军费 軍費 S - 664 jūn fèi f /military expenditure/ 军费开支 軍費開支 S - 3 jūn fèi kāi zhī f /military spending/ 军车 軍車 S - 55 jūn chē f /military vehicle/ 军阀 軍閥 S - 2334 jūn fá f /military clique/junta/warlord/ 军阀混战 軍閥混戰 S - 0 jūn fá hùn zhàn f /incessant fighting between warlords/ 军队 軍隊 S 2568 11317 jūn duì f /army/troops/CL:支[zhi1],個|个[ge4]/ 军阵 軍陣 S - 58 jūn zhèn f /battle formation/ 军需 軍需 S - 258 jūn xū f /military material/ 军饷 軍餉 S - 217 jūn xiǎng f /funds and provisions for the troops/(soldier's) pay/ 军龄 軍齡 S - 13 jūn líng f /length of military service/ 农 農 S - 1880 Nóng f /surname Nong/ 农 農 S - 1880 nóng f /peasant/to farm/agriculture/diligent (old)/government field official (old)/ 农 辳 S - 1880 nóng f /variant of 農|农[nong2]/ 农业 農業 S 2361 16233 nóng yè f /agriculture/farming/ 农业区 農業區 S - 371 nóng yè qū f /agricultural region/ 农业厅 農業廳 S - 7 nóng yè tīng f /(provincial) department of agriculture/ 农业合作化 農業合作化 S - 0 nóng yè hé zuò huà f /collectivization of agriculture (in Marxist theory)/ 农业机械 農業機械 S - 3 nóng yè jī xiè f /agricultural machinery/ 农业现代化 農業現代化 S - 0 nóng yè xiàn dài huà f /modernization of agriculture, one of Deng Xiaoping's Four Modernizations/ 农业生产合作社 農業生產合作社 S - 0 nóng yè shēng chǎn hé zuò shè f /agricultural producers' cooperative/ 农业生技 農業生技 S - 0 nóng yè shēng jì f /agri-biotechnology/ 农业部 農業部 S - 968 Nóng yè bù f /Ministry of Agriculture/Department of Agriculture/ 农业集体化 農業集體化 S - 0 nóng yè jí tǐ huà f /collectivization of agriculture (under communism)/ 农事 農事 S - 123 nóng shì f /farming task/ 农事活动 農事活動 S - 0 nóng shì huó dòng f /agricultural activities/ 农产 農產 S - 120 nóng chǎn f /agriculture products/farm produce/ 农产品 農產品 S - 1572 nóng chǎn pǐn f /agricultural produce/ 农人 農人 S - 64 nóng rén f /farmer/ 农会 農會 S - 86 nóng huì f /farmer's cooperative/abbr. for 農民協會|农民协会/ 农作物 農作物 S - 1465 nóng zuò wù f /(farm) crops/ 农具 農具 S - 239 nóng jù f /farm implements/farm tools/ 农区 農區 S - 87 nóng qū f /agricultural areas/farming areas/ 农历 農曆 S 4991 677 nóng lì f /the traditional Chinese calendar/the lunar calendar/ 农历新年 農曆新年 S - 0 nóng lì xīn nián f /Chinese New Year/Lunar New Year/ 农园 農園 S - 3 nóng yuán f /plantation/ 农地 農地 S - 9 nóng dì f /farmland/ 农场 農場 S - 628 nóng chǎng f /farm/ 农夫 農夫 S - 313 nóng fū f /peasant/farmer/ 农奴 農奴 S - 609 nóng nú f /serf/ 农奴解放日 農奴解放日 S - 0 Nóng nú Jiě fàng rì f /Serf Liberation Day (PRC)/ 农妇 農婦 S - 55 nóng fù f /peasant woman (in former times)/female farm worker/ 农学 農學 S - 147 nóng xué f /agricultural science/ 农安 農安 S - 16 Nóng ān f /Nong'an county in Changchun 長春|长春, Jilin/ 农安县 農安縣 S - 6 Nóng ān xiàn f /Nong'an county in Changchun 長春|长春, Jilin/ 农家 農家 S - 471 Nóng jiā f /School of Agriculture, school of thought of the Warring States Period (475-221 BC)/ 农家 農家 S - 471 nóng jiā f /peasant family/ 农家乐 農家樂 S - 277 nóng jiā lè f /rural tourism/agritourism/ 农家庭院 農家庭院 S - 0 nóng jiā tíng yuàn f /farmyard/ 农工 農工 S - 151 nóng gōng f /agricultural worker/abbr. for 農業工人|农业工人/peasant and worker (in Marxism)/ 农庄 農莊 S - 111 nóng zhuāng f /farm/ranch/ 农德孟 農德孟 S - 0 Nóng Dé Mèng f /Nong Duc Manh (1940-), general secretary of the Vietnamese Communist Party 2001-2011/ 农忙 農忙 S - 41 nóng máng f /busy farming season/ 农户 農戶 S - 402 nóng hù f /peasant household/ 农房 農房 S - 0 nóng fáng f /farm house/ 农机 農機 S - 193 nóng jī f /agricultural machinery/ 农村 農村 S 2430 11478 nóng cūn f /rural area/village/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 农村合作化 農村合作化 S - 0 nóng cūn hé zuò huà f /collectivization of agriculture (in Marxist theory)/ 农村家庭联产承包责任制 農村家庭聯產承包責任制 S - 0 nóng cūn jiā tíng lián chǎn chéng bāo zé rèn zhì f /rural household contract responsibility system, PRC government policy linking rural income to productivity/ 农林 農林 S - 163 nóng lín f /agriculture and forestry/ 农林水产省 農林水產省 S - 0 Nóng lín Shuǐ chǎn shěng f /Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Japan)/ 农桑 農桑 S - 92 nóng sāng f /mulberry farming/to grow mulberry for sericulture/ 农民 農民 S 2151 11866 nóng mín f /peasant/farmer/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 农民党 農民黨 S - 21 Nóng mín dǎng f /Peasant Party (Republic of China)/ 农民工 農民工 S - 247 nóng mín gōng f /migrant workers/ 农民起义 農民起義 S - 291 nóng mín qǐ yì f /peasant revolt/ 农民阶级 農民階級 S - 3 nóng mín jiē jí f /peasant class (esp. in Marxist theory)/peasantry/ 农活 農活 S - 70 nóng huó f /farm work/ 农田 農田 S - 618 nóng tián f /farmland/cultivated land/ 农耕 農耕 S - 205 nóng gēng f /farming/agriculture/ 农膜 農膜 S - 9 nóng mó f /agricultural plastic, used largely for creating greenhouses/ 农舍 農舍 S - 102 nóng shè f /farmhouse/ 农艺 農藝 S - 26 nóng yì f /agriculture/ 农药 農藥 S - 467 nóng yào f /agricultural chemical/farm chemical/pesticide/ 农谚 農諺 S - 11 nóng yàn f /farmers' saying/ 农贷 農貸 S - 10 nóng dài f /(government) loan to agriculture/ 农贸市场 農貿市場 S - 90 nóng mào shì chǎng f /farmer's market/ 农资 農資 S - 21 nóng zī f /rural capital (finance)/ 农运会 農運會 S - 2 Nóng yùn huì f /China National Farmers' Games (sports meeting for peasants held every 4 years since 1988)/ 冞 - 2 mí f /deep/ 冠 - 1507 Guàn f /surname Guan/ 冠 - 1507 guān t /hat/crown/crest/cap/ 冠 - 1507 guàn f /to put on a hat/to be first/to dub/ 冠以 - 473 guàn yǐ f /to label/to call/ 冠冕 - 34 guān miǎn f /royal crown/official hat/official/leader/chief/elegant and stately/ 冠冕堂皇 - 79 guān miǎn táng huáng f /high-sounding/dignified/pompous (idiom)/ 冠军 冠軍 S 1400 3173 guàn jūn f /champion/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 冠军赛 冠軍賽 S - 53 guàn jūn sài f /championship/ 冠县 冠縣 S - 6 Guān xiàn f /Guanxian county in Liaocheng 聊城[Liao2 cheng2], Shandong/ 冠子 - 19 guān zi f /crest/crown/ 冠形詞 冠形词 T - 0 guān xíng cí f /article (in grammar)/ 冠形词 冠形詞 S - 0 guān xíng cí f /article (in grammar)/ 冠心病 - 209 guān xīn bìng f /coronary heart disease/ 冠斑犀鳥 冠斑犀鸟 T - 0 guān bān xī niǎo f /(bird species of China) oriental pied hornbill (Anthracoceros albirostris)/ 冠斑犀鸟 冠斑犀鳥 S - 0 guān bān xī niǎo f /(bird species of China) oriental pied hornbill (Anthracoceros albirostris)/ 冠海雀 - 0 guān hǎi què f /(bird species of China) Japanese murrelet (Synthliboramphus wumizusume)/ 冠状 冠狀 S - 34 guān zhuàng f /coronary/crown-shaped/ 冠状动脉 冠狀動脈 S - 112 guān zhuàng dòng mài f /coronary artery/ 冠状动脉旁路移植手术 冠狀動脈旁路移植手術 S - 0 guān zhuàng dòng mài páng lù yí zhí shǒu shù f /coronary bypass operation/ 冠状动脉旁通手术 冠狀動脈旁通手術 S - 0 guān zhuàng dòng mài páng tōng shǒu shù f /coronary bypass operation/ 冠狀 冠状 T - 34 guān zhuàng f /coronary/crown-shaped/ 冠狀動脈 冠状动脉 T - 112 guān zhuàng dòng mài f /coronary artery/ 冠狀動脈旁路移植手術 冠状动脉旁路移植手术 T - 0 guān zhuàng dòng mài páng lù yí zhí shǒu shù f /coronary bypass operation/ 冠狀動脈旁通手術 冠状动脉旁通手术 T - 0 guān zhuàng dòng mài páng tōng shǒu shù f /coronary bypass operation/ 冠紋柳鶯 冠纹柳莺 T - 0 guān wén liǔ yīng f /(bird species of China) Claudia's leaf warbler (Phylloscopus claudiae)/ 冠縣 冠县 T - 6 Guān xiàn f /Guanxian county in Liaocheng 聊城[Liao2 cheng2], Shandong/ 冠纹柳莺 冠紋柳鶯 S - 0 guān wén liǔ yīng f /(bird species of China) Claudia's leaf warbler (Phylloscopus claudiae)/ 冠脈 冠脉 T - 25 guān mài f /coronary/coronary artery/ 冠脈循環 冠脉循环 T - 0 guān mài xún huán f /coronary circulation/ 冠脉 冠脈 S - 25 guān mài f /coronary/coronary artery/ 冠脉循环 冠脈循環 S - 0 guān mài xún huán f /coronary circulation/ 冠詞 冠词 T - 13 guàn cí f /article (in grammar)/ 冠词 冠詞 S - 13 guàn cí f /article (in grammar)/ 冠軍 冠军 T 1400 3173 guàn jūn f /champion/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 冠軍賽 冠军赛 T - 53 guàn jūn sài f /championship/ 冠魚狗 冠鱼狗 T - 0 guān yú gǒu f /(bird species of China) crested kingfisher (Megaceryle lugubris)/ 冠鱼狗 冠魚狗 S - 0 guān yú gǒu f /(bird species of China) crested kingfisher (Megaceryle lugubris)/ 冠麻鴨 冠麻鸭 T - 0 guān má yā f /(bird species of China) crested shelduck (Tadorna cristata)/ 冠麻鸭 冠麻鴨 S - 0 guān má yā f /(bird species of China) crested shelduck (Tadorna cristata)/ 冡 - 2 méng f /old variant of 蒙[meng2]/ 冢 - 498 zhǒng f /mound/burial mound/senior (i.e. eldest child or senior in rank)/ 冢 塚 S - 498 zhǒng f /variant of 冢[zhong3]/burial mound/ 冢中枯骨 塚中枯骨 S - 2 zhǒng zhōng kū gǔ f /dried bones in burial mound (idiom); dead and buried/ 冣 - 4 jù f /old variant of 聚[ju4]/ 冣 最 T 178 60450 zuì f /old variant of 最[zui4]/ 冤 - 834 yuān f /injustice/grievance/wrong/ 冤 寃 S - 834 yuān f /old variant of 冤[yuan1]/ 冤业 冤業 S - 0 yuān yè f /sin (in Buddhism)/enmity leading to sin/also written 冤孽/ 冤仇 - 70 yuān chóu f /rancor/enmity/hatred resulting from grievances/ 冤假錯案 冤假错案 T - 151 yuān jiǎ cuò àn f /unjust, fake and false charges (in a legal case)/ 冤假错案 冤假錯案 S - 151 yuān jiǎ cuò àn f /unjust, fake and false charges (in a legal case)/ 冤冤相報何時了 冤冤相报何时了 T - 0 yuān yuān xiāng bào hé shí liǎo f /if revenge breeds revenge, will there ever be an end to it? (Buddhist saying)/ 冤冤相报何时了 冤冤相報何時了 S - 0 yuān yuān xiāng bào hé shí liǎo f /if revenge breeds revenge, will there ever be an end to it? (Buddhist saying)/ 冤大头 冤大頭 S - 48 yuān dà tóu f /spendthrift and foolish/sb with more money than sense/ 冤大頭 冤大头 T - 48 yuān dà tóu f /spendthrift and foolish/sb with more money than sense/ 冤头 冤頭 S - 3 yuān tóu f /enemy/foe/ 冤孽 - 66 yuān niè f /sin (in Buddhism)/enmity leading to sin/ 冤家 - 191 yuān jia f /enemy/foe/(in opera) sweetheart or destined love/ 冤家宜解不宜結 冤家宜解不宜结 T - 0 yuān jiā yí jiě bù yí jié f /It is better to squash enmity rather than keeping it alive (proverb)/ 冤家宜解不宜结 冤家宜解不宜結 S - 0 yuān jiā yí jiě bù yí jié f /It is better to squash enmity rather than keeping it alive (proverb)/ 冤家对头 冤家對頭 S - 14 yuān jiā duì tóu f /enemy (idiom); opponent/arch-enemy/ 冤家對頭 冤家对头 T - 14 yuān jiā duì tóu f /enemy (idiom); opponent/arch-enemy/ 冤家路窄 - 16 yuān jiā lù zhǎi f /lit. enemies on a narrow road (idiom); fig. an inevitable clash between opposing factions/ 冤屈 - 105 yuān qū f /to receive unjust treatment/injustice/ 冤情 - 24 yuān qíng f /facts of an injustice/circumstances surrounding a miscarriage of justice/ 冤抑 - 0 yuān yì f /to suffer injustice/ 冤有头,债有主 冤有頭,債有主 S - 0 yuān yǒu tóu , zhài yǒu zhǔ f /for every grievance someone is responsible, for every debt there is a debtor (idiom)/when settling disputes one should not involve third parties/ 冤有頭,債有主 冤有头,债有主 T - 0 yuān yǒu tóu , zhài yǒu zhǔ f /for every grievance someone is responsible, for every debt there is a debtor (idiom)/when settling disputes one should not involve third parties/ 冤枉 3934 570 yuān wang f /to accuse wrongly/to treat unjustly/injustice/wronged/not worthwhile/ 冤枉路 - 20 yuān wang lù f /pointless trip/not worth the trip/ 冤枉錢 冤枉钱 T - 26 yuān wang qián f /pointless expense/not worth the money spent/ 冤枉钱 冤枉錢 S - 26 yuān wang qián f /pointless expense/not worth the money spent/ 冤案 - 96 yuān àn f /miscarriage of justice/ 冤業 冤业 T - 0 yuān yè f /sin (in Buddhism)/enmity leading to sin/also written 冤孽/ 冤死 - 38 yuān sǐ f /to die of persecution/ 冤气 冤氣 S - 6 yuān qì f /unfair treatment/injustice/ 冤氣 冤气 T - 6 yuān qì f /unfair treatment/injustice/ 冤狱 冤獄 S - 51 yuān yù f /unjust charge or verdict/miscarriage of justice/frame-up/ 冤獄 冤狱 T - 51 yuān yù f /unjust charge or verdict/miscarriage of justice/frame-up/ 冤苦 - 13 yuān kǔ f /suffering from injustice/ 冤誣 冤诬 T - 0 yuān wū f /unjust charge/frame-up/ 冤诬 冤誣 S - 0 yuān wū f /unjust charge/frame-up/ 冤錢 冤钱 T - 3 yuān qián f /pointless expense/not worth the money spent/ 冤钱 冤錢 S - 3 yuān qián f /pointless expense/not worth the money spent/ 冤頭 冤头 T - 3 yuān tóu f /enemy/foe/ 冤魂 - 65 yuān hún f /ghost of one who died unjustly/departed spirit demanding vengeance for grievances/ 冥 㝠 S - 452 míng f /old variant of 冥[ming2]/ 冥 - 452 míng f /dark/deep/stupid/the underworld/ 冥冥之中 - 43 míng míng zhī zhōng f /in the unseen world of spirits/mysteriously and inexorably/ 冥合 - 0 míng hé f /to agree implicitly/of one mind/views coincide without a word exchanged/ 冥婚 - 3 míng hūn f /posthumous or ghost marriage (in which at least one of the bride and groom is dead)/ 冥币 冥幣 S - 0 míng bì f /false paper money burned as an offering to the dead/ 冥幣 冥币 T - 0 míng bì f /false paper money burned as an offering to the dead/ 冥府 - 22 míng fǔ f /underworld/hell/ 冥思苦想 - 36 míng sī kǔ xiǎng f /to consider from all angles (idiom); to think hard/to rack one's brains/ 冥思苦索 - 3 míng sī kǔ suǒ f /to rack one's innermost brains (idiom)/ 冥想 - 37 míng xiǎng f /to meditate/meditation/ 冥王 - 3 míng wáng f /the king of hell/ 冥王星 - 92 Míng wáng xīng f /Pluto (dwarf planet)/ 冥界 - 7 míng jiè f /ghost world/ 冥福 - 0 míng fú f /afterlife happiness/ 冥道 - 0 míng dào f /the gateway to the ghost world/ 冥鈔 冥钞 T - 3 míng chāo f /false paper money burned as an offering to the dead/ 冥钞 冥鈔 S - 3 míng chāo f /false paper money burned as an offering to the dead/ 冥頑 冥顽 T - 22 míng wán f /stupid/stubborn/ 冥頑不靈 冥顽不灵 T - 11 míng wán bù líng f /stupid/stubborn/pigheaded/ 冥顽 冥頑 S - 22 míng wán f /stupid/stubborn/ 冥顽不灵 冥頑不靈 S - 11 míng wán bù líng f /stupid/stubborn/pigheaded/ 冧 - 177 lín f /(Cantonese) to topple/to collapse/to coax/flower bud/ 冪 幂 T - 227 mì f /power/exponent (math.)/to cover with a cloth/cloth cover/veil/ 冪等 幂等 T - 0 mì děng f /idempotent (math.)/ 冪級數 幂级数 T - 50 mì jí shù f /power series (math.)/ 冫 - 3 bīng f /"ice" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 15), occurring in 冰, 决, 次/see also 兩點水|两点水[liang3 dian3 shui3]/ 冬 586 1487 dōng f /winter/ 冬 鼕 S 586 1487 Dōng f /surname Dong/ 冬 鼕 S 586 1487 dōng f /(onom.) beating a drum/rat-a-tat/ 冬不拉 - 11 dōng bù lā f /Dombra or Tambura, Kazakh plucked lute/ 冬令 - 29 dōng lìng f /winter/winter climate/ 冬夏 - 8 dōng xià f /winter and summer/ 冬天 - 1194 dōng tiān f /winter/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 冬奥会 冬奧會 S - 107 dōng ào huì f /winter Olympics/ 冬奧會 冬奥会 T - 107 dōng ào huì f /winter Olympics/ 冬字头 冬字頭 S - 0 dōng zì tóu f /name of "walk slowly" component in Chinese characters/see also 夂[zhi3]/ 冬字頭 冬字头 T - 0 dōng zì tóu f /name of "walk slowly" component in Chinese characters/see also 夂[zhi3]/ 冬季 - 1580 dōng jì f /winter/ 冬宫 冬宮 S - 32 Dōng gōng f /Winter Palace (St Petersburg)/Hermitage Museum/ 冬宮 冬宫 T - 32 Dōng gōng f /Winter Palace (St Petersburg)/Hermitage Museum/ 冬山 - 0 Dōng shān f /Tungshan or Dongshan township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 冬山乡 冬山鄉 S - 0 Dōng shān xiāng f /Tungshan or Dongshan township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 冬山鄉 冬山乡 T - 0 Dōng shān xiāng f /Tungshan or Dongshan township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 冬月 - 21 Dōng yuè f /eleventh lunar month/ 冬烘 - 4 dōng hōng f /shallow/uneducated/ 冬瓜 - 344 dōng guā f /wax gourd (Cucurbitaceae, Benincasa hispida)/white gourd/white hairy melon/Chinese squash/ 冬病夏治 - 0 dōng bìng xià zhì f /to treat winter diseases in the summer (TCM)/ 冬眠 - 171 dōng mián f /hibernation/ 冬笋 冬筍 S - 25 dōng sǔn f /winter bamboo shoots (smaller and tenderer as a result of being dug out before they come out of the soil)/ 冬筍 冬笋 T - 25 dōng sǔn f /winter bamboo shoots (smaller and tenderer as a result of being dug out before they come out of the soil)/ 冬節 冬节 T - 3 Dōng jié f /see 冬至[Dong1 zhi4]/ 冬粉 - 3 dōng fěn f /(Tw) cellophane noodles/mung bean vermicelli/ 冬耕 - 3 dōng gēng f /winter plowing/ 冬至 - 306 Dōng zhì f /Winter Solstice, 22nd of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 22nd December-5th January/ 冬至点 冬至點 S - 6 Dōng zhì diǎn f /the winter solstice/ 冬至點 冬至点 T - 6 Dōng zhì diǎn f /the winter solstice/ 冬节 冬節 S - 3 Dōng jié f /see 冬至[Dong1 zhi4]/ 冬菇 - 13 dōng gū f /grade of Shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes)/ 冬菜 - 14 dōng cài f /preserved dried cabbage or mustard greens/ 冬虫夏草 冬蟲夏草 S - 30 dōng chóng xià cǎo f /caterpillar fungus (Cordyceps sinensis)/ 冬蛰 冬蟄 S - 0 dōng zhé f /hibernation/ 冬蟄 冬蛰 T - 0 dōng zhé f /hibernation/ 冬蟲夏草 冬虫夏草 T - 30 dōng chóng xià cǎo f /caterpillar fungus (Cordyceps sinensis)/ 冬衣 - 26 dōng yī f /winter clothes/ 冬运会 冬運會 S - 10 dōng yùn huì f /winter games/ 冬運會 冬运会 T - 10 dōng yùn huì f /winter games/ 冬閑 冬闲 T - 12 dōng xián f /slack winter season (farming)/ 冬闲 冬閑 S - 12 dōng xián f /slack winter season (farming)/ 冬青 - 45 dōng qīng f /holly/ 冬青树 冬青樹 S - 5 dōng qīng shù f /holly/ 冬青樹 冬青树 T - 5 dōng qīng shù f /holly/ 冯 馮 S - 646 Féng t /surname Feng/ 冯 馮 S - 646 píng f /to gallop/to assist/to attack/to wade/great/old variant of 憑|凭[ping2]/ 冯内果 馮內果 S - 0 Féng nèi guǒ f /Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (1922-2007), US writer/ 冯友兰 馮友蘭 S - 18 Féng Yǒu lán f /Feng Youlan (1895-1990), distinguished Chinese philosopher/ 冯德英 馮德英 S - 0 Féng Dé yīng f /Feng Deying (1935-), socialist realist novelist, author of Bitter cauliflower 苦菜花[ku3 cai4 hua1] (1954)/ 冯梦龙 馮夢龍 S - 34 Féng Mèng lóng f /Feng Menglong (1574-1646), late Ming dynasty novelist writing in colloquial (baihua), author of Stories Old and New 古今小說|古今小说[Gu3 jin1 Xiao3 shuo1]/ 冯武 馮武 S - 2 Féng Wǔ f /Feng Doubo or Feng Wu (1672-), calligrapher of the Ming-Qing transition/also called 馮竇伯|冯窦伯[Feng2 Dou4 bo2]/ 冯玉祥 馮玉祥 S - 371 Féng Yù xiáng f /Feng Yuxiang (1882-1948), warlord during Republic of China, strongly critical of Chiang Kai-shek/ 冯窦伯 馮竇伯 S - 0 Féng Dòu bó f /Feng Doubo or Feng Wu (1672-), calligrapher of the Ming-Qing transition/also called 馮武|冯武[Feng2 Wu3]/ 冯骥才 馮驥才 S - 28 Féng Jì cái f /Feng Jicai (1942-), novelist from Tianjin, author of Extraordinary people in our ordinary world 俗世奇人/ 冰 - 2173 bīng f /ice/CL:塊|块[kuai4]/methamphetamine (slang)/ 冰 氷 S - 2173 bīng f /variant of 冰[bing1]/ 冰上运动 冰上運動 S - 4 bīng shàng yùn dòng f /ice-sports/ 冰上運動 冰上运动 T - 4 bīng shàng yùn dòng f /ice-sports/ 冰冷 - 484 bīng lěng f /ice-cold/ 冰冻 冰凍 S - 90 bīng dòng f /to freeze/ 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒 冰凍三尺,非一日之寒 S - 0 bīng dòng sān chǐ , fēi yī rì zhī hán f /three feet of ice does not form in a single day (idiom); Rome wasn't built in a day/ 冰凉 冰涼 S - 347 bīng liáng f /ice-cold/ 冰凌 - 51 bīng líng f /icicle/ 冰凍 冰冻 T - 90 bīng dòng f /to freeze/ 冰凍三尺,非一日之寒 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒 T - 0 bīng dòng sān chǐ , fēi yī rì zhī hán f /three feet of ice does not form in a single day (idiom); Rome wasn't built in a day/ 冰凝器 - 3 bīng níng qì f /cryophorus/ 冰刀 - 15 bīng dāo f /ice skates/ice skate blades/ 冰品 - 3 bīng pǐn f /frozen food/ 冰场 冰場 S - 13 bīng chǎng f /skating or ice rink/ice stadium/ice arena/ 冰块 冰塊 S - 227 bīng kuài f /ice cube/ice chunk/ 冰块盒 冰塊盒 S - 0 bīng kuài hé f /ice cube tray/ 冰坝 冰壩 S - 3 bīng bà f /freezing blockage/dam of ice on river/ 冰坨子 - 0 bīng tuó zi f /(coll.) chunks of ice/ 冰場 冰场 T - 13 bīng chǎng f /skating or ice rink/ice stadium/ice arena/ 冰塊 冰块 T - 227 bīng kuài f /ice cube/ice chunk/ 冰塊盒 冰块盒 T - 0 bīng kuài hé f /ice cube tray/ 冰塔 - 9 bīng tǎ f /serac/ 冰塔林 - 7 bīng tǎ lín f /serac band/ 冰塞 - 0 bīng sāi f /ice blockage/freezing of waterway/ 冰壑 - 3 bīng hè f /ice gully/ 冰壩 冰坝 T - 3 bīng bà f /freezing blockage/dam of ice on river/ 冰壶 冰壺 S - 22 bīng hú f /jade pot for cold water/curling (sport)/curling puck/ 冰壶秋月 冰壺秋月 S - 3 bīng hú qiū yuè f /jade ice jug and autumn moon (idiom, from poem by Song writer Su Dongpo 蘇東坡|苏东坡); fig. spotless white and pure/flawless person/ 冰壺 冰壶 T - 22 bīng hú f /jade pot for cold water/curling (sport)/curling puck/ 冰壺秋月 冰壶秋月 T - 3 bīng hú qiū yuè f /jade ice jug and autumn moon (idiom, from poem by Song writer Su Dongpo 蘇東坡|苏东坡); fig. spotless white and pure/flawless person/ 冰天雪地 - 91 bīng tiān xuě dì f /a world of ice and snow/ 冰封 - 64 bīng fēng f /to freeze over/to ice over/icebound/to shelve (a proposal etc)/ 冰山 - 280 bīng shān f /iceberg/CL:座[zuo4]/ 冰山一角 - 3 bīng shān yī jiǎo f /tip of the iceberg/ 冰岛 冰島 S - 202 Bīng dǎo f /Iceland/ 冰島 冰岛 T - 202 Bīng dǎo f /Iceland/ 冰川 - 1547 bīng chuān f /glacier/ 冰川期 - 5 bīng chuān qī f /ice age/ 冰帽 - 5 bīng mào f /icecap/ 冰心 - 43 Bīng Xīn f /Bing Xin (1900-1999), female poet and children's writer/ 冰排 - 3 bīng pái f /ice raft/ice floe/ 冰晶 - 69 bīng jīng f /ice crystals/ 冰晶石 - 10 bīng jīng shí f /cryolite/ 冰期 - 270 bīng qī f /glacial epoch/ice age/ 冰染染料 - 0 bīng rǎn rǎn liào f /azoic dyes/ 冰柜 冰櫃 S - 14 bīng guì f /freezer/deep freeze/refrigerator/ 冰柱 - 22 bīng zhù f /icicle/ 冰桥 冰橋 S - 0 bīng qiáo f /ice arch/ 冰桶 - 0 bīng tǒng f /ice bucket/ 冰棍 - 23 bīng gùn f /popsicle/ice lolly/CL:根[gen1]/ 冰棍儿 冰棍兒 S - 9 bīng gùn r f /ice lolly/popsicle/ 冰棍兒 冰棍儿 T - 9 bīng gùn r f /ice lolly/popsicle/ 冰棒 - 5 bīng bàng f /popsicle/ice pop/CL:根[gen1]/ 冰橇 - 3 bīng qiāo f /sled/sledge/sleigh/ 冰橋 冰桥 T - 0 bīng qiáo f /ice arch/ 冰櫃 冰柜 T - 14 bīng guì f /freezer/deep freeze/refrigerator/ 冰毒 - 10 bīng dú f /methamphetamine/ 冰水 - 101 bīng shuǐ f /iced water/ 冰沙 - 0 bīng shā f /slushie/smoothie/crushed ice drink/frappucino/ 冰沟 冰溝 S - 0 bīng gōu f /crevasse/ 冰河 - 61 bīng hé f /glacier/ 冰河时期 冰河時期 S - 3 bīng hé shí qī f /ice age/ 冰河時期 冰河时期 T - 3 bīng hé shí qī f /ice age/ 冰河期 - 7 bīng hé qī f /ice age/ 冰洞 - 24 bīng dòng f /hole in ice/crevasse/ 冰洲石 - 26 Bīng zhōu shí f /Iceland spar/ 冰消瓦解 - 3 bīng xiāo wǎ jiě f /to melt like ice and break like tiles/to disintegrate/to dissolve/ 冰涼 冰凉 T - 347 bīng liáng f /ice-cold/ 冰淇淋 - 79 bīng qí lín f /ice cream/ 冰清玉洁 冰清玉潔 S - 41 bīng qīng yù jié f /clear as ice and clean as jade (idiom); spotless/irreproachable/incorruptible/ 冰清玉潔 冰清玉洁 T - 41 bīng qīng yù jié f /clear as ice and clean as jade (idiom); spotless/irreproachable/incorruptible/ 冰溜 - 0 bīng liū f /icicle/ 冰溝 冰沟 T - 0 bīng gōu f /crevasse/ 冰激凌 2098 42 bīng jī líng f /ice cream/ 冰火 - 21 bīng huǒ f /fire and ice/combination of sharply contrasting or incompatible elements/ 冰灯 冰燈 S - 6 bīng dēng f /ice lantern/ 冰炭不相容 - 0 bīng tàn bù xiāng róng f /as incompatible or irreconcilable as ice and hot coals/ 冰炭不言,冷热自明 冰炭不言,冷熱自明 S - 0 bīng tàn bù yán , lěng rè zì míng f /ice or coals, whether hot or cold goes without saying (idiom); fig. sincerity is not expressed in words/ 冰炭不言,冷熱自明 冰炭不言,冷热自明 T - 0 bīng tàn bù yán , lěng rè zì míng f /ice or coals, whether hot or cold goes without saying (idiom); fig. sincerity is not expressed in words/ 冰点 冰點 S - 55 bīng diǎn f /freezing point/ 冰燈 冰灯 T - 6 bīng dēng f /ice lantern/ 冰爪 - 2 bīng zhuǎ f /crampon/ 冰片 - 24 bīng piàn f /borneol/ 冰球 - 104 bīng qiú f /ice hockey/puck/ 冰球场 冰球場 S - 3 bīng qiú chǎng f /ice hockey rink/ 冰球場 冰球场 T - 3 bīng qiú chǎng f /ice hockey rink/ 冰皮月餅 冰皮月饼 T - 0 bīng pí yuè bǐng f /snow skin mooncake (with a soft casing which is not baked, instead of the traditional baked pastry casing)/ 冰皮月饼 冰皮月餅 S - 0 bīng pí yuè bǐng f /snow skin mooncake (with a soft casing which is not baked, instead of the traditional baked pastry casing)/ 冰盖 冰蓋 S - 120 bīng gài f /ice sheet/ 冰砖 冰磚 S - 5 bīng zhuān f /ice-cream brick/ 冰硬 - 0 bīng yìng f /frozen solid/ 冰碛 冰磧 S - 102 bīng qì f /moraine/rock debris from glacier/ 冰磚 冰砖 T - 5 bīng zhuān f /ice-cream brick/ 冰磧 冰碛 T - 102 bīng qì f /moraine/rock debris from glacier/ 冰积物 冰積物 S - 0 bīng jī wù f /glacial sediment/ 冰積物 冰积物 T - 0 bīng jī wù f /glacial sediment/ 冰窖 - 90 bīng jiào f /icehouse/ 冰箱 543 391 bīng xiāng f /icebox/freezer cabinet/refrigerator/CL:臺|台[tai2],個|个[ge4]/ 冰糕 - 3 bīng gāo f /ice-cream/popsicle/ice-lolly/sorbet/ 冰糖 - 87 bīng táng f /crystal sugar/rock candy/ 冰糖葫芦 冰糖葫蘆 S - 45 bīng táng hú lu f /tanghulu/candied fruits on bamboo skewers dipped in sugar syrup, a common Chinese snack/ 冰糖葫蘆 冰糖葫芦 T - 45 bīng táng hú lu f /tanghulu/candied fruits on bamboo skewers dipped in sugar syrup, a common Chinese snack/ 冰船 - 3 bīng chuán f /ice breaker (ship)/ 冰花 - 10 bīng huā f /ice crystal/frost (on windows)/ 冰蓋 冰盖 T - 120 bīng gài f /ice sheet/ 冰蚀 冰蝕 S - 0 bīng shí f /glaciated/eroded by ice/ 冰蛋 - 0 bīng dàn f /frozen eggs/ 冰蝕 冰蚀 T - 0 bīng shí f /glaciated/eroded by ice/ 冰袋 - 9 bīng dài f /ice bag/ 冰輪 冰轮 T - 11 bīng lún f /the moon/ 冰轮 冰輪 S - 11 bīng lún f /the moon/ 冰醋酸 - 10 bīng cù suān f /glacial acetic acid/ 冰释 冰釋 S - 18 bīng shì f /to dispel (enmity, misunderstandings etc)/to vanish (or misgivings, differences of opinion)/thaw (in relations)/ 冰釋 冰释 T - 18 bīng shì f /to dispel (enmity, misunderstandings etc)/to vanish (or misgivings, differences of opinion)/thaw (in relations)/ 冰鎮 冰镇 T - 27 bīng zhèn f /iced/ 冰镇 冰鎮 S - 27 bīng zhèn f /iced/ 冰隙 - 3 bīng xì f /crevasse/ 冰雕 - 17 bīng diāo f /ice sculpture/ 冰雪 - 486 bīng xuě f /ice and snow/ 冰雪皇后 - 0 Bīng xuě Huáng hòu f /Dairy Queen (brand)/ 冰雪聪明 冰雪聰明 S - 12 bīng xuě cōng ming f /exceptionally intelligent (idiom)/ 冰雪聰明 冰雪聪明 T - 12 bīng xuě cōng ming f /exceptionally intelligent (idiom)/ 冰雹 4589 173 bīng báo f /hail/hailstone/CL:場|场[chang2],粒[li4]/ 冰霜 - 39 bīng shuāng f /moral integrity/austerity/ 冰鞋 - 7 bīng xié f /skating boots/skates/ 冰風暴 冰风暴 T - 2 bīng fēng bào f /icy storm/hailstorm/ 冰风暴 冰風暴 S - 2 bīng fēng bào f /icy storm/hailstorm/ 冰點 冰点 T - 55 bīng diǎn f /freezing point/ 冱 - 0 hù f /congealed/frozen/ 冲 沖 S 1270 8402 chōng t /(of water) to dash against/to mix with water/to infuse/to rinse/to flush/to develop (a film)/to rise in the air/to clash/to collide with/ 冲 衝 S 1270 8402 chōng t /thoroughfare/to go straight ahead/to rush/to clash/ 冲 衝 S 1270 8402 chòng f /powerful/vigorous/pungent/towards/in view of/ 冲入 衝入 S - 230 chōng rù f /to rush into/to break into/ 冲冲 沖沖 S - 3 chōng chōng f /excitedly/ 冲决 沖決 S - 11 chōng jué f /to burst (e.g. a dam)/ 冲决 衝決 S - 11 chōng jué f /to burst (e.g. a dam)/ 冲凉 沖涼 S - 18 chōng liáng f /(dialect) to take a shower/ 冲出 衝出 S - 645 chōng chū f /to rush out/ 冲击 衝擊 S 3627 1986 chōng jī f /to attack/to batter/(of waves) to pound against/shock/impact/ 冲击力 衝擊力 S - 145 chōng jī lì f /force of impact or thrust/ 冲击波 衝擊波 S - 140 chōng jī bō f /shock wave/blast wave/ 冲击钻 衝擊鑽 S - 2 chōng jī zuàn f /impact drill/hammer drill/ 冲刷 沖刷 S - 169 chōng shuā f /to cleanse/to scrub/to scour/to wash down/to erode/to wash away/ 冲刺 衝刺 S - 264 chōng cì f /to sprint/to spurt/to dash/big effort/ 冲剂 沖劑 S - 30 chōng jì f /medicine to be taken after being mixed with water (or other liquid)/ 冲力 衝力 S - 43 chōng lì f /impulse/ 冲动 衝動 S 2777 943 chōng dòng f /to have an urge/to be impetuous/impulse/urge/ 冲劲 衝勁 S - 30 chòng jìn f /dynamism/drive/ 冲印 沖印 S - 22 chōng yìn f /to develop and print (photographic film)/ 冲压 沖壓 S - 84 chòng yā f /to stamp/to press (sheet metal)/Taiwan pr. [chong1 ya1]/ 冲口而出 衝口而出 S - 72 chōng kǒu ér chū f /to blurt out without thinking (idiom)/ 冲向 衝嚮 S - 191 chōng xiàng f /to charge into/ 冲垮 衝垮 S - 44 chōng kuǎ f /to burst/to break through/to topple/ 冲塌 沖塌 S - 3 chōng tā f /to cause (a dam) to collapse/ 冲天 沖天 S - 274 chōng tiān f /to soar/to rocket/ 冲打 衝打 S - 0 chōng dǎ f /(of waves, rain etc) to dash against/to batter/ 冲挹 沖挹 S - 0 chōng yì f /to defer to/to be submissive/ 冲掉 沖掉 S - 149 chōng diào f /to wash out/to leach/ 冲撞 衝撞 S - 259 chōng zhuàng f /to collide/jerking motion/to impinge/to offend/to provoke/ 冲断层 衝斷層 S - 0 chōng duàn céng f /thrust fault (geology)/compression fault/ 冲昏头脑 沖昏頭腦 S - 8 chōng hūn tóu nǎo f /lit. to be muddled in the brain (idiom); fig. excited and unable to act rationally/to go to one's head/ 冲昏头脑 衝昏頭腦 S - 8 chōng hūn tóu nǎo f /lit. to be muddled in the brain (idiom); fig. excited and unable to act rationally/to go to one's head/ 冲服 沖服 S - 24 chōng fú f /to take medicine in solution/infusion/ 冲服剂 沖服劑 S - 0 chōng fú jì f /dose of medicine to be taken in solution/infusion/ 冲杀 衝殺 S - 302 chōng shā f /to rush in and kill the enemy/ 冲泡 沖泡 S - 97 chōng pào f /to add water (or other liquid) to (another ingredient such as powdered milk or tea leaves)/to infuse (tea)/ 冲洗 沖洗 S - 329 chōng xǐ f /to rinse/to wash/to develop (photographic film)/ 冲浪 衝浪 S - 74 chōng làng f /to surf/surfing/ 冲浪板 衝浪板 S - 14 chōng làng bǎn f /surfboard/paddleboard/ 冲浪者 衝浪者 S - 2 chōng làng zhě f /surfer/ 冲淋浴 沖淋浴 S - 0 chōng lín yù f /to take a shower/ 冲淡 沖淡 S - 143 chōng dàn f /to dilute/ 冲澡 沖澡 S - 2 chōng zǎo f /to take a shower/ 冲牙器 沖牙器 S - 0 chōng yá qì f /water pick/oral irrigator/ 冲破 衝破 S - 919 chōng pò f /breakthrough/to overcome an obstacle quickly/ 冲积 沖積 S - 268 chōng jī f /to alluviate/alluviation/alluvial/ 冲积层 沖積層 S - 3 chōng jī céng f /alluvial deposit/ 冲积平原 沖積平原 S - 562 chōng jī píng yuán f /alluvial plain/ 冲突 衝突 S 2850 2737 chōng tū f /conflict/to conflict/clash of opposing forces/collision (of interests)/contention/ 冲绳 沖繩 S - 167 Chōng shéng f /Okinawa, Japan/ 冲绳县 沖繩縣 S - 21 Chōng shéng xiàn f /Okinawa prefecture, Japan/ 冲绳岛 沖繩島 S - 27 Chōng shéng Dǎo f /Okinawa Island/ 冲绳群岛 沖繩群島 S - 0 Chōng shéng Qún dǎo f /the Okinawa archipelago/ 冲蚀 沖蝕 S - 3 chōng shí f /to erode/erosion/ 冲调 沖調 S - 0 chōng tiáo f /to reconstitute (a powdered beverage) by adding water, milk etc/ 冲走 沖走 S - 90 chōng zǒu f /to flush away/ 冲进 衝進 S - 3 chōng jìn f /break in/burst in/force into/ 冲锋 衝鋒 S - 333 chōng fēng f /to charge/to assault/assault/ 冲锋枪 衝鋒槍 S - 413 chōng fēng qiāng f /submachine gun/ 冲锋陷阵 衝鋒陷陣 S - 125 chōng fēng xiàn zhèn f /to charge and break through enemy lines/ 冲龄 沖齡 S - 0 chōng líng f /childhood (typically used in reference to an emperor)/ 决 決 S - 4589 jué f /to decide/to determine/to execute (sb)/(of a dam etc) to breach or burst/definitely/certainly/ 决一雌雄 決一雌雄 S - 12 jué yī cí xióng f /see 一決雌雄|一决雌雄[yi1 jue2 ci2 xiong2]/ 决不 決不 S - 827 jué bù f /not at all/simply (can) not/ 决口 決口 S - 153 jué kǒu f /be breached/burst/ 决堤 決隄 S - 52 jué dī f /dam burst/breach of dike/ 决定 決定 S 364 32770 jué dìng f /to decide (to do something)/to resolve/decision/CL:個|个[ge4],項|项[xiang4]/certainly/ 决定性 決定性 S - 744 jué dìng xìng f /decisive/conclusive/ 决定簇 決定簇 S - 3 jué dìng cù f /determinant (causing immunological response)/epitope/ 决定论 決定論 S - 80 jué dìng lùn f /determinism/ 决心 決心 S 1985 2405 jué xīn f /determination/resolution/determined/firm and resolute/to make up one's mind/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 决意 決意 S - 472 jué yì f /to be determined/ 决战 決戰 S - 861 jué zhàn f /decisive battle/ 决斗 決鬥 S - 128 jué dòu f /to duel/a duel/decisive struggle/ 决断 決斷 S - 345 jué duàn f /to make a decision/resolution/decisiveness/resolute/ 决明 決明 S - 5 jué míng f /(botany) cassia/ 决明子 決明子 S - 11 jué míng zǐ f /(botany) cassia seed/ 决策 決策 S 3805 2953 jué cè f /strategic decision/decision-making/policy decision/to determine policy/ 决策树 決策樹 S - 9 jué cè shù f /decision tree/ 决策者 決策者 S - 206 jué cè zhě f /policymaker/ 决算 決算 S - 165 jué suàn f /final account/to calculate the final bill/fig. to draw up plans to deal with sth/ 决而不行 決而不行 S - 3 jué ér bù xíng f /making decisions without implementing them/ 决胜 決勝 S - 152 jué shèng f /to determine victory/to obtain victory/ 决胜千里 決勝千里 S - 13 jué shèng qiān lǐ f /to be able to plan victory from a thousand miles away (idiom)/ 决胜负 決勝負 S - 3 jué shèng fù f /a tie-break/to determine the winner/ 决裂 決裂 S - 160 jué liè f /to rupture/to burst open/to break/to break off relations with/a rupture/ 决议 決議 S - 6873 jué yì f /resolution/decision (of a congress)/ 决议案 決議案 S - 307 jué yì àn f /resolution (of a meeting)/ 决赛 決賽 S 1618 1761 jué sài f /finals (of a competition)/ 决选名单 決選名單 S - 0 jué xuǎn míng dān f /short list/ 况 況 S - 367 kuàng f /moreover/situation/ 况且 況且 S 3686 766 kuàng qiě f /moreover/besides/in addition/furthermore/ 况味 況味 S - 5 kuàng wèi f /circumstances/atmosphere/mood/ 冶 - 433 yě f /to smelt/to cast/seductive in appearance/ 冶天 - 0 Yě tiān f /ATI, brand name of AMD graphics cards/ 冶容 - 3 yě róng f /to mold (into seductive shape)/to dress up (usu. derogatory)/to sex up/ 冶游 冶遊 S - 5 yě yóu f /to go courting/to visit a brothel (old)/related to 野遊|野游[ye3 you2]/ 冶炼 冶煉 S - 447 yě liàn f /to smelt metal/ 冶炼炉 冶煉爐 S - 4 yě liàn lú f /a furnace for smelting metal/ 冶煉 冶炼 T - 447 yě liàn f /to smelt metal/ 冶煉爐 冶炼炉 T - 4 yě liàn lú f /a furnace for smelting metal/ 冶艳 冶艷 S - 3 yě yàn f /bewitching/beautiful/ 冶艷 冶艳 T - 3 yě yàn f /bewitching/beautiful/ 冶荡 冶蕩 S - 0 yě dàng f /lewd/lascivious/ 冶蕩 冶荡 T - 0 yě dàng f /lewd/lascivious/ 冶遊 冶游 T - 5 yě yóu f /to go courting/to visit a brothel (old)/related to 野遊|野游[ye3 you2]/ 冶金 - 1502 yě jīn f /metallurgy/ 冶金学 冶金學 S - 53 yě jīn xué f /metallurgy/ 冶金學 冶金学 T - 53 yě jīn xué f /metallurgy/ 冶鑄 冶铸 T - 43 yě zhù f /to smelt and cast/ 冶铸 冶鑄 S - 43 yě zhù f /to smelt and cast/ 冷 124 5144 Lěng f /surname Leng/ 冷 124 5144 lěng f /cold/ 冷不丁 - 95 lěng bu dīng f /suddenly/by surprise/ 冷不防 - 132 lěng bu fáng f /unexpectedly/suddenly/at unawares/off guard/against expectations/ 冷丝丝 冷絲絲 S - 4 lěng sī sī f /a bit chilly/ 冷傲 - 13 lěng ào f /icily arrogant/ 冷僻 - 15 lěng pì f /out-of-the-way/deserted/unfamiliar/obscure/ 冷冷 - 78 lěng lěng f /coldly/ 冷冷清清 - 76 lěng lěng qīng qīng f /deserted/desolate/unfrequented/cold and cheerless/lonely/in quiet isolation/ 冷冻 冷凍 S - 183 lěng dòng f /to freeze/to deep-freeze/ 冷冻库 冷凍庫 S - 2 lěng dòng kù f /freezer compartment/ 冷冽 - 0 lěng liè f /chilly/ 冷凍 冷冻 T - 183 lěng dòng f /to freeze/to deep-freeze/ 冷凍庫 冷冻库 T - 2 lěng dòng kù f /freezer compartment/ 冷却 冷卻 S 3859 772 lěng què f /to cool off/cooling/ 冷却剂 冷卻劑 S - 22 lěng què jì f /coolant/ 冷却塔 冷卻塔 S - 14 lěng què tǎ f /cooling tower/ 冷却水 冷卻水 S - 15 lěng què shuǐ f /cooling water (in a reactor)/ 冷卻 冷却 T 3859 772 lěng què f /to cool off/cooling/ 冷卻劑 冷却剂 T - 22 lěng què jì f /coolant/ 冷卻塔 冷却塔 T - 14 lěng què tǎ f /cooling tower/ 冷卻水 冷却水 T - 15 lěng què shuǐ f /cooling water (in a reactor)/ 冷嘲热讽 冷嘲熱諷 S - 84 lěng cháo rè fěng f /frigid irony and scorching satire (idiom); to mock and ridicule/ 冷嘲熱諷 冷嘲热讽 T - 84 lěng cháo rè fěng f /frigid irony and scorching satire (idiom); to mock and ridicule/ 冷场 冷場 S - 36 lěng chǎng f /stage wait/(fig.) awkward silence/ 冷場 冷场 T - 36 lěng chǎng f /stage wait/(fig.) awkward silence/ 冷天 - 35 lěng tiān f /cold weather/cold season/ 冷字 - 3 lěng zì f /obscure word/unfamiliar character/ 冷寂 - 30 lěng jì f /cold and desolate/lonely/ 冷峻 - 122 lěng jùn f /grave and stern/ 冷战 冷戰 S - 603 lěng zhàn f /cold war/(coll.) shiver/shudder/ 冷战以后 冷戰以後 S - 0 lěng zhàn yǐ hòu f /post-Cold War/ 冷戰 冷战 T - 603 lěng zhàn f /cold war/(coll.) shiver/shudder/ 冷戰以後 冷战以后 T - 0 lěng zhàn yǐ hòu f /post-Cold War/ 冷房 - 0 lěng fáng f /cooling/air conditioning/ 冷敷 - 19 lěng fū f /cold compress/ 冷暖 - 119 lěng nuǎn f /lit. daily changes of temperature/fig. well-being/sb's comfort, health, prosperity etc/ 冷暖房 - 0 lěng nuǎn fáng f /cooling and heating/air conditioning and central heating/ 冷暖自知 - 10 lěng nuǎn zì zhī f /see 如人飲水,冷暖自知|如人饮水,冷暖自知[ru2 ren2 yin3 shui3 , leng3 nuan3 zi4 zhi1]/ 冷暴力 - 3 lěng bào lì f /non-physical abuse/emotional abuse/the silent treatment/ 冷枪 冷槍 S - 21 lěng qiāng f /sniper's shot/ 冷森森 - 31 lěng sēn sēn f /chilling cold/cold and threatening/ 冷槍 冷枪 T - 21 lěng qiāng f /sniper's shot/ 冷气 冷氣 S - 211 lěng qì f /air conditioning (Tw)/ 冷气机 冷氣機 S - 3 lěng qì jī f /air conditioner/ 冷气衫 冷氣衫 S - 0 lěng qì shān f /warm clothes such as padded jacket to be worn in air conditioning (esp. in Hong Kong)/ 冷氣 冷气 T - 211 lěng qì f /air conditioning (Tw)/ 冷氣機 冷气机 T - 3 lěng qì jī f /air conditioner/ 冷氣衫 冷气衫 T - 0 lěng qì shān f /warm clothes such as padded jacket to be worn in air conditioning (esp. in Hong Kong)/ 冷水 - 335 lěng shuǐ f /cold water/unboiled water/fig. not yet ready (of plans)/ 冷水机组 冷水機組 S - 3 lěng shuǐ jī zǔ f /chiller/ 冷水機組 冷水机组 T - 3 lěng shuǐ jī zǔ f /chiller/ 冷水江 - 8 Lěng shuǐ jiāng f /Lengshuijiang county level city in Loudi 婁底|娄底[Lou2 di3], Hunan/ 冷水江市 - 11 Lěng shuǐ jiāng shì f /Lengshuijiang county level city in Loudi 婁底|娄底[Lou2 di3], Hunan/ 冷水滩 冷水灘 S - 3 Lěng shuǐ tān f /Lengshuitan district of Yongzhou city 永州市[Yong3 zhou1 shi4], Hunan/ 冷水滩区 冷水灘區 S - 2 Lěng shuǐ tān qū f /Lengshuitan district of Yongzhou city 永州市[Yong3 zhou1 shi4], Hunan/ 冷水灘 冷水滩 T - 3 Lěng shuǐ tān f /Lengshuitan district of Yongzhou city 永州市[Yong3 zhou1 shi4], Hunan/ 冷水灘區 冷水滩区 T - 2 Lěng shuǐ tān qū f /Lengshuitan district of Yongzhou city 永州市[Yong3 zhou1 shi4], Hunan/ 冷汗 - 633 lěng hàn f /cold sweat/ 冷涩 冷澀 S - 3 lěng sè f /cold and sluggish/chilly/ 冷淡 2357 382 lěng dàn f /cold/indifferent/ 冷淡关系 冷淡關係 S - 0 lěng dàn guān xì f /cold relations (e.g. between countries)/ 冷淡關係 冷淡关系 T - 0 lěng dàn guān xì f /cold relations (e.g. between countries)/ 冷清 - 181 lěng qīng f /cold and cheerless/fig. lonely/unfrequented/ 冷清清 - 33 lěng qīng qīng f /deserted/desolate/unfrequented/cold and cheerless/lonely/in quiet isolation/ 冷湖 - 17 Lěng hú f /Lenghu county level subdivision of Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州[Hai3 xi1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 冷湖行政区 冷湖行政區 S - 0 Lěng hú xíng zhèng qū f /Lenghu county level subdivision of Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州[Hai3 xi1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 冷湖行政區 冷湖行政区 T - 0 Lěng hú xíng zhèng qū f /Lenghu county level subdivision of Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州[Hai3 xi1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 冷湖行政委员会 冷湖行政委員會 S - 0 Lěng hú xíng zhèng wěi yuán huì f /Lenghu county level subdivision of Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州[Hai3 xi1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 冷湖行政委員會 冷湖行政委员会 T - 0 Lěng hú xíng zhèng wěi yuán huì f /Lenghu county level subdivision of Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州[Hai3 xi1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 冷漠 - 415 lěng mò f /cold and detached towards sb/lack of regard/indifference/neglect/ 冷漠对待 冷漠對待 S - 0 lěng mò duì dài f /cold and detached towards sb/lack of regard/indifference/neglect/ 冷漠對待 冷漠对待 T - 0 lěng mò duì dài f /cold and detached towards sb/lack of regard/indifference/neglect/ 冷澀 冷涩 T - 3 lěng sè f /cold and sluggish/chilly/ 冷热度数 冷熱度數 S - 0 lěng rè dù shù f /temperature (esp. of medical patient)/ 冷热病 冷熱病 S - 3 lěng rè bìng f /malaria/ 冷熱度數 冷热度数 T - 0 lěng rè dù shù f /temperature (esp. of medical patient)/ 冷熱病 冷热病 T - 3 lěng rè bìng f /malaria/ 冷盆 - 0 lěng pén f /cold dish/appetizer/ 冷盘 冷盤 S - 17 lěng pán f /cold plate/cold meats/ 冷盤 冷盘 T - 17 lěng pán f /cold plate/cold meats/ 冷眼 - 97 lěng yǎn f /cool eye/fig. detached/(treating) with indifference/ 冷眼旁觀 冷眼旁观 T - 41 lěng yǎn páng guān f /the cool eye of a bystander/a detached point of view/ 冷眼旁观 冷眼旁觀 S - 41 lěng yǎn páng guān f /the cool eye of a bystander/a detached point of view/ 冷知識 冷知识 T - 0 lěng zhī shi f /trivia/ 冷知识 冷知識 S - 0 lěng zhī shi f /trivia/ 冷笑 - 2227 lěng xiào f /to sneer/to laugh grimly/grin of dissatisfaction (bitterness, helplessness, indignation etc)/bitter, grim, sarcastic or angry smile/ 冷笑話 冷笑话 T - 0 lěng xiào huà f /joke intended to be so corny it makes one groan/ 冷笑话 冷笑話 S - 0 lěng xiào huà f /joke intended to be so corny it makes one groan/ 冷絲絲 冷丝丝 T - 4 lěng sī sī f /a bit chilly/ 冷艳 冷艷 S - 12 lěng yàn f /cool elegant and magnificent/ 冷艷 冷艳 T - 12 lěng yàn f /cool elegant and magnificent/ 冷若冰霜 - 34 lěng ruò bīng shuāng f /as cold as ice and frost (idiom, usually of woman); icy manner/frigid/ 冷菜 - 21 lěng cài f /cold dish/cold food/ 冷落 4551 272 lěng luò f /desolate/unfrequented/to treat sb coldly/to snub/to cold shoulder/ 冷藏 - 89 lěng cáng f /refrigeration/cold storage/to keep (food, medicine) in cold environment/ 冷藏箱 - 2 lěng cáng xiāng f /cooler/ice chest/reefer container/ 冷藏車 冷藏车 T - 5 lěng cáng chē f /refrigerated truck or wagon/ 冷藏车 冷藏車 S - 5 lěng cáng chē f /refrigerated truck or wagon/ 冷血 - 28 lěng xuè f /cold-blood/cold-blooded (animal)/ 冷血动物 冷血動物 S - 15 lěng xuè dòng wù f /cold-blooded animal/fig. cold-hearted person/ 冷血動物 冷血动物 T - 15 lěng xuè dòng wù f /cold-blooded animal/fig. cold-hearted person/ 冷言冷語 冷言冷语 T - 25 lěng yán lěng yǔ f /cold words and sarcastic comments (idiom); to mock and ridicule/ 冷言冷语 冷言冷語 S - 25 lěng yán lěng yǔ f /cold words and sarcastic comments (idiom); to mock and ridicule/ 冷話 冷话 T - 3 lěng huà f /harsh words/sarcasm/bitter remarks/ 冷語 冷语 T - 6 lěng yǔ f /sarcasm/sneering talk/ 冷語冰人 冷语冰人 T - 3 lěng yǔ bīng rén f /cold words and sarcastic comments (idiom); to mock and ridicule/ 冷话 冷話 S - 3 lěng huà f /harsh words/sarcasm/bitter remarks/ 冷语 冷語 S - 6 lěng yǔ f /sarcasm/sneering talk/ 冷语冰人 冷語冰人 S - 3 lěng yǔ bīng rén f /cold words and sarcastic comments (idiom); to mock and ridicule/ 冷軋 冷轧 T - 16 lěng zhá f /(metallurgy) cold-rolled/cold-rolling/ 冷轧 冷軋 S - 16 lěng zhá f /(metallurgy) cold-rolled/cold-rolling/ 冷遇 - 59 lěng yù f /a cold reception/to cold-shoulder sb/ 冷酷 3305 240 lěng kù f /grim/unfeeling/callous/ 冷酷无情 冷酷無情 S - 3 lěng kù wú qíng f /cold-hearted/unfeeling/callous/ 冷酷無情 冷酷无情 T - 3 lěng kù wú qíng f /cold-hearted/unfeeling/callous/ 冷鋒 冷锋 T - 27 lěng fēng f /cold front (meteorology)/ 冷锋 冷鋒 S - 27 lěng fēng f /cold front (meteorology)/ 冷門 冷门 T - 234 lěng mén f /a neglected branch (of arts, science, sports etc)/fig. a complete unknown who wins a competition/ 冷门 冷門 S - 234 lěng mén f /a neglected branch (of arts, science, sports etc)/fig. a complete unknown who wins a competition/ 冷静 冷靜 S 721 1102 lěng jìng f /calm/cool-headed/ 冷静期 冷靜期 S - 0 lěng jìng qī f /cooling-off period (divorces, purchases, surgeries)/ 冷靜 冷静 T 721 1102 lěng jìng f /calm/cool-headed/ 冷靜期 冷静期 T - 0 lěng jìng qī f /cooling-off period (divorces, purchases, surgeries)/ 冷面 - 46 lěng miàn f /grim/stern/harsh/ 冷面 冷麵 S - 46 lěng miàn f /naengmyeon (Korean dish based on cold noodles in soup)/ 冷颼颼 冷飕飕 T - 18 lěng sōu sōu f /chilled to the bone/(of the wind) chilly/ 冷飕飕 冷颼颼 S - 18 lěng sōu sōu f /chilled to the bone/(of the wind) chilly/ 冷飲 冷饮 T - 57 lěng yǐn f /cold drink/ 冷餐 - 20 lěng cān f /cold meal/cold food/ 冷饮 冷飲 S - 57 lěng yǐn f /cold drink/ 冷麵 冷面 T - 46 lěng miàn f /naengmyeon (Korean dish based on cold noodles in soup)/ 冺 泯 T - 89 mǐn f /variant of 泯[min3]/ 冻 凍 S 1965 928 dòng f /to freeze/to feel very cold/aspic or jelly/ 冻伤 凍傷 S - 64 dòng shāng f /frostbite/ 冻土 凍土 S - 242 dòng tǔ f /frozen earth/permafrost/tundra/ 冻土层 凍土層 S - 23 dòng tǔ céng f /permafrost/tundra/layer of frozen soil/ 冻容 凍容 S - 0 dòng róng f /"youth freezing", Chinese girls beginning anti-ageing treatments as young as two years old in the hope they will never look old/ 冻死 凍死 S - 151 dòng sǐ f /to freeze to death/to die off in winter/ 冻疮 凍瘡 S - 31 dòng chuāng f /frostbite/chilblains/ 冻硬 凍硬 S - 3 dòng yìng f /to freeze solid/frozen stiff/ 冻穿 凍穿 S - 0 dòng chuān f /frostbite/chilblain/ 冻结 凍結 S 3757 378 dòng jié f /to freeze (loan, wage, price etc)/ 冻肉 凍肉 S - 12 dòng ròu f /cold or frozen meat/ 冻胶 凍膠 S - 0 dòng jiāo f /gel/ 冻雨 凍雨 S - 11 dòng yǔ f /sleet/ 冼 - 44 Xiǎn f /surname Xian/ 冼星海 - 26 Xiǎn Xīng hǎi f /Xian Xinghai (1905-1945), violinist and composer, known for patriotic wartime pieces, including Yellow River Oratorio 黃河大合唱|黄河大合唱/ 冽 - 21 liè f /cold and raw/ 净 凈 S - 1952 jìng f /variant of 淨|净[jing4]/ 净 淨 S - 1952 jìng f /clean/completely/only/net (income, exports etc)/(Chinese opera) painted face male role/ 净值 淨值 S - 109 jìng zhí f /net value/net worth/ 净利 淨利 S - 21 jìng lì f /net profit/ 净利润 淨利潤 S - 548 jìng lì rùn f /net profit/ 净化 淨化 S - 422 jìng huà f /to purify/ 净含量 淨含量 S - 3 jìng hán liàng f /net weight/ 净土 淨土 S - 176 Jìng tǔ f /(Buddhism) Pure Land, usually refers to Amitabha Buddha's Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss (Sukhavati in Sanskrit)/ 净土宗 淨土宗 S - 3 Jìng tǔ zōng f /Pure Land Buddhism/ 净尽 淨盡 S - 39 jìng jìn f /to eliminate/to purge/ 净心修身 凈心修身 S - 0 jìng xīn xiū shēn f /to have an untroubled heart and behave morally (idiom)/ 净手 淨手 S - 3 jìng shǒu f /to wash one's hands/(fig.) to go to the toilet/ 净收入 淨收入 S - 18 jìng shōu rù f /net income/net profit/ 净水 淨水 S - 48 jìng shuǐ f /clean water/purified water/ 净水器 淨水器 S - 3 jìng shuǐ qì f /water purifier/ 净现值 淨現值 S - 0 jìng xiàn zhí f /net present value (NPV)/ 净身 凈身 S - 35 jìng shēn f /to purify one's body (i.e. to get castrated)/ 净身出户 凈身出戶 S - 0 jìng shēn chū hù f /to leave a marriage with nothing (no possessions or property)/ 净重 淨重 S - 34 jìng zhòng f /net weight/ 凃 - 0 tú f /old variant of 涂[tu2]/ 凄 - 155 qī f /intense cold/frigid/dismal/grim/bleak/sad/mournful/also written 淒|凄[qi1]/ 凄 悽 S - 155 qī f /variant of 淒|凄[qi1]/sad/mournful/ 凄 淒 S - 155 qī f /intense cold/frigid/dismal/grim/bleak/sad/mournful/ 凄凄 - 3 qī qī f /cold and dismal/ 凄凉 淒涼 S 4459 413 qī liáng f /desolate/ 凄切 - 18 qī qiè f /woeful/grievous/ 凄切 淒切 S - 18 qī qiè f /mournful/ 凄厉 凄厲 S - 151 qī lì f /mournful (sound)/ 凄厉 淒厲 S - 151 qī lì f /variant of 凄厲|凄厉[qi1 li4]/ 凄厲 凄厉 T - 151 qī lì f /mournful (sound)/ 凄哀 悽哀 S - 0 qī āi f /desolate/mournful/ 凄婉 淒婉 S - 45 qī wǎn f /melancholy/moving and sad/sweet and piteous/ 凄寒 - 0 qī hán f /cold and desolate/ 凄怆 凄愴 S - 29 qī chuàng f /pitiful/painful/heartrending/ 凄恻 悽惻 S - 19 qī cè f /heartbroken/sorrowful/ 凄惋 淒惋 S - 0 qī wǎn f /doleful/piteous/also written 淒婉|凄婉[qi1 wan3]/ 凄惨 悽慘 S - 161 qī cǎn f /plaintive/mournful/miserable/ 凄惶 淒惶 S - 52 qī huáng f /distressed and terrified/distraught (literary)/ 凄愴 凄怆 T - 29 qī chuàng f /pitiful/painful/heartrending/ 凄暗 淒暗 S - 0 qī àn f /dismal/somber/ 凄梗 - 0 qī gěng f /wailing/choking with sobs/ 凄楚 - 103 qī chǔ f /sad/wretched/miserable/ 凄清 - 31 qī qīng f /somber/cheerless/ 凄然 - 278 qī rán f /distressing/ 凄美 淒美 S - 22 qī měi f /poignant/sad and beautiful/ 凄苦 - 98 qī kǔ f /bleak/miserable/ 凄迷 - 12 qī mí f /dreary and fuzzy (sight)/ 凄風苦雨 凄风苦雨 T - 12 qī fēng kǔ yǔ f /lit. mourning the wind and bewailing the rain; fig. in a wretched plight/miserable circumstances/ 凄风苦雨 凄風苦雨 S - 12 qī fēng kǔ yǔ f /lit. mourning the wind and bewailing the rain; fig. in a wretched plight/miserable circumstances/ 凄黯 淒黯 S - 0 qī àn f /dismal/somber/also written 淒暗|凄暗[qi1 an4]/ 凅 - 0 gù f /dried up/dry/exhausted/tired/ 准 - 3672 zhǔn f /to allow/to grant/in accordance with/in the light of/ 准 準 S - 3672 zhǔn f /accurate/standard/definitely/certainly/about to become (bride, son-in-law etc)/quasi-/para-/ 准予 - 71 zhǔn yǔ f /to grant/to approve/to permit/ 准保 準保 S - 11 zhǔn bǎo f /certainly/for sure/ 准入 - 60 zhǔn rù f /access/admittance/ 准决赛 準決賽 S - 3 zhǔn jué sài f /semi-final/ 准则 準則 S 3459 894 zhǔn zé f /norm/standard/criterion/ 准噶尔 準噶爾 S - 245 Zhǔn gá ěr f /Dzungar, Junggar or Dsungharian basin in Xinjiang/ 准噶尔翼龙 準噶爾翼龍 S - 0 Zhǔn gá ěr yì lóng f /Dsungaripterus (genus of pterosaur)/ 准备 準備 S 197 16199 zhǔn bèi f /preparation/to prepare/to intend/to be about to/reserve (fund)/ 准备好了 準備好了 S - 0 zhǔn bèi hǎo le f /to be ready/ 准备金 準備金 S - 239 zhǔn bèi jīn f /reserve fund/ 准将 準將 S - 68 zhǔn jiàng f /brigadier general/commodore/ 准时 準時 S 1063 226 zhǔn shí f /on time/punctual/on schedule/ 准星 準星 S - 44 zhǔn xīng f /front sight (firearms)/the zero point indicator marked on a steelyard/ 准格尔 準格爾 S - 12 Zhǔn gé ěr f /Jungar banner in Ordos 鄂爾多斯|鄂尔多斯[E4 er3 duo1 si1], Inner Mongolia/ 准格尔盆地 準格爾盆地 S - 0 Zhǔn gé ěr pén dì f /Junggar or Dsungharian basin in Xinjiang between the Altai and TianShan ranges/ 准生證 准生证 T - 4 zhǔn shēng zhèng f /birth permit/ 准生证 准生證 S - 4 zhǔn shēng zhèng f /birth permit/ 准的 準的 S - 0 zhǔn dì f /standard/norm/criterion/ 准确 準確 S 1037 2668 zhǔn què f /accurate/exact/precise/ 准确性 準確性 S - 164 zhǔn què xìng f /accuracy/ 准稳旋涡结构 準穩旋渦結構 S - 0 zhǔn wěn xuán wō jié gòu f /quasi-stationary spiral structure QSSS (astrophysics)/ 准线 準線 S - 16 zhǔn xiàn f /directrix line of a parabola/guide line/ 准绳 準繩 S - 63 zhǔn shéng f /yardstick/fig. criterion/ground rule/ 准考證 准考证 T - 156 zhǔn kǎo zhèng f /(exam) admission ticket/ 准考证 准考證 S - 156 zhǔn kǎo zhèng f /(exam) admission ticket/ 准葛尔盆地 準葛爾盆地 S - 0 Zhǔn gě ěr pén dì f /Dzungaria or Jungarian depression in north Xinjiang between Altai and Tianshan/ 准許 准许 T - 265 zhǔn xǔ f /to allow/to grant/to permit/ 准许 准許 S - 265 zhǔn xǔ f /to allow/to grant/to permit/ 准谱儿 準譜兒 S - 3 zhǔn pǔ r f /definite idea/ 凇 - 121 sōng f /icicle/ 凈 净 T - 1952 jìng f /variant of 淨|净[jing4]/ 凈心修身 净心修身 T - 0 jìng xīn xiū shēn f /to have an untroubled heart and behave morally (idiom)/ 凈身 净身 T - 35 jìng shēn f /to purify one's body (i.e. to get castrated)/ 凈身出戶 净身出户 T - 0 jìng shēn chū hù f /to leave a marriage with nothing (no possessions or property)/ 凉 涼 S - 1622 Liáng t /the five Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms, namely: Former Liang 前涼|前凉 (314-376), Later Liang 後涼|后凉 (386-403), Northern Liang 北涼|北凉 (398-439), Southern Liang 南涼|南凉 (397-414), Western Liang 西涼|西凉 (400-421)/ 凉 涼 S - 1622 liáng t /cool/cold/ 凉 涼 S - 1622 liàng f /to let sth cool down/ 凉了半截 涼了半截 S - 3 liáng le bàn jié f /felt a chill (in one's heart)/(one's heart) sank/ 凉亭 涼亭 S - 118 liáng tíng f /pavilion/ 凉城 涼城 S - 5 Liáng chéng f /Liangcheng county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia/ 凉城县 涼城縣 S - 3 Liáng chéng xiàn f /Liangcheng county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia/ 凉山彝族自治州 涼山彞族自治州 S - 18 Liáng shān Yí zú zì zhì zhōu f /Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture, Sichuan/ 凉州 涼州 S - 205 Liáng zhōu f /Liangzhou district of Wuwei city 武威市[Wu3 wei1 shi4], Gansu/ 凉州区 涼州區 S - 3 Liáng zhōu qū f /Liangzhou district of Wuwei city 武威市[Wu3 wei1 shi4], Gansu/ 凉席 涼席 S - 25 liáng xí f /summer sleeping mat (e.g. of woven split bamboo)/CL:張|张[zhang1],領|领[ling3]/ 凉快 涼快 S 1165 70 liáng kuai f /nice and cold/pleasantly cool/ 凉意 涼意 S - 86 liáng yì f /a slight chill/ 凉拌 涼拌 S - 322 liáng bàn f /salad with dressing/cold vegetables dressed with sauce (e.g. coleslaw)/ 凉棚 涼棚 S - 20 liáng péng f /mat awning/arbor/ 凉水 涼水 S - 177 liáng shuǐ f /cool water/unboiled water/ 凉爽 涼爽 S - 256 liáng shuǎng f /cool and refreshing/ 凉皮 涼皮 S - 3 liáng pí f /liangpi (noodle-like dish)/ 凉粉 涼粉 S - 114 liáng fěn f /liangfen (Chinese dish)/grass jelly (Chinese dish)/ 凉茶 涼茶 S - 58 liáng chá f /Chinese herb tea/ 凉面 涼麵 S - 2 liáng miàn f /cold noodles/ 凉鞋 涼鞋 S - 47 liáng xié f /sandal/ 凊 - 0 jìng f /cool/fresh/to cool/ 凋 - 79 diāo f /withered/ 凋敝 - 64 diāo bì f /impoverished/destitute/hard/depressed (of business)/tattered/ragged/ 凋落 - 15 diāo luò f /to wither (and drop off)/to wilt/to pass away/ 凋謝 凋谢 T - 50 diāo xiè f /to wither/to wilt/wizened/ 凋谢 凋謝 S - 50 diāo xiè f /to wither/to wilt/wizened/ 凋零 - 87 diāo líng f /withered/wilted/to wither/to fade/to decay/ 凌 - 370 Líng f /surname Ling/ 凌 - 370 líng f /to approach/to rise high/thick ice/to insult or maltreat/ 凌乱 凌亂 S - 113 líng luàn f /messy/disarrayed/disheveled/chaos/ 凌乱不堪 凌亂不堪 S - 3 líng luàn bù kān f /in a terrible mess (idiom)/ 凌亂 凌乱 T - 113 líng luàn f /messy/disarrayed/disheveled/chaos/ 凌亂不堪 凌乱不堪 T - 3 líng luàn bù kān f /in a terrible mess (idiom)/ 凌云 凌雲 S - 32 Líng yún f /Lingyun county in Baise 百色[Bai3 se4], Guangxi/ 凌云县 凌雲縣 S - 3 Líng yún xiàn f /Lingyun county in Baise 百色[Bai3 se4], Guangxi/ 凌夷 - 3 líng yí f /to deteriorate/to decline/to slump/also written 陵夷/ 凌志 - 4 Líng zhì f /Lexus/see also 雷克薩斯|雷克萨斯[Lei2 ke4 sa4 si1]/ 凌志美 - 0 Líng Zhì měi f /Laura Ling, US-Taiwanese woman journalist imprisoned as spy by North Korea in 2009/ 凌晨 2762 702 líng chén f /very early in the morning/in the wee hours/ 凌杂 凌雜 S - 3 líng zá f /in disorder/ 凌杂米盐 凌雜米鹽 S - 3 líng zá mǐ yán f /disordered and fragmentary/ 凌汛 - 7 líng xùn f /ice-jam flood (arising when river downstream freezes more than upstream)/ 凌河 - 24 Líng hé f /Linghe district of Jinzhou city 錦州市|锦州市, Liaoning/ 凌河区 凌河區 S - 3 Líng hé qū f /Linghe district of Jinzhou city 錦州市|锦州市, Liaoning/ 凌河區 凌河区 T - 3 Líng hé qū f /Linghe district of Jinzhou city 錦州市|锦州市, Liaoning/ 凌波舞 - 0 líng bō wǔ f /limbo (dance) (loanword)/ 凌海 - 2 Líng hǎi f /Linghai county level city in Jinzhou 錦州|锦州, Liaoning/ 凌海市 - 4 Líng hǎi shì f /Linghai county level city in Jinzhou 錦州|锦州, Liaoning/ 凌源 - 20 Líng yuán f /Lingyuan county level city in Chaoyang 朝陽|朝阳, Liaoning/ 凌源市 - 5 Líng yuán shì f /Lingyuan county level city in Chaoyang 朝陽|朝阳, Liaoning/ 凌濛初 凌蒙初 T - 0 Líng Méng chū f /Ling Mengchu (1580-1644), Ming dynasty novelist and dramatist/also written 凌蒙初/ 凌空 - 340 líng kōng f /be high up in the sky/ 凌蒙初 凌濛初 S - 0 Líng Méng chū f /Ling Mengchu (1580-1644), Ming dynasty novelist and dramatist/also written 凌蒙初/ 凌蒙初 - 0 Líng Méng chū f /Ling Mengchu (1580-1644), Ming dynasty novelist and dramatist/also written 凌濛初/ 凌虐 淩虐 S - 6 líng nüè f /to maltreat/to tyrannize/ 凌辱 - 800 líng rǔ f /to insult/ 凌迟 凌遲 S - 180 líng chí f /the lingering death/the death of a thousand cuts (old form of capital punishment)/ 凌遲 凌迟 T - 180 líng chí f /the lingering death/the death of a thousand cuts (old form of capital punishment)/ 凌雜 凌杂 T - 3 líng zá f /in disorder/ 凌雜米鹽 凌杂米盐 T - 3 líng zá mǐ yán f /disordered and fragmentary/ 凌雲 凌云 T - 32 Líng yún f /Lingyun county in Baise 百色[Bai3 se4], Guangxi/ 凌雲縣 凌云县 T - 3 Líng yún xiàn f /Lingyun county in Baise 百色[Bai3 se4], Guangxi/ 凌霄花 - 4 líng xiāo huā f /Chinese trumpet vine (Campsis grandiflora)/ 凌駕 凌驾 T - 135 líng jià f /to be above/to place above/ 凌驾 凌駕 S - 135 líng jià f /to be above/to place above/ 凍 冻 T 1965 928 dòng f /to freeze/to feel very cold/aspic or jelly/ 凍傷 冻伤 T - 64 dòng shāng f /frostbite/ 凍土 冻土 T - 242 dòng tǔ f /frozen earth/permafrost/tundra/ 凍土層 冻土层 T - 23 dòng tǔ céng f /permafrost/tundra/layer of frozen soil/ 凍容 冻容 T - 0 dòng róng f /"youth freezing", Chinese girls beginning anti-ageing treatments as young as two years old in the hope they will never look old/ 凍死 冻死 T - 151 dòng sǐ f /to freeze to death/to die off in winter/ 凍瘡 冻疮 T - 31 dòng chuāng f /frostbite/chilblains/ 凍硬 冻硬 T - 3 dòng yìng f /to freeze solid/frozen stiff/ 凍穿 冻穿 T - 0 dòng chuān f /frostbite/chilblain/ 凍結 冻结 T 3757 378 dòng jié f /to freeze (loan, wage, price etc)/ 凍肉 冻肉 T - 12 dòng ròu f /cold or frozen meat/ 凍膠 冻胶 T - 0 dòng jiāo f /gel/ 凍雨 冻雨 T - 11 dòng yǔ f /sleet/ 减 減 S - 2112 jiǎn f /to lower/to decrease/to reduce/to subtract/to diminish/ 减产 減產 S - 374 jiǎn chǎn f /to lose output/a drop in crop yield/reduction in production/ 减价 減價 S - 45 jiǎn jià f /to cut prices/to discount/to mark down/price cutting/ 减低 減低 S - 146 jiǎn dī f /to lower/to reduce/ 减低速度 減低速度 S - 0 jiǎn dī sù dù f /to retard/to decelerate/ 减俸 減俸 S - 0 jiǎn fèng f /to lower salary/to reduce pay/ 减免 減免 S - 294 jiǎn miǎn f /to reduce or waive (taxes, punishment, rent, tuition etc)/ 减刑 減刑 S - 54 jiǎn xíng f /to reduce penalty/shortened or commuted (judicial) sentence/ 减半 減半 S - 73 jiǎn bàn f /to reduce by half/ 减压 減壓 S - 139 jiǎn yā f /to reduce pressure/to relax/ 减压时间表 減壓時間表 S - 0 jiǎn yā shí jiān biǎo f /decompression schedule (diving)/also called 減壓程序|减压程序[jian3 ya1 cheng2 xu4]/ 减压病 減壓病 S - 0 jiǎn yā bìng f /decompression sickness/the bends/also 減壓症|减压症[jian3 ya1 zheng4]/ 减压症 減壓症 S - 0 jiǎn yā zhèng f /decompression sickness/the bends/also 減壓病|减压病[jian3 ya1 bing4]/ 减压程序 減壓程序 S - 0 jiǎn yā chéng xù f /decompression schedule/ 减压表 減壓表 S - 0 jiǎn yā biǎo f /decompression table/ 减去 減去 S - 202 jiǎn qù f /minus/to subtract/ 减号 減號 S - 6 jiǎn hào f /minus sign - (math.)