人潮 - 42 rén cháo f /a tide of people/ 人為 人为 T 4153 1829 rén wéi f /artificial/man-made/having human cause or origin/human attempt or effort/ 人為刀俎,我為魚肉 人为刀俎,我为鱼肉 T - 0 rén wéi dāo zǔ , wǒ wéi yú ròu f /lit. to be the meat on sb's cutting board (idiom)/fig. to be at sb's mercy/ 人為土 人为土 T - 0 Rén wéi tǔ f /Anthrosols (Chinese Soil Taxonomy)/ 人為財死,鳥為食亡 人为财死,鸟为食亡 T - 0 rén wèi cái sǐ , niǎo wèi shí wáng f /lit. human beings will die for riches, just as birds will for food (idiom)/fig. man will do anything in his means to become rich/ 人烟 人煙 S - 91 rén yān f /sign of human habitation/ 人烟稀少 人煙稀少 S - 74 rén yān xī shǎo f /no sign of human habitation (idiom); desolate/ 人無完人 人无完人 T - 9 rén wú wán rén f /nobody is perfect/everyone has their defect/ 人無遠慮,必有近憂 人无远虑,必有近忧 T - 0 rén wú yuǎn lǜ , bì yǒu jìn yōu f /He who gives no thought to far-flung problems soon finds suffering nearby (idiom, from Analects)./Smug concentration on the here and now will lead to future sorrow./ 人煙 人烟 T - 91 rén yān f /sign of human habitation/ 人煙稀少 人烟稀少 T - 74 rén yān xī shǎo f /no sign of human habitation (idiom); desolate/ 人物 1406 10520 rén wù f /person/character (in a play, novel etc)/protagonist/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 人物描写 人物描寫 S - 3 rén wù miáo xiě f /portrayal/ 人物描寫 人物描写 T - 3 rén wù miáo xiě f /portrayal/ 人犯 - 122 rén fàn f /criminal/culprit/suspect (old)/ 人猿 - 10 rén yuán f /orangutan/ 人琴俱亡 - 3 rén qín jù wàng f /person and lute have both vanished (idiom)/death of a close friend/ 人生 1327 4255 rén shēng f /life (one's time on earth)/ 人生一世,草木一春 - 0 rén shēng yī shì , cǎo mù yī chūn f /Man has but one life, grass but one spring (idiom). fig. the brevity of human existence/ 人生何处不相逢 人生何處不相逢 S - 0 rén shēng hé chù bù xiāng féng f /it's a small world (idiom)/ 人生何處不相逢 人生何处不相逢 T - 0 rén shēng hé chù bù xiāng féng f /it's a small world (idiom)/ 人生如夢 人生如梦 T - 12 rén shēng rú mèng f /life is but a dream (idiom)/ 人生如朝露 - 0 rén shēng rú zhāo lù f /human life as the morning dew (idiom); fig. ephemeral and precarious nature of human existence/ 人生如梦 人生如夢 S - 12 rén shēng rú mèng f /life is but a dream (idiom)/ 人生朝露 - 3 rén shēng zhāo lù f /human life as the morning dew (idiom); fig. ephemeral and precarious nature of human existence/ 人生盛衰 - 0 rén shēng shèng shuāi f /life has its ups and downs (idiom)/ 人生短暂,学术无涯 人生短暫,學術無涯 S - 0 rén shēng duǎn zàn , xué shù wú yá f /Life is short, learning is limitless/Ars longa, vita brevis/ 人生短暫,學術無涯 人生短暂,学术无涯 T - 0 rén shēng duǎn zàn , xué shù wú yá f /Life is short, learning is limitless/Ars longa, vita brevis/ 人生路不熟 - 2 rén shēng lù bù shú f /everything is unfamiliar/ 人畜共患症 - 0 rén chù gòng huàn zhèng f /zoonosis/ 人盡其才 人尽其才 T - 23 rén jìn qí cái f /employ one's talent to the fullest/everyone gives of their best/ 人盡其材 人尽其材 T - 3 rén jìn qí cái f /employ one's talent to the fullest/everyone gives of their best/also written 人盡其才|人尽其才/ 人盡皆知 人尽皆知 T - 3 rén jìn jiē zhī f /see 盡人皆知|尽人皆知[jin4 ren2 jie1 zhi1]/ 人相 - 0 rén xiàng f /physiognomy/ 人相学 人相學 S - 0 rén xiàng xué f /physiognomy (judgement of a person's fate, character etc, based on facial features)/ 人相學 人相学 T - 0 rén xiàng xué f /physiognomy (judgement of a person's fate, character etc, based on facial features)/ 人社部 - 0 Rén shè bù f /Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (PRC)/abbr. for 人力資源和社會保障部|人力资源和社会保障部/ 人祸 人禍 S - 27 rén huò f /human disaster/ 人禍 人祸 T - 27 rén huò f /human disaster/ 人种 人種 S - 270 rén zhǒng f /race (of people)/ 人种差别 人種差別 S - 0 rén zhǒng chā bié f /racial differences/racial discrimination/ 人称 人稱 S - 485 rén chēng f /person (first person, second person etc in grammar)/called/known as/ 人称代词 人稱代詞 S - 0 rén chēng dài cí f /personal pronoun/ 人種 人种 T - 270 rén zhǒng f /race (of people)/ 人種差別 人种差别 T - 0 rén zhǒng chā bié f /racial differences/racial discrimination/ 人稱 人称 T - 485 rén chēng f /person (first person, second person etc in grammar)/called/known as/ 人稱代詞 人称代词 T - 0 rén chēng dài cí f /personal pronoun/ 人穷志短 人窮志短 S - 5 rén qióng zhì duǎn f /poor and with low expectations/poverty stunts ambition/ 人窮志短 人穷志短 T - 5 rén qióng zhì duǎn f /poor and with low expectations/poverty stunts ambition/ 人算不如天算 - 0 rén suàn bù rú tiān suàn f /God's plans supersede our own/Man proposes but God disposes/ 人类 人類 S 1269 9464 rén lèi f /humanity/human race/mankind/ 人类乳突病毒 人類乳突病毒 S - 0 rén lèi rǔ tū bìng dú f /human papillomavirus (HPV)/ 人类免疫缺陷病毒 人類免疫缺陷病毒 S - 0 rén lèi miǎn yì quē xiàn bìng dú f /human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/ 人类基因组计划 人類基因組計劃 S - 0 rén lèi jī yīn zǔ jì huà f /Human Genome Project/ 人类学 人類學 S - 282 rén lèi xué f /anthropology/ 人类学家 人類學家 S - 71 rén lèi xué jiā f /anthropologist/ 人类起源 人類起源 S - 0 rén lèi qǐ yuán f /origin of mankind/ 人精 - 3 rén jīng f /sophisticate/man with extensive experience/child prodigy/Wunderkind (i.e. brilliant child)/spirit within a person (i.e. blood and essential breath 血氣|血气 of TCM)/ 人給家足 人给家足 T - 3 rén jǐ jiā zú f /lit. each household provided for, enough for the individual (idiom); comfortably off/ 人緣 人缘 T - 140 rén yuán f /relations with people/popularity/ 人緣兒 人缘儿 T - 2 rén yuán r f /erhua variant of 人緣|人缘[ren2 yuan2]/ 人给家足 人給家足 S - 3 rén jǐ jiā zú f /lit. each household provided for, enough for the individual (idiom); comfortably off/ 人缘 人緣 S - 140 rén yuán f /relations with people/popularity/ 人缘儿 人緣兒 S - 2 rén yuán r f /erhua variant of 人緣|人缘[ren2 yuan2]/ 人群 - 2369 rén qún f /crowd/ 人老珠黃 人老珠黄 T - 7 rén lǎo zhū huáng f /(of a woman) old and faded/ 人老珠黄 人老珠黃 S - 7 rén lǎo zhū huáng f /(of a woman) old and faded/ 人聲鼎沸 人声鼎沸 T - 71 rén shēng dǐng fèi f /lit. a boiling cauldron of voices (idiom)/hubbub/brouhaha/ 人肉搜索 - 0 rén ròu sōu suǒ f /human flesh search/a large-scale collective effort to find details about a person or event (Internet slang)/see 人肉搜索引擎/ 人肉搜索引擎 - 0 rén ròu sōu suǒ yǐn qíng f /human flesh search engine/a large-scale collective effort to find details about a person or event (Internet slang)/ 人脈 人脉 T - 3 rén mài f /contacts/connections/network/ 人脉 人脈 S - 3 rén mài f /contacts/connections/network/ 人臣 - 3 rén chén f /an official (in former times)/ 人蛇 - 3 rén shé f /illegal immigrant/ 人蛇集团 人蛇集團 S - 0 rén shé jí tuán f /human smuggling syndicate/snakehead gang/ 人蛇集團 人蛇集团 T - 0 rén shé jí tuán f /human smuggling syndicate/snakehead gang/ 人行区 人行區 S - 0 rén xíng qū f /pedestrian precinct/ 人行區 人行区 T - 0 rén xíng qū f /pedestrian precinct/ 人行地下通道 - 0 rén xíng dì xià tōng dào f /pedestrian underpass/ 人行横道 人行橫道 S - 7 rén xíng héng dào f /pedestrian crossing/ 人行横道线 人行橫道線 S - 0 rén xíng héng dào xiàn f /crosswalk/pedestrian crossing with zebra stripes/ 人行橫道 人行横道 T - 7 rén xíng héng dào f /pedestrian crossing/ 人行橫道線 人行横道线 T - 0 rén xíng héng dào xiàn f /crosswalk/pedestrian crossing with zebra stripes/ 人行道 - 469 rén xíng dào f /sidewalk/ 人見人愛 人见人爱 T - 3 rén jiàn rén ài f /loved by all/to have universal appeal/ 人见人爱 人見人愛 S - 3 rén jiàn rén ài f /loved by all/to have universal appeal/ 人言可畏 - 10 rén yán kě wèi f /gossip is a fearful thing (idiom)/ 人言籍籍 - 3 rén yán jí jí f /tongues are wagging (idiom)/ 人誰無過 人谁无过 T - 0 rén shéi wú guò f /Everyone makes mistakes (idiom)/ 人證 人证 T - 25 rén zhèng f /witness testimony/ 人證物證 人证物证 T - 3 rén zhèng wù zhèng f /human testimony and material evidence/ 人证 人證 S - 25 rén zhèng f /witness testimony/ 人证物证 人證物證 S - 3 rén zhèng wù zhèng f /human testimony and material evidence/ 人谁无过 人誰無過 S - 0 rén shéi wú guò f /Everyone makes mistakes (idiom)/ 人財兩空 人财两空 T - 11 rén cái liǎng kōng f /loss of life and property/to lose the beauty and her possessions/ 人資 人资 T - 0 rén zī f /abbr. of 人力資源|人力资源[ren2 li4 zi1 yuan2]/ 人質 人质 T 2676 245 rén zhì f /hostage/ 人贓俱獲 人赃俱获 T - 3 rén zāng jù huò f /(of a thief, smuggler etc) to be caught with stolen or illegal goods/to be caught red-handed/ 人财两空 人財兩空 S - 11 rén cái liǎng kōng f /loss of life and property/to lose the beauty and her possessions/ 人质 人質 S 2676 245 rén zhì f /hostage/ 人赃俱获 人贓俱獲 S - 3 rén zāng jù huò f /(of a thief, smuggler etc) to be caught with stolen or illegal goods/to be caught red-handed/ 人资 人資 S - 0 rén zī f /abbr. of 人力資源|人力资源[ren2 li4 zi1 yuan2]/ 人跡罕至 人迹罕至 T - 78 rén jì hǎn zhì f /lit. men's footprints are rare (idiom)/fig. off the beaten track/lonely/deserted/ 人身 - 1375 rén shēn f /person/personal/human body/ 人身事故 - 3 rén shēn shì gù f /accident causing injury or death/ 人身安全 - 3 rén shēn ān quán f /personal safety/ 人身攻击 人身攻擊 S - 3 rén shēn gōng jī f /personal attack/ 人身攻擊 人身攻击 T - 3 rén shēn gōng jī f /personal attack/ 人身权 人身權 S - 20 rén shēn quán f /one's personal rights/ 人身權 人身权 T - 20 rén shēn quán f /one's personal rights/ 人車混行 人车混行 T - 0 rén chē hún xíng f /pedestrian-vehicle mixed use/ 人车混行 人車混行 S - 0 rén chē hún xíng f /pedestrian-vehicle mixed use/ 人迹罕至 人跡罕至 S - 78 rén jì hǎn zhì f /lit. men's footprints are rare (idiom)/fig. off the beaten track/lonely/deserted/ 人选 人選 S - 1981 rén xuǎn f /choice of person/candidate/ 人造 - 1330 rén zào f /man-made/artificial/synthetic/ 人造丝 人造絲 S - 32 rén zào sī f /rayon/ 人造卫星 人造衛星 S - 163 rén zào wèi xīng f /artificial satellite/ 人造天体 人造天體 S - 0 rén zào tiān tǐ f /artificial satellite/ 人造天體 人造天体 T - 0 rén zào tiān tǐ f /artificial satellite/ 人造奶油 - 3 rén zào nǎi yóu f /margarine/ 人造牛油 - 0 rén zào niú yóu f /margarine/ 人造絲 人造丝 T - 32 rén zào sī f /rayon/ 人造纖維 人造纤维 T - 42 rén zào xiān wéi f /synthetic fiber/ 人造纤维 人造纖維 S - 42 rén zào xiān wéi f /synthetic fiber/ 人造衛星 人造卫星 T - 163 rén zào wèi xīng f /artificial satellite/ 人造語言 人造语言 T - 0 rén zào yǔ yán f /artificial language/constructed language/ 人造语言 人造語言 S - 0 rén zào yǔ yán f /artificial language/constructed language/ 人造黃油 人造黄油 T - 3 rén zào huáng yóu f /margarine/ 人造黄油 人造黃油 S - 3 rén zào huáng yóu f /margarine/ 人道 4103 133 rén dào f /human sympathy/humanitarianism/humane/the "human way", one of the stages in the cycle of reincarnation (Buddhism)/sexual intercourse/ 人道主义 人道主義 S - 351 rén dào zhǔ yì f /humanism/humanitarian (aid)/ 人道主義 人道主义 T - 351 rén dào zhǔ yì f /humanism/humanitarian (aid)/ 人道救援 - 0 rén dào jiù yuán f /humanitarian aid/ 人選 人选 T - 1981 rén xuǎn f /choice of person/candidate/ 人間 人间 T 3147 1942 rén jiān f /the human world/the earth/ 人間佛教 人间佛教 T - 0 Rén jiān Fó jiào f /Humanistic Buddhism/ 人間喜劇 人间喜剧 T - 3 Rén jiān Xǐ jù f /La comédie humaine, series of novels by 19th century French novelist Honoré de Balzac 巴爾扎克|巴尔扎克[Ba1 er3 zha1 ke4]/ 人間地獄 人间地狱 T - 21 rén jiān dì yù f /hell on earth (idiom); suffering the torments of Buddhist hell while still alive/fig. having an uncomfortable time/ 人間天堂 人间天堂 T - 19 rén jiān tiān táng f /heaven on Earth/nickname for the city Suzhou/ 人間蒸發 人间蒸发 T - 3 rén jiān zhēng fā f /to vanish/to disappear from the face of the earth/ 人间 人間 S 3147 1942 rén jiān f /the human world/the earth/ 人间佛教 人間佛教 S - 0 Rén jiān Fó jiào f /Humanistic Buddhism/ 人间喜剧 人間喜劇 S - 3 Rén jiān Xǐ jù f /La comédie humaine, series of novels by 19th century French novelist Honoré de Balzac 巴爾扎克|巴尔扎克[Ba1 er3 zha1 ke4]/ 人间地狱 人間地獄 S - 21 rén jiān dì yù f /hell on earth (idiom); suffering the torments of Buddhist hell while still alive/fig. having an uncomfortable time/ 人间天堂 人間天堂 S - 19 rén jiān tiān táng f /heaven on Earth/nickname for the city Suzhou/ 人间蒸发 人間蒸發 S - 3 rén jiān zhēng fā f /to vanish/to disappear from the face of the earth/ 人际 人際 S - 231 rén jì f /human relationships/interpersonal/ 人际关系 人際關系 S - 473 rén jì guān xì f /interpersonal relationship/ 人際 人际 T - 231 rén jì f /human relationships/interpersonal/ 人際關系 人际关系 T - 473 rén jì guān xì f /interpersonal relationship/ 人非生而知之者,熟能无惑 人非生而知之者,熟能無惑 S - 0 rén fēi shēng ér zhī zhī zhě , shú néng wú huò f /Knowledge is not innate to man, how can we overcome doubt?/We are not born with knowledge, how does one achieve maturity? (i.e. without guidance from a teacher - Tang dynasty essayist Han Yu 韓愈|韩愈)/ 人非生而知之者,熟能無惑 人非生而知之者,熟能无惑 T - 0 rén fēi shēng ér zhī zhī zhě , shú néng wú huò f /Knowledge is not innate to man, how can we overcome doubt?/We are not born with knowledge, how does one achieve maturity? (i.e. without guidance from a teacher - Tang dynasty essayist Han Yu 韓愈|韩愈)/ 人面兽心 人面獸心 S - 10 rén miàn shòu xīn f /human face, beast's heart (idiom); two-faced/malicious and duplicitous/ 人面獸心 人面兽心 T - 10 rén miàn shòu xīn f /human face, beast's heart (idiom); two-faced/malicious and duplicitous/ 人頭 人头 T - 402 rén tóu f /person/number of people/(per) capita/(a person's) head/(Tw) person whose identity is used by sb else (e.g. to create a bogus account)/ 人頭熟 人头熟 T - 4 rén tóu shú f /to know a lot of people/ 人頭獅身 人头狮身 T - 0 rén tóu shī shēn f /sphinx/ 人頭稅 人头税 T - 3 rén tóu shuì f /poll tax/ 人頭蛇身 人头蛇身 T - 0 rén tóu shé shēn f /human head, snake's body/cf Nüwa 女娲氏[Nu:3 wa1 shi4] and Fuxi 伏羲氏[Fu2 Xi1 shi4] in some versions of mythology/ 人頭馬 人头马 T - 6 Rén tóu mǎ f /Rémy Martin cognac/ 人類 人类 T 1269 9464 rén lèi f /humanity/human race/mankind/ 人類乳突病毒 人类乳突病毒 T - 0 rén lèi rǔ tū bìng dú f /human papillomavirus (HPV)/ 人類免疫缺陷病毒 人类免疫缺陷病毒 T - 0 rén lèi miǎn yì quē xiàn bìng dú f /human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/ 人類基因組計劃 人类基因组计划 T - 0 rén lèi jī yīn zǔ jì huà f /Human Genome Project/ 人類學 人类学 T - 282 rén lèi xué f /anthropology/ 人類學家 人类学家 T - 71 rén lèi xué jiā f /anthropologist/ 人類起源 人类起源 T - 0 rén lèi qǐ yuán f /origin of mankind/ 人馬 人马 T - 3354 rén mǎ f /men and horses/troops/group of people/troop/staff/centaur/ 人馬座 人马座 T - 43 Rén mǎ zuò f /Sagittarius (constellation and sign of the zodiac)/ 人馬臂 人马臂 T - 0 rén mǎ bì f /Sagittarius spiral arm (of our galaxy)/ 人马 人馬 S - 3354 rén mǎ f /men and horses/troops/group of people/troop/staff/centaur/ 人马座 人馬座 S - 43 Rén mǎ zuò f /Sagittarius (constellation and sign of the zodiac)/ 人马臂 人馬臂 S - 0 rén mǎ bì f /Sagittarius spiral arm (of our galaxy)/ 人體 人体 T - 3316 rén tǐ f /human body/ 人體器官 人体器官 T - 3 rén tǐ qì guān f /human organ/ 人體工學 人体工学 T - 3 rén tǐ gōng xué f /ergonomics/ 人體解剖 人体解剖 T - 0 rén tǐ jiě pōu f /human anatomy/ 人體解剖學 人体解剖学 T - 0 rén tǐ jiě pōu xué f /human anatomy/ 人高馬大 人高马大 T - 13 rén gāo mǎ dà f /tall and strong/ 人高马大 人高馬大 S - 13 rén gāo mǎ dà f /tall and strong/ 人魚 人鱼 T - 43 rén yú f /mermaid/dugong/sea cow/manatee/giant salamander/ 人魚小姐 人鱼小姐 T - 0 rén yú xiǎo jie f /mermaid/the Little Mermaid/ 人鱼 人魚 S - 43 rén yú f /mermaid/dugong/sea cow/manatee/giant salamander/ 人鱼小姐 人魚小姐 S - 0 rén yú xiǎo jie f /mermaid/the Little Mermaid/ 人龍 人龙 T - 56 rén lóng f /a queue of people/a crocodile (of school children)/ 人龙 人龍 S - 56 rén lóng f /a queue of people/a crocodile (of school children)/ 亻 - 10 rén f /"person" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 9)/ 亼 - 0 jí f /variant of 集[ji2]/ 亽 - 3 jí t /archaic variant of 亼[ji2]/ 亽 - 3 xx f /one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "ra"), an ancient Korean writing system/ 亾 亡 T - 2209 wáng f /old variant of 亡[wang2]/ 亿 億 S 1759 4023 yì f /100 million/ 亿万 億萬 S - 389 yì wàn f /millions and millions/ 亿万富翁 億萬富翁 S - 3 yì wàn fù wēng f /billionaire/multimillionaire/ 亿万富豪 億萬富豪 S - 3 yì wàn fù háo f /multi-millionaire/ 什 - 1233 shén t /what/ 什 - 1233 shí f /ten (used in fractions, writing checks etc)/assorted/miscellaneous/ 什一奉献 什一奉獻 S - 0 shí yī fèng xiàn f /tithing/ 什一奉獻 什一奉献 T - 0 shí yī fèng xiàn f /tithing/ 什么 什麼 S 14 59317 shén me f /what?/who?/something/anything/ 什么事 甚麼事 S - 0 shén me shì f /what?/which?/ 什么人 甚麼人 S - 0 shén me rén f /who?/which person?/ 什么地方 什麼地方 S - 0 shén me dì fang f /somewhere/someplace/where/ 什么好说 什麼好說 S - 0 shén me hǎo shuō f /sth pertinent to say/ 什么时候 什麼時候 S - 0 shén me shí hou f /when?/at what time?/ 什么时候 甚麼時候 S - 0 shén me shí hou f /when?/at what time?/ 什么样 甚麼樣 S - 1849 shén me yàng f /what kind?/what sort?/ 什么的 甚麼的 S - 0 shén me de f /and so on/and what not/ 什么风把你吹来的 什麼風把你吹來的 S - 0 shén me fēng bǎ nǐ chuī lái de f /What brings you here? (idiom)/ 什刹海 什剎海 S - 30 shí chà hǎi f /Shichahai, scenic area of northwest Beijing with three lakes/ 什剎海 什刹海 T - 30 shí chà hǎi f /Shichahai, scenic area of northwest Beijing with three lakes/ 什叶 什葉 S - 2 Shí yè f /Shia (a movement in Islam)/ 什叶派 什葉派 S - 149 Shí yè pài f /Shia sect (of Islam)/ 什器 - 0 shí qì f /various kinds of everyday utensils/ 什菜 - 0 shí cài f /mixed vegetables/ 什葉 什叶 T - 2 Shí yè f /Shia (a movement in Islam)/ 什葉派 什叶派 T - 149 Shí yè pài f /Shia sect (of Islam)/ 什邡 - 7 Shí fāng f /Shifang county level city in Deyang 德陽|德阳[De2 yang2], Sichuan/ 什邡市 - 3 Shí fāng shì f /Shifang county level city in Deyang 德陽|德阳[De2 yang2], Sichuan/ 什錦 什锦 T - 14 shí jǐn f /(food) assorted/mixed/assortment/ 什錦果盤 什锦果盘 T - 0 shí jǐn guǒ pán f /mixed fruit salad/ 什锦 什錦 S - 14 shí jǐn f /(food) assorted/mixed/assortment/ 什锦果盘 什錦果盤 S - 0 shí jǐn guǒ pán f /mixed fruit salad/ 什麼 什么 T 14 59317 shén me f /what?/who?/something/anything/ 什麼地方 什么地方 T - 0 shén me dì fang f /somewhere/someplace/where/ 什麼好說 什么好说 T - 0 shén me hǎo shuō f /sth pertinent to say/ 什麼時候 什么时候 T - 0 shén me shí hou f /when?/at what time?/ 什麼風把你吹來的 什么风把你吹来的 T - 0 shén me fēng bǎ nǐ chuī lái de f /What brings you here? (idiom)/ 仁 - 1173 rén f /humane/kernel/ 仁丹 - 9 Rén dān f /Jintan mouth refresher lozenge, produced by Morishita Jintan company from 1905/ 仁义 仁義 S - 314 rén yì t /benevolence and righteousness/ 仁义 仁義 S - 314 rén yi f /affable and even-tempered/ 仁义道德 仁義道德 S - 58 rén yì dào dé f /compassion, duty, propriety and integrity (idiom); all the traditional virtues/mainly used sarcastically, to mean hypocritical/ 仁人义士 仁人義士 S - 16 rén rén yì shì f /those with lofty ideals (idiom)/men of vision/ 仁人君子 - 13 rén rén jūn zǐ f /people of good will (idiom); charitable person/ 仁人志士 - 43 rén rén zhì shì f /gentleman aspiring to benevolence (idiom); people with lofty ideals/ 仁人義士 仁人义士 T - 16 rén rén yì shì f /those with lofty ideals (idiom)/men of vision/ 仁兄 - 566 rén xiōng f /(honorific written address) My dear friend/ 仁化 - 3 Rén huà f /see 仁化縣|仁化县[Ren2 hua4 Xian4]/ 仁化县 仁化縣 S - 3 Rén huà Xiàn f /Renhua County, Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Shao2 guan1], Guangdong/ 仁化縣 仁化县 T - 3 Rén huà Xiàn f /Renhua County, Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Shao2 guan1], Guangdong/ 仁厚 - 65 rén hòu f /kindhearted/tolerant/honest and generous/ 仁和 - 27 Rén hé f /Renhe district of Panzhihua city 攀枝花市[Pan1 zhi1 hua1 shi4], south Sichuan/ 仁和区 仁和區 S - 3 Rén hé qū f /Renhe district of Panzhihua city 攀枝花市[Pan1 zhi1 hua1 shi4], south Sichuan/ 仁和區 仁和区 T - 3 Rén hé qū f /Renhe district of Panzhihua city 攀枝花市[Pan1 zhi1 hua1 shi4], south Sichuan/ 仁和县 仁和縣 S - 0 Rén hé xiàn f /Renhe county in Zhejiang/ 仁和縣 仁和县 T - 0 Rén hé xiàn f /Renhe county in Zhejiang/ 仁壽 仁寿 T - 70 Rén shòu f /Renshou County in Meishan 眉山市[Mei2 shan1 Shi4], Sichuan/ 仁壽縣 仁寿县 T - 3 Rén shòu Xiàn f /Renshou County in Meishan 眉山市[Mei2 shan1 Shi4], Sichuan/ 仁寿 仁壽 S - 70 Rén shòu f /Renshou County in Meishan 眉山市[Mei2 shan1 Shi4], Sichuan/ 仁寿县 仁壽縣 S - 3 Rén shòu Xiàn f /Renshou County in Meishan 眉山市[Mei2 shan1 Shi4], Sichuan/ 仁川 - 73 Rén chuān f /Incheon Metropolitan City in Gyeonggi Province 京畿道[Jing1 ji1 dao4], South Korea/ 仁川市 - 0 Rén chuān shì f /Incheon Metropolitan City in Gyeonggi Province 京畿道[Jing1 ji1 dao4], South Korea/ 仁川广域市 仁川廣域市 S - 0 Rén chuān Guǎng yù shì f /Incheon Metropolitan City in Gyeonggi Province 京畿道[Jing1 ji1 dao4], South Korea/ 仁川廣域市 仁川广域市 T - 0 Rén chuān Guǎng yù shì f /Incheon Metropolitan City in Gyeonggi Province 京畿道[Jing1 ji1 dao4], South Korea/ 仁布 - 3 Rén bù f /Rinbung county, Tibetan: Rin spungs rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 仁布县 仁布縣 S - 3 Rén bù xiàn f /Rinbung county, Tibetan: Rin spungs rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 仁布縣 仁布县 T - 3 Rén bù xiàn f /Rinbung county, Tibetan: Rin spungs rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 仁弟 - 2 rén dì f /(honorific written address to younger man) My dear young friend/ 仁德 - 30 Rén dé f /Jente township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 仁德 - 30 rén dé f /benevolent integrity/high mindedness/ 仁德乡 仁德鄉 S - 0 Rén dé xiāng f /Jente township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 仁德鄉 仁德乡 T - 0 Rén dé xiāng f /Jente township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 仁心仁术 仁心仁術 S - 3 rén xīn rén shù f /benevolent heart and skillful execution (idiom, from Mencius); charitable in thought and deed/ 仁心仁術 仁心仁术 T - 3 rén xīn rén shù f /benevolent heart and skillful execution (idiom, from Mencius); charitable in thought and deed/ 仁怀 仁懷 S - 18 Rén huái f /Renhuai county level city in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ 仁怀县 仁懷縣 S - 2 Rén huái xiàn f /Renhuai county in Zun'yi prefecture 遵義|遵义, Guizhou/ 仁怀市 仁懷市 S - 6 Rén huái shì f /Renhuai county level city in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ 仁惠 - 2 rén huì f /benevolent/merciful/humane/ 仁愛 仁爱 T - 58 Rén ài f /Renai or Jenai district of Keelung City 基隆市[Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan/Renai or Jenai township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ 仁愛 仁爱 T - 58 rén ài f /benevolence/charity/compassion/ 仁愛區 仁爱区 T - 0 Rén ài qū f /Jenai district of Keelung City 基隆市[Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan/ 仁愛鄉 仁爱乡 T - 0 Rén ài xiāng f /Renai or Jenai township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ 仁慈 2932 203 rén cí f /benevolent/charitable/kind/kindly/kindness/merciful/ 仁懷 仁怀 T - 18 Rén huái f /Renhuai county level city in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ 仁懷市 仁怀市 T - 6 Rén huái shì f /Renhuai county level city in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ 仁懷縣 仁怀县 T - 2 Rén huái xiàn f /Renhuai county in Zun'yi prefecture 遵義|遵义, Guizhou/ 仁政 - 99 rén zhèng f /benevolent policy/humane government/ 仁术 仁術 S - 3 rén shù f /kindness/benevolence/to govern in humanitarian way/ 仁武 - 3 Rén wǔ f /Renwu or Jenwu township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/ 仁武乡 仁武鄉 S - 0 Rén wǔ xiāng f /Renwu or Jenwu township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/ 仁武鄉 仁武乡 T - 0 Rén wǔ xiāng f /Renwu or Jenwu township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/ 仁民愛物 仁民爱物 T - 3 rén mín ài wù f /love to all creatures (idiom, from Mencius); universal benevolence/ 仁民爱物 仁民愛物 S - 3 rén mín ài wù f /love to all creatures (idiom, from Mencius); universal benevolence/ 仁波切 - 3 Rén bō qiè f /Rinpoche (Tibetan honorific)/ 仁爱 仁愛 S - 58 Rén ài f /Renai or Jenai district of Keelung City 基隆市[Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan/Renai or Jenai township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ 仁爱 仁愛 S - 58 rén ài f /benevolence/charity/compassion/ 仁爱乡 仁愛鄉 S - 0 Rén ài xiāng f /Renai or Jenai township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ 仁爱区 仁愛區 S - 0 Rén ài qū f /Jenai district of Keelung City 基隆市[Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan/ 仁義 仁义 T - 314 rén yì t /benevolence and righteousness/ 仁義 仁义 T - 314 rén yi f /affable and even-tempered/ 仁義道德 仁义道德 T - 58 rén yì dào dé f /compassion, duty, propriety and integrity (idiom); all the traditional virtues/mainly used sarcastically, to mean hypocritical/ 仁者見仁,智者見智 仁者见仁,智者见智 T - 0 rén zhě jiàn rén , zhì zhě jiàn zhì f /The benevolent sees benevolence, the wise sees wisdom./Different views are admissible. (idiom)/ 仁者见仁,智者见智 仁者見仁,智者見智 S - 0 rén zhě jiàn rén , zhì zhě jiàn zhì f /The benevolent sees benevolence, the wise sees wisdom./Different views are admissible. (idiom)/ 仁至义尽 仁至義盡 S - 32 rén zhì yì jìn f /extreme benevolence, utmost duty (idiom); meticulous virtue and attention to duty/ 仁至義盡 仁至义尽 T - 32 rén zhì yì jìn f /extreme benevolence, utmost duty (idiom); meticulous virtue and attention to duty/ 仁術 仁术 T - 3 rén shù f /kindness/benevolence/to govern in humanitarian way/ 仁言利博 - 3 rén yán lì bó f /Words of benevolence apply universally (idiom). Humanitarian expressions benefit all./ 仂 - 0 lè f /surplus/tithe/ 仂語 仂语 T - 0 lè yǔ f /phrase (linguistics)/ 仂语 仂語 S - 0 lè yǔ f /phrase (linguistics)/ 仃 - 37 dīng f /alone/ 仄 - 116 zè f /to tilt/narrow/uneasy/oblique tones (in Chinese poetry)/ 仄声 仄聲 S - 12 zè shēng f /oblique tone/nonlevel tone/uneven tone (the third tone of classical Chinese)/ 仄径 仄徑 S - 0 zè jìng f /narrow path/ 仄徑 仄径 T - 0 zè jìng f /narrow path/ 仄聲 仄声 T - 12 zè shēng f /oblique tone/nonlevel tone/uneven tone (the third tone of classical Chinese)/ 仅 僅 S - 12193 jǐn f /barely/only/merely/ 仅仅 僅僅 S - 3286 jǐn jǐn f /barely/only/merely/only (this and nothing more)/ 仅作参考 僅作參考 S - 0 jǐn zuò cān kǎo f /for reference only/ 仅供 僅供 S - 3 jǐn gōng f /only for/ 仅供参考 僅供參考 S - 621 jǐn gōng cān kǎo f /for reference only/ 仅次于 僅次于 S - 2032 jǐn cì yú f /second only to.../(in second place) preceded only by.../ 仅此而已 僅此而已 S - 45 jǐn cǐ ér yǐ f /that's all/just this and nothing more/ 仆 - 1135 pū t /to fall forward/to fall prostrate/ 仆 僕 S - 1135 pú f /servant/ 仆人 僕人 S - 904 pú rén f /servant/ 仆役 僕役 S - 141 pú yì f /servant/ 仆欧 僕歐 S - 0 pú ōu f /(old) waiter (loanword from "boy")/attendant/ 仆街 - 0 pū jiē f /drop dead!/go to hell!/fuck you! (Cantonese)/ 仇 - 1555 Qiú f /surname Qiu/ 仇 - 1555 chóu t /hatred/animosity/enmity/foe/enemy/to feel animosity toward (the wealthy, foreigners etc)/ 仇 - 1555 qiú f /spouse/companion/ 仇人 - 472 chóu rén f /foe/one's personal enemy/ 仇人相見,分外眼紅 仇人相见,分外眼红 T - 0 chóu rén xiāng jiàn , fèn wài yǎn hóng f /when the enemies come face to face, their eyes blaze with hatred (idiom)/ 仇人相见,分外眼红 仇人相見,分外眼紅 S - 0 chóu rén xiāng jiàn , fèn wài yǎn hóng f /when the enemies come face to face, their eyes blaze with hatred (idiom)/ 仇外 - 0 chóu wài f /to feel animosity toward foreigners or outsiders/xenophobia/ 仇外心理 - 0 chóu wài xīn lǐ f /xenophobia/ 仇富 - 15 chóu fù f /to hate the rich/ 仇怨 - 99 chóu yuàn f /hatred and desire for revenge/ 仇恨 - 696 chóu hèn f /to hate/hatred/enmity/hostility/ 仇恨罪 - 0 chóu hèn zuì f /hate crime/ 仇恨罪行 - 0 chóu hèn zuì xíng f /hate crime/ 仇敌 仇敵 S - 152 chóu dí f /enemy/ 仇敵 仇敌 T - 152 chóu dí f /enemy/ 仇隙 - 30 chóu xì f /feud/bitter quarrel/ 仈 - 36 Bā f /surname Ba/ 仉 - 38 Zhǎng f /surname of Mencius/ 仉 - 38 zhǎng f /mother/ 今 - 23913 jīn f /today/modern/present/current/this/now/ 今世 - 62 jīn shì f /this life/this age/ 今井 - 0 Jīn jǐng f /Imai (Japanese surname)/ 今人 - 154 jīn rén f /modern people/ 今儿 今兒 S - 688 jīn r f /(coll.) today/ 今儿个 今兒個 S - 212 jīn r ge f /(coll.) today/ 今兒 今儿 T - 688 jīn r f /(coll.) today/ 今兒個 今儿个 T - 212 jīn r ge f /(coll.) today/ 今古文 - 2 jīn gǔ wén f /former Han dynasty study or rewriting of classical texts such as the Confucian six classics 六經|六经/ 今后 今後 S - 3051 jīn hòu f /hereafter/henceforth/in the future/from now on/ 今夜 - 753 jīn yè f /tonight/this evening/ 今天 62 15960 jīn tiān f /today/at the present/now/ 今岁 今歲 S - 3 jīn suì f /(literary) this year/ 今年 - 9959 jīn nián f /this year/ 今後 今后 T - 3051 jīn hòu f /hereafter/henceforth/in the future/from now on/ 今文經 今文经 T - 0 jīn wén jīng f /former Han dynasty school of Confucian scholars/ 今文經學 今文经学 T - 3 jīn wén jīng xué f /former Han dynasty school of Confucian scholars/ 今文经 今文經 S - 0 jīn wén jīng f /former Han dynasty school of Confucian scholars/ 今文经学 今文經學 S - 3 jīn wén jīng xué f /former Han dynasty school of Confucian scholars/ 今日 - 10258 jīn rì f /today/ 今日事今日毕 今日事今日畢 S - 0 jīn rì shì jīn rì bì f /never put off until tomorrow what you can do today (idiom)/ 今日事今日畢 今日事今日毕 T - 0 jīn rì shì jīn rì bì f /never put off until tomorrow what you can do today (idiom)/ 今时今日 今時今日 S - 0 jīn shí jīn rì f /this day and age (dialect)/ 今昔 - 26 jīn xī f /past and present/yesterday and today/ 今時今日 今时今日 T - 0 jīn shí jīn rì f /this day and age (dialect)/ 今晚 - 1509 jīn wǎn f /tonight/ 今晨 - 36 jīn chén f /this morning/ 今朝 - 130 jīn zhāo f /at the present/now/ 今朝有酒今朝醉 - 12 jīn zhāo yǒu jiǔ jīn zhāo zuì f /to live in the moment (idiom)/to live every day as if it were one's last/to enjoy while one can/ 今村 - 0 Jīn cūn f /Imamura (Japanese name)/ 今歲 今岁 T - 3 jīn suì f /(literary) this year/ 今生 - 126 jīn shēng f /this life/ 今譯 今译 T - 17 jīn yì f /modern language version/modern translation/contemporary translation/ 今译 今譯 S - 17 jīn yì f /modern language version/modern translation/contemporary translation/ 今非昔比 - 43 jīn fēi xī bǐ f /things are very different now (idiom)/times have changed/ 今音 - 11 jīn yīn f /modern (i.e. not ancient) pronunciation of a Chinese character/ 介 - 435 jiè f /to introduce/to lie between/between/shell/armor/ 介之推 - 0 Jiè Zhī tuī f /Jie Zhitui (7th century BC), legendary selfless subject of Duke Wen of Jin 晉文公|晋文公, in whose honor the Qingming festival 清明 (Pure brightness or tomb-sweeping festival) is said to have been initiated/ 介乎 - 65 jiè hū f /to lie between/ 介于 介於 S - 810 jiè yú f /between/intermediate/to lie between/ 介于两难 介於兩難 S - 0 jiè yú liǎng nán f /to be on the horns of a dilemma (idiom)/ 介休 - 28 Jiè xiū f /Jiexiu county level city in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jin4 zhong1], Shanxi/ 介休市 - 2 Jiè xiū shì f /Jiexiu county level city in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jin4 zhong1], Shanxi/ 介係詞 介系词 T - 3 jiè xì cí f /preposition/ 介值定理 - 0 jiè zhí dìng lǐ f /intermediate value theorem (math.)/ 介入 - 684 jiè rù f /to intervene/to get involved/ 介壳 介殼 S - 47 jiè qiào f /carapace/hard outer shell/ 介子 - 125 jiè zǐ f /meson/mesotron (physics)/ 介子推 - 0 Jiè Zǐ tuī f /see 介之推[Jie4 Zhi1 tui1]/ 介怀 介懷 S - 13 jiè huái f /to mind/to brood over/to be concerned about/ 介意 - 203 jiè yì f /to care about/to take offense/to mind/ 介懷 介怀 T - 13 jiè huái f /to mind/to brood over/to be concerned about/ 介於 介于 T - 810 jiè yú f /between/intermediate/to lie between/ 介於兩難 介于两难 T - 0 jiè yú liǎng nán f /to be on the horns of a dilemma (idiom)/ 介殼 介壳 T - 47 jiè qiào f /carapace/hard outer shell/ 介电常数 介電常數 S - 15 jiè diàn cháng shù f /dielectric constant/ 介系词 介係詞 S - 3 jiè xì cí f /preposition/ 介紹 介绍 T 257 8926 jiè shào f /to introduce (sb to sb)/to give a presentation/to present (sb for a job etc)/introduction/ 介绍 介紹 S 257 8926 jiè shào f /to introduce (sb to sb)/to give a presentation/to present (sb for a job etc)/introduction/ 介胄 - 3 jiè zhòu f /armor/ 介蒂 - 2 jiè dì f /variant of 芥蒂[jie4 di4]/ 介詞 介词 T - 65 jiè cí f /preposition/ 介词 介詞 S - 65 jiè cí f /preposition/ 介質 介质 T - 942 jiè zhì f /medium/media/ 介質訪問控制 介质访问控制 T - 0 jiè zhì fǎng wèn kòng zhì f /Medium Access Control/MAC/ 介質訪問控制層 介质访问控制层 T - 0 jiè zhì fǎng wèn kòng zhì céng f /MAC layer/ 介质 介質 S - 942 jiè zhì f /medium/media/ 介质访问控制 介質訪問控制 S - 0 jiè zhì fǎng wèn kòng zhì f /Medium Access Control/MAC/ 介质访问控制层 介質訪問控制層 S - 0 jiè zhì fǎng wèn kòng zhì céng f /MAC layer/ 介電常數 介电常数 T - 15 jiè diàn cháng shù f /dielectric constant/ 介面 - 8 jiè miàn f /variant of 界面[jie4 mian4]/interface (computing)/ 仌 - 2 bīng f /old variant of 冰[bing1]/ 仍 - 18627 réng f /still/yet/to remain/ 仍旧 仍舊 S 3243 1618 réng jiù f /still (remaining)/to remain (the same)/yet/ 仍然 782 8526 réng rán f /still/yet/ 仍舊 仍旧 T 3243 1618 réng jiù f /still (remaining)/to remain (the same)/yet/ 从 從 S 176 110435 Cóng t /surname Cong/ 从 從 S 176 110435 cōng f /lax/yielding/unhurried/ 从 從 S 176 110435 cóng t /from/via/passing through/through (a gap)/past/ever (followed by negative, meaning never)/(formerly pr. [zong4] and related to 縱|纵) to follow/to comply with/to obey/to join/to engage in/adopting some mode of action or attitude/follower/retainer/accessory/accomplice/related by common paternal grandfather or earlier ancestor/ 从 從 S 176 110435 zòng f /second cousin/ 从一而终 從一而終 S - 27 cóng yī ér zhōng f /faithful unto death (i.e. Confucian ban on widow remarrying)/ 从不 從不 S - 1386 cóng bù f /never/ 从业 從業 S - 1346 cóng yè f /to practice (a trade)/ 从业人员 從業人員 S - 3 cóng yè rén yuán f /employee/person employed in a trade or profession/ 从严 從嚴 S - 317 cóng yán f /strict/rigorous/severely/ 从严惩处 從嚴懲處 S - 0 cóng yán chéng chǔ f /to deal with sb severely (idiom)/ 从中 從中 S - 1170 cóng zhōng f /from within/therefrom/ 从事 從事 S 1988 7036 cóng shì f /to go for/to engage in/to undertake/to deal with/to handle/to do/ 从事研究 從事研究 S - 0 cóng shì yán jiū f /to do research/to carry out research/ 从井救人 從井救人 S - 3 cóng jǐng jiù rén f /to jump into a well to rescue sb else (idiom); fig. to help others at the risk to oneself/ 从从容容 從從容容 S - 16 cóng cóng róng róng f /unhurried/all in good time/ 从众 從眾 S - 42 cóng zhòng f /to follow the crowd/to conform/ 从优 從優 S - 21 cóng yōu f /preferential treatment/most favored terms/ 从何 從何 S - 0 cóng hé f /whence?/where from?/ 从先 從先 S - 3 cóng xiān f /(dialect) before/in the past/previously/ 从军 從軍 S - 201 cóng jūn f /to enlist/to serve in the army/ 从前 從前 S 1975 1310 cóng qián f /previously/formerly/once upon a time/ 从动 從動 S - 0 cóng dòng f /-driven (of mechanism, driven by a component)/slave (wheel, pulley)/ 从化 從化 S - 0 Cóng huà f /Conghua county level city in Guangzhou 廣州|广州[Guang3 zhou1], Guangdong/ 从化市 從化市 S - 6 Cóng huà shì f /Conghua county level city in Guangzhou 廣州|广州[Guang3 zhou1], Guangdong/ 从句 從句 S - 36 cóng jù f /clause/ 从命 從命 S - 72 cóng mìng f /to obey an order/to comply/to do sb's bidding/to do as requested/ 从善如流 從善如流 S - 21 cóng shàn rú liú f /readily following good advice (idiom); willing to accept other people's views/ 从善如登,从恶如崩 從善如登,從惡如崩 S - 0 cóng shàn rú dēng , cóng è rú bēng f /doing good is like a hard climb, doing evil is like an easy fall (idiom)/ 从天而降 從天而降 S - 116 cóng tiān ér jiàng f /lit. to drop from the sky (idiom)/fig. to appear unexpectedly/to arise abruptly/out of the blue/to drop into one's lap/ 从头 從頭 S - 318 cóng tóu f /anew/from the start/ 从头到尾 從頭到尾 S - 159 cóng tóu dào wěi f /from start to finish/from head to tail/the whole (thing)/ 从头到脚 從頭到腳 S - 3 cóng tóu dào jiǎo f /from head to foot/ 从实招来 從實招來 S - 3 cóng shí zhāo lái f /to own up to the facts/ 从容 從容 S 4275 498 cóng róng f /to go easy/unhurried/calm/Taiwan pr. [cong1 rong2]/ 从容不迫 從容不迫 S - 240 cóng róng bù pò f /calm/unruffled/ 从宽 從寬 S - 51 cóng kuān f /lenient/leniently/ 从小 從小 S - 1254 cóng xiǎo f /from childhood/as a child/ 从属 從屬 S - 317 cóng shǔ f /subordinate/ 从影 從影 S - 0 cóng yǐng f /to make movies/to be a movie actor (or actress)/ 从心所欲 從心所欲 S - 7 cóng xīn suǒ yù f /whatever you like/to do as one pleases/ 从戎 從戎 S - 9 cóng róng f /to enlist/to be in the army/ 从未 從未 S - 1517 cóng wèi f /never/ 从来 從來 S 652 3548 cóng lái f /always/at all times/never (if used in negative sentence)/ 从来不 從來不 S - 952 cóng lái bù f /never/ 从来没 從來沒 S - 3 cóng lái méi f /never/ 从来没有 從來沒有 S - 0 cóng lái méi yǒu f /have never/never before/ 从此 從此 S 1954 5348 cóng cǐ f /from now on/since then/henceforth/ 从此往后 從此往後 S - 0 cóng cǐ wǎng hòu f /from here on/ 从江 從江 S - 51 Cóng jiāng f /Congjiang county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州[Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 从江县 從江縣 S - 2 Cóng jiāng xiàn f /Congjiang county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州[Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 从没 從沒 S - 547 cóng méi f /never (in the past)/never did/ 从犯 從犯 S - 31 cóng fàn f /accessory to a crime/accomplice/ 从略 從略 S - 0 cóng lüè f /to omit (less important details etc)/ 从缓 從緩 S - 3 cóng huǎn f /not to hurry/to procrastinate/to postpone/ 从者 從者 S - 0 cóng zhě f /follower/attendant/ 从而 從而 S 2204 7775 cóng ér f /thus/thereby/ 从良 從良 S - 31 cóng liáng f /(of a slave or servant) to be given one's freedom/(of a prostitute) to marry and leave one's trade/ 从谏如流 從諫如流 S - 22 cóng jiàn rú liú f /to follow admonition as natural flow (idiom); to accept criticism or correction (even from one's inferiors)/ 从轻 從輕 S - 89 cóng qīng f /to be lenient (in sentencing)/ 从速 從速 S - 55 cóng sù f /(to do sth) with dispatch/as soon as possible/ 从里到外 從裡到外 S - 3 cóng lǐ dào wài f /from the inside to the outside/through and through/thoroughly/ 从长计议 從長計議 S - 87 cōng cháng jì yì f /to take one's time making a decision (idiom)/to consider at length/ 从难从严 從難從嚴 S - 11 cóng nán cóng yán f /demanding and strict (idiom)/exacting/ 仏 - 0 fó f /Japanese variant of 佛/ 仑 侖 S - 63 lún f /to arrange/ 仑 崘 S - 63 lún f /variant of 崙|仑[lun2]/ 仑 崙 S - 63 lún f /Kunlun (Karakorum) mountain range in Xinjiang/ 仑背 崙背 S - 3 Lún bèi f /Lunbei or Lunpei township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 仑背乡 崙背鄉 S - 0 Lún bèi xiāng f /Lunbei or Lunpei township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 仒 - 0 xx f /one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "eo" or "sya"), an ancient Korean writing system/ 仓 倉 S - 974 cāng f /barn/granary/storehouse/cabin/hold (in ship)/ 仓促 倉促 S 4087 197 cāng cù f /all of a sudden/hurriedly/ 仓储 倉儲 S - 107 cāng chǔ f /to store in a warehouse/ 仓卒 倉卒 S - 116 cāng cù f /variant of 倉促|仓促[cang1 cu4]/ 仓山 倉山 S - 4 Cāng shān f /Cangshan district of Fuzhou city 福州市[Fu2 zhou1 shi4], Fujian/ 仓山区 倉山區 S - 3 Cāng shān qū f /Cangshan district of Fuzhou city 福州市[Fu2 zhou1 shi4], Fujian/ 仓库 倉庫 S 2772 833 cāng kù f /depot/storehouse/warehouse/ 仓庚 倉庚 S - 0 cāng gēng f /black-naped oriole (Oriolus chinensis)/ 仓廪 倉廩 S - 48 cāng lǐn f /(literary) granary/ 仓惶 倉惶 S - 29 cāng huáng f /variant of 倉皇|仓皇[cang1 huang2]/ 仓敷 倉敷 S - 0 Cāng fū f /Kurashiki, city in Okayama Prefecture 岡山縣|冈山县[Gang1 shan1 xian4], Japan/ 仓猝 倉猝 S - 53 cāng cù f /variant of 倉促|仓促[cang1 cu4]/ 仓皇 倉皇 S - 224 cāng huáng f /in a panic/flurried/ 仓皇出逃 倉皇出逃 S - 3 cāng huáng chū táo f /to run off in a great panic (idiom)/ 仓皇失措 倉皇失措 S - 8 cāng huáng shī cuò f /flustered/ruffled/disconcerted/ 仓颉 倉頡 S - 17 Cāng Jié f /Cang Jie, legendary scribe of the Yellow Emperor and creator of Chinese writing/Cangjie input method (computing)/ 仓鸮 倉鴞 S - 0 cāng xiāo f /(bird species of China) barn owl (Tyto alba)/ 仓黄 倉黃 S - 0 cāng huáng f /variant of 倉皇|仓皇[cang1 huang2]/ 仓鼠 倉鼠 S - 20 cāng shǔ f /hamster/ 仔 - 500 zǎi f /variant of 崽[zai3]/ 仔 - 500 zī f /see 仔肩[zi1 jian1]/ 仔 - 500 zǐ t /meticulous/(of domestic animals or fowls) young/ 仔姜 仔薑 S - 0 zǐ jiāng f /stem ginger/ 仔猪 仔豬 S - 15 zǐ zhū f /piglet/ 仔畜 - 3 zǐ chù f /newborn animal/ 仔細 仔细 T 889 2997 zǐ xì f /careful/attentive/cautious/ 仔细 仔細 S 889 2997 zǐ xì f /careful/attentive/cautious/ 仔肩 - 3 zī jiān f /to bear responsibility for sth/ 仔薑 仔姜 T - 0 zǐ jiāng f /stem ginger/ 仔豬 仔猪 T - 15 zǐ zhū f /piglet/ 仕 - 462 shì f /to serve as an official/an official/the two chess pieces in Chinese chess guarding the "general" or "king" 將|将[jiang4]/ 仕女 - 102 shì nǚ f /court lady/palace maid/traditional painting of beautiful women/ 仕宦 - 45 shì huàn f /(literary) to serve as an official/ 仕途 - 327 shì tú f /official career (formal)/ 他 7 401339 tā f /he or him/(used for either sex when the sex is unknown or unimportant)/(used before sb's name for emphasis)/(used as a meaningless mock object)/other/another/ 他乡 他鄉 S - 0 tā xiāng f /foreign land/away from one's native place/ 他乡遇故知 他鄉遇故知 S - 19 tā xiāng yù gù zhī f /meeting an old friend in a foreign place (idiom)/ 他人 - 2288 tā rén f /another/sb else/other people/ 他们 他們 S - 93969 tā men f /they/ 他信 - 0 Tā xìn f /Thaksin Shinawatra (1949-), Thai businessman and politician, prime minister 2001-2006/ 他們 他们 T - 93969 tā men f /they/ 他加祿語 他加禄语 T - 0 Tā jiā lù yǔ f /Tagalog (language)/ 他加禄语 他加祿語 S - 0 Tā jiā lù yǔ f /Tagalog (language)/ 他国 他國 S - 137 tā guó f /another country/ 他國 他国 T - 137 tā guó f /another country/ 他妈的 他媽的 S - 850 tā mā de f /(taboo curse) damn it!/fucking/ 他娘的 - 0 tā niáng de f /same as 他媽的|他妈的[ta1 ma1 de5]/ 他媽的 他妈的 T - 850 tā mā de f /(taboo curse) damn it!/fucking/ 他山之石可以攻玉 - 0 tā shān zhī shí kě yǐ gōng yù f /lit. the other mountain's stone can polish jade (idiom); to improve oneself by accepting criticism from outside/to borrow talent from abroad to develop the nation effectively/ 他杀 他殺 S - 270 tā shā f /homicide (law)/ 他殺 他杀 T - 270 tā shā f /homicide (law)/ 他迁 他遷 S - 0 tā qiān f /to relocate/to move elsewhere/ 他遷 他迁 T - 0 tā qiān f /to relocate/to move elsewhere/ 他鄉 他乡 T - 0 tā xiāng f /foreign land/away from one's native place/ 他鄉遇故知 他乡遇故知 T - 19 tā xiāng yù gù zhī f /meeting an old friend in a foreign place (idiom)/ 仗 - 3272 zhàng f /weaponry/to hold (a weapon)/to wield/to rely on/to depend on/war/battle/ 仗义 仗義 S - 183 zhàng yì f /to uphold justice/to be loyal (to one's friends)/to stick by/ 仗义执言 仗義執言 S - 24 zhàng yì zhí yán f /to speak out for justice (idiom); to take a stand on a matter of principle/ 仗义疏财 仗義疏財 S - 30 zhàng yì shū cái f /to help the needy for justice (idiom); to be loyal to one's friends and generous to the needy/ 仗势 仗勢 S - 3 zhàng shì f /to rely on power/ 仗势欺人 仗勢欺人 S - 28 zhàng shì qī rén f /relying on force to bully others (idiom)/ 仗勢 仗势 T - 3 zhàng shì f /to rely on power/ 仗勢欺人 仗势欺人 T - 28 zhàng shì qī rén f /relying on force to bully others (idiom)/ 仗恃 - 18 zhàng shì f /to rely on/to depend on/ 仗火 - 0 zhàng huǒ f /battle/ 仗義 仗义 T - 183 zhàng yì f /to uphold justice/to be loyal (to one's friends)/to stick by/ 仗義執言 仗义执言 T - 24 zhàng yì zhí yán f /to speak out for justice (idiom); to take a stand on a matter of principle/ 仗義疏財 仗义疏财 T - 30 zhàng yì shū cái f /to help the needy for justice (idiom); to be loyal to one's friends and generous to the needy/ 仗腰 - 0 zhàng yāo f /to back sb up/to support (from the rear)/ 付 - 1954 Fù f /surname Fu/ 付 - 1954 fù f /to pay/to hand over to/classifier for pairs or sets of things/ 付之一叹 付之一嘆 S - 3 fù zhī yī tàn f /to dismiss with a sigh (idiom); a hopeless case/ 付之一叹 付之一歎 S - 3 fù zhī yī tàn f /to dismiss with a sigh (idiom); a hopeless case/ 付之一嘆 付之一叹 T - 3 fù zhī yī tàn f /to dismiss with a sigh (idiom); a hopeless case/ 付之一歎 付之一叹 T - 3 fù zhī yī tàn f /to dismiss with a sigh (idiom); a hopeless case/ 付之一炬 - 180 fù zhī yī jù f /to put to the torch (idiom)/to commit to the flames/to burn sth down deliberately/ 付之一笑 - 7 fù zhī yī xiào f /to dismiss sth with a laugh (idiom)/to laugh it off/ 付之丙丁 - 2 fù zhī bǐng dīng f /to burn down (idiom)/ 付之东流 付之東流 S - 26 fù zhī dōng liú f /to commit to the waters (idiom); to lose sth irrevocably/ 付之度外 - 3 fù zhī dù wài f /to think nothing of doing sth (idiom)/to do sth without considering the risks/to leave out of consideration/ 付之東流 付之东流 T - 26 fù zhī dōng liú f /to commit to the waters (idiom); to lose sth irrevocably/ 付之行动 付之行動 S - 0 fù zhī xíng dòng f /to put into action/to transform into acts/ 付之行動 付之行动 T - 0 fù zhī xíng dòng f /to put into action/to transform into acts/ 付出 - 1517 fù chū f /to pay/to invest (energy or time in a friendship etc)/ 付印 - 32 fù yìn f /to go to press/to submit for printing/ 付托 - 79 fù tuō f /to entrust to/ 付方 - 3 fù fāng f /credit side (of a balance sheet), as opposed to 收方[shou1 fang1]/ 付梓 - 5 fù zǐ f /to send (a manuscript) to the press/ 付款 1154 279 fù kuǎn f /to pay a sum of money/payment/ 付款方式 - 0 fù kuǎn fāng shì f /terms of payment/payment method/ 付款条件 付款條件 S - 3 fù kuǎn tiáo jiàn f /terms of payment/ 付款條件 付款条件 T - 3 fù kuǎn tiáo jiàn f /terms of payment/ 付清 - 60 fù qīng f /to pay in full/to pay all of a bill/to pay off/ 付现 付現 S - 12 fù xiàn f /to pay in cash/ 付現 付现 T - 12 fù xiàn f /to pay in cash/ 付給 付给 T - 297 fù gěi f /to deliver/to pay/ 付给 付給 S - 297 fù gěi f /to deliver/to pay/ 付訖 付讫 T - 5 fù qì f /paid/ 付諸 付诸 T - 98 fù zhū f /to apply to/to put into (practice etc)/to put to (a test, a vote etc)/ 付諸實施 付诸实施 T - 118 fù zhū shí shī f /to put into practice/to carry out (idiom)/ 付諸東流 付诸东流 T - 23 fù zhū dōng liú f /wasted effort/ 付讫 付訖 S - 5 fù qì f /paid/ 付诸 付諸 S - 98 fù zhū f /to apply to/to put into (practice etc)/to put to (a test, a vote etc)/ 付诸东流 付諸東流 S - 23 fù zhū dōng liú f /wasted effort/ 付诸实施 付諸實施 S - 118 fù zhū shí shī f /to put into practice/to carry out (idiom)/ 付費 付费 T - 159 fù fèi f /to pay/to cover the costs/ 付賬 付账 T - 27 fù zhàng f /to settle an account/ 付账 付賬 S - 27 fù zhàng f /to settle an account/ 付费 付費 S - 159 fù fèi f /to pay/to cover the costs/ 付錢 付钱 T - 45 fù qián f /to pay money/ 付钱 付錢 S - 45 fù qián f /to pay money/ 仙 - 4284 xiān f /immortal/ 仙 僊 S - 4284 xiān f /variant of 仙[xian1]/ 仙丹 - 79 xiān dān f /elixir/magic potion/ 仙乐 仙樂 S - 22 xiān yuè f /heavenly music/ 仙乡 仙鄉 S - 12 xiān xiāng f /fairyland/honorific: your homeland/ 仙人 - 598 xiān rén f /Daoist immortal/celestial being/ 仙人掌 - 105 xiān rén zhǎng f /cactus/ 仙人掌果 - 3 xiān rén zhǎng guǒ f /prickly pear/ 仙人球 - 2 xiān rén qiú f /ball cactus/ 仙八色鶇 仙八色鸫 T - 0 xiān bā sè dōng f /(bird species of China) fairy pitta (Pitta nympha)/ 仙八色鸫 仙八色鶇 S - 0 xiān bā sè dōng f /(bird species of China) fairy pitta (Pitta nympha)/ 仙去 - 0 xiān qù f /to become an immortal/(fig.) to die/ 仙台 - 16 Xiān tái f /Sendai, city in northeast Japan/ 仙台 仙臺 S - 16 Xiān tái f /Sendai, capital of Miyagi prefecture 宮城縣|宫城县[Gong1 cheng2 xian4] in northeast Japan/ 仙后座 - 23 Xiān hòu zuò f /Cassiopeia (constellation)/ 仙境 - 119 xiān jìng f /fairyland/wonderland/paradise/ 仙女 - 276 xiān nǚ f /fairy/ 仙女座 - 3 Xiān nǚ zuò f /Andromeda (constellation)/ 仙女座大星云 仙女座大星雲 S - 0 Xiān nǚ zuò dà xīng yún f /great nebula in Andromeda or Andromeda galaxy M31/ 仙女座大星雲 仙女座大星云 T - 0 Xiān nǚ zuò dà xīng yún f /great nebula in Andromeda or Andromeda galaxy M31/ 仙女座星系 - 0 Xiān nǚ zuò xīng xì f /Andromeda galaxy M31/ 仙女星座 - 0 Xiān nǚ xīng zuò f /Andromeda constellation (galaxy) M31/ 仙女星系 - 0 Xiān nǚ xīng xì f /Andromeda galaxy M31/ 仙女棒 - 0 xiān nǚ bàng f /sparkler (hand-held firework)/ 仙姑 - 109 xiān gū f /female immortal/sorceress/ 仙姿玉色 - 3 xiān zī yù sè f /heavenly beauty, jewel colors (idiom); unusually beautiful lady/ 仙子 - 160 xiān zǐ f /fairy/ 仙客來 仙客来 T - 3 xiān kè lái f /cyclamen/ 仙客来 仙客來 S - 3 xiān kè lái f /cyclamen/ 仙宫 仙宮 S - 16 xiān gōng f /underground palace of ghouls, e.g. Asgard of Scandinavian mythology/ 仙宮 仙宫 T - 16 xiān gōng f /underground palace of ghouls, e.g. Asgard of Scandinavian mythology/ 仙居 - 4 Xiān jū f /Xianju county in Taizhou 台州[Tai1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 仙居县 仙居縣 S - 3 Xiān jū xiàn f /Xianju county in Taizhou 台州[Tai1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 仙居縣 仙居县 T - 3 Xiān jū xiàn f /Xianju county in Taizhou 台州[Tai1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 仙山 - 62 xiān shān f /mountain of Immortals/ 仙山琼阁 仙山瓊閣 S - 2 xiān shān qióng gé f /jeweled palace in the fairy mountain/ 仙山瓊閣 仙山琼阁 T - 2 xiān shān qióng gé f /jeweled palace in the fairy mountain/ 仙岛 仙島 S - 3 xiān dǎo f /island of the immortals/ 仙島 仙岛 T - 3 xiān dǎo f /island of the immortals/ 仙方 - 0 xiān fāng f /prescription of elixir/potion of immortality/potion prescribed by an immortal/ 仙方儿 仙方兒 S - 0 xiān fāng r f /erhua variant of 仙方[xian1 fang1]/ 仙方兒 仙方儿 T - 0 xiān fāng r f /erhua variant of 仙方[xian1 fang1]/ 仙桃 - 3117 Xiān táo f /Xiantao sub-prefecture level city in Hubei/ 仙桃 - 3117 xiān táo f /the peaches of immortality of Goddess Xi Wangmu 西王母/ 仙桃市 - 1552 Xiān táo shì f /Xiantao sub-prefecture level city in Hubei/ 仙樂 仙乐 T - 22 xiān yuè f /heavenly music/ 仙气 仙氣 S - 65 xiān qì f /magic breath/ 仙氣 仙气 T - 65 xiān qì f /magic breath/ 仙游 仙遊 S - 20 Xiān yóu f /Xianyou county in Putian 莆田[Pu2 tian2], Fujian/ 仙游县 仙遊縣 S - 10 Xiān yóu xiàn f /Xianyou county in Putian 莆田[Pu2 tian2], Fujian/ 仙王座 - 3 Xiān wáng zuò f /Cepheus (constellation)/ 仙界 - 47 xiān jiè f /world of the immortals/fairyland/cloud nine/ 仙童 - 29 xiān tóng f /elf/leprechaun/ 仙股 - 0 xiān gǔ f /penny stocks/ 仙臺 仙台 T - 16 Xiān tái f /Sendai, capital of Miyagi prefecture 宮城縣|宫城县[Gong1 cheng2 xian4] in northeast Japan/ 仙茅 - 4 xiān máo f /golden eye-grass (Curculigo orchioides)/Curculigo rhizome (used in TCM)/ 仙草 - 158 xiān cǎo f /medicinal herb (genus Mesona)/grass jelly/ 仙药 仙藥 S - 3 xiān yào f /legendary magic potion of immortals/panacea/fig. wonder solution to a problem/ 仙藥 仙药 T - 3 xiān yào f /legendary magic potion of immortals/panacea/fig. wonder solution to a problem/ 仙貝 仙贝 T - 0 xiān bèi f /rice cracker/ 仙贝 仙貝 S - 0 xiān bèi f /rice cracker/ 仙逝 - 25 xiān shì f /to die/to depart this mortal coil/ 仙遊 仙游 T - 20 Xiān yóu f /Xianyou county in Putian 莆田[Pu2 tian2], Fujian/ 仙遊縣 仙游县 T - 10 Xiān yóu xiàn f /Xianyou county in Putian 莆田[Pu2 tian2], Fujian/ 仙鄉 仙乡 T - 12 xiān xiāng f /fairyland/honorific: your homeland/ 仙鶴 仙鹤 T - 69 xiān hè f /red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis)/ 仙鹤 仙鶴 S - 69 xiān hè f /red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis)/ 仚 - 0 xiān f /old variant of 仙[xian1]/ 仝 同 T - 37578 tóng t /(used in given names)/variant of 同[tong2]/ 仞 - 45 rèn f /(measure)/ 仟 - 18 qiān f /thousand (banker's anti-fraud numeral)/ 仟悔 - 0 qiān huǐ f /repentance (in Christianity)/ 仡 - 130 Gē t /see 仡佬族[Ge1 lao3 zu2], Gelao or Klau ethnic group of Guizhou/Taiwan pr. [Qi4]/ 仡 - 130 yì f /strong/brave/ 仡佬族 - 291 Gē lǎo zú f /Gelao or Klau ethnic group of Guizhou/ 代 - 6666 dài f /to substitute/to act on behalf of others/to replace/generation/dynasty/age/period/(historical) era/(geological) eon/ 代之以 - 3 dài zhī yǐ f /(has been) replaced with/(its) place has been taken by/ 代书 代書 S - 12 dài shū f /to write for sb else/a lawyer who writes legal documents for his clients/ 代人受过 代人受過 S - 3 dài rén shòu guò f /to take the blame for sb else/to be made a scapegoat/ 代人受過 代人受过 T - 3 dài rén shòu guò f /to take the blame for sb else/to be made a scapegoat/ 代代 - 3 dài dài f /from generation to generation/generation after generation/ 代代相传 代代相傳 S - 61 dài dài xiāng chuán f /passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down/ 代代相傳 代代相传 T - 61 dài dài xiāng chuán f /passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down/ 代价 代價 S 2588 1286 dài jià f /price/cost/consideration (in share dealing)/ 代偿 代償 S - 83 dài cháng f /(medical) compensation/to repay a debt or obligation in place of someone else/ 代價 代价 T 2588 1286 dài jià f /price/cost/consideration (in share dealing)/ 代償 代偿 T - 83 dài cháng f /(medical) compensation/to repay a debt or obligation in place of someone else/ 代入 - 28 dài rù f /to substitute into/ 代写 代寫 S - 3 dài xiě f /to write as substitute for sb/a ghost writer/plagiarism/ 代利斯 - 0 Dài lì sī f /Dallys, Algerian seaport and naval base/ 代办 代辦 S - 88 dài bàn f /to act for sb else/to act on sb's behalf/an agent/a diplomatic representative/a chargé d'affaires/ 代劳 代勞 S - 32 dài láo f /to do sth in place of sb else/ 代勞 代劳 T - 32 dài láo f /to do sth in place of sb else/ 代县 代縣 S - 17 Dài xiàn f /Dai county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ 代号 代號 S - 451 dài hào f /code name/ 代名詞 代名词 T - 86 dài míng cí f /pronoun/synonym/byword/ 代名词 代名詞 S - 86 dài míng cí f /pronoun/synonym/byword/ 代填 - 0 dài tián f /to fill in a form for sb else/ 代孕 - 30 dài yùn f /surrogate pregnancy/ 代宗 - 7 Dài zōng f /Daizong, Temple name of seventh Ming emperor Jingtai 景泰[Jing3 tai4]/ 代客泊車 代客泊车 T - 0 dài kè bó chē f /valet parking/ 代客泊车 代客泊車 S - 0 dài kè bó chē f /valet parking/ 代寫 代写 T - 3 dài xiě f /to write as substitute for sb/a ghost writer/plagiarism/ 代尔夫特 代爾夫特 S - 0 Dài ěr fū tè f /Delft, Zuid-Holland, the Netherlands/ 代工 - 42 dài gōng f /subcontract work/OEM (original equipment manufacturer) supplier/ 代币 代幣 S - 2 dài bì f /token (used instead of money for slot machines, in game arcades etc)/ 代幣 代币 T - 2 dài bì f /token (used instead of money for slot machines, in game arcades etc)/ 代扣 - 6 dài kòu f /to withhold tax (from employee's salary)/ 代拿买特 代拿買特 S - 0 dài ná mǎi tè f /dynamite (loanword)/ 代拿買特 代拿买特 T - 0 dài ná mǎi tè f /dynamite (loanword)/ 代收貨款 代收货款 T - 0 dài shōu huò kuǎn f /collect on delivery (COD)/ 代收货款 代收貨款 S - 0 dài shōu huò kuǎn f /collect on delivery (COD)/ 代数 代數 S - 508 dài shù f /algebra/ 代数几何 代數幾何 S - 0 dài shù jǐ hé f /algebraic geometry/ 代数几何学 代數幾何學 S - 0 dài shù jǐ hé xué f /algebraic geometry/ 代数函数 代數函數 S - 0 dài shù hán shù f /(math.) algebraic function/ 代数函数论 代數函數論 S - 0 dài shù hán shù lùn f /algebraic function theory (math.)/ 代数和 代數和 S - 41 dài shù hé f /algebraic sum/ 代数基本定理 代數基本定理 S - 0 dài shù jī běn dìng lǐ f /fundamental theorem of algebra/ 代数学 代數學 S - 182 dài shù xué f /algebra (as branch of math.)/ 代数学基本定理 代數學基本定理 S - 0 dài shù xué jī běn dìng lǐ f /fundamental theorem of algebra (every polynomial has a complex root)/ 代数式 代數式 S - 31 dài shù shì f /algebraic formula/ 代数拓扑 代數拓撲 S - 0 dài shù tuò pū f /algebraic topology (math.)/ 代数数域 代數數域 S - 3 dài shù shù yù f /algebraic number field (math.)/ 代数方程 代數方程 S - 90 dài shù fāng chéng f /algebraic equation/polynomial equation/ 代数曲线 代數曲線 S - 0 dài shù qū xiàn f /algebraic curve/ 代数曲面 代數曲面 S - 0 dài shù qū miàn f /algebraic surface/ 代数簇 代數簇 S - 0 dài shù cù f /algebraic variety (math.)/ 代数结构 代數結構 S - 0 dài shù jié gòu f /algebraic structure/ 代数群 代數群 S - 0 dài shù qún f /algebraic group (math.)/ 代数量 代數量 S - 0 dài shù liàng f /algebraic quantity/ 代數 代数 T - 508 dài shù f /algebra/ 代數函數 代数函数 T - 0 dài shù hán shù f /(math.) algebraic function/ 代數函數論 代数函数论 T - 0 dài shù hán shù lùn f /algebraic function theory (math.)/ 代數和 代数和 T - 41 dài shù hé f /algebraic sum/ 代數基本定理 代数基本定理 T - 0 dài shù jī běn dìng lǐ f /fundamental theorem of algebra/ 代數學 代数学 T - 182 dài shù xué f /algebra (as branch of math.)/ 代數學基本定理 代数学基本定理 T - 0 dài shù xué jī běn dìng lǐ f /fundamental theorem of algebra (every polynomial has a complex root)/ 代數幾何 代数几何 T - 0 dài shù jǐ hé f /algebraic geometry/ 代數幾何學 代数几何学 T - 0 dài shù jǐ hé xué f /algebraic geometry/ 代數式 代数式 T - 31 dài shù shì f /algebraic formula/ 代數拓撲 代数拓扑 T - 0 dài shù tuò pū f /algebraic topology (math.)/ 代數數域 代数数域 T - 3 dài shù shù yù f /algebraic number field (math.)/ 代數方程 代数方程 T - 90 dài shù fāng chéng f /algebraic equation/polynomial equation/ 代數曲線 代数曲线 T - 0 dài shù qū xiàn f /algebraic curve/ 代數曲面 代数曲面 T - 0 dài shù qū miàn f /algebraic surface/ 代數簇 代数簇 T - 0 dài shù cù f /algebraic variety (math.)/ 代數結構 代数结构 T - 0 dài shù jié gòu f /algebraic structure/ 代數群 代数群 T - 0 dài shù qún f /algebraic group (math.)/ 代數量 代数量 T - 0 dài shù liàng f /algebraic quantity/ 代書 代书 T - 12 dài shū f /to write for sb else/a lawyer who writes legal documents for his clients/ 代替 1822 2262 dài tì f /to replace/to take the place of/ 代替父母 - 0 dài tì fù mǔ f /in place of sb's parents/in loco parentis (law)/ 代替者 - 0 dài tì zhě f /substitute/ 代步 - 27 dài bù f /means of transportation/to take transportation/to ride instead of walk/ 代沟 代溝 S - 26 dài gōu f /generation gap/ 代溝 代沟 T - 26 dài gōu f /generation gap/ 代爾夫特 代尔夫特 T - 0 Dài ěr fū tè f /Delft, Zuid-Holland, the Netherlands/ 代理 3012 1946 dài lǐ f /to act on behalf of sb in a responsible position/to act as an agent or proxy/surrogate/ 代理人 - 574 dài lǐ rén f /agent/ 代理商 - 191 dài lǐ shāng f /agent/ 代码 代碼 S - 2049 dài mǎ f /code/ 代码段 代碼段 S - 4 dài mǎ duàn f /code segment/ 代码页 代碼頁 S - 0 dài mǎ yè f /code page/ 代碼 代码 T - 2049 dài mǎ f /code/ 代碼段 代码段 T - 4 dài mǎ duàn f /code segment/ 代碼頁 代码页 T - 0 dài mǎ yè f /code page/ 代祷 代禱 S - 0 dài dǎo f /to pray on behalf of sb/ 代禱 代祷 T - 0 dài dǎo f /to pray on behalf of sb/ 代称 代稱 S - 73 dài chēng f /alternative name/antonomasia/ 代稱 代称 T - 73 dài chēng f /alternative name/antonomasia/ 代笔 代筆 S - 21 dài bǐ f /to write on behalf of sb/to ghostwrite/ 代筆 代笔 T - 21 dài bǐ f /to write on behalf of sb/to ghostwrite/ 代管 - 53 dài guǎn f /to administer/to manage/to hold in trust or escrow/ 代糖 - 3 dài táng f /sugar substitute/ 代縣 代县 T - 17 Dài xiàn f /Dai county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ 代罪 - 0 dài zuì f /to redeem oneself/to make up for one's misdeeds/ 代罪羔羊 - 3 dài zuì gāo yáng f /scapegoat/ 代考 - 7 dài kǎo f /to take a test or exam for sb/ 代號 代号 T - 451 dài hào f /code name/ 代行 - 112 dài xíng f /to act as a substitute/to act on sb's behalf/ 代表 1281 32777 dài biǎo f /representative/delegate/CL:位[wei4],個|个[ge4],名[ming2]/to represent/to stand for/on behalf of/in the name of/ 代表人物 - 0 dài biǎo rén wù f /representative individual (of a school of thought)/ 代表作 - 1106 dài biǎo zuò f /representative work (of an author or artist)/ 代表团 代表團 S - 1792 dài biǎo tuán f /delegation/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 代表團 代表团 T - 1792 dài biǎo tuán f /delegation/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 代表处 代表處 S - 124 dài biǎo chù f /representative office/ 代表性 - 949 dài biǎo xìng f /representativeness/representative/typical/ 代表處 代表处 T - 124 dài biǎo chù f /representative office/ 代表队 代表隊 S - 89 dài biǎo duì f /delegation/ 代表隊 代表队 T - 89 dài biǎo duì f /delegation/ 代言 - 96 dài yán f /to be a spokesperson/to be an ambassador (for a brand)/to endorse/ 代言人 - 217 dài yán rén f /spokesperson/ 代詞 代词 T - 80 dài cí f /pronoun/ 代課 代课 T - 171 dài kè f /to teach as substitute for absent teacher/ 代謝 代谢 T - 920 dài xiè f /replacement/substitution/metabolism (biol.)/ 代词 代詞 S - 80 dài cí f /pronoun/ 代课 代課 S - 171 dài kè f /to teach as substitute for absent teacher/ 代谢 代謝 S - 920 dài xiè f /replacement/substitution/metabolism (biol.)/ 代購 代购 T - 26 dài gòu f /to buy (on behalf of sb)/ 代购 代購 S - 26 dài gòu f /to buy (on behalf of sb)/ 代辦 代办 T - 88 dài bàn f /to act for sb else/to act on sb's behalf/an agent/a diplomatic representative/a chargé d'affaires/ 代銷 代销 T - 86 dài xiāo f /to sell as agent/to sell on commission (e.g. insurance policies)/proxy sale (of stocks)/ 代銷店 代销店 T - 3 dài xiāo diàn f /outlet/commission shop/agency/ 代销 代銷 S - 86 dài xiāo f /to sell as agent/to sell on commission (e.g. insurance policies)/proxy sale (of stocks)/ 代销店 代銷店 S - 3 dài xiāo diàn f /outlet/commission shop/agency/ 代頓 代顿 T - 11 Dài dùn f /Dayton (city in Ohio)/ 代顿 代頓 S - 11 Dài dùn f /Dayton (city in Ohio)/ 令 - 9565 Líng f /see 令狐[Ling2 hu2]/ 令 - 9565 líng f /see 脊令[ji2 ling2]/ 令 - 9565 lǐng f /classifier for a ream of paper/ 令 - 9565 lìng t /to order/to command/an order/warrant/writ/to cause/to make sth happen/virtuous/honorific title/season/government position (old)/ 令亲 令親 S - 3 lìng qīn f /Your esteemed parent (honorific)/ 令人 - 4728 lìng rén f /to cause sb (to do)/to make one (feel sth)/(used in constructing words for feelings such as anger, surprise, sympathy etc)/ 令人不快 - 0 lìng rén bù kuài f /unpleasant/objectionable/ 令人发指 令人髮指 S - 34 lìng rén fà zhǐ f /to make one's hair stand up in anger (idiom); to raise people's hackles/ 令人叹 令人嘆 S - 0 lìng rén tàn f /to astonish/ 令人叹为观止 令人嘆為觀止 S - 0 lìng rén tàn wéi guān zhǐ f /(set expression) astonishing to see/ 令人吃惊 令人吃驚 S - 3 lìng rén chī jīng f /to shock/to amaze/ 令人吃驚 令人吃惊 T - 3 lìng rén chī jīng f /to shock/to amaze/ 令人嘆 令人叹 T - 0 lìng rén tàn f /to astonish/ 令人嘆為觀止 令人叹为观止 T - 0 lìng rén tàn wéi guān zhǐ f /(set expression) astonishing to see/ 令人振奋 令人振奮 S - 36 lìng rén zhèn fèn f /inspiring/exciting/rousing/ 令人振奮 令人振奋 T - 36 lìng rén zhèn fèn f /inspiring/exciting/rousing/ 令人欽佩 令人钦佩 T - 19 lìng rén qīn pèi f /admirable/ 令人满意 令人滿意 S - 122 lìng rén mǎn yì f /satisfying/satisfactory/ 令人滿意 令人满意 T - 122 lìng rén mǎn yì f /satisfying/satisfactory/ 令人钦佩 令人欽佩 S - 19 lìng rén qīn pèi f /admirable/ 令人髮指 令人发指 T - 34 lìng rén fà zhǐ f /to make one's hair stand up in anger (idiom); to raise people's hackles/ 令人鼓舞 - 43 lìng rén gǔ wǔ f /encouraging/heartening/ 令兄 - 56 lìng xiōng f /Your esteemed older brother (honorific)/ 令吉 - 0 lìng jí f /ringgit (Malaysian currency unit)/ 令名 - 0 lìng míng f /good name/reputation/ 令堂 - 43 lìng táng f /(honorific) your mother/ 令导人 令導人 S - 0 lìng dǎo rén f /leader/usually written 領導人|领导人/ 令尊 - 224 lìng zūn f /Your esteemed father (honorific)/ 令尊令堂 - 0 lìng zūn lìng táng f /(honorific) your parents/ 令導人 令导人 T - 0 lìng dǎo rén f /leader/usually written 領導人|领导人/ 令弟 - 28 lìng dì f /honorable little brother/ 令愛 令爱 T - 65 lìng ài f /your precious daughter/ 令慈 - 3 lìng cí f /Your esteemed mother (honorific)/ 令正 - 0 lìng zhèng f /Your esteemed number one wife (honorific)/ 令爱 令愛 S - 65 lìng ài f /your precious daughter/ 令牌环 令牌環 S - 3 lìng pái huán f /token ring/ 令牌环网 令牌環網 S - 0 lìng pái huán wǎng f /token ring network/ 令牌環 令牌环 T - 3 lìng pái huán f /token ring/ 令牌環網 令牌环网 T - 0 lìng pái huán wǎng f /token ring network/ 令状 令狀 S - 8 lìng zhuàng f /writ/ 令狀 令状 T - 8 lìng zhuàng f /writ/ 令狐 - 486 Líng hú f /old place name (in modern Linyi county 臨猗縣|临猗县, Shanxi)/two-character surname Linghu/ 令狐德棻 - 0 Líng hú Dé fēn f /Linghu Defen (583-666), Tang dynasty historian, compiler of History of Zhou of the Northern dynasties 周書|周书/ 令箭 - 79 lìng jiàn f /arrow banner of command (archaic used as symbol of military authority)/fig. instructions from one's superiors/ 令節 令节 T - 3 lìng jié f /festive season/happy time/noble principle/ 令节 令節 S - 3 lìng jié f /festive season/happy time/noble principle/ 令药 令藥 S - 0 lìng yào f /seasonal medication/ 令藥 令药 T - 0 lìng yào f /seasonal medication/ 令行禁止 - 19 lìng xíng jìn zhǐ f /lit. if he orders you go, he forbids you stop (idiom); fig. to demand exact compliance with instructions/to ensure strictly obedience/ 令親 令亲 T - 3 lìng qīn f /Your esteemed parent (honorific)/ 令誉 令譽 S - 3 lìng yù f /honorable reputation/ 令譽 令誉 T - 3 lìng yù f /honorable reputation/ 令郎 - 96 lìng láng f /Your esteemed son (honorific)/ 令閫 令阃 T - 0 lìng kǔn f /your wife (honorific)/ 令阃 令閫 S - 0 lìng kǔn f /your wife (honorific)/ 以 㕥 S 618 136106 yǐ f /old variant of 以[yi3]/ 以 㠯 S 618 136106 yǐ f /old variant of 以[yi3]/ 以 618 136106 Yǐ f /abbr. for Israel 以色列[Yi3 se4 lie4]/ 以 618 136106 yǐ f /to use/by means of/according to/in order to/because of/at (a certain date or place)/ 以一馭萬 以一驭万 T - 0 yǐ yī yù wàn f /to control a key point is to be master of the situation (idiom)/ 以一驭万 以一馭萬 S - 0 yǐ yī yù wàn f /to control a key point is to be master of the situation (idiom)/ 以上 - 24969 yǐ shàng f /that level or higher/that amount or more/the above-mentioned/ 以下 - 7611 yǐ xià f /that level or lower/that amount or less/the following/ 以东 以東 S - 1087 yǐ dōng f /to the east of (suffix)/ 以为 以為 S 619 6133 yǐ wéi f /to believe/to think/to consider/to be under the impression/ 以人为本 以人為本 S - 173 yǐ rén wéi běn f /people-oriented/ 以人名命名 - 0 yǐ rén míng mìng míng f /to name sth after a person/named after/eponymous/ 以人废言 以人廢言 S - 3 yǐ rén fèi yán f /to reject a word because of the speaker (idiom, from Analects); to judge on preference between advisers rather than the merits of the case/ 以人廢言 以人废言 T - 3 yǐ rén fèi yán f /to reject a word because of the speaker (idiom, from Analects); to judge on preference between advisers rather than the merits of the case/ 以人為本 以人为本 T - 173 yǐ rén wéi běn f /people-oriented/ 以亿计 以億計 S - 0 yǐ yì jì f /to number in the thousands/ 以來 以来 T 1458 10402 yǐ lái f /since (a previous event)/ 以便 3184 2167 yǐ biàn f /so that/so as to/in order to/ 以债养债 以債養債 S - 0 yǐ zhài yǎng zhài f /debt nurtures more debt (idiom)/ 以偏概全 - 18 yǐ piān gài quán f /(lit.) to take a part for the whole/to generalize/ 以備不測 以备不测 T - 11 yǐ bèi bù cè f /to be prepared for accidents/ 以債養債 以债养债 T - 0 yǐ zhài yǎng zhài f /debt nurtures more debt (idiom)/ 以億計 以亿计 T - 0 yǐ yì jì f /to number in the thousands/ 以儆效尤 - 11 yǐ jǐng xiào yóu f /in order to warn against following bad examples (idiom)/as a warning to others/ 以免 3470 1200 yǐ miǎn f /in order to avoid/so as not to/ 以免借口 以免藉口 S - 0 yǐ miǎn jiè kǒu f /to remove sth that could be used as a pretext (idiom)/ 以免藉口 以免借口 T - 0 yǐ miǎn jiè kǒu f /to remove sth that could be used as a pretext (idiom)/ 以內 以内 T - 1074 yǐ nèi f /within/less than/ 以其人之道,还治其人之身 以其人之道,還治其人之身 S - 0 yǐ qí rén zhī dào , huán zhì qí rén zhī shēn f /to use an opponent's own methods to obtain retribution (idiom, from Song dynasty neo-Confucianist Zhu Xi 朱熹); to get revenge by playing sb back at his own game/to give sb a taste of his own medicine/ 以其人之道,還治其人之身 以其人之道,还治其人之身 T - 0 yǐ qí rén zhī dào , huán zhì qí rén zhī shēn f /to use an opponent's own methods to obtain retribution (idiom, from Song dynasty neo-Confucianist Zhu Xi 朱熹); to get revenge by playing sb back at his own game/to give sb a taste of his own medicine/ 以内 以內 S - 1074 yǐ nèi f /within/less than/ 以军 以軍 S - 104 yǐ jūn f /Israeli soldiers/ 以利于 以利於 S - 3 yǐ lì yú f /for the sake of/in order to/ 以利亚 以利亞 S - 0 Yǐ lì yà f /Elijah (Old Testament prophet)/ 以利亚撒 以利亞撒 S - 0 Yǐ lì yà sǎ f /Eleazar (son of Eluid)/ 以利亚敬 以利亞敬 S - 0 Yǐ lì yà jìng f /Eliakim (name, Hebrew: God will raise up)/Eliakim, servant of the Lord in Isaiah 22:20/Eliakim, son of Abiud and father of Azor in Matthew 1:13/ 以利亞 以利亚 T - 0 Yǐ lì yà f /Elijah (Old Testament prophet)/ 以利亞撒 以利亚撒 T - 0 Yǐ lì yà sǎ f /Eleazar (son of Eluid)/ 以利亞敬 以利亚敬 T - 0 Yǐ lì yà jìng f /Eliakim (name, Hebrew: God will raise up)/Eliakim, servant of the Lord in Isaiah 22:20/Eliakim, son of Abiud and father of Azor in Matthew 1:13/ 以利於 以利于 T - 3 yǐ lì yú f /for the sake of/in order to/ 以前 351 9343 yǐ qián f /before/formerly/previous/ago/ 以北 - 2100 yǐ běi f /to the north of (suffix)/ 以华制华 以華制華 S - 0 yǐ huá zhì huá f /use Chinese collaborators to subdue the Chinese (imperialist policy)/ 以南 - 1607 yǐ nán f /to the south of (suffix)/ 以卵击石 以卵擊石 S - 13 yǐ luǎn jī shí f /lit. to strike a stone with egg (idiom); to attempt the impossible/to invite disaster by overreaching oneself/ 以卵擊石 以卵击石 T - 13 yǐ luǎn jī shí f /lit. to strike a stone with egg (idiom); to attempt the impossible/to invite disaster by overreaching oneself/ 以及 1279 30775 yǐ jí f /as well as/too/and/ 以叙 以敘 S - 0 Yǐ Xù f /Israel-Syria/ 以后 以後 S - 21386 yǐ hòu f /after/later/afterwards/following/later on/in the future/ 以和为贵 以和為貴 S - 8 yǐ hé wéi guì f /harmony is to be prized/ 以和為貴 以和为贵 T - 8 yǐ hé wéi guì f /harmony is to be prized/ 以埃 - 0 Yǐ Aī f /Israel-Egypt/ 以备不测 以備不測 S - 11 yǐ bèi bù cè f /to be prepared for accidents/ 以外 - 3436 yǐ wài f /apart from/other than/except for/external/outside of/on the other side of/beyond/ 以太 - 151 yǐ tài f /Ether-/ 以太網 以太网 T - 31 Yǐ tài wǎng f /Ethernet/ 以太網絡 以太网络 T - 0 Yǐ tài wǎng luò f /Ethernet/ 以太網絡端口 以太网络端口 T - 0 yǐ tài wǎng luò duān kǒu f /Ethernet port/ 以太網路 以太网路 T - 0 Yǐ tài wǎng lù f /Ethernet/ 以太网 以太網 S - 31 Yǐ tài wǎng f /Ethernet/ 以太网络 以太網絡 S - 0 Yǐ tài wǎng luò f /Ethernet/ 以太网络端口 以太網絡端口 S - 0 yǐ tài wǎng luò duān kǒu f /Ethernet port/ 以太网路 以太網路 S - 0 Yǐ tài wǎng lù f /Ethernet/ 以失敗而告終 以失败而告终 T - 0 yǐ shī bài ér gào zhōng f /to succeed through failure/to achieve one's final aim despite apparent setback/ 以失败而告终 以失敗而告終 S - 0 yǐ shī bài ér gào zhōng f /to succeed through failure/to achieve one's final aim despite apparent setback/ 以夷制夷 - 10 yǐ yí zhì yí f /to use foreigners to subdue foreigners (idiom); let the barbarians fight it out among themselves (traditional policy of successive dynasties)/Use Western science and technology to counter imperialist encroachment. (late Qing modernizing slogan)/ 以子之矛,攻子之盾 - 0 yǐ zǐ zhī máo , gōng zǐ zhī dùn f /lit. use sb's spear to attack his shield (idiom, derived from Han Feizi 韓非子|韩非子); turning a weapon against its owner/fig. to attack an opponent using his own devices/hoist with his own petard/ 以小人之心,度君子之腹 - 0 yǐ xiǎo rén zhī xīn , duó jūn zǐ zhī fù f /to gauge the heart of a gentleman with one's own mean measure (idiom)/ 以小挤大 以小擠大 S - 0 yǐ xiǎo jǐ dà f /minor projects eclipse major ones (idiom)/ 以小擠大 以小挤大 T - 0 yǐ xiǎo jǐ dà f /minor projects eclipse major ones (idiom)/ 以少勝多 以少胜多 T - 3 yǐ shǎo shèng duō f /using the few to defeat the many (idiom); to win from a position of weakness/ 以少胜多 以少勝多 S - 3 yǐ shǎo shèng duō f /using the few to defeat the many (idiom); to win from a position of weakness/ 以工代賑 以工代赈 T - 14 yǐ gōng dài zhèn f /to provide work to relieve poverty/ 以工代赈 以工代賑 S - 14 yǐ gōng dài zhèn f /to provide work to relieve poverty/ 以弗所 - 5 yǐ fú suǒ f /Ephesis/ 以弗所书 以弗所書 S - 0 Yǐ fú suǒ shū f /Epistle of St Paul to the Ephesians/ 以弗所書 以弗所书 T - 0 Yǐ fú suǒ shū f /Epistle of St Paul to the Ephesians/ 以弱勝強 以弱胜强 T - 22 yǐ ruò shèng qiáng f /using the weak to defeat the strong (idiom); to win from a position of weakness/ 以弱胜强 以弱勝強 S - 22 yǐ ruò shèng qiáng f /using the weak to defeat the strong (idiom); to win from a position of weakness/ 以強凌弱 以强凌弱 T - 6 yǐ qiáng líng ruò f /to use one's strength to bully the weak (idiom)/ 以强凌弱 以強凌弱 S - 6 yǐ qiáng líng ruò f /to use one's strength to bully the weak (idiom)/ 以往 3216 1951 yǐ wǎng f /in the past/formerly/ 以律 - 0 Yǐ lǜ f /Eluid (son of Achim)/ 以後 以后 T - 21386 yǐ hòu f /after/later/afterwards/following/later on/in the future/ 以德報怨 以德报怨 T - 16 yǐ dé bào yuàn f /to return good for evil (idiom)/to requite evil with good/ 以德报怨 以德報怨 S - 16 yǐ dé bào yuàn f /to return good for evil (idiom)/to requite evil with good/ 以慎为键 以慎為鍵 S - 3 yǐ shèn wéi jiàn f /to take caution as the key (idiom); to proceed very carefully/ 以慎為鍵 以慎为键 T - 3 yǐ shèn wéi jiàn f /to take caution as the key (idiom); to proceed very carefully/ 以撒 - 0 Yǐ sǎ f /Isaac (son of Abraham)/ 以敘 以叙 T - 0 Yǐ Xù f /Israel-Syria/ 以斯帖 - 0 Yǐ sī tiě f /Esther (name)/ 以斯帖記 以斯帖记 T - 0 Yǐ sī tiě jì f /Book of Esther/ 以斯帖记 以斯帖記 S - 0 Yǐ sī tiě jì f /Book of Esther/ 以斯拉記 以斯拉记 T - 0 Yǐ sī lā Jì f /Book of Ezra/ 以斯拉记 以斯拉記 S - 0 Yǐ sī lā Jì f /Book of Ezra/ 以暴制暴 - 3 yǐ bào zhì bào f /to use violence to curb violence/ 以暴易暴 - 8 yǐ bào yì bào f /to replace one tyranny by another/to use violence against violence/ 以期 - 194 yǐ qī f /in order to/hoping to/attempting to/waiting for/ 以本人名 - 0 yǐ běn rén míng f /under one's own name/named after oneself/ 以权压法 以權壓法 S - 0 yǐ quán yā fǎ f /to abuse power to crush the law/ 以权谋私 以權謀私 S - 50 yǐ quán móu sī f /to use one's position for personal gain (idiom)/ 以来 以來 S 1458 10402 yǐ lái f /since (a previous event)/ 以東 以东 T - 1087 yǐ dōng f /to the east of (suffix)/ 以柔克刚 以柔克剛 S - 37 yǐ róu kè gāng f /to use softness to conquer strength (idiom)/ 以柔克剛 以柔克刚 T - 37 yǐ róu kè gāng f /to use softness to conquer strength (idiom)/ 以權壓法 以权压法 T - 0 yǐ quán yā fǎ f /to abuse power to crush the law/ 以權謀私 以权谋私 T - 50 yǐ quán móu sī f /to use one's position for personal gain (idiom)/ 以次 - 31 yǐ cì f /in the proper order/the following/ 以此 - 1445 yǐ cǐ f /with this/thereby/thus/because of this/ 以此为 以此為 S - 0 yǐ cǐ wéi f /to regard as/to treat as/ 以此為 以此为 T - 0 yǐ cǐ wéi f /to regard as/to treat as/ 以此类推 以此類推 S - 33 yǐ cǐ lèi tuī f /and so on/in a similar fashion/ 以此類推 以此类推 T - 33 yǐ cǐ lèi tuī f /and so on/in a similar fashion/ 以死明志 - 0 yǐ sǐ míng zhì f /to demonstrate one's sincerity by dying/ 以毒攻毒 - 49 yǐ dú gōng dú f /to cure ills with poison (TCM)/to fight evil with evil/set a thief to catch a thief/to fight fire with fire/ 以求 - 665 yǐ qiú f /in order to/ 以汤沃沸 以湯沃沸 S - 3 yǐ tāng wò fèi f /to manage a situation badly (idiom)/ 以法莲 以法蓮 S - 0 Yǐ fǎ lián f /Ephraim (city)/ 以法蓮 以法莲 T - 0 Yǐ fǎ lián f /Ephraim (city)/ 以泪洗面 以淚洗面 S - 17 yǐ lèi xǐ miàn f /to bathe one's face in tears (idiom)/ 以淚洗面 以泪洗面 T - 17 yǐ lèi xǐ miàn f /to bathe one's face in tears (idiom)/ 以湯沃沸 以汤沃沸 T - 3 yǐ tāng wò fèi f /to manage a situation badly (idiom)/ 以為 以为 T 619 6133 yǐ wéi f /to believe/to think/to consider/to be under the impression/ 以牙还牙 以牙還牙 S - 52 yǐ yá huán yá f /a tooth for a tooth (retaliation)/ 以牙還牙 以牙还牙 T - 52 yǐ yá huán yá f /a tooth for a tooth (retaliation)/ 以物易物 - 0 yǐ wù yì wù f /to barter/barter/ 以直報怨,以德報德 以直报怨,以德报德 T - 0 yǐ zhí bào yuàn , yǐ dé bào dé f /to repay kindness with kindness, and repay enmity with justice (idiom, from Analects)/ 以直报怨,以德报德 以直報怨,以德報德 S - 0 yǐ zhí bào yuàn , yǐ dé bào dé f /to repay kindness with kindness, and repay enmity with justice (idiom, from Analects)/ 以眥睚殺人 以眦睚杀人 T - 0 yǐ zì yá shā rén f /to kill sb for a trifle/ 以眦睚杀人 以眥睚殺人 S - 0 yǐ zì yá shā rén f /to kill sb for a trifle/ 以眼还眼 以眼還眼 S - 9 yǐ yǎn huán yǎn f /an eye for an eye (idiom); fig. to use the enemy's methods against him/to give sb a taste of his own medicine/ 以眼还眼,以牙还牙 以眼還眼,以牙還牙 S - 0 yǐ yǎn huán yǎn , yǐ yá huán yá f /an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth (idiom)/fig. to use the enemy's methods against him/to give sb a taste of his own medicine/ 以眼還眼 以眼还眼 T - 9 yǐ yǎn huán yǎn f /an eye for an eye (idiom); fig. to use the enemy's methods against him/to give sb a taste of his own medicine/ 以眼還眼,以牙還牙 以眼还眼,以牙还牙 T - 0 yǐ yǎn huán yǎn , yǐ yá huán yá f /an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth (idiom)/fig. to use the enemy's methods against him/to give sb a taste of his own medicine/ 以示警戒 - 0 yǐ shì jǐng jiè f /to serve as a warning (idiom)/ 以礼相待 以禮相待 S - 61 yǐ lǐ xiāng dài f /to treat sb with due respect (idiom)/ 以禮相待 以礼相待 T - 61 yǐ lǐ xiāng dài f /to treat sb with due respect (idiom)/ 以老大自居 - 0 yǐ lǎo dà zì jū f /regarding oneself as number one in terms of leadership, seniority or status/ 以至 4610 1497 yǐ zhì f /down to/up to/to such an extent as to .../also written 以至於|以至于[yi3 zhi4 yu2]/ 以至于 以至於 S - 747 yǐ zhì yú f /down to/up to/to the extent that.../ 以至於 以至于 T - 747 yǐ zhì yú f /down to/up to/to the extent that.../ 以致 4152 1580 yǐ zhì f /to such an extent as to/down to/up to/ 以致于 以致於 S - 3 yǐ zhì yú f /so that/to the point that/ 以致於 以致于 T - 3 yǐ zhì yú f /so that/to the point that/ 以色列 - 2041 Yǐ sè liè f /Israel/ 以色列人 - 0 Yǐ sè liè rén f /Israelite/Israeli/ 以药养医 以藥養醫 S - 0 yǐ yào yǎng yī f /"drugs serving to nourish doctors", perceived problem in PRC medical practice/ 以華制華 以华制华 T - 0 yǐ huá zhì huá f /use Chinese collaborators to subdue the Chinese (imperialist policy)/ 以藥養醫 以药养医 T - 0 yǐ yào yǎng yī f /"drugs serving to nourish doctors", perceived problem in PRC medical practice/ 以虚带实 以虛帶實 S - 0 yǐ xū dài shí f /to let correct ideology guide practical work (idiom)/ 以虛帶實 以虚带实 T - 0 yǐ xū dài shí f /to let correct ideology guide practical work (idiom)/ 以西 - 923 yǐ xī f /to the west of (suffix)/ 以西結書 以西结书 T - 0 Yǐ xī jié shū f /Book of Ezekiel/ 以西结书 以西結書 S - 0 Yǐ xī jié shū f /Book of Ezekiel/ 以言代法 - 3 yǐ yán dài fǎ f /to substitute one's words for the law (idiom); high-handedly putting one's orders above the law/ 以言代法,以权压法 以言代法,以權壓法 S - 0 yǐ yán dài fǎ , yǐ quán yā fǎ f /to substitute one's words for the law and abuse power to crush it (idiom); completely lawless behavior/Might makes right./ 以言代法,以權壓法 以言代法,以权压法 T - 0 yǐ yán dài fǎ , yǐ quán yā fǎ f /to substitute one's words for the law and abuse power to crush it (idiom); completely lawless behavior/Might makes right./ 以訛傳訛 以讹传讹 T - 16 yǐ é chuán é f /to spread falsehoods/to increasingly distort the truth/to pile errors on top of errors (idiom)/ 以讹传讹 以訛傳訛 S - 16 yǐ é chuán é f /to spread falsehoods/to increasingly distort the truth/to pile errors on top of errors (idiom)/ 以貌取人 - 20 yǐ mào qǔ rén f /to judge sb by appearances (idiom)/ 以資 以资 T - 0 yǐ zī f /by way of/to serve as/ 以資證明 以资证明 T - 0 yǐ zī zhèng míng f /in support or witness hereof (idiom)/ 以賽亞書 以赛亚书 T - 0 Yǐ sài yà shū f /Book of Isaiah/ 以资 以資 S - 0 yǐ zī f /by way of/to serve as/ 以资证明 以資證明 S - 0 yǐ zī zhèng míng f /in support or witness hereof (idiom)/ 以赛亚书 以賽亞書 S - 0 Yǐ sài yà shū f /Book of Isaiah/ 以身作则 以身作則 S - 86 yǐ shēn zuò zé f /to set an example (idiom); to serve as a model/ 以身作則 以身作则 T - 86 yǐ shēn zuò zé f /to set an example (idiom); to serve as a model/ 以身報國 以身报国 T - 3 yǐ shēn bào guó f /to give one's body for the nation (idiom); to spend one's whole life in the service of the country/ 以身报国 以身報國 S - 3 yǐ shēn bào guó f /to give one's body for the nation (idiom); to spend one's whole life in the service of the country/ 以身抵债 以身抵債 S - 0 yǐ shēn dǐ zhài f /forced labor to repay a debt/ 以身抵債 以身抵债 T - 0 yǐ shēn dǐ zhài f /forced labor to repay a debt/ 以身相許 以身相许 T - 3 yǐ shēn xiāng xǔ f /to give one's heart to/to devote one's life to/ 以身相许 以身相許 S - 3 yǐ shēn xiāng xǔ f /to give one's heart to/to devote one's life to/ 以身許國 以身许国 T - 17 yǐ shēn xǔ guó f /to dedicate oneself to the cause of one's country (idiom)/ 以身試法 以身试法 T - 13 yǐ shēn shì fǎ f /to challenge the law (idiom)/to knowingly violate the law/ 以身许国 以身許國 S - 17 yǐ shēn xǔ guó f /to dedicate oneself to the cause of one's country (idiom)/ 以身试法 以身試法 S - 13 yǐ shēn shì fǎ f /to challenge the law (idiom)/to knowingly violate the law/ 以軍 以军 T - 104 yǐ jūn f /Israeli soldiers/ 以逸待劳 以逸待勞 S - 110 yǐ yì dài láo f /to wait at one's ease for the exhausted enemy/to nurture one's strength and bide one's time (idiom)/ 以逸待勞 以逸待劳 T - 110 yǐ yì dài láo f /to wait at one's ease for the exhausted enemy/to nurture one's strength and bide one's time (idiom)/ 以邻为壑 以鄰為壑 S - 6 yǐ lín wéi hè f /to use one's neighbor as a drain/to shift one's problems onto others (idiom)/ 以鄰為壑 以邻为壑 T - 6 yǐ lín wéi hè f /to use one's neighbor as a drain/to shift one's problems onto others (idiom)/ 以防 - 513 yǐ fáng f /(so as) to avoid/to prevent/(just) in case/ 以防万一 以防萬一 S - 37 yǐ fáng wàn yī f /to guard against the unexpected (idiom); just in case/prepared for any eventualities/ 以防萬一 以防万一 T - 37 yǐ fáng wàn yī f /to guard against the unexpected (idiom); just in case/prepared for any eventualities/ 以降 - 0 yǐ jiàng f /since (some point in the past)/ 以飨读者 以饗讀者 S - 3 yǐ xiǎng dú zhě f /for the benefit of the reader/ 以饗讀者 以飨读者 T - 3 yǐ xiǎng dú zhě f /for the benefit of the reader/ 以馬內利 以马内利 T - 3 yǐ mǎ nèi lì f /Emanuel/ 以马内利 以馬內利 S - 3 yǐ mǎ nèi lì f /Emanuel/ 仨 - 78 sā f /three (colloquial equivalent of 三個|三个)/ 仪 儀 S - 1711 yí f /apparatus/rites/appearance/present/ceremony/ 仪仗 儀仗 S - 859 yí zhàng f /ceremonial weaponry/ 仪仗队 儀仗隊 S - 52 yí zhàng duì f /honor guard/guard of honor/the banner bearing contingent leading a military procession/ 仪典 儀典 S - 10 yí diǎn f /ceremony/ 仪卫 儀衛 S - 15 yí wèi f /guard of honor/ 仪器 儀器 S 3174 1429 yí qì f /instrument/apparatus/CL:臺|台[tai2]/ 仪器表 儀器表 S - 0 yí qì biǎo f /gauge/ 仪容 儀容 S - 42 yí róng f /appearance/ 仪式 儀式 S 2662 3429 yí shì f /ceremony/ 仪征 儀征 S - 61 Yí zhēng f /Yizheng county level city in Yangzhou 揚州|扬州[Yang2 zhou1], Jiangsu/ 仪征市 儀征市 S - 9 Yí zhēng shì f /Yizheng county level city in Yangzhou 揚州|扬州[Yang2 zhou1], Jiangsu/ 仪态 儀態 S - 37 yí tài f /bearing/deportment/ 仪礼 儀禮 S - 82 Yí lǐ f /Rites and Ceremonies, part of the Confucian Classic of Rites 禮記|礼记[Li3 ji4]/ 仪节 儀節 S - 34 yí jié f /etiquette/ceremonial protocol/ 仪表 儀表 S - 613 yí biǎo f /appearance/bearing/meter (i.e. measuring instrument)/ 仪表盘 儀表盤 S - 12 yí biǎo pán f /dashboard/indicator panel/ 仪陇 儀隴 S - 6 Yí lǒng f /Yilong county in Nanchong 南充[Nan2 chong1], Sichuan/ 仪陇县 儀隴縣 S - 13 Yí lǒng xiàn f /Yilong county in Nanchong 南充[Nan2 chong1], Sichuan/ 仫 - 0 mù f /name of tribe/see 仫佬族[Mu4 lao3 zu2], Mulao ethnic group of Guangxi/ 仫佬 - 23 Mù lǎo f /Mulao ethnic group of Guangxi/ 仫佬族 - 34 Mù lǎo zú f /Mulao ethnic group of Guangxi/ 们 們 S - 41212 men f /plural marker for pronouns, and nouns referring to individuals/ 仮 - 32 jiǎ f /Japanese variant of 假/ 仰 - 1186 Yǎng f /surname Yang/ 仰 - 1186 yǎng f /to face upward/to look up/to admire/to rely on/ 仰人鼻息 - 4 yǎng rén bí xī f /to rely on others for the air one breathes (idiom); to depend on sb's whim for one's living/ 仰仗 - 83 yǎng zhàng f /to rely on/to depend on/ 仰光 - 101 Yǎng guāng f /Yangon (Rangoon), main city of south Myanmar (Burma), the national capital until November 2005, when the capital moved to Naypyidaw 内比都 or Pyinmana 彬馬那 彬马那/ 仰光大金塔 - 0 Yǎng guāng Dà Jīn tǎ f /Great Pagoda of Yangon (Rangoon)/ 仰卧 仰臥 S - 89 yǎng wò f /to lie supine/ 仰卧起坐 仰臥起坐 S - 23 yǎng wò qǐ zuò f /sit-up (physical exercise)/ 仰天 - 348 yǎng tiān f /to face upwards/to look up to the sky/ 仰头 仰頭 S - 180 yǎng tóu f /to raise one's head/ 仰屋 - 0 yǎng wū f /to lie looking at the ceiling (in despair)/ 仰屋兴叹 仰屋興嘆 S - 0 yǎng wū xīng tàn f /to stare at the ceiling in despair/to find no way out/nothing you can do about it/at the end of one's wits/ 仰屋興嘆 仰屋兴叹 T - 0 yǎng wū xīng tàn f /to stare at the ceiling in despair/to find no way out/nothing you can do about it/at the end of one's wits/ 仰屋著书 仰屋著書 S - 3 yǎng wū zhù shū f /lit. to stare at the ceiling while writing a book (idiom); to put one's whole body and soul into a book/ 仰屋著書 仰屋著书 T - 3 yǎng wū zhù shū f /lit. to stare at the ceiling while writing a book (idiom); to put one's whole body and soul into a book/ 仰慕 - 248 yǎng mù f /to admire/ 仰望 - 217 yǎng wàng f /to look up at/to look up to sb hopefully/ 仰泳 - 41 yǎng yǒng f /backstroke/ 仰臥 仰卧 T - 89 yǎng wò f /to lie supine/ 仰臥起坐 仰卧起坐 T - 23 yǎng wò qǐ zuò f /sit-up (physical exercise)/ 仰賴 仰赖 T - 35 yǎng lài f /to rely on/ 仰赖 仰賴 S - 35 yǎng lài f /to rely on/ 仰躺 - 0 yǎng tǎng f /to lie on one's back/ 仰韶 - 18 Yǎng sháo f /Yangshao culture (archaeological period with red and black pottery)/ 仰韶文化 - 107 Yǎng sháo wén huà f /Yangshao neolithic culture from the central Yellow river basin, with red and black pottery/ 仰頭 仰头 T - 180 yǎng tóu f /to raise one's head/ 仲 - 274 Zhòng f /surname Zhong/ 仲 - 274 zhòng f /second month of a season/middle/intermediate/second amongst brothers/ 仲介 - 3 zhòng jiè f /middleman/agent/broker/ 仲夏 - 44 zhòng xià f /midsummer/second month of summer/ 仲夏夜之夢 仲夏夜之梦 T - 0 Zhòng xià yè zhī mèng f /Midsummer night's dream, comedy by William Shakespeare 莎士比亞|莎士比亚[Sha1 shi4 bi3 ya4]/ 仲夏夜之梦 仲夏夜之夢 S - 0 Zhòng xià yè zhī mèng f /Midsummer night's dream, comedy by William Shakespeare 莎士比亞|莎士比亚[Sha1 shi4 bi3 ya4]/ 仲尼 - 8 Zhòng ní f /courtesy name for Confucius 孔夫子[Kong3 fu1 zi3]/ 仲巴 - 3 Zhòng bā f /Zhongba county, Tibetan: 'Brong pa rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 仲巴县 仲巴縣 S - 3 Zhòng bā xiàn f /Zhongba county, Tibetan: 'Brong pa rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 仲巴縣 仲巴县 T - 3 Zhòng bā xiàn f /Zhongba county, Tibetan: 'Brong pa rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 仲秋 - 7 zhòng qiū f /second month of autumn/8th month of the lunar calendar/ 仲裁 - 604 zhòng cái f /arbitration/ 仳 - 3 pǐ f /to part/ 仵 - 8 Wǔ f /surname Wu/ 仵 - 8 wǔ f /equal/well-matched/to violate/ 仵作 - 21 wǔ zuò f /coroner (old)/ 仵工 - 0 wǔ gōng f /pallbearer/ 件 199 6482 jiàn f /item/component/classifier for events, things, clothes etc/ 件数 件數 S - 24 jiàn shǔ f /item count (of a consignment etc)/ 件數 件数 T - 24 jiàn shǔ f /item count (of a consignment etc)/ 价 價 S - 3061 jià t /price/value/valence (on an atom)/ 价 價 S - 3061 jie f /great/good/middleman/servant/ 价位 價位 S - 214 jià wèi f /price level/ 价值 價值 S 1446 15777 jià zhí f /value/worth/fig. values (ethical, cultural etc)/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 价值增殖 價值增殖 S - 0 jià zhí zēng zhí f /adding value/ 价值工程 價值工程 S - 0 jià zhí gōng chéng f /value engineering/ 价值标准 價值標準 S - 0 jià zhí biāo zhǔn f /values/standards/ 价值观 價值觀 S - 515 jià zhí guān f /system of values/ 价值连城 價值連城 S - 85 jià zhí lián chéng f /invaluable/priceless/ 价值量 價值量 S - 282 jià zhí liàng f /magnitude of value/labor value (in economics, the labor inherent in a commodity)/ 价原 價原 S - 0 Jià yuán f /Kagen or the Origin of Value by MIURA Baien 三浦梅園|三浦梅园[San1 pu3 Mei2 yuan2], pioneering study of economics comparable to Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations 國富論|国富论[Guo2 fu4 lun4]/ 价层 價層 S - 0 jià céng f /valency shell (chemistry)/ 价廉物美 價廉物美 S - 35 jià lián wù měi f /fig. the price is cheap but the product is beautiful; lit. a bargain buy/ 价格 價格 S 1041 11762 jià gé f /price/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 价格标签 價格標籤 S - 0 jià gé biāo qiān f /price tag/ 价格表 價格表 S - 8 jià gé biǎo f /price list/ 价款 價款 S - 84 jià kuǎn f /cost/ 价电子 價電子 S - 26 jià diàn zǐ f /valency electron/outer shell of electrons/ 价目 價目 S - 3 jià mù f /(marked) price/tariff (in a restaurant etc)/ 价码 價碼 S - 57 jià mǎ f /price tag/ 价钱 價錢 S - 520 jià qian f /price/ 价键 價鍵 S - 0 jià jiàn f /valence bond (chemistry)/ 任 - 16831 Rèn f /surname Ren/ 任 - 16831 rèn f /to assign/to appoint/to take up a post/office/responsibility/to let/to allow/to give free rein to/no matter (how, what etc)/classifier for the number of terms served in office, post, or rank/ 任一个 任一個 S - 0 rèn yī ge f /any one of (a list of possibilities)/ 任一個 任一个 T - 0 rèn yī ge f /any one of (a list of possibilities)/ 任丘市 - 14 Rèn qiū shì f /Renqiu county level city in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ 任事 - 3 rèn shì f /appointment to an important post/ 任人 - 3 rèn rén f /to appoint (sb to a post)/ 任人唯亲 任人唯親 S - 40 rèn rén wéi qīn f /to appoint people by favoritism (idiom); nepotism/corrupt appointment/ 任人唯親 任人唯亲 T - 40 rèn rén wéi qīn f /to appoint people by favoritism (idiom); nepotism/corrupt appointment/ 任人唯賢 任人唯贤 T - 12 rèn rén wéi xián f /to appoint people according to their merits (idiom); appointment on the basis of ability and integrity/ 任人唯贤 任人唯賢 S - 12 rèn rén wéi xián f /to appoint people according to their merits (idiom); appointment on the basis of ability and integrity/ 任人宰割 - 27 rèn rén zǎi gē f /to get trampled on (idiom)/to be taken advantage of/ 任从 任從 S - 0 rèn cóng f /at one's discretion/ 任令 - 0 rèn lìng f /to allow (sth to happen)/ 任何 623 14635 rèn hé f /any/whatever/whichever/whatsoever/ 任侠 任俠 S - 8 rèn xiá f /chivalrous/helping the weak for the sake of justice/ 任便 - 0 rèn biàn f /as you see fit/to do as one likes/ 任俠 任侠 T - 8 rèn xiá f /chivalrous/helping the weak for the sake of justice/ 任免 - 4568 rèn miǎn f /to appoint and dismiss/ 任內 任内 T - 82 rèn nèi f /period in office/ 任其自然 - 16 rèn qí zì rán f /to let things take their course (idiom)/to leave it to nature/laissez-faire/ 任内 任內 S - 82 rèn nèi f /period in office/ 任凭 任憑 S - 270 rèn píng f /no matter what/despite/to allow (sb to act arbitrarily)/ 任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼台 任憑風浪起,穩坐釣魚臺 S - 0 rèn píng fēng làng qǐ , wěn zuò diào yú tái f /lit. sitting at ease in a fishing boat despite wind and storm (idiom); to stay calm during tense situation/a cool head in a crisis/ 任务 任務 S 705 15213 rèn wu f /mission/assignment/task/duty/role/CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4]/ 任务栏 任務欄 S - 3 rèn wù lán f /taskbar/ 任劳任怨 任勞任怨 S - 42 rèn láo rèn yuàn f /to undertake a task despite criticism (idiom); to bear the burden of office willingly/ 任務 任务 T 705 15213 rèn wu f /mission/assignment/task/duty/role/CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4]/ 任務欄 任务栏 T - 3 rèn wù lán f /taskbar/ 任勞任怨 任劳任怨 T - 42 rèn láo rèn yuàn f /to undertake a task despite criticism (idiom); to bear the burden of office willingly/ 任县 任縣 S - 16 Rèn xiàn f /Ren county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ 任听 任聽 S - 0 rèn tīng f /to allow (sb to act arbitrarily)/to let sb have his head/ 任命 3515 1969 rèn mìng f /to appoint and nominate/(job) appointment/CL:紙|纸[zhi3]/ 任咎 - 0 rèn jiù f /to take the blame/ 任城 - 0 Rèn chéng f /Rencheng district of Jining city 濟寧市|济宁市, Shandong/ 任城区 任城區 S - 3 Rèn chéng qū f /Rencheng district of Jining city 濟寧市|济宁市, Shandong/ 任城區 任城区 T - 3 Rèn chéng qū f /Rencheng district of Jining city 濟寧市|济宁市, Shandong/ 任天堂 - 42 Rèn tiān táng f /Nintendo/ 任安 - 5 Rèn An f /Ren An (-c. 90 BC), Han Dynasty general, also called Ren Shaoqing 任少卿/ 任從 任从 T - 0 rèn cóng f /at one's discretion/ 任性 4044 262 rèn xìng f /willful/headstrong/unruly/ 任情 - 60 rèn qíng f /to let oneself go/to do as much as one pleases/ 任意 3594 951 rèn yì f /arbitrary/at will/at random/ 任意球 - 286 rèn yì qiú f /free kick/ 任憑 任凭 T - 270 rèn píng f /no matter what/despite/to allow (sb to act arbitrarily)/ 任憑風浪起,穩坐釣魚臺 任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼台 T - 0 rèn píng fēng làng qǐ , wěn zuò diào yú tái f /lit. sitting at ease in a fishing boat despite wind and storm (idiom); to stay calm during tense situation/a cool head in a crisis/ 任所 - 3 rèn suǒ f /one's office/place where one holds a post/ 任教 - 964 rèn jiào f /to teach/to coach/to work as teacher/ 任期 - 5456 rèn qī f /term of office/ 任气 任氣 S - 3 rèn qì f /to act on impulse/ 任氣 任气 T - 3 rèn qì f /to act on impulse/ 任用 - 637 rèn yòng f /to appoint/to assign/ 任由 - 239 rèn yóu f /to let (sb do sth)/to allow/ 任縣 任县 T - 16 Rèn xiàn f /Ren county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ 任职 任職 S - 2468 rèn zhí f /to hold an office or post/ 任职期间 任職期間 S - 3 rèn zhí qī jiān f /term of office/while holding a post/ 任職 任职 T - 2468 rèn zhí f /to hold an office or post/ 任職期間 任职期间 T - 3 rèn zhí qī jiān f /term of office/while holding a post/ 任聽 任听 T - 0 rèn tīng f /to allow (sb to act arbitrarily)/to let sb have his head/ 任誕 任诞 T - 0 rèn dàn f /dissipated/unruly/ 任課 任课 T - 51 rèn kè f /to give classes/to work as teacher/ 任诞 任誕 S - 0 rèn dàn f /dissipated/unruly/ 任课 任課 S - 51 rèn kè f /to give classes/to work as teacher/ 任賢使能 任贤使能 T - 3 rèn xián shǐ néng f /to appoint the virtuous and use the able (idiom); appointment on the basis of ability and integrity/ 任贤使能 任賢使能 S - 3 rèn xián shǐ néng f /to appoint the virtuous and use the able (idiom); appointment on the basis of ability and integrity/ 任达华 任達華 S - 3 Rèn Dá huá f /Simon Yam Tat-Wah (1955-), Hong Kong actor and film producer/ 任选 任選 S - 73 rèn xuǎn f /to choose arbitrarily/to take whichever one fancies/ 任達華 任达华 T - 3 Rèn Dá huá f /Simon Yam Tat-Wah (1955-), Hong Kong actor and film producer/ 任選 任选 T - 73 rèn xuǎn f /to choose arbitrarily/to take whichever one fancies/ 任重 - 0 rèn zhòng f /a load/a heavy burden/ 任重道远 任重道遠 S 4942 48 rèn zhòng dào yuǎn f /a heavy load and a long road/fig. to bear heavy responsibilities through a long struggle (cf Confucian Analects, 8.7)/ 任重道遠 任重道远 T 4942 48 rèn zhòng dào yuǎn f /a heavy load and a long road/fig. to bear heavy responsibilities through a long struggle (cf Confucian Analects, 8.7)/ 任随 任隨 S - 0 rèn suí f /to allow (sb to have his head)/to let things happen/ 任隨 任随 T - 0 rèn suí f /to allow (sb to have his head)/to let things happen/ 份 640 4674 fèn f /classifier for gifts, newspaper, magazine, papers, reports, contracts etc/variant of 分[fen4]/ 份儿 份兒 S - 165 fèn r f /degree/extent/allotted share/ 份兒 份儿 T - 165 fèn r f /degree/extent/allotted share/ 份子 - 66 fèn zi f /one's share of a gift price/ 份子 分子 T - 6094 fèn zǐ f /members of a class or group/political elements (such as intellectuals or extremists)/part/ 份子錢 份子钱 T - 0 fèn zi qián f /gift money (on the occasion of a wedding etc)/ 份子钱 份子錢 S - 0 fèn zi qián f /gift money (on the occasion of a wedding etc)/ 份量 - 96 fèn liang f /see 分量[fen4 liang5]/ 份額 份额 T - 1082 fèn é f /share/portion/ 份额 份額 S - 1082 fèn é f /share/portion/ 仿 - 614 fǎng f /to imitate/to copy/ 仿 倣 S - 614 fǎng f /variant of 仿[fang3]/ 仿 彷 S - 614 fǎng f /seemingly/ 仿似 - 0 fǎng sì f /as if/to seem/ 仿佛 2057 3124 fǎng fú f /variant of 彷彿|仿佛[fang3 fu2]/ 仿佛 彷彿 S 2057 3124 fǎng fú f /to seem/as if/alike/similar/ 仿傚 仿效 T - 317 fǎng xiào f /to copy/to imitate/ 仿冒 - 39 fǎng mào f /to counterfeit/fake/ 仿冒品 - 3 fǎng mào pǐn f /counterfeit object/imitation/fake/pirated goods/ 仿制 仿製 S - 315 fǎng zhì f /to copy/to imitate/to make by imitating a model/ 仿制品 仿製品 S - 44 fǎng zhì pǐn f /counterfeit object/fake/ 仿古 - 66 fǎng gǔ f /pseudo-classical/modeled on antique/in the old style/ 仿如 - 0 fǎng rú f /like/similar to/as if/ 仿宋 - 34 fǎng Sòng f /imitation Song dynasty typeface/Fangsong font/ 仿射 - 17 fǎng shè f /affine (math.), i.e. inhomogeneous linear/ 仿射子空間 仿射子空间 T - 0 fǎng shè zǐ kōng jiān f /affine subspace (math.)