Bandai toy company/ 万代兰 萬代蘭 S - 0 Wàn dài lán f /Vanda genus of orchids/ 万代千秋 萬代千秋 S - 3 wàn dài qiān qiū f /after innumerable ages/ 万众一心 萬眾一心 S - 51 wàn zhòng yī xīn f /millions of people all of one mind (idiom); the people united/ 万位 萬位 S - 4 wàn wèi f /the ten thousands place (or column) in the decimal system/ 万俟 - 5 Mò qí f /polysyllabic surname Moqi/ 万儿八千 萬兒八千 S - 3 wàn r bā qiān f /ten thousand or almost ten thousand/ 万元户 萬元戶 S - 11 wàn yuán hù f /household with savings or annual income of 10,000 yuan or more (considered a large amount in the 1970s, when the term became established)/ 万全 萬全 S - 54 Wàn quán f /Wanquan county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei/ 万全 萬全 S - 54 wàn quán f /absolutely safe/surefire/thorough/ 万全县 萬全縣 S - 4 Wàn quán xiàn f /Wanquan county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei/ 万分 萬分 S 3387 804 wàn fēn f /very much/extremely/one ten thousandth part/ 万分痛苦 萬分痛苦 S - 0 wàn fēn tòng kǔ f /excruciating/ 万劫不复 萬劫不復 S - 47 wàn jié bù fù f /consigned to eternal damnation/with no hope of reprieve/ 万千 萬千 S - 153 wàn qiān f /myriad/multitudinous/multifarious/ 万华 萬華 S - 6 Wàn huá f /Wanhua district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 万华区 萬華區 S - 3 Wàn huá qū f /Wanhua district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 万博省 萬博省 S - 0 Wàn bó shěng f /Huambo province of Angola/ 万历 萬曆 S - 1664 Wàn lì f /reign name of Ming emperor (1573-1619)/ 万县 萬縣 S - 34 Wàn xiàn f /Wanxian port city on the Changjiang or Yangtze river in Sichuan, renamed Wanzhou district in Chongqing municipality in 1990/ 万县地区 萬縣地區 S - 0 Wàn xiàn dì qū f /Wanxian prefecture in Sichuan, renamed Wanzhou district of Chongqing municipality in 1990/ 万县市 萬縣市 S - 10 Wàn xiàn shì f /Wanxian port city on the Changjiang or Yangtze river in Sichuan, renamed Wanzhou district in Chongqing municipality in 1990/ 万县港 萬縣港 S - 0 Wàn xiàn gǎng f /Wanxian port city on the Changjiang or Yangtze river in Sichuan, renamed Wanzhou district in Chongqing municipality in 1990/ 万变不离其宗 萬變不離其宗 S - 21 wàn biàn bù lí qí zōng f /many superficial changes but no departure from the original stand (idiom); plus ça change, plus ça reste la mème chose/ 万古千秋 萬古千秋 S - 3 wàn gǔ qiān qiū f /for all eternity (idiom)/ 万古长新 萬古長新 S - 3 wàn gǔ cháng xīn f /to remain forever new (idiom)/ 万古长青 萬古長青 S - 6 wàn gǔ cháng qīng f /remain fresh/last forever/eternal/ 万名 萬名 S - 409 wàn míng f /all names/ 万国 萬國 S - 155 wàn guó f /all nations/ 万国博览会 萬國博覽會 S - 0 wàn guó bó lǎn huì f /universal exposition/world expo/ 万国宫 萬國宮 S - 9 Wàn guó gōng f /Palais des Nations/ 万国码 萬國碼 S - 0 wàn guó mǎ f /Unicode/also written 統一碼|统一码/ 万国邮政联盟 萬國郵政聯盟 S - 12 Wàn guó Yóu zhèng Lián méng f /Universal Postal Union/ 万国邮联 萬國郵聯 S - 16 Wàn guó yóu lián f /Universal Postal Union (UPU)/ 万圣节 萬聖節 S - 9 Wàn shèng jié f /All Saints (Christian festival)/ 万圣节前夕 萬聖節前夕 S - 0 Wàn shèng jié Qián xī f /All Saints' Eve/Halloween/ 万头钻动 萬頭鑽動 S - 0 wàn tóu zuān dòng f /milling crowds/ 万宁 萬寧 S - 26 Wàn níng f /Wanning City, Hainan/ 万宁市 萬寧市 S - 4 Wàn níng shì f /Wanning City, Hainan/ 万安 萬安 S - 191 Wàn ān f /Wan'an county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi/ 万安 萬安 S - 191 wàn ān f /completely secure/a sure thing/rest assured/ 万安县 萬安縣 S - 13 Wàn ān xiàn f /Wan'an county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi/ 万宝路 萬寶路 S - 19 Wàn bǎo lù f /Marlboro (cigarette)/ 万家乐 萬家樂 S - 7 Wàn jiā lè f /Macro (brand)/ 万家灯火 萬家燈火 S - 44 wàn jiā dēng huǒ f /(of a city etc) ablaze with lights/ 万寿山 萬壽山 S - 12 Wàn shòu shān f /Longevity hill in Summer Palace 頤和園|颐和园[yi2 he2 yuan2], Beijing/ 万寿无疆 萬壽無疆 S - 64 wàn shòu wú jiāng f /may you enjoy boundless longevity (idiom)/long may you live/ 万寿菊 萬壽菊 S - 3 wàn shòu jú f /Aztec or African marigold (Tagetes erecta)/ 万山特区 萬山特區 S - 3 Wàn shān tè qū f /Wanshan special county in Tongren prefecture 銅仁地區|铜仁地区[Tong2 ren2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 万山镇 萬山鎮 S - 0 Wàn shān zhèn f /Wanshan township in Tongren prefecture 銅仁地區|铜仁地区[Tong2 ren2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 万岁 萬歲 S - 2642 wàn suì f /Long live (the king, the revolution etc)!/Your Majesty/His Majesty/ 万峦 萬巒 S - 3 Wàn luán f /Wanluan township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 万峦 萬巒 S - 3 wàn luán f /hundreds and thousands of mountains/ 万峦乡 萬巒鄉 S - 0 Wàn luán xiāng f /Wanluan township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 万州 萬州 S - 106 Wàn zhōu f /Wanzhou suburbs of north Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 万州区 萬州區 S - 6 Wàn zhōu qū f /Wanzhou suburban district of north Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 万年 萬年 S - 1077 Wàn nián f /Wannian county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi/ 万年历 萬年曆 S - 9 wàn nián lì f /perpetual calendar/ten thousand year calendar/Islamic calendar introduced to Yuan China by Jamal al-Din 紮馬剌丁|扎马剌丁/ 万年县 萬年縣 S - 5 Wàn nián xiàn f /Wannian county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi/ 万年青 萬年青 S - 22 wàn nián qīng f /Nippon lily (Rohdea japonica)/ 万应灵丹 萬應靈丹 S - 5 wàn yìng líng dān f /panacea/ 万念俱灰 萬念俱灰 S - 70 wàn niàn jù huī f /every hope turns to dust (idiom); completely disheartened/ 万恶 萬惡 S - 68 wàn è f /everything that is evil/ 万恶之源 萬惡之源 S - 3 wàn è zhī yuán f /the root of all evil/ 万恶滔天 萬惡滔天 S - 0 wàn è tāo tiān f /so much evil that it reaches all the way to heaven (idiom)/ 万户 萬戶 S - 293 Wàn Hù f /ducal title meaning lord of 10,000 households/also translated as Marquis/ 万户 萬戶 S - 293 wàn hù f /ten thousand houses or households/ 万户侯 萬戶侯 S - 24 wàn hù hóu f /Marquis (highest Han dynasty ducal title meaning lord of 10,000 households)/high nobles/ 万无一失 萬無一失 S - 199 wàn wú yī shī f /surefire; absolutely safe (idiom)/ 万智牌 萬智牌 S - 0 wàn zhì pái f /Magic the gathering (online fantasy game of card collecting and battling)/ 万有 萬有 S - 0 wàn yǒu f /universal/ 万有引力 萬有引力 S - 114 wàn yǒu yǐn lì f /gravity/ 万柏林 萬柏林 S - 0 Wàn bó lín f /Wanbolin district of Taiyuan city 太原市[Tai4 yuan2 shi4], Shanxi/ 万柏林区 萬柏林區 S - 3 Wàn bó lín qū f /Wanbolin district of Taiyuan city 太原市[Tai4 yuan2 shi4], Shanxi/ 万死不辞 萬死不辭 S - 42 wàn sǐ bù cí f /ten thousand deaths will not prevent me (idiom); ready to risk life and limb to help out/ 万民 萬民 S - 263 wàn mín f /all the people/ 万水千山 萬水千山 S - 21 wàn shuǐ qiān shān f /ten thousand crags and torrents (idiom); the trials and tribulations of a long journey/a long and difficult road/ 万泉河 萬泉河 S - 19 Wàn quán Hé f /Wanquan River, Hainan/ 万洋山 萬洋山 S - 13 Wàn yáng shān f /Mt Wanyang between Jiangxi and Hunan/ 万源 萬源 S - 3 Wàn yuán f /Wanyuan county level city in Dazhou 達州|达州[Da2 zhou1], Sichuan/ 万源市 萬源市 S - 2 Wàn yuán shì f /Wanyuan county level city in Dazhou 達州|达州[Da2 zhou1], Sichuan/ 万灵丹 萬靈丹 S - 3 wàn líng dān f /panacea/cure-all/ 万灵节 萬靈節 S - 0 Wàn líng jié f /All Saints' Day (Christian festival on 2nd November)/ 万物 萬物 S - 848 wàn wù f /all living things/ 万用表 萬用表 S - 6 wàn yòng biǎo f /multimeter/ 万盛 萬盛 S - 5 Wàn shèng f /Wansheng suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 万盛区 萬盛區 S - 3 Wàn shèng qū f /Wansheng suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 万目睽睽 萬目睽睽 S - 3 wàn mù kuí kuí f /thousands of staring eyes (idiom)/ 万福玛丽亚 萬福瑪麗亞 S - 0 Wàn fú Mǎ lì yà f /Hail Mary/Ave Maria (religion)/ 万秀区 萬秀區 S - 3 Wàn xiù qū f /Wanxiu district of Wuzhou city 梧州市[Wu2 zhou1 shi4], Guangxi/ 万籁俱寂 萬籟俱寂 S - 58 wàn lài jù jì f /not a sound to be heard (idiom)/ 万籁无声 萬籟無聲 S - 17 wàn lài wú shēng f /not a sound to be heard (idiom)/dead silent/ 万紫千红 萬紫千紅 S - 22 wàn zǐ qiān hóng f /thousands of purples and reds (idiom); a blaze of color/fig. a profusion of flourishing trades/ 万维天罗地网 萬維天羅地網 S - 0 Wàn wéi Tiān luó Dì wǎng f /World Wide Web (WWW)/lit. ten-thousand dimensional net covering heaven and earth/term coined by China News Digest and abbreviated to 萬維網|万维网[Wan4 wei2 wang3]/ 万维网 萬維網 S - 38 Wàn wéi wǎng f /World Wide Web (WWW)/ 万维网联合体 萬維網聯合體 S - 0 wàn wéi wǎng lián hé tǐ f /W3C, global Internet steering committee/ 万能 萬能 S - 179 wàn néng f /omnipotent/all-purpose/universal/ 万能曲尺 萬能曲尺 S - 0 wàn néng qū chǐ f /universal bevel (to measure angles)/ 万能梗 萬能梗 S - 0 wàn néng gěng f /Airedale terrier/ 万能梗犬 萬能梗犬 S - 0 wàn néng gěng quǎn f /Airedale terrier/ 万能钥匙 萬能鑰匙 S - 3 wàn néng yào shi f /master key/skeleton key/passkey/ 万般 萬般 S - 61 wàn bān f /every kind/manifold/extremely/ 万般无奈 萬般無奈 S - 70 wàn bān wú nài f /to have no way out/to have no alternative/ 万艾可 萬艾可 S - 5 Wàn ài kě f /Viagra/ 万花筒 萬花筒 S - 21 wàn huā tǒng f /kaleidoscope/ 万荣 萬榮 S - 8 Wàn róng f /Wanrong county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/Wanrong or Wanjung township in Hualian county 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 xian4], East Taiwan/ 万荣乡 萬榮鄉 S - 0 Wàn róng xiāng f /Wanrong or Wanjung township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 xian4], east Taiwan/ 万荣县 萬榮縣 S - 6 Wàn róng xiàn f /Wanrong county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ 万象 萬象 S - 94 Wàn xiàng f /Vientiane, capital of Laos/ 万象 萬象 S - 94 wàn xiàng f /every manifestation of nature/ 万象更新 萬象更新 S - 31 wàn xiàng gēng xīn f /(in the spring) nature takes on a new look (idiom)/ 万豪 萬豪 S - 3 Wàn háo f /Marriot International (Hotel chain)/ 万贯 萬貫 S - 47 wàn guàn f /ten thousand strings of cash/very wealthy/millionaire/ 万贯家财 萬貫家財 S - 14 wàn guàn jiā cái f /vast wealth/ 万载 萬載 S - 37 Wàn zài f /Wanzai county in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi/ 万载县 萬載縣 S - 3 Wàn zài xiàn f /Wanzai county in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi/ 万那杜 萬那杜 S - 0 Wàn nà dù f /Vanuatu in south Pacific (formerly New Hebrides) (Tw)/ 万邦 萬邦 S - 21 wàn bāng f /all nations/ 万里 萬里 S - 804 Wàn Lǐ f /Wan Li (1916-2015), PRC politician/ 万里 萬里 S - 804 Wàn lǐ f /Wanli township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 万里 萬里 S - 804 wàn lǐ f /far away/thousands of miles/10000 li/ 万里乡 萬里鄉 S - 0 Wàn lǐ xiāng f /Wanli township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 万里江山 萬里江山 S - 0 wàn lǐ jiāng shān f /lit. ten thousand miles of rivers and mountains/a vast territory (idiom)/ 万里长城 萬里長城 S - 121 Wàn lǐ Cháng chéng f /the Great Wall/ 万里长江 萬里長江 S - 0 Wàn lǐ Cháng jiāng f /Changjiang river/Yangtze river/ 万金油 萬金油 S - 16 wàn jīn yóu f /Tiger Balm (medicine)/jack of all trades (and master of none)(slang)/ 万隆 萬隆 S - 34 Wàn lóng f /Bandung (city in Indonesia)/ 万难 萬難 S - 94 wàn nán f /countless difficulties/extremely difficult/against all odds/ 万顷 萬頃 S - 54 wàn qǐng f /large landholding/vast space/ 万马奔腾 萬馬奔騰 S - 23 wàn mǎ bēn téng f /lit. ten thousand stampeding horses (idiom)/fig. with great momentum/going full speed ahead/ 万马齐喑 萬馬齊喑 S - 10 wàn mǎ qí yīn f /thousands of horses, all mute (idiom); no-one dares to speak out/an atmosphere of political oppression/ 万齐融 萬齊融 S - 0 Wàn Qí róng f /Wan Qirong (active c. 711), Tang dynasty poet/ 丈 - 1039 zhàng f /measure of length, ten Chinese feet (3.3 m)/to measure/husband/polite appellation for an older male/ 丈二和尚,摸不着头脑 丈二和尚,摸不著頭腦 S - 0 zhàng èr hé shang , mō bu zháo tóu nǎo f /lit. like a three-meter high monk, you can't rub his head (idiom)/fig. at a total loss/ 丈二和尚,摸不著頭腦 丈二和尚,摸不着头脑 T - 0 zhàng èr hé shang , mō bu zháo tóu nǎo f /lit. like a three-meter high monk, you can't rub his head (idiom)/fig. at a total loss/ 丈二金刚摸不着头脑 丈二金剛摸不著頭腦 S - 0 zhàng èr Jīn gāng mō bu zháo tóu nǎo f /see 丈二和尚,摸不著頭腦|丈二和尚,摸不着头脑[zhang4 er4 he2 shang5 , mo1 bu5 zhao2 tou2 nao3]/ 丈二金剛摸不著頭腦 丈二金刚摸不着头脑 T - 0 zhàng èr Jīn gāng mō bu zháo tóu nǎo f /see 丈二和尚,摸不著頭腦|丈二和尚,摸不着头脑[zhang4 er4 he2 shang5 , mo1 bu5 zhao2 tou2 nao3]/ 丈人 - 143 zhàng rén f /wife's father (father-in-law)/old man/ 丈夫 229 4283 zhàng fu f /husband/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 丈母 - 53 zhàng mǔ f /wife's mother/mother-in-law/ 丈母娘 - 53 zhàng mǔ niáng f /wife's mother/mother-in-law/same as 丈母/ 丈量 - 206 zhàng liáng f /to measure/measurement/ 三 69 42542 Sān f /surname San/ 三 69 42542 sān f /three/3/ 三C - 0 sān C f /see 3C[san1 C]/ 三K党 三K黨 S - 0 Sān K dǎng f /Ku Klux Klan/KKK/ 三K黨 三K党 T - 0 Sān K dǎng f /Ku Klux Klan/KKK/ 三P - 0 sān P f /(slang) threesome/ 三七 - 102 sān qī f /pseudoginseng (Panax pseudoginseng), hemostatic herb/ 三七二十一 - 8 sān qī èr shí yī f /three sevens are twenty-one (idiom)/the facts of the matter/the actual situation/ 三七仔 - 0 sān qī zǐ f /(slang) pimp/ 三七开 三七開 S - 6 sān qī kāi f /ratio seventy to thirty/thirty percent failure, seventy percent success/ 三七开定论 三七開定論 S - 0 sān qī kāi dìng lùn f /thirty percent failure, seventy percent success, the official PRC verdict on Mao Zedong/ 三七開 三七开 T - 6 sān qī kāi f /ratio seventy to thirty/thirty percent failure, seventy percent success/ 三七開定論 三七开定论 T - 0 sān qī kāi dìng lùn f /thirty percent failure, seventy percent success, the official PRC verdict on Mao Zedong/ 三三两两 三三兩兩 S - 70 sān sān liǎng liǎng f /in twos and threes/ 三三兩兩 三三两两 T - 70 sān sān liǎng liǎng f /in twos and threes/ 三下两下 三下兩下 S - 3 sān xià liǎng xià f /quickly and effortlessly (idiom)/ 三下五除二 - 24 sān xià wǔ chú èr f /three, set five remove two (abacus rule)/efficiently/quickly and easily/ 三下兩下 三下两下 T - 3 sān xià liǎng xià f /quickly and effortlessly (idiom)/ 三不 - 0 sān bù f /the three no's (abbreviated catchphrase)/ 三不五时 三不五時 S - 0 sān bù wǔ shí f /(Tw) from time to time/frequently/ 三不五時 三不五时 T - 0 sān bù wǔ shí f /(Tw) from time to time/frequently/ 三不知 - 0 sān bù zhī f /to know nothing about the beginning, the middle or the end/to know nothing at all/ 三不管 - 5 sān bù guǎn f /of undetermined status/unregulated/ 三世 - 391 sān shì f /the Third (of numbered kings)/ 三两 三兩 S - 82 sān liǎng f /two or three/ 三个世界 三個世界 S - 0 Sān ge Shì jiè f /the Three Worlds (as proposed by Mao Zedong), i.e. the superpowers (USA and USSR), other wealthy countries (UK, France, Japan etc), and the developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America/ 三个代表 三個代表 S - 225 Sān gè Dài biǎo f /the Three Represents enunciated by Jiang Zemin 江澤民|江泽民 as the duty of the Chinese Communist party in 2001, namely: to represent productivity of an advanced society, forward progress of advanced culture and the fundamental interests of the people/ 三个女人一个墟 三個女人一個墟 S - 0 sān gè nǚ rén yī gè xū f /three women makes a crowd/ 三个女人一台戏 三個女人一臺戲 S - 0 sān ge nǚ rén yī tái xì f /three women are enough for a drama (idiom)/ 三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮 三個臭皮匠,合成一個諸葛亮 S - 0 sān gè chòu pí jiang , hé chéng yī gè Zhū gě Liàng f /lit. three ignorant cobblers add up to a genius (idiom); fig. collective wisdom/ 三个臭皮匠,胜过一个诸葛亮 三個臭皮匠,勝過一個諸葛亮 S - 0 sān gè chòu pí jiang , shèng guò yī gè Zhū gě Liàng f /variant of 三個臭皮匠,賽過一個諸葛亮|三个臭皮匠,赛过一个诸葛亮[san1 ge4 chou4 pi2 jiang5 , sai4 guo4 yi1 ge4 Zhu1 ge3 Liang4]/ 三个臭皮匠,赛过一个诸葛亮 三個臭皮匠,賽過一個諸葛亮 S - 0 sān gè chòu pí jiang , sài guò yī gè Zhū gě Liàng f /lit. three ignorant cobblers add up to a genius (idiom); fig. collective wisdom/wisdom of the masses exceeds that of any individual/ 三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮 三個臭皮匠,賽過諸葛亮 S - 0 sān gè chòu pí jiang , sài guò Zhū gě Liàng f /lit. three ignorant cobblers add up to a genius (idiom); fig. collective wisdom/wisdom of the masses exceeds that of any individual/ 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮 三個臭皮匠,頂個諸葛亮 S - 0 sān gè chòu pí jiang , dǐng gè Zhū gě Liàng f /lit. three ignorant cobblers add up to a genius (idiom); fig. collective wisdom/wisdom of the masses exceeds that of any individual/ 三中全会 三中全會 S - 572 Sān Zhōng Quán huì f /Third Plenum of the Chinese Communist Party, currently held every five years/ 三中全會 三中全会 T - 572 Sān Zhōng Quán huì f /Third Plenum of the Chinese Communist Party, currently held every five years/ 三义 三義 S - 8 Sān yì f /Sanyi township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 三义乡 三義鄉 S - 0 Sān yì xiāng f /Sanyi township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 三九天 - 6 sān jiǔ tiān f /the twenty seven days after the Winter Solstice, reputed to be the coldest days of the year/ 三五 - 78 sān wǔ f /several/three or five/ 三五成群 - 189 sān wǔ chéng qún f /in groups of three or four (idiom)/ 三井 - 59 Sān jǐng f /Mitsui (Japanese company)/ 三亚 三亞 S - 179 Sān yà f /Sanya prefecture level city, Hainan/ 三亚市 三亞市 S - 41 Sān yà shì f /Sanya prefecture level city, Hainan/ 三亞 三亚 T - 179 Sān yà f /Sanya prefecture level city, Hainan/ 三亞市 三亚市 T - 41 Sān yà shì f /Sanya prefecture level city, Hainan/ 三亲六故 三親六故 S - 4 sān qīn liù gù f /old friends and relatives/ 三人口气 三人口氣 S - 0 sān rén kǒu qì f /third person (grammar)/ 三人口氣 三人口气 T - 0 sān rén kǒu qì f /third person (grammar)/ 三人成虎 - 2 sān rén chéng hǔ f /three men talking makes a tiger (idiom); repeated rumor becomes a fact/ 三人行 - 14 sān rén xíng f /(slang) threesome/ 三人行,则必有我师 三人行,則必有我師 S - 0 sān rén xíng , zé bì yǒu wǒ shī f /If three walk together, one of them can teach me sth (Confucius)/ 三人行,則必有我師 三人行,则必有我师 T - 0 sān rén xíng , zé bì yǒu wǒ shī f /If three walk together, one of them can teach me sth (Confucius)/ 三人行,必有我师 三人行,必有我師 S - 0 sān rén xíng , bì yǒu wǒ shī f /lit. if three walk together, one can be my teacher (idiom, from the Analects of Confucius)/you have sth to learn from everyone/ 三人行,必有我師 三人行,必有我师 T - 0 sān rén xíng , bì yǒu wǒ shī f /lit. if three walk together, one can be my teacher (idiom, from the Analects of Confucius)/you have sth to learn from everyone/ 三仇 - 0 sān chóu f /animosity or resentment towards three groups (the bureaucrats, the wealthy, and the police) due to perceived abuse of power/ 三从四德 三從四德 S - 23 sān cóng sì dé f /Confucian moral injunctions for women, namely: obey in turn three men father, husband and son, plus the four virtues of morality 德, physical charm 容, propriety in speech 言 and efficiency in needlework 功/ 三代 - 461 sān dài f /three generations of a family/the three earliest dynasties (Xia, Shang and Zhou)/ 三代同堂 - 3 sān dài tóng táng f /three generations under one roof/ 三令五申 - 54 sān lìng wǔ shēn f /to order again and again (idiom)/ 三件套式西装 三件套式西裝 S - 0 sān jiàn tào shì xī zhuāng f /three-piece suit/ 三件套式西裝 三件套式西装 T - 0 sān jiàn tào shì xī zhuāng f /three-piece suit/ 三价 三價 S - 18 sān jià f /trivalent/ 三伏 - 22 sān fú f /three periods forming the hottest periods of summer, from mid-July to mid-August, namely: 初伏 (mid-July), 中伏 (late July to early August), 末伏 (mid-August)/ 三伏天 - 19 sān fú tiān f /three periods forming the hottest periods of summer, from mid-July to mid-August, namely: 初伏 (mid-July), 中伏 (late July to early August), 末伏 (mid-August)/ 三位一体 三位一體 S - 137 Sān wèi Yī tǐ f /Holy Trinity/trinity/ 三位一體 三位一体 T - 137 Sān wèi Yī tǐ f /Holy Trinity/trinity/ 三位博士 - 0 sān wèi bó shì f /the Magi/the Three Wise Kings from the East in the biblical nativity story/ 三体 三體 S - 0 sān tǐ f /trisomy/ 三体问题 三體問題 S - 3 sān tǐ wèn tí f /three-body problem (mechanics)/ 三侠五义 三俠五義 S - 3 Sān xiá wǔ yì f /Sanxia wuyi (lit. Three knight-errants and five righteous one), novel edited from stories of late Qing dynasty pinghua 評話|评话 master storyteller Shi Yukun 石玉昆/ 三俠五義 三侠五义 T - 3 Sān xiá wǔ yì f /Sanxia wuyi (lit. Three knight-errants and five righteous one), novel edited from stories of late Qing dynasty pinghua 評話|评话 master storyteller Shi Yukun 石玉昆/ 三個世界 三个世界 T - 0 Sān ge Shì jiè f /the Three Worlds (as proposed by Mao Zedong), i.e. the superpowers (USA and USSR), other wealthy countries (UK, France, Japan etc), and the developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America/ 三個代表 三个代表 T - 225 Sān gè Dài biǎo f /the Three Represents enunciated by Jiang Zemin 江澤民|江泽民 as the duty of the Chinese Communist party in 2001, namely: to represent productivity of an advanced society, forward progress of advanced culture and the fundamental interests of the people/ 三個女人一個墟 三个女人一个墟 T - 0 sān gè nǚ rén yī gè xū f /three women makes a crowd/ 三個女人一臺戲 三个女人一台戏 T - 0 sān ge nǚ rén yī tái xì f /three women are enough for a drama (idiom)/ 三個臭皮匠,勝過一個諸葛亮 三个臭皮匠,胜过一个诸葛亮 T - 0 sān gè chòu pí jiang , shèng guò yī gè Zhū gě Liàng f /variant of 三個臭皮匠,賽過一個諸葛亮|三个臭皮匠,赛过一个诸葛亮[san1 ge4 chou4 pi2 jiang5 , sai4 guo4 yi1 ge4 Zhu1 ge3 Liang4]/ 三個臭皮匠,合成一個諸葛亮 三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮 T - 0 sān gè chòu pí jiang , hé chéng yī gè Zhū gě Liàng f /lit. three ignorant cobblers add up to a genius (idiom); fig. collective wisdom/ 三個臭皮匠,賽過一個諸葛亮 三个臭皮匠,赛过一个诸葛亮 T - 0 sān gè chòu pí jiang , sài guò yī gè Zhū gě Liàng f /lit. three ignorant cobblers add up to a genius (idiom); fig. collective wisdom/wisdom of the masses exceeds that of any individual/ 三個臭皮匠,賽過諸葛亮 三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮 T - 0 sān gè chòu pí jiang , sài guò Zhū gě Liàng f /lit. three ignorant cobblers add up to a genius (idiom); fig. collective wisdom/wisdom of the masses exceeds that of any individual/ 三個臭皮匠,頂個諸葛亮 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮 T - 0 sān gè chòu pí jiang , dǐng gè Zhū gě Liàng f /lit. three ignorant cobblers add up to a genius (idiom); fig. collective wisdom/wisdom of the masses exceeds that of any individual/ 三倍 - 124 sān bèi f /triple/ 三催四請 三催四请 T - 0 sān cuī sì qǐng f /to coax and plead/ 三催四请 三催四請 S - 0 sān cuī sì qǐng f /to coax and plead/ 三價 三价 T - 18 sān jià f /trivalent/ 三元区 三元區 S - 3 Sān yuán qū f /Sanyuan district of Sanming city 三明市[San1 ming2 shi4], Fujian/ 三元區 三元区 T - 3 Sān yuán qū f /Sanyuan district of Sanming city 三明市[San1 ming2 shi4], Fujian/ 三元运算 三元運算 S - 0 sān yuán yùn suàn f /ternary operator (computing)/ 三元運算 三元运算 T - 0 sān yuán yùn suàn f /ternary operator (computing)/ 三元醇 - 0 sān yuán chún f /propyl alcohol C3H7OH/ 三光 - 18 sān guāng f /the sun, the moon, and the stars/ 三光政策 - 19 Sān guāng Zhèng cè f /Three Alls Policy (kill all, burn all, loot all), Japanese policy in China during WWII/ 三兩 三两 T - 82 sān liǎng f /two or three/ 三八 - 50 sān bā f /International Women's Day 婦女節|妇女节[Fu4 nu:3 jie2], 8th March/foolish/stupid/ 三八線 三八线 T - 123 sān bā xiàn f /thirty eighth parallel, forming the DMZ border between North and South Korea/ 三八线 三八線 S - 123 sān bā xiàn f /thirty eighth parallel, forming the DMZ border between North and South Korea/ 三公消費 三公消费 T - 0 sān gōng xiāo fèi f /see 三公經費|三公经费[san1 gong1 jing1 fei4]/ 三公消费 三公消費 S - 0 sān gōng xiāo fèi f /see 三公經費|三公经费[san1 gong1 jing1 fei4]/ 三公經費 三公经费 T - 0 sān gōng jīng fèi f /"three public expenditures" of the PRC government, i.e. air travel, food and entertainment, and public vehicles/ 三公经费 三公經費 S - 0 sān gōng jīng fèi f /"three public expenditures" of the PRC government, i.e. air travel, food and entertainment, and public vehicles/ 三军 三軍 S - 617 sān jūn f /(in former times) upper, middle and lower army/army of right, center and left/(in modern times) the three armed services: Army, Navy and Air Force/ 三军用命 三軍用命 S - 0 sān jūn yòng mìng f /(of a team) to throw oneself into the battle/ 三农 三農 S - 86 sān nóng f /see 三農問題|三农问题[san1 nong2 wen4 ti2]/ 三农问题 三農問題 S - 3 sān nóng wèn tí f /the three rural issues: agriculture, rural areas and peasants/ 三分 - 2201 sān fēn f /somewhat/to some degree/ 三分之一 - 34 sān fēn zhī yī f /one third/ 三分熟 - 0 sān fēn shú f /cooked three minutes/rare (of steak)/ 三分鐘熱度 三分钟热度 T - 0 sān fēn zhōng rè dù f /brief period of enthusiasm/flash in the pan/ 三分钟热度 三分鐘熱度 S - 0 sān fēn zhōng rè dù f /brief period of enthusiasm/flash in the pan/ 三包 - 27 sān bāo f /"three-guarantee service": repair, exchange, refund/ 三北 - 35 Sān běi f /China's three northern regions, 東北|东北[Dong1 bei3], 華北|华北[Hua2 bei3] and 西北[Xi1 bei3]/ 三十 - 747 sān shí f /thirty/30/ 三十二位元 - 0 sān shí èr wèi yuán f /32-bit (computing)/ 三十二相 - 0 sān shí èr xiàng f /the thirty-two physical characteristics of Buddha/ 三十八度線 三十八度线 T - 0 sān shí bā dù xiàn f /thirty eighth parallel/dividing line agreed at Yalta between US and Soviet zones of influence in Korea, now the DMZ between North and South Korea/ 三十八度线 三十八度線 S - 0 sān shí bā dù xiàn f /thirty eighth parallel/dividing line agreed at Yalta between US and Soviet zones of influence in Korea, now the DMZ between North and South Korea/ 三十六字母 - 0 sān shí liù zì mǔ f /thirty six initial consonants of Song phonetic theory/ 三十六計 三十六计 T - 3 sān shí liù jì f /The Thirty-Six Stratagems, a Chinese essay used to illustrate a series of stratagems used in politics, war, and in civil interaction/all the possible schemes and stratagems/ 三十六計,走為上策 三十六计,走为上策 T - 0 sān shí liù jì , zǒu wéi shàng cè f /Of the Thirty-Six Stratagems, fleeing is best./see also 三十六計|三十六计[san1 shi2 liu4 ji4]/ 三十六计 三十六計 S - 3 sān shí liù jì f /The Thirty-Six Stratagems, a Chinese essay used to illustrate a series of stratagems used in politics, war, and in civil interaction/all the possible schemes and stratagems/ 三十六计,走为上策 三十六計,走為上策 S - 0 sān shí liù jì , zǒu wéi shàng cè f /Of the Thirty-Six Stratagems, fleeing is best./see also 三十六計|三十六计[san1 shi2 liu4 ji4]/ 三十而立 - 17 sān shí ér lì f /thirty years old and therefore independent (idiom, from Confucius)/ 三原 - 32 Sān yuán f /Sanyuan County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2 yang2], Shaanxi/ 三原则 三原則 S - 0 sān yuán zé f /the Three Principles (in many contexts)/ 三原則 三原则 T - 0 sān yuán zé f /the Three Principles (in many contexts)/ 三原县 三原縣 S - 21 Sān yuán Xiàn f /Sanyuan County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2 yang2], Shaanxi/ 三原縣 三原县 T - 21 Sān yuán Xiàn f /Sanyuan County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2 yang2], Shaanxi/ 三厢 三廂 S - 0 sān xiāng f /sedan (automobile body type)/ 三叉戟 - 186 sān chā jǐ f /trident/ 三叉神經 三叉神经 T - 10 sān chā shén jīng f /trigeminal nerve/ 三叉神经 三叉神經 S - 10 sān chā shén jīng f /trigeminal nerve/ 三反 - 77 sān fǎn f /"Three Anti" campaign (anti-corruption, anti-waste, anti-bureaucracy), early PRC purge of 1951-52/ 三反运动 三反運動 S - 0 sān fǎn yùn dòng f /"Three Anti" campaign (anti-corruption, anti-waste, anti-bureaucracy), early PRC purge of 1951-52/ 三反運動 三反运动 T - 0 sān fǎn yùn dòng f /"Three Anti" campaign (anti-corruption, anti-waste, anti-bureaucracy), early PRC purge of 1951-52/ 三叠纪 三疊紀 S - 74 Sān dié jì f /Triassic (geological period 250-205m years ago)/ 三句話不離本行 三句话不离本行 T - 6 sān jù huà bù lí běn háng f /to talk shop all the time (idiom)/ 三句话不离本行 三句話不離本行 S - 6 sān jù huà bù lí běn háng f /to talk shop all the time (idiom)/ 三只手 三隻手 S - 12 sān zhī shǒu f /pickpocket/ 三台 - 66 Sān tái f /Santai county in Mianyang 綿陽|绵阳[Mian2 yang2], north Sichuan/ 三台县 三台縣 S - 3 Sān tái xiàn f /Santai county in Mianyang 綿陽|绵阳[Mian2 yang2], north Sichuan/ 三台縣 三台县 T - 3 Sān tái xiàn f /Santai county in Mianyang 綿陽|绵阳[Mian2 yang2], north Sichuan/ 三叶星云 三葉星雲 S - 0 Sān yè xīng yún f /Trifid Nebula M20/ 三叶草 三葉草 S - 15 sān yè cǎo f /clover/trefoil/ 三叶虫 三葉蟲 S - 49 sān yè chóng f /trilobite/ 三号木杆 三號木桿 S - 0 sān hào mù gān f /spoon (golf)/ 三号电池 三號電池 S - 0 sān hào diàn chí f /C size battery (PRC)/AA battery (Taiwan)/see 二號電池|二号电池 (C battery in Taiwan) and 五號電池|五号电池 (AA battery in PRC)/ 三合一 - 31 sān hé yī f /three in one/triple/ 三合一疫苗 - 0 sān hé yī yì miáo f /DTP vaccination/ 三合会 三合會 S - 19 sān hé huì f /triad, Chinese crime gang/triad society, anti-Manchu secret society in Qing-dynasty China/ 三合土 - 2 sān hé tǔ f /mortar/concrete/cement/ 三合星 - 0 sān hé xīng f /triple star system/ 三合會 三合会 T - 19 sān hé huì f /triad, Chinese crime gang/triad society, anti-Manchu secret society in Qing-dynasty China/ 三味線 三味线 T - 2 sān wèi xiàn f /shamisen, three-stringed Japanese musical instrument/ 三味线 三味線 S - 2 sān wèi xiàn f /shamisen, three-stringed Japanese musical instrument/ 三和弦 - 0 sān hé xián f /triad/musical chord of three notes, such as major triad do-mi-so/ 三围 三圍 S - 8 sān wéi f /BWH, abbr. for a woman's three measurements, namely: bust 胸圍|胸围[xiong1 wei2], waist 腰圍|腰围[yao1 wei2] and hip 臀圍|臀围[tun2 wei2]/ 三国 三國 S - 1063 Sān guó f /Three Kingdoms period (220-280) in Chinese history/several Three Kingdoms periods in Korean history, esp. from 1st century AD to unification under Silla 新羅|新罗[Xin1 luo2] in 658/ 三国史记 三國史記 S - 0 Sān guó shǐ jì f /History of Three Kingdoms (Korean: Samguk Sagi), the oldest extant Korean history, compiled under Kim Busik 金富軾|金富轼[Jin1 Fu4 shi4] in 1145. The three kingdoms are Goguryeo 高句麗|高句丽[Gao1 gou1 li2], Baekje 百濟|百济[Bai3 ji4], Silla 新羅|新罗[Xin1 luo2]./ 三国志 三國志 S - 90 Sān guó zhì f /History of the Three Kingdoms, fourth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], composed by Chen Shou 陳壽|陈寿[Chen2 Shou4] in 289 during Jin Dynasty 晉朝|晋朝[Jin4 chao2], 65 scrolls/ 三国演义 三國演義 S - 194 Sān guó Yǎn yì f /Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong 羅貫中|罗贯中[Luo2 Guan4 zhong1], one of the Four Classic Novels of Chinese literature/a fictional account of the Three Kingdoms at the break-up of the Han around 200 AD, consistently portraying Liu Bei's Shu Han 劉備, 蜀漢|刘备, 蜀汉 as virtuous heroes and Cao Cao's Wei 曹操, 魏 as tyrannical villains/ 三國 三国 T - 1063 Sān guó f /Three Kingdoms period (220-280) in Chinese history/several Three Kingdoms periods in Korean history, esp. from 1st century AD to unification under Silla 新羅|新罗[Xin1 luo2] in 658/ 三國史記 三国史记 T - 0 Sān guó shǐ jì f /History of Three Kingdoms (Korean: Samguk Sagi), the oldest extant Korean history, compiled under Kim Busik 金富軾|金富轼[Jin1 Fu4 shi4] in 1145. The three kingdoms are Goguryeo 高句麗|高句丽[Gao1 gou1 li2], Baekje 百濟|百济[Bai3 ji4], Silla 新羅|新罗[Xin1 luo2]./ 三國志 三国志 T - 90 Sān guó zhì f /History of the Three Kingdoms, fourth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], composed by Chen Shou 陳壽|陈寿[Chen2 Shou4] in 289 during Jin Dynasty 晉朝|晋朝[Jin4 chao2], 65 scrolls/ 三國演義 三国演义 T - 194 Sān guó Yǎn yì f /Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong 羅貫中|罗贯中[Luo2 Guan4 zhong1], one of the Four Classic Novels of Chinese literature/a fictional account of the Three Kingdoms at the break-up of the Han around 200 AD, consistently portraying Liu Bei's Shu Han 劉備, 蜀漢|刘备, 蜀汉 as virtuous heroes and Cao Cao's Wei 曹操, 魏 as tyrannical villains/ 三圍 三围 T - 8 sān wéi f /BWH, abbr. for a woman's three measurements, namely: bust 胸圍|胸围[xiong1 wei2], waist 腰圍|腰围[yao1 wei2] and hip 臀圍|臀围[tun2 wei2]/ 三地門 三地门 T - 0 Sān dì mén f /Santimen township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 三地門鄉 三地门乡 T - 0 Sān dì mén xiāng f /Santimen township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 三地门 三地門 S - 0 Sān dì mén f /Santimen township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 三地门乡 三地門鄉 S - 0 Sān dì mén xiāng f /Santimen township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 三大紀律八項注意 三大纪律八项注意 T - 0 Sān Dà Jì lǜ Bā Xiàng Zhù yì f /the Three Rules of Discipline and Eight Points for Attention, a military doctrine issued in 1928 by Mao Zedong for the Red Army, which included a number of injunctions demanding high standards of behavior and respect for civilians during wartime/ 三大纪律八项注意 三大紀律八項注意 S - 0 Sān Dà Jì lǜ Bā Xiàng Zhù yì f /the Three Rules of Discipline and Eight Points for Attention, a military doctrine issued in 1928 by Mao Zedong for the Red Army, which included a number of injunctions demanding high standards of behavior and respect for civilians during wartime/ 三天不打,上房揭瓦 - 0 sān tiān bù dǎ , shàng fáng jiē wǎ f /three days without a beating, and a child will scale the roof to rip the tiles (idiom)/spare the rod, spoil the child/ 三天两头 三天兩頭 S - 79 sān tiān liǎng tóu f /lit. twice every three days (idiom); practically every day/frequently/ 三天兩頭 三天两头 T - 79 sān tiān liǎng tóu f /lit. twice every three days (idiom); practically every day/frequently/ 三天打魚,兩天曬網 三天打鱼,两天晒网 T - 0 sān tiān dǎ yú , liǎng tiān shài wǎng f /lit. to fish for three days and sun-dry the nets for two days (proverb)/fig. not to persevere in doing sth/to do sth by fits and starts/ 三天打鱼,两天晒网 三天打魚,兩天曬網 S - 0 sān tiān dǎ yú , liǎng tiān shài wǎng f /lit. to fish for three days and sun-dry the nets for two days (proverb)/fig. not to persevere in doing sth/to do sth by fits and starts/ 三头六臂 三頭六臂 S - 64 sān tóu liù bì f /lit. to have three heads and six arms (idiom)/fig. to possess remarkable abilities/a being of formidable powers/ 三头肌 三頭肌 S - 0 sān tóu jī f /triceps muscle/triceps brachii/ 三夷教 - 0 sān yí jiào f /the three foreign religions (Nestorianism, Manicheanism and Zoroastrianism)/ 三姑六婆 - 3 sān gū liù pó f /women with disreputable or illegal professions (idiom)/ 三字經 三字经 T - 40 Sān zì Jīng f /Three Character Classic, 13th century reading primer consisting of Confucian tenets in lines of 3 characters/ 三字經 三字经 T - 40 sān zì jīng f /(slang) swearword/four-letter word/ 三字经 三字經 S - 40 Sān zì Jīng f /Three Character Classic, 13th century reading primer consisting of Confucian tenets in lines of 3 characters/ 三字经 三字經 S - 40 sān zì jīng f /(slang) swearword/four-letter word/ 三官大帝 - 0 sān guān dà dì f /the three gods in charge of heaven, earth and water (Daoism)/ 三宝 三寶 S - 187 sān bǎo f /the Three Precious Treasures of Buddhism, namely: the Buddha 佛, the Dharma 法 (his teaching), and the Sangha 僧 (his monastic order)/ 三宝太监 三寶太監 S - 0 Sān bǎo tài jiàn f /Sanbao Eunuch, official title of Zheng He 鄭和|郑和[Zheng4 He2]/also written 三保太監|三保太监/ 三宝鸟 三寶鳥 S - 0 sān bǎo niǎo f /(bird species of China) oriental dollarbird (Eurystomus orientalis)/ 三家村 - 46 Sān jiā cūn f /lit. village of three households/name of essay column in Beijing newspaper from 1961-1966, written by Deng Tuo 鄧拓|邓拓, Wu Han 吳晗|吴晗 and Liao Mosha 廖沫沙, criticized as anti-party during the Cultural Revolution/ 三寶 三宝 T - 187 sān bǎo f /the Three Precious Treasures of Buddhism, namely: the Buddha 佛, the Dharma 法 (his teaching), and the Sangha 僧 (his monastic order)/ 三寶太監 三宝太监 T - 0 Sān bǎo tài jiàn f /Sanbao Eunuch, official title of Zheng He 鄭和|郑和[Zheng4 He2]/also written 三保太監|三保太监/ 三寶鳥 三宝鸟 T - 0 sān bǎo niǎo f /(bird species of China) oriental dollarbird (Eurystomus orientalis)/ 三寸不烂之舌 三寸不爛之舌 S - 26 sān cùn bù làn zhī shé f /to have a silver tongue/to have the gift of the gab/ 三寸不爛之舌 三寸不烂之舌 T - 26 sān cùn bù làn zhī shé f /to have a silver tongue/to have the gift of the gab/ 三对三斗牛 三對三鬥牛 S - 0 sān duì sān dòu niú f /three-on-three basketball game/ 三對三鬥牛 三对三斗牛 T - 0 sān duì sān dòu niú f /three-on-three basketball game/ 三尖杉酯碱 三尖杉酯鹼 S - 0 sān jiān shān zhǐ jiǎn f /harringtonine (chemistry)/ 三尖杉酯鹼 三尖杉酯碱 T - 0 sān jiān shān zhǐ jiǎn f /harringtonine (chemistry)/ 三屉桌 三屜桌 S - 3 sān tí zhuō f /three-drawer desk (traditional Chinese piece of furniture)/ 三屜桌 三屉桌 T - 3 sān tí zhuō f /three-drawer desk (traditional Chinese piece of furniture)/ 三山 - 150 Sān shān f /Sanshan district of Wuhu city 蕪湖市|芜湖市[Wu2 hu2 shi4], Anhui/ 三山区 三山區 S - 0 Sān shān qū f /Sanshan district of Wuhu city 蕪湖市|芜湖市[Wu2 hu2 shi4], Anhui/ 三山區 三山区 T - 0 Sān shān qū f /Sanshan district of Wuhu city 蕪湖市|芜湖市[Wu2 hu2 shi4], Anhui/ 三岔口 - 24 Sān chà kǒu f /At the Crossroads, famous opera, based on a story from 水滸傳|水浒传[Shui3 hu3 Zhuan4]/ 三岛由纪夫 三島由紀夫 S - 0 Sān dǎo Yóu jì fū f /Mishima Yukio (1925-1970), Japanese author, pen name of (平岡公威|平冈公威, Hiraoka Kimitake)/ 三峡 三峽 S - 3095 Sān xiá f /Three Gorges on the Chang Jiang or Yangtze, namely: Qutang Gorge 瞿塘峽|瞿塘峡[Qu1 tang2 Xia2], Wuxia Gorge 巫峽|巫峡[Wu1 Xia2] and Xiling Gorge 西陵峽|西陵峡[Xi1 ling2 Xia2]/Sanxia or Sanhsia town in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 三峡大坝 三峽大壩 S - 272 Sān xiá Dà bà f /Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River/ 三峡水库 三峽水庫 S - 4 Sān xiá shuǐ kù f /Three gorges reservoir on the Changjiang or Yangtze/ 三峡镇 三峽鎮 S - 0 Sān xiá zhèn f /Sanxia or Sanhsia town in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 三島由紀夫 三岛由纪夫 T - 0 Sān dǎo Yóu jì fū f /Mishima Yukio (1925-1970), Japanese author, pen name of (平岡公威|平冈公威, Hiraoka Kimitake)/ 三峽 三峡 T - 3095 Sān xiá f /Three Gorges on the Chang Jiang or Yangtze, namely: Qutang Gorge 瞿塘峽|瞿塘峡[Qu1 tang2 Xia2], Wuxia Gorge 巫峽|巫峡[Wu1 Xia2] and Xiling Gorge 西陵峽|西陵峡[Xi1 ling2 Xia2]/Sanxia or Sanhsia town in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 三峽大壩 三峡大坝 T - 272 Sān xiá Dà bà f /Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River/ 三峽水庫 三峡水库 T - 4 Sān xiá shuǐ kù f /Three gorges reservoir on the Changjiang or Yangtze/ 三峽鎮 三峡镇 T - 0 Sān xiá zhèn f /Sanxia or Sanhsia town in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 三废 三廢 S - 27 sān fèi f /three types of waste product, namely: waste water 廢水|废水[fei4 shui3], exhaust gas 廢氣|废气[fei4 qi4], industrial slag 廢渣|废渣[fei4 zha1]/ 三度 - 48 sān dù f /third (musical interval)/ 三廂 三厢 T - 0 sān xiāng f /sedan (automobile body type)/ 三廢 三废 T - 27 sān fèi f /three types of waste product, namely: waste water 廢水|废水[fei4 shui3], exhaust gas 廢氣|废气[fei4 qi4], industrial slag 廢渣|废渣[fei4 zha1]/ 三弦 - 88 sān xián f /sanxian, large family of 3-stringed plucked musical instruments, with snakeskin covered wooden soundbox and long neck, used in folk music, opera and Chinese orchestra/ 三归依 三歸依 S - 0 sān guī yī f /the Three Pillars of Faith (Buddha, dharma, sangha)/see also 三寶|三宝[san1 bao3]/ 三得利 - 0 Sān dé lì f /Suntory, Japanese beverage company/ 三從四德 三从四德 T - 23 sān cóng sì dé f /Confucian moral injunctions for women, namely: obey in turn three men father, husband and son, plus the four virtues of morality 德, physical charm 容, propriety in speech 言 and efficiency in needlework 功/ 三心二意 - 56 sān xīn èr yì f /in two minds about sth (idiom)/half-hearted/shilly-shallying/ 三思而后行 三思而後行 S - 23 sān sī ér hòu xíng f /think again and again before acting (idiom); consider carefully in advance/ 三思而後行 三思而后行 T - 23 sān sī ér hòu xíng f /think again and again before acting (idiom); consider carefully in advance/ 三思而行 - 30 sān sī ér xíng f /think three times then go (idiom); don't act before you've thought it through carefully/ 三手病 - 0 sān shǒu bìng f /repetitive strain injury (resulting from frequent use of one's thumb, wrist etc)/ 三拗汤 三拗湯 S - 0 sān ào tāng f /san'ao decoction (TCM)/ 三拗湯 三拗汤 T - 0 sān ào tāng f /san'ao decoction (TCM)/ 三振 - 3 sān zhèn f /to strike out/strikeout (baseball, softball)/(Tw) to ditch/to eliminate from consideration/ 三振出局 - 3 sān zhèn chū jú f /see 三振[san1 zhen4]/ 三教 - 66 Sān Jiào f /the Three Doctrines (Daoism, Confucianism, Buddhism)/ 三教九流 - 43 sān jiào jiǔ liú f /the Three Religions (Daoism, Confucianism, Buddhism) and Nine Schools (Confucians, Daoists, Yin-Yang, Legalists, Logicians, Mohists, Political Strategists, Eclectics, Agriculturists)/fig. people from all trades (often derog.)/ 三文治 - 3 sān wén zhì f /sandwich (loanword)/ 三文魚 三文鱼 T - 21 sān wén yú f /salmon (loanword)/ 三文鱼 三文魚 S - 21 sān wén yú f /salmon (loanword)/ 三族 - 3 sān zú f /(old) three generations (father, self and sons)/three clans (your own, your mother's, your wife's)/ 三旬九食 - 3 sān xún jiǔ shí f /lit. to have only nine meals in thirty days (idiom)/fig. (of a family) on the brink of starvation/in dire straits/ 三明 - 42 Sān míng f /Sanming prefecture level city in Fujian/ 三明市 - 22 Sān míng shì f /Sanming prefecture level city in Fujian/ 三明治 - 39 sān míng zhì f /sandwich (loanword)/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 三星 - 363 Sān xīng f /Sanxing or Sanhsing township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan2 xian4], Taiwan/Samsung (South Korean electronics company)/ 三星 - 363 sān xīng f /three major stars of the Three Stars 參宿|参宿[Shen1 xiu4] Chinese constellation/the belt of Orion/three spirits 福[fu2], 祿|禄[lu4], and 壽|寿[shou4] associated with the Three Stars 參宿|参宿[Shen1 xiu4] Chinese constellation/ 三星乡 三星鄉 S - 0 Sān xīng xiāng f /Sanxing or Sanhsing township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 三星鄉 三星乡 T - 0 Sān xīng xiāng f /Sanxing or Sanhsing township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 三星集团 三星集團 S - 7 Sān xīng Jí tuán f /Samsung Group/ 三星集團 三星集团 T - 7 Sān xīng Jí tuán f /Samsung Group/ 三春 - 0 sān chūn f /the three spring months/ 三昧 - 52 sān mèi f /Samadhi (Buddhist term)/ 三更 - 0 sān gēng f /third of the five night watch periods 23:00-01:00 (old)/midnight/also pr. [san1 jin1]/ 三更半夜 - 40 sān gēng bàn yè f /in the depth of the night/very late at night/ 三曹 - 0 Sān Cáo f /the Three Caos (Cao Cao 曹操 and his sons Cao Pi 曹丕 and Cao Zhi 曹植), who established the Wei or Cao Wei dynasty 曹魏, and were all three noted poets and calligraphers/ 三月 - 1417 Sān yuè f /March/third month (of the lunar year)/ 三月份 - 38 sān yuè fèn f /March/ 三月街 - 0 Sān yuè Jiē f /Third Month Fair, traditional festival of the Bai Nationality 白族[Bai2 zu2]/ 三朋四友 - 3 sān péng sì yǒu f /friends/cronies/ 三权分立 三權分立 S - 3 sān quán fēn lì f /separation of powers/ 三权鼎立 三權鼎立 S - 0 sān quán dǐng lì f /separation of powers/ 三极管 三極管 S - 34 sān jí guǎn f /triode (vacuum tube or transistor)/ 三柱門 三柱门 T - 0 sān zhù mén f /(sports) (cricket) wicket (set of stumps and bails)/ 三柱门 三柱門 S - 0 sān zhù mén f /(sports) (cricket) wicket (set of stumps and bails)/ 三框栏 三框欄 S - 0 sān kuàng lán f /name of radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 22)/see also 匚[fang1]/ 三框欄 三框栏 T - 0 sān kuàng lán f /name of radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 22)/see also 匚[fang1]/ 三棱草 三稜草 S - 0 sān léng cǎo f /sedge herb (Cyperus rotundus)/ 三棱镜 三稜鏡 S - 32 sān léng jìng f /(triangular) prism/ 三極管 三极管 T - 34 sān jí guǎn f /triode (vacuum tube or transistor)/ 三權分立 三权分立 T - 3 sān quán fēn lì f /separation of powers/ 三權鼎立 三权鼎立 T - 0 sān quán dǐng lì f /separation of powers/ 三次 - 1405 sān cì f /third/three times/(math.) degree three, cubic (equation)/ 三次冪 三次幂 T - 0 sān cì mì f /cube (third power, math.)/ 三次幂 三次冪 S - 0 sān cì mì f /cube (third power, math.)/ 三次方 - 4 sān cì fāng f /cube (third power, math.)/ 三次方程 - 0 sān cì fāng chéng f /cubic equation (math.)/ 三次曲線 三次曲线 T - 0 sān cì qū xiàn f /cubic curve (geometry)/ 三次曲线 三次曲線 S - 0 sān cì qū xiàn f /cubic curve (geometry)/ 三歸依 三归依 T - 0 sān guī yī f /the Three Pillars of Faith (Buddha, dharma, sangha)/see also 三寶|三宝[san1 bao3]/ 三段論 三段论 T - 97 sān duàn lùn f /syllogism (deduction in logic)/ 三段论 三段論 S - 97 sān duàn lùn f /syllogism (deduction in logic)/ 三毛猫 三毛貓 S - 0 sān máo māo f /tortoiseshell cat/calico cat/ 三毛貓 三毛猫 T - 0 sān máo māo f /tortoiseshell cat/calico cat/ 三民 - 6 Sān mín f /Sanmin district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市[Gao1 xiong2 shi4], south Taiwan/ 三民主义 三民主義 S - 279 sān mín zhǔ yì f /Dr Sun Yat-sen's 孫中山|孙中山 Three principles of the people (late 1890s)/ 三民主義 三民主义 T - 279 sān mín zhǔ yì f /Dr Sun Yat-sen's 孫中山|孙中山 Three principles of the people (late 1890s)/ 三民乡 三民鄉 S - 0 Sān mín xiāng f /Sanmin district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市[Gao1 xiong2 shi4], south Taiwan/ 三民区 三民區 S - 0 Sān mín qū f /Sanmin district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市[Gao1 xiong2 shi4], south Taiwan/ 三民區 三民区 T - 0 Sān mín qū f /Sanmin district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市[Gao1 xiong2 shi4], south Taiwan/ 三民鄉 三民乡 T - 0 Sān mín xiāng f /Sanmin district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市[Gao1 xiong2 shi4], south Taiwan/ 三氟化硼 - 6 sān fú huà péng f /boron trifluoride/ 三氯化磷 - 0 sān lǜ huà lín f /phosphorous trichloride/ 三氯化鐵 三氯化铁 T - 0 sān lǜ huà tiě f /ferric chloride FeCl3/ 三氯化铁 三氯化鐵 S - 0 sān lǜ huà tiě f /ferric chloride FeCl3/ 三氯已烯 - 0 sān lǜ yǐ xī f /trichloroethylene/ 三氯已烷 - 0 sān lǜ yǐ wán f /trichloroethane/ 三氯氧磷 - 2 sān lǜ yǎng lín f /phosphorous oxychloride/ 三氯氰胺 - 0 sān lǜ qíng àn f /melamine C3H6N6/ 三氯甲烷 - 9 sān lǜ jiǎ wán f /chloroform CHCl3/trichloromethane/ 三水 - 53 Sān shuǐ f /Sanshui district of Foshan city 佛山市[Fo2 shan1 shi4], Guangdong/ 三水区 三水區 S - 3 Sān shuǐ qū f /Sanshui district of Foshan city 佛山市[Fo2 shan1 shi4], Guangdong/ 三水區 三水区 T - 3 Sān shuǐ qū f /Sanshui district of Foshan city 佛山市[Fo2 shan1 shi4], Guangdong/ 三水县 三水縣 S - 3 Sān shuǐ xiàn f /Sanshui county in Guangdong/ 三水縣 三水县 T - 3 Sān shuǐ xiàn f /Sanshui county in Guangdong/ 三江並流 三江并流 T - 0 Sān jiāng bìng liú f /Three Parallel Rivers National Park, in mountainous northwest Yunnan World Heritage protected area: the three rivers are Nujian 怒江 or Salween, Jinsha 金沙江 or upper reaches of Changjiang and Lancang 澜沧江 or Mekong/ 三江侗族自治县 三江侗族自治縣 S - 2 Sān jiāng dòng zú zì zhì xiàn f /Sanjiang Dong autonomous county in Liuzhou 柳州[Liu3 zhou1], Guangxi/ 三江侗族自治縣 三江侗族自治县 T - 2 Sān jiāng dòng zú zì zhì xiàn f /Sanjiang Dong autonomous county in Liuzhou 柳州[Liu3 zhou1], Guangxi/ 三江平原 - 64 Sān jiāng píng yuán f /Sanjiang or Three rivers plain in Heilongjiang, vast wetland watered by Heilongjiang 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hei1 long2 jiang1] or Amur, Songhua 松花江[Song1 hua1 jiang1], Ussuri 烏蘇里江|乌苏里江[Wu1 su1 li3 jiang1]/ 三江并流 三江並流 S - 0 Sān jiāng bìng liú f /Three Parallel Rivers National Park, in mountainous northwest Yunnan World Heritage protected area: the three rivers are Nujian 怒江 or Salween, Jinsha 金沙江 or upper reaches of Changjiang and Lancang 澜沧江 or Mekong/ 三江源 - 0 Sān jiāng yuán f /Sanjiangyuan National Nature Reserve, high plateau region of Qinghai containing the headwaters of Changjiang or Yangtze, Huanghe or Yellow River and Lancang or Mekong River/ 三江生态旅游区 三江生態旅遊區 S - 0 Sān jiāng shēng tài lǚ yóu qū f /Sanjiang ecological tourist area in Wenchuan county 汶川县, northwest Sichuan/ 三江生態旅遊區 三江生态旅游区 T - 0 Sān jiāng shēng tài lǚ yóu qū f /Sanjiang ecological tourist area in Wenchuan county 汶川县, northwest Sichuan/ 三河 - 94 Sān hé f /Three rivers/Sanhe county level city in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 fang2], Hebei/ 三河县 三河縣 S - 13 Sān hé xiàn f /Sanhe county in Beijing/ 三河市 - 14 Sān hé shì f /Sanhe county level city in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 fang2], Hebei/ 三河縣 三河县 T - 13 Sān hé xiàn f /Sanhe county in Beijing/ 三法司 - 0 sān fǎ sī f /the three judicial chief ministries (in imperial China)/ 三洋 - 18 Sān yáng f /Sanyō, Japanese electronics company/ 三流 - 46 sān liú f /third-rate/inferior/ 三浦 - 2 Sān pǔ f /Miura (Japanese surname and place name)/ 三浦梅园 三浦梅園 S - 0 Sān pǔ Méi yuán f /MIURA Baien (1723-1789), Japanese neo-Confucian philosopher and pioneer economist, author of The Origin of value 價原|价原[Jia4 yuan2]/ 三浦梅園 三浦梅园 T - 0 Sān pǔ Méi yuán f /MIURA Baien (1723-1789), Japanese neo-Confucian philosopher and pioneer economist, author of The Origin of value 價原|价原[Jia4 yuan2]/ 三温暖 三溫暖 S - 3 sān wēn nuǎn f /sauna (loanword) (Tw)/ 三湾 三灣 S - 36 Sān wān f /Sanwan township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 三湾乡 三灣鄉 S - 0 Sān wān xiāng f /Sanwan township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 三溫暖 三温暖 T - 3 sān wēn nuǎn f /sauna (loanword) (Tw)/ 三灣 三湾 T - 36 Sān wān f /Sanwan township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 三灣鄉 三湾乡 T - 0 Sān wān xiāng f /Sanwan township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 三点全露 三點全露 S - 0 sān diǎn quán lòu f /(slang) naked/nude/ 三点水 三點水 S - 7 sān diǎn shuǐ f /name of "water" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 85)/see also 氵[shui3]/ 三焦 - 80 sān jiāo f /(TCM) the three truncal cavities (thoracic, abdominal and pelvic), known as the "triple heater" or "San Jiao"/ 三班倒 - 15 sān bān dǎo f /three-shift system (work rostering)/ 三瓦两舍 三瓦兩舍 S - 3 sān wǎ liǎng shè f /places of pleasure (like brothels, tea houses etc)/ 三瓦兩舍 三瓦两舍 T - 3 sān wǎ liǎng shè f /places of pleasure (like brothels, tea houses etc)/ 三生有幸 - 40 sān shēng yǒu xìng f /the blessing of three lifetimes (idiom)/(courteous language) it's my good fortune.../ 三用表 - 0 sān yòng biǎo f /instrument console (diving)/ 三田 - 5 Sān tián f /Mita, Sanda, Mitsuda etc (Japanese surname or place name)/ 三田 - 5 sān tián f /3 annual hunting bouts/3 qi points/ 三甲 - 245 sān jiǎ f /3rd rank of candidates who passed the imperial examination/ 三略 - 3 Sān lüè f /see 黃石公三略|黄石公三略[Huang2 Shi2 gong1 San1 lu:e4]/ 三番五次 - 47 sān fān wǔ cì f /over and over again (idiom)/ 三疊紀 三叠纪 T - 74 Sān dié jì f /Triassic (geological period 250-205m years ago)/ 三百六十行 - 18 sān bǎi liù shí háng f /all walks of life (idiom)/every trade/ 三皇 - 57 sān huáng f /Three Sovereigns, between Gods and Emperors in third millennium BC/usually listed as Suiren 燧人[Sui4 ren2], Fuxi 伏羲[Fu2 Xi1], trapping and writing, Shennong or Farmer God 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2]/ 三皇五帝 - 32 sān huáng wǔ dì f /three sovereigns 三皇[san1 huang2] and five emperors 五帝[wu3 di4] of myth and legend/the earliest system of Chinese historiography/ 三皇炮捶 - 0 sān huáng pào chuí f /Paochui - "Three Emperor Cannon Punch" (Chinese Martial Art)/ 三相点 三相點 S - 3 sān xiàng diǎn f /triple point (thermodynamics)/ 三相點 三相点 T - 3 sān xiàng diǎn f /triple point (thermodynamics)/ 三硝基甲苯 - 0 sān xiāo jī jiǎ běn f /trinitrotoluene (TNT)/ 三碳糖 - 0 sān tàn táng f /triose (CH20)3, monosaccharide with three carbon atoms, such as glyceraldehyde 甘油醛[gan1 you2 quan2]/ 三磷酸腺苷 - 0 sān lín suān xiàn gān f /adenosine triphosphate (ATP)/ 三秒胶 三秒膠 S - 0 sān miǎo jiāo f /superglue/ 三秒膠 三秒胶 T - 0 sān miǎo jiāo f /superglue/ 三稜草 三棱草 T - 0 sān léng cǎo f /sedge herb (Cyperus rotundus)/ 三稜鏡 三棱镜 T - 32 sān léng jìng f /(triangular) prism/ 三穗 - 4 Sān suì f /Sansui county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州[Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 三穗县 三穗縣 S - 3 Sān suì xiàn f /Sansui county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州[Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 三穗縣 三穗县 T - 3 Sān suì xiàn f /Sansui county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州[Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 三等分 - 3 sān děng fēn f /trisection (math.)/trisecting an angle/ 三等分角 - 0 sān děng fēn jiǎo f /trisection (math.)/trisecting an angle/ 三級 三级 T - 1962 sān jí f /grade 3/third class/category C/ 三級士官 三级士官 T - 0 sān jí shì guān f /staff sergeant/ 三級片 三级片 T - 3 sān jí piàn f /third category movie (containing sexual or violent content)/ 三級跳 三级跳 T - 25 sān jí tiào f /triple jump (athletics)/hop, skip and jump/ 三級跳遠 三级跳远 T - 8 sān jí tiào yuǎn f /triple jump (athletics)/hop, skip and jump/ 三索錦蛇 三索锦蛇 T - 0 sān suǒ jǐn shé f /copperhead race (Elaphe radiata), kind of snake/ 三索锦蛇 三索錦蛇 S - 0 sān suǒ jǐn shé f /copperhead race (Elaphe radiata), kind of snake/ 三維 三维 T - 236 sān wéi f /three dimensional/3D/ 三維空間 三维空间 T - 42 sān wéi kōng jiān f /three-dimensional space/3D/ 三綱五常 三纲五常 T - 29 sān gāng wǔ cháng f /three principles and five virtues (idiom)/the three rules (ruler guides subject, father guides son and husband guides wife) and five constant virtues of Confucianism (benevolence 仁, righteousness 義|义, propriety 禮|礼, wisdom 智 and fidelity 信)/ 三级 三級 S - 1962 sān jí f /grade 3/third class/category C/ 三级士官 三級士官 S - 0 sān jí shì guān f /staff sergeant/ 三级片 三級片 S - 3 sān jí piàn f /third category movie (containing sexual or violent content)/ 三级跳 三級跳 S - 25 sān jí tiào f /triple jump (athletics)/hop, skip and jump/ 三级跳远 三級跳遠 S - 8 sān jí tiào yuǎn f /triple jump (athletics)/hop, skip and jump/ 三纲五常 三綱五常 S - 29 sān gāng wǔ cháng f /three principles and five virtues (idiom)/the three rules (ruler guides subject, father guides son and husband guides wife) and five constant virtues of Confucianism (benevolence 仁, righteousness 義|义, propriety 禮|礼, wisdom 智 and fidelity 信)/ 三维 三維 S - 236 sān wéi f /three dimensional/3D/ 三维空间 三維空間 S - 42 sān wéi kōng jiān f /three-dimensional space/3D/ 三義 三义 T - 8 Sān yì f /Sanyi township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 三義鄉 三义乡 T - 0 Sān yì xiāng f /Sanyi township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 三联书店 三聯書店 S - 57 Sān lián Shū diàn f /Joint Publishing, book store chain and publisher, founded in Hong Kong in 1948/ 三联管 三聯管 S - 0 sān lián guǎn f /triplet/ 三聚氰胺 - 66 sān jù qíng àn f /melamine C3H6N6/ 三聯書店 三联书店 T - 57 Sān lián Shū diàn f /Joint Publishing, book store chain and publisher, founded in Hong Kong in 1948/ 三聯管 三联管 T - 0 sān lián guǎn f /triplet/ 三胚层动物 三胚層動物 S - 0 sān pēi céng dòng wù f /triploblastic animals (having three germ layers)/ 三胚層動物 三胚层动物 T - 0 sān pēi céng dòng wù f /triploblastic animals (having three germ layers)/ 三胞胎 - 8 sān bāo tāi f /triplets/ 三脚两步 三腳兩步 S - 19 sān jiǎo liǎng bù f /hurriedly/just a few steps away/ 三脚架 三腳架 S - 31 sān jiǎo jià f /tripod/derrick crane/ 三脚猫 三腳貓 S - 34 sān jiǎo māo f /jack of all trades/ 三腳兩步 三脚两步 T - 19 sān jiǎo liǎng bù f /hurriedly/just a few steps away/ 三腳架 三脚架 T - 31 sān jiǎo jià f /tripod/derrick crane/ 三腳貓 三脚猫 T - 34 sān jiǎo māo f /jack of all trades/ 三膲 - 0 sān jiāo f /variant of 三焦[san1 jiao1]/ 三自 - 0 Sān zì f /abbr. for 三自愛國教會|三自爱国教会[San1 zi4 Ai4 guo2 Jiao4 hui4], Three-Self Patriotic Movement/ 三自愛國教會 三自爱国教会 T - 0 Sān zì Aì guó Jiào huì f /Three-Self Patriotic Movement, PRC government-sanctioned Protestant church from 1949/ 三自教会 三自教會 S - 0 Sān zì Jiào huì f /Three-Self Patriotic Movement, PRC government-sanctioned Protestant church from 1949/ 三自教會 三自教会 T - 0 Sān zì Jiào huì f /Three-Self Patriotic Movement, PRC government-sanctioned Protestant church from 1949/ 三自爱国教会 三自愛國教會 S - 0 Sān zì Aì guó Jiào huì f /Three-Self Patriotic Movement, PRC government-sanctioned Protestant church from 1949/ 三色堇 - 4 sān sè jǐn f /pansy/ 三色猫 三色貓 S - 0 sān sè māo f /calico cat/ 三色紫罗兰 三色紫羅蘭 S - 0 sān sè zǐ luó lán f /pansy/ 三色紫羅蘭 三色紫罗兰 T - 0 sān sè zǐ luó lán f /pansy/ 三色貓 三色猫 T - 0 sān sè māo f /calico cat/ 三芝 - 3 Sān zhī f /Sanzhi or Sanchih township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 三芝乡 三芝鄉 S - 0 Sān zhī xiāng f /Sanzhi or Sanchih township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 三芝鄉 三芝乡 T - 0 Sān zhī xiāng f /Sanzhi or Sanchih township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 三苏 三蘇 S - 0 Sān Sū f /the Three Su father and sons/refers to northern Song literati Su Xun 蘇洵|苏洵, Su Shi 蘇軾|苏轼 and Su Zhe 蘇轍|苏辙/ 三茶六飯 三茶六饭 T - 3 sān chá liù fàn f /lit. to offer three kinds of tea and six different dishes/to be extremely considerate towards guests (idiom)/ 三茶六饭 三茶六飯 S - 3 sān chá liù fàn f /lit. to offer three kinds of tea and six different dishes/to be extremely considerate towards guests (idiom)/ 三菱 - 87 Sān líng f /Mitsubishi/ 三葉星雲 三叶星云 T - 0 Sān yè xīng yún f /Trifid Nebula M20/ 三葉草 三叶草 T - 15 sān yè cǎo f /clover/trefoil/ 三葉蟲 三叶虫 T - 49 sān yè chóng f /trilobite/ 三藏 - 1322 Sān zàng f /Tripitaka (602-664) Tang dynasty Buddhist monk and translator, who traveled to India 629-645/same as 玄奘/ 三藏法师 三藏法師 S - 0 Sān zàng fǎ shī f /Tripitaka (602-664) Tang dynasty Buddhist monk and translator, who traveled to India 629-645/same as 玄奘/ 三藏法師 三藏法师 T - 0 Sān zàng fǎ shī f /Tripitaka (602-664) Tang dynasty Buddhist monk and translator, who traveled to India 629-645/same as 玄奘/ 三藩之乱 三藩之亂 S - 0 sān fān zhī luàn f /Three feudatories rebellion against Qing 1673-1681 during the reign of Kangxi/ 三藩之亂 三藩之乱 T - 0 sān fān zhī luàn f /Three feudatories rebellion against Qing 1673-1681 during the reign of Kangxi/ 三藩叛乱 三藩叛亂 S - 0 Sān fān pàn luàn f /rebellion against the Qing of 1670s, pacified by Kangxi/ 三藩叛亂 三藩叛乱 T - 0 Sān fān pàn luàn f /rebellion against the Qing of 1670s, pacified by Kangxi/ 三藩市 - 3 Sān fān shì f /San Francisco (California)/ 三蘇 三苏 T - 0 Sān Sū f /the Three Su father and sons/refers to northern Song literati Su Xun 蘇洵|苏洵, Su Shi 蘇軾|苏轼 and Su Zhe 蘇轍|苏辙/ 三號木桿 三号木杆 T - 0 sān hào mù gān f /spoon (golf)/ 三號電池 三号电池 T - 0 sān hào diàn chí f /C size battery (PRC)/AA battery (Taiwan)/see 二號電池|二号电池 (C battery in Taiwan) and 五號電池|五号电池 (AA battery in PRC)/ 三親六故 三亲六故 T - 4 sān qīn liù gù f /old friends and relatives/ 三角 - 613 sān jiǎo f /triangle/ 三角债 三角債 S - 16 sān jiǎo zhài f /triangular debt/ 三角債 三角债 T - 16 sān jiǎo zhài f /triangular debt/ 三角关系 三角關係 S - 0 sān jiǎo guān xì f /triangle relationship/a love triangle/ 三角凳 - 0 sān jiǎo dèng f /three-legged stool/ 三角函数 三角函數 S - 54 sān jiǎo hán shù f /trigonometric function/ 三角函數 三角函数 T - 54 sān jiǎo hán shù f /trigonometric function/ 三角学 三角學 S - 52 sān jiǎo xué f /trigonometry/ 三角學 三角学 T - 52 sān jiǎo xué f /trigonometry/ 三角巾 - 0 sān jiǎo jīn f /sling (for a wounded arm)/ 三角座 - 0 Sān jiǎo zuò f /Triangulum (constellation)/ 三角形 - 479 sān jiǎo xíng f /triangle/ 三角恋爱 三角戀愛 S - 6 sān jiǎo liàn ài f /love triangle/ 三角恐龍 三角恐龙 T - 0 sān jiǎo kǒng lóng f /triceratops (dinosaur)/ 三角恐龙 三角恐龍 S - 0 sān jiǎo kǒng lóng f /triceratops (dinosaur)/ 三角戀愛 三角恋爱 T - 6 sān jiǎo liàn ài f /love triangle/ 三角板 - 5 sān jiǎo bǎn f /set square/triangle (for drawing right angles)/ 三角柱体 三角柱體 S - 0 sān jiǎo zhù tǐ f /triangular prism (math.)/ 三角柱體 三角柱体 T - 0 sān jiǎo zhù tǐ f /triangular prism (math.)/ 三角法 - 0 sān jiǎo fǎ f /trigonometry (math.)/ 三角洲 - 663 sān jiǎo zhōu f /delta (geography)/ 三角测量法 三角測量法 S - 0 sān jiǎo cè liáng fǎ f /triangulation (surveying)/ 三角測量法 三角测量法 T - 0 sān jiǎo cè liáng fǎ f /triangulation (surveying)/ 三角肌 - 3 sān jiǎo jī f /deltoid muscle (over the shoulder)/ 三角腹带 三角腹帶 S - 0 sān jiǎo fù dài f /athletic supporter/ 三角腹帶 三角腹带 T - 0 sān jiǎo fù dài f /athletic supporter/ 三角裤 三角褲 S - 6 sān jiǎo kù f /briefs/panties/ 三角裤衩 三角褲衩 S - 0 sān jiǎo kù chǎ f /briefs/panties/ 三角褲 三角裤 T - 6 sān jiǎo kù f /briefs/panties/ 三角褲衩 三角裤衩 T - 0 sān jiǎo kù chǎ f /briefs/panties/ 三角錐 三角锥 T - 0 sān jiǎo zhuī f /triangular pyramid (math.)/ 三角锥 三角錐 S - 0 sān jiǎo zhuī f /triangular pyramid (math.)/ 三角關係 三角关系 T - 0 sān jiǎo guān xì f /triangle relationship/a love triangle/ 三角龍 三角龙 T - 0 sān jiǎo lóng f /triceratops/ 三角龙 三角龍 S - 0 sān jiǎo lóng f /triceratops/ 三言两句 三言兩句 S - 3 sān yán liǎng jù f /in a few words (idiom); expressed succinctly/ 三言两语 三言兩語 S - 89 sān yán liǎng yǔ f /in a few words (idiom); expressed succinctly/ 三言兩句 三言两句 T - 3 sān yán liǎng jù f /in a few words (idiom); expressed succinctly/ 三言兩語 三言两语 T - 89 sān yán liǎng yǔ f /in a few words (idiom); expressed succinctly/ 三論宗 三论宗 T - 12 Sān lùn zōng f /Three Treatise School (Buddhism)/ 三论宗 三論宗 S - 12 Sān lùn zōng f /Three Treatise School (Buddhism)/ 三貂角 - 0 Sān diāo jiǎo f /Cape San Diego or Santiao, easternmost point of Taiwan Island/ 三貞九烈 三贞九烈 T - 3 sān zhēn jiǔ liè f /(of a widow) faithful to the death to her husband's memory/ 三資企業 三资企业 T - 59 sān zī qǐ yè f /foreign, private and joint ventures/ 三贞九烈 三貞九烈 S - 3 sān zhēn jiǔ liè f /(of a widow) faithful to the death to her husband's memory/ 三资企业 三資企業 S - 59 sān zī qǐ yè f /foreign, private and joint ventures/ 三足乌 三足烏 S - 0 sān zú wū f /three-legged Golden Crow that lives in the sun (in northeast Asian and Chinese mythology)/Korean: samjog'o/ 三足烏 三足乌 T - 0 sān zú wū f /three-legged Golden Crow that lives in the sun (in northeast Asian and Chinese mythology)/Korean: samjog'o/ 三足金乌 三足金烏 S - 0 sān zú jīn wū f /three-legged Golden Crow that lives in the sun (in northeast Asian and Chinese mythology)/Korean: samjog'o/ 三足金烏 三足金乌 T - 0 sān zú jīn wū f /three-legged Golden Crow that lives in the sun (in northeast Asian and Chinese mythology)/Korean: samjog'o/ 三趾啄木鳥 三趾啄木鸟 T - 0 sān zhǐ zhuó mù niǎo f /(bird species of China) Eurasian three-toed woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus)/ 三趾啄木鸟 三趾啄木鳥 S - 0 sān zhǐ zhuó mù niǎo f /(bird species of China) Eurasian three-toed woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus)/ 三趾滨鹬 三趾濱鷸 S - 0 sān zhǐ bīn yù f /(bird species of China) sanderling (Calidris alba)/ 三趾濱鷸 三趾滨鹬 T - 0 sān zhǐ bīn yù f /(bird species of China) sanderling (Calidris alba)/ 三趾翠鳥 三趾翠鸟 T - 0 sān zhǐ cuì niǎo f /(bird species of China) oriental dwarf kingfisher (Ceyx erithacus)/ 三趾翠鸟 三趾翠鳥 S - 0 sān zhǐ cuì niǎo f /(bird species of China) oriental dwarf kingfisher (Ceyx erithacus)/ 三趾鴉雀 三趾鸦雀 T - 0 sān zhǐ yā què f /(bird species of China) three-toed parrotbill (Cholornis paradoxa)/ 三趾鷗 三趾鸥 T - 0 sān zhǐ ōu f /(bird species of China) black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla)/ 三趾鸥 三趾鷗 S - 0 sān zhǐ ōu f /(bird species of China) black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla)/ 三趾鸦雀 三趾鴉雀 S - 0 sān zhǐ yā què f /(bird species of China) three-toed parrotbill (Cholornis paradoxa)/ 三跪九叩 - 3 sān guì jiǔ kòu f /to kneel three times and kowtow nine times (formal etiquette on meeting the emperor)/ 三軍 三军 T - 617 sān jūn f /(in former times) upper, middle and lower army/army of right, center and left/(in modern times) the three armed services: Army, Navy and Air Force/ 三軍用命 三军用命 T - 0 sān jūn yòng mìng f /(of a team) to throw oneself into the battle/ 三輪車 三轮车 T - 160 sān lún chē f /pedicab/tricycle/ 三輪車夫 三轮车夫 T - 3 sān lún chē fū f /pedicab driver/ 三轮车 三輪車 S - 160 sān lún chē f /pedicab/tricycle/ 三轮车夫 三輪車夫 S - 3 sān lún chē fū f /pedicab driver/ 三農 三农 T - 86 sān nóng f /see 三農問題|三农问题[san1 nong2 wen4 ti2]/ 三農問題 三农问题 T - 3 sān nóng wèn tí f /the three rural issues: agriculture, rural areas and peasants/ 三边形 三邊形 S - 3 sān biān xíng f /triangle/ 三连胜 三連勝 S - 10 sān lián shèng f /hat-trick (sports)/ 三迭紀 三迭纪 T - 0 Sān dié jì f /Triassic (geological period 250-205m years ago)/also written 三疊紀|三叠纪/ 三迭纪 三迭紀 S - 0 Sān dié jì f /Triassic (geological period 250-205m years ago)/also written 三疊紀|三叠纪/ 三退 - 0 sān tuì f /withdrawal from the Communist Party, the Communist Youth League, and the Young Pioneers of China/ 三通 - 433 sān tōng f /T-joint/T-piece/T-pipe/three links/ 三連勝 三连胜 T - 10 sān lián shèng f /hat-trick (sports)/ 三道眉草鵐 三道眉草鹀 T - 0 sān dào méi cǎo wú f /(bird species of China) meadow bunting (Emberiza cioides)/ 三道眉草鹀 三道眉草鵐 S - 0 sān dào méi cǎo wú f /(bird species of China) meadow bunting (Emberiza cioides)/ 三邊形 三边形 T - 3 sān biān xíng f /triangle/ 三部曲 - 294 sān bù qǔ f /trilogy/ 三都县 三都縣 S - 2 Sān dū xiàn f /Sandu Shuizu autonomous county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州[Qian2 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 三都水族自治县 三都水族自治縣 S - 8 Sān dū shuǐ zú zì zhì xiàn f /Sandu Shuizu autonomous county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州[Qian2 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 三都水族自治縣 三都水族自治县 T - 8 Sān dū shuǐ zú zì zhì xiàn f /Sandu Shuizu autonomous county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州[Qian2 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 三都縣 三都县 T - 2 Sān dū xiàn f /Sandu Shuizu autonomous county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州[Qian2 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 三酸甘油酯 - 0 sān suān gān yóu zhǐ f /triglyceride/ 三里屯 - 27 Sān lǐ tún f /Sanlitun (Beijing street name)/ 三里河 - 10 Sān lǐ hé f /Sanlihe (Beijing street name)/ 三重 - 231 Sān chóng f /Sanchong or Sanch'ung city in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/Mie Prefecture in central Japan/ 三重 - 231 sān chóng f /treble/ 三重县 三重縣 S - 0 Sān chóng xiàn f /Mi'e prefecture in central Japan/ 三重奏 - 15 sān chóng zòu f /trio (musical ensemble)/ 三重市 - 3 Sān chóng shì f /Sanchong or Sanch'ung city in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 三重縣 三重县 T - 0 Sān chóng xiàn f /Mi'e prefecture in central Japan/ 三鍵 三键 T - 0 sān jiàn f /triple bond (chemistry)/triple link/ 三键 三鍵 S - 0 sān jiàn f /triple bond (chemistry)/triple link/ 三長兩短 三长两短 T - 99 sān cháng liǎng duǎn f /unexpected misfortune/unexpected accident/sudden death/ 三长两短 三長兩短 S - 99 sān cháng liǎng duǎn f /unexpected misfortune/unexpected accident/sudden death/ 三門 三门 T - 329 Sān mén f /Sanmen county in Taizhou 台州[Tai1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 三門峽 三门峡 T - 94 Sān mén xiá f /Sanmenxia prefecture level city in Henan/ 三門峽市 三门峡市 T - 26 Sān mén xiá shì f /Sanmenxia prefecture level city in Henan/ 三門縣 三门县 T - 3 Sān mén xiàn f /Sanmen county in Taizhou 台州[Tai1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 三门 三門 S - 329 Sān mén f /Sanmen county in Taizhou 台州[Tai1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 三门县 三門縣 S - 3 Sān mén xiàn f /Sanmen county in Taizhou 台州[Tai1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 三门峡 三門峽 S - 94 Sān mén xiá f /Sanmenxia prefecture level city in Henan/ 三门峡市 三門峽市 S - 26 Sān mén xiá shì f /Sanmenxia prefecture level city in Henan/ 三阿姨 - 0 sān ā yí f /auntie, third eldest of sisters in mother's family/ 三陪小姐 - 0 sān péi xiǎo jie f /female escort/bar girl/ 三隻手 三只手 T - 12 sān zhī shǒu f /pickpocket/ 三音 - 0 sān yīn f /third (musical interval, e.g. do-mi)/ 三音度 - 0 sān yīn dù f /third (musical interval)/ 三項 三项 T - 475 sān xiàng f /three items/three events/three terms/tri-/trinomial, ternary (math.)/triathlon (abbr. for 三項全能|三项全能)/ 三項全能 三项全能 T - 0 sān xiàng quán néng f /triathlon/ 三項式 三项式 T - 3 sān xiàng shì f /trinomial (math.)/ 三頭六臂 三头六臂 T - 64 sān tóu liù bì f /lit. to have three heads and six arms (idiom)/fig. to possess remarkable abilities/a being of formidable powers/ 三頭肌 三头肌 T - 0 sān tóu jī f /triceps muscle/triceps brachii/ 三顧茅廬 三顾茅庐 T - 267 sān gù máo lú f /lit. three humble visits to a thatched cottage/cf famous episode in the fictional Romance of Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义 in which Liu Bei 劉備|刘备 recruits Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮|诸葛亮 (the Hidden Dragon 臥龍|卧龙) to his cause by visiting him three times/ 三项 三項 S - 475 sān xiàng f /three items/three events/three terms/tri-/trinomial, ternary (math.)/triathlon (abbr. for 三項全能|三项全能)/ 三项全能 三項全能 S - 0 sān xiàng quán néng f /triathlon/ 三项式 三項式 S - 3 sān xiàng shì f /trinomial (math.)/ 三顾茅庐 三顧茅廬 S - 267 sān gù máo lú f /lit. three humble visits to a thatched cottage/cf famous episode in the fictional Romance of Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义 in which Liu Bei 劉備|刘备 recruits Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮|诸葛亮 (the Hidden Dragon 臥龍|卧龙) to his cause by visiting him three times/ 三馬同槽 三马同槽 T - 3 sān mǎ tóng cáo f /three horses at the same trough (idiom, alluding to Sima Yi 司馬懿|司马懿[Si1 ma3 Yi4] and his two sons); conspirators under the same roof/ 三駕馬車 三驾马车 T - 0 sān jià mǎ chē f /troika/ 三马同槽 三馬同槽 S - 3 sān mǎ tóng cáo f /three horses at the same trough (idiom, alluding to Sima Yi 司馬懿|司马懿[Si1 ma3 Yi4] and his two sons); conspirators under the same roof/ 三驾马车 三駕馬車 S - 0 sān jià mǎ chē f /troika/ 三體 三体 T - 0 sān tǐ f /trisomy/ 三體問題 三体问题 T - 3 sān tǐ wèn tí f /three-body problem (mechanics)/ 三魂 - 0 sān hún f /three immortal souls in Daoism, representing spirit and intellect/ 三魂七魄 - 4 sān hún qī pò f /three immortal souls and seven mortal forms in Daoism, contrasting the spiritual and carnal side of man/ 三鮮 三鲜 T - 265 sān xiān f /three fresh ingredients (in cooking)/ 三鲜 三鮮 S - 265 sān xiān f /three fresh ingredients (in cooking)/ 三鹿 - 11 Sān Lù f /Three Deer (brand)/ 三鹿集团 三鹿集團 S - 0 Sān lù Jí tuán f /Sanlu Group, Chinese state-owned dairy products company involved in the 2008 melamine poisoning scandal/ 三鹿集團 三鹿集团 T - 0 Sān lù Jí tuán f /Sanlu Group, Chinese state-owned dairy products company involved in the 2008 melamine poisoning scandal/ 三點全露 三点全露 T - 0 sān diǎn quán lòu f /(slang) naked/nude/ 三點水 三点水 T - 7 sān diǎn shuǐ f /name of "water" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 85)/see also 氵[shui3]/ 上 29 258101 shǎng f /see 上聲|上声[shang3 sheng1]/ 上 29 258101 shàng t /on top/upon/above/upper/previous/first (of multiple parts)/to climb/to get onto/to go up/to attend (class or university)/ 上一个 上一個 S - 0 shàng yī ge f /previous one/ 上一個 上一个 T - 0 shàng yī ge f /previous one/ 上一号 上一號 S - 0 shàng yī hào f /(coll.) to go pee/to go to the bathroom/ 上一次当,学一次乖 上一次當,學一次乖 S - 0 shàng yī cì dàng , xué yī cì guāi f /to take sth as a lesson for next time (idiom)/once bitten, twice shy/ 上一次當,學一次乖 上一次当,学一次乖 T - 0 shàng yī cì dàng , xué yī cì guāi f /to take sth as a lesson for next time (idiom)/once bitten, twice shy/ 上一號 上一号 T - 0 shàng yī hào f /(coll.) to go pee/to go to the bathroom/ 上一頁 上一页 T - 0 shàng yī yè f /preceding page/ 上一页 上一頁 S - 0 shàng yī yè f /preceding page/ 上万 上萬 S - 208 shàng wàn f /over ten thousand/fig. untold numbers/innumerable/thousands upon thousands/ 上上之策 - 3 shàng shàng zhī cè f /the best policy/the best thing one can do in the circumstances/ 上下 - 2142 shàng xià f /up and down/top and bottom/old and new/length/about/ 上下五千年 - 0 shàng xià wǔ qiān nián f /popular history of China in three volumes by Cao Yuzhang 曹余章/ 上下其手 - 10 shàng xià qí shǒu f /to raise and lower one's hand (idiom); to signal as conspiratorial hint/fig. conspiring to defraud/ 上下床 - 3 shàng xià chuáng f /bunk bed/ 上下文 - 111 shàng xià wén f /(textual) context/ 上下文菜单 上下文菜單 S - 0 shàng xià wén cài dān f /context menu (computing)/ 上下文菜單 上下文菜单 T - 0 shàng xià wén cài dān f /context menu (computing)/ 上下班 - 94 shàng xià bān f /to start and finish work/ 上下班时间 上下班時間 S - 0 shàng xià bān shí jiān f /rush hour/ 上下班時間 上下班时间 T - 0 shàng xià bān shí jiān f /rush hour/ 上不了台面 上不了檯面 S - 0 shàng bù liǎo tái miàn f /better kept under the table (idiom)/not to be disclosed/too inferior to show in public/ 上不了檯面 上不了台面 T - 0 shàng bù liǎo tái miàn f /better kept under the table (idiom)/not to be disclosed/too inferior to show in public/ 上不得台盤 上不得臺盤 S - 0 shàng bù dé tái pán f /too uncouth to appear in public (idiom)/unfit for a public role/ 上不得臺盤 上不得台盤 T - 0 shàng bù dé tái pán f /too uncouth to appear in public (idiom)/unfit for a public role/ 上个 上個 S - 3 shàng ge f /first (of two parts)/last (week etc)/previous/the above/ 上个星期 上個星期 S - 3 shàng gè xīng qī f /last week/ 上个月 上個月 S - 207 shàng gè yuè f /last month/ 上乘 - 430 shàng chéng f /first-class/best quality/also pr. [shang4 sheng4]/ 上书 上書 S - 818 shàng shū f /to write a letter (to the authorities)/to present a petition/ 上交 - 220 shàng jiāo f /to hand over to/to give to higher authority/to seek connections in high places/ 上代 - 60 shàng dài f /previous generation/ 上任 4079 541 shàng rèn f /to take office/previous (incumbent)/predecessor/ 上传 上傳 S - 98 shàng chuán f /to upload/ 上位 - 71 shàng wèi f /top seat/person occupying leading position/ 上位概念 - 0 shàng wèi gài niàn f /superordinate concept/ 上來 上来 T - 3970 shàng lái f /to come up/to approach/(verb complement indicating success)/ 上供 - 51 shàng gòng f /to make offerings (to gods or ancestors)/to offer gifts to superiors in order to win their favor/ 上個 上个 T - 3 shàng ge f /first (of two parts)/last (week etc)/previous/the above/ 上個星期 上个星期 T - 3 shàng gè xīng qī f /last week/ 上個月 上个月 T - 207 shàng gè yuè f /last month/ 上傳 上传 T - 98 shàng chuán f /to upload/ 上农 上農 S - 3 shàng nóng f /a rich farmer/to stress the importance of agriculture (in ancient philosophy)/ 上前 - 1658 shàng qián f /to advance/to step forward/ 上升 上昇 S - 3747 shàng shēng f /to rise/to go up/to ascend/ 上升空間 上升空间 T - 0 shàng shēng kōng jiān f /upside/potential to rise/ 上升空间 上升空間 S - 0 shàng shēng kōng jiān f /upside/potential to rise/ 上升趋势 上升趨勢 S - 0 shàng shēng qū shì f /an upturn/an upward trend/ 上升趨勢 上升趋势 T - 0 shàng shēng qū shì f /an upturn/an upward trend/ 上午 143 3088 shàng wǔ f /morning/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 上半 - 65 shàng bàn f /first half/ 上半叶 上半葉 S - 172 shàng bàn yè f /the first half (of a period)/ 上半夜 - 21 shàng bàn yè f /first half of the night/time before midnight/ 上半天 - 37 shàng bàn tiān f /morning/ 上半年 - 851 shàng bàn nián f /first half (of a year)/ 上半晌 - 0 shàng bàn shǎng f /forenoon/morning/a.m./ 上半葉 上半叶 T - 172 shàng bàn yè f /the first half (of a period)/ 上半身 - 68 shàng bàn shēn f /the upper body/ 上半部分 - 0 shàng bàn bù fèn f /upper part/top half/ 上去 - 3421 shàng qù f /to go up/ 上口 - 19 shàng kǒu f /to be able to read aloud fluently/to be suitable (easy enough) for reading aloud/ 上口齒 上口齿 T - 0 shàng kǒu chǐ f /supraoral tooth/ 上口齿 上口齒 S - 0 shàng kǒu chǐ f /supraoral tooth/ 上古 - 237 shàng gǔ f /the distant past/ancient times/antiquity/early historical times/ 上古汉语 上古漢語 S - 0 shàng gǔ Hàn yǔ f /Old Chinese (linguistics)/ 上古漢語 上古汉语 T - 0 shàng gǔ Hàn yǔ f /Old Chinese (linguistics)/ 上台 - 762 shàng tái f /to rise to power (in politics)/to go on stage (in the theater)/ 上司 - 1137 shàng si f /boss/superior/ 上合 - 0 Shàng Hé f /SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation)/abbr. for 上海合作組織|上海合作组织[Shang4 hai3 He2 zuo4 Zu3 zhi1]/ 上合組織 上合组织 T - 0 Shàng Hé Zǔ zhī f /Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)/ 上合组织 上合組織 S - 0 Shàng Hé Zǔ zhī f /Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)/ 上吊 - 225 shàng diào f /to hang oneself/ 上同調 上同调 T - 5 shàng tóng diào f /cohomology (invariant of a topological space in math.)/ 上同调 上同調 S - 5 shàng tóng diào f /cohomology (invariant of a topological space in math.)/ 上吐下泻 上吐下瀉 S - 14 shàng tù xià xiè f /to vomit and have diarrhea/ 上吐下瀉 上吐下泻 T - 14 shàng tù xià xiè f /to vomit and have diarrhea/ 上周 - 572 shàng zhōu f /last week/ 上呼吸道感染 - 0 shàng hū xī dào gǎn rǎn f /upper respiratory tract infection/ 上唇 - 78 shàng chún f /upper lip/ 上回 - 0 shàng huí f /last time/the previous time/ 上场 上場 S - 416 shàng chǎng f /on stage/to go on stage/to take the field/ 上坟 上墳 S - 49 shàng fén f /to sweep the tombs (of one's ancestors)/the Qingming festival/ 上坡 - 58 shàng pō f /uphill/upslope/to move upwards/to climb a slope/ 上坡段 - 0 shàng pō duàn f /uphill section (of a race)/ 上坡路 - 5 shàng pō lù f /uphill road/slope up/fig. upward trend/progress/ 上城区 上城區 S - 0 Shàng chéng qū f /Shangcheng district of Hangzhou city 杭州市[Hang2 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 上城區 上城区 T - 0 Shàng chéng qū f /Shangcheng district of Hangzhou city 杭州市[Hang2 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 上域 - 0 shàng yù f /codomain of a function (math.)/ 上報 上报 T - 677 shàng bào f /to report to one's superiors/to appear in the news/to reply to a letter/ 上場 上场 T - 416 shàng chǎng f /on stage/to go on stage/to take the field/ 上墳 上坟 T - 49 shàng fén f /to sweep the tombs (of one's ancestors)/the Qingming festival/ 上声 上聲 S - 9 shǎng shēng f /falling and rising tone/third tone in modern Mandarin/ 上外 - 0 Shàng Wài f /abbr. for 上海外國語大學|上海外国语大学[Shang4 hai3 Wai4 guo2 yu3 Da4 xue2]/ 上夜 - 3 shàng yè f /to be on night duty/ 上天 - 312 shàng tiān f /Heaven/Providence/God/the day before/the sky above/to fly to the sky/to take off and fly into space/to die/to pass away/ 上天入地 - 14 shàng tiān rù dì f /lit. to go up to heaven or down to Hades (idiom)/fig. to go to great lengths/to search heaven and earth/ 上天无路,入地无门 上天無路,入地無門 S - 0 shàng tiān wú lù , rù dì wú mén f /lit. there is no road to the sky, nor door into the earth (idiom)/fig. to be at the end of one's rope/to be trapped in a hopeless situation/ 上天無路,入地無門 上天无路,入地无门 T - 0 shàng tiān wú lù , rù dì wú mén f /lit. there is no road to the sky, nor door into the earth (idiom)/fig. to be at the end of one's rope/to be trapped in a hopeless situation/ 上头 上頭 S - 195 shàng tóu f /(of alcohol) to go to one's head/(old) (of a bride-to-be) to bind one's hair into a bun/(of a prostitute) to receive a patron for the first time/ 上头 上頭 S - 195 shàng tou t /above/on top of/on the surface of/ 上夸克 - 0 shàng kuā kè f /up quark (particle physics)/ 上好 - 86 shàng hǎo f /first-rate/top-notch/ 上学 上學 S - 880 shàng xué f /to go to school/to attend school/ 上學 上学 T - 880 shàng xué f /to go to school/to attend school/ 上官 - 67 Shàng guān f /two-character surname Shangguan/ 上官 - 67 shàng guān f /high-ranking official/superior/ 上家 - 10 shàng jiā f /preceding player (in a game)/ 上将 上將 S - 709 shàng jiàng f /general/admiral/air chief marshal/ 上将军 上將軍 S - 0 shàng jiàng jūn f /top general/commander-in-chief/ 上將 上将 T - 709 shàng jiàng f /general/admiral/air chief marshal/ 上將軍 上将军 T - 0 shàng jiàng jūn f /top general/commander-in-chief/ 上尉 - 136 shàng wèi f /captain (military rank)/ 上层 上層 S - 1066 shàng céng f /upper layer/ 上层建筑 上層建築 S - 242 shàng céng jiàn zhù f /superstructure/ 上層 上层 T - 1066 shàng céng f /upper layer/ 上層建築 上层建筑 T - 242 shàng céng jiàn zhù f /superstructure/ 上山 - 840 shàng shān f /to go uphill/to spin cocoon (silkworms)/to pass away/ 上山下乡 上山下鄉 S - 119 shàng shān xià xiāng f /to work in the fields (esp. young school-leavers)/forced agricultural experience for city intellectuals/ 上山下鄉 上山下乡 T - 119 shàng shān xià xiāng f /to work in the fields (esp. young school-leavers)/forced agricultural experience for city intellectuals/ 上岗 上崗 S - 301 shàng gǎng f /to take up one's post/to be given a job/ 上岸 - 381 shàng àn f /to go ashore/to climb ashore/ 上崗 上岗 T - 301 shàng gǎng f /to take up one's post/to be given a job/ 上工 - 73 shàng gōng f /to go to work/to start work/ 上市 - 3199 shàng shì f /to hit the market (of a new product)/to float (a company on the stock market)/ 上市公司 - 3 shàng shì gōng sī f /listed company/ 上帝 - 1170 Shàng dì f /God/ 上年 - 2075 shàng nián f /last year/ 上床 - 308 shàng chuáng f /to go to bed/(coll.) to have sex/ 上座 - 0 shàng zuò f /seat of honor/ 上座部 - 27 Shàng zuò bù f /Theravada school of Buddhism/ 上弦 - 22 shàng xián f /to wind/to tighten/crescent moon/first quarter or waxing moon/ 上弦月 - 3 shàng xián yuè f /first quarter moon/ 上当 上當 S 2298 382 shàng dàng f /taken in (by sb's deceit)/to be fooled/to be duped/ 上心 - 32 shàng xīn f /carefully/meticulously/to set one's heart on sth/ 上思 - 17 Shàng sī f /Shangxi county in Fangchenggang 防城港[Fang2 cheng2 gang3], Guangxi/ 上思县 上思縣 S - 2 Shàng sī xiàn f /Shangxi county in Fangchenggang 防城港[Fang2 cheng2 gang3], Guangxi/ 上思縣 上思县 T - 2 Shàng sī xiàn f /Shangxi county in Fangchenggang 防城港[Fang2 cheng2 gang3], Guangxi/ 上房 - 236 shàng fáng f /see 正房[zheng4 fang2]/ 上手 - 60 shàng shǒu f /to obtain/to master/overhand (serve etc)/seat of honor/ 上扬 上揚 S - 393 shàng yáng f /to rise (i.e. number increases)/a price rise/to raise/ 上扬趋势 上揚趨勢 S - 0 shàng yáng qū shì f /upward trend/rising tendency/ 上报 上報 S - 677 shàng bào f /to report to one's superiors/to appear in the news/to reply to a letter/ 上揚 上扬 T - 393 shàng yáng f /to rise (i.e. number increases)/a price rise/to raise/ 上揚趨勢 上扬趋势 T - 0 shàng yáng qū shì f /upward trend/rising tendency/ 上文 - 0 shàng wén f /preceding part of the text/ 上新世 - 100 Shàng xīn shì f /Pliocene (geological epoch from 5m-2m years ago)/ 上方宝剑 上方寶劍 S - 3 shàng fāng bǎo jiàn f /imperial sword (giving bearer plenipotentiary powers)/imperial Chinese version of 007 licensed to kill/ 上方寶劍 上方宝剑 T - 3 shàng fāng bǎo jiàn f /imperial sword (giving bearer plenipotentiary powers)/imperial Chinese version of 007 licensed to kill/ 上旬 - 280 shàng xún f /first third of a month/ 上昇 上升 T - 3747 shàng shēng f /to rise/to go up/to ascend/ 上星 - 0 shàng xīng f /to broadcast through satellite/satellite (TV etc)/shangxing acupoint (DU23)/ 上星期 - 18 shàng xīng qī f /last week/previous week/ 上映 - 213 shàng yìng f /to show (a movie)/to screen/ 上書 上书 T - 818 shàng shū f /to write a letter (to the authorities)/to present a petition/ 上月 - 207 shàng yuè f /last month/ 上有天堂,下有苏杭 上有天堂,下有蘇杭 S - 0 shàng yǒu tiān táng , xià yǒu Sū Háng f /lit. there is heaven above, and there is 蘇杭|苏杭[Su1 Hang2] below (idiom)/fig. the beauty and affluence of Suzhou and Hangzhou is comparable with heaven/ 上有天堂,下有蘇杭 上有天堂,下有苏杭 T - 0 shàng yǒu tiān táng , xià yǒu Sū Háng f /lit. there is heaven above, and there is 蘇杭|苏杭[Su1 Hang2] below (idiom)/fig. the beauty and affluence of Suzhou and Hangzhou is comparable with heaven/ 上有政策,下有对策 上有政策,下有對策 S - 0 shàng yǒu zhèng cè , xià yǒu duì cè f /The higher ups have policies while the lower downs have their own ways of getting around them. (idiom)/ 上有政策,下有對策 上有政策,下有对策 T - 0 shàng yǒu zhèng cè , xià yǒu duì cè f /The higher ups have policies while the lower downs have their own ways of getting around them. (idiom)/ 上有老下有小 - 5 shàng yǒu lǎo xià yǒu xiǎo f /lit. above are the elderly, below are the young (idiom)/fig. to have to take care of both one's aging parents and one's children/sandwich generation/ 上杆 上桿 S - 0 shàng gān f /backswing (golf)/ 上来 上來 S - 3970 shàng lái f /to come up/to approach/(verb complement indicating success)/ 上杭 - 28 Shàng háng f /Shanghang county level city in Longyan 龍岩|龙岩, Fujian/ 上杭县 上杭縣 S - 30 Shàng háng xiàn f /Shanghang county in Longyan 龍岩|龙岩, Fujian/ 上杭縣 上杭县 T - 30 Shàng háng xiàn f /Shanghang county in Longyan 龍岩|龙岩, Fujian/ 上林 - 20 Shàng lín f /Shanglin county in Nanning 南寧|南宁[Nan2 ning2], Guangxi/ 上林县 上林縣 S - 2 Shàng lín xiàn f /Shanglin county in Nanning 南寧|南宁[Nan2 ning2], Guangxi/ 上林縣 上林县 T - 2 Shàng lín xiàn f /Shanglin county in Nanning 南寧|南宁[Nan2 ning2], Guangxi/ 上标 上標 S - 29 shàng biāo f /superscript/ 上栗 - 0 Shàng lì f /Shangli county in Pingxiang 萍鄉|萍乡, Jiangxi/ 上栗县 上栗縣 S - 3 Shàng lì xiàn f /Shangli county in Pingxiang 萍鄉|萍乡, Jiangxi/ 上栗縣 上栗县 T - 3 Shàng lì xiàn f /Shangli county in Pingxiang 萍鄉|萍乡, Jiangxi/ 上校 - 262 shàng xiào f /high ranking officer in Chinese army/colonel/ 上桿 上杆 T - 0 shàng gān f /backswing (golf)/ 上梁不正下梁歪 - 16 shàng liáng bù zhèng xià liáng wāi f /lit. If the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam will be crooked (idiom); fig. subordinates imitate their superiors' vices/ 上楼 上樓 S - 220 shàng lóu f /to go upstairs/ 上榜 - 55 shàng bǎng f /to appear on the public roll of successful examinees (i.e. pass an exam)/to make the list/(of a song) to hit the charts/ 上樓 上楼 T - 220 shàng lóu f /to go upstairs/ 上標 上标 T - 29 shàng biāo f /superscript/ 上次 - 930 shàng cì f /last time/ 上款 - 8 shàng kuǎn f /addressee/name of recipient on painting or scroll/ 上气不接下气 上氣不接下氣 S - 90 shàng qì bù jiē xià qì f /not enough breath (idiom); to gasp for breath/ 上氣不接下氣 上气不接下气 T - 90 shàng qì bù jiē xià qì f /not enough breath (idiom); to gasp for breath/ 上水 - 35 Shàng shuǐ f /Sheung Shui (area in Hong Kong)/ 上水 - 35 shàng shuǐ f /upper reaches (of a river)/to go upstream/to add some water/to water (a crop etc)/ 上汽 - 3 Shàng Qì f /abbr. for 上海汽車工業集團|上海汽车工业集团, Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. (SAIC)/ 上流 - 163 shàng liú f /upper class/ 上流社会 上流社會 S - 3 shàng liú shè huì f /upper class/high society/ 上流社會 上流社会 T - 3 shàng liú shè huì f /upper class/high society/ 上浣 - 0 shàng huàn f /first ten days of a lunar month/ 上浮 - 137 shàng fú f /to float up/ 上海 - 16377 Shàng hǎi f /Shanghai municipality, central east China, abbr. to 滬|沪[Hu4]/ 上海交通大学 上海交通大學 S - 208 Shàng hǎi Jiāo tōng Dà xué f /Shanghai Jiao Tong University/ 上海交通大學 上海交通大学 T - 208 Shàng hǎi Jiāo tōng Dà xué f /Shanghai Jiao Tong University/ 上海体育场 上海體育場 S - 2 Shàng hǎi Tǐ yù chǎng f /Shanghai Stadium/ 上海医科大学 上海醫科大學 S - 10 Shàng hǎi Yī kē Dà xué f /Shanghai Medical University/ 上海合作組織 上海合作组织 T - 0 Shàng hǎi Hé zuò Zǔ zhī f /Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)/ 上海合作组织 上海合作組織 S - 0 Shàng hǎi Hé zuò Zǔ zhī f /Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)/ 上海商务印书馆 上海商務印書館 S - 0 Shàng hǎi Shāng wù yìn shū guǎn f /Commercial Press, Shanghai (from 1897)/ 上海商務印書館 上海商务印书馆 T - 0 Shàng hǎi Shāng wù yìn shū guǎn f /Commercial Press, Shanghai (from 1897)/ 上海外国语大学 上海外國語大學 S - 0 Shàng hǎi Wài guó yǔ Dà xué f /Shanghai International Studies University (SISU)/ 上海外國語大學 上海外国语大学 T - 0 Shàng hǎi Wài guó yǔ Dà xué f /Shanghai International Studies University (SISU)/ 上海大剧院 上海大劇院 S - 0 Shàng hǎi Dà jù yuàn f /Shanghai Grand Theater/ 上海大劇院 上海大剧院 T - 0 Shàng hǎi Dà jù yuàn f /Shanghai Grand Theater/ 上海大学 上海大學 S - 65 Shàng hǎi Dà xué f /Shanghai University/ 上海大學 上海大学 T - 65 Shàng hǎi Dà xué f /Shanghai University/ 上海宝钢集团公司 上海寶鋼集團公司 S - 0 Shàng hǎi Bǎo gāng Jí tuán Gōng sī f /Baosteel/ 上海寶鋼集團公司 上海宝钢集团公司 T - 0 Shàng hǎi Bǎo gāng Jí tuán Gōng sī f /Baosteel/ 上海市 - 1910 Shàng hǎi shì f /Shanghai municipality in southeast China, abbr. 