/ 减噪 減噪 S - 8 jiǎn zào f /noise reduction/ 减妆 減妝 S - 0 jiǎn zhuāng f /makeup box (old)/ 减小 減小 S - 576 jiǎn xiǎo f /to reduce/to decrease/to diminish/ 减少 減少 S 1072 7275 jiǎn shǎo f /to lessen/to decrease/to reduce/to lower/ 减幅 減幅 S - 11 jiǎn fú f /amount of reduction/size of discount/ 减弱 減弱 S - 611 jiǎn ruò f /to weaken/to fall off/ 减息 減息 S - 93 jiǎn xī f /to lower the interest rate/ 减慢 減慢 S - 150 jiǎn màn f /to slow down/ 减振 減振 S - 30 jiǎn zhèn f /shock absorption/vibration dampening/ 减损 減損 S - 4 jiǎn sǔn f /to impair/to degrade/to decrease/to reduce/to weaken/to detract from/impairment (e.g. of financial assets)/ 减掉 減掉 S - 36 jiǎn diào f /to subtract/to lose (weight)/ 减排 減排 S - 14 jiǎn pái f /to reduce emissions/ 减摇鳍 減搖鰭 S - 3 jiǎn yáo qí f /fin stabilizer (in ships)/anti-roll stabilizer/ 减数分裂 減數分裂 S - 3 jiǎn shù fēn liè f /meiosis (in sexual reproduction)/ 减核 減核 S - 0 jiǎn hé f /nuclear weapons reduction (abbr. of 裁减核武器)/disarmament/ 减毒活疫苗 減毒活疫苗 S - 0 jiǎn dú huó yì miáo f /attenuated live vaccine/ 减法 減法 S - 38 jiǎn fǎ f /subtraction/ 减灾 減災 S - 61 jiǎn zāi f /measures to reduce disasters/ 减益 減益 S - 0 jiǎn yì f /debuff (gaming)/ 减碳 減碳 S - 0 jiǎn tàn f /to reduce carbon emissions/ 减税 減稅 S - 107 jiǎn shuì f /tax cut/ 减缓 減緩 S - 180 jiǎn huǎn f /to slow down/to retard/ 减肥 減肥 S 1096 530 jiǎn féi f /to lose weight/ 减薪 減薪 S - 11 jiǎn xīn f /to cut wages/ 减计 減計 S - 0 jiǎn jì f /to write down (i.e. to decrease the expected value of a loan)/ 减负 減負 S - 61 jiǎn fù f /to alleviate a burden on sb/ 减轻 減輕 S - 1504 jiǎn qīng f /to lighten/to ease/to alleviate/ 减退 減退 S - 341 jiǎn tuì f /to ebb/to go down/to decline/ 减速 減速 S - 193 jiǎn sù f /to reduce speed/to slow down/to take it easy/ 减速器 減速器 S - 47 jiǎn sù qì f /moderator/reducer (mechanical gearbox)/ 减除 減除 S - 9 jiǎn chú f /to reduce/to lessen (pain etc)/to deduct (from taxes)/ 减震 減震 S - 15 jiǎn zhèn f /shock absorption/damping/ 减震器 減震器 S - 21 jiǎn zhèn qì f /shock-absorber/ 减震鞋 減震鞋 S - 0 jiǎn zhèn xié f /cushioning shoe/ 凑 湊 S - 1396 còu f /to gather together, pool or collect/to happen by chance/to move close to/to exploit an opportunity/ 凑付 湊付 S - 0 còu fu f /to put together hastily/to make do with/ 凑份子 湊份子 S - 13 còu fèn zi f /to pool resources (for a gift, project etc)/ 凑合 湊合 S 3985 217 còu he f /to bring together/to make do in a bad situation/to just get by/to improvise/passable/not too bad/ 凑巧 湊巧 S - 309 còu qiǎo f /fortuitously/luckily/as chance has it/ 凑成 湊成 S - 3 còu chéng f /to put together/to make up (a set)/to round up (a number to a convenient multiple)/resulting in.../ 凑手 湊手 S - 12 còu shǒu f /at hand/within easy reach/convenient/handy/ 凑数 湊數 S - 14 còu shù f /to serve as a stopgap/to make up a shortfall in the number of people/ 凑热闹 湊熱鬧 S - 91 còu rè nao f /to join in the fun/to get in on the action/(fig.) to butt in/to create more trouble/ 凑趣 湊趣 S - 47 còu qù f /to comply in order to please others/to accommodate sb else's taste/to make fun of/ 凑足 湊足 S - 35 còu zú f /to scrape together enough (people, money etc)/ 凑近 湊近 S - 202 còu jìn f /to approach/to lean close to/ 凑钱 湊錢 S - 23 còu qián f /to raise enough money to do sth/to pool money/to club together (to do sth)/ 凑齐 湊齊 S - 3 còu qí f /to collect all the bits to make a whole/ 凓 - 0 lì f /cold/frigid/ 凔 - 2 cāng f /cold/ 凛 凜 S - 479 lǐn f /cold/to shiver with cold/to tremble with fear/afraid/apprehensive/strict/stern/severe/austere/awe-inspiring/imposing/majestic/ 凛冽 凜冽 S - 108 lǐn liè f /biting cold/ 凛遵 凜遵 S - 0 lǐn zūn f /to strictly abide by/ 凜 凛 T - 479 lǐn f /cold/to shiver with cold/to tremble with fear/afraid/apprehensive/strict/stern/severe/austere/awe-inspiring/imposing/majestic/ 凜冽 凛冽 T - 108 lǐn liè f /biting cold/ 凜遵 凛遵 T - 0 lǐn zūn f /to strictly abide by/ 凝 - 871 níng f /to congeal/to concentrate attention/to stare/ 凝冰 - 3 níng bīng f /to freeze/ 凝固 4259 395 níng gù f /to freeze/to solidify/to congeal/fig. with rapt attention/ 凝固剂 凝固劑 S - 3 níng gù jì f /solidifying agent/coagulant/ 凝固劑 凝固剂 T - 3 níng gù jì f /solidifying agent/coagulant/ 凝固汽油弹 凝固汽油彈 S - 0 níng gù qì yóu dàn f /napalm/ 凝固汽油彈 凝固汽油弹 T - 0 níng gù qì yóu dàn f /napalm/ 凝固点 凝固點 S - 39 níng gù diǎn f /freezing point/ 凝固點 凝固点 T - 39 níng gù diǎn f /freezing point/ 凝块 凝塊 S - 0 níng kuài f /clot/blood clot/ 凝塊 凝块 T - 0 níng kuài f /clot/blood clot/ 凝望 - 217 níng wàng f /to stare (at the future)/to fix one's gaze on/ 凝汞温度 凝汞溫度 S - 0 níng gǒng wēn dù f /mercury condensation temperature (physics)/ 凝汞溫度 凝汞温度 T - 0 níng gǒng wēn dù f /mercury condensation temperature (physics)/ 凝液 - 0 níng yè f /condensate/ 凝滞 凝滯 S - 36 níng zhì f /to stagnate/to congeal/(fig.) to stop still/to freeze/ 凝滯 凝滞 T - 36 níng zhì f /to stagnate/to congeal/(fig.) to stop still/to freeze/ 凝炼 凝煉 S - 20 níng liàn f /variant of 凝練|凝练[ning2 lian4]/ 凝煉 凝炼 T - 20 níng liàn f /variant of 凝練|凝练[ning2 lian4]/ 凝神 - 592 níng shén f /with rapt attention/ 凝結 凝结 T - 336 níng jié f /to condense/to solidify/to coagulate/clot (of blood)/ 凝練 凝练 T - 33 níng liàn f /concise/compact/condensed/ 凝縮 凝缩 T - 3 níng suō f /to condense/to concentrate/compression/concentration/ 凝练 凝練 S - 33 níng liàn f /concise/compact/condensed/ 凝结 凝結 S - 336 níng jié f /to condense/to solidify/to coagulate/clot (of blood)/ 凝缩 凝縮 S - 3 níng suō f /to condense/to concentrate/compression/concentration/ 凝聚 4316 705 níng jù f /to condense/to coagulate/coacervation (i.e. form tiny droplets)/aggregation/coherent/ 凝聚力 - 266 níng jù lì f /cohesion/cohesiveness/cohesive/ 凝聚层 凝聚層 S - 0 níng jù céng f /coherent sheaf (math.)/ 凝聚層 凝聚层 T - 0 níng jù céng f /coherent sheaf (math.)/ 凝聚态 凝聚態 S - 35 níng jù tài f /condensed matter (physics)/ 凝聚態 凝聚态 T - 35 níng jù tài f /condensed matter (physics)/ 凝肩 - 0 níng jiān f /frozen shoulder (medicine)/ 凝胶 凝膠 S - 114 níng jiāo f /gel/ 凝胶体 凝膠體 S - 3 níng jiāo tǐ f /gel/ 凝膠 凝胶 T - 114 níng jiāo f /gel/ 凝膠體 凝胶体 T - 3 níng jiāo tǐ f /gel/ 凝花菜 - 0 níng huā cài f /gelidiella, tropical and sub-tropical red algae/ 凝血 - 3 níng xuè f /blood clot/ 凝血素 - 0 níng xuè sù f /hemaglutinin (protein causing blood clotting)/ 凝血脢 - 0 níng xuè méi f /thrombin/ 凝血脢原 - 0 níng xuè méi yuán f /prothrombin/ 凝血酶 - 4 níng xuè méi f /thrombin (biochemistry)/ 凝視 凝视 T 4126 681 níng shì f /to gaze at/to fix one's eyes on/ 凝视 凝視 S 4126 681 níng shì f /to gaze at/to fix one's eyes on/ 凝集 - 49 níng jí f /to concentrate/to gather/(biology) to agglutinate/ 凝集素 - 3 níng jí sù f /agglutinin/ 凞 - 3 xī f /bright/splendid/glorious/ 凟 - 0 dú f /variant of 瀆|渎[du2]/ 几 63 8320 jī f /small table/ 几 幾 S 63 8320 jī f /almost/ 几 幾 S 63 8320 jǐ t /how much/how many/several/a few/ 几丁 幾丁 S - 0 jī dīng f /chitin/ 几丁质 幾丁質 S - 3 jī dīng zhì f /chitin/ 几个 幾個 S - 13134 jǐ ge f /a few/several/how many/ 几乎 幾乎 S 462 9754 jī hū f /almost/nearly/practically/ 几乎不 幾乎不 S - 0 jī hū bù f /hardly/seems not/ 几乎完全 幾乎完全 S - 0 jī hū wán quán f /almost entirely/almost completely/ 几位 幾位 S - 1376 jǐ wèi f /several people (honorific)/Ladies and Gentlemen!/ 几何 幾何 S - 1424 jǐ hé f /geometry/(literary) how much/ 几何光学 幾何光學 S - 0 jǐ hé guāng xué f /geometric optics/ 几何原本 幾何原本 S - 0 Jǐ hé Yuán běn f /Euclid's Elements/ 几何学 幾何學 S - 431 jǐ hé xué f /geometry/ 几何平均数 幾何平均數 S - 0 jǐ hé píng jūn shù f /geometric mean/ 几何拓扑 幾何拓撲 S - 0 jǐ hé tuò pū f /(math.) geometric topology/ 几何拓扑学 幾何拓撲學 S - 0 jǐ hé tuò pū xué f /(math.) geometric topology/ 几何级数 幾何級數 S - 26 jǐ hé jí shù f /geometric series/ 几何级数增长 幾何級數增長 S - 0 jǐ hé jí shù zēng zhǎng f /exponential increase/ 几何线 幾何線 S - 0 jǐ hé xiàn f /geometric straight line/ 几何量 幾何量 S - 0 jǐ hé liàng f /geometric quantity/ 几倍 幾倍 S - 158 jǐ bèi f /several times (bigger)/double, treble, quadruple etc/ 几内亚 幾內亞 S - 381 Jī nèi yà f /Guinea/ 几内亚比索 幾內亞比索 S - 0 Jī nèi yà Bǐ suǒ f /Guinea-Bissau (Tw)/ 几内亚比绍 幾內亞比紹 S - 103 Jī nèi yà Bǐ shào f /Guinea-Bissau/ 几内亚湾 幾內亞灣 S - 84 Jǐ nèi yà Wān f /Gulf of Guinea/ 几分 幾分 S - 1103 jǐ fēn f /somewhat/a bit/ 几十亿 幾十億 S - 19 jǐ shí yì f /several billion/ 几千 幾千 S - 403 jǐ qiān f /several thousand/ 几可乱真 幾可亂真 S - 0 jī kě luàn zhēn f /to seem almost genuine/easily mistaken for the real thing/ 几多 幾多 S - 52 jǐ duō f /(dialect) how much/how many/how (smart etc)/such .../ 几天 幾天 S - 4341 jǐ tiān f /several days/ 几天来 幾天來 S - 0 jǐ tiān lái f /for the past few days/ 几岁 幾歲 S - 219 jǐ suì f /some years/How many years?/How old are you? (familiar, or to child, equivalent to 多大 for older person)/ 几希 幾希 S - 3 jī xī f /not much/very little (e.g. difference)/ 几年 幾年 S - 4137 jǐ nián f /a few years/several years/how many years/ 几年来 幾年來 S - 0 jǐ nián lái f /for the past several years/ 几微 幾微 S - 3 jī wēi f /tiny/infinitesimal/ 几时 幾時 S - 490 jǐ shí f /what time?/when?/ 几样 幾樣 S - 175 jǐ yàng f /several kinds/ 几案 幾案 S - 44 jī àn f /table/long table/ 几次 幾次 S - 2534 jǐ cì f /several times/ 几次三番 幾次三番 S - 56 jǐ cì sān fān f /lit. twice then three times (idiom); fig. repeatedly/over and over again/ 几欲 幾欲 S - 3 jī yù f /almost/nearly going to/ 几点 幾點 S - 416 jǐ diǎn f /what time?/when?/ 几点了 幾點了 S - 0 jǐ diǎn le f /What's the time?/ 几率 幾率 S - 239 jī lǜ f /probability/odds/ 几百 幾百 S - 320 jǐ bǎi f /several hundred/ 几米 幾米 S - 60 Jī mǐ f /Jimmy Liao (1958-), pen name of 廖福彬[Liao4 Fu2 bin1], Taiwanese illustrator and picture book writer/ 几经 幾經 S - 642 jǐ jīng f /to go through numerous (setbacks, revisions etc)/ 几至 幾至 S - 3 jī zhì f /almost/ 几许 幾許 S - 48 jǐ xǔ f /(literary) how many/quite a few/ 几谏 幾諫 S - 0 jī jiàn f /to admonish (a senior person)/a euphemism politely criticizing an older person/ 几近 幾近 S - 113 jī jìn f /to be on the brink of/to be on the verge of/ 凡 - 5431 fán f /ordinary/commonplace/mundane/temporal/of the material world (as opposed to supernatural or immortal levels)/every/all/whatever/altogether/gist/outline/note of Chinese musical scale/ 凡 凢 S - 5431 fán f /variant of 凡[fan2]/ 凡世通 - 0 Fán shì tōng f /Firestone (Tire and Rubber Company)/ 凡事 - 307 fán shì f /everything/ 凡人 - 110 fán rén f /ordinary person/mortal/earthling/ 凡例 - 15 fán lì f /notes on the use of a book/guide to the reader/ 凡俗 - 24 fán sú f /lay (as opposed to clergy)/ordinary/commonplace/ 凡响 凡響 S - 4 fán xiǎng f /ordinary tones/everyday harmony/common chord/ 凡塵 凡尘 T - 12 fán chén f /mundane world (in religious context)/this mortal coil/ 凡士林 - 19 fán shì lín f /vaseline (loanword)/ 凡夫 - 18 fán fū f /common person/ordinary guy/mortal man/ 凡夫俗子 - 51 fán fū sú zǐ f /common people/ordinary folk/ 凡尔丁 凡爾丁 S - 3 fán ěr dīng f /valitin (plain wool fabric) (loanword)/ 凡尔赛 凡爾賽 S - 130 Fán ěr sài f /Versailles (near Paris)/ 凡尘 凡塵 S - 12 fán chén f /mundane world (in religious context)/this mortal coil/ 凡庸 - 7 fán yōng f /ordinary/mediocre/ 凡心 - 21 fán xīn f /reluctance to leave this world/heart set on the mundane/ 凡是 4023 2127 fán shì f /each and every/every/all/any/ 凡爾丁 凡尔丁 T - 3 fán ěr dīng f /valitin (plain wool fabric) (loanword)/ 凡爾賽 凡尔赛 T - 130 Fán ěr sài f /Versailles (near Paris)/ 凡百 - 133 fán bǎi f /all/everything/the whole/ 凡賽斯 凡赛斯 T - 0 Fán sài sī f /Taiwan equivalent of 范思哲[Fan4 si1 zhe2]/ 凡赛斯 凡賽斯 S - 0 Fán sài sī f /Taiwan equivalent of 范思哲[Fan4 si1 zhe2]/ 凡近 - 0 fán jìn f /with little learning/ 凡間 凡间 T - 42 fán jiān f /the secular world/ 凡间 凡間 S - 42 fán jiān f /the secular world/ 凡響 凡响 T - 4 fán xiǎng f /ordinary tones/everyday harmony/common chord/ 凡高 - 20 Fán Gāo f /Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890), Dutch post-Impressionist painter/ 凢 凡 T - 5431 fán f /variant of 凡[fan2]/ 凤 鳳 S - 916 Fèng f /surname Feng/ 凤 鳳 S - 916 fèng f /phoenix/ 凤仙花 鳳仙花 S - 19 fèng xiān huā f /balsam/Balsaminaceae (a flower family including Impatiens balsamina)/touch-me-not/busy Lizzie/ 凤冈 鳳岡 S - 3 Fèng gāng f /Fenggang county in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ 凤冈县 鳳岡縣 S - 3 Fèng gāng xiàn f /Fenggang county in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ 凤凰 鳳凰 S - 1348 Fèng huáng f /Fenghuang county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 湘西土家族苗族自治州[Xiang1 xi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ 凤凰 鳳凰 S - 1348 fèng huáng f /phoenix/ 凤凰县 鳳凰縣 S - 13 Fèng huáng xiàn f /Fenghuang county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 湘西土家族苗族自治州[Xiang1 xi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ 凤凰古城 鳳凰古城 S - 3 Fèng huáng Gǔ chéng f /Fenghuang Ancient Town, in Fenghuang County, Xiangxi Prefecture, Hunan, added to the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List in 2008 in the Cultural category/ 凤凰号 鳳凰號 S - 0 Fèng huáng Hào f /Phoenix, NASA Mars explorer/ 凤凰城 鳳凰城 S - 0 Fèng huáng chéng f /Phoenix, capital of Arizona/also 菲尼克斯[Fei1 ni2 ke4 si1]/ 凤凰座 鳳凰座 S - 0 Fèng huáng zuò f /Phoenix (constellation)/ 凤县 鳳縣 S - 14 Fèng Xiàn f /Feng County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 ji1], Shaanxi/ 凤台 鳳台 S - 15 Fèng tái f /Fengtai county in Huainan 淮南[Huai2 nan2], Anhui/ 凤台县 鳳台縣 S - 4 Fèng tái xiàn f /Fengtai county in Huainan 淮南[Huai2 nan2], Anhui/ 凤城 鳳城 S - 30 Fèng chéng f /Fengcheng Manzu autonomous county in Liaoning/ 凤城市 鳳城市 S - 4 Fèng chéng shì f /Fengcheng county level city in Dandong 丹東|丹东[Dan1 dong1], Liaoning/ 凤头䴙䴘 鳳頭鷿鷈 S - 0 fèng tóu pì tī f /(bird species of China) great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus)/ 凤头树燕 鳳頭樹燕 S - 0 fèng tóu shù yàn f /(bird species of China) crested treeswift (Hemiprocne coronata)/ 凤头潜鸭 鳳頭潛鴨 S - 0 fèng tóu qián yā f /(bird species of China) tufted duck (Aythya fuligula)/ 凤头百灵 鳳頭百靈 S - 0 fèng tóu bǎi líng f /(bird species of China) crested lark (Galerida cristata)/ 凤头蜂鹰 鳳頭蜂鷹 S - 0 fèng tóu fēng yīng f /(bird species of China) crested honey buzzard (Pernis ptilorhynchus)/ 凤头雀嘴鹎 鳳頭雀嘴鵯 S - 0 fèng tóu què zuǐ bēi f /(bird species of China) crested finchbill (Spizixos canifrons)/ 凤头雀莺 鳳頭雀鶯 S - 0 fèng tóu què yīng f /(bird species of China) crested tit-warbler (Leptopoecile elegans)/ 凤头鹀 鳳頭鵐 S - 0 fèng tóu wú f /(bird species of China) crested bunting (Emberiza lathami)/ 凤头鹦鹉 鳳頭鸚鵡 S - 0 fèng tóu yīng wǔ f /cockatoo (zoology)/ 凤头鹰 鳳頭鷹 S - 0 fèng tóu yīng f /(bird species of China) crested goshawk (Accipiter trivirgatus)/ 凤头鹰雕 鳳頭鷹雕 S - 0 fèng tóu yīng diāo f /(bird species of China) crested hawk-eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus)/ 凤头麦鸡 鳳頭麥雞 S - 0 fèng tóu mài jī f /(bird species of China) northern lapwing (Vanellus vanellus)/ 凤尾鱼 鳳尾魚 S - 12 fèng wěi yú f /anchovy/ 凤山 鳳山 S - 287 Fèng shān f /Fengshan county in Hezhou 賀州|贺州[He4 zhou1], Guangxi/Fengshan city in Taiwan/ 凤山县 鳳山縣 S - 8 Fèng shān xiàn f /Fengshan county in Hezhou 賀州|贺州[He4 zhou1], Guangxi/ 凤山市 鳳山市 S - 2 Fèng shān shì f /Fengshan city in Taiwan/ 凤庆 鳳慶 S - 2 Fèng qìng f /Fengqing county in Lincang 臨滄|临沧[Lin2 cang1], Yunnan/ 凤庆县 鳳慶縣 S - 2 Fèng qìng xiàn f /Fengqing county in Lincang 臨滄|临沧[Lin2 cang1], Yunnan/ 凤林 鳳林 S - 4 Fèng lín f /Fenglin town in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 xian4], east Taiwan/ 凤林镇 鳳林鎮 S - 0 Fèng lín zhèn f /Fenglin town in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 xian4], east Taiwan/ 凤梨 鳳梨 S - 31 fèng lí f /pineapple/ 凤梨园 鳳梨園 S - 0 fèng lí yuán f /Piña Colada/ 凤毛麟角 鳳毛麟角 S - 51 fèng máo lín jiǎo f /lit. phoenix feather and unicorn horn, fig. an extremely rare object (idiom)/ 凤泉 鳳泉 S - 0 Fèng quán f /Fangquan district of Xinxiang city 新鄉市|新乡市[Xin1 xiang1 shi4], Henan/ 凤泉区 鳳泉區 S - 3 Fèng quán qū f /Fangquan district of Xinxiang city 新鄉市|新乡市[Xin1 xiang1 shi4], Henan/ 凤爪 鳳爪 S - 3 fèng zhǎo f /chicken feet (cuisine)/ 凤眼 鳳眼 S - 5 fèng yǎn f /elegant, almond-shaped eyes with the inner canthus pointing down and the outer canthus up, like the eye of a phoenix/ 凤眼兰 鳳眼蘭 S - 3 fèng yǎn lán f /water hyacinth/ 凤翔 鳳翔 S - 116 Fèng xiáng f /Fengxiang County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 ji1], Shaanxi/ 凤翔县 鳳翔縣 S - 13 Fèng xiáng Xiàn f /Fengxiang County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 ji1], Shaanxi/ 凤蝶 鳳蝶 S - 18 fèng dié f /swallowtail butterfly/ 凤蝶科 鳳蝶科 S - 0 fèng dié kē f /family Papilionidae (taxonomy)/ 凤阳 鳳陽 S - 208 Fèng yáng f /Fengyang county in Chuzhou 滁州[Chu2 zhou1], Anhui/ 凤阳县 鳳陽縣 S - 18 Fèng yáng xiàn f /Fengyang county in Chuzhou 滁州[Chu2 zhou1], Anhui/ 凥 - 0 jū f /old variant of 居[ju1]/ 処 - 4 chǔ f /old variant of 處|处[chu3]/ 凫 鳧 S - 49 fú f /mallard/Anas platyrhyncha/ 凫 鳬 S - 49 fú f /old variant of 鳧|凫[fu2]/ 凫翁 鳧翁 S - 0 fú wēng f /watercock (Gallicrex cinerea)/ 凫茈 鳧茈 S - 0 fú cí f /see 荸薺|荸荠[bi2 qi2]/ 凭 凴 S 1519 5717 píng f /variant of 憑|凭[ping2]/ 凭 憑 S 1519 5717 píng f /to lean against/to rely on/on the basis of/no matter (how, what etc)/proof/ 凭什么 憑什麼 S - 0 píng shén me f /(spoken) why?/for which reason?/ 凭仗 憑仗 S - 11 píng zhàng f /to rely on/to depend on/ 凭依 憑依 S - 14 píng yī f /to rely on/to base oneself on/ 凭信 憑信 S - 28 píng xìn f /to trust/ 凭倚 憑倚 S - 0 píng yǐ f /to rely on/ 凭借 憑借 S - 1551 píng jiè f /to rely on/to depend on/by means of/thanks to/sth that one relies on/ 凭准 憑準 S - 0 píng zhǔn f /evidence (that one can rely on)/grounds (for believing sth)/ 凭单 憑單 S - 9 píng dān f /bill of warrant (certificate, allowing one to collect money or valuables)/ 凭吊 憑弔 S - 71 píng diào f /to visit a place for the memories/to pay homage to (the deceased)/ 凭恃 憑恃 S - 3 píng shì f /to depend on/to rely on/ 凭据 憑據 S - 54 píng jù f /evidence/ 凭本能做事 憑本能做事 S - 0 píng běn néng zuò shì f /to follow one's nose/ 凭条 憑條 S - 0 píng tiáo f /paper docket confirming a transaction/ 凭栏 憑欄 S - 38 píng lán f /to lean on a parapet/ 凭照 憑照 S - 16 píng zhào f /certificate/license/ 凭白无故 憑白無故 S - 3 píng bái wú gù f /variant of 平白無故|平白无故[ping2 bai2 wu2 gu4]/ 凭眺 憑眺 S - 4 píng tiào f /to lean on sth and gaze into the distance/ 凭祥 憑祥 S - 28 Píng xiáng f /Pingxiang county level city in Chongzuo 崇左[Chong2 zuo3], Guangxi/ 凭祥市 憑祥市 S - 8 Píng xiáng shì f /Pingxiang county level city in Chongzuo 崇左[Chong2 zuo3], Guangxi/ 凭票入场 憑票入場 S - 3 píng piào rù chǎng f /admission by ticket only/ 凭空 憑空 S - 170 píng kōng f /baseless (lie)/without foundation/ 凭空捏造 憑空捏造 S - 17 píng kōng niē zào f /fabrication relying on nothing (idiom); frame-up/ 凭藉 憑藉 S - 1551 píng jiè f /to rely on/to depend on/by means of/thanks to/sth that one relies on/also written 憑借|凭借[ping2 jie4]/ 凭证 憑證 S - 318 píng zhèng f /proof/certificate/receipt/voucher/ 凭轼结辙 憑軾結轍 S - 3 píng shì jié zhé f /to drive non-stop as fast as one can (idiom)/ 凭险 憑險 S - 3 píng xiǎn f /(to resist the enemy) relying on inaccessible territory/ 凭陵 憑陵 S - 0 píng líng f /to ride roughshod over/to encroach/ 凭靠 憑靠 S - 3 píng kào f /to use/to rely on/by means of/ 凮 - 7 fēng f /old variant of 風|风[feng1]/ 凯 凱 S - 365 Kǎi f /surname Kai/ 凯 凱 S - 365 kǎi f /triumphant/victorious/chi (Greek letter Χχ)/ 凯利 凱利 S - 114 Kǎi lì f /Kelly (person name)/ 凯夫拉 凱夫拉 S - 0 Kǎi fū lā f /Kevlar/ 凯子 凱子 S - 0 kǎi zi f /(slang) rich, good-looking guy/ 凯尔特人 凱爾特人 S - 3 Kǎi ěr tè rén f /Celt/ 凯尼恩 凱尼恩 S - 2 Kǎi ní ēn f /Kenyon/Canyon (name)/ 凯彻 凱徹 S - 0 Kǎi chè f /variant of 愷撒|恺撒, Caesar (emperor)/ 凯恩斯 凱恩斯 S - 120 Kǎi ēn sī f /Keynes (name)/John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946), influential British economist/ 凯悦 凱悅 S - 5 Kǎi yuè f /Hyatt (hotel company)/Hyatt Regency (hotel brand)/ 凯撒 凱撒 S - 145 Kǎi sā f /Caesar or Kaiser (name)/ 凯撒肋雅 凱撒肋雅 S - 0 Kǎi sā lèi yǎ f /Caesarea (town in Israel, between Tel Aviv and Haifa)/ 凯撒酱 凱撒醬 S - 0 Kǎi sā jiàng f /Caesar salad dressing/ 凯文 凱文 S - 40 Kǎi wén f /Kevin (person name)/ 凯旋 凱旋 S - 297 kǎi xuán f /to return in triumph/to return victorious/ 凯旋门 凱旋門 S - 56 kǎi xuán mén f /triumphal arch/ 凯林赛 凱林賽 S - 0 kǎi lín sài f /keirin cycle race (paced stadium event)/translit. of Japanese けいりん 競輪|竞轮/ 凯歌 凱歌 S - 114 kǎi gē f /triumphal hymn/victory song/paean/ 凯法劳尼亚 凱法勞尼亞 S - 0 Kǎi fǎ láo ní yà f /Kefalonia, Greek Island in the Ionian sea/ 凯特 凱特 S - 12 Kǎi tè f /Kate (name)/ 凯瑟琳 凱瑟琳 S - 19 Kǎi sè lín f /Catherine (name)/Katherine/ 凯芙拉 凱芙拉 S - 0 Kǎi fú lā f /Kevlar/ 凯茜·弗里曼 凱茜·弗里曼 S - 0 Kǎi xī · Fú lǐ màn f /Cathy Freeman (1973-), Australian sprinter/ 凯蒂 凱蒂 S - 24 Kǎi dì f /Kitty (name)/ 凯蒂猫 凱蒂貓 S - 0 Kǎi dì Māo f /Hello Kitty/ 凯达格兰 凱達格蘭 S - 0 Kǎi dá gé lán f /Ketagalan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan, esp. northeast corner/ 凯达格兰族 凱達格蘭族 S - 0 Kǎi dá gé lán zú f /Ketagalan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan, esp. northeast corner/ 凯迪拉克 凱迪拉克 S - 8 Kǎi dí lā kè f /Cadillac/ 凯里 凱里 S - 46 Kǎi lǐ f /Kaili city in Guizhou, capital of Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南苗族侗族自治州|黔东南苗族侗族自治州/ 凯里市 凱里市 S - 7 Kǎi lǐ shì f /Kaili city in Guizhou, capital of Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南苗族侗族自治州|黔东南苗族侗族自治州/ 凰 - 125 huáng f /phoenix/ 凱 凯 T - 365 Kǎi f /surname Kai/ 凱 凯 T - 365 kǎi f /triumphant/victorious/chi (Greek letter Χχ)/ 凱利 凯利 T - 114 Kǎi lì f /Kelly (person name)/ 凱夫拉 凯夫拉 T - 0 Kǎi fū lā f /Kevlar/ 凱子 凯子 T - 0 kǎi zi f /(slang) rich, good-looking guy/ 凱尼恩 凯尼恩 T - 2 Kǎi ní ēn f /Kenyon/Canyon (name)/ 凱徹 凯彻 T - 0 Kǎi chè f /variant of 愷撒|恺撒, Caesar (emperor)/ 凱恩斯 凯恩斯 T - 120 Kǎi ēn sī f /Keynes (name)/John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946), influential British economist/ 凱悅 凯悦 T - 5 Kǎi yuè f /Hyatt (hotel company)/Hyatt Regency (hotel brand)/ 凱撒 凯撒 T - 145 Kǎi sā f /Caesar or Kaiser (name)/ 凱撒肋雅 凯撒肋雅 T - 0 Kǎi sā lèi yǎ f /Caesarea (town in Israel, between Tel Aviv and Haifa)/ 凱撒醬 凯撒酱 T - 0 Kǎi sā jiàng f /Caesar salad dressing/ 凱文 凯文 T - 40 Kǎi wén f /Kevin (person name)/ 凱旋 凯旋 T - 297 kǎi xuán f /to return in triumph/to return victorious/ 凱旋門 凯旋门 T - 56 kǎi xuán mén f /triumphal arch/ 凱林賽 凯林赛 T - 0 kǎi lín sài f /keirin cycle race (paced stadium event)/translit. of Japanese けいりん 競輪|竞轮/ 凱歌 凯歌 T - 114 kǎi gē f /triumphal hymn/victory song/paean/ 凱法勞尼亞 凯法劳尼亚 T - 0 Kǎi fǎ láo ní yà f /Kefalonia, Greek Island in the Ionian sea/ 凱爾特人 凯尔特人 T - 3 Kǎi ěr tè rén f /Celt/ 凱特 凯特 T - 12 Kǎi tè f /Kate (name)/ 凱瑟琳 凯瑟琳 T - 19 Kǎi sè lín f /Catherine (name)/Katherine/ 凱芙拉 凯芙拉 T - 0 Kǎi fú lā f /Kevlar/ 凱茜·弗里曼 凯茜·弗里曼 T - 0 Kǎi xī · Fú lǐ màn f /Cathy Freeman (1973-), Australian sprinter/ 凱蒂 凯蒂 T - 24 Kǎi dì f /Kitty (name)/ 凱蒂貓 凯蒂猫 T - 0 Kǎi dì Māo f /Hello Kitty/ 凱迪拉克 凯迪拉克 T - 8 Kǎi dí lā kè f /Cadillac/ 凱達格蘭 凯达格兰 T - 0 Kǎi dá gé lán f /Ketagalan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan, esp. northeast corner/ 凱達格蘭族 凯达格兰族 T - 0 Kǎi dá gé lán zú f /Ketagalan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan, esp. northeast corner/ 凱里 凯里 T - 46 Kǎi lǐ f /Kaili city in Guizhou, capital of Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南苗族侗族自治州|黔东南苗族侗族自治州/ 凱里市 凯里市 T - 7 Kǎi lǐ shì f /Kaili city in Guizhou, capital of Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南苗族侗族自治州|黔东南苗族侗族自治州/ 凳 - 415 dèng f /bench/stool/ 凳 櫈 S - 415 dèng f /variant of 凳[deng4]/ 凳子 - 352 dèng zi f /stool/small seat/ 凴 凭 T 1519 5717 píng f /variant of 憑|凭[ping2]/ 凵 - 28 kǎn f /receptacle/ 凶 兇 S - 1674 xiōng f /terrible/fearful/ 凶 - 1674 xiōng f /vicious/fierce/ominous/inauspicious/famine/variant of 兇|凶[xiong1]/ 凶丧 凶喪 S - 0 xiōng sāng f /funeral arrangements/ 凶事 - 3 xiōng shì f /fateful accident/inauspicious matter (involving death or casualties)/ 凶信 - 7 xiōng xìn f /fateful news/news of sb's death/ 凶兆 - 17 xiōng zhào f /ill omen/ 凶光 - 0 xiōng guāng f /ominous glint/ 凶党 凶黨 S - 0 xiōng dǎng f /band of accomplice/ 凶刀 - 0 xiōng dāo f /murder weapon (i.e. knife)/ 凶喪 凶丧 T - 0 xiōng sāng f /funeral arrangements/ 凶器 兇器 S - 47 xiōng qì f /lethal weapon/murder weapon/ 凶多吉少 兇多吉少 S - 112 xiōng duō jí shǎo f /everything bodes ill, no positive signs (idiom); inauspicious/everything points to disaster/ 凶宅 兇宅 S - 30 xiōng zhái f /inauspicious abode/haunted house/ 凶巴巴 - 7 xiōng bā bā f /harsh/savage/fierce/ 凶年 兇年 S - 11 xiōng nián f /year of famine/ 凶恶 兇惡 S 4401 278 xiōng è f /fierce/ferocious/fiendish/frightening/ 凶恶 凶惡 S 4401 278 xiōng è f /variant of 兇惡|凶恶, fierce/ferocious/fiendish/frightening/ 凶悍 兇悍 S - 122 xiōng hàn f /violent/fierce and tough/shrewish (woman)/ 凶惡 凶恶 T 4401 278 xiōng è f /variant of 兇惡|凶恶, fierce/ferocious/fiendish/frightening/ 凶戾 兇戾 S - 0 xiōng lì f /cruel/tyrannical/ 凶手 兇手 S 2518 419 xiōng shǒu f /murderer/assassin/ 凶暴 - 43 xiōng bào f /brutal/ 凶服 - 3 xiōng fú f /mourning clothes (old)/ 凶杀 兇殺 S - 88 xiōng shā f /to murder/assassination/ 凶杀案 兇殺案 S - 10 xiōng shā àn f /murder case/ 凶死 兇死 S - 3 xiōng sǐ f /to die in violence/ 凶残 兇殘 S - 120 xiōng cán f /savage/cruel/fierce/ 凶残 凶殘 S - 120 xiōng cán f /savage/ 凶殘 凶残 T - 120 xiōng cán f /savage/ 凶焰 - 12 xiōng yàn f /ferocity/aggressive arrogance/ 凶煞 兇煞 S - 7 xiōng shà f /demon/fiend/ 凶犯 兇犯 S - 23 xiōng fàn f /murderer/ 凶狂 兇狂 S - 4 xiōng kuáng f /fierce/ferocious/savage/ 凶狠 兇狠 S - 298 xiōng hěn f /variant of 凶狠[xiong1 hen3]/ 凶狠 - 298 xiōng hěn f /cruel/vicious/fierce and malicious/vengeful/ 凶猛 兇猛 S - 698 xiōng měng f /fierce/violent/ferocious/ 凶相 兇相 S - 24 xiōng xiàng f /ferocious appearance/ 凶相毕露 兇相畢露 S - 139 xiōng xiàng bì lù f /show one's ferocious appearance (idiom); the atrocious features revealed/with fangs bared/ 凶神 兇神 S - 18 xiōng shén f /demon/fiend/ 凶神恶煞 兇神惡煞 S - 83 xiōng shén è shà f /fiends (idiom); devils and monsters/ 凶荒 - 0 xiōng huāng f /(literary) famine/ 凶讯 兇訊 S - 0 xiōng xùn f /evil tidings/bad news/ 凶身 兇身 S - 0 xiōng shēn f /demon/fiend/ 凶险 兇險 S - 547 xiōng xiǎn f /dangerous/ruthless/treacherous/ 凶顽 兇頑 S - 22 xiōng wán f /fierce and uncontrollable/ 凶黨 凶党 T - 0 xiōng dǎng f /band of accomplice/ 凸 - 565 tū f /convex/to stick out/Taiwan pr. [tu2]/ 凸凸 - 0 tū tū f /convex on both sides (of lens)/biconvex/ 凸出 - 259 tū chū f /to protrude/to stick out/ 凸多胞形 - 0 tū duō bāo xíng f /convex polytope/ 凸多边形 凸多邊形 S - 3 tū duō biān xíng f /convex polygon/ 凸多邊形 凸多边形 T - 3 tū duō biān xíng f /convex polygon/ 凸多面体 凸多面體 S - 0 tū duō miàn tǐ f /convex polyhedron/ 凸多面體 凸多面体 T - 0 tū duō miàn tǐ f /convex polyhedron/ 凸性 - 0 tū xìng f /convexity/ 凸折线 凸摺線 S - 0 tū zhé xiàn f /convex polygonal line/ 凸摺線 凸折线 T - 0 tū zhé xiàn f /convex polygonal line/ 凸显 凸顯 S - 181 tū xiǎn f /to present clearly/to give prominence to/to magnify/clear and obvious/ 凸槌 - 0 tū chuí f /(slang) (Tw) to mess up/to screw up/ 凸版 - 32 tū bǎn f /relief printing plate/ 凸版印刷 - 3 tū bǎn yìn shuā f /relief printing/typography/printing with metal plates/ 凸现 凸現 S - 145 tū xiàn f /to come to prominence/to appear clearly/to stick out/ 凸現 凸现 T - 145 tū xiàn f /to come to prominence/to appear clearly/to stick out/ 凸線 凸线 T - 0 tū xiàn f /convex curve/ 凸緣 凸缘 T - 3 tū yuán f /flange/ 凸线 凸線 S - 0 tū xiàn f /convex curve/ 凸缘 凸緣 S - 3 tū yuán f /flange/ 凸耳 - 0 tū ěr f /flange/lug/ 凸起 - 143 tū qǐ f /convex/protruding/to protrude/to bulge/to buckle upwards/ 凸輪 凸轮 T - 19 tū lún f /cam/ 凸輪軸 凸轮轴 T - 6 tū lún zhóu f /camshaft/ 凸轮 凸輪 S - 19 tū lún f /cam/ 凸轮轴 凸輪軸 S - 6 tū lún zhóu f /camshaft/ 凸边 凸邊 S - 3 tū biān f /rim/protruding edge/ 凸透鏡 凸透镜 T - 31 tū tòu jìng f /convex lens/ 凸透镜 凸透鏡 S - 31 tū tòu jìng f /convex lens/ 凸邊 凸边 T - 3 tū biān f /rim/protruding edge/ 凸鏡 凸镜 T - 5 tū jìng f /convex mirror/ 凸镜 凸鏡 S - 5 tū jìng f /convex mirror/ 凸面 - 9 tū miàn f /convex surface/ 凸面体 凸面體 S - 0 tū miàn tǐ f /convex body/ 凸面鏡 凸面镜 T - 12 tū miàn jìng f /convex mirror/ 凸面镜 凸面鏡 S - 12 tū miàn jìng f /convex mirror/ 凸面體 凸面体 T - 0 tū miàn tǐ f /convex body/ 凸顯 凸显 T - 181 tū xiǎn f /to present clearly/to give prominence to/to magnify/clear and obvious/ 凹 - 659 āo t /a depression/indentation/concave/hollow/ 凹 - 659 wā f /variant of 窪|洼[wa1]/(used in names)/ 凹入 - 0 āo rù f /cavity/convex opening/ 凹凸 4911 123 āo tū f /bumpy/uneven/slotted and tabbed joint/crenelation/ 凹凸不平 - 49 āo tū bù píng f /to be bumpy/uneven/ 凹凸印刷 - 0 āo tū yìn shuā f /embossing/die stamping/ 凹凸形 - 0 āo tū xíng f /in and out shape/crenelated/ 凹凸軋花 凹凸轧花 T - 0 āo tū yà huā f /embossing/ 凹凸轧花 凹凸軋花 S - 0 āo tū yà huā f /embossing/ 凹坑 - 13 āo kēng f /concave depression/crater/ 凹岸 - 0 āo àn f /concave bank/ 凹度 - 3 āo dù f /concavity/ 凹朴皮 - 0 āo pò pí f /bark of tulip tree (TCM)/Cortex Liriodendri/ 凹板 - 0 āo bǎn f /intaglio/gravure/ 凹槽 - 31 āo cáo f /recess/notch/groove/fillister/ 凹洞 - 3 āo dòng f /cavity/pit/ 凹版 - 21 āo bǎn f /an engraved printing plate/gravure/intaglio/material printed using gravure (e.g. postage stamps)/ 凹痕 - 3 āo hén f /dent/indentation/notch/pitting/ 凹紋 凹纹 T - 0 āo wén f /die (printing, metalwork etc)/ 凹線 凹线 T - 0 āo xiàn f /groove/ 凹纹 凹紋 S - 0 āo wén f /die (printing, metalwork etc)/ 凹线 凹線 S - 0 āo xiàn f /groove/ 凹进 凹進 S - 16 āo jìn f /concave/a concavity (lower than the surrounding area)/a depression/hollow/dented/ 凹透鏡 凹透镜 T - 12 āo tòu jìng f /concave lens/ 凹透镜 凹透鏡 S - 12 āo tòu jìng f /concave lens/ 凹進 凹进 T - 16 āo jìn f /concave/a concavity (lower than the surrounding area)/a depression/hollow/dented/ 凹鏡 凹镜 T - 2 āo jìng f /concave mirror/ 凹镜 凹鏡 S - 2 āo jìng f /concave mirror/ 凹陷 - 178 āo xiàn f /to cave in/hollow/sunken/depressed/ 凹雕 - 0 āo diāo f /to engrave/to carve into/ 凹面鏡 凹面镜 T - 31 āo miàn jìng f /concave mirror/ 凹面镜 凹面鏡 S - 31 āo miàn jìng f /concave mirror/ 出 181 85847 chū f /to go out/to come out/to occur/to produce/to go beyond/to rise/to put forth/to happen/classifier for dramas, plays, operas etc/ 出 齣 S 181 85847 chū f /variant of 出[chu1] (classifier for plays or chapters of classical novels)/ 出丑 出醜 S - 87 chū chǒu f /shameful/scandalous/to be humiliated/to make a fool of sb or oneself/to make sb lose face/ 出世 - 272 chū shì f /to be born/to come into being/to withdraw from worldly affairs/ 出丧 出喪 S - 3 chū sāng f /to hold a funeral procession/ 出乎 - 324 chū hū f /due to/to stem from/to go beyond (also fig. beyond reason, expectations etc)/to go against (expectations)/ 出乎意外 - 24 chū hū yì wài f /beyond expectation (idiom); unexpected/ 出乎意料 - 204 chū hū yì liào f /beyond expectation (idiom); unexpected/ 出乎預料 出乎预料 T - 19 chū hū yù liào f /beyond expectation (idiom); unexpected/ 出乎预料 出乎預料 S - 19 chū hū yù liào f /beyond expectation (idiom); unexpected/ 出书 出書 S - 95 chū shū f /to publish books/ 出乱子 出亂子 S - 40 chū luàn zi f /to go wrong/to get into trouble/ 出亂子 出乱子 T - 40 chū luàn zi f /to go wrong/to get into trouble/ 出了事 - 0 chū le shì f /sth bad happened/ 出事 - 258 chū shì f /to have an accident/to meet with a mishap/ 出于 出於 S - 2743 chū yú f /due to/to stem from/ 出亡 - 3 chū wáng f /to go into exile/ 出产 出產 S - 442 chū chǎn f /to produce (by natural growth, or by manufacture, mining etc)/to yield/to turn out/produce/products/ 出人命 - 69 chū rén mìng f /fatal/resulting in sb's death/ 出人头地 出人頭地 S - 86 chū rén tóu dì f /to stand out among one's peers (idiom)/to excel/ 出人意外 - 39 chū rén yì wài f /turned out other than expected (idiom); unexpected/ 出人意料 - 284 chū rén yì liào f /unexpected (idiom)/surprising/ 出人意表 - 30 chū rén yì biǎo f /to exceed all expectations/to come as a surprise/ 出人頭地 出人头地 T - 86 chū rén tóu dì f /to stand out among one's peers (idiom)/to excel/ 出仕 - 3 chū shì f /to take up an official post/ 出价 出價 S - 85 chū jià f /to bid/ 出任 - 1238 chū rèn f /to take up a post/to start in a new job/ 出份子 - 3 chū fèn zi f /to club together (to offer a gift)/to hold a whip-round/ 出伏 - 3 chū fú f /end of 三伏[san1 fu2] (the hottest period of the year)/ 出众 出眾 S - 171 chū zhòng f /to stand out/outstanding/ 出使 - 382 chū shǐ f /to go abroad as ambassador/to be sent on a diplomatic mission/ 出來 出来 T - 31017 chū lái t /to come out/to appear/to arise/ 出來 出来 T - 31017 chu lai f /(after a verb, indicates coming out, completion of an action, or ability to discern or detect)/ 出借 - 17 chū jiè f /to lend/to put out a loan/ 出價 出价 T - 85 chū jià f /to bid/ 出入 - 2403 chū rù f /to go out and come in/entrance and exit/expenditure and income/discrepancy/inconsistent/ 出入口 - 39 chū rù kǒu f /gateway/ 出入境检验检疫局 出入境檢驗檢疫局 S - 0 chū rù jìng jiǎn yàn jiǎn yì jú f /entry-exit inspection and quarantine bureau/ 出入境檢驗檢疫局 出入境检验检疫局 T - 0 chū rù jìng jiǎn yàn jiǎn yì jú f /entry-exit inspection and quarantine bureau/ 出入境管理局 - 0 Chū rù Jìng Guǎn lǐ jú f /Exit and Entry Administration Bureau (PRC)/ 出入平安 - 0 chū rù píng ān f /lit. peace when you come or go/peace wherever you go/ 出入門 出入门 T - 0 chū rù mén f /entrance and exit door/ 出入门 出入門 S - 0 chū rù mén f /entrance and exit door/ 出兵 - 763 chū bīng f /to send troops/ 出其不意 - 316 chū qí bù yì f /to do sth when least expected (idiom); to catch sb off guard/ 出其不意,攻其不備 出其不意,攻其不备 T - 0 chū qí bù yì , gōng qí bù bèi f /to catch an enemy off guard with a surprise attack (idiom, from Sunzi's "The Art of War" 孫子兵法|孙子兵法[Sun1 zi3 Bing1 fa3])/ 出其不意,攻其不备 出其不意,攻其不備 S - 0 chū qí bù yì , gōng qí bù bèi f /to catch an enemy off guard with a surprise attack (idiom, from Sunzi's "The Art of War" 孫子兵法|孙子兵法[Sun1 zi3 Bing1 fa3])/ 出具 - 329 chū jù f /to issue (document, certificate etc)/to provide/ 出击 出擊 S - 720 chū jī f /to sally/to attack/ 出列 - 8 chū liè f /to step out of the ranks/Soldier X, step forward!/ 出力 - 372 chū lì f /to exert oneself/ 出动 出動 S - 859 chū dòng f /to start out on a trip/to dispatch troops/ 出動 出动 T - 859 chū dòng f /to start out on a trip/to dispatch troops/ 出勤 - 21 chū qín f /to start work/to show up on time for work/ 出包 - 0 chū bāo f /to contract out/to run into problems/ 出千 - 0 chū qiān f /see 出老千[chu1 lao3 qian1]/ 出卖 出賣 S 2760 826 chū mài f /to offer for sale/to sell/to sell out or betray/ 出厂 出廠 S - 110 chū chǎng f /to leave the factory (of finished goods)/ 出厂价 出廠價 S - 28 chū chǎng jià f /invoice/factory price/ 出去 - 9979 chū qù f /to go out/ 出发 出發 S 813 3887 chū fā f /to start out/to set off/ 出发点 出發點 S - 398 chū fā diǎn f /starting point/the outset/ 出口 1603 8237 chū kǒu f /an exit/CL:個|个[ge4]/to speak/to export/(of a ship) to leave port/ 出口产品 出口產品 S - 3 chū kǒu chǎn pǐn f /export product/ 出口商 - 65 chū kǒu shāng f /exporter/export business/ 出口商品 - 3 chū kǒu shāng pǐn f /export product/export goods/ 出口成章 - 51 chū kǒu chéng zhāng f /to speak like a printed book/quick and clever talking/the gift of the gab/ 出口气 出口氣 S - 3 chū kǒu qì f /to take one's revenge/to score off sb/ 出口氣 出口气 T - 3 chū kǒu qì f /to take one's revenge/to score off sb/ 出口產品 出口产品 T - 3 chū kǒu chǎn pǐn f /export product/ 出口調查 出口调查 T - 0 chū kǒu diào chá f /exit poll/ 出口调查 出口調查 S - 0 chū kǒu diào chá f /exit poll/ 出口貨 出口货 T - 3 chū kǒu huò f /exports/goods for export/ 出口货 出口貨 S - 3 chū kǒu huò f /exports/goods for export/ 出口額 出口额 T - 117 chū kǒu é f /export amount/ 出口额 出口額 S - 117 chū kǒu é f /export amount/ 出台 出臺 S - 1317 chū tái f /to officially launch (a policy, program etc)/to appear on stage/to appear publicly/(of a bar girl) to leave with a client/ 出号 出號 S - 0 chū hào f /large-sized (of clothes, shoes)/(old) to give an order/(old) to quit one's job in a store/ 出名 - 1138 chū míng f /well-known for sth/to become well known/to make one's mark/ 出品 - 291 chū pǐn f /to produce an item/output/items that are produced/ 出品人 - 3 chū pǐn rén f /producer (film)/ 出售 - 2413 chū shòu f /to sell/to offer for sale/to put on the market/ 出問題 出问题 T - 0 chū wèn tí f /to have sth go wrong/to have a problem arise/to give problems/ 出喪 出丧 T - 3 chū sāng f /to hold a funeral procession/ 出喽子 出嘍子 S - 0 chū lóu zi f /variant of 出婁子|出娄子[chu1 lou2 zi5]/ 出嘍子 出喽子 T - 0 chū lóu zi f /variant of 出婁子|出娄子[chu1 lou2 zi5]/ 出国 出國 S - 915 chū guó f /to go abroad/to leave the country/emigration/ 出圈 - 3 chū quān f /to muck out/to clean muck from a cowshed, pigsty etc/ 出圈儿 出圈兒 S - 3 chū quān r f /to overstep the norm/to go out of bounds/ 出圈兒 出圈儿 T - 3 chū quān r f /to overstep the norm/to go out of bounds/ 出國 出国 T - 915 chū guó f /to go abroad/to leave the country/emigration/ 出土 - 1785 chū tǔ f /to dig up/to appear in an excavation/unearthed/to come up out of the ground/ 出场 出場 S - 677 chū chǎng f /to appear (on stage, in a show, in a photo etc)/to play (for a team)/to enter (arena or stage)/to send sb out (e.g. off the field for a foul)/ 出埃及記 出埃及记 T - 3 Chū āi jí jì f /Book of Exodus/Second Book of Moses/ 出埃及记 出埃及記 S - 3 Chū āi jí jì f /Book of Exodus/Second Book of Moses/ 出場 出场 T - 677 chū chǎng f /to appear (on stage, in a show, in a photo etc)/to play (for a team)/to enter (arena or stage)/to send sb out (e.g. off the field for a foul)/ 出境 - 830 chū jìng f /to leave a country or region/emigration/outbound (tourism)/ 出境检查 出境檢查 S - 0 chū jìng jiǎn chá f /emigration control/ 出境檢查 出境检查 T - 0 chū jìng jiǎn chá f /emigration control/ 出声 出聲 S - 3 chū shēng f /to utter/to give voice/ 出处 出處 S - 95 chū chù f /source (esp. of quotation or literary allusion)/origin/where sth comes from/ 出外 - 253 chū wài f /to go out/to leave for another place/ 出大差 - 0 chū dà chāi f /lit. to go on a long trip/fig. to be sent to the execution ground/ 出头 出頭 S - 320 chū tóu f /to get out of a predicament/to stick out/to take the initiative/remaining odd fraction after a division/a little more than/ 出头鸟 出頭鳥 S - 3 chū tóu niǎo f /to stand out (among a group)/distinguished/ 出奇 - 329 chū qí f /extraordinary/exceptional/unusual/ 出奇制勝 出奇制胜 T - 323 chū qí zhì shèng f /to win by a surprise move/ 出奇制胜 出奇制勝 S - 323 chū qí zhì shèng f /to win by a surprise move/ 出奔 - 63 chū bēn f /to flee/to escape into exile/ 出娄子 出婁子 S - 0 chū lóu zi f /to run into difficulties/to cause trouble/ 出婁子 出娄子 T - 0 chū lóu zi f /to run into difficulties/to cause trouble/ 出嫁 - 389 chū jià f /to get married (of woman)/ 出官 - 0 chū guān f /to leave the capital for an official post/ 出家 - 302 chū jiā f /to leave home (to become a Buddhist monk or nun)/ 出家人 - 271 chū jiā rén f /monk/nun (Buddhist or Daoist)/ 出尔反尔 出爾反爾 S - 58 chū ěr fǎn ěr f /old: to reap the consequences of one's words (idiom, from Mencius); modern: to go back on one's word/to blow hot and cold/to contradict oneself/inconsistent/ 出尖 - 0 chū jiān f /out of the ordinary/outstanding/egregious/ 出尖儿 出尖兒 S - 0 chū jiān r f /erhua variant of 出尖[chu1 jian1]/ 出尖兒 出尖儿 T - 0 chū jiān r f /erhua variant of 出尖[chu1 jian1]/ 出局 - 122 chū jú f /to send off (player for a foul)/to knock out (i.e. to beat in a knock-out tournament)/to eliminate/to call out/to kill off/to pull out of (a competition)/to retire (a runner in baseball)/out (i.e. man out in baseball)/ 出山 - 283 chū shān f /to leave the mountain (of a hermit)/to come out of obscurity to a government job/to take a leading position/ 出岔子 - 17 chū chà zi f /to go wrong/to take a wrong turning/ 出巡 - 77 chū xún f /to go on an inspection tour/ 出差 1123 409 chū chāi f /to go on an official or business trip/ 出师 出師 S - 221 chū shī f /to finish apprenticeship/to graduate/to send out troops (under a commander)/ 出師 出师 T - 221 chū shī f /to finish apprenticeship/to graduate/to send out troops (under a commander)/ 出席 1765 4001 chū xí f /to attend/to participate/present/ 出席者 - 0 chū xí zhě f /attendant/ 出席表决比例 出席表決比例 S - 0 chū xí biǎo jué bǐ lì f /proportion of those present and voting/ 出席表決比例 出席表决比例 T - 0 chū xí biǎo jué bǐ lì f /proportion of those present and voting/ 出庭 - 72 chū tíng f /to appear in court/ 出廠 出厂 T - 110 chū chǎng f /to leave the factory (of finished goods)/ 出廠價 出厂价 T - 28 chū chǎng jià f /invoice/factory price/ 出征 - 1444 chū zhēng f /to go into battle/to campaign (military)/ 出恭 - 16 chū gōng f /to defecate (euphemism)/to go to the toilet/ 出息 4406 239 chū xī t /to yield interest, profit etc/to exhale (Buddhism)/ 出息 4406 239 chū xi f /future prospects/profit/to mature/to grow up/ 出手 - 1468 chū shǒu f /to dispose of/to spend (money)/to undertake a task/ 出招 - 0 chū zhāo f /to make a move (in martial arts or figuratively)/ 出擊 出击 T - 720 chū jī f /to sally/to attack/ 出操 - 18 chū cāo f /to drill/to exercise/to go outdoors for physical exercise/ 出新 - 299 chū xīn f /to make new advances/to move forwards/ 出於 出于 T - 2743 chū yú f /due to/to stem from/ 出書 出书 T - 95 chū shū f /to publish books/ 出月 - 0 chū yuè f /next month/after this month/ 出月子 - 0 chū yuè zi f /to complete the month of confinement following childbirth/cf 坐月子[zuo4 yue4 zi5]/ 出来 出來 S - 31017 chū lái t /to come out/to appear/to arise/ 出来 出來 S - 31017 chu lai f /(after a verb, indicates coming out, completion of an action, or ability to discern or detect)/ 出柜 出櫃 S - 0 chū guì f /to come out of the closet/to reveal one's sexual orientation/ 出格 - 55 chū gé f /to overstep the bounds of what is proper/to take sth too far/(of a measuring device) to go off the scale/ 出楼子 出樓子 S - 0 chū lóu zi f /variant of 出婁子|出娄子[chu1 lou2 zi5]/ 出榜 - 62 chū bǎng f /to publish class list of successful exam candidates/ 出樓子 出楼子 T - 0 chū lóu zi f /variant of 出婁子|出娄子[chu1 lou2 zi5]/ 出櫃 出柜 T - 0 chū guì f /to come out of the closet/to reveal one's sexual orientation/ 出殡 出殯 S - 39 chū bìn f /funeral/funeral procession/ 出殯 出殡 T - 39 chū bìn f /funeral/funeral procession/ 出毛病 - 21 chū máo bìng f /a problem appears/to break down/ 出气 出氣 S - 121 chū qì f /to give vent to anger/ 出气口 出氣口 S - 3 chū qì kǒu f /gas or air outlet/emotional outlet/ 出气筒 出氣筒 S - 21 chū qì tǒng f /(metaphorical) punching bag/undeserving target of sb's wrath/ 出氣 出气 T - 121 chū qì f /to give vent to anger/ 出氣口 出气口 T - 3 chū qì kǒu f /gas or air outlet/emotional outlet/ 出氣筒 出气筒 T - 21 chū qì tǒng f /(metaphorical) punching bag/undeserving target of sb's wrath/ 出水 - 165 chū shuǐ f /to discharge water/to appear out of the water/to break the surface/ 出水口 - 14 chū shuǐ kǒu f /water outlet/drainage outlet/ 出水芙蓉 - 13 chū shuǐ fú róng f /as a lotus flower breaking the surface (idiom); surpassingly beautiful (of young lady's face or old gentleman's calligraphy)/ 出汗 - 217 chū hàn f /to perspire/to sweat/ 出沒 出没 T - 320 chū mò f /to come and go/to roam about (mostly unseen)/(of a ghost) to haunt (a place)/(of a criminal) to stalk (the streets)/(of the sun) to rise and set/ 出沒無常 出没无常 T - 17 chū mò wú cháng f /to appear and disappear unpredictably/ 出没 出沒 S - 320 chū mò f /to come and go/to roam about (mostly unseen)/(of a ghost) to haunt (a place)/(of a criminal) to stalk (the streets)/(of the sun) to rise and set/ 出没无常 出沒無常 S - 17 chū mò wú cháng f /to appear and disappear unpredictably/ 出洋 - 75 chū yáng f /to go abroad (old)/ 出洋相 - 11 chū yáng xiàng f /to make a fool of oneself/ 出活 - 5 chū huó f /to finish a job on time/to produce the goods/ 出海 - 303 chū hǎi f /to go out to sea/ 出淤泥而不染 - 2 chū yū ní ér bù rǎn f /lit. to grow out of the mud unsullied (idiom)/fig. to be principled and incorruptible/ 出清 - 10 chū qīng f /to clear out accumulated items/(retailing) to hold a clearance sale/ 出港 - 37 chū gǎng f /to leave harbor/departure (at airport)/ 出港大厅 出港大廳 S - 0 chū gǎng dà tīng f /departure lounge/ 出港大廳 出港大厅 T - 0 chū gǎng dà tīng f /departure lounge/ 出游 出遊 S - 376 chū yóu f /to go on a tour/to have an outing/ 出溜 - 3 chū liu f /to slip/to slide/ 出漏子 - 2 chū lòu zi f /to take a wrong turn/to go wrong/ 出演 - 26 chū yǎn f /to appear (in a show etc)/an appearance (on stage etc)/ 出炉 出爐 S - 368 chū lú f /to take out of the furnace/fresh out of the oven/fig. newly announced/recently made available/ 出点子 出點子 S - 8 chū diǎn zi f /to express an opinion/to offer advice/ 出爐 出炉 T - 368 chū lú f /to take out of the furnace/fresh out of the oven/fig. newly announced/recently made available/ 出爾反爾 出尔反尔 T - 58 chū ěr fǎn ěr f /old: to reap the consequences of one's words (idiom, from Mencius); modern: to go back on one's word/to blow hot and cold/to contradict oneself/inconsistent/ 出版 1825 5962 chū bǎn f /to publish/to come off the press/to put out/ 出版商 - 48 chū bǎn shāng f /publisher/ 出版物 - 320 chū bǎn wù f /publications/ 出版社 - 1160 chū bǎn shè f /publishing house/ 出版者 - 18 chū bǎn zhě f /publisher/ 出狱 出獄 S - 231 chū yù f /to be released from prison/ 出猎 出獵 S - 50 chū liè f /to go out hunting/ 出獄 出狱 T - 231 chū yù f /to be released from prison/ 出獵 出猎 T - 50 chū liè f /to go out hunting/ 出现 出現 S 664 25633 chū xiàn f /to appear/to arise/to emerge/to show up/ 出現 出现 T 664 25633 chū xiàn f /to appear/to arise/to emerge/to show up/ 出生 877 1979 chū shēng f /to be born/ 出生入死 - 100 chū shēng rù sǐ f /from the cradle to the grave (idiom); to go through fire and water/brave/willing to risk life and limb/ 出生地 - 84 chū shēng dì f /birthplace/ 出生地点 出生地點 S - 3 chū shēng dì diǎn f /place of birth/ 出生地點 出生地点 T - 3 chū shēng dì diǎn f /place of birth/ 出生日期 - 3 chū shēng rì qī f /date of birth/ 出生率 - 325 chū shēng lǜ f /birthrate/ 出生缺陷 - 0 chū shēng quē xiàn f /birth defect/ 出生證 出生证 T - 2 chū shēng zhèng f /birth certificate/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 出生證明 出生证明 T - 3 chū shēng zhèng míng f /birth certificate/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 出生證明書 出生证明书 T - 0 chū shēng zhèng míng shū f /birth certificate/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 出生证 出生證 S - 2 chū shēng zhèng f /birth certificate/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 出生证明 出生證明 S - 3 chū shēng zhèng míng f /birth certificate/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 出生证明书 出生證明書 S - 0 chū shēng zhèng míng shū f /birth certificate/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 出產 出产 T - 442 chū chǎn f /to produce (by natural growth, or by manufacture, mining etc)/to yield/to turn out/produce/products/ 出界 - 159 chū jiè f /to cross a border/to go out of bounds (sport)/ 出發 出发 T 813 3887 chū fā f /to start out/to set off/ 出發點 出发点 T - 398 chū fā diǎn f /starting point/the outset/ 出盘 出盤 S - 3 chū pán f /to sell up/to wind up a business/ 出盤 出盘 T - 3 chū pán f /to sell up/to wind up a business/ 出眾 出众 T - 171 chū zhòng f /to stand out/outstanding/ 出示 2140 253 chū shì f /to show/to take out and show to others/to display/ 出神 4902 110 chū shén f /spellbound/entranced/lost in thought/ 出神入化 - 110 chū shén rù huà f /to reach perfection (idiom); a