/ 仿射子空间 仿射子空間 S - 0 fǎng shè zǐ kōng jiān f /affine subspace (math.)/ 仿射空間 仿射空间 T - 0 fǎng shè kōng jiān f /affine space (math.)/ 仿射空间 仿射空間 S - 0 fǎng shè kōng jiān f /affine space (math.)/ 仿效 仿傚 S - 317 fǎng xiào f /to copy/to imitate/ 仿照 - 336 fǎng zhào f /to imitate/ 仿生学 仿生學 S - 26 fǎng shēng xué f /bionics/bionicist/ 仿生學 仿生学 T - 26 fǎng shēng xué f /bionics/bionicist/ 仿皮 - 3 fǎng pí f /imitation leather/ 仿真 - 212 fǎng zhēn f /to emulate/to simulate/emulation/simulation/ 仿真服务器 仿真服務器 S - 0 fǎng zhēn fú wù qì f /emulation server/ 仿真服務器 仿真服务器 T - 0 fǎng zhēn fú wù qì f /emulation server/ 仿紙 仿纸 T - 9 fǎng zhǐ f /copying paper (with printed model characters and blank squares for writing practice)/ 仿纸 仿紙 S - 9 fǎng zhǐ f /copying paper (with printed model characters and blank squares for writing practice)/ 仿羊皮紙 仿羊皮纸 T - 0 fǎng yáng pí zhǐ f /imitation parchment/ 仿羊皮纸 仿羊皮紙 S - 0 fǎng yáng pí zhǐ f /imitation parchment/ 仿行 - 3 fǎng xíng f /to fashion after/to imitate/ 仿製 仿制 T - 315 fǎng zhì f /to copy/to imitate/to make by imitating a model/ 仿製品 仿制品 T - 44 fǎng zhì pǐn f /counterfeit object/fake/ 仿諷 仿讽 T - 0 fǎng fěng f /parody/ 仿讽 仿諷 S - 0 fǎng fěng f /parody/ 仿造 - 84 fǎng zào f /to copy/to produce sth after a model/to counterfeit/ 伀 - 116 zhōng f /restless/agitated/ 企 - 766 qǐ f /to plan a project/to stand on tiptoe/Taiwan pr. [qi4]/abbr. for 企業|企业[qi3 ye4]/ 企业 企業 S 1955 34826 qǐ yè f /company/firm/enterprise/corporation/CL:家[jia1]/ 企业主 企業主 S - 134 qǐ yè zhǔ f /owner of enterprise/ 企业内网路 企業內網路 S - 0 qǐ yè nèi wǎng lù f /intranet/company-internal network/ 企业家 企業家 S - 596 qǐ yè jiā f /entrepreneur/ 企业社会责任 企業社會責任 S - 0 qǐ yè shè huì zé rèn f /corporate social responsibility (CSR)/ 企业管理 企業管理 S - 0 qǐ yè guǎn lǐ f /business management (as a study)/ 企业管理硕士 企業管理碩士 S - 0 qǐ yè guǎn lǐ shuò shì f /Master of Business Administration (MBA)/ 企业联合组织 企業聯合組織 S - 0 qǐ yè lián hé zǔ zhī f /syndicate (group of businesses)/ 企业间网路 企業間網路 S - 0 qǐ yè jiān wǎng lù f /extranet/company-external network/ 企业集团 企業集團 S - 0 qǐ yè jí tuán f /industry association/ 企划 企劃 S - 54 qǐ huà f /to plan/to lay out/to design/ 企劃 企划 T - 54 qǐ huà f /to plan/to lay out/to design/ 企及 - 40 qǐ jí f /to hope to reach/to strive for/ 企图 企圖 S 2870 2694 qǐ tú f /to attempt/to try/attempt/CL:種|种[zhong3]/ 企图心 企圖心 S - 3 qǐ tú xīn f /ambition/ambitious/ 企圖 企图 T 2870 2694 qǐ tú f /to attempt/to try/attempt/CL:種|种[zhong3]/ 企圖心 企图心 T - 3 qǐ tú xīn f /ambition/ambitious/ 企慕 - 3 qǐ mù f /to admire/ 企望 - 32 qǐ wàng f /hope/to hope/to look forward to/ 企業 企业 T 1955 34826 qǐ yè f /company/firm/enterprise/corporation/CL:家[jia1]/ 企業主 企业主 T - 134 qǐ yè zhǔ f /owner of enterprise/ 企業內網路 企业内网路 T - 0 qǐ yè nèi wǎng lù f /intranet/company-internal network/ 企業家 企业家 T - 596 qǐ yè jiā f /entrepreneur/ 企業社會責任 企业社会责任 T - 0 qǐ yè shè huì zé rèn f /corporate social responsibility (CSR)/ 企業管理 企业管理 T - 0 qǐ yè guǎn lǐ f /business management (as a study)/ 企業管理碩士 企业管理硕士 T - 0 qǐ yè guǎn lǐ shuò shì f /Master of Business Administration (MBA)/ 企業聯合組織 企业联合组织 T - 0 qǐ yè lián hé zǔ zhī f /syndicate (group of businesses)/ 企業間網路 企业间网路 T - 0 qǐ yè jiān wǎng lù f /extranet/company-external network/ 企業集團 企业集团 T - 0 qǐ yè jí tuán f /industry association/ 企求 - 155 qǐ qiú f /to seek for/to hope to gain/desirous/ 企盼 - 273 qǐ pàn f /to expect/to look forward to/anxious for sth/to hope (to get sth)/ 企管硕士 企管碩士 S - 0 qǐ guǎn shuò shì f /Master of Business Administration (MBA)/ 企管碩士 企管硕士 T - 0 qǐ guǎn shuò shì f /Master of Business Administration (MBA)/ 企鵝 企鹅 T - 154 qǐ é f /penguin/ 企鹅 企鵝 S - 154 qǐ é f /penguin/ 伄 - 23 diào f /see 伄儅[diao4 dang1]/ 伄儅 - 0 diào dāng f /seldom/irregularly/ 伇 - 0 yì f /old variant of 役[yi4]/ 伈 - 0 xǐn f /nervous/fearful/ 伉 - 8 kàng f /spouse/big and tall/strong/robust/upright and outspoken/ 伉俪 伉儷 S - 40 kàng lì f /husband and wife (literary)/ 伉俪情深 伉儷情深 S - 3 kàng lì qíng shēn f /married couple very much in love/deep conjugal love/ 伉儷 伉俪 T - 40 kàng lì f /husband and wife (literary)/ 伉儷情深 伉俪情深 T - 3 kàng lì qíng shēn f /married couple very much in love/deep conjugal love/ 伊 - 1890 Yī f /surname Yi/abbr. for 伊拉克[Yi1 la1 ke4], Iraq/abbr. for 伊朗[Yi1 lang3], Iran/ 伊 - 1890 yī f /he/she/ 伊丽莎白 伊麗莎白 S - 134 Yī lì shā bái f /Elizabeth (person name)/ 伊于胡底 伊於胡底 S - 3 yī yú hú dǐ f /where will it stop?/ 伊人 - 34 yī rén f /(literary) that person (usually female)/she/one's intended/ 伊伦 伊倫 S - 4 Yī lún f /Irun (city in Basque region of Spain)/ 伊倫 伊伦 T - 4 Yī lún f /Irun (city in Basque region of Spain)/ 伊凡 - 75 Yī fán f /Ivan (Russian name)/ 伊利亚特 伊利亞特 S - 8 Yī lì yà tè f /Homer's Iliad/ 伊利亞特 伊利亚特 T - 8 Yī lì yà tè f /Homer's Iliad/ 伊利埃斯库 伊利埃斯庫 S - 2 Yī lì āi sī kù f /Iliescu/ 伊利埃斯庫 伊利埃斯库 T - 2 Yī lì āi sī kù f /Iliescu/ 伊利格瑞 - 0 Yī lì gé ruì f /Luce Irigaray (1930-), French psychoanalyst and feminist/ 伊利湖 - 46 Yī lì Hú f /Lake Erie, one of the Great Lakes 五大湖[Wu3 da4 hu2]/ 伊利諾 伊利诺 T - 20 Yī lì nuò f /Illinois, US state/ 伊利諾伊 伊利诺伊 T - 20 Yī lì nuò yī f /Illinois, US state/ 伊利諾伊州 伊利诺伊州 T - 22 Yī lì nuò yī zhōu f /Illinois, US state/ 伊利諾州 伊利诺州 T - 0 Yī lì nuò zhōu f /Illinois, US state/ 伊利诺 伊利諾 S - 20 Yī lì nuò f /Illinois, US state/ 伊利诺伊 伊利諾伊 S - 20 Yī lì nuò yī f /Illinois, US state/ 伊利诺伊州 伊利諾伊州 S - 22 Yī lì nuò yī zhōu f /Illinois, US state/ 伊利诺州 伊利諾州 S - 0 Yī lì nuò zhōu f /Illinois, US state/ 伊势丹 伊勢丹 S - 0 Yī shì dān f /Isetan, Japanese department store/ 伊勢丹 伊势丹 T - 0 Yī shì dān f /Isetan, Japanese department store/ 伊吾 - 41 Yī wú f /Yiwu county in Kumul prefecture 哈密地區|哈密地区[Ha1 mi4 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 伊吾县 伊吾縣 S - 3 Yī wú xiàn f /Yiwu county in Kumul prefecture 哈密地區|哈密地区[Ha1 mi4 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 伊吾縣 伊吾县 T - 3 Yī wú xiàn f /Yiwu county in Kumul prefecture 哈密地區|哈密地区[Ha1 mi4 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 伊塔 - 20 yī tǎ f /eta (Greek letter Ηη)/ 伊塞克湖 - 22 Yī sāi kè Hú f /Lake Issyk Kul in Kyrgyzstan/ 伊士曼柯达公司 伊士曼柯達公司 S - 2 Yī shì màn Kē dá Gōng sī f /Eastman Kodak Company (US film company)/ 伊士曼柯達公司 伊士曼柯达公司 T - 2 Yī shì màn Kē dá Gōng sī f /Eastman Kodak Company (US film company)/ 伊妹儿 伊妹兒 S - 2 yī mèi r f /email (loanword)/see 電子郵件|电子邮件[dian4 zi3 you2 jian4]/ 伊妹兒 伊妹儿 T - 2 yī mèi r f /email (loanword)/see 電子郵件|电子邮件[dian4 zi3 you2 jian4]/ 伊始 - 145 yī shǐ f /outset/beginning/ 伊娃 - 4 Yī wá f /Eva (name)/ 伊娃·門德斯 伊娃·门德斯 T - 0 Yī wá · Mén dé sī f /Eva Mendes, American actress/ 伊娃·门德斯 伊娃·門德斯 S - 0 Yī wá · Mén dé sī f /Eva Mendes, American actress/ 伊媚儿 伊媚兒 S - 0 yī mèi r f /variant of 伊妹兒|伊妹儿[yi1 mei4 r5]/ 伊媚兒 伊媚儿 T - 0 yī mèi r f /variant of 伊妹兒|伊妹儿[yi1 mei4 r5]/ 伊宁 伊寧 S - 32 Yī níng f /Yining city and county or Ghulja nahiyisi in Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture 伊犁哈薩克自治州|伊犁哈萨克自治州[Yi1 li2 Ha1 sa4 ke4 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 伊宁县 伊寧縣 S - 6 Yī níng xiàn f /Yining county or Ghulja nahiyisi in Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture 伊犁哈薩克自治州|伊犁哈萨克自治州[Yi1 li2 Ha1 sa4 ke4 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 伊宁市 伊寧市 S - 22 Yī níng shì f /Gulja or Yining city in Xinjiang, capital of Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture/ 伊寧 伊宁 T - 32 Yī níng f /Yining city and county or Ghulja nahiyisi in Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture 伊犁哈薩克自治州|伊犁哈萨克自治州[Yi1 li2 Ha1 sa4 ke4 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 伊寧市 伊宁市 T - 22 Yī níng shì f /Gulja or Yining city in Xinjiang, capital of Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture/ 伊寧縣 伊宁县 T - 6 Yī níng xiàn f /Yining county or Ghulja nahiyisi in Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture 伊犁哈薩克自治州|伊犁哈萨克自治州[Yi1 li2 Ha1 sa4 ke4 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 伊尔库茨克 伊爾庫茨克 S - 25 Yī ěr kù cí kè f /Irkutsk/ 伊尼亚斯 伊尼亞斯 S - 0 Yī ní yà sī f /Aeneas/ 伊尼亞斯 伊尼亚斯 T - 0 Yī ní yà sī f /Aeneas/ 伊尼伊德 - 0 Yī ní yī dé f /Aeneid/ 伊尼特 - 0 Yī ní tè f /Virgil's Aeneid (epic about the foundation of Rome)/ 伊川 - 18 Yī chuān f /Yichuan county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan/ 伊川县 伊川縣 S - 8 Yī chuān xiàn f /Yichuan county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan/ 伊川縣 伊川县 T - 8 Yī chuān xiàn f /Yichuan county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan/ 伊州 - 4 Yī zhōu f /Tang dynasty province in modern Xinjiang, around Kumul 哈密[Ha1 mi4]/Illinois (US state)/ 伊思迈尔 伊思邁爾 S - 0 Yī sī mài ěr f /Ismail (name)/Shāh Ismāil I (1487-1524), founder of Persian Safavid dynasty, reigned 1501-1524/ 伊思邁爾 伊思迈尔 T - 0 Yī sī mài ěr f /Ismail (name)/Shāh Ismāil I (1487-1524), founder of Persian Safavid dynasty, reigned 1501-1524/ 伊戈尔 伊戈爾 S - 27 Yī gē ěr f /Igor/ 伊戈尔斯 伊戈爾斯 S - 0 Yī gē ěr sī f /Eagles (name)/ 伊戈爾 伊戈尔 T - 27 Yī gē ěr f /Igor/ 伊戈爾斯 伊戈尔斯 T - 0 Yī gē ěr sī f /Eagles (name)/ 伊拉克 - 2671 Yī lā kè f /Iraq/ 伊斯兰 伊斯蘭 S - 686 Yī sī lán f /Islam/ 伊斯兰会议组织 伊斯蘭會議組織 S - 6 Yī sī lán Huì yì Zǔ zhī f /Organization of the Islamic Conference/ 伊斯兰国 伊斯蘭國 S - 0 Yī sī lán guó f /Muslim countries/caliphate/Islamic State (aka IS or ISIL or ISIS)/ 伊斯兰圣战组织 伊斯蘭聖戰組織 S - 0 Yī sī lán Shèng zhàn Zǔ zhī f /Islamic Jihad (Palestinian armed faction)/ 伊斯兰堡 伊斯蘭堡 S - 61 Yī sī lán bǎo f /Islamabad, capital of Pakistan/ 伊斯兰教 伊斯蘭教 S - 1877 Yī sī lán jiào f /Islam/ 伊斯兰马巴德 伊斯蘭馬巴德 S - 0 Yī sī lán mǎ bā dé f /Islamabad, capital of Pakistan (Tw)/ 伊斯坦堡 - 3 Yī sī tǎn bǎo f /Istanbul (Tw)/ 伊斯坦布尔 伊斯坦布爾 S - 108 Yī sī tǎn bù ěr f /Istanbul, Turkey/ 伊斯坦布爾 伊斯坦布尔 T - 108 Yī sī tǎn bù ěr f /Istanbul, Turkey/ 伊斯帕尼奥拉 伊斯帕尼奧拉 S - 0 Yī sī pà ní ào lā f /Hispaniola (Caribbean island including Haiti and the Dominican Republic)/ 伊斯帕尼奧拉 伊斯帕尼奥拉 T - 0 Yī sī pà ní ào lā f /Hispaniola (Caribbean island including Haiti and the Dominican Republic)/ 伊斯曼 - 6 Yī sī màn f /Eastman (name)/George Eastman (1854-1932), US inventor and founder of Kodak 柯達|柯达[Ke1 da2]/Max F. Eastman (1883-1969), US socialist writer, subsequently severe critic of USSR/ 伊斯法罕 - 40 Yī sī fǎ hǎn f /Isfahan or Eşfahān, province and city in central Iran/ 伊斯特 - 50 Yī sī tè f /Istres (French town)/ 伊斯蘭 伊斯兰 T - 686 Yī sī lán f /Islam/ 伊斯蘭國 伊斯兰国 T - 0 Yī sī lán guó f /Muslim countries/caliphate/Islamic State (aka IS or ISIL or ISIS)/ 伊斯蘭堡 伊斯兰堡 T - 61 Yī sī lán bǎo f /Islamabad, capital of Pakistan/ 伊斯蘭教 伊斯兰教 T - 1877 Yī sī lán jiào f /Islam/ 伊斯蘭會議組織 伊斯兰会议组织 T - 6 Yī sī lán Huì yì Zǔ zhī f /Organization of the Islamic Conference/ 伊斯蘭聖戰組織 伊斯兰圣战组织 T - 0 Yī sī lán Shèng zhàn Zǔ zhī f /Islamic Jihad (Palestinian armed faction)/ 伊斯蘭馬巴德 伊斯兰马巴德 T - 0 Yī sī lán mǎ bā dé f /Islamabad, capital of Pakistan (Tw)/ 伊於胡底 伊于胡底 T - 3 yī yú hú dǐ f /where will it stop?/ 伊春 - 20 Yī chūn f /Yichun prefecture level city in Heilongjiang/ 伊春区 伊春區 S - 3 Yī chūn qū f /Yichun district of Yichun city, Heilongjiang/ 伊春區 伊春区 T - 3 Yī chūn qū f /Yichun district of Yichun city, Heilongjiang/ 伊春市 - 18 Yī chūn shì f /Yichun prefecture level city in Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hei1 long2 jiang1] in northeast China/ 伊普西隆 - 0 yī pǔ xī lóng f /epsilon (Greek letter Εε)/ 伊曼 - 2 yī màn f /see 伊瑪目|伊玛目[yi1 ma3 mu4]/ 伊朗 - 3820 Yī lǎng f /Iran/ 伊朗宪监会 伊朗憲監會 S - 0 Yī lǎng xiàn jiān huì f /Guardian Council of the Constitution of Iran/ 伊朗憲監會 伊朗宪监会 T - 0 Yī lǎng xiàn jiān huì f /Guardian Council of the Constitution of Iran/ 伊比利亚 伊比利亞 S - 122 Yī bǐ lì yà f /Iberia/the Iberian peninsula/ 伊比利亚半岛 伊比利亞半島 S - 0 Yī bǐ lì yà Bàn dǎo f /Iberian Peninsula/ 伊比利亞 伊比利亚 T - 122 Yī bǐ lì yà f /Iberia/the Iberian peninsula/ 伊比利亞半島 伊比利亚半岛 T - 0 Yī bǐ lì yà Bàn dǎo f /Iberian Peninsula/ 伊水 - 0 Yī shuǐ f /Yi river in west Henan, tributary of North Luo river 洛河|洛河[Luo4 he2]/ 伊波拉 - 0 Yī bō lā f /Ebola (virus)/ 伊洛瓦底 - 4 Yī luò wǎ dǐ f /Irrawaddy or Ayeyarwaddy River, the main river of Myanmar (Burma)/ 伊洛瓦底三角洲 - 0 Yī luò wǎ dǐ sān jiǎo zhōu f /Irrawaddy delta in south Myanmar (Burma)/ 伊洛瓦底江 - 47 Yī luò wǎ dǐ Jiāng f /Irrawaddy or Ayeyarwaddy River, the main river of Myanmar (Burma)/ 伊爾庫茨克 伊尔库茨克 T - 25 Yī ěr kù cí kè f /Irkutsk/ 伊犁 - 338 Yī lí f /the Ili river basin around Turpan in Xinjiang/abbr. for 伊犁哈薩克自治州|伊犁哈萨克自治州[Yi1 li2 Ha1 sa4 ke4 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture/ 伊犁哈萨克自治州 伊犁哈薩克自治州 S - 14 Yī lí Hā sà kè zì zhì zhōu f /Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang/ 伊犁哈薩克自治州 伊犁哈萨克自治州 T - 14 Yī lí Hā sà kè zì zhì zhōu f /Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang/ 伊犁河 - 91 Yī lí Hé f /Ili River in central Asia/ 伊犁盆地 - 0 Yī lí pén dì f /the Yili basin around Urumqi in Xinjiang/ 伊玛目 伊瑪目 S - 67 yī mǎ mù f /imam (Islam) (loanword)/ 伊瑞克提翁庙 伊瑞克提翁廟 S - 0 Yī ruì kè tí wēng miào f /the Erechteum, Athens/ 伊瑞克提翁廟 伊瑞克提翁庙 T - 0 Yī ruì kè tí wēng miào f /the Erechteum, Athens/ 伊瑪目 伊玛目 T - 67 yī mǎ mù f /imam (Islam) (loanword)/ 伊甸园 伊甸園 S - 41 Yī diàn Yuán f /Garden of Eden/ 伊甸園 伊甸园 T - 41 Yī diàn Yuán f /Garden of Eden/ 伊留申 - 7 Yī liú shēn f /Ilyushin, Russian plane maker/ 伊科病毒 - 0 yī kē bìng dú f /echovirus (RNA virus in genus Enterovirus)/ 伊索 - 25 Yī suǒ f /Aesop (trad. 620-560 BC), Greek slave and story-teller, reported author of Aesop's fables/ 伊莉莎白 - 4 Yī lì shā bái f /Elizabeth/also written 伊麗莎白|伊丽莎白/ 伊莉萨白 伊莉薩白 S - 0 Yī lì sà bái f /Elizabeth (name)/also written 伊麗莎白|伊丽莎白/ 伊莉薩白 伊莉萨白 T - 0 Yī lì sà bái f /Elizabeth (name)/also written 伊麗莎白|伊丽莎白/ 伊莱克斯 伊萊克斯 S - 2 Yī lái kè sī f /Electrolux (Swedish manufacturer of home appliances)/ 伊萊克斯 伊莱克斯 T - 2 Yī lái kè sī f /Electrolux (Swedish manufacturer of home appliances)/ 伊萨卡 伊薩卡 S - 2 Yī sà kǎ f /Ithaca, Island state of Greece, the home of Odysseus 奧迪修斯|奥迪修斯/Ithaca NY, location of Cornell University 康奈爾|康奈尔/ 伊薩卡 伊萨卡 T - 2 Yī sà kǎ f /Ithaca, Island state of Greece, the home of Odysseus 奧迪修斯|奥迪修斯/Ithaca NY, location of Cornell University 康奈爾|康奈尔/ 伊藤 - 0 Yī téng f /Itō or Itoh, Japanese surname/ 伊藤博文 - 203 Yī téng Bó wén f /ITŌ Hirobumi (1841-1909), Japanese Meiji restoration politician, prime minister on four occasions, influential in Japanese expansionism in Korea, assassinated in Harbin/ 伊蚊 - 19 yī wén f /Aedes, a genus of mosquito/ 伊通 - 5 Yī tōng f /Yitong Manchurian autonomous county in Siping 四平, Jilin/ 伊通县 伊通縣 S - 0 Yī tōng xiàn f /Yitong Manchurian autonomous county in Siping 四平, Jilin/ 伊通河 - 4 Yī tōng Hé f /Yitong River in Siping 四平[Si4 ping2], Jilin/ 伊通满族自治县 伊通滿族自治縣 S - 2 Yī tōng Mǎn zú zì zhì xiàn f /Yitong Manchurian autonomous county in Siping 四平, Jilin/ 伊通滿族自治縣 伊通满族自治县 T - 2 Yī tōng Mǎn zú zì zhì xiàn f /Yitong Manchurian autonomous county in Siping 四平, Jilin/ 伊通火山群 - 0 Yī tōng huǒ shān qún f /Yitong volcanic area in Yitong Manchurian autonomous county 伊通滿族自治縣|伊通满族自治县, Siping, Jilin/ 伊通縣 伊通县 T - 0 Yī tōng xiàn f /Yitong Manchurian autonomous county in Siping 四平, Jilin/ 伊通自然保护区 伊通自然保護區 S - 0 Yī tōng zì rán bǎo hù qū f /Yitong nature reserve in Yitong Manchurian autonomous county 伊通滿族自治縣|伊通满族自治县, Siping, Jilin/ 伊通自然保護區 伊通自然保护区 T - 0 Yī tōng zì rán bǎo hù qū f /Yitong nature reserve in Yitong Manchurian autonomous county 伊通滿族自治縣|伊通满族自治县, Siping, Jilin/ 伊通鎮 伊通镇 T - 0 Yī tōng zhèn f /Yitong township, capital of Yitong Manchurian autonomous county in Siping 四平, Jilin/ 伊通镇 伊通鎮 S - 0 Yī tōng zhèn f /Yitong township, capital of Yitong Manchurian autonomous county in Siping 四平, Jilin/ 伊里奇 - 6 Yī lǐ qí f /Ilyich or Illich (name)/ 伊金霍洛 - 0 Yī jīn huò luò f /Ejin Horo banner (Ejen Khoruu khoshuu) in Ordos prefecture 鄂爾多斯|鄂尔多斯[E4 er3 duo1 si1], Inner Mongolia/ 伊金霍洛旗 - 9 Yī jīn huò luò qí f /Ejin Horo banner (Ejen Khoruu khoshuu) in Ordos prefecture 鄂爾多斯|鄂尔多斯[E4 er3 duo1 si1], Inner Mongolia/ 伊頓公學 伊顿公学 T - 0 Yī dùn gōng xué f /Eton public school (English elite school)/ 伊顿公学 伊頓公學 S - 0 Yī dùn gōng xué f /Eton public school (English elite school)/ 伊馬姆 伊马姆 T - 0 yī mǎ mǔ f /see 伊瑪目|伊玛目[yi1 ma3 mu4]/ 伊马姆 伊馬姆 S - 0 yī mǎ mǔ f /see 伊瑪目|伊玛目[yi1 ma3 mu4]/ 伊麗莎白 伊丽莎白 T - 134 Yī lì shā bái f /Elizabeth (person name)/ 伋 - 6 jí f /unreal/ 伍 - 540 Wǔ f /surname Wu/ 伍 - 540 wǔ f /squad of five soldiers/to associate with/five (banker's anti-fraud numeral)/ 伍奢 - 8 Wǔ shē f /Wu She (-522 BC), powerful minister of Chu and father of Wu Zixu 伍子胥/ 伍子胥 - 376 Wǔ Zǐ xū f /Wu Zixu (-484 BC), powerful politician in Wu/famous as destitute refugee begging in Wu town, cf 吳市吹簫|吴市吹箫/ 伍家岗 伍家崗 S - 0 Wǔ jiā gǎng f /Wujiagang district of Yichang city 宜昌市[Yi2 chang1 shi4], Hubei/ 伍家岗区 伍家崗區 S - 256 Wǔ jiā gǎng qū f /Wujiagang district of Yichang city 宜昌市[Yi2 chang1 shi4], Hubei/ 伍家崗 伍家岗 T - 0 Wǔ jiā gǎng f /Wujiagang district of Yichang city 宜昌市[Yi2 chang1 shi4], Hubei/ 伍家崗區 伍家岗区 T - 256 Wǔ jiā gǎng qū f /Wujiagang district of Yichang city 宜昌市[Yi2 chang1 shi4], Hubei/ 伍廷芳 - 243 Wǔ Tíng fāng f /Wu Tingfang (1842-1922), diplomat and lawyer/ 伍德豪斯 - 0 Wǔ dé háo sī f /Woodhouse or Wodehouse (name)/ 伎 - 224 jì f /craft/ 伎俩 伎倆 S - 152 jì liǎng f /trick/scheme/ploy/tactic/stratagem/gimmick/ruse/trickery/skill/also written 技倆|技俩/ 伎倆 伎俩 T - 152 jì liǎng f /trick/scheme/ploy/tactic/stratagem/gimmick/ruse/trickery/skill/also written 技倆|技俩/ 伏 - 2420 Fú f /surname Fu/ 伏 - 2420 fú f /to lean over/to fall (go down)/to hide (in ambush)/to conceal oneself/to lie low/hottest days of summer/to submit/to concede defeat/to overcome/to subdue/volt/ 伏侍 - 170 fú shi f /variant of 服侍[fu2 shi5]/ 伏兵 - 225 fú bīng f /hidden troops/ambush/ 伏击 伏擊 S - 185 fú jī f /ambush/to ambush/ 伏卧 伏臥 S - 8 fú wò f /lying down/to lie prostrate/prone/ 伏地 - 6 fú dì f /to lie prostrate/ 伏地挺身 - 3 fú dì tǐng shēn f /pushup (exercise)/ 伏地魔 - 0 Fú dì mó f /Lord Voldemort (Harry Potter)/ 伏天 - 31 fú tiān f /the hottest period of the year/see 三伏天[san1 fu2 tian1]/ 伏安 - 15 fú ān f /volt-ampere (measure of apparent power in alternating current circuits)/ 伏尔加格勒 伏爾加格勒 S - 20 Fú ěr jiā gé lè f /Volgograd, Russian city on the Volga River 伏爾加河|伏尔加河[Fu2 er3 jia1 He2]/ 伏尔加河 伏爾加河 S - 205 Fú ěr jiā Hé f /Volga River/ 伏尔泰 伏爾泰 S - 76 Fú ěr tài f /Voltaire (1694-1778), Enlightenment philosopher/ 伏惟 - 2 fú wéi f /to lie prostrate/to prostrate oneself (in veneration)/ 伏擊 伏击 T - 185 fú jī f /ambush/to ambush/ 伏明霞 - 267 Fú Míng xiá f /Fu Mingxia (1978-), Chinese diving champion/ 伏案 - 51 fú àn f /to bend over one's desk (writing, studying, taking a nap etc)/ 伏汛 - 11 fú xùn f /summer flood/ 伏法 - 10 fú fǎ f /to be executed/ 伏流 - 37 fú liú f /hidden stream/ground stream/ 伏爾加格勒 伏尔加格勒 T - 20 Fú ěr jiā gé lè f /Volgograd, Russian city on the Volga River 伏爾加河|伏尔加河[Fu2 er3 jia1 He2]/ 伏爾加河 伏尔加河 T - 205 Fú ěr jiā Hé f /Volga River/ 伏爾泰 伏尔泰 T - 76 Fú ěr tài f /Voltaire (1694-1778), Enlightenment philosopher/ 伏牛山 - 138 Fú niú shān f /Funiu mountain range in southwest Henan, an eastern extension of Qinling range 秦嶺山脈|秦岭山脉[Qin2 ling3 shan1 mai4], Shaanxi/ 伏特 - 76 fú tè f /volt (loanword)/ 伏特加 - 32 fú tè jiā f /vodka (loanword)/ 伏特計 伏特计 T - 3 fú tè jì f /voltmeter/ 伏特计 伏特計 S - 3 fú tè jì f /voltmeter/ 伏笔 伏筆 S - 62 fú bǐ f /foreshadowing (literary device)/foretaste of material to come (in essay or story)/ 伏筆 伏笔 T - 62 fú bǐ f /foreshadowing (literary device)/foretaste of material to come (in essay or story)/ 伏線 伏线 T - 0 fú xiàn f /foreshadowing (literary device)/ 伏线 伏線 S - 0 fú xiàn f /foreshadowing (literary device)/ 伏罗希洛夫 伏羅希洛夫 S - 0 Fú luó xī luò fū f /Kliment Voroshilov (1881-1969), Soviet politician and military commander/ 伏罪 - 17 fú zuì f /variant of 服罪[fu2 zui4]/ 伏羅希洛夫 伏罗希洛夫 T - 0 Fú luó xī luò fū f /Kliment Voroshilov (1881-1969), Soviet politician and military commander/ 伏羲 - 86 Fú Xī f /Fuxi or Fu Hsi, legendary Chinese emperor, trad. 2852-2738 BC, mythical creator of fishing, trapping and writing/ 伏羲氏 - 14 Fú Xī shì f /Fuxi or Fu Hsi, legendary Chinese emperor 2852-2738 BC, mythical creator of fishing, trapping, and writing/ 伏臥 伏卧 T - 8 fú wò f /lying down/to lie prostrate/prone/ 伏虎 - 38 fú hǔ f /to subdue a tiger/fig. to prevail over sinister forces/ 伏誅 伏诛 T - 24 fú zhū f /to be executed/ 伏诛 伏誅 S - 24 fú zhū f /to be executed/ 伏輸 伏输 T - 0 fú shū f /variant of 服輸|服输[fu2 shu1]/ 伏输 伏輸 S - 0 fú shū f /variant of 服輸|服输[fu2 shu1]/ 伏辩 伏辯 S - 4 fú biàn f /variant of 服辯|服辩[fu2 bian4]/ 伏辯 伏辩 T - 4 fú biàn f /variant of 服辯|服辩[fu2 bian4]/ 伏都教 - 0 Fú dū jiào f /Voodoo/ 伏隔核 - 0 fú gé hé f /nucleus accumbens (anatomy)/ 伏龍鳳雛 伏龙凤雏 T - 3 fú lóng fèng chú f /hidden genius (idiom)/ 伏龙凤雏 伏龍鳳雛 S - 3 fú lóng fèng chú f /hidden genius (idiom)/ 伐 - 1175 fá f /to cut down/to fell/to dispatch an expedition against/to attack/to boast/Taiwan pr. [fa1]/ 伐木 - 87 fá mù f /to cut wood/tree-felling/lumbering/ 伐木场 伐木場 S - 2 fá mù chǎng f /a logging area/ 伐木場 伐木场 T - 2 fá mù chǎng f /a logging area/ 伐木工人 - 3 fá mù gōng rén f /lumberjack/tree cutter/ 伐柯 - 3 fá kē f /(cf Book of Songs) How to fashion an ax handle? You need an ax/fig. to follow a principle/fig. to act as matchmaker/ 休 - 2320 Xiū f /surname Xiu/ 休 - 2320 xiū f /to rest/to stop doing sth for a period of time/to cease/(imperative) don't/ 休伊特 - 97 Xiū yī tè f /Hewitt/ 休会 休會 S - 49 xiū huì f /to adjourn/ 休伦湖 休倫湖 S - 28 Xiū lún Hú f /Lake Huron, one of the Great Lakes 五大湖[Wu3 da4 hu2]/ 休倫湖 休伦湖 T - 28 Xiū lún Hú f /Lake Huron, one of the Great Lakes 五大湖[Wu3 da4 hu2]/ 休假 - 227 xiū jià f /to take a vacation/to go on holiday/ 休克 - 281 xiū kè f /shock (loanword)/to go into shock/ 休兵 - 27 xiū bīng f /to cease fire/armistice/rested troops/ 休养 休養 S - 237 xiū yǎng f /to recuperate/to recover/to convalesce/ 休养生息 休養生息 S - 82 xiū yǎng shēng xī f /to recover/to recuperate/ 休士頓 休士顿 T - 3 Xiū shì dùn f /Houston, Texas/ 休士顿 休士頓 S - 3 Xiū shì dùn f /Houston, Texas/ 休妻 - 0 xiū qī f /to repudiate one's wife/ 休学 休學 S - 67 xiū xué f /to suspend schooling/to defer study/ 休學 休学 T - 67 xiū xué f /to suspend schooling/to defer study/ 休宁 休寧 S - 11 Xiū níng f /Xiuning county in Huangshan 黃山|黄山[Huang2 shan1], Anhui/ 休宁县 休寧縣 S - 10 Xiū níng xiàn f /Xiuning county in Huangshan 黃山|黄山[Huang2 shan1], Anhui/ 休寧 休宁 T - 11 Xiū níng f /Xiuning county in Huangshan 黃山|黄山[Huang2 shan1], Anhui/ 休寧縣 休宁县 T - 10 Xiū níng xiàn f /Xiuning county in Huangshan 黃山|黄山[Huang2 shan1], Anhui/ 休庭 - 8 xiū tíng f /to adjourn (law)/ 休息 242 3825 xiū xi f /rest/to rest/ 休息室 - 117 xiū xī shì f /lobby/lounge/ 休惜 - 0 xiū xī f /recess/ 休想 - 190 xiū xiǎng f /don't think (that)/don't imagine (that)/ 休憩 - 51 xiū qì f /to rest/to sleep/ 休战 休戰 S - 81 xiū zhàn f /armistice/ 休戚相关 休戚相關 S - 22 xiū qī xiāng guān f /to share the same interests (idiom)/to be closely related/to be in the same boat/ 休戚相關 休戚相关 T - 22 xiū qī xiāng guān f /to share the same interests (idiom)/to be closely related/to be in the same boat/ 休戰 休战 T - 81 xiū zhàn f /armistice/ 休整 - 196 xiū zhěng f /to rest and reorganize (military)/ 休斯敦 - 92 Xiū sī dūn f /Houston, Texas/ 休斯頓 休斯顿 T - 34 Xiū sī dùn f /Houston/ 休斯顿 休斯頓 S - 34 Xiū sī dùn f /Houston/ 休旅車 休旅车 T - 0 xiū lǚ chē f /sport utility vehicle (SUV)/ 休旅车 休旅車 S - 0 xiū lǚ chē f /sport utility vehicle (SUV)/ 休會 休会 T - 49 xiū huì f /to adjourn/ 休止 - 50 xiū zhǐ f /to stop/ 休止符 - 14 xiū zhǐ fú f /rest (music)/ 休氏旋木雀 - 0 Xiū shì xuán mù què f /(bird species of China) Hume's treecreeper (Certhia manipurensis)/ 休氏树莺 休氏樹鶯 S - 0 Xiū shì shù yīng f /(bird species of China) Hume's bush warbler (Horornis brunnescens)/ 休氏樹鶯 休氏树莺 T - 0 Xiū shì shù yīng f /(bird species of China) Hume's bush warbler (Horornis brunnescens)/ 休氏白喉林莺 休氏白喉林鶯 S - 0 Xiū shì bái hóu lín yīng f /(bird species of China) Hume's whitethroat (Sylvia althaea)/ 休氏白喉林鶯 休氏白喉林莺 T - 0 Xiū shì bái hóu lín yīng f /(bird species of China) Hume's whitethroat (Sylvia althaea)/ 休眠 - 91 xiū mián f /to be dormant (biology)/inactive (volcano)/to hibernate (computing)/ 休眠火山 - 12 xiū mián huǒ shān f /dormant volcano/ 休謨 休谟 T - 3 Xiū mó f /David Hume (1711-1776), Scottish Enlightenment philosopher/ 休谟 休謨 S - 3 Xiū mó f /David Hume (1711-1776), Scottish Enlightenment philosopher/ 休达 休達 S - 5 Xiū dá f /Sebta or Ceuta (city in north Morocco)/ 休達 休达 T - 5 Xiū dá f /Sebta or Ceuta (city in north Morocco)/ 休閑褲 休闲裤 T - 3 xiū xián kù f /casual pants/ 休閒 休闲 T 2231 1114 xiū xián f /leisure/relaxation/not working/idle/to enjoy leisure/to lie fallow/ 休閒鞋 休闲鞋 T - 5 xiū xián xié f /leisure shoes/ 休闲 休閒 S 2231 1114 xiū xián f /leisure/relaxation/not working/idle/to enjoy leisure/to lie fallow/ 休闲裤 休閑褲 S - 3 xiū xián kù f /casual pants/ 休闲鞋 休閒鞋 S - 5 xiū xián xié f /leisure shoes/ 休養 休养 T - 237 xiū yǎng f /to recuperate/to recover/to convalesce/ 休養生息 休养生息 T - 82 xiū yǎng shēng xī f /to recover/to recuperate/ 伕 - 86 fū f /variant of 夫[fu1]/ 众 眾 S - 11353 Zhòng f /abbr. for 眾議院|众议院[Zhong4 yi4 yuan4], House of Representatives/ 众 眾 S - 11353 zhòng f /many/numerous/crowd/multitude/ 众 衆 S - 11353 zhòng f /variant of 眾|众[zhong4]/ 众人 眾人 S - 9329 zhòng rén f /everyone/ 众人敬仰 眾人敬仰 S - 0 zhòng rén jìng yǎng f /universally admired/highly esteemed by everyone/ 众包 眾包 S - 0 zhòng bāo f /crowdsourcing/abbr. for 群眾外包|群众外包[qun2 zhong4 wai4 bao1]/ 众叛亲离 眾叛親離 S - 59 zhòng pàn qīn lí f /lit. people rebelling and friends deserting (idiom)/fig. to find oneself utterly isolated/ 众口一词 眾口一詞 S - 159 zhòng kǒu yī cí f /all of one voice/unanimous/ 众口同声 眾口同聲 S - 3 zhòng kǒu tóng shēng f /(of people) to be of one voice (idiom)/unanimous/ 众口皆碑 眾口皆碑 S - 0 zhòng kǒu jiē bēi f /to be praised by everyone/ 众口铄金 眾口鑠金 S - 6 zhòng kǒu shuò jīn f /lit. public opinion is powerful enough to melt metal (idiom)/fig. public clamor can obscure the actual truth/mass spreading of rumors can confuse right and wrong/ 众多 眾多 S - 4769 zhòng duō f /numerous/ 众寡 衆寡 S - 3 zhòng guǎ f /the many or the few/ 众寡悬殊 眾寡懸殊 S - 22 zhòng guǎ xuán shū f /the multitude against the few, a wide disparity (idiom from Mencius); heavily outnumbered/unequally matched/overwhelmed by weight of numbers/ 众志成城 眾志成城 S - 30 zhòng zhì chéng chéng f /unity of will is an impregnable stronghold (idiom)/ 众所周知 眾所周知 S 3881 339 zhòng suǒ zhōu zhī f /as everyone knows (idiom)/ 众所周知 眾所週知 S 3881 339 zhòng suǒ zhōu zhī f /see 眾所周知|众所周知[zhong4 suo3 zhou1 zhi1]/ 众数 眾數 S - 3 zhòng shù f /plural/mode (statistics)/ 众星拱月 眾星拱月 S - 5 zhòng xīng gǒng yuè f /see 眾星捧月|众星捧月[zhong4 xing1 peng3 yue4]/ 众星拱辰 眾星拱辰 S - 0 zhòng xīng gǒng chén f /lit. all the stars revolve around Polaris 北辰[Bei3 chen2] (idiom, from Analects); fig. to view sb as core figure/to group around a revered leader/ 众星捧月 眾星捧月 S - 400 zhòng xīng pěng yuè f /lit. all the stars cup themselves around the moon (idiom, from Analects); fig. to view sb as core figure/to group around a revered leader/to revolve around sb/ 众星攒月 眾星攢月 S - 3 zhòng xīng cuán yuè f /see 眾星捧月|众星捧月[zhong4 xing1 peng3 yue4]/ 众望 眾望 S - 35 zhòng wàng f /people's expectations/ 众生 眾生 S - 107 zhòng shēng f /all living things/ 众目睽睽 眾目睽睽 S - 112 zhòng mù kuí kuí f /see 萬目睽睽|万目睽睽[wan4 mu4 kui2 kui2]/ 众盲摸象 眾盲摸象 S - 3 zhòng máng mō xiàng f /multitude of blind people touch an elephant (idiom, from Nirvana sutra 大般涅槃經|大般涅盘经[da4 ban1 Nie4 pan2 jing1]); fig. unable to see the big picture/to mistake the part for the whole/unable to see the wood for the trees/ 众矢之的 眾矢之的 S - 47 zhòng shǐ zhī dì f /lit. target of a multitude of arrows (idiom); the butt of public criticism/attacked on all sides/ 众筹 眾籌 S - 0 zhòng chóu f /crowdfunding/ 众议员 眾議員 S - 97 zhòng yì yuán f /member of the US House of Representatives/ 众议院 眾議院 S - 491 Zhòng yì yuàn f /lower house of bicameral assembly/House of Representatives (USA)/Chamber of Deputies/ 众说 眾說 S - 0 zhòng shuō f /various ideas/diverse opinions/ 众说纷揉 眾說紛揉 S - 3 zhòng shuō fēn róu f /lit. diverse opinions confused and divided (idiom); opinions differ/controversial matters/ 众说纷纭 眾說紛紜 S - 83 zhòng shuō fēn yún f /opinions differ (idiom)/ 众说郛 眾說郛 S - 0 zhòng shuō fú f /hub for diverse opinions/ 众香子 眾香子 S - 0 zhòng xiāng zi f /all-spice (Pimenta dioica)/Jamaican pepper/ 优 優 S - 1486 yōu f /excellent/superior/ 优于 優於 S - 532 yōu yú f /to surpass/ 优伶 優伶 S - 75 yōu líng f /(old) performing artist/actor/actress/ 优先 優先 S 3215 1204 yōu xiān f /to have priority/to take precedence/ 优先承购权 優先承購權 S - 0 yōu xiān chéng gòu quán f /prior purchase right/right of first refusal (ROFR)/preemptive right to purchase/ 优先股 優先股 S - 11 yōu xiān gǔ f /preferential shares/ 优先认股权 優先認股權 S - 0 yōu xiān rèn gǔ quán f /preemptive right (in share issue)/ 优劣 優劣 S - 403 yōu liè f /good and bad/merits and drawbacks/ 优势 優勢 S 1794 5811 yōu shì f /superiority/dominance/advantage/ 优化 優化 S - 952 yōu huà f /optimization/to optimize/to make superior/ 优厚 優厚 S - 129 yōu hòu f /generous, liberal (pay, compensation)/ 优哉游哉 優哉遊哉 S - 19 yōu zāi yóu zāi f /see 悠哉悠哉[you1 zai1 you1 zai1]/ 优孟 優孟 S - 257 Yōu Mèng f /You Meng, famous court jester during the reign of King Zhuang of Chu 楚莊王|楚庄王[Chu3 Zhuang1 wang2], known for his intelligence and sharp tongue/ 优尼科 優尼科 S - 3 Yōu ní kē f /Unocal (US oil company)/ 优异 優異 S 4407 533 yōu yì f /exceptional/outstandingly good/ 优异奖 優異獎 S - 0 yōu yì jiǎng f /excellence award/merit award/ 优待 優待 S - 225 yōu dài f /preferential treatment/to give preferential treatment/ 优待券 優待券 S - 3 yōu dài quàn f /discount coupon/complimentary ticket/ 优待票 優待票 S - 3 yōu dài piào f /reduced-price ticket (e.g. for students)/ 优惠 優惠 S 2347 1166 yōu huì f /preferential/favorable/ 优惠券 優惠券 S - 9 yōu huì quàn f /coupon/ 优惠贷款 優惠貸款 S - 0 yōu huì dài kuǎn f /loan on favorable terms/concessionary loan/soft loan/ 优柔 優柔 S - 8 yōu róu f /gentle/carefree/indecisive/weak/ 优柔寡断 優柔寡斷 S - 53 yōu róu guǎ duàn f /indecisive/irresolute/ 优格 優格 S - 0 yōu gé f /yogurt (loanword)/ 优步 優步 S - 0 Yōu bù f /Uber, app-based taxi company founded in 2009/ 优渥 優渥 S - 10 yōu wò f /handsome (pay etc)/generous/liberal/ 优游 優遊 S - 10 yōu yóu f /carefree/leisurely/ 优游自得 優遊自得 S - 3 yōu yóu zì dé f /free and at leisure (idiom); unfettered/ 优点 優點 S 1126 1302 yōu diǎn f /merit/benefit/strong point/advantage/CL:個|个[ge4],項|项[xiang4]/ 优生 優生 S - 45 yōu shēng f /eugenics/outstanding student/ 优生学 優生學 S - 42 yōu shēng xué f /eugenics/ 优盘 優盤 S - 4 yōu pán f /USB flash drive/see also 閃存盤|闪存盘[shan3 cun2 pan2]/ 优秀 優秀 S 924 5256 yōu xiù f /outstanding/excellent/ 优等 優等 S - 28 yōu děng f /first-rate/of the highest order/high-class/excellent/superior/ 优美 優美 S 2214 1075 yōu měi f /graceful/fine/elegant/ 优胜 優勝 S - 365 yōu shèng f /winning/superior/ 优胜劣汰 優勝劣汰 S 4903 62 yōu shèng liè tài f /survival of the fittest (idiom)/ 优良 優良 S - 3378 yōu liáng f /fine/good/first-rate/ 优裕 優裕 S - 64 yōu yù f /plenty/abundance/ 优角 優角 S - 0 yōu jiǎo f /reflex angle/ 优诺牌 優諾牌 S - 0 Yōu nuò pái f /Uno (card game)/ 优质 優質 S - 2525 yōu zhì f /excellent quality/ 优越 優越 S 4281 1073 yōu yuè f /superior/superiority/ 优选 優選 S - 58 yōu xuǎn f /to optimize/preferred/ 优酪乳 優酪乳 S - 3 yōu luò rǔ f /yogurt (loanword) (Tw)/ 优酷 優酷 S - 0 Yōu kù f /Youku (website)/ 优雅 優雅 S - 425 yōu yǎ f /grace/graceful/ 伙 - 1298 huǒ f /meals (abbr. for 伙食[huo3 shi2])/variant of 夥|伙[huo3]/ 伙 夥 S - 1298 huǒ f /companion/partner/group/classifier for groups of people/to combine/together/ 伙伴 1546 1611 huǒ bàn f /partner/companion/comrade/ 伙同 - 49 huǒ tóng f /to collude/in collusion with/ 伙夫 - 37 huǒ fū f /mess cook (old)/ 伙計 伙计 T - 496 huǒ ji f /partner/fellow/mate/waiter/servant/shop assistant/ 伙计 伙計 S - 496 huǒ ji f /partner/fellow/mate/waiter/servant/shop assistant/ 伙頤 伙颐 T - 0 huǒ yí f /variant of 夥頤|夥颐[huo3 yi2]/ 伙颐 伙頤 S - 0 huǒ yí f /variant of 夥頤|夥颐[huo3 yi2]/ 伙食 - 161 huǒ shí f /food/meals/ 伙食費 伙食费 T - 57 huǒ shí fèi f /food expenses/board expenses/meals (cost)/ 伙食费 伙食費 S - 57 huǒ shí fèi f /food expenses/board expenses/meals (cost)/ 会 會 S 12 92091 huì t /can/to be possible/to be able to/will/to be likely to/to be sure to/to assemble/to meet/to gather/to see/union/group/association/CL:個|个[ge4]/a moment (Taiwan pr. for this sense is [hui3])/ 会 會 S 12 92091 kuài f /to balance an account/accountancy/accounting/ 会不会 會不會 S - 0 huì bù huì f /(posing a question: whether sb, something) can or cannot?/is able to or not/ 会东 會東 S - 5 Huì dōng f /Huidong county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州|凉山彝族自治州[Liang2 shan1 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ 会东县 會東縣 S - 3 Huì dōng xiàn f /Huidong county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州|凉山彝族自治州[Liang2 shan1 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ 会众 會眾 S - 87 huì zhòng f /audience/participants/congregation (of religious sect)/ 会元 會元 S - 8 huì yuán f /provincial imperial examination graduate who ranked 1st in metropolitan examination (in Ming and Qing dynasties)/ 会党 會黨 S - 52 huì dǎng f /anti-Qing secret societies/ 会厌 會厭 S - 17 huì yàn f /epiglottis/ 会厌炎 會厭炎 S - 0 huì yàn yán f /epiglottitis/ 会友 會友 S - 38 huì yǒu f /to make friends/to meet friends/member of the same organization/ 会合 會合 S - 551 huì hé f /to meet/to rendezvous/to merge/to link up/meeting/confluence/ 会合处 會合處 S - 8 huì hé chù f /joint/ 会同 會同 S - 859 Huì tóng f /Huitong county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huai2 hua4], Hunan/ 会同 會同 S - 859 huì tóng f /to handle sth jointly/ 会同县 會同縣 S - 7 Huì tóng xiàn f /Huitong county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huai2 hua4], Hunan/ 会否 會否 S - 0 huì fǒu f /can or cannot/is it possible?/ 会员 會員 S - 1196 huì yuán f /member/ 会员国 會員國 S - 161 huì yuán guó f /member nation/ 会商 會商 S - 73 huì shāng f /to confer/to consult/to negotiate/to hold a conference/ 会场 會場 S - 813 huì chǎng f /meeting place/place where people gather/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 会堂 會堂 S - 47 huì táng f /meeting hall/assembly hall/ 会士 會士 S - 0 huì shì f /member of religious order/penitent/frater/translation of French agregé (holder of teaching certificate)/ 会士考试 會士考試 S - 0 huì shì kǎo shì f /agrégation (exam for teaching diploma in French universities)/ 会子 會子 S - 3 huì zi f /(coll.) a moment/a while/ 会宁 會寧 S - 53 Huì níng f /Huining county in Baiyin 白銀|白银[Bai2 yin2], Gansu/ 会宁县 會寧縣 S - 2 Huì níng xiàn f /Huining county in Baiyin 白銀|白银[Bai2 yin2], Gansu/ 会安 會安 S - 0 Huì ān f /Hoi An (in Vietnam)/ 会审 會審 S - 323 huì shěn f /joint hearing/to review jointly (i.e. with other checkers)/ 会客 會客 S - 24 huì kè f /to receive a visitor/ 会客室 會客室 S - 85 huì kè shì f /parlor/ 会展 會展 S - 190 huì zhǎn f /conferences and exhibitions, abbr. of 會議展覽|会议展览[hui4 yi4 zhan3 lan3]/ 会师 會師 S - 349 huì shī f /to collaborate/to join forces/to effect a junction/ 会幕 會幕 S - 0 huì mù f /tabernacle (biblical word for a meeting hall or tent)/ 会心 會心 S - 61 huì xīn f /knowing (of a smile, look etc)/ 会意 會意 S - 324 huì yì f /combined ideogram (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书[liu4 shu1] of forming Chinese characters)/Chinese character that combines the meanings of existing elements/also known as joint ideogram or associative compounds/to comprehend without being told explicitly/to cotton on/knowing (smile, glance etc)/ 会意字 會意字 S - 3 huì yì zì f /combined ideogram (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters)/Chinese character that combines the meanings of existing elements/also known as joint ideogram or associative compounds/ 会战 會戰 S - 502 huì zhàn f /decisive battle/(fig.) campaign/ 会所 會所 S - 39 huì suǒ f /office of an association/meeting place/clubhouse/club/ 会攻 會攻 S - 0 huì gōng f /to attack jointly/ 会昌 會昌 S - 34 Huì chāng f /Huichang county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi/ 会昌县 會昌縣 S - 5 Huì chāng xiàn f /Huichang county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi/ 会晤 會晤 S 4506 663 huì wù f /to meet/meeting/conference/ 会期 會期 S - 50 huì qī f /the duration of a conference/the period over which a conference (or expo etc) is held/session/the date of a meeting/ 会死 會死 S - 0 huì sǐ f /mortal/ 会泽 會澤 S - 9 Huì zé f /Huize county in Qujing 曲靖[Qu3 jing4], Yunnan/ 会泽县 會澤縣 S - 2 Huì zé xiàn f /Huize county in Qujing 曲靖[Qu3 jing4], Yunnan/ 会漏 會漏 S - 0 huì lòu f /leak/ 会理 會理 S - 22 Huì lǐ f /Huili county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州|凉山彝族自治州[Liang2 shan1 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ 会理县 會理縣 S - 2 Huì lǐ xiàn f /Huili county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州|凉山彝族自治州[Liang2 shan1 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ 会盟 會盟 S - 75 huì méng f /meetings conducted by rulers in feudal China for the purpose of formalizing alliances, finalizing treaties/ 会社 會社 S - 57 huì shè f /a guild/(in olden times) an association such as a political party, religious group or trade guild/the Japanese word for company/ 会籍 會籍 S - 3 huì jí f /membership (of a club etc)/ 会考 會考 S - 67 huì kǎo f /unified examination/ 会胸鹪莺 會胸鷦鶯 S - 0 huì xiōng jiāo yīng f /(bird species of China) grey-breasted prinia (Prinia hodgsonii)/ 会要 會要 S - 0 huì yào f /dynastic records of imperial China/ 会见 會見 S - 1940 huì jiàn f /to meet with (sb who is paying a visit)/CL:次[ci4]/ 会计 會計 S 2091 1473 kuài jì f /accountant/accountancy/accounting/ 会计准则理事会 會計準則理事會 S - 0 kuài jì zhǔn zé lǐ shì huì f /accounting standards council/ 会计制度 會計制度 S - 3 kuài jì zhì dù f /accounting system/ 会计学 會計學 S - 78 kuài jì xué f /accounting/accountancy/ 会计师 會計師 S - 567 kuài jì shī f /accountant/ 会计科目 會計科目 S - 3 kuài jì kē mù f /account/ 会议 會議 S 487 28363 huì yì f /meeting/conference/CL:場|场[chang3],屆|届[jie4]/ 会议厅 會議廳 S - 45 huì yì tīng f /conference hall/ 会议室 會議室 S - 594 huì yì shì f /meeting/conference room/ 会议展览 會議展覽 S - 3 huì yì zhǎn lǎn f /conferences and exhibitions/ 会诊 會診 S - 94 huì zhěn f /consultation (medical)/to meet for diagnosis/(by extension) consultation of different specialists/ 会试 會試 S - 476 huì shì f /metropolitan examination (imperial civil service examination)/ 会话 會話 S - 0 huì huà f /conversation/CL:個|个[ge4],次[ci4]/ 会谈 會談 S - 1699 huì tán f /talks/discussions/CL:次[ci4]/ 会费 會費 S - 60 huì fèi f /membership dues/ 会里县 會里縣 S - 0 Huì lǐ xiàn f /Huili county in Sichuan/ 会长 會長 S - 1625 huì zhǎng f /president of a club, committee etc/ 会长团 會長團 S - 0 huì zhǎng tuán f /presidency/ 会门 會門 S - 0 huì mén f /main entrance/secret society/ 会阴 會陰 S - 44 huì yīn f /perineum/ 会面 會面 S - 231 huì miàn f /to meet with/meeting/ 会馆 會館 S - 204 huì guǎn f /provincial or county guild hall/ 会首 會首 S - 19 huì shǒu f /head of a society/sponsor of an organization/ 伛 傴 S - 6 yǔ f /hunchbacked/ 伜 - 0 cuì f /variant of 倅[cui4]/ 伝 - 16 chuán f /Japanese variant of 傳|传/ 伝 - 16 yún t /to summon/to propagate/to transmit/ 伞 傘 S 580 1062 sǎn f /umbrella/parasol/CL:把[ba3]/ 伞 繖 S 580 1574 sǎn f /damask silk/variant of 傘|伞[san3]/ 伞下 傘下 S - 0 sǎn xià f /under the umbrella of/ 伞兵 傘兵 S - 298 sǎn bīng f /paratrooper/ 伞形 傘形 S - 45 sǎn xíng f /umbrella-shaped/ 伞形科 傘形科 S - 0 sǎn xíng kē f /Umbelliferae or Apiaceae, plant family containing carrot, coriander etc/ 伞菌 傘菌 S - 16 sǎn jùn f /agaric/ 伞降 傘降 S - 37 sǎn jiàng f /to parachute into/parachuting/ 伟 偉 S - 398 wěi f /big/large/great/ 伟业 偉業 S - 94 wěi yè f /exploit/great undertaking/ 伟丽 偉麗 S - 0 wěi lì f /magnificent/imposing and beautiful/ 伟举 偉舉 S - 0 wěi jǔ f /great feat/splendid achievement/ 伟人 偉人 S - 186 wěi rén f /great person/ 伟力 偉力 S - 8 wěi lì f /mighty force/ 伟哥 偉哥 S - 75 Wěi gē f /Viagra (male impotence drug)/ 伟器 偉器 S - 0 wěi qì f /great talent/ 伟士牌 偉士牌 S - 0 Wěi shì pái f /Vespa (scooter)/ 伟大 偉大 S 1356 4150 wěi dà f /huge/great/grand/worthy of the greatest admiration/important (contribution etc)/ 伟岸 偉岸 S - 27 wěi àn f /imposing/upright and tall/outstanding/gigantic in stature/ 伟晶岩 偉晶岩 S - 57 wěi jīng yán f /pegmatite/ 伟绩 偉績 S - 8 wěi jì f /great acts/ 伟观 偉觀 S - 0 wěi guān f /magnificent vista/a wonder/ 传 傳 S - 10664 chuán t /to pass on/to spread/to transmit/to infect/to transfer/to circulate/to conduct (electricity)/ 传 傳 S - 10664 zhuàn f /biography/historical narrative/commentaries/relay station/ 传三过四 傳三過四 S - 0 chuán sān guò sì f /to spread rumors/to gossip/ 传世 傳世 S - 547 chuán shì f /handed down from ancient times/family heirloom/ 传习 傳習 S - 46 chuán xí f /teaching and learning/to study and impart/ 传书鸽 傳書鴿 S - 3 chuán shū gē f /carrier pigeon (used for mail)/ 传人 傳人 S - 260 chuán rén f /to teach/to impart/a disciple/descendant/ 传代 傳代 S - 20 chuán dài f /to pass to the next generation/ 传令 傳令 S - 527 chuán lìng f /to transmit an order/ 传令兵 傳令兵 S - 6 chuán lìng bīng f /orderly/ 传入 傳入 S - 1139 chuán rù f /to import/transmitted inwards/afferent/ 传入神经 傳入神經 S - 25 chuán rù shén jīng f /afferent nerve (transmitting in to the brain)/afferent neuron/ 传写 傳寫 S - 0 chuán xiě f /to copy/to pass on a copy/ 传出 傳出 S - 970 chuán chū f /to transmit outwards/to disseminate/efferent (nerve)/ 传出神经 傳出神經 S - 27 chuán chū shén jīng f /efferent nerve (transmitting out from the brain)/efferent neuron/motor nerve/ 传动 傳動 S - 476 chuán dòng f /drive (transmission in an engine)/ 传动器 傳動器 S - 0 chuán dòng qì f /drive (engine)/ 传动带 傳動帶 S - 3 chuán dòng dài f /transmission belt/ 传动机构 傳動機構 S - 0 chuán dòng jī gòu f /transmission mechanism/ 传动比 傳動比 S - 12 chuán dòng bǐ f /transmission ratio/gear ratio/ 传动系统 傳動系統 S - 3 chuán dòng xì tǒng f /transmission system/power drive/ 传动装置 傳動裝置 S - 2 chuán dòng zhuāng zhì f /transmission (i.e. gears)/ 传动轴 傳動軸 S - 11 chuán dòng zhóu f /drive shaft/ 传单 傳單 S 3384 175 chuán dān f /leaflet/flier/pamphlet/ 传单广 傳單廣 S - 0 chuán dān guǎng f /advertising leaflet/circular/ 传发 傳發 S - 0 chuán fā f /to order sb to start on a journey/ 传名 傳名 S - 3 chuán míng f /spreading fame/ 传告 傳告 S - 3 chuán gào f /to convey (a message)/to inform/ 传呼 傳呼 S - 399 chuán hū f /to notify sb of a call/to call sb to the phone/ 传呼机 傳呼機 S - 5 chuán hū jī f /pager/beeper/ 传呼电话 傳呼電話 S - 3 chuán hū diàn huà f /to notify sb of a call/to call sb to the phone/ 传唤 傳喚 S - 98 chuán huàn f /a summons (to the police)/subpoena/ 传唱 傳唱 S - 65 chuán chàng f /(of a song) to pass from person to person/ 传回 傳回 S - 64 chuán huí f /to send back/ 传声 傳聲 S - 14 chuán shēng f /microphone/to use a microphone/ 传声器 傳聲器 S - 25 chuán shēng qì f /microphone/ 传声筒 傳聲筒 S - 18 chuán shēng tǒng f /loudhailer/megaphone/one who parrots sb/mouthpiece/ 传奇 傳奇 S - 924 chuán qí f /legendary/fantasy saga/romance/short stories of the Tang and Song Dynasty/ 传奇人物 傳奇人物 S - 3 chuán qí rén wù f /legendary person/legend (i.e. person)/ 传媒 傳媒 S - 1040 chuán méi f /media/ 传宗接代 傳宗接代 S - 35 chuán zōng jiē dài f /to carry on one's ancestral line/ 传家 傳家 S - 21 chuán jiā f /to pass on through the generations/ 传家宝 傳家寶 S - 15 chuán jiā bǎo f /family heirloom/ 传寄 傳寄 S - 0 chuán jì f /to send (message to sb)/to communicate/to forward (message)/ 传导 傳導 S - 298 chuán dǎo f /to conduct (heat, electricity etc)/ 传布 傳布 S - 102 chuán bù f /to spread/to hand down/to disseminate/ 传帮带 傳幫帶 S - 7 chuán bāng dài f /to pass on experience (to the next generation)/ 传开 傳開 S - 140 chuán kāi f /(of news) to spread/to get around/ 传心术 傳心術 S - 0 chuán xīn shù f /telepathy/ 传情 傳情 S - 24 chuán qíng f /to pass on amorous feelings/to send one's love to sb/ 传感 傳感 S - 30 chuán gǎn f /to pass on feelings/telepathy/sensing (engineering)/ 传感器 傳感器 S - 487 chuán gǎn qì f /sensor/transducer/ 传戒 傳戒 S - 3 chuán jiè f /to initiate novice (Buddhist monk)/ 传扬 傳揚 S - 79 chuán yáng f /to spread (by word of mouth)/ 传承 傳承 S - 225 chuán chéng f /to pass on (to future generations)/passed on (from former times)/a continued tradition/an inheritance/ 传抄 傳抄 S - 87 chuán chāo f /to circulate copies/to copy and pass on/ 传报 傳報 S - 3 chuán bào f /notification/memorial/ 传授 傳授 S 4241 859 chuán shòu f /to impart/to pass on/to teach/ 传播 傳播 S 1987 3877 chuán bō f /to disseminate/to propagate/to spread/ 传播四方 傳播四方 S - 0 chuán bō sì fāng f /to disseminate in every direction (idiom)/ 传教 傳教 S - 307 chuán jiào f /to preach/missionary/to evangelize/ 传教团 傳教團 S - 0 chuán jiào tuán f /a mission (group of missionaries)/ 传教士 傳教士 S - 334 chuán jiào shì f /missionary/ 传旨 傳旨 S - 3 chuán zhǐ f /issue a decree/ 传本 傳本 S - 3 chuán běn f /edition (of a book) currently in circulation/ 传来 傳來 S - 2337 chuán lái f /(of a sound) to come through/to be heard/(of news) to arrive/ 传染 傳染 S 2016 282 chuán rǎn f /to infect/contagious/ 传染性 傳染性 S - 167 chuán rǎn xìng f /infectious/epidemic/ 传染源 傳染源 S - 37 chuán rǎn yuán f /source of an infection/ 传染病 傳染病 S - 529 chuán rǎn bìng f /infectious disease/contagious disease/pestilence/ 传染病学 傳染病學 S - 0 chuán rǎn bìng xué f /epidemiology/ 传檄 傳檄 S - 0 chuán xí f /to circulate (a protest or call to arms)/to promulgate/ 传法 傳法 S - 0 chuán fǎ f /to pass on doctrines from master to disciple (Buddhism)/ 传流 傳流 S - 0 chuán liú f /to spread/to hand down/to circulate/ 传灯 傳燈 S - 2 chuán dēng f /to pass on the light of Buddha/ 传热 傳熱 S - 84 chuán rè f /heat transfer/heat transmission/ 传热学 傳熱學 S - 11 zhuàn rè xué f /theory of heat/heat transmission (physics)/ 传球 傳球 S - 343 chuán qiú f /pass (in soccer)/to feed (ball)/ 传略 傳略 S - 9 zhuàn lüè f /bibliographic sketch/ 传真 傳真 S 1125 451 chuán zhēn f /fax/facsimile/ 传真发送 傳真發送 S - 0 chuán zhēn fā sòng f /fax transmission/ 传真号码 傳真號碼 S - 3 chuán zhēn hào mǎ f /fax number/ 传真机 傳真機 S - 29 chuán zhēn jī f /fax machine/ 传真电报 傳真電報 S - 3 chuán zhēn diàn bào f /phototelegram/ 传神 傳神 S - 153 chuán shén f /vivid/lifelike/ 传票 傳票 S - 28 chuán piào f /summons/subpoena/voucher/ 传种 傳種 S - 10 chuán zhǒng f /to reproduce/to propagate/ 传粉 傳粉 S - 43 chuán fěn f /pollination/to pollinate/ 传经 傳經 S - 34 chuán jīng f /to pass on scripture/to teach Confucian doctrine/to pass on one's experience/ 传给 傳給 S - 494 chuán gei f /to pass on (to sb)/to send/to pass (e.g. in football)/to give directly (by hand)/to deliver/to hand over/to transfer/to relay/to transmit/to hand on (to the next generation)/ 传统 傳統 S 1525 11445 chuán tǒng f /tradition/traditional/convention/conventional/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 传统中国医药 傳統中國醫藥 S - 0 chuán tǒng zhōng guó yī yào f /Chinese traditional medicine/ 传统医药 傳統醫藥 S - 0 chuán tǒng yī yào f /Chinese traditional medicine/ 传统词类 傳統詞類 S - 0 chuán tǒng cí lèi f /traditional parts of speech (grammar)/ 传艺 傳藝 S - 18 chuán yì f /to impart skills/to pass on one's art/ 传见 傳見 S - 0 chuán jiàn f /to summon for an interview/ 传观 傳觀 S - 3 chuán guān f /to pass sth around (for others to look at)/ 传言 傳言 S - 349 chuán yán f /rumor/hearsay/ 传讯 傳訊 S - 83 chuán xùn f /to summon (a witness)/to subpoena/ 传记 傳記 S 4268 404 zhuàn jì f /biography/CL:篇[pian1],部[bu4]/ 传记性 傳記性 S - 0 zhuàn jì xìng f /bibliographic/ 传讲 傳講 S - 0 chuán jiǎng f /to preach/ 传译 傳譯 S - 174 chuán yì f /to translate/to interpret/ 传话 傳話 S - 144 chuán huà f /to pass on a story/to communicate a message/ 传话人 傳話人 S - 4 chuán huà rén f /messenger/communicator/relay/ 传语 傳語 S - 0 chuán yǔ f /to pass on (information)/ 传说 傳說 S 1702 3372 chuán shuō f /legend/folklore/tradition/it is said/they say that.../ 传诵 傳誦 S - 112 chuán sòng f /widely known/on everyone's lips/ 传质 傳質 S - 26 chuán zhì f /mass transfer/ 传赞 傳贊 S - 3 zhuàn zàn f /postscript to bibliography/ 传输 傳輸 S - 857 chuán shū f /to transmit/transmission/ 传输协定 傳輸協定 S - 0 chuán shū xié dìng f /transfer protocol/transportation protocol/ 传输媒体 傳輸媒體 S - 3 chuán shū méi tǐ f /transmission medium/ 传输媒界 傳輸媒界 S - 0 chuán shū méi jiè f /transport method/ 传输媒质 傳輸媒質 S - 0 chuán shū méi zhì f /transmission medium/ 传输层 傳輸層 S - 3 chuán shū céng f /transport layer/ 传输技术 傳輸技術 S - 2 chuán shū jì shù f /transmission technology/ 传输控制 傳輸控制 S - 0 chuán shū kòng zhì f /transmission control/ 传输控制协定 傳輸控制協定 S - 0 chuán shū kòng zhì xié dìng f /transmission control protocol/TCP/ 传输服务 傳輸服務 S - 2 chuán shū fú wù f /transport service/ 传输模式 傳輸模式 S - 0 chuán shū mó shì f /transfer mode/transmission method/ 传输率 傳輸率 S - 14 chuán shū lǜ f /transmission rate/ 传输线 傳輸線 S - 28 chuán shū xiàn f /transmission line/ 传输设备 傳輸設備 S - 0 chuán shū shè bèi f /transmission facility/transmission equipment/ 传输距离 傳輸距離 S - 0 chuán shū jù lí f /transmission distance/ 传输通道 傳輸通道 S - 0 chuán shū tōng dào f /transport channel/ 传输速率 傳輸速率 S - 16 chuán shū sù lǜ f /transmission rate/transmission speed/ 传达 傳達 S 3166 763 chuán dá f /to pass on/to convey/to relay/to transmit/transmission/ 传达员 傳達員 S - 18 chuán dá yuán f /usher/receptionist/ 传达室 傳達室 S - 29 chuán dá shì f /reception office/janitor's office/ 传述 傳述 S - 3 chuán shù f /to relay/to retell/ 传送 傳送 S - 670 chuán sòng f /to convey/to deliver/ 传送带 傳送帶 S - 44 chuán sòng dài f /conveyor belt/transmission belt/ 传送服务 傳送服務 S - 0 chuán sòng fú wù f /delivery service/ 传递 傳遞 S - 1719 chuán dì f /to transmit/to pass on to sb else/(math.) transitive/ 传递者 傳遞者 S - 0 chuán dì zhě f /messenger/transmitter (of information)/ 传遍 傳遍 S - 220 chuán biàn f /to spread widely/ 传道 傳道 S - 45 chuán dào f /to lecture on doctrine/to expound the wisdom of ancient sages/to preach/a sermon/ 传道书 傳道書 S - 0 Chuán dào Shū f /Ecclesiastes (biblical book of sermons)/ 传道受业 傳道受業 S - 3 chuán dào shòu yè f /to teach (idiom); lit. to give moral and practical instruction/ 传道者 傳道者 S - 0 chuán dào zhě f /missionary/preacher/ 传道部 傳道部 S - 0 chuán dào bù f /mission/ 传销 傳銷 S - 425 chuán xiāo f /multi-level marketing/ 传闻 傳聞 S - 506 chuán wén f /rumor/ 传闻证据 傳聞證據 S - 0 chuán wén zhèng jù f /hearsay (law)/ 传阅 傳閱 S - 42 chuán yuè f /to read and pass on/to pass on for perusal/ 传颂 傳頌 S - 32 chuán sòng f /to eulogize/to pass on praise/ 伢 - 13 yá f /(dialect) child/ 伢子 - 7 yá zi f /(dialect) child/ 伢崽 - 0 yá zǎi f /(dialect) child/ 伣 俔 S - 301 qiàn f /(old) like/as/ 伤 傷 S - 7363 shāng f /to injure/injury/wound/ 伤不起 傷不起 S - 0 shāng bù qǐ f /(slang) it's just the pits!/so unfair!/unbearable/ 伤亡 傷亡 S - 1047 shāng wáng f /casualties/injuries and deaths/ 伤人 傷人 S - 454 shāng rén f /to injure sb/ 伤俘 傷俘 S - 50 shāng fú f /wounded and captured/ 伤别 傷別 S - 0 shāng bié f /sorrowful farewell/sad goodbye/ 伤势 傷勢 S - 632 shāng shì f /condition of an injury/ 伤及无辜 傷及無辜 S - 0 shāng jí wú gū f /to harm the innocent (idiom)/ 伤口 傷口 S - 1528 shāng kǒu f /wound/cut/ 伤号 傷號 S - 20 shāng hào f /casualties/wounded soldiers/ 伤员 傷員 S - 428 shāng yuán f /wounded person/ 伤和气 傷和氣 S - 0 shāng hé qi f /to damage a good relationship/to hurt sb's feelings/ 伤天害理 傷天害理 S - 89 shāng tiān hài lǐ f /to offend Heaven and reason (idiom); bloody atrocities that cry to heaven/outrageous acts/ 伤害 傷害 S 1232 1797 shāng hài f /to injure/to harm/ 伤寒 傷寒 S - 232 shāng hán f /typhoid/ 伤寒沙门氏菌 傷寒沙門氏菌 S - 0 shāng hán shā mén shì jūn f /salmonella typhimurium/ 伤寒症 傷寒症 S - 0 shāng hán zhèng f /typhoid/ 伤弓之鸟 傷弓之鳥 S - 3 shāng gōng zhī niǎo f /lit. bird wounded by an arrow (idiom); fig. wounded or damaged person/ 伤心 傷心 S 887 1388 shāng xīn f /to grieve/to be broken-hearted/to feel deeply hurt/ 伤心惨目 傷心慘目 S - 3 shāng xīn cǎn mù f /(idiom) too appalling to look at/ 伤心致死 傷心致死 S - 0 shāng xīn zhì sǐ f /to grieve to death/to die of a broken-heart/ 伤心蒿目 傷心蒿目 S - 3 shāng xīn hāo mù f /to grieve/broken-hearted/ 伤怀 傷懷 S - 26 shāng huái f /grieved/full of sorrow/ 伤患 傷患 S - 3 shāng huàn f /injured person/ 伤悲 傷悲 S - 36 shāng bēi f /sad/sorrowful (literary)/ 伤悼 傷悼 S - 3 shāng dào f /to grieve for deceased relative/to mourn/ 伤感 傷感 S - 415 shāng gǎn f /sad/emotional/sentimental/pathos/ 伤残 傷殘 S - 155 shāng cán f /disabled/maimed/crippled/(of objects) damaged/ 伤残人员 傷殘人員 S - 4 shāng cán rén yuán f /the injured/wounded personnel/ 伤疤 傷疤 S - 174 shāng bā f /scar/fig. remnant of former damage/remaining trauma/CL:道[dao4]/ 伤病员 傷病員 S - 38 shāng bìng yuán f /the sick and the wounded/ 伤痕 傷痕 S - 355 shāng hén f /scar/bruise/ 伤痕累累 傷痕累累 S - 45 shāng hén lěi lěi f /bruised/riddled with scars/ 伤痛 傷痛 S - 240 shāng tòng f /pain (from wound)/sorrow/ 伤筋动骨 傷筋動骨 S - 27 shāng jīn dòng gǔ f /to suffer serious injury (idiom)/ 伤筋断骨 傷筋斷骨 S - 0 shāng jīn duàn gǔ f /to suffer serious injury (idiom)/ 伤者 傷者 S - 179 shāng zhě f /casualty/victim (of an accident)/wounded person/ 伤耗 傷耗 S - 3 shāng hào f /damage (e.g. to goods in transit)/ 伤脑筋 傷腦筋 S 4530 38 shāng nǎo jīn f /to be a real headache/to find sth a real headache/to beat one's brains/ 伤透 傷透 S - 3 shāng tòu f /to break (sb's heart)/to cause grief to/ 伤风 傷風 S - 61 shāng fēng f /to catch cold/ 伤风败俗 傷風敗俗 S - 27 shāng fēng bài sú f /offending public morals (idiom)/ 伥 倀 S - 6 chāng f /ghost of sb devoured by a tiger who helps the tiger devour others/ 伥鬼 倀鬼 S - 2 chāng guǐ f /ghost of sb devoured by a tiger who helps the tiger devour others/ 伦 倫 S - 970 lún f /human relationship/order/coherence/ 伦巴 倫巴 S - 54 lún bā f /rumba (loanword)/ 伦常 倫常 S - 71 lún cháng f /proper human relationships/ 伦敦 倫敦 S - 2255 Lún dūn f /London, capital of United Kingdom/ 伦敦国际金融期货交易所 倫敦國際金融期貨交易所 S - 0 Lún dūn Guó jì Jīn róng Qī huò Jiāo yì suǒ f /London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE)/ 伦敦大学亚非学院 倫敦大學亞非學院 S - 0 Lún dūn Dà xué Yà Fēi Xué yuàn f /London University School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)/ 伦敦大学学院 倫敦大學學院 S - 0 Lún dūn Dà xué Xué yuàn f /University College, London/ 伦敦证券交易所 倫敦證券交易所 S - 4 Lún dūn Zhèng quàn Jiāo yì suǒ f /London Stock Exchange (LSE)/ 伦理 倫理 S - 596 lún lǐ f /ethics/ 伦理学 倫理學 S - 255 lún lǐ xué f /ethics/ 伦琴 倫琴 S - 61 lún qín f /Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen or Roentgen (1845-1923)/ 伦琴射线 倫琴射線 S - 23 lún qín shè xiàn f /X-ray/Röntgen or Roentgen ray/ 伧 傖 S - 21 cāng f /low fellow/rustic/rude/rough/ 伩 - 27 xìn f /variant of 信[xin4] (originally meant as part of the second round of simplified Chinese characters)/ 伪 偽 S - 923 wěi f /false/fake/forged/bogus/Taiwan pr. [wei4]/ 伪 僞 S - 923 wěi f /variant of 偽|伪[wei3]/ 伪书 偽書 S - 67 wěi shū f /forged book/book of dubious authenticity/misattributed book/Apocrypha/ 伪代码 偽代碼 S - 0 wěi dài mǎ f /pseudocode/ 伪军 偽軍 S - 458 wěi jūn f /puppet army/ 伪劣 偽劣 S - 42 wěi liè f /inferior/false/ 伪君子 偽君子 S - 75 wěi jūn zǐ f /hypocrite/ 伪善 偽善 S - 62 wěi shàn f /hypocritical/ 伪善者 偽善者 S - 3 wěi shàn zhě f /hypocrite/ 伪基百科 偽基百科 S - 0 Wěi jī bǎi kē f /Uncyclopedia (satirical website parodying Wikipedia)/ 伪币 偽幣 S - 2 wěi bì f /counterfeit currency/ 伪托 偽托 S - 14 wěi tuō f /faking a modern object as an ancient one/ 伪朝 偽朝 S - 0 wěi cháo f /bogus dynasty/pretender/ 伪科学 偽科學 S - 21 wěi kē xué f /pseudoscience/ 伪经 偽經 S - 3 wěi jīng f /forged scriptures/bogus classic/pseudepigrapha/apocrypha/ 伪装 偽裝 S - 483 wěi zhuāng f /to pretend to be (asleep etc)/to disguise oneself as/pretense/disguise/(military) to camouflage/camouflage/ 伪证 偽證 S - 71 wěi zhèng f /perjury/ 伪迹 偽迹 S - 0 wěi jì f /artifact (artificial feature)/ 伪造 偽造 S 2910 332 wěi zào f /to forge/to fake/to counterfeit/ 伪造品 偽造品 S - 3 wěi zào pǐn f /counterfeit object/forgery/fake/ 伪造者 偽造者 S - 3 wěi zào zhě f /forger/ 伪钞 偽鈔 S - 33 wěi chāo f /counterfeit currency/ 伪顶 偽頂 S - 0 wěi dǐng f /false roof/ 伪饰 偽飾 S - 5 wěi shì f /faked decoration/ 伫 佇 S - 21 zhù f /to stand for a long time/to wait/to look forward to/to accumulate/ 伫 竚 S - 21 zhù f /variant of 佇|伫[zhu4]/to stand for a long time/ 伫列 佇列 S - 3 zhù liè f /queue (computing)/ 伫立 佇立 S - 133 zhù lì f /to stand for a long time/ 伯 - 1600 bà f /variant of 霸[ba4]/ 伯 - 1600 bǎi f /one hundred (old)/ 伯 - 1600 bó t /father's elder brother/senior/paternal elder uncle/eldest of brothers/respectful form of address/Count, third of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]/ 伯乐 伯樂 S - 52 Bó Lè f /Bo Le (horse connoisseur during Spring and Autumn Period)/a good judge of talent/talent scout/ 伯仲之間 伯仲之间 T - 48 bó zhòng zhī jiān f /almost on a par/ 伯仲之间 伯仲之間 S - 48 bó zhòng zhī jiān f /almost on a par/ 伯仲叔季 - 3 bó zhòng shū jì f /eldest/second/third and youngest of brothers/order of seniority among brothers/ 伯伯 - 948 bó bo f /father's elder brother/uncle/ 伯傑 伯杰 T - 3 Bó jié f /(name) Berger/Samuel Berger, former US National Security Advisor under President Carter/ 伯克利 - 37 Bó kè lì f /Berkeley/ 伯利兹 伯利茲 S - 76 Bó lì zī f /Belize/ 伯利恆 伯利恒 T - 19 Bó lì héng f /Bethlehem (in the biblical nativity story)/ 伯利恒 伯利恆 S - 19 Bó lì héng f /Bethlehem (in the biblical nativity story)/ 伯利茲 伯利兹 T - 76 Bó lì zī f /Belize/ 伯劳 伯勞 S - 3 bó láo f /shrike/ 伯劳鸟 伯勞鳥 S - 3 bó láo niǎo f /shrike (family Laniidae)/ 伯勞 伯劳 T - 3 bó láo f /shrike/ 伯勞鳥 伯劳鸟 T - 3 bó láo niǎo f /shrike (family Laniidae)/ 伯南克 - 6 Bó nán kè f /Bernanke (name)/Ben Shalom Bernanke (1953-), US economist, Chairman of Fed from 2006/ 伯叔 - 11 bó shū f /father's brother (uncle)/husband's brother (brother-in-law)/ 伯叔祖母 - 0 bó shū zǔ mǔ f /father's father's brother's wife/great aunt/ 伯叔祖父 - 0 bó shū zǔ fù f /father's father's brother/great uncle/ 伯多祿 伯多禄 T - 0 Bó duō lù f /Peter (Catholic transliteration)/ 伯多禄 伯多祿 S - 0 Bó duō lù f /Peter (Catholic transliteration)/ 伯尔尼 伯爾尼 S - 86 Bó ěr ní f /Bern, capital of Switzerland/ 伯恩 - 9 Bó ēn f /Bern or Berne, capital of Switzerland (Tw)/ 伯恩斯 - 14 Bó ēn sī f /Burns (name)/Nicholas Burns (1956-), US diplomat, Under-secretary at US State Department from 2005/ 伯恩茅斯 - 0 Bó ēn máo sī f /Bournemouth, UK/ 伯拉第斯拉瓦 - 0 Bó lā dì sī lā wǎ f /Bratislava, capital of Slovakia/ 伯明翰 - 136 Bó míng hàn f /Birmingham/ 伯杰 伯傑 S - 3 Bó jié f /(name) Berger/Samuel Berger, former US National Security Advisor under President Carter/ 伯樂 伯乐 T - 52 Bó Lè f /Bo Le (horse connoisseur during Spring and Autumn Period)/a good judge of talent/talent scout/ 伯母 4418 330 bó mǔ f /wife of father's elder brother/aunt/(polite form of address for a woman who is about the age of one's mother)/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 伯爵 - 387 bó jué f /earl/count/earldom or countship (old)/ 伯父 - 379 bó fù f /father's elder brother/term of respect for older man/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 伯爾尼 伯尔尼 T - 86 Bó ěr ní f /Bern, capital of Switzerland/ 伯特兰 伯特蘭 S - 0 Bó tè lán f /Bertrand (name)/ 伯特兰德 伯特蘭德 S - 0 Bó tè lán dé f /Bertrand (name)/ 伯特蘭 伯特兰 T - 0 Bó tè lán f /Bertrand (name)/ 伯特蘭德 伯特兰德 T - 0 Bó tè lán dé f /Bertrand (name)/ 伯納斯·李 伯纳斯·李 T - 0 Bó nà sī · Lǐ f /Sir Tim Berners-Lee (1955-), British computer scientist and co-creator of the World Wide Web/ 伯纳斯·李 伯納斯·李 S - 0 Bó nà sī · Lǐ f /Sir Tim Berners-Lee (1955-), British computer scientist and co-creator of the World Wide Web/ 伯罗奔尼撒 伯羅奔尼撒 S - 162 Bó luó bēn ní sā f /Peloponnese (peninsula in southern Greece)/ 伯羅奔尼撒 伯罗奔尼撒 T - 162 Bó luó bēn ní sā f /Peloponnese (peninsula in southern Greece)/ 伯莎 - 2 Bó shā f /Bertha (name)/ 伯賽大 伯赛大 T - 0 Bó sài dà f /Bethsaida (city)/ 伯赛大 伯賽大 S - 0 Bó sài dà f /Bethsaida (city)/ 伯都 - 0 bó dū f /tiger (ancient, dialect)/ 伯里克利 - 0 Bó lǐ kè lì f /Pericles (c. 495-429 BC), Athenian strategist and politician before and at the start of the Peloponnesian war/ 伯顏 伯颜 T - 104 Bà yán f /Bayan (name)/Bayan of the Baarin (1236-1295), Mongol Yuan general under Khubilai Khan, victorious over the Southern Song 1235-1239/Bayan of the Merkid (-1340), Yuan dynasty general and politician/ 伯颜 伯顏 S - 104 Bà yán f /Bayan (name)/Bayan of the Baarin (1236-1295), Mongol Yuan general under Khubilai Khan, victorious over the Southern Song 1235-1239/Bayan of the Merkid (-1340), Yuan dynasty general and politician/ 估 - 380 gū t /estimate/ 估 - 380 gù f /old/second-hand (clothes)/ 估产 估產 S - 4 gū chǎn f /to assess/to estimate (value of property, yield of harvest etc)/ 估价 估價 S - 316 gū jià f /to value/to appraise/to be valued at/estimate/valuation/ 估值 - 177 gū zhí f /valuation/estimation/ 估價 估价 T - 316 gū jià f /to value/to appraise/to be valued at/estimate/valuation/ 估堆儿 估堆兒 S - 3 gū duī r f /to assess an entire lot/ 估堆兒 估堆儿 T - 3 gū duī r f /to assess an entire lot/ 估定 - 0 gū dìng f /to assess/to estimate the value/ 估摸 - 118 gū mo f /to reckon/to guess/ 估测 估測 S - 12 gū cè f /estimate/ 估測 估测 T - 12 gū cè f /estimate/ 估產 估产 T - 4 gū chǎn f /to assess/to estimate (value of property, yield of harvest etc)/ 估算 - 293 gū suàn f /assessment/evaluation/ 估衣 - 7 gù yī f /second hand clothes/ 估計 估计 T 878 3893 gū jì f /to estimate/to reckon/CL:個|个[ge4]/(coll.) to suppose/ 估计 估計 S 878 3893 gū jì f /to estimate/to reckon/CL:個|个[ge4]/(coll.) to suppose/ 估量 - 194 gū liang f /to estimate/to assess/ 伱 - 4 nǐ f /archaic variant of 你[ni3]/you/ 伲 - 60 nǐ f /variant of 你[ni3]/ 伲 - 60 nì t /(dialect) I/my/we/our/ 伴 - 1567 bàn f /partner/companion/comrade/associate/to accompany/ 伴侣 伴侶 S 2985 282 bàn lǚ f /companion/mate/partner/ 伴侣号 伴侶號 S - 0 Bàn lǚ Hào f /HMS Consort, Royal Navy destroyer involved in 1949 Amethyst incident on Changjiang/ 伴侶 伴侣 T 2985 282 bàn lǚ f /companion/mate/partner/ 伴侶號 伴侣号 T - 0 Bàn lǚ Hào f /HMS Consort, Royal Navy destroyer involved in 1949 Amethyst incident on Changjiang/ 伴同 - 22 bàn tóng f /to accompany/ 伴君如伴虎 - 0 bàn jūn rú bàn hǔ f /accompanying one's sovereign can be like accompanying a tiger (idiom)/ 伴唱 - 32 bàn chàng f /vocal accompaniment/to accompany a singer/to support of sb/to echo sb/to chime in with sb/ 伴奏 - 369 bàn zòu f /to accompany (musically)/ 伴娘 - 48 bàn niáng f /bridesmaid/maid of honor/matron of honor/ 伴星 - 39 bàn xīng f /companion (star)/ 伴有 - 493 bàn yǒu f /to be accompanied by/ 伴热 伴熱 S - 0 bàn rè f /steam or heat tracing/ 伴熱 伴热 T - 0 bàn rè f /steam or heat tracing/ 伴生气 伴生氣 S - 3 bàn shēng qì f /associated gas/ 伴生氣 伴生气 T - 3 bàn shēng qì f /associated gas/ 伴矩阵 伴矩陣 S - 0 bàn jǔ zhèn f /adjoint matrix (math.)/ 伴矩陣 伴矩阵 T - 0 bàn jǔ zhèn f /adjoint matrix (math.)/ 伴舞 - 22 bàn wǔ f /to be a dancing partner to sb/to perform as a backup dancer/taxi dancer (hired dancing partner)/escort/ 伴郎 - 11 bàn láng f /best man/ 伴随 伴隨 S 3445 1018 bàn suí f /to accompany/to follow/to occur together with/concomitant/ 伴随效应 伴隨效應 S - 0 bàn suí xiào yìng f /contingent effects/ 伴隨 伴随 T 3445 1018 bàn suí f /to accompany/to follow/to occur together with/concomitant/ 伴隨效應 伴随效应 T - 0 bàn suí xiào yìng f /contingent effects/ 伶 - 248 líng f /clever/(old) actor/actress/ 伶人 - 3 líng rén f /actor/actress/ 伶仃 - 31 líng dīng f /alone and helpless/also written 零丁/ 伶俐 4639 178 líng lì f /clever/witty/intelligent/ 伶俜 - 0 líng pīng f /lonely/solitary/ 伶悧 - 0 líng lì f /variant of 伶俐, clever/witty/intelligent/ 伶牙俐齒 伶牙俐齿 T - 27 líng yá lì chǐ f /clever and eloquent (idiom); fluent/having the gift of the gab/ 伶牙俐齿 伶牙俐齒 S - 27 líng yá lì chǐ f /clever and eloquent (idiom); fluent/having the gift of the gab/ 伶盗龙 伶盜龍 S - 0 líng dào lóng f /velociraptor (dinosaur)/ 伶盜龍 伶盗龙 T - 0 líng dào lóng f /velociraptor (dinosaur)/ 伶鼬 - 0 líng yòu f /weasel/Mustela nivalis (zoology)/ 伸 1704 3417 shēn f /to stretch/to extend/ 伸冤 - 66 shēn yuān f /to right wrongs/to redress an injustice/ 伸出 - 2392 shēn chū f /to extend/ 伸展 - 565 shēn zhǎn f /stretching/extension/ 伸展台 伸展臺 S - 3 shēn zhǎn tái f /runway (for a fashion show etc)/catwalk/ 伸展臺 伸展台 T - 3 shēn zhǎn tái f /runway (for a fashion show etc)/catwalk/ 伸延 - 21 shēn yán f /see 延伸[yan2 shen1]/ 伸开 伸開 S - 83 shēn kāi f /to stretch out/ 伸张 伸張 S - 36 shēn zhāng f /to uphold (e.g. justice or virtue)/to promote/ 伸張 伸张 T - 36 shēn zhāng f /to uphold (e.g. justice or virtue)/to promote/ 伸懒腰 伸懶腰 S - 17 shēn lǎn yāo f /to stretch oneself (on waking or when tired etc)/ 伸懶腰 伸懒腰 T - 17 shēn lǎn yāo f /to stretch oneself (on waking or when tired etc)/ 伸手 - 4337 shēn shǒu f /to reach out with one's hand/to hold out a hand/(fig.) to beg/to get involved/to meddle/ 伸手不見五指 伸手不见五指 T - 65 shēn shǒu bù jiàn wǔ zhǐ f /pitch-dark (idiom)/ 伸手不见五指 伸手不見五指 S - 65 shēn shǒu bù jiàn wǔ zhǐ f /pitch-dark (idiom)/ 伸港 - 3 Shēn gǎng f /Shenkang township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 伸港乡 伸港鄉 S - 0 Shēn gǎng xiāng f /Shenkang township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 伸港鄉 伸港乡 T - 0 Shēn gǎng xiāng f /Shenkang township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 伸縮 伸缩 T - 379 shēn suō f /to lengthen and shorten/flexible/adjustable/retractable/extensible/telescoping (collapsible)/ 伸縮喇叭 伸缩喇叭 T - 0 shēn suō lǎ ba f /trombone/ 伸縮性 伸缩性 T - 31 shēn suō xìng f /flexibility/ 伸缩 伸縮 S - 379 shēn suō f /to lengthen and shorten/flexible/adjustable/retractable/extensible/telescoping (collapsible)/ 伸缩喇叭 伸縮喇叭 S - 0 shēn suō lǎ ba f /trombone/ 伸缩性 伸縮性 S - 31 shēn suō xìng f /flexibility/ 伸長 伸长 T - 218 shēn cháng f /to stretch/to extend/ 伸长 伸長 S - 218 shēn cháng f /to stretch/to extend/ 伸開 伸开 T - 83 shēn kāi f /to stretch out/ 伸雪 - 0 shēn xuě f /variant of 申雪[shen1 xue3]/ 伹 - 2 qū f /clumsy and dumb/slow-witted/ 伺 - 183 cì t /to wait on/ 伺 - 183 sì f /to watch/to wait/to examine/to spy/ 伺候 3773 603 cì hòu f /to serve/to wait upon/ 伺服 - 80 sì fú f /servo (small electric motor)/computer server/ 伺服器 - 3 sì fú qì f /server (computer) (Tw)/ 伺机 伺機 S - 162 sì jī f /to wait for an opportunity/to watch for one's chance/ 伺機 伺机 T - 162 sì jī f /to wait for an opportunity/to watch for one's chance/ 伺隙 - 3 sì xì f /to wait for the opportunity/ 伻 - 3 bēng f /to cause/ 似 - 7763 shì t /see 似的[shi4 de5]/ 似 - 7763 sì f /to seem/to appear/to resemble/similar/-like/pseudo-/(more) than/ 似 佀 S - 7763 sì f /old variant of 似[si4]/ 似乎 1306 9544 sì hū f /apparently/to seem/to appear/as if/seemingly/ 似懂非懂 - 61 sì dǒng fēi dǒng f /to not really understand/to half-understand/ 似是而非 - 90 sì shì ér fēi f /apparently right but actually wrong; specious (idiom)/ 似曾相識 似曾相识 T - 77 sì céng xiāng shí f /déjà vu (the experience of seeing exactly the same situation a second time)/seemingly familiar/apparently already acquainted/ 似曾相识 似曾相識 S - 77 sì céng xiāng shí f /déjà vu (the experience of seeing exactly the same situation a second time)/seemingly familiar/apparently already acquainted/ 似核 - 0 sì hé f /nucleoid (of prokaryotic cell)/ 似水年华 似水年華 S - 0 sì shuǐ nián huá f /fleeting years (idiom)/ 似水年華 似水年华 T - 0 sì shuǐ nián huá f /fleeting years (idiom)/ 似的 1429 4637 shì de f /seems as if/rather like/Taiwan pr. [si4 de5]/ 似笑非笑 - 110 sì xiào fēi xiào f /like a smile yet not a smile (idiom)/ 似雪 - 0 sì xuě f /snowy/ 似鳥恐龍 似鸟恐龙 T - 0 sì niǎo kǒng lóng f /ornithischian/bird-like dinosaur/ 似鸟恐龙 似鳥恐龍 S - 0 sì niǎo kǒng lóng f /ornithischian/bird-like dinosaur/ 伽 - 812 jiā f /traditionally used as phonetic for ga/also pr. [ga1]/ 伽倻 - 0 Jiā yē f /Kaya/a country or province to the South of Silla 新羅|新罗 in south Korea around 500 AD/ 伽倻琴 - 0 jiā yē qín f /gayageum/Korean 12-stringed zither/ 伽利略 - 209 Jiā lì lüè f /Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), Italian scientist/ 伽利略·伽利雷 - 0 Jiā lì lüè · Jiā lì léi f /Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), Italian scientist/ 伽利略探测器 伽利略探測器 S - 0 Jiā lì lüè tàn cè qì f /Galileo probe/ 伽利略探測器 伽利略探测器 T - 0 Jiā lì lüè tàn cè qì f /Galileo probe/ 伽师 伽師 S - 25 Jiā shī f /Peyzivat nahiyisi (Peyziwat county) in Kashgar prefecture 喀什地區|喀什地区[Ka1 shi2 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang/ 伽师县 伽師縣 S - 2 Jiā shī xiàn f /Peyzivat nahiyisi (Peyziwat county) in Kashgar prefecture 喀什地區|喀什地区[Ka1 shi2 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang/ 伽師 伽师 T - 25 Jiā shī f /Peyzivat nahiyisi (Peyziwat county) in Kashgar prefecture 喀什地區|喀什地区[Ka1 shi2 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang/ 伽師縣 伽师县 T - 2 Jiā shī xiàn f /Peyzivat nahiyisi (Peyziwat county) in Kashgar prefecture 喀什地區|喀什地区[Ka1 shi2 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang/ 伽玛射线 伽瑪射線 S - 0 jiā mǎ shè xiàn f /gamma ray (loanword)/ 伽瑪射線 伽玛射线 T - 0 jiā mǎ shè xiàn f /gamma ray (loanword)/ 伽罗华 伽羅華 S - 0 Jiā luó huà f /Évariste Galois (1811-1832), famous French mathematical prodigy and unsuccessful duelist/also written 伽羅瓦|伽罗瓦/ 伽罗华理论 伽羅華理論 S - 0 Jiā luó huà lǐ lùn f /Galois theory (math.)/also written 伽羅瓦理論|伽罗瓦理论/ 伽罗瓦 伽羅瓦 S - 0 Jiā luó wà f /Évariste Galois (1811-1832), famous French mathematical prodigy and unsuccessful duelist/ 伽罗瓦理论 伽羅瓦理論 S - 0 Jiā luó wǎ lǐ lùn f /Galois theory (math.)/ 伽羅瓦 伽罗瓦 T - 0 Jiā luó wà f /Évariste Galois (1811-1832), famous French mathematical prodigy and unsuccessful duelist/ 伽羅瓦理論 伽罗瓦理论 T - 0 Jiā luó wǎ lǐ lùn f /Galois theory (math.)/ 伽羅華 伽罗华 T - 0 Jiā luó huà f /Évariste Galois (1811-1832), famous French mathematical prodigy and unsuccessful duelist/also written 伽羅瓦|伽罗瓦/ 伽羅華理論 伽罗华理论 T - 0 Jiā luó huà lǐ lùn f /Galois theory (math.)/also written 伽羅瓦理論|伽罗瓦理论/ 伽馬 伽马 T - 57 gā mǎ f /gamma (Greek letter Γγ) (loanword)/ 伽馬射線 伽马射线 T - 2 gā mǎ shè xiàn f /gamma rays/ 伽馬輻射 伽马辐射 T - 0 jiā mǎ fú shè f /gamma radiation/ 伽马 伽馬 S - 57 gā mǎ f /gamma (Greek letter Γγ) (loanword)/ 伽马射线 伽馬射線 S - 2 gā mǎ shè xiàn f /gamma rays/ 伽马辐射 伽馬輻射 S - 0 jiā mǎ fú shè f /gamma radiation/ 伾 - 10 pī f /multitudinous/powerful/ 佀 似 T - 7763 sì f /old variant of 似[si4]/ 佃 - 392 diàn t /farmer/ 佃 - 392 tián f /to cultivate/to hunt/ 佃农 佃農 S - 169 diàn nóng f /tenant farmer/sharecropper/ 佃戶 佃户 T - 189 diàn hù f /tenant farmer/ 佃户 佃戶 S - 189 diàn hù f /tenant farmer/ 佃農 佃农 T - 169 diàn nóng f /tenant farmer/sharecropper/ 但 - 110709 dàn f /but/yet/however/only/merely/still/ 但丁 - 86 Dàn dīng f /Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), Italian poet, author of the Divine Comedy 神曲/ 但书 但書 S - 0 dàn shū f /proviso/qualifying clause/ 但以理书 但以理書 S - 0 Dàn yǐ lǐ shū f /Book of Daniel/ 但以理書 但以理书 T - 0 Dàn yǐ lǐ shū f /Book of Daniel/ 但凡 - 221 dàn fán f /every single/as long as/ 但尼生 - 0 Dàn ní shēng f /Tennyson (name)/Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron Tennyson (1809-1892), English poet/ 但愿 但願 S - 458 dàn yuàn f /if only (sth were possible)/I wish (that)/ 但愿如此 但願如此 S - 3 dàn yuàn rú cǐ f /if only it were so/I hope so (idiom)/ 但是 171 28055 dàn shì f /but/however/ 但書 但书 T - 0 dàn shū f /proviso/qualifying clause/ 但說無妨 但说无妨 T - 0 dàn shuō wú fáng f /there is no harm in saying what one thinks (idiom)/ 但说无妨 但說無妨 S - 0 dàn shuō wú fáng f /there is no harm in saying what one thinks (idiom)/ 但願 但愿 T - 458 dàn yuàn f /if only (sth were possible)/I wish (that)/ 但願如此 但愿如此 T - 3 dàn yuàn rú cǐ f /if only it were so/I hope so (idiom)/ 佇 伫 T - 21 zhù f /to stand for a long time/to wait/to look forward to/to accumulate/ 佇列 伫列 T - 3 zhù liè f /queue (computing)/ 佇立 伫立 T - 133 zhù lì f /to stand for a long time/ 佈 布 T 1471 4827 bù f /variant of 布[bu4]/to announce/to spread/ 佈伍 布伍 T - 0 bù wǔ f /to deploy troops/ 佈列塔尼 布列塔尼 T - 44 Bù liè tǎ ní f /Brittany or Bretagne, area of western France/ 佈告 布告 T 4897 117 bù gào f /posting on a bulletin board/notice/bulletin/to announce/ 佈告欄 布告栏 T - 4 bù gào lán f /bulletin board/ 佈囊其口 布囊其口 T - 0 bù náng qí kǒu f /lit. to cover sb's mouth with cloth/to gag/fig. to silence/ 佈局 布局 T 4426 2340 bù jú f /arrangement/composition/layout/opening (chess jargon)/ 佈景 布景 T - 115 bù jǐng f /(stage) set/ 佈爾喬亞 布尔乔亚 T - 9 bù ěr qiáo yà f /bourgeois (loanword)/also written 布爾喬亞|布尔乔亚/ 佈置 布置 T 3000 2292 bù zhì f /to put in order/to arrange/to decorate/to fix up/to deploy/ 佈萊特妮·墨菲 布莱特妮·墨菲 T - 0 Bù lái tè nī · Mò fēi f /Brittany Murphy (1977-2009), American actress/ 佈蘭森 布兰森 T - 4 Bù lán sēn f /Branson or Brandsen (name)/Sir Richard Branson (1950-), British millionaire and founder of Virgin/ 佈道 布道 T - 74 bù dào f /sermon/to sermonize/to preach/to evangelize/ 佈雷 布雷 T - 313 bù léi f /to lay mines/ 佈雷艦 布雷舰 T - 20 bù léi jiàn f /minelayer (ship)/ 佈雷頓森林 布雷顿森林 T - 0 Bù léi dùn sēn lín f /Bretton woods conference in 1944 of allied powers, regulating world exchange rates and setting up IMF and world bank/ 佉 - 17 Qū f /surname Qu/ 佉卢文 佉盧文 S - 0 Qū lú wén f /Kharosthi (ancient language of central Asia)/ 佉盧文 佉卢文 T - 0 Qū lú wén f /Kharosthi (ancient language of central Asia)/ 佌 - 0 cǐ f /petty/wretched/ 位 341 16243 wèi f /position/location/place/seat/classifier for people (honorific)/classifier for binary bits (e.g. 十六位 16-bit or 2 bytes)/ 位于 位於 S 1986 14654 wèi yú f /to be located at/to be situated at/to lie/ 位元 - 0 wèi yuán f /bit (computing)/ 位元組 位元组 T - 0 wèi yuán zǔ f /byte (computing)/ 位元组 位元組 S - 0 wèi yuán zǔ f /byte (computing)/ 位列 - 125 wèi liè f /to rank/ 位图 位圖 S - 3 wèi tú f /raster graphics/ 位圖 位图 T - 3 wèi tú f /raster graphics/ 位子 - 326 wèi zi f /place/seat/ 位居 - 1409 wèi jū f /to be located at/ 位形 - 0 wèi xíng f /configuration/ 位形空間 位形空间 T - 3 wèi xíng kōng jiān f /configuration space (math.)/ 位形空间 位形空間 S - 3 wèi xíng kōng jiān f /configuration space (math.)/ 位於 位于 T 1986 14654 wèi yú f /to be located at/to be situated at/to lie/ 位极人臣 位極人臣 S - 17 wèi jí rén chén f /to have reached the highest official positions/ 位極人臣 位极人臣 T - 17 wèi jí rén chén f /to have reached the highest official positions/ 位次 - 60 wèi cì f /place (in numbered sequence)/degree on employment scale/ 位移 - 246 wèi yí f /displacement (vector)/ 位置 1303 7886 wèi zhi f /position/place/seat/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 位置效应 位置效應 S - 0 wèi zhì xiào yìng f /position effect/ 位置效應 位置效应 T - 0 wèi zhì xiào yìng f /position effect/ 低 868 15504 dī f /low/beneath/to lower (one's head)/to let droop/to hang down/to incline/ 低三下四 - 59 dī sān xià sì f /servile/ 低下 - 1181 dī xià f /low status/lowly/to lower (one's head)/ 低丘 - 0 dī qiū f /hilly (geography)/ 低于 - 2100 dī yú f /to be lower than/ 低产 低產 S - 14 dī chǎn f /low yield/ 低价 低價 S - 436 dī jià f /low price/ 低估 - 287 dī gū f /to underestimate/to underrate/ 低低切切 - 0 dī dī qiè qiè f /in a low voice/whispered/ 低体温症 低體溫症 S - 0 dī tǐ wēn zhèng f /hypothermia/ 低俗 - 53 dī sú f /vulgar/poor taste/ 低俗之風 低俗之风 T - 0 dī sú zhī fēng f /vulgar style (used of items to be censored)/ 低俗之风 低俗之風 S - 0 dī sú zhī fēng f /vulgar style (used of items to be censored)/ 低俗化 - 0 dī sú huà f /vulgarization/ 低保 - 40 dī bǎo f /subsistence allowance/welfare (abbr. for 城市居民最低生活保障[cheng2 shi4 ju1 min2 zui4 di1 sheng1 huo2 bao3 zhang4])/ 低保真 - 3 dī bǎo zhēn f /low fidelity/lo-fi/ 低價 低价 T - 436 dī jià f /low price/ 低八度 - 0 dī bā dù f /an octave lower (music)/ 低分 - 139 dī fēn f /low marks/low score/ 低利 - 3 dī lì f /low interest/ 低利貸款 低利贷款 T - 0 dī lì dài kuǎn f /low interest loan/ 低利贷款 低利貸款 S - 0 dī lì dài kuǎn f /low interest loan/ 低剂量照射 低劑量照射 S - 0 dī jì liàng zhào shè f /low dose irradiation/ 低劑量照射 低剂量照射 T - 0 dī jì liàng zhào shè f /low dose irradiation/ 低劣 - 98 dī liè f /inferior quality/substandard/low-grade/ 低压 低壓 S - 202 dī yā f /low pressure/low voltage/ 低压带 低壓帶 S - 0 dī yā dài f /low-pressure zone/depression (meteorology)/ 低地 - 0 dī dì f /lowland/ 低地繡眼鳥 低地绣眼鸟 T - 0 dī dì xiù yǎn niǎo f /(bird species of China) lowland white-eye (Zosterops meyeni)/ 低地绣眼鸟 低地繡眼鳥 S - 0 dī dì xiù yǎn niǎo f /(bird species of China) lowland white-eye (Zosterops meyeni)/ 低地軌道 低地轨道 T - 0 dī dì guǐ dào f /see 近地軌道|近地轨道[jin4 di4 gui3 dao4]/ 低地轨道 低地軌道 S - 0 dī dì guǐ dào f /see 近地軌道|近地轨道[jin4 di4 gui3 dao4]/ 低垂 - 163 dī chuí f /to droop/to hang low/ 低壓 低压 T - 202 dī yā f /low pressure/low voltage/ 低壓帶 低压带 T - 0 dī yā dài f /low-pressure zone/depression (meteorology)/ 低声 低聲 S - 3202 dī shēng f /in a low voice/softly/ 低声细语 低聲細語 S - 6 dī shēng xì yǔ f /in a whisper/in a low voice (idiom)/ 低头 低頭 S - 1756 dī tóu f /to bow the head/to yield/to give in/ 低头族 低頭族 S - 0 dī tóu zú f /smartphone addicts/ 低头认罪 低頭認罪 S - 0 dī tóu rèn zuì f /to bow one's head in acknowledgment of guilt/to admit one's guilt/ 低尾气排放 低尾氣排放 S - 0 dī wěi qì pái fàng f /low emissions (from car exhaust)/ 低尾氣排放 低尾气排放 T - 0 dī wěi qì pái fàng f /low emissions (from car exhaust)/ 低层 低層 S - 75 dī céng f /low level/ 低層 低层 T - 75 dī céng f /low level/ 低帮 低幫 S - 0 dī bāng f /low-top (shoes)/ 低幫 低帮 T - 0 dī bāng f /low-top (shoes)/ 低廉 - 291 dī lián f /cheap/inexpensive/low/ 低微 - 212 dī wēi f /meager (wages)/humble (social status)/feeble (voice)/ 低息 - 33 dī xī f /low-interest/ 低成本 - 22 dī chéng běn f /low cost/inexpensive/ 低收入 - 126 dī shōu rù f /low income/ 低放射性废物 低放射性廢物 S - 0 dī fàng shè xìng fèi wù f /low level waste/ 低放射性廢物 低放射性废物 T - 0 dī fàng shè xìng fèi wù f /low level waste/ 低效 - 36 dī xiào f /inefficient/ineffective/ 低昂 - 0 dī áng f /ups and down/rise and fall/ 低栏 低欄 S - 2 dī lán f /low hurdles (track event)/ 低档 低檔 S - 55 dī dàng f /low-grade/of low worth or rank/poor quality/inferior/ 低檔 低档 T - 55 dī dàng f /low-grade/of low worth or rank/poor quality/inferior/ 低欄 低栏 T - 2 dī lán f /low hurdles (track event)/ 低气压 低氣壓 S - 3 dī qì yā f /low pressure/depression (meteorology)/ 低氣壓 低气压 T - 3 dī qì yā f /low pressure/depression (meteorology)/ 低沉 - 382 dī chén f /overcast/gloomy/downcast/deep and low (of sound)/muffled/ 低洼 低窪 S - 202 dī wā f /low-lying/ 低浓缩铀 低濃縮鈾 S - 0 dī nóng suō yóu f /low-enriched uranium/ 低温 低溫 S - 748 dī wēn f /low temperature/ 低溫 低温 T - 748 dī wēn f /low temperature/ 低潮 - 233 dī cháo f /low tide/low ebb/ 低濃縮鈾 低浓缩铀 T - 0 dī nóng suō yóu f /low-enriched uranium/ 低烧 低燒 S - 4 dī shāo f /a low fever (up to 38°C)/ 低热 低熱 S - 35 dī rè f /a low fever (up to 38°C)/ 低熱 低热 T - 35 dī rè f /a low fever (up to 38°C)/ 低燒 低烧 T - 4 dī shāo f /a low fever (up to 38°C)/ 低產 低产 T - 14 dī chǎn f /low yield/ 低眉順眼 低眉顺眼 T - 3 dī méi shùn yǎn f /docile/submissive/ 低眉顺眼 低眉順眼 S - 3 dī méi shùn yǎn f /docile/submissive/ 低矮 - 179 dī ǎi f /short/low/ 低空 - 369 dī kōng f /low altitude/ 低空跳伞 低空跳傘 S - 0 dī kōng tiào sǎn f /BASE Jumping/ 低空跳傘 低空跳伞 T - 0 dī kōng tiào sǎn f /BASE Jumping/ 低空飛過 低空飞过 T - 0 dī kōng fēi guò f /to just scrape through with a narrow pass (in an exam)/ 低空飞过 低空飛過 S - 0 dī kōng fēi guò f /to just scrape through with a narrow pass (in an exam)/ 低窪 低洼 T - 202 dī wā f /low-lying/ 低端 - 156 dī duān f /low-end/ 低等 - 95 dī děng f /inferior/ 低等动物 低等動物 S - 17 dī děng dòng wù f /lower animal/primitive life-form/ 低等動物 低等动物 T - 17 dī děng dòng wù f /lower animal/primitive life-form/ 低筋面粉 低筋麵粉 S - 0 dī jīn miàn fěn f /low gluten flour/cake flour/pastry flour/soft flour/ 低筋麵粉 低筋面粉 T - 0 dī jīn miàn fěn f /low gluten flour/cake flour/pastry flour/soft flour/ 低級 低级 T - 462 dī jí f /low level/rudimentary/vulgar/low/inferior/ 低級語言 低级语言 T - 3 dī jí yǔ yán f /low level (computer) language/ 低維 低维 T - 0 dī wéi f /low dimensional (math.)/ 低緩 低缓 T - 29 dī huǎn f /low and unhurried (voice etc)/low and gently sloping (terrain)/ 低级 低級 S - 462 dī jí f /low level/rudimentary/vulgar/low/inferior/ 低级语言 低級語言 S - 3 dī jí yǔ yán f /low level (computer) language/ 低维 低維 S - 0 dī wéi f /low dimensional (math.)/ 低缓 低緩 S - 29 dī huǎn f /low and unhurried (voice etc)/low and gently sloping (terrain)/ 低耗 - 9 dī hào f /low consumption (energy, fuel etc)/ 低聲 低声 T - 3202 dī shēng f /in a low voice/softly/ 低聲細語 低声细语 T - 6 dī shēng xì yǔ f /in a whisper/in a low voice (idiom)/ 低胸 - 3 dī xiōng f /low-cut (dress)/plunging (neckline)/ 低能 - 57 dī néng f /incapable/incompetent/stupid/mentally deficient/ 低能儿 低能兒 S - 10 dī néng ér f /retarded child/moron/idiot/ 低能兒 低能儿 T - 10 dī néng ér f /retarded child/moron/idiot/ 低脂 - 0 dī zhī f /low fat/ 低落 - 215 dī luò f /downcast/gloomy/to decline/ 低血压 低血壓 S - 41 dī xuè yā f /low blood pressure/ 低血壓 低血压 T - 41 dī xuè yā f /low blood pressure/ 低血糖 - 64 dī xuè táng f /hypoglycemia (medicine)/ 低語 低语 T - 42 dī yǔ f /mutter/ 低調 低调 T - 218 dī diào f /low pitch/quiet (voice)/subdued/low-key/low-profile/ 低语 低語 S - 42 dī yǔ f /mutter/ 低调 低調 S - 218 dī diào f /low pitch/quiet (voice)/subdued/low-key/low-profile/ 低谷 - 148 dī gǔ f /valley/trough (as opposed to peaks)/fig. low point/lowest ebb/nadir of one's fortunes/ 低費用 低费用 T - 0 dī fèi yòng f /low cost/ 低费用 低費用 S - 0 dī fèi yòng f /low cost/ 低迷 - 182 dī mí f /blurred (landscape etc)/low (spirits)/in a slump (economy)/ 低速层 低速層 S - 0 dī sù céng f /low velocity zone (seismology)/also called asthenosphere 軟流層|软流层[ruan3 liu2 ceng2]/ 低速層 低速层 T - 0 dī sù céng f /low velocity zone (seismology)/also called asthenosphere 軟流層|软流层[ruan3 liu2 ceng2]/ 低速挡 低速擋 S - 0 dī sù dǎng f /low gear/bottom gear/ 低速擋 低速挡 T - 0 dī sù dǎng f /low gear/bottom gear/ 低速率 - 0 dī sù lǜ f /low speed/ 低阶 低階 S - 3 dī jiē f /low level/ 低阶语言 低階語言 S - 3 dī jiē yǔ yán f /low level (computer) language/ 低陷 - 3 dī xiàn f /to sink/to settle/ 低階 低阶 T - 3 dī jiē f /low level/ 低階語言 低阶语言 T - 3 dī jiē yǔ yán f /low level (computer) language/ 低音 - 98 dī yīn f /bass/ 低音喇叭 - 0 dī yīn lǎ ba f /woofer/ 低音大号 低音大號 S - 0 dī yīn dà hào f /bass tuba/euphonium/ 低音大提琴 - 0 dī yīn dà tí qín f /double bass/contrabass/ 低音大號 低音大号 T - 0 dī yīn dà hào f /bass tuba/euphonium/ 低音提琴 - 12 dī yīn tí qín f /double bass/contrabass/ 低音炮 - 3 dī yīn pào f /subwoofer/ 低音管 - 3 dī yīn guǎn f /bassoon/also written 巴頌管|巴颂管 or 巴松管/ 低領口 低领口 T - 0 dī lǐng kǒu f /low-cut neckline/ 低頭 低头 T - 1756 dī tóu f /to bow the head/to yield/to give in/ 低頭族 低头族 T - 0 dī tóu zú f /smartphone addicts/ 低頭認罪 低头认罪 T - 0 dī tóu rèn zuì f /to bow one's head in acknowledgment of guilt/to admit one's guilt/ 低领口 低領口 S - 0 dī lǐng kǒu f /low-cut neckline/ 低首下心 - 2 dī shǒu xià xīn f /to be fawningly submissive (idiom)/ 低體溫症 低体温症 T - 0 dī tǐ wēn zhèng f /hypothermia/ 低齲齒性 低龋齿性 T - 0 dī qǔ chǐ xìng f /non-caries-inducing/ 低龋齿性 低齲齒性 S - 0 dī qǔ chǐ xìng f /non-caries-inducing/ 住 68 29609 zhù f /to live/to dwell/to stay/to reside/to stop/(suffix indicating firmness, steadiness, or coming to a halt)/ 住区 住區 S - 11 zhù qū f /living area/ 住區 住区 T - 11 zhù qū f /living area/ 住友 - 29 Zhù yǒu f /Sumitomo, Japanese company/ 住口 - 147 zhù kǒu f /shut up/shut your mouth/stop talking/ 住嘴 - 41 zhù zuǐ f /to hold one's tongue/Shut up!