滬|沪/ 上海戏剧学院 上海戲劇學院 S - 21 Shàng hǎi Xì jù Xué yuàn f /Shanghai Theatrical Institute/ 上海戲劇學院 上海戏剧学院 T - 21 Shàng hǎi Xì jù Xué yuàn f /Shanghai Theatrical Institute/ 上海振华港口机械 上海振華港口機械 S - 0 Shàng hǎi Zhèn huá Gǎng kǒu Jī xiè f /Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Company/ 上海振華港口機械 上海振华港口机械 T - 0 Shàng hǎi Zhèn huá Gǎng kǒu Jī xiè f /Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Company/ 上海文广新闻传媒集团 上海文廣新聞傳媒集團 S - 0 Shàng hǎi Wén guǎng Xīn wén Chuán méi Jí tuán f /Shanghai Media Group/ 上海文廣新聞傳媒集團 上海文广新闻传媒集团 T - 0 Shàng hǎi Wén guǎng Xīn wén Chuán méi Jí tuán f /Shanghai Media Group/ 上海汽車工業 上海汽车工业 T - 0 Shàng hǎi qì chē gōng yè f /Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. (SAIC)/ 上海汽車工業集團 上海汽车工业集团 T - 0 Shàng hǎi Qì chē Gōng yè Jí tuán f /Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. (SAIC)/ 上海汽车工业 上海汽車工業 S - 0 Shàng hǎi qì chē gōng yè f /Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. (SAIC)/ 上海汽车工业集团 上海汽車工業集團 S - 0 Shàng hǎi Qì chē Gōng yè Jí tuán f /Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. (SAIC)/ 上海浦东发展银行 上海浦東發展銀行 S - 9 Shàng hǎi Pǔ dōng Fā zhǎn Yín háng f /Shanghai Pudong Development Bank/ 上海浦東發展銀行 上海浦东发展银行 T - 9 Shàng hǎi Pǔ dōng Fā zhǎn Yín háng f /Shanghai Pudong Development Bank/ 上海环球金融中心 上海環球金融中心 S - 0 Shàng hǎi Huán qiú Jīn róng Zhōng xīn f /Shanghai World Financial Center (SWFC), skyscraper/ 上海環球金融中心 上海环球金融中心 T - 0 Shàng hǎi Huán qiú Jīn róng Zhōng xīn f /Shanghai World Financial Center (SWFC), skyscraper/ 上海白菜 - 0 Shàng hǎi bái cài f /baby bok choy/Shanghai bok choy/ 上海第二医科大学 上海第二醫科大學 S - 11 Shàng hǎi Dì èr Yī kē Dà xué f /Shanghai Second Medical University/ 上海第二醫科大學 上海第二医科大学 T - 11 Shàng hǎi Dì èr Yī kē Dà xué f /Shanghai Second Medical University/ 上海話 上海话 T - 0 Shàng hǎi huà f /Shanghainese/Shanghai dialect/ 上海證券交易所 上海证券交易所 T - 391 Shàng hǎi Zhèng quàn Jiāo yì suǒ f /Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE)/ 上海證券交易所綜合股價指 上海证券交易所综合股价指 T - 0 Shàng hǎi Zhèng quàn Jiāo yì suǒ Zōng hé Gǔ jià Zhǐ f /Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) Composite Index/ 上海证券交易所 上海證券交易所 S - 391 Shàng hǎi Zhèng quàn Jiāo yì suǒ f /Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE)/ 上海证券交易所综合股价指 上海證券交易所綜合股價指 S - 0 Shàng hǎi Zhèng quàn Jiāo yì suǒ Zōng hé Gǔ jià Zhǐ f /Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) Composite Index/ 上海话 上海話 S - 0 Shàng hǎi huà f /Shanghainese/Shanghai dialect/ 上海財經大學 上海财经大学 T - 26 Shàng hǎi Cái jīng Dà xué f /Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE)/ 上海财经大学 上海財經大學 S - 26 Shàng hǎi Cái jīng Dà xué f /Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE)/ 上海醫科大學 上海医科大学 T - 10 Shàng hǎi Yī kē Dà xué f /Shanghai Medical University/ 上海音乐学院 上海音樂學院 S - 24 Shàng hǎi Yīn yuè Xué yuàn f /Shanghai Conservatory of Music/ 上海音樂學院 上海音乐学院 T - 24 Shàng hǎi Yīn yuè Xué yuàn f /Shanghai Conservatory of Music/ 上海體育場 上海体育场 T - 2 Shàng hǎi Tǐ yù chǎng f /Shanghai Stadium/ 上涨 上漲 S - 2389 shàng zhǎng f /to rise/to go up/ 上游 4252 1780 shàng yóu f /upper reaches (of a river)/upper level/upper echelon/upstream/ 上溜油 - 0 shàng liū yóu f /basted (of meat etc)/ 上演 - 642 shàng yǎn f /to screen (a movie)/to stage (a play)/a screening/a staging/ 上漲 上涨 T - 2389 shàng zhǎng f /to rise/to go up/ 上火 - 60 shàng huǒ f /to get angry/to suffer from excessive internal heat (TCM)/ 上片 - 3 shàng piàn f /(of a movie) to start screening (Tw)/ 上牌 - 2 shàng pái f /to obtain a license plate/ 上牙膛 - 3 shàng yá táng f /palate (roof of the mouth)/ 上犹 上猶 S - 16 Shàng yóu f /Shangyou county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi/ 上犹县 上猶縣 S - 8 Shàng yóu xiàn f /Shangyou county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi/ 上猶 上犹 T - 16 Shàng yóu f /Shangyou county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi/ 上猶縣 上犹县 T - 8 Shàng yóu xiàn f /Shangyou county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi/ 上环 上環 S - 3 shàng huán f /(coll.) to wear an intrauterine device (IUD)/ 上班 261 1337 shàng bān f /to go to work/to be on duty/to start work/to go to the office/ 上班族 - 216 shàng bān zú f /office workers (as social group)/ 上班时间 上班時間 S - 3 shàng bān shí jiān f /time of going to work/the morning rush hour/ 上班時間 上班时间 T - 3 shàng bān shí jiān f /time of going to work/the morning rush hour/ 上環 上环 T - 3 shàng huán f /(coll.) to wear an intrauterine device (IUD)/ 上甘岭 上甘嶺 S - 75 Shàng gān lǐng f /Shanganling district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 上甘岭区 上甘嶺區 S - 3 Shàng gān lǐng qū f /Shanganling district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 上甘嶺 上甘岭 T - 75 Shàng gān lǐng f /Shanganling district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 上甘嶺區 上甘岭区 T - 3 Shàng gān lǐng qū f /Shanganling district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 上田 - 22 Shàng tián f /Ueda (Japanese surname and place name)/ 上界 - 3 shàng jiè f /upper bound/ 上當 上当 T 2298 382 shàng dàng f /taken in (by sb's deceit)/to be fooled/to be duped/ 上疏 - 0 shàng shū f /(of a court official) to present a memorial to the emperor (old)/ 上瘾 上癮 S 3226 80 shàng yǐn f /to get into a habit/to become addicted/ 上癮 上瘾 T 3226 80 shàng yǐn f /to get into a habit/to become addicted/ 上皮 - 246 shàng pí f /epithelium/ 上相 - 0 shàng xiàng f /photogenic/(old) high official/ 上眼睑 上眼瞼 S - 0 shàng yǎn jiǎn f /upper eyelid/ 上眼瞼 上眼睑 T - 0 shàng yǎn jiǎn f /upper eyelid/ 上睑 上瞼 S - 0 shàng jiǎn f /upper eyelid/ 上瞼 上睑 T - 0 shàng jiǎn f /upper eyelid/ 上确界 上確界 S - 0 shàng què jiè f /supremum (math.)/least upper bound/ 上確界 上确界 T - 0 shàng què jiè f /supremum (math.)/least upper bound/ 上空 - 1063 shàng kōng f /overhead/in the sky/ 上空洗車 上空洗车 T - 0 shàng kōng xǐ chē f /topless car wash/ 上空洗车 上空洗車 S - 0 shàng kōng xǐ chē f /topless car wash/ 上第 - 0 shàng dì f /top notch/highest quality/ 上等 - 0 shàng děng f /highest quality/top-notch/ 上等兵 - 16 shàng děng bīng f /private first class (army rank)/ 上箭头 上箭頭 S - 0 shàng jiàn tóu f /up-pointing arrow/ 上箭头键 上箭頭鍵 S - 0 shàng jiàn tóu jiàn f /up arrow key (on keyboard)/ 上箭頭 上箭头 T - 0 shàng jiàn tóu f /up-pointing arrow/ 上箭頭鍵 上箭头键 T - 0 shàng jiàn tóu jiàn f /up arrow key (on keyboard)/ 上級 上级 T 3329 3243 shàng jí f /higher authorities/superiors/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 上級領導 上级领导 T - 3 shàng jí lǐng dǎo f /high level leadership/top brass/ 上綱上線 上纲上线 T - 15 shàng gāng shàng xiàn f /to criticize (as a matter of principle)/ 上網 上网 T 572 849 shàng wǎng f /to go online/to connect to the Internet/(of a document etc) to be uploaded to the Internet/(tennis, volleyball etc) to move in close to the net/ 上網本 上网本 T - 0 shàng wǎng běn f /netbook/ 上線 上线 T - 657 shàng xiàn f /to go online/to put sth online/ 上繳 上缴 T - 155 shàng jiǎo f /to transfer (income, profits etc) to higher authorities/ 上级 上級 S 3329 3243 shàng jí f /higher authorities/superiors/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 上级领导 上級領導 S - 3 shàng jí lǐng dǎo f /high level leadership/top brass/ 上纲上线 上綱上線 S - 15 shàng gāng shàng xiàn f /to criticize (as a matter of principle)/ 上线 上線 S - 657 shàng xiàn f /to go online/to put sth online/ 上缴 上繳 S - 155 shàng jiǎo f /to transfer (income, profits etc) to higher authorities/ 上网 上網 S 572 849 shàng wǎng f /to go online/to connect to the Internet/(of a document etc) to be uploaded to the Internet/(tennis, volleyball etc) to move in close to the net/ 上网本 上網本 S - 0 shàng wǎng běn f /netbook/ 上聲 上声 T - 9 shǎng shēng f /falling and rising tone/third tone in modern Mandarin/ 上肢 - 94 shàng zhī f /upper limb/ 上膛 - 3 shàng táng f /roof of the mouth/to load (a gun)/ 上船 - 328 shàng chuán f /to get on the boat/ 上色 - 29 shàng sè f /top-quality/top-grade/ 上色 - 29 shàng shǎi t /to color (a picture etc)/to dye (fabric etc)/to stain (furniture etc)/ 上艾瑟尔 上艾瑟爾 S - 0 Shàng ài sè ěr f /Overijssel/ 上艾瑟爾 上艾瑟尔 T - 0 Shàng ài sè ěr f /Overijssel/ 上苍 上蒼 S - 62 shàng cāng f /heaven/ 上菜 - 44 shàng cài f /to serve, also to put on plate/ 上萬 上万 T - 208 shàng wàn f /over ten thousand/fig. untold numbers/innumerable/thousands upon thousands/ 上蒼 上苍 T - 62 shàng cāng f /heaven/ 上蔡 - 20 Shàng cài f /Shangcai county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zhu4 ma3 dian4], Henan/ 上蔡县 上蔡縣 S - 5 Shàng cài xiàn f /Shangcai county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zhu4 ma3 dian4], Henan/ 上蔡縣 上蔡县 T - 5 Shàng cài xiàn f /Shangcai county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zhu4 ma3 dian4], Henan/ 上虞 - 56 Shàng yú f /Shangyu county level city in Shaoxing 紹興|绍兴[Shao4 xing1], Zhejiang/ 上虞市 - 4 Shàng yú shì f /Shangyu county level city in Shaoxing 紹興|绍兴[Shao4 xing1], Zhejiang/ 上行 - 433 shàng xíng f /(of trains) up (i.e. towards the capital)/(of river boats) to go against the current/to submit (a document) to higher authorities/ 上行下傚 上行下效 T - 25 shàng xíng xià xiào f /subordinates follow the example of their superiors (idiom)/ 上行下效 上行下傚 S - 25 shàng xíng xià xiào f /subordinates follow the example of their superiors (idiom)/ 上街 - 235 shàng jiē f /to go onto the streets/to go shopping/ 上街区 上街區 S - 3 Shàng jiē Qū f /Shangjie District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑州市[Zheng4 zhou1 Shi4], Henan/ 上街區 上街区 T - 3 Shàng jiē Qū f /Shangjie District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑州市[Zheng4 zhou1 Shi4], Henan/ 上衣 - 438 shàng yī f /jacket/upper outer garment/CL:件[jian4]/ 上衫 - 0 shàng shān f /blouse/ 上装 上裝 S - 94 shàng zhuāng f /upper garment/ 上裝 上装 T - 94 shàng zhuāng f /upper garment/ 上西天 - 60 shàng xī tiān f /to enter heaven/to rise to the Western Paradise/ 上覆 - 0 shàng fù f /to inform/ 上訪 上访 T - 212 shàng fǎng f /to seek an audience with higher-ups (esp. government officials) to petition for sth/ 上訴 上诉 T - 187 shàng sù f /to appeal (a judicial case)/appeal/ 上訴法院 上诉法院 T - 0 shàng sù fǎ yuàn f /appeals court/ 上課 上课 T - 650 shàng kè f /to go to class/to attend class/to go to teach a class/ 上調 上调 T - 313 shàng tiáo f /to raise (prices)/to adjust upwards/ 上諭 上谕 T - 143 shàng yù f /imperial edict/see also 聖諭|圣谕[sheng4 yu4]/ 上證 上证 T - 120 Shàng Zhèng f /Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE), abbr. for 上海證券交易所|上海证券交易所[Shang4 hai3 Zheng4 quan4 Jiao1 yi4 suo3]/ 上證綜合指數 上证综合指数 T - 0 Shàng zhèng zōng hé zhǐ shù f /SSE (Shanghai Stock Exchange) Composite Index/ 上議院 上议院 T - 272 Shàng yì yuàn f /Upper Chamber/Upper House/Senate/ 上议院 上議院 S - 272 Shàng yì yuàn f /Upper Chamber/Upper House/Senate/ 上访 上訪 S - 212 shàng fǎng f /to seek an audience with higher-ups (esp. government officials) to petition for sth/ 上证 上證 S - 120 Shàng Zhèng f /Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE), abbr. for 上海證券交易所|上海证券交易所[Shang4 hai3 Zheng4 quan4 Jiao1 yi4 suo3]/ 上证综合指数 上證綜合指數 S - 0 Shàng zhèng zōng hé zhǐ shù f /SSE (Shanghai Stock Exchange) Composite Index/ 上诉 上訴 S - 187 shàng sù f /to appeal (a judicial case)/appeal/ 上诉法院 上訴法院 S - 0 shàng sù fǎ yuàn f /appeals court/ 上课 上課 S - 650 shàng kè f /to go to class/to attend class/to go to teach a class/ 上调 上調 S - 313 shàng tiáo f /to raise (prices)/to adjust upwards/ 上谕 上諭 S - 143 shàng yù f /imperial edict/see also 聖諭|圣谕[sheng4 yu4]/ 上路 - 363 shàng lù f /to start on a journey/to be on one's way/ 上身 - 269 shàng shēn f /upper part of the body/ 上車 上车 T - 381 shàng chē f /to get on or into (a bus, train, car etc)/ 上軌道 上轨道 T - 0 shàng guǐ dào f /to stay on track/to proceed smoothly/ 上載 上载 T - 17 shàng zài f /to upload/ 上輩 上辈 T - 13 shàng bèi f /ancestors/one's elders/ 上輩子 上辈子 T - 19 shàng bèi zi f /one's ancestors/past generations/a former incarnation/ 上车 上車 S - 381 shàng chē f /to get on or into (a bus, train, car etc)/ 上轨道 上軌道 S - 0 shàng guǐ dào f /to stay on track/to proceed smoothly/ 上载 上載 S - 17 shàng zài f /to upload/ 上辈 上輩 S - 13 shàng bèi f /ancestors/one's elders/ 上辈子 上輩子 S - 19 shàng bèi zi f /one's ancestors/past generations/a former incarnation/ 上農 上农 T - 3 shàng nóng f /a rich farmer/to stress the importance of agriculture (in ancient philosophy)/ 上边 上邊 S - 555 shàng bian f /the top/above/overhead/upwards/the top margin/above-mentioned/those higher up/ 上边儿 上邊兒 S - 0 shàng bian r f /erhua variant of 上邊|上边[shang4 bian5]/ 上进 上進 S 4641 67 shàng jìn f /to make progress/to do better/fig. ambitious to improve oneself/to move forwards/ 上进心 上進心 S - 36 shàng jìn xīn f /motivation/ambition/ 上述 - 5261 shàng shù f /aforementioned/above-mentioned/ 上進 上进 T 4641 67 shàng jìn f /to make progress/to do better/fig. ambitious to improve oneself/to move forwards/ 上進心 上进心 T - 36 shàng jìn xīn f /motivation/ambition/ 上邊 上边 T - 555 shàng bian f /the top/above/overhead/upwards/the top margin/above-mentioned/those higher up/ 上邊兒 上边儿 T - 0 shàng bian r f /erhua variant of 上邊|上边[shang4 bian5]/ 上部 - 348 shàng bù f /upper section/ 上都 - 0 Shàng dū f /Shangdu, also known as Xanadu, summer capital of the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368)/ 上野 - 30 Shàng yě f /Ueno, district in Taitō Ward, Tokyo/Ueno (Japanese surname)/ 上鉤 上钩 T - 70 shàng gōu f /to take the bait/ 上鉤兒 上钩儿 T - 0 shàng gōu r f /erhua variant of 上鉤|上钩[shang4 gou1]/ 上鏡 上镜 T - 4 shàng jìng f /photogenic/to appear on film or in the media/ 上鐘 上钟 T - 0 shàng zhōng f /to clock in for work/ 上钟 上鐘 S - 0 shàng zhōng f /to clock in for work/ 上钩 上鉤 S - 70 shàng gōu f /to take the bait/ 上钩儿 上鉤兒 S - 0 shàng gōu r f /erhua variant of 上鉤|上钩[shang4 gou1]/ 上镜 上鏡 S - 4 shàng jìng f /photogenic/to appear on film or in the media/ 上門 上门 T - 500 shàng mén f /to drop in/to visit/to lock a door/(of a shop) to close/ 上門費 上门费 T - 0 shàng mén fèi f /house call fee/callout fee/ 上门 上門 S - 500 shàng mén f /to drop in/to visit/to lock a door/(of a shop) to close/ 上门费 上門費 S - 0 shàng mén fèi f /house call fee/callout fee/ 上阵 上陣 S - 275 shàng zhèn f /to go into battle/ 上阵杀敌 上陣殺敵 S - 0 shàng zhèn shā dí f /to go into battle and kill the enemy/to fight/ 上限 - 228 shàng xiàn f /upper bound/ 上陣 上阵 T - 275 shàng zhèn f /to go into battle/ 上陣殺敵 上阵杀敌 T - 0 shàng zhèn shā dí f /to go into battle and kill the enemy/to fight/ 上面 - 4976 shàng mian f /on top of/above-mentioned/ 上鞋 - 0 shàng xié f /to sole a shoe/ 上頁 上页 T - 0 shàng yè f /previous page/ 上頜 上颌 T - 91 shàng hé f /maxilla (upper jaw)/ 上頜骨 上颌骨 T - 44 shàng hé gǔ f /maxilla (upper jaw)/ 上頭 上头 T - 195 shàng tóu f /(of alcohol) to go to one's head/(old) (of a bride-to-be) to bind one's hair into a bun/(of a prostitute) to receive a patron for the first time/ 上頭 上头 T - 195 shàng tou t /above/on top of/on the surface of/ 上頷 上颔 T - 0 shàng hàn f /mandible/ 上顎正門齒 上颚正门齿 T - 0 shàng è zhèng mén chǐ f /maxillary central incisor/ 上页 上頁 S - 0 shàng yè f /previous page/ 上颌 上頜 S - 91 shàng hé f /maxilla (upper jaw)/ 上颌骨 上頜骨 S - 44 shàng hé gǔ f /maxilla (upper jaw)/ 上颔 上頷 S - 0 shàng hàn f /mandible/ 上颚正门齿 上顎正門齒 S - 0 shàng è zhèng mén chǐ f /maxillary central incisor/ 上風 上风 T - 333 shàng fēng f /on the up/currently winning/rising (in popularity etc)/ 上风 上風 S - 333 shàng fēng f /on the up/currently winning/rising (in popularity etc)/ 上館子 上馆子 T - 10 shàng guǎn zi f /to eat out/to eat at a restaurant/ 上饒 上饶 T - 81 Shàng ráo f /Shangrao prefecture level city and county in Jiangxi/ 上饒地區 上饶地区 T - 0 Shàng ráo dì qū f /Shangrao prefecture in Jiangxi/ 上饒市 上饶市 T - 12 Shàng ráo shì f /Shangrao prefecture level city in Jiangxi/ 上饒縣 上饶县 T - 13 Shàng ráo xiàn f /Shangrao county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi/ 上饶 上饒 S - 81 Shàng ráo f /Shangrao prefecture level city and county in Jiangxi/ 上饶县 上饒縣 S - 13 Shàng ráo xiàn f /Shangrao county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi/ 上饶地区 上饒地區 S - 0 Shàng ráo dì qū f /Shangrao prefecture in Jiangxi/ 上饶市 上饒市 S - 12 Shàng ráo shì f /Shangrao prefecture level city in Jiangxi/ 上馆子 上館子 S - 10 shàng guǎn zi f /to eat out/to eat at a restaurant/ 上首 - 82 shàng shǒu f /seat of honor/first place/ 上馬 上马 T - 1114 shàng mǎ f /to get on a horse/to mount/ 上马 上馬 S - 1114 shàng mǎ f /to get on a horse/to mount/ 上高 - 97 Shàng gāo f /Shanggao county in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi/ 上高县 上高縣 S - 3 Shàng gāo xiàn f /Shanggao county in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi/ 上高縣 上高县 T - 3 Shàng gāo xiàn f /Shanggao county in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi/ 上齒 上齿 T - 0 shàng chǐ f /upper teeth/ 上齒齦 上齿龈 T - 0 shàng chǐ yín f /upper alveolar ridge/ 上齿 上齒 S - 0 shàng chǐ f /upper teeth/ 上齿龈 上齒齦 S - 0 shàng chǐ yín f /upper alveolar ridge/ 上龍 上龙 T - 0 shàng lóng f /pliosaurus/ 上龙 上龍 S - 0 shàng lóng f /pliosaurus/ 下 42 108294 xià f /down/downwards/below/lower/later/next (week etc)/second (of two parts)/to decline/to go down/to arrive at (a decision, conclusion etc)/measure word to show the frequency of an action/ 下一个 下一個 S - 0 xià yī ge f /the next one/ 下一代 - 438 xià yī dài f /the next generation/ 下一個 下一个 T - 0 xià yī ge f /the next one/ 下一次 - 0 xià yī cì f /next/ 下一步 - 0 xià yī bù f /the next step/ 下一站 - 0 xià yī zhàn f /the next stop (of a bus etc)/ 下一頁 下一页 T - 0 xià yī yè f /next page/ 下一页 下一頁 S - 0 xià yī yè f /next page/ 下三滥 下三濫 S - 50 xià sān làn f /riffraff/scum/lowlife/despicable/inferior/ 下三濫 下三滥 T - 50 xià sān làn f /riffraff/scum/lowlife/despicable/inferior/ 下三烂 下三爛 S - 21 xià sān làn f /variant of 下三濫|下三滥[xia4 san1 lan4]/ 下三爛 下三烂 T - 21 xià sān làn f /variant of 下三濫|下三滥[xia4 san1 lan4]/ 下不为例 下不為例 S - 29 xià bù wéi lì f /not to be repeated/not to be taken as a precedent/just this once/ 下不來 下不来 T - 42 xià bù lái f /awkward/embarrassed/cannot be accomplished/ 下不來臺 下不来台 T - 13 xià bù lái tái f /to be put on the spot/to find oneself in an awkward situation/ 下不来 下不來 S - 42 xià bù lái f /awkward/embarrassed/cannot be accomplished/ 下不来台 下不來臺 S - 13 xià bù lái tái f /to be put on the spot/to find oneself in an awkward situation/ 下不為例 下不为例 T - 29 xià bù wéi lì f /not to be repeated/not to be taken as a precedent/just this once/ 下世 - 17 xià shì f /to die/future incarnation/next life/to be born/to come into the world/future generation/ 下丘脑 下丘腦 S - 247 xià qiū nǎo f /hypothalamus (anatomy)/ 下丘腦 下丘脑 T - 247 xià qiū nǎo f /hypothalamus (anatomy)/ 下个星期 下個星期 S - 3 xià gè xīng qī f /next week/ 下个月 下個月 S - 3 xià gè yuè f /next month/ 下九流 - 18 xià jiǔ liú f /the lowest professions/ 下乡 下鄉 S - 439 xià xiāng f /to go to the countryside/ 下令 - 2080 xià lìng f /to give an order/to command/ 下任 - 24 xià rèn f /next office holder/next to serve/ 下体 下體 S - 77 xià tǐ f /lower body/euphemism for genitals/root and stem of plants/ 下來 下来 T - 16620 xià lai f /to come down/(after verb of motion, indicates motion down and towards us, also fig.)/(indicates continuation from the past towards us)/to be harvested (of crops)/to be over (of a period of time)/to go among the masses (said of leaders)/ 下修 - 0 xià xiū f /to revise downward/ 下個星期 下个星期 T - 3 xià gè xīng qī f /next week/ 下個月 下个月 T - 3 xià gè yuè f /next month/ 下关 下關 S - 122 Xià guān f /Xiaguan district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏/ 下关区 下關區 S - 2 Xià guān qū f /Xiaguan district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏/ 下关市 下關市 S - 11 Xià guān shì f /Shimonoseki (Japan)/ 下决心 下決心 S - 235 xià jué xīn f /to determine/to resolve/ 下凡 - 112 xià fán f /to descend to the world (of immortals)/ 下划线 下劃線 S - 10 xià huà xiàn f /underscore _/underline/ 下列 - 1082 xià liè f /following/ 下劃線 下划线 T - 10 xià huà xiàn f /underscore _/underline/ 下功夫 - 265 xià gōng fu f /see 下工夫[xia4 gong1 fu5]/ 下午 122 4712 xià wǔ f /afternoon/CL:個|个[ge4]/p.m./ 下半 - 3 xià bàn f /second half/ 下半天 - 0 xià bàn tiān f /afternoon/ 下半年 - 838 xià bàn nián f /second half of the year/ 下半身 - 56 xià bàn shēn f /lower half of one's body/ 下单 下單 S - 38 xià dān f /to place an order/to order/an order (of goods)/ 下厨 下廚 S - 40 xià chú f /to go to the kitchen (to prepare a meal)/to cook/ 下去 - 10474 xià qù f /to go down/to descend/to go on/to continue/(of a servant) to withdraw/ 下台 下臺 S - 183 xià tái f /to go off the stage/to fall from position of prestige/to step down (from office etc)/to disentangle oneself/to get off the hook/ 下台阶 下臺階 S - 3 xià tái jiē f /to extricate oneself/way out/ 下同 - 110 xià tóng f /similarly hereinafter/ 下周 下週 S - 77 xià zhōu f /next week/ 下唇 - 82 xià chún f /lower lip/ 下單 下单 T - 38 xià dān f /to place an order/to order/an order (of goods)/ 下回 - 75 xià huí f /next chapter/next time/ 下场 下場 S - 322 xià chǎng t /to leave (the stage, an exam room, the playing field etc)/to take part in some activity/to take an examination (in the imperial examination system)/ 下场 下場 S - 322 xià chang f /the end/to conclude/ 下场门 下場門 S - 2 xià chǎng mén f /exit door (of the stage)/ 下坡 - 78 xià pō f /downhill/ 下坡路 - 17 xià pō lù f /downhill road/(fig.) downhill path/ 下垂 - 285 xià chuí f /to droop/to sag/to hang down/sagging/drooping/prolapse (medicine)/ 下城区 下城區 S - 0 Xià chéng qū f /Xiacheng district of Hangzhou city 杭州市[Hang2 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 下城區 下城区 T - 0 Xià chéng qū f /Xiacheng district of Hangzhou city 杭州市[Hang2 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 下場 下场 T - 322 xià chǎng t /to leave (the stage, an exam room, the playing field etc)/to take part in some activity/to take an examination (in the imperial examination system)/ 下場 下场 T - 322 xià chang f /the end/to conclude/ 下場門 下场门 T - 2 xià chǎng mén f /exit door (of the stage)/ 下士 - 68 xià shì f /lowest-ranked noncommissioned officer (e.g. corporal in the army or petty officer, third class in the navy)/ 下夸克 - 0 xià kuā kè f /down quark (particle physics)/ 下定义 下定義 S - 15 xià dìng yì f /to define/ 下定决心 下定決心 S - 201 xià dìng jué xīn f /to make a firm resolution/ 下定決心 下定决心 T - 201 xià dìng jué xīn f /to make a firm resolution/ 下定義 下定义 T - 15 xià dìng yì f /to define/ 下家 - 37 xià jiā f /player whose turn comes next (in a game)/next one/my humble home/ 下寒武 - 0 xià hán wǔ f /lower Cambrian (geological period approx 530 million years ago)/ 下寒武統 下寒武统 T - 0 xià hán wǔ tǒng f /lower Cambrian series (geological strata from approx 530 million years ago)/ 下寒武统 下寒武統 S - 0 xià hán wǔ tǒng f /lower Cambrian series (geological strata from approx 530 million years ago)/ 下层 下層 S - 509 xià céng f /underlayer/lower class/lower strata/substrate/ 下屆 下届 T - 51 xià jiè f /next office holder/next to serve/ 下届 下屆 S - 51 xià jiè f /next office holder/next to serve/ 下属 下屬 S 3827 1202 xià shǔ f /subordinate/underling/ 下属公司 下屬公司 S - 0 xià shǔ gōng sī f /subsidiary (company)/ 下層 下层 T - 509 xià céng f /underlayer/lower class/lower strata/substrate/ 下屬 下属 T 3827 1202 xià shǔ f /subordinate/underling/ 下屬公司 下属公司 T - 0 xià shǔ gōng sī f /subsidiary (company)/ 下山 - 766 xià shān f /(of the sun) to set/ 下岗 下崗 S - 2270 xià gǎng f /to come off sentry duty/to lay off (a worker)/laid-off/ 下崗 下岗 T - 2270 xià gǎng f /to come off sentry duty/to lay off (a worker)/laid-off/ 下崽 - 0 xià zǎi f /(of animals) to give birth/to foal, to whelp etc/ 下工 - 25 xià gōng f /to knock off (at the end of a day's work)/to finish work/ 下工夫 - 18 xià gōng fu f /to put in time and energy/to concentrate one's efforts/ 下巴 - 281 xià ba f /chin/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 下巴頦 下巴颏 T - 22 xià ba kē f /chin/ 下巴颏 下巴頦 S - 22 xià ba kē f /chin/ 下廚 下厨 T - 40 xià chú f /to go to the kitchen (to prepare a meal)/to cook/ 下弦 - 8 xià xián f /third quarter or waning moon/ 下弦月 - 21 xià xián yuè f /third quarter or waning moon/ 下情 - 21 xià qíng f /feelings of the masses/my situation (humble speech)/ 下意識 下意识 T - 251 xià yì shí f /subconscious mind/ 下意识 下意識 S - 251 xià yì shí f /subconscious mind/ 下手 - 919 xià shǒu f /to start/to put one's hand to/to set about/the seat to the right of the main guest/ 下拜 - 3 xià bài f /to bow down low/to make obeisance/to kneel and bow/ 下挫 - 46 xià cuò f /(of sales, prices etc) to fall/to drop/decline/slump/ 下摆 下擺 S - 81 xià bǎi f /hem of a skirt/shirt tail/ 下擺 下摆 T - 81 xià bǎi f /hem of a skirt/shirt tail/ 下放 - 266 xià fàng f /to delegate/to decentralize/to demote a party cadre to work on the shop floor or in the countryside/ 下方 - 244 xià fāng f /underneath/below/the underside/world of mortals/to descend to the world of mortals (of Gods)/ 下旋 - 3 xià xuán f /(sport) backspin/ 下旋削球 - 0 xià xuán xiāo qiú f /(golf, tennis) undercut/ 下旬 - 673 xià xún f /last third of the month/ 下星期 - 15 xià xīng qī f /next week/ 下月 - 90 xià yuè f /next month/ 下来 下來 S - 16620 xià lai f /to come down/(after verb of motion, indicates motion down and towards us, also fig.)/(indicates continuation from the past towards us)/to be harvested (of crops)/to be over (of a period of time)/to go among the masses (said of leaders)/ 下架 - 0 xià jià f /to take down from the shelves (e.g. a contaminated product)/ 下标 下標 S - 15 xià biāo f /subscript/suffix/index/ 下棋 - 262 xià qí f /to play chess/ 下榻 - 155 xià tà f /to stay (at a hotel etc during a trip)/ 下槛 下檻 S - 0 xià kǎn f /doorsill/ 下標 下标 T - 15 xià biāo f /subscript/suffix/index/ 下檻 下槛 T - 0 xià kǎn f /doorsill/ 下次 - 632 xià cì f /next time/ 下款 - 137 xià kuǎn f /signature on letter/name of donor/ 下死劲 下死勁 S - 8 xià sǐ jìn f /to do one's utmost/ 下死勁 下死劲 T - 8 xià sǐ jìn f /to do one's utmost/ 下毒 - 159 xià dú f /to put poison in sth/to poison/ 下水 - 496 xià shuǐ t /downstream/to go into the water/to put into water/to launch (a ship)/fig. to fall into bad ways/to lead astray/to go to pot/ 下水 - 496 xià shui f /offal/viscera/tripe/ 下水礼 下水禮 S - 3 xià shuǐ lǐ f /launching ceremony/ 下水禮 下水礼 T - 3 xià shuǐ lǐ f /launching ceremony/ 下水管 - 5 xià shuǐ guǎn f /drainpipe/ 下水道 - 103 xià shuǐ dào f /sewer/ 下決心 下决心 T - 235 xià jué xīn f /to determine/to resolve/ 下沉 - 319 xià chén f /to sink down/ 下注 - 74 xià zhù f /to pour/to pour down (of rain)/to lay a bet/ 下流 - 155 xià liú f /lower course of a river/low-class/mean and lowly/vulgar/obscene/ 下浣 - 0 xià huàn f /last ten days of the lunar month/ 下浮 - 19 xià fú f /downward fluctuation (of prices etc)/ 下海 - 148 xià hǎi f /to go out to sea/to enter the sea (to swim etc)/(fig.) to take the plunge (e.g. leave a secure job, or enter prostitution etc)/ 下游 - 1578 xià yóu f /lower reaches (of a river)/lower level/lower echelon/downstream/ 下滑 - 700 xià huá f /sliding/slide/ 下營 下营 T - 22 Xià yíng f /Hsiaying township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 下營鄉 下营乡 T - 0 Xià yíng xiāng f /Hsiaying township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 下片 - 3 xià piàn f /to stop screening a movie/to end the run of a movie/ 下狱 下獄 S - 196 xià yù f /to imprison/ 下獄 下狱 T - 196 xià yù f /to imprison/ 下班 - 623 xià bān f /to finish work/to get off work/ 下画线 下畫線 S - 0 xià huà xiàn f /underline/ 下界 - 122 xià jiè f /lower bound (math.)/world of mortals/(of Gods) to descend to the world of mortals/ 下畫線 下画线 T - 0 xià huà xiàn f /underline/ 下眼睑 下眼瞼 S - 3 xià yǎn jiǎn f /lower eyelid/ 下眼瞼 下眼睑 T - 3 xià yǎn jiǎn f /lower eyelid/ 下确界 下確界 S - 0 xià què jiè f /infimum (math.)/greatest lower bound/ 下確界 下确界 T - 0 xià què jiè f /infimum (math.)/greatest lower bound/ 下笔 下筆 S - 100 xià bǐ f /to put pen to paper/ 下筆 下笔 T - 100 xià bǐ f /to put pen to paper/ 下箭头 下箭頭 S - 0 xià jiàn tóu f /down-pointing arrow/ 下箭头键 下箭頭鍵 S - 0 xià jiàn tóu jiàn f /down arrow key (on keyboard)/ 下箭頭 下箭头 T - 0 xià jiàn tóu f /down-pointing arrow/ 下箭頭鍵 下箭头键 T - 0 xià jiàn tóu jiàn f /down arrow key (on keyboard)/ 下級 下级 T - 1345 xià jí f /low ranking/low level/underclass/subordinate/ 下網 下网 T - 66 xià wǎng f /to cast a fishing net/(computing) to go offline/ 下線 下线 T - 59 xià xiàn f /to go offline/ 下線儀式 下线仪式 T - 0 xià xiàn yí shì f /inauguration/tape-cutting to inaugurate a project/an unveiling ceremony/ 下级 下級 S - 1345 xià jí f /low ranking/low level/underclass/subordinate/ 下线 下線 S - 59 xià xiàn f /to go offline/ 下线仪式 下線儀式 S - 0 xià xiàn yí shì f /inauguration/tape-cutting to inaugurate a project/an unveiling ceremony/ 下网 下網 S - 66 xià wǎng f /to cast a fishing net/(computing) to go offline/ 下而上 - 0 xià ér shàng f /bottom to top (of listing)/ 下聘 - 3 xià pìn f /to send the betrothal gifts/(fig.) to conclude a marriage/ 下肢 - 182 xià zhī f /lower limbs/ 下脚料 下腳料 S - 12 xià jiǎo liào f /remnants of material from an industrial process/offcut/scraps/ 下腰 - 143 xià yāo f /(gymnastics) to do a bridge/to do a crab/ 下腳料 下脚料 T - 12 xià jiǎo liào f /remnants of material from an industrial process/offcut/scraps/ 下腹部 - 3 xià fù bù f /lower abdomen/ 下至上 - 0 xià zhì shàng f /bottom to top/ 下臺 下台 T - 183 xià tái f /to go off the stage/to fall from position of prestige/to step down (from office etc)/to disentangle oneself/to get off the hook/ 下臺階 下台阶 T - 3 xià tái jiē f /to extricate oneself/way out/ 下花园 下花園 S - 5 Xià huā yuán f /Xiahua district of Zhangjiakou city 張家口市|张家口市[Zhang1 jia1 kou3 shi4], Hebei/ 下花园区 下花園區 S - 3 Xià huā yuán qū f /Xiahua district of Zhangjiakou city 張家口市|张家口市[Zhang1 jia1 kou3 shi4], Hebei/ 下花園 下花园 T - 5 Xià huā yuán f /Xiahua district of Zhangjiakou city 張家口市|张家口市[Zhang1 jia1 kou3 shi4], Hebei/ 下花園區 下花园区 T - 3 Xià huā yuán qū f /Xiahua district of Zhangjiakou city 張家口市|张家口市[Zhang1 jia1 kou3 shi4], Hebei/ 下营 下營 S - 22 Xià yíng f /Hsiaying township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 下营乡 下營鄉 S - 0 Xià yíng xiāng f /Hsiaying township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 下落 - 699 xià luò f /whereabouts/to drop/to fall/ 下落不明 - 91 xià luò bù míng f /unaccounted/unknown whereabouts/ 下葬 - 129 xià zàng f /to bury/to inter/ 下蛋 - 31 xià dàn f /to lay eggs/ 下行 - 161 xià xíng f /(of trains) down (i.e. away from the capital)/(of river boats) to travel downstream/to issue (a document) to lower bureaucratic levels/(of writing on the page) vertical, proceeding from top to bottom/ 下装 下裝 S - 27 xià zhuāng f /to take off costume and makeup/ 下裝 下装 T - 27 xià zhuāng f /to take off costume and makeup/ 下西洋 - 0 xià xī yáng f /to sail West (from China)/refers to Zhenghe's 15th century expeditions to the Western Pacific/ 下視丘 下视丘 T - 0 xià shì qiū f /(anatomy) hypothalamus (Tw)/ 下视丘 下視丘 S - 0 xià shì qiū f /(anatomy) hypothalamus (Tw)/ 下訂單 下订单 T - 0 xià dìng dān f /to place an order (commerce)/ 下詔 下诏 T - 0 xià zhào f /to hand down an imperial edict/ 下課 下课 T - 96 xià kè f /to finish class/to get out of class/ 下調 下调 T - 471 xià diào f /to demote/to pass down to a lower unit/ 下調 下调 T - 471 xià tiáo t /to adjust downwards/to lower (prices, wages etc)/ 下議院 下议院 T - 24 xià yì yuàn f /lower chamber (of legislative body)/lower house/the House of Commons/ 下議院議員 下议院议员 T - 0 xià yì yuàn yì yuán f /Member of Parliament (MP) (UK Politics)/ 下订单 下訂單 S - 0 xià dìng dān f /to place an order (commerce)/ 下议院 下議院 S - 24 xià yì yuàn f /lower chamber (of legislative body)/lower house/the House of Commons/ 下议院议员 下議院議員 S - 0 xià yì yuàn yì yuán f /Member of Parliament (MP) (UK Politics)/ 下诏 下詔 S - 0 xià zhào f /to hand down an imperial edict/ 下课 下課 S - 96 xià kè f /to finish class/to get out of class/ 下调 下調 S - 471 xià diào f /to demote/to pass down to a lower unit/ 下调 下調 S - 471 xià tiáo t /to adjust downwards/to lower (prices, wages etc)/ 下賤 下贱 T - 87 xià jiàn f /humble/lowly/depraved/contemptible/ 下贱 下賤 S - 87 xià jiàn f /humble/lowly/depraved/contemptible/ 下跌 - 980 xià diē f /to fall/to tumble/ 下跪 - 133 xià guì f /to kneel/to go down on one's knees/ 下身 - 166 xià shēn f /lower part of the body/genitalia/trousers/ 下車 下车 T - 492 xià chē f /to get off or out of (a bus, train, car etc)/ 下載 下载 T 1956 1151 xià zǎi f /to download/also pr. [xia4 zai4]/ 下輩 下辈 T - 7 xià bèi f /offspring/future generations/younger generation of a family/junior members of a group/ 下輩子 下辈子 T - 36 xià bèi zi f /the next life/ 下轄 下辖 T - 1097 xià xiá f /administered by/under the rule of/ 下车 下車 S - 492 xià chē f /to get off or out of (a bus, train, car etc)/ 下载 下載 S 1956 1151 xià zǎi f /to download/also pr. [xia4 zai4]/ 下辈 下輩 S - 7 xià bèi f /offspring/future generations/younger generation of a family/junior members of a group/ 下辈子 下輩子 S - 36 xià bèi zi f /the next life/ 下辖 下轄 S - 1097 xià xiá f /administered by/under the rule of/ 下边 下邊 S - 516 xià bian f /under/the underside/below/ 下边儿 下邊兒 S - 0 xià bian r f /erhua variant of 下邊|下边[xia4 bian5]/ 下达 下達 S - 1120 xià dá f /to transmit down (a chain of command)/to pass down (to lower level)/to issue/to send through/ 下逐客令 - 9 xià zhú kè lìng f /to ask sb to leave/to show sb the door/to give a tenant notice to leave/ 下週 下周 T - 77 xià zhōu f /next week/ 下達 下达 T - 1120 xià dá f /to transmit down (a chain of command)/to pass down (to lower level)/to issue/to send through/ 下邊 下边 T - 516 xià bian f /under/the underside/below/ 下邊兒 下边儿 T - 0 xià bian r f /erhua variant of 下邊|下边[xia4 bian5]/ 下鄉 下乡 T - 439 xià xiāng f /to go to the countryside/ 下酒 - 51 xià jiǔ f /to be appropriate to have with alcohol/to down one's drink/ 下酒菜 - 24 xià jiǔ cài f /a dish that goes well with alcoholic drinks/ 下野 - 70 xià yě f /to step down from office/to go into opposition/ 下錨 下锚 T - 0 xià máo f /to drop anchor/ 下锚 下錨 S - 0 xià máo f /to drop anchor/ 下閘 下闸 T - 0 xià zhá f /lower sluice gate/outflow sluice/ 下關 下关 T - 122 Xià guān f /Xiaguan district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏/ 下關區 下关区 T - 2 Xià guān qū f /Xiaguan district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏/ 下關市 下关市 T - 11 Xià guān shì f /Shimonoseki (Japan)/ 下闸 下閘 S - 0 xià zhá f /lower sluice gate/outflow sluice/ 下陆 下陸 S - 0 Xià lù f /Xialu district of Huangshi city 黃石市|黄石市[Huang2 shi2 shi4], Hubei/ 下陆区 下陸區 S - 257 Xià lù qū f /Xialu district of Huangshi city 黃石市|黄石市[Huang2 shi2 shi4], Hubei/ 下降 - 4833 xià jiàng f /to decline/to drop/to fall/to go down/to decrease/ 下院 - 391 xià yuàn f /lower house (of parliament)/ 下陷 - 95 xià xiàn f /to subside/subsidence/ 下陸 下陆 T - 0 Xià lù f /Xialu district of Huangshi city 黃石市|黄石市[Huang2 shi2 shi4], Hubei/ 下陸區 下陆区 T - 257 Xià lù qū f /Xialu district of Huangshi city 黃石市|黄石市[Huang2 shi2 shi4], Hubei/ 下雨 146 481 xià yǔ f /to rain/ 下雪 - 145 xià xuě f /to snow/ 下面 - 3980 xià mian f /below/under/next/the following/ 下頁 下页 T - 0 xià yè f /next page/ 下頜 下颌 T - 263 xià hé f /lower jaw/mandible/ 下頜下腺 下颌下腺 T - 0 xià hé xià xiàn f /submandibular gland/submaxillary saliva gland/ 下頜骨 下颌骨 T - 57 xià hé gǔ f /lower jaw/mandible/ 下頦 下颏 T - 0 xià kē f /chin/Taiwan pr. [xia4 hai2]/ 下頷 下颔 T - 0 xià hàn f /lower jaw/mandible/ 下頷骨 下颔骨 T - 0 xià hàn gǔ f /lower jawbone/mandible/ 下顎 下颚 T - 81 xià è f /mandible (lower jaw)/ 下页 下頁 S - 0 xià yè f /next page/ 下颌 下頜 S - 263 xià hé f /lower jaw/mandible/ 下颌下腺 下頜下腺 S - 0 xià hé xià xiàn f /submandibular gland/submaxillary saliva gland/ 下颌骨 下頜骨 S - 57 xià hé gǔ f /lower jaw/mandible/ 下颏 下頦 S - 0 xià kē f /chin/Taiwan pr. [xia4 hai2]/ 下颔 下頷 S - 0 xià hàn f /lower jaw/mandible/ 下颔骨 下頷骨 S - 0 xià hàn gǔ f /lower jawbone/mandible/ 下颚 下顎 S - 81 xià è f /mandible (lower jaw)/ 下風 下风 T - 50 xià fēng f /leeward/downwind/disadvantageous position/to concede or give way in an argument/ 下風方向 下风方向 T - 0 xià fēng fāng xiàng f /leeward/ 下风 下風 S - 50 xià fēng f /leeward/downwind/disadvantageous position/to concede or give way in an argument/ 下风方向 下風方向 S - 0 xià fēng fāng xiàng f /leeward/ 下飛機 下飞机 T - 0 xià fēi jī f /to get off a plane/to deplane/ 下飞机 下飛機 S - 0 xià fēi jī f /to get off a plane/to deplane/ 下館子 下馆子 T - 3 xià guǎn zi f /to eat out/to eat at a restaurant/ 下馆子 下館子 S - 3 xià guǎn zi f /to eat out/to eat at a restaurant/ 下馬 下马 T - 1043 xià mǎ f /to dismount from a horse/(fig.) to abandon (a project)/ 下馬威 下马威 T - 44 xià mǎ wēi f /display of severity immediately on taking office/(fig.) initial show of strength/ 下马 下馬 S - 1043 xià mǎ f /to dismount from a horse/(fig.) to abandon (a project)/ 下马威 下馬威 S - 44 xià mǎ wēi f /display of severity immediately on taking office/(fig.) initial show of strength/ 下體 下体 T - 77 xià tǐ f /lower body/euphemism for genitals/root and stem of plants/ 下鼻甲 - 0 xià bí jiǎ f /inferior nasal conchae/ 下齒 下齿 T - 0 xià chǐ f /bottom teeth/ 下齿 下齒 S - 0 xià chǐ f /bottom teeth/ 下龍灣 下龙湾 T - 5 Xià lóng Wān f /Ha Long Bay, Vietnam/ 下龙湾 下龍灣 S - 5 Xià lóng Wān f /Ha Long Bay, Vietnam/ 丌 - 14 Jī t /surname Ji/ 丌 - 14 jī t /"pedestal" component in Chinese characters/ 丌 - 14 qí f /archaic variant of 其[qi2]/ 不 5 360331 bù f /(negative prefix)/not/no/ 不一 - 840 bù yī f /to vary/to differ/ 不一会 不一會 S - 131 bù yī huì f /soon/ 不一定 - 0 bù yī dìng f /not necessarily/maybe/ 不一會 不一会 T - 131 bù yī huì f /soon/ 不一样 不一樣 S - 0 bù yī yàng f /different/distinctive/unlike/ 不一樣 不一样 T - 0 bù yī yàng f /different/distinctive/unlike/ 不一而足 - 57 bù yī ér zú f /by no means an isolated case/numerous/ 不一致字 - 0 bù yī zhì zì f /inconsistent phonogram(s)/ 不三不四 - 85 bù sān bù sì f /dubious/shady/neither one thing nor the other/neither fish nor fowl/nondescript/ 不下 - 2030 bù xià f /to be not less than (a certain quantity, amount etc)/ 不下于 - 41 bù xià yú f /as many as/no less than/not inferior to/as good as/on a par with/ 不中意 - 3 bù zhòng yì f /not to one's liking/ 不中用 - 3 bù zhòng yòng f /unfit for anything/no good/useless/(of a sick person) beyond hope/ 不丹 - 102 Bù dān f /Bhutan/ 不为人知 不為人知 S - 200 bù wéi rén zhī f /not known to anyone/secret/unknown/ 不为左右袒 不為左右袒 S - 0 bù wèi zuǒ yòu tǎn f /to remain neutral in a quarrel (idiom)/ 不为已甚 不為已甚 S - 10 bù wéi yǐ shèn f /refrain from going to extremes in meting out punishment/not be too hard on subject/ 不为所动 不為所動 S - 41 bù wéi suǒ dòng f /to remain unmoved/ 不为酒困 不為酒困 S - 0 bù wéi jiǔ kùn f /not a slave to the bottle/able to enjoy alcohol in moderation/able to hold one's drink/ 不主故常 - 3 bù zhǔ gù cháng f /not to stick to the old conventions/ 不久 - 4679 bù jiǔ f /not long (after)/before too long/soon/soon after/ 不久前 - 591 bù jiǔ qián f /not long ago/ 不义 不義 S - 3 bù yì f /injustice/ 不义之财 不義之財 S - 46 bù yì zhī cái f /ill-gotten wealth or gains/ 不乏 - 427 bù fá f /there is no lack of/ 不乾不淨 不干不净 T - 55 bù gān bù jìng f /unclean/filthy/foul-mouthed/ 不乾不淨,吃了沒病 不干不净,吃了没病 T - 0 bù gān bù jìng , chī le méi bìng f /a little dirt never killed anybody (proverb)/a couple of germs won't do you any harm/ 不了 - 5358 bù liǎo f /unable to/without end/ 不了了之 - 116 bù liǎo liǎo zhī f /to settle a matter by leaving it unsettled/to end up with nothing definite/ 不予 - 407 bù yú f /to withhold/to refuse/ 不予理会 不予理會 S - 0 bù yǔ lǐ huì f /to ignore/to brush off/to dismiss/to pay no attention to/ 不予理會 不予理会 T - 0 bù yǔ lǐ huì f /to ignore/to brush off/to dismiss/to pay no attention to/ 不予評論 不予评论 T - 0 bù yǔ píng lùn f /No comment!/ 不予评论 不予評論 S - 0 bù yǔ píng lùn f /No comment!/ 不争 不爭 S - 172 bù zhēng f /widely known/incontestable/undeniable/to not strive for/to not contend for/ 不争气 不爭氣 S - 3 bù zhēng qì f /to be disappointing/to fail to live up to expectations/ 不事张扬 不事張揚 S - 0 bù shì zhāng yáng f /quietly/without ostentation/ 不事張揚 不事张扬 T - 0 bù shì zhāng yáng f /quietly/without ostentation/ 不事生产 不事生產 S - 0 bù shì shēng chǎn f /not to do anything productive/to idle away one's time/ 不事生產 不事生产 T - 0 bù shì shēng chǎn f /not to do anything productive/to idle away one's time/ 不二价 不二價 S - 3 bù èr jià f /one price for all/fixed price/ 不二價 不二价 T - 3 bù èr jià f /one price for all/fixed price/ 不二法門 不二法门 T - 10 bù èr fǎ mén f /the one and only way/the only proper course to take/ 不二法门 不二法門 S - 10 bù èr fǎ mén f /the one and only way/the only proper course to take/ 不亚 不亞 S - 0 bù yà f /no less than/not inferior to/ 不亚于 不亞於 S - 185 bù yà yú f /no less than/not inferior to/ 不亞 不亚 T - 0 bù yà f /no less than/not inferior to/ 不亞於 不亚于 T - 185 bù yà yú f /no less than/not inferior to/ 不亢不卑 - 23 bù kàng bù bēi f /neither haughty nor humble/neither overbearing nor servile/neither supercilious nor obsequious/ 不亦乐乎 不亦樂乎 S - 110 bù yì lè hū f /lit. isn't that a joy? (quote from Confucius)/fig. (jocularly) extremely/awfully/ 不亦樂乎 不亦乐乎 T - 110 bù yì lè hū f /lit. isn't that a joy? (quote from Confucius)/fig. (jocularly) extremely/awfully/ 不人道 - 35 bù rén dào f /inhuman/ 不仁 - 3 bù rén f /not benevolent/heartless/numb/ 不仅 不僅 S 971 11895 bù jǐn f /not only (this one)/not just (...) but also/ 不仅如此 不僅如此 S - 742 bù jǐn rú cǐ f /not only that, but .../ 不令人鼓舞 - 0 bù lìng rén gǔ wǔ f /discouraging/disheartening/ 不以为意 不以為意 S - 139 bù yǐ wéi yì f /not to mind/unconcerned/ 不以为然 不以為然 S - 308 bù yǐ wéi rán f /not to accept as correct (idiom); to object/to disapprove/to take exception to/ 不以人废言 不以人廢言 S - 0 bù yǐ rén fèi yán f /not to reject a word because of the speaker (idiom, from Analects); to judge on the merits of the case rather than preference between advisers/ 不以人廢言 不以人废言 T - 0 bù yǐ rén fèi yán f /not to reject a word because of the speaker (idiom, from Analects); to judge on the merits of the case rather than preference between advisers/ 不以為意 不以为意 T - 139 bù yǐ wéi yì f /not to mind/unconcerned/ 不以為然 不以为然 T - 308 bù yǐ wéi rán f /not to accept as correct (idiom); to object/to disapprove/to take exception to/ 不以物喜,不以己悲 - 0 bù yǐ wù xǐ , bù yǐ jǐ bēi f /not to become attached to material things, not to pity oneself/ 不以規矩,不能成方圓 不以规矩,不能成方圆 T - 0 bù yǐ guī ju , bù néng chéng fāng yuán f /without rules, nothing can be done (idiom, from Mencius); one must follow some rules/ 不以规矩,不能成方圆 不以規矩,不能成方圓 S - 0 bù yǐ guī ju , bù néng chéng fāng yuán f /without rules, nothing can be done (idiom, from Mencius); one must follow some rules/ 不以詞害誌 不以词害志 T - 0 bù yǐ cí hài zhì f /don't let rhetoric spoil the message (idiom); don't get carried away with flowery speech to the detriment of what you want to say/ 不以词害志 不以詞害誌 S - 0 bù yǐ cí hài zhì f /don't let rhetoric spoil the message (idiom); don't get carried away with flowery speech to the detriment of what you want to say/ 不以辞害志 不以辭害志 S - 0 bù yǐ cí hài zhì f /don't let rhetoric spoil the message (idiom); don't get carried away with flowery speech to the detriment of what you want to say/ 不以辭害志 不以辞害志 T - 0 bù yǐ cí hài zhì f /don't let rhetoric spoil the message (idiom); don't get carried away with flowery speech to the detriment of what you want to say/ 不休 - 372 bù xiū f /endlessly/ceaselessly/ 不会 不會 S - 19515 bù huì f /improbable/unlikely/will not (act, happen etc)/not able/not having learned to do sth/(coll.) (Tw) don't mention it/not at all/ 不传 不傳 S - 0 bù chuán f /not passed on/ 不伤脾胃 不傷脾胃 S - 3 bù shāng pí wèi f /lit. doesn't hurt the spleen or the stomach/fig. something that is not critical/ 不伦 不倫 S - 0 bù lún f /(of a relationship) improper (adulterous, incestuous, teacher-student etc)/unseemly/ 不伦不类 不倫不類 S - 98 bù lún bù lèi f /out of place/inappropriate/incongruous/ 不但 576 4575 bù dàn f /not only (... but also...)/ 不住 - 2023 bù zhù f /repeatedly/continuously/constantly/unable to (resist, conceal etc)/ 不体面 不體面 S - 3 bù tǐ miàn f /to not appear to be decent or respectful/shameful/ 不作为 不作為 S - 0 bù zuò wéi f /nonfeasance/omission (law)/ 不作為 不作为 T - 0 bù zuò wéi f /nonfeasance/omission (law)/ 不佞 - 3 bù nìng f /without eloquence/untalented/I, me (humble)/ 不佳 - 0 bù jiā f /not good/ 不來梅 不来梅 T - 87 Bù lái méi f /Bremen (city)/ 不來梅港 不来梅港 T - 2 Bù lái méi gǎng f /Bremerhaven, German port/ 不依 - 167 bù yī f /not to comply/not to go along with/not to let off easily/not to let sb get away with it/ 不依不饒 不依不饶 T - 58 bù yī bù ráo f /not to overlook, nor spare (idiom); unwilling to forgive/to treat severely without listening to excuses/ 不依不饶 不依不饒 S - 58 bù yī bù ráo f /not to overlook, nor spare (idiom); unwilling to forgive/to treat severely without listening to excuses/ 不便 - 1093 bù biàn f /inconvenient/inappropriate/unsuitable/short of cash/ 不俗 - 222 bù sú f /original/not hackneyed/ 不信任动议 不信任動議 S - 0 bù xìn rèn dòng yì f /motion of no confidence (against the government, in parliamentary debates)/ 不信任動議 不信任动议 T - 0 bù xìn rèn dòng yì f /motion of no confidence (against the government, in parliamentary debates)/ 不信任投票 - 0 bù xìn rèn tóu piào f /vote of no-confidence/ 不信任案 - 29 bù xìn rèn àn f /no-confidence motion/ 不信用 - 0 bù xìn yòng f /distrust/ 不俭则匮 不儉則匱 S - 0 bù jiǎn zé kuì f /wastage makes one destitute (idiom)/ 不修边幅 不修邊幅 S - 20 bù xiū biān fú f /not care about one's appearance (idiom)/slovenly in dress and manner/ 不修邊幅 不修边幅 T - 20 bù xiū biān fú f /not care about one's appearance (idiom)/slovenly in dress and manner/ 不倒翁 - 21 bù dǎo wēng f /roly-poly toy/tilting doll/tumbler/ 不倦 - 3 bù juàn f /tireless/untiring/indefatigable/ 不倫 不伦 T - 0 bù lún f /(of a relationship) improper (adulterous, incestuous, teacher-student etc)/unseemly/ 不倫不類 不伦不类 T - 98 bù lún bù lèi f /out of place/inappropriate/incongruous/ 不值 - 152 bù zhí f /not worth/ 不值一文 - 9 bù zhí yī wén f /worthless (idiom)/no use whatsoever/ 不值得 - 0 bù zhí de f /unworthy/ 不值錢 不值钱 T - 3 bù zhí qián f /of little value/ 不值钱 不值錢 S - 3 bù zhí qián f /of little value/ 不假思索 - 83 bù jiǎ sī suǒ f /to act without taking time to think (idiom); to react instantly/to fire from the hip/ 不偏不倚 - 47 bù piān bù yǐ f /even-handed/impartial/unbiased/exact/just/ 不偏斜 - 0 bù piān xié f /not leaning to one side/impartial/even-handed/ 不偏极 不偏極 S - 0 bù piān jí f /unpolarized (light)/ 不偏極 不偏极 T - 0 bù piān jí f /unpolarized (light)/ 不做亏心事,不怕鬼敲门 不做虧心事,不怕鬼敲門 S - 0 bù zuò kuī xīn shì , bù pà guǐ qiāo mén f /He who never wrongs others does not fear the knock in the night./Rest with a clear conscience./ 不做声 不做聲 S - 203 bù zuò shēng f /keep silent/not say a word/ 不做聲 不做声 T - 203 bù zuò shēng f /keep silent/not say a word/ 不做虧心事,不怕鬼敲門 不做亏心事,不怕鬼敲门 T - 0 bù zuò kuī xīn shì , bù pà guǐ qiāo mén f /He who never wrongs others does not fear the knock in the night./Rest with a clear conscience./ 不停 - 2035 bù tíng f /incessant/ 不備 不备 T - 99 bù bèi f /unprepared/off guard/ 不傳 不传 T - 0 bù chuán f /not passed on/ 不傷脾胃 不伤脾胃 T - 3 bù shāng pí wèi f /lit. doesn't hurt the spleen or the stomach/fig. something that is not critical/ 不僅 不仅 T 971 11895 bù jǐn f /not only (this one)/not just (...) but also/ 不僅如此 不仅如此 T - 742 bù jǐn rú cǐ f /not only that, but .../ 不像样 不像樣 S - 3 bù xiàng yàng f /in no shape to be seen/unpresentable/beyond recognition/ 不像樣 不像样 T - 3 bù xiàng yàng f /in no shape to be seen/unpresentable/beyond recognition/ 不像話 不像话 T 4440 60 bù xiàng huà f /unreasonable/shocking/outrageous/ 不像话 不像話 S 4440 60 bù xiàng huà f /unreasonable/shocking/outrageous/ 不儉則匱 不俭则匮 T - 0 bù jiǎn zé kuì f /wastage makes one destitute (idiom)/ 不光 - 502 bù guāng f /not the only one/not only/ 不光彩 - 0 bù guāng cǎi f /disgraceful/dishonorable/ 不克 - 3 bù kè f /cannot/to not be able (to)/to be unable to/ 不免 4913 2074 bù miǎn f /inevitably/ 不免一死 - 0 bù miǎn yī sǐ f /cannot avoid being killed/cannot escape death/to be mortal/ 不入时宜 不入時宜 S - 3 bù rù shí yí f /untimely/premature/inopportune/ill-timed/out of fashion/behind the times/ 不入時宜 不入时宜 T - 3 bù rù shí yí f /untimely/premature/inopportune/ill-timed/out of fashion/behind the times/ 不入虎穴,焉得虎子 - 0 bù rù hǔ xué , yān dé hǔ zǐ f /How do you catch the tiger cub without entering the tiger's lair? (idiom); Nothing ventured, nothing gained./ 不公 - 218 bù gōng f /unjust/unfair/ 不公正 - 0 bù gōng zhèng f /injustice/ 不共戴天 - 125 bù gòng dài tiān f /(of enemies) cannot live under the same sky/absolutely irreconcilable/ 不关痛痒 不關痛癢 S - 8 bù guān tòng yǎng f /unimportant/of no consequence/ 不兴 不興 S - 3 bù xīng f /out of fashion/outmoded/impermissible/can't/ 不兼容性 - 0 bù jiān róng xìng f /incompatibility/ 不再 - 6513 bù zài f /no more/no longer/ 不冻港 不凍港 S - 37 bù dòng gǎng f /ice-free port/open port/ 不冻港口 不凍港口 S - 0 bù dòng gǎng kǒu f /ice-free port (refers to Vladivostok)/ 不准 - 1283 bù zhǔn f /not to allow/to forbid/to prohibit/ 不准确 不準確 S - 0 bù zhǔn què f /imprecise/ 不准許 不准许 T - 0 bù zhǔn xǔ f /forbidden/not allowed/ 不准许 不准許 S - 0 bù zhǔn xǔ f /forbidden/not allowed/ 不凍港 不冻港 T - 37 bù dòng gǎng f /ice-free port/open port/ 不凍港口 不冻港口 T - 0 bù dòng gǎng kǒu f /ice-free port (refers to Vladivostok)/ 不减当年 不減當年 S - 38 bù jiǎn dāng nián f /(of one's skills, appearance etc) not to have deteriorated a bit/to be as (good, vigorous etc) as ever/ 不凑巧 不湊巧 S - 0 bù còu qiǎo f /unluckily/ 不凡 - 348 bù fán f /out of the ordinary/out of the common run/ 不出所料 - 66 bù chū suǒ liào f /as expected/ 不分 - 3 bù fēn f /not divided/irrespective/not distinguishing between/ 不分伯仲 - 2 bù fēn bó zhòng f /lit. unable to distinguish eldest brother from second brother (idiom); they are all equally excellent/nothing to choose between them/ 不分勝敗 不分胜败 T - 0 bù fēn shèng bài f /to not be able to distinguish who's winning/ 不分勝負 不分胜负 T - 3 bù fēn shèng fù f /unable to determine victory or defeat (idiom); evenly matched/to come out even/to tie/to draw/ 不分彼此 - 40 bù fēn bǐ cǐ f /to make no distinction between what's one's own and what's another's (idiom)/to share everything/to be on very intimate terms/ 不分情由 - 0 bù fēn qíng yóu f /indiscriminate/ 不分昼夜 不分晝夜 S - 3 bù fēn zhòu yè f /day and night/round-the-clock/ 不分晝夜 不分昼夜 T - 3 bù fēn zhòu yè f /day and night/round-the-clock/ 不分皂白 - 4 bù fēn zào bái f /not distinguishing black or white (idiom); not to distinguish between right and wrong/ 不分胜负 不分勝負 S - 3 bù fēn shèng fù f /unable to determine victory or defeat (idiom); evenly matched/to come out even/to tie/to draw/ 不分胜败 不分勝敗 S - 0 bù fēn shèng bài f /to not be able to distinguish who's winning/ 不分軒輊 不分轩轾 T - 6 bù fēn xuān zhì f /well-matched/equally matched/ 不分轩轾 不分軒輊 S - 6 bù fēn xuān zhì f /well-matched/equally matched/ 不分青紅皂白 不分青红皂白 T - 47 bù fēn qīng hóng zào bái f /not distinguishing red-green or black-white (idiom)/not to distinguish between right and wrong/ 不分青红皂白 不分青紅皂白 S - 47 bù fēn qīng hóng zào bái f /not distinguishing red-green or black-white (idiom)/not to distinguish between right and wrong/ 不分高下 - 0 bù fēn gāo xià f /equally matched/not much to distinguish who is stronger/ 不切合实际 不切合實際 S - 0 bù qiè hé shí jì f /impractical/not conforming to reality/ 不切合實際 不切合实际 T - 0 bù qiè hé shí jì f /impractical/not conforming to reality/ 不切实际 不切實際 S - 146 bù qiè shí jì f /unrealistic/impractical/ 不切實際 不切实际 T - 146 bù qiè shí jì f /unrealistic/impractical/ 不刊之論 不刊之论 T - 3 bù kān zhī lùn f /indisputable statement/unalterable truth/ 不刊之论 不刊之論 S - 3 bù kān zhī lùn f /indisputable statement/unalterable truth/ 不划算 - 3 bù huá suàn f /it isn't worth it/not cost-effective/not profitable/too expensive/ 不列顛 不列颠 T - 258 Bù liè diān f /Britain/British/Great Britain/ 不列顛保衛戰 不列颠保卫战 T - 0 Bù liè diān Bǎo wèi zhàn f /see 不列顛戰役|不列颠战役[Bu4 lie4 dian1 Zhan4 yi4])/ 不列顛哥倫比亞 不列颠哥伦比亚 T - 0 Bù liè diān Gē lún bǐ yà f /British Columbia, Pacific province of Canada/ 不列顛哥倫比亞省 不列颠哥伦比亚省 T - 0 Bù liè diān Gē lún bǐ yà shěng f /British Columbia, Pacific province of Canada/ 不列顛戰役 不列颠战役 T - 0 Bù liè diān Zhàn yì f /Battle of Britain (Jul-Oct 1940)/ 不列顛諸島 不列颠诸岛 T - 0 Bù liè diān Zhū dǎo f /British Isles/ 不列颠 不列顛 S - 258 Bù liè diān f /Britain/British/Great Britain/ 不列颠保卫战 不列顛保衛戰 S - 0 Bù liè diān Bǎo wèi zhàn f /see 不列顛戰役|不列颠战役[Bu4 lie4 dian1 Zhan4 yi4])/ 不列颠哥伦比亚 不列顛哥倫比亞 S - 0 Bù liè diān Gē lún bǐ yà f /British Columbia, Pacific province of Canada/ 不列颠哥伦比亚省 不列顛哥倫比亞省 S - 0 Bù liè diān Gē lún bǐ yà shěng f /British Columbia, Pacific province of Canada/ 不列颠战役 不列顛戰役 S - 0 Bù liè diān Zhàn yì f /Battle of Britain (Jul-Oct 1940)/ 不列颠诸岛 不列顛諸島 S - 0 Bù liè diān Zhū dǎo f /British Isles/ 不利 - 1818 bù lì f /unfavorable/disadvantageous/harmful/detrimental/ 不到 - 11072 bù dào f /not to arrive/not reaching/insufficient/less than/ 不到長城非好漢 不到长城非好汉 T - 2 bù dào Cháng chéng fēi hǎo hàn f /lit. until you reach the Great Wall, you're not a proper person; fig. to get over difficulties before reaching the goal/ 不到长城非好汉 不到長城非好漢 S - 2 bù dào Cháng chéng fēi hǎo hàn f /lit. until you reach the Great Wall, you're not a proper person; fig. to get over difficulties before reaching the goal/ 不到黃河心不死 不到黄河心不死 T - 6 bù dào Huáng Hé xīn bù sǐ f /lit. not to stop until one reaches the Yellow River (idiom)/fig. to persevere until one reaches one's goal/to keep going while some hope is left/ 不到黄河心不死 不到黃河心不死 S - 6 bù dào Huáng Hé xīn bù sǐ f /lit. not to stop until one reaches the Yellow River (idiom)/fig. to persevere until one reaches one's goal/to keep going while some hope is left/ 不力 - 252 bù lì f /not to do one's best/not to exert oneself/ 不加 - 3 bù jiā f /without/not/un-/ 不加修飾 不加修饰 T - 0 bù jiā xiū shì f /undecorated/unvarnished/no frills/ 不加修饰 不加修飾 S - 0 bù jiā xiū shì f /undecorated/unvarnished/no frills/ 不加区别 不加區別 S - 0 bù jiā qū bié f /indiscriminate/ 不加區別 不加区别 T - 0 bù jiā qū bié f /indiscriminate/ 不加思索 - 3 bù jiā sī suǒ f /see 不假思索[bu4 jia3 si1 suo3]/ 不加拘束 - 0 bù jiā jū shù f /unrestricted/ 不加掩飾 不加掩饰 T - 0 bù jiā yǎn shì f /undisguised/ 不加掩饰 不加掩飾 S - 0 bù jiā yǎn shì f /undisguised/ 不加牛奶 - 0 bù jiā niú nǎi f /without milk/black (of tea, coffee etc)/ 不加理睬 - 0 bù jiā lǐ cǎi f /without giving due consideration/to ignore/to overlook/ 不加选择 不加選擇 S - 0 bù jiā xuǎn zé f /indiscriminate/ 不加選擇 不加选择 T - 0 bù jiā xuǎn zé f /indiscriminate/ 不务正业 不務正業 S - 45 bù wù zhèng yè f /not to engage in honest work/to ignore one's proper occupation/not to attend to one's proper duties/ 不动 不動 S - 3 bù dòng f /motionless/ 不动产 不動產 S - 135 bù dòng chǎn f /real estate/immovable property/immovables/ 不动声色 不動聲色 S - 456 bù dòng shēng sè f /not a word or movement (idiom); remaining calm and collected/not batting an eyelid/ 不动摇 不動搖 S - 0 bù dòng yáo f /unmoved/ 不动点 不動點 S - 24 bù dòng diǎn f /fixed point (of a map) (math.)/ 不动点定理 不動點定理 S - 0 bù dòng diǎn dìng lǐ f /fixed point theorem (math.)/ 不劳无获 不勞無獲 S - 0 bù láo wú huò f /no pain, no gain (idiom)/ 不劳而获 不勞而獲 S - 21 bù láo ér huò f /to reap without sowing (idiom)/ 不動 不动 T - 3 bù dòng f /motionless/ 不動搖 不动摇 T - 0 bù dòng yáo f /unmoved/ 不動產 不动产 T - 135 bù dòng chǎn f /real estate/immovable property/immovables/ 不動聲色 不动声色 T - 456 bù dòng shēng sè f /not a word or movement (idiom); remaining calm and collected/not batting an eyelid/ 不動點 不动点 T - 24 bù dòng diǎn f /fixed point (of a map) (math.)/ 不動點定理 不动点定理 T - 0 bù dòng diǎn dìng lǐ f /fixed point theorem (math.)/ 不務正業 不务正业 T - 45 bù wù zhèng yè f /not to engage in honest work/to ignore one's proper occupation/not to attend to one's proper duties/ 不勝 不胜 T - 479 bù shèng f /cannot bear or stand/be unequal to/very/extremely/ 不勝其擾 不胜其扰 T - 3 bù shèng qí rǎo f /unable to put up with (sth) any longer/ 不勝其煩 不胜其烦 T - 12 bù shèng qí fán f /to be pestered beyond endurance/ 不勝其苦 不胜其苦 T - 3 bù shèng qí kǔ f /unable to bear the pain (idiom)/ 不勝枚舉 不胜枚举 T - 77 bù shèng méi jǔ f /too numerous to mention individually or one by one/ 不勞無獲 不劳无获 T - 0 bù láo wú huò f /no pain, no gain (idiom)/ 不勞而獲 不劳而获 T - 21 bù láo ér huò f /to reap without sowing (idiom)/ 不匮 不匱 S - 0 bù kuì f /endlessly/without ceasing/ 不匱 不匮 T - 0 bù kuì f /endlessly/without ceasing/ 不区分大小写 不區分大小寫 S - 0 bù qū fēn dà xiǎo xiě f /case insensitive/not distinguishing capitals from lower case letters/ 不區分大小寫 不区分大小写 T - 0 bù qū fēn dà xiǎo xiě f /case insensitive/not distinguishing capitals from lower case letters/ 不协调 不協調 S - 0 bù xié tiáo f /uncoordinated/disharmony/ 不卑不亢 - 45 bù bēi bù kàng f /neither servile nor overbearing (idiom)/neither obsequious nor supercilious/ 不協調 不协调 T - 0 bù xié tiáo f /uncoordinated/disharmony/ 不单 不單 S - 217 bù dān f /not the only/not merely/not simply/ 不即不离 不即不離 S - 29 bù jí bù lí f /to be neither too familiar nor too distant/to keep sb at arm's length/ 不即不離 不即不离 T - 29 bù jí bù lí f /to be neither too familiar nor too distant/to keep sb at arm's length/ 不厌 不厭 S - 53 bù yàn f /not to tire of/not to object to/ 不厌其烦 不厭其煩 S - 58 bù yàn qí fán f /not to mind taking all the trouble (idiom)/to take great pains/to be very patient/ 不厭 不厌 T - 53 bù yàn f /not to tire of/not to object to/ 不厭其煩 不厌其烦 T - 58 bù yàn qí fán f /not to mind taking all the trouble (idiom)/to take great pains/to be very patient/ 不去理 - 0 bù qù lǐ f /not to pay attention to/to leave sth as it is/to ignore/ 不及 - 1498 bù jí f /to fall short of/not as good as/too late/ 不及格 - 3 bù jí gé f /to fail/to flunk/ 不及物动词 不及物動詞 S - 0 bù jí wù dòng cí f /intransitive verb/ 不及物動詞 不及物动词 T - 0 bù jí wù dòng cí f /intransitive verb/ 不受欢迎 不受歡迎 S - 0 bù shòu huān yíng f /unwelcome/ 不受歡迎 不受欢迎 T - 0 bù shòu huān yíng f /unwelcome/ 不受理 - 0 bù shòu lǐ f /reject a complaint/refuse to entertain (a proposal)/ 不受約束 不受约束 T - 0 bù shòu yuē shù f /unrestricted/ 不受约束 不受約束 S - 0 bù shòu yuē shù f /unrestricted/ 不变 不變 S - 2148 bù biàn f /constant/unvarying/(math.) invariant/ 不变价格 不變價格 S - 8 bù biàn jià gé f /fixed price/constant price/ 不变化 不變化 S - 0 bù biàn huà f /invariably/ 不变资本 不變資本 S - 809 bù biàn zī běn f /constant capital/ 不变量 不變量 S - 0 bù biàn liàng f /invariant quantity/invariant (math.)/ 不只 - 0 bù zhǐ f /not only/not merely/ 不可 - 9674 bù kě f /cannot/should not/must not/ 不可一世 - 282 bù kě yī shì f /to consider oneself unexcelled in the world/to be insufferably arrogant/ 不可以 - 0 bù kě yǐ f /may not/ 不可估量 - 70 bù kě gū liàng f /inestimable/incalculable/beyond measure/ 不可侵犯 - 0 bù kě qīn fàn f /inviolable/inviolability/ 不可侵犯权 不可侵犯權 S - 0 bù kě qīn fàn quán f /inviolability/ 不可侵犯權 不可侵犯权 T - 0 bù kě qīn fàn quán f /inviolability/ 不可再生資源 不可再生资源 T - 0 bù kě zài shēng zī yuán f /nonrenewable resource/ 不可再生资源 不可再生資源 S - 0 bù kě zài shēng zī yuán f /nonrenewable resource/ 不可分割 - 157 bù kě fēn gē f /inalienable/unalienable/inseparable/indivisible/ 不可分离 不可分離 S - 0 bù kě fēn lí f /inseparable/ 不可分離 不可分离 T - 0 bù kě fēn lí f /inseparable/ 不可勝數 不可胜数 T - 45 bù kě shèng shǔ f /countless/innumerable/ 不可勝言 不可胜言 T - 2 bù kě shèng yán f /inexpressible (idiom)/beyond description/ 不可同日而語 不可同日而语 T - 83 bù kě tóng rì ér yǔ f /lit. mustn't speak of two things on the same day (idiom); not to be mentioned in the same breath/incomparable/ 不可同日而语 不可同日而語 S - 83 bù kě tóng rì ér yǔ f /lit. mustn't speak of two things on the same day (idiom); not to be mentioned in the same breath/incomparable/ 不可名状 不可名狀 S - 17 bù kě míng zhuàng f /indescribable/beyond description/ 不可名狀 不可名状 T - 17 bù kě míng zhuàng f /indescribable/beyond description/ 不可告人 - 109 bù kě gào rén f /hidden/kept secret/not to be divulged/ 不可多得 - 76 bù kě duō dé f /hard to come by/rare/ 不可导 不可導 S - 0 bù kě dǎo f /not differentiable (function in calculus)/ 不可導 不可导 T - 0 bù kě dǎo f /not differentiable (function in calculus)/ 不可开交 不可開交 S - 109 bù kě kāi jiāo f /to be awfully (busy etc)/ 不可思議 不可思议 T 2583 437 bù kě sī yì f /inconceivable (idiom); unimaginable/unfathomable/ 不可思议 不可思議 S 2583 437 bù kě sī yì f /inconceivable (idiom); unimaginable/unfathomable/ 不可或缺 - 164 bù kě huò quē f /necessary/must have/ 不可抗力 - 39 bù kě kàng lì f /unpredictable eventuality/unpreventable/unavoidable/impossible to overcome/nothing can be done about it/act of God/force majeure/ 不可抗拒 - 0 bù kě kàng jù f /act of God/force majeure (law)/irresistible (idiom)/ 不可挽回 - 0 bù kě wǎn huí f /irreversible/ 不可撤銷信用證 不可撤销信用证 T - 0 bù kě chè xiāo xìn yòng zhèng f /irrevocable letter of credit/ 不可撤销信用证 不可撤銷信用證 S - 0 bù kě chè xiāo xìn yòng zhèng f /irrevocable letter of credit/ 不可收拾 - 143 bù kě shōu shí f /irremediable/unmanageable/out of hand/hopeless/ 不可救药 不可救藥 S - 44 bù kě jiù yào f /incurable/incorrigible/beyond cure/hopeless/ 不可救藥 不可救药 T - 44 bù kě jiù yào f /incurable/incorrigible/beyond cure/hopeless/ 不可数 不可數 S - 3 bù kě shǔ f /uncountable/ 不可数名词 不可數名詞 S - 0 bù kě shǔ míng cí f /uncountable noun (in grammar of European languages)/ 不可数集 不可數集 S - 0 bù kě shuò jí f /uncountable set (math.)/ 不可數 不可数 T - 3 bù kě shǔ f /uncountable/ 不可數名詞 不可数名词 T - 0 bù kě shǔ míng cí f /uncountable noun (in grammar of European languages)/ 不可數集 不可数集 T - 0 bù kě shuò jí f /uncountable set (math.)/ 不可枚举 不可枚舉 S - 3 bù kě méi jǔ f /innumerable (idiom)/ 不可枚舉 不可枚举 T - 3 bù kě méi jǔ f /innumerable (idiom)/ 不可理喻 - 56 bù kě lǐ yù f /to be impervious to reason (idiom)/unreasonable/ 不可知論 不可知论 T - 37 bù kě zhī lùn f /agnosticism, the philosophical doctrine that some questions about the universe are in principle unanswerable/ 不可知论 不可知論 S - 37 bù kě zhī lùn f /agnosticism, the philosophical doctrine that some questions about the universe are in principle unanswerable/ 不可磨滅 不可磨灭 T - 93 bù kě mó miè f /indelible/ 不可磨灭 不可磨滅 S - 93 bù kě mó miè f /indelible/ 不可端倪 - 3 bù kě duān ní f /impossible to get even an outline (idiom)/unfathomable/not a clue/ 不可終日 不可终日 T - 7 bù kě zhōng rì f /to be unable to carry on even for a single day/to be in a desperate situation/ 不可终日 不可終日 S - 7 bù kě zhōng rì f /to be unable to carry on even for a single day/to be in a desperate situation/ 不可缺少 - 0 bù kě quē shǎo f /indispensable/ 不可置信 - 0 bù kě zhì xìn f /unbelievable/incredible/ 不可胜数 不可勝數 S - 45 bù kě shèng shǔ f /countless/innumerable/ 不可胜言 不可勝言 S - 2 bù kě shèng yán f /inexpressible (idiom)/beyond description/ 不可能 - 0 bù kě néng f /impossible/cannot/not able/ 不可解 - 0 bù kě jiě f /insoluble (i.e. impossible to solve)/ 不可言喻 - 18 bù kě yán yù f /inexpressible (idiom)/ 不可逆 - 0 bù kě nì f /irreversible/ 不可逆轉 不可逆转 T - 109 bù kě nì zhuǎn f /irreversible/ 不可逆转 不可逆轉 S - 109 bù kě nì zhuǎn f /irreversible/ 不可通約 不可通约 T - 0 bù kě tōng yuē f /having no common measure/incommensurable/incommensurate/ 不可通约 不可通約 S - 0 bù kě tōng yuē f /having no common measure/incommensurable/incommensurate/ 不可逾越 - 70 bù kě yú yuè f /impassable/insurmountable/insuperable/ 不可避 - 0 bù kě bì f /unavoidable/ 不可避免 - 650 bù kě bì miǎn f /unavoidably/ 不可開交 不可开交 T - 109 bù kě kāi jiāo f /to be awfully (busy etc)/ 不可靠 - 0 bù kě kào f /unreliable/ 不合 - 507 bù hé f /to not conform to/to be unsuited to/to be out of keeping with/should not/ought out/ 不合体统 不合體統 S - 0 bù hé tǐ tǒng f /not according with decorum/scandalous/bad form/unacceptable behavior/ 不合作 - 0 bù hé zuò f /noncooperation/ 不合时宜 不合時宜 S - 103 bù hé shí yí f /untimely/premature/inopportune/ill-timed/out of fashion/behind the times/ 不合時宜 不合时宜 T - 103 bù hé shí yí f /untimely/premature/inopportune/ill-timed/out of fashion/behind the times/ 不合法 - 0 bù hé fǎ f /illegal/ 不合理 - 470 bù hé lǐ f /unreasonable/ 不合适 不合適 S - 0 bù hé shì f /improper/unsuitable/inappropriate/ 不合適 不合适 T - 0 bù hé shì f /improper/unsuitable/inappropriate/ 不合體統 不合体统 T - 0 bù hé tǐ tǒng f /not according with decorum/scandalous/bad form/unacceptable behavior/ 不吉 - 0 bù jí f /unlucky/inauspicious/ominous/ 不吉利 - 0 bù jí lì f /ominous/ 不同 - 29383 bù tóng f /different/distinct/not the same/not alike/ 不同凡响 不同凡響 S - 79 bù tóng fán xiǎng f /lit. not a common chord (idiom); outstanding/brilliant/out of the common run/ 不同凡響 不同凡响 T - 79 bù tóng fán xiǎng f /lit. not a common chord (idiom); outstanding/brilliant/out of the common run/ 不名一文 - 6 bù míng yī wén f /without a penny to one's name/penniless/stony-broke/ 不名数 不名數 S - 3 bù míng shù f /abstract number/ 不名數 不名数 T - 3 bù míng shù f /abstract number/ 不名誉 不名譽 S - 8 bù míng yù f /disreputable/disgraceful/ 不名譽 不名誉 T - 8 bù míng yù f /disreputable/disgraceful/ 不吐不快 - 0 bù tǔ bù kuài f /to have to pour out what's on one's mind (idiom)/ 不吐气 不吐氣 S - 0 bù tǔ qì f /unaspirated/ 不吐氣 不吐气 T - 0 bù tǔ qì f /unaspirated/ 不吝 - 50 bù lìn f /not to stint/to be generous (with praise etc)/to be prepared to (pay a fee, give of one's time etc)/ 不吝珠玉 - 3 bù lìn zhū yù f /lit. do not begrudge gems of wisdom (idiom, humble expr.); fig. Please give me your frank opinion./Your criticism will be most valuable./ 不含糊 - 14 bù hán hu f /unambiguous/unequivocal/explicit/prudent/cautious/not negligent/unafraid/unhesitating/really good/extraordinary/ 不听命 不聽命 S - 0 bù tīng mìng f /to disobey/ 不周 - 60 bù zhōu f /not satisfactory/thoughtless/inconsiderate/ 不周山 - 0 Bù zhōu Shān f /Buzhou Mountain, a mountain from Chinese legend/ 不周延 - 17 bù zhōu yán f /undistributed/ 不咋地 - 0 bù zǎ de f /(dialect) not that great/not up to much/nothing special/ 不和 - 0 bù hé f /not to get along well/to be on bad terms/to be at odds/discord/ 不咎既往 - 15 bù jiù jì wǎng f /not censure sb for his past misdeeds/overlook sb's past mistakes/let bygones be bygones/ 不問 不问 T - 300 bù wèn f /to pay no attention to/to disregard/to ignore/to let go unpunished/to let off/ 不問好歹 不问好歹 T - 0 bù wèn hǎo dǎi f /no matter what may happen (idiom)/ 不問就聽不到假話 不问就听不到假话 T - 0 bù wèn jiù tīng bù dào jiǎ huà f /Don't ask and you won't be told any lies. (idiom)/ 不問青紅皂白 不问青红皂白 T - 22 bù wèn qīng hóng zào bái f /not distinguishing red-green or black-white (idiom)/not to distinguish between right and wrong/ 不啻 - 62 bù chì f /just as/no less than/like (sth momentous)/as good as/tantamount to/ 不啻天淵 不啻天渊 T - 3 bù chì tiān yuān f /no less than from heaven to the abyss (idiom); differing widely/worlds apart/the gap couldn't be bigger/ 不啻天渊 不啻天淵 S - 3 bù chì tiān yuān f /no less than from heaven to the abyss (idiom); differing widely/worlds apart/the gap couldn't be bigger/ 不善 - 409 bù shàn f /bad/ill/not good at/not to be pooh-poohed/quite impressive/ 不單 不单 T - 217 bù dān f /not the only/not merely/not simply/ 不圆通 不圓通 S - 0 bù yuán tōng f /inflexible/unaccommodating/ 不圓通 不圆通 T - 0 bù yuán tōng f /inflexible/unaccommodating/ 不在 - 3705 bù zài f /not to be present/to be out/(euphemism) to pass away/to be deceased/ 不在乎 - 490 bù zài hu f /not to care/ 不在了 - 0 bù zài le f /to be dead/to have passed away/ 不在其位不謀其政 不在其位不谋其政 T - 0 bù zài qí wèi bù mòu qí zhèng f /don't meddle in affairs that are not part of your position (Confucius)/ 不在其位不谋其政 不在其位不謀其政 S - 0 bù zài qí wèi bù mòu qí zhèng f /don't meddle in affairs that are not part of your position (Confucius)/ 不在意 - 3 bù zài yì f /to pay no attention to/not to mind/ 不在状态 不在狀態 S - 0 bù zài zhuàng tài f /to be out of form/not to be oneself/ 不在狀態 不在状态 T - 0 bù zài zhuàng tài f /to be out of form/not to be oneself/ 不在話下 不在话下 T - 324 bù zài huà xià f /to be nothing difficult/to be a cinch/ 不在话下 不在話下 S - 324 bù zài huà xià f /to be nothing difficult/to be a cinch/ 不均 - 277 bù jūn f /uneven/distributed unevenly/ 不堪 3788 983 bù kān f /cannot bear/cannot stand/utterly/extremely/ 不堪一击 不堪一擊 S - 134 bù kān yī jī f /to be unable to withstand a single blow/to collapse at the first blow/ 不堪一擊 不堪一击 T - 134 bù kān yī jī f /to be unable to withstand a single blow/to collapse at the first blow/ 不堪入目 - 29 bù kān rù mù f /unbearable to look at/an eyesore/ 不堪忍受 - 0 bù kān rěn shòu f /unbearable/ 不堪設想 不堪设想 T - 184 bù kān shè xiǎng f /too horrible to contemplate/unthinkable/inconceivable/ 不堪设想 不堪設想 S - 184 bù kān shè xiǎng f /too horrible to contemplate/unthinkable/inconceivable/ 不声不响 不聲不響 S - 105 bù shēng bù xiǎng f /wordless and silent (idiom); without speaking/taciturn/ 不备 不備 S - 99 bù bèi f /unprepared/off guard/ 不复 不復 S - 21 bù fù f /no longer/no more/ 不外 - 134 bù wài f /not beyond the scope of/nothing more than/ 不外乎 - 117 bù wài hū f /nothing else but/ 不外露 - 0 bù wài lù f /not exposed/concealed from view/ 不够 不夠 S - 2651 bù gòu f /not enough/insufficient/inadequate/ 不夠 不够 T - 2651 bù gòu f /not enough/insufficient/inadequate/ 不大 - 795 bù dà f /not very/not too/not often/ 不大离 不大離 S - 0 bù dà lí f /pretty close/just about right/not bad/same as 差不多/ 不大离儿 不大離兒 S - 0 bù dà lí r f /erhua variant of 不大離|不大离[bu4 da4 li2]/ 不大離 不大离 T - 0 bù dà lí f /pretty close/just about right/not bad/same as 差不多/ 不大離兒 不大离儿 T - 0 bù dà lí r f /erhua variant of 不大離|不大离[bu4 da4 li2]/ 不太好 - 3 bù tài hǎo f /not so good/not too well/ 不失为 不失為 S - 272 bù shī wéi f /can still be considered (to be...)/may after all be accepted as/ 不失时机 不失時機 S - 139 bù shī shí jī f /to seize the opportune moment/to lose no time/ 不失時機 不失时机 T - 139 bù shī shí jī f /to seize the opportune moment/to lose no time/ 不失為 不失为 T - 272 bù shī wéi f /can still be considered (to be...)/may after all be accepted as/ 不好 - 5027 bù hǎo f /no good/ 不好受 - 3 bù hǎo shòu f /unpleasant/hard to take/ 不好惹 - 32 bù hǎo rě f /not to be trifled with/not to be pushed around/stand no nonsense/ 不好意思 - 829 bù hǎo yì si f /to feel embarrassed/to find it embarrassing/to be sorry (for inconveniencing sb)/ 不好說 不好说 T - 0 bù hǎo shuō f /hard to say/unpleasant to say/can't be sure/ 不好说 不好說 S - 0 bù hǎo shuō f /hard to say/unpleasant to say/can't be sure/ 不如 1835 2518 bù rú f /not equal to/not as good as/inferior to/it would be better to/ 不如人意 - 16 bù rú rén yì f /leaving much to be desired/unsatisfactory/undesirable/ 不妙 - 454 bù miào f /(of a turn of events) not too encouraging/far from good/anything but reassuring/ 不妥 - 486 bù tuǒ f /not proper/inappropriate/ 不妥协 不妥協 S - 0 bù tuǒ xié f /uncompromising/ 不妥協 不妥协 T - 0 bù tuǒ xié f /uncompromising/ 不妨 3779 1481 bù fáng f /there is no harm in/might as well/ 不孕 - 134 bù yùn f /infertility/ 不孕症 - 14 bù yùn zhèng f /female infertility/ 不孚众望 不孚眾望 S - 3 bù fú zhòng wàng f /not living up to expectations (idiom)/failing to inspire confidence among people/unpopular/ 不孚眾望 不孚众望 T - 3 bù fú zhòng wàng f /not living up to expectations (idiom)/failing to inspire confidence among people/unpopular/ 不孝 - 191 bù xiào f /unfilial/ 不孝有三,无后为大 不孝有三,無後為大 S - 0 bù xiào yǒu sān , wú hòu wéi dà f /There are three ways to be unfilial; having no sons is the worst. (citation from Mencius 孟子[Meng4 zi3])/ 不孝有三,無後為大 不孝有三,无后为大 T - 0 bù xiào yǒu sān , wú hòu wéi dà f /There are three ways to be unfilial; having no sons is the worst. (citation from Mencius 孟子[Meng4 zi3])/ 不学无术 不學無術 S - 41 bù xué wú shù f /without learning or skills (idiom); ignorant and incompetent/ 不學無術 不学无术 T - 41 bù xué wú shù f /without learning or skills (idiom); ignorant and incompetent/ 不安 1736 1531 bù ān f /unpeaceful/unstable/uneasy/disturbed/restless/worried/ 不安其室 - 3 bù ān qí shì f /to be discontented with one's home/to have adulterous relations after marriage (of women) (idiom)/ 不安分 - 3 bù ān fen f /restless/unsettled/ 不安好心 - 0 bù ān hǎo xīn f /to have bad intentions/ 不完全中立 - 0 bù wán quán zhōng lì f /imperfect neutrality/ 不完全叶 不完全葉 S - 0 bù wán quán yè f /incomplete leaf/ 不完全归纳推理 不完全歸納推理 S - 0 bù wán quán guī nà tuī lǐ f /inference by incomplete induction/ 不完全歸納推理 不完全归纳推理 T - 0 bù wán quán guī nà tuī lǐ f /inference by incomplete induction/ 不完全葉 不完全叶 T - 0 bù wán quán yè f /incomplete leaf/ 不完善 - 0 bù wán shàn f /imperfect/ 不完美 - 0 bù wán měi f /defective/imperfect/ 不定 - 733 bù dìng f /indefinite/indeterminate/(botany) adventitious/ 不定元 - 0 bù dìng yuán f /indeterminate element (math.), often denoted by x/ 不定冠詞 不定冠词 T - 3 bù dìng guàn cí f /indefinite article (e.g. English a, an)/ 不定冠词 不定冠詞 S - 3 bù dìng guàn cí f /indefinite article (e.g. English a, an)/ 不定式 - 61 bù dìng shì f /infinitive (grammar)/ 不定形 - 3 bù dìng xíng f /indeterminate form/ 不定方程 - 0 bù dìng fāng chéng f /(math.) indeterminate equation/ 不定期 - 147 bù dìng qī f /non-scheduled/irregularly/ 不定积分 不定積分 S - 13 bù dìng jī fēn f /indefinite integral (math.)/ 不定積分 不定积分 T - 13 bù dìng jī fēn f /indefinite integral (math.)/ 不定詞 不定词 T - 3 bù dìng cí f /infinitive/ 不定词 不定詞 S - 3 bù dìng cí f /infinitive/ 不宜 - 1290 bù yí f /not suitable/inadvisable/inappropriate/ 不客气 不客氣 S 125 0 bù kè qi f /you're welcome/don't mention it/impolite/rude/blunt/ 不客氣 不客气 T 125 0 bù kè qi f /you're welcome/don't mention it/impolite/rude/blunt/ 不宣而战 不宣而戰 S - 23 bù xuān ér zhàn f /open hostilities without declaring war/start an undeclared war/ 不宣而戰 不宣而战 T - 23 bù xuān ér zhàn f /open hostilities without declaring war/start an undeclared war/ 不容 - 655 bù róng f /must not/cannot/to not allow/cannot tolerate/ 不容置疑 - 89 bù róng zhì yí f /unquestionable/ 不容置辩 不容置辯 S - 3 bù róng zhì biàn f /peremptory/not to be denied/not brooking argument/ 不容置辯 不容置辩 T - 3 bù róng zhì biàn f /peremptory/not to be denied/not brooking argument/ 不寒而慄 不寒而栗 T - 117 bù hán ér lì f /shiver all over though not cold/tremble with fear/shudder/ 不寒而栗 不寒而慄 S - 117 bù hán ér lì f /shiver all over though not cold/tremble with fear/shudder/ 不对 不對 S - 695 bù duì f /incorrect/wrong/amiss/abnormal/queer/ 不对劲 不對勁 S - 3 bù duì jìn f /not in good condition/wrong/fishy/ 不对劲儿 不對勁兒 S - 0 bù duì jìn r f /erhua variant of 不對勁|不对劲[bu4 dui4 jin4]/ 不对头 不對頭 S - 3 bù duì tóu f /fishy/not right/amiss/ 不对盘 不對盤 S - 0 bù duì pán f /(of a person) objectionable/(of two people) to find each other disagreeable/ 不对碴儿 不對碴兒 S - 0 bù duì chá r f /not proper/not fit for the occasion/ 不对称 不對稱 S - 0 bù duì chèn f /unsymmetrical/asymmetric/ 不對 不对 T - 695 bù duì f /incorrect/wrong/amiss/abnormal/queer/ 不對勁 不对劲 T - 3 bù duì jìn f /not in good condition/wrong/fishy/ 不對勁兒 不对劲儿 T - 0 bù duì jìn r f /erhua variant of 不對勁|不对劲[bu4 dui4 jin4]/ 不對盤 不对盘 T - 0 bù duì pán f /(of a person) objectionable/(of two people) to find each other disagreeable/ 不對碴兒 不对碴儿 T - 0 bù duì chá r f /not proper/not fit for the occasion/ 不對稱 不对称 T - 0 bù duì chèn f /unsymmetrical/asymmetric/ 不對頭 不对头 T - 3 bù duì tóu f /fishy/not right/amiss/ 不少 - 8340 bù shǎo f /many/a lot/not few/ 不尽 不盡 S - 985 bù jìn f /not completely/endlessly/ 不尽根 不盡根 S - 3 bù jìn gēn f /surd (math.)/ 不局限 - 0 bù jú xiàn f /not confined/ 不屈 - 568 bù qū f /unyielding/unbending/ 不屈不挠 不屈不撓 S - 104 bù qū bù náo f /unyielding/indomitable/ 不屈不撓 不屈不挠 T - 104 bù qū bù náo f /unyielding/indomitable/ 不屑 - 355 bù xiè f /to disdain to do sth/to think sth not worth doing/to feel it beneath one's dignity/ 不屑一顧 不屑一顾 T 4651 96 bù xiè yī gù f /to disdain as beneath contempt (idiom)/ 不屑一顾 不屑一顧 S 4651 96 bù xiè yī gù f /to disdain as beneath contempt (idiom)/ 不巧 - 73 bù qiǎo f /too bad/unfortunately/as luck would have it/ 不差 - 0 bù chā t /to not lack/ 不差 - 0 bù chà f /not bad/OK/ 不已 - 1069 bù yǐ f /endlessly/incessantly/ 不带 不帶 S - 0 bù dài f /not to have/without/un-/ 不带电 不帶電 S - 0 bù dài diàn f /uncharged/electrically neutral/ 不帶 不带 T - 0 bù dài f /not to have/without/un-/ 不帶電 不带电 T - 0 bù dài diàn f /uncharged/electrically neutral/ 不干不净 不乾不淨 S - 55 bù gān bù jìng f /unclean/filthy/foul-mouthed/ 不干不净,吃了没病 不乾不淨,吃了沒病 S - 0 bù gān bù jìng , chī le méi bìng f /a little dirt never killed anybody (proverb)/a couple of germs won't do you any harm/ 不干涉 - 0 bù gān shè f /noninterference/nonintervention/ 不平 - 551 bù píng f /uneven/injustice/unfairness/wrong/grievance/indignant/dissatisfied/ 不平凡 - 0 bù píng fán f /marvelous/marvelously/ 不平则鸣 不平則鳴 S - 3 bù píng zé míng f /where there is injustice, there will be an outcry/man will cry out against injustice/ 不平則鳴 不平则鸣 T - 3 bù píng zé míng f /where there is injustice, there will be an outcry/man will cry out against injustice/ 不平常 - 0 bù píng cháng f /remarkable/remarkably/unusual/ 不平等 - 0 bù píng děng f /inequality/unfairness/ 不平等条约 不平等條約 S - 0 bù píng děng tiáo yuē f /unequal treaty/ 不平等條約 不平等条约 T - 0 bù píng děng tiáo yuē f /unequal treaty/ 不平衡 - 0 bù píng héng f /disequilibrium/ 不幸 - 1861 bù xìng f /misfortune/adversity/unfortunate/sad/unfortunately/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 不幸之事 - 0 bù xìng zhī shì f /mishap/ 不幸之幸 - 0 bù xìng zhī xìng f /a fortune in misfortune/a positive in the negative/ 不幸受害 - 0 bù xìng shòu hài f /the unfortunate injured (party)/a victim/ 不应期 不應期 S - 7 bù yìng qī f /refractory period (physiology)/ 不开窍 不開竅 S - 0 bù kāi qiào f /unable to understand/can't get the point/ 不当 不當 S - 657 bù dàng f /unsuitable/improper/inappropriate/ 不当一回事 不當一回事 S - 0 bù dàng yī huí shì f /not regard as a matter (of any importance)/ 不当事 不當事 S - 0 bù dāng shì f /useless/regard as useless/ 不当得利 不當得利 S - 3 bù dàng dé lì f /unjust enrichment/ 不当紧 不當緊 S - 0 bù dāng jǐn f /not important/of no consequence/ 不待說 不待说 T - 3 bù dài shuō f /needless to say/it goes without saying/ 不待说 不待說 S - 3 bù dài shuō f /needless to say/it goes without saying/ 不很 - 0 bù hěn f /not very/ 不得 - 6248 bù dé f /must not/may not/not to be allowed/cannot/ 不得不 795 3096 bù dé bù f /have no choice or option but to/cannot but/have to/can't help it/can't avoid/ 不得了 2180 363 bù dé liǎo f /desperately serious/disastrous/extremely/exceedingly/ 不得人心 - 49 bù dé rén xīn f /not to enjoy popular support/to be unpopular/ 不得其門而入 不得其门而入 T - 0 bù dé qí mén ér rù f /to be unable to get in/to fail to find a proper approach to handling sth/ 不得其门而入 不得其門而入 S - 0 bù dé qí mén ér rù f /to be unable to get in/to fail to find a proper approach to handling sth/ 不得劲 不得勁 S - 8 bù dé jìn f /awkward/unhandy/be indisposed/not feel well/ 不得勁 不得劲 T - 8 bù dé jìn f /awkward/unhandy/be indisposed/not feel well/ 不得已 3857 527 bù dé yǐ f /to act against one's will/to have no alternative but to/to have to/to have no choice/must/ 不得已而为之 不得已而為之 S - 50 bù dé yǐ ér wéi zhī f /to have no other choice/to be the last resort/ 不得已而為之 不得已而为之 T - 50 bù dé yǐ ér wéi zhī f /to have no other choice/to be the last resort/ 不得而知 - 151 bù dé ér zhī f /unknown/unable to find out/ 不得要領 不得要领 T - 55 bù dé yào lǐng f /to fail to grasp the main points/ 不得要领 不得要領 S - 55 bù dé yào lǐng f /to fail to grasp the main points/ 不復 不复 T - 21 bù fù f /no longer/no more/ 不必 - 3955 bù bì f /need not/does not have to/not necessarily/ 不必要 - 504 bù bì yào f /needless/unnecessary/ 不忍 - 628 bù rěn f /cannot bear to/disturbed/ 不忙 - 3 bù máng f /there's no hurry/take one's time/ 不快 - 476 bù kuài f /unhappy/in low spirits/(of a knife) not sharp/ 不念旧恶 不念舊惡 S - 18 bù niàn jiù è f /do not recall old grievances (idiom, from Analects); forgive and forget/ 不念舊惡 不念旧恶 T - 18 bù niàn jiù è f /do not recall old grievances (idiom, from Analects); forgive and forget/ 不忿 - 3 bù fèn f /unsatisfied/unconvinced/indignant/ 不怀好意 不懷好意 S - 163 bù huái hǎo yì f /to harbor evil designs/to harbor malicious intentions/ 不怎么 不怎麼 S - 261 bù zěn me f /not very/not particularly/ 不怎么样 不怎麼樣 S - 28 bù zěn me yàng f /not up to much/very indifferent/nothing great about it/nothing good to be said about it/ 不怎麼 不怎么 T - 261 bù zěn me f /not very/not particularly/ 不怎麼樣 不怎么样 T - 28 bù zěn me yàng f /not up to much/very indifferent/nothing great about it/nothing good to be said about it/ 不怕 - 1607 bù pà f /fearless/not worried (by setbacks or difficulties)/even if/even though/ 不怕一万,就怕万一 不怕一萬,就怕萬一 S - 0 bù pà yī wàn , jiù pà wàn yī f /better to be safe than sorry (proverb)/to be prepared just in case/ 不怕一萬,就怕萬一 不怕一万,就怕万一 T - 0 bù pà yī wàn , jiù pà wàn yī f /better to be safe than sorry (proverb)/to be prepared just in case/ 不怕不識貨,只怕貨比貨 不怕不识货,只怕货比货 T - 0 bù pà bù shí huò , zhǐ pà huò bǐ huò f /lit. don't worry about not knowing goods, but about comparing them (proverb)/fig. goods' (or person's) true value can only be determined through comparison/ 不怕不識貨,就怕貨比貨 不怕不识货,就怕货比货 T - 0 bù pà bù shí huò , jiù pà huò bǐ huò f /lit. don't worry about not knowing goods, but about comparing them (proverb)/fig. goods' (or person's) true value can only be determined through comparison/ 不怕不识货,只怕货比货 不怕不識貨,只怕貨比貨 S - 0 bù pà bù shí huò , zhǐ pà huò bǐ huò f /lit. don't worry about not knowing goods, but about comparing them (proverb)/fig. goods' (or person's) true value can only be determined through comparison/ 不怕不识货,就怕货比货 不怕不識貨,就怕貨比貨 S - 0 bù pà bù shí huò , jiù pà huò bǐ huò f /lit. don't worry about not knowing goods, but about comparing them (proverb)/fig. goods' (or person's) true value can only be determined through comparison/ 不怕官,只怕管 - 0 bù pà guān , zhǐ pà guǎn f /lit. it is not an official to be feared, but a person in direct control over sb (proverb)/fig. to be obliged to comply with people in authority/ 不怕慢,就怕站 - 0 bù pà màn , jiù pà zhàn f /it's better to make slow progress than no progress at all (proverb)/ 不怕神一样的对手,就怕猪一样的队友 不怕神一樣的對手,就怕豬一樣的隊友 S - 0 bù pà shén yī yàng de duì shǒu , jiù pà zhū yī yàng de duì yǒu f /a boneheaded teammate can do you more harm than the most formidable opponent (idiom)/ 不怕神一樣的對手,就怕豬一樣的隊友 不怕神一样的对手,就怕猪一样的队友 T - 0 bù pà shén yī yàng de duì shǒu , jiù pà zhū yī yàng de duì yǒu f /a boneheaded teammate can do you more harm than the most formidable opponent (idiom)/ 不怠 - 0 bù dài f /untiring/indefatigable/ 不急之务 不急之務 S - 12 bù jí zhī wù f /a matter of no great urgency/ 不急之務 不急之务 T - 12 bù jí zhī wù f /a matter of no great urgency/ 不恤 - 3 bù xù f /not to worry/not to show concern/ 不恤人言 - 3 bù xù rén yán f /not to worry about the gossip (idiom); to do the right thing regardless of what others say/ 不恥下問 不耻下问 T - 3 bù chǐ xià wèn f /not feel ashamed to ask and learn from one's subordinates/ 不恭 - 3 bù gōng f /disrespectful/ 不息 - 198 bù xī f /continually/without a break/ceaselessly/ 不悅 不悦 T - 203 bù yuè f /displeased/annoyed/ 不患寡而患不均 - 0 bù huàn guǎ ér huàn bù jūn f /do not worry about scarcity, but rather about uneven distribution (idiom, from Analects)/ 不悦 不悅 S - 203 bù yuè f /displeased/annoyed/ 不情之請 不情之请 T - 12 bù qíng zhī qǐng f /my presumptuous request (humble expr.); if I may be so bold to ask a favor/ 不情之请 不情之請 S - 12 bù qíng zhī qǐng f /my presumptuous request (humble expr.); if I may be so bold to ask a favor/ 不情愿 不情願 S - 0 bù qíng yuàn f /unwilling/ 不情願 不情愿 T - 0 bù qíng yuàn f /unwilling/ 不惑 - 35 bù huò f /without doubt/with full self-confidence/forty years of age/ 不惜 3021 882 bù xī f /not stint/not spare/not hesitate (to do sth)/not scruple (to do sth)/ 不惜一战 不惜一戰 S - 3 bù xī yī zhàn f /to be ready to go to war/ 不惜一戰 不惜一战 T - 3 bù xī yī zhàn f /to be ready to go to war/ 不惜血本 - 0 bù xī xuè běn f /to spare no effort/to devote all one's energies/ 不惟 - 149 bù wéi f /not only/ 不想 - 4563 bù xiǎng f /unexpectedly/ 不愉快 - 0 bù yú kuài f /disagreeable/unpleasant/ 不意 - 191 bù yì f /unexpectedly/unawareness/unpreparedness/ 不愤不启 不憤不啟 S - 3 bù fèn bù qǐ f /a student shall not be enlightened until he has tried hard by himself (idiom)/ 不愧 4055 336 bù kuì f /to be worthy of/to deserve to be called/to prove oneself to be/ 不愧下学 不愧下學 S - 3 bù kuì xià xué f /not ashamed to learn from subordinates (idiom)/ 不愧下學 不愧下学 T - 3 bù kuì xià xué f /not ashamed to learn from subordinates (idiom)/ 不愧不怍 - 0 bù kuì bù zuò f /no shame, no subterfuge (idiom); just and honorable/upright and above board/ 不愿 不願 S - 0 bù yuàn f /unwilling/unwillingness/ 不慌不忙 - 202 bù huāng bù máng f /calm and unhurried (idiom); composed/to take matters calmly/ 不慎 - 189 bù shèn f /incautious/inattentive/ 不憤不啟 不愤不启 T - 3 bù fèn bù qǐ f /a student shall not be enlightened until he has tried hard by himself (idiom)/ 不懂装懂 不懂裝懂 S - 29 bù dǒng zhuāng dǒng f /to pretend to understand when you don't/ 不懂裝懂 不懂装懂 T - 29 bù dǒng zhuāng dǒng f /to pretend to understand when you don't/ 不懈 - 269 bù xiè f /untiring/unremitting/indefatigable/ 不懈怠 - 0 bù xiè dài f /untiring/without slacking/ 不應期 不应期 T - 7 bù yìng qī f /refractory period (physiology)/ 不懷好意 不怀好意 T - 163 bù huái hǎo yì f /to harbor evil designs/to harbor malicious intentions/ 不成 - 1160 bù chéng f /won't do/unable to/(at the end of a rhetorical question) can that be?