superb artistic achievement/ 出神音乐 出神音樂 S - 0 chū shén yīn yuè f /trance (music genre)/ 出神音樂 出神音乐 T - 0 chū shén yīn yuè f /trance (music genre)/ 出租 - 251 chū zū f /to rent/ 出租司机 出租司機 S - 0 chū zū sī jī f /taxi driver/ 出租司機 出租司机 T - 0 chū zū sī jī f /taxi driver/ 出租汽車 出租汽车 T - 105 chū zū qì chē f /taxi/cab (PRC)/hire car (Tw)/CL:輛|辆[liang4]/ 出租汽车 出租汽車 S - 105 chū zū qì chē f /taxi/cab (PRC)/hire car (Tw)/CL:輛|辆[liang4]/ 出租車 出租车 T 132 395 chū zū chē f /taxi/(Taiwan) rental car/ 出租车 出租車 S 132 395 chū zū chē f /taxi/(Taiwan) rental car/ 出笼 出籠 S - 43 chū lóng f /just out of the steamer basket 蒸籠|蒸笼/to appear (of products, publications, sometimes derog., "lots of shoddy material is appearing nowadays")/ 出籠 出笼 T - 43 chū lóng f /just out of the steamer basket 蒸籠|蒸笼/to appear (of products, publications, sometimes derog., "lots of shoddy material is appearing nowadays")/ 出类拔萃 出類拔萃 S - 117 chū lèi bá cuì f /to excel the common (idiom); surpassing/preeminent/outstanding/ 出糗 - 0 chū qiǔ f /(coll.) to have sth embarrassing happen/ 出納 出纳 T - 79 chū nà f /cashier/to receive and hand over payment/to lend and borrow books/ 出納員 出纳员 T - 9 chū nà yuán f /cashier/teller/treasurer/ 出線 出线 T - 127 chū xiàn f /out of bounds/over the line/beyond the pale/ 出繼 出继 T - 0 chū jì f /to become adopted as heir/ 出纳 出納 S - 79 chū nà f /cashier/to receive and hand over payment/to lend and borrow books/ 出纳员 出納員 S - 9 chū nà yuán f /cashier/teller/treasurer/ 出线 出線 S - 127 chū xiàn f /out of bounds/over the line/beyond the pale/ 出继 出繼 S - 0 chū jì f /to become adopted as heir/ 出缺 - 295 chū quē f /to fall vacant/a job opening at a high level/ 出老千 - 3 chū lǎo qiān f /to cheat (in gambling)/ 出聲 出声 T - 3 chū shēng f /to utter/to give voice/ 出脫 出脱 T - 11 chū tuō f /to manage to sell/to dispose of sth (by selling)/to get property off one's hands/to find excuses (to get off a charge)/to extricate sb (from trouble)/to vindicate/to become prettier (of child)/ 出脱 出脫 S - 11 chū tuō f /to manage to sell/to dispose of sth (by selling)/to get property off one's hands/to find excuses (to get off a charge)/to extricate sb (from trouble)/to vindicate/to become prettier (of child)/ 出自 - 847 chū zì f /to come from/ 出自肺腑 - 0 chū zì fèi fǔ f /from the bottom of one's heart (idiom)/ 出臭子儿 出臭子兒 S - 0 chū chòu zǐ r f /to make a bad move (in a game of chess)/ 出臭子兒 出臭子儿 T - 0 chū chòu zǐ r f /to make a bad move (in a game of chess)/ 出臺 出台 T - 1317 chū tái f /to officially launch (a policy, program etc)/to appear on stage/to appear publicly/(of a bar girl) to leave with a client/ 出航 - 46 chū háng f /to set out (on a trip)/ 出色 1331 1260 chū sè f /remarkable/outstanding/ 出苗 - 22 chū miáo f /to sprout/to come out (of seedling)/to bud/ 出草 - 0 chū cǎo f /(of Taiwan aborigines) to go on a headhunting expedition/ 出落 - 31 chū luò f /to grow (prettier etc)/to mature into/to blossom/ 出處 出处 T - 95 chū chù f /source (esp. of quotation or literary allusion)/origin/where sth comes from/ 出號 出号 T - 0 chū hào f /large-sized (of clothes, shoes)/(old) to give an order/(old) to quit one's job in a store/ 出血 - 563 chū xuè f /bleeding/hemorrhage/fig. spending money/ 出血性 - 31 chū xuè xìng f /hemorrhagic/ 出血性登革热 出血性登革熱 S - 0 chū xuè xìng dēng gé rè f /dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF)/ 出血性登革熱 出血性登革热 T - 0 chū xuè xìng dēng gé rè f /dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF)/ 出血热 出血熱 S - 24 chū xuè rè f /hemorrhage fever/ 出血熱 出血热 T - 24 chū xuè rè f /hemorrhage fever/ 出行 - 414 chū xíng f /to set out on a long journey/to travel afar/ 出言 - 407 chū yán f /to speak/words/ 出言不逊 出言不遜 S - 30 chū yán bù xùn f /to speak rudely/ 出言不遜 出言不逊 T - 30 chū yán bù xùn f /to speak rudely/ 出訪 出访 T - 396 chū fǎng f /to travel on business/to visit (a foreign country)/same as 外出訪問|外出访问[wai4 chu1 fang3 wen4]/ 出診 出诊 T - 62 chū zhěn f /to visit a patient at home (of a doctor)/house call/ 出謀劃策 出谋划策 T - 85 chū móu huà cè f /to put forward plans and ideas (also derogatory)/to give advice (idiom)/ 出警 - 7 chū jǐng f /to dispatch police to the scene of crime, accident etc/ 出讓 出让 T - 108 chū ràng f /to transfer (one's property or rights to sb else)/ 出让 出讓 S - 108 chū ràng f /to transfer (one's property or rights to sb else)/ 出访 出訪 S - 396 chū fǎng f /to travel on business/to visit (a foreign country)/same as 外出訪問|外出访问[wai4 chu1 fang3 wen4]/ 出诊 出診 S - 62 chū zhěn f /to visit a patient at home (of a doctor)/house call/ 出谋划策 出謀劃策 S - 85 chū móu huà cè f /to put forward plans and ideas (also derogatory)/to give advice (idiom)/ 出貨 出货 T - 53 chū huò f /to take money or valuables out of storage/to recover/to ship goods/to extract (chemicals from solution)/ 出資 出资 T - 391 chū zī f /to fund/to put money into sth/to invest/ 出賣 出卖 T 2760 826 chū mài f /to offer for sale/to sell/to sell out or betray/ 出賽 出赛 T - 6 chū sài f /to compete/to take part (in a sports event)/ 出货 出貨 S - 53 chū huò f /to take money or valuables out of storage/to recover/to ship goods/to extract (chemicals from solution)/ 出资 出資 S - 391 chū zī f /to fund/to put money into sth/to invest/ 出赛 出賽 S - 6 chū sài f /to compete/to take part (in a sports event)/ 出走 - 119 chū zǒu f /to leave home/to go off/to run away/ 出超 - 31 chū chāo f /trade surplus/favorable balance of trade/ 出路 3248 881 chū lù f /a way out (of a difficulty etc)/ 出身 3590 2739 chū shēn f /to be born of/to come from/family background/class origin/ 出車 出车 T - 24 chū chē f /to drive (people or goods to a destination)/ 出軌 出轨 T - 47 chū guǐ f /derailment (railway accident)/to leave the rails/fig. to overstep bounds/fig. to have an extramarital affair/ 出輯 出辑 T - 0 chū jí f /to release an album (of a musician)/ 出车 出車 S - 24 chū chē f /to drive (people or goods to a destination)/ 出轨 出軌 S - 47 chū guǐ f /derailment (railway accident)/to leave the rails/fig. to overstep bounds/fig. to have an extramarital affair/ 出辑 出輯 S - 0 chū jí f /to release an album (of a musician)/ 出迎 - 130 chū yíng f /to greet/to go out to meet/ 出逃 - 147 chū táo f /to run away/to flee (the country)/ 出遊 出游 T - 376 chū yóu f /to go on a tour/to have an outing/ 出道 - 51 chū dào f /to make one's first public performance (of an entertainer etc)/to start one's career/ 出醜 出丑 T - 87 chū chǒu f /shameful/scandalous/to be humiliated/to make a fool of sb or oneself/to make sb lose face/ 出鋒頭 出锋头 T - 3 chū fēng tou f /to push oneself forward/to seek fame/to be in the limelight/ 出錢 出钱 T - 298 chū qián f /to pay/ 出錯 出错 T - 156 chū cuò f /to make a mistake/error/ 出錯信息 出错信息 T - 0 chū cuò xìn xī f /error message (computing)/ 出鏡 出镜 T - 13 chū jìng f /to appear on camera/to play a role in a film/ 出鐘 出钟 T - 0 chū zhōng f /(of a prostitute) to do an outcall/to accompany a customer to their place/ 出钟 出鐘 S - 0 chū zhōng f /(of a prostitute) to do an outcall/to accompany a customer to their place/ 出钱 出錢 S - 298 chū qián f /to pay/ 出锋头 出鋒頭 S - 3 chū fēng tou f /to push oneself forward/to seek fame/to be in the limelight/ 出错 出錯 S - 156 chū cuò f /to make a mistake/error/ 出错信息 出錯信息 S - 0 chū cuò xìn xī f /error message (computing)/ 出镜 出鏡 S - 13 chū jìng f /to appear on camera/to play a role in a film/ 出門 出门 T - 1716 chū mén f /to go out/to leave home/to go on a journey/away from home/(of a woman) to get married/ 出閣 出阁 T - 73 chū gé f /(of a girl) to marry (literary)/ 出门 出門 S - 1716 chū mén f /to go out/to leave home/to go on a journey/away from home/(of a woman) to get married/ 出问题 出問題 S - 0 chū wèn tí f /to have sth go wrong/to have a problem arise/to give problems/ 出阁 出閣 S - 73 chū gé f /(of a girl) to marry (literary)/ 出院 - 166 chū yuàn f /to leave hospital/to be discharged from hospital/ 出险 出險 S - 19 chū xiǎn f /to get out of trouble/to escape from danger/a danger appears/threatened by danger/ 出險 出险 T - 19 chū xiǎn f /to get out of trouble/to escape from danger/a danger appears/threatened by danger/ 出难题 出難題 S - 11 chū nán tí f /to raise a tough question/ 出難題 出难题 T - 11 chū nán tí f /to raise a tough question/ 出露 - 0 chū lù f /to emerge/ 出面 - 896 chū miàn f /to appear personally/to step in/to step forth/to show up/ 出鞘 - 182 chū qiào f /(of a sword etc) to unsheath/ 出頭 出头 T - 320 chū tóu f /to get out of a predicament/to stick out/to take the initiative/remaining odd fraction after a division/a little more than/ 出頭鳥 出头鸟 T - 3 chū tóu niǎo f /to stand out (among a group)/distinguished/ 出題 出题 T - 238 chū tí f /to draw up the theme (for discussion)/ 出類拔萃 出类拔萃 T - 117 chū lèi bá cuì f /to excel the common (idiom); surpassing/preeminent/outstanding/ 出题 出題 S - 238 chū tí f /to draw up the theme (for discussion)/ 出風口 出风口 T - 4 chū fēng kǒu f /air vent/air outlet/ 出風頭 出风头 T - 75 chū fēng tou f /to push oneself forward/to seek fame/to be in the limelight/same as 出鋒頭|出锋头[chu1 feng1 tou5]/ 出风口 出風口 S - 4 chū fēng kǒu f /air vent/air outlet/ 出风头 出風頭 S - 75 chū fēng tou f /to push oneself forward/to seek fame/to be in the limelight/same as 出鋒頭|出锋头[chu1 feng1 tou5]/ 出飯 出饭 T - 3 chū fàn f /to swell on steaming (of hard rice grain)/ 出饭 出飯 S - 3 chū fàn f /to swell on steaming (of hard rice grain)/ 出馬 出马 T - 371 chū mǎ f /to set out (on a campaign)/to stand for election/to throw one's cap in the ring/ 出马 出馬 S - 371 chū mǎ f /to set out (on a campaign)/to stand for election/to throw one's cap in the ring/ 出點子 出点子 T - 8 chū diǎn zi f /to express an opinion/to offer advice/ 击 擊 S - 4400 jī f /to hit/to strike/to break/Taiwan pr. [ji2]/ 击中 擊中 S - 646 jī zhòng f /to hit (a target etc)/to strike/ 击倒 擊倒 S - 100 jī dǎo f /to knock down/knocked down/ 击刺 擊刺 S - 0 jī cì f /to stab/to hack/ 击剑 擊劍 S - 120 jī jiàn f /fencing (sport)/ 击剑者 擊劍者 S - 0 jī jiàn zhě f /fencer (i.e. sportsman involved in fencing)/ 击坠 擊墜 S - 0 jī zhuì f /to shoot down/ 击弦类 擊弦類 S - 0 jī xián lèi f /hammered string type (of musical instrument)/ 击弦类乐器 擊弦類樂器 S - 0 jī xián lèi yuè qì f /hammered string musical instrument/ 击弦贝斯 擊弦貝斯 S - 0 jī xián bèi sī f /slap bass (bass guitar technique)/ 击打 擊打 S - 189 jī dǎ f /to beat/to lash/ 击掌 擊掌 S - 96 jī zhǎng f /to clap one's hands/to clap each other's hands/high five/ 击毁 擊毀 S - 144 jī huǐ f /to attack and destroy/ 击毙 擊斃 S - 248 jī bì f /to kill/to shoot dead/ 击沉 擊沉 S - 208 jī chén f /to attack and sink (a ship)/ 击溃 擊潰 S - 335 jī kuì f /to defeat/to smash/to rout/ 击球 擊球 S - 179 jī qiú f /to bat/to hit a ball (sport)/ 击球员 擊球員 S - 16 jī qiú yuán f /lit. striking sportsman/striker (baseball)/batsman (cricket)/ 击碎 擊碎 S - 3 jī suì f /to smash to pieces/ 击缶 擊缶 S - 3 jí fǒu f /to beat time with a percussion instrument made of pottery/ 击落 擊落 S - 503 jī luò f /to shoot down (a plane)/ 击败 擊敗 S - 1612 jī bài f /to defeat/to beat/ 击退 擊退 S - 347 jī tuì f /to beat back/to repel/ 击鼓鸣金 擊鼓鳴金 S - 3 jī gǔ míng jīn f /to beat the drum and sound the gong (idiom); fig. to order an advance or retreat/to egg people on or to call them back/ 凼 - 77 dàng f /pool/pit/ditch/cesspit/ 凼子 - 0 dàng zi f /pool/pit/ditch/cesspit/ 凼肥 - 0 dàng féi f /manure/ 函 - 543 hán f /envelope/case/letter/ 函 圅 S - 543 hán f /variant of 函[han2]/ 函人 - 0 hán rén f /armor maker/ 函件 - 37 hán jiàn f /letters/correspondence/ 函办 函辦 S - 0 hán bàn f /see 函送法辦|函送法办[han2 song4 fa3 ban4]/ 函大 - 7 hán dà f /abbr. for 函授大學|函授大学[han2 shou4 da4 xue2], open university/ 函子 - 0 hán zi f /functor (math.)/ 函式库 函式庫 S - 0 hán shì kù f /library (partition on computer hard disk)/ 函式庫 函式库 T - 0 hán shì kù f /library (partition on computer hard disk)/ 函授 - 90 hán shòu f /to teach by correspondence/ 函授大学 函授大學 S - 12 hán shòu dà xué f /open university/ 函授大學 函授大学 T - 12 hán shòu dà xué f /open university/ 函授課程 函授课程 T - 0 hán shòu kè chéng f /correspondence course/ 函授课程 函授課程 S - 0 hán shòu kè chéng f /correspondence course/ 函数 函數 S - 2648 hán shù f /function (math.)/ 函數 函数 T - 2648 hán shù f /function (math.)/ 函谷关 函谷關 S - 45 Hán gǔ Guān f /Hangu Pass in modern day Henan Province, strategic pass forming the eastern gate of the Qin State during the Warring States Period (770-221 BC)/ 函谷關 函谷关 T - 45 Hán gǔ Guān f /Hangu Pass in modern day Henan Province, strategic pass forming the eastern gate of the Qin State during the Warring States Period (770-221 BC)/ 函購 函购 T - 3 hán gòu f /mail order/ 函购 函購 S - 3 hán gòu f /mail order/ 函辦 函办 T - 0 hán bàn f /see 函送法辦|函送法办[han2 song4 fa3 ban4]/ 函送 - 3 hán sòng f /(formal) to inform by letter/to submit in writing/ 函送法办 函送法辦 S - 0 hán sòng fǎ bàn f /to bring to justice/to hand over to the law/ 函送法辦 函送法办 T - 0 hán sòng fǎ bàn f /to bring to justice/to hand over to the law/ 函館 函馆 T - 3 Hán guǎn f /Hakodate, main port of south Hokkaidō 北海道[Bei3 hai3 dao4], Japan/ 函馆 函館 S - 3 Hán guǎn f /Hakodate, main port of south Hokkaidō 北海道[Bei3 hai3 dao4], Japan/ 凿 鑿 S - 1011 záo t /chisel/to bore a hole/to chisel or dig/certain/authentic/irrefutable/ 凿 鑿 S - 1011 zuò f /see 鑿|凿[zao2]/ 凿井 鑿井 S - 37 záo jǐng f /to dig a well/ 凿壁偷光 鑿壁偷光 S - 3 záo bì tōu guāng f /lit. to pierce the wall to steal a light (idiom)/fig. to study diligently in the face of hardship/ 凿子 鑿子 S - 54 záo zǐ f /chisel/ 凿岩 鑿岩 S - 14 záo yán f /(rock) drilling/ 凿岩机 鑿岩機 S - 12 záo yán jī f /rock drill/ 凿枘 鑿枘 S - 0 záo ruì f /to fit like mortise and tenon/ 凿石场 鑿石場 S - 0 záo shí chǎng f /rock quarry/ 凿空 鑿空 S - 11 záo kōng f /to open an aperture/(extended meaning) to cut a way through/to open up a road/ 刀 797 9271 Dāo f /surname Dao/ 刀 797 9271 dāo f /knife/blade/single-edged sword/cutlass/CL:把[ba3]/(slang) dollar (loanword)/classifier for sets of one hundred sheets (of paper)/classifier for knife cuts or stabs/ 刀俎 - 5 dāo zǔ f /sacrificial knife and altar/ 刀光血影 - 5 dāo guāng xuè yǐng f /massacre/ 刀具 - 155 dāo jù f /cutting tool/ 刀刃 - 158 dāo rèn f /knife blade/crucial point/ 刀刺 - 0 dāo cì f /to stab/to attack with knife/ 刀刺性痛 - 0 dāo cì xìng tòng f /lancing pain/ 刀削面 刀削麵 S - 11 dāo xiāo miàn f /knife-shaved noodles (pared or shaved into strips), a Shanxi specialty/ 刀削麵 刀削面 T - 11 dāo xiāo miàn f /knife-shaved noodles (pared or shaved into strips), a Shanxi specialty/ 刀剑 刀劍 S - 474 dāo jiàn f /sword/ 刀劍 刀剑 T - 474 dāo jiàn f /sword/ 刀叉 - 33 dāo chā f /knife and fork/CL:副[fu4]/ 刀口 - 53 dāo kǒu f /the edge of a knife/cut/incision/ 刀叶 刀葉 S - 0 dāo yè f /blade/ 刀子 - 595 dāo zi f /knife/CL:把[ba3]/ 刀子嘴巴,豆腐心 - 0 dāo zi zuǐ ba , dòu fu xīn f /lit. knife mouth but heart of bean curd; sharp tongue concealing a caring heart/ 刀子嘴,豆腐心 - 0 dāo zi zuǐ , dòu fu xīn f /to have a sharp tongue but a soft heart (idiom)/ 刀山火海 - 12 dāo shān huǒ hǎi f /lit. mountains of daggers and seas of flames/fig. extreme danger (idiom)/ 刀斧手 - 78 dāo fǔ shǒu f /lictor/ 刀枪 刀槍 S - 245 dāo qiāng f /sword and spear/weapons/ 刀枪不入 刀槍不入 S - 66 dāo qiāng bù rù f /lit. impervious to sword or spear (idiom)/fig. invulnerable/untouchable/thick-skinned/impervious to criticism/ 刀槍 刀枪 T - 245 dāo qiāng f /sword and spear/weapons/ 刀槍不入 刀枪不入 T - 66 dāo qiāng bù rù f /lit. impervious to sword or spear (idiom)/fig. invulnerable/untouchable/thick-skinned/impervious to criticism/ 刀片 - 74 dāo piàn f /blade/razor blade/tool bit/ 刀疤 - 36 dāo bā f /scar from a knife wound/ 刀笔 刀筆 S - 12 dāo bǐ f /writing up of official or judicial documents/pettifoggery/ 刀筆 刀笔 T - 12 dāo bǐ f /writing up of official or judicial documents/pettifoggery/ 刀类 刀類 S - 0 dāo lèi f /knives/cutlery/ 刀耕火种 刀耕火種 S - 62 dāo gēng huǒ zhòng f /slash and burn (agriculture)/ 刀耕火種 刀耕火种 T - 62 dāo gēng huǒ zhòng f /slash and burn (agriculture)/ 刀背 - 94 dāo bèi f /back of the knife/ 刀葉 刀叶 T - 0 dāo yè f /blade/ 刀螂 - 3 dāo lang f /(dialect) mantis/ 刀身 - 37 dāo shēn f /blade (of a knife or sword)/ 刀郎 - 0 Dāo láng f /Dolan, a people of the Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, also known as 多郎/ 刀鋒 刀锋 T - 155 dāo fēng f /cutting edge or point of a knife, sword or tool/ 刀鋸斧鉞 刀锯斧钺 T - 3 dāo jù fǔ yuè f /knife, saw, ax and hatchet (idiom); facing torture and execution/ 刀鋸鼎鑊 刀锯鼎镬 T - 0 dāo jù dǐng huò f /knife, saw and cauldron/ancient instruments of torture/fig. torture/ 刀锋 刀鋒 S - 155 dāo fēng f /cutting edge or point of a knife, sword or tool/ 刀锯斧钺 刀鋸斧鉞 S - 3 dāo jù fǔ yuè f /knife, saw, ax and hatchet (idiom); facing torture and execution/ 刀锯鼎镬 刀鋸鼎鑊 S - 0 dāo jù dǐng huò f /knife, saw and cauldron/ancient instruments of torture/fig. torture/ 刀鞘 - 81 dāo qiào f /scabbard/ 刀類 刀类 T - 0 dāo lèi f /knives/cutlery/ 刀馬旦 刀马旦 T - 8 dāo mǎ dàn f /female warrior role in Chinese opera/ 刀马旦 刀馬旦 S - 8 dāo mǎ dàn f /female warrior role in Chinese opera/ 刀魚 刀鱼 T - 24 dāo yú f /tapertail anchovy (Coilia ectenes)/various species of cutlassfish/saury/ 刀鱼 刀魚 S - 24 dāo yú f /tapertail anchovy (Coilia ectenes)/various species of cutlassfish/saury/ 刁 - 108 Diāo f /surname Diao/ 刁 - 108 diāo f /artful/wicked/ 刁妇 刁婦 S - 0 diāo fù f /shrew/virago/ 刁婦 刁妇 T - 0 diāo fù f /shrew/virago/ 刁滑 - 11 diāo huá f /artful/crafty/ 刁藩都 - 0 Diāo fān dōu f /Diophantus of Alexandria (3rd century AD), Greek mathematician/ 刁藩都方程 - 0 Diāo fān dōu fāng chéng f /Diophantine equation/ 刁蛮 刁蠻 S - 18 diāo mán f /crafty and unruly/ 刁蠻 刁蛮 T - 18 diāo mán f /crafty and unruly/ 刁鑽 刁钻 T - 101 diāo zuān f /crafty/tricky/ 刁钻 刁鑽 S - 101 diāo zuān f /crafty/tricky/ 刁难 刁難 S - 97 diāo nàn f /to be hard on sb/to deliberately make things difficult/ 刁難 刁难 T - 97 diāo nàn f /to be hard on sb/to deliberately make things difficult/ 刂 - 208 dāo f /"knife" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 18)/see also 立刀旁[li4 dao1 pang2]/see also 側刀旁|侧刀旁[ce4 dao1 pang2]/ 刃 - 1027 rèn f /edge of blade/ 分 410 34660 fēn t /to divide/to separate/to distribute/to allocate/to distinguish (good and bad)/part or subdivision/fraction/one tenth (of certain units)/unit of length equivalent to 0.33 cm/minute/a point (in sports or games)/0.01 yuan (unit of money)/ 分 410 34660 fèn f /part/share/ingredient/component/ 分为 分為 S - 8259 fēn wéi f /to divide sth into (parts)/to subdivide/ 分久必合,合久必分 - 0 fēn jiǔ bì hé , hé jiǔ bì fēn f /lit. that which is long divided must unify, and that which is long unified must divide (idiom, from 三國演義|三国演义[San1 guo2 Yan3 yi4])/fig. things are constantly changing/ 分之 - 0 fēn zhī f /(indicating a fraction)/ 分争 分爭 S - 20 fēn zhēng f /to dispute/to struggle for mastery/ 分享 - 3091 fēn xiǎng f /to share (let others have some of sth good)/ 分付 - 292 fēn fù f /variant of 吩咐[fen1 fu4]/ 分会 分會 S - 436 fēn huì f /branch/ 分会场 分會場 S - 17 fēn huì chǎng f /sub-venues/ 分佈 分布 T 2373 12435 fēn bù f /distributed/to distribute/ 分佈圖 分布图 T - 48 fēn bù tú f /scatter diagram/distribution chart/histogram/ 分佈式 分布式 T - 62 fēn bù shì f /distributed/ 分佈式拒絕服務 分布式拒绝服务 T - 0 fēn bù shì jù jué fú wù f /distributed denial of service (DDOS) form of Internet attack/ 分佈式環境 分布式环境 T - 0 fēn bù shì huán jìng f /distributed environment (computing)/ 分佈式結構 分布式结构 T - 0 fēn bù shì jié gòu f /distributed architecture/ 分佈式網絡 分布式网络 T - 0 fēn bù shì wǎng luò f /distributed network/ 分佈控制 分布控制 T - 0 fēn bù kòng zhì f /distributed control/ 分光 - 73 fēn guāng f /diffraction (of light)/ 分克 - 3 fēn kè f /decigram/ 分內 分内 T - 81 fèn nèi f /one's job or duty/within one's remit/ 分公司 - 701 fēn gōng sī f /subsidiary company/branch office/ 分内 分內 S - 81 fèn nèi f /one's job or duty/within one's remit/ 分冊 分册 T - 42 fēn cè f /volume (one of a series)/fascicule/ 分册 分冊 S - 42 fēn cè f /volume (one of a series)/fascicule/ 分列 - 235 fēn liè f /to divide into rows/to identify subcategories/to break down into constituent parts/breakdown/disaggregation/ 分別 分别 T 2035 16537 fēn bié f /to part or leave each other/to distinguish/difference/in different ways/differently/separately or individually/ 分别 分別 S 2035 16537 fēn bié f /to part or leave each other/to distinguish/difference/in different ways/differently/separately or individually/ 分割 - 803 fēn gē f /to cut up/to break up/ 分割区 分割區 S - 0 fēn gē qū f /partition (computing)/ 分割區 分割区 T - 0 fēn gē qū f /partition (computing)/ 分力 - 23 fēn lì f /component force (physics)/ 分包 - 4 fēn bāo f /to subcontract/ 分化 - 1354 fēn huà f /to split apart/differentiation/ 分区 分區 S - 280 fēn qū f /allocated area (for housing, industry etc)/district/ 分區 分区 T - 280 fēn qū f /allocated area (for housing, industry etc)/district/ 分叉 - 116 fēn chà f /fork/bifurcation/to divide/ 分发 分發 S - 178 fēn fā f /to distribute/distribution/to assign (sb) to a job/ 分句 - 14 fēn jù f /clause (in European grammar)/ 分号 分號 S - 19 fēn hào f /semicolon (punct.)/ 分外 - 263 fèn wài f /exceptionally/not one's responsibility or job/ 分头 分頭 S - 384 fēn tóu f /separately/severally/parted hair/ 分头路 分頭路 S - 0 fēn tóu lù f /part (in one's hair)/ 分娩 - 306 fēn miǎn f /labor/parturition/delivery/ 分子 份子 S - 6094 fèn zǐ f /members of a class or group/political elements (such as intellectuals or extremists)/part/ 分子 - 6094 fēn zǐ t /molecule/(math) numerator of a fraction/ 分子化合物 - 0 fēn zǐ huà hé wù f /molecular biology/ 分子医学 分子醫學 S - 0 fēn zǐ yī xué f /molecular medicine/ 分子式 - 282 fēn zǐ shì f /molecular formula/ 分子料理 - 0 fēn zǐ liào lǐ f /molecular gastronomy/ 分子杂交 分子雜交 S - 0 fēn zǐ zá jiāo f /molecular hybridization/ 分子生物学 分子生物學 S - 84 fēn zǐ shēng wù xué f /molecular biology/ 分子生物學 分子生物学 T - 84 fēn zǐ shēng wù xué f /molecular biology/ 分子筛 分子篩 S - 29 fēn zǐ shāi f /molecular sieve/ 分子篩 分子筛 T - 29 fēn zǐ shāi f /molecular sieve/ 分子遗传学 分子遺傳學 S - 0 fēn zǐ yí chuán xué f /molecular genetics/ 分子遺傳學 分子遗传学 T - 0 fēn zǐ yí chuán xué f /molecular genetics/ 分子醫學 分子医学 T - 0 fēn zǐ yī xué f /molecular medicine/ 分子量 - 194 fēn zǐ liàng f /molecular mass/ 分子雜交 分子杂交 T - 0 fēn zǐ zá jiāo f /molecular hybridization/ 分宜 - 9 Fēn yí f /Fenyi county in Xinyu 新餘|新余[Xin1 yu2], Jiangxi/ 分宜县 分宜縣 S - 3 Fēn yí xiàn f /Fenyi county in Xinyu 新餘|新余[Xin1 yu2], Jiangxi/ 分宜縣 分宜县 T - 3 Fēn yí xiàn f /Fenyi county in Xinyu 新餘|新余[Xin1 yu2], Jiangxi/ 分家 - 110 fēn jiā f /to separate and live apart/division of a large family into smaller groups/ 分寸 4719 131 fēn cun f /propriety/appropriate behavior/proper speech or action/within the norms/ 分封 - 269 fēn fēng f /to divide and confer (property on one's descendants)/ 分封制 - 3 fēn fēng zhì f /the feudal system/system of enfeoffment/ 分局 - 410 fēn jú f /sub-bureau/ 分层 分層 S - 178 fēn céng f /lamination/layering/stratification/delamination/ 分居 - 99 fēn jū f /to separate (married couple)/to live apart (of husband and wife, family members)/ 分属 分屬 S - 273 fēn shǔ f /classification/ 分層 分层 T - 178 fēn céng f /lamination/layering/stratification/delamination/ 分屬 分属 T - 273 fēn shǔ f /classification/ 分岔 - 26 fēn chà f /bifurcation/ 分崩离析 分崩離析 S - 52 fēn bēng lí xī f /to collapse and fall apart (idiom); to break up/falling to pieces/ 分崩離析 分崩离析 T - 52 fēn bēng lí xī f /to collapse and fall apart (idiom); to break up/falling to pieces/ 分巡兵備道 分巡兵备道 T - 0 Fēn xún Bīng Bèi dào f /Qing Dynasty General Supervisory and Military Command/ 分巡兵备道 分巡兵備道 S - 0 Fēn xún Bīng Bèi dào f /Qing Dynasty General Supervisory and Military Command/ 分工 - 1166 fēn gōng f /to divide up the work/division of labor/ 分布 分佈 S 2373 12435 fēn bù f /distributed/to distribute/ 分布图 分佈圖 S - 48 fēn bù tú f /scatter diagram/distribution chart/histogram/ 分布图 分布圖 S - 48 fēn bù tú f /scatter diagram/distribution chart/histogram/ 分布圖 分布图 T - 48 fēn bù tú f /scatter diagram/distribution chart/histogram/ 分布式 分佈式 S - 62 fēn bù shì f /distributed/ 分布式拒绝服务 分佈式拒絕服務 S - 0 fēn bù shì jù jué fú wù f /distributed denial of service (DDOS) form of Internet attack/ 分布式环境 分佈式環境 S - 0 fēn bù shì huán jìng f /distributed environment (computing)/ 分布式结构 分佈式結構 S - 0 fēn bù shì jié gòu f /distributed architecture/ 分布式网络 分佈式網絡 S - 0 fēn bù shì wǎng luò f /distributed network/ 分布控制 分佈控制 S - 0 fēn bù kòng zhì f /distributed control/ 分店 - 67 fēn diàn f /branch (of a chain store)/annex/ 分度 - 24 fēn dù f /graduation (of a measuring instrument)/ 分庭抗礼 分庭抗禮 S - 59 fēn tíng kàng lǐ f /peer competition/to function as rivals/to make claims as an equal/ 分庭抗禮 分庭抗礼 T - 59 fēn tíng kàng lǐ f /peer competition/to function as rivals/to make claims as an equal/ 分开 分開 S - 1155 fēn kāi f /to separate/to part/ 分异 分異 S - 0 fēn yì f /distinction/differentiation/ 分当 分當 S - 3 fèn dāng f /as should be/as expected/ 分录 分錄 S - 3 fēn lù f /entry (accounting)/ 分形 - 31 fēn xíng f /fractal/ 分形几何 分形幾何 S - 0 fēn xíng jǐ hé f /fractal geometry/ 分形几何学 分形幾何學 S - 0 fēn xíng jǐ hé xué f /fractal geometry/ 分形幾何 分形几何 T - 0 fēn xíng jǐ hé f /fractal geometry/ 分形幾何學 分形几何学 T - 0 fēn xíng jǐ hé xué f /fractal geometry/ 分心 - 136 fēn xīn f /to distract/ 分忧 分憂 S - 111 fēn yōu f /to share tribulations/to help sb with worries and difficulties/ 分憂 分忧 T - 111 fēn yōu f /to share tribulations/to help sb with worries and difficulties/ 分成 - 2237 fēn chéng f /to divide (into)/to split a bonus/to break into/tenths/percentage allotment/ 分房 - 76 fēn fáng f /to sleep in separate rooms/distribution of social housing/ 分所 - 22 fēn suǒ f /branch (of a company etc)/ 分手 1392 439 fēn shǒu f /to part company/to split up/to break up/ 分手代理 - 0 fēn shǒu dài lǐ f /"break-up agent", person who acts for sb who wishes to terminate a relationship but does not have the heart to do so/ 分批 - 234 fēn pī f /to do sth in batches or groups/ 分担 分擔 S - 273 fēn dān f /to share (a burden, a cost, a responsibility)/ 分拆 - 84 fèn chāi f /to separate off/to hive off/a demerger/ 分掉 - 0 fēn diào f /to share/to divide up/ 分摊 分攤 S - 104 fēn tān f /to share (costs, responsibilities)/to apportion/ 分擔 分担 T - 273 fēn dān f /to share (a burden, a cost, a responsibility)/ 分攤 分摊 T - 104 fēn tān f /to share (costs, responsibilities)/to apportion/ 分支 - 1551 fēn zhī f /branch (of company, river etc)/to branch/to diverge/to ramify/to subdivide/ 分散 3037 1432 fēn sàn f /to scatter/to disperse/to distribute/ 分散式 - 4 fēn sàn shì f /distributed/ 分散注意力 - 0 fēn sàn zhù yì lì f /to distract/to divert the attention/ 分散的策略 - 0 fēn sàn de cè lüè f /diffused strategy/ 分数 分數 S - 1157 fēn shù f /(exam) grade/mark/score/fraction/ 分数挂帅 分數掛帥 S - 0 fēn shù guà shuài f /preoccupied with school grades/over-emphasis on test scores/ 分數 分数 T - 1157 fēn shù f /(exam) grade/mark/score/fraction/ 分數掛帥 分数挂帅 T - 0 fēn shù guà shuài f /preoccupied with school grades/over-emphasis on test scores/ 分文 - 118 fēn wén f /a single penny/a single cent/ 分文不取 - 8 fēn wén bù qǔ f /to give for free/ 分时 分時 S - 45 fēn shí f /time-sharing/ 分时多工 分時多工 S - 0 fēn shí duō gōng f /time division multiplexing/TDM/ 分明 4032 1254 fēn míng f /clear/distinct/evidently/clearly/ 分星掰两 分星掰兩 S - 0 fēn xīng bāi liǎng f /punctilious/clear and detailed/ 分星掰兩 分星掰两 T - 0 fēn xīng bāi liǎng f /punctilious/clear and detailed/ 分時 分时 T - 45 fēn shí f /time-sharing/ 分時多工 分时多工 T - 0 fēn shí duō gōng f /time division multiplexing/TDM/ 分晓 分曉 S - 103 fēn xiǎo f /the result (becomes apparent)/now one understands/ 分曉 分晓 T - 103 fēn xiǎo f /the result (becomes apparent)/now one understands/ 分會 分会 T - 436 fēn huì f /branch/ 分會場 分会场 T - 17 fēn huì chǎng f /sub-venues/ 分期 - 302 fēn qī f /by stages/staggered/step by step/in installments/ 分期付款 - 99 fēn qī fù kuǎn f /to pay in installments/payment in installments/ 分机 分機 S - 11 fēn jī f /(telephone) extension/CL:臺|台[tai2]/ 分权 分權 S - 110 fēn quán f /separation of powers/ 分权制衡 分權制衡 S - 0 fēn quán zhì héng f /separation of powers for checks and balances/ 分析 1478 11086 fēn xī f /to analyze/analysis/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 分析人士 - 0 fēn xī rén shì f /analyst/expert/ 分析化学 分析化學 S - 52 fēn xī huà xué f /analytical chemistry/ 分析化學 分析化学 T - 52 fēn xī huà xué f /analytical chemistry/ 分析员 分析員 S - 43 fēn xī yuán f /analyst (e.g. of news)/ 分析員 分析员 T - 43 fēn xī yuán f /analyst (e.g. of news)/ 分析器 - 14 fēn xī qì f /analyzer/ 分析处理 分析處理 S - 0 fēn xī chǔ lǐ f /to parse/analysis processing/to analyze and treat/ 分析学 分析學 S - 0 fēn xī xué f /mathematical analysis/calculus/ 分析學 分析学 T - 0 fēn xī xué f /mathematical analysis/calculus/ 分析家 - 228 fēn xī jiā f /(political) analyst/ 分析师 分析師 S - 510 fēn xī shī f /analyst/commentator/ 分析師 分析师 T - 510 fēn xī shī f /analyst/commentator/ 分析心理学 分析心理學 S - 0 fēn xī xīn lǐ xué f /analytical psychology/Jungian psychology/ 分析心理學 分析心理学 T - 0 fēn xī xīn lǐ xué f /analytical psychology/Jungian psychology/ 分析法 - 169 fēn xī fǎ f /the analytic method/analytic reasoning/ 分析研究 - 0 fēn xī yán jiū f /analysis/research/ 分析處理 分析处理 T - 0 fēn xī chǔ lǐ f /to parse/analysis processing/to analyze and treat/ 分析語 分析语 T - 2 fēn xī yǔ f /analytic language/ 分析语 分析語 S - 2 fēn xī yǔ f /analytic language/ 分枝 - 279 fēn zhī f /branch/ 分校 - 417 fēn xiào f /branch of a school/ 分桃 - 3 fēn táo f /homosexual/ 分機 分机 T - 11 fēn jī f /(telephone) extension/CL:臺|台[tai2]/ 分櫱 分蘖 T - 48 fēn niè f /tiller (stem at the base of grass plants)/ 分權 分权 T - 110 fēn quán f /separation of powers/ 分權制衡 分权制衡 T - 0 fēn quán zhì héng f /separation of powers for checks and balances/ 分步驟 分步骤 T - 0 fēn bù zhòu f /step by step/one step at a time/ 分步骤 分步驟 S - 0 fēn bù zhòu f /step by step/one step at a time/ 分歧 3530 984 fēn qí f /divergent/difference (of opinion, position)/disagreement/bifurcation (math.)/ 分歧点 分歧點 S - 6 fēn qí diǎn f /branch point/division point/ 分歧點 分歧点 T - 6 fēn qí diǎn f /branch point/division point/ 分段 - 169 fēn duàn f /segment/ 分母 - 26 fēn mǔ f /denominator of a fraction/ 分毫 - 160 fēn háo f /fraction/slightest difference/hairsbreadth/ 分毫之差 - 0 fēn háo zhī chā f /hairsbreadth difference/ 分水岭 分水嶺 S - 614 fēn shuǐ lǐng f /dividing range/drainage divide/(fig.) dividing line/watershed/ 分水嶺 分水岭 T - 614 fēn shuǐ lǐng f /dividing range/drainage divide/(fig.) dividing line/watershed/ 分水線 分水线 T - 11 fēn shuǐ xiàn f /watershed/ 分水线 分水線 S - 11 fēn shuǐ xiàn f /watershed/ 分治 - 385 fēn zhì f /separate government/partition/ 分泌 3921 1432 fēn mì f /to secrete/secretion/ 分泌物 - 304 fēn mì wù f /secretion/ 分泌顆粒 分泌颗粒 T - 0 fēn mì kē lì f /secretory granule/ 分泌颗粒 分泌顆粒 S - 0 fēn mì kē lì f /secretory granule/ 分波多工 - 0 fēn bō duō gōng f /wavelength division multiplexing/WDM/ 分洪 - 35 fēn hóng f /to separate flood/flood defense/ 分派 - 210 fēn pài f /to assign (a task to different people)/to allocate/ 分流 - 1329 fēn liú f /bypass/ 分流电路 分流電路 S - 0 fēn liú diàn lù f /shunt circuit/current divider (electronics)/ 分流電路 分流电路 T - 0 fēn liú diàn lù f /shunt circuit/current divider (electronics)/ 分清 - 142 fēn qīng f /to distinguish (between different things)/to make distinctions clear/ 分灶吃饭 分竈吃飯 S - 0 fēn zào chī fàn f /"meals prepared at separate stoves", slogan of the program of fiscal decentralization that began in the 1980s in the PRC/ 分点 分點 S - 40 fēn diǎn f /point of division/ 分為 分为 T - 8259 fēn wéi f /to divide sth into (parts)/to subdivide/ 分爭 分争 T - 20 fēn zhēng f /to dispute/to struggle for mastery/ 分班 - 3 fēn bān f /to divide people into groups, teams, squads etc/ 分瓦 - 0 fēn wǎ f /deciwatt/ 分生組織 分生组织 T - 3 fēn shēng zǔ zhī f /meristem/ 分生组织 分生組織 S - 3 fēn shēng zǔ zhī f /meristem/ 分界線 分界线 T - 185 fēn jiè xiàn f /dividing line/ 分界线 分界線 S - 185 fēn jiè xiàn f /dividing line/ 分異 分异 T - 0 fēn yì f /distinction/differentiation/ 分當 分当 T - 3 fèn dāng f /as should be/as expected/ 分發 分发 T - 178 fēn fā f /to distribute/distribution/to assign (sb) to a job/ 分相 - 3 fēn xiàng f /split phase (elec.)/ 分社 - 172 fēn shè f /sub-division or branch of an organization/news bureau/ 分神 - 208 fēn shén f /to give attention to sth/please give (some of your valuable) attention to my task/to be distracted/ 分离 分離 S - 2309 fēn lí f /to separate/ 分离主义 分離主義 S - 7 fēn lí zhǔ yì f /separatism/ 分离分子 分離份子 S - 0 fēn lí fèn zǐ f /separatist/ 分秒必争 分秒必爭 S - 23 fēn miǎo bì zhēng f /seize every minute and second (idiom); not a minute to lose/every moment counts/ 分秒必爭 分秒必争 T - 23 fēn miǎo bì zhēng f /seize every minute and second (idiom); not a minute to lose/every moment counts/ 分竈吃飯 分灶吃饭 T - 0 fēn zào chī fàn f /"meals prepared at separate stoves", slogan of the program of fiscal decentralization that began in the 1980s in the PRC/ 分立 - 243 fēn lì f /to establish as separate entities/to divide (a company etc) into independent entities/discrete/separate/separation (of powers etc)/ 分站 - 57 fēn zhàn f /substation/ 分管 - 320 fēn guǎn f /to be put in charge of/to be responsible for/branched passage/ 分節 分节 T - 3 fēn jié f /segmented/ 分米 - 7 fēn mǐ f /decimeter/ 分类 分類 S - 3201 fēn lèi f /classification/ 分类学 分類學 S - 111 fēn lèi xué f /taxonomy/taxology/systematics/ 分类帐 分類帳 S - 3 fēn lèi zhàng f /a ledger/a spreadsheet/ 分类理论 分類理論 S - 0 fēn lèi lǐ lùn f /classification theory/ 分系統 分系统 T - 43 fēn xì tǒng f /subsystem/ 分系统 分系統 S - 43 fēn xì tǒng f /subsystem/ 分紅 分红 T 4458 219 fēn hóng f /dividend/to award a bonus/ 分級 分级 T - 167 fēn jí f /to rank/to grade/to classify/rank/grade/classification/ 分組 分组 T - 151 fēn zǔ f /to divide into groups/subgroup/ 分組交換 分组交换 T - 0 fēn zǔ jiāo huàn f /packet switching/ 分給 分给 T - 391 fēn gěi f /to divide (and give to others)/ 分縫 分缝 T - 0 fēn fèng f /part (in one's hair)/ 分红 分紅 S 4458 219 fēn hóng f /dividend/to award a bonus/ 分级 分級 S - 167 fēn jí f /to rank/to grade/to classify/rank/grade/classification/ 分组 分組 S - 151 fēn zǔ f /to divide into groups/subgroup/ 分组交换 分組交換 S - 0 fēn zǔ jiāo huàn f /packet switching/ 分给 分給 S - 391 fēn gěi f /to divide (and give to others)/ 分缝 分縫 S - 0 fēn fèng f /part (in one's hair)/ 分而治之 - 18 fēn ér zhì zhī f /divide and rule (strategy)/divide and conquer/ 分至点 分至點 S - 13 fēn zhì diǎn f /common word for equinox and solstice/point of difference/point of divergence/ 分至點 分至点 T - 13 fēn zhì diǎn f /common word for equinox and solstice/point of difference/point of divergence/ 分色 - 12 fēn sè f /color separation/ 分色鏡頭 分色镜头 T - 0 fēn sè jìng tóu f /process lens (working by color separation)/ 分色镜头 分色鏡頭 S - 0 fēn sè jìng tóu f /process lens (working by color separation)/ 分节 分節 S - 3 fēn jié f /segmented/ 分蘖 分櫱 S - 48 fēn niè f /tiller (stem at the base of grass plants)/ 分號 分号 T - 19 fēn hào f /semicolon (punct.)/ 分行 - 437 fēn háng f /branch of bank or store/subsidiary bank/ 分袂 - 0 fēn mèi f /to leave each other/to part company/ 分裂 3071 2418 fēn liè f /to split up/to divide/to break up/fission/schism/ 分裂主义 分裂主義 S - 33 fēn liè zhǔ yì f /separatism/ 分裂主義 分裂主义 T - 33 fēn liè zhǔ yì f /separatism/ 分裂情感性障碍 分裂情感性障礙 S - 0 fēn liè qíng gǎn xìng zhàng ài f /schizoaffective disorder/ 分裂情感性障礙 分裂情感性障碍 T - 0 fēn liè qíng gǎn xìng zhàng ài f /schizoaffective disorder/ 分裂組織 分裂组织 T - 0 fēn liè zǔ zhī f /separatist organization/meristem (botany)/ 分裂组织 分裂組織 S - 0 fēn liè zǔ zhī f /separatist organization/meristem (botany)/ 分装 分裝 S - 46 fēn zhuāng f /to divide into portions/to package in smaller quantities/to separate into loads/ 分装机 分裝機 S - 0 fēn zhuāng jī f /racking machine/filling machine/ 分裝 分装 T - 46 fēn zhuāng f /to divide into portions/to package in smaller quantities/to separate into loads/ 分裝機 分装机 T - 0 fēn zhuāng jī f /racking machine/filling machine/ 分角器 - 3 fēn jiǎo qì f /a protractor (device to divide angles)/ 分解 3730 1363 fēn jiě f /to resolve/to decompose/to break down/ 分解代謝 分解代谢 T - 3 fēn jiě dài xiè f /catabolism (biology)/metabolic breaking down and waste disposal/dissimilation/ 分解代谢 分解代謝 S - 3 fēn jiě dài xiè f /catabolism (biology)/metabolic breaking down and waste disposal/dissimilation/ 分解作用 - 0 fēn jiě zuò yòng f /decomposition/ 分設 分设 T - 145 fēn shè f /to set up separately/to establish separate units/ 分訴 分诉 T - 0 fēn sù f /to narrate/to explain/to justify oneself/ 分詞 分词 T - 19 fēn cí f /participle/word segmentation/ 分說 分说 T - 3 fēn shuō f /to explain (the difference)/ 分设 分設 S - 145 fēn shè f /to set up separately/to establish separate units/ 分诉 分訴 S - 0 fēn sù f /to narrate/to explain/to justify oneself/ 分词 分詞 S - 19 fēn cí f /participle/word segmentation/ 分说 分說 S - 3 fēn shuō f /to explain (the difference)/ 分貝 分贝 T - 98 fēn bèi f /decibel/ 分賬 分账 T - 3 fēn zhàng f /to share profits (or debt)/ 分贓 分赃 T - 189 fēn zāng f /to share the booty/to divide ill-gotten gains/ 分贝 分貝 S - 98 fēn bèi f /decibel/ 分账 分賬 S - 3 fēn zhàng f /to share profits (or debt)/ 分赃 分贓 S - 189 fēn zāng f /to share the booty/to divide ill-gotten gains/ 分身 - 229 fēn shēn f /to spare time for a separate task/doppelgänger/sockpuppet (Internet slang)/ 分身乏术 分身乏術 S - 3 fēn shēn fá shù f /to be up to one's ears in work (idiom)/to be unable to attend to other things at the same time/ 分身乏術 分身乏术 T - 3 fēn shēn fá shù f /to be up to one's ears in work (idiom)/to be unable to attend to other things at the same time/ 分辨 3403 712 fēn biàn f /to distinguish/to differentiate/to resolve/ 分辨率 - 354 fēn biàn lǜ f /resolution (of images, monitors, scanners etc)/ 分辩 分辯 S - 157 fēn biàn f /to explain the facts/to defend against an accusation/ 分辯 分辩 T - 157 fēn biàn f /to explain the facts/to defend against an accusation/ 分送 - 188 fēn sòng f /send/distribute/ 分道扬镳 分道揚鑣 S - 63 fēn dào yáng biāo f /lit. to take different roads and urge the horses on (idiom)/fig. to part ways/ 分道揚鑣 分道扬镳 T - 63 fēn dào yáng biāo f /lit. to take different roads and urge the horses on (idiom)/fig. to part ways/ 分部 - 269 fēn bù f /branch/subsection/to subdivide/ 分配 2083 5410 fēn pèi f /to distribute/to assign/to allocate/to partition (a hard drive)/ 分配器 - 3 fēn pèi qì f /dispenser (for consumables such as liquid soap)/splitter (for cable TV signal etc)/ 分配律 - 5 fēn pèi lǜ f /distributivity/ 分野 - 48 fēn yě f /dividing line between distinct realms/boundary/field-allocation (in Chinese astrology, the association between celestial regions and corresponding terrestrial realms)/ 分量 4125 630 fēn liàng f /(vector) component/ 分量 4125 630 fèn liang f /quantity/weight/measure/ 分針 分针 T - 5 fēn zhēn f /minute hand (of a clock)/ 分銷 分销 T - 106 fēn xiāo f /distribution/retail store/ 分銷商 分销商 T - 35 fēn xiāo shāng f /distributor/ 分銷店 分销店 T - 3 fēn xiāo diàn f /retail store/ 分銷網絡 分销网络 T - 0 fēn xiāo wǎng luò f /distribution network/ 分錄 分录 T - 3 fēn lù f /entry (accounting)/ 分錢 分钱 T - 15 fēn qián f /cent/penny/ 分鐘 分钟 T 89 6285 fēn zhōng f /minute/ 分针 分針 S - 5 fēn zhēn f /minute hand (of a clock)/ 分钟 分鐘 S 89 6285 fēn zhōng f /minute/ 分钱 分錢 S - 15 fēn qián f /cent/penny/ 分销 分銷 S - 106 fēn xiāo f /distribution/retail store/ 分销商 分銷商 S - 35 fēn xiāo shāng f /distributor/ 分销店 分銷店 S - 3 fēn xiāo diàn f /retail store/ 分销网络 分銷網絡 S - 0 fēn xiāo wǎng luò f /distribution network/ 分開 分开 T - 1155 fēn kāi f /to separate/to part/ 分队 分隊 S - 377 fēn duì f /military platoon or squad/ 分隊 分队 T - 377 fēn duì f /military platoon or squad/ 分隔 - 244 fēn gé f /to divide/to separate/partition/ 分離 分离 T - 2309 fēn lí f /to separate/ 分離主義 分离主义 T - 7 fēn lí zhǔ yì f /separatism/ 分離份子 分离分子 T - 0 fēn lí fèn zǐ f /separatist/ 分音符 - 0 fēn yīn fú f /dieresis/umlaut/diacritical mark separating two adjacent syllables/ 分頁 分页 T - 7 fēn yè f /tab window (in a web browser etc)/paging/pagination/page break (computing)/ 分項 分项 T - 18 fēn xiàng f /sub-item (of program)/ 分頭 分头 T - 384 fēn tóu f /separately/severally/parted hair/ 分頭路 分头路 T - 0 fēn tóu lù f /part (in one's hair)/ 分頻 分频 T - 7 fēn pín f /frequency sharing/subdivision of radio waveband/ 分類 分类 T - 3201 fēn lèi f /classification/ 分類學 分类学 T - 111 fēn lèi xué f /taxonomy/taxology/systematics/ 分類帳 分类帐 T - 3 fēn lèi zhàng f /a ledger/a spreadsheet/ 分類理論 分类理论 T - 0 fēn lèi lǐ lùn f /classification theory/ 分页 分頁 S - 7 fēn yè f /tab window (in a web browser etc)/paging/pagination/page break (computing)/ 分项 分項 S - 18 fēn xiàng f /sub-item (of program)/ 分频 分頻 S - 7 fēn pín f /frequency sharing/subdivision of radio waveband/ 分餐 - 3 fēn cān f /separate meals/to eat individual meals (rather than taking one's food from plates served to everyone at the table)/ 分餾 分馏 T - 40 fēn liú f /fractional distillation/ 分馏 分餾 S - 40 fēn liú f /fractional distillation/ 分點 分点 T - 40 fēn diǎn f /point of division/ 切 1447 3026 qiē f /to cut/to slice/tangent (math)/ 切 1447 3026 qiè t /definitely/absolutely (not)/(scoffing or dismissive interjection) Yeah, right./Tut!/to grind/close to/eager/to correspond to/see also 反切[fan3 qie4]/ 切中 - 30 qiè zhòng f /to hit the target (esp. in argument)/to strike home/ 切中时弊 切中時弊 S - 13 qiè zhòng shí bì f /to hit home on the evils of the day (idiom); fig. to hit a current political target/to hit the nub of the matter/ 切中时病 切中時病 S - 3 qiè zhòng shí bìng f /to hit the target where it hurts (idiom); fig. to hit home/to hit the nail on the head (in an argument)/ 切中時弊 切中时弊 T - 13 qiè zhòng shí bì f /to hit home on the evils of the day (idiom); fig. to hit a current political target/to hit the nub of the matter/ 切中時病 切中时病 T - 3 qiè zhòng shí bìng f /to hit the target where it hurts (idiom); fig. to hit home/to hit the nail on the head (in an argument)/ 切中要害 - 7 qiè zhòng yào hài f /to hit the target and do real damage (idiom)/fig. to hit where it hurts/fig. to hit home/an argument that hits the nail on the head/ 切入 - 141 qiē rù f /to cut into/to incise/to penetrate deeply into (a topic, area etc)/cut (offensive moves in basketball)/ 切刀 - 3 qiē dāo f /cutter/knife/ 切切 - 46 qiè qiè f /urgently/eagerly/worried/(urge sb to) be sure to/it is absolutely essential to (follow the above instruction)/ 切切私語 切切私语 T - 3 qiè qiè sī yǔ f /a private whisper/ 切切私语 切切私語 S - 3 qiè qiè sī yǔ f /a private whisper/ 切削 - 185 qiē xiāo f /to cut/cutting/machining/ 切割 - 492 qiē gē f /to cut/ 切勿 - 165 qiè wù f /by no means/ 切变 切變 S - 10 qiē biàn f /shear (physics)/ 切口 - 103 qiē kǒu f /incision/notch/slit/gash/margin of a page/trimmed edge (of a page in a book)/ 切口 - 103 qiè kǒu t /slang/argot/private language used as secret code/ 切合 - 201 qiè hé f /to fit in with/to suit/appropriate/ 切合实际 切合實際 S - 3 qiè hé shí jì f /practical/corresponding to reality/geared to practical situations/ 切合實際 切合实际 T - 3 qiè hé shí jì f /practical/corresponding to reality/geared to practical situations/ 切向 - 0 qiē xiàng f /tangent direction/ 切向力 - 0 qiē xiàng lì f /tangential force/ 切向速度 - 4 qiē xiàng sù dù f /tangential velocity/ 切向量 - 0 qiē xiàng liàng f /tangent vector/ 切嘱 切囑 S - 0 qiè zhǔ f /urgent advice/to exhort/ 切囑 切嘱 T - 0 qiè zhǔ f /urgent advice/to exhort/ 切块 切塊 S - 267 qiē kuài f /to cut into pieces/ 切塊 切块 T - 267 qiē kuài f /to cut into pieces/ 切实 切實 S 4465 1260 qiè shí f /feasible/realistic/practical/earnestly/conscientiously/ 切实可行 切實可行 S - 108 qiè shí kě xíng f /feasible/ 切實 切实 T 4465 1260 qiè shí f /feasible/realistic/practical/earnestly/conscientiously/ 切實可行 切实可行 T - 108 qiè shí kě xíng f /feasible/ 切尔西 切爾西 S - 153 Qiè ěr xī f /Chelsea/ 切尔诺贝利 切爾諾貝利 S - 29 Qiē ěr nuò bèi lì f /Chernobyl/ 切尼 - 19 Qiē ní f /Cheney (name)/Richard B. "Dick" Cheney (1941-), US Republican politician, vice-president 2001-2008/ 切平面 - 0 qiē píng miàn f /tangent plane (to a surface)/ 切忌 - 153 qiè jì f /to avoid as taboo/to avoid by all means/ 切成 - 3 qiē chéng f /to cut up (into pieces)/to slice/to carve/to dice/to shred/ 切成丝 切成絲 S - 0 qiē chéng sī f /to grate/to shred (vegetable)/ 切成块 切成塊 S - 0 qiē chéng kuài f /to cut into cubes/to dice (vegetable)/ 切成塊 切成块 T - 0 qiē chéng kuài f /to cut into cubes/to dice (vegetable)/ 切成絲 切成丝 T - 0 qiē chéng sī f /to grate/to shred (vegetable)/ 切换 切換 S - 90 qiē huàn f /to switch over/to switch modes or data streams/to cut (to a new scene)/ 切換 切换 T - 90 qiē huàn f /to switch over/to switch modes or data streams/to cut (to a new scene)/ 切断 切斷 S - 464 qiē duàn f /to cut off/to sever/ 切斷 切断 T - 464 qiē duàn f /to cut off/to sever/ 切望 - 8 qiè wàng f /to eagerly anticipate/ 切末 - 0 qiè mo f /stage props/ 切杆 - 0 qiē gān f /chip (golf shot)/ 切激 - 0 qiè jī f /impassioned/fiercely/ 切点 切點 S - 5 qiē diǎn f /contact (math.)/ 切爾西 切尔西 T - 153 Qiè ěr xī f /Chelsea/ 切爾諾貝利 切尔诺贝利 T - 29 Qiē ěr nuò bèi lì f /Chernobyl/ 切片 - 136 qiē piàn f /to slice/slice/thin section of a specimen (for microscopic examination)/ 切片检查 切片檢查 S - 3 qiē piàn jiǎn chá f /slide examination/microscopic examination of thin section of specimen as part of biopsy/ 切片檢查 切片检查 T - 3 qiē piàn jiǎn chá f /slide examination/microscopic examination of thin section of specimen as part of biopsy/ 切牙 - 3 qiē yá f /incisor tooth/ 切特豪斯学校 切特豪斯學校 S - 0 Qiē tè háo sī xué xiào f /Charterhouse public school (UK)/ 切特豪斯學校 切特豪斯学校 T - 0 Qiē tè háo sī xué xiào f /Charterhouse public school (UK)/ 切痛 - 0 qiē tòng f /sharp pain/ 切盼 - 9 qiè pàn f /to look forward eagerly to sth/keenly desired/ 切碎 - 40 qiē suì f /to chop/ 切磋 - 135 qiē cuō f /to compare notes/to learn by interaction/ 切磋琢磨 - 3 qiē cuō zhuó mó f /gradual improvement by slow polishing (idiom); fig. education as a gradual process/ 切空間 切空间 T - 0 qiē kōng jiān f /space of sections (math)/ 切空间 切空間 S - 0 qiē kōng jiān f /space of sections (math)/ 切糕 - 3 qiē gāo f /traditional Xinjiang sweet walnut cake/ 切結書 切结书 T - 0 qiè jié shū f /affidavit/written pledge/ 切線 切线 T - 49 qiē xiàn f /tangent line (geometry)/ 切线 切線 S - 49 qiē xiàn f /tangent line (geometry)/ 切结书 切結書 S - 0 qiè jié shū f /affidavit/written pledge/ 切肉刀 - 3 qiē ròu dāo f /meat cleaver/ 切肤之痛 切膚之痛 S - 18 qiè fū zhī tòng f /keenly felt pain/bitter anguish/ 切脈 切脉 T - 18 qiè mài f /to feel sb's pulse/ 切脉 切脈 S - 18 qiè mài f /to feel sb's pulse/ 切腹 - 3 qiē fù f /harakiri (formal Japanese: seppuku), a samurai's suicide by disemboweling/ 切膚之痛 切肤之痛 T - 18 qiè fū zhī tòng f /keenly felt pain/bitter anguish/ 切莫 - 91 qiè mò f /you must not/Please don't.../be sure not to/on no account (do it)/ 切要 - 3 qiè yào f /essential/extremely important/ 切触 切觸 S - 0 qiè chù f /osculation (higher order tangency)/ 切觸 切触 T - 0 qiè chù f /osculation (higher order tangency)/ 切記 切记 T - 129 qiè jì f /bear in mind!/be sure to remember/remember sth clearly/ 切診 切诊 T - 14 qiè zhěn f /(TCM) pulse feeling and palpitation, one of the four methods of diagnosis 四診|四诊[si4 zhen3]/ 切變 切变 T - 10 qiē biàn f /shear (physics)/ 切记 切記 S - 129 qiè jì f /bear in mind!/be sure to remember/remember sth clearly/ 切诊 切診 S - 14 qiè zhěn f /(TCM) pulse feeling and palpitation, one of the four methods of diagnosis 四診|四诊[si4 zhen3]/ 切責 切责 T - 0 qiè zé f /to blame/to reprimand/ 切责 切責 S - 0 qiè zé f /to blame/to reprimand/ 切身 - 134 qiè shēn f /direct/concerning oneself/personal/ 切达 切達 S - 0 Qiè dá f /Cheddar (cheese)/ 切近 - 22 qiè jìn f /very close/touching/very appropriate/ 切迫 - 0 qiè pò f /urgent/ 切達 切达 T - 0 Qiè dá f /Cheddar (cheese)/ 切除 - 450 qiē chú f /to excise/to cut out (a tumor)/ 切面 - 29 qiē miàn f /section/cross-cut/tangent plane (math.)/ 切音 - 3 qiè yīn f /to indicate the phonetic value of a word using other words/ 切韵 切韻 S - 0 Qiè yùn f /Qieyun, the first Chinese rime dictionary from 601 AD, containing 11,500 single-character entries/ 切韵 切韻 S - 0 qiè yùn f /see 反切[fan3 qie4]/ 切韻 切韵 T - 0 Qiè yùn f /Qieyun, the first Chinese rime dictionary from 601 AD, containing 11,500 single-character entries/ 切韻 切韵 T - 0 qiè yùn f /see 反切[fan3 qie4]/ 切題 切题 T - 25 qiè tí f /to keep to the subject/ 切题 切題 S - 25 qiè tí f /to keep to the subject/ 切骨之仇 - 3 qiè gǔ zhī chóu f /bitter hatred/hatred that cuts to the bone/ 切點 切点 T - 5 qiē diǎn f /contact (math.)