/ 住地 - 34 zhù dì f /living area/residential area/ 住址 - 127 zhù zhǐ f /address/ 住处 住處 S - 537 zhù chù f /residence/dwelling/dwelling place/ 住宅 3638 1194 zhù zhái f /residence/tenement/ 住宅区 住宅區 S - 141 zhù zhái qū f /residential area/housing development/ 住宅區 住宅区 T - 141 zhù zhái qū f /residential area/housing development/ 住宅楼 住宅樓 S - 23 zhù zhái lóu f /residential building/CL:幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4],棟|栋[dong4]/ 住宅樓 住宅楼 T - 23 zhù zhái lóu f /residential building/CL:幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4],棟|栋[dong4]/ 住宅泡沫 - 0 zhù zhái pào mò f /housing bubble/ 住客 - 24 zhù kè f /hotel guest/tenant/ 住家 - 43 zhù jiā f /residence/household/to reside/ 住宿 - 562 zhù sù f /to stay at/lodging/accommodation/ 住居 - 53 zhù jū f /to live/to reside/ 住建部 - 0 Zhù Jiàn bù f /Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the PRC (MOHURD)/abbr. for 住房和城鄉建設部|住房和城乡建设部[Zhu4 fang2 he2 Cheng2 xiang1 Jian4 she4 bu4]/ 住戶 住户 T - 192 zhù hù f /inhabitant/householder/ 住户 住戶 S - 192 zhù hù f /inhabitant/householder/ 住房 - 2242 zhù fáng f /housing/ 住房和城乡建设部 住房和城鄉建設部 S - 0 Zhù fáng hé Chéng xiāng Jiàn shè bù f /Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the PRC (MOHURD)/abbr. to 住建部[Zhu4 Jian4 bu4]/ 住房和城鄉建設部 住房和城乡建设部 T - 0 Zhù fáng hé Chéng xiāng Jiàn shè bù f /Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the PRC (MOHURD)/abbr. to 住建部[Zhu4 Jian4 bu4]/ 住所 - 285 zhù suǒ f /habitation/dwelling place/residence/CL:處|处[chu4]/ 住手 - 122 zhù shǒu f /to desist/to stop/to stay one's hand/ 住持 - 161 zhù chí f /to administer a monastery Buddhist or Daoist/abbot/head monk/ 住校 - 18 zhù xiào f /to board at school/ 住舍 - 0 zhù shè f /house/residence/ 住處 住处 T - 537 zhù chù f /residence/dwelling/dwelling place/ 住讀 住读 T - 3 zhù dú f /to attend boarding school/ 住读 住讀 S - 3 zhù dú f /to attend boarding school/ 住院 - 589 zhù yuàn f /to be in hospital/to be hospitalized/ 住院治疗 住院治療 S - 3 zhù yuàn zhì liáo f /to receive hospital treatment/to be hospitalized/ 住院治療 住院治疗 T - 3 zhù yuàn zhì liáo f /to receive hospital treatment/to be hospitalized/ 住院部 - 12 zhù yuàn bù f /inpatient department/ 佐 - 809 zuǒ f /to assist/assistant/aide/to accompany/ 佐世保 - 0 Zuǒ shì bǎo f /Sasebo, city and naval port in Nagasaki prefecture, Kyūshū, Japan/ 佐丹奴 - 3 Zuǒ dān nú f /Giordano (brand)/ 佐佐木 - 3 Zuǒ zuǒ mù f /Sasaki (Japanese surname)/ 佐料 - 65 zuǒ liào f /condiments/seasoning/ 佐格比国际 佐格比國際 S - 0 zuǒ gé bì guó jì f /Zogby International (polling company)/ 佐格比國際 佐格比国际 T - 0 zuǒ gé bì guó jì f /Zogby International (polling company)/ 佐治亚 佐治亞 S - 18 Zuǒ zhì yà f /Georgia, US state/ 佐治亚州 佐治亞州 S - 22 Zuǒ zhì yà zhōu f /Georgia, US state/ 佐治亞 佐治亚 T - 18 Zuǒ zhì yà f /Georgia, US state/ 佐治亞州 佐治亚州 T - 22 Zuǒ zhì yà zhōu f /Georgia, US state/ 佐科威 - 0 Zuǒ kē wēi f /Joko Widodo (1961-), Indonesian politician, president of Indonesia (2014-)/ 佐罗 佐羅 S - 3 Zuǒ luó f /Zorro/ 佐羅 佐罗 T - 3 Zuǒ luó f /Zorro/ 佐藤 - 28 Zuǒ téng f /Satō (Japanese surname)/ 佐證 佐证 T - 138 zuǒ zhèng f /evidence/proof/to confirm/corroboration/ 佐证 佐證 S - 138 zuǒ zhèng f /evidence/proof/to confirm/corroboration/ 佐貳 佐贰 T - 0 zuǒ èr f /deputy/junior/ 佐贰 佐貳 S - 0 zuǒ èr f /deputy/junior/ 佐酒 - 7 zuǒ jiǔ f /to drink together (in company)/to drink together (with food)/ 佐野 - 3 Zuǒ yě f /Sano (Japanese surname and place name)/ 佐餐 - 19 zuǒ cān f /(of food) accompaniment/ 佑 - 723 yòu f /to assist/to protect/ 佑护 佑護 S - 3 yòu hù f /blessing/ 佑護 佑护 T - 3 yòu hù f /blessing/ 体 體 S - 9670 tǐ f /body/form/style/system/ 体书 體書 S - 0 tǐ shū f /calligraphic style/ 体会 體會 S 1893 1032 tǐ huì f /to know from experience/to learn through experience/to realize/understanding/experience/ 体位 體位 S - 58 tǐ wèi f /posture/ 体例 體例 S - 192 tǐ lì f /style (of literature)/form/ 体侧 體側 S - 0 tǐ cè f /side of the body/ 体内 體內 S - 2168 tǐ nèi f /within the body/in vivo (vs in vitro)/internal to/ 体刑 體刑 S - 0 tǐ xíng f /corporal punishment/ 体制 體制 S - 6243 tǐ zhì f /system/organization/ 体力 體力 S - 1023 tǐ lì f /physical strength/physical power/ 体力劳动 體力勞動 S - 3 tǐ lì láo dòng f /physical labor/ 体势 體勢 S - 0 tǐ shì f /feature/ 体味 體味 S - 128 tǐ wèi f /body odor/to appreciate a subtle taste/ 体团 體團 S - 0 tǐ tuán f /community/ 体坛 體壇 S - 152 tǐ tán f /sporting circles/the world of sport/ 体型 體型 S - 392 tǐ xíng f /build/body type/ 体外 體外 S - 330 tǐ wài f /outside the body/in vitro/ 体外受精 體外受精 S - 3 tǐ wài shòu jīng f /in vitro fertilization/ 体大思精 體大思精 S - 3 tǐ dà sī jīng f /extensive and penetrating (idiom); expansive and profound (of writing)/ 体察 體察 S - 79 tǐ chá f /to experience/to observe/ 体己 體己 S - 5 tī ji f /intimate/private saving of family members/ 体己钱 體己錢 S - 0 tī ji qián f /private saved money of close family members/ 体式 體式 S - 33 tǐ shì f /format/form/ 体弱 體弱 S - 315 tǐ ruò f /debility/ 体形 體形 S - 317 tǐ xíng f /figure/bodily form/ 体征 體徵 S - 149 tǐ zhēng f /(medical) sign/physical sign/ 体念 體念 S - 16 tǐ niàn f /to consider sb else's position/to put oneself in sb else's shoes/ 体态 體態 S - 184 tǐ tài f /figure/physique/posture/ 体性 體性 S - 18 tǐ xìng f /disposition/ 体恤 體恤 S - 57 tǐ xù f /to empathize with/to show solicitude for/T-shirt (loanword)/ 体恤入微 體恤入微 S - 3 tǐ xù rù wēi f /to emphasize down to last detail (idiom); to show every possible consideration/meticulous care/ 体恤衫 體恤衫 S - 3 tǐ xù shān f /T-shirt/CL:件[jian4]/ 体悟 體悟 S - 21 tǐ wù f /to experience/to realize/to comprehend/ 体惜 體惜 S - 6 tǐ xī f /to empathize/to understand and sympathize/ 体感 體感 S - 0 tǐ gǎn f /physical sensation/somatosensory/motion sensing (gaming)/ 体感温度 體感溫度 S - 0 tǐ gǎn wēn dù f /apparent temperature (meteorology)/ 体操 體操 S - 700 tǐ cāo f /gymnastic/gymnastics/ 体操运动员 體操運動員 S - 0 tǐ cāo yùn dòng yuán f /gymnast/ 体操队 體操隊 S - 28 tǐ cāo duì f /gymnastics team/ 体无完肤 體無完膚 S - 29 tǐ wú wán fū f /lit. cuts and bruises all over (idiom); fig. totally refuted/ 体校 體校 S - 51 tǐ xiào f /sports college/school of physical training/ 体格 體格 S - 679 tǐ gé f /bodily health/one's physical state/physique/ 体格检查 體格檢查 S - 3 tǐ gé jiǎn chá f /physical examination/clinical examination/health checkup/ 体检 體檢 S - 583 tǐ jiǎn f /abbr. for 體格檢查|体格检查[ti3 ge2 jian3 cha2]/ 体模 體模 S - 0 tǐ mó f /body model/ 体毛 體毛 S - 48 tǐ máo f /body hair/ 体液 體液 S - 245 tǐ yè f /bodily fluid/ 体温 體溫 S - 363 tǐ wēn f /(body) temperature/ 体温检测仪 體溫檢測儀 S - 0 tǐ wēn jiǎn cè yí f /body temperature detector/ 体温表 體溫表 S - 8 tǐ wēn biǎo f /clinical thermometer/ 体温计 體溫計 S - 2 tǐ wēn jì f /clinical thermometer/ 体温过低 體溫過低 S - 0 tǐ wēn guò dī f /hypothermia/ 体现 體現 S 2176 5372 tǐ xiàn f /to embody/to reflect/to incarnate/ 体癣 體癬 S - 4 tǐ xuǎn f /ringworm/Tinea corporis/ 体积 體積 S 4326 1390 tǐ jī f /volume/bulk/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 体积单位 體積單位 S - 0 tǐ jī dān wèi f /unit of volume/ 体积百分比 體積百分比 S - 0 tǐ jī bǎi fēn bǐ f /percentage by volume/ 体系 體系 S 3570 7876 tǐ xì f /system/setup/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 体细胞 體細胞 S - 141 tǐ xì bāo f /body cell/ 体统 體統 S - 126 tǐ tǒng f /decorum/propriety/arrangement or form (of piece of writing)/ 体罚 體罰 S - 116 tǐ fá f /corporal punishment/ 体肤 體膚 S - 2 tǐ fū f /stomach/abdomen/ 体育 體育 S 552 6976 tǐ yù f /sports/physical education/ 体育之窗 體育之窗 S - 0 tǐ yù zhī chuāng f /Window on Sports/ 体育场 體育場 S - 729 tǐ yù chǎng f /stadium/CL:個|个[ge4],座[zuo4]/ 体育场馆 體育場館 S - 26 tǐ yù chǎng guǎn f /gymnasium/ 体育比赛 體育比賽 S - 3 tǐ yù bǐ sài f /sporting competition/ 体育活动 體育活動 S - 0 tǐ yù huó dòng f /sports/sporting activity/ 体育界 體育界 S - 50 tǐ yù jiè f /sports circles/the sporting world/ 体育系 體育系 S - 12 tǐ yù xì f /Physical Education department/ 体育达标测验 體育達標測驗 S - 0 tǐ yù dá biāo cè yàn f /physical fitness test (for school students etc)/ 体育运动 體育運動 S - 220 tǐ yù yùn dòng f /sports/physical culture/ 体育锻炼 體育鍛煉 S - 3 tǐ yù duàn liàn f /physical exercise/ 体育项目 體育項目 S - 3 tǐ yù xiàng mù f /sporting event/ 体育馆 體育館 S - 250 tǐ yù guǎn f /gym/gymnasium/stadium/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 体能 體能 S - 278 tǐ néng f /physical capability/stamina/ 体腔 體腔 S - 135 tǐ qiāng f /body cavity/coelom (biology)/ 体表 體表 S - 525 tǐ biǎo f /body surface/appearance/ 体裁 體裁 S 4941 367 tǐ cái f /genre/style/form of writing/ 体认 體認 S - 10 tǐ rèn f /to realize/realization/ 体谅 體諒 S 3977 164 tǐ liàng f /to empathize/to allow (for something)/to show understanding/to appreciate/ 体貌 體貌 S - 16 tǐ mào f /appearance/ 体质 體質 S - 762 tǐ zhì f /physique/ 体贴 體貼 S 2096 332 tǐ tiē f /considerate (of other people's needs)/ 体贴入微 體貼入微 S - 16 tǐ tiē rù wēi f /to show every possible consideration (idiom); meticulous care/ 体重 體重 S - 1187 tǐ zhòng f /body weight/ 体重器 體重器 S - 0 tǐ zhòng qì f /scales (to measure body weight)/ 体重计 體重計 S - 3 tǐ zhòng jì f /weighing scale/ 体量 體量 S - 19 tǐ liàng f /body weight/dimensions/ 体长 體長 S - 653 tǐ cháng f /body length/ 体面 體面 S 3453 353 tǐ miàn f /dignity/face (as in "losing face")/honorable/creditable/pretty/ 体香剂 體香劑 S - 0 tǐ xiāng jì f /(personal) deodorant/ 体验 體驗 S 1790 1688 tǐ yàn f /to experience for oneself/ 体魄 體魄 S - 122 tǐ pò f /physique/build/ 佔 占 T 1686 25139 zhàn t /variant of 占[zhan4]/ 佔上風 占上风 T - 136 zhàn shàng fēng f /to take the lead/to gain the upper hand/ 佔下風 占下风 T - 0 zhàn xià fēng f /to be at a disadvantage/ 佔中 占中 T - 0 Zhàn Zhōng f /Occupy Central, Hong Kong civil disobedience movement (September 2014 -)/ 佔便宜 占便宜 T - 33 zhàn pián yi f /advantageous/favorable/to benefit at others' expense/to take unfair advantage/ 佔優 占优 T - 68 zhàn yōu f /dominance/traditional form also written 占優/ 佔優勢 占优势 T - 339 zhàn yōu shì f /to predominate/to occupy a dominant position/ 佔先 占先 T - 25 zhàn xiān f /to take precedence/ 佔城 占城 T - 0 Zhàn chéng f /Champa (Sanskrit: Campapura or Campanagara), ancient kingdom in the South of Vietnam c. 200-1693/ 佔婆 占婆 T - 7 Zhàn pó f /Champa (Sanskrit: Campapura or Campanagara), ancient kingdom in the South of Vietnam c. 200-1693/ 佔據 占据 T 3344 1716 zhàn jù f /to occupy/to hold/ 佔族 占族 T - 0 Zhàn zú f /Cham ethnic group/ 佔有 占有 T - 2272 zhàn yǒu f /to have/to own/to hold/to occupy/to possess/to account for (a high proportion etc)/ 佔為己有 占为己有 T - 3 zhàn wéi jǐ yǒu f /to appropriate to oneself (what rightfully belongs to others)/ 佔用 占用 T - 480 zhàn yòng f /to occupy/ 佔線 占线 T 1192 0 zhàn xiàn f /busy (telephone line)/ 佔領 占领 T 3324 3365 zhàn lǐng f /to occupy (a territory)/to hold/ 佔領者 占领者 T - 23 zhàn lǐng zhě f /occupant/ 何 - 5940 Hé f /surname He/ 何 - 5940 hé f /what/how/why/which/carry/ 何不 - 806 hé bù f /why not?/why not do (sth)?/ 何不食肉糜 - 0 hé bù shí ròu mí f /lit. "Why don't they eat meat?" (said by Emperor Hui of Jin 晉惠帝|晋惠帝[Jin4 Hui4 di4] when told that his people didn't have enough rice to eat)/fig. (of people from higher class etc) to be oblivious to other people's plight/ 何乐而不为 何樂而不為 S - 79 hé lè ér bù wéi f /What can you have against it? (idiom)/We should do this./Go for it!/ 何人 - 494 hé rén f /who/ 何以 - 1445 hé yǐ f /whence/ 何以見得 何以见得 T - 3 hé yǐ jiàn dé f /how can one be sure?/ 何以见得 何以見得 S - 3 hé yǐ jiàn dé f /how can one be sure?/ 何况 何況 S 2167 2353 hé kuàng f /let alone/to say nothing of/besides/what's more/ 何出此言 - 0 hé chū cǐ yán f /where do these words stem from?/why do you (he, etc) say such a thing?/ 何厚鏵 何厚铧 T - 3 Hé Hòu huá f /He Houhua (1955-), Macau financier and politician, first magistrate from 1999/ 何厚铧 何厚鏵 S - 3 Hé Hòu huá f /He Houhua (1955-), Macau financier and politician, first magistrate from 1999/ 何去何从 何去何從 S - 93 hé qù hé cóng f /what course to follow/what path to take/ 何去何從 何去何从 T - 93 hé qù hé cóng f /what course to follow/what path to take/ 何啻 - 3 hé chì f /(literary) far more than/not limited to/ 何嘗 何尝 T - 346 hé cháng f /(rhetorical question) when?/how?/it's not that.../ 何在 - 523 hé zài f /where?/what place?/ 何处 何處 S - 1703 hé chù f /whence/where/ 何如 - 238 hé rú f /how about/what kind of/ 何妨 - 169 hé fáng f /what harm is there in (doing sth)/ 何尝 何嘗 S - 346 hé cháng f /(rhetorical question) when?/how?/it's not that.../ 何干 - 101 hé gān f /what business?/ 何应钦 何應欽 S - 455 Hé Yìng qīn f /He Yingqin (1890-1987), senior Guomindang general/ 何必 2205 1876 hé bì f /there is no need/why should/ 何應欽 何应钦 T - 455 Hé Yìng qīn f /He Yingqin (1890-1987), senior Guomindang general/ 何所 - 0 hé suǒ f /where/what place/ 何故 - 517 hé gù f /what for?/what's the reason?/ 何方 - 273 hé fāng f /where?/ 何日 - 135 hé rì f /when?/ 何时 何時 S - 923 hé shí f /when/ 何時 何时 T - 923 hé shí f /when/ 何曾 - 130 hé céng f /did I ever ...? (or "did he ever ...?" etc)/ 何樂而不為 何乐而不为 T - 79 hé lè ér bù wéi f /What can you have against it? (idiom)/We should do this./Go for it!/ 何況 何况 T 2167 2353 hé kuàng f /let alone/to say nothing of/besides/what's more/ 何济于事 何濟於事 S - 0 hé jì yú shì f /of what use is it/(idiom)/ 何濟於事 何济于事 T - 0 hé jì yú shì f /of what use is it/(idiom)/ 何等 - 945 hé děng f /what kind?/how, what/somewhat/ 何苦 - 287 hé kǔ f /why bother?/is it worth the trouble?/ 何苦呢 - 0 hé kǔ ne f /why bother?/is it worth the trouble?/ 何處 何处 T - 1703 hé chù f /whence/where/ 何西阿书 何西阿書 S - 0 Hé xī ā shū f /Book of Hosea/ 何西阿書 何西阿书 T - 0 Hé xī ā shū f /Book of Hosea/ 何許 何许 T - 18 hé xǔ f /(literary) what place/what time/how/ 何許人 何许人 T - 6 hé xǔ rén f /(literary) what kind of person/ 何謂 何谓 T - 111 hé wèi f /(lit.) what is?/what is the meaning of?/ 何许 何許 S - 18 hé xǔ f /(literary) what place/what time/how/ 何许人 何許人 S - 6 hé xǔ rén f /(literary) what kind of person/ 何谓 何謂 S - 111 hé wèi f /(lit.) what is?/what is the meaning of?/ 何須 何须 T - 73 hé xū f /there is no need/why should/ 何须 何須 S - 73 hé xū f /there is no need/why should/ 何首乌 何首烏 S - 26 hé shǒu wū f /Chinese knotweed (Polygonum multiflorum)/fleeceflower root/ 何首烏 何首乌 T - 26 hé shǒu wū f /Chinese knotweed (Polygonum multiflorum)/fleeceflower root/ 何魯曉夫 何鲁晓夫 T - 0 Hé lǔ xiǎo fū f /Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971), secretary-general of Soviet communist party 1953-1964/also written 赫魯曉夫|赫鲁晓夫/ 何鲁晓夫 何魯曉夫 S - 0 Hé lǔ xiǎo fū f /Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971), secretary-general of Soviet communist party 1953-1964/also written 赫魯曉夫|赫鲁晓夫/ 佗 - 56 tuó f /carry on the back/ 佘 - 38 Shé f /surname She/ 余 - 7959 Yú f /surname Yu/ 余 - 7959 yú f /(archaic) I/me/variant of 餘|余[yu2], surplus/ 余 餘 S - 7959 yú f /extra/surplus/remaining/remainder after division/(following numerical value) or more/in excess of (some number)/residue (math.)/after/I/me/ 余下 餘下 S - 562 yú xià f /remaining/ 余光 餘光 S - 38 yú guāng f /(out of) the corner of one's eyes/peripheral vision/residual light/light of the setting sun/ 余党 餘黨 S - 52 yú dǎng f /remnants (of a defeated clique)/rump/ 余切 餘切 S - 14 yú qiē f /cotangent (of angle), written cot θ or ctg θ/ 余剩 餘剩 S - 10 yú shèng f /surplus/remainder/ 余割 餘割 S - 4 yú gē f /cosecant (of angle), written cosec θ or csc θ/ 余力 餘力 S - 38 yú lì f /energy left over (to do sth else)/ 余勇可贾 餘勇可賈 S - 3 yú yǒng kě gǔ f /lit. spare valor for sale (idiom); fig. after former successes, still ready for more work/not resting on one's laurels/ 余响绕梁 餘響繞梁 S - 3 yú xiǎng rào liáng f /reverberates around the rafters (idiom); fig. sonorous and resounding (esp. of singing voice)/ 余地 餘地 S - 697 yú dì f /margin/leeway/ 余姚 餘姚 S - 140 Yú yáo f /Yuyao county level city in Ningbo 寧波|宁波[Ning2 bo1], Zhejiang/ 余姚市 餘姚市 S - 14 Yú yáo shì f /Yuyao county level city in Ningbo 寧波|宁波[Ning2 bo1], Zhejiang/ 余存 餘存 S - 3 yú cún f /remainder/balance/ 余孽 餘孽 S - 168 yú niè f /remaining evil element/surviving members (of evil former regime)/dregs (of colonial administration)/ 余干 餘干 S - 3 Yú gān f /Yugan county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi/ 余干县 餘干縣 S - 2 Yú gān xiàn f /Yugan county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi/ 余年 餘年 S - 466 yú nián f /one's remaining years/ 余庆 餘慶 S - 11 Yú qìng f /Yuqing county in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ 余庆县 餘慶縣 S - 3 Yú qìng xiàn f /Yuqing county in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ 余弦 餘弦 S - 32 yú xián f /cosine (of angle), written cos θ/ 余弧 餘弧 S - 0 yú hú f /complementary arc/ 余怒 餘怒 S - 21 yú nù f /residual anger/ 余怒未息 餘怒未息 S - 0 yú nù wèi xī f /to be still angry/ 余悸 餘悸 S - 24 yú jì f /lingering fear/ 余数 餘數 S - 25 yú shù f /remainder (in division)/ 余数定理 餘數定理 S - 0 yú shù dìng lǐ f /the Remainder Theorem/ 余晖 餘暉 S - 40 yú huī f /twilight/afterglow/ 余月 - 0 yú yuè f /alternative term for fourth lunar month/ 余杭 餘杭 S - 56 Yú háng f /Yuhang district of Hangzhou city 杭州市[Hang2 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 余杭区 餘杭區 S - 3 Yú háng qū f /Yuhang district of Hangzhou city 杭州市[Hang2 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 余江 餘江 S - 9 Yú jiāng f /Yujiang county in Yingtan 鷹潭|鹰潭, Jiangxi/ 余江县 餘江縣 S - 5 Yú jiāng xiàn f /Yujiang county in Yingtan 鷹潭|鹰潭, Jiangxi/ 余波 餘波 S - 26 yú bō f /aftermath/repercussions/fallout/ 余烬 餘燼 S - 16 yú jìn f /ember/ 余热 餘熱 S - 79 yú rè f /residual heat/surplus heat/fig. old people's capacity for work/ 余甘子 餘甘子 S - 0 yú gān zǐ f /Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica)/ 余留 餘留 S - 3 yú liú f /remainder/fractional part (after the decimal point)/unfinished/ 余留事务 餘留事務 S - 0 yú liú shì wù f /unfinished business/ 余留无符号数 餘留無符號數 S - 0 yú liú wú fú hào shù f /unsigned remainder (i.e. the remainder after rounding to the nearest integer)/ 余皇 餘皇 S - 0 yú huáng f /large warship/name of warship of Wu kingdom during Spring and Autumn period/ 余码 餘碼 S - 0 yú mǎ f /excess code (i.e. the unused bits in binary-coded decimal)/ 余粮 餘糧 S - 49 yú liáng f /surplus grain/ 余绪 餘緒 S - 3 yú xù f /vestigial residue/a throwback (to a former age)/ 余缺 餘缺 S - 6 yú quē f /surplus and shortfall/ 余者 餘者 S - 87 yú zhě f /the remaining people/ 余角 餘角 S - 3 yú jiǎo f /complementary angle (additional angle adding to 90 degrees)/ 余車 余车 T - 0 yú chē f /emperor's carriage/ 余车 余車 S - 0 yú chē f /emperor's carriage/ 余辉 餘輝 S - 24 yú huī f /variant of 餘暉|余晖[yu2 hui1]/ 余量 餘量 S - 6 yú liàng f /remnant/leftover/tolerance (i.e. allowed error)/ 余钱 餘錢 S - 31 yú qián f /surplus money/ 余集 餘集 S - 4 yú jí f /complement of a set S (math.)/the set of all x not in set S/ 余震 餘震 S - 24 yú zhèn f /earthquake aftershock/ 余音 餘音 S - 33 yú yīn f /lingering sound/ 余音绕梁 餘音繞梁 S - 5 yú yīn rào liáng f /reverberates around the rafters (idiom); fig. sonorous and resounding (esp. of singing voice)/ 余韵 餘韻 S - 17 yú yùn f /pleasant lingering effect/memorable stylishness/haunting tune/aftertaste (of a good wine etc)/ 余项 餘項 S - 23 yú xiàng f /remainder term (math)/remainder/residue/ 余额 餘額 S - 540 yú é f /balance (of an account, bill etc)/surplus/remainder/ 佚 - 277 Yì t /surname Yi/ 佚 - 277 dié f /old variant of 迭[die2]/ 佚 - 277 yì t /lost/missing/forsaken/dissolute/(of a woman) beautiful/fault/offense/hermit/variant of 逸[yi4]/ 佚名 - 34 yì míng f /anonymous (author)/ 佛 - 3080 Fó f /Buddha/Buddhism/ 佛 彿 S - 3080 fú t /seemingly/ 佛 髴 S - 3080 fú t /(female) head ornament/variant of 彿|佛[fu2]/ 佛书 佛書 S - 0 Fó shū f /Buddhist texts/scripture/ 佛像 - 405 fó xiàng f /Buddhist image/statue of Buddha or Bodhisattva/CL:尊[zun1], 張|张[zhang1]/ 佛光 - 41 Fó guāng f /Buddha's teachings/aura (around the head of Buddha)/ 佛兰德 佛蘭德 S - 39 Fó lán dé f /of or relating to Flemish people, language or culture/ 佛兰芒语 佛蘭芒語 S - 2 Fó lán máng yǔ f /Flemish (language)/ 佛典 - 29 Fó diǎn f /Buddhist scriptures/Buddhist classics/ 佛冈 佛岡 S - 3 Fó gāng f /Fogang county in Qingyuan 清远, Guangdong/ 佛冈县 佛岡縣 S - 3 Fó gāng xiàn f /Fogang county in Qingyuan 清远, Guangdong/ 佛口蛇心 - 3 fó kǒu shé xīn f /words of a Buddha, heart of a snake (idiom); two-faced/malicious and duplicitous/ 佛号 佛號 S - 41 fó hào f /one of the many names of Buddha/ 佛吉尼亚 佛吉尼亞 S - 2 Fú jí ní yà f /Virginia, US state/ 佛吉尼亞 佛吉尼亚 T - 2 Fú jí ní yà f /Virginia, US state/ 佛坪 - 6 Fó píng f /Foping County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4 zhong1], Shaanxi/ 佛坪县 佛坪縣 S - 3 Fó píng Xiàn f /Foping County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4 zhong1], Shaanxi/ 佛坪縣 佛坪县 T - 3 Fó píng Xiàn f /Foping County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4 zhong1], Shaanxi/ 佛塔 - 374 fó tǎ f /pagoda/ 佛学 佛學 S - 132 Fó xué f /Buddhist doctrine/Buddhist studies/ 佛學 佛学 T - 132 Fó xué f /Buddhist doctrine/Buddhist studies/ 佛家 - 113 Fó jiā f /Buddhism/Buddhist/ 佛寺 - 158 Fó sì f /Buddhist temple/ 佛山 - 264 Fó shān f /Foshan prefecture level city in Guangdong/ 佛山地区 佛山地區 S - 0 Fó shān dì qū f /Foshan prefecture in Guangdong/ 佛山地區 佛山地区 T - 0 Fó shān dì qū f /Foshan prefecture in Guangdong/ 佛山市 - 37 Fó shān shì f /Foshan prefecture level city in Guangdong 廣東省|广东省[Guang3 dong1 sheng3]/ 佛岡 佛冈 T - 3 Fó gāng f /Fogang county in Qingyuan 清远, Guangdong/ 佛岡縣 佛冈县 T - 3 Fó gāng xiàn f /Fogang county in Qingyuan 清远, Guangdong/ 佛得角 - 66 Fó dé jiǎo f /Cape Verde/ 佛性 - 3 Fó xìng f /Buddha nature/ 佛手瓜 - 3 fó shǒu guā f /chayote or alligator pear (Sechium edule)/ 佛教 - 2594 Fó jiào f /Buddhism/ 佛教徒 - 103 Fó jiào tú f /Buddhist/ 佛教語 佛教语 T - 0 Fó jiào yǔ f /Buddhist term/ 佛教语 佛教語 S - 0 Fó jiào yǔ f /Buddhist term/ 佛書 佛书 T - 0 Fó shū f /Buddhist texts/scripture/ 佛朗哥 - 5 Fó lǎng gē f /Franco (name)/Generalissimo Francisco Franco Bahamonde (1892-1975), Spanish dictator and head of state 1939-1975/ 佛朗机 佛朗機 S - 0 Fó lǎng jī f /Portuguese (Ming era loanword)/ 佛朗机炮 佛朗機炮 S - 0 Fó lǎng jī pào f /Western (or Western-style) cannon of the Ming era/ 佛朗机铳 佛朗機銃 S - 0 Fó lǎng jī chòng f /Western (and so styled) cannon of the Ming era/ 佛朗機 佛朗机 T - 0 Fó lǎng jī f /Portuguese (Ming era loanword)/ 佛朗機炮 佛朗机炮 T - 0 Fó lǎng jī pào f /Western (or Western-style) cannon of the Ming era/ 佛朗機銃 佛朗机铳 T - 0 Fó lǎng jī chòng f /Western (and so styled) cannon of the Ming era/ 佛法 - 228 fó fǎ f /Dharma (the teachings of the Buddha)/Buddhist doctrine/ 佛法僧目 - 0 fó fǎ sēng mù f /Coraciiformes, class of birds including kingfishers and hornbills/ 佛洛伊德 - 3 Fó luò yī dé f /Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), psychoanalyst/ 佛洛斯特 - 0 Fú luò sī tè f /Frost (surname)/ 佛爷 佛爺 S - 89 Fó ye f /Buddha (term of respect for Sakyamuni 釋迦牟尼|释迦牟尼[Shi4 jia1 mou2 ni2])/His Holiness (refers to a Buddhist grandee)/Buddha/God/emperor/in late Qing court, refers exclusively to Empress Dowager Cixi 慈禧太后[Ci2 xi3 tai4 hou4]/ 佛爺 佛爷 T - 89 Fó ye f /Buddha (term of respect for Sakyamuni 釋迦牟尼|释迦牟尼[Shi4 jia1 mou2 ni2])/His Holiness (refers to a Buddhist grandee)/Buddha/God/emperor/in late Qing court, refers exclusively to Empress Dowager Cixi 慈禧太后[Ci2 xi3 tai4 hou4]/ 佛牙 - 22 Fó yá f /Buddha's tooth (a holy relic)/ 佛祖 - 219 Fó zǔ f /Buddha/founder of a buddhist sect/ 佛經 佛经 T - 285 Fó jīng f /Buddhist texts/scripture/ 佛经 佛經 S - 285 Fó jīng f /Buddhist texts/scripture/ 佛罗伦萨 佛羅倫薩 S - 296 Fó luó lún sà f /Florence/ 佛罗里达 佛羅里達 S - 125 Fú luó lǐ dá f /Florida/ 佛罗里达州 佛羅里達州 S - 74 Fó luó lǐ dá zhōu f /Florida/ 佛羅倫薩 佛罗伦萨 T - 296 Fó luó lún sà f /Florence/ 佛羅里達 佛罗里达 T - 125 Fú luó lǐ dá f /Florida/ 佛羅里達州 佛罗里达州 T - 74 Fó luó lǐ dá zhōu f /Florida/ 佛舍利 - 0 Fó shè lì f /ashes of cremated Buddha/ 佛蒙特 - 3 Fó méng tè f /Vermont, US state/ 佛蒙特州 - 7 Fó méng tè zhōu f /Vermont, US state/ 佛蘭德 佛兰德 T - 39 Fó lán dé f /of or relating to Flemish people, language or culture/ 佛蘭芒語 佛兰芒语 T - 2 Fó lán máng yǔ f /Flemish (language)/ 佛號 佛号 T - 41 fó hào f /one of the many names of Buddha/ 佛誕日 佛诞日 T - 0 Fó dàn rì f /Buddha's Birthday (8th day of the 4th Lunar month)/ 佛語 佛语 T - 3 fó yǔ f /Buddhist term/ 佛诞日 佛誕日 S - 0 Fó dàn rì f /Buddha's Birthday (8th day of the 4th Lunar month)/ 佛语 佛語 S - 3 fó yǔ f /Buddhist term/ 佛跳墙 佛跳牆 S - 3 fó tiào qiáng f /lit. Buddha jumps over the wall, name for a Chinese dish that uses many non-vegetarian ingredients/ 佛跳牆 佛跳墙 T - 3 fó tiào qiáng f /lit. Buddha jumps over the wall, name for a Chinese dish that uses many non-vegetarian ingredients/ 佛門 佛门 T - 204 Fó mén f /Buddhism/ 佛门 佛門 S - 204 Fó mén f /Buddhism/ 佛陀 - 149 Fó tuó f /Buddha/transliteration of Sanskrit/the all-enlightened one/ 佛雷泽尔 彿雷澤爾 S - 0 Fú léi zé ěr f /Frazer (name)/ 佛香閣 佛香阁 T - 13 Fó xiāng gé f /Tower of Buddhist incense in Summer Palace 頤和園|颐和园[yi2 he2 yuan2], Beijing/ 佛香阁 佛香閣 S - 13 Fó xiāng gé f /Tower of Buddhist incense in Summer Palace 頤和園|颐和园[yi2 he2 yuan2], Beijing/ 佛骨塔 - 0 fó gǔ tǎ f /stupa (Buddhist shrine)/ 佛龕 佛龛 T - 29 fó kān f /niche for statue (esp. Buddhist, Christian etc)/ 佛龛 佛龕 S - 29 fó kān f /niche for statue (esp. Buddhist, Christian etc)/ 作 - 28016 zuò f /to do/to grow/to write or compose/to pretend/to regard as/to feel/writings or works/ 作下 - 0 zuò xià f /to do/to make (usually bad connotation)/ 作业 作業 S 533 1525 zuò yè f /school assignment/homework/work/task/operation/CL:個|个[ge4]/to operate/ 作业环境 作業環境 S - 0 zuò yè huán jìng f /operating environment/ 作业系统 作業系統 S - 3 zuò yè xì tǒng f /operating system/ 作东 作東 S - 26 zuò dōng f /to host (a dinner)/to treat/to pick up the check/ 作为 作為 S 1229 28567 zuò wéi f /one's conduct/deed/activity/accomplishment/achievement/to act as/as (in the capacity of)/qua/to view as/to look upon (sth as)/to take sth to be/ 作主 - 154 zuò zhǔ f /to decide/to make decisions/to take responsibility (for deciding)/to be in charge/to give sb justice/ 作乐 作樂 S - 28 zuò lè f /to make merry/ 作乱 作亂 S - 88 zuò luàn f /to start a rebellion/to rise in revolt/ 作亂 作乱 T - 88 zuò luàn f /to start a rebellion/to rise in revolt/ 作交易 - 0 zuò jiāo yì f /to deal/to transact/ 作人 - 21 zuò rén f /to conduct oneself/same as 做人/ 作件 - 3 zuò jiàn f /workpiece/ 作伴 - 66 zuò bàn f /to accompany/to keep sb company/ 作保 - 28 zuò bǎo f /to act as surety for sb/to be sb's guarantor/to stand bail for sb/ 作假 - 57 zuò jiǎ f /to counterfeit/to falsify/to cheat/to defraud/fraudulent/to behave affectedly/ 作兴 作興 S - 3 zuò xīng f /maybe/possibly/there is reason to believe/ 作准 作準 S - 3 zuò zhǔn f /to recognize/to acknowledge (as valid)/ 作出 - 8169 zuò chū f /to put out/to come up with/to make (a choice, decision, proposal, response, comment etc)/to issue (a permit, statement, explanation, apology, reassurance to the public etc)/to draw (conclusion)/to deliver (speech, judgment)/to devise (explanation)/to extract/ 作別 作别 T - 137 zuò bié f /to take one's leave/to bid farewell/ 作别 作別 S - 137 zuò bié f /to take one's leave/to bid farewell/ 作势 作勢 S - 119 zuò shì f /to adopt an attitude/to strike a posture/ 作勢 作势 T - 119 zuò shì f /to adopt an attitude/to strike a posture/ 作古 - 22 zuò gǔ f /to die/to pass away/ 作古人 - 0 zuò gǔ rén f /to die/to pass away/ 作合 - 0 zuò hé f /to make a match/to get married/ 作呕 作嘔 S - 36 zuò ǒu f /to feel sick/to feel nauseous/to feel disgusted/ 作品 1465 9248 zuò pǐn f /work (of art)/opus/CL:部[bu4],篇[pian1]/ 作嘔 作呕 T - 36 zuò ǒu f /to feel sick/to feel nauseous/to feel disgusted/ 作坊 - 380 zuō fang f /workshop (of artisan)/ 作壽 作寿 T - 0 zuò shòu f /variant of 做壽|做寿[zuo4 shou4]/ 作奸犯科 作姦犯科 S - 25 zuò jiān fàn kē f /to flout the law/ 作好准备 作好準備 S - 0 zuò hǎo zhǔn bèi f /to prepare/to make adequate preparation/ 作好準備 作好准备 T - 0 zuò hǎo zhǔn bèi f /to prepare/to make adequate preparation/ 作姦犯科 作奸犯科 T - 25 zuò jiān fàn kē f /to flout the law/ 作威作福 - 57 zuò wēi zuò fú f /tyrannical abuse (idiom); riding roughshod over people/ 作孽 - 108 zuò niè f /to sin/ 作客 - 70 zuò kè f /to live somewhere as a visitor/to stay with sb as a guest/to sojourn/ 作家 978 3358 zuò jiā f /author/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]/ 作对 作對 S - 276 zuò duì f /to set oneself against/to oppose/to make a pair/ 作寿 作壽 S - 0 zuò shòu f /variant of 做壽|做寿[zuo4 shou4]/ 作對 作对 T - 276 zuò duì f /to set oneself against/to oppose/to make a pair/ 作废 作廢 S 4430 80 zuò fèi f /to become invalid/to cancel/to delete/to nullify/ 作廢 作废 T 4430 80 zuò fèi f /to become invalid/to cancel/to delete/to nullify/ 作弄 - 68 zuò nòng f /to tease/to play tricks on/ 作弊 2996 203 zuò bì f /to practice fraud/to cheat/to engage in corrupt practices/ 作怪 - 147 zuò guài f /(of a ghost) to make strange things happen/to act up/to act behind the scenes/to make mischief/odd/to misbehave (euphemism for having sex)/ 作息 4847 73 zuò xī f /work and rest/ 作息时间 作息時間 S - 52 zuò xī shí jiān f /daily schedule/daily routine/ 作息时间表 作息時間表 S - 0 zuò xī shí jiān biǎo f /daily schedule/work schedule/ 作息時間 作息时间 T - 52 zuò xī shí jiān f /daily schedule/daily routine/ 作息時間表 作息时间表 T - 0 zuò xī shí jiān biǎo f /daily schedule/work schedule/ 作恶 作惡 S - 96 zuò è f /to do evil/ 作惡 作恶 T - 96 zuò è f /to do evil/ 作愛 作爱 T - 3 zuò ài f /to make love/ 作战 作戰 S - 10812 zuò zhàn f /combat/to fight/ 作战失踪 作戰失蹤 S - 0 zuò zhàn shī zōng f /see 作戰失蹤人員|作战失踪人员[zuo4 zhan4 shi1 zong1 ren2 yuan2]/ 作战失踪人员 作戰失蹤人員 S - 0 zuò zhàn shī zōng rén yuán f /missing in action (MIA) (military)/ 作戰 作战 T - 10812 zuò zhàn f /combat/to fight/ 作戰失蹤 作战失踪 T - 0 zuò zhàn shī zōng f /see 作戰失蹤人員|作战失踪人员[zuo4 zhan4 shi1 zong1 ren2 yuan2]/ 作戰失蹤人員 作战失踪人员 T - 0 zuò zhàn shī zōng rén yuán f /missing in action (MIA) (military)/ 作手 - 0 zuò shǒu f /writer/expert/ 作揖 - 181 zuò yī f /to bow with hands held in front/ 作数 作數 S - 3 zuò shù f /valid/counting (as valid)/ 作數 作数 T - 3 zuò shù f /valid/counting (as valid)/ 作文 2416 660 zuò wén f /to write an essay/composition (student essay)/CL:篇[pian1]/ 作料 - 33 zuó liao f /condiments/seasoning/ 作曲 - 325 zuò qǔ f /to compose (music)/ 作曲家 - 400 zuò qǔ jiā f /composer/songwriter/ 作曲者 - 4 zuò qǔ zhě f /composer/song writer/ 作東 作东 T - 26 zuò dōng f /to host (a dinner)/to treat/to pick up the check/ 作案 - 80 zuò àn f /to commit a crime/ 作業 作业 T 533 1525 zuò yè f /school assignment/homework/work/task/operation/CL:個|个[ge4]/to operate/ 作業環境 作业环境 T - 0 zuò yè huán jìng f /operating environment/ 作業系統 作业系统 T - 3 zuò yè xì tǒng f /operating system/ 作樂 作乐 T - 28 zuò lè f /to make merry/ 作死 - 3 zuò sǐ f /to court disaster/ 作法 - 354 zuò fǎ f /course of action/method of doing sth/practice/modus operandi/ 作派 - 26 zuò pài f /see 做派[zuo4 pai4]/ 作準 作准 T - 3 zuò zhǔn f /to recognize/to acknowledge (as valid)/ 作為 作为 T 1229 28567 zuò wéi f /one's conduct/deed/activity/accomplishment/achievement/to act as/as (in the capacity of)/qua/to view as/to look upon (sth as)/to take sth to be/ 作爱 作愛 S - 3 zuò ài f /to make love/ 作物 - 1282 zuò wù f /crop/ 作用 882 22078 zuò yòng f /to act on/to affect/action/function/activity/impact/result/effect/purpose/intent/to play a role/corresponds to English -ity, -ism, -ization/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 作用力 - 93 zuò yòng lì f /effort/active force/applied force/ 作用理論 作用理论 T - 0 zuò yòng lǐ lùn f /interactive theory/ 作用理论 作用理論 S - 0 zuò yòng lǐ lùn f /interactive theory/ 作画 作畫 S - 150 zuò huà f /to paint/ 作畫 作画 T - 150 zuò huà f /to paint/ 作痛 - 3 zuò tòng f /to ache/ 作祟 - 95 zuò suì f /haunted/to haunt/to cause mischief/ 作秀 - 51 zuò xiù f /to show off (loanword, from English "show")/to grandstand/to perform in a stage show/ 作笔记 作筆記 S - 3 zuò bǐ jì f /to take notes/ 作筆記 作笔记 T - 3 zuò bǐ jì f /to take notes/ 作答 - 182 zuò dá f /to answer/to respond/ 作繭 作茧 T - 0 zuò jiǎn f /to make a cocoon/ 作繭自縛 作茧自缚 T - 14 zuò jiǎn zì fù f /to spin a cocoon around oneself (idiom); enmeshed in a trap of one's own devising/hoist by his own petard/ 作罢 作罷 S - 136 zuò bà f /to drop (subject etc)/ 作罷 作罢 T - 136 zuò bà f /to drop (subject etc)/ 作者 1078 4024 zuò zhě f /author/writer/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 作者不詳 作者不详 T - 0 zuò zhě bù xiáng f /anonymous author/ 作者不详 作者不詳 S - 0 zuò zhě bù xiáng f /anonymous author/ 作者未詳 作者未详 T - 0 zuò zhě wèi xiáng f /anonymous author/ 作者未详 作者未詳 S - 0 zuò zhě wèi xiáng f /anonymous author/ 作者权 作者權 S - 0 zuò zhě quán f /copyright/ 作者權 作者权 T - 0 zuò zhě quán f /copyright/ 作興 作兴 T - 3 zuò xīng f /maybe/possibly/there is reason to believe/ 作色 - 3 zuò sè f /to show signs of anger/to flush with annoyance/ 作茧 作繭 S - 0 zuò jiǎn f /to make a cocoon/ 作茧自缚 作繭自縛 S - 14 zuò jiǎn zì fù f /to spin a cocoon around oneself (idiom); enmeshed in a trap of one's own devising/hoist by his own petard/ 作誓 - 0 zuò shì f /to pledge/ 作證 作证 T - 230 zuò zhèng f /to bear witness/to testify/ 作證能力 作证能力 T - 0 zuò zhèng néng lì f /competence/ 作证 作證 S - 230 zuò zhèng f /to bear witness/to testify/ 作证能力 作證能力 S - 0 zuò zhèng néng lì f /competence/ 作賊 作贼 T - 3 zuò zéi f /to be a thief/ 作贼 作賊 S - 3 zuò zéi f /to be a thief/ 作践 作踐 S - 87 zuò jiàn f /to ill-use/to humiliate/to degrade/to ruin/also pr. [zuo2 jian4]/ 作踐 作践 T - 87 zuò jiàn f /to ill-use/to humiliate/to degrade/to ruin/also pr. [zuo2 jian4]/ 作輟 作辍 T - 0 zuò chuò f /now working, now stopping/ 作辍 作輟 S - 0 zuò chuò f /now working, now stopping/ 作風 作风 T 3417 1524 zuò fēng f /style/style of work/way/ 作風正派 作风正派 T - 3 zuò fēng zhèng pài f /to be honest and upright/to have moral integrity/ 作风 作風 S 3417 1524 zuò fēng f /style/style of work/way/ 作风正派 作風正派 S - 3 zuò fēng zhèng pài f /to be honest and upright/to have moral integrity/ 作馬 作马 T - 0 zuò mǎ f /trestle/carpenter's frame/ 作马 作馬 S - 0 zuò mǎ f /trestle/carpenter's frame/ 佝 - 15 gōu t /see 佝僂|佝偻[gou1 lou2]/ 佝 - 15 kòu f /see 佝瞀[kou4 mao4]/ 佝偻 佝僂 S - 127 gōu lóu f /stooped/crooked/ 佝偻病 佝僂病 S - 52 gōu lóu bìng f /rickets (medicine)/ 佝僂 佝偻 T - 127 gōu lóu f /stooped/crooked/ 佝僂病 佝偻病 T - 52 gōu lóu bìng f /rickets (medicine)/ 佝瞀 - 0 kòu mào f /rickets (medicine)/ 佞 - 86 nìng f /to flatter/flattery/ 佟 - 230 Tóng f /surname Tong/ 佟佳江 - 0 Tóng jiā Jiāng f /Tongjia River in Manchuria, a tributary of the Yalu River 鴨綠江|鸭绿江[Ya1 lu4 Jiang1]/ 你 2 234587 nǐ f /you (informal, as opposed to courteous 您[nin2])/ 你个头 你個頭 S - 0 nǐ ge tóu f /(coll.) (suffix) my ass!/yeah, right!/ 你争我夺 你爭我奪 S - 19 nǐ zhēng wǒ duó f /lit. you fight, I snatch (idiom); to compete fiercely offering no quarter/fierce rivalry/tug-of-war/ 你们 你們 S - 21386 nǐ men f /you (plural)/ 你個頭 你个头 T - 0 nǐ ge tóu f /(coll.) (suffix) my ass!/yeah, right!/ 你們 你们 T - 21386 nǐ men f /you (plural)/ 你好 - 725 nǐ hǎo f /Hello!/Hi!/How are you?/ 你情我愿 你情我願 S - 0 nǐ qíng wǒ yuàn f /to both be willing/mutual consent/ 你情我願 你情我愿 T - 0 nǐ qíng wǒ yuàn f /to both be willing/mutual consent/ 你死我活 - 201 nǐ sǐ wǒ huó f /lit. you die, I live (idiom); irreconcilable adversaries/two parties cannot coexist/ 你爭我奪 你争我夺 T - 19 nǐ zhēng wǒ duó f /lit. you fight, I snatch (idiom); to compete fiercely offering no quarter/fierce rivalry/tug-of-war/ 你看着办吧 你看著辦吧 S - 0 nǐ kàn zhe bàn ba f /You figure it out for yourself./Do as you please./ 你看著辦吧 你看着办吧 T - 0 nǐ kàn zhe bàn ba f /You figure it out for yourself./Do as you please./ 你走你的阳关道,我过我的独木桥 你走你的陽關道,我過我的獨木橋 S - 0 nǐ zǒu nǐ de Yáng guān Dào , wǒ guò wǒ de dú mù qiáo f /lit. you hit the high road, I'll cross the log bridge (idiom)/fig. you go your way, I'll go mine/you do it your way, I'll do it mine/ 你走你的陽關道,我過我的獨木橋 你走你的阳关道,我过我的独木桥 T - 0 nǐ zǒu nǐ de Yáng guān Dào , wǒ guò wǒ de dú mù qiáo f /lit. you hit the high road, I'll cross the log bridge (idiom)/fig. you go your way, I'll go mine/you do it your way, I'll do it mine/ 你追我赶 你追我趕 S - 15 nǐ zhuī wǒ gǎn f /friendly one-upmanship/to try to emulate/ 你追我趕 你追我赶 T - 15 nǐ zhuī wǒ gǎn f /friendly one-upmanship/to try to emulate/ 佡 - 4 xiān f /variant of 仙, immortal/light (as a feather)/ 佢 - 0 qú f /he (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: 他[ta1]/ 佣 - 932 yòng f /commission (for middleman)/brokerage fee/ 佣 傭 S - 932 yōng t /to hire/to employ/servant/hired laborer/domestic help/ 佣人 傭人 S - 165 yōng rén f /servant/ 佣人领班 傭人領班 S - 0 yōng rén lǐng bān f /butler/ 佣兵 傭兵 S - 3 yōng bīng f /mercenary/hired gun/ 佣妇 傭婦 S - 0 yōng fù f /maid/female servant/domestic worker/domestic helper/housekeeper/ 佣婢 傭婢 S - 0 yōng bì f /servant girl/ 佣工 傭工 S - 298 yōng gōng f /hired laborer/servant/ 佣金 - 127 yòng jīn f /commission/ 佣錢 佣钱 T - 3 yòng qian f /commission/brokerage/ 佣钱 佣錢 S - 3 yòng qian f /commission/brokerage/ 佤 - 50 wǎ f /Wa, Kawa or Va ethnic group of Myanmar, south China and southeast Asia/ 佤族 - 72 Wǎ zú f /Wa, Kawa or Va ethnic group of Myanmar, south China and southeast Asia/ 佥 僉 S - 137 qiān f /all/ 佧 - 0 kǎ f /ancient name for an ethnic group in China/ 佧佤族 - 0 Kǎ wǎ zú f /Wa, Kawa or Va ethnic group of Myanmar, south China and southeast Asia/ 佩 - 539 pèi f /to respect/to wear (belt etc)/ 佩 珮 S - 539 pèi f /girdle ornaments/ 佩兰 佩蘭 S - 9 pèi lán f /orchid/fragrant thoroughwort/(botany) Eupatorium fortunei/Herba Eupatorii (used in Chinese medicine)/ 佩剑 佩劍 S - 113 pèi jiàn f /sword/(fencing) saber/ 佩劍 佩剑 T - 113 pèi jiàn f /sword/(fencing) saber/ 佩带 佩帶 S - 90 pèi dài f /to wear (as accessories)/carry at the waist/ 佩帶 佩带 T - 90 pèi dài f /to wear (as accessories)/carry at the waist/ 佩戴 - 217 pèi dài f /to wear (as accessories)/ 佩服 2191 1245 pèi fú f /to admire/ 佩林 珮林 S - 7 Pèi lín f /Palin (name)/Sarah Palin (1964-), US Republican politician, state governor of Alaska 2006-2009/ 佩洛西 - 0 Pèi luò xī f /Nancy Pelosi (1940-), US Democrat politician from California, speaker of US House of Representatives from 2007/ 佩环 佩環 S - 3 pèi huán f /ring-like jade belt pendant/ 佩環 佩环 T - 3 pèi huán f /ring-like jade belt pendant/ 佩皮尼昂 - 0 Pèi pí ní áng f /Perpignan (city in France)/ 佩蘭 佩兰 T - 9 pèi lán f /orchid/fragrant thoroughwort/(botany) Eupatorium fortunei/Herba Eupatorii (used in Chinese medicine)/ 佩飾 佩饰 T - 27 pèi shì f /ornament/pendant/ 佩饰 佩飾 S - 27 pèi shì f /ornament/pendant/ 佩魯賈 佩鲁贾 T - 11 Pèi lǔ jiǎ f /Perugia (city in Italy)/ 佩鲁贾 佩魯賈 S - 11 Pèi lǔ jiǎ f /Perugia (city in Italy)/ 佪 - 0 huái f /irresolute/to move back and forth/ 佫 - 0 Hè f /surname He/ 佬 - 366 lǎo f /male/man (Cantonese)/ 佯 - 191 yáng f /to feign/to pretend/ 佯狂 - 4 yáng kuáng f /to feign madness/ 佯装 佯裝 S - 82 yáng zhuāng f /to pretend/to pose as/ 佯裝 佯装 T - 82 yáng zhuāng f /to pretend/to pose as/ 佯言 - 3 yáng yán f /to claim falsely (literary)/ 佰 - 7 bǎi f /hundred (banker's anti-fraud numeral)/ 佱 - 0 fǎ f /old variant of 法[fa3]/law/ 佳 - 2412 jiā f /beautiful/fine/good/ 佳世客 - 0 Jiā shì kè f /JUSCO, Japanese chain of hypermarkets/ 佳丽 佳麗 S - 40 jiā lì f /beauty/ 佳丽酿 佳麗釀 S - 0 Jiā lì niáng f /Carignan (grape type)/ 佳人 - 164 jiā rén f /beautiful woman/ 佳人才子 - 3 jiā rén cái zǐ f /beautiful lady, gifted scholar (idiom); pair of ideal lovers/cf With his brains and her looks.../ 佳作 - 175 jiā zuò f /masterpiece/fine piece of writing/ 佳偶 - 27 jiā ǒu f /happily married couple/ 佳冬 - 3 Jiā dōng f /Chiatung township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 佳冬乡 佳冬鄉 S - 0 Jiā dōng xiāng f /Chiatung township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 佳冬鄉 佳冬乡 T - 0 Jiā dōng xiāng f /Chiatung township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 佳县 佳縣 S - 4 Jiā Xiàn f /Jia County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shaanxi/ 佳境 - 14 jiā jìng f /the most pleasant or enjoyable stage/ 佳妙 - 3 jiā miào f /wonderful/beautiful (calligraphy)/ 佳宾 佳賓 S - 5 jiā bīn f /variant of 嘉賓|嘉宾[jia1 bin1]/ 佳得乐 佳得樂 S - 0 Jiā dé lè f /Gatorade (brand)/ 佳得樂 佳得乐 T - 0 Jiā dé lè f /Gatorade (brand)/ 佳期 - 12 jiā qī f /wedding day/day of tryst/ 佳木斯 - 70 Jiā mù sī f /Kiamusze or Jiamusi prefecture level city in Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hei1 long2 jiang1] in northeast China/ 佳木斯大学 佳木斯大學 S - 2 Jiā mù sī Dà xué f /Jiamusi University (Heilongjiang)/ 佳木斯大學 佳木斯大学 T - 2 Jiā mù sī Dà xué f /Jiamusi University (Heilongjiang)/ 佳木斯市 - 18 Jiā mù sī shì f /Kiamusze or Jiamusi prefecture level city in Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hei1 long2 jiang1] in northeast China/ 佳洁士 佳潔士 S - 11 Jiā jié shì f /Crest (brand)/ 佳潔士 佳洁士 T - 11 Jiā jié shì f /Crest (brand)/ 佳節 佳节 T - 169 jiā jié f /festive day/holiday/ 佳縣 佳县 T - 4 Jiā Xiàn f /Jia County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shaanxi/ 佳績 佳绩 T - 100 jiā jì f /good result/success/ 佳绩 佳績 S - 100 jiā jì f /good result/success/ 佳美 - 3 jiā měi f /beautiful/ 佳肴 佳餚 S 4685 1657 jiā yáo f /fine food/delicacies/delicious food/ 佳能 - 36 Jiā néng f /Canon (Japanese company)/ 佳节 佳節 S - 169 jiā jié f /festive day/holiday/ 佳評如潮 佳评如潮 T - 3 jiā píng rú cháo f /a hit/tremendous popularity/ 佳話 佳话 T - 75 jiā huà f /story or deed that captures the imagination and is spread far and wide/ 佳评如潮 佳評如潮 S - 3 jiā píng rú cháo f /a hit/tremendous popularity/ 佳话 佳話 S - 75 jiā huà f /story or deed that captures the imagination and is spread far and wide/ 佳賓 佳宾 T - 5 jiā bīn f /variant of 嘉賓|嘉宾[jia1 bin1]/ 佳酿 佳釀 S - 29 jiā niàng f /excellent wine/ 佳釀 佳酿 T - 29 jiā niàng f /excellent wine/ 佳里 - 3 Jiā lǐ f /Chiali town in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 佳里鎮 佳里镇 T - 0 Jiā lǐ zhèn f /Chiali town in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 佳里镇 佳里鎮 S - 0 Jiā lǐ zhèn f /Chiali town in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 佳餚 佳肴 T 4685 1657 jiā yáo f /fine food/delicacies/delicious food/ 佳麗 佳丽 T - 40 jiā lì f /beauty/ 佳麗釀 佳丽酿 T - 0 Jiā lì niáng f /Carignan (grape type)/ 佴 - 0 èr f /assistant/ 併 并 T - 93868 bìng f /to combine/to amalgamate/ 併入 并入 T - 749 bìng rù f /to merge into/to incorporate in/ 併吞 并吞 T - 79 bìng tūn f /to swallow up/to annex/to merge/ 併捲機 并卷机 T - 0 bìng juǎn jī f /ribbon lap machine/ 併發 并发 T - 167 bìng fā f /to be complicated by/to erupt simultaneously/ 併發症 并发症 T - 299 bìng fā zhèng f /complications (undesired side-effect of medical procedure)/ 併系群 并系群 T - 0 bìng xì qún f /paraphyletic group/also written 並系群|并系群[bing4 xi4 qun2]/ 併紗 并纱 T - 0 bìng shā f /doubling (combining two or more lengths of yarn into a single thread)/ 併購 并购 T - 404 bìng gòu f /merger and acquisition (M and A)/acquisition/to take over/ 併集 并集 T - 0 bìng jí f /union (symbol ∪) (set theory)/ 佶 - 8 jí f /difficult to pronounce/ 佷 - 652 hěn f /to act contrary to/ 佸 - 2603 huó f /meet/ 佹 - 907 guǐ f /almost succeed/crafty/suddenly/ 佺 - 562 quán f /immortal/ 佻 - 8 tiāo f /frivolous/unsteady/delay/ 佼 - 35 jiǎo f /handsome/ 佼佼者 - 127 jiǎo jiǎo zhě f /well-known figure/excellent (person, company etc)/ 佽 - 480 Cì f /surname Ci/ 佽 - 480 cì f /nimble/to help/ 佾 - 6 yì f /row of dancers at sacrifices/ 使 706 64655 shǐ f /to make/to cause/to enable/to use/to employ/to send/to instruct sb to do sth/envoy/messenger/ 使不得 - 183 shǐ bu de f /cannot be used/must not (do sth)/unacceptable/ 使习惯 使習慣 S - 0 shǐ xí guàn f /to accustom/ 使人信服 - 0 shǐ rén xìn fú f /convincing/ 使兴奋 使興奮 S - 0 shǐ xīng fèn f /exciting/to excite/ 使出 - 631 shǐ chū f /to use/to exert/ 使劲 使勁 S - 906 shǐ jìn f /to exert all one's strength/ 使劲儿 使勁兒 S 1713 23 shǐ jìn r f /erhua variant of 使勁|使劲[shi3 jin4]/ 使勁 使劲 T - 906 shǐ jìn f /to exert all one's strength/ 使勁兒 使劲儿 T 1713 23 shǐ jìn r f /erhua variant of 使勁|使劲[shi3 jin4]/ 使受伤 使受傷 S - 0 shǐ shòu shāng f /hurt/ 使受傷 使受伤 T - 0 shǐ shòu shāng f /hurt/ 使命 2901 1191 shǐ mìng f /mission (diplomatic or other)/set task/ 使唤 使喚 S - 232 shǐ huàn f /to order sb about/to use sb/ 使喚 使唤 T - 232 shǐ huàn f /to order sb about/to use sb/ 使团 使團 S - 183 shǐ tuán f /diplomatic mission/ 使困扰 使困擾 S - 0 shǐ kùn rǎo f /to harass/ 使困擾 使困扰 T - 0 shǐ kùn rǎo f /to harass/ 使團 使团 T - 183 shǐ tuán f /diplomatic mission/ 使坏 使壞 S - 3 shǐ huài f /to play dirty tricks/to be up to mischief/ 使壞 使坏 T - 3 shǐ huài f /to play dirty tricks/to be up to mischief/ 使容易 - 0 shǐ róng yì f /to facilitate/ 使尽 使盡 S - 0 shǐ jìn f /to exert all one's strength/ 使役 - 42 shǐ yì f /to use (an animal or servant)/working (animal)/(beast) of burden/causative form of verbs (esp. in grammar of Japanese, Korean etc)/ 使徒 - 58 shǐ tú f /apostle/ 使徒行传 使徒行傳 S - 0 Shǐ tú Xíng Zhuàn f /Acts of the Apostles (New Testament)/ 使徒行傳 使徒行传 T - 0 Shǐ tú Xíng Zhuàn f /Acts of the Apostles (New Testament)/ 使得 - 3483 shǐ de f /usable/workable/feasible/doable/to make/to cause/ 使怒 - 0 shǐ nù f /to exasperate/ 使性 - 0 shǐ xìng f /to throw a fit/to act temperamental/ 使成 - 0 shǐ chéng f /to cause/to render/ 使成一体 使成一體 S - 0 shǐ chéng yī tǐ f /to unify/ 使成一體 使成一体 T - 0 shǐ chéng yī tǐ f /to unify/ 使满意 使滿意 S - 0 shǐ mǎn yì f /to make content/ 使滿意 使满意 T - 0 shǐ mǎn yì f /to make content/ 使然 - 133 shǐ rán f /(literary) to make it so/to dictate/ 使生气 使生氣 S - 0 shǐ shēng qì f /to displease/ 使生氣 使生气 T - 0 shǐ shēng qì f /to displease/ 使用 777 24035 shǐ yòng f /to use/to employ/to apply/to make use of/ 使用价值 使用價值 S - 0 shǐ yòng jià zhí f /usable value/ 使用價值 使用价值 T - 0 shǐ yòng jià zhí f /usable value/ 使用数量 使用數量 S - 0 shǐ yòng shù liàng f /usage (i.e. extent of use)/ 使用數量 使用数量 T - 0 shǐ yòng shù liàng f /usage (i.e. extent of use)/ 使用权 使用權 S - 220 shǐ yòng quán f /usage rights/ 使用条款 使用條款 S - 0 shǐ yòng tiáo kuǎn f /terms of use/ 使用條款 使用条款 T - 0 shǐ yòng tiáo kuǎn f /terms of use/ 使用權 使用权 T - 220 shǐ yòng quán f /usage rights/ 使用者 - 285 shǐ yòng zhě f /user/ 使用者中介 - 0 shǐ yòng zhě zhōng jiè f /user agent/ 使用量 - 104 shǐ yòng liàng f /volume of use/usage amount/ 使盡 使尽 T - 0 shǐ jìn f /to exert all one's strength/ 使眼色 - 184 shǐ yǎn sè f /to give sb a meaningful look/ 使硬化 - 0 shǐ yìng huà f /harden/ 使節 使节 T - 497 shǐ jié f /(diplomatic) envoy/ 使節團 使节团 T - 20 shǐ jié tuán f /a diplomatic group/a delegation/ 使習慣 使习惯 T - 0 shǐ xí guàn f /to accustom/ 使者 - 938 shǐ zhě f /emissary/envoy/ 使耳聋 使耳聾 S - 0 shǐ ěr lóng f /to deafen/ 使耳聾 使耳聋 T - 0 shǐ ěr lóng f /to deafen/ 使膨胀 使膨脹 S - 0 shǐ péng zhàng f /to dilate/to expand/ 使膨脹 使膨胀 T - 0 shǐ péng zhàng f /to dilate/to expand/ 使興奮 使兴奋 T - 0 shǐ xīng fèn f /exciting/to excite/ 使节 使節 S - 497 shǐ jié f /(diplomatic) envoy/ 使节团 使節團 S - 20 shǐ jié tuán f /a diplomatic group/a delegation/ 使轉向 使转向 T - 0 shǐ zhuǎn xiàng f /to divert/ 使转向 使轉向 S - 0 shǐ zhuǎn xiàng f /to divert/ 使醉 - 0 shǐ zuì f /to intoxicate/ 使領官員 使领官员 T - 0 shǐ lǐng guān yuán f /ambassador and consul/diplomat/ 使領館 使领馆 T - 154 shǐ lǐng guǎn f /embassy and consulate/ 使领官员 使領官員 S - 0 shǐ lǐng guān yuán f /ambassador and consul/diplomat/ 使领馆 使領館 S - 154 shǐ lǐng guǎn f /embassy and consulate/ 使館 使馆 T - 768 shǐ guǎn f /consulate/diplomatic mission/ 使馆 使館 S - 768 shǐ guǎn f /consulate/diplomatic mission/ 使高貴 使高贵 T - 0 shǐ gāo guì f /to dignify/ 使高贵 使高貴 S - 0 shǐ gāo guì f /to dignify/ 使魔法 - 0 shǐ mó fǎ f /to conjure/ 使麻痹 使麻痺 S - 0 shǐ má bì f /to paralyze/ 使麻痺 使麻痹 T - 0 shǐ má bì f /to paralyze/ 侀 - 287 xíng f /shape/statute/ 侁 - 8 shēn f /large crowd/ 侂 - 29 tuō f /to commission/to entrust to/to depute/to request/to ask (sb to do sth)/ 侃 - 101 kǎn f /upright and honest/cheerful/to chat idly/to boast/to talk smoothly/ 侃 偘 S - 101 kǎn f /old variant of 侃[kan3]/ 侃价 侃價 S - 9 kǎn jià f /to bargain/to haggle with a peddlar/ 侃侃 - 52 kǎn kǎn f /to possess assurance and composure/ 侃侃而談 侃侃而谈 T 4978 99 kǎn kǎn ér tán f /to speak frankly with assurance/ 侃侃而谈 侃侃而談 S 4978 99 kǎn kǎn ér tán f /to speak frankly with assurance/ 侃價 侃价 T - 9 kǎn jià f /to bargain/to haggle with a peddlar/ 侃大山 - 11 kǎn dà shān f /to chatter idly/to gossip/to boast or brag/ 侃星 - 0 kǎn xīng f /chatterbox/boaster/ 侃爷 侃爺 S - 0 kǎn yé f /big talker/ 侃爺 侃爷 T - 0 kǎn yé f /big talker/ 侄 - 991 zhí f /variant of 姪|侄[zhi2]/ 侄 妷 S - 991 zhí f /variant of 姪|侄[zhi2]/ 侄 姪 S - 991 zhí f /nephew by the male line/ 侄女 姪女 S - 248 zhí nǚ f /niece/brother's daughter/ 侄女婿 姪女婿 S - 4 zhí nǚ xu f /brother's daughter's husband/niece's husband/ 侄媳妇 姪媳婦 S - 14 zhí xí fu f /brother's son's wife/nephew's wife/ 侄子 姪子 S 2979 192 zhí zi f /brother's son/nephew/ 侄孙 姪孫 S - 51 zhí sūn f /grandnephew/ 侄孙女 姪孫女 S - 15 zhí sūn nǚ f /grand niece/ 侅 - 0 gāi f /to give/prepared for included in/embraced in/ 來 来 T 22 161501 lái f /to come/to arrive/to come round/ever since/next/ 來M 来M T - 0 lái M f /(coll.) (of women) to get one's period/ 來不及 来不及 T 1092 1178 lái bu jí f /there's not enough time (to do sth)/it's too late (to do sth)/ 來不得 来不得 T - 24 lái bu dé f /cannot allow (to be present)/cannot admit/ 來信 来信 T - 829 lái xìn f /incoming letter/send a letter here/ 來函 来函 T - 21 lái hán f /incoming letter/letter from afar/same as 来信/ 來到 来到 T - 8779 lái dào f /to come/to arrive/ 來勁 来劲 T - 47 lái jìn f /(dialect) to be full of zeal/high-spirited/exhilarating/to stir sb up/ 來勢 来势 T - 265 lái shì f /momentum of sth approaching/ 來去無蹤 来去无踪 T - 3 lái qù wú zōng f /come without a shadow, leave without a footprint (idiom); to come and leave without a trace/ 來回 来回 T - 1115 lái huí f /to make a round trip/return journey/back and forth/to and fro/repeatedly/ 來回來去 来回来去 T - 3 lái huí lái qù f /repeatedly/back and forth again and again/ 來回來去地 来回来去地 T - 0 lái huí lái qù de f /backwards and forwards/ 來安 来安 T - 0 Lái ān f /Lai'an county in Chuzhou 滁州[Chu2 zhou1], Anhui/ 來安縣 来安县 T - 3 Lái ān xiàn f /Lai'an county in Chuzhou 滁州[Chu2 zhou1], Anhui/ 來客 来客 T - 109 lái kè f /guest/ 來年 来年 T - 99 lái nián f /next year/the coming year/ 來往 来往 T - 942 lái wǎng f /to come and go/to have dealings with/to be in relation with/ 來得 来得 T - 729 lái de f /to emerge (from a comparison)/to come out as/to be competent or equal to/ 來得及 来得及 T 1095 802 lái de jí f /there's still time/able to do sth in time/ 來得容易,去得快 来得容易,去得快 T - 0 lái de róng yì , qù de kuài f /Easy come, easy go. (idiom)/ 來得早不如來得巧 来得早不如来得巧 T - 0 lái de zǎo bù rú lái de qiǎo f /arriving early can't beat coming at the right time/perfect timing/ 來復槍 来复枪 T - 20 lái fù qiāng f /rifle (loanword)/also written 來福槍|来福枪/ 來復線 来复线 T - 3 lái fù xiàn f /rifling (spiral lines on inside of gun barrel imparting spin to the bullet)/ 來意 来意 T - 156 lái yì f /one's purpose in coming/ 來文 来文 T - 0 lái wén f /received document/sent document/ 來日 来日 T - 171 lái rì f /future days/(literary) the next day/(old) past days/ 來日方長 来日方长 T - 20 lái rì fāng cháng f /the future is long (idiom); there will be ample time for that later/We'll cross that bridge when we get there/ 來朝 来朝 T - 0 lái zhāo f /(literary) tomorrow (morning)/ 來歷 来历 T 4179 744 lái lì f /history/antecedents/origin/ 來歷不明 来历不明 T - 41 lái lì bù míng f /of unknown origin/ 來港 来港 T - 0 lái Gǎng f /to come to Hong Kong/ 來源 来源 T 2843 4434 lái yuán f /source (of information etc)/origin/ 來源於 来源于 T - 965 lái yuán yú f /to originate in/ 來潮 来潮 T - 40 lái cháo f /(of water) to rise/rising tide/(of women) to get one's period/ 來火 来火 T - 0 lái huǒ f /to get angry/ 來火兒 来火儿 T - 0 lái huǒ r f /to get angry/ 來無影,去無蹤 来无影,去无踪 T - 0 lái wú yǐng , qù wú zōng f /lit. come without a shadow, leave without a footprint (idiom); to come and go without a trace/ 來犯 来犯 T - 95 lái fàn f /to invade one's territory/ 來生 来生 T - 58 lái shēng f /next life/ 來由 来由 T - 0 lái yóu f /reason/cause/ 來看 来看 T - 4619 lái kàn f /to come and see/to see a topic from a certain point of view/ 來硬的 来硬的 T - 0 lái yìng de f /to get tough/to use force/ 來示 来示 T - 0 lái shì f /(polite) your letter/ 來神 来神 T - 0 lái shén f /to become spirited/ 來福槍 来福枪 T - 3 lái fú qiāng f /rifle (loanword)/also written 來復槍|来复枪/ 來福線 来福线 T - 3 lái fú xiàn f /rifling (helical grooves inside the barrel of a gun)/ 來義 来义 T - 0 Lái yì f /Laiyi township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 來義鄉 来义乡 T - 0 Lái yì xiāng f /Laii township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 來者不善,善者不來 来者不善,善者不来 T - 0 lái zhě bù shàn , shàn zhě bù lái f /He who comes is surely ill-intentioned, no-one well-meaning will come (idiom)./Be careful not to trust foreigners./Beware of Greeks bearing gifts!/ 來者不拒 来者不拒 T - 27 lái zhě bù jù f /to refuse nobody (idiom)/all comers welcome/ 來而不往非禮也 来而不往非礼也 T - 23 lái ér bù wǎng fēi lǐ yě f /not to reciprocate is against etiquette (classical)/to respond in kind/ 來臨 来临 T - 816 lái lín f /to approach/to come closer/ 來自 来自 T 714 6801 lái zì f /to come from (a place)/From: (in email header)/ 來臺 来台 T - 0 lái Tái f /to visit Taiwan (esp. from PRC)/ 來華 来华 T - 369 lái Huá f /to come to China/ 來著 来着 T - 0 lái zhe f /auxiliary showing sth happened in the past/ 來蘇糖 来苏糖 T - 3 lái sū táng f /lyxose (type of sugar)/ 來襲 来袭 T - 0 lái xí f /to invade/(of a storm etc) to strike/to hit/ 來訪 来访 T - 867 lái fǎng f /to pay a visit/ 來講 来讲 T - 817 lái jiǎng f /as to/considering/for/ 來賓 来宾 T - 166 Lái bīn f /Laibin prefecture level city in Guangxi/Zhuang: Leizbingz/ 來賓 来宾 T - 166 lái bīn f /guest/visitor/ 來賓市 来宾市 T - 3 Lái bīn shì f /Laibin prefecture level city in Guangxi/Zhuang: Leizbingz/ 來路 来路 T - 119 lái lù f /incoming road/origin/past history/ 來路不明 来路不明 T - 12 lái lù bù míng f /unidentified origin/no-one knows where it comes from/of dubious background/ 來電 来电 T - 138 lái diàn f /incoming telegram or telephone call/your telegram, telephone call, or message/to send a telegram or make a telephone call here (i.e. to the speaker)/to have instant attraction to sb/to have chemistry with sb/to come back (of electricity, after an outage)/ 來電顯示 来电显示 T - 3 lái diàn xiǎn shì f /caller ID/ 來項 来项 T - 0 lái xiang f /income/ 來頭 来头 T - 86 lái tóu f /cause/reason/interest/influence/ 來鳳 来凤 T - 40 Lái fèng f /Laifeng county in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 恩施土家族苗族自治州[En1 shi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Hubei/ 來鳳縣 来凤县 T - 257 Lái fèng xiàn f /Laifeng county in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 恩施土家族苗族自治州[En1 shi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Hubei/ 來鴻 来鸿 T - 2 lái hóng f /incoming letter (literary)/ 來鴻去燕 来鸿去燕 T - 3 lái hóng qù yàn f /lit. the goose comes, the swallow goes (idiom); fig. always on the move/ 來龍去脈 来龙去脉 T - 118 lái lóng qù mài f /lit. mountain has a connecting pulse throughout like a dragon (idiom, from fengshui); sequence of events/pedigree/cause and effects/the whys and wherefores/where sth comes from and where it goes/ins and outs/ 侇 - 0 yí f /(old) class/category/corpse/ 侈 - 54 chǐ f /extravagant/wasteful/exaggerating/ 侈糜 - 0 chǐ mí f /variant of 侈靡[chi3 mi2]/ 侈談 侈谈 T - 10 chǐ tán f /to prate/ 侈谈 侈談 S - 10 chǐ tán f /to prate/ 侈靡 - 4 chǐ mí f /wasteful/extravagant/ 侉 - 17 kuǎ f /foreign accent/ 侉子 - 5 kuǎ zi f /person speaking with a foreign accent/ 例 - 2753 lì f /example/precedent/rule/case/instance/ 例会 例會 S - 63 lì huì f /regular meeting/ 例假 - 31 lì jià f /legal holiday/menstrual period/ 例句 - 30 lì jù f /example sentence/ 例外 3091 1198 lì wài f /exception/to be an exception/ 例外字 - 0 lì wài zì f /exception(s)/ 例如 1082 6232 lì rú f /for example/for instance/such as/ 例子 - 1607 lì zi f /case/(for) instance/example/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 例會 例会 T - 63 lì huì f /regular meeting/ 例示 - 18 lì shì f /to exemplify/ 例行 - 817 lì xíng f /routine/ 例行公事 - 58 lì xíng gōng shì f /routine business/usual practice/mere formality/ 例言 - 4 lì yán f /introductory remarks/ 例語 例语 T - 3 lì yǔ f /example sentence/ 例證 例证 T - 189 lì zhèng f /example/case in point/ 例证 例證 S - 189 lì zhèng f /example/case in point/ 例语 例語 S - 3 lì yǔ f /example sentence/ 例題 例题 T - 50 lì tí f /problem or question solved for illustrative purposes in the classroom/practice question (used in preparation for an exam)/sample question/ 例题 例題 S - 50 lì tí f /problem or question solved for illustrative purposes in the classroom/practice question (used in preparation for an exam)/sample question/ 侌 - 2 yīn f /old variant of 陰|阴[yin1]/ 侍 - 1204 shì f /to serve/to attend upon/ 侍从 侍從 S - 279 shì cóng f /chamberlain (in imperial China)/ 侍从官 侍從官 S - 3 shì cóng guān f /aide-de-camp/ 侍候 - 528 shì hòu f /to serve/to wait upon/ 侍卫 侍衛 S - 1950 shì wèi f /Imperial bodyguard/ 侍卫官 侍衛官 S - 8 shì wèi guān f /guard/ 侍奉 - 180 shì fèng f /to wait upon/to serve/to attend to sb's needs/ 侍女 - 312 shì nǚ f /maid/ 侍妾 - 3 shì qiè f /concubine/ 侍弄 - 23 shì nòng f /to look after/to tend (one's crops, garden, livestock, pets etc)/to repair/ 侍從 侍从 T - 279 shì cóng f /chamberlain (in imperial China)/ 侍從官 侍从官 T - 3 shì cóng guān f /aide-de-camp/ 侍立 - 183 shì lì f /to stand by in attendance/ 侍者 - 117 shì zhě f /attendant/waiter/ 侍衛 侍卫 T - 1950 shì wèi f /Imperial bodyguard/ 侍衛官 侍卫官 T - 8 shì wèi guān f /guard/ 侍郎 - 1490 shì láng f /ancient official title/assistant minister/ 侏 - 13 zhū f /dwarf/ 侏儒 - 64 zhū rú f /dwarf/pygmy/small person/midget/ 侏儒仓鼠 侏儒倉鼠 S - 0 zhū rú cāng shǔ f /dwarf hamster/ 侏儒倉鼠 侏儒仓鼠 T - 0 zhū rú cāng shǔ f /dwarf hamster/ 侏儒症 - 4 zhū rú zhèng f /pituitary dwarfism/ 侏罗 侏羅 S - 23 Zhū luó f /Jura mountains of eastern France and extending into Switzerland/ 侏罗纪 侏羅紀 S - 138 Zhū luó jì f /Jurassic (geological period 205-140m years ago)/ 侏羅 侏罗 T - 23 Zhū luó f /Jura mountains of eastern France and extending into Switzerland/ 侏羅紀 侏罗纪 T - 138 Zhū luó jì f /Jurassic (geological period 205-140m years ago)/ 侏蓝仙鹟 侏藍仙鶲 S - 0 zhū lán xiān wēng f /(bird species of China) pygmy blue flycatcher (Muscicapella hodgsoni)/ 侏藍仙鶲 侏蓝仙鹟 T - 0 zhū lán xiān wēng f /(bird species of China) pygmy blue flycatcher (Muscicapella hodgsoni)/ 侐 - 0 xù f /still/silent/ 侑 - 43 yòu f /urge to eat/ 侔 - 42 móu f /similar/comparable/equal/ 侖 仑 T - 63 lún f /to arrange/ 侗 - 237 Dòng t /Dong (ethnic group)/ 侗 - 237 dòng t /(ethnic group)/ 侗 - 237 tóng f /ignorant/ 侗人 - 0 Dòng rén f /people of the Dong ethnic minority/ 侗剧 侗劇 S - 0 Dòng jù f /Dong opera/ 侗劇 侗剧 T - 0 Dòng jù f /Dong opera/ 侘 - 0 chà f /boast/despondent/ 侚 - 4 xùn f /quick/variant of 殉[xun4]/ 供 - 8136 gōng t /to provide/to supply/ 供 - 8136 gòng f /sacrificial offering/to confess/ 供不应求 供不應求 S 4899 150 gōng bù yìng qiú f /supply does not meet demand/ 供不應求 供不应求 T 4899 150 gōng bù yìng qiú f /supply does not meet demand/ 供佛花 - 0 gòng fó huā f /flower offering/ 供养 供養 S - 872 gōng yǎng f /to supply/to provide for one's elders/to support one's parents/ 供养 供養 S - 872 gòng yǎng t /to make offerings (to the Gods)/ 供品 - 34 gòng pǐn f /offering/ 供大于求 供大於求 S - 62 gōng dà yú qiú f /supply exceeds demand/ 供大於求 供大于求 T - 62 gōng dà yú qiú f /supply exceeds demand/ 供奉 - 1188 gòng fèng f /to consecrate/to enshrine and worship/an offering (to one's ancestors)/a sacrifice (to a God)/ 供应 供應 S - 2615 gōng yìng f /to supply/to provide/to offer/ 供应品 供應品 S - 10 gōng yìng pǐn f /supplies/ 供应商 供應商 S - 270 gōng yìng shāng f /supplier/ 供应室 供應室 S - 0 gōng yìng shì f /supply room/ 供应者 供應者 S - 12 gōng yìng zhě f /supplier/ 供应链 供應鏈 S - 140 gōng yīng liàn f /supply chain/ 供應 供应 T - 2615 gōng yìng f /to supply/to provide/to offer/ 供應品 供应品 T - 10 gōng yìng pǐn f /supplies/ 供應商 供应商 T - 270 gōng yìng shāng f /supplier/ 供應室 供应室 T - 0 gōng yìng shì f /supply room/ 供應者 供应者 T - 12 gōng yìng zhě f /supplier/ 供應鏈 供应链 T - 140 gōng yīng liàn f /supply chain/ 供房 - 3 gōng fáng f /to buy a house on a mortgage/house mortgage/ 供水 - 255 gōng shuǐ f /to supply water/ 供求 - 506 gōng qiú f /supply and demand (economics)/ 供油系統 供油系统 T - 0 gōng yóu xì tǒng f /fuel supply system/lubricating system/ 供油系统 供油系統 S - 0 gōng yóu xì tǒng f /fuel supply system/lubricating system/ 供热 供熱 S - 77 gōng rè f /heat supply/ 供熱 供热 T - 77 gōng rè f /heat supply/ 供燃气 供燃氣 S - 0 gōng rán qì f /gas supply/ 供燃氣 供燃气 T - 0 gōng rán qì f /gas supply/ 供物 - 0 gòng wù f /offering/ 供状 供狀 S - 18 gòng zhuàng f /written confession/ 供狀 供状 T - 18 gòng zhuàng f /written confession/ 供献 供獻 S - 20 gōng xiàn f /a contribution/ 供獻 供献 T - 20 gōng xiàn f /a contribution/ 供电 供電 S - 288 gōng diàn f /to supply electricity/ 供称 供稱 S - 5 gòng chēng f /to make a confession (law)/ 供稱 供称 T - 5 gòng chēng f /to make a confession (law)/ 供給 供给 T 3576 1175 gōng jǐ f /to furnish/to provide/supply (as in supply and demand)/ 供给 供給 S 3576 1175 gōng jǐ f /to furnish/to provide/supply (as in supply and demand)/ 供职 供職 S - 206 gòng zhí f /to hold an office or post/ 供職 供职 T - 206 gòng zhí f /to hold an office or post/ 供花 - 0 gòng huā f /flower offering/ 供血 - 0 gōng xuè f /to donate blood/ 供血者 - 7 gōng xuè zhě f /blood donor/ 供詞 供词 T - 32 gòng cí f /statement of confession/ 供認 供认 T - 33 gòng rèn f /to confess/confession/ 供认 供認 S - 33 gòng rèn f /to confess/confession/ 供词 供詞 S - 32 gòng cí f /statement of confession/ 供貨 供货 T - 159 gōng huò f /to supply goods/ 供貨商 供货商 T - 25 gōng huò shāng f /supplier/vendor/ 供货 供貨 S - 159 gōng huò f /to supply goods/ 供货商 供貨商 S - 25 gōng huò shāng f /supplier/vendor/ 供过于求 供過於求 S - 41 gōng guò yú qiú f /supply exceeds demand/ 供述 - 35 gòng shù f /confession/ 供過於求 供过于求 T - 41 gōng guò yú qiú f /supply exceeds demand/ 供銷 供销 T - 136 gōng xiāo f /supply and marketing/distribution/supply and sales/ 供銷商 供销商 T - 3 gōng xiāo shāng f /distribution business/supplier/ 供销 供銷 S - 136 gōng xiāo f /supply and marketing/distribution/supply and sales/ 供销商 供銷商 S - 3 gōng xiāo shāng f /distribution business/supplier/ 供電 供电 T - 288 gōng diàn f /to supply electricity/ 供需 - 162 gōng xū f /supply and demand/ 供養 供养 T - 872 gōng yǎng f /to supply/to provide for one's elders/to support one's parents/ 供養 供养 T - 872 gòng yǎng t /to make offerings (to the Gods)/ 侜 - 3 zhōu f /to conceal/to cover/ 依 - 4797 yī f /to depend on/to comply with or listen to sb/according to/in the light of/ 依云 依雲 S - 0 Yī yún f /Evian, mineral water company/Évian-les-Bains, resort and spa town in south-eastern France/ 依从 依從 S - 193 yī cóng f /to comply with/to obey/ 依仗 - 179 yī zhàng f /to count on/to rely on/ 依依 - 111 yī yī f /to regret leaving/reluctant to part/(onom.) young leaves stir gently in the wind/ 依依不捨 依依不舍 T - 82 yī yī bù shě f /reluctant to part (idiom); broken-hearted at having to leave/ 依依不舍 依依不捨 S - 82 yī yī bù shě f /reluctant to part (idiom); broken-hearted at having to leave/ 依偎 - 107 yī wēi f /to nestle against/to snuggle up to/ 依傍 - 53 yī bàng f /to rely on/to depend on/to imitate (a model)/to base a work (on some model)/ 依兰 依蘭 S - 38 Yī lán f /Yilan county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1], Heilongjiang/ 依兰县 依蘭縣 S - 11 Yī lán xiàn f /Yilan county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1], Heilongjiang/ 依地酸二鈷 依地酸二钴 T - 0 yī dì suān èr gǔ f /kelocyanor/ 依地酸二钴 依地酸二鈷 S - 0 yī dì suān èr gǔ f /kelocyanor/ 依存 - 161 yī cún f /to depend on sth for existence/dependent on/ 依安 - 3 Yī ān f /Yi'an county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang/ 依安县 依安縣 S - 3 Yī An xiàn f /Yi'an county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang/ 依安縣 依安县 T - 3 Yī An xiàn f /Yi'an county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang/ 依属 依屬 S - 0 yī shǔ f /dependence/ 依屬 依属 T - 0 yī shǔ f /dependence/ 依山傍水 - 304 yī shān bàng shuǐ f /mountains on one side and water on the other/ 依從 依从 T - 193 yī cóng f /to comply with/to obey/ 依循 - 27 yī xún f /to follow/to comply/ 依恋 依戀 S - 200 yī liàn f /to regret parting/to hate to leave sb/ 依戀 依恋 T - 200 yī liàn f /to regret parting/to hate to leave sb/ 依我來看 依我来看 T - 3 yī wǒ lái kàn f /as I see it/in my opinion/ 依我来看 依我來看 S - 3 yī wǒ lái kàn f /as I see it/in my opinion/ 依我看 - 140 yī wǒ kàn f /in my opinion/ 依托 依託 S 4887 629 yī tuō f /to rely on/to depend on/ 依据 依據 S 3432 3856 yī jù f /according to/basis/foundation/ 依撒依亚 依撒依亞 S - 0 Yī sā yī yà f /Isaiah (Catholic transliteration)/ 依撒依亞 依撒依亚 T - 0 Yī sā yī yà f /Isaiah (Catholic transliteration)/ 依撒意亚 依撒意亞 S - 0 Yī sā yì yà f /Isaiah/ 依撒意亞 依撒意亚 T - 0 Yī sā yì yà f /Isaiah/ 依撒格 - 0 Yī sā gé f /Issac (name)/ 依據 依据 T 3432 3856 yī jù f /according to/basis/foundation/ 依旧 依舊 S 3335 1495 yī jiù f /as before/still/ 依样画葫芦 依樣畫葫蘆 S - 8 yī yàng huà hú lu f /lit. to draw a gourd from the model (idiom)/fig. to copy sth mechanically without attempt at originality/ 依樣畫葫蘆 依样画葫芦 T - 8 yī yàng huà hú lu f /lit. to draw a gourd from the model (idiom)/fig. to copy sth mechanically without attempt at originality/ 依次 - 1959 yī cì f /in order/in succession/ 依法 - 2359 yī fǎ f /legal (proceedings)/according to law/ 依法治国 依法治國 S - 3 yī fǎ zhì guó f /to rule according to the law/ 依法治國 依法治国 T - 3 yī fǎ zhì guó f /to rule according to the law/ 依洛瓦底 - 0 Yī luò wǎ dǐ f /Irrawaddy or Ayeyarwaddy River, the main river of Myanmar (Burma)/also written 伊洛瓦底/ 依然 1676 3628 yī rán f /still/as before/ 依然如故 - 23 yī rán rú gù f /back to where we were (idiom); absolutely no improvement/Things haven't changed at all./ 依然故我 - 17 yī rán gù wǒ f /to be one's old self (idiom)/to be unchanged/(derog.) to be stuck in one's ways/ 依照 - 3359 yī zhào f /according to/in light of/ 依着 依著 S - 0 yī zhe f /in accordance with/ 依稀 - 320 yī xī f /vaguely/dimly/probably/very likely/ 依舊 依旧 T 3335 1495 yī jiù f /as before/still/ 依著 依着 T - 0 yī zhe f /in accordance with/ 依蘭 依兰 T - 38 Yī lán f /Yilan county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1], Heilongjiang/ 依蘭縣 依兰县 T - 11 Yī lán xiàn f /Yilan county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1], Heilongjiang/ 依計行事 依计行事 T - 0 yī jì xíng shì f /to act according to plan/ 依託 依托 T 4887 629 yī tuō f /to rely on/to depend on/ 依计行事 依計行事 S - 0 yī jì xíng shì f /to act according to plan/ 依賴 依赖 T 3225 1660 yī lài f /to depend on/to be dependent on/ 依赖 依賴 S 3225 1660 yī lài f /to depend on/to be dependent on/ 依附 - 466 yī fù f /to adhere/to attach oneself to/to append/ 依雲 依云 T - 0 Yī yún f /Evian, mineral water company/Évian-les-Bains, resort and spa town in south-eastern France/ 依靠 2847 3149 yī kào f /to rely on sth (for support etc)/to depend on/ 依順 依顺 T - 11 yī shùn f /to comply/ 依顺 依順 S - 11 yī shùn f /to comply/ 侠 俠 S - 981 xiá f /knight-errant/brave and chivalrous/hero/heroic/ 侠义 俠義 S - 259 xiá yì f /chivalrous/chivalry/knight-errantry/ 侠士 俠士 S - 40 xiá shì f /knight-errant/ 侠客 俠客 S - 225 xiá kè f /chivalrous person/knight-errant/ 侠气 俠氣 S - 12 xiá qì f /chivalry/ 侠盗猎车手 俠盜獵車手 S - 0 xiá dào liè chē shǒu f /Grand Theft Auto (video game series)/ 侠盗飞车 俠盜飛車 S - 0 xiá dào fēi chē f /Grand Theft Auto (video game series)/ 価 - 2 jià f /Japanese variant of 價|价/ 侢 - 0 dài f /old variant of 戴[dai4]/ 侣 侶 S - 139 lǚ f /companion/ 侥 僥 S - 69 jiǎo f /by mere luck/ 侥幸 僥倖 S 3842 657 jiǎo xìng f /luckily/by a fluke/ 侥幸心理 僥倖心理 S - 3 jiǎo xìng xīn lǐ f /trusting to luck/wishful thinking/ 侦 偵 S - 220 zhēn f /to scout/to spy/to detect/ 侦 遉 S - 220 zhēn f /old variant of 偵|侦[zhen1]/ 侦办 偵辦 S - 9 zhēn bàn f /to investigate (a crime) and prosecute/ 侦听 偵聽 S - 109 zhēn tīng f /to eavesdrop/to tap (telephone conversations)/to intercept and investigate/ 侦察 偵察 S - 2110 zhēn chá f /to investigate a crime/to scout/to reconnoiter/reconnaissance/detection/a scout/ 侦察兵 偵察兵 S - 102 zhēn chá bīng f /a scout/spy/ 侦察员 偵察員 S - 74 zhēn chá yuán f /detective/investigator/scout/spy/ 侦察性 偵察性 S - 0 zhēn chá xìng f /investigatory/ 侦察机 偵察機 S - 462 zhēn chá jī f /surveillance aircraft/spy plane/ 侦探 偵探 S 2569 82 zhēn tàn f /detective/to do detective work/ 侦查 偵查 S - 397 zhēn chá f /to detect/to investigate/ 侦毒器 偵毒器 S - 0 zhēn dú qì f /detection unit/ 侦毒管 偵毒管 S - 0 zhēn dú guǎn f /detector tube/ 侦测 偵測 S - 50 zhēn cè f /to detect/to sense/ 侦测器 偵測器 S - 3 zhēn cè qì f /detector/ 侦破 偵破 S - 106 zhēn pò f /to investigate (as detective)/to solve (crime)/to uncover (a plot)/to sniff out/to break in and analyze/detective work/to scout/ 侦缉 偵緝 S - 28 zhēn jī f /to track down/to investigate and arrest/ 侦讯 偵訊 S - 3 zhēn xùn f /to interrogate during investigation/ 侧 側 S - 3498 cè t /the side/to incline towards/to lean/inclined/lateral/side/ 侧 側 S - 3498 zhāi f /lean on one side/ 侧写 側寫 S - 0 cè xiě f /to profile/profile/(offender) profiling/ 侧刀旁 側刀旁 S - 0 cè dāo páng f /name of "knife" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 18), occurring in 到, 利, 别 etc/see also 刂[dao1]/ 侧卧 側臥 S - 53 cè wò f /to lie on one's side/ 侧壁 側壁 S - 24 cè bì f /side wall/ 侧室 側室 S - 27 cè shì f /sideroom/concubine/ 侧录 側錄 S - 0 cè lù f /to capture data/to record illicitly/data skimming/ 侧影 側影 S - 24 cè yǐng f /profile/silhouette/ 侧根 側根 S - 44 cè gēn f /lateral root (botany)/ 侧生动物 側生動物 S - 0 cè shēng dòng wù f /parazoan (animal of the subkingdom Parazoa, mostly sponges)/ 侧目 側目 S - 100 cè mù f /to raise eyebrows/to cast sidelong glances (expressing fear or indignation)/shocked/surprised/ 侧空翻 側空翻 S - 3 cè kōng fān f /aerial cartwheel/side somersault/ 侧耳 側耳 S - 243 cè ěr f /to bend an ear (to)/to listen/ 侧身 側身 S - 491 cè shēn f /(to stand or move) sideways/ 侧躺 側躺 S - 0 cè tǎng f /to lie down (on one's side)/ 侧边栏 側邊欄 S - 0 cè biān lán f /a side-bar (in software)/ 侧重 側重 S - 423 cè zhòng f /to place particular emphasis on/ 侧重点 側重點 S - 101 cè zhòng diǎn f /main point/emphasis/ 侧链 側鏈 S - 0 cè liàn f /side chain (used in classifying amino acids)/ 侧锋 側鋒 S - 0 cè fēng f /oblique attack (brush movement in painting)/ 侧门 側門 S - 87 cè mén f /side door/ 侧面 側面 S 3662 645 cè miàn f /lateral side/side/aspect/profile/ 侨 僑 S - 1073 qiáo f /emigrant/to reside abroad/ 侨乡 僑鄉 S - 97 qiáo xiāng f /home town of overseas Chinese/ 侨务委员会 僑務委員會 S - 0 Qiáo wù Wěi yuán huì f /Overseas Chinese Affairs Council, Taiwan/ 侨居 僑居 S - 137 qiáo jū f /to live far away from one's native place/to reside in a foreign country/ 侨民 僑民 S - 188 qiáo mín f /expatriates/ 侨胞 僑胞 S - 169 qiáo bāo f /countryman living abroad/ 侩 儈 S - 14 kuài f /broker/ 侪 儕 S - 72 chái f /a class/a company/companion/ 侬 儂 S - 92 nóng f /you (Wu dialect)/I, me (classical)/ 侮 - 317 wǔ f /to insult/to ridicule/to disgrace/ 侮弄 - 3 wǔ nòng f /to mock/to bully and insult/ 侮慢 - 19 wǔ màn f /to humiliate/to bully/ 侮罵 侮骂 T - 3 wǔ mà f /to scold/abuse/ 侮蔑 - 3 wǔ miè f /contempt/to despise/ 侮辱 2763 428 wǔ rǔ f /to insult/to humiliate/dishonor/ 侮骂 侮罵 S - 3 wǔ mà f /to scold/abuse/ 侯 - 1246 Hóu f /surname Hou/ 侯 - 1246 hóu f /marquis, second of the five orders of ancient Chinese nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]/nobleman or high official/ 侯景之乱 侯景之亂 S - 0 Hóu Jǐng zhī luàn f /rebellion against Liang of the Southern Dynasties 南朝梁 in 548/ 侯景之亂 侯景之乱 T - 0 Hóu Jǐng zhī luàn f /rebellion against Liang of the Southern Dynasties 南朝梁 in 548/ 侯爵 - 114 hóu jué f /marquis/ 侯賽因 侯赛因 T - 84 Hóu sài yīn f /Husain or Hussein (name)/Hussein (c. 626-680), Muslim leader whose martyrdom is commemorated at Ashura/Saddam Hussein al Tikriti (1937-2006), dictator of Iraq 1979-2003/ 侯赛因 侯賽因 S - 84 Hóu sài yīn f /Husain or Hussein (name)/Hussein (c. 626-680), Muslim leader whose martyrdom is commemorated at Ashura/Saddam Hussein al Tikriti (1937-2006), dictator of Iraq 1979-2003/ 侯門 侯门 T - 0 hóu mén f /noble house/ 侯門似海 侯门似海 T - 3 hóu mén sì hǎi f /lit. the gate of a noble house is like the sea/there is a wide gap between the nobility and the common people (idiom)/ 侯门 侯門 S - 0 hóu mén f /noble house/ 侯门似海 侯門似海 S - 3 hóu mén sì hǎi f /lit. the gate of a noble house is like the sea/there is a wide gap between the nobility and the common people (idiom)/ 侯馬 侯马 T - 48 Hóu mǎ f /Houma county level city in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ 侯馬市 侯马市 T - 7 Hóu mǎ shì f /Houma county level city in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ 侯马 侯馬 S - 48 Hóu mǎ f /Houma county level city in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ 侯马市 侯馬市 S - 7 Hóu mǎ shì f /Houma county level city in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ 侵 - 1187 qīn f /to invade/to encroach/to infringe/to approach/ 侵佔 侵占 T - 849 qīn zhàn f /to invade and occupy (territory)/ 侵入 - 1432 qīn rù f /to make (military) incursions/to invade/to intrude into/to trespass/to gain unauthorized access (computing)/ 侵入家宅者 - 0 qīn rù jiā zhái zhě f /housebreaker/burglar/ 侵入岩 - 0 qīn rù yán f /intrusive rock/ 侵入性 - 0 qīn rù xìng f /invasive (e.g. disease or procedure)/ 侵入者 - 0 qīn rù zhě f /intruder/invader/ 侵华 侵華 S - 317 qīn Huá f /to invade China (referring to 19th century imperialist powers and Japan)/ 侵占 侵佔 S - 849 qīn zhàn f /to invade and occupy (territory)/ 侵吞 - 111 qīn tūn f /to annex/to swallow (up)/to embezzle/ 侵夜 - 0 qīn yè f /(literary) nightfall/night/ 侵害 - 383 qīn hài f /to encroach on/to infringe on/ 侵截 - 0 qīn jié f /to hack (computer)/ 侵截者 - 0 qīn jié zhě f /cracker (computing)/ 侵扰 侵擾 S - 177 qīn rǎo f /to invade and harass/ 侵擾 侵扰 T - 177 qīn rǎo f /to invade and harass/ 侵晨 - 3 qīn chén f /towards dawn/ 侵权 侵權 S - 260 qīn quán f /to infringe the rights of/to violate/infringement/ 侵权行为 侵權行為 S - 3 qīn quán xíng wéi f /tort/infringement (of sb's rights)/ 侵權 侵权 T - 260 qīn quán f /to infringe the rights of/to violate/infringement/ 侵權行為 侵权行为 T - 3 qīn quán xíng wéi f /tort/infringement (of sb's rights)/ 侵犯 2857 1279 qīn fàn f /to infringe on/to encroach on/to violate/to assault/ 侵略 3645 2969 qīn lüè f /invasion/encroachment/ 侵略军 侵略軍 S - 733 qīn lüè jūn f /invading army/ 侵略者 - 1912 qīn lüè zhě f /aggressors/invaders/ 侵略軍 侵略军 T - 733 qīn lüè jūn f /invading army/ 侵華 侵华 T - 317 qīn Huá f /to invade China (referring to 19th century imperialist powers and Japan)/ 侵蚀 侵蝕 S - 784 qīn shí f /to erode/to corrode/ 侵蚀作用 侵蝕作用 S - 3 qīn shí zuò yòng f /erosion/ 侵蝕 侵蚀 T - 784 qīn shí f /to erode/to corrode/ 侵蝕作用 侵蚀作用 T - 3 qīn shí zuò yòng f /erosion/ 侵袭 侵襲 S - 319 qīn xí f /to invade/to assail/onslaught/ 侵襲 侵袭 T - 319 qīn xí f /to invade/to assail/onslaught/ 侶 侣 T - 139 lǚ f /companion/ 侷 局 T - 4001 jú f /narrow/ 侷促 局促 T - 96 jú cù f /cramped/ill at ease/ 侷限 局限 T 4246 740 jú xiàn f /variant of 局限[ju2 xian4]/ 侷麻藥 局麻药 T - 0 jú má yào f /local anesthetic/ 侽 - 0 nán f /old variant of 男[nan2]/ 便 1368 55339 biàn t /ordinary/plain/convenient/as convenient/when the chance arises/handy/easy/informal/simple/so/thus/to relieve oneself/to urinate/to defecate/equivalent to 就[jiu4]: then/in that case/even if/soon afterwards/ 便 1368 55339 pián f /advantageous/cheap/ 便中 - 0 biàn zhōng f /at one's convenience/when it's convenient/ 便于 便於 S 4602 1331 biàn yú f /easy to/convenient for/ 便人 - 0 biàn rén f /sb who happens to be on hand for an errand/ 便便 - 0 biàn biàn f /to poo poo (kiddie or feminine term)/also pr. [bian3 bian3]/ 便便 - 0 pián pián t /obese/bulging/ 便函 - 3 biàn hán f /an informal letter sent by an organization/ 便利 3424 1042 biàn lì f /convenient/easy/to facilitate/ 便利商店 - 3 biàn lì shāng diàn f /convenience store/also name of pop group, series of computer games etc/ 便利店 - 20 biàn lì diàn f /convenience store/ 便利性 - 11 biàn lì xìng f /convenience/ 便利貼 便利贴 T - 0 biàn lì tiē f /sticky note/ 便利贴 便利貼 S - 0 biàn lì tiē f /sticky note/ 便器 - 3 biàn qì f /toilet/urinal/ 便士 - 249 biàn shì f /penny (loanword)/ 便壶 便壺 S - 21 biàn hú f /bed urinal/chamber pot/ 便壺 便壶 T - 21 biàn hú f /bed urinal/chamber pot/ 便嬛 - 0 pián xuān f /(old) graceful/ 便宜 281 2013 biàn yí f /convenient/ 便宜 281 2013 pián yi f /cheap/inexpensive/small advantages/to let sb off lightly/ 便宜行事 - 16 biàn yí xíng shì f /act at one's discretion/act as one sees fit/ 便宜貨 便宜货 T - 16 pián yi huò f /a bargain/cheap goods/ 便宜货 便宜貨 S - 16 pián yi huò f /a bargain/cheap goods/ 便宴 - 14 biàn yàn f /informal dinner/ 便帽 - 15 biàn mào f /cap/ 便当 便當 S - 294 biàn dāng f /convenient/handy/easy/bento (a meal in a partitioned box)/lunchbox/ 便急 - 0 biàn jí f /to need the toilet/urinary or defecatory urgency/ 便所 - 0 biàn suǒ f /(dialect) toilet/privy/ 便捷 - 503 biàn jié f /convenient and fast/ 便捷化 - 0 biàn jié huà f /to facilitate/expedite/make convenient and fast/speed up/ 便携 便攜 S - 74 biàn xié f /portable/easy to carry/ 便携式 便攜式 S - 153 biàn xié shì f /portable/ 便攜 便携 T - 74 biàn xié f /portable/easy to carry/ 便攜式 便携式 T - 153 biàn xié shì f /portable/ 便於 便于 T 4602 1331 biàn yú f /easy to/convenient for/ 便是 - 6978 biàn shì f /(emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated)/precisely/exactly/even/if/just like/in the same way as/ 便服 - 84 biàn fú f /everyday clothes/informal dress/civilian clothes/ 便条 便條 S 3855 12 biàn tiáo f /(informal) note/CL:張|张[zhang1],個|个[ge4]/ 便条纸 便條紙 S - 3 biàn tiáo zhǐ f /scrap paper/ 便桥 便橋 S - 0 biàn qiáo f /temporary bridge/ 便桶 - 3 biàn tǒng f /chamber pot/ 便條 便条 T 3855 12 biàn tiáo f /(informal) note/CL:張|张[zhang1],個|个[ge4]/ 便條紙 便条纸 T - 3 biàn tiáo zhǐ f /scrap paper/ 便橋 便桥 T - 0 biàn qiáo f /temporary bridge/ 便步走 - 3 biàn bù zǒu f /march at ease/route step/ 便民利民 - 3 biàn mín lì mín f /for the convenience and benefit of the people (idiom)/ 便池 - 5 biàn chí f /urinal/ 便溺 - 11 biàn niào f /to urinate or defecate/urine and feces/ 便當 便当 T - 294 biàn dāng f /convenient/handy/easy/bento (a meal in a partitioned box)/lunchbox/ 便盆 - 10 biàn pén f /bed pan/ 便秘 - 269 biàn mì f /constipation/Taiwan pr. [bian4 bi4]/ 便笺 便箋 S - 2 biàn jiān f /notepaper/memo/memo pad/ 便签 便簽 S - 2 biàn qiān f /note/memo/CL:張|张[zhang1],個|个[ge4]/ 便箋 便笺 T - 2 biàn jiān f /notepaper/memo/memo pad/ 便簽 便签 T - 2 biàn qiān f /note/memo/CL:張|张[zhang1],個|个[ge4]/ 便血 - 44 biàn xiě f /having blood in one's stool/ 便衣 - 237 biàn yī f /civilian clothes/plain clothes/plainclothesman/ 便衣警察 - 3 biàn yī jǐng chá f /plain-clothed policeman/ 便装 便裝 S - 52 biàn zhuāng f /casual dress/ 便裝 便装 T - 52 biàn zhuāng f /casual dress/ 便覽 便览 T - 3 biàn lǎn f /brief guide/ 便览 便覽 S - 3 biàn lǎn f /brief guide/ 便車 便车 T - 4 biàn chē f /to hitchhike/ 便車旅行者 便车旅行者 T - 0 biàn chē lǚ xíng zhě f /hitch-hiker/ 便车 便車 S - 4 biàn chē f /to hitchhike/ 便车旅行者 便車旅行者 S - 0 biàn chē lǚ xíng zhě f /hitch-hiker/ 便道 - 79 biàn dào f /pavement/sidewalk/shortcut/makeshift road/ 便酌 - 3 biàn zhuó f /informal dinner/ 便門 便门 T - 10 biàn mén f /side door/wicket door/ 便閉 便闭 T - 0 biàn bì f /see 便秘[bian4 mi4]/ 便门 便門 S - 10 biàn mén f /side door/wicket door/ 便闭 便閉 S - 0 biàn bì f /see 便秘[bian4 mi4]/ 便难 便難 S - 0 biàn nàn f /retort with challenging questions/debate/ 便難 便难 T - 0 biàn nàn f /retort with challenging questions/debate/ 便鞋 - 3 biàn xié f /cloth shoes/slippers/ 便飯 便饭 T - 8 biàn fàn f /an ordinary meal/simple home cooking/ 便饭 便飯 S - 8 biàn fàn f /an ordinary meal/simple home cooking/ 俁 俣 T - 139 yǔ f /big/ 係 系 T 1265 10196 xì t /to connect/to relate to/to tie up/to bind/to be (literary)/ 係數 系数 T - 649 xì shù f /coefficient/factor/modulus/ratio/ 促 - 758 cù f /urgent/hurried/to urge/to promote/to urge haste/close/intimate/ 促使 2335 1460 cù shǐ f /to induce/to promote/to urge/to impel/to bring about/to provoke/to drive (sb to do sth)/to catalyze/to actuate/to contribute to (some development)/ 促动 促動 S - 11 cù dòng f /to motivate/ 促動 促动 T - 11 cù dòng f /to motivate/ 促声 促聲 S - 0 cù shēng f /same as 入聲|入声[ru4 sheng1]/entering tone/ 促弦 - 0 cù xián f /to tighten the strings (of a musical instrument)/ 促成 - 589 cù chéng f /to facilitate/to effect/ 促求 - 0 cù qiú f /to urge/ 促狭 促狹 S - 26 cù xiá f /(coll.) teasing/mischievous/ 促狭鬼 促狹鬼 S - 0 cù xiá guǐ f /rascal/mischievous fellow/joker/ 促狹 促狭 T - 26 cù xiá f /(coll.) teasing/mischievous/ 促狹鬼 促狭鬼 T - 0 cù xiá guǐ f /rascal/mischievous fellow/joker/ 促織 促织 T - 54 cù zhī f /cricket (insect)/ 促织 促織 S - 54 cù zhī f /cricket (insect)/ 促聲 促声 T - 0 cù shēng f /same as 入聲|入声[ru4 sheng1]/entering tone/ 促膝 - 21 cù xī f /lit. knees pressed close/intimate/seated side by side/in close contact/ 促膝談心 促膝谈心 T - 33 cù xī tán xīn f /to sit side-by-side and have a heart-to-heart talk (idiom)/ 促膝谈心 促膝談心 S - 33 cù xī tán xīn f /to sit side-by-side and have a heart-to-heart talk (idiom)/ 促請 促请 T - 15 cù qǐng f /to urge/ 促请 促請 S - 15 cù qǐng f /to urge/ 促进 促進 S 2375 6674 cù jìn f /to promote (an idea or cause)/to advance/boost/ 促退 - 3 cù tuì f /to hinder/to prevent (forward progress)/ 促進 促进 T 2375 6674 cù jìn f /to promote (an idea or cause)/to advance/boost/ 促銷 促销 T - 464 cù xiāo f /to promote sales/ 促销 促銷 S - 464 cù xiāo f /to promote sales/ 俄 - 5645 E f /Russia/Russian/abbr. for 俄羅斯|俄罗斯[E2 luo2 si1]/Taiwan pr. [E4]/ 俄 - 5645 é t /suddenly/very soon/ 俄中 - 0 E Zhōng f /Russia-China/ 俄中朝 - 0 E Zhōng Cháo f /Russia, China and North Korea/ 俄亥俄 - 88 E hài é f /Ohio/ 俄亥俄州 - 85 E hài é zhōu f /Ohio/ 俄備得 俄备得 T - 0 E bèi dé f /Obed (son of Boaz and Ruth)/ 俄克拉何馬 俄克拉何马 T - 12 E kè lā hé mǎ f /Oklahoma, US state/ 俄克拉何馬城 俄克拉何马城 T - 0 E kè lā hé mǎ chéng f /Oklahoma City/ 俄克拉何馬州 俄克拉何马州 T - 7 E kè lā hé mǎ zhōu f /Oklahoma, US state/ 俄克拉何马 俄克拉何馬 S - 12 E kè lā hé mǎ f /Oklahoma, US state/ 俄克拉何马城 俄克拉何馬城 S - 0 E kè lā hé mǎ chéng f /Oklahoma City/ 俄克拉何马州 俄克拉何馬州 S - 7 E kè lā hé mǎ zhōu f /Oklahoma, US state/ 俄军 俄軍 S - 432 E jūn f /Russian army/ 俄勒冈 俄勒岡 S - 11 E lè gāng f /Oregon/ 俄勒冈州 俄勒岡州 S - 14 E lè gāng zhōu f /Oregon/ 俄勒岡 俄勒冈 T - 11 E lè gāng f /Oregon/ 俄勒岡州 俄勒冈州 T - 14 E lè gāng zhōu f /Oregon/ 俄国 俄國 S - 2626 E guó f /Russia/ 俄国人 俄國人 S - 254 E guó rén f /Russian (person)/ 俄國 俄国 T - 2626 E guó f /Russia/ 俄國人 俄国人 T - 254 E guó rén f /Russian (person)/ 俄塔社 - 0 E tǎ shè f /Information Telegraph Agency of Russia (ITAR-TASS), Russian news agency/ 俄备得 俄備得 S - 0 E bèi dé f /Obed (son of Boaz and Ruth)/ 俄尔 俄爾 S - 4 é ěr f /see 俄而[e2 er2]/ 俄巴底亚书 俄巴底亞書 S - 0 E bā dǐ yà shū f /Book of Obadiah/ 俄巴底亞書 俄巴底亚书 T - 0 E bā dǐ yà shū f /Book of Obadiah/ 俄底浦斯 - 0 E dǐ pǔ sī f /Oedipus, legendary king of Thebes who killed his father and married his mother/ 俄底浦斯情結 俄底浦斯情结 T - 0 E dǐ pǔ sī qíng jié f /Oedipus complex/ 俄底浦斯情结 俄底浦斯情結 S - 0 E dǐ pǔ sī qíng jié f /Oedipus complex/ 俄文 - 78 E wén f /Russian language/ 俄爾 俄尔 T - 4 é ěr f /see 俄而[e2 er2]/ 俄狄浦斯 - 3 E dí pǔ sī f /Oedipus, hero of tragedy by Athenian dramatist Sophocles/ 俄罗斯 俄羅斯 S - 6099 E luó sī f /Russia/ 俄罗斯人 俄羅斯人 S - 0 E luó sī rén f /Russian (person)/ 俄罗斯帝国 俄羅斯帝國 S - 0 E luó sī Dì guó f /Russian empire (1546-1917)/ 俄罗斯方块 俄羅斯方塊 S - 0 E luó sī Fāng kuài f /Tetris (video game)/ 俄罗斯族 俄羅斯族 S - 31 E luó sī zú f /Russian ethnic group (of northeast China and Xinjiang etc)/Russian nationality/Russians (of Russia)/ 俄罗斯联邦 俄羅斯聯邦 S - 172 E luó sī Lián bāng f /Russian Federation, RSFSR/ 俄罗斯轮盘 俄羅斯輪盤 S - 0 E luó sī lún pán f /Russian roulette/ 俄羅斯 俄罗斯 T - 6099 E luó sī f /Russia/ 俄羅斯人 俄罗斯人 T - 0 E luó sī rén f /Russian (person)/ 俄羅斯帝國 俄罗斯帝国 T - 0 E luó sī Dì guó f /Russian empire (1546-1917)/ 俄羅斯方塊 俄罗斯方块 T - 0 E luó sī Fāng kuài f /Tetris (video game)/ 俄羅斯族 俄罗斯族 T - 31 E luó sī zú f /Russian ethnic group (of northeast China and Xinjiang etc)/Russian nationality/Russians (of Russia)/ 俄羅斯聯邦 俄罗斯联邦 T - 172 E luó sī Lián bāng f /Russian Federation, RSFSR/ 俄羅斯輪盤 俄罗斯轮盘 T - 0 E luó sī lún pán f /Russian roulette/ 俄而 - 0 é ér f /(literary) very soon/before long/ 俄联邦 俄聯邦 S - 101 E Lián bāng f /Russian Federation, RSFSR/ 俄聯邦 俄联邦 T - 101 E Lián bāng f /Russian Federation, RSFSR/ 俄語 俄语 T - 153 E yǔ f /Russian (language)/ 俄语 俄語 S - 153 E yǔ f /Russian (language)/ 俄軍 俄军 T - 432 E jūn f /Russian army/ 俄頃 俄顷 T - 36 é qǐng f /in a moment/presently/ 俄顷 俄頃 S - 36 é qǐng f /in a moment/presently/ 俅 - 292 qiú f /ornamental cap/ 俉 - 7 wú f /see 逢俉[feng2 wu2], to come across sth scary/to have a fright/ 俊 㑺 S - 1411 jùn t /old variant of 俊[jun4]/ 俊 - 1411 jùn t /smart/eminent/handsome/talented/ 俊 - 1411 zùn f /(dialectal pronunciation of 俊[jun4])/cool/neat/ 俊 儁 S - 1411 jùn t /variant of 俊[jun4]/ 俊俏 - 113 jùn qiào f /attractive and intelligent/charming/elegant/ 俊傑 俊杰 T - 27 jùn jié f /elite/outstanding talent/genius/ 俊拔 - 0 jùn bá f /outstandingly talented/ 俊杰 俊傑 S - 27 jùn jié f /elite/outstanding talent/genius/ 俊秀 - 82 jùn xiù f /well-favored/elegant/pretty/ 俊美 - 136 jùn měi f /pretty/handsome/ 俊雅 - 69 jùn yǎ f /elegant/smart/delicate/ 俎 - 57 zǔ f /a stand for food at sacrifice/ 俏 - 383 qiào f /good-looking/charming/(of goods) in great demand/(coll.) to season (food)/ 俏丽 俏麗 S - 88 qiào lì f /handsome/pretty/ 俏皮 - 53 qiào pi f /smart/charming/attractive/witty/facetious/ironic/ 俏皮話 俏皮话 T - 20 qiào pi huà f /witticism/wisecrack/sarcastic remark/double entendre/ 俏皮话 俏皮話 S - 20 qiào pi huà f /witticism/wisecrack/sarcastic remark/double entendre/ 俏貨 俏货 T - 2 qiào huò f /goods that sell well/ 俏货 俏貨 S - 2 qiào huò f /goods that sell well/ 俏麗 俏丽 T - 88 qiào lì f /handsome/pretty/ 俐 - 12 lì f /clever/ 俐落 - 3 lì luo f /variant of 利落[li4 luo5]/ 俑 - 263 yǒng f /wooden figures buried with the dead/ 俑坑 - 5 yǒng kēng f /pit with funerary figures/pit containing terracotta warriors/ 俓 - 2 jìng f /straight/pass/ 俔 伣 T - 301 qiàn f /(old) like/as/ 俗 - 1429 sú f /custom/convention/popular/common/coarse/vulgar/secular/ 俗世 - 16 sú shì f /the vulgar world (Buddhist concept)/secular world/ 俗世奇人 - 0 sú shì qí rén f /Extraordinary people in our ordinary world, short stories by novelist Feng Jicai 馮驥才|冯骥才[Feng2 Ji4 cai2]/ 俗事 - 3 sú shì f /everyday routine/ordinary affairs/ 俗人 - 69 sú rén f /common people/laity (i.e. not priests)/ 俗体字 俗體字 S - 7 sú tǐ zì f /common form of Chinese character (versus the etymologically correct form)/ 俗名 - 573 sú míng f /vernacular name/lay name (of a priest)/ 俗套 - 44 sú tào f /conventional patterns/cliché/ 俗字 - 15 sú zì f /common form of Chinese character (as opposed to etymologically correct form 正體字|正体字)/same as 俗體字|俗体字/ 俗家 - 83 sú jiā f /layman/layperson/original home of a monk/ 俗气 俗氣 S - 53 sú qì f /tacky/inelegant/in poor taste/vulgar/banal/ 俗氣 俗气 T - 53 sú qì f /tacky/inelegant/in poor taste/vulgar/banal/ 俗滥 俗濫 S - 0 sú làn f /clichéd/tacky/ 俗濫 俗滥 T - 0 sú làn f /clichéd/tacky/ 俗称 俗稱 S - 1176 sú chēng f /commonly referred to as/common term/ 俗稱 俗称 T - 1176 sú chēng f /commonly referred to as/common term/ 俗話 俗话 T 4740 91 sú huà f /common saying/proverb/ 俗話說 俗话说 T - 442 sú huà shuō f /as the proverb says/as they say.../ 俗語 俗语 T - 189 sú yǔ f /common saying/proverb/colloquial speech/ 俗諺 俗谚 T - 3 sú yàn f /common saying/proverb/ 俗諺口碑 俗谚口碑 T - 3 sú yàn kǒu bēi f /common sayings (idiom); widely circulated proverbs/ 俗话 俗話 S 4740 91 sú huà f /common saying/proverb/ 俗话说 俗話說 S - 442 sú huà shuō f /as the proverb says/as they say.../ 俗语 俗語 S - 189 sú yǔ f /common saying/proverb/colloquial speech/ 俗谚 俗諺 S - 3 sú yàn f /common saying/proverb/ 俗谚口碑 俗諺口碑 S - 3 sú yàn kǒu bēi f /common sayings (idiom); widely circulated proverbs/ 俗辣 - 0 sú là f /(slang) (Tw) coward/paper tiger/a nobody/ 俗随时变 俗隨時變 S - 0 sú suí shí biàn f /customs change with time (idiom); other times, other manners/O Tempora, O Mores!/ 俗隨時變 俗随时变 T - 0 sú suí shí biàn f /customs change with time (idiom); other times, other manners/O Tempora, O Mores!