/ 不成体统 不成體統 S - 33 bù chéng tǐ tǒng f /not according with decorum (idiom); scandalous/bad form/unacceptable behavior/ 不成功便成仁 - 0 bù chéng gōng biàn chéng rén f /to succeed or die trying (idiom)/ 不成文 - 3 bù chéng wén f /unwritten (rule)/ 不成文法 - 39 bù chéng wén fǎ f /unwritten law/ 不成材 - 27 bù chéng cái f /worthless/good-for-nothing/ 不成样子 不成樣子 S - 0 bù chéng yàng zi f /shapeless/deformed/ruined/beyond recognition/(of a person) reduced to a shadow/ 不成樣子 不成样子 T - 0 bù chéng yàng zi f /shapeless/deformed/ruined/beyond recognition/(of a person) reduced to a shadow/ 不成熟 - 0 bù chéng shú f /unripe/immature/ 不成話 不成话 T - 66 bù chéng huà f /see 不像話|不像话[bu4 xiang4 hua4]/ 不成话 不成話 S - 66 bù chéng huà f /see 不像話|不像话[bu4 xiang4 hua4]/ 不成體統 不成体统 T - 33 bù chéng tǐ tǒng f /not according with decorum (idiom); scandalous/bad form/unacceptable behavior/ 不战不和 不戰不和 S - 3 bù zhàn bù hé f /neither war nor peace/ 不戰不和 不战不和 T - 3 bù zhàn bù hé f /neither war nor peace/ 不才 - 0 bù cái f /untalented/I/me (humble)/ 不打不成器 - 0 bù dǎ bù chéng qì f /spare the rod and spoil the child (idiom)/ 不打不成才 - 0 bù dǎ bù chéng cái f /spare the rod and spoil the child (idiom)/ 不打不成相識 不打不成相识 T - 10 bù dǎ bù chéng xiāng shí f /don't fight, won't make friends (idiom); an exchange of blows may lead to friendship/ 不打不成相识 不打不成相識 S - 10 bù dǎ bù chéng xiāng shí f /don't fight, won't make friends (idiom); an exchange of blows may lead to friendship/ 不打不相識 不打不相识 T - 10 bù dǎ bù xiāng shí f /lit. don't fight, won't make friends (idiom); an exchange of blows may lead to friendship/no discord, no concord/ 不打不相识 不打不相識 S - 10 bù dǎ bù xiāng shí f /lit. don't fight, won't make friends (idiom); an exchange of blows may lead to friendship/no discord, no concord/ 不打紧 不打緊 S - 3 bù dǎ jǐn f /unimportant/not serious/it doesn't matter/never mind/ 不打緊 不打紧 T - 3 bù dǎ jǐn f /unimportant/not serious/it doesn't matter/never mind/ 不打自招 - 14 bù dǎ zì zhāo f /to confess without being pressed/to make a confession without duress/ 不扩散核武器条约 不擴散核武器條約 S - 0 Bù Kuò sàn Hé wǔ qì Tiáo yuē f /Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons/ 不承認主義 不承认主义 T - 0 bù chéng rèn zhǔ yì f /policy of non-recognition/ 不承认主义 不承認主義 S - 0 bù chéng rèn zhǔ yì f /policy of non-recognition/ 不折不扣 - 164 bù zhé bù kòu f /a hundred percent/to the letter/out-and-out/ 不抵抗主义 不抵抗主義 S - 0 bù dǐ kàng zhǔ yì f /policy of nonresistance/ 不抵抗主義 不抵抗主义 T - 0 bù dǐ kàng zhǔ yì f /policy of nonresistance/ 不拉几 不拉幾 S - 0 bù lā jī f /(dialect) extremely/ 不拉叽 不拉嘰 S - 0 bù lā jī f /(nasty, stupid etc) as can be/ 不拉嘰 不拉叽 T - 0 bù lā jī f /(nasty, stupid etc) as can be/ 不拉幾 不拉几 T - 0 bù lā jī f /(dialect) extremely/ 不拘 - 112 bù jū f /not stick to/not confine oneself to/whatever/ 不拘一格 - 59 bù jū yī gé f /not stick to one pattern/ 不拘小節 不拘小节 T - 27 bù jū xiǎo jié f /to not bother about trifles (idiom)/ 不拘小节 不拘小節 S - 27 bù jū xiǎo jié f /to not bother about trifles (idiom)/ 不择手段 不擇手段 S 3663 82 bù zé shǒu duàn f /by fair means or foul/by hook or by crook/unscrupulously/ 不振 - 99 bù zhèn f /lacking in vitality/depressed (market, spirits etc)/ 不捨 不舍 T - 0 bù shě f /reluctant to part with (sth or sb)/unwilling to let go of/ 不提也罢 不提也罷 S - 3 bù tí yě bà f /best not to mention it/drop it/never mind/let's not talk about it/ 不提也罷 不提也罢 T - 3 bù tí yě bà f /best not to mention it/drop it/never mind/let's not talk about it/ 不插电 不插電 S - 0 bù chā diàn f /unplugged (of rock musicians performing on acoustic instruments)/ 不插電 不插电 T - 0 bù chā diàn f /unplugged (of rock musicians performing on acoustic instruments)/ 不揣冒昧 - 3 bù chuǎi mào mèi f /to venture to/to presume to/to take the liberty of/ 不搭理 - 0 bù dā lǐ f /variant of 不答理[bu4 da1 li3]/ 不摸头 不摸頭 S - 0 bù mō tóu f /not acquainted with the situation/not up on things/ 不摸頭 不摸头 T - 0 bù mō tóu f /not acquainted with the situation/not up on things/ 不撞南墙不回头 不撞南牆不回頭 S - 0 bù zhuàng nán qiáng bù huí tóu f /to stubbornly insist on one's own ideas (idiom)/ 不撞南牆不回頭 不撞南墙不回头 T - 0 bù zhuàng nán qiáng bù huí tóu f /to stubbornly insist on one's own ideas (idiom)/ 不擇手段 不择手段 T 3663 82 bù zé shǒu duàn f /by fair means or foul/by hook or by crook/unscrupulously/ 不擴散核武器條約 不扩散核武器条约 T - 0 Bù Kuò sàn Hé wǔ qì Tiáo yuē f /Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons/ 不支 - 125 bù zhī f /to be unable to endure/ 不攻自破 - 30 bù gōng zì pò f /(of a rumor etc) to collapse (in the light of facts etc)/to be discredited/ 不敌 不敵 S - 3 bù dí f /no match for/cannot beat/ 不敗之地 不败之地 T - 7 bù bài zhī dì f /invincible position/ 不敢当 不敢當 S 4879 313 bù gǎn dāng f /lit. I dare not (accept the honor); fig. I don't deserve your praise/you flatter me/ 不敢當 不敢当 T 4879 313 bù gǎn dāng f /lit. I dare not (accept the honor); fig. I don't deserve your praise/you flatter me/ 不敢自专 不敢自專 S - 3 bù gǎn zì zhuān f /not daring to act for oneself (idiom)/ 不敢自專 不敢自专 T - 3 bù gǎn zì zhuān f /not daring to act for oneself (idiom)/ 不敢苟同 - 20 bù gǎn gǒu tóng f /to beg to differ (idiom)/ 不敢越雷池一步 - 5 bù gǎn yuè Léi chí yī bù f /dare not go one step beyond the prescribed limit/ 不敢高攀 - 3 bù gǎn gāo pān f /lit. not dare to pull oneself up high (humble term)/I cannot presume on your attention/ 不敬 - 3 bù jìng f /disrespect/irreverent/rude/insufficiently respectful (to a superior)/ 不敵 不敌 T - 3 bù dí f /no match for/cannot beat/ 不料 4943 1560 bù liào f /unexpectedly/to one's surprise/ 不断 不斷 S 1538 14972 bù duàn f /unceasing/uninterrupted/continuous/constant/ 不新鮮 不新鲜 T - 0 bù xīn xiān f /stale/ 不新鲜 不新鮮 S - 0 bù xīn xiān f /stale/ 不斷 不断 T 1538 14972 bù duàn f /unceasing/uninterrupted/continuous/constant/ 不方便 - 0 bù fāng biàn f /inconvenience/inconvenient/ 不无 不無 S - 273 bù wú f /not without/ 不无小补 不無小補 S - 3 bù wú xiǎo bǔ f /not be without some advantage/be of some help/ 不日 - 0 bù rì f /within the next few days/in a few days time/ 不时 不時 S 3999 987 bù shí f /from time to time/now and then/occasionally/frequently/ 不时之需 不時之需 S - 25 bù shí zhī xū f /a possible period of want or need/ 不明 - 820 bù míng f /not clear/unknown/to fail to understand/ 不明不白 - 145 bù míng bù bái f /obscure/dubious/shady/ 不明事理 - 0 bù míng shì lǐ f /not understanding things (idiom); devoid of sense/ 不明就裡 不明就里 T - 0 bù míng jiù lǐ f /not to understand the situation/unaware of the ins and outs/ 不明就里 不明就裡 S - 0 bù míng jiù lǐ f /not to understand the situation/unaware of the ins and outs/ 不明确 不明確 S - 0 bù míng què f /indefinite/unclear/ 不明確 不明确 T - 0 bù míng què f /indefinite/unclear/ 不明覺厲 不明觉厉 T - 0 bù míng jué lì f /although I don't understand it, it seems pretty awesome (Internet slang)/ 不明觉厉 不明覺厲 S - 0 bù míng jué lì f /although I don't understand it, it seems pretty awesome (Internet slang)/ 不明飛行物 不明飞行物 T - 24 bù míng fēi xíng wù f /unidentified flying object (UFO)/ 不明飞行物 不明飛行物 S - 24 bù míng fēi xíng wù f /unidentified flying object (UFO)/ 不易 - 1655 bù yì f /not easy to do sth/difficult/unchanging/ 不易之論 不易之论 T - 3 bù yì zhī lùn f /perfectly sound proposition/unalterable truth/irrefutable argument/ 不易之论 不易之論 S - 3 bù yì zhī lùn f /perfectly sound proposition/unalterable truth/irrefutable argument/ 不是 - 46856 bú shi f /fault/blame/ 不是 - 46856 bù shì t /no/is not/not/ 不是一家人不进一家门 不是一家人不進一家門 S - 0 bù shì yī jiā rén bù jìn yī jiā mén f /people who don't belong together, don't get to live together (idiom)/marriages are predestined/people marry because they share common traits/ 不是一家人不進一家門 不是一家人不进一家门 T - 0 bù shì yī jiā rén bù jìn yī jiā mén f /people who don't belong together, don't get to live together (idiom)/marriages are predestined/people marry because they share common traits/ 不是东西 不是東西 S - 0 bù shì dōng xi f /(derog.) to be a good-for-nothing/worthless nobody/no-good/ 不是冤家不聚头 不是冤家不聚頭 S - 7 bù shì yuān jiā bù jù tóu f /destiny will make enemies meet (idiom)/(often said about lovers who have a disagreement)/ 不是冤家不聚頭 不是冤家不聚头 T - 7 bù shì yuān jiā bù jù tóu f /destiny will make enemies meet (idiom)/(often said about lovers who have a disagreement)/ 不是吃素的 - 0 bù shì chī sù de f /not to be trifled with/to be reckoned with/ 不是吗 不是嗎 S - 0 bù shì ma f /isn't that so?/ 不是味儿 不是味兒 S - 16 bù shì wèi r f /not the right flavor/not quite right/a bit off/fishy/queer/amiss/feel bad/be upset/ 不是味兒 不是味儿 T - 16 bù shì wèi r f /not the right flavor/not quite right/a bit off/fishy/queer/amiss/feel bad/be upset/ 不是嗎 不是吗 T - 0 bù shì ma f /isn't that so?/ 不是東西 不是东西 T - 0 bù shì dōng xi f /(derog.) to be a good-for-nothing/worthless nobody/no-good/ 不是滋味 - 0 bù shì zī wèi f /to be upset/to feel disgusted/ 不是話 不是话 T - 0 bù shì huà f /see 不像話|不像话[bu4 xiang4 hua4]/ 不是话 不是話 S - 0 bù shì huà f /see 不像話|不像话[bu4 xiang4 hua4]/ 不显山不露水 不顯山不露水 S - 8 bù xiǎn shān bù lù shuǐ f /lit. to not show the mountain and to not reveal the water (idiom); fig. to hide the key facts/ 不時 不时 T 3999 987 bù shí f /from time to time/now and then/occasionally/frequently/ 不時之需 不时之需 T - 25 bù shí zhī xū f /a possible period of want or need/ 不景气 不景氣 S - 175 bù jǐng qì f /slack/in a slump/ 不景氣 不景气 T - 175 bù jǐng qì f /slack/in a slump/ 不智 - 3 bù zhì f /unwise/ 不暇 - 3 bù xiá f /to have no time (for sth)/to be too busy (to do sth)/ 不曾 - 1071 bù céng f /never (have done sth)/ 不會 不会 T - 19515 bù huì f /improbable/unlikely/will not (act, happen etc)/not able/not having learned to do sth/(coll.) (Tw) don't mention it/not at all/ 不服 - 824 bù fú f /not to accept sth/to want to have sth overruled or changed/to refuse to obey or comply/to refuse to accept as final/to remain unconvinced by/not to give in to/ 不服水土 - 13 bù fú shuǐ tǔ f /(of a stranger) not accustomed to the climate of a new place/not acclimatized/ 不服罪 - 0 bù fú zuì f /to deny a crime/to plead not guilty/ 不期 - 451 bù qī f /unexpectedly/to one's surprise/ 不期然而然 - 0 bù qī rán ér rán f /happen unexpectedly/turn out contrary to one's expectations/ 不期而遇 - 39 bù qī ér yù f /meet by chance/have a chance encounter/ 不朽 - 339 bù xiǔ f /immortal/immortality/ 不材 - 3 bù cái f /untalented/I/me (humble)/also written 不才[bu4 cai2]/ 不来梅 不來梅 S - 87 Bù lái méi f /Bremen (city)/ 不来梅港 不來梅港 S - 2 Bù lái méi gǎng f /Bremerhaven, German port/ 不枉 - 3 bù wǎng f /not in vain/ 不标准 不標準 S - 0 bù biāo zhǔn f /nonstandard/ 不標準 不标准 T - 0 bù biāo zhǔn f /nonstandard/ 不欢而散 不歡而散 S - 36 bù huān ér sàn f /to part on bad terms/(of a meeting etc) to break up in discord/ 不歡而散 不欢而散 T - 36 bù huān ér sàn f /to part on bad terms/(of a meeting etc) to break up in discord/ 不止 2748 981 bù zhǐ f /incessantly/without end/more than/not limited to/ 不止一次 - 3 bù zhǐ yī cì f /many times/on more than one occasion/ 不正之風 不正之风 T - 151 bù zhèng zhī fēng f /unhealthy tendency/ 不正之风 不正之風 S - 151 bù zhèng zhī fēng f /unhealthy tendency/ 不正常 - 0 bù zhèng cháng f /abnormal/ 不正常状况 不正常狀況 S - 0 bù zhèng cháng zhuàng kuàng f /abnormal state/ 不正常狀況 不正常状况 T - 0 bù zhèng cháng zhuàng kuàng f /abnormal state/ 不正当 不正當 S - 0 bù zhèng dàng f /dishonest/unfair/improper/ 不正当关系 不正當關係 S - 0 bù zhèng dàng guān xì f /improper relation/adulterous relation/ 不正当竞争 不正當競爭 S - 0 bù zhèng dàng jìng zhēng f /unfair competition/illicit competition/ 不正當 不正当 T - 0 bù zhèng dàng f /dishonest/unfair/improper/ 不正當競爭 不正当竞争 T - 0 bù zhèng dàng jìng zhēng f /unfair competition/illicit competition/ 不正當關係 不正当关系 T - 0 bù zhèng dàng guān xì f /improper relation/adulterous relation/ 不正确 不正確 S - 0 bù zhèng què f /incorrect/erroneous/ 不正確 不正确 T - 0 bù zhèng què f /incorrect/erroneous/ 不死心 - 3 bù sǐ xīn f /unwilling to give up/unresigned/ 不比 - 0 bù bǐ f /unlike/ 不毛 - 14 bù máo f /barren/ 不毛之地 - 31 bù máo zhī dì f /barren land/desert/ 不求人 - 3 bù qiú rén f /backscratcher (made from bamboo etc)/ 不求收獲 不求收获 T - 0 bù qiú shōu huò f /not expecting any reward/not asking for favors/ 不求收获 不求收獲 S - 0 bù qiú shōu huò f /not expecting any reward/not asking for favors/ 不求有功,但求无过 不求有功,但求無過 S - 0 bù qiú yǒu gōng , dàn qiú wú guò f /special achievement not required, just no hyperactive blunders (idiom); not hoping to acquire merit, just avoiding mistakes/Take it easy and keep your nose clean./ 不求有功,但求無過 不求有功,但求无过 T - 0 bù qiú yǒu gōng , dàn qiú wú guò f /special achievement not required, just no hyperactive blunders (idiom); not hoping to acquire merit, just avoiding mistakes/Take it easy and keep your nose clean./ 不求甚解 - 15 bù qiú shèn jiě f /lit. not requiring a detailed understanding (idiom); only looking for an overview/not bothered with the details/superficial/content with shallow understanding/ 不治 - 3 bù zhì f /to die of illness or injury despite having received medical help/ 不治之症 - 54 bù zhì zhī zhèng f /incurable disease/ 不治而愈 不治而癒 S - 0 bù zhì ér yù f /to recover spontaneously (from an illness)/to get better without medical treatment/ 不治而癒 不治而愈 T - 0 bù zhì ér yù f /to recover spontaneously (from an illness)/to get better without medical treatment/ 不沾鍋 不沾锅 T - 0 bù zhān guō f /non-stick pan (Tw)/ 不沾锅 不沾鍋 S - 0 bù zhān guō f /non-stick pan (Tw)/ 不法 - 233 bù fǎ f /lawless/illegal/unlawful/ 不法分子 - 112 bù fǎ fèn zǐ f /law-breakers/offenders/ 不注意 - 0 bù zhù yì f /thoughtless/not pay attention to/ 不测 不測 S - 108 bù cè f /unexpected/measureless/unexpected circumstance/contingency/mishap/ 不济 不濟 S - 235 bù jì f /not good/of no use/ 不消 - 203 bù xiāo f /to not need/needless (to say)/ 不清 - 0 bù qīng f /unclear/ 不清楚 - 0 bù qīng chu f /unclear/not understood/currently unknown/ 不減當年 不减当年 T - 38 bù jiǎn dāng nián f /(of one's skills, appearance etc) not to have deteriorated a bit/to be as (good, vigorous etc) as ever/ 不渝 - 0 bù yú f /constant/unchanging/abiding/faithful/ 不測 不测 T - 108 bù cè f /unexpected/measureless/unexpected circumstance/contingency/mishap/ 不湊巧 不凑巧 T - 0 bù còu qiǎo f /unluckily/ 不準確 不准确 T - 0 bù zhǔn què f /imprecise/ 不溶 - 0 bù róng f /insoluble/ 不满 不滿 S - 1880 bù mǎn f /resentful/discontented/dissatisfied/ 不满意 不滿意 S - 0 bù mǎn yì f /dissatisfied/ 不滿 不满 T - 1880 bù mǎn f /resentful/discontented/dissatisfied/ 不滿意 不满意 T - 0 bù mǎn yì f /dissatisfied/ 不濟 不济 T - 235 bù jì f /not good/of no use/ 不灵 不靈 S - 192 bù líng f /not work/be ineffective/ 不為人知 不为人知 T - 200 bù wéi rén zhī f /not known to anyone/secret/unknown/ 不為左右袒 不为左右袒 T - 0 bù wèi zuǒ yòu tǎn f /to remain neutral in a quarrel (idiom)/ 不為已甚 不为已甚 T - 10 bù wéi yǐ shèn f /refrain from going to extremes in meting out punishment/not be too hard on subject/ 不為所動 不为所动 T - 41 bù wéi suǒ dòng f /to remain unmoved/ 不為酒困 不为酒困 T - 0 bù wéi jiǔ kùn f /not a slave to the bottle/able to enjoy alcohol in moderation/able to hold one's drink/ 不無 不无 T - 273 bù wú f /not without/ 不無小補 不无小补 T - 3 bù wú xiǎo bǔ f /not be without some advantage/be of some help/ 不然 1345 1266 bù rán f /not so/no/or else/otherwise/if not/How about ...?/ 不爭 不争 T - 172 bù zhēng f /widely known/incontestable/undeniable/to not strive for/to not contend for/ 不爭氣 不争气 T - 3 bù zhēng qì f /to be disappointing/to fail to live up to expectations/ 不爽 - 96 bù shuǎng f /not well/out of sorts/in a bad mood/without discrepancy/accurate/ 不特 - 3 bù tè f /not only/ 不独 不獨 S - 55 bù dú f /not only/ 不獨 不独 T - 55 bù dú f /not only/ 不理 - 707 bù lǐ f /to refuse to acknowledge/to pay no attention to/to take no notice of/to ignore/ 不理不睬 - 3 bù lǐ bù cǎi f /to completely ignore (idiom)/to pay no attention to/not to be in the least concerned about/ 不甘 - 376 bù gān f /unreconciled to/not resigned to/unwilling/ 不甘于 不甘於 S - 0 bù gān yú f /unwilling to accept/not content with (a subservient role, a mediocre result etc)/ 不甘寂寞 - 32 bù gān jì mò f /unwilling to remain lonely or idle/unwilling to be left out/ 不甘心 - 0 bù gān xīn f /not reconciled to/not resigned to/ 不甘於 不甘于 T - 0 bù gān yú f /unwilling to accept/not content with (a subservient role, a mediocre result etc)/ 不甘示弱 - 46 bù gān shì ruò f /not to be outdone/ 不用 - 2829 bù yòng f /need not/ 不用客气 不用客氣 S - 0 bù yòng kè qi f /You're welcome (that is, please don't thank me)/There is no need to stand on ceremonies./ 不用客氣 不用客气 T - 0 bù yòng kè qi f /You're welcome (that is, please don't thank me)/There is no need to stand on ceremonies./ 不用找 - 0 bù yòng zhǎo f /"keep the change" (restaurant expression)/ 不用謝 不用谢 T - 3 bù yòng xiè f /You're welcome/Don't mention it/ 不用谢 不用謝 S - 3 bù yòng xiè f /You're welcome/Don't mention it/ 不由 - 720 bù yóu f /can't help (doing sth)/ 不由分說 不由分说 T - 105 bù yóu fēn shuō f /to allow no explanation/ 不由分说 不由分說 S - 105 bù yóu fēn shuō f /to allow no explanation/ 不由得 4878 3271 bù yóu de f /can't help/cannot but/ 不由自主 - 561 bù yóu zì zhǔ f /can't help; involuntarily (idiom)/ 不畏 - 309 bù wèi f /unafraid/to defy/ 不畏強暴 不畏强暴 T - 39 bù wèi qiáng bào f /not to submit to force (idiom); to defy threats and violence/ 不畏強權 不畏强权 T - 3 bù wèi qiáng quán f /not to submit to force (idiom); to defy threats and violence/ 不畏强暴 不畏強暴 S - 39 bù wèi qiáng bào f /not to submit to force (idiom); to defy threats and violence/ 不畏强权 不畏強權 S - 3 bù wèi qiáng quán f /not to submit to force (idiom); to defy threats and violence/ 不當 不当 T - 657 bù dàng f /unsuitable/improper/inappropriate/ 不當一回事 不当一回事 T - 0 bù dàng yī huí shì f /not regard as a matter (of any importance)/ 不當事 不当事 T - 0 bù dāng shì f /useless/regard as useless/ 不當得利 不当得利 T - 3 bù dàng dé lì f /unjust enrichment/ 不當緊 不当紧 T - 0 bù dāng jǐn f /not important/of no consequence/ 不疾不徐 - 3 bù jí bù xú f /neither too fast nor too slow (idiom)/ 不痛不痒 不痛不癢 S - 23 bù tòng bù yǎng f /lit. doesn't hurt, doesn't tickle (idiom); sth is wrong, but not quite sure what/fig. not getting to any matter of substance/scratching the surface/superficial/perfunctory/ 不痛不癢 不痛不痒 T - 23 bù tòng bù yǎng f /lit. doesn't hurt, doesn't tickle (idiom); sth is wrong, but not quite sure what/fig. not getting to any matter of substance/scratching the surface/superficial/perfunctory/ 不登大雅之堂 - 8 bù dēng dà yǎ zhī táng f /lit. not fit for elegant hall (of artwork)/not presentable/coarse/unrefined/ 不白之冤 - 27 bù bái zhī yuān f /unrighted wrong/unredressed injustice/ 不盡 不尽 T - 985 bù jìn f /not completely/endlessly/ 不盡根 不尽根 T - 3 bù jìn gēn f /surd (math.)/ 不相上下 4627 97 bù xiāng shàng xià f /equally matched/about the same/ 不相容 - 3 bù xiāng róng f /incompatible/ 不相容原理 - 0 bù xiāng róng yuán lǐ f /(Pauli) exclusion principle (physics)/ 不相干 - 231 bù xiāng gān f /to be irrelevant/to have nothing to do with/ 不相符 - 0 bù xiāng fú f /not in harmony/ 不省人事 - 69 bù xǐng rén shì f /to lose consciousness/unconscious/in a coma/ 不眠不休 - 3 bù mián bù xiū f /without stopping to sleep or have a rest (idiom)/ 不着 不著 S - 3 bù zháo f /no need/need not/ 不着痕迹 不著痕跡 S - 3 bù zhuó hén jì f /to leave no trace/seamlessly/unobtrusively/ 不着边际 不著邊際 S - 79 bù zhuó biān jì f /not to the point/wide of the mark/neither here nor there/irrelevant/ 不着陆飞行 不著陸飛行 S - 0 bù zhuó lù fēi xíng f /nonstop flight/ 不睦 - 0 bù mù f /to not get along well/to be at odds/ 不瞅不睬 - 5 bù chǒu bù cǎi f /to ignore completely/to pay no attention to sb/ 不知 - 14806 bù zhī f /not to know/unaware/unknowingly/fig. not to admit (defeat, hardships, tiredness etc)/ 不知丁董 - 3 bù zhī Dīng Dǒng f /forgetting the fate of Ding and Dong (idiom)/unheeding the lessons of the past/ 不知不覺 不知不觉 T - 662 bù zhī bù jué f /unconsciously/unwittingly/ 不知不觉 不知不覺 S - 662 bù zhī bù jué f /unconsciously/unwittingly/ 不知何故 - 0 bù zhī hé gù f /somehow/ 不知其所以然 - 7 bù zhī qí suǒ yǐ rán f /not recognized for what it is/ 不知凡几 不知凡幾 S - 11 bù zhī fán jǐ f /one can't tell how many/numerous similar cases/ 不知凡幾 不知凡几 T - 11 bù zhī fán jǐ f /one can't tell how many/numerous similar cases/ 不知利害 - 3 bù zhī lì hài f /see 不知好歹[bu4 zhi1 hao3 dai3]/ 不知去向 - 287 bù zhī qù xiàng f /whereabouts unknown/gone missing/ 不知天高地厚 - 80 bù zhī tiān gāo dì hòu f /not to know the immensity of heaven and earth/an exaggerated opinion of one's own abilities/ 不知好歹 - 82 bù zhī hǎo dǎi f /unable to differentiate good from bad (idiom)/not to know what's good for one/unable to recognize others' good intentions/ 不知就裡 不知就里 T - 20 bù zhī jiù lǐ f /unaware of the inner workings/naive/unwitting/ 不知就里 不知就裡 S - 20 bù zhī jiù lǐ f /unaware of the inner workings/naive/unwitting/ 不知所之 - 0 bù zhī suǒ zhī f /whereabouts unknown/ 不知所云 - 90 bù zhī suǒ yún f /to not know what sb is driving at/to be unintelligible/ 不知所措 - 310 bù zhī suǒ cuò f /not knowing what to do (idiom); at one's wits' end/embarrassed and at a complete loss/ 不知死活 - 37 bù zhī sǐ huó f /to act recklessly (idiom)/ 不知疲倦 - 3 bù zhī pí juàn f /untiring/not recognizing tiredness/ 不知痛痒 不知痛癢 S - 3 bù zhī tòng yǎng f /numb/unfeeling/indifferent/inconsequential/ 不知痛癢 不知痛痒 T - 3 bù zhī tòng yǎng f /numb/unfeeling/indifferent/inconsequential/ 不知羞恥 不知羞耻 T - 3 bù zhī xiū chǐ f /to have no sense of shame/brazen/ 不知羞耻 不知羞恥 S - 3 bù zhī xiū chǐ f /to have no sense of shame/brazen/ 不知者不罪 - 0 bù zhī zhě bù zuì f /One who does not know is not guilty/If one does not know any better, one cannot be held responsible/ 不知輕重 不知轻重 T - 26 bù zhī qīng zhòng f /lit. not knowing what's important (idiom); no appreciation of the gravity of things/naive/doesn't know who's who/no sense of priorities/ 不知轻重 不知輕重 S - 26 bù zhī qīng zhòng f /lit. not knowing what's important (idiom); no appreciation of the gravity of things/naive/doesn't know who's who/no sense of priorities/ 不知进退 不知進退 S - 9 bù zhī jìn tuì f /not knowing when to come or leave (idiom); with no sense of propriety/ 不知進退 不知进退 T - 9 bù zhī jìn tuì f /not knowing when to come or leave (idiom); with no sense of propriety/ 不破不立 - 4 bù pò bù lì f /without destruction there can be no construction/ 不确定性原理 不確定性原理 S - 0 bù què dìng xìng yuán lǐ f /Heisenberg's uncertainty principle (1927)/ 不确实 不確實 S - 0 bù què shí f /untrue/ 不碎玻璃 - 0 bù suì bō li f /shatterproof or safety glass/ 不確定性原理 不确定性原理 T - 0 bù què dìng xìng yuán lǐ f /Heisenberg's uncertainty principle (1927)/ 不確實 不确实 T - 0 bù què shí f /untrue/ 不祥 - 294 bù xiáng f /ominous/inauspicious/ 不祥之兆 - 40 bù xiáng zhī zhào f /bad omen/ 不禁 4039 4190 bù jīn f /can't help (doing sth)/can't refrain from/ 不离不弃 不離不棄 S - 0 bù lí bù qì f /to never leave each other/ 不离儿 不離兒 S - 0 bù lí r f /not bad/pretty good/pretty close/ 不移 - 3 bù yí f /steadfast/inalienable/ 不稂不莠 - 2 bù láng bù yǒu f /useless/worthless/good-for-nothing/ 不稳 不穩 S - 3 bù wěn f /unstable/unsteady/ 不稳定 不穩定 S - 0 bù wěn dìng f /unstable/ 不稳定气流 不穩定氣流 S - 0 bù wěn dìng qì liú f /turbulent/ 不稳平衡 不穩平衡 S - 4 bù wěn píng héng f /unstable equilibrium/ 不稳性 不穩性 S - 0 bù wěn xìng f /instability/ 不穩 不稳 T - 3 bù wěn f /unstable/unsteady/ 不穩定 不稳定 T - 0 bù wěn dìng f /unstable/ 不穩定氣流 不稳定气流 T - 0 bù wěn dìng qì liú f /turbulent/ 不穩平衡 不稳平衡 T - 4 bù wěn píng héng f /unstable equilibrium/ 不穩性 不稳性 T - 0 bù wěn xìng f /instability/ 不穷 不窮 S - 0 bù qióng f /endless/boundless/inexhaustible/ 不空成就佛 - 0 Bù kōng chéng jiù fó f /Amoghasiddhi Buddha/ 不窮 不穷 T - 0 bù qióng f /endless/boundless/inexhaustible/ 不端 - 92 bù duān f /improper/dishonorable/ 不符 - 198 bù fú f /inconsistent/not in agreement with/not agree or tally with/not conform to/ 不符合 - 0 bù fú hé f /discrepant/falling short (of expectations)/not matching up/not conforming/(figures) disagree/unbecoming/ 不第 - 0 bù dì f /to fail the civil service examination (in imperial China)/ 不等 - 1126 bù děng f /unequal/varied/ 不等价交换 不等價交換 S - 0 bù děng jià jiāo huàn f /exchange of unequal values/ 不等價交換 不等价交换 T - 0 bù děng jià jiāo huàn f /exchange of unequal values/ 不等号 不等號 S - 9 bù děng hào f /inequality sign (≠, < , ≤, >, ≥)/ 不等式 - 103 bù děng shì f /inequality (math.)/ 不等號 不等号 T - 9 bù děng hào f /inequality sign (≠, < , ≤, >, ≥)/ 不等边三角形 不等邊三角形 S - 0 bù děng biān sān jiǎo xíng f /scalene triangle/ 不等邊三角形 不等边三角形 T - 0 bù děng biān sān jiǎo xíng f /scalene triangle/ 不答理 - 0 bù dā lǐ f /to pay no heed to/ 不简单 不簡單 S - 0 bù jiǎn dān f /not simple/rather complicated/remarkable/marvelous/ 不管 665 4727 bù guǎn f /no matter (what, how)/regardless of/no matter/ 不管三七二十一 - 46 bù guǎn sān qī èr shí yī f /regardless of the consequences/recklessly relying on a hopelessly optimistic forecast/ 不簡單 不简单 T - 0 bù jiǎn dān f /not simple/rather complicated/remarkable/marvelous/ 不粘鍋 不粘锅 T - 4 bù zhān guō f /non-stick pan/ 不粘锅 不粘鍋 S - 4 bù zhān guō f /non-stick pan/ 不約而同 不约而同 T - 385 bù yuē ér tóng f /to agree by chance (idiom); taking the same action without prior consultation/ 不終天年 不终天年 T - 0 bù zhōng tiān nián f /to die before one's allotted lifespan has run its course (idiom)/ 不結果 不结果 T - 0 bù jié guǒ f /fruitless/ 不結盟 不结盟 T - 114 bù jié méng f /nonalignment/ 不結盟運動 不结盟运动 T - 41 Bù Jié méng Yùn dòng f /Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)/ 不絕 不绝 T - 3 bù jué f /unending/uninterrupted/ 不絕如縷 不绝如缕 T - 7 bù jué rú lǚ f /hanging by a thread/very precarious/almost extinct/(of sound) linger on faintly/ 不絕於耳 不绝于耳 T - 85 bù jué yú ěr f /(of sound) to never stop/to fall incessantly on the ear/to linger on/ 不絕於途 不绝于途 T - 0 bù jué yú tú f /to come and go in an incessant stream/ 不給力 不给力 T - 0 bù gěi lì f /lame (unimpressive)/a huge letdown/not to try at all/ 不經一事 不经一事 T - 3 bù jīng yī shì f /You can't gain knowledge without practical experience (idiom); wisdom only comes with experience/ 不經一事,不長一智 不经一事,不长一智 T - 0 bù jīng yī shì , bù zhǎng yī zhì f /You can't gain knowledge without practical experience (idiom); wisdom only comes with experience/ 不經之談 不经之谈 T - 3 bù jīng zhī tán f /absurd statement/cock-and-bull story/ 不經意 不经意 T - 234 bù jīng yì f /carelessly/by accident/ 不經意間 不经意间 T - 0 bù jīng yì jiān f /without paying attention/without noticing/unconsciously/inadvertently/ 不约而同 不約而同 S - 385 bù yuē ér tóng f /to agree by chance (idiom); taking the same action without prior consultation/ 不终天年 不終天年 S - 0 bù zhōng tiān nián f /to die before one's allotted lifespan has run its course (idiom)/ 不经一事 不經一事 S - 3 bù jīng yī shì f /You can't gain knowledge without practical experience (idiom); wisdom only comes with experience/ 不经一事,不长一智 不經一事,不長一智 S - 0 bù jīng yī shì , bù zhǎng yī zhì f /You can't gain knowledge without practical experience (idiom); wisdom only comes with experience/ 不经之谈 不經之談 S - 3 bù jīng zhī tán f /absurd statement/cock-and-bull story/ 不经意 不經意 S - 234 bù jīng yì f /carelessly/by accident/ 不经意间 不經意間 S - 0 bù jīng yì jiān f /without paying attention/without noticing/unconsciously/inadvertently/ 不结果 不結果 S - 0 bù jié guǒ f /fruitless/ 不结盟 不結盟 S - 114 bù jié méng f /nonalignment/ 不结盟运动 不結盟運動 S - 41 Bù Jié méng Yùn dòng f /Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)/ 不给力 不給力 S - 0 bù gěi lì f /lame (unimpressive)/a huge letdown/not to try at all/ 不绝 不絕 S - 3 bù jué f /unending/uninterrupted/ 不绝于耳 不絕於耳 S - 85 bù jué yú ěr f /(of sound) to never stop/to fall incessantly on the ear/to linger on/ 不绝于途 不絕於途 S - 0 bù jué yú tú f /to come and go in an incessant stream/ 不绝如缕 不絕如縷 S - 7 bù jué rú lǚ f /hanging by a thread/very precarious/almost extinct/(of sound) linger on faintly/ 不置可否 - 102 bù zhì kě fǒu f /decline to comment/not express an opinion/be noncommittal/hedge/ 不羁 不羈 S - 62 bù jī f /unruly/uninhibited/ 不羈 不羁 T - 62 bù jī f /unruly/uninhibited/ 不義 不义 T - 3 bù yì f /injustice/ 不義之財 不义之财 T - 46 bù yì zhī cái f /ill-gotten wealth or gains/ 不翼而飛 不翼而飞 T - 31 bù yì ér fēi f /to disappear without trace/to vanish all of a sudden/to spread fast/to spread like wildfire/ 不翼而飞 不翼而飛 S - 31 bù yì ér fēi f /to disappear without trace/to vanish all of a sudden/to spread fast/to spread like wildfire/ 不耐烦 不耐煩 S 2394 664 bù nài fán f /impatience/impatient/ 不耐煩 不耐烦 T 2394 664 bù nài fán f /impatience/impatient/ 不耻下问 不恥下問 S - 3 bù chǐ xià wèn f /not feel ashamed to ask and learn from one's subordinates/ 不聞不問 不闻不问 T - 57 bù wén bù wèn f /not to hear, not to question (idiom)/to show no interest in sth/uncritical/not in the least concerned/ 不聲不響 不声不响 T - 105 bù shēng bù xiǎng f /wordless and silent (idiom); without speaking/taciturn/ 不聽命 不听命 T - 0 bù tīng mìng f /to disobey/ 不肖 - 128 bù xiào f /(literary) unlike one's parents/degenerate/unworthy/ 不育 - 185 bù yù f /to be infertile/to have no offspring/ 不育性 - 0 bù yù xìng f /sterility/ 不育症 - 19 bù yù zhèng f /sterility/barrenness/ 不胜 不勝 S - 479 bù shèng f /cannot bear or stand/be unequal to/very/extremely/ 不胜其扰 不勝其擾 S - 3 bù shèng qí rǎo f /unable to put up with (sth) any longer/ 不胜其烦 不勝其煩 S - 12 bù shèng qí fán f /to be pestered beyond endurance/ 不胜其苦 不勝其苦 S - 3 bù shèng qí kǔ f /unable to bear the pain (idiom)/ 不胜枚举 不勝枚舉 S - 77 bù shèng méi jǔ f /too numerous to mention individually or one by one/ 不胫而走 不脛而走 S - 52 bù jìng ér zǒu f /to get round fast/to spread like wildfire/ 不能 - 33939 bù néng f /cannot/must not/should not/ 不能不 - 1440 bù néng bù f /have to/cannot but/ 不能抵抗 - 0 bù néng dǐ kàng f /irresistible/ 不能自已 - 39 bù néng zì yǐ f /unable to control oneself/to be beside oneself/ 不脛而走 不胫而走 T - 52 bù jìng ér zǒu f /to get round fast/to spread like wildfire/ 不自在 - 3 bù zì zai f /uneasiness/feel uncomfortable/ 不自然 - 0 bù zì rán f /unnatural/artificial/ 不自由,毋宁死 不自由,毋寧死 S - 0 bù zì yóu , wú nìng sǐ f /give me liberty or give me death/ 不自由,毋寧死 不自由,毋宁死 T - 0 bù zì yóu , wú nìng sǐ f /give me liberty or give me death/ 不自覺 不自觉 T - 0 bù zì jué f /unaware/unconscious of sth/ 不自觉 不自覺 S - 0 bù zì jué f /unaware/unconscious of sth/ 不自量 - 7 bù zì liàng f /not take a proper measure of oneself/to overrate one's own abilities/ 不自量力 - 72 bù zì liàng lì f /to overestimate one's capabilities/ 不至于 不至於 S - 644 bù zhì yú f /unlikely to go so far as to/not as bad as/ 不至於 不至于 T - 644 bù zhì yú f /unlikely to go so far as to/not as bad as/ 不致 - 846 bù zhì f /not in such a way as to/not likely to/ 不興 不兴 T - 3 bù xīng f /out of fashion/outmoded/impermissible/can't/ 不舍 不捨 S - 0 bù shě f /reluctant to part with (sth or sb)/unwilling to let go of/ 不舒服 - 0 bù shū fu f /unwell/feeling ill/to feel uncomfortable/uneasy/ 不舒适 不舒適 S - 0 bù shū shì f /uncomfortable/ 不舒適 不舒适 T - 0 bù shū shì f /uncomfortable/ 不良 - 1941 bù liáng f /bad/harmful/unhealthy/ 不良倾向 不良傾向 S - 3 bù liáng qīng xiàng f /harmful trend/ 不良傾向 不良倾向 T - 3 bù liáng qīng xiàng f /harmful trend/ 不苟 - 3 bù gǒu f /not lax/not casual/careful/conscientious/ 不若 - 3 bù ruò f /not as good as/not equal to/inferior/ 不莱梅 不萊梅 S - 29 bù lái méi f /Bremen (city in Germany)/ 不菲 - 138 bù fěi f /considerable (cost etc)/bountiful (crop etc)/high (social status etc)/ 不萊梅 不莱梅 T - 29 bù lái méi f /Bremen (city in Germany)/ 不落俗套 - 6 bù luò sú tào f /to conform to no conventional pattern/unconventional/offbeat/ 不落痕跡 不落痕迹 T - 0 bù luò hén jì f /to leave no trace/seamless/professional/ 不落痕迹 不落痕跡 S - 0 bù luò hén jì f /to leave no trace/seamless/professional/ 不落窠臼 - 7 bù luò kē jiù f /not follow the beaten track/have an original style/ 不著 不着 T - 3 bù zháo f /no need/need not/ 不著痕跡 不着痕迹 T - 3 bù zhuó hén jì f /to leave no trace/seamlessly/unobtrusively/ 不著邊際 不着边际 T - 79 bù zhuó biān jì f /not to the point/wide of the mark/neither here nor there/irrelevant/ 不著陸飛行 不着陆飞行 T - 0 bù zhuó lù fēi xíng f /nonstop flight/ 不蒸饅頭爭口氣 不蒸馒头争口气 T - 0 bù zhēng mán tou zhēng kǒu qì f /not to be crushed (idiom)/to be determined to have one's revenge/ 不蒸馒头争口气 不蒸饅頭爭口氣 S - 0 bù zhēng mán tou zhēng kǒu qì f /not to be crushed (idiom)/to be determined to have one's revenge/ 不虚此行 不虛此行 S - 25 bù xū cǐ xíng f /the trip has not been made in vain/the trip has been well worthwhile/it's been a worthwhile trip/ 不虛此行 不虚此行 T - 25 bù xū cǐ xíng f /the trip has not been made in vain/the trip has been well worthwhile/it's been a worthwhile trip/ 不虞 - 3 bù yú f /unexpected/eventuality/contingency/not worry about/ 不行 - 3515 bù xíng f /won't do/be out of the question/be no good/not work/not be capable/ 不行了 - 0 bù xíng le f /on the point of death/dying/ 不衰 - 143 bù shuāi f /unfailing/never weakening/enduring/unstoppable/ 不要 - 14786 bù yào f /don't!/must not/ 不要在一棵树上吊死 不要在一棵樹上吊死 S - 0 bù yào zài yī kē shù shàng diào sǐ f /don't insist on only taking one road to Rome (idiom)/there's more than one way to skin a cat/ 不要在一棵樹上吊死 不要在一棵树上吊死 T - 0 bù yào zài yī kē shù shàng diào sǐ f /don't insist on only taking one road to Rome (idiom)/there's more than one way to skin a cat/ 不要紧 不要緊 S 2019 401 bù yào jǐn f /unimportant/not serious/it doesn't matter/never mind/it looks all right, but/ 不要緊 不要紧 T 2019 401 bù yào jǐn f /unimportant/not serious/it doesn't matter/never mind/it looks all right, but/ 不要脸 不要臉 S - 236 bù yào liǎn f /to have no sense of shame/shameless/ 不要臉 不要脸 T - 236 bù yào liǎn f /to have no sense of shame/shameless/ 不見 不见 T - 2257 bù jiàn f /not to see/not to meet/to have disappeared/to be missing/ 不見一點蹤影 不见一点踪影 T - 0 bù jiàn yī diǎn zōng yǐng f /no trace to be seen/ 不見不散 不见不散 T - 3 bù jiàn bù sàn f /(lit.) Even if we don't see each other, don't give up and leave (idiom)/Be sure to wait!/See you there!/ 不見兔子不撒鷹 不见兔子不撒鹰 T - 0 bù jiàn tù zi bù sā yīng f /you don't release the hawk until you've seen the hare (idiom)/one doesn't act without some incentive/ 不見天日 不见天日 T - 3 bù jiàn tiān rì f /all black, no daylight (idiom); a world without justice/ 不見得 不见得 T 2456 236 bù jiàn de f /not necessarily/not likely/ 不見棺材不落淚 不见棺材不落泪 T - 0 bù jiàn guān cai bù luò lèi f /lit. not to shed a tear until one sees the coffin (idiom)/fig. refuse to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality/ 不見經傳 不见经传 T - 3 bù jiàn jīng zhuàn f /not found in the classics (idiom); unknown/unfounded/not authoritative/ 不規則 不规则 T - 347 bù guī zé f /irregular/ 不規則三角形 不规则三角形 T - 0 bù guī zé sān jiǎo xíng f /scalene triangle (math.)/ 不規則四邊形 不规则四边形 T - 0 bù guī zé sì biān xíng f /irregular quadrilateral/trapezium/ 不規範 不规范 T - 0 bù guī fàn f /not standard/abnormal/irregular/ 不覺 不觉 T - 1348 bù jué f /unconsciously/ 不见 不見 S - 2257 bù jiàn f /not to see/not to meet/to have disappeared/to be missing/ 不见一点踪影 不見一點蹤影 S - 0 bù jiàn yī diǎn zōng yǐng f /no trace to be seen/ 不见不散 不見不散 S - 3 bù jiàn bù sàn f /(lit.) Even if we don't see each other, don't give up and leave (idiom)/Be sure to wait!/See you there!/ 不见兔子不撒鹰 不見兔子不撒鷹 S - 0 bù jiàn tù zi bù sā yīng f /you don't release the hawk until you've seen the hare (idiom)/one doesn't act without some incentive/ 不见天日 不見天日 S - 3 bù jiàn tiān rì f /all black, no daylight (idiom); a world without justice/ 不见得 不見得 S 2456 236 bù jiàn de f /not necessarily/not likely/ 不见棺材不落泪 不見棺材不落淚 S - 0 bù jiàn guān cai bù luò lèi f /lit. not to shed a tear until one sees the coffin (idiom)/fig. refuse to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality/ 不见经传 不見經傳 S - 3 bù jiàn jīng zhuàn f /not found in the classics (idiom); unknown/unfounded/not authoritative/ 不规则 不規則 S - 347 bù guī zé f /irregular/ 不规则三角形 不規則三角形 S - 0 bù guī zé sān jiǎo xíng f /scalene triangle (math.)/ 不规则四边形 不規則四邊形 S - 0 bù guī zé sì biān xíng f /irregular quadrilateral/trapezium/ 不规范 不規範 S - 0 bù guī fàn f /not standard/abnormal/irregular/ 不觉 不覺 S - 1348 bù jué f /unconsciously/ 不解 - 490 bù jiě f /to not understand/to be puzzled by/indissoluble/ 不解風情 不解风情 T - 3 bù jiě fēng qíng f /unromantic/insensitive/ 不解风情 不解風情 S - 3 bù jiě fēng qíng f /unromantic/insensitive/ 不触目 不觸目 S - 0 bù chù mù f /unobtrusive/ 不觸目 不触目 T - 0 bù chù mù f /unobtrusive/ 不言不語 不言不语 T - 43 bù yán bù yǔ f /to not say a word (idiom)/to keep silent/ 不言不语 不言不語 S - 43 bù yán bù yǔ f /to not say a word (idiom)/to keep silent/ 不言而喻 4673 211 bù yán ér yù f /it goes without saying/it is self-evident/ 不言自明 - 53 bù yán zì míng f /self-evident; needing no explanation (idiom)/ 不計 不计 T - 258 bù jì f /to disregard/to take no account of/ 不計其數 不计其数 T - 300 bù jì qí shù f /lit. their number cannot be counted (idiom); fig. countless/innumerable/ 不記名 不记名 T - 0 bù jì míng f /see 無記名|无记名[wu2 ji4 ming2]/ 不記名投票 不记名投票 T - 0 bù jì míng tóu piào f /secret ballot/ 不許 不许 T - 2701 bù xǔ f /not to allow/must not/can't/ 不該 不该 T - 1936 bù gāi f /should not/to owe nothing/ 不詳 不详 T - 286 bù xiáng f /not in detail/not quite clear/ 不語 不语 T - 913 bù yǔ f /(literary) not to speak/ 不誠實 不诚实 T - 3 bù chéng shí f /dishonest/ 不說自明 不说自明 T - 0 bù shuō zì míng f /self-explanatory/self-evident (idiom)/ 不調和 不调和 T - 0 bù tiáo hé f /discord/ 不請自來 不请自来 T - 3 bù qǐng zì lái f /to turn up without being invited/unsolicited/ 不論 不论 T - 2373 bù lùn f /whatever/no matter what (who, how etc)/regardless of/not to discuss/ 不諱 不讳 T - 10 bù huì f /without concealing anything/to pass away/to die/ 不諳世故 不谙世故 T - 0 bù ān shì gù f /unworldly/unsophisticated/ 不謀而合 不谋而合 T - 65 bù móu ér hé f /to agree without prior consultation/to happen to hold the same view/ 不謂 不谓 T - 3 bù wèi f /cannot be deemed/unexpectedly/ 不謝 不谢 T - 0 bù xiè f /don't mention it/not at all/ 不識一丁 不识一丁 T - 3 bù shí yī dīng f /total illiterate/unable to read the simplest characters/ 不識大體 不识大体 T - 3 bù shí dà tǐ f /unable to see the larger issue (idiom); unaware of the general interest/ 不識好歹 不识好歹 T - 47 bù shí hǎo dǎi f /unable to tell good from bad (idiom)/undiscriminating/ 不識字 不识字 T - 0 bù shí zì f /illiterate/ 不識廬山真面目 不识庐山真面目 T - 6 bù shì Lú shān zhēn miàn mù f /lit. not to know the true face of Lushan Mountain/fig. can't see the forest for the trees/ 不識抬舉 不识抬举 T - 40 bù shí tái jǔ f /fail to appreciate sb's kindness/not know how to appreciate favors/ 不識時務 不识时务 T - 46 bù shí shí wù f /to show no understanding of the times (idiom); cannot adapt to current circumstances/not amenable to reason/ 不識時變 不识时变 T - 3 bù shí shí biàn f /to show no understanding of the times (idiom); cannot adapt to current circumstances/not amenable to reason/ 不識泰山 不识泰山 T - 3 bù shí Tài Shān f /can't recognize Mt Taishan (idiom); fig. not to recognize a famous person/ 不識高低 不识高低 T - 3 bù shí gāo dī f /can't recognize tall or short (idiom); doesn't know what's what/ 不變 不变 T - 2148 bù biàn f /constant/unvarying/(math.) invariant/ 不變價格 不变价格 T - 8 bù biàn jià gé f /fixed price/constant price/ 不變化 不变化 T - 0 bù biàn huà f /invariably/ 不變資本 不变资本 T - 809 bù biàn zī běn f /constant capital/ 不變量 不变量 T - 0 bù biàn liàng f /invariant quantity/invariant (math.)/ 不讓鬚眉 不让须眉 T - 3 bù ràng xū méi f /(idiom) to compare favorably with men in terms of ability, bravery etc/to be a match for men/lit. not conceding to men (beard and eyebrows)/ 不计 不計 S - 258 bù jì f /to disregard/to take no account of/ 不计其数 不計其數 S - 300 bù jì qí shù f /lit. their number cannot be counted (idiom); fig. countless/innumerable/ 不让须眉 不讓鬚眉 S - 3 bù ràng xū méi f /(idiom) to compare favorably with men in terms of ability, bravery etc/to be a match for men/lit. not conceding to men (beard and eyebrows)/ 不记名 不記名 S - 0 bù jì míng f /see 無記名|无记名[wu2 ji4 ming2]/ 不记名投票 不記名投票 S - 0 bù jì míng tóu piào f /secret ballot/ 不讳 不諱 S - 10 bù huì f /without concealing anything/to pass away/to die/ 不许 不許 S - 2701 bù xǔ f /not to allow/must not/can't/ 不论 不論 S - 2373 bù lùn f /whatever/no matter what (who, how etc)/regardless of/not to discuss/ 不识一丁 不識一丁 S - 3 bù shí yī dīng f /total illiterate/unable to read the simplest characters/ 不识大体 不識大體 S - 3 bù shí dà tǐ f /unable to see the larger issue (idiom); unaware of the general interest/ 不识好歹 不識好歹 S - 47 bù shí hǎo dǎi f /unable to tell good from bad (idiom)/undiscriminating/ 不识字 不識字 S - 0 bù shí zì f /illiterate/ 不识庐山真面目 不識廬山真面目 S - 6 bù shì Lú shān zhēn miàn mù f /lit. not to know the true face of Lushan Mountain/fig. can't see the forest for the trees/ 不识抬举 不識抬舉 S - 40 bù shí tái jǔ f /fail to appreciate sb's kindness/not know how to appreciate favors/ 不识时务 不識時務 S - 46 bù shí shí wù f /to show no understanding of the times (idiom); cannot adapt to current circumstances/not amenable to reason/ 不识时变 不識時變 S - 3 bù shí shí biàn f /to show no understanding of the times (idiom); cannot adapt to current circumstances/not amenable to reason/ 不识泰山 不識泰山 S - 3 bù shí Tài Shān f /can't recognize Mt Taishan (idiom); fig. not to recognize a famous person/ 不识高低 不識高低 S - 3 bù shí gāo dī f /can't recognize tall or short (idiom); doesn't know what's what/ 不诚实 不誠實 S - 3 bù chéng shí f /dishonest/ 不该 不該 S - 1936 bù gāi f /should not/to owe nothing/ 不详 不詳 S - 286 bù xiáng f /not in detail/not quite clear/ 不语 不語 S - 913 bù yǔ f /(literary) not to speak/ 不说自明 不說自明 S - 0 bù shuō zì míng f /self-explanatory/self-evident (idiom)/ 不请自来 不請自來 S - 3 bù qǐng zì lái f /to turn up without being invited/unsolicited/ 不调和 不調和 S - 0 bù tiáo hé f /discord/ 不谋而合 不謀而合 S - 65 bù móu ér hé f /to agree without prior consultation/to happen to hold the same view/ 不谓 不謂 S - 3 bù wèi f /cannot be deemed/unexpectedly/ 不谙世故 不諳世故 S - 0 bù ān shì gù f /unworldly/unsophisticated/ 不谢 不謝 S - 0 bù xiè f /don't mention it/not at all/ 不象話 不象话 T - 3 bù xiàng huà f /unreasonable/shocking/outrageous/also written 不像話|不像话/ 不象话 不象話 S - 3 bù xiàng huà f /unreasonable/shocking/outrageous/also written 不像話|不像话/ 不負眾望 不负众望 T - 28 bù fù zhòng wàng f /to live up to expectations (idiom)/ 不貲 不赀 T - 3 bù zī f /immeasurable/incalculable/ 不費事 不费事 T - 0 bù fèi shì f /not troublesome/ 不費吹灰之力 不费吹灰之力 T - 58 bù fèi chuī huī zhī lì f /as easy as blowing off dust/effortless/with ease/ 不賴 不赖 T - 44 bù lài f /(coll.) not bad/good/fine/ 不贊一詞 不赞一词 T - 3 bù zàn yī cí f /to keep silent/to make no comment/ 不贊成 不赞成 T - 0 bù zàn chéng f /disapproval/to disapprove/ 不负众望 不負眾望 S - 28 bù fù zhòng wàng f /to live up to expectations (idiom)/ 不败之地 不敗之地 S - 7 bù bài zhī dì f /invincible position/ 不费事 不費事 S - 0 bù fèi shì f /not troublesome/ 不费吹灰之力 不費吹灰之力 S - 58 bù fèi chuī huī zhī lì f /as easy as blowing off dust/effortless/with ease/ 不赀 不貲 S - 3 bù zī f /immeasurable/incalculable/ 不赖 不賴 S - 44 bù lài f /(coll.) not bad/good/fine/ 不赞一词 不贊一詞 S - 3 bù zàn yī cí f /to keep silent/to make no comment/ 不赞成 不贊成 S - 0 bù zàn chéng f /disapproval/to disapprove/ 不起眼 - 153 bù qǐ yǎn f /unremarkable/nothing out of the ordinary/ 不起眼儿 不起眼兒 S - 7 bù qǐ yǎn r f /erhua variant of 不起眼[bu4 qi3 yan3]/ 不起眼兒 不起眼儿 T - 7 bù qǐ yǎn r f /erhua variant of 不起眼[bu4 qi3 yan3]/ 不越雷池 - 3 bù yuè Léi chí f /not overstepping the prescribed limits/to remain within bounds/ 不足 1971 5615 bù zú f /insufficient/lacking/deficiency/not enough/inadequate/not worth/cannot/should not/ 不足为外人道 不足為外人道 S - 12 bù zú wéi wài rén dào f /no use to tell others/let's keep this between ourselves (idiom)/ 不足为奇 不足為奇 S - 132 bù zú wéi qí f /not at all surprising (idiom)/ 不足为怪 不足為怪 S - 33 bù zú wéi guài f /not at all surprising (idiom)/ 不足为虑 不足為慮 S - 3 bù zú wéi lǜ f /to give no cause for anxiety/nothing to worry about/ 不足为训 不足為訓 S - 6 bù zú wéi xùn f /not to be taken as an example/not an example to be followed/not to be taken as authoritative/ 不足为道 不足為道 S - 0 bù zú wéi dào f /to be not worth mentioning/ 不足挂齿 不足掛齒 S - 20 bù zú guà chǐ f /not worth mentioning (idiom)/ 不足掛齒 不足挂齿 T - 20 bù zú guà chǐ f /not worth mentioning (idiom)/ 不足月 - 0 bù zú yuè f /premature (birth, child)/ 不足為外人道 不足为外人道 T - 12 bù zú wéi wài rén dào f /no use to tell others/let's keep this between ourselves (idiom)/ 不足為奇 不足为奇 T - 132 bù zú wéi qí f /not at all surprising (idiom)/ 不足為怪 不足为怪 T - 33 bù zú wéi guài f /not at all surprising (idiom)/ 不足為慮 不足为虑 T - 3 bù zú wéi lǜ f /to give no cause for anxiety/nothing to worry about/ 不足為訓 不足为训 T - 6 bù zú wéi xùn f /not to be taken as an example/not an example to be followed/not to be taken as authoritative/ 不足為道 不足为道 T - 0 bù zú wéi dào f /to be not worth mentioning/ 不足的地方 - 0 bù zú de dì fang f /defect/disadvantage/drawback/unsatisfactory point/ 不足道 - 51 bù zú dào f /inconsiderable/of no consequence/not worth mentioning/ 不足齒數 不足齿数 T - 3 bù zú chǐ shù f /not worth mentioning/not worth considering/ 不足齿数 不足齒數 S - 3 bù zú chǐ shù f /not worth mentioning/not worth considering/ 不軌 不轨 T - 93 bù guǐ f /against the law or discipline/ 不輕饒 不轻饶 T - 0 bù qīng ráo f /not to forgive easily/not to let off/(You, He) won't get away with it!/ 不輟 不辍 T - 3 bù chuò f /incessant/relentless/ 不轨 不軌 S - 93 bù guǐ f /against the law or discipline/ 不轻饶 不輕饒 S - 0 bù qīng ráo f /not to forgive easily/not to let off/(You, He) won't get away with it!/ 不辍 不輟 S - 3 bù chuò f /incessant/relentless/ 不辞劳苦 不辭勞苦 S - 41 bù cí láo kǔ f /to spare no effort/ 不辞而别 不辭而別 S - 58 bù cí ér bié f /to leave without saying good-bye/ 不辞辛苦 不辭辛苦 S - 25 bù cí xīn kǔ f /to make nothing of hardships/ 不辨菽麥 不辨菽麦 T - 3 bù biàn shū mài f /lit. cannot tell beans from wheat (idiom); fig. ignorant of practical matters/ 不辨菽麦 不辨菽麥 S - 3 bù biàn shū mài f /lit. cannot tell beans from wheat (idiom); fig. ignorant of practical matters/ 不辭勞苦 不辞劳苦 T - 41 bù cí láo kǔ f /to spare no effort/ 不辭而別 不辞而别 T - 58 bù cí ér bié f /to leave without saying good-bye/ 不辭辛苦 不辞辛苦 T - 25 bù cí xīn kǔ f /to make nothing of hardships/ 不过 不過 S 610 17372 bù guò f /only/merely/no more than/but/however/anyway (to get back to a previous topic)/cannot be more (after adjectival)/ 不过尔尔 不過爾爾 S - 17 bù guò ěr ěr f /not more than so-so (idiom); mediocre/nothing out of the ordinary/ 不过意 不過意 S - 24 bù guò yì f /to be sorry/to feel apologetic/ 不近人情 - 49 bù jìn rén qíng f /not amenable to reason/unreasonable/ 不远千里 不遠千里 S - 31 bù yuǎn qiān lǐ f /make light of traveling a thousand li/go to the trouble of traveling a long distance/ 不违农时 不違農時 S - 3 bù wéi nóng shí f /not miss the farming season/do farm work in the right season/ 不连续 不連續 S - 0 bù lián xù f /discontinuous/discrete/ 不连续面 不連續面 S - 0 bù lián xù miàn f /surface of discontinuity/ 不迭 - 3 bù dié f /cannot cope/find it too much/incessantly/ 不送 - 0 bù sòng f /don't bother to see me out/ 不送气 不送氣 S - 0 bù sòng qì f /unaspirated/ 不送氣 不送气 T - 0 bù sòng qì f /unaspirated/ 不适 不適 S - 505 bù shì f /unwell/indisposed/out of sorts/ 不适当 不適當 S - 0 bù shì dàng f /inadequate/unfit/ 不逊 不遜 S - 81 bù xùn f /rude/impertinent/ 不透明 - 0 bù tòu míng f /opaque/ 不透气 不透氣 S - 3 bù tòu qì f /airtight/ 不透氣 不透气 T - 3 bù tòu qì f /airtight/ 不透水 - 3 bù tòu shuǐ f /waterproof/watertight/impermeable/ 不通 - 542 bù tōng f /to be obstructed/to be blocked up/to be impassable/to make no sense/to be illogical/ 不逞之徒 - 13 bù chěng zhī tú f /desperado/ 不速 - 0 bù sù f /uninvited (guest)/unexpected (appearance)/unwanted presence/ 不速之客 - 79 bù sù zhī kè f /uninvited or unexpected guest/ 不速而至 - 0 bù sù ér zhì f /to arrive without invitation/unexpected guest/unwanted presence/ 不連續 不连续 T - 0 bù lián xù f /discontinuous/discrete/ 不連續面 不连续面 T - 0 bù lián xù miàn f /surface of discontinuity/ 不逮捕特权 不逮捕特權 S - 0 bù dài bǔ tè quán f /the right of immunity from arrest afforded by the Taiwan ROC Constitution, for the duration of meetings, unless caught actually committing a crime, to members of the National Assembly, the Legislative Yuan, or a supervisory committee/ 不逮捕特權 不逮捕特权 T - 0 bù dài bǔ tè quán f /the right of immunity from arrest afforded by the Taiwan ROC Constitution, for the duration of meetings, unless caught actually committing a crime, to members of the National Assembly, the Legislative Yuan, or a supervisory committee/ 不遂 - 41 bù suì f /to fail/to fail to materialize/not to get one's way/ 不過 不过 T 610 17372 bù guò f /only/merely/no more than/but/however/anyway (to get back to a previous topic)/cannot be more (after adjectival)/ 不過意 不过意 T - 24 bù guò yì f /to be sorry/to feel apologetic/ 不過爾爾 不过尔尔 T - 17 bù guò ěr ěr f /not more than so-so (idiom); mediocre/nothing out of the ordinary/ 不遑 - 0 bù huáng f /no time/too late to do anything/ 不遑多讓 不遑多让 T - 0 bù huáng duō ràng f /lit. to have no time for civilities (idiom)/fig. not to be outdone/not to yield to one's opponents/ 不遑多让 不遑多讓 S - 0 bù huáng duō ràng f /lit. to have no time for civilities (idiom)/fig. not to be outdone/not to yield to one's opponents/ 不道德 - 69 bù dào dé f /immoral/ 不違農時 不违农时 T - 3 bù wéi nóng shí f /not miss the farming season/do farm work in the right season/ 不遗余力 不遺餘力 S - 126 bù yí yú lì f /to spare no pains or effort (idiom); to do one's utmost/ 不遜 不逊 T - 81 bù xùn f /rude/impertinent/ 不遠千里 不远千里 T - 31 bù yuǎn qiān lǐ f /make light of traveling a thousand li/go to the trouble of traveling a long distance/ 不適 不适 T - 505 bù shì f /unwell/indisposed/out of sorts/ 不適當 不适当 T - 0 bù shì dàng f /inadequate/unfit/ 不遺餘力 不遗余力 T - 126 bù yí yú lì f /to spare no pains or effort (idiom); to do one's utmost/ 不避斧鉞 不避斧钺 T - 3 bù bì fǔ yuè f /not trying to avoid the battle-ax (idiom)/not afraid of dying in combat/not afraid of being executed/ 不避斧钺 不避斧鉞 S - 3 bù bì fǔ yuè f /not trying to avoid the battle-ax (idiom)/not afraid of dying in combat/not afraid of being executed/ 不避艰险 不避艱險 S - 6 bù bì jiān xiǎn f /shrink or flinch from no difficulty or danger/make light of difficulties and dangers/ 不避艱險 不避艰险 T - 6 bù bì jiān xiǎn f /shrink or flinch from no difficulty or danger/make light of difficulties and dangers/ 不醉不归 不醉不歸 S - 0 bù zuì bù guī f /to not return without getting drunk/ 不醉不歸 不醉不归 T - 0 bù zuì bù guī f /to not return without getting drunk/ 不銹鋼 不锈钢 T - 153 bù xiù gāng f /stainless steel/ 不錯 不错 T - 5322 bù cuò f /correct/right/not bad/pretty good/ 不鏽鋼 不锈钢 T - 153 bù xiù gāng f /stainless steel/ 不鏽鐵 不锈铁 T - 0 bù xiù tiě f /stainless iron/ 不锈钢 不銹鋼 S - 153 bù xiù gāng f /stainless steel/ 不锈钢 不鏽鋼 S - 153 bù xiù gāng f /stainless steel/ 不锈铁 不鏽鐵 S - 0 bù xiù tiě f /stainless iron/ 不错 不錯 S - 5322 bù cuò f /correct/right/not bad/pretty good/ 不長眼睛 不长眼睛 T - 0 bù zhǎng yǎn jing f /see 沒長眼睛|没长眼睛[mei2 zhang3 yan3 jing5]/ 不长眼睛 不長眼睛 S - 0 bù zhǎng yǎn jing f /see 沒長眼睛|没长眼睛[mei2 zhang3 yan3 jing5]/ 不開竅 不开窍 T - 0 bù kāi qiào f /unable to understand/can't get the point/ 不關痛癢 不关痛痒 T - 8 bù guān tòng yǎng f /unimportant/of no consequence/ 不问 不問 S - 300 bù wèn f /to pay no attention to/to disregard/to ignore/to let go unpunished/to let off/ 不问好歹 不問好歹 S - 0 bù wèn hǎo dǎi f /no matter what may happen (idiom)/ 不问就听不到假话 不問就聽不到假話 S - 0 bù wèn jiù tīng bù dào jiǎ huà f /Don't ask and you won't be told any lies. (idiom)/ 不问青红皂白 不問青紅皂白 S - 22 bù wèn qīng hóng zào bái f /not distinguishing red-green or black-white (idiom)/not to distinguish between right and wrong/ 不闻不问 不聞不問 S - 57 bù wén bù wèn f /not to hear, not to question (idiom)/to show no interest in sth/uncritical/not in the least concerned/ 不随大流 不隨大流 S - 0 bù suí dà liú f /not following the crowd/to go against the tide/ 不随意 不隨意 S - 0 bù suí yì f /unconscious/involuntary/ 不随意肌 不隨意肌 S - 4 bù suí yì jī f /involuntary muscle/ 不隨大流 不随大流 T - 0 bù suí dà liú f /not following the crowd/to go against the tide/ 不隨意 不随意 T - 0 bù suí yì f /unconscious/involuntary/ 不隨意肌 不随意肌 T - 4 bù suí yì jī f /involuntary muscle/ 不雅 - 3 bù yǎ f /graceless/vulgar/indecent/ 不雅觀 不雅观 T - 3 bù yǎ guān f /offensive to the eye/unbecoming/unsightly/ungainly/ 不雅观 不雅觀 S - 3 bù yǎ guān f /offensive to the eye/unbecoming/unsightly/ungainly/ 不離不棄 不离不弃 T - 0 bù lí bù qì f /to never leave each other/ 不離兒 不离儿 T - 0 bù lí r f /not bad/pretty good/pretty close/ 不露声色 不露聲色 S - 42 bù lù shēng sè f /not show one's feeling or intentions/ 不露聲色 不露声色 T - 42 bù lù shēng sè f /not show one's feeling or intentions/ 不靈 不灵 T - 192 bù líng f /not work/be ineffective/ 不韙 不韪 T - 3 bù wěi f /fault/error/ 不韪 不韙 S - 3 bù wěi f /fault/error/ 不順 不顺 T - 223 bù shùn f /unfavorable/adverse/ 不題 不题 T - 0 bù tí f /we will not elaborate on that (used as pluralis auctoris)/ 不願 不愿 T - 0 bù yuàn f /unwilling/unwillingness/ 不顧 不顾 T 3581 1722 bù gù f /in spite of/regardless of/ 不顧一切 不顾一切 T - 239 bù gù yī qiè f /reckless/regardless of everything/ 不顧前後 不顾前后 T - 3 bù gù qián hòu f /regardless of what's before or after (idiom); rushing blindly into sth/ 不顯山不露水 不显山不露水 T - 8 bù xiǎn shān bù lù shuǐ f /lit. to not show the mountain and to not reveal the water (idiom); fig. to hide the key facts/ 不顺 不順 S - 223 bù shùn f /unfavorable/adverse/ 不顾 不顧 S 3581 1722 bù gù f /in spite of/regardless of/ 不顾一切 不顧一切 S - 239 bù gù yī qiè f /reckless/regardless of everything/ 不顾前后 不顧前後 S - 3 bù gù qián hòu f /regardless of what's before or after (idiom); rushing blindly into sth/ 不题 不題 S - 0 bù tí f /we will not elaborate on that (used as pluralis auctoris)/ 不食人間煙火 不食人间烟火 T - 0 bù shí rén jiān yān huǒ f /lit. not eating the food of common mortals/fig. placing oneself above the common populace/ 不食人间烟火 不食人間煙火 S - 0 bù shí rén jiān yān huǒ f /lit. not eating the food of common mortals/fig. placing oneself above the common populace/ 不飽和 不饱和 T - 146 bù bǎo hé f /unsaturated/ 不飽和脂肪酸 不饱和脂肪酸 T - 0 bù bǎo hé zhī fáng suān f /unsaturated fatty acid/ 不饱和 不飽和 S - 146 bù bǎo hé f /unsaturated/ 不饱和脂肪酸 不飽和脂肪酸 S - 0 bù bǎo hé zhī fáng suān f /unsaturated fatty acid/ 不首先使用 - 0 bù shǒu xiān shǐ yòng f /no first use (policy for nuclear weapons)/NFU/ 不體面 不体面 T - 3 bù tǐ miàn f /to not appear to be decent or respectful/shameful/ 不齒 不齿 T - 84 bù chǐ f /to despise/to hold in contempt/ 不齿 不齒 S - 84 bù chǐ f /to despise/to hold in contempt/ 与 與 S 624 160984 yú f /variant of 歟|欤[yu2]/ 与 與 S 624 160984 yǔ t /and/to give/together with/ 与 與 S 624 160984 yù f /to take part in/ 与世俯仰 與世俯仰 S - 3 yǔ shì fǔ yǎng f /to swim with the tide (idiom)/ 与世无争 與世無爭 S - 56 yǔ shì wú zhēng f /to stand aloof from worldly affairs/ 与世永别 與世永別 S - 0 yǔ shì yǒng bié f /to die/ 与世长辞 與世長辭 S - 22 yǔ shì cháng cí f /to die/to depart from the world forever/ 与世隔绝 與世隔絕 S - 148 yǔ shì gé jué f /to be cut off from the rest of the world (idiom)/ 与人为善 與人為善 S - 46 yǔ rén wéi shàn f /to be of service to others/to help others/benevolent/ 与人方便,自己方便 與人方便,自己方便 S - 0 yǔ rén fāng biàn , zì jǐ fāng biàn f /Help others, and others may help you (idiom)./ 与众不同 與眾不同 S - 409 yǔ zhòng bù tóng f /to stand out from the masses (idiom)/ 与会 與會 S - 944 yù huì f /to participate in a meeting/ 与全世界为敌,冒天下之大不韪 與全世界為敵,冒天下之大不韙 S - 0 yǔ quán shì jiè wéi dí , mào tiān xià zhī dà bù wěi f /to defy world opinion/to risk universal condemnation/ 与其 與其 S 2472 2523 yǔ qí f /rather than.../與其|与其[yu3 qi2] A 不如[bu4 ru2] B (rather than A, better to B)/ 与否 與否 S - 456 yǔ fǒu f /whether or not (at the end of a phrase)/ 与日俱增 與日俱增 S 4802 90 yǔ rì jù zēng f /to increase steadily/to grow with each passing day/ 与日俱进 與日俱進 S - 0 yǔ rì jù jìn f /every day sees new developments (idiom)/to make constant progress/ 与日同辉 與日同輝 S - 0 yǔ rì tóng huī f /to become more glorious with each passing day (idiom)/ 与时俱进 與時俱進 S - 120 yǔ shí jū jìn f /abreast of modern developments/to keep up with the times/progressive/timely/ 与时消息 與時消息 S - 3 yǔ shí xiāo xi f /variable with the times/transient/impermanent/ 与时间赛跑 與時間賽跑 S - 0 yǔ shí jiān sài pǎo f /to race against time/ 与格 與格 S - 0 yǔ gé f /dative case/ 与此同时 與此同時 S - 2287 yǔ cǐ tóng shí f /at the same time/meanwhile/ 与生俱来 與生俱來 S - 72 yǔ shēng jù lái f /inherent/innate/ 丏 - 0 miǎn f /hidden from view/barrier to ward off arrows/ 丐 - 899 gài f /to beg for alms/beggar/ 丐 匃 S - 899 gài f /variant of 丐[gai4]/ 丐 匄 S - 899 gài f /variant of 丐[gai4]/ 丐帮 丐幫 S - 1555 gài bāng f /beggars' union/a group of beggars/ 丐幫 丐帮 T - 1555 gài bāng f /beggars' union/a group of beggars/ 丑 1674 1462 Chǒu f /surname Chou/ 丑 1674 1462 chǒu f /clown/2nd earthly branch: 1-3 a.m., 12th solar month (6th January to 3rd February), year of the Ox/ancient Chinese compass point: 30°/ 丑 醜 S 1674 1462 chǒu f /shameful/ugly/disgraceful/ 丑事 醜事 S - 98 chǒu shì f /scandal/ 丑八怪 醜八怪 S - 81 chǒu bā guài f /ugly person/ 丑剧 醜劇 S - 15 chǒu jù f /absurd drama/farce/disgraceful show/ 丑化 醜化 S - 42 chǒu huà f /to defame/to libel/to defile/to smear/to vilify/ 丑妻近地家中宝 醜妻近地家中寶 S - 0 chǒu qī jìn dì jiā zhōng bǎo f /an ugly wife is a treasure at home (idiom)/ 丑小鸭 醜小鴨 S - 13 Chǒu Xiǎo yā f /"The Ugly Duckling" by Hans Christian Andersen 安徒生[An1 tu2 sheng1]/ 丑小鸭 醜小鴨 S - 13 chǒu xiǎo yā f /ugly duckling/ 丑态 醜態 S - 41 chǒu tài f /shameful performance/disgraceful situation/ 丑怪 醜怪 S - 3 chǒu guài f /grotesque/ 丑恶 醜惡 S 4095 225 chǒu è f /ugly/repulsive/ 丑时 丑時 S - 3 chǒu shí f /1-3 am (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)/ 丑時 丑时 T - 3 chǒu shí f /1-3 am (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)/ 丑牛 - 5 chǒu niú f /Year 2, year of the Bull or Ox (e.g. 2009)/ 丑相 醜相 S - 4 chǒu xiàng f /ugly expression/unsightly manners/ 丑类 醜類 S - 13 chǒu lèi f /villain/evil person/ 丑行 醜行 S - 42 chǒu xíng f /scandal/ 丑角 - 37 chǒu jué f /clown role in opera/clown/buffoon/ 丑诋 醜詆 S - 0 chǒu dǐ f /to slander/ 丑话 醜話 S - 25 chǒu huà f /ugly talk/vulgarity/obscenity/ 丑闻 醜聞 S - 182 chǒu wén f /scandal/ 丑陋 醜陋 S - 368 chǒu lòu f /ugly/ 丑鴨 丑鸭 T - 0 chǒu yā f /(bird species of China) harlequin duck (Histrionicus histrionicus)/ 丑鸭 丑鴨 S - 0 chǒu yā f /(bird species of China) harlequin duck (Histrionicus histrionicus)/ 丒 - 2 chǒu f /variant of 醜|丑[chou3]/ 专 專 S - 4975 zhuān f /for a particular person, occasion, purpose/focused on one thing/special/expert/particular (to sth)/concentrated/specialized/ 专 耑 S - 4975 zhuān f /variant of 專|专[zhuan1]/ 专一 專一 S - 138 zhuān yī f /single-minded/concentrated/ 专业 專業 S 901 16214 zhuān yè f /specialty/specialized field/main field of study (at university)/major/CL:門|门[men2],個|个[ge4]/professional/ 专业人士 專業人士 S - 3 zhuān yè rén shì f /a professional/ 专业人才 專業人才 S - 3 zhuān yè rén cái f /expert (in a field)/ 专业化 專業化 S - 362 zhuān yè huà f /specialization/ 专业性 專業性 S - 167 zhuān yè xìng f /professionalism/expertise/ 专业户 專業戶 S - 49 zhuān yè hù f /family firm producing a special product/cottage industry/ 专业教育 專業教育 S - 0 zhuān yè jiào yù f /specialized education/technical school/ 专事 專事 S - 98 zhuān shì f /specialized/ 专人 專人 S - 237 zhuān rén f /specialist/person appointed for specific task/ 专任 專任 S - 411 zhuān rèn f /full time/to appoint sb to a specific task/ 专列 專列 S - 136 zhuān liè f /special train/abbr. for 專門列車|专门列车[zhuan1 men2 lie4 che1]/ 专利 專利 S 3708 1171 zhuān lì f /patent/sth uniquely enjoyed (or possessed etc) by a certain group of people/monopoly/ 专利局 專利局 S - 24 zhuān lì jú f /patent office/ 专利权 專利權 S - 113 zhuān lì quán f /patent right/ 专利法 專利法 S - 20 zhuān lì fǎ f /patent law/ 专利药品 專利藥品 S - 0 zhuān lì yào pǐn f /patent drugs/ 专制 專制 S - 1249 zhuān zhì f /autocracy/dictatorship/ 专制主义 專制主義 S - 116 zhuān zhì zhǔ yì f /absolutism/despotism/autocracy/ 专制君主制 專制君主制 S - 0 zhuān zhì jūn zhǔ zhì f /absolute monarchy/autocracy/ 专区 專區 S - 942 zhuān qū f /special district/prefecture/ 专卖 專賣 S - 213 zhuān mài f /monopoly/exclusive right to trade/ 专卖店 專賣店 S - 156 zhuān mài diàn f /specialty store/ 专司 專司 S - 157 zhuān sī f /specialist (responsible some task)/ 专名 專名 S - 24 zhuān míng f /proper noun/ 专名词 專名詞 S - 0 zhuān míng cí f /proper noun/ 专员 專員 S - 255 zhuān yuán f /assistant director/commissioner/ 专场 專場 S - 316 zhuān chǎng f /special performance/ 专家 專家 S 1441 11094 zhuān jiā f /expert/specialist/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 专家系统 專家系統 S - 71 zhuān jiā xì tǒng f /expert system/ 专家评价 專家評價 S - 0 zhuān jiā píng jià f /expert evaluation/ 专家评论 專家評論 S - 0 zhuān jiā píng lùn f /expert commentary/ 专属 專屬 S - 173 zhuān shǔ f /exclusive/ 专属经济区 專屬經濟區 S - 110 zhuān shǔ jīng jì qū f /exclusive economic zone/ 专征 專征 S - 3 zhuān zhēng f /to go on a personal punitive expedition/ 专心 專心 S 1907 436 zhuān xīn f /to concentrate/absorption/concentration/engrossed/ 专心一意 專心一意 S - 3 zhuān xīn yī yì f /to concentrate on/ 专心致志 專心致志 S - 107 zhuān xīn zhì zhì f /with single-hearted devotion (idiom)/ 专意 專意 S - 0 zhuān yì f /deliberately/on purpose/ 专控 專控 S - 3 zhuān kòng f /exclusive control/ 专擅 專擅 S - 38 zhuān shàn f /without authorization/to act on one's own initiative/ 专攻 專攻 S - 111 zhuān gōng f /to specialize in/to major in/ 专政 專政 S - 1154 zhuān zhèng f /dictatorship/ 专断 專斷 S - 88 zhuān duàn f /to act arbitrarily/to make decisions without consulting others/ 专有 專有 S - 92 zhuān yǒu f /exclusive/proprietary/ 专有名词 專有名詞 S - 8 zhuān yǒu míng cí f /proper noun/ 专权 專權 S - 240 zhuān quán f /autocracy/dictatorship/ 专柜 專櫃 S - 52 zhuān guì f /sales counter dedicated to a certain kind of product (e.g. alcohol)/ 专栏 專欄 S - 224 zhuān lán f /special column/ 专案 專案 S - 44 zhuān àn f /special case for investigation/project (Taiwan)/ 专案组 專案組 S - 176 zhuān àn zǔ f /special investigation team (legal or judicial)/ 专案经理 專案經理 S - 0 zhuān àn jīng lǐ f /project manager/ 专横 專橫 S - 108 zhuān hèng f /imperious/peremptory/ 专款 專款 S - 107 zhuān kuǎn f /special fund/money allocated for a particular purpose/ 专治 專治 S - 3 zhuān zhì f /(of medicine) to use specifically for the treatment of/ 专注 專注 S - 416 zhuān zhù f /concentrated/single-mindedly devoted to/ 专用 專用 S - 1013 zhuān yòng f /special/dedicated/ 专用网路 專用網路 S - 0 zhuān yòng wǎng lù f /dedicated network/ 专用集成电路 專用集成電路 S - 0 zhuān yòng jí chéng diàn lù f /application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC)/ 专科 專科 S - 1034 zhuān kē f /specialized subject/branch (of medicine)/specialized training school/ 专科学校 專科學校 S - 647 zhuān kē xué xiào f /specialized school/college for professional training/polytechnic/ 专科院校 專科院校 S - 0 zhuān kē yuàn xiào f /academy/ 专程 專程 S 4261 280 zhuān chéng f /specifically/specially (for that purpose)/ 专管 專管 S - 201 zhuān guǎn f /to be in charge of something specific/ 专线 專線 S - 1175 zhuān xiàn f /special-purpose phone line or communications link/hotline/special rail line (e.g. between airport and city)/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 专美于前 專美於前 S - 3 zhuān měi yú qián f /to monopolize the limelight (idiom)/to get all the glory/to rank highest/ 专职 專職 S - 404 zhuān zhí f /special duty/assigned full time to a task/ 专营 專營 S - 102 zhuān yíng f /special trade/monopoly/ 专营店 專營店 S - 14 zhuān yíng diàn f /exclusive agency/franchised shop/authorized store/ 专著 專著 S - 572 zhuān zhù f /monograph/specialized text/ 专访 專訪 S - 193 zhuān fǎng f /to interview (a particular person or on a particular topic)/special interview/special report based on such an interview/ 专责 專責 S - 59 zhuān zé f /specific responsibility/ 专车 專車 S - 80 zhuān chē f /special (or reserved) train (or bus etc)/limousine/private car used as a taxi and booked via a smartphone app/ 专辑 專輯 S - 125 zhuān jí f /album/record (music)/special collection of printed or broadcast material/ 专递 專遞 S - 3 zhuān dì f /special delivery/courier/ 专长 專長 S 3562 191 zhuān cháng f /specialty/special knowledge or ability/ 专门 專門 S 1019 8512 zhuān mén f /specialist/specialized/customized/ 专门人员 專門人員 S - 0 zhuān mén rén yuán f /specialist/specialized staff/ 专门列车 專門列車 S - 0 zhuān mén liè chē f /special train/ 专门化 專門化 S - 54 zhuān mén huà f /to specialize/ 专门家 專門家 S - 6 zhuān mén jiā f /specialist/ 专门机构 專門機構 S - 3 zhuān mén jī gòu f /specialized agency/ 专项 專項 S - 837 zhuān xiàng f /special/dedicated/ 专题 專題 S 4408 2367 zhuān tí f /special topic/ 且 - 10470 qiě f /and/moreover/yet/for the time being/to be about to/both (... and...)/ 且不說 且不说 T - 173 qiě bù shuō f /not to mention/leaving aside/ 且不说 且不說 S - 173 qiě bù shuō f /not to mention/leaving aside/ 且休 - 0 qiě xiū f /rest for now/stop (usually imperative form)/ 且听下回分解 且聽下回分解 S - 0 qiě tīng xià huí fēn jiě f /to listen to the next chapter for an explanation/ 且慢 - 332 qiě màn f /to wait a moment/do not go too soon/ 且末 - 39 Qiě mò f /Cherchen nahiyisi or Qiemo county in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州[Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 Meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 且末县 且末縣 S - 8 Qiě mò xiàn f /Cherchen nahiyisi or Qiemo county in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州[Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 Meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 且末縣 且末县 T - 8 Qiě mò xiàn f /Cherchen nahiyisi or Qiemo county in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州[Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 Meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 且末遗址 且末遺址 S - 0 Qiě mò yí zhǐ f /ruins of Cherchen, Qarqan or Chiemo, archaeological site in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州, Xinjiang/ 且末遺址 且末遗址 T - 0 Qiě mò yí zhǐ f /ruins of Cherchen, Qarqan or Chiemo, archaeological site in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州, Xinjiang/ 且聽下回分解 且听下回分解 T - 0 qiě tīng xià huí fēn jiě f /to listen to the next chapter for an explanation/ 且說 且说 T - 647 qiě shuō f /thus/ 且说 且說 S - 647 qiě shuō f /thus/ 丕 - 147 pī f /grand/ 丕变 丕變 S - 0 pī biàn f /radical change/ 丕變 丕变 T - 0 pī biàn f /radical change/ 世 - 6523 Shì f /surname Shi/ 世 - 6523 shì f /life/age/generation/era/world/lifetime/epoch/descendant/noble/ 世上 - 1877 shì shàng f /on earth/ 世世 - 3 shì shì f /from age to age/ 世世代代 - 163 shì shì dài dài f /for many generations/ 世事 - 421 shì shì f /affairs of life/things of the world/ 世交 - 63 shì jiāo f /(long time) friend of the family/ 世人 - 1201 shì rén f /(common) people/ 世仇 - 36 shì chóu f /feud/ 世代 4569 522 shì dài f /for many generations/generation/era/age/ 世代交替 - 63 shì dài jiāo tì f /alternation of generations/ 世代相传 世代相傳 S - 340 shì dài xiāng chuán f /passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down/ 世代相傳 世代相传 T - 340 shì dài xiāng chuán f /passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down/ 世伯 - 16 shì bó f /uncle (affectionate name for a friend older than one's father)/old friend/ 世俗 - 567 shì sú f /profane/secular/worldly/ 世务 世務 S - 19 shì wù f /worldly affairs/ 世務 世务 T - 19 shì wù f /worldly affairs/ 世博 - 48 Shì bó f /abbr. for 世界博覽會|世界博览会[Shi4 jie4 Bo2 lan3 hui4], World Expo/ 世博会 世博會 S - 99 Shì bó huì f /World Exposition/abbr. for 世界博覽會|世界博览会[Shi4 jie4 Bo2 lan3 hui4], World Expo/ 世博會 世博会 T - 99 Shì bó huì f /World Exposition/abbr. for 世界博覽會|世界博览会[Shi4 jie4 Bo2 lan3 hui4], World Expo/ 世卫 世衛 S - 12 Shì wèi f /World Health Organization (WHO)/abbr. for 世界衛生組織|世界卫生组织[Shi4 jie4 Wei4 sheng1 Zu3 zhi1]/ 世卫组织 世衛組織 S - 0 Shì wèi Zǔ zhī f /World Health Organization (WHO)/abbr. for 世界衛生組織|世界卫生组织[Shi4 jie4 Wei4 sheng1 Zu3 zhi1]/ 世外桃源 - 72 shì wài táo yuán f /see 桃花源[tao2 hua1 yuan2]/ 世外桃花源 - 0 shì wài táo huā yuán f /see 桃花源[tao2 hua1 yuan2]/ 世宗 - 169 Shì zōng f /Sejong the Great or Sejong Daewang (1397-1450), reigned 1418-1450 as fourth king of Joseon or Chosun dynasty, in whose reign the hangeul alphabet was invented/ 世宗大王 - 0 Shì zōng Dà wáng f /Sejong the Great or Sejong Daewang (1397-1450), reigned 1418-1450 as fourth king of Joseon or Chosun dynasty, in whose reign the hangeul alphabet was invented/ 世家 - 466 shì jiā f /family influential for generations/aristocratic family/ 世尊 - 3 shì zūn f /World Honored One/Revered One of the World (Buddha)/ 世局 - 4 shì jú f /the situation (e.g. political)/the state of the world/ 世态 世態 S - 31 shì tài f /the ways of the world/social behavior/ 世态炎凉 世態炎涼 S - 26 shì tài yán liáng f /the hypocrisy of the world (idiom)/ 世情 - 61 shì qíng f /worldly affairs/the ways of the world/ 世態 世态 T - 31 shì tài f /the ways of the world/social behavior/ 世態炎涼 世态炎凉 T - 26 shì tài yán liáng f /the hypocrisy of the world (idiom)/ 世故 - 67 shì gù t /the ways of the world/ 世故 - 67 shì gu f /sophisticated/worldly-wise/ 世爵 - 0 Shì jué f /Spyker/ 世界 353 34387 shì jiè f /world/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 世界人权宣言 世界人權宣言 S - 14 Shì jiè Rén quán Xuān yán f /Universal Declaration of Human Rights/ 世界人權宣言 世界人权宣言 T - 14 Shì jiè Rén quán Xuān yán f /Universal Declaration of Human Rights/ 世界博覽會 世界博览会 T - 0 Shì jiè Bó lǎn huì f /World Expo/abbr. to 世博[Shi4 bo2]/ 世界博览会 世界博覽會 S - 0 Shì jiè Bó lǎn huì f /World Expo/abbr. to 世博[Shi4 bo2]/ 世界卫生大会 世界衛生大會 S - 0 Shì jiè Wèi shēng Dà huì f /World Health Assembly/ 世界卫生组织 世界衛生組織 S - 173 Shì jiè Wèi shēng Zǔ zhī f /World Health Organization (WHO)/ 世界变暖 世界變暖 S - 0 shì jiè biàn nuǎn f /global warming/ 世界各地 - 652 shì jiè gè dì f /all over the world/everywhere/in all parts of the world/ 世界和平 - 0 shì jiè hé píng f /world peace/ 世界地图 世界地圖 S - 3 shì jiè dì tú f /world map/ 世界地圖 世界地图 T - 3 shì jiè dì tú f /world map/ 世界報 世界报 T - 69 Shì jiè Bào f /the name of various newspapers, notably Le Monde (France), El Mundo (Spain) and Die Welt (Germany)/ 世界大战 世界大戰 S - 236 shì jiè dà zhàn f /world war/ 世界大戰 世界大战 T - 236 shì jiè dà zhàn f /world war/ 世界小姐选美 世界小姐選美 S - 0 Shì jiè Xiǎo jie Xuǎn měi f /Miss World Beauty Pageant/ 世界小姐選美 世界小姐选美 T - 0 Shì jiè Xiǎo jie Xuǎn měi f /Miss World Beauty Pageant/ 世界屋脊 - 34 shì jiè wū jǐ f /the roof of the world/usually refers to Tibet or Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau 青藏高原[Qing1 Zang4 gao1 yuan2]/ 世界強國 世界强国 T - 0 shì jiè qiáng guó f /world power/ 世界强国 世界強國 S - 0 shì jiè qiáng guó f /world power/ 世界报 世界報 S - 69 Shì jiè Bào f /the name of various newspapers, notably Le Monde (France), El Mundo (Spain) and Die Welt (Germany)/ 世界文化遗产 世界文化遺產 S - 0 Shì jiè Wén huà Yí chǎn f /(UNESCO) World Cultural Heritage/ 世界文化遗产地 世界文化遺產地 S - 0 shì jiè wén huà yí chǎn dì f /World Heritage site/ 世界文化遺產 世界文化遗产 T - 0 Shì jiè Wén huà Yí chǎn f /(UNESCO) World Cultural Heritage/ 世界文化遺產地 世界文化遗产地 T - 0 shì jiè wén huà yí chǎn dì f /World Heritage site/ 世界旅游组织 世界旅遊組織 S - 37 Shì jiè Lǚ yóu Zǔ zhī f /World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)/ 世界旅遊組織 世界旅游组织 T - 37 Shì jiè Lǚ yóu Zǔ zhī f /World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)/ 世界日報 世界日报 T - 3 Shì jiè Rì bào f /World Journal, US newspaper/ 世界日报 世界日報 S - 3 Shì jiè Rì bào f /World Journal, US newspaper/ 世界末日 - 3 shì jiè mò rì f /end of the world/ 世界杯 - 1654 Shì jiè bēi f /World Cup/ 世界气象组织 世界氣象組織 S - 12 Shì jiè Qì xiàng Zǔ zhī f /World Meteorological Organization (WMO)/ 世界氣象組織 世界气象组织 T - 12 Shì jiè Qì xiàng Zǔ zhī f /World Meteorological Organization (WMO)/ 世界海关组织 世界海關組織 S - 0 Shì jiè Hǎi guān Zǔ zhī f /World Customs Organization/ 世界海關組織 世界海关组织 T - 0 Shì jiè Hǎi guān Zǔ zhī f /World Customs Organization/ 世界知名 - 0 shì jiè zhī míng f /world famous/ 世界知識產權組織 世界知识产权组织 T - 20 Shì jiè Zhī shí Chǎn quán Zǔ zhī f /World Intellectual Property Organization/ 世界知识产权组织 世界知識產權組織 S - 20 Shì jiè Zhī shí Chǎn quán Zǔ zhī f /World Intellectual Property Organization/ 世界第一 - 0 shì jiè dì yī f /ranked number one in the world/the world's first/ 世界粮食署 世界糧食署 S - 0 shì jiè liáng shi shǔ f /World food program (United Nations aid agency)/ 世界糧食署 世界粮食署 T - 0 shì jiè liáng shi shǔ f /World food program (United Nations aid agency)/ 世界紀錄 世界纪录 T - 190 shì jiè jì lù f /world record/ 世界級 世界级 T - 123 shì jiè jí f /world-class/ 世界經濟 世界经济 T - 0 shì jiè jīng jì f /global economy/world economy/ 世界經濟論壇 世界经济论坛 T - 0 Shì jiè Jīng jì Lùn tán f /World Economic Forum/ 世界維吾爾代表大會 世界维吾尔代表大会 T - 0 Shì jiè Wéi wú ěr Dài biǎo Dà huì f /World Uighur Congress/ 世界级 世界級 S - 123 shì jiè jí f /world-class/ 世界纪录 世界紀錄 S - 190 shì jiè jì lù f /world record/ 世界经济 世界經濟 S - 0 shì jiè jīng jì f /global economy/world economy/ 世界经济论坛 世界經濟論壇 S - 0 Shì jiè Jīng jì Lùn tán f /World Economic Forum/ 世界维吾尔代表大会 世界維吾爾代表大會 S - 0 Shì jiè Wéi wú ěr Dài biǎo Dà huì f /World Uighur Congress/ 世界聞名 世界闻名 T - 3 shì jiè wén míng f /world famous/ 世界自然基金会 世界自然基金會 S - 0 Shì jiè Zì rán Jī jīn huì f /World Wildlife Fund WWF/ 世界自然基金會 世界自然基金会 T - 0 Shì jiè Zì rán Jī jīn huì f /World Wildlife Fund WWF/ 世界衛生大會 世界卫生大会 T - 0 Shì jiè Wèi shēng Dà huì f /World Health Assembly/ 世界衛生組織 世界卫生组织 T - 173 Shì jiè Wèi shēng Zǔ zhī f /World Health Organization (WHO)/ 世界觀 世界观 T - 315 shì jiè guān f /worldview/world outlook/Weltanschauung/ 世界观 世界觀 S - 315 shì jiè guān f /worldview/world outlook/Weltanschauung/ 世界語 世界语 T - 27 Shì jiè yǔ f /Esperanto/ 世界變暖 世界变暖 T - 0 shì jiè biàn nuǎn f /global warming/ 世界语 世界語 S - 27 Shì jiè yǔ f /Esperanto/ 世界貿易 世界贸易 T - 0 shì jiè mào yì f /world trade/global trade/ 世界貿易中心 世界贸易中心 T - 4 Shì jiè Mào yì Zhōng xīn f /World Trade Center/ 世界貿易組織 世界贸易组织 T - 84 Shì jiè Mào yì Zǔ zhī f /World Trade Organization (WTO)/ 世界贸易 世界貿易 S - 0 shì jiè mào yì f /world trade/global trade/ 世界贸易中心 世界貿易中心 S - 4 Shì jiè Mào yì Zhōng xīn f /World Trade Center/ 世界贸易组织 世界貿易組織 S - 84 Shì jiè Mào yì Zǔ zhī f /World Trade Organization (WTO)/ 世界运动会 世界運動會 S - 0 Shì jiè Yùn dòng huì f /World Games/ 世界運動會 世界运动会 T - 0 Shì jiè Yùn dòng huì f /World Games/ 世界野生生物基金会 世界野生生物基金會 S - 0 Shì jiè Yě shēng Shēng wù Jī jīn huì f /World Wildlife Fund (WWF)/ 世界野生生物基金會 世界野生生物基金会 T - 0 Shì jiè Yě shēng Shēng wù Jī jīn huì f /World Wildlife Fund (WWF)/ 世界金融中心 - 0 Shì jiè Jīn róng Zhōng xīn f /World Financial Center (New York City)/ 世界銀行 世界银行 T - 188 Shì jiè Yín háng f /World Bank/ 世界银行 世界銀行 S - 188 Shì jiè Yín háng f /World Bank/ 世界闻名 世界聞名 S - 3 shì jiè wén míng f /world famous/ 世相 - 9 shì xiàng f /the ways of the world/ 世祿 世禄 T - 0 shì lù f /hereditary benefits such as rank and wealth/ 世祿之家 世禄之家 T - 0 shì lù zhī jiā f /family with hereditary emoluments/ 世禄 世祿 S - 0 shì lù f /hereditary benefits such as rank and wealth/ 世禄之家 世祿之家 S - 0 shì lù zhī jiā f /family with hereditary emoluments/ 世系 - 123 shì xì f /lineage/genealogy/family tree/ 世紀 世纪 T 952 21100 shì jì f /century/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 世紀末 世纪末 T - 980 shì jì mò f /end of the century/ 世紀末年 世纪末年 T - 0 shì jì mò nián f /final years of the century/ 世維會 世维会 T - 0 Shì Wéi huì f /abbr. for 世界維吾爾代表大會|世界维吾尔代表大会[Shi4 jie4 Wei2 wu2 er3 Dai4 biao3 Da4 hui4]/World Uighur Congress/ 世纪 世紀 S 952 21100 shì jì f /century/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 世纪末 世紀末 S - 980 shì jì mò f /end of the century/ 世纪末年 世紀末年 S - 0 shì jì mò nián f /final years of the century/ 世维会 世維會 S - 0 Shì Wéi huì f /abbr. for 世界維吾爾代表大會|世界维吾尔代表大会[Shi4 jie4 Wei2 wu2 er3 Dai4 biao3 Da4 hui4]/World Uighur Congress/ 世职 世職 S - 0 shì zhí f /hereditary office/ 世職 世职 T - 0 shì zhí f /hereditary office/ 世胄 - 0 shì zhòu f /hereditary house/noble or official family/ 世行 - 71 Shì háng f /World Bank/abbr. for 世界銀行|世界银行[Shi4 jie4 Yin2 hang2]/ 世衛 世卫 T - 12 Shì wèi f /World Health Organization (WHO)/abbr. for 世界衛生組織|世界卫生组织[Shi4 jie4 Wei4 sheng1 Zu3 zhi1]/ 世衛組織 世卫组织 T - 0 Shì wèi Zǔ zhī f /World Health Organization (WHO)/abbr. for 世界衛生組織|世界卫生组织[Shi4 jie4 Wei4 sheng1 Zu3 zhi1]/ 世袭 世襲 S - 676 shì xí f /succession/inheritance/hereditary/ 世袭之争 世襲之爭 S - 0 shì xí zhī zhēng f /succession struggle/dispute over inheritance/ 世袭君主国 世襲君主國 S - 0 shì xí jūn zhǔ guó f /hereditary monarchy/ 世襲 世袭 T - 676 shì xí f /succession/inheritance/hereditary/ 世襲之爭 世袭之争 T - 0 shì xí zhī zhēng f /succession struggle/dispute over inheritance/ 世襲君主國 世袭君主国 T - 0 shì xí jūn zhǔ guó f /hereditary monarchy/ 世說新語 世说新语 T - 3 Shì shuō Xīn yǔ f /A New Account of the Tales of the World, collection of anecdotes, conversations, remarks etc of historic personalities, compiled and edited by Liu Yiqing 劉義慶|刘义庆[Liu2 Yi4 qing4]/ 世说新语 世說新語 S - 3 Shì shuō Xīn yǔ f /A New Account of the Tales of the World, collection of anecdotes, conversations, remarks etc of historic personalities, compiled and edited by Liu Yiqing 劉義慶|刘义庆[Liu2 Yi4 qing4]/ 世貿 世贸 T - 45 Shì mào f /World Trade Organization (WTO)/abbr. for 世界貿易組織|世界贸易组织/ 世貿中心大樓 世贸中心大楼 T - 0 Shì mào Zhōng xīn Dà lóu f /World Trade Center (the twin towers destroyed by the 9-11 terrorists)/ 世貿大廈 世贸大厦 T - 0 Shì mào Dà shà f /World Trade Center/ 世貿組織 世贸组织 T - 111 Shì mào Zǔ zhī f /WTO (World Trade Organization)/ 世贸 世貿 S - 45 Shì mào f /World Trade Organization (WTO)/abbr. for 世界貿易組織|世界贸易组织/ 世贸中心大楼 世貿中心大樓 S - 0 Shì mào Zhōng xīn Dà lóu f /World Trade Center (the twin towers destroyed by the 9-11 terrorists)/ 世贸大厦 世貿大廈 S - 0 Shì mào Dà shà f /World Trade Center/ 世贸组织 世貿組織 S - 111 Shì mào Zǔ zhī f /WTO (World Trade Organization)/ 世运 世運 S - 3 Shì Yùn f /World Games/abbr. for 世界運動會|世界运动会[Shi4 jie4 Yun4 dong4 hui4]/ 世運 世运 T - 3 Shì Yùn f /World Games/abbr. for 世界運動會|世界运动会[Shi4 jie4 Yun4 dong4 hui4]/ 世道 - 173 shì dào f /the ways of the world/the morals of the time/ 世銀 世银 T - 0 Shì Yín f /World Bank/abbr. for 世界銀行|世界银行[Shi4 jie4 Yin2 hang2]/ 世錦賽 世锦赛 T - 310 shì jǐn sài f /world championship/ 世银 世銀 S - 0 Shì Yín f /World Bank/abbr. for 世界銀行|世界银行[Shi4 jie4 Yin2 hang2]/ 世锦赛 世錦賽 S - 310 shì jǐn sài f /world championship/ 世間 世间 T - 806 shì jiān f /world/earth/ 世间 世間 S - 806 shì jiān f /world/earth/ 世隔絕 世隔绝 T - 0 shì gé jué f /isolated from the world/disconnected/ 世隔绝 世隔絕 S - 0 shì gé jué f /isolated from the world/disconnected/ 世面 - 181 shì miàn f /aspects of society/the world/ 世風 世风 T - 24 shì fēng f /public morals/ 世風日下 世风日下 T - 8 shì fēng rì xià f /public morals are degenerating with each passing day (idiom)/ 世风 世風 S - 24 shì fēng f /public morals/ 世风日下 世風日下 S - 8 shì fēng rì xià f /public morals are degenerating with each passing day (idiom)/ 丗 - 7 shì f /archaic variant of 世[shi4]/ 丘 - 1257 Qiū f /surname Qiu/ 丘 - 1257 qiū f /mound/hillock/grave/classifier for fields/ 丘 坵 S - 1257 qiū f /variant of 丘[qiu1]/hillock/ 丘八 - 10 qiū bā f /soldier (from the two components of the 兵 character) (derog.)