/ 切齒 切齿 T - 77 qiè chǐ f /to gnash one's teeth (in anger)/ 切齒腐心 切齿腐心 T - 3 qiè chǐ fǔ xīn f /to detest sth or sb to the utmost extreme (idiom)/ 切齿 切齒 S - 77 qiè chǐ f /to gnash one's teeth (in anger)/ 切齿腐心 切齒腐心 S - 3 qiè chǐ fǔ xīn f /to detest sth or sb to the utmost extreme (idiom)/ 刈 - 155 yì f /mow/ 刈包 - 3 guà bāo f /popular Taiwan snack, similar to a hamburger, steamed bun stuffed with pork, pickled vegetables, peanut powder and cilantro/ 刈羽 - 0 Yì yǔ f /Kariba or Kariwa, Japanese name/Kariwa, site of Japanese nuclear power plant near Niigata 新潟/ 刊 - 564 kān f /to print/to publish/publication/periodical/to peel with a knife/to carve/to amend/ 刊 栞 S - 564 kān f /old variant of 刊[kan1]/to peel with a knife/to carve/to amend/ 刊印 - 70 kān yìn f /to set in print/to diffuse/to publish/ 刊号 刊號 S - 7 kān hào f /issue (of journal)/number/ 刊头 刊頭 S - 3 kān tóu f /newspaper or magazine masthead/ 刊物 4660 1141 kān wù f /publication/ 刊登 3796 681 kān dēng f /to carry a story/to publish (in a newspaper or magazine)/ 刊號 刊号 T - 7 kān hào f /issue (of journal)/number/ 刊行 - 135 kān xíng f /to print and circulate/ 刊誤 刊误 T - 3 kān wù f /to correct printing errors/ 刊誤表 刊误表 T - 3 kān wù biǎo f /variant of 勘誤表|勘误表[kan1 wu4 biao3]/ 刊误 刊誤 S - 3 kān wù f /to correct printing errors/ 刊误表 刊誤表 S - 3 kān wù biǎo f /variant of 勘誤表|勘误表[kan1 wu4 biao3]/ 刊載 刊载 T - 118 kān zǎi f /to publish/ 刊载 刊載 S - 118 kān zǎi f /to publish/ 刊頭 刊头 T - 3 kān tóu f /newspaper or magazine masthead/ 刊首語 刊首语 T - 3 kān shǒu yǔ f /foreword/preface/ 刊首语 刊首語 S - 3 kān shǒu yǔ f /foreword/preface/ 刌 - 0 cǔn f /(literary) to cut off/to sever/ 刍 芻 S - 77 chú f /to mow or cut grass/hay/straw/fodder/ 刍秣 芻秣 S - 3 chú mò f /hay/fodder/ 刍粮 芻糧 S - 3 chú liáng f /army provisions/ 刍荛 芻蕘 S - 4 chú ráo f /to mow grass and cut firewood/grass mower/woodman/ 刍议 芻議 S - 13 chú yì f /lit. grass-cutter's comment (humble); fig. my observation as a humble layman/my humble opinion/ 刍豢 芻豢 S - 0 chú huàn f /livestock/farm animals/ 刎 - 24 wěn f /cut across (throat)/ 刑 - 1618 Xíng f /surname Xing/ 刑 - 1618 xíng f /punishment/penalty/sentence/torture/corporal punishment/ 刑事 3292 1059 xíng shì f /criminal/penal/ 刑事审判庭 刑事審判庭 S - 0 xíng shì shěn pàn tíng f /criminal court/ 刑事審判庭 刑事审判庭 T - 0 xíng shì shěn pàn tíng f /criminal court/ 刑事局 - 0 Xíng shì jú f /Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB)/ 刑事拘留 - 3 xíng shì jū liú f /to detain as criminal/criminal detention/ 刑事法庭 - 4 xíng shì fǎ tíng f /criminal court/ 刑事法院 - 0 xíng shì fǎ yuàn f /criminal court/judiciary court/ 刑事犯 - 2 xíng shì fàn f /a criminal/ 刑事訴訟法 刑事诉讼法 T - 169 xíng shì sù sòng fǎ f /criminal procedure/ 刑事警察 - 35 xíng shì jǐng chá f /criminal police/member of the criminal police/ 刑事警察局 - 0 Xíng shì Jǐng chá jú f /Criminal Investigation Bureau/ 刑事诉讼法 刑事訴訟法 S - 169 xíng shì sù sòng fǎ f /criminal procedure/ 刑人 - 0 xíng rén f /criminal to be executed/to execute a criminal/ 刑具 - 61 xíng jù f /punishment equipment/torture instrument/ 刑名 - 55 xíng míng f /criminal law (abbr. for pre-Han legalist school 刑名之学)/name of crime/ 刑名之学 刑名之學 S - 0 xíng míng zhī xué f /criminal law, pre-Han legalist school/ 刑名之學 刑名之学 T - 0 xíng míng zhī xué f /criminal law, pre-Han legalist school/ 刑场 刑場 S - 244 xíng chǎng f /execution ground/gallows/scaffold/ 刑堂 - 4 xíng táng f /torture chamber/ 刑場 刑场 T - 244 xíng chǎng f /execution ground/gallows/scaffold/ 刑天 - 2 Xíng tiān f /Xingtian, headless giant hero of Chinese mythology decapitated by the Yellow Emperor 黃帝|黄帝[Huang2 di4]/ 刑庭 - 3 xíng tíng f /criminal court/abbr. for 刑事法庭[xing2 shi4 fa3 ting2]/ 刑律 - 45 xíng lǜ f /criminal law/ 刑戮 - 3 xíng lù f /executed/to suffer corporal punishment or execution/ 刑房 - 8 xíng fáng f /office of punishment/torture chamber (esp. unofficial)/ 刑拘 - 5 xíng jū f /to detain as criminal/criminal detention/abbr. for 刑事拘留[xing2 shi4 ju1 liu2]/ 刑期 - 92 xíng qī f /prison term/ 刑案 - 4 xíng àn f /criminal case/ 刑求 - 0 xíng qiú f /to extort confession by torture/ 刑法 - 671 xíng fǎ f /criminal law/ 刑满 刑滿 S - 12 xíng mǎn f /to complete a prison sentence/ 刑滿 刑满 T - 12 xíng mǎn f /to complete a prison sentence/ 刑網 刑网 T - 0 xíng wǎng f /legal net/the long arm of the law/ 刑网 刑網 S - 0 xíng wǎng f /legal net/the long arm of the law/ 刑罚 刑罰 S - 753 xíng fá f /sentence/penalty/punishment/ 刑罰 刑罚 T - 753 xíng fá f /sentence/penalty/punishment/ 刑舂 - 0 xíng chōng f /to be forced to grind grain as a punishment (old)/ 刑訊 刑讯 T - 19 xíng xùn f /interrogation under torture/inquisition/ 刑訴法 刑诉法 T - 3 xíng sù fǎ f /criminal procedure/abbr. for 刑事訴訟法|刑事诉讼法/ 刑警 - 54 xíng jǐng f /abbr. for 刑事警察[xing2 shi4 jing3 cha2]/criminal police/ 刑讯 刑訊 S - 19 xíng xùn f /interrogation under torture/inquisition/ 刑诉法 刑訴法 S - 3 xíng sù fǎ f /criminal procedure/abbr. for 刑事訴訟法|刑事诉讼法/ 刑辱 - 3 xíng rǔ f /to humiliate and torture/to suffer mutilation and humiliation/ 刑部 - 2118 Xíng bù f /Ministry of Justice (in imperial China)/ 划 1683 2513 huá f /to row/to paddle/profitable/worth (the effort)/it pays (to do sth)/ 划 劃 S 1683 2513 huá f /to cut/to slash/to scratch (cut into the surface of sth)/to strike (a match)/ 划 劃 S 1683 2513 huà t /to delimit/to transfer/to assign/to plan/to draw (a line)/stroke of a Chinese character/ 划一 劃一 S - 268 huà yī f /uniform/to standardize/ 划一不二 劃一不二 S - 3 huà yī bù èr f /fixed/unalterable/ 划不來 划不来 T - 3 huá bu lái f /not worth it/ 划不来 划不來 S - 3 huá bu lái f /not worth it/ 划价 劃價 S - 5 huà jià f /to price (medical prescription)/ 划伤 劃傷 S - 33 huá shāng f /to damage by scratching/to gash/to lacerate/ 划位 劃位 S - 0 huà wèi f /to assign sb to a seat/to be allocated a place/ 划分 劃分 S 4374 4449 huà fēn f /to divide up/to partition/to differentiate/ 划切 劃切 S - 0 huá qiè f /to slice/to dice/ 划十字 劃十字 S - 0 huà shí zì f /variant of 畫十字|画十字[hua4 shi2 zi4]/ 划圆防守 劃圓防守 S - 0 huà yuán fáng shǒu f /to counter (a stroke in fencing)/ 划子 - 19 huá zi f /small row-boat/ 划定 劃定 S - 365 huà dìng f /to demarcate/to delimit/to allocate/ 划归 劃歸 S - 316 huà guī f /to incorporate/to put under (external administration)/ 划得來 划得来 T - 8 huá de lái f /worth it/it pays to/ 划得来 划得來 S - 8 huá de lái f /worth it/it pays to/ 划拉 - 26 huá la f /to sweep/to brush away/ 划拨 劃撥 S - 69 huà bō f /to assign/to allocate/to transfer (money to an account)/ 划拳 - 23 huá quán f /finger-guessing game/ 划掉 劃掉 S - 3 huà diào f /to cross out/to cross off/ 划时代 劃時代 S - 198 huà shí dài f /epoch-marking/ 划桨 划槳 S - 53 huá jiǎng f /to paddle/ 划槳 划桨 T - 53 huá jiǎng f /to paddle/ 划清 劃清 S - 114 huà qīng f /clear dividing line/to distinguish clearly/ 划痕 劃痕 S - 24 huá hén f /a scratch/ 划破 劃破 S - 160 huá pò f /to cut open/to rip/to streak across (lightning, meteor etc)/to pierce (scream, searchlight etc)/ 划算 - 111 huá suàn f /to calculate/to weigh (pros and cons)/to view as profitable/worthwhile/value for money/cost-effective/ 划线 劃線 S - 44 huà xiàn f /to delineate/to draw a line/to underline/ 划线板 劃線板 S - 0 huà xiàn bǎn f /ruler (used for drawing lines)/ 划船 - 152 huá chuán f /to row a boat/rowing boat/rowing (sport)/ 划艇 - 23 huá tǐng f /rowing boat/racing row-boat/ 划花 劃花 S - 8 huà huā f /engraving (on porcelain etc)/ 划过 劃過 S - 98 huá guò f /(of a meteor etc) to streak across (the sky)/(of a searchlight, lightning etc) to play across (the sky)/ 刓 - 6 wán f /to trim/ 刖 - 77 yuè f /to amputate one or both feet (punishment in imperial China)/see also 五刑[wu3 xing2]/ 列 - 5778 liè f /to arrange/to line up/row/file/series/column/ 列为 列為 S - 4856 liè wéi f /to be classified as/ 列举 列舉 S 4683 612 liè jǔ f /a list/to list/to enumerate/ 列传 列傳 S - 231 liè zhuàn f /historical biography/ 列位 - 270 liè wèi f /ladies and gentlemen/all of you present/ 列侯 - 0 liè hóu f /duke (old)/nobleman/gentry/ 列傳 列传 T - 231 liè zhuàn f /historical biography/ 列克星頓 列克星顿 T - 5 Liè kè xīng dùn f /Lexington, Massachusetts/ 列克星顿 列克星頓 S - 5 Liè kè xīng dùn f /Lexington, Massachusetts/ 列入 - 2003 liè rù f /to include on a list/ 列兵 - 23 liè bīng f /private (army)/ 列出 - 389 liè chū f /to list/to make a list/ 列別傑夫 列别杰夫 T - 4 Liè biè jié fū f /Lebedev or Lebedyev (Russian name)/ 列别杰夫 列別傑夫 S - 4 Liè biè jié fū f /Lebedev or Lebedyev (Russian name)/ 列印 - 3 liè yìn f /to print out (Tw)/ 列国 列國 S - 138 liè guó f /various countries/ 列國 列国 T - 138 liè guó f /various countries/ 列夫·托尔斯泰 列夫·托爾斯泰 S - 0 Liè fū · Tuō ěr sī tài f /Tolstoy (name)/Count Lev Nikolayevich Tostoy (1828-1910), great Russian novelist, author of War and Peace 戰爭與和平|战争与和平/ 列夫·托爾斯泰 列夫·托尔斯泰 T - 0 Liè fū · Tuō ěr sī tài f /Tolstoy (name)/Count Lev Nikolayevich Tostoy (1828-1910), great Russian novelist, author of War and Peace 戰爭與和平|战争与和平/ 列子 - 22 Liè zǐ f /Lie Zi, Daoist author, said to be early Warring States period 戰國|战国/Daoist text in eight chapters, said to be by Lie Zi, probably compiled during WeiJin times 魏晉|魏晋 (3rd century AD)/ 列宁 列寧 S - 735 Liè níng f /Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924), Russian revolutionary leader/ 列宁主义 列寧主義 S - 47 Liè níng zhǔ yì f /Leninism/ 列宁格勒 列寧格勒 S - 140 Liè níng gé lè f /Leningrad, name of Russian city Saint Petersburg 聖彼得堡|圣彼得堡 1923-1991/ 列寧 列宁 T - 735 Liè níng f /Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924), Russian revolutionary leader/ 列寧主義 列宁主义 T - 47 Liè níng zhǔ yì f /Leninism/ 列寧格勒 列宁格勒 T - 140 Liè níng gé lè f /Leningrad, name of Russian city Saint Petersburg 聖彼得堡|圣彼得堡 1923-1991/ 列岛 列島 S - 128 liè dǎo f /archipelago/chain of islands/ 列島 列岛 T - 128 liè dǎo f /archipelago/chain of islands/ 列席 - 873 liè xí f /to attend a meeting as a nonvoting delegate/ 列強 列强 T - 655 liè qiáng f /the Great Powers (history)/ 列强 列強 S - 655 liè qiáng f /the Great Powers (history)/ 列支敦士登 - 39 Liè zhī dūn shì dēng f /Liechtenstein/ 列支敦斯登 - 0 Liè zhī dūn sī dēng f /Liechtenstein (Tw)/ 列明 - 3 liè míng f /to list/to specify/ 列星 - 3 liè xīng f /star alignment (in astrology)/ 列氏温标 列氏溫標 S - 0 liè shì wēn biāo f /Réaumur temperature scale/ 列氏溫標 列氏温标 T - 0 liè shì wēn biāo f /Réaumur temperature scale/ 列治文 - 0 Liè zhì wén f /Richmond (place name or surname)/ 列為 列为 T - 4856 liè wéi f /to be classified as/ 列王紀上 列王纪上 T - 0 Liè wáng jì shàng f /First book of Kings/ 列王紀下 列王纪下 T - 0 Liè wáng jì xià f /Second book of Kings/ 列王纪上 列王紀上 S - 0 Liè wáng jì shàng f /First book of Kings/ 列王纪下 列王紀下 S - 0 Liè wáng jì xià f /Second book of Kings/ 列王記上 列王记上 T - 0 Liè wáng jì shàng f /First book of Kings/ 列王記下 列王记下 T - 0 Liè wáng jì xià f /Second book of Kings/ 列王记上 列王記上 S - 0 Liè wáng jì shàng f /First book of Kings/ 列王记下 列王記下 S - 0 Liè wáng jì xià f /Second book of Kings/ 列缺 - 13 liè quē f /lightning (archaic word)/ 列缺霹雳 列缺霹靂 S - 0 liè quē pī lì f /thunder and lightning/ 列缺霹靂 列缺霹雳 T - 0 liè quē pī lì f /thunder and lightning/ 列舉 列举 T 4683 612 liè jǔ f /a list/to list/to enumerate/ 列表 - 480 liè biǎo f /list/ 列車 列车 T 1981 1780 liè chē f /(railway) train/ 列車員 列车员 T - 28 liè chē yuán f /train attendant/ 列車長 列车长 T - 15 liè chē zhǎng f /conductor/train manager/ 列车 列車 S 1981 1780 liè chē f /(railway) train/ 列车员 列車員 S - 28 liè chē yuán f /train attendant/ 列车长 列車長 S - 15 liè chē zhǎng f /conductor/train manager/ 列队 列隊 S - 179 liè duì f /in formation (military)/ 列隊 列队 T - 179 liè duì f /in formation (military)/ 刘 劉 S - 5839 Liú f /surname Liu/ 刘义庆 劉義慶 S - 8 Liú Yì qìng f /Liu Yiqing (403-444), writer of South Song Dynasty, compiler and editor of A New Account of the Tales of the World 世說新語|世说新语[Shi4 shuo1 Xin1 yu3]/ 刘云山 劉雲山 S - 22 Liú Yún shān f /Liu Yunshan (1947-), PRC career politician, background in journalism in Inner Mongolia, from 2002 head of party Central Propaganda Section 中央宣传部/ 刘伯温 劉伯溫 S - 70 Liú Bó wēn f /Liu Bowen (1311-1375), general under the first Ming emperor Zu Yuanzhang 朱元璋, with a reputation as a military genius/also called Liu Ji 劉基|刘基/ 刘光第 劉光第 S - 21 Liú Guāng dì f /Liu Guangdi (1859-1898), one of the Six Gentlemen Martyrs 戊戌六君子[Wu4 xu1 Liu4 jun1 zi5] of the unsuccessful reform movement of 1898/ 刘公岛 劉公島 S - 61 Liú gōng Dǎo f /Liugong island in the Yellow sea/ 刘剑峰 劉劍峰 S - 0 Liú Jiàn fēng f /Liu Jianfeng (1936-), second governor of Hainan/ 刘厚总 劉厚總 S - 0 Liú Hòu zǒng f /Liu Houzong (1904-1949), originally Hunan guerilla leader, rewarded by Chiang Kaishek for killing Xiang Ying 項英|项英 during the 1941 New Fourth Army incident 皖南事变/ 刘向 劉向 S - 0 Liú Xiàng f /Liu Xiang (77-6 BC), Han Dynasty scholar and author/ 刘基 劉基 S - 128 Liú Jī f /Liu Ji or Liu Bowen 劉伯溫|刘伯温 (1311-1375), general under the first Ming emperor Zu Yuanzhang 朱元璋, with a reputation as a military genius/ 刘备 劉備 S - 1753 Liú Bèi f /Liu Bei (161-223), warlord at the end of the Han dynasty and founder of the Han kingdom of Shu 蜀漢|蜀汉 (c. 200-263), later the Shu Han dynasty/ 刘天华 劉天華 S - 7 Liú Tiān huá f /Liu T'ien-hua/ 刘奭 劉奭 S - 0 Liú Shì f /Liu Shi, personal name of Han Emperor Yuandi 漢元帝|汉元帝[Han4 Yuan2 di4]/ 刘姥姥进大观园 劉姥姥進大觀園 S - 0 Liú lǎo lao jìn Dà guān yuán f /Granny Liu visits the Grand View gardens/(of a simple person) to be overwhelmed by new experiences and luxurious surroundings/ 刘安 劉安 S - 59 Liú An f /Liu An (179-122 BC), King of Huainan under the Western Han, ordered the writing of the 淮南子[Huai2 nan2 zi5]/ 刘宋 劉宋 S - 52 Liú Sòng f /Song of the Southern dynasties 南朝宋 (420-479), with capital at Nanjing/ 刘宋时代 劉宋時代 S - 0 Liú Sòng Shí dài f /Song of the Southern dynasties (420-479), with capital at Nanjing/ 刘家夼 劉家夼 S - 0 Liú jiā kuǎng f /Liujiakuang township in Muping district 牟平區|牟平区, Yantai, Shandong/ 刘家夼镇 劉家夼鎮 S - 0 Liú jiā kuǎng zhèn f /Liujiakuang township in Muping district 牟平區|牟平区, Yantai, Shandong/ 刘家村 劉家村 S - 2 Liú jiā cūn f /Liujia village in Zhangdian district 张店区 of Zhibo city 淄博市[Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong/ 刘家辉 劉家輝 S - 3 Liú Jiā huī f /Gordon Liu (1955-), Hong Kong action actor/ 刘宾雁 劉賓雁 S - 0 Liú Bīn yàn f /Liu Binyan (1925-2005), journalist and novelist, condemned by Mao as rightist faction in 1957, subsequently dissident writer/ 刘少奇 劉少奇 S - 1025 Liú Shào qí f /Liu Shaoqi (1898-1969), Chinese communist leader, a martyr of the Cultural Revolution/ 刘师培 劉師培 S - 18 Liú Shī péi f /Liu Shipei (1884-1919), Chinese anarchist and revolutionary activist/ 刘德华 劉德華 S - 37 Liú Dé huá f /Andy Lau (1961-), Hong Kong Cantopop singer and actor/ 刘心武 劉心武 S - 42 Liú Xīn wǔ f /Liu Xinwu (1942-), novelist/ 刘恒 劉恆 S - 39 Liú Héng f /Liu Heng, personal name of Han emperor Han Wendi 漢文帝|汉文帝/Liu Heng (1954-), Chinese writer/ 刘慈欣 劉慈欣 S - 3 Liú Cí xīn f /Liu Cixin (1963-), Chinese science fiction writer/ 刘昫 劉昫 S - 0 Liú Xù f /Liu Xu (887-946), politician in Later Jin of the Five Dynasties 後晉|后晋, compiled History of Early Tang Dynasty 舊唐書|旧唐书/ 刘晓波 劉曉波 S - 68 Liú Xiǎo bō f /Liu Xiaobo (1955-), Beijing writer and human rights activist, organizer of petition Charter 2008 零八憲章|零八宪章[ling2 ba1 xian4 zhang1], Nobel Peace Prize laureate in 2010/ 刘松龄 劉松齡 S - 0 Liú Sōng líng f /Ferdinand Augustin Hallerstein (1703-1774), Slovenian Jesuit missionary, astronomer and mathematician, spent 35 years at Emperor Qianlong's court/ 刘毅 劉毅 S - 0 Liú Yì f /Liu Yi (-285), famous incorruptible official of Western Jin dynasty the Western Jin dynasty 西晉|西晋[Xi1 Jin4] (265-316)/Liu Yi (-412), general of Eastern Jin dynasty 東晉|东晋[Dong1 Jin4] (317-420)/ 刘洋 劉洋 S - 0 Liú Yáng f /Liu Yang (1978-), China's first female astronaut in space (June 16, 2012)/ 刘海 劉海 S - 65 liú hǎi f /bangs or fringes of hair/ 刘涓子 劉涓子 S - 0 Liú Juān zǐ f /Liu Juanzi, legendary alchemist and creator of magic potions/ 刘涓子鬼遗方 劉涓子鬼遺方 S - 0 Liú Juān zǐ guǐ yí fāng f /Liu Juanzi's medical recipes bequeathed by the ghost Huang Fugui 黃父鬼|黄父鬼/ 刘渊 劉淵 S - 55 Liú Yuān f /Liu Yuan, warlord at the end of the Western Jin dynasty 西晋, founder of Cheng Han of the Sixteen Kingdoms 成漢|成汉 (304-347)/ 刘熙 劉熙 S - 0 Liú Xī f /Liu Xi (late Han, c. 200 AD), possibly the author of 釋名|释名[Shi4 ming2]/ 刘禅 劉禪 S - 42 Liú Chán f /Liu Chan 劉禪|刘禅 (207-271), son of Liu Bei, reigned as Shu Han emperor 233-263/ 刘禹锡 劉禹錫 S - 44 Liú Yǔ xī f /Liu Yuxi (772-842), Tang poet/ 刘翔 劉翔 S - 423 Liú Xiáng f /Liu Xiang (1983-), Chinese gold-medal hurdler of the 2004 Olympic Games/ 刘表 劉表 S - 71 Liú Biǎo f /Liu Biao (142-208), warlord/ 刘裕 劉裕 S - 187 Liú Yù f /Liu Yu, founder of Song of the Southern dynasties 劉宋|刘宋[Liu2 Song4], broke away from Eastern Jin in 420, reigned as Emperor Wu of Song 宋武帝[Song4 Wu3 di4]/ 刘贵今 劉貴今 S - 0 Liú Guì jīn f /Liu Guijin (1945-), PRC diplomat, special representative to Africa from 2007, Chinese specialist on Sudan and the Darfur issue/ 刘邦 劉邦 S - 837 Liú Bāng f /Liu Bang (256 or 247-195 BC), bandit leader who became first Han emperor Han Gaozu 漢高祖|汉高祖 (reigned 202-195 BC)/ 刘金宝 劉金寶 S - 0 Liú Jīn bǎo f /Liu Jinbao/ 刘青云 劉青雲 S - 3 Liú Qīng yún f /Lau Ching-Wan (1964-), Hong Kong actor/ 刘鹗 劉鶚 S - 0 Liú E f /Liu E (1857-1909), late Qing novelist, author of 老殘遊記|老残游记[Lao3 Can2 You2 ji4]/ 则 則 S 1466 32160 zé f /(conjunction used to express contrast with a previous clause) but/then/standard/norm/principle/to imitate/to follow/classifier for written items/ 则个 則個 S - 0 zé gè f /(old sentence-final expression used for emphasis)/ 则步隆 則步隆 S - 0 Zé bù lóng f /Zabulon or Zebulun, biblical land between Jordan and Galilee (Matthew 4:15)/ 则辣黑 則辣黑 S - 0 Zé là hēi f /Zerah (name)/ 刚 剛 S 636 9881 gāng f /hard/firm/strong/just/barely/exactly/ 刚一 剛一 S - 0 gāng yī f /to be just about to/to have just started to/ 刚体 剛體 S - 207 gāng tǐ f /rigid body/ 刚体转动 剛體轉動 S - 0 gāng tǐ zhuǎn dòng f /rigid rotation/ 刚健 剛健 S - 56 gāng jiàn f /energetic/robust/ 刚刚 剛剛 S - 4585 gāng gang f /just recently/just a moment ago/ 刚劲 剛勁 S - 46 gāng jìng f /bold/vigorous/ 刚好 剛好 S - 667 gāng hǎo f /just/exactly/to happen to be/ 刚察 剛察 S - 3 Gāng chá f /Gangcha county (Tibetan: rkang tsha rdzong) in Haibei Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海北藏族自治州[Hai3 bei3 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 刚察县 剛察縣 S - 4 Gāng chá xiàn f /Gangcha county (Tibetan: rkang tsha rdzong) in Haibei Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海北藏族自治州[Hai3 bei3 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 刚巧 剛巧 S - 114 gāng qiǎo f /by chance/by coincidence/by good luck/ 刚度 剛度 S - 59 gāng dù f /stiffness/ 刚强 剛強 S - 61 gāng qiáng f /firm/unyielding/ 刚性 剛性 S - 131 gāng xìng f /rigidity/ 刚愎 剛愎 S - 27 gāng bì f /headstrong/perverse/ 刚愎自用 剛愎自用 S - 43 gāng bì zì yòng f /obstinate and self-opinionated (idiom)/ 刚才 剛才 S 396 5617 gāng cái f /just now/a moment ago/ 刚才 剛纔 S 396 5617 gāng cái f /(just) a moment ago/ 刚果 剛果 S - 313 Gāng guǒ f /Congo/ 刚果民主共和国 剛果民主共和國 S - 14 Gāng guǒ Mín zhǔ Gòng hé guó f /Democratic Republic of Congo/ 刚果河 剛果河 S - 122 Gāng guǒ Hé f /Congo River/ 刚架 剛架 S - 3 gāng jià f /rigid frame/ 刚柔并济 剛柔並濟 S - 33 gāng róu bìng jì f /to couple strength and gentleness (idiom)/ 刚正 剛正 S - 27 gāng zhèng f /honest/upright/ 刚正不阿 剛正不阿 S - 19 gāng zhèng bù ē f /upright and plainspoken/ 刚毅 剛毅 S - 435 gāng yì f /resolute/steadfast/stalwart/ 刚毅木讷 剛毅木訥 S - 0 gāng yì mù nè f /resolute and taciturn (idiom)/ 刚毛 剛毛 S - 48 gāng máo f /bristle/ 刚烈 剛烈 S - 57 gāng liè f /resolute and upright in character/unyielding/staunch/ 刚玉 剛玉 S - 60 gāng yù f /corundum (mineral)/ 刚直 剛直 S - 28 gāng zhí f /upright and outspoken/ 创 剏 S - 2757 chuàng t /variant of 創|创[chuang4]/ 创 剙 S - 2757 chuàng t /variant of 創|创[chuang4]/ 创 創 S - 2757 chuāng f /a wound/cut/injury/trauma/ 创 創 S - 2757 chuàng t /to begin/to initiate/to inaugurate/to start/to create/ 创下 創下 S - 277 chuàng xià f /to establish/to set (a new record)/ 创下高票房 創下高票房 S - 0 chuàng xià gāo piào fáng f /to set a box office record/ 创世 創世 S - 64 chuàng shì f /the creation (in mythology and Genesis 1-2)/the first foundational steps/ 创世纪 創世紀 S - 3 Chuàng shì jì f /Genesis (first book of the Bible)/ 创世纪 創世紀 S - 3 chuàng shì jì f /creation myth/ 创世记 創世記 S - 0 Chuàng shì jì f /Book of Genesis/First Book of Moses/ 创世论 創世論 S - 0 chuàng shì lùn f /creationism (religion)/ 创业 創業 S 4529 1528 chuàng yè f /to begin an undertaking/to start a major task/to initiate/to venture/venture/entrepreneurship/ 创业投资 創業投資 S - 22 chuàng yè tóu zī f /venture capital/ 创业板上市 創業板上市 S - 0 chuàng yè bǎn shàng shì f /Growth Enterprise Markets (GEM)/ 创业精神 創業精神 S - 3 chuàng yè jīng shén f /enterprising spirit/pioneering spirit/ 创业者 創業者 S - 117 chuàng yè zhě f /entrepreneur/ 创举 創舉 S - 60 chuàng jǔ f /pioneering work/ 创价学会 創價學會 S - 0 Chuàng jià Xué huì f /Soka Gakkai International/ 创优 創優 S - 11 chuàng yōu f /to strive for excellence/ 创伤 創傷 S - 352 chuāng shāng f /wound/injury/trauma/ 创伤后 創傷後 S - 0 chuāng shāng hòu f /post-traumatic/ 创伤后压力 創傷後壓力 S - 0 chuāng shāng hòu yā lì f /post-traumatic stress/ 创伤后压力紊乱 創傷後壓力紊亂 S - 0 chuāng shāng hòu yā lì wěn luàn f /post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD/ 创伤后心理压力紧张综合症 創傷後心理壓力緊張綜合症 S - 0 chuāng shāng hòu xīn lǐ yā lì jǐn zhāng zōng hé zhèng f /post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)/ 创作 創作 S 3036 6322 chuàng zuò f /to create/to produce/to write/creative work/creation/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 创作力 創作力 S - 9 chuàng zuò lì f /originality/ 创作者 創作者 S - 78 chuàng zuò zhě f /originator/creator/author (of some project)/inventor/ 创刊 創刊 S - 350 chuàng kān f /to start publishing/to found a journal/ 创刊号 創刊號 S - 30 chuàng kān hào f /first issue/ 创利 創利 S - 59 chuàng lì f /to make a profit/ 创制 創製 S - 690 chuàng zhì f /to create/to inaugurate/to contrive/to build (a mechanism)/ 创办 創辦 S - 2160 chuàng bàn f /to establish/to found/to launch/ 创办人 創辦人 S - 44 chuàng bàn rén f /founder (of an institution etc)/ 创办者 創辦者 S - 15 chuàng bàn zhě f /founder/creator/author/ 创口 創口 S - 102 chuāng kǒu f /a wound/a cut/ 创可贴 創可貼 S - 45 chuāng kě tiē f /band-aid/sticking plaster/ 创始 創始 S - 133 chuàng shǐ f /to initiate/to found/ 创始人 創始人 S - 770 chuàng shǐ rén f /creator/founder/initiator/ 创始者 創始者 S - 30 chuàng shǐ zhě f /creator/initiator/ 创巨痛深 創巨痛深 S - 9 chuāng jù tòng shēn f /untold pain and suffering (idiom); deeply scarred for life/ 创建 創建 S - 2017 chuàng jiàn f /to found/to establish/ 创建者 創建者 S - 1117 chuàng jiàn zhě f /founder/creator/ 创意 創意 S - 481 chuàng yì f /creative/creativity/ 创投基金 創投基金 S - 0 chuàng tóu jī jīn f /venture capital fund/ 创收 創收 S - 87 chuàng shōu f /to generate revenue/extra income/ 创新 創新 S 3679 4681 chuàng xīn f /innovation/to bring forth new ideas/to blaze new trails/ 创新精神 創新精神 S - 0 chuàng xīn jīng shén f /creativity/ 创汇 創匯 S - 410 chuàng huì f /to earn foreign exchange/ 创牌子 創牌子 S - 3 chuàng pái zi f /to establish a brand/to establish a reputation for quality/ 创痛 創痛 S - 16 chuāng tòng f /pain from a wound/ 创立 創立 S 4038 1567 chuàng lì f /to establish/to set up/to found/ 创立人 創立人 S - 0 chuàng lì rén f /founder/ 创立者 創立者 S - 105 chuàng lì zhě f /founder/ 创练 創練 S - 0 chuàng liàn f /to form and train (a military unit)/to create and practice (a martial art)/to train oneself (by real-life experience)/ 创见 創見 S - 121 chuàng jiàn f /an original idea/ 创见性 創見性 S - 4 chuàng jiàn xìng f /original (idea, discovery etc)/ 创议 創議 S - 14 chuàng yì f /to propose/proposal/ 创记录 創記錄 S - 3 chuàng jì lù f /to set a record/ 创设 創設 S - 244 chuàng shè f /to establish/to found/to create (a good environment)/ 创造 創造 S 1491 6687 chuàng zào f /to create/to bring about/to produce/to set (a record)/ 创造主 創造主 S - 0 Chuàng zào zhǔ f /Creator (Christianity)/ 创造力 創造力 S - 250 chuàng zào lì f /ingenuity/creativity/ 创造性 創造性 S - 732 chuàng zào xìng f /creativeness/creativity/ 创造者 創造者 S - 118 chuàng zào zhě f /creator/ 创造论 創造論 S - 0 chuàng zào lùn f /creationism (religion)/ 刜 - 4 fú f /to chop/strike/ 初 - 14072 chū f /at first/(at the) beginning/first/junior/basic/ 初一 - 419 chū yī f /first day of lunar month/New Year's Day/first year in junior middle school/ 初三 - 221 chū sān f /third year in junior middle school/ 初中 - 2570 chū zhōng f /junior high school/abbr. for 初級中學|初级中学[chu1 ji2 zhong1 xue2]/ 初中生 - 49 chū zhōng shēng f /junior high student/ 初二 - 152 chū èr f /2nd year in junior middle school/2nd day of a lunar month/2nd day of lunar New Year/ 初伏 - 6 chū fú f /middle ten days of July, the first of 三伏 sān fú, three hottest periods of the year/ 初估 - 0 chū gū f /to make a preliminary estimate/ 初來乍到 初来乍到 T - 52 chū lái zhà dào f /to be a newcomer/just off the boat/ 初冬 - 204 chū dōng f /early winter/ 初出茅庐 初出茅廬 S - 49 chū chū máo lú f /venturing from one's thatched hut for the first time (idiom)/young and inexperienced/novice/greenhorn/ 初出茅廬 初出茅庐 T - 49 chū chū máo lú f /venturing from one's thatched hut for the first time (idiom)/young and inexperienced/novice/greenhorn/ 初创 初創 S - 75 chū chuàng f /startup (company, phase etc)/newly established/in the early stages/ 初创公司 初創公司 S - 0 chū chuàng gōng sī f /new company/newly established enterprise/ 初刻拍案惊奇 初刻拍案驚奇 S - 0 Chū kè Pāi àn Jīng qí f /Slapping the Table in Amazement (Part I), first of two books of vernacular stories by Ming dynasty novelist Ling Mengchu 凌濛初|凌蒙初[Ling2 Meng2 chu1]/ 初刻拍案驚奇 初刻拍案惊奇 T - 0 Chū kè Pāi àn Jīng qí f /Slapping the Table in Amazement (Part I), first of two books of vernacular stories by Ming dynasty novelist Ling Mengchu 凌濛初|凌蒙初[Ling2 Meng2 chu1]/ 初創 初创 T - 75 chū chuàng f /startup (company, phase etc)/newly established/in the early stages/ 初創公司 初创公司 T - 0 chū chuàng gōng sī f /new company/newly established enterprise/ 初升 - 0 chū shēng f /rising (sun, moon etc)/ 初叶 初葉 S - 76 chū yè f /early part (of a decade, century etc)/the first years/ 初声 初聲 S - 0 chū shēng f /initial (i.e. initial consonant of a syllable in Asian phonetics)/ 初夏 - 130 chū xià f /early summer/ 初夜 - 6 chū yè f /early evening/wedding night/(fig.) first sexual encounter/ 初始 - 297 chū shǐ f /initial/starting (point)/ 初始化 - 84 chū shǐ huà f /(computing) to initialize/initialization/ 初学者 初學者 S - 27 chū xué zhě f /beginning student/ 初學者 初学者 T - 27 chū xué zhě f /beginning student/ 初审 初審 S - 79 chū shěn f /preliminary trial/ 初審 初审 T - 79 chū shěn f /preliminary trial/ 初小 - 7 chū xiǎo f /lower elementary school/abbr. for 初级小学/ 初年 - 620 chū nián f /early years/ 初恋 初戀 S - 115 chū liàn f /first love/ 初恋感觉 初戀感覺 S - 0 chū liàn gǎn jué f /feelings of first love/ 初戀 初恋 T - 115 chū liàn f /first love/ 初戀感覺 初恋感觉 T - 0 chū liàn gǎn jué f /feelings of first love/ 初文 - 0 chū wén f /archaic (and simpler) form of a Chinese character/ 初更 - 3 chū gēng f /first of the five night watch periods 19:00-21:00 (old)/ 初期 - 2951 chū qī f /initial stage/beginning period/ 初来乍到 初來乍到 S - 52 chū lái zhà dào f /to be a newcomer/just off the boat/ 初次 - 503 chū cì f /for the first time/first (meeting, attempt etc)/ 初步 3462 3302 chū bù f /initial/preliminary/tentative/ 初步設想 初步设想 T - 0 chū bù shè xiǎng f /tentative idea/ 初步设想 初步設想 S - 0 chū bù shè xiǎng f /tentative idea/ 初潮 - 53 chū cháo f /menarche/ 初犯 - 27 chū fàn f /first offender/first offense/ 初生 - 152 chū shēng f /newborn/nascent/primary (biology)/ 初生之犊不怕虎 初生之犢不怕虎 S - 0 chū shēng zhī dú bù pà hǔ f /see 初生之犢不畏虎|初生之犊不畏虎[chu1 sheng1 zhi1 du2 bu4 wei4 hu3]/ 初生之犊不畏虎 初生之犢不畏虎 S - 2 chū shēng zhī dú bù wèi hǔ f /lit. a new-born calf has no fear of the tiger (idiom)/fig. the fearlessness of youth/ 初生之犢不怕虎 初生之犊不怕虎 T - 0 chū shēng zhī dú bù pà hǔ f /see 初生之犢不畏虎|初生之犊不畏虎[chu1 sheng1 zhi1 du2 bu4 wei4 hu3]/ 初生之犢不畏虎 初生之犊不畏虎 T - 2 chū shēng zhī dú bù wèi hǔ f /lit. a new-born calf has no fear of the tiger (idiom)/fig. the fearlessness of youth/ 初秋 - 45 chū qiū f /early autumn/7th month of the lunar calendar/ 初稿 - 88 chū gǎo f /first draft (of writing)/ 初等 - 145 chū děng f /elementary (i.e. easy)/ 初等代数 初等代數 S - 0 chū děng dài shù f /elementary algebra/ 初等代數 初等代数 T - 0 chū děng dài shù f /elementary algebra/ 初等教育 - 307 chū děng jiào yù f /primary education/junior school education/ 初級 初级 T 2344 1748 chū jí f /junior/primary/ 初級中學 初级中学 T - 13 chū jí zhōng xué f /junior high school/junior middle school/ 初級小學 初级小学 T - 6 chū jí xiǎo xué f /lower elementary school/abbr. to 初小/ 初级 初級 S 2344 1748 chū jí f /junior/primary/ 初级中学 初級中學 S - 13 chū jí zhōng xué f /junior high school/junior middle school/ 初级小学 初級小學 S - 6 chū jí xiǎo xué f /lower elementary school/abbr. to 初小/ 初聲 初声 T - 0 chū shēng f /initial (i.e. initial consonant of a syllable in Asian phonetics)/ 初葉 初叶 T - 76 chū yè f /early part (of a decade, century etc)/the first years/ 初衷 - 262 chū zhōng f /original intention or aspiration/ 初設 初设 T - 0 chū shè f /first founded/ 初試 初试 T - 50 chū shì f /preliminary exam/qualifying exam/first try/preliminary testing/ 初試身手 初试身手 T - 0 chū shì shēn shǒu f /to have a try/to try one's hand/initial foray/ 初设 初設 S - 0 chū shè f /first founded/ 初试 初試 S - 50 chū shì f /preliminary exam/qualifying exam/first try/preliminary testing/ 初试身手 初試身手 S - 0 chū shì shēn shǒu f /to have a try/to try one's hand/initial foray/ 初賽 初赛 T - 15 chū sài f /preliminary contest/initial heats of a competition/ 初赛 初賽 S - 15 chū sài f /preliminary contest/initial heats of a competition/ 初选 初選 S - 58 chū xuǎn f /primary election (US)/ 初選 初选 T - 58 chū xuǎn f /primary election (US)/ 初露 - 18 chū lù f /first sign (of budding talent)/ 初露头角 初露頭角 S - 11 chū lù tóu jiǎo f /lit. to first show one's horns (idiom); fig. a first show of emerging talent/first sign of emerging talent/budding genius/ 初露才华 初露才華 S - 0 chū lù cái huá f /first sign of budding talent/to display one's ability for the first time/ 初露才華 初露才华 T - 0 chū lù cái huá f /first sign of budding talent/to display one's ability for the first time/ 初露鋒芒 初露锋芒 T - 3 chū lù fēng máng f /first sign of budding talent/to display one's ability for the first time/ 初露锋芒 初露鋒芒 S - 3 chū lù fēng máng f /first sign of budding talent/to display one's ability for the first time/ 初露頭角 初露头角 T - 11 chū lù tóu jiǎo f /lit. to first show one's horns (idiom); fig. a first show of emerging talent/first sign of emerging talent/budding genius/ 刞 - 37 qù f /old variant of 耝[qu4]/ 删 刪 S - 207 shān f /to delete/ 删减 刪減 S - 14 shān jiǎn f /to delete/to censor out/ 删去 刪去 S - 84 shān qù f /to delete/ 删掉 刪掉 S - 38 shān diào f /to delete/ 删简压缩 刪簡壓縮 S - 0 shān jiǎn yā suō f /to simplify and condense (a text)/abridged/ 删节 刪節 S - 39 shān jié f /to abridge/to cut a text down to size for publication/ 删除 刪除 S 2146 358 shān chú f /to delete/to cancel/ 刡 - 3 mǐn f /to scrape/to pare/ 判 - 1330 pàn f /to judge/to sentence/to discriminate/to discern/obviously (different)/ 判令 - 13 pàn lìng f /decree/(of a court) to order/ 判决 判決 S 2844 1181 pàn jué f /judgment (by a court of law)/to pass judgment on/to sentence/ 判刑 - 265 pàn xíng f /to sentence (to prison etc)/ 判別 判别 T - 145 pàn bié f /to differentiate/to discriminate/ 判別式 判别式 T - 3 pàn bié shì f /discriminant (e.g. b^2-4ac in the formula for the root of a quadratic equation)/ 判别 判別 S - 145 pàn bié f /to differentiate/to discriminate/ 判别式 判別式 S - 3 pàn bié shì f /discriminant (e.g. b^2-4ac in the formula for the root of a quadratic equation)/ 判处 判處 S - 889 pàn chǔ f /to sentence/to condemn/ 判官 - 427 pàn guān f /magistrate (during Tang and Song dynasties)/mythological underworld judge/ 判定 - 383 pàn dìng f /to judge/to decide/judgment/determination/ 判据 判據 S - 34 pàn jù f /criterion/criteria/ 判據 判据 T - 34 pàn jù f /criterion/criteria/ 判断 判斷 S 1009 4324 pàn duàn f /to judge/to determine/judgment/ 判断力 判斷力 S - 103 pàn duàn lì f /ability to judge/judgment/ 判斷 判断 T 1009 4324 pàn duàn f /to judge/to determine/judgment/ 判斷力 判断力 T - 103 pàn duàn lì f /ability to judge/judgment/ 判明 - 61 pàn míng f /to distinguish/to ascertain/ 判決 判决 T 2844 1181 pàn jué f /judgment (by a court of law)/to pass judgment on/to sentence/ 判然 - 0 pàn rán f /markedly/clearly/ 判若两人 判若兩人 S - 43 pàn ruò liǎng rén f /to be a different person/not to be one's usual self/ 判若云泥 判若雲泥 S - 7 pàn ruò yún ní f /as different as heaven and earth (idiom)/worlds apart/ 判若兩人 判若两人 T - 43 pàn ruò liǎng rén f /to be a different person/not to be one's usual self/ 判若雲泥 判若云泥 T - 7 pàn ruò yún ní f /as different as heaven and earth (idiom)/worlds apart/ 判處 判处 T - 889 pàn chǔ f /to sentence/to condemn/ 判袂 - 0 pàn mèi f /to separate/to part (of friends)/ 判讀 判读 T - 25 pàn dú f /to interpret/to read and discriminate/ 判读 判讀 S - 25 pàn dú f /to interpret/to read and discriminate/ 判賠 判赔 T - 0 pàn péi f /to sentence (sb) to pay compensation/ 判赔 判賠 S - 0 pàn péi f /to sentence (sb) to pay compensation/ 別 别 T 165 14132 Bié t /surname Bie/ 別 别 T 165 14132 bié t /to leave/to depart/to separate/to distinguish/to classify/other/another/do not/must not/to pin/to stick (sth) in/ 別人 别人 T 355 8252 bié ren f /other people/others/other person/ 別來無恙 别来无恙 T - 46 bié lái wú yàng f /(literary) I trust you have been well since we last met/ 別傳 别传 T - 15 bié zhuàn f /supplementary biography/ 別克 别克 T - 11 Bié kè f /Buick/ 別具 别具 T - 3 bié jù f /see 獨具|独具[du2 ju4]/ 別具一格 别具一格 T - 93 bié jù yī gé f /having a unique or distinctive style/ 別具隻眼 别具只眼 T - 3 bié jù zhī yǎn f /see 獨具隻眼|独具只眼[du2 ju4 zhi1 yan3]/ 別出心裁 别出心裁 T - 133 bié chū xīn cái f /to hit on sth new (idiom); to display originality/to adopt an original approach/ 別動隊 别动队 T - 12 bié dòng duì f /special detachment/commando/an armed secret agent squad/ 別名 别名 T - 646 bié míng f /alias/alternative name/ 別墅 别墅 T 3159 564 bié shù f /villa/CL:幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4]/ 別太客氣 别太客气 T - 0 bié tài kè qi f /lit. no excessive politeness/Don't mention it!/You're welcome!/Please don't stand on ceremony./ 別子 别子 T - 19 bié zi f /hasp/pendant/ 別字 别字 T - 33 bié zì f /mispronounced or wrongly written character/ 別客氣 别客气 T - 0 bié kè qi f /don't mention it/no formalities, please/ 別提了 别提了 T - 0 bié tí le f /say no more/don't bring it up/drop the subject/ 別有 别有 T - 0 bié yǒu f /to have other.../to have a special .../ 別有天地 别有天地 T - 3 bié yǒu tiān dì f /enchanting scenery/beautiful surroundings/world of its own/ 別有洞天 别有洞天 T - 20 bié yǒu dòng tiān f /place of charm and beauty/scenery of exceptional charm/completely different world/ 別有用心 别有用心 T - 195 bié yǒu yòng xīn f /to have an ulterior motive (idiom); a hidden agenda/ 別有韻味 别有韵味 T - 0 bié yǒu yùn wèi f /to have quite a lasting charm/ 別樹一幟 别树一帜 T - 3 bié shù yī zhì f /lit. to fly one's banner on a solitary tree (idiom); fig. to act as a loner/to stand out/to develop one's own school/to have attitude of one's own/ 別樹一旗 别树一旗 T - 3 bié shù yī qí f /lit. to fly one's banner on a solitary tree (idiom); fig. to act as a loner/to stand out/to develop one's own school/to have attitude of one's own/ 別無 别无 T - 0 bié wú f /to have no other... (used in fixed expressions)/ 別無他法 别无他法 T - 3 bié wú tā fǎ f /there is no alternative/ 別無他物 别无他物 T - 5 bié wú tā wù f /nothing else/ 別無他用 别无他用 T - 0 bié wú tā yòng f /to have no other use or purpose (idiom)/ 別無選擇 别无选择 T - 76 bié wú xuǎn zé f /to have no other choice/ 別理 别理 T - 6 bié lǐ f /don't get involved/ignore it!/don't have anything to do with (him, her etc)/don't speak to/ 別的 别的 T - 4354 bié de f /else/other/ 別稱 别称 T - 151 bié chēng f /another name/alternative name/ 別筵 别筵 T - 0 bié yán f /farewell banquet/ 別管 别管 T - 159 bié guǎn f /no matter (who, what etc)/ 別緒 别绪 T - 3 bié xù f /emotions at time of parting/ 別緻 别致 T 4528 188 bié zhì f /unusual/unique/ 別臉 别脸 T - 0 bié liǎn f /to turn one's face away/ 別致 别致 T 4528 188 bié zhì f /variant of 別緻|别致[bie2 zhi4]/ 別莊 别庄 T - 0 bié zhuāng f /villa/ 別著急 别着急 T - 3 bié zháo jí f /Don't worry!/ 別處 别处 T - 930 bié chù f /elsewhere/ 別號 别号 T - 108 bié hào f /alias/ 別論 别论 T - 3 bié lùn f /a different matter/another story/(old) objection/ 別赫捷列夫 别赫捷列夫 T - 0 Bié hè jié liè fū f /Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev (1857-1927), Russian neurologist and psychiatrist/ 別針 别针 T - 18 bié zhēn f /pin/safety pin/clip/brooch/CL:枚[mei2]/ 別開生面 别开生面 T - 67 bié kāi shēng miàn f /to start sth new or original (idiom); to break a new path/to break fresh ground/ 別離 别离 T - 59 bié lí f /to take leave of/to leave/separation/ 刦 劫 T - 1284 jié f /variant of 劫[jie2]/ 刧 劫 T - 1284 jié f /variant of 劫[jie2]/ 刨 - 615 bào f /carpenter's plane/to plane (woodwork)/to shave off/to peel (with a potato peeler etc)/ 刨 - 615 páo t /to dig/to excavate/(coll.) to exclude/not to count/to deduct/to subtract/ 刨 鑤 S - 615 bào f /variant of 刨[bao4]/ 刨丝器 刨絲器 S - 0 bào sī qì f /grater/shredder/ 刨冰 - 5 bào bīng f /shaved or crushed ice dessert or beverage/ 刨刀 - 7 bào dāo f /planing tool/ 刨子 - 8 bào zi f /plane/ 刨工 - 3 bào gōng f /planing/planing machine operator/planer/ 刨床 - 18 bào chuáng f /planer/planing machine/ 刨根 - 3 páo gēn f /lit. to dig up the root/to get to the heart of (the matter)/ 刨根儿 刨根兒 S - 3 páo gēn r f /erhua variant of 刨根[pao2 gen1]/ 刨根兒 刨根儿 T - 3 páo gēn r f /erhua variant of 刨根[pao2 gen1]/ 刨根問底 刨根问底 T - 22 páo gēn wèn dǐ f /to dig up roots and inquire at the base (idiom); to get to the bottom of sth/ 刨根问底 刨根問底 S - 22 páo gēn wèn dǐ f /to dig up roots and inquire at the base (idiom); to get to the bottom of sth/ 刨程 - 0 bào chéng f /planing length/ 刨笔刀 刨筆刀 S - 0 bào bǐ dāo f /pencil sharpener/ 刨筆刀 刨笔刀 T - 0 bào bǐ dāo f /pencil sharpener/ 刨絲器 刨丝器 T - 0 bào sī qì f /grater/shredder/ 刨花 - 18 bào huā f /wood shavings/ 刨花板 - 24 bào huā bǎn f /particle board/chipboard/ 刨齒 刨齿 T - 0 bào chǐ f /gear-shaping/ 刨齿 刨齒 S - 0 bào chǐ f /gear-shaping/ 利 - 5167 Lì f /surname Li/ 利 - 5167 lì f /sharp/favorable/advantage/benefit/profit/interest/to do good to/to benefit/ 利乐包 利樂包 S - 0 lì lè bāo f /carton (e.g. for milk or juice)/Tetra Pak/ 利事 - 0 lì shì f /lucky item (poster, envelope etc) made from red paper, used especially at Chinese New Year, also written 利是[li4 shi4]/ 利于 利於 S - 636 lì yú f /to be beneficial/to be good for/ 利什曼病 - 0 lì shí màn bìng f /leishmaniasis (medicine)/ 利他 - 0 lì tā f /to benefit others/altruism/ 利他主义 利他主義 S - 3 lì tā zhǔ yì f /altruism/ 利他主義 利他主义 T - 3 lì tā zhǔ yì f /altruism/ 利他林 - 0 Lì tā lín f /Ritalin (brand name)/methylphenidate (stimulant drug used to treat ADHD)/ 利他灵 利他靈 S - 0 Lì tā líng f /Ritalin (brand name)/methylphenidate (stimulant drug used to treat ADHD)/also written 利他林[Li4 ta1 lin2]/ 利他能 - 0 Lì tā néng f /Ritalin (brand name)/methylphenidate (stimulant drug used to treat ADHD)/also written 利他林[Li4 ta1 lin2]/ 利他行为 利他行為 S - 3 lì tā xíng wéi f /altruistic behavior/ 利他行為 利他行为 T - 3 lì tā xíng wéi f /altruistic behavior/ 利他靈 利他灵 T - 0 Lì tā líng f /Ritalin (brand name)/methylphenidate (stimulant drug used to treat ADHD)/also written 利他林[Li4 ta1 lin2]/ 利令智昏 - 12 lì lìng zhì hūn f /to lose one's head through material greed (idiom)/ 利伯曼 - 0 Lì bó màn f /Liberman, Lieberman or Liebermann (name)/ 利伯維爾 利伯维尔 T - 11 Lì bó wéi ěr f /Libreville, capital of Gabon/ 利伯维尔 利伯維爾 S - 11 Lì bó wéi ěr f /Libreville, capital of Gabon/ 利兹 利茲 S - 16 Lì zī f /Leeds/ 利刀 - 30 lì dāo f /sharp knife/knife (weapon)/ 利刃 - 272 lì rèn f /sharp blade/ 利剑 利劍 S - 191 lì jiàn f /sharp sword/ 利劍 利剑 T - 191 lì jiàn f /sharp sword/ 利勒哈默尔 利勒哈默爾 S - 3 Lì lè hā mò ěr f /Lillehammer (city in Norway)/ 利勒哈默爾 利勒哈默尔 T - 3 Lì lè hā mò ěr f /Lillehammer (city in Norway)/ 利口酒 - 3 lì kǒu jiǔ f /liquor (loanword)/ 利古里亚 利古里亞 S - 4 Lì gǔ lǐ yà f /Liguria, northwest Italy/ 利古里亞 利古里亚 T - 4 Lì gǔ lǐ yà f /Liguria, northwest Italy/ 利器 - 262 lì qì f /sharp weapon/effective implement/outstandingly able individual/ 利国利民 利國利民 S - 11 lì guó lì mín f /to benefit both the country and the people/ 利國利民 利国利民 T - 11 lì guó lì mín f /to benefit both the country and the people/ 利基 - 6 lì jī f /niche/ 利多卡因 - 3 lì duō kǎ yīn f /lidocaine (loanword)/ 利好 - 174 lì hǎo f /favorable/good/advantage/ 利害 4429 1882 lì hài t /pros and cons/advantages and disadvantages/gains and losses/ 利害 4429 1882 lì hai f /terrible/formidable/serious/devastating/tough/capable/sharp/severe/fierce/ 利害关系 利害關係 S - 3 lì hài guān xi f /stake/vital interest/concern/ 利害关系人 利害關係人 S - 0 lì hài guān xi rén f /stakeholder/interested party/interested person/ 利害关系方 利害關係方 S - 0 lì hài guān xi fāng f /interested party/ 利害冲突 利害衝突 S - 3 lì hài chōng tū f /conflict of interest/ 利害攸关 利害攸關 S - 4 lì hài yōu guān f /to be of vital interest/ 利害攸關 利害攸关 T - 4 lì hài yōu guān f /to be of vital interest/ 利害衝突 利害冲突 T - 3 lì hài chōng tū f /conflict of interest/ 利害關係 利害关系 T - 3 lì hài guān xi f /stake/vital interest/concern/ 利害關係人 利害关系人 T - 0 lì hài guān xi rén f /stakeholder/interested party/interested person/ 利害關係方 利害关系方 T - 0 lì hài guān xi fāng f /interested party/ 利宾纳 利賓納 S - 0 lì bīn nà f /Ribena/ 利尿 - 173 lì niào f /to promote urination/diuresis/ 利尿剂 利尿劑 S - 39 lì niào jì f /diuretic/ 利尿劑 利尿剂 T - 39 lì niào jì f /diuretic/ 利川 - 16 Lì chuān f /Lichuan county level city in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 恩施土家族苗族自治州[En1 shi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Hubei/ 利川市 - 259 Lì chuān shì f /Lichuan county level city in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 恩施土家族苗族自治州[En1 shi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Hubei/ 利己 - 36 lì jǐ f /personal profit/to benefit oneself/ 利己主义 利己主義 S - 24 lì jǐ zhǔ yì f /egoism/ 利己主義 利己主义 T - 24 lì jǐ zhǔ yì f /egoism/ 利市 - 11 lì shì f /business profit/auspicious/lucky/small sum of money offered on festive days/ 利弊 - 119 lì bì f /pros and cons/merits and drawbacks/advantages and disadvantages/ 利得 - 3 lì dé f /profit/gain/ 利得稅 利得税 T - 0 lì dé shuì f /profit tax/ 利得税 利得稅 S - 0 lì dé shuì f /profit tax/ 利息 2223 1436 lì xī f /interest (on a loan)/CL:筆|笔[bi3]/ 利息率 - 536 lì xi lǜ f /interest rate/ 利慾 利欲 T - 14 lì yù f /cupidity/ 利慾心 利欲心 T - 0 lì yù xīn f /cupidity/ 利慾薰心 利欲熏心 T - 20 lì yù xūn xīn f /blinded by greed (idiom)/ 利手 - 0 lì shǒu f /dominant hand/handedness/ 利於 利于 T - 636 lì yú f /to be beneficial/to be good for/ 利是 - 3 lì shì f /lucky item (poster, envelope etc) made from red paper, used especially at Chinese New Year, also written 利事[li4 shi4]/ 利未記 利未记 T - 0 Lì wèi jì f /Book of Leviticus/Third Book of Moses/ 利未记 利未記 S - 0 Lì wèi jì f /Book of Leviticus/Third Book of Moses/ 利权 利權 S - 26 lì quán f /economic rights (e.g. of a state monopoly)/ 利樂包 利乐包 T - 0 lì lè bāo f /carton (e.g. for milk or juice)/Tetra Pak/ 利權 利权 T - 26 lì quán f /economic rights (e.g. of a state monopoly)/ 利欲 利慾 S - 14 lì yù f /cupidity/ 利欲心 利慾心 S - 0 lì yù xīn f /cupidity/ 利欲熏心 利慾薰心 S - 20 lì yù xūn xīn f /blinded by greed (idiom)/ 利比亚 利比亞 S - 391 Lì bǐ yà f /Libya/ 利比亞 利比亚 T - 391 Lì bǐ yà f /Libya/ 利比里亚 利比里亞 S - 114 Lì bǐ lǐ yà f /Liberia/ 利比里亞 利比里亚 T - 114 Lì bǐ lǐ yà f /Liberia/ 利津 - 17 Lì jīn f /Lijin county in Dongying 東營|东营[Dong1 ying2], Shandong/ 利津县 利津縣 S - 3 Lì jīn xiàn f /Lijin county in Dongying 東營|东营[Dong1 ying2], Shandong/ 利津縣 利津县 T - 3 Lì jīn xiàn f /Lijin county in Dongying 東營|东营[Dong1 ying2], Shandong/ 利润 利潤 S 2130 4472 lì rùn f /profits/ 利润率 利潤率 S - 1206 lì rùn lǜ f /profit margin/ 利潤 利润 T 2130 4472 lì rùn f /profits/ 利潤率 利润率 T - 1206 lì rùn lǜ f /profit margin/ 利爪 - 48 lì zhǎo f /sharp claw/talon/ 利物浦 - 278 Lì wù pǔ f /Liverpool (England)/ 利率 - 1443 lì lǜ f /interest rates/ 利玛窦 利瑪竇 S - 52 Lì Mǎ dòu f /Matteo Ricci (1552-1610), Jesuit missionary and translator in Ming China/ 利瑪竇 利玛窦 T - 52 Lì Mǎ dòu f /Matteo Ricci (1552-1610), Jesuit missionary and translator in Ming China/ 利用 1314 13559 lì yòng f /to exploit/to make use of/to use/to take advantage of/to utilize/ 利用人工吹气 利用人工吹氣 S - 0 lì yòng rén gōng chuī qì f /oral inflation/ 利用人工吹氣 利用人工吹气 T - 0 lì yòng rén gōng chuī qì f /oral inflation/ 利益 1800 8351 lì yì f /benefit/(in sb's) interest/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 利益集团 利益集團 S - 3 lì yì jí tuán f /interest group/ 利益集團 利益集团 T - 3 lì yì jí tuán f /interest group/ 利眠宁 利眠寧 S - 5 lì mián níng f /chlordiazepoxide/(trade name) Librium (loanword)/ 利眠寧 利眠宁 T - 5 lì mián níng f /chlordiazepoxide/(trade name) Librium (loanword)/ 利祿 利禄 T - 155 lì lù f /wealth and official post/ 利祿薰心 利禄薰心 T - 0 lì lù xūn xīn f /to be eager for wealth and emolument (idiom)/ 利禄 利祿 S - 155 lì lù f /wealth and official post/ 利禄薰心 利祿薰心 S - 0 lì lù xūn xīn f /to be eager for wealth and emolument (idiom)/ 利納克斯 利纳克斯 T - 0 Lì nà kè sī f /Linux (operating systems)/ 利索 - 141 lì suo f /nimble/ 利纳克斯 利納克斯 S - 0 Lì nà kè sī f /Linux (operating systems)/ 利茲 利兹 T - 16 Lì zī f /Leeds/ 利落 - 176 lì luo f /agile/nimble/all settled/in order/ 利貼 利贴 T - 0 Lì tiē f /Post-It note (3M trademark)/ 利賓納 利宾纳 T - 0 lì bīn nà f /Ribena/ 利贴 利貼 S - 0 Lì tiē f /Post-It note (3M trademark)/ 利辛 - 3 Lì xīn f /Lixin county in Bozhou 亳州[Bo2 zhou1], Anhui/ 利辛县 利辛縣 S - 3 Lì xīn xiàn f /Lixin county in Bozhou 亳州[Bo2 zhou1], Anhui/ 利辛縣 利辛县 T - 3 Lì xīn xiàn f /Lixin county in Bozhou 亳州[Bo2 zhou1], Anhui/ 利通区 利通區 S - 3 Lì tōng qū f /Litong district of Wuzhong city 吳忠市|吴忠市[Wu2 zhong1 shi4], Ningxia/ 利通區 利通区 T - 3 Lì tōng qū f /Litong district of Wuzhong city 吳忠市|吴忠市[Wu2 zhong1 shi4], Ningxia/ 利錢 利钱 T - 14 lì qián f /interest (on a loan etc)/ 利钱 利錢 S - 14 lì qián f /interest (on a loan etc)/ 利隆圭 - 8 Lì lóng guī f /Lilongwe, capital of Malawi/ 利雅得 - 44 Lì yǎ dé f /Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia/ 利雅德 - 3 Lì yǎ dé f /Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia (Tw)/ 利馬 利马 T - 87 Lì mǎ f /Lima, capital of Peru/ 利馬竇 利马窦 T - 3 Lì Mǎ dòu f /Matteo Ricci (1552-1610), Jesuit missionary and translator in Ming China/erroneous spelling of 利瑪竇|利玛窦/ 利馬索爾 利马索尔 T - 0 Lì mǎ suǒ ěr f /Limassol, Cyprus/Lemesos/ 利马 利馬 S - 87 Lì mǎ f /Lima, capital of Peru/ 利马窦 利馬竇 S - 3 Lì Mǎ dòu f /Matteo Ricci (1552-1610), Jesuit missionary and translator in Ming China/erroneous spelling of 利瑪竇|利玛窦/ 利马索尔 利馬索爾 S - 0 Lì mǎ suǒ ěr f /Limassol, Cyprus/Lemesos/ 利默里克 - 4 Lì mò lǐ kè f /Limerick, Ireland/ 刪 删 T - 207 shān f /to delete/ 刪去 删去 T - 84 shān qù f /to delete/ 刪掉 删掉 T - 38 shān diào f /to delete/ 刪減 删减 T - 14 shān jiǎn f /to delete/to censor out/ 刪節 删节 T - 39 shān jié f /to abridge/to cut a text down to size for publication/ 刪簡壓縮 删简压缩 T - 0 shān jiǎn yā suō f /to simplify and condense (a text)/abridged/ 刪除 删除 T 2146 358 shān chú f /to delete/to cancel/ 别 別 S 165 14132 Bié t /surname Bie/ 别 別 S 165 14132 bié t /to leave/to depart/to separate/to distinguish/to classify/other/another/do not/must not/to pin/to stick (sth) in/ 别 彆 S 165 14132 biè f /to make sb change their ways, opinions etc/ 别人 別人 S 355 8252 bié ren f /other people/others/other person/ 别传 別傳 S - 15 bié zhuàn f /supplementary biography/ 别克 別克 S - 11 Bié kè f /Buick/ 别具 別具 S - 3 bié jù f /see 獨具|独具[du2 ju4]/ 别具一格 別具一格 S - 93 bié jù yī gé f /having a unique or distinctive style/ 别具只眼 別具隻眼 S - 3 bié jù zhī yǎn f /see 獨具隻眼|独具只眼[du2 ju4 zhi1 yan3]/ 别出心裁 別出心裁 S - 133 bié chū xīn cái f /to hit on sth new (idiom); to display originality/to adopt an original approach/ 别动队 別動隊 S - 12 bié dòng duì f /special detachment/commando/an armed secret agent squad/ 别号 別號 S - 108 bié hào f /alias/ 别名 別名 S - 646 bié míng f /alias/alternative name/ 别嘴 彆嘴 S - 3 biè zuǐ f /mouthful (awkward speech)/tongue-twister/ 别墅 別墅 S 3159 564 bié shù f /villa/CL:幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4]/ 别处 別處 S - 930 bié chù f /elsewhere/ 别太客气 別太客氣 S - 0 bié tài kè qi f /lit. no excessive politeness/Don't mention it!/You're welcome!/Please don't stand on ceremony./ 别子 別子 S - 19 bié zi f /hasp/pendant/ 别字 別字 S - 33 bié zì f /mispronounced or wrongly written character/ 别客气 別客氣 S - 0 bié kè qi f /don't mention it/no formalities, please/ 别庄 別莊 S - 0 bié zhuāng f /villa/ 别开生面 別開生面 S - 67 bié kāi shēng miàn f /to start sth new or original (idiom); to break a new path/to break fresh ground/ 别扭 彆扭 S 3707 270 biè niu f /awkward/difficult/uncomfortable/not agreeing/at loggerheads/gauche/ 别提了 別提了 S - 0 bié tí le f /say no more/don't bring it up/drop the subject/ 别无 別無 S - 0 bié wú f /to have no other... (used in fixed expressions)/ 别无他法 別無他法 S - 3 bié wú tā fǎ f /there is no alternative/ 别无他物 別無他物 S - 5 bié wú tā wù f /nothing else/ 别无他用 別無他用 S - 0 bié wú tā yòng f /to have no other use or purpose (idiom)/ 别无选择 別無選擇 S - 76 bié wú xuǎn zé f /to have no other choice/ 别有 別有 S - 0 bié yǒu f /to have other.../to have a special .../ 别有天地 別有天地 S - 3 bié yǒu tiān dì f /enchanting scenery/beautiful surroundings/world of its own/ 别有洞天 別有洞天 S - 20 bié yǒu dòng tiān f /place of charm and beauty/scenery of exceptional charm/completely different world/ 别有用心 別有用心 S - 195 bié yǒu yòng xīn f /to have an ulterior motive (idiom); a hidden agenda/ 别有韵味 別有韻味 S - 0 bié yǒu yùn wèi f /to have quite a lasting charm/ 别来无恙 別來無恙 S - 46 bié lái wú yàng f /(literary) I trust you have been well since we last met/ 别树一帜 別樹一幟 S - 3 bié shù yī zhì f /lit. to fly one's banner on a solitary tree (idiom); fig. to act as a loner/to stand out/to develop one's own school/to have attitude of one's own/ 别树一旗 別樹一旗 S - 3 bié shù yī qí f /lit. to fly one's banner on a solitary tree (idiom); fig. to act as a loner/to stand out/to develop one's own school/to have attitude of one's own/ 别理 別理 S - 6 bié lǐ f /don't get involved/ignore it!/don't have anything to do with (him, her etc)/don't speak to/ 别的 別的 S - 4354 bié de f /else/other/ 别着急 別著急 S - 3 bié zháo jí f /Don't worry!