/ 俗體字 俗体字 T - 7 sú tǐ zì f /common form of Chinese character (versus the etymologically correct form)/ 俘 - 2454 fú f /to take prisoner/prisoner of war/ 俘獲 俘获 T - 261 fú huò f /to capture (enemy property or personnel)/capture (physics: absorption of subatomic particle by an atom or nucleus)/ 俘获 俘獲 S - 261 fú huò f /to capture (enemy property or personnel)/capture (physics: absorption of subatomic particle by an atom or nucleus)/ 俘虏 俘虜 S 3523 1137 fú lǔ f /captive/ 俘虜 俘虏 T 3523 1137 fú lǔ f /captive/ 俚 - 101 Lǐ f /old name for the 黎[Li2] ethnic group/ 俚 - 101 lǐ f /rustic/vulgar/unrefined/abbr. for 俚語|俚语[li3 yu3], slang/ 俚語 俚语 T - 48 lǐ yǔ f /slang/ 俚諺 俚谚 T - 3 lǐ yàn f /common saying/folk proverb/ 俚语 俚語 S - 48 lǐ yǔ f /slang/ 俚谚 俚諺 S - 3 lǐ yàn f /common saying/folk proverb/ 俛 - 0 miǎn f /to exhort/ 俛 俯 T - 543 fǔ f /variant of 俯[fu3]/ 俜 - 41 pīng f /to send/to let go/ 保 - 5119 Bǎo f /Bulgaria/Bulgarian/abbr. for 保加利亞|保加利亚[Bao3 jia1 li4 ya4]/ 保 - 5119 bǎo f /to defend/to protect/to keep/to guarantee/to ensure/ 保不住 - 125 bǎo bu zhù f /cannot maintain (sth)/unable to keep/more likely than not/may well/ 保不定 - 15 bǎo bù dìng f /more likely than not/quite possible/on the cards/ 保不齊 保不齐 T - 5 bǎo bu qí f /more likely than not/quite possible/on the cards/ 保不齐 保不齊 S - 5 bǎo bu qí f /more likely than not/quite possible/on the cards/ 保丽龙 保麗龍 S - 3 bǎo lì lóng f /styrofoam/ 保亭 - 17 Bǎo tíng f /Baoting Li and Miao autonomous county, Hainan/ 保亭县 保亭縣 S - 2 Bǎo tíng xiàn f /Baoting Li and Miao autonomous county, Hainan/ 保亭縣 保亭县 T - 2 Bǎo tíng xiàn f /Baoting Li and Miao autonomous county, Hainan/ 保亭黎族苗族自治县 保亭黎族苗族自治縣 S - 2 Bǎo tíng Lí zú Miáo zú zì zhì xiàn f /Baoting Li and Miao autonomous county, Hainan/ 保亭黎族苗族自治縣 保亭黎族苗族自治县 T - 2 Bǎo tíng Lí zú Miáo zú zì zhì xiàn f /Baoting Li and Miao autonomous county, Hainan/ 保人 - 33 bǎo rén f /guarantor/person paying bail/ 保住 - 679 bǎo zhù f /to preserve/to save/ 保佑 - 488 bǎo yòu f /to bless and protect/blessing/ 保修 - 28 bǎo xiū f /to promise to keep sth in good repair/guarantee/warranty/ 保修期 - 7 bǎo xiū qī f /guarantee period/warranty period/ 保健 - 1093 bǎo jiàn f /health protection/health care/to maintain in good health/ 保健操 - 21 bǎo jiàn cāo f /health exercises/ 保全 - 970 bǎo quán f /to save from damage/to preserve/to maintain/to keep in good repair/(Tw) security guard/ 保全员 保全員 S - 0 bǎo quán yuán f /(Tw) security guard/ 保全員 保全员 T - 0 bǎo quán yuán f /(Tw) security guard/ 保八 - 0 bǎo bā f /to maintain an 8% annual growth rate of the GDP (PRC policy)/ 保养 保養 S 4199 327 bǎo yǎng f /to take good care of (or conserve) one's health/to keep in good repair/to maintain/maintenance/ 保准 - 42 bǎo zhǔn f /to guarantee/reliable/for sure/ 保利科技有限公司 - 0 Bǎo lì Kē jì Yǒu xiàn Gōng sī f /Poly Technologies (defense manufacturing company)/ 保力龍 保力龙 T - 0 bǎo lì lóng f /polystyrene/ 保力龙 保力龍 S - 0 bǎo lì lóng f /polystyrene/ 保加利亚 保加利亞 S - 494 Bǎo jiā lì yà f /Bulgaria/ 保加利亞 保加利亚 T - 494 Bǎo jiā lì yà f /Bulgaria/ 保单 保單 S - 74 bǎo dān f /guarantee slip/ 保卫 保衛 S 3097 1565 bǎo wèi f /to defend/to safeguard/ 保卫祖国 保衛祖國 S - 3 bǎo wèi zǔ guó f /to defend one's country/ 保呈 - 0 bǎo chéng f /document guaranteeing the words or actions of a third party (old)/ 保命 - 59 bǎo mìng f /to save one's life/to survive/ 保單 保单 T - 74 bǎo dān f /guarantee slip/ 保固 - 3 bǎo gù f /to undertake to rectify any deficiencies in the quality of a building, product or service/warranty/guarantee/ 保墒 - 15 bǎo shāng f /preservation of soil moisture/ 保外就医 保外就醫 S - 14 bǎo wài jiù yī f /to release for medical treatment (of a prisoner)/ 保外就醫 保外就医 T - 14 bǎo wài jiù yī f /to release for medical treatment (of a prisoner)/ 保姆 2647 515 bǎo mǔ f /nanny/housekeeper/ 保媒 - 3 bǎo méi f /to act as go-between (between prospective marriage partners etc)/ 保存 1833 3073 bǎo cún f /to conserve/to preserve/to keep/to save (a file etc) (computing)/ 保守 2753 762 bǎo shǒu f /conservative/to guard/to keep/ 保守主义 保守主義 S - 71 bǎo shǒu zhǔ yì f /conservatism/ 保守主義 保守主义 T - 71 bǎo shǒu zhǔ yì f /conservatism/ 保守党 保守黨 S - 163 bǎo shǒu dǎng f /conservative political parties/ 保守派 - 110 bǎo shǒu pài f /conservative faction/ 保守黨 保守党 T - 163 bǎo shǒu dǎng f /conservative political parties/ 保安 - 478 bǎo ān f /to ensure public security/to ensure safety (for workers engaged in production)/public security/security guard/ 保安人员 保安人員 S - 3 bǎo ān rén yuán f /security personnel/member of police force/ 保安人員 保安人员 T - 3 bǎo ān rén yuán f /security personnel/member of police force/ 保安团 保安團 S - 73 bǎo ān tuán f /peace keeping group/ 保安團 保安团 T - 73 bǎo ān tuán f /peace keeping group/ 保安局局長 保安局局长 T - 0 bǎo ān jú jú zhǎng f /Secretary for Security (Hong Kong)/ 保安局局长 保安局局長 S - 0 bǎo ān jú jú zhǎng f /Secretary for Security (Hong Kong)/ 保安族 - 19 Bǎo ān zú f /Bao'an, also called Bonan (ethnic group)/ 保安自动化 保安自動化 S - 0 bǎo ān zì dòng huà f /security automation/ 保安自動化 保安自动化 T - 0 bǎo ān zì dòng huà f /security automation/ 保安部队 保安部隊 S - 0 bǎo ān bù duì f /security forces/ 保安部隊 保安部队 T - 0 bǎo ān bù duì f /security forces/ 保定 - 739 Bǎo dìng f /Baoding prefecture level city in Hebei/ 保定地区 保定地區 S - 0 Bǎo dìng dì qū f /Baoding county (old name)/ 保定地區 保定地区 T - 0 Bǎo dìng dì qū f /Baoding county (old name)/ 保定市 - 40 Bǎo dìng shì f /Baoding prefecture level city in Hebei/ 保家卫国 保家衛國 S - 45 bǎo jiā wèi guó f /guard home, defend the country (idiom); national defense/ 保家衛國 保家卫国 T - 45 bǎo jiā wèi guó f /guard home, defend the country (idiom); national defense/ 保密 2657 675 bǎo mì f /to keep sth confidential/to maintain secrecy/ 保密性 - 36 bǎo mì xìng f /secrecy/ 保尔 保爾 S - 51 Bǎo ěr f /Paul (name)/ 保尔森 保爾森 S - 2 Bǎo ěr sēn f /Paulson or Powellson (name)/Henry (Hank) Paulson (1946-), US banker, US Treasury Secretary from 2006/ 保山 - 77 Bǎo shān f /Baoshan prefecture level city in Yunnan/ 保山地区 保山地區 S - 0 Bǎo shān dì qū f /Baoshan prefecture in Yunnan/ 保山地區 保山地区 T - 0 Bǎo shān dì qū f /Baoshan prefecture in Yunnan/ 保山市 - 14 Bǎo shān shì f /Baoshan prefecture level city in Yunnan/ 保底 - 18 bǎo dǐ f /to break even/to guarantee a minimum (salary etc)/ 保康 - 262 Bǎo kāng f /Baokang county in Xiangfan 襄樊[Xiang1 fan2], Hubei/ 保康县 保康縣 S - 264 Bǎo kāng xiàn f /Baokang county in Xiangfan 襄樊[Xiang1 fan2], Hubei/ 保康縣 保康县 T - 264 Bǎo kāng xiàn f /Baokang county in Xiangfan 襄樊[Xiang1 fan2], Hubei/ 保德 - 11 Bǎo dé f /Baode county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ 保德县 保德縣 S - 2 Bǎo dé xiàn f /Baode county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ 保德縣 保德县 T - 2 Bǎo dé xiàn f /Baode county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ 保惠师 保惠師 S - 0 bǎo huì shī f /comforter/ 保惠師 保惠师 T - 0 bǎo huì shī f /comforter/ 保戶 保户 T - 4 bǎo hù f /insurance policy holder/ 保户 保戶 S - 4 bǎo hù f /insurance policy holder/ 保护 保護 S 667 13874 bǎo hù f /to protect/to defend/to safeguard/protection/CL:種|种[zhong3]/ 保护主义 保護主義 S - 96 bǎo hù zhǔ yì f /protectionism/ 保护人 保護人 S - 0 bǎo hù rén f /guardian/carer/patron/ 保护伞 保護傘 S - 36 bǎo hù sǎn f /protective umbrella/fig. person affording protection (esp. corrupt)/ 保护剂 保護劑 S - 5 bǎo hù jì f /protective agent/ 保护区 保護區 S - 424 bǎo hù qū f /conservation district/CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4]/ 保护国 保護國 S - 79 bǎo hù guó f /protectorate/ 保护性 保護性 S - 69 bǎo hù xìng f /protective/ 保护模式 保護模式 S - 3 bǎo hù mó shì f /protected mode/ 保护神 保護神 S - 47 bǎo hù shén f /patron saint/guardian angel/ 保护者 保護者 S - 44 bǎo hù zhě f /protector/ 保护色 保護色 S - 21 bǎo hù sè f /protective coloration/camouflage/ 保持 1238 10261 bǎo chí f /to keep/to maintain/to hold/to preserve/ 保持克制 - 0 bǎo chí kè zhì f /to exercise restraint/ 保持原貌 - 0 bǎo chí yuán mào f /to preserve the original form/ 保持联系 保持聯繫 S - 3 bǎo chí lián xì f /to keep in touch/to stay in contact/ 保持聯繫 保持联系 T - 3 bǎo chí lián xì f /to keep in touch/to stay in contact/ 保时捷 保時捷 S - 18 Bǎo shí jié f /Porsche (car company)/ 保時捷 保时捷 T - 18 Bǎo shí jié f /Porsche (car company)/ 保暖 - 85 bǎo nuǎn f /to stay warm/to protect against the cold/ 保有 - 177 bǎo yǒu f /to keep/to retain/ 保本 - 35 bǎo běn f /to break even/ 保残守缺 保殘守缺 S - 3 bǎo cán shǒu quē f /conservative/to preserve the outmoded/ 保殘守缺 保残守缺 T - 3 bǎo cán shǒu quē f /conservative/to preserve the outmoded/ 保母 - 0 bǎo mǔ f /variant of 保姆[bao3 mu3]/ 保洁 保潔 S - 36 bǎo jié f /sanitation/ 保洁箱 保潔箱 S - 3 bǎo jié xiāng f /litter-bin/ 保温 保溫 S - 126 bǎo wēn f /to keep hot/heat preservation/Thermos (bottle)/ 保湿 保濕 S - 62 bǎo shī f /to moisturize/moisturizing/ 保溫 保温 T - 126 bǎo wēn f /to keep hot/heat preservation/Thermos (bottle)/ 保潔 保洁 T - 36 bǎo jié f /sanitation/ 保潔箱 保洁箱 T - 3 bǎo jié xiāng f /litter-bin/ 保濕 保湿 T - 62 bǎo shī f /to moisturize/moisturizing/ 保爾 保尔 T - 51 Bǎo ěr f /Paul (name)/ 保爾森 保尔森 T - 2 Bǎo ěr sēn f /Paulson or Powellson (name)/Henry (Hank) Paulson (1946-), US banker, US Treasury Secretary from 2006/ 保特瓶 - 0 bǎo tè píng f /variant of 寶特瓶|宝特瓶[bao3 te4 ping2]/ 保环主义 保環主義 S - 0 bǎo huán zhǔ yì f /environmentalism/ 保環主義 保环主义 T - 0 bǎo huán zhǔ yì f /environmentalism/ 保甲制度 - 0 bǎo jiǎ zhì dù f /the Bao-Jia system (an administrative system organized on basis of households)/ 保留 1655 2445 bǎo liú f /to retain/to continue to have/to preserve/to maintain/to reserve/reservations/to hold back (approval or acceptance)/ 保留剧目 保留劇目 S - 21 bǎo liú jù mù f /repertory/stock (in theater)/ 保留劇目 保留剧目 T - 21 bǎo liú jù mù f /repertory/stock (in theater)/ 保留区 保留區 S - 3 bǎo liú qū f /reservation (for an ethnic minority)/ 保留區 保留区 T - 3 bǎo liú qū f /reservation (for an ethnic minority)/ 保皇党 保皇黨 S - 11 bǎo huáng dǎng f /royalists/ 保皇黨 保皇党 T - 11 bǎo huáng dǎng f /royalists/ 保真度 - 4 bǎo zhēn dù f /fidelity/ 保研 - 0 bǎo yán f /to recommend sb for postgraduate studies/to admit for postgraduate studies without taking the entrance exam/ 保祐 - 0 bǎo yòu f /to bless and protect/blessing/also written 保佑[bao3 you4]/ 保稅 保税 T - 50 bǎo shuì f /bonded (goods, factory etc)/ 保稅區 保税区 T - 47 bǎo shuì qū f /duty-free district/tariff-free zone/bonded area/ 保税 保稅 S - 50 bǎo shuì f /bonded (goods, factory etc)/ 保税区 保稅區 S - 47 bǎo shuì qū f /duty-free district/tariff-free zone/bonded area/ 保管 3238 495 bǎo guǎn f /to assure/to guarantee/to take care of/to safeguard/certainly/surely/ 保管员 保管員 S - 23 bǎo guǎn yuán f /custodian/storeroom clerk/ 保管員 保管员 T - 23 bǎo guǎn yuán f /custodian/storeroom clerk/ 保罗 保羅 S - 311 Bǎo luó f /Paul/ 保羅 保罗 T - 311 Bǎo luó f /Paul/ 保育 - 58 bǎo yù f /childcare/conservation (of the environment etc)/ 保育院 - 22 bǎo yù yuàn f /orphanage/nursery/ 保苗 - 4 bǎo miáo f /to protect young plants, ensuring that enough survive to produce a good crop/ 保藏 - 47 bǎo cáng f /keep in store/preserve/ 保衛 保卫 T 3097 1565 bǎo wèi f /to defend/to safeguard/ 保衛祖國 保卫祖国 T - 3 bǎo wèi zǔ guó f /to defend one's country/ 保角 - 0 bǎo jiǎo f /(math.) angle-preserving/conformal/ 保角对应 保角對應 S - 0 bǎo jiǎo duì yìng f /(math.) distance-preserving correspondence/conformal map/ 保角對應 保角对应 T - 0 bǎo jiǎo duì yìng f /(math.) distance-preserving correspondence/conformal map/ 保語 保语 T - 0 Bǎo yǔ f /Bulgarian language/ 保證 保证 T 660 9062 bǎo zhèng f /guarantee/to guarantee/to ensure/to safeguard/to pledge/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 保證人 保证人 T - 0 bǎo zhèng rén f /guarantor/bailor/ 保證破壞戰略 保证破坏战略 T - 0 bǎo zhèng pò huài zhàn lüè f /assured destruction strategy/ 保證金 保证金 T - 125 bǎo zhèng jīn f /earnest money/cash deposit/bail/margin (in derivative trading)/ 保護 保护 T 667 13874 bǎo hù f /to protect/to defend/to safeguard/protection/CL:種|种[zhong3]/ 保護主義 保护主义 T - 96 bǎo hù zhǔ yì f /protectionism/ 保護人 保护人 T - 0 bǎo hù rén f /guardian/carer/patron/ 保護傘 保护伞 T - 36 bǎo hù sǎn f /protective umbrella/fig. person affording protection (esp. corrupt)/ 保護劑 保护剂 T - 5 bǎo hù jì f /protective agent/ 保護區 保护区 T - 424 bǎo hù qū f /conservation district/CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4]/ 保護國 保护国 T - 79 bǎo hù guó f /protectorate/ 保護性 保护性 T - 69 bǎo hù xìng f /protective/ 保護模式 保护模式 T - 3 bǎo hù mó shì f /protected mode/ 保護神 保护神 T - 47 bǎo hù shén f /patron saint/guardian angel/ 保護者 保护者 T - 44 bǎo hù zhě f /protector/ 保護色 保护色 T - 21 bǎo hù sè f /protective coloration/camouflage/ 保证 保證 S 660 9062 bǎo zhèng f /guarantee/to guarantee/to ensure/to safeguard/to pledge/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 保证人 保證人 S - 0 bǎo zhèng rén f /guarantor/bailor/ 保证破坏战略 保證破壞戰略 S - 0 bǎo zhèng pò huài zhàn lüè f /assured destruction strategy/ 保证金 保證金 S - 125 bǎo zhèng jīn f /earnest money/cash deposit/bail/margin (in derivative trading)/ 保语 保語 S - 0 Bǎo yǔ f /Bulgarian language/ 保費 保费 T - 77 bǎo fèi f /insurance premium/ 保質期 保质期 T - 57 bǎo zhì qī f /date of use (on foodstuffs)/best before date/ 保质期 保質期 S - 57 bǎo zhì qī f /date of use (on foodstuffs)/best before date/ 保费 保費 S - 77 bǎo fèi f /insurance premium/ 保送 - 104 bǎo sòng f /to recommend (for admission to school)/ 保释 保釋 S - 47 bǎo shì f /to release on bail/to bail/ 保釋 保释 T - 47 bǎo shì f /to release on bail/to bail/ 保重 2740 216 bǎo zhòng f /to take care of oneself/ 保鏢 保镖 T - 158 bǎo biāo f /bodyguard/ 保鑣 保镳 T - 0 bǎo biāo f /variant of 保鏢|保镖[bao3 biao1]/ 保镖 保鏢 S - 158 bǎo biāo f /bodyguard/ 保镳 保鑣 S - 0 bǎo biāo f /variant of 保鏢|保镖[bao3 biao1]/ 保長 保长 T - 146 bǎo cháng f /(math.) distance-preserving/isometric/ 保長 保长 T - 146 bǎo zhǎng t /head of a bao in the Bao-Jia system 保甲制度[bao3 jia3 zhi4 du4]/ 保長對應 保长对应 T - 0 bǎo cháng duì yìng f /(math.) distance-preserving correspondence/isometry/ 保长 保長 S - 146 bǎo cháng f /(math.) distance-preserving/isometric/ 保长 保長 S - 146 bǎo zhǎng t /head of a bao in the Bao-Jia system 保甲制度[bao3 jia3 zhi4 du4]/ 保长对应 保長對應 S - 0 bǎo cháng duì yìng f /(math.) distance-preserving correspondence/isometry/ 保险 保險 S 1439 2635 bǎo xiǎn f /insurance/to insure/safe/secure/be sure/be bound to/CL:份[fen4]/ 保险丝 保險絲 S - 24 bǎo xiǎn sī f /fuse wire/(electrical) fuse/ 保险单 保險單 S - 37 bǎo xiǎn dān f /insurance policy (document)/ 保险套 保險套 S - 3 bǎo xiǎn tào f /condom/ 保险杠 保險槓 S - 5 bǎo xiǎn gàng f /car bumper/ 保险柜 保險櫃 S - 59 bǎo xiǎn guì f /a safe/strongbox/ 保险盒 保險盒 S - 3 bǎo xiǎn hé f /fuse box/ 保险箱 保險箱 S - 27 bǎo xiǎn xiāng f /safe deposit box/a safe/ 保险解开系统 保險解開系統 S - 0 bǎo xiǎn jiě kāi xì tǒng f /arming system/ 保险费 保險費 S - 116 bǎo xiǎn fèi f /insurance fee/ 保障 3285 6335 bǎo zhàng f /to ensure/to guarantee/to safeguard/ 保障监督 保障監督 S - 0 bǎo zhàng jiān dū f /safeguards/ 保障監督 保障监督 T - 0 bǎo zhàng jiān dū f /safeguards/ 保險 保险 T 1439 2635 bǎo xiǎn f /insurance/to insure/safe/secure/be sure/be bound to/CL:份[fen4]/ 保險單 保险单 T - 37 bǎo xiǎn dān f /insurance policy (document)/ 保險套 保险套 T - 3 bǎo xiǎn tào f /condom/ 保險槓 保险杠 T - 5 bǎo xiǎn gàng f /car bumper/ 保險櫃 保险柜 T - 59 bǎo xiǎn guì f /a safe/strongbox/ 保險盒 保险盒 T - 3 bǎo xiǎn hé f /fuse box/ 保險箱 保险箱 T - 27 bǎo xiǎn xiāng f /safe deposit box/a safe/ 保險絲 保险丝 T - 24 bǎo xiǎn sī f /fuse wire/(electrical) fuse/ 保險解開系統 保险解开系统 T - 0 bǎo xiǎn jiě kāi xì tǒng f /arming system/ 保險費 保险费 T - 116 bǎo xiǎn fèi f /insurance fee/ 保靖 - 7 Bǎo jìng f /Baojing county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 湘西土家族苗族自治州[Xiang1 xi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ 保靖县 保靖縣 S - 5 Bǎo jìng xiàn f /Baojing county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 湘西土家族苗族自治州[Xiang1 xi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ 保靖縣 保靖县 T - 5 Bǎo jìng xiàn f /Baojing county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 湘西土家族苗族自治州[Xiang1 xi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ 保養 保养 T 4199 327 bǎo yǎng f /to take good care of (or conserve) one's health/to keep in good repair/to maintain/maintenance/ 保駕 保驾 T - 92 bǎo jià f /escort the Emperor (also used jocularly)/ 保驾 保駕 S - 92 bǎo jià f /escort the Emperor (also used jocularly)/ 保鮮期 保鲜期 T - 2 bǎo xiān qī f /shelf life/freshness date/ 保鮮紙 保鲜纸 T - 3 bǎo xiān zhǐ f /plastic wrap/cling wrap/cling film/ 保鮮膜 保鲜膜 T - 13 bǎo xiān mó f /plastic wrap/preservative film/cling film/ 保鲜期 保鮮期 S - 2 bǎo xiān qī f /shelf life/freshness date/ 保鲜纸 保鮮紙 S - 3 bǎo xiān zhǐ f /plastic wrap/cling wrap/cling film/ 保鲜膜 保鮮膜 S - 13 bǎo xiān mó f /plastic wrap/preservative film/cling film/ 保麗龍 保丽龙 T - 3 bǎo lì lóng f /styrofoam/ 保齡球 保龄球 T - 123 bǎo líng qiú f /ten-pin bowling (loanword)/bowling ball/ 保龄球 保齡球 S - 123 bǎo líng qiú f /ten-pin bowling (loanword)/bowling ball/ 俞 - 693 Yú t /surname Yu/ 俞 - 693 shù f /variant of 腧[shu4]/ 俞 - 693 yú t /yes (used by Emperor or ruler)/OK/to accede/to assent/ 俞天白 - 0 Yú Tiān bái f /Yu Tianbai (1937-), novelist/ 俞文豹 - 0 Yú Wén bào f /Yu Wenbao (lived around 1240), prolific Song dynasty poet/ 俞正声 俞正聲 S - 266 Yú Zhèng shēng f /Yu Zhengsheng (1945-), PRC politician/ 俞正聲 俞正声 T - 266 Yú Zhèng shēng f /Yu Zhengsheng (1945-), PRC politician/ 俞穴 - 0 shù xué f /acupuncture point/ 俟 - 299 qí t /see 万俟[Mo4 qi2]/ 俟 - 299 sì f /(literary) to wait for/ 俟 竢 S - 299 sì f /variant of 俟[si4]/ 俟候 - 0 sì hòu f /to wait (literary)/ 俟机 俟機 S - 3 sì jī f /variant of 伺機|伺机[si4 ji1]/ 俟機 俟机 T - 3 sì jī f /variant of 伺機|伺机[si4 ji1]/ 俠 侠 T - 981 xiá f /knight-errant/brave and chivalrous/hero/heroic/ 俠士 侠士 T - 40 xiá shì f /knight-errant/ 俠客 侠客 T - 225 xiá kè f /chivalrous person/knight-errant/ 俠氣 侠气 T - 12 xiá qì f /chivalry/ 俠盜獵車手 侠盗猎车手 T - 0 xiá dào liè chē shǒu f /Grand Theft Auto (video game series)/ 俠盜飛車 侠盗飞车 T - 0 xiá dào fēi chē f /Grand Theft Auto (video game series)/ 俠義 侠义 T - 259 xiá yì f /chivalrous/chivalry/knight-errantry/ 信 - 11188 xìn f /letter/mail/CL:封[feng1]/to trust/to believe/to profess faith in/truthful/confidence/trust/at will/at random/ 信不过 信不過 S - 84 xìn bù guò f /to distrust/to be suspicious/ 信不過 信不过 T - 84 xìn bù guò f /to distrust/to be suspicious/ 信丰 信豐 S - 4 Xìn fēng f /Xinfeng county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi/ 信丰县 信豐縣 S - 14 Xìn fēng xiàn f /Xinfeng county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi/ 信义 信義 S - 110 Xìn yì f /Xinyi or Hsinyi district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/Xinyi or Hsini district of Keelung City 基隆市[Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan/Xinyi or Hsini township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ 信义 信義 S - 110 xìn yì f /good faith/honor/trust and justice/ 信义乡 信義鄉 S - 0 Xìn yì xiāng f /Xinyi or Hsini township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ 信义区 信義區 S - 0 Xìn yì qū f /Xinyi or Hsinyi district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/Hsini district of Keelung City 基隆市[Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan/ 信从 信從 S - 0 xìn cóng f /to trust and obey/ 信令 - 9 xìn lìng f /signaling (engineering)/ 信以为真 信以為真 S - 108 xìn yǐ wéi zhēn f /to take sth to be true/ 信以為真 信以为真 T - 108 xìn yǐ wéi zhēn f /to take sth to be true/ 信仰 2608 1910 xìn yǎng f /to believe in (a religion)/firm belief/conviction/ 信仰者 - 16 xìn yǎng zhě f /believer/ 信件 - 582 xìn jiàn f /letter (sent by mail)/ 信任 1288 1986 xìn rèn f /to trust/to have confidence in/ 信众 信眾 S - 11 xìn zhòng f /believers/worshippers/ 信佛 - 42 xìn Fó f /to believe in Buddhism/ 信使 - 127 xìn shǐ f /messenger/courier/ 信使核糖核酸 - 0 xìn shǐ hé táng hé suān f /messenger RNA, mRNA/ 信函 - 178 xìn hán f /letter/piece of correspondence (incl. email)/ 信口 - 99 xìn kǒu f /to blurt sth out/to open one's mouth without thinking/ 信口开合 信口開合 S - 3 xìn kǒu kāi hé f /variant of 信口開河|信口开河[xin4 kou3 kai1 he2]/ 信口开河 信口開河 S - 129 xìn kǒu kāi hé f /to speak without thinking (idiom)/to blurt sth out/ 信口胡說 信口胡说 T - 3 xìn kǒu hú shuō f /to speak without thinking/to blurt sth out/ 信口胡说 信口胡說 S - 3 xìn kǒu hú shuō f /to speak without thinking/to blurt sth out/ 信口開合 信口开合 T - 3 xìn kǒu kāi hé f /variant of 信口開河|信口开河[xin4 kou3 kai1 he2]/ 信口開河 信口开河 T - 129 xìn kǒu kāi hé f /to speak without thinking (idiom)/to blurt sth out/ 信口雌黃 信口雌黄 T - 32 xìn kǒu cí huáng f /to speak off the cuff/to casually opine/ 信口雌黄 信口雌黃 S - 32 xìn kǒu cí huáng f /to speak off the cuff/to casually opine/ 信号 信號 S 1380 2402 xìn hào f /signal/ 信号台 信號臺 S - 4 xìn hào tái f /signal station/ 信号处理 信號處理 S - 87 xìn hào chǔ lǐ f /signal processing/ 信号灯 信號燈 S - 50 xìn hào dēng f /signal light/car indicator/ 信噪比 - 20 xìn zào bǐ f /signal-to-noise ratio/ 信報 信报 T - 100 xìn bào f /abbr. for 信報財經新聞|信报财经新闻, Hong Kong Economic Journal/ 信報財經新聞 信报财经新闻 T - 0 xìn bào cái jīng xīn wén f /Hong Kong Economic Journal/ 信天游 - 45 xìn tiān yóu f /a style of folk music of Shaanxi/ 信天翁 - 32 xìn tiān wēng f /albatross (family Diomedeidae)/ 信奉 - 1098 xìn fèng f /belief/to believe (in sth)/ 信孚中外 - 0 xìn fú zhōng wài f /to be trusted both at home and abroad (idiom)/ 信守 - 117 xìn shǒu f /to abide by/to keep (promises etc)/ 信宜 - 9 Xìn yí f /Xinyi county level city in Maoming 茂名, Guangdong/ 信宜市 - 3 Xìn yí shì f /Xinyi county level city in Maoming 茂名, Guangdong/ 信实 信實 S - 2 xìn shí f /trustworthy/reliable/to believe something to be true/ 信宿 - 7 xìn sù f /(ancient) to lodge for two nights/ 信實 信实 T - 2 xìn shí f /trustworthy/reliable/to believe something to be true/ 信封 1110 412 xìn fēng f /envelope/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 信州 - 22 Xìn zhōu f /Xinzhou district of Shangrao prefecture level city 上饒市|上饶市, Jiangxi/ 信州区 信州區 S - 3 Xìn zhōu qū f /Xinzhou district of Shangrao prefecture level city 上饒市|上饶市, Jiangxi/ 信州區 信州区 T - 3 Xìn zhōu qū f /Xinzhou district of Shangrao prefecture level city 上饒市|上饶市, Jiangxi/ 信差 - 14 xìn chāi f /messenger/ 信徒 - 367 xìn tú f /believer/ 信得过 信得過 S - 125 xìn de guò f /trustworthy/reliable/ 信得過 信得过 T - 125 xìn de guò f /trustworthy/reliable/ 信從 信从 T - 0 xìn cóng f /to trust and obey/ 信德省 - 14 Xìn dé shěng f /Sindh province of Pakistan/ 信心 974 2629 xìn xīn f /confidence/faith (in sb or sth)/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 信心百倍 - 144 xìn xīn bǎi bèi f /brimming with confidence (idiom)/ 信念 3030 865 xìn niàn f /faith/belief/conviction/ 信息 740 12256 xìn xī f /information/news/message/ 信息与通讯技术 信息與通訊技術 S - 0 xìn xī yǔ tōng xùn jì shù f /information and communication technology, ICT/ 信息中心 - 162 xìn xī zhōng xīn f /information center/abbr. for 中國人權民運信息中心|中国人权民运信息中心[Zhong1 guo2 ren2 quan2 min2 yun4 xin4 xi1 zhong1 xin1], Information center for human rights and democracy, Hong Kong/ 信息化 - 1348 xìn xī huà f /informatization (the Information Age analog of industrialization)/ 信息学 信息學 S - 49 xìn xī xué f /information science/ 信息學 信息学 T - 49 xìn xī xué f /information science/ 信息技术 信息技術 S - 397 xìn xī jì shù f /information technology/IT/ 信息技術 信息技术 T - 397 xìn xī jì shù f /information technology/IT/ 信息时代 信息時代 S - 3 xìn xī shí dài f /information age/ 信息時代 信息时代 T - 3 xìn xī shí dài f /information age/ 信息灵通 信息靈通 S - 0 xìn xi líng tōng f /see 消息靈通|消息灵通[xiao1 xi5 ling2 tong1]/ 信息管理 - 79 xìn xī guǎn lǐ f /information management/ 信息系統 信息系统 T - 224 xìn xī xì tǒng f /information system/ 信息系统 信息系統 S - 224 xìn xī xì tǒng f /information system/ 信息素 - 0 xìn xī sù f /pheromone/ 信息與通訊技術 信息与通讯技术 T - 0 xìn xī yǔ tōng xùn jì shù f /information and communication technology, ICT/ 信息論 信息论 T - 38 xìn xī lùn f /information theory/ 信息论 信息論 S - 38 xìn xī lùn f /information theory/ 信息靈通 信息灵通 T - 0 xìn xi líng tōng f /see 消息靈通|消息灵通[xiao1 xi5 ling2 tong1]/ 信意 - 0 xìn yì f /at will/arbitrarily/just as one feels like/ 信手 - 35 xìn shǒu f /casually/in passing/ 信托 信託 S - 322 xìn tuō f /to entrust/trust bond (finance)/ 信报 信報 S - 100 xìn bào f /abbr. for 信報財經新聞|信报财经新闻, Hong Kong Economic Journal/ 信报财经新闻 信報財經新聞 S - 0 xìn bào cái jīng xīn wén f /Hong Kong Economic Journal/ 信教 - 55 xìn jiào f /religious belief/to practice a faith/to be religious/ 信服 - 111 xìn fú f /to believe/to be convinced/to convince sb/ 信札 - 30 xìn zhá f /letter/ 信条 信條 S - 153 xìn tiáo f /creed/article of faith/ 信标 信標 S - 32 xìn biāo f /a signal/ 信條 信条 T - 153 xìn tiáo f /creed/article of faith/ 信標 信标 T - 32 xìn biāo f /a signal/ 信步 - 114 xìn bù f /to stroll/to saunter/ 信然 - 0 xìn rán f /indeed/really/ 信用 - 1745 xìn yòng f /to trust/credit (commerce)/trustworthiness/creditworthiness/ 信用卡 525 329 xìn yòng kǎ f /credit card/ 信用危机 信用危機 S - 0 xìn yòng wēi jī f /credit crisis/ 信用危機 信用危机 T - 0 xìn yòng wēi jī f /credit crisis/ 信用社 - 166 xìn yòng shè f /credit union/ 信用等級 信用等级 T - 3 xìn yòng děng jí f /credit level/ 信用等级 信用等級 S - 3 xìn yòng děng jí f /credit level/ 信用觀察 信用观察 T - 0 xìn yòng guān chá f /credit watch/ 信用观察 信用觀察 S - 0 xìn yòng guān chá f /credit watch/ 信用評等 信用评等 T - 0 xìn yòng píng děng f /credit rating/ 信用評級 信用评级 T - 0 xìn yòng píng jí f /credit rating/ 信用證 信用证 T - 61 xìn yòng zhèng f /letter of credit/ 信用證券 信用证券 T - 0 xìn yòng zhèng quàn f /instrument of credit/letter of credit/see also 信用證|信用证[xin4 yong4 zheng4]/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 信用证 信用證 S - 61 xìn yòng zhèng f /letter of credit/ 信用证券 信用證券 S - 0 xìn yòng zhèng quàn f /instrument of credit/letter of credit/see also 信用證|信用证[xin4 yong4 zheng4]/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 信用评等 信用評等 S - 0 xìn yòng píng děng f /credit rating/ 信用评级 信用評級 S - 0 xìn yòng píng jí f /credit rating/ 信用額 信用额 T - 0 xìn yòng é f /credit limit/ 信用额 信用額 S - 0 xìn yòng é f /credit limit/ 信用風險 信用风险 T - 3 xìn yòng fēng xiǎn f /credit risk/ 信用风险 信用風險 S - 3 xìn yòng fēng xiǎn f /credit risk/ 信眾 信众 T - 11 xìn zhòng f /believers/worshippers/ 信神者 - 0 xìn shén zhě f /a believer/ 信笔 信筆 S - 3 xìn bǐ f /to write freely/to express oneself as one pleases/ 信笺 信箋 S - 85 xìn jiān f /letter/letter paper/ 信筆 信笔 T - 3 xìn bǐ f /to write freely/to express oneself as one pleases/ 信筒 - 3 xìn tǒng f /mailbox/postbox/ 信箋 信笺 T - 85 xìn jiān f /letter/letter paper/ 信管 - 3 xìn guǎn f /a fuse (for explosive charge)/detonator/ 信箱 - 155 xìn xiāng f /mailbox/post office box/ 信紙 信纸 T - 66 xìn zhǐ f /letter paper/writing paper/ 信經 信经 T - 0 xìn jīng f /Credo (section of Catholic mass)/ 信纸 信紙 S - 66 xìn zhǐ f /letter paper/writing paper/ 信经 信經 S - 0 xìn jīng f /Credo (section of Catholic mass)/ 信義 信义 T - 110 Xìn yì f /Xinyi or Hsinyi district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/Xinyi or Hsini district of Keelung City 基隆市[Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan/Xinyi or Hsini township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ 信義 信义 T - 110 xìn yì f /good faith/honor/trust and justice/ 信義區 信义区 T - 0 Xìn yì qū f /Xinyi or Hsinyi district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/Hsini district of Keelung City 基隆市[Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan/ 信義鄉 信义乡 T - 0 Xìn yì xiāng f /Xinyi or Hsini township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ 信號 信号 T 1380 2402 xìn hào f /signal/ 信號燈 信号灯 T - 50 xìn hào dēng f /signal light/car indicator/ 信號臺 信号台 T - 4 xìn hào tái f /signal station/ 信號處理 信号处理 T - 87 xìn hào chǔ lǐ f /signal processing/ 信託 信托 T - 322 xìn tuō f /to entrust/trust bond (finance)/ 信訪 信访 T - 68 xìn fǎng f /complaint letter/petition letter/see also 上訪|上访[shang4 fang3]/ 信誉 信譽 S 4127 254 xìn yù f /prestige/distinction/reputation/trust/ 信誓旦旦 - 63 xìn shì dàn dàn f /to make a solemn vow/ 信譽 信誉 T 4127 254 xìn yù f /prestige/distinction/reputation/trust/ 信访 信訪 S - 68 xìn fǎng f /complaint letter/petition letter/see also 上訪|上访[shang4 fang3]/ 信豐 信丰 T - 4 Xìn fēng f /Xinfeng county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi/ 信豐縣 信丰县 T - 14 Xìn fēng xiàn f /Xinfeng county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi/ 信貸 信贷 T - 633 xìn dài f /credit/borrowed money/ 信貸危機 信贷危机 T - 0 xìn dài wēi jī f /credit crisis/see also 次貸危機|次贷危机[ci4 dai4 wei1 ji1]/ 信貸衍生產品 信贷衍生产品 T - 0 xìn dài yǎn shēng chǎn pǐn f /credit derivative (in finance)/ 信貸違約掉期 信贷违约掉期 T - 0 xìn dài wéi yuē diào qī f /credit default swap (finance)/ 信賴 信赖 T 3411 395 xìn lài f /to trust/to have confidence in/to have faith in/to rely on/ 信賴區間 信赖区间 T - 0 xìn lài qū jiān f /confidence interval (statistics)/ 信贷 信貸 S - 633 xìn dài f /credit/borrowed money/ 信贷危机 信貸危機 S - 0 xìn dài wēi jī f /credit crisis/see also 次貸危機|次贷危机[ci4 dai4 wei1 ji1]/ 信贷衍生产品 信貸衍生產品 S - 0 xìn dài yǎn shēng chǎn pǐn f /credit derivative (in finance)/ 信贷违约掉期 信貸違約掉期 S - 0 xìn dài wéi yuē diào qī f /credit default swap (finance)/ 信赖 信賴 S 3411 395 xìn lài f /to trust/to have confidence in/to have faith in/to rely on/ 信赖区间 信賴區間 S - 0 xìn lài qū jiān f /confidence interval (statistics)/ 信道 - 252 xìn dào f /signal path/ 信阳 信陽 S - 167 Xìn yáng f /Xinyang prefecture level city in Henan/ 信阳地区 信陽地區 S - 0 Xìn yáng dì qū f /Xinyang prefecture in Henan/ 信阳市 信陽市 S - 13 Xìn yáng Shì f /Xinyang prefecture level city in Henan/ 信陽 信阳 T - 167 Xìn yáng f /Xinyang prefecture level city in Henan/ 信陽地區 信阳地区 T - 0 Xìn yáng dì qū f /Xinyang prefecture in Henan/ 信陽市 信阳市 T - 13 Xìn yáng Shì f /Xinyang prefecture level city in Henan/ 信靠 - 0 xìn kào f /trust/ 信風 信风 T - 98 xìn fēng f /trade wind/ 信风 信風 S - 98 xìn fēng f /trade wind/ 信鴿 信鸽 T - 47 xìn gē f /homing pigeon/carrier pigeon/ 信鸽 信鴿 S - 47 xìn gē f /homing pigeon/carrier pigeon/ 俣 俁 S - 139 yǔ f /big/ 俤 - 5 dì f /variant of 弟[di4]/ 俦 儔 S - 70 chóu f /comrades/friends/companions/ 俨 儼 S - 136 yǎn f /majestic/dignified/ 俨如白昼 儼如白晝 S - 0 yǎn rú bái zhòu f /as bright as daylight (idiom)/ 俨然 儼然 S - 272 yǎn rán f /just like/solemn/dignified/neatly laid out/ 俩 倆 S 648 2508 liǎ f /two (colloquial equivalent of 兩個|两个)/both/some/ 俩钱 倆錢 S - 0 liǎ qián f /two bits/a small amount of money/ 俩钱儿 倆錢兒 S - 0 liǎ qián r f /erhua variant of 倆錢兒|俩钱儿[lia3 qian2 r5]/ 俪 儷 S - 160 lì f /husband and wife/ 俪影 儷影 S - 0 lì yǐng f /photo of a (married) couple/ 俭 儉 S - 121 jiǎn f /frugal/thrifty/needy/ 俭以养廉 儉以養廉 S - 3 jiǎn yǐ yǎng lián f /frugality makes honesty (idiom)/ 俭以防匮 儉以防匱 S - 0 jiǎn yǐ fáng kuì f /frugality in order to prevent destitution (idiom)/ 俭则不缺 儉則不缺 S - 0 jiǎn zé bù quē f /frugality prevents destitution (idiom)/ 俭学 儉學 S - 0 jiǎn xué f /to deny oneself comforts in order to save money for one's education/ 俭朴 儉朴 S - 211 jiǎn pǔ f /plain and unadorned/thrifty and simple/ 俭用 儉用 S - 3 jiǎn yòng f /to skimp/to be frugal/ 俭省 儉省 S - 4 jiǎn shěng f /thrifty/sparing/economical/ 俭素 儉素 S - 0 jiǎn sù f /thrifty and plain/ 俭约 儉約 S - 20 jiǎn yuē f /sparing/economical/ 俭腹 儉腹 S - 0 jiǎn fù f /lit. empty belly/hollow/vacuous/devoid of content/ 俭薄 儉薄 S - 0 jiǎn bó f /to lack the necessities of life/ 修 - 6007 Xiū f /surname Xiu/ 修 - 6007 xiū f /to decorate/to embellish/to repair/to build/to write/to cultivate/to study/to take (a class)/ 修 脩 S - 6007 xiū f /dried meat/private teacher's remuneration/withered/variant of 修[xiu1]/ 修业 修業 S - 44 xiū yè f /to study at school/ 修习 修習 S - 301 xiū xí f /to study/to practice/ 修会 修會 S - 0 xiū huì f /religious order/ 修养 修養 S 4481 627 xiū yǎng f /accomplishment/training/self-cultivation/ 修剪 - 95 xiū jiǎn f /to prune/to trim/ 修图 修圖 S - 0 xiū tú f /to retouch images/image retouching/ 修圖 修图 T - 0 xiū tú f /to retouch images/image retouching/ 修士 - 45 xiū shì f /member of religious order/frater/ 修复 修復 S 3149 610 xiū fù f /to restore/to renovate/restoration/(computing) to fix (a bug)/ 修女 - 39 xiū nǚ f /nun or sister (of the Roman Catholic or Greek Orthodox churches)/ 修好 - 41 xiū hǎo f /to repair/ 修建 4003 2616 xiū jiàn f /to build/to construct/ 修復 修复 T 3149 610 xiū fù f /to restore/to renovate/restoration/(computing) to fix (a bug)/ 修心养性 修心養性 S - 13 xiū xīn yǎng xìng f /to cultivate the heart and nurture the character (idiom); to improve oneself by meditation/ 修心養性 修心养性 T - 13 xiū xīn yǎng xìng f /to cultivate the heart and nurture the character (idiom); to improve oneself by meditation/ 修成正果 - 0 xiū chéng zhèng guǒ f /to achieve Buddhahood through one's efforts and insight/to obtain a positive outcome after sustained efforts/to come to fruition/ 修手 - 0 xiū shǒu f /manicure/ 修指甲 - 3 xiū zhǐ jia f /manicure/ 修撰 - 14 xiū zhuàn f /to compile/to compose/ 修改 2034 5259 xiū gǎi f /to amend/to alter/to modify/ 修改稿 - 5 xiū gǎi gǎo f /revised draft/new version (of a document)/ 修整 - 111 xiū zhěng f /to spruce up/to renovate/to tend (a garden)/to groom (one's hair)/to finish (a rough surface)/to trim (a lawn)/to touch up (a photo)/ 修文 - 15 Xiū Wén f /Xiuwen county in Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Gui4 yang2], Guizhou/ 修文县 修文縣 S - 6 Xiū Wén xiàn f /Xiuwen county in Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Gui4 yang2], Guizhou/ 修文縣 修文县 T - 6 Xiū Wén xiàn f /Xiuwen county in Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Gui4 yang2], Guizhou/ 修會 修会 T - 0 xiū huì f /religious order/ 修業 修业 T - 44 xiū yè f /to study at school/ 修正 - 812 xiū zhèng f /to revise/to amend/ 修正主义 修正主義 S - 266 xiū zhèng zhǔ yì f /revisionism/ 修正主義 修正主义 T - 266 xiū zhèng zhǔ yì f /revisionism/ 修正案 - 237 xiū zhèng àn f /amendment/revised draft/ 修正液 - 3 xiū zhèng yè f /correction fluid/ 修武 - 15 Xiū wǔ f /Xiuwu county in Jiaozuo 焦作[Jiao1 zuo4], Henan/ 修武县 修武縣 S - 3 Xiū wǔ xiàn f /Xiuwu county in Jiaozuo 焦作[Jiao1 zuo4], Henan/ 修武縣 修武县 T - 3 Xiū wǔ xiàn f /Xiuwu county in Jiaozuo 焦作[Jiao1 zuo4], Henan/ 修水 - 46 Xiū shuǐ f /Xiushui county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi/ 修水利 - 3 xiū shuǐ lì f /water conservancy/irrigation works/ 修水县 修水縣 S - 7 Xiū shuǐ xiàn f /Xiushui county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi/ 修水縣 修水县 T - 7 Xiū shuǐ xiàn f /Xiushui county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi/ 修炼 修煉 S - 661 xiū liàn f /(of Taoists) to practice austerities/to practice asceticism/ 修炼成仙 修煉成仙 S - 0 xiū liàn chéng xiān f /lit. to practice austerities to become a Daoist immortal/practice makes perfect/ 修煉 修炼 T - 661 xiū liàn f /(of Taoists) to practice austerities/to practice asceticism/ 修煉成仙 修炼成仙 T - 0 xiū liàn chéng xiān f /lit. to practice austerities to become a Daoist immortal/practice makes perfect/ 修理 1071 596 xiū lǐ f /to repair/to fix/to prune/to trim/(coll.) to sort sb out/to fix sb/ 修理厂 修理廠 S - 18 xiū lǐ chǎng f /repair shop/ 修理廠 修理厂 T - 18 xiū lǐ chǎng f /repair shop/ 修睦 - 0 xiū mù f /to cultivate friendship with neighbors/ 修禊 - 0 xiū xì f /to hold a semi-annual ceremony of purification/ 修筑 修築 S - 742 xiū zhù f /to build/ 修築 修筑 T - 742 xiū zhù f /to build/ 修編 修编 T - 8 xiū biān f /to revise/ 修練 修练 T - 76 xiū liàn f /to practice (an activity)/to perform/ 修繕 修缮 T - 1217 xiū shàn f /to renovate/to repair (a building)/ 修练 修練 S - 76 xiū liàn f /to practice (an activity)/to perform/ 修编 修編 S - 8 xiū biān f /to revise/ 修缮 修繕 S - 1217 xiū shàn f /to renovate/to repair (a building)/ 修罗 修羅 S - 3 xiū luó f /Asura, malevolent spirits in Indian mythology/ 修羅 修罗 T - 3 xiū luó f /Asura, malevolent spirits in Indian mythology/ 修習 修习 T - 301 xiū xí f /to study/to practice/ 修脚 修腳 S - 15 xiū jiǎo f /pedicure/ 修脚师 修腳師 S - 3 xiū jiǎo shī f /pedicurist/ 修腳 修脚 T - 15 xiū jiǎo f /pedicure/ 修腳師 修脚师 T - 3 xiū jiǎo shī f /pedicurist/ 修葺 - 474 xiū qì f /to repair/to renovate/ 修行 - 901 xiū xíng f /religious practice (Buddhism)/ 修行人 - 0 xiū xíng rén f /person pursuing religious practice (Buddhism)/ 修补 修補 S - 358 xiū bǔ f /to mend/ 修补匠 修補匠 S - 0 xiū bǔ jiàng f /tinker/ 修補 修补 T - 358 xiū bǔ f /to mend/ 修補匠 修补匠 T - 0 xiū bǔ jiàng f /tinker/ 修規 修规 T - 0 xiū guī f /construction plan/ 修规 修規 S - 0 xiū guī f /construction plan/ 修訂 修订 T - 852 xiū dìng f /to revise/ 修訂本 修订本 T - 47 xiū dìng běn f /revised edition (of a book)/ 修訂歷史 修订历史 T - 0 xiū dìng lì shǐ f /revision history (of a document, web page etc)/ 修訂版 修订版 T - 20 xiū dìng bǎn f /revised edition/revised version/ 修订 修訂 S - 852 xiū dìng f /to revise/ 修订历史 修訂歷史 S - 0 xiū dìng lì shǐ f /revision history (of a document, web page etc)/ 修订本 修訂本 S - 47 xiū dìng běn f /revised edition (of a book)/ 修订版 修訂版 S - 20 xiū dìng bǎn f /revised edition/revised version/ 修路 - 106 xiū lù f /to repair a road/ 修身 - 80 xiū shēn f /to cultivate one's moral character/(fashion) slim-fit/body-hugging/ 修車 修车 T - 24 xiū chē f /to repair a bike (car etc)/ 修车 修車 S - 24 xiū chē f /to repair a bike (car etc)/ 修辞 修辭 S - 143 xiū cí f /rhetoric/ 修辞学 修辭學 S - 44 xiū cí xué f /rhetoric/ 修辞格 修辭格 S - 27 xiū cí gé f /figure of speech/ 修辭 修辞 T - 143 xiū cí f /rhetoric/ 修辭學 修辞学 T - 44 xiū cí xué f /rhetoric/ 修辭格 修辞格 T - 27 xiū cí gé f /figure of speech/ 修造 - 128 xiū zào f /to build/to repair/ 修造厂 修造廠 S - 9 xiū zào chǎng f /repair workshop (for machinery, vehicles etc)/ 修造廠 修造厂 T - 9 xiū zào chǎng f /repair workshop (for machinery, vehicles etc)/ 修道 - 178 xiū dào f /to practice Daoism/ 修道会 修道會 S - 0 xiū dào huì f /order (of monks)/ 修道张 修道張 S - 0 xiū dào zhāng f /abbot/ 修道張 修道张 T - 0 xiū dào zhāng f /abbot/ 修道會 修道会 T - 0 xiū dào huì f /order (of monks)/ 修道院 - 136 xiū dào yuàn f /monastery/convent/ 修長 修长 T - 114 xiū cháng f /slender/lanky/tall and thin/ 修长 修長 S - 114 xiū cháng f /slender/lanky/tall and thin/ 修阻 - 0 xiū zǔ f /(literary) long and arduous (road)/ 修院 - 5 xiū yuàn f /seminary (Christian college)/ 修面 - 5 xiū miàn f /to have a shave/to enhance the appearance of the face/ 修鞋匠 - 3 xiū xié jiàng f /a cobbler/ 修音 - 0 xiū yīn f /voicing (adjustment of timbre, loudness etc of organ or other musical instrument)/ 修飾 修饰 T - 174 xiū shì f /to decorate/to adorn/to dress up/to polish (a written piece)/to qualify or modify (grammar)/ 修飾話 修饰话 T - 0 xiū shì huà f /modifier (grammar)/ 修飾語 修饰语 T - 25 xiū shì yǔ f /(grammar) modifier/qualifier/adjunct/ 修養 修养 T 4481 627 xiū yǎng f /accomplishment/training/self-cultivation/ 修饰 修飾 S - 174 xiū shì f /to decorate/to adorn/to dress up/to polish (a written piece)/to qualify or modify (grammar)/ 修饰话 修飾話 S - 0 xiū shì huà f /modifier (grammar)/ 修饰语 修飾語 S - 25 xiū shì yǔ f /(grammar) modifier/qualifier/adjunct/ 修齊 修齐 T - 3 xiū qí f /to touch up/to make even/ 修齐 修齊 S - 3 xiū qí f /to touch up/to make even/ 俯 俛 S - 543 fǔ f /variant of 俯[fu3]/ 俯 - 543 fǔ f /to look down/to stoop/ 俯 頫 S - 543 fǔ f /variant of 俯[fu3]/ 俯仰 - 125 fǔ yǎng f /lowering and raising of the head/(fig.) small move/pitch (position angle)/ 俯仰之間 俯仰之间 T - 2 fǔ yǎng zhī jiān f /in a flash/ 俯仰之间 俯仰之間 S - 2 fǔ yǎng zhī jiān f /in a flash/ 俯仰无愧 俯仰無愧 S - 2 fǔ yǎng wú kuì f /to have a clear conscience/ 俯仰無愧 俯仰无愧 T - 2 fǔ yǎng wú kuì f /to have a clear conscience/ 俯伏 - 124 fǔ fú f /to lie prostrate/ 俯冲 俯衝 S - 206 fǔ chōng f /to dive down fast/to swoop down/ 俯卧 俯臥 S - 35 fǔ wò f /to lie prone/ 俯卧撑 俯臥撐 S - 22 fǔ wò chēng f /press-up (physical exercise)/push-up/ 俯就 - 3 fǔ jiù f /to deign/to condescend/to yield to (entreaties)/to submit to (sb)/(polite) to deign to accept (a post)/ 俯拾即是 - 2 fǔ shí jí shì f /see 俯拾皆是[fu3 shi2 jie1 shi4]/ 俯拾皆是 - 9 fǔ shí jiē shì f /lit. so numerous that one could just bend down and pick them up (idiom)/fig. extremely common/easily available/ 俯瞰 - 113 fǔ kàn f /to overlook/to look down from a height/ 俯瞰图 俯瞰圖 S - 0 fǔ kàn tú f /bird's-eye view/see also 鳥瞰圖|鸟瞰图[niao3 kan4 tu2]/ 俯瞰圖 俯瞰图 T - 0 fǔ kàn tú f /bird's-eye view/see also 鳥瞰圖|鸟瞰图[niao3 kan4 tu2]/ 俯瞰摄影 俯瞰攝影 S - 0 fǔ kàn shè yǐng f /crane shot/boom shot (photography)/ 俯瞰攝影 俯瞰摄影 T - 0 fǔ kàn shè yǐng f /crane shot/boom shot (photography)/ 俯臥 俯卧 T - 35 fǔ wò f /to lie prone/ 俯臥撐 俯卧撑 T - 22 fǔ wò chēng f /press-up (physical exercise)/push-up/ 俯衝 俯冲 T - 206 fǔ chōng f /to dive down fast/to swoop down/ 俯視 俯视 T 4568 129 fǔ shì f /to overlook/to look down at/ 俯视 俯視 S 4568 129 fǔ shì f /to overlook/to look down at/ 俯身 - 641 fǔ shēn f /to lean over/to bend over/to stoop/to bow/ 俯首 - 106 fǔ shǒu f /to bend one's head/ 俯首帖耳 - 22 fǔ shǒu tiē ěr f /bowed head and ears glued (idiom); docile and obedient/at sb's beck and call/ 俯首称臣 俯首稱臣 S - 14 fǔ shǒu chēng chén f /to bow before (idiom)/to capitulate/ 俯首稱臣 俯首称臣 T - 14 fǔ shǒu chēng chén f /to bow before (idiom)/to capitulate/ 俱 - 2295 jù f /entirely/without exception/(lit.) to be together/to be alike/ 俱乐部 俱樂部 S 1376 1958 jù lè bù f /club (the organisation or its premises) (loanword)/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 俱佳 - 41 jù jiā f /excellent/wonderful/ 俱全 - 362 jù quán f /every kind/every variety under the sun/a complete gamut/ 俱樂部 俱乐部 T 1376 1958 jù lè bù f /club (the organisation or its premises) (loanword)/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 俱舍宗 - 0 Jù shè zōng f /Kusha-shū (Japanese Buddhism school)/ 俲 效 T - 810 xiào f /variant of 傚|效[xiao4]/ 俳 - 87 pái f /not serious/variety show/ 俳句 - 18 pái jù f /haiku/ 俴 - 0 jiàn f /short/shallow/thin plate/ 俵 - 9 biǎo f /to distribute/ 俶 - 58 chù f /to begin/ 俷 - 0 fèi f /(meaning unclear)/to renounce/to abandon/ 俸 - 475 fèng f /salary/ 俸恤 - 3 fèng xù f /payment and pension/ 俸祿 俸禄 T - 241 fèng lù f /official's salary (in feudal times)/ 俸禄 俸祿 S - 241 fèng lù f /official's salary (in feudal times)/ 俸給 俸给 T - 3 fèng jǐ f /pay/salary/ 俸给 俸給 S - 3 fèng jǐ f /pay/salary/ 俸銀 俸银 T - 0 fèng yín f /official salary/ 俸錢 俸钱 T - 3 fèng qián f /salary/ 俸钱 俸錢 S - 3 fèng qián f /salary/ 俸银 俸銀 S - 0 fèng yín f /official salary/ 俺 - 2596 ǎn f /I (northern dialects)/ 俻 备 T - 2284 bèi f /variant of 備|备[bei4]/ 俾 - 224 bǐ f /to cause/to enable/phonetic bi/ 俾使 - 0 bǐ shǐ f /in order that/so that/so as to/to cause sth/ 俾倪 - 0 bǐ ní f /parapet/to look askance/ 俾夜作昼 俾夜作晝 S - 3 bǐ yè zuò zhòu f /lit. to make night as day (idiom); fig. to burn the midnight oil/work especially hard/ 俾夜作晝 俾夜作昼 T - 3 bǐ yè zuò zhòu f /lit. to make night as day (idiom); fig. to burn the midnight oil/work especially hard/ 俾斯麥 俾斯麦 T - 126 Bǐ sī mài f /Bismarck (name)/Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898), Prussian politician, Minister-President of Prussia 1862-1873, Chancellor of Germany 1871-1890/ 俾斯麦 俾斯麥 S - 126 Bǐ sī mài f /Bismarck (name)/Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898), Prussian politician, Minister-President of Prussia 1862-1873, Chancellor of Germany 1871-1890/ 俾昼作夜 俾晝作夜 S - 3 bǐ zhòu zuò yè f /to make day as night (idiom, from Book of Songs); fig. to prolong one's pleasure regardless of the hour/ 俾晝作夜 俾昼作夜 T - 3 bǐ zhòu zuò yè f /to make day as night (idiom, from Book of Songs); fig. to prolong one's pleasure regardless of the hour/ 俾格米 - 0 bǐ gé mǐ f /Pygmy/ 俾路支 - 29 Bǐ lù zhī f /Balochi (ethnic group of Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan)/ 俾路支省 - 11 Bǐ lù zhī shěng f /Balochistan (Pakistan)/ 倀 伥 T - 6 chāng f /ghost of sb devoured by a tiger who helps the tiger devour others/ 倀鬼 伥鬼 T - 2 chāng guǐ f /ghost of sb devoured by a tiger who helps the tiger devour others/ 倂 - 0 bìng f /variant of 併|并[bing4]/ 倃 - 0 jiù f /to malign/to slander/ 倅 - 5 cuì f /auxiliary/spare/deputy/second/sub-/ 倆 俩 T 648 2508 liǎ f /two (colloquial equivalent of 兩個|两个)/both/some/ 倆錢 俩钱 T - 0 liǎ qián f /two bits/a small amount of money/ 倆錢兒 俩钱儿 T - 0 liǎ qián r f /erhua variant of 倆錢兒|俩钱儿[lia3 qian2 r5]/ 倉 仓 T - 974 cāng f /barn/granary/storehouse/cabin/hold (in ship)/ 倉促 仓促 T 4087 197 cāng cù f /all of a sudden/hurriedly/ 倉儲 仓储 T - 107 cāng chǔ f /to store in a warehouse/ 倉卒 仓卒 T - 116 cāng cù f /variant of 倉促|仓促[cang1 cu4]/ 倉山 仓山 T - 4 Cāng shān f /Cangshan district of Fuzhou city 福州市[Fu2 zhou1 shi4], Fujian/ 倉山區 仓山区 T - 3 Cāng shān qū f /Cangshan district of Fuzhou city 福州市[Fu2 zhou1 shi4], Fujian/ 倉庚 仓庚 T - 0 cāng gēng f /black-naped oriole (Oriolus chinensis)/ 倉庫 仓库 T 2772 833 cāng kù f /depot/storehouse/warehouse/ 倉廩 仓廪 T - 48 cāng lǐn f /(literary) granary/ 倉惶 仓惶 T - 29 cāng huáng f /variant of 倉皇|仓皇[cang1 huang2]/ 倉敷 仓敷 T - 0 Cāng fū f /Kurashiki, city in Okayama Prefecture 岡山縣|冈山县[Gang1 shan1 xian4], Japan/ 倉猝 仓猝 T - 53 cāng cù f /variant of 倉促|仓促[cang1 cu4]/ 倉皇 仓皇 T - 224 cāng huáng f /in a panic/flurried/ 倉皇出逃 仓皇出逃 T - 3 cāng huáng chū táo f /to run off in a great panic (idiom)/ 倉皇失措 仓皇失措 T - 8 cāng huáng shī cuò f /flustered/ruffled/disconcerted/ 倉頡 仓颉 T - 17 Cāng Jié f /Cang Jie, legendary scribe of the Yellow Emperor and creator of Chinese writing/Cangjie input method (computing)/ 倉鴞 仓鸮 T - 0 cāng xiāo f /(bird species of China) barn owl (Tyto alba)/ 倉黃 仓黄 T - 0 cāng huáng f /variant of 倉皇|仓皇[cang1 huang2]/ 倉鼠 仓鼠 T - 20 cāng shǔ f /hamster/ 個 个 T 24 125538 gè f /individual/this/that/size/classifier for people or objects in general/ 個中 个中 T - 0 gè zhōng f /therein/in this/ 個中人 个中人 T - 0 gè zhōng rén f /a person in the know/ 個人 个人 T 1280 12744 gè rén f /individual/personal/oneself/ 個人主義 个人主义 T - 86 gè rén zhǔ yì f /individualism/ 個人傷害 个人伤害 T - 0 gè rén shāng hài f /personal injury/ 個人儲蓄 个人储蓄 T - 0 gè rén chǔ xù f /personal savings/ 個人崇拜 个人崇拜 T - 216 gè rén chóng bài f /personality cult/ 個人數字助理 个人数字助理 T - 12 gè rén shù zì zhù lǐ f /personal digital assistant (PDA)/ 個人賽 个人赛 T - 25 gè rén sài f /individual competition/individual race/ 個人防護裝備 个人防护装备 T - 0 gè rén fáng hù zhuāng bèi f /individual protective equipment/ 個人隱私 个人隐私 T - 3 gè rén yǐn sī f /personal privacy/private matters/ 個人電腦 个人电脑 T - 92 gè rén diàn nǎo f /personal computer/PC/ 個位 个位 T - 26 gè wèi f /the units place (or column) in the decimal system/ 個例 个例 T - 25 gè lì f /specific example/rare instance/ 個個 个个 T - 1842 gè gè f /each one individually/each and every/ 個兒 个儿 T - 304 gè r f /size/height/stature/ 個別 个别 T 2277 3125 gè bié f /individual/specific/respective/just one or two/ 個子 个子 T 582 403 gè zi f /height/stature/build/size/ 個展 个展 T - 18 gè zhǎn f /a one-person exhibition/ 個性 个性 T 1650 1531 gè xìng f /individuality/personality/ 個性化 个性化 T - 308 gè xìng huà f /to personalize/to customize/customization/ 個把 个把 T - 0 gè bǎ f /one or two/a couple of/ 個案 个案 T - 99 gè àn f /a case/an individual case/case-by-case/ 個股 个股 T - 774 gè gǔ f /share (in a listed company)/ 個舊 个旧 T - 69 Gè jiù f /Gejiu, county level city in Yunnan, capital of Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous county 紅河哈尼族彞族自治州|红河哈尼族彝族自治州[Hong2 he2 Ha1 ni2 zu2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ 個舊市 个旧市 T - 8 Gè jiù shì f /Gejiu, county level city in Yunnan, capital of Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous county 紅河哈尼族彞族自治州|红河哈尼族彝族自治州/ 個頭 个头 T - 540 gè tóu t /size/height/ 個頭 个头 T - 540 ge tóu f /(coll.) (suffix) my ass!/yeah, right!/ 個頭兒 个头儿 T - 25 gè tóu r f /size/height/stature/ 個體 个体 T 4016 2407 gè tǐ f /individual/ 個體戶 个体户 T - 116 gè tǐ hù f /self-employed/a private firm (PRC usage)/ 個體經濟 个体经济 T - 99 gè tǐ jīng jì f /economics of a self-employed individual or private firm/ 倌 - 95 guān f /keeper of domestic animals/herdsman/(old) hired hand in certain trade/ 倍 911 4282 bèi f /(two, three etc) -fold/times (multiplier)/double/to increase or multiply/ 倍儿 倍兒 S - 10 bèi r f /very/much (Beijing dialect)/ 倍儿棒 倍兒棒 S - 0 bèi r bàng f /(dialect) awesome/excellent/ 倍兒 倍儿 T - 10 bèi r f /very/much (Beijing dialect)/ 倍兒棒 倍儿棒 T - 0 bèi r bàng f /(dialect) awesome/excellent/ 倍塔 - 0 bèi tǎ f /beta (loanword)/ 倍增 - 156 bèi zēng f /to double/to redouble/to increase many times over/to multiply by a factor/multiplication/ 倍增器 - 17 bèi zēng qì f /multiplier/ 倍感 - 86 bèi gǎn f /to feel even more/to be extremely (sad, lonely, delighted etc)/ 倍数 倍數 S - 117 bèi shù f /multiple/multiplier/factor/ 倍數 倍数 T - 117 bèi shù f /multiple/multiplier/factor/ 倍足类 倍足類 S - 0 bèi zú lèi f /Diplopoda (arthropod class with a pair of legs on each segment, including centipedes and millipedes)/ 倍足綱 倍足纲 T - 0 bèi zú gāng f /Diplopoda (zoology)/ 倍足纲 倍足綱 S - 0 bèi zú gāng f /Diplopoda (zoology)/ 倍足類 倍足类 T - 0 bèi zú lèi f /Diplopoda (arthropod class with a pair of legs on each segment, including centipedes and millipedes)/ 倍頻器 倍频器 T - 18 bèi pín qì f /frequency multiplier/ 倍频器 倍頻器 S - 18 bèi pín qì f /frequency multiplier/ 倏 - 199 shū f /sudden/abrupt/Taiwan pr. [shu4]/ 倏 倐 S - 199 shū f /variant of 倏[shu1]/ 倏 儵 S - 199 shū f /variant of 倏[shu1]/ 倏地 - 277 shū de f /swiftly/suddenly/ 倏忽 - 156 shū hū f /(literary) suddenly/ 倏然 - 105 shū rán f /(literary) suddenly/ 倐 倏 T - 199 shū f /variant of 倏[shu1]/ 們 们 T - 41212 men f /plural marker for pronouns, and nouns referring to individuals/ 倒 688 21994 dǎo f /to fall/to collapse/to overthrow/to fail/to go bankrupt/to change (trains or buses)/to move around/to resell at a profit/ 倒 688 21994 dào t /to place upside down/to invert/to pour/to throw out/to move backwards/however/actually/as a matter of fact/contrary to expectation/ 倒下 - 459 dǎo xià f /to collapse/to topple over/ 倒买倒卖 倒買倒賣 S - 4 dǎo mǎi dǎo mài f /to buy and sell at a profit/to speculate/ 倒仓 倒倉 S - 3 dǎo cāng f /to transfer grain from a store (e.g. to sun it)/voice breaking (of male opera singer in puberty)/ 倒伏 - 55 dǎo fú f /(of cereal crops) to collapse and lie flat/ 倒休 - 3 dǎo xiū f /to shift holidays, taking a weekday off/ 倒位 - 0 dào wèi f /inversion/ 倒倉 倒仓 T - 3 dǎo cāng f /to transfer grain from a store (e.g. to sun it)/voice breaking (of male opera singer in puberty)/ 倒像 - 211 dào xiàng f /inverted image/reversed image (e.g. upside down)/ 倒写 倒寫 S - 0 dào xiě f /mirror writing/upside down writing/ 倒刺 - 46 dào cì f /barb/barbed tip (e.g. of fishhook)/ 倒卖 倒賣 S - 69 dǎo mài f /to resell at a profit/to speculate/ 倒卧 倒臥 S - 3 dǎo wò f /to lie down/to drop dead/ 倒反 - 0 dào fǎn f /instead/on the contrary/contrary (to expectations)/ 倒叙 倒敘 S - 14 dào xù f /to flash back/flashback (in a novel, movie etc)/ 倒台 倒臺 S - 79 dǎo tái f /to overthrow/downfall/to fall from power/to go bankrupt/ 倒吊蜡烛 倒吊蠟燭 S - 0 dào diào là zhú f /Wrightia tinctoria (flowering plant in Apocynaceae family, common names dyer's oleander or pala indigo)/ 倒吊蠟燭 倒吊蜡烛 T - 0 dào diào là zhú f /Wrightia tinctoria (flowering plant in Apocynaceae family, common names dyer's oleander or pala indigo)/ 倒噍 - 0 dǎo jiào f /to ruminate (of cows)/ 倒嚼 - 3 dǎo jiáo f /to ruminate (of cows)/ 倒地 - 330 dǎo dì f /to fall to the ground/ 倒坍 - 3 dǎo tān f /to collapse (of building)/ 倒塌 - 299 dǎo tā f /to collapse (of building)/to topple over/ 倒头 倒頭 S - 98 dǎo tóu f /to lie down/to die/ 倒寫 倒写 T - 0 dào xiě f /mirror writing/upside down writing/ 倒帐 倒帳 S - 3 dǎo zhàng f /dead loan/bad debts/to refuse to pay loan/ 倒带 倒帶 S - 0 dào dài f /rewind (media player)/ 倒帳 倒帐 T - 3 dǎo zhàng f /dead loan/bad debts/to refuse to pay loan/ 倒帶 倒带 T - 0 dào dài f /rewind (media player)/ 倒序 - 4 dào xù f /reverse order/inverted order/ 倒座儿 倒座兒 S - 0 dào zuò r f /the north-facing room opposite the master's in a siheyuan 四合院[si4 he2 yuan4]/ 倒座兒 倒座儿 T - 0 dào zuò r f /the north-facing room opposite the master's in a siheyuan 四合院[si4 he2 yuan4]/ 倒开 倒開 S - 0 dào kāi f /to reverse a vehicle/to drive backwards/ 倒弄 - 0 dǎo nong f /to move (things around)/to buy and sell at a profit (derog.)/ 倒彩 - 2 dào cǎi f /adverse audience reaction: boos and jeers, hissing, catcalls or deliberate applause after a mistake/ 倒彩声 倒彩聲 S - 0 dào cǎi shēng f /jeering/booing/catcalls/ 倒彩聲 倒彩声 T - 0 dào cǎi shēng f /jeering/booing/catcalls/ 倒影 - 73 dào yǐng f /inverted image/reversed image (e.g. upside down)/ 倒悬 倒懸 S - 64 dào xuán f /lit. to hang upside down/fig. in dire straits/ 倒悬之危 倒懸之危 S - 0 dào xuán zhī wēi f /lit. the crisis of being hanged upside down (idiom); fig. extremely critical situation/dire straits/ 倒悬之急 倒懸之急 S - 3 dào xuán zhī jí f /lit. the crisis of being hanged upside down (idiom); fig. extremely critical situation/dire straits/ 倒悬之苦 倒懸之苦 S - 3 dào xuán zhī kǔ f /lit. the pain of being hanged upside down (idiom); fig. extremely critical situation/dire straits/ 倒懸 倒悬 T - 64 dào xuán f /lit. to hang upside down/fig. in dire straits/ 倒懸之危 倒悬之危 T - 0 dào xuán zhī wēi f /lit. the crisis of being hanged upside down (idiom); fig. extremely critical situation/dire straits/ 倒懸之急 倒悬之急 T - 3 dào xuán zhī jí f /lit. the crisis of being hanged upside down (idiom); fig. extremely critical situation/dire straits/ 倒懸之苦 倒悬之苦 T - 3 dào xuán zhī kǔ f /lit. the pain of being hanged upside down (idiom); fig. extremely critical situation/dire straits/ 倒戈 - 113 dǎo gē f /to change sides in a war/turncoat/ 倒戈卸甲 - 3 dǎo gē xiè jiǎ f /to lay down arms/ 倒扁 - 0 Dǎo biǎn f /Taiwan political movement aimed at forcing the resignation of President Chen Shui-bian 陳水扁|陈水扁[Chen2 Shui3 bian3] in 2006 over corruption allegations/ 倒手 - 7 dǎo shǒu f /to shift from one hand to the other/to change hands (of merchandise)/ 倒打一耙 - 10 dào dǎ yī pá f /lit. to strike with a muck-rake (idiom), cf Pigsy 豬八戒|猪八戒 in Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记; fig. to counter-attack/to make bogus accusations (against one's victim)/ 倒把 - 144 dǎo bǎ f /to play the market/to speculate (on financial markets)/to profiteer/ 倒抽一口气 倒抽一口氣 S - 0 dào chōu yī kǒu qì f /to gasp (in surprise, dismay, fright etc)/ 倒抽一口氣 倒抽一口气 T - 0 dào chōu yī kǒu qì f /to gasp (in surprise, dismay, fright etc)/ 倒挂 倒掛 S - 51 dào guà f /lit. to hang upside down/fig. topsy-turvy and inequitable, e.g. manufacturing and trading costs exceed the sale price (of some goods)/to borrow more than one can ever repay/ 倒换 倒換 S - 82 dǎo huàn f /to take turns/to rotate (responsibility)/ 倒掛 倒挂 T - 51 dào guà f /lit. to hang upside down/fig. topsy-turvy and inequitable, e.g. manufacturing and trading costs exceed the sale price (of some goods)/to borrow more than one can ever repay/ 倒插門 倒插门 T - 11 dào chā mén f /to marry and live with the bride's family (inverting traditional Chinese expectations)/ 倒插门 倒插門 S - 11 dào chā mén f /to marry and live with the bride's family (inverting traditional Chinese expectations)/ 倒換 倒换 T - 82 dǎo huàn f /to take turns/to rotate (responsibility)/ 倒放 - 12 dào fàng f /to turn upside down/to upend/ 倒敗 倒败 T - 0 dǎo bài f /to collapse (of building)/ 倒敘 倒叙 T - 14 dào xù f /to flash back/flashback (in a novel, movie etc)/ 倒数 倒數 S - 173 dào shǔ t /to count backwards (from 10 down to 0)/to count down/from the bottom (lines on a page)/from the back (rows of seats)/ 倒数 倒數 S - 173 dào shù f /inverse number/reciprocal (math.)/ 倒數 倒数 T - 173 dào shǔ t /to count backwards (from 10 down to 0)/to count down/from the bottom (lines on a page)/from the back (rows of seats)/ 倒數 倒数 T - 173 dào shù f /inverse number/reciprocal (math.)/ 倒斃 倒毙 T - 69 dǎo bì f /to fall dead/ 倒时差 倒時差 S - 3 dǎo shí chā f /to adjust to a different time zone/ 倒映 - 61 dào yìng f /inverted reflection in water/ 倒春寒 - 11 dào chūn hán f /cold snap during the spring/ 倒是 - 0 dào shi f /contrary to what one might expect/actually/contrariwise/why don't you/ 倒時差 倒时差 T - 3 dǎo shí chā f /to adjust to a different time zone/ 倒替 - 3 dǎo tì f /to take turns (responsibility)/to replace/ 倒果为因 倒果為因 S - 3 dào guǒ wéi yīn f /to reverse cause and effect/to put the horse before the cart/ 倒果為因 倒果为因 T - 3 dào guǒ wéi yīn f /to reverse cause and effect/to put the horse before the cart/ 倒栽葱 倒栽蔥 S - 17 dào zāi cōng f /to fall headlong/fig. a disastrous setback/ 倒栽蔥 倒栽葱 T - 17 dào zāi cōng f /to fall headlong/fig. a disastrous setback/ 倒楣 - 3 dǎo méi f /variant of 倒霉[dao3 mei2]/ 倒槽 - 0 dǎo cáo f /to die out (of livestock)/ 倒毙 倒斃 S - 69 dǎo bì f /to fall dead/ 倒流 - 76 dào liú f /to flow backwards/reverse flow/ 倒海翻江 - 9 dǎo hǎi fān jiāng f /see 翻江倒海[fan1 jiang1 dao3 hai3]/ 倒灌 - 58 dào guàn f /to flow backwards (of water, because of flood, tide, wind etc)/reverse flow/to back up (sewage)/ 倒灶 - 20 dǎo zào f /to fall (from power)/in decline/unlucky/ 倒烟 倒煙 S - 0 dào yān f /to have smoke billowing from a fireplace or stove (due to a blockage in the chimney)/ 倒煙 倒烟 T - 0 dào yān f /to have smoke billowing from a fireplace or stove (due to a blockage in the chimney)/ 倒爷 倒爺 S - 3 dǎo yé f /profiteer/wheeler dealer/tradesman who buys low and sell high/ 倒爺 倒爷 T - 3 dǎo yé f /profiteer/wheeler dealer/tradesman who buys low and sell high/ 倒班 - 3 dǎo bān f /to change shifts/to work in turns/ 倒相 - 0 dào xiàng f /phase reversal/phase inversion/ 倒睫 - 3 dào jié f /trichiasis (ingrown eyelashes)/ 倒空 - 3 dào kōng f /to empty (a bag)/to turn inside out/to turn out/ 倒立 - 74 dào lì f /a handstand/to turn upside down/to stand on one's head/upside down/ 倒立像 - 0 dào lì xiàng f /inverted image/reversed image (e.g. upside down)/ 倒粪 倒糞 S - 3 dào fèn f /to turn over manure/fig. to offend others by endlessly repeating unpleasant remarks/ 倒糞 倒粪 T - 3 dào fèn f /to turn over manure/fig. to offend others by endlessly repeating unpleasant remarks/ 倒置 - 58 dào zhì f /to invert/ 倒胃口 - 7 dǎo wèi kǒu f /to spoil one's appetite/fig. to get fed up with sth/ 倒背如流 - 16 dào bèi rú liú f /to know by heart (so well that you can recite it backwards)/ 倒背手 - 0 dào bèi shǒu f /with one's hands behind one's back/ 倒背手儿 倒背手兒 S - 0 dào bèi shǒu r f /erhua variant of 倒背手[dao4 bei4 shou3]/ 倒背手兒 倒背手儿 T - 0 dào bèi shǒu r f /erhua variant of 倒背手[dao4 bei4 shou3]/ 倒腾 倒騰 S - 211 dǎo teng f /to move/to shift/to exchange/to buy and sell/peddling/ 倒臥 倒卧 T - 3 dǎo wò f /to lie down/to drop dead/ 倒臺 倒台 T - 79 dǎo tái f /to overthrow/downfall/to fall from power/to go bankrupt/ 倒苦水 - 3 dào kǔ shuǐ f /to pour out one's grievances/ 倒茬 - 2 dǎo chá f /rotation of crops/ 倒薮 倒藪 S - 0 dào sǒu f /bandits' den/ 倒藪 倒薮 T - 0 dào sǒu f /bandits' den/ 倒蛋 - 0 dǎo dàn f /mischief/to make trouble/ 倒行逆施 - 111 dào xíng nì shī f /to go against the tide (idiom); to do things all wrong/to try to turn back history/a perverse way of doing things/ 倒装 倒裝 S - 21 dào zhuāng f /inversion (rhetoric device of inverting the word order for heightened effect)/anastrophe/ 倒装句 倒裝句 S - 3 dào zhuāng jù f /inversion (rhetoric device of inverting the word order for heightened effect)/anastrophe/ 倒裝 倒装 T - 21 dào zhuāng f /inversion (rhetoric device of inverting the word order for heightened effect)/anastrophe/ 倒裝句 倒装句 T - 3 dào zhuāng jù f /inversion (rhetoric device of inverting the word order for heightened effect)/anastrophe/ 倒計時 倒计时 T - 164 dào jì shí f /to count down/countdown/ 倒计时 倒計時 S - 164 dào jì shí f /to count down/countdown/ 倒買倒賣 倒买倒卖 T - 4 dǎo mǎi dǎo mài f /to buy and sell at a profit/to speculate/ 倒貼 倒贴 T - 37 dào tiē f /to lose money instead of being paid (i.e. sb should pay me, but is actually taking my money)/ 倒賠 倒赔 T - 4 dào péi f /to sustain loss in trade/ 倒賣 倒卖 T - 69 dǎo mài f /to resell at a profit/to speculate/ 倒賬 倒账 T - 3 dǎo zhàng f /unrecoverable debt/bad debt/to evade debt/ 倒败 倒敗 S - 0 dǎo bài f /to collapse (of building)/ 倒账 倒賬 S - 3 dǎo zhàng f /unrecoverable debt/bad debt/to evade debt/ 倒贴 倒貼 S - 37 dào tiē f /to lose money instead of being paid (i.e. sb should pay me, but is actually taking my money)/ 倒赔 倒賠 S - 4 dào péi f /to sustain loss in trade/ 倒車 倒车 T - 31 dǎo chē f /to change buses, trains etc/ 倒車 倒车 T - 31 dào chē t /to reverse (a vehicle)/to drive backwards/ 倒車擋 倒车挡 T - 0 dào chē dǎng f /reverse gear/ 倒轉 倒转 T - 286 dào zhuǎn f /to make an about-turn/to reverse one's direction, policy, sequence etc/to turn things on their head/ 倒车 倒車 S - 31 dǎo chē f /to change buses, trains etc/ 倒车 倒車 S - 31 dào chē t /to reverse (a vehicle)/to drive backwards/ 倒车挡 倒車擋 S - 0 dào chē dǎng f /reverse gear/ 倒转 倒轉 S - 286 dào zhuǎn f /to make an about-turn/to reverse one's direction, policy, sequence etc/to turn things on their head/ 倒过儿 倒過兒 S - 3 dào guò r f /the wrong way round (back to front, inside out etc)/ 倒运 倒運 S - 13 dǎo yùn f /to have bad luck/ 倒退 - 657 dào tuì f /to fall back/to go in reverse/ 倒運 倒运 T - 13 dǎo yùn f /to have bad luck/ 倒過兒 倒过儿 T - 3 dào guò r f /the wrong way round (back to front, inside out etc)/ 倒采 - 0 dào cǎi f /variant of 倒彩[dao4 cai3]/ 倒鉤 倒钩 T - 32 dào gōu f /barb/bicycle kick, or overhead kick (football)/ 倒鎖 倒锁 T - 3 dào suǒ f /locked in (with the door locked from the outside)/ 倒钩 倒鉤 S - 32 dào gōu f /barb/bicycle kick, or overhead kick (football)/ 倒锁 倒鎖 S - 3 dào suǒ f /locked in (with the door locked from the outside)/ 倒閉 倒闭 T 3935 275 dǎo bì f /to go bankrupt/to close down/ 倒開 倒开 T - 0 dào kāi f /to reverse a vehicle/to drive backwards/ 倒闭 倒閉 S 3935 275 dǎo bì f /to go bankrupt/to close down/ 倒阳 倒陽 S - 0 dǎo yáng f /(med.) to be impotent/ 倒陽 倒阳 T - 0 dǎo yáng f /(med.) to be impotent/ 倒霉 1712 586 dǎo méi f /to have bad luck/to be out of luck/ 倒霉蛋 - 3 dǎo méi dàn f /(coll.) poor devil/unfortunate man/ 倒霉蛋儿 倒霉蛋兒 S - 0 dǎo méi dàn r f /erhua variant of 倒霉蛋[dao3 mei2 dan4]/ 倒霉蛋兒 倒霉蛋儿 T - 0 dǎo méi dàn r f /erhua variant of 倒霉蛋[dao3 mei2 dan4]/ 倒頭 倒头 T - 98 dǎo tóu f /to lie down/to die/ 倒騰 倒腾 T - 211 dǎo teng f /to move/to shift/to exchange/to buy and sell/peddling/ 倓 - 85 tán f /quiet/peaceful/ 倔 - 121 jué f /crabby/tough/ 倔強 倔强 T 4567 298 jué jiàng f /stubborn/obstinate/unbending/ 倔强 倔強 S 4567 298 jué jiàng f /stubborn/obstinate/unbending/ 倖 幸 T - 878 xìng f /trusted/intimate/(of the emperor) to visit/variant of 幸[xing4]/ 倖存 幸存 T - 154 xìng cún f /survivor (of a disaster)/ 倘 - 937 cháng f /see 倘佯[chang2 yang2]/ 倘 - 937 tǎng t /if/supposing/in case/ 倘佯 - 5 cháng yáng f /variant of 徜徉[chang2 yang2]/ 倘或 - 208 tǎng huò f /if/supposing that/ 倘然 - 13 tǎng rán f /if/supposing that/leisurely/ 倘能如此 - 0 tǎng néng rú cǐ f /if it is possible (idiom)/ 倘若 4601 4919 tǎng ruò f /provided that/supposing that/if/ 候 - 1332 hòu f /to wait/to inquire after/to watch/season/climate/(old) period of five days/ 候任 - 0 hòu rèn f /designate/ 候审 候審 S - 67 hòu shěn f /awaiting trial/ 候審 候审 T - 67 hòu shěn f /awaiting trial/ 候机厅 候機廳 S - 15 hòu jī tīng f /airport departure terminal/ 候机楼 候機樓 S - 39 hòu jī lóu f /airport departure terminal/ 候機廳 候机厅 T - 15 hòu jī tīng f /airport departure terminal/ 候機樓 候机楼 T - 39 hòu jī lóu f /airport departure terminal/ 候缺 - 3 hòu quē f /waiting for a vacancy/ 候补 候補 S - 266 hòu bǔ f /to wait to fill a vacancy/reserve (candidate)/alternate/substitute/ 候补名单 候補名單 S - 0 hòu bǔ míng dān f /waiting list/ 候補 候补 T - 266 hòu bǔ f /to wait to fill a vacancy/reserve (candidate)/alternate/substitute/ 候補名單 候补名单 T - 0 hòu bǔ míng dān f /waiting list/ 候診 候诊 T - 9 hòu zhěn f /waiting to see a doctor/awaiting treatment/ 候診室 候诊室 T - 5 hòu zhěn shì f /waiting room (at clinic, hospital)/ 候诊 候診 S - 9 hòu zhěn f /waiting to see a doctor/awaiting treatment/ 候诊室 候診室 S - 5 hòu zhěn shì f /waiting room (at clinic, hospital)/ 候車亭 候车亭 T - 3 hòu chē tíng f /bus shelter/ 候車室 候车室 T - 61 hòu chē shì f /waiting room (for train, bus etc)/ 候车亭 候車亭 S - 3 hòu chē tíng f /bus shelter/ 候车室 候車室 S - 61 hòu chē shì f /waiting room (for train, bus etc)/ 候选 候選 S 4251 127 hòu xuǎn f /candidate (attributive)/ 候选人 候選人 S - 3708 hòu xuǎn rén f /candidate/CL:名[ming2]/ 候選 候选 T 4251 127 hòu xuǎn f /candidate (attributive)/ 候選人 候选人 T - 3708 hòu xuǎn rén f /candidate/CL:名[ming2]/ 候風地動儀 候风地动仪 T - 20 hòu fēng dì dòng yí f /the world's first seismograph invented by Zhang Heng 张衡 in 132/ 候风地动仪 候風地動儀 S - 20 hòu fēng dì dòng yí f /the world's first seismograph invented by Zhang Heng 张衡 in 132/ 候駕 候驾 T - 3 hòu jià f /to await (your) gracious presence/ 候驾 候駕 S - 3 hòu jià f /to await (your) gracious presence/ 候鳥 候鸟 T - 100 hòu niǎo f /migratory bird/ 候鸟 候鳥 S - 100 hòu niǎo f /migratory bird/ 倚 - 1109 yǐ f /to lean on/to rely upon/ 倚仗 - 77 yǐ zhàng f /to lean on/to rely on/ 倚天屠龍記 倚天屠龙记 T - 0 Yǐ tiān Tú lóng Jì f /Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber, wuxia (武俠|武侠[wu3 xia2], martial arts chivalry) novel by Jin Yong 金庸[Jin1 Yong1] and its screen adaptations/ 倚天屠龙记 倚天屠龍記 S - 0 Yǐ tiān Tú lóng Jì f /Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber, wuxia (武俠|武侠[wu3 xia2], martial arts chivalry) novel by Jin Yong 金庸[Jin1 Yong1] and its screen adaptations/ 倚栏望月 倚欄望月 S - 0 yǐ lán wàng yuè f /to lean against the railings and look at the moon (idiom)/ 倚欄望月 倚栏望月 T - 0 yǐ lán wàng yuè f /to lean against the railings and look at the moon (idiom)/ 倚賴 倚赖 T - 23 yǐ lài f /to rely on/to be dependent on/ 倚赖 倚賴 S - 23 yǐ lài f /to rely on/to be dependent on/ 倚重 - 148 yǐ zhòng f /to rely heavily upon/ 倚靠 - 59 yǐ kào f /to lean on/to rest against/to rely on/support/backing/back of a chair/ 倜 - 27 tì f /energetic/exalted/magnanimous/ 倜傥 倜儻 S - 32 tì tǎng f /elegant/casual/free and easy/ 倜儻 倜傥 T - 32 tì tǎng f /elegant/casual/free and easy/ 倝 - 69 gàn f /dawn (archaic)/ 倞 - 123 jìng t /strong/powerful/ 倞 - 123 liàng f /distant/to seek/old variant of 亮[liang4]/bright/ 借 452 4411 jiè f /to lend/to borrow/by means of/to take (an opportunity)/ 借 藉 S 452 4411 jiè f /variant of 借[jie4]/ 借东风 借東風 S - 12 jiè dōng fēng f /lit. to use the eastern wind (idiom)/fig. to use sb's help/ 借书单 借書單 S - 3 jiè shū dān f /book slip/ 借书证 借書證 S - 3 jiè shū zhèng f /library card/ 借代 - 7 jiè dài f /metonymy/ 借以 - 558 jiè yǐ f /so as to/for the purpose of/in order to/ 借位 - 3 jiè wèi f /in arithmetic of subtraction, to borrow 10 and carry from the next place/ 借住 - 31 jiè zhù f /to lodge/ 借债 借債 S - 61 jiè zhài f /to borrow money/ 借债人 借債人 S - 2 jiè zhài rén f /debtor/borrower/ 借債 借债 T - 61 jiè zhài f /to borrow money/ 借債人 借债人 T - 2 jiè zhài rén f /debtor/borrower/ 借光 - 25 jiè guāng f /Excuse me./reflected glory/to profit from sb else's prestige/ 借入方 - 0 jiè rù fāng f /borrower/debit side (of a balance sheet)/ 借出 - 11 jiè chū f /to lend/ 借刀杀人 借刀殺人 S - 36 jiè dāo shā rén f /to lend sb a knife to kill sb/to get sb else to do one's dirty work/to attack using the strength of another (idiom)/ 借刀殺人 借刀杀人 T - 36 jiè dāo shā rén f /to lend sb a knife to kill sb/to get sb else to do one's dirty work/to attack using the strength of another (idiom)/ 借助 3928 969 jiè zhù f /to draw support from/with the help of/ 借势 借勢 S - 81 jiè shì f /to borrow sb's authority/to seize an opportunity/ 借勢 借势 T - 81 jiè shì f /to borrow sb's authority/to seize an opportunity/ 借单 借單 S - 0 jiè dān f /receipt for a loan/written confirmation of a debt/IOU/ 借单儿 借單兒 S - 0 jiè dān r f /receipt for a loan/written confirmation of a debt/IOU/ 借取 - 3 jiè qǔ f /to borrow/ 借口 1568 1446 jiè kǒu f /to use as an excuse/on the pretext/excuse/pretext/ 借古喻今 - 6 jiè gǔ yù jīn f /to borrow the past as a model for the present/ 借古諷今 借古讽今 T - 17 jiè gǔ fěng jīn f /to use the past to disparage the present (idiom)/ 借古讽今 借古諷今 S - 17 jiè gǔ fěng jīn f /to use the past to disparage the present (idiom)/ 借命 - 0 jiè mìng f /to live out a pointless existence/ 借問 借问 T - 16 jiè wèn f /(honorific) May I ask?/ 借單 借单 T - 0 jiè dān f /receipt for a loan/written confirmation of a debt/IOU/ 借單兒 借单儿 T - 0 jiè dān r f /receipt for a loan/written confirmation of a debt/IOU/ 借喻 - 6 jiè yù f /to use sth as a metaphor/ 借契 - 0 jiè qì f /contract for a loan/ 借字 - 0 jiè zì f /see 通假字[tong1 jia3 zi4]/ 借字儿 借字兒 S - 0 jiè zì r f /IOU/receipt for a loan/ 借字兒 借字儿 T - 0 jiè zì r f /IOU/receipt for a loan/ 借宿 - 140 jiè sù f /to stay with sb/to ask for lodging/ 借尸还魂 借屍還魂 S - 23 jiè shī huán hún f /lit. reincarnated in sb else's body (idiom); fig. a discarded or discredited idea returns in another guise/ 借屍還魂 借尸还魂 T - 23 jiè shī huán hún f /lit. reincarnated in sb else's body (idiom); fig. a discarded or discredited idea returns in another guise/ 借指 - 0 jiè zhǐ f /to refer to/metaphor/ 借据 借據 S - 20 jiè jù f /receipt for a loan/ 借據 借据 T - 20 jiè jù f /receipt for a loan/ 借支 - 9 jiè zhī f /to get an advance on one's pay/ 借故 - 78 jiè gù f /to find an excuse/ 借方 - 22 jiè fāng f /borrower/debit side (of a balance sheet)/ 借方差額 借方差额 T - 3 jiè fāng chā é f /debit balance (accountancy)/ 借方差额 借方差額 S - 3 jiè fāng chā é f /debit balance (accountancy)/ 借書單 借书单 T - 3 jiè shū dān f /book slip/ 借書證 借书证 T - 3 jiè shū zhèng f /library card/ 借机 借機 S - 239 jiè jī f /to seize the opportunity/ 借条 借條 S - 17 jiè tiáo f /receipt for a loan/IOU/ 借東風 借东风 T - 12 jiè dōng fēng f /lit. to use the eastern wind (idiom)/fig. to use sb's help/ 借條 借条 T - 17 jiè tiáo f /receipt for a loan/IOU/ 借機 借机 T - 239 jiè jī f /to seize the opportunity/ 借款 - 637 jiè kuǎn f /to lend money/to borrow money/loan/ 借款人 - 68 jiè kuǎn rén f /the borrower/ 借此 藉此 S - 16 jiè cǐ f /using this as a pretext/thereby/ 借火 - 5 jiè huǒ f /to borrow a light (for a cigarette)/ 借用 - 325 jiè yòng f /to borrow sth for another use/to borrow an idea for one's own use/ 借端 - 3 jiè duān f /to use as pretext/ 借箸 - 0 jiè zhù f /lit. to borrow chopsticks/to make plans for sb else/ 借給 借给 T - 213 jiè gěi f /to lend to sb/ 借给 借給 S - 213 jiè gěi f /to lend to sb/ 借腹生子 - 3 jiè fù shēng zǐ f /surrogate pregnancy/ 借花献佛 借花獻佛 S - 15 jiè huā xiàn Fó f /lit. presenting the Buddha with borrowed flowers (idiom); fig. to win favor or influence using sb else's property/plagiarism/ 借花獻佛 借花献佛 T - 15 jiè huā xiàn Fó f /lit. presenting the Buddha with borrowed flowers (idiom); fig. to win favor or influence using sb else's property/plagiarism/ 借記 借记 T - 2 jiè jì f /to debit/ 借記卡 借记卡 T - 44 jiè jì kǎ f /debit card/ 借詞 借词 T - 24 jiè cí f /loanword/pretext/ 借調 借调 T - 16 jiè diào f /to temporarily transfer (personnel)/ 借讀 借读 T - 16 jiè dú f /to attend school on a temporary basis/ 借记 借記 S - 2 jiè jì f /to debit/ 借记卡 借記卡 S - 44 jiè jì kǎ f /debit card/ 借词 借詞 S - 24 jiè cí f /loanword/pretext/ 借词推搪 藉詞推搪 S - 0 jiè cí tuī táng f /to make a lot of excuses/ 借读 借讀 S - 16 jiè dú f /to attend school on a temporary basis/ 借调 借調 S - 16 jiè diào f /to temporarily transfer (personnel)/ 借貸 借贷 T - 450 jiè dài f /to borrow or lend money/debit and credit items on a balance sheet/ 借資挹注 借资挹注 T - 0 jiè zī yì zhù f /to make use of sth in order to make good the deficits in sth else (idiom)/ 借賬 借账 T - 3 jiè zhàng f /to borrow money/to take a loan/ 借账 借賬 S - 3 jiè zhàng f /to borrow money/to take a loan/ 借贷 借貸 S - 450 jiè dài f /to borrow or lend money/debit and credit items on a balance sheet/ 借资挹注 借資挹注 S - 0 jiè zī yì zhù f /to make use of sth in order to make good the deficits in sth else (idiom)/ 借过 借過 S - 3 jiè guò f /excuse me/ 借過 借过 T - 3 jiè guò f /excuse me/ 借酒浇愁 借酒澆愁 S - 11 jiè jiǔ jiāo chóu f /to drown one's sorrows (in alcohol)/ 借酒澆愁 借酒浇愁 T - 11 jiè jiǔ jiāo chóu f /to drown one's sorrows (in alcohol)/ 借重 - 50 jiè zhòng f /to rely on sb for support/ 借鉴 借鑒 S 4707 819 jiè jiàn f /to use other people's experience/to borrow from a source/to use as reference/ 借錢 借钱 T - 202 jiè qián f /to lend money/to borrow money/ 借鏡 借镜 T - 3 jiè jìng f /to use other people's experience/to borrow from a source/to use as reference/ 借鑒 借鉴 T 4707 819 jiè jiàn f /to use other people's experience/to borrow from a source/to use as reference/ 借钱 借錢 S - 202 jiè qián f /to lend money/to borrow money/ 借镜 借鏡 S - 3 jiè jìng f /to use other people's experience/to borrow from a source/to use as reference/ 借閱 借阅 T - 41 jiè yuè f /to borrow books to read/ 借问 借問 S - 16 jiè wèn f /(honorific) May I ask?/ 借阅 借閱 S - 41 jiè yuè f /to borrow books to read/ 借題發揮 借题发挥 T - 31 jiè tí fā huī f /to use the current topic to put over one's own ideas/to use sth as a pretext to make a fuss/ 借题发挥 借題發揮 S - 31 jiè tí fā huī f /to use the current topic to put over one's own ideas/to use sth as a pretext to make a fuss/ 倡 - 259 chàng f /to initiate/to instigate/to introduce/to lead/ 倡仪 倡儀 S - 6 chàng yí f /initiative/to initiate/to propose (a new course of action)/ 倡儀 倡仪 T - 6 chàng yí f /initiative/to initiate/to propose (a new course of action)/ 倡始 - 0 chàng shǐ f /to initiate/ 倡导 倡導 S 4672 951 chàng dǎo f /to advocate/to initiate/to propose/to be a proponent of (an idea or school of thought)/ 倡导者 倡導者 S - 94 chàng dǎo zhě f /proponent/advocate/pioneer/ 倡導 倡导 T 4672 951 chàng dǎo f /to advocate/to initiate/to propose/to be a proponent of (an idea or school of thought)/ 倡導者 倡导者 T - 94 chàng dǎo zhě f /proponent/advocate/pioneer/ 倡狂 - 3 chāng kuáng f /variant of 猖狂[chang1 kuang2]/ 倡言 - 3 chàng yán f /to propose/to put forward (an idea)/to initiate/ 倡言者 - 0 chàng yán zhě f /proposer/ 倡議 倡议 T 4846 651 chàng yì f /to suggest/to initiate/proposal/initiative/ 倡議書 倡议书 T - 36 chàng yì shū f /written proposal/document outlining an initiative/ 倡议 倡議 S 4846 651 chàng yì f /to suggest/to initiate/proposal/initiative/ 倡议书 倡議書 S - 36 chàng yì shū f /written proposal/document outlining an initiative/ 倢 - 12 jié f /handsome/ 倣 仿 T - 614 fǎng f /variant of 仿[fang3]/ 値 - 0 zhí f /variant of 值[zhi2]/ 倥 - 10 kōng t /ignorant/blank-minded/ 倥 - 10 kǒng f /urgent/pressed/ 倥侗 - 0 kōng tóng f /ignorant/unenlightened/ 倥偬 倥傯 S - 21 kǒng zǒng f /pressing/urgent/poverty-stricken/destitute/ 倥傯 倥偬 T - 21 kǒng zǒng f /pressing/urgent/poverty-stricken/destitute/ 倦 - 344 juàn f /tired/ 倦 勌 S - 344 juàn f /old variant of 倦[juan4]/ 倦怠 - 146 juàn dài f /worn out/exhausted/dispirited/ 倨 - 44 jù f /haughty/arrogant/ 倨傲 - 49 jù ào f /arrogant/ 倩 - 120 qiàn f /pretty/winsome/to ask for sb's help/son-in-law (old)/ 倩影 - 42 qiàn yǐng f /beautiful image of a woman/ 倩碧 - 0 Qiàn bì f /Clinique (brand)/ 倩装 倩裝 S - 0 qiàn zhuāng f /elegant adornment/finely dressed up/ 倩裝 倩装 T - 0 qiàn zhuāng f /elegant adornment/finely dressed up/ 倪 - 229 Ní f /surname Ni/ 倪匡 - 3 Ní Kuāng f /Ni Kuang (1935-), Chinese novelist and screenwriter/ 倪嗣冲 倪嗣沖 S - 8 Ní Sì chōng f /Ni Sichong (1868-1924), general closely linked to Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯 during his unsuccessful 1915 bid for Empire/ 倪嗣沖 倪嗣冲 T - 8 Ní Sì chōng f /Ni Sichong (1868-1924), general closely linked to Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯 during his unsuccessful 1915 bid for Empire/ 倪柝声 倪柝聲 S - 0 Ní Tuò shēng f /Ni Tuosheng or Watchman Nee (1903-1972), influential Chinese Christian/ 倪柝聲 倪柝声 T - 0 Ní Tuò shēng f /Ni Tuosheng or Watchman Nee (1903-1972), influential Chinese Christian/ 倪桂珍 - 0 Ní Guì zhēn f /Ni Guizhen or Ni Kwei-Tseng (1869 - 1931), mother of Song Ailing 宋藹齡|宋蔼龄[Song4 Ai3 ling2], Song Qingling 宋慶齡|宋庆龄[Song4 Qing4 ling2] and Song Meiling 宋美齡|宋美龄[Song4 Mei3 ling2]/ 倫 伦 T - 970 lún f /human relationship/order/coherence/ 倫巴 伦巴 T - 54 lún bā f /rumba (loanword)/ 倫常 伦常 T - 71 lún cháng f /proper human relationships/ 倫敦 伦敦 T - 2255 Lún dūn f /London, capital of United Kingdom/ 倫敦國際金融期貨交易所 伦敦国际金融期货交易所 T - 0 Lún dūn Guó jì Jīn róng Qī huò Jiāo yì suǒ f /London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE)/ 倫敦大學亞非學院 伦敦大学亚非学院 T - 0 Lún dūn Dà xué Yà Fēi Xué yuàn f /London University School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)/ 倫敦大學學院 伦敦大学学院 T - 0 Lún dūn Dà xué Xué yuàn f /University College, London/ 倫敦證券交易所 伦敦证券交易所 T - 4 Lún dūn Zhèng quàn Jiāo yì suǒ f /London Stock Exchange (LSE)/ 倫理 伦理 T - 596 lún lǐ f /ethics/ 倫理學 伦理学 T - 255 lún lǐ xué f /ethics/ 倫琴 伦琴 T - 61 lún qín f /Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen or Roentgen (1845-1923)/ 倫琴射線 伦琴射线 T - 23 lún qín shè xiàn f /X-ray/Röntgen or Roentgen ray/ 倬 - 18 zhuō f /noticeable/large/clear/distinct/Taiwan pr. [zhuo2]/ 倭 - 353 wō f /dwarf/Japanese (derog.) (old)/ 倭人 - 0 wō rén f /dwarf/Japanese (derog.) (old)/ 倭军 倭軍 S - 0 wō jūn f /Japanese army (derog.) (old)/ 倭寇 - 496 Wō kòu f /Japanese pirates (in 16th and 17th century)/ 倭瓜 - 9 wō guā f /(dialect) pumpkin/ 倭軍 倭军 T - 0 wō jūn f /Japanese army (derog.) (old)/ 倭馬亞王朝 倭马亚王朝 T - 0 Wō mǎ yà Wáng cháo f /Umayyad Empire (661-750, in Iberia -1031), successor of the Rashidun caliphate/ 倭马亚王朝 倭馬亞王朝 S - 0 Wō mǎ yà Wáng cháo f /Umayyad Empire (661-750, in Iberia -1031), successor of the Rashidun caliphate/ 倭黑猩猩 - 0 wō hēi xīng xing f /bonobo/pygmy chimpanzee/ 倮 - 12 luǒ f /variant of 裸[luo3]/ 倵 - 2 wǔ f /(used in given names)/ 倶 - 0 jù f /variant of 俱[ju4]/variant of 具[ju4]/ 倷 - 0 nǎi f /you (dialect)/ 倸 睬 T - 251 cǎi f /variant of 睬[cai3]/ 倹 - 6 jiǎn f /Japanese variant of 儉|俭[jian3]/ 债 債 S - 661 zhài f /debt/CL:筆|笔[bi3]/ 债主 債主 S - 76 zhài zhǔ f /creditor/ 债券 債券 S 3880 649 zhài quàn f /bond/debenture/ 债务 債務 S - 1035 zhài wù f /debt/liability/amount due/indebtedness/ 债务人 債務人 S - 185 zhài wù rén f /debtor/ 债务担保证券 債務擔保證券 S - 0 zhài wù dān bǎo zhèng quàn f /collateralized debt obligation (CDO), type of bond/ 债务证书 債務證書 S - 0 zhài wù zhèng shū f /debt instrument/ 债务证券 債務證券 S - 0 zhài wù zhèng quàn f /debt security/collateralized debt obligation (CDO), type of bond/ 债台高筑 債臺高築 S - 14 zhài tái gāo zhù f /lit. build a high desk of debt (idiom); heavily in debt/ 债户 債戶 S - 11 zhài hù f /debtor/ 债权 債權 S - 371 zhài quán f /creditor's rights (law)/ 债权人 債權人 S - 244 zhài quán rén f /creditor/ 债权国 債權國 S - 36 zhài quán guó f /creditor country/ 债款 債款 S - 33 zhài kuǎn f /debt/ 倻 - 10 yē f /phonetic ya used in Korean names/variant of 伽[jia1]/ 值 - 5361 zhí f /value/(to be) worth/to happen to/to be on duty/ 值勤 - 63 zhí qín f /variant of 執勤|执勤[zhi2 qin2]/ 值域 - 17 zhí yù f /image (or range) of a function (math.)/ 值夜 - 35 zhí yè f /on night duty/ 值守 - 15 zhí shǒu f /(of a security guard etc) to be on duty, keeping an eye on things/to keep watch/ 值宿 - 0 zhí sù f /on night duty/ 值得 776 3214 zhí de f /to be worth/to deserve/ 值得一提 - 60 zhí de yī tí f /to be worth mentioning/ 值得信賴 值得信赖 T - 0 zhí de xìn lài f /trustworthy/ 值得信赖 值得信賴 S - 0 zhí de xìn lài f /trustworthy/ 值得品味 - 0 zhí de pǐn wèi f /worth tasting/you should try it/ 值得敬佩 - 0 zhí de jìng pèi f /deserving/worthy of respect/estimable/ 值得注意 - 3 zhí de zhù yì f /notable/noteworthy/merit attention/ 值得称赞 值得稱讚 S - 3 zhí de chēng zàn f /commendable/ 值得稱讚 值得称赞 T - 3 zhí de chēng zàn f /commendable/ 值日 - 32 zhí rì f /on day duty/ 值日生 - 8 zhí rì shēng f /student on duty/prefect/ 值星 - 3 zhí xīng f /(of army officers) to be on duty for the week/ 值班 3566 473 zhí bān f /to work a shift/on duty/ 值遇 - 3 zhí yù f /to meet with/to bump into/ 值錢 值钱 T - 417 zhí qián f /valuable/costly/expensive/ 值钱 值錢 S - 417 zhí qián f /valuable/costly/expensive/ 倽 - 7 shá f /old variant of 啥[sha2]/ 倾 傾 S - 1934 qīng f /to overturn/to collapse/to lean/to tend/to incline/to pour out/ 倾佩 傾佩 S - 0 qīng pèi f /to admire greatly/ 倾侧 傾側 S - 25 qīng cè f /to lean to one side/slanting/ 倾倒 傾倒 S - 198 qīng dǎo t /to topple over/to greatly admire/ 倾倒 傾倒 S - 198 qīng dào f /to dump/to pour/to empty out/ 倾动 傾動 S - 3 qīng dòng f /to admire/ 倾危 傾危 S - 3 qīng wēi f /in danger of collapse/in a parlous state/(of person) treacherous/ 倾卸 傾卸 S - 4 qīng xiè f /to tip/to dump by tipping from a vehicle/ 倾吐 傾吐 S - 79 qīng tǔ f /to pour out (emotions)/to unburden oneself (of strong feelings)/to vomit comprehensively/ 倾吐胸臆 傾吐胸臆 S - 0 qīng tǔ xiōng yì f /to pour out one's heart/ 倾吐衷肠 傾吐衷腸 S - 0 qīng tǔ zhōng cháng f /to pour out (emotions)/to pour one's heart out/to say everything that is on one's mind/ 倾向 傾向 S 2920 2344 qīng xiàng f /trend/tendency/orientation/ 倾向于 傾向於 S - 0 qīng xiàng yú f /to incline to/to prefer/to be prone to/ 倾向性 傾向性 S - 68 qīng xiàng xìng f /tendency/inclination/orientation/ 倾听 傾聽 S 3231 956 qīng tīng f /to listen attentively/ 倾听者 傾聽者 S - 0 qīng tīng zhě f /listener/ 倾囊 傾囊 S - 34 qīng náng f /to empty one's pocket/to give everything to help sb/ 倾国倾城 傾國傾城 S - 22 qīng guó qīng chéng f /lit. capable of causing the downfall of a city or state (idiom)/fig. (of a woman) devastatingly beautiful/also written 傾城傾國|倾城倾国[qing1 cheng2 qing1 guo2]/ 倾城 傾城 S - 26 qīng chéng f /coming from everywhere/from all over the place/gorgeous (of woman)/to ruin and overturn the state/ 倾城倾国 傾城傾國 S - 2 qīng chéng qīng guó f /lit. capable of causing the downfall of a city or state (idiom)/fig. (of a woman) devastatingly beautiful/ 倾家 傾家 S - 3 qīng jiā f /to ruin a family/to lose a fortune/ 倾家荡产 傾家蕩產 S - 117 qīng jiā dàng chǎn f /to lose a family fortune (idiom)/ 倾尽 傾盡 S - 24 qīng jìn f /to do all one can/to give all one has/ 倾巢 傾巢 S - 35 qīng cháo f /lit. the whole nest came out (to fight us)/a turn-out in full force (of a gang of villains)/ 倾巢来犯 傾巢來犯 S - 3 qīng cháo lái fàn f /to turn out in force ready to attack (idiom)/ 倾巢而出 傾巢而出 S - 3 qīng cháo ér chū f /the whole nest came out (idiom); to turn out in full strength/ 倾心 傾心 S - 338 qīng xīn f /to admire wholeheartedly/to fall in love with/ 倾心吐胆 傾心吐膽 S - 6 qīng xīn tǔ dǎn f /to pour out one's heart (idiom)/ 倾慕 傾慕 S - 52 qīng mù f /to adore/to admire greatly/ 倾斜 傾斜 S 3927 1144 qīng xié f /to incline/to lean/to slant/to slope/to tilt/ 倾斜度 傾斜度 S - 17 qīng xié dù f /inclination (from the horizontal or vertical)/slope/obliquity/ 倾服 傾服 S - 0 qīng fú f /to admire/ 倾泄 傾泄 S - 11 qīng xiè f /to cascade down/to flow in torrents/(fig.) outpouring (of emotions)/ 倾注 傾注 S - 177 qīng zhù f /to throw into/ 倾泻 傾瀉 S - 116 qīng xiè f /to pour down in torrents/ 倾盆 傾盆 S - 22 qīng pén f /a downpour/rain bucketing down/ 倾盆大雨 傾盆大雨 S - 30 qīng pén dà yǔ f /a downpour/rain bucketing down/fig. to be overwhelmed (with work or things to study)/ 倾盖 傾蓋 S - 6 qīng gài f /to meet in passing/to get on well at first meeting/ 倾箱倒箧 傾箱倒篋 S - 3 qīng xiāng dǎo qiè f /to exhaust all one has/to leave no stone unturned/to try one's best/ 倾羡 傾羨 S - 3 qīng xiàn f /to admire/to adore/ 倾翻 傾翻 S - 0 qīng fān f /to overturn/to topple/to tip/ 倾耳 傾耳 S - 3 qīng ěr f /to prick up one's ear/to listen attentively/ 倾耳细听 傾耳細聽 S - 3 qīng ěr xì tīng f /to prick up one's ear and listen carefully/ 倾耳而听 傾耳而聽 S - 3 qīng ěr ér tīng f /to listen attentively/ 倾覆 傾覆 S - 296 qīng fù f /to capsize/to collapse/to overturn/to overthrow/to undermine/ 倾角 傾角 S - 122 qīng jiǎo f /dip/angle of dip (inclination of a geological plane down from horizontal)/tilt (inclination of ship from vertical)/ 倾诉 傾訴 S - 233 qīng sù f /to say everything (that is on one's mind)/ 倾谈 傾談 S - 11 qīng tán f /to have a good talk/ 倾轧 傾軋 S - 139 qīng yà f /conflict/internal strife/dissension/ 倾销 傾銷 S - 109 qīng xiāo f /to dump (goods, products)/ 倾陷 傾陷 S - 3 qīng xiàn f /to frame (an innocent person)/to collapse/ 倾颓 傾頹 S - 13 qīng tuí f /to collapse/to topple/to capsize/ 偁 - 40 chēng f /variant of 稱|称[cheng1]/ 偃 - 176 Yǎn f /surname Yan/ 偃 - 176 yǎn f /to lie supine/to stop/to fall down/ 偃师 偃師 S - 99 Yǎn shī f /Yanshi county level city in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan/ 偃师市 偃師市 S - 7 Yǎn shī shì f /Yanshi county level city in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan/ 偃師 偃师 T - 99 Yǎn shī f /Yanshi county level city in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan/ 偃師市 偃师市 T - 7 Yǎn shī shì f /Yanshi county level city in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan/ 偃旗息鼓 - 45 yǎn qí xī gǔ f /lit. lay down the flag and still the drums (idiom); fig. to cease/to give in/ 假 760 5051 jiǎ t /fake/false/artificial/to borrow/if/suppose/ 假 760 5051 jià f /vacation/ 假 叚 S 760 5051 jiǎ t /variant of 假[jia3]/to borrow/ 假一賠十 假一赔十 T - 0 jiǎ yī péi shí f /lit. if one is fake, I shall compensate you for ten of them/fig. (of goods) 100% genuine/ 假一赔十 假一賠十 S - 0 jiǎ yī péi shí f /lit. if one is fake, I shall compensate you for ten of them/fig. (of goods) 100% genuine/ 假人 - 22 jiǎ rén f /dummy (for crash testing, displaying clothes etc)/ 假人像 - 0 jiǎ rén xiàng f /an effigy/ 假仁假义 假仁假義 S - 28 jiǎ rén jiǎ yì f /hypocrisy/pretended righteousness/ 假仁假義 假仁假义 T - 28 jiǎ rén jiǎ yì f /hypocrisy/pretended righteousness/ 假令 - 3 jiǎ lìng f /if/supposing that/acting county magistrate/ 假作 - 3 jiǎ zuò f /to feign/to pretend/ 假使 - 646 jiǎ shǐ f /if/in case/suppose/given .../ 假借 - 173 jiǎ jiè f /to make use of/to use sth as pretext/under false pretenses/under the guise of/masquerading as/lenient/tolerant/loan character (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters)/character acquiring meanings by phonetic association/also called phonetic loan/ 假借义 假借義 S - 0 jiǎ jiè yì f /borrowed meaning/ 假借字 - 0 jiǎ jiè zì f /loan character (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters)/character acquiring meanings by phonetic association/also called phonetic loan/ 假借義 假借义 T - 0 jiǎ jiè yì f /borrowed meaning/ 假假若是 - 0 jiǎ jià ruò shì f /if/supposing that.../ 假充 - 16 jiǎ chōng f /to pose as sb/to act a part/imposture/ 假公济私 假公濟私 S - 31 jiǎ gōng jì sī f /official authority used for private interests (idiom); to attain private ends by abusing public position/ 假公濟私 假公济私 T - 31 jiǎ gōng jì sī f /official authority used for private interests (idiom); to attain private ends by abusing public position/ 假冒 - 363 jiǎ mào f /to impersonate/to pose as (someone else)/to counterfeit/to palm off (a fake as a genuine)/ 假冒伪劣 假冒偽劣 S - 115 jiǎ mào wěi liè f /cheap quality counterfeit (goods)/low-quality commodities/ 假冒偽劣 假冒伪劣 T - 115 jiǎ mào wěi liè f /cheap quality counterfeit (goods)/low-quality commodities/ 假冒品 - 0 jiǎ mào pǐn f /counterfeit object/fake/ 假分数 假分數 S - 3 jiǎ fēn shù f /improper fraction (with numerator ≥ denominator, e.g. seven fifths)/see also: proper fraction 真分數|真分数[zhen1 fen1 shu4] and mixed number 帶分數|带分数[dai4 fen1 shu4]/ 假分數 假分数 T - 3 jiǎ fēn shù f /improper fraction (with numerator ≥ denominator, e.g. seven fifths)/see also: proper fraction 真分數|真分数[zhen1 fen1 shu4] and mixed number 帶分數|带分数[dai4 fen1 shu4]/ 假动作 假動作 S - 3 jiǎ dòng zuò f /fake move or pass (sports)/feint/ 假動作 假动作 T - 3 jiǎ dòng zuò f /fake move or pass (sports)/feint/ 假发 假髮 S - 36 jiǎ fà f /wig/ 假名 - 94 jiǎ míng f /false name/pseudonym/alias/pen name/the Japanese kana scripts/hiragana 平假名 and katakana 片假名/ 假吏 - 0 jiǎ lì f /acting magistrate/temporary official (in former times)/ 假否定句 - 0 jiǎ fǒu dìng jù f /false negative/ 假唱 - 4 jiǎ chàng f /to lip-sync (singing)/ 假善人 - 2 jiǎ shàn rén f /false compassion/bogus charity/ 假嗓 - 0 jiǎ sǎng f /falsetto (in opera)/ 假嗓子 - 2 jiǎ sǎng zi f /falsetto (in opera)/ 假報告 假报告 T - 0 jiǎ bào gào f /false report/forgery/fabricated declaration (e.g. income tax return)/ 假声 假聲 S - 0 jiǎ shēng f /falsetto/opposite: natural or true voice 真聲|真声[zhen1 sheng1]/ 假大空 - 6 jiǎ dà kōng f /empty words/bogus speech/ 假如 1597 1340 jiǎ rú f /if/ 假子 - 0 jiǎ zǐ f /adopted son/stepson/ 假定 - 1376 jiǎ dìng f /to assume/to suppose/supposed/so-called/assumption/hypothesis/ 假寐 - 18 jiǎ mèi f /to doze/to take a nap/nodding off to sleep/ 假小子 - 3 jiǎ xiǎo zi f /tomboy/ 假山 - 199 jiǎ shān f /rock garden/rockery/ 假座 - 3 jiǎ zuò f /to use as a venue (e.g. use {a restaurant} as the venue {for a farewell party})/ 假性 - 39 jiǎ xìng f /pseudo-/ 假性近視 假性近视 T - 3 jiǎ xìng jìn shì f /pseudomyopia/ 假性近视 假性近視 S - 3 jiǎ xìng jìn shì f /pseudomyopia/ 假想 - 159 jiǎ xiǎng f /imaginary/virtual/to imagine/hypothesis/ 假惺惺 - 67 jiǎ xīng xīng f /hypocritical/unctuous/insincerely courteous/to shed crocodile tears/ 假意 - 189 jiǎ yì f /hypocrisy/insincerity/ 假慈悲 - 3 jiǎ cí bēi f /phoney mercy/sham benevolence/crocodile tears/ 假戏真唱 假戲真唱 S - 3 jiǎ xì zhēn chàng f /fiction comes true/play-acting that turns into reality/ 假戲真唱 假戏真唱 T - 3 jiǎ xì zhēn chàng f /fiction comes true/play-acting that turns into reality/ 假手 - 63 jiǎ shǒu f /to use sb for one's own ends/ 假托 - 59 jiǎ tuō f /to pretend/to use a pretext/to make sth up/to pass oneself off as sb else/to make use of/ 假托 假託 S - 59 jiǎ tuō f /to make sth up/also written 假托[jia3 tuo1]/ 假扮 - 136 jiǎ bàn f /to impersonate/to act the part of sb/to disguise oneself as sb else/ 假报告 假報告 S - 0 jiǎ bào gào f /false report/forgery/fabricated declaration (e.g. income tax return)/ 假招子 - 0 jiǎ zhāo zi f /to put on airs/to adopt a false attitude/ 假拱 - 0 jiǎ gǒng f /blind arch/false arch/ 假日 - 338 jià rì f /holiday/non-working day/ 假期 - 631 jià qī f /vacation/ 假条 假條 S - 4 jià tiáo f /leave permit/application for leave/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 假案 - 2 jiǎ àn f /fabricated legal case/frame-up/ 假條 假条 T - 4 jià tiáo f /leave permit/application for leave/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 假正經 假正经 T - 3 jiǎ zhèng jīng f /demure/prudish/hypocritical/ 假正经 假正經 S - 3 jiǎ zhèng jīng f /demure/prudish/hypocritical/ 假死 - 31 jiǎ sǐ f /suspended animation/feigned death/to play dead/ 假牙 - 15 jiǎ yá f /false teeth/dentures/ 假的 - 0 jiǎ de f /bogus/ersatz/fake/mock/phoney/ 假眼 - 3 jiǎ yǎn f /artificial eye/glass eye/ 假种皮 假種皮 S - 0 jiǎ zhǒng pí f /aril (botany)/ 假種皮 假种皮 T - 0 jiǎ zhǒng pí f /aril (botany)/ 假而 - 0 jiǎ ér f /if/ 假聲 假声 T - 0 jiǎ shēng f /falsetto/opposite: natural or true voice 真聲|真声[zhen1 sheng1]/ 假肢 - 35 jiǎ zhī f /artificial limb/prosthetic/ 假肯定句 - 0 jiǎ kěn dìng jù f /false affirmative/ 假腿 - 0 jiǎ tuǐ f /false leg/ 假芫茜 - 0 jiǎ yuán qiàn f /Eryngium foetidum/ 假若 - 335 jiǎ ruò f /if/supposing/in case/ 假药 假藥 S - 103 jiǎ yào f /fake drugs/ 假藥 假药 T - 103 jiǎ yào f /fake drugs/ 假装 假裝 S 1424 652 jiǎ zhuāng f /to feign/to pretend/ 假裝 假装 T 1424 652 jiǎ zhuāng f /to feign/to pretend/ 假託 假托 T - 59 jiǎ tuō f /to make sth up/also written 假托[jia3 tuo1]/ 假設 假设 T 1566 1026 jiǎ shè f /to suppose/to presume/to assume/supposing that .../if/hypothesis/conjecture/ 假設性 假设性 T - 4 jiǎ shè xìng f /hypothetical/ 假設語氣 假设语气 T - 0 jiǎ shè yǔ qì f /subjunctive/ 假詞疊詞 假词叠词 T - 0 jiǎ cí dié cí f /pseudo-affixation/ 假話 假话 T - 215 jiǎ huà f /a lie/untrue statement/misstatement/ 假說 假说 T - 240 jiǎ shuō f /hypothesis/ 假證 假证 T - 9 jiǎ zhèng f /false testimony/ 假證件 假证件 T - 0 jiǎ zhèng jiàn f /false documents/ 假设 假設 S 1566 1026 jiǎ shè f /to suppose/to presume/to assume/supposing that .../if/hypothesis/conjecture/ 假设性 假設性 S - 4 jiǎ shè xìng f /hypothetical/ 假设语气 假設語氣 S - 0 jiǎ shè yǔ qì f /subjunctive/ 假证 假證 S - 9 jiǎ zhèng f /false testimony/ 假证件 假證件 S - 0 jiǎ zhèng jiàn f /false documents/ 假词叠词 假詞疊詞 S - 0 jiǎ cí dié cí f /pseudo-affixation/ 假话 假話 S - 215 jiǎ huà f /a lie/untrue statement/misstatement/ 假说 假說 S - 240 jiǎ shuō f /hypothesis/ 假象 - 193 jiǎ xiàng f /false appearance/facade/ 假象牙 - 3 jiǎ xiàng yá f /celluloid/ 假貨 假货 T - 131 jiǎ huò f /counterfeit article/fake/dummy/simulacrum/ 假货 假貨 S - 131 jiǎ huò f /counterfeit article/fake/dummy/simulacrum/ 假途滅虢 假途灭虢 T - 2 jiǎ tú miè Guó f /lit. a short-cut to crush Guo (idiom); fig. to connive with sb to damage a third party, then turn on the partner/ 假途灭虢 假途滅虢 S - 2 jiǎ tú miè Guó f /lit. a short-cut to crush Guo (idiom); fig. to connive with sb to damage a third party, then turn on the partner/ 假造 - 34 jiǎ zào f /to forge/fake/to fabricate (a story)/ 假道 - 3 jiǎ dào f /via/by way of/ 假道伐虢 - 0 jiǎ dào fá Guó f /to obtain safe passage to conquer the State of Guo/to borrow the resources of an ally to attack a common enemy (idiom)/ 假释 假釋 S - 46 jiǎ shì f /parole/ 假釋 假释 T - 46 jiǎ shì f /parole/ 假鈔 假钞 T - 14 jiǎ chāo f /counterfeit money/forged note/ 假钞 假鈔 S - 14 jiǎ chāo f /counterfeit money/forged note/ 假面 - 37 jiǎ miàn f /mask/ 假面具 - 11 jiǎ miàn jù f /mask/fig. false façade/deceptive front/ 假面舞会 假面舞會 S - 3 jiǎ miàn wǔ huì f /masked ball/masquerade/ 假面舞會 假面舞会 T - 3 jiǎ miàn wǔ huì f /masked ball/masquerade/ 假音 - 0 jiǎ yīn f /falsetto, same as 假聲|假声/ 假高音 - 0 jiǎ gāo yīn f /falsetto, same as 假聲|假声/ 假髮 假发 T - 36 jiǎ fà f /wig/ 偈 - 161 jì t /Buddhist hymn/gatha/Buddhist verse/ 偈 - 161 jié f /forceful/martial/ 偉 伟 T - 398 wěi f /big/large/great/ 偉人 伟人 T - 186 wěi rén f /great person/ 偉力 伟力 T - 8 wěi lì f /mighty force/ 偉哥 伟哥 T - 75 Wěi gē f /Viagra (male impotence drug)/ 偉器 伟器 T - 0 wěi qì f /great talent/ 偉士牌 伟士牌 T - 0 Wěi shì pái f /Vespa (scooter)/ 偉大 伟大 T 1356 4150 wěi dà f /huge/great/grand/worthy of the greatest admiration/important (contribution etc)/ 偉岸 伟岸 T - 27 wěi àn f /imposing/upright and tall/outstanding/gigantic in stature/ 偉晶岩 伟晶岩 T - 57 wěi jīng yán f /pegmatite/ 偉業 伟业 T - 94 wěi yè f /exploit/great undertaking/ 偉績 伟绩 T - 8 wěi jì f /great acts/ 偉舉 伟举 T - 0 wěi jǔ f /great feat/splendid achievement/ 偉觀 伟观 T - 0 wěi guān f /magnificent vista/a wonder/ 偉麗 伟丽 T - 0 wěi lì f /magnificent/imposing and beautiful/ 偌 - 39 ruò f /so/such/to such a degree/ 偌大 - 298 ruò dà f /so big/such a big/ 偎 - 153 wēi f /to cuddle/ 偎傍 - 3 wēi bàng f /to snuggle up to/ 偏 - 3833 piān f /to lean/to slant/oblique/prejudiced/to deviate from average/to stray from the intended line/stubbornly/contrary to expectations/left-hand side of a split Chinese character, often the key or radical/ 偏三輪 偏三轮 T - 0 piān sān lún f /old-style cycle with lateral third wheel and passenger seat/ 偏三輪摩托車 偏三轮摩托车 T - 0 piān sān lún mó tuō chē f /motorbike with sidecar/ 偏三轮 偏三輪 S - 0 piān sān lún f /old-style cycle with lateral third wheel and passenger seat/ 偏三轮摩托车 偏三輪摩托車 S - 0 piān sān lún mó tuō chē f /motorbike with sidecar/ 偏低 - 3 piān dī f /to be on the low side/to be inadequate (e.g. of a salary)/ 偏偏 3690 1284 piān piān f /(indicates that sth turns out just the opposite of what one would expect or what would be normal)/unfortunately/against expectations/ 偏僻 3869 312 piān pì f /remote/desolate/far from the city/ 偏光 - 11 piān guāng f /polarized light/ 偏关 偏關 S - 15 Piān guān f /Pianguan county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ 偏关县 偏關縣 S - 3 Piān guān xiàn f /Pianguan county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ 偏劳 偏勞 S - 8 piān láo f /undue trouble/Thank you for having gone out of your way to help me./ 偏勞 偏劳 T - 8 piān láo f /undue trouble/Thank you for having gone out of your way to help me./ 偏压 偏壓 S - 3 piān yā f /biasing (electronics)/bias voltage/ 偏厦 偏廈 S - 0 piān shà f /side annex/lean-to/ 偏向 - 379 piān xiàng f /partial towards sth/to prefer/to incline/erroneous tendencies (Leftist or Revisionist deviation)/ 偏听偏信 偏聽偏信 S - 18 piān tīng piān xìn f /selective listening/to hear what one wants to hear/ 偏執 偏执 T - 60 piān zhí f /prejudice/bigotry/ 偏執型 偏执型 T - 0 piān zhí xíng f /paranoid (psych.)