/ 丘北 - 5 Qiū běi f /Qiubei county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture 文山壯族苗族自治州|文山壮族苗族自治州[Wen2 shan1 Zhuang4 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 丘北县 丘北縣 S - 2 Qiū běi xiàn f /Qiubei county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture 文山壯族苗族自治州|文山壮族苗族自治州[Wen2 shan1 Zhuang4 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 丘北縣 丘北县 T - 2 Qiū běi xiàn f /Qiubei county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture 文山壯族苗族自治州|文山壮族苗族自治州[Wen2 shan1 Zhuang4 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 丘县 丘縣 S - 3 Qiū xiàn f /Qiu county in Hebei/ 丘吉尔 丘吉爾 S - 197 Qiū jí ěr f /variant of 邱吉爾|邱吉尔[Qiu1 ji2 er3]/ 丘吉爾 丘吉尔 T - 197 Qiū jí ěr f /variant of 邱吉爾|邱吉尔[Qiu1 ji2 er3]/ 丘壑 - 18 qiū hè f /hills and valleys/remote, secluded area/ 丘尔金 丘爾金 S - 0 Qiū ěr jīn f /Churkin (name)/Vitaly I. Churkin (1952-), Russian diplomat, Ambassador to UN from 2006/ 丘成桐 - 46 Qiū Chéng tóng f /Shing-Tung Yau (1949-), Chinese-American mathematician, Fields medalist in 1982/ 丘比特 - 12 Qiū bǐ tè f /Cupid, son of Venus and Mars, Roman god of love and beauty/ 丘爾金 丘尔金 T - 0 Qiū ěr jīn f /Churkin (name)/Vitaly I. Churkin (1952-), Russian diplomat, Ambassador to UN from 2006/ 丘疹 - 76 qiū zhěn f /pimple/ 丘縣 丘县 T - 3 Qiū xiàn f /Qiu county in Hebei/ 丘脑 丘腦 S - 84 qiū nǎo f /thalamus/ 丘脑损伤 丘腦損傷 S - 0 qiū nǎo sǔn shāng f /thalamic lesions/ 丘腦 丘脑 T - 84 qiū nǎo f /thalamus/ 丘腦損傷 丘脑损伤 T - 0 qiū nǎo sǔn shāng f /thalamic lesions/ 丘逢甲 - 12 Qiū Féng jiǎ f /Qiu Fengjia or Ch'iu Feng-chia (1864-1912), Taiwanese Hakkanese poet/ 丘陵 4865 2477 qiū líng f /hills/ 丘鷸 丘鹬 T - 0 qiū yù f /(bird species of China) Eurasian woodcock (Scolopax rusticola)/ 丘鹬 丘鷸 S - 0 qiū yù f /(bird species of China) Eurasian woodcock (Scolopax rusticola)/ 丙 4078 349 bǐng f /third of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]/third in order/letter "C" or roman "III" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/ancient Chinese compass point: 165°/propyl/ 丙三醇 - 3 bǐng sān chún f /glycerine/same as 甘油/ 丙二醇 - 15 bǐng èr chún f /propylene glycol/propane-1,2-diol C3H6(OH)2/ 丙午 - 7 bǐng wǔ f /forty third year C7 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1966 or 2026/ 丙型 - 17 bǐng xíng f /type C/type III/gamma-/ 丙型肝炎 - 3 bǐng xíng gān yán f /hepatitis C/ 丙基 - 3 bǐng jī f /propyl group (chemistry)/ 丙子 - 12 bǐng zǐ f /thirteenth year C1 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1996 or 2056/ 丙子战争 丙子戰爭 S - 0 Bǐng zǐ Zhàn zhēng f /second Manchu invasion of Korea (1636)/ 丙子戰爭 丙子战争 T - 0 Bǐng zǐ Zhàn zhēng f /second Manchu invasion of Korea (1636)/ 丙子胡乱 丙子胡亂 S - 0 Bǐng zǐ Hú luàn f /second Manchu invasion of Korea (1636)/ 丙子胡亂 丙子胡乱 T - 0 Bǐng zǐ Hú luàn f /second Manchu invasion of Korea (1636)/ 丙寅 - 13 bǐng yín f /third year C3 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1986 or 2046/ 丙戌 - 5 bǐng xū f /twenty third year C11 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 2006 or 2066/ 丙氨酸 - 21 bǐng ān suān f /alanine (Ala), an amino acid/ 丙烯 - 66 bǐng xī f /propylene C3H6/ 丙烯腈 - 40 bǐng xī jīng f /acrylo-nitrile/ 丙烯酸 - 12 bǐng xī suān f /acrylic acid C3H4O2/ 丙烯酸酯 - 21 bǐng xī suān zhǐ f /acrylic ester/ 丙烯醛 - 3 bǐng xī quán f /acrolein CH2CHCHO/ 丙烷 - 54 bǐng wán f /propane/ 丙环唑 丙環唑 S - 0 bǐng huán zuò f /propiconazole (antifungal agent)/ 丙環唑 丙环唑 T - 0 bǐng huán zuò f /propiconazole (antifungal agent)/ 丙申 - 5 bǐng shēn f /thirty-third year C9 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1956 or 2016/ 丙种射线 丙種射線 S - 3 bǐng zhǒng shè xiàn f /gamma ray/ 丙種射線 丙种射线 T - 3 bǐng zhǒng shè xiàn f /gamma ray/ 丙等 - 3 bǐng děng f /third rank/third category/third grade/roughly equivalent to the "C" grade/ 丙糖 - 0 bǐng táng f /triose (CH20)3, monosaccharide with three carbon atoms, such as glyceraldehyde 甘油醛[gan1 you2 quan2]/ 丙綸 丙纶 T - 23 bǐng lún f /polypropylene fiber/ 丙纶 丙綸 S - 23 bǐng lún f /polypropylene fiber/ 丙辰 - 8 bǐng chén f /fifty-third year C5 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1976 or 2036/ 丙酮 - 109 bǐng tóng f /acetone CH3COCH/ 丙酮酸 - 29 bǐng tóng suān f /pyruvic acid CH3COCOOH/ 丙酮酸脫氫酶 丙酮酸脱氢酶 T - 0 bǐng tóng suān tuō qīng méi f /pyruvate dehydrogenase/ 丙酮酸脱氢酶 丙酮酸脫氫酶 S - 0 bǐng tóng suān tuō qīng méi f /pyruvate dehydrogenase/ 丙酸氟替卡松 丙酸氟替卡鬆 S - 0 bǐng suān fú tì kǎ sōng f /fluticasone propionate/ 丙酸氟替卡鬆 丙酸氟替卡松 T - 0 bǐng suān fú tì kǎ sōng f /fluticasone propionate/ 丙醇 - 16 bǐng chún f /propanol/propyl alcohol C3H7OH/ 丙醚 - 0 bǐng mí f /n-propyl ether/ 丙醛 - 2 bǐng quán f /propionaldehyde/propanal CH3CH2CHO/ 业 業 S - 4553 Yè f /surname Ye/ 业 業 S - 4553 yè f /line of business/industry/occupation/job/employment/school studies/enterprise/property/(Buddhism) karma/deed/to engage in/already/ 业主 業主 S - 345 yè zhǔ f /owner/proprietor/ 业余 業餘 S 1940 875 yè yú f /in one's spare time/outside working hours/amateur (historian etc)/ 业余大学 業餘大學 S - 3 yè yú dà xué f /college for people who attend after work (lit.: spare-time college)/ 业余教育 業餘教育 S - 13 yè yú jiào yù f /spare-time education/evening classes/ 业余爱好者 業餘愛好者 S - 0 yè yú ài hǎo zhě f /hobbyist/amateur/ 业余者 業餘者 S - 0 yè yú zhě f /amateur/ 业务 業務 S 2059 7737 yè wù f /business/professional work/service/CL:項|项[xiang4]/ 业务员 業務員 S - 129 yè wù yuán f /salesperson/ 业务模式 業務模式 S - 0 yè wù mó shì f /business model/ 业务过失 業務過失 S - 0 yè wù guò shī f /professional negligence/ 业大 業大 S - 27 yè dà f /part-time college (abbr. for 業余大學|业余大学)/ 业已 業已 S - 472 yè yǐ f /already/ 业师 業師 S - 21 yè shī f /teacher/one's teacher/ 业态 業態 S - 45 yè tài f /(retail industry) format/ 业根 業根 S - 0 yè gēn f /the root cause (of evil)/bane (Buddhism)/ 业海 業海 S - 0 yè hǎi f /sea of evil/endless crime/ 业满 業滿 S - 0 yè mǎn f /to have paid one's karmic debts (Buddhism)/ 业界 業界 S - 387 yè jiè f /industry/ 业界标准 業界標準 S - 0 yè jiè biāo zhǔn f /industry standard/ 业精于勤 業精於勤 S - 2 yè jīng yú qín f /mastery of study lies in diligence (idiom). You can only master a subject by assiduous study./Excellence in work is only possible with diligence./Practice makes perfect./ 业经 業經 S - 85 yè jīng f /already/ 业绩 業績 S - 1992 yè jì f /performance/track record/outstanding achievement/great feat/yield (of investment)/growth/performance (i.e. company profits)/sales/ 业者 業者 S - 97 yè zhě f /dealer/trader/person engaged in some industry or trade/ 业荒于嬉 業荒於嬉 S - 0 yè huāng yú xī f /to be distracted from one's work and fail to achieve results (idiom)/ 业障 業障 S - 12 yè zhàng f /karmic hindrance (buddhism)/karmic consequences that stand in the way of enlightenment/(term of abuse, especially toward the younger generation) devil spawn/(fig.) money/ 业龙 業龍 S - 0 yè lóng f /evil dragon/ 丛 叢 S 4580 897 cóng f /cluster/collection/collection of books/thicket/ 丛书 叢書 S - 499 cóng shū f /a series of books/a collection of books/ 丛冢 叢冢 S - 0 cóng zhǒng f /mass grave/cluster of graves/ 丛台 叢臺 S - 3 Cóng tái f /Congtai district of Handan city 邯鄲市|邯郸市[Han2 dan1 shi4], Hebei/ 丛台区 叢臺區 S - 3 Cóng tái qū f /Congtai district of Handan city 邯鄲市|邯郸市[Han2 dan1 shi4], Hebei/ 丛林 叢林 S - 744 cóng lín f /jungle/thicket/forest/Buddhist monastery/ 丛林鸦 叢林鴉 S - 0 cóng lín yā f /(bird species of China) Indian jungle crow (Corvus culminatus)/ 丛生 叢生 S - 213 cóng shēng f /growing as a thicket/overgrown/breaking out everywhere (of disease, social disorder etc)/ 丛谈 叢談 S - 16 cóng tán f /discussion/forum/ 东 東 S 511 18279 Dōng f /surname Dong/ 东 東 S 511 18279 dōng f /east/host (i.e. sitting on east side of guest)/landlord/ 东一榔头西一棒子 東一榔頭西一棒子 S - 0 dōng yī láng tóu xī yī bàng zi f /banging away clumsily in all directions with no overall vision/ 东三省 東三省 S - 123 Dōng sān Shěng f /the three provinces of Northeast China, namely: Liaoning Province 遼寧省|辽宁省[Liao2 ning2 Sheng3], Jilin Province 吉林省[Ji2 lin2 Sheng3] and Heilongjiang Province 黑龍江省|黑龙江省[Hei1 long2 jiang1 Sheng3]/ 东东 東東 S - 41 dōng dōng f /(coll.) thing/item/stuff/ 东中国海 東中國海 S - 0 Dōng Zhōng guó Hǎi f /East China sea/ 东丰 東豐 S - 4 Dōng fēng f /Dongfeng county in Liaoyuan 遼源|辽源, Jilin/ 东丰县 東豐縣 S - 3 Dōng fēng xiàn f /Dongfeng county in Liaoyuan 遼源|辽源, Jilin/ 东主 東主 S - 4 dōng zhǔ f /owner (e.g. of a shop)/ 东丽 東麗 S - 11 Dōng lì f /Dongli suburban district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tian1 jin1 shi4]/ 东丽区 東麗區 S - 3 Dōng lì qū f /Dongli suburban district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tian1 jin1 shi4]/ 东乌珠穆沁旗 東烏珠穆沁旗 S - 8 Dōng wū zhū mù qìn qí f /East Ujimqin banner or Züün Üzemchin khoshuu in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟[Xi1 lin2 guo1 le4 meng2], Inner Mongolia/ 东乡 東鄉 S - 72 Dōng xiāng f /Dongxiang or East village (place name)/Donxiang (ethnic group)/Dongxiang County in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi/ 东乡县 東鄉縣 S - 6 Dōng xiāng xiàn f /Dongxiang county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi/ 东乡族自治县 東鄉族自治縣 S - 6 Dōng xiāng zú zì zhì xiàn f /Dongxiang autonomous county in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture 臨夏回族自治州|临夏回族自治州[Lin2 xia4 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ 东亚 東亞 S - 960 Dōng yà f /East Asia/ 东亚峰会 東亞峰會 S - 0 Dōng yà Fēng huì f /East Asia Summit, annual meeting of leading Asian states/ 东亚石䳭 東亞石䳭 S - 0 Dōng yà shí jí f /(bird species of China) Stejneger's stonechat (Saxicola stejnegeri)/ 东亚运动会 東亞運動會 S - 0 Dōng yà Yùn dòng huì f /East Asian Games/ 东亚银行 東亞銀行 S - 3 Dōng yà Yín háng f /Bank of East Asia/ 东交民巷 東交民巷 S - 1042 Dōng jiāo mín xiàng f /a street to the south of the Forbidden City that was the Legation quarter during the Boxer uprising/ 东京 東京 S - 2541 Dōng jīng f /Tokyo, capital of Japan/Tonkin, northern Vietnam during the French colonial period/ 东京塔 東京塔 S - 0 Dōng jīng tǎ f /Tokyo Tower/ 东京大学 東京大學 S - 52 Dōng jīng Dà xué f /Tokyo University, Japan/ 东京帝国大学 東京帝國大學 S - 43 Dōng jīng Dì guó Dà xué f /Tokyo Imperial University (renamed Tokyo University after 1945)/ 东京湾 東京灣 S - 26 Dōng jīng Wān f /Tokyo Bay/former name of 北部灣|北部湾[Bei3 bu4 Wan1], Gulf of Tonkin/ 东仓里 東倉里 S - 0 Dōng cāng lǐ f /Dongchang-ni, North Korean missile launch site on Yellow Sea, 70 km from Chinese border/ 东伊运 東伊運 S - 0 Dōng yī yùn f /abbr. for 東突厥斯坦伊斯蘭運動|东突厥斯坦伊斯兰运动[Dong1 Tu1 jue2 si1 tan3 Yi1 si1 lan2 Yun4 dong4] East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM)/ 东侧 東側 S - 1242 dōng cè f /east side/east face/ 东倒西歪 東倒西歪 S - 94 dōng dǎo xī wāi f /to lean unsteadily from side to side (idiom); to sway/ 东光 東光 S - 11 Dōng guāng f /Dongguang county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ 东光县 東光縣 S - 6 Dōng guāng xiàn f /Dongguang county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ 东兔西乌 東兔西烏 S - 3 dōng tù xī wū f /lit. the sun setting and the moon rising (idiom)/fig. the passage of time/ 东兰 東蘭 S - 7 Dōng lán f /Donglan county in Hezhou 賀州|贺州[He4 zhou1], Guangxi/ 东兰县 東蘭縣 S - 4 Dōng lán xiàn f /Donglan county in Hezhou 賀州|贺州[He4 zhou1], Guangxi/ 东兴 東興 S - 20 Dōng xīng f /Dongxing district of Neijiang city 內江市|内江市[Nei4 jiang1 shi4], Sichuan/Dongxing county level city in Fangchenggang 防城港[Fang2 cheng2 gang3], Guangxi/ 东兴区 東興區 S - 3 Dōng xīng qū f /Dongxing district of Neijiang city 內江市|内江市[Nei4 jiang1 shi4], Sichuan/ 东兴市 東興市 S - 3 Dōng xīng shì f /Dongxing county level city in Fangchenggang 防城港[Fang2 cheng2 gang3], Guangxi/ 东加 東加 S - 3 Dōng jiā f /Tonga, south Pacific archipelago kingdom (Tw)/ 东势 東勢 S - 3 Dōng shì f /Dongshi or Tungshih township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 东势乡 東勢鄉 S - 0 Dōng shì xiāng f /Dongshi or Tungshih township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 东势镇 東勢鎮 S - 0 Dōng shì zhèn f /Tungshih town in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan/ 东北 東北 S - 6082 Dōng běi f /Northeast China/Manchuria/ 东北 東北 S - 6082 dōng běi f /northeast/ 东北亚 東北亞 S - 95 Dōng běi Yà f /Northeast Asia/ 东北大学 東北大學 S - 831 Dōng běi Dà xué f /Northeastern University (in Shenyang 沈陽市|沈阳市[Shen3 yang2 shi4], Liaoning)/Tōhoku University, Sendai, Japan/ 东北平原 東北平原 S - 0 Dōng běi Píng yuán f /Northeast Plain, also called the Manchurian Plain/ 东北方 東北方 S - 76 dōng běi fāng f /northeast/northeastern/ 东北虎 東北虎 S - 66 dōng běi hǔ f /Amur tiger/ 东半球 東半球 S - 43 dōng bàn qiú f /the Eastern Hemisphere/the Old World/ 东华三院 東華三院 S - 0 Dōng huá Sān yuàn f /Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (Hong Kong)/ 东协 東協 S - 0 Dōng Xié f /abbr. for 東南亞國協|东南亚国协[Dong1 nan2 ya4 Guo2 Xie2]/ 东南 東南 S - 4271 dōng nán f /southeast/ 东南亚 東南亞 S - 1648 Dōng nán yà f /Southeast Asia/ 东南亚国 東南亞國 S - 3 Dōng nán yà guó f /Southeast Asia/ 东南亚国协 東南亞國協 S - 0 Dōng nán yà Guó Xié f /ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) (Tw)/ 东南亚国家联盟 東南亞國家聯盟 S - 6 Dōng nán yà Guó jiā Lián méng f /ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)/ 东南亚联盟 東南亞聯盟 S - 0 Dōng nán yà Lián méng f /ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)/same as 東南亞國家聯盟|东南亚国家联盟[Dong1 nan2 ya4 Guo2 jia1 Lian2 meng2]/ 东南大学 東南大學 S - 106 Dōng nán Dà xué f /Southeast University/ 东南西北 東南西北 S - 126 dōng nán xī běi f /east, south, west and north/all directions/ 东南西北中 東南西北中 S - 0 dōng nán xī běi zhōng f /the five directions 五方 east, south, west, north and middle/ 东南部 東南部 S - 1297 dōng nán bù f /southeast part/ 东印度公司 東印度公司 S - 0 Dōng Yìn dù Gōng sī f /East India Company/ 东台 東台 S - 34 Dōng tái f /Dongtai county level city in Yancheng 鹽城|盐城[Yan2 cheng2], Jiangsu/ 东台市 東台市 S - 7 Dōng tái shì f /Dongtai county level city in Yancheng 鹽城|盐城[Yan2 cheng2], Jiangsu/ 东君 東君 S - 4 Dōng jūn f /Lord of the East, the sun God of Chinese mythology/ 东吴 東吳 S - 381 Dōng Wú f /Eastern Wu (222-280)/the southern state of Wu during the Three Kingdoms period, founded by Sun Quan 孫權|孙权/ 东吴大学 東吳大學 S - 39 Dōng wú Dà xué f /Soochow University (Suzhou, PRC from 1900-1952)/Soochow University (Taipei, Taiwan since 1954)/ 东周 東周 S - 128 Dōng Zhōu f /Eastern Zhou (770-221 BC)/ 东土 東土 S - 6 Dōng tǔ f /the East/China/ 东坡 東坡 S - 437 Dōng pō f /Dongpo District of Meishan City 眉山市[Mei2 shan1 Shi4], Sichuan/ 东坡区 東坡區 S - 3 Dōng pō Qū f /Dongpo District of Meishan City 眉山市[Mei2 shan1 Shi4], Sichuan/ 东坡肉 東坡肉 S - 260 Dōng pō ròu f /stir-fried pork, favorite of Northern Song writer Su Shi 蘇軾|苏轼, a.k.a. Su Dongpo 蘇東坡|苏东坡/ 东坡肘子 東坡肘子 S - 0 Dōng pō zhǒu zi f /Dongpo pork shoulder, traditional dish said to have been created by Northern Song dynasty writer Su Dongpo 蘇東坡|苏东坡/ 东城 東城 S - 593 Dōng chéng f /Dongcheng district of central Beijing/ 东城区 東城區 S - 88 Dōng chéng qū f /Dongcheng district of central Beijing/ 东太平洋 東太平洋 S - 0 dōng Tài píng yáng f /east Pacific/ 东太平洋隆起 東太平洋隆起 S - 0 Dōng Tài píng yáng lóng qǐ f /East Pacific rise (a mid-oceanic ridge stretching from California down to Antarctica)/ 东头村 東頭村 S - 0 Dōng tóu cūn f /Tung Tau Tseun village, Hong Kong Island/ 东夷 東夷 S - 114 Dōng yí f /Eastern Barbarians, non-Han tribe living to the east of China c 2200 BC/ 东奔西走 東奔西走 S - 24 dōng bēn xī zǒu f /to run this way and that (idiom); to rush about busily/to bustle about/to hopscotch/also 東跑西顛|东跑西颠[dong1 pao3 xi1 dian1]/ 东奔西跑 東奔西跑 S - 20 dōng bēn xī pǎo f /to run this way and that (idiom); to rush about busily/to bustle about/ 东宁 東寧 S - 7 Dōng níng f /Dongning county in Mudanjiang 牡丹江, Heilongjiang/ 东宁县 東寧縣 S - 4 Dōng níng xiàn f /Dongning county in Mudanjiang 牡丹江, Heilongjiang/ 东安 東安 S - 175 Dōng ān f /Dongan county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3 zhou1], Hunan/Dong'an district of Mudanjiang city 牡丹江市, Heilongjiang/ 东安区 東安區 S - 3 Dōng ān qū f /Dong'an district of Mudanjiang city 牡丹江市, Heilongjiang/ 东安县 東安縣 S - 3 Dōng ān xiàn f /Dongan county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3 zhou1], Hunan/ 东宝 東寶 S - 9 Dōng bǎo f /Dongbao district of Jingmen city 荊門市|荆门市[Jing1 men2 shi4], Hubei/ 东宝区 東寶區 S - 258 Dōng bǎo qū f /Dongbao district of Jingmen city 荊門市|荆门市[Jing1 men2 shi4], Hubei/ 东家 東家 S - 222 dōng jiā f /master (i.e. employer)/landlord/boss/ 东密 東密 S - 0 Dōng mì f /Japanese Esoteric Buddhism/ 东密德兰 東密德蘭 S - 0 Dōng mì dé lán f /East Midlands, English county/ 东山 東山 S - 141 Dōng shān f /Dongshan county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang1 zhou1], Fujian/Tungshan township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 东山乡 東山鄉 S - 3 Dōng shān xiāng f /Tungshan township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 东山再起 東山再起 S - 90 dōng shān zài qǐ f /lit. to return to office after living as a hermit on Mount Dongshan (idiom); fig. to make a comeback/ 东山区 東山區 S - 8 Dōng shān qū f /Dongshan district (Uighur: Dungsen Rayoni) of Urumqi city 烏魯木齊市|乌鲁木齐市[Wu1 lu3 mu4 qi2 Shi4], Xinjiang/Dongshan district of Hegang city 鶴崗|鹤岗[He4 gang3], Heilongjiang/ 东山县 東山縣 S - 12 Dōng shān xiàn f /Dongshan county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang1 zhou1], Fujian/ 东岳 東嶽 S - 807 dōng yuè f /Mt Tai 泰山 in Shandong, one of the Five Sacred Mountains 五嶽|五岳[Wu3 yue4]/ 东川 東川 S - 91 Dōng chuān f /Dongchuan district of Kunming city 昆明市[Kun1 ming2 shi4], Yunnan/ 东川区 東川區 S - 3 Dōng chuān qū f /Dongchuan district of Kunming city 昆明市[Kun1 ming2 shi4], Yunnan/ 东巴文化 東巴文化 S - 3 Dōng bā wén huà f /Dongba culture of the Nakhi ethnic group of Lijiang 麗江|丽江 in northwest Yunnan/ 东帝汶 東帝汶 S - 48 Dōng dì wèn f /East Timor (officially Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste)/ 东平 東平 S - 130 Dōng píng f /Dongping county in Tai'an 泰安[Tai4 an1], Shandong/ 东平县 東平縣 S - 13 Dōng píng xiàn f /Dongping county in Tai'an 泰安[Tai4 an1], Shandong/ 东引 東引 S - 3 Dōng yǐn f /Tungyin Island, one of the Matsu Islands/Tungyin township in Lienchiang county 連江縣|连江县[Lian2 jiang1 xian4], Taiwan/ 东引乡 東引鄉 S - 0 Dōng yǐn xiāng f /Tungyin township in Lienchiang county 連江縣|连江县[Lian2 jiang1 xian4] i.e. the Matsu Islands, Taiwan/ 东张西望 東張西望 S 4849 124 dōng zhāng xī wàng f /to look in all directions (idiom)/to glance around/ 东归 東歸 S - 0 dōng guī f /lit. to return east/fig. to return to one's homeland/ 东征 東征 S - 417 dōng zhēng f /punitive expedition to the east/ 东征西怨 東征西怨 S - 3 dōng zhēng xī yuàn f /war on all sides (idiom); fighting from all four quarters/ 东征西讨 東征西討 S - 20 dōng zhēng xī tǎo f /war on all sides (idiom); fighting from all four quarters/ 东德 東德 S - 71 Dōng Dé f /East Germany (1945-1990)/German democratic republic 德意志民主共和國|德意志民主共和国[De2 yi4 zhi4 Min2 zhu3 Gong4 he2 guo2]/ 东拉西扯 東拉西扯 S - 64 dōng lā xī chě f /to talk about this and that (idiom); to ramble incoherently/ 东掩西遮 東掩西遮 S - 3 dōng yǎn xī zhē f /to cover up the truth on all sides (idiom)/ 东方 東方 S - 3993 Dōng fāng f /the East/the Orient/two-character surname Dongfang/ 东方 東方 S - 3993 dōng fāng f /east/ 东方三博士 東方三博士 S - 0 Dōng fāng sān Bó shì f /the Magi/the Three Wise Kings from the East in the biblical nativity story/ 东方叽咋柳莺 東方嘰咋柳鶯 S - 0 dōng fāng jī zǎ liǔ yīng f /(bird species of China) mountain chiffchaff (Phylloscopus sindianus)/ 东方大苇莺 東方大葦鶯 S - 0 dōng fāng dà wěi yīng f /(bird species of China) oriental reed warbler (Acrocephalus orientalis)/ 东方市 東方市 S - 0 Dōng fāng shì f /Dongfang City, Hainan/ 东方文明 東方文明 S - 0 Dōng fāng wén míng f /Eastern civilization/ 东方斑鵖 東方斑鵖 S - 0 dōng fāng bān bī f /(bird species of China) variable wheatear (Oenanthe picata)/ 东方日报 東方日報 S - 3 Dōng fāng Rì bào f /Oriental Daily News/ 东方明珠塔 東方明珠塔 S - 0 Dōng fāng Míng zhū Tǎ f /Oriental Pearl Tower/ 东方明珠电视塔 東方明珠電視塔 S - 0 Dōng fāng Míng zhū Diàn shì Tǎ f /Oriental Pearl Television Tower/ 东方狍 東方狍 S - 0 dōng fāng páo f /siberian roe deer/capreolus pygargus/ 东方白鹳 東方白鸛 S - 0 dōng fāng bái guàn f /(bird species of China) oriental stork (Ciconia boyciana)/ 东方红 東方紅 S - 112 Dōng fāng Hóng f /The East is Red, north Shaanxi folk song/ 东方航空 東方航空 S - 10 Dōng fāng Háng kōng f /China Eastern Airlines/ 东方阿閦佛 東方阿閦佛 S - 0 Dōng fāng A chù fó f /Aksobhya, the imperturbable ruler of Eastern Paradise, Abhirati/ 东方青龙 東方青龍 S - 0 Dōng fāng Qīng lóng f /see 青龍|青龙[Qing1 long2]/ 东方马脑炎病毒 東方馬腦炎病毒 S - 0 dōng fāng mǎ nǎo yán bìng dú f /eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) virus/ 东方鸻 東方鴴 S - 0 dōng fāng héng f /(bird species of China) oriental plover (Charadrius veredus)/ 东方黎族自治县 東方黎族自治縣 S - 0 Dōng fāng Lí zú Zì zhì xiàn f /Dongfang Lizu autonomous county, Hainan/ 东施效颦 東施效顰 S - 14 Dōng Shī xiào pín f /lit. Dong Shi imitates Xi Shi's frown (idiom)/fig. to mimick sb's idiosyncrasies but make a fool of oneself/ 东昌 東昌 S - 25 Dōng chāng f /Dongchang district of Tonghua city 通化市, Jilin/ 东昌区 東昌區 S - 3 Dōng chāng qū f /Dongchang district of Tonghua city 通化市, Jilin/ 东昌府 東昌府 S - 12 Dōng chāng fǔ f /Dongchangfu district of Liaocheng city 聊城市[Liao2 cheng2 shi4], Shandong/ 东昌府区 東昌府區 S - 2 Dōng chāng fǔ qū f /Dongchangfu district of Liaocheng city 聊城市[Liao2 cheng2 shi4], Shandong/ 东明 東明 S - 5 Dōng míng f /Dongming county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze2], Shandong/ 东明县 東明縣 S - 5 Dōng míng xiàn f /Dongming county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze2], Shandong/ 东晋 東晉 S - 676 Dōng Jìn f /Eastern Jin dynasty 317-420/ 东条英机 東條英機 S - 40 Dōng tiáo Yīng jī f /Tojo Hideki (1884-1948), Japanese military leader hanged as war criminal in 1948/ 东欧 東歐 S - 726 Dōng Oū f /Eastern Europe/ 东欧平原 東歐平原 S - 3 Dōng Oū Píng yuán f /East European Plain/ 东正教 東正教 S - 203 Dōng zhèng jiào f /Eastern Orthodox Church/ 东汉 東漢 S - 2005 Dōng hàn f /Eastern or later Han dynasty, 25-220/ 东汉末 東漢末 S - 0 Dōng Hàn mò f /the last years of Eastern Han/the breakup of the Han dynasty around 200 AD/ 东汉末年 東漢末年 S - 0 Dōng Hàn mò nián f /the last years of Eastern Han/the breakup of the Han dynasty around 200 AD/ 东江 東江 S - 174 Dōng jiāng f /Dongjiang River/ 东沟 東溝 S - 23 Dōng gōu f /Donggou town in Liangzihu district 梁子湖區|梁子湖区[Liang2 zi5 hu2 qu1] of Ezhou city 鄂州市[E4 zhou1 shi4], Hubei/ 东沟镇 東溝鎮 S - 0 Dōng gōu zhèn f /Donggou town in Liangzihu district 梁子湖區|梁子湖区[Liang2 zi5 hu2 qu1] of Ezhou city 鄂州市[E4 zhou1 shi4], Hubei/ 东河 東河 S - 21 Dōng hé f /Donghe or Tungho township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 东河乡 東河鄉 S - 0 Dōng hé xiāng f /Donghe or Tungho township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 东河区 東河區 S - 6 Dōng hé qū f /Donghe district of Baotou city 包頭市|包头市[Bao1 tou2 shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 东洋 東洋 S - 187 Dōng yáng f /Japan (old)/East Asian countries/ 东洋话 東洋話 S - 0 Dōng yáng huà f /Japanese (language) (old)/ 东洋鬼 東洋鬼 S - 0 Dōng yáng guǐ f /foreign devil/wartime term of abuse for Japanese/ 东洋鬼子 東洋鬼子 S - 0 Dōng yáng guǐ zi f /foreign devil/wartime term of abuse for Japanese/ 东洲 東洲 S - 3 Dōng zhōu f /Dongzhou district of Fushun city 撫順市|抚顺市, Liaoning/ 东洲区 東洲區 S - 3 Dōng zhōu qū f /Dongzhou district of Fushun city 撫順市|抚顺市, Liaoning/ 东海 東海 S - 923 Dōng Hǎi f /East China Sea/East Sea (Chinese mythology and ancient geography)/ 东海县 東海縣 S - 14 Dōng hǎi xiàn f /Donghai county in Lianyungang 連雲港|连云港[Lian2 yun2 gang3], Jiangsu/ 东海大学 東海大學 S - 3 Dōng hǎi Dà xué f /Tunghai University (in Taichung, Taiwan)/ 东海大桥 東海大橋 S - 0 Dōng hǎi Dà qiáo f /Donghai Bridge, 32.5 km bridge between Shanghai and the offshore Yangshan deep-water port/ 东海岸 東海岸 S - 176 Dōng hǎi àn f /East Coast/ 东海舰队 東海艦隊 S - 133 Dōng hǎi Jiàn duì f /East Sea Fleet/ 东港 東港 S - 15 Dōng gǎng f /Tungkang town in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 东港区 東港區 S - 3 Dōng gǎng qū f /Donggang district of Rizhao city 日照市[Ri4 zhao4 shi4], Shandong/ 东港市 東港市 S - 5 Dōng gǎng shì f /Donggang county level city in Dandong 丹東|丹东[Dan1 dong1], Liaoning/ 东港镇 東港鎮 S - 0 Dōng gǎng zhèn f /Tungkang town in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 东湖 東湖 S - 1866 Dōng hú f /Donghu district of Nanchang city 南昌市, Jiangxi/ 东湖区 東湖區 S - 3 Dōng hú qū f /Donghu district of Nanchang city 南昌市, Jiangxi/ 东源 東源 S - 10 Dōng yuán f /Dongyuan county in Heyuan 河源[He2 yuan2], Guangdong/ 东源县 東源縣 S - 2 Dōng yuán xiàn f /Dongyuan county in Heyuan 河源[He2 yuan2], Guangdong/ 东瀛 東瀛 S - 18 Dōng yíng f /East China Sea/Japan/ 东王公 東王公 S - 7 Dōng wáng gōng f /Mu Kung or Tung Wang Kung, God of the Immortals (Taoism)/ 东现汉纪 東現漢紀 S - 0 Dōng xiàn hàn jì f /Records of the Eastern Han, model for History of Later Han 後漢書|后汉书/ 东疆 東疆 S - 0 Dōng Jiāng f /East of Xinjiang/ 东盟 東盟 S - 264 Dōng Méng f /ASEAN/abbr. for 東南亞國家聯盟|东南亚国家联盟[Dong1 nan2 ya4 Guo2 jia1 Lian2 meng2]/ 东直门 東直門 S - 44 Dōng zhí mén f /Dongzhimen neighborhood of Beijing/ 东石 東石 S - 3 Dōng shí f /Dongshi or Tungshih township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan/ 东石乡 東石鄉 S - 0 Dōng shí xiāng f /Dongshi or Tungshih township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan/ 东突 東突 S - 20 Dōng Tū f /East Turkestan Liberation Organization (ETLO), Chinese dissident group/abbr. for 東突厥斯坦解放組織|东突厥斯坦解放组织/ 东突厥斯坦 東突厥斯坦 S - 0 Dōng tū jué sī tǎn f /East Turkestan/historical term for Xinjiang/ 东突厥斯坦伊斯兰运动 東突厥斯坦伊斯蘭運動 S - 0 Dōng Tū jué sī tǎn Yī sī lán Yùn dòng f /East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM)/ 东突厥斯坦解放组织 東突厥斯坦解放組織 S - 0 Dōng Tū jué sī tǎn Jiě fàng Zǔ zhī f /East Turkestan Liberation Organization (ETLO), Xinjiang dissident group/ 东突组织 東突組織 S - 0 Dōng Tū Zǔ zhī f /abbr. for 東突厥斯坦解放組織|东突厥斯坦解放组织[Dong1 Tu1 jue2 si1 tan3 Jie3 fang4 Zu3 zhi1], East Turkestan Liberation Organization (ETLO)/ 东窗事发 東窗事發 S - 16 dōng chuāng shì fā f /(of a plot etc) to be exposed (idiom)/to come to light/ 东经 東經 S - 1271 dōng jīng f /longitude east/ 东缅高原 東緬高原 S - 0 Dōng Miǎn gāo yuán f /Eastern Myanmar plateau/ 东罗马帝国 東羅馬帝國 S - 0 dōng Luó mǎ Dì guó f /Eastern Roman empire or Byzantium (395-1453)/ 东胜 東勝 S - 63 Dōng shèng f /Dongshend district of Ordos city 鄂爾多斯市|鄂尔多斯市[E4 er3 duo1 si1 shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 东胜区 東勝區 S - 2 Dōng shèng qū f /Dongsheng district of Ordos city 鄂爾多斯市|鄂尔多斯市[E4 er3 duo1 si1 shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 东胡 東胡 S - 20 Dōng hú f /Eastern barbarian/ancient ethnic group of northeast frontier of China/ 东至 東至 S - 284 Dōng zhì f /Dongzhi county in Chizhou 池州[Chi2 zhou1], Anhui/ 东至县 東至縣 S - 3 Dōng zhì xiàn f /Dongzhi county in Chizhou 池州[Chi2 zhou1], Anhui/ 东芝 東芝 S - 104 Dōng zhī f /Toshiba, Japanese electronics company/ 东茅草盖 東茅草蓋 S - 0 dōng máo cǎo gài f /thatched roof/ 东莞 東莞 S - 275 Dōng guǎn f /Dongguan prefecture level city in Guangdong 廣東省|广东省[Guang3 dong1 sheng3]/ 东莞市 東莞市 S - 55 Dōng guǎn shì f /Dongguan prefecture level city in Guangdong 廣東省|广东省[Guang3 dong1 sheng3]/ 东营 東營 S - 25 Dōng yíng f /Dongying prefecture level city in Shandong/ 东营区 東營區 S - 4 Dōng yíng qū f /Dongying district of Dongying city 東營市|东营市[Dong1 ying2 shi4], Shandong/ 东营市 東營市 S - 18 Dōng yíng shì f /Dongying prefecture level city in Shandong/ 东西 東西 S 47 18877 dōng xī t /east and west/ 东西 東西 S 47 18877 dōng xi f /thing/stuff/person/CL:個|个[ge4],件[jian4]/ 东西半球 東西半球 S - 0 dōng xī bàn qiú f /East and West hemispheres/ 东西南北 東西南北 S - 96 dōng xī nán běi f /east west south north/ 东西周 東西周 S - 0 Dōng Xī Zhōu f /Eastern Zhou (1046-771 BC) and Western Zhou (770-221 BC)/ 东西宽 東西寬 S - 0 dōng xī kuān f /east-west distance/ 东西德 東西德 S - 0 Dōng Xī dé f /East and West Germany/refers to German democratic republic (East Germany) and the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany)/ 东西方 東西方 S - 280 dōng xī fāng f /east and west/east to west/ 东西方文化 東西方文化 S - 0 dōng xī fāng wén huà f /Eastern and Western culture/ 东西湖 東西湖 S - 0 Dōng xī hú f /Dongxihu district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ 东西湖区 東西湖區 S - 259 Dōng xī hú qū f /Dongxihu district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ 东观汉记 東觀漢記 S - 0 Dōng guān Hàn jì f /History of Later Han dynasty, internal palace record by many 1st and 2nd century authors, 143 scrolls/ 东讨西征 東討西征 S - 3 dōng tǎo xī zhēng f /war on all sides (idiom); fighting from all four quarters/ 东躲西闪 東躲西閃 S - 0 dōng duǒ xī shǎn f /to dodge about/ 东边 東邊 S - 819 dōng bian f /east/east side/eastern part/to the east of/ 东边儿 東邊兒 S - 2 dōng biān r f /erhua variant of 東邊|东边[dong1 bian5]/ 东辽 東遼 S - 3 Dōng liáo f /Dongliao county in Liaoyuan 遼源|辽源, Jilin/ 东辽县 東遼縣 S - 3 Dōng liáo xiàn f /Dongliao county in Liaoyuan 遼源|辽源, Jilin/ 东道 東道 S - 314 dōng dào f /host/ 东道主 東道主 S 4992 151 dōng dào zhǔ f /host/official host (e.g. venue for games or a conference)/ 东部 東部 S - 5551 dōng bù f /the east/eastern part/ 东部时间 東部時間 S - 0 dōng bù shí jiān f /Eastern Standard Time (EST)/ 东郭 東郭 S - 23 Dōng guō f /two-character surname Dongguo/ 东阳 東陽 S - 60 Dōng yáng f /Dongyang county level city in Jinhua 金華|金华[Jin1 hua2], Zhejiang/ 东阳市 東陽市 S - 5 Dōng yáng shì f /Dongyang county level city in Jinhua 金華|金华[Jin1 hua2], Zhejiang/ 东阿 東阿 S - 43 Dōng ē f /Dong'e county in Liaocheng 聊城[Liao2 cheng2], Shandong/ 东阿县 東阿縣 S - 7 Dōng ē xiàn f /Dong'e county in Liaocheng 聊城[Liao2 cheng2], Shandong/ 东陵 東陵 S - 25 Dōng líng f /Eastern tombs/Dongling district of Shenyang city 沈陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning/ 东陵区 東陵區 S - 3 Dōng líng qū f /Dongling district of Shenyang city 沈陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning/ 东非 東非 S - 311 Dōng fēi f /East Africa/ 东非共同体 東非共同體 S - 0 Dōng Fēi Gòng tóng tǐ f /East African Community/ 东非大地堑 東非大地塹 S - 0 Dōng Fēi dà dì qiàn f /Great East African rift valley/ 东非大裂谷 東非大裂谷 S - 56 Dōng Fēi dà liè gǔ f /Great East African rift valley/ 东面 東面 S - 438 dōng miàn f /east side (of sth)/ 东风区 東風區 S - 3 Dōng fēng qū f /Dongfeng district of Kiamusze or Jiamusi city 佳木斯[Jia1 mu4 si1], Heilongjiang/ 东魏 東魏 S - 184 Dōng Wèi f /Eastern Wei of the Northern dynasties (534-550), formed from the break-up of Wei of the Northern Dynasties 北魏/ 东鳞西爪 東鱗西爪 S - 3 dōng lín xī zhǎo f /lit. a dragon's scale from the east and a dragon's claw from the west/odds and ends (idiom)/ 丝 絲 S - 2807 sī f /silk/thread/trace/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 丝丝小雨 絲絲小雨 S - 0 sī sī xiǎo yǔ f /fine drizzle/ 丝光椋鸟 絲光椋鳥 S - 0 sī guāng liáng niǎo f /(bird species of China) red-billed starling (Spodiopsar sericeus)/ 丝巾 絲巾 S - 30 sī jīn f /headscarf/kerchief/silk neckband/ 丝带 絲帶 S - 61 sī dài f /ribbon/ 丝柏 絲柏 S - 0 sī bó f /cypress/ 丝毫 絲毫 S 2133 2603 sī háo f /the slightest amount or degree/a bit/ 丝毫不差 絲毫不差 S - 3 sī háo bù chā f /accurate to perfection (idiom)/precise to the finest detail/ 丝氨酸 絲氨酸 S - 5 sī ān suān f /serine (Ser), an amino acid/ 丝状 絲狀 S - 122 sī zhuàng f /thread-like/ 丝状物 絲狀物 S - 0 sī zhuàng wù f /filament/ 丝瓜 絲瓜 S - 37 sī guā f /luffa (loofah)/ 丝盘虫 絲盤蟲 S - 0 sī pán chóng f /Trichoplax adhaerens (biology)/ 丝竹 絲竹 S - 107 sī zhú f /traditional Chinese musical instruments/music/ 丝线 絲線 S - 164 sī xiàn f /thread/silk yarn/ 丝织品 絲織品 S - 127 sī zhī pǐn f /item made from woven silk or rayon/ 丝织物 絲織物 S - 42 sī zhī wù f /woven silk fabric/ 丝绒 絲絨 S - 48 sī róng f /velvet/ 丝绦 絲絛 S - 0 sī tāo f /silk waistband/ 丝绵 絲綿 S - 21 sī mián f /silk floss/down/ 丝绸 絲綢 S 2317 413 sī chóu f /silk cloth/silk/ 丝绸之路 絲綢之路 S - 285 Sī chóu zhī Lù f /the Silk Road/ 丝绸古路 絲綢古路 S - 0 Sī chóu Gǔ lù f /the ancient Silk Road/see also 絲綢之路|丝绸之路[Si1 chou2 zhi1 Lu4]/ 丝绸织物 絲綢織物 S - 0 sī chóu zhī wù f /silk fabric/ 丝缕 絲縷 S - 3 sī lǚ f /silk thread/ 丝网 絲網 S - 31 sī wǎng f /silk screen/screen (printing)/ 丝袜 絲襪 S - 29 sī wà f /stockings/pantyhose/ 丝足 絲足 S - 0 sī zú f /feet and legs in silk stockings (especially in the massage context)/ 丝路 絲路 S - 77 Sī Lù f /the Silk Road/abbr. for 絲綢之路|丝绸之路[Si1 chou2 zhi1 Lu4]/ 丝雨 絲雨 S - 0 sī yǔ f /drizzle/fine rain/ 丞 - 645 chéng f /deputy/ 丞相 - 1320 chéng xiàng f /the most senior minister of many kingdoms or dynasties (with varying roles)/prime minister/ 丟 丢 T 727 2859 diū f /to lose/to put aside/to throw/ 丟三落四 丢三落四 T 2576 8 diū sān là sì f /forgetful/empty-headed/ 丟下 丢下 T - 354 diū xià f /to abandon/ 丟丑 丢丑 T - 12 diū chǒu f /to lose face/ 丟人 丢人 T 3062 188 diū rén f /to lose face/ 丟人現眼 丢人现眼 T - 49 diū rén xiàn yǎn f /to make an exhibition of oneself/to be a disgrace/ 丟到家 丢到家 T - 0 diū dào jiā f /to lose (face) utterly/ 丟命 丢命 T - 0 diū mìng f /to die/ 丟失 丢失 T - 437 diū shī f /to lose/lost/ 丟官 丢官 T - 26 diū guān f /(of an official) to lose one's job/ 丟手 丢手 T - 16 diū shǒu f /to wash one's hands of sth/to have nothing further to do with sth/ 丟掉 丢掉 T - 340 diū diào f /to lose/to throw away/to discard/to cast away/ 丟棄 丢弃 T - 146 diū qì f /to discard/to abandon/ 丟烏紗帽 丢乌纱帽 T - 3 diū wū shā mào f /lit. to lose one's black hat/to be sacked from an official post/ 丟眉丟眼 丢眉丢眼 T - 0 diū méi diū yǎn f /to wink at sb/ 丟眉弄色 丢眉弄色 T - 0 diū méi nòng sè f /to wink at sb/ 丟臉 丢脸 T - 184 diū liǎn f /to lose face/humiliation/ 丟輪扯砲 丢轮扯炮 T - 0 diū lún chě pào f /lose a wheel, tear at the gun (idiom); flustered and confused in a panic/ 丟開 丢开 T - 86 diū kāi f /to cast or put aside/to forget for a while/ 丟面子 丢面子 T - 29 diū miàn zi f /to lose face/ 丟飯碗 丢饭碗 T - 6 diū fàn wǎn f /to lose one's job/ 丟魂 丢魂 T - 0 diū hún f /to be distracted/ 丟魂落魄 丢魂落魄 T - 3 diū hún luò pò f /see 失魂落魄[shi1 hun2 luo4 po4]/ 丠 - 0 qiū f /old variant of 丘[qiu1]/ 両 - 0 liǎng f /Japanese variant of 兩|两/ 丢 丟 S 727 2859 diū f /to lose/to put aside/to throw/ 丢三落四 丟三落四 S 2576 8 diū sān là sì f /forgetful/empty-headed/ 丢下 丟下 S - 354 diū xià f /to abandon/ 丢丑 丟丑 S - 12 diū chǒu f /to lose face/ 丢乌纱帽 丟烏紗帽 S - 3 diū wū shā mào f /lit. to lose one's black hat/to be sacked from an official post/ 丢人 丟人 S 3062 188 diū rén f /to lose face/ 丢人现眼 丟人現眼 S - 49 diū rén xiàn yǎn f /to make an exhibition of oneself/to be a disgrace/ 丢到家 丟到家 S - 0 diū dào jiā f /to lose (face) utterly/ 丢命 丟命 S - 0 diū mìng f /to die/ 丢失 丟失 S - 437 diū shī f /to lose/lost/ 丢官 丟官 S - 26 diū guān f /(of an official) to lose one's job/ 丢开 丟開 S - 86 diū kāi f /to cast or put aside/to forget for a while/ 丢弃 丟棄 S - 146 diū qì f /to discard/to abandon/ 丢手 丟手 S - 16 diū shǒu f /to wash one's hands of sth/to have nothing further to do with sth/ 丢掉 丟掉 S - 340 diū diào f /to lose/to throw away/to discard/to cast away/ 丢眉丢眼 丟眉丟眼 S - 0 diū méi diū yǎn f /to wink at sb/ 丢眉弄色 丟眉弄色 S - 0 diū méi nòng sè f /to wink at sb/ 丢脸 丟臉 S - 184 diū liǎn f /to lose face/humiliation/ 丢轮扯炮 丟輪扯砲 S - 0 diū lún chě pào f /lose a wheel, tear at the gun (idiom); flustered and confused in a panic/ 丢面子 丟面子 S - 29 diū miàn zi f /to lose face/ 丢饭碗 丟飯碗 S - 6 diū fàn wǎn f /to lose one's job/ 丢魂 丟魂 S - 0 diū hún f /to be distracted/ 丢魂落魄 丟魂落魄 S - 3 diū hún luò pò f /see 失魂落魄[shi1 hun2 luo4 po4]/ 丣 - 0 yǒu f /old variant of 酉[you3]/ 两 兩 S 184 43011 liǎng f /two/both/some/a few/tael, unit of weight equal to 50 grams (modern) or 1⁄16 of a catty 斤[jin1] (old)/ 两下 兩下 S - 659 liǎng xià f /twice/for a little while/ 两下子 兩下子 S - 39 liǎng xià zi f /a couple of times/to repeat the same/the same old trick/tricks of the trade/ 两不相欠 兩不相欠 S - 0 liǎng bù xiāng qiàn f /to be even/to be quits/to be even-steven/ 两不误 兩不誤 S - 3 liǎng bù wù f /to neglect neither one/ 两个中国 兩個中國 S - 0 liǎng gè zhōng guó f /two-China (policy)/ 两亲 兩親 S - 0 liǎng qīn f /see 雙親|双亲[shuang1 qin1]/ 两仪 兩儀 S - 3 liǎng yí f /heaven and earth/yin and yang/ 两伊战争 兩伊戰爭 S - 0 Liǎng Yī Zhàn zhēng f /Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988)/ 两会 兩會 S - 511 Liǎng huì f /National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference/ 两侧 兩側 S - 4863 liǎng cè f /two sides/both sides/ 两侧对称 兩側對稱 S - 0 liǎng cè duì chèn f /bilateral symmetry/ 两倍 兩倍 S - 255 liǎng bèi f /twice as much/double the amount/ 两党制 兩黨制 S - 18 liǎng dǎng zhì f /two-party system/ 两全 兩全 S - 30 liǎng quán f /to satisfy both sides/to accommodate both (demands)/ 两全其美 兩全其美 S - 65 liǎng quán qí měi f /to satisfy rival demands (idiom)/to get the best of both worlds/to have it both ways/to have one's cake and eat it too/ 两分法 兩分法 S - 2 liǎng fēn fǎ f /(Maoism) one divides into two/ 两千年 兩千年 S - 94 liǎng qiān nián f /the year 2000/2000 years/ 两厢情愿 兩廂情願 S - 6 liǎng xiāng qíng yuàn f /both sides are willing/by mutual consent/ 两口子 兩口子 S - 264 liǎng kǒu zi f /husband and wife/ 两句 兩句 S - 1081 liǎng jù f /(say) a few words/ 两回事 兩回事 S - 42 liǎng huí shì f /two quite different things/two unrelated matters/ 两国 兩國 S - 3 liǎng guó f /both countries/two countries/ 两国之间 兩國之間 S - 3 liǎng guó zhī jiān f /bilateral/between two countries/ 两国关系 兩國關係 S - 3 liǎng guó guān xì f /bilateral relations/ 两国相争,不斩来使 兩國相爭,不斬來使 S - 0 liǎng guó xiāng zhēng , bù zhǎn lái shǐ f /when two kingdoms are at war, they don't execute envoys (idiom)/ 两头 兩頭 S - 606 liǎng tóu f /both ends/both parties to a deal/ 两头儿 兩頭兒 S - 0 liǎng tóu r f /erhua variant of 兩頭|两头[liang3 tou2]/ 两宋 兩宋 S - 0 Liǎng Sòng f /the Song dynasty (960-1279)/refers to the Northern (960-1127) and Southern Song (1128-1279)/ 两小无猜 兩小無猜 S - 7 liǎng xiǎo wú cāi f /innocent playmates/ 两岸 兩岸 S - 2911 liǎng àn f /bilateral/both shores/both sides/both coasts/Taiwan and mainland/ 两岸三地 兩岸三地 S - 3 liǎng àn sān dì f /China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau (media term used esp. since 1997)/ 两岸对话 兩岸對話 S - 0 liǎng àn duì huà f /bilateral talks/ 两广 兩廣 S - 281 Liǎng Guǎng f /the two provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi (traditional)/ 两广总督 兩廣總督 S - 3 liǎng guǎng zǒng dū f /Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi/ 两弹一星 兩彈一星 S - 14 liǎng dàn yī xīng f /refers to the historical achievement of China by 1970 in producing and successfully detonating an atomic bomb (1964), a hydrogen bomb (1967) and launching a satellite into space (1970)/ 两当 兩當 S - 0 Liǎng dāng f /Liangdang county in Longnan 隴南|陇南[Long3 nan2], Gansu/ 两当县 兩當縣 S - 3 Liǎng dāng xiàn f /Liangdang county in Longnan 隴南|陇南[Long3 nan2], Gansu/ 两德 兩德 S - 0 liǎng Dé f /two Germanies/refers to German Democratic Republic (East Germany) and the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany)/ 两性 兩性 S - 366 liǎng xìng f /the two sexes/bisexual/hermaphrodite/having two characteristics/heterosexual/ 两性动物 兩性動物 S - 0 liǎng xìng dòng wù f /hermaphrodite creature/ 两性差距 兩性差距 S - 0 liǎng xìng chā jù f /disparity between the sexes/ 两性平等 兩性平等 S - 0 liǎng xìng píng děng f /equality between the sexes/ 两性异形 兩性異形 S - 0 liǎng xìng yì xíng f /sexual dimorphism/ 两性花 兩性花 S - 3 liǎng xìng huā f /hermaphrodite flower/ 两情两愿 兩情兩願 S - 0 liǎng qíng liǎng yuàn f /by mutual consent (north China dialect)/ 两情相悦 兩情相悅 S - 3 liǎng qíng xiāng yuè f /(of a couple) to be harmonious/to be each other's sunshine/ 两手不沾阳春水 兩手不沾陽春水 S - 0 liǎng shǒu bù zhān yáng chūn shuǐ f /see 十指不沾陽春水|十指不沾阳春水[shi2 zhi3 bu4 zhan1 yang2 chun1 shui3]/ 两手空空 兩手空空 S - 77 liǎng shǒu kōng kōng f /empty-handed (idiom); fig. not receiving anything/ 两把刷子 兩把刷子 S - 3 liǎng bǎ shuā zi f /ability/skill/ 两方 兩方 S - 589 liǎng fāng f /both sides (in contract)/the two opposing sides (in a dispute)/ 两旁 兩旁 S - 969 liǎng páng f /both sides/either side/ 两星期 兩星期 S - 0 liǎng xīng qī f /fortnight/ 两极 兩極 S - 349 liǎng jí f /the two poles/the north and south poles/both ends of sth/electric or magnetic poles/ 两极分化 兩極分化 S - 3 liǎng jí fēn huà f /polarization/ 两栖 兩棲 S - 587 liǎng qī f /amphibious/dual-talented/able to work in two different lines/ 两栖动物 兩棲動物 S - 43 liǎng qī dòng wù f /amphibian/amphibious animals/ 两栖类 兩棲類 S - 3 liǎng qī lèi f /class Amphibia/amphibians/ 两样 兩樣 S - 292 liǎng yàng f /two kinds/difference/ 两样东西 兩樣東西 S - 0 liǎng yàng dōng xi f /two distinct things/ 两步路 兩步路 S - 0 liǎng bù lù f /a step away/very close/ 两汉 兩漢 S - 194 liǎng Hàn f /Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)/refers to the Western Han and Eastern Han/ 两江道 兩江道 S - 2 Liǎng jiāng dào f /Ryanggang province province in north North Korea, adjacent to Jilin province/ 两河 兩河 S - 212 liǎng hé f /two rivers/Mesopotamia/ 两河文明 兩河文明 S - 0 liǎng hé wén míng f /Mesopotamian civilization/ 两河流域 兩河流域 S - 0 liǎng hé liú yù f /Mesopotamia/ 两清 兩清 S - 14 liǎng qīng f /loan settled (business term)/business complete to the satisfaction of both parties/ 两湖 兩湖 S - 913 Liǎng Hú f /Hubei 湖北 and Hunan 湖南 provinces/ 两点水 兩點水 S - 3 liǎng diǎn shuǐ f /name of "ice" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 15)/see also 冫[bing1]/ 两生类 兩生類 S - 0 liǎng shēng lèi f /class Amphibia/also written 兩棲類|两栖类[liang3 qi1 lei4]/ 两用 兩用 S - 318 liǎng yòng f /dual-use/ 两相 兩相 S - 0 liǎng xiāng t /both sides/ 两相 兩相 S - 0 liǎng xiàng f /two-phase (physics)/ 两相情愿 兩相情願 S - 10 liǎng xiāng qíng yuàn f /both sides are willing/by mutual consent/ 两着儿 兩著兒 S - 0 liǎng zhāo r f /the same old trick/illegal device/ 两码事 兩碼事 S - 53 liǎng mǎ shì f /two quite different things/another kettle of fish/ 两立 兩立 S - 17 liǎng lì f /to coexist/coexistence/ 两端 兩端 S - 700 liǎng duān f /both ends (of a stick etc)/two extremes/ 两者 兩者 S - 3252 liǎng zhě f /both sides/ 两耳不闻窗外事 兩耳不聞窗外事 S - 0 liǎng ěr bù wén chuāng wài shì f /to pay no attention to outside matters/ 两肋插刀 兩肋插刀 S - 14 liǎng lèi chā dāo f /lit. knifes piercing both sides (idiom)/fig. to attach a great importance to friendship, up to the point of being able to sacrifice oneself for it/ 两脚架 兩腳架 S - 0 liǎng jiǎo jià f /bipod (supporting a machine gun etc)/ 两节棍 兩節棍 S - 0 liǎng jié gùn f /nunchaku/ 两虎相争 兩虎相爭 S - 3 liǎng hǔ xiāng zhēng f /two tigers fighting (idiom); fierce contest between evenly matched protagonists/ 两虎相争,必有一伤 兩虎相爭,必有一傷 S - 0 liǎng hǔ xiāng zhēng , bì yǒu yī shāng f /if two tigers fight, one must get injured (idiom); if you start a war, someone is bound to get hurt/ 两虎相斗 兩虎相鬥 S - 3 liǎng hǔ xiāng dòu f /two tigers fight (idiom); fig. a dispute between two major contestants/a battle of the giants/ 两虎相斗,必有一伤 兩虎相鬥,必有一傷 S - 0 liǎng hǔ xiāng dòu , bì yǒu yī shāng f /When two tigers fight, one will get injured (idiom). If it comes to a fight, someone will get hurt./ 两袖清风 兩袖清風 S - 22 liǎng xiù qīng fēng f /lit. both sleeves flowing in the breeze (idiom); having clean hands/uncorrupted/unsoiled by corrupt practices/ 两讫 兩訖 S - 3 liǎng qì f /received and paid for (business term)/the goods delivered and the bill settled/ 两败俱伤 兩敗俱傷 S - 102 liǎng bài jù shāng f /both sides suffer (idiom)/neither side wins/ 两边 兩邊 S - 1634 liǎng bian f /either side/both sides/ 两造 兩造 S - 3 liǎng zào f /both parties (to a lawsuit)/plaintiff and defendant/ 两院 兩院 S - 956 liǎng yuàn f /two chambers (of legislative assembly), e.g. House of Representatives and Senate/ 两院制 兩院制 S - 1310 liǎng yuàn zhì f /bicameralism/bicameral legislative system/ 两难 兩難 S - 56 liǎng nán f /dilemma/quandary/ 两面 兩面 S - 1178 liǎng miàn f /both sides/ 两面三刀 兩面三刀 S - 15 liǎng miàn sān dāo f /two-faced, three knives (idiom); double-cross/double dealing and back stabbing/ 两面派 兩面派 S - 26 liǎng miàn pài f /two-faced person/double-dealing/ 两颊生津 兩頰生津 S - 0 liǎng jiá shēng jīn f /mouth-watering/to whet one's appetite/ 严 嚴 S - 2591 Yán f /surname Yan/ 严 嚴 S - 2591 yán f /tight (closely sealed)/stern/strict/rigorous/severe/father/ 严丝合缝 嚴絲合縫 S - 25 yán sī hé fèng f /to fit tightly (idiom)/to join seamlessly/to fit snugly/ 严严实实 嚴嚴實實 S - 217 yán yán shí shí f /(sealed) tightly/(wrapped) closely/(covered) completely/ 严了眼儿 嚴了眼兒 S - 0 yán le yǎn r f /up to the eyeballs/full to overflowing/jampacked/ 严于律己 嚴於律己 S - 20 yán yú lǜ jǐ f /to be strict with oneself/ 严以律己 嚴以律己 S - 10 yǎn yǐ lǜ jǐ f /to be strict with oneself (idiom)/to demand a lot of oneself/ 严以责己宽以待人 嚴以責己寬以待人 S - 0 yán yǐ zé jǐ kuān yǐ dài rén f /to be severe with oneself and lenient with others (idiom)/ 严冬 嚴冬 S - 80 yán dōng f /severe winter/ 严刑 嚴刑 S - 339 yán xíng f /strict law/cruel punishment/to carry out cruel law rigorously/ 严刑拷打 嚴刑拷打 S - 3 yán xíng kǎo dǎ f /torture/interrogation by torture/ 严加 嚴加 S - 274 yán jiā f /sternly/strictly/harshly/stringently/rigorously/ 严厉 嚴厲 S 3261 1260 yán lì f /severe/strict/ 严厉打击 嚴厲打擊 S - 3 yán lì dǎ jī f /to strike a severe blow/to crack down/to take strong measures/ 严厉批评 嚴厲批評 S - 3 yán lì pī píng f /to criticize severely/to slate/ 严复 嚴復 S - 93 Yán Fù f /Yan Fu (1853-1921), influential Chinese writer and translator of Western books, esp. on social sciences/ 严守 嚴守 S - 468 yán shǒu f /to strictly maintain/ 严实 嚴實 S - 53 yán shi f /(sealed) tight/close/(hidden) safely/securely/ 严密 嚴密 S 3675 977 yán mì f /strict/tight (organization, surveillance etc)/ 严寒 嚴寒 S 4752 513 yán hán f /bitter cold/severe winter/ 严岛 嚴島 S - 0 Yán dǎo f /Itsukushima island in Hiroshima prefecture, Japan, with a famous shrine/ 严岛神社 嚴島神社 S - 0 Yán dǎo shén shè f /Itsukujima shrine in Hiroshima prefecture, Japan/ 严峻 嚴峻 S 4045 1241 yán jùn f /grim/severe/rigorous/ 严惩 嚴懲 S - 375 yán chéng f /to punish severely/ 严惩不贷 嚴懲不貸 S - 36 yán chéng bù dài f /to punish severely (idiom)/ 严慈 嚴慈 S - 0 yán cí f /strict and compassionate/strict as a father and tender as a mother/ 严打 嚴打 S - 41 yán dǎ f /to crack down on/to take severe measures against/ 严把 嚴把 S - 0 yán bǎ f /to be strict/to enforce vigorously (procedures, quality control etc)/ 严整 嚴整 S - 384 yán zhěng f /(of troops) in neat formation/(fig.) orderly/ 严斥 嚴斥 S - 3 yán chì f /to scold/to censure/ 严明 嚴明 S - 226 yán míng f /strict and impartial/firm/ 严查 嚴查 S - 62 yán chá f /to investigate strictly/ 严格 嚴格 S 1029 4728 yán gé f /strict/stringent/tight/rigorous/ 严格按照 嚴格按照 S - 0 yán gé àn zhào f /strictly according to/ 严格来讲 嚴格來講 S - 0 yán gé lái jiǎng f /strictly speaking/ 严格来说 嚴格來說 S - 3 yán gé lái shuō f /strictly speaking/ 严格隔离 嚴格隔離 S - 0 yán gé gé lí f /rigorous isolation/ 严正 嚴正 S - 327 yán zhèng f /sternly/solemn/ 严父 嚴父 S - 23 yán fù f /strict or stern father/ 严禁 嚴禁 S 4361 552 yán jìn f /to strictly prohibit/ 严竣 嚴竣 S - 3 yán jùn f /tight/strict/severe/stern/difficult/ 严紧 嚴緊 S - 22 yán jǐn f /strict/tight/ 严肃 嚴肅 S 1743 1650 yán sù f /solemn/grave/serious/earnest/severe/ 严苛 嚴苛 S - 26 yán kē f /severe/harsh/ 严词 嚴詞 S - 46 yán cí f /forceful (criticism etc)/to use strong words/ 严谨 嚴謹 S - 742 yán jǐn f /rigorous/strict/careful/cautious/compact/well-knit/ 严辞 嚴辭 S - 6 yán cí f /stern words/ 严酷 嚴酷 S - 307 yán kù f /bitter/harsh/grim/ruthless/severe/cut-throat (competition)/ 严重 嚴重 S 772 10445 yán zhòng f /grave/serious/severe/critical/ 严重关切 嚴重關切 S - 0 yán zhòng guān qiè f /serious concern/ 严重危害 嚴重危害 S - 3 yán zhòng wēi hài f /severe harm/critical danger/ 严重后果 嚴重後果 S - 3 yán zhòng hòu guǒ f /grave consequence/serious repercussion/ 严重急性呼吸系统综合症 嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合症 S - 0 yán zhòng jí xìng hū xī xì tǒng zōng hé zhèng f /severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)/ 严重性 嚴重性 S - 158 yán zhòng xìng f /seriousness/ 严重破坏 嚴重破壞 S - 3 yán zhòng pò huài f /serious damage/ 严重问题 嚴重問題 S - 0 yán zhòng wèn tí f /serious problem/ 严防 嚴防 S - 99 yán fáng f /to take strict precautions/on your guard/ 严饬 嚴飭 S - 0 yán chì f /careful/precise/ 並 并 T - 93868 bìng f /and/furthermore/also/together with/(not) at all/simultaneously/to combine/to join/to merge/ 並不 并不 T - 0 bìng bù f /not at all/emphatically not/ 並不在乎 并不在乎 T - 0 bìng bù zài hu f /really does not care/ 並且 并且 T 716 8563 bìng qiě f /and/besides/moreover/furthermore/in addition/ 並入 并入 T - 749 bìng rù f /to merge into/to incorporate in/ 並列 并列 T 4784 434 bìng liè f /to stand side by side/to be juxtaposed/ 並口 并口 T - 0 bìng kǒu f /parallel port (computing)/ 並坐 并坐 T - 0 bìng zuò f /to sit together/ 並存 并存 T - 348 bìng cún f /to exist at the same time/to coexist/ 並把 并把 T - 0 bìng bǎ f /to include/ 並排 并排 T - 191 bìng pái f /side by side/abreast/ 並條 并条 T - 0 bìng tiáo f /drawing (textile industry)/ 並激 并激 T - 0 bìng jī f /parallel excitation/shunt excitation/shunt-wound (e.g. electric generator)/ 並稱 并称 T - 331 bìng chēng f /joint name/combined name/ 並立 并立 T - 31 bìng lì f /to exist side by side/to exist simultaneously/ 並系群 并系群 T - 0 bìng xì qún f /paraphyletic group/ 並聯 并联 T - 66 bìng lián f /parallel connection/ 並肩 并肩 T - 641 bìng jiān f /alongside/shoulder to shoulder/side by side/abreast/ 並臻 并臻 T - 0 bìng zhēn f /to arrive simultaneously/ 並舉 并举 T - 195 bìng jǔ f /to develop simultaneously/to undertake concurrently/ 並蒂蓮 并蒂莲 T - 2 bìng dì lián f /lit. twin lotus flowers on one stalk/fig. a devoted married couple/ 並處 并处 T - 45 bìng chǔ f /to impose an additional penalty/ 並行 并行 T - 475 bìng xíng f /to proceed in parallel/side by side (of two processes, developments, thoughts etc)/ 並行不悖 并行不悖 T - 14 bìng xíng bù bèi f /to run in parallel without hindrance/not mutually exclusive/two processes can be implemented without conflict/ 並行口 并行口 T - 3 bìng xíng kǒu f /parallel port (computing)/ 並行程序 并行程序 T - 2 bìng xíng chéng xù f /parallel program/ 並行計算 并行计算 T - 3 bìng xíng jì suàn f /parallel computing/ 並進 并进 T - 148 bìng jìn f /to advance together/ 並重 并重 T - 165 bìng zhòng f /to lay equal stress on/to pay equal attention to/ 並非 并非 T 2675 3812 bìng fēi f /really isn't/ 並駕齊驅 并驾齐驱 T - 57 bìng jià qí qū f /to run neck and neck/to keep pace with/to keep abreast of/on a par with one another/ 丧 喪 S - 1013 sāng f /mourning/funeral/(old) corpse/ 丧 喪 S - 1013 sàng t /to lose sth abstract but important (courage, authority, one's life etc)/to be bereaved of (one's spouse etc)/to die/disappointed/discouraged/ 丧乱 喪亂 S - 24 sāng luàn f /tragic disaster/disturbance and bloodshed/ 丧事 喪事 S - 298 sāng shì f /funeral arrangements/ 丧亡 喪亡 S - 8 sàng wáng f /to die/ 丧亲 喪親 S - 0 sàng qīn f /bereavement/to lose a relative/ 丧仪 喪儀 S - 0 sāng yí f /funeral ceremony/ 丧假 喪假 S - 3 sāng jià f /funeral leave/ 丧偶 喪偶 S - 20 sàng ǒu f /bereaved of one's spouse (literary)/ 丧命 喪命 S - 200 sàng mìng f /to lose one's life/ 丧天害理 喪天害理 S - 3 sàng tiān hài lǐ f /devoid of conscience (idiom)/ 丧失 喪失 S 3111 1693 sàng shī f /to lose/to forfeit/ 丧失殆尽 喪失殆盡 S - 3 sàng shī dài jìn f /to be used up/to be exhausted/ 丧妻 喪妻 S - 3 sàng qī f /deceased wife/ 丧家之犬 喪家之犬 S - 20 sàng jiā zhī quǎn f /stray dog (idiom)/ 丧家之狗 喪家之狗 S - 6 sàng jiā zhī gǒu f /see 喪家之犬|丧家之犬[sang4 jia1 zhi1 quan3]/ 丧尸 喪屍 S - 3 sāng shī f /zombie/ 丧尽 喪盡 S - 0 sàng jìn f /to completely lose (one's dignity, vitality etc)/ 丧尽天良 喪盡天良 S - 31 sàng jìn tiān liáng f /devoid of conscience (idiom); utterly heartless/ 丧德 喪德 S - 0 sàng dé f /wicked/offending morality/ 丧心病狂 喪心病狂 S - 26 sàng xīn bìng kuáng f /frenzied (idiom); completely crazy and ridiculous/loss of reason/insane/crazed cruelty/ 丧志 喪志 S - 6 sàng zhì f /to become demoralized/to lose one's sense of purpose/ 丧服 喪服 S - 72 sāng fú f /mourning garment/ 丧权辱国 喪權辱國 S - 174 sàng quán rǔ guó f /to forfeit sovereignty and humiliate the country (idiom)/to surrender territory under humiliating terms/ 丧梆 喪梆 S - 0 sàng bāng f /cold and offensive (talk or manner)/ 丧棒 喪棒 S - 0 sāng bàng f /funeral stick (held by the son as a sign of filial piety)/ 丧气 喪氣 S - 70 sàng qì t /to feel disheartened/ 丧气 喪氣 S - 70 sàng qi f /unlucky/ 丧气话 喪氣話 S - 9 sàng qì huà f /demoralizing talk/ 丧气鬼 喪氣鬼 S - 0 sàng qì guǐ f /downcast wretch/bad-tempered and unpleasant person/ 丧父 喪父 S - 73 sàng fù f /to be orphaned of one's father/ 丧生 喪生 S - 229 sàng shēng f /to die/to lose one's life/ 丧礼 喪禮 S - 33 sāng lǐ f /funeral/ 丧胆 喪膽 S - 48 sàng dǎn f /panic-stricken/scared out of one's wits/ 丧荒 喪荒 S - 0 sāng huāng f /mourning ceremonial/ 丧葬 喪葬 S - 97 sāng zàng f /funeral/burial/ 丧葬费 喪葬費 S - 9 sāng zàng fèi f /funeral expenses/ 丧钟 喪鐘 S - 28 sāng zhōng f /knell/ 丧门星 喪門星 S - 8 sāng mén xīng f /messenger of death (cf Irish banshee)/person bringing bad luck/ 丧门神 喪門神 S - 13 sāng mén shén f /messenger of death (cf Irish banshee)/person bringing bad luck/ 丧魂失魄 喪魂失魄 S - 21 sàng hún shī pò f /distraught/dazed/ 丧魂落魄 喪魂落魄 S - 17 sàng hún luò pò f /scared out of one's wits (idiom); in a panic/ 丨 - 61 gǔn t /radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 2)/ 丨 - 61 shù f /see 豎筆|竖笔[shu4 bi3]/ 丩 - 0 jiū f /archaic variant of 糾|纠[jiu1]/ 个 個 S 24 125538 gè f /individual/this/that/size/classifier for people or objects in general/ 个 箇 S 24 125538 gè f /variant of 個|个[ge4]/ 个个 個個 S - 1842 gè gè f /each one individually/each and every/ 个中 個中 S - 0 gè zhōng f /therein/in this/ 个中人 個中人 S - 0 gè zhōng rén f /a person in the know/ 个人 個人 S 1280 12744 gè rén f /individual/personal/oneself/ 个人主义 個人主義 S - 86 gè rén zhǔ yì f /individualism/ 个人伤害 個人傷害 S - 0 gè rén shāng hài f /personal injury/ 个人储蓄 個人儲蓄 S - 0 gè rén chǔ xù f /personal savings/ 个人崇拜 個人崇拜 S - 216 gè rén chóng bài f /personality cult/ 个人数字助理 個人數字助理 S - 12 gè rén shù zì zhù lǐ f /personal digital assistant (PDA)/ 个人电脑 個人電腦 S - 92 gè rén diàn nǎo f /personal computer/PC/ 个人赛 個人賽 S - 25 gè rén sài f /individual competition/individual race/ 个人防护装备 個人防護裝備 S - 0 gè rén fáng hù zhuāng bèi f /individual protective equipment/ 个人隐私 個人隱私 S - 3 gè rén yǐn sī f /personal privacy/private matters/ 个位 個位 S - 26 gè wèi f /the units place (or column) in the decimal system/ 个体 個體 S 4016 2407 gè tǐ f /individual/ 个体户 個體戶 S - 116 gè tǐ hù f /self-employed/a private firm (PRC usage)/ 个体经济 個體經濟 S - 99 gè tǐ jīng jì f /economics of a self-employed individual or private firm/ 个例 個例 S - 25 gè lì f /specific example/rare instance/ 个儿 個兒 S - 304 gè r f /size/height/stature/ 个别 個別 S 2277 3125 gè bié f /individual/specific/respective/just one or two/ 个头 個頭 S - 540 gè tóu t /size/height/ 个头 個頭 S - 540 ge tóu f /(coll.) (suffix) my ass!/yeah, right!/ 个头儿 個頭兒 S - 25 gè tóu r f /size/height/stature/ 个子 個子 S 582 403 gè zi f /height/stature/build/size/ 个展 個展 S - 18 gè zhǎn f /a one-person exhibition/ 个性 個性 S 1650 1531 gè xìng f /individuality/personality/ 个性化 個性化 S - 308 gè xìng huà f /to personalize/to customize/customization/ 个把 個把 S - 0 gè bǎ f /one or two/a couple of/ 个旧 個舊 S - 69 Gè jiù f /Gejiu, county level city in Yunnan, capital of Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous county 紅河哈尼族彞族自治州|红河哈尼族彝族自治州[Hong2 he2 Ha1 ni2 zu2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ 个旧市 個舊市 S - 8 Gè jiù shì f /Gejiu, county level city in Yunnan, capital of Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous county 紅河哈尼族彞族自治州|红河哈尼族彝族自治州/ 个案 個案 S - 99 gè àn f /a case/an individual case/case-by-case/ 个股 個股 S - 774 gè gǔ f /share (in a listed company)/ 丫 - 227 yā f /fork/branch/bifurcation/girl/ 丫头 丫頭 S - 1652 yā tou f /girl/servant girl/(used deprecatingly, but sometimes also as a term of endearment)/ 丫头片子 丫頭片子 S - 0 yā tou piàn zi f /(coll.) silly girl/little girl/ 丫巴儿 丫巴兒 S - 0 yā bā r f /fork (of a tree, road, argument etc)/bifurcation/fork junction/ 丫巴兒 丫巴儿 T - 0 yā bā r f /fork (of a tree, road, argument etc)/bifurcation/fork junction/ 丫挺 - 0 yā tǐng f /(Beijing dialect) bastard/damned/ 丫杈 - 3 yā chà f /fork (of a tree)/tool made of forked wood/ 丫环 丫環 S - 332 yā huan f /servant girl/maid/ 丫環 丫环 T - 332 yā huan f /servant girl/maid/ 丫頭 丫头 T - 1652 yā tou f /girl/servant girl/(used deprecatingly, but sometimes also as a term of endearment)/ 丫頭片子 丫头片子 T - 0 yā tou piàn zi f /(coll.) silly girl/little girl/ 丫髻 - 14 yā jì f /bun (of hair)/topknot/ 丫鬟 - 399 yā huan f /servant girl/maid/ 丬 爿 S - 140 qiáng f /"piece of wood" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 90), mirror image of 片[pian4]/ 中 - 243191 Zhōng t /China/Chinese/surname Zhong/ 中 - 243191 zhōng t /within/among/in/middle/center/while (doing sth)/during/(dialect) OK/all right/ 中 - 243191 zhòng f /to hit (the mark)/to be hit by/to suffer/to win (a prize, a lottery)/ 中专 中專 S - 775 zhōng zhuān f /vocational secondary school/technical secondary school/trade school/abbr. for 中等專科學校|中等专科学校/ 中世紀 中世纪 T - 859 zhōng shì jì f /medieval/Middle Ages/ 中世纪 中世紀 S - 859 zhōng shì jì f /medieval/Middle Ages/ 中东 中東 S - 1159 Zhōng dōng f /Middle East/ 中举 中舉 S - 75 zhòng jǔ f /to pass the provincial level imperial examination/ 中乐透 中樂透 S - 0 zhòng lè tòu f /to win at the lottery/ 中亚 中亞 S - 1078 Zhōng Yà f /Central Asia/ 中亚夜鹰 中亞夜鷹 S - 0 Zhōng yà yè yīng f /(bird species of China) Vaurie's nightjar (Caprimulgus centralasicus)/ 中亚细亚 中亞細亞 S - 0 Zhōng Yà xì yà f /Central Asia/ 中亚草原 中亞草原 S - 0 Zhōng Yà cǎo yuán f /Central Asian grasslands/ 中亚鸽 中亞鴿 S - 0 Zhōng yà gē f /(bird species of China) yellow-eyed pigeon (Columba eversmanni)/ 中亞 中亚 T - 1078 Zhōng Yà f /Central Asia/ 中亞夜鷹 中亚夜鹰 T - 0 Zhōng yà yè yīng f /(bird species of China) Vaurie's nightjar (Caprimulgus centralasicus)/ 中亞細亞 中亚细亚 T - 0 Zhōng Yà xì yà f /Central Asia/ 中亞草原 中亚草原 T - 0 Zhōng Yà cǎo yuán f /Central Asian grasslands/ 中亞鴿 中亚鸽 T - 0 Zhōng yà gē f /(bird species of China) yellow-eyed pigeon (Columba eversmanni)/ 中产 中產 S - 155 zhōng chǎn f /middle class/bourgeois/ 中产阶级 中產階級 S - 574 zhōng chǎn jiē jí f /middle class/ 中人 - 230 zhōng rén f /go-between/mediator/intermediary/ 中介 2378 606 zhōng jiè f /to act as intermediary/to link/intermediate/inter-/agency/agent/ 中介所 - 0 zhōng jiè suǒ f /agency/ 中企业 中企業 S - 0 zhōng qǐ yè f /medium sized enterprise/ 中企業 中企业 T - 0 zhōng qǐ yè f /medium sized enterprise/ 中伏 - 51 zhōng fú f /last ten days of July and first ten days of August, the second of 三伏 sān fú, three hottest periods of the year/ 中伤 中傷 S - 33 zhòng shāng f /to slander/to smear/ 中位数 中位數 S - 33 zhōng wèi shù f /median/ 中位數 中位数 T - 33 zhōng wèi shù f /median/ 中低端 - 22 zhōng dī duān f /mid-to-low-range/ 中体西用 中體西用 S - 20 Zhōng tǐ Xī yòng f /adopting Western knowledge for its practical uses while keeping Chinese values as the core/ 中俄 - 3 Zhōng E f /China-Russia/ 中俄伊犁条约 中俄伊犁條約 S - 0 Zhōng E Yī lí Tiáo yuē f /Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881, whereby Russia handed back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment and unequal treaty rights/ 中俄伊犁條約 中俄伊犁条约 T - 0 Zhōng E Yī lí Tiáo yuē f /Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881, whereby Russia handed back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment and unequal treaty rights/ 中俄关系 中俄關系 S - 3 Zhōng E guān xì f /Sino-Russian relations/ 中俄北京条约 中俄北京條約 S - 0 Zhōng E Běi jīng Tiáo yuē f /the Treaty of Beijing of 1860 between Qing China and Tsarist Russia/ 中俄北京條約 中俄北京条约 T - 0 Zhōng E Běi jīng Tiáo yuē f /the Treaty of Beijing of 1860 between Qing China and Tsarist Russia/ 中俄尼布楚条约 中俄尼布楚條約 S - 0 Zhōng E Ní bù chǔ Tiáo yuē f /Treaty of Nerchinsk (1698) between Qing China and Russia/ 中俄尼布楚條約 中俄尼布楚条约 T - 0 Zhōng E Ní bù chǔ Tiáo yuē f /Treaty of Nerchinsk (1698) between Qing China and Russia/ 中俄改訂條約 中俄改订条约 T - 0 Zhōng E Gǎi dìng Tiáo yuē f /Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881, whereby Russia handed back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment and unequal treaty rights/ 中俄改订条约 中俄改訂條約 S - 0 Zhōng E Gǎi dìng Tiáo yuē f /Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881, whereby Russia handed back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment and unequal treaty rights/ 中俄边界协议 中俄邊界協議 S - 0 Zhōng E biān jiè xié yì f /Sino-Russian Border Agreement of 1991/ 中俄邊界協議 中俄边界协议 T - 0 Zhōng E biān jiè xié yì f /Sino-Russian Border Agreement of 1991/ 中俄關系 中俄关系 T - 3 Zhōng E guān xì f /Sino-Russian relations/ 中保 - 66 zhòng bǎo f /advocate/ 中信銀行 中信银行 T - 13 Zhōng xìn Yín háng f /China CITIC Bank/ 中信银行 中信銀行 S - 13 Zhōng xìn Yín háng f /China CITIC Bank/ 中值定理 - 0 zhōng zhí dìng lǐ f /mean value theorem (in calculus)/ 中傷 中伤 T - 33 zhòng shāng f /to slander/to smear/ 中元 - 37 Zhōng yuán f /Ghost Festival on 15th day of 7th lunar month when offerings are made to the deceased/ 中元普渡 - 0 zhōng yuán pǔ dù f /Ghosts' festival on 15th day of 7th moon/ 中元節 中元节 T - 10 Zhōng yuán jié f /Ghost Festival on 15th day of 7th lunar month when offerings are made to the deceased/ 中元节 中元節 S - 10 Zhōng yuán jié f /Ghost Festival on 15th day of 7th lunar month when offerings are made to the deceased/ 中共 - 3136 Zhōng Gòng f /abbr. for 中國共產黨|中国共产党[Zhong1 guo2 Gong4 chan3 dang3], Chinese Communist Party/ 中共中央 - 3917 Zhōng Gòng Zhōng yāng f /Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, abbr. for 中國共產黨中央委員會|中国共产党中央委员会[Zhong1 guo2 Gong4 chan3 dang3 Zhong1 yang1 Wei3 yuan2 hui4]/ 中共中央办公厅 中共中央辦公廳 S - 45 Zhōng Gòng Zhōng yāng Bàn gōng tīng f /General Office of the Central Committee of the CPC, responsible for technical and logistical matters relating to the Central Committee/abbr. to 中辦|中办[Zhong1 Ban4]/ 中共中央宣传部 中共中央宣傳部 S - 51 Zhōng gòng Zhōng yāng Xuān chuán bù f /Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China/ 中共中央宣傳部 中共中央宣传部 T - 51 Zhōng gòng Zhōng yāng Xuān chuán bù f /Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China/ 中共中央紀委監察部 中共中央纪委监察部 T - 0 zhōng gòng zhōng yāng jì wěi jiān chá bù f /party discipline committee/ 中共中央紀律檢查委員會 中共中央纪律检查委员会 T - 7 Zhōng Gòng Zhōng yāng Jì lǜ Jiǎn chá Wěi yuán huì f /Disciplinary Committee of Chinese Communist Party/ 中共中央組織部 中共中央组织部 T - 12 Zhōng Gòng Zhōng yāng Zǔ zhī bù f /Organization Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, which oversees appointments of Party members to official positions throughout China/abbr. to 中組部|中组部[Zhong1 zu3 bu4]/ 中共中央纪委监察部 中共中央紀委監察部 S - 0 zhōng gòng zhōng yāng jì wěi jiān chá bù f /party discipline committee/ 中共中央纪律检查委员会 中共中央紀律檢查委員會 S - 7 Zhōng Gòng Zhōng yāng Jì lǜ Jiǎn chá Wěi yuán huì f /Disciplinary Committee of Chinese Communist Party/ 中共中央组织部 中共中央組織部 S - 12 Zhōng Gòng Zhōng yāng Zǔ zhī bù f /Organization Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, which oversees appointments of Party members to official positions throughout China/abbr. to 中組部|中组部[Zhong1 zu3 bu4]/ 中共中央辦公廳 中共中央办公厅 T - 45 Zhōng Gòng Zhōng yāng Bàn gōng tīng f /General Office of the Central Committee of the CPC, responsible for technical and logistical matters relating to the Central Committee/abbr. to 中辦|中办[Zhong1 Ban4]/ 中共九大 - 0 zhōng gòng jiǔ dà f /Chinese Communist Party 9th congress in 1969/ 中关村 中關村 S - 153 Zhōng guān cūn f /Zhongguancun neighborhood of Beijing, containing Peking University, famous for electronics shops and bookstores/ 中兴 中興 S - 684 zhōng xīng f /resurgence/recovery/restoration/ 中兴新村 中興新村 S - 3 Zhōng xīng Xīn cūn f /Chung-hsing New Village, model town in Nantou County, west-central Taiwan, administrative seat of the Taiwan Provincial Government/ 中农 中農 S - 63 Zhōng nóng f /Chinese agriculture/ 中前卫 中前衛 S - 0 zhōng qián wèi f /center forward (soccer position)/ 中前衛 中前卫 T - 0 zhōng qián wèi f /center forward (soccer position)/ 中办 中辦 S - 10 Zhōng Bàn f /General Office of the Central Committee of the CPC/abbr. for 中共中央辦公廳|中共中央办公厅[Zhong1 gong4 Zhong1 yang1 Ban4 gong1 ting1]/ 中北大学 中北大學 S - 3 Zhōng běi Dà xué f /North University of China (Shanxi)/ 中北大學 中北大学 T - 3 Zhōng běi Dà xué f /North University of China (Shanxi)/ 中北部 - 109 zhōng běi bù f /north central area/ 中区 中區 S - 26 zhōng qū f /central district (of a city)/central zone/ 中医 中醫 S - 1034 Zhōng yī f /traditional Chinese medical science/a doctor trained in Chinese medicine/ 中医学 中醫學 S - 99 Zhōng yī xué f /traditional Chinese medicine/TCM/ 中區 中区 T - 26 zhōng qū f /central district (of a city)/central zone/ 中午 142 1449 zhōng wǔ f /noon/midday/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 中华 中華 S - 2446 Zhōng huá f /China (alternate formal name)/ 中华人民共和国 中華人民共和國 S - 9989 Zhōng huá Rén mín Gòng hé guó f /People's Republic of China/ 中华仙鹟 中華仙鶲 S - 0 Zhōng huá xiān wēng f /(bird species of China) Chinese blue flycatcher (Cyornis glaucicomans)/ 中华全国体育总会 中華全國體育總會 S - 18 Zhōng huá Quán guó Tǐ yù Zǒng huì f /All-China Sports Federation/ 中华全国妇女联合会 中華全國婦女聯合會 S - 8 Zhōng huá Quán guó Fù nǚ Lián hé huì f /All-China Women's Federation (PRC, established 1949)/ 中华全国总工会 中華全國總工會 S - 72 Zhōng huá Quán guó Zǒng gōng huì f /All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU)/ 中华台北 中華臺北 S - 0 Zhōng huá Tái běi f /Chinese Taipei, name for Taiwan to which the PRC and Taiwan agreed for the purpose of participation in international events/ 中华字海 中華字海 S - 0 Zhōng huá Zì hǎi f /Zhonghua Zihai, the most comprehensive Chinese character dictionary with 85,568 entries, compiled in 1994/ 中华攀雀 中華攀雀 S - 0 Zhōng huá pān què f /(bird species of China) Chinese penduline tit (Remiz consobrinus)/ 中华民国 中華民國 S - 826 Zhōng huá Mín guó f /Republic of China/ 中华民族 中華民族 S - 2640 Zhōng huá mín zú f /the Chinese people/ 中华田园犬 中華田園犬 S - 0 Zhōng huá tián yuán quǎn f /Chinese rural dog/indigenous dog/mongrel/ 中华电视 中華電視 S - 3 Zhōng huá Diàn shì f /China TV (Taiwan), CTS/ 中华短翅莺 中華短翅鶯 S - 0 Zhōng huá duǎn chì yīng f /(bird species of China) Chinese bush warbler (Locustella tacsanowskia)/ 中华秋沙鸭 中華秋沙鴨 S - 0 Zhōng huá qiū shā yā f /(bird species of China) scaly-sided merganser (Mergus squamatus)/ 中华航空公司 中華航空公司 S - 0 Zhōng huá Háng kōng Gōng sī f /China Airlines (Taiwan)/abbr. to 華航|华航[Hua2 hang2]/ 中华苏维埃共和国 中華蘇維埃共和國 S - 121 Zhōng huá Sū wéi āi Gòng hé guó f /Chinese Soviet Republic (1931-1937)/ 中华鹧鸪 中華鷓鴣 S - 0 Zhōng huá zhè gū f /(bird species of China) Chinese francolin (Francolinus pintadeanus)/ 中华龙鸟 中華龍鳥 S - 0 Zhōng huá lóng niǎo f /Sinosauropteryx/ 中南 - 618 Zhōng Nán f /Central South (Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan)/abbr. for China-South Africa/ 中南半岛 中南半島 S - 3 Zhōng nán Bàn dǎo f /Indochina peninsula/lit. China South peninsula/ 中南半島 中南半岛 T - 3 Zhōng nán Bàn dǎo f /Indochina peninsula/lit. China South peninsula/ 中南海 - 359 Zhōng nán hǎi f /Zhongnanhai, palace adjacent to the Forbidden City, now the central headquarters of the Communist Party and the State Council/ 中南部 - 1011 zhōng nán bù f /south central region/ 中卫 中衛 S - 68 Zhōng wèi f /Zhongwei prefecture level city in Ningxia/ 中卫市 中衛市 S - 3 Zhōng wèi shì f /Zhongwei prefecture level city in Ningxia/ 中印 - 3 Zhōng Yìn f /China-India/ 中印半岛 中印半島 S - 0 Zhōng yìn Bàn dǎo f /Indochina peninsula/also written 中南半島|中南半岛[Zhong1 nan2 Ban4 dao3]/ 中印半島 中印半岛 T - 0 Zhōng yìn Bàn dǎo f /Indochina peninsula/also written 中南半島|中南半岛[Zhong1 nan2 Ban4 dao3]/ 中厅 中廳 S - 3 zhōng tīng f /lobby/foyer/CL:間|间[jian1]/ 中压管 中壓管 S - 0 zhōng yā guǎn f /medium pressure tube/middle pressure hose (diving)/ 中原 - 2825 Zhōng yuán f /Central Plain, the middle and lower regions of the Yellow river, including Henan, western Shandong, southern Shanxi and Hebei/ 中原区 中原區 S - 4 Zhōng yuán Qū f /Zhongyuan District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑州市[Zheng4 zhou1 Shi4], Henan/ 中原區 中原区 T - 4 Zhōng yuán Qū f /Zhongyuan District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑州市[Zheng4 zhou1 Shi4], Henan/ 中原大学 中原大學 S - 3 Zhōng yuán Dà xué f /Chung Yuan Christian University, in Taiwan/ 中原大學 中原大学 T - 3 Zhōng yuán Dà xué f /Chung Yuan Christian University, in Taiwan/ 中古 - 138 Zhōng Gǔ f /Sino-Cuban/China-Cuba/ 中古 - 138 zhōng gǔ f /medieval/Middle Ages/Chinese middle antiquity, 3rd to 9th centuries, including Sui and Tang Dynasties/Middle (of a language, e.g. Middle English)/used/second-hand/ 中古汉语 中古漢語 S - 0 zhōng gǔ Hàn yǔ f /Middle Chinese (linguistics)/ 中古漢語 中古汉语 T - 0 zhōng gǔ Hàn yǔ f /Middle Chinese (linguistics)/ 中台 中臺 S - 19 Zhōng Tái f /China and Taiwan/ 中叶 中葉 S - 1329 zhōng yè f /mid- (e.g. mid-century)/middle period/ 中号 中號 S - 12 zhōng hào f /medium-sized/ 中向性格 - 0 zhōng xiàng xìng gé f /ambiversion/ambiverted/ 中听 中聽 S - 0 zhōng tīng f /pleasant to hear (i.e. agreeable news)/to one's liking/music to one's ears/Taiwan pr. [zhong4 ting1]/ 中和 - 567 Zhōng hé f /Zhonghe or Chungho city in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 中和 - 567 zhōng hé f /to neutralize/to counteract/neutralization (chemistry)/ 中和剂 中和劑 S - 3 zhōng hé jì f /neutralizing agent/neutralizer/ 中和劑 中和剂 T - 3 zhōng hé jì f /neutralizing agent/neutralizer/ 中和市 - 3 Zhōng hé shì f /Zhonghe or Chungho city in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 中国 中國 S 128 129470 Zhōng guó f /China/ 中国东方航空 中國東方航空 S - 2 Zhōng guó dōng fāng háng kōng f /China Eastern Airlines/ 中国中央电视台 中國中央電視台 S - 10 Zhōng guó Zhōng yāng Diàn shì tái f /China Central Television (CCTV), PRC state TV network/ 中国中心主义 中國中心主義 S - 0 Zhōng guó zhōng xīn zhǔ yì f /Sinocentrism/ 中国交通建设 中國交通建設 S - 0 Zhōng guó Jiāo tōng Jiàn shè f /China Communications Construction Company/ 中国交通运输协会 中國交通運輸協會 S - 0 Zhōng guó Jiāo tōng Yùn shū Xié huì f /China Communications and Transportation Association (CCTA)/ 中国产 中國產 S - 0 Zhōng guó chǎn f /made in China/home-grown (talent)/ 中国人 中國人 S - 0 Zhōng guó rén f /Chinese person/ 中国人大 中國人大 S - 0 Zhōng guó rén dà f /China National People's Congress/ 中国人权民运信息中心 中國人權民運信息中心 S - 0 Zhōng guó rén quán mín yùn xìn xī zhōng xīn f /Information center for human rights and democracy, Hong Kong/ 中国人权组织 中國人權組織 S - 0 Zhōng guó Rén quán Zǔ zhī f /Human Rights in China (New York based expatriate PRC organization)/ 中国人民大学 中國人民大學 S - 139 Zhōng guó Rén mín Dà xué f /Renmin University of China/ 中国人民对外友好协会 中國人民對外友好協會 S - 9 Zhōng guó Rén mín Duì wài Yǒu hǎo Xié huì f /Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC)/ 中国人民志愿军 中國人民志願軍 S - 136 Zhōng guó rén mín zhì yuàn jūn f /the Chinese People's Volunteer Army deployed by China to aid North Korea in 1950/ 中国人民政治协商会议 中國人民政治協商會議 S - 616 Zhōng guó Rén mín Zhèng zhì Xié shāng Huì yì f /CPPCC (Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)/ 中国人民武装警察部队 中國人民武裝警察部隊 S - 19 Zhōng guó Rén mín Wǔ zhuāng Jǐng chá Bù duì f /Chinese People's Armed Police Force (CAPF)/ 中国人民解放军 中國人民解放軍 S - 1328 Zhōng guó Rén mín Jiě fàng jūn f /Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)/ 中国人民解放军海军 中國人民解放軍海軍 S - 26 Zhōng guó Rén mín Jiě fàng jūn Hǎi jūn f /Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN)/ 中国人民解放军空军 中國人民解放軍空軍 S - 15 Zhōng guó Rén mín Jiě fàng jūn Kōng jūn f /People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF)/ 中国人民银行 中國人民銀行 S - 230 Zhōng guó Rén mín Yín háng f /People's Bank of China/ 中国伊斯兰教协会 中國伊斯蘭教協會 S - 8 Zhōng guó Yī sī lán jiào Xié huì f /Chinese Patriotic Islamic Association/ 中国传媒大学 中國傳媒大學 S - 0 Zhōng guó Chuán méi Dà xué f /Communication University of China (CUC), the highest institute of radio, film and television education in China/ 中国作协 中國作協 S - 12 Zhōng guó Zuò Xié f /China Writers Association (CWA)/abbr. for 中國作家協會|中国作家协会[Zhong1 guo2 Zuo4 jia1 Xie2 hui4]/ 中国作家协会 中國作家協會 S - 81 Zhōng guó Zuò jiā Xié huì f /China Writers Association (CWA)/ 中国保险监督管理委员会 中國保險監督管理委員會 S - 3 Zhōng guó Bǎo xiǎn Jiān dū Guǎn lǐ Wěi yuán huì f /China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC)/ 中国光大银行 中國光大銀行 S - 4 Zhōng guó Guāng dà Yín háng f /China Everbright Bank/ 中国共产主义青年团 中國共產主義青年團 S - 71 Zhōng guó Gòng chǎn zhǔ yì Qīng nián tuán f /Communist Youth League of China/China Youth League/ 中国共产党 中國共產黨 S - 6832 Zhōng guó Gòng chǎn dǎng f /Communist Party of China/ 中国共产党中央委员会 中國共產黨中央委員會 S - 297 Zhōng guó Gòng chǎn dǎng Zhōng yāng Wěi yuán huì f /Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, abbr. to 中共中央[Zhong1 Gong4 Zhong1 yang1]/ 中国共产党中央委员会宣传部 中國共產黨中央委員會宣傳部 S - 0 Zhōng guó Gòng chǎn dǎng Zhōng yāng Wěi yuán huì Xuān chuán bù f /Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China/ 中国农业银行 中國農業銀行 S - 66 Zhōng guó Nóng yè Yín háng f /Agricultural Bank of China/ 中国制造 中國製造 S - 0 Zhōng guó zhì zào f /made in China/ 中国剩余定理 中國剩餘定理 S - 0 Zhōng guó shèng yú dìng lǐ f /Chinese remainder theorem (math.)/ 中国化 中國化 S - 59 Zhōng guó huà f /to sinicize/to take on Chinese characteristics/ 中国北方工业公司 中國北方工業公司 S - 8 Zhōng guó Běi fāng Gōng yè Gōng sī f /China North Industries Corporation (Norinco)/ 中国历史博物馆 中國歷史博物館 S - 546 Zhōng guó Lì shǐ Bó wù guǎn f /Museum of Chinese History/ 中国同盟会 中國同盟會 S - 46 Zhōng guó Tóng méng huì f /Tongmenghui, Sun Yat-sen's alliance for democracy, founded 1905, became the Guomindang 國民黨|国民党 in 1912/ 中国国家博物馆 中國國家博物館 S - 0 Zhōng guó Guó jiā Bó wù guǎn f /National Museum of China/ 中国国家原子能机构 中國國家原子能機構 S - 0 Zhōng guó Guó jiā Yuán zǐ néng Jī gòu f /China Atomic Energy Agency (CAEA)/ 中国国家地震局 中國國家地震局 S - 0 Zhōng guó Guó jiā dì zhèn jú f /China earthquake administration (CEA)/State seismological bureau/ 中国国家环保局 中國國家環保局 S - 0 Zhōng guó Guó jiā Huán bǎo jú f /PRC State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA)/ 中国国家环境保护总局 中國國家環境保護總局 S - 0 Zhōng guó Guó jiā Huán jìng Bǎo hù Zǒng jú f /PRC State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA)/ 中国国家航天局 中國國家航天局 S - 2 Zhōng guó Guó jiā Háng tiān jú f /China National Space Administration (CNSA)/ 中国国民党革命委员会 中國國民黨革命委員會 S - 70 Zhōng guó Guó mín dǎng Gé mìng Wěi yuán huì f /Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang/ 中国国防科技信息中心 中國國防科技信息中心 S - 0 Zhōng guó Guó fáng Kē jì Xìn xī Zhōng xīn f /China Defense Science and Technology Information Center (CDSTIC)/ 中国国际信托投资公司 中國國際信托投資公司 S - 8 Zhōng guó Guó jì Xìn tuō Tóu zī gōng sī f /CITIC/Chinese International Trust and Investment Company/ 中国国际广播电台 中國國際廣播電台 S - 13 Zhōng guó Guó jì Guǎng bō Diàn tái f /China Radio International/CRI/ 中国国际航空公司 中國國際航空公司 S - 12 Zhōng guó Guó jì Háng kōng Gōng sī f /Air China Ltd./ 中国国际贸易促进委员会 中國國際貿易促進委員會 S - 15 Zhōng guó Guó jì Mào yì Cù jìn Wěi yuán huì f /China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT)/ 中国地球物理学会 中國地球物理學會 S - 0 Zhōng guó Dì qiú Wù lǐ Xué huì f /Chinese Geophysical Society/ 中国地质大学 中國地質大學 S - 541 Zhōng guó Dì zhì Dà xué f /China University of Geosciences/ 中国地质调查局 中國地質調查局 S - 0 Zhōng guó Dì zhì Diào chá jú f /China Geological Survey (CGS)/ 中国地震台 中國地震台 S - 0 Zhōng guó dì zhèn tái f /China earthquake administration (CEA)/State seismological bureau/ 中国地震局 中國地震局 S - 3 Zhōng guó dì zhèn jú f /China earthquake administration (CEA)/State seismological bureau/ 中国城 中國城 S - 0 Zhōng guó chéng f /Chinatown/ 中国大百科全书出版社 中國大百科全書出版社 S - 15 Zhōng guó Dà Bǎi kē Quán shū Chū bǎn shè f /Encyclopedia of China Publishing House/ 中国大蝾螈 中國大蠑螈 S - 0 Zhōng guó dà róng yuán f /Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus davidianus)/ 中国天主教爱国会 中國天主教愛國會 S - 8 Zhōng guó Tiān zhǔ jiào Aì guó huì f /Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association/ 中国好声音 中國好聲音 S - 0 Zhōng guó Hǎo Shēng yīn f /The Voice of China, PRC reality talent show/ 中国小说史略 中國小說史略 S - 0 Zhōng guó Xiǎo shuō Shǐ lüè f /Concise History of the Chinese Novel by Lu Xun 鲁迅/ 中国少年先锋队 中國少年先鋒隊 S - 8 Zhōng guó Shǎo nián Xiān fēng duì f /Young Pioneers of China/ 中国工商银行 中國工商銀行 S - 34 Zhōng guó Gōng shāng Yín háng f /Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC)/ 中国工程院 中國工程院 S - 94 Zhōng guó Gōng chéng yuàn f /Chinese Academy of Engineering/ 中国左翼作家联盟 中國左翼作家聯盟 S - 0 Zhōng guó Zuǒ yì Zuò jiā Lián méng f /the League of the Left-Wing Writers, an organization of writers formed in China in 1930/ 中国广播公司 中國廣播公司 S - 0 Zhōng guó Guǎng bō Gōng sī f /Broadcasting Corporation of China (BCC)/ 中国建设银行 中國建設銀行 S - 31 Zhōng guó Jiàn shè Yín háng f /China Construction Bank/ 中国式 中國式 S - 131 Zhōng guó shì f /Chinese style/à la chinoise/ 中国政法大学 中國政法大學 S - 62 Zhōng guó Zhèng fǎ Dà xué f /China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, with undergraduate campus at Changping 昌平[Chang1 ping2], and graduate campus in Haidian district 海澱區|海淀区[Hai3 dian4 qu1]/ 中国教育和科研计算机网 中國教育和科研計算機網 S - 0 Zhōng guó Jiào yù hé Kē yán Jì suàn jī Wǎng f /China Education and Research Network (CERNET)/abbr. to 中國教育網|中国教育网[Zhong1 guo2 Jiao4 yu4 Wang3]/ 中国教育网 中國教育網 S - 0 Zhōng guó Jiào yù Wǎng f /abbr. for 中國教育和科研計算機網|中国教育和科研计算机网[Zhong1 guo2 Jiao4 yu4 he2 Ke1 yan2 Ji4 suan4 ji1 Wang3]/ 中国文学艺术界联合会 中國文學藝術界聯合會 S - 19 Zhōng guó Wén xué Yì shù jiè Lián hé huì f /China Federation of Literary and Art Circles (CFLAC)/abbr. to 文聯|文联/ 中国文联 中國文聯 S - 68 Zhōng guó wén lián f /abbr. for 中國文學藝術界聯合會|中国文学艺术界联合会, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles (CFLAC)/ 中国新民党 中國新民黨 S - 0 Zhōng guó Xīn mín dǎng f /New People's Party of China, xinmin.freeforum.ca/ 中国新闻社 中國新聞社 S - 4 Zhōng guó Xīn wén shè f /China News Service/ 中国新闻网 中國新聞網 S - 0 Zhōng guó Xīn wén Wǎng f /China News Service website (chinanews.com)/ 中国无线电频谱管理和监测 中國無線電頻譜管理和監測 S - 0 Zhōng guó wú xiàn diàn pín pǔ guǎn lǐ hé jiān cè f /China state radio regulation committee SRRC/ 中国日报 中國日報 S - 177 Zhōng guó Rì bào f /China Daily (an English language newspaper)/ 中国时报 中國時報 S - 3 Zhōng guó Shí bào f /China Times (newspaper)/ 中国核能总公司 中國核能總公司 S - 0 Zhōng guó Hé néng Zǒng gōng sī f /China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC)/ 中国残疾人联合会 中國殘疾人聯合會 S - 31 Zhōng guó Cán jí rén Lián hé huì f /China Disabled Person's Federation (since 1988)/ 中国残联 中國殘聯 S - 17 Zhōng guó Cán Lián f /abbr. for 中國殘疾人聯合會|中国残疾人联合会, China Disabled Person's Federation (since 1988)/ 中国民主促进会 中國民主促進會 S - 65 Zhōng guó Mín zhǔ Cù jìn huì f /China Association for Promoting Democracy/ 中国民主同盟 中國民主同盟 S - 92 Zhōng guó Mín zhǔ Tóng méng f /China Democratic League/ 中国民主建国会 中國民主建國會 S - 66 Zhōng guó Mín zhǔ Jiàn guó huì f /China Democratic National Construction Association/ 中国民用航空局 中國民用航空局 S - 0 zhōng guó mín yòng háng kōng jú f /Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC)/ 中国气象局 中國氣象局 S - 12 Zhōng guó Qì xiàng jú f /China Meteorological Administration (CMA)/ 中国法学会 中國法學會 S - 10 Zhōng guó Fǎ xué huì f /China Law Society/ 中国海 中國海 S - 28 Zhōng guó Hǎi f /the China Seas (the seas of the Western Pacific Ocean, around China: Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea, South China Sea)/ 中国海事局 中國海事局 S - 0 Zhōng guó hǎi shì jú f /PRC Maritime Safety Agency/ 中国海洋石油总公司 中國海洋石油總公司 S - 8 Zhōng guó Hǎi yáng Shí yóu Zǒng gōng sī f /CNOOC/China National Offshore Oil Corporation/ 中国消费者协会 中國消費者協會 S - 16 Zhōng guó Xiāo fèi zhě Xié huì f /China Consumers' Association (CCA)/ 中国游艺机游乐园协会 中國遊藝機遊樂園協會 S - 0 Zhōng guó Yóu yì jī Yóu lè yuán Xié huì f /China Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (CAAPA)/ 中国特色社会主义 中國特色社會主義 S - 0 Zhōng guó tè sè shè huì zhǔ yì f /"socialism with Chinese characteristics"/ 中国电信 中國電信 S - 179 Zhōng guó Diàn xìn f /China Telecom (Chinese company providing mobile phone service)/ 中国电视公司 中國電視公司 S - 0 Zhōng guó Diàn shì Gōng sī f /China TV (CTV), Taiwan/ 中国画 中國畫 S - 245 Zhōng guó huà f /Chinese painting/ 中国石化 中國石化 S - 0 Zhōng guó Shí huà f /China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, Sinopec/ 中国石油化工股份有限公司 中國石油化工股份有限公司 S - 0 Zhōng guó Shí yóu Huà gōng Gǔ fèn Yǒu xiàn Gōng sī f /China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, Sinopec/abbr. to 中石化[Zhong1 shi2 hua4]/ 中国石油和化学工业协会 中國石油和化學工業協會 S - 0 Zhōng guó Shí yóu hé Huà xué Gōng yè Xié huì f /China Petrol and Chemical Industry Association (CPCIA)/ 中国石油天然气集团公司 中國石油天然氣集團公司 S - 3 Zhōng guó Shí yóu Tiān rán qì Jí tuán Gōng sī f /China National Petroleum Corporation/ 中国社会科学院 中國社會科學院 S - 164 Zhōng guó Shè huì Kē xué yuàn f /Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)/ 中国科学院 中國科學院 S - 873 Zhōng guó Kē xué yuàn f /Chinese Academy of Science/ 中国移动通信 中國移動通信 S - 15 Zhōng guó Yí dòng Tōng xìn f /China Mobile (PRC state telecommunications company)/ 中国精密机械进出口公司 中國精密機械進出口公司 S - 0 Zhōng guó Jīng mì Jī xiè Jìn Chū kǒu Gōng sī f /China Precision Machinery Import-Export Corporation (CPMIEC)/ 中国红 中國紅 S - 0 Zhōng guó hóng f /vermilion/ 中国经营报 中國經營報 S - 0 Zhōng guó Jīng yíng Bào f /China Business (a Beijing newspaper)/ 中国美术馆 中國美術館 S - 13 Zhōng guó Měi shù guǎn f /China National Art Gallery/ 中国联合航空 中國聯合航空 S - 0 Zhōng guó Lián hé Háng kōng f /China United Airlines/ 中国联通 中國聯通 S - 236 Zhōng guó Lián tōng f /China Unicom/ 中国致公党 中國致公黨 S - 35 Zhōng guó Zhì gōng dǎng f /China Party for Public Interest/ 中国航天工业公司 中國航天工業公司 S - 0 Zhōng guó Háng tiān Gōng yè Gōng sī f /China Aerospace Corporation, forerunner of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) 中國航天科技集團公司|中国航天科技集团公司/ 中国航海日 中國航海日 S - 0 Zhōng guó Háng hǎi rì f /Maritime Day (July 11th) commemorating the first voyage of Zheng He 鄭和|郑和[Zheng4 He2] in 1405 AD/ 中国航空工业公司 中國航空工業公司 S - 0 Zhōng guó Háng kōng Gōng yè Gōng sī f /Aviation Industries of China (AVIC)/ 中国航空运输协会 中國航空運輸協會 S - 0 Zhōng guó Háng kōng Yùn shū Xié huì f /China Air Transport Association (CATA)/ 中国船舶工业集团 中國船舶工業集團 S - 0 Zhōng guó Chuán bó Gōng yè Jí tuán f /China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC)/ 中国船舶贸易公司 中國船舶貿易公司 S - 0 Zhōng guó Chuán bó Mào yì Gōng sī f /China Shipbuilding Trading Corporation (CSTC)/ 中国船舶重工集团公司 中國船舶重工集團公司 S - 4 Zhōng guó Chuán bó Zhòng gōng Jí tuán Gōng sī f /China Ship Scientific Research Center (CSSRC)/ 中国菜 中國菜 S - 0 Zhōng guó cài f /Chinese cuisine/ 中国西北边陲 中國西北邊陲 S - 0 Zhōng guó xī běi biān chuí f /border area of northwest China (i.e. Xinjiang)/ 中国证券报 中國證券報 S - 0 Zhōng guó zhèng quàn bào f /China Securities Journal/ 中国证券监督管理委员会 中國證券監督管理委員會 S - 88 Zhōng guó Zhèng quàn Jiān dū Guǎn lǐ Wěi yuán huì f /China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)/abbr. to 證監會|证监会[Zheng4 jian1 hui4]/ 中国证监会 中國證監會 S - 265 Zhōng guó Zhèng jiàn huì f /China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)/abbr. for 中國證券監督管理委員會|中国证券监督管理委员会/ 中国话 中國話 S - 0 Zhōng guó huà f /(spoken) Chinese language/ 中国进出口银行 中國進出口銀行 S - 5 Zhōng guó Jìn chū kǒu Yín háng f /The Export-Import Bank of China (state owned bank)/ 中国通 中國通 S - 25 Zhōng guó tōng f /China watcher/an expert on China/an old China hand/ 中国邮政 中國郵政 S - 3 Zhōng guó Yóu zhèng f /China Post (Chinese postal service)/ 中国银联 中國銀聯 S - 3 Zhōng guó Yín lián f /China UnionPay (CUP), China's only domestic bank card organization/ 中国银行 中國銀行 S - 197 Zhōng guó Yín háng f /Bank of China (BoC)/ 中国银行业监督管理委员会 中國銀行業監督管理委員會 S - 0 Zhōng guó Yín háng yè Jiān dū Guǎn lǐ Wěi yuán huì f /China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC)/ 中国长城工业公司 中國長城工業公司 S - 0 Zhōng guó Cháng chéng Gōng yè Gōng sī f /China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC)/ 中国青年报 中國青年報 S - 99 Zhōng guó Qīng nián Bào f /China Youth Daily, www.cyol.net/ 中国餐馆症候群 中國餐館症候群 S - 0 Zhōng guó cān guǎn zhèng hòu qún f /Chinese restaurant syndrome/ 中国鸟类学会 中國鳥類學會 S - 0 Zhōng guó Niǎo lèi Xué huì f /China Ornithological Society/ 中圈套 - 3 zhòng quān tào f /to fall in a trap/ 中國 中国 T 128 129470 Zhōng guó f /China/ 中國中央電視台 中国中央电视台 T - 10 Zhōng guó Zhōng yāng Diàn shì tái f /China Central Television (CCTV), PRC state TV network/ 中國中心主義 中国中心主义 T - 0 Zhōng guó zhōng xīn zhǔ yì f /Sinocentrism/ 中國交通建設 中国交通建设 T - 0 Zhōng guó Jiāo tōng Jiàn shè f /China Communications Construction Company/ 中國交通運輸協會 中国交通运输协会 T - 0 Zhōng guó Jiāo tōng Yùn shū Xié huì f /China Communications and Transportation Association (CCTA)/ 中國人 中国人 T - 0 Zhōng guó rén f /Chinese person/ 中國人大 中国人大 T - 0 Zhōng guó rén dà f /China National People's Congress/ 中國人權民運信息中心 中国人权民运信息中心 T - 0 Zhōng guó rén quán mín yùn xìn xī zhōng xīn f /Information center for human rights and democracy, Hong Kong/ 中國人權組織 中国人权组织 T - 0 Zhōng guó Rén quán Zǔ zhī f /Human Rights in China (New York based expatriate PRC organization)/ 中國人民大學 中国人民大学 T - 139 Zhōng guó Rén mín Dà xué f /Renmin University of China/ 中國人民對外友好協會 中国人民对外友好协会 T - 9 Zhōng guó Rén mín Duì wài Yǒu hǎo Xié huì f /Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC)/ 中國人民志願軍 中国人民志愿军 T - 136 Zhōng guó rén mín zhì yuàn jūn f /the Chinese People's Volunteer Army deployed by China to aid North Korea in 1950/ 中國人民政治協商會議 中国人民政治协商会议 T - 616 Zhōng guó Rén mín Zhèng zhì Xié shāng Huì yì f /CPPCC (Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)/ 中國人民武裝警察部隊 中国人民武装警察部队 T - 19 Zhōng guó Rén mín Wǔ zhuāng Jǐng chá Bù duì f /Chinese People's Armed Police Force (CAPF)/ 中國人民解放軍 中国人民解放军 T - 1328 Zhōng guó Rén mín Jiě fàng jūn f /Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)/ 中國人民解放軍海軍 中国人民解放军海军 T - 26 Zhōng guó Rén mín Jiě fàng jūn Hǎi jūn f /Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN)/ 中國人民解放軍空軍 中国人民解放军空军 T - 15 Zhōng guó Rén mín Jiě fàng jūn Kōng jūn f /People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF)/ 中國人民銀行 中国人民银行 T - 230 Zhōng guó Rén mín Yín háng f /People's Bank of China/ 中國伊斯蘭教協會 中国伊斯兰教协会 T - 8 Zhōng guó Yī sī lán jiào Xié huì f /Chinese Patriotic Islamic Association/ 中國作協 中国作协 T - 12 Zhōng guó Zuò Xié f /China Writers Association (CWA)/abbr. for 中國作家協會|中国作家协会[Zhong1 guo2 Zuo4 jia1 Xie2 hui4]/ 中國作家協會 中国作家协会 T - 81 Zhōng guó Zuò jiā Xié huì f /China Writers Association (CWA)/ 中國保險監督管理委員會 中国保险监督管理委员会 T - 3 Zhōng guó Bǎo xiǎn Jiān dū Guǎn lǐ Wěi yuán huì f /China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC)/ 中國傳媒大學 中国传媒大学 T - 0 Zhōng guó Chuán méi Dà xué f /Communication University of China (CUC), the highest institute of radio, film and television education in China/ 中國光大銀行 中国光大银行 T - 4 Zhōng guó Guāng dà Yín háng f /China Everbright Bank/ 中國共產主義青年團 中国共产主义青年团 T - 71 Zhōng guó Gòng chǎn zhǔ yì Qīng nián tuán f /Communist Youth League of China/China Youth League/ 中國共產黨 中国共产党 T - 6832 Zhōng guó Gòng chǎn dǎng f /Communist Party of China/ 中國共產黨中央委員會 中国共产党中央委员会 T - 297 Zhōng guó Gòng chǎn dǎng Zhōng yāng Wěi yuán huì f /Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, abbr. to 中共中央[Zhong1 Gong4 Zhong1 yang1]/ 中國共產黨中央委員會宣傳部 中国共产党中央委员会宣传部 T - 0 Zhōng guó Gòng chǎn dǎng Zhōng yāng Wěi yuán huì Xuān chuán bù f /Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China/ 中國剩餘定理 中国剩余定理 T - 0 Zhōng guó shèng yú dìng lǐ f /Chinese remainder theorem (math.)/ 中國化 中国化 T - 59 Zhōng guó huà f /to sinicize/to take on Chinese characteristics/ 中國北方工業公司 中国北方工业公司 T - 8 Zhōng guó Běi fāng Gōng yè Gōng sī f /China North Industries Corporation (Norinco)/ 中國同盟會 中国同盟会 T - 46 Zhōng guó Tóng méng huì f /Tongmenghui, Sun Yat-sen's alliance for democracy, founded 1905, became the Guomindang 國民黨|国民党 in 1912/ 中國國家博物館 中国国家博物馆 T - 0 Zhōng guó Guó jiā Bó wù guǎn f /National Museum of China/ 中國國家原子能機構 中国国家原子能机构 T - 0 Zhōng guó Guó jiā Yuán zǐ néng Jī gòu f /China Atomic Energy Agency (CAEA)/ 中國國家地震局 中国国家地震局 T - 0 Zhōng guó Guó jiā dì zhèn jú f /China earthquake administration (CEA)/State seismological bureau/ 中國國家環保局 中国国家环保局 T - 0 Zhōng guó Guó jiā Huán bǎo jú f /PRC State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA)/ 中國國家環境保護總局 中国国家环境保护总局 T - 0 Zhōng guó Guó jiā Huán jìng Bǎo hù Zǒng jú f /PRC State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA)/ 中國國家航天局 中国国家航天局 T - 2 Zhōng guó Guó jiā Háng tiān jú f /China National Space Administration (CNSA)/ 中國國民黨革命委員會 中国国民党革命委员会 T - 70 Zhōng guó Guó mín dǎng Gé mìng Wěi yuán huì f /Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang/ 中國國防科技信息中心 中国国防科技信息中心 T - 0 Zhōng guó Guó fáng Kē jì Xìn xī Zhōng xīn f /China Defense Science and Technology Information Center (CDSTIC)/ 中國國際信托投資公司 中国国际信托投资公司 T - 8 Zhōng guó Guó jì Xìn tuō Tóu zī gōng sī f /CITIC/Chinese International Trust and Investment Company/ 中國國際廣播電台 中国国际广播电台 T - 13 Zhōng guó Guó jì Guǎng bō Diàn tái f /China Radio International/CRI/ 中國國際航空公司 中国国际航空公司 T - 12 Zhōng guó Guó jì Háng kōng Gōng sī f /Air China Ltd./ 中國國際貿易促進委員會 中国国际贸易促进委员会 T - 15 Zhōng guó Guó jì Mào yì Cù jìn Wěi yuán huì f /China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT)/ 中國地球物理學會 中国地球物理学会 T - 0 Zhōng guó Dì qiú Wù lǐ Xué huì f /Chinese Geophysical Society/ 中國地質大學 中国地质大学 T - 541 Zhōng guó Dì zhì Dà xué f /China University of Geosciences/ 中國地質調查局 中国地质调查局 T - 0 Zhōng guó Dì zhì Diào chá jú f /China Geological Survey (CGS)/ 中國地震台 中国地震台 T - 0 Zhōng guó dì zhèn tái f /China earthquake administration (CEA)/State seismological bureau/ 中國地震局 中国地震局 T - 3 Zhōng guó dì zhèn jú f /China earthquake administration (CEA)/State seismological bureau/ 中國城 中国城 T - 0 Zhōng guó chéng f /Chinatown/ 中國大百科全書出版社 中国大百科全书出版社 T - 15 Zhōng guó Dà Bǎi kē Quán shū Chū bǎn shè f /Encyclopedia of China Publishing House/ 中國大蠑螈 中国大蝾螈 T - 0 Zhōng guó dà róng yuán f /Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus davidianus)/ 中國天主教愛國會 中国天主教爱国会 T - 8 Zhōng guó Tiān zhǔ jiào Aì guó huì f /Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association/ 中國好聲音 中国好声音 T - 0 Zhōng guó Hǎo Shēng yīn f /The Voice of China, PRC reality talent show/ 中國小說史略 中国小说史略 T - 0 Zhōng guó Xiǎo shuō Shǐ lüè f /Concise History of the Chinese Novel by Lu Xun 鲁迅/ 中國少年先鋒隊 中国少年先锋队 T - 8 Zhōng guó Shǎo nián Xiān fēng duì f /Young Pioneers of China/ 中國工商銀行 中国工商银行 T - 34 Zhōng guó Gōng shāng Yín háng f /Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC)/ 中國工程院 中国工程院 T - 94 Zhōng guó Gōng chéng yuàn f /Chinese Academy of Engineering/ 中國左翼作家聯盟 中国左翼作家联盟 T - 0 Zhōng guó Zuǒ yì Zuò jiā Lián méng f /the League of the Left-Wing Writers, an organization of writers formed in China in 1930/ 中國廣播公司 中国广播公司 T - 0 Zhōng guó Guǎng bō Gōng sī f /Broadcasting Corporation of China (BCC)/ 中國建設銀行 中国建设银行 T - 31 Zhōng guó Jiàn shè Yín háng f /China Construction Bank/ 中國式 中国式 T - 131 Zhōng guó shì f /Chinese style/à la chinoise/ 中國政法大學 中国政法大学 T - 62 Zhōng guó Zhèng fǎ Dà xué f /China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, with undergraduate campus at Changping 昌平[Chang1 ping2], and graduate campus in Haidian district 海澱區|海淀区[Hai3 dian4 qu1]/ 中國教育和科研計算機網 中国教育和科研计算机网 T - 0 Zhōng guó Jiào yù hé Kē yán Jì suàn jī Wǎng f /China Education and Research Network (CERNET)/abbr. to 中國教育網|中国教育网[Zhong1 guo2 Jiao4 yu4 Wang3]/ 中國教育網 中国教育网 T - 0 Zhōng guó Jiào yù Wǎng f /abbr. for 中國教育和科研計算機網|中国教育和科研计算机网[Zhong1 guo2 Jiao4 yu4 he2 Ke1 yan2 Ji4 suan4 ji1 Wang3]/ 中國文學藝術界聯合會 中国文学艺术界联合会 T - 19 Zhōng guó Wén xué Yì shù jiè Lián hé huì f /China Federation of Literary and Art Circles (CFLAC)/abbr. to 文聯|文联/ 中國文聯 中国文联 T - 68 Zhōng guó wén lián f /abbr. for 中國文學藝術界聯合會|中国文学艺术界联合会, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles (CFLAC)/ 中國新民黨 中国新民党 T - 0 Zhōng guó Xīn mín dǎng f /New People's Party of China, xinmin.freeforum.ca/ 中國新聞社 中国新闻社 T - 4 Zhōng guó Xīn wén shè f /China News Service/ 中國新聞網 中国新闻网 T - 0 Zhōng guó Xīn wén Wǎng f /China News Service website (chinanews.com)/ 中國日報 中国日报 T - 177 Zhōng guó Rì bào f /China Daily (an English language newspaper)/ 中國時報 中国时报 T - 3 Zhōng guó Shí bào f /China Times (newspaper)/ 中國東方航空 中国东方航空 T - 2 Zhōng guó dōng fāng háng kōng f /China Eastern Airlines/ 中國核能總公司 中国核能总公司 T - 0 Zhōng guó Hé néng Zǒng gōng sī f /China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC)/ 中國歷史博物館 中国历史博物馆 T - 546 Zhōng guó Lì shǐ Bó wù guǎn f /Museum of Chinese History/ 中國殘疾人聯合會 中国残疾人联合会 T - 31 Zhōng guó Cán jí rén Lián hé huì f /China Disabled Person's Federation (since 1988)/ 中國殘聯 中国残联 T - 17 Zhōng guó Cán Lián f /abbr. for 中國殘疾人聯合會|中国残疾人联合会, China Disabled Person's Federation (since 1988)/ 中國民主促進會 中国民主促进会 T - 65 Zhōng guó Mín zhǔ Cù jìn huì f /China Association for Promoting Democracy/ 中國民主同盟 中国民主同盟 T - 92 Zhōng guó Mín zhǔ Tóng méng f /China Democratic League/ 中國民主建國會 中国民主建国会 T - 66 Zhōng guó Mín zhǔ Jiàn guó huì f /China Democratic National Construction Association/ 中國民用航空局 中国民用航空局 T - 0 zhōng guó mín yòng háng kōng jú f /Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC)/ 中國氣象局 中国气象局 T - 12 Zhōng guó Qì xiàng jú f /China Meteorological Administration (CMA)/ 中國法學會 中国法学会 T - 10 Zhōng guó Fǎ xué huì f /China Law Society/ 中國海 中国海 T - 28 Zhōng guó Hǎi f /the China Seas (the seas of the Western Pacific Ocean, around China: Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea, South China Sea)/ 中國海事局 中国海事局 T - 0 Zhōng guó hǎi shì jú f /PRC Maritime Safety Agency/ 中國海洋石油總公司 中国海洋石油总公司 T - 8 Zhōng guó Hǎi yáng Shí yóu Zǒng gōng sī f /CNOOC/China National Offshore Oil Corporation/ 中國消費者協會 中国消费者协会 T - 16 Zhōng guó Xiāo fèi zhě Xié huì f /China Consumers' Association (CCA)/ 中國無線電頻譜管理和監測 中国无线电频谱管理和监测 T - 0 Zhōng guó wú xiàn diàn pín pǔ guǎn lǐ hé jiān cè f /China state radio regulation committee SRRC/ 中國特色社會主義 中国特色社会主义 T - 0 Zhōng guó tè sè shè huì zhǔ yì f /"socialism with Chinese characteristics"/ 中國產 中国产 T - 0 Zhōng guó chǎn f /made in China/home-grown (talent)/ 中國畫 中国画 T - 245 Zhōng guó huà f /Chinese painting/ 中國石化 中国石化 T - 0 Zhōng guó Shí huà f /China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, Sinopec/ 中國石油化工股份有限公司 中国石油化工股份有限公司 T - 0 Zhōng guó Shí yóu Huà gōng Gǔ fèn Yǒu xiàn Gōng sī f /China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, Sinopec/abbr. to 中石化[Zhong1 shi2 hua4]/ 中國石油和化學工業協會 中国石油和化学工业协会 T - 0 Zhōng guó Shí yóu hé Huà xué Gōng yè Xié huì f /China Petrol and Chemical Industry Association (CPCIA)/ 中國石油天然氣集團公司 中国石油天然气集团公司 T - 3 Zhōng guó Shí yóu Tiān rán qì Jí tuán Gōng sī f /China National Petroleum Corporation/ 中國社會科學院 中国社会科学院 T - 164 Zhōng guó Shè huì Kē xué yuàn f /Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)/ 中國科學院 中国科学院 T - 873 Zhōng guó Kē xué yuàn f /Chinese Academy of Science/ 中國移動通信 中国移动通信 T - 15 Zhōng guó Yí dòng Tōng xìn f /China Mobile (PRC state telecommunications company)/ 中國精密機械進出口公司 中国精密机械进出口公司 T - 0 Zhōng guó Jīng mì Jī xiè Jìn Chū kǒu Gōng sī f /China Precision Machinery Import-Export Corporation (CPMIEC)/ 中國紅 中国红 T - 0 Zhōng guó hóng f /vermilion/ 中國經營報 中国经营报 T - 0 Zhōng guó Jīng yíng Bào f /China Business (a Beijing newspaper)/ 中國美術館 中国美术馆 T - 13 Zhōng guó Měi shù guǎn f /China National Art Gallery/ 中國聯合航空 中国联合航空 T - 0 Zhōng guó Lián hé Háng kōng f /China United Airlines/ 中國聯通 中国联通 T - 236 Zhōng guó Lián tōng f /China Unicom/ 中國致公黨 中国致公党 T - 35 Zhōng guó Zhì gōng dǎng f /China Party for Public Interest/ 中國航天工業公司 中国航天工业公司 T - 0 Zhōng guó Háng tiān Gōng yè Gōng sī f /China Aerospace Corporation, forerunner of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) 中國航天科技集團公司|中国航天科技集团公司/ 中國航海日 中国航海日 T - 0 Zhōng guó Háng hǎi rì f /Maritime Day (July 11th) commemorating the first voyage of Zheng He 鄭和|郑和[Zheng4 He2] in 1405 AD/ 中國航空工業公司 中国航空工业公司 T - 0 Zhōng guó Háng kōng Gōng yè Gōng sī f /Aviation Industries of China (AVIC)/ 中國航空運輸協會 中国航空运输协会 T - 0 Zhōng guó Háng kōng Yùn shū Xié huì f /China Air Transport Association (CATA)/ 中國船舶工業集團 中国船舶工业集团 T - 0 Zhōng guó Chuán bó Gōng yè Jí tuán f /China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC)/ 中國船舶貿易公司 中国船舶贸易公司 T - 0 Zhōng guó Chuán bó Mào yì Gōng sī f /China Shipbuilding Trading Corporation (CSTC)/ 中國船舶重工集團公司 中国船舶重工集团公司 T - 4 Zhōng guó Chuán bó Zhòng gōng Jí tuán Gōng sī f /China Ship Scientific Research Center (CSSRC)/ 中國菜 中国菜 T - 0 Zhōng guó cài f /Chinese cuisine/ 中國製造 中国制造 T - 0 Zhōng guó zhì zào f /made in China/ 中國西北邊陲 中国西北边陲 T - 0 Zhōng guó xī běi biān chuí f /border area of northwest China (i.e. Xinjiang)/ 中國話 中国话 T - 0 Zhōng guó huà f /(spoken) Chinese language/ 中國證券報 中国证券报 T - 0 Zhōng guó zhèng quàn bào f /China Securities Journal/ 中國證券監督管理委員會 中国证券监督管理委员会 T - 88 Zhōng guó Zhèng quàn Jiān dū Guǎn lǐ Wěi yuán huì f /China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)/abbr. to 證監會|证监会[Zheng4 jian1 hui4]/ 中國證監會 中国证监会 T - 265 Zhōng guó Zhèng jiàn huì f /China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)/abbr. for 中國證券監督管理委員會|中国证券监督管理委员会/ 中國農業銀行 中国农业银行 T - 66 Zhōng guó Nóng yè Yín háng f /Agricultural Bank of China/ 中國通 中国通 T - 25 Zhōng guó tōng f /China watcher/an expert on China/an old China hand/ 中國進出口銀行 中国进出口银行 T - 5 Zhōng guó Jìn chū kǒu Yín háng f /The Export-Import Bank of China (state owned bank)/ 中國遊藝機遊樂園協會 中国游艺机游乐园协会 T - 0 Zhōng guó Yóu yì jī Yóu lè yuán Xié huì f /China Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (CAAPA)/ 中國郵政 中国邮政 T - 3 Zhōng guó Yóu zhèng f /China Post (Chinese postal service)/ 中國銀聯 中国银联 T - 3 Zhōng guó Yín lián f /China UnionPay (CUP), China's only domestic bank card organization/ 中國銀行 中国银行 T - 197 Zhōng guó Yín háng f /Bank of China (BoC)/ 中國銀行業監督管理委員會 中国银行业监督管理委员会 T - 0 Zhōng guó Yín háng yè Jiān dū Guǎn lǐ Wěi yuán huì f /China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC)/ 中國長城工業公司 中国长城工业公司 T - 0 Zhōng guó Cháng chéng Gōng yè Gōng sī f /China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC)/ 中國電信 中国电信 T - 179 Zhōng guó Diàn xìn f /China Telecom (Chinese company providing mobile phone service)/ 中國電視公司 中国电视公司 T - 0 Zhōng guó Diàn shì Gōng sī f /China TV (CTV), Taiwan/ 中國青年報 中国青年报 T - 99 Zhōng guó Qīng nián Bào f /China Youth Daily, www.cyol.net/ 中國餐館症候群 中国餐馆症候群 T - 0 Zhōng guó cān guǎn zhèng hòu qún f /Chinese restaurant syndrome/ 中國鳥類學會 中国鸟类学会 T - 0 Zhōng guó Niǎo lèi Xué huì f /China Ornithological Society/ 中土 - 276 zhōng tǔ f /Sino-Turkish/ 中场 中場 S - 355 zhōng chǎng f /middle period of a tripartite provincial exam (in former times)/midfield/mid-court (in sports)/half-time/intermission half-way through a performance/ 中坚 中堅 S - 165 zhōng jiān f /core/nucleus/backbone/ 中坜 中壢 S - 4 Zhōng lì f /Zhongli or Chungli city in Taoyuan county 桃園縣|桃园县[Tao2 yuan2 xian4], north Taiwan/ 中坜市 中壢市 S - 2 Zhōng lì shì f /Zhongli or Chungli city in Taoyuan county 桃園縣|桃园县[Tao2 yuan2 xian4], north Taiwan/ 中型 - 751 zhōng xíng f /medium sized/ 中埔 - 0 Zhōng bù f /Zhongbu or Chungpu township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan/ 中埔乡 中埔鄉 S - 0 Zhōng bù xiāng f /Zhongbu or Chungpu township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan/ 中埔鄉 中埔乡 T - 0 Zhōng bù xiāng f /Zhongbu or Chungpu township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan/ 中堅 中坚 T - 165 zhōng jiān f /core/nucleus/backbone/ 中場 中场 T - 355 zhōng chǎng f /middle period of a tripartite provincial exam (in former times)/midfield/mid-court (in sports)/half-time/intermission half-way through a performance/ 中壓管 中压管 T - 0 zhōng yā guǎn f /medium pressure tube/middle pressure hose (diving)/ 中壢 中坜 T - 4 Zhōng lì f /Zhongli or Chungli city in Taoyuan county 桃園縣|桃园县[Tao2 yuan2 xian4], north Taiwan/ 中壢市 中坜市 T - 2 Zhōng lì shì f /Zhongli or Chungli city in Taoyuan county 桃園縣|桃园县[Tao2 yuan2 xian4], north Taiwan/ 中声 中聲 S - 0 zhōng shēng f /medial (i.e. middle vowel of a syllable in Asian phonetics)/ 中复电讯 中復電訊 S - 0 Zhōng fù Diàn xùn f /Zoomflight Telecom (Chinese company)/ 中外 - 1846 zhōng wài f /Sino-foreign/Chinese-foreign/home and abroad/ 中大西洋脊 - 0 zhōng dà xī yáng jǐ f /mid-Atlantic ridge/ 中天 - 113 zhōng tiān f /culmination (astronomy)/ 中央 2732 15954 zhōng yāng f /central/middle/center/central authorities (of a state)/ 中央专制集权 中央專制集權 S - 0 zhōng yāng zhuān zhì jí quán f /centralized autocratic rule/ 中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室 中央人民政府驻香港特别行政区联络办公室 T - 0 Zhōng yāng Rén mín Zhèng fǔ Zhù Xiāng gǎng Tè bié Xíng zhèng qū Lián luò Bàn gōng shì f /Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region/ 中央人民政府驻香港特别行政区联络办公室 中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室 S - 0 Zhōng yāng Rén mín Zhèng fǔ Zhù Xiāng gǎng Tè bié Xíng zhèng qū Lián luò Bàn gōng shì f /Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region/ 中央全会 中央全會 S - 3 zhōng yāng quán huì f /plenary session of the Central Committee/ 中央全會 中央全会 T - 3 zhōng yāng quán huì f /plenary session of the Central Committee/ 中央军事委员会 中央軍事委員會 S - 1017 Zhōng yāng Jūn shì Wěi yuán huì f /(PRC) Central Military Commission/ 中央军委 中央軍委 S - 748 zhōng yāng jūn wěi f /Central Military Committee (CMC)/ 中央凹 - 0 zhōng yāng āo f /fovea centralis (depression in the macula retina, most sensitive optic region)/ 中央分車帶 中央分车带 T - 0 zhōng yāng fēn chē dài f /median strip/central reservation (on a divided road)/ 中央分车带 中央分車帶 S - 0 zhōng yāng fēn chē dài f /median strip/central reservation (on a divided road)/ 中央匯金 中央汇金 T - 0 zhōng yāng huì jīn f /central finance/Chinese monetary fund/ 中央執行委員會 中央执行委员会 T - 0 Zhōng yāng Zhí xíng Wěi yuán huì f /Central Executive Committee/ 中央处理机 中央處理機 S - 0 zhōng yāng chǔ lǐ jī f /central processing unit (CPU)/ 中央委员会 中央委員會 S - 772 Zhōng yāng Wěi yuán huì f /Central Committee/ 中央委員會 中央委员会 T - 772 Zhōng yāng Wěi yuán huì f /Central Committee/ 中央宣传部 中央宣傳部 S - 35 Zhōng yāng Xuān chuán bù f /Central Propaganda Section/abbr. for 中國共產黨中央委員會宣傳部|中国共产党中央委员会宣传部[Zhong1 guo2 Gong4 chan3 dang3 Zhong1 yang1 Wei3 yuan2 hui4 Xuan1 chuan2 bu4]/Central Propaganda Department (of the Chinese communist party)/ 中央宣傳部 中央宣传部 T - 35 Zhōng yāng Xuān chuán bù f /Central Propaganda Section/abbr. for 中國共產黨中央委員會宣傳部|中国共产党中央委员会宣传部[Zhong1 guo2 Gong4 chan3 dang3 Zhong1 yang1 Wei3 yuan2 hui4 Xuan1 chuan2 bu4]/Central Propaganda Department (of the Chinese communist party)/ 中央專制集權 中央专制集权 T - 0 zhōng yāng zhuān zhì jí quán f /centralized autocratic rule/ 中央广播电台 中央廣播電臺 S - 6 Zhōng yāng guǎng bō diàn tái f /Radio Taiwan International (RTI)/ 中央廣播電臺 中央广播电台 T - 6 Zhōng yāng guǎng bō diàn tái f /Radio Taiwan International (RTI)/ 中央情報局 中央情报局 T - 0 Zhōng yāng Qíng bào jú f /US Central Intelligence Agency, CIA/ 中央情报局 中央情報局 S - 0 Zhōng yāng Qíng bào jú f /US Central Intelligence Agency, CIA/ 中央戏剧学院 中央戲劇學院 S - 39 Zhōng yāng Xì jù Xué yuàn f /Central Academy of Drama/ 中央戲劇學院 中央戏剧学院 T - 39 Zhōng yāng Xì jù Xué yuàn f /Central Academy of Drama/ 中央执行委员会 中央執行委員會 S - 0 Zhōng yāng Zhí xíng Wěi yuán huì f /Central Executive Committee/ 中央政府 - 448 zhōng yāng zhèng fǔ f /central government/ 中央日報 中央日报 T - 3 Zhōng yāng Rì bào f /Central Daily News/ 中央日报 中央日報 S - 3 Zhōng yāng Rì bào f /Central Daily News/ 中央民族大学 中央民族大學 S - 19 Zhōng yāng Mín zú Dà xué f /Central University for Nationalities/ 中央民族大學 中央民族大学 T - 19 Zhōng yāng Mín zú Dà xué f /Central University for Nationalities/ 中央汇金 中央匯金 S - 0 zhōng yāng huì jīn f /central finance/Chinese monetary fund/ 中央海岭 中央海嶺 S - 0 zhōng yāng hǎi lǐng f /mid-ocean ridge (geology)/ 中央海嶺 中央海岭 T - 0 zhōng yāng hǎi lǐng f /mid-ocean ridge (geology)/ 中央电视台 中央電視台 S - 495 Zhōng yāng Diàn shì tái f /China Central Television (CCTV), PRC state TV network/ 中央直轄市 中央直辖市 T - 0 zhōng yāng zhí xiá shì f /municipality, namely: Beijing 北京, Tianjin 天津, Shanghai 上海 and Chongqing 重慶|重庆, the first level administrative subdivision/province level city/also called directly governed city/ 中央直辖市 中央直轄市 S - 0 zhōng yāng zhí xiá shì f /municipality, namely: Beijing 北京, Tianjin 天津, Shanghai 上海 and Chongqing 重慶|重庆, the first level administrative subdivision/province level city/also called directly governed city/ 中央省 - 0 Zhōng yāng shěng f /central province/Töv Aimag (province) of Mongolia/ 中央研究院 - 182 Zhōng yāng Yán jiū yuàn f /Academia Sinica, research institution headquartered in Taipei/ 中央社 - 3 Zhōng yāng shè f /Central News Agency (Taiwan)/ 中央處理機 中央处理机 T - 0 zhōng yāng chǔ lǐ jī f /central processing unit (CPU)/ 中央財經大學 中央财经大学 T - 0 Zhōng yāng Cái jīng Dà xué f /Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing/ 中央财经大学 中央財經大學 S - 0 Zhōng yāng Cái jīng Dà xué f /Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing/ 中央軍事委員會 中央军事委员会 T - 1017 Zhōng yāng Jūn shì Wěi yuán huì f /(PRC) Central Military Commission/ 中央軍委 中央军委 T - 748 zhōng yāng jūn wěi f /Central Military Committee (CMC)/ 中央邦 - 13 zhōng yāng bāng f /Central State/Uttar Pradesh, central India state/ 中央銀行 中央银行 T - 178 Zhōng yāng Yín háng f /Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan)/ 中央銀行 中央银行 T - 178 zhōng yāng yín háng f /central bank/ 中央银行 中央銀行 S - 178 Zhōng yāng Yín háng f /Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan)/ 中央银行 中央銀行 S - 178 zhōng yāng yín háng f /central bank/ 中央集权 中央集權 S - 463 zhōng yāng jí quán f /centralized state power/ 中央集權 中央集权 T - 463 zhōng yāng jí quán f /centralized state power/ 中央電視台 中央电视台 T - 495 Zhōng yāng Diàn shì tái f /China Central Television (CCTV), PRC state TV network/ 中央音乐学院 中央音樂學院 S - 45 Zhōng yāng Yīn yuè Xué yuàn f /Central Conservatory of Music/ 中央音樂學院 中央音乐学院 T - 45 Zhōng yāng Yīn yuè Xué yuàn f /Central Conservatory of Music/ 中奖 中獎 S - 166 zhòng jiǎng f /to win a prize/a successful gamble/ 中子 - 425 zhōng zǐ f /neutron/ 中子俘獲 中子俘获 T - 0 zhōng zǐ fú huò f /neutron capture/ 中子俘获 中子俘獲 S - 0 zhōng zǐ fú huò f /neutron capture/ 中子射線攝影 中子射线摄影 T - 0 zhōng zǐ shè xiàn shè yǐng f /neutron radiography/ 中子射线摄影 中子射線攝影 S - 0 zhōng zǐ shè xiàn shè yǐng f /neutron radiography/ 中子弹 中子彈 S - 26 zhōng zǐ dàn f /neutron bomb/ 中子彈 中子弹 T - 26 zhōng zǐ dàn f /neutron bomb/ 中子数 中子數 S - 0 zhōng zǐ shù f /neutron number/ 中子數 中子数 T - 0 zhōng zǐ shù f /neutron number/ 中子星 - 58 zhōng zǐ xīng f /neutron star/ 中子源 - 3 zhōng zǐ yuán f /neutron source/ 中学 中學 S - 8338 zhōng xué f /middle school/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 中学生 中學生 S - 385 zhōng xué shēng f /middle-school student/high school student/ 中學 中学 T - 8338 zhōng xué f /middle school/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 中學生 中学生 T - 385 zhōng xué shēng f /middle-school student/high school student/ 中宁 中寧 S - 7 Zhōng níng f /Zhongning county in Zhongwei 中衛|中卫[Zhong1 wei4], Ningxia/ 中宁县 中寧縣 S - 5 Zhōng níng xiàn f /Zhongning county in Zhongwei 中衛|中卫[Zhong1 wei4], Ningxia/ 中宣部 - 172 Zhōng Xuān bù f /Central Propaganda Section/abbr. for 中國共產黨中央委員會宣傳部|中国共产党中央委员会宣传部[Zhong1 guo2 Gong4 chan3 dang3 Zhong1 yang1 Wei3 yuan2 hui4 Xuan1 chuan2 bu4]/Central Propaganda Department (of the Chinese communist party)/ 中密度纖維板 中密度纤维板 T - 0 zhōng mì dù xiān wéi bǎn f /medium-density fiberboard (MDF)/abbr. to 中纖板|中纤板[zhong1 xian1 ban3]/ 中密度纤维板 中密度纖維板 S - 0 zhōng mì dù xiān wéi bǎn f /medium-density fiberboard (MDF)/abbr. to 中纖板|中纤板[zhong1 xian1 ban3]/ 中寧 中宁 T - 7 Zhōng níng f /Zhongning county in Zhongwei 中衛|中卫[Zhong1 wei4], Ningxia/ 中寧縣 中宁县 T - 5 Zhōng níng xiàn f /Zhongning county in Zhongwei 中衛|中卫[Zhong1 wei4], Ningxia/ 中寮 - 3 Zhōng liáo f /Zhongliao or Chungliao township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ 中寮乡 中寮鄉 S - 0 Zhōng liáo xiāng f /Zhongliao or Chungliao township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ 中寮鄉 中寮乡 T - 0 Zhōng liáo xiāng f /Zhongliao or Chungliao township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ 中将 中將 S - 763 zhōng jiàng f /lieutenant general/vice admiral/air marshal/ 中將 中将 T - 763 zhōng jiàng f /lieutenant general/vice admiral/air marshal/ 中專 中专 T - 775 zhōng zhuān f /vocational secondary school/technical secondary school/trade school/abbr. for 中等專科學校|中等专科学校/ 中尉 - 135 zhōng wèi f /lieutenant (navy)/first lieutenant (army)/subaltern/ 中小企业 中小企業 S - 716 zhōng xiǎo qǐ yè f /small and medium enterprise/ 中小企業 中小企业 T - 716 zhōng xiǎo qǐ yè f /small and medium enterprise/ 中小型企业 中小型企業 S - 0 zhōng xiǎo xíng qǐ yè f /small or medium size enterprise (SME)/ 中小型企業 中小型企业 T - 0 zhōng xiǎo xíng qǐ yè f /small or medium size enterprise (SME)/ 中局 - 3 zhōng jú f /middle game (in go or chess)/ 中层 中層 S - 405 zhōng céng f /middle-ranking/ 中層 中层 T - 405 zhōng céng f /middle-ranking/ 中山 - 1117 Zhōng shān f /refers to Dr Sun Yat-sen/Zhongshan, prefecture-level city in Guangdong, close to Sun Yat-sen's birthplace/Nakayama (Japanese surname)/ 中山公园 中山公園 S - 1184 Zhōng shān Gōng yuán f /Zhongshan Park, the name of numerous parks in China, honoring Sun Yat-sen 孫中山|孙中山[Sun1 Zhong1 shan1]/ 中山公園 中山公园 T - 1184 Zhōng shān Gōng yuán f /Zhongshan Park, the name of numerous parks in China, honoring Sun Yat-sen 孫中山|孙中山[Sun1 Zhong1 shan1]/ 中山区 中山區 S - 0 Zhōng shān qū f /Zhongshan or Chungshan district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/Zhongshan district of Dalian 大連市|大连市[Da4 lian2 shi4], Liaoning/Chungshan district of Keelung City 基隆市[Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan/ 中山區 中山区 T - 0 Zhōng shān qū f /Zhongshan or Chungshan district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/Zhongshan district of Dalian 大連市|大连市[Da4 lian2 shi4], Liaoning/Chungshan district of Keelung City 基隆市[Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan/ 中山大学 中山大學 S - 192 Zhōng shān Dà xué f /Sun Yat-sen University (Guangzhou)/Sun Yat-sen University (Kaohsiung)/Sun Yat-sen University (Moscow), founded in 1925 as training ground for Chinese communists/ 中山大學 中山大学 T - 192 Zhōng shān Dà xué f /Sun Yat-sen University (Guangzhou)/Sun Yat-sen University (Kaohsiung)/Sun Yat-sen University (Moscow), founded in 1925 as training ground for Chinese communists/ 中山市 - 97 Zhōng shān shì f /Zhongshan prefecture-level city in Guangdong province 廣東省|广东省[Guang3 dong1 sheng3] in south China, close to Dr Sun Yat-sen's birthplace/ 中山成彬 - 0 Zhōng shān Chéng bīn f /NAKAYAMA Nariaki (1943-), right-wing Japanese cabinet minister and prominent denier of Japanese war crimes/ 中山服 - 6 zhōng shān fú f /Chinese tunic suit/Mao jacket/CL:件[jian4]/ 中山狼传 中山狼傳 S - 0 Zhōng shān Láng Zhuàn f /the fable of Mr Dongguo and the ungrateful Wolf by Ma Zhongxi 馬中錫|马中锡[Ma3 Zhong1 xi1]/ 中山狼傳 中山狼传 T - 0 Zhōng shān Láng Zhuàn f /the fable of Mr Dongguo and the ungrateful Wolf by Ma Zhongxi 馬中錫|马中锡[Ma3 Zhong1 xi1]/ 中山装 中山裝 S - 60 zhōng shān zhuāng f /Chinese tunic suit/ 中山裝 中山装 T - 60 zhōng shān zhuāng f /Chinese tunic suit/ 中山陵 - 56 Zhōng shān Líng f /Dr Sun Yat-sen's mausoleum in Nanjing/ 中岛 中島 S - 27 Zhōng dǎo f /Nakajima or Nakashima (Japanese surname and place name)/ 中岳 中嶽 S - 25 Zhōng yuè f /Mt Song 嵩山 in Henan, one of the Five Sacred Mountains 五嶽|五岳[Wu3 yue4]/ 中島 中岛 T - 27 Zhōng dǎo f /Nakajima or Nakashima (Japanese surname and place name)/ 中嶽 中岳 T - 25 Zhōng yuè f /Mt Song 嵩山 in Henan, one of the Five Sacred Mountains 五嶽|五岳[Wu3 yue4]/ 中川 - 15 Zhōng chuān f /Nakagawa (Japanese surname and place name)/ 中巴 - 68 Zhōng Bā f /China-Pakistan (relations)/China-Bahamas/ 中巴 - 68 zhōng bā f /minibus/ 中巴士 - 0 zhōng bā shì f /minibus/ 中帮 中幫 S - 0 zhōng bāng f /mid-top (shoes)/ 中常 - 365 zhōng cháng f /ordinary/average/medium/mid-range/moderate/ 中幫 中帮 T - 0 zhōng bāng f /mid-top (shoes)/ 中年 - 1026 zhōng nián f /middle age/ 中度性肺水肿 中度性肺水腫 S - 0 zhōng dù xìng fèi shuǐ zhǒng f /toxic pulmonary edema/ 中度性肺水腫 中度性肺水肿 T - 0 zhōng dù xìng fèi shuǐ zhǒng f /toxic pulmonary edema/ 中庭 - 3 zhōng tíng f /courtyard/ 中庸 - 179 Zhōng yōng f /the Doctrine of the Mean, one of the Four Books 四書|四书[Si4 shu1]/ 中庸 - 179 zhōng yōng f /golden mean (Confucianism)/(literary) (of person) mediocre/ordinary/ 中廳 中厅 T - 3 zhōng tīng f /lobby/foyer/CL:間|间[jian1]/ 中式 - 226 Zhōng shì t /Chinese style/ 中式 - 226 zhòng shì f /to pass an exam (or the imperial exam)/to qualify/ 中式英語 中式英语 T - 0 Zhōng shì Yīng yǔ f /Chinglish/ 中式英语 中式英語 S - 0 Zhōng shì Yīng yǔ f /Chinglish/ 中弹 中彈 S - 193 zhòng dàn f /hit by a bullet/shot/ 中彈 中弹 T - 193 zhòng dàn f /hit by a bullet/shot/ 中彩 - 8 zhòng cǎi f /to win a lottery/ 中径 中徑 S - 0 zhōng jìng f /diameter/ 中徑 中径 T - 0 zhōng jìng f /diameter/ 中復電訊 中复电讯 T - 0 Zhōng fù Diàn xùn f /Zoomflight Telecom (Chinese company)/ 中微子 - 92 zhōng wēi zǐ f /neutrino (particle physics)/also written 微中子[wei1 zhong1 zi3]/ 中德診所 中德诊所 T - 0 Zhōng Dé zhěn suǒ f /Sino-German clinic/ 中德诊所 中德診所 S - 0 Zhōng Dé zhěn suǒ f /Sino-German clinic/ 中心 1300 23969 zhōng xīn f /center/heart/core/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 中心区 中心區 S - 60 zhōng xīn qū f /central district/ 中心區 中心区 T - 60 zhōng xīn qū f /central district/ 中心埋置关系从句 中心埋置關係從句 S - 0 zhōng xīn mái zhì guān xì cóng jù f /center-embedded relative clauses/ 中心埋置關係從句 中心埋置关系从句 T - 0 zhōng xīn mái zhì guān xì cóng jù f /center-embedded relative clauses/ 中心点 中心點 S - 32 zhōng xīn diǎn f /center/central point/focus/ 中心矩 - 3 zhōng xīn jǔ f /(statistics) central moment/ 中心粒 - 3 zhōng xīn lì f /centriole/ 中心語 中心语 T - 2 zhōng xīn yǔ f /qualified word/ 中心语 中心語 S - 2 zhōng xīn yǔ f /qualified word/ 中心點 中心点 T - 32 zhōng xīn diǎn f /center/central point/focus/ 中性 - 468 zhōng xìng f /neutral/ 中性粒細胞 中性粒细胞 T - 0 zhōng xìng lì xì bāo f /neutrophil (the most common type of white blood cell)/ 中性粒细胞 中性粒細胞 S - 0 zhōng xìng lì xì bāo f /neutrophil (the most common type of white blood cell)/ 中情局 - 16 Zhōng qíng jú f /US Central Intelligence Agency, CIA/abbr. for 中央情報局|中央情报局[Zhong1 yang1 Qing2 bao4 ju2]/ 中意 - 96 Zhōng Yì f /Sino-Italian/ 中意 - 96 zhòng yì t /to take one's fancy/to be to one's liking/ 中成药 中成藥 S - 142 zhōng chéng yào f /prepared prescription (Chinese medicine)/ 中成藥 中成药 T - 142 zhōng chéng yào f /prepared prescription (Chinese medicine)/ 中招 - 29 zhōng zhāo t /senior high school enrollment/ 中招 - 29 zhòng zhāo f /to get infected/to fall into sb's trap/ 中括号 中括號 S - 10 zhōng kuò hào f /square brackets [ ] (math.)/ 中括號 中括号 T - 10 zhōng kuò hào f /square brackets [ ] (math.)/ 中指 - 374 zhōng zhǐ f /middle finger/ 中控面板 - 0 zhōng kòng miàn bǎn f /center dash console/central dashboard/ 中提琴 - 29 zhōng tí qín f /viola/ 中文 588 1755 Zhōng wén f /Chinese/Chinese written language/Chinese writing/ 中文标准交换码 中文標準交換碼 S - 0 Zhōng wén biāo zhǔn jiāo huàn mǎ f /CSIC, Chinese standard interchange code used from 1992/ 中文標準交換碼 中文标准交换码 T - 0 Zhōng wén biāo zhǔn jiāo huàn mǎ f /CSIC, Chinese standard interchange code used from 1992/ 中断 中斷 S 3314 917 zhōng duàn f /to cut short/to break off/to discontinue/to interrupt/ 中新世 - 99 Zhōng xīn shì f /Miocene (geological epoch from 24m-5m years ago)/ 中新社 - 155 Zhōng xīn shè f /China News Service (CNS), abbr. for 中國新聞社|中国新闻社/ 中新網 中新网 T - 532 Zhōng xīn wǎng f /ChinaNews (China News Service)/ 中新网 中新網 S - 532 Zhōng xīn wǎng f /ChinaNews (China News Service)/ 中斷 中断 T 3314 917 zhōng duàn f /to cut short/to break off/to discontinue/to interrupt/ 中方 - 1408 Zhōng fāng f /the Chinese side (in an international venture)/ 中方县 中方縣 S - 3 Zhōng fāng xiàn f /Zhongfang county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huai2 hua4], Hunan/ 中方縣 中方县 T - 3 Zhōng fāng xiàn f /Zhongfang county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huai2 hua4], Hunan/ 中旅社 - 0 zhōng lǚ shè f /China Travel Service (CTS), state-owned travel company/ 中日 - 1005 Zhōng Rì f /China-Japan/ 中日关系 中日關係 S - 3 Zhōng Rì guān xì f /Sino-Japanese relations/ 中日關係 中日关系 T - 3 Zhōng Rì guān xì f /Sino-Japanese relations/ 中日韓 中日韩 T - 3 Zhōng Rì Hán f /China, Japan and Korea/ 中日韓統一表意文字 中日韩统一表意文字 T - 0 Zhōng Rì Hán tǒng yī biǎo yì wén zì f /China Japan Korea (CJK) unified ideographs/Unihan/ 中日韓越 中日韩越 T - 0 Zhōng Rì Hán Yuè f /China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam/ 中日韩 中日韓 S - 3 Zhōng Rì Hán f /China, Japan and Korea/ 中日韩统一表意文字 中日韓統一表意文字 S - 0 Zhōng Rì Hán tǒng yī biǎo yì wén zì f /China Japan Korea (CJK) unified ideographs/Unihan/ 中日韩越 中日韓越 S - 0 Zhōng Rì Hán Yuè f /China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam/ 中旬 2476 922 zhōng xún f /middle third of a month/ 中时 中時 S - 91 Zhōng Shí f /China Times (newspaper)/abbr. for 中國時報|中国时报 [Zhong1 guo2 Shi2 bao4]/ 中時 中时 T - 91 Zhōng Shí f /China Times (newspaper)/abbr. for 中國時報|中国时报 [Zhong1 guo2 Shi2 bao4]/ 中暑 - 91 zhòng shǔ f /sunstroke/heatstroke/ 中朝 - 3 Zhōng Cháo f /Sino-Korean/China and North Korea/ 中期 - 2169 zhōng qī f /middle (of a period of time)/medium-term (plan, forecast etc)/ 中村 - 14 Zhōng cūn f /Nakamura (Japanese surname)/ 中杓鷸 中杓鹬 T - 0 zhōng sháo yù f /(bird species of China) whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus)/ 中杓鹬 中杓鷸 S - 0 zhōng sháo yù f /(bird species of China) whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus)/ 中杜鵑 中杜鹃 T - 0 zhōng dù juān f /(bird species of China) Himalayan cuckoo (Cuculus saturatus)/ 中杜鹃 中杜鵑 S - 0 zhōng dù juān f /(bird species of China) Himalayan cuckoo (Cuculus saturatus)/ 中東 中东 T - 1159 Zhōng dōng f /Middle East/ 中板 - 11 zhōng bǎn f /moderato/ 中枢 中樞 S - 764 zhōng shū f /center/backbone/hub (e.g. of transport network)/the central administration/ 中枢神经系统 中樞神經系統 S - 0 zhōng shū shén jīng xì tǒng f /central nervous system, CNS/ 中枪 中槍 S - 3 zhòng qiāng f /to be hit by a gun/shot/ 中标 中標 S - 127 zhòng biāo f /to win a tender/successful bidder/ 中校 - 102 zhōng xiào f /middle ranking officer in Chinese army/lieutenant colonel/commander/ 中槍 中枪 T - 3 zhòng qiāng f /to be hit by a gun/shot/ 中樂透 中乐透 T - 0 zhòng lè tòu f /to win at the lottery/ 中標 中标 T - 127 zhòng biāo f /to win a tender/successful bidder/ 中樞 中枢 T - 764 zhōng shū f /center/backbone/hub (e.g. of transport network)/the central administration/ 中樞神經系統 中枢神经系统 T - 0 zhōng shū shén jīng xì tǒng f /central nervous system, CNS/ 中欧 中歐 S - 226 Zhōng Oū f /China-Europe (e.g. trading relations)/Central Europe/ 中歐 中欧 T - 226 Zhōng Oū f /China-Europe (e.g. trading relations)/Central Europe/ 中止 - 265 zhōng zhǐ f /to cease/to suspend/to break off/to stop/to discontinue/ 中正 - 166 Zhōng zhèng f /posthumous name of Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石|蒋介石[Jiang3 Jie4 shi2]/ 中正 - 166 zhōng zhèng f /fair and honest/ 中正区 中正區 S - 0 Zhōng zhèng qū f /Chungcheng district of Taiwanese city/ 中正區 中正区 T - 0 Zhōng zhèng qū f /Chungcheng district of Taiwanese city/ 中正紀念堂 中正纪念堂 T - 0 Zhōng zhèng Jì niàn táng f /Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, Taipei/ 中正纪念堂 中正紀念堂 S - 0 Zhōng zhèng Jì niàn táng f /Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, Taipei/ 中段 - 827 zhōng duàn f /middle section/middle period/middle area/mid-/ 中毒 - 1379 zhòng dú f /to be poisoned/poisoning/ 中毒性 - 0 zhòng dú xìng f /poisonous/toxic/ 中毒途径 中毒途徑 S - 0 zhōng dú tú jìng f /poisoning route/ 中毒途徑 中毒途径 T - 0 zhōng dú tú jìng f /poisoning route/ 中毒酶 - 0 zhōng dú méi f /inhibited enzyme/ 中气层 中氣層 S - 0 zhōng qì céng f /mesosphere/upper atmosphere/ 中气层顶 中氣層頂 S - 0 zhōng qì céng dǐng f /mesopause/top of mesosphere/ 中氣層 中气层 T - 0 zhōng qì céng f /mesosphere/upper atmosphere/ 中氣層頂 中气层顶 T - 0 zhōng qì céng dǐng f /mesopause/top of mesosphere/ 中水 - 75 zhōng shuǐ f /reclaimed water/recycled water/ 中江 - 19 Zhōng jiāng f /Zhongjiang county in Deyang 德陽|德阳[De2 yang2], Sichuan/ 中江县 中江縣 S - 3 Zhōng jiāng xiàn f /Zhongjiang county in Deyang 德陽|德阳[De2 yang2], Sichuan/ 中江縣 中江县 T - 3 Zhōng jiāng xiàn f /Zhongjiang county in Deyang 德陽|德阳[De2 yang2], Sichuan/ 中沙群岛 中沙群島 S - 3 Zhōng shā Qún dǎo f /Macclesfield Bank, series of reefs in the South China Sea southeast of Hainan Island/ 中沙群島 中沙群岛 T - 3 Zhōng shā Qún dǎo f /Macclesfield Bank, series of reefs in the South China Sea southeast of Hainan Island/ 中油 - 26 Zhòng yóu f /CNPC, China National Petroleum Corporation (abbr.)/ 中法 - 3 Zhōng Fǎ f /China-France (cooperation)/Sino-French/ 中法战争 中法戰爭 S - 3 Zhōng Fǎ Zhàn zhēng f /Sino-French War (1883-1885) (concerning French seizure of Vietnam)/ 中法戰爭 中法战争 T - 3 Zhōng Fǎ Zhàn zhēng f /Sino-French War (1883-1885) (concerning French seizure of Vietnam)/ 中法新約 中法新约 T - 0 Zhōng Fǎ xīn yuē f /treaty of Tianjin of 1885 ceding Vietnam to France/ 中法新约 中法新約 S - 0 Zhōng Fǎ xīn yuē f /treaty of Tianjin of 1885 ceding Vietnam to France/ 中波 - 35 Zhōng Bō f /Chinese-Polish/ 中波 - 35 zhōng bō f /medium wave (radio frequency range)/ 中洋脊 - 0 zhōng yáng jǐ f /mid-ocean ridge (geology)/ 中流 - 78 zhōng liú f /midstream/ 中流砥柱 - 343 zhōng liú dǐ zhù f /mainstay/cornerstone/tower of strength/ 中海油 - 3 zhōng hǎi yóu f /China National Offshore Oil Corporation/ 中港 - 28 Zhōng Gǎng f /PRC and Hong Kong/ 中港台 中港臺 S - 3 Zhōng Gǎng Tái f /China, Hong Kong and Taiwan (abbr.)/ 中港臺 中港台 T - 3 Zhōng Gǎng Tái f /China, Hong Kong and Taiwan (abbr.)/ 中游 - 1019 zhōng yóu f /the middle stretches of a river/middle level/middle echelon/midstream/ 中源地震 - 0 zhōng yuán dì zhèn f /medium depth earthquake (with epicenter 70-300 km deep)/ 中澳 - 0 Zhōng Aò f /China-Australia (relations)/ 中灶 - 5 zhōng zào f /mess hall for mid-level cadres/cf. 大灶[da4 zao4]/ 中点 中點 S - 29 zhōng diǎn f /midpoint/half-way point/ 中爪哇 - 14 Zhōng Zhǎo wā f /central Java/the province of Jogyakarta/ 中牟 - 27 Zhōng mù f /Zhongmu county in Zhengzhou 鄭州|郑州[Zheng4 zhou1], Henan/ 中牟县 中牟縣 S - 13 Zhōng móu xiàn f /Zhongmou county in Zhengzhou 鄭州|郑州[Zheng4 zhou1], Henan/ 中牟縣 中牟县 T - 13 Zhōng móu xiàn f /Zhongmou county in Zhengzhou 鄭州|郑州[Zheng4 zhou1], Henan/ 中獎 中奖 T - 166 zhòng jiǎng f /to win a prize/a successful gamble/ 中环 中環 S - 32 Zhōng huán f /Central, Hong Kong Island/ 中環 中环 T - 32 Zhōng huán f /Central, Hong Kong Island/ 中生代 - 239 Zhōng shēng dài f /Mesozoic (geological era 250-65m years ago, covering Triassic 三疊紀|三叠纪, Jurassic 侏羅紀|侏罗纪 and Cretaceous 白堊紀|白垩纪)/ 中產 中产 T - 155 zhōng chǎn f /middle class/bourgeois/ 中產階級 中产阶级 T - 574 zhōng chǎn jiē jí f /middle class/ 中田英壽 中田英寿 T - 21 zhōng tián yīng shòu f /Hidetoshi Nakata/ 中田英寿 中田英壽 S - 21 zhōng tián yīng shòu f /Hidetoshi Nakata/ 中甸 - 13 Zhōng diàn f /Gyeltang or Gyalthang town and county, former name of Shangri-La county 香格里拉縣|香格里拉县[Xiang1 ge2 li3 la1 xian4] in Dêqên or Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture 迪慶藏族自治州|迪庆藏族自治州[Di2 qing4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], northwest Yunnan/ 中甸县 中甸縣 S - 11 Zhōng diàn xiàn f /Gyeltang or Gyalthang town and county, former name of Shangri-La county 香格里拉縣|香格里拉县[Xiang1 ge2 li3 la1 xian4] in Dêqên or Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture 迪慶藏族自治州|迪庆藏族自治州[Di2 qing4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], northwest Yunnan/ 中甸縣 中甸县 T - 11 Zhōng diàn xiàn f /Gyeltang or Gyalthang town and county, former name of Shangri-La county 香格里拉縣|香格里拉县[Xiang1 ge2 li3 la1 xian4] in Dêqên or Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture 迪慶藏族自治州|迪庆藏族自治州[Di2 qing4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], northwest Yunnan/ 中白鷺 中白鹭 T - 0 zhōng bái lù f /(bird species of China) intermediate egret (Egretta intermedia)/ 中白鹭 中白鷺 S - 0 zhōng bái lù f /(bird species of China) intermediate egret (Egretta intermedia)/ 中的 - 0 zhòng dì f /to hit the target/to hit the nail on the head/ 中盘 中盤 S - 71 zhōng pán f /circling in midstream/in the middle of a tray/middle game (in go or chess)/ 中盤 中盘 T - 71 zhōng pán f /circling in midstream/in the middle of a tray/middle game (in go or chess)/ 中看 - 0 zhōng kàn f /pleasant to the eye/Taiwan pr. [zhong4 kan4]/ 中看不中用 - 0 zhòng kàn bù zhòng yòng f /impressive-looking but useless/ 中短债 中短債 S - 0 zhōng duǎn zhài f /short or medium term loan/ 中短債 中短债 T - 0 zhōng duǎn zhài f /short or medium term loan/ 中石化 - 141 Zhōng shí huà f /China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, Sinopec/abbr. for 中國石油化工股份有限公司|中国石油化工股份有限公司/ 中石器时代 中石器時代 S - 29 Zhōng shí qì Shí dài f /Mesolithic Era/ 中石器時代 中石器时代 T - 29 Zhōng shí qì Shí dài f /Mesolithic Era/ 中石油川东钻探公司 中石油川東鑽探公司 S - 0 Zhōng Shí yóu Chuān dōng Zuàn tàn Gōng sī f /Chuandong Oil Drilling & Exploration Company (CODEC)/ 中石油川東鑽探公司 中石油川东钻探公司 T - 0 Zhōng Shí yóu Chuān dōng Zuàn tàn Gōng sī f /Chuandong Oil Drilling & Exploration Company (CODEC)/ 中研院 - 4 Zhōng yán yuàn f /Academia Sinica/abbr. for 中央研究院[Zhong1 yang1 Yan2 jiu1 yuan4]/ 中秋 - 163 Zhōng qiū f /the Mid-autumn festival, the traditional moon-viewing festival on the 15th of the 8th lunar month/ 中秋節 中秋节 T - 133 Zhōng qiū jié f /the Mid-Autumn Festival on 15th of 8th lunar month/ 中秋节 中秋節 S - 133 Zhōng qiū jié f /the Mid-Autumn Festival on 15th of 8th lunar month/ 中科院 - 246 Zhōng kē yuàn f /abbr. for 中國社會科學院|中国社会科学院[Zhong1 guo2 She4 hui4 Ke1 xue2 yuan4], Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)/ 中程 - 259 zhōng chéng f /medium-range/ 中空 - 124 zhōng kōng f /hollow/empty interior/ 中空玻璃 - 3 zhōng kōng bō li f /double glazing/ 中立 3987 406 zhōng lì f /neutral/ 中立国 中立國 S - 75 zhōng lì guó f /neutral country/ 中立國 中立国 T - 75 zhōng lì guó f /neutral country/ 中立性 - 3 zhōng lì xìng f /impartiality/neutrality/ 中立派 - 3 zhōng lì pài f /centrist/the centrist faction/ 中站 - 3 Zhōng zhàn f /Zhongzhan district of Jiaozuo city 焦作市[Jiao1 zuo4 shi4], Henan/ 中站区 中站區 S - 3 Zhōng zhàn qū f /Zhongzhan district of Jiaozuo city 焦作市[Jiao1 zuo4 shi4], Henan/ 中站區 中站区 T - 3 Zhōng zhàn qū f /Zhongzhan district of Jiaozuo city 焦作市[Jiao1 zuo4 shi4], Henan/ 中等 - 1630 zhōng děng f /medium/ 中等专业学校 中等專業學校 S - 0 zhōng děng zhuān yè xué xiào f /specialized middle school/ 中等专业教育 中等專業教育 S - 0 zhōng děng zhuān yè jiào yù f /technical middle school education/ 中等專業學校 中等专业学校 T - 0 zhōng děng zhuān yè xué xiào f /specialized middle school/ 中等專業教育 中等专业教育 T - 0 zhōng děng zhuān yè jiào yù f /technical middle school education/ 中等师范学校 中等師範學校 S - 0 zhōng děng shī fàn xué xiào f /normal (i.e. pedagogical) middle school/ 中等師範學校 中等师范学校 T - 0 zhōng děng shī fàn xué xiào f /normal (i.e. pedagogical) middle school/ 中等技术学校 中等技術學校 S - 0 zhōng děng jì shù xué xiào f /technical middle school/polytechnic/ 中等技術學校 中等技术学校 T - 0 zhōng děng jì shù xué xiào f /technical middle school/polytechnic/ 中等教育 - 85 zhōng děng jiào yù f /secondary education/middle school education/ 中等普通教育 - 0 zhōng děng pǔ tōng jiào yù f /general middle school education/ 中筋面粉 中筋麵粉 S - 0 zhōng jīn miàn fěn f /all-purpose flour/flour for making dumplings and noodles/ 中筋麵粉 中筋面粉 T - 0 zhōng jīn miàn fěn f /all-purpose flour/flour for making dumplings and noodles/ 中签 中簽 S - 0 zhòng qiān f /to win a ballot/to draw a lucky number/ 中箭落馬 中箭落马 T - 3 zhòng jiàn luò mǎ f /lit. to be struck by an arrow and fall from one's horse/to suffer a serious setback (idiom)/ 中箭落马 中箭落馬 S - 3 zhòng jiàn luò mǎ f /lit. to be struck by an arrow and fall from one's horse/to suffer a serious setback (idiom)/ 中篇小說 中篇小说 T - 160 zhōng piān xiǎo shuō f /novella/ 中篇小说 中篇小說 S - 160 zhōng piān xiǎo shuō f /novella/ 中簽 中签 T - 0 zhòng qiān f /to win a ballot/to draw a lucky number/ 中紀委 中纪委 T - 71 Zhōng jì wěi f /Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI), organization within the CCP which investigates corruption and other wrongdoing among Party cadres/abbr. for 中共中央紀律檢查委員會|中共中央纪律检查委员会/ 中級 中级 T - 874 zhōng jí f /middle level (in a hierarchy)/ 中組部 中组部 T - 90 Zhōng zǔ bù f /Organization Department/abbr. for 中共中央組織部|中共中央组织部[Zhong1 Gong4 Zhong1 yang1 Zu3 zhi1 bu4]/ 中綴 中缀 T - 3 zhōng zhuì f /infix (grammar), particle attached within a word or expression/ 中線 中线 T - 377 zhōng xiàn f /half-way line/median line/ 中縫 中缝 T - 8 zhōng fèng f /vertical space in a newspaper between two attached pages/vertical line on the back of clothing/ 中繼 中继 T - 80 zhōng jì f /to relay/to repeat/ 中繼器 中继器 T - 6 zhōng jì qì f /repeater/ 中繼站 中继站 T - 32 zhōng jì zhàn f /relay station/ 中级 中級 S - 874 zhōng jí f /middle level (in a hierarchy)/ 中纪委 中紀委 S - 71 Zhōng jì wěi f /Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI), organization within the CCP which investigates corruption and other wrongdoing among Party cadres/abbr. for 中共中央紀律檢查委員會|中共中央纪律检查委员会/ 中线 中線 S - 377 zhōng xiàn f /half-way line/median line/ 中组部 中組部 S - 90 Zhōng zǔ bù f /Organization Department/abbr. for 中共中央組織部|中共中央组织部[Zhong1 Gong4 Zhong1 yang1 Zu3 zhi1 bu4]/ 中继 中繼 S - 80 zhōng jì f /to relay/to repeat/ 中继器 中繼器 S - 6 zhōng jì qì f /repeater/ 中继站 中繼站 S - 32 zhōng jì zhàn f /relay station/ 中缀 中綴 S - 3 zhōng zhuì f /infix (grammar), particle attached within a word or expression/ 中缝 中縫 S - 8 zhōng fèng f /vertical space in a newspaper between two attached pages/vertical line on the back of clothing/ 中美 - 3 Zhōng Měi f /China-USA/ 中美文化研究中心 - 0 Zhōng Měi Wén huà Yán jiū zhōng xīn f /Hopkins-Nanjing Center/ 中美洲 - 293 Zhōng Měi zhōu f /Central America/ 中老年 - 72 zhōng lǎo nián f /middle and old age/ 中老年人 - 69 zhōng lǎo nián rén f /middle-aged and elderly people/ 中耳 - 42 zhōng ěr f /middle ear/ 中耳炎 - 52 zhōng ěr yán f /inflammation of middle ear/otitis media/ 中联航 中聯航 S - 0 Zhōng lián háng f /China United Airlines, abbr. for 中國聯合航空|中国联合航空[Zhong1 guo2 Lian2 he2 Hang2 kong1]/ 中聯航 中联航 T - 0 Zhōng lián háng f /China United Airlines, abbr. for 中國聯合航空|中国联合航空[Zhong1 guo2 Lian2 he2 Hang2 kong1]/ 中聲 中声 T - 0 zhōng shēng f /medial (i.e. middle vowel of a syllable in Asian phonetics)/ 中聽 中听 T - 0 zhōng tīng f /pleasant to hear (i.e. agreeable news)/to one's liking/music to one's ears/Taiwan pr. [zhong4 ting1]/ 中肯 - 64 zhòng kěn f /pertinent/apropos/ 中胚层 中胚層 S - 3 zhōng pēi céng f /mesoderm (cell lineage in embryology)/ 中胚層 中胚层 T - 3 zhōng pēi céng f /mesoderm (cell lineage in embryology)/ 中脊 - 0 zhōng jǐ f /mid-ocean ridge (geology)/ 中臺 中台 T - 19 Zhōng Tái f /China and Taiwan/ 中興 中兴 T - 684 zhōng xīng f /resurgence/recovery/restoration/ 中興新村 中兴新村 T - 3 Zhōng xīng Xīn cūn f /Chung-hsing New Village, model town in Nantou County, west-central Taiwan, administrative seat of the Taiwan Provincial Government/ 中舉 中举 T - 75 zhòng jǔ f /to pass the provincial level imperial examination/ 中航技进出口有限责任公司 中航技進出口有限責任公司 S - 0 Zhōng háng jì Jìn chū kǒu Yǒu xiàn Zé rèn Gōng sī f /China National Aero-Technology Import & Export Corporation (CATIC)/ 中航技進出口有限責任公司 中航技进出口有限责任公司 T - 0 Zhōng háng jì Jìn chū kǒu Yǒu xiàn Zé rèn Gōng sī f /China National Aero-Technology Import & Export Corporation (CATIC)/ 中苏解决悬案大纲协定 中蘇解決懸案大綱協定 S - 0 Zhōng Sū jiě jué xuán àn dà gāng xié dìng f /the treaty of 1923 normalizing relations between the Soviet Union and the Northern Warlord government of China/ 中英 - 3 Zhōng Yīng f /Sino-British/Chinese-English/ 中英对照 中英對照 S - 3 Zhōng Yīng duì zhào f /Chinese English parallel texts/ 中英對照 中英对照 T - 3 Zhōng Yīng duì zhào f /Chinese English parallel texts/ 中英文对照 中英文對照 S - 0 Zhōng Yīng wén duì zhào f /Chinese-English parallel texts/ 中英文對照 中英文对照 T - 0 Zhōng Yīng wén duì zhào f /Chinese-English parallel texts/ 中草药 中草藥 S - 123 zhōng cǎo yào f /Chinese herbal medicine/ 中草藥 中草药 T - 123 zhōng cǎo yào f /Chinese herbal medicine/ 中药 中藥 S - 1106 Zhōng yào f /(traditional) Chinese medicine/CL:服[fu4],種|种[zhong3]/ 中華 中华 T - 2446 Zhōng huá f /China (alternate formal name)/ 中華人民共和國 中华人民共和国 T - 9989 Zhōng huá Rén mín Gòng hé guó f /People's Republic of China/ 中華仙鶲 中华仙鹟 T - 0 Zhōng huá xiān wēng f /(bird species of China) Chinese blue flycatcher (Cyornis glaucicomans)/ 中華全國婦女聯合會 中华全国妇女联合会 T - 8 Zhōng huá Quán guó Fù nǚ Lián hé huì f /All-China Women's Federation (PRC, established 1949)/ 中華全國總工會 中华全国总工会 T - 72 Zhōng huá Quán guó Zǒng gōng huì f /All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU)/ 中華全國體育總會 中华全国体育总会 T - 18 Zhōng huá Quán guó Tǐ yù Zǒng huì f /All-China Sports Federation/ 中華字海 中华字海 T - 0 Zhōng huá Zì hǎi f /Zhonghua Zihai, the most comprehensive Chinese character dictionary with 85,568 entries, compiled in 1994/ 中華攀雀 中华攀雀 T - 0 Zhōng huá pān què f /(bird species of China) Chinese penduline tit (Remiz consobrinus)/ 中華民國 中华民国 T - 826 Zhōng huá Mín guó f /Republic of China/ 中華民族 中华民族 T - 2640 Zhōng huá mín zú f /the Chinese people/ 中華田園犬 中华田园犬 T - 0 Zhōng huá tián yuán quǎn f /Chinese rural dog/indigenous dog/mongrel/ 中華短翅鶯 中华短翅莺 T - 0 Zhōng huá duǎn chì yīng f /(bird species of China) Chinese bush warbler (Locustella tacsanowskia)/ 中華秋沙鴨 中华秋沙鸭 T - 0 Zhōng huá qiū shā yā f /(bird species of China) scaly-sided merganser (Mergus squamatus)/ 中華臺北 中华台北 T - 0 Zhōng huá Tái běi f /Chinese Taipei, name for Taiwan to which the PRC and Taiwan agreed for the purpose of participation in international events/ 中華航空公司 中华航空公司 T - 0 Zhōng huá Háng kōng Gōng sī f /China Airlines (Taiwan)/abbr. to 華航|华航[Hua2 hang2]/ 中華蘇維埃共和國 中华苏维埃共和国 T - 121 Zhōng huá Sū wéi āi Gòng hé guó f /Chinese Soviet Republic (1931-1937)/ 中華電視 中华电视 T - 3 Zhōng huá Diàn shì f /China TV (Taiwan), CTS/ 中華鷓鴣 中华鹧鸪 T - 0 Zhōng huá zhè gū f /(bird species of China) Chinese francolin (Francolinus pintadeanus)/ 中華龍鳥 中华龙鸟 T - 0 Zhōng huá lóng niǎo f /Sinosauropteryx/ 中葉 中叶 T - 1329 zhōng yè f /mid- (e.g. mid-century)/middle period/ 中藥 中药 T - 1106 Zhōng yào f /(traditional) Chinese medicine/CL:服[fu4],種|种[zhong3]/ 中蘇解決懸案大綱協定 中苏解决悬案大纲协定 T - 0 Zhōng Sū jiě jué xuán àn dà gāng xié dìng f /the treaty of 1923 normalizing relations between the Soviet Union and the Northern Warlord government of China/ 中號 中号 T - 12 zhōng hào f /medium-sized/ 中行 - 347 Zhōng háng f /abbr. for 中國銀行|中国银行[Zhong1 guo2 Yin2 hang2]/ 中衛 中卫 T - 68 Zhōng wèi f /Zhongwei prefecture level city in Ningxia/ 中衛市 中卫市 T - 3 Zhōng wèi shì f /Zhongwei prefecture level city in Ningxia/ 中装 中裝 S - 24 zhōng zhuāng f /Chinese dress/ 中裝 中装 T - 24 zhōng zhuāng f /Chinese dress/ 中西 - 330 Zhōng Xī f /China and the West/Chinese-Western/ 中西区 中西區 S - 2 Zhōng Xī qū f /Central and Western district of Hong Kong/ 中西医 中西醫 S - 119 zhōng xī yī f /Chinese and Western medicine/a doctor trained in Chinese and Western medicine/ 中西医结合 中西醫結合 S - 0 Zhōng Xī yī jié hé f /to combine traditional Chinese and Western medicine/ 中西區 中西区 T - 2 Zhōng Xī qū f /Central and Western district of Hong Kong/ 中西合併 中西合并 T - 3 Zhōng Xī hé bìng f /Chinese-Western fusion/ 中西合并 中西合併 S - 3 Zhōng Xī hé bìng f /Chinese-Western fusion/ 中西合璧 - 9 Zhōng Xī hé bì f /harmonious combination of Chinese and Western elements (idiom)/ 中西部 - 294 zhōng xī bù f /midwest/ 中西醫 中西医 T - 119 zhōng xī yī f /Chinese and Western medicine/a doctor trained in Chinese and Western medicine/ 中西醫結合 中西医结合 T - 0 Zhōng Xī yī jié hé f /to combine traditional Chinese and Western medicine/ 中規中矩 中规中矩 T - 38 zhòng guī zhòng jǔ f /conforming with the norms of society/ 中視 中视 T - 25 Zhōng shì f /China TV (Taiwan), CTV/abbr. for 中國電視公司|中国电视公司/ 中规中矩 中規中矩 S - 38 zhòng guī zhòng jǔ f /conforming with the norms of society/ 中视 中視 S - 25 Zhōng shì f /China TV (Taiwan), CTV/abbr. for 中國電視公司|中国电视公司/ 中計 中计 T - 37 zhòng jì f /to fall into a trap/taken in by a stratagem/cheated/ripped off/ 中試 中试 T - 22 zhōng shì f /pilot-scale/ 中计 中計 S - 37 zhòng jì f /to fall into a trap/taken in by a stratagem/cheated/ripped off/ 中试 中試 S - 22 zhōng shì f /pilot-scale/ 中財 中财 T - 0 Zhōng Cái f /Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing/abbr. for 中央財經大學|中央财经大学[Zhong1 yang1 Cai2 jing1 Da4 xue2]/ 中資 中资 T - 93 zhōng zī f /Chinese capital/Chinese enterprise/ 中賊鷗 中贼鸥 T - 0 zhōng zéi ōu f /(bird species of China) pomarine skua (Stercorarius pomarinus)/ 中财 中財 S - 0 Zhōng Cái f /Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing/abbr. for 中央財經大學|中央财经大学[Zhong1 yang1 Cai2 jing1 Da4 xue2]/ 中贼鸥 中賊鷗 S - 0 zhōng zéi ōu f /(bird species of China) pomarine skua (Stercorarius pomarinus)/ 中资 中資 S - 93 zhōng zī f /Chinese capital/Chinese enterprise/ 中越战争 中越戰爭 S - 0 Zhōng Yuè Zhàn zhēng f /the Sino-Vietnamese War, fought between the PRC and Vietnam in 1979/also known as the Third Indochina War/ 中越戰爭 中越战争 T - 0 Zhōng Yuè Zhàn zhēng f /the Sino-Vietnamese War, fought between the PRC and Vietnam in 1979/also known as the Third Indochina War/ 中軸 中轴 T - 70 zhōng zhóu f /central axis/core/ 中軸線 中轴线 T - 1243 zhōng zhóu xiàn f /central axis (line)/ 中輟 中辍 T - 5 zhōng chuò f /to stop halfway/to give up halfway/interruption/suspension/ 中轉 中转 T - 110 zhōng zhuǎn f /to change (train or plane)/transfer/correspondence/ 中轉櫃檯 中转柜台 T - 0 zhōng zhuǎn guì tái f /transfer desk/correspondence desk/ 中轉站 中转站 T - 67 zhōng zhuǎn zhàn f /hub (network equipment)/ 中转 中轉 S - 110 zhōng zhuǎn f /to change (train or plane)/transfer/correspondence/ 中转柜台 中轉櫃檯 S - 0 zhōng zhuǎn guì tái f /transfer desk/correspondence desk/ 中转站 中轉站 S - 67 zhōng zhuǎn zhàn f /hub (network equipment)/ 中轴 中軸 S - 70 zhōng zhóu f /central axis/core/ 中轴线 中軸線 S - 1243 zhōng zhóu xiàn f /central axis (line)/ 中辍 中輟 S - 5 zhōng chuò f /to stop halfway/to give up halfway/interruption/suspension/ 中辣 - 0 zhōng là f /hot/medium level of spiciness/ 中辦 中办 T - 10 Zhōng Bàn f /General Office of the Central Committee of the CPC/abbr. for 中共中央辦公廳|中共中央办公厅[Zhong1 gong4 Zhong1 yang1 Ban4 gong1 ting1]/ 中農 中农 T - 63 Zhōng nóng f /Chinese agriculture/ 中远 中遠 S - 58 Zhōng yuǎn f /abbr. for 中遠集團|中远集团[Zhong1 yuan3 Ji2 tuan2], COSCO (China Ocean Shipping Company)/ 中远太平洋 中遠太平洋 S - 0 Zhōng yuǎn Tài píng yáng f /COSCO Pacific Limited, major freight company/ 中远太平洋有限公司 中遠太平洋有限公司 S - 0 zhōng yuǎn Tài píng yáng yǒu xiàn gōng sī f /COSCO Pacific Limited, major freight company/ 中远集团 中遠集團 S - 0 Zhōng yuǎn Jí tuán f /COSCO (China Ocean Shipping Company)/ 中远香港集团 中遠香港集團 S - 0 Zhōng yuǎn Xiāng Gǎng Jí tuán f /COSCO Hong Kong Group/ 中选 中選 S - 114 zhòng xuǎn f /to win an election/to get a position by passing the imperial exam/ 中途 - 587 zhōng tú f /midway/ 中途岛 中途島 S - 3 Zhōng tú Dǎo f /Midway Islands/ 中途岛战役 中途島戰役 S - 0 Zhōng tú Dǎo Zhàn yì f /Battle of Midway, June 1942/ 中途島 中途岛 T - 3 Zhōng tú Dǎo f /Midway Islands/ 中途島戰役 中途岛战役 T - 0 Zhōng tú Dǎo Zhàn yì f /Battle of Midway, June 1942/ 中途搁浅 中途擱淺 S - 0 zhōng tú gē qiǎn f /to run aground in mid-course/to run into difficulty and stop/ 中途擱淺 中途搁浅 T - 0 zhōng tú gē qiǎn f /to run aground in mid-course/to run into difficulty and stop/ 中途退场 中途退場 S - 0 zhōng tú tuì chǎng f /to leave in the middle of the play/(fig.) to leave before the matter is concluded/ 中途退場 中途退场 T - 0 zhōng tú tuì chǎng f /to leave in the middle of the play/(fig.) to leave before the matter is concluded/ 中遠 中远 T - 58 Zhōng yuǎn f /abbr. for 中遠集團|中远集团[Zhong1 yuan3 Ji2 tuan2], COSCO (China Ocean Shipping Company)/ 中遠太平洋 中远太平洋 T - 0 Zhōng yuǎn Tài píng yáng f /COSCO Pacific Limited, major freight company/ 中遠太平洋有限公司 中远太平洋有限公司 T - 0 zhōng yuǎn Tài píng yáng yǒu xiàn gōng sī f /COSCO Pacific Limited, major freight company/ 中遠集團 中远集团 T - 0 Zhōng yuǎn Jí tuán f /COSCO (China Ocean Shipping Company)/ 中遠香港集團 中远香港集团 T - 0 Zhōng yuǎn Xiāng Gǎng Jí tuán f /COSCO Hong Kong Group/ 中選 中选 T - 114 zhòng xuǎn f /to win an election/to get a position by passing the imperial exam/ 中邪 - 17 zhòng xié f /to be possessed/to be bewitched/ 中部 - 5299 zhōng bù f /middle part/central section/ 中都 - 3 Zhōng dū f /Zhongdu, capital of China during the Jin Dynasty (1115-1234), modern day Beijing/ 中醫 中医 T - 1034 Zhōng yī f /traditional Chinese medical science/a doctor trained in Chinese medicine/ 中醫學 中医学 T - 99 Zhōng yī xué f /traditional Chinese medicine/TCM/ 中野 - 16 Zhōng yě f /Nakano (Japanese surname and place name)/ 中量級 中量级 T - 3 zhōng liàng jí f /middleweight/ 中量级 中量級 S - 3 zhōng liàng jí f /middleweight/ 中銀 中银 T - 34 Zhōng Yín f /Bank of China/abbr. for 中國銀行|中国银行[Zhong1 guo2 Yin2 hang2]/ 中鋒 中锋 T - 168 zhōng fēng f /midfielder/center (basketball)/center forward (hockey, football)/ 中银 中銀 S - 34 Zhōng Yín f /Bank of China/abbr. for 中國銀行|中国银行[Zhong1 guo2 Yin2 hang2]/ 中锋 中鋒 S - 168 zhōng fēng f /midfielder/center (basketball)/center forward (hockey, football)/ 中長跑 中长跑 T - 24 zhōng cháng pǎo f /middle distance race/ 中长跑 中長跑 S - 24 zhōng cháng pǎo f /middle distance race/ 中間 中间 T 498 6547 zhōng jiān f /between/intermediate/mid/middle/ 中間人 中间人 T - 77 zhōng jiān rén f /intermediary/mediator/ 中間件 中间件 T - 74 zhōng jiān jiàn f /middleware/ 中間名 中间名 T - 0 zhōng jiān míng f /middle name/second given name/ 中間層 中间层 T - 19 zhōng jiān céng f /mesosphere/ 中間派 中间派 T - 83 zhōng jiān pài f /moderate faction/party of compromise/middle ground/ 中間神經元 中间神经元 T - 0 zhōng jiān shén jīng yuán f /interneuron/ 中間纖維 中间纤维 T - 0 zhōng jiān xiān wéi f /intermediate filament/ 中間路線 中间路线 T - 0 zhōng jiān lù xiàn f /middle road (in politics)/ 中關村 中关村 T - 153 Zhōng guān cūn f /Zhongguancun neighborhood of Beijing, containing Peking University, famous for electronics shops and bookstores/ 中间 中間 S 498 6547 zhōng jiān f /between/intermediate/mid/middle/ 中间人 中間人 S - 77 zhōng jiān rén f /intermediary/mediator/ 中间件 中間件 S - 74 zhōng jiān jiàn f /middleware/ 中间名 中間名 S - 0 zhōng jiān míng f /middle name/second given name/ 中间层 中間層 S - 19 zhōng jiān céng f /mesosphere/ 中间派 中間派 S - 83 zhōng jiān pài f /moderate faction/party of compromise/middle ground/ 中间神经元 中間神經元 S - 0 zhōng jiān shén jīng yuán f /interneuron/ 中间纤维 中間纖維 S - 0 zhōng jiān xiān wéi f /intermediate filament/ 中间路线 中間路線 S - 0 zhōng jiān lù xiàn f /middle road (in politics)/ 中阮 - 3 zhōng ruǎn f /zhongruan or alto lute, like pipa 琵琶 but bigger and lower range/ 中阳 中陽 S - 304 Zhōng yáng f /Zhangyang county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi 山西/ 中阳县 中陽縣 S - 5 Zhōng yáng xiàn f /Zhangyang county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi 山西/ 中陽 中阳 T - 304 Zhōng yáng f /Zhangyang county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi 山西/ 中陽縣 中阳县 T - 5 Zhōng yáng xiàn f /Zhangyang county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi 山西/ 中隔 - 0 zhōng gé f /septum (anatomy)/ 中青 - 20 zhōng qīng f /China Youth (official newspaper)/abbr. for 中国青年报/ 中青年 - 166 zhōng qīng nián f /middle-aged/ 中非 - 158 Zhōng Fēi f /China-Africa (relations)/Central Africa/Central African Republic/ 中非共和国 中非共和國 S - 31 Zhōng Fēi Gòng hé guó f /Central African Republic/ 中非共和國 中非共和国 T - 31 Zhōng Fēi Gòng hé guó f /Central African Republic/ 中韓 中韩 T - 3 Zhōng Hán f /China-South Korea/ 中韩 中韓 S - 3 Zhōng Hán f /China-South Korea/ 中風 中风 T - 139 zhòng fēng f /to suffer a paralyzing stroke/ 中风 中風 S - 139 zhòng fēng f /to suffer a paralyzing stroke/ 中飯 中饭 T - 28 zhōng fàn f /lunch/ 中飽 中饱 T - 3 zhōng bǎo f /to embezzle/to misappropriate/to line one's pockets with public funds/ 中飽私囊 中饱私囊 T - 23 zhōng bǎo sī náng f /to stuff one's pockets/to take bribes/ 中餐 - 43 Zhōng cān f /Chinese meal/Chinese food/CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4]/ 中餐館 中餐馆 T - 17 Zhōng cān guǎn f /Chinese restaurant/ 中餐馆 中餐館 S - 17 Zhōng cān guǎn f /Chinese restaurant/ 中饭 中飯 S - 28 zhōng fàn f /lunch/ 中饱 中飽 S - 3 zhōng bǎo f /to embezzle/to misappropriate/to line one's pockets with public funds/ 中饱私囊 中飽私囊 S - 23 zhōng bǎo sī náng f /to stuff one's pockets/to take bribes/ 中體西用 中体西用 T - 20 Zhōng tǐ Xī yòng f /adopting Western knowledge for its practical uses while keeping Chinese values as the core/ 中高度防空 - 0 zhōng gāo dù fáng kōng f /high-to-medium-altitude air defense (HIMAD)/ 中魔 - 3 zhòng mó f /to be possessed/to be bewitched/ 中點 中点 T - 29 zhōng diǎn f /midpoint/half-way point/ 丮 - 0 jǐ f /to catch/ 丰 - 784 fēng f /luxuriant/buxom/variant of 豐|丰[feng1]/variant of 風|风[feng1]/appearance/charm/ 丰 豐 S - 784 Fēng f /surname Feng/ 丰 豐 S - 784 fēng f /abundant/plentiful/fertile/plump/great/ 丰产 豐產 S - 567 fēng chǎn f /high yield/bumper crop/ 丰俭由人 豐儉由人 S - 0 fēng jiǎn yóu rén f /fancy or simple according to sb's budget (idiom)/ 丰功 豐功 S - 2 fēng gōng f /brilliant (exploit)/great (achievement)/esp. 豐功偉績|丰功伟绩, glorious achievement/ 丰功伟绩 豐功偉績 S - 69 fēng gōng wěi jì f /glorious achievement (idiom)/ 丰南 豐南 S - 9 Fēng nán f /Fengnan district of Tangshan city 唐山市[Tang2 shan1 shi4], Hebei/ 丰南区 豐南區 S - 3 Fēng nán qū f /Fengnan district of Tangshan city 唐山市[Tang2 shan1 shi4], Hebei/ 丰厚 豐厚 S - 402 fēng hòu f /generous/ample/ 丰原 豐原 S - 23 Fēng yuán f /Fongyuan or Fengyuan city in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan/ 丰原市 豐原市 S - 3 Fēng yuán shì f /Fongyuan or Fengyuan city in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan/ 丰县 豐縣 S - 29 Fēng xiàn f /Feng county in Xuzhou 徐州[Xu2 zhou1], Jiangsu/ 丰台 豐台 S - 98 Fēng tái f /Fengtai inner district of southwest Beijing/ 丰台区 豐台區 S - 46 Fēng tái qū f /Fengtai inner district of southwest Beijing/ 丰城 豐城 S - 17 Fēng chéng f /Fengcheng county level city in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi/ 丰城市 豐城市 S - 3 Fēng chéng shì f /Fengcheng county level city in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi/ 丰姿 - 30 fēng zī f /charm/good looks/ 丰宁 豐寧 S - 15 Fēng níng f /Fengning Manchu autonomous county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 de2], Hebei/ 丰宁县 豐寧縣 S - 4 Fēng níng xiàn f /Fengning Manchu autonomous county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 de2], Hebei/ 丰宁满族自治县 豐寧滿族自治縣 S - 4 Fēng níng Mǎn zú Zì zhì xiàn f /Fengning Manchu Autonomous County in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 de2], Hebei/ 丰富 豐富 S 1075 11867 fēng fù f /to enrich/rich/plentiful/abundant/ 丰富多彩 豐富多彩 S - 355 fēng fù duō cǎi f /richly colorful/ 丰年 豐年 S - 64 fēng nián f /prosperous year/year with bumper harvest/ 丰度 豐度 S - 66 fēng dù f /abundance/ 丰收 豐收 S 4466 395 fēng shōu f /bumper harvest/ 丰水 豐水 S - 12 fēng shuǐ f /abundant water/high water level/ 丰沛 豐沛 S - 116 fēng pèi f /copious/plentiful (of water)/surging (of waves)/refers to home village of first Han emperor 漢高祖|汉高祖[Han4 Gao1 zu3]/fig. majestic/ 丰泽 豐澤 S - 4 Fēng zé f /Fengze district of Quanzhou city 泉州市[Quan2 zhou1 shi4], Fujian/ 丰泽区 豐澤區 S - 3 Fēng zé qū f /Fengze district of Quanzhou city 泉州市[Quan2 zhou1 shi4], Fujian/ 丰润 豐潤 S - 39 Fēng rùn f /Fengrun district of Tangshan city 唐山市[Tang2 shan1 shi4], Hebei/ 丰润区 豐潤區 S - 3 Fēng rùn qū f /Fengrun district of Tangshan city 唐山市[Tang2 shan1 shi4], Hebei/ 丰溪 豐溪 S - 3 Fēng xī f /Fengxi, common place name/P'unggye in Kilju county, North Hamgyeong province, the North Korean nuclear test site/ 丰溪里 豐溪里 S - 0 Fēng xī lǐ f /P'unggye in Kilju county, North Hamgyeong province, the North Korean nuclear test site/ 丰满 豐滿 S 3646 281 Fēng mǎn f /Fengman district of Jilin city 吉林市, Jilin province/ 丰满 豐滿 S 3646 281 fēng mǎn f /ample/well developed/fully rounded/ 丰满区 豐滿區 S - 3 Fēng mǎn qū f /Fengman district of Jilin city 吉林市, Jilin province/ 丰滨 豐濱 S - 3 Fēng bīn f /Fengbin or Fengpin township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 xian4], east Taiwan/ 丰滨乡 豐濱鄉 S - 0 Fēng bīn xiāng f /Fengbin or Fengpin township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 xian4], east Taiwan/ 丰田 豐田 S - 156 Fēng tián f /Toyota or Toyoda (name)/Toyota, Japanese car make/ 丰登 豐登 S - 4 fēng dēng f /plentiful harvest/bumper crop/ 丰盈 豐盈 S - 30 fēng yíng f /well-rounded/plump/ 丰盛 豐盛 S 3913 244 fēng shèng f /rich/sumptuous/ 丰硕 豐碩 S - 146 fēng shuò f /plentiful/substantial/rich (in resources etc)/ 丰碑 豐碑 S - 48 fēng bēi f /large inscribed stele/fig. great achievement/imperishable masterpiece/ 丰美 豐美 S - 193 fēng měi f /abundant and prosperous/ 丰胸 豐胸 S - 3 fēng xiōng f /see 隆胸[long2 xiong1]/ 丰腴 豐腴 S - 63 fēng yú f /full-bodied/well-rounded/fig. fertile land/ 丰臣秀吉 豐臣秀吉 S - 3 Fēng chén Xiù jí f /TOYOTOMI Hideyoshi (1536-1598), Japanese warlord, undisputed ruler of Japan 1590-1598/ 丰衣足食 豐衣足食 S - 18 fēng yī zú shí f /having ample food and clothing (idiom); well fed and clothed/ 丰裕 豐裕 S - 22 fēng yù f /abundance/plenty/ 丰足 豐足 S - 28 fēng zú f /abundant/plenty/ 丰都 豐都 S - 39 Fēng dū f /Fengdu county in Fuling suburbs of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 丰都县 豐都縣 S - 8 Fēng dū xiàn f /Fengdu county in Fuling suburbs of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 丰采 - 31 fēng cǎi f /variant of 風采|风采[feng1 cai3]/ 丰镇 豐鎮 S - 8 Fēng zhèn f /Fengzhen city in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia/ 丰镇市 豐鎮市 S - 6 Fēng zhèn shì f /Fengzhen city in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia/ 丰顺 豐順 S - 5 Fēng shùn f /Fengshun county in Meizhou 梅州, Guangdong/ 丰顺县 豐順縣 S - 3 Fēng shùn xiàn f /Fengshun county in Meizhou 梅州, Guangdong/ 丰饶 豐饒 S - 65 fēng ráo f /rich and fertile/ 丱 - 0 guàn t /two tufts of hair/young/underage/ 丱 - 0 kuàng f /archaic variant of 礦|矿[kuang4]/ 串 3080 971 chuàn f /to string together/to skewer/to connect wrongly/to gang up/to rove/string/bunch/skewer/classifier for things that are strung together, or in a bunch, or in a row: string of, bunch of, series of/to make a swift or abrupt linear movement (like a bead on an abacus)/to move across/ 串乡 串鄉 S - 0 chuàn xiāng f /to go from village to village (like an itinerant artist)/ 串亲访友 串親訪友 S - 3 chuàn qīn fǎng yǒu f /to call on friends and relations (idiom)/ 串供 - 2 chuàn gòng f /to collude to fabricate a story/ 串口 - 16 chuàn kǒu f /serial port (computing)/ 串号 串號 S - 3 chuàn hào f /identification number/IMEI/ 串味 - 4 chuàn wèi f /to become tainted with the smell of sth else/to pick up an odor/ 串处理 串處理 S - 0 chuàn chǔ lǐ f /string processing (computing)/ 串岗 串崗 S - 3 chuàn gǎng f /to leave one's post during working hours/ 串崗 串岗 T - 3 chuàn gǎng f /to leave one's post during working hours/ 串换 串換 S - 3 chuàn huàn f /to exchange/to change/to swap/ 串換 串换 T - 3 chuàn huàn f /to exchange/to change/to swap/ 串烧 串燒 S - 2 chuàn shāo f /to cook on a skewer/barbecued food on a skewer/shish kebab/ 串燒 串烧 T - 2 chuàn shāo f /to cook on a skewer/barbecued food on a skewer/shish kebab/ 串線 串线 T - 3 chuàn xiàn f /to get the lines crossed/ 串线 串線 S - 3 chuàn xiàn f /to get the lines crossed/ 串联 串聯 S - 193 chuàn lián f /to establish ties or contact/in series connection (electricity)/ 串聯 串联 T - 193 chuàn lián f /to establish ties or contact/in series connection (electricity)/ 串處理 串处理 T - 0 chuàn chǔ lǐ f /string processing (computing)/ 串號 串号 T - 3 chuàn hào f /identification number/IMEI/ 串行 - 32 chuàn háng f /to miss a line/to confuse two lines/ 串行 - 32 chuàn xíng t /series/serial (computer)/ 串行口 - 3 chuàn xíng kǒu f /serial port (computing)/ 串行点阵打印机 串行點陣打印機 S - 0 chuàn xíng diǎn zhèn dǎ yìn jī f /serial dot matrix printer/ 串行點陣打印機 串行点阵打印机 T - 0 chuàn xíng diǎn zhèn dǎ yìn jī f /serial dot matrix printer/ 串親訪友 串亲访友 T - 3 chuàn qīn fǎng yǒu f /to call on friends and relations (idiom)/ 串謀 串谋 T - 9 chuàn móu f /to conspire/ 串谋 串謀 S - 9 chuàn móu f /to conspire/ 串通 - 113 chuàn tōng f /to collude/to collaborate/to gang up/ 串通一气 串通一氣 S - 12 chuàn tōng yī qì f /to act in collusion (idiom)/ 串通一氣 串通一气 T - 12 chuàn tōng yī qì f /to act in collusion (idiom)/ 串鄉 串乡 T - 0 chuàn xiāng f /to go from village to village (like an itinerant artist)/ 串門 串门 T - 98 chuàn mén f /to call on sb/to drop in/to visit sb's home/ 串門兒 串门儿 T - 7 chuàn mén r f /erhua variant of 串門|串门[chuan4 men2]/ 串門子 串门子 T - 6 chuàn mén zi f /see 串門|串门[chuan4 men2]/ 串门 串門 S - 98 chuàn mén f /to call on sb/to drop in/to visit sb's home/ 串门儿 串門兒 S - 7 chuàn mén r f /erhua variant of 串門|串门[chuan4 men2]/ 串门子 串門子 S - 6 chuàn mén zi f /see 串門|串门[chuan4 men2]/ 串音 - 3 chuàn yīn f /crosstalk/to overhear/ 丳 - 22 chǎn f /skewer/ 临 臨 S - 2810 lín f /to face/to overlook/to arrive/to be (just) about to/just before/ 临产 臨產 S - 41 lín chǎn f /to face childbirth/about to give birth/refers esp. to the onset of regular contractions/ 临写 臨寫 S - 0 lín xiě f /to copy (a model of calligraphy or painting)/ 临刑 臨刑 S - 37 lín xíng f /facing execution/ 临别 臨別 S - 93 lín bié f /on parting/facing separation/ 临别赠言 臨別贈言 S - 3 lín bié zèng yán f /words of advice on parting/ 临到 臨到 S - 117 lín dào f /to befall/ 临危 臨危 S - 103 lín wēi f /dying (from illness)/facing death/on one's deathbed/ 临危授命 臨危授命 S - 6 lín wēi shòu mìng f /to sacrifice one's life in a crisis/ 临县 臨縣 S - 13 Lín xiàn f /Lin county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi 山西/ 临场 臨場 S - 118 lín chǎng f /to be at the scene (sitting for an exam, performing, competing, giving directions etc)/firsthand (experience)/impromptu (remarks etc)/ 临场感 臨場感 S - 3 lín chǎng gǎn f /the feeling of actually being there/ 临城 臨城 S - 36 Lín chéng f /Lincheng county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ 临城县 臨城縣 S - 2 Lín chéng xiàn f /Lincheng county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ 临夏 臨夏 S - 41 Lín xià f /Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture 臨夏回族自治州|临夏回族自治州[Lin2 xia4 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/also Linxia city and Linxia county/ 临夏县 臨夏縣 S - 5 Lín xià xiàn f /Linxia county city in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture 臨夏回族自治州|临夏回族自治州[Lin2 xia4 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ 临夏回族自治州 臨夏回族自治州 S - 10 Lín xià Huí zú zì zhì zhōu f /Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture in Gansu/ 临夏州 臨夏州 S - 3 Lín xià zhōu f /Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture/abbr. for 臨夏回族自治州|临夏回族自治州/ 临夏市 臨夏市 S - 9 Lín xià shì f /Linxia county level city in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture 臨夏回族自治州|临夏回族自治州[Lin2 xia4 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ 临头 臨頭 S - 249 lín tóu f /to befall/to be imminent/ 临安 臨安 S - 417 Lín ān f /Lin'an county level city in Hangzhou 杭州[Hang2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 临安县 臨安縣 S - 15 Lín ān xiàn f /Lin'an county in Zhejiang, west of Hangzhou/ 临安市 臨安市 S - 11 Lín ān shì f /Lin'an county level city in Hangzhou 杭州[Hang2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 临屯郡 臨屯郡 S - 0 Lín tún jùn f /Lintun commandery (108 BC-c. 300 AD), one of four Han dynasty commanderies in north Korea/ 临川 臨川 S - 59 Lín chuān f /Linchuan district of Fuzhou city 撫州市|抚州市, Jiangxi/ 临川区 臨川區 S - 3 Lín chuān qū f /Linchuan district of Fuzhou city 撫州市|抚州市, Jiangxi/ 临川羡鱼 臨川羨魚 S - 3 lín chuān xiàn yú f /see 臨淵羨魚,不如退而結網|临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网[lin2 yuan1 xian4 yu2 , bu4 ru2 tui4 er2 jie2 wang3]/ 临帖 臨帖 S - 18 lín tiè f /to practice calligraphy from a model/ 临幸 臨幸 S - 22 lín xìng f /to go in person (of emperor)/to copulate with a concubine (of emperor)/ 临床 臨床 S 3455 2472 lín chuáng f /clinical/ 临床特征 臨床特徵 S - 0 lín chuáng tè zhēng f /clinical characteristic/diagnostic trait/ 临战 臨戰 S - 65 lín zhàn f /just before the contest/on the eve of war/ 临摹 臨摹 S - 98 lín mó f /to copy (a model of calligraphy or painting etc)/ 临时 臨時 S 1795 4483 lín shí f /at the instant sth happens/temporary/interim/ad hoc/ 临时分居 臨時分居 S - 0 lín shí fēn jū f /trial separation/ 临时工 臨時工 S - 78 lín shí gōng f /day laborer/temporary work/ 临时抱佛脚 臨時抱佛腳 S - 0 lín shí bào fó jiǎo f /lit. to clasp the Buddha's feet when danger arises (idiom); fig. to profess devotion only when in trouble/doing things at the last minute/making a hasty last-minute effort/ 临时政府 臨時政府 S - 3 lín shí zhèng fǔ f /provisional government/ 临时澳门市政执行委员会 臨時澳門市政執行委員會 S - 0 lín shí Aò mén shì zhèng zhí xíng wěi yuán huì f /Provisional Municipal Council of Macau/Câmara Municipal de Macau Provisória/ 临时贷款 臨時貸款 S - 0 lín shí dài kuǎn f /bridging loan/ 临月儿 臨月兒 S - 0 lín yuè r f /the month childbirth is due/ 临朐 臨朐 S - 17 Lín qú f /Linqu County in Weifang 濰坊|潍坊[Wei2 fang1], Shandong/ 临朐县 臨朐縣 S - 3 Lín qú Xiàn f /Linqu County in Weifang 濰坊|潍坊[Wei2 fang1], Shandong/ 临朝 臨朝 S - 79 lín cháo f /to hold a court audience/to govern from the imperial throne (applies esp. to Empress Dowager or Regent)/ 临桂 臨桂 S - 7 Lín guì f /Lingui county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ 临桂县 臨桂縣 S - 10 Lín guì xiàn f /Lingui county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ 临武 臨武 S - 3 Lín wǔ f /Linwu county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ 临武县 臨武縣 S - 2 Lín wǔ xiàn f /Linwu county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ 临死 臨死 S - 493 lín sǐ f /facing death/at death's door/ 临死不怯 臨死不怯 S - 0 lín sǐ bù qiè f /equanimity in the face of death/to face dangers with assurance/ 临水 臨水 S - 3 lín shuǐ f /facing the water (favored location)/ 临江 臨江 S - 106 Lín jiāng f /Linjiang county level city in Baishan 白山, Jilin/ 临江市 臨江市 S - 3 Lín jiāng shì f /Linjiang county level city in Baishan 白山, Jilin/ 临汾 臨汾 S - 165 Lín fén f /Linfen prefecture level city in Shanxi 山西/ 临汾地区 臨汾地區 S - 2 Lín fén dì qū f /Linfen prefecture in Shanxi/ 临汾市 臨汾市 S - 11 Lín fén shì f /Linfen prefecture level city in Shanxi 山西/ 临沂 臨沂 S - 132 Lín yí f /Linyi prefecture level city in Shandong/ 临沂地区 臨沂地區 S - 0 Lín yí dì qū f /Linyi prefecture in Shandong/ 临沂市 臨沂市 S - 32 Lín yí shì f /Linyi prefecture level city in Shandong/ 临沧 臨滄 S - 32 Lín cāng f /Lincang prefecture level city in Yunnan/ 临沧地区 臨滄地區 S - 5 Lín cāng dì qū f /Lincang prefecture in Yunnan/ 临沧市 臨滄市 S - 3 Lín cāng shì f /Lincang prefecture level city in Yunnan/ 临沭 臨沭 S - 2 Lín shù f /Linshu county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 yi2], Shandong/ 临沭县 臨沭縣 S - 7 Lín shù xiàn f /Linshu county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 yi2], Shandong/ 临河 臨河 S - 39 Lín hé f /Linhe district of Bayan Nur city 巴彥淖爾市|巴彦淖尔市[Ba1 yan4 nao4 er3 shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 临河区 臨河區 S - 3 Lín hé qū f /Linhe district of Bayan Nur city 巴彥淖爾市|巴彦淖尔市[Ba1 yan4 nao4 er3 shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 临河羡鱼 臨河羨魚 S - 3 lín hé xiàn yú f /see 臨淵羨魚,不如退而結網|临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网[lin2 yuan1 xian4 yu2 , bu4 ru2 tui4 er2 jie2 wang3]/ 临泉 臨泉 S - 4 Lín quán f /Linquan County in Fuyang 阜陽|阜阳[Fu4 yang2], Anhui/ 临泉县 臨泉縣 S - 5 Lín quán xiàn f /Linquan County in Fuyang 阜陽|阜阳[Fu4 yang2], Anhui/ 临泽 臨澤 S - 8 Lín zé f /Linze county in Zhangye 張掖|张掖[Zhang1 ye4], Gansu/ 临泽县 臨澤縣 S - 3 Lín zé xiàn f /Linze county in Zhangye 張掖|张掖[Zhang1 ye4], Gansu/ 临洮 臨洮 S - 59 Lín táo f /Lintao county in Dingxi 定西[Ding4 xi1], Gansu/ 临洮县 臨洮縣 S - 9 Lín táo xiàn f /Lintao county in Dingxi 定西[Ding4 xi1], Gansu/ 临海 臨海 S - 93 Lín hǎi f /Linhai county level city in Taizhou 台州[Tai1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 临海 臨海 S - 93 lín hǎi f /to overlook the sea/on the waterfront/ 临海县 臨海縣 S - 0 Lín hǎi xiàn f /Linhai county in east Zhejiang/ 临海市 臨海市 S - 10 Lín hǎi shì f /Linhai county level city in Taizhou 台州[Tai1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 临海水土志 臨海水土誌 S - 0 Lín hǎi shuǐ tǔ zhì f /Seaboard geographic gazetteer (c. 275) by Shen Ying 沈瑩|沈莹/ 临淄 臨淄 S - 125 Lín zī f /Linzi district of Zibo city 淄博市[Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong/ 临淄区 臨淄區 S - 7 Lín zī qū f /Linzi district of Zibo city 淄博市[Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong/ 临清 臨清 S - 117 Lín qīng f /Linqing county level city in Liaocheng 聊城[Liao2 cheng2], Shandong/ 临清市 臨清市 S - 5 Lín qīng shì f /Linqing county level city in Liaocheng 聊城[Liao2 cheng2], Shandong/ 临渊羡鱼 臨淵羨魚 S - 3 lín yuān xiàn yú f /see 臨淵羨魚,不如退而結網|临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网[lin2 yuan1 xian4 yu2 , bu4 ru2 tui4 er2 jie2 wang3]/ 临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网 臨淵羨魚,不如退而結網 S - 0 lín yuān xiàn yú , bù rú tuì ér jié wǎng f /better to go home and weave a net than to stand by the pond longing for fish (idiom)/one should take practical steps to achieve one's aim/ 临渭 臨渭 S - 0 Lín wèi f /Linwei District of Weinan City 渭南市[Wei4 nan2 Shi4], Shaanxi/ 临渭区 臨渭區 S - 3 Lín wèi Qū f /Linwei District of Weinan City 渭南市[Wei4 nan2 Shi4], Shaanxi/ 临渴掘井 臨渴掘井 S - 3 lín kě jué jǐng f /lit. not to dig a well until one is thirsty/to be unprepared and seek help at the last minute (idiom)/ 临渴穿井 臨渴穿井 S - 3 lín kě chuān jǐng f /lit. face thirst and dig a well (idiom); fig. not to make adequate provision/to act when it is too late/ 临湘 臨湘 S - 15 Lín xiāng f /Linxiang county-level city in Yueyang 岳陽|岳阳[Yue4 yang2], Hunan/ 临湘市 臨湘市 S - 2 Lín xiāng shì f /Linxiang county-level city in Yueyang 岳陽|岳阳[Yue4 yang2], Hunan/ 临漳 臨漳 S - 32 Lín zhāng f /Linzhang county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 dan1], Hebei/ 临漳县 臨漳縣 S - 10 Lín zhāng xiàn f /Linzhang county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 dan1], Hebei/ 临潭 臨潭 S - 15 Lín tán f /Lintan county in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘南藏族自治州[Gan1 nan2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ 临潭县 臨潭縣 S - 3 Lín tán xiàn f /Lintan county in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘南藏族自治州[Gan1 nan2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ 临潼 臨潼 S - 87 Lín tóng f /Lintong District of Xi’an 西安市[Xi1 an1 Shi4], Shaanxi/ 临潼区 臨潼區 S - 6 Lín tóng Qū f /Lintong District of Xi’an 西安市[Xi1 an1 Shi4], Shaanxi/ 临澧 臨澧 S - 21 Lín lǐ f /Linli county in Changde 常德[Chang2 de2], Hunan/ 临澧县 臨澧縣 S - 6 Lín lǐ xiàn f /Linli county in Changde 常德[Chang2 de2], Hunan/ 临猗 臨猗 S - 12 Lín yī f /Linyi county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ 临猗县 臨猗縣 S - 11 Lín yī xiàn f /Linyi county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ 临界 臨界 S - 304 lín jiè f /critical/boundary/ 临界点 臨界點 S - 43 lín jiè diǎn f /critical point/boundary point/ 临界状态 臨界狀態 S - 3 lín jiè zhuàng tài f /critical state/criticality/ 临界质量 臨界質量 S - 0 lín jiè zhì liàng f /critical mass/ 临盆 臨盆 S - 16 lín pén f /at childbirth/in labor/ 临眺 臨眺 S - 3 lín tiào f /to observe from afar/to look into the distance from a high place/ 临终 臨終 S - 337 lín zhōng f /approaching one's end/with one foot in the grave/ 临终关怀 臨終關懷 S - 3 lín zhōng guān huái f /palliative care/ 临翔 臨翔 S - 0 Lín xiáng f /Linxiang district of Lincang city 臨滄市|临沧市[Lin2 cang1 shi4], Yunnan/ 临翔区 臨翔區 S - 3 Lín xiáng qū f /Linxiang district of Lincang city 臨滄市|临沧市[Lin2 cang1 shi4], Yunnan/ 临蓐 臨蓐 S - 0 lín rù f /at childbirth/in labor/ 临行 臨行 S - 158 lín xíng f /on leaving/on the point of departure/ 临街 臨街 S - 87 lín jiē f /facing the street/ 临街房 臨街房 S - 3 lín jiē fáng f /the store front/the part of a house facing the street serving as a store/ 临西 臨西 S - 2 Lín xī f /Lingxi county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ 临西县 臨西縣 S - 2 Lín xī xiàn f /Lingxi county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ 临视 臨視 S - 3 lín shì f /to observe personally/ 临走 臨走 S - 382 lín zǒu f /before leaving/on departure/ 临近 臨近 S - 607 lín jìn f /close to/approaching/ 临邑 臨邑 S - 13 Lín yì f /Linyi county in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1], Shandong/ 临邑县 臨邑縣 S - 5 Lín yì xiàn f /Linyi county in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1], Shandong/ 临门 臨門 S - 40 lín mén f /to arrive home/facing one's home/home-coming/(soccer) facing the goalmouth/ 临门一脚 臨門一腳 S - 3 lín mén yī jiǎo f /to try to score (a goal)/final push (at a critical juncture)/the final leg of sth/ 临问 臨問 S - 0 lín wèn f /to go personally to consult subordinates (of a high official)/ 临阵 臨陣 S - 123 lín zhèn f /just before the battle/to approach the front line/ 临阵退缩 臨陣退縮 S - 0 lín zhèn tuì suō f /to shrink back as the time for battle approaches (idiom)/to get cold feet/ 临难 臨難 S - 3 lín nàn f /in peril/facing disaster/ 临颍 臨潁 S - 20 Lín yǐng f /Lingying county in Luohe 漯河[Luo4 he2], Henan/ 临颍县 臨潁縣 S - 4 Lín yǐng xiàn f /Lingying county in Luohe 漯河[Luo4 he2], Henan/ 临高 臨高 S - 6 Lín gāo f /Lin'gao County, Hainan/ 临高县 臨高縣 S - 7 Lín gāo xiàn f /Lin'gao County, Hainan/ 临魁 臨魁 S - 0 Lín kuí f /Linkui (c. 2000 BC), second of the legendary Flame Emperors 炎帝[Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God/ 丵 - 0 zhuó f /thick grass/"bush" component in Chinese characters/ 丶 - 40 zhǔ f /"dot" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 3)/see also 點|点[dian3]/ 丷 - 0 bā t /"eight" component in Chinese characters/archaic variant of 八[ba1]/ 丷 - 0 xx f /one of the characters used in kwukyel, an ancient Korean writing system/ 丸 3495 859 wán f /ball/pellet/pill/ 丸子 - 74 wán zi f /pills/balls/meatballs/ 丸山 - 0 Wán shān f /Maruyama (Japanese surname and place name)/ 丹 - 2594 dān f /red/pellet/powder/cinnabar/ 丹东 丹東 S - 182 Dān dōng f /Dandong prefecture level city in Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China/ 丹东市 丹東市 S - 59 Dān dōng shì f /Dandong prefecture level city in Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China/ 丹佛 - 23 Dān fó f /Denver, Colorado/ 丹凤 丹鳳 S - 26 Dān fèng f /Danfeng County in Shangluo 商洛[Shang1 luo4], Shaanxi/ 丹凤 丹鳳 S - 26 dān fèng f /red phoenix/ 丹凤县 丹鳳縣 S - 4 Dān fèng Xiàn f /Danfeng County in Shangluo 商洛[Shang1 luo4], Shaanxi/ 丹凤眼 丹鳳眼 S - 27 dān fèng yǎn f /red phoenix eyes (eyes whose outer corners incline upwards)/ 丹参 丹參 S - 85 dān shēn f /Salvia miltiorrhiza/ 丹參 丹参 T - 85 dān shēn f /Salvia miltiorrhiza/ 丹宁 丹寧 S - 2 dān níng f /(loanword) denim/tannin/ 丹寧 丹宁 T - 2 dān níng f /(loanword) denim/tannin/ 丹寨 - 3 Dān zhài f /Danzhai county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州[Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 丹寨县 丹寨縣 S - 2 Dān zhài xiàn f /Danzhai county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州[Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 丹寨縣 丹寨县 T - 2 Dān zhài xiàn f /Danzhai county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州[Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 丹尼 - 17 Dān ní f /Danny (name)/ 丹尼尔 丹尼爾 S - 147 Dān ní ěr f /Daniel (name)/ 丹尼斯 - 79 Dān ní sī f /Dennis (name)/ 丹尼爾 丹尼尔 T - 147 Dān ní ěr f /Daniel (name)/ 丹巴 - 12 Dān bā f /Danba county (Tibetan: rong brag rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州, Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ 丹巴县 丹巴縣 S - 4 Dān bā xiàn f /Danba county (Tibetan: rong brag rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ 丹巴縣 丹巴县 T - 4 Dān bā xiàn f /Danba county (Tibetan: rong brag rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ 丹布朗 - 0 Dān Bù lǎng f /Dan Brown (American novelist)/ 丹徒 - 39 Dān tú f /Dantu district of Zhenjiang city 鎮江市|镇江市[Zhen4 jiang1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 丹徒区 丹徒區 S - 3 Dān tú qū f /Dantu district of Zhenjiang city 鎮江市|镇江市[Zhen4 jiang1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 丹徒區 丹徒区 T - 3 Dān tú qū f /Dantu district of Zhenjiang city 鎮江市|镇江市[Zhen4 jiang1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 丹心 - 40 dān xīn f /loyal heart/loyalty/ 丹方 - 3 dān fāng f /folk remedy/ 丹東 丹东 T - 182 Dān dōng f /Dandong prefecture level city in Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China/ 丹東市 丹东市 T - 59 Dān dōng shì f /Dandong prefecture level city in Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China/ 丹桂 - 19 dān guì f /orange osmanthus/ 丹棱 丹稜 S - 4 Dān léng f /Danleng County in Meishan 眉山市[Mei2 shan1 Shi4], Sichuan/ 丹棱县 丹稜縣 S - 3 Dān léng Xiàn f /Danleng County in Meishan 眉山市[Mei2 shan1 Shi4], Sichuan/ 丹毒 - 27 dān dú f /erysipelas (medicine)/ 丹江口 - 542 Dān jiāng kǒu f /Danjiangkou county level city in Shiyan 十堰[Shi2 yan4], Hubei/ 丹江口市 - 272 Dān jiāng kǒu shì f /Danjiangkou county level city in Shiyan 十堰[Shi2 yan4], Hubei/ 丹沙 - 0 dān shā f /cinnabar (used in TCM)/ 丹瑞 - 2 Dān Ruì f /General Than Shwe (1933-), Myanmar army officer and politician, president of Myanmar (Burma) from 1992/ 丹瑞大将 丹瑞大將 S - 0 Dān Ruì dà jiàng f /Than Shwe (1933-), Myanmar general and politician, president of Myanmar from 1992/ 丹瑞大將 丹瑞大将 T - 0 Dān Ruì dà jiàng f /Than Shwe (1933-), Myanmar general and politician, president of Myanmar from 1992/ 丹瑞将军 丹瑞將軍 S - 0 Dān Ruì jiāng jūn f /General Than Shwe (1933-), Myanmar army officer and politician, president of Myanmar (Burma) from 1992/ 丹瑞將軍 丹瑞将军 T - 0 Dān Ruì jiāng jūn f /General Than Shwe (1933-), Myanmar army officer and politician, president of Myanmar (Burma) from 1992/ 丹田 - 394 dān tián f /pubic region/point two inches below the navel where one's qi resides/ 丹皮 - 2 dān pí f /the root bark of the peony tree/ 丹砂 - 35 dān shā f /cinnabar/mercuric sulfide HgS/ 丹稜 丹棱 T - 4 Dān léng f /Danleng County in Meishan 眉山市[Mei2 shan1 Shi4], Sichuan/ 丹稜縣 丹棱县 T - 3 Dān léng Xiàn f /Danleng County in Meishan 眉山市[Mei2 shan1 Shi4], Sichuan/ 丹衷 - 0 dān zhōng f /real sincerity/ 丹貝 丹贝 T - 0 dān bèi f /see 天貝|天贝[tian1 bei4]/ 丹贝 丹貝 S - 0 dān bèi f /see 天貝|天贝[tian1 bei4]/ 丹阳 丹陽 S - 209 Dān yáng f /Danyang county level city in Zhenjiang 鎮江|镇江[Zhen4 jiang1], Jiangsu/ 丹阳市 丹陽市 S - 8 Dān yáng shì f /Danyang county level city in Zhenjiang 鎮江|镇江[Zhen4 jiang1], Jiangsu/ 丹陽 丹阳 T - 209 Dān yáng f /Danyang county level city in Zhenjiang 鎮江|镇江[Zhen4 jiang1], Jiangsu/ 丹陽市 丹阳市 T - 8 Dān yáng shì f /Danyang county level city in Zhenjiang 鎮江|镇江[Zhen4 jiang1], Jiangsu/ 丹霞 - 39 Dān xiá f /Mt Danxia in Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Shao2 guan1], Guangdong/Danxia landform (red conglomerate and sandstone)/ 丹霞地貌 - 3 Dān xiá dì mào f /Danxia landform (red conglomerate and sandstone)/ 丹霞山 - 10 Dān xiá Shān f /Mt Danxia in Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Shao2 guan1], Guangdong/ 丹青 - 247 dān qīng f /painting/ 丹頂鶴 丹顶鹤 T - 74 dān dǐng hè f /(bird species of China) red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis)/ 丹顶鹤 丹頂鶴 S - 74 dān dǐng hè f /(bird species of China) red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis)/ 丹魄 - 0 dān pò f /amber/ 丹鳳 丹凤 T - 26 Dān fèng f /Danfeng County in Shangluo 商洛[Shang1 luo4], Shaanxi/ 丹鳳 丹凤 T - 26 dān fèng f /red phoenix/ 丹鳳眼 丹凤眼 T - 27 dān fèng yǎn f /red phoenix eyes (eyes whose outer corners incline upwards)/ 丹鳳縣 丹凤县 T - 4 Dān fèng Xiàn f /Danfeng County in Shangluo 商洛[Shang1 luo4], Shaanxi/ 丹麥 丹麦 T - 1024 Dān mài f /Denmark/ 丹麥包 丹麦包 T - 0 Dān mài bāo f /Danish pastry/ 丹麦 丹麥 S - 1024 Dān mài f /Denmark/ 丹麦包 丹麥包 S - 0 Dān mài bāo f /Danish pastry/ 为 為 S 312 295952 wéi f /as (in the capacity of)/to take sth as/to act as/to serve as/to behave as/to become/to be/to do/by (in the passive voice)/ 为 為 S 312 295952 wèi t /because of/for/to/ 为 爲 S 312 295952 wéi f /variant of 為|为[wei2]/as (i.e. in the capacity of)/to take sth as/to act as/to serve as/to behave as/to become/to be/to do/ 为 爲 S 312 295952 wèi t /variant of 為|为[wei4], because of/for/to/ 为主 為主 S - 11807 wéi zhǔ f /to rely mainly on/to attach most importance to/ 为了 為了 S 338 21073 wèi le f /in order to/for the purpose of/so as to/ 为人 為人 S - 0 wéi rén t /to conduct oneself/behavior/conduct/personal character/ 为人 為人 S - 0 wèi rén f /for sb/for others' interest/ 为人师表 為人師表 S - 44 wéi rén shī biǎo f /to serve as a model for others (idiom)/to be a worthy teacher/ 为人民服务 為人民服務 S - 0 wèi rén mín fú wù f /Serve the People!, CCP political slogan/ 为什么 為什麼 S 173 9561 wèi shén me f /why?/for what reason?/ 为仁不富 為仁不富 S - 3 wéi rén bù fù f /the rich man cannot be benevolent (idiom, from Mencius). It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 19:24)./ 为伍 為伍 S - 112 wéi wǔ f /to associate with/to keep company with/ 为何 為何 S - 2217 wèi hé f /why/ 为例 為例 S - 0 wéi lì f /used in the construction 以...為例|以...为例, "to take ... as an example"/ 为准 為準 S - 567 wéi zhǔn f /to serve as the norm/...shall prevail (as standard for rules, regulations, price etc)/ 为啥 為啥 S - 282 wèi shá f /dialectal equivalent of 為什麼|为什么[wei4 shen2 me5]/ 为善最乐 為善最樂 S - 3 wéi shàn zuì lè f /doing good deeds brings the greatest joy (idiom)/ 为富不仁 為富不仁 S - 38 wéi fù bù rén f /the benevolent man cannot be rich (idiom, from Mencius). It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 19:24)./ 为富不仁,为仁不富 為富不仁,為仁不富 S - 0 wéi fù bù rén , wéi rén bù fù f /the benevolent man cannot be rich and vice versa (idiom, from Mencius). It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 19:24)./ 为己任 為己任 S - 0 wéi jǐ rèn f /to make it one's business/to take upon oneself to/ 为德不卒 為德不卒 S - 4 wéi dé bù zú f /to start on virtue but give up (idiom); to fail to carry things through/lack of sticking power/short attention span/ 为德不终 為德不終 S - 3 wéi dé bù zhōng f /to start on virtue but give up (idiom); to fail to carry things through/lack of sticking power/short attention span/ 为所欲为 為所欲為 S - 254 wéi suǒ yù wéi f /to do whatever one pleases/ 为时 為時 S - 0 wéi shí f /timewise/pertaining to time/ 为时不晚 為時不晚 S - 6 wéi shí bù wǎn f /it is not too late (idiom)/ 为时已晚 為時已晚 S - 54 wéi shí yǐ wǎn f /already too late/ 为时未晚 為時未晚 S - 3 wéi shí wèi wǎn f /it is not too late (idiom)/ 为时过早 為時過早 S - 44 wéi shí guò zǎo f /premature/too soon/ 为期 為期 S 4531 955 wéi qī f /(to be done) by (a certain date)/lasting (a certain time)/ 为止 為止 S - 1927 wéi zhǐ f /until/(used in combination with words like 到[dao4] or 至[zhi4] in constructs of the form 到...為止|到...为止)/ 为此 為此 S - 434 wèi cǐ f /for this reason/with regards to this/in this respect/in order to do this/to this end/ 为生 為生 S - 462 wéi shēng f /to make a living/ 为的是 為的是 S - 352 wèi de shì f /for the sake of/for the purpose of/ 为着 為著 S - 622 wèi zhe f /in order to/because of/for the sake of/ 为虎作伥 為虎作倀 S - 31 wèi hǔ zuò chāng f /to act as accomplice to the tiger/to help a villain do evil (idiom)/ 为重 為重 S - 491 wéi zhòng f /to attach most importance to/ 为难 為難 S 3394 429 wéi nán f /to feel embarrassed or awkward/to make things difficult (for someone)/to find things difficult (to do or manage)/ 为非作歹 為非作歹 S - 87 wéi fēi zuò dǎi f /to break the law and commit crimes (idiom); malefactor/evildoer/to perpetrate outrages/ 为首 為首 S - 2021 wéi shǒu f /head/be headed by/ 主 - 14838 zhǔ f /owner/master/host/individual or party concerned/God/Lord/main/to indicate or signify/trump card (in card games)/ 主业 主業 S - 125 zhǔ yè f /main business/ 主义 主義 S 2755 2416 zhǔ yì f /-ism/ideology/ 主人 1482 3865 zhǔ rén f /master/host/owner/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 主人公 - 478 zhǔ rén gōng f /hero (of a novel or film)/main protagonist/ 主人翁 - 69 zhǔ rén wēng f /master (of the house)/main character in a novel etc/hero or heroine/ 主仆 主僕 S - 132 zhǔ pú f /master and servant/ 主从 主從 S - 137 zhǔ cóng f /master-slave (computing)/client-server (computing)/primary and secondary/ 主任 1638 13853 zhǔ rèn f /director/head/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 主体 主體 S - 2851 zhǔ tǐ f /main part/bulk/body/subject/agent/ 主体思想 主體思想 S - 0 Zhǔ tǐ Sī xiǎng f /Juche Idea (North Korean ideology of political, economic and military independence)/ 主修 - 76 zhǔ xiū f /to major in/ 主僕 主仆 T - 132 zhǔ pú f /master and servant/ 主公 - 447 zhǔ gōng f /Your Highness/Your Majesty/ 主力 - 2644 zhǔ lì f /main force/main strength of an army/ 主力舰 主力艦 S - 61 zhǔ lì jiàn f /battleship/ 主力艦 主力舰 T - 61 zhǔ lì jiàn f /battleship/ 主办 主辦 S 4509 978 zhǔ bàn f /to organize/to host (a conference or sports event)/ 主办国 主辦國 S - 6 zhǔ bàn guó f /host country/ 主办权 主辦權 S - 8 zhǔ bàn quán f /the right to host (an international meeting)/ 主动 主動 S 1784 3515 zhǔ dòng f /to take the initiative/to do sth of one's own accord/spontaneous/active/opposite: passive 被動|被动[bei4 dong4]/drive (of gears and shafts etc)/ 主动免疫 主動免疫 S - 3 zhǔ dòng miǎn yì f /active immunity/ 主动脉 主動脈 S - 60 zhǔ dòng mài f /aorta/principal artery/ 主動 主动 T 1784 3515 zhǔ dòng f /to take the initiative/to do sth of one's own accord/spontaneous/active/opposite: passive 被動|被动[bei4 dong4]/drive (of gears and shafts etc)/ 主動免疫 主动免疫 T - 3 zhǔ dòng miǎn yì f /active immunity/ 主動脈 主动脉 T - 60 zhǔ dòng mài f /aorta/principal artery/ 主厅 主廳 S - 12 zhǔ tīng f /main lobby/ 主厨 主廚 S - 5 zhǔ chú f /chef/to be the chef/ 主和弦 - 0 zhǔ hé xián f /tonic triad/triad of the home key/ 主和派 - 3 zhǔ hé pài f /the peace faction/doves/ 主因 - 67 zhǔ yīn f /main reason/ 主场 主場 S - 1338 zhǔ chǎng f /home ground (sports)/home field/main venue/main stadium/ 主場 主场 T - 1338 zhǔ chǎng f /home ground (sports)/home field/main venue/main stadium/ 主妇 主婦 S - 139 zhǔ fù f /housewife/woman of senior authority in a household/the lady of the house/hostess/ 主委 - 31 zhǔ wěi f /committee chairperson/ 主婦 主妇 T - 139 zhǔ fù f /housewife/woman of senior authority in a household/the lady of the house/hostess/ 主嫌 - 0 zhǔ xián f /prime, key or main suspect (law)/ 主子 - 503 zhǔ zi f /Master (term used by servant)/Your Majesty/operator (of machine)/ 主宰 - 357 zhǔ zǎi f /to dominate/to rule/to dictate/master/ 主宰者 - 15 zhǔ zǎi zhě f /ruler/ 主宾 主賓 S - 3 zhǔ bīn f /guest of honor/host and guests/ 主宾谓 主賓謂 S - 0 zhǔ bīn wèi f /subject-object-verb SOV or subject-object-predicate sentence pattern (e.g. in Japanese or Korean grammar)/ 主导 主導 S 3856 1437 zhǔ dǎo f /leading/dominant/prevailing/to lead/to direct/to dominate/ 主导性 主導性 S - 6 zhǔ dǎo xìng f /leadership/ 主导权 主導權 S - 15 zhǔ dǎo quán f /leadership (role)/ 主導 主导 T 3856 1437 zhǔ dǎo f /leading/dominant/prevailing/to lead/to direct/to dominate/ 主導性 主导性 T - 6 zhǔ dǎo xìng f /leadership/ 主導權 主导权 T - 15 zhǔ dǎo quán f /leadership (role)/ 主峰 - 1241 zhǔ fēng f /main peak (of a mountain range)/ 主席 1783 20859 zhǔ xí f /chairperson/premier/chairman/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]/ 主席台 主席臺 S - 442 zhǔ xí tái f /rostrum/platform/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 主席团 主席團 S - 1561 zhǔ xí tuán f /presidium/ 主席国 主席國 S - 27 zhǔ xí guó f /chair country/country holding revolving presidency/ 主席國 主席国 T - 27 zhǔ xí guó f /chair country/country holding revolving presidency/ 主席團 主席团 T - 1561 zhǔ xí tuán f /presidium/ 主席臺 主席台 T - 442 zhǔ xí tái f /rostrum/platform/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 主干 主幹 S - 254 zhǔ gàn f /trunk/main/core/ 主干线 主幹線 S - 18 zhǔ gàn xiàn f /trunk line (of road, network etc)/backbone (cable)/ 主干网络 主幹網絡 S - 0 zhǔ gàn wǎng luò f /core network/ 主干网路 主幹網路 S - 0 zhǔ gàn wǎng lù f /core network/backbone network/ 主幹 主干 T - 254 zhǔ gàn f /trunk/main/core/ 主幹網絡 主干网络 T - 0 zhǔ gàn wǎng luò f /core network/ 主幹網路 主干网路 T - 0 zhǔ gàn wǎng lù f /core network/backbone network/ 主幹線 主干线 T - 18 zhǔ gàn xiàn f /trunk line (of road, network etc)/backbone (cable)/ 主序星 - 42 zhǔ xù xīng f /star in the main sequence (astron.)