/ 别离 別離 S - 59 bié lí f /to take leave of/to leave/separation/ 别称 別稱 S - 151 bié chēng f /another name/alternative name/ 别筵 別筵 S - 0 bié yán f /farewell banquet/ 别管 別管 S - 159 bié guǎn f /no matter (who, what etc)/ 别绪 別緒 S - 3 bié xù f /emotions at time of parting/ 别脸 別臉 S - 0 bié liǎn f /to turn one's face away/ 别致 別緻 S 4528 188 bié zhì f /unusual/unique/ 别致 別致 S 4528 188 bié zhì f /variant of 別緻|别致[bie2 zhi4]/ 别论 別論 S - 3 bié lùn f /a different matter/another story/(old) objection/ 别赫捷列夫 別赫捷列夫 S - 0 Bié hè jié liè fū f /Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev (1857-1927), Russian neurologist and psychiatrist/ 别针 別針 S - 18 bié zhēn f /pin/safety pin/clip/brooch/CL:枚[mei2]/ 刬 剗 S - 2 chǎn f /variant of 鏟|铲[chan3]/ 刭 剄 S - 8 jǐng f /cut the throat/ 刮 - 1317 guā f /to scrape/to blow/to shave/to plunder/to extort/ 刮 颳 S - 1317 guā f /to blow (of the wind)/ 刮伤 刮傷 S - 3 guā shāng f /scratch (wound)/scratch (damage to an object)/ 刮傷 刮伤 T - 3 guā shāng f /scratch (wound)/scratch (damage to an object)/ 刮刀 - 40 guā dāo f /spatula/scraper/ 刮刮卡 - 8 guā guā kǎ f /lottery scratchcard/ 刮刮叫 - 7 guā guā jiào f /variant of 呱呱叫[gua1 gua1 jiao4]/ 刮勺 - 0 guā sháo f /scraper/trowel/putty knife/ 刮掉 - 3 guā diào f /to scrape off/to shave off (whiskers etc)/(of the wind) to blow sth away/ 刮痧 - 56 guā shā f /gua sha (technique in TCM)/ 刮皮刀 - 0 guā pí dāo f /peeler/potato peeler/ 刮目相待 - 3 guā mù xiāng dài f /see 刮目相看[gua1 mu4 xiang1 kan4]/ 刮目相看 - 136 guā mù xiāng kàn f /to have a whole new level of respect for sb or sth/to sit up and take notice (of sb's improved performance etc)/ 刮胡刀 刮鬍刀 S - 3 guā hú dāo f /razor/ 刮胡子 刮鬍子 S - 16 guā hú zi f /to shave/ 刮脸 刮臉 S - 81 guā liǎn f /to shave one's face/ 刮臉 刮脸 T - 81 guā liǎn f /to shave one's face/ 刮蹭 - 0 guā cèng f /to scrape one's car against sth/to sideswipe/ 刮鏟 刮铲 T - 3 guā chǎn f /scraper/ 刮铲 刮鏟 S - 3 guā chǎn f /scraper/ 刮风 颳風 S 599 102 guā fēng f /to be windy/ 刮鬍刀 刮胡刀 T - 3 guā hú dāo f /razor/ 刮鬍子 刮胡子 T - 16 guā hú zi f /to shave/ 到 154 205341 dào f /to (a place)/until (a time)/up to/to go/to arrive/(verb complement denoting completion or result of an action)/ 到不行 - 0 dào bù xíng f /extremely/incredibly/ 到位 - 852 dào wèi f /to get to the intended location/to be in place/to be in position/precise/well (done)/ 到來 到来 T - 2665 dào lái f /to arrive/arrival/advent/ 到场 到場 S - 145 dào chǎng f /to show up/present (at the scene)/ 到場 到场 T - 145 dào chǎng f /to show up/present (at the scene)/ 到处 到處 S 750 3414 dào chù f /everywhere/ 到处可见 到處可見 S - 0 dào chù kě jiàn f /ubiquitous/commonplace/found everywhere/ 到头 到頭 S - 198 dào tóu f /to the end (of)/at the end of/in the end/to come to an end/ 到头来 到頭來 S - 297 dào tóu lái f /in the end/finally/as a result/ 到家 - 0 dào jiā f /perfect/excellent/brought to the utmost degree/ 到岸价 到岸價 S - 3 dào àn jià f /Cost, Insurance, and Freight (CIF) (transportion)/ 到岸價 到岸价 T - 3 dào àn jià f /Cost, Insurance, and Freight (CIF) (transportion)/ 到底 642 6043 dào dǐ f /finally/in the end/when all is said and done/after all/to the end/to the last/ 到手 - 235 dào shǒu f /to take possession of/to get hold of/ 到手軟 到手软 T - 0 dào shǒu ruǎn f /(do a manual task) until one's hands go limp with exhaustion/ 到手软 到手軟 S - 0 dào shǒu ruǎn f /(do a manual task) until one's hands go limp with exhaustion/ 到时 到時 S - 0 dào shí f /at that (future) time/ 到时候 到時候 S - 544 dào shí hòu f /when the moment comes/at that time/ 到時 到时 T - 0 dào shí f /at that (future) time/ 到時候 到时候 T - 544 dào shí hòu f /when the moment comes/at that time/ 到期 - 334 dào qī f /to fall due (loan etc)/to expire (visa etc)/to mature (investment bond etc)/ 到期收益率 - 0 dào qī shōu yì lǜ f /(finance) yield to maturity (YTM)/ 到期日 - 12 dào qī rì f /closing date (of contract)/maturity (of an investment bond)/ 到来 到來 S - 2665 dào lái f /to arrive/arrival/advent/ 到案 - 24 dào àn f /to make an appearance in court/ 到此 - 0 dào cǐ f /hereto/hereunto/ 到此一游 到此一遊 S - 19 dào cǐ yī yóu f /to travel (somewhere)/(vandalism) "was here"/ 到此一遊 到此一游 T - 19 dào cǐ yī yóu f /to travel (somewhere)/(vandalism) "was here"/ 到此为止 到此為止 S - 114 dào cǐ wéi zhǐ f /to stop at this point/to end here/to call it a day/ 到此為止 到此为止 T - 114 dào cǐ wéi zhǐ f /to stop at this point/to end here/to call it a day/ 到现在 到現在 S - 0 dào xiàn zài f /up until now/to date/ 到現在 到现在 T - 0 dào xiàn zài f /up until now/to date/ 到目前 - 0 dào mù qián f /up until now/to date/ 到目前为止 到目前為止 S - 0 dào mù qián wéi zhǐ f /until now/so far/ 到目前為止 到目前为止 T - 0 dào mù qián wéi zhǐ f /until now/so far/ 到處 到处 T 750 3414 dào chù f /everywhere/ 到處可見 到处可见 T - 0 dào chù kě jiàn f /ubiquitous/commonplace/found everywhere/ 到訪 到访 T - 55 dào fǎng f /to pay a visit/ 到访 到訪 S - 55 dào fǎng f /to pay a visit/ 到貨 到货 T - 22 dào huò f /(of packages or shipments) to arrive/ 到货 到貨 S - 22 dào huò f /(of packages or shipments) to arrive/ 到达 到達 S 1415 3107 dào dá f /to reach/to arrive/ 到达大厅 到達大廳 S - 0 dào dá dà tīng f /arrival hall/ 到達 到达 T 1415 3107 dào dá f /to reach/to arrive/ 到達大廳 到达大厅 T - 0 dào dá dà tīng f /arrival hall/ 到那个时候 到那個時候 S - 0 dào nà gè shí hòu f /until this moment/ 到那個時候 到那个时候 T - 0 dào nà gè shí hòu f /until this moment/ 到頭 到头 T - 198 dào tóu f /to the end (of)/at the end of/in the end/to come to an end/ 到頭來 到头来 T - 297 dào tóu lái f /in the end/finally/as a result/ 到齊 到齐 T - 3 dào qí f /to be all present/ 到齐 到齊 S - 3 dào qí f /to be all present/ 刱 - 0 chuàng f /establish, create/knife cut/ 刲 - 0 kuī f /cut open and clean/ 刳 - 12 kū f /to cut open/rip up/scoop out/ 刴 - 0 duò f /variant of 剁[duo4]/ 刵 - 0 èr f /cutting off the ears as punishment/ 制 - 11750 zhì f /system/to control/to regulate/variant of 製|制[zhi4]/ 制 製 S - 11750 zhì f /to manufacture/to make/ 制件 製件 S - 18 zhì jiàn f /workpiece/ 制伏 - 47 zhì fú f /to overpower/to overwhelm/to subdue/to check/to control/ 制作 製作 S 1502 4804 zhì zuò f /to make/to manufacture/ 制作商 製作商 S - 10 zhì zuò shāng f /maker/manufacturer/ 制作者 製作者 S - 20 zhì zuò zhě f /producer/maker/creator/ 制假 製假 S - 26 zhì jiǎ f /to counterfeit/to manufacture counterfeit goods/ 制冷 - 127 zhì lěng f /refrigeration/ 制剂 製劑 S - 502 zhì jì f /(chemical or pharmaceutical) preparation/ 制动 制動 S - 150 zhì dòng f /to brake/ 制动器 制動器 S - 130 zhì dòng qì f /brake/ 制动踏板 制動踏板 S - 0 zhì dòng tà bǎn f /brake pedal/ 制動 制动 T - 150 zhì dòng f /to brake/ 制動器 制动器 T - 130 zhì dòng qì f /brake/ 制動踏板 制动踏板 T - 0 zhì dòng tà bǎn f /brake pedal/ 制品 製品 S - 1529 zhì pǐn f /products/goods/ 制售 製售 S - 26 zhì shòu f /to manufacture and sell/ 制图 制圖 S - 107 zhì tú f /cartographic/graphics/ 制图 製圖 S - 107 zhì tú f /to map/to chart/to draft/mapmaking/charting/ 制圖 制图 T - 107 zhì tú f /cartographic/graphics/ 制备 製備 S - 421 zhì bèi f /to prepare/preparation (chemistry)/ 制定 2061 13662 zhì dìng f /to draw up/to formulate/ 制导 制導 S - 922 zhì dǎo f /to control (the course of sth)/to guide (a missile)/ 制導 制导 T - 922 zhì dǎo f /to control (the course of sth)/to guide (a missile)/ 制度 2121 21517 zhì dù f /system (e.g. political, adminstrative etc)/institution/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 制度化 - 460 zhì dù huà f /systematization/ 制式 - 453 zhì shì f /standardized/standard (service, method etc)/regulation (clothing etc)/formulaic/(telecommunications etc) system/format (e.g. the PAL or NTSC systems for TV signals)/ 制式化 - 4 zhì shì huà f /standardization/ 制成 製成 S - 2805 zhì chéng f /to manufacture/to turn out (a product)/ 制成品 - 114 zhì chéng pǐn f /manufactured goods/finished product/ 制服 2711 487 zhì fú f /to subdue/to check/to bring under control/(in former times) what one is allowed to wear depending on social status/uniform (army, party, school etc)/livery (for company employees)/CL:套[tao4]/ 制服呢 - 3 zhì fú ní f /tweed cloth (used for military uniforms etc)/ 制止 3334 1048 zhì zhǐ f /to curb/to put a stop to/to stop/to check/to limit/ 制片 製片 S - 114 zhì piàn f /moviemaking/ 制片人 製片人 S - 73 zhì piàn rén f /moviemaker/filmmaker/producer/ 制版 製版 S - 42 zhì bǎn f /to make a plate (printing)/ 制程 製程 S - 3 zhì chéng f /manufacturing process/processing/ 制約 制约 T 4682 1602 zhì yuē f /to restrict/condition/ 制约 制約 S 4682 1602 zhì yuē f /to restrict/condition/ 制药 制藥 S - 1026 zhì yào f /to manufacture medicine/ 制药业 制藥業 S - 16 zhì yào yè f /pharmaceutical industry/ 制药企业 製藥企業 S - 0 zhì yào qǐ yè f /pharmaceutical company/ 制药厂 製藥廠 S - 58 zhì yào chǎng f /pharmaceutical company/drugs manufacturing factory/ 制藥 制药 T - 1026 zhì yào f /to manufacture medicine/ 制藥業 制药业 T - 16 zhì yào yè f /pharmaceutical industry/ 制衡 - 97 zhì héng f /to check and balance (power)/checks and balances/ 制衣 - 25 zhì yī f /clothing manufacture/ 制表 製表 S - 61 zhì biǎo f /to tabulate/tabulation/scheduling/watchmaking/ 制裁 3911 897 zhì cái f /to punish/punishment/sanctions (incl. economic)/ 制訂 制订 T - 1419 zhì dìng f /to work out/to formulate/ 制订 制訂 S - 1419 zhì dìng f /to work out/to formulate/ 制造 製造 S 1460 6418 zhì zào f /to manufacture/to make/ 制造业 制造業 S - 847 zhì zào yè f /manufacturing industry/ 制造业者 製造業者 S - 3 zhì zào yè zhě f /manufacturer/ 制造厂 製造廠 S - 194 zhì zào chǎng f /manufacturing plant/factory/ 制造商 製造商 S - 418 zhì zào shāng f /manufacturing company/ 制造業 制造业 T - 847 zhì zào yè f /manufacturing industry/ 制造者 製造者 S - 71 zhì zào zhě f /maker/ 制酸剂 制酸劑 S - 3 zhì suān jì f /antacid (medicine)/ 制酸劑 制酸剂 T - 3 zhì suān jì f /antacid (medicine)/ 制錢 制钱 T - 91 zhì qián f /copper coin of the Ming and Qing Dynasties/ 制钱 制錢 S - 91 zhì qián f /copper coin of the Ming and Qing Dynasties/ 制陶 製陶 S - 112 zhì táo f /to manufacture pottery/ 制陶工人 製陶工人 S - 0 zhì táo gōng rén f /potter/ 制鞋匠 製鞋匠 S - 0 zhì xié jiàng f /shoemaker/cobbler/ 制鞋工人 製鞋工人 S - 0 zhì xié gōng rén f /shoemaker/cobbler/ 刷 - 1990 shuā t /to brush/to paint/to daub/to paste up/to skip class (of students)/to fire from a job/ 刷 - 1990 shuà f /to select/ 刷入 - 0 shuā rù f /to flash/to overwrite the firmware (computing)/ 刷卡 - 80 shuā kǎ f /to use a credit card (or swipe card, smart card etc)/ 刷子 - 97 shuā zi f /brush/scrub/CL:把[ba3]/ 刷屏 - 3 shuā píng f /flooding (on an Internet forum etc)/ 刷新 - 201 shuā xīn f /to renovate/to refurbish/to refresh (computer window)/to write a new page (in history)/to break (a record)/ 刷机 刷機 S - 0 shuā jī f /to replace firmware (on a mobile device)/ 刷機 刷机 T - 0 shuā jī f /to replace firmware (on a mobile device)/ 刷爆 - 0 shuā bào f /to max out (a credit card)/ 刷牙 584 113 shuā yá f /to brush one's teeth/ 刷磅 - 0 shuā bàng f /wide paintbrush/ 券 - 508 quàn f /bond (esp. document split in two, with each party holding one half)/contract/deed (i.e. title deeds)/ticket/voucher/certificate/ 券 劵 S - 508 quàn f /variant of 券[quan4]/ 券商 - 228 quàn shāng f /securities dealer/share broker/ 刹 剎 S - 228 chà f /Buddhist monastery, temple or shrine (abbr. for 剎多羅, Sanskrit ksetra)/ 刹 剎 S - 228 shā t /to brake/ 刹不住 剎不住 S - 0 shā bu zhù f /unable to brake (stop)/ 刹住 剎住 S - 31 shā zhù f /to stop/to come to a halt/ 刹把 剎把 S - 6 shā bǎ f /brake lever/crank handle for stopping or turning off machinery/ 刹时 剎時 S - 23 chà shí f /in a flash/in the twinkling of an eye/ 刹车 剎車 S 3067 85 shā chē f /to brake (when driving)/to stop/to switch off/to check (bad habits)/a brake/ 刹车灯 剎車燈 S - 3 shā chē dēng f /brake light/ 刹那 剎那 S 4875 124 chà nà f /an instant (Sanskrit: ksana)/split second/the twinkling of an eye/ 刺 2600 7172 cī f /(onom.) whoosh/ 刺 2600 7172 cì t /thorn/sting/thrust/to prick/to pierce/to stab/to assassinate/to murder/ 刺丝囊 刺絲囊 S - 0 cì sī náng f /nematocyst/capsule of nettle cells of medusa or anemone/ 刺丝胞 刺絲胞 S - 0 cì sī bāo f /cnidocyte/nettle cell of medusa or anemone/ 刺丝胞动物 刺絲胞動物 S - 0 cì sī bāo dòng wù f /Cnidaria (animal phylum including jellyfish and sessile polyps)/ 刺中 - 173 cì zhòng f /to hit with a piercing blow/ 刺五加 - 17 cì wǔ jiā f /manyprickle (Acanthopanax senticosus), root used in TCM/ 刺伤 刺傷 S - 268 cì shāng f /to stab/ 刺傷 刺伤 T - 268 cì shāng f /to stab/ 刺儿 刺兒 S - 16 cì r f /a thorn/fig. to ridicule sb/fig. sth wrong/ 刺儿头 刺兒頭 S - 6 cì r tóu f /an awkward person/a difficult person to deal with/ 刺儿李 刺兒李 S - 0 cì r lǐ f /gooseberry/ 刺儿话 刺兒話 S - 0 cì r huà f /biting words/stinging words/ 刺兒 刺儿 T - 16 cì r f /a thorn/fig. to ridicule sb/fig. sth wrong/ 刺兒李 刺儿李 T - 0 cì r lǐ f /gooseberry/ 刺兒話 刺儿话 T - 0 cì r huà f /biting words/stinging words/ 刺兒頭 刺儿头 T - 6 cì r tóu f /an awkward person/a difficult person to deal with/ 刺刀 - 602 cì dāo f /bayonet/ 刺刺不休 - 3 cì cì bù xiū f /to talk incessantly/to chatter on and on/ 刺史 - 1136 cì shǐ f /provincial governor (old)/ 刺字 - 27 cì zì f /to tattoo/ 刺客 - 491 cì kè f /assassin/murderer/ 刺戟 - 0 cì jǐ f /variant of 刺激[ci4 ji1], to irritate/stimulus/ 刺戳 - 3 cì chuō f /to puncture/to pierce/ 刺探 - 97 cì tàn f /to pry into/to spy on/to probe into/ 刺杀 刺殺 S - 346 cì shā f /to assassinate/(military) to fight with a bayonet/(baseball) to put out (a baserunner)/ 刺柏 - 3 cì bǎi f /Chinese juniper/ 刺桐 - 13 cì tóng f /Indian coral tree/sunshine tree/tiger's claw/Erythrina variegata (botany)/ 刺槐 - 37 cì huái f /false acacia/Robinia pseudoacacia/ 刺死 - 3 cì sǐ f /to stab to death/ 刺殺 刺杀 T - 346 cì shā f /to assassinate/(military) to fight with a bayonet/(baseball) to put out (a baserunner)/ 刺激 1518 2873 cì jī f /to provoke/to irritate/to upset/to stimulate/to excite/irritant/ 刺激剂 刺激劑 S - 2 cì jī jì f /irritant agent/ 刺激劑 刺激剂 T - 2 cì jī jì f /irritant agent/ 刺激性 - 234 cì jī xìng f /thrilling/exciting/stimulating/irritating/provocative/pungent/spicy/ 刺激物 - 31 cì jī wù f /stimulus/ 刺激素 - 8 cì jī sù f /growth hormone/ 刺猬 刺蝟 S - 142 cì wei f /hedgehog/ 刺痛 - 188 cì tòng f /stab of pain/sting/fig. stimulus to action/a prick/ 刺目 - 18 cì mù f /gaudy/glaring/unpleasant to the eyes/ 刺眼 - 111 cì yǎn f /to dazzle/to offend the eyes/dazzling/harsh (light)/crude (colors)/unsightly/ 刺破 - 4 cì pò f /to puncture/to pierce/ 刺穿 - 3 cì chuān f /to skewer/to impale/to pierce through/ 刺絲囊 刺丝囊 T - 0 cì sī náng f /nematocyst/capsule of nettle cells of medusa or anemone/ 刺絲胞 刺丝胞 T - 0 cì sī bāo f /cnidocyte/nettle cell of medusa or anemone/ 刺絲胞動物 刺丝胞动物 T - 0 cì sī bāo dòng wù f /Cnidaria (animal phylum including jellyfish and sessile polyps)/ 刺繡 刺绣 T - 229 cì xiù f /to embroider/embroidery/ 刺繡品 刺绣品 T - 2 cì xiù pǐn f /embroidery/ 刺绣 刺繡 S - 229 cì xiù f /to embroider/embroidery/ 刺绣品 刺繡品 S - 2 cì xiù pǐn f /embroidery/ 刺耳 - 195 cì ěr f /ear-piercing/ 刺胞 - 0 cì bāo f /cnidocyte/nettle cell of medusa/ 刺胞动物 刺胞動物 S - 0 cì bāo dòng wù f /Cnidaria (animal phylum including jellyfish and sessile polyps)/ 刺胞動物 刺胞动物 T - 0 cì bāo dòng wù f /Cnidaria (animal phylum including jellyfish and sessile polyps)/ 刺芹菇 - 0 cì qín gū f /king trumpet mushroom (Pleurotus eryngii)/ 刺苋 刺莧 S - 0 cì xiàn f /prickly amaranth (Amaranthus spinosus)/ 刺莧 刺苋 T - 0 cì xiàn f /prickly amaranth (Amaranthus spinosus)/ 刺蝟 刺猬 T - 142 cì wei f /hedgehog/ 刺身 - 6 cì shēn f /sashimi/ 刺鋼絲 刺钢丝 T - 0 cì gāng sī f /barbed wire/ 刺钢丝 刺鋼絲 S - 0 cì gāng sī f /barbed wire/ 刺青 - 3 cì qīng f /tattoo/ 刺骨 - 95 cì gǔ f /piercing/cutting/bone-chilling/penetrating (cold)/ 刺鼻 - 95 cì bí f /to assail the nostrils/acrid/pungent/ 刻 553 2524 kè f /quarter (hour)/moment/to carve/to engrave/to cut/oppressive/classifier for short time intervals/ 刻不容緩 刻不容缓 T 4898 86 kè bù róng huǎn f /to brook no delay/to demand immediate action/ 刻不容缓 刻不容緩 S 4898 86 kè bù róng huǎn f /to brook no delay/to demand immediate action/ 刻丝 刻絲 S - 3 kè sī f /variant of 緙絲|缂丝[ke4 si1]/ 刻写 刻寫 S - 15 kè xiě f /inscribe/ 刻剝 刻剥 T - 0 kè bō f /to grab money/to exploit/ 刻剥 刻剝 S - 0 kè bō f /to grab money/to exploit/ 刻印 - 105 kè yìn f /to engrave a seal/stamp mark/to print with carved type/to leave a deep impression/ 刻寫 刻写 T - 15 kè xiě f /inscribe/ 刻度 - 99 kè dù f /marked scale/graduated scale/ 刻度盘 刻度盤 S - 11 kè dù pán f /dial (e.g. of a radio etc)/ 刻度盤 刻度盘 T - 11 kè dù pán f /dial (e.g. of a radio etc)/ 刻录 刻錄 S - 20 kè lù f /to record on a CD or DVD/to burn a disc/ 刻录机 刻錄機 S - 3 kè lù jī f /disk burner/ 刻意 - 336 kè yì f /meticulous/painstaking/deliberate/ 刻意为之 刻意為之 S - 0 kè yì wéi zhī f /to make a conscious effort/to do something deliberately/ 刻意求工 - 3 kè yì qiú gōng f /assiduous and painstaking/ 刻意為之 刻意为之 T - 0 kè yì wéi zhī f /to make a conscious effort/to do something deliberately/ 刻日 - 0 kè rì f /variant of 克日[ke4 ri4]/ 刻期 - 0 kè qī f /variant of 克期[ke4 qi1]/ 刻本 - 339 kè běn f /block printed edition/ 刻板 - 81 kè bǎn f /stiff/inflexible/mechanical/stubborn/to cut blocks for printing/ 刻板印象 - 0 kè bǎn yìn xiàng f /stereotype/ 刻毒 - 32 kè dú f /spiteful/venomous/ 刻版 - 3 kè bǎn f /engraved blocks (for printing)/ 刻画 刻畫 S - 527 kè huà f /to portray/ 刻畫 刻画 T - 527 kè huà f /to portray/ 刻痕 - 9 kè hén f /notch/ 刻絲 刻丝 T - 3 kè sī f /variant of 緙絲|缂丝[ke4 si1]/ 刻舟求剑 刻舟求劍 S - 12 kè zhōu qiú jiàn f /lit. a notch on the side of a boat to locate a sword dropped overboard (idiom); fig. an action made pointless by changed circumstances/ 刻舟求劍 刻舟求剑 T - 12 kè zhōu qiú jiàn f /lit. a notch on the side of a boat to locate a sword dropped overboard (idiom); fig. an action made pointless by changed circumstances/ 刻苦 2414 322 kè kǔ f /hardworking/assiduous/ 刻苦努力 - 0 kè kǔ nǔ lì f /assiduous/taking great pains/ 刻苦学习 刻苦學習 S - 0 kè kǔ xué xí f /to study hard/assiduous/ 刻苦學習 刻苦学习 T - 0 kè kǔ xué xí f /to study hard/assiduous/ 刻苦耐劳 刻苦耐勞 S - 6 kè kǔ nài láo f /to bear hardships and work hard (idiom); assiduous and long-suffering/hard-working and capable of overcoming adversity/ 刻苦耐勞 刻苦耐劳 T - 6 kè kǔ nài láo f /to bear hardships and work hard (idiom); assiduous and long-suffering/hard-working and capable of overcoming adversity/ 刻苦鑽研 刻苦钻研 T - 3 kè kǔ zuān yán f /to study diligently/ 刻苦钻研 刻苦鑽研 S - 3 kè kǔ zuān yán f /to study diligently/ 刻薄 - 150 kè bó f /unkind/harsh/cutting/mean/acrimony/to embezzle by making illegal deductions/ 刻薄寡恩 - 3 kè bó guǎ ēn f /harsh and merciless (idiom)/ 刻錄 刻录 T - 20 kè lù f /to record on a CD or DVD/to burn a disc/ 刻錄機 刻录机 T - 3 kè lù jī f /disk burner/ 刻骨 - 21 kè gǔ f /ingrained/entrenched/deep-rooted/ 刻骨相思 - 8 kè gǔ xiāng sī f /deep-seated lovesickness (idiom)/ 刻骨銘心 刻骨铭心 T - 94 kè gǔ míng xīn f /lit. carved in bones and engraved in the heart (idiom)/fig. etched in one's memory/unforgettable/ 刻骨铭心 刻骨銘心 S - 94 kè gǔ míng xīn f /lit. carved in bones and engraved in the heart (idiom)/fig. etched in one's memory/unforgettable/ 刻鵠類鶩 刻鹄类鹜 T - 3 kè hú lèi wù f /to aim to carve a swan and get a semblance of a duck (idiom)/to fail utterly in trying to copy something/to get a reasonably good, if not perfect, result/ 刻鹄类鹜 刻鵠類鶩 S - 3 kè hú lèi wù f /to aim to carve a swan and get a semblance of a duck (idiom)/to fail utterly in trying to copy something/to get a reasonably good, if not perfect, result/ 刼 劫 T - 1284 jié f /variant of 劫[jie2]/ 刽 劊 S - 23 guì f /to amputate/to cut off/also pr. [kuai4]/ 刽子手 劊子手 S - 115 guì zi shǒu f /executioner/headsman/slaughterer/fig. indiscriminate murderer/ 刾 - 0 cì f /old variant of 刺[ci4]/ 刿 劌 S - 10 guì f /cut/injure/ 剀 剴 S - 17 kǎi f /carefully/moderately/ 剀切 剴切 S - 3 kǎi qiè f /cogent/earnest/ 剁 - 817 duò f /to chop up (meat etc)/to chop off (sb's hand etc)/ 剁手党 剁手黨 S - 0 duò shǒu dǎng f /online shopaholic/ 剁手節 剁手节 T - 0 Duò shǒu jié f /(jocularly) a day of frenetic online spending, such as Singles' Day/ 剁手节 剁手節 S - 0 Duò shǒu jié f /(jocularly) a day of frenetic online spending, such as Singles' Day/ 剁手黨 剁手党 T - 0 duò shǒu dǎng f /online shopaholic/ 剁碎 - 16 duò suì f /to mince/ 剂 劑 S - 1615 jì f /dose (medicine)/ 剂型 劑型 S - 157 jì xíng f /delivery mechanism of a medicine (e.g. pill, powder etc)/ 剂子 劑子 S - 3 jì zi f /piece of dough cut to the right size (for making jiaozi etc)/ 剂量 劑量 S - 504 jì liàng f /dosage/prescribed dose of medicine/ 剂量当量 劑量當量 S - 0 jì liàng dāng liàng f /dose equivalent/ 剂量效应 劑量效應 S - 3 jì liàng xiào yìng f /dose effect/ 剂量监控 劑量監控 S - 0 jì liàng jiān kòng f /monitoring/ 剃 - 538 tì f /to shave/ 剃 薙 S - 538 tì f /shave/to weed/ 剃 鬀 S - 538 tì f /variant of 剃[ti4]/ 剃光头 剃光頭 S - 16 tì guāng tóu f /to shave the whole head clean/crushing defeat/ 剃光頭 剃光头 T - 16 tì guāng tóu f /to shave the whole head clean/crushing defeat/ 剃刀 - 42 tì dāo f /razor/ 剃发令 剃髮令 S - 23 tì fà lìng f /the Qing order to all men to shave their heads but keep a queue, first ordered in 1646/ 剃发留辫 剃髮留辮 S - 0 tì fà liú biàn f /to shave the head but keep the queue/ 剃头 剃頭 S - 134 tì tóu f /to have one's head shaved/ 剃度 - 56 tì dù f /to take the tonsure/to shave the head/tonsure (shaved head of Buddhist monk)/ 剃頭 剃头 T - 134 tì tóu f /to have one's head shaved/ 剃须刀 剃鬚刀 S - 19 tì xū dāo f /shaver/razor/ 剃须膏 剃鬚膏 S - 0 tì xū gāo f /shaving cream/ 剃髮令 剃发令 T - 23 tì fà lìng f /the Qing order to all men to shave their heads but keep a queue, first ordered in 1646/ 剃髮留辮 剃发留辫 T - 0 tì fà liú biàn f /to shave the head but keep the queue/ 剃鬚刀 剃须刀 T - 19 tì xū dāo f /shaver/razor/ 剃鬚膏 剃须膏 T - 0 tì xū gāo f /shaving cream/ 剄 刭 T - 8 jǐng f /cut the throat/ 則 则 T 1466 32160 zé f /(conjunction used to express contrast with a previous clause) but/then/standard/norm/principle/to imitate/to follow/classifier for written items/ 則個 则个 T - 0 zé gè f /(old sentence-final expression used for emphasis)/ 則步隆 则步隆 T - 0 Zé bù lóng f /Zabulon or Zebulun, biblical land between Jordan and Galilee (Matthew 4:15)/ 則辣黑 则辣黑 T - 0 Zé là hēi f /Zerah (name)/ 剉 锉 T - 5860 cuò f /to file/ 削 3642 1411 xiāo f /to peel with a knife/to pare/to cut (a ball at tennis etc)/ 削 3642 1411 xuē t /to pare/to reduce/to remove/Taiwan pr. [xue4]/ 削价 削價 S - 16 xuē jià f /to cut down the price/ 削價 削价 T - 16 xuē jià f /to cut down the price/ 削减 削減 S - 545 xuē jiǎn f /to cut down/to reduce/to lower/ 削发 削髮 S - 53 xuē fà f /to shave one's head/fig. to become a monk or nun/to take the tonsure/ 削尖 - 3 xiāo jiān f /to sharpen/ 削弱 4150 1115 xuē ruò f /to weaken/to impair/to cripple/ 削波 - 3 xuē bō f /clipping (signal processing)/ 削減 削减 T - 545 xuē jiǎn f /to cut down/to reduce/to lower/ 削球 - 11 xiāo qiú f /(sport) to chop/to cut/ 削籍 - 0 xuē jí f /(of an official) dismissal from office (old)/ 削职 削職 S - 3 xuē zhí f /demotion/to have one's job cut/ 削职为民 削職為民 S - 3 xuē zhí wéi mín f /demotion to commoner (idiom)/ 削職 削职 T - 3 xuē zhí f /demotion/to have one's job cut/ 削職為民 削职为民 T - 3 xuē zhí wéi mín f /demotion to commoner (idiom)/ 削足适履 削足適履 S - 11 xuē zú shì lǚ f /to cut the feet to fit the shoes (idiom); to force sth to fit (as to a Procrustean bed)/impractical or inelegant solution/ 削足適履 削足适履 T - 11 xuē zú shì lǚ f /to cut the feet to fit the shoes (idiom); to force sth to fit (as to a Procrustean bed)/impractical or inelegant solution/ 削鉛筆機 削铅笔机 T - 3 xiāo qiān bǐ jī f /pencil sharpener (mechanical or electric)/ 削铅笔机 削鉛筆機 S - 3 xiāo qiān bǐ jī f /pencil sharpener (mechanical or electric)/ 削除 - 4 xuē chú f /to remove/to eliminate/to delete/ 削髮 削发 T - 53 xuē fà f /to shave one's head/fig. to become a monk or nun/to take the tonsure/ 剋 克 T 1261 6270 Kè t /Ke (c. 2000 BC), seventh of the legendary Flame Emperors, 炎帝[Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God/ 剋 克 T 1261 6270 kè t /variant of 克[ke4]/to subdue/to overthrow/to restrain/ 剋 克 T 1261 6270 kēi f /to scold/to beat/ 剋己 克己 T - 49 kè jǐ f /self-restraint/discipline/selflessness/ 剋己奉公 克己奉公 T - 13 kè jǐ fèng gōng f /self-restraint and devotion to public duties (idiom); selfless dedication/to serve the public interest wholeheartedly/ 剋扣 克扣 T - 121 kè kòu f /to dock/to deduct/to embezzle/ 剋星 克星 T - 152 kè xīng f /nemesis/bane/fated to be ill-matched/ 剋架 克架 T - 0 kè jià f /to scuffle/to come to blows/ 剌 - 962 lá t /to slash/ 剌 - 962 là f /perverse/unreasonable/absurd/ 前 - 62779 qián f /front/forward/ahead/first/top (followed by a number)/future/ago/before/BC (e.g. 前293年)/former/formerly/ 前一向 - 0 qián yī xiàng f /lately/in the recent past/ 前一天 - 617 qián yī tiān f /the day before (an event)/ 前三甲 - 3 qián sān jiǎ f /top three/ 前不久 - 390 qián bù jiǔ f /not long ago/not long before/ 前不巴村,后不巴店 前不巴村,後不巴店 S - 0 qián bù bā cūn , hòu bù bā diàn f /see 前不著村,後不著店|前不着村,后不着店[qian2 bu4 zhao2 cun1 , hou4 bu4 zhao2 dian4]/ 前不巴村,後不巴店 前不巴村,后不巴店 T - 0 qián bù bā cūn , hòu bù bā diàn f /see 前不著村,後不著店|前不着村,后不着店[qian2 bu4 zhao2 cun1 , hou4 bu4 zhao2 dian4]/ 前不着村,后不着店 前不著村,後不著店 S - 0 qián bù zháo cūn , hòu bù zháo diàn f /lit. no village ahead and no inn behind (idiom)/fig. to be stranded in the middle of nowhere/to be in a predicament/ 前不著村,後不著店 前不着村,后不着店 T - 0 qián bù zháo cūn , hòu bù zháo diàn f /lit. no village ahead and no inn behind (idiom)/fig. to be stranded in the middle of nowhere/to be in a predicament/ 前不見古人,後不見來者 前不见古人,后不见来者 T - 0 qián bù jiàn gǔ rén , hòu bù jiàn lái zhě f /unique/unprecedented (idiom)/ 前不见古人,后不见来者 前不見古人,後不見來者 S - 0 qián bù jiàn gǔ rén , hòu bù jiàn lái zhě f /unique/unprecedented (idiom)/ 前世 - 120 qián shì f /previous generations/previous incarnation (Buddhism)/ 前世姻緣 前世姻缘 T - 0 qián shì yīn yuán f /a marriage predestined in a former life (idiom)/ 前世姻缘 前世姻緣 S - 0 qián shì yīn yuán f /a marriage predestined in a former life (idiom)/ 前事 - 3 qián shì f /past events/antecedent/what has happened/ 前事不忘,后事之师 前事不忘,後事之師 S - 0 qián shì bù wàng , hòu shì zhī shī f /don't forget past events, they can guide you in future (idiom); benefit from past experience/ 前事不忘,後事之師 前事不忘,后事之师 T - 0 qián shì bù wàng , hòu shì zhī shī f /don't forget past events, they can guide you in future (idiom); benefit from past experience/ 前些 - 3 qián xiē f /a few (days, years etc) ago/ 前人 - 507 qián rén f /predecessor/forebears/the person facing you/ 前人栽树,后人乘凉 前人栽樹,後人乘涼 S - 0 qián rén zāi shù , hòu rén chéng liáng f /to enjoy the benefits of the hard work of one's predecessors. (idiom)/ 前人栽樹,後人乘涼 前人栽树,后人乘凉 T - 0 qián rén zāi shù , hòu rén chéng liáng f /to enjoy the benefits of the hard work of one's predecessors. (idiom)/ 前仆后继 前仆後繼 S - 184 qián pū hòu jì f /one falls, the next follows (idiom); stepping into the breach to replace fallen comrades/advancing wave upon wave/ 前仆後繼 前仆后继 T - 184 qián pū hòu jì f /one falls, the next follows (idiom); stepping into the breach to replace fallen comrades/advancing wave upon wave/ 前仰后合 前仰後合 S - 46 qián yǎng hòu hé f /to sway to and fro/to rock back and forth/ 前仰後合 前仰后合 T - 46 qián yǎng hòu hé f /to sway to and fro/to rock back and forth/ 前件 - 3 qián jiàn f /antecedent (logic)/ 前任 - 279 qián rèn f /predecessor/ex-/former/ex (spouse etc)/ 前传 前傳 S - 0 qián chuán t /forward pass (sport)/ 前传 前傳 S - 0 qián zhuàn f /prequel/ 前体 前體 S - 0 qián tǐ f /precursor/ 前來 前来 T - 2917 qián lái f /to come (formal)/before/previously/ 前例 - 8 qián lì f /precedent/ 前信号灯 前信號燈 S - 3 qián xìn hào dēng f /car front indicator/ 前信號燈 前信号灯 T - 3 qián xìn hào dēng f /car front indicator/ 前俯后仰 前俯後仰 S - 5 qián fǔ hòu yǎng f /to rock one's body backward and forward/to be convulsed (with laughter etc)/ 前俯後仰 前俯后仰 T - 5 qián fǔ hòu yǎng f /to rock one's body backward and forward/to be convulsed (with laughter etc)/ 前倨后恭 前倨後恭 S - 6 qián jù hòu gōng f /to switch from arrogance to deference (idiom)/ 前倨後恭 前倨后恭 T - 6 qián jù hòu gōng f /to switch from arrogance to deference (idiom)/ 前倾 前傾 S - 3 qián qīng f /to lean forward/ 前傳 前传 T - 0 qián chuán t /forward pass (sport)/ 前傳 前传 T - 0 qián zhuàn f /prequel/ 前傾 前倾 T - 3 qián qīng f /to lean forward/ 前儿 前兒 S - 0 qián r f /before/day before yesterday/ 前兆 - 65 qián zhào f /omen/to foreshadow/ 前兒 前儿 T - 0 qián r f /before/day before yesterday/ 前冠 - 0 qián guān f /heading/prefix/ 前凉 前涼 S - 0 Qián Liáng f /Former Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms (314-376)/ 前几天 前幾天 S - 0 qián jǐ tiān f /a few days before/ 前列 - 1218 qián liè f /the very front/ 前列腺 - 245 qián liè xiàn f /prostate/ 前列腺炎 - 3 qián liè xiàn yán f /prostatitis/ 前列腺素 - 49 qián liè xiàn sù f /prostaglandin/ 前功尽弃 前功盡棄 S - 60 qián gōng jìn qì f /to waste all one's previous efforts (idiom)/all that has been achieved goes down the drain/ 前功盡棄 前功尽弃 T - 60 qián gōng jìn qì f /to waste all one's previous efforts (idiom)/all that has been achieved goes down the drain/ 前半夜 - 13 qián bàn yè f /first half of the night (from nightfall to midnight)/ 前半天 - 3 qián bàn tiān f /morning/a.m./first half of the day/ 前半天儿 前半天兒 S - 0 qián bàn tiān r f /erhua variant of 前半天[qian2 ban4 tian1]/ 前半天兒 前半天儿 T - 0 qián bàn tiān r f /erhua variant of 前半天[qian2 ban4 tian1]/ 前半晌 - 4 qián bàn shǎng f /morning/a.m./first half of the day/ 前半晌儿 前半晌兒 S - 0 qián bàn shǎng r f /erhua variant of 前半晌[qian2 ban4 shang3]/ 前半晌兒 前半晌儿 T - 0 qián bàn shǎng r f /erhua variant of 前半晌[qian2 ban4 shang3]/ 前卫 前衛 S - 172 qián wèi f /advanced guard/vanguard/avant-garde/forward (soccer position)/ 前厅 前廳 S - 183 qián tīng f /anteroom/vestibule/lobby (of a hotel etc)/ 前台 前臺 S - 210 qián tái f /stage/proscenium/foreground in politics etc (sometimes derog.)/front desk/reception desk/(computing) front-end/foreground/ 前后 前後 S - 2870 qián hòu f /around/from beginning to end/all around/front and rear/ 前后文 前後文 S - 6 qián hòu wén f /context/the surrounding words/same as 上下文/ 前咽 - 0 qián yān f /prepharynx (biology)/ 前哨 - 334 qián shào f /outpost/(fig.) front line/ 前哨战 前哨戰 S - 7 qián shào zhàn f /skirmish/ 前哨戰 前哨战 T - 7 qián shào zhàn f /skirmish/ 前因 - 3 qián yīn f /antecedents/ 前因后果 前因後果 S - 79 qián yīn hòu guǒ f /cause and effects (idiom); entire process of development/ 前因後果 前因后果 T - 79 qián yīn hòu guǒ f /cause and effects (idiom); entire process of development/ 前塵 前尘 T - 22 qián chén f /the past/impurity contracted previously (in the sentient world) (Buddhism)/ 前夕 - 782 qián xī f /eve/the day before/ 前夜 - 84 qián yè f /the eve/the night before/ 前大灯 前大燈 S - 3 qián dà dēng f /headlight/ 前大燈 前大灯 T - 3 qián dà dēng f /headlight/ 前天 - 271 qián tiān f /the day before yesterday/ 前夫 - 54 qián fū f /former husband/ 前头 前頭 S - 315 qián tou f /in front/at the head/ahead/above/ 前奏 - 131 qián zòu f /prelude/presage/ 前奏曲 - 29 qián zòu qǔ f /prelude (music)/ 前妻 - 74 qián qī f /ex-wife/ 前嫌 - 48 qián xián f /former hatred/bygone enmity/ 前寒武紀 前寒武纪 T - 0 qián hán wǔ jì f /pre-Cambrian, geological period before c. 540m years ago/ 前寒武纪 前寒武紀 S - 0 qián hán wǔ jì f /pre-Cambrian, geological period before c. 540m years ago/ 前导 前導 S - 326 qián dǎo f /to precede/to guide/ 前導 前导 T - 326 qián dǎo f /to precede/to guide/ 前尘 前塵 S - 22 qián chén f /the past/impurity contracted previously (in the sentient world) (Buddhism)/ 前年 - 434 qián nián f /the year before last/ 前幾天 前几天 T - 0 qián jǐ tiān f /a few days before/ 前庭 - 112 qián tíng f /front courtyard/vestibule/ 前庭窗 - 0 qián tíng chuāng f /fenestra vestibuli (of inner ear)/ 前廊 - 13 qián láng f /front porch/ 前廳 前厅 T - 183 qián tīng f /anteroom/vestibule/lobby (of a hotel etc)/ 前往 - 2528 qián wǎng f /to leave for/to proceed towards/to go/ 前後 前后 T - 2870 qián hòu f /around/from beginning to end/all around/front and rear/ 前後文 前后文 T - 6 qián hòu wén f /context/the surrounding words/same as 上下文/ 前怕狼后怕虎 前怕狼後怕虎 S - 9 qián pà láng hòu pà hǔ f /lit. to fear the wolf in front and the tiger behind (idiom); fig. needless fears/scare mongering/reds under the beds/ 前怕狼後怕虎 前怕狼后怕虎 T - 9 qián pà láng hòu pà hǔ f /lit. to fear the wolf in front and the tiger behind (idiom); fig. needless fears/scare mongering/reds under the beds/ 前总理 前總理 S - 0 qián zǒng lǐ f /former prime minister/ 前总统 前總統 S - 0 qián zǒng tǒng f /former president/ 前情 - 3 qián qíng f /former love/former circumstances/ 前意識 前意识 T - 0 qián yì shí f /preconscious/preconsciousness/ 前意识 前意識 S - 0 qián yì shí f /preconscious/preconsciousness/ 前戏 前戲 S - 3 qián xì f /foreplay/ 前戲 前戏 T - 3 qián xì f /foreplay/ 前房角 - 0 qián fáng jiǎo f /anterior chamber (the front chamber of the eye)/ 前所未有 - 691 qián suǒ wèi yǒu f /unprecedented/ 前所未聞 前所未闻 T - 18 qián suǒ wèi wén f /unheard-of/unprecedented/ 前所未見 前所未见 T - 31 qián suǒ wèi jiàn f /unprecedented/never seen before/ 前所未见 前所未見 S - 31 qián suǒ wèi jiàn f /unprecedented/never seen before/ 前所未闻 前所未聞 S - 18 qián suǒ wèi wén f /unheard-of/unprecedented/ 前掠翼 - 0 qián lüè yì f /swept-forward wing (on jet fighter)/ 前提 3350 3829 qián tí f /premise/precondition/prerequisite/ 前提条件 前提條件 S - 3 qián tí tiáo jiàn f /pre-conditions/ 前提條件 前提条件 T - 3 qián tí tiáo jiàn f /pre-conditions/ 前揭 - 0 qián jiē f /(the item) named above/aforementioned/cited above/op. cit./ 前摆 前擺 S - 0 qián bǎi f /last time/ 前擺 前摆 T - 0 qián bǎi f /last time/ 前敌 前敵 S - 157 qián dí f /front line (military)/ 前敵 前敌 T - 157 qián dí f /front line (military)/ 前方 - 649 qián fāng f /ahead/the front/ 前无古人后无来者 前無古人後無來者 S - 0 qián wú gǔ rén hòu wú lái zhě f /to surpass all others of its kind before and since/to have neither predecessors nor successors/ 前日 - 423 qián rì f /day before yesterday/ 前晌 - 3 qián shǎng f /(dialect) morning/forenoon/ 前景 3901 1663 qián jǐng f /foreground/vista/(future) prospects/perspective/ 前景可期 - 0 qián jǐng kě qī f /to have a promising future/to have bright prospects/ 前朝 - 218 qián cháo f /the previous dynasty/ 前期 - 1384 qián qī f /preceding period/early stage/ 前来 前來 S - 2917 qián lái f /to come (formal)/before/previously/ 前桅 - 3 qián wéi f /foremast/ 前桥 前橋 S - 4 Qián qiáo f /Maebashi (surname or place name)/ 前橋 前桥 T - 4 Qián qiáo f /Maebashi (surname or place name)/ 前此 - 3 qián cǐ f /before today/ 前段 - 151 qián duàn f /first part/front end/forepart/front segment/the preceding section/ 前汉 前漢 S - 9 Qián Hàn f /Former Han Dynasty (206 BC-8 AD), also called 西漢|西汉[Xi1 Han4], Western Han Dynasty/ 前汉书 前漢書 S - 0 Qián Hàn shū f /History of the Former Han Dynasty, second of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], composed by Ban Gu 班固[Ban1 Gu4] in 82 during Eastern Han (later Han), 100 scrolls/ 前沿 - 521 qián yán f /front-line/forward position/outpost/extending ahead/frontier (of science, technology etc)/ 前涼 前凉 T - 0 Qián Liáng f /Former Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms (314-376)/ 前漢 前汉 T - 9 Qián Hàn f /Former Han Dynasty (206 BC-8 AD), also called 西漢|西汉[Xi1 Han4], Western Han Dynasty/ 前漢書 前汉书 T - 0 Qián Hàn shū f /History of the Former Han Dynasty, second of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], composed by Ban Gu 班固[Ban1 Gu4] in 82 during Eastern Han (later Han), 100 scrolls/ 前灯 前燈 S - 4 qián dēng f /headlight/ 前無古人後無來者 前无古人后无来者 T - 0 qián wú gǔ rén hòu wú lái zhě f /to surpass all others of its kind before and since/to have neither predecessors nor successors/ 前燈 前灯 T - 4 qián dēng f /headlight/ 前燕 - 0 Qián Yān f /Former Yan of the Sixteen Kingdoms (337-370)/ 前生 - 59 qián shēng f /previous life/previous incarnation/ 前生冤孽 - 0 qián shēng yuān niè f /predestined relationship/ 前生召唤 前生召喚 S - 0 qián shēng zhào huàn f /foreordination/ 前生召喚 前生召唤 T - 0 qián shēng zhào huàn f /foreordination/ 前田 - 6 Qián tián f /Maeda (Japanese surname)/ 前甲板 - 0 qián jiǎ bǎn f /forward deck (of a boat)/ 前瞻 - 42 qián zhān f /forward-looking/prescient/foresight/forethought/outlook/ 前瞻性 - 69 qián zhān xìng f /farsightedness/perspicacity/prescience/forward-looking/ 前磨齒 前磨齿 T - 0 qián mó chǐ f /premolar tooth/ 前磨齿 前磨齒 S - 0 qián mó chǐ f /premolar tooth/ 前科 - 38 qián kē f /criminal record/previous convictions/ 前秦 - 237 Qián Qín f /Former Qin of the Sixteen Kingdoms (351-395)/ 前移式叉車 前移式叉车 T - 0 qián yí shì chā chē f /reach truck/ 前移式叉车 前移式叉車 S - 0 qián yí shì chā chē f /reach truck/ 前程 - 295 qián chéng f /future (career etc) prospects/ 前程远大 前程遠大 S - 3 qián chéng yuǎn dà f /to have a future full of promise/ 前程遠大 前程远大 T - 3 qián chéng yuǎn dà f /to have a future full of promise/ 前空翻 - 5 qián kōng fān f /forward somersault/front flip/ 前端 - 312 qián duān f /front/front end/forward part of sth/ 前綴 前缀 T - 51 qián zhuì f /prefix (linguistics)/ 前線 前线 T - 1325 qián xiàn f /front line/military front/workface/cutting edge/ 前緣未了 前缘未了 T - 0 qián yuán wèi liǎo f /one's predestined fate is yet to be fulfilled (idiom)/ 前總理 前总理 T - 0 qián zǒng lǐ f /former prime minister/ 前總統 前总统 T - 0 qián zǒng tǒng f /former president/ 前线 前線 S - 1325 qián xiàn f /front line/military front/workface/cutting edge/ 前缀 前綴 S - 51 qián zhuì f /prefix (linguistics)/ 前缘未了 前緣未了 S - 0 qián yuán wèi liǎo f /one's predestined fate is yet to be fulfilled (idiom)/ 前置修飾語 前置修饰语 T - 0 qián zhì xiū shì yǔ f /premodifier (grammar)/ 前置修饰语 前置修飾語 S - 0 qián zhì xiū shì yǔ f /premodifier (grammar)/ 前置詞 前置词 T - 2 qián zhì cí f /preposition/ 前置词 前置詞 S - 2 qián zhì cí f /preposition/ 前翅 - 0 qián chì f /front wing (of insect)/ 前者 - 2105 qián zhě f /the former/ 前肢 - 150 qián zhī f /forelimb/foreleg/ 前胃 - 0 qián wèi f /proventriculus/forestomach/ 前胸 - 244 qián xiōng f /human chest/breast/ 前胸貼後背 前胸贴后背 T - 0 qián xiōng tiē hòu bèi f /(lit.) chest sticking to back/(fig.) famished/(of several persons) packed chest to back/ 前胸贴后背 前胸貼後背 S - 0 qián xiōng tiē hòu bèi f /(lit.) chest sticking to back/(fig.) famished/(of several persons) packed chest to back/ 前腿 - 0 qián tuǐ f /forelegs/ 前臂 - 46 qián bì f /forearm/ 前臺 前台 T - 210 qián tái f /stage/proscenium/foreground in politics etc (sometimes derog.)/front desk/reception desk/(computing) front-end/foreground/ 前臼齒 前臼齿 T - 30 qián jiù chǐ f /premolar tooth (immediately behind canine teeth in some mammals)/ 前臼齿 前臼齒 S - 30 qián jiù chǐ f /premolar tooth (immediately behind canine teeth in some mammals)/ 前舱 前艙 S - 3 qián cāng f /fore hold (on ship)/bow cabin/ 前艙 前舱 T - 3 qián cāng f /fore hold (on ship)/bow cabin/ 前苏联 前蘇聯 S - 0 qián Sū lián f /former Soviet Union/ 前茅 - 50 qián máo f /forward patrol (miitary)/ 前蘇聯 前苏联 T - 0 qián Sū lián f /former Soviet Union/ 前衛 前卫 T - 172 qián wèi f /advanced guard/vanguard/avant-garde/forward (soccer position)/ 前言 - 99 qián yán f /preface/forward/introduction/ 前赴后继 前赴後繼 S - 28 qián fù hòu jì f /to advance dauntlessly in wave upon wave (idiom)/ 前赴後繼 前赴后继 T - 28 qián fù hòu jì f /to advance dauntlessly in wave upon wave (idiom)/ 前赵 前趙 S - 0 Qián Zhào f /Former Zhao of the Sixteen Kingdoms (304-329)/ 前趙 前赵 T - 0 Qián Zhào f /Former Zhao of the Sixteen Kingdoms (304-329)/ 前身 - 648 qián shēn f /forerunner/predecessor/precursor/previous incarnation (Buddhism)/jacket front/ 前車主 前车主 T - 0 qián chē zhǔ f /previous owner (of a car for sale)/ 前車之覆,後車之鑒 前车之覆,后车之鉴 T - 0 qián chē zhī fù , hòu chē zhī jiàn f /lit. the cart in front overturns, a warning to the following cart (idiom); fig. draw lesson from the failure of one's predecessor/learn from past mistake/once bitten twice shy/ 前車之鑒 前车之鉴 T - 55 qián chē zhī jiàn f /to learn a lesson from the mistakes of one's predecessor (idiom)/ 前輟 前辍 T - 0 qián chuò f /prefix/ 前輩 前辈 T - 1900 qián bèi f /senior/older generation/precursor/ 前輪 前轮 T - 23 qián lún f /front wheel/ 前车主 前車主 S - 0 qián chē zhǔ f /previous owner (of a car for sale)/ 前车之覆,后车之鉴 前車之覆,後車之鑒 S - 0 qián chē zhī fù , hòu chē zhī jiàn f /lit. the cart in front overturns, a warning to the following cart (idiom); fig. draw lesson from the failure of one's predecessor/learn from past mistake/once bitten twice shy/ 前车之鉴 前車之鑒 S - 55 qián chē zhī jiàn f /to learn a lesson from the mistakes of one's predecessor (idiom)/ 前轮 前輪 S - 23 qián lún f /front wheel/ 前辈 前輩 S - 1900 qián bèi f /senior/older generation/precursor/ 前辍 前輟 S - 0 qián chuò f /prefix/ 前边 前邊 S - 635 qián bian f /front/the front side/in front of/ 前边儿 前邊兒 S - 0 qián bian r f /erhua variant of 前邊|前边[qian2 bian5]/ 前进 前進 S - 2957 qián jìn f /to go forward/to forge ahead/to advance/onward/ 前进区 前進區 S - 3 Qián jìn qū f /Qianjin district of Kiamusze or Jiamusi city 佳木斯[Jia1 mu4 si1], Heilongjiang/ 前述 - 159 qián shù f /aforestated/stated above/the preceding statement/ 前途 1883 1263 qián tú f /prospects/future outlook/journey/ 前途无量 前途無量 S - 37 qián tú wú liàng f /to have boundless prospects/ 前途未卜 - 0 qián tú wèi bǔ f /hanging in the balance/the future is hard to forecast/¿Qué serà?/who knows what the future holds?/ 前途渺茫 - 3 qián tú miǎo máng f /not knowing what to do next/at a loose end/ 前途無量 前途无量 T - 37 qián tú wú liàng f /to have boundless prospects/ 前進 前进 T - 2957 qián jìn f /to go forward/to forge ahead/to advance/onward/ 前進區 前进区 T - 3 Qián jìn qū f /Qianjin district of Kiamusze or Jiamusi city 佳木斯[Jia1 mu4 si1], Heilongjiang/ 前邊 前边 T - 635 qián bian f /front/the front side/in front of/ 前邊兒 前边儿 T - 0 qián bian r f /erhua variant of 前邊|前边[qian2 bian5]/ 前部 - 449 qián bù f /front part/front section/ 前部皮层下损伤 前部皮層下損傷 S - 0 qián bù pí céng xià sǔn shāng f /anterior subcortical lesions/ 前部皮層下損傷 前部皮层下损伤 T - 0 qián bù pí céng xià sǔn shāng f /anterior subcortical lesions/ 前郭县 前郭縣 S - 0 Qián guō xiàn f /Qian Gorlos Mongol autonomous county in Songyuan 松原, Jilin/ 前郭尔罗斯蒙古族自治县 前郭爾羅斯蒙古族自治縣 S - 6 Qián guō ěr Luó sī Měng gǔ zú zì zhì xiàn f /Qian Gorlos Mongol autonomous county in Songyuan 松原, Jilin/ 前郭爾羅斯蒙古族自治縣 前郭尔罗斯蒙古族自治县 T - 6 Qián guō ěr Luó sī Měng gǔ zú zì zhì xiàn f /Qian Gorlos Mongol autonomous county in Songyuan 松原, Jilin/ 前郭縣 前郭县 T - 0 Qián guō xiàn f /Qian Gorlos Mongol autonomous county in Songyuan 松原, Jilin/ 前郭鎮 前郭镇 T - 0 Qián guō zhèn f /Qian Gorlos township, capital of Qian Gorlos Mongol autonomous county 前郭爾羅斯蒙古族自治縣|前郭尔罗斯蒙古族自治县, Songyuan, Jilin/ 前郭镇 前郭鎮 S - 0 Qián guō zhèn f /Qian Gorlos township, capital of Qian Gorlos Mongol autonomous county 前郭爾羅斯蒙古族自治縣|前郭尔罗斯蒙古族自治县, Songyuan, Jilin/ 前金 - 0 Qián jīn f /Qianjin or Chienchin district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市[Gao1 xiong2 shi4], south Taiwan/ 前金区 前金區 S - 0 Qián jīn qū f /Qianjin or Chienchin district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市[Gao1 xiong2 shi4], south Taiwan/ 前金區 前金区 T - 0 Qián jīn qū f /Qianjin or Chienchin district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市[Gao1 xiong2 shi4], south Taiwan/ 前鋒 前锋 T - 790 qián fēng f /vanguard/front line/a forward (sports)/ 前鋸肌 前锯肌 T - 0 qián jù jī f /serratus anterior muscle (upper sides of the chest)/ 前鎮 前镇 T - 3 Qián zhèn f /Qianzhen or Chienchen district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市[Gao1 xiong2 shi4], south Taiwan/ 前鎮區 前镇区 T - 0 Qián zhèn qū f /Qianzhen or Chienchen district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市[Gao1 xiong2 shi4], south Taiwan/ 前锋 前鋒 S - 790 qián fēng f /vanguard/front line/a forward (sports)/ 前锯肌 前鋸肌 S - 0 qián jù jī f /serratus anterior muscle (upper sides of the chest)/ 前镇 前鎮 S - 3 Qián zhèn f /Qianzhen or Chienchen district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市[Gao1 xiong2 shi4], south Taiwan/ 前镇区 前鎮區 S - 0 Qián zhèn qū f /Qianzhen or Chienchen district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市[Gao1 xiong2 shi4], south Taiwan/ 前門 前门 T - 397 Qián mén f /Qianmen subway station on Beijing Subway Line 2/ 前門 前门 T - 397 qián mén f /front door/main entrance/honest and upright approach (as opposed to 後門|后门, back-door or under the counter)/ 前門打虎,後門打狼 前门打虎,后门打狼 T - 0 qián mén dǎ hǔ , hòu mén dǎ láng f /to beat a tiger from the front door, only to have a wolf come in at the back (idiom); fig. facing one problem after another/ 前門拒虎,後門進狼 前门拒虎,后门进狼 T - 0 qián mén jù hǔ , hòu mén jìn láng f /to beat a tiger from the front door, only to have a wolf come in at the back (idiom); fig. facing one problem after another/ 前门 前門 S - 397 Qián mén f /Qianmen subway station on Beijing Subway Line 2/ 前门 前門 S - 397 qián mén f /front door/main entrance/honest and upright approach (as opposed to 後門|后门, back-door or under the counter)/ 前门打虎,后门打狼 前門打虎,後門打狼 S - 0 qián mén dǎ hǔ , hòu mén dǎ láng f /to beat a tiger from the front door, only to have a wolf come in at the back (idiom); fig. facing one problem after another/ 前门拒虎,后门进狼 前門拒虎,後門進狼 S - 0 qián mén jù hǔ , hòu mén jìn láng f /to beat a tiger from the front door, only to have a wolf come in at the back (idiom); fig. facing one problem after another/ 前院 - 131 qián yuàn f /front courtyard/front yard/ 前面 126 5024 qián miàn f /ahead/in front/preceding/above/ 前頭 前头 T - 315 qián tou f /in front/at the head/ahead/above/ 前額 前额 T - 161 qián é f /forehead/ 前额 前額 S - 161 qián é f /forehead/ 前首相 - 3 qián shǒu xiàng f /former prime minister/ 前體 前体 T - 0 qián tǐ f /precursor/ 前鼻音 - 0 qián bí yīn f /alveolar nasal/consonant n produced in the nose with the tongue against the alveolar ridge/ 前齒齦 前齿龈 T - 0 qián chǐ yín f /alveolar/front part of the alveolar ridge/ 前齿龈 前齒齦 S - 0 qián chǐ yín f /alveolar/front part of the alveolar ridge/ 剎 刹 T - 228 chà f /Buddhist monastery, temple or shrine (abbr. for 剎多羅, Sanskrit ksetra)/ 剎 刹 T - 228 shā t /to brake/ 剎不住 刹不住 T - 0 shā bu zhù f /unable to brake (stop)/ 剎住 刹住 T - 31 shā zhù f /to stop/to come to a halt/ 剎把 刹把 T - 6 shā bǎ f /brake lever/crank handle for stopping or turning off machinery/ 剎時 刹时 T - 23 chà shí f /in a flash/in the twinkling of an eye/ 剎車 刹车 T 3067 85 shā chē f /to brake (when driving)/to stop/to switch off/to check (bad habits)/a brake/ 剎車燈 刹车灯 T - 3 shā chē dēng f /brake light/ 剎那 刹那 T 4875 124 chà nà f /an instant (Sanskrit: ksana)/split second/the twinkling of an eye/ 剏 创 T - 2757 chuàng t /variant of 創|创[chuang4]/ 剐 剮 S - 232 guǎ f /cut off the flesh as punishment/ 剑 劍 S 2666 12553 jiàn f /double-edged sword/CL:口[kou3],把[ba3]/classifier for blows of a sword/ 剑 劒 S 2666 12553 jiàn f /variant of 劍|剑[jian4]/ 剑嘴鹛 劍嘴鶥 S - 0 jiàn zuǐ méi f /(bird species of China) slender-billed scimitar babbler (Pomatorhinus superciliaris)/ 剑客 劍客 S - 61 jiàn kè f /fencer (i.e. sportsman involved in fencing)/ 剑尖 劍尖 S - 3 jiàn jiān f /point/sharp end/ 剑川 劍川 S - 15 Jiàn chuān f /Jianchuan county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 剑川县 劍川縣 S - 4 Jiàn chuān xiàn f /Jianchuan county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 剑拔弩张 劍拔弩張 S - 63 jiàn bá nǔ zhāng f /lit. with swords drawn and bows bent (idiom); fig. a state of mutual hostility/at daggers drawn/ 剑术 劍術 S - 390 jiàn shù f /fencing/ 剑柄 劍柄 S - 3 jiàn bǐng f /sword hilt/ 剑桥 劍橋 S - 213 Jiàn qiáo f /Cambridge/ 剑桥大学 劍橋大學 S - 207 Jiàn qiáo Dà xué f /University of Cambridge/ 剑河 劍河 S - 2 Jiàn hé f /Jianhe county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州[Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 剑河县 劍河縣 S - 2 Jiàn hé xiàn f /Jianhe county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州[Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 剑法 劍法 S - 1951 jiàn fǎ f /fencing/sword-play/ 剑走偏锋 劍走偏鋒 S - 0 Jiàn Zǒu piān fēng f /Jian Zoupianfeng, pseudonym of prolific modern novelist/ 剑走偏锋 劍走偏鋒 S - 0 jiàn zǒu piān fēng f /the sword moves with side stroke (modern idiom)/fig. unexpected winning move/unconventional gambit/ 剑走蜻蛉 劍走蜻蛉 S - 0 jiàn zǒu qīng líng f /the sword moves like a dragon-fly (modern idiom)/fig. unexpected winning move/unconventional gambit/ 剑身 劍身 S - 0 jiàn shēn f /sword blade/ 剑道 劍道 S - 0 jiàn dào f /kendō (sports)/ 剑阁 劍閣 S - 56 Jiàn gé f /Jiange county in Guangyuan 廣元|广元[Guang3 yuan2], Sichuan/ 剑阁县 劍閣縣 S - 4 Jiàn gé xiàn f /Jiange county in Guangyuan 廣元|广元[Guang3 yuan2], Sichuan/ 剑鱼 劍魚 S - 0 jiàn yú f /swordfish/ 剑鱼座 劍魚座 S - 0 Jiàn yú zuò f /Dorado (constellation)/ 剑鸻 劍鴴 S - 0 jiàn héng f /(bird species of China) common ringed plover (Charadrius hiaticula)/ 剑麻 劍麻 S - 88 jiàn má f /sisal hemp/ 剑齿虎 劍齒虎 S - 8 jiàn chǐ hǔ f /saber-toothed tiger/ 剑龙 劍龍 S - 8 jiàn lóng f /stegosaurus/ 剒 - 9 cuò f /to cut/to carve/ 剔 - 130 tī f /to scrape the meat from bones/to pick (teeth etc)/to weed out/ 剔牙 - 9 tī yá f /to pick one's teeth/ 剔透 - 14 tī tòu f /pure and limpid/(of a person) quick-witted/ 剔除 - 102 tī chú f /to reject/to discard/to get rid of/ 剕 - 12 fèi f /amputation of limbs as corporal punishment/variant of 腓, calf/ 剖 - 256 pōu f /to cut open/to analyze/Taiwan pr. [pou3]/ 剖宫产 剖宮產 S - 28 pōu gōng chǎn f /Cesarean section/ 剖宫产手术 剖宮產手術 S - 0 pōu gōng chǎn shǒu shù f /Cesarean section operation/ 剖宮產 剖宫产 T - 28 pōu gōng chǎn f /Cesarean section/ 剖宮產手術 剖宫产手术 T - 0 pōu gōng chǎn shǒu shù f /Cesarean section operation/ 剖析 - 245 pōu xī f /to analyze/to dissect/ 剖白 - 16 pōu bái f /to explain oneself/ 剖肝沥胆 剖肝瀝膽 S - 3 pōu gān lì dǎn f /to be completely honest and sincere (idiom)/ 剖肝瀝膽 剖肝沥胆 T - 3 pōu gān lì dǎn f /to be completely honest and sincere (idiom)/ 剖腹 - 112 pōu fù f /to cut open the abdomen/to disembowel/to speak from the heart/ 剖腹产 剖腹產 S - 45 pōu fù chǎn f /Cesarean section/ 剖腹产手术 剖腹產手術 S - 0 pōu fù chǎn shǒu shù f /Cesarean section operation/ 剖腹產 剖腹产 T - 45 pōu fù chǎn f /Cesarean section/ 剖腹產手術 剖腹产手术 T - 0 pōu fù chǎn shǒu shù f /Cesarean section operation/ 剖腹自杀 剖腹自殺 S - 3 pōu fù zì shā f /hara-kiri/ 剖腹自殺 剖腹自杀 T - 3 pōu fù zì shā f /hara-kiri/ 剖腹藏珠 - 3 pōu fù cáng zhū f /lit. cutting one's stomach to hide a pearl (idiom)/fig. wasting a lot of effort on trivialities/ 剖視 剖视 T - 3 pōu shì f /to analyze/to dissect/ 剖視圖 剖视图 T - 4 pōu shì tú f /section view/cutaway view/ 剖视 剖視 S - 3 pōu shì f /to analyze/to dissect/ 剖视图 剖視圖 S - 4 pōu shì tú f /section view/cutaway view/ 剖解 - 3 pōu jiě f /to dissect/to analyze/ 剖解图 剖解圖 S - 0 pōu jiě tú f /cutaway diagram/ 剖解圖 剖解图 T - 0 pōu jiě tú f /cutaway diagram/ 剖辩 剖辯 S - 0 pōu biàn f /to analyze/to explain/ 剖辯 剖辩 T - 0 pōu biàn f /to analyze/to explain/ 剖面 - 160 pōu miàn f /profile/section/ 剗 刬 T - 2 chǎn f /variant of 鏟|铲[chan3]/ 剙 创 T - 2757 chuàng t /variant of 創|创[chuang4]/ 剚 - 6 zì f /erect/stab/ 剛 刚 T 636 9881 gāng f /hard/firm/strong/just/barely/exactly/ 剛一 刚一 T - 0 gāng yī f /to be just about to/to have just started to/ 剛健 刚健 T - 56 gāng jiàn f /energetic/robust/ 剛剛 刚刚 T - 4585 gāng gang f /just recently/just a moment ago/ 剛勁 刚劲 T - 46 gāng jìng f /bold/vigorous/ 剛好 刚好 T - 667 gāng hǎo f /just/exactly/to happen to be/ 剛察 刚察 T - 3 Gāng chá f /Gangcha county (Tibetan: rkang tsha rdzong) in Haibei Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海北藏族自治州[Hai3 bei3 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 剛察縣 刚察县 T - 4 Gāng chá xiàn f /Gangcha county (Tibetan: rkang tsha rdzong) in Haibei Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海北藏族自治州[Hai3 bei3 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 剛巧 刚巧 T - 114 gāng qiǎo f /by chance/by coincidence/by good luck/ 剛度 刚度 T - 59 gāng dù f /stiffness/ 剛強 刚强 T - 61 gāng qiáng f /firm/unyielding/ 剛性 刚性 T - 131 gāng xìng f /rigidity/ 剛愎 刚愎 T - 27 gāng bì f /headstrong/perverse/ 剛愎自用 刚愎自用 T - 43 gāng bì zì yòng f /obstinate and self-opinionated (idiom)/ 剛才 刚才 T 396 5617 gāng cái f /just now/a moment ago/ 剛果 刚果 T - 313 Gāng guǒ f /Congo/ 剛果民主共和國 刚果民主共和国 T - 14 Gāng guǒ Mín zhǔ Gòng hé guó f /Democratic Republic of Congo/ 剛果河 刚果河 T - 122 Gāng guǒ Hé f /Congo River/ 剛架 刚架 T - 3 gāng jià f /rigid frame/ 剛柔並濟 刚柔并济 T - 33 gāng róu bìng jì f /to couple strength and gentleness (idiom)/ 剛正 刚正 T - 27 gāng zhèng f /honest/upright/ 剛正不阿 刚正不阿 T - 19 gāng zhèng bù ē f /upright and plainspoken/ 剛毅 刚毅 T - 435 gāng yì f /resolute/steadfast/stalwart/ 剛毅木訥 刚毅木讷 T - 0 gāng yì mù nè f /resolute and taciturn (idiom)/ 剛毛 刚毛 T - 48 gāng máo f /bristle/ 剛烈 刚烈 T - 57 gāng liè f /resolute and upright in character/unyielding/staunch/ 剛玉 刚玉 T - 60 gāng yù f /corundum (mineral)/ 剛直 刚直 T - 28 gāng zhí f /upright and outspoken/ 剛纔 刚才 T 396 5617 gāng cái f /(just) a moment ago/ 剛體 刚体 T - 207 gāng tǐ f /rigid body/ 剛體轉動 刚体转动 T - 0 gāng tǐ zhuǎn dòng f /rigid rotation/ 剜 - 175 wān f /to scoop out/to gouge out/ 剝 剥 T - 1020 bāo f /to peel/to skin/to shell/to shuck/ 剝 剥 T - 1020 bō t /to peel/to skin/to flay/to shuck/ 剝削 剥削 T 4215 1321 bō xuē f /to exploit/exploitation/ 剝削者 剥削者 T - 53 bō xuē zhě f /exploiter (of labor)/ 剝削階級 剥削阶级 T - 168 bō xuē jiē jí f /exploiting class (in Marxist theory)/ 剝啄 剥啄 T - 8 bō zhuó f /(onom.) tap (on a door or window)/ 剝奪 剥夺 T - 998 bō duó f /to deprive/to expropriate/to strip (sb of his property)/ 剝掉 剥掉 T - 3 bō diào f /to peel off/to strip off/ 剝採比 剥采比 T - 0 bō cǎi bǐ f /stripping-to-ore ratio/stripping ratio/ 剝皮 剥皮 T - 144 bāo pí t /to skin/to flay/to excoriate/to peel/to bark at sb/to physically punish sb/ 剝皮 剥皮 T - 144 bō pí f /same as 剝皮|剥皮[bao1 pi2]/ 剝皮器 剥皮器 T - 0 bō pí qì f /peeler (e.g. for vegetables)/ 剝皮鉗 剥皮钳 T - 0 bāo pí qián f /wire stripper/ 剝落 剥落 T - 250 bō luò f /to peel off/ 剝蝕 剥蚀 T - 201 bō shí f /to corrode/to expose by corrosion (geology)/ 剝離 剥离 T - 147 bō lí f /to peel/to strip/to peel off/to come off (of tissue, skin, covering etc)/ 剞 - 2 jī f /curved wood graver/ 剟 - 6 duō f /to prick/to cut blocks, to engrave/ 剡 - 24 shàn t /river in Zhejiang/ 剡 - 24 yǎn f /sharp/ 剣 - 0 jiàn f /Japanese variant of 劍|剑/ 剤 - 44 jì f /Japanese variant of 劑|剂/ 剥 剝 S - 1020 bāo f /to peel/to skin/to shell/to shuck/ 剥 剝 S - 1020 bō t /to peel/to skin/to flay/to shuck/ 剥削 剝削 S 4215 1321 bō xuē f /to exploit/exploitation/ 剥削者 剝削者 S - 53 bō xuē zhě f /exploiter (of labor)/ 剥削阶级 剝削階級 S - 168 bō xuē jiē jí f /exploiting class (in Marxist theory)/ 剥啄 剝啄 S - 8 bō zhuó f /(onom.) tap (on a door or window)/ 剥夺 剝奪 S - 998 bō duó f /to deprive/to expropriate/to strip (sb of his property)/ 剥掉 剝掉 S - 3 bō diào f /to peel off/to strip off/ 剥皮 剝皮 S - 144 bāo pí t /to skin/to flay/to excoriate/to peel/to bark at sb/to physically punish sb/ 剥皮 剝皮 S - 144 bō pí f /same as 剝皮|剥皮[bao1 pi2]/ 剥皮器 剝皮器 S - 0 bō pí qì f /peeler (e.g. for vegetables)/ 剥皮钳 剝皮鉗 S - 0 bāo pí qián f /wire stripper/ 剥离 剝離 S - 147 bō lí f /to peel/to strip/to peel off/to come off (of tissue, skin, covering etc)/ 剥落 剝落 S - 250 bō luò f /to peel off/ 剥蚀 剝蝕 S - 201 bō shí f /to corrode/to expose by corrosion (geology)/ 剥采比 剝採比 S - 0 bō cǎi bǐ f /stripping-to-ore ratio/stripping ratio/ 剧 劇 S - 1769 jù f /theatrical work (play, opera, TV series etc)/dramatic (change, increase etc)/acute/severe/ 剧作家 劇作家 S - 365 jù zuò jiā f /playwright/ 剧变 劇變 S - 139 jù biàn f /fast change of scene/ 剧团 劇團 S - 713 jù tuán f /theatrical troupe/ 剧场 劇場 S - 579 jù chǎng f /theater/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 剧坛 劇壇 S - 3 jù tán f /the world of Chinese opera/theatrical circles/ 剧增 劇增 S - 97 jù zēng f /dramatic increase/ 剧情 劇情 S - 326 jù qíng f /story line/plot/ 剧本 劇本 S 2679 897 jù běn f /script for play, opera, movie etc/screenplay/scenario/ 剧毒 劇毒 S - 520 jù dú f /highly toxic/extremely poisonous/ 剧烈 劇烈 S 4043 1082 jù liè f /violent/acute/severe/fierce/ 剧照 劇照 S - 247 jù zhào f /still pose (in stage work)/stage photo/ 剧痛 劇痛 S - 478 jù tòng f /acute pain/sharp pain/twinge/stab/pang/ 剧目 劇目 S - 617 jù mù f /repertoire/list of plays or operas/ 剧社 劇社 S - 566 jù shè f /theater company/ 剧组 劇組 S - 90 jù zǔ f /cast and crew/performers and production team/ 剧终 劇終 S - 5 jù zhōng f /The End (appearing at the end of a movie etc)/ 剧透 劇透 S - 0 jù tòu f /plot leak/spoiler/ 剧院 劇院 S - 846 jù yuàn f /theater/CL:家[jia1],座[zuo4]/ 剩 869 1852 shèng f /to remain/to be left/to have as remainder/ 剩下 - 3240 shèng xià f /to remain/left over/ 剩余 剩餘 S - 629 shèng yú f /remainder/surplus/ 剩余价值 剩餘價值 S - 2306 shèng yú jià zhí f /surplus value/ 剩余定理 剩餘定理 S - 0 shèng yú dìng lǐ f /the Remainder Theorem/ 剩余放射性 剩餘放射性 S - 0 shèng yú fàng shè xìng f /residual radioactivity/ 剩余辐射 剩餘輻射 S - 0 shèng yú fú shè f /residual radiation/ 剩女 - 0 shèng nǚ f /"leftover woman" (successful career woman who has remained single)/ 剩磁 - 31 shèng cí f /residual magnetism/ 剩菜 - 42 shèng cài f /leftovers (food)/ 剩錢 剩钱 T - 3 shèng qián f /to have money left/remaining money/ 剩钱 剩錢 S - 3 shèng qián f /to have money left/remaining money/ 剩飯 剩饭 T - 71 shèng fàn f /leftover food/ 剩餘 剩余 T - 629 shèng yú f /remainder/surplus/ 剩餘價值 剩余价值 T - 2306 shèng yú jià zhí f /surplus value/ 剩餘定理 剩余定理 T - 0 shèng yú dìng lǐ f /the Remainder Theorem/ 剩餘放射性 剩余放射性 T - 0 shèng yú fàng shè xìng f /residual radioactivity/ 剩餘輻射 剩余辐射 T - 0 shèng yú fú shè f /residual radiation/ 剩饭 剩飯 S - 71 shèng fàn f /leftover food/ 剪 - 1601 Jiǎn f /surname Jian/ 剪 - 1601 jiǎn f /scissors/shears/clippers/CL:把[ba3]/to cut with scissors/to trim/to wipe out or exterminate/ 剪䌽 剪綵 S - 64 jiǎn cǎi f /to cut the ribbon (at an opening)/ 剪刀 1997 623 jiǎn dāo f /scissors/CL:把[ba3]/ 剪刀差 - 6 jiǎn dāo chā f /prices scissor (caught between low income and high prices)/ 剪切 - 109 jiǎn qiē f /to shear/shearing (force)/(computing) to cut (as in "cut-and-paste")/ 剪切力 - 6 jiǎn qiē lì f /shear/shearing force/ 剪切形变 剪切形變 S - 0 jiǎn qiē xíng biàn f /shearing/shear deformation/ 剪切形變 剪切形变 T - 0 jiǎn qiē xíng biàn f /shearing/shear deformation/ 剪力 - 6 jiǎn lì f /shear/shearing force/ 剪嘴鷗 剪嘴鸥 T - 0 jiǎn zuǐ ōu f /(bird species of China) Indian skimmer (Rynchops albicollis)/ 剪嘴鸥 剪嘴鷗 S - 0 jiǎn zuǐ ōu f /(bird species of China) Indian skimmer (Rynchops albicollis)/ 剪報 剪报 T - 35 jiǎn bào f /newspaper cutting/clippings/ 剪头发 剪頭髮 S - 3 jiǎn tóu fa f /(to get a) haircut/ 剪子 - 196 jiǎn zi f /clippers/scissors/shears/CL:把[ba3]/ 剪应力 剪應力 S - 3 jiǎn yìng lì f /shear stress/ 剪彩 4776 64 jiǎn cǎi f /to cut the ribbon (at a launching or opening ceremony)/ 剪影 - 53 jiǎn yǐng f /paper-cut silhouette/outline/sketch/ 剪径 剪徑 S - 25 jiǎn jìng f /to waylay and rob/highway robbery/ 剪徑 剪径 T - 25 jiǎn jìng f /to waylay and rob/highway robbery/ 剪應力 剪应力 T - 3 jiǎn yìng lì f /shear stress/ 剪成 - 3 jiǎn chéng f /cut into/ 剪报 剪報 S - 35 jiǎn bào f /newspaper cutting/clippings/ 剪掉 - 3 jiǎn diào f /to cut off/to cut away/to trim/ 剪接 - 20 jiǎn jiē f /film-editing/montage/to cut or edit film/ 剪断 剪斷 S - 3 jiǎn duàn f /to cut/to snip/ 剪斷 剪断 T - 3 jiǎn duàn f /to cut/to snip/ 剪枝 - 9 jiǎn zhī f /to prune (branches etc)/ 剪紙 剪纸 T - 101 jiǎn zhǐ f /papercutting (Chinese folk art)/to make paper cutouts/ 剪綵 剪䌽 T - 64 jiǎn cǎi f /to cut the ribbon (at an opening)/ 剪纸 剪紙 S - 101 jiǎn zhǐ f /papercutting (Chinese folk art)/to make paper cutouts/ 剪草机 剪草機 S - 3 jiǎn cǎo jī f /grass mower/ 剪草機 剪草机 T - 3 jiǎn cǎo jī f /grass mower/ 剪草除根 - 5 jiǎn cǎo chú gēn f /lit. cut grass and pull out roots (idiom); fig. to destroy root and branch/to eradicate/ 剪裁 - 85 jiǎn cái f /to tailor (clothes)/to trim (expenditure)/ 剪貼板 剪贴板 T - 3 jiǎn tiē bǎn f /clipboard (computing)/ 剪貼簿 剪贴簿 T - 3 jiǎn tiē bù f /scrapbook/ 剪贴板 剪貼板 S - 3 jiǎn tiē bǎn f /clipboard (computing)/ 剪贴簿 剪貼簿 S - 3 jiǎn tiē bù f /scrapbook/ 剪輯 剪辑 T - 77 jiǎn jí f /to edit (video images, film)/ 剪辑 剪輯 S - 77 jiǎn jí f /to edit (video images, film)/ 剪除 - 76 jiǎn chú f /to eradicate/to exterminate/ 剪頭髮 剪头发 T - 3 jiǎn tóu fa f /(to get a) haircut/ 剮 剐 T - 232 guǎ f /cut off the flesh as punishment/ 副 2537 33113 fù f /secondary/auxiliary/deputy/assistant/vice-/abbr. for 副詞|副词 adverb/classifier for pairs, sets of things & facial expressions/ 副业 副業 S - 112 fù yè f /sideline/side occupation/ 副主任 - 0 fù zhǔ rèn f /deputy director/assistant head/ 副主席 - 0 fù zhǔ xí f /vice-chairperson/ 副书记 副書記 S - 0 fù shū ji f /deputy secretary/ 副产品 副產品 S - 50 fù chǎn pǐn f /by-product/ 副产物 副產物 S - 3 fù chǎn wù f /byproduct material/ 副伤寒 副傷寒 S - 11 fù shāng hán f /paratyphoid fever/ 副作用 - 425 fù zuò yòng f /side effect/ 副傷寒 副伤寒 T - 11 fù shāng hán f /paratyphoid fever/ 副刊 - 144 fù kān f /supplement/ 副司令 - 3 fù sī lìng f /second in command/ 副国务卿 副國務卿 S - 0 fù guó wù qīng f /Under-Secretary of State/ 副國務卿 副国务卿 T - 0 fù guó wù qīng f /Under-Secretary of State/ 副地級市 副地级市 T - 0 fù dì jí shì f /sub-prefecture level city (county level division, administered by province, not under a prefecture)/ 副地级市 副地級市 S - 0 fù dì jí shì f /sub-prefecture level city (county level division, administered by province, not under a prefecture)/ 副官 - 341 fù guān f /aide-de-camp/ 副室 - 0 fù shì f /concubine (old)/ 副将 副將 S - 336 fù jiàng f /deputy general/ 副將 副将 T - 336 fù jiàng f /deputy general/ 副州長 副州长 T - 3 fù zhōu zhǎng f /deputy governor (of a province or colony)/lieutenant governor of US state/ 副州长 副州長 S - 3 fù zhōu zhǎng f /deputy governor (of a province or colony)/lieutenant governor of US state/ 副市長 副市长 T - 0 fù shì zhǎng f /deputy mayor/ 副市长 副市長 S - 0 fù shì zhǎng f /deputy mayor/ 副总理 副總理 S - 0 fù zǒng lǐ f /vice-premier/vice prime minister/deputy prime minister/ 副总统 副總統 S - 0 fù zǒng tǒng f /vice-president/ 副总裁 副總裁 S - 3 fù zǒng cái f /vice-chairman (of an organization)/vice president (of a company)/deputy governor (of a bank)/ 副手 - 68 fù shǒu f /assistant/ 副教授 - 263 fù jiào shòu f /associate professor (university post)/ 副書記 副书记 T - 0 fù shū ji f /deputy secretary/ 副本 - 83 fù běn f /copy/duplicate/transcript/ 副标题 副標題 S - 5 fù biāo tí f /subheading/subtitle/ 副校長 副校长 T - 3 fù xiào zhǎng f /vice-principal/ 副校长 副校長 S - 3 fù xiào zhǎng f /vice-principal/ 副業 副业 T - 112 fù yè f /sideline/side occupation/ 副標題 副标题 T - 5 fù biāo tí f /subheading/subtitle/ 副歌 - 2 fù gē f /chorus/refrain/ 副法向量 - 0 fù fǎ xiàng liàng f /binormal vector (to a space curve)/ 副热带 副熱帶 S - 3 fù rè dài f /subtropical (zone or climate)/ 副熱帶 副热带 T - 3 fù rè dài f /subtropical (zone or climate)/ 副理 - 0 fù lǐ f /deputy director/assistant manager/ 副產品 副产品 T - 50 fù chǎn pǐn f /by-product/ 副產物 副产物 T - 3 fù chǎn wù f /byproduct material/ 副相 - 0 fù xiàng f /deputy prime minister/ 副省級 副省级 T - 3 fù shěng jí f /sub-provincial (not provincial status, but independent)/ 副省級城市 副省级城市 T - 0 fù shěng jí chéng shì f /subprovincial city (having independent economic status within a province)/ 副省级 副省級 S - 3 fù shěng jí f /sub-provincial (not provincial status, but independent)/ 副省级城市 副省級城市 S - 0 fù shěng jí chéng shì f /subprovincial city (having independent economic status within a province)/ 副秘书长 副秘書長 S - 0 fù mì shū cháng f /vice-secretary/ 副秘書長 副秘书长 T - 0 fù mì shū cháng f /vice-secretary/ 副經理 副经理 T - 3 fù jīng lǐ f /deputy director/assistant manager/ 副總理 副总理 T - 0 fù zǒng lǐ f /vice-premier/vice prime minister/deputy prime minister/ 副總統 副总统 T - 0 fù zǒng tǒng f /vice-president/ 副總裁 副总裁 T - 3 fù zǒng cái f /vice-chairman (of an organization)/vice president (of a company)/deputy governor (of a bank)/ 副经理 副經理 S - 3 fù jīng lǐ f /deputy director/assistant manager/ 副翼 - 29 fù yì f /aileron (aeronautics)/ 副肾 副腎 S - 3 fù shèn f /adrenal glands/ 副腎 副肾 T - 3 fù shèn f /adrenal glands/ 副詞 副词 T - 16 fù cí f /adverb/ 副議長 副议长 T - 3 fù yì zhǎng f /vice-chairman/ 副议长 副議長 S - 3 fù yì zhǎng f /vice-chairman/ 副词 副詞 S - 16 fù cí f /adverb/ 副部長 副部长 T - 3 fù bù zhǎng f /assistant (government) minister/ 副部长 副部長 S - 3 fù bù zhǎng f /assistant (government) minister/ 副院長 副院长 T - 0 fù yuàn zhǎng f /deputy chair of board/vice-president (of a university etc)/ 副院长 副院長 S - 0 fù yuàn zhǎng f /deputy chair of board/vice-president (of a university etc)/ 副食 - 36 fù shí f /non-staple food/CL:種|种[zhong3]/ 副食品 - 86 fù shí pǐn f /non-staple foods/ 副駕駛員 副驾驶员 T - 3 fù jià shǐ yuán f /co-pilot/second driver/ 副驾驶员 副駕駛員 S - 3 fù jià shǐ yuán f /co-pilot/second driver/ 副黏液病毒 - 0 fù nián yè bìng dú f /paramyxovirus/ 剰 - 363 shèng f /Japanese variant of 剩[sheng4]/ 割 2710 1826 gē f /to cut/to cut apart/ 割伤 割傷 S - 25 gē shāng f /to gash/to cut/gash/cut/ 割傷 割伤 T - 25 gē shāng f /to gash/to cut/gash/cut/ 割包 - 3 guà bāo f /see 刈包[gua4 bao1]/ 割包皮 - 3 gē bāo pí f /to circumcise/ 割取 - 3 gē qǔ f /to cut off/ 割弃 割棄 S - 3 gē qì f /to discard/to abandon/to give (sth) up/ 割愛 割爱 T - 14 gē ài f /to part with sth cherished/to forsake/ 割捨 割舍 T - 90 gē shě f /to give up/to part with/ 割据 割據 S - 551 gē jù f /to set up an independent regime/to secede/segmentation/division/fragmentation/ 割接 - 0 gē jiē f /(network) cutover/(system) migration/ 割據 割据 T - 551 gē jù f /to set up an independent regime/to secede/segmentation/division/fragmentation/ 割断 割斷 S - 270 gē duàn f /to cut off/to sever/ 割斷 割断 T - 270 gē duàn f /to cut off/to sever/ 割棄 割弃 T - 3 gē qì f /to discard/to abandon/to give (sth) up/ 割爱 割愛 S - 14 gē ài f /to part with sth cherished/to forsake/ 割礼 割禮 S - 41 gē lǐ f /circumcision/ 割禮 割礼 T - 41 gē lǐ f /circumcision/ 割線 割线 T - 4 gē xiàn f /secant line (math.)/ 割线 割線 S - 4 gē xiàn f /secant line (math.)/ 割股疗亲 割股療親 S - 3 gē gǔ liǎo qīn f /to cut flesh from one's thigh to nourish a sick parent (idiom)/filial thigh-cutting/ 割股療親 割股疗亲 T - 3 gē gǔ liǎo qīn f /to cut flesh from one's thigh to nourish a sick parent (idiom)/filial thigh-cutting/ 割舍 割捨 S - 90 gē shě f /to give up/to part with/ 割草 - 46 gē cǎo f /mow grass/ 割草机 割草機 S - 10 gē cǎo jī f /lawn mower (machine)/ 割草機 割草机 T - 10 gē cǎo jī f /lawn mower (machine)/ 割袍断义 割袍斷義 S - 0 gē páo duàn yì f /to rip one's robe as a sign of repudiating a sworn brotherhood (idiom)/to break all friendly ties/ 割袍斷義 割袍断义 T - 0 gē páo duàn yì f /to rip one's robe as a sign of repudiating a sworn brotherhood (idiom)/to break all friendly ties/ 割裂 - 224 gē liè f /to cut apart/to sever/to separate/to isolate/ 割讓 割让 T - 180 gē ràng f /to cede/cession/ 割让 割讓 S - 180 gē ràng f /to cede/cession/ 割除 - 34 gē chú f /to amputate/to excise (cut out)/ 割雞焉用牛刀 割鸡焉用牛刀 T - 0 gē jī yān yòng niú dāo f /lit. why use a pole-ax to slaughter a chicken? (idiom)/fig. to waste effort on a trifling matter/also written 殺雞焉用牛刀|杀鸡焉用牛刀[sha1 ji1 yan1 yong4 niu2 dao1]/ 割鸡焉用牛刀 割雞焉用牛刀 S - 0 gē jī yān yòng niú dāo f /lit. why use a pole-ax to slaughter a chicken? (idiom)/fig. to waste effort on a trifling matter/also written 殺雞焉用牛刀|杀鸡焉用牛刀[sha1 ji1 yan1 yong4 niu2 dao1]/ 剳 - 69 dá f /hook/sickle/ 剳 札 T - 524 zhá f /variant of 札[zha2]/ 剴 剀 T - 17 kǎi f /carefully/moderately/ 剴切 剀切 T - 3 kǎi qiè f /cogent/earnest/ 創 创 T - 2757 chuāng f /a wound/cut/injury/trauma/ 創 创 T - 2757 chuàng t /to begin/to initiate/to inaugurate/to start/to create/ 創下 创下 T - 277 chuàng xià f /to establish/to set (a new record)/ 創下高票房 创下高票房 T - 0 chuàng xià gāo piào fáng f /to set a box office record/ 創世 创世 T - 64 chuàng shì f /the creation (in mythology and Genesis 1-2)/the first foundational steps/ 創世紀 创世纪 T - 3 Chuàng shì jì f /Genesis (first book of the Bible)/ 創世紀 创世纪 T - 3 chuàng shì jì f /creation myth/ 創世記 创世记 T - 0 Chuàng shì jì f /Book of Genesis/First Book of Moses/ 創世論 创世论 T - 0 chuàng shì lùn f /creationism (religion)/ 創作 创作 T 3036 6322 chuàng zuò f /to create/to produce/to write/creative work/creation/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 創作力 创作力 T - 9 chuàng zuò lì f /originality/ 創作者 创作者 T - 78 chuàng zuò zhě f /originator/creator/author (of some project)/inventor/ 創傷 创伤 T - 352 chuāng shāng f /wound/injury/trauma/ 創傷後 创伤后 T - 0 chuāng shāng hòu f /post-traumatic/ 創傷後壓力 创伤后压力 T - 0 chuāng shāng hòu yā lì f /post-traumatic stress/ 創傷後壓力紊亂 创伤后压力紊乱 T - 0 chuāng shāng hòu yā lì wěn luàn f /post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD/ 創傷後心理壓力緊張綜合症 创伤后心理压力紧张综合症 T - 0 chuāng shāng hòu xīn lǐ yā lì jǐn zhāng zōng hé zhèng f /post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)/ 創價學會 创价学会 T - 0 Chuàng jià Xué huì f /Soka Gakkai International/ 創優 创优 T - 11 chuàng yōu f /to strive for excellence/ 創刊 创刊 T - 350 chuàng kān f /to start publishing/to found a journal/ 創刊號 创刊号 T - 30 chuàng kān hào f /first issue/ 創利 创利 T - 59 chuàng lì f /to make a profit/ 創匯 创汇 T - 410 chuàng huì f /to earn foreign exchange/ 創口 创口 T - 102 chuāng kǒu f /a wound/a cut/ 創可貼 创可贴 T - 45 chuāng kě tiē f /band-aid/sticking plaster/ 創始 创始 T - 133 chuàng shǐ f /to initiate/to found/ 創始人 创始人 T - 770 chuàng shǐ rén f /creator/founder/initiator/ 創始者 创始者 T - 30 chuàng shǐ zhě f /creator/initiator/ 創巨痛深 创巨痛深 T - 9 chuāng jù tòng shēn f /untold pain and suffering (idiom); deeply scarred for life/ 創建 创建 T - 2017 chuàng jiàn f /to found/to establish/ 創建者 创建者 T - 1117 chuàng jiàn zhě f /founder/creator/ 創意 创意 T - 481 chuàng yì f /creative/creativity/ 創投基金 创投基金 T - 0 chuàng tóu jī jīn f /venture capital fund/ 創收 创收 T - 87 chuàng shōu f /to generate revenue/extra income/ 創新 创新 T 3679 4681 chuàng xīn f /innovation/to bring forth new ideas/to blaze new trails/ 創新精神 创新精神 T - 0 chuàng xīn jīng shén f /creativity/ 創業 创业 T 4529 1528 chuàng yè f /to begin an undertaking/to start a major task/to initiate/to venture/venture/entrepreneurship/ 創業投資 创业投资 T - 22 chuàng yè tóu zī f /venture capital/ 創業板上市 创业板上市 T - 0 chuàng yè bǎn shàng shì f /Growth Enterprise Markets (GEM)/ 創業精神 创业精神 T - 3 chuàng yè jīng shén f /enterprising spirit/pioneering spirit/ 創業者 创业者 T - 117 chuàng yè zhě f /entrepreneur/ 創牌子 创牌子 T - 3 chuàng pái zi f /to establish a brand/to establish a reputation for quality/ 創痛 创痛 T - 16 chuāng tòng f /pain from a wound/ 創立 创立 T 4038 1567 chuàng lì f /to establish/to set up/to found/ 創立人 创立人 T - 0 chuàng lì rén f /founder/ 創立者 创立者 T - 105 chuàng lì zhě f /founder/ 創練 创练 T - 0 chuàng liàn f /to form and train (a military unit)/to create and practice (a martial art)/to train oneself (by real-life experience)/ 創舉 创举 T - 60 chuàng jǔ f /pioneering work/ 創製 创制 T - 690 chuàng zhì f /to create/to inaugurate/to contrive/to build (a mechanism)/ 創見 创见 T - 121 chuàng jiàn f /an original idea/ 創見性 创见性 T - 4 chuàng jiàn xìng f /original (idea, discovery etc)/ 創記錄 创记录 T - 3 chuàng jì lù f /to set a record/ 創設 创设 T - 244 chuàng shè f /to establish/to found/to create (a good environment)/ 創議 创议 T - 14 chuàng yì f /to propose/proposal/ 創辦 创办 T - 2160 chuàng bàn f /to establish/to found/to launch/ 創辦人 创办人 T - 44 chuàng bàn rén f /founder (of an institution etc)/ 創辦者 创办者 T - 15 chuàng bàn zhě f /founder/creator/author/ 創造 创造 T 1491 6687 chuàng zào f /to create/to bring about/to produce/to set (a record)/ 創造主 创造主 T - 0 Chuàng zào zhǔ f /Creator (Christianity)/ 創造力 创造力 T - 250 chuàng zào lì f /ingenuity/creativity/ 創造性 创造性 T - 732 chuàng zào xìng f /creativeness/creativity/ 創造者 创造者 T - 118 chuàng zào zhě f /creator/ 創造論 创造论 T - 0 chuàng zào lùn f /creationism (religion)/ 剷 铲 T - 950 chǎn f /to level off/to root up/ 剷除 铲除 T - 128 chǎn chú f /to root out/to eradicate/to sweep away/to abolish/ 剸 - 19 tuán f /slash/ 剹 戮 T - 193 lù f /to peel with a knife/old variant of 戮[lu4]/ 剺 - 7 lí f /mark/ 剽 - 31 piāo f /to rob/swift/nimble/Taiwan pr. [piao4]/ 剽悍 - 97 piāo hàn f /swift and fierce/ 剽窃 剽竊 S - 60 piāo qiè f /to plunder/to plagiarize/ 剽竊 剽窃 T - 60 piāo qiè f /to plunder/to plagiarize/ 剿 - 749 chāo f /to plagiarize/ 剿 - 749 jiǎo t /to destroy/to extirpate/ 剿 勦 S - 749 chāo f /variant of 剿[chao1]/ 剿 勦 S - 749 jiǎo t /variant of 剿[jiao3]/ 剿匪 - 147 jiǎo fěi f /to send armed forces to suppress/ 剿滅 剿灭 T - 217 jiǎo miè f /to eliminate (by armed force)/ 剿灭 剿滅 S - 217 jiǎo miè f /to eliminate (by armed force)/ 剿袭 剿襲 S - 3 chāo xí f /variant of 抄襲|抄袭[chao1 xi2]/ 剿襲 剿袭 T - 3 chāo xí f /variant of 抄襲|抄袭[chao1 xi2]/ 剿說 剿说 T - 0 chāo shuō f /to plagiarize/ 剿说 剿說 S - 0 chāo shuō f /to plagiarize/ 劁 - 21 qiāo f /to neuter livestock/ 劂 - 2 jué f /chisel/engrave/ 劃 划 T 1683 2513 huá f /to cut/to slash/to scratch (cut into the surface of sth)/to strike (a match)/ 劃 划 T 1683 2513 huà t /to delimit/to transfer/to assign/to plan/to draw (a line)/stroke of a Chinese character/ 劃一 划一 T - 268 huà yī f /uniform/to standardize/ 劃一不二 划一不二 T - 3 huà yī bù èr f /fixed/unalterable/ 劃位 划位 T - 0 huà wèi f /to assign sb to a seat/to be allocated a place/ 劃傷 划伤 T - 33 huá shāng f /to damage by scratching/to gash/to lacerate/ 劃價 划价 T - 5 huà jià f /to price (medical prescription)/ 劃分 划分 T 4374 4449 huà fēn f /to divide up/to partition/to differentiate/ 劃切 划切 T - 0 huá qiè f /to slice/to dice/ 劃十字 划十字 T - 0 huà shí zì f /variant of 畫十字|画十字[hua4 shi2 zi4]/ 劃圓防守 划圆防守 T - 0 huà yuán fáng shǒu f /to counter (a stroke in fencing)/ 劃定 划定 T - 365 huà dìng f /to demarcate/to delimit/to allocate/ 劃掉 划掉 T - 3 huà diào f /to cross out/to cross off/ 劃撥 划拨 T - 69 huà bō f /to assign/to allocate/to transfer (money to an account)/ 劃時代 划时代 T - 198 huà shí dài f /epoch-marking/ 劃歸 划归 T - 316 huà guī f /to incorporate/to put under (external administration)/ 劃清 划清 T - 114 huà qīng f /clear dividing line/to distinguish clearly/ 劃痕 划痕 T - 24 huá hén f /a scratch/ 劃破 划破 T - 160 huá pò f /to cut open/to rip/to streak across (lightning, meteor etc)/to pierce (scream, searchlight etc)/ 劃線 划线 T - 44 huà xiàn f /to delineate/to draw a line/to underline/ 劃線板 划线板 T - 0 huà xiàn bǎn f /ruler (used for drawing lines)/ 劃花 划花 T - 8 huà huā f /engraving (on porcelain etc)/ 劃過 划过 T - 98 huá guò f /(of a meteor etc) to streak across (the sky)/(of a searchlight, lightning etc) to play across (the sky)/ 劄 - 23 zhā f /to prick with a needle/ 劄 札 T - 524 zhá f /variant of 札[zha2]/ 劇 剧 T - 1769 jù f /theatrical work (play, opera, TV series etc)/dramatic (change, increase etc)/acute/severe/ 劇作家 剧作家 T - 365 jù zuò jiā f /playwright/ 劇團 剧团 T - 713 jù tuán f /theatrical troupe/ 劇場 剧场 T - 579 jù chǎng f /theater/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 劇增 剧增 T - 97 jù zēng f /dramatic increase/ 劇壇 剧坛 T - 3 jù tán f /the world of Chinese opera/theatrical circles/ 劇情 剧情 T - 326 jù qíng f /story line/plot/ 劇本 剧本 T 2679 897 jù běn f /script for play, opera, movie etc/screenplay/scenario/ 劇毒 剧毒 T - 520 jù dú f /highly toxic/extremely poisonous/ 劇烈 剧烈 T 4043 1082 jù liè f /violent/acute/severe/fierce/ 劇照 剧照 T - 247 jù zhào f /still pose (in stage work)/stage photo/ 劇痛 剧痛 T - 478 jù tòng f /acute pain/sharp pain/twinge/stab/pang/ 劇目 剧目 T - 617 jù mù f /repertoire/list of plays or operas/ 劇社 剧社 T - 566 jù shè f /theater company/ 劇終 剧终 T - 5 jù zhōng f /The End (appearing at the end of a movie etc)/ 劇組 剧组 T - 90 jù zǔ f /cast and crew/performers and production team/ 劇變 剧变 T - 139 jù biàn f /fast change of scene/ 劇透 剧透 T - 0 jù tòu f /plot leak/spoiler/ 劇院 剧院 T - 846 jù yuàn f /theater/CL:家[jia1],座[zuo4]/ 劈 3674 1492 pī t /to hack/to chop/to split open/(of lightning) to strike/ 劈 3674 1492 pǐ f /to split in two/to divide/ 劈叉 - 5 pǐ chà f /the splits (move in dancing)/to do the splits/Taiwan pr. [pi3 cha1]/ 劈啪 - 21 pī pā f /(onom.) for crack, slap, clap, clatter etc/ 劈头盖脸 劈頭蓋臉 S - 65 pī tóu gài liǎn f /lit. splitting the head and covering the face (idiom); fig. pelting (with rain etc)/showering down/ 劈开 劈開 S - 71 pī kāi f /to cleave/to split open/to spread open (fingers, legs)/ 劈情操 - 0 pī qíng cāo f /to have a friendly chat (Shanghai)/ 劈手 - 34 pī shǒu f /with a lightning move of the hand/ 劈挂拳 劈掛拳 S - 2 pī guà quán f /Piguaquan "Chop-Hanging Fist" (Chinese Martial Art)/ 劈掛拳 劈挂拳 T - 2 pī guà quán f /Piguaquan "Chop-Hanging Fist" (Chinese Martial Art)/ 劈柴 - 63 pī chái f /to chop firewood/to split logs/ 劈柴 - 63 pǐ chái t /chopped wood/firewood/ 劈离 劈離 S - 0 pī lí f /split/ 劈空扳害 - 0 pī kōng bān hài f /damaged by groundless slander (idiom)/ 劈脸 劈臉 S - 53 pī liǎn f /right in the face/ 劈腿 - 0 pī tuǐ f /to do the splits (gymnastics)/two-timing (in romantic relationships)/ 劈臉 劈脸 T - 53 pī liǎn f /right in the face/ 劈裂 - 5 pī liè f /to split open/to cleave/to rend/ 劈裡啪啦 劈里啪啦 T - 7 pī li pā lā f /variant of 噼裡啪啦|噼里啪啦[pi1 li5 pa1 la1]/ 劈里啪啦 劈裡啪啦 S - 7 pī li pā lā f /variant of 噼裡啪啦|噼里啪啦[pi1 li5 pa1 la1]/ 劈開 劈开 T - 71 pī kāi f /to cleave/to split open/to spread open (fingers, legs)/ 劈離 劈离 T - 0 pī lí f /split/ 劈面 - 3 pī miàn f /right in the face/ 劈頭蓋臉 劈头盖脸 T - 65 pī tóu gài liǎn f /lit. splitting the head and covering the face (idiom); fig. pelting (with rain etc)/showering down/ 劉 刘 T - 5839 Liú f /surname Liu/ 劉伯溫 刘伯温 T - 70 Liú Bó wēn f /Liu Bowen (1311-1375), general under the first Ming emperor Zu Yuanzhang 朱元璋, with a reputation as a military genius/also called Liu Ji 劉基|刘基/ 劉備 刘备 T - 1753 Liú Bèi f /Liu Bei (161-223), warlord at the end of the Han dynasty and founder of the Han kingdom of Shu 蜀漢|蜀汉 (c. 200-263), later the Shu Han dynasty/ 劉光第 刘光第 T - 21 Liú Guāng dì f /Liu Guangdi (1859-1898), one of the Six Gentlemen Martyrs 戊戌六君子[Wu4 xu1 Liu4 jun1 zi5] of the unsuccessful reform movement of 1898/ 劉公島 刘公岛 T - 61 Liú gōng Dǎo f /Liugong island in the Yellow sea/ 劉劍峰 刘剑峰 T - 0 Liú Jiàn fēng f /Liu Jianfeng (1936-), second governor of Hainan/ 劉厚總 刘厚总 T - 0 Liú Hòu zǒng f /Liu Houzong (1904-1949), originally Hunan guerilla leader, rewarded by Chiang Kaishek for killing Xiang Ying 項英|项英 during the 1941 New Fourth Army incident 皖南事变/ 劉向 刘向 T - 0 Liú Xiàng f /Liu Xiang (77-6 BC), Han Dynasty scholar and author/ 劉基 刘基 T - 128 Liú Jī f /Liu Ji or Liu Bowen 劉伯溫|刘伯温 (1311-1375), general under the first Ming emperor Zu Yuanzhang 朱元璋, with a reputation as a military genius/ 劉天華 刘天华 T - 7 Liú Tiān huá f /Liu T'ien-hua/ 劉奭 刘奭 T - 0 Liú Shì f /Liu Shi, personal name of Han Emperor Yuandi 漢元帝|汉元帝[Han4 Yuan2 di4]/ 劉姥姥進大觀園 刘姥姥进大观园 T - 0 Liú lǎo lao jìn Dà guān yuán f /Granny Liu visits the Grand View gardens/(of a simple person) to be overwhelmed by new experiences and luxurious surroundings/ 劉安 刘安 T - 59 Liú An f /Liu An (179-122 BC), King of Huainan under the Western Han, ordered the writing of the 淮南子[Huai2 nan2 zi5]/ 劉宋 刘宋 T - 52 Liú Sòng f /Song of the Southern dynasties 南朝宋 (420-479), with capital at Nanjing/ 劉宋時代 刘宋时代 T - 0 Liú Sòng Shí dài f /Song of the Southern dynasties (420-479), with capital at Nanjing/ 劉家夼 刘家夼 T - 0 Liú jiā kuǎng f /Liujiakuang township in Muping district 牟平區|牟平区, Yantai, Shandong/ 劉家夼鎮 刘家夼镇 T - 0 Liú jiā kuǎng zhèn f /Liujiakuang township in Muping district 牟平區|牟平区, Yantai, Shandong/ 劉家村 刘家村 T - 2 Liú jiā cūn f /Liujia village in Zhangdian district 张店区 of Zhibo city 淄博市[Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong/ 劉家輝 刘家辉 T - 3 Liú Jiā huī f /Gordon Liu (1955-), Hong Kong action actor/ 劉少奇 刘少奇 T - 1025 Liú Shào qí f /Liu Shaoqi (1898-1969), Chinese communist leader, a martyr of the Cultural Revolution/ 劉師培 刘师培 T - 18 Liú Shī péi f /Liu Shipei (1884-1919), Chinese anarchist and revolutionary activist/ 劉德華 刘德华 T - 37 Liú Dé huá f /Andy Lau (1961-), Hong Kong Cantopop singer and actor/ 劉心武 刘心武 T - 42 Liú Xīn wǔ f /Liu Xinwu (1942-), novelist/ 劉恆 刘恒 T - 39 Liú Héng f /Liu Heng, personal name of Han emperor Han Wendi 漢文帝|汉文帝/Liu Heng (1954-), Chinese writer/ 劉慈欣 刘慈欣 T - 3 Liú Cí xīn f /Liu Cixin (1963-), Chinese science fiction writer/ 劉昫 刘昫 T - 0 Liú Xù f /Liu Xu (887-946), politician in Later Jin of the Five Dynasties 後晉|后晋, compiled History of Early Tang Dynasty 舊唐書|旧唐书/ 劉曉波 刘晓波 T - 68 Liú Xiǎo bō f /Liu Xiaobo (1955-), Beijing writer and human rights activist, organizer of petition Charter 2008 零八憲章|零八宪章[ling2 ba1 xian4 zhang1], Nobel Peace Prize laureate in 2010/ 劉松齡 刘松龄 T - 0 Liú Sōng líng f /Ferdinand Augustin Hallerstein (1703-1774), Slovenian Jesuit missionary, astronomer and mathematician, spent 35 years at Emperor Qianlong's court/ 劉毅 刘毅 T - 0 Liú Yì f /Liu Yi (-285), famous incorruptible official of Western Jin dynasty the Western Jin dynasty 西晉|西晋[Xi1 Jin4] (265-316)/Liu Yi (-412), general of Eastern Jin dynasty 東晉|东晋[Dong1 Jin4] (317-420)/ 劉洋 刘洋 T - 0 Liú Yáng f /Liu Yang (1978-), China's first female astronaut in space (June 16, 2012)/ 劉海 刘海 T - 65 liú hǎi f /bangs or fringes of hair/ 劉涓子 刘涓子 T - 0 Liú Juān zǐ f /Liu Juanzi, legendary alchemist and creator of magic potions/ 劉涓子鬼遺方 刘涓子鬼遗方 T - 0 Liú Juān zǐ guǐ yí fāng f /Liu Juanzi's medical recipes bequeathed by the ghost Huang Fugui 黃父鬼|黄父鬼/ 劉淵 刘渊 T - 55 Liú Yuān f /Liu Yuan, warlord at the end of the Western Jin dynasty 西晋, founder of Cheng Han of the Sixteen Kingdoms 成漢|成汉 (304-347)/ 劉熙 刘熙 T - 0 Liú Xī f /Liu Xi (late Han, c. 200 AD), possibly the author of 釋名|释名[Shi4 ming2]/ 劉禪 刘禅 T - 42 Liú Chán f /Liu Chan 劉禪|刘禅 (207-271), son of Liu Bei, reigned as Shu Han emperor 233-263/ 劉禹錫 刘禹锡 T - 44 Liú Yǔ xī f /Liu Yuxi (772-842), Tang poet/ 劉義慶 刘义庆 T - 8 Liú Yì qìng f /Liu Yiqing (403-444), writer of South Song Dynasty, compiler and editor of A New Account of the Tales of the World 世說新語|世说新语[Shi4 shuo1 Xin1 yu3]/ 劉翔 刘翔 T - 423 Liú Xiáng f /Liu Xiang (1983-), Chinese gold-medal hurdler of the 2004 Olympic Games/ 劉表 刘表 T - 71 Liú Biǎo f /Liu Biao (142-208), warlord/ 劉裕 刘裕 T - 187 Liú Yù f /Liu Yu, founder of Song of the Southern dynasties 劉宋|刘宋[Liu2 Song4], broke away from Eastern Jin in 420, reigned as Emperor Wu of Song 宋武帝[Song4 Wu3 di4]/ 劉貴今 刘贵今 T - 0 Liú Guì jīn f /Liu Guijin (1945-), PRC diplomat, special representative to Africa from 2007, Chinese specialist on Sudan and the Darfur issue/ 劉賓雁 刘宾雁 T - 0 Liú Bīn yàn f /Liu Binyan (1925-2005), journalist and novelist, condemned by Mao as rightist faction in 1957, subsequently dissident writer/ 劉邦 刘邦 T - 837 Liú Bāng f /Liu Bang (256 or 247-195 BC), bandit leader who became first Han emperor Han Gaozu 漢高祖|汉高祖 (reigned 202-195 BC)/ 劉金寶 刘金宝 T - 0 Liú Jīn bǎo f /Liu Jinbao/ 劉雲山 刘云山 T - 22 Liú Yún shān f /Liu Yunshan (1947-), PRC career politician, background in journalism in Inner Mongolia, from 2002 head of party Central Propaganda Section 中央宣传部/ 劉青雲 刘青云 T - 3 Liú Qīng yún f /Lau Ching-Wan (1964-), Hong Kong actor/ 劉鶚 刘鹗 T - 0 Liú E f /Liu E (1857-1909), late Qing novelist, author of 老殘遊記|老残游记[Lao3 Can2 You2 ji4]/ 劊 刽 T - 23 guì f /to amputate/to cut off/also pr. [kuai4]/ 劊子手 刽子手 T - 115 guì zi shǒu f /executioner/headsman/slaughterer/fig. indiscriminate murderer/ 劌 刿 T - 10 guì f /cut/injure/ 劍 剑 T 2666 12553 jiàn f /double-edged sword/CL:口[kou3],把[ba3]/classifier for blows of a sword/ 劍嘴鶥 剑嘴鹛 T - 0 jiàn zuǐ méi f /(bird species of China) slender-billed scimitar babbler (Pomatorhinus superciliaris)/ 劍客 剑客 T - 61 jiàn kè f /fencer (i.e. sportsman involved in fencing)/ 劍尖 剑尖 T - 3 jiàn jiān f /point/sharp end/ 劍川 剑川 T - 15 Jiàn chuān f /Jianchuan county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 劍川縣 剑川县 T - 4 Jiàn chuān xiàn f /Jianchuan county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 劍拔弩張 剑拔弩张 T - 63 jiàn bá nǔ zhāng f /lit. with swords drawn and bows bent (idiom); fig. a state of mutual hostility/at daggers drawn/ 劍柄 剑柄 T - 3 jiàn bǐng f /sword hilt/ 劍橋 剑桥 T - 213 Jiàn qiáo f /Cambridge/ 劍橋大學 剑桥大学 T - 207 Jiàn qiáo Dà xué f /University of Cambridge/ 劍河 剑河 T - 2 Jiàn hé f /Jianhe county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州[Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 劍河縣 剑河县 T - 2 Jiàn hé xiàn f /Jianhe county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州[Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 劍法 剑法 T - 1951 jiàn fǎ f /fencing/sword-play/ 劍術 剑术 T - 390 jiàn shù f /fencing/ 劍走偏鋒 剑走偏锋 T - 0 Jiàn Zǒu piān fēng f /Jian Zoupianfeng, pseudonym of prolific modern novelist/ 劍走偏鋒 剑走偏锋 T - 0 jiàn zǒu piān fēng f /the sword moves with side stroke (modern idiom)/fig. unexpected winning move/unconventional gambit/ 劍走蜻蛉 剑走蜻蛉 T - 0 jiàn zǒu qīng líng f /the sword moves like a dragon-fly (modern idiom)/fig. unexpected winning move/unconventional gambit/ 劍身 剑身 T - 0 jiàn shēn f /sword blade/ 劍道 剑道 T - 0 jiàn dào f /kendō (sports)/ 劍閣 剑阁 T - 56 Jiàn gé f /Jiange county in Guangyuan 廣元|广元[Guang3 yuan2], Sichuan/ 劍閣縣 剑阁县 T - 4 Jiàn gé xiàn f /Jiange county in Guangyuan 廣元|广元[Guang3 yuan2], Sichuan/ 劍魚 剑鱼 T - 0 jiàn yú f /swordfish/ 劍魚座 剑鱼座 T - 0 Jiàn yú zuò f /Dorado (constellation)/ 劍鴴 剑鸻 T - 0 jiàn héng f /(bird species of China) common ringed plover (Charadrius hiaticula)/ 劍麻 剑麻 T - 88 jiàn má f /sisal hemp/ 劍齒虎 剑齿虎 T - 8 jiàn chǐ hǔ f /saber-toothed tiger/ 劍龍 剑龙 T - 8 jiàn lóng f /stegosaurus/ 劑 剂 T - 1615 jì f /dose (medicine)/ 劑型 剂型 T - 157 jì xíng f /delivery mechanism of a medicine (e.g. pill, powder etc)/ 劑子 剂子 T - 3 jì zi f /piece of dough cut to the right size (for making jiaozi etc)/ 劑量 剂量 T - 504 jì liàng f /dosage/prescribed dose of medicine/ 劑量效應 剂量效应 T - 3 jì liàng xiào yìng f /dose effect/ 劑量當量 剂量当量 T - 0 jì liàng dāng liàng f /dose equivalent/ 劑量監控 剂量监控 T - 0 jì liàng jiān kòng f /monitoring/ 劒 剑 T 2666 12553 jiàn f /variant of 劍|剑[jian4]/ 劓 - 54 yì f /cut off the nose/ 劖 - 7 chán f /bore/cut/polish/ 劘 - 9 mó f /whittle/ 劙 - 16 lí f /a divide, to partition/ 力 - 10777 Lì f /surname Li/ 力 - 10777 lì f /power/force/strength/ability/strenuously/ 力不从心 力不從心 S - 189 lì bù cóng xīn f /less capable than desirable (idiom); not as strong as one would wish/the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak/ 力不勝任 力不胜任 T - 3 lì bù shèng rèn f /not to be up to the task (idiom)/incompetent/ 力不從心 力不从心 T - 189 lì bù cóng xīn f /less capable than desirable (idiom); not as strong as one would wish/the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak/ 力不胜任 力不勝任 S - 3 lì bù shèng rèn f /not to be up to the task (idiom)/incompetent/ 力主 - 220 lì zhǔ f /advocate strongly/ 力争 力爭 S 4762 657 lì zhēng f /to work hard for/to do all one can/to contend strongly/ 力争上游 力爭上游 S - 37 lì zhēng shàng yóu f /to strive for mastery (idiom); aiming for the best result/to have high ambitions/ 力传递 力傳遞 S - 0 lì chuán dì f /mechanical transmission/ 力作 - 109 lì zuò f /to put effort into (work, farming, writing etc)/a masterpiece/ 力促 - 51 lì cù f /to urge/to press (for action)/ 力保 - 65 lì bǎo f /to seek to protect/to ensure/to maintain/to guard/ 力偶 - 29 lì ǒu f /moment of forces (mechanics)/ 力傳遞 力传递 T - 0 lì chuán dì f /mechanical transmission/ 力克 - 99 lì kè f /to prevail with difficulty/ 力图 力圖 S - 695 lì tú f /to try hard to/to strive to/ 力圖 力图 T - 695 lì tú f /to try hard to/to strive to/ 力场 力場 S - 26 lì chǎng f /force field (physics)/ 力場 力场 T - 26 lì chǎng f /force field (physics)/ 力士 - 106 lì shì f /strong man/ 力大无比 力大無比 S - 6 lì dà wú bǐ f /having matchless strength/ 力大无穷 力大無窮 S - 21 lì dà wú qióng f /extraordinary strength/super strong/strong as an ox/ 力大無比 力大无比 T - 6 lì dà wú bǐ f /having matchless strength/ 力大無窮 力大无穷 T - 21 lì dà wú qióng f /extraordinary strength/super strong/strong as an ox/ 力娇酒 力嬌酒 S - 0 lì jiāo jiǔ f /liquor (loanword)/ 力嬌酒 力娇酒 T - 0 lì jiāo jiǔ f /liquor (loanword)/ 力学 力學 S - 1619 lì xué f /mechanics/to study hard/ 力学传递 力學傳遞 S - 0 lì xué chuán dì f /mechanical transmission/ 力学波 力學波 S - 0 lì xué bō f /mechanical wave/ 力學 力学 T - 1619 lì xué f /mechanics/to study hard/ 力學傳遞 力学传递 T - 0 lì xué chuán dì f /mechanical transmission/ 力學波 力学波 T - 0 lì xué bō f /mechanical wave/ 力宝 力寶 S - 0 Lì bǎo f /Lippo (Group) (Indonesian conglomerate)/ 力寶 力宝 T - 0 Lì bǎo f /Lippo (Group) (Indonesian conglomerate)/ 力尽神危 力盡神危 S - 3 lì jìn shén wēi f /totally exhausted as result of over-exertion (idiom)/ 力帆 - 130 Lì fān f /Lifan Group (auto manufacturer in Chongqing)/ 力度 - 1787 lì dù f /strength/vigor/efforts/(music) dynamics/ 力征 - 0 lì zhēng f /by force/to conquer by force of arms/power/ 力心 - 3 lì xīn f /fulcrum/center of force/ 力戒 - 17 lì jiè f /to try everything to avoid/to guard against/ 力战 力戰 S - 127 lì zhàn f /to fight with all one's might/ 力戰 力战 T - 127 lì zhàn f /to fight with all one's might/ 力所不及 - 11 lì suǒ bù jí f /beyond one's power (to do sth)/ 力所能及 4274 92 lì suǒ néng jí f /as far as one's capabilities extend (idiom); to the best of one's ability/within one's powers/ 力拓 - 0 Lì Tuò f /Rio Tinto (UK-Australian mining corporation)/ 力挫 - 10 lì cuò f /to win as a result of tenacious effort/to fight off tough competition/ 力挺 - 0 lì tǐng f /to support/to back/ 力挽狂澜 力挽狂瀾 S - 51 lì wǎn kuáng lán f /to pull strongly against a crazy tide (idiom); fig. to try hard to save a desperate crisis/ 力挽狂瀾 力挽狂澜 T - 51 lì wǎn kuáng lán f /to pull strongly against a crazy tide (idiom); fig. to try hard to save a desperate crisis/ 力排众议 力排眾議 S - 47 lì pái zhòng yì f /to stand one's ground against the opinion of the masses (idiom)/ 力排眾議 力排众议 T - 47 lì pái zhòng yì f /to stand one's ground against the opinion of the masses (idiom)/ 力攻 - 3 lì gōng f /to assault/to attack in force/ 力有未逮 - 0 lì yǒu wèi dài f /beyond one's reach or power (to do sth)/ 力气 力氣 S 1066 1463 lì qi f /strength/CL:把[ba3]/ 力氣 力气 T 1066 1463 lì qi f /strength/CL:把[ba3]/ 力求 4650 954 lì qiú f /to make every effort to/striving to do one's best/ 力波 - 0 lì bō f /Reeb beer/ 力爭 力争 T 4762 657 lì zhēng f /to work hard for/to do all one can/to contend strongly/ 力爭上游 力争上游 T - 37 lì zhēng shàng yóu f /to strive for mastery (idiom); aiming for the best result/to have high ambitions/ 力畜 - 0 lì chù f /draft animal/beast of burden/ 力盡神危 力尽神危 T - 3 lì jìn shén wēi f /totally exhausted as result of over-exertion (idiom)/ 力矩 - 126 lì jǔ f /torque/ 力臂 - 7 lì bì f /lever arm (i.e. perpendicular distance from the fulcrum to the line of force)/ 力行 - 21 lì xíng f /to practice diligently/to act energetically/ 力足以做 - 0 lì zú yǐ zuò f /afford/able to/ 力道 - 377 lì dào f /strength/power/efficacy/ 力量 1307 10069 lì liang f /power/force/strength/ 力量均衡 - 0 lì liàng jūn héng f /balance of power/ 力錢 力钱 T - 3 lì qián f /payment to a porter/ 力钱 力錢 S - 3 lì qián f /payment to a porter/ 力阻 - 20 lì zǔ f /to block/to prevent by force/ 劝 勸 S 1771 3543 quàn f /to advise/to urge/to try to persuade/to exhort/to console/to soothe/ 劝农 勸農 S - 3 quàn nóng f /to promote agriculture/ 劝农使 勸農使 S - 0 quàn nóng shǐ f /envoy charge with promoting agriculture (in Han dynasty)/ 劝动 勸動 S - 0 quàn dòng f /to incite/ 劝勉 勸勉 S - 6 quàn miǎn f /to advise/to encourage/ 劝化 勸化 S - 7 quàn huà f /to exhort (sb) to live a virtuous life (Buddhism)/to beg for alms/ 劝告 勸告 S - 232 quàn gào f /to advise/to urge/to exhort/exhortation/advice/CL:席[xi2]/ 劝和 勸和 S - 0 quàn hé f /to mediate/to urge peace/ 劝善惩恶 勸善懲惡 S - 3 quàn shàn chéng è f /to encourage virtue and punish evil (idiom); fig. poetic justice/you get what's coming to you/ 劝学 勸學 S - 22 quàn xué f /On learning, classic book by Confucian philosopher Xun Zi 荀子 (c. 310-237 BC)/ 劝导 勸導 S - 53 quàn dǎo f /to advise/to attempt to convince/ 劝慰 勸慰 S - 183 quàn wèi f /to console/ 劝戒 勸戒 S - 19 quàn jiè f /variant of 勸誡|劝诫[quan4 jie4]/ 劝教 勸教 S - 0 quàn jiào f /to advise and teach/to persuade and instruct/ 劝服 勸服 S - 11 quàn fú f /prevail/convince/ 劝架 勸架 S - 30 quàn jià f /to mediate in a quarrel/to intervene in a dispute and try to calm things down/ 劝解 勸解 S - 184 quàn jiě f /conciliation/mediation/to mollify/to propitiate/to reconcile/ 劝诫 勸誡 S - 34 quàn jiè f /to exhort/to admonish/ 劝诱 勸誘 S - 25 quàn yòu f /to prevail upon/to coax/ 劝说 勸說 S - 648 quàn shuō f /to persuade/persuasion/to advise/ 劝课 勸課 S - 0 quàn kè f /to encourage and supervise (esp. state officials promoting agriculture)/ 劝谏 勸諫 S - 174 quàn jiàn f /to admonish/ 劝酒 勸酒 S - 61 quàn jiǔ f /to urge sb to drink alcohol/ 劝阻 勸阻 S - 449 quàn zǔ f /to advise against/to dissuade/ 劝驾 勸駕 S - 3 quàn jià f /to urge sb to accept a post/to urge sb to agree to do sth/ 办 辦 S - 10314 bàn f /to do/to manage/to handle/to go about/to run/to set up/to deal with/ 办不到 辦不到 S - 3 bàn bu dào f /impossible/can't be done/no can do/unable to accomplish/ 办事 辦事 S - 2314 bàn shì f /to handle (affairs)/to work/ 办事处 辦事處 S - 1159 bàn shì chù f /office/agency/ 办公 辦公 S - 872 bàn gōng f /to handle official business/to work (esp. in an office)/ 办公厅 辦公廳 S - 468 bàn gōng tīng f /general office/ 办公地址 辦公地址 S - 0 bàn gōng dì zhǐ f /business address/ 办公大楼 辦公大樓 S - 3 bàn gōng dà lóu f /office building/ 办公室 辦公室 S 401 4373 bàn gōng shì f /office/business premises/bureau/CL:間|间[jian1]/ 办公时间 辦公時間 S - 3 bàn gōng shí jiān f /office hours/ 办公桌轮用 辦公桌輪用 S - 0 bàn gōng zhuō lún yòng f /hot-desking/ 办公楼 辦公樓 S - 296 bàn gōng lóu f /office building/CL:座[zuo4],棟|栋[dong4]/ 办公自动化 辦公自動化 S - 3 bàn gōng zì dòng huà f /office automation/ 办到 辦到 S - 182 bàn dào f /to accomplish/to get sth done/ 办好 辦好 S - 258 bàn hǎo f /to manage well/ 办妥 辦妥 S - 3 bàn tuǒ f /to arrange/to settle/to complete/to carry through/ 办学 辦學 S - 1127 bàn xué f /to run a school/ 办年货 辦年貨 S - 0 bàn nián huò f /to shop in preparation for Chinese New Year/ 办报 辦報 S - 38 bàn bào f /to run a newspaper/to publish a newspaper/ 办案 辦案 S - 136 bàn àn f /to handle a case/ 办法 辦法 S 378 10633 bàn fǎ f /means/method/way (of doing sth)/CL:條|条[tiao2],個|个[ge4]/ 办理 辦理 S 2360 2142 bàn lǐ f /to handle/to transact/to conduct/ 办罪 辦罪 S - 3 bàn zuì f /to punish/ 办货 辦貨 S - 8 bàn huò f /to purchase goods (for a company etc)/ 办酒席 辦酒席 S - 0 bàn jiǔ xí f /to prepare a feast/ 功 - 5641 gōng f /meritorious deed or service/achievement/result/service/accomplishment/work (physics)/ 功不可沒 功不可没 T - 66 gōng bù kě mò f /one's contributions cannot go unnoticed (idiom)/ 功不可没 功不可沒 S - 66 gōng bù kě mò f /one's contributions cannot go unnoticed (idiom)/ 功业 功業 S - 203 gōng yè f /achievement/outstanding work/glorious deed/ 功亏一篑 功虧一簣 S - 62 gōng kuī yī kuì f /lit. to ruin the enterprise for the sake of one basketful/to fail through lack of a final effort/to spoil the ship for a ha'penny worth of tar (idiom)/ 功令 - 3 gōng lìng f /decree/ 功利 - 158 gōng lì f /utility/ 功利主义 功利主義 S - 52 gōng lì zhǔ yì f /utilitarianism/ 功利主義 功利主义 T - 52 gōng lì zhǔ yì f /utilitarianism/ 功到自然成 - 10 gōng dào zì rán chéng f /effort will undoubtedly lead to success (idiom)/ 功力 - 892 gōng lì f /merit/efficacy/competence/skill/power/ 功劳 功勞 S 3407 705 gōng láo f /contribution/meritorious service/credit/ 功勋 功勛 S - 316 gōng xūn f /achievement/meritorious deed/contributions (for the good of society)/ 功勛 功勋 T - 316 gōng xūn f /achievement/meritorious deed/contributions (for the good of society)/ 功勞 功劳 T 3407 705 gōng láo f /contribution/meritorious service/credit/ 功名 - 248 gōng míng f /scholarly honor (in imperial exams)/rank/achievement/fame/glory/ 功名利祿 功名利禄 T - 32 gōng míng lì lù f /position and wealth (idiom); rank, fame and fortune/ 功名利禄 功名利祿 S - 32 gōng míng lì lù f /position and wealth (idiom); rank, fame and fortune/ 功夫 1028 4168 gōng fu f /skill/art/kung fu/labor/effort/ 功夫球 - 0 gōng fu qiú f /see 鐵球|铁球[tie3 qiu2]/ 功夫茶 - 6 gōng fu chá f /very concentrated type of tea drunk in Chaozhou, Fujian and Taiwan/ 功完行满 功完行滿 S - 0 gōng wán xíng mǎn f /to fully achieve one's ambitions (idiom)/ 功完行滿 功完行满 T - 0 gōng wán xíng mǎn f /to fully achieve one's ambitions (idiom)/ 功底 - 147 gōng dǐ f /training in the basic skills/knowledge of the fundamentals/ 功德 - 222 gōng dé f /achievements and virtue/ 功德圆满 功德圓滿 S - 22 gōng dé yuán mǎn f /virtuous achievements come to their successful conclusion (idiom)/ 功德圓滿 功德圆满 T - 22 gōng dé yuán mǎn f /virtuous achievements come to their successful conclusion (idiom)/ 功德无量 功德無量 S - 32 gōng dé wú liàng f /no end of virtuous achievements (idiom); boundless beneficence/ 功德無量 功德无量 T - 32 gōng dé wú liàng f /no end of virtuous achievements (idiom); boundless beneficence/ 功成不居 - 3 gōng chéng bù jū f /not to claim personal credit for achievement (idiom)/ 功成名就 - 46 gōng chéng míng jiù f /to win success and recognition (idiom)/ 功效 4488 593 gōng xiào f /efficacy/ 功敗垂成 功败垂成 T - 38 gōng bài chuí chéng f /to fail within sight of success (idiom); last-minute failure/to fall at the last hurdle/snatching defeat from the jaws of victory/ 功業 功业 T - 203 gōng yè f /achievement/outstanding work/glorious deed/ 功烈 - 0 gōng liè f /achievement/ 功率 - 923 gōng lǜ f /rate of work/power (output)/ 功率恶化 功率惡化 S - 0 gōng lǜ è huà f /power penalty/ 功率惡化 功率恶化 T - 0 gōng lǜ è huà f /power penalty/ 功率輸出 功率输出 T - 0 gōng lǜ shū chū f /power output (of an electrical device etc)/ 功率输出 功率輸出 S - 0 gōng lǜ shū chū f /power output (of an electrical device etc)/ 功用 - 173 gōng yòng f /function/ 功績 功绩 T - 524 gōng jì f /feat/contribution/merits and achievements/ 功绩 功績 S - 524 gōng jì f /feat/contribution/merits and achievements/ 功罪 - 12 gōng zuì f /achievements and crimes/ 功耗 - 78 gōng hào f /electric consumption/power wastage/ 功能 1850 8056 gōng néng f /function/capability/ 功能团 功能團 S - 0 gōng néng tuán f /functional group (chemistry)/ 功能團 功能团 T - 0 gōng néng tuán f /functional group (chemistry)/ 功能性 - 132 gōng néng xìng f /functionality/ 功能性磁共振成像 - 0 gōng néng xìng cí gòng zhèn chéng xiàng f /functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)/ 功能模块 功能模塊 S - 3 gōng néng mó kuài f /functional module/ 功能模塊 功能模块 T - 3 gōng néng mó kuài f /functional module/ 功能磁共振成像术 功能磁共振成像術 S - 0 gōng néng cí gòng zhèn chéng xiàng shù f /functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)/ 功能磁共振成像術 功能磁共振成像术 T - 0 gōng néng cí gòng zhèn chéng xiàng shù f /functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)/ 功能群 - 0 gōng néng qún f /functional group/ 功能表 - 3 gōng néng biǎo f /menu (software)/ 功能詞 功能词 T - 0 gōng néng cí f /function word/ 功能词 功能詞 S - 0 gōng néng cí f /function word/ 功能集 - 2 gōng néng jí f /function library/ 功臣 - 715 gōng chén f /minister who has given outstanding service/ 功虧一簣 功亏一篑 T - 62 gōng kuī yī kuì f /lit. to ruin the enterprise for the sake of one basketful/to fail through lack of a final effort/to spoil the ship for a ha'penny worth of tar (idiom)/ 功課 功课 T - 490 gōng kè f /homework/assignment/task/classwork/lesson/study/CL:門|门[men2]/ 功课 功課 S - 490 gōng kè f /homework/assignment/task/classwork/lesson/study/CL:門|门[men2]/ 功败垂成 功敗垂成 S - 38 gōng bài chuí chéng f /to fail within sight of success (idiom); last-minute failure/to fall at the last hurdle/snatching defeat from the jaws of victory/ 功过 功過 S - 207 gōng guò f /merits and demerits/contributions and errors/ 功過 功过 T - 207 gōng guò f /merits and demerits/contributions and errors/ 功高不賞 功高不赏 T - 3 gōng gāo bù shǎng f /high merit that one can never repay (idiom); invaluable achievements/ 功高不赏 功高不賞 S - 3 gōng gāo bù shǎng f /high merit that one can never repay (idiom); invaluable achievements/ 功高望重 - 3 gōng gāo wàng zhòng f /high merit and worthy prospects (idiom)/ 加 - 11537 Jiā f /abbr. for Canada 加拿大[Jia1 na2 da4]/ 加 - 11537 jiā f /to add/plus/(used after an adverb such as 不, 大, 稍 etc, and before a disyllabic verb, to indicate that the action of the verb is applied to sth or sb previously mentioned)/to apply (restrictions etc) to (sb)/to give (support, consideration etc) to (sth)/ 加上 - 5605 jiā shàng f /plus/to put in/to add/to add on/to add into/in addition/on top of that/ 加之 - 817 jiā zhī f /moreover/in addition to that/ 加人一等 - 3 jiā rén yī děng f /a cut above/top quality/ 加仑 加崙 S - 47 jiā lún f /gallon (loanword)/ 加以 - 4286 jiā yǐ f /in addition/moreover/(used before a disyllabic verb to indicate that the action of the verb is applied to sth or sb previously mentioned)/to apply (restrictions etc) to (sb)/to give (support, consideration etc) to (sth)/ 加价 加價 S - 112 jiā jià f /to increase price/ 加來海峽 加来海峡 T - 0 Jiā lái Hǎi xiá f /Strait of Calais in the English channel/Strait of Dover/Pas-de-Calais, département of France/ 加俸 - 0 jiā fèng f /to raise one's pay/ 加倍 - 313 jiā bèi f /to double/to redouble/ 加值 - 3 jiā zhí f /to recharge (money onto a card) (Tw)/ 加值型網路 加值型网路 T - 0 jiā zhí xíng wǎng lù f /value added network/VAN/ 加值型网路 加值型網路 S - 0 jiā zhí xíng wǎng lù f /value added network/VAN/ 加價 加价 T - 112 jiā jià f /to increase price/ 加入 - 4855 jiā rù f /to become a member/to join/to mix into/to participate in/to add in/ 加兹尼 加茲尼 S - 6 Jiā zī ní f /Ghazni (Afghan province)/ 加兹尼省 加茲尼省 S - 0 Jiā zī ní shěng f /Ghazni or Ghaznah province of Afghanistan/ 加冕 - 118 jiā miǎn f /to crown/coronation/ 加农 加農 S - 12 jiā nóng f /cannon (loanword)/ 加农炮 加農炮 S - 95 jiā nóng pào f /cannon (loanword)/ 加冠 - 8 jiā guān f /(in former times) coming-of-age ceremony at 20 years/ 加冰 - 2 jiā bīng f /on the rocks (a drink)/ 加冰块 加冰塊 S - 0 jiā bīng kuài f /on the rocks/with ice/iced/ 加冰塊 加冰块 T - 0 jiā bīng kuài f /on the rocks/with ice/iced/ 加减乘除 加減乘除 S - 16 jiā jiǎn chéng chú f /four rules of arithmetic/addition, subtraction, multiplication and division/ 加减号 加減號 S - 0 jiā jiǎn hào f /plus-minus sign (±)/plus and minus signs (+ and -)/ 加分 - 2 jiā fēn f /extra credit (on a test)/bonus point/ 加利利 - 8 Jiā lì lì f /Galilee (in biblical Palestine)/ 加利福尼亚 加利福尼亞 S - 232 Jiā lì fú ní yà f /California/ 加利福尼亚大学 加利福尼亞大學 S - 54 Jiā lì fú ní yà Dà xué f /University of California/ 加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校 加利福尼亞大學洛杉磯分校 S - 7 Jiā lì fú ní yà Dà xué Luò shān jī Fēn xiào f /UCLA/ 加利福尼亚州 加利福尼亞州 S - 176 Jiā lì fú ní yà zhōu f /California/ 加利福尼亚理工学院 加利福尼亞理工學院 S - 0 Jiā lì fú ní yà Lǐ gōng Xué yuàn f /California Institute of Technology (Caltech)/ 加利福尼亞 加利福尼亚 T - 232 Jiā lì fú ní yà f /California/ 加利福尼亞大學 加利福尼亚大学 T - 54 Jiā lì fú ní yà Dà xué f /University of California/ 加利福尼亞大學洛杉磯分校 加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校 T - 7 Jiā lì fú ní yà Dà xué Luò shān jī Fēn xiào f /UCLA/ 加利福尼亞州 加利福尼亚州 T - 176 Jiā lì fú ní yà zhōu f /California/ 加利福尼亞理工學院 加利福尼亚理工学院 T - 0 Jiā lì fú ní yà Lǐ gōng Xué yuàn f /California Institute of Technology (Caltech)/ 加利肋亚 加利肋亞 S - 0 Jiā lì lèi yà f /Galilee (in biblical Palestine)/ 加利肋亞 加利肋亚 T - 0 Jiā lì lèi yà f /Galilee (in biblical Palestine)/ 加利西亚 加利西亞 S - 24 Jiā lì xī yà f /Galicia, province and former kingdom of northwest Spain/ 加利西亞 加利西亚 T - 24 Jiā lì xī yà f /Galicia, province and former kingdom of northwest Spain/ 加剧 加劇 S 4638 843 jiā jù f /to intensify/to sharpen/to accelerate/to aggravate/to exacerbate/to embitter/ 加劇 加剧 T 4638 843 jiā jù f /to intensify/to sharpen/to accelerate/to aggravate/to exacerbate/to embitter/ 加加林 - 19 Jiā jiā lín f /Yuri Gagarin (1934-1968), Russian cosmonaut, first human in space/ 加劲 加勁 S - 121 jiā jìn f /to increase efforts/to make extra efforts/ 加劲儿 加勁兒 S - 0 jiā jìn r f /erhua variant of 加勁|加劲[jia1 jin4]/ 加勁 加劲 T - 121 jiā jìn f /to increase efforts/to make extra efforts/ 加勁兒 加劲儿 T - 0 jiā jìn r f /erhua variant of 加勁|加劲[jia1 jin4]/ 加勒比 - 174 Jiā lè bǐ f /Caribbean/ 加勒比国家联盟 加勒比國家聯盟 S - 0 Jiā lè bǐ Guó jiā Lián méng f /Association of Caribbean States/ 加勒比國家聯盟 加勒比国家联盟 T - 0 Jiā lè bǐ Guó jiā Lián méng f /Association of Caribbean States/ 加勒比海 - 294 Jiā lè bǐ Hǎi f /Caribbean Sea/ 加压 加壓 S - 135 jiā yā f /to pressurize/to pile on pressure/ 加压釜 加壓釜 S - 3 jiā yā fǔ f /pressure chamber/pressurized cauldron/ 加号 加號 S - 29 jiā hào f /plus sign + (math.)