/ 偏執狂 偏执狂 T - 14 piān zhí kuáng f /paranoia/ 偏壓 偏压 T - 3 piān yā f /biasing (electronics)/bias voltage/ 偏头痛 偏頭痛 S - 45 piān tóu tòng f /migraine/ 偏好 - 120 piān hào f /to prefer/to be partial to sth/preference/ 偏安 - 49 piān ān f /content to hold a small part of the territory/fig. forced to relinquish the middle ground/forced to move away/ 偏宕 - 0 piān dàng f /extremely (stubborn, contrary, disobedient etc)/ 偏宠 偏寵 S - 0 piān chǒng f /to favor/to prefer/to show favoritism/ 偏寵 偏宠 T - 0 piān chǒng f /to favor/to prefer/to show favoritism/ 偏将 偏將 S - 208 piān jiàng f /deputy general/ 偏將 偏将 T - 208 piān jiàng f /deputy general/ 偏巧 - 39 piān qiǎo f /by coincidence/it so happened that/fortunately/against expectation/ 偏差 4600 368 piān chā f /bias/deviation/ 偏差距离 偏差距離 S - 0 piān chā jù lí f /offset distance/ 偏差距離 偏差距离 T - 0 piān chā jù lí f /offset distance/ 偏师 偏師 S - 26 piān shī f /military auxiliaries (archaic)/ 偏師 偏师 T - 26 piān shī f /military auxiliaries (archaic)/ 偏废 偏廢 S - 12 piān fèi f /to give unequal emphasis to/doing some things at the expense of others/ 偏廈 偏厦 T - 0 piān shà f /side annex/lean-to/ 偏廢 偏废 T - 12 piān fèi f /to give unequal emphasis to/doing some things at the expense of others/ 偏待 - 0 piān dài f /to show favoritism against sb/to treat unfairly/ 偏微分 - 3 piān wēi fēn f /(math.) partial differential/(math.) partial derivative/ 偏微分方程 - 0 piān wēi fēn fāng chéng f /partial differential equation (PDE)/ 偏心 - 79 piān xīn f /partial/biased/prejudiced/eccentric/ 偏心率 - 16 piān xīn lǜ f /(math.) eccentricity/ 偏心眼 - 4 piān xīn yǎn f /bias/partiality/to be partial/ 偏心矩 - 0 piān xīn jǔ f /axis of eccentricity/ 偏态 偏態 S - 0 piān tài f /skewness (math)/ 偏愛 偏爱 T - 185 piān ài f /to be partial towards sth/to favor/to prefer/preference/favorite/ 偏態 偏态 T - 0 piān tài f /skewness (math)/ 偏房 - 38 piān fáng f /side room/concubine/ 偏才 - 0 piān cái f /talent in a particular area/ 偏执 偏執 S - 60 piān zhí f /prejudice/bigotry/ 偏执型 偏執型 S - 0 piān zhí xíng f /paranoid (psych.)/ 偏执狂 偏執狂 S - 14 piān zhí kuáng f /paranoia/ 偏护 偏護 S - 3 piān hù f /to protect a croney/to give unprincipled support/ 偏振 - 115 piān zhèn f /polarization (of waves)/ 偏振光 - 91 piān zhèn guāng f /polarization of light/polarized light/ 偏振波 - 0 piān zhèn bō f /polarized wave/ 偏斜 - 31 piān xié f /crooked/not upright/diverging from straight line/improper/dishonest/ 偏方 - 83 piān fāng f /folk remedy/home remedy/ 偏旁 - 39 piān páng f /the left- and right-side of a split Chinese character, often the key (radical) and phonetic/ 偏极 偏極 S - 0 piān jí f /polarity/polarized (light)/ 偏极化 偏極化 S - 0 piān jí huà f /polarization/polarized/ 偏极滤光镜 偏極濾光鏡 S - 0 piān jí lǜ guāng jìng f /polarizing filter/ 偏极镜 偏極鏡 S - 0 piān jí jìng f /polarizing lens/polarizer/ 偏析 - 3 piān xī f /segregation (metallurgy)/ 偏極 偏极 T - 0 piān jí f /polarity/polarized (light)/ 偏極化 偏极化 T - 0 piān jí huà f /polarization/polarized/ 偏極濾光鏡 偏极滤光镜 T - 0 piān jí lǜ guāng jìng f /polarizing filter/ 偏極鏡 偏极镜 T - 0 piān jí jìng f /polarizing lens/polarizer/ 偏正式合成詞 偏正式合成词 T - 0 piān zhèng shì hé chéng cí f /modified compound word/ 偏正式合成词 偏正式合成詞 S - 0 piān zhèng shì hé chéng cí f /modified compound word/ 偏殿 - 71 piān diàn f /side palace hall/side chamber/ 偏注 偏註 S - 0 piān zhù f /to stress in a prejudiced way/to emphasize sth unduly/ 偏激 - 107 piān jī f /extreme (usu. of thoughts, speech, circumstances)/ 偏爱 偏愛 S - 185 piān ài f /to be partial towards sth/to favor/to prefer/preference/favorite/ 偏狭 偏狹 S - 16 piān xiá f /prejudiced/narrow-minded/ 偏狹 偏狭 T - 16 piān xiá f /prejudiced/narrow-minded/ 偏疼 - 3 piān téng f /to favor a junior/to show favoritism to some juniors/ 偏瘫 偏癱 S - 33 piān tān f /paralysis of one side of the body/hemiplegia/ 偏癱 偏瘫 T - 33 piān tān f /paralysis of one side of the body/hemiplegia/ 偏离 偏離 S - 487 piān lí f /to deviate/to diverge/to wander/ 偏私 - 93 piān sī f /to practice favoritism/ 偏科 - 11 piān kē f /to overemphasize some topic (at the expense of others)/overdoing it/to go overboard/ 偏移 - 35 piān yí f /displacement/deviation/offset/ 偏置 - 7 piān zhì f /offset/biasing (electronics)/bias voltage/ 偏置电流 偏置電流 S - 0 piān zhì diàn liú f /bias current (electronics)/ 偏置电阻 偏置電阻 S - 0 piān zhì diàn zǔ f /bias impedance (electronics)/ 偏置電流 偏置电流 T - 0 piān zhì diàn liú f /bias current (electronics)/ 偏置電阻 偏置电阻 T - 0 piān zhì diàn zǔ f /bias impedance (electronics)/ 偏聽偏信 偏听偏信 T - 18 piān tīng piān xìn f /selective listening/to hear what one wants to hear/ 偏航 - 3 piān háng f /to diverge (from bearing, flight path etc)/off course/to yaw/ 偏蚀 偏蝕 S - 3 piān shí f /partial eclipse/ 偏蝕 偏蚀 T - 3 piān shí f /partial eclipse/ 偏袒 - 121 piān tǎn f /to bare one shoulder/(fig.) to side with/to discriminate in favor of/ 偏西 - 109 piān xī f /inclining to the west (of the sun after noon)/fig. pro-Western/ 偏要 - 279 piān yào f /to insist on doing sth/must do it, despite everything/ 偏見 偏见 T 3237 357 piān jiàn f /prejudice/ 偏见 偏見 S 3237 357 piān jiàn f /prejudice/ 偏角 - 11 piān jiǎo f /angle of drift (navigation)/deflection (from course)/angle of divergence/ 偏註 偏注 T - 0 piān zhù f /to stress in a prejudiced way/to emphasize sth unduly/ 偏誤 偏误 T - 3 piān wù f /bias (statistics)/ 偏護 偏护 T - 3 piān hù f /to protect a croney/to give unprincipled support/ 偏误 偏誤 S - 3 piān wù f /bias (statistics)/ 偏轉 偏转 T - 103 piān zhuǎn f /deflection (physics)/deviation (away from a straight line)/ 偏轉角 偏转角 T - 0 piān zhuǎn jiǎo f /angle of drift (navigation)/deflection (from course)/angle of divergence/ 偏转 偏轉 S - 103 piān zhuǎn f /deflection (physics)/deviation (away from a straight line)/ 偏转角 偏轉角 S - 0 piān zhuǎn jiǎo f /angle of drift (navigation)/deflection (from course)/angle of divergence/ 偏辞 偏辭 S - 3 piān cí f /one-sided words/prejudice/flattery/ 偏辭 偏辞 T - 3 piān cí f /one-sided words/prejudice/flattery/ 偏远 偏遠 S - 193 piān yuǎn f /remote/far from civilization/ 偏遠 偏远 T - 193 piān yuǎn f /remote/far from civilization/ 偏邪不正 - 0 piān xié bù zhèng f /biased/prejudiced (idiom)/ 偏重 - 533 piān zhòng f /to stress in a prejudiced way/to emphasize sth unduly/ 偏鋒 偏锋 T - 22 piān fēng f /brush stroke to the side (calligraphy)/fig. side stroke/lateral thinking/ 偏锋 偏鋒 S - 22 piān fēng f /brush stroke to the side (calligraphy)/fig. side stroke/lateral thinking/ 偏門 偏门 T - 21 piān mén f /side door/doing things by the side door (i.e. dishonestly)/ 偏關 偏关 T - 15 Piān guān f /Pianguan county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ 偏關縣 偏关县 T - 3 Piān guān xiàn f /Pianguan county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ 偏门 偏門 S - 21 piān mén f /side door/doing things by the side door (i.e. dishonestly)/ 偏離 偏离 T - 487 piān lí f /to deviate/to diverge/to wander/ 偏頗 偏颇 T - 81 piān pō f /biased/partial/ 偏頭痛 偏头痛 T - 45 piān tóu tòng f /migraine/ 偏題 偏题 T - 27 piān tí f /obscure question/trick exam question/catch question/CL:道[dao4]/ 偏颇 偏頗 S - 81 piān pō f /biased/partial/ 偏题 偏題 S - 27 piān tí f /obscure question/trick exam question/catch question/CL:道[dao4]/ 偏食 - 56 piān shí f /partial to (some kinds of food, usu. unhealthy)/having likes and dislikes/partial eclipse/ 偏高 - 0 piān gāo f /to be on the high side/to be unusually high/ 偓 - 35 wò f /constrained/ 偕 - 370 xié f /in company with/ 偕同 - 42 xié tóng f /along with/accompanied by/together with/ 偕老 - 30 xié lǎo f /to grow old together/ 偘 侃 T - 101 kǎn f /old variant of 侃[kan3]/ 做 28 50331 zuò f /to do/to make/to produce/to write/to compose/to act as/to engage in/to hold (a party)/to be/to become/to function (in some capacity)/to serve as/to be used for/to form (a bond or relationship)/to pretend/to feign/to act a part/to put on appearance/ 做一天和尚,撞一天鐘 做一天和尚,撞一天钟 T - 0 zuò yī tiān hé shang , zhuàng yī tiān zhōng f /as a monk for today, toll today's bell (idiom); to do one's job mechanically/to hold a position passively/ 做一天和尚,撞一天钟 做一天和尚,撞一天鐘 S - 0 zuò yī tiān hé shang , zhuàng yī tiān zhōng f /as a monk for today, toll today's bell (idiom); to do one's job mechanically/to hold a position passively/ 做不到 - 0 zuò bù dào f /impossible/ 做东 做東 S - 23 zuò dōng f /to act as host/ 做为 做為 S - 208 zuò wéi f /to act as/used erroneously for 作為|作为/ 做主 3758 192 zuò zhǔ f /see 作主[zuo4 zhu3]/ 做买卖 做買賣 S - 3 zuò mǎi mài f /to buy and sell/to do business/to trade/to deal/ 做事 - 799 zuò shì f /to work/to handle matters/to have a job/ 做亲 做親 S - 3 zuò qīn f /to become related by marriage/to marry/ 做人 - 605 zuò rén f /to conduct oneself/to behave with integrity/ 做人家 - 0 zuò rén jiā f /thrifty/economical/ 做人情 - 3 zuò rén qíng f /to do a favor to sb/ 做伴 - 68 zuò bàn f /to keep sb company/to accompany/ 做伴儿 做伴兒 S - 0 zuò bàn r f /erhua variant of 做伴[zuo4 ban4]/ 做伴兒 做伴儿 T - 0 zuò bàn r f /erhua variant of 做伴[zuo4 ban4]/ 做作 - 107 zuò zuo f /affected/artificial/ 做准备工作 做準備工作 S - 0 zuò zhǔn bèi gōng zuò f /to make preparations/ 做出 - 3306 zuò chū f /to put out/to issue/ 做到 - 2688 zuò dào f /to accomplish/to achieve/ 做功 - 55 zuò gōng f /to act (in opera)/stage business/ 做功夫 - 0 zuò gōng fu f /to practice (work skills)/ 做厅长 做廳長 S - 0 zuò tīng zhǎng f /(jocularly) to sleep on the couch/to sleep in the living room/ 做声 做聲 S - 0 zuò shēng f /to speak/to emit sound/ 做壽 做寿 T - 15 zuò shòu f /to celebrate a birthday (of an elderly person)/ 做夢 做梦 T - 492 zuò mèng f /to dream/to have a dream/fig. illusion/fantasy/pipe dream/ 做大 - 0 zuò dà f /arrogant/putting on airs/ 做好做歹 - 3 zuò hǎo zuò dǎi f /to persuade using all possible arguments (idiom); to act good cop and bad cop in turn/ 做媒 - 73 zuò méi f /to act as go-between (between prospective marriage partners etc)/ 做学问 做學問 S - 3 zuò xué wèn f /to study/to engage in scholarship/ 做學問 做学问 T - 3 zuò xué wèn f /to study/to engage in scholarship/ 做完 - 0 zuò wán f /to finish/to complete the task/ 做官 - 307 zuò guān f /to take an official post/to become a government employee/ 做客 - 243 zuò kè f /to be a guest or visitor/ 做寿 做壽 S - 15 zuò shòu f /to celebrate a birthday (of an elderly person)/ 做小 - 0 zuò xiǎo f /to become a concubine/ 做小抄 - 0 zuò xiǎo chāo f /to prepare a crib sheet/to crib/to cheat by copying/ 做工 - 229 zuò gōng f /to work with one's hands/manual work/workmanship/ 做工作 - 0 zuò gōng zuò f /to do one's work/to work on sb/to try to persuade sb/ 做工夫 - 0 zuò gōng fu f /to practice (work skills)/ 做市商 - 4 zuò shì shāng f /market maker/ 做广告宣传 做廣告宣傳 S - 0 zuò guǎng gào xuān chuán f /to advertise/to make propaganda for sth/ 做廣告宣傳 做广告宣传 T - 0 zuò guǎng gào xuān chuán f /to advertise/to make propaganda for sth/ 做廳長 做厅长 T - 0 zuò tīng zhǎng f /(jocularly) to sleep on the couch/to sleep in the living room/ 做张做势 做張做勢 S - 3 zuò zhāng zuò shì f /to put on an act (idiom); to pose/to show theatrical affectation/to indulge in histrionics/ 做张做智 做張做智 S - 3 zuò zhāng zuò zhì f /to put on an act (idiom); to pose/to show theatrical affectation/to indulge in histrionics/ 做张做致 做張做致 S - 3 zuò zhāng zuò zhì f /see 做張做智|做张做智[zuo4 zhang1 zuo4 zhi4]/ 做張做勢 做张做势 T - 3 zuò zhāng zuò shì f /to put on an act (idiom); to pose/to show theatrical affectation/to indulge in histrionics/ 做張做智 做张做智 T - 3 zuò zhāng zuò zhì f /to put on an act (idiom); to pose/to show theatrical affectation/to indulge in histrionics/ 做張做致 做张做致 T - 3 zuò zhāng zuò zhì f /see 做張做智|做张做智[zuo4 zhang1 zuo4 zhi4]/ 做愛 做爱 T - 75 zuò ài f /to make love/ 做戏 做戲 S - 58 zuò xì f /to act in a play/to put on a play/ 做戲 做戏 T - 58 zuò xì f /to act in a play/to put on a play/ 做手 - 3 zuò shǒu f /to put one's hand to sth/to set about/skillful hands/worker/writer/ 做手脚 做手腳 S - 28 zuò shǒu jiǎo f /to defraud/to rig up (a scam)/ 做手腳 做手脚 T - 28 zuò shǒu jiǎo f /to defraud/to rig up (a scam)/ 做掉 - 3 zuò diào f /to kill/to get rid of/(sports) to defeat/to eliminate/ 做操 - 8 zuò cāo f /to do exercises/to do gymnastics/ 做文章 - 96 zuò wén zhāng f /to make an issue of sth/to fuss/to make a song and dance/ 做東 做东 T - 23 zuò dōng f /to act as host/ 做梦 做夢 S - 492 zuò mèng f /to dream/to have a dream/fig. illusion/fantasy/pipe dream/ 做法 - 3412 zuò fǎ f /way of handling sth/method for making/work method/recipe/practice/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 做活 - 71 zuò huó f /to work for a living (esp. of woman needleworker)/life of a group of stones in Go 圍棋|围棋[wei2 qi2]/ 做活儿 做活兒 S - 23 zuò huó r f /erhua variant of 做活[zuo4 huo2]/ 做活兒 做活儿 T - 23 zuò huó r f /erhua variant of 做活[zuo4 huo2]/ 做派 - 51 zuò pài f /way of doing sth/behavior/to act in an affected manner/mannerism/gestures in opera/ 做準備工作 做准备工作 T - 0 zuò zhǔn bèi gōng zuò f /to make preparations/ 做满月 做滿月 S - 3 zuò mǎn yuè f /celebration for baby's first birthday/ 做滿月 做满月 T - 3 zuò mǎn yuè f /celebration for baby's first birthday/ 做為 做为 T - 208 zuò wéi f /to act as/used erroneously for 作為|作为/ 做爱 做愛 S - 75 zuò ài f /to make love/ 做牛做馬 做牛做马 T - 3 zuò niú zuò mǎ f /lit. to work like an ox, to work like a horse; fig. to work extremely hard/ 做牛做马 做牛做馬 S - 3 zuò niú zuò mǎ f /lit. to work like an ox, to work like a horse; fig. to work extremely hard/ 做球 - 0 zuò qiú f /to set up a teammate (with an opportunity to score)/to throw a game/ 做生意 - 363 zuò shēng yì f /to do business/ 做生日 - 5 zuò shēng rì f /to celebrate a birthday/to give a birthday party/ 做生活 - 0 zuò shēng huó f /to work/to do manual labor/ 做眉做眼 - 3 zuò méi zuò yǎn f /to frown/ 做眼 - 0 zuò yǎn f /to work as spy/to act as a guide/ 做眼色 - 0 zuò yǎn sè f /to give sb a meaningful look/ 做礼拜 做禮拜 S - 19 zuò lǐ bài f /to go to church on Sunday (of Christians)/ 做祷告 做禱告 S - 0 zuò dǎo gào f /to pray/ 做禮拜 做礼拜 T - 19 zuò lǐ bài f /to go to church on Sunday (of Christians)/ 做禱告 做祷告 T - 0 zuò dǎo gào f /to pray/ 做絕 做绝 T - 0 zuò jué f /to go to extremes/to leave no room for maneuver/ 做绝 做絕 S - 0 zuò jué f /to go to extremes/to leave no room for maneuver/ 做聲 做声 T - 0 zuò shēng f /to speak/to emit sound/ 做脸 做臉 S - 0 zuò liǎn f /to win honor/to put on a stern face/make-up/ 做臉 做脸 T - 0 zuò liǎn f /to win honor/to put on a stern face/make-up/ 做自己 - 0 zuò zì jǐ f /to be oneself/ 做菜 - 34 zuò cài f /to cook/cooking/ 做親 做亲 T - 3 zuò qīn f /to become related by marriage/to marry/ 做買賣 做买卖 T - 3 zuò mǎi mài f /to buy and sell/to do business/to trade/to deal/ 做賊心虛 做贼心虚 T - 24 zuò zéi xīn xū f /to feel guilty as a thief (idiom); to have sth on one's conscience/ 做贼心虚 做賊心虛 S - 24 zuò zéi xīn xū f /to feel guilty as a thief (idiom); to have sth on one's conscience/ 做針線 做针线 T - 24 zuò zhēn xiàn f /to do needlework/ 做錯 做错 T - 0 zuò cuò f /to make an error/ 做针线 做針線 S - 24 zuò zhēn xiàn f /to do needlework/ 做错 做錯 S - 0 zuò cuò f /to make an error/ 做雞 做鸡 T - 0 zuò jī f /(slang) (of a woman) to work as a prostitute/ 做飯 做饭 T - 991 zuò fàn f /to prepare a meal/to cook/ 做饭 做飯 S - 991 zuò fàn f /to prepare a meal/to cook/ 做鬼 - 39 zuò guǐ f /to play tricks/to cheat/to get up to mischief/to become a ghost/to give up the ghost/ 做鬼脸 做鬼臉 S - 3 zuò guǐ liǎn f /to pull a face/to grimace/to scowl/ 做鬼臉 做鬼脸 T - 3 zuò guǐ liǎn f /to pull a face/to grimace/to scowl/ 做鴨 做鸭 T - 0 zuò yā f /(slang) (of a man) to work as a prostitute/ 做鸡 做雞 S - 0 zuò jī f /(slang) (of a woman) to work as a prostitute/ 做鸭 做鴨 S - 0 zuò yā f /(slang) (of a man) to work as a prostitute/ 停 649 5934 tíng f /to stop/to halt/to park (a car)/ 停下 - 569 tíng xià f /to stop/ 停下來 停下来 T - 3 tíng xià lái f /to stop/ 停下来 停下來 S - 3 tíng xià lái f /to stop/ 停业 停業 S - 77 tíng yè f /to cease trading (temporarily or permanently)/to close down/ 停产 停產 S - 274 tíng chǎn f /to stop production/ 停住 - 3 tíng zhù f /to stop/to halt/to cease/ 停俸 - 0 tíng fèng f /to suspend salary payments/ 停办 停辦 S - 81 tíng bàn f /to shut down/to terminate/to cancel/to go out of business/ 停尸房 停屍房 S - 3 tíng shī fáng f /mortuary/ 停屍房 停尸房 T - 3 tíng shī fáng f /mortuary/ 停工 - 112 tíng gōng f /to stop work/to shut down/to stop production/ 停当 停當 S - 321 tíng dàng f /settled/accomplished/ready/ 停息 - 84 tíng xī f /to stop/to cease/ 停战 停戰 S - 454 tíng zhàn f /armistice/cease fire/ 停战日 停戰日 S - 0 Tíng zhàn rì f /Armistice Day/ 停戰 停战 T - 454 tíng zhàn f /armistice/cease fire/ 停戰日 停战日 T - 0 Tíng zhàn rì f /Armistice Day/ 停损单 停損單 S - 0 tíng sǔn dān f /stop order (finance)/ 停损点 停損點 S - 0 tíng sǔn diǎn f /see 止損點|止损点[zhi3 sun3 dian3]/ 停損單 停损单 T - 0 tíng sǔn dān f /stop order (finance)/ 停損點 停损点 T - 0 tíng sǔn diǎn f /see 止損點|止损点[zhi3 sun3 dian3]/ 停摆 停擺 S - 14 tíng bǎi f /(of a pendulum) to stop swinging/(of work, production, activities etc) to come to a halt/to be suspended/to be canceled/shutdown/(sports) lockout/ 停擺 停摆 T - 14 tíng bǎi f /(of a pendulum) to stop swinging/(of work, production, activities etc) to come to a halt/to be suspended/to be canceled/shutdown/(sports) lockout/ 停放 - 260 tíng fàng f /to park (a car etc)/to moor (a boat etc)/to leave sth (in a place)/ 停机 停機 S - 66 tíng jī f /(of a machine) to stop/to shut down/to park a plane/to finish shooting (a TV program etc)/to suspend a phone line/(of a prepaid mobile phone) to be out of credit/ 停机坪 停機坪 S - 64 tíng jī píng f /aircraft parking ground/apron/tarmac (at airport)/ 停板制度 - 0 tíng bǎn zhì dù f /system of circuit breakers/limit up, limit down system (finance)/ 停業 停业 T - 77 tíng yè f /to cease trading (temporarily or permanently)/to close down/ 停機 停机 T - 66 tíng jī f /(of a machine) to stop/to shut down/to park a plane/to finish shooting (a TV program etc)/to suspend a phone line/(of a prepaid mobile phone) to be out of credit/ 停機坪 停机坪 T - 64 tíng jī píng f /aircraft parking ground/apron/tarmac (at airport)/ 停歇 - 118 tíng xiē f /to stop for a rest/ 停止 - 3842 tíng zhǐ f /to stop/to halt/to cease/ 停步 - 341 tíng bù f /to come to a stand/to stop/ 停泊 4566 330 tíng bó f /to anchor/anchorage/mooring (of a ship)/ 停滞 停滯 S 4360 418 tíng zhì f /stagnation/at a standstill/bogged down/ 停滞不前 停滯不前 S - 85 tíng zhì bù qián f /stuck and not moving forward (idiom); stagnant/in a rut/at a standstill/ 停滯 停滞 T 4360 418 tíng zhì f /stagnation/at a standstill/bogged down/ 停滯不前 停滞不前 T - 85 tíng zhì bù qián f /stuck and not moving forward (idiom); stagnant/in a rut/at a standstill/ 停火 - 95 tíng huǒ f /to cease fire/ceasefire/ 停火線 停火线 T - 9 tíng huǒ xiàn f /cease-fire line/ 停火线 停火線 S - 9 tíng huǒ xiàn f /cease-fire line/ 停產 停产 T - 274 tíng chǎn f /to stop production/ 停用 - 65 tíng yòng f /to stop using/to suspend/to discontinue/to disable/ 停电 停電 S - 61 tíng diàn f /power cut/ 停留 - 1315 tíng liú f /to stay somewhere temporarily/to stop over/ 停當 停当 T - 321 tíng dàng f /settled/accomplished/ready/ 停盘 停盤 S - 0 tíng pán f /to suspend trading (stock market)/ 停盤 停盘 T - 0 tíng pán f /to suspend trading (stock market)/ 停站 - 3 tíng zhàn f /bus stop/ 停經 停经 T - 26 tíng jīng f /to stop menstruating (as a result of pregnancy, menopause or medical condition etc)/ 停经 停經 S - 26 tíng jīng f /to stop menstruating (as a result of pregnancy, menopause or medical condition etc)/ 停职 停職 S - 57 tíng zhí f /to suspend (sb) from duties/ 停職 停职 T - 57 tíng zhí f /to suspend (sb) from duties/ 停航 - 16 tíng háng f /to stop running (of flight of shipping service)/to suspend service (flight, sailing)/to interrupt schedule/ 停表 - 2 tíng biǎo f /stopwatch/ 停課 停课 T - 50 tíng kè f /to stop classes/to close (of school)/ 停课 停課 S - 50 tíng kè f /to stop classes/to close (of school)/ 停車 停车 T - 258 tíng chē f /to pull up (stop one's vehicle)/to park/(of a machine) to stop working/to stall/ 停車位置 停车位置 T - 0 tíng chē wèi zhi f /parking location/parking bay/ 停車場 停车场 T - 152 tíng chē chǎng f /parking lot/car park/ 停車庫 停车库 T - 3 tíng chē kù f /car park/ 停車站 停车站 T - 2 tíng chē zhàn f /bus stop/ 停車計時器 停车计时器 T - 0 tíng chē jì shí qì f /parking meter/ 停车 停車 S - 258 tíng chē f /to pull up (stop one's vehicle)/to park/(of a machine) to stop working/to stall/ 停车位置 停車位置 S - 0 tíng chē wèi zhi f /parking location/parking bay/ 停车场 停車場 S - 152 tíng chē chǎng f /parking lot/car park/ 停车库 停車庫 S - 3 tíng chē kù f /car park/ 停车站 停車站 S - 2 tíng chē zhàn f /bus stop/ 停车计时器 停車計時器 S - 0 tíng chē jì shí qì f /parking meter/ 停辦 停办 T - 81 tíng bàn f /to shut down/to terminate/to cancel/to go out of business/ 停電 停电 T - 61 tíng diàn f /power cut/ 停靠 - 225 tíng kào f /to call at/to stop at/berth/ 停靠港 - 0 tíng kào gǎng f /port of call/ 停靠站 - 3 tíng kào zhàn f /bus or tram stop/intermediate stop (on route of ship, plane etc)/port of call/stop-over/ 停頓 停顿 T 4260 401 tíng dùn f /to halt/to break off/pause (in speech)/ 停顿 停頓 S 4260 401 tíng dùn f /to halt/to break off/pause (in speech)/ 停食 - 3 tíng shí f /(of food) to retain in stomach due to indigestion (TCM)/ 偝 - 0 bèi f /to disobey/to stand back-to-back/ 偟 - 0 huáng f /agitated/alarmed/ 偢 - 30 chǒu f /to stare at/ 健 - 1514 jiàn f /healthy/to invigorate/to strengthen/to be good at/to be strong in/ 健保 - 0 jiàn bǎo f /medical or health insurance/ 健儿 健兒 S - 90 jiàn ér f /top athlete/heroic warrior/ 健兒 健儿 T - 90 jiàn ér f /top athlete/heroic warrior/ 健全 3986 1765 jiàn quán f /robust/sound/ 健壮 健壯 S - 504 jiàn zhuàng f /robust/healthy/sturdy/ 健壯 健壮 T - 504 jiàn zhuàng f /robust/healthy/sturdy/ 健康 482 5971 jiàn kāng f /health/healthy/ 健康保险 健康保險 S - 0 jiàn kāng bǎo xiǎn f /health insurance/ 健康保險 健康保险 T - 0 jiàn kāng bǎo xiǎn f /health insurance/ 健康受损 健康受損 S - 0 jiàn kāng shòu sǔn f /health damage/ 健康受損 健康受损 T - 0 jiàn kāng shòu sǔn f /health damage/ 健康检查 健康檢查 S - 3 jiàn kāng jiǎn chá f /see 體格檢查|体格检查[ti3 ge2 jian3 cha2]/ 健康檢查 健康检查 T - 3 jiàn kāng jiǎn chá f /see 體格檢查|体格检查[ti3 ge2 jian3 cha2]/ 健康状况 健康狀況 S - 3 jiàn kāng zhuàng kuàng f /health status/ 健康状态 健康狀態 S - 0 jiàn kāng zhuàng tài f /state of health/ 健康狀態 健康状态 T - 0 jiàn kāng zhuàng tài f /state of health/ 健康狀況 健康状况 T - 3 jiàn kāng zhuàng kuàng f /health status/ 健康食品 - 0 jiàn kāng shí pǐn f /health food/ 健忘 - 70 jiàn wàng f /forgetful/ 健忘症 - 2 jiàn wàng zhèng f /amnesia/ 健怡可乐 健怡可樂 S - 0 Jiàn yí Kě lè f /Diet Coke/Coca-Cola Light/ 健怡可樂 健怡可乐 T - 0 Jiàn yí Kě lè f /Diet Coke/Coca-Cola Light/ 健旺 - 59 jiàn wàng f /robust/healthy/vigorous/energetic/ 健步如飛 健步如飞 T - 17 jiàn bù rú fēi f /running as fast as flying/ 健步如飞 健步如飛 S - 17 jiàn bù rú fēi f /running as fast as flying/ 健硕 健碩 S - 31 jiàn shuò f /well-built (physique)/strong and muscular/ 健碩 健硕 T - 31 jiàn shuò f /well-built (physique)/strong and muscular/ 健美 - 356 jiàn měi f /healthy and beautiful/to do fitness exercises/abbr. for 健美運動|健美运动[jian4 mei3 yun4 dong4]/ 健美操 - 28 jiàn měi cāo f /aerobics/aerobic dance (school P.E. activity)/ 健美运动 健美運動 S - 4 jiàn měi yùn dòng f /body-building/ 健美運動 健美运动 T - 4 jiàn měi yùn dòng f /body-building/ 健行 - 3 jiàn xíng f /to hike/ 健診 健诊 T - 0 jiàn zhěn f /check-up (health, car safety, environment etc)/ 健談 健谈 T - 28 jiàn tán f /entertaining in conversation/ 健诊 健診 S - 0 jiàn zhěn f /check-up (health, car safety, environment etc)/ 健谈 健談 S - 28 jiàn tán f /entertaining in conversation/ 健身 1921 587 jiàn shēn f /to exercise/to keep fit/to work out/physical exercise/ 健身室 - 0 jiàn shēn shì f /gym/ 健身房 - 113 jiàn shēn fáng f /gym/gymnasium/ 健身館 健身馆 T - 0 jiàn shēn guǎn f /a gym (health center)/ 健身馆 健身館 S - 0 jiàn shēn guǎn f /a gym (health center)/ 偨 - 0 cī f /uneven/ 偩 - 14 fù f /to rely on/to resemble/ 偪 逼 T - 3617 bī f /variant of 逼[bi1]/to compel/to pressure/ 偫 - 6 zhì f /to wait for/to lay in/ 偬 傯 S - 15 zǒng f /busy/hurried/despondent/ 偭 - 2 miǎn f /to transgress/ 偯 - 10 yǐ f /to sob/wail/ 偰 - 0 xiè f /variant of 契[qi4]/contract/ 偱 - 2 xún f /to tell/ 偲 - 7 sī f /talented/urgent/ 側 侧 T - 3498 cè t /the side/to incline towards/to lean/inclined/lateral/side/ 側 侧 T - 3498 zhāi f /lean on one side/ 側刀旁 侧刀旁 T - 0 cè dāo páng f /name of "knife" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 18), occurring in 到, 利, 别 etc/see also 刂[dao1]/ 側壁 侧壁 T - 24 cè bì f /side wall/ 側室 侧室 T - 27 cè shì f /sideroom/concubine/ 側寫 侧写 T - 0 cè xiě f /to profile/profile/(offender) profiling/ 側影 侧影 T - 24 cè yǐng f /profile/silhouette/ 側根 侧根 T - 44 cè gēn f /lateral root (botany)/ 側生動物 侧生动物 T - 0 cè shēng dòng wù f /parazoan (animal of the subkingdom Parazoa, mostly sponges)/ 側目 侧目 T - 100 cè mù f /to raise eyebrows/to cast sidelong glances (expressing fear or indignation)/shocked/surprised/ 側空翻 侧空翻 T - 3 cè kōng fān f /aerial cartwheel/side somersault/ 側耳 侧耳 T - 243 cè ěr f /to bend an ear (to)/to listen/ 側臥 侧卧 T - 53 cè wò f /to lie on one's side/ 側身 侧身 T - 491 cè shēn f /(to stand or move) sideways/ 側躺 侧躺 T - 0 cè tǎng f /to lie down (on one's side)/ 側邊欄 侧边栏 T - 0 cè biān lán f /a side-bar (in software)/ 側重 侧重 T - 423 cè zhòng f /to place particular emphasis on/ 側重點 侧重点 T - 101 cè zhòng diǎn f /main point/emphasis/ 側鋒 侧锋 T - 0 cè fēng f /oblique attack (brush movement in painting)/ 側錄 侧录 T - 0 cè lù f /to capture data/to record illicitly/data skimming/ 側鏈 侧链 T - 0 cè liàn f /side chain (used in classifying amino acids)/ 側門 侧门 T - 87 cè mén f /side door/ 側面 侧面 T 3662 645 cè miàn f /lateral side/side/aspect/profile/ 偵 侦 T - 220 zhēn f /to scout/to spy/to detect/ 偵察 侦察 T - 2110 zhēn chá f /to investigate a crime/to scout/to reconnoiter/reconnaissance/detection/a scout/ 偵察兵 侦察兵 T - 102 zhēn chá bīng f /a scout/spy/ 偵察員 侦察员 T - 74 zhēn chá yuán f /detective/investigator/scout/spy/ 偵察性 侦察性 T - 0 zhēn chá xìng f /investigatory/ 偵察機 侦察机 T - 462 zhēn chá jī f /surveillance aircraft/spy plane/ 偵探 侦探 T 2569 82 zhēn tàn f /detective/to do detective work/ 偵查 侦查 T - 397 zhēn chá f /to detect/to investigate/ 偵毒器 侦毒器 T - 0 zhēn dú qì f /detection unit/ 偵毒管 侦毒管 T - 0 zhēn dú guǎn f /detector tube/ 偵測 侦测 T - 50 zhēn cè f /to detect/to sense/ 偵測器 侦测器 T - 3 zhēn cè qì f /detector/ 偵破 侦破 T - 106 zhēn pò f /to investigate (as detective)/to solve (crime)/to uncover (a plot)/to sniff out/to break in and analyze/detective work/to scout/ 偵緝 侦缉 T - 28 zhēn jī f /to track down/to investigate and arrest/ 偵聽 侦听 T - 109 zhēn tīng f /to eavesdrop/to tap (telephone conversations)/to intercept and investigate/ 偵訊 侦讯 T - 3 zhēn xùn f /to interrogate during investigation/ 偵辦 侦办 T - 9 zhēn bàn f /to investigate (a crime) and prosecute/ 偶 - 982 ǒu f /accidental/image/pair/mate/ 偶一 - 3 ǒu yī f /accidentally/once in a while/very occasionally/ 偶一为之 偶一為之 S - 15 ǒu yī wéi zhī f /to do sth once in a while (idiom)/to do sth more as an exception than the rule/ 偶一為之 偶一为之 T - 15 ǒu yī wéi zhī f /to do sth once in a while (idiom)/to do sth more as an exception than the rule/ 偶人 - 30 ǒu rén f /idol (i.e. statue for worship)/ 偶像 2567 367 ǒu xiàng f /idol/ 偶像剧 偶像劇 S - 2 ǒu xiàng jù f /idol drama/drama series in which the actors are chosen for their pre-existing popularity with young viewers/ 偶像劇 偶像剧 T - 2 ǒu xiàng jù f /idol drama/drama series in which the actors are chosen for their pre-existing popularity with young viewers/ 偶函数 偶函數 S - 3 ǒu hán shù f /even function (math.)/ 偶函數 偶函数 T - 3 ǒu hán shù f /even function (math.)/ 偶合 - 9 ǒu hé f /coincidence/ 偶尔 偶爾 S 1031 1361 ǒu ěr f /occasionally/once in a while/sometimes/ 偶数 偶數 S - 95 ǒu shù f /even number/ 偶數 偶数 T - 95 ǒu shù f /even number/ 偶极 偶極 S - 0 ǒu jí f /dipole (e.g. magnetic dipole)/ 偶極 偶极 T - 0 ǒu jí f /dipole (e.g. magnetic dipole)/ 偶然 1979 1312 ǒu rán f /incidentally/occasional/occasionally/by chance/randomly/ 偶然事件 - 0 ǒu rán shì jiàn f /random accident/chance event/ 偶然性 - 141 ǒu rán xìng f /chance/fortuity/serendipity/ 偶爾 偶尔 T 1031 1361 ǒu ěr f /occasionally/once in a while/sometimes/ 偶犯 - 3 ǒu fàn f /casual offender/casual offense/ 偶而 - 3 ǒu ér f /occasionally/once in a while/ 偶联反应 偶聯反應 S - 0 ǒu lián fǎn yìng f /chain reaction (chemistry)/ 偶聯反應 偶联反应 T - 0 ǒu lián fǎn yìng f /chain reaction (chemistry)/ 偶見 偶见 T - 3 ǒu jiàn f /to happen upon/to see incidentally/occasional/accidental/ 偶见 偶見 S - 3 ǒu jiàn f /to happen upon/to see incidentally/occasional/accidental/ 偶語棄市 偶语弃市 T - 0 ǒu yǔ qì shì f /chance remarks can lead to public execution (idiom)/ 偶语弃市 偶語棄市 S - 0 ǒu yǔ qì shì f /chance remarks can lead to public execution (idiom)/ 偶蹄 - 12 ǒu tí f /artiodactyl (zoology)/ 偶蹄目 - 38 ǒu tí mù f /Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates, such as pigs, cows, giraffes etc)/ 偶蹄类 偶蹄類 S - 0 ǒu tí lèi f /Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates, such as pigs, cows, giraffes etc)/ 偶蹄類 偶蹄类 T - 0 ǒu tí lèi f /Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates, such as pigs, cows, giraffes etc)/ 偶遇 - 39 ǒu yù f /a chance encounter/to meet accidentally/ 偷 1235 2578 tōu f /to steal/to pilfer/to snatch/thief/stealthily/ 偷偷 - 853 tōu tōu f /stealthily/secretly/covertly/furtively/on the sly/ 偷偷摸摸 - 118 tōu tōu mō mō f /surreptitious/sneaky/ 偷去 - 3 tōu qù f /to steal/to make off with/stolen/ 偷取 - 3 tōu qǔ f /to steal/to abstract/to appropriate/ 偷吃 - 3 tōu chī f /to eat on the sly/to pilfer food/to be unfaithful/ 偷听 偷聽 S - 163 tōu tīng f /to eavesdrop/to monitor (secretly)/ 偷天换日 偷天換日 S - 2 tōu tiān huàn rì f /to engage in fraudulent activities (idiom)/skulduggery/to hoodwink people/to cheat sb audaciously/ 偷天換日 偷天换日 T - 2 tōu tiān huàn rì f /to engage in fraudulent activities (idiom)/skulduggery/to hoodwink people/to cheat sb audaciously/ 偷安 - 8 tōu ān f /to shirk responsibility/thoughtless pleasure-seeking/ 偷工 - 2 tōu gōng f /to skimp on the job/to avoid work/ 偷工减料 偷工減料 S - 53 tōu gōng jiǎn liào f /to skimp on the job and stint on materials (idiom)/jerry-building/sloppy work/ 偷工減料 偷工减料 T - 53 tōu gōng jiǎn liào f /to skimp on the job and stint on materials (idiom)/jerry-building/sloppy work/ 偷情 - 69 tōu qíng f /to carry on a clandestine love affair/ 偷惰 - 0 tōu duò f /to skive off work/to be lazy/ 偷懒 偷懶 S - 116 tōu lǎn f /to goof off/to be lazy/ 偷懶 偷懒 T - 116 tōu lǎn f /to goof off/to be lazy/ 偷拍 - 22 tōu pāi f /to take a picture of a person without permission or without their knowledge/ 偷梁换柱 偷梁換柱 S - 25 tōu liáng huàn zhù f /lit. to steal a rafter and replace it with a column/to replace the original with a fake/to perpetrate a fraud (idiom)/ 偷梁換柱 偷梁换柱 T - 25 tōu liáng huàn zhù f /lit. to steal a rafter and replace it with a column/to replace the original with a fake/to perpetrate a fraud (idiom)/ 偷汉 偷漢 S - 0 tōu hàn f /(of a woman) to take a lover/ 偷汉子 偷漢子 S - 12 tōu hàn zi f /(of a woman) to take a lover/ 偷渡 - 70 tōu dù f /illegal immigration/to stowaway (on a ship)/to steal across the international border/to run a blockade/ 偷渡者 - 5 tōu dù zhě f /smuggled illegal alien/stowaway/ 偷漏 - 5 tōu lòu f /to evade (taxes)/ 偷漢 偷汉 T - 0 tōu hàn f /(of a woman) to take a lover/ 偷漢子 偷汉子 T - 12 tōu hàn zi f /(of a woman) to take a lover/ 偷猎 偷獵 S - 22 tōu liè f /to poach/ 偷猎者 偷獵者 S - 25 tōu liè zhě f /poacher/ 偷獵 偷猎 T - 22 tōu liè f /to poach/ 偷獵者 偷猎者 T - 25 tōu liè zhě f /poacher/ 偷生 - 67 tōu shēng f /to live without purpose/ 偷盗 偷盜 S - 149 tōu dào f /to steal/ 偷盜 偷盗 T - 149 tōu dào f /to steal/ 偷看 - 189 tōu kàn f /to peep/to peek/to steal a glance/ 偷眼 - 89 tōu yǎn f /to take a furtive look at/ 偷稅 偷税 T - 94 tōu shuì f /tax evasion/ 偷税 偷稅 S - 94 tōu shuì f /tax evasion/ 偷窃 偷竊 S - 72 tōu qiè f /to steal/to pilfer/ 偷窥 偷窺 S - 54 tōu kuī f /to peep/to peek/to act as voyeur/ 偷窥狂 偷窺狂 S - 3 tōu kuī kuáng f /voyeur/peeping tom/ 偷窺 偷窥 T - 54 tōu kuī f /to peep/to peek/to act as voyeur/ 偷窺狂 偷窥狂 T - 3 tōu kuī kuáng f /voyeur/peeping tom/ 偷竊 偷窃 T - 72 tōu qiè f /to steal/to pilfer/ 偷笑 - 3 tōu xiào f /to laugh up one's sleeve/ 偷聽 偷听 T - 163 tōu tīng f /to eavesdrop/to monitor (secretly)/ 偷腥 - 3 tōu xīng f /to cheat on one's spouse/to have an affair/ 偷袭 偷襲 S - 463 tōu xí f /to mount a sneak attack/to raid/ 偷襲 偷袭 T - 463 tōu xí f /to mount a sneak attack/to raid/ 偷运 偷運 S - 34 tōu yùn f /to smuggle/ 偷運 偷运 T - 34 tōu yùn f /to smuggle/ 偷閑 偷闲 T - 15 tōu xián f /to snatch a moment of leisure/to take a break from work/also written 偷閒|偷闲/ 偷閒 偷闲 T - 15 tōu xián f /to snatch a moment of leisure/to take a break from work/ 偷闲 偷閑 S - 15 tōu xián f /to snatch a moment of leisure/to take a break from work/also written 偷閒|偷闲/ 偷闲 偷閒 S - 15 tōu xián f /to snatch a moment of leisure/to take a break from work/ 偷雞不成蝕把米 偷鸡不成蚀把米 T - 0 tōu jī bù chéng shí bǎ mǐ f /lit. to try to steal a chicken only to end up losing the rice used to lure it (idiom)/fig. to try to gain an advantage only to end up worse off/to go for wool and come back shorn/ 偷雞不著蝕把米 偷鸡不着蚀把米 T - 14 tōu jī bù zháo shí bǎ mǐ f /see 偷雞不成蝕把米|偷鸡不成蚀把米[tou1 ji1 bu4 cheng2 shi2 ba3 mi3]/ 偷雞摸狗 偷鸡摸狗 T - 60 tōu jī mō gǒu f /to imitate the dog and steal chicken (idiom); to dally with women/to have affairs/ 偷香窃玉 偷香竊玉 S - 4 tōu xiāng qiè yù f /lit. stolen scent, pilfered jade (idiom); philandering/secret illicit sex/ 偷香竊玉 偷香窃玉 T - 4 tōu xiāng qiè yù f /lit. stolen scent, pilfered jade (idiom); philandering/secret illicit sex/ 偷鸡不成蚀把米 偷雞不成蝕把米 S - 0 tōu jī bù chéng shí bǎ mǐ f /lit. to try to steal a chicken only to end up losing the rice used to lure it (idiom)/fig. to try to gain an advantage only to end up worse off/to go for wool and come back shorn/ 偷鸡不着蚀把米 偷雞不著蝕把米 S - 14 tōu jī bù zháo shí bǎ mǐ f /see 偷雞不成蝕把米|偷鸡不成蚀把米[tou1 ji1 bu4 cheng2 shi2 ba3 mi3]/ 偷鸡摸狗 偷雞摸狗 S - 60 tōu jī mō gǒu f /to imitate the dog and steal chicken (idiom); to dally with women/to have affairs/ 偸 - 0 tōu f /variant of 偷[tou1]/ 偺 咱 T - 4884 zán t /variant of 咱[zan2]/ 偻 僂 S - 37 lóu t /hunchback/ 偻 僂 S - 37 lǚ f /crookbacked/ 偻㑩 僂儸 S - 0 lóu luo f /variant of 嘍囉|喽啰[lou2 luo5]/ 偽 伪 T - 923 wěi f /false/fake/forged/bogus/Taiwan pr. [wei4]/ 偽代碼 伪代码 T - 0 wěi dài mǎ f /pseudocode/ 偽劣 伪劣 T - 42 wěi liè f /inferior/false/ 偽君子 伪君子 T - 75 wěi jūn zǐ f /hypocrite/ 偽善 伪善 T - 62 wěi shàn f /hypocritical/ 偽善者 伪善者 T - 3 wěi shàn zhě f /hypocrite/ 偽基百科 伪基百科 T - 0 Wěi jī bǎi kē f /Uncyclopedia (satirical website parodying Wikipedia)/ 偽幣 伪币 T - 2 wěi bì f /counterfeit currency/ 偽托 伪托 T - 14 wěi tuō f /faking a modern object as an ancient one/ 偽書 伪书 T - 67 wěi shū f /forged book/book of dubious authenticity/misattributed book/Apocrypha/ 偽朝 伪朝 T - 0 wěi cháo f /bogus dynasty/pretender/ 偽科學 伪科学 T - 21 wěi kē xué f /pseudoscience/ 偽經 伪经 T - 3 wěi jīng f /forged scriptures/bogus classic/pseudepigrapha/apocrypha/ 偽裝 伪装 T - 483 wěi zhuāng f /to pretend to be (asleep etc)/to disguise oneself as/pretense/disguise/(military) to camouflage/camouflage/ 偽證 伪证 T - 71 wěi zhèng f /perjury/ 偽軍 伪军 T - 458 wěi jūn f /puppet army/ 偽迹 伪迹 T - 0 wěi jì f /artifact (artificial feature)/ 偽造 伪造 T 2910 332 wěi zào f /to forge/to fake/to counterfeit/ 偽造品 伪造品 T - 3 wěi zào pǐn f /counterfeit object/forgery/fake/ 偽造者 伪造者 T - 3 wěi zào zhě f /forger/ 偽鈔 伪钞 T - 33 wěi chāo f /counterfeit currency/ 偽頂 伪顶 T - 0 wěi dǐng f /false roof/ 偽飾 伪饰 T - 5 wěi shì f /faked decoration/ 偾 僨 S - 18 fèn f /to instigate/to ruin/to destroy/ 偿 償 S - 337 cháng f /to repay/to compensate for/to recompense/to fulfill (hopes etc)/ 偿付 償付 S - 132 cháng fù f /to pay back/ 偿债 償債 S - 37 cháng zhài f /to repay a debt/ 偿命 償命 S - 84 cháng mìng f /to pay with one's life/ 偿清 償清 S - 3 cháng qīng f /to repay/to pay off a debt/ 偿还 償還 S 3416 480 cháng huán f /to repay/to reimburse/ 傀 - 10 guī t /grand/strange/exotic/ 傀 - 10 kuǐ f /puppet/ 傀儡 - 551 kuǐ lěi f /puppet/ 傀儡戏 傀儡戲 S - 13 kuǐ lěi xì f /puppet show/ 傀儡戲 傀儡戏 T - 13 kuǐ lěi xì f /puppet show/ 傀儡政权 傀儡政權 S - 3 kuǐ lěi zhèng quán f /puppet state/puppet regime/ 傀儡政權 傀儡政权 T - 3 kuǐ lěi zhèng quán f /puppet state/puppet regime/ 傅 - 932 Fù f /surname Fu/ 傅 - 932 fù f /tutor/ 傅会 傅會 S - 0 fù huì f /variant of 附會|附会[fu4 hui4]/ 傅作义 傅作義 S - 112 Fù Zuò yì f /Fu Zuoyi (1895-1974), Guomindang general, subsequently PRC top general and politician/ 傅作義 傅作义 T - 112 Fù Zuò yì f /Fu Zuoyi (1895-1974), Guomindang general, subsequently PRC top general and politician/ 傅會 傅会 T - 0 fù huì f /variant of 附會|附会[fu4 hui4]/ 傅科摆 傅科擺 S - 3 Fù kē bǎi f /Foucault's pendulum/ 傅科擺 傅科摆 T - 3 Fù kē bǎi f /Foucault's pendulum/ 傅立叶 傅立葉 S - 25 Fù lì yè f /Francois-Maire Charles Fourier (French sociologist and socialist, 1772-1837)/ 傅立叶变换 傅立葉變換 S - 0 Fù lì yè biàn huàn f /(math.) Fourier transform/ 傅立葉 傅立叶 T - 25 Fù lì yè f /Francois-Maire Charles Fourier (French sociologist and socialist, 1772-1837)/ 傅立葉變換 傅立叶变换 T - 0 Fù lì yè biàn huàn f /(math.) Fourier transform/ 傅說 傅说 T - 0 Fù Shuō f /Fu Shuo (c. 14th century BC), legendary sage and principal minister of Shang ruler Wu Ding/ 傅说 傅說 S - 0 Fù Shuō f /Fu Shuo (c. 14th century BC), legendary sage and principal minister of Shang ruler Wu Ding/ 傅里叶 傅里葉 S - 135 Fù lǐ yè f /Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Fourier (French mathematician, 1768-1830)/ 傅里葉 傅里叶 T - 135 Fù lǐ yè f /Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Fourier (French mathematician, 1768-1830)/ 傈 - 14 Lì f /Lisu ethnic group of Yunnan/see 傈僳[Li4 su4]/ 傈僳 - 48 Lì sù f /Lisu ethnic group of Yunnan/ 傈僳族 - 60 Lì sù zú f /Lisu ethnic group of Yunnan/ 傌 㐷 T - 0 mà f /variant of 罵|骂[ma4]/ 傍 - 409 bàng f /near/approaching/to depend on/(slang) to have an intimate relationship with sb/Taiwan pr. [pang2], [bang1], [bang4]/ 傍亮 - 0 bàng liàng f /dawn/daybreak/ 傍人篱壁 傍人籬壁 S - 3 bàng rén lí bì f /to depend on others/ 傍人籬壁 傍人篱壁 T - 3 bàng rén lí bì f /to depend on others/ 傍人門戶 傍人门户 T - 3 bàng rén mén hù f /to be dependent upon sb/ 傍人门户 傍人門戶 S - 3 bàng rén mén hù f /to be dependent upon sb/ 傍午 - 3 bàng wǔ f /towards noon/around midday/ 傍大款 - 0 bàng dà kuǎn f /to live off a rich man/ 傍家儿 傍家兒 S - 0 bàng jiā r f /lover/partner/ 傍家兒 傍家儿 T - 0 bàng jiā r f /lover/partner/ 傍戶而立 傍户而立 T - 0 bàng hù ér lì f /to stand close to the door/ 傍户而立 傍戶而立 S - 0 bàng hù ér lì f /to stand close to the door/ 傍晚 2388 775 bàng wǎn f /in the evening/when night falls/towards evening/at night fall/at dusk/ 傍柳随花 傍柳隨花 S - 0 bàng liǔ suí huā f /prostitute/ 傍柳隨花 傍柳随花 T - 0 bàng liǔ suí huā f /prostitute/ 傍边 傍邊 S - 3 bàng biān f /near/beside/ 傍近 - 0 bàng jìn f /to be close to/ 傍邊 傍边 T - 3 bàng biān f /near/beside/ 傍黑 - 3 bàng hēi f /dusk/ 傎 - 0 diān f /inversion/mistake/ 傑 杰 T - 649 jié f /hero/heroic/outstanding person/prominent/distinguished/ 傑伊漢港 杰伊汉港 T - 0 Jié yī hàn gǎng f /Ceyhan (Turkish Mediterranean port)/ 傑佛茲 杰佛兹 T - 0 Jié fó zī f /(James) Jeffords (1934-), former US Senator from Vermont/ 傑作 杰作 T - 300 jié zuò f /masterpiece/ 傑克 杰克 T - 67 Jié kè f /Jack (name)/ 傑克·倫敦 杰克·伦敦 T - 0 Jié kè · Lún dūn f /Jack London (1876-1916), American writer/ 傑克森 杰克森 T - 2 Jié kè sēn f /Jackson (name)/ 傑克遜 杰克逊 T - 141 Jié kè xùn f /Jackson (name)/Jackson city, capital of Mississippi/ 傑出 杰出 T 3175 1318 jié chū f /outstanding/distinguished/remarkable/prominent/illustrious/ 傑利蠑螈 杰利蝾螈 T - 0 jié lì róng yuán f /gerrymander (loanword)/ 傑士派 杰士派 T - 0 Jié shì pài f /Gatsby, Japanese cosmetics brand/ 傑夫 杰夫 T - 24 Jié fū f /Jeff or Geoff (name)/ 傑夫·金尼 杰夫·金尼 T - 0 Jié fū · Jīn ní f /Jeff Kinney/ 傑奎琳 杰奎琳 T - 44 Jié kuí lín f /Jacqueline (name)/ 傑奎琳·肯尼迪 杰奎琳·肯尼迪 T - 0 Jié kuí lín · Kěn ní dí f /Jacqueline Onassis Kennedy (1929-1994)/ 傑弗遜 杰弗逊 T - 40 Jié fú xùn f /Jefferson/capital of Missouri/ 傑弗里·喬叟 杰弗里·乔叟 T - 0 Jié fú lǐ · Qiáo sǒu f /Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400), English poet, author of The Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷故事集[Kan3 te4 bo2 lei2 Gu4 shi4 Ji2]/ 傑拉 杰拉 T - 17 Jié lā f /Gela (city in Sicily)/ 傑拉德 杰拉德 T - 24 Jié lā dé f /Gerrard (name)/ 傑斐遜城 杰斐逊城 T - 0 Jié fěi xùn chéng f /Jefferson City, capital of Missouri/ 傑瑞 杰瑞 T - 11 Jié ruì f /Jerry or Gerry (name)/ 傑瑞·宋飛 杰瑞·宋飞 T - 0 Jié ruì · Sòng fēi f /Jerry Seinfeld/ 傑米 杰米 T - 4 jié mǐ f /Jamie/Jim/ 傑西 杰西 T - 11 Jié xī f /Jesse (name)/ 傑西·歐文斯 杰西·欧文斯 T - 0 Jié xī · Oū wén sī f /Jesse Owens (1913-1980), American athlete/ 傑西卡 杰西卡 T - 4 Jié xī kǎ f /Jessica (name)/ 傑西卡·艾爾芭 杰西卡·艾尔芭 T - 0 Jié xī kǎ · Aì ěr bā f /Jessica Alba, American actress/ 傑里科 杰里科 T - 17 Jié lǐ kē f /Jericho (town in West Bank)/ 傑里米 杰里米 T - 3 Jié lǐ mǐ f /Jeremy (name)/ 傒 - 27 xī f /(old) native of Jiangxi 江西[Jiang1 xi1]/to wait/servant/path/ 傓 - 0 shān f /old variant of 煽[shan1]/ 傔 - 0 qiàn f /servant/ 傕 - 148 Jué f /surname Jue/ 傕 - 148 jué f /used in old names/ 傖 伧 T - 21 cāng f /low fellow/rustic/rude/rough/ 傘 伞 T 580 1062 sǎn f /umbrella/parasol/CL:把[ba3]/ 傘下 伞下 T - 0 sǎn xià f /under the umbrella of/ 傘兵 伞兵 T - 298 sǎn bīng f /paratrooper/ 傘形 伞形 T - 45 sǎn xíng f /umbrella-shaped/ 傘形科 伞形科 T - 0 sǎn xíng kē f /Umbelliferae or Apiaceae, plant family containing carrot, coriander etc/ 傘菌 伞菌 T - 16 sǎn jùn f /agaric/ 傘降 伞降 T - 37 sǎn jiàng f /to parachute into/parachuting/ 備 备 T - 2284 bèi f /to prepare/get ready/to provide or equip/ 備下 备下 T - 3 bèi xià f /to prepare/to arrange (sth to be offered)/ 備中 备中 T - 0 bèi zhōng f /remarks/ 備件 备件 T - 37 bèi jiàn f /spare parts/ 備份 备份 T 3823 116 bèi fèn f /backup/ 備取 备取 T - 4 bèi qǔ f /to be on the waiting list (for admission to a school)/ 備受 备受 T - 408 bèi shòu f /to fully experience (good or bad)/ 備品 备品 T - 4 bèi pǐn f /machine parts or tools kept in reserve/spare parts/ 備嘗辛苦 备尝辛苦 T - 3 bèi cháng xīn kǔ f /to have suffered all kinds of hardships (idiom)/ 備妥 备妥 T - 0 bèi tuǒ f /to get sth ready/ 備忘錄 备忘录 T 3669 214 bèi wàng lù f /memorandum/aide-memoire/memorandum book/ 備悉 备悉 T - 0 bèi xī f /to know all about/to be informed of all the details/ 備戰 备战 T - 380 bèi zhàn f /prepared against war/to prepare for war/warmongering/ 備抵 备抵 T - 5 bèi dǐ f /an allowance/to allow for (a drop in value) (accountancy)/ 備料 备料 T - 17 bèi liào f /to get the materials ready/to prepare feed (for livestock)/ 備查 备查 T - 89 bèi chá f /for future reference/ 備案 备案 T - 3491 bèi àn f /to put on record/to file/ 備用 备用 T - 208 bèi yòng f /reserve/spare/alternate/backup/ 備用二級頭呼吸器 备用二级头呼吸器 T - 0 bèi yòng èr jí tóu hū xī qì f /backup regulator/octopus (diving)/ 備用環 备用环 T - 0 bèi yòng huán f /backup ring/ 備細 备细 T - 0 bèi xì f /details/particulars/ 備考 备考 T - 262 bèi kǎo f /(an appendix, note etc) for reference/ 備而不用 备而不用 T - 10 bèi ér bù yòng f /have sth ready just in case/keep sth for possible future use/ 備耕 备耕 T - 12 bèi gēng f /to make preparations for plowing and sowing/ 備胎 备胎 T - 18 bèi tāi f /spare tire/(slang) fallback guy (or girl)/ 備至 备至 T - 35 bèi zhì f /to the utmost/in every possible way/ 備荒 备荒 T - 28 bèi huāng f /to prepare against natural disasters/ 備註 备注 T - 54 bèi zhù f /remark/note/ 備課 备课 T - 64 bèi kè f /(of a teacher) to prepare lessons/ 備辦 备办 T - 48 bèi bàn f /to provide (items for an event)/to cater/to make preparations/ 傚 效 T - 1724 xiào f /variant of 效[xiao4]/to imitate/ 傜 - 486 yáo f /Yao tribe/ 傞 - 386 suō f /uneven/unsteady (in dancing)/ 傢 家 T 58 41022 jiā f /see 傢伙|家伙[jia1 huo5]/ 傢伙 家伙 T 2505 1546 jiā huo f /variant of 家伙[jia1 huo5]/ 傢俱 家俱 T - 886 jiā jù f /variant of 家具[jia1 ju4]/ 傢具 - 0 jiā jù f /variant of 家具[jia1 ju4]/ 傣 - 195 Dǎi f /Dai (ethnic group)/ 傤 儎 S - 41 zài f /load/cargo/old variant of 載|载[zai4]/to transport/to deliver/to bear/to support/ 傥 儻 S - 19 tǎng f /if/unexpectedly/ 傧 儐 S - 38 bīn f /best man/to entertain/ 傧相 儐相 S - 10 bīn xiàng f /attendant of the bride or bridegroom at a wedding/ 储 儲 S - 478 Chǔ f /surname Chu/Taiwan pr. [Chu2]/ 储 儲 S - 478 chǔ f /to store/to save/to have in reserve/heir/Taiwan pr. [chu2]/ 储值卡 儲值卡 S - 3 chǔ zhí kǎ f /stored-value card/pre-paid card (telephone, transport etc)/ 储君 儲君 S - 23 chǔ jūn f /heir apparent to a throne/ 储备 儲備 S 3826 1263 chǔ bèi f /reserves/to store up/ 储备粮 儲備糧 S - 15 chǔ bèi liáng f /grain reserves/ 储备货币 儲備貨幣 S - 0 chǔ bèi huò bì f /reserve currency/ 储备金 儲備金 S - 3 chǔ bèi jīn f /reserves (bank)/ 储存 儲存 S 3655 947 chǔ cún f /stockpile/to store/to stockpile/storage/ 储币 儲幣 S - 0 chǔ bì f /to deposit money/savings/ 储户 儲戶 S - 45 chǔ hù f /(bank) depositor/ 储气 儲氣 S - 0 chǔ qì f /gas storage/ 储气罐 儲氣罐 S - 2 chǔ qì guàn f /gas canister/gas storage tank/ 储水 儲水 S - 16 chǔ shuǐ f /to store water/ 储水管 儲水管 S - 0 chǔ shuǐ guǎn f /standpipe (firefighting water storage system for a building)/ 储水箱 儲水箱 S - 0 chǔ shuǐ xiāng f /water-storage tank/ 储物 儲物 S - 0 chǔ wù f /to hoard/ 储物柜 儲物櫃 S - 3 chǔ wù guì f /locker/cabinet/ 储精囊 儲精囊 S - 0 chǔ jīng náng f /seminal vesicle/ 储蓄 儲蓄 S 4002 413 chǔ xù f /to deposit money/to save/savings/ 储蓄卡 儲蓄卡 S - 3 chǔ xù kǎ f /debit card/ 储蓄帐户 儲蓄帳戶 S - 0 chǔ xù zhàng hù f /savings account (in bank)/ 储蓄率 儲蓄率 S - 27 chǔ xù lǜ f /savings rate/ 储藏 儲藏 S - 145 chǔ cáng f /to store/deposit/(oil, mineral etc) deposits/ 储藏室 儲藏室 S - 34 chǔ cáng shì f /storeroom/CL:間|间[jian1]/ 储量 儲量 S - 2628 chǔ liàng f /remaining quantity/reserves (of natural resources, oil etc)/ 傩 儺 S - 104 nuó f /to exorcise demons/ 傩戏 儺戲 S - 16 nuó xì f /Anhui local opera/ 傩神 儺神 S - 3 nuó shén f /exorcising God/God who drives away plague and evil spirits/ 催 2050 1405 cuī f /to urge/to press/to prompt/to rush sb/to hasten sth/to expedite/ 催乳 - 14 cuī rǔ f /to promote lactation/to stimulate lactation (e.g. with drug)/ 催乳激素 - 0 cuī rǔ jī sù f /prolactin/ 催产 催產 S - 7 cuī chǎn f /to induce labor/to expedite childbirth/ 催促 - 767 cuī cù f /to urge/ 催化 - 475 cuī huà f /catalysis/to catalyze (a reaction)/ 催化作用 - 3 cuī huà zuò yòng f /catalysis/ 催化剂 催化劑 S - 752 cuī huà jì f /catalyst/ 催化劑 催化剂 T - 752 cuī huà jì f /catalyst/ 催吐 - 3 cuī tù f /emetic/ 催吐剂 催吐劑 S - 2 cuī tù jì f /an emetic/ 催吐劑 催吐剂 T - 2 cuī tù jì f /an emetic/ 催命 - 49 cuī mìng f /to press sb to death/fig. to pressurize sb continually/ 催奶 - 2 cuī nǎi f /to promote lactation/to stimulate lactation (e.g. with drug)/ 催情 - 9 cuī qíng f /to promote estrus/to bring an animal to heat by artificial means/ 催泪 催淚 S - 3 cuī lèi f /to move to tears (of a story)/tear-provoking (gas)/lacrimogen/ 催泪剂 催淚劑 S - 3 cuī lèi jì f /lachrymator/ 催泪大片 催淚大片 S - 0 cuī lèi dà piàn f /tear-jerker (movie)/ 催泪弹 催淚彈 S - 17 cuī lèi dàn f /tear bomb/tear-gas grenade/ 催泪瓦斯 催淚瓦斯 S - 3 cuī lèi wǎ sī f /tear gas/ 催淚 催泪 T - 3 cuī lèi f /to move to tears (of a story)/tear-provoking (gas)/lacrimogen/ 催淚劑 催泪剂 T - 3 cuī lèi jì f /lachrymator/ 催淚大片 催泪大片 T - 0 cuī lèi dà piàn f /tear-jerker (movie)/ 催淚彈 催泪弹 T - 17 cuī lèi dàn f /tear bomb/tear-gas grenade/ 催淚瓦斯 催泪瓦斯 T - 3 cuī lèi wǎ sī f /tear gas/ 催熟 - 32 cuī shú f /to promote ripening of fruit/ 催生 - 97 cuī shēng f /to induce labor/to expedite childbirth/ 催生婆 - 0 cuī shēng pó f /midwife who induces labor/ 催生素 - 0 cuī shēng sù f /oxytocin/ 催產 催产 T - 7 cuī chǎn f /to induce labor/to expedite childbirth/ 催眠 - 145 cuī mián f /hypnosis/ 催眠曲 - 9 cuī mián qǔ f /lullaby/ 催眠术 催眠術 S - 15 cuī mián shù f /hypnotism/hypnotherapy/mesmerism/ 催眠状态 催眠狀態 S - 0 cuī mián zhuàng tài f /hypnosis/ 催眠狀態 催眠状态 T - 0 cuī mián zhuàng tài f /hypnosis/ 催眠药 催眠藥 S - 11 cuī mián yào f /soporific drug/ 催眠藥 催眠药 T - 11 cuī mián yào f /soporific drug/ 催眠術 催眠术 T - 15 cuī mián shù f /hypnotism/hypnotherapy/mesmerism/ 催肥 - 4 cuī féi f /to fatten (animal before slaughter)/ 催肥剂 催肥劑 S - 0 cuī féi jì f /(animal) fattening preparation/ 催肥劑 催肥剂 T - 0 cuī féi jì f /(animal) fattening preparation/ 催芽 - 13 cuī yá f /to promote germination/ 催討 催讨 T - 3 cuī tǎo f /to demand repayment of debt/ 催證 催证 T - 0 cuī zhèng f /to call for the issue of a letter of credit (international trade)/ 催讨 催討 S - 3 cuī tǎo f /to demand repayment of debt/ 催证 催證 S - 0 cuī zhèng f /to call for the issue of a letter of credit (international trade)/ 催谷 - 0 cuī gǔ f /to boost/to propel/ 催逼 - 55 cuī bī f /to press (for a payment)/ 傭 佣 T - 932 yōng t /to hire/to employ/servant/hired laborer/domestic help/ 傭人 佣人 T - 165 yōng rén f /servant/ 傭人領班 佣人领班 T - 0 yōng rén lǐng bān f /butler/ 傭兵 佣兵 T - 3 yōng bīng f /mercenary/hired gun/ 傭婢 佣婢 T - 0 yōng bì f /servant girl/ 傭婦 佣妇 T - 0 yōng fù f /maid/female servant/domestic worker/domestic helper/housekeeper/ 傭工 佣工 T - 298 yōng gōng f /hired laborer/servant/ 傮 - 0 zāo f /finish, to go around/ 傯 偬 T - 15 zǒng f /busy/hurried/despondent/ 傲 - 215 ào f /proud/arrogant/to despise/unyielding/to defy/ 傲人 - 3 ào rén f /worthy of pride/impressive/ 傲岸 - 10 ào àn f /proud/haughty/ 傲慢 - 315 ào màn f /arrogant/haughty/ 傲慢与偏见 傲慢與偏見 S - 0 Aò màn yǔ piān jiàn f /Pride and prejudice, novel by Jane Austen 珍·奧斯汀|珍·奥斯汀/ 傲慢與偏見 傲慢与偏见 T - 0 Aò màn yǔ piān jiàn f /Pride and prejudice, novel by Jane Austen 珍·奧斯汀|珍·奥斯汀/ 傲气 傲氣 S - 72 ào qì f /air of arrogance/haughtiness/ 傲氣 傲气 T - 72 ào qì f /air of arrogance/haughtiness/ 傲然 - 97 ào rán f /loftily/proudly/unyieldingly/ 傲睨 - 0 ào nì f /to look down upon/ 傲立 - 9 ào lì f /standing proud/ 傲自 - 0 ào zì f /pride/overbearing/ 傲視 傲视 T - 39 ào shì f /turn up one's nose/show disdain for/regard superciliously/ 傲视 傲視 S - 39 ào shì f /turn up one's nose/show disdain for/regard superciliously/ 傲骨 - 7 ào gǔ f /lofty and unyielding character/ 傳 传 T - 10664 chuán t /to pass on/to spread/to transmit/to infect/to transfer/to circulate/to conduct (electricity)/ 傳 传 T - 10664 zhuàn f /biography/historical narrative/commentaries/relay station/ 傳三過四 传三过四 T - 0 chuán sān guò sì f /to spread rumors/to gossip/ 傳世 传世 T - 547 chuán shì f /handed down from ancient times/family heirloom/ 傳人 传人 T - 260 chuán rén f /to teach/to impart/a disciple/descendant/ 傳代 传代 T - 20 chuán dài f /to pass to the next generation/ 傳令 传令 T - 527 chuán lìng f /to transmit an order/ 傳令兵 传令兵 T - 6 chuán lìng bīng f /orderly/ 傳來 传来 T - 2337 chuán lái f /(of a sound) to come through/to be heard/(of news) to arrive/ 傳入 传入 T - 1139 chuán rù f /to import/transmitted inwards/afferent/ 傳入神經 传入神经 T - 25 chuán rù shén jīng f /afferent nerve (transmitting in to the brain)/afferent neuron/ 傳出 传出 T - 970 chuán chū f /to transmit outwards/to disseminate/efferent (nerve)/ 傳出神經 传出神经 T - 27 chuán chū shén jīng f /efferent nerve (transmitting out from the brain)/efferent neuron/motor nerve/ 傳動 传动 T - 476 chuán dòng f /drive (transmission in an engine)/ 傳動器 传动器 T - 0 chuán dòng qì f /drive (engine)/ 傳動帶 传动带 T - 3 chuán dòng dài f /transmission belt/ 傳動機構 传动机构 T - 0 chuán dòng jī gòu f /transmission mechanism/ 傳動比 传动比 T - 12 chuán dòng bǐ f /transmission ratio/gear ratio/ 傳動系統 传动系统 T - 3 chuán dòng xì tǒng f /transmission system/power drive/ 傳動裝置 传动装置 T - 2 chuán dòng zhuāng zhì f /transmission (i.e. gears)/ 傳動軸 传动轴 T - 11 chuán dòng zhóu f /drive shaft/ 傳名 传名 T - 3 chuán míng f /spreading fame/ 傳告 传告 T - 3 chuán gào f /to convey (a message)/to inform/ 傳呼 传呼 T - 399 chuán hū f /to notify sb of a call/to call sb to the phone/ 傳呼機 传呼机 T - 5 chuán hū jī f /pager/beeper/ 傳呼電話 传呼电话 T - 3 chuán hū diàn huà f /to notify sb of a call/to call sb to the phone/ 傳唱 传唱 T - 65 chuán chàng f /(of a song) to pass from person to person/ 傳喚 传唤 T - 98 chuán huàn f /a summons (to the police)/subpoena/ 傳單 传单 T 3384 175 chuán dān f /leaflet/flier/pamphlet/ 傳單廣 传单广 T - 0 chuán dān guǎng f /advertising leaflet/circular/ 傳回 传回 T - 64 chuán huí f /to send back/ 傳報 传报 T - 3 chuán bào f /notification/memorial/ 傳奇 传奇 T - 924 chuán qí f /legendary/fantasy saga/romance/short stories of the Tang and Song Dynasty/ 傳奇人物 传奇人物 T - 3 chuán qí rén wù f /legendary person/legend (i.e. person)/ 傳媒 传媒 T - 1040 chuán méi f /media/ 傳宗接代 传宗接代 T - 35 chuán zōng jiē dài f /to carry on one's ancestral line/ 傳家 传家 T - 21 chuán jiā f /to pass on through the generations/ 傳家寶 传家宝 T - 15 chuán jiā bǎo f /family heirloom/ 傳寄 传寄 T - 0 chuán jì f /to send (message to sb)/to communicate/to forward (message)/ 傳寫 传写 T - 0 chuán xiě f /to copy/to pass on a copy/ 傳導 传导 T - 298 chuán dǎo f /to conduct (heat, electricity etc)/ 傳布 传布 T - 102 chuán bù f /to spread/to hand down/to disseminate/ 傳幫帶 传帮带 T - 7 chuán bāng dài f /to pass on experience (to the next generation)/ 傳心術 传心术 T - 0 chuán xīn shù f /telepathy/ 傳情 传情 T - 24 chuán qíng f /to pass on amorous feelings/to send one's love to sb/ 傳感 传感 T - 30 chuán gǎn f /to pass on feelings/telepathy/sensing (engineering)/ 傳感器 传感器 T - 487 chuán gǎn qì f /sensor/transducer/ 傳戒 传戒 T - 3 chuán jiè f /to initiate novice (Buddhist monk)/ 傳承 传承 T - 225 chuán chéng f /to pass on (to future generations)/passed on (from former times)/a continued tradition/an inheritance/ 傳抄 传抄 T - 87 chuán chāo f /to circulate copies/to copy and pass on/ 傳授 传授 T 4241 859 chuán shòu f /to impart/to pass on/to teach/ 傳揚 传扬 T - 79 chuán yáng f /to spread (by word of mouth)/ 傳播 传播 T 1987 3877 chuán bō f /to disseminate/to propagate/to spread/ 傳播四方 传播四方 T - 0 chuán bō sì fāng f /to disseminate in every direction (idiom)/ 傳教 传教 T - 307 chuán jiào f /to preach/missionary/to evangelize/ 傳教團 传教团 T - 0 chuán jiào tuán f /a mission (group of missionaries)/ 傳教士 传教士 T - 334 chuán jiào shì f /missionary/ 傳旨 传旨 T - 3 chuán zhǐ f /issue a decree/ 傳書鴿 传书鸽 T - 3 chuán shū gē f /carrier pigeon (used for mail)/ 傳本 传本 T - 3 chuán běn f /edition (of a book) currently in circulation/ 傳染 传染 T 2016 282 chuán rǎn f /to infect/contagious/ 傳染性 传染性 T - 167 chuán rǎn xìng f /infectious/epidemic/ 傳染源 传染源 T - 37 chuán rǎn yuán f /source of an infection/ 傳染病 传染病 T - 529 chuán rǎn bìng f /infectious disease/contagious disease/pestilence/ 傳染病學 传染病学 T - 0 chuán rǎn bìng xué f /epidemiology/ 傳檄 传檄 T - 0 chuán xí f /to circulate (a protest or call to arms)/to promulgate/ 傳法 传法 T - 0 chuán fǎ f /to pass on doctrines from master to disciple (Buddhism)/ 傳流 传流 T - 0 chuán liú f /to spread/to hand down/to circulate/ 傳熱 传热 T - 84 chuán rè f /heat transfer/heat transmission/ 傳熱學 传热学 T - 11 zhuàn rè xué f /theory of heat/heat transmission (physics)/ 傳燈 传灯 T - 2 chuán dēng f /to pass on the light of Buddha/ 傳球 传球 T - 343 chuán qiú f /pass (in soccer)/to feed (ball)/ 傳略 传略 T - 9 zhuàn lüè f /bibliographic sketch/ 傳發 传发 T - 0 chuán fā f /to order sb to start on a journey/ 傳真 传真 T 1125 451 chuán zhēn f /fax/facsimile/ 傳真機 传真机 T - 29 chuán zhēn jī f /fax machine/ 傳真發送 传真发送 T - 0 chuán zhēn fā sòng f /fax transmission/ 傳真號碼 传真号码 T - 3 chuán zhēn hào mǎ f /fax number/ 傳真電報 传真电报 T - 3 chuán zhēn diàn bào f /phototelegram/ 傳神 传神 T - 153 chuán shén f /vivid/lifelike/ 傳票 传票 T - 28 chuán piào f /summons/subpoena/voucher/ 傳種 传种 T - 10 chuán zhǒng f /to reproduce/to propagate/ 傳粉 传粉 T - 43 chuán fěn f /pollination/to pollinate/ 傳給 传给 T - 494 chuán gei f /to pass on (to sb)/to send/to pass (e.g. in football)/to give directly (by hand)/to deliver/to hand over/to transfer/to relay/to transmit/to hand on (to the next generation)/ 傳統 传统 T 1525 11445 chuán tǒng f /tradition/traditional/convention/conventional/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 傳統中國醫藥 传统中国医药 T - 0 chuán tǒng zhōng guó yī yào f /Chinese traditional medicine/ 傳統詞類 传统词类 T - 0 chuán tǒng cí lèi f /traditional parts of speech (grammar)/ 傳統醫藥 传统医药 T - 0 chuán tǒng yī yào f /Chinese traditional medicine/ 傳經 传经 T - 34 chuán jīng f /to pass on scripture/to teach Confucian doctrine/to pass on one's experience/ 傳習 传习 T - 46 chuán xí f /teaching and learning/to study and impart/ 傳聞 传闻 T - 506 chuán wén f /rumor/ 傳聞證據 传闻证据 T - 0 chuán wén zhèng jù f /hearsay (law)/ 傳聲 传声 T - 14 chuán shēng f /microphone/to use a microphone/ 傳聲器 传声器 T - 25 chuán shēng qì f /microphone/ 傳聲筒 传声筒 T - 18 chuán shēng tǒng f /loudhailer/megaphone/one who parrots sb/mouthpiece/ 傳藝 传艺 T - 18 chuán yì f /to impart skills/to pass on one's art/ 傳見 传见 T - 0 chuán jiàn f /to summon for an interview/ 傳觀 传观 T - 3 chuán guān f /to pass sth around (for others to look at)/ 傳言 传言 T - 349 chuán yán f /rumor/hearsay/ 傳訊 传讯 T - 83 chuán xùn f /to summon (a witness)/to subpoena/ 傳記 传记 T 4268 404 zhuàn jì f /biography/CL:篇[pian1],部[bu4]/ 傳記性 传记性 T - 0 zhuàn jì xìng f /bibliographic/ 傳話 传话 T - 144 chuán huà f /to pass on a story/to communicate a message/ 傳話人 传话人 T - 4 chuán huà rén f /messenger/communicator/relay/ 傳語 传语 T - 0 chuán yǔ f /to pass on (information)/ 傳誦 传诵 T - 112 chuán sòng f /widely known/on everyone's lips/ 傳說 传说 T 1702 3372 chuán shuō f /legend/folklore/tradition/it is said/they say that.../ 傳講 传讲 T - 0 chuán jiǎng f /to preach/ 傳譯 传译 T - 174 chuán yì f /to translate/to interpret/ 傳質 传质 T - 26 chuán zhì f /mass transfer/ 傳贊 传赞 T - 3 zhuàn zàn f /postscript to bibliography/ 傳輸 传输 T - 857 chuán shū f /to transmit/transmission/ 傳輸協定 传输协定 T - 0 chuán shū xié dìng f /transfer protocol/transportation protocol/ 傳輸媒界 传输媒界 T - 0 chuán shū méi jiè f /transport method/ 傳輸媒質 传输媒质 T - 0 chuán shū méi zhì f /transmission medium/ 傳輸媒體 传输媒体 T - 3 chuán shū méi tǐ f /transmission medium/ 傳輸層 传输层 T - 3 chuán shū céng f /transport layer/ 傳輸技術 传输技术 T - 2 chuán shū jì shù f /transmission technology/ 傳輸控制 传输控制 T - 0 chuán shū kòng zhì f /transmission control/ 傳輸控制協定 传输控制协定 T - 0 chuán shū kòng zhì xié dìng f /transmission control protocol/TCP/ 傳輸服務 传输服务 T - 2 chuán shū fú wù f /transport service/ 傳輸模式 传输模式 T - 0 chuán shū mó shì f /transfer mode/transmission method/ 傳輸率 传输率 T - 14 chuán shū lǜ f /transmission rate/ 傳輸線 传输线 T - 28 chuán shū xiàn f /transmission line/ 傳輸設備 传输设备 T - 0 chuán shū shè bèi f /transmission facility/transmission equipment/ 傳輸距離 传输距离 T - 0 chuán shū jù lí f /transmission distance/ 傳輸通道 传输通道 T - 0 chuán shū tōng dào f /transport channel/ 傳輸速率 传输速率 T - 16 chuán shū sù lǜ f /transmission rate/transmission speed/ 傳述 传述 T - 3 chuán shù f /to relay/to retell/ 傳送 传送 T - 670 chuán sòng f /to convey/to deliver/ 傳送帶 传送带 T - 44 chuán sòng dài f /conveyor belt/transmission belt/ 傳送服務 传送服务 T - 0 chuán sòng fú wù f /delivery service/ 傳遍 传遍 T - 220 chuán biàn f /to spread widely/ 傳道 传道 T - 45 chuán dào f /to lecture on doctrine/to expound the wisdom of ancient sages/to preach/a sermon/ 傳道受業 传道受业 T - 3 chuán dào shòu yè f /to teach (idiom); lit. to give moral and practical instruction/ 傳道書 传道书 T - 0 Chuán dào Shū f /Ecclesiastes (biblical book of sermons)/ 傳道者 传道者 T - 0 chuán dào zhě f /missionary/preacher/ 傳道部 传道部 T - 0 chuán dào bù f /mission/ 傳達 传达 T 3166 763 chuán dá f /to pass on/to convey/to relay/to transmit/transmission/ 傳達員 传达员 T - 18 chuán dá yuán f /usher/receptionist/ 傳達室 传达室 T - 29 chuán dá shì f /reception office/janitor's office/ 傳遞 传递 T - 1719 chuán dì f /to transmit/to pass on to sb else/(math.) transitive/ 傳遞者 传递者 T - 0 chuán dì zhě f /messenger/transmitter (of information)/ 傳銷 传销 T - 425 chuán xiāo f /multi-level marketing/ 傳開 传开 T - 140 chuán kāi f /(of news) to spread/to get around/ 傳閱 传阅 T - 42 chuán yuè f /to read and pass on/to pass on for perusal/ 傳頌 传颂 T - 32 chuán sòng f /to eulogize/to pass on praise/ 傴 伛 T - 6 yǔ f /hunchbacked/ 債 债 T - 661 zhài f /debt/CL:筆|笔[bi3]/ 債主 债主 T - 76 zhài zhǔ f /creditor/ 債券 债券 T 3880 649 zhài quàn f /bond/debenture/ 債務 债务 T - 1035 zhài wù f /debt/liability/amount due/indebtedness/ 債務人 债务人 T - 185 zhài wù rén f /debtor/ 債務擔保證券 债务担保证券 T - 0 zhài wù dān bǎo zhèng quàn f /collateralized debt obligation (CDO), type of bond/ 債務證券 债务证券 T - 0 zhài wù zhèng quàn f /debt security/collateralized debt obligation (CDO), type of bond/ 債務證書 债务证书 T - 0 zhài wù zhèng shū f /debt instrument/ 債戶 债户 T - 11 zhài hù f /debtor/ 債權 债权 T - 371 zhài quán f /creditor's rights (law)/ 債權人 债权人 T - 244 zhài quán rén f /creditor/ 債權國 债权国 T - 36 zhài quán guó f /creditor country/ 債款 债款 T - 33 zhài kuǎn f /debt/ 債臺高築 债台高筑 T - 14 zhài tái gāo zhù f /lit. build a high desk of debt (idiom); heavily in debt/ 傷 伤 T - 7363 shāng f /to injure/injury/wound/ 傷不起 伤不起 T - 0 shāng bù qǐ f /(slang) it's just the pits!/so unfair!/unbearable/ 傷亡 伤亡 T - 1047 shāng wáng f /casualties/injuries and deaths/ 傷人 伤人 T - 454 shāng rén f /to injure sb/ 傷俘 伤俘 T - 50 shāng fú f /wounded and captured/ 傷別 伤别 T - 0 shāng bié f /sorrowful farewell/sad goodbye/ 傷勢 伤势 T - 632 shāng shì f /condition of an injury/ 傷及無辜 伤及无辜 T - 0 shāng jí wú gū f /to harm the innocent (idiom)/ 傷口 伤口 T - 1528 shāng kǒu f /wound/cut/ 傷和氣 伤和气 T - 0 shāng hé qi f /to damage a good relationship/to hurt sb's feelings/ 傷員 伤员 T - 428 shāng yuán f /wounded person/ 傷天害理 伤天害理 T - 89 shāng tiān hài lǐ f /to offend Heaven and reason (idiom); bloody atrocities that cry to heaven/outrageous acts/ 傷害 伤害 T 1232 1797 shāng hài f /to injure/to harm/ 傷寒 伤寒 T - 232 shāng hán f /typhoid/ 傷寒沙門氏菌 伤寒沙门氏菌 T - 0 shāng hán shā mén shì jūn f /salmonella typhimurium/ 傷寒症 伤寒症 T - 0 shāng hán zhèng f /typhoid/ 傷弓之鳥 伤弓之鸟 T - 3 shāng gōng zhī niǎo f /lit. bird wounded by an arrow (idiom); fig. wounded or damaged person/ 傷心 伤心 T 887 1388 shāng xīn f /to grieve/to be broken-hearted/to feel deeply hurt/ 傷心慘目 伤心惨目 T - 3 shāng xīn cǎn mù f /(idiom) too appalling to look at/ 傷心致死 伤心致死 T - 0 shāng xīn zhì sǐ f /to grieve to death/to die of a broken-heart/ 傷心蒿目 伤心蒿目 T - 3 shāng xīn hāo mù f /to grieve/broken-hearted/ 傷患 伤患 T - 3 shāng huàn f /injured person/ 傷悲 伤悲 T - 36 shāng bēi f /sad/sorrowful (literary)/ 傷悼 伤悼 T - 3 shāng dào f /to grieve for deceased relative/to mourn/ 傷感 伤感 T - 415 shāng gǎn f /sad/emotional/sentimental/pathos/ 傷懷 伤怀 T - 26 shāng huái f /grieved/full of sorrow/ 傷殘 伤残 T - 155 shāng cán f /disabled/maimed/crippled/(of objects) damaged/ 傷殘人員 伤残人员 T - 4 shāng cán rén yuán f /the injured/wounded personnel/ 傷疤 伤疤 T - 174 shāng bā f /scar/fig. remnant of former damage/remaining trauma/CL:道[dao4]/ 傷病員 伤病员 T - 38 shāng bìng yuán f /the sick and the wounded/ 傷痕 伤痕 T - 355 shāng hén f /scar/bruise/ 傷痕累累 伤痕累累 T - 45 shāng hén lěi lěi f /bruised/riddled with scars/ 傷痛 伤痛 T - 240 shāng tòng f /pain (from wound)/sorrow/ 傷筋動骨 伤筋动骨 T - 27 shāng jīn dòng gǔ f /to suffer serious injury (idiom)/ 傷筋斷骨 伤筋断骨 T - 0 shāng jīn duàn gǔ f /to suffer serious injury (idiom)/ 傷者 伤者 T - 179 shāng zhě f /casualty/victim (of an accident)/wounded person/ 傷耗 伤耗 T - 3 shāng hào f /damage (e.g. to goods in transit)/ 傷腦筋 伤脑筋 T 4530 38 shāng nǎo jīn f /to be a real headache/to find sth a real headache/to beat one's brains/ 傷號 伤号 T - 20 shāng hào f /casualties/wounded soldiers/ 傷透 伤透 T - 3 shāng tòu f /to break (sb's heart)/to cause grief to/ 傷風 伤风 T - 61 shāng fēng f /to catch cold/ 傷風敗俗 伤风败俗 T - 27 shāng fēng bài sú f /offending public morals (idiom)/ 傺 - 9 chì f /to detain/to hinder/ 傻 1257 2114 shǎ f /foolish/ 傻B - 0 shǎ bī f /variant of 傻屄[sha3 bi1]/ 傻X - 0 shǎ X f /see 傻叉[sha3 cha1]/ 傻不愣登 - 0 shǎ bù lèng dēng f /stupid/dazed/ 傻乎乎 - 66 shǎ hū hū f /feeble-minded/dim-witted/ 傻人有傻福 - 0 shǎ rén yǒu shǎ fú f /fortune favors fools (idiom)/fool's luck/ 傻冒 - 7 shǎ mào f /idiot/fool/foolish/ 傻叉 - 0 shǎ chā f /fool/blockhead/ 傻大个 傻大個 S - 0 shǎ dà gè f /idiot/blockhead/clod/oaf/ 傻大个儿 傻大個兒 S - 0 shǎ dà gè r f /stupid great hulk of a man/ 傻大個 傻大个 T - 0 shǎ dà gè f /idiot/blockhead/clod/oaf/ 傻大個兒 傻大个儿 T - 0 shǎ dà gè r f /stupid great hulk of a man/ 傻头傻脑 傻頭傻腦 S - 16 shǎ tóu shǎ nǎo f /a fool/ 傻子 - 543 shǎ zi f /idiot/fool/ 傻屄 - 3 shǎ bī f /stupid cunt (vulgar)/also written 傻逼[sha3 bi1]/ 傻帽 - 2 shǎ mào f /fool/idiot/foolish/stupid/ 傻帽儿 傻帽兒 S - 6 shǎ mào r f /erhua variant of 傻帽[sha3 mao4]/ 傻帽兒 傻帽儿 T - 6 shǎ mào r f /erhua variant of 傻帽[sha3 mao4]/ 傻气 傻氣 S - 25 shǎ qì f /foolishness/nonsense/foolish/ 傻氣 傻气 T - 25 shǎ qì f /foolishness/nonsense/foolish/ 傻瓜 - 303 shǎ guā f /idiot/fool/ 傻瓜相机 傻瓜相機 S - 3 shǎ guā xiàng jī f /point-and-shoot camera/compact camera/ 傻瓜相機 傻瓜相机 T - 3 shǎ guā xiàng jī f /point-and-shoot camera/compact camera/ 傻眼 - 67 shǎ yǎn f /stunned/struck dumb/flabbergasted/ 傻笑 - 109 shǎ xiào f /to giggle/to laugh foolishly/to smirk/to simper/ 傻蛋 - 271 shǎ dàn f /stupid young fellow/idiot/ 傻裡傻氣 傻里傻气 T - 42 shǎ li shǎ qì f /foolish/stupid/ 傻話 傻话 T - 35 shǎ huà f /foolish talk/nonsense/ 傻话 傻話 S - 35 shǎ huà f /foolish talk/nonsense/ 傻逼 - 0 shǎ bī f /variant of 傻屄[sha3 bi1]/ 傻里傻气 傻裡傻氣 S - 42 shǎ li shǎ qì f /foolish/stupid/ 傻頭傻腦 傻头傻脑 T - 16 shǎ tóu shǎ nǎo f /a fool/ 傾 倾 T - 1934 qīng f /to overturn/to collapse/to lean/to tend/to incline/to pour out/ 傾佩 倾佩 T - 0 qīng pèi f /to admire greatly/ 傾倒 倾倒 T - 198 qīng dǎo t /to topple over/to greatly admire/ 傾倒 倾倒 T - 198 qīng dào f /to dump/to pour/to empty out/ 傾側 倾侧 T - 25 qīng cè f /to lean to one side/slanting/ 傾動 倾动 T - 3 qīng dòng f /to admire/ 傾危 倾危 T - 3 qīng wēi f /in danger of collapse/in a parlous state/(of person) treacherous/ 傾卸 倾卸 T - 4 qīng xiè f /to tip/to dump by tipping from a vehicle/ 傾吐 倾吐 T - 79 qīng tǔ f /to pour out (emotions)/to unburden oneself (of strong feelings)/to vomit comprehensively/ 傾吐胸臆 倾吐胸臆 T - 0 qīng tǔ xiōng yì f /to pour out one's heart/ 傾吐衷腸 倾吐衷肠 T - 0 qīng tǔ zhōng cháng f /to pour out (emotions)/to pour one's heart out/to say everything that is on one's mind/ 傾向 倾向 T 2920 2344 qīng xiàng f /trend/tendency/orientation/ 傾向性 倾向性 T - 68 qīng xiàng xìng f /tendency/inclination/orientation/ 傾向於 倾向于 T - 0 qīng xiàng yú f /to incline to/to prefer/to be prone to/ 傾囊 倾囊 T - 34 qīng náng f /to empty one's pocket/to give everything to help sb/ 傾國傾城 倾国倾城 T - 22 qīng guó qīng chéng f /lit. capable of causing the downfall of a city or state (idiom)/fig. (of a woman) devastatingly beautiful/also written 傾城傾國|倾城倾国[qing1 cheng2 qing1 guo2]/ 傾城 倾城 T - 26 qīng chéng f /coming from everywhere/from all over the place/gorgeous (of woman)/to ruin and overturn the state/ 傾城傾國 倾城倾国 T - 2 qīng chéng qīng guó f /lit. capable of causing the downfall of a city or state (idiom)/fig. (of a woman) devastatingly beautiful/ 傾家 倾家 T - 3 qīng jiā f /to ruin a family/to lose a fortune/ 傾家蕩產 倾家荡产 T - 117 qīng jiā dàng chǎn f /to lose a family fortune (idiom)/ 傾巢 倾巢 T - 35 qīng cháo f /lit. the whole nest came out (to fight us)/a turn-out in full force (of a gang of villains)/ 傾巢來犯 倾巢来犯 T - 3 qīng cháo lái fàn f /to turn out in force ready to attack (idiom)/ 傾巢而出 倾巢而出 T - 3 qīng cháo ér chū f /the whole nest came out (idiom); to turn out in full strength/ 傾心 倾心 T - 338 qīng xīn f /to admire wholeheartedly/to fall in love with/ 傾心吐膽 倾心吐胆 T - 6 qīng xīn tǔ dǎn f /to pour out one's heart (idiom)/ 傾慕 倾慕 T - 52 qīng mù f /to adore/to admire greatly/ 傾斜 倾斜 T 3927 1144 qīng xié f /to incline/to lean/to slant/to slope/to tilt/ 傾斜度 倾斜度 T - 17 qīng xié dù f /inclination (from the horizontal or vertical)/slope/obliquity/ 傾服 倾服 T - 0 qīng fú f /to admire/ 傾泄 倾泄 T - 11 qīng xiè f /to cascade down/to flow in torrents/(fig.) outpouring (of emotions)/ 傾注 倾注 T - 177 qīng zhù f /to throw into/ 傾瀉 倾泻 T - 116 qīng xiè f /to pour down in torrents/ 傾盆 倾盆 T - 22 qīng pén f /a downpour/rain bucketing down/ 傾盆大雨 倾盆大雨 T - 30 qīng pén dà yǔ f /a downpour/rain bucketing down/fig. to be overwhelmed (with work or things to study)/ 傾盡 倾尽 T - 24 qīng jìn f /to do all one can/to give all one has/ 傾箱倒篋 倾箱倒箧 T - 3 qīng xiāng dǎo qiè f /to exhaust all one has/to leave no stone unturned/to try one's best/ 傾羨 倾羡 T - 3 qīng xiàn f /to admire/to adore/ 傾翻 倾翻 T - 0 qīng fān f /to overturn/to topple/to tip/ 傾耳 倾耳 T - 3 qīng ěr f /to prick up one's ear/to listen attentively/ 傾耳細聽 倾耳细听 T - 3 qīng ěr xì tīng f /to prick up one's ear and listen carefully/ 傾耳而聽 倾耳而听 T - 3 qīng ěr ér tīng f /to listen attentively/ 傾聽 倾听 T 3231 956 qīng tīng f /to listen attentively/ 傾聽者 倾听者 T - 0 qīng tīng zhě f /listener/ 傾蓋 倾盖 T - 6 qīng gài f /to meet in passing/to get on well at first meeting/ 傾覆 倾覆 T - 296 qīng fù f /to capsize/to collapse/to overturn/to overthrow/to undermine/ 傾角 倾角 T - 122 qīng jiǎo f /dip/angle of dip (inclination of a geological plane down from horizontal)/tilt (inclination of ship from vertical)/ 傾訴 倾诉 T - 233 qīng sù f /to say everything (that is on one's mind)/ 傾談 倾谈 T - 11 qīng tán f /to have a good talk/ 傾軋 倾轧 T - 139 qīng yà f /conflict/internal strife/dissension/ 傾銷 倾销 T - 109 qīng xiāo f /to dump (goods, products)/ 傾陷 倾陷 T - 3 qīng xiàn f /to frame (an innocent person)/to collapse/ 傾頹 倾颓 T - 13 qīng tuí f /to collapse/to topple/to capsize/ 傿 - 0 Yān f /name of an immortal/ancient place name/surname Yan/ 傿 - 0 yàn t /fraudulent price/ 僂 偻 T - 37 lóu t /hunchback/ 僂 偻 T - 37 lǚ f /crookbacked/ 僂儸 偻㑩 T - 0 lóu luo f /variant of 嘍囉|喽啰[lou2 luo5]/ 僃 - 0 bèi f /old variant of 備|备[bei4]/ 僄 - 3 piào f /light/airy/ 僅 仅 T - 12193 jǐn f /barely/only/merely/ 僅作參考 仅作参考 T - 0 jǐn zuò cān kǎo f /for reference only/ 僅供 仅供 T - 3 jǐn gōng f /only for/ 僅供參考 仅供参考 T - 621 jǐn gōng cān kǎo f /for reference only/ 僅僅 仅仅 T - 3286 jǐn jǐn f /barely/only/merely/only (this and nothing more)/ 僅次于 仅次于 T - 2032 jǐn cì yú f /second only to.../(in second place) preceded only by.../ 僅此而已 仅此而已 T - 45 jǐn cǐ ér yǐ f /that's all/just this and nothing more/ 僇 - 2 lù f /to despise/to insult/ 僉 佥 T - 137 qiān f /all/ 僊 仙 T - 4284 xiān f /variant of 仙[xian1]/ 働 - 0 dòng f /labor/work (Japanese kokuji)/ 僎 - 0 zhuàn f /collect/ 像 311 31874 xiàng f /to resemble/to be like/to look as if/such as/appearance/image/portrait/image under a mapping (math.)/ 像元 - 0 xiàng yuán f /pixel (remote sensing imagery)/ 像样 像樣 S - 175 xiàng yàng f /presentable/decent/up to par/ 像模像样 像模像樣 S - 41 xiàng mó xiàng yàng f /solemn/presentable/decent/ 像模像樣 像模像样 T - 41 xiàng mó xiàng yàng f /solemn/presentable/decent/ 像樣 像样 T - 175 xiàng yàng f /presentable/decent/up to par/ 像片 - 37 xiàng piàn f /photo/ 像片簿 - 0 xiàng piàn bù f /album/photo album/sketch book/ 像章 - 45 xiàng zhāng f /badge/insignia/lapel badge (e.g. with miniature portrait of great national leader)/ 像素 - 96 xiàng sù f /pixel/ 像話 像话 T - 0 xiàng huà f /proper/ 像话 像話 S - 0 xiàng huà f /proper/ 像貌 - 3 xiàng mào f /variant of 相貌[xiang4 mao4]/ 像銀 像银 T - 0 xiàng yín f /silvery/ 像银 像銀 S - 0 xiàng yín f /silvery/ 僑 侨 T - 1073 qiáo f /emigrant/to reside abroad/ 僑務委員會 侨务委员会 T - 0 Qiáo wù Wěi yuán huì f /Overseas Chinese Affairs Council, Taiwan/ 僑居 侨居 T - 137 qiáo jū f /to live far away from one's native place/to reside in a foreign country/ 僑民 侨民 T - 188 qiáo mín f /expatriates/ 僑胞 侨胞 T - 169 qiáo bāo f /countryman living abroad/ 僑鄉 侨乡 T - 97 qiáo xiāng f /home town of overseas Chinese/ 僔 - 0 zǔn f /to congregate/to crowd/ 僕 仆 T - 1135 pú f /servant/ 僕人 仆人 T - 904 pú rén f /servant/ 僕役 仆役 T - 141 pú yì f /servant/ 僕歐 仆欧 T - 0 pú ōu f /(old) waiter (loanword from "boy")/attendant/ 僖 - 52 Xī f /surname Xi/ 僖 - 52 xī f /cautious/merry/joyful/ 僚 - 179 Liáo f /surname Liao/ 僚 - 179 liáo f /bureaucrat/colleague/ 僜 - 7 Dèng f /Deng ethnic minority of Tibet/ 僝 - 3 chán f /to revile/to abuse/ 僞 伪 T - 923 wěi f /variant of 偽|伪[wei3]/ 僣 - 0 jiàn f /to overstep one's authority/to usurp/ 僤 - 0 dàn f /great/severe/ 僥 侥 T - 69 jiǎo f /by mere luck/ 僥倖 侥幸 T 3842 657 jiǎo xìng f /luckily/by a fluke/ 僥倖心理 侥幸心理 T - 3 jiǎo xìng xīn lǐ f /trusting to luck/wishful thinking/ 僦 - 35 jiù f /hire/to rent/ 僧 - 3908 sēng f /monk/Sangha, the Buddhist monastic order/ 僧人 - 1003 sēng rén f /monk/ 僧伽 - 3 sēng qié f /(Buddhism) sangha/the monastic community/monk/ 僧侣 僧侶 S - 282 sēng lǚ f /monk/ 僧侶 僧侣 T - 282 sēng lǚ f /monk/ 僧俗 - 45 sēng sú f /laymen/laity/ 僧加罗语 僧加羅語 S - 0 Sēng jiā luó yǔ f /Sinhalese (language)/ 僧加羅語 僧加罗语 T - 0 Sēng jiā luó yǔ f /Sinhalese (language)/ 僧多粥少 - 6 sēng duō zhōu shǎo f /lit. many monks and not much gruel (idiom)/fig. not enough to go around/demand exceeds supply/ 僧尼 - 86 sēng ní f /(Buddhist) monks and nuns/ 僧帽猴 - 0 sēng mào hóu f /capuchin monkey/genus Cebidae/ 僧帽瓣 - 0 sēng mào bàn f /see 二尖瓣[er4 jian1 ban4]/ 僧徒 - 34 sēng tú f /Buddhist monks/ 僧院 - 8 sēng yuàn f /abbey/Buddhist monastery/vihara/ 僨 偾 T - 18 fèn f /to instigate/to ruin/to destroy/ 僩 - 0 xiàn f /courageous/valiant/ 僬 - 13 Jiāo f /see 僬僥|僬侥[Jiao1 Yao2]/ 僬 - 13 jiāo f /see 僬僬[jiao1 jiao1]/ 僬侥 僬僥 S - 0 Jiāo Yáo f /Jiao Yao/legendary dwarf/legendary pygmy race/archaic name of a southwestern non-Han tribe/ 僬僥 僬侥 T - 0 Jiāo Yáo f /Jiao Yao/legendary dwarf/legendary pygmy race/archaic name of a southwestern non-Han tribe/ 僬僬 - 0 jiāo jiāo f /clear-minded/bustling (archaic)/ 僭 - 4123 jiàn f /to usurp/ 僭主 - 0 jiàn zhǔ f /tyrant/usurper/ 僭主政治 - 0 jiàn zhǔ zhèng zhì f /tyranny/government by usurper/ 僭越 - 0 jiàn yuè f /to usurp/to overstep one's authority/ 僮 - 176 Zhuàng f /old variant of 壯|壮, Zhuang ethnic group of Guangxi/ 僮 - 176 tóng t /servant boy/ 僮仆 僮僕 S - 31 tóng pú f /boy servant/ 僮僕 僮仆 T - 31 tóng pú f /boy servant/ 僮族 - 0 Zhuàng zú f /old term for 壯族|壮族, Zhuang ethnic group of Guangxi/ 僯 - 0 lǐn f /ashamed/ 僰 - 31 Bó f /name of an ethnic group/ 僱 雇 T - 663 gù f /variant of 雇[gu4]/ 僱用 雇用 T - 375 gù yòng f /to employ/to hire/ 僳 - 3 Sù f /Lisu ethnic group of Yunnan/ 僴 - 0 xiàn f /old variant of 僩[xian4]/ 僵 - 507 jiāng f /rigid/deadlock/stiff (corpse)/ 僵 殭 S - 507 jiāng f /variant of 僵[jiang1]/ 僵住 - 3 jiāng zhù f /motionless/unable to move/ 僵住症 - 0 jiāng zhù zhèng f /catalepsy/ 僵化 - 264 jiāng huà f /to become rigid/ 僵卧 僵臥 S - 14 jiāng wò f /to lie rigid and motionless/ 僵固性 - 0 jiāng gù xìng f /rigidity/ 僵尸 殭屍 S - 593 jiāng shī f /gyonshi/jiang shi/Chinese vampire/zombie/ 僵尸网络 僵屍網絡 S - 0 jiāng shī wǎng luò f /botnet/zombie network/slave network (used by spammers)/ 僵尸车 僵屍車 S - 0 jiāng shī chē f /(coll.) abandoned car/ 僵局 - 274 jiāng jú f /impasse/deadlock/ 僵屍網絡 僵尸网络 T - 0 jiāng shī wǎng luò f /botnet/zombie network/slave network (used by spammers)/ 僵屍車 僵尸车 T - 0 jiāng shī chē f /(coll.) abandoned car/ 僵持 - 233 jiāng chí f /to be deadlocked/ 僵直 - 81 jiāng zhí f /stiff/rigid/inflexible/ 僵硬 3373 306 jiāng yìng f /stiff/rigid/ 僵臥 僵卧 T - 14 jiāng wò f /to lie rigid and motionless/ 價 价 T - 3061 jià t /price/value/valence (on an atom)/ 價 价 T - 3061 jie f /great/good/middleman/servant/ 價位 价位 T - 214 jià wèi f /price level/ 價值 价值 T 1446 15777 jià zhí f /value/worth/fig. values (ethical, cultural etc)/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 價值增殖 价值增殖 T - 0 jià zhí zēng zhí f /adding value/ 價值工程 价值工程 T - 0 jià zhí gōng chéng f /value engineering/ 價值標準 价值标准 T - 0 jià zhí biāo zhǔn f /values/standards/ 價值觀 价值观 T - 515 jià zhí guān f /system of values/ 價值連城 价值连城 T - 85 jià zhí lián chéng f /invaluable/priceless/ 價值量 价值量 T - 282 jià zhí liàng f /magnitude of value/labor value (in economics, the labor inherent in a commodity)/ 價原 价原 T - 0 Jià yuán f /Kagen or the Origin of Value by MIURA Baien 三浦梅園|三浦梅园[San1 pu3 Mei2 yuan2], pioneering study of economics comparable to Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations 國富論|国富论[Guo2 fu4 lun4]/ 價層 价层 T - 0 jià céng f /valency shell (chemistry)/ 價廉物美 价廉物美 T - 35 jià lián wù měi f /fig. the price is cheap but the product is beautiful; lit. a bargain buy/ 價格 价格 T 1041 11762 jià gé f /price/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 價格標籤 价格标签 T - 0 jià gé biāo qiān f /price tag/ 價格表 价格表 T - 8 jià gé biǎo f /price list/ 價款 价款 T - 84 jià kuǎn f /cost/ 價目 价目 T - 3 jià mù f /(marked) price/tariff (in a restaurant etc)/ 價碼 价码 T - 57 jià mǎ f /price tag/ 價錢 价钱 T - 520 jià qian f /price/ 價鍵 价键 T - 0 jià jiàn f /valence bond (chemistry)/ 價電子 价电子 T - 26 jià diàn zǐ f /valency electron/outer shell of electrons/ 僻 - 325 pì f /biased/low/rustic/secluded/ 僻地 - 0 pì dì f /the sticks/the boondocks/ 僻远 僻遠 S - 4 pì yuǎn f /remote and faraway/ 僻遠 僻远 T - 4 pì yuǎn f /remote and faraway/ 僻静 僻靜 S - 142 pì jìng f /lonely/secluded/ 僻靜 僻静 T - 142 pì jìng f /lonely/secluded/ 僾 - 0 ài f /indistinct/hazy/misty/to seem/to appear/ 僿 - 0 sài f /small, minute/lacking sincerity/ 儀 仪 T - 1711 yí f /apparatus/rites/appearance/present/ceremony/ 儀仗 仪仗 T - 859 yí zhàng f /ceremonial weaponry/ 儀仗隊 仪仗队 T - 52 yí zhàng duì f /honor guard/guard of honor/the banner bearing contingent leading a military procession/ 儀典 仪典 T - 10 yí diǎn f /ceremony/ 儀器 仪器 T 3174 1429 yí qì f /instrument/apparatus/CL:臺|台[tai2]/ 儀器表 仪器表 T - 0 yí qì biǎo f /gauge/ 儀容 仪容 T - 42 yí róng f /appearance/ 儀式 仪式 T 2662 3429 yí shì f /ceremony/ 儀征 仪征 T - 61 Yí zhēng f /Yizheng county level city in Yangzhou 揚州|扬州[Yang2 zhou1], Jiangsu/ 儀征市 仪征市 T - 9 Yí zhēng shì f /Yizheng county level city in Yangzhou 揚州|扬州[Yang2 zhou1], Jiangsu/ 儀態 仪态 T - 37 yí tài f /bearing/deportment/ 儀禮 仪礼 T - 82 Yí lǐ f /Rites and Ceremonies, part of the Confucian Classic of Rites 禮記|礼记[Li3 ji4]/ 儀節 仪节 T - 34 yí jié f /etiquette/ceremonial protocol/ 儀衛 仪卫 T - 15 yí wèi f /guard of honor/ 儀表 仪表 T - 613 yí biǎo f /appearance/bearing/meter (i.e. measuring instrument)/ 儀表盤 仪表盘 T - 12 yí biǎo pán f /dashboard/indicator panel/ 儀隴 仪陇 T - 6 Yí lǒng f /Yilong county in Nanchong 南充[Nan2 chong1], Sichuan/ 儀隴縣 仪陇县 T - 13 Yí lǒng xiàn f /Yilong county in Nanchong 南充[Nan2 chong1], Sichuan/ 儁 俊 T - 1411 jùn t /variant of 俊[jun4]/ 儂 侬 T - 92 nóng f /you (Wu dialect)/I, me (classical)/ 儃 - 0 chán f /indecisive/irresolute/ 億 亿 T 1759 4023 yì f /100 million/ 億萬 亿万 T - 389 yì wàn f /millions and millions/ 億萬富翁 亿万富翁 T - 3 yì wàn fù wēng f /billionaire/multimillionaire/ 億萬富豪 亿万富豪 T - 3 yì wàn fù háo f /multi-millionaire/ 儅 - 0 dāng f /stop/ 儆 - 62 jǐng f /to warn/to admonish/ 儆戒 - 4 jǐng jiè f /to warn/to admonish/ 儇 - 7 xuān f /ingenious/frivolous/ 儈 侩 T - 14 kuài f /broker/ 儉 俭 T - 121 jiǎn f /frugal/thrifty/needy/ 儉以防匱 俭以防匮 T - 0 jiǎn yǐ fáng kuì f /frugality in order to prevent destitution (idiom)/ 儉以養廉 俭以养廉 T - 3 jiǎn yǐ yǎng lián f /frugality makes honesty (idiom)/ 儉則不缺 俭则不缺 T - 0 jiǎn zé bù quē f /frugality prevents destitution (idiom)/ 儉學 俭学 T - 0 jiǎn xué f /to deny oneself comforts in order to save money for one's education/ 儉朴 俭朴 T - 211 jiǎn pǔ f /plain and unadorned/thrifty and simple/ 儉用 俭用 T - 3 jiǎn yòng f /to skimp/to be frugal/ 儉省 俭省 T - 4 jiǎn shěng f /thrifty/sparing/economical/ 儉約 俭约 T - 20 jiǎn yuē f /sparing/economical/ 儉素 俭素 T - 0 jiǎn sù f /thrifty and plain/ 儉腹 俭腹 T - 0 jiǎn fù f /lit. empty belly/hollow/vacuous/devoid of content/ 儉薄 俭薄 T - 0 jiǎn bó f /to lack the necessities of life/ 儊 - 14 chù f /rough and rugged/ 儋 - 29 dān f /carry/ 儋县 儋縣 S - 9 Dān xiàn f /Dan county, Hainan/ 儋州 - 12 Dān zhōu f /Danzhou City, Hainan/ 儋州市 - 4 Dān zhōu shì f /Danzhou city, Hainan/ 儋縣 儋县 T - 9 Dān xiàn f /Dan county, Hainan/ 儌 - 20 jiǎo f /by mere luck/ 儍 - 2 shǎ f /variant of 傻[sha3]/ 儎 傤 T - 41 zài f /load/cargo/old variant of 載|载[zai4]/to transport/to deliver/to bear/to support/ 儐 傧 T - 38 bīn f /best man/to entertain/ 儐相 傧相 T - 10 bīn xiàng f /attendant of the bride or bridegroom at a wedding/ 儒 - 613 rú f /scholar/Confucian/ 儒勒·凡尔纳 儒勒·凡爾納 S - 0 Rú lè · Fán ěr nà f /Jules Verne (1828-1905), French novelist specializing in science fiction and adventure stories, author of Around the World in Eighty Days 八十天环绕地球/ 儒勒·凡爾納 儒勒·凡尔纳 T - 0 Rú lè · Fán ěr nà f /Jules Verne (1828-1905), French novelist specializing in science fiction and adventure stories, author of Around the World in Eighty Days 八十天环绕地球/ 儒士 - 45 Rú shì f /a Confucian scholar/ 儒学 儒學 S - 286 Rú xué f /Confucianism/ 儒學 儒学 T - 286 Rú xué f /Confucianism/ 儒家 4845 981 Rú jiā f /Confucian school, founded by Confucius 孔子[Kong3 zi3] (551-479 BC) and Mencius 孟子[Meng4 zi3] (c. 372-c. 289 BC)/ 儒家思想 - 3 Rú jiā sī xiǎng f /Confucian thoughts/the thinking of the Confucian school/ 儒教 - 86 Rú jiào f /Confucianism/ 儒林外史 - 30 Rú lín Wài shǐ f /The Scholars, Qing dynasty novel by Wu Jingzi 吳敬梓|吴敬梓[Wu2 Jing4 zi3], an extended satire on the Imperial Examination system/ 儒生 - 220 rú shēng f /Confucian scholar (old)/ 儒略日 - 0 Rú lüè rì f /Julian day (astronomy)/ 儒者 - 23 Rú zhě f /Confucian/ 儒艮 - 23 rú gèn f /dugong/ 儒雅 - 125 rú yǎ f /scholarly/refined/cultured/courteous/ 儓 - 34 tái f /servant/ 儔 俦 T - 70 chóu f /comrades/friends/companions/ 儕 侪 T - 72 chái f /a class/a company/companion/ 儗 拟 T - 1919 nǐ f /doubtful/suspicious/variant of 擬|拟[ni3]/to emulate/to imitate/ 儘 尽 T - 10117 jǐn t /to the greatest extent/(when used before a noun of location) furthest or extreme/to be within the limits of/to give priority to/ 儘先 尽先 T - 2 jǐn xiān f /in the first instance/as a first priority/ 儘可能 尽可能 T - 1093 jǐn kě néng f /as far as possible/to do one's utmost/ 儘快 尽快 T 1445 1832 jǐn kuài t /as quickly as possible/as soon as possible/with all speed/also written 盡快|尽快/ 儘快 尽快 T 1445 1832 jìn kuài f /see 盡快|尽快[jin3 kuai4]/ 儘早 尽早 T - 466 jǐn zǎo f /as early as possible/ 儘管 尽管 T 805 7018 jǐn guǎn f /despite/although/even though/in spite of/unhesitatingly/do not hesitate (to ask, complain etc)/(go ahead and do it) without hesitating/ 儘自 尽自 T - 3 jǐn zi f /always/always regardless (of anything)/ 儘量 尽量 T 1494 2179 jǐn liàng t /as much as possible/to the greatest extent/ 儜 - 35 níng f /weak/wearied/in distress/ 儞 - 0 nǐ f /old variant of 你[ni3]/ 償 偿 T - 337 cháng f /to repay/to compensate for/to recompense/to fulfill (hopes etc)/ 償付 偿付 T - 132 cháng fù f /to pay back/ 償債 偿债 T - 37 cháng zhài f /to repay a debt/ 償命 偿命 T - 84 cháng mìng f /to pay with one's life/ 償清 偿清 T - 3 cháng qīng f /to repay/to pay off a debt/ 償還 偿还 T 3416 480 cháng huán f /to repay/to reimburse/ 儡 - 3 lěi f /to injure/puppet/ 儤 - 4 bào f /on night duty/ 儦 - 5 biāo f /walking to and fro/ 儩 - 0 sì f /the end/to finish/ 優 优 T - 1486 yōu f /excellent/superior/ 優伶 优伶 T - 75 yōu líng f /(old) performing artist/actor/actress/ 優先 优先 T 3215 1204 yōu xiān f /to have priority/to take precedence/ 優先承購權 优先承购权 T - 0 yōu xiān chéng gòu quán f /prior purchase right/right of first refusal (ROFR)/preemptive right to purchase/ 優先股 优先股 T - 11 yōu xiān gǔ f /preferential shares/ 優先認股權 优先认股权 T - 0 yōu xiān rèn gǔ quán f /preemptive right (in share issue)/ 優劣 优劣 T - 403 yōu liè f /good and bad/merits and drawbacks/ 優勝 优胜 T - 365 yōu shèng f /winning/superior/ 優勝劣汰 优胜劣汰 T 4903 62 yōu shèng liè tài f /survival of the fittest (idiom)/ 優勢 优势 T 1794 5811 yōu shì f /superiority/dominance/advantage/ 優化 优化 T - 952 yōu huà f /optimization/to optimize/to make superior/ 優厚 优厚 T - 129 yōu hòu f /generous, liberal (pay, compensation)/ 優哉遊哉 优哉游哉 T - 19 yōu zāi yóu zāi f /see 悠哉悠哉[you1 zai1 you1 zai1]/ 優孟 优孟 T - 257 Yōu Mèng f /You Meng, famous court jester during the reign of King Zhuang of Chu 楚莊王|楚庄王[Chu3 Zhuang1 wang2], known for his intelligence and sharp tongue/ 優尼科 优尼科 T - 3 Yōu ní kē f /Unocal (US oil company)/ 優待 优待 T - 225 yōu dài f /preferential treatment/to give preferential treatment/ 優待券 优待券 T - 3 yōu dài quàn f /discount coupon/complimentary ticket/ 優待票 优待票 T - 3 yōu dài piào f /reduced-price ticket (e.g. for students)/ 優惠 优惠 T 2347 1166 yōu huì f /preferential/favorable/ 優惠券 优惠券 T - 9 yōu huì quàn f /coupon/ 優惠貸款 优惠贷款 T - 0 yōu huì dài kuǎn f /loan on favorable terms/concessionary loan/soft loan/ 優於 优于 T - 532 yōu yú f /to surpass/ 優柔 优柔 T - 8 yōu róu f /gentle/carefree/indecisive/weak/ 優柔寡斷 优柔寡断 T - 53 yōu róu guǎ duàn f /indecisive/irresolute/ 優格 优格 T - 0 yōu gé f /yogurt (loanword)/ 優步 优步 T - 0 Yōu bù f /Uber, app-based taxi company founded in 2009/ 優渥 优渥 T - 10 yōu wò f /handsome (pay etc)/generous/liberal/ 優生 优生 T - 45 yōu shēng f /eugenics/outstanding student/ 優生學 优生学 T - 42 yōu shēng xué f /eugenics/ 優異 优异 T 4407 533 yōu yì f /exceptional/outstandingly good/ 優異獎 优异奖 T - 0 yōu yì jiǎng f /excellence award/merit award/ 優盤 优盘 T - 4 yōu pán f /USB flash drive/see also 閃存盤|闪存盘[shan3 cun2 pan2]/ 優秀 优秀 T 924 5256 yōu xiù f /outstanding/excellent/ 優等 优等 T - 28 yōu děng f /first-rate/of the highest order/high-class/excellent/superior/ 優美 优美 T 2214 1075 yōu měi f /graceful/fine/elegant/ 優良 优良 T - 3378 yōu liáng f /fine/good/first-rate/ 優裕 优裕 T - 64 yōu yù f /plenty/abundance/ 優角 优角 T - 0 yōu jiǎo f /reflex angle/ 優諾牌 优诺牌 T - 0 Yōu nuò pái f /Uno (card game)/ 優質 优质 T - 2525 yōu zhì f /excellent quality/ 優越 优越 T 4281 1073 yōu yuè f /superior/superiority/ 優遊 优游 T - 10 yōu yóu f /carefree/leisurely/ 優遊自得 优游自得 T - 3 yōu yóu zì dé f /free and at leisure (idiom); unfettered/ 優選 优选 T - 58 yōu xuǎn f /to optimize/preferred/ 優酪乳 优酪乳 T - 3 yōu luò rǔ f /yogurt (loanword) (Tw)/ 優酷 优酷 T - 0 Yōu kù f /Youku (website)/ 優雅 优雅 T - 425 yōu yǎ f /grace/graceful/ 優點 优点 T 1126 1302 yōu diǎn f /merit/benefit/strong point/advantage/CL:個|个[ge4],項|项[xiang4]/ 儭 - 28 chèn f /to assist/to give alms/ 儱 - 0 lǒng f /rude/barbarous/ 儲 储 T - 478 Chǔ f /surname Chu/Taiwan pr. [Chu2]/ 儲 储 T - 478 chǔ f /to store/to save/to have in reserve/heir/Taiwan pr. [chu2]/ 儲值卡 储值卡 T - 3 chǔ zhí kǎ f /stored-value card/pre-paid card (telephone, transport etc)/ 儲備 储备 T 3826 1263 chǔ bèi f /reserves/to store up/ 儲備糧 储备粮 T - 15 chǔ bèi liáng f /grain reserves/ 儲備貨幣 储备货币 T - 0 chǔ bèi huò bì f /reserve currency/ 儲備金 储备金 T - 3 chǔ bèi jīn f /reserves (bank)/ 儲君 储君 T - 23 chǔ jūn f /heir apparent to a throne/ 儲存 储存 T 3655 947 chǔ cún f /stockpile/to store/to stockpile/storage/ 儲幣 储币 T - 0 chǔ bì f /to deposit money/savings/ 儲戶 储户 T - 45 chǔ hù f /(bank) depositor/ 儲氣 储气 T - 0 chǔ qì f /gas storage/ 儲氣罐 储气罐 T - 2 chǔ qì guàn f /gas canister/gas storage tank/ 儲水 储水 T - 16 chǔ shuǐ f /to store water/ 儲水管 储水管 T - 0 chǔ shuǐ guǎn f /standpipe (firefighting water storage system for a building)/ 儲水箱 储水箱 T - 0 chǔ shuǐ xiāng f /water-storage tank/ 儲物 储物 T - 0 chǔ wù f /to hoard/ 儲物櫃 储物柜 T - 3 chǔ wù guì f /locker/cabinet/ 儲精囊 储精囊 T - 0 chǔ jīng náng f /seminal vesicle/ 儲蓄 储蓄 T 4002 413 chǔ xù f /to deposit money/to save/savings/ 儲蓄卡 储蓄卡 T - 3 chǔ xù kǎ f /debit card/ 儲蓄帳戶 储蓄帐户 T - 0 chǔ xù zhàng hù f /savings account (in bank)/ 儲蓄率 储蓄率 T - 27 chǔ xù lǜ f /savings rate/ 儲藏 储藏 T - 145 chǔ cáng f /to store/deposit/(oil, mineral etc) deposits/ 儲藏室 储藏室 T - 34 chǔ cáng shì f /storeroom/CL:間|间[jian1]/ 儲量 储量 T - 2628 chǔ liàng f /remaining quantity/reserves (of natural resources, oil etc)/ 儳 - 40 chàn f /irregular/mixed/ 儵 倏 T - 199 shū f /variant of 倏[shu1]/ 儷 俪 T - 160 lì f /husband and wife/ 儷影 俪影 T - 0 lì yǐng f /photo of a (married) couple/ 儸 㑩 T - 2 luó f /smart/clever/ 儹 - 78 zǎn f /to accumulate, to hoard, to store up/ 儺 傩 T - 104 nuó f /to exorcise demons/ 儺戲 傩戏 T - 16 nuó xì f /Anhui local opera/ 儺神 傩神 T - 3 nuó shén f /exorcising God/God who drives away plague and evil spirits/ 儻 傥 T - 19 tǎng f /if/unexpectedly/ 儼 俨 T - 136 yǎn f /majestic/dignified/ 儼如白晝 俨如白昼 T - 0 yǎn rú bái zhòu f /as bright as daylight (idiom)/ 儼然 俨然 T - 272 yǎn rán f /just like/solemn/dignified/neatly laid out/ 儽 - 0 lěi f /lazy/tired out, worn fatigued/ 儿 兒 S - 15411 ér f /son/ 儿 兒 S - 15411 r t /non-syllabic diminutive suffix/retroflex final/ 儿不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫 兒不嫌母醜,狗不嫌家貧 S - 0 ér bù xián mǔ chǒu , gǒu bù xián jiā pín f /a son won't abandon his mother for being ugly, just as a dog won't abandon its owner for being poor (proverb)/ 儿化 兒化 S - 9 ér huà f /nonsyllabic final r 儿 added to a word in spoken Chinese/also called retroflex final or r-ization/ 儿化韵 兒化韻 S - 0 ér huà yùn f /retroflex final/nonsyllabic final r 儿 added to a word in spoken Chinese/ 儿女 兒女 S - 973 ér nǚ f /children/sons and daughters/ 儿女英雄传 兒女英雄傳 S - 0 Er nǚ Yīng xióng Zhuàn f /The Gallant Maid, novel by Manchu-born Qing dynasty writer 文康[Wen2 Kang1]/ 儿媳 兒媳 S - 291 ér xí f /daughter-in-law/ 儿媳妇 兒媳婦 S - 229 ér xí fu f /daughter-in-law/ 儿媳妇儿 兒媳婦兒 S - 3 ér xí fu r f /erhua variant of 兒媳婦|儿媳妇[er2 xi2 fu5]/ 儿子 兒子 S 87 9364 ér zi f /son/ 儿孙 兒孫 S - 130 ér sūn f /descendant/ 儿孙自有儿孙福 兒孫自有兒孫福 S - 0 ér sūn zì yǒu ér sūn fú f /younger generations will do all right on their own (idiom)/ 儿戏 兒戲 S - 134 ér xì f /child's play/trifling matter/ 儿时 兒時 S - 162 ér shí f /childhood/ 儿歌 兒歌 S - 75 ér gē f /nursery rhyme/ 儿科 兒科 S - 115 ér kē f /pediatrics/ 儿童 兒童 S 943 5456 ér tóng f /child/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 儿童基金会 兒童基金會 S - 0 Er tóng Jī jīn huì f /UNICEF (United Nations Children's fund)/ 儿童权利公约 兒童權利公約 S - 0 ér tóng quán lì gōng yuē f /Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)/ 儿马 兒馬 S - 11 ér mǎ f /stallion/ 兀 - 1027 Wù f /surname Wu/ 兀 - 1027 wù f /cut off the feet/rising to a height/towering/bald/ 兀凳 - 0 wù dèng f /Chinese-style low stool/ 兀立 - 3 wù lì f /to stand upright and motionless/ 兀自 - 977 wù zì f /(literary) still/yet/ 兀臬 - 0 wù niè f /variant of 杌隉|杌陧[wu4 nie4]/ 兀臲 - 0 wù niè f /variant of 杌隉|杌陧[wu4 nie4]/ 兀鷲 兀鹫 T - 9 wù jiù f /vulture/(bird species of China) griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus)/ 兀鷹 兀鹰 T - 3 wù yīng f /bald eagle/ 兀鹫 兀鷲 S - 9 wù jiù f /vulture/(bird species of China) griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus)/ 兀鹰 兀鷹 S - 3 wù yīng f /bald eagle/ 允 - 1345 yǔn f /just/fair/to permit/to allow/ 允准 - 23 yǔn zhǔn f /to approve/to permit/approval/permission/ 允宜 - 0 yǔn yí f /appropriate/apt/ 允当 允當 S - 21 yǔn dàng f /proper/suitable/ 允文允武 - 3 yǔn wén yǔn wǔ f /equally proficient in intellectual and military affairs/ 允當 允当 T - 21 yǔn dàng f /proper/suitable/ 允許 允许 T 800 3247 yǔn xǔ f /to permit/to allow/ 允諾 允诺 T - 82 yǔn nuò f /to promise/to consent (to do sth)/ 允许 允許 S 800 3247 yǔn xǔ f /to permit/to allow/ 允诺 允諾 S - 82 yǔn nuò f /to promise/to consent (to do sth)/ 元 485 28837 Yuán f /surname Yuan/the Yuan or Mongol dynasty (1279-1368)/ 元 485 28837 yuán f /unit of money (in PRC: Chinese yuan, in USA: dollar, etc)/primary/first/ 元世祖 - 454 Yuán Shì zǔ f /lit. progenitor of the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368), title of Khubilai Khan (1215-1294), first Yuan dynasty emperor, reigned 1260-1294/ 元代 - 1470 Yuán dài f /the Yuan or Mongol dynasty (1279-1368)/ 元件 - 363 yuán jiàn f /element/component/ 元來 元来 T - 0 yuán lái f /variant of 原來|原来[yuan2 lai2]/ 元元本本 - 3 yuán yuán běn běn f /variant of 原原本本[yuan2 yuan2 ben3 ben3]/ 元军 元軍 S - 55 Yuán jūn f /Mongol army/army of Yuan dynasty/ 元凶 - 54 yuán xiōng f /chief offender/main culprit/ 元勋 元勛 S - 68 yuán xūn f /leading light/founding father/principal proponent/also written 元勳|元勋/ 元勋 元勳 S - 68 yuán xūn f /leading light/founding father/principal proponent/ 元勛 元勋 T - 68 yuán xūn f /leading light/founding father/principal proponent/also written 元勳|元勋/ 元勳 元勋 T - 68 yuán xūn f /leading light/founding father/principal proponent/ 元古代 - 56 Yuán gǔ dài f /Proterozoic (geological era 2500-540m years ago)/ 元古宙 - 9 Yuán gǔ zhòu f /pre-Cambrian (geological eon 2500-645m)/ 元史 - 3 Yuán shǐ f /History of the Yuan Dynasty, twenty third of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled under Song Lian 宋濂[Song4 Lian2] in 1370 during the Ming Dynasty, 210 scrolls/ 元器件 - 110 yuán qì jiàn f /component/ 元坝 元壩 S - 0 Yuán bà f /Yuanba district of Guangyuan city 廣元市|广元市[Guang3 yuan2 shi4], Sichuan/ 元坝区 元壩區 S - 2 Yuán bà qū f /Yuanba district of Guangyuan city 廣元市|广元市[Guang3 yuan2 shi4], Sichuan/ 元壩 元坝 T - 0 Yuán bà f /Yuanba district of Guangyuan city 廣元市|广元市[Guang3 yuan2 shi4], Sichuan/ 元壩區 元坝区 T - 2 Yuán bà qū f /Yuanba district of Guangyuan city 廣元市|广元市[Guang3 yuan2 shi4], Sichuan/ 元夜 - 6 yuán yè f /Lantern Festival/night of 15th of first lunar month/see also 元宵[yuan2 xiao1]/ 元太祖 - 15 Yuán Tài zǔ f /posthumous title of Genghis Khan 成吉思汗[Cheng2 ji2 si1 han2] (1162-1227)/ 元好問 元好问 T - 3 Yuán Hào wèn f /Yuan Haowen (1190-1257), famous poet Northern China during the Jin-Yuan transition/ 元好问 元好問 S - 3 Yuán Hào wèn f /Yuan Haowen (1190-1257), famous poet Northern China during the Jin-Yuan transition/ 元宝 元寶 S - 201 Yuán bǎo f /Yuanbao district of Dandong city 丹東市|丹东市[Dan1 dong1 shi4], Liaoning/ 元宝 元寶 S - 201 yuán bǎo f /a silver or gold ingot/mock ingot (burnt as offering in worship)/a name for ancient currency/a rare genius/ 元宝区 元寶區 S - 3 Yuán bǎo qū f /Yuanbao district of Dandong city 丹東市|丹东市[Dan1 dong1 shi4], Liaoning/ 元宝山 元寶山 S - 11 Yuán bǎo shān f /Yuanbaoshan district, Chifeng city, Inner Mongolia/ 元宝山区 元寶山區 S - 3 Yuán bǎo shān qū f /Yuanbaoshan district, Chifeng city, Inner Mongolia/ 元宵 - 169 yuán xiāo f /Lantern Festival/night of the 15th of the first lunar month/see also 元夜[yuan2 ye4]/sticky rice dumplings/ 元宵節 元宵节 T 4151 148 Yuán xiāo jié f /Lantern Festival, the final event of the Spring Festival 春節|春节, on 15th of first month of the lunar calendar/ 元宵节 元宵節 S 4151 148 Yuán xiāo jié f /Lantern Festival, the final event of the Spring Festival 春節|春节, on 15th of first month of the lunar calendar/ 元寶 元宝 T - 201 Yuán bǎo f /Yuanbao district of Dandong city 丹東市|丹东市[Dan1 dong1 shi4], Liaoning/ 元寶 元宝 T - 201 yuán bǎo f /a silver or gold ingot/mock ingot (burnt as offering in worship)/a name for ancient currency/a rare genius/ 元寶區 元宝区 T - 3 Yuán bǎo qū f /Yuanbao district of Dandong city 丹東市|丹东市[Dan1 dong1 shi4], Liaoning/ 元寶山 元宝山 T - 11 Yuán bǎo shān f /Yuanbaoshan district, Chifeng city, Inner Mongolia/ 元寶山區 元宝山区 T - 3 Yuán bǎo shān qū f /Yuanbaoshan district, Chifeng city, Inner Mongolia/ 元山 - 22 Yuán shān f /Wonsan city in Kangweon province 江原道 of North Korea/ 元山市 - 0 Yuán shān shì f /Wonsan city in Kangweon province 江原道 of North Korea/ 元帅 元帥 S - 874 yuán shuài f /marshal (in the army)/ 元帥 元帅 T - 874 yuán shuài f /marshal (in the army)/ 元年 - 4512 yuán nián f /first year of an emperor's reign/ 元恶 元惡 S - 3 yuán è f /arch-criminal/master criminal/ 元恶大憝 元惡大憝 S - 0 yuán è dà duì f /arch-criminal and archenemy (idiom)/ 元惡 元恶 T - 3 yuán è f /arch-criminal/master criminal/ 元惡大憝 元恶大憝 T - 0 yuán è dà duì f /arch-criminal and archenemy (idiom)/ 元旦 2486 465 Yuán dàn f /New Year's Day/ 元曲 - 35 Yuán qǔ f /Yuan dynasty theater, including poetry, music and comedy/ 元曲四大家 - 0 Yuán qǔ sì dà jiā f /Four great Yuan dramatists, namely: Guan Hanqing 關漢卿|关汉卿[Guan1 Han4 qing1], Zheng Guangzu 鄭光祖|郑光祖[Zheng4 Guang1 zu3], Ma Zhiyuan 馬致遠|马致远[Ma3 Zhi4 yuan3] and Bai Pu 白樸|白朴[Bai2 Pu3]/ 元月 - 81 Yuán yuè f /first month (of either lunar or Western calendars)/ 元朗 - 4 Yuán Lǎng f /Yuen Long town in northwest New Territories, Hong Kong/ 元朗市 - 0 Yuán Lǎng shì f /Yuen Long town, Hong Kong Island/ 元朝 - 1101 Yuán cháo f /Yuan or Mongol dynasty (1279-1368)/ 元末 - 0 Yuán mò f /final years of Yuan dynasty (1279-1368)/mid 14th century/ 元末明初 - 0 Yuán mò Míng chū f /late Yuan and early Ming/mid 14th century/ 元来 元來 S - 0 yuán lái f /variant of 原來|原来[yuan2 lai2]/ 元氏 - 22 Yuán shì f /Yuanshi county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei/ 元氏县 元氏縣 S - 2 Yuán shì xiàn f /Yuanshi county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei/ 元氏縣 元氏县 T - 2 Yuán shì xiàn f /Yuanshi county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei/ 元气 元氣 S - 294 yuán qì f /strength/vigor/vitality/(TCM) vital energy/ 元氣 元气 T - 294 yuán qì f /strength/vigor/vitality/(TCM) vital energy/ 元江县 元江縣 S - 0 Yuán jiāng xiàn f /Yuanjiang Hani, Yi and Dai autonomous county in Yuxi 玉溪[Yu4 xi1], Yunnan/ 元江哈尼族彝族傣族自治县 元江哈尼族彞族傣族自治縣 S - 4 Yuán jiāng Hā ní zú Yí zú Dǎi zú zì zhì xiàn f /Yuanjiang Hani, Yi and Dai autonomous county in Yuxi 玉溪[Yu4 xi1], Yunnan/ 元江哈尼族彞族傣族自治縣 元江哈尼族彝族傣族自治县 T - 4 Yuán jiāng Hā ní zú Yí zú Dǎi zú zì zhì xiàn f /Yuanjiang Hani, Yi and Dai autonomous county in Yuxi 玉溪[Yu4 xi1], Yunnan/ 元江縣 元江县 T - 0 Yuán jiāng xiàn f /Yuanjiang Hani, Yi and Dai autonomous county in Yuxi 玉溪[Yu4 xi1], Yunnan/ 元煤 - 3 yuán méi f /variant of 原煤[yuan2 mei2]/ 元神 - 0 yuán shén f /primordial spirit/fundamental essence of life/ 元素 3164 1914 yuán sù f /element/element of a set/chemical element/ 元素周期表 元素週期表 S - 0 yuán sù zhōu qī biǎo f /periodic table of the elements (chemistry)/ 元素週期表 元素周期表 T - 0 yuán sù zhōu qī biǎo f /periodic table of the elements (chemistry)/ 元組 元组 T - 3 yuán zǔ f /tuple/ 元组 元組 S - 3 yuán zǔ f /tuple/ 元老 - 451 yuán lǎo f /senior figure/elder/doyen/ 元老院 - 3 yuán lǎo yuàn f /upper house/senate/senior statesmen's assembly/ 元肉 - 0 yuán ròu f /dried longan pulp/ 元胞自动机 元胞自動機 S - 0 yuán bāo zì dòng jī f /cellular automaton/ 元胞自動機 元胞自动机 T - 0 yuán bāo zì dòng jī f /cellular automaton/ 元語言 元语言 T - 4 yuán yǔ yán f /metalanguage/ 元語言學意識 元语言学意识 T - 0 yuán yǔ yán xué yì shí f /metalinguistic awareness/ 元語言能力 元语言能力 T - 0 yuán yǔ yán néng lì f /metalinguistic ability/ 元謀 元谋 T - 10 Yuán móu f /Yuanmou county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州, Yunnan/ 元謀縣 元谋县 T - 11 Yuán móu xiàn f /Yuanmou county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州[Chu3 xiong2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 元语言 元語言 S - 4 yuán yǔ yán f /metalanguage/ 元语言学意识 元語言學意識 S - 0 yuán yǔ yán xué yì shí f /metalinguistic awareness/ 元语言能力 元語言能力 S - 0 yuán yǔ yán néng lì f /metalinguistic ability/ 元谋 元謀 S - 10 Yuán móu f /Yuanmou county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州, Yunnan/ 元谋县 元謀縣 S - 11 Yuán móu xiàn f /Yuanmou county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州[Chu3 xiong2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 元軍 元军 T - 55 Yuán jūn f /Mongol army/army of Yuan dynasty/ 元配 - 23 yuán pèi f /first wife/ 元長 元长 T - 0 Yuán cháng f /Yuanchang township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 元長鄉 元长乡 T - 0 Yuán cháng xiāng f /Yuanchang township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 元长 元長 S - 0 Yuán cháng f /Yuanchang township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 元长乡 元長鄉 S - 0 Yuán cháng xiāng f /Yuanchang township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 元阳 元陽 S - 18 Yuán yáng f /Yuanyang county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/ 元阳县 元陽縣 S - 2 Yuán yáng xiàn f /Yuanyang county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/ 元陽 元阳 T - 18 Yuán yáng f /Yuanyang county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/ 元陽縣 元阳县 T - 2 Yuán yáng xiàn f /Yuanyang county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/ 元青 - 0 yuán qīng f /deep black/ 元音 - 176 yuán yīn f /vowel/ 元音和諧 元音和谐 T - 0 yuán yīn hé xié f /vowel harmony (in phonetics of Altaic languages)/ 元音和谐 元音和諧 S - 0 yuán yīn hé xié f /vowel harmony (in phonetics of Altaic languages)/ 元音失讀 元音失读 T - 0 yuán yīn shī dú f /vowel devoicing/ 元音失读 元音失讀 S - 0 yuán yīn shī dú f /vowel devoicing/ 元首 3146 635 yuán shǒu f /head of state/ 元龍 元龙 T - 5 yuán lóng f /one that has achieved the way/emperor/ 元龙 元龍 S - 5 yuán lóng f /one that has achieved the way/emperor/ 兄 - 3402 xiōng f /elder brother/ 兄台 兄臺 S - 3 xiōng tái f /brother (polite appellation for a friend one's age)/ 兄妹 - 387 xiōng mèi f /brother(s) and sister(s)/ 兄嫂 - 47 xiōng sǎo f /elder brother and his wife/ 兄弟 1214 9644 xiōng dì f /brothers/younger brother/CL:個|个[ge4]/I, me (humble term used by men in public speech)/brotherly/fraternal/ 兄弟会 兄弟會 S - 33 xiōng dì huì f /fraternity/ 兄弟會 兄弟会 T - 33 xiōng dì huì f /fraternity/ 兄弟阋于墙,外御其侮 兄弟鬩於墻,外禦其侮 S - 0 xiōng dì xì yú qiáng , wài yù qí wǔ f /internal disunity dissolves at the threat of an invasion from outside (idiom)/ 兄弟阋墙 兄弟鬩牆 S - 6 xiōng dì xì qiáng f /internecine strife (idiom); fighting among oneself/ 兄弟鬩於墻,外禦其侮 兄弟阋于墙,外御其侮 T - 0 xiōng dì xì yú qiáng , wài yù qí wǔ f /internal disunity dissolves at the threat of an invasion from outside (idiom)/ 兄弟鬩牆 兄弟阋墙 T - 6 xiōng dì xì qiáng f /internecine strife (idiom); fighting among oneself/ 兄臺 兄台 T - 3 xiōng tái f /brother (polite appellation for a friend one's age)/ 兄長 兄长 T - 686 xiōng zhǎng f /elder brother/term of respect for a man of about the same age/ 兄长 兄長 S - 686 xiōng zhǎng f /elder brother/term of respect for a man of about the same age/ 充 - 1549 chōng f /to fill/to satisfy/to fulfill/to act in place of/substitute/sufficient/full/ 充任 - 236 chōng rèn f /to fill a post/to act as/ 充值 - 22 chōng zhí f /to recharge (money onto a card)/ 充值卡 - 10 chōng zhí kǎ f /rechargeable card/to recharge a card/ 充公 - 30 chōng gōng f /to confiscate/ 充其量 - 119 chōng qí liàng f /at most/at best/ 充军 充軍 S - 281 chōng jūn f /to banish (to an army post, as a punishment)/ 充分 1877 7052 chōng fèn f /ample/sufficient/adequate/full/fully/to the full/ 充分就业 充分就業 S - 3 chōng fèn jiù yè f /full employment/ 充分就業 充分就业 T - 3 chōng fèn jiù yè f /full employment/ 充分考慮 充分考虑 T - 11 chōng fèn kǎo lǜ f /to give sufficient consideration to/ 充分考虑 充分考慮 S - 11 chōng fèn kǎo lǜ f /to give sufficient consideration to/ 充发 充發 S - 0 chōng fā f /to banish to penal servitude/ 充塞 - 73 chōng sè f /congestion/to block/to congest/to crowd/to choke/to cram/to fill up/to stuff/to take up all the space/ 充填 - 97 chōng tián f /to fill (gap, hole, area, blank)/to pad out/to complement/(dental) filling/filled/ 充填因数 充填因數 S - 0 chōng tián yīn shù f /complementary factor/ 充填因數 充填因数 T - 0 chōng tián yīn shù f /complementary factor/ 充填物 - 0 chōng tián wù f /filling material/stuffing/lining/filling/ 充好 - 3 chōng hǎo f /to substitute shoddy goods/ 充实 充實 S 3825 704 chōng shí f /rich/full/substantial/to enrich/to augment/to substantiate (an argument)/ 充實 充实 T 3825 704 chōng shí f /rich/full/substantial/to enrich/to augment/to substantiate (an argument)/ 充当 充當 S 4054 981 chōng dāng f /to serve as/to act as/to play the role of/ 充抵 - 0 chōng dǐ f /see 抵充[di3 chong1]/ 充数 充數 S - 18 chōng shù f /to make up the number (i.e. to fill places up to a given number)/to serve as stopgap/ 充數 充数 T - 18 chōng shù f /to make up the number (i.e. to fill places up to a given number)/to serve as stopgap/ 充斥 - 256 chōng chì f /to be full of/to flood/to congest/ 充暢 充畅 T - 3 chōng chàng f /abundant and fluent/affluent and smooth/ 充气 充氣 S - 104 chōng qì f /to inflate/ 充气船 充氣船 S - 0 chōng qì chuán f /inflatable boat/ 充氣 充气 T - 104 chōng qì f /to inflate/ 充氣船 充气船 T - 0 chōng qì chuán f /inflatable boat/ 充氧 - 6 chōng yǎng f /to oxygenate/to provide oxygen complement/ 充沛 4505 475 chōng pèi f /abundant/plentiful/vigorous/ 充溢 - 57 chōng yì f /to overflow (with riches)/replete/ 充满 充滿 S 1381 4432 chōng mǎn f /full of/brimming with/very full/permeated/ 充满阳光 充滿陽光 S - 0 chōng mǎn yáng guāng f /sun-drenched/ 充滿 充满 T 1381 4432 chōng mǎn f /full of/brimming with/very full/permeated/ 充滿陽光 充满阳光 T - 0 chōng mǎn yáng guāng f /sun-drenched/ 充电 充電 S - 304 chōng diàn f /to recharge batteries/fig. to rest and recuperate/ 充电器 充電器 S 2434 12 chōng diàn qì f /battery charger/ 充电宝 充電寶 S - 0 chōng diàn bǎo f /portable charger/mobile power pack/ 充畅 充暢 S - 3 chōng chàng f /abundant and fluent/affluent and smooth/ 充當 充当 T 4054 981 chōng dāng f /to serve as/to act as/to play the role of/ 充發 充发 T - 0 chōng fā f /to banish to penal servitude/ 充盈 - 91 chōng yíng f /abundant/plentiful/ 充耳不聞 充耳不闻 T - 63 chōng ěr bù wén f /to block one's ears and not listen (idiom); to turn a deaf ear/ 充耳不闻 充耳不聞 S - 63 chōng ěr bù wén f /to block one's ears and not listen (idiom); to turn a deaf ear/ 充血 - 176 chōng xuè f /hyperemia (increase in blood flow)/blood congestion/ 充裕 - 239 chōng yù f /abundant/ample/plenty/abundance/ 充要条件 充要條件 S - 17 chōng yào tiáo jiàn f /necessary and sufficient condition/ 充要條件 充要条件 T - 17 chōng yào tiáo jiàn f /necessary and sufficient condition/ 充足 3502 1227 chōng zú f /adequate/sufficient/abundant/ 充足理由律 - 0 chōng zú lǐ yóu lǜ f /sufficient grounds (law)/ 充車 充车 T - 0 chōng chē f /to be transported to a distant place for penal servitude/to banish/ 充軍 充军 T - 281 chōng jūn f /to banish (to an army post, as a punishment)/ 充车 充車 S - 0 chōng chē f /to be transported to a distant place for penal servitude/to banish/ 充電 充电 T - 304 chōng diàn f /to recharge batteries/fig. to rest and recuperate/ 充電器 充电器 T 2434 12 chōng diàn qì f /battery charger/ 充電寶 充电宝 T - 0 chōng diàn bǎo f /portable charger/mobile power pack/ 充飢 充饥 T - 161 chōng jī f /to allay one's hunger/ 充飢止渴 充饥止渴 T - 0 chōng jī zhǐ kě f /to allay one's hunger and slake one's thirst (idiom)/ 充饥 充飢 S - 161 chōng jī f /to allay one's hunger/ 充饥止渴 充飢止渴 S - 0 chōng jī zhǐ kě f /to allay one's hunger and slake one's thirst (idiom)/ 兆 - 1231 Zhào f /surname Zhao/ 兆 - 1231 zhào f /omen/to foretell/million/mega-/trillion/tera-/billion (old)/ 兆周 - 3 zhào zhōu f /megacycle (MC), equals 1,000,000 Hz/ 兆头 兆頭 S - 92 zhào tou f /omen/portent/sign/ 兆字節 兆字节 T - 0 zhào zì jié f /megabyte (2^20 or approximately a million bytes)/ 兆字节 兆字節 S - 0 zhào zì jié f /megabyte (2^20 or approximately a million bytes)/ 兆瓦 - 63 zhào wǎ f /megawatt/ 兆瓦特 - 0 zhào wǎ tè f /megawatt/ 兆电子伏 兆電子伏 S - 0 zhào diàn zǐ fú f /mega electron volt MeV (unit of energy equal to 1.6 x 10-13 Joules)/ 兆赫 - 74 zhào hè f /megahertz/ 兆電子伏 兆电子伏 T - 0 zhào diàn zǐ fú f /mega electron volt MeV (unit of energy equal to 1.6 x 10-13 Joules)/ 兆頭 兆头 T - 92 zhào tou f /omen/portent/sign/ 兇 凶 T - 1674 xiōng f /terrible/fearful/ 兇器 凶器 T - 47 xiōng qì f /lethal weapon/murder weapon/ 兇多吉少 凶多吉少 T - 112 xiōng duō jí shǎo f /everything bodes ill, no positive signs (idiom); inauspicious/everything points to disaster/ 兇宅 凶宅 T - 30 xiōng zhái f /inauspicious abode/haunted house/ 兇年 凶年 T - 11 xiōng nián f /year of famine/ 兇悍 凶悍 T - 122 xiōng hàn f /violent/fierce and tough/shrewish (woman)/ 兇惡 凶恶 T 4401 278 xiōng è f /fierce/ferocious/fiendish/frightening/ 兇戾 凶戾 T - 0 xiōng lì f /cruel/tyrannical/ 兇手 凶手 T 2518 419 xiōng shǒu f /murderer/assassin/ 兇死 凶死 T - 3 xiōng sǐ f /to die in violence/ 兇殘 凶残 T - 120 xiōng cán f /savage/cruel/fierce/ 兇殺 凶杀 T - 88 xiōng shā f /to murder/assassination/ 兇殺案 凶杀案 T - 10 xiōng shā àn f /murder case/ 兇煞 凶煞 T - 7 xiōng shà f /demon/fiend/ 兇犯 凶犯 T - 23 xiōng fàn f /murderer/ 兇狂 凶狂 T - 4 xiōng kuáng f /fierce/ferocious/savage/ 兇狠 凶狠 T - 298 xiōng hěn f /variant of 凶狠[xiong1 hen3]/ 兇猛 凶猛 T - 698 xiōng měng f /fierce/violent/ferocious/ 兇相 凶相 T - 24 xiōng xiàng f /ferocious appearance/ 兇相畢露 凶相毕露 T - 139 xiōng xiàng bì lù f /show one's ferocious appearance (idiom); the atrocious features revealed/with fangs bared/ 兇神 凶神 T - 18 xiōng shén f /demon/fiend/ 兇神惡煞 凶神恶煞 T - 83 xiōng shén è shà f /fiends (idiom); devils and monsters/ 兇訊 凶讯 T - 0 xiōng xùn f /evil tidings/bad news/ 兇身 凶身 T - 0 xiōng shēn f /demon/fiend/ 兇險 凶险 T - 547 xiōng xiǎn f /dangerous/ruthless/treacherous/ 兇頑 凶顽 T - 22 xiōng wán f /fierce and uncontrollable/ 先 342 25558 xiān f /early/prior/former/in advance/first/ 先下手为强 先下手為強 S - 75 xiān xià shǒu wéi qiáng f /strike first and gain the upper hand (idiom, martial arts term); Making the first move is an advantage./ 先下手為強 先下手为强 T - 75 xiān xià shǒu wéi qiáng f /strike first and gain the upper hand (idiom, martial arts term); Making the first move is an advantage./ 先不先 - 0 xiān bù xiān f /(dialect) first of all/in the first place/ 先人 - 217 xiān rén f /ancestors/previous generations/my late father/ 先令 - 662 xiān lìng f /shilling (loanword)/ 先來後到 先来后到 T - 6 xiān lái hòu dào f /in order of arrival/first come, first served/ 先例 - 295 xiān lì f /antecedent/precedent/ 先兆 - 86 xiān zhào f /omen/ 先入为主 先入為主 S - 63 xiān rù wéi zhǔ f /lit. first impression is strongest/ 先入為主 先入为主 T - 63 xiān rù wéi zhǔ f /lit. first impression is strongest/ 先公 - 3 xiān gōng f /deceased father/deceased senior male figure/ 先决 先決 S - 15 xiān jué f /prerequisite/precondition/ 先决条件 先決條件 S - 104 xiān jué tiáo jiàn f /precondition/prerequisite/ 先决问题 先決問題 S - 3 xiān jué wèn tí f /preliminary question/priority problem/issues requiring more immediate attention/ 先到先得 - 0 xiān dào xiān dé f /first come first served/ 先前 3464 1438 xiān qián f /before/previously/ 先发 先發 S - 0 xiān fā f /initial/arising first/same as 首先發起|首先发起/ 先发制人 先發制人 S - 158 xiān fā zhì rén f /to gain the initiative by striking first (idiom); to pre-empt/to anticipate/pre-emptive/ 先后 先後 S - 10115 xiān hòu f /early or late/priority/in succession/one after another/ 先后顺序 先後順序 S - 3 xiān hòu shùn xù f /order of priority/sequential order/ 先君 - 3 xiān jūn f /my late father/my ancestors/the late emperor/ 先哲 - 21 xiān zhé f /distinguished precursor/famous thinker of antiquity/ 先声 先聲 S - 64 xiān shēng f /herald/precursor/harbinger/ 先声夺人 先聲奪人 S - 49 xiān shēng duó rén f /to gain the upper hand by a show of strength/ 先大母 - 0 xiān dà mǔ f /deceased paternal grandmother/ 先天 - 476 xiān tiān f /inborn/innate/natural/ 先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐 先天下之憂而憂,後天下之樂而樂 S - 0 xiān tiān xià zhī yōu ér yōu , hòu tiān xià zhī lè ér lè f /The first concern is affairs of state, enjoying the pleasure comes later. Quotation from essay On Yueyang Tower 岳陽樓記|岳阳楼记 by Song writer Fan Zhongyan 範仲淹|范仲淹/ 先天下之憂而憂,後天下之樂而樂 先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐 T - 0 xiān tiān xià zhī yōu ér yōu , hòu tiān xià zhī lè ér lè f /The first concern is affairs of state, enjoying the pleasure comes later. Quotation from essay On Yueyang Tower 岳陽樓記|岳阳楼记 by Song writer Fan Zhongyan 範仲淹|范仲淹/ 先天不足 - 41 xiān tiān bù zú f /congenital deficiency/inherent weakness/ 先天性 - 223 xiān tiān xìng f /congenital/intrinsic/innateness/ 先天性缺陷 - 0 xiān tiān xìng quē xiàn f /birth defect/ 先天愚型 - 0 xiān tiān yú xíng f /Down syndrome/trisomy 21/ 先头 先頭 S - 137 xiān tóu f /in advance/ahead/before/previously/ 先妣 - 3 xiān bǐ f /deceased mother/mother of an ancestor/ 先容 - 3 xiān róng f /to introduce sb/to recommend/ 先导 先導 S - 188 xiān dǎo f /guide/forerunner/pioneer/ 先導 先导 T - 188 xiān dǎo f /guide/forerunner/pioneer/ 先帝遗诏 先帝遺詔 S - 0 xiān dì yí zhào f /posthumous edict of former emperor/Liu Bei's 劉備|刘备 edict to posterity/ 先帝遺詔 先帝遗诏 T - 0 xiān dì yí zhào f /posthumous edict of former emperor/Liu Bei's 劉備|刘备 edict to posterity/ 先後 先后 T - 10115 xiān hòu f /early or late/priority/in succession/one after another/ 先後順序 先后顺序 T - 3 xiān hòu shùn xù f /order of priority/sequential order/ 先慈 - 3 xiān cí f /deceased mother/ 先斩后奏 先斬後奏 S - 17 xiān zhǎn hòu zòu f /first decapitate then present your trophy (idiom); act first, report later/ 先斬後奏 先斩后奏 T - 17 xiān zhǎn hòu zòu f /first decapitate then present your trophy (idiom); act first, report later/ 先有 - 0 xiān yǒu f /prior/preexisting/ 先有后婚 先有後婚 S - 0 xiān yǒu hòu hūn f /marriage arranged following a pregnancy/marriage necessitated by an unplanned pregnancy/ 先有後婚 先有后婚 T - 0 xiān yǒu hòu hūn f /marriage arranged following a pregnancy/marriage necessitated by an unplanned pregnancy/ 先期 - 419 xiān qī f /in advance/beforehand/premature/front-end/ 先期录音 先期錄音 S - 0 xiān qī lù yīn f /pre-recording/to pre-record/ 先期錄音 先期录音 T - 0 xiān qī lù yīn f /pre-recording/to pre-record/ 先机 先機 S - 73 xiān jī f /key moment/decisive opportunity/ 先来后到 先來後到 S - 6 xiān lái hòu dào f /in order of arrival/first come, first served/ 先機 先机 T - 73 xiān jī f /key moment/decisive opportunity/ 先汉 先漢 S - 0 xiān Hàn f /pre-Han/China before to 200 BC/ 先決 先决 T - 15 xiān jué f /prerequisite/precondition/ 先決問題 先决问题 T - 3 xiān jué wèn tí f /preliminary question/priority problem/issues requiring more immediate attention/ 先決條件 先决条件 T - 104 xiān jué tiáo jiàn f /precondition/prerequisite/ 先河 - 169 xiān hé f /priority/sth advocated first/refers to ancient tradition: Worship the river first, then the sea./ 先漢 先汉 T - 0 xiān Hàn f /pre-Han/China before to 200 BC/ 先烈 - 212 xiān liè f /martyr/ 先父 - 115 xiān fù f /deceased father/my late father/ 先王 - 49 xiān wáng f /former kings/former emperors/in Confucian writing, refers esp. to the sage rulers Yao 堯|尧[Yao2], Shun 舜[Shun4], Yu 禹[Yu3], Tang 湯|汤[Tang1] and the kings of Zhou/ 先王之乐 先王之樂 S - 0 xiān wáng zhī yuè f /the music of former kings/ 先王之政 - 0 xiān wáng zhī zhèng f /the rule of former kings/ 先王之樂 先王之乐 T - 0 xiān wáng zhī yuè f /the music of former kings/ 先王之道 - 0 xiān wáng zhī dào f /the way of former kings/ 先生 44 14470 Xiān sheng f /Mister (Mr.)/ 先生 44 14470 xiān sheng f /teacher/husband/doctor (dialect)/CL:位[wei4]/ 先發 先发 T - 0 xiān fā f /initial/arising first/same as 首先發起|首先发起/ 先發制人 先发制人 T - 158 xiān fā zhì rén f /to gain the initiative by striking first (idiom); to pre-empt/to anticipate/pre-emptive/ 先皇 - 3 xiān Huáng f /the late Emperor/ 先睹为快 先睹為快 S - 11 xiān dǔ wéi kuài f /joy of first experience (idiom)/the pleasure of reading sth for the first time/ 先睹為快 先睹为快 T - 11 xiān dǔ wéi kuài f /joy of first experience (idiom)/the pleasure of reading sth for the first time/ 先知 - 174 xiān zhī f /prophet/ 先知先覺 先知先觉 T - 10 xiān zhī xiān jué f /foresight/having foresight/person of foresight/ 先知先觉 先知先覺 S - 10 xiān zhī xiān jué f /foresight/having foresight/person of foresight/ 先礼后兵 先禮後兵 S - 24 xiān lǐ hòu bīng f /peaceful measures before using force (idiom); diplomacy before violence/jaw-jaw is better than war-war/ 先祖 - 105 xiān zǔ f /deceased grandfather/ancestry/ 先禮後兵 先礼后兵 T - 24 xiān lǐ hòu bīng f /peaceful measures before using force (idiom); diplomacy before violence/jaw-jaw is better than war-war/ 先秦 - 506 xiān Qín f /pre-Qin, Chinese history up to the foundation of the Qin imperial dynasty in 221 BC/ 先聲 先声 T - 64 xiān shēng f /herald/precursor/harbinger/ 先聲奪人 先声夺人 T - 49 xiān shēng duó rén f /to gain the upper hand by a show of strength/ 先行 - 1132 xiān xíng f /to precede others/in advance/ 先行者 - 93 xiān xíng zhě f /forerunner/ 先見 先见 T - 58 xiān jiàn f /foresight/prescience/ 先見之明 先见之明 T - 40 xiān jiàn zhī míng f /foresight/ 先見者 先见者 T - 0 xiān jiàn zhě f /seer/ 先覺 先觉 T - 11 xiān jué f /person with foresight/ 先见 先見 S - 58 xiān jiàn f /foresight/prescience/ 先见之明 先見之明 S - 40 xiān jiàn zhī míng f /foresight/ 先见者 先見者 S - 0 xiān jiàn zhě f /seer/ 先觉 先覺 S - 11 xiān jué f /person with foresight/ 先賢 先贤 T - 71 xiān xián f /worthy predecessor/distinguished person of the past/former sage/ 先贤 先賢 S - 71 xiān xián f /worthy predecessor/distinguished person of the past/former sage/ 先輩 先辈 T - 134 xiān bèi f /elders/former generations/ 先辈 先輩 S - 134 xiān bèi f /elders/former generations/ 先达 先達 S - 0 xiān dá f /famous and virtuous ancestors/the great men of the past/ 先进 先進 S 3131 13966 xiān jìn f /advanced (technology)/to advance/ 先进武器 先進武器 S - 3 xiān jìn wǔ qì f /advanced weapon/ 先进水平 先進水平 S - 0 xiān jìn shuǐ píng f /advanced level/ 先进集体 先進集體 S - 3 xiān jìn jí tǐ f /collectives/ 先進 先进 T 3131 13966 xiān jìn f /advanced (technology)/to advance/ 先進武器 先进武器 T - 3 xiān jìn wǔ qì f /advanced weapon/ 先進水平 先进水平 T - 0 xiān jìn shuǐ píng f /advanced level/ 先進集體 先进集体 T - 3 xiān jìn jí tǐ f /collectives/ 先達 先达 T - 0 xiān dá f /famous and virtuous ancestors/the great men of the past/ 先遣队 先遣隊 S - 48 xiān qiǎn duì f /advance party/advance troops/ 先遣隊 先遣队 T - 48 xiān qiǎn duì f /advance party/advance troops/ 先鋒 先锋 T - 1169 xiān fēng f /vanguard/pioneer/ 先鋒隊 先锋队 T - 81 xiān fēng duì f /vanguard/ 先锋 先鋒 S - 1169 xiān fēng f /vanguard/pioneer/ 先锋队 先鋒隊 S - 81 xiān fēng duì f /vanguard/ 先鞭 - 0 xiān biān f /to take precedence/to make an early start/to lead the way/ 先頭 先头 T - 137 xiān tóu f /in advance/ahead/before/previously/ 先驅 先驱 T - 534 xiān qū f /pioneer/ 先驅者 先驱者 T - 81 xiān qū zhě f /pioneer/ 先驗 先验 T - 77 xiān yàn f /a priori (philosophy)/ 先驗概率 先验概率 T - 3 xiān yàn gài lǜ f /prior probability (statistics)/ 先驱 先驅 S - 534 xiān qū f /pioneer/ 先驱者 先驅者 S - 81 xiān qū zhě f /pioneer/ 先验 先驗 S - 77 xiān yàn f /a priori (philosophy)/ 先验概率 先驗概率 S - 3 xiān yàn gài lǜ f /prior probability (statistics)/ 光 737 10895 guāng f /light/ray/CL:道[dao4]/bright/only/merely/to use up/ 光临 光臨 S 1684 289 guāng lín f /(formal) to honor with one's presence/to attend/ 光二极管 光二極管 S - 0 guāng èr jí guǎn f /photodiode/light-emitting diode (LED)/ 光二極管 光二极管 T - 0 guāng èr jí guǎn f /photodiode/light-emitting diode (LED)/ 光亮 - 509 guāng liàng f /bright/ 光亮度 - 12 guāng liàng dù f /brightness/luminosity/ 光伏 - 13 guāng fú f /photovoltaic (e.g. cell)/ 光伏器件 - 0 guāng fú qì jiàn f /photovoltaic device (e.g. solar cell)/ 光信号 光信號 S - 0 guāng xìn hào f /optical signal/ 光信號 光信号 T - 0 guāng xìn hào f /optical signal/ 光光 - 57 guāng guāng f /bright/shiny/smooth/naked/bald/penniless/ 光冲量 光衝量 S - 0 guāng chōng liàng f /radiant exposure/ 光刻 - 11 guāng kè f /photolithography/ 光刻胶 光刻膠 S - 3 guāng kè jiāo f /photoresist (laser etching used in microelectronics)/ 光刻膠 光刻胶 T - 3 guāng kè jiāo f /photoresist (laser etching used in microelectronics)/ 光前裕后 光前裕後 S - 3 guāng qián yù hòu f /to bring honor to one's ancestors and benefit future generations (idiom)/ 光前裕後 光前裕后 T - 3 guāng qián yù hòu f /to bring honor to one's ancestors and benefit future generations (idiom)/ 光功率 - 0 guāng gōng lǜ f /optical power/ 光动嘴 光動嘴 S - 0 guāng dòng zuǐ f /empty talk/mere rhetoric/palaver/ 光動嘴 光动嘴 T - 0 guāng dòng zuǐ f /empty talk/mere rhetoric/palaver/ 光化作用 - 3 guāng huà zuò yòng f /photochemical effect/photosynthesis/photolysis/ 光化学 光化學 S - 86 guāng huà xué f /photochemistry/ 光化學 光化学 T - 86 guāng huà xué f /photochemistry/ 光华 光華 S - 1962 guāng huá f /brilliance/splendor/magnificence/ 光卤石 光鹵石 S - 11 guāng lǔ shí f /carnallite (hydrated potassium magnesium chloride mineral)/ 光发送器 光發送器 S - 0 guāng fā sòng qì f /optical transmitter/ 光合 - 120 guāng hé f /photosynthesis/ 光合作用 - 278 guāng hé zuò yòng f /photosynthesis/ 光圈 - 39 guāng quān f /aperture/diaphragm/halo/aureole/ 光复 光復 S - 213 Guāng fù f /Guangfu or Kuangfu township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 xian4], east Taiwan/ 光复 光復 S - 213 guāng fù f /to recover (territory or power)/the liberation of Taiwan from Japanese rule in 1945/ 光复乡 光復鄉 S - 0 Guāng fù xiāng f /Guangfu or Kuangfu township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 xian4], east Taiwan/ 光复会 光復會 S - 44 guāng fù huì f /anti-Qing revolutionary party set up in 1904 under Cai Yuanpei 蔡元培/same as 復古會|复古会/ 光大 - 199 guāng dà f /splendid/magnificent/abbr. for 中國光大銀行|中国光大银行[Zhong1 guo2 Guang1 da4 Yin2 hang2], China Everbright Bank/ 光天化日 - 95 guāng tiān huà rì f /the full light of day (idiom)/fig. peace and prosperity/in broad daylight/ 光头 光頭 S - 179 guāng tóu f /shaven head/bald head/to go bareheaded/hatless/ 光头党 光頭黨 S - 3 guāng tóu dǎng f /skinheads/ 光子 - 260 guāng zǐ f /photon (particle physics)/ 光学 光學 S - 1217 guāng xué f /optics/optical (instrument)/ 光学仪器 光學儀器 S - 3 guāng xué yí qì f /optical instrument/ 光学字符识别 光學字符識別 S - 0 guāng xué zì fú shí bié f /optical character recognition, OCR/ 光学显微镜 光學顯微鏡 S - 0 guāng xué xiǎn wēi jìng f /optical microscope/ 光學 光学 T - 1217 guāng xué f /optics/optical (instrument)/ 光學儀器 光学仪器 T - 3 guāng xué yí qì f /optical instrument/ 光學字符識別 光学字符识别 T - 0 guāng xué zì fú shí bié f /optical character recognition, OCR/ 光學顯微鏡 光学显微镜 T - 0 guāng xué xiǎn wēi jìng f /optical microscope/ 光宗耀祖 - 37 guāng zōng yào zǔ f /to bring honor to one's ancestors/ 光害 - 0 guāng hài f /light pollution (Tw)/ 光导纤维 光導纖維 S - 44 guāng dǎo xiān wéi f /optical fiber/ 光射線 光射线 T - 0 guāng shè xiàn f /light ray/ 光射线 光射線 S - 0 guāng shè xiàn f /light ray/ 光導纖維 光导纤维 T - 44 guāng dǎo xiān wéi f /optical fiber/ 光山 - 25 Guāng shān f /Guangshan county in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan/ 光山县 光山縣 S - 5 Guāng shān xiàn f /Guangshan county in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan/ 光山縣 光山县 T - 5 Guāng shān xiàn f /Guangshan county in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan/ 光州 - 26 Guāng zhōu f /Guangzhou, old name for Huangchuan 潢川[Huang2 chuan1] in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan/Gwangju Metropolitan City, capital of South Jeolla Province 全羅南道|全罗南道[Quan2 luo2 nan2 dao4], South Korea/ 光州市 - 0 Guāng zhōu shì f /Guangzhou, old name for Huangchuan 潢川[Huang2 chuan1] in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan/Gwangju Metropolitan City, capital of South Jeolla Province 全羅南道|全罗南道[Quan2 luo2 nan2 dao4], South Korea/ 光州广域市 光州廣域市 S - 0 Guāng zhōu guǎng yù shì f /Gwangju Metropolitan City, capital of South Jeolla Province 全羅南道|全罗南道[Quan2 luo2 nan2 dao4], South Korea/ 光州廣域市 光州广域市 T - 0 Guāng zhōu guǎng yù shì f /Gwangju Metropolitan City, capital of South Jeolla Province 全羅南道|全罗南道[Quan2 luo2 nan2 dao4], South Korea/ 光年 - 365 guāng nián f /light-year/ 光度 - 219 guāng dù f /luminosity/ 光彩 3541 585 guāng cǎi f /luster/splendor/radiance/brilliance/ 光彩夺目 光彩奪目 S - 293 guāng cǎi duó mù f /dazzling/brilliant/ 光彩奪目 光彩夺目 T - 293 guāng cǎi duó mù f /dazzling/brilliant/ 光影 - 104 guāng yǐng f /light and shadow/sunlight and shade/ 光影效 - 0 guāng yǐng xiào f /lighting effect/ 光復 光复 T - 213 Guāng fù f /Guangfu or Kuangfu township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 xian4], east Taiwan/ 光復 光复 T - 213 guāng fù f /to recover (territory or power)/the liberation of Taiwan from Japanese rule in 1945/ 光復會 光复会 T - 44 guāng fù huì f /anti-Qing revolutionary party set up in 1904 under Cai Yuanpei 蔡元培/same as 復古會|复古会/ 光復鄉 光复乡 T - 0 Guāng fù xiāng f /Guangfu or Kuangfu township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 xian4], east Taiwan/ 光怪陆离 光怪陸離 S - 44 guāng guài lù lí f /monstrous and multicolored/grotesque and variegated/ 光怪陸離 光怪陆离 T - 44 guāng guài lù lí f /monstrous and multicolored/grotesque and variegated/ 光感应 光感應 S - 0 guāng gǎn yìng f /optical response/reaction to light/light sensitive/photoinduction/ 光感應 光感应 T - 0 guāng gǎn yìng f /optical response/reaction to light/light sensitive/photoinduction/ 光接收器 - 0 guāng jiē shōu qì f /optical receiver/ 光敏 - 73 guāng mǐn f /photosensitive/ 光斑 - 33 guāng bān f /facula (astronomy)/ 光明 1897 1219 guāng míng f /light/radiance/(fig.) bright (prospects etc)/openhearted/ 光明新区 光明新區 S - 0 Guāng míng xīn qū f /New Guangming district of Shenzhen City 深圳市[Shen1 zhen4 shi4], Guangdong/ 光明新區 光明新区 T - 0 Guāng míng xīn qū f /New Guangming district of Shenzhen City 深圳市[Shen1 zhen4 shi4], Guangdong/ 光明日報 光明日报 T - 86 Guāng míng Rì bào f /Guangming Daily, a Beijing newspaper/ 光明日报 光明日報 S - 86 Guāng míng Rì bào f /Guangming Daily, a Beijing newspaper/ 光明星 - 0 guāng míng xīng f /bright star/name of North Korean space satellite/ 光明正大 - 115 guāng míng zhèng dà f /just and honorable/open and aboveboard/without tricks (idiom)/ 光明磊落 - 177 guāng míng lěi luò f /open and candid (idiom); straightforward and upright/ 光明節 光明节 T - 2 Guāng míng jié f /Hanukkah (Chanukah), 8 day Jewish holiday starting on the 25th day of Kislev (can occur from late Nov up to late Dec on Gregorian calendar)/also called 哈努卡節|哈努卡节 and simply 哈努卡/ 光明节 光明節 S - 2 Guāng míng jié f /Hanukkah (Chanukah), 8 day Jewish holiday starting on the 25th day of Kislev (can occur from late Nov up to late Dec on Gregorian calendar)/also called 哈努卡節|哈努卡节 and simply 哈努卡/ 光是 - 236 guāng shì f /solely/just/ 光景 - 364 guāng jǐng f /circumstances/scene/about/probably/ 光束 - 212 guāng shù f /light beam/ 光柱 - 113 guāng zhù f /light beam/light pillar (atmospheric optics)/ 光标 光標 S - 43 guāng biāo f /cursor (computing)/ 光检测器 光檢測器 S - 0 guāng jiǎn cè qì f /optical detector/ 光棍 - 115 guāng gùn f /gangster/hoodlum/a single person/bachelor/ 光棍儿 光棍兒 S - 2 guāng gùn r f /single person/bachelor/ 光棍兒 光棍儿 T - 2 guāng gùn r f /single person/bachelor/ 光棍節 光棍节 T - 3 Guāng gùn jié f /Singles' Day, celebrated on November 11 (11⁄11)/ 光棍节 光棍節 S - 3 Guāng gùn jié f /Singles' Day, celebrated on November 11 (11⁄11)/ 光榮 光荣 T 3119 2088 guāng róng f /honor and glory/glorious/ 光榮革命 光荣革命 T - 3 Guāng róng Gé mìng f /Glorious Revolution (England, 1688)/ 光槃 - 0 guāng pán f /variant of 光盤|光盘[guang1 pan2]/ 光標 光标 T - 43 guāng biāo f /cursor (computing)/ 光檢測器 光检测器 T - 0 guāng jiǎn cè qì f /optical detector/ 光气 光氣 S - 31 guāng qì f /phosgene COCl2, a poisonous gas/carbonyl chloride/ 光氣 光气 T - 31 guāng qì f /phosgene COCl2, a poisonous gas/carbonyl chloride/ 光波 - 224 guāng bō f /light wave/ 光波長 光波长 T - 3 guāng bō cháng f /optical wavelength/ 光波长 光波長 S - 3 guāng bō cháng f /optical wavelength/ 光泽 光澤 S - 1006 Guāng zé f /Guangze county in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ 光泽 光澤 S - 1006 guāng zé f /luster/gloss/ 光泽县 光澤縣 S - 3 Guāng zé xiàn f /Guangze county in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ 光洁 光潔 S - 79 guāng jié f /bright and clean/ 光润 光潤 S - 48 guāng rùn f /glossy/lustrous/sleek/ 光源 - 284 guāng yuán f /light source/ 光溜 - 7 guāng liū f /smooth/slippery/ 光滑 2354 511 guāng huá f /glossy/sleek/smooth/ 光漆 - 0 guāng qī f /enamel/ 光潔 光洁 T - 79 guāng jié f /bright and clean/ 光潤 光润 T - 48 guāng rùn f /glossy/lustrous/sleek/ 光澤 光泽 T - 1006 Guāng zé f /Guangze county in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ 光澤 光泽 T - 1006 guāng zé f /luster/gloss/ 光澤縣 光泽县 T - 3 Guāng zé xiàn f /Guangze county in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ 光照 - 310 guāng zhào f /illumination/ 光照度 - 14 guāng zhào dù f /illuminance (physics)/ 光爆 - 0 guāng bào f /explosion of light/ 光环 光環 S - 195 guāng huán f /halo/ring of light/ 光環 光环 T - 195 guāng huán f /halo/ring of light/ 光电 光電 S - 616 guāng diàn f /photoelectric/ 光电二极管 光電二極管 S - 0 guāng diàn èr jí guǎn f /photodiode/ 光电子 光電子 S - 61 guāng diàn zǐ f /photoelectronic/ 光电效应 光電效應 S - 75 guāng diàn xiào yìng f /photoelectric effect/ 光發送器 光发送器 T - 0 guāng fā sòng qì f /optical transmitter/ 光盘 光盤 S 2458 364 guāng pán f /compact disc/CD or DVD/CD ROM/CL:片[pian4],張|张[zhang1]/ 光盘驱动器 光盤驅動器 S - 0 guāng pán qū dòng qì f /CD or DVD drive/abbr. to 光驅|光驱/ 光盤 光盘 T 2458 364 guāng pán f /compact disc/CD or DVD/CD ROM/CL:片[pian4],張|张[zhang1]/ 光盤驅動器 光盘驱动器 T - 0 guāng pán qū dòng qì f /CD or DVD drive/abbr. to 光驅|光驱/ 光着 光著 S - 3 guāng zhe f /bare/naked/ 光碟 - 12 guāng dié f /optical disc/compact disc/CD/CD-ROM/CL:片[pian4],張|张[zhang1]/ 光磁 - 0 guāng cí f /magneto-optical/ 光磁碟 - 0 guāng cí dié f /magneto-optical disk/floptical disk/ 光磁碟机 光磁碟機 S - 0 guāng cí dié jī f /magneto-optical drive/floptical drive/ 光磁碟機 光磁碟机 T - 0 guāng cí dié jī f /magneto-optical drive/floptical drive/ 光祿勳 光禄勋 T - 0 guāng lù xūn f /Supervisor of Attendants in imperial China, one of the Nine Ministers 九卿[jiu3 qing1]/ 光祿大夫 光禄大夫 T - 0 guāng lù dài fu f /honorific title during Tang to Qing times, approx. "Glorious grand master"/ 光禄勋 光祿勳 S - 0 guāng lù xūn f /Supervisor of Attendants in imperial China, one of the Nine Ministers 九卿[jiu3 qing1]/ 光禄大夫 光祿大夫 S - 0 guāng lù dài fu f /honorific title during Tang to Qing times, approx. "Glorious grand master"/ 光禿禿 光秃秃 T - 123 guāng tū tū f /bald/bare/ 光秃秃 光禿禿 S - 123 guāng tū tū f /bald/bare/ 光笔 光筆 S - 10 guāng bǐ f /light pen/ 光筆 光笔 T - 10 guāng bǐ f /light pen/ 光緒 光绪 T - 2449 Guāng xù f /reign name of penultimate Qing emperor Guangxu or Guang-hsu (1875-1908)/ 光緒帝 光绪帝 T - 224 Guāng xù dì f /Guangxu Emperor/ 光線 光线 T - 802 guāng xiàn f /light ray/CL:條|条[tiao2],道[dao4]/light/illumination/lighting (for a photograph)/ 光纖 光纤 T - 407 guāng xiān f /optical fiber/fiber optics/ 光纖分佈數據接口 光纤分布数据接口 T - 0 guāng xiān fēn bù shù jù jiē kǒu f /FDDI/Fiber Distributed Data Interface/ 光纖分布式數據接口 光纤分布式数据接口 T - 0 guāng xiān fēn bù shì shù jù jiē kǒu f /Fiber Distributed Data Interface/FDDI/ 光纖分散式資料介面 光纤分散式资料介面 T - 0 guāng xiān fēn sàn shì zī liào jiè miàn f /fiber distributed data interface/FDDI/ 光纖接口 光纤接口 T - 0 guāng xiān jiē kǒu f /optical interface/ 光纖衰減 光纤衰减 T - 0 guāng xiān shuāi jiǎn f /optical attenuation/ 光纖電纜 光纤电缆 T - 0 guāng xiān diàn lǎn f /optical fiber/optical cable/ 光纜 光缆 T - 367 guāng lǎn f /optical cable/ 光纤 光纖 S - 407 guāng xiān f /optical fiber/fiber optics/ 光纤分布式数据接口 光纖分布式數據接口 S - 0 guāng xiān fēn bù shì shù jù jiē kǒu f /Fiber Distributed Data Interface/FDDI/ 光纤分布数据接口 光纖分佈數據接口 S - 0 guāng xiān fēn bù shù jù jiē kǒu f /FDDI/Fiber Distributed Data Interface/ 光纤分散式资料介面 光纖分散式資料介面 S - 0 guāng xiān fēn sàn shì zī liào jiè miàn f /fiber distributed data interface/FDDI/ 光纤接口 光纖接口 S - 0 guāng xiān jiē kǒu f /optical interface/ 光纤电缆 光纖電纜 S - 0 guāng xiān diàn lǎn f /optical fiber/optical cable/ 光纤衰减 光纖衰減 S - 0 guāng xiān shuāi jiǎn f /optical attenuation/ 光线 光線 S - 802 guāng xiàn f /light ray/CL:條|条[tiao2],道[dao4]/light/illumination/lighting (for a photograph)/ 光绪 光緒 S - 2449 Guāng xù f /reign name of penultimate Qing emperor Guangxu or Guang-hsu (1875-1908)/ 光绪帝 光緒帝 S - 224 Guāng xù dì f /Guangxu Emperor/ 光缆 光纜 S - 367 guāng lǎn f /optical cable/ 光耀 - 186 guāng yào f /dazzling/brilliant/ 光耀門楣 光耀门楣 T - 0 guāng yào mén méi f /splendor shines on the family's door (idiom)/fig. to bring honor to one's family/ 光耀门楣 光耀門楣 S - 0 guāng yào mén méi f /splendor shines on the family's door (idiom)/fig. to bring honor to one's family/ 光背地鶇 光背地鸫 T - 0 guāng bèi dì dōng f /(bird species of China) plain-backed thrush (Zoothera mollissima)/ 光背地鸫 光背地鶇 S - 0 guāng bèi dì dōng f /(bird species of China) plain-backed thrush (Zoothera mollissima)/ 光能 - 3 guāng néng f /light energy (e.g. solar)/ 光能合成 - 0 guāng néng hé chéng f /photosynthesis/ 光脚 光腳 S - 3 guāng jiǎo f /bare feet/ 光腳 光脚 T - 3 guāng jiǎo f /bare feet/ 光膀子 - 3 guāng bǎng zi f /bare upper body/bare-chested/to bare one's chest/ 光臨 光临 T 1684 289 guāng lín f /(formal) to honor with one's presence/to attend/ 光芒 3352 1838 guāng máng f /rays of light/brilliant rays/radiance/ 光荣 光榮 S 3119 2088 guāng róng f /honor and glory/glorious/ 光荣革命 光榮革命 S - 3 Guāng róng Gé mìng f /Glorious Revolution (England, 1688)/ 光華 光华 T - 1962 guāng huá f /brilliance/splendor/magnificence/ 光著 光着 T - 3 guāng zhe f /bare/naked/ 光衝量 光冲量 T - 0 guāng chōng liàng f /radiant exposure/ 光說不做 光说不做 T - 3 guāng shuō bù zuò f /all talk and no action (idiom)/to preach what one does not practice/ 光說不練 光说不练 T - 3 guāng shuō bù liàn f /all talk and no action (idiom)/to preach what one does not practice/same as 光說不做|光说不做[guang1 shuo1 bu4 zuo4]/ 光譜 光谱 T - 579 guāng pǔ f /spectrum/ 光譜儀 光谱仪 T - 42 guāng pǔ yí f /spectrometer/spectrograph/ 光譜分析 光谱分析 T - 65 guāng pǔ fēn xī f /spectral analysis/ 光譜圖 光谱图 T - 0 guāng pǔ tú f /spectrogram/ 光譜學 光谱学 T - 60 guāng pǔ xué f /spectroscopy/ 光说不做 光說不做 S - 3 guāng shuō bù zuò f /all talk and no action (idiom)/to preach what one does not practice/ 光说不练 光說不練 S - 3 guāng shuō bù liàn f /all talk and no action (idiom)/to preach what one does not practice/same as 光說不做|光说不做[guang1 shuo1 bu4 zuo4]/ 光谱 光譜 S - 579 guāng pǔ f /spectrum/ 光谱仪 光譜儀 S - 42 guāng pǔ yí f /spectrometer/spectrograph/ 光谱分析 光譜分析 S - 65 guāng pǔ fēn xī f /spectral analysis/ 光谱图 光譜圖 S - 0 guāng pǔ tú f /spectrogram/ 光谱学 光譜學 S - 60 guāng pǔ xué f /spectroscopy/ 光輝 光辉 T 3767 1223 guāng huī f /radiance/glory/brilliant/magnificent/ 光輻射 光辐射 T - 41 guāng fú shè f /light radiation/ 光辉 光輝 S 3767 1223 guāng huī f /radiance/glory/brilliant/magnificent/ 光辐射 光輻射 S - 41 guāng fú shè f /light radiation/ 光通量 - 20 guāng tōng liàng f /luminous flux (physics)/ 光速 - 248 guāng sù f /the speed of light/ 光量 - 0 guāng liàng f /quantity of light/luminosity/ 光阴 光陰 S - 158 guāng yīn f /time available/ 光阴似箭 光陰似箭 S - 9 guāng yīn sì jiàn f /time flies like an arrow (idiom); How time flies!/ 光陰 光阴 T - 158 guāng yīn f /time available/ 光陰似箭 光阴似箭 T - 9 guāng yīn sì jiàn f /time flies like an arrow (idiom); How time flies!/ 光電 光电 T - 616 guāng diàn f /photoelectric/ 光電二極管 光电二极管 T - 0 guāng diàn èr jí guǎn f /photodiode/ 光電子 光电子 T - 61 guāng diàn zǐ f /photoelectronic/ 光電效應 光电效应 T - 75 guāng diàn xiào yìng f /photoelectric effect/ 光面內質網 光面内质网 T - 0 guāng miàn nèi zhì wǎng f /smooth endoplasmic reticulum/ 光面内质网 光面內質網 S - 0 guāng miàn nèi zhì wǎng f /smooth endoplasmic reticulum/ 光頭 光头 T - 179 guāng tóu f /shaven head/bald head/to go bareheaded/hatless/ 光頭黨 光头党 T - 3 guāng tóu dǎng f /skinheads/ 光顧 光顾 T - 225 guāng gù f /to visit (as a customer)/ 光顾 光顧 S - 225 guāng gù f /to visit (as a customer)/ 光風霽月 光风霁月 T - 9 guāng fēng jì yuè f /lit. light breeze and clear moon (idiom)/period of peace and prosperity/noble and benevolent character/ 光风霁月 光風霽月 S - 9 guāng fēng jì yuè f /lit. light breeze and clear moon (idiom)/period of peace and prosperity/noble and benevolent character/ 光驅 光驱 T - 89 guāng qū f /CD or DVD Drive/abbr. for 光盤驅動器|光盘驱动器/ 光驱 光驅 S - 89 guāng qū f /CD or DVD Drive/abbr. for 光盤驅動器|光盘驱动器/ 光鮮 光鲜 T - 88 guāng xiān f /bright and neat/ 光鲜 光鮮 S - 88 guāng xiān f /bright and neat/ 光鹵石 光卤石 T - 11 guāng lǔ shí f /carnallite (hydrated potassium magnesium chloride mineral)/ 克 1261 6270 kè t /to be able to/to subdue/to restrain/to overcome/gram/Tibetan unit of land area, about 6 ares/ 克 剋 S 1261 6270 Kè t /Ke (c. 2000 BC), seventh of the legendary Flame Emperors, 炎帝[Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God/ 克 剋 S 1261 6270 kè t /variant of 克[ke4]/to subdue/to overthrow/to restrain/ 克 剋 S 1261 6270 kēi f /to scold/to beat/ 克 尅 S 1261 6270 kè t /variant of 剋|克[ke4]/ 克东 克東 S - 3 Kè dōng f /Kedong county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang/ 克东县 克東縣 S - 3 Kè dōng xiàn f /Kedong county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang/ 克丝钳子 克絲鉗子 S - 3 kè sī qián zi f /wire cutting pincers/ 克什克腾 克什克騰 S - 0 Kè shí kè téng f /Hexigten banner or Kesigüten khoshuu in Chifeng 赤峰[Chi4 feng1], Inner Mongolia/ 克什克腾旗 克什克騰旗 S - 22 Kè shí kè téng qí f /Hexigten banner or Kesigüten khoshuu in Chifeng 赤峰[Chi4 feng1], Inner Mongolia/ 克什克騰 克什克腾 T - 0 Kè shí kè téng f /Hexigten banner or Kesigüten khoshuu in Chifeng 赤峰[Chi4 feng1], Inner Mongolia/ 克什克騰旗 克什克腾旗 T - 22 Kè shí kè téng qí f /Hexigten banner or Kesigüten khoshuu in Chifeng 赤峰[Chi4 feng1], Inner Mongolia/ 克什米尔 克什米爾 S - 206 Kè shí mǐ ěr f /Kashmir/ 克什米爾 克什米尔 T - 206 Kè shí mǐ ěr f /Kashmir/ 克仑特罗 克侖特羅 S - 3 kè lún tè luō f /clenbuterol/ 克他命 - 0 kè tā mìng f /ketamine (loanword)/ 克侖特羅 克仑特罗 T - 3 kè lún tè luō f /clenbuterol/ 克俭 克儉 S - 3 kè jiǎn f /thrift/economy/ 克儉 克俭 T - 3 kè jiǎn f /thrift/economy/ 克利夫兰 克利夫蘭 S - 44 Kè lì fū lán f /Cleveland/ 克利夫蘭 克利夫兰 T - 44 Kè lì fū lán f /Cleveland/ 克利斯朵夫 - 0 Kè lì sī duǒ fū f /Christopher (name)/ 克制 3634 522 kè zhì f /to restrain/to control/restraint/self-control/ 克劳修斯 克勞修斯 S - 4 kè láo xiū sī f /Rudolf Clausius (1822-1888)/ 克劳德 克勞德 S - 14 Kè láo dé f /Claude (name)/ 克劳斯 克勞斯 S - 26 Kè láo sī f /Claus or Klaus (name)/ 克劳福德 克勞福德 S - 6 Kè láo fú dé f /Crawford (town in Texas)/ 克勒 - 9 Kè lè f /Keller or Köhler (name)/Horst Köhler (1943-), German economist and CDU politician, chaired IMF 2000-2004, President of Germany from 2004/ 克勞修斯 克劳修斯 T - 4 kè láo xiū sī f /Rudolf Clausius (1822-1888)/ 克勞德 克劳德 T - 14 Kè láo dé f /Claude (name)/ 克勞斯 克劳斯 T - 26 Kè láo sī f /Claus or Klaus (name)/ 克勞福德 克劳福德 T - 6 Kè láo fú dé f /Crawford (town in Texas)/ 克勤克俭 克勤克儉 S - 7 kè qín kè jiǎn f /to be industrious and frugal (idiom)/ 克勤克儉 克勤克俭 T - 7 kè qín kè jiǎn f /to be industrious and frugal (idiom)/ 克基拉岛 克基拉島 S - 0 Kè jī lā Dǎo f /Corfu (Greek: Kerkira), island in the Ionian sea/ 克基拉島 克基拉岛 T - 0 Kè jī lā Dǎo f /Corfu (Greek: Kerkira), island in the Ionian sea/ 克娄巴特拉 克婁巴特拉 S - 0 Kè lóu bā tè lā f /Cleopatra (name)/Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator (69-30 BC), the last Egyptian pharaoh/ 克婁巴特拉 克娄巴特拉 T - 0 Kè lóu bā tè lā f /Cleopatra (name)/Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator (69-30 BC), the last Egyptian pharaoh/ 克孜勒苏 克孜勒蘇 S - 4 Kè zī lè sū f /Qizilsu or Kizilsu Kyrgyz autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang/ 克孜勒苏地区 克孜勒蘇地區 S - 0 Kè zī lè sū dì qū f /Qizilsu or Kizilsu Kyrgyz autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang/ 克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州 克孜勒蘇柯爾克孜自治州 S - 11 Kè zī lè sū Kē ěr kè zī zì zhì zhōu f /Qizilsu or Kizilsu Kyrgyz autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang/ 克孜勒苏河 克孜勒蘇河 S - 0 Kè zī lè sū Hé f /Qizilsu or Kizilsu River in Xinjiang/ 克孜勒蘇 克孜勒苏 T - 4 Kè zī lè sū f /Qizilsu or Kizilsu Kyrgyz autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang/ 克孜勒蘇地區 克孜勒苏地区 T - 0 Kè zī lè sū dì qū f /Qizilsu or Kizilsu Kyrgyz autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang/ 克孜勒蘇柯爾克孜自治州 克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州 T - 11 Kè zī lè sū Kē ěr kè zī zì zhì zhōu f /Qizilsu or Kizilsu Kyrgyz autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang/ 克孜勒蘇河 克孜勒苏河 T - 0 Kè zī lè sū Hé f /Qizilsu or Kizilsu River in Xinjiang/ 克孜尔千佛洞 克孜爾千佛洞 S - 0 Kè zī ěr qiān fó dòng f /Kezil thousand-Buddha grotto in Baicheng 拜城, Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区, Xinjiang/ 克孜尔尕哈 克孜爾尕哈 S - 0 Kè zī ěr gǎ hā f /Kizilgaha (Uighur: red-mouthed crow or border sentry), site of famous fire beacon tower and cliff caves in Kuchar county 庫車|库车, Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区, Xinjiang/ 克孜尔尕哈烽火台 克孜爾尕哈烽火台 S - 0 Kè zī ěr gǎ hā fēng huǒ tái f /Kizilgaha fire beacon tower in Kuchar county 庫車|库车, Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区, Xinjiang/ 克孜爾千佛洞 克孜尔千佛洞 T - 0 Kè zī ěr qiān fó dòng f /Kezil thousand-Buddha grotto in Baicheng 拜城, Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区, Xinjiang/ 克孜爾尕哈 克孜尔尕哈 T - 0 Kè zī ěr gǎ hā f /Kizilgaha (Uighur: red-mouthed crow or border sentry), site of famous fire beacon tower and cliff caves in Kuchar county 庫車|库车, Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区, Xinjiang/ 克孜爾尕哈烽火台 克孜尔尕哈烽火台 T - 0 Kè zī ěr gǎ hā fēng huǒ tái f /Kizilgaha fire beacon tower in Kuchar county 庫車|库车, Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区, Xinjiang/ 克尔白 克爾白 S - 21 Kè ěr bái f /Ka'aba, sacred building in Mecca/ 克山 - 38 Kè shān f /Keshan county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang/ 克山县 克山縣 S - 2 Kè shān xiàn f /Keshan county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang/ 克山縣 克山县 T - 2 Kè shān xiàn f /Keshan county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang/ 克己 剋己 S - 49 kè jǐ f /self-restraint/discipline/selflessness/ 克己复礼 克己復禮 S - 74 kè jǐ fù lǐ f /restrain yourself and return to the rites (idiom, from Analects); to subdue self and observe proprieties/(any number of possible translations)/ 克己奉公 剋己奉公 S - 13 kè jǐ fèng gōng f /self-restraint and devotion to public duties (idiom); selfless dedication/to serve the public interest wholeheartedly/ 克己復禮 克己复礼 T - 74 kè jǐ fù lǐ f /restrain yourself and return to the rites (idiom, from Analects); to subdue self and observe proprieties/(any number of possible translations)/ 克扣 剋扣 S - 121 kè kòu f /to dock/to deduct/to embezzle/ 克拉 - 391 kè lā f /carat (mass) (loanword)/ 克拉克 - 88 Kè lā kè f /Clark or Clarke (name)/ 克拉夫丘克 - 6 Kè lā fū qiū kè f /Leonid Kravchuk (1934-), first post-communist president of Ukraine 1991-1994/ 克拉斯諾亞爾斯克 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克 T - 30 Kè lā sī nuò yà ěr sī kè f /Krasnoyarsk/ 克拉斯諾達爾 克拉斯诺达尔 T - 0 kè lā sī nuò dá ěr f /Krasnodar (city in Russia)/ 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克 克拉斯諾亞爾斯克 S - 30 Kè lā sī nuò yà ěr sī kè f /Krasnoyarsk/ 克拉斯诺达尔 克拉斯諾達爾 S - 0 kè lā sī nuò dá ěr f /Krasnodar (city in Russia)/ 克拉斯金諾 克拉斯金诺 T - 0 Kè lā sī jīn nuò f /Kraskino town in Primorsky Krai, Russia, close to the North Korean border/ 克拉斯金诺 克拉斯金諾 S - 0 Kè lā sī jīn nuò f /Kraskino town in Primorsky Krai, Russia, close to the North Korean border/ 克拉玛依 克拉瑪依 S - 45 Kè lā mǎ yī f /Qaramay shehiri (Karamay city) or Kèlāmǎyī prefecture level city in Xinjiang/ 克拉玛依区 克拉瑪依區 S - 0 Kè lā mǎ yī qū f /Karamay district (Uighur: Qaramay Rayoni) of Qaramay City, Xinjiang/ 克拉玛依市 克拉瑪依市 S - 19 Kè lā mǎ yī shì f /Qaramay shehiri (Karamay city) or Kèlāmǎyī prefecture level city in Xinjiang/ 克拉瑪依 克拉玛依 T - 45 Kè lā mǎ yī f /Qaramay shehiri (Karamay city) or Kèlāmǎyī prefecture level city in Xinjiang/ 克拉瑪依區 克拉玛依区 T - 0 Kè lā mǎ yī qū f /Karamay district (Uighur: Qaramay Rayoni) of Qaramay City, Xinjiang/ 克拉瑪依市 克拉玛依市 T - 19 Kè lā mǎ yī shì f /Qaramay shehiri (Karamay city) or Kèlāmǎyī prefecture level city in Xinjiang/ 克拉科夫 - 45 Kè lā kē fū f /Krakow/ 克拉通 - 3 kè lā tōng f /craton (loanword)/ 克文 - 0 Kè wén f /Kevin (name)/ 克日 - 0 kè rì f /to set a date/to set a time frame/within a certain time limit/ 克星 剋星 S - 152 kè xīng f /nemesis/bane/fated to be ill-matched/ 克服 1946 1473 kè fú f /(try to) overcome (hardships etc)/to conquer/to put up with/to endure/ 克朗 - 66 kè lǎng f /krone (currency of Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Sweden) (loanword)/ 克朗代克 - 0 Kè lǎng dài kè f /Klondike in northwest Canada/ 克期 - 3 kè qī f /to set a date/to set a time frame/within a certain time limit/ 克東 克东 T - 3 Kè dōng f /Kedong county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang/ 克東縣 克东县 T - 3 Kè dōng xiàn f /Kedong county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang/ 克林姆 - 2 kè lín mǔ f /cream (loanword)/ 克林姆酱 克林姆醬 S - 0 kè lín mǔ jiàng f /pastry cream/crème pâtissière/ 克林姆醬 克林姆酱 T - 0 kè lín mǔ jiàng f /pastry cream/crème pâtissière/ 克林德 - 15 Kè lín dé f /Klemens Freiherr von Ketteler, German minister killed during the Boxer uprising/ 克林霉素 - 0 kè lín méi sù f /clindamycin/ 克林頓 克林顿 T - 295 Kè lín dùn f /Clinton (name)/Bill Clinton (1946-), US Democratic politician, President 1993-2001/Hillary Rodham Clinton (1947-), US Democratic politician/ 克林顿 克林頓 S - 295 Kè lín dùn f /Clinton (name)/Bill Clinton (1946-), US Democratic politician, President 1993-2001/Hillary Rodham Clinton (1947-), US Democratic politician/ 克架 剋架 S - 0 kè jià f /to scuffle/to come to blows/ 克格勃 - 28 kè gé bó f /KGB (Soviet secret police)/ 克汀病 - 18 kè tīng bìng f /cretinism/ 克沙奇病毒 - 0 kè shā qí bìng dú f /Coxsackievirus/ 克流感 - 0 kè liú gǎn f /oseltamivir/Tamiflu/ 克漏字 - 0 kè lòu zì f /cloze (loanword)/ 克爾白 克尔白 T - 21 Kè ěr bái f /Ka'aba, sacred building in Mecca/ 克紹箕裘 克绍箕裘 T - 3 kè shào jī qiú f /to follow in one's father's footsteps/ 克絲鉗子 克丝钳子 T - 3 kè sī qián zi f /wire cutting pincers/ 克維拉 克维拉 T - 0 Kè wéi lā f /Kevlar/ 克绍箕裘 克紹箕裘 S - 3 kè shào jī qiú f /to follow in one's father's footsteps/ 克维拉 克維拉 S - 0 Kè wéi lā f /Kevlar/ 克罗地亚 克羅地亞 S - 332 Kè luó dì yà f /Croatia/ 克罗地亚共和国 克羅地亞共和國 S - 4 Kè luó dì yà Gòng hé guó f /Republic of Croatia/ 克罗地亚语 克羅地亞語 S - 12 Kè luó dì yà yǔ f /Croatian (language)/ 克罗埃西亚 克羅埃西亞 S - 0 Kè luó āi xī yà f /Croatia (Tw)/ 克罗诺斯 克羅諾斯 S - 4 Kè luó nuò sī f /Chronos, Greek God and cannibalistic child abuser, father of Zeus/ 克羅地亞 克罗地亚 T - 332 Kè luó dì yà f /Croatia/ 克羅地亞共和國 克罗地亚共和国 T - 4 Kè luó dì yà Gòng hé guó f /Republic of Croatia/ 克羅地亞語 克罗地亚语 T - 12 Kè luó dì yà yǔ f /Croatian (language)/ 克羅埃西亞 克罗埃西亚 T - 0 Kè luó āi xī yà f /Croatia (Tw)/ 克羅諾斯 克罗诺斯 T - 4 Kè luó nuò sī f /Chronos, Greek God and cannibalistic child abuser, father of Zeus/ 克耶族 - 2 Kè yē zú f /Kaya or Karenni ethnic group of Myanmar/ 克耶邦 - 3 Kè yē bāng f /Kaya state of Myanmar/ 克苏鲁 克蘇魯 S - 0 Kè sū lǔ f /Cthulhu, fictional cosmic entity created by writer H. P. Lovecraft/ 克莉奥佩特拉 克莉奧佩特拉 S - 0 Kè lì ào pèi tè lā f /Cleopatra (c. 70-30 BC), queen of Egypt/ 克莉奧佩特拉 克莉奥佩特拉 T - 0 Kè lì ào pèi tè lā f /Cleopatra (c. 70-30 BC), queen of Egypt/ 克莱 克萊 S - 17 Kè lái f /Clay (name)/ 克莱因 克萊因 S - 19 Kè lái yīn f /Klein or Kline (name)/Felix Klein (1849-1925), German mathematician/ 克莱斯勒 克萊斯勒 S - 40 Kè lái sī lè f /Chrysler/ 克莱斯勒汽车公司 克萊斯勒汽車公司 S - 0 Kè lái sī lè Qì chē Gōng sī f /Chrysler/ 克莱蒙特 克萊懞特 S - 0 Kè lái méng tè f /Clermont (French town)/ 克莱顿 克萊頓 S - 3 Kè lái dùn f /Clayton (name)/Crighton (name)/ 克萊 克莱 T - 17 Kè lái f /Clay (name)/ 克萊因 克莱因 T - 19 Kè lái yīn f /Klein or Kline (name)/Felix Klein (1849-1925), German mathematician/ 克萊懞特 克莱蒙特 T - 0 Kè lái méng tè f /Clermont (French town)/ 克萊斯勒 克莱斯勒 T - 40 Kè lái sī lè f /Chrysler/ 克萊斯勒汽車公司 克莱斯勒汽车公司 T - 0 Kè lái sī lè Qì chē Gōng sī f /Chrysler/ 克萊頓 克莱顿 T - 3 Kè lái dùn f /Clayton (name)/Crighton (name)/ 克蕾儿 克蕾兒 S - 0 Kè lěi r f /Clare (name)/ 克蕾兒 克蕾儿 T - 0 Kè lěi r f /Clare (name)/ 克蘇魯 克苏鲁 T - 0 Kè sū lǔ f /Cthulhu, fictional cosmic entity created by writer H. P. Lovecraft/ 克虏伯 克虜伯 S - 98 Kè lǔ bó f /Krupp/ 克虜伯 克虏伯 T - 98 Kè lǔ bó f /Krupp/ 克西 - 39 kè Xī f /xi or ksi (Greek letter Ξξ)/ 克賴斯特徹奇 克赖斯特彻奇 T - 10 Kè lài sī tè chè qí f /Christchurch (New Zealand city)/ 克赖斯特彻奇 克賴斯特徹奇 S - 10 Kè lài sī tè chè qí f /Christchurch (New Zealand city)/ 克里奥尔语 克里奧爾語 S - 0 kè lǐ ào ěr yǔ f /creole language/ 克里奧爾語 克里奥尔语 T - 0 kè lǐ ào ěr yǔ f /creole language/ 克里姆林宫 克里姆林宮 S - 86 Kè lǐ mǔ lín Gōng f /the Kremlin/ 克里姆林宮 克里姆林宫 T - 86 Kè lǐ mǔ lín Gōng f /the Kremlin/ 克里斯托弗 - 22 Kè lǐ sī tuō fú f /(Warren) Christopher/ 克里斯汀·貝爾 克里斯汀·贝尔 T - 0 Kè lǐ sī tīng · Bèi ěr f /Christian Bale (1974-), English actor/ 克里斯汀·贝尔 克里斯汀·貝爾 S - 0 Kè lǐ sī tīng · Bèi ěr f /Christian Bale (1974-), English actor/ 克里斯蒂娃 - 0 Kè lǐ sī dì wá f /Julia Kristeva (1941-), Bulgarian-French psychoanalyst, philosopher and literary critic/ 克里斯蒂安 - 10 Kè lǐ sī dì ān f /Kristian or Christian (name)/ 克里斯蒂安松 - 0 Kè lǐ sī dì ān sōng f /Kristiansund (city in Norway)/ 克里普斯 - 4 Kè lǐ pǔ sī f /Cripps (name)/Sir Stafford Cripps (1889-1952), UK socialist politician/ 克里木 - 96 Kè lǐ mù f /Crimea/the Crimean peninsula/ 克里木半岛 克里木半島 S - 0 Kè lǐ mù Bàn dǎo f /Crimea/the Crimean peninsula/ 克里木半島 克里木半岛 T - 0 Kè lǐ mù Bàn dǎo f /Crimea/the Crimean peninsula/ 克里木战争 克里木戰爭 S - 0 Kè lǐ mù Zhàn zhēng f /the Crimean War (1853-1856)/ 克里木戰爭 克里木战争 T - 0 Kè lǐ mù Zhàn zhēng f /the Crimean War (1853-1856)/ 克里特 - 541 Kè lǐ tè f /Crete/ 克里特岛 克里特島 S - 178 Kè lǐ tè Dǎo f /Crete/ 克里特島 克里特岛 T - 178 Kè lǐ tè Dǎo f /Crete/ 克里米亚 克里米亞 S - 39 Kè lǐ mǐ yà f /Crimea/ 克里米亞 克里米亚 T - 39 Kè lǐ mǐ yà f /Crimea/ 克隆 - 313 kè lóng f /clone (loanword)/ 克隆人 - 8 kè lóng rén f /clone human/ 克隆技术 克隆技術 S - 3 kè lóng jì shù f /cloning technology/ 克隆技術 克隆技术 T - 3 kè lóng jì shù f /cloning technology/ 克隆氏病 - 0 Kè lóng shì bìng f /Crohn's disease/ 克雅氏症 - 3 Kè Yǎ shì zhèng f /Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease CJD/ 克雷伯氏菌属 克雷伯氏菌屬 S - 0 Kè léi bó shì jūn shǔ f /Klebsiella/ 克雷伯氏菌屬 克雷伯氏菌属 T - 0 Kè léi bó shì jūn shǔ f /Klebsiella/ 克霉唑 - 6 kè méi zuò f /clotrimazole (antifungal agent)/ 兌 兑 T - 1295 Duì f /surname Dui/ 兌 兑 T - 1295 duì f /to cash/to exchange/to add (liquid)/to blend/one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦[ba1 gua4], symbolizing swamp/☱/ 兌付 兑付 T - 54 duì fù f /to cash (a check)/ 兌換 兑换 T 2386 1409 duì huàn f /to convert/to exchange/ 兌換率 兑换率 T - 13 duì huàn lǜ f /currency exchange rate/ 兌現 兑现 T 3393 259 duì xiàn f /(of a cheque etc) to cash/to honor a commitment/ 免 - 1786 miǎn t /to excuse sb/to exempt/to remove or dismiss from office/to avoid/to avert/to escape/to be prohibited/ 免 - 1786 wèn f /old variant of 絻[wen4]/ 免不了 - 366 miǎn bù liǎo f /unavoidable/can't be avoided/ 免不得 - 25 miǎn bu de f /unavoidable/bound to (happen)/ 免于 免於 S - 343 miǎn yú f /to be saved from/to be spared (something)/ 免去职务 免去職務 S - 0 miǎn qù zhí wù f /to relieve from office/to sack/ 免去職務 免去职务 T - 0 miǎn qù zhí wù f /to relieve from office/to sack/ 免受 - 160 miǎn shòu f /to avoid suffering/to prevent (sth bad)/to protect against (damage)/immunity (from prosecution)/freedom (from pain, damage etc)/exempt from punishment/ 免受伤害 免受傷害 S - 0 miǎn shòu shāng hài f /to avoid damage/ 免受傷害 免受伤害 T - 0 miǎn shòu shāng hài f /to avoid damage/ 免开尊口 免開尊口 S - 10 miǎn kāi zūn kǒu f /keep your thoughts to yourself/ 免得 3383 1031 miǎn de f /so as not to/so as to avoid/ 免掉 - 21 miǎn diào f /to eliminate/to scrap/ 免提 - 6 miǎn tí f /hands-free (of telephone etc)/ 免於 免于 T - 343 miǎn yú f /to be saved from/to be spared (something)/ 免洗杯 - 0 miǎn xǐ bēi f /disposable cup (Tw)/ 免疫 3426 1263 miǎn yì f /immunity (to disease)/ 免疫力 - 216 miǎn yì lì f /immunity/ 免疫反应 免疫反應 S - 0 miǎn yì fǎn yìng f /immune response/ 免疫反應 免疫反应 T - 0 miǎn yì fǎn yìng f /immune response/ 免疫学 免疫學 S - 95 miǎn yì xué f /immunology/ 免疫學 免疫学 T - 95 miǎn yì xué f /immunology/ 免疫应答 免疫應答 S - 0 miǎn yì yīng dá f /immune response/ 免疫應答 免疫应答 T - 0 miǎn yì yīng dá f /immune response/ 免疫法 - 0 miǎn yì fǎ f /immunization/ 免疫系統 免疫系统 T - 3 miǎn yì xì tǒng f /immune system/ 免疫系统 免疫系統 S - 3 miǎn yì xì tǒng f /immune system/ 免稅 免税 T - 147 miǎn shuì f /not liable to taxation (of monastery, imperial family etc)/tax free/duty free (shop)/ 免税 免稅 S - 147 miǎn shuì f /not liable to taxation (of monastery, imperial family etc)/tax free/duty free (shop)/ 免签 免簽 S - 8 miǎn qiān f /to waive visa requirements/visa exemption/visa-exempt/ 免簽 免签 T - 8 miǎn qiān f /to waive visa requirements/visa exemption/visa-exempt/ 免职 免職 S - 175 miǎn zhí f /to relieve sb of his post/to sack/to demote/dismissal/sacking/ 免職 免职 T - 175 miǎn zhí f /to relieve sb of his post/to sack/to demote/dismissal/sacking/ 免責條款 免责条款 T - 0 miǎn zé tiáo kuǎn f /disclaimer/ 免責聲明 免责声明 T - 0 miǎn zé shēng míng f /disclaimer/statement denying or limiting responsibility/ 免費 免费 T 886 1810 miǎn fèi f /free (of charge)/ 免費搭車 免费搭车 T - 3 miǎn fèi dā chē f /free riding (economics)/ 免費軟件 免费软件 T - 3 miǎn fèi ruǎn jiàn f /freeware/ 免賠 免赔 T - 0 miǎn péi f /(insurance) excess/ 免賠條款 免赔条款 T - 0 miǎn péi tiáo kuǎn f /franchise clause (insurance)/ 免责声明 免責聲明 S - 0 miǎn zé shēng míng f /disclaimer/statement denying or limiting responsibility/ 免责条款 免責條款 S - 0 miǎn zé tiáo kuǎn f /disclaimer/ 免费 免費 S 886 1810 miǎn fèi f /free (of charge)/ 免费搭车 免費搭車 S - 3 miǎn fèi dā chē f /free riding (economics)/ 免费软件 免費軟件 S - 3 miǎn fèi ruǎn jiàn f /freeware/ 免赔 免賠 S - 0 miǎn péi f /(insurance) excess/ 免赔条款 免賠條款 S - 0 miǎn péi tiáo kuǎn f /franchise clause (insurance)/ 免遭 - 158 miǎn zāo f /to avoid suffering/to avoid meeting (a fatal accident)/spared/ 免開尊口 免开尊口 T - 10 miǎn kāi zūn kǒu f /keep your thoughts to yourself/ 免除 - 403 miǎn chú f /to prevent/to avoid/to excuse/to exempt/to relieve/(of a debt) to remit/ 免黜 - 0 miǎn chù f /to dismiss/to fire/to degrade/ 兎 兔 T - 683 tù f /variant of 兔[tu4]/ 児 - 8 ér f /Japanese variant of 兒|儿[er2]/ 兑 兌 S - 1295 Duì f /surname Dui/ 兑 兌 S - 1295 duì f /to cash/to exchange/to add (liquid)/to blend/one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦[ba1 gua4], symbolizing swamp/☱/ 兑付 兌付 S - 54 duì fù f /to cash (a check)/ 兑换 兌換 S 2386 1409 duì huàn f /to convert/to exchange/ 兑换率 兌換率 S - 13 duì huàn lǜ f /currency exchange rate/ 兑现 兌現 S 3393 259 duì xiàn f /(of a cheque etc) to cash/to honor a commitment/ 兒 儿 T - 15411 ér f /son/ 兒 儿 T - 15411 r t /non-syllabic diminutive suffix/retroflex final/ 兒不嫌母醜,狗不嫌家貧 儿不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫 T - 0 ér bù xián mǔ chǒu , gǒu bù xián jiā pín f /a son won't abandon his mother for being ugly, just as a dog won't abandon its owner for being poor (proverb)/ 兒化 儿化 T - 9 ér huà f /nonsyllabic final r 儿 added to a word in spoken Chinese/also called retroflex final or r-ization/ 兒化韻 儿化韵 T - 0 ér huà yùn f /retroflex final/nonsyllabic final r 儿 added to a word in spoken Chinese/ 兒女 儿女 T - 973 ér nǚ f /children/sons and daughters/ 兒女英雄傳 儿女英雄传 T - 0 Er nǚ Yīng xióng Zhuàn f /The Gallant Maid, novel by Manchu-born Qing dynasty writer 文康[Wen2 Kang1]/ 兒媳 儿媳 T - 291 ér xí f /daughter-in-law/ 兒媳婦 儿媳妇 T - 229 ér xí fu f /daughter-in-law/ 兒媳婦兒 儿媳妇儿 T - 3 ér xí fu r f /erhua variant of 兒媳婦|儿媳妇[er2 xi2 fu5]/ 兒子 儿子 T 87 9364 ér zi f /son/ 兒孫 儿孙 T - 130 ér sūn f /descendant/ 兒孫自有兒孫福 儿孙自有儿孙福 T - 0 ér sūn zì yǒu ér sūn fú f /younger generations will do all right on their own (idiom)/ 兒戲 儿戏 T - 134 ér xì f /child's play/trifling matter/ 兒時 儿时 T - 162 ér shí f /childhood/ 兒歌 儿歌 T - 75 ér gē f /nursery rhyme/ 兒科 儿科 T - 115 ér kē f /pediatrics/ 兒童 儿童 T 943 5456 ér tóng f /child/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 兒童基金會 儿童基金会 T - 0 Er tóng Jī jīn huì f /UNICEF (United Nations Children's fund)/ 兒童權利公約 儿童权利公约 T - 0 ér tóng quán lì gōng yuē f /Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)/ 兒馬 儿马 T - 11 ér mǎ f /stallion/ 兔 兎 S - 683 tù f /variant of 兔[tu4]/ 兔 - 683 tù f /rabbit/ 兔唇 - 6 tù chún f /hare lip (birth defect)/ 兔子 1707 343 tù zi f /hare/rabbit/CL:隻|只[zhi1]/ 兔子不吃窝边草 兔子不吃窩邊草 S - 5 tù zi bù chī wō biān cǎo f /A rabbit doesn't eat the grass by its own burrow (idiom); One shouldn't do anything to harm one's neighbors./ 兔子不吃窩邊草 兔子不吃窝边草 T - 5 tù zi bù chī wō biān cǎo f /A rabbit doesn't eat the grass by its own burrow (idiom); One shouldn't do anything to harm one's neighbors./ 兔崽子 - 40 tù zǎi zi f /brat/bastard/ 兔年 - 3 tù nián f /Year of the Rabbit (e.g. 2011)/ 兔径 兔徑 S - 0 tù jìng f /narrow winding path/ 兔徑 兔径 T - 0 tù jìng f /narrow winding path/ 兔斯基 - 0 Tù sī jī f /Tuzki, a popular Chinese illustrated rabbit character/ 兔死狐悲 - 18 tù sǐ hú bēi f /lit. if the rabbit dies, the fox grieves (idiom); fig. to have sympathy with a like-minded person in distress/ 兔死狗烹 - 15 tù sǐ gǒu pēng f /lit. to boil the hound once it caught the rabbit (idiom)/fig. to get rid of sb once he has served his purpose/ 兔热病 兔熱病 S - 0 tù rè bìng f /tularemia/rabbit fever/ 兔熱病 兔热病 T - 0 tù rè bìng f /tularemia/rabbit fever/ 兔爸 - 0 tù bà f /toolbar (in computer software) (loanword)/ 兔羔子 - 0 tù gāo zi f /see 兔崽子[tu4 zai3 zi5]/ 兕 - 18 sì f /(meaning uncertain); rhinoceros (possibly female) or bull/ 兕觥 - 0 sì gōng f /ancient type of drinking vessel/ 兖 兗 S - 123 Yǎn f /see 兗州|兖州[Yan3 zhou1]/ 兖州 兗州 S - 156 Yǎn zhōu f /Yanzhou county level city in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 ning2], Shandong/ 兖州市 兗州市 S - 6 Yǎn zhōu Shì f /Yanzhou county level city in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 ning2], Shandong/ 兗 兖 T - 123 Yǎn f /see 兗州|兖州[Yan3 zhou1]/ 兗州 兖州 T - 156 Yǎn zhōu f /Yanzhou county level city in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 ning2], Shandong/ 兗州市 兖州市 T - 6 Yǎn zhōu Shì f /Yanzhou county level city in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 ning2], Shandong/ 兘 - 1063 shǐ f /old variant of 始[shi3]/ 兙 - 0 shí kè f /decagram (old)/single-character equivalent of 十克[shi2 ke4]/ 党 黨 S 2842 23403 Dǎng f /surname Dang/ 党 黨 S 2842 23403 dǎng f /party/association/club/society/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 党中央 黨中央 S - 2737 dǎng zhōng yāng f /party central committee/ 党主席 黨主席 S - 0 dǎng zhǔ xí f /party chief/ 党人 黨人 S - 219 dǎng rén f /party member/partisan/ 党代会 黨代會 S - 25 dǎng dài huì f /party congress (of the Communist Party of China)/ 党八股 黨八股 S - 57 dǎng bā gǔ f /drab, stereotypical Communist Party writing style/ 党内 黨內 S - 1315 dǎng nèi f /within the party (esp. Chinese communist party)/ 党务 黨務 S - 123 dǎng wù f /party affairs/work within the Communist party/ 党参 黨參 S - 19 dǎng shēn f /poor man's ginseng (Codonopsis pilosula)/codonopsis root (used in TCM)/ 党史 黨史 S - 59 dǎng shǐ f /History of the Party/ 党同伐异 黨同伐異 S - 22 dǎng tóng fá yì f /to be narrowly partisan/to unite with those of the same views but alienate those with different views/ 党员 黨員 S - 1873 dǎng yuán f /political party member/CL:名[ming2],位[wei4],個|个[ge4]/ 党团 黨團 S - 101 dǎng tuán f /party caucus/ 党外人士 黨外人士 S - 43 dǎng wài rén shì f /non-party members/ 党委 黨委 S - 1656 dǎng wěi f /Party committee/ 党徒 黨徒 S - 27 dǎng tú f /clique member/henchman/gang member/crony/ 党徽 黨徽 S - 5 dǎng huī f /political party emblem/ 党性 黨性 S - 150 dǎng xìng f /the spirit or character of a political party/ 党政 黨政 S - 668 dǎng zhèng f /Party and government administration/ 党政机关 黨政機關 S - 160 dǎng zhèng jī guān f /(Communist) Party and government organizations/ 党校 黨校 S - 189 dǎng xiào f /(political) party school/ 党派 黨派 S - 659 dǎng pài f /political party/faction/ 党派集会 黨派集會 S - 0 dǎng pài jí huì f /party meeting/ 党票 黨票 S - 3 dǎng piào f /party membership/membership card/ 党章 黨章 S - 288 dǎng zhāng f /party constitution/ 党籍 黨籍 S - 219 dǎng jí f /party membership/ 党纲 黨綱 S - 59 dǎng gāng f /(political) party platform/party program/ 党组 黨組 S - 580 dǎng zǔ f /party leadership group/ 党羽 黨羽 S - 163 dǎng yǔ f /henchmen/ 党费 黨費 S - 13 dǎng fèi f /party membership dues/ 党项 黨項 S - 155 Dǎng xiàng f /Tangut branch of the Qiang 羌 ethnic group/ancient ethnic group who made up the Xixia dynasty 西夏 1038-1227/ 党项族 黨項族 S - 27 Dǎng xiàng zú f /Tangut branch of the Qiang 羌 ethnic group/ancient ethnic group who made up the Xixia dynasty 西夏 1038-1227/ 党魁 黨魁 S - 34 dǎng kuí f /faction leader/head of political party/ 党龄 黨齡 S - 23 dǎng líng f /party standing/age of service to the Party/ 兛 - 0 qiān kè f /kilogram (old)/single-character equivalent of 千克[qian1 ke4]/ 兜 3421 1081 dōu f /pocket/bag/to wrap up or hold in a bag/to move in a circle/to canvas or solicit/to take responsibility for/to disclose in detail/combat armor (old)/ 兜 兠 S 3421 1081 dōu f /old variant of 兜[dou1]/ 兜儿 兜兒 S - 12 dōu r f /erhua variant of 兜[dou1]/ 兜兒 兜儿 T - 12 dōu r f /erhua variant of 兜[dou1]/ 兜兜 - 21 dōu dou f /an undergarment covering chest and abdomen/ 兜卖 兜賣 S - 0 dōu mài f /to peddle/to hawk (pirate goods)/ 兜售 - 60 dōu shòu f /to hawk/to peddle/ 兜圈子 - 110 dōu quān zi f /to encircle/to go around/to circle/to beat about the bush/ 兜头 兜頭 S - 0 dōu tóu f /full in the face/ 兜帽 - 3 dōu mào f /hood/ 兜底 - 16 dōu dǐ f /to reveal/to expose/ 兜抄 - 3 dōu chāo f /to surround and attack/to corner/to envelop/ 兜捕 - 3 dōu bǔ f /to round up (fugitives)/to corner and arrest/ 兜揽 兜攬 S - 18 dōu lǎn f /to canvas (for customers)/to solicit/to advertise/to drum up/sales pitch/to take on (a task)/ 兜攬 兜揽 T - 18 dōu lǎn f /to canvas (for customers)/to solicit/to advertise/to drum up/sales pitch/to take on (a task)/ 兜翻 - 3 dōu fān f /to expose/to turn over/ 兜老底兜鍪 - 0 dōu lǎo dǐ dōu móu f /helmet (archaic)/ 兜肚 - 10 dōu du f /undergarment covering the chest and abdomen/ 兜賣 兜卖 T - 0 dōu mài f /to peddle/to hawk (pirate goods)/ 兜鍪 - 27 dōu móu f /helmet (archaic)/ 兜頭 兜头 T - 0 dōu tóu f /full in the face/ 兜風 兜风 T - 20 dōu fēng f /to catch the wind/to go for a spin in the fresh air/ 兜风 兜風 S - 20 dōu fēng f /to catch the wind/to go for a spin in the fresh air/ 兝 - 0 fēn kè f /decigram (old)/single-character equivalent of 分克[fen1 ke4]/ 兞 - 0 háo kè f /milligram (old)/single-character equivalent of 毫克[hao2 ke4]/ 兟 - 0 shēn f /to advance/ 兠 兜 T 3421 1081 dōu f /old variant of 兜[dou1]/ 兡 - 0 bǎi kè f /hectogram (old)/single-character equivalent of 百克[bai3 ke4]/ 兢 - 106 jīng f /to be fearful/apprehensive/ 兢兢业业 兢兢業業 S 4801 117 jīng jīng yè yè f /cautious and conscientious/ 兢兢業業 兢兢业业 T 4801 117 jīng jīng yè yè f /cautious and conscientious/ 兣 - 0 lí kè f /centigram (old)/single-character equivalent of 厘克[li2 ke4]/ 入 - 20209 rù f /to enter/to go into/to join/to become a member of/to confirm or agree with/abbr. for 入聲|入声[ru4 sheng1]/ 入不敷出 - 53 rù bù fū chū f /income does not cover expenditure/unable to make ends meet/ 入世 - 146 rù shì f /to join the WTO/to enter the world/secular/ 入乡随俗 入鄉隨俗 S - 40 rù xiāng suí sú f /When you enter a village, follow the local customs (idiom); do as the natives do/When in Rome, do as the Romans do/ 入伍 - 269 rù wǔ f /to enter the army/to enlist/ 入伍生 - 0 rù wǔ shēng f /newly enlisted officer student/cadet/ 入伙 - 96 rù huǒ f /to join a group/to become a member/ 入会 入會 S - 59 rù huì f /to join a society, association etc/ 入住 - 195 rù zhù f /to check in (at a hotel etc)/ 入侵 - 2027 rù qīn f /to invade/ 入侵者 - 134 rù qīn zhě f /intruder/ 入党 入黨 S - 258 rù dǎng f /to join a political party (esp. the Communist Party)/ 入关 入關 S - 345 rù guān f /to enter a pass/to go through customs/ 入口 1067 704 rù kǒu f /entrance/to import/ 入口就化 - 0 rù kǒu jiù huà f /to melt in one's mouth/ 入口網 入口网 T - 0 rù kǒu wǎng f /Web portal/(enterprise) portal/ 入口网 入口網 S - 0 rù kǒu wǎng f /Web portal/(enterprise) portal/ 入口頁 入口页 T - 0 rù kǒu yè f /web portal/ 入口页 入口頁 S - 0 rù kǒu yè f /web portal/ 入味 - 21 rù wèi f /tasty/to be absorbed in sth/interesting/ 入团 入團 S - 16 rù tuán f /to enroll in the Communist Youth League/ 入围 入圍 S - 122 rù wéi f /to get past the qualifying round/to make it to the finals/ 入圍 入围 T - 122 rù wéi f /to get past the qualifying round/to make it to the finals/ 入團 入团 T - 16 rù tuán f /to enroll in the Communist Youth League/ 入土 - 237 rù tǔ f /to bury/buried/interred/ 入土为安 入土為安 S - 29 rù tǔ wéi ān f /buried and at rest (idiom); Resquiescat in pacem (RIP)/ 入土為安 入土为安 T - 29 rù tǔ wéi ān f /buried and at rest (idiom); Resquiescat in pacem (RIP)/ 入圣 入聖 S - 0 rù shèng f /to become an arhat (Buddhism)/ 入场 入場 S - 182 rù chǎng f /to enter the venue for a meeting/to enter into an examination/to enter a stadium, arena etc/ 入场券 入場券 S - 110 rù chǎng quàn f /admission ticket/ 入场式 入場式 S - 3 rù chǎng shì f /ceremonial entry/opening procession/ 入场费 入場費 S - 3 rù chǎng fèi f /admission fee/ 入場 入场 T - 182 rù chǎng f /to enter the venue for a meeting/to enter into an examination/to enter a stadium, arena etc/ 入場券 入场券 T - 110 rù chǎng quàn f /admission ticket/ 入場式 入场式 T - 3 rù chǎng shì f /ceremonial entry/opening procession/ 入場費 入场费 T - 3 rù chǎng fèi f /admission fee/ 入境 - 721 rù jìng f /to enter a country/immigration/ 入境問俗 入境问俗 T - 3 rù jìng wèn sú f /When you enter a country, enquire about the local customs (idiom); do as the natives do/When in Rome, do as the Romans do/ 入境签证 入境簽證 S - 3 rù jìng qiān zhèng f /entry visa/ 入境簽證 入境签证 T - 3 rù jìng qiān zhèng f /entry visa/ 入境问俗 入境問俗 S - 3 rù jìng wèn sú f /When you enter a country, enquire about the local customs (idiom); do as the natives do/When in Rome, do as the Romans do/ 入境随俗 入境隨俗 S - 3 rù jìng suí sú f /When you enter a country, follow the local customs (idiom); do as the natives do/When in Rome, do as the Romans do/ 入境隨俗 入境随俗 T - 3 rù jìng suí sú f /When you enter a country, follow the local customs (idiom); do as the natives do/When in Rome, do as the Romans do/ 入声 入聲 S - 22 rù shēng f /entering tone/checked tone/one of the four tones of Middle Chinese/ 入夜 - 112 rù yè f /nightfall/ 入学 入學 S - 732 rù xué f /to enter a school or college/to go to school for the first time as a child/ 入学率 入學率 S - 835 rù xué lǜ f /percentage of children who enter school/ 入學 入学 T - 732 rù xué f /to enter a school or college/to go to school for the first time as a child/ 入學率 入学率 T - 835 rù xué lǜ f /percentage of children who enter school/ 入座 - 100 rù zuò f /to seat (sb in a restaurant etc)/to take one's seat/ 入微 - 43 rù wēi f /down to the smallest detail/thoroughgoing/fine and detailed/ 入息 - 0 rù xī f /income (Hong Kong)/ 入情入理 - 22 rù qíng rù lǐ f /sensible and reasonable (idiom)/ 入戶 入户 T - 32 rù hù f /to obtain a residence permit/ 入户 入戶 S - 32 rù hù f /to obtain a residence permit/ 入手 - 487 rù shǒu f /to begin/to set one's hand to/ 入时 入時 S - 37 rù shí f /fashionable/ 入時 入时 T - 37 rù shí f /fashionable/ 入會 入会 T - 59 rù huì f /to join a society, association etc/ 入月 - 0 rù yuè f /(of women) beginning of menstrual cycle/full-term gestation/ 入木三分 - 19 rù mù sān fēn f /written in a forceful hand/penetrating/profound/ 入樽 - 0 rù zūn f /slam dunk/ 入殓 入殮 S - 47 rù liàn f /to put dead body in coffin/ 入殮 入殓 T - 47 rù liàn f /to put dead body in coffin/ 入海口 - 75 rù hǎi kǒu f /estuary/ 入涅 - 0 rù niè f /to enter nirvana (Buddhism)/ 入狱 入獄 S - 246 rù yù f /to go to jail/to be sent to prison/ 入獄 入狱 T - 246 rù yù f /to go to jail/to be sent to prison/ 入球 - 76 rù qiú f /to score a goal/goal/ 入盟 - 11 rù méng f /to join (e.g. union or alliance)/ 入眠 - 20 rù mián f /to fall asleep/ 入睡 - 415 rù shuì f /to fall asleep/ 入神 - 33 rù shén f /to be enthralled/to be entranced/ 入禀 入稟 S - 3 rù bǐng f /to file (law)/ 入稟 入禀 T - 3 rù bǐng f /to file (law)/ 入籍 - 149 rù jí f /to become naturalized/to become a citizen/ 入联 入聯 S - 0 rù lián f /to join an alliance/admission to the United Nations/ 入聖 入圣 T - 0 rù shèng f /to become an arhat (Buddhism)/ 入聯 入联 T - 0 rù lián f /to join an alliance/admission to the United Nations/ 入聲 入声 T - 22 rù shēng f /entering tone/checked tone/one of the four tones of Middle Chinese/ 入肉 - 0 rù ròu f /to have intercourse/to fuck/ 入股 - 179 rù gǔ f /to invest/ 入药 入藥 S - 127 rù yào f /to use in medicine/ 入藥 入药 T - 127 rù yào f /to use in medicine/ 入贅 入赘 T - 37 rù zhuì f /to go and live with one's wife's family, in effect becoming a member of her family/ 入赘 入贅 S - 37 rù zhuì f /to go and live with one's wife's family, in effect becoming a member of her family/ 入迷 - 27 rù mí f /to be fascinated/to be enchanted/ 入选 入選 S - 490 rù xuǎn f /to be chosen/to be elected as/ 入道 - 3 rù dào f /to enter the Way/to become a Daoist/ 入選 入选 T - 490 rù xuǎn f /to be chosen/to be elected as/ 入鄉隨俗 入乡随俗 T - 40 rù xiāng suí sú f /When you enter a village, follow the local customs (idiom); do as the natives do/When in Rome, do as the Romans do/ 入門 入门 T - 312 rù mén f /entrance door/to enter a door/introduction (to a subject)/ 入門課程 入门课程 T - 0 rù mén kè chéng f /introductory course/primer/ 入關 入关 T - 345 rù guān f /to enter a pass/to go through customs/ 入门 入門 S - 312 rù mén f /entrance door/to enter a door/introduction (to a subject)/ 入门课程 入門課程 S - 0 rù mén kè chéng f /introductory course/primer/ 入院 - 50 rù yuàn f /to enter hospital/to be hospitalized/ 入風口 入风口 T - 0 rù fēng kǒu f /air intake vent/ 入风口 入風口 S - 0 rù fēng kǒu f /air intake vent/ 入黨 入党 T - 258 rù dǎng f /to join a political party (esp. the Communist Party)/ 內 内 T 678 50204 nèi f /inside/inner/internal/within/interior/ 內丘 内丘 T - 4 Nèi qiū f /Neiqiu county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ 內丘縣 内丘县 T - 3 Nèi qiū xiàn f /Neiqiu county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ 內丹 内丹 T - 11 nèi dān f /Taoist internal alchemy/ 內亂 内乱 T - 423 nèi luàn f /internal disorder/civil strife/civil unrest/ 內人 内人 T - 41 nèi rén f /my wife (humble)/ 內傷 内伤 T - 165 nèi shāng f /internal injury/disorder of internal organs (due to improper nutrition, overexertion etc)/ 內兄 内兄 T - 21 nèi xiōng f /wife's older brother/ 內八字腳 内八字脚 T - 0 nèi bā zì jiǎo f /intoeing/pigeon toes/knock-knees/ 內六角扳手 内六角扳手 T - 0 nèi liù jiǎo bān shǒu f /Allen key/hex key/ 內出血 内出血 T - 32 nèi chū xuè f /internal bleeding/internal hemorrhage/ 內分泌 内分泌 T - 529 nèi fēn mì f /endocrine (internal secretion, e.g. hormone)/ 內分泌腺 内分泌腺 T - 62 nèi fēn mì xiàn f /endocrine gland/gland producing internal secretion, e.g. hormone/ 內切球 内切球 T - 0 nèi qiē qiú f /inside cut (golf)/(math.) inscribed sphere/insphere/ 內務 内务 T - 314 nèi wù f /internal affairs/domestic affairs/family affairs/(trad.) affairs within the palace/ 內務部 内务部 T - 51 Nèi wù bù f /Ministry of Internal Affairs/ 內化 内化 T - 22 nèi huà f /internalization/to internalize/ 內卡河 内卡河 T - 8 Nèi kǎ Hé f /Neckar River in Germany/ 內參 内参 T - 241 nèi cān f /internal reference (within the same publication)/ 內向 内向 T - 190 nèi xiàng f /reserved (personality)/introverted/(economics etc) domestic-oriented/ 內含體 内含体 T - 0 nèi hán tǐ f /inclusion bodies/ 內啡素 内啡素 T - 0 nèi fēi sù f /endorphin/ 內啡肽 内啡肽 T - 4 nèi fēi tài f /endorphin/ 內在 内在 T 3552 724 nèi zài f /intrinsic/innate/ 內在幾何 内在几何 T - 0 nèi zài jǐ hé f /intrinsic geometry/ 內在幾何學 内在几何学 T - 0 nèi zài jǐ hé xué f /intrinsic geometry/ 內在座標 内在坐标 T - 0 nèi zài zuò biāo f /intrinsic coordinates (geometry)/ 內在的 内在的 T - 0 nèi zài de f /inner/internal/ 內在超越 内在超越 T - 0 nèi zài chāo yuè f /inner transcendence (perfection through one's own inner moral cultivation, as in Confucianism, for example)/ 內地 内地 T - 2181 Nèi dì f /mainland China (PRC excluding Hong Kong and Macau, but including islands such as Hainan)/Japan (used in Taiwan during Japanese colonization)/ 內地 内地 T - 2181 nèi dì f /inland/interior/hinterland/ 內城 内城 T - 781 nèi chéng f /inner castle/donjon/ 內埔 内埔 T - 3 Nèi bù f /Neipu township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 內埔鄉 内埔乡 T - 0 Nèi bù xiāng f /Neipu township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 內場 内场 T - 7 nèi chǎng f /inner area (of a place that has an outer area)/the kitchen of a restaurant (as opposed to the dining area)/infield (baseball etc)/(Chinese opera) the area behind the table on the stage/ 內塔尼亞胡 内塔尼亚胡 T - 95 Nèi tǎ ní yà hú f /Netanyahu (name)/Benjamin Netanyahu (1949-), Israeli Likud politician, prime minister 1996-1999 and from 2009/ 內外 内外 T - 1811 nèi wài f /inside and outside/domestic and foreign/approximately/about/ 內外兼修 内外兼修 T - 0 nèi wài jiān xiū f /(of a person) beautiful inside and out/ 內奸 内奸 T - 62 nèi jiān f /undiscovered traitor/enemy within one's own ranks/ 內存 内存 T - 884 nèi cún f /internal storage/computer memory/random access memory (RAM)/ 內定 内定 T - 27 nèi dìng f /to select sb for a position without announcing the decision until later/to decide behind closed doors/all cut and dried/ 內室 内室 T - 121 nèi shì f /inner room/bedroom/ 內容 内容 T 939 15468 nèi róng f /content/substance/details/CL:個|个[ge4],項|项[xiang4]/ 內容管理系統 内容管理系统 T - 0 nèi róng guǎn lǐ xì tǒng f /Content Management System (CMS) (Internet)/ 內層 内层 T - 87 nèi céng f /internal layer/ 內布拉斯加 内布拉斯加 T - 10 Nèi bù lā sī jiā f /Nebraska, US state/ 內布拉斯加州 内布拉斯加州 T - 16 Nèi bù lā sī jiā zhōu f /Nebraska, US state/ 內幕 内幕 T 3738 139 nèi mù f /inside story/non-public information/behind the scenes/internal/ 內幕交易 内幕交易 T - 0 nèi mù jiāo yì f /insider trading/insider dealing/ 內廷 内廷 T - 3 nèi tíng f /place at the imperial court, where emperor handled government affairs, gave orders etc/ 內建 内建 T - 3 nèi jiàn f /built-in/ 內弟 内弟 T - 36 nèi dì f /wife's younger brother/ 內徑 内径 T - 25 nèi jìng f /internal diameter/ 內心 内心 T - 2081 nèi xīn f /heart/innermost being/(math.) incenter/ 內心世界 内心世界 T - 3 nèi xīn shì jiè f /(one's) inner world/ 內心深處 内心深处 T - 3 nèi xīn shēn chù f /deep in one's heart/ 內急 内急 T - 14 nèi jí f /to need to answer the call of nature/ 內情 内情 T - 108 nèi qíng f /inside story/inside information/ 內憂外困 内忧外困 T - 0 nèi yōu wài kùn f /internal trouble and outside aggression (idiom); in a mess both domestically and abroad/ 內憂外患 内忧外患 T - 46 nèi yōu wài huàn f /internal trouble and outside aggression (idiom); in a mess both domestically and abroad/ 內戰 内战 T - 1811 nèi zhàn f /civil war/ 內插 内插 T - 0 nèi chā f /to install (hardware) internally (rather than plugging it in as a peripheral)/(math.) to interpolate/interpolation/ 內政 内政 T - 633 nèi zhèng f /internal affairs (of a country)/ 內政部 内政部 T - 49 Nèi zhèng bù f /Ministry of the Interior/ 內政部警政署 内政部警政署 T - 0 Nèi zhèng bù Jǐng zhèng shǔ f /National Police Agency (Taiwan)/ 內政部長 内政部长 T - 56 nèi zhèng bù zhǎng f /Minister of the Interior/ 內斂 内敛 T - 46 nèi liǎn f /introverted/reserved/(artistic style) understated/ 內斜視 内斜视 T - 2 nèi xié shì f /(medicine) esotropia/cross-eye/ 內服 内服 T - 97 nèi fú f /to take medicine orally (as opposed to applying externally)/ 內核 内核 T - 178 nèi hé f /kernel (computer science)/ 內比都 内比都 T - 0 Nèi bǐ dū f /Naypyidaw or Nay Pyi Taw, jungle capital of Myanmar (Burma) since November 2005, 300 km north of Rangoon and 300 km south of Mandalay/formerly called Pyinmana 彬馬那|彬马那/ 內江 内江 T - 48 Nèi jiāng f /Neijiang prefecture level city in Sichuan/ 內江地區 内江地区 T - 0 Nèi jiāng dì qū f /Neijiang prefecture in Sichuan/ 內江市 内江市 T - 10 Nèi jiāng shì f /Neijiang prefecture level city in Sichuan/ 內流 内流 T - 3 nèi liú f /inward flowing (of river)/flowing into desert/ 內流河 内流河 T - 26 nèi liú hé f /inward flowing river/river flowing into desert or salt lake, e.g. Tarim river 塔里木河/ 內涵 内涵 T 4190 1100 nèi hán f /meaning/content/essential properties implied or reflected by a notion/intention/connotation/self-possessed/ 內涵意義 内涵意义 T - 0 nèi hán yì yì f /implied meaning/intended meaning/the logical content of a word or technical notion/ 內湖 内湖 T - 16 Nèi hú f /Neihu district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 內湖區 内湖区 T - 3 Nèi hú qū f /Neihu district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 內源 内源 T - 16 nèi yuán f /source/ 內澇 内涝 T - 20 nèi lào f /waterlogged/ 內熵 内熵 T - 0 nèi shāng f /internal entropy (physics)/ 內燃 内燃 T - 17 nèi rán f /internal combustion (engine)/ 內燃機 内燃机 T - 178 nèi rán jī f /internal combustion engine/ 內燃機車 内燃机车 T - 30 nèi rán jī chē f /automobile/ 內營力 内营力 T - 3 nèi yíng lì f /internal force/endogenic force/ 內爆 内爆 T - 0 nèi bào f /to implode/ 內爆法原子彈 内爆法原子弹 T - 0 nèi bào fǎ yuán zǐ dàn f /implosion atomic bomb/ 內生的 内生的 T - 0 nèi shēng de f /endogenous/ 內田 内田 T - 0 Nèi tián f /Uchida (Japanese surname)/ 內疚 内疚 T - 194 nèi jiù f /guilty conscience/to feel a twinge of guilt/ 內皮 内皮 T - 45 nèi pí f /(med.) endothelium/thin skin on the inside of some fruits (e.g. oranges)/ 內省 内省 T - 31 nèi xǐng f /to reflect upon oneself/introspection/ 內省性 内省性 T - 0 nèi xǐng xìng f /introversion/introspective/ 內眷 内眷 T - 22 nèi juàn f /the females in a family/womenfolk/ 內眼角 内眼角 T - 3 nèi yǎn jiǎo f /inner corner of the eye/ 內碼 内码 T - 3 nèi mǎ f /internal code/ 內科 内科 T 2455 205 nèi kē f /internal medicine/general medicine/ 內科學 内科学 T - 0 nèi kē xué f /internal medicine/ 內科醫生 内科医生 T - 3 nèi kē yī shēng f /medical doctor/physician who works primarily by administering drugs, as opposed to surgeon 外科醫生|外科医生[wai4 ke1 yi1 sheng1]/ 內稃 内稃 T - 0 nèi fū f /inner husk/ 內積 内积 T - 22 nèi jī f /inner product/the dot product of two vectors/ 內窺鏡 内窥镜 T - 32 nèi kuī jìng f /endoscope/ 內細胞團 内细胞团 T - 0 nèi xì bāo tuán f /inner cell mass (ICM)/ 內經 内经 T - 64 Nèi jīng f /abbr. for 黃帝內經|黄帝内经[Huang2 di4 Nei4 jing1], Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon, medical text c. 300 BC/ 內線交易 内线交易 T - 3 nèi xiàn jiāo yì f /insider trading (illegal share-dealing)/ 內線消息 内线消息 T - 0 nèi xiàn xiāo xi f /insider information/ 內置 内置 T - 119 nèi zhì f /built-in/internal/ 內羅畢 内罗毕 T - 74 Nèi luó bì f /Nairobi, capital of Kenya/ 內耗 内耗 T - 42 nèi hào f /internal friction/internal dissipation of energy (in mechanics)/fig. waste or discord within an organization/ 內耳 内耳 T - 66 nèi ěr f /inner ear/ 內耳道 内耳道 T - 0 nèi ěr dào f /internal auditory meatus (canal in temporal bone of skull housing auditory nerves)/ 內聯網 内联网 T - 0 nèi lián wǎng f /intranet/ 內胚層 内胚层 T - 0 nèi pēi céng f /endoderm (cell lineage in embryology)/ 內能 内能 T - 94 nèi néng f /internal energy/ 內膜 内膜 T - 243 nèi mó f /inner membrane/ 內臟 内脏 T - 437 nèi zàng f /internal organs/viscera/ 內臣 内臣 T - 3 nèi chén f /chamberlain/ 內華達 内华达 T - 89 Nèi huá dá f /Nevada, US state/ 內華達州 内华达州 T - 83 Nèi huá dá zhōu f /Nevada, US state/ 內蒙 内蒙 T - 128 Nèi měng f /Inner Mongolia or Inner Mongolia autonomous region 內蒙古自治區|内蒙古自治区[Nei4 meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 qu1]/ 內蒙古 内蒙古 T - 1425 Nèi měng gǔ f /Inner Mongolia/abbr. for 內蒙古自治區|内蒙古自治区[Nei4 meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 qu1], Inner Mongolia autonomous region/ 內蒙古大學 内蒙古大学 T - 22 Nèi měng gǔ Dà xué f /Inner Mongolia University/ 內蒙古自治區 内蒙古自治区 T - 301 Nèi měng gǔ Zì zhì qū f /Inner Mongolia autonomous region, abbr. 