/ 主廚 主厨 T - 5 zhǔ chú f /chef/to be the chef/ 主廳 主厅 T - 12 zhǔ tīng f /main lobby/ 主张 主張 S 2294 6284 zhǔ zhāng f /to advocate/to stand for/view/position/stand/proposition/viewpoint/assertion/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 主張 主张 T 2294 6284 zhǔ zhāng f /to advocate/to stand for/view/position/stand/proposition/viewpoint/assertion/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 主從 主从 T - 137 zhǔ cóng f /master-slave (computing)/client-server (computing)/primary and secondary/ 主心骨 - 28 zhǔ xīn gǔ f /backbone/mainstay/pillar/definite view/one's own judgment/ 主意 687 2900 zhǔ yi f /plan/idea/decision/CL:個|个[ge4]/Beijing pr. [zhu2 yi5]/ 主战派 主戰派 S - 63 zhǔ zhàn pài f /the pro-war faction/hawks/ 主戰派 主战派 T - 63 zhǔ zhàn pài f /the pro-war faction/hawks/ 主打品牌 - 0 zhǔ dǎ pǐn pái f /premium brand/flagship product/ 主承銷商 主承销商 T - 0 zhǔ chéng xiāo shāng f /lead underwriter/ 主承销商 主承銷商 S - 0 zhǔ chéng xiāo shāng f /lead underwriter/ 主持 1826 5153 zhǔ chí f /to take charge of/to manage or direct/to preside over/to uphold/to stand for (justice etc)/to host (a TV or radio program etc)/(TV) anchor/ 主持人 - 2146 zhǔ chí rén f /TV or radio presenter/host/anchor/ 主掌 - 8 zhǔ zhǎng f /in charge (of a position etc)/the person in charge/responsible/ 主播 - 0 zhǔ bō f /anchor (TV)/ 主攻 - 211 zhǔ gōng f /main assault/to focus on/to specialize in/to major in/ 主教 - 267 zhǔ jiào f /bishop/ 主料 - 269 zhǔ liào f /main ingredients (in a cooking recipe)/ 主旋律 - 278 zhǔ xuán lǜ f /theme or subject (music)/ 主族 - 3 zhǔ zú f /main group/ 主日 - 0 zhǔ rì f /Sabbath/Sunday/ 主日学 主日學 S - 3 zhǔ rì xué f /Sunday School/ 主日學 主日学 T - 3 zhǔ rì xué f /Sunday School/ 主旨 - 226 zhǔ zhǐ f /gist/main idea/general tenor/one's judgment/ 主旨演講 主旨演讲 T - 0 zhǔ zhǐ yǎn jiǎng f /keynote speech/ 主旨演讲 主旨演講 S - 0 zhǔ zhǐ yǎn jiǎng f /keynote speech/ 主显节 主顯節 S - 0 zhǔ xiǎn jié f /Epiphany/ 主机 主機 S - 445 zhǔ jī f /main engine/(military) lead aircraft/(computing) host computer/main processor/server/ 主机名 主機名 S - 3 zhǔ jī míng f /hostname (of a networked computer)/ 主机板 主機板 S - 3 zhǔ jī bǎn f /motherboard/ 主权 主權 S 4508 2129 zhǔ quán f /sovereignty/ 主权国家 主權國家 S - 3 zhǔ quán guó jiā f /sovereign country/ 主材 - 0 zhǔ cái f /principal or main material (engineering)/ 主板 - 103 zhǔ bǎn f /motherboard (computing)/ 主格 - 13 zhǔ gé f /nominative case (grammar)/ 主業 主业 T - 125 zhǔ yè f /main business/ 主楼 主樓 S - 84 zhǔ lóu f /main building/ 主樓 主楼 T - 84 zhǔ lóu f /main building/ 主機 主机 T - 445 zhǔ jī f /main engine/(military) lead aircraft/(computing) host computer/main processor/server/ 主機名 主机名 T - 3 zhǔ jī míng f /hostname (of a networked computer)/ 主機板 主机板 T - 3 zhǔ jī bǎn f /motherboard/ 主權 主权 T 4508 2129 zhǔ quán f /sovereignty/ 主權國家 主权国家 T - 3 zhǔ quán guó jiā f /sovereign country/ 主治医师 主治醫師 S - 40 zhǔ zhì yī shī f /doctor-in-charge/resident physician/ 主治醫師 主治医师 T - 40 zhǔ zhì yī shī f /doctor-in-charge/resident physician/ 主法向量 - 0 zhǔ fǎ xiàng liàng f /principal normal vector (to a space curve)/ 主流 4217 1054 zhǔ liú f /main stream (of a river)/fig. the essential point/main viewpoint of a matter/mainstream (culture etc)/ 主演 - 825 zhǔ yǎn f /to act the leading role (in a movie or a play)/to star/lead actor/ 主犯 - 91 zhǔ fàn f /culprits/ 主环 主環 S - 0 zhǔ huán f /primary ring/ 主球 - 0 zhǔ qiú f /cue ball (in pool etc)/ 主環 主环 T - 0 zhǔ huán f /primary ring/ 主祭 - 54 zhǔ jì f /to perform the sacrificial rites at a funeral/ 主祷文 主禱文 S - 3 zhǔ dǎo wén f /Lord's Prayer/ 主禱文 主祷文 T - 3 zhǔ dǎo wén f /Lord's Prayer/ 主科 - 3 zhǔ kē f /required courses in the major subject/ 主管 2754 2884 zhǔ guǎn f /in charge/responsible for/person in charge/manager/ 主管人员 主管人員 S - 3 zhǔ guǎn rén yuán f /executive/ 主管人員 主管人员 T - 3 zhǔ guǎn rén yuán f /executive/ 主管教区 主管教區 S - 0 zhǔ guǎn jiào qū f /diocese/ 主管教區 主管教区 T - 0 zhǔ guǎn jiào qū f /diocese/ 主管机关 主管機關 S - 3 zhǔ guǎn jī guān f /the authorities/higher competent body/ 主管機關 主管机关 T - 3 zhǔ guǎn jī guān f /the authorities/higher competent body/ 主簿 - 0 zhǔ bù f /official registrar (of a county etc) in imperial China/ 主線 主线 T - 196 zhǔ xiàn f /main line (of communication)/main thread (of a plotline or concept)/central theme/ 主編 主编 T - 1201 zhǔ biān f /editor in chief/ 主线 主線 S - 196 zhǔ xiàn f /main line (of communication)/main thread (of a plotline or concept)/central theme/ 主编 主編 S - 1201 zhǔ biān f /editor in chief/ 主罚 主罰 S - 61 zhǔ fá f /penalty (kick)/ 主罰 主罚 T - 61 zhǔ fá f /penalty (kick)/ 主義 主义 T 2755 2416 zhǔ yì f /-ism/ideology/ 主航道 - 29 zhǔ háng dào f /main channel/ 主菜 - 24 zhǔ cài f /main course/ 主要 506 57991 zhǔ yào f /main/principal/major/primary/ 主見 主见 T - 181 zhǔ jiàn f /one's own view/having definite opinions/ 主觀 主观 T 2368 1139 zhǔ guān f /subjective/ 主觀主義 主观主义 T - 176 zhǔ guān zhǔ yì f /subjectivism/ 主见 主見 S - 181 zhǔ jiàn f /one's own view/having definite opinions/ 主观 主觀 S 2368 1139 zhǔ guān f /subjective/ 主观主义 主觀主義 S - 176 zhǔ guān zhǔ yì f /subjectivism/ 主角 - 693 zhǔ jué f /leading role/lead/ 主計 主计 T - 3 zhǔ jì f /chief accounting officer/controller/comptroller/(Han Dynasty) treasurer/ 主計室 主计室 T - 3 zhǔ jì shì f /auditing department/accounting department/comptroller office/ 主詞 主词 T - 8 zhǔ cí f /subject/ 主語 主语 T - 97 zhǔ yǔ f /subject (in grammar)/ 主調 主调 T - 12 zhǔ diào f /main point of an argument/a principal viewpoint/ 主謂句 主谓句 T - 3 zhǔ wèi jù f /subject-predicate sentence/subject-predicate clause/ 主謂結構 主谓结构 T - 3 zhǔ wèi jié gòu f /subject-predicate construction/ 主謂賓 主谓宾 T - 0 zhǔ wèi bīn f /subject-verb-object SVO or subject-predicate-object sentence pattern (e.g. in Chinese grammar)/ 主講 主讲 T - 86 zhǔ jiǎng f /to give a lecture/to lecture on/ 主计 主計 S - 3 zhǔ jì f /chief accounting officer/controller/comptroller/(Han Dynasty) treasurer/ 主计室 主計室 S - 3 zhǔ jì shì f /auditing department/accounting department/comptroller office/ 主讲 主講 S - 86 zhǔ jiǎng f /to give a lecture/to lecture on/ 主词 主詞 S - 8 zhǔ cí f /subject/ 主语 主語 S - 97 zhǔ yǔ f /subject (in grammar)/ 主调 主調 S - 12 zhǔ diào f /main point of an argument/a principal viewpoint/ 主谓句 主謂句 S - 3 zhǔ wèi jù f /subject-predicate sentence/subject-predicate clause/ 主谓宾 主謂賓 S - 0 zhǔ wèi bīn f /subject-verb-object SVO or subject-predicate-object sentence pattern (e.g. in Chinese grammar)/ 主谓结构 主謂結構 S - 3 zhǔ wèi jié gòu f /subject-predicate construction/ 主賓 主宾 T - 3 zhǔ bīn f /guest of honor/host and guests/ 主賓謂 主宾谓 T - 0 zhǔ bīn wèi f /subject-object-verb SOV or subject-object-predicate sentence pattern (e.g. in Japanese or Korean grammar)/ 主車群 主车群 T - 0 zhǔ chē qún f /peloton (main group of riders in a bicycle race)/ 主軸 主轴 T - 106 zhǔ zhóu f /axis/principal axis (in mechanics, optics, botany etc)/main axle (of engine)/ 主軸承 主轴承 T - 0 zhǔ zhóu chéng f /main bearing/ 主车群 主車群 S - 0 zhǔ chē qún f /peloton (main group of riders in a bicycle race)/ 主轴 主軸 S - 106 zhǔ zhóu f /axis/principal axis (in mechanics, optics, botany etc)/main axle (of engine)/ 主轴承 主軸承 S - 0 zhǔ zhóu chéng f /main bearing/ 主辦 主办 T 4509 978 zhǔ bàn f /to organize/to host (a conference or sports event)/ 主辦國 主办国 T - 6 zhǔ bàn guó f /host country/ 主辦權 主办权 T - 8 zhǔ bàn quán f /the right to host (an international meeting)/ 主銷 主销 T - 2 zhǔ xiāo f /kingpin (vehicle part)/to focus one's marketing efforts on (a region, product etc)/ 主销 主銷 S - 2 zhǔ xiāo f /kingpin (vehicle part)/to focus one's marketing efforts on (a region, product etc)/ 主队 主隊 S - 301 zhǔ duì f /host team (at sports event)/host side/ 主隊 主队 T - 301 zhǔ duì f /host team (at sports event)/host side/ 主音 - 28 zhǔ yīn f /keynote/principal tone/tonic/vowel/ 主頁 主页 T - 68 zhǔ yè f /home page/ 主題 主题 T 1635 2673 zhǔ tí f /theme/subject/ 主題演講 主题演讲 T - 0 zhǔ tǐ yǎn jiǎng f /keynote speech/ 主顧 主顾 T - 74 zhǔ gù f /client/customer/ 主顯節 主显节 T - 0 zhǔ xiǎn jié f /Epiphany/ 主页 主頁 S - 68 zhǔ yè f /home page/ 主顾 主顧 S - 74 zhǔ gù f /client/customer/ 主题 主題 S 1635 2673 zhǔ tí f /theme/subject/ 主题演讲 主題演講 S - 0 zhǔ tǐ yǎn jiǎng f /keynote speech/ 主食 - 219 zhǔ shí f /main food/staple (rice and noodles)/ 主體 主体 T - 2851 zhǔ tǐ f /main part/bulk/body/subject/agent/ 主體思想 主体思想 T - 0 Zhǔ tǐ Sī xiǎng f /Juche Idea (North Korean ideology of political, economic and military independence)/ 主麻 - 0 zhǔ má f /jummah or Friday, when Muslims gather to attend prayers (loanword from Arabic)/ 丼 - 0 jǐng f /bowl of food/well/ 丽 麗 S - 1145 Lí f /Korea/ 丽 麗 S - 1145 lì t /beautiful/ 丽䴓 麗鳾 S - 0 lì shī f /(bird species of China) beautiful nuthatch (Sitta formosa)/ 丽丽 麗麗 S - 81 Lì lì f /Lili (name)/ 丽佳娜 麗佳娜 S - 0 Lí jiā nà f /Regina (name)/ 丽实 麗實 S - 0 lì shí f /practical/ 丽日 麗日 S - 14 lì rì f /bright sun/beautiful day/ 丽星噪鹛 麗星噪鶥 S - 0 lì xīng zào méi f /(bird species of China) Bhutan laughingthrush (Trochalopteron imbricatum)/ 丽星鹩鹛 麗星鷯鶥 S - 0 lì xīng liáo méi f /(bird species of China) spotted elachura (Elachura formosa)/ 丽水 麗水 S - 54 Lí shuǐ f /Lishui prefecture level city in Zhejiang/Yeosu city in South Jeolla province, Korea, the site of World Expo 2012/ 丽水地区 麗水地區 S - 5 Lì shuǐ dì qū f /Lishui prefecture, Zhejiang/ 丽水市 麗水市 S - 10 Lí shuǐ shì f /Lishui prefecture level city in Zhejiang/Yeosu city in South Jeolla province, Korea, the site of World Expo 2012/ 丽江 麗江 S - 269 Lì jiāng f /Lijiang prefecture level city in northwest Yunnan/ 丽江古城 麗江古城 S - 0 Lì jiāng gǔ chéng f /Lijiang old town (in Yunnan)/ 丽江地区 麗江地區 S - 8 Lì jiāng dì qū f /Lijiang prefecture in northwest Yunnan/ 丽江市 麗江市 S - 3 Lì jiāng shì f /Lijiang prefecture level city in northwest Yunnan/ 丽江纳西族自治县 麗江納西族自治縣 S - 14 Lì jiāng Nà xī zú Zì zhì xiàn f /Lijiang Naxi Autonomous County in Yunnan/ 丽池卡登 麗池卡登 S - 0 Lí chí Kǎ dēng f /Ritz-Carlton (hotel chain)/ 丽致 麗緻 S - 0 Lí zhì f /Ritz (hotel chain)/ 丽色噪鹛 麗色噪鶥 S - 0 lì sè zào méi f /(bird species of China) red-winged laughingthrush (Trochalopteron formosum)/ 丽色奇鹛 麗色奇鶥 S - 0 lì sè qí méi f /(bird species of China) beautiful sibia (Heterophasia pulchella)/ 丽词 麗詞 S - 0 lì cí f /beautiful wordage/also written 麗辭|丽辞[li4 ci2]/ 丽语 麗語 S - 0 lì yǔ f /beautiful wordage/ 丽辞 麗辭 S - 0 lì cí f /beautiful wordage/also written 麗詞|丽词[li4 ci2]/ 丽魄 麗魄 S - 0 lì pò f /moon/ 举 擧 S 883 6506 jǔ f /variant of 舉|举[ju3]/ 举 舉 S 883 6506 jǔ f /to lift/to hold up/to cite/to enumerate/to act/to raise/to choose/to elect/act/move/deed/ 举一反三 舉一反三 S - 57 jǔ yī fǎn sān f /to raise one and infer three/to deduce many things from one case (idiom)/ 举不胜举 舉不勝舉 S - 18 jǔ bù shèng jǔ f /too numerous to list (idiom); innumerable/ 举世 舉世 S - 144 jǔ shì f /throughout the world/world ranking (e.g. first)/ 举世无双 舉世無雙 S - 41 jǔ shì wú shuāng f /unrivaled (idiom); world number one/unique/unequaled/ 举世瞩目 舉世矚目 S 4954 112 jǔ shì zhǔ mù f /to receive worldwide attention/ 举世闻名 舉世聞名 S - 280 jǔ shì wén míng f /world-famous (idiom)/ 举业 舉業 S - 0 jǔ yè f /preparatory literary studies for imperial examination/ 举人 舉人 S - 662 jǔ rén f /graduate/successful candidate in the imperial provincial examination/ 举例 舉例 S - 275 jǔ lì f /to give an example/ 举例来说 舉例來說 S - 39 jǔ lì lái shuō f /for example/ 举债 舉債 S - 41 jǔ zhài f /to raise a loan/to borrow money/ 举凡 舉凡 S - 45 jǔ fán f /such things as .../examples including ... (etc)/without exception/every/any/ 举办 舉辦 S 1070 3541 jǔ bàn f /to conduct/to hold/ 举动 舉動 S 2970 1190 jǔ dòng f /act/action/activity/move/movement/ 举发 舉發 S - 14 jǔ fā f /to expose (e.g., wrongdoing)/to accuse (in court)/to impeach/to denounce/ 举国 舉國 S - 3 jǔ guó f /the entire country/ 举国上下 舉國上下 S - 47 jǔ guó shàng xià f /the entire nation/the whole country, from the leadership to the rank and file/ 举家 舉家 S - 114 jǔ jiā f /the whole family/ 举手 舉手 S - 389 jǔ shǒu f /to raise a hand/to put up one's hand (as signal)/ 举手之劳 舉手之勞 S - 37 jǔ shǒu zhī láo f /lit. the exertion of lifting one's hand (idiom)/fig. a very slight effort/ 举手投足 舉手投足 S - 50 jǔ shǒu tóu zú f /one's every movement (idiom)/comportment/gestures/ 举报 舉報 S - 535 jǔ bào f /to report (malefactors to the police)/to denounce/ 举报者 舉報者 S - 4 jǔ bào zhě f /informer/snitch/ 举措 舉措 S - 754 jǔ cuò f /to move/to act/action/decision/conduct/manner/ 举杯 舉杯 S - 190 jǔ bēi f /to toast sb (with wine etc)/to drink a toast/ 举架 舉架 S - 6 jǔ jià f /(dialect) height of a house/ 举案齐眉 舉案齊眉 S - 15 jǔ àn qí méi f /lit. to lift the tray to eyebrow level (idiom); mutual respect in a marriage/ 举棋不定 舉棋不定 S - 53 jǔ qí bù dìng f /to hesitate over what move to make (idiom); to waver/to shilly-shally/ 举止 舉止 S - 511 jǔ zhǐ f /bearing/manner/mien/ 举步 舉步 S - 97 jǔ bù f /(literary) to move forward/ 举步维艰 舉步維艱 S - 38 jǔ bù wéi jiān f /to make progress only with great difficulty (idiom)/ 举火 舉火 S - 3 jǔ huǒ f /(literary) to light a fire/ 举用 舉用 S - 3 jǔ yòng f /to select the best (for a job)/ 举目 舉目 S - 100 jǔ mù f /to look/to raise one's eyes/ 举目无亲 舉目無親 S - 26 jǔ mù wú qīn f /to look up and see no-one familiar (idiom); not having anyone to rely on/without a friend in the world/ 举荐 舉薦 S - 192 jǔ jiàn f /to recommend/ 举行 舉行 S 969 17900 jǔ xíng f /to hold (a meeting, ceremony etc)/ 举行会谈 舉行會談 S - 3 jǔ xíng huì tán f /to hold talks/to take part in discussions with/ 举行婚礼 舉行婚禮 S - 0 jǔ xíng hūn lǐ f /to celebrate a wedding/ 举证 舉證 S - 35 jǔ zhèng f /to offer evidence/ 举贤良对策 舉賢良對策 S - 0 jǔ xián liáng duì cè f /Treatise 134 BC by Han dynasty philosopher Dong Zhongshu 董仲舒/ 举起 舉起 S - 200 jǔ qǐ f /to heave/to lift/to raise up/to uphold/ 举足轻重 舉足輕重 S 4611 209 jǔ zú qīng zhòng f /to play a critical role (idiom)/influential/ 举重 舉重 S - 155 jǔ zhòng f /to lift weights/weight-lifting (sports)/ 举隅法 舉隅法 S - 0 jǔ yù fǎ f /synecdoche/ 丿 - 0 piě f /radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 4)/see 撇[pie3]/ 乀 - 2 fú t /stretch/ 乀 - 2 piě f /variant of 丿[pie3]/ 乂 - 14 yì f /to regulate/to govern/to control/to mow/ 乃 - 4905 nǎi f /to be/thus/so/therefore/then/only/thereupon/ 乃 廼 S - 4905 nǎi f /variant of 乃[nai3]/ 乃 迺 S - 4905 nǎi f /variant of 乃[nai3]/ 乃东 乃東 S - 25 Nǎi dōng f /Nêdong county, Tibetan: Sne gdong rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 乃东县 乃東縣 S - 7 Nǎi dōng xiàn f /Nêdong county, Tibetan: Sne gdong rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 乃堆拉 - 4 Nǎi duī lā f /Nathu La (Himalayan pass on Silk Road between Tibet and Indian Sikkim)/ 乃堆拉山口 - 0 Nǎi duī lā shān kǒu f /Nathu La (Himalayan pass on Silk Road between Tibet and Indian Sikkim)/ 乃尔 乃爾 S - 3 nǎi ěr f /thus/like this/ 乃是 - 1792 nǎi shì f /equivalent to either 是[shi4] or 就是[jiu4 shi4]/ 乃東 乃东 T - 25 Nǎi dōng f /Nêdong county, Tibetan: Sne gdong rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 乃東縣 乃东县 T - 7 Nǎi dōng xiàn f /Nêdong county, Tibetan: Sne gdong rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 乃爾 乃尔 T - 3 nǎi ěr f /thus/like this/ 乃至 - 1309 nǎi zhì f /and even/to go so far as to/ 久 387 7645 jiǔ f /(long) time/(long) duration of time/ 久久 - 355 jiǔ jiǔ f /for a very long time/ 久之 - 50 jiǔ zhī f /for a long time/ 久仰 - 198 jiǔ yǎng f /honorific: I've long looked forward to meeting you./It's an honor to meet you at last./ 久仰大名 - 9 jiǔ yǎng dà míng f /I have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time (idiom)/ 久保 - 9 Jiǔ bǎo f /Kubo (Japanese surname)/ 久假不归 久假不歸 S - 3 jiǔ jiǎ bù guī f /to fail to return a borrowed item/ 久假不歸 久假不归 T - 3 jiǔ jiǎ bù guī f /to fail to return a borrowed item/ 久別 久别 T - 42 jiǔ bié f /a long period of separation/ 久別重逢 久别重逢 T - 58 jiǔ bié chóng féng f /to meet again after a long period of separation/ 久别 久別 S - 42 jiǔ bié f /a long period of separation/ 久别重逢 久別重逢 S - 58 jiǔ bié chóng féng f /to meet again after a long period of separation/ 久已 - 131 jiǔ yǐ f /long ago/a long time since/ 久慕 - 3 jiǔ mù f /lit. I've admired you for a long time (honorific)./I've been looking forward to meeting you./It's an honor to meet you at last./ 久慕盛名 - 0 jiǔ mù shèng míng f /I've admired your reputation for a long time (idiom); I've been looking forward to meeting you./It's an honor to meet you at last./ 久攻不下 - 3 jiǔ gōng bù xià f /to attack for a long time without success/ 久旷 久曠 S - 0 jiǔ kuàng f /to leave uncultivated for a long time/by extension, to neglect one's work/to remain single/ 久曠 久旷 T - 0 jiǔ kuàng f /to leave uncultivated for a long time/by extension, to neglect one's work/to remain single/ 久治 - 2 Jiǔ zhì f /Jigzhi or Jiuzhi county (Tibetan: gcig sgril rdzong) in Golog Tibetan autonomous prefecture 果洛州[Guo3 luo4 zhou1], Qinghai (formerly in Sichuan)/ 久治县 久治縣 S - 2 Jiǔ zhì xiàn f /Jigzhi or Jiuzhi county (Tibetan: gcig sgril rdzong) in Golog Tibetan autonomous prefecture 果洛州[Guo3 luo4 zhou1], Qinghai (formerly in Sichuan)/ 久治縣 久治县 T - 2 Jiǔ zhì xiàn f /Jigzhi or Jiuzhi county (Tibetan: gcig sgril rdzong) in Golog Tibetan autonomous prefecture 果洛州[Guo3 luo4 zhou1], Qinghai (formerly in Sichuan)/ 久留 - 128 jiǔ liú f /to stay for a long time/ 久病 - 101 jiǔ bìng f /my old illness/chronic condition/ 久病成医 久病成醫 S - 6 jiǔ bìng chéng yī f /(proverb) a long illness makes the patient into a doctor/ 久病成良医 久病成良醫 S - 0 jiǔ bìng chéng liáng yī f /long illness makes the patient into a good doctor (idiom)/ 久病成良醫 久病成良医 T - 0 jiǔ bìng chéng liáng yī f /long illness makes the patient into a good doctor (idiom)/ 久病成醫 久病成医 T - 6 jiǔ bìng chéng yī f /(proverb) a long illness makes the patient into a doctor/ 久等 - 52 jiǔ děng f /to wait for a long time/ 久經考驗 久经考验 T - 26 jiǔ jīng kǎo yàn f /well tested (idiom); seasoned/veteran/ 久经考验 久經考驗 S - 26 jiǔ jīng kǎo yàn f /well tested (idiom); seasoned/veteran/ 久而久之 - 229 jiǔ ér jiǔ zhī f /over time/as time passes/in the fullness of time/ 久聞大名 久闻大名 T - 20 jiǔ wén dà míng f /your name has been known to me for a long time (polite)/ 久負盛名 久负盛名 T - 57 jiǔ fù shèng míng f /seasoned/honed to perfection over centuries/special reserve/ 久负盛名 久負盛名 S - 57 jiǔ fù shèng míng f /seasoned/honed to perfection over centuries/special reserve/ 久远 久遠 S - 257 jiǔ yuǎn f /old/ancient/far away/ 久违 久違 S - 140 jiǔ wéi f /(haven't done sth) for a long time/a long time since we last met/ 久違 久违 T - 140 jiǔ wéi f /(haven't done sth) for a long time/a long time since we last met/ 久遠 久远 T - 257 jiǔ yuǎn f /old/ancient/far away/ 久長 久长 T - 52 jiǔ cháng f /a long time/ 久长 久長 S - 52 jiǔ cháng f /a long time/ 久闊 久阔 T - 0 jiǔ kuò f /a long period of separation/ 久闻大名 久聞大名 S - 20 jiǔ wén dà míng f /your name has been known to me for a long time (polite)/ 久阔 久闊 S - 0 jiǔ kuò f /a long period of separation/ 久陪 - 0 jiǔ péi f /to accompany over long term/ 乆 - 0 jiǔ f /archaic variant of 久[jiu3]/ 乇 - 113 tuō t /archaic variant of 托[tuo1]/ 乇 - 113 zhé f /"blade of grass" component in Chinese characters/ 么 幺 T - 11322 Yāo f /surname Yao/ 么 幺 T - 11322 yāo f /youngest/most junior/tiny/one (unambiguous spoken form when spelling out numbers, esp. on telephone or in military)/one or ace on dice or dominoes/variant of 吆[yao1], to shout/ 么 麼 S - 11322 má f /exclamatory final particle/ 么 麼 S - 11322 ma f /interrogative final particle/ 么 麼 S - 11322 me t /suffix, used to form interrogative 甚麼|什么[shen2 me5], what?, indefinite 這麼|这么[zhe4 me5] thus, etc/ 么 麽 S - 11322 me t /variant of 麼|么[me5]/ 么並矢 幺并矢 T - 0 yāo bìng shǐ f /idemfactor (expressing a vector as sum of its three orthogonal projections)/ 么么 麼麼 S - 0 me me f /kissing sound (slang onom.)/ 么二 幺二 T - 0 yāo èr f /one-two or ace-deuce (smallest throw at dice)/a prostitute/ 么麼小醜 幺麽小丑 T - 3 yāo mó xiǎo chǒu f /insignificant wretch/ 么點 幺点 T - 0 yāo diǎn f /ace/ 义 義 S - 5628 Yì f /surname Yi/(Tw) abbr. for 義大利|义大利[Yi4 da4 li4], Italy/ 义 義 S - 5628 yì f /justice/righteousness/meaning/foster (father etc)/adopted/artificial (tooth, limb etc)/relationship/friendship/ 义不容辞 義不容辭 S - 110 yì bù róng cí f /not to be shirked without dishonor (idiom)/incumbent/bounden (duty)/ 义之所在 義之所在 S - 0 yì zhī suǒ zài f /justice is to be found everywhere (idiom)/ 义乌 義烏 S - 92 Yì wū f /Yiwu county level city in Jinhua 金華|金华[Jin1 hua2], Zhejiang/ 义乌市 義烏市 S - 9 Yì wū shì f /Yiwu county level city in Jinhua 金華|金华[Jin1 hua2], Zhejiang/ 义人 義人 S - 0 yì rén f /righteous man/ 义军 義軍 S - 1416 yì jūn f /volunteer army/ 义务 義務 S 1829 2059 yì wù f /duty/obligation/commitment/volunteer duty/CL:項|项[xiang4]/mandatory/voluntary/ 义务工作者 義務工作者 S - 0 yì wù gōng zuò zhě f /volunteer/voluntary worker/ 义务教育 義務教育 S - 726 yì wù jiào yù f /compulsory education/ 义勇 義勇 S - 76 yì yǒng f /courageous/righteous and courageous/ 义勇军 義勇軍 S - 338 yì yǒng jūn f /volunteer army/ 义勇军进行曲 義勇軍進行曲 S - 0 Yì yǒng jūn Jìn xíng qǔ f /March of the Volunteer Army (PRC National Anthem)/ 义卖 義賣 S - 27 yì mài f /jumble sale (for good cause)/charity bazaar/ 义卖会 義賣會 S - 3 yì mài huì f /bazaar/ 义县 義縣 S - 36 Yì xiàn f /Yi county in Jinzhou 錦州|锦州, Liaoning/ 义县龙 義縣龍 S - 0 Yì xiàn lóng f /Yixianosaurus, genus of theropod dinosaur from Yi county 義縣|义县, Jinzhou 錦州|锦州, west Liaoning/ 义和乱 義和亂 S - 0 yì hé luàn f /the Boxer uprising/ 义和团 義和團 S - 2114 Yì hé tuán f /the Righteous and Harmonious Fists/the Boxers (history)/ 义和团运动 義和團運動 S - 341 Yì hé tuán Yùn dòng f /Boxer Rebellion/ 义和拳 義和拳 S - 91 Yì hé quán f /the Righteous and Harmonious Fists/the Boxers (history)/ 义士 義士 S - 191 yì shì f /high-minded and righteous person/patriot/loyalist/ 义大利 義大利 S - 3 Yì dà lì f /Italy/Italian (Tw)/ 义女 義女 S - 70 yì nǚ f /adopted daughter/foster daughter/ 义学 義學 S - 27 yì xué f /free school (old)/ 义工 義工 S - 13 yì gōng f /volunteer worker/volunteer work/ 义怒 義怒 S - 0 yì nù f /righteous anger/ 义愤 義憤 S - 89 yì fèn f /righteous indignation/moral indignation/ 义愤填胸 義憤填胸 S - 3 yì fèn tián xiōng f /righteous indignation fills one's breast (idiom); to feel indignant at injustice/ 义愤填膺 義憤填膺 S - 215 yì fèn tián yīng f /righteous indignation fills one's breast (idiom); to feel indignant at injustice/ 义无反顾 義無反顧 S - 109 yì wú fǎn gù f /honor does not allow one to glance back (idiom); duty-bound not to turn back/no surrender/to pursue justice with no second thoughts/ 义母 義母 S - 25 yì mǔ f /foster mother/ 义气 義氣 S - 375 yì qì f /spirit of loyalty and self-sacrifice/code of brotherhood/also pr. [yi4 qi5]/ 义演 義演 S - 28 yì yǎn f /benefit performance/charity show/ 义父 義父 S - 711 yì fù f /foster father/ 义父母 義父母 S - 0 yì fù mǔ f /foster parents/adoptive parents/ 义理 義理 S - 107 yì lǐ f /doctrine (esp. religious)/argumentation (in a speech or essay)/ 义竹 義竹 S - 0 Yì zhú f /Yizhu or Ichu township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan/ 义竹乡 義竹鄉 S - 0 Yì zhú xiāng f /Yizhu or Ichu township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan/ 义结金兰 義結金蘭 S - 3 yì jié jīn lán f /to be close friends/ 义肢 義肢 S - 4 yì zhī f /artificial limb/prosthesis/ 义行 義行 S - 3 yì xíng f /righteous deed/ 义警 義警 S - 3 yì jǐng f /vigilante/volunteer (police)/ 义项 義項 S - 11 yì xiàng f /sense (of a word)/ 义马 義馬 S - 23 Yì mǎ f /Yima county level city in Sanmenxia 三門峽|三门峡[San1 men2 xia2], Henan/ 义马市 義馬市 S - 4 Yì mǎ shì f /Yima county level city in Sanmenxia 三門峽|三门峡[San1 men2 xia2], Henan/ 义齿 義齒 S - 34 yì chǐ f /artificial tooth/ 乊 - 5 xx f /one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "ho"), an ancient Korean writing system/ 之 622 140957 zhī f /(possessive particle, literary equivalent of 的[de5])/him/her/it/ 之一 - 21053 zhī yī f /one of (sth)/one out of a multitude/one (third, quarter, percent etc)/ 之上 - 3503 zhī shàng f /above/ 之下 - 6012 zhī xià f /under/beneath/less than/ 之中 - 10597 zhī zhōng f /inside/among/in the midst of (doing sth)/during/ 之乎者也 - 14 zhī hū zhě yě f /four common characters of classical Chinese (idiom); fig. semi-incomprehensible talk/double Dutch/all Greek to me/ 之內 之内 T - 2470 zhī nèi f /inside/within/ 之内 之內 S - 2470 zhī nèi f /inside/within/ 之前 - 8828 zhī qián f /before/prior to/ago/previously/beforehand/ 之后 之後 S - 20879 zhī hòu f /afterwards/following/later/after/ 之外 - 5635 zhī wài f /outside/excluding/ 之字形 - 3 zhī zì xíng f /Z-shaped/zigzag/ 之字路 - 3 zhī zì lù f /zigzag road/switchback/ 之後 之后 T - 20879 zhī hòu f /afterwards/following/later/after/ 之所以 - 3180 zhī suǒ yǐ f /the reason why/ 之类 之類 S - 2475 zhī lèi f /and so on/and such/ 之至 - 3 zhī zhì f /extremely/ 之間 之间 T - 25306 zhī jiān f /between/among/inter-/ 之间 之間 S - 25306 zhī jiān f /between/among/inter-/ 之际 之際 S 3941 2719 zhī jì f /during/at the time of/ 之際 之际 T 3941 2719 zhī jì f /during/at the time of/ 之類 之类 T - 2475 zhī lèi f /and so on/and such/ 乌 烏 S - 1680 Wū f /abbr. for Ukraine 烏克蘭|乌克兰[Wu1 ke4 lan2]/surname Wu/ 乌 烏 S - 1680 wū f /crow/black/ 乌七八糟 烏七八糟 S - 15 wū qī bā zāo f /everything in disorder (idiom)/in a hideous mess/obscene/dirty/filthy/ 乌丘 烏坵 S - 2 Wū qiū f /Wuchiu township in Kinmen County 金門縣|金门县[Jin1 men2 xian4] (Kinmen or Quemoy islands), Taiwan/ 乌丘乡 烏坵鄉 S - 0 Wū qiū xiāng f /Wuchiu township in Kinmen County 金門縣|金门县[Jin1 men2 xian4] (Kinmen or Quemoy islands), Taiwan/ 乌云 烏雲 S - 655 wū yún f /black cloud/ 乌亮 烏亮 S - 24 wū liàng f /lustrous and black/jet-black/ 乌什 烏什 S - 45 Wū shí f /Uchturpan nahiyisi (Uqturpan county) in Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区[A1 ke4 su1 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang/ 乌什县 烏什縣 S - 3 Wū shí xiàn f /Uchturpan nahiyisi (Uqturpan county) in Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区[A1 ke4 su1 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang/ 乌什塔拉 烏什塔拉 S - 0 Wū shén tǎ lā f /Wushentala Hui village in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州[Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 Meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 乌什塔拉乡 烏什塔拉鄉 S - 0 Wū shén tǎ lā xiāng f /Wushentala Hui village in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州[Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 Meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 乌什塔拉回族乡 烏什塔拉回族鄉 S - 0 Wū shén tǎ lā Huí zú xiāng f /Wushentala Hui village in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州[Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 Meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 乌伊岭 烏伊嶺 S - 0 Wū yī lǐng f /Wuyiling district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 乌伊岭区 烏伊嶺區 S - 3 Wū yī lǐng qū f /Wuyiling district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 乌伦古河 烏倫古河 S - 0 Wū lún gǔ Hé f /Ulungur River in Xinjiang/ 乌伦古湖 烏倫古湖 S - 19 Wū lún gǔ Hú f /Ulungur Lake in Xinjiang/ 乌克丽丽 烏克麗麗 S - 0 wū kè lì lì f /ukulele/simplified form also written 尤克里里琴/ 乌克兰 烏克蘭 S - 696 Wū kè lán f /Ukraine/ 乌克兰人 烏克蘭人 S - 39 Wū kè lán rén f /Ukrainian (person)/ 乌兰 烏蘭 S - 7 Wū lán f /Wulan county in Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州[Hai3 xi1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 乌兰县 烏蘭縣 S - 6 Wū lán xiàn f /Wulan county in Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州[Hai3 xi1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 乌兰夫 烏蘭夫 S - 5 Wū lán fū f /Ulanhu (1906-1988), Soviet trained Mongolian communist who became important PRC military leader/ 乌兰察布 烏蘭察布 S - 3 Wū lán chá bù f /Ulaanchab prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia/ 乌兰察布市 烏蘭察布市 S - 0 Wū lán chá bù shì f /Ulaanchab prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia/ 乌兰巴托 烏蘭巴托 S - 85 Wū lán bā tuō f /Ulaanbaatar or Ulan Bator, capital of Mongolia/ 乌兰浩特 烏蘭浩特 S - 12 Wū lán hào tè f /Wulanhaote county level city, Mongolian Ulaan xot, in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴安盟[Xing1 an1 meng2], east Inner Mongolia/ 乌兰浩特市 烏蘭浩特市 S - 7 Wū lán hào tè shì f /Wulanhaote county level city, Mongolian Ulaan xot, in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴安盟[Xing1 an1 meng2], east Inner Mongolia/ 乌兹冲锋枪 烏茲衝鋒槍 S - 0 Wū zī chōng fēng qiāng f /Uzi (submachine gun)/ 乌兹别克 烏茲別克 S - 109 Wū zī bié kè f /Uzbek/abbr. for Uzbekistan/ 乌兹别克人 烏茲別克人 S - 0 Wū zī bié kè rén f /Uzbek (person)/ 乌兹别克斯坦 烏茲別克斯坦 S - 138 Wū zī bié kè sī tǎn f /Uzbekistan/ 乌兹别克族 烏茲別克族 S - 5 Wū zī bié kè zú f /the Uzbek people (race)/ 乌冬面 烏冬麵 S - 0 wū dōng miàn f /udon noodles/ 乌压压 烏壓壓 S - 0 wū yā yā f /forming a dense mass/ 乌合之众 烏合之眾 S - 83 wū hé zhī zhòng f /mob/ 乌嘴柳莺 烏嘴柳鶯 S - 0 wū zuǐ liǔ yīng f /(bird species of China) large-billed leaf warbler (Phylloscopus magnirostris)/ 乌塌菜 烏塌菜 S - 4 wū tā cài f /rosette bok choy (Brassica rapa var. rosularis)/ 乌孙国 烏孫國 S - 4 Wū sūn guó f /Wusun kingdom of central Asia (c. 300 BC-300 AD)/ 乌孜别克 烏孜別克 S - 41 Wū zī bié kè f /Uzbek ethnic group of Xinjiang/ 乌孜别克族 烏孜別克族 S - 30 Wū zī bié kè zú f /Uzbek ethnic group of Xinjiang/ 乌孜别克语 烏孜別克語 S - 0 Wū zī bié kè yǔ f /Uzbek language/ 乌审 烏審 S - 2 Wū shěn f /Uxin or Wushen banner in southwest Ordos prefecture 鄂爾多斯|鄂尔多斯[E4 er3 duo1 si1], Inner Mongolia/ 乌审旗 烏審旗 S - 29 Wū shěn qí f /Uxin or Wushen banner in southwest Ordos prefecture 鄂爾多斯|鄂尔多斯[E4 er3 duo1 si1], Inner Mongolia/ 乌尔 烏爾 S - 54 Wū ěr f /Ur (Sumerian city c. 4500 BC in modern Iraq)/ 乌尔姆 烏爾姆 S - 4 Wū ěr mǔ f /Ulm (city in Germany)/ 乌尔格 烏爾格 S - 0 Wū ěr gé f /ancient name of Ulan Bator/ 乌尔禾 烏爾禾 S - 9 Wū ěr hé f /Urho district (Uighur: Orqu Rayoni) of Qaramay City 克拉瑪依市|克拉玛依市[Ke4 la1 ma3 yi1 shi4], Xinjiang/ 乌尔禾区 烏爾禾區 S - 3 Wū ěr hé qū f /Urho district (Uighur: Orqu Rayoni) of Qaramay City 克拉瑪依市|克拉玛依市[Ke4 la1 ma3 yi1 shi4], Xinjiang/ 乌尔都语 烏爾都語 S - 34 Wū ěr dū yǔ f /Urdu (language)/ 乌干达 烏干達 S - 158 Wū gān dá f /Uganda/ 乌当 烏當 S - 0 Wū dāng f /Wudang district of Guiyang city 貴陽市|贵阳市[Gui4 yang2 shi4], Guizhou/ 乌当区 烏當區 S - 3 Wū dāng qū f /Wudang district of Guiyang city 貴陽市|贵阳市[Gui4 yang2 shi4], Guizhou/ 乌德勒支 烏德勒支 S - 0 wū dé lè zhī f /Utrecht/ 乌恰 烏恰 S - 2 Wū qià f /Wuqia county in Xinjiang/ 乌恰县 烏恰縣 S - 3 Wū qià xiàn f /Wuqia county in Xinjiang/ 乌托邦 烏托邦 S - 108 wū tuō bāng f /utopia (loanword)/ 乌拉圭 烏拉圭 S - 256 Wū lā guī f /Uruguay/ 乌拉尔 烏拉爾 S - 178 Wū lā ěr f /the Ural mountains in Russia, dividing Europe from Asia/ 乌拉尔山 烏拉爾山 S - 25 Wū lā ěr shān f /the Ural mountains in Russia, dividing Europe from Asia/ 乌拉尔山脉 烏拉爾山脈 S - 83 Wū lā ěr Shān mài f /Ural Mountains/ 乌拉特 烏拉特 S - 2 Wū lā tè f /Urat plain in Bayan Nur 巴彥淖爾|巴彦淖尔[Ba1 yan4 nao4 er3], Inner Mongolia/also Urat Front, Center and Rear banners/ 乌拉特中旗 烏拉特中旗 S - 5 Wū lā tè zhōng qí f /Urat Center banner or Urdyn Dund khoshuu in Bayan Nur 巴彥淖爾|巴彦淖尔[Ba1 yan4 nao4 er3], Inner Mongolia/ 乌拉特前旗 烏拉特前旗 S - 17 Wū lā tè qián qí f /Urat Front banner or Urdyn Ömnöd khoshuu in Bayan Nur 巴彥淖爾|巴彦淖尔[Ba1 yan4 nao4 er3], Inner Mongolia/ 乌拉特后旗 烏拉特後旗 S - 2 Wū lā tè hòu qí f /Urat Rear banner or Urdyn Xoit khoshuu in Bayan Nur 巴彥淖爾|巴彦淖尔[Ba1 yan4 nao4 er3], Inner Mongolia/ 乌拉特草原 烏拉特草原 S - 0 Wū lā tè cǎo yuán f /Urat plain in Bayan Nur 巴彥淖爾|巴彦淖尔[Ba1 yan4 nao4 er3], Inner Mongolia/ 乌拜迪 烏拜迪 S - 0 Wū bài dí f /Ubaydi (town in Iraq)/ 乌日 烏日 S - 3 Wū rì f /Wujih township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan/ 乌日乡 烏日鄉 S - 0 Wū rì xiāng f /Wujih township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan/ 乌普萨拉 烏普薩拉 S - 24 Wū pǔ sà lā f /Uppsala, Swedish university city just north of Stockholm/ 乌有 烏有 S - 8 wū yǒu f /not to exist/nonexistent/illusory/ 乌木 烏木 S - 62 wū mù f /ebony/ 乌来 烏來 S - 3 Wū lái f /Wulai township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 乌来乡 烏來鄉 S - 3 Wū lái xiāng f /Wulai township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 乌林鸮 烏林鴞 S - 0 wū lín xiāo f /(bird species of China) great grey owl (Strix nebulosa)/ 乌桓 烏桓 S - 174 Wū huán f /Wuhuan (nomadic tribe)/ 乌桕 烏桕 S - 333 wū jiù f /Tallow tree/Sapium sebiferum/ 乌梁海 烏梁海 S - 19 Wū liáng hǎi f /Mongol surname/ 乌榄 烏欖 S - 0 wū lǎn f /black olive (Canarium tramdenum)/ 乌泱乌泱 烏泱烏泱 S - 0 wū yāng wū yāng f /in great number/ 乌洛托品 烏洛托品 S - 2 wū luò tuō pǐn f /hexamine (CH2)6N4/ 乌海 烏海 S - 5 Wū hǎi f /Wuhait or Wuhai prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia/ 乌海市 烏海市 S - 15 Wū hǎi Shì f /Wuhait or Wuhai prefecture-level city in Inner Mongolia/ 乌滋别克 烏滋別克 S - 3 Wū zī bié kè f /Uzbek/ 乌滋别克斯坦 烏滋別克斯坦 S - 0 Wū zī bié kè sī tǎn f /Uzbekistan/ 乌漆墨黑 烏漆墨黑 S - 0 wū qī mò hēi f /jet-black/pitch-dark/ 乌漆抹黑 烏漆抹黑 S - 0 wū qī mā hēi f /see 烏漆墨黑|乌漆墨黑[wu1 qi1 mo4 hei1]/ 乌灰银鸥 烏灰銀鷗 S - 0 wū huī yín ōu f /(bird species of China) lesser black-backed gull (Larus fuscus)/ 乌灰鸫 烏灰鶇 S - 0 wū huī dōng f /(bird species of China) Japanese thrush (Turdus cardis)/ 乌灰鹞 烏灰鷂 S - 0 wū huī yào f /(bird species of China) Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus)/ 乌烟瘴气 烏煙瘴氣 S - 173 wū yān zhàng qì f /billowing smoke (idiom)/foul atmosphere/(fig.) murky atmosphere/in a turmoil/ 乌燕鸥 烏燕鷗 S - 0 wū yàn ōu f /(bird species of China) sooty tern (Onychoprion fuscatus)/ 乌特列支 烏特列支 S - 0 Wū tè liè zhī f /Utrecht, city in Netherlands/ 乌纱帽 烏紗帽 S - 108 wū shā mào f /black hat (worn by feudal official)/fig. official post/ 乌良哈 烏良哈 S - 0 Wū liáng hǎ f /Mongol surname/ 乌节路 烏節路 S - 0 wū jié lù f /Orchard Road, Singapore (shopping and tourist area)/ 乌芋 烏芋 S - 0 wū yù f /see 荸薺|荸荠[bi2 qi2]/ 乌苏 烏蘇 S - 27 Wū sū f /Wusu city in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|塔城地区[Ta3 cheng2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 乌苏市 烏蘇市 S - 3 Wū sū shì f /Wusu city in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|塔城地区[Ta3 cheng2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 乌苏里斯克 烏蘇里斯克 S - 2 Wū sū lǐ sī kè f /Ussuriisk city in Russian Pacific Primorsky region/previous names include 雙城子|双城子[Shuang1 cheng2 zi5] and Voroshilov 伏羅希洛夫|伏罗希洛夫/ 乌苏里江 烏蘇里江 S - 103 Wū sū lǐ jiāng f /Ussuri River/ 乌蓝 烏藍 S - 2 wū lán f /dark blue/ 乌西亚 烏西亞 S - 0 Wū xī yà f /Uzziah (son of Joram)/ 乌讷楚 烏訥楚 S - 0 Wū nè chǔ f /Uxin or Wushen banner in southwest Ordos prefecture 鄂爾多斯|鄂尔多斯[E4 er3 duo1 si1], Inner Mongolia/ 乌语 烏語 S - 0 Wū yǔ f /Uzbek language/ 乌贼 烏賊 S - 97 wū zéi f /cuttlefish/ 乌达 烏達 S - 9 Wū dá f /Ud raion or Wuda District of Wuhait City 烏海市|乌海市[Wu1 hai3 Shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 乌达区 烏達區 S - 3 Wū dá Qū f /Ud raion or Wuda District of Wuhait City 烏海市|乌海市[Wu1 hai3 Shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 乌里雅苏台 烏里雅蘇台 S - 11 Wū lǐ yǎ sū tái f /Uliastai, the Qing name for outer Mongolia/ 乌雕 烏鵰 S - 0 wū diāo f /(bird species of China) greater spotted eagle (Aquila clanga)/ 乌雕鸮 烏鵰鴞 S - 0 wū diāo xiāo f /(bird species of China) dusky eagle-owl (Bubo coromandus)/ 乌青 烏青 S - 40 wū qīng f /bluish black/bruise/bruising/CL:塊|块[kuai4]/ 乌饭果 烏飯果 S - 0 wū fàn guǒ f /blueberry/ 乌马河 烏馬河 S - 0 Wū mǎ hé f /Wumahe district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 乌马河区 烏馬河區 S - 3 Wū mǎ hé qū f /Wumahe district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 乌骨鸡 烏骨雞 S - 21 wū gǔ jī f /black-boned chicken/silky fowl/silkie/Gallus gallus domesticus Brisson/ 乌鱼 烏魚 S - 262 wū yú f /gray mullet (Mugil cephalus)/snakehead fish (family Channidae)/ 乌鲁克恰提 烏魯克恰提 S - 0 Wū lǔ kè qià tí f /Wuqia county in Xinjiang/name of county in Xinjiang from early 20th century now called Wuqia 烏恰縣|乌恰县/ 乌鲁克恰提县 烏魯克恰提縣 S - 0 Wū lǔ kè qià tí xiàn f /Wuqia county in Xinjiang/name of county in Xinjiang from early 20th century now called Wuqia 烏恰縣|乌恰县/ 乌鲁木齐 烏魯木齊 S - 435 Wū lǔ mù qí f /Ürümqi or Urumqi prefecture level city and capital of Xinjiang Uighur autonomous region 新疆維吾爾自治區|新疆维吾尔自治区 in west China/ 乌鲁木齐县 烏魯木齊縣 S - 5 Wū lǔ mù qí xiàn f /Urumqi county (Uighur: Ürümchi Nahiyisi) in Urumqi 烏魯木齊|乌鲁木齐[Wu1 lu3 mu4 qi2], Xinjiang/ 乌鲁木齐市 烏魯木齊市 S - 51 Wū lǔ mù qí Shì f /Ürümqi or Urumqi prefecture level city and capital of Xinjiang Uighur autonomous region 新疆維吾爾自治區|新疆维吾尔自治区[Xin1 jiang1 Wei2 wu2 er3 Zi4 zhi4 qu1] in west China/ 乌鲁汝 烏魯汝 S - 0 Wū lǔ rǔ f /Uluru, iconic large rock formation in central Australia, sacred to Aboriginals, a World Heritage Site/also known as Ayers Rock/ 乌鲳 烏鯧 S - 6 wū chāng f /black pomfret/ 乌鳢 烏鱧 S - 8 wū lǐ f /Channa argus/snakehead fish/ 乌鸟私情 烏鳥私情 S - 3 wū niǎo sī qíng f /lit. the solicitude of the crow (who provides for his old parent)(idiom)/fig. filial piety/ 乌鸡 烏雞 S - 35 wū jī f /black-boned chicken/silky fowl/silkie/Gallus gallus domesticus Brisson/ 乌鸦 烏鴉 S - 317 wū yā f /crow/raven/ 乌鸦嘴 烏鴉嘴 S - 3 wū yā zuǐ f /lit. crow's beak/fig. person who has made an inauspicious remark/ 乌鸦座 烏鴉座 S - 0 Wū yā zuò f /Corvus (constellation)/ 乌鸫 烏鶇 S - 0 wū dōng f /(bird species of China) common blackbird (Turdus merula)/ 乌鹃 烏鵑 S - 0 wū juān f /(bird species of China) fork-tailed drongo-cuckoo (Surniculus dicruroides)/ 乌鹟 烏鶲 S - 0 wū wēng f /(bird species of China) dark-sided flycatcher (Muscicapa sibirica)/ 乌黎雅 烏黎雅 S - 0 Wū lí yǎ f /Uriah (name)/ 乌黑 烏黑 S 4965 241 wū hēi f /jet-black/dark/ 乌黑色 烏黑色 S - 0 wū hēi sè f /black/crow-black/ 乌齐雅 烏齊雅 S - 0 Wū qí yǎ f /Uzziah son of Amaziah, king of Judah c. 750 BC/ 乌龙 烏龍 S - 65 wū lóng f /black dragon/unexpected mistake or mishap/oolong (tea)/udon (loanword from Japanese)/ 乌龙指 烏龍指 S - 0 wū lóng zhǐ f /fat finger error (finance)/ 乌龙球 烏龍球 S - 13 wū lóng qiú f /own goal (football)/a goal in a sports match where the player accidentally puts the ball into his own goal/ 乌龙茶 烏龍茶 S - 45 wū lóng chá f /oolong tea/ 乌龙面 烏龍麵 S - 0 wū lóng miàn f /udon (thick Japanese-style) wheat-flour noodles/ 乌龟 烏龜 S - 508 wū guī f /tortoise/cuckold/ 乌龟壳 烏龜殼 S - 12 wū guī ké f /tortoise shell/ 乍 - 598 zhà f /at first/suddenly/abruptly/to spread/(of hair) to stand on end/bristling/ 乍得 - 142 Zhà dé f /Chad/ 乍得湖 - 53 Zhà dé Hú f /Lake Chad/ 乍浦 - 21 Zhà pǔ f /Zhapu town and port on north of Hangzhou Bay 杭州灣|杭州湾 in Zhejiang/ 乍浦鎮 乍浦镇 T - 4 Zhà pǔ zhèn f /Zhapu town and port on north of Hangzhou Bay 杭州灣|杭州湾 in Zhejiang/ 乍浦镇 乍浦鎮 S - 4 Zhà pǔ zhèn f /Zhapu town and port on north of Hangzhou Bay 杭州灣|杭州湾 in Zhejiang/ 乍看 - 3 zhà kàn f /at first glance/ 乍青乍白 - 0 zhà qīng zhà bái f /(of sb's face) turning alternately green and white/ 乎 - 1399 hū f /(classical particle similar to 於|于[yu2]) in/at/from/because/than/(classical final particle similar to 嗎|吗[ma5], 吧[ba5], 呢[ne5], expressing question, doubt or astonishment)/ 乏 - 409 fá f /short of/tired/ 乏人照顧 乏人照顾 T - 0 fá rén zhào gù f /(of a person) left unattended/not cared for/ 乏人照顾 乏人照顧 S - 0 fá rén zhào gù f /(of a person) left unattended/not cared for/ 乏力 - 269 fá lì f /lacking in strength/weak/feeble/ 乏味 - 141 fá wèi f /tedious/ 乏善可陈 乏善可陳 S - 14 fá shàn kě chén f /to be nothing to write home about (idiom)/ 乏善可陳 乏善可陈 T - 14 fá shàn kě chén f /to be nothing to write home about (idiom)/ 乏燃料 - 0 fá rán liào f /spent fuel/ 乏燃料棒 - 0 fá rán liào bàng f /spent fuel rods/ 乐 樂 S - 3667 Lè t /surname Le/ 乐 樂 S - 3667 Yuè f /surname Yue/ 乐 樂 S - 3667 lè t /happy/cheerful/to laugh/ 乐 樂 S - 3667 yuè f /music/ 乐不可支 樂不可支 S - 22 lè bù kě zhī f /overjoyed (idiom); as pleased as punch/ 乐不思蜀 樂不思蜀 S - 10 lè bù sī Shǔ f /indulge in pleasure and forget home and duty (idiom)/ 乐业 樂業 S - 28 Lè yè f /Leye county in Baise 百色[Bai3 se4], Guangxi/ 乐业县 樂業縣 S - 3 Lè yè xiàn f /Leye county in Baise 百色[Bai3 se4], Guangxi/ 乐东 樂東 S - 9 Lè dōng f /Ledong Lizu autonomous county, Hainan/ 乐东县 樂東縣 S - 2 Lè dōng xiàn f /Ledong Lizu autonomous county, Hainan/ 乐东黎族自治县 樂東黎族自治縣 S - 3 Lè dōng Lí zú zì zhì xiàn f /Ledong Lizu autonomous county, Hainan/ 乐之 樂之 S - 0 Lè zhī f /Ritz (cracker brand)/ 乐事 樂事 S - 49 Lè shì f /Lay's (brand)/ 乐事 樂事 S - 49 lè shì f /pleasure/ 乐于 樂於 S - 639 lè yú f /willing (to do sth)/to take pleasure in/ 乐于助人 樂於助人 S - 25 lè yú zhù rén f /willing to help others/ 乐亭 樂亭 S - 22 Lào tíng f /Laoting county in Tangshan 唐山[Tang2 shan1], Hebei/ 乐亭县 樂亭縣 S - 18 Lào tíng xiàn f /Laoting county in Tangshan 唐山[Tang2 shan1], Hebei/ 乐儿 樂兒 S - 5 lè r f /see 樂子|乐子[le4 zi5]/ 乐华梅兰 樂華梅蘭 S - 0 Lè huá Méi lán f /Leroy Merlin (PRC DIY chain)/ 乐句 樂句 S - 22 yuè jù f /musical phrase/ 乐呵呵 樂呵呵 S - 58 lè hē hē f /happily/giddily/ 乐善好施 樂善好施 S - 36 lè shàn hào shī f /kind and charitable/ 乐器 樂器 S 2178 1144 yuè qì f /musical instrument/CL:件[jian4]/ 乐团 樂團 S - 203 yuè tuán f /band/orchestra/ 乐园 樂園 S - 999 lè yuán f /paradise/ 乐在其中 樂在其中 S - 14 lè zài qí zhōng f /to take pleasure in sth (idiom)/ 乐坛 樂壇 S - 39 yuè tán f /music circles/music world/ 乐天 樂天 S - 102 lè tiān f /carefree/happy-go-lucky/optimistic/ 乐天派 樂天派 S - 9 lè tiān pài f /happy-go-lucky people/optimists/ 乐天知命 樂天知命 S - 8 lè tiān zhī mìng f /to be content with what one is/ 乐子 樂子 S - 27 lè zi f /fun/pleasure/laughing matter/ 乐学者 樂學者 S - 0 yuè xué zhě f /musicologist/ 乐安 樂安 S - 43 Lè ān f /Le'an county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi/ 乐安县 樂安縣 S - 4 Lè ān xiàn f /Le'an county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi/ 乐山 樂山 S - 106 Lè shān f /Leshan prefecture level city in Sichuan/ 乐山地区 樂山地區 S - 0 Lè shān dì qū f /Leshan prefecture in Sichuan/ 乐山市 樂山市 S - 29 Lè shān shì f /Leshan prefecture level city in Sichuan/ 乐师 樂師 S - 101 yuè shī f /musician/ 乐平 樂平 S - 34 Lè píng f /Leping county level city in Jingdezhen 景德鎮|景德镇, Jiangxi/ 乐平市 樂平市 S - 2 Lè píng shì f /Leping county level city in Jingdezhen 景德鎮|景德镇, Jiangxi/ 乐府 樂府 S - 200 yuè fǔ f /yuefu (Chinese style of lyric poetry)/ 乐府诗集 樂府詩集 S - 0 Yuè fǔ Shī jí f /Collection of Yuefu Lyric Poems, compiled in 12th century by Guo Maoqian 郭茂倩[Guo1 Mao4 qian4]/ 乐开花 樂開花 S - 0 lè kāi huā f /to burst with joy/ 乐律 樂律 S - 56 yuè lǜ f /tuning/temperament/ 乐意 樂意 S 2575 459 lè yì f /to be willing to do sth/to be ready to do sth/to be happy to do sth/content/satisfied/ 乐手 樂手 S - 28 yuè shǒu f /instrumental performer/ 乐捐 樂捐 S - 3 lè juān f /to donate/ 乐施会 樂施會 S - 3 Lè shī huì f /Oxfam (Oxford Committee for Famine Relief)/ 乐昌 樂昌 S - 16 Lè chāng f /Lechang county level city in Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Shao2 guan1], Guangdong/ 乐昌之镜 樂昌之鏡 S - 3 lè chāng zhī jìng f /happy wife-husband reunion/ 乐昌分镜 樂昌分鏡 S - 3 lè chāng fēn jìng f /happy wife-husband reunion/ 乐昌市 樂昌市 S - 3 Lè chāng Shì f /Lechang county level city in Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Shao2 guan1], Guangdong/ 乐曲 樂曲 S - 336 yuè qǔ f /musical composition/ 乐极生悲 樂極生悲 S - 17 lè jí shēng bēi f /extreme joy turns to sorrow (idiom); Don't celebrate too soon, things could still go wrong!/ 乐此不疲 樂此不疲 S - 66 lè cǐ bù pí f /to enjoy sth and never tire of it (idiom)/ 乐浪郡 樂浪郡 S - 13 Lè làng jùn f /Lelang commandery (108 BC-313 AD), one of four Han dynasty commanderies in north Korea/ 乐清 樂清 S - 27 Yuè qīng f /Yueqing county level city in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 乐清市 樂清市 S - 6 Yuè qīng shì f /Yueqing county level city in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 乐滋滋 樂滋滋 S - 10 lè zī zī f /(coll.) contented/happy/ 乐理 樂理 S - 46 yuè lǐ f /music theory/ 乐章 樂章 S - 159 yuè zhāng f /movement (of a symphony)/ 乐经 樂經 S - 0 Yuè jīng f /Book of Music, said to be one of the Six Classics lost after Qin's burning of the books in 212 BC, but may simply refer to Book of Songs 詩經|诗经/ 乐羊羊 樂羊羊 S - 0 lè yáng yáng f /Happy sheep (group of five cartoon sheep), mascot of 2010 Guangzhou Asian games 廣州亞運會|广州亚运会/ 乐至 樂至 S - 4 Lè zhì f /Lezhi county in Ziyang 資陽|资阳[Zi1 yang2], Sichuan/ 乐至县 樂至縣 S - 3 Lè zhì xiàn f /Lezhi county in Ziyang 資陽|资阳[Zi1 yang2], Sichuan/ 乐蒂 樂蒂 S - 0 Lè Dì f /Betty Loh Ti, Chinese actress/ 乐蜀 樂蜀 S - 0 Lè shǔ f /Luxor, city in Egypt (Cantonese transliteration)/ 乐见其成 樂見其成 S - 0 lè jiàn qí chéng f /to look favorably on sth/would be glad see it happen/ 乐观 樂觀 S 1936 827 lè guān f /optimistic/hopeful/ 乐观主义 樂觀主義 S - 66 lè guān zhǔ yì f /optimism/ 乐观其成 樂觀其成 S - 18 lè guān qí chéng f /to look favorably on sth/would be glad to see it happen/ 乐谱 樂譜 S 4338 48 yuè pǔ f /a musical score/sheet music/ 乐购 樂購 S - 0 Lè gòu f /Tesco, UK-based supermarket chain/ 乐趣 樂趣 S 2795 494 lè qù f /delight/pleasure/joy/ 乐迷 樂迷 S - 8 yuè mí f /music fan/ 乐透 樂透 S - 0 lè tòu f /lottery/lotto (loanword)/ 乐道 樂道 S - 8 lè dào f /to take delight in talking about sth/to find pleasure in following one's convictions/ 乐都 樂都 S - 43 Lè dū f /Ledu county in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区[Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai/ 乐都县 樂都縣 S - 3 Lè dū xiàn f /Ledu county in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区[Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai/ 乐队 樂隊 S - 657 yuè duì f /band/pop group/CL:支[zhi1]/ 乐陵 樂陵 S - 42 Lè líng f /Leling county level city in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1], Shandong/ 乐陵市 樂陵市 S - 3 Lè líng shì f /Leling county level city in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1], Shandong/ 乐陶陶 樂陶陶 S - 3 lè táo táo f /joyful/cheerful/ 乐音 樂音 S - 73 yuè yīn f /musical note/tone/ 乐颠了馅 樂顛了餡 S - 0 lè diān le xiàn f /ecstatic/overjoyed/ 乐高 樂高 S - 0 Lè gāo f /Lego (toys)/ 乑 - 0 zhòng f /to stand side by side/variant of 眾|众[zhong4]/ 乒 - 125 pīng f /(onom.) ping/bing/ 乒乓 - 106 pīng pāng f /ping-pong/table tennis/ 乒乓球 1173 336 pīng pāng qiú f /table tennis/ping-pong/table tennis ball/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 乒乓球台 乒乓球檯 S - 6 pīng pāng qiú tái f /table-tennis table/ 乒乓球拍 - 3 pīng pāng qiú pāi f /ping-pong bat/ 乒乓球檯 乒乓球台 T - 6 pīng pāng qiú tái f /table-tennis table/ 乓 - 117 pāng f /(onom.) bang/ 乔 喬 S - 583 Qiáo f /surname Qiao/ 乔 喬 S - 583 qiáo f /tall/ 乔丹 喬丹 S - 80 Qiáo dān f /Jordan (name)/ 乔冠华 喬冠華 S - 7 Qiáo Guàn huá f /Qiao Guanhua (1913-1973), PRC politician and diplomat/ 乔叟 喬叟 S - 0 Qiáo sǒu f /Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400), English poet, author of The Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷故事集[Kan3 te4 bo2 lei2 Gu4 shi4 Ji2]/ 乔巴山 喬巴山 S - 15 Qiáo bā shān f /Choibalsan, city in Mongolia, capital of the eastern aimag (province) of Dornod/Khorloogiin Choibalsan (1895-1952), Communist leader of the Mongolian People's Republic (mid-1930s-1952)/ 乔布斯 喬布斯 S - 48 Qiáo bù sī f /Jobs (name)/see also 史蒂夫·喬布斯|史蒂夫·乔布斯[Shi3 di4 fu1 · Qiao2 bu4 si1], Steve Jobs/ 乔希 喬希 S - 0 Qiáo xī f /Josh or Joshi (name)/ 乔戈里峰 喬戈里峰 S - 27 Qiáo gē lǐ Fēng f /K2, Mt Qogir or Chogori in Karakorum section of Himalayas/ 乔木 喬木 S - 469 qiáo mù f /tree, esp. with recognizable trunk (as opposed to 灌木[guan4 mu4], bush or shrub)/ 乔林 喬林 S - 2 qiáo lín f /forest (esp. of tall trees)/high forest/ 乔格里峰 喬格里峰 S - 0 Qiáo gé lǐ Fēng f /K2, Mt Qogir or Chogori in Karakorum section of Himalayas/also written 喬戈里峰|乔戈里峰/ 乔治 喬治 S - 283 Qiáo zhì f /George (name)/ 乔治·华盛顿 喬治·華盛頓 S - 0 Qiáo zhì · Huá shèng dùn f /George Washington (1732-1799), first US president/ 乔治·奥威尔 喬治·奧威爾 S - 0 Qiáo zhì · Aò wēi ěr f /George Orwell (1903-1950), British novelist, author of Animal farm 動物農場|动物农场 and 1984/ 乔治·布尔 喬治·布爾 S - 0 Qiáo zhì · Bù ěr f /George Boole (1815-1864), English mathematician, philosopher and logician, author of The Laws of Thought and the inventor of Boolean logic/ 乔治·索罗斯 喬治·索羅斯 S - 0 Qiáo zhì · Suǒ luó sī f /George Soros or György Schwartz (1930-), Hungarian American financial speculator and millionaire philanthropist/ 乔治一世 喬治一世 S - 0 Qiáo zhì Yī shì f /George I of Great Brittain/ 乔治亚 喬治亞 S - 21 Qiáo zhì yà f /(Tw) Georgia, US state/Georgia (country)/ 乔治亚州 喬治亞州 S - 3 Qiáo zhì yà Zhōu f /Georgia, US state (Tw)/ 乔治城 喬治城 S - 5 Qiáo zhì chéng f /Georgetown/(the spelling 喬治敦|乔治敦 is more common)/ 乔治城大学 喬治城大學 S - 0 Qiáo zhì chéng Dà xué f /Georgetown University in Washington D.C., famous as quality Jesuit university and for its basketball team/ 乔治敦 喬治敦 S - 19 Qiáo zhì dūn f /Georgetown/ 乔石 喬石 S - 182 qiáo shí f /Qiao Shi (Chinese leadership contender)/ 乔答摩 喬答摩 S - 3 Qiáo dā mó f /Gautama, surname of the Siddhartha, the historical Buddha/ 乔红 喬紅 S - 261 Qiáo Hóng f /Qiao Hong (1968-), former PRC female table tennis player/ 乔纳森 喬納森 S - 118 Qiáo nà sēn f /Jonathan (name)/ 乔装 喬裝 S - 48 qiáo zhuāng f /to pretend/to feign/to disguise oneself/ 乔装打扮 喬裝打扮 S - 22 qiáo zhuāng dǎ bàn f /to dress up in disguise (idiom); to pretend for the purpose of deceit/ 乔迁 喬遷 S - 17 qiáo qiān f /to move (to a superior place)/promotion/ 乔迁之喜 喬遷之喜 S - 7 qiáo qiān zhī xǐ f /congratulations on house-moving or promotion (idiom); Best wishes for your new home!/ 乕 - 9 hǔ f /archaic variant of 虎[hu3]/ 乖 1605 626 guāi f /(of a child) obedient, well-behaved/clever/shrewd/alert/perverse/contrary to reason/irregular/abnormal/ 乖僻 - 24 guāi pì f /peculiar/eccentric/ 乖巧 - 116 guāi qiǎo f /clever (child)/smart/lovable/cute/ 乖张 乖張 S - 32 guāi zhāng f /recalcitrant/unreasonable/peevish/ 乖張 乖张 T - 32 guāi zhāng f /recalcitrant/unreasonable/peevish/ 乖忤 - 0 guāi wǔ f /stubborn/contrary/disobedient/ 乖戾 - 65 guāi lì f /perverse (behavior)/disagreeable (character)/ 乖离 - 21 guāi lí f /to part/to separate/to deviate/ 乖覺 乖觉 T - 41 guāi jué f /perceptive/alert/clever/shrewd/ 乖觉 乖覺 S - 41 guāi jué f /perceptive/alert/clever/shrewd/ 乖謬 乖谬 T - 21 guāi miù f /ridiculous/abnormal/ 乖谬 乖謬 S - 21 guāi miù f /ridiculous/abnormal/ 乖迕 - 0 guāi wǔ f /stubborn/contrary/disobedient/ 乖順 乖顺 T - 6 guāi shùn f /obedient (colloquial)/ 乖顺 乖順 S - 6 guāi shùn f /obedient (colloquial)/ 乗 - 65 chéng f /Japanese variant of 乘[cheng2]/ 乘 2715 4150 Chéng t /surname Cheng/ 乘 2715 4150 chéng t /to ride/to mount/to make use of/to avail oneself of/to take advantage of/to multiply (mathematics)/Buddhist sect or creed/ 乘 2715 4150 shèng f /four horse military chariot (archaic)/four (archaic)/generic term for history books/ 乘 椉 S 2715 4150 chéng t /old variant of 乘[cheng2]/ 乘人不備 乘人不备 T - 0 chéng rén bù bèi f /to take advantage of sb in an unguarded moment (idiom)/to take sb by surprise/ 乘人不备 乘人不備 S - 0 chéng rén bù bèi f /to take advantage of sb in an unguarded moment (idiom)/to take sb by surprise/ 乘人之危 - 75 chéng rén zhī wēi f /to take advantage of sb's precarious position/ 乘以 - 83 chéng yǐ f /(math.) multiplied with/ 乘便 - 3 chéng biàn f /at your convenience/ 乘兴 乘興 S - 14 chéng xìng f /while in high spirits/feeling upbeat/on an impulse/ 乘冪 乘幂 T - 3 chéng mì f /the power of a number (square, cube etc)/to exponentiate (math.)/ 乘凉 乘涼 S - 97 chéng liáng f /to cool off in the shade/ 乘务 乘務 S - 30 chéng wù f /service (on a train, a plane etc)/ 乘务员 乘務員 S - 76 chéng wù yuán f /attendant on an airplane, train, boat etc/ 乘势 乘勢 S - 374 chéng shì f /to seize the opportunity/to strike while the iron is hot/ 乘務 乘务 T - 30 chéng wù f /service (on a train, a plane etc)/ 乘務員 乘务员 T - 76 chéng wù yuán f /attendant on an airplane, train, boat etc/ 乘勝 乘胜 T - 110 chéng shèng f /to follow up a victory/to pursue retreating enemy/ 乘勝追擊 乘胜追击 T - 69 chéng shèng zhuī jī f /to follow up a victory and press home the attack/to pursue retreating enemy/ 乘勢 乘势 T - 374 chéng shì f /to seize the opportunity/to strike while the iron is hot/ 乘号 乘號 S - 3 chéng hào f /multiplication sign (math.)/ 乘坐 1113 687 chéng zuò f /to ride (in a vehicle)/ 乘坚策肥 乘堅策肥 S - 3 chéng jiān cè féi f /to live in luxury/lit. to ride a solid carriage pulled by fat horses/ 乘堅策肥 乘坚策肥 T - 3 chéng jiān cè féi f /to live in luxury/lit. to ride a solid carriage pulled by fat horses/ 乘客 - 670 chéng kè f /passenger/ 乘幂 乘冪 S - 3 chéng mì f /the power of a number (square, cube etc)/to exponentiate (math.)/ 乘数 乘數 S - 46 chéng shù f /multiplier/ 乘數 乘数 T - 46 chéng shù f /multiplier/ 乘方 - 20 chéng fāng f /to square a number/to calculate the square/ 乘机 乘機 S - 1116 chéng jī f /to seize the chance/opportunistic/ 乘機 乘机 T - 1116 chéng jī f /to seize the chance/opportunistic/ 乘法 - 134 chéng fǎ f /multiplication/ 乘法表 - 8 chéng fǎ biǎo f /multiplication table/ 乘法逆 - 0 chéng fǎ nì f /multiplicative inverse (math.)/ 乘涼 乘凉 T - 97 chéng liáng f /to cool off in the shade/ 乘火打劫 - 9 chéng huǒ dǎ jié f /to take advantage of sb's misfortune/to loot/ 乘用車 乘用车 T - 3 chéng yòng chē f /passenger vehicle/ 乘用车 乘用車 S - 3 chéng yòng chē f /passenger vehicle/ 乘积 乘積 S - 112 chéng jī f /product (result of multiplication)/ 乘積 乘积 T - 112 chéng jī f /product (result of multiplication)/ 乘胜 乘勝 S - 110 chéng shèng f /to follow up a victory/to pursue retreating enemy/ 乘胜追击 乘勝追擊 S - 69 chéng shèng zhuī jī f /to follow up a victory and press home the attack/to pursue retreating enemy/ 乘興 乘兴 T - 14 chéng xìng f /while in high spirits/feeling upbeat/on an impulse/ 乘船 - 177 chéng chuán f /to embark/to travel by ship/to ferry/ 乘虚 乘虛 S - 85 chéng xū f /to take advantage of weakness/ 乘虚而入 乘虛而入 S - 73 chéng xū ér rù f /to enter by exploiting a weak spot (idiom); to take advantage of a lapse/ 乘虛 乘虚 T - 85 chéng xū f /to take advantage of weakness/ 乘虛而入 乘虚而入 T - 73 chéng xū ér rù f /to enter by exploiting a weak spot (idiom); to take advantage of a lapse/ 乘號 乘号 T - 3 chéng hào f /multiplication sign (math.)/ 乘警 - 12 chéng jǐng f /police on trains/train marshal/ 乘車 乘车 T - 345 chéng chē f /to ride (in a car or carriage)/to drive/to motor/ 乘车 乘車 S - 345 chéng chē f /to ride (in a car or carriage)/to drive/to motor/ 乘除 - 21 chéng chú f /to multiply and divide/ 乘隙 - 83 chéng xì f /to seize an opportunity/to exploit (a loophole)/ 乘風 乘风 T - 56 chéng fēng f /to ride the wind/to use a fair wind/to take an opportunity/ 乘風破浪 乘风破浪 T - 23 chéng fēng pò làng f /to brave the wind and the billows (idiom); to have high ambitions/ 乘风 乘風 S - 56 chéng fēng f /to ride the wind/to use a fair wind/to take an opportunity/ 乘风破浪 乘風破浪 S - 23 chéng fēng pò làng f /to brave the wind and the billows (idiom); to have high ambitions/ 乘鶴 乘鹤 T - 0 chéng hè f /to fly on a crane/to die/ 乘鹤 乘鶴 S - 0 chéng hè f /to fly on a crane/to die/ 乘龍 乘龙 T - 17 chéng lóng f /to ride the dragon/to die (of emperors and kings)/ 乘龍快婿 乘龙快婿 T - 11 chéng lóng kuài xù f /ideal son-in-law/ 乘龙 乘龍 S - 17 chéng lóng f /to ride the dragon/to die (of emperors and kings)/ 乘龙快婿 乘龍快婿 S - 11 chéng lóng kuài xù f /ideal son-in-law/ 乙 2358 953 yǐ t /second of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]/second in order/letter "B" or roman "II" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/second party (in legal contract, usually 乙方[yi3 fang1], as opposed to 甲方[jia3 fang1])/ethyl/bent/winding/radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 5)/ancient Chinese compass point: 105°/ 乙 2358 953 zhé f /turning stroke (in Chinese characters)/see also 折[zhe2]/ 乙丑 - 10 yǐ chǒu f /second year B2 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1985 or 2045/ 乙二醇 - 31 yǐ èr chún f /glycol/ethylene glycol C2H4(OH)2 (antifreeze)/ 乙亥 - 5 yǐ hài f /twelfth year B12 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1995 or 2055/ 乙卯 - 9 yǐ mǎo f /fifty second year B4 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1975 or 2035/ 乙型 - 37 yǐ xíng f /type B/type II/beta-/ 乙型肝炎 - 88 yǐ xíng gān yán f /hepatitis B/ 乙型脑炎 乙型腦炎 S - 0 yǐ xíng nǎo yán f /meningitis B/epidemic encephalitis B/Japanese encephalitis/ 乙型腦炎 乙型脑炎 T - 0 yǐ xíng nǎo yán f /meningitis B/epidemic encephalitis B/Japanese encephalitis/ 乙基 - 26 yǐ jī f /ethyl group (chemistry)/ 乙太 - 0 yǐ tài f /variant of 以太[yi3 tai4]/ 乙巳 - 8 yǐ sì f /forty second year B6 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1965 or 2025/ 乙方 - 43 yǐ fāng f /second party (law)/see also 甲方[jia3 fang1]/ 乙未 - 9 yǐ wèi f /thirty second year B8 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1955 or 2015/ 乙氧基 - 0 yǐ yǎng jī f /ethoxy (chemistry)/ 乙氨基 - 0 yǐ ān jī f /ethylamino group/ 乙炔 - 126 yǐ quē f /acetylene/ethyne C2H2/ 乙烯 - 300 yǐ xī f /ethylene/vinyl/ 乙烯基 - 15 yǐ xī jī f /vinyl/vinyl group (chemistry)/ 乙烷 - 38 yǐ wán f /ethane (C2H6)/ 乙状结肠 乙狀結腸 S - 14 yǐ zhuàng jié cháng f /sigmoid colon (anatomy)/bent colon, linking the descending colon to the rectum/ 乙狀結腸 乙状结肠 T - 14 yǐ zhuàng jié cháng f /sigmoid colon (anatomy)/bent colon, linking the descending colon to the rectum/ 乙种 乙種 S - 9 yǐ zhǒng f /beta- or type 2/ 乙种促效剂 乙種促效劑 S - 0 yǐ zhǒng cù xiào jì f /beta-2 agonist/ 乙种射线 乙種射線 S - 3 yǐ zhǒng shè xiàn f /beta ray (electron stream from radioactive decay)/ 乙种粒子 乙種粒子 S - 3 yǐ zhǒng lì zǐ f /beta particle (electron, esp. high speed electron emitted by radioactive nucleus)/ 乙種 乙种 T - 9 yǐ zhǒng f /beta- or type 2/ 乙種促效劑 乙种促效剂 T - 0 yǐ zhǒng cù xiào jì f /beta-2 agonist/ 乙種射線 乙种射线 T - 3 yǐ zhǒng shè xiàn f /beta ray (electron stream from radioactive decay)/ 乙種粒子 乙种粒子 T - 3 yǐ zhǒng lì zǐ f /beta particle (electron, esp. high speed electron emitted by radioactive nucleus)/ 乙肝 - 363 yǐ gān f /hepatitis B/ 乙脑 乙腦 S - 14 yǐ nǎo f /meningitis B/epidemic encephalitis B/Japanese encephalitis/abbr. for 乙型脑炎/ 乙腦 乙脑 T - 14 yǐ nǎo f /meningitis B/epidemic encephalitis B/Japanese encephalitis/abbr. for 乙型脑炎/ 乙酉 - 16 yǐ yǒu f /twenty second year B10 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 2005 or 2065/ 乙酰 - 36 yǐ xiān f /acetyl (chemistry)/ 乙酰胆碱 乙酰膽鹼 S - 51 yǐ xiān dǎn jiǎn f /acetylcholine ACh (amine related to vitamin B complex)/ 乙酰胺吡咯烷酮 - 0 yǐ xiān àn bǐ luò wán tóng f /piracetam (C6H10N2O2)/ 乙酰膽鹼 乙酰胆碱 T - 51 yǐ xiān dǎn jiǎn f /acetylcholine ACh (amine related to vitamin B complex)/ 乙酸 - 122 yǐ suān f /acetic acid (CH3COOH)/ethanoic acid/ 乙酸基 - 0 yǐ suān jī f /acetyl radical CH3COO-/ 乙酸根 - 0 yǐ suān gēn f /acetyl radical CH3COO-/ 乙酸盐 乙酸鹽 S - 0 yǐ suān yán f /acetate CH3COO-/ 乙酸鹽 乙酸盐 T - 0 yǐ suān yán f /acetate CH3COO-/ 乙醇 - 470 yǐ chún f /ethanol C2H5OH/same as alcohol 酒精/ 乙醇酸 - 0 yǐ chún suān f /glycolic acid C2H4O3/ 乙醚 - 227 yǐ mí f /ether/diethyl ether C2H5OC2H5/ 乙醛 - 63 yǐ quán f /acetaldehyde H3CCHO/ethanal/ 乚 - 0 yà f /component in Chinese characters/archaic variant of 毫[hao2]/archaic variant of 乙[yi3]/ 乛 - 0 zhé f /variant of 乙[zhe2]/ 乜 - 50 miē f /to squint/what? (Cantonese)/see also 乜嘢[mie1 ye3]/ 乜嘢 - 3 miē yě f /what? (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: 什麼|什么[shen2 me5]/ 乜斜 - 27 miē xie f /to squint/ 九 135 8003 jiǔ f /nine/9/ 九一八事变 九一八事變 S - 101 Jiǔ Yī bā Shì biàn f /the Mukden or Manchurian Railway Incident of 18th September 1931 used by the Japanese as a pretext to annex Manchuria/also known as Liutiaogou incident 柳條溝事變|柳条沟事变/ 九一八事變 九一八事变 T - 101 Jiǔ Yī bā Shì biàn f /the Mukden or Manchurian Railway Incident of 18th September 1931 used by the Japanese as a pretext to annex Manchuria/also known as Liutiaogou incident 柳條溝事變|柳条沟事变/ 九三学社 九三學社 S - 89 Jiǔ sān Xué shè f /Jiusan Society, one of the eight political parties of the CPC/ 九三學社 九三学社 T - 89 Jiǔ sān Xué shè f /Jiusan Society, one of the eight political parties of the CPC/ 九九乘法表 - 0 jiǔ jiǔ chéng fǎ biǎo f /multiplication table/ 九九归一 九九歸一 S - 5 jiǔ jiǔ guī yī f /nine divide by nine is one (abacus rule)/when all is said and done/ 九九歸一 九九归一 T - 5 jiǔ jiǔ guī yī f /nine divide by nine is one (abacus rule)/when all is said and done/ 九九重阳 九九重陽 S - 3 Jiǔ jiǔ chóng yáng f /Double Ninth or Yang Festival/9th day of 9th lunar month/ 九九重陽 九九重阳 T - 3 Jiǔ jiǔ chóng yáng f /Double Ninth or Yang Festival/9th day of 9th lunar month/ 九份 - 4 Jiǔ fèn f /Jiufen (or Jioufen or Chiufen), mountainside town in north Taiwan, former gold mining town, used as the setting for two well-known movies/ 九分之一 - 0 jiǔ fēn zhī yī f /one ninth/ 九十 - 340 jiǔ shí f /ninety/ 九华山 九華山 S - 91 Jiǔ huá shān f /Mt Jiuhua in Anhui, one of the Four Sacred Mountains and Bodhimanda of Kṣitigarbha 地藏/ 九卿 - 227 jiǔ qīng f /the Nine Ministers (in imperial China)/ 九原区 九原區 S - 0 Jiǔ yuán qū f /Jiuyuan district of Baotou city 包頭市|包头市[Bao1 tou2 shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 九原區 九原区 T - 0 Jiǔ yuán qū f /Jiuyuan district of Baotou city 包頭市|包头市[Bao1 tou2 shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 九台 - 7 Jiǔ tái f /Jiutai county level city in Changchun 長春|长春, Jilin/ 九台市 - 5 Jiǔ tái shì f /Jiutai county level city in Changchun 長春|长春, Jilin/ 九号球 九號球 S - 0 jiǔ hào qiú f /nine-ball (billiards game)/ 九声六调 九聲六調 S - 0 jiǔ shēng liù diào f /nine tones and six modes (tonal system of Cantonese and other southern languages)/ 九天 - 212 jiǔ tiān f /the Ninth Heaven/the highest of the heavens/ 九天揽月 九天攬月 S - 3 jiǔ tiān lǎn yuè f /to reach for the stars (idiom)/ 九天攬月 九天揽月 T - 3 jiǔ tiān lǎn yuè f /to reach for the stars (idiom)/ 九天玄女 - 0 Jiǔ tiān Xuán nǚ f /Xuan Nü, a fairy in Chinese mythology/ 九头鸟 九頭鳥 S - 10 jiǔ tóu niǎo f /legendary bird with nine heads (old)/cunning or sly person/ 九如 - 0 Jiǔ rú f /Chiuju township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 九如乡 九如鄉 S - 0 Jiǔ rú xiāng f /Chiuju township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 九如鄉 九如乡 T - 0 Jiǔ rú xiāng f /Chiuju township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 九孔 - 3 jiǔ kǒng f /abalone (Haliotis diversicolor)/ 九孔螺 - 0 jiǔ kǒng luó f /see 九孔[jiu3 kong3]/ 九官鳥 九官鸟 T - 0 jiǔ guān niǎo f /hill myna/Indian grackle/Gracula religiosa/ 九官鸟 九官鳥 S - 0 jiǔ guān niǎo f /hill myna/Indian grackle/Gracula religiosa/ 九宫山 九宮山 S - 291 Jiǔ gōng shān f /Jiugongshan nature reserve in Tongshan county, Xianning prefecture 咸宁, Hubei/ 九宫山镇 九宮山鎮 S - 0 Jiǔ gōng shān zhèn f /Jiugongshan town in Tongshan county, Xianning prefecture 咸宁, Hubei/ 九宫格数独 九宮格數獨 S - 0 jiǔ gōng gé shù dú f /sudoku (puzzle game)/ 九宮山 九宫山 T - 291 Jiǔ gōng shān f /Jiugongshan nature reserve in Tongshan county, Xianning prefecture 咸宁, Hubei/ 九宮山鎮 九宫山镇 T - 0 Jiǔ gōng shān zhèn f /Jiugongshan town in Tongshan county, Xianning prefecture 咸宁, Hubei/ 九宮格數獨 九宫格数独 T - 0 jiǔ gōng gé shù dú f /sudoku (puzzle game)/ 九寨沟 九寨溝 S - 120 Jiǔ zhài gōu f /Jiuzhaigou Valley, Sichuan/Jiuzhaigou county, Sichuan/ 九寨沟县 九寨溝縣 S - 3 Jiǔ zhài gōu xiàn f /Jiuzhaigou county, Sichuan/ 九寨沟风景名胜区 九寨溝風景名勝區 S - 0 Jiǔ zhài gōu Fēng jǐng míng shèng qū f /Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historical Interest Area, Sichuan/ 九寨溝 九寨沟 T - 120 Jiǔ zhài gōu f /Jiuzhaigou Valley, Sichuan/Jiuzhaigou county, Sichuan/ 九寨溝縣 九寨沟县 T - 3 Jiǔ zhài gōu xiàn f /Jiuzhaigou county, Sichuan/ 九寨溝風景名勝區 九寨沟风景名胜区 T - 0 Jiǔ zhài gōu Fēng jǐng míng shèng qū f /Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historical Interest Area, Sichuan/ 九尾狐 - 4 jiǔ wěi hú f /nine-tailed fox (mythological creature)/ 九尾龜 九尾龟 T - 0 jiǔ wěi guī f /nine-tailed turtle of mythology/The Nine-tailed Turtle, novel by late Qing novelist Zhang Chunfan 張春帆|张春帆/ 九尾龟 九尾龜 S - 0 jiǔ wěi guī f /nine-tailed turtle of mythology/The Nine-tailed Turtle, novel by late Qing novelist Zhang Chunfan 張春帆|张春帆/ 九层塔 九層塔 S - 0 jiǔ céng tǎ f /basil/ 九層塔 九层塔 T - 0 jiǔ céng tǎ f /basil/ 九嶷山 - 3 Jiǔ yí shān f /Jiuyi mountain range in Hunan on the border with Guangdong/ 九州 - 257 Jiǔ zhōu f /division of China during earliest dynasties/fig. ancient China/Kyūshū, southernmost of Japan's four major islands/ 九巴 - 0 jiǔ bā f /Kowloon Motor Bus Company KMB/ 九归 九歸 S - 7 jiǔ guī f /abacus division rules (using a single-digit divisor)/ 九成 - 155 jiǔ chéng f /nine-tenths/ninety percent/ 九折 - 5 jiǔ zhé f /10% off (price)/ 九旬老人 - 0 jiǔ xún lǎo rén f /nonagenarian/ 九月 - 974 Jiǔ yuè f /September/ninth month (of the lunar year)/ 九月份 - 11 jiǔ yuè fèn f /September/ninth month/ 九校联盟 九校聯盟 S - 0 jiǔ xiào lián méng f /C9 League/ 九校聯盟 九校联盟 T - 0 jiǔ xiào lián méng f /C9 League/ 九歸 九归 T - 7 jiǔ guī f /abacus division rules (using a single-digit divisor)/ 九死一生 - 67 jiǔ sǐ yī shēng f /nine deaths and still alive (idiom); a narrow escape/new lease of life/ 九江 - 818 Jiǔ jiāng f /Jiujiang prefecture level city in Jiangxi/also Jiujiang county/ 九江县 九江縣 S - 6 Jiǔ jiāng xiàn f /Jiujiang county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi/ 九江地区 九江地區 S - 0 Jiǔ jiāng dì qū f /Jiujiang prefecture in Jiangxi/ 九江地區 九江地区 T - 0 Jiǔ jiāng dì qū f /Jiujiang prefecture in Jiangxi/ 九江市 - 44 Jiǔ jiāng shì f /Jiujiang prefecture level city in Jiangxi/ 九江縣 九江县 T - 6 Jiǔ jiāng xiàn f /Jiujiang county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi/ 九泉 - 42 jiǔ quán f /the nine springs/the underworld of Chinese mythology/Hades/ 九流 - 15 jiǔ liú f /the nine schools of thought, philosophical schools of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods (770-220 BC), viz Confucians 儒家[Ru2 jia1], Daoists 道家[Dao4 jia1], Yin and Yang 陰陽家|阴阳家[Yin1 yang2 jia1], Legalists 法家[Fa3 jia1], Logicians 名家[Ming2 jia1], Mohists 墨家[Mo4 jia1], Diplomats 縱橫家|纵横家[Zong4 heng2 jia1], Miscellaneous 雜家|杂家[Za2 jia1], and Agriculturalists 農家|农家[Nong2 jia1]/ 九淵 九渊 T - 0 jiǔ yuān f /abyss/deep chasm/ 九渊 九淵 S - 0 jiǔ yuān f /abyss/deep chasm/ 九牛一毛 - 22 jiǔ niú yī máo f /lit. one hair from nine oxen (idiom)/fig. a drop in the ocean/ 九牛二虎之力 - 32 jiǔ niú èr hǔ zhī lì f /tremendous strength (idiom)/ 九窍 九竅 S - 3 jiǔ qiào f /nine orifices of the human body (eyes, nostrils, ears, mouth, urethra, anus)/ 九竅 九窍 T - 3 jiǔ qiào f /nine orifices of the human body (eyes, nostrils, ears, mouth, urethra, anus)/ 九章算术 九章算術 S - 3 Jiǔ zhāng Suàn shù f /The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art/ 九章算術 九章算术 T - 3 Jiǔ zhāng Suàn shù f /The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art/ 九聲六調 九声六调 T - 0 jiǔ shēng liù diào f /nine tones and six modes (tonal system of Cantonese and other southern languages)/ 九華山 九华山 T - 91 Jiǔ huá shān f /Mt Jiuhua in Anhui, one of the Four Sacred Mountains and Bodhimanda of Kṣitigarbha 地藏/ 九號球 九号球 T - 0 jiǔ hào qiú f /nine-ball (billiards game)/ 九边形 九邊形 S - 0 jiǔ biān xíng f /nonagon/ 九邊形 九边形 T - 0 jiǔ biān xíng f /nonagon/ 九里 - 34 Jiǔ lǐ f /Liuli district of Xuzhou city 徐州市[Xu2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 九里区 九里區 S - 3 Jiǔ lǐ qū f /Liuli district of Xuzhou city 徐州市[Xu2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 九里區 九里区 T - 3 Jiǔ lǐ qū f /Liuli district of Xuzhou city 徐州市[Xu2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 九重霄 - 3 jiǔ chóng xiāo f /ninth heaven/Highest Heaven/ 九零后 九零後 S - 0 jiǔ líng hòu f /90s generation/ 九零後 九零后 T - 0 jiǔ líng hòu f /90s generation/ 九霄云外 九霄雲外 S - 51 jiǔ xiāo yún wài f /beyond the topmost clouds (idiom)/unimaginably far away/ 九霄雲外 九霄云外 T - 51 jiǔ xiāo yún wài f /beyond the topmost clouds (idiom)/unimaginably far away/ 九面体 九面體 S - 0 jiǔ miàn tǐ f /enneahedron (solid figure having nine plane faces)/ 九面體 九面体 T - 0 jiǔ miàn tǐ f /enneahedron (solid figure having nine plane faces)/ 九頭鳥 九头鸟 T - 10 jiǔ tóu niǎo f /legendary bird with nine heads (old)/cunning or sly person/ 九香虫 九香蟲 S - 3 jiǔ xiāng chóng f /brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB)/ 九香蟲 九香虫 T - 3 jiǔ xiāng chóng f /brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB)/ 九鼎 - 158 Jiǔ Dǐng f /the Nine Tripod Cauldrons, symbol of state power, dating back to the Xia Dynasty/ 九齒釘耙 九齿钉耙 T - 0 jiǔ chǐ dīng pá f /The Nine-Toothed Rake (weapon of Zhu Bajie 豬八戒|猪八戒[Zhu1 Ba1 jie4])/ 九齿钉耙 九齒釘耙 S - 0 jiǔ chǐ dīng pá f /The Nine-Toothed Rake (weapon of Zhu Bajie 豬八戒|猪八戒[Zhu1 Ba1 jie4])/ 九龍 九龙 T - 256 Jiǔ lóng f /Kowloon district of Hong Kong/ 九龍坡 九龙坡 T - 6 Jiǔ lóng pō f /Jiulongpo district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 九龍坡區 九龙坡区 T - 6 Jiǔ lóng pō qū f /Jiulongpo district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 九龍城 九龙城 T - 4 Jiǔ lóng chéng f /Kowloon City, Hong Kong/ 九龍城寨 九龙城寨 T - 0 Jiǔ lóng Chéng zhài f /Kowloon Walled City/ 九龍縣 九龙县 T - 3 Jiǔ lóng xiàn f /Jiulong county (Tibetan: brgyad zur rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ 九龙 九龍 S - 256 Jiǔ lóng f /Kowloon district of Hong Kong/ 九龙县 九龍縣 S - 3 Jiǔ lóng xiàn f /Jiulong county (Tibetan: brgyad zur rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ 九龙坡 九龍坡 S - 6 Jiǔ lóng pō f /Jiulongpo district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 九龙坡区 九龍坡區 S - 6 Jiǔ lóng pō qū f /Jiulongpo district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 九龙城 九龍城 S - 4 Jiǔ lóng chéng f /Kowloon City, Hong Kong/ 九龙城寨 九龍城寨 S - 0 Jiǔ lóng Chéng zhài f /Kowloon Walled City/ 乞 - 806 qǐ f /to beg/ 乞丐 3813 470 qǐ gài f /beggar/ 乞人 - 0 qǐ rén f /beggar/ 乞伏 - 0 Qǐ fú f /tribe of the Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑 nomadic people/ 乞休 - 0 qǐ xiū f /to request permission to resign from an official position (old)/ 乞儿 乞兒 S - 28 qǐ ér f /beggar/ 乞兒 乞儿 T - 28 qǐ ér f /beggar/ 乞力馬扎羅山 乞力马扎罗山 T - 27 Qǐ lì mǎ zhā luó shān f /Mt Kilimanjaro in Tanzania/ 乞力马扎罗山 乞力馬扎羅山 S - 27 Qǐ lì mǎ zhā luó shān f /Mt Kilimanjaro in Tanzania/ 乞和 - 3 qǐ hé f /to sue for peace/ 乞哀告怜 乞哀告憐 S - 3 qǐ āi gào lián f /begging for pity and asking for help (idiom)/ 乞哀告憐 乞哀告怜 T - 3 qǐ āi gào lián f /begging for pity and asking for help (idiom)/ 乞怜 乞憐 S - 27 qǐ lián f /to beg for pity/ 乞恕 - 3 qǐ shù f /to beg forgiveness/ 乞憐 乞怜 T - 27 qǐ lián f /to beg for pity/ 乞求 - 137 qǐ qiú f /to beg/ 乞討 乞讨 T - 102 qǐ tǎo f /to beg/to go begging/ 乞讨 乞討 S - 102 qǐ tǎo f /to beg/to go begging/ 乞貸 乞贷 T - 3 qǐ dài f /to beg for a loan/ 乞贷 乞貸 S - 3 qǐ dài f /to beg for a loan/ 乞食 - 34 qǐ shí f /to beg for food/ 也 156 307851 Yě f /surname Ye/ 也 156 307851 yě f /also/too/(in Classical Chinese) final particle implying affirmation/ 也不例外 - 0 yě bù lì wài f /is no exception/ 也好不了多少 - 0 yě hǎo bu liǎo duō shǎo f /hardly any better/just as bad/ 也好不到哪裡去 也好不到哪里去 T - 0 yě hǎo bù dào nǎ lǐ qù f /just as bad/not much better/ 也好不到哪里去 也好不到哪裡去 S - 0 yě hǎo bù dào nǎ lǐ qù f /just as bad/not much better/ 也就是 - 0 yě jiù shì f /that is/i.e./ 也就是說 也就是说 T - 1430 yě jiù shì shuō f /in other words/that is to say/so/thus/ 也就是说 也就是說 S - 1430 yě jiù shì shuō f /in other words/that is to say/so/thus/ 也有今天 - 0 yě yǒu jīn tiān f /(coll.) to get one's just deserts/to serve sb right/to get one's share of (good or bad things)/every dog has its day/ 也罢 也罷 S - 708 yě bà f /(reduplicated) whether... or.../never mind/fine (indicating acceptance or resignation)/ 也罷 也罢 T - 708 yě bà f /(reduplicated) whether... or.../never mind/fine (indicating acceptance or resignation)/ 也許 也许 T 608 6846 yě xǔ f /perhaps/maybe/ 也许 也許 S 608 6846 yě xǔ f /perhaps/maybe/ 也門 也门 T - 234 Yě mén f /Yemen/ 也门 也門 S - 234 Yě mén f /Yemen/ 习 習 S - 1216 Xí f /surname Xi/ 习 習 S - 1216 xí f /to practice/to study/habit/ 习习 習習 S - 45 xí xí f /(of the wind) blowing gently/abundant/flying/ 习以为常 習以為常 S - 141 xí yǐ wéi cháng f /accustomed to/used to/ 习以成俗 習以成俗 S - 3 xí yǐ chéng sú f /to become accustomed to sth through long practice/ 习以成性 習以成性 S - 3 xí yǐ chéng xìng f /deeply ingrained/steeped in/ 习俗 習俗 S 3820 1148 xí sú f /custom/tradition/local tradition/convention/ 习俗移性 習俗移性 S - 3 xí sú yí xìng f /one's habits change with long custom/ 习大大 習大大 S - 0 Xí dà dà f /Papa Xi, nickname for Xi Jinping 習近平|习近平[Xi2 Jin4 ping2]/ 习字 習字 S - 23 xí zì f /to practice writing characters/ 习得 習得 S - 0 xí dé f /to learn/to acquire (some skill through practice)/acquisition/ 习得性 習得性 S - 0 xí dé xìng f /acquired/learned/ 习得性无助感 習得性無助感 S - 0 xí dé xìng wú zhù gǎn f /(psychology) learned helplessness/ 习性 習性 S - 867 xí xìng f /character acquired through long habit/habits and properties/ 习惯 習慣 S 478 4593 xí guàn f /habit/custom/usual practice/to be used to/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 习惯性 習慣性 S - 118 xí guàn xìng f /customary/ 习惯成自然 習慣成自然 S - 21 xí guàn chéng zì rán f /habit becomes nature (idiom); get used to something and it seems inevitable/second nature/ 习惯法 習慣法 S - 43 xí guàn fǎ f /customary law/common law/ 习惯用法 習慣用法 S - 3 xí guàn yòng fǎ f /idiom/ 习惯用语 習慣用語 S - 3 xí guàn yòng yǔ f /idiom/idiomatic expression/habitual form of speech (grammar)/ 习惯自然 習慣自然 S - 3 xí guàn zì rán f /habit becomes nature (idiom); get used to something and it seems inevitable/second nature/same as 習慣成自然|习惯成自然/ 习惯若自然 習慣若自然 S - 0 xí guàn ruò zì rán f /habit becomes nature (idiom); get used to something and it seems inevitable/second nature/same as 習慣成自然|习惯成自然/ 习气 習氣 S - 104 xí qì f /habit (often unhealthy)/mannerism/ 习水 習水 S - 3 Xí shuǐ f /Xishui county in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ 习水县 習水縣 S - 3 Xí shuǐ xiàn f /Xishui county in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ 习用 習用 S - 51 xí yòng f /to use habitually/usual/conventional/ 习见 習見 S - 49 xí jiàn f /commonly seen/ 习语 習語 S - 6 xí yǔ f /common saying/idiom/ 习近平 習近平 S - 4 Xí Jìn píng f /Xi Jinping (1953-), PRC politician, General Secretary of the CPC from 2012, President of the PRC from 2013/ 习题 習題 S - 118 xí tí f /school work exercises/ 乡 鄉 S - 13348 xiāng f /country or countryside/native place/home village or town/township (PRC administrative unit)/ 乡下 鄉下 S - 676 xiāng xia f /countryside/rural area/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 乡下习气 鄉下習氣 S - 0 xiāng xià xí qì f /country mannerism/provincialism/ 乡下人 鄉下人 S - 206 xiāng xià rén f /country folk/rustic/rural folk/ 乡下佬 鄉下佬 S - 3 xiāng xia lǎo f /villager/hick/ 乡亲 鄉親 S - 469 xiāng qīn f /fellow countryman (from the same village)/local people/villager/the folks back home/ 乡人 鄉人 S - 54 xiāng rén f /villager/fellow villager/ 乡人子 鄉人子 S - 0 xiāng rén zǐ f /young fellow countryman/young person from the same village/ 乡僻 鄉僻 S - 0 xiāng pì f /far from town/out-of-the-way place/ 乡医 鄉醫 S - 0 xiāng yī f /abbr. of 鄉村醫生|乡村医生[xiang1 cun1 yi1 sheng1]/ 乡土 鄉土 S - 157 xiāng tǔ f /native soil/one's native land/one's hometown/local (to an area)/ 乡城 鄉城 S - 2 Xiāng chéng f /Xiangcheng county (Tibetan: phyag 'phreng rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ 乡城县 鄉城縣 S - 3 Xiāng chéng xiàn f /Xiangcheng county (Tibetan: phyag 'phreng rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ 乡宁 鄉寧 S - 3 Xiāng níng f /Xiangning county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ 乡宁县 鄉寧縣 S - 2 Xiāng níng xiàn f /Xiangning county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ 乡巴佬 鄉巴佬 S - 46 xiāng bā lǎo f /(derog.) villager/hick/bumpkin/ 乡情 鄉情 S - 37 xiāng qíng f /homesickness/ 乡愁 鄉愁 S - 14 xiāng chóu f /homesickness/nostalgia/ 乡愿 鄉愿 S - 6 xiāng yuàn f /(literary) hypocrite/two-faced person/ 乡戚 鄉戚 S - 0 xiāng qi f /a relative/a family member/ 乡曲 鄉曲 S - 3 xiāng qū f /remote village/ 乡村 鄉村 S - 2134 xiāng cūn f /rustic/village/countryside/ 乡村医生 鄉村醫生 S - 0 xiāng cūn yī shēng f /village doctor (Chinese health care system)/ 乡村奶酪 鄉村奶酪 S - 0 xiāng cūn nǎi lào f /cottage cheese/ 乡村音乐 鄉村音樂 S - 3 xiāng cūn yīn yuè f /country music (country & western music genre)/ 乡民 鄉民 S - 129 xiāng mín f /villager/(Tw) (Internet slang) person who likes to follow online discussions and add their opinions/ 乡气 鄉氣 S - 3 xiāng qì f /rustic/uncouth/unsophisticated/ 乡绅 鄉紳 S - 109 xiāng shēn f /a scholar or government official living in one's village/a village gentleman/squire/ 乡试 鄉試 S - 397 xiāng shì f /the triennial provincial imperial exam during the Ming and Qing/ 乡谈 鄉談 S - 13 xiāng tán f /local dialect/ 乡贯 鄉貫 S - 0 xiāng guàn f /one's native place/place of ancestry/registered birthplace/ 乡邻 鄉鄰 S - 43 xiāng lín f /fellow villager/ 乡郊 鄉郊 S - 0 xiāng jiāo f /rural/ 乡里 鄉里 S - 253 xiāng lǐ f /one's home town or village/ 乡镇 鄉鎮 S 4912 1277 xiāng zhèn f /village/township/ 乡长 鄉長 S - 1301 xiāng zhǎng f /village chief/mayor (of village or township)/ 乡间 鄉間 S - 173 xiāng jiān f /in the country/rural/pastoral/ 乡音 鄉音 S - 43 xiāng yīn f /local accent/accent of one's native place/ 乢 - 6 gài f /ancient variant of 蓋|盖[gai4]/ancient variant of 丐[gai4]/ 乣 - 0 jiǔ f /archaic variant of 糺[jiu3]/ 乤 - 0 xx f /first character in place name 乤浦 "Halpho" (Korean gugja)/ 乥 - 6 xx f /one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "hol"), an ancient Korean writing system/ 书 書 S 102 18993 Shū f /abbr. for 書經|书经[Shu1 jing1]/ 书 書 S 102 18993 shū f /book/letter/document/CL:本[ben3],冊|册[ce4],部[bu4]/to write/ 书不尽言 書不盡言 S - 4 shū bù jìn yán f /I have much more to say than can be written in this letter (conventional letter ending) (idiom)/ 书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉 書中自有黃金屋,書中自有顏如玉 S - 0 shū zhōng zì yǒu huáng jīn wū , shū zhōng zì yǒu yán rú yù f /lit. in books are sumptuous houses and graceful ladies (proverb)/fig. be diligent in your studies, success and glory will follow/ 书亭 書亭 S - 4 shū tíng f /book kiosk/ 书会 書會 S - 28 shū huì f /calligraphy society/village school (old)/literary society (old)/ 书体 書體 S - 77 shū tǐ f /calligraphic style/font/ 书信 書信 S - 401 shū xìn f /letter/epistle/ 书信集 書信集 S - 12 shū xìn jí f /collected letters/ 书写 書寫 S - 1368 shū xiě f /to write/ 书写不能症 書寫不能症 S - 0 shū xiě bù néng zhèng f /agraphia/ 书写符号 書寫符號 S - 0 shū xiě fú hào f /writing symbol/ 书写语言 書寫語言 S - 0 shū xiě yǔ yán f /written language/ 书函 書函 S - 45 shū hán f /letter/correspondence/slipcase/ 书刊 書刊 S - 152 shū kān f /books and publications/ 书包 書包 S - 206 shū bāo f /schoolbag/satchel/CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1]/ 书卷 書卷 S - 30 shū juàn f /volume/scroll/ 书卷奖 書卷獎 S - 0 shū juàn jiǎng f /presidential award (received by university students in Taiwan for academic excellence)/ 书卷气 書卷氣 S - 24 shū juàn qì f /scholarly flavor/educated appearance/ 书名 書名 S - 187 shū míng f /name of a book/reputation as calligrapher/ 书名号 書名號 S - 6 shū míng hào f /Chinese guillemet 《》(punct. used for names of books etc)/ 书呆子 書呆子 S - 142 shū dāi zi f /bookworm/pedant/bookish fool/ 书圣 書聖 S - 3 Shū shèng f /great calligraphy master/the Sage of Calligraphy, traditional reference to Wang Xizhi 王羲之[Wang2 Xi1 zhi1] (303-361)/ 书坛 書壇 S - 14 shū tán f /the calligraphic community/ 书局 書局 S - 104 shū jú f /book store/publishing house/ 书库 書庫 S - 36 shū kù f /a store room for books/fig. an erudite person/the Bibliotheca and Epitome of pseudo-Apollodorus/ 书店 書店 S - 294 shū diàn f /bookstore/CL:家[jia1]/ 书房 書房 S - 828 shū fáng f /study (room)/studio/CL:間|间[jian1]/ 书报 書報 S - 41 shū bào f /papers and books/ 书斋 書齋 S - 55 shū zhāi f /study (room)/ 书本 書本 S - 564 shū běn f /book/CL:本[ben3]/ 书札 書劄 S - 64 shū zhá f /letter/also written 書札|书札/ 书札 書札 S - 64 shū zhá f /letter/ 书板 書板 S - 0 shū bǎn f /(writing) tablet/ 书架 書架 S 2429 210 shū jià f /bookshelf/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 书柜 書櫃 S - 37 shū guì f /bookcase/ 书柬 書柬 S - 0 shū jiǎn f /variant of 書簡|书简[shu1 jian3]/ 书案 書案 S - 97 shū àn f /writing desk/official record/ 书桌 書桌 S - 288 shū zhuō f /desk/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 书档 書檔 S - 3 shū dàng f /bookend/ 书橱 書櫥 S - 30 shū chú f /bookcase/ 书法 書法 S 4640 1114 shū fǎ f /calligraphy/handwriting/penmanship/ 书法家 書法家 S - 252 shū fǎ jiā f /calligrapher/ 书牍 書牘 S - 3 shū dú f /letter/wooden writing strips (arch.)/general term for letters and documents/ 书生 書生 S - 637 shū shēng f /scholar/intellectual/egghead/ 书画 書畫 S - 913 shū huà f /painting and calligraphy/ 书画家 書畫家 S - 90 shū huà jiā f /calligrapher and painter/ 书画毡 書畫氈 S - 0 shū huà zhān f /felt desk pad for calligraphy/ 书皮 書皮 S - 6 shū pí f /book cover/book jacket/ 书皮儿 書皮兒 S - 0 shū pí r f /erhua variant of 書皮|书皮[shu1 pi2]/ 书目 書目 S - 515 shū mù f /booklist/bibliography/title catalogue/CL:本[ben3]/ 书眉 書眉 S - 3 shū méi f /header/top margin on a page/ 书社 書社 S - 21 shū shè f /a reading group/press (i.e. publishing house)/ 书稿 書稿 S - 108 shū gǎo f /manuscript of a book/ 书签 書籤 S - 32 shū qiān f /bookmark/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 书简 書簡 S - 32 shū jiǎn f /(literary) letter/ 书箧 書篋 S - 3 shū qiè f /bookcase/ 书籍 書籍 S 3940 1055 shū jí f /books/works/ 书约 書約 S - 0 shū yuē f /book contract/ 书经 書經 S - 3 Shū jīng f /the Book of History, one of the Five Classics of Confucianism 五經|五经[Wu3 jing1], a compendium of documents which make up the oldest extant texts of Chinese history, from legendary times down to the time of Confucius, also known as 尚書經|尚书经[Shang4 shu1 jing1], 尚書|尚书[Shang4 shu1], 書|书[Shu1]/ 书脊 書脊 S - 9 shū jǐ f /spine of a book/ 书虫 書蟲 S - 5 shū chóng f /bookworm/ 书蠹 書蠹 S - 3 shū dù f /bookworm (literal and figurative)/book louse/pedant/ 书角 書角 S - 0 shū jiǎo f /corner of a page/ 书记 書記 S 4763 7681 shū ji f /secretary (chief official of a branch of a socialist or communist party)/clerk/scribe/ 书记处 書記處 S - 228 shū ji chù f /secretariat/ 书记官 書記官 S - 3 shū ji guān f /clerk of a law court/ 书证 書證 S - 16 shū zhèng f /written evidence/ 书评 書評 S - 50 shū píng f /book review/book notice/ 书迹 書跡 S - 0 shū jì f /extant work of a calligrapher/ 书院 書院 S - 543 shū yuàn f /academy of classical learning (Tang Dynasty - Qing Dynasty)/ 书面 書面 S 3535 673 shū miàn f /in writing/written/ 书面许可 書面許可 S - 0 shū miàn xǔ kě f /written permission/written authorization/ 书面语 書面語 S - 43 shū miàn yǔ f /written language/ 书页 書頁 S - 49 shū yè f /page of a book/ 书题 書題 S - 0 shū tí f /book title/ 书风 書風 S - 0 shū fēng f /calligraphic style/ 书馆 書館 S - 13 shū guǎn f /teashop with performance by 評書|评书 story tellers/(attached to name of publishing houses)/(in former times) private school/library (of classic texts)/ 书馆儿 書館兒 S - 3 shū guǎn r f /teashop with performance by 評書|评书 story tellers/ 书香 書香 S - 30 shū xiāng f /literary reputation/ 书香门第 書香門第 S - 32 shū xiāng mén dì f /family with a literary reputation (idiom); literary family/ 乧 - 0 xx f /archaic Korean hanja pronounced dul, phonetic 斗 du plus 乙 ul/ 乨 - 0 shǐ f /archaic variant of 始[shi3]/ 乩 - 120 jī f /to divine/ 乩童 - 0 jī tóng f /spirit medium/ 乪 - 40 nāng f /a bend in a river (Cantonese)/ 乫 - 0 xx f /phonetic "gal" used in place names (Korean gugja)/ 乭 - 4 shí f /rock/phonetic "dol" used in names (Korean kugja)/ 买 買 S 71 10529 mǎi f /to buy/to purchase/ 买不起 買不起 S - 122 mǎi bu qǐ f /cannot afford/can't afford buying/ 买东西 買東西 S - 0 mǎi dōng xi f /to do one's shopping/ 买主 買主 S - 132 mǎi zhǔ f /customer/ 买价 買價 S - 4 mǎi jià f /buying price/ 买入 買入 S - 213 mǎi rù f /to buy (finance)/ 买关节 買關節 S - 3 mǎi guān jié f /to offer a bribe/ 买办 買辦 S - 251 mǎi bàn f /comprador/ 买单 買單 S - 97 mǎi dān f /to pay the restaurant bill/ 买卖 買賣 S - 1832 mǎi mài f /buying and selling/business/business transactions/CL:樁|桩[zhuang1],次[ci4]/ 买回 買回 S - 3 mǎi huí f /to buy back/to redeem/repurchase/ 买好 買好 S - 63 mǎi hǎo f /to ingratiate oneself/ 买官 買官 S - 0 mǎi guān f /to buy a title/to use wealth to acquire office/ 买官卖官 買官賣官 S - 0 mǎi guān mài guān f /buying and selling of official positions/ 买家 買家 S - 163 mǎi jiā f /buyer/client/ 买帐 買帳 S - 3 mǎi zhàng f /to acknowledge sb as senior or superior (often in negative)/to accept (a version of events)/to buy it/ 买房 買房 S - 259 mǎi fáng f /to buy a house/ 买断 買斷 S - 60 mǎi duàn f /to buy out/buyout/severance/ 买方 買方 S - 238 mǎi fāng f /buyer (in contracts)/ 买方市场 買方市場 S - 3 mǎi fāng shì chǎng f /buyer's market/ 买春 買春 S - 3 mǎi chūn f /to buy wine or drinks/ 买椟还珠 買櫝還珠 S - 3 mǎi dú huán zhū f /to buy a wooden box and return the pearls inside/to show poor judgement (idiom)/ 买票 買票 S - 83 mǎi piào f /to buy tickets/(Tw) to buy votes (in an election)/ 买空卖空 買空賣空 S - 7 mǎi kōng mài kōng f /to buy and sell short (i.e. without paying cash)/to speculate/ 买笑追欢 買笑追歡 S - 3 mǎi xiào zhuī huān f /lit. to buy smiles to seek happiness/abandon oneself to the pleasures of the flesh (idiom)/ 买账 買賬 S - 2 mǎi zhàng f /variant of 買帳|买帐[mai3 zhang4]/ 买路财 買路財 S - 0 mǎi lù cái f /see 買路錢|买路钱[mai3 lu4 qian2]/ 买路钱 買路錢 S - 19 mǎi lù qián f /money extorted as a right of passage/illegal toll/(old) paper money thrown along the way of a funeral procession/ 买进 買進 S - 125 mǎi jìn f /to purchase/to buy in (goods)/ 买通 買通 S - 30 mǎi tōng f /to bribe/ 买面子 買面子 S - 3 mǎi miàn zi f /to allow sb to save face/to defer to/ 买餸 買餸 S - 0 mǎi sòng f /to buy groceries (Cantonese)/ 乱 亂 S 757 8329 luàn f /in confusion or disorder/in a confused state of mind/disorder/upheaval/riot/illicit sexual relations/to throw into disorder/to mix up/indiscriminate/random/arbitrary/ 乱七八糟 亂七八糟 S - 277 luàn qī bā zāo f /everything in disorder (idiom); in a hideous mess/at sixes and sevens/ 乱世 亂世 S - 191 luàn shì f /the world in chaos/troubled times/(in Buddhism) the mortal world/ 乱世佳人 亂世佳人 S - 3 Luàn shì Jiā rén f /Gone with the Wind (film)/ 乱丢 亂丟 S - 0 luàn diū f /to discard in the wrong place (cigarette butts etc)/to leave one's things lying around/ 乱伦 亂倫 S - 79 luàn lún f /incest/immorality/depravity/fornication/ 乱作决定 亂作決定 S - 0 luàn zuò jué dìng f /to make arbitrary decisions/ 乱党 亂黨 S - 3 luàn dǎng f /the rebel party/ 乱写 亂寫 S - 3 luàn xiě f /to write without basis/ 乱动 亂動 S - 121 luàn dòng f /to fiddle with/to tamper with/to meddle with/to move randomly/to flail about/ 乱叫 亂叫 S - 192 luàn jiào f /to inconsiderately shout/ 乱吃 亂吃 S - 0 luàn chī f /to eat indiscriminately/ 乱咕攘 亂咕攘 S - 0 luàn gū rang f /to disturb (dialect)/ 乱哄哄 亂哄哄 S - 103 luàn hōng hōng f /noisy and in disarray/in an uproar/ 乱套 亂套 S - 31 luàn tào f /in a mess/upside down/ 乱弹琴 亂彈琴 S - 32 luàn tán qín f /to talk nonsense/to behave like a fool/ 乱扔 亂扔 S - 0 luàn rēng f /to litter/to throw away/ 乱抓 亂抓 S - 0 luàn zhuā f /to claw wildly/to scratch frantically/to arrest people indiscriminately/ 乱掉 亂掉 S - 3 luàn diào f /to throw away/to discard/ 乱搞 亂搞 S - 32 luàn gǎo f /to make a mess/to mess with/to be wild/to sleep around/to jump into bed/ 乱搞男女关系 亂搞男女關係 S - 0 luàn gǎo nán nǚ guān xì f /to be promiscuous/to sleep around/ 乱政 亂政 S - 0 luàn zhèng f /to corrupt politics/ 乱来 亂來 S - 46 luàn lái f /to act recklessly/to mess around/ 乱民 亂民 S - 32 luàn mín f /rebels/ 乱画 亂畫 S - 3 luàn huà f /to doodle/graffito/doodle/ 乱真 亂真 S - 15 luàn zhēn f /to pass off as genuine/spurious/ 乱石 亂石 S - 212 luàn shí f /rocks/stones/rubble/riprap/ 乱石砸死 亂石砸死 S - 0 luàn shí zá sǐ f /to stone to death/ 乱码 亂碼 S - 10 luàn mǎ f /mojibake (nonsense characters displayed when software fails to render text according to its intended character encoding)/ 乱穿马路 亂穿馬路 S - 0 luàn chuān mǎ lù f /to jaywalk/ 乱窜 亂竄 S - 3 luàn cuàn f /to flee in disarray/to scatter/ 乱糟糟 亂糟糟 S - 106 luàn zāo zāo f /chaotic/topsy turvy/a complete mess/ 乱纪 亂紀 S - 3 luàn jì f /to break the rules/to break discipline/ 乱臣贼子 亂臣賊子 S - 24 luàn chén zéi zǐ f /rebels and traitors (idiom)/general term for scoundrel/ 乱花 亂花 S - 3 luàn huā f /to spend recklessly/to waste money/ 乱花钱 亂花錢 S - 3 luàn huā qián f /to spend money recklessly/to squander/ 乱蓬蓬 亂蓬蓬 S - 43 luàn pēng pēng f /disheveled/tangled/ 乱视 亂視 S - 3 luàn shì f /astigmatism (medicine) (Tw)/ 乱讲 亂講 S - 3 luàn jiǎng f /to talk nonsense/nonsense!/ 乱说 亂說 S - 167 luàn shuō f /to talk drivel/to make irresponsible remarks/ 乱象 亂象 S - 3 luàn xiàng f /chaos/madness/ 乱跑 亂跑 S - 125 luàn pǎo f /to run around all over the place/ 乱跳 亂跳 S - 0 luàn tiào f /to jump about/(of the heart) to beat wildly/ 乱道 亂道 S - 0 luàn dào f /see 亂說|乱说[luan4 shuo1]/ 乱麻 亂麻 S - 42 luàn má f /lit. tangled skein/in a tremendous muddle/confused/ 乳 - 835 rǔ f /breast/milk/ 乳交 - 3 rǔ jiāo f /mammary intercourse/ 乳制品 乳製品 S - 84 rǔ zhì pǐn f /dairy products/ 乳剂 乳劑 S - 101 rǔ jì f /emulsion/ 乳劑 乳剂 T - 101 rǔ jì f /emulsion/ 乳化 - 51 rǔ huà f /to emulsify/ 乳化剂 乳化劑 S - 98 rǔ huà jì f /emulsifier/ 乳化劑 乳化剂 T - 98 rǔ huà jì f /emulsifier/ 乳名 - 54 rǔ míng f /pet name for a child/infant name/ 乳头 乳頭 S - 266 rǔ tóu f /nipple/ 乳头瘤 乳頭瘤 S - 0 rǔ tóu liú f /papilloma/ 乳山 - 13 Rǔ shān f /Rushan county level city in Weihai 威海, Shandong/ 乳山市 - 8 Rǔ shān shì f /Rushan county level city in Weihai 威海, Shandong/ 乳房 - 586 rǔ fáng f /breast/udder/ 乳房摄影 乳房攝影 S - 0 rǔ fáng shè yǐng f /mammography/ 乳房攝影 乳房摄影 T - 0 rǔ fáng shè yǐng f /mammography/ 乳晕 乳暈 S - 3 rǔ yùn f /mammary areola/ 乳暈 乳晕 T - 3 rǔ yùn f /mammary areola/ 乳母 - 97 rǔ mǔ f /wet nurse/ 乳汁 - 207 rǔ zhī f /milk/ 乳沟 乳溝 S - 3 rǔ gōu f /cleavage (hollow between a woman's breasts)/ 乳浆 乳漿 S - 5 rǔ jiāng f /whey/milky liquid/ 乳液 - 64 rǔ yè f /milk/lotion/emulsion/ 乳源县 乳源縣 S - 0 Rǔ yuán Xiàn f /Ruyuan Yao Autonomous County in Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Shao2 guan1], Guangdong/ 乳源瑤族自治縣 乳源瑶族自治县 T - 6 Rǔ yuán Yáo zú Zì zhì xiàn f /Ruyuan Yao Autonomous County in Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Shao2 guan1], Guangdong/ 乳源瑶族自治县 乳源瑤族自治縣 S - 6 Rǔ yuán Yáo zú Zì zhì xiàn f /Ruyuan Yao Autonomous County in Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Shao2 guan1], Guangdong/ 乳源縣 乳源县 T - 0 Rǔ yuán Xiàn f /Ruyuan Yao Autonomous County in Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Shao2 guan1], Guangdong/ 乳溝 乳沟 T - 3 rǔ gōu f /cleavage (hollow between a woman's breasts)/ 乳漿 乳浆 T - 5 rǔ jiāng f /whey/milky liquid/ 乳牙 - 11 rǔ yá f /deciduous tooth/milk tooth/baby tooth/ 乳牛 - 32 rǔ niú f /dairy cattle/ 乳猪 乳豬 S - 10 rǔ zhū f /suckling pig/ 乳癌 - 68 rǔ ái f /breast cancer/ 乳白 - 36 rǔ bái f /milky white/cream color/ 乳白天空 - 0 rǔ bái tiān kōng f /whiteout/ 乳白色 - 380 rǔ bái sè f /milky white/ 乳突 - 54 rǔ tū f /mastoid process/ 乳突窦 乳突竇 S - 0 rǔ tū dòu f /mastoid antrum (bones at the back of tympanic chamber)/ 乳突竇 乳突窦 T - 0 rǔ tū dòu f /mastoid antrum (bones at the back of tympanic chamber)/ 乳糖 - 89 rǔ táng f /lactose/ 乳糖不耐症 - 0 rǔ táng bù nài zhèng f /lactose intolerance/ 乳糜泻 乳糜瀉 S - 0 rǔ mí xiè f /celiac disease/ 乳糜瀉 乳糜泻 T - 0 rǔ mí xiè f /celiac disease/ 乳罩 - 39 rǔ zhào f /bra/ 乳胶 乳膠 S - 80 rǔ jiāo f /latex/ 乳胶漆 乳膠漆 S - 2 rǔ jiāo qī f /latex paint/emulsion paint/ 乳脂 - 4 rǔ zhī f /cream/milk fat/ 乳腐 - 2 rǔ fǔ f /fermented soybean curd/ 乳腺 - 288 rǔ xiàn f /mammary gland/ 乳腺炎 - 17 rǔ xiàn yán f /mastitis/ 乳腺癌 - 457 rǔ xiàn ái f /breast cancer/ 乳膠 乳胶 T - 80 rǔ jiāo f /latex/ 乳膠漆 乳胶漆 T - 2 rǔ jiāo qī f /latex paint/emulsion paint/ 乳臭未乾 乳臭未干 T - 27 rǔ xiù wèi gān f /smell of mother's milk not yet dried (idiom); immature and inexperienced/still wet behind the ears/ 乳臭未干 乳臭未乾 S - 27 rǔ xiù wèi gān f /smell of mother's milk not yet dried (idiom); immature and inexperienced/still wet behind the ears/ 乳草 - 3 rǔ cǎo f /milkweeds (genus Asclepias)/ 乳製品 乳制品 T - 84 rǔ zhì pǐn f /dairy products/ 乳豬 乳猪 T - 10 rǔ zhū f /suckling pig/ 乳部 - 0 rǔ bù f /breasts/ 乳酪 - 66 rǔ lào f /cheese/ 乳酪蛋糕 - 0 rǔ lào dàn gāo f /cheesecake/ 乳酸 - 141 rǔ suān f /lactic acid/ 乳酸菌 - 28 rǔ suān jūn f /lactic acid bacteria/ 乳頭 乳头 T - 266 rǔ tóu f /nipple/ 乳頭瘤 乳头瘤 T - 0 rǔ tóu liú f /papilloma/ 乳香 - 21 rǔ xiāng f /frankincense/ 乳齒 乳齿 T - 16 rǔ chǐ f /deciduous tooth/milk tooth/baby tooth/ 乳齿 乳齒 S - 16 rǔ chǐ f /deciduous tooth/milk tooth/baby tooth/ 乴 - 7 xué f /to grasp/ 乵 - 3 yǎn f /archaic variant of 進|进[jin4]/ 乶 - 0 Fǔ f /phonetic pol, used in Korean place name/see Polha 乶下[Fu3 xia4], Korean place name in former Hamgyeongdo Province 咸鏡道|咸镜道[Xian2 jing4 dao4]/ 乶下 - 0 Fǔ xià f /Polha, Korean place name in former Hamgyeongdo Province 咸鏡道|咸镜道[Xian2 jing4 dao4]/ 乷 - 0 xx f /phonetic "sal" (Korean gugja)/ 乸 - 5 nǎ f /feminine suffix (Cantonese)/postfix indicating feminine/ 乹 乾 T - 1551 qián f /old variant of 乾[qian2]/ 乹 干 T 603 19811 gān f /old variant of 乾|干[gan1]/ 乺 - 28 xx f /phonetic "sol" used in place names (Korean gugja)/ 乼 - 0 xx f /rope (Korean gugja)/ 乾 乹 S - 1551 qián f /old variant of 乾[qian2]/ 乾 - 1551 Qián f /surname Qian/ 乾 - 1551 qián f /one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦[ba1 gua4], symbolizing heaven/male principle/☰/ancient Chinese compass point: 315° (northwest)/ 乾 干 T 603 19811 Gān f /surname Gan/ 乾 干 T 603 19811 gān f /dry/clean/in vain/dried food/foster/adoptive/to ignore/ 乾 亁 S - 1551 qián f /variant of 乾[qian2]/ 乾俸 干俸 T - 0 gān fèng f /sinecure/ 乾兒 干儿 T - 0 gān ér f /adopted son/ 乾兒 干儿 T - 0 gān r f /dried food/ 乾兒子 干儿子 T - 48 gān ér zi f /(nominally) adopted son/godson/ 乾冰 干冰 T - 21 gān bīng f /dry ice (i.e. frozen CO2)/CL:塊|块[kuai4]/ 乾县 乾縣 S - 19 Qián Xiàn f /Qian County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2 yang2], Shaanxi/ 乾嘉三大家 - 0 Qián Jiā sān dà jiā f /Three great poets of the Qianlong and Jiaqing era (1735-1820), namely: Yuan Mei 袁枚, Jiang Shiquan 蔣士銓|蒋士铨 and Zhao Yi 趙翼|赵翼/ 乾嘔 干呕 T - 20 gān ǒu f /to retch/ 乾噦 干哕 T - 0 gān yuě f /to retch/ 乾嚎 干嚎 T - 16 gān háo f /to cry out loud without tears/ 乾坤 - 342 qián kūn f /Heaven and earth/Yin and Yang/The Universe/ 乾女兒 干女儿 T - 34 gān nǚ ér f /(nominally) adopted daughter/goddaughter/ 乾娘 干娘 T - 28 gān niáng f /godmother (see also 干妈)/ 乾媽 干妈 T - 45 gān mā f /godmother/ 乾安 - 3 Qián ān f /Qian'an county in Songyuan 松原, Jilin/ 乾安县 乾安縣 S - 3 Qián ān xiàn f /Qian'an county in Songyuan 松原, Jilin/ 乾安縣 乾安县 T - 3 Qián ān xiàn f /Qian'an county in Songyuan 松原, Jilin/ 乾屍 干尸 T - 203 gān shī f /mummy/dried corpse/ 乾巴巴 干巴巴 T - 62 gān bā bā f /dry/parched/dull/insipid/ 乾打壘 干打垒 T - 7 gān dǎ lěi f /rammed earth/adobe house/ 乾旦 - 0 qián dàn f /male actor playing the female role (Chinese opera)/ 乾旱 干旱 T 4452 1221 gān hàn f /drought/arid/dry/ 乾旱土 干旱土 T - 0 Gān hàn tǔ f /Aridosols (Chinese Soil Taxonomy)/ 乾杯 干杯 T 916 93 gān bēi f /to drink a toast/Cheers! (proposing a toast)/Here's to you!/Bottoms up!