/ 加吉魚 加吉鱼 T - 2 jiā jí yú f /porgy (Pagrosomus major)/ 加吉鱼 加吉魚 S - 2 jiā jí yú f /porgy (Pagrosomus major)/ 加哩 - 0 jiā lǐ f /curry (loanword)/ 加固 - 253 jiā gù f /to reinforce (a structure)/to strengthen/ 加国 加國 S - 3 Jiā guó f /Canada/ 加國 加国 T - 3 Jiā guó f /Canada/ 加塞儿 加塞兒 S - 3 jiā sāi r f /to push into a line out of turn/to cut in line/to queue-jump/ 加塞兒 加塞儿 T - 3 jiā sāi r f /to push into a line out of turn/to cut in line/to queue-jump/ 加壓 加压 T - 135 jiā yā f /to pressurize/to pile on pressure/ 加壓釜 加压釜 T - 3 jiā yā fǔ f /pressure chamber/pressurized cauldron/ 加多宝 加多寶 S - 0 Jiā duō bǎo f /JDB (Chinese beverage company)/ 加多寶 加多宝 T - 0 Jiā duō bǎo f /JDB (Chinese beverage company)/ 加大 - 2272 jiā dà f /to increase (e.g. one's effort)/ 加大力度 - 3 jiā dà lì dù f /to try harder/to redouble one's efforts/ 加大努力 - 0 jiā dà nǔ lì f /to try harder/to redouble one's efforts/ 加大油門 加大油门 T - 0 jiā dà yóu mén f /to accelerate/to step on the gas/ 加大油门 加大油門 S - 0 jiā dà yóu mén f /to accelerate/to step on the gas/ 加央 - 0 Jiā yāng f /Kangar city, capital of Perlis state 玻璃市[Bo1 li2 shi4], Malaysia/ 加委 - 0 jiā wěi f /to ratify (an election, by higher authority)/confirmation (by higher committee)/ 加官 - 43 jiā guān f /promotion/to take additional post/ 加官晉爵 加官晋爵 T - 3 jiā guān jìn jué f /to confer a title an official position/ 加官晉級 加官晋级 T - 3 jiā guān jìn jí f /new post and promotion/ 加官晋爵 加官晉爵 S - 3 jiā guān jìn jué f /to confer a title an official position/ 加官晋级 加官晉級 S - 3 jiā guān jìn jí f /new post and promotion/ 加官进位 加官進位 S - 0 jiā guān jìn wèi f /promotion in official post and salary raise (idiom)/ 加官进爵 加官進爵 S - 9 jiā guān jìn jué f /promotion to the nobility (idiom)/ 加官进禄 加官進祿 S - 3 jiā guān jìn lù f /promotion in official post and salary raise (idiom)/ 加官進位 加官进位 T - 0 jiā guān jìn wèi f /promotion in official post and salary raise (idiom)/ 加官進爵 加官进爵 T - 9 jiā guān jìn jué f /promotion to the nobility (idiom)/ 加官進祿 加官进禄 T - 3 jiā guān jìn lù f /promotion in official post and salary raise (idiom)/ 加害 - 327 jiā hài f /to injure/ 加宽 加寬 S - 57 jiā kuān f /widen/ 加密 - 145 jiā mì f /to encrypt/encryption/to protect with a password/ 加密套接字协议层 加密套接字協議層 S - 0 jiā mì tào jiē zì xié yì céng f /Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) (computing)/ 加密套接字協議層 加密套接字协议层 T - 0 jiā mì tào jiē zì xié yì céng f /Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) (computing)/ 加密貨幣 加密货币 T - 0 jiā mì huò bì f /cryptocurrency (e.g. bitcoin)/ 加密货币 加密貨幣 S - 0 jiā mì huò bì f /cryptocurrency (e.g. bitcoin)/ 加寬 加宽 T - 57 jiā kuān f /widen/ 加封 - 81 jiā fēng f /to seal up (a door with a paper seal, or a document)/to confer an additional title on a nobleman/ 加封官阶 加封官階 S - 0 jiā fēng guān jiē f /to confer additional titles on a nobleman/ 加封官階 加封官阶 T - 0 jiā fēng guān jiē f /to confer additional titles on a nobleman/ 加尔各答 加爾各答 S - 112 Jiā ěr gè dá f /Calcutta (India)/ 加尔文 加爾文 S - 33 Jiā ěr wén f /Calvin (1509-1564), French protestant reformer/ 加崙 加仑 T - 47 jiā lún f /gallon (loanword)/ 加州 - 222 Jiā zhōu f /California/ 加州大学 加州大學 S - 3 Jiā zhōu Dà xué f /University of California/abbr. for 加利福尼亞大學|加利福尼亚大学[Jia1 li4 fu2 ni2 ya4 Da4 xue2]/ 加州大學 加州大学 T - 3 Jiā zhōu Dà xué f /University of California/abbr. for 加利福尼亞大學|加利福尼亚大学[Jia1 li4 fu2 ni2 ya4 Da4 xue2]/ 加州技术学院 加州技術學院 S - 0 Jiā zhōu Jì shù Xué yuàn f /California Institute of Technology (Caltech)/also written 加州理工學院|加州理工学院/ 加州技術學院 加州技术学院 T - 0 Jiā zhōu Jì shù Xué yuàn f /California Institute of Technology (Caltech)/also written 加州理工學院|加州理工学院/ 加州理工学院 加州理工學院 S - 16 Jiā zhōu Lǐ gōng Xué yuàn f /California Institute of Technology (Caltech)/abbr. for 加利福尼亞理工學院|加利福尼亚理工学院/ 加州理工學院 加州理工学院 T - 16 Jiā zhōu Lǐ gōng Xué yuàn f /California Institute of Technology (Caltech)/abbr. for 加利福尼亞理工學院|加利福尼亚理工学院/ 加工 3920 4877 jiā gōng f /to process/processing/working (of machinery)/ 加工厂 加工廠 S - 145 jiā gōng chǎng f /processing plant/ 加工廠 加工厂 T - 145 jiā gōng chǎng f /processing plant/ 加工成本 - 3 jiā gōng chéng běn f /processing cost/ 加工效率 - 0 jiā gōng xiào lǜ f /processing efficiency/ 加工时序 加工時序 S - 0 jiā gōng shí xù f /time course/ 加工時序 加工时序 T - 0 jiā gōng shí xù f /time course/ 加工貿易 加工贸易 T - 0 jiā gōng mào yì f /process trade/trade involving assembly/ 加工贸易 加工貿易 S - 0 jiā gōng mào yì f /process trade/trade involving assembly/ 加強 加强 T - 11080 jiā qiáng f /to reinforce/to strengthen/to increase/ 加強管制 加强管制 T - 0 jiā qiáng guǎn zhì f /to tighten control (over sth)/ 加强 加強 S - 11080 jiā qiáng f /to reinforce/to strengthen/to increase/ 加强管制 加強管制 S - 0 jiā qiáng guǎn zhì f /to tighten control (over sth)/ 加彭 - 0 Jiā péng f /Gabon (Tw)/ 加德士 - 3 Jiā dé shì f /Caltex (petroleum brand name)/ 加德满都 加德滿都 S - 66 Jiā dé mǎn dū f /Kathmandu, capital of Nepal/ 加德滿都 加德满都 T - 66 Jiā dé mǎn dū f /Kathmandu, capital of Nepal/ 加德納 加德纳 T - 11 Jiā dé nà f /Gardner (name)/ 加德纳 加德納 S - 11 Jiā dé nà f /Gardner (name)/ 加德西 - 0 jiā dé xī f /Gardasil (HPV vaccine)/ 加快 - 3480 jiā kuài f /to accelerate/to speed up/ 加急 - 42 jiā jí f /to become more urgent/more rapid/urgent/to handle a matter urgently/ 加总 加總 S - 8 jiā zǒng f /sum (result of addition)/addition/total/to add up a number of items/to accumulate/ 加息 - 291 jiā xī f /to raise interest rates/ 加意 - 100 jiā yì f /paying special care/with particular attention/ 加护 加護 S - 2 jiā hù f /intensive care (in hospital)/ 加拉加斯 - 68 Jiā lā jiā sī f /Caracas, capital of Venezuela/ 加拉太书 加拉太書 S - 0 Jiā lā tài shū f /Epistle of St Paul to the Galatians/ 加拉太書 加拉太书 T - 0 Jiā lā tài shū f /Epistle of St Paul to the Galatians/ 加拉巴哥斯 - 0 jiā lā bā gē sī f /Galapagos/ 加拉巴哥斯群岛 加拉巴哥斯群島 S - 0 Jiā lā bā gē sī Qún dǎo f /Galapagos islands/ 加拉巴哥斯群島 加拉巴哥斯群岛 T - 0 Jiā lā bā gē sī Qún dǎo f /Galapagos islands/ 加拉帕戈斯群岛 加拉帕戈斯群島 S - 0 Jiā lā pà gē sī Qún dǎo f /Galapagos Islands/ 加拉帕戈斯群島 加拉帕戈斯群岛 T - 0 Jiā lā pà gē sī Qún dǎo f /Galapagos Islands/ 加拉罕 - 0 Jiā lā hǎn f /Leo Karakhan (1889-1937), Soviet ambassador to China 1921-26, executed in Stalin's 1937 purge/ 加拿大 - 2067 Jiā ná dà f /Canada/Canadian/ 加拿大太平洋鐵路 加拿大太平洋铁路 T - 0 Jiā ná dà Tài píng yáng tiě lù f /Canadian Pacific railway/ 加拿大太平洋铁路 加拿大太平洋鐵路 S - 0 Jiā ná dà Tài píng yáng tiě lù f /Canadian Pacific railway/ 加拿大皇家 - 0 Jiā ná dà Huáng jiā f /HMCS (Her Majesty's Canadian Ship)/prefix for Canadian Navy Vessels/ 加拿大皇家海军 加拿大皇家海軍 S - 0 Jiā ná dà Huáng jiā hǎi jūn f /Royal Canadian Navy RCN/ 加拿大皇家海軍 加拿大皇家海军 T - 0 Jiā ná dà Huáng jiā hǎi jūn f /Royal Canadian Navy RCN/ 加拿大雁 - 0 Jiā ná dà yàn f /(bird species of China) cackling goose (Branta hutchinsii)/ 加料 - 18 jiā liào f /to feed in/to load (raw material, supplies, fuel etc)/to supply/fortified (with added material)/ 加料鋼琴 加料钢琴 T - 0 jiā liào gāng qín f /prepared piano/ 加料钢琴 加料鋼琴 S - 0 jiā liào gāng qín f /prepared piano/ 加时 加時 S - 38 jiā shí f /overtime/ 加時 加时 T - 38 jiā shí f /overtime/ 加权 加權 S - 79 jiā quán f /(math.) to weight/weighting/weighted (average, index etc)/ 加权平均 加權平均 S - 0 jiā quán píng jūn f /weighted average/ 加来海峡 加來海峽 S - 0 Jiā lái Hǎi xiá f /Strait of Calais in the English channel/Strait of Dover/Pas-de-Calais, département of France/ 加查 - 12 Jiā chá f /Gyaca county, Tibetan: Rgya tsha rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 加查县 加查縣 S - 3 Jiā chá xiàn f /Gyaca county, Tibetan: Rgya tsha rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 加查縣 加查县 T - 3 Jiā chá xiàn f /Gyaca county, Tibetan: Rgya tsha rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 加格达奇 加格達奇 S - 5 Jiā gé dá qí f /Jiagedaqi district of Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, in northwest Heilongjiang and northeast Inner Mongolia/ 加格达奇区 加格達奇區 S - 0 Jiā gé dá qí qū f /Jiagedaqi district of Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, in northwest Heilongjiang and northeast Inner Mongolia/ 加格達奇 加格达奇 T - 5 Jiā gé dá qí f /Jiagedaqi district of Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, in northwest Heilongjiang and northeast Inner Mongolia/ 加格達奇區 加格达奇区 T - 0 Jiā gé dá qí qū f /Jiagedaqi district of Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, in northwest Heilongjiang and northeast Inner Mongolia/ 加權 加权 T - 79 jiā quán f /(math.) to weight/weighting/weighted (average, index etc)/ 加權平均 加权平均 T - 0 jiā quán píng jūn f /weighted average/ 加气 加氣 S - 6 jiā qì f /to aerate/to ventilate/ 加氢油 加氫油 S - 0 jiā qīng yóu f /hydrogenated oil/ 加氣 加气 T - 6 jiā qì f /to aerate/to ventilate/ 加氫油 加氢油 T - 0 jiā qīng yóu f /hydrogenated oil/ 加沃特 - 0 jiā wò tè f /gavotte, French dance popular in 18th century (loanword)/ 加沙 - 64 Jiā shā f /Gaza/same as 加沙地帶|加沙地带[Jia1 sha1 di4 dai4], the Gaza strip/ 加沙地带 加沙地帶 S - 0 Jiā shā dì dài f /Gaza strip/ 加沙地帶 加沙地带 T - 0 Jiā shā dì dài f /Gaza strip/ 加油 - 417 jiā yóu f /to add oil/to top up with gas/to refuel/to accelerate/abbr. for 加大油門|加大油门[jia1 da4 you2 men2]/to step on the gas/fig. to make an extra effort/fig. to cheer sb on/ 加油工 - 0 jiā yóu gōng f /gas station attendant/ 加油添醋 - 13 jiā yóu tiān cù f /to add interest (to a story)/to sex up/ 加油站 1117 111 jiā yóu zhàn f /gas station/ 加法 - 84 jiā fǎ f /addition/ 加注 - 39 jiā zhù f /to increase a bet/to raise (poker)/to raise the stakes/ 加泰罗尼亚 加泰羅尼亞 S - 38 Jiā tài luó ní yà f /Catalonia/ 加泰羅尼亞 加泰罗尼亚 T - 38 Jiā tài luó ní yà f /Catalonia/ 加派 - 3 jiā pài f /to reinforce/to dispatch troops/ 加深 - 740 jiā shēn f /to deepen/ 加深印象 - 0 jiā shēn yìn xiàng f /to make a deeper impression on sb/ 加深理解 - 0 jiā shēn lǐ jiě f /to get a better grasp of sth/ 加添 - 21 jiā tiān f /augment/add/ 加減乘除 加减乘除 T - 16 jiā jiǎn chéng chú f /four rules of arithmetic/addition, subtraction, multiplication and division/ 加減號 加减号 T - 0 jiā jiǎn hào f /plus-minus sign (±)/plus and minus signs (+ and -)/ 加温 加溫 S - 66 jiā wēn f /to heat/to add warmth/to raise temperature/fig. to stimulate/ 加湿器 加濕器 S - 10 jiā shī qì f /humidifier/ 加溫 加温 T - 66 jiā wēn f /to heat/to add warmth/to raise temperature/fig. to stimulate/ 加满 加滿 S - 3 jiā mǎn f /to top up/to fill to the brim/ 加滿 加满 T - 3 jiā mǎn f /to top up/to fill to the brim/ 加演 - 4 jiā yǎn f /encore/to give an extra performance/ 加濕器 加湿器 T - 10 jiā shī qì f /humidifier/ 加点 加點 S - 68 jiā diǎn f /to work extra hours/to do overtime/ 加热 加熱 S - 1005 jiā rè f /to heat/ 加熱 加热 T - 1005 jiā rè f /to heat/ 加爾各答 加尔各答 T - 112 Jiā ěr gè dá f /Calcutta (India)/ 加爾文 加尔文 T - 33 Jiā ěr wén f /Calvin (1509-1564), French protestant reformer/ 加特林 - 24 Jiā tè lín f /Gatling (name)/Richard J. Gatling (1818-1903), inventor of the Gatling gun/ 加特林机枪 加特林機槍 S - 0 Jiā tè lín jī qiāng f /Gatling gun/ 加特林機槍 加特林机枪 T - 0 Jiā tè lín jī qiāng f /Gatling gun/ 加班 1128 686 jiā bān f /to work overtime/ 加甜 - 0 jiā tián f /sweeten/ 加百列 - 0 Jiā bǎi liè f /Gabriel (name)/Archangel Gabriel of the Annunciation/ 加的夫 - 23 Jiā de fū f /Cardiff/ 加的斯 - 8 Jiā dì sī f /Cádiz, Spain/ 加盖 加蓋 S - 128 jiā gài f /to seal (with official stamp)/to stamp/fig. to ratify/to put lid on (cooking pot)/to cap/to build an extension or additional storey/ 加盟 - 519 jiā méng f /to become a member of an alliance or union/to align/to join/participate/ 加码 加碼 S - 33 jiā mǎ f /to raise the price of commodities/to raise stakes (in gambling)/to increase a position (e.g. in futures markets)/to encode/mark-up/ 加碼 加码 T - 33 jiā mǎ f /to raise the price of commodities/to raise stakes (in gambling)/to increase a position (e.g. in futures markets)/to encode/mark-up/ 加納 加纳 T - 255 Jiā nà f /Ghana/ 加索尔 加索爾 S - 3 Jiā suǒ ěr f /Gasol (name)/Pau Gasol (1980-), Spanish professional basketball player (NBA)/Marc Gasol (1985-), Spanish professional basketball player (NBA)/ 加索爾 加索尔 T - 3 Jiā suǒ ěr f /Gasol (name)/Pau Gasol (1980-), Spanish professional basketball player (NBA)/Marc Gasol (1985-), Spanish professional basketball player (NBA)/ 加紧 加緊 S - 1040 jiā jǐn f /to intensify/to speed up/to step up/ 加緊 加紧 T - 1040 jiā jǐn f /to intensify/to speed up/to step up/ 加總 加总 T - 8 jiā zǒng f /sum (result of addition)/addition/total/to add up a number of items/to accumulate/ 加纳 加納 S - 255 Jiā nà f /Ghana/ 加罗林群岛 加羅林群島 S - 0 Jiā luó lín Qún dǎo f /Caroline Islands/ 加羅林群島 加罗林群岛 T - 0 Jiā luó lín Qún dǎo f /Caroline Islands/ 加航 - 5 Jiā háng f /Air Canada/ 加茲尼 加兹尼 T - 6 Jiā zī ní f /Ghazni (Afghan province)/ 加茲尼省 加兹尼省 T - 0 Jiā zī ní shěng f /Ghazni or Ghaznah province of Afghanistan/ 加菲猫 加菲貓 S - 3 Jiā fēi māo f /Garfield (comic strip cat created by Jim Davis)/ 加菲貓 加菲猫 T - 3 Jiā fēi māo f /Garfield (comic strip cat created by Jim Davis)/ 加蓋 加盖 T - 128 jiā gài f /to seal (with official stamp)/to stamp/fig. to ratify/to put lid on (cooking pot)/to cap/to build an extension or additional storey/ 加蓬 - 232 Jiā péng f /Gabon/ 加薪 - 381 jiā xīn f /to raise salary/ 加藤 - 50 Jiā téng f /Katō (Japanese surname)/ 加號 加号 T - 29 jiā hào f /plus sign + (math.)/ 加西亚 加西亞 S - 47 Jiā xī yà f /Garcia (person name)/ 加西亞 加西亚 T - 47 Jiā xī yà f /Garcia (person name)/ 加試 加试 T - 107 jiā shì f /to add material to an exam/supplementary exam/ 加護 加护 T - 2 jiā hù f /intensive care (in hospital)/ 加试 加試 S - 107 jiā shì f /to add material to an exam/supplementary exam/ 加賽 加赛 T - 17 jiā sài f /a play-off/replay/ 加赛 加賽 S - 17 jiā sài f /a play-off/replay/ 加足馬力 加足马力 T - 3 jiā zú mǎ lì f /to go at full throttle/(fig.) to go all out/to kick into high gear/ 加足马力 加足馬力 S - 3 jiā zú mǎ lì f /to go at full throttle/(fig.) to go all out/to kick into high gear/ 加車 加车 T - 3 jiā chē f /extra bus or train/ 加載 加载 T - 77 jiā zài f /(of cargo etc) to load/ 加车 加車 S - 3 jiā chē f /extra bus or train/ 加载 加載 S - 77 jiā zài f /(of cargo etc) to load/ 加農 加农 T - 12 jiā nóng f /cannon (loanword)/ 加農炮 加农炮 T - 95 jiā nóng pào f /cannon (loanword)/ 加达里 加達里 S - 0 Jiā dá lǐ f /Guattari (philosopher)/ 加进 加進 S - 131 jiā jìn f /to add/to mix in/to incorporate/ 加速 - 3517 jiā sù f /to speed up/to expedite/ 加速器 - 277 jiā sù qì f /accelerator (computing)/particle accelerator/ 加速度 - 212 jiā sù dù f /acceleration/ 加速踏板 - 0 jiā sù tà bǎn f /accelerator pedal/ 加進 加进 T - 131 jiā jìn f /to add/to mix in/to incorporate/ 加達里 加达里 T - 0 Jiā dá lǐ f /Guattari (philosopher)/ 加那利群岛 加那利群島 S - 0 Jiā nà lì Qún dǎo f /Canary Islands/ 加那利群島 加那利群岛 T - 0 Jiā nà lì Qún dǎo f /Canary Islands/ 加里 - 100 Jiā lǐ f /Gary (name)/ 加里 - 100 jiā lǐ f /potassium/ 加里宁格勒 加里寧格勒 S - 20 Jiā lǐ níng gé lè f /Kaliningrad, town on Baltic now in Russian republic/formerly Königsberg, capital of East Prussia/ 加里宁格勒州 加里寧格勒州 S - 10 Jiā lǐ níng gé lè zhōu f /Kaliningrad Oblast/ 加里寧格勒 加里宁格勒 T - 20 Jiā lǐ níng gé lè f /Kaliningrad, town on Baltic now in Russian republic/formerly Königsberg, capital of East Prussia/ 加里寧格勒州 加里宁格勒州 T - 10 Jiā lǐ níng gé lè zhōu f /Kaliningrad Oblast/ 加里曼丹 - 32 Jiā lǐ màn dān f /Kalimantan (Indonesian part of the island of Borneo)/ 加里曼丹岛 加里曼丹島 S - 43 Jiā lǐ màn dān Dǎo f /Kalimantan island (Indonesian name for Borneo island)/ 加里曼丹島 加里曼丹岛 T - 43 Jiā lǐ màn dān Dǎo f /Kalimantan island (Indonesian name for Borneo island)/ 加里波第 - 18 Jiā lǐ bō dì f /Guiseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882), Italian military commander and politician/ 加里肋亚 加里肋亞 S - 0 Jiā lǐ lèi yà f /Galilee/ 加里肋亚海 加里肋亞海 S - 0 Jiā lǐ lèi yà Hǎi f /Sea of Galilee/ 加里肋亞 加里肋亚 T - 0 Jiā lǐ lèi yà f /Galilee/ 加里肋亞海 加里肋亚海 T - 0 Jiā lǐ lèi yà Hǎi f /Sea of Galilee/ 加重 - 1170 jiā zhòng f /to make more serious/ 加重語氣 加重语气 T - 0 jiā zhòng yǔ qì f /to give emphasis/with emphasis/ 加重语气 加重語氣 S - 0 jiā zhòng yǔ qì f /to give emphasis/with emphasis/ 加長 加长 T - 112 jiā cháng f /to lengthen/ 加长 加長 S - 112 jiā cháng f /to lengthen/ 加餐 - 11 jiā cān f /to have an extra meal/snack/ 加點 加点 T - 68 jiā diǎn f /to work extra hours/to do overtime/ 务 務 S - 1342 wù f /affair/business/matter/to be engaged in/to attend to/by all means/ 务农 務農 S - 174 wù nóng f /farming/to work the land/ 务实 務實 S - 614 wù shí f /pragmatic/dealing with concrete issues/ 务川仡佬族苗族自治县 務川仡佬族苗族自治縣 S - 0 Wù chuān Gē lǎo zú Miáo zú Zì zhì xiàn f /Wuchuan Klau and Hmong Autonomous County in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], northeast Guizhou/ 务川县 務川縣 S - 0 Wù chuān xiàn f /Wuchuan Klau and Hmong autonomous county in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], northeast Guizhou/ 务川自治县 務川自治縣 S - 0 Wù chuān zì zhì xiàn f /Wuchuan Klau and Hmong autonomous county in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], northeast Guizhou/ 务工 務工 S - 101 wù gōng f /to work as a laborer/ 务必 務必 S 3878 573 wù bì f /must/to need to/to be sure to/ 务期 務期 S - 12 wù qī f /it is essential to (complete a project on time, be thorough etc)/ 务虚 務虛 S - 21 wù xū f /to discuss guidelines/to discuss principles to be followed/ 务请 務請 S - 3 wù qǐng f /please (formal)/ 劢 勱 S - 19 mài f /put forth effort/ 劣 - 349 liè f /inferior/ 劣势 劣勢 S - 363 liè shì f /inferior/disadvantaged/ 劣勢 劣势 T - 363 liè shì f /inferior/disadvantaged/ 劣币驱逐良币 劣幣驅逐良幣 S - 0 liè bì qū zhú liáng bì f /bad money drives out good money (economics)/ 劣幣驅逐良幣 劣币驱逐良币 T - 0 liè bì qū zhú liáng bì f /bad money drives out good money (economics)/ 劣汰 - 0 liè tài f /elimination of the weakest/ 劣質 劣质 T - 148 liè zhì f /shoddy/of poor quality/ 劣质 劣質 S - 148 liè zhì f /shoddy/of poor quality/ 劣跡 劣迹 T - 79 liè jì f /bad record (esp. of a public official)/unsavory track record/ 劣跡斑斑 劣迹斑斑 T - 0 liè jì bān bān f /notorious for one's misdeeds/ 劣迹 劣跡 S - 79 liè jì f /bad record (esp. of a public official)/unsavory track record/ 劣迹斑斑 劣跡斑斑 S - 0 liè jì bān bān f /notorious for one's misdeeds/ 劦 - 2 liè f /unending exertion/ 劦 - 2 xié t /variant of 協|协[xie2]/to cooperate/combined labor/ 动 動 S - 12509 dòng f /(of sth) to move/to set in movement/to displace/to touch/to make use of/to stir (emotions)/to alter/abbr. for 動詞|动词[dong4 ci2], verb/ 动L 動L S - 0 dòng L f /flowing/flexible/lively (Internet slang)/ 动不动 動不動 S - 348 dòng bu dòng f /apt to happen (usually of sth undesirable)/frequently/happening easily (e.g. accident or illness)/ 动乱 動亂 S - 455 dòng luàn f /turmoil/upheaval/unrest/ 动产 動產 S - 84 dòng chǎn f /movable property/personal property/ 动人 動人 S - 590 dòng rén f /touching/moving/ 动人心魄 動人心魄 S - 25 dòng rén xīn pò f /to move and thrill (idiom); exciting/ 动作 動作 S 783 3344 dòng zuò f /movement/motion/action/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 动作片 動作片 S - 12 dòng zuò piàn f /action movie/CL:部[bu4]/ 动力 動力 S 2830 3367 dòng lì f /power/motion/propulsion/force/ 动力反应堆 動力反應堆 S - 0 dòng lì fǎn yìng duī f /power reactor/ 动力学 動力學 S - 624 dòng lì xué f /dynamics (math.)/kinetics/ 动力系统 動力系統 S - 2 dòng lì xì tǒng f /mechanical system/ 动口 動口 S - 3 dòng kǒu f /to use one's mouth (to say sth)/ 动名词 動名詞 S - 9 dòng míng cí f /gerund/ 动向 動向 S - 429 dòng xiàng f /trend/tendency/ 动听 動聽 S - 177 dòng tīng f /pleasant to listen to/ 动员 動員 S 4315 1657 dòng yuán f /to mobilize/to arouse/mobilization/CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4]/ 动嘴 動嘴 S - 3 dòng zuǐ f /to talk/ 动嘴皮 動嘴皮 S - 0 dòng zuǐ pí f /to move one's lips/to wag one's tongue/ 动嘴皮儿 動嘴皮兒 S - 0 dòng zuǐ pí r f /erhua variant of 動嘴皮|动嘴皮[dong4 zui3 pi2]/ 动嘴皮子 動嘴皮子 S - 0 dòng zuǐ pí zi f /see 動嘴皮|动嘴皮[dong4 zui3 pi2]/ 动因 動因 S - 73 dòng yīn f /motivation/moving force/underlying force/agent/ 动土 動土 S - 15 dòng tǔ f /to break ground (prior to building sth)/to start building/ 动容 動容 S - 111 dòng róng f /to be emotionally moved/ 动宾式 動賓式 S - 0 dòng bīn shì f /verb-object construction/ 动工 動工 S - 433 dòng gōng f /to start (a building project)/ 动平衡 動平衡 S - 15 dòng píng héng f /dynamic equilibrium/dynamic balancing/ 动弹 動彈 S - 747 dòng tan f /to budge/ 动弹不得 動彈不得 S - 3 dòng tan bu dé f /to be unable to move a single step/ 动心 動心 S - 169 dòng xīn f /to be moved/to be tempted/ 动态 動態 S 3804 3053 dòng tài f /movement/motion/development/trend/dynamic (science)/ 动态助词 動態助詞 S - 0 dòng tài zhù cí f /aspect particle, such as 著|着[zhe5], 了[le5], 過|过[guo4]/ 动态图形 動態圖形 S - 0 dòng tài tú xíng f /animated graphics/animation/ 动态存储器 動態存儲器 S - 0 dòng tài cún chǔ qì f /dynamic memory/ 动态影像 動態影像 S - 0 dòng tài yǐng xiàng f /video/ 动态更新 動態更新 S - 0 dòng tài gēng xīn f /dynamic update (Internet)/ 动态网页 動態網頁 S - 0 dòng tài wǎng yè f /dynamic webpage/ 动态链接库 動態鏈接庫 S - 8 dòng tài liàn jiē kù f /dynamic-link library (DLL)/shared library (computing)/ 动怒 動怒 S - 117 dòng nù f /to get angry/ 动情 動情 S - 190 dòng qíng f /to get excited/passionate/aroused to passion/to fall in love/on heat (of animals)/ 动情期 動情期 S - 3 dòng qíng qī f /estrus/the rutting season/on heat/ 动情激素 動情激素 S - 0 dòng qíng jī sù f /estrogen/ 动情素 動情素 S - 0 dòng qíng sù f /estrogen/ 动感 動感 S - 138 dòng gǎn f /innervation/dynamism/ 动手 動手 S 2630 3082 dòng shǒu f /to set about (a task)/to hit/to punch/to touch/ 动手动脚 動手動腳 S - 55 dòng shǒu dòng jiǎo f /to come to blows/to paw/to grope/to get fresh/ 动手脚 動手腳 S - 3 dòng shǒu jiǎo f /(coll.) to tamper with/to mess around with/ 动摇 動搖 S - 813 dòng yáo f /to sway/to waver/to rock/to rattle/to destabilize/to pose a challenge to/ 动机 動機 S 2673 982 dòng jī f /motor/locomotive/motive/motivation/intention/ 动植物 動植物 S - 475 dòng zhí wù f /plants and animals/flora and fauna/ 动植物分类 動植物分類 S - 0 dòng zhí wù fēn lèi f /taxonomy/ 动武 動武 S - 214 dòng wǔ f /to use force/to come to blows/ 动气 動氣 S - 18 dòng qì f /to get angry/ 动漫 動漫 S - 139 dòng màn f /cartoons and comics/animes and mangas/cartoon (animated movie)/anime/ 动点 動點 S - 0 dòng diǎn f /moving point/ 动物 動物 S 464 8230 dòng wù f /animal/CL:隻|只[zhi1],群[qun2],個|个[ge4]/ 动物农场 動物農場 S - 0 Dòng wù Nóng chǎng f /Animal Farm (1945), novel and famous satire on communist revolution by George Orwell 喬治·奧威爾|乔治·奥威尔[Qiao2 zhi4 · Ao4 wei1 er3]/ 动物分类 動物分類 S - 0 dòng wù fēn lèi f /taxonomy/classification of animals/ 动物园 動物園 S - 346 dòng wù yuán f /zoo/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 动物学 動物學 S - 78 dòng wù xué f /zoological/zoology/ 动物庄园 動物莊園 S - 0 Dòng wù Zhuāng yuán f /Animal Farm (1945), novel and famous satire on communist revolution by George Orwell 喬治·奧威爾|乔治·奥威尔[Qiao2 zhi4 · Ao4 wei1 er3]/also translated 動物農場|动物农场[Dong4 wu4 Nong2 chang3]/ 动物性 動物性 S - 75 dòng wù xìng f /animacy/ 动物性名词 動物性名詞 S - 0 dòng wù xìng míng cí f /animate noun/ 动物性饲料 動物性飼料 S - 0 dòng wù xìng sì liào f /feed made of animal products/ 动物毒素 動物毒素 S - 3 dòng wù dú sù f /zootoxin/ 动物油 動物油 S - 10 dòng wù yóu f /animal fat/ 动物界 動物界 S - 150 dòng wù jiè f /animal kingdom/ 动物脂肪 動物脂肪 S - 0 dòng wù zhī fáng f /animal fat/ 动用 動用 S - 566 dòng yòng f /to utilize/to put sth to use/ 动画 動畫 S - 262 dòng huà f /animation/cartoon/ 动画片 動畫片 S 2286 132 dòng huà piàn f /animated film/ 动粗 動粗 S - 3 dòng cū f /to use violence (against sb)/to strong-arm sb/to manhandle/ 动肝火 動肝火 S - 7 dòng gān huǒ f /to get angry/ 动能 動能 S - 291 dòng néng f /kinetic energy/ 动能车 動能車 S - 0 dòng néng chē f /car with a new type of propulsion system (hybrid, hydrogen-powered etc)/ 动脉 動脈 S 3250 458 dòng mài f /artery/ 动脉硬化 動脈硬化 S - 93 dòng mài yìng huà f /hardening of the arteries/arteriosclerosis/ 动脉粥样硬化 動脈粥樣硬化 S - 0 dòng mài zhōu yàng yìng huà f /atherosclerosis/ 动脑 動腦 S - 19 dòng nǎo f /to use one's brain/ 动脑筋 動腦筋 S - 95 dòng nǎo jīn f /to use one's brains/to think/ 动荡 動盪 S 4504 666 dòng dàng f /variant of 動蕩|动荡[dong4 dang4]/ 动荡 動蕩 S 4504 666 dòng dàng f /unrest (social or political)/turmoil/upheaval/commotion/ 动见观瞻 動見觀瞻 S - 0 dòng jiàn guān zhān f /to be watched closely (idiom)/ 动觉 動覺 S - 3 dòng jué f /kinesthesia/perception of one's bodily surroundings and movement/ 动议 動議 S - 115 dòng yì f /motion/proposal/ 动词 動詞 S - 277 dòng cí f /verb/ 动词结构 動詞結構 S - 0 dòng cí jié gòu f /verbal construction (clause)/ 动词重叠 動詞重疊 S - 0 dòng cí chóng dié f /verb reduplication/ 动身 動身 S 3603 649 dòng shēn f /to go on a journey/to leave/ 动车 動車 S - 36 dòng chē f /power car/multiple-unit train (abbr. for 動車組|动车组)/ 动辄 動輒 S - 215 dòng zhé f /easily/readily/frequently/at every turn/at the slightest pretext/ 动辄得咎 動輒得咎 S - 11 dòng zhé dé jiù f /faulted at every turn (idiom); can't get anything right/ 动量 動量 S - 212 dòng liàng f /momentum/ 动量词 動量詞 S - 0 dòng liàng cí f /verbal classifier (in Chinese grammar)/measure word applying mainly to verbs/ 动问 動問 S - 3 dòng wèn f /may I ask/ 动静 動靜 S 3108 1379 dòng jìng f /sound of activity or people talking/news of activity/ 动魄 動魄 S - 0 dòng pò f /shocking/shattering/ 动魄惊心 動魄驚心 S - 3 dòng pò jīng xīn f /shaking one to the core (idiom); extremely disturbing/shattering/hair-raising/ 助 - 2127 zhù f /to help/to assist/ 助产 助產 S - 28 zhù chǎn f /to help a mother give birth/ 助产士 助產士 S - 7 zhù chǎn shì f /midwife/ 助人为乐 助人為樂 S - 19 zhù rén wéi lè f /pleasure from helping others (idiom)/ 助人为快乐之本 助人為快樂之本 S - 0 zhù rén wéi kuài lè zhī běn f /pleasure from helping others/ 助人為快樂之本 助人为快乐之本 T - 0 zhù rén wéi kuài lè zhī běn f /pleasure from helping others/ 助人為樂 助人为乐 T - 19 zhù rén wéi lè f /pleasure from helping others (idiom)/ 助兴 助興 S - 85 zhù xìng f /to add to the fun/to liven things up/ 助剂 助劑 S - 41 zhù jì f /additive/reagent/ 助劑 助剂 T - 41 zhù jì f /additive/reagent/ 助力 - 135 zhù lì f /a helping hand/help/assistance/ 助动词 助動詞 S - 6 zhù dòng cí f /auxiliary verb/modal verb/ 助动车 助動車 S - 2 zhù dòng chē f /low-powered motorized scooter or bike/ 助動詞 助动词 T - 6 zhù dòng cí f /auxiliary verb/modal verb/ 助動車 助动车 T - 2 zhù dòng chē f /low-powered motorized scooter or bike/ 助听器 助聽器 S - 29 zhù tīng qì f /hearing aid/ 助威 - 104 zhù wēi f /to cheer for/to encourage/to boost the morale of/ 助学贷款 助學貸款 S - 0 zhù xué dài kuǎn f /student loan/ 助学金 助學金 S - 115 zhù xué jīn f /student grant/education grant/scholarship/ 助學貸款 助学贷款 T - 0 zhù xué dài kuǎn f /student loan/ 助學金 助学金 T - 115 zhù xué jīn f /student grant/education grant/scholarship/ 助手 2656 685 zhù shǒu f /assistant/helper/ 助手席 - 0 zhù shǒu xí f /front passenger seat (in a car)/ 助教 - 149 zhù jiào f /teaching assistant/ 助熔剂 助熔劑 S - 0 zhù róng jì f /flux/ 助熔劑 助熔剂 T - 0 zhù róng jì f /flux/ 助理 2689 1282 zhù lǐ f /assistant/ 助產 助产 T - 28 zhù chǎn f /to help a mother give birth/ 助產士 助产士 T - 7 zhù chǎn shì f /midwife/ 助益 - 6 zhù yì f /benefit/help/ 助紂為虐 助纣为虐 T - 35 zhù Zhòu wéi nüè f /lit. helping tyrant Zhou 商紂王|商纣王[Shang1 Zhou4 wang2] in his oppression (idiom)/fig. to take the side of the evildoer/giving succor to the enemy/ 助纣为虐 助紂為虐 S - 35 zhù Zhòu wéi nüè f /lit. helping tyrant Zhou 商紂王|商纣王[Shang1 Zhou4 wang2] in his oppression (idiom)/fig. to take the side of the evildoer/giving succor to the enemy/ 助聽器 助听器 T - 29 zhù tīng qì f /hearing aid/ 助興 助兴 T - 85 zhù xìng f /to add to the fun/to liven things up/ 助記方法 助记方法 T - 0 zhù jì fāng fǎ f /mnemonic method/ 助記符 助记符 T - 4 zhù jì fú f /mnemonic sign/ 助詞 助词 T - 14 zhù cí f /particle (grammatical)/ 助记方法 助記方法 S - 0 zhù jì fāng fǎ f /mnemonic method/ 助记符 助記符 S - 4 zhù jì fú f /mnemonic sign/ 助词 助詞 S - 14 zhù cí f /particle (grammatical)/ 助跑 - 35 zhù pǎo f /to run up (pole vault, javelin, bowling etc)/approach/run-up/(aviation) takeoff run/ 助長 助长 T - 234 zhù zhǎng f /to encourage/to foster/to foment/ 助长 助長 S - 234 zhù zhǎng f /to encourage/to foster/to foment/ 助阵 助陣 S - 51 zhù zhèn f /to cheer/to root for/ 助陣 助阵 T - 51 zhù zhèn f /to cheer/to root for/ 努 - 460 nǔ f /to exert/to strive/ 努克 - 3 Nǔ kè f /Nuuk, capital of Greenland/ 努出 - 0 nǔ chū f /to extend/to push out (hands as a gesture)/to pout (i.e. push out lips)/ 努力 394 7757 nǔ lì f /great effort/to strive/to try hard/ 努力以赴 - 3 nǔ lì yǐ fù f /to use one's best efforts to do sth (idiom)/ 努劲儿 努勁兒 S - 3 nǔ jìn r f /to extend/to put forth/ 努勁兒 努劲儿 T - 3 nǔ jìn r f /to extend/to put forth/ 努嘴 - 78 nǔ zuǐ f /to pout/to stick out one's lips/ 努嘴儿 努嘴兒 S - 3 nǔ zuǐ r f /erhua variant of 努嘴[nu3 zui3]/ 努嘴兒 努嘴儿 T - 3 nǔ zuǐ r f /erhua variant of 努嘴[nu3 zui3]/ 努尔哈赤 努爾哈赤 S - 3 Nǔ ěr hā chì f /Nurhaci (1559-1626), founder and first Khan of the Manchu Later Jin dynasty 後金|后金 (from 1616)/ 努库阿洛法 努庫阿洛法 S - 9 Nǔ kù ā luò fǎ f /Nuku'alofa, capital of Tonga/ 努庫阿洛法 努库阿洛法 T - 9 Nǔ kù ā luò fǎ f /Nuku'alofa, capital of Tonga/ 努比亚 努比亞 S - 35 Nǔ bǐ yà f /Nubia/ 努比亞 努比亚 T - 35 Nǔ bǐ yà f /Nubia/ 努爾哈赤 努尔哈赤 T - 3 Nǔ ěr hā chì f /Nurhaci (1559-1626), founder and first Khan of the Manchu Later Jin dynasty 後金|后金 (from 1616)/ 努瓜娄发 努瓜婁發 S - 0 Nǔ guā lóu fā f /Nuku'alofa, capital of Tonga (Tw)/ 努瓜婁發 努瓜娄发 T - 0 Nǔ guā lóu fā f /Nuku'alofa, capital of Tonga (Tw)/ 努瓦克肖特 - 15 Nǔ wǎ kè xiāo tè f /Nouakchott, capital of Mauritania/ 努納武特 努纳武特 T - 0 Nǔ nà wǔ tè f /Nunavut territory, Canada/ 努纳武特 努納武特 S - 0 Nǔ nà wǔ tè f /Nunavut territory, Canada/ 努美阿 - 9 Nǔ měi ā f /Nouméa, capital of New Caledonia/ 劫 刦 S - 1284 jié f /variant of 劫[jie2]/ 劫 刧 S - 1284 jié f /variant of 劫[jie2]/ 劫 刼 S - 1284 jié f /variant of 劫[jie2]/ 劫 - 1284 jié f /to rob/to plunder/to seize by force/to coerce/calamity/abbr. for kalpa 劫波[jie2 bo1]/ 劫余 劫餘 S - 0 jié yú f /remnants after a disaster/aftermath/ 劫匪 - 44 jié fěi f /bandit/robber/ 劫后余生 劫後餘生 S - 22 jié hòu yú shēng f /after the calamity, renewed life (idiom); new lease of life/ 劫囚 - 0 jié qiú f /to break a prisoner out of jail/ 劫夺 劫奪 S - 56 jié duó f /to seize by force/to abduct/ 劫奪 劫夺 T - 56 jié duó f /to seize by force/to abduct/ 劫富济贫 劫富濟貧 S - 25 jié fù jì pín f /to rob the rich to help the poor/ 劫富濟貧 劫富济贫 T - 25 jié fù jì pín f /to rob the rich to help the poor/ 劫寨 - 3 jié zhài f /to seize a stronghold/to surprise the enemy in his camp/ 劫後餘生 劫后余生 T - 22 jié hòu yú shēng f /after the calamity, renewed life (idiom); new lease of life/ 劫持 - 132 jié chí f /to kidnap/to hijack/to abduct/to hold under duress/ 劫持者 - 3 jié chí zhě f /hijacker/kidnapper/ 劫掠 - 192 jié lüè f /to loot/to plunder/ 劫数 劫數 S - 37 jié shù f /predestined fate (Buddhism)/ 劫数难逃 劫數難逃 S - 3 jié shù nán táo f /Destiny is inexorable, there is no fleeing it (idiom). Your doom is at hand./ 劫數 劫数 T - 37 jié shù f /predestined fate (Buddhism)/ 劫數難逃 劫数难逃 T - 3 jié shù nán táo f /Destiny is inexorable, there is no fleeing it (idiom). Your doom is at hand./ 劫机 劫機 S - 18 jié jī f /hijacking/air piracy/ 劫杀 劫殺 S - 8 jié shā f /to rob and kill/ 劫機 劫机 T - 18 jié jī f /hijacking/air piracy/ 劫殺 劫杀 T - 8 jié shā f /to rob and kill/ 劫波 - 4 jié bō f /kalpa (loanword) (Hinduism)/ 劫洗 - 0 jié xǐ f /to loot/plunder/ 劫營 劫营 T - 3 jié yíng f /to seize a camp/to surprise the enemy in bed/ 劫狱 劫獄 S - 31 jié yù f /to break into jail/to forcibly release prisoners/ 劫獄 劫狱 T - 31 jié yù f /to break into jail/to forcibly release prisoners/ 劫营 劫營 S - 3 jié yíng f /to seize a camp/to surprise the enemy in bed/ 劫車 劫车 T - 3 jié chē f /to carjack/carjacking/ 劫车 劫車 S - 3 jié chē f /to carjack/carjacking/ 劫道 - 3 jié dào f /to kidnap/to hijack/ 劫难 劫難 S - 120 jié nàn f /calamity/ 劫難 劫难 T - 120 jié nàn f /calamity/ 劫餘 劫余 T - 0 jié yú f /remnants after a disaster/aftermath/ 劬 - 87 qú f /labor/ 劭 - 24 Shào f /surname Shao/ 劭 - 24 shào f /stimulate to effort/ 劮 - 0 yì f /old variant of 逸[yi4]/leisurely/ 励 勵 S - 140 Lì f /surname Li/ 励 勵 S - 140 lì f /to encourage/to urge/ 励志 勵志 S - 17 lì zhì f /to encourage/encouragement/ 励志哥 勵志哥 S - 0 lì zhì gē f /ugly guy with a pretty girlfriend (slang)/ 劲 勁 S - 3175 jìn t /strength/energy/enthusiasm/spirit/mood/expression/interest/CL:把[ba3]/ 劲 勁 S - 3175 jìng f /stalwart/sturdy/strong/powerful/ 劲儿 勁兒 S - 420 jìn r f /erhua variant of 勁|劲[jin4]/ 劲力 勁力 S - 547 jìn lì f /force/strength/ 劲卒 勁卒 S - 0 jìng zú f /elite soldiers/a crack force/ 劲吹 勁吹 S - 8 jìng chuī f /(the wind) blows violently/ 劲头 勁頭 S - 198 jìn tóu f /enthusiasm/zeal/vigor/strength/ 劲射 勁射 S - 66 jìng shè f /shooting vigorously (with gun)/power shot (e.g. in soccer)/ 劲峭 勁峭 S - 0 jìng qiào f /strong (wind)/cutting (cold wind)/ 劲度系数 勁度係數 S - 3 jìn dù xì shù f /coefficient of restitution (in Hooke's law)/ 劲急 勁急 S - 0 jìng jí f /strong and swift/ 劲拔 勁拔 S - 0 jìng bá f /tall and straight/ 劲挺 勁挺 S - 0 jìng tǐng f /strong/ 劲敌 勁敵 S - 231 jìng dí f /formidable opponent/ 劲旅 勁旅 S - 156 jìng lǚ f /strong contingent/elite squad/ 劲烈 勁烈 S - 0 jìng liè f /violent/ 劲直 勁直 S - 3 jìng zhí f /strong and upright/ 劲草 勁草 S - 4 jìng cǎo f /tough upright grass/fig. a staunch character able to withstand tough test/ 劲风 勁風 S - 243 jìng fēng f /strong wind/gale/ 劳 勞 S - 1106 láo t /to toil/labor/laborer/to put sb to trouble (of doing sth)/meritorious deed/ 劳 勞 S - 1106 lào f /to console/ 劳什子 勞什子 S - 70 láo shí zi f /(dialect) nuisance/pain/ 劳伤 勞傷 S - 5 láo shāng f /disorder of internal organs caused by overexertion/ 劳伦斯 勞倫斯 S - 132 Láo lún sī f /Lawrence (person name)/ 劳作 勞作 S - 285 láo zuò f /work/manual labor/ 劳倦 勞倦 S - 37 láo juàn f /exhausted/worn out/ 劳力 勞力 S - 336 láo lì f /labor/able-bodied worker/laborer/work force/ 劳力士 勞力士 S - 25 Láo lì shì f /Rolex (Swiss wristwatch brand)/ 劳务 勞務 S - 855 láo wù f /service (work done for money)/services (as in "goods and services")/ 劳务交换 勞務交換 S - 0 láo wù jiāo huàn f /labor exchanges/ 劳务人员 勞務人員 S - 0 láo wù rén yuán f /contract workers (sent abroad)/ 劳务合同 勞務合同 S - 0 láo wù hé tong f /service contract/ 劳务市场 勞務市場 S - 17 láo wù shì chǎng f /labor market/ 劳动 勞動 S 2256 11598 láo dòng f /work/toil/physical labor/CL:次[ci4]/ 劳动人民 勞動人民 S - 0 láo dòng rén mín f /working people/the workers of Socialist theory or of the glorious Chinese past/ 劳动保险 勞動保險 S - 10 láo dòng bǎo xiǎn f /labor insurance/ 劳动力 勞動力 S - 3498 láo dòng lì f /labor force/manpower/ 劳动号 勞動號 S - 0 Láo dòng hào f /Nodong, series of North Korean medium range missiles/ 劳动合同 勞動合同 S - 3 láo dòng hé tong f /labor contract/contract between employer and employees governing wages and conditions/ 劳动报 勞動報 S - 9 Láo dòng Bào f /Trud (Russian newspaper)/ 劳动改造 勞動改造 S - 60 láo dòng gǎi zào f /reeducation through labor/laogai (prison camp)/ 劳动教养 勞動教養 S - 3 láo dòng jiào yǎng f /reeducation through labor/ 劳动新闻 勞動新聞 S - 3 Láo dòng xīn wén f /Rodong Sinmun (Workers' news), the official newspaper of the North Korean WPK's Central Committee/ 劳动模范 勞動模範 S - 163 láo dòng mó fàn f /model worker/ 劳动者 勞動者 S - 1255 láo dòng zhě f /worker/laborer/ 劳动能力 勞動能力 S - 0 láo dòng néng lì f /ability to work/ 劳动节 勞動節 S - 57 Láo dòng jié f /International Labor Day (May Day)/ 劳动营 勞動營 S - 4 láo dòng yíng f /labor camp/prison camp with hard labor/ 劳劳碌碌 勞勞碌碌 S - 0 láo láo lù lù f /tiring/difficult to get by/painful/ 劳埃德 勞埃德 S - 32 Láo āi dé f /Lloyd (name)/Lloyd's (London-based insurance group)/ 劳委会 勞委會 S - 3 láo wěi huì f /labor committee/abbr. for 勞動委員會|劳动委员会/ 劳工 勞工 S - 317 láo gōng f /labor/laborer/ 劳役 勞役 S - 363 láo yì f /forced labor/corvée (labor required of a serf)/animal labor/ 劳心 勞心 S - 46 láo xīn f /to work with one's brains/to rack one's brains/to worry/ 劳心劳力 勞心勞力 S - 0 láo xīn láo lì f /to tax one's mind and body/demanding (work)/dedicated (worker)/hard-working/ 劳心苦思 勞心苦思 S - 3 láo xīn kǔ sī f /to rack one's brains/to think hard/ 劳拉西泮 勞拉西泮 S - 0 láo lā xī pàn f /lorazepam/ 劳损 勞損 S - 50 láo sǔn f /strain (medicine)/ 劳改 勞改 S - 107 láo gǎi f /abbr. for 勞動改造|劳动改造[lao2 dong4 gai3 zao4]/reform through labor/laogai (prison camp)/ 劳改营 勞改營 S - 3 láo gǎi yíng f /correctional labor camp/ 劳教 勞教 S - 96 láo jiào f /reeducation through labor/ 劳教所 勞教所 S - 3 láo jiào suǒ f /correctional institution/labor camp/ 劳斯莱斯 勞斯萊斯 S - 97 Láo sī Lái sī f /Rolls-Royce/ 劳方 勞方 S - 3 láo fāng f /labor (as opposed to capital or management)/the workers/ 劳模 勞模 S - 180 láo mó f /model worker/ 劳民伤财 勞民傷財 S - 41 láo mín shāng cái f /waste of manpower and resources/ 劳烦 勞煩 S - 17 láo fán f /to inconvenience/to trouble (sb with a request)/ 劳燕分飞 勞燕分飛 S - 10 láo yàn fēn fēi f /not wishing to part/ 劳碌 勞碌 S - 64 láo lù f /tiring/ 劳神 勞神 S - 62 láo shén f /to be a tax on (one's mind)/to bother/to trouble/to be concerned/ 劳累 勞累 S - 381 láo lèi f /tired/exhausted/worn out/to toil/ 劳而无功 勞而無功 S - 26 láo ér wú gōng f /to work hard while accomplishing little/to toil to no avail/ 劳苦 勞苦 S - 157 láo kǔ f /labor/toil/ 劳资 勞資 S - 134 láo zī f /labor and capital/labor and management/ 劳资关系 勞資關係 S - 3 láo zī guān xì f /industrial relations/relations between labor and capital/ 劳逸 勞逸 S - 4 láo yì f /work and rest/ 劳逸结合 勞逸結合 S - 56 láo yì jié hé f /to strike a balance between work and rest (idiom)/ 劳雇 勞雇 S - 0 láo gù f /labor and employer/ 劳雇关系 勞雇關係 S - 0 láo gù guān xì f /relations between labor and employer/industrial relations/ 劳顿 勞頓 S - 56 láo dùn f /fatigued/wearied (literary)/ 劳驾 勞駕 S 2119 40 láo jià f /excuse me/ 労 - 0 láo f /Japanese variant of 勞|劳/ 劵 券 T - 508 quàn f /variant of 券[quan4]/ 劵 - 2 juàn f /old variant of 倦[juan4]/ 効 效 T - 810 xiào f /variant of 效[xiao4]/ 劻 - 407 kuāng f /zealous/ 劼 - 8 jié f /careful/diligent/firm/ 劾 - 199 hé f /to impeach/ 势 勢 S - 5320 shì f /power/influence/potential/momentum/tendency/trend/situation/conditions/outward appearance/sign/gesture/male genitals/ 势不两立 勢不兩立 S - 76 shì bù liǎng lì f /the two cannot exist together (idiom); irreconcilable differences/incompatible standpoints/ 势不可当 勢不可當 S - 32 shì bù kě dāng f /impossible to resist (idiom); an irresistible force/ 势利 勢利 S - 82 shì lì f /snobbish/ 势利小人 勢利小人 S - 5 shì li xiǎo rén f /snob/ 势利眼 勢利眼 S - 12 shì lì yǎn f /to be self-interested/ 势力 勢力 S 3322 4786 shì li f /power/(ability to) influence/ 势在必得 勢在必得 S - 15 shì zài bì dé f /to be determined to win (idiom)/ 势在必行 勢在必行 S - 83 shì zài bì xíng f /circumstances require action (idiom); absolutely necessary/imperative/ 势均力敌 勢均力敵 S - 91 shì jūn lì dí f /evenly matched adversaries (idiom)/ 势头 勢頭 S - 963 shì tóu f /power/momentum/tendency/impetus/situation/the look of things/ 势如破竹 勢如破竹 S - 91 shì rú pò zhú f /like a hot knife through butter (idiom)/with irresistible force/ 势子 勢子 S - 0 shì zi f /gesture/posture/ 势必 勢必 S 4786 860 shì bì f /to be bound to/undoubtedly will/ 势态 勢態 S - 20 shì tài f /situation/state/ 势成骑虎 勢成騎虎 S - 4 shì chéng qí hǔ f /if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off (idiom); fig. impossible to stop halfway/ 势族 勢族 S - 0 shì zú f /influential family/powerful clan/ 势能 勢能 S - 90 shì néng f /potential energy/ 势要 勢要 S - 0 shì yào f /influential figure/powerful person/ 势阱 勢阱 S - 3 shì jǐng f /potential well (physics)/ 势降 勢降 S - 0 shì jiàng f /potential drop (elec.)/ 勁 劲 T - 3175 jìn t /strength/energy/enthusiasm/spirit/mood/expression/interest/CL:把[ba3]/ 勁 劲 T - 3175 jìng f /stalwart/sturdy/strong/powerful/ 勁兒 劲儿 T - 420 jìn r f /erhua variant of 勁|劲[jin4]/ 勁力 劲力 T - 547 jìn lì f /force/strength/ 勁卒 劲卒 T - 0 jìng zú f /elite soldiers/a crack force/ 勁吹 劲吹 T - 8 jìng chuī f /(the wind) blows violently/ 勁射 劲射 T - 66 jìng shè f /shooting vigorously (with gun)/power shot (e.g. in soccer)/ 勁峭 劲峭 T - 0 jìng qiào f /strong (wind)/cutting (cold wind)/ 勁度係數 劲度系数 T - 3 jìn dù xì shù f /coefficient of restitution (in Hooke's law)/ 勁急 劲急 T - 0 jìng jí f /strong and swift/ 勁拔 劲拔 T - 0 jìng bá f /tall and straight/ 勁挺 劲挺 T - 0 jìng tǐng f /strong/ 勁敵 劲敌 T - 231 jìng dí f /formidable opponent/ 勁旅 劲旅 T - 156 jìng lǚ f /strong contingent/elite squad/ 勁烈 劲烈 T - 0 jìng liè f /violent/ 勁直 劲直 T - 3 jìng zhí f /strong and upright/ 勁草 劲草 T - 4 jìng cǎo f /tough upright grass/fig. a staunch character able to withstand tough test/ 勁頭 劲头 T - 198 jìn tóu f /enthusiasm/zeal/vigor/strength/ 勁風 劲风 T - 243 jìng fēng f /strong wind/gale/ 勃 - 420 bó f /flourishing/prosperous/suddenly/abruptly/ 勃兰登堡 勃蘭登堡 S - 41 Bó lán dēng bǎo f /Brandenburg (e.g. gate, concertos)/ 勃兴 勃興 S - 33 bó xīng f /to rise suddenly/to grow vigorously/ 勃列日涅夫 - 0 Bó liè rì niè fū f /Leonid Brezhnev (1906-1982), Soviet statesman, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR 1966-1982/ 勃利 - 4 Bó lì f /Boli county in Qitaihe 七台河[Qi1 tai2 he2], Heilongjiang/ 勃利县 勃利縣 S - 3 Bó lì xiàn f /Boli county in Qitaihe 七台河[Qi1 tai2 he2], Heilongjiang/ 勃利縣 勃利县 T - 3 Bó lì xiàn f /Boli county in Qitaihe 七台河[Qi1 tai2 he2], Heilongjiang/ 勃勃 - 109 bó bó f /thriving/vigorous/exuberant/ 勃发 勃發 S - 78 bó fā f /thrive/prosper/break out/ 勃固 - 12 Bó gù f /Pegu city in south Myanmar (Burma)/ 勃固山脈 勃固山脉 T - 0 Bó gù shān mài f /Pegu Yoma (mountain range) of south central Myanmar (Burma), separating Irrawaddy and Sittang basins/ 勃固山脉 勃固山脈 S - 0 Bó gù shān mài f /Pegu Yoma (mountain range) of south central Myanmar (Burma), separating Irrawaddy and Sittang basins/ 勃固河 - 0 Bó gù Hé f /Pegu River of south central Myanmar (Burma)/ 勃拉姆斯 - 25 Bó lā mǔ sī f /Brahms (name)/Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), German romantic composer/ 勃朗宁 勃朗寧 S - 14 Bó lǎng níng f /Browning, US firearm brand/ 勃朗寧 勃朗宁 T - 14 Bó lǎng níng f /Browning, US firearm brand/ 勃朗峰 - 27 Bó lǎng Fēng f /Mont Blanc (between Italy and France)/ 勃海 - 0 Bó hǎi f /Han dynasty province around the Bohai sea/renamed 渤海 after the Han/ 勃然 - 3 bó rán f /agitatedly/excitedly/vigorously/ 勃然变色 勃然變色 S - 3 bó rán biàn sè f /to suddenly change color showing displeasure, bewilderment etc/ 勃然變色 勃然变色 T - 3 bó rán biàn sè f /to suddenly change color showing displeasure, bewilderment etc/ 勃發 勃发 T - 78 bó fā f /thrive/prosper/break out/ 勃興 勃兴 T - 33 bó xīng f /to rise suddenly/to grow vigorously/ 勃艮第 - 77 bó gěn dì f /Burgundy (Bourgogne), kingdom during medieval period, now region of France/ 勃蘭登堡 勃兰登堡 T - 41 Bó lán dēng bǎo f /Brandenburg (e.g. gate, concertos)/ 勃起 - 103 bó qǐ f /erection/to have an erection/ 勃起功能障碍 勃起功能障礙 S - 0 bó qǐ gōng néng zhàng ài f /erectile dysfunction (ED)/ 勃起功能障礙 勃起功能障碍 T - 0 bó qǐ gōng néng zhàng ài f /erectile dysfunction (ED)/ 勄 - 0 mǐn f /old variant of 敏[min3]/ 勅 敕 T - 862 chì f /variant of 敕[chi4]/ 勇 - 1873 yǒng f /brave/ 勇于 勇於 S 4302 366 yǒng yú f /to dare to/to be brave enough to/ 勇决 勇決 S - 3 yǒng jué f /decisive/brave/ 勇力 - 22 yǒng lì f /courage and strength/ 勇士 - 613 yǒng shì f /a warrior/a brave person/ 勇往前进 勇往前進 S - 0 yǒng wǎng qián jìn f /see 勇往直前[yong3 wang3 zhi2 qian2]/ 勇往前進 勇往前进 T - 0 yǒng wǎng qián jìn f /see 勇往直前[yong3 wang3 zhi2 qian2]/ 勇往直前 - 70 yǒng wǎng zhí qián f /to advance bravely/ 勇悍 - 40 yǒng hàn f /brave/ 勇敢 921 1436 yǒng gǎn f /brave/courageous/ 勇於 勇于 T 4302 366 yǒng yú f /to dare to/to be brave enough to/ 勇武 - 50 yǒng wǔ f /brave/ 勇气 勇氣 S 1561 1537 yǒng qì f /courage/valor/ 勇气可嘉 勇氣可嘉 S - 3 yǒng qì kě jiā f /to deserve praise for one's courage (idiom)/ 勇氣 勇气 T 1561 1537 yǒng qì f /courage/valor/ 勇氣可嘉 勇气可嘉 T - 3 yǒng qì kě jiā f /to deserve praise for one's courage (idiom)/ 勇決 勇决 T - 3 yǒng jué f /decisive/brave/ 勇猛 - 412 yǒng měng f /bold and powerful/brave and fierce/ 勇略 - 0 yǒng lüè f /brave and cunning/ 勈 - 0 yǒng f /old variant of 勇[yong3]/ 勉 - 138 miǎn f /to exhort/to make an effort/ 勉为其难 勉為其難 S - 83 miǎn wéi qí nán f /to tackle a difficult job (idiom)/to do sth reluctantly/ 勉力 - 100 miǎn lì f /to strive/to make an effort/to exert oneself/ 勉力而为 勉力而為 S - 0 miǎn lì ér wéi f /to try one's best to do sth (idiom)/ 勉力而為 勉力而为 T - 0 miǎn lì ér wéi f /to try one's best to do sth (idiom)/ 勉励 勉勵 S 4977 136 miǎn lì f /to encourage/ 勉勉強強 勉勉强强 T - 17 miǎn miǎn qiǎng qiǎng f /to achieve with difficulty/only just up to the task/barely adequate/ 勉勉强强 勉勉強強 S - 17 miǎn miǎn qiǎng qiǎng f /to achieve with difficulty/only just up to the task/barely adequate/ 勉勵 勉励 T 4977 136 miǎn lì f /to encourage/ 勉县 勉縣 S - 2 Miǎn Xiàn f /Mian County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4 zhong1], Shaanxi/ 勉強 勉强 T 3308 1486 miǎn qiǎng f /to do with difficulty/to force sb to do sth/reluctant/barely enough/ 勉强 勉強 S 3308 1486 miǎn qiǎng f /to do with difficulty/to force sb to do sth/reluctant/barely enough/ 勉為其難 勉为其难 T - 83 miǎn wéi qí nán f /to tackle a difficult job (idiom)/to do sth reluctantly/ 勉縣 勉县 T - 2 Miǎn Xiàn f /Mian County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4 zhong1], Shaanxi/ 勋 勛 S - 531 xūn f /medal/merit/ 勋 勲 S - 531 xūn f /variant of 勛|勋[xun1]/ 勋 勳 S - 531 xūn f /variant of 勛|勋[xun1]/ 勋业 勛業 S - 38 xūn yè f /meritorious achievement/ 勋爵 勳爵 S - 79 xūn jué f /Lord (UK hereditary nobility)/UK life peer/ 勋章 勛章 S - 1004 xūn zhāng f /medal/decoration/ 勋绩 勳績 S - 49 xūn jì f /exploit/ 勌 倦 T - 344 juàn f /old variant of 倦[juan4]/ 勍 - 0 qíng f /violent/strong/ 勐 - 53 měng f /meng (old administrative division in Dai areas of Yunnan)/variant of 猛[meng3]/ 勐海 - 4 Měng hǎi f /Menghai county in Xishuangbanna Dai autonomous prefecture 西雙版納傣族自治州|西双版纳傣族自治州[Xi1 shuang1 ban3 na4 Dai3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 勐海县 勐海縣 S - 4 Měng hǎi xiàn f /Menghai county in Xishuangbanna Dai autonomous prefecture 西雙版納傣族自治州|西双版纳傣族自治州[Xi1 shuang1 ban3 na4 Dai3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 勐海縣 勐海县 T - 4 Měng hǎi xiàn f /Menghai county in Xishuangbanna Dai autonomous prefecture 西雙版納傣族自治州|西双版纳傣族自治州[Xi1 shuang1 ban3 na4 Dai3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 勐腊 勐臘 S - 10 Měng là f /Mengla county in Xishuangbanna Dai autonomous prefecture 西雙版納傣族自治州|西双版纳傣族自治州[Xi1 shuang1 ban3 na4 Dai3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 勐腊县 勐臘縣 S - 8 Měng là xiàn f /Mengla county in Xishuangbanna Dai autonomous prefecture 西雙版納傣族自治州|西双版纳傣族自治州[Xi1 shuang1 ban3 na4 Dai3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 勐臘 勐腊 T - 10 Měng là f /Mengla county in Xishuangbanna Dai autonomous prefecture 西雙版納傣族自治州|西双版纳傣族自治州[Xi1 shuang1 ban3 na4 Dai3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 勐臘縣 勐腊县 T - 8 Měng là xiàn f /Mengla county in Xishuangbanna Dai autonomous prefecture 西雙版納傣族自治州|西双版纳傣族自治州[Xi1 shuang1 ban3 na4 Dai3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 勑 敕 T - 862 chì f /variant of 敕[chi4]/ 勒 - 1818 lè f /to rein in/to compel/to force/to carve/to engrave/(literary) to command/to lead/lux (unit of illumination)/(literary) bridle/ 勒 - 1818 lēi t /to strap tightly/to bind/ 勒令 - 133 lè lìng f /to order/to force/ 勒勒車 勒勒车 T - 7 lēi lēi chē f /wagon (yoked to beast of burden)/ 勒勒车 勒勒車 S - 7 lēi lēi chē f /wagon (yoked to beast of burden)/ 勒哈費爾 勒哈费尔 T - 0 Lè Hā fèi ěr f /Le Havre (French town)/ 勒哈费尔 勒哈費爾 S - 0 Lè Hā fèi ěr f /Le Havre (French town)/ 勒威耶 - 0 Lè wēi yē f /Urbain Le Verrier (1811-1877), French mathematician and astronomer who predicted the position of Neptune/ 勒庞 勒龐 S - 2 Lè Páng f /Jean-Marie Le Pen (1928-), French Front National extreme right-wing politician/ 勒戒 - 0 lè jiè f /to force sb to give up (a drug)/to enforce abstinence/to break drug dependence/ 勒斃 勒毙 T - 0 lēi bì f /to strangle or throttle to death/ 勒斯波斯 - 0 Lè sī bō sī f /Lesbos (Greek island in Aegean)/ 勒斯波斯岛 勒斯波斯島 S - 0 Lè sī bō sī Dǎo f /Lesbos (Greek island in Aegean)/ 勒斯波斯島 勒斯波斯岛 T - 0 Lè sī bō sī Dǎo f /Lesbos (Greek island in Aegean)/ 勒杀 勒殺 S - 0 lēi shā f /to strangle/ 勒死 - 47 lēi sǐ f /to strangle/ 勒殺 勒杀 T - 0 lēi shā f /to strangle/ 勒毙 勒斃 S - 0 lēi bì f /to strangle or throttle to death/ 勒索 - 184 lè suǒ f /to blackmail/to extort/ 勒索罪 - 0 lè suǒ zuì f /blackmail/ 勒紧 勒緊 S - 50 lēi jǐn f /to tighten/ 勒紧裤带 勒緊褲帶 S - 3 lēi jǐn kù dài f /to tighten one's belt/to live more frugally/ 勒維夫 勒维夫 T - 0 Lè wéi fu f /Lviv (Lvov), town in western Ukraine/ 勒維納斯 勒维纳斯 T - 0 Lè wéi nà sī f /Levinas (philosopher)/ 勒緊 勒紧 T - 50 lēi jǐn f /to tighten/ 勒緊褲帶 勒紧裤带 T - 3 lēi jǐn kù dài f /to tighten one's belt/to live more frugally/ 勒维夫 勒維夫 S - 0 Lè wéi fu f /Lviv (Lvov), town in western Ukraine/ 勒维纳斯 勒維納斯 S - 0 Lè wéi nà sī f /Levinas (philosopher)/ 勒脖子 - 0 lēi bó zi f /to throttle/to strangle/ 勒逼 - 3 lè bī f /to coerce/to force/to press sb into doing sth/ 勒馬 勒马 T - 242 lè mǎ f /to guide a horse with the reins/to rein in a horse/ 勒马 勒馬 S - 242 lè mǎ f /to guide a horse with the reins/to rein in a horse/ 勒龐 勒庞 T - 2 Lè Páng f /Jean-Marie Le Pen (1928-), French Front National extreme right-wing politician/ 勔 - 20 miǎn f /variant of 勉[mian3]/ 動 动 T - 12509 dòng f /(of sth) to move/to set in movement/to displace/to touch/to make use of/to stir (emotions)/to alter/abbr. for 動詞|动词[dong4 ci2], verb/ 動L 动L T - 0 dòng L f /flowing/flexible/lively (Internet slang)/ 動不動 动不动 T - 348 dòng bu dòng f /apt to happen (usually of sth undesirable)/frequently/happening easily (e.g. accident or illness)/ 動亂 动乱 T - 455 dòng luàn f /turmoil/upheaval/unrest/ 動人 动人 T - 590 dòng rén f /touching/moving/ 動人心魄 动人心魄 T - 25 dòng rén xīn pò f /to move and thrill (idiom); exciting/ 動作 动作 T 783 3344 dòng zuò f /movement/motion/action/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 動作片 动作片 T - 12 dòng zuò piàn f /action movie/CL:部[bu4]/ 動力 动力 T 2830 3367 dòng lì f /power/motion/propulsion/force/ 動力反應堆 动力反应堆 T - 0 dòng lì fǎn yìng duī f /power reactor/ 動力學 动力学 T - 624 dòng lì xué f /dynamics (math.)