內蒙古|内蒙古[Nei4 meng3 gu3], capital Hohhot 呼和浩特市[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4 Shi4]/ 內行 内行 T - 115 nèi háng f /expert/adept/experienced/an expert/a professional/ 內行看門道,外行看熱鬧 内行看门道,外行看热闹 T - 0 nèi háng kàn mén dao , wài háng kàn rè nao f /while the connoisseur recognizes the artistry, the layman simply enjoys the show/ 內衣 内衣 T - 140 nèi yī f /undergarment/underwear/CL:件[jian4]/ 內衣褲 内衣裤 T - 9 nèi yī kù f /underwear/ 內袋 内袋 T - 0 nèi dài f /inner pocket/ 內裝 内装 T - 3 nèi zhuāng f /filled with/internal decoration/installed inside/ 內褲 内裤 T - 108 nèi kù f /underpants/panties/briefs/ 內襯 内衬 T - 29 nèi chèn f /lining (of a container etc) (engineering)/ 內視鏡 内视镜 T - 0 nèi shì jìng f /endoscope/ 內訌 内讧 T - 810 nèi hòng f /internal strife/ 內詳 内详 T - 3 nèi xiáng f /name and address of the sender enclosed/details inside/ 內賈德 内贾德 T - 5 Nèi jiǎ dé f /Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (1956-), Iranian fundamentalist politician, President of Iran from 2005, famous for provocative speeches/abbr. for 艾哈邁迪內賈德|艾哈迈迪内贾德/ 內賓 内宾 T - 3 nèi bīn f /guest from the same country/internal or domestic visitor (as opposed to international guest 外賓|外宾)/ 內質網 内质网 T - 46 nèi zhì wǎng f /endoplasmic reticulum (ER)/ 內購 内购 T - 0 nèi gòu f /buying direct from your company at preferential prices/(gaming) in-app purchase/ 內踝 内踝 T - 11 nèi huái f /medial malleolus/ 內部 内部 T 1606 6937 nèi bù f /interior/inside (part, section)/internal/ 內部事務 内部事务 T - 3 nèi bù shì wù f /internal affairs/ 內部矛盾 内部矛盾 T - 3 nèi bù máo dùn f /internal contradiction/ 內部結構 内部结构 T - 3 nèi bù jié gòu f /internal structure/internal composition/ 內部網 内部网 T - 6 nèi bù wǎng f /intranet/ 內部缺陷 内部缺陷 T - 0 nèi bù quē xiàn f /internal flaw/ 內部鬥爭 内部斗争 T - 0 nèi bù dòu zhēng f /internal power struggle/ 內鄉 内乡 T - 34 Nèi xiāng f /Neixiang county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 yang2], Henan/ 內鄉縣 内乡县 T - 8 Nèi xiāng xiàn f /Neixiang county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 yang2], Henan/ 內酯 内酯 T - 22 nèi zhǐ f /lactone/ 內酰胺酶 内酰胺酶 T - 2 nèi xiān àn méi f /beta-lactamase (a bacterial inhibitor)/ 內銷 内销 T - 43 nèi xiāo f /to sell in the domestic market/domestic market/ 內門 内门 T - 15 Nèi mén f /Neimen township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/ 內門鄉 内门乡 T - 0 Nèi mén xiāng f /Neimen township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/ 內閣 内阁 T - 2739 nèi gé f /(government) cabinet/ 內閣總理大臣 内阁总理大臣 T - 0 Nèi gé Zǒng lǐ Dà chén f /formal title of the Japanese prime minister/ 內陸 内陆 T - 1116 nèi lù f /inland/interior/ 內陸國 内陆国 T - 43 nèi lù guó f /landlocked country/ 內陸河 内陆河 T - 42 nèi lù hé f /inland river/river draining to inland sea/ 內需 内需 T - 167 nèi xū f /domestic demand/ 內飾 内饰 T - 2 nèi shì f /interior decor/ 內鬥 内斗 T - 3 nèi dòu f /internal strife/power struggle/ 內鬨 内哄 T - 16 nèi hòng f /variant of 內訌|内讧[nei4 hong4]/ 內鬼 内鬼 T - 3 nèi guǐ f /mole/spy/rat/traitor/ 內黃 内黄 T - 20 Nèi huáng f /Neihuan county in Anyang 安陽|安阳[An1 yang2], Henan/ 內黃縣 内黄县 T - 3 Nèi huáng xiàn f /Neihuan county in Anyang 安陽|安阳[An1 yang2], Henan/ 全 - 22165 Quán f /surname Quan/ 全 - 22165 quán f /all/whole/entire/every/complete/ 全世界 - 2721 quán shì jiè f /worldwide/entire world/ 全世界无产者联合起来 全世界無產者聯合起來 S - 0 quán shì jiè wú chǎn zhě lián hé qǐ lai f /Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!/Workers of the world, unite!/ 全世界無產者聯合起來 全世界无产者联合起来 T - 0 quán shì jiè wú chǎn zhě lián hé qǐ lai f /Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!/Workers of the world, unite!/ 全世界第一 - 0 quán shì jiè dì yī f /world's first/ 全书 全書 S - 943 quán shū f /entire book/unabridged book/entire multi-volume work/comprehensive volume/ 全份 - 3 quán fèn f /complete set/ 全休 - 3 quán xiū f /complete rest (after an illness)/ 全优 全優 S - 12 quán yōu f /overall excellence/ 全会 全會 S - 1101 quán huì f /plenary session (at a conference)/CL:屆|届[jie4]/ 全体 全體 S - 5382 quán tǐ f /all/entire/ 全体人员 全體人員 S - 3 quán tǐ rén yuán f /crew/ 全体会议 全體會議 S - 3 quán tǐ huì yì f /general congress/meeting of the whole committee/ 全優 全优 T - 12 quán yōu f /overall excellence/ 全党全军 全黨全軍 S - 3 quán dǎng quán jūn f /the (communist) party and the army together (idiom)/ 全军 全軍 S - 1345 quán jūn f /all-army/all-military/ 全军覆没 全軍覆沒 S - 287 quán jūn fù mò f /total defeat of an army (idiom); fig. a complete wipe-out/ 全副 - 99 quán fù f /completely/ 全副武装 全副武裝 S - 230 quán fù wǔ zhuāng f /fully armed/armed to the teeth/fig. fully equipped/ 全副武裝 全副武装 T - 230 quán fù wǔ zhuāng f /fully armed/armed to the teeth/fig. fully equipped/ 全副精力 - 3 quán fù jīng lì f /to concentrate entirely on sth/fully engaged/with full force/ 全力 - 1161 quán lì f /with all one's strength/full strength/all-out (effort)/fully (support)/ 全力以赴 3376 196 quán lì yǐ fù f /to do at all costs/to make an all-out effort/ 全勝 全胜 T - 154 quán shèng f /total victory/to excel by far/name of a tank/slam/ 全勤 - 12 quán qín f /full-time attendance at work/ 全南 - 5 Quán nán f /Quannan county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi/ 全南县 全南縣 S - 3 Quán nán xiàn f /Quannan county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi/ 全南縣 全南县 T - 3 Quán nán xiàn f /Quannan county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi/ 全同 - 0 quán tóng f /identical/ 全向 - 3 quán xiàng f /in all directions/ 全员 全員 S - 83 quán yuán f /complete personnel/fully manned/ 全員 全员 T - 83 quán yuán f /complete personnel/fully manned/ 全国 全國 S - 48874 quán guó f /whole nation/nationwide/countrywide/national/ 全国人大 全國人大 S - 5551 Quán guó Rén Dà f /abbr. for 全國人大會議|全国人大会议[Quan2 guo2 Ren2 Da4 hui4 yi4], National People's Congress (NPC)/ 全国人大会议 全國人大會議 S - 0 Quán guó Rén Dà huì yì f /National People's Congress (NPC)/ 全国人大常委会 全國人大常委會 S - 6930 Quán guó Rén Dà Cháng Wěi huì f /Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (abbr. of 全國人民代表大會常務委員會|全国人民代表大会常务委员会)/ 全国人民代表大会 全國人民代表大會 S - 10505 Quán guó Rén mín Dài biǎo Dà huì f /(Chinese) National People's Congress/abbr. to 人大[Ren2 da4]/ 全国人民代表大会常务委员会 全國人民代表大會常務委員會 S - 5988 Quán guó Rén mín Dài biǎo Dà huì Cháng wù Wěi yuán huì f /Standing Committee of the National People's Congress/ 全国代表大会 全國代表大會 S - 655 quán guó dài biǎo dà huì f /national general congress/Communist party national congress, in recent times every five years/ 全国各地 全國各地 S - 0 quán guó gè dì f /every part of the country/ 全国大会党 全國大會黨 S - 0 Quán guó Dà huì dǎng f /National Congress Party (Sudan)/ 全国性 全國性 S - 826 quán guó xìng f /national/ 全国民主联盟 全國民主聯盟 S - 0 Quán guó Mín zhǔ lián méng f /Myanmar or Burma National league for democracy (NLD)/ 全国运动会 全國運動會 S - 28 Quán guó Yùn dòng huì f /National Games, Chinese athletics competition, organized every four years since 1959/ 全国重点文物保护单位 全國重點文物保護單位 S - 0 Quán guó Zhòng diǎn Wén wù Bǎo hù Dān wèi f /Major Historical and Cultural Site Protected at the National Level/ 全國 全国 T - 48874 quán guó f /whole nation/nationwide/countrywide/national/ 全國人大 全国人大 T - 5551 Quán guó Rén Dà f /abbr. for 全國人大會議|全国人大会议[Quan2 guo2 Ren2 Da4 hui4 yi4], National People's Congress (NPC)/ 全國人大常委會 全国人大常委会 T - 6930 Quán guó Rén Dà Cháng Wěi huì f /Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (abbr. of 全國人民代表大會常務委員會|全国人民代表大会常务委员会)/ 全國人大會議 全国人大会议 T - 0 Quán guó Rén Dà huì yì f /National People's Congress (NPC)/ 全國人民代表大會 全国人民代表大会 T - 10505 Quán guó Rén mín Dài biǎo Dà huì f /(Chinese) National People's Congress/abbr. to 人大[Ren2 da4]/ 全國人民代表大會常務委員會 全国人民代表大会常务委员会 T - 5988 Quán guó Rén mín Dài biǎo Dà huì Cháng wù Wěi yuán huì f /Standing Committee of the National People's Congress/ 全國代表大會 全国代表大会 T - 655 quán guó dài biǎo dà huì f /national general congress/Communist party national congress, in recent times every five years/ 全國各地 全国各地 T - 0 quán guó gè dì f /every part of the country/ 全國大會黨 全国大会党 T - 0 Quán guó Dà huì dǎng f /National Congress Party (Sudan)/ 全國性 全国性 T - 826 quán guó xìng f /national/ 全國民主聯盟 全国民主联盟 T - 0 Quán guó Mín zhǔ lián méng f /Myanmar or Burma National league for democracy (NLD)/ 全國運動會 全国运动会 T - 28 Quán guó Yùn dòng huì f /National Games, Chinese athletics competition, organized every four years since 1959/ 全國重點文物保護單位 全国重点文物保护单位 T - 0 Quán guó Zhòng diǎn Wén wù Bǎo hù Dān wèi f /Major Historical and Cultural Site Protected at the National Level/ 全场 全場 S - 627 quán chǎng f /everyone present/the whole audience/across-the-board/unanimously/whole duration (of a competition or match)/ 全场一致 全場一致 S - 0 quán chǎng yī zhì f /unanimous/ 全垒打 全壘打 S - 3 quán lěi dǎ f /home run (baseball)/ 全城 - 595 quán chéng f /whole city/ 全場 全场 T - 627 quán chǎng f /everyone present/the whole audience/across-the-board/unanimously/whole duration (of a competition or match)/ 全場一致 全场一致 T - 0 quán chǎng yī zhì f /unanimous/ 全壘打 全垒打 T - 3 quán lěi dǎ f /home run (baseball)/ 全复 全復 S - 0 quán fù f /completely/totally recovered/healed/ 全天 - 289 quán tiān f /whole day/ 全天候 - 247 quán tiān hòu f /all-weather/ 全套 - 193 quán tào f /an entire set/full complement/ 全家 - 863 quán jiā f /whole family/ 全家福 - 273 quán jiā fú f /photograph of the entire family/hodgepodge (cookery)/ 全尸 全屍 S - 0 quán shī f /intact corpse/dead body with no parts missing/ 全局 4143 724 quán jú f /overall situation/ 全局性 - 82 quán jú xìng f /global/ 全局模块 全局模塊 S - 0 quán jú mó kuài f /global module/ 全局模塊 全局模块 T - 0 quán jú mó kuài f /global module/ 全局語境 全局语境 T - 0 quán jú yǔ jìng f /global context/ 全局语境 全局語境 S - 0 quán jú yǔ jìng f /global context/ 全屍 全尸 T - 0 quán shī f /intact corpse/dead body with no parts missing/ 全州 - 366 Quán zhōu f /Quanzhou county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ 全州县 全州縣 S - 3 Quán zhōu xiàn f /Quanzhou county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ 全州市 - 0 Quán zhōu shì f /Jeonju city, capital of North Jeolla Province, in west South Korea/ 全州縣 全州县 T - 3 Quán zhōu xiàn f /Quanzhou county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ 全市 - 7178 quán shì f /whole city/ 全年 - 3302 quán nián f /the whole year/all year long/ 全度音 - 0 quán dù yīn f /whole tone (musical interval)/ 全录 全錄 S - 0 Quán lù f /Xerox (Tw)/ 全影 - 0 quán yǐng f /total shadow/umbra/ 全復 全复 T - 0 quán fù f /completely/totally recovered/healed/ 全心 - 4 quán xīn f /with heart and soul/ 全心全意 - 384 quán xīn quán yì f /heart and soul/wholeheartedly/ 全愈 - 2 quán yù f /variant of 痊癒|痊愈[quan2 yu4]/ 全才 - 18 quán cái f /all-rounder/versatile/ 全托 全託 S - 7 quán tuō f /full-time care (of children in a boarding nursery)/ 全数 全數 S - 122 quán shù f /the entire sum/the whole amount/ 全數 全数 T - 122 quán shù f /the entire sum/the whole amount/ 全文 - 599 quán wén f /entire text/full text/ 全文检索 全文檢索 S - 2 quán wén jiǎn suǒ f /full text search/ 全文檢索 全文检索 T - 2 quán wén jiǎn suǒ f /full text search/ 全斗焕 全斗煥 S - 13 Quán Dòu huàn f /Chun Doo Hwan (1931-), South Korean politician, president 1980-1988/ 全斗煥 全斗焕 T - 13 Quán Dòu huàn f /Chun Doo Hwan (1931-), South Korean politician, president 1980-1988/ 全新 - 900 quán xīn f /all new/completely new/ 全新世 - 0 Quán xīn shì f /Holocene (geological period covering approx 12000 years since the last ice age)/ 全新紀 全新纪 T - 0 quán xīn jì f /holocene/period since the last ice age/ 全新統 全新统 T - 0 quán xīn tǒng f /holocene system (geological strata laid down during the last 12000 years)/ 全新纪 全新紀 S - 0 quán xīn jì f /holocene/period since the last ice age/ 全新统 全新統 S - 0 quán xīn tǒng f /holocene system (geological strata laid down during the last 12000 years)/ 全方位 - 463 quán fāng wèi f /all around/omni-directional/complete/holistic/comprehensive/ 全无 全無 S - 0 quán wú f /none/completely without/ 全无准备 全無準備 S - 0 quán wú zhǔn bèi f /completely unprepared/ 全日制 - 168 quán rì zhì f /full-time (schooling, work etc)/ 全日空 - 6 Quán Rì kōng f /All Nippon Airways (ANA)/ 全时工作 全時工作 S - 0 quán shí gōng zuò f /full time work/ 全時工作 全时工作 T - 0 quán shí gōng zuò f /full time work/ 全景 - 251 quán jǐng f /panoramic view/ 全書 全书 T - 943 quán shū f /entire book/unabridged book/entire multi-volume work/comprehensive volume/ 全會 全会 T - 1101 quán huì f /plenary session (at a conference)/CL:屆|届[jie4]/ 全本 - 18 quán běn f /whole edition/whole performance (of Chinese opera)/ 全权 全權 S - 415 quán quán f /full powers/total authority/plenipotentiary powers/ 全权代表 全權代表 S - 597 quán quán dài biǎo f /a plenipotentiary (representative)/ 全权大使 全權大使 S - 3 quán quán dà shǐ f /plenipotentiary ambassador/ 全椒 - 8 Quán jiāo f /Quanjiao county in Chuzhou 滁州[Chu2 zhou1], Anhui/ 全椒县 全椒縣 S - 3 Quán jiāo xiàn f /Quanjiao county in Chuzhou 滁州[Chu2 zhou1], Anhui/ 全椒縣 全椒县 T - 3 Quán jiāo xiàn f /Quanjiao county in Chuzhou 滁州[Chu2 zhou1], Anhui/ 全權 全权 T - 415 quán quán f /full powers/total authority/plenipotentiary powers/ 全權代表 全权代表 T - 597 quán quán dài biǎo f /a plenipotentiary (representative)/ 全權大使 全权大使 T - 3 quán quán dà shǐ f /plenipotentiary ambassador/ 全歼 全殲 S - 230 quán jiān f /to annihilate/to wipe out completely/to exterminate/ 全殲 全歼 T - 230 quán jiān f /to annihilate/to wipe out completely/to exterminate/ 全民 - 1326 quán mín f /entire population (of a country)/ 全民义务植树日 全民義務植樹日 S - 0 Quán mín Yì wù Zhí shù rì f /National Tree Planting Day (March 12th), as known as Arbor Day 植樹節|植树节[Zhi2 shu4 jie2]/ 全民健保 - 0 quán mín jiàn bǎo f /National Health Insurance (Tw)/abbr. for 全民健康保險|全民健康保险[quan2 min2 jian4 kang1 bao3 xian3]/ 全民健康保险 全民健康保險 S - 0 quán mín jiàn kāng bǎo xiǎn f /National Health Insurance (Tw)/ 全民健康保險 全民健康保险 T - 0 quán mín jiàn kāng bǎo xiǎn f /National Health Insurance (Tw)/ 全民公决 全民公決 S - 32 quán mín gōng jué f /referendum/ 全民公決 全民公决 T - 32 quán mín gōng jué f /referendum/ 全民投票 - 3 quán mín tóu piào f /referendum/plebiscite/ 全民皆兵 - 3 quán mín jiē bīng f /to bring the entire nation to arms (idiom)/ 全民義務植樹日 全民义务植树日 T - 0 Quán mín Yì wù Zhí shù rì f /National Tree Planting Day (March 12th), as known as Arbor Day 植樹節|植树节[Zhi2 shu4 jie2]/ 全民英检 全民英檢 S - 0 Quán mín Yīng jiǎn f /General English Proficiency Test (GEPT), commissioned by Taiwan's Ministry of Education in 1999/ 全民英檢 全民英检 T - 0 Quán mín Yīng jiǎn f /General English Proficiency Test (GEPT), commissioned by Taiwan's Ministry of Education in 1999/ 全活 - 0 quán huó f /to save life/to rescue/the whole business with all its processes/ 全港 - 34 Quán Gǎng f /whole territory of Hong Kong/ 全烧祭 全燒祭 S - 0 quán shāo jì f /burnt offering (Judaism)/ 全無 全无 T - 0 quán wú f /none/completely without/ 全無準備 全无准备 T - 0 quán wú zhǔn bèi f /completely unprepared/ 全然 - 895 quán rán f /completely/ 全熟 - 0 quán shú f /thoroughly cooked/well done (of steak)/ 全燒祭 全烧祭 T - 0 quán shāo jì f /burnt offering (Judaism)/ 全班 - 151 quán bān f /the whole class/ 全球 - 5288 quán qiú f /entire/total/global/the (whole) world/worldwide/ 全球位置测定系统 全球位置測定系統 S - 0 quán qiú wèi zhì cè dìng xì tǒng f /GPS (Global Positioning System)/ 全球位置測定系統 全球位置测定系统 T - 0 quán qiú wèi zhì cè dìng xì tǒng f /GPS (Global Positioning System)/ 全球化 - 760 quán qiú huà f /globalization/ 全球卫星导航系统 全球衛星導航系統 S - 0 quán qiú wèi xīng dǎo háng xì tǒng f /Globalnaya Navigatsionaya Satelinaya Sistema or Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS), the Russian equivalent of GPS/abbr. to 格洛納斯|格洛纳斯/ 全球发展中心 全球發展中心 S - 0 quán qiú fā zhǎn zhōng xīn f /Center for Global Development (an environmental think tank)/ 全球变暖 全球變暖 S - 0 quán qiú biàn nuǎn f /global warming (PRC usage)/written 全球暖化 in Taiwan/ 全球定位系統 全球定位系统 T - 48 quán qiú dìng wèi xì tǒng f /global positioning system (GPS)/ 全球定位系统 全球定位系統 S - 48 quán qiú dìng wèi xì tǒng f /global positioning system (GPS)/ 全球性 - 306 quán qiú xìng f /global/worldwide/ 全球暖化 - 0 quán qiú nuǎn huà f /global warming (Taiwan and Hong Kong usage)/written 全球變暖|全球变暖 in PRC/ 全球气候 全球氣候 S - 0 quán qiú qì hòu f /global climate/ 全球气候升温 全球氣候升溫 S - 0 quán qiú qì hòu shēng wēn f /global warming/ 全球气候变暖 全球氣候變暖 S - 0 quán qiú qì hòu biàn nuǎn f /global warming/ 全球氣候 全球气候 T - 0 quán qiú qì hòu f /global climate/ 全球氣候升溫 全球气候升温 T - 0 quán qiú qì hòu shēng wēn f /global warming/ 全球氣候變暖 全球气候变暖 T - 0 quán qiú qì hòu biàn nuǎn f /global warming/ 全球發展中心 全球发展中心 T - 0 quán qiú fā zhǎn zhōng xīn f /Center for Global Development (an environmental think tank)/ 全球衛星導航系統 全球卫星导航系统 T - 0 quán qiú wèi xīng dǎo háng xì tǒng f /Globalnaya Navigatsionaya Satelinaya Sistema or Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS), the Russian equivalent of GPS/abbr. to 格洛納斯|格洛纳斯/ 全球變暖 全球变暖 T - 0 quán qiú biàn nuǎn f /global warming (PRC usage)/written 全球暖化 in Taiwan/ 全球資訊網 全球资讯网 T - 0 quán qiú zī xùn wǎng f /world wide web/WWW/ 全球资讯网 全球資訊網 S - 0 quán qiú zī xùn wǎng f /world wide web/WWW/ 全球通 - 232 quán qiú tōng f /Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) (telecommunications)/ 全盘 全盤 S - 278 quán pán f /overall/comprehensive/ 全盛 - 128 quán shèng f /flourishing/at the peak/in full bloom/ 全盤 全盘 T - 278 quán pán f /overall/comprehensive/ 全省 - 12895 quán shěng f /the whole province/ 全知 - 0 quán zhī f /omniscient/ 全知全能 - 13 quán zhī quán néng f /omniscient and omnipotent/ 全神灌注 - 0 quán shén guàn zhù f /variant of 全神貫注|全神贯注[quan2 shen2 guan4 zhu4]/ 全神貫注 全神贯注 T - 259 quán shén guàn zhù f /to concentrate one's attention completely (idiom)/with rapt attention/ 全神贯注 全神貫注 S - 259 quán shén guàn zhù f /to concentrate one's attention completely (idiom)/with rapt attention/ 全票 - 20 quán piào f /full-priced ticket/by unanimous vote/ 全称 全稱 S - 612 quán chēng f /full name/ 全程 - 361 quán chéng f /the whole distance/from beginning to end/ 全稱 全称 T - 612 quán chēng f /full name/ 全穀物 全谷物 T - 0 quán gǔ wù f /whole grain/ 全等 - 0 quán děng f /congruent (triangles)/congruence (geometry)/ 全等图形 全等圖形 S - 0 quán děng tú xíng f /congruent figure (geometry)/ 全等圖形 全等图形 T - 0 quán děng tú xíng f /congruent figure (geometry)/ 全等形 - 3 quán děng xíng f /congruent figure/ 全節流 全节流 T - 0 quán jié liú f /full throttle/top speed/ 全純 全纯 T - 0 quán chún f /holomorphic (math.)/ 全線 全线 T - 477 quán xiàn f /the whole front (in a war)/the whole length (of a road or railway line)/ 全纯 全純 S - 0 quán chún f /holomorphic (math.)/ 全线 全線 S - 477 quán xiàn f /the whole front (in a war)/the whole length (of a road or railway line)/ 全罗北道 全羅北道 S - 2 Quán luó běi dào f /North Jeolla Province, in west South Korea, capital Jeonju 全州[Quan2 zhou1]/ 全罗南道 全羅南道 S - 0 Quán luó nán dào f /South Jeolla Province, in southwest South Korea, capital Gwangju 光州[Guang1 zhou1]/ 全罗道 全羅道 S - 6 Quán luó dào f /Jeolla or Cholla Province of Joseon Korea, now divided into North Jeolla Province 全羅北道|全罗北道[Quan2 luo2 bei3 dao4] and South Jeolla Province 全羅南道|全罗南道[Quan2 luo2 nan2 dao4]/ 全羅北道 全罗北道 T - 2 Quán luó běi dào f /North Jeolla Province, in west South Korea, capital Jeonju 全州[Quan2 zhou1]/ 全羅南道 全罗南道 T - 0 Quán luó nán dào f /South Jeolla Province, in southwest South Korea, capital Gwangju 光州[Guang1 zhou1]/ 全羅道 全罗道 T - 6 Quán luó dào f /Jeolla or Cholla Province of Joseon Korea, now divided into North Jeolla Province 全羅北道|全罗北道[Quan2 luo2 bei3 dao4] and South Jeolla Province 全羅南道|全罗南道[Quan2 luo2 nan2 dao4]/ 全美 - 150 quán Měi f /throughout the United States/the whole of America/ 全美广播公司 全美廣播公司 S - 0 Quán Měi guǎng bō gōng sī f /National Broadcasting Company (NBC)/ 全美廣播公司 全美广播公司 T - 0 Quán Měi guǎng bō gōng sī f /National Broadcasting Company (NBC)/ 全职 全職 S - 70 quán zhí f /full-time job/ 全聚德 - 44 Quán jù dé f /Quanjude (famous Chinese restaurant)/ 全職 全职 T - 70 quán zhí f /full-time job/ 全胜 全勝 S - 154 quán shèng f /total victory/to excel by far/name of a tank/slam/ 全能 - 209 quán néng f /omnipotent/all-round/strong in every area/ 全般 - 7 quán bān f /entire/ 全色 - 4 quán sè f /full color/in all colors/ 全节流 全節流 S - 0 quán jié liú f /full throttle/top speed/ 全蚀 全蝕 S - 3 quán shí f /total eclipse/ 全蝕 全蚀 T - 3 quán shí f /total eclipse/ 全託 全托 T - 7 quán tuō f /full-time care (of children in a boarding nursery)/ 全谷物 全穀物 S - 0 quán gǔ wù f /whole grain/ 全豹 - 3 quán bào f /the full picture (i.e. the whole situation)/panorama/ 全貌 - 57 quán mào f /complete picture/full view/ 全資附屬公司 全资附属公司 T - 0 quán zī fù shǔ gōng sī f /wholly owned subsidiary/ 全资附属公司 全資附屬公司 S - 0 quán zī fù shǔ gōng sī f /wholly owned subsidiary/ 全跏坐 - 0 quán jiā zuò f /crossed leg posture (usu. of Buddha)/ 全身 - 3714 quán shēn f /whole body/em (typography)/ 全身中毒性毒剂 全身中毒性毒劑 S - 0 quán shēn zhōng dú xìng dú jì f /systemic agent/systemic gas/systemic poison/ 全身中毒性毒劑 全身中毒性毒剂 T - 0 quán shēn zhōng dú xìng dú jì f /systemic agent/systemic gas/systemic poison/ 全身心 - 86 quán shēn xīn f /wholeheartedly/(to devote oneself) heart and soul/ 全身麻醉 - 0 quán shēn má zuì f /general anesthetic/ 全軍 全军 T - 1345 quán jūn f /all-army/all-military/ 全軍覆沒 全军覆没 T - 287 quán jūn fù mò f /total defeat of an army (idiom); fig. a complete wipe-out/ 全輪 全轮 T - 0 quán lún f /front wheel/ 全輪驅動 全轮驱动 T - 0 quán lún qū dòng f /front wheel drive/ 全轮 全輪 S - 0 quán lún f /front wheel/ 全轮驱动 全輪驅動 S - 0 quán lún qū dòng f /front wheel drive/ 全运会 全運會 S - 55 Quán yùn huì f /abbr. for 全國運動會|全国运动会[Quan2 guo2 Yun4 dong4 hui4]/ 全速 - 66 quán sù f /top speed/at full speed/ 全運會 全运会 T - 55 Quán yùn huì f /abbr. for 全國運動會|全国运动会[Quan2 guo2 Yun4 dong4 hui4]/ 全部 741 11398 quán bù f /whole/entire/complete/ 全都 - 2068 quán dōu f /all/without exception/ 全錄 全录 T - 0 Quán lù f /Xerox (Tw)/ 全長 全长 T - 1950 quán cháng f /overall length/span/ 全长 全長 S - 1950 quán cháng f /overall length/span/ 全集 - 320 quán jí f /omnibus/complete works (of a writer or artist)/ 全面 1945 9321 quán miàn f /all-around/comprehensive/total/overall/ 全面禁止 - 3 quán miàn jìn zhǐ f /complete prohibition/total ban/ 全面禁止核試驗條約 全面禁止核试验条约 T - 0 Quán miàn Jìn zhǐ Hé shì yàn Tiáo yuē f /Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty/ 全面禁止核试验条约 全面禁止核試驗條約 S - 0 Quán miàn Jìn zhǐ Hé shì yàn Tiáo yuē f /Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty/ 全音 - 8 quán yīn f /whole tone (musical interval)/ 全须全尾儿 全鬚全尾兒 S - 0 quán xū quán yǐ r f /(Beijing dialect) intact/in one piece/ 全食 - 10 quán shí f /total eclipse/ 全體 全体 T - 5382 quán tǐ f /all/entire/ 全體人員 全体人员 T - 3 quán tǐ rén yuán f /crew/ 全體會議 全体会议 T - 3 quán tǐ huì yì f /general congress/meeting of the whole committee/ 全鬚全尾兒 全须全尾儿 T - 0 quán xū quán yǐ r f /(Beijing dialect) intact/in one piece/ 全麥 全麦 T - 17 quán mài f /whole wheat/ 全麦 全麥 S - 17 quán mài f /whole wheat/ 全麻 - 3 quán má f /general anesthetic/abbr. for 全身麻醉/ 全黨全軍 全党全军 T - 3 quán dǎng quán jūn f /the (communist) party and the army together (idiom)/ 兩 两 T 184 43011 liǎng f /two/both/some/a few/tael, unit of weight equal to 50 grams (modern) or 1⁄16 of a catty 斤[jin1] (old)/ 兩下 两下 T - 659 liǎng xià f /twice/for a little while/ 兩下子 两下子 T - 39 liǎng xià zi f /a couple of times/to repeat the same/the same old trick/tricks of the trade/ 兩不相欠 两不相欠 T - 0 liǎng bù xiāng qiàn f /to be even/to be quits/to be even-steven/ 兩不誤 两不误 T - 3 liǎng bù wù f /to neglect neither one/ 兩伊戰爭 两伊战争 T - 0 Liǎng Yī Zhàn zhēng f /Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988)/ 兩個中國 两个中国 T - 0 liǎng gè zhōng guó f /two-China (policy)/ 兩倍 两倍 T - 255 liǎng bèi f /twice as much/double the amount/ 兩側 两侧 T - 4863 liǎng cè f /two sides/both sides/ 兩側對稱 两侧对称 T - 0 liǎng cè duì chèn f /bilateral symmetry/ 兩儀 两仪 T - 3 liǎng yí f /heaven and earth/yin and yang/ 兩全 两全 T - 30 liǎng quán f /to satisfy both sides/to accommodate both (demands)/ 兩全其美 两全其美 T - 65 liǎng quán qí měi f /to satisfy rival demands (idiom)/to get the best of both worlds/to have it both ways/to have one's cake and eat it too/ 兩分法 两分法 T - 2 liǎng fēn fǎ f /(Maoism) one divides into two/ 兩千年 两千年 T - 94 liǎng qiān nián f /the year 2000/2000 years/ 兩口子 两口子 T - 264 liǎng kǒu zi f /husband and wife/ 兩句 两句 T - 1081 liǎng jù f /(say) a few words/ 兩回事 两回事 T - 42 liǎng huí shì f /two quite different things/two unrelated matters/ 兩國 两国 T - 3 liǎng guó f /both countries/two countries/ 兩國之間 两国之间 T - 3 liǎng guó zhī jiān f /bilateral/between two countries/ 兩國相爭,不斬來使 两国相争,不斩来使 T - 0 liǎng guó xiāng zhēng , bù zhǎn lái shǐ f /when two kingdoms are at war, they don't execute envoys (idiom)/ 兩國關係 两国关系 T - 3 liǎng guó guān xì f /bilateral relations/ 兩宋 两宋 T - 0 Liǎng Sòng f /the Song dynasty (960-1279)/refers to the Northern (960-1127) and Southern Song (1128-1279)/ 兩小無猜 两小无猜 T - 7 liǎng xiǎo wú cāi f /innocent playmates/ 兩岸 两岸 T - 2911 liǎng àn f /bilateral/both shores/both sides/both coasts/Taiwan and mainland/ 兩岸三地 两岸三地 T - 3 liǎng àn sān dì f /China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau (media term used esp. since 1997)/ 兩岸對話 两岸对话 T - 0 liǎng àn duì huà f /bilateral talks/ 兩廂情願 两厢情愿 T - 6 liǎng xiāng qíng yuàn f /both sides are willing/by mutual consent/ 兩廣 两广 T - 281 Liǎng Guǎng f /the two provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi (traditional)/ 兩廣總督 两广总督 T - 3 liǎng guǎng zǒng dū f /Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi/ 兩彈一星 两弹一星 T - 14 liǎng dàn yī xīng f /refers to the historical achievement of China by 1970 in producing and successfully detonating an atomic bomb (1964), a hydrogen bomb (1967) and launching a satellite into space (1970)/ 兩德 两德 T - 0 liǎng Dé f /two Germanies/refers to German Democratic Republic (East Germany) and the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany)/ 兩性 两性 T - 366 liǎng xìng f /the two sexes/bisexual/hermaphrodite/having two characteristics/heterosexual/ 兩性動物 两性动物 T - 0 liǎng xìng dòng wù f /hermaphrodite creature/ 兩性差距 两性差距 T - 0 liǎng xìng chā jù f /disparity between the sexes/ 兩性平等 两性平等 T - 0 liǎng xìng píng děng f /equality between the sexes/ 兩性異形 两性异形 T - 0 liǎng xìng yì xíng f /sexual dimorphism/ 兩性花 两性花 T - 3 liǎng xìng huā f /hermaphrodite flower/ 兩情兩願 两情两愿 T - 0 liǎng qíng liǎng yuàn f /by mutual consent (north China dialect)/ 兩情相悅 两情相悦 T - 3 liǎng qíng xiāng yuè f /(of a couple) to be harmonious/to be each other's sunshine/ 兩手不沾陽春水 两手不沾阳春水 T - 0 liǎng shǒu bù zhān yáng chūn shuǐ f /see 十指不沾陽春水|十指不沾阳春水[shi2 zhi3 bu4 zhan1 yang2 chun1 shui3]/ 兩手空空 两手空空 T - 77 liǎng shǒu kōng kōng f /empty-handed (idiom); fig. not receiving anything/ 兩把刷子 两把刷子 T - 3 liǎng bǎ shuā zi f /ability/skill/ 兩敗俱傷 两败俱伤 T - 102 liǎng bài jù shāng f /both sides suffer (idiom)/neither side wins/ 兩方 两方 T - 589 liǎng fāng f /both sides (in contract)/the two opposing sides (in a dispute)/ 兩旁 两旁 T - 969 liǎng páng f /both sides/either side/ 兩星期 两星期 T - 0 liǎng xīng qī f /fortnight/ 兩會 两会 T - 511 Liǎng huì f /National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference/ 兩棲 两栖 T - 587 liǎng qī f /amphibious/dual-talented/able to work in two different lines/ 兩棲動物 两栖动物 T - 43 liǎng qī dòng wù f /amphibian/amphibious animals/ 兩棲類 两栖类 T - 3 liǎng qī lèi f /class Amphibia/amphibians/ 兩極 两极 T - 349 liǎng jí f /the two poles/the north and south poles/both ends of sth/electric or magnetic poles/ 兩極分化 两极分化 T - 3 liǎng jí fēn huà f /polarization/ 兩樣 两样 T - 292 liǎng yàng f /two kinds/difference/ 兩樣東西 两样东西 T - 0 liǎng yàng dōng xi f /two distinct things/ 兩步路 两步路 T - 0 liǎng bù lù f /a step away/very close/ 兩江道 两江道 T - 2 Liǎng jiāng dào f /Ryanggang province province in north North Korea, adjacent to Jilin province/ 兩河 两河 T - 212 liǎng hé f /two rivers/Mesopotamia/ 兩河文明 两河文明 T - 0 liǎng hé wén míng f /Mesopotamian civilization/ 兩河流域 两河流域 T - 0 liǎng hé liú yù f /Mesopotamia/ 兩清 两清 T - 14 liǎng qīng f /loan settled (business term)/business complete to the satisfaction of both parties/ 兩湖 两湖 T - 913 Liǎng Hú f /Hubei 湖北 and Hunan 湖南 provinces/ 兩漢 两汉 T - 194 liǎng Hàn f /Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)/refers to the Western Han and Eastern Han/ 兩生類 两生类 T - 0 liǎng shēng lèi f /class Amphibia/also written 兩棲類|两栖类[liang3 qi1 lei4]/ 兩用 两用 T - 318 liǎng yòng f /dual-use/ 兩當 两当 T - 0 Liǎng dāng f /Liangdang county in Longnan 隴南|陇南[Long3 nan2], Gansu/ 兩當縣 两当县 T - 3 Liǎng dāng xiàn f /Liangdang county in Longnan 隴南|陇南[Long3 nan2], Gansu/ 兩相 两相 T - 0 liǎng xiāng t /both sides/ 兩相 两相 T - 0 liǎng xiàng f /two-phase (physics)/ 兩相情願 两相情愿 T - 10 liǎng xiāng qíng yuàn f /both sides are willing/by mutual consent/ 兩碼事 两码事 T - 53 liǎng mǎ shì f /two quite different things/another kettle of fish/ 兩立 两立 T - 17 liǎng lì f /to coexist/coexistence/ 兩端 两端 T - 700 liǎng duān f /both ends (of a stick etc)/two extremes/ 兩節棍 两节棍 T - 0 liǎng jié gùn f /nunchaku/ 兩者 两者 T - 3252 liǎng zhě f /both sides/ 兩耳不聞窗外事 两耳不闻窗外事 T - 0 liǎng ěr bù wén chuāng wài shì f /to pay no attention to outside matters/ 兩肋插刀 两肋插刀 T - 14 liǎng lèi chā dāo f /lit. knifes piercing both sides (idiom)/fig. to attach a great importance to friendship, up to the point of being able to sacrifice oneself for it/ 兩腳架 两脚架 T - 0 liǎng jiǎo jià f /bipod (supporting a machine gun etc)/ 兩著兒 两着儿 T - 0 liǎng zhāo r f /the same old trick/illegal device/ 兩虎相爭 两虎相争 T - 3 liǎng hǔ xiāng zhēng f /two tigers fighting (idiom); fierce contest between evenly matched protagonists/ 兩虎相爭,必有一傷 两虎相争,必有一伤 T - 0 liǎng hǔ xiāng zhēng , bì yǒu yī shāng f /if two tigers fight, one must get injured (idiom); if you start a war, someone is bound to get hurt/ 兩虎相鬥 两虎相斗 T - 3 liǎng hǔ xiāng dòu f /two tigers fight (idiom); fig. a dispute between two major contestants/a battle of the giants/ 兩虎相鬥,必有一傷 两虎相斗,必有一伤 T - 0 liǎng hǔ xiāng dòu , bì yǒu yī shāng f /When two tigers fight, one will get injured (idiom). If it comes to a fight, someone will get hurt./ 兩袖清風 两袖清风 T - 22 liǎng xiù qīng fēng f /lit. both sleeves flowing in the breeze (idiom); having clean hands/uncorrupted/unsoiled by corrupt practices/ 兩親 两亲 T - 0 liǎng qīn f /see 雙親|双亲[shuang1 qin1]/ 兩訖 两讫 T - 3 liǎng qì f /received and paid for (business term)/the goods delivered and the bill settled/ 兩造 两造 T - 3 liǎng zào f /both parties (to a lawsuit)/plaintiff and defendant/ 兩邊 两边 T - 1634 liǎng bian f /either side/both sides/ 兩院 两院 T - 956 liǎng yuàn f /two chambers (of legislative assembly), e.g. House of Representatives and Senate/ 兩院制 两院制 T - 1310 liǎng yuàn zhì f /bicameralism/bicameral legislative system/ 兩難 两难 T - 56 liǎng nán f /dilemma/quandary/ 兩面 两面 T - 1178 liǎng miàn f /both sides/ 兩面三刀 两面三刀 T - 15 liǎng miàn sān dāo f /two-faced, three knives (idiom); double-cross/double dealing and back stabbing/ 兩面派 两面派 T - 26 liǎng miàn pài f /two-faced person/double-dealing/ 兩頭 两头 T - 606 liǎng tóu f /both ends/both parties to a deal/ 兩頭兒 两头儿 T - 0 liǎng tóu r f /erhua variant of 兩頭|两头[liang3 tou2]/ 兩頰生津 两颊生津 T - 0 liǎng jiá shēng jīn f /mouth-watering/to whet one's appetite/ 兩點水 两点水 T - 3 liǎng diǎn shuǐ f /name of "ice" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 15)/see also 冫[bing1]/ 兩黨制 两党制 T - 18 liǎng dǎng zhì f /two-party system/ 兪 - 0 yú f /variant of 俞[yu2]/ 八 127 7422 bā f /eight/8/ 八一五 - 0 bā yī wǔ f /15th August/refers to Japanese surrender in WWII on 15th August 1945/ 八一建军节 八一建軍節 S - 4 Bā yī Jiàn jūn jié f /see 建軍節|建军节[Jian4 jun1 jie2]/ 八一建軍節 八一建军节 T - 4 Bā yī Jiàn jūn jié f /see 建軍節|建军节[Jian4 jun1 jie2]/ 八万大藏经 八萬大藏經 S - 0 bā wàn dà zàng jīng f /Tripitaka Koreana, Buddhist scriptures carved on 81,340 wooden tablets and housed in Haeinsa 海印寺[Hai3 yin4 si4] in South Gyeongsang province of South Korea/ 八九不离十 八九不離十 S - 33 bā jiǔ bù lí shí f /pretty close/very near/about right/ 八九不離十 八九不离十 T - 33 bā jiǔ bù lí shí f /pretty close/very near/about right/ 八二三炮战 八二三砲戰 S - 0 bā èr sān pào zhàn f /bombardment of Kinmen by PRC forces that started August 23rd 1958, also called second Taiwan strait crisis/ 八二三砲戰 八二三炮战 T - 0 bā èr sān pào zhàn f /bombardment of Kinmen by PRC forces that started August 23rd 1958, also called second Taiwan strait crisis/ 八二丹 - 0 bā èr dān f /eight-to-two powder (TCM)/ 八仙 - 141 Bā xiān f /the Eight Immortals (Daoist mythology)/ 八仙桌 - 114 bā xiān zhuō f /old fashioned square table to seat eight people/ 八仙湖 - 0 Bā xiān Hú f /see 草海[Cao3 hai3]/ 八会穴 八會穴 S - 3 bā huì xué f /the eight influential points (acupuncture)/ 八位元 - 0 bā wèi yuán f /8-bit (computing)/ 八佰伴 - 16 Bā bǎi bàn f /Yaohan retail group/ 八倍体 八倍體 S - 0 bā bèi tǐ f /octoploid/ 八倍體 八倍体 T - 0 bā bèi tǐ f /octoploid/ 八八六 - 0 bā bā liù f /Bye bye! (in chat room and text messages)/ 八公山 - 0 Bā gōng shān f /Bagongshan district of Huainan city 淮南市[Huai2 nan2 shi4], Anhui/ 八公山区 八公山區 S - 3 Bā gōng shān qū f /Bagongshan district of Huainan city 淮南市[Huai2 nan2 shi4], Anhui/ 八公山區 八公山区 T - 3 Bā gōng shān qū f /Bagongshan district of Huainan city 淮南市[Huai2 nan2 shi4], Anhui/ 八冲 八沖 S - 0 bā chōng f /eight surges (a group of eight acupoints in Chinese acupuncture, namely PC-9, TB-1, HT-9 and LV-3, bilaterally)/ 八分之一 - 0 bā fēn zhī yī f /one eighth/ 八分音符 - 2 bā fēn yīn fú f /quaver/eighth note/ 八十 - 157 bā shí f /eighty/80/ 八十天环游地球 八十天環遊地球 S - 0 Bā shí Tiān Huán yóu Dì qiú f /Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne 儒勒·凡爾納|儒勒·凡尔纳[Ru2 le4 · Fan2 er3 na4]/ 八十天環遊地球 八十天环游地球 T - 0 Bā shí Tiān Huán yóu Dì qiú f /Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne 儒勒·凡爾納|儒勒·凡尔纳[Ru2 le4 · Fan2 er3 na4]/ 八卦 - 703 bā guà f /the eight divinatory trigrams of the Book of Changes 易經|易经[Yi4 jing1]/gossip/gossipy/ 八卦山 - 3 Bā guà Shān f /Bagua Mountain, Taiwan/ 八卦拳 - 2 bā guà quán f /baguazhang (a form of Chinese boxing)/ 八卦掌 - 57 bā guà zhǎng f /baguazhang (a form of Chinese boxing)/ 八卦阵 八卦陣 S - 40 bā guà zhèn f /eight-trigram battle array/(fig.) mystifying tactics/ 八卦陣 八卦阵 T - 40 bā guà zhèn f /eight-trigram battle array/(fig.) mystifying tactics/ 八哥 - 195 bā gē f /(bird species of China) crested myna (Acridotheres cristatellus)/ 八哥儿 八哥兒 S - 3 bā gē r f /erhua variant of 八哥[ba1 ge1]/ 八哥兒 八哥儿 T - 3 bā gē r f /erhua variant of 八哥[ba1 ge1]/ 八哥狗 - 0 bā gē gǒu f /pug (breed of dog)/ 八国联军 八國聯軍 S - 1623 Bā guó Lián jūn f /Eight-Nation Alliance, involved in a military intervention in northern China in 1900/ 八国集团 八國集團 S - 5 Bā guó Jí tuán f /G8 (group of eight major industrialized nations)/ 八國聯軍 八国联军 T - 1623 Bā guó Lián jūn f /Eight-Nation Alliance, involved in a military intervention in northern China in 1900/ 八國集團 八国集团 T - 5 Bā guó Jí tuán f /G8 (group of eight major industrialized nations)/ 八块腹肌 八塊腹肌 S - 0 bā kuài fù jī f /six pack (abdominal muscles)/ 八塊腹肌 八块腹肌 T - 0 bā kuài fù jī f /six pack (abdominal muscles)/ 八声杜鹃 八聲杜鵑 S - 0 bā shēng dù juān f /(bird species of China) plaintive cuckoo (Cacomantis merulinus)/ 八大元老 - 0 Bā Dà Yuán lǎo f /"the Eight Great Eminent Officials" of the CPC, namely 鄧小平|邓小平[Deng4 Xiao3 ping2], 陳雲|陈云[Chen2 Yun2], 李先念[Li3 Xian1 nian4], 彭真[Peng2 Zhen1], 楊尚昆|杨尚昆[Yang2 Shang4 kun1], 薄一波[Bo2 Yi1 bo1], 王震[Wang2 Zhen4], and 宋任窮|宋任穷[Song4 Ren4 qiong2]/abbr. to 八老[Ba1 lao3]/ 八大工业国组织 八大工業國組織 S - 0 bā dà gōng yè guó zǔ zhī f /G8 (group of eight major industrialized nations)/ 八大工業國組織 八大工业国组织 T - 0 bā dà gōng yè guó zǔ zhī f /G8 (group of eight major industrialized nations)/ 八婆 - 0 bā pó f /meddling woman/nosy parker (Cantonese)/ 八字 - 267 bā zì f /the character 8 or 八/birthdate characters used in fortune-telling/ 八字形 - 0 bā zì xíng f /shape resembling the character 八 or 8/V-shape/splayed/figure of eight/ 八字方針 八字方针 T - 0 bā zì fāng zhēn f /policy expressed in eight characters, e.g. 巩固、深化、提高、发展[Gong3 gu4 , shen1 hua4 , ti2 gao1 , fa1 zhan3] "Consolidate, deepen, enhance and grow"/eight-character policy/ 八字方针 八字方針 S - 0 bā zì fāng zhēn f /policy expressed in eight characters, e.g. 巩固、深化、提高、发展[Gong3 gu4 , shen1 hua4 , ti2 gao1 , fa1 zhan3] "Consolidate, deepen, enhance and grow"/eight-character policy/ 八字步 - 15 bā zì bù f /step with feet splayed outwards/ 八字沒一撇 八字没一撇 T - 3 bā zì méi yī piě f /lit. there is not even the first stroke of the character 八 (idiom)/fig. things have not even begun to take shape/no sign of success yet/ 八字没一撇 八字沒一撇 S - 3 bā zì méi yī piě f /lit. there is not even the first stroke of the character 八 (idiom)/fig. things have not even begun to take shape/no sign of success yet/ 八字眉 - 4 bā zì méi f /sloping eyebrows, formed like character for "eight"/ 八字胡 八字鬍 S - 3 bā zì hú f /mustache shaped like character 八/ 八字胡须 八字鬍鬚 S - 0 bā zì hú xū f /mustache shaped like character 八/ 八字脚 八字腳 S - 6 bā zì jiǎo f /splayfoot/ 八字腳 八字脚 T - 6 bā zì jiǎo f /splayfoot/ 八字还没一撇 八字還沒一撇 S - 0 bā zì hái méi yī piě f /lit. there is not even the first stroke of the character 八/things have not even begun to take shape/no sign of success yet/ 八字还没一撇儿 八字還沒一撇兒 S - 0 bā zì hái méi yī piě r f /lit. there is not even the first stroke of the character 八/things have not even begun to take shape/no sign of success yet/ 八字還沒一撇 八字还没一撇 T - 0 bā zì hái méi yī piě f /lit. there is not even the first stroke of the character 八/things have not even begun to take shape/no sign of success yet/ 八字還沒一撇兒 八字还没一撇儿 T - 0 bā zì hái méi yī piě r f /lit. there is not even the first stroke of the character 八/things have not even begun to take shape/no sign of success yet/ 八字鬍 八字胡 T - 3 bā zì hú f /mustache shaped like character 八/ 八字鬍鬚 八字胡须 T - 0 bā zì hú xū f /mustache shaped like character 八/ 八宝 八寶 S - 303 bā bǎo f /eight treasures/ 八宝丹 八寶丹 S - 0 bā bǎo dān f /eight-jewel elixir (TCM)/ 八宝山 八寶山 S - 25 Bā bǎo shān f /Mt Babao in Haidian district of Beijing/ 八宝山革命公墓 八寶山革命公墓 S - 7 Bā bǎo Shān Gé mìng Gōng mù f /Mt Babao Revolutionary Cemetery in Haidian district of Beijing/ 八宝眼药 八寶眼藥 S - 0 bā bǎo yǎn yào f /eight-jewel eye ointment (TCM)/ 八宿 - 3 Bā sù f /Baxoi county, Tibetan: Dpa' shod rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区[Chang1 du1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 八宿县 八宿縣 S - 2 Bā sù xiàn f /Baxoi county, Tibetan: Dpa' shod rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区[Chang1 du1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 八宿縣 八宿县 T - 2 Bā sù xiàn f /Baxoi county, Tibetan: Dpa' shod rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区[Chang1 du1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 八寶 八宝 T - 303 bā bǎo f /eight treasures/ 八寶丹 八宝丹 T - 0 bā bǎo dān f /eight-jewel elixir (TCM)/ 八寶山 八宝山 T - 25 Bā bǎo shān f /Mt Babao in Haidian district of Beijing/ 八寶山革命公墓 八宝山革命公墓 T - 7 Bā bǎo Shān Gé mìng Gōng mù f /Mt Babao Revolutionary Cemetery in Haidian district of Beijing/ 八寶眼藥 八宝眼药 T - 0 bā bǎo yǎn yào f /eight-jewel eye ointment (TCM)/ 八小时工作制 八小時工作制 S - 0 bā xiǎo shí gōng zuò zhì f /eight-hour working day/ 八小時工作制 八小时工作制 T - 0 bā xiǎo shí gōng zuò zhì f /eight-hour working day/ 八岐大蛇 - 0 Bā qí Dà shé f /Yamata no Orochi, serpent with eight heads and eight tails from mythological section of Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan)/ 八带鱼 八帶魚 S - 3 bā dài yú f /octopus/ 八帶魚 八带鱼 T - 3 bā dài yú f /octopus/ 八度 - 105 bā dù f /octave/ 八廓 - 0 Bā kuò f /Barkhor, pilgrim circuit around Jokhang temple in Lhasa, Tibet/ 八廓街 - 4 Bā kuò Jiē f /Barkhor street, central business area and pilgrim circuit around Jokhang temple in Lhasa, Tibet/ 八开 八開 S - 8 bā kāi f /octavo/ 八德 - 4 Bā dé f /Bade or Pate city in Taoyuan county 桃園縣|桃园县[Tao2 yuan2 xian4], north Taiwan/ 八德市 - 0 Bā dé shì f /Bade or Pate city in Taoyuan county 桃園縣|桃园县[Tao2 yuan2 xian4], north Taiwan/ 八成 - 260 bā chéng f /eighty percent/most probably/most likely/ 八戒 - 1686 bā jiè f /the eight precepts (Buddhism)/ 八抬大轎 八抬大轿 T - 13 bā tái dà jiào f /palanquin with eight carriers (idiom); fig. to treat guests with honor/ 八抬大轿 八抬大轎 S - 13 bā tái dà jiào f /palanquin with eight carriers (idiom); fig. to treat guests with honor/ 八拜之交 - 21 bā bài zhī jiāo f /sworn brotherhood/intimate friendship/ 八方 - 112 bā fāng f /the eight points of the compass/all directions/ 八旗 - 619 bā qí f /Eight Banners, military organization of Manchu later Jin dynasty 後金|后金[Hou4 Jin1] from c. 1600, subsequently of the Qing dynasty/ 八旗制度 - 0 bā qí zhì dù f /Eight banners system, the military and social organization of the Manchus between c. 1500 and 1911/ 八會穴 八会穴 T - 3 bā huì xué f /the eight influential points (acupuncture)/ 八月 - 1374 Bā yuè f /August/eighth month (of the lunar year)/ 八月之光 - 0 Bā yuè zhī Guāng f /Light in August (novel by William Faulkner 威廉·福克納|威廉·福克纳[Wei1 lian2 · Fu2 ke4 na4])/ 八月份 - 3 bā yuè fèn f /August/ 八极拳 八極拳 S - 23 bā jí quán f /Ba Ji Quan "Eight Extremes Fist" - Martial Art/ 八極拳 八极拳 T - 23 bā jí quán f /Ba Ji Quan "Eight Extremes Fist" - Martial Art/ 八榮八恥 八荣八耻 T - 3 Bā Róng Bā Chǐ f /Eight Honors and Eight Shames, PRC official moral guidelines/ 八正道 - 0 bā zhèng dao f /the Eight-fold Noble Way (Buddhism)/ 八步 - 27 Bā bù f /Babu district of Hezhou city 賀州市|贺州市[He4 zhou1 shi4], Guangxi/ 八步区 八步區 S - 3 Bā bù qū f /Babu district of Hezhou city 賀州市|贺州市[He4 zhou1 shi4], Guangxi/ 八步區 八步区 T - 3 Bā bù qū f /Babu district of Hezhou city 賀州市|贺州市[He4 zhou1 shi4], Guangxi/ 八段錦 八段锦 T - 13 bā duàn jǐn f /"eight pieces of brocade," a set of qigong exercises with assumed medical benefits/ 八段锦 八段錦 S - 13 bā duàn jǐn f /"eight pieces of brocade," a set of qigong exercises with assumed medical benefits/ 八沖 八冲 T - 0 bā chōng f /eight surges (a group of eight acupoints in Chinese acupuncture, namely PC-9, TB-1, HT-9 and LV-3, bilaterally)/ 八法 - 0 bā fǎ f /eight methods of treatment (TCM)/ 八法拳 - 0 bā fǎ quán f /Ba Fa Quan "Eight Methods" - Martial Art/ 八爪魚 八爪鱼 T - 0 bā zhuǎ yú f /octopus/ 八爪鱼 八爪魚 S - 0 bā zhuǎ yú f /octopus/ 八珍汤 八珍湯 S - 0 bā zhēn tāng f /eight-treasure decoction, tonic formula used in Chinese medicine/ 八珍湯 八珍汤 T - 0 bā zhēn tāng f /eight-treasure decoction, tonic formula used in Chinese medicine/ 八疸 - 0 bā dǎn f /eight (types of) jaundices (TCM)/ 八疸身面黃 八疸身面黄 T - 0 bā dǎn shēn miàn huáng f /eight types of jaundice with yellowing of body and face (TCM)/ 八疸身面黄 八疸身面黃 S - 0 bā dǎn shēn miàn huáng f /eight types of jaundice with yellowing of body and face (TCM)/ 八目鰻 八目鳗 T - 3 bā mù mán f /lamprey (jawless proto-fish of family Petromyzontidae)/ 八目鳗 八目鰻 S - 3 bā mù mán f /lamprey (jawless proto-fish of family Petromyzontidae)/ 八相成道 - 0 bā xiàng chéng dào f /the eight stages of the Buddha's life (Buddhism)/ 八級工 八级工 T - 0 bā jí gōng f /grade 8 worker (highest on the eight grade wage scale)/top-grade worker/ 八級工資制 八级工资制 T - 0 bā jí gōng zī zhì f /eight grade wage scale (system)/ 八級風 八级风 T - 0 bā jí fēng f /force 8 wind/fresh gale/ 八綱 八纲 T - 0 bā gāng f /"eight principles," a method of giving a general description and syndrome differentiation (TCM)/ 八綱辨證 八纲辨证 T - 0 bā gāng biàn zhèng f /pattern-syndrome identification based on the eight principles (TCM)/ 八级工 八級工 S - 0 bā jí gōng f /grade 8 worker (highest on the eight grade wage scale)/top-grade worker/ 八级工资制 八級工資制 S - 0 bā jí gōng zī zhì f /eight grade wage scale (system)/ 八级风 八級風 S - 0 bā jí fēng f /force 8 wind/fresh gale/ 八纲 八綱 S - 0 bā gāng f /"eight principles," a method of giving a general description and syndrome differentiation (TCM)/ 八纲辨证 八綱辨證 S - 0 bā gāng biàn zhèng f /pattern-syndrome identification based on the eight principles (TCM)/ 八美 - 0 Bā měi f /Bamay in Dawu County 道孚縣|道孚县[Dao4 fu2 xian4], Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Sichuan/ 八美乡 八美鄉 S - 0 Bā měi xiāng f /Bamei or Bamay township in Dawu County 道孚縣|道孚县[Dao4 fu2 xian4], Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Sichuan/ 八美鄉 八美乡 T - 0 Bā měi xiāng f /Bamei or Bamay township in Dawu County 道孚縣|道孚县[Dao4 fu2 xian4], Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Sichuan/ 八老 - 0 Bā lǎo f /"the Eight Great Eminent Officials" of the CPC, abbr. for 八大元老[Ba1 Da4 Yuan2 lao3]/ 八聲杜鵑 八声杜鹃 T - 0 bā shēng dù juān f /(bird species of China) plaintive cuckoo (Cacomantis merulinus)/ 八股 - 90 bā gǔ f /an essay in eight parts/stereotyped writing/ 八般头风 八般頭風 S - 0 bā bān tóu fēng f /(TCM) eight kinds of "head wind" (headache)/ 八般頭風 八般头风 T - 0 bā bān tóu fēng f /(TCM) eight kinds of "head wind" (headache)/ 八苦 - 0 bā kǔ f /the eight distresses - birth, age, sickness, death, parting with what we love, meeting with what we hate, unattained aims, and all the ills of the five skandhas (Buddhism)/ 八荣八耻 八榮八恥 S - 3 Bā Róng Bā Chǐ f /Eight Honors and Eight Shames, PRC official moral guidelines/ 八萬大藏經 八万大藏经 T - 0 bā wàn dà zàng jīng f /Tripitaka Koreana, Buddhist scriptures carved on 81,340 wooden tablets and housed in Haeinsa 海印寺[Hai3 yin4 si4] in South Gyeongsang province of South Korea/ 八行书 八行書 S - 4 bā háng shū f /formal recommendation letter in eight columns/ 八行書 八行书 T - 4 bā háng shū f /formal recommendation letter in eight columns/ 八角 - 757 bā jiǎo f /anise/star anise/aniseed/octagonal/Fructus Anisi stellati/ 八角床 - 0 bā jiǎo chuáng f /traditional-style canopy bed/ 八角形 - 35 bā jiǎo xíng f /octagon/ 八角枫 八角楓 S - 8 bā jiǎo fēng f /alangium/ 八角楓 八角枫 T - 8 bā jiǎo fēng f /alangium/ 八角茴香 - 4 bā jiǎo huí xiāng f /Chinese anise/star anise/Fructus Anisi stellati/ 八角街 - 3 Bā jiǎo Jiē f /Barkhor street, central business area and pilgrim circuit around Jokhang temple in Lhasa, Tibet/same as 八廓街[Ba1 kuo4 Jie1]/ 八路军 八路軍 S - 885 Bā lù jūn f /the Eighth Route Army/ 八路軍 八路军 T - 885 Bā lù jūn f /the Eighth Route Army/ 八輩子 八辈子 T - 24 bā bèi zi f /(fig.) a long time/ 八辈子 八輩子 S - 24 bā bèi zi f /(fig.) a long time/ 八边形 八邊形 S - 3 bā biān xíng f /octagon/ 八达岭 八達嶺 S - 107 Bā dá lǐng f /Badaling, a particular section of the Great Wall that is a favorite tourist destination/ 八达通 八達通 S - 3 Bā dá tōng f /Octopus card (Hong Kong smart card for electronic payments)/ 八进制 八進制 S - 6 bā jìn zhì f /octal/ 八進制 八进制 T - 6 bā jìn zhì f /octal/ 八道江 - 0 Bā dào jiāng f /Badaojiang district in Baishan city 白山市, Jilin/ 八道江区 八道江區 S - 7 Bā dào jiāng qū f /Badaojiang district in Baishan city 白山市, Jilin/ 八道江區 八道江区 T - 7 Bā dào jiāng qū f /Badaojiang district in Baishan city 白山市, Jilin/ 八達嶺 八达岭 T - 107 Bā dá lǐng f /Badaling, a particular section of the Great Wall that is a favorite tourist destination/ 八達通 八达通 T - 3 Bā dá tōng f /Octopus card (Hong Kong smart card for electronic payments)/ 八邊形 八边形 T - 3 bā biān xíng f /octagon/ 八里 - 63 Bā lǐ f /Bali or Pali township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 八里乡 八里鄉 S - 3 Bā lǐ xiāng f /Bali or Pali township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 八里鄉 八里乡 T - 3 Bā lǐ xiāng f /Bali or Pali township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 八重奏 - 0 bā chóng zòu f /octet (musical ensemble)/ 八開 八开 T - 8 bā kāi f /octavo/ 八面体 八面體 S - 34 bā miàn tǐ f /octahedron/ 八面玲珑 八面玲瓏 S - 18 bā miàn líng lóng f /be smooth and slick (in establishing social relations)/ 八面玲瓏 八面玲珑 T - 18 bā miàn líng lóng f /be smooth and slick (in establishing social relations)/ 八面體 八面体 T - 34 bā miàn tǐ f /octahedron/ 八音 - 26 bā yīn f /music/(used in advertising instrumental tuition)/(archaic) musical instruments made of eight different materials (metal 金, stone 石, clay 土, leather 革, silk 絲|丝, wood 木, gourd 匏, bamboo 竹)/ 八音盒 - 9 bā yīn hé f /musical box/ 八風 八风 T - 3 bā fēng f /see 八風穴|八风穴[ba1 feng1 xue2]/ 八風穴 八风穴 T - 0 bā fēng xué f /"eight wind points", name of a set of acupuncture points (EX-LE-10), four on each foot/ 八风 八風 S - 3 bā fēng f /see 八風穴|八风穴[ba1 feng1 xue2]/ 八风穴 八風穴 S - 0 bā fēng xué f /"eight wind points", name of a set of acupuncture points (EX-LE-10), four on each foot/ 公 - 5628 gōng f /public/collectively owned/common/international (e.g. high seas, metric system, calendar)/make public/fair/just/Duke, highest of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]/honorable (gentlemen)/father-in-law/male (animal)/ 公丈 - 3 gōng zhàng f /decameter/ 公两 公兩 S - 3 gōng liǎng f /hectogram/ 公主 1539 3531 gōng zhǔ f /princess/ 公主岭 公主嶺 S - 10 Gōng zhǔ lǐng f /Gongzhuling county level city in Siping 四平, Jilin/ 公主岭市 公主嶺市 S - 12 Gōng zhǔ lǐng shì f /Gongzhuling county level city in Siping 四平, Jilin/ 公主嶺 公主岭 T - 10 Gōng zhǔ lǐng f /Gongzhuling county level city in Siping 四平, Jilin/ 公主嶺市 公主岭市 T - 12 Gōng zhǔ lǐng shì f /Gongzhuling county level city in Siping 四平, Jilin/ 公主車 公主车 T - 0 gōng zhǔ chē f /ladies bicycle/ 公主车 公主車 S - 0 gōng zhǔ chē f /ladies bicycle/ 公举 公舉 S - 36 gōng jǔ f /public election/ 公义 公義 S - 17 gōng yì f /righteousness/ 公之于世 - 9 gōng zhī yú shì f /to announce to the world (idiom)/to make public/to let everyone know/ 公之于众 公之於眾 S - 29 gōng zhī yú zhòng f /to make known to the masses (idiom); to publicize widely/to let the world know/ 公之於眾 公之于众 T - 29 gōng zhī yú zhòng f /to make known to the masses (idiom); to publicize widely/to let the world know/ 公买公卖 公買公賣 S - 3 gōng mǎi gōng mài f /buying and selling at fair prices/ 公事 - 326 gōng shì f /public affairs/official (matters, duties etc)/ 公事公办 公事公辦 S - 44 gōng shì gōng bàn f /to do official business according to the official principles (i.e. without involving private interests)/ 公事公辦 公事公办 T - 44 gōng shì gōng bàn f /to do official business according to the official principles (i.e. without involving private interests)/ 公事房 - 3 gōng shì fáng f /office (room or building)/ 公交 - 286 gōng jiāo f /public transportation/mass transit/abbr. for 公共交通[gong1 gong4 jiao1 tong1]/ 公交站 - 3 gōng jiāo zhàn f /public transport station/ 公交車 公交车 T - 150 gōng jiāo chē f /public transport vehicle/town bus/CL:輛|辆[liang4]/ 公交车 公交車 S - 150 gōng jiāo chē f /public transport vehicle/town bus/CL:輛|辆[liang4]/ 公亩 公畝 S - 3 gōng mǔ f /are (1 are = 1⁄100 hectare, or 100 m²)/ 公仆 公僕 S - 138 gōng pú f /public servant/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]/ 公仔 - 13 gōng zǎi f /doll/cuddly toy/ 公仔面 公仔麵 S - 0 gōng zǎi miàn f /brand of Hong Kong instant noodles/also used as term for instant noodles in general/ 公仔麵 公仔面 T - 0 gōng zǎi miàn f /brand of Hong Kong instant noodles/also used as term for instant noodles in general/ 公休 - 13 gōng xiū f /public holiday/official leave (e.g. sabbatical)/ 公休日 - 3 gōng xiū rì f /public holiday/ 公众 公眾 S - 2941 gōng zhòng f /public/ 公众人物 公眾人物 S - 0 gōng zhòng rén wù f /public figure/famous person/ 公众意见 公眾意見 S - 0 gōng zhòng yì jiàn f /public opinion/ 公众电信网路 公眾電信網路 S - 0 gōng zhòng diàn xìn wǎng lù f /public telephone network/ 公众集会 公眾集會 S - 0 gōng zhòng jí huì f /public meeting/ 公会 公會 S - 187 gōng huì f /guild/ 公伤 公傷 S - 3 gōng shāng f /work-related injury/ 公伤事故 公傷事故 S - 0 gōng shāng shì gù f /industrial accident/work-related injury/ 公佈 公布 T 1934 5476 gōng bù f /to announce/to make public/to publish/ 公佈欄 公布栏 T - 4 gōng bù lán f /bulletin board/ 公使 - 973 gōng shǐ f /minister/diplomat performing ambassadorial role in Qing times, before regular diplomatic relations/ 公使館 公使馆 T - 65 gōng shǐ guǎn f /embassy (old term)/foreign mission/ 公使馆 公使館 S - 65 gōng shǐ guǎn f /embassy (old term)/foreign mission/ 公信力 - 71 gōng xìn lì f /credibility/ 公倍式 - 0 gōng bèi shì f /common multiple expression/ 公倍数 公倍數 S - 3 gōng bèi shù f /common multiple/ 公倍數 公倍数 T - 3 gōng bèi shù f /common multiple/ 公债 公債 S - 123 gōng zhài f /government bond/ 公债券 公債券 S - 16 gōng zhài quàn f /public bond/ 公假 - 3 gōng jià f /official leave from work (e.g. maternity leave, sick leave or leave to attend to official business)/ 公債 公债 T - 123 gōng zhài f /government bond/ 公債券 公债券 T - 16 gōng zhài quàn f /public bond/ 公傷 公伤 T - 3 gōng shāng f /work-related injury/ 公傷事故 公伤事故 T - 0 gōng shāng shì gù f /industrial accident/work-related injury/ 公僕 公仆 T - 138 gōng pú f /public servant/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]/ 公允 - 59 gōng yǔn f /equitable/fair/ 公允价值 公允價值 S - 0 gōng yǔn jià zhí f /fair value (accounting)/ 公允價值 公允价值 T - 0 gōng yǔn jià zhí f /fair value (accounting)/ 公元 2433 6748 gōng yuán f /CE (Common Era)/Christian Era/AD (Anno Domini)/ 公元前 - 5270 gōng yuán qián f /BCE (before the Common Era)/BC (before Christ)/ 公克 - 3 gōng kè f /gram/ 公兩 公两 T - 3 gōng liǎng f /hectogram/ 公公 - 969 gōng gong f /husband's father/grandpa/eunuch/ 公共 - 4271 gōng gòng f /public/common/communal/ 公共事业 公共事業 S - 6 gōng gòng shì yè f /public utility/state-run enterprise/public foundation or enterprise, often charitable/ 公共事業 公共事业 T - 6 gōng gòng shì yè f /public utility/state-run enterprise/public foundation or enterprise, often charitable/ 公共交换电话网路 公共交換電話網路 S - 0 gōng gòng jiāo huàn diàn huà wǎng lù f /public switched telephone network/PSTN/ 公共交換電話網路 公共交换电话网路 T - 0 gōng gòng jiāo huàn diàn huà wǎng lù f /public switched telephone network/PSTN/ 公共交通 - 15 gōng gòng jiāo tōng f /public transport/mass transit/ 公共假期 - 0 gōng gòng jià qī f /public holiday/ 公共关系 公共關係 S - 3 gōng gòng guān xì f /public relations/ 公共卫生 公共衛生 S - 3 gōng gòng wèi shēng f /public health/ 公共团体 公共團體 S - 0 gōng gòng tuán tǐ f /public organization/ 公共團體 公共团体 T - 0 gōng gòng tuán tǐ f /public organization/ 公共安全罪 - 0 gōng gòng ān quán zuì f /crime against public order/ 公共开支 公共開支 S - 3 gōng gòng kāi zhī f /public expenditure/ 公共汽車 公共汽车 T 282 56 gōng gòng qì chē f /bus/CL:輛|辆[liang4],班[ban1]/ 公共汽車站 公共汽车站 T - 0 gōng gòng qì chē zhàn f /bus stop/bus station/ 公共汽车 公共汽車 S 282 56 gōng gòng qì chē f /bus/CL:輛|辆[liang4],班[ban1]/ 公共汽车站 公共汽車站 S - 0 gōng gòng qì chē zhàn f /bus stop/bus station/ 公共秩序 - 3 gōng gòng zhì xù f /public order/ 公共行政 - 3 gōng gòng xíng zhèng f /public administration/ 公共衛生 公共卫生 T - 3 gōng gòng wèi shēng f /public health/ 公共設施 公共设施 T - 3 gōng gòng shè shī f /public facilities/services/ 公共设施 公共設施 S - 3 gōng gòng shè shī f /public facilities/services/ 公共財產 公共财产 T - 3 gōng gòng cái chǎn f /public property/ 公共财产 公共財產 S - 3 gōng gòng cái chǎn f /public property/ 公共道德 - 3 gōng gòng dào dé f /public morality/social ethics/ 公共開支 公共开支 T - 3 gōng gòng kāi zhī f /public expenditure/ 公共關係 公共关系 T - 3 gōng gòng guān xì f /public relations/ 公共零点 公共零點 S - 0 gōng gòng líng diǎn f /common zeros (of system of equations)/ 公共零點 公共零点 T - 0 gōng gòng líng diǎn f /common zeros (of system of equations)/ 公关 公關 S 3508 418 gōng guān f /public relations/ 公决 公決 S - 40 gōng jué f /public decision (by ballot)/majority decision/a joint decision/referendum/ 公函 - 21 gōng hán f /official letter/ 公分 - 86 gōng fēn f /centimeter/gram/ 公判 - 3 gōng pàn f /public opinion/public announcement of verdict at a trial/ 公制 - 34 gōng zhì f /metric system/ 公制单位 公制單位 S - 0 gōng zhì dān wèi f /metric units/ 公制單位 公制单位 T - 0 gōng zhì dān wèi f /metric units/ 公办 公辦 S - 264 gōng bàn f /state-run/ 公务 公務 S 3766 839 gōng wù f /official business/ 公务人员 公務人員 S - 3 gōng wù rén yuán f /government functionary/ 公务员 公務員 S - 1382 gōng wù yuán f /functionary/office-bearer/ 公务舱 公務艙 S - 8 gōng wù cāng f /business class (airplane travel)/ 公務 公务 T 3766 839 gōng wù f /official business/ 公務人員 公务人员 T - 3 gōng wù rén yuán f /government functionary/ 公務員 公务员 T - 1382 gōng wù yuán f /functionary/office-bearer/ 公務艙 公务舱 T - 8 gōng wù cāng f /business class (airplane travel)/ 公募 - 0 gōng mù f /public placement (investing)/ 公勺 - 3 gōng sháo f /serving spoon/centiliter (i.e. 10 ml), abbr. to 勺[shao2]/ 公升 - 36 gōng shēng f /liter/ 公卿 - 106 gōng qīng f /high-ranking officials in the court of a Chinese emperor/ 公历 公曆 S - 94 gōng lì f /Gregorian calendar/solar calendar/ 公厕 公廁 S - 41 gōng cè f /public toilet/ 公厘 公釐 S - 49 gōng lí f /decigram/millimeter/ 公司 213 45604 gōng sī f /(business) company/company/firm/corporation/incorporated/CL:家[jia1]/ 公司三明治 - 0 gōng sī sān míng zhì f /club sandwich/ 公司会议 公司會議 S - 0 gōng sī huì yì f /company meeting/ 公司债 公司債 S - 3 gōng sī zhài f /corporate bonds (finance)/ 公司債 公司债 T - 3 gōng sī zhài f /corporate bonds (finance)/ 公司會議 公司会议 T - 0 gōng sī huì yì f /company meeting/ 公司治理 - 0 gōng sī zhì lǐ f /corporate governance/ 公司法 - 245 gōng sī fǎ f /corporations law/ 公司理財 公司理财 T - 0 gōng sī lǐ cái f /company finance/corporate finance/ 公司理财 公司理財 S - 0 gōng sī lǐ cái f /company finance/corporate finance/ 公吨 公噸 S - 16 gōng dūn f /ton/metric ton/ 公听会 公聽會 S - 3 gōng tīng huì f /public hearing/ 公告 3952 1919 gōng gào f /post/announcement/ 公噸 公吨 T - 16 gōng dūn f /ton/metric ton/ 公因子 - 0 gōng yīn zǐ f /common factor/common divisor/ 公因式 - 3 gōng yīn shì f /common factor/common divisor (of a math. expression)/ 公园 公園 S 479 4609 gōng yuán f /park (for public recreation)/CL:個|个[ge4],座[zuo4]/ 公园小径效应 公園小徑效應 S - 0 gōng yuán xiǎo jìng xiào yìng f /garden path effect/ 公国 公國 S - 222 gōng guó f /duchy/dukedom/principality/ 公國 公国 T - 222 gōng guó f /duchy/dukedom/principality/ 公園 公园 T 479 4609 gōng yuán f /park (for public recreation)/CL:個|个[ge4],座[zuo4]/ 公園小徑效應 公园小径效应 T - 0 gōng yuán xiǎo jìng xiào yìng f /garden path effect/ 公地 - 3 gōng dì f /public land/land in common use/ 公地悲剧 公地悲劇 S - 0 gōng dì bēi jù f /tragedy of the commons (economics)/ 公地悲劇 公地悲剧 T - 0 gōng dì bēi jù f /tragedy of the commons (economics)/ 公堂 - 82 gōng táng f /law court/hall (in castle)/CL:家[jia1]/ 公報 公报 T - 847 gōng bào f /announcement/bulletin/communique/ 公報私仇 公报私仇 T - 9 gōng bào sī chóu f /to use public office to avenge private wrongs/ 公墓 - 87 gōng mù f /public cemetery/ 公婆 - 91 gōng pó f /husband's parents/parents-in-law/ 公子 - 1801 gōng zǐ f /son of an official/son of nobility/your son (honorific)/ 公子哥儿 公子哥兒 S - 43 gōng zǐ gē r f /pampered son of a wealthy family/ 公子哥兒 公子哥儿 T - 43 gōng zǐ gē r f /pampered son of a wealthy family/ 公孙 公孫 S - 301 Gōng sūn f /two-character surname Gongsun/ 公孙起 公孫起 S - 0 Gōng sūn Qǐ f /Gongsun Qi (-258 BC), famous general of Qin 秦國|秦国, the victor at 長平|长平 in 260 BC/same as Bai Qi 白起/ 公孙龙 公孫龍 S - 10 Gōng sūn Lóng f /Gongsun Long (c. 325-250 BC), leading thinker of the School of Logicians of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC)/ 公孫 公孙 T - 301 Gōng sūn f /two-character surname Gongsun/ 公孫起 公孙起 T - 0 Gōng sūn Qǐ f /Gongsun Qi (-258 BC), famous general of Qin 秦國|秦国, the victor at 長平|长平 in 260 BC/same as Bai Qi 白起/ 公孫龍 公孙龙 T - 10 Gōng sūn Lóng f /Gongsun Long (c. 325-250 BC), leading thinker of the School of Logicians of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC)/ 公安 - 2800 gōng ān f /(Ministry of) Public Security/public safety/public security/ 公安县 公安縣 S - 527 Gōng ān xiàn f /Gong'an county in Jingzhou 荊州|荆州[Jing1 zhou1], Hubei/ 公安官员 公安官員 S - 0 gōng ān guān yuán f /public safety officials/ 公安官員 公安官员 T - 0 gōng ān guān yuán f /public safety officials/ 公安局 4964 584 gōng ān jú f /public security bureau (government office similar in function to a police station)/ 公安机关 公安機關 S - 3 gōng ān jī guān f /public security bureau/ 公安機關 公安机关 T - 3 gōng ān jī guān f /public security bureau/ 公安縣 公安县 T - 527 Gōng ān xiàn f /Gong'an county in Jingzhou 荊州|荆州[Jing1 zhou1], Hubei/ 公安部 - 319 Gōng ān bù f /Ministry of Public Security/ 公审 公審 S - 107 gōng shěn f /public trial (in a court of law)/ 公室 - 7 gōng shì f /office (room)/ruling families during Spring and Autumn period/ 公害 - 132 gōng hài f /public hazard, nuisance/ 公家 - 239 gōng jiā f /the public/the state/society/the public purse/ 公家机关 公家機關 S - 3 gōng jiā jī guān f /civil service/ 公家機關 公家机关 T - 3 gōng jiā jī guān f /civil service/ 公寓 1341 597 gōng yù f /apartment building/block of flats/CL:套[tao4]/ 公寓大楼 公寓大樓 S - 0 gōng yù dà lóu f /apartment building/ 公寓大樓 公寓大楼 T - 0 gōng yù dà lóu f /apartment building/ 公寓楼 公寓樓 S - 14 gōng yù lóu f /apartment building/CL:座[zuo4]/ 公寓樓 公寓楼 T - 14 gōng yù lóu f /apartment building/CL:座[zuo4]/ 公審 公审 T - 107 gōng shěn f /public trial (in a court of law)/ 公寸 - 3 gōng cùn f /decimeter/ 公尺 - 95 gōng chǐ f /meter (unit of length)/ 公差 - 250 gōng chā f /tolerance (allowed error)/common difference (of an arithmetic series)/ 公差 - 250 gōng chāi t /official errand/bailiff in a yamen/ 公布 公佈 S 1934 5476 gōng bù f /to announce/to make public/to publish/ 公布栏 公佈欄 S - 4 gōng bù lán f /bulletin board/ 公干 公幹 S - 70 gōng gàn f /public business/official work/ 公平 1374 1646 gōng píng f /fair/impartial/ 公平交易 - 22 gōng píng jiāo yì f /fair dealing/ 公平合理 - 29 gōng píng hé lǐ f /fair/equitable/ 公平审判权 公平審判權 S - 0 gōng píng shěn pàn quán f /the right to a fair trial/ 公平審判權 公平审判权 T - 0 gōng píng shěn pàn quán f /the right to a fair trial/ 公平竞争 公平競爭 S - 3 gōng píng jìng zhēng f /fair competition/ 公平競爭 公平竞争 T - 3 gōng píng jìng zhēng f /fair competition/ 公平貿易 公平贸易 T - 0 gōng píng mào yì f /fair trade/ 公平贸易 公平貿易 S - 0 gōng píng mào yì f /fair trade/ 公幹 公干 T - 70 gōng gàn f /public business/official work/ 公府 - 13 gōng fǔ f /government post in Han dynasty/ 公廁 公厕 T - 41 gōng cè f /public toilet/ 公开 公開 S 1622 5094 gōng kāi f /public/to publish/to make public/ 公开信 公開信 S - 65 gōng kāi xìn f /open letter/ 公开化 公開化 S - 56 gōng kāi huà f /to publicize/openness (of government, PRC equivalent of 'glasnost')/ 公开指责 公開指責 S - 0 gōng kāi zhǐ zé f /to denounce/ 公开讨论会 公開討論會 S - 0 gōng kāi tǎo lùn huì f /open forum/ 公开赛 公開賽 S - 253 gōng kāi sài f /championship/ 公开钥匙 公開鑰匙 S - 0 gōng kāi yào shi f /public key (in encryption)/ 公式 4174 1158 gōng shì f /formula/ 公式化 - 29 gōng shì huà f /to formalize/formalism in art (esp. as proscribed in USSR and PRC)/ 公引 - 3 gōng yǐn f /hectometer/ 公德 - 127 gōng dé f /public ethics/social morality/ 公德心 - 3 gōng dé xīn f /civility/public spirit/ 公心 - 28 gōng xīn f /desire for the public good/sense of fair play/ 公愤 公憤 S - 189 gōng fèn f /public anger/popular indignation/ 公憤 公愤 T - 189 gōng fèn f /public anger/popular indignation/ 公房 - 75 gōng fáng f /public housing/dormitory, esp. for unmarried people/ 公投 - 19 gōng tóu f /referendum/abbr. for 公民投票[gong1 min2 tou2 piao4]/ 公报 公報 S - 847 gōng bào f /announcement/bulletin/communique/ 公报私仇 公報私仇 S - 9 gōng bào sī chóu f /to use public office to avenge private wrongs/ 公担 公擔 S - 2 gōng dàn f /quintal (100 kg)/ 公推 - 85 gōng tuī f /elected by acclamation/recommended by all/ 公撮 - 3 gōng cuō f /milliliter/ 公擔 公担 T - 2 gōng dàn f /quintal (100 kg)/ 公敌 公敵 S - 63 gōng dí f /public enemy/ 公敵 公敌 T - 63 gōng dí f /public enemy/ 公文 - 450 gōng wén f /document/ 公文包 - 44 gōng wén bāo f /briefcase/attaché case/ 公斗 - 3 gōng dǒu f /decaliter/ 公斤 581 3635 gōng jīn f /kilogram (kg)/ 公断 公斷 S - 10 gōng duàn f /arbitration (law)/ 公斷 公断 T - 10 gōng duàn f /arbitration (law)/ 公映 - 27 gōng yìng f /public screening (of a movie)/ 公曆 公历 T - 94 gōng lì f /Gregorian calendar/solar calendar/ 公會 公会 T - 187 gōng huì f /guild/ 公有 - 530 gōng yǒu f /publicly owned/communal/held in common/ 公有制 - 434 gōng yǒu zhì f /public ownership/ 公有化 - 23 gōng yǒu huà f /to nationalize/to take over as communal property/ 公案 - 270 gōng àn f /judge's desk/complex legal case/contentious issue/koan (Zen Buddhism)/ 公检法 公檢法 S - 36 gōng jiǎn fǎ f /public security authorities, acronym from 公安局[gong1 an1 ju2], 檢察院|检察院[jian3 cha2 yuan4] and 法院[fa3 yuan4]/ 公檢法 公检法 T - 36 gōng jiǎn fǎ f /public security authorities, acronym from 公安局[gong1 an1 ju2], 檢察院|检察院[jian3 cha2 yuan4] and 法院[fa3 yuan4]/ 公款 - 425 gōng kuǎn f /public money/ 公正 2846 1361 gōng zhèng f /just/fair/equitable/ 公母俩 公母倆 S - 0 gōng mǔ liǎ f /husband and wife/ 公母倆 公母俩 T - 0 gōng mǔ liǎ f /husband and wife/ 公毫 - 3 gōng háo f /centigram/ 公民 2766 12636 gōng mín f /citizen/ 公民义务 公民義務 S - 0 gōng mín yì wù f /civil obligation/a citizen's duty/ 公民投票 - 3 gōng mín tóu piào f /plebiscite/referendum/ 公民权 公民權 S - 83 gōng mín quán f /civil rights/citizenship rights/ 公民权利 公民權利 S - 3 gōng mín quán lì f /civil rights/ 公民权利和政治权利国际公约 公民權利和政治權利國際公約 S - 0 gōng mín quán lì hé zhèng zhì quán lì guó jì gōng yuē f /International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)/ 公民權 公民权 T - 83 gōng mín quán f /civil rights/citizenship rights/ 公民權利 公民权利 T - 3 gōng mín quán lì f /civil rights/ 公民權利和政治權利國際公約 公民权利和政治权利国际公约 T - 0 gōng mín quán lì hé zhèng zhì quán lì guó jì gōng yuē f /International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)/ 公民社会 公民社會 S - 0 gōng mín shè huì f /civil society/ 公民社會 公民社会 T - 0 gōng mín shè huì f /civil society/ 公民義務 公民义务 T - 0 gōng mín yì wù f /civil obligation/a citizen's duty/ 公民表决 公民表決 S - 0 gōng mín biǎo jué f /referendum/decided by public vote/ 公民表決 公民表决 T - 0 gōng mín biǎo jué f /referendum/decided by public vote/ 公決 公决 T - 40 gōng jué f /public decision (by ballot)/majority decision/a joint decision/referendum/ 公法 - 28 gōng fǎ f /public law/ 公海 - 102 gōng hǎi f /high sea/international waters/ 公演 - 95 gōng yǎn f /to perform (e.g. on the stage)/to lecture/ 公然 4065 574 gōng rán f /openly/publicly/undisguised/ 公然表示 - 0 gōng rán biǎo shì f /to state openly/ 公營 公营 T - 30 gōng yíng f /public/publicly (owned, financed, operated etc)/run by the state/ 公營企業 公营企业 T - 3 gōng yíng qǐ yè f /public enterprise, as opposed to private enterprise 私營企業|私营企业[si1 ying2 qi3 ye4]/ 公營經濟 公营经济 T - 0 gōng yíng jīng jì f /public sector of economy/state run enterprises/ 公爵 - 356 gōng jué f /duke/dukedom/ 公爵夫人 - 3 gōng jué fū rén f /duchess/ 公爹 - 15 gōng diē f /husband's father/ 公牛 - 201 gōng niú f /bull/ 公物 - 38 gōng wù f /public property/ 公犬 - 0 gōng quǎn f /male dog/ 公猪 公豬 S - 8 gōng zhū f /boar/ 公猫 公貓 S - 2 gōng māo f /male cat/tomcat/ 公理 - 420 gōng lǐ f /axiom (in logic)/axiomatic/ 公理法 - 0 gōng lǐ fǎ f /the axiomatic method/ 公用 - 238 gōng yòng f /public/for public use/ 公用交换电话网 公用交換電話網 S - 0 gōng yòng jiāo huàn diàn huà wǎng f /public switched telephone network/PSTN/ 公用交換電話網 公用交换电话网 T - 0 gōng yòng jiāo huàn diàn huà wǎng f /public switched telephone network/PSTN/ 公用电话 公用電話 S - 34 gōng yòng diàn huà f /public phone/CL:部[bu4]/ 公用電話 公用电话 T - 34 gōng yòng diàn huà f /public phone/CL:部[bu4]/ 公畜 - 3 gōng chù f /stud/male animal kept to breed offspring/ 公畝 公亩 T - 3 gōng mǔ f /are (1 are = 1⁄100 hectare, or 100 m²)/ 公益 - 404 gōng yì f /public good/public welfare/ 公益事业 公益事業 S - 3 gōng yì shì yè f /service to the public/public welfare undertaking/charity/social facility/ 公益事業 公益事业 T - 3 gōng yì shì yè f /service to the public/public welfare undertaking/charity/social facility/ 公益活动 公益活動 S - 3 gōng yì huó dòng f /charity event/public service activities/ 公益活動 公益活动 T - 3 gōng yì huó dòng f /charity event/public service activities/ 公益金 - 39 gōng yì jīn f /public welfare funds/community chest/ 公眾 公众 T - 2941 gōng zhòng f /public/ 公眾人物 公众人物 T - 0 gōng zhòng rén wù f /public figure/famous person/ 公眾意見 公众意见 T - 0 gōng zhòng yì jiàn f /public opinion/ 公眾集會 公众集会 T - 0 gōng zhòng jí huì f /public meeting/ 公眾電信網路 公众电信网路 T - 0 gōng zhòng diàn xìn wǎng lù f /public telephone network/ 公知 - 0 gōng zhī f /public intellectual (sometimes used derogatorily)/abbr. for 公共知识分子|公共知識分子 [gong1 gong4 zhi1 shi5 fen4 zi3]/ 公石 - 3 gōng dàn f /hectoliter/quintal/ 公社 - 1714 gōng shè f /commune/ 公祭 - 191 gōng jì f /public memorial service/ 公私 - 470 gōng sī f /public and private (interests, initiative etc)/ 公私兼顧 公私兼顾 T - 40 gōng sī jiān gù f /to adequately take into account both public and private interests/ 公私兼顾 公私兼顧 S - 40 gōng sī jiān gù f /to adequately take into account both public and private interests/ 公私合營 公私合营 T - 3 gōng sī hé yíng f /joint public private operation/ 公私合营 公私合營 S - 3 gōng sī hé yíng f /joint public private operation/ 公秉 - 3 gōng bǐng f /kiloliter/ 公租房 - 0 gōng zū fáng f /public housing/ 公积金 公積金 S - 556 gōng jī jīn f /official reserves/accumulated fund/ 公称 公稱 S - 5 gōng chēng f /nominal/ 公稱 公称 T - 5 gōng chēng f /nominal/ 公積金 公积金 T - 556 gōng jī jīn f /official reserves/accumulated fund/ 公立 - 254 gōng lì f /public (e.g. school, hospital)/ 公立学校 公立學校 S - 3 gōng lì xué xiào f /public school/ 公立學校 公立学校 T - 3 gōng lì xué xiào f /public school/ 公章 - 153 gōng zhāng f /official seal/ 公筷 - 3 gōng kuài f /serving chopsticks/ 公粮 公糧 S - 47 gōng liáng f /tax paid in grain/ 公糧 公粮 T - 47 gōng liáng f /tax paid in grain/ 公約 公约 T - 948 gōng yuē f /convention (i.e. international agreement)/ 公約數 公约数 T - 3 gōng yuē shù f /common factor/common divisor/ 公網 公网 T - 4 gōng wǎng f /open net/public website (as opposed to intranet)/ 公约 公約 S - 948 gōng yuē f /convention (i.e. international agreement)/ 公约数 公約數 S - 3 gōng yuē shù f /common factor/common divisor/ 公网 公網 S - 4 gōng wǎng f /open net/public website (as opposed to intranet)/ 公署 - 123 gōng shǔ f /government office/ 公羊 - 23 gōng yáng f /ram (male sheep)/ 公羊传 公羊傳 S - 3 Gōng yáng Zhuàn f /Mr Gongyang's Annals or commentary on 春秋[Chun1 qiu1], early history, probably written by multiple authors during Han dynasty, same as 公羊春秋[Gong1 yang2 Chun1 qiu1]/ 公羊傳 公羊传 T - 3 Gōng yáng Zhuàn f /Mr Gongyang's Annals or commentary on 春秋[Chun1 qiu1], early history, probably written by multiple authors during Han dynasty, same as 公羊春秋[Gong1 yang2 Chun1 qiu1]/ 公羊春秋 - 0 Gōng yáng Chūn qiū f /Mr Gongyang's Annals or commentary on 春秋[Chun1 qiu1], early history, probably written during Han dynasty, same as 公羊傳|公羊传[Gong1 yang2 Zhuan4]/ 公義 公义 T - 17 gōng yì f /righteousness/ 公而忘私 - 14 gōng ér wàng sī f /for the common good and forgetting personal interests (idiom); to behave altruistically/selfless/ 公职 公職 S - 788 gōng zhí f /civil service/public office/government job/ 公职人员 公職人員 S - 3 gōng zhí rén yuán f /official employee/government official/ 公職 公职 T - 788 gōng zhí f /civil service/public office/government job/ 公職人員 公职人员 T - 3 gōng zhí rén yuán f /official employee/government official/ 公聽會 公听会 T - 3 gōng tīng huì f /public hearing/ 公股 - 3 gōng gǔ f /government stake/ 公舉 公举 T - 36 gōng jǔ f /public election/ 公营 公營 S - 30 gōng yíng f /public/publicly (owned, financed, operated etc)/run by the state/ 公营企业 公營企業 S - 3 gōng yíng qǐ yè f /public enterprise, as opposed to private enterprise 私營企業|私营企业[si1 ying2 qi3 ye4]/ 公营经济 公營經濟 S - 0 gōng yíng jīng jì f /public sector of economy/state run enterprises/ 公設 公设 T - 43 gōng shè f /(logic) a postulate/ 公訴 公诉 T - 106 gōng sù f /public charges (law)/ 公訴人 公诉人 T - 28 gōng sù rén f /district attorney/public prosecutor/procurator/ 公認 公认 T 4183 981 gōng rèn f /publicly known (to be)/accepted (as)/ 公說公有理,婆說婆有理 公说公有理,婆说婆有理 T - 0 gōng shuō gōng yǒu lǐ , pó shuō pó yǒu lǐ f /both sides claim they're right (idiom)/ 公論 公论 T - 45 gōng lùn f /public opinion/ 公諸同好 公诸同好 T - 3 gōng zhū tóng hào f /to share pleasure in the company of others (idiom); shared enjoyment with fellow enthusiasts/ 公諸於世 公诸于世 T - 14 gōng zhū yú shì f /to announce to the world (idiom)/to make public/to let everyone know/ 公證 公证 T 4684 226 gōng zhèng f /notarization/notarized/acknowledgement/ 公證人 公证人 T - 26 gōng zhèng rén f /notary/actuary/ 公證處 公证处 T - 57 gōng zhèng chù f /notary office/ 公議 公议 T - 78 gōng yì f /public discussion/ 公认 公認 S 4183 981 gōng rèn f /publicly known (to be)/accepted (as)/ 公议 公議 S - 78 gōng yì f /public discussion/ 公论 公論 S - 45 gōng lùn f /public opinion/ 公设 公設 S - 43 gōng shè f /(logic) a postulate/ 公证 公證 S 4684 226 gōng zhèng f /notarization/notarized/acknowledgement/ 公证人 公證人 S - 26 gōng zhèng rén f /notary/actuary/ 公证处 公證處 S - 57 gōng zhèng chù f /notary office/ 公诉 公訴 S - 106 gōng sù f /public charges (law)/ 公诉人 公訴人 S - 28 gōng sù rén f /district attorney/public prosecutor/procurator/ 公说公有理,婆说婆有理 公說公有理,婆說婆有理 S - 0 gōng shuō gōng yǒu lǐ , pó shuō pó yǒu lǐ f /both sides claim they're right (idiom)/ 公诸于世 公諸於世 S - 14 gōng zhū yú shì f /to announce to the world (idiom)/to make public/to let everyone know/ 公诸同好 公諸同好 S - 3 gōng zhū tóng hào f /to share pleasure in the company of others (idiom); shared enjoyment with fellow enthusiasts/ 公豬 公猪 T - 8 gōng zhū f /boar/ 公貓 公猫 T - 2 gōng māo f /male cat/tomcat/ 公買公賣 公买公卖 T - 3 gōng mǎi gōng mài f /buying and selling at fair prices/ 公費 公费 T - 133 gōng fèi f /at public expense/ 公費醫療 公费医疗 T - 3 gōng fèi yī liáo f /medical treatment at public expense/ 公费 公費 S - 133 gōng fèi f /at public expense/ 公费医疗 公費醫療 S - 3 gōng fèi yī liáo f /medical treatment at public expense/ 公路 - 8748 gōng lù f /highway/road/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 公路網 公路网 T - 388 gōng lù wǎng f /road network/ 公路网 公路網 S - 388 gōng lù wǎng f /road network/ 公路自行車 公路自行车 T - 0 gōng lù zì xíng chē f /road cycling/ 公路自行车 公路自行車 S - 0 gōng lù zì xíng chē f /road cycling/ 公路賽 公路赛 T - 7 gōng lù sài f /road race/ 公路赛 公路賽 S - 7 gōng lù sài f /road race/ 公車 公车 T - 144 gōng chē f /bus/abbr. for 公共汽車|公共汽车[gong1 gong4 qi4 che1]/car belonging to an organization and used by its members (government car, police car, company car etc)/abbr. for 公務用車|公务用车[gong1 wu4 yong4 che1]/ 公轉 公转 T - 146 gōng zhuàn f /orbital revolution/ 公车 公車 S - 144 gōng chē f /bus/abbr. for 公共汽車|公共汽车[gong1 gong4 qi4 che1]/car belonging to an organization and used by its members (government car, police car, company car etc)/abbr. for 公務用車|公务用车[gong1 wu4 yong4 che1]/ 公转 公轉 S - 146 gōng zhuàn f /orbital revolution/ 公辦 公办 T - 264 gōng bàn f /state-run/ 公道 3604 590 gōng dào t /justice/fairness/public highway/ 公道 3604 590 gōng dao f /fair/equitable/ 公里 1060 13083 gōng lǐ f /kilometer/ 公里时 公里時 S - 0 gōng lǐ shí f /kilometer per hour/ 公里時 公里时 T - 0 gōng lǐ shí f /kilometer per hour/ 公釐 公厘 T - 49 gōng lí f /decigram/millimeter/ 公錢 公钱 T - 3 gōng qián f /decagram/ 公钱 公錢 S - 3 gōng qián f /decagram/ 公開 公开 T 1622 5094 gōng kāi f /public/to publish/to make public/ 公開信 公开信 T - 65 gōng kāi xìn f /open letter/ 公開化 公开化 T - 56 gōng kāi huà f /to publicize/openness (of government, PRC equivalent of 'glasnost')/ 公開指責 公开指责 T - 0 gōng kāi zhǐ zé f /to denounce/ 公開討論會 公开讨论会 T - 0 gōng kāi tǎo lùn huì f /open forum/ 公開賽 公开赛 T - 253 gōng kāi sài f /championship/ 公開鑰匙 公开钥匙 T - 0 gōng kāi yào shi f /public key (in encryption)/ 公關 公关 T 3508 418 gōng guān f /public relations/ 公雞 公鸡 T - 217 gōng jī f /cock/rooster/ 公頃 公顷 T - 739 gōng qǐng f /hectare/ 公顷 公頃 S - 739 gōng qǐng f /hectare/ 公館 公馆 T - 213 Gōng guǎn f /Gongguan or Kungkuan township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 公館 公馆 T - 213 gōng guǎn f /residence (of sb rich or important)/mansion/ 公館鄉 公馆乡 T - 0 Gōng guǎn xiāng f /Gongguan or Kungkuan township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 公馆 公館 S - 213 Gōng guǎn f /Gongguan or Kungkuan township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 公馆 公館 S - 213 gōng guǎn f /residence (of sb rich or important)/mansion/ 公馆乡 公館鄉 S - 0 Gōng guǎn xiāng f /Gongguan or Kungkuan township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 公馬 公马 T - 4 gōng mǎ f /male horse/stallion/stud/ 公马 公馬 S - 4 gōng mǎ f /male horse/stallion/stud/ 公鸡 公雞 S - 217 gōng jī f /cock/rooster/ 公鹿 - 15 gōng lù f /stag/buck/ 六 114 8392 liù f /six/6/ 六一儿童节 六一兒童節 S - 0 Liù Yī Er tóng jié f /Children's Day (June 1st), PRC national holiday for children under 14/ 六一兒童節 六一儿童节 T - 0 Liù Yī Er tóng jié f /Children's Day (June 1st), PRC national holiday for children under 14/ 六书 六書 S - 18 liù shū f /Six Methods of forming Chinese characters, according to Han dictionary Shuowen 說文|说文 - namely, two primary methods: 象形 (pictogram), 指事 (ideogram), two compound methods: 會意|会意 (combined ideogram), 形聲|形声 (ideogram plus phonetic), and two transfer methods: 假借 (loan), 轉注|转注 (transfer)/ 六二五事变 六二五事變 S - 0 liù èr wǔ shì biàn f /Korean war (dating from North Korean invasion on 25th Jun 1950)/ 六二五事變 六二五事变 T - 0 liù èr wǔ shì biàn f /Korean war (dating from North Korean invasion on 25th Jun 1950)/ 六二五战争 六二五戰爭 S - 0 Liù Er wǔ Zhàn zhēng f /the Korean War (started June 25 1950)/ 六二五戰爭 六二五战争 T - 0 Liù Er wǔ Zhàn zhēng f /the Korean War (started June 25 1950)/ 六亲 六親 S - 4 liù qīn f /six close relatives, namely: father 父[fu4], mother 母[mu3], older brothers 兄[xiong1], younger brothers 弟[di4], wife 妻[qi1], male children 子[zi3]/one's kin/ 六亲不认 六親不認 S - 34 liù qīn bù rèn f /not recognizing one's family (idiom); self-centered and not making any allowances for the needs of one's relatives/ 六亲无靠 六親無靠 S - 3 liù qīn wú kào f /orphaned of all one's immediate relatives (idiom); no one to rely on/left to one's own devices/ 六分之一 - 3 liù fēn zhī yī f /one sixth/ 六分仪 六分儀 S - 9 liù fēn yí f /sextant/ 六分仪座 六分儀座 S - 0 Liù fēn yí zuò f /Sextans (constellation)/ 六分儀 六分仪 T - 9 liù fēn yí f /sextant/ 六分儀座 六分仪座 T - 0 Liù fēn yí zuò f /Sextans (constellation)/ 六十 - 423 liù shí f /sixty/60/ 六十四位元 - 0 liù shí sì wèi yuán f /64-bit (computing)/ 六十四卦 - 0 liù shí sì guà f /the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes (I Ching or Yi Jing) 易經|易经/ 六十年代 - 13 liù shí nián dài f /the sixties/the 1960s/ 六合 - 421 Lù hé f /Luhe district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏/ 六合 - 421 liù hé t /the six directions (north, south, east, west, up, down)/the whole country/the universe/everything under the sun/ 六合八法 - 0 liù hé bā fǎ f /Liuhe Bafa - "Six Harmonies, Eight Methods" - Martial Art/ 六合区 六合區 S - 3 Lù hé qū f /Luhe district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏/ 六合區 六合区 T - 3 Lù hé qū f /Luhe district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏/ 六合彩 - 13 liù hé cǎi f /Mark Six (Hong Kong lotto game)/ 六四 - 3 Liù Sì f /refers to Tiananmen incident of 4th June 1989/ 六四事件 - 0 Liù Sì Shì jiàn f /Tiananmen Incident of June 4, 1989/ 六块腹肌 六塊腹肌 S - 0 liù kuài fù jī f /six-pack (abs)/ 六塊腹肌 六块腹肌 T - 0 liù kuài fù jī f /six-pack (abs)/ 六字真言 - 0 liù zì zhēn yán f /the six-syllable Sanskrit mantra of Avalokiteshvara bodhisattva (i.e. om mani padme hum)/ 六安 - 89 Lù ān f /Lu'an prefecture level city in Anhui/ 六安地区 六安地區 S - 0 Lù ān dì qū f /Lu'an prefecture, Anhui/ 六安地區 六安地区 T - 0 Lù ān dì qū f /Lu'an prefecture, Anhui/ 六安市 - 11 Lù ān shì f /Lu'an prefecture level city in Anhui/ 六家 - 46 liù jiā f /Six schools of pre-Han philosophy, as analyzed by 司馬談|司马谈[Si1 ma3 Tan2] (儒家[Ru2 jia1], 道家[Dao4 jia1], 陰陽|阴阳[yin1 yang2], 法家[Fa3 jia1], 名家[Ming2 jia1], and 墨家[Mo4 jia1])/ 六库 六庫 S - 0 Liù kù f /Liuku or Lutku, capital of Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture 怒江傈僳族自治州 in Yunnan/ 六库镇 六庫鎮 S - 2 Liù kù zhèn f /Liuku or Lutku, capital of Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture 怒江傈僳族自治州 in Yunnan/ 六庫 六库 T - 0 Liù kù f /Liuku or Lutku, capital of Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture 怒江傈僳族自治州 in Yunnan/ 六庫鎮 六库镇 T - 2 Liù kù zhèn f /Liuku or Lutku, capital of Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture 怒江傈僳族自治州 in Yunnan/ 六扇門 六扇门 T - 0 liù shàn mén f /seat of the government/yamen/(in wuxia stories) special police force/ 六扇门 六扇門 S - 0 liù shàn mén f /seat of the government/yamen/(in wuxia stories) special police force/ 六方 - 95 liù fāng f /hexagonal/ 六方会谈 六方會談 S - 3 liù fāng huì tán f /six-sided talks (on North Korea)/ 六方最密堆积 六方最密堆積 S - 0 liù fāng zuì mì duī jī f /hexagonal close-packed (HCP) (math)/ 六方最密堆積 六方最密堆积 T - 0 liù fāng zuì mì duī jī f /hexagonal close-packed (HCP) (math)/ 六方會談 六方会谈 T - 3 liù fāng huì tán f /six-sided talks (on North Korea)/ 六日战争 六日戰爭 S - 0 Liù Rì Zhàn zhēng f /the Six-Day War of June 1967 between Israel and its Arab neighbors/ 六日戰爭 六日战争 T - 0 Liù Rì Zhàn zhēng f /the Six-Day War of June 1967 between Israel and its Arab neighbors/ 六書 六书 T - 18 liù shū f /Six Methods of forming Chinese characters, according to Han dictionary Shuowen 說文|说文 - namely, two primary methods: 象形 (pictogram), 指事 (ideogram), two compound methods: 會意|会意 (combined ideogram), 形聲|形声 (ideogram plus phonetic), and two transfer methods: 假借 (loan), 轉注|转注 (transfer)/ 六月 - 869 Liù yuè f /June/sixth month (of the lunar year)/ 六月份 - 3 liù yuè fèn f /June/ 六朝 - 226 Liù Cháo f /Six Dynasties (220-589)/ 六朝四大家 - 0 liù cháo sì dà jiā f /Four Great Painters of the Six dynasties, namely: Cao Buxing 曹不興|曹不兴, Gu Kaizhi 顧愷之|顾恺之, Lu Tanwei 陸探微|陆探微 and Zhang Sengyou 張僧繇|张僧繇/ 六朝时代 六朝時代 S - 0 Liù Cháo Shí dài f /the Six Dynasties period (222-589) between Han and Tang/ 六朝時代 六朝时代 T - 0 Liù Cháo Shí dài f /the Six Dynasties period (222-589) between Han and Tang/ 六枝特区 六枝特區 S - 2 Lù zhī tè qū f /Luzhi special economic area in Liupanshui 六盤水|六盘水, west Guizhou/ 六枝特區 六枝特区 T - 2 Lù zhī tè qū f /Luzhi special economic area in Liupanshui 六盤水|六盘水, west Guizhou/ 六氟化硫 - 6 liù fú huà liú f /sulfur hexafluoride/ 六氟化鈾 六氟化铀 T - 0 liù fú huà yóu f /uranium hexafluoride (UF6)/ 六氟化铀 六氟化鈾 S - 0 liù fú huà yóu f /uranium hexafluoride (UF6)/ 六淫 - 0 liù yín f /(TCM) six excesses causing illness, namely: excessive wind 風|风[feng1], cold 寒[han2], heat 暑[shu3], damp 濕|湿[shi1], dryness 燥[zao4], fire 火[huo3]/ 六环路 六環路 S - 3 liù huán lù f /Sixth ring road (Beijing), opened in 2008/ 六環路 六环路 T - 3 liù huán lù f /Sixth ring road (Beijing), opened in 2008/ 六甲 - 68 Liù jiǎ f /Liuchia township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 六甲乡 六甲鄉 S - 0 Liù jiǎ xiāng f /Liuchia township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 六甲鄉 六甲乡 T - 0 Liù jiǎ xiāng f /Liuchia township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 六畜 - 11 liù chù f /six domestic animals, namely: pig, cow, sheep, horse, chicken and dog/ 六盘山 六盤山 S - 79 Liù pán Shān f /Liupan Mountains, mountain range in northern China/ 六盘水 六盤水 S - 13 Liù pán shuǐ f /Liupanshui prefecture level city in west Guizhou 貴州|贵州[Gui4 zhou1]/ 六盘水市 六盤水市 S - 10 Liù pán shuǐ shì f /Liupanshui prefecture level city in Guizhou 貴州|贵州[Gui4 zhou1]/ 六盤山 六盘山 T - 79 Liù pán Shān f /Liupan Mountains, mountain range in northern China/ 六盤水 六盘水 T - 13 Liù pán shuǐ f /Liupanshui prefecture level city in west Guizhou 貴州|贵州[Gui4 zhou1]/ 六盤水市 六盘水市 T - 10 Liù pán shuǐ shì f /Liupanshui prefecture level city in Guizhou 貴州|贵州[Gui4 zhou1]/ 六碳糖 - 0 liù tàn táng f /hexose (CH2O)6, monosaccharide with six carbon atoms, such as glucose 葡萄糖[pu2 tao5 tang2]/ 六神 - 14 liù shén f /the six spirits that rule the vital organs (heart 心[xin1], lungs 肺[fei4], liver 肝[gan1], kidneys 腎|肾[shen4], spleen 脾[pi2] and gall bladder 膽|胆[dan3])/ 六神无主 六神無主 S - 73 liù shén wú zhǔ f /out of one's wits (idiom)/distracted/stunned/ 六神無主 六神无主 T - 73 liù shén wú zhǔ f /out of one's wits (idiom)/distracted/stunned/ 六級士官 六级士官 T - 0 liù jí shì guān f /sergeant major/ 六經 六经 T - 97 Liù jīng f /Six Classics, namely: Book of Songs 詩經|诗经[Shi1 jing1], Book of History 尚書|尚书[Shang4 shu1], Book of Rites 儀禮|仪礼[Yi2 li3], the lost Book of Music 樂經|乐经[Yue4 jing1], Book of Changes 易經|易经[Yi4 jing1], Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋[Chun1 qiu1]/ 六级士官 六級士官 S - 0 liù jí shì guān f /sergeant major/ 六经 六經 S - 97 Liù jīng f /Six Classics, namely: Book of Songs 詩經|诗经[Shi1 jing1], Book of History 尚書|尚书[Shang4 shu1], Book of Rites 儀禮|仪礼[Yi2 li3], the lost Book of Music 樂經|乐经[Yue4 jing1], Book of Changes 易經|易经[Yi4 jing1], Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋[Chun1 qiu1]/ 六脚 六腳 S - 4 Liù jiǎo f /Liujiao or Liuchiao township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan/ 六脚乡 六腳鄉 S - 0 Liù jiǎo xiāng f /Liujiao or Liuchiao township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan/ 六腑 - 47 liù fǔ f /(TCM) six bowels (hollow organs), namely: gall bladder 膽|胆[dan3], stomach 胃[wei4], large intestine 大腸|大肠[da4 chang2], small intestine 小腸|小肠[xiao3 chang2], triple heater 三焦[san1 jiao1], bladder 膀胱[pang2 guang1]/ 六腳 六脚 T - 4 Liù jiǎo f /Liujiao or Liuchiao township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan/ 六腳鄉 六脚乡 T - 0 Liù jiǎo xiāng f /Liujiao or Liuchiao township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan/ 六艺 六藝 S - 40 Liù Yì f /the Confucian Six Arts, namely: rites or etiquette 禮|礼[li3] (禮儀|礼仪[li3 yi2]), music 樂|乐[yue3] (音樂|音乐[yin1 yue4]), archery 射[she4] (射箭[she4 jian4]), charioteering 御[yu4] (駕車|驾车[jia4 che1]), calligraphy or literacy 書|书[shu1] (識字|识字[shi2 zi4]), mathematics or reckoning 數|数[shu4] (計算|计算[ji4 suan4])/another name for the Six Classics 六經|六经[Liu4 jing1]/ 六藝 六艺 T - 40 Liù Yì f /the Confucian Six Arts, namely: rites or etiquette 禮|礼[li3] (禮儀|礼仪[li3 yi2]), music 樂|乐[yue3] (音樂|音乐[yin1 yue4]), archery 射[she4] (射箭[she4 jian4]), charioteering 御[yu4] (駕車|驾车[jia4 che1]), calligraphy or literacy 書|书[shu1] (識字|识字[shi2 zi4]), mathematics or reckoning 數|数[shu4] (計算|计算[ji4 suan4])/another name for the Six Classics 六經|六经[Liu4 jing1]/ 六親 六亲 T - 4 liù qīn f /six close relatives, namely: father 父[fu4], mother 母[mu3], older brothers 兄[xiong1], younger brothers 弟[di4], wife 妻[qi1], male children 子[zi3]/one's kin/ 六親不認 六亲不认 T - 34 liù qīn bù rèn f /not recognizing one's family (idiom); self-centered and not making any allowances for the needs of one's relatives/ 六親無靠 六亲无靠 T - 3 liù qīn wú kào f /orphaned of all one's immediate relatives (idiom); no one to rely on/left to one's own devices/ 六角 - 422 liù jiǎo f /hexagon/ 六角形 - 48 liù jiǎo xíng f /hexagon/ 六角括号 六角括號 S - 0 liù jiǎo kuò hào f /square brackets 〔〕/ 六角括號 六角括号 T - 0 liù jiǎo kuò hào f /square brackets 〔〕/ 六角星 - 0 liù jiǎo xīng f /six-pointed star/hexagram/star of David/ 六角螺帽 - 0 liù jiǎo luó mào f /hexagonal nut/ 六边形 六邊形 S - 20 liù biān xíng f /hexagon/ 六邊形 六边形 T - 20 liù biān xíng f /hexagon/ 六邪 - 0 liù xié f /(TCM) six unhealthy influences causing illness, namely: excessive wind 風|风[feng1], cold 寒[han2], heat 暑[shu3], damp 濕|湿[shi1], dryness 燥[zao4], fire 火[huo3]/ 六陈 六陳 S - 0 liù chén f /food grains (rice, wheat, barley, beans, soybeans, sesame)/ 六陳 六陈 T - 0 liù chén f /food grains (rice, wheat, barley, beans, soybeans, sesame)/ 六面体 六面體 S - 3 liù miàn tǐ f /six-sided figure (such as a cube or parallelepiped)/ 六面體 六面体 T - 3 liù miàn tǐ f /six-sided figure (such as a cube or parallelepiped)/ 六韜 六韬 T - 3 Liù tāo f /“Six Secret Strategic Teachings”, one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1], attributed to Jiang Ziya 薑子牙|姜子牙[Jiang1 Zi3 ya2]/ 六韜三略 六韬三略 T - 3 Liù tāo Sān lüè f /"Six Secret Strategic Teachings" 六韜|六韬[Liu4 tao1] and "Three Strategies of Huang Shigong" 三略[San1 lu:e4], two of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1], attributed to Jiang Ziya 薑子牙|姜子牙[Jiang1 Zi3 ya2]/ 六韬 六韜 S - 3 Liù tāo f /“Six Secret Strategic Teachings”, one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1], attributed to Jiang Ziya 薑子牙|姜子牙[Jiang1 Zi3 ya2]/ 六韬三略 六韜三略 S - 3 Liù tāo Sān lüè f /"Six Secret Strategic Teachings" 六韜|六韬[Liu4 tao1] and "Three Strategies of Huang Shigong" 三略[San1 lu:e4], two of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1], attributed to Jiang Ziya 薑子牙|姜子牙[Jiang1 Zi3 ya2]/ 六龜 六龟 T - 3 Liù guī f /Liugui or Liukuei township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/ 六龜鄉 六龟乡 T - 0 Liù guī xiāng f /Liugui or Liukuei township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/ 六龟 六龜 S - 3 Liù guī f /Liugui or Liukuei township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/ 六龟乡 六龜鄉 S - 0 Liù guī xiāng f /Liugui or Liukuei township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/ 兮 - 566 xī f /(particle in old Chinese similar to 啊)/ 兮兮 - 3 xī xī f /(particle used to exaggerate certain adjectives, in particular 神經兮兮|神经兮兮, 髒兮兮|脏兮兮, 可憐兮兮|可怜兮兮, and 慘兮兮|惨兮兮)/ 兰 蘭 S - 1390 Lán f /surname Lan/abbr. for Lanzhou 蘭州|兰州[Lan2 zhou1], Gansu/ 兰 蘭 S - 1390 lán f /orchid (蘭花|兰花 Cymbidium goeringii)/fragrant thoroughwort (蘭草|兰草 Eupatorium fortunei)/lily magnolia (木蘭|木兰)/ 兰交 蘭交 S - 0 lán jiāo f /close friendship/a meeting of minds/ 兰克 蘭克 S - 8 Lán kè f /Rank (name)/Leopold von Ranke (1795-1886), important German historian/ 兰博基尼 蘭博基尼 S - 3 Lán bó jī ní f /Lamborghini/ 兰因絮果 蘭因絮果 S - 3 lán yīn xù guǒ f /starts well but ends in separation (of marital relations)/ 兰坪 蘭坪 S - 13 Lán píng f /Lanping Bai and Pumi autonomous county in Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture 怒江傈僳族自治州[Nu4 jiang1 Li4 su4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] in northwest Yunnan/ 兰坪县 蘭坪縣 S - 2 Lán píng xiàn f /Lanping Bai and Pumi autonomous county in Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture 怒江傈僳族自治州[Nu4 jiang1 Li4 su4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] in northwest Yunnan/ 兰坪白族普米族自治县 蘭坪白族普米族自治縣 S - 6 Lán píng Bái zú Pǔ mǐ zú zì zhì xiàn f /Lanping Bai and Pumi autonomous county in Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture 怒江傈僳族自治州[Nu4 jiang1 Li4 su4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] in northwest Yunnan/ 兰姆 蘭姆 S - 31 Lán mǔ f /Lamb (name)/ 兰姆 蘭姆 S - 31 lán mǔ f /rum (beverage) (loanword)/ 兰姆打 蘭姆打 S - 0 lán mǔ dǎ f /lambda (Greek letter Λλ)/ 兰姆达 蘭姆達 S - 0 lán mǔ dá f /lambda (Greek letter Λλ)/ 兰姆酒 蘭姆酒 S - 0 lán mǔ jiǔ f /rum (beverage) (loanword)/ 兰学 蘭學 S - 0 lán xué f /Dutch studies (study of Europe and the world in premodern Japan)/ 兰室 蘭室 S - 3 lán shì f /a lady's room (honorific)/ 兰山 蘭山 S - 28 Lán shān f /Lanshan district of Linyi city 臨沂市|临沂市[Lin2 yi2 shi4], Shandong/ 兰山区 蘭山區 S - 7 Lán shān qū f /Lanshan district of Linyi city 臨沂市|临沂市[Lin2 yi2 shi4], Shandong/ 兰屿 蘭嶼 S - 20 Lán yǔ f /Lanyu or Orchid Island township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 兰屿乡 蘭嶼鄉 S - 0 Lán yǔ xiāng f /Lanyu or Orchid Island township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 兰州 蘭州 S - 727 Lán zhōu f /Lanzhou prefecture level city and capital of Gansu province 甘肅|甘肃[Gan1 su4]/ 兰州大学 蘭州大學 S - 34 Lán zhōu Dà xué f /Lanzhou University/ 兰州市 蘭州市 S - 46 Lán zhōu Shì f /Lanzhou prefecture level city and capital of Gansu province 甘肅|甘肃[Gan1 su4]/ 兰开夏郡 蘭開夏郡 S - 10 Lán kāi xià jùn f /Lancashire (English county)/ 兰开斯特 蘭開斯特 S - 50 Lán kāi sī tè f /Lancaster/ 兰摧玉折 蘭摧玉折 S - 3 lán cuī yù zhé f /premature death of a budding talent/those whom the Gods love die young/ 兰斯 蘭斯 S - 23 Lán sī f /Rheims (city in France)/ 兰斯洛特 蘭斯洛特 S - 2 Lán sī luò tè f /Lancelot (name)/ 兰新 蘭新 S - 4 Lán Xīn f /Lanzhou and Xinjiang/ 兰新铁路 蘭新鐵路 S - 22 Lán xīn tiě lù f /Lanzhou-Xinjiang railway/ 兰溪 蘭溪 S - 58 Lán xī f /Lanxi county level city in Jinhua 金華|金华[Jin1 hua2], Zhejiang/ 兰溪市 蘭溪市 S - 7 Lán xī shì f /Lanxi county level city in Jinhua 金華|金华[Jin1 hua2], Zhejiang/ 兰特 蘭特 S - 96 Lán tè f /Rand or Randt (name)/ 兰玉 蘭玉 S - 0 lán yù f /your son (honorific)/ 兰科 蘭科 S - 29 lán kē f /Orchidaceae/ 兰章 蘭章 S - 0 lán zhāng f /a beautiful speech or piece of writing/your beautiful article (honorific)/ 兰考 蘭考 S - 46 Lán kǎo f /Lankao county in Kaifeng 開封|开封[Kai1 feng1], Henan/ 兰考县 蘭考縣 S - 10 Lán kǎo xiàn f /Lankao county in Kaifeng 開封|开封[Kai1 feng1], Henan/ 兰舟 蘭舟 S - 0 lán zhōu f /lit. boat made of lily magnolia wood/poetic term for boat/ 兰艾同焚 蘭艾同焚 S - 3 lán ài tóng fén f /lit. to burn both fragrant orchids and stinking weeds (idiom); fig. to destroy indiscriminately the noble and common/the rain falls on the just and unjust alike/ 兰花 蘭花 S - 546 lán huā f /cymbidium/orchid/ 兰花指 蘭花指 S - 11 lán huā zhǐ f /hand gesture in traditional dances (joined thumb and middle finger, the rest extended)/ 兰若 蘭若 S - 6 lán rě f /Buddhist temple (translit. of Sanskrit "Aranyakah")/abbr. for 阿蘭若|阿兰若[a1 lan2 re3]/ 兰蔻 蘭蔻 S - 0 Lán kòu f /Lancôme, French cosmetics brand/ 兰西 蘭西 S - 9 Lán xī f /Langxi county in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilongjiang/ 兰西县 蘭西縣 S - 3 Lán xī xiàn f /Langxi county in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilongjiang/ 兰言 蘭言 S - 0 lán yán f /intimate conversation/ 兰谱 蘭譜 S - 3 lán pǔ f /lit. directory of orchids/fig. genealogical record (esp. exchanged between sworn brothers)/ 兰辛 蘭辛 S - 0 Lán xīn f /Lansing, capital of Michigan/ 兰迪斯 蘭迪斯 S - 3 Lán dí sī f /Landis (name)/ 兰郑长成品油管道 蘭鄭長成品油管道 S - 0 Lán Zhèng Cháng chéng pǐn yóu guǎn dào f /Lanzhou-Zhengzhou-Changsha oil pipeline/ 兰郑长管道 蘭鄭長管道 S - 0 Lán Zhèng Cháng guǎn dào f /Lanzhou-Zhengzhou-Changsha oil pipeline/ 兰闺 蘭閨 S - 0 lán guī f /a lady's room (honorific)/ 兰陵笑笑生 蘭陵笑笑生 S - 0 Lán líng Xiào xiào shēng f /Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng, pseudonym of the Ming dynasty writer and author of the Golden Lotus 金瓶梅[Jin1 ping2 mei2]/ 兰麝 蘭麝 S - 0 lán shè f /lit. orchids and musk/fig. sweet perfumes/ 共 - 22996 gòng f /common/general/to share/together/total/altogether/abbr. for 共產黨|共产党[Gong4 chan3 dang3], Communist party/ 共业 共業 S - 3 gòng yè f /collective karma (Buddhism)/consequences that all must suffer/ 共乘 - 0 gòng chéng f /to ride together/to carpool/ 共事 - 147 gòng shì f /to work together/ 共产 共產 S - 152 gòng chǎn f /communist/ 共产主义 共產主義 S - 1027 gòng chǎn zhǔ yì f /communism/ 共产主义青年团 共產主義青年團 S - 10 Gòng chǎn zhǔ yì Qīng nián tuán f /the Communist Youth League/ 共产党 共產黨 S - 3506 Gòng chǎn dǎng f /Communist Party/ 共产党员 共產黨員 S - 961 Gòng chǎn dǎng yuán f /Communist Party member/ 共产党宣言 共產黨宣言 S - 0 Gòng chǎn dǎng Xuān yán f /Manifesto of the Communist Party/"Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei" by Marx and Engels (1848)/ 共产国际 共產國際 S - 1052 Gòng chǎn Guó jì f /Communist International or Comintern (1919-1943), also known as the Third International 第三國際|第三国际[Di4 san1 Guo2 ji4]/ 共享 - 665 gòng xiǎng f /to share/to enjoy together/ 共享函数库 共享函數庫 S - 0 gòng xiǎng hán shù kù f /shared library (computing)/ 共享函數庫 共享函数库 T - 0 gòng xiǎng hán shù kù f /shared library (computing)/ 共享带宽 共享帶寬 S - 0 gòng xiǎng dài kuān f /shared bandwidth/ 共享帶寬 共享带宽 T - 0 gòng xiǎng dài kuān f /shared bandwidth/ 共享库 共享庫 S - 0 gòng xiǎng kù f /shared library (computing)/ 共享庫 共享库 T - 0 gòng xiǎng kù f /shared library (computing)/ 共享程序库 共享程序庫 S - 0 gòng xiǎng chéng xù kù f /shared library (computing)/ 共享程序庫 共享程序库 T - 0 gòng xiǎng chéng xù kù f /shared library (computing)/ 共享計劃 共享计划 T - 0 gòng xiǎng jì huà f /joint project/partnership/ 共享计划 共享計劃 S - 0 gòng xiǎng jì huà f /joint project/partnership/ 共享軟體 共享软体 T - 0 gòng xiǎng ruǎn tǐ f /shareware/ 共享软体 共享軟體 S - 0 gòng xiǎng ruǎn tǐ f /shareware/ 共价键 共價鍵 S - 76 gòng jià jiàn f /covalent bond (chemistry)/ 共價鍵 共价键 T - 76 gòng jià jiàn f /covalent bond (chemistry)/ 共党 共黨 S - 47 Gòng dǎng f /Communist Party/abbr. for 共產黨|共产党[Gong4 chan3 dang3]/ 共匪 - 3 gòng fěi f /communist bandit (i.e. PLA soldier (during the civil war) or Chinese communist (Tw))/ 共同 989 10510 gòng tóng f /common/joint/jointly/together/collaborative/ 共同体 共同體 S - 269 gòng tóng tǐ f /community/ 共同利益 - 3 gòng tóng lì yì f /common interest/mutual benefit/ 共同努力 - 3 gòng tóng nǔ lì f /to work together/to collaborate/ 共同基金 - 0 gòng tóng jī jīn f /mutual fund/ 共同点 共同點 S - 89 gòng tóng diǎn f /common ground/ 共同社 - 42 Gòng tóng shè f /Kyōdō, Japanese news agency/ 共同筛选 共同篩選 S - 0 gòng tóng shāi xuǎn f /collaborative filtering/ 共同篩選 共同筛选 T - 0 gòng tóng shāi xuǎn f /collaborative filtering/ 共同綱領 共同纲领 T - 263 gòng tóng gāng lǐng f /common program/formal program of the communist party after 1949, that served as interim national plan/ 共同纲领 共同綱領 S - 263 gòng tóng gāng lǐng f /common program/formal program of the communist party after 1949, that served as interim national plan/ 共同閘道介面 共同闸道介面 T - 0 gòng tóng zhá dào jiè miàn f /Common Gateway Interface/CGI/ 共同闸道介面 共同閘道介面 S - 0 gòng tóng zhá dào jiè miàn f /Common Gateway Interface/CGI/ 共同體 共同体 T - 269 gòng tóng tǐ f /community/ 共同點 共同点 T - 89 gòng tóng diǎn f /common ground/ 共和 - 1948 gòng hé f /republic/republicanism/ 共和党 共和黨 S - 200 Gòng hé dǎng f /Republican Party/ 共和党人 共和黨人 S - 37 gòng hé dǎng rén f /a Republican party member/ 共和制 - 112 gòng hé zhì f /republic/ 共和县 共和縣 S - 12 Gòng hé xiàn f /Gonghe county in Hainan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海南藏族自治州[Hai3 nan2 Zang4 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 共和国 共和國 S 3501 2389 gòng hé guó f /republic/ 共和國 共和国 T 3501 2389 gòng hé guó f /republic/ 共和政体 共和政體 S - 3 gòng hé zhèng tǐ f /republican system of government/ 共和政體 共和政体 T - 3 gòng hé zhèng tǐ f /republican system of government/ 共和派 - 50 gòng hé pài f /Republican faction/ 共和縣 共和县 T - 12 Gòng hé xiàn f /Gonghe county in Hainan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海南藏族自治州[Hai3 nan2 Zang4 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 共和黨 共和党 T - 200 Gòng hé dǎng f /Republican Party/ 共和黨人 共和党人 T - 37 gòng hé dǎng rén f /a Republican party member/ 共商 - 74 gòng shāng f /to jointly discuss/to discuss together (business)/ 共商大計 共商大计 T - 3 gòng shāng dà jì f /to discuss matters of vital importance/ 共商大计 共商大計 S - 3 gòng shāng dà jì f /to discuss matters of vital importance/ 共处 共處 S - 62 gòng chǔ f /to coexist/to get along (with others)/ 共存 - 226 gòng cún f /to coexist/ 共存性 - 0 gòng cún xìng f /compatibility/the possibility of mutual coexistence/ 共工 - 62 Gòng gōng f /God of Water/ 共形 - 0 gòng xíng f /conformal/ 共性 - 116 gòng xìng f /overall character/ 共振 - 177 gòng zhèn f /resonance (physics)/ 共有 - 736 gòng yǒu f /to have altogether/in all/ 共栖 共棲 S - 3 gòng qī f /symbiosis/ 共棲 共栖 T - 3 gòng qī f /symbiosis/ 共業 共业 T - 3 gòng yè f /collective karma (Buddhism)/consequences that all must suffer/ 共模 - 0 gòng mó f /common-mode (electronics)/ 共济会 共濟會 S - 10 Gòng jì huì f /Freemasonry/ 共濟會 共济会 T - 10 Gòng jì huì f /Freemasonry/ 共焦 - 0 gòng jiāo f /confocal (math.)