/lit. dry cup/ 乾果 干果 T - 63 gān guǒ f /dried fruit/dry fruits (nuts etc)/ 乾枯 干枯 T - 92 gān kū f /withered/dried up/ 乾梅子 干梅子 T - 0 gān méi zi f /prunes/ 乾洗 干洗 T - 14 gān xǐ f /to dry clean/dry cleaning/ 乾涸 干涸 T - 196 gān hé f /to dry up/ 乾淨 干净 T 480 1860 gān jìng f /clean/neat/ 乾淨俐落 干净俐落 T - 3 gān jìng lì luò f /clean and efficient/neat and tidy/ 乾淨利落 干净利落 T - 82 gān jìng lì luo f /squeaky clean/neat and tidy/efficient/ 乾渴 干渴 T - 42 gān kě f /parched/dry mouth/ 乾潮 干潮 T - 0 gān cháo f /low tide/low water/ 乾澀 干涩 T - 72 gān sè f /dry and rough (skin)/hoarse (voice)/dry and heavy (style)/ 乾煸 干煸 T - 0 gān biān f /to stir-fry with oil only (no addition of water)/ 乾煸四季豆 干煸四季豆 T - 0 gān biān sì jì dòu f /fried beans, Sichuan style/ 乾煸土豆絲 干煸土豆丝 T - 0 gān biān tǔ dòu sī f /dry-fried potato slices (Chinese dish)/ 乾燥 干燥 T 2340 1286 gān zào f /to dry (of weather, paint, cement etc)/desiccation/dull/uninteresting/arid/ 乾燥劑 干燥剂 T - 18 gān zào jì f /desiccant/ 乾燥機 干燥机 T - 4 gān zào jī f /a drier/ 乾爹 干爹 T - 116 gān diē f /godfather/ 乾爽 干爽 T - 17 gān shuǎng f /dry and clean/clear and fresh/ 乾瘦 干瘦 T - 42 gān shòu f /wizened/skinny and shriveled/ 乾癟 干瘪 T - 60 gān biě f /dried out/wizened/shriveled/ 乾癬 干癣 T - 3 gān xuǎn f /psoriasis/ 乾眼症 干眼症 T - 22 gān yǎn zhèng f /dry eye/xerophthalmia (drying of the tear glands, often due to lack of vitamin A)/ 乾瞪眼 干瞪眼 T - 30 gān dèng yǎn f /to watch helplessly/ 乾笑 干笑 T - 51 gān xiào f /to give a hollow laugh/to force a smile/forced laugh/CL:聲|声[sheng1]/ 乾等 干等 T - 0 gān děng f /to wait in vain/to sit around waiting/ 乾粉 干粉 T - 11 gān fěn f /dry powder/ 乾糧 干粮 T - 257 gān liáng f /rations (to take on expedition)/ 乾糧袋 干粮袋 T - 11 gàn liáng dài f /knapsack (for provisions)/haversack/ 乾縣 乾县 T - 19 Qián Xiàn f /Qian County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2 yang2], Shaanxi/ 乾脆 干脆 T 1823 1290 gān cuì f /straightforward/clear-cut/blunt (e.g. statement)/you might as well/simply/ 乾脆利索 干脆利索 T - 23 gān cuì lì suo f /see 乾脆利落|干脆利落[gan1 cui4 li4 luo5]/ 乾脆利落 干脆利落 T - 22 gān cuì lì luo f /(of speech or actions) direct and efficient/without fooling around/ 乾草 干草 T - 117 gān cǎo f /hay/ 乾菜 干菜 T - 17 gān cài f /dried vegetable/ 乾著急 干着急 T - 15 gān zháo jí f /to worry helplessly/ 乾薑 干姜 T - 29 gān jiāng f /dried ginger/ 乾號 干号 T - 2 gān háo f /to cry out loud without tears/ 乾衣 干衣 T - 0 gān yī f /drysuit (diving)/ 乾裂 干裂 T - 32 gān liè f /(of dry soil, skin etc) to crack/to chap/ 乾貝 干贝 T - 263 gān bèi f /conpoy/dried scallop/ 乾貨 干货 T - 18 gān huò f /dry goods/dried fruit, nuts etc/ 乾透 干透 T - 3 gān tòu f /to dry out/to dry completely/ 乾酪 干酪 T - 40 gān lào f /cheese/ 乾酪素 干酪素 T - 3 gān lào sù f /casein/ 乾陵 - 17 Qián líng f /Qianling at Xianyang 咸陽市|咸阳市 in Shaanxi, burial site of third Tang emperor 高宗 and empress Wuzetian 武則天|武则天/ 乾隆 - 2435 Qián lóng f /Qianlong Emperor (1711-1799), sixth Qing emperor, princely title 寶親王|宝亲王[Bao3 Qin1 wang2], personal name 弘曆|弘历[Hong2 li4], reigned 1735-1799/ 乾飯 干饭 T - 17 gān fàn f /cooked and dried rice/ 乾餾 干馏 T - 41 gān liú f /to carbonize/dry distillation/carbonization/ 乿 - 0 luàn f /archaic variant of 亂|乱[luan4]/ 乿 - 0 zhì t /archaic variant of 治[zhi4]/ 亀 - 4 guī f /old variant of 龜|龟[gui1]/ 亁 乾 T - 1551 qián f /variant of 乾[qian2]/ 亁 干 T 603 19811 gān f /variant of 乾|干[gan1]/ 亂 乱 T 757 8329 luàn f /in confusion or disorder/in a confused state of mind/disorder/upheaval/riot/illicit sexual relations/to throw into disorder/to mix up/indiscriminate/random/arbitrary/ 亂七八糟 乱七八糟 T - 277 luàn qī bā zāo f /everything in disorder (idiom); in a hideous mess/at sixes and sevens/ 亂世 乱世 T - 191 luàn shì f /the world in chaos/troubled times/(in Buddhism) the mortal world/ 亂世佳人 乱世佳人 T - 3 Luàn shì Jiā rén f /Gone with the Wind (film)/ 亂丟 乱丢 T - 0 luàn diū f /to discard in the wrong place (cigarette butts etc)/to leave one's things lying around/ 亂作決定 乱作决定 T - 0 luàn zuò jué dìng f /to make arbitrary decisions/ 亂來 乱来 T - 46 luàn lái f /to act recklessly/to mess around/ 亂倫 乱伦 T - 79 luàn lún f /incest/immorality/depravity/fornication/ 亂動 乱动 T - 121 luàn dòng f /to fiddle with/to tamper with/to meddle with/to move randomly/to flail about/ 亂叫 乱叫 T - 192 luàn jiào f /to inconsiderately shout/ 亂吃 乱吃 T - 0 luàn chī f /to eat indiscriminately/ 亂咕攘 乱咕攘 T - 0 luàn gū rang f /to disturb (dialect)/ 亂哄哄 乱哄哄 T - 103 luàn hōng hōng f /noisy and in disarray/in an uproar/ 亂套 乱套 T - 31 luàn tào f /in a mess/upside down/ 亂寫 乱写 T - 3 luàn xiě f /to write without basis/ 亂彈琴 乱弹琴 T - 32 luàn tán qín f /to talk nonsense/to behave like a fool/ 亂扔 乱扔 T - 0 luàn rēng f /to litter/to throw away/ 亂抓 乱抓 T - 0 luàn zhuā f /to claw wildly/to scratch frantically/to arrest people indiscriminately/ 亂掉 乱掉 T - 3 luàn diào f /to throw away/to discard/ 亂搞 乱搞 T - 32 luàn gǎo f /to make a mess/to mess with/to be wild/to sleep around/to jump into bed/ 亂搞男女關係 乱搞男女关系 T - 0 luàn gǎo nán nǚ guān xì f /to be promiscuous/to sleep around/ 亂政 乱政 T - 0 luàn zhèng f /to corrupt politics/ 亂民 乱民 T - 32 luàn mín f /rebels/ 亂畫 乱画 T - 3 luàn huà f /to doodle/graffito/doodle/ 亂真 乱真 T - 15 luàn zhēn f /to pass off as genuine/spurious/ 亂石 乱石 T - 212 luàn shí f /rocks/stones/rubble/riprap/ 亂石砸死 乱石砸死 T - 0 luàn shí zá sǐ f /to stone to death/ 亂碼 乱码 T - 10 luàn mǎ f /mojibake (nonsense characters displayed when software fails to render text according to its intended character encoding)/ 亂穿馬路 乱穿马路 T - 0 luàn chuān mǎ lù f /to jaywalk/ 亂竄 乱窜 T - 3 luàn cuàn f /to flee in disarray/to scatter/ 亂糟糟 乱糟糟 T - 106 luàn zāo zāo f /chaotic/topsy turvy/a complete mess/ 亂紀 乱纪 T - 3 luàn jì f /to break the rules/to break discipline/ 亂臣賊子 乱臣贼子 T - 24 luàn chén zéi zǐ f /rebels and traitors (idiom)/general term for scoundrel/ 亂花 乱花 T - 3 luàn huā f /to spend recklessly/to waste money/ 亂花錢 乱花钱 T - 3 luàn huā qián f /to spend money recklessly/to squander/ 亂蓬蓬 乱蓬蓬 T - 43 luàn pēng pēng f /disheveled/tangled/ 亂視 乱视 T - 3 luàn shì f /astigmatism (medicine) (Tw)/ 亂說 乱说 T - 167 luàn shuō f /to talk drivel/to make irresponsible remarks/ 亂講 乱讲 T - 3 luàn jiǎng f /to talk nonsense/nonsense!/ 亂象 乱象 T - 3 luàn xiàng f /chaos/madness/ 亂跑 乱跑 T - 125 luàn pǎo f /to run around all over the place/ 亂跳 乱跳 T - 0 luàn tiào f /to jump about/(of the heart) to beat wildly/ 亂道 乱道 T - 0 luàn dào f /see 亂說|乱说[luan4 shuo1]/ 亂麻 乱麻 T - 42 luàn má f /lit. tangled skein/in a tremendous muddle/confused/ 亂黨 乱党 T - 3 luàn dǎng f /the rebel party/ 亃 - 88 lín f /mythical animal, said to have yellow body and white tail/ 亄 - 0 yì f /covetous/greedy/stingy/ 亅 - 0 jué f /"vertical stroke with hook" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 6)/see also 豎鉤|竖钩[shu4 gou1]/ 了 4 883634 le t /(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/(completed action marker)/ 了 4 883634 liǎo f /to finish/to achieve/variant of 瞭|了[liao3]/to understand clearly/ 了 瞭 S 4 883634 liǎo f /(of eyes) bright/clear-sighted/to understand clearly/ 了 瞭 S 4 883634 liào f /unofficial variant of 瞭[liao4]/ 了不起 1564 826 liǎo bu qǐ f /amazing/terrific/extraordinary/ 了了 - 3 liǎo liǎo f /to realize clearly/to settle a matter/to get it over with/ 了事 - 156 liǎo shì f /to dispose of a matter/to be done with it/ 了债 了債 S - 0 liǎo zhài f /to repay one's debt/ 了債 了债 T - 0 liǎo zhài f /to repay one's debt/ 了却 了卻 S - 0 liǎo què f /to resolve/to settle/ 了却此生 了卻此生 S - 0 liǎo què cǐ shēng f /to die/to be done with this world/ 了卻 了却 T - 0 liǎo què f /to resolve/to settle/ 了卻此生 了却此生 T - 0 liǎo què cǐ shēng f /to die/to be done with this world/ 了去了 - 0 le qù le f /(coll.) (after adjectives such as 多, 大, 远, 高) very/extremely/ 了如指掌 - 126 liǎo rú zhǐ zhǎng f /to know sth like the back of one's hand (idiom)/to know (a person, a place etc) inside out/ 了如指掌 瞭如指掌 S - 126 liǎo rú zhǐ zhǎng f /variant of 了如指掌[liao3 ru2 zhi3 zhang3]/ 了局 - 0 liǎo jú f /end/conclusion/solution/ 了当 了當 S - 0 liǎo dàng f /frank/outspoken/ready/settled/in order/(old) to deal with/to handle/ 了得 - 226 liǎo de f /exceptional/outstanding/dreadful/appalling/ 了断 了斷 S - 52 liǎo duàn f /to settle (a dispute etc)/to break off (a relationship etc)/resolution (of a problem)/ 了斷 了断 T - 52 liǎo duàn f /to settle (a dispute etc)/to break off (a relationship etc)/resolution (of a problem)/ 了无新意 了無新意 S - 0 liǎo wú xīn yì f /unoriginal/stereotyped/ 了無新意 了无新意 T - 0 liǎo wú xīn yì f /unoriginal/stereotyped/ 了然 - 95 liǎo rán f /to understand clearly/evident/ 了然 瞭然 S - 95 liǎo rán f /to understand clearly/evident/ 了然于胸 了然於胸 S - 48 liǎo rán yú xiōng f /to be well aware of sth/to understand clearly/ 了然於胸 了然于胸 T - 48 liǎo rán yú xiōng f /to be well aware of sth/to understand clearly/ 了當 了当 T - 0 liǎo dàng f /frank/outspoken/ready/settled/in order/(old) to deal with/to handle/ 了結 了结 T - 330 liǎo jié f /to settle/to finish/to conclude/to wind up/ 了结 了結 S - 330 liǎo jié f /to settle/to finish/to conclude/to wind up/ 了若指掌 - 25 liǎo ruò zhǐ zhǎng f /see 了如指掌[liao3 ru2 zhi3 zhang3]/ 了若指掌 瞭若指掌 S - 25 liǎo ruò zhǐ zhǎng f /see 了如指掌[liao3 ru2 zhi3 zhang3]/ 了解 367 11774 liǎo jiě f /to understand/to realize/to find out/ 了解 瞭解 S 367 11774 liǎo jiě f /to understand/to realize/to find out/ 亇 - 0 gè f /variant of 個|个[ge4]/ 予 - 1068 yú f /(archaic) I/me/ 予 - 1068 yǔ t /to give/ 予人口实 予人口實 S - 3 yǔ rén kǒu shí f /to give cause for gossip/ 予人口實 予人口实 T - 3 yǔ rén kǒu shí f /to give cause for gossip/ 予以 - 2431 yǔ yǐ f /to give/to impose/to apply/ 予以照顧 予以照顾 T - 0 yǔ yǐ zhào gù f /to ask somebody to carefully consider a request (idiom)/ 予以照顾 予以照顧 S - 0 yǔ yǐ zhào gù f /to ask somebody to carefully consider a request (idiom)/ 争 爭 S - 3841 zhēng f /to strive for/to vie for/to argue or debate/deficient or lacking (dialect)/how or what (literary)/ 争先 爭先 S - 92 zhēng xiān f /to compete to be first/to contest first place/ 争先恐后 爭先恐後 S 4848 131 zhēng xiān kǒng hòu f /striving to be first and fearing to be last (idiom); outdoing one another/ 争光 爭光 S - 68 zhēng guāng f /to win an honor/to strive to win a prize/ 争分夺秒 爭分奪秒 S - 31 zhēng fēn duó miǎo f /lit. fight minutes, snatch seconds (idiom); a race against time/making every second count/ 争取 爭取 S 1599 4048 zhēng qǔ f /to fight for/to strive for/to win over/ 争名夺利 爭名奪利 S - 7 zhēng míng duó lì f /to fight for fame, grab profit (idiom); scrambling for fame and wealth/only interested in personal gain/ 争吵 爭吵 S - 574 zhēng chǎo f /to quarrel/dispute/ 争夺 爭奪 S 3217 2142 zhēng duó f /to fight over/to contest/to vie over/ 争夺战 爭奪戰 S - 96 zhēng duó zhàn f /struggle/ 争妍斗艳 爭妍鬥艷 S - 3 zhēng yán dòu yàn f /contending for supreme beauty (esp. of flowers, scenery, painting etc)/vying in beauty and glamor/ 争宠 爭寵 S - 43 zhēng chǒng f /to strive for favor/ 争强好胜 爭強好勝 S - 34 zhēng qiáng hào shèng f /competitive/ambitious and aggressive/to desire to beat others/ 争得 爭得 S - 147 zhēng dé f /to obtain by an effort/to strive to get sth/ 争战 爭戰 S - 55 zhēng zhàn f /fight/ 争执 爭執 S - 624 zhēng zhí f /to dispute/to disagree/to argue opinionatedly/to wrangle/ 争执不下 爭執不下 S - 3 zhēng zhí bù xià f /to quarrel endlessly/ 争抢 爭搶 S - 143 zhēng qiǎng f /to fight over/to scramble for/ 争持 爭持 S - 46 zhēng chí f /to refuse to concede/not to give in/ 争斗 爭鬥 S - 467 zhēng dòu f /struggle/war/ 争权夺利 爭權奪利 S - 107 zhēng quán duó lì f /scramble for power and profit (idiom); power struggle/ 争气 爭氣 S 4626 222 zhēng qì f /to work hard for sth/to resolve on improvement/determined not to fall short/ 争球线 爭球線 S - 0 zhēng qiú xiàn f /scrimmage line (American football)/ 争相 爭相 S - 517 zhēng xiāng f /to fall over each other in their eagerness to.../ 争端 爭端 S 4216 497 zhēng duān f /dispute/controversy/conflict/ 争臣 爭臣 S - 0 zhēng chén f /minister not afraid to give forthright criticism/ 争衡 爭衡 S - 3 zhēng héng f /to struggle for mastery/to strive for supremacy/ 争议 爭議 S 3516 1105 zhēng yì f /controversy/dispute/to dispute/ 争议性 爭議性 S - 9 zhēng yì xìng f /controversial/ 争论 爭論 S 1937 1337 zhēng lùn f /to argue/to debate/to contend/argument/contention/controversy/debate/CL:次[ci4],場|场[chang3]/ 争论点 爭論點 S - 3 zhēng lùn diǎn f /contention/ 争讼 爭訟 S - 3 zhēng sòng f /dispute involving litigation/legal dispute/ 争购 爭購 S - 14 zhēng gòu f /to compete/to fight for/to rush to purchase/ 争辩 爭辯 S - 321 zhēng biàn f /a dispute/to wrangle/ 争锋 爭鋒 S - 36 zhēng fēng f /to strive/ 争长论短 爭長論短 S - 3 zhēng cháng lùn duǎn f /lit. to argue who is right and wrong (idiom); to quibble/a storm in a teacup/ 争雄 爭雄 S - 78 zhēng xióng f /to contend for supremacy/ 争霸 爭霸 S - 165 zhēng bà f /to contend for hegemony/a power struggle/ 争面子 爭面子 S - 0 zhēng miàn zi f /to fight for a good reputation/ 争风吃醋 爭風吃醋 S - 37 zhēng fēng chī cù f /to rival sb for the affection of a man or woman/to be jealous of a rival in a love affair/ 争鸣 爭鳴 S - 40 zhēng míng f /to contend/ 亊 - 10 shì f /variant of 事[shi4]/ 事 - 44769 shì f /matter/thing/item/work/affair/CL:件[jian4],樁|桩[zhuang1],回[hui2]/ 事不关己 事不關己 S - 29 shì bù guān jǐ f /a matter of no concern to oneself (idiom)/ 事不关己,高高挂起 事不關己,高高掛起 S - 0 shì bù guān jǐ , gāo gāo guà qǐ f /to feel unconcerned and let matters rest (idiom)/ 事不宜迟 事不宜遲 S - 144 shì bù yí chí f /the matter should not be delayed/there's no time to lose/ 事不宜遲 事不宜迟 T - 144 shì bù yí chí f /the matter should not be delayed/there's no time to lose/ 事不關己 事不关己 T - 29 shì bù guān jǐ f /a matter of no concern to oneself (idiom)/ 事不關己,高高掛起 事不关己,高高挂起 T - 0 shì bù guān jǐ , gāo gāo guà qǐ f /to feel unconcerned and let matters rest (idiom)/ 事与愿违 事與願違 S - 67 shì yǔ yuàn wéi f /things turn out contrary to the way one wishes (idiom)/ 事业 事業 S 2582 10025 shì yè f /undertaking/project/activity/(charitable, political or revolutionary) cause/publicly funded institution, enterprise or foundation/career/occupation/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 事业心 事業心 S - 83 shì yè xīn f /devotion to one's work/professional ambition/ 事业有成 事業有成 S - 34 shì yè yǒu chéng f /to be successful in business/professional success/ 事业线 事業線 S - 0 shì yè xiàn f /(slang) cleavage/(palmistry) business line/ 事事 - 295 shì shì f /everything/ 事件 2538 7578 shì jiàn f /event/happening/incident/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 事件相关电位 事件相關電位 S - 0 shì jiàn xiāng guān diàn wèi f /event-related potential/ 事件相關電位 事件相关电位 T - 0 shì jiàn xiāng guān diàn wèi f /event-related potential/ 事体 事體 S - 94 shì tǐ f /things/affairs/decorum/ 事例 - 581 shì lì f /example/exemplar/typical case/ 事倍功半 - 17 shì bèi gōng bàn f /twice the effort for half the result/ 事假 - 10 shì jià f /leave of absence/ 事儿 事兒 S - 1886 shì r f /one's employment/business/matter that needs to be settled/erhua variant of 事[shi4]/CL:件[jian4],樁|桩[zhuang1]/ 事先 1858 1601 shì xiān f /in advance/before the event/beforehand/prior/ 事先通知 - 0 shì xiān tōng zhī f /preliminary notification/to announce in advance/ 事兒 事儿 T - 1886 shì r f /one's employment/business/matter that needs to be settled/erhua variant of 事[shi4]/CL:件[jian4],樁|桩[zhuang1]/ 事关 事關 S - 444 shì guān f /to concern/on (some topic)/about/concerning/to have importance for/ 事典 - 17 shì diǎn f /encyclopedia/ 事到临头 事到臨頭 S - 109 shì dào lín tóu f /when things come to a head (idiom)/ 事到今日 - 0 shì dào jīn rì f /under the circumstances/the matter having come to that point/ 事到如今 - 3 shì dào rú jīn f /as matters stand/things having reached this stage/ 事到臨頭 事到临头 T - 109 shì dào lín tóu f /when things come to a head (idiom)/ 事前 - 304 shì qián f /in advance/before the event/ 事务 事務 S 3102 5380 shì wù f /(political, economic etc) affairs/work/transaction (as in a computer database)/ 事务律师 事務律師 S - 0 shì wù lǜ shī f /solicitor (law)/ 事务所 事務所 S - 674 shì wù suǒ f /business office/ 事务所律师 事務所律師 S - 25 shì wù suǒ lǜ shī f /office lawyer/ 事务繁忙 事務繁忙 S - 0 shì wù fán máng f /busy/bustling/ 事势 事勢 S - 3 shì shì f /state of affairs/ 事務 事务 T 3102 5380 shì wù f /(political, economic etc) affairs/work/transaction (as in a computer database)/ 事務律師 事务律师 T - 0 shì wù lǜ shī f /solicitor (law)/ 事務所 事务所 T - 674 shì wù suǒ f /business office/ 事務所律師 事务所律师 T - 25 shì wù suǒ lǜ shī f /office lawyer/ 事務繁忙 事务繁忙 T - 0 shì wù fán máng f /busy/bustling/ 事勢 事势 T - 3 shì shì f /state of affairs/ 事半功倍 - 90 shì bàn gōng bèi f /half the work, twice the effect (idiom); the right approach saves effort and leads to better results/a stitch in time saves nine/ 事危累卵 - 3 shì wēi lěi luǎn f /lit. the matter has become a pile of eggs (idiom); fig. at a critical juncture/ 事发地点 事發地點 S - 0 shì fā dì diǎn f /the scene of the incident/ 事发时 事發時 S - 0 shì fā shí f /the time of the incident/ 事变 事變 S - 594 shì biàn f /incident/unforeseen event/events (in general)/ 事后 事後 S - 576 shì hòu f /after the event/in hindsight/in retrospect/ 事后聪明 事後聰明 S - 0 shì hòu cōng ming f /wise after the event (idiom); with hindsight, one should have predicted it/ 事后诸葛亮 事後諸葛亮 S - 6 shì hòu Zhū gě Liàng f /a genius in retrospect (idiom); hindsight is 20-20/ 事在人为 事在人為 S - 24 shì zài rén wéi f /the matter depends on the individual (idiom); it is a matter for your own effort/With effort, one can achieve anything./ 事在人為 事在人为 T - 24 shì zài rén wéi f /the matter depends on the individual (idiom); it is a matter for your own effort/With effort, one can achieve anything./ 事奉 - 0 shì fèng f /to serve/ 事宜 - 754 shì yí f /matters/arrangements/ 事实 事實 S 1240 4593 shì shí f /fact/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 事实上 事實上 S - 2752 shì shí shàng f /in fact/in reality/actually/as a matter of fact/de facto/ipso facto/ 事实婚 事實婚 S - 7 shì shí hūn f /common-law marriage/de facto marriage/ 事实求是 事實求是 S - 0 shì shí qiú shì f /to seek the truth from facts/ 事实胜于雄辩 事實勝於雄辯 S - 7 shì shí shèng yú xióng biàn f /Facts speak louder than words. (idiom)/ 事實 事实 T 1240 4593 shì shí f /fact/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 事實上 事实上 T - 2752 shì shí shàng f /in fact/in reality/actually/as a matter of fact/de facto/ipso facto/ 事實勝於雄辯 事实胜于雄辩 T - 7 shì shí shèng yú xióng biàn f /Facts speak louder than words. (idiom)/ 事實婚 事实婚 T - 7 shì shí hūn f /common-law marriage/de facto marriage/ 事實求是 事实求是 T - 0 shì shí qiú shì f /to seek the truth from facts/ 事後 事后 T - 576 shì hòu f /after the event/in hindsight/in retrospect/ 事後聰明 事后聪明 T - 0 shì hòu cōng ming f /wise after the event (idiom); with hindsight, one should have predicted it/ 事後諸葛亮 事后诸葛亮 T - 6 shì hòu Zhū gě Liàng f /a genius in retrospect (idiom); hindsight is 20-20/ 事必躬亲 事必躬親 S - 33 shì bì gōng qīn f /to attend to everything personally/ 事必躬親 事必躬亲 T - 33 shì bì gōng qīn f /to attend to everything personally/ 事态 事態 S 3460 527 shì tài f /situation/existing state of affairs/ 事态发展 事態發展 S - 0 shì tài fā zhǎn f /course of events/ 事怕行家 - 0 shì pà háng jiā f /an expert always produces the best work (idiom)/ 事情 193 15354 shì qing f /affair/matter/thing/business/CL:件[jian4],樁|桩[zhuang1]/ 事情要做 - 0 shì qíng yào zuò f /work that needs to be done/business that needs to be attended to/ 事態 事态 T 3460 527 shì tài f /situation/existing state of affairs/ 事態發展 事态发展 T - 0 shì tài fā zhǎn f /course of events/ 事故 2602 1766 shì gù f /accident/CL:樁|桩[zhuang1],起[qi3],次[ci4]/ 事故照射 - 0 shì gù zhào shè f /accidental exposure/ 事无大小 事無大小 S - 8 shì wú dà xiǎo f /see 事無巨細|事无巨细[shi4 wu2 ju4 xi4]/ 事无巨细 事無巨細 S - 34 shì wú jù xì f /lit. things are not separated according to their size (idiom)/fig. to deal with any matter, regardless of its importance/ 事机 事機 S - 33 shì jī f /confidential aspects of a matter/secrets/key moment for action/ 事权 事權 S - 79 shì quán f /position/authority/responsibility/ 事業 事业 T 2582 10025 shì yè f /undertaking/project/activity/(charitable, political or revolutionary) cause/publicly funded institution, enterprise or foundation/career/occupation/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 事業心 事业心 T - 83 shì yè xīn f /devotion to one's work/professional ambition/ 事業有成 事业有成 T - 34 shì yè yǒu chéng f /to be successful in business/professional success/ 事業線 事业线 T - 0 shì yè xiàn f /(slang) cleavage/(palmistry) business line/ 事機 事机 T - 33 shì jī f /confidential aspects of a matter/secrets/key moment for action/ 事權 事权 T - 79 shì quán f /position/authority/responsibility/ 事求是 - 0 shì qiú shì f /to seek the truth from facts/ 事無大小 事无大小 T - 8 shì wú dà xiǎo f /see 事無巨細|事无巨细[shi4 wu2 ju4 xi4]/ 事無巨細 事无巨细 T - 34 shì wú jù xì f /lit. things are not separated according to their size (idiom)/fig. to deal with any matter, regardless of its importance/ 事物 1708 4044 shì wù f /thing/object/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 事理 - 97 shì lǐ f /reason/logic/ 事由 - 107 shì yóu f /main content/matter/work/origin of an incident/cause/purpose/subject (of business letter)/ 事界 - 0 shì jiè f /event horizon/ 事略 - 33 shì lüè f /biographical sketch/ 事發地點 事发地点 T - 0 shì fā dì diǎn f /the scene of the incident/ 事發時 事发时 T - 0 shì fā shí f /the time of the incident/ 事端 - 137 shì duān f /disturbance/incident/ 事與願違 事与愿违 T - 67 shì yǔ yuàn wéi f /things turn out contrary to the way one wishes (idiom)/ 事證 事证 T - 0 shì zhèng f /evidence/ 事變 事变 T - 594 shì biàn f /incident/unforeseen event/events (in general)/ 事证 事證 S - 0 shì zhèng f /evidence/ 事跡 事迹 T 3936 722 shì jì f /deed/past achievement/important event of the past/ 事过境迁 事過境遷 S - 19 shì guò jìng qiān f /The issue is in the past, and the situation has changed (idiom)./It is water under the bridge./ 事迹 事跡 S 3936 722 shì jì f /deed/past achievement/important event of the past/ 事過境遷 事过境迁 T - 19 shì guò jìng qiān f /The issue is in the past, and the situation has changed (idiom)./It is water under the bridge./ 事關 事关 T - 444 shì guān f /to concern/on (some topic)/about/concerning/to have importance for/ 事項 事项 T 4310 2572 shì xiàng f /matter/item/ 事项 事項 S 4310 2572 shì xiàng f /matter/item/ 事體 事体 T - 94 shì tǐ f /things/affairs/decorum/ 二 108 26135 èr f /two/2/(Beijing dialect) stupid/ 二一添作五 - 15 èr yī tiān zuò wǔ f /lit. one half equals zero point five (division rule in abacus reckoning)/to share fairly between two parties/to go fifty-fifty/ 二丁醚 - 0 èr dīng mí f /dibutyl ether/ 二七区 二七區 S - 3 Er qī Qū f /Erqi District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑州市[Zheng4 zhou1 Shi4], Henan/ 二七區 二七区 T - 3 Er qī Qū f /Erqi District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑州市[Zheng4 zhou1 Shi4], Henan/ 二世 - 671 èr shì f /the Second (of numbered kings)/second generation (e.g. Chinese Americans)/ 二产妇 二產婦 S - 0 èr chǎn fù f /lady who has given birth twice/ 二人世界 - 0 èr rén shì jiè f /world with only two people (usually refers to a romantic couple)/romantic couple's world/ 二人台 二人臺 S - 0 èr rén tái f /genre of song-and-dance duet popular in Inner Mongolia/ 二人臺 二人台 T - 0 èr rén tái f /genre of song-and-dance duet popular in Inner Mongolia/ 二人轉 二人转 T - 65 èr rén zhuàn f /genre of song-and-dance duet popular in northeast China/ 二人转 二人轉 S - 65 èr rén zhuàn f /genre of song-and-dance duet popular in northeast China/ 二仑 二崙 S - 0 Er lún f /Erlun or Erhlun township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 二仑乡 二崙鄉 S - 0 Er lún xiāng f /Erlun or Erhlun township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 二代 - 93 èr dài f /secondary/twice in the year (of generations of insects, harvests etc)/ 二价 二價 S - 31 èr jià f /negotiable price/ 二伏 - 6 èr fú f /same as 中伏[zhong1 fu2], last ten days of July and first ten days of August, the second of 三伏[san1 fu2], three hottest periods of the year/ 二來 二来 T - 610 èr lái f /in the second place/secondly/ 二侧 二側 S - 0 èr cè f /two sides/ 二便 - 0 èr biàn f /urination and defecation/ 二倍体 二倍體 S - 55 èr bèi tǐ f /diploid (in cell biology)/ 二倍體 二倍体 T - 55 èr bèi tǐ f /diploid (in cell biology)/ 二側 二侧 T - 0 èr cè f /two sides/ 二價 二价 T - 31 èr jià f /negotiable price/ 二元 - 219 èr yuán f /duality/dual/bipolar/binary/ 二元論 二元论 T - 28 èr yuán lùn f /dualism, belief that the universe is made of two different substance (e.g. mind and matter or good and evil)/ 二元论 二元論 S - 28 èr yuán lùn f /dualism, belief that the universe is made of two different substance (e.g. mind and matter or good and evil)/ 二元醇 - 9 èr yuán chún f /ethyl alcohol C2H5OH/ 二八 - 67 èr bā f /16/sixteen/ 二八佳人 - 3 èr bā jiā rén f /16-year-old beauty/ 二分 - 417 èr fēn f /second part/the equinox/ 二分之一 - 5 èr fēn zhī yī f /one half/ 二分点 二分點 S - 7 èr fēn diǎn f /the two equinoxes/ 二分裂 - 0 èr fēn liè f /binary division (in bacterial reproduction)/ 二分音符 - 3 èr fēn yīn fú f /minim (music)/ 二分點 二分点 T - 7 èr fēn diǎn f /the two equinoxes/ 二刻拍案惊奇 二刻拍案驚奇 S - 0 Er kè Pāi àn Jīng qí f /Slapping the Table in Amazement (Part II), second of two books of vernacular stories by Ming dynasty novelist Ling Mengchu 凌濛初|凌蒙初[Ling2 Meng2 chu1]/ 二刻拍案驚奇 二刻拍案惊奇 T - 0 Er kè Pāi àn Jīng qí f /Slapping the Table in Amazement (Part II), second of two books of vernacular stories by Ming dynasty novelist Ling Mengchu 凌濛初|凌蒙初[Ling2 Meng2 chu1]/ 二副 - 12 èr fù f /second officer (of ship)/second mate/ 二十 - 1408 èr shí f /twenty/20/ 二十一世紀 二十一世纪 T - 0 èr shí yī shì jì f /21st century/ 二十一世纪 二十一世紀 S - 0 èr shí yī shì jì f /21st century/ 二十一条 二十一條 S - 344 Er shí yī Tiáo f /the Japanese Twenty-One Demands of 1915/ 二十一條 二十一条 T - 344 Er shí yī Tiáo f /the Japanese Twenty-One Demands of 1915/ 二十一点 二十一點 S - 0 èr shí yī diǎn f /blackjack (card game)/ 二十一點 二十一点 T - 0 èr shí yī diǎn f /blackjack (card game)/ 二十世紀 二十世纪 T - 3 èr shí shì jì f /20th century/ 二十世纪 二十世紀 S - 3 èr shí shì jì f /20th century/ 二十五史 - 3 èr shí wǔ shǐ f /twenty four dynastic histories (or 25 or 26 in modern editions)/ 二十八宿 - 106 èr shí bā xiù f /the twenty-eight constellations/ 二十六岁 二十六歲 S - 42 èr shí liù suì f /26 years old/ 二十六歲 二十六岁 T - 42 èr shí liù suì f /26 years old/ 二十四史 - 47 Er shí sì Shǐ f /the Twenty-Four Histories (25 or 26 in modern editions), collection of books on Chinese dynastic history from 3000 BC till 17th century/fig. a long and complicated story/ 二十四孝 - 3 Er shí sì Xiào f /the Twenty-four Filial Exemplars, classic Confucian text on filial piety from Yuan dynasty/ 二十四節氣 二十四节气 T - 60 èr shí sì jié qi f /the 24 solar terms, calculated from the position of the sun on the ecliptic, that divide the year into 24 equal periods/ 二十四节气 二十四節氣 S - 60 èr shí sì jié qi f /the 24 solar terms, calculated from the position of the sun on the ecliptic, that divide the year into 24 equal periods/ 二十多 - 39 èr shí duō f /over 20/ 二十年目睹之怪现状 二十年目睹之怪現狀 S - 0 Er shí Nián Mù dǔ zhī Guài Xiàn zhuàng f /The Strange State of the World Witnessed Over 20 Years, novel by late Qing novelist Wu Jianren 吳趼人|吴趼人[Wu2 Jian3 ren2]/ 二十年目睹之怪現狀 二十年目睹之怪现状 T - 0 Er shí Nián Mù dǔ zhī Guài Xiàn zhuàng f /The Strange State of the World Witnessed Over 20 Years, novel by late Qing novelist Wu Jianren 吳趼人|吴趼人[Wu2 Jian3 ren2]/ 二十面体 二十面體 S - 0 èr shí miàn tǐ f /icosahedron/ 二十面體 二十面体 T - 0 èr shí miàn tǐ f /icosahedron/ 二叉树 二叉樹 S - 3 èr chā shù f /binary tree/ 二叉樹 二叉树 T - 3 èr chā shù f /binary tree/ 二叠纪 二疊紀 S - 94 Er dié jì f /Permian (geological period 292-250m years ago)/ 二号 二號 S - 209 èr hào f /2nd day of the month/ 二号人物 二號人物 S - 0 èr hào rén wù f /second best person/second-rate person/ 二号电池 二號電池 S - 0 èr hào diàn chí f /C size battery (Tw)/PRC equivalent: 三號電池|三号电池/ 二合一 - 4 èr hé yī f /2-in-1/two-in-one/ 二名法 - 0 èr míng fǎ f /binomial nomenclature (taxonomy)/same as 雙名法|双名法[shuang1 ming2 fa3]/ 二哥 - 714 èr gē f /second brother/ 二噁英 二恶英 T - 3 èr è yīng f /dioxin/also written 二惡英|二恶英/ 二地主 - 3 èr dì zhǔ f /sublandlord/tenant who sublets/ 二声 二聲 S - 4 èr shēng f /second tone/ 二头肌 二頭肌 S - 3 èr tóu jī f /biceps muscle/ 二奶 - 108 èr nǎi f /mistress/second wife/lover/ 二奶专家 二奶專家 S - 0 èr nǎi zhuān jiā f /"mercenary expert", a person who is supposedly an independent expert, but receives payment for making comments favorable to a particular entity/ 二奶專家 二奶专家 T - 0 èr nǎi zhuān jiā f /"mercenary expert", a person who is supposedly an independent expert, but receives payment for making comments favorable to a particular entity/ 二婚 - 3 èr hūn f /to marry for the second time/second marriage/second spouse/ 二婚头 二婚頭 S - 4 èr hūn tóu f /remarried lady (contemptuous term)/lady who marries for a second time/ 二婚頭 二婚头 T - 4 èr hūn tóu f /remarried lady (contemptuous term)/lady who marries for a second time/ 二宝 二寶 S - 0 èr bǎo f /second child/second baby/ 二寶 二宝 T - 0 èr bǎo f /second child/second baby/ 二尕子 - 0 èr gǎ zi f /scoundrel/ 二尖瓣 - 54 èr jiān bàn f /mitral valve (physiology)/ 二尖瓣狭窄 二尖瓣狹窄 S - 0 èr jiān bàn xiá zhǎi f /mitral stenosis (physiology)/ 二尖瓣狹窄 二尖瓣狭窄 T - 0 èr jiān bàn xiá zhǎi f /mitral stenosis (physiology)/ 二屄 - 0 èr bī f /(slang) idiot/idiotic/ 二崙 二仑 T - 0 Er lún f /Erlun or Erhlun township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 二崙鄉 二仑乡 T - 0 Er lún xiāng f /Erlun or Erhlun township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 二年生 - 3 èr nián shēng f /biennial (botany)/ 二度 - 93 èr dù f /second degree/ 二心 - 32 èr xīn f /disloyalty/half-heartedness/duplicity/ 二恶英 二噁英 S - 3 èr è yīng f /dioxin/also written 二惡英|二恶英/ 二恶英 二惡英 S - 3 èr è yīng f /dioxin/ 二惡英 二恶英 T - 3 èr è yīng f /dioxin/ 二愣子 - 13 èr lèng zi f /stupid person/dolt/rash (slang)/ 二战 二戰 S - 576 Er zhàn f /World War II/ 二戰 二战 T - 576 Er zhàn f /World War II/ 二房 - 34 èr fáng f /second branch of an extended family/concubine/ 二房东 二房東 S - 12 èr fáng dōng f /sublandlord/tenant who sublets/ 二房東 二房东 T - 12 èr fáng dōng f /sublandlord/tenant who sublets/ 二手 - 74 èr shǒu f /indirectly acquired/second-hand (information, equipment etc)/assistant/ 二手房 - 73 èr shǒu fáng f /second-hand house/house acquired indirectly through a middle-man/ 二手烟 二手煙 S - 3 èr shǒu yān f /second-hand smoke/ 二手煙 二手烟 T - 3 èr shǒu yān f /second-hand smoke/ 二手貨 二手货 T - 14 èr shǒu huò f /second-hand goods/used goods/ 二手货 二手貨 S - 14 èr shǒu huò f /second-hand goods/used goods/ 二手車 二手车 T - 6 èr shǒu chē f /second-hand car/ 二手车 二手車 S - 6 èr shǒu chē f /second-hand car/ 二把刀 - 2 èr bǎ dāo f /inexpert/a botcher/ 二把手 - 68 èr bǎ shǒu f /deputy leader/the second-in-command/ 二斑百灵 二斑百靈 S - 0 èr bān bǎi líng f /(bird species of China) bimaculated lark (Melanocorypha bimaculata)/ 二斑百靈 二斑百灵 T - 0 èr bān bǎi líng f /(bird species of China) bimaculated lark (Melanocorypha bimaculata)/ 二更 - 0 èr gēng f /second of the five night watch periods 21:00-23:00 (old)/ 二月 - 1036 Er yuè f /February/second month (of the lunar year)/ 二月份 - 3 èr yuè fèn f /February/ 二杆子 - 26 èr gān zi f /hot-tempered/rash/hot-tempered person/ 二来 二來 S - 610 èr lái f /in the second place/secondly/ 二极管 二極管 S - 147 èr jí guǎn f /diode/vacuum tube/ 二林 - 3 Er lín f /Erhlin town in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 二林鎮 二林镇 T - 0 Er lín zhèn f /Erhlin town in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 二林镇 二林鎮 S - 0 Er lín zhèn f /Erhlin town in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 二極管 二极管 T - 147 èr jí guǎn f /diode/vacuum tube/ 二次 - 984 èr cì f /second (i.e. number two)/second time/twice/(math.) quadratic (of degree two)/ 二次世界大战 二次世界大戰 S - 29 Er cì Shì jiè Dà zhàn f /World War Two/ 二次世界大戰 二次世界大战 T - 29 Er cì Shì jiè Dà zhàn f /World War Two/ 二次函数 二次函數 S - 0 èr cì hán shù f /quadratic function/ 二次函數 二次函数 T - 0 èr cì hán shù f /quadratic function/ 二次型 - 0 èr cì xíng f /quadratic form (math.)/ 二次多項式 二次多项式 T - 0 èr cì duō xiàng shì f /quadratic polynomial/ 二次多项式 二次多項式 S - 0 èr cì duō xiàng shì f /quadratic polynomial/ 二次大战 二次大戰 S - 73 Er cì Dà zhàn f /World War Two/ 二次大戰 二次大战 T - 73 Er cì Dà zhàn f /World War Two/ 二次方 - 13 èr cì fāng f /square (i.e. x times x)/ 二次方程 - 26 èr cì fāng chéng f /quadratic equation/ 二次曲 - 0 èr cì qū f /quadratic curve/conic section (geometry)/ 二次曲線 二次曲线 T - 3 èr cì qū xiàn f /quadratic curve (geometry)/conic/ 二次曲线 二次曲線 S - 3 èr cì qū xiàn f /quadratic curve (geometry)/conic/ 二次曲面 - 12 èr cì qū miàn f /quadric surface (geometry)/ 二次革命 - 3 èr cì gé mìng f /second revolution/campaign from 1913 of the provisional revolutionary government (under Sun Yat-sen and the Guomindang) against Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯 and the Northern Warlords/ 二正丙醚 - 0 èr zhèng bǐng mí f /di-n-propyl ether/ 二毛子 - 0 èr máo zi f /lit. secondary foreigner/(derogatory term for Chinese Christians and others associated with foreigners, used at the time of the Boxer Rebellion)/(coll.) westernized Chinese person/(derog.) person of mixed Chinese and Russian blood/(slang) Ukraine/German shepherd dog/(dialect) two-year-old goat/ 二氧化氮 - 17 èr yǎng huà dàn f /nitrogen dioxide/ 二氧化物 - 3 èr yǎng huà wù f /dioxide/ 二氧化硅 - 71 èr yǎng huà guī f /silicon dioxide (SiO2)/ 二氧化硫 - 166 èr yǎng huà liú f /sulfur dioxide SO2/ 二氧化碳 4027 581 èr yǎng huà tàn f /carbon dioxide CO2/ 二氧化碳隔离 二氧化碳隔離 S - 0 èr yǎng huà tàn gé lí f /carbon sequestration/carbon dioxide sequestration/ 二氧化碳隔離 二氧化碳隔离 T - 0 èr yǎng huà tàn gé lí f /carbon sequestration/carbon dioxide sequestration/ 二氧化鈦 二氧化钛 T - 16 èr yǎng huà tài f /titanium dioxide/ 二氧化鈾 二氧化铀 T - 0 èr yǎng huà yóu f /brown oxidier/uranium dioxide/ 二氧化錳 二氧化锰 T - 3 èr yǎng huà měng f /manganese(iv) oxide/ 二氧化钛 二氧化鈦 S - 16 èr yǎng huà tài f /titanium dioxide/ 二氧化铀 二氧化鈾 S - 0 èr yǎng huà yóu f /brown oxidier/uranium dioxide/ 二氧化锰 二氧化錳 S - 3 èr yǎng huà měng f /manganese(iv) oxide/ 二氧杂芑 二氧雜芑 S - 0 èr yǎng zá qǐ f /dioxin/ 二氧芑 - 0 èr yǎng qǐ f /dioxin/ 二氧雜芑 二氧杂芑 T - 0 èr yǎng zá qǐ f /dioxin/ 二氯乙烷中毒 - 0 èr lǜ yǐ wán zhōng dú f /dichloroethane poisoning/ 二氯异三聚氰酸钠 二氯異三聚氰酸鈉 S - 0 èr lǜ yì sān jù qíng suān nà f /sodium dichloroisocyanurate/ 二氯甲烷 - 12 èr lǜ jiǎ wán f /dichloromethane/ 二氯異三聚氰酸鈉 二氯异三聚氰酸钠 T - 0 èr lǜ yì sān jù qíng suān nà f /sodium dichloroisocyanurate/ 二氯胺 - 0 èr lǜ àn f /dichloramine/ 二氯苯胺苯乙酸鈉 二氯苯胺苯乙酸钠 T - 0 èr lǜ běn àn běn yǐ suān nà f /diclofenac sodium (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to reduce swelling and as pain-killer)/also called voltaren 扶他林/ 二氯苯胺苯乙酸钠 二氯苯胺苯乙酸鈉 S - 0 èr lǜ běn àn běn yǐ suān nà f /diclofenac sodium (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to reduce swelling and as pain-killer)/also called voltaren 扶他林/ 二水 - 33 Er shuǐ f /Erhshui township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 二水乡 二水鄉 S - 0 Er shuǐ xiāng f /Erhshui township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 二水貨 二水货 T - 0 èr shuǐ huò f /used goods/second hand goods/ 二水货 二水貨 S - 0 èr shuǐ huò f /used goods/second hand goods/ 二水鄉 二水乡 T - 0 Er shuǐ xiāng f /Erhshui township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 二流 - 94 èr liú f /second-rate/second-tier/ 二流子 - 40 èr liú zi f /loafer/idler/bum/ 二甘醇 - 0 èr gān chún f /diethylene glycol/glycerin (used in antifreeze)/ 二產婦 二产妇 T - 0 èr chǎn fù f /lady who has given birth twice/ 二甲 - 45 èr jiǎ f /2nd rank of candidates who passed the imperial examination (i.e. 4th place and up)/ 二甲基砷酸 - 0 èr jiǎ jī shēn suān f /dimethylarsenic acid (CH3)2AsO2H/cacodylic acid/ 二甲基胂酸 - 0 èr jiǎ jī shèn suān f /dimethylarsenic acid (CH3)2AsO2H/cacodylic acid/ 二甲苯 - 32 èr jiǎ běn f /xylene/ 二疊紀 二叠纪 T - 94 Er dié jì f /Permian (geological period 292-250m years ago)/ 二百五 - 20 èr bǎi wǔ f /idiot/stupid person/a dope/ 二百方針 二百方针 T - 0 èr bǎi fāng zhēn f /see 雙百方針|双百方针[shuang1 bai3 fang1 zhen1]/ 二百方针 二百方針 S - 0 èr bǎi fāng zhēn f /see 雙百方針|双百方针[shuang1 bai3 fang1 zhen1]/ 二皇帝 - 0 èr huáng dì f /second emperor of a dynasty/ 二硫化碳 - 18 èr liú huà tàn f /carbon disulfide/ 二硫基丙磺酸鈉 二硫基丙磺酸钠 T - 0 èr liú jī bǐng huáng suān nà f /sodium dimercaptosulfanate/ 二硫基丙磺酸钠 二硫基丙磺酸鈉 S - 0 èr liú jī bǐng huáng suān nà f /sodium dimercaptosulfanate/ 二硫基丙醇 - 0 èr liú jī bǐng chún f /dimercaprol/ 二硫基琥珀酸鈉 二硫基琥珀酸钠 T - 0 èr liú jī hǔ pò suān nà f /sodium dimercaptosuccinate/ 二硫基琥珀酸钠 二硫基琥珀酸鈉 S - 0 èr liú jī hǔ pò suān nà f /sodium dimercaptosuccinate/ 二磷酸腺苷 - 0 èr lín suān xiàn gān f /adenosine diphosphate (ADP)/ 二等 - 193 èr děng f /second class/second-rate/ 二等舱 二等艙 S - 3 èr děng cāng f /second class cabin/ 二等艙 二等舱 T - 3 èr děng cāng f /second class cabin/ 二等車 二等车 T - 0 èr děng chē f /second class/ 二等车 二等車 S - 0 èr děng chē f /second class/ 二简 二簡 S - 0 èr jiǎn f /abbr. for 第二次漢字簡化方案|第二次汉字简化方案[Di4 er4 ci4 Han4 zi4 Jian3 hua4 Fang1 an4]/ 二節棍 二节棍 T - 3 èr jié gùn f /nunchaku (weapon with two rods joined by a short chain, used in martial arts)/ 二簡 二简 T - 0 èr jiǎn f /abbr. for 第二次漢字簡化方案|第二次汉字简化方案[Di4 er4 ci4 Han4 zi4 Jian3 hua4 Fang1 an4]/ 二簧 - 28 èr huáng f /variant of 二黃|二黄[er4 huang2]/ 二糖 - 0 èr táng f /disaccharide/ 二級 二级 T - 1863 èr jí f /grade 2/second class/category B/ 二級士官 二级士官 T - 0 èr jí shì guān f /sergeant/ 二級頭 二级头 T - 0 èr jí tóu f /second stage (diving)/ 二級頭呼吸器 二级头呼吸器 T - 0 èr jí tóu hū xī qì f /(diving) regulator/demand valve/ 二維 二维 T - 157 èr wéi f /two-dimensional/ 二維碼 二维码 T - 4 èr wéi mǎ f /two-dimensional barcode/QR code/ 二级 二級 S - 1863 èr jí f /grade 2/second class/category B/ 二级士官 二級士官 S - 0 èr jí shì guān f /sergeant/ 二级头 二級頭 S - 0 èr jí tóu f /second stage (diving)/ 二级头呼吸器 二級頭呼吸器 S - 0 èr jí tóu hū xī qì f /(diving) regulator/demand valve/ 二维 二維 S - 157 èr wéi f /two-dimensional/ 二维码 二維碼 S - 4 èr wéi mǎ f /two-dimensional barcode/QR code/ 二老 - 219 èr lǎo f /mother and father/parents/ 二者 - 1264 èr zhě f /both/both of them/neither/ 二者之一 - 0 èr zhě zhī yī f /either/ 二聲 二声 T - 4 èr shēng f /second tone/ 二胎 - 18 èr tāi f /second pregnancy/ 二胡 - 115 èr hú f /erhu (Chinese 2-string fiddle)/alto fiddle/CL:把[ba3]/ 二节棍 二節棍 S - 3 èr jié gùn f /nunchaku (weapon with two rods joined by a short chain, used in martial arts)/ 二苯氯胂 - 0 èr běn lǜ shèn f /diphenylchloroarsine/ 二茬罪 - 0 èr chá zuì f /to suffer second persecution/ 二號 二号 T - 209 èr hào f /2nd day of the month/ 二號人物 二号人物 T - 0 èr hào rén wù f /second best person/second-rate person/ 二號電池 二号电池 T - 0 èr hào diàn chí f /C size battery (Tw)/PRC equivalent: 三號電池|三号电池/ 二話 二话 T - 15 èr huà f /objection/differing opinion/ 二話不說 二话不说 T - 145 èr huà bù shuō f /not saying anything further (idiom); not raising any objection/without demur/ 二话 二話 S - 15 èr huà f /objection/differing opinion/ 二话不说 二話不說 S - 145 èr huà bù shuō f /not saying anything further (idiom); not raising any objection/without demur/ 二輪 二轮 T - 17 èr lún f /second round (of a match or election)/ 二轮 二輪 S - 17 èr lún f /second round (of a match or election)/ 二进 二進 S - 0 èr jìn f /binary (math)/ 二进制 二進制 S - 99 èr jìn zhì f /binary system (math)/ 二进制编码 二進制編碼 S - 0 èr jìn zhì biān mǎ f /binary code/binary encoding/ 二进宫 二進宮 S - 16 èr jìn gōng f /name of a famous opera/(slang) to go to jail for a second offense/ 二连 二連 S - 59 Er lián f /Erlian basin in Inner Mongolia/ 二连巨盗龙 二連巨盜龍 S - 0 èr lián jù dào lóng f /Gigantoraptor erlianensis (a giant bird-like dinosaur found in Erlian in Inner Mongolia)/ 二连浩特 二連浩特 S - 11 Er lián hào tè f /Erlianhaote city in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟[Xi1 lin2 guo1 le4 meng2], Inner Mongolia/ 二连浩特市 二連浩特市 S - 16 Er lián hào tè shì f /Erlianhaote city in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟[Xi1 lin2 guo1 le4 meng2], Inner Mongolia/ 二连盆地 二連盆地 S - 0 Er lián pén dì f /Erlian basin in Inner Mongolia/ 二迭紀 二迭纪 T - 0 Er dié jì f /Permian (geological period 292-250m years ago)/also written 二疊紀|二叠纪/ 二迭纪 二迭紀 S - 0 Er dié jì f /Permian (geological period 292-250m years ago)/also written 二疊紀|二叠纪/ 二連 二连 T - 59 Er lián f /Erlian basin in Inner Mongolia/ 二連巨盜龍 二连巨盗龙 T - 0 èr lián jù dào lóng f /Gigantoraptor erlianensis (a giant bird-like dinosaur found in Erlian in Inner Mongolia)/ 二連浩特 二连浩特 T - 11 Er lián hào tè f /Erlianhaote city in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟[Xi1 lin2 guo1 le4 meng2], Inner Mongolia/ 二連浩特市 二连浩特市 T - 16 Er lián hào tè shì f /Erlianhaote city in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟[Xi1 lin2 guo1 le4 meng2], Inner Mongolia/ 二連盆地 二连盆地 T - 0 Er lián pén dì f /Erlian basin in Inner Mongolia/ 二進 二进 T - 0 èr jìn f /binary (math)/ 二進制 二进制 T - 99 èr jìn zhì f /binary system (math)/ 二進制編碼 二进制编码 T - 0 èr jìn zhì biān mǎ f /binary code/binary encoding/ 二進宮 二进宫 T - 16 èr jìn gōng f /name of a famous opera/(slang) to go to jail for a second offense/ 二逼 - 0 èr bī f /variant of 二屄[er4 bi1]/ 二遍苦 - 0 èr biàn kǔ f /second persecution/ 二道 - 240 Er dào f /Erdao district of Changchun city 長春市|长春市, Jilin/ 二道区 二道區 S - 3 Er dào qū f /Erdao district of Changchun city 長春市|长春市, Jilin/ 二道區 二道区 T - 3 Er dào qū f /Erdao district of Changchun city 長春市|长春市, Jilin/ 二道江 - 0 Er dào jiāng f /Erdaojiang district of Tonghua city 通化市, Jilin/ 二道江区 二道江區 S - 3 Er dào jiāng qū f /Erdaojiang district of Tonghua city 通化市, Jilin/ 二道江區 二道江区 T - 3 Er dào jiāng qū f /Erdaojiang district of Tonghua city 通化市, Jilin/ 二道販子 二道贩子 T - 12 èr dào fàn zi f /middleman/buyer and seller/ 二道贩子 二道販子 S - 12 èr dào fàn zi f /middleman/buyer and seller/ 二郎 - 118 Er láng f /see 二郎神[Er4 lang2 shen2]/ 二郎神 - 16 Er láng shén f /Erlangshen, Chinese deity/ 二郎腿 - 38 èr láng tuǐ f /one leg over the other (legs crossed)/ 二部制 - 3 èr bù zhì f /two shift system (in schools)/ 二醇 - 0 èr chún f /glycol/ 二里头 二里頭 S - 277 Er lǐ tou f /Erlitou (Xia dynasty 夏朝 archaeological site at Yanshi 偃师 in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan)/ 二里頭 二里头 T - 277 Er lǐ tou f /Erlitou (Xia dynasty 夏朝 archaeological site at Yanshi 偃师 in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan)/ 二重 - 54 èr chóng f /double/repeated twice/ 二重下标 二重下標 S - 0 èr chóng xià biāo f /double subscript/doubly indexed/ 二重下標 二重下标 T - 0 èr chóng xià biāo f /double subscript/doubly indexed/ 二重唱 - 14 èr chóng chàng f /duet/ 二重奏 - 12 èr chóng zòu f /duet (in music)/ 二重性 - 32 èr chóng xìng f /dualism/two sided/double nature/ 二重根 - 3 èr chóng gēn f /a double root of an equation/ 二重母音 - 0 èr chóng mǔ yīn f /diphthong/ 二鍋頭 二锅头 T - 24 èr guō tóu f /erguotou (sorghum liquor)/ 二锅头 二鍋頭 S - 24 èr guō tóu f /erguotou (sorghum liquor)/ 二阶 二階 S - 62 èr jiē f /second order/quadratic (math.)/ 二阿姨 - 0 èr ā yí f /auntie, second eldest of sisters in mother's family/ 二階 二阶 T - 62 èr jiē f /second order/quadratic (math.)/ 二項式 二项式 T - 28 èr xiàng shì f /two items/binomial (math.)/ 二項式係數 二项式系数 T - 0 èr xiàng shì xì shù f /a binomial coefficient (math.)/the number of combinations/ 二項式定理 二项式定理 T - 0 èr xiàng shì dìng lǐ f /the Binomial Theorem (math.)/ 二頭肌 二头肌 T - 3 èr tóu jī f /biceps muscle/ 二项式 二項式 S - 28 èr xiàng shì f /two items/binomial (math.)/ 二项式定理 二項式定理 S - 0 èr xiàng shì dìng lǐ f /the Binomial Theorem (math.)/ 二项式系数 二項式係數 S - 0 èr xiàng shì xì shù f /a binomial coefficient (math.)/the number of combinations/ 二鬼子 - 0 èr guǐ zi f /traitor/collaborator with the enemy/ 二黃 二黄 T - 5 èr huáng f /one of the two chief types of music in Chinese opera/Peking opera/also written 二簧[er4 huang2]/see also 西皮[xi1 pi2]/ 二黄 二黃 S - 5 èr huáng f /one of the two chief types of music in Chinese opera/Peking opera/also written 二簧[er4 huang2]/see also 西皮[xi1 pi2]/ 亍 - 185 chù f /step with the right foot/see 彳亍[chi4 chu4]/ 于 - 106176 Yú f /surname Yu/ 于 - 106176 yú f /to go/to take/sentence-final interrogative particle/variant of 於|于[yu2]/ 于 於 S - 106176 yú f /in/at/to/from/by/than/out of/ 于丹 - 2 Yú Dān f /Yu Dan (1965-), female scholar, writer, educator and TV presenter/ 于事无补 於事無補 S - 53 yú shì wú bǔ f /unhelpful/useless/ 于归 于歸 S - 0 yú guī f /(literary) (of a girl) to marry/ 于归之喜 于歸之喜 S - 0 yú guī zhī xǐ f /the joy of matrimony (polite phrase referring to a young woman)/ 于心不忍 於心不忍 S - 24 yú xīn bù rěn f /can't bear to/ 于是 於是 S 856 13536 yú shì f /thereupon/as a result/consequently/thus/hence/ 于是乎 於是乎 S - 56 yú shì hū f /therefore/ 于歸 于归 T - 0 yú guī f /(literary) (of a girl) to marry/ 于歸之喜 于归之喜 T - 0 yú guī zhī xǐ f /the joy of matrimony (polite phrase referring to a young woman)/ 于洪 - 2 Yú hóng f /Yuhong district of Shenyang city 沈陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning/ 于洪区 于洪區 S - 2 Yú hóng Qū f /Yuhong District of Shenyang city 沈陽市|沈阳市[Shen3 yang2 shi4], Liaoning/ 于洪區 于洪区 T - 2 Yú hóng Qū f /Yuhong District of Shenyang city 沈陽市|沈阳市[Shen3 yang2 shi4], Liaoning/ 于焉 於焉 S - 2 yú yān f /(classical) see 於是|于是[yu2 shi4]/ 于田 於田 S - 20 Yú tián f /Kériye Nahiyisi/Yutian county in Khotan prefecture 和田地區|和田地区[He2 tian2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 于田县 於田縣 S - 5 Yú tián xiàn f /Kériye Nahiyisi/Yutian county in Khotan prefecture 和田地區|和田地区[He2 tian2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 于都 於都 S - 0 Yú dū f /Yudu county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi/ 于都县 於都縣 S - 4 Yú dū xiàn f /Yudu county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi/ 于雾霭之中 於霧靄之中 S - 0 yú wù ǎi zhī zhōng f /to be beclouded/ 亏 虧 S - 1580 kuī f /deficiency/deficit/luckily/it's lucky that.../(often ironically) fancy that.../ 亏产 虧產 S - 3 kuī chǎn f /a shortfall in production/ 亏待 虧待 S 4686 146 kuī dài f /to treat sb unfairly/ 亏得 虧得 S - 182 kuī de f /fortunately/luckily/(sarcastic) fancy that, how fortunate!/ 亏心 虧心 S - 21 kuī xīn f /a guilty conscience/ 亏心事 虧心事 S - 63 kuī xīn shì f /shameful deed/ 亏折 虧折 S - 3 kuī zhé f /to make a capital loss/ 亏损 虧損 S 4751 1140 kuī sǔn f /deficit/(financial) loss/ 亏本 虧本 S - 103 kuī běn f /to make a loss/ 亏本出售 虧本出售 S - 0 kuī běn chū shòu f /to sell at a loss/ 亏格 虧格 S - 5 kuī gé f /(math.) genus/ 亏欠 虧欠 S - 37 kuī qiàn f /to fall short of/to have a deficit/deficit/deficiency/ 亏空 虧空 S - 83 kuī kōng f /in debt/in the red/in deficit/ 亏缺 虧缺 S - 3 kuī quē f /to be lacking/to fall short of/to wane/deficit/deficient/ 亏负 虧負 S - 50 kuī fù f /deficient/to let sb down/to cause sb suffering/ 亐 - 0 yú f /archaic variant of 于[Yu2]/ 云 1101 6353 yún f /(classical) to say/ 云 雲 S 1101 6353 Yún f /surname Yun/abbr. for Yunnan Province 雲南省|云南省[Yun2 nan2 Sheng3]/ 云 雲 S 1101 6353 yún f /cloud/CL:朵[duo3]/ 云云 - 165 yún yún f /and so on/so and so/many and confused/ 云冈石窟 雲岡石窟 S - 19 Yún gāng shí kū f /Yungang caves at Datong 大同, Shanxi 山西/ 云华 雲華 S - 0 yún huá f /muscovite, mica (used in TCM)/Muscovitum/ 云南 雲南 S - 3139 Yún nán f /Yunnan province in southwest China, bordering on Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar, abbr. 滇[dian1] or 雲|云, capital Kunming 昆明/ 云南柳莺 雲南柳鶯 S - 0 Yún nán liǔ yīng f /(bird species of China) Chinese leaf warbler (Phylloscopus yunnanensis)/ 云南白斑尾柳莺 雲南白斑尾柳鶯 S - 0 yún nán bái bān wěi liǔ yīng f /(bird species of China) Davison's leaf warbler (Phylloscopus davisoni)/ 云南省 雲南省 S - 504 Yún nán Shěng f /Yunnan Province in southwest China, bordering on Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar, abbr. 滇[Dian1] or 雲|云[Yun2], capital Kunming 昆明[Kun1 ming2]/ 云县 雲縣 S - 6 Yún xiàn f /Yun county in Lincang 臨滄|临沧[Lin2 cang1], Yunnan/ 云吞 雲吞 S - 4 yún tūn f /wonton/ 云和 雲和 S - 34 Yún hé f /Yunhe county in Lishui 麗水|丽水[Li2 shui3], Zhejiang/ 云和县 雲和縣 S - 2 Yún hé xiàn f /Yunhe county in Lishui 麗水|丽水[Li2 shui3], Zhejiang/ 云城 - 0 Yún chéng f /Yuncheng district of Yunfu city 雲浮市|云浮市[Yun2 fu2 shi4], Guangdong/ 云城区 云城區 S - 3 Yún chéng qū f /Yuncheng district of Yunfu city 雲浮市|云浮市[Yun2 fu2 shi4], Guangdong/ 云城區 云城区 T - 3 Yún chéng qū f /Yuncheng district of Yunfu city 雲浮市|云浮市[Yun2 fu2 shi4], Guangdong/ 云头 雲頭 S - 193 yún tóu f /cloud/ 云安 雲安 S - 10 Yún ān f /Yun'an county in Yunfu 雲浮|云浮[Yun2 fu2], Guangdong/ 云安县 雲安縣 S - 3 Yún ān xiàn f /Yun'an county in Yunfu 雲浮|云浮[Yun2 fu2], Guangdong/ 云室 雲室 S - 37 yún shì f /cloud chamber (physics)/ 云层 雲層 S - 161 yún céng f /the clouds/cloud layer/cloud bank/ 云岩 雲岩 S - 5 Yún yán f /Yunyan district of Guiyang city 貴陽市|贵阳市[Gui4 yang2 shi4], Guizhou/ 云岩区 雲岩區 S - 5 Yún yán qū f /Yunyan district of Guiyang city 貴陽市|贵阳市[Gui4 yang2 shi4], Guizhou/ 云彩 雲彩 S - 137 yún cai f /(coll.) cloud/CL:朵[duo3]/ 云散风流 雲散風流 S - 3 yún sàn fēng liú f /lit. clouds scatter, wind flows (idiom); the crisis settles down/people disperse home/things return to normal/ 云朵 雲朵 S - 355 yún duǒ f /a cloud/ 云杉 雲杉 S - 128 yún shān f /spruce/ 云林 雲林 S - 11 Yún lín f /Yunlin county in Taiwan/ 云林县 雲林縣 S - 11 Yún lín xiàn f /Yunlin county in Taiwan/ 云梦 雲夢 S - 16 Yún mèng f /Yunmeng county in Xiaogan 孝感[Xiao4 gan3], Hubei/ 云梦县 雲夢縣 S - 262 Yún mèng xiàn f /Yunmeng county in Xiaogan 孝感[Xiao4 gan3], Hubei/ 云梯 雲梯 S - 211 yún tī f /escalade/ 云母 雲母 S - 563 yún mǔ f /mica/ 云气 雲氣 S - 44 yún qì f /mist/ 云沙 雲沙 S - 0 yún shā f /muscovite, mica (used in TCM)/Muscovitum/ 云浮 雲浮 S - 12 Yún fú f /Yunfu prefecture level city in Guangdong province 廣東省|广东省[Guang3 dong1 sheng3] in south China/ 云浮市 雲浮市 S - 6 Yún fú shì f /Yunfu prefecture level city in Guangdong province 廣東省|广东省[Guang3 dong1 sheng3] in south China/ 云消雾散 雲消霧散 S - 4 yún xiāo wù sàn f /the clouds melt and the mists disperse (idiom)/to clear up/to vanish into thin air/ 云涌 雲湧 S - 3 yún yǒng f /in large numbers/in force/lit. clouds bubbling up/ 云液 雲液 S - 0 yún yè f /muscovite, mica (used in TCM)/Muscovitum/ 云游 雲遊 S - 95 yún yóu f /to wander (typically of an errant priest)/ 云溪 雲溪 S - 0 Yún xī f /Yunxi district of Yueyang city 岳陽|岳阳[Yue4 yang2], Hunan/ 云溪区 雲溪區 S - 3 Yún xī qū f /Yunxi district of Yueyang city 岳陽|岳阳[Yue4 yang2], Hunan/ 云烟 雲煙 S - 46 yún yān f /mist/smoke/cloud/ 云片糕 雲片糕 S - 3 yún piàn gāo f /a kind of cake/ 云珠 雲珠 S - 0 yún zhū f /muscovite, mica (used in TCM)/Muscovitum/ 云石斑鸭 雲石斑鴨 S - 0 yún shí bān yā f /(bird species of China) marbled teal (Marmaronetta angustirostris)/ 云窗雾槛 雲窗霧檻 S - 0 yún chuāng wù kǎn f /cloud around the window, mist on the threshold (idiom); tall building with the windows in the clouds/ 云端 雲端 S - 95 yún duān f /fig. high in the clouds/(in the) cloud (computing)/ 云英 雲英 S - 3 yún yīng f /muscovite, mica (used in TCM)/Muscovitum/ 云豆 雲豆 S - 3 yún dòu f /variant of 芸豆[yun2 dou4]/ 云豹 雲豹 S - 60 yún bào f /clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa)/ 云贵川 雲貴川 S - 9 Yún Guì Chuān f /Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan/south west China/ 云贵高原 雲貴高原 S - 79 Yún Guì gāo yuán f /Yunnan and Guizhou plateau in southwest China, covering east Yunnan, whole of Guizhou, west of Guangxi and southern margins of Sichuan, Hubei and Hunan/ 云里雾里 雲裡霧裡 S - 3 yún lǐ wù lǐ f /amidst the clouds and mist/(fig.) mystified/puzzled/ 云阳 雲陽 S - 55 Yún yáng f /Yunyang county in Wanzhou suburbs of north Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 云阳县 雲陽縣 S - 4 Yún yáng xiàn f /Yunyang county in Wanzhou suburbs of north Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 云雀 雲雀 S - 32 yún què f /(bird species of China) Eurasian skylark (Alauda arvensis)/ 云集 雲集 S - 1092 yún jí f /to gather (in a crowd)/to converge/to swarm/ 云雨 雲雨 S - 28 yún yù f /lit. cloud and rain/fig. sexual intercourse/ 云雾 雲霧 S - 663 yún wù f /clouds and mist/ 云雾径迹 雲霧徑跡 S - 0 yún wù jìng jì f /cloud track (trace of ionizing particle in cloud chamber)/ 云霄 雲霄 S - 95 Yún xiāo f /Yunxiao county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang1 zhou1], Fujian/ 云霄 雲霄 S - 95 yún xiāo f /(the) skies/ 云霄县 雲霄縣 S - 4 Yún xiāo xiàn f /Yunxiao county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang1 zhou1], Fujian/ 云霄飞车 雲霄飛車 S - 3 yún xiāo fēi chē f /roller coaster/ 云霭 雲靄 S - 3 yún ǎi f /floating clouds/ 云鬓 雲鬢 S - 38 yún bìn f /a woman's beautiful, thick hair/ 云龙 雲龍 S - 33 Yún lóng f /Yunlong district of Xuzhou city 徐州市[Xu2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/Yunlong county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 云龙区 雲龍區 S - 3 Yún lóng qū f /Yunlong district of Xuzhou city 徐州市[Xu2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 云龙县 雲龍縣 S - 4 Yún lóng xiàn f /Yunlong county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 互 - 2051 hù f /mutual/ 互不侵犯 - 37 hù bù qīn fàn f /non-aggression/ 互不相欠 - 0 hù bù xiāng qiàn f /see 兩不相欠|两不相欠[liang3 bu4 xiang1 qian4]/ 互不相讓 互不相让 T - 35 hù bù xiāng ràng f /neither giving way to the other/ 互不相让 互不相讓 S - 35 hù bù xiāng ràng f /neither giving way to the other/ 互为因果 互為因果 S - 15 hù wéi yīn guǒ f /mutually related karma (idiom); fates are intertwined/interdependent/ 互信 - 94 hù xìn f /mutual trust/ 互利 - 227 hù lì f /mutually beneficial/ 互动 互動 S - 657 hù dòng f /to interact/interactive/ 互动电视 互動電視 S - 0 hù dòng diàn shì f /interactive TV/ 互助 - 557 Hù zhù f /Huzhu Tuzu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区[Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai/ 互助 - 557 hù zhù f /to help each other/ 互助县 互助縣 S - 4 Hù zhù xiàn f /Huzhu Tuzu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区[Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai/ 互助土族自治县 互助土族自治縣 S - 3 Hù zhù Tǔ zú Zì zhì xiàn f /Huzhu Tuzu Autonomous County in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区[Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai/ 互助土族自治縣 互助土族自治县 T - 3 Hù zhù Tǔ zú Zì zhì xiàn f /Huzhu Tuzu Autonomous County in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区[Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai/ 互助縣 互助县 T - 4 Hù zhù xiàn f /Huzhu Tuzu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区[Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai/ 互勉 - 3 hù miǎn f /to encourage each other/ 互動 互动 T - 657 hù dòng f /to interact/interactive/ 互動電視 互动电视 T - 0 hù dòng diàn shì f /interactive TV/ 互异 互異 S - 5 hù yì f /differing from one another/mutually different/ 互惠 - 116 hù huì f /mutual benefit/mutually beneficial/reciprocal/ 互换 互換 S - 156 hù huàn f /to exchange/ 互換 互换 T - 156 hù huàn f /to exchange/ 互操性 - 0 hù cāo xìng f /interoperability/ 互文 - 0 hù wén f /paired phrases (poetic device)/ 互斥 - 7 hù chì f /mutually exclusive/ 互為因果 互为因果 T - 15 hù wéi yīn guǒ f /mutually related karma (idiom); fates are intertwined/interdependent/ 互生 - 3 hù shēng f /alternate phyllotaxy (leaf pattern)/ 互生叶 互生葉 S - 3 hù shēng yè f /alternate phyllotaxy (leaf pattern)/ 互生葉 互生叶 T - 3 hù shēng yè f /alternate phyllotaxy (leaf pattern)/ 互異 互异 T - 5 hù yì f /differing from one another/mutually different/ 互相 892 4546 hù xiāng f /each other/mutually/mutual/ 互相依存 - 0 hù xiāng yī cún f /interdependent/ 互相扯皮 - 0 hù xiāng chě pí f /to pass the buck/to shirk responsibility/ 互相推諉 互相推诿 T - 26 hù xiāng tuī wěi f /mutually shirking responsibilities (idiom); each blaming the other/passing the buck to and fro/each trying to unload responsibilities onto the other/ 互相推诿 互相推諉 S - 26 hù xiāng tuī wěi f /mutually shirking responsibilities (idiom); each blaming the other/passing the buck to and fro/each trying to unload responsibilities onto the other/ 互相沟通 互相溝通 S - 0 hù xiāng gōu tōng f /inter-communication/ 互相溝通 互相沟通 T - 0 hù xiāng gōu tōng f /inter-communication/ 互相监督 互相監督 S - 3 hù xiāng jiān dū f /mutual supervision/ 互相監督 互相监督 T - 3 hù xiāng jiān dū f /mutual supervision/ 互相联系 互相聯繫 S - 3 hù xiāng lián xì f /mutually related/interconnected/ 互相聯繫 互相联系 T - 3 hù xiāng lián xì f /mutually related/interconnected/ 互相连接 互相連接 S - 0 hù xiāng lián jiē f /interlinked/ 互相連接 互相连接 T - 0 hù xiāng lián jiē f /interlinked/ 互素 - 0 hù sù f /(math.) coprime/relatively prime (having no common factor)/ 互联 互聯 S - 187 hù lián f /interconnected/ 互联网 互聯網 S 1139 1813 Hù lián wǎng f /Internet/ 互联网站 互聯網站 S - 8 hù lián wǎng zhàn f /Internet site/ 互联网络 互聯網絡 S - 133 hù lián wǎng luò f /network/ 互聯 互联 T - 187 hù lián f /interconnected/ 互聯網 互联网 T 1139 1813 Hù lián wǎng f /Internet/ 互聯網站 互联网站 T - 8 hù lián wǎng zhàn f /Internet site/ 互聯網絡 互联网络 T - 133 hù lián wǎng luò f /network/ 互补 互補 S - 291 hù bǔ f /complementary/to complement each other/ 互補 互补 T - 291 hù bǔ f /complementary/to complement each other/ 互訪 互访 T - 149 hù fǎng f /exchange visits/ 互訴衷腸 互诉衷肠 T - 0 hū sù zhōng cháng f /to confide in each other (idiom)/ 互譯 互译 T - 3 hù yì f /two-way translation/ 互访 互訪 S - 149 hù fǎng f /exchange visits/ 互诉衷肠 互訴衷腸 S - 0 hū sù zhōng cháng f /to confide in each other (idiom)/ 互译 互譯 S - 3 hù yì f /two-way translation/ 互连 互連 S - 80 hù lián f /interconnection/ 互通 - 233 hù tōng f /to intercommunicate/to interoperate/ 互通性 - 3 hù tōng xìng f /interoperability (of communications equipment)/ 互通有无 互通有無 S - 34 hù tōng yǒu wú f /mutual exchange of assistance (idiom)/to benefit from each other's strengths and make up each other's shortfalls/to reciprocate with material assistance/scratch each other's back/ 互通有無 互通有无 T - 34 hù tōng yǒu wú f /mutual exchange of assistance (idiom)/to benefit from each other's strengths and make up each other's shortfalls/to reciprocate with material assistance/scratch each other's back/ 互連 互连 T - 80 hù lián f /interconnection/ 亓 - 70 Qí f /surname Qi/ 亓 - 70 qí f /his/her/its/their/ 五 104 15665 wǔ f /five/5/ 五一 - 2261 wǔ yī f /5-1 (May 1st)/ 五七 - 41 wǔ qī f /memorial activity 35 days after a person's death/ 五七一代 - 0 wǔ qī yī dài f /generation of 1957/refers to Mao's anti-rightist purge of 1957/ 五七干校 五七幹校 S - 25 wǔ qī gàn xiào f /May 7 Cadre School (forcing educated people into re-education and peasant labor during Cultural Revolution)/abbr. for 五七幹部學校|五七干部学校[wu3 qi1 gan4 bu4 xue2 xiao4]/ 五七干部学校 五七幹部學校 S - 0 wǔ qī gàn bù xué xiào f /May 7 Cadre School (forcing educated people into re-education and peasant labor during Cultural Revolution)/abbr. to 五七幹校|五七干校/ 五七幹校 五七干校 T - 25 wǔ qī gàn xiào f /May 7 Cadre School (forcing educated people into re-education and peasant labor during Cultural Revolution)/abbr. for 五七幹部學校|五七干部学校[wu3 qi1 gan4 bu4 xue2 xiao4]/ 五七幹部學校 五七干部学校 T - 0 wǔ qī gàn bù xué xiào f /May 7 Cadre School (forcing educated people into re-education and peasant labor during Cultural Revolution)/abbr. to 五七幹校|五七干校/ 五世 - 210 wǔ shì f /the fifth (of series of numbered kings)/ 五五 - 18 wǔ wǔ f /50-50/equal (share, partnership etc)/ 五人墓碑記 五人墓碑记 T - 0 wǔ rén mù bēi jì f /Five tombstone inscriptions (1628), written by Zhang Pu 張溥|张溥[Zhang1 Pu3]/ 五人墓碑记 五人墓碑記 S - 0 wǔ rén mù bēi jì f /Five tombstone inscriptions (1628), written by Zhang Pu 張溥|张溥[Zhang1 Pu3]/ 五代 - 1734 Wǔ dài f /Five Dynasties, period of history between the fall of the Tang dynasty (907) and the founding of the Song dynasty (960), when five would-be dynasties were established in quick succession in North China/ 五代十国 五代十國 S - 3 Wǔ dài Shí guó f /Five Dynasties (907-960) and Ten Kingdoms (902-979), period of political turmoil in ancient China/ 五代十國 五代十国 T - 3 Wǔ dài Shí guó f /Five Dynasties (907-960) and Ten Kingdoms (902-979), period of political turmoil in ancient China/ 五代史 - 3 Wǔ dài shǐ f /History of the Five Dynasties, eighteenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled under Xue Juzheng 薛居正[Xue1 Ju1 zheng4] in 974 during Northern Song 北宋[Bei3 Song4], 150 scrolls/ 五伦 五倫 S - 7 wǔ lún f /the five Confucian relationships (ruler-subject, father-son, brother-brother, husband-wife, friend-friend)/ 五体投地 五體投地 S - 85 wǔ tǐ tóu dì f /to prostrate oneself in admiration (idiom); to adulate sb/ 五倍子树 五倍子樹 S - 0 wǔ bèi zi shù f /Chinese sumac (Rhus chinensis)/ 五倍子樹 五倍子树 T - 0 wǔ bèi zi shù f /Chinese sumac (Rhus chinensis)/ 五倫 五伦 T - 7 wǔ lún f /the five Confucian relationships (ruler-subject, father-son, brother-brother, husband-wife, friend-friend)/ 五光十色 - 64 wǔ guāng shí sè f /brilliant colors/ 五凉 五涼 S - 0 Wǔ Liáng f /the five Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms, namely: Former Liang 前涼|前凉 (314-376), Later Liang 後涼|後凉 (386-403), Northern Liang 北涼|北凉 (398-439), Southern Liang 南涼 (397-414), Western Liang 西涼|西凉 (400-421)/ 五分之一 - 7 wǔ fēn zhī yī f /one fifth/ 五分熟 - 0 wǔ fēn shú f /cooked five minutes/medium (of steak)/ 五分美金 - 0 wǔ fēn Měi jīn f /nickel/five US cents/ 五刑 - 40 wǔ xíng f /imperial five punishments of feudal China, up to Han times: tattooing characters on the forehead 墨[mo4], cutting off the nose 劓[yi4], amputation of one or both feet 刖[yue4], castration 宮|宫[gong1], execution 大辟[da4 pi4]/Han dynasty onwards: whipping 笞[chi1], beating the legs and buttocks with rough thorns 杖[zhang4], forced labor 徒[tu2], exile or banishment 流[liu2], capital punishment 死[si3]/ 五加 - 26 wǔ jiā f /Acanthopanax gracilistylus/ 五劳七伤 五勞七傷 S - 2 wǔ láo qī shāng f /(TCM) "five strains and seven impairments", five referring to the five viscera 五臟|五脏[wu3 zang4], and seven to adverse effects on one's body as a result of: overeating (spleen), anger (liver), moisture (kidney), cold (lung), worry (heart), wind and rain (outer appearance) and fear (mind)/ 五勞七傷 五劳七伤 T - 2 wǔ láo qī shāng f /(TCM) "five strains and seven impairments", five referring to the five viscera 五臟|五脏[wu3 zang4], and seven to adverse effects on one's body as a result of: overeating (spleen), anger (liver), moisture (kidney), cold (lung), worry (heart), wind and rain (outer appearance) and fear (mind)/ 五十 - 666 wǔ shí f /fifty/ 五十步笑百步 - 5 wǔ shí bù xiào bǎi bù f /the one who has retreated 50 steps laughs at the one who has retreated 100 steps (idiom)/the pot calls the kettle black/ 五十肩 - 0 wǔ shí jiān f /adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder)/ 五十鈴 五十铃 T - 6 Wǔ shí líng f /Isuzu/ 五十铃 五十鈴 S - 6 Wǔ shí líng f /Isuzu/ 五卅 - 42 wǔ sà f /abbr. for 五卅運動|五卅运动[wu3 sa4 yun4 dong4], The May Thirtieth Movement (1925)/ 五卅运动 五卅運動 S - 226 wǔ sà yùn dòng f /anti-imperialist movement of 30th May 1925, involving general strike esp. in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong etc/ 五卅運動 五卅运动 T - 226 wǔ sà yùn dòng f /anti-imperialist movement of 30th May 1925, involving general strike esp. in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong etc/ 五华 五華 S - 16 Wǔ huá f /Wuhua county in Meizhou 梅州, Guangdong/Wuhua district of Kunming city 昆明市[Kun1 ming2 shi4], Yunnan/ 五华区 五華區 S - 3 Wǔ huá qū f /Wuhua district of Kunming city 昆明市[Kun1 ming2 shi4], Yunnan/ 五华县 五華縣 S - 3 Wǔ huá xiàn f /Wuhua county in Meizhou 梅州, Guangdong/ 五原 - 97 Wǔ yuán f /Wuyuan county in Bayan Nur 巴彥淖爾|巴彦淖尔[Ba1 yan4 nao4 er3], Inner Mongolia/ 五原县 五原縣 S - 10 Wǔ yuán xiàn f /Wuyuan county in Bayan Nur 巴彥淖爾|巴彦淖尔[Ba1 yan4 nao4 er3], Inner Mongolia/ 五原縣 五原县 T - 10 Wǔ yuán xiàn f /Wuyuan county in Bayan Nur 巴彥淖爾|巴彦淖尔[Ba1 yan4 nao4 er3], Inner Mongolia/ 五口通商 - 0 wǔ kǒu tōng shāng f /the five treaty ports forced on Qing China by the 1842 treaty of Nanjing 南京條約|南京条约 that concluded the First Opium War, namely: Guangzhou 廣州|广州, Fuzhou 福州, Ningbo 寧波|宁波, Xiamen or Amoy 廈門|厦门 and Shanghai 上海/ 五台 五臺 S - 74 Wǔ tái f /Wutai city and county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ 五台县 五臺縣 S - 22 Wǔ tái xiàn f /Wutai county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ 五台山 五臺山 S - 388 Wǔ tái Shān f /Mt Wutai in Shanxi 山西[Shan1 xi1], one of the Four Sacred Mountains and home of the Bodhimanda of Manjushri 文殊[Wen2 shu1]/ 五台市 五臺市 S - 0 Wǔ tái shì f /Wutai city in Shanxi/ 五号 五號 S - 58 wǔ hào f /the fifth/fifth day of a month/ 五号电池 五號電池 S - 0 wǔ hào diàn chí f /AA battery (PRC)/Taiwan equivalent: 三號電池|三号电池/ 五味 - 65 wǔ wèi f /the five flavors, namely: sweet 甜, sour 酸, bitter 苦, spicy hot 辣, salty 鹹|咸/all kinds of flavors/ 五味俱全 - 8 wǔ wèi jū quán f /a complete gamut of all five flavors (idiom); every flavor under the sun/ 五味子 - 58 wǔ wèi zǐ f /schizandra (Schisandra chinensis)/Magnolia vine/ 五味杂陈 五味雜陳 S - 3 wǔ wèi zá chén f /with complex feelings (idiom)/ 五味雜陳 五味杂陈 T - 3 wǔ wèi zá chén f /with complex feelings (idiom)/ 五四 - 667 wǔ sì f /fourth of May, cf 五四運動|五四运动, national renewal movement that started with 4th May 1919 protest against the Treaty of Versailles/ 五四愛國運動 五四爱国运动 T - 0 wǔ sì ài guó yùn dòng f /May Fourth Movement/Chinese national renewal movement that started with 4th May 1919 protest against the Treaty of Versailles/ 五四爱国运动 五四愛國運動 S - 0 wǔ sì ài guó yùn dòng f /May Fourth Movement/Chinese national renewal movement that started with 4th May 1919 protest against the Treaty of Versailles/ 五四运动 五四運動 S - 1030 Wǔ sì Yùn dòng f /May Fourth Movement/Chinese national renewal movement that started with 4th May 1919 protest against the Treaty of Versailles/ 五四運動 五四运动 T - 1030 Wǔ sì Yùn dòng f /May Fourth Movement/Chinese national renewal movement that started with 4th May 1919 protest against the Treaty of Versailles/ 五声音阶 五聲音階 S - 0 wǔ shēng yīn jiē f /pentatonic scale/ 五大名山 - 0 Wǔ dà Míng shān f /Five Sacred Mountains of the Daoists, namely: Mt Tai 泰山[Tai4 Shan1] in Shandong, Mt Hua 華山|华山[Hua4 Shan1] in Shaanxi, Mt Heng 衡山[Heng2 Shan1] in Hunan, Mt Heng 恆山|恒山[Heng2 Shan1] in Shanxi, Mt Song 嵩山[Song1 Shan1] in Henan/ 五大洲 - 3 wǔ dà zhōu f /five continents/the whole world/ 五大湖 - 3 Wǔ dà hú f /Great Lakes/the five north American Great Lakes/ 五大连池 五大連池 S - 51 Wǔ dà lián chí f /Wudalianchi county level city in Heihe 黑河[Hei1 he2], Heilongjiang/ 五大连池市 五大連池市 S - 8 Wǔ dà lián chí shì f /Wudalianchi county level city in Heihe 黑河[Hei1 he2], Heilongjiang/ 五大連池 五大连池 T - 51 Wǔ dà lián chí f /Wudalianchi county level city in Heihe 黑河[Hei1 he2], Heilongjiang/ 五大連池市 五大连池市 T - 8 Wǔ dà lián chí shì f /Wudalianchi county level city in Heihe 黑河[Hei1 he2], Heilongjiang/ 五子棋 - 20 wǔ zǐ qí f /five-in-a-row (game similar to tic-tac-toe)/Japanese: gomoku/gobang/ 五官 - 216 wǔ guān f /five sense organs of TCM (nose, eyes, lips, tongue, ears 鼻目口舌耳)/facial features/ 五官端正 - 3 wǔ guān duān zhèng f /to have regular features/ 五家渠 - 3 Wǔ jiā qú f /Wujyachü shehiri (Wujiaqu city) or Wǔjiāqú subprefecture level city in Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture in north Xinjiang/ 五家渠市 - 3 Wǔ jiā qú shì f /Wujyachü shehiri (Wujiaqu city) or Wǔjiāqú subprefecture level city in Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture in north Xinjiang/ 五寨 - 9 Wǔ zhài f /Wuzhai county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ 五寨县 五寨縣 S - 2 Wǔ zhài xiàn f /Wuzhai county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ 五寨縣 五寨县 T - 2 Wǔ zhài xiàn f /Wuzhai county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ 五岭 五嶺 S - 44 wǔ lǐng f /the five ranges separating Hunan and Jiangxi from south China, esp. Guangdong and Guangxi, namely: Dayu 大庾嶺|大庾岭[Da4 yu3 ling3], Dupang 都龐嶺|都庞岭[Du1 pang2 ling3], Qitian 騎田嶺|骑田岭[Qi2 tian2 ling3], Mengzhu 萌渚嶺|萌渚岭[Meng2 zhu3 ling3] and Yuecheng 越城嶺|越城岭[Yue4 cheng2 ling3]/ 五岳 五嶽 S - 630 Wǔ yuè f /Five Sacred Mountains of the Daoists, namely: Mt Tai 泰山[Tai4 Shan1] in Shandong, Mt Hua 華山|华山[Hua4 Shan1] in Shaanxi, Mt Heng 衡山[Heng2 Shan1] in Hunan, Mt Heng 恆山|恒山[Heng2 Shan1] in Shanxi, Mt Song 嵩山[Song1 Shan1] in Henan/ 五峰 - 304 Wǔ fēng f /abbr. for 五峰土家族自治縣|五峰土家族自治县[Wu3 feng1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 xian4], Wufeng Tujiazu Autonomous County in Hubei/Wufeng township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 五峰乡 五峰鄉 S - 0 Wǔ fēng xiāng f /Wufeng township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 五峰县 五峰縣 S - 5 Wǔ fēng Xiàn f /abbr. for 五峰土家族自治縣|五峰土家族自治县[Wu3 feng1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 xian4], Wufeng Tujiazu Autonomous County in Hubei/ 五峰土家族自治县 五峰土家族自治縣 S - 262 Wǔ fēng Tǔ jiā zú Zì zhì xiàn f /Wufeng Tujiazu Autonomous County in Hubei/ 五峰土家族自治縣 五峰土家族自治县 T - 262 Wǔ fēng Tǔ jiā zú Zì zhì xiàn f /Wufeng Tujiazu Autonomous County in Hubei/ 五峰縣 五峰县 T - 5 Wǔ fēng Xiàn f /abbr. for 五峰土家族自治縣|五峰土家族自治县[Wu3 feng1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 xian4], Wufeng Tujiazu Autonomous County in Hubei/ 五峰鄉 五峰乡 T - 0 Wǔ fēng xiāng f /Wufeng township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 五嶺 五岭 T - 44 wǔ lǐng f /the five ranges separating Hunan and Jiangxi from south China, esp. Guangdong and Guangxi, namely: Dayu 大庾嶺|大庾岭[Da4 yu3 ling3], Dupang 都龐嶺|都庞岭[Du1 pang2 ling3], Qitian 騎田嶺|骑田岭[Qi2 tian2 ling3], Mengzhu 萌渚嶺|萌渚岭[Meng2 zhu3 ling3] and Yuecheng 越城嶺|越城岭[Yue4 cheng2 ling3]/ 五嶽 五岳 T - 630 Wǔ yuè f /Five Sacred Mountains of the Daoists, namely: Mt Tai 泰山[Tai4 Shan1] in Shandong, Mt Hua 華山|华山[Hua4 Shan1] in Shaanxi, Mt Heng 衡山[Heng2 Shan1] in Hunan, Mt Heng 恆山|恒山[Heng2 Shan1] in Shanxi, Mt Song 嵩山[Song1 Shan1] in Henan/ 五帝 - 83 wǔ dì f /Five Emperors from legendary times/possibly tribal leaders before the historiographers got working on them/usually taken to be Yellow Emperor 黃帝|黄帝[Huang2 di4] and four of his sons Zhuan Xu 顓頊|颛顼[Zhuan1 Xu1], Di Ku 帝嚳|帝喾[Di4 Ku4], Tang Yao 唐堯|唐尧[Tang2 Yao2], Yu Shun 虞舜[Yu2 Shun4]/ 五常 - 28 Wǔ cháng f /Wuchang county level city in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨, Heilongjiang/ 五常 - 28 wǔ cháng f /five constant virtues of Confucianism, namely: benevolence 仁, righteousness 義|义, propriety 禮|礼, wisdom 智 and fidelity 信/five cardinal relationships of Confucianism (between ruler and subject, father and son, husband and wife, brothers, friends)/five phases of Chinese philosophy: water 水, fire 火, wood 木, metal 金, earth 土/ 五常市 - 3 Wǔ cháng shì f /Wuchang county level city in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨, Heilongjiang/ 五年計劃 五年计划 T - 185 wǔ nián jì huà f /Five-Year Plan/ 五年计划 五年計劃 S - 185 wǔ nián jì huà f /Five-Year Plan/ 五度 - 38 wǔ dù f /five degrees/fifth (basic musical interval, doh to soh)/ 五形 - 0 wǔ xíng f /Wuxing - "Five Animals" - Martial Art/ 五彩 - 417 wǔ cǎi f /five (main) colors (white, black, red, yellow, and blue)/multicolored/ 五彩宾纷 五彩賓紛 S - 0 wǔ cǎi bīn fēn f /colorful/ 五彩繽紛 五彩缤纷 T - 97 wǔ cǎi bīn fēn f /all the colors in profusion (idiom); a garish display/ 五彩缤纷 五彩繽紛 S - 97 wǔ cǎi bīn fēn f /all the colors in profusion (idiom); a garish display/ 五彩賓紛 五彩宾纷 T - 0 wǔ cǎi bīn fēn f /colorful/ 五打一 - 0 wǔ dǎ yī f /to masturbate (slang)/ 五指山 - 51 Wǔ zhǐ shān f /Wuzhi or Mount Five Finger, Hainan/Wuzhishan City, Hainan/ 五指山市 - 3 Wǔ zhǐ shān shì f /Wuzhishan City, Hainan/ 五斗柜 五斗櫃 S - 3 wǔ dǒu guì f /chest of drawers/ 五斗櫃 五斗柜 T - 3 wǔ dǒu guì f /chest of drawers/ 五斗米道 - 0 Wǔ dǒu mǐ Dào f /Way of the Five Pecks of Rice (Taoist movement)/Way of the Celestial Master/ 五方 - 86 wǔ fāng f /five directions, namely: east 東|东, south 南, west 西, north 北 and middle 中/ 五旬節 五旬节 T - 0 wǔ xún jié f /Pentecost/ 五旬节 五旬節 S - 0 wǔ xún jié f /Pentecost/ 五星 - 237 wǔ xīng f /the five visible planets, namely: Mercury 水星, Venus 金星, Mars 火星, Jupiter 木星, Saturn 土星/ 五星紅旗 五星红旗 T - 570 wǔ xīng hóng qí f /five-starred red flag (PRC national flag)/ 五星級 五星级 T - 145 wǔ xīng jí f /five-star (hotel)/ 五星红旗 五星紅旗 S - 570 wǔ xīng hóng qí f /five-starred red flag (PRC national flag)/ 五星级 五星級 S - 145 wǔ xīng jí f /five-star (hotel)/ 五更 - 397 wǔ gēng f /fifth of the five night watch periods 03:00-05:00 (old)/ 五月 - 1355 Wǔ yuè f /May/fifth month (of the lunar year)/ 五月份 - 3 wǔ yuè fèn f /May/ 五月節 五月节 T - 6 Wǔ yuè jié f /Dragon Boat Festival (the 5th day of the 5th lunar month)/ 五月节 五月節 S - 6 Wǔ yuè jié f /Dragon Boat Festival (the 5th day of the 5th lunar month)/ 五权宪法 五權憲法 S - 45 wǔ quán xiàn fǎ f /Sun Yat-sen's Five-power constitution of Republic of China, then of Taiwan/The five courts or 院[yuan4] are 行政院[xing2 zheng4 yuan4] Executive yuan, 立法院[li4 fa3 yuan4] Legislative yuan, 司法院[si1 fa3 yuan4] Judicial yuan, 考試院|考试院[kao3 shi4 yuan4] Examination yuan, 監察院|监察院[jian1 cha2 yuan4] Control yuan/ 五權憲法 五权宪法 T - 45 wǔ quán xiàn fǎ f /Sun Yat-sen's Five-power constitution of Republic of China, then of Taiwan/The five courts or 院[yuan4] are 行政院[xing2 zheng4 yuan4] Executive yuan, 立法院[li4 fa3 yuan4] Legislative yuan, 司法院[si1 fa3 yuan4] Judicial yuan, 考試院|考试院[kao3 shi4 yuan4] Examination yuan, 監察院|监察院[jian1 cha2 yuan4] Control yuan/ 五步蛇 - 3 wǔ bù shé f /Deinagkistrodon, a venomous pit viper/also called five-paced viper (i.e. can grow to five paces)/ 五毛 - 3 wǔ máo f /see 五毛黨|五毛党[wu3 mao2 dang3]/ 五毛党 五毛黨 S - 0 wǔ máo dǎng f /fifty cents party (person supposed to relay government propaganda on Internet sites)/ 五毛黨 五毛党 T - 0 wǔ máo dǎng f /fifty cents party (person supposed to relay government propaganda on Internet sites)/ 五氧化二釩 五氧化二钒 T - 14 wǔ yǎng huà èr fán f /Vanadium pentoxide V2O5/vanadic anhydride/ 五氧化二钒 五氧化二釩 S - 14 wǔ yǎng huà èr fán f /Vanadium pentoxide V2O5/vanadic anhydride/ 五河 - 9 Wǔ hé f /Wuhe county in Bengbu 蚌埠[Beng4 bu4], Anhui/Punjab, province of Pakistan/ 五河县 五河縣 S - 3 Wǔ hé xiàn f /Wuhe county in Bengbu 蚌埠[Beng4 bu4], Anhui/ 五河縣 五河县 T - 3 Wǔ hé xiàn f /Wuhe county in Bengbu 蚌埠[Beng4 bu4], Anhui/ 五洲 - 66 wǔ zhōu f /five continents/the world/ 五涼 五凉 T - 0 Wǔ Liáng f /the five Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms, namely: Former Liang 前涼|前凉 (314-376), Later Liang 後涼|後凉 (386-403), Northern Liang 北涼|北凉 (398-439), Southern Liang 南涼 (397-414), Western Liang 西涼|西凉 (400-421)/ 五湖四海 - 57 wǔ hú sì hǎi f /all parts of the country/ 五灯会元 五燈會元 S - 0 Wǔ dēng Huì yuán f /Song Dynasty History of Zen Buddhism in China (1252), 20 scrolls/ 五燈會元 五灯会元 T - 0 Wǔ dēng Huì yuán f /Song Dynasty History of Zen Buddhism in China (1252), 20 scrolls/ 五營 五营 T - 3 Wǔ yíng f /Wuying district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 五營區 五营区 T - 3 Wǔ yíng qū f /Wuying district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 五环 五環 S - 14 wǔ huán f /five rings/pentacyclic (chemistry)/ 五环会徽 五環會徽 S - 0 wǔ huán huì huī f /Olympic rings/ 五環 五环 T - 14 wǔ huán f /five rings/pentacyclic (chemistry)/ 五環會徽 五环会徽 T - 0 wǔ huán huì huī f /Olympic rings/ 五痨七伤 五癆七傷 S - 0 wǔ láo qī shāng f /variant of 五勞七傷|五劳七伤[wu3 lao2 qi1 shang1]/ 五瘟 - 0 wǔ wēn f /five chief demons of folklore personifying pestilence/ 五瘟神 - 0 wǔ wēn shén f /five chief demons of folklore personifying pestilence/cf four horsemen of the apocalypse/ 五癆七傷 五痨七伤 T - 0 wǔ láo qī shāng f /variant of 五勞七傷|五劳七伤[wu3 lao2 qi1 shang1]/ 五百年前是一家 - 0 wǔ bǎi nián qián shì yī jiā f /five hundred years ago we were the same family (idiom) (said of persons with the same surname)/ 五短身材 - 17 wǔ duǎn shēn cái f /(of a person) short in stature/ 五碳糖 - 0 wǔ tàn táng f /pentose (CH20)5, monosaccharide with five carbon atoms, such as ribose 核糖[he2 tang2]/ 五祖拳 - 0 wǔ zǔ quán f /Wuzuquan - "Five Ancestors" - Martial Art/ 五福临门 五福臨門 S - 3 wǔ fú lín mén f /lit. (may the) five blessings descend upon this home (namely: longevity, wealth, health, virtue, and a natural death)/(an auspicious saying for the Lunar New Year)/ 五福臨門 五福临门 T - 3 wǔ fú lín mén f /lit. (may the) five blessings descend upon this home (namely: longevity, wealth, health, virtue, and a natural death)/(an auspicious saying for the Lunar New Year)/ 五穀 五谷 T - 347 wǔ gǔ f /five crops, e.g. millet 粟[su4], soybean 豆[dou4], sesame 麻[ma2], barley 麥|麦[mai4], rice 稻[dao4] or other variants/all crops/all grains/oats, peas, beans and barley/ 五穀豐登 五谷丰登 T - 38 wǔ gǔ fēng dēng f /abundant harvest of all food crops/bumper grain harvest/ 五笔 五筆 S - 5 wǔ bǐ f /abbr. of 五筆字型|五笔字型, five stroke input method for Chinese characters by numbered strokes, invented by Wang Yongmin 王永民 in 1983/ 五笔字型 五筆字型 S - 10 wǔ bǐ zì xíng f /five stroke input method for Chinese characters by numbered strokes, invented by Wang Yongmin 王永民 in 1983/ 五笔字形 五筆字形 S - 0 wǔ bǐ zì xíng f /Chinese character input method for entering characters by numbered strokes/variant of 五筆字型|五笔字型[wu3 bi3 zi4 xing2]/ 五笔编码 五筆編碼 S - 0 wǔ bǐ biān mǎ f /five-stroke code, Chinese character input method/ 五笔输入法 五筆輸入法 S - 0 wǔ bǐ shū rù fǎ f /five stroke input method for Chinese characters by numbered strokes, invented by Wang Yongmin 王永民 in 1983/ 五筆 五笔 T - 5 wǔ bǐ f /abbr. of 五筆字型|五笔字型, five stroke input method for Chinese characters by numbered strokes, invented by Wang Yongmin 王永民 in 1983/ 五筆字型 五笔字型 T - 10 wǔ bǐ zì xíng f /five stroke input method for Chinese characters by numbered strokes, invented by Wang Yongmin 王永民 in 1983/ 五筆字形 五笔字形 T - 0 wǔ bǐ zì xíng f /Chinese character input method for entering characters by numbered strokes/variant of 五筆字型|五笔字型[wu3 bi3 zi4 xing2]/ 五筆編碼 五笔编码 T - 0 wǔ bǐ biān mǎ f /five-stroke code, Chinese character input method/ 五筆輸入法 五笔输入法 T - 0 wǔ bǐ shū rù fǎ f /five stroke input method for Chinese characters by numbered strokes, invented by Wang Yongmin 王永民 in 1983/ 五等爵位 - 0 wǔ děng jué wèi f /five orders of feudal nobility, namely: Duke 公[gong1], Marquis 侯[hou2], Count 伯[bo2], Viscount 子[zi3], Baron 男[nan2]/ 五粮液 五糧液 S - 163 Wǔ liáng yè f /Wuliangye liquor/Five Grain liquor/ 五糧液 五粮液 T - 163 Wǔ liáng yè f /Wuliangye liquor/Five Grain liquor/ 五級士官 五级士官 T - 0 wǔ jí shì guān f /master sergeant/ 五結 五结 T - 0 Wǔ jié f /Wujie or Wuchieh township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 五結鄉 五结乡 T - 0 Wǔ jié xiāng f /Wujie or Wuchieh township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 五經 五经 T - 140 Wǔ jīng f /the Five Classics of Confucianism, namely: the Book of Songs 詩經|诗经[Shi1 jing1], the Book of History 書經|书经[Shu1 jing1], the Classic of Rites 禮記|礼记[Li3 ji4], the Book of Changes 易經|易经[Yi4 jing1], and the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋[Chun1 qiu1]/ 五線譜 五线谱 T - 29 wǔ xiàn pǔ f /(music) staff/stave/ 五级士官 五級士官 S - 0 wǔ jí shì guān f /master sergeant/ 五线谱 五線譜 S - 29 wǔ xiàn pǔ f /(music) staff/stave/ 五经 五經 S - 140 Wǔ jīng f /the Five Classics of Confucianism, namely: the Book of Songs 詩經|诗经[Shi1 jing1], the Book of History 書經|书经[Shu1 jing1], the Classic of Rites 禮記|礼记[Li3 ji4], the Book of Changes 易經|易经[Yi4 jing1], and the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋[Chun1 qiu1]/ 五结 五結 S - 0 Wǔ jié f /Wujie or Wuchieh township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 五结乡 五結鄉 S - 0 Wǔ jié xiāng f /Wujie or Wuchieh township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 五聲音階 五声音阶 T - 0 wǔ shēng yīn jiē f /pentatonic scale/ 五股 - 12 Wǔ gǔ f /Wugu township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 五股乡 五股鄉 S - 3 Wǔ gǔ xiāng f /Wugu township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 五股鄉 五股乡 T - 3 Wǔ gǔ xiāng f /Wugu township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 五胡 - 3 Wǔ hú f /Five non-Han people, namely: Huns or Xiongnu 匈奴[Xiong1 nu2], Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑[Xian1 bei1], Jie 羯[Jie2], Di 氐[Di1], Qiang 羌[Qiang1], esp. in connection with the Sixteen Kingdoms 304-439 五胡十六國|五胡十六国[Wu3 hu2 Shi2 liu4 guo2]/ 五胡十六国 五胡十六國 S - 0 Wǔ hú Shí liù guó f /Sixteen Kingdoms of Five non-Han people (ruling most of China 304-439)/ 五胡十六國 五胡十六国 T - 0 Wǔ hú Shí liù guó f /Sixteen Kingdoms of Five non-Han people (ruling most of China 304-439)/ 五脏 五臟 S - 128 wǔ zàng f /five viscera of TCM, namely: heart 心[xin1], liver 肝[gan1], spleen 脾[pi2], lungs 肺[fei4] and kidneys 腎|肾[shen4]/ 五脏六腑 五臟六腑 S - 121 wǔ zàng liù fǔ f /five viscera and six bowels (TCM)/ 五臟 五脏 T - 128 wǔ zàng f /five viscera of TCM, namely: heart 心[xin1], liver 肝[gan1], spleen 脾[pi2], lungs 肺[fei4] and kidneys 腎|肾[shen4]/ 五臟六腑 五脏六腑 T - 121 wǔ zàng liù fǔ f /five viscera and six bowels (TCM)/ 五臺 五台 T - 74 Wǔ tái f /Wutai city and county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ 五臺山 五台山 T - 388 Wǔ tái Shān f /Mt Wutai in Shanxi 山西[Shan1 xi1], one of the Four Sacred Mountains and home of the Bodhimanda of Manjushri 文殊[Wen2 shu1]/ 五臺市 五台市 T - 0 Wǔ tái shì f /Wutai city in Shanxi/ 五臺縣 五台县 T - 22 Wǔ tái xiàn f /Wutai county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ 五色 - 183 wǔ sè f /multi-colored/the rainbow/garish/ 五色繽紛 五色缤纷 T - 10 wǔ sè bīn fēn f /all the colors in profusion (idiom); a garish display/ 五色缤纷 五色繽紛 S - 10 wǔ sè bīn fēn f /all the colors in profusion (idiom); a garish display/ 五花八門 五花八门 T - 152 wǔ huā bā mén f /myriad/all kinds of/all sorts of/ 五花八门 五花八門 S - 152 wǔ huā bā mén f /myriad/all kinds of/all sorts of/ 五花大綁 五花大绑 T - 65 wǔ huā dà bǎng f /to bind a person's upper body, with arms tied behind the back and rope looped around the neck/to truss up/ 五花大绑 五花大綁 S - 65 wǔ huā dà bǎng f /to bind a person's upper body, with arms tied behind the back and rope looped around the neck/to truss up/ 五花肉 - 15 wǔ huā ròu f /streaky pork/ 五花腌猪肉 五花醃豬肉 S - 0 wǔ huā yān zhū ròu f /streaky bacon/ 五花醃豬肉 五花腌猪肉 T - 0 wǔ huā yān zhū ròu f /streaky bacon/ 五苓散 - 6 wǔ líng sǎn f /wuling powder (decoction of poria mushroom used in TCM)/poria five powder/Hoelen five powder/five ling powder/ 五荤 五葷 S - 4 wǔ hūn f /(Buddhism etc) the five forbidden pungent vegetables: leek, scallion, garlic, rape and coriander/ 五莲 五蓮 S - 5 Wǔ lián f /Wulian county in Rizhao 日照[Ri4 zhao4], Shandong/ 五莲县 五蓮縣 S - 3 Wǔ lián xiàn f /Wulian county in Rizhao 日照[Ri4 zhao4], Shandong/ 五華 五华 T - 16 Wǔ huá f /Wuhua county in Meizhou 梅州, Guangdong/Wuhua district of Kunming city 昆明市[Kun1 ming2 shi4], Yunnan/ 五華區 五华区 T - 3 Wǔ huá qū f /Wuhua district of Kunming city 昆明市[Kun1 ming2 shi4], Yunnan/ 五華縣 五华县 T - 3 Wǔ huá xiàn f /Wuhua county in Meizhou 梅州, Guangdong/ 五营 五營 S - 3 Wǔ yíng f /Wuying district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 五营区 五營區 S - 3 Wǔ yíng qū f /Wuying district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 五葷 五荤 T - 4 wǔ hūn f /(Buddhism etc) the five forbidden pungent vegetables: leek, scallion, garlic, rape and coriander/ 五蓮 五莲 T - 5 Wǔ lián f /Wulian county in Rizhao 日照[Ri4 zhao4], Shandong/ 五蓮縣 五莲县 T - 3 Wǔ lián xiàn f /Wulian county in Rizhao 日照[Ri4 zhao4], Shandong/ 五蕴 五蘊 S - 31 wǔ yùn f /the Five Aggregates (from Sanskrit "skandha") (Buddhism)/ 五蘊 五蕴 T - 31 wǔ yùn f /the Five Aggregates (from Sanskrit "skandha") (Buddhism)/ 五虎将 五虎將 S - 3 Wǔ hǔ jiàng f /Liu Bei's five great generals in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, namely: Guan Yu 關羽|关羽, Zhang Fei 張飛|张飞, Zhao Yun 趙雲|赵云, Ma Chao 馬超|马超, Huang Zhong 黃忠|黄忠/ 五虎將 五虎将 T - 3 Wǔ hǔ jiàng f /Liu Bei's five great generals in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, namely: Guan Yu 關羽|关羽, Zhang Fei 張飛|张飞, Zhao Yun 趙雲|赵云, Ma Chao 馬超|马超, Huang Zhong 黃忠|黄忠/ 五號 五号 T - 58 wǔ hào f /the fifth/fifth day of a month/ 五號電池 五号电池 T - 0 wǔ hào diàn chí f /AA battery (PRC)/Taiwan equivalent: 三號電池|三号电池/ 五行 - 931 wǔ xíng f /five phases of Chinese philosophy: wood 木, fire 火, earth 土, metal 金, water 水/ 五行八作 - 3 wǔ háng bā zuō f /all the trades/people of all trades and professions/ 五角 - 31 wǔ jiǎo f /pentagon/ 五角场 五角場 S - 3 Wǔ jiǎo chǎng f /Wujiaochang neighborhood of Shanghai, adjacent to Fudan University/ 五角場 五角场 T - 3 Wǔ jiǎo chǎng f /Wujiaochang neighborhood of Shanghai, adjacent to Fudan University/ 五角大楼 五角大樓 S - 351 Wǔ jiǎo Dà lóu f /the Pentagon/ 五角大樓 五角大楼 T - 351 Wǔ jiǎo Dà lóu f /the Pentagon/ 五角形 - 7 wǔ jiǎo xíng f /pentagon/ 五角星 - 147 wǔ jiǎo xīng f /pentagram/ 五言絕句 五言绝句 T - 3 wǔ yán jué jù f /poetic form consisting of four lines of five syllables, with rhymes on first, second and fourth line/ 五言绝句 五言絕句 S - 3 wǔ yán jué jù f /poetic form consisting of four lines of five syllables, with rhymes on first, second and fourth line/ 五谷 五穀 S - 347 wǔ gǔ f /five crops, e.g. millet 粟[su4], soybean 豆[dou4], sesame 麻[ma2], barley 麥|麦[mai4], rice 稻[dao4] or other variants/all crops/all grains/oats, peas, beans and barley/ 五谷丰登 五穀豐登 S - 38 wǔ gǔ fēng dēng f /abundant harvest of all food crops/bumper grain harvest/ 五辛 - 0 wǔ xīn f /see 五葷|五荤[wu3 hun1]/ 五边形 五邊形 S - 12 wǔ biān xíng f /pentagon/ 五通桥 五通橋 S - 6 Wǔ tōng qiáo f /Wutongqiao district of Leshan city 樂山市|乐山市[Le4 shan1 shi4], Sichuan/ 五通桥区 五通橋區 S - 3 Wǔ tōng qiáo qū f /Wutongqiao district of Leshan city 樂山市|乐山市[Le4 shan1 shi4], Sichuan/ 五通橋 五通桥 T - 6 Wǔ tōng qiáo f /Wutongqiao district of Leshan city 樂山市|乐山市[Le4 shan1 shi4], Sichuan/ 五通橋區 五通桥区 T - 3 Wǔ tōng qiáo qū f /Wutongqiao district of Leshan city 樂山市|乐山市[Le4 shan1 shi4], Sichuan/ 五道口 - 3 Wǔ dào kǒu f /Wudaokou neighborhood of Beijing/ 五邊形 五边形 T - 12 wǔ biān xíng f /pentagon/ 五金 - 75 wǔ jīn f /metal hardware (nuts and bolts)/the five metals: gold, silver, copper, iron and tin 金銀銅鐵錫|金银铜铁锡/ 五金店 - 6 wǔ jīn diàn f /hardware store/ironmonger's store/ 五金店鋪 五金店铺 T - 0 wǔ jīn diàn pù f /hardware store/ 五金店铺 五金店鋪 S - 0 wǔ jīn diàn pù f /hardware store/ 五院 - 3 wǔ yuàn f /Five yuan or courts that formed the government of the Republic of China under Sun Yat-sen's constitution, namely: 行政院[xing2 zheng4 yuan4] Executive yuan, 立法院[li4 fa3 yuan4] Legislative yuan, 司法院[si1 fa3 yuan4] Judicial yuan, 考試院|考试院[kao3 shi4 yuan4] Examination yuan, 監察院|监察院[jian1 cha2 yuan4] Control yuan/ 五霸 - 93 Wǔ bà f /the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period 春秋[Chun1 qiu1]/ 五音 - 30 wǔ yīn f /five notes of pentatonic scale, roughly do, re, mi, sol, la/five classes of initial consonants of Chinese phonetics, namely: 喉音[hou2 yin1], 牙音[ya2 yin1], 舌音[she2 yin1], 齒音|齿音[chi3 yin1], 唇音[chun2 yin1]/ 五音不全 - 4 wǔ yīn bù quán f /tone deaf/unable to sing in tune/ 五音度 - 0 wǔ yīn dù f /fifth (musical interval)/ 五項全能 五项全能 T - 0 wǔ xiàng quán néng f /pentathlon/ 五顏六色 五颜六色 T - 124 wǔ yán liù sè f /multi-colored/every color under the sun/ 五项全能 五項全能 S - 0 wǔ xiàng quán néng f /pentathlon/ 五颜六色 五顏六色 S - 124 wǔ yán liù sè f /multi-colored/every color under the sun/ 五香 - 33 wǔ xiāng f /five spice seasoned/incorporating the five basic flavors of Chinese cooking (sweet, sour, bitter, savory, salty)/ 五香粉 - 2 wǔ xiāng fěn f /five spices powder/ 五體投地 五体投地 T - 85 wǔ tǐ tóu dì f /to prostrate oneself in admiration (idiom); to adulate sb/ 五鬼 - 0 wǔ guǐ f /five chief demons of folklore personifying pestilence/also written 五瘟神/ 五鬼闹判 五鬼鬧判 S - 3 wǔ guǐ nào pàn f /Five ghosts mock the judge, or Five ghosts resist judgment (title of folk opera, idiom); important personage mobbed by a crowd of ne'er-do-wells/ 五鬼鬧判 五鬼闹判 T - 3 wǔ guǐ nào pàn f /Five ghosts mock the judge, or Five ghosts resist judgment (title of folk opera, idiom); important personage mobbed by a crowd of ne'er-do-wells/ 井 2965 1460 Jǐng f /Jing, one of the 28 constellations of Chinese astronomy/surname Jing/ 井 2965 1460 jǐng f /a well/CL:口[kou3]/neat/orderly/ 井上 - 33 Jǐng shàng f /Inoue (Japanese surname, pr. "ee-no-oo-ay")/ 井下 - 170 jǐng xià f /underground/in the pit (mining)/ 井井 - 3 jǐng jǐng f /orderly/tidy/ 井井有条 井井有條 S - 89 jǐng jǐng yǒu tiáo f /everything clear and orderly (idiom); neat and tidy/ 井井有條 井井有条 T - 89 jǐng jǐng yǒu tiáo f /everything clear and orderly (idiom); neat and tidy/ 井冈山 井岡山 S - 486 Jǐng gāng Shān f /Jinggang Mountains, in the Jiangxi-Hunan border region/ 井冈山 井岡山 S - 486 Jǐng gāng shān f /Jinggangshan county level city in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi/ 井冈山市 井岡山市 S - 10 Jǐng gāng shān shì f /Jinggangshan county level city in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi/ 井口 - 350 jǐng kǒu f /entrance to mine/ 井号 井號 S - 0 jǐng hào f /number sign # (punctuation)/hash symbol/pound sign/ 井喷 井噴 S - 81 jǐng pēn f /(oil) blowout/surge/gush/ 井噴 井喷 T - 81 jǐng pēn f /(oil) blowout/surge/gush/ 井岡山 井冈山 T - 486 Jǐng gāng Shān f /Jinggang Mountains, in the Jiangxi-Hunan border region/ 井岡山 井冈山 T - 486 Jǐng gāng shān f /Jinggangshan county level city in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi/ 井岡山市 井冈山市 T - 10 Jǐng gāng shān shì f /Jinggangshan county level city in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi/ 井底之蛙 - 37 jǐng dǐ zhī wā f /the frog at the bottom of the well (idiom)/fig. a person of limited outlook and experience/ 井水不犯河水 - 36 jǐng shuǐ bù fàn hé shuǐ f /everyone minds their own business/ 井然 - 9 jǐng rán f /tidy, methodical/ 井然有序 - 49 jǐng rán yǒu xù f /everything clear and in good order (idiom); neat and tidy/ 井田 - 45 jǐng tián f /the well-field system of ancient China/ 井田制 - 42 jǐng tián zhì f /well-field system/ 井研 - 3 Jǐng yán f /Jingwan county in Leshan 樂山|乐山[Le4 shan1], Sichuan/ 井研县 井研縣 S - 3 Jǐng yán xiàn f /Jingwan county in Leshan 樂山|乐山[Le4 shan1], Sichuan/ 井研縣 井研县 T - 3 Jǐng yán xiàn f /Jingwan county in Leshan 樂山|乐山[Le4 shan1], Sichuan/ 井號 井号 T - 0 jǐng hào f /number sign # (punctuation)/hash symbol/pound sign/ 井蛙之見 井蛙之见 T - 2 jǐng wā zhī jiàn f /the view of a frog in a well (idiom); fig. a narrow view/ 井蛙之见 井蛙之見 S - 2 jǐng wā zhī jiàn f /the view of a frog in a well (idiom); fig. a narrow view/ 井陉 井陘 S - 52 Jǐng xíng f /Jingxing county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei/ 井陉县 井陘縣 S - 26 Jǐng xíng xiàn f /Jingxing county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei/ 井陉矿 井陘礦 S - 0 Jǐng xíng kuàng f /Jingxingkuang District of Shijiazhuang City 石家莊市|石家庄市[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1 Shi4], Hebei/ 井陉矿区 井陘礦區 S - 3 Jǐng xíng kuàng Qū f /Jingxingkuang District of Shijiazhuang City 石家莊市|石家庄市[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1 Shi4], Hebei/ 井陘 井陉 T - 52 Jǐng xíng f /Jingxing county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei/ 井陘礦 井陉矿 T - 0 Jǐng xíng kuàng f /Jingxingkuang District of Shijiazhuang City 石家莊市|石家庄市[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1 Shi4], Hebei/ 井陘礦區 井陉矿区 T - 3 Jǐng xíng kuàng Qū f /Jingxingkuang District of Shijiazhuang City 石家莊市|石家庄市[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1 Shi4], Hebei/ 井陘縣 井陉县 T - 26 Jǐng xíng xiàn f /Jingxing county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei/ 亖 - 4 sì f /old variant of 四[si4]/ 亘 亙 S - 25 gèn f /extending all the way across/running all the way through/ 亘古 亙古 S - 47 gèn gǔ f /throughout time/from ancient times (up to the present)/ 亘古不变 亙古不變 S - 0 gèn gǔ bù biàn f /unchanging since times immemorial (idiom)/unalterable/unvarying/monotonous/ 亘古未有 亙古未有 S - 11 gèn gǔ wèi yǒu f /unprecedented/never seen since ancient times/ 亘古通今 亙古通今 S - 3 gèn gǔ tōng jīn f /from ancient times up to now/throughout history/ 亙 亘 T - 25 gèn f /extending all the way across/running all the way through/ 亙古 亘古 T - 47 gèn gǔ f /throughout time/from ancient times (up to the present)/ 亙古不變 亘古不变 T - 0 gèn gǔ bù biàn f /unchanging since times immemorial (idiom)/unalterable/unvarying/monotonous/ 亙古未有 亘古未有 T - 11 gèn gǔ wèi yǒu f /unprecedented/never seen since ancient times/ 亙古通今 亘古通今 T - 3 gèn gǔ tōng jīn f /from ancient times up to now/throughout history/ 亚 亞 S - 5789 yà f /Asia/Asian/second/next to/inferior/sub-/Taiwan pr. [ya3]/ 亚丁 亞丁 S - 57 Yà dīng f /Aden/ 亚丁湾 亞丁灣 S - 37 Yà dīng Wān f /Gulf of Aden/ 亚东 亞東 S - 38 Yà dōng f /Yadong county, Tibetan: Gro mo rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 亚东县 亞東縣 S - 5 Yà dōng xiàn f /Yadong county, Tibetan: Gro mo rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 亚临界 亞臨界 S - 0 yà lín jiè f /subcritical/ 亚们 亞們 S - 0 Yà men f /Amon (son of Manasseh)/ 亚伦 亞倫 S - 7 Yà lún f /Aaron (name)/Yaren, capital of Nauru/ 亚伯 亞伯 S - 2 Yà bó f /Abe (short form for Abraham)/Abel, a figure of Jewish, Christian and Muslim mythologies/ 亚伯拉罕 亞伯拉罕 S - 19 Yà bó lā hǎn f /Abraham (name)/Abraham, father of Judaism and Islam in the Bible and Quran/same as Ibrahim 易卜拉辛/ 亚伯氏症 亞伯氏症 S - 0 Yà bó shì zhèng f /Apert syndrome/ 亚健康 亞健康 S - 49 yà jiàn kāng f /sub-health (borderline state between health and disease)/ 亚克力 亞克力 S - 3 yà kè lì f /acrylic (loanword)/see also 壓克力|压克力[ya1 ke4 li4]/ 亚兰 亞蘭 S - 0 Yà lán f /Ram (son of Hezron)/ 亚军 亞軍 S 4507 352 yà jūn f /second place (in a sports contest)/runner-up/ 亚利安娜 亞利安娜 S - 0 Yà lì ān nà f /Ariane (French space rocket)/ 亚利桑纳州 亞利桑納州 S - 0 Yà lì sāng nà zhōu f /state of Arizona/ 亚利桑那 亞利桑那 S - 21 Yà lì sāng nà f /Arizona/ 亚利桑那州 亞利桑那州 S - 46 Yà lì sāng nà zhōu f /Arizona/ 亚力山大帝 亞力山大帝 S - 0 Yà lì shān dà dì f /Alexander the Great/ 亚努科维奇 亞努科維奇 S - 0 Yà nǔ kē wéi qí f /Viktor Feyedov Yanukovych (1950-) Ukrainian politician/ 亚单位 亞單位 S - 0 yà dān wèi f /sub-unit/ 亚历山大 亞歷山大 S - 550 Yà lì shān dà f /Alexander (name)/Alexandria (town name)/ 亚历山大·杜布切克 亞歷山大·杜布切克 S - 0 Yà lì shān dà · Dù bù qiē kè f /Alexander Dubček (1921-1992), leader of Czechoslovakia (1968-1969)/ 亚历山大大帝 亞歷山大大帝 S - 0 Yà lì shān dà Dà dì f /Alexander the Great (356-323 BC)/ 亚历山大里亚 亞歷山大里亞 S - 0 Yà lì shān dà lǐ yà f /Alexandria/ 亚历山大鹦鹉 亞歷山大鸚鵡 S - 0 Yà lì shān dà yīng wǔ f /(bird species of China) Alexandrine parakeet (Psittacula eupatria)/ 亚原子 亞原子 S - 18 yà yuán zǐ f /sub-atomic/ 亚哈 亞哈 S - 2 Yà hā f /Ahab (9th c. BC), King of Israel, son of Omri and husband of Jezebel, prominent figure in 1 Kings 16-22/ 亚哈斯 亞哈斯 S - 0 Yà hā sī f /Ahaz (son of Jotham)/ 亚喀巴 亞喀巴 S - 12 Yà kā bā f /Aqaba (port city in Jordan)/ 亚圣 亞聖 S - 3 yà shèng f /Second Sage, traditional title of Mencius 孟子[Meng4 zi3] in Confucian studies/ 亚塞拜然 亞塞拜然 S - 0 Yà sè bài rán f /Azerbaijan (Tw)/ 亚太 亞太 S - 84 Yà Tài f /Asia-Pacific/ 亚太区 亞太區 S - 78 Yà Tài qū f /Asian area/the Far East/Asia Pacific region/ 亚太经合会 亞太經合會 S - 0 Yà Tài jīng hé huì f /APEC (Asia Pacific economic cooperation)/ 亚太经合组织 亞太經合組織 S - 10 Yà Tài Jīng Hé Zǔ zhī f /APEC (organization)/ 亚太经济合作组织 亞太經濟合作組織 S - 10 Yà Tài Jīng jì Hé zuò Zǔ zhī f /Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation organization/APEC/ 亚尔发和奥米加 亞爾發和奧米加 S - 0 yà ěr fā hé ào mǐ jiā f /Alpha and Omega/ 亚巴郎 亞巴郎 S - 0 Yà bā láng f /Abraham (name)/ 亚平宁 亞平寧 S - 30 Yà píng nìng f /Apennine (Mountains)/ 亚庇 亞庇 S - 0 Yà bì f /Kota Kinabalu (capital of Sabah state, Malaysia)/ 亚弗烈 亞弗烈 S - 0 Yà fú liè f /Alfred (name)/ 亚当 亞當 S - 180 Yà dāng f /Adam/ 亚当·斯密 亞當·斯密 S - 0 Yà dāng · Sī mì f /Adam Smith (1723-1790), Scottish ethical philosopher and pioneer economist, author of The Wealth of Nations 國富論|国富论/ 亚当斯 亞當斯 S - 57 Yà dāng sī f /Adams/ 亚当斯敦 亞當斯敦 S - 0 Yà dāng sī dūn f /Adamstown, capital of the Pitcairn Islands/ 亚得里亚海 亞得里亞海 S - 50 Yà dé lǐ yà Hǎi f /Adriatic Sea/ 亚急性 亞急性 S - 3 yà jí xìng f /subacute/ 亚所 亞所 S - 0 Yà suǒ f /Azor (son of Eliakim and father of Zadok in Matthew 1:13-14)/ 亚拉巴马 亞拉巴馬 S - 9 Yà lā bā mǎ f /Alabama, US state/ 亚拉巴马州 亞拉巴馬州 S - 14 Yà lā bā mǎ zhōu f /Alabama, US state/ 亚撒 亞撒 S - 0 Yà sā f /Asa (?