/ 共犯 - 7 gòng fàn f /accomplice/ 共生 - 404 gòng shēng f /symbiosis/ 共產 共产 T - 152 gòng chǎn f /communist/ 共產主義 共产主义 T - 1027 gòng chǎn zhǔ yì f /communism/ 共產主義青年團 共产主义青年团 T - 10 Gòng chǎn zhǔ yì Qīng nián tuán f /the Communist Youth League/ 共產國際 共产国际 T - 1052 Gòng chǎn Guó jì f /Communist International or Comintern (1919-1943), also known as the Third International 第三國際|第三国际[Di4 san1 Guo2 ji4]/ 共產黨 共产党 T - 3506 Gòng chǎn dǎng f /Communist Party/ 共產黨員 共产党员 T - 961 Gòng chǎn dǎng yuán f /Communist Party member/ 共產黨宣言 共产党宣言 T - 0 Gòng chǎn dǎng Xuān yán f /Manifesto of the Communist Party/"Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei" by Marx and Engels (1848)/ 共用 - 279 gòng yòng f /commons/public use/ 共管 - 32 gòng guǎn f /to administer jointly/ 共處 共处 T - 62 gòng chǔ f /to coexist/to get along (with others)/ 共行車道 共行车道 T - 0 gòng xíng chē dào f /carpool lane/ 共行车道 共行車道 S - 0 gòng xíng chē dào f /carpool lane/ 共襄善举 共襄善舉 S - 0 gòng xiāng shàn jǔ f /to cooperate in a charity project/ 共襄善舉 共襄善举 T - 0 gòng xiāng shàn jǔ f /to cooperate in a charity project/ 共襄盛举 共襄盛舉 S - 3 gòng xiāng shèng jǔ f /to cooperate on a great undertaking or joint project/ 共襄盛舉 共襄盛举 T - 3 gòng xiāng shèng jǔ f /to cooperate on a great undertaking or joint project/ 共計 共计 T 4877 509 gòng jì f /to sum up to/to total/ 共話 共话 T - 10 gòng huà f /to discuss together/ 共謀 共谋 T - 79 gòng móu f /to scheme together/to conspire/joint plan/conspiracy/ 共謀罪 共谋罪 T - 0 gòng móu zuì f /conspiracy/ 共謀者 共谋者 T - 0 gòng móu zhě f /conspirator/ 共識 共识 T - 586 gòng shí f /common understanding/consensus/ 共计 共計 S 4877 509 gòng jì f /to sum up to/to total/ 共识 共識 S - 586 gòng shí f /common understanding/consensus/ 共话 共話 S - 10 gòng huà f /to discuss together/ 共谋 共謀 S - 79 gòng móu f /to scheme together/to conspire/joint plan/conspiracy/ 共谋罪 共謀罪 S - 0 gòng móu zuì f /conspiracy/ 共谋者 共謀者 S - 0 gòng móu zhě f /conspirator/ 共贏 共赢 T - 0 gòng yíng f /mutually profitable/win-win/ 共赢 共贏 S - 0 gòng yíng f /mutually profitable/win-win/ 共赴 - 3 gòng fù f /joint participation/to go together/ 共軛 共轭 T - 3 gòng è f /conjugate (math.)/conjugation/ 共軛不盡根 共轭不尽根 T - 0 gòng è bù jìn gēn f /conjugate surd (math.)/ 共軛作用 共轭作用 T - 0 gòng è zuò yòng f /conjugation/ 共軛根式 共轭根式 T - 0 gòng è gēn shì f /conjugate surd (math.)/ 共軛虛數 共轭虚数 T - 0 gòng è xū shù f /conjugate imaginary number (math)/ 共軛複數 共轭复数 T - 3 gòng è fù shù f /complex conjugate number (math.)/ 共轭 共軛 S - 3 gòng è f /conjugate (math.)/conjugation/ 共轭不尽根 共軛不盡根 S - 0 gòng è bù jìn gēn f /conjugate surd (math.)/ 共轭作用 共軛作用 S - 0 gòng è zuò yòng f /conjugation/ 共轭复数 共軛複數 S - 3 gòng è fù shù f /complex conjugate number (math.)/ 共轭根式 共軛根式 S - 0 gòng è gēn shì f /conjugate surd (math.)/ 共轭虚数 共軛虛數 S - 0 gòng è xū shù f /conjugate imaginary number (math)/ 共通 - 182 gòng tōng f /in common/universal/ 共通性 - 2 gòng tōng xìng f /commonality/universality/ 共青团 共青團 S - 163 Gòng qīng tuán f /the Communist Youth League, abbr. for 共產主義青年團|共产主义青年团[Gong4 chan3 zhu3 yi4 Qing1 nian2 tuan2]/ 共青團 共青团 T - 163 Gòng qīng tuán f /the Communist Youth League, abbr. for 共產主義青年團|共产主义青年团[Gong4 chan3 zhu3 yi4 Qing1 nian2 tuan2]/ 共鳴 共鸣 T 3879 219 gòng míng f /resonance (physics)/sympathetic response to sth/ 共鸣 共鳴 S 3879 219 gòng míng f /resonance (physics)/sympathetic response to sth/ 共黨 共党 T - 47 Gòng dǎng f /Communist Party/abbr. for 共產黨|共产党[Gong4 chan3 dang3]/ 兲 - 0 tiān f /variant of 天, heaven/sky/ 关 關 S 360 7068 Guān f /surname Guan/ 关 關 S 360 7068 guān f /mountain pass/to close/to shut/to turn off/to concern/to involve/ 关上 關上 S - 535 guān shàng f /to close (a door)/to turn off (light, electrical equipment etc)/ 关东 關東 S - 435 Guān dōng f /Northeast China/Manchuria/lit. east of Shanhai Pass 山海關|山海关[Shan1 hai3 guan1]/Kantō region of Japan/ 关东军 關東軍 S - 218 Guān dōng jūn f /Japanese Kwantung army (or Kantō army), notorious for numerous atrocities in China during WWII/ 关东地震 關東地震 S - 0 Guān dōng dì zhèn f /Kantō earthquake of 1923, magnitude 8.2, that killed 200,000 people in the Tokyo area/ 关东煮 關東煮 S - 3 Guān dōng zhǔ f /oden, Japanese dish made with boiled eggs, processed fish cakes, daikon radish, tofu etc in a kelp-based broth/ 关中 關中 S - 618 Guān zhōng f /Guanzhong plain in Shaanxi, valley of the Wei River 渭河/ 关中地区 關中地區 S - 3 Guān zhōng dì qū f /Guanzhong plain in Shaanxi, valley of the Wei River 渭河/ 关中平原 關中平原 S - 101 Guān zhōng píng yuán f /Guanzhong plain in Shaanxi, valley of the Wei River 渭河/ 关之琳 關之琳 S - 3 Guān Zhī lín f /Rosamund Kwan (1962-), Hong Kong actress/ 关乎 關乎 S - 132 guān hū f /to relate to/concerning/about/ 关于 關於 S 365 13762 guān yú f /pertaining to/concerning/with regard to/about/a matter of/ 关云长 關云長 S - 39 Guān Yún cháng f /courtesy name of 關羽|关羽[Guan1 Yu3]/ 关停 關停 S - 19 guān tíng f /(of a power plant, refinery etc) to shut down/ 关公 關公 S - 628 Guān gōng f /Lord Guan (i.e. 關羽|关羽[Guan1 Yu3])/ 关关难过,关关过 關關難過,關關過 S - 0 guān guān nán guò , guān guān guò f /to meet with great difficulties but pull through/ 关切 關切 S - 533 guān qiè f /to be deeply concerned/to be troubled (by)/ 关卡 關卡 S - 75 guān qiǎ f /checkpoint (for taxation, security etc)/barrier/hurdle/red tape/CL:個|个[ge4],道[dao4]/ 关厂 關廠 S - 0 guān chǎng f /to shut down (a factory)/to close a facility/a lock-out/ 关口 關口 S - 466 guān kǒu f /pass/gateway/(fig.) juncture/ 关城 關城 S - 20 guān chéng f /defensive fort over border post/ 关塔纳摩 關塔納摩 S - 0 Guān tǎ nà mó f /Guantanamo, Cuba/ 关塔那摩 關塔那摩 S - 7 Guān tǎ nà mó f /Guantanamo/ 关塔那摩湾 關塔那摩灣 S - 5 Guān tǎ nà mó Wān f /Guantanamo Bay (in Cuba)/ 关塞 關塞 S - 3 guān sài f /border fort, esp. defending narrow valley/ 关境 關境 S - 8 guān jìng f /customs border/ 关头 關頭 S - 592 guān tóu f /juncture/moment/ 关子 關子 S - 45 guān zi f /climax (in a story)/ 关山 關山 S - 578 Guān shān f /Guanshan or Kuanshan town in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 关山 關山 S - 578 guān shān f /fortresses and mountains (along the Great Wall)/one's home town/ 关山镇 關山鎮 S - 0 Guān shān zhèn f /Guanshan or Kuanshan town in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 关岛 關島 S - 240 Guān Dǎo f /Guam/ 关岛大学 關島大學 S - 0 Guān Dǎo Dà xué f /University of Guam/ 关岭县 關嶺縣 S - 0 Guān lǐng xiàn f /Guanling Buyei and Hmong autonomous county in Anshun 安順|安顺[An1 shun4], Guizhou/ 关岭布依族苗族自治县 關嶺布依族苗族自治縣 S - 2 Guān lǐng Bù yī zú Miáo zú zì zhì xiàn f /Guanling Buyei and Hmong autonomous county in Anshun 安順|安顺[An1 shun4], Guizhou/ 关店歇业 關店歇業 S - 0 guān diàn xiē yè f /to close up shop and cease business temporarily/closed for business/ 关庙 關廟 S - 3 Guān miào f /Kuanmiao township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 关庙乡 關廟鄉 S - 0 Guān miào xiāng f /Kuanmiao township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 关征 關征 S - 0 guān zhēng f /customs levy/customs post charging import duties/ 关心 關心 S 432 3261 guān xīn f /to be concerned about/to care about/ 关怀 關懷 S 3966 697 guān huái f /care/solicitude/to show care for/concerned about/attentive to/ 关怀备至 關懷備至 S - 16 guān huái bèi zhì f /the utmost care (idiom); to look after sb in every possible way/ 关押 關押 S - 338 guān yā f /to imprison/to lock up (in jail)/ 关掉 關掉 S - 80 guān diào f /to switch off/to shut off/ 关文 關文 S - 19 guān wén f /passport/travel papers/ 关机 關機 S - 104 guān jī f /to turn off (a machine or device)/to finish shooting a film/ 关栈 關棧 S - 3 guān zhàn f /bonded warehouse/ 关栈费 關棧費 S - 0 guān zhàn fèi f /bonding fee/ 关格 關格 S - 3 guān gé f /blocked or painful urination, constipation and vomiting (Chinese medicine)/ 关汉卿 關漢卿 S - 60 Guān Hàn qīng f /Guan Hanqing (c. 1235-c. 1300), Yuan dynasty dramatist in the 雜劇|杂剧 tradition of musical comedy, one of the Four Great Yuan dramatists 元曲四大家/ 关注 關注 S - 5229 guān zhù f /to pay attention to/to follow sth closely/concern/interest/attention/ 关涉 關涉 S - 81 guān shè f /to relate (to)/to concern/to involve/connection/relationship/ 关照 關照 S 3311 334 guān zhào f /to take care/to keep an eye on/to look after/to tell/to remind/ 关爱 關愛 S - 254 guān ài f /to show concern and care for/ 关白 關白 S - 3 guān bái f /to inform/to notify/ 关禁闭 關禁閉 S - 7 guān jìn bì f /to put in detention (a soldier, a pupil)/ 关税 關稅 S - 578 guān shuì f /customs duty/tariff/ 关税与贸易总协定 關稅與貿易總協定 S - 0 Guān shuì yǔ Mào yì Zǒng xié dìng f /GATT, the 1995 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade/ 关税同盟 關稅同盟 S - 3 guān shuì tóng méng f /customs union/ 关税国境 關稅國境 S - 0 guān shuì guó jìng f /customs border/ 关税壁垒 關稅壁壘 S - 21 guān shuì bì lěi f /tariff wall/ 关系 關係 S 361 32105 guān xi f /relation/relationship/to concern/to affect/to have to do with/guanxi/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 关系 關系 S 361 32105 guān xi f /variant of 關係|关系[guan1 xi5]/ 关系代名词 關係代名詞 S - 0 guān xi dài míng cí f /relative pronoun/ 关系到 關係到 S - 0 guān xì dào f /relates to/bears upon/ 关系密切 關係密切 S - 3 guān xì mì qiè f /close relationship/intimately related/ 关系式 關係式 S - 57 guān xì shì f /equation expressing a relation/ 关紧 關緊 S - 18 guān jǐn f /to close firmly/to fasten securely/to make fast/to lock/ 关羽 關羽 S - 230 Guān Yǔ f /Guan Yu (-219), general of Shu and blood-brother of Liu Bei in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, fearsome fighter famous for virtue and loyalty/posthumously worshipped and identified with the guardian Bodhisattva Sangharama/ 关联 關聯 S - 883 guān lián f /related/linked/affiliated/ 关联公司 關聯公司 S - 0 guān lián gōng sī f /related company/affiliate/ 关节 關節 S - 890 guān jié f /joint (physiology)/key point/critical phase/ 关节囊 關節囊 S - 0 guān jié náng f /articular capsule (of joint such as knee in anatomy)/ 关节炎 關節炎 S - 142 guān jié yán f /arthritis/ 关节腔 關節腔 S - 0 guān jié qiāng f /articular cavity/joint cavity/ 关节面 關節面 S - 0 guān jié miàn f /articular facet (anatomy)/surface in joint/ 关西 關西 S - 84 Guān xī f /Kansai region, Japan/Guanxi or Kuanhsi town in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 关西镇 關西鎮 S - 0 Guān xī zhèn f /Guanxi or Kuanhsi town in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 关说 關說 S - 3 guān shuō f /to speak for sb/to intercede for sb/to lobby illegally/ 关贸总协定 關貿總協定 S - 4 Guān Mào Zǒng xié dìng f /GATT, the 1995 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade/ 关连 關連 S - 81 guān lián f /variant of 關聯|关联[guan1 lian2]/ 关金 關金 S - 0 guān jīn f /see 關金圓|关金圆[guan1 jin1 yuan2]/ 关金圆 關金圓 S - 0 guān jīn yuán f /Chinese customs gold unit, currency used in China between 1930 and 1948/ 关键 關鍵 S 832 5721 guān jiàn f /crucial point/crux/CL:個|个[ge4]/key/crucial/pivotal/ 关键字 關鍵字 S - 151 guān jiàn zì f /keyword/ 关键词 關鍵詞 S - 116 guān jiàn cí f /keyword/ 关门 關門 S - 527 guān mén f /to close a door/to lock a door/(of a shop etc) to close (for the night, or permanently)/ 关门大吉 關門大吉 S - 8 guān mén dà jí f /to close down a business for good and put the best face on it (idiom)/ 关门弟子 關門弟子 S - 0 guān mén dì zǐ f /last disciple of a master/ 关门捉贼 關門捉賊 S - 3 guān mén zhuō zéi f /to catch a thief by closing his escape route (idiom)/ 关闭 關閉 S 1543 1892 guān bì f /to close/to shut/ 关防 關防 S - 98 guān fáng f /security measures (esp. border security)/official seal (esp. military seal during Qing and Ming times)/ 关隘 關隘 S - 120 guān ài f /mountain pass/ 关颖珊 關穎珊 S - 8 Guān Yǐng shān f /Michelle Kwan (1980-), former American figure skater, Olympic medalist/ 关饷 關餉 S - 0 guān xiǎng f /to receive one's salary/to pay sb's wages/ 兴 興 S - 4294 Xīng f /surname Xing/ 兴 興 S - 4294 xīng f /to rise/to flourish/to become popular/to start/to encourage/to get up/(often used in the negative) to permit or allow (dialect)/maybe (dialect)/ 兴 興 S - 4294 xìng t /feeling or desire to do sth/interest in sth/excitement/ 兴业 興業 S - 70 Xīng yè f /Xingye county in Yulin 玉林[Yu4 lin2], Guangxi/ 兴业县 興業縣 S - 4 Xīng yè xiàn f /Xingye county in Yulin 玉林[Yu4 lin2], Guangxi/ 兴业银行 興業銀行 S - 5 Xīng yè Yín háng f /Société Générale/ 兴中会 興中會 S - 104 Xīng zhōng huì f /Revive China Society, founded by Dr Sun Yat-sen 孫中山|孙中山 in 1894 in Honolulu/ 兴义 興義 S - 27 Xīng yì f /Xing'yi city in Guizhou, capital of Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔西南布依族苗族自治州/ 兴义市 興義市 S - 7 Xīng yì shì f /Xing'yi city in Guizhou, capital of Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔西南布依族苗族自治州/ 兴亡 興亡 S - 125 xīng wáng f /to flourish and decay/rise and fall/ 兴仁 興仁 S - 3 Xīng rén f /Xingren county in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔西南州[Qian2 xi1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 兴仁县 興仁縣 S - 3 Xīng rén xiàn f /Xingren county in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔西南州[Qian2 xi1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 兴会 興會 S - 20 xìng huì f /sudden inspiration/flash of insight/brainwave/ 兴兵 興兵 S - 157 xīng bīng f /to send troops/ 兴冲冲 興沖沖 S - 197 xìng chōng chōng f /full of joy and expectations/animatedly/ 兴凯刺鳑鲏 興凱刺鰟鮍 S - 0 xīng kǎi cì páng pí f /Acanthorhodeus chankaensis (small carp)/ 兴利除弊 興利除弊 S - 13 xīng lì chú bì f /to promote what is useful and get rid of what is harmful (idiom)/ 兴办 興辦 S - 378 xīng bàn f /to begin/to set in motion/ 兴化 興化 S - 73 Xīng huà f /Xinghua county level city in Taizhou 泰州[Tai4 zhou1], Jiangsu/ 兴化市 興化市 S - 8 Xīng huà shì f /Xinghua county level city in Taizhou 泰州[Tai4 zhou1], Jiangsu/ 兴县 興縣 S - 36 Xīng xiàn f /Xing county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi 山西/ 兴味 興味 S - 74 xìng wèi f /interest/taste/ 兴和 興和 S - 5 Xīng hé f /Xinghe county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia/ 兴和县 興和縣 S - 2 Xīng hé xiàn f /Xinghe county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia/ 兴国 興國 S - 839 Xīng guó f /Xingguo county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi/ 兴国 興國 S - 839 xīng guó f /to invigorate the country/ 兴国县 興國縣 S - 27 Xīng guó xiàn f /Xingguo county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi/ 兴城 興城 S - 49 Xīng chéng f /Xincheng county level city in Huludao 葫蘆島|葫芦岛[Hu2 lu2 dao3], Liaoning/ 兴城市 興城市 S - 22 Xīng chéng Shì f /Xincheng county level city in Huludao 葫蘆島|葫芦岛[Hu2 lu2 dao3], Liaoning/ 兴头 興頭 S - 122 xìng tou f /keen interest/concentrated attention/ 兴奋 興奮 S 814 2575 xīng fèn f /excited/excitement/ 兴奋剂 興奮劑 S - 151 xīng fèn jì f /stimulant/doping (in athletics)/ 兴奋高潮 興奮高潮 S - 0 xīng fèn gāo cháo f /peak of excitement/orgasm/ 兴妖作怪 興妖作怪 S - 4 xīng yāo zuò guài f /lit. to summon demons to create havoc (idiom)/fig. to stir up all kinds of trouble/ 兴学 興學 S - 26 xīng xué f /to establish schools/to raise the standard of education/ 兴宁 興寧 S - 21 Xīng níng f /Xingning county level city in Meizhou 梅州, Guangdong/Xingning District of Nanning City 南寧市|南宁市[Nan2 ning2 Shi4], Guangxi/ 兴宁区 興寧區 S - 3 Xīng níng Qū f /Xingning District of Nanning City 南寧市|南宁市[Nan2 ning2 Shi4], Guangxi/ 兴宁市 興寧市 S - 11 Xīng níng shì f /Xingning county level city in Meizhou 梅州, Guangdong/ 兴安 興安 S - 118 Xīng ān f /Xing'an county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/Hinggan league, a prefecture level subdivision of Inner Mongolia/Xing'an district of Hegang city 鶴崗|鹤岗[He4 gang3], Heilongjiang/ 兴安区 興安區 S - 3 Xīng ān qū f /Xing'an district of Hegang city 鶴崗|鹤岗[He4 gang3], Heilongjiang/ 兴安县 興安縣 S - 24 Xīng ān xiàn f /Xing'an county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ 兴安盟 興安盟 S - 25 Xīng ān méng f /Hinggan league, a prefecture level subdivision of Inner Mongolia/ 兴安运河 興安運河 S - 0 Xīng ān Yùn hé f /another name for Lingqu 靈渠|灵渠[Ling2 qu2] canal in Xing'an county 興安|兴安[Xing1 an1], Guanxi/ 兴宾 興賓 S - 0 Xīng bīn f /Xingbin district of Laibin city 來賓市|来宾市[Lai2 bin1 shi4], Guangxi/ 兴宾区 興賓區 S - 3 Xīng bīn qū f /Xingbin district of Laibin city 來賓市|来宾市[Lai2 bin1 shi4], Guangxi/ 兴尽 興盡 S - 0 xìng jìn f /to have lost interest/to have had enough/ 兴山 興山 S - 299 Xīng shān f /Xingshan district of Hegang city 鶴崗|鹤岗[He4 gang3], Heilongjiang/Xingshan county in Yichang 宜昌[Yi2 chang1], Hubei/ 兴山区 興山區 S - 3 Xīng shān qū f /Xingshan district of Hegang city 鶴崗|鹤岗[He4 gang3], Heilongjiang/ 兴山县 興山縣 S - 265 Xīng shān xiàn f /Xingshan county in Yichang 宜昌[Yi2 chang1], Hubei/ 兴师 興師 S - 38 xīng shī f /to dispatch troops/to send an army/to mobilize forces/ 兴师动众 興師動眾 S - 71 xīng shī dòng zhòng f /to muster large forces/to get a great number of people involved (in carrying out some task)/ 兴师问罪 興師問罪 S - 29 xīng shī wèn zuì f /to send punitive forces against/(fig.) to criticize violently/ 兴平 興平 S - 29 Xīng píng f /Xingping county level city in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2 yang2], Shaanxi/ 兴平市 興平市 S - 3 Xīng píng Shì f /Xingping county level city in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2 yang2], Shaanxi/ 兴庆区 興慶區 S - 3 Xīng qìng qū f /Xingqing district of Yinchuan city 銀川市|银川市[Yin2 chuan1 shi4], Ningxia/ 兴建 興建 S - 2148 xīng jiàn f /to build/to construct/ 兴文 興文 S - 9 Xīng wén f /Xingwen county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bin1], Sichuan/ 兴文县 興文縣 S - 3 Xīng wén xiàn f /Xingwen county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bin1], Sichuan/ 兴旺 興旺 S 4706 357 xīng wàng f /prosperous/thriving/to prosper/to flourish/ 兴旺发达 興旺發達 S - 70 xīng wàng fā dá f /prosperous and developing/flourishing/ 兴替 興替 S - 12 xīng tì f /rise and fall/ 兴海 興海 S - 3 Xīng hǎi f /Xinghai county in Hainan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海南藏族自治州[Hai3 nan2 Zang4 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 兴海县 興海縣 S - 4 Xīng hǎi xiàn f /Xinghai county in Hainan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海南藏族自治州[Hai3 nan2 Zang4 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 兴灭继绝 興滅繼絕 S - 3 xīng miè jì jué f /lit. to restore the state and revive old families (idiom)/fig. to restore sth that has been destroyed or forgotten/ 兴盛 興盛 S - 410 xīng shèng f /to flourish/to thrive/ 兴致 興致 S - 442 xìng zhì f /mood/spirits/interest/ 兴致勃勃 興致勃勃 S 4876 213 xìng zhì bó bó f /to become exhilarated (idiom); in high spirits/full of zest/ 兴荣 興榮 S - 0 xīng róng f /to flourish/to prosper/ 兴衰 興衰 S - 723 xīng shuāi f /prosperity and decline (of a kingdom)/rise and fall/ 兴许 興許 S - 108 xìng xǔ f /perhaps/ 兴起 興起 S - 1950 xīng qǐ f /to rise/to spring up/to burgeon/to be aroused/to come into vogue/ 兴趣 興趣 S - 3955 xìng qù f /interest (desire to know about sth)/interest (thing in which one is interested)/hobby/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 兴都库什 興都庫什 S - 0 Xīng dū Kù shí f /the Hindu Kush (mountain range)/ 兴隆 興隆 S 4788 232 Xīng lóng f /Xinglong county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 de2], Hebei/ 兴隆 興隆 S 4788 232 xīng lóng f /prosperous/thriving/flourishing/ 兴隆县 興隆縣 S - 9 Xīng lóng xiàn f /Xinglong county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 de2], Hebei/ 兴隆台 興隆臺 S - 0 Xīng lóng tái f /Xinglongtai district of Panjin city 盤錦市|盘锦市, Liaoning/ 兴隆台区 興隆臺區 S - 3 Xīng lóng tái qū f /Xinglongtai district of Panjin city 盤錦市|盘锦市, Liaoning/ 兴风作浪 興風作浪 S - 54 xīng fēng zuò làng f /to incite trouble/to stir up havoc/ 兴高彩烈 興高彩烈 S - 3 xìng gāo cǎi liè f /variant of 興高采烈|兴高采烈[xing4 gao1 cai3 lie4]/ 兴高采烈 興高采烈 S 4565 286 xìng gāo cǎi liè f /happy and excited (idiom)/in high spirits/in great delight/ 兵 - 16574 bīng f /soldiers/a force/an army/weapons/arms/military/warlike/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 兵不厌诈 兵不厭詐 S - 25 bīng bù yàn zhà f /there can never be too much deception in war/in war nothing is too deceitful/all's fair in war/ 兵不厭詐 兵不厌诈 T - 25 bīng bù yàn zhà f /there can never be too much deception in war/in war nothing is too deceitful/all's fair in war/ 兵不血刃 - 45 bīng bù xuè rèn f /lit. no blood on the men's swords (idiom); fig. an effortless victory/ 兵临城下 兵臨城下 S - 54 bīng lín chéng xià f /soldiers at the city walls (idiom); fig. at a critical juncture/ 兵书 兵書 S - 214 bīng shū f /a book on the art of war/ 兵乱 兵亂 S - 20 bīng luàn f /confusion of war/turmoil of war/ 兵亂 兵乱 T - 20 bīng luàn f /confusion of war/turmoil of war/ 兵來將擋,水來土掩 兵来将挡,水来土掩 T - 0 bīng lái jiàng dǎng , shuǐ lái tǔ yǎn f /counter soldiers with arms, water with an earth weir (idiom); different situations call for different action/to adopt measures appropriate to the actual situation/ 兵來將敵,水來土堰 兵来将敌,水来土堰 T - 0 bīng lái jiàng dí , shuǐ lái tǔ yàn f /counter soldiers with arms, water with an earth weir (idiom); different situations call for different action/to adopt measures appropriate to the actual situation/ 兵刃 - 1841 bīng rèn f /(bladed) weapons/ 兵制 - 211 bīng zhì f /military system/ 兵力 - 2452 bīng lì f /military strength/armed forces/troops/ 兵卒 - 114 bīng zú f /soldiers/troops/ 兵变 兵變 S - 195 bīng biàn f /mutiny/(Tw) to be dumped by one's girlfriend while serving in the army/ 兵员 兵員 S - 131 bīng yuán f /soldiers/troops/ 兵員 兵员 T - 131 bīng yuán f /soldiers/troops/ 兵器 - 1569 bīng qì f /weaponry/weapons/arms/ 兵器术 兵器術 S - 0 bīng qì shù f /martial arts involving weapons/ 兵器術 兵器术 T - 0 bīng qì shù f /martial arts involving weapons/ 兵团 兵團 S - 1764 bīng tuán f /large military unit/formation/corps/army/ 兵團 兵团 T - 1764 bīng tuán f /large military unit/formation/corps/army/ 兵士 - 414 bīng shì f /ordinary soldier/ 兵家 - 167 Bīng jiā f /the School of the Military, one of the Hundred Schools of Thought 諸子百家|诸子百家[zhu1 zi3 bai3 jia1] of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC)/ 兵家 - 167 bīng jiā f /military strategist in ancient China/military commander/soldier/ 兵家常事 - 0 bīng jiā cháng shì f /commonplace in military operations (idiom)/ 兵工厂 兵工廠 S - 138 bīng gōng chǎng f /munitions factory/ 兵工廠 兵工厂 T - 138 bīng gōng chǎng f /munitions factory/ 兵库 兵庫 S - 9 Bīng kù f /Hyōgo prefecture in the midwest of Japan's main island Honshū 本州[Ben3 zhou1]/ 兵库县 兵庫縣 S - 12 Bīng kù xiàn f /Hyōgo prefecture in the midwest of Japan's main island Honshū 本州[Ben3 zhou1]/ 兵庫 兵库 T - 9 Bīng kù f /Hyōgo prefecture in the midwest of Japan's main island Honshū 本州[Ben3 zhou1]/ 兵庫縣 兵库县 T - 12 Bīng kù xiàn f /Hyōgo prefecture in the midwest of Japan's main island Honshū 本州[Ben3 zhou1]/ 兵強馬壯 兵强马壮 T - 49 bīng qiáng mǎ zhuàng f /lit. strong soldiers and sturdy horses (idiom)/fig. a well-trained and powerful army/ 兵强马壮 兵強馬壯 S - 49 bīng qiáng mǎ zhuàng f /lit. strong soldiers and sturdy horses (idiom)/fig. a well-trained and powerful army/ 兵役 - 170 bīng yì f /military service/ 兵戈 - 30 bīng gē f /weapons/arms/fighting/war/ 兵戈扰攘 兵戈擾攘 S - 3 bīng gē rǎo rǎng f /arms and confusion (idiom); turmoil of war/ 兵戈擾攘 兵戈扰攘 T - 3 bīng gē rǎo rǎng f /arms and confusion (idiom); turmoil of war/ 兵戎 - 14 bīng róng f /arms/weapons/ 兵戎相見 兵戎相见 T - 37 bīng róng xiāng jiàn f /to meet on the battlefield (idiom)/ 兵戎相见 兵戎相見 S - 37 bīng róng xiāng jiàn f /to meet on the battlefield (idiom)/ 兵敗如山倒 兵败如山倒 T - 27 bīng bài rú shān dǎo f /troops in defeat like a landslide (idiom); a beaten army in total collapse/ 兵書 兵书 T - 214 bīng shū f /a book on the art of war/ 兵权 兵權 S - 293 bīng quán f /military leadership/military power/ 兵来将挡,水来土掩 兵來將擋,水來土掩 S - 0 bīng lái jiàng dǎng , shuǐ lái tǔ yǎn f /counter soldiers with arms, water with an earth weir (idiom); different situations call for different action/to adopt measures appropriate to the actual situation/ 兵来将敌,水来土堰 兵來將敵,水來土堰 S - 0 bīng lái jiàng dí , shuǐ lái tǔ yàn f /counter soldiers with arms, water with an earth weir (idiom); different situations call for different action/to adopt measures appropriate to the actual situation/ 兵權 兵权 T - 293 bīng quán f /military leadership/military power/ 兵法 - 430 bīng fǎ f /art of war/military strategy and tactics/ 兵源 - 59 bīng yuán f /manpower resources (for military service)/sources of troops/ 兵營 兵营 T - 190 bīng yíng f /military camp/barracks/ 兵痞 - 24 bīng pǐ f /army riffraff/army ruffian/soldier of fortune/ 兵种 兵種 S - 178 bīng zhǒng f /(military) branch of the armed forces/ 兵種 兵种 T - 178 bīng zhǒng f /(military) branch of the armed forces/ 兵站 - 73 bīng zhàn f /army service station/military depot/ 兵精粮足 兵精糧足 S - 0 bīng jīng liáng zú f /elite soldiers, ample provisions (idiom); well prepared forces/preparations for war are in an advanced state/ 兵精糧足 兵精粮足 T - 0 bīng jīng liáng zú f /elite soldiers, ample provisions (idiom); well prepared forces/preparations for war are in an advanced state/ 兵臨城下 兵临城下 T - 54 bīng lín chéng xià f /soldiers at the city walls (idiom); fig. at a critical juncture/ 兵舰 兵艦 S - 13 bīng jiàn f /warship/ 兵船 - 87 bīng chuán f /man-of-war/naval vessel/warship/ 兵艦 兵舰 T - 13 bīng jiàn f /warship/ 兵荒馬亂 兵荒马乱 T - 120 bīng huāng mǎ luàn f /soldiers munity and troops rebel (idiom); turmoil and chaos of war/ 兵荒马乱 兵荒馬亂 S - 120 bīng huāng mǎ luàn f /soldiers munity and troops rebel (idiom); turmoil and chaos of war/ 兵营 兵營 S - 190 bīng yíng f /military camp/barracks/ 兵蚁 兵蟻 S - 0 bīng yǐ f /soldier ant/dinergate/ 兵蟻 兵蚁 T - 0 bīng yǐ f /soldier ant/dinergate/ 兵變 兵变 T - 195 bīng biàn f /mutiny/(Tw) to be dumped by one's girlfriend while serving in the army/ 兵貴神速 兵贵神速 T - 21 bīng guì shén sù f /lit. speed is a crucial asset in war (idiom)/fig. swift and resolute (in doing sth)/ 兵败如山倒 兵敗如山倒 S - 27 bīng bài rú shān dǎo f /troops in defeat like a landslide (idiom); a beaten army in total collapse/ 兵贵神速 兵貴神速 S - 21 bīng guì shén sù f /lit. speed is a crucial asset in war (idiom)/fig. swift and resolute (in doing sth)/ 兵连祸结 兵連禍結 S - 15 bīng lián huò jié f /ravaged by successive wars/war-torn/war-ridden/ 兵連禍結 兵连祸结 T - 15 bīng lián huò jié f /ravaged by successive wars/war-torn/war-ridden/ 兵部 - 1332 Bīng bù f /Ministry of War (in imperial China)/ 兵队 兵隊 S - 0 bīng duì f /troops/ 兵隊 兵队 T - 0 bīng duì f /troops/ 兵餉 兵饷 T - 3 bīng xiǎng f /pay and provisions for soldiers/ 兵饷 兵餉 S - 3 bīng xiǎng f /pay and provisions for soldiers/ 兵馬 兵马 T - 820 bīng mǎ f /troops and horses/military forces/ 兵馬俑 兵马俑 T - 91 bīng mǎ yǒng f /figurines of warriors and horses buried with the dead/Terracotta Army (historic site)/ 兵馬未動,糧草先行 兵马未动,粮草先行 T - 0 bīng mǎ wèi dòng , liáng cǎo xiān xíng f /before the troops move, fodder and provisions go first (idiom); logistics comes before military maneuvers/an army marches on its stomach/ 兵马 兵馬 S - 820 bīng mǎ f /troops and horses/military forces/ 兵马俑 兵馬俑 S - 91 bīng mǎ yǒng f /figurines of warriors and horses buried with the dead/Terracotta Army (historic site)/ 兵马未动,粮草先行 兵馬未動,糧草先行 S - 0 bīng mǎ wèi dòng , liáng cǎo xiān xíng f /before the troops move, fodder and provisions go first (idiom); logistics comes before military maneuvers/an army marches on its stomach/ 其 - 71322 qí f /his/her/its/their/that/such/it (refers to sth preceding it)/ 其一 - 884 qí yī f /one of the given (options etc)/the first/firstly/ 其三 - 191 qí sān f /thirdly/the third/ 其中 713 34173 qí zhōng f /among/in/included among these/ 其乐不穷 其樂不窮 S - 3 qí lè bù qióng f /boundless joy/ 其乐无穷 其樂無窮 S - 23 qí lè wú qióng f /boundless joy/ 其乐融融 其樂融融 S - 32 qí lè róng róng f /(of relations) joyous and harmonious/ 其二 - 362 qí èr f /secondly/the other (usu. of two)/the second/ 其他 345 25753 qí tā f /other/(sth or sb) else/the rest/ 其余 其餘 S 2005 4454 qí yú f /the rest/the others/remaining/remainder/apart from them/ 其來有自 其来有自 T - 0 qí lái yǒu zì f /there is a reason for it/(of sth) not incidental/ 其先 - 0 qí xiān f /previously/before that/up to then/ 其內 其内 T - 336 qí nèi f /included/within that/ 其内 其內 S - 336 qí nèi f /included/within that/ 其后 其後 S - 776 qí hòu f /next/later/after that/ 其外 - 3 qí wài f /besides/in addition/apart from that/ 其它 - 7498 qí tā f /other/the others/else/other than it/in addition to the thing mentioned above/ 其实 其實 S 385 11950 qí shí f /actually/in fact/really/ 其實 其实 T 385 11950 qí shí f /actually/in fact/really/ 其後 其后 T - 776 qí hòu f /next/later/after that/ 其所 - 0 qí suǒ f /its place/one's appointed place/the place for that/ 其来有自 其來有自 S - 0 qí lái yǒu zì f /there is a reason for it/(of sth) not incidental/ 其樂不窮 其乐不穷 T - 3 qí lè bù qióng f /boundless joy/ 其樂無窮 其乐无穷 T - 23 qí lè wú qióng f /boundless joy/ 其樂融融 其乐融融 T - 32 qí lè róng róng f /(of relations) joyous and harmonious/ 其次 1106 2777 qí cì f /next/secondly/ 其自身 - 0 qí zì shēn f /one's own (respective)/proprietary/ 其貌不扬 其貌不揚 S - 31 qí mào bù yáng f /(idiom) nothing special to look at/unprepossessing/ 其貌不揚 其貌不扬 T - 31 qí mào bù yáng f /(idiom) nothing special to look at/unprepossessing/ 其間 其间 T - 1784 qí jiān f /in between/within that interval/in the meantime/ 其间 其間 S - 1784 qí jiān f /in between/within that interval/in the meantime/ 其餘 其余 T 2005 4454 qí yú f /the rest/the others/remaining/remainder/apart from them/ 具 - 6228 jù f /tool/device/utensil/equipment/instrument/talent/ability/to possess/to have/to provide/to furnish/to state/classifier for devices, coffins, dead bodies/ 具体 具體 S 1633 9769 jù tǐ f /concrete/definite/specific/ 具体到 具體到 S - 0 jù tǐ dào f /to embody into/to apply to/to take the shape of/specific to/ 具体化 具體化 S - 103 jù tǐ huà f /to concretize/ 具体而微 具體而微 S - 3 jù tǐ ér wēi f /miniature/scaled-down/forming a microcosm/ 具体计划 具體計劃 S - 0 jù tǐ jì huà f /a concrete plan/a definite plan/ 具体说明 具體說明 S - 0 jù tǐ shuō míng f /explicit explanation/to specify/ 具体问题 具體問題 S - 0 jù tǐ wèn tí f /concrete issue/ 具保 - 3 jù bǎo f /to find guarantor/to find surety/ 具備 具备 T 2166 4224 jù bèi f /to possess/to have/equipped with/able to fulfill (conditions or requirements)/ 具名 - 93 jù míng f /to sign/to put one's name to/ 具备 具備 S 2166 4224 jù bèi f /to possess/to have/equipped with/able to fulfill (conditions or requirements)/ 具尔 具爾 S - 0 jù ěr f /brother/ 具有 - 25225 jù yǒu f /to have/to possess/ 具有主权 具有主權 S - 0 jù yǒu zhǔ quán f /sovereign/ 具有主權 具有主权 T - 0 jù yǒu zhǔ quán f /sovereign/ 具格 - 0 jù gé f /instrumental case (grammar)/ 具爾 具尔 T - 0 jù ěr f /brother/ 具結 具结 T - 7 jù jié f /to bind over (as surety)/to sign an undertaking/ 具结 具結 S - 7 jù jié f /to bind over (as surety)/to sign an undertaking/ 具體 具体 T 1633 9769 jù tǐ f /concrete/definite/specific/ 具體到 具体到 T - 0 jù tǐ dào f /to embody into/to apply to/to take the shape of/specific to/ 具體化 具体化 T - 103 jù tǐ huà f /to concretize/ 具體問題 具体问题 T - 0 jù tǐ wèn tí f /concrete issue/ 具體而微 具体而微 T - 3 jù tǐ ér wēi f /miniature/scaled-down/forming a microcosm/ 具體計劃 具体计划 T - 0 jù tǐ jì huà f /a concrete plan/a definite plan/ 具體說明 具体说明 T - 0 jù tǐ shuō míng f /explicit explanation/to specify/ 典 - 1614 diǎn f /canon/law/standard work of scholarship/literary quotation or allusion/ceremony/to be in charge of/to mortgage or pawn/ 典型 2909 3430 diǎn xíng f /model/typical case/archetype/typical/representative/ 典型化 - 6 diǎn xíng huà f /stereotype/exemplar/typification/ 典型用途 - 0 diǎn xíng yòng tú f /typical use/typical application/ 典型登革热 典型登革熱 S - 0 diǎn xíng dēng gé rè f /dengue fever/ 典型登革熱 典型登革热 T - 0 diǎn xíng dēng gé rè f /dengue fever/ 典当 典當 S - 94 diǎn dàng f /to pawn/pawnshop/ 典押 - 9 diǎn yā f /see 典當|典当[dian3 dang4]/ 典故 - 186 diǎn gù f /allusion (to classic story or saying)/classical quotation/parable/ 典狱长 典獄長 S - 3 diǎn yù zhǎng f /warden/ 典獄長 典狱长 T - 3 diǎn yù zhǎng f /warden/ 典當 典当 T - 94 diǎn dàng f /to pawn/pawnshop/ 典礼 典禮 S 3003 814 diǎn lǐ f /celebration/ceremony/ 典禮 典礼 T 3003 814 diǎn lǐ f /celebration/ceremony/ 典章 - 347 diǎn zhāng f /institution/institutional/ 典範 典范 T - 316 diǎn fàn f /model/example/paragon/ 典籍 - 314 diǎn jí f /ancient books or records/ 典范 典範 S - 316 diǎn fàn f /model/example/paragon/ 典藏 - 10 diǎn cáng f /repository of items of cultural significance/collection/ 典質 典质 T - 0 diǎn zhì f /to mortgage/to pawn/ 典质 典質 S - 0 diǎn zhì f /to mortgage/to pawn/ 典雅 - 390 diǎn yǎ f /refined/elegant/ 兹 茲 S - 508 zī f /now/here/this/time/year/ 兹事体大 茲事體大 S - 10 zī shì tǐ dà f /this is no small thing (idiom)/to have a serious matter at hand/ 兹卡病毒 茲卡病毒 S - 0 Zī kǎ bìng dú f /Zika virus (Tw)/ 兹因 茲因 S - 0 zī yīn f /(formal) whereas/since/ 兹沃勒 茲沃勒 S - 0 Zī wò lè f /Zwolle (Netherlands)/ 养 養 S - 3311 yǎng f /to raise (animals)/to bring up (children)/to keep (pets)/to support/to give birth/ 养乐多 養樂多 S - 3 Yǎng lè duō f /Yakult (Japanese brand of fermented milk drink)/ 养伤 養傷 S - 122 yǎng shāng f /to heal a wound/to recuperate (from an injury)/ 养儿防老 養兒防老 S - 11 yǎng ér fáng lǎo f /(of parents) to bring up children for the purpose of being looked after in old age/ 养兵 養兵 S - 39 yǎng bīng f /to train troops/ 养兵千日,用兵一时 養兵千日,用兵一時 S - 0 yǎng bīng qiān rì , yòng bīng yī shí f /lit. Train an army for a thousand days to use it for an hour. (idiom); fig. extensive preparation eventually pays off/ 养兵千日,用在一时 養兵千日,用在一時 S - 0 yǎng bīng qiān rì , yòng zài yī shí f /see 養兵千日,用兵一時|养兵千日,用兵一时[yang3 bing1 qian1 ri4 , yong4 bing1 yi1 shi2]/ 养兵千日,用在一朝 養兵千日,用在一朝 S - 0 yǎng bīng qiān rì , yòng zài yī zhāo f /lit. train an army for a thousand days to use it for one morning (idiom)/fig. extensive preparation eventually pays off/ 养分 養分 S - 202 yǎng fèn f /nutrient/ 养地 養地 S - 3 yǎng dì f /to maintain the land (with rotation of crops or fertilizer)/ 养女 養女 S - 76 yǎng nǚ f /adopted daughter/ 养子 養子 S - 184 yǎng zǐ f /adopted son/foster son/ 养家 養家 S - 61 yǎng jiā f /to support a family/to raise a family/ 养家活口 養家活口 S - 2 yǎng jiā huó kǒu f /to support one's family (idiom)/ 养家糊口 養家糊口 S - 42 yǎng jiā hú kǒu f /to support one's family (idiom); to have difficulty feeding a family/ 养尊处优 養尊處優 S - 72 yǎng zūn chǔ yōu f /to live like a prince (idiom)/ 养廉 養廉 S - 19 yǎng lián f /to encourage honesty/to discourage corruption/ 养性 養性 S - 30 yǎng xìng f /mental or spiritual cultivation/ 养成 養成 S 1187 809 yǎng chéng f /to cultivate/to raise/to form (a habit)/to acquire/ 养护 養護 S - 143 yǎng hù f /to maintain/to conserve/curing (concrete etc)/ 养料 養料 S - 106 yǎng liào f /nutriment/nourishment/ 养殖 養殖 S - 2675 yǎng zhí f /to cultivate/cultivation/to further/to encourage/ 养殖业 養殖業 S - 141 yǎng zhí yè f /cultivation industry/ 养母 養母 S - 47 yǎng mǔ f /foster mother/adoptive mother/ 养汉 養漢 S - 3 yǎng hàn f /to commit adultery (of married woman)/ 养活 養活 S - 383 yǎng huo f /to provide for/to keep (animals, a family etc)/to raise animals/to feed and clothe/support/the necessities of life/to give birth/ 养父 養父 S - 84 yǎng fù f /foster father/adoptive father/ 养生 養生 S - 200 yǎng shēng f /to maintain good health/to raise a child or animal/curing (of concrete etc)/ 养生之道 養生之道 S - 23 yǎng shēng zhī dào f /the way of maintaining good health/ 养生法 養生法 S - 0 yǎng shēng fǎ f /regime (diet)/ 养生送死 養生送死 S - 3 yǎng shēng sòng sǐ f /to be looked after in life and given a proper burial thereafter (idiom)/ 养病 養病 S - 155 yǎng bìng f /to recuperate/to convalesce/to take care of one's health after illness/ 养痈贻患 養癰貽患 S - 3 yǎng yōng yí huàn f /lit. to foster an ulcer and bequeath a calamity (idiom); tolerating budding evil can only lead to disaster/to cherish a viper in one's bosom/ 养痈遗患 養癰遺患 S - 5 yǎng yōng yí huàn f /lit. to foster an ulcer and bequeath a calamity (idiom); tolerating budding evil can only lead to disaster/to cherish a viper in one's bosom/ 养眼 養眼 S - 31 yǎng yǎn f /visually attractive/eye candy/easy on the eyes/to protect the eyes/ 养神 養神 S - 78 yǎng shén f /to rest/to recuperate/to regain composure/ 养精蓄锐 養精蓄銳 S - 40 yǎng jīng xù ruì f /to preserve and nurture one's spirit (idiom); honing one's strength for the big push/ 养羊 養羊 S - 13 yǎng yáng f /sheep husbandry/ 养老 養老 S - 651 yǎng lǎo f /to provide for the elderly (family members)/to enjoy a life in retirement/ 养老保险 養老保險 S - 3 yǎng lǎo bǎo xiǎn f /old-age insurance/ 养老送终 養老送終 S - 14 yǎng lǎo sòng zhōng f /to look after one's aged parents and arrange proper burial after they die/ 养老金 養老金 S - 99 yǎng lǎo jīn f /pension/ 养老金双轨制 養老金雙軌制 S - 0 yǎng lǎo jīn shuāng guǐ zhì f /dual pension scheme (PRC)/ 养老院 養老院 S - 28 yǎng lǎo yuàn f /nursing home/ 养育 養育 S - 191 yǎng yù f /to rear/to bring up/to nurture/ 养花 養花 S - 4 yǎng huā f /growing flowers/ 养虎为患 養虎為患 S - 3 yǎng hǔ wéi huàn f /lit. to nurture a tiger invites calamity/fig. to indulge one's enemy is asking for trouble (idiom)/ 养虎伤身 養虎傷身 S - 3 yǎng hǔ shāng shēn f /Rear a tiger and court disaster. (idiom); fig. if you're too lenient with sb, he will damage you later/to cherish a snake in one's bosom/ 养虎遗患 養虎遺患 S - 3 yǎng hǔ yí huàn f /Rear a tiger and court disaster. (idiom); fig. if you're too lenient with sb, he will damage you later/to cherish a snake in one's bosom/ 养蚕 養蠶 S - 63 yǎng cán f /to raise silkworms/ 养蚕业 養蠶業 S - 18 yǎng cán yè f /silk industry/ 养蜂 養蜂 S - 62 yǎng fēng f /to raise bees/ 养蜂业 養蜂業 S - 9 yǎng fēng yè f /beekeeping/apiculture/ 养蜂人 養蜂人 S - 5 yǎng fēng rén f /beekeeper/apiculturist/ 养路费 養路費 S - 37 yǎng lù fèi f /road maintenance tax (China)/ 养颜 養顏 S - 0 yǎng yán f /to nourish one's skin/to maintain a youthful appearance/ 养鱼池 養魚池 S - 6 yǎng yú chí f /fishpond/ 养鱼缸 養魚缸 S - 0 yǎng yú gāng f /aquarium/fish tank/ 养鸡场 養雞場 S - 282 yǎng jī chǎng f /chicken farm/ 兼 - 7927 jiān f /double/twice/simultaneous/holding two or more (official) posts at the same time/ 兼並與收購 兼并与收购 T - 0 jiān bìng yǔ shōu gòu f /mergers and acquisitions (M&A)/ 兼任 - 1004 jiān rèn f /to hold several jobs at once/concurrent post/working part-time/ 兼优 兼優 S - 11 jiān yōu f /an all-rounder/good at everything/ 兼併 兼并 T - 893 jiān bìng f /to annex/to take over/to acquire/ 兼備 兼备 T - 1063 jiān bèi f /have both/ 兼優 兼优 T - 11 jiān yōu f /an all-rounder/good at everything/ 兼具 - 136 jiān jù f /to combine/to have both/ 兼备 兼備 S - 1063 jiān bèi f /have both/ 兼容 - 296 jiān róng f /compatible/ 兼容並包 兼容并包 T - 44 jiān róng bìng bāo f /to include and monopolize many things/all-embracing/ 兼容并包 兼容並包 S - 44 jiān róng bìng bāo f /to include and monopolize many things/all-embracing/ 兼容性 - 71 jiān róng xìng f /compatibility/ 兼差 - 5 jiān chāi f /to moonlight/side job/ 兼并 兼併 S - 893 jiān bìng f /to annex/to take over/to acquire/ 兼并与收购 兼並與收購 S - 0 jiān bìng yǔ shōu gòu f /mergers and acquisitions (M&A)/ 兼愛 兼爱 T - 3 jiān ài f /"universal love", principle advocated by Mozi 墨子[Mo4 zi3], stressing that people should care for everyone equally/ 兼收並蓄 兼收并蓄 T - 39 jiān shōu bìng xù f /incorporating diverse things (idiom)/eclectic/all-embracing/ 兼收并蓄 兼收並蓄 S - 39 jiān shōu bìng xù f /incorporating diverse things (idiom)/eclectic/all-embracing/ 兼施 - 24 jiān shī f /using several (methods)/ 兼有 - 687 jiān yǒu f /to combine/to have both/ 兼營 兼营 T - 171 jiān yíng f /a second job/supplementary way of making a living/ 兼爱 兼愛 S - 3 jiān ài f /"universal love", principle advocated by Mozi 墨子[Mo4 zi3], stressing that people should care for everyone equally/ 兼程 - 42 jiān chéng f /to travel at double speed/to make all haste/ 兼而有之 - 61 jiān ér yǒu zhī f /to have both (at the same time)/ 兼职 兼職 S 2221 594 jiān zhí f /to hold concurrent posts/concurrent job/moonlighting/ 兼職 兼职 T 2221 594 jiān zhí f /to hold concurrent posts/concurrent job/moonlighting/ 兼营 兼營 S - 171 jiān yíng f /a second job/supplementary way of making a living/ 兼蓄 - 0 jiān xù f /to contain two things at a time/to mingle/to incorporate/ 兼課 兼课 T - 5 jiān kè f /to teach classes in addition to other duties/to hold several teaching jobs/ 兼课 兼課 S - 5 jiān kè f /to teach classes in addition to other duties/to hold several teaching jobs/ 兼顧 兼顾 T - 651 jiān gù f /to attend simultaneously to two or more things/to balance (career and family, family and education etc)/ 兼顾 兼顧 S - 651 jiān gù f /to attend simultaneously to two or more things/to balance (career and family, family and education etc)/ 兽 獸 S - 2047 shòu f /beast/animal/beastly/bestial/ 兽力车 獸力車 S - 3 shòu lì chē f /animal-drawn vehicle/carriage/ 兽医 獸醫 S - 136 shòu yī f /veterinarian/veterinary surgeon/vet/ 兽医学 獸醫學 S - 45 shòu yī xué f /veterinary science/ 兽奸 獸姦 S - 0 shòu jiān f /bestiality/ 兽性 獸性 S - 47 shòu xìng f /brutal/ 兽术 獸術 S - 0 shòu shù f /animal training/skill with animals/shoushu - "Animal skill" or "Beast-fist" - Martial Art (esp. fictional)/ 兽欲 獸慾 S - 19 shòu yù f /beastly desire/ 兽病理学 獸病理學 S - 0 shòu bìng lǐ xué f /veterinary pathology/ 兽皮 獸皮 S - 93 shòu pí f /animal skin/hide/ 兽穴 獸穴 S - 3 shòu xué f /animal den/ 兽类 獸類 S - 160 shòu lèi f /animals/ 兽脚亚目 獸腳亞目 S - 0 shòu jiǎo yà mù f /suborder Theropoda (beast-footed dinosaur group) within order Saurischia containing carnivorous dinosaurs/ 兽脚类恐龙 獸腳類恐龍 S - 0 shòu jiǎo lèi kǒng lóng f /theropod (beast-footed dinosaur group)/suborder Theropoda within order Saurischia containing carnivorous dinosaurs/ 兽药 獸藥 S - 14 shòu yào f /veterinary medicine/ 兽行 獸行 S - 8 shòu xíng f /brutal act/bestiality/ 冀 - 412 Jì f /short name for Hebei 河北 province/surname Ji/ 冀 - 412 jì f /(literary) to hope for/ 冀县 冀縣 S - 27 Jì xiàn f /Ji county in Hebei/ 冀州 - 169 Jì zhōu f /Jishou county level city in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 shui3], Hebei/ 冀州市 - 3 Jì zhōu shì f /Jishou county level city in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 shui3], Hebei/ 冀朝鑄 冀朝铸 T - 0 Jì Cháo zhù f /Ji Chaozhu (1929-), Chinese diplomat/ 冀朝铸 冀朝鑄 S - 0 Jì Cháo zhù f /Ji Chaozhu (1929-), Chinese diplomat/ 冀縣 冀县 T - 27 Jì xiàn f /Ji county in Hebei/ 冁 囅 S - 0 chǎn f /smilingly/ 冂 - 4 jiōng f /radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 13), occurring in 用, 同, 网 etc/see also 同字框[tong2 zi4 kuang4]/ 冃 - 3 mào f /old variant of 帽[mao4]/hat/cap/ 冄 冉 T - 174 rǎn f /variant of 冉[ran3]/ 内 內 S 678 50204 nèi f /inside/inner/internal/within/interior/ 内丘 內丘 S - 4 Nèi qiū f /Neiqiu county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ 内丘县 內丘縣 S - 3 Nèi qiū xiàn f /Neiqiu county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ 内丹 內丹 S - 11 nèi dān f /Taoist internal alchemy/ 内乡 內鄉 S - 34 Nèi xiāng f /Neixiang county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 yang2], Henan/ 内乡县 內鄉縣 S - 8 Nèi xiāng xiàn f /Neixiang county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 yang2], Henan/ 内乱 內亂 S - 423 nèi luàn f /internal disorder/civil strife/civil unrest/ 内人 內人 S - 41 nèi rén f /my wife (humble)/ 内伤 內傷 S - 165 nèi shāng f /internal injury/disorder of internal organs (due to improper nutrition, overexertion etc)/ 内兄 內兄 S - 21 nèi xiōng f /wife's older brother/ 内八字脚 內八字腳 S - 0 nèi bā zì jiǎo f /intoeing/pigeon toes/knock-knees/ 内六角扳手 內六角扳手 S - 0 nèi liù jiǎo bān shǒu f /Allen key/hex key/ 内出血 內出血 S - 32 nèi chū xuè f /internal bleeding/internal hemorrhage/ 内分泌 內分泌 S - 529 nèi fēn mì f /endocrine (internal secretion, e.g. hormone)/ 内分泌腺 內分泌腺 S - 62 nèi fēn mì xiàn f /endocrine gland/gland producing internal secretion, e.g. hormone/ 内切球 內切球 S - 0 nèi qiē qiú f /inside cut (golf)/(math.) inscribed sphere/insphere/ 内务 內務 S - 314 nèi wù f /internal affairs/domestic affairs/family affairs/(trad.) affairs within the palace/ 内务部 內務部 S - 51 Nèi wù bù f /Ministry of Internal Affairs/ 内化 內化 S - 22 nèi huà f /internalization/to internalize/ 内华达 內華達 S - 89 Nèi huá dá f /Nevada, US state/ 内华达州 內華達州 S - 83 Nèi huá dá zhōu f /Nevada, US state/ 内卡河 內卡河 S - 8 Nèi kǎ Hé f /Neckar River in Germany/ 内参 內參 S - 241 nèi cān f /internal reference (within the same publication)/ 内向 內向 S - 190 nèi xiàng f /reserved (personality)/introverted/(economics etc) domestic-oriented/ 内含体 內含體 S - 0 nèi hán tǐ f /inclusion bodies/ 内哄 內鬨 S - 16 nèi hòng f /variant of 內訌|内讧[nei4 hong4]/ 内啡素 內啡素 S - 0 nèi fēi sù f /endorphin/ 内啡肽 內啡肽 S - 4 nèi fēi tài f /endorphin/ 内在 內在 S 3552 724 nèi zài f /intrinsic/innate/ 内在几何 內在幾何 S - 0 nèi zài jǐ hé f /intrinsic geometry/ 内在几何学 內在幾何學 S - 0 nèi zài jǐ hé xué f /intrinsic geometry/ 内在坐标 內在座標 S - 0 nèi zài zuò biāo f /intrinsic coordinates (geometry)/ 内在的 內在的 S - 0 nèi zài de f /inner/internal/ 内在超越 內在超越 S - 0 nèi zài chāo yuè f /inner transcendence (perfection through one's own inner moral cultivation, as in Confucianism, for example)/ 内地 內地 S - 2181 Nèi dì f /mainland China (PRC excluding Hong Kong and Macau, but including islands such as Hainan)/Japan (used in Taiwan during Japanese colonization)/ 内地 內地 S - 2181 nèi dì f /inland/interior/hinterland/ 内场 內場 S - 7 nèi chǎng f /inner area (of a place that has an outer area)/the kitchen of a restaurant (as opposed to the dining area)/infield (baseball etc)/(Chinese opera) the area behind the table on the stage/ 内城 內城 S - 781 nèi chéng f /inner castle/donjon/ 内埔 內埔 S - 3 Nèi bù f /Neipu township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 内埔乡 內埔鄉 S - 0 Nèi bù xiāng f /Neipu township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 内塔尼亚胡 內塔尼亞胡 S - 95 Nèi tǎ ní yà hú f /Netanyahu (name)/Benjamin Netanyahu (1949-), Israeli Likud politician, prime minister 1996-1999 and from 2009/ 内外 內外 S - 1811 nèi wài f /inside and outside/domestic and foreign/approximately/about/ 内外兼修 內外兼修 S - 0 nèi wài jiān xiū f /(of a person) beautiful inside and out/ 内奸 內奸 S - 62 nèi jiān f /undiscovered traitor/enemy within one's own ranks/ 内存 內存 S - 884 nèi cún f /internal storage/computer memory/random access memory (RAM)/ 内定 內定 S - 27 nèi dìng f /to select sb for a position without announcing the decision until later/to decide behind closed doors/all cut and dried/ 内室 內室 S - 121 nèi shì f /inner room/bedroom/ 内容 內容 S 939 15468 nèi róng f /content/substance/details/CL:個|个[ge4],項|项[xiang4]/ 内容管理系统 內容管理系統 S - 0 nèi róng guǎn lǐ xì tǒng f /Content Management System (CMS) (Internet)/ 内宾 內賓 S - 3 nèi bīn f /guest from the same country/internal or domestic visitor (as opposed to international guest 外賓|外宾)/ 内层 內層 S - 87 nèi céng f /internal layer/ 内布拉斯加 內布拉斯加 S - 10 Nèi bù lā sī jiā f /Nebraska, US state/ 内布拉斯加州 內布拉斯加州 S - 16 Nèi bù lā sī jiā zhōu f /Nebraska, US state/ 内幕 內幕 S 3738 139 nèi mù f /inside story/non-public information/behind the scenes/internal/ 内幕交易 內幕交易 S - 0 nèi mù jiāo yì f /insider trading/insider dealing/ 内廷 內廷 S - 3 nèi tíng f /place at the imperial court, where emperor handled government affairs, gave orders etc/ 内建 內建 S - 3 nèi jiàn f /built-in/ 内弟 內弟 S - 36 nèi dì f /wife's younger brother/ 内径 內徑 S - 25 nèi jìng f /internal diameter/ 内心 內心 S - 2081 nèi xīn f /heart/innermost being/(math.) incenter/ 内心世界 內心世界 S - 3 nèi xīn shì jiè f /(one's) inner world/ 内心深处 內心深處 S - 3 nèi xīn shēn chù f /deep in one's heart/ 内忧外困 內憂外困 S - 0 nèi yōu wài kùn f /internal trouble and outside aggression (idiom); in a mess both domestically and abroad/ 内忧外患 內憂外患 S - 46 nèi yōu wài huàn f /internal trouble and outside aggression (idiom); in a mess both domestically and abroad/ 内急 內急 S - 14 nèi jí f /to need to answer the call of nature/ 内情 內情 S - 108 nèi qíng f /inside story/inside information/ 内战 內戰 S - 1811 nèi zhàn f /civil war/ 内插 內插 S - 0 nèi chā f /to install (hardware) internally (rather than plugging it in as a peripheral)/(math.) to interpolate/interpolation/ 内政 內政 S - 633 nèi zhèng f /internal affairs (of a country)/ 内政部 內政部 S - 49 Nèi zhèng bù f /Ministry of the Interior/ 内政部警政署 內政部警政署 S - 0 Nèi zhèng bù Jǐng zhèng shǔ f /National Police Agency (Taiwan)/ 内政部长 內政部長 S - 56 nèi zhèng bù zhǎng f /Minister of the Interior/ 内敛 內斂 S - 46 nèi liǎn f /introverted/reserved/(artistic style) understated/ 内斗 內鬥 S - 3 nèi dòu f /internal strife/power struggle/ 内斜视 內斜視 S - 2 nèi xié shì f /(medicine) esotropia/cross-eye/ 内服 內服 S - 97 nèi fú f /to take medicine orally (as opposed to applying externally)/ 内核 內核 S - 178 nèi hé f /kernel (computer science)/ 内比都 內比都 S - 0 Nèi bǐ dū f /Naypyidaw or Nay Pyi Taw, jungle capital of Myanmar (Burma) since November 2005, 300 km north of Rangoon and 300 km south of Mandalay/formerly called Pyinmana 彬馬那|彬马那/ 内江 內江 S - 48 Nèi jiāng f /Neijiang prefecture level city in Sichuan/ 内江地区 內江地區 S - 0 Nèi jiāng dì qū f /Neijiang prefecture in Sichuan/ 内江市 內江市 S - 10 Nèi jiāng shì f /Neijiang prefecture level city in Sichuan/ 内流 內流 S - 3 nèi liú f /inward flowing (of river)/flowing into desert/ 内流河 內流河 S - 26 nèi liú hé f /inward flowing river/river flowing into desert or salt lake, e.g. Tarim river 塔里木河/ 内涝 內澇 S - 20 nèi lào f /waterlogged/ 内涵 內涵 S 4190 1100 nèi hán f /meaning/content/essential properties implied or reflected by a notion/intention/connotation/self-possessed/ 内涵意义 內涵意義 S - 0 nèi hán yì yì f /implied meaning/intended meaning/the logical content of a word or technical notion/ 内湖 內湖 S - 16 Nèi hú f /Neihu district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 内湖区 內湖區 S - 3 Nèi hú qū f /Neihu district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 内源 內源 S - 16 nèi yuán f /source/ 内熵 內熵 S - 0 nèi shāng f /internal entropy (physics)/ 内燃 內燃 S - 17 nèi rán f /internal combustion (engine)/ 内燃机 內燃機 S - 178 nèi rán jī f /internal combustion engine/ 内燃机车 內燃機車 S - 30 nèi rán jī chē f /automobile/ 内爆 內爆 S - 0 nèi bào f /to implode/ 内爆法原子弹 內爆法原子彈 S - 0 nèi bào fǎ yuán zǐ dàn f /implosion atomic bomb/ 内生的 內生的 S - 0 nèi shēng de f /endogenous/ 内田 內田 S - 0 Nèi tián f /Uchida (Japanese surname)/ 内疚 內疚 S - 194 nèi jiù f /guilty conscience/to feel a twinge of guilt/ 内皮 內皮 S - 45 nèi pí f /(med.) endothelium/thin skin on the inside of some fruits (e.g. oranges)/ 内省 內省 S - 31 nèi xǐng f /to reflect upon oneself/introspection/ 内省性 內省性 S - 0 nèi xǐng xìng f /introversion/introspective/ 内眷 內眷 S - 22 nèi juàn f /the females in a family/womenfolk/ 内眼角 內眼角 S - 3 nèi yǎn jiǎo f /inner corner of the eye/ 内码 內碼 S - 3 nèi mǎ f /internal code/ 内科 內科 S 2455 205 nèi kē f /internal medicine/general medicine/ 内科医生 內科醫生 S - 3 nèi kē yī shēng f /medical doctor/physician who works primarily by administering drugs, as opposed to surgeon 外科醫生|外科医生[wai4 ke1 yi1 sheng1]/ 内科学 內科學 S - 0 nèi kē xué f /internal medicine/ 内积 內積 S - 22 nèi jī f /inner product/the dot product of two vectors/ 内稃 內稃 S - 0 nèi fū f /inner husk/ 内窥镜 內窺鏡 S - 32 nèi kuī jìng f /endoscope/ 内线交易 內線交易 S - 3 nèi xiàn jiāo yì f /insider trading (illegal share-dealing)/ 内线消息 內線消息 S - 0 nèi xiàn xiāo xi f /insider information/ 内细胞团 內細胞團 S - 0 nèi xì bāo tuán f /inner cell mass (ICM)/ 内经 內經 S - 64 Nèi jīng f /abbr. for 黃帝內經|黄帝内经[Huang2 di4 Nei4 jing1], Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon, medical text c. 300 BC/ 内罗毕 內羅畢 S - 74 Nèi luó bì f /Nairobi, capital of Kenya/ 内置 內置 S - 119 nèi zhì f /built-in/internal/ 内耗 內耗 S - 42 nèi hào f /internal friction/internal dissipation of energy (in mechanics)/fig. waste or discord within an organization/ 内耳 內耳 S - 66 nèi ěr f /inner ear/ 内耳道 內耳道 S - 0 nèi ěr dào f /internal auditory meatus (canal in temporal bone of skull housing auditory nerves)/ 内联网 內聯網 S - 0 nèi lián wǎng f /intranet/ 内胚层 內胚層 S - 0 nèi pēi céng f /endoderm (cell lineage in embryology)/ 内能 內能 S - 94 nèi néng f /internal energy/ 内脏 內臟 S - 437 nèi zàng f /internal organs/viscera/ 内膜 內膜 S - 243 nèi mó f /inner membrane/ 内臣 內臣 S - 3 nèi chén f /chamberlain/ 内营力 內營力 S - 3 nèi yíng lì f /internal force/endogenic force/ 内蒙 內蒙 S - 128 Nèi měng f /Inner Mongolia or Inner Mongolia autonomous region 內蒙古自治區|内蒙古自治区[Nei4 meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 qu1]/ 内蒙古 內蒙古 S - 1425 Nèi měng gǔ f /Inner Mongolia/abbr. for 內蒙古自治區|内蒙古自治区[Nei4 meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 qu1], Inner Mongolia autonomous region/ 内蒙古大学 內蒙古大學 S - 22 Nèi měng gǔ Dà xué f /Inner Mongolia University/ 内蒙古自治区 內蒙古自治區 S - 301 Nèi měng gǔ Zì zhì qū f /Inner Mongolia autonomous region, abbr. 內蒙古|内蒙古[Nei4 meng3 gu3], capital Hohhot 呼和浩特市[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4 Shi4]/ 内行 內行 S - 115 nèi háng f /expert/adept/experienced/an expert/a professional/ 内行看门道,外行看热闹 內行看門道,外行看熱鬧 S - 0 nèi háng kàn mén dao , wài háng kàn rè nao f /while the connoisseur recognizes the artistry, the layman simply enjoys the show/ 内衣 內衣 S - 140 nèi yī f /undergarment/underwear/CL:件[jian4]/ 内衣裤 內衣褲 S - 9 nèi yī kù f /underwear/ 内衬 內襯 S - 29 nèi chèn f /lining (of a container etc) (engineering)/ 内袋 內袋 S - 0 nèi dài f /inner pocket/ 内装 內裝 S - 3 nèi zhuāng f /filled with/internal decoration/installed inside/ 内裤 內褲 S - 108 nèi kù f /underpants/panties/briefs/ 内视镜 內視鏡 S - 0 nèi shì jìng f /endoscope/ 内讧 內訌 S - 810 nèi hòng f /internal strife/ 内详 內詳 S - 3 nèi xiáng f /name and address of the sender enclosed/details inside/ 内质网 內質網 S - 46 nèi zhì wǎng f /endoplasmic reticulum (ER)/ 内购 內購 S - 0 nèi gòu f /buying direct from your company at preferential prices/(gaming) in-app purchase/ 内贾德 內賈德 S - 5 Nèi jiǎ dé f /Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (1956-), Iranian fundamentalist politician, President of Iran from 2005, famous for provocative speeches/abbr. for 艾哈邁迪內賈德|艾哈迈迪内贾德/ 内踝 內踝 S - 11 nèi huái f /medial malleolus/ 内部 內部 S 1606 6937 nèi bù f /interior/inside (part, section)/internal/ 内部事务 內部事務 S - 3 nèi bù shì wù f /internal affairs/ 内部斗争 內部鬥爭 S - 0 nèi bù dòu zhēng f /internal power struggle/ 内部矛盾 內部矛盾 S - 3 nèi bù máo dùn f /internal contradiction/ 内部结构 內部結構 S - 3 nèi bù jié gòu f /internal structure/internal composition/ 内部缺陷 內部缺陷 S - 0 nèi bù quē xiàn f /internal flaw/ 内部网 內部網 S - 6 nèi bù wǎng f /intranet/ 内酯 內酯 S - 22 nèi zhǐ f /lactone/ 内酰胺酶 內酰胺酶 S - 2 nèi xiān àn méi f /beta-lactamase (a bacterial inhibitor)/ 内销 內銷 S - 43 nèi xiāo f /to sell in the domestic market/domestic market/ 内门 內門 S - 15 Nèi mén f /Neimen township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/ 内门乡 內門鄉 S - 0 Nèi mén xiāng f /Neimen township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/ 内阁 內閣 S - 2739 nèi gé f /(government) cabinet/ 内阁总理大臣 內閣總理大臣 S - 0 Nèi gé Zǒng lǐ Dà chén f /formal title of the Japanese prime minister/ 内陆 內陸 S - 1116 nèi lù f /inland/interior/ 内陆国 內陸國 S - 43 nèi lù guó f /landlocked country/ 内陆河 內陸河 S - 42 nèi lù hé f /inland river/river draining to inland sea/ 内需 內需 S - 167 nèi xū f /domestic demand/ 内饰 內飾 S - 2 nèi shì f /interior decor/ 内鬼 內鬼 S - 3 nèi guǐ f /mole/spy/rat/traitor/ 内黄 內黃 S - 20 Nèi huáng f /Neihuan county in Anyang 安陽|安阳[An1 yang2], Henan/ 内黄县 內黃縣 S - 3 Nèi huáng xiàn f /Neihuan county in Anyang 安陽|安阳[An1 yang2], Henan/ 円 - 0 yuán f /yen (Japanese currency)/Japanese variant of 圓|圆/ 冇 - 3 mǎo f /to not have (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: 沒有|没有[mei2 you3]/ 冈 岡 S - 777 gāng f /ridge/mound/ 冈上肌 岡上肌 S - 0 gāng shàng jī f /supraspinatus muscle/ 冈下肌 岡下肌 S - 0 gāng xià jī f /infraspinatus muscle/ 冈仁波齐 岡仁波齊 S - 0 Gāng rén bō qí f /Mt Gang Rinpoche in Tibet/also called Mount Kailash/ 冈仁波齐峰 岡仁波齊峰 S - 17 Gāng rén bō qí fēng f /Mt Gang Rinpoche in Tibet/also called Mount Kailash/ 冈山 岡山 S - 16 Gāng shān f /Kangshan town in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/Okayama prefecture in southwest of Japan's main island Honshū 本州[Ben3 zhou1]/ 冈山县 岡山縣 S - 5 Gāng shān xiàn f /Okayama prefecture in southwest of Japan's main island Honshū 本州[Ben3 zhou1]/ 冈山镇 岡山鎮 S - 3 Gāng shān zhèn f /Kangshan town in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/ 冈底斯山 岡底斯山 S - 0 Gāng dǐ sī shān f /Mt Gangdisê (6656m) in southwest Tibet, revered by Tibetans as the center of the universe/ 冈底斯山脉 岡底斯山脈 S - 33 Gāng dǐ sī shān mài f /Gangdisê mountain range in southwest Tibet/ 冈本 岡本 S - 0 Gāng běn f /Okamoto (Japanese surname)/ 冈比亚 岡比亞 S - 68 Gāng bǐ yà f /Gambia/ 冈田 岡田 S - 3 Gāng tián f /Okada (Japanese surname)/ 冉 冄 S - 174 rǎn f /variant of 冉[ran3]/ 冉 - 174 Rǎn f /surname Ran/ 冉 - 174 rǎn f /edge of a tortoiseshell/see 冉冉[ran3 ran3]/ 冉冉 - 202 rǎn rǎn f /gradually/slowly/softly drooping (branches, hair)/ 冉冉上升 冉冉上昇 S - 3 rǎn rǎn shàng shēng f /to ascend slowly/ 冉冉上昇 冉冉上升 T - 3 rǎn rǎn shàng shēng f /to ascend slowly/ 冊 册 T 1929 1277 cè f /book/booklet/classifier for books/ 冊亨 册亨 T - 3 Cè hēng f /Ceheng county in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔西南州[Qian2 xi1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 冊亨縣 册亨县 T - 2 Cè hēng xiàn f /Ceheng county in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔西南州[Qian2 xi1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 冊子 册子 T - 89 cè zi f /a book/a volume/ 冊封 册封 T - 312 cè fēng f /to confer a title upon sb/to dub/to crown/to invest with rank or title/ 冊府元龜 册府元龟 T - 0 Cè fǔ yuán guī f /Prime tortoise of the record bureau, Song dynasty historical encyclopedia of political essays, autobiography, memorials and decrees, compiled 1005-1013 under Wang Qinruo 王欽若|王钦若 and Yang Yi 楊億|杨亿, 1000 scrolls/ 冊歷 册历 T - 0 cè lì f /account book/ledger/ 冊立 册立 T - 356 cè lì f /to confer a title on (an empress or a prince)/ 册 冊 S 1929 1277 cè f /book/booklet/classifier for books/ 册亨 冊亨 S - 3 Cè hēng f /Ceheng county in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔西南州[Qian2 xi1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 册亨县 冊亨縣 S - 2 Cè hēng xiàn f /Ceheng county in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔西南州[Qian2 xi1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 册历 冊歷 S - 0 cè lì f /account book/ledger/ 册子 冊子 S - 89 cè zi f /a book/a volume/ 册封 冊封 S - 312 cè fēng f /to confer a title upon sb/to dub/to crown/to invest with rank or title/ 册府元龟 冊府元龜 S - 0 Cè fǔ yuán guī f /Prime tortoise of the record bureau, Song dynasty historical encyclopedia of political essays, autobiography, memorials and decrees, compiled 1005-1013 under Wang Qinruo 王欽若|王钦若 and Yang Yi 楊億|杨亿, 1000 scrolls/ 册立 冊立 S - 356 cè lì f /to confer a title on (an empress or a prince)/ 再 169 55507 zài f /again/once more/re-/second/another/then (after sth, and not until then)/ 再一次 - 0 zài yī cì f /again/ 再三 2410 628 zài sān f /over and over again/again and again/ 再三再四 - 13 zài sān zài sì f /repeatedly/over and over again/ 再不 - 0 zài bù f /if not, then/otherwise/ 再临 再臨 S - 0 zài lín f /to come again/ 再也 - 3990 zài yě f /(not) any more/ 再会 再會 S - 0 zài huì f /to meet again/until we meet again/goodbye/ 再使用 - 0 zài shǐ yòng f /to reuse/ 再保證 再保证 T - 0 zài bǎo zhèng f /to reassure/ 再保证 再保證 S - 0 zài bǎo zhèng f /to reassure/ 再保险 再保險 S - 3 zài bǎo xiǎn f /reinsurance (contractual device spreading risk between insurers)/ 再保險 再保险 T - 3 zài bǎo xiǎn f /reinsurance (contractual device spreading risk between insurers)/ 再入 - 3 zài rù f /to re-enter/ 再出现 再出現 S - 0 zài chū xiàn f /to reappear/ 再出現 再出现 T - 0 zài chū xiàn f /to reappear/ 再则 再則 S - 81 zài zé f /moreover/besides/ 再利用 - 0 zài lì yòng f /to reuse/ 再制 再製 S - 0 zài zhì f /processed (food)/ 再制盐 再製鹽 S - 3 zài zhì yán f /refined salt/ 再制纸 再製紙 S - 0 zài zhì zhǐ f /recycled paper/ 再則 再则 T - 81 zài zé f /moreover/besides/ 再发 再發 S - 0 zài fā f /to reissue/ 再发生 再發生 S - 0 zài fā shēng f /to reoccur/ 再发见 再發見 S - 0 zài fā xiàn f /rediscovery/ 再四 - 0 zài sì f /repeatedly/over and over again/ 再处理 再處理 S - 0 zài chǔ lǐ f /reprocessing/ 再好 - 3 zài hǎo f /even better/ 再好不过 再好不過 S - 3 zài hǎo bù guò f /(saying) can't be better/ 再好不過 再好不过 T - 3 zài hǎo bù guò f /(saying) can't be better/ 再婚 - 24 zài hūn f /to remarry/ 再嫁 - 46 zài jià f /to remarry (of woman)/ 再审 再審 S - 39 zài shěn f /to hear a case again/review/retrial/ 再審 再审 T - 39 zài shěn f /to hear a case again/review/retrial/ 再屠现金 再屠現金 S - 0 zài tú xiàn jīn f /cash in transit (accountancy)/ 再屠現金 再屠现金 T - 0 zài tú xiàn jīn f /cash in transit (accountancy)/ 再度 - 1255 zài dù f /once more/once again/one more time/ 再建 - 0 zài jiàn f /reconstruction/ 再开 再開 S - 0 zài kāi f /to reopen/to start again/ 再怎么 再怎麼 S - 0 zài zěn me f /no matter how .../ 再怎麼 再怎么 T - 0 zài zěn me f /no matter how .../ 再拜 - 136 zài bài f /to bow again/formal obeisance or kowtow/ 再接再厉 再接再厲 S 4787 115 zài jiē zài lì f /to continue the struggle (idiom); to persist/unremitting efforts/ 再接再厲 再接再厉 T 4787 115 zài jiē zài lì f /to continue the struggle (idiom); to persist/unremitting efforts/ 再接再砺 再接再礪 S - 0 zài jiē zài lì f /variant of 再接再厲|再接再厉[zai4 jie1 zai4 li4]/ 再接再礪 再接再砺 T - 0 zài jiē zài lì f /variant of 再接再厲|再接再厉[zai4 jie1 zai4 li4]/ 再改 - 0 zài gǎi f /to renew/to reform/ 再會 再会 T - 0 zài huì f /to meet again/until we meet again/goodbye/ 再次 - 5293 zài cì f /one more time/again/one more/once again/ 再活化假說 再活化假说 T - 0 zài huó huà jiǎ shuō f /reactivation hypothesis/ 再活化假说 再活化假說 S - 0 zài huó huà jiǎ shuō f /reactivation hypothesis/ 再版 - 93 zài bǎn f /second edition/reprint/ 再犯 - 84 zài fàn f /to repeat a crime/persistent offender/ 再现 再現 S - 501 zài xiàn f /to recreate/to reconstruct (a historical relic)/ 再現 再现 T - 501 zài xiàn f /to recreate/to reconstruct (a historical relic)/ 再生 - 633 zài shēng f /to be reborn/to regenerate/to be a second so-and-so (famous dead person)/recycling/regeneration/ 再生不良性貧血 再生不良性贫血 T - 0 zài shēng bù liáng xìng pín xuè f /aplastic anemia/ 再生不良性贫血 再生不良性貧血 S - 0 zài shēng bù liáng xìng pín xuè f /aplastic anemia/ 再生产 再生產 S - 571 zài shēng chǎn f /producing a copy/to reproduce/ 再生制动 再生制動 S - 3 zài shēng zhì dòng f /regenerative braking/ 再生制動 再生制动 T - 3 zài shēng zhì dòng f /regenerative braking/ 再生医学 再生醫學 S - 0 zài shēng yī xué f /regenerative medicine/ 再生燃料 - 0 zài shēng rán liào f /renewable fuel/ 再生父母 - 5 zài shēng fù mǔ f /like a second parent (idiom); one's great benefactor/ 再生產 再生产 T - 571 zài shēng chǎn f /producing a copy/to reproduce/ 再生能源 - 3 zài shēng néng yuán f /renewable energy source/ 再生醫學 再生医学 T - 0 zài shēng yī xué f /regenerative medicine/ 再發 再发 T - 0 zài fā f /to reissue/ 再發生 再发生 T - 0 zài fā shēng f /to reoccur/ 再發見 再发见 T - 0 zài fā xiàn f /rediscovery/ 再者 - 185 zài zhě f /moreover/besides/ 再育 - 0 zài yù f /to increase/to multiply/to proliferate/ 再臨 再临 T - 0 zài lín f /to come again/ 再處理 再处理 T - 0 zài chǔ lǐ f /reprocessing/ 再融資 再融资 T - 3 zài róng zī f /refinancing/restructuring (a loan)/ 再融资 再融資 S - 3 zài róng zī f /refinancing/restructuring (a loan)/ 再衰三竭 - 3 zài shuāi sān jié f /weakening and close to exhaustion (idiom); in terminal decline/on one's last legs/ 再製 再制 T - 0 zài zhì f /processed (food)/ 再製紙 再制纸 T - 0 zài zhì zhǐ f /recycled paper/ 再製鹽 再制盐 T - 3 zài zhì yán f /refined salt/ 再見 再见 T 90 343 zài jiàn f /goodbye/see you again later/ 再见 再見 S 90 343 zài jiàn f /goodbye/see you again later/ 再說 再说 T - 3065 zài shuō f /to say again/to put off a discussion until later/moreover/what's more/besides/ 再讀 再读 T - 3 zài dú f /to read again/to review (a lesson etc)/ 再说 再說 S - 3065 zài shuō f /to say again/to put off a discussion until later/moreover/what's more/besides/ 再读 再讀 S - 3 zài dú f /to read again/to review (a lesson etc)/ 再賽 再赛 T - 0 zài sài f /a replay (of sports match)/a play-off/ 再赛 再賽 S - 0 zài sài f /a replay (of sports match)/a play-off/ 再起 - 127 zài qǐ f /to arise again/to make a comeback/resurgence/ 再轉復 再转复 T - 0 zài zhuǎn fù f /to transfer again/ 再转复 再轉復 S - 0 zài zhuǎn fù f /to transfer again/ 再迁 再遷 S - 0 zài qiān f /to promote again/reappointed/ 再造 - 115 zài zào f /to give a new lease of life/to reconstruct/to reform/to rework/to recycle/to reproduce (copies, or offspring)/restoration/restructuring/ 再造业 再造業 S - 0 zài zào yè f /recycling industry/ 再造手术 再造手術 S - 0 zài zào shǒu shù f /reconstructive surgery/ 再造手術 再造手术 T - 0 zài zào shǒu shù f /reconstructive surgery/ 再造業 再造业 T - 0 zài zào yè f /recycling industry/ 再遷 再迁 T - 0 zài qiān f /to promote again/reappointed/ 再醮 - 3 zài jiào f /to remarry/ 再開 再开 T - 0 zài kāi f /to reopen/to start again/ 冏 - 24 jiǒng f /velvetleaf (Abutilon avicennae), plant of the jute family/bright/ 冏卿 - 0 jiǒng qīng f /Minister of imperial stud, originally charged with horse breeding/same as 太僕寺卿|太仆寺卿[Tai4 pu2 si4 qing1]/ 冏寺 - 0 jiǒng sì f /same as 太僕寺|太仆寺[Tai4 pu2 si4], Court of imperial stud, office originally charged with horse breeding/ 冏彻 冏徹 S - 0 jiǒng chè f /bright and easily understood/clear/transparent/ 冏徹 冏彻 T - 0 jiǒng chè f /bright and easily understood/clear/transparent/ 冏牧 - 0 jiǒng mù f /Minister of imperial stud, originally charged with horse breeding/same as 太僕寺卿|太仆寺卿[Tai4 pu2 si4 qing1]/ 冐 冒 T - 5231 mào f /old variant of 冒[mao4]/ 冑 - 12 zhòu f /variant of 胄[zhou4]/ 冒 冐 S - 5231 mào f /old variant of 冒[mao4]/ 冒 - 5231 Mào f /surname Mao/ 冒 - 5231 mào f /to emit/to give off/to send out (or up, forth)/brave/bold/to cover/to act under false pretences/ 冒充 3819 332 mào chōng f /to feign/to pretend to be/to pass oneself off as/ 冒冒失失 - 38 mào mào shī shī f /bold/forthright/ 冒号 冒號 S - 12 mào hào f /colon (punct.)/ 冒名 - 19 mào míng f /an impostor/to impersonate/ 冒名頂替 冒名顶替 T - 12 mào míng dǐng tì f /to assume sb's name and take his place (idiom); to impersonate/to pose under a false name/ 冒名頂替者 冒名顶替者 T - 0 mào míng dǐng tì zhě f /impersonator/impostor/ 冒名顶替 冒名頂替 S - 12 mào míng dǐng tì f /to assume sb's name and take his place (idiom); to impersonate/to pose under a false name/ 冒名顶替者 冒名頂替者 S - 0 mào míng dǐng tì zhě f /impersonator/impostor/ 冒大不韙 冒大不韪 T - 3 mào dà bù wěi f /to disregard universal condemnation (idiom)/ 冒大不韪 冒大不韙 S - 3 mào dà bù wěi f /to disregard universal condemnation (idiom)/ 冒天下之大不韙 冒天下之大不韪 T - 32 mào tiān xià zhī dà bù wěi f /to defy world opinion/to risk universal condemnation/ 冒天下之大不韪 冒天下之大不韙 S - 32 mào tiān xià zhī dà bù wěi f /to defy world opinion/to risk universal condemnation/ 冒失 - 86 mào shi f /rash/impudent/ 冒失鬼 - 8 mào shi guǐ f /reckless person/hothead/ 冒头 冒頭 S - 8 mào tóu f /to emerge/to crop up/a little more than/ 冒昧 - 101 mào mèi f /bold/presumptuous/to take the liberty of/ 冒暑 - 0 mào shǔ f /heat stroke (TCM)/ 冒死 - 3 mào sǐ f /to brave death/ 冒火 - 69 mào huǒ f /to get angry/to burn with rage/ 冒烟 冒煙 S - 271 mào yān f /to discharge smoke/to fume with rage/ 冒煙 冒烟 T - 271 mào yān f /to discharge smoke/to fume with rage/ 冒牌 - 34 mào pái f /fake/impostor/quack (doctor)/imitation brand/ 冒牌貨 冒牌货 T - 23 mào pái huò f /fake goods/imitation/forgery/ 冒牌货 冒牌貨 S - 23 mào pái huò f /fake goods/imitation/forgery/ 冒犯 2703 379 mào fàn f /to offend/ 冒犯者 - 0 mào fàn zhě f /offender/ 冒生命危险 冒生命危險 S - 0 mào shēng mìng wēi xiǎn f /to risk one's life/ 冒生命危險 冒生命危险 T - 0 mào shēng mìng wēi xiǎn f /to risk one's life/ 冒着 冒著 S - 0 mào zhe f /to brave/to face dangers/ 冒着生命危险 冒著生命危險 S - 0 mào zhe shēng mìng wēi xiǎn f /at the risk of one's life/ 冒納羅亞 冒纳罗亚 T - 0 Mào nà luó yà f /Moanalua, Hawaiian volcano/ 冒纳罗亚 冒納羅亞 S - 0 Mào nà luó yà f /Moanalua, Hawaiian volcano/ 冒著 冒着 T - 0 mào zhe f /to brave/to face dangers/ 冒著生命危險 冒着生命危险 T - 0 mào zhe shēng mìng wēi xiǎn f /at the risk of one's life/ 冒號 冒号 T - 12 mào hào f /colon (punct.)/ 冒进 冒進 S - 145 mào jìn f /to advance prematurely/ 冒進 冒进 T - 145 mào jìn f /to advance prematurely/ 冒险 冒險 S 1435 856 mào xiǎn f /to take risks/to take chances/foray/adventure/ 冒险主义 冒險主義 S - 224 mào xiǎn zhǔ yì f /adventurism (a left-wing error against Mao's line during the 1930s)/ 冒险家 冒險家 S - 70 mào xiǎn jiā f /adventurer/ 冒险者 冒險者 S - 10 mào xiǎn zhě f /adventurer/ 冒險 冒险 T 1435 856 mào xiǎn f /to take risks/to take chances/foray/adventure/ 冒險主義 冒险主义 T - 224 mào xiǎn zhǔ yì f /adventurism (a left-wing error against Mao's line during the 1930s)/ 冒險家 冒险家 T - 70 mào xiǎn jiā f /adventurer/ 冒險者 冒险者 T - 10 mào xiǎn zhě f /adventurer/ 冒雨 - 91 mào yǔ f /to brave the rain/ 冒領 冒领 T - 25 mào lǐng f /to obtain by impersonation/to falsely claim as one's own/ 冒頭 冒头 T - 8 mào tóu f /to emerge/to crop up/a little more than/ 冒題 冒题 T - 0 mào tí f /writing style in which the main subject is not introduced initially/opposite of 破題|破题[po4 ti2]/ 冒领 冒領 S - 25 mào lǐng f /to obtain by impersonation/to falsely claim as one's own/ 冒题 冒題 S - 0 mào tí f /writing style in which the main subject is not introduced initially/opposite of 破題|破题[po4 ti2]/ 冒風險 冒风险 T - 3 mào fēng xiǎn f /to take risks/ 冒风险 冒風險 S - 3 mào fēng xiǎn f /to take risks/ 冓 - 11 gòu f /inner rooms of palace/ten billions/ 冔 - 0 xǔ f /cap of Yin dynasty/ 冕 - 82 miǎn f /crown in the form of a horizontal board with hanging decorations/imperial crown/ 冕冠 - 0 miǎn guān f /see 冕[mian3]/ 冕宁 冕寧 S - 4 Miǎn níng f /Mianning county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州|凉山彝族自治州[Liang2 shan1 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ 冕宁县 冕寧縣 S - 2 Miǎn níng xiàn f /Mianning county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州|凉山彝族自治州[Liang2 shan1 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ 冕寧 冕宁 T - 4 Miǎn níng f /Mianning county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州|凉山彝族自治州[Liang2 shan1 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ 冕寧縣 冕宁县 T - 2 Miǎn níng xiàn f /Mianning county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州|凉山彝族自治州[Liang2 shan1 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ 冕柳莺 冕柳鶯 S - 0 miǎn liǔ yīng f /(bird species of China) eastern crowned warbler (Phylloscopus coronatus)/ 冕柳鶯 冕柳莺 T - 0 miǎn liǔ yīng f /(bird species of China) eastern crowned warbler (Phylloscopus coronatus)/ 冕雀 - 0 miǎn què f /(bird species of China) sultan tit (Melanochlora sultanea)/ 冖 - 0 mì f /"cover" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 14), occurring in 军, 写, 冠 etc/see also 禿寶蓋|秃宝盖[tu1 bao3 gai4]/see also 平寶蓋|平宝盖[ping2 bao3 gai4]/ 冗 - 86 rǒng f /extraneous/redundant/superfluous/busy schedule/ 冗 宂 S - 86 rǒng f /variant of 冗[rong3]/ 冗位 - 3 rǒng wèi f /redundant position/ 冗余 冗餘 S - 15 rǒng yú f /redundancy/redundant/ 冗兵 - 0 rǒng bīng f /superfluous troops/ 冗冗 - 0 rǒng rǒng f /numerous/excessive/multitude/ 冗务 冗務 S - 3 rǒng wù f /miscellaneous affairs/ 冗務 冗务 T - 3 rǒng wù f /miscellaneous affairs/ 冗员 冗員 S - 55 rǒng yuán f /excess personnel/superfluous staff/ 冗員 冗员 T - 55 rǒng yuán f /excess personnel/superfluous staff/ 冗官 - 3 rǒng guān f /redundant officials/ 冗散 - 0 rǒng sǎn f /idle/unemployed/ 冗数 冗數 S - 3 rǒng shù f /redundant number/ 冗數 冗数 T - 3 rǒng shù f /redundant number/ 冗杂 冗雜 S - 8 rǒng zá f /many and varied/confused/ 冗条子 冗條子 S - 0 rǒng tiáo zi f /unwanted branches (of a tree etc)/ 冗條子 冗条子 T - 0 rǒng tiáo zi f /unwanted branches (of a tree etc)/ 冗笔 冗筆 S - 3 rǒng bǐ f /superfluous words (in writing)/superfluous strokes (in calligraphy)/ 冗筆 冗笔 T - 3 rǒng bǐ f /superfluous words (in writing)/superfluous strokes (in calligraphy)/ 冗繁 - 3 rǒng fán f /miscellaneous/ 冗职 冗職 S - 3 rǒng zhí f /redundant position/ 冗職 冗职 T - 3 rǒng zhí f /redundant position/ 冗言 - 3 rǒng yán f /pleonasm (linguistics)/ 冗詞 冗词 T - 3 rǒng cí f /tautology/superfluous words/ 冗語 冗语 T - 3 rǒng yǔ f /verbosity/verbose speech/ 冗词 冗詞 S - 3 rǒng cí f /tautology/superfluous words/ 冗语 冗語 S - 3 rǒng yǔ f /verbosity/verbose speech/ 冗費 冗费 T - 3 rǒng fèi f /unnecessary expenses/ 冗贅 冗赘 T - 0 rǒng zhuì f /verbose/ 冗贅詞 冗赘词 T - 0 rǒng zhuì cí f /expletive (linguistics)/ 冗费 冗費 S - 3 rǒng fèi f /unnecessary expenses/ 冗赘 冗贅 S - 0 rǒng zhuì f /verbose/ 冗赘词 冗贅詞 S - 0 rǒng zhuì cí f /expletive (linguistics)/ 冗辞 冗辭 S - 0 rǒng cí f /variant of 冗詞|冗词[rong3 ci2]/ 冗辭 冗辞 T - 0 rǒng cí f /variant of 冗詞|冗词[rong3 ci2]/ 冗長 冗长 T - 73 rǒng cháng f /long and tedious/redundant/superfluous/supernumerary/verbose (of writing)/ 冗長度 冗长度 T - 0 rǒng cháng dù f /(level of) redundancy/ 冗长 冗長 S - 73 rǒng cháng f /long and tedious/redundant/superfluous/supernumerary/verbose (of writing)/ 冗长度 冗長度 S - 0 rǒng cháng dù f /(level of) redundancy/ 冗雜 冗杂 T - 8 rǒng zá f /many and varied/confused/ 冗食 - 0 rǒng shí f /eating without working/ 冗餘 冗余 T - 15 rǒng yú f /redundancy/redundant/ 冘 - 0 yín f /to move on/to go out/ 写 寫 S 79 17024 xiě f /to write/ 写下 寫下 S - 979 xiě xià f /to write down/ 写作 寫作 S 2002 1530 xiě zuò f /to write/to compose/writing/written works/ 写信 寫信 S - 641 xiě xìn f /to write a letter/ 写字 寫字 S - 154 xiě zì f /to write characters/ 写字台 寫字檯 S - 130 xiě zì tái f /writing desk/ 写字楼 寫字樓 S - 188 xiě zì lóu f /office building/ 写完 寫完 S - 0 xiě wán f /to finish writing/ 写实 寫實 S - 181 xiě shí f /realism/realistic portrayal/realistic/true to life/ 写意 寫意 S - 114 xiě yì t /to suggest (rather than depict in detail)/freehand style of Chinese painting, characterized by bold strokes rather than accurate details/ 写意 寫意 S - 114 xiè yì f /comfortable/enjoyable/relaxed/ 写意画 寫意畫 S - 6 xiě yì huà f /freehand drawing or painting in traditional Chinese style/ 写手 寫手 S - 47 xiě shǒu f /person who writes articles - newspapers, magazines, blogs (informal)/scribe/copyist/a talented writer of articles or of calligraphy/ 写法 寫法 S - 106 xiě fǎ f /style of writing (literary style)/way of writing a character/spelling/ 写照 寫照 S - 139 xiě zhào f /portrayal/ 写生 寫生 S - 126 xiě shēng f /to sketch from nature/to do a still life drawing/ 写真 寫真 S - 53 xiě zhēn f /portrait/to describe sth accurately/ 写真集 寫真集 S - 6 xiě zhēn jí f /photobook (loanword from Japanese), generally sexy portraits of an actress or model/ 军 軍 S - 27200 jūn f /army/military/arms/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 军乐队 軍樂隊 S - 40 jūn yuè duì f /brass band/ 军事 軍事 S 1803 16552 jūn shì f /military affairs/military matters/military/ 军事体育 軍事體育 S - 9 jūn shì tǐ yù f /military sports/military fitness (curriculum etc)/abbr. to 軍體|军体/ 军事力量 軍事力量 S - 3 jūn shì lì liang f /military strength/military force(s)/ 军事化 軍事化 S - 57 jūn shì huà f /militarization/ 军事基地 軍事基地 S - 160 jūn shì jī dì f /military base/ 军事威胁 軍事威脅 S - 0 jūn shì wēi xié f /military threat/ 军事学 軍事學 S - 50 jūn shì xué f /military science/ 军事实力 軍事實力 S - 3 jūn shì shí lì f /military strength/military power/ 军事家 軍事家 S - 239 jūn shì jiā f /military expert/general/ 军事情报 軍事情報 S - 3 jūn shì qíng bào f /military intelligence/ 军事援助 軍事援助 S - 3 jūn shì yuán zhù f /military aid/ 军事政变 軍事政變 S - 3 jūn shì zhèng biàn f /military coup/ 军事机构 軍事機構 S - 0 jūn shì jī gòu f /military institution/ 军事核大国 軍事核大國 S - 0 jūn shì hé dà guó f /military nuclear power/ 军事法庭 軍事法庭 S - 88 jūn shì fǎ tíng f /court-martial/military tribunal/ 军事演习 軍事演習 S - 3 jūn shì yǎn xí f /military exercise/war game/ 军事科学 軍事科學 S - 77 jūn shì kē xué f /military science/ 军事行动 軍事行動 S - 3 jūn shì xíng dòng f /military operation/ 军事训练 軍事訓練 S - 3 jūn shì xùn liàn f /military exercise/army drill/ 军事设施 軍事設施 S - 3 jūn shì shè shī f /military installations/ 军事部门 軍事部門 S - 0 jūn shì bù mén f /military branch/ 军人 軍人 S - 2728 jūn rén f /serviceman/soldier/military personnel/ 军令如山 軍令如山 S - 19 jūn lìng rú shān f /military orders are like mountains (idiom)/a military order must be obeyed/ 军令状 軍令狀 S - 170 jūn lìng zhuàng f /military order/ 军体 軍體 S - 13 jūn tǐ f /military sports/military fitness (curriculum etc)/abbr. for 軍事體育|军事体育/ 军公教 軍公教 S - 3 jūn gōng jiào f /army, civil service and education/all branches of state employment/ 军刀 軍刀 S - 56 jūn dāo f /military knife/saber/ 军分区 軍分區 S - 121 jūn fēn qū f /military sub-districts/ 军力 軍力 S - 279 jūn lì f /military power/ 军功章 軍功章 S - 26 jūn gōng zhāng f /military medal/ 军务 軍務 S - 416 jūn wù f /military affairs/ 军势 軍勢 S - 0 jūn shì f /army strength/military prowess or potential/ 军区 軍區 S - 1345 jūn qū f /geographical area of command/(PLA) military district/ 军医 軍醫 S - 139 jūn yī f /military doctor/ 军医院 軍醫院 S - 0 jūn yī yuàn f /military hospital/ 军号 軍號 S - 57 jūn hào f /bugle/ 军售 軍售 S - 227 jūn shòu f /arms sales/ 军团 軍團 S - 636 jūn tuán f /corps/legion/ 军团杆菌 軍團桿菌 S - 0 jūn tuán gǎn jūn f /legionella bacteria/ 军团菌 軍團菌 S - 3 jūn tuán jūn f /Legionella (bacterium causing legionnaires' disease)/ 军团菌病 軍團菌病 S - 0 jūn tuán jūn bìng f /legionnaires' disease/ 军国主义 軍國主義 S - 192 jūn guó zhǔ yì f /militarism/ 军士 軍士 S - 1153 jūn shì f /soldier/noncommssioned officer (NCO)/ 军备 軍備 S - 362 jūn bèi f /(military) arms/armaments/ 军备竞赛 軍備競賽 S - 3 jūn bèi jìng sài f /arms race/armament(s) race/ 军妓 軍妓 S - 0 jūn jì f /military prostitute/ 军委 軍委 S - 355 jūn wěi f /Military Commission of the Communist Party Central Committee/ 军委会 軍委會 S - 323 jūn wěi huì f /Military Commission of the Communist Party Central Committee/same as 軍委|军委/ 军嫂 軍嫂 S - 15 jūn sǎo f /serviceman's wife/wives of military personnel/ 军官 軍官 S - 2322 jūn guān f /officer (military)/ 军师 軍師 S - 1158 jūn shī f /(old) military counselor/(coll.) trusted adviser/ 军情 軍情 S - 431 jūn qíng f /military situation/military intelligence/ 军情五处 軍情五處 S - 0 jūn qíng wǔ chù f /MI5 (British military intelligence agency)/ 军情六处 軍情六處 S - 0 jūn qíng liù chù f /MI6 (British military counter-intelligence office)/ 军政 軍政 S - 750 jūn zhèng f /army and government/ 军政府 軍政府 S - 449 jūn zhèng fǔ f /military government/ 军方 軍方 S - 1218 jūn fāng f /military/ 军旅 軍旅 S - 161 jūn lǚ f /army/ 军曹鱼 軍曹魚 S - 0 jūn cáo yú f /cobia or black kingfish (Rachycentron canadum)/ 军机 軍機 S - 397 jūn jī f /military aircraft/secret plan/Privy Council during the Qing dynasty/ 军机处 軍機處 S - 145 jūn jī chù f /Office of Military and Political Affairs (Qing Dynasty)/ 军校 軍校 S - 376 jūn xiào f /military school/military academy/ 军棋 軍棋 S - 9 jūn qí f /land battle chess/ 军民 軍民 S - 1771 jūn mín f /army-civilian/military-masses/military-civilian/ 军法 軍法 S - 143 jūn fǎ f /martial law/ 军港 軍港 S - 207 jūn gǎng f /naval port/naval base/ 军演 軍演 S - 0 jūn yǎn f /military exercises/ 军火 軍火 S - 382 jūn huǒ f /weapons and ammunition/munitions/arms/ 军火交易 軍火交易 S - 3 jūn huǒ jiāo yì f /arms deal/ 军火公司 軍火公司 S - 0 jūn huǒ gōng sī f /arms company/ 军火库 軍火庫 S - 13 jūn huǒ kù f /arsenal/ 军用 軍用 S - 1113 jūn yòng f /(for) military use/military application/ 军粮 軍糧 S - 175 jūn liáng f /army provisions/ 军绿 軍綠 S - 0 jūn lǜ f /army green/ 军舰 軍艦 S - 1173 jūn jiàn f /warship/military naval vessel/CL:艘[sou1]/ 军营 軍營 S - 548 jūn yíng f /barracks/army camp/ 军衔 軍銜 S - 327 jūn xián f /army rank/military rank/ 军装 軍裝 S - 295 jūn zhuāng f /military uniform/ 军训 軍訓 S - 311 jūn xùn f /military practice, esp. for reservists or new recruits/military training as a (sometimes compulsory) subject in schools and colleges/drill/