-870 BC), third king of Judah and fifth king of the House of David (Judaism)/ 亚文化 亞文化 S - 25 yà wén huà f /subculture/ 亚斯伯格 亞斯伯格 S - 0 Yà sī bó gé f /see 阿斯佩爾格爾|阿斯佩尔格尔[A1 si1 pei4 er3 ge2 er3]/ 亚曼牙 亞曼牙 S - 0 Yà màn yá f /Yamanya township in Shule county, Kashgar, Xinjiang/ 亚曼牙乡 亞曼牙鄉 S - 0 Yà màn yá xiāng f /Yamanya township in Shule county, Kashgar, Xinjiang/ 亚松森 亞松森 S - 21 Yà sōng sēn f /Asunción, capital of Paraguay/ 亚格门农 亞格門農 S - 0 Yà gé mén nóng f /Agamemnon/ 亚欧 亞歐 S - 6 Yà Oū f /see 歐亞|欧亚[Ou1 Ya4]/ 亚欧大陆 亞歐大陸 S - 55 Yà ōu dà lù f /Eurasian continent/ 亚欧大陆桥 亞歐大陸橋 S - 24 yà ōu dà lù qiáo f /New Asia-Europe Land Bridge/rail line from China through Central Asia to Europe/ 亚欧大陆腹地 亞歐大陸腹地 S - 0 Yà ōu dà lù fù dì f /Eurasian hinterland (i.e. Central Asia including Xinjiang)/ 亚比利尼 亞比利尼 S - 0 Yà bǐ lì ní f /Abilene/ 亚比玉 亞比玉 S - 0 Yà bǐ yù f /Abiud (son of Zerubbabel)/ 亚氏保加 亞氏保加 S - 0 Yà shì bǎo jiā f /see 阿斯佩爾格爾|阿斯佩尔格尔[A1 si1 pei4 er3 ge2 er3]/ 亚洲 亞洲 S 1091 5863 Yà zhōu f /Asia/abbr. for 亞細亞洲|亚细亚洲[Ya4 xi4 ya4 Zhou1]/ 亚洲与太平洋 亞洲與太平洋 S - 0 Yà zhōu yǔ Tài píng yáng f /Asia-Pacific/ 亚洲与太平洋地区 亞洲與太平洋地區 S - 0 Yà zhōu yǔ Tài píng yáng dì qū f /Asia-Pacific region/ 亚洲周刊 亞洲周刊 S - 0 Yà zhōu Zhōu kān f /Asiaweek (current affairs magazine)/ 亚洲太平洋地区 亞洲太平洋地區 S - 3 Yà zhōu Tài píng yáng dì qū f /Asia-Pacific region/ 亚洲开发银行 亞洲開發銀行 S - 18 Yà zhōu Kāi fā Yín háng f /Asian Development Bank/ 亚洲杯 亞洲杯 S - 57 Yà zhōu bēi f /Asian cup/ 亚洲杯 亞洲盃 S - 57 Yà zhōu bēi f /Asian cup/ 亚洲漠地林莺 亞洲漠地林鶯 S - 0 Yà zhōu mò dì lín yīng f /(bird species of China) Asian desert warbler (Sylvia nana)/ 亚洲短趾百灵 亞洲短趾百靈 S - 0 Yà zhōu duǎn zhǐ bǎi líng f /(bird species of China) Asian short-toed lark (Alaudala cheleensis)/ 亚洲绶带 亞洲綬帶 S - 0 Yà zhōu shòu dài f /(bird species of China) Asian paradise flycatcher (Terpsiphone paradisi)/also called 壽帶|寿带[shou4 dai4]/ 亚洲足球联合会 亞洲足球聯合會 S - 0 Yà zhōu Zú qiú Lián hé huì f /Asian Football Confederation/ 亚热带 亞熱帶 S - 2267 yà rè dài f /subtropical (zone or climate)/ 亚父 亞父 S - 10 yà fù f /(term of respect) second only to father/like a father (to me)/ 亚特兰大 亞特蘭大 S - 82 Yà tè lán dà f /Atlanta/ 亚琛 亞琛 S - 16 Yà chēn f /Aachen, city in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany/Aix-la-Chapelle/ 亚瑟 亞瑟 S - 5 Yà sè f /Arthur (name)/ 亚瑟士 亞瑟士 S - 0 Yà sè shì f /ASICS (Japanese footwear brand)/ 亚瑟王 亞瑟王 S - 2 Yà sè wáng f /King Arthur/ 亚界 亞界 S - 0 yà jiè f /subkingdom (taxonomy)/ 亚的斯亚贝巴 亞的斯亞貝巴 S - 46 Yà dì sī Yà bèi bā f /Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia/ 亚目 亞目 S - 3 yà mù f /suborder (taxonomy)/ 亚砷 亞砷 S - 0 yà shēn f /arsenous/ 亚砷酸 亞砷酸 S - 3 yà shēn suān f /arsenous acid/ 亚硝酸 亞硝酸 S - 36 yà xiāo suān f /nitrous acid/ 亚硝酸异戊酯 亞硝酸異戊酯 S - 0 yà xiāo suān yì wù zhǐ f /amyl nitrite/ 亚硝酸盐 亞硝酸鹽 S - 149 yà xiāo suān yán f /nitrite/ 亚硝酸钠 亞硝酸鈉 S - 52 yà xiāo suān nà f /sodium nitrite/ 亚硫酸 亞硫酸 S - 15 yà liú suān f /sulfurous acid/ 亚种 亞種 S - 176 yà zhǒng f /subspecies (taxonomy)/ 亚科 亞科 S - 282 yà kē f /subfamily (taxonomy)/ 亚穆苏克罗 亞穆蘇克羅 S - 8 Yà mù sū kè luó f /Yamoussoukro (city in the Ivory Coast)/ 亚符号模型 亞符號模型 S - 0 yà fú hào mó xíng f /subsymbolic model/ 亚米拿达 亞米拿達 S - 0 Yà mǐ ná dá f /Amminadab (son of Ram)/ 亚类 亞類 S - 0 yà lèi f /subtype/subclass/ 亚纯 亞純 S - 0 yà chún f /meromorphic (math.)/ 亚纲 亞綱 S - 196 yà gāng f /subclass (taxonomy)/ 亚细亚 亞細亞 S - 434 Yà xì yà f /Asia/ 亚细亚洲 亞細亞洲 S - 3 Yà xì yà Zhōu f /Asia/abbr. to 亞洲|亚洲[Ya4 zhou1]/ 亚罗号 亞羅號 S - 0 Yà luó Hào f /the Arrow (a Hong Kong registered ship involved in historical incident in 1856 used as pretext for the second Opium War)/ 亚罗号事件 亞羅號事件 S - 0 Yà luó Hào Shì jiàn f /the Arrow Incident of 1856 (used as pretext for the second Opium War)/ 亚罗士打 亞羅士打 S - 0 Yà luó shì dǎ f /Alor Star city, capital of Kedah state in northwest Malaysia/ 亚美利加 亞美利加 S - 9 Yà měi lì jiā f /America/ 亚美利加洲 亞美利加洲 S - 0 Yà měi lì jiā Zhōu f /America/abbr. to 美洲[Mei3 zhou1]/ 亚美尼亚 亞美尼亞 S - 223 Yà měi ní yà f /Armenia, capital Yerevan 埃里溫|埃里温[Ai1 li3 wen1]/ 亚裔 亞裔 S - 17 Yà yì f /of Asian descent/ 亚西尔·阿拉法特 亞西爾·阿拉法特 S - 0 Yà xī ěr · A lā fǎ tè f /Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini (1929-2004), Palestinian leader, popularly known as Yasser Arafat/ 亚该亚 亞該亞 S - 0 Yà gāi yà f /Achaia/ 亚足联 亞足聯 S - 14 Yà Zú Lián f /Asian Football Confederation/abbr. for 亞洲足球聯合會|亚洲足球联合会[Ya4 zhou1 Zu2 qiu2 Lian2 he2 hui4]/ 亚达薛西 亞達薛西 S - 0 Yà dá xuē xī f /Artaxerxes/ 亚运 亞運 S - 132 Yà yùn f /Asian Games/ 亚运会 亞運會 S - 765 Yà yùn huì f /Asian Games/ 亚运村 亞運村 S - 36 Yà yùn cūn f /Yayuncun neighborhood of Beijing/ 亚速尔群岛 亞速爾群島 S - 25 Yà sù ěr Qún dǎo f /Azores Islands/ 亚速海 亞速海 S - 42 Yà sù Hǎi f /Sea of Azov in southern Russia/ 亚里士多德 亞里士多德 S - 313 Yà lǐ shì duō dé f /Aristotle (384-322 BC), Greek philosopher/ 亚里斯多德 亞里斯多德 S - 0 Yà lǐ sī duō dé f /Aristotle (philosopher)/ 亚金 亞金 S - 5 Yà jīn f /Achim (son of Zadok in Matthew 1:14)/ 亚铁 亞鐵 S - 13 yà tiě f /ferrous/ 亚门 亞門 S - 0 yà mén f /subdivision/subphylum (taxonomy)/ 亚非拉 亞非拉 S - 46 Yà Fēi Lā f /Asia, Africa and Latin America/ 亚音节单位 亞音節單位 S - 0 yà yīn jié dān wèi f /sub-syllabic unit/ 亚马孙 亞馬孫 S - 86 Yà mǎ sūn f /Amazon/ 亚马孙河 亞馬孫河 S - 128 Yà mǎ sūn Hé f /Amazon River/ 亚马逊 亞馬遜 S - 40 Yà mǎ xùn f /Amazon/ 亚马逊河 亞馬遜河 S - 47 Yà mǎ xùn Hé f /Amazon River/ 亚麻 亞麻 S - 234 yà má f /flax/ 亚麻子油 亞麻子油 S - 0 yà má zǐ yóu f /linseed oil/ 亚麻布 亞麻布 S - 19 yà má bù f /linen/ 亚麻酸 亞麻酸 S - 26 yà má suān f /linolenic acid/ 亚齐 亞齊 S - 26 Yà qí f /Aceh province of Indonesia in northwest Sumatra/Aceh sultanate 16th-19th century/ 亚齐省 亞齊省 S - 0 Yà qí shěng f /Aceh province of Indonesia in northwest Sumatra/ 亚龙湾 亞龍灣 S - 24 Yà lóng Wān f /Yalong Bay in Sanya 三亞|三亚[San1 ya4], Hainan/ 些 65 17919 xiē f /some/few/several/measure word indicating a small amount or small number (greater than 1)/ 些許 些许 T - 163 xiē xǔ f /a few/a little/a bit/ 些许 些許 S - 163 xiē xǔ f /a few/a little/a bit/ 亜 - 20 yà f /Japanese variant of 亞|亚/ 亝 - 6 qí f /old variant of 齊|齐[qi2]/ 亝 斋 T - 1341 zhāi f /old variant of 齋|斋[zhai1]/ 亞 亚 T - 5789 yà f /Asia/Asian/second/next to/inferior/sub-/Taiwan pr. [ya3]/ 亞丁 亚丁 T - 57 Yà dīng f /Aden/ 亞丁灣 亚丁湾 T - 37 Yà dīng Wān f /Gulf of Aden/ 亞伯 亚伯 T - 2 Yà bó f /Abe (short form for Abraham)/Abel, a figure of Jewish, Christian and Muslim mythologies/ 亞伯拉罕 亚伯拉罕 T - 19 Yà bó lā hǎn f /Abraham (name)/Abraham, father of Judaism and Islam in the Bible and Quran/same as Ibrahim 易卜拉辛/ 亞伯氏症 亚伯氏症 T - 0 Yà bó shì zhèng f /Apert syndrome/ 亞們 亚们 T - 0 Yà men f /Amon (son of Manasseh)/ 亞倫 亚伦 T - 7 Yà lún f /Aaron (name)/Yaren, capital of Nauru/ 亞健康 亚健康 T - 49 yà jiàn kāng f /sub-health (borderline state between health and disease)/ 亞克力 亚克力 T - 3 yà kè lì f /acrylic (loanword)/see also 壓克力|压克力[ya1 ke4 li4]/ 亞利安娜 亚利安娜 T - 0 Yà lì ān nà f /Ariane (French space rocket)/ 亞利桑納州 亚利桑纳州 T - 0 Yà lì sāng nà zhōu f /state of Arizona/ 亞利桑那 亚利桑那 T - 21 Yà lì sāng nà f /Arizona/ 亞利桑那州 亚利桑那州 T - 46 Yà lì sāng nà zhōu f /Arizona/ 亞力山大帝 亚力山大帝 T - 0 Yà lì shān dà dì f /Alexander the Great/ 亞努科維奇 亚努科维奇 T - 0 Yà nǔ kē wéi qí f /Viktor Feyedov Yanukovych (1950-) Ukrainian politician/ 亞原子 亚原子 T - 18 yà yuán zǐ f /sub-atomic/ 亞哈 亚哈 T - 2 Yà hā f /Ahab (9th c. BC), King of Israel, son of Omri and husband of Jezebel, prominent figure in 1 Kings 16-22/ 亞哈斯 亚哈斯 T - 0 Yà hā sī f /Ahaz (son of Jotham)/ 亞喀巴 亚喀巴 T - 12 Yà kā bā f /Aqaba (port city in Jordan)/ 亞單位 亚单位 T - 0 yà dān wèi f /sub-unit/ 亞塞拜然 亚塞拜然 T - 0 Yà sè bài rán f /Azerbaijan (Tw)/ 亞太 亚太 T - 84 Yà Tài f /Asia-Pacific/ 亞太區 亚太区 T - 78 Yà Tài qū f /Asian area/the Far East/Asia Pacific region/ 亞太經合會 亚太经合会 T - 0 Yà Tài jīng hé huì f /APEC (Asia Pacific economic cooperation)/ 亞太經合組織 亚太经合组织 T - 10 Yà Tài Jīng Hé Zǔ zhī f /APEC (organization)/ 亞太經濟合作組織 亚太经济合作组织 T - 10 Yà Tài Jīng jì Hé zuò Zǔ zhī f /Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation organization/APEC/ 亞巴郎 亚巴郎 T - 0 Yà bā láng f /Abraham (name)/ 亞平寧 亚平宁 T - 30 Yà píng nìng f /Apennine (Mountains)/ 亞庇 亚庇 T - 0 Yà bì f /Kota Kinabalu (capital of Sabah state, Malaysia)/ 亞弗烈 亚弗烈 T - 0 Yà fú liè f /Alfred (name)/ 亞得里亞海 亚得里亚海 T - 50 Yà dé lǐ yà Hǎi f /Adriatic Sea/ 亞急性 亚急性 T - 3 yà jí xìng f /subacute/ 亞所 亚所 T - 0 Yà suǒ f /Azor (son of Eliakim and father of Zadok in Matthew 1:13-14)/ 亞拉巴馬 亚拉巴马 T - 9 Yà lā bā mǎ f /Alabama, US state/ 亞拉巴馬州 亚拉巴马州 T - 14 Yà lā bā mǎ zhōu f /Alabama, US state/ 亞撒 亚撒 T - 0 Yà sā f /Asa (?-870 BC), third king of Judah and fifth king of the House of David (Judaism)/ 亞文化 亚文化 T - 25 yà wén huà f /subculture/ 亞斯伯格 亚斯伯格 T - 0 Yà sī bó gé f /see 阿斯佩爾格爾|阿斯佩尔格尔[A1 si1 pei4 er3 ge2 er3]/ 亞曼牙 亚曼牙 T - 0 Yà màn yá f /Yamanya township in Shule county, Kashgar, Xinjiang/ 亞曼牙鄉 亚曼牙乡 T - 0 Yà màn yá xiāng f /Yamanya township in Shule county, Kashgar, Xinjiang/ 亞東 亚东 T - 38 Yà dōng f /Yadong county, Tibetan: Gro mo rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 亞東縣 亚东县 T - 5 Yà dōng xiàn f /Yadong county, Tibetan: Gro mo rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 亞松森 亚松森 T - 21 Yà sōng sēn f /Asunción, capital of Paraguay/ 亞格門農 亚格门农 T - 0 Yà gé mén nóng f /Agamemnon/ 亞歐 亚欧 T - 6 Yà Oū f /see 歐亞|欧亚[Ou1 Ya4]/ 亞歐大陸 亚欧大陆 T - 55 Yà ōu dà lù f /Eurasian continent/ 亞歐大陸橋 亚欧大陆桥 T - 24 yà ōu dà lù qiáo f /New Asia-Europe Land Bridge/rail line from China through Central Asia to Europe/ 亞歐大陸腹地 亚欧大陆腹地 T - 0 Yà ōu dà lù fù dì f /Eurasian hinterland (i.e. Central Asia including Xinjiang)/ 亞歷山大 亚历山大 T - 550 Yà lì shān dà f /Alexander (name)/Alexandria (town name)/ 亞歷山大·杜布切克 亚历山大·杜布切克 T - 0 Yà lì shān dà · Dù bù qiē kè f /Alexander Dubček (1921-1992), leader of Czechoslovakia (1968-1969)/ 亞歷山大大帝 亚历山大大帝 T - 0 Yà lì shān dà Dà dì f /Alexander the Great (356-323 BC)/ 亞歷山大里亞 亚历山大里亚 T - 0 Yà lì shān dà lǐ yà f /Alexandria/ 亞歷山大鸚鵡 亚历山大鹦鹉 T - 0 Yà lì shān dà yīng wǔ f /(bird species of China) Alexandrine parakeet (Psittacula eupatria)/ 亞比利尼 亚比利尼 T - 0 Yà bǐ lì ní f /Abilene/ 亞比玉 亚比玉 T - 0 Yà bǐ yù f /Abiud (son of Zerubbabel)/ 亞氏保加 亚氏保加 T - 0 Yà shì bǎo jiā f /see 阿斯佩爾格爾|阿斯佩尔格尔[A1 si1 pei4 er3 ge2 er3]/ 亞洲 亚洲 T 1091 5863 Yà zhōu f /Asia/abbr. for 亞細亞洲|亚细亚洲[Ya4 xi4 ya4 Zhou1]/ 亞洲周刊 亚洲周刊 T - 0 Yà zhōu Zhōu kān f /Asiaweek (current affairs magazine)/ 亞洲太平洋地區 亚洲太平洋地区 T - 3 Yà zhōu Tài píng yáng dì qū f /Asia-Pacific region/ 亞洲杯 亚洲杯 T - 57 Yà zhōu bēi f /Asian cup/ 亞洲漠地林鶯 亚洲漠地林莺 T - 0 Yà zhōu mò dì lín yīng f /(bird species of China) Asian desert warbler (Sylvia nana)/ 亞洲盃 亚洲杯 T - 57 Yà zhōu bēi f /Asian cup/ 亞洲短趾百靈 亚洲短趾百灵 T - 0 Yà zhōu duǎn zhǐ bǎi líng f /(bird species of China) Asian short-toed lark (Alaudala cheleensis)/ 亞洲綬帶 亚洲绶带 T - 0 Yà zhōu shòu dài f /(bird species of China) Asian paradise flycatcher (Terpsiphone paradisi)/also called 壽帶|寿带[shou4 dai4]/ 亞洲與太平洋 亚洲与太平洋 T - 0 Yà zhōu yǔ Tài píng yáng f /Asia-Pacific/ 亞洲與太平洋地區 亚洲与太平洋地区 T - 0 Yà zhōu yǔ Tài píng yáng dì qū f /Asia-Pacific region/ 亞洲足球聯合會 亚洲足球联合会 T - 0 Yà zhōu Zú qiú Lián hé huì f /Asian Football Confederation/ 亞洲開發銀行 亚洲开发银行 T - 18 Yà zhōu Kāi fā Yín háng f /Asian Development Bank/ 亞熱帶 亚热带 T - 2267 yà rè dài f /subtropical (zone or climate)/ 亞父 亚父 T - 10 yà fù f /(term of respect) second only to father/like a father (to me)/ 亞爾發和奧米加 亚尔发和奥米加 T - 0 yà ěr fā hé ào mǐ jiā f /Alpha and Omega/ 亞特蘭大 亚特兰大 T - 82 Yà tè lán dà f /Atlanta/ 亞琛 亚琛 T - 16 Yà chēn f /Aachen, city in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany/Aix-la-Chapelle/ 亞瑟 亚瑟 T - 5 Yà sè f /Arthur (name)/ 亞瑟士 亚瑟士 T - 0 Yà sè shì f /ASICS (Japanese footwear brand)/ 亞瑟王 亚瑟王 T - 2 Yà sè wáng f /King Arthur/ 亞界 亚界 T - 0 yà jiè f /subkingdom (taxonomy)/ 亞當 亚当 T - 180 Yà dāng f /Adam/ 亞當·斯密 亚当·斯密 T - 0 Yà dāng · Sī mì f /Adam Smith (1723-1790), Scottish ethical philosopher and pioneer economist, author of The Wealth of Nations 國富論|国富论/ 亞當斯 亚当斯 T - 57 Yà dāng sī f /Adams/ 亞當斯敦 亚当斯敦 T - 0 Yà dāng sī dūn f /Adamstown, capital of the Pitcairn Islands/ 亞的斯亞貝巴 亚的斯亚贝巴 T - 46 Yà dì sī Yà bèi bā f /Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia/ 亞目 亚目 T - 3 yà mù f /suborder (taxonomy)/ 亞砷 亚砷 T - 0 yà shēn f /arsenous/ 亞砷酸 亚砷酸 T - 3 yà shēn suān f /arsenous acid/ 亞硝酸 亚硝酸 T - 36 yà xiāo suān f /nitrous acid/ 亞硝酸異戊酯 亚硝酸异戊酯 T - 0 yà xiāo suān yì wù zhǐ f /amyl nitrite/ 亞硝酸鈉 亚硝酸钠 T - 52 yà xiāo suān nà f /sodium nitrite/ 亞硝酸鹽 亚硝酸盐 T - 149 yà xiāo suān yán f /nitrite/ 亞硫酸 亚硫酸 T - 15 yà liú suān f /sulfurous acid/ 亞科 亚科 T - 282 yà kē f /subfamily (taxonomy)/ 亞種 亚种 T - 176 yà zhǒng f /subspecies (taxonomy)/ 亞穆蘇克羅 亚穆苏克罗 T - 8 Yà mù sū kè luó f /Yamoussoukro (city in the Ivory Coast)/ 亞符號模型 亚符号模型 T - 0 yà fú hào mó xíng f /subsymbolic model/ 亞米拿達 亚米拿达 T - 0 Yà mǐ ná dá f /Amminadab (son of Ram)/ 亞純 亚纯 T - 0 yà chún f /meromorphic (math.)/ 亞細亞 亚细亚 T - 434 Yà xì yà f /Asia/ 亞細亞洲 亚细亚洲 T - 3 Yà xì yà Zhōu f /Asia/abbr. to 亞洲|亚洲[Ya4 zhou1]/ 亞綱 亚纲 T - 196 yà gāng f /subclass (taxonomy)/ 亞羅士打 亚罗士打 T - 0 Yà luó shì dǎ f /Alor Star city, capital of Kedah state in northwest Malaysia/ 亞羅號 亚罗号 T - 0 Yà luó Hào f /the Arrow (a Hong Kong registered ship involved in historical incident in 1856 used as pretext for the second Opium War)/ 亞羅號事件 亚罗号事件 T - 0 Yà luó Hào Shì jiàn f /the Arrow Incident of 1856 (used as pretext for the second Opium War)/ 亞美利加 亚美利加 T - 9 Yà měi lì jiā f /America/ 亞美利加洲 亚美利加洲 T - 0 Yà měi lì jiā Zhōu f /America/abbr. to 美洲[Mei3 zhou1]/ 亞美尼亞 亚美尼亚 T - 223 Yà měi ní yà f /Armenia, capital Yerevan 埃里溫|埃里温[Ai1 li3 wen1]/ 亞聖 亚圣 T - 3 yà shèng f /Second Sage, traditional title of Mencius 孟子[Meng4 zi3] in Confucian studies/ 亞臨界 亚临界 T - 0 yà lín jiè f /subcritical/ 亞蘭 亚兰 T - 0 Yà lán f /Ram (son of Hezron)/ 亞裔 亚裔 T - 17 Yà yì f /of Asian descent/ 亞西爾·阿拉法特 亚西尔·阿拉法特 T - 0 Yà xī ěr · A lā fǎ tè f /Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini (1929-2004), Palestinian leader, popularly known as Yasser Arafat/ 亞該亞 亚该亚 T - 0 Yà gāi yà f /Achaia/ 亞足聯 亚足联 T - 14 Yà Zú Lián f /Asian Football Confederation/abbr. for 亞洲足球聯合會|亚洲足球联合会[Ya4 zhou1 Zu2 qiu2 Lian2 he2 hui4]/ 亞軍 亚军 T 4507 352 yà jūn f /second place (in a sports contest)/runner-up/ 亞速海 亚速海 T - 42 Yà sù Hǎi f /Sea of Azov in southern Russia/ 亞速爾群島 亚速尔群岛 T - 25 Yà sù ěr Qún dǎo f /Azores Islands/ 亞運 亚运 T - 132 Yà yùn f /Asian Games/ 亞運會 亚运会 T - 765 Yà yùn huì f /Asian Games/ 亞運村 亚运村 T - 36 Yà yùn cūn f /Yayuncun neighborhood of Beijing/ 亞達薛西 亚达薛西 T - 0 Yà dá xuē xī f /Artaxerxes/ 亞里士多德 亚里士多德 T - 313 Yà lǐ shì duō dé f /Aristotle (384-322 BC), Greek philosopher/ 亞里斯多德 亚里斯多德 T - 0 Yà lǐ sī duō dé f /Aristotle (philosopher)/ 亞金 亚金 T - 5 Yà jīn f /Achim (son of Zadok in Matthew 1:14)/ 亞鐵 亚铁 T - 13 yà tiě f /ferrous/ 亞門 亚门 T - 0 yà mén f /subdivision/subphylum (taxonomy)/ 亞非拉 亚非拉 T - 46 Yà Fēi Lā f /Asia, Africa and Latin America/ 亞音節單位 亚音节单位 T - 0 yà yīn jié dān wèi f /sub-syllabic unit/ 亞類 亚类 T - 0 yà lèi f /subtype/subclass/ 亞馬孫 亚马孙 T - 86 Yà mǎ sūn f /Amazon/ 亞馬孫河 亚马孙河 T - 128 Yà mǎ sūn Hé f /Amazon River/ 亞馬遜 亚马逊 T - 40 Yà mǎ xùn f /Amazon/ 亞馬遜河 亚马逊河 T - 47 Yà mǎ xùn Hé f /Amazon River/ 亞麻 亚麻 T - 234 yà má f /flax/ 亞麻子油 亚麻子油 T - 0 yà má zǐ yóu f /linseed oil/ 亞麻布 亚麻布 T - 19 yà má bù f /linen/ 亞麻酸 亚麻酸 T - 26 yà má suān f /linolenic acid/ 亞齊 亚齐 T - 26 Yà qí f /Aceh province of Indonesia in northwest Sumatra/Aceh sultanate 16th-19th century/ 亞齊省 亚齐省 T - 0 Yà qí shěng f /Aceh province of Indonesia in northwest Sumatra/ 亞龍灣 亚龙湾 T - 24 Yà lóng Wān f /Yalong Bay in Sanya 三亞|三亚[San1 ya4], Hainan/ 亟 - 182 jí t /urgent/ 亟 - 182 qì f /repeatedly/frequently/ 亟待 - 114 jí dài f /see 急待[ji2 dai4]/ 亠 - 0 tóu f /"lid" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 8)/ 亡 - 2209 wáng f /to die/to lose/to be gone/to flee/deceased/ 亡 亾 S - 2209 wáng f /old variant of 亡[wang2]/ 亡佚 - 84 wáng yì f /nonextant/lost to the ages/ 亡八 - 0 wáng bā f /variant of 王八[wang2 ba1]/ 亡兵紀念日 亡兵纪念日 T - 0 Wáng bīng Jì niàn rì f /Memorial Day (American holiday)/ 亡兵纪念日 亡兵紀念日 S - 0 Wáng bīng Jì niàn rì f /Memorial Day (American holiday)/ 亡命 - 105 wáng mìng f /to flee/to go into exile (from prison)/ 亡命之徒 - 50 wáng mìng zhī tú f /runaway (idiom); desperate criminal/fugitive/ 亡国 亡國 S - 614 wáng guó f /(of a nation) to be destroyed/subjugation/vanquished nation/ 亡国灭种 亡國滅種 S - 10 wáng guó miè zhǒng f /country destroyed, its people annihilated (idiom); total destruction/ 亡国虏 亡國虜 S - 0 wáng guó lǔ f /subjugated people/refugee from a destroyed country/ 亡國 亡国 T - 614 wáng guó f /(of a nation) to be destroyed/subjugation/vanquished nation/ 亡國滅種 亡国灭种 T - 10 wáng guó miè zhǒng f /country destroyed, its people annihilated (idiom); total destruction/ 亡國虜 亡国虏 T - 0 wáng guó lǔ f /subjugated people/refugee from a destroyed country/ 亡故 - 77 wáng gù f /to die/to pass away/ 亡母 - 3 wáng mǔ f /deceased mother/ 亡灵 亡靈 S - 126 wáng líng f /departed spirit/ 亡羊补牢 亡羊補牢 S - 38 wáng yáng bǔ láo f /lit. to mend the pen after sheep are lost (idiom)/fig. to act belatedly/better late than never/to lock the stable door after the horse has bolted/ 亡羊補牢 亡羊补牢 T - 38 wáng yáng bǔ láo f /lit. to mend the pen after sheep are lost (idiom)/fig. to act belatedly/better late than never/to lock the stable door after the horse has bolted/ 亡者 - 26 wáng zhě f /the deceased/ 亡靈 亡灵 T - 126 wáng líng f /departed spirit/ 亡魂 - 45 wáng hún f /soul of the deceased/departed spirit/ 亢 - 143 Kàng f /surname Kang/Kang, one of the 28 constellations/ 亢 - 143 kàng f /high/overbearing/excessive/ 亢奋 亢奮 S - 107 kàng fèn f /excited/stimulated/ 亢奮 亢奋 T - 107 kàng fèn f /excited/stimulated/ 亢旱 - 2 kàng hàn f /severe drought (literary)/ 亢直 - 3 kàng zhí f /upright and unyielding (literary)/ 亢进 亢進 S - 92 kàng jìn f /hyperfunction (medical)/ 亢進 亢进 T - 92 kàng jìn f /hyperfunction (medical)/ 交 744 6026 jiāo f /to hand over/to deliver/to pay (money)/to turn over/to make friends/to intersect (lines)/ 交与 交與 S - 85 jiāo yǔ f /to hand over/ 交九 - 0 jiāo jiǔ f /the coldest period of the year/three nine day periods after the winter solstice/ 交互 - 311 jiāo hù f /mutual/interactive/each other/alternately/in turn/interaction/ 交付 - 911 jiāo fù f /to hand over/to deliver/ 交代 3547 911 jiāo dài f /to hand over/to explain/to make clear/to brief (sb)/to account for/to justify oneself/to confess/to finish (colloquial)/ 交会 交會 S - 173 jiāo huì f /to encounter/to rendezvous/to converge/to meet (a payment)/ 交併 交并 T - 3 jiāo bìng f /occurring simultaneously/ 交保 - 3 jiāo bǎo f /to post bail/bail/ 交保释放 交保釋放 S - 0 jiāo bǎo shì fàng f /to release sb on bail/ 交保釋放 交保释放 T - 0 jiāo bǎo shì fàng f /to release sb on bail/ 交兵 - 3 jiāo bīng f /in a state of war/ 交出 - 370 jiāo chū f /to hand over/ 交割 - 121 jiāo gē f /delivery (commerce)/ 交办 交辦 S - 57 jiāo bàn f /to assign (a task to sb)/ 交加 - 90 jiāo jiā f /to occur at the same time (of two things)/to be mingled/to accompany each other/ 交匯 交汇 T - 414 jiāo huì f /to flow together/confluence (of rivers, airflow, roads)/(international) cooperation/ 交匯處 交汇处 T - 90 jiāo huì chù f /confluence (of two rivers)/junction (of roads)/(transport) interchange/ 交卷 - 29 jiāo juàn f /to hand in one's examination script/ 交卸 - 3 jiāo xiè f /to hand over to a successor/to relinquish one's office/ 交叉 3144 753 jiāo chā f /to cross/to intersect/to overlap/ 交叉口 - 36 jiāo chā kǒu f /(road) intersection/ 交叉学科 交叉學科 S - 3 jiāo chā xué kē f /interdisciplinary/interdisciplinary subject (in science)/ 交叉學科 交叉学科 T - 3 jiāo chā xué kē f /interdisciplinary/interdisciplinary subject (in science)/ 交叉火力 - 0 jiāo chā huǒ lì f /crossfire/ 交叉点 交叉點 S - 184 jiāo chā diǎn f /junction/crossroads/intersection point/ 交叉耐药性 交叉耐藥性 S - 0 jiāo chā nài yào xìng f /cross-tolerance/ 交叉耐藥性 交叉耐药性 T - 0 jiāo chā nài yào xìng f /cross-tolerance/ 交叉运球 交叉運球 S - 0 jiāo chā yùn qiú f /crossover dribble (basketball)/ 交叉運球 交叉运球 T - 0 jiāo chā yùn qiú f /crossover dribble (basketball)/ 交叉阴影线 交叉陰影線 S - 0 jiāo chā yīn yǐng xiàn f /hatched lines/cross-hatched graphic pattern/ 交叉陰影線 交叉阴影线 T - 0 jiāo chā yīn yǐng xiàn f /hatched lines/cross-hatched graphic pattern/ 交叉點 交叉点 T - 184 jiāo chā diǎn f /junction/crossroads/intersection point/ 交友 - 113 jiāo yǒu f /to make friends/ 交变 交變 S - 40 jiāo biàn f /half-period of a wave motion/alternation/ 交变流电 交變流電 S - 0 jiāo biàn liú diàn f /alternating current/same as 交流電|交流电/ 交变电流 交變電流 S - 0 jiāo biàn diàn liú f /alternating current (electricity)/ 交口 - 17 Jiāo kǒu f /Jiaokou county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi 山西/ 交口县 交口縣 S - 4 Jiāo kǒu xiàn f /Jiaokou county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi 山西/ 交口称誉 交口稱譽 S - 3 jiāo kǒu chēng yù f /voices unanimous in praise (idiom); with an extensive public reputation/ 交口稱譽 交口称誉 T - 3 jiāo kǒu chēng yù f /voices unanimous in praise (idiom); with an extensive public reputation/ 交口縣 交口县 T - 4 Jiāo kǒu xiàn f /Jiaokou county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi 山西/ 交合 - 24 jiāo hé f /sexual intercourse/to copulate/ 交响 交響 S - 92 jiāo xiǎng f /symphony, symphonic/ 交响乐 交響樂 S - 125 jiāo xiǎng yuè f /symphony/ 交响乐团 交響樂團 S - 310 jiāo xiǎng yuè tuán f /symphony orchestra/ 交响乐队 交響樂隊 S - 29 jiāo xiǎng yuè duì f /symphony orchestra/ 交响曲 交響曲 S - 283 jiāo xiǎng qǔ f /symphony/ 交响金属 交響金屬 S - 0 jiāo xiǎng jīn shǔ f /symphonic metal (pop music)/heavy metal with symphonic pretensions/ 交困 - 3 jiāo kùn f /beset with difficulties/ 交城 - 7 Jiāo chéng f /Jiaocheng county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi 山西/ 交城县 交城縣 S - 7 Jiāo chéng xiàn f /Jiaocheng county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi 山西/ 交城縣 交城县 T - 7 Jiāo chéng xiàn f /Jiaocheng county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi 山西/ 交大 - 114 Jiāo dà f /Jiaotong University/University of Communications/abbr. of 交通大學|交通大学[Jiao1 tong1 Da4 xue2]/ 交头接耳 交頭接耳 S - 89 jiāo tóu jiē ěr f /to whisper to one another's ear/ 交契 - 0 jiāo qì f /friendship/ 交媾 - 26 jiāo gòu f /to have sex/to copulate/ 交尾 - 28 jiāo wěi f /to copulate (of animals)/to mate/ 交差 - 26 jiāo chāi f /to report back after completion of one's mission/ 交帐 交帳 S - 3 jiāo zhàng f /to settle accounts/ 交帳 交帐 T - 3 jiāo zhàng f /to settle accounts/ 交并 交併 S - 3 jiāo bìng f /occurring simultaneously/ 交底 - 8 jiāo dǐ f /to fill sb in (on the details of sth)/to put all one's cards on the table/ 交彙 交汇 T - 414 jiāo huì f /variant of 交匯|交汇/to flow together/confluence (of rivers, airflow, roads)/(international) cooperation/ 交往 1651 1626 jiāo wǎng f /to associate (with)/to have contact (with)/to hang out (with)/to date/(interpersonal) relationship/association/contact/ 交待 - 407 jiāo dài f /variant of 交代[jiao1 dai4]/ 交恶 交惡 S - 30 jiāo è f /to become enemies/to become hostile towards/ 交情 - 243 jiāo qing f /friendship/friendly relations/ 交情匪浅 交情匪淺 S - 0 jiāo qíng fěi qiǎn f /to be very close/to understand each other/ 交情匪淺 交情匪浅 T - 0 jiāo qíng fěi qiǎn f /to be very close/to understand each other/ 交惡 交恶 T - 30 jiāo è f /to become enemies/to become hostile towards/ 交感神經 交感神经 T - 153 jiāo gǎn shén jīng f /sympathetic nervous system/ 交感神经 交感神經 S - 153 jiāo gǎn shén jīng f /sympathetic nervous system/ 交战 交戰 S - 734 jiāo zhàn f /to fight/to wage war/ 交戰 交战 T - 734 jiāo zhàn f /to fight/to wage war/ 交手 - 204 jiāo shǒu f /to fight hand to hand/ 交托 - 15 jiāo tuō f /to entrust/ 交拜 - 3 jiāo bài f /to bow to one another/to kneel and kowtow to one another/formal kowtow as part of traditional wedding ceremony/ 交换 交換 S 1625 3579 jiāo huàn f /to exchange/to swap/to switch (telecom)/commutative (math)/to commute/ 交换代数 交換代數 S - 3 jiāo huàn dài shù f /(math.) commutative algebra/ 交换代数学 交換代數學 S - 0 jiāo huàn dài shù xué f /(math.) commutative algebra/ 交换以太网络 交換以太網絡 S - 0 jiāo huàn yǐ tài wǎng luò f /switched Ethernet/ 交换价值 交換價值 S - 201 jiāo huàn jià zhí f /exchange value/ 交换器 交換器 S - 5 jiāo huàn qì f /(telecom or network) switch/ 交换律 交換律 S - 3 jiāo huàn lǜ f /commutative law xy = yx (math)/ 交换技术 交換技術 S - 0 jiāo huàn jì shù f /switching technology/ 交换机 交換機 S - 129 jiāo huàn jī f /switch (telecommunications)/ 交换码 交換碼 S - 0 jiāo huàn mǎ f /interchange code/computer coding for characters, including Chinese/ 交换端 交換端 S - 0 jiāo huàn duān f /switched port/ 交换网路 交換網路 S - 0 jiāo huàn wǎng lù f /switched network/ 交换虚电路 交換虛電路 S - 0 jiāo huàn xū diàn lù f /Switched Virtual Circuit/SVC/ 交接 - 317 jiāo jiē f /(of two things) to come into contact/to meet/to hand over to/to take over from/to associate with/to have friendly relations with/to have sexual intercourse/ 交接班 - 6 jiāo jiē bān f /to change shift/ 交換 交换 T 1625 3579 jiāo huàn f /to exchange/to swap/to switch (telecom)/commutative (math)/to commute/ 交換代數 交换代数 T - 3 jiāo huàn dài shù f /(math.) commutative algebra/ 交換代數學 交换代数学 T - 0 jiāo huàn dài shù xué f /(math.) commutative algebra/ 交換以太網絡 交换以太网络 T - 0 jiāo huàn yǐ tài wǎng luò f /switched Ethernet/ 交換價值 交换价值 T - 201 jiāo huàn jià zhí f /exchange value/ 交換器 交换器 T - 5 jiāo huàn qì f /(telecom or network) switch/ 交換律 交换律 T - 3 jiāo huàn lǜ f /commutative law xy = yx (math)/ 交換技術 交换技术 T - 0 jiāo huàn jì shù f /switching technology/ 交換機 交换机 T - 129 jiāo huàn jī f /switch (telecommunications)/ 交換碼 交换码 T - 0 jiāo huàn mǎ f /interchange code/computer coding for characters, including Chinese/ 交換端 交换端 T - 0 jiāo huàn duān f /switched port/ 交換網路 交换网路 T - 0 jiāo huàn wǎng lù f /switched network/ 交換虛電路 交换虚电路 T - 0 jiāo huàn xū diàn lù f /Switched Virtual Circuit/SVC/ 交易 2534 4060 jiāo yì f /(business) transaction/business deal/CL:筆|笔[bi3]/ 交易会 交易會 S - 232 jiāo yì huì f /trade fair/ 交易员 交易員 S - 33 jiāo yì yuán f /dealer/trader/ 交易員 交易员 T - 33 jiāo yì yuán f /dealer/trader/ 交易市场 交易市場 S - 5 jiāo yì shì chǎng f /exchange/trading floor/ 交易市場 交易市场 T - 5 jiāo yì shì chǎng f /exchange/trading floor/ 交易所 - 613 jiāo yì suǒ f /exchange/stock exchange/ 交易日 - 466 jiāo yì rì f /working day (in banking, share trading)/ 交易會 交易会 T - 232 jiāo yì huì f /trade fair/ 交易者 - 16 jiāo yì zhě f /dealer/ 交易額 交易额 T - 48 jiāo yì é f /sum or volume of business transactions/turnover/ 交易额 交易額 S - 48 jiāo yì é f /sum or volume of business transactions/turnover/ 交替 - 937 jiāo tì f /to replace/alternately/in turn/ 交會 交会 T - 173 jiāo huì f /to encounter/to rendezvous/to converge/to meet (a payment)/ 交朋友 - 115 jiāo péng you f /to make friends/(dialect) to start an affair with sb/ 交杯酒 - 29 jiāo bēi jiǔ f /formal exchange of cups of wine between bride and groom as traditional wedding ceremony/ 交欢 交歡 S - 20 jiāo huān f /to have cordial relations with each other/to have sexual intercourse/ 交款单 交款單 S - 0 jiāo kuǎn dān f /payment slip/ 交款單 交款单 T - 0 jiāo kuǎn dān f /payment slip/ 交歡 交欢 T - 20 jiāo huān f /to have cordial relations with each other/to have sexual intercourse/ 交汇 交匯 S - 414 jiāo huì f /to flow together/confluence (of rivers, airflow, roads)/(international) cooperation/ 交汇 交彙 S - 414 jiāo huì f /variant of 交匯|交汇/to flow together/confluence (of rivers, airflow, roads)/(international) cooperation/ 交汇处 交匯處 S - 90 jiāo huì chù f /confluence (of two rivers)/junction (of roads)/(transport) interchange/ 交流 984 5027 jiāo liú f /to exchange/exchange/communication/interaction/to have social contact (with sb)/ 交流电 交流電 S - 106 jiāo liú diàn f /alternating current/ 交流電 交流电 T - 106 jiāo liú diàn f /alternating current/ 交浅言深 交淺言深 S - 2 jiāo qiǎn yán shēn f /deep in conversation with a comparative stranger/ 交涉 4191 1014 jiāo shè f /to negotiate/relating to/ 交淺言深 交浅言深 T - 2 jiāo qiǎn yán shēn f /deep in conversation with a comparative stranger/ 交游 交遊 S - 54 jiāo yóu f /to have friendly relationships/circle of friends/ 交火 - 19 jiāo huǒ f /firefight/shooting/ 交点 交點 S - 95 jiāo diǎn f /meeting point/point of intersection/ 交班 - 7 jiāo bān f /to hand over to the next workshift/ 交界 - 569 jiāo jiè f /common boundary/common border/ 交睫 - 0 jiāo jié f /to close one's eyes (i.e. sleep)/ 交管 - 18 jiāo guǎn f /traffic control/ 交粮本 交糧本 S - 0 jiāo liáng běn f /to hand in one's ration cards/to die/ 交糧本 交粮本 T - 0 jiāo liáng běn f /to hand in one's ration cards/to die/ 交納 交纳 T - 479 jiāo nà f /to pay (taxes or dues)/ 交結 交结 T - 61 jiāo jié f /to associate with/to mix with/to connect/ 交給 交给 T - 3204 jiāo gěi f /to give/to deliver/to hand over/ 交織 交织 T - 374 jiāo zhī f /to interweave/ 交纏 交缠 T - 7 jiāo chán f /to intertwine/to intermingle/ 交纳 交納 S - 479 jiāo nà f /to pay (taxes or dues)/ 交织 交織 S - 374 jiāo zhī f /to interweave/ 交结 交結 S - 61 jiāo jié f /to associate with/to mix with/to connect/ 交给 交給 S - 3204 jiāo gěi f /to give/to deliver/to hand over/ 交缠 交纏 S - 7 jiāo chán f /to intertwine/to intermingle/ 交臂 - 3 jiāo bì f /linking arms/arm in arm/very close/ 交臂失之 - 5 jiāo bì shī zhī f /to miss sb by a narrow chance/to miss an opportunity/ 交與 交与 T - 85 jiāo yǔ f /to hand over/ 交融 - 121 jiāo róng f /to blend/to mix/ 交角 - 37 jiāo jiǎo f /angle of intersection/angle at which two lines meet/ 交誼 交谊 T - 32 jiāo yì f /association/communion/friendship/ 交誼舞 交谊舞 T - 6 jiāo yì wǔ f /social dance/ballroom dancing/ 交談 交谈 T - 909 jiāo tán f /to discuss/to converse/chat/discussion/ 交警 - 280 jiāo jǐng f /traffic police/abbr. for 交通警察/ 交變 交变 T - 40 jiāo biàn f /half-period of a wave motion/alternation/ 交變流電 交变流电 T - 0 jiāo biàn liú diàn f /alternating current/same as 交流電|交流电/ 交變電流 交变电流 T - 0 jiāo biàn diàn liú f /alternating current (electricity)/ 交谈 交談 S - 909 jiāo tán f /to discuss/to converse/chat/discussion/ 交谊 交誼 S - 32 jiāo yì f /association/communion/friendship/ 交谊舞 交誼舞 S - 6 jiāo yì wǔ f /social dance/ballroom dancing/ 交貨 交货 T - 432 jiāo huò f /to deliver goods/ 交貨期 交货期 T - 3 jiāo huò qī f /delivery time (time between ordering goods and receiving the delivery)/date of delivery/ 交货 交貨 S - 432 jiāo huò f /to deliver goods/ 交货期 交貨期 S - 3 jiāo huò qī f /delivery time (time between ordering goods and receiving the delivery)/date of delivery/ 交趾 - 50 Jiāo zhǐ f /former southernmost province of the Chinese Empire, now northern Vietnam/ 交辦 交办 T - 57 jiāo bàn f /to assign (a task to sb)/ 交运 交運 S - 12 jiāo yùn f /to meet with luck/to hand over for transportation/ 交还 交還 S - 222 jiāo huán f /to return sth/to hand back/ 交迫 - 3 jiāo pò f /to be beleaguered/ 交通 988 10908 jiāo tōng f /to be connected/traffic/transportation/communications/liaison/ 交通协管员 交通協管員 S - 0 jiāo tōng xié guǎn yuán f /traffic warden/ 交通協管員 交通协管员 T - 0 jiāo tōng xié guǎn yuán f /traffic warden/ 交通卡 - 3 jiāo tōng kǎ f /public transportation card/prepaid transit card/subway pass/ 交通堵塞 - 3 jiāo tōng dǔ sè f /traffic jam/congestion/ 交通大学 交通大學 S - 0 Jiāo tōng Dà xué f /abbr. for 上海交通大學|上海交通大学 Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 西安交通大學|西安交通大学 Xia'an Jiaotong University, 國立交通大學|国立交通大学 National Chiao Tung University (Taiwan) etc/ 交通大學 交通大学 T - 0 Jiāo tōng Dà xué f /abbr. for 上海交通大學|上海交通大学 Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 西安交通大學|西安交通大学 Xia'an Jiaotong University, 國立交通大學|国立交通大学 National Chiao Tung University (Taiwan) etc/ 交通工具 - 234 jiāo tōng gōng jù f /means of transportation/vehicle/ 交通建設 交通建设 T - 0 jiāo tōng jiàn shè f /transport infrastructure/ 交通建设 交通建設 S - 0 jiāo tōng jiàn shè f /transport infrastructure/ 交通意外 - 0 jiāo tōng yì wài f /traffic accident/car crash/ 交通拥挤 交通擁擠 S - 0 jiāo tōng yōng jǐ f /traffic congestion/ 交通擁擠 交通拥挤 T - 0 jiāo tōng yōng jǐ f /traffic congestion/ 交通枢纽 交通樞紐 S - 3 jiāo tōng shū niǔ f /traffic hub/ 交通标志 交通標誌 S - 10 jiāo tōng biāo zhì f /traffic sign/ 交通標誌 交通标志 T - 10 jiāo tōng biāo zhì f /traffic sign/ 交通樞紐 交通枢纽 T - 3 jiāo tōng shū niǔ f /traffic hub/ 交通管理局 - 0 jiāo tōng guǎn lǐ jú f /department of transport/ 交通肇事罪 - 0 jiāo tōng zhào shì zuì f /culpable driving causing serious damage or injury/ 交通警卫 交通警衛 S - 0 jiāo tōng jǐng wèi f /road traffic policing/ 交通警察 - 8 jiāo tōng jǐng chá f /traffic police/abbr. to 交警/ 交通警衛 交通警卫 T - 0 jiāo tōng jǐng wèi f /road traffic policing/ 交通費 交通费 T - 40 jiāo tōng fèi f /transport costs/ 交通费 交通費 S - 40 jiāo tōng fèi f /transport costs/ 交通車 交通车 T - 5 jiāo tōng chē f /shuttle bus/ 交通车 交通車 S - 5 jiāo tōng chē f /shuttle bus/ 交通运输部 交通運輸部 S - 0 Jiāo tōng Yùn shū bù f /PRC Ministry of Transport (MOT)/ 交通運輸部 交通运输部 T - 0 Jiāo tōng Yùn shū bù f /PRC Ministry of Transport (MOT)/ 交通部 - 182 Jiāo tōng bù f /Ministry of Transport/Transport Department/ 交通銀行 交通银行 T - 125 Jiāo tōng Yín háng f /Bank of Communications/ 交通银行 交通銀行 S - 125 Jiāo tōng Yín háng f /Bank of Communications/ 交通阻塞 - 3 jiāo tōng zǔ sè f /traffic jam/ 交遊 交游 T - 54 jiāo yóu f /to have friendly relationships/circle of friends/ 交運 交运 T - 12 jiāo yùn f /to meet with luck/to hand over for transportation/ 交還 交还 T - 222 jiāo huán f /to return sth/to hand back/ 交配 - 525 jiāo pèi f /mating/copulation (esp. of animals)/ 交鋒 交锋 T - 568 jiāo fēng f /to cross swords/to have a confrontation (with sb)/ 交錢 交钱 T - 116 jiāo qián f /to pay up/to shell out/to hand over the money to cover sth/ 交錯 交错 T - 695 jiāo cuò f /to crisscross/to intertwine/ 交钱 交錢 S - 116 jiāo qián f /to pay up/to shell out/to hand over the money to cover sth/ 交锋 交鋒 S - 568 jiāo fēng f /to cross swords/to have a confrontation (with sb)/ 交错 交錯 S - 695 jiāo cuò f /to crisscross/to intertwine/ 交际 交際 S 2365 206 jiāo jì f /communication/social intercourse/ 交際 交际 T 2365 206 jiāo jì f /communication/social intercourse/ 交集 - 151 jiāo jí f /intersection (symbol ∩) (set theory)/ 交響 交响 T - 92 jiāo xiǎng f /symphony, symphonic/ 交響曲 交响曲 T - 283 jiāo xiǎng qǔ f /symphony/ 交響樂 交响乐 T - 125 jiāo xiǎng yuè f /symphony/ 交響樂團 交响乐团 T - 310 jiāo xiǎng yuè tuán f /symphony orchestra/ 交響樂隊 交响乐队 T - 29 jiāo xiǎng yuè duì f /symphony orchestra/ 交響金屬 交响金属 T - 0 jiāo xiǎng jīn shǔ f /symphonic metal (pop music)/heavy metal with symphonic pretensions/ 交頭接耳 交头接耳 T - 89 jiāo tóu jiē ěr f /to whisper to one another's ear/ 交馳 交驰 T - 0 jiāo chí f /continuously circling one another/to buzz around/ 交驰 交馳 S - 0 jiāo chí f /continuously circling one another/to buzz around/ 交骨 - 0 jiāo gǔ f /pubic bone/ 交點 交点 T - 95 jiāo diǎn f /meeting point/point of intersection/ 亥 - 195 hài f /12th earthly branch: 9-11 p.m., 10th solar month (7th November-6th December), year of the Boar/ancient Chinese compass point: 330°/ 亥时 亥時 S - 3 hài shí f /9-11 pm (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)/ 亥時 亥时 T - 3 hài shí f /9-11 pm (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)/ 亥猪 亥豬 S - 3 hài zhū f /Year 12, year of the Boar (e.g. 2007)/ 亥豬 亥猪 T - 3 hài zhū f /Year 12, year of the Boar (e.g. 2007)/ 亦 3362 9343 yì f /also/ 亦且 - 3 yì qiě f /variant of 抑且[yi4 qie3]/ 亦作 - 0 yì zuò f /also written as/ 亦即 - 0 yì jí f /namely/that is/ 亦庄 亦莊 S - 9 Yì zhuāng f /Yizhuang town in Beijing municipality/ 亦或 - 0 yì huò f /or/ 亦步亦趋 亦步亦趨 S - 38 yì bù yì qū f /to blindly follow suit (idiom)/to imitate slavishly/to do what everyone else is doing/ 亦步亦趨 亦步亦趋 T - 38 yì bù yì qū f /to blindly follow suit (idiom)/to imitate slavishly/to do what everyone else is doing/ 亦称 亦稱 S - 0 yì chēng f /also known as/alternative name/to also be called/ 亦稱 亦称 T - 0 yì chēng f /also known as/alternative name/to also be called/ 亦莊 亦庄 T - 9 Yì zhuāng f /Yizhuang town in Beijing municipality/ 产 產 S - 6838 chǎn f /to give birth/to reproduce/to produce/product/resource/estate/property/ 产下 產下 S - 59 chǎn xià f /to bear (give birth)/ 产业 產業 S 3509 8756 chǎn yè f /industry/estate/property/industrial/ 产业化 產業化 S - 1261 chǎn yè huà f /to industrialize/industrialization/ 产业工人 產業工人 S - 169 chǎn yè gōng rén f /industrial worker/ 产业链 產業鏈 S - 256 chǎn yè liàn f /supply chain/ 产业集群 產業集群 S - 0 chǎn yè jí qún f /industrial cluster/ 产仔 產仔 S - 3 chǎn zǐ f /to give birth (animals)/to bear a litter/ 产值 產值 S - 3813 chǎn zhí f /value of output/output value/ 产假 產假 S - 21 chǎn jià f /maternity leave/ 产儿 產兒 S - 9 chǎn ér f /newborn baby/fig. brand-new object/ 产制 產製 S - 0 chǎn zhì f /production/manufacture/ 产前 產前 S - 3 chǎn qián f /prenatal/antenatal/ 产前检查 產前檢查 S - 3 chǎn qián jiǎn chá f /prenatal examination/antenatal examination/ 产区 產區 S - 861 chǎn qū f /place of production/manufacturing location/ 产卵 產卵 S - 1634 chǎn luǎn f /to lay eggs/ 产后 產後 S - 16 chǎn hòu f /postnatal/ 产品 產品 S 1668 22801 chǎn pǐn f /goods/merchandise/product/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 产品经理 產品經理 S - 0 chǎn pǐn jīng lǐ f /product manager/ 产品结构 產品結構 S - 0 chǎn pǐn jié gòu f /product mix/ 产地 產地 S - 984 chǎn dì f /the source (of a product)/place of origin/manufacturing location/ 产地证 產地證 S - 3 chǎn dì zhèng f /certificate of origin (CO or CoO) (commerce)/ 产妇 產婦 S - 423 chǎn fù f /woman recuperating after childbirth/woman in childbirth/ 产婆 產婆 S - 9 chǎn pó f /midwife/ 产房 產房 S - 45 chǎn fáng f /delivery room (in hospital)/labor ward/ 产期 產期 S - 22 chǎn qī f /time of birth/period of labor/lying-in/ 产权 產權 S - 625 chǎn quán f /property right/ 产检 產檢 S - 0 chǎn jiǎn f /abbr. for 產前檢查|产前检查[chan3 qian2 jian3 cha2]/ 产油国 產油國 S - 81 chǎn yóu guó f /oil-producing countries/ 产物 產物 S - 1628 chǎn wù f /product/result (of)/ 产生 產生 S 1470 19495 chǎn shēng f /to arise/to come into being/to come about/to give rise to/to bring into being/to bring about/to produce/to engender/to generate/to appear/appearance/emergence/generation/production/yield/ 产科 產科 S - 43 chǎn kē f /maternity department/maternity ward/obstetrics/ 产程 產程 S - 3 chǎn chéng f /the process of childbirth/ 产粮 產糧 S - 31 chǎn liáng f /to grow crops/food growing/ 产粮区 產糧區 S - 24 chǎn liáng qū f /food growing area/ 产粮大省 產糧大省 S - 0 chǎn liáng dà shěng f /major agricultural province/ 产经新闻 產經新聞 S - 3 Chǎn jīng Xīn wén f /Business News/Sankei Shimbun (Tokyo daily)/ 产能 產能 S - 533 chǎn néng f /production capacity/ 产褥期 產褥期 S - 16 chǎn rù qī f /postnatal period/puerperium (period of six weeks after childbirth)/ 产褥热 產褥熱 S - 2 chǎn rù rè f /postnatal fever/puerperal fever/ 产道 產道 S - 49 chǎn dào f /birth canal (in obstetrics)/ 产量 產量 S - 5358 chǎn liàng f /output/ 产量多 產量多 S - 0 chǎn liàng duō f /fruitful/ 产钳 產鉗 S - 3 chǎn qián f /obstetric forceps/ 产销 產銷 S - 143 chǎn xiāo f /production and marketing/ 产院 產院 S - 3 chǎn yuàn f /maternity hospital/ 亨 - 517 hēng f /prosperous/henry (unit of inductance)/ 亨丁頓舞蹈症 亨丁顿舞蹈症 T - 0 Hēng dīng dùn wǔ dào zhèng f /Huntington's disease/ 亨丁顿舞蹈症 亨丁頓舞蹈症 S - 0 Hēng dīng dùn wǔ dào zhèng f /Huntington's disease/ 亨利 - 503 Hēng lì f /Henry (name)/henry (unit of inductance)/ 亨利·哈德逊 亨利·哈德遜 S - 0 Hēng lì · Hā dé xùn f /Henry Hudson (?-1611?), English explorer and navigator/ 亨利·哈德遜 亨利·哈德逊 T - 0 Hēng lì · Hā dé xùn f /Henry Hudson (?-1611?), English explorer and navigator/ 亨利五世 - 0 Hēng lì Wǔ shì f /Henry V (1387-1422), English warrior king, victor of Agincourt/History of Henry V by William Shakespeare 莎士比亞|莎士比亚[Sha1 shi4 bi3 ya4]/ 亨德尔 亨德爾 S - 17 Hēng dé ěr f /Handel (name)/George Frideric Handel (1685-1759), German-born Baroque composer, naturalized British in 1727/ 亨德爾 亨德尔 T - 17 Hēng dé ěr f /Handel (name)/George Frideric Handel (1685-1759), German-born Baroque composer, naturalized British in 1727/ 亨格洛 - 0 Hēng gé luò f /Hengelo, city in the Netherlands/ 亨氏 - 0 Hēng shì f /Heinz (name)/Heinz, US food processing company/ 亨特 - 353 Hēng tè f /Hunter (name)/ 亨祚 - 0 hēng zuò f /to prosper/to flourish/ 亨通 - 8 hēng tōng f /to go smoothly/prosperous/going well/ 亩 畂 S - 2726 mǔ f /old variant of 畝|亩[mu3]/ 亩 畆 S - 2726 mǔ f /old variant of 畝|亩[mu3]/ 亩 畝 S - 2726 mǔ f /classifier for fields/unit of area equal to one fifteenth of a hectare/ 亩 畮 S - 2726 mǔ f /old variant of 畝|亩[mu3]/ 亪 - 0 xx f /one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "ye"), an ancient Korean writing system/ 享 - 840 xiǎng f /to enjoy/to benefit/to have the use of/ 享 亯 S - 840 xiǎng f /old variant of 享[xiang3]/ 享乐 享樂 S - 155 xiǎng lè f /to enjoy life/pleasures of life/ 享乐主义 享樂主義 S - 19 xiǎng lè zhǔ yì f /hedonism/ 享乐主义者 享樂主義者 S - 0 xiǎng lè zhǔ yì zhě f /hedonist/ 享受 1311 2791 xiǎng shòu f /to enjoy/to live it up/pleasure/CL:種|种[zhong3]/ 享名 - 0 xiǎng míng f /to enjoy a reputation/ 享国 享國 S - 3 xiǎng guó f /to reign/ 享國 享国 T - 3 xiǎng guó f /to reign/ 享年 - 71 xiǎng nián f /to live to the (ripe) age of/ 享有 - 2766 xiǎng yǒu f /to enjoy (rights, privileges etc)/ 享樂 享乐 T - 155 xiǎng lè f /to enjoy life/pleasures of life/ 享樂主義 享乐主义 T - 19 xiǎng lè zhǔ yì f /hedonism/ 享樂主義者 享乐主义者 T - 0 xiǎng lè zhǔ yì zhě f /hedonist/ 享清福 - 28 xiǎng qīng fú f /living in ease and comfort/ 享用 - 489 xiǎng yòng f /to enjoy (i.e. have the use or benefit of)/ 享福 - 96 xiǎng fú f /to live comfortably/happy and prosperous life/ 享誉 享譽 S - 158 xiǎng yù f /to be renowned/ 享譽 享誉 T - 158 xiǎng yù f /to be renowned/ 京 - 6583 Jīng f /abbr. for Beijing/surname Jing/Jing ethnic minority/ 京 - 6583 jīng f /capital city of a country/big/algebraic term for a large number (old)/artificial mound (old)/ 京九鐵路 京九铁路 T - 283 Jīng Jiǔ Tiě lù f /JingJiu (Beijing-Kowloon) railway/ 京九铁路 京九鐵路 S - 283 Jīng Jiǔ Tiě lù f /JingJiu (Beijing-Kowloon) railway/ 京二胡 - 3 jīng èr hú f /jing'erhu, a two-stringed fiddle intermediate in size and pitch between the jinghu 京胡 and erhu 二胡, used to accompany Chinese opera/also called 京胡/ 京兆 - 110 jīng zhào f /capital of a country/ 京剧 京劇 S 1200 820 Jīng jù f /Beijing opera/CL:場|场[chang3],出[chu1]/ 京劇 京剧 T 1200 820 Jīng jù f /Beijing opera/CL:場|场[chang3],出[chu1]/ 京华时报 京華時報 S - 0 Jīng huá Shí bào f /Beijing Times (newspaper)/ 京口 - 3 Jīng kǒu f /Jingkou district of Zhenjiang city 鎮江市|镇江市[Zhen4 jiang1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 京口区 京口區 S - 3 Jīng kǒu qū f /Jingkou district of Zhenjiang city 鎮江市|镇江市[Zhen4 jiang1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 京口區 京口区 T - 3 Jīng kǒu qū f /Jingkou district of Zhenjiang city 鎮江市|镇江市[Zhen4 jiang1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 京味 - 10 jīng wèi f /Beijing flavor/Beijing style/ 京哈 - 3 Jīng Hā f /Beijing-Harbin/ 京哈鐵路 京哈铁路 T - 2 Jīng Hā tiě lù f /Beijing-Harbin railway/ 京哈铁路 京哈鐵路 S - 2 Jīng Hā tiě lù f /Beijing-Harbin railway/ 京城 - 2105 jīng chéng f /capital of a country/ 京報 京报 T - 131 Jīng Bào f /Peking Gazette (official government bulletin)/ 京山 - 293 Jīng shān f /Jingshan county in Jingmen 荊門|荆门[Jing1 men2], Hubei/ 京山县 京山縣 S - 521 Jīng shān xiàn f /Jingshan county in Jingmen 荊門|荆门[Jing1 men2], Hubei/ 京山縣 京山县 T - 521 Jīng shān xiàn f /Jingshan county in Jingmen 荊門|荆门[Jing1 men2], Hubei/ 京巴狗 - 0 Jīng bā gǒu f /Pekingese (dog breed)/ 京师 京師 S - 947 jīng shī f /capital of a country (literary)/ 京師 京师 T - 947 jīng shī f /capital of a country (literary)/ 京广 京廣 S - 267 Jīng Guǎng f /Beijing and Guangdong/ 京广铁路 京廣鐵路 S - 593 Jīng Guǎng Tiě lù f /Jing-Guang (Beijing-Guangzhou) Railway/ 京廣 京广 T - 267 Jīng Guǎng f /Beijing and Guangdong/ 京廣鐵路 京广铁路 T - 593 Jīng Guǎng Tiě lù f /Jing-Guang (Beijing-Guangzhou) Railway/ 京戏 京戲 S - 36 Jīng xì f /Beijing opera/CL:出[chu1]/ 京戲 京戏 T - 36 Jīng xì f /Beijing opera/CL:出[chu1]/ 京报 京報 S - 131 Jīng Bào f /Peking Gazette (official government bulletin)/ 京斯敦 - 0 Jīng sī dūn f /Kingstown, capital of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines/(Tw) Kingston, capital of Jamaica/ 京族 - 294 Jīng zú f /Vietnamese ethnic group in south China/ 京杭大运河 京杭大運河 S - 24 Jīng Háng Dà Yùn hé f /the Grand Canal, 1800 km from Beijing to Hangzhou, built starting from 486 BC/ 京杭大運河 京杭大运河 T - 24 Jīng Háng Dà Yùn hé f /the Grand Canal, 1800 km from Beijing to Hangzhou, built starting from 486 BC/ 京杭运河 京杭運河 S - 155 Jīng Háng Yùn hé f /the Grand Canal, 1800 km from Beijing to Hangzhou, built starting from 486 BC/ 京杭運河 京杭运河 T - 155 Jīng Háng Yùn hé f /the Grand Canal, 1800 km from Beijing to Hangzhou, built starting from 486 BC/ 京沪 京滬 S - 160 Jīng Hù f /Beijing and Shanghai/ 京沪高铁 京滬高鐵 S - 0 Jīng Hù gāo tiě f /Beijing and Shanghai express rail link (projected)/abbr. for 京滬高速鐵路|京沪高速铁路/ 京津 - 72 Jīng Jīn f /Beijing and Tianjin/ 京津冀 - 36 Jīng Jīn Jì f /Jing-Jin-Ji (Bejing, Tianjin and Hebei Province)/ 京滬 京沪 T - 160 Jīng Hù f /Beijing and Shanghai/ 京滬高鐵 京沪高铁 T - 0 Jīng Hù gāo tiě f /Beijing and Shanghai express rail link (projected)/abbr. for 京滬高速鐵路|京沪高速铁路/ 京片子 - 3 Jīng piàn zi f /Beijing dialect/ 京畿 - 102 Jīng jī f /Gyeonggi Province, South Korea, surrounding Seoul and Incheon, capital Suweon City 水原市[Shui3 yuan2 shi4]/ 京畿 - 102 jīng jī f /capital city and its surrounding area/ 京畿道 - 10 Jīng jī dào f /Gyeonggi Province, South Korea, surrounding Seoul and Incheon, capital Suweon City 水原市[Shui3 yuan2 shi4]/ 京胡 - 16 jīng hú f /jinghu, a smaller, higher-pitched erhu 二胡 (two-stringed fiddle) used to accompany Chinese opera/also called 京二胡/ 京華時報 京华时报 T - 0 Jīng huá Shí bào f /Beijing Times (newspaper)/ 京郊 - 111 Jīng jiāo f /suburbs of Beijing/ 京郊日報 京郊日报 T - 0 Jīng jiāo Rì bào f /Beijing Suburbs Daily (newspaper), ben.com.cn/ 京郊日报 京郊日報 S - 0 Jīng jiāo Rì bào f /Beijing Suburbs Daily (newspaper), ben.com.cn/ 京都 - 303 Jīng dū f /Kyoto, Japan/ 京都 - 303 jīng dū f /capital (of a country)/ 京都府 - 5 Jīng dū fǔ f /Kyōto prefecture in central Japan/ 京都念慈菴枇杷膏 - 0 Jīng dū niàn cí ān pí pá gāo f /Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa, a Traditional Chinese natural herbal remedy/condensed loquat extract/ 亭 - 2829 tíng f /pavilion/booth/kiosk/erect/ 亭亭玉立 - 34 tíng tíng yù lì f /slender and elegant (of a woman)/ 亭午 - 3 tíng wǔ f /(literary) noon/ 亭台 亭臺 S - 19 tíng tái f /pavilion/ 亭台楼榭 亭臺樓榭 S - 2 tíng tái lóu xiè f /see 亭臺樓閣|亭台楼阁[ting2 tai2 lou2 ge2]/ 亭台楼阁 亭臺樓閣 S - 46 tíng tái lóu gé f /pavilions and kiosks (in Chinese gardens)/ 亭子 4864 232 tíng zi f /pavilion/ 亭湖 - 0 Tíng hú f /Tinghu district of Yancheng city 鹽城市|盐城市[Yan2 cheng2 shi4], Jiangsu/ 亭湖区 亭湖區 S - 3 Tíng hú qū f /Tinghu district of Yancheng city 鹽城市|盐城市[Yan2 cheng2 shi4], Jiangsu/ 亭湖區 亭湖区 T - 3 Tíng hú qū f /Tinghu district of Yancheng city 鹽城市|盐城市[Yan2 cheng2 shi4], Jiangsu/ 亭臺 亭台 T - 19 tíng tái f /pavilion/ 亭臺樓榭 亭台楼榭 T - 2 tíng tái lóu xiè f /see 亭臺樓閣|亭台楼阁[ting2 tai2 lou2 ge2]/ 亭臺樓閣 亭台楼阁 T - 46 tíng tái lóu gé f /pavilions and kiosks (in Chinese gardens)/ 亭長 亭长 T - 18 tíng zhǎng f /ancient official title/ 亭长 亭長 S - 18 tíng zhǎng f /ancient official title/ 亭閣 亭阁 T - 0 tíng gé f /kiosk/ 亭阁 亭閣 S - 0 tíng gé f /kiosk/ 亮 1550 4307 liàng f /bright/clear/resonant/to shine/to show/to reveal/ 亮丽 亮麗 S - 380 liàng lì f /bright and beautiful/ 亮光 - 197 liàng guāng f /light/beam of light/gleam of light/light reflected from an object/ 亮出 - 126 liàng chū f /to suddenly reveal/to flash (one's ID, a banknote etc)/ 亮堂 - 27 liàng táng f /bright/clear/ 亮堂堂 - 17 liàng táng táng f /very bright/well-lit/ 亮底牌 - 4 liàng dǐ pái f /to show one's hand/to lay one's cards on the table/ 亮度 - 221 liàng dù f /illumination/ 亮彩 - 0 liàng cǎi f /a bright color/sparkle/shine/glitter/ 亮星 - 0 liàng xīng f /bright star/ 亮星云 亮星雲 S - 0 liàng xīng yún f /emission nebula/ 亮星雲 亮星云 T - 0 liàng xīng yún f /emission nebula/ 亮氨酸 - 5 liàng ān suān f /leucine (Leu), an essential amino acid/ 亮点 亮點 S - 353 liàng diǎn f /highlight/bright spot/ 亮相 - 656 liàng xiàng f /a still pose on stage/to appear in public/to reveal one's position/to see the light of day/ 亮菌 - 0 liàng jūn f /Armillariella tabescens (mushroom used in trad. Chinese medicine)/ 亮菌甲素 - 0 liàng jūn jiǎ sù f /armillarisin (fungal enzyme used as antibiotic)/ 亮蓝 亮藍 S - 0 liàng lán f /bright blue/ 亮藍 亮蓝 T - 0 liàng lán f /bright blue/ 亮鋥鋥 亮锃锃 T - 0 liàng zèng zèng f /polished to a shine/shiny/glistening/ 亮锃锃 亮鋥鋥 S - 0 liàng zèng zèng f /polished to a shine/shiny/glistening/ 亮閃閃 亮闪闪 T - 24 liàng shǎn shǎn f /bright/ 亮闪闪 亮閃閃 S - 24 liàng shǎn shǎn f /bright/ 亮飾 亮饰 T - 0 liàng shì f /diamanté/ 亮饰 亮飾 S - 0 liàng shì f /diamanté/ 亮麗 亮丽 T - 380 liàng lì f /bright and beautiful/ 亮黃燈 亮黄灯 T - 0 liàng huáng dēng f /(lit.) to flash the yellow light/(fig.) to give a warning sign/ 亮黄灯 亮黃燈 S - 0 liàng huáng dēng f /(lit.) to flash the yellow light/(fig.) to give a warning sign/ 亮點 亮点 T - 353 liàng diǎn f /highlight/bright spot/ 亯 享 T - 840 xiǎng f /old variant of 享[xiang3]/ 亱 夜 T 1329 4020 yè f /variant of 夜[ye4]/ 亲 親 S - 10670 qīn t /parent/one's own (flesh and blood)/relative/related/marriage/bride/close/intimate/in person/first-hand/in favor of/pro-/to kiss/(Internet slang) dear/ 亲 親 S - 10670 qìng f /parents-in-law of one's offspring/ 亲临 親臨 S - 405 qīn lín f /to go in person/ 亲临其境 親臨其境 S - 2 qīn lín qí jìng f /to travel to a place personally (idiom)/ 亲事 親事 S - 201 qīn shì f /marriage/CL:門|门[men2]/ 亲亲 親親 S - 3 qīn qīn f /dear one/to kiss/friendly/ 亲人 親人 S - 1012 qīn rén f /one's close relatives/ 亲代 親代 S - 64 qīn dài f /parent's generation/previous generation/ 亲们 親們 S - 0 qīn men f /darlings/fans/followers/short form of 親愛的們|亲爱的们/ 亲信 親信 S - 914 qīn xìn f /trusted aide/ 亲兄弟,明算帐 親兄弟,明算帳 S - 0 qīn xiōng dì , míng suàn zhàng f /(lit.) even with your own brother, keep clear accounts/ 亲切 親切 S 2238 1104 qīn qiè f /amiable/cordial/close and dear/familiar/ 亲力亲为 親力親為 S - 14 qīn lì qīn wéi f /to do sth oneself/ 亲北京 親北京 S - 0 qīn Běi jīng f /pro-Beijing (stance, party etc)/ 亲卫队 親衛隊 S - 0 Qīn wèi duì f /SS or Schutzstaffel, paramilitary organization in Nazi Germany/ 亲历 親歷 S - 85 qīn lì f /personal experience/ 亲友 親友 S - 378 qīn yǒu f /friends and relatives/ 亲口 親口 S - 263 qīn kǒu f /one's own mouth/fig. in one's own words/to say sth personally/ 亲吻 親吻 S - 169 qīn wěn f /to kiss/kiss/ 亲和 親和 S - 0 qīn hé f /to connect intimately (with)/amiable/affable/ 亲和力 親和力 S - 108 qīn hé lì f /(personal) warmth/approachability/accessibility/(in a product) user friendliness/(chemistry) affinity/ 亲和性 親和性 S - 17 qīn hé xìng f /compatibility/affinity (biology)/ 亲善 親善 S - 29 qīn shàn f /goodwill/ 亲善大使 親善大使 S - 3 qīn shàn dà shǐ f /goodwill ambassador/ 亲嘴 親嘴 S - 36 qīn zuǐ f /to kiss (on the mouth)/ 亲如一家 親如一家 S - 2 qīn rú yī jiā f /family-like close relationship (idiom)/ 亲如手足 親如手足 S - 11 qīn rú shǒu zú f /as close as brothers (idiom); deep friendship/ 亲妈 親媽 S - 3 qīn mā f /one's own mother/biological mother/ 亲子 親子 S - 90 qīn zǐ f /parent and child/parent-child (relationship)/two successive generations/ 亲子鉴定 親子鑒定 S - 3 qīn zǐ jiàn dìng f /paternity test/ 亲家 親家 S - 224 qìng jia f /parents of one's daughter-in-law or son-in-law/relatives by marriage/ 亲密 親密 S 2709 653 qīn mì f /intimate/close/ 亲密无间 親密無間 S - 45 qīn mì wú jiān f /close relation, no gap (idiom); intimate and nothing can come between/ 亲属 親屬 S - 721 qīn shǔ f /kin/kindred/relatives/ 亲征 親征 S - 775 qīn zhēng f /to take to the field oneself (of emperor)/to take part in person in an expedition/ 亲情 親情 S - 289 qīn qíng f /affection/family love/love, esp. within a married couple or between parents and children/ 亲戚 親戚 S 1073 1254 qīn qi f /a relative (i.e. family relation)/CL:門|门[men2],個|个[ge4],位[wei4]/ 亲手 親手 S - 747 qīn shǒu f /personally/with one's own hands/ 亲族 親族 S - 58 qīn zú f /relatives/members of the same family, clan, tribe etc/ 亲旧 親舊 S - 0 qīn jiù f /relatives and old friends/ 亲昵 親暱 S - 157 qīn nì f /intimate/ 亲朋好友 親朋好友 S - 123 qīn péng hǎo yǒu f /friends and family/kith and kin/ 亲民 親民 S - 0 qīn mín f /in touch with the people/sensitive to people's needs/ 亲民党 親民黨 S - 46 Qīn mín dǎng f /People First Party, Taiwan/ 亲水性 親水性 S - 15 qīn shuǐ xìng f /hydrophilicity/hydrophilic/ 亲水长廊 親水長廊 S - 0 qīn shuǐ cháng láng f /waterside promenade/ 亲炙 親炙 S - 0 qīn zhì f /to be enlightened by direct contact with sb/ 亲热 親熱 S 3178 560 qīn rè f /affectionate/intimate/warmhearted/ 亲爱 親愛 S 1206 443 qīn ài f /dear/beloved/darling/ 亲爱精诚 親愛精誠 S - 3 qīn ài jīng chéng f /camaraderie/ 亲爸 親爸 S - 0 qīn bà f /one's own father/biological father/ 亲王 親王 S - 1384 qīn wáng f /prince/ 亲生 親生 S - 503 qīn shēng f /one's own (child) (i.e. one's child by birth)/biological (parents)/birth (parents)/ 亲生子女 親生子女 S - 3 qīn shēng zǐ nǚ f /natural child/ 亲生骨肉 親生骨肉 S - 3 qīn shēng gǔ ròu f /one's own flesh and blood/ 亲疏 親疏 S - 74 qīn shū f /close and distant (relatives)/ 亲疏贵贱 親疏貴賤 S - 3 qīn shū guì jiàn f /close and distant, rich and poor (idiom); everyone/all possible relations/ 亲眷 親眷 S - 35 qīn juàn f /relatives/ 亲眼 親眼 S - 881 qīn yǎn f /with one's own eyes/personally/ 亲眼目睹 親眼目睹 S - 199 qīn yǎn mù dǔ f /to see for oneself/to see with one's own eyes/ 亲睦 親睦 S - 2 qīn mù f /friendly/amicable/to keep up harmonious relations (with sb)/ 亲睦邻邦 親睦鄰邦 S - 0 qīn mù lín bāng f /friendly neighboring countries/to keep up good relations with neighboring countries/ 亲笔 親筆 S - 252 qīn bǐ f /in one's own handwriting/ 亲缘 親緣 S - 120 qīn yuán f /affinity/family relationship/consanguinity/ 亲缘关系 親緣關係 S - 0 qīn yuán guān xì f /family relation/ 亲美 親美 S - 0 qīn Měi f /pro-U.S./ 亲耳 親耳 S - 69 qīn ěr f /with one's own ears/ 亲自 親自 S 1495 5315 qīn zì f /personally/in person/oneself/ 亲自动手 親自動手 S - 3 qīn zì dòng shǒu f /to do the job oneself/ 亲自挂帅 親自掛帥 S - 0 qīn zì guà shuài f /to take command personally/ 亲身 親身 S - 562 qīn shēn f /personal/oneself/ 亲近 親近 S - 549 qīn jìn f /intimate/to get close to/ 亳 - 82 Bó f /name of district in Anhui/capital of Yin/ 亳州 - 62 Bó zhōu f /Bozhou prefecture level city in Anhui/ 亳州市 - 12 Bó zhōu shì f /Bozhou prefecture level city in Anhui/ 亵 褻 S - 114 xiè f /obscene/disrespectful/ 亵慢 褻慢 S - 3 xiè màn f /irreverent/slighting/ 亵昵 褻昵 S - 0 xiè nì f /familiar (i.e. rude)/irreverent/ 亵服 褻服 S - 0 xiè fú f /informal wear/home clothes (old)/women's underwear/lingerie/ 亵渎 褻瀆 S - 163 xiè dú f /to blaspheme/to profane/ 亵渎神明 褻瀆神明 S - 3 xiè dú shén míng f /to blaspheme/to commit sacrilege/ 亵黩 褻黷 S - 0 xiè dú f /to blaspheme/to profane/ 亶 - 79 Dǎn f /surname Dan/ 亶 - 79 dǎn f /sincere/ 亷 廉 T - 471 lián f /old variant of 廉[lian2]/ 亸 嚲 S - 425 duǒ f /hang down/ 亹 - 63 mén t /mountain pass/defile (archaic)/ 亹 - 63 wěi f /resolute/ 亹亹 - 0 wěi wěi f /diligently/relentlessly/pressing forward/ 亹亹不倦 - 3 wěi wěi bù juàn f /on and on/relentlessly/ 人 20 313209 rén f /man/person/people/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]/ 人丁 - 140 rén dīng f /number of people in a family/population/(old) adult males/male servants/ 人不为己,天诛地灭 人不為己,天誅地滅 S - 0 rén bù wèi jǐ , tiān zhū dì miè f /Look out for yourself, or heaven and earth will combine to destroy you./Every man for himself, and the Devil take the hindmost./ 人不可貌相 - 0 rén bù kě mào xiàng f /you can't judge a person by appearance (idiom)/you can't judge a book by its cover/often in combination 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量[ren2 bu4 ke3 mao4 xiang4 , hai3 shui3 bu4 ke3 dou3 liang2]/ 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量 - 0 rén bù kě mào xiàng , hǎi shuǐ bù kě dǒu liáng f /you can't judge a person by appearance, just as you can't measure the sea with a pint pot (idiom)/ 人不為己,天誅地滅 人不为己,天诛地灭 T - 0 rén bù wèi jǐ , tiān zhū dì miè f /Look out for yourself, or heaven and earth will combine to destroy you./Every man for himself, and the Devil take the hindmost./ 人不知鬼不覺 人不知鬼不觉 T - 0 rén bù zhī guǐ bù jué f /in absolute secrecy/ 人不知鬼不觉 人不知鬼不覺 S - 0 rén bù zhī guǐ bù jué f /in absolute secrecy/ 人世 - 364 rén shì f /the world/this world/the world of the living/ 人世間 人世间 T - 112 rén shì jiān f /the secular world/ 人世间 人世間 S - 112 rén shì jiān f /the secular world/ 人丛 人叢 S - 241 rén cóng f /crowd of people/ 人中 - 0 rén zhōng f /philtrum/infranasal depression/the "human center" acupuncture point/ 人中龍鳳 人中龙凤 T - 0 rén zhōng lóng fèng f /a giant among men (idiom)/ 人中龙凤 人中龍鳳 S - 0 rén zhōng lóng fèng f /a giant among men (idiom)/ 人为 人為 S 4153 1829 rén wéi f /artificial/man-made/having human cause or origin/human attempt or effort/ 人为刀俎,我为鱼肉 人為刀俎,我為魚肉 S - 0 rén wéi dāo zǔ , wǒ wéi yú ròu f /lit. to be the meat on sb's cutting board (idiom)/fig. to be at sb's mercy/ 人为土 人為土 S - 0 Rén wéi tǔ f /Anthrosols (Chinese Soil Taxonomy)/ 人为财死,鸟为食亡 人為財死,鳥為食亡 S - 0 rén wèi cái sǐ , niǎo wèi shí wáng f /lit. human beings will die for riches, just as birds will for food (idiom)/fig. man will do anything in his means to become rich/ 人之初,性本善 - 0 rén zhī chū , xìng běn shàn f /man at birth is fundamentally good in nature/the first two lines of Three Character Classic 三字經|三字经[San1 zi4 Jing1]/ 人之将死,其言也善 人之將死,其言也善 S - 0 rén zhī jiāng sǐ , qí yán yě shàn f /words of a man on his deathbed always come from the heart (proverb)/ 人之將死,其言也善 人之将死,其言也善 T - 0 rén zhī jiāng sǐ , qí yán yě shàn f /words of a man on his deathbed always come from the heart (proverb)/ 人之常情 - 58 rén zhī cháng qíng f /human nature (idiom)/a behavior that is only natural/ 人事 2343 1338 rén shì f /personnel/human resources/human affairs/ways of the world/(euphemism) sexuality/the facts of life/ 人事不知 - 49 rén shì bù zhī f /to have lost consciousness/ 人事处 人事處 S - 31 rén shì chù f /human resources department/ 人事管理 - 3 rén shì guǎn lǐ f /personnel management/ 人事處 人事处 T - 31 rén shì chù f /human resources department/ 人事部 - 185 rén shì bù f /personnel office/human resources (HR)/ 人事部門 人事部门 T - 102 rén shì bù mén f /personnel office/ 人事部门 人事部門 S - 102 rén shì bù mén f /personnel office/ 人云亦云 - 32 rén yún yì yún f /to say what everyone says (idiom)/to conform to what one perceives to be the majority view/to follow the herd/ 人五人六 - 0 rén wǔ rén liù f /to make a show of being decent and proper/to display phony or hypocritical behavior/ 人人 - 2713 rén rén f /everyone/every person/ 人人有責 人人有责 T - 3 rén rén yǒu zé f /it is everyone's duty/ 人人有责 人人有責 S - 3 rén rén yǒu zé f /it is everyone's duty/ 人人皆知 - 60 rén rén jiē zhī f /known to everyone/ 人人網 人人网 T - 0 Rén rén Wǎng f /Renren (Chinese social networking website)/ 人人网 人人網 S - 0 Rén rén Wǎng f /Renren (Chinese social networking website)/ 人从 人從 S - 0 rén cóng f /retinue/hangers-on/ 人们 人們 S - 24841 rén men f /people/ 人仰馬翻 人仰马翻 T - 26 rén yǎng mǎ fān f /to suffer a crushing defeat (idiom)/in a pitiful state/in a complete mess/to roll (with laughter)/ 人仰马翻 人仰馬翻 S - 26 rén yǎng mǎ fān f /to suffer a crushing defeat (idiom)/in a pitiful state/in a complete mess/to roll (with laughter)/ 人传人 人傳人 S - 0 rén chuán rén f /transmitted person-to-person/ 人位相宜 - 0 rén wèi xiāng yí f /to be the right person for the job (idiom)/ 人体 人體 S - 3316 rén tǐ f /human body/ 人体器官 人體器官 S - 3 rén tǐ qì guān f /human organ/ 人体工学 人體工學 S - 3 rén tǐ gōng xué f /ergonomics/ 人体解剖 人體解剖 S - 0 rén tǐ jiě pōu f /human anatomy/ 人体解剖学 人體解剖學 S - 0 rén tǐ jiě pōu xué f /human anatomy/ 人來瘋 人来疯 T - 14 rén lái fēng f /to get hyped up in front of an audience/(of children) to play up in front of guests/ 人保 - 0 rén bǎo f /personal guarantee/to sign as guarantor/ 人們 人们 T - 24841 rén men f /people/ 人偶戏 人偶戲 S - 0 rén ǒu xì f /puppet show/ 人偶戲 人偶戏 T - 0 rén ǒu xì f /puppet show/ 人傑 人杰 T - 35 rén jié f /outstanding talent/wise and able person/illustrious individual/ 人傑地靈 人杰地灵 T - 272 rén jié dì líng f /illustrious hero, spirit of the place (idiom); a place derives reflected glory from an illustrious son/ 人傳人 人传人 T - 0 rén chuán rén f /transmitted person-to-person/ 人儿 人兒 S - 162 rén r f /figurine/ 人兒 人儿 T - 162 rén r f /figurine/ 人力 - 2134 rén lì f /manpower/labor power/ 人力資源 人力资源 T - 3 rén lì zī yuán f /human resources/ 人力资源 人力資源 S - 3 rén lì zī yuán f /human resources/ 人力車 人力车 T - 39 rén lì chē f /rickshaw/ 人力車夫 人力车夫 T - 0 rén lì chē fū f /rickshaw puller/ 人力车 人力車 S - 39 rén lì chē f /rickshaw/ 人力车夫 人力車夫 S - 0 rén lì chē fū f /rickshaw puller/ 人势 人勢 S - 0 rén shì f /(human) penis (TCM)/ 人勢 人势 T - 0 rén shì f /(human) penis (TCM)/ 人去楼空 人去樓空 S - 32 rén qù lóu kōng f /the people are gone and the place is empty (idiom)/the sight of a deserted place brings old friends to mind/the place is deserted/the birds have flown/ 人去樓空 人去楼空 T - 32 rén qù lóu kōng f /the people are gone and the place is empty (idiom)/the sight of a deserted place brings old friends to mind/the place is deserted/the birds have flown/ 人参 人參 S - 347 rén shēn f /ginseng/ 人參 人参 T - 347 rén shēn f /ginseng/ 人叢 人丛 T - 241 rén cóng f /crowd of people/ 人口 1848 23243 rén kǒu f /population/people/ 人口学 人口學 S - 38 rén kǒu xué f /demography/ 人口學 人口学 T - 38 rén kǒu xué f /demography/ 人口密度 - 3 rén kǒu mì dù f /population density/ 人口数 人口數 S - 1580 rén kǒu shù f /population/ 人口數 人口数 T - 1580 rén kǒu shù f /population/ 人口普查 - 3 rén kǒu pǔ chá f /census/ 人口稠密 - 3 rén kǒu chóu mì f /populous/ 人口統計學 人口统计学 T - 0 rén kǒu tǒng jì xué f /population studies/population statistics/ 人口统计学 人口統計學 S - 0 rén kǒu tǒng jì xué f /population studies/population statistics/ 人口調查 人口调查 T - 0 rén kǒu diào chá f /census/ 人口调查 人口調查 S - 0 rén kǒu diào chá f /census/ 人口販運 人口贩运 T - 0 rén kǒu fàn yùn f /trafficking in persons/human trafficking/ 人口贩运 人口販運 S - 0 rén kǒu fàn yùn f /trafficking in persons/human trafficking/ 人各有所好 - 0 rén gè yǒu suǒ hào f /everyone has their likes and dislikes/there is no accounting for taste/chacun son goût/ 人名 - 78 rén míng f /personal name/ 人员 人員 S 1335 19810 rén yuán f /staff/crew/personnel/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 人命 - 200 rén mìng f /human life/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 人命关天 人命關天 S - 20 rén mìng guān tiān f /human life is beyond value (idiom)/ 人命關天 人命关天 T - 20 rén mìng guān tiān f /human life is beyond value (idiom)/ 人品 - 442 rén pǐn f /moral standing/moral quality/character/personality/appearance/looks (colloquial)/bearing/ 人員 人员 T 1335 19810 rén yuán f /staff/crew/personnel/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 人喊馬嘶 人喊马嘶 T - 22 rén hǎn mǎ sī f /lit. people shouting and horses neighing (idiom)/fig. tumultuous/hubbub/ 人喊马嘶 人喊馬嘶 S - 22 rén hǎn mǎ sī f /lit. people shouting and horses neighing (idiom)/fig. tumultuous/hubbub/ 人困馬乏 人困马乏 T - 42 rén kùn mǎ fá f /riders tired and horses weary/worn out/exhausted/spent/fatigued/ 人困马乏 人困馬乏 S - 42 rén kùn mǎ fá f /riders tired and horses weary/worn out/exhausted/spent/fatigued/ 人在江湖,身不由己 - 0 rén zài jiāng hú , shēn bù yóu jǐ f /you can't always do as you like/one has to compromise in this world (idiom)/ 人均 - 3051 rén jūn f /per capita/ 人士 2855 5774 rén shì f /person/figure/public figure/ 人声鼎沸 人聲鼎沸 S - 71 rén shēng dǐng fèi f /lit. a boiling cauldron of voices (idiom)/hubbub/brouhaha/ 人壽保險 人寿保险 T - 81 rén shòu bǎo xiǎn f /life insurance/ 人壽年豐 人寿年丰 T - 2 rén shòu nián fēng f /long-lived people, rich harvests (idiom); stable and affluent society/prosperity/ 人多势众 人多勢眾 S - 137 rén duō shì zhòng f /many men, a great force (idiom); many hands provide great strength/There is safety in numbers./ 人多勢眾 人多势众 T - 137 rén duō shì zhòng f /many men, a great force (idiom); many hands provide great strength/There is safety in numbers./ 人大 - 12955 Rén dà f /(Chinese) National People's Congress/abbr. for 全國人民代表大會|全国人民代表大会[Quan2 guo2 Ren2 min2 Dai4 biao3 Da4 hui4]/ 人头 人頭 S - 402 rén tóu f /person/number of people/(per) capita/(a person's) head/(Tw) person whose identity is used by sb else (e.g. to create a bogus account)/ 人头熟 人頭熟 S - 4 rén tóu shú f /to know a lot of people/ 人头狮身 人頭獅身 S - 0 rén tóu shī shēn f /sphinx/ 人头税 人頭稅 S - 3 rén tóu shuì f /poll tax/ 人头蛇身 人頭蛇身 S - 0 rén tóu shé shēn f /human head, snake's body/cf Nüwa 女娲氏[Nu:3 wa1 shi4] and Fuxi 伏羲氏[Fu2 Xi1 shi4] in some versions of mythology/ 人头马 人頭馬 S - 6 Rén tóu mǎ f /Rémy Martin cognac/ 人妖 - 33 rén yāo f /transvestite/transsexual/ladyboy/ 人子 - 20 rén zǐ f /son of man/ 人字拖 - 3 rén zì tuō f /flip-flops/abbr. for 人字拖鞋[ren2 zi4 tuo1 xie2]/ 人字拖鞋 - 0 rén zì tuō xié f /flip-flops/flip-flop sandals/thongs/see also 人字拖[ren2 zi4 tuo1]/ 人字洞 - 0 Rén zì dòng f /Renzidong palaeolithic archaeological site at Fanchang 繁昌[Fan2 chang1], Anhui/ 人定 - 3 rén dìng f /middle of the night/the dead of night/ 人定勝天 人定胜天 T - 19 rén dìng shèng tiān f /man can conquer nature (idiom); human wisdom can prevail over nature/ 人定胜天 人定勝天 S - 19 rén dìng shèng tiān f /man can conquer nature (idiom); human wisdom can prevail over nature/ 人家 2672 8314 rén jiā t /household/dwelling/family/sb else's house/household business/house of woman's husband-to-be/CL:戶|户[hu4],家[jia1]/ 人家 2672 8314 rén jia f /other people/sb else/he, she or they/I, me (referring to oneself as "one" or "people")/ 人寰 - 3 rén huán f /world/earthly world/ 人寿保险 人壽保險 S - 81 rén shòu bǎo xiǎn f /life insurance/ 人寿年丰 人壽年豐 S - 2 rén shòu nián fēng f /long-lived people, rich harvests (idiom); stable and affluent society/prosperity/ 人尖儿 人尖兒 S - 0 rén jiān r f /outstanding individual/person of great ability/ 人尖兒 人尖儿 T - 0 rén jiān r f /outstanding individual/person of great ability/ 人尽其才 人盡其才 S - 23 rén jìn qí cái f /employ one's talent to the fullest/everyone gives of their best/ 人尽其材 人盡其材 S - 3 rén jìn qí cái f /employ one's talent to the fullest/everyone gives of their best/also written 人盡其才|人尽其才/ 人尽皆知 人盡皆知 S - 3 rén jìn jiē zhī f /see 盡人皆知|尽人皆知[jin4 ren2 jie1 zhi1]/ 人居 - 71 rén jū f /human habitat/ 人山人海 - 99 rén shān rén hǎi f /multitude/vast crowd/ 人工 3503 2816 rén gōng f /artificial/manpower/manual work/ 人工受孕 - 3 rén gōng shòu yùn f /artificial insemination/ 人工呼吸 - 69 rén gōng hū xī f /artificial respiration (medicine)/ 人工岛 人工島 S - 26 rén gōng dǎo f /artificial island/ 人工島 人工岛 T - 26 rén gōng dǎo f /artificial island/ 人工授精 - 68 rén gōng shòu jīng f /artificial insemination/ 人工智慧 - 3 rén gōng zhì huì f /artificial intelligence/ 人工智能 - 151 rén gōng zhì néng f /artificial intelligence (AI)/ 人工概念 - 0 rén gōng gài niàn f /artificial concept/ 人工河 - 9 rén gōng hé f /canal/man-made waterway/ 人工流产 人工流產 S - 66 rén gōng liú chǎn f /abortion/ 人工流產 人工流产 T - 66 rén gōng liú chǎn f /abortion/ 人工照亮 - 0 rén gōng zhào liàng f /artificial lighting/ 人工电子耳 人工電子耳 S - 0 rén gōng diàn zǐ ěr f /cochlear implant/ 人工耳蜗 人工耳蝸 S - 0 rén gōng ěr wō f /cochlear implant/ 人工耳蝸 人工耳蜗 T - 0 rén gōng ěr wō f /cochlear implant/ 人工費 人工费 T - 3 rén gōng fèi f /labor cost/ 人工费 人工費 S - 3 rén gōng fèi f /labor cost/ 人工電子耳 人工电子耳 T - 0 rén gōng diàn zǐ ěr f /cochlear implant/ 人形 - 257 rén xíng f /human shape/in human form/of human appearance/doll/puppet/ 人往高处爬,水往低处流 人往高處爬,水往低處流 S - 0 rén wǎng gāo chù pá , shuǐ wǎng dī chù liú f /see 人往高處走,水往低處流|人往高处走,水往低处流[ren2 wang3 gao1 chu4 zou3 , shui3 wang3 di1 chu4 liu2]/ 人往高处走,水往低处流 人往高處走,水往低處流 S - 0 rén wǎng gāo chù zǒu , shuǐ wǎng dī chù liú f /man seeks his way up just as water seeks its way down (idiom)/one should constantly strive to make progress/ 人往高處爬,水往低處流 人往高处爬,水往低处流 T - 0 rén wǎng gāo chù pá , shuǐ wǎng dī chù liú f /see 人往高處走,水往低處流|人往高处走,水往低处流[ren2 wang3 gao1 chu4 zou3 , shui3 wang3 di1 chu4 liu2]/ 人往高處走,水往低處流 人往高处走,水往低处流 T - 0 rén wǎng gāo chù zǒu , shuǐ wǎng dī chù liú f /man seeks his way up just as water seeks its way down (idiom)/one should constantly strive to make progress/ 人從 人从 T - 0 rén cóng f /retinue/hangers-on/ 人心 - 1440 rén xīn f /popular feeling/the will of the people/ 人心不足蛇吞象 - 5 rén xīn bù zú shé tūn xiàng f /a man who is never content is like a snake trying to swallow an elephant (idiom)/ 人心所向 - 16 rén xīn suǒ xiàng f /that which is yearned for by the public/ 人心果 - 2 rén xīn guǒ f /sapodilla, a tropical fruit bearing tree/ 人心隔肚皮 - 8 rén xīn gé dù pí f /there is no knowing what is in a man's heart (idiom)/ 人心难测 人心難測 S - 15 rén xīn nán cè f /hard to fathom a person's mind (idiom)/ 人心難測 人心难测 T - 15 rén xīn nán cè f /hard to fathom a person's mind (idiom)/ 人怕出名猪怕壮 人怕出名豬怕壯 S - 4 rén pà chū míng zhū pà zhuàng f /lit. people fear getting famous like pigs fear fattening up (for the slaughter)/fig. fame has its price/ 人怕出名猪怕肥 人怕出名豬怕肥 S - 0 rén pà chū míng zhū pà féi f /lit. people fear getting famous like pigs fear fattening up (for the slaughter)/fig. fame has its price/ 人怕出名豬怕壯 人怕出名猪怕壮 T - 4 rén pà chū míng zhū pà zhuàng f /lit. people fear getting famous like pigs fear fattening up (for the slaughter)/fig. fame has its price/ 人怕出名豬怕肥 人怕出名猪怕肥 T - 0 rén pà chū míng zhū pà féi f /lit. people fear getting famous like pigs fear fattening up (for the slaughter)/fig. fame has its price/ 人性 3110 897 rén xìng f /human nature/humanity/human/the totality of human attributes/ 人情 - 447 rén qíng f /reason/human emotions/human interaction/social relationship/friendship/favor/a good turn/ 人情世故 - 41 rén qíng shì gù f /worldly wisdom/the ways of the world/to know how to get on in the world/ 人情味 - 67 rén qíng wèi f /human warmth/friendliness/human touch/ 人情味儿 人情味兒 S - 5 rén qíng wèi r f /erhua variant of 人情味[ren2 qing2 wei4]/ 人情味兒 人情味儿 T - 5 rén qíng wèi r f /erhua variant of 人情味[ren2 qing2 wei4]/ 人意 - 58 rén yì f /people's expectations/ 人所共知 - 54 rén suǒ gòng zhī f /something that everybody knows/ 人手 - 393 rén shǒu f /manpower/staff/human hand/ 人手动 人手動 S - 0 rén shǒu dòng f /manually controlled/ 人手動 人手动 T - 0 rén shǒu dòng f /manually controlled/ 人才 1941 8742 rén cái f /talent/talented person/looks/attractive looks/ 人才外流 - 5 rén cái wài liú f /brain drain/ 人才流失 - 3 rén cái liú shī f /brain drain/outflow of talent/ 人才济济 人才濟濟 S - 38 rén cái jǐ jǐ f /a galaxy of talent (idiom)/a great number of competent people/ 人才濟濟 人才济济 T - 38 rén cái jǐ jǐ f /a galaxy of talent (idiom)/a great number of competent people/ 人数 人數 S - 8857 rén shù f /number of people/ 人數 人数 T - 8857 rén shù f /number of people/ 人文 - 1046 rén wén f /humanities/human affairs/culture/ 人文主义 人文主義 S - 117 rén wén zhǔ yì f /humanism/ 人文主義 人文主义 T - 117 rén wén zhǔ yì f /humanism/ 人文地理学 人文地理學 S - 0 rén wén dì lǐ xué f /human geography/ 人文地理學 人文地理学 T - 0 rén wén dì lǐ xué f /human geography/ 人文学 人文學 S - 0 rén wén xué f /humanities/ 人文學 人文学 T - 0 rén wén xué f /humanities/ 人文景觀 人文景观 T - 3 rén wén jǐng guān f /place of cultural interest/ 人文景观 人文景觀 S - 3 rén wén jǐng guān f /place of cultural interest/ 人文社会学科 人文社會學科 S - 0 rén wén shè huì xué kē f /humanities and social sciences/ 人文社會學科 人文社会学科 T - 0 rén wén shè huì xué kē f /humanities and social sciences/ 人文社科 - 0 rén wén shè kē f /(abbr.) humanities and social sciences/ 人族 - 0 rén zú f /Hominini/ 人无完人 人無完人 S - 9 rén wú wán rén f /nobody is perfect/everyone has their defect/ 人无远虑,必有近忧 人無遠慮,必有近憂 S - 0 rén wú yuǎn lǜ , bì yǒu jìn yōu f /He who gives no thought to far-flung problems soon finds suffering nearby (idiom, from Analects)./Smug concentration on the here and now will lead to future sorrow./ 人是鐵飯是鋼 人是铁饭是钢 T - 0 rén shì tiě fàn shì gāng f /one can't function properly on an empty stomach (idiom)/an empty sack cannot stand upright/ 人是铁饭是钢 人是鐵飯是鋼 S - 0 rén shì tiě fàn shì gāng f /one can't function properly on an empty stomach (idiom)/an empty sack cannot stand upright/ 人有三急 - 0 rén yǒu sān jí f /(jocularly) to need to answer the call of nature/ 人有失手,馬有失蹄 人有失手,马有失蹄 T - 0 rén yǒu shī shǒu , mǎ yǒu shī tí f /lit. just as humans make mistakes, so can a horse stumble (idiom)/fig. everyone makes mistakes/even the best fall down sometimes/ 人有失手,马有失蹄 人有失手,馬有失蹄 S - 0 rén yǒu shī shǒu , mǎ yǒu shī tí f /lit. just as humans make mistakes, so can a horse stumble (idiom)/fig. everyone makes mistakes/even the best fall down sometimes/ 人机工程 人機工程 S - 3 rén jī gōng chéng f /ergonomics/man-machine engineering/ 人机界面 人機界面 S - 19 rén jī jiè miàn f /user interface/ 人权 人權 S - 401 rén quán f /human rights/ 人权斗士 人權鬥士 S - 0 rén quán dòu shì f /a human rights activist/a fighter for human rights/ 人权法 人權法 S - 3 rén quán fǎ f /Human Rights law (Hong Kong)/ 人权观察 人權觀察 S - 0 Rén quán Guān chá f /Human Rights Watch (HRW), New York based non-governmental organization/ 人材 - 50 rén cái f /variant of 人才[ren2 cai2]/ 人来疯 人來瘋 S - 14 rén lái fēng f /to get hyped up in front of an audience/(of children) to play up in front of guests/ 人杰 人傑 S - 35 rén jié f /outstanding talent/wise and able person/illustrious individual/ 人杰地灵 人傑地靈 S - 272 rén jié dì líng f /illustrious hero, spirit of the place (idiom); a place derives reflected glory from an illustrious son/ 人格 3128 1012 rén gé f /personality/integrity/dignity/ 人格化 - 53 rén gé huà f /to personalize/anthropomorphism/ 人格神 - 0 rén gé shén f /personal God/anthropomorphic God/ 人格魅力 - 3 rén gé mèi lì f /personal charm/charisma/ 人模狗样 人模狗樣 S - 3 rén mó gǒu yàng f /(idiom) to pose/to put on airs/ 人模狗樣 人模狗样 T - 3 rén mó gǒu yàng f /(idiom) to pose/to put on airs/ 人機工程 人机工程 T - 3 rén jī gōng chéng f /ergonomics/man-machine engineering/ 人機界面 人机界面 T - 19 rén jī jiè miàn f /user interface/ 人權 人权 T - 401 rén quán f /human rights/ 人權法 人权法 T - 3 rén quán fǎ f /Human Rights law (Hong Kong)/ 人權觀察 人权观察 T - 0 Rén quán Guān chá f /Human Rights Watch (HRW), New York based non-governmental organization/ 人權鬥士 人权斗士 T - 0 rén quán dòu shì f /a human rights activist/a fighter for human rights/ 人次 - 575 rén cì f /person-times/visits/classifier for number of people participating/ 人武 - 41 rén wǔ f /armed forces/ 人比人,气死人 人比人,氣死人 S - 0 rén bǐ rén , qì sǐ rén f /constantly comparing oneself to others will only make one angry (proverb)/ 人比人,氣死人 人比人,气死人 T - 0 rén bǐ rén , qì sǐ rén f /constantly comparing oneself to others will only make one angry (proverb)/ 人氏 - 216 rén shì f /native/person from a particular place/ 人民 - 43719 rén mín f /the people/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 人民代表 - 106 rén mín dài biǎo f /deputy to People's Congress/ 人民党 人民黨 S - 171 rén mín dǎng f /People's party (of various countries)/ 人民內部矛盾 人民内部矛盾 T - 0 rén mín nèi bù máo dùn f /internal contradiction among the people (pretext for a purge)/ 人民公敌 人民公敵 S - 0 rén mín gōng dí f /the enemy of the people/the class enemy (Marxism)/ 人民公敵 人民公敌 T - 0 rén mín gōng dí f /the enemy of the people/the class enemy (Marxism)/ 人民公社 - 1813 rén mín gōng shè f /people's commune/ 人民公社化 - 104 rén mín gōng shè huà f /collectivization of agriculture (disastrous policy of communist Russia around 1930 and China in the 1950s)/ 人民内部矛盾 人民內部矛盾 S - 0 rén mín nèi bù máo dùn f /internal contradiction among the people (pretext for a purge)/ 人民利益 - 0 rén mín lì yì f /interests of the people/ 人民基本权利 人民基本權利 S - 0 rén mín jī běn quán lì f /fundamental civil rights/ 人民基本權利 人民基本权利 T - 0 rén mín jī běn quán lì f /fundamental civil rights/ 人民大会堂 人民大會堂 S - 1196 Rén mín Dà huì táng f /the Great Hall of the People in Beijing/ 人民大會堂 人民大会堂 T - 1196 Rén mín Dà huì táng f /the Great Hall of the People in Beijing/ 人民币 人民幣 S 2498 2968 rén mín bì f /Renminbi (RMB)/Chinese Yuan (CNY)/ 人民币元 人民幣元 S - 0 rén mín bì yuán f /Renminbi Yuan (RMB), PRC currency unit/ 人民幣 人民币 T 2498 2968 rén mín bì f /Renminbi (RMB)/Chinese Yuan (CNY)/ 人民幣元 人民币元 T - 0 rén mín bì yuán f /Renminbi Yuan (RMB), PRC currency unit/ 人民广场 人民廣場 S - 143 Rén mín Guǎng chǎng f /People's Square, Shanghai/ 人民廣場 人民广场 T - 143 Rén mín Guǎng chǎng f /People's Square, Shanghai/ 人民政府 - 15227 rén mín zhèng fǔ f /people's government/ 人民日報 人民日报 T - 1087 Rén mín Rì bào f /People's Daily (PRC newspaper)/ 人民日报 人民日報 S - 1087 Rén mín Rì bào f /People's Daily (PRC newspaper)/ 人民民主专政 人民民主專政 S - 0 rén mín mín zhǔ zhuān zhèng f /people's democratic dictatorship/ 人民民主專政 人民民主专政 T - 0 rén mín mín zhǔ zhuān zhèng f /people's democratic dictatorship/ 人民法院 - 6465 rén mín fǎ yuàn f /people's court (of law)/people's tribunal/ 人民網 人民网 T - 413 Rén mín wǎng f /online version of the People's Daily, 人民日報|人民日报[Ren2 min2 Ri4 bao4]/ 人民网 人民網 S - 413 Rén mín wǎng f /online version of the People's Daily, 人民日報|人民日报[Ren2 min2 Ri4 bao4]/ 人民联盟党 人民聯盟黨 S - 0 rén mín lián méng dǎng f /People's alliance party/Bengali Awami league/ 人民聯盟黨 人民联盟党 T - 0 rén mín lián méng dǎng f /People's alliance party/Bengali Awami league/ 人民英雄紀念碑 人民英雄纪念碑 T - 825 Rén mín Yīng xióng Jì niàn bēi f /Monument to the People's Heroes, at Tiananmen Square/ 人民英雄纪念碑 人民英雄紀念碑 S - 825 Rén mín Yīng xióng Jì niàn bēi f /Monument to the People's Heroes, at Tiananmen Square/ 人民行动党 人民行動黨 S - 0 Rén mín Xíng dòng dǎng f /People's Action Party (ruling party in Singapore)/ 人民行動黨 人民行动党 T - 0 Rén mín Xíng dòng dǎng f /People's Action Party (ruling party in Singapore)/ 人民解放军 人民解放軍 S - 1492 rén mín jiě fàng jūn f /People's Liberation Army/ 人民解放軍 人民解放军 T - 1492 rén mín jiě fàng jūn f /People's Liberation Army/ 人民警察 - 49 rén mín jǐng chá f /civil police/PRC police/ 人民起义 人民起義 S - 3 rén mín qǐ yì f /popular uprising/ 人民起義 人民起义 T - 3 rén mín qǐ yì f /popular uprising/ 人民銀行 人民银行 T - 53 Rén mín Yín háng f /People's Bank of China/ 人民银行 人民銀行 S - 53 Rén mín Yín háng f /People's Bank of China/ 人民阵线 人民陣線 S - 3 rén mín zhèn xiàn f /popular front/ 人民陣線 人民阵线 T - 3 rén mín zhèn xiàn f /popular front/ 人民黨 人民党 T - 171 rén mín dǎng f /People's party (of various countries)/ 人气 人氣 S - 425 rén qì f /popularity/personality/character/ 人氣 人气 T - 425 rén qì f /popularity/personality/character/ 人治 - 34 rén zhì f /rule of man/ 人流 - 268 rén liú f /stream of people/abortion/abbr. for 人工流產|人工流产[ren2 gong1 liu2 chan3]/ 人流手术 人流手術 S - 0 rén liú shǒu shù f /an abortion/abbr. of 人工流產手術|人工流产手术/ 人流手術 人流手术 T - 0 rén liú shǒu shù f /an abortion/abbr. of 人工流產手術|人工流产手术/ 人浮于事 人浮於事 S - 29 rén fú yú shì f /more hands than needed (idiom); too many cooks spoil the broth/ 人浮於事 人浮于事 T - 29 rén fú yú shì f /more hands than needed (idiom); too many cooks spoil the broth/ 人海 - 32 rén hǎi f /a multitude/a sea of people/ 人渣 - 3 rén zhā f /dregs of society/scum/ 人满为患 人滿為患 S - 56 rén mǎn wéi huàn f /packed with people/overcrowded/overpopulation/ 人滿為患 人满为患 T - 56 rén mǎn wéi huàn f /packed with people/overcrowded/overpopulation/