/kinetics/ 動力系統 动力系统 T - 2 dòng lì xì tǒng f /mechanical system/ 動口 动口 T - 3 dòng kǒu f /to use one's mouth (to say sth)/ 動名詞 动名词 T - 9 dòng míng cí f /gerund/ 動向 动向 T - 429 dòng xiàng f /trend/tendency/ 動員 动员 T 4315 1657 dòng yuán f /to mobilize/to arouse/mobilization/CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4]/ 動問 动问 T - 3 dòng wèn f /may I ask/ 動嘴 动嘴 T - 3 dòng zuǐ f /to talk/ 動嘴皮 动嘴皮 T - 0 dòng zuǐ pí f /to move one's lips/to wag one's tongue/ 動嘴皮兒 动嘴皮儿 T - 0 dòng zuǐ pí r f /erhua variant of 動嘴皮|动嘴皮[dong4 zui3 pi2]/ 動嘴皮子 动嘴皮子 T - 0 dòng zuǐ pí zi f /see 動嘴皮|动嘴皮[dong4 zui3 pi2]/ 動因 动因 T - 73 dòng yīn f /motivation/moving force/underlying force/agent/ 動土 动土 T - 15 dòng tǔ f /to break ground (prior to building sth)/to start building/ 動容 动容 T - 111 dòng róng f /to be emotionally moved/ 動工 动工 T - 433 dòng gōng f /to start (a building project)/ 動平衡 动平衡 T - 15 dòng píng héng f /dynamic equilibrium/dynamic balancing/ 動彈 动弹 T - 747 dòng tan f /to budge/ 動彈不得 动弹不得 T - 3 dòng tan bu dé f /to be unable to move a single step/ 動心 动心 T - 169 dòng xīn f /to be moved/to be tempted/ 動怒 动怒 T - 117 dòng nù f /to get angry/ 動情 动情 T - 190 dòng qíng f /to get excited/passionate/aroused to passion/to fall in love/on heat (of animals)/ 動情期 动情期 T - 3 dòng qíng qī f /estrus/the rutting season/on heat/ 動情激素 动情激素 T - 0 dòng qíng jī sù f /estrogen/ 動情素 动情素 T - 0 dòng qíng sù f /estrogen/ 動感 动感 T - 138 dòng gǎn f /innervation/dynamism/ 動態 动态 T 3804 3053 dòng tài f /movement/motion/development/trend/dynamic (science)/ 動態助詞 动态助词 T - 0 dòng tài zhù cí f /aspect particle, such as 著|着[zhe5], 了[le5], 過|过[guo4]/ 動態圖形 动态图形 T - 0 dòng tài tú xíng f /animated graphics/animation/ 動態存儲器 动态存储器 T - 0 dòng tài cún chǔ qì f /dynamic memory/ 動態影像 动态影像 T - 0 dòng tài yǐng xiàng f /video/ 動態更新 动态更新 T - 0 dòng tài gēng xīn f /dynamic update (Internet)/ 動態網頁 动态网页 T - 0 dòng tài wǎng yè f /dynamic webpage/ 動態鏈接庫 动态链接库 T - 8 dòng tài liàn jiē kù f /dynamic-link library (DLL)/shared library (computing)/ 動手 动手 T 2630 3082 dòng shǒu f /to set about (a task)/to hit/to punch/to touch/ 動手動腳 动手动脚 T - 55 dòng shǒu dòng jiǎo f /to come to blows/to paw/to grope/to get fresh/ 動手腳 动手脚 T - 3 dòng shǒu jiǎo f /(coll.) to tamper with/to mess around with/ 動搖 动摇 T - 813 dòng yáo f /to sway/to waver/to rock/to rattle/to destabilize/to pose a challenge to/ 動植物 动植物 T - 475 dòng zhí wù f /plants and animals/flora and fauna/ 動植物分類 动植物分类 T - 0 dòng zhí wù fēn lèi f /taxonomy/ 動機 动机 T 2673 982 dòng jī f /motor/locomotive/motive/motivation/intention/ 動武 动武 T - 214 dòng wǔ f /to use force/to come to blows/ 動氣 动气 T - 18 dòng qì f /to get angry/ 動漫 动漫 T - 139 dòng màn f /cartoons and comics/animes and mangas/cartoon (animated movie)/anime/ 動物 动物 T 464 8230 dòng wù f /animal/CL:隻|只[zhi1],群[qun2],個|个[ge4]/ 動物分類 动物分类 T - 0 dòng wù fēn lèi f /taxonomy/classification of animals/ 動物園 动物园 T - 346 dòng wù yuán f /zoo/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 動物學 动物学 T - 78 dòng wù xué f /zoological/zoology/ 動物性 动物性 T - 75 dòng wù xìng f /animacy/ 動物性名詞 动物性名词 T - 0 dòng wù xìng míng cí f /animate noun/ 動物性飼料 动物性饲料 T - 0 dòng wù xìng sì liào f /feed made of animal products/ 動物毒素 动物毒素 T - 3 dòng wù dú sù f /zootoxin/ 動物油 动物油 T - 10 dòng wù yóu f /animal fat/ 動物界 动物界 T - 150 dòng wù jiè f /animal kingdom/ 動物脂肪 动物脂肪 T - 0 dòng wù zhī fáng f /animal fat/ 動物莊園 动物庄园 T - 0 Dòng wù Zhuāng yuán f /Animal Farm (1945), novel and famous satire on communist revolution by George Orwell 喬治·奧威爾|乔治·奥威尔[Qiao2 zhi4 · Ao4 wei1 er3]/also translated 動物農場|动物农场[Dong4 wu4 Nong2 chang3]/ 動物農場 动物农场 T - 0 Dòng wù Nóng chǎng f /Animal Farm (1945), novel and famous satire on communist revolution by George Orwell 喬治·奧威爾|乔治·奥威尔[Qiao2 zhi4 · Ao4 wei1 er3]/ 動產 动产 T - 84 dòng chǎn f /movable property/personal property/ 動用 动用 T - 566 dòng yòng f /to utilize/to put sth to use/ 動畫 动画 T - 262 dòng huà f /animation/cartoon/ 動畫片 动画片 T 2286 132 dòng huà piàn f /animated film/ 動盪 动荡 T 4504 666 dòng dàng f /variant of 動蕩|动荡[dong4 dang4]/ 動粗 动粗 T - 3 dòng cū f /to use violence (against sb)/to strong-arm sb/to manhandle/ 動聽 动听 T - 177 dòng tīng f /pleasant to listen to/ 動肝火 动肝火 T - 7 dòng gān huǒ f /to get angry/ 動能 动能 T - 291 dòng néng f /kinetic energy/ 動能車 动能车 T - 0 dòng néng chē f /car with a new type of propulsion system (hybrid, hydrogen-powered etc)/ 動脈 动脉 T 3250 458 dòng mài f /artery/ 動脈硬化 动脉硬化 T - 93 dòng mài yìng huà f /hardening of the arteries/arteriosclerosis/ 動脈粥樣硬化 动脉粥样硬化 T - 0 dòng mài zhōu yàng yìng huà f /atherosclerosis/ 動腦 动脑 T - 19 dòng nǎo f /to use one's brain/ 動腦筋 动脑筋 T - 95 dòng nǎo jīn f /to use one's brains/to think/ 動蕩 动荡 T 4504 666 dòng dàng f /unrest (social or political)/turmoil/upheaval/commotion/ 動見觀瞻 动见观瞻 T - 0 dòng jiàn guān zhān f /to be watched closely (idiom)/ 動覺 动觉 T - 3 dòng jué f /kinesthesia/perception of one's bodily surroundings and movement/ 動詞 动词 T - 277 dòng cí f /verb/ 動詞結構 动词结构 T - 0 dòng cí jié gòu f /verbal construction (clause)/ 動詞重疊 动词重叠 T - 0 dòng cí chóng dié f /verb reduplication/ 動議 动议 T - 115 dòng yì f /motion/proposal/ 動賓式 动宾式 T - 0 dòng bīn shì f /verb-object construction/ 動身 动身 T 3603 649 dòng shēn f /to go on a journey/to leave/ 動車 动车 T - 36 dòng chē f /power car/multiple-unit train (abbr. for 動車組|动车组)/ 動輒 动辄 T - 215 dòng zhé f /easily/readily/frequently/at every turn/at the slightest pretext/ 動輒得咎 动辄得咎 T - 11 dòng zhé dé jiù f /faulted at every turn (idiom); can't get anything right/ 動量 动量 T - 212 dòng liàng f /momentum/ 動量詞 动量词 T - 0 dòng liàng cí f /verbal classifier (in Chinese grammar)/measure word applying mainly to verbs/ 動靜 动静 T 3108 1379 dòng jìng f /sound of activity or people talking/news of activity/ 動魄 动魄 T - 0 dòng pò f /shocking/shattering/ 動魄驚心 动魄惊心 T - 3 dòng pò jīng xīn f /shaking one to the core (idiom); extremely disturbing/shattering/hair-raising/ 動點 动点 T - 0 dòng diǎn f /moving point/ 勖 - 43 xù f /exhort/stimulate/ 勗 - 37 xù f /exhort/stimulate/ 勘 - 460 kān f /to investigate/to survey/to collate/ 勘定 - 39 kān dìng f /to demarcate/to survey and determine/ 勘察 - 194 kān chá f /to reconnoiter/to explore/to survey/ 勘察加 - 0 Kān chá jiā f /Kamchatka (far eastern province of Russia)/ 勘察加半岛 勘察加半島 S - 0 Kān chá jiā Bàn dǎo f /Kamchatka Peninsula, far-eastern Russia/ 勘察加半島 勘察加半岛 T - 0 Kān chá jiā Bàn dǎo f /Kamchatka Peninsula, far-eastern Russia/ 勘探 4825 533 kān tàn f /to explore/to survey/to prospect (for oil etc)/prospecting/ 勘查 - 161 kān chá f /variant of 勘察[kan1 cha2]/ 勘测 勘測 S - 203 kān cè f /to investigate/to survey/ 勘測 勘测 T - 203 kān cè f /to investigate/to survey/ 勘界 - 23 kān jiè f /boundary survey/ 勘破 - 0 kān pò f /see 看破[kan4 po4]/ 勘誤 勘误 T - 2 kān wù f /to correct printing errors/ 勘誤表 勘误表 T - 3 kān wù biǎo f /corrigenda/ 勘误 勘誤 S - 2 kān wù f /to correct printing errors/ 勘误表 勘誤表 S - 3 kān wù biǎo f /corrigenda/ 勘驗 勘验 T - 26 kān yàn f /to investigate/examination/ 勘验 勘驗 S - 26 kān yàn f /to investigate/examination/ 務 务 T - 1342 wù f /affair/business/matter/to be engaged in/to attend to/by all means/ 務實 务实 T - 614 wù shí f /pragmatic/dealing with concrete issues/ 務川仡佬族苗族自治縣 务川仡佬族苗族自治县 T - 0 Wù chuān Gē lǎo zú Miáo zú Zì zhì xiàn f /Wuchuan Klau and Hmong Autonomous County in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], northeast Guizhou/ 務川縣 务川县 T - 0 Wù chuān xiàn f /Wuchuan Klau and Hmong autonomous county in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], northeast Guizhou/ 務川自治縣 务川自治县 T - 0 Wù chuān zì zhì xiàn f /Wuchuan Klau and Hmong autonomous county in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], northeast Guizhou/ 務工 务工 T - 101 wù gōng f /to work as a laborer/ 務必 务必 T 3878 573 wù bì f /must/to need to/to be sure to/ 務期 务期 T - 12 wù qī f /it is essential to (complete a project on time, be thorough etc)/ 務虛 务虚 T - 21 wù xū f /to discuss guidelines/to discuss principles to be followed/ 務請 务请 T - 3 wù qǐng f /please (formal)/ 務農 务农 T - 174 wù nóng f /farming/to work the land/ 勚 勩 S - 292 yì f /(literary) toilsome/laborious/(of an edge etc) worn out/blunt/ 勛 勋 T - 531 xūn f /medal/merit/ 勛業 勋业 T - 38 xūn yè f /meritorious achievement/ 勛章 勋章 T - 1004 xūn zhāng f /medal/decoration/ 勝 胜 T - 6242 shèng f /victory/success/to beat/to defeat/to surpass/victorious/superior to/to get the better of/better than/surpassing/superb (of vista)/beautiful (scenery)/wonderful (view)/(Taiwan pr. [sheng1]) able to bear/equal to (a task)/ 勝不驕,敗不餒 胜不骄,败不馁 T - 0 shèng bù jiāo , bài bù něi f /no arrogance in victory, no despair in defeat/ 勝之不武 胜之不武 T - 3 shèng zhī bù wǔ f /(fig.) to fight a one-sided battle/to have an unfair advantage in a contest/ 勝仗 胜仗 T - 304 shèng zhàng f /victory/victorious battle/ 勝任 胜任 T - 486 shèng rèn f /qualified/competent (professionally)/to be up to a task/ 勝任能力 胜任能力 T - 0 shèng rèn néng lì f /competency/ 勝似 胜似 T - 45 shèng sì f /to surpass/better than/superior to/ 勝利 胜利 T 1436 8904 shèng lì f /victory/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 勝利在望 胜利在望 T - 3 shèng lì zài wàng f /victory is in sight/ 勝利者 胜利者 T - 157 shèng lì zhě f /victor/winner/ 勝地 胜地 T - 662 shèng dì f /well-known scenic spot/ 勝敗 胜败 T - 379 shèng bài f /victory or defeat/result/ 勝景 胜景 T - 95 shèng jǐng f /wonderful scenery/ 勝算 胜算 T - 118 shèng suàn f /odds of success/stratagem that ensures success/to be sure of success/ 勝訴 胜诉 T - 43 shèng sù f /to win a court case/ 勝負 胜负 T 3786 636 shèng fù f /victory or defeat/the outcome of a battle/ 勝過 胜过 T - 658 shèng guò f /to excel/to surpass/ 勝選 胜选 T - 0 shèng xuǎn f /to win an election/ 勞 劳 T - 1106 láo t /to toil/labor/laborer/to put sb to trouble (of doing sth)/meritorious deed/ 勞 劳 T - 1106 lào f /to console/ 勞什子 劳什子 T - 70 láo shí zi f /(dialect) nuisance/pain/ 勞作 劳作 T - 285 láo zuò f /work/manual labor/ 勞倦 劳倦 T - 37 láo juàn f /exhausted/worn out/ 勞倫斯 劳伦斯 T - 132 Láo lún sī f /Lawrence (person name)/ 勞傷 劳伤 T - 5 láo shāng f /disorder of internal organs caused by overexertion/ 勞力 劳力 T - 336 láo lì f /labor/able-bodied worker/laborer/work force/ 勞力士 劳力士 T - 25 Láo lì shì f /Rolex (Swiss wristwatch brand)/ 勞動 劳动 T 2256 11598 láo dòng f /work/toil/physical labor/CL:次[ci4]/ 勞動人民 劳动人民 T - 0 láo dòng rén mín f /working people/the workers of Socialist theory or of the glorious Chinese past/ 勞動保險 劳动保险 T - 10 láo dòng bǎo xiǎn f /labor insurance/ 勞動力 劳动力 T - 3498 láo dòng lì f /labor force/manpower/ 勞動合同 劳动合同 T - 3 láo dòng hé tong f /labor contract/contract between employer and employees governing wages and conditions/ 勞動報 劳动报 T - 9 Láo dòng Bào f /Trud (Russian newspaper)/ 勞動改造 劳动改造 T - 60 láo dòng gǎi zào f /reeducation through labor/laogai (prison camp)/ 勞動教養 劳动教养 T - 3 láo dòng jiào yǎng f /reeducation through labor/ 勞動新聞 劳动新闻 T - 3 Láo dòng xīn wén f /Rodong Sinmun (Workers' news), the official newspaper of the North Korean WPK's Central Committee/ 勞動模範 劳动模范 T - 163 láo dòng mó fàn f /model worker/ 勞動營 劳动营 T - 4 láo dòng yíng f /labor camp/prison camp with hard labor/ 勞動節 劳动节 T - 57 Láo dòng jié f /International Labor Day (May Day)/ 勞動者 劳动者 T - 1255 láo dòng zhě f /worker/laborer/ 勞動能力 劳动能力 T - 0 láo dòng néng lì f /ability to work/ 勞動號 劳动号 T - 0 Láo dòng hào f /Nodong, series of North Korean medium range missiles/ 勞務 劳务 T - 855 láo wù f /service (work done for money)/services (as in "goods and services")/ 勞務交換 劳务交换 T - 0 láo wù jiāo huàn f /labor exchanges/ 勞務人員 劳务人员 T - 0 láo wù rén yuán f /contract workers (sent abroad)/ 勞務合同 劳务合同 T - 0 láo wù hé tong f /service contract/ 勞務市場 劳务市场 T - 17 láo wù shì chǎng f /labor market/ 勞勞碌碌 劳劳碌碌 T - 0 láo láo lù lù f /tiring/difficult to get by/painful/ 勞埃德 劳埃德 T - 32 Láo āi dé f /Lloyd (name)/Lloyd's (London-based insurance group)/ 勞委會 劳委会 T - 3 láo wěi huì f /labor committee/abbr. for 勞動委員會|劳动委员会/ 勞工 劳工 T - 317 láo gōng f /labor/laborer/ 勞役 劳役 T - 363 láo yì f /forced labor/corvée (labor required of a serf)/animal labor/ 勞心 劳心 T - 46 láo xīn f /to work with one's brains/to rack one's brains/to worry/ 勞心勞力 劳心劳力 T - 0 láo xīn láo lì f /to tax one's mind and body/demanding (work)/dedicated (worker)/hard-working/ 勞心苦思 劳心苦思 T - 3 láo xīn kǔ sī f /to rack one's brains/to think hard/ 勞拉西泮 劳拉西泮 T - 0 láo lā xī pàn f /lorazepam/ 勞損 劳损 T - 50 láo sǔn f /strain (medicine)/ 勞改 劳改 T - 107 láo gǎi f /abbr. for 勞動改造|劳动改造[lao2 dong4 gai3 zao4]/reform through labor/laogai (prison camp)/ 勞改營 劳改营 T - 3 láo gǎi yíng f /correctional labor camp/ 勞教 劳教 T - 96 láo jiào f /reeducation through labor/ 勞教所 劳教所 T - 3 láo jiào suǒ f /correctional institution/labor camp/ 勞斯萊斯 劳斯莱斯 T - 97 Láo sī Lái sī f /Rolls-Royce/ 勞方 劳方 T - 3 láo fāng f /labor (as opposed to capital or management)/the workers/ 勞模 劳模 T - 180 láo mó f /model worker/ 勞民傷財 劳民伤财 T - 41 láo mín shāng cái f /waste of manpower and resources/ 勞煩 劳烦 T - 17 láo fán f /to inconvenience/to trouble (sb with a request)/ 勞燕分飛 劳燕分飞 T - 10 láo yàn fēn fēi f /not wishing to part/ 勞碌 劳碌 T - 64 láo lù f /tiring/ 勞神 劳神 T - 62 láo shén f /to be a tax on (one's mind)/to bother/to trouble/to be concerned/ 勞累 劳累 T - 381 láo lèi f /tired/exhausted/worn out/to toil/ 勞而無功 劳而无功 T - 26 láo ér wú gōng f /to work hard while accomplishing little/to toil to no avail/ 勞苦 劳苦 T - 157 láo kǔ f /labor/toil/ 勞資 劳资 T - 134 láo zī f /labor and capital/labor and management/ 勞資關係 劳资关系 T - 3 láo zī guān xì f /industrial relations/relations between labor and capital/ 勞逸 劳逸 T - 4 láo yì f /work and rest/ 勞逸結合 劳逸结合 T - 56 láo yì jié hé f /to strike a balance between work and rest (idiom)/ 勞雇 劳雇 T - 0 láo gù f /labor and employer/ 勞雇關係 劳雇关系 T - 0 láo gù guān xì f /relations between labor and employer/industrial relations/ 勞頓 劳顿 T - 56 láo dùn f /fatigued/wearied (literary)/ 勞駕 劳驾 T 2119 40 láo jià f /excuse me/ 募 - 386 mù f /canvass for contributions/to recruit/to collect/to raise/ 募化 - 13 mù huà f /to collect alms (Buddhism)/ 募捐 - 322 mù juān f /to solicit contributions/to collect donations/ 募款 - 262 mù kuǎn f /to raise money/ 募緣 募缘 T - 0 mù yuán f /(of a monk) to beg for food/ 募缘 募緣 S - 0 mù yuán f /(of a monk) to beg for food/ 募集 - 487 mù jí f /to raise/to collect/ 勠 戮 T - 193 lù f /to join (forces)/variant of 戮[lu4]/ 勢 势 T - 5320 shì f /power/influence/potential/momentum/tendency/trend/situation/conditions/outward appearance/sign/gesture/male genitals/ 勢不兩立 势不两立 T - 76 shì bù liǎng lì f /the two cannot exist together (idiom); irreconcilable differences/incompatible standpoints/ 勢不可當 势不可当 T - 32 shì bù kě dāng f /impossible to resist (idiom); an irresistible force/ 勢利 势利 T - 82 shì lì f /snobbish/ 勢利小人 势利小人 T - 5 shì li xiǎo rén f /snob/ 勢利眼 势利眼 T - 12 shì lì yǎn f /to be self-interested/ 勢力 势力 T 3322 4786 shì li f /power/(ability to) influence/ 勢在必得 势在必得 T - 15 shì zài bì dé f /to be determined to win (idiom)/ 勢在必行 势在必行 T - 83 shì zài bì xíng f /circumstances require action (idiom); absolutely necessary/imperative/ 勢均力敵 势均力敌 T - 91 shì jūn lì dí f /evenly matched adversaries (idiom)/ 勢如破竹 势如破竹 T - 91 shì rú pò zhú f /like a hot knife through butter (idiom)/with irresistible force/ 勢子 势子 T - 0 shì zi f /gesture/posture/ 勢必 势必 T 4786 860 shì bì f /to be bound to/undoubtedly will/ 勢態 势态 T - 20 shì tài f /situation/state/ 勢成騎虎 势成骑虎 T - 4 shì chéng qí hǔ f /if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off (idiom); fig. impossible to stop halfway/ 勢族 势族 T - 0 shì zú f /influential family/powerful clan/ 勢能 势能 T - 90 shì néng f /potential energy/ 勢要 势要 T - 0 shì yào f /influential figure/powerful person/ 勢阱 势阱 T - 3 shì jǐng f /potential well (physics)/ 勢降 势降 T - 0 shì jiàng f /potential drop (elec.)/ 勢頭 势头 T - 963 shì tóu f /power/momentum/tendency/impetus/situation/the look of things/ 勣 绩 T - 140 jì f /variant of 績|绩[ji4]/merit/accomplishment/ 勤 - 676 qín f /diligent/industrious/hardworking/frequent/regular/constant/ 勤 懃 S - 676 qín f /variant of 勤[qin2]/industrious/solicitous/ 勤俭 勤儉 S 4990 72 qín jiǎn f /hardworking and frugal/ 勤俭为服务之本 勤儉為服務之本 S - 0 qín jiǎn wéi fú wù zhī běn f /hardwork and thriftiness are the foundations of service (idiom)/ 勤俭办企业 勤儉辦企業 S - 0 qín jiǎn bàn qǐ yè f /to run an enterprise diligently and thriftily/ 勤俭办学 勤儉辦學 S - 0 qín jiǎn bàn xué f /to run a school diligently and thriftily/ 勤俭办社 勤儉辦社 S - 0 qín jiǎn bàn shè f /to run an organization diligently and thriftily/ 勤俭务实 勤儉務實 S - 3 qín jiǎn wù shí f /hardworking, thrifty and pragmatic/ 勤俭建国 勤儉建國 S - 14 qín jiǎn jiàn guó f /to build up the country through thrift and hard work (idiom)/ 勤俭持家 勤儉持家 S - 14 qín jiǎn chí jiā f /hardworking and thrifty in running one's household/ 勤俭朴实 勤儉樸實 S - 3 qín jiǎn pǔ shí f /hardworking, thrifty, plain, and honest (idiom)/ 勤俭朴素 勤儉樸素 S - 0 qín jiǎn pǔ sù f /hardworking, thrifty, plain, and simple (idiom)/ 勤俭耐劳 勤儉耐勞 S - 0 qín jiǎn nài láo f /diligent and able to endure hardship (idiom)/ 勤俭节约 勤儉節約 S - 36 qín jiǎn jié yuē f /diligent and thrifty (idiom)/ 勤俭起家 勤儉起家 S - 0 qín jiǎn qǐ jiā f /to rise up by thrift and hard work (idiom)/ 勤儉 勤俭 T 4990 72 qín jiǎn f /hardworking and frugal/ 勤儉務實 勤俭务实 T - 3 qín jiǎn wù shí f /hardworking, thrifty and pragmatic/ 勤儉建國 勤俭建国 T - 14 qín jiǎn jiàn guó f /to build up the country through thrift and hard work (idiom)/ 勤儉持家 勤俭持家 T - 14 qín jiǎn chí jiā f /hardworking and thrifty in running one's household/ 勤儉樸實 勤俭朴实 T - 3 qín jiǎn pǔ shí f /hardworking, thrifty, plain, and honest (idiom)/ 勤儉樸素 勤俭朴素 T - 0 qín jiǎn pǔ sù f /hardworking, thrifty, plain, and simple (idiom)/ 勤儉為服務之本 勤俭为服务之本 T - 0 qín jiǎn wéi fú wù zhī běn f /hardwork and thriftiness are the foundations of service (idiom)/ 勤儉節約 勤俭节约 T - 36 qín jiǎn jié yuē f /diligent and thrifty (idiom)/ 勤儉耐勞 勤俭耐劳 T - 0 qín jiǎn nài láo f /diligent and able to endure hardship (idiom)/ 勤儉起家 勤俭起家 T - 0 qín jiǎn qǐ jiā f /to rise up by thrift and hard work (idiom)/ 勤儉辦企業 勤俭办企业 T - 0 qín jiǎn bàn qǐ yè f /to run an enterprise diligently and thriftily/ 勤儉辦學 勤俭办学 T - 0 qín jiǎn bàn xué f /to run a school diligently and thriftily/ 勤儉辦社 勤俭办社 T - 0 qín jiǎn bàn shè f /to run an organization diligently and thriftily/ 勤则不匮 勤則不匱 S - 0 qín zé bù kuì f /If one is industrious, one will not be in want. (idiom)/ 勤則不匱 勤则不匮 T - 0 qín zé bù kuì f /If one is industrious, one will not be in want. (idiom)/ 勤力 - 3 qín lì f /hardworking/diligent/ 勤务 勤務 S - 298 qín wù f /service/duties/an orderly (military)/ 勤务兵 勤務兵 S - 22 qín wù bīng f /army orderly/ 勤务员 勤務員 S - 30 qín wù yuán f /odd job man/army orderly/ 勤劳 勤勞 S 4428 706 qín láo f /hardworking/industrious/diligent/ 勤劳不虞匮乏 勤勞不虞匱乏 S - 0 qín láo bù yú kuì fá f /Poverty is a stranger to industry. (idiom)/ 勤劳者 勤勞者 S - 6 qín láo zhě f /worker/ 勤劳致富 勤勞致富 S - 3 qín láo zhì fù f /to become rich by one's own efforts/self-made/ 勤勉 - 79 qín miǎn f /diligence/diligent/industrious/ 勤務 勤务 T - 298 qín wù f /service/duties/an orderly (military)/ 勤務兵 勤务兵 T - 22 qín wù bīng f /army orderly/ 勤務員 勤务员 T - 30 qín wù yuán f /odd job man/army orderly/ 勤勞 勤劳 T 4428 706 qín láo f /hardworking/industrious/diligent/ 勤勞不虞匱乏 勤劳不虞匮乏 T - 0 qín láo bù yú kuì fá f /Poverty is a stranger to industry. (idiom)/ 勤勞者 勤劳者 T - 6 qín láo zhě f /worker/ 勤勞致富 勤劳致富 T - 3 qín láo zhì fù f /to become rich by one's own efforts/self-made/ 勤勤 - 0 qín qín f /attentive/solicitous/earnest/sincere/ 勤勤恳恳 勤勤懇懇 S - 47 qín qín kěn kěn f /industrious and conscientious/assiduous/ 勤勤懇懇 勤勤恳恳 T - 47 qín qín kěn kěn f /industrious and conscientious/assiduous/ 勤奋 勤奮 S 2381 377 qín fèn f /hardworking/diligent/ 勤奋刻苦 勤奮刻苦 S - 0 qín fèn kè kǔ f /diligent/assiduous/ 勤奮 勤奋 T 2381 377 qín fèn f /hardworking/diligent/ 勤奮刻苦 勤奋刻苦 T - 0 qín fèn kè kǔ f /diligent/assiduous/ 勤学苦练 勤學苦練 S - 16 qín xué kǔ liàn f /to study diligently/to train assiduously/ 勤學苦練 勤学苦练 T - 16 qín xué kǔ liàn f /to study diligently/to train assiduously/ 勤密 - 0 qín mì f /often/frequently/ 勤工俭学 勤工儉學 S - 78 qín gōng jiǎn xué f /to work part time while studying/work-study program/ 勤工儉學 勤工俭学 T - 78 qín gōng jiǎn xué f /to work part time while studying/work-study program/ 勤快 - 84 qín kuài f /diligent/hardworking/ 勤恳 勤懇 S - 29 qín kěn f /diligent and attentive/assiduous/sincere/ 勤懇 勤恳 T - 29 qín kěn f /diligent and attentive/assiduous/sincere/ 勤政廉政 - 6 qín zhèng lián zhèng f /honest and industrious government functionaries (idiom)/ 勤朴 勤樸 S - 3 qín pǔ f /simple and industrious/hardworking and frugal/ 勤杂 勤雜 S - 2 qín zá f /odd jobs/servant or army orderly doing odd jobs/ 勤樸 勤朴 T - 3 qín pǔ f /simple and industrious/hardworking and frugal/ 勤王 - 148 qín wáng f /to serve the king diligently/to save the country in times of danger/to send troops to rescue the king/ 勤苦 - 17 qín kǔ f /hardworking/assiduous/ 勤謹 勤谨 T - 40 qín jǐn f /diligent and painstaking/ 勤谨 勤謹 S - 40 qín jǐn f /diligent and painstaking/ 勤雜 勤杂 T - 2 qín zá f /odd jobs/servant or army orderly doing odd jobs/ 勦 剿 T - 749 chāo f /variant of 剿[chao1]/ 勦 剿 T - 749 jiǎo t /variant of 剿[jiao3]/ 勧 - 0 quàn f /Japanese variant of 勸|劝/ 勩 勚 T - 292 yì f /(literary) toilsome/laborious/(of an edge etc) worn out/blunt/ 勯 - 757 dān f /exhausted/ 勰 - 52 xié f /harmonious/ 勱 劢 T - 19 mài f /put forth effort/ 勲 勋 T - 531 xūn f /variant of 勛|勋[xun1]/ 勳 勋 T - 531 xūn f /variant of 勛|勋[xun1]/ 勳爵 勋爵 T - 79 xūn jué f /Lord (UK hereditary nobility)/UK life peer/ 勳績 勋绩 T - 49 xūn jì f /exploit/ 勵 励 T - 140 Lì f /surname Li/ 勵 励 T - 140 lì f /to encourage/to urge/ 勵志 励志 T - 17 lì zhì f /to encourage/encouragement/ 勵志哥 励志哥 T - 0 lì zhì gē f /ugly guy with a pretty girlfriend (slang)/ 勷 - 0 ráng f /haste/ 勸 劝 T 1771 3543 quàn f /to advise/to urge/to try to persuade/to exhort/to console/to soothe/ 勸勉 劝勉 T - 6 quàn miǎn f /to advise/to encourage/ 勸動 劝动 T - 0 quàn dòng f /to incite/ 勸化 劝化 T - 7 quàn huà f /to exhort (sb) to live a virtuous life (Buddhism)/to beg for alms/ 勸告 劝告 T - 232 quàn gào f /to advise/to urge/to exhort/exhortation/advice/CL:席[xi2]/ 勸和 劝和 T - 0 quàn hé f /to mediate/to urge peace/ 勸善懲惡 劝善惩恶 T - 3 quàn shàn chéng è f /to encourage virtue and punish evil (idiom); fig. poetic justice/you get what's coming to you/ 勸學 劝学 T - 22 quàn xué f /On learning, classic book by Confucian philosopher Xun Zi 荀子 (c. 310-237 BC)/ 勸導 劝导 T - 53 quàn dǎo f /to advise/to attempt to convince/ 勸慰 劝慰 T - 183 quàn wèi f /to console/ 勸戒 劝戒 T - 19 quàn jiè f /variant of 勸誡|劝诫[quan4 jie4]/ 勸教 劝教 T - 0 quàn jiào f /to advise and teach/to persuade and instruct/ 勸服 劝服 T - 11 quàn fú f /prevail/convince/ 勸架 劝架 T - 30 quàn jià f /to mediate in a quarrel/to intervene in a dispute and try to calm things down/ 勸解 劝解 T - 184 quàn jiě f /conciliation/mediation/to mollify/to propitiate/to reconcile/ 勸誘 劝诱 T - 25 quàn yòu f /to prevail upon/to coax/ 勸誡 劝诫 T - 34 quàn jiè f /to exhort/to admonish/ 勸說 劝说 T - 648 quàn shuō f /to persuade/persuasion/to advise/ 勸課 劝课 T - 0 quàn kè f /to encourage and supervise (esp. state officials promoting agriculture)/ 勸諫 劝谏 T - 174 quàn jiàn f /to admonish/ 勸農 劝农 T - 3 quàn nóng f /to promote agriculture/ 勸農使 劝农使 T - 0 quàn nóng shǐ f /envoy charge with promoting agriculture (in Han dynasty)/ 勸酒 劝酒 T - 61 quàn jiǔ f /to urge sb to drink alcohol/ 勸阻 劝阻 T - 449 quàn zǔ f /to advise against/to dissuade/ 勸駕 劝驾 T - 3 quàn jià f /to urge sb to accept a post/to urge sb to agree to do sth/ 勹 - 0 bāo f /archaic variant of 包[bao1]/ 勺 - 342 sháo f /spoon/ladle/CL:把[ba3]/abbr. for 公勺[gong1 shao2], centiliter (unit of volume)/ 勺嘴鷸 勺嘴鹬 T - 0 sháo zuǐ yù f /(bird species of China) spoon-billed sandpiper (Eurynorhynchus pygmeus)/ 勺嘴鹬 勺嘴鷸 S - 0 sháo zuǐ yù f /(bird species of China) spoon-billed sandpiper (Eurynorhynchus pygmeus)/ 勺子 1153 95 sháo zi f /scoop/ladle/CL:把[ba3]/ 勺雞 勺鸡 T - 0 sháo jī f /(bird species of China) koklass pheasant (Pucrasia macrolopha)/ 勺鸡 勺雞 S - 0 sháo jī f /(bird species of China) koklass pheasant (Pucrasia macrolopha)/ 勻 匀 T - 423 yún f /even/well-distributed/uniform/to distribute evenly/to share/ 勻實 匀实 T - 3 yún shi f /even/uniform/ 勻整 匀整 T - 9 yún zhěng f /neat and well-spaced/ 勻淨 匀净 T - 25 yún jìng f /even/uniform/ 勻溜 匀溜 T - 3 yún liu f /even and smooth/ 勻稱 匀称 T - 198 yún chèn f /well proportioned/well shaped/ 勻速 匀速 T - 54 yún sù f /uniform velocity/ 勾 - 1700 Gōu t /surname Gou/ 勾 - 1700 gōu t /to attract/to arouse/to tick/to strike out/to delineate/to collude/variant of 鉤|钩[gou1], hook/ 勾 - 1700 gòu f /affair/to reach for (with hand)/ 勾三搭四 - 3 gōu sān dā sì f /to make hanky-panky/to seduce women/ 勾人 - 3 gōu rén f /sexy/seductive/ 勾兌 勾兑 T - 22 gōu duì f /to blend various types of wine (or spirits, or fruit juices etc)/ 勾兑 勾兌 S - 22 gōu duì f /to blend various types of wine (or spirits, or fruit juices etc)/ 勾出 - 3 gōu chū f /to delineate/to articulate/to evoke/to draw out/to tick off/ 勾划 勾劃 S - 3 gōu huà f /to sketch/to delineate/ 勾劃 勾划 T - 3 gōu huà f /to sketch/to delineate/ 勾勒 - 160 gōu lè f /to draw the outline of/to outline/to sketch/to delineate contours of/to give a brief account of/ 勾引 - 181 gōu yǐn f /to seduce/to tempt/ 勾当 勾當 S - 547 gòu dàng f /shady business/ 勾心斗角 勾心鬥角 S - 64 gōu xīn dòu jiǎo f /to fight and scheme against each other (idiom)/(in palace construction) elaborate and refined/ 勾心鬥角 勾心斗角 T - 64 gōu xīn dòu jiǎo f /to fight and scheme against each other (idiom)/(in palace construction) elaborate and refined/ 勾手 - 0 gōu shǒu f /to collude with/to collaborate/(basketball) hook shot/ 勾拳 - 4 gōu quán f /hook (punch in boxing)/ 勾搭 - 67 gōu da f /to gang up/to fool around with/to make up to/ 勾栏 勾欄 S - 50 gōu lán f /brothel/theater/carved balustrade/ 勾欄 勾栏 T - 50 gōu lán f /brothel/theater/carved balustrade/ 勾玉 - 0 gōu yù f /magatama (Japanese curved beads)/ 勾画 勾畫 S - 99 gōu huà f /to sketch out/to delineate/ 勾留 - 10 gōu liú f /to stay/to stop over/to break one's journey/ 勾畫 勾画 T - 99 gōu huà f /to sketch out/to delineate/ 勾當 勾当 T - 547 gòu dàng f /shady business/ 勾破 - 0 gōu pò f /(of sth sharp) to snag (one's stockings etc)/ 勾結 勾结 T 4503 779 gōu jié f /to collude with/to collaborate with/to gang up with/ 勾縫 勾缝 T - 2 gōu fèng f /to point a brick wall/to grout a tiled surface/ 勾结 勾結 S 4503 779 gōu jié f /to collude with/to collaborate with/to gang up with/ 勾缝 勾縫 S - 2 gōu fèng f /to point a brick wall/to grout a tiled surface/ 勾联 勾聯 S - 0 gōu lián f /variant of 勾連|勾连[gou1 lian2]/ 勾聯 勾联 T - 0 gōu lián f /variant of 勾連|勾连[gou1 lian2]/ 勾股定理 - 60 gōu gǔ dìng lǐ f /Pythagorean theorem/ 勾肩搭背 - 8 gōu jiān dā bèi f /arms around each other's shoulders (idiom)/ 勾芡 - 2 gōu qiàn f /to thicken with cornstarch/ 勾走 - 3 gōu zǒu f /to steal (sb's heart)/ 勾起 - 3 gōu qǐ f /to evoke/to induce/to call to mind/to pick up with a hook/ 勾践 勾踐 S - 144 Gōu Jiàn f /King Gou Jian of Yue (c. 470 BC), sometimes considered one of the Five Hegemons 春秋五霸/ 勾踐 勾践 T - 144 Gōu Jiàn f /King Gou Jian of Yue (c. 470 BC), sometimes considered one of the Five Hegemons 春秋五霸/ 勾连 勾連 S - 18 gōu lián f /to be linked together/to be involved with/to collude/interconnection/involvement/collusion/ 勾連 勾连 T - 18 gōu lián f /to be linked together/to be involved with/to collude/interconnection/involvement/collusion/ 勾銷 勾销 T - 15 gōu xiāo f /to write off/to cancel/ 勾销 勾銷 S - 15 gōu xiāo f /to write off/to cancel/ 勾闌 勾阑 T - 3 gōu lán f /variant of 勾欄|勾栏[gou1 lan2]/ 勾阑 勾闌 S - 3 gōu lán f /variant of 勾欄|勾栏[gou1 lan2]/ 勿 2247 1003 wù f /do not/ 勿忘国耻 勿忘國恥 S - 0 wù wàng guó chǐ f /Never forget national humiliation, refers to Mukden railway incident of 18th September 1931 九一八事變|九一八事变 and subsequent Japanese annexation of Manchuria/ 勿忘國恥 勿忘国耻 T - 0 wù wàng guó chǐ f /Never forget national humiliation, refers to Mukden railway incident of 18th September 1931 九一八事變|九一八事变 and subsequent Japanese annexation of Manchuria/ 勿忘我 - 4 wù wàng wǒ f /forget-me-not, genus Myosotis (botany)/ 勿求人 - 0 wù qiú rén f /see 不求人[bu4 qiu2 ren2]/ 匀 勻 S - 423 yún f /even/well-distributed/uniform/to distribute evenly/to share/ 匀净 勻淨 S - 25 yún jìng f /even/uniform/ 匀实 勻實 S - 3 yún shi f /even/uniform/ 匀整 勻整 S - 9 yún zhěng f /neat and well-spaced/ 匀溜 勻溜 S - 3 yún liu f /even and smooth/ 匀称 勻稱 S - 198 yún chèn f /well proportioned/well shaped/ 匀速 勻速 S - 54 yún sù f /uniform velocity/ 匁 - 0 xx f /momme (textiles) (Japanese kokuji)/ 匃 丐 T - 899 gài f /variant of 丐[gai4]/ 匄 丐 T - 899 gài f /variant of 丐[gai4]/ 包 438 5289 Bāo f /surname Bao/ 包 438 5289 bāo f /to cover/to wrap/to hold/to include/to take charge of/to contract (to or for)/package/wrapper/container/bag/to hold or embrace/bundle/packet/CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1]/ 包举 包舉 S - 3 bāo jǔ f /to summarize/to swallow up/to annex/to merge/ 包乘 - 3 bāo chéng f /to charter (a car, ship, plane)/ 包乘制 - 3 bāo chéng zhì f /chartering system/ 包乘組 包乘组 T - 3 bāo chéng zǔ f /chartering charge/ 包乘组 包乘組 S - 3 bāo chéng zǔ f /chartering charge/ 包书皮 包書皮 S - 3 bāo shū pí f /book cover/ 包乾 包干 T - 71 bāo gān f /to have the full responsibility of a job/allocated task/ 包乾兒 包干儿 T - 3 bāo gān r f /erhua variant of 包乾|包干[bao1 gan1]/ 包乾制 包干制 T - 4 bāo gān zhì f /a system of payment partly in kind and partly in cash/ 包二奶 - 32 bāo èr nǎi f /to cohabit with and financially support a mistress/ 包产 包產 S - 42 bāo chǎn f /to make a production contract/ 包产到户 包產到戶 S - 147 bāo chǎn dào hù f /fixing of farm output quotas for each household/ 包产到户制 包產到戶制 S - 0 bāo chǎn dào hù zhì f /system of quotas for farm output per household/ 包价旅游 包價旅遊 S - 0 bāo jià lǚ yóu f /package holiday/ 包伙 - 2 bāo huǒ f /contracted communal meals/ 包住 - 67 bāo zhù f /to envelop/to wrap/to enclose/ 包價旅遊 包价旅游 T - 0 bāo jià lǚ yóu f /package holiday/ 包公 - 31 Bāo gōng f /Lord Bao or Judge Bao, fictional nickname of Bao Zheng 包拯[Bao1 Zheng3] (999-1062), Northern Song official renowned for his honesty/ 包养 包養 S - 24 bāo yǎng f /to provide for/to keep (a mistress)/ 包剪錘 包剪锤 T - 0 bāo jiǎn chuí f /rock-paper-scissors (game)/ 包剪锤 包剪錘 S - 0 bāo jiǎn chuí f /rock-paper-scissors (game)/ 包剿 - 0 bāo jiǎo f /to surround and annihilate (bandits)/ 包办 包辦 S - 164 bāo bàn f /to undertake to do everything by oneself/to run the whole show/ 包办代替 包辦代替 S - 11 bāo bàn dài tì f /to do everything oneself (idiom); not to allow others in on the act/ 包办婚姻 包辦婚姻 S - 3 bāo bàn hūn yīn f /forced marriage/arranged marriage (without the consent of the individuals)/ 包包 - 3 bāo bāo f /bag or purse etc/small bump or pimple/hillock/ 包厢 包廂 S - 183 bāo xiāng f /box (in a theater or concert hall)/private room (in a restaurant or karaoke)/ 包含 2150 2938 bāo hán f /to contain/to embody/to include/ 包囊 - 10 bāo náng f /bundle/bag/ 包围 包圍 S 2882 1607 bāo wéi f /to surround/to encircle/to hem in/ 包圆儿 包圓兒 S - 3 bāo yuán r f /to buy the whole lot/to take everything remaining/ 包圍 包围 T 2882 1607 bāo wéi f /to surround/to encircle/to hem in/ 包圓兒 包圆儿 T - 3 bāo yuán r f /to buy the whole lot/to take everything remaining/ 包在我身上 - 0 bāo zài wǒ shēn shang f /leave it to me (idiom)/I'll take care of it/ 包场 包場 S - 10 bāo chǎng f /to reserve all the seats (or a large block of seats) at a theater, restaurant etc/ 包場 包场 T - 10 bāo chǎng f /to reserve all the seats (or a large block of seats) at a theater, restaurant etc/ 包头 包頭 S - 199 Bāo tóu f /Baotou prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia/ 包头 包頭 S - 199 bāo tóu f /turban/headband/ 包头地区 包頭地區 S - 0 Bāo tóu dì qū f /Baotou prefecture in Inner Mongolia/ 包头市 包頭市 S - 45 Bāo tóu shì f /Baotou prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia/ 包子 1193 162 bāo zi f /steamed stuffed bun/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 包子有肉不在褶上 - 0 bāo zi yǒu ròu bù zài zhě shàng f /a book is not judged by its cover (idiom)/ 包容 - 152 bāo róng f /to pardon/to forgive/to show tolerance/to contain/to hold/inclusive/ 包封 - 7 bāo fēng f /to seal/to close up a package with a seal/ 包尔 包爾 S - 0 Bāo ěr f /Borr (Norse deity)/ 包层 包層 S - 9 bāo céng f /cladding/covering (on a fiber)/ 包層 包层 T - 9 bāo céng f /cladding/covering (on a fiber)/ 包工 - 15 bāo gōng f /to undertake to perform work within a time limit and according to specifications/to contract for a job/contractor/ 包工头 包工頭 S - 69 bāo gōng tóu f /chief labor contractor/ 包工頭 包工头 T - 69 bāo gōng tóu f /chief labor contractor/ 包巾 - 2 bāo jīn f /headscarf/turban/ 包干 包乾 S - 71 bāo gān f /to have the full responsibility of a job/allocated task/ 包干儿 包乾兒 S - 3 bāo gān r f /erhua variant of 包乾|包干[bao1 gan1]/ 包干制 包乾制 S - 4 bāo gān zhì f /a system of payment partly in kind and partly in cash/ 包庇 4285 125 bāo bì f /to shield/to harbor/to cover up/ 包廂 包厢 T - 183 bāo xiāng f /box (in a theater or concert hall)/private room (in a restaurant or karaoke)/ 包待制 - 0 Bāo Dài zhì f /Bao Daizhi, "Edict Attendant Bao", fictional name used for Bao Zheng 包拯[Bao1 Zheng3] (999-1062), Northern Song official renowned for his honesty/ 包心菜 - 2 bāo xīn cài f /cabbage/ 包房 - 41 bāo fáng f /compartment (of train, ship etc)/private room at restaurant/rented room for karaoke/hotel room rented by the hour/ 包扎 - 316 bāo zā f /variant of 包紮|包扎[bao1 za1]/ 包扎 包紮 S - 316 bāo zā f /to wrap up/to pack/to bind up (a wound)/ 包打天下 - 12 bāo dǎ tiān xià f /to run everything (idiom); to monopolize the whole business/not allow anyone else to have a look in/ 包承制 - 0 bāo chéng zhì f /responsible crew system/ 包承組 包承组 T - 0 bāo chéng zǔ f /(responsible) crew/ 包承组 包承組 S - 0 bāo chéng zǔ f /(responsible) crew/ 包抄 - 112 bāo chāo f /to outflank/to envelop/ 包括 1369 24052 bāo kuò f /to comprise/to include/to involve/to incorporate/to consist of/ 包括內置配重 包括内置配重 T - 0 bāo kuò nèi zhì pèi zhòng f /integrated weights (diving)/ 包括内置配重 包括內置配重 S - 0 bāo kuò nèi zhì pèi zhòng f /integrated weights (diving)/ 包拯 - 52 Bāo Zhěng f /Bao Zheng (999-1062), Northern Song official renowned for his honesty/modern day metaphor for an honest politician/ 包换 包換 S - 5 bāo huàn f /to guarantee replacement (of faulty goods)/warranty/ 包探 - 3 bāo tàn f /detective (in former times)/ 包換 包换 T - 5 bāo huàn f /to guarantee replacement (of faulty goods)/warranty/ 包揽 包攬 S - 177 bāo lǎn f /to monopolize/to take on responsibility over everything/to undertake the whole task/ 包揽词讼 包攬詞訟 S - 4 bāo lǎn cí sòng f /to canvas for lawsuits (idiom); to practice chicanery/ 包攬 包揽 T - 177 bāo lǎn f /to monopolize/to take on responsibility over everything/to undertake the whole task/ 包攬詞訟 包揽词讼 T - 4 bāo lǎn cí sòng f /to canvas for lawsuits (idiom); to practice chicanery/ 包書皮 包书皮 T - 3 bāo shū pí f /book cover/ 包月 - 68 bāo yuè f /to make monthly payments/monthly payment/ 包机 包機 S - 420 bāo jī f /chartered plane/to charter a plane/ 包柔氏螺旋体 包柔氏螺旋體 S - 0 Bāo róu shì luó xuán tǐ f /Borrelia, genus of Spirochaete bacteria/ 包柔氏螺旋體 包柔氏螺旋体 T - 0 Bāo róu shì luó xuán tǐ f /Borrelia, genus of Spirochaete bacteria/ 包機 包机 T - 420 bāo jī f /chartered plane/to charter a plane/ 包氏螺旋体 包氏螺旋體 S - 0 Bāo shì luó xuán tǐ f /Borrelia, genus of Spirochaete bacteria/ 包氏螺旋體 包氏螺旋体 T - 0 Bāo shì luó xuán tǐ f /Borrelia, genus of Spirochaete bacteria/ 包河 - 5 Bāo hé f /Baohe district of Hefei city 合肥市[He2 fei2 shi4], Anhui/ 包河区 包河區 S - 3 Bāo hé qū f /Baohe district of Hefei city 合肥市[He2 fei2 shi4], Anhui/ 包河區 包河区 T - 3 Bāo hé qū f /Baohe district of Hefei city 合肥市[He2 fei2 shi4], Anhui/ 包治百病 - 4 bāo zhì bǎi bìng f /guarantee to cure all diseases/ 包活 - 0 bāo huó f /job paid according to the amount of work done/contract work/ 包涵 - 84 bāo hán f /to excuse/to forgive/to bear with/to contain/ 包爾 包尔 T - 0 Bāo ěr f /Borr (Norse deity)/ 包產 包产 T - 42 bāo chǎn f /to make a production contract/ 包產到戶 包产到户 T - 147 bāo chǎn dào hù f /fixing of farm output quotas for each household/ 包產到戶制 包产到户制 T - 0 bāo chǎn dào hù zhì f /system of quotas for farm output per household/ 包皮 - 61 bāo pí f /wrapping/wrapper/foreskin/ 包皮环切 包皮環切 S - 0 bāo pí huán qiē f /circumcision/ 包皮环切术 包皮環切術 S - 0 bāo pí huán qiē shù f /circumcision/ 包皮環切 包皮环切 T - 0 bāo pí huán qiē f /circumcision/ 包皮環切術 包皮环切术 T - 0 bāo pí huán qiē shù f /circumcision/ 包票 - 3 bāo piào f /guarantee certificate/ 包租 - 4 bāo zū f /to rent/to charter/to rent land or a house for subletting/fixed rent for farmland/ 包穀 包谷 T - 120 bāo gǔ f /(dialect) maize/corn/also written 苞穀|苞谷[bao1 gu3]/ 包管 - 40 bāo guǎn f /to assure/to guarantee/ 包米 - 4 bāo mǐ f /(dialect) corn/maize/also written 苞米[bao1 mi3]/ 包粟 - 0 bāo sù f /corn/maize/ 包紮 包扎 T - 316 bāo zā f /to wrap up/to pack/to bind up (a wound)/ 包罗 包羅 S - 27 bāo luó f /to include/to cover/to embrace/ 包罗万象 包羅萬象 S - 47 bāo luó wàn xiàng f /all-embracing/all-inclusive/ 包羅 包罗 T - 27 bāo luó f /to include/to cover/to embrace/ 包羅萬象 包罗万象 T - 47 bāo luó wàn xiàng f /all-embracing/all-inclusive/ 包舉 包举 T - 3 bāo jǔ f /to summarize/to swallow up/to annex/to merge/ 包船 - 5 bāo chuán f /to charter a ship/ 包茅 - 0 bāo máo f /bundled thatch/ 包茎 包莖 S - 13 bāo jīng f /phimosis (medicine)/ 包荒 - 0 bāo huāng f /to be tolerant/to be forgiving/to conceal/to cover/ 包莖 包茎 T - 13 bāo jīng f /phimosis (medicine)/ 包菜 - 3 bāo cài f /cabbage/ 包藏 - 49 bāo cáng f /to contain/to harbor/to conceal/ 包藏祸心 包藏禍心 S - 35 bāo cáng huò xīn f /to harbor evil intentions (idiom); concealing malice/ 包藏禍心 包藏祸心 T - 35 bāo cáng huò xīn f /to harbor evil intentions (idiom); concealing malice/ 包衣 - 70 bāo yī f /capsule (containing medicine)/husk (of corn)/ 包衣种子 包衣種子 S - 0 bāo yī zhǒng zi f /seed enclosed in artificial capsule/ 包衣種子 包衣种子 T - 0 bāo yī zhǒng zi f /seed enclosed in artificial capsule/ 包袋 - 5 bāo dài f /bag/ 包被 - 43 bāo bèi f /peridium (envelope or coat of fungi, e.g. puffballs)/ 包袱 3661 947 bāo fu f /wrapping cloth/a bundle wrapped in cloth/load/weight/burden/funny part/punchline/ 包袱底儿 包袱底兒 S - 3 bāo fu dǐ r f /family heirloom/most precious family possession/person's secrets/one's best performance/ 包袱底兒 包袱底儿 T - 3 bāo fu dǐ r f /family heirloom/most precious family possession/person's secrets/one's best performance/ 包袱皮儿 包袱皮兒 S - 0 bāo fu pí r f /wrapping cloth/ 包袱皮兒 包袱皮儿 T - 0 bāo fu pí r f /wrapping cloth/ 包装 包裝 S 3313 910 bāo zhuāng f /to pack/to package/to wrap/packaging/ 包装物 包裝物 S - 9 bāo zhuāng wù f /packaging/ 包装纸 包裝紙 S - 18 bāo zhuāng zhǐ f /wrapping paper/ 包裝 包装 T 3313 910 bāo zhuāng f /to pack/to package/to wrap/packaging/ 包裝物 包装物 T - 9 bāo zhuāng wù f /packaging/ 包裝紙 包装纸 T - 18 bāo zhuāng zhǐ f /wrapping paper/ 包裹 1816 915 bāo guǒ f /to wrap up/to bind up/bundle/parcel/package/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 包谷 包穀 S - 120 bāo gǔ f /(dialect) maize/corn/also written 苞穀|苞谷[bao1 gu3]/ 包豪斯 - 19 Bāo háo sī f /Bauhaus (German school of modern architecture and design)/ 包賠 包赔 T - 5 bāo péi f /guarantee to pay compensations/ 包赔 包賠 S - 5 bāo péi f /guarantee to pay compensations/ 包身工 - 20 bāo shēn gōng f /indentured laborer/ 包車 包车 T - 52 bāo chē f /hired car/chartered car/ 包车 包車 S - 52 bāo chē f /hired car/chartered car/ 包辦 包办 T - 164 bāo bàn f /to undertake to do everything by oneself/to run the whole show/ 包辦代替 包办代替 T - 11 bāo bàn dài tì f /to do everything oneself (idiom); not to allow others in on the act/ 包辦婚姻 包办婚姻 T - 3 bāo bàn hūn yīn f /forced marriage/arranged marriage (without the consent of the individuals)/ 包退 - 3 bāo tuì f /to guarantee refund (for faulty or unsatisfactory goods)/ 包退换 包退換 S - 0 bāo tuì huàn f /to guarantee refund or replacement (of faulty or unsatisfactory goods)/ 包退換 包退换 T - 0 bāo tuì huàn f /to guarantee refund or replacement (of faulty or unsatisfactory goods)/ 包邮 包郵 S - 0 bāo yóu f /shipping included/ 包郵 包邮 T - 0 bāo yóu f /shipping included/ 包里斯 - 0 Bāo lǐ sī f /Boris (name)/ 包金 - 273 bāo jīn f /to gild/(old) wages paid to a performer or a troupe by a theater/ 包銀 包银 T - 273 bāo yín f /contracted payment (esp. actors' salary in former times)/ 包銷 包销 T - 67 bāo xiāo f /to have exclusive selling rights/to be the sole agent for a production unit or firm/ 包银 包銀 S - 273 bāo yín f /contracted payment (esp. actors' salary in former times)/ 包销 包銷 S - 67 bāo xiāo f /to have exclusive selling rights/to be the sole agent for a production unit or firm/ 包間 包间 T - 20 bāo jiān f /private room (in a restaurant, or for karaoke etc)/parlor/booth/compartment/ 包间 包間 S - 20 bāo jiān f /private room (in a restaurant, or for karaoke etc)/parlor/booth/compartment/ 包青天 - 10 Bāo Qīng tiān f /Bao Qingtian, fictional nickname of Bao Zheng 包拯[Bao1 Zheng3] (999-1062), Northern Song official renowned for his honesty/ 包頭 包头 T - 199 Bāo tóu f /Baotou prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia/ 包頭 包头 T - 199 bāo tóu f /turban/headband/ 包頭地區 包头地区 T - 0 Bāo tóu dì qū f /Baotou prefecture in Inner Mongolia/ 包頭市 包头市 T - 45 Bāo tóu shì f /Baotou prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia/ 包飯 包饭 T - 3 bāo fàn f /get or supply meals at a fixed rate/board/ 包餃子 包饺子 T - 0 bāo jiǎo zi f /to wrap jiaozi (dumplings or potstickers)/ 包養 包养 T - 24 bāo yǎng f /to provide for/to keep (a mistress)/ 包饭 包飯 S - 3 bāo fàn f /get or supply meals at a fixed rate/board/ 包饺子 包餃子 S - 0 bāo jiǎo zi f /to wrap jiaozi (dumplings or potstickers)/ 包龍圖 包龙图 T - 14 Bāo Lóng tú f /Bao Longtu, ”Bao of the Dragon Image”, fictional name used for Bao Zheng 包拯[Bao1 Zheng3] (999-1062), Northern Song official renowned for his honesty/ 包龙图 包龍圖 S - 14 Bāo Lóng tú f /Bao Longtu, ”Bao of the Dragon Image”, fictional name used for Bao Zheng 包拯[Bao1 Zheng3] (999-1062), Northern Song official renowned for his honesty/ 匆 - 114 cōng f /hurried/hasty/ 匆 怱 S - 114 cōng f /variant of 匆[cong1]/ 匆 悤 S - 114 cōng f /variant of 匆[cong1]/ 匆促 - 24 cōng cù f /hastily/in a hurry/ 匆匆 - 1574 cōng cōng f /hurriedly/ 匆卒 - 3 cōng cù f /old variant of 匆猝[cong1 cu4]/ 匆忙 2201 439 cōng máng f /hasty/hurried/ 匆猝 - 3 cōng cù f /hurried/hasty/abrupt/ 匆遽 - 3 cōng jù f /hurried/impetuous/rash/ 匈 - 312 Xiōng f /Hungary/Hungarian/abbr. for 匈牙利[Xiong1 ya2 li4]/ 匈 - 312 xiōng f /old variant of 胸[xiong1]/ 匈奴 - 1536 Xiōng nú f /Xiongnu/Huns/general term for nomadic people/ 匈牙利 - 882 Xiōng yá lì f /Hungary/ 匈牙利語 匈牙利语 T - 24 Xiōng yá lì yǔ f /Hungarian language/ 匈牙利语 匈牙利語 S - 24 Xiōng yá lì yǔ f /Hungarian language/ 匈語 匈语 T - 0 Xiōng yǔ f /Hungarian language/ 匈语 匈語 S - 0 Xiōng yǔ f /Hungarian language/ 匉 - 0 pēng f /noise of waters/ 匊 - 0 jú f /receive with both hands/ 匋 - 12 táo f /pottery/ 匍 - 45 pú f /crawl/lie prostrate/ 匍伏 - 3 pú fú f /to crouch/to crawl/to creep/ 匍匐 - 144 pú fú f /to crawl/to creep/ 匍匐前进 匍匐前進 S - 3 pú fú qián jìn f /to crawl forward/ 匍匐前進 匍匐前进 T - 3 pú fú qián jìn f /to crawl forward/ 匍匐茎 匍匐莖 S - 16 pú fú jīng f /(botany) stolon/ 匍匐莖 匍匐茎 T - 16 pú fú jīng f /(botany) stolon/ 匏 - 41 páo f /bottle gourd/Lagenaria vulgaris/ 匐 - 39 fú f /to fall prostrate/ 匑 - 0 gōng f /to bow/to salute/ 匔 - 0 gōng f /old variant of 匑[gong1]/ 匕 - 113 bǐ f /dagger/ladle/ancient type of spoon/ 匕首 - 1041 bǐ shǒu f /dagger/ 化 - 7067 huā f /variant of 花[hua1]/ 化 - 7067 huà t /to make into/to change into/-ization/to ... -ize/to transform/abbr. for 化學|化学[hua4 xue2]/ 化为乌有 化為烏有 S - 73 huà wéi wū yǒu f /to go up in smoke/to vanish/ 化为泡影 化為泡影 S - 33 huà wéi pào yǐng f /lit. to turn into soap bubbles/to come to nothing (idiom)/ 化作 - 196 huà zuò f /to change into/to turn into/to become/ 化冻 化凍 S - 4 huà dòng f /to defrost/ 化凍 化冻 T - 4 huà dòng f /to defrost/ 化合 - 142 huà hé f /chemical combination/ 化合价 化合價 S - 23 huà hé jià f /valence (chemistry)/ 化合價 化合价 T - 23 huà hé jià f /valence (chemistry)/ 化合物 - 1680 huà hé wù f /chemical compound/ 化名 - 199 huà míng f /to use an alias/assumed name/pseudonym/ 化外 - 3 huà wài f /(old) outside the sphere of civilization/ 化妆 化妝 S 2852 286 huà zhuāng f /to put on makeup/ 化妆品 化妝品 S - 458 huà zhuāng pǐn f /cosmetic/makeup product/ 化妆室 化妝室 S - 8 huà zhuāng shì f /dressing room/powder room/(Taiwan) toilets/ 化妆舞会 化妝舞會 S - 3 huà zhuāng wǔ huì f /masquerade/ 化妝 化妆 T 2852 286 huà zhuāng f /to put on makeup/ 化妝品 化妆品 T - 458 huà zhuāng pǐn f /cosmetic/makeup product/ 化妝室 化妆室 T - 8 huà zhuāng shì f /dressing room/powder room/(Taiwan) toilets/ 化妝舞會 化妆舞会 T - 3 huà zhuāng wǔ huì f /masquerade/ 化子 - 128 huā zi f /beggar (old term)/same as 花子/ 化学 化學 S 1812 5457 huà xué f /chemistry/chemical/ 化学信息素 化學信息素 S - 0 huà xué xìn xī sù f /semiochemical/ 化学元素 化學元素 S - 257 huà xué yuán sù f /chemical element/ 化学分析 化學分析 S - 47 huà xué fēn xī f /chemical analysis/ 化学剂量计 化學劑量計 S - 0 huà xué jì liàng jì f /chemical dosimeter/ 化学反应 化學反應 S - 345 huà xué fǎn yìng f /chemical reaction/ 化学变化 化學變化 S - 71 huà xué biàn huà f /chemical change/chemical transformation/ 化学品 化學品 S - 108 huà xué pǐn f /chemicals/ 化学家 化學家 S - 359 huà xué jiā f /chemist/ 化学工业 化學工業 S - 346 huà xué gōng yè f /chemical industry, abbr. to 化工[hua4 gong1]/ 化学工程 化學工程 S - 3 huà xué gōng chéng f /chemical engineering/ 化学师 化學師 S - 0 huà xué shī f /chemist/apothecary/ 化学式 化學式 S - 71 huà xué shì f /chemical formula (e.g. water H2O)/ 化学弹药 化學彈藥 S - 0 huà xué dàn yào f /chemical ammunition/ 化学性 化學性 S - 49 huà xué xìng f /chemical/ 化学性质 化學性質 S - 194 huà xué xìng zhì f /chemical property/ 化学成分 化學成分 S - 2 huà xué chéng fèn f /chemical composition/ 化学战 化學戰 S - 31 huà xué zhàn f /chemical warfare/ 化学战剂 化學戰劑 S - 3 huà xué zhàn jì f /chemical warfare agent/ 化学战剂检毒箱 化學戰劑檢毒箱 S - 0 huà xué zhàn jì jiǎn dú xiāng f /chemical detection kit/ 化学战斗部 化學戰斗部 S - 0 huà xué zhàn dòu bù f /chemical warhead/ 化学方程式 化學方程式 S - 0 huà xué fāng chéng shì f /chemical equation/ 化学武器 化學武器 S - 139 huà xué wǔ qì f /chemical weapon/ 化学武器储备 化學武器儲備 S - 0 huà xué wǔ qì chǔ bèi f /chemical weapons storage/ 化学武器防护 化學武器防護 S - 0 huà xué wǔ qì fáng hù f /chemical weapon defense/ 化学比色法 化學比色法 S - 0 huà xué bǐ sè fǎ f /chemical colorimetry/ 化学治疗 化學治療 S - 3 huà xué zhì liáo f /chemotherapy/ 化学激光器 化學激光器 S - 0 huà xué jī guāng qì f /chemical laser/ 化学物 化學物 S - 0 huà xué wù f /chemicals/ 化学疗法 化學療法 S - 0 huà xué liáo fǎ f /chemotherapy/ 化学系 化學系 S - 98 huà xué xì f /department of chemistry/ 化学纤维 化學纖維 S - 85 huà xué xiān wéi f /synthetic fiber/chemical fiber/ 化学能 化學能 S - 76 huà xué néng f /chemical energy/ 化学航弹 化學航彈 S - 0 huà xué háng dàn f /chemical bomb/ 化学键 化學鍵 S - 96 huà xué jiàn f /chemical bond/ 化学需氧量 化學需氧量 S - 0 huà xué xū yǎng liàng f /chemical oxygen demand (an environmental indicator)/ 化學 化学 T 1812 5457 huà xué f /chemistry/chemical/ 化學信息素 化学信息素 T - 0 huà xué xìn xī sù f /semiochemical/ 化學元素 化学元素 T - 257 huà xué yuán sù f /chemical element/ 化學分析 化学分析 T - 47 huà xué fēn xī f /chemical analysis/ 化學劑量計 化学剂量计 T - 0 huà xué jì liàng jì f /chemical dosimeter/ 化學反應 化学反应 T - 345 huà xué fǎn yìng f /chemical reaction/ 化學品 化学品 T - 108 huà xué pǐn f /chemicals/ 化學家 化学家 T - 359 huà xué jiā f /chemist/ 化學工業 化学工业 T - 346 huà xué gōng yè f /chemical industry, abbr. to 化工[hua4 gong1]/ 化學工程 化学工程 T - 3 huà xué gōng chéng f /chemical engineering/ 化學師 化学师 T - 0 huà xué shī f /chemist/apothecary/ 化學式 化学式 T - 71 huà xué shì f /chemical formula (e.g. water H2O)/ 化學彈藥 化学弹药 T - 0 huà xué dàn yào f /chemical ammunition/ 化學性 化学性 T - 49 huà xué xìng f /chemical/ 化學性質 化学性质 T - 194 huà xué xìng zhì f /chemical property/ 化學成分 化学成分 T - 2 huà xué chéng fèn f /chemical composition/ 化學戰 化学战 T - 31 huà xué zhàn f /chemical warfare/ 化學戰劑 化学战剂 T - 3 huà xué zhàn jì f /chemical warfare agent/ 化學戰劑檢毒箱 化学战剂检毒箱 T - 0 huà xué zhàn jì jiǎn dú xiāng f /chemical detection kit/ 化學戰斗部 化学战斗部 T - 0 huà xué zhàn dòu bù f /chemical warhead/ 化學方程式 化学方程式 T - 0 huà xué fāng chéng shì f /chemical equation/ 化學武器 化学武器 T - 139 huà xué wǔ qì f /chemical weapon/ 化學武器儲備 化学武器储备 T - 0 huà xué wǔ qì chǔ bèi f /chemical weapons storage/ 化學武器防護 化学武器防护 T - 0 huà xué wǔ qì fáng hù f /chemical weapon defense/ 化學比色法 化学比色法 T - 0 huà xué bǐ sè fǎ f /chemical colorimetry/ 化學治療 化学治疗 T - 3 huà xué zhì liáo f /chemotherapy/ 化學激光器 化学激光器 T - 0 huà xué jī guāng qì f /chemical laser/ 化學物 化学物 T - 0 huà xué wù f /chemicals/ 化學療法 化学疗法 T - 0 huà xué liáo fǎ f /chemotherapy/ 化學系 化学系 T - 98 huà xué xì f /department of chemistry/ 化學纖維 化学纤维 T - 85 huà xué xiān wéi f /synthetic fiber/chemical fiber/ 化學能 化学能 T - 76 huà xué néng f /chemical energy/ 化學航彈 化学航弹 T - 0 huà xué háng dàn f /chemical bomb/ 化學變化 化学变化 T - 71 huà xué biàn huà f /chemical change/chemical transformation/ 化學鍵 化学键 T - 96 huà xué jiàn f /chemical bond/ 化學需氧量 化学需氧量 T - 0 huà xué xū yǎng liàng f /chemical oxygen demand (an environmental indicator)/ 化州 - 10 Huà zhōu f /Huazhou county level city in Maoming 茂名, Guangdong/ 化州市 - 7 Huà zhōu shì f /Huazhou county level city in Maoming 茂名, Guangdong/ 化工 - 4022 huà gōng f /chemical industry, abbr. of 化學工業|化学工业[hua4 xue2 gong1 ye4]/chemical engineering, abbr. of 化學工程|化学工程[hua4 xue2 gong1 cheng2]/ 化工厂 化工廠 S - 121 huà gōng chǎng f /chemical factory/ 化工廠 化工厂 T - 121 huà gōng chǎng f /chemical factory/ 化干戈为玉帛 化干戈為玉帛 S - 13 huà gān gē wéi yù bó f /lit. to exchange weapons of war for gifts of jade and silk (idiom)/fig. to turn hostility into friendship/ 化干戈為玉帛 化干戈为玉帛 T - 13 huà gān gē wéi yù bó f /lit. to exchange weapons of war for gifts of jade and silk (idiom)/fig. to turn hostility into friendship/ 化开 化開 S - 3 huà kāi f /to spread out after being diluted or melted/to dissolve into a liquid/ 化德 - 2 Huà dé f /Huade county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia/ 化德县 化德縣 S - 3 Huà dé xiàn f /Huade county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia/ 化德縣 化德县 T - 3 Huà dé xiàn f /Huade county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia/ 化敌为友 化敵為友 S - 44 huà dí wéi yǒu f /to convert an enemy into a friend (idiom)/ 化整为零 化整為零 S - 24 huà zhěng wéi líng f /to break up the whole into pieces (idiom); dealing with things one by one/divide and conquer/ 化整為零 化整为零 T - 24 huà zhěng wéi líng f /to break up the whole into pieces (idiom); dealing with things one by one/divide and conquer/ 化敵為友 化敌为友 T - 44 huà dí wéi yǒu f /to convert an enemy into a friend (idiom)/ 化斋 化齋 S - 37 huà zhāi f /to beg for food (of monks)/ 化日 - 0 huà rì f /sunlight/daytime/ 化武 - 3 huà wǔ f /chemical weapon/abbr. for 化學武器|化学武器[hua4 xue2 wu3 qi4]/ 化油器 - 3 huà yóu qì f /carburetor/ 化為泡影 化为泡影 T - 33 huà wéi pào yǐng f /lit. to turn into soap bubbles/to come to nothing (idiom)/ 化為烏有 化为乌有 T - 73 huà wéi wū yǒu f /to go up in smoke/to vanish/ 化疗 化療 S - 547 huà liáo f /chemotherapy/ 化痰 - 119 huà tán f /to transform phlegm (TCM)/ 化療 化疗 T - 547 huà liáo f /chemotherapy/ 化石 4464 1701 huà shí f /fossil/ 化石燃料 - 0 huà shí rán liào f /fossil fuel/ 化石群 - 13 huà shí qún f /fossil assemblage/ 化粪池 化糞池 S - 3 huà fèn chí f /septic tank/ 化糞池 化粪池 T - 3 huà fèn chí f /septic tank/ 化緣 化缘 T - 64 huà yuán f /(of a monk) to beg/ 化纖 化纤 T - 447 huà xiān f /synthetic fiber/ 化纤 化纖 S - 447 huà xiān f /synthetic fiber/ 化缘 化緣 S - 64 huà yuán f /(of a monk) to beg/ 化肥 4824 824 huà féi f /fertilizer/ 化脓 化膿 S - 77 huà nóng f /to fester/to suppurate/to be infected/ 化脓性 化膿性 S - 104 huà nóng xìng f /purulent (containing pus)/septic/ 化腐朽为神奇 化腐朽為神奇 S - 10 huà fǔ xiǔ wéi shén qí f /lit. to change something rotten into something magical (idiom)/ 化腐朽為神奇 化腐朽为神奇 T - 10 huà fǔ xiǔ wéi shén qí f /lit. to change something rotten into something magical (idiom)/ 化膿 化脓 T - 77 huà nóng f /to fester/to suppurate/to be infected/ 化膿性 化脓性 T - 104 huà nóng xìng f /purulent (containing pus)/septic/ 化蛹 - 0 huà yǒng f /to pupate/to turn into a chrysalis/ 化装 化裝 S - 132 huà zhuāng f /(of actors) to make up/to disguise oneself/ 化裝 化装 T - 132 huà zhuāng f /(of actors) to make up/to disguise oneself/ 化解 - 621 huà jiě f /to dissolve/to resolve (contradictions)/to dispel (doubts)/to iron out (difficulties)/to defuse (conflicts)/to neutralize (fears)/ 化身 - 263 huà shēn f /incarnation/reincarnation/embodiment (of abstract idea)/personification/ 化開 化开 T - 3 huà kāi f /to spread out after being diluted or melted/to dissolve into a liquid/ 化险为夷 化險為夷 S - 62 huà xiǎn wéi yí f /to turn peril into safety (idiom); to avert disaster/ 化隆 - 7 Huà lóng f /Hualong Huizu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区[Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai/ 化隆县 化隆縣 S - 3 Huà lóng xiàn f /Hualong Huizu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区[Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai/ 化隆回族自治县 化隆回族自治縣 S - 4 Huà lóng Huí zú Zì zhì xiàn f /Hualong Huizu Autonomous County in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区[Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai/ 化隆回族自治縣 化隆回族自治县 T - 4 Huà lóng Huí zú Zì zhì xiàn f /Hualong Huizu Autonomous County in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区[Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai/ 化隆縣 化隆县 T - 3 Huà lóng xiàn f /Hualong Huizu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区[Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai/ 化險為夷 化险为夷 T - 62 huà xiǎn wéi yí f /to turn peril into safety (idiom); to avert disaster/ 化驗 化验 T 3369 319 huà yàn f /laboratory test/chemical experiment/assay/ 化验 化驗 S 3369 319 huà yàn f /laboratory test/chemical experiment/assay/ 化齋 化斋 T - 37 huà zhāi f /to beg for food (of monks)/ 北 - 17860 běi f /north/to be defeated (classical)/ 北上 - 992 běi shàng f /to go up north/ 北上广 北上廣 S - 0 Běi Shàng Guǎng f /abbr. for Beijing 北京[Bei1 jing1], Shanghai 上海[Shang4 hai3] and Guangzhou 廣州|广州[Guang3 zhou1]/ 北上廣 北上广 T - 0 Běi Shàng Guǎng f /abbr. for Beijing 北京[Bei1 jing1], Shanghai 上海[Shang4 hai3] and Guangzhou 廣州|广州[Guang3 zhou1]/ 北二外 - 0 Běi Er wài f /abbr. for 北京第二外國語學院|北京第二外国语学院[Bei3 jing1 Di4 er4 Wai4 guo2 yu3 Xue2 yuan4]/ 北亚 北亞 S - 74 Běi Yà f /North Asia/ 北亞 北亚 T - 74 Běi Yà f /North Asia/ 北京 148 34488 Běi jīng f /Beijing, capital of People's Republic of China/Peking/PRC government/ 北京中医药大学 北京中醫藥大學 S - 13 Běi jīng Zhōng yī yào Dà xué f /Beijing University of Chinese Medicine/ 北京中醫藥大學 北京中医药大学 T - 13 Běi jīng Zhōng yī yào Dà xué f /Beijing University of Chinese Medicine/ 北京产权交易所 北京產權交易所 S - 0 Běi jīng chǎn quán jiāo yì suǒ f /China Beijing Equity Exchange (CBEX)/ 北京人 - 0 Běi jīng rén f /Beijing resident/Peking ape-man, Homo erectus pekinensis (c. 600,000 BC), discovered in 1921 at Zhoukoudian 周口店[Zhou1 kou3 dian4], Beijing/ 北京南苑机场 北京南苑機場 S - 0 Běi jīng Nán yuàn Jī chǎng f /Beijing Nanyuan Airport, military air base and secondary civil airport of Beijing/ 北京南苑機場 北京南苑机场 T - 0 Běi jīng Nán yuàn Jī chǎng f /Beijing Nanyuan Airport, military air base and secondary civil airport of Beijing/ 北京周報 北京周报 T - 0 Běi jīng Zhōu bào f /Beijing Review/also written 北京週報|北京周报/ 北京周报 北京周報 S - 0 Běi jīng Zhōu bào f /Beijing Review/also written 北京週報|北京周报/ 北京周报 北京週報 S - 0 Běi jīng Zhōu bào f /Beijing Review/ 北京咳 - 0 Běi jīng ké f /"Beijing cough", respiratory problems caused by dry and polluted Beijing air, typically experienced by non-acclimated foreigners who would otherwise have no such problems/ 北京商务中心区 北京商務中心區 S - 0 Běi jīng shāng wù zhōng xīn qū f /Beijing central business district CBD/ 北京商務中心區 北京商务中心区 T - 0 Běi jīng shāng wù zhōng xīn qū f /Beijing central business district CBD/ 北京国家体育场 北京國家體育場 S - 0 Běi jīng Guó jiā Tǐ yù chǎng f /Beijing National Stadium/ 北京国家游泳中心 北京國家游泳中心 S - 0 Běi jīng guó jiā yóu yǒng zhōng xīn f /Beijing national aquatics center, swimming venue of Beijing 2008 Olympic games/ 北京國家游泳中心 北京国家游泳中心 T - 0 Běi jīng guó jiā yóu yǒng zhōng xīn f /Beijing national aquatics center, swimming venue of Beijing 2008 Olympic games/ 北京國家體育場 北京国家体育场 T - 0 Běi jīng Guó jiā Tǐ yù chǎng f /Beijing National Stadium/ 北京外国语大学 北京外國語大學 S - 21 Běi jīng Wài guó yǔ Dà xué f /Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU)/ 北京外國語大學 北京外国语大学 T - 21 Běi jīng Wài guó yǔ Dà xué f /Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU)/ 北京大学 北京大學 S - 2053 Běi jīng Dà xué f /Peking University/ 北京大學 北京大学 T - 2053 Běi jīng Dà xué f /Peking University/ 北京工业大学 北京工業大學 S - 23 Běi jīng Gōng yè Dà xué f /Beijing University of Technology/ 北京工人体育场 北京工人體育場 S - 0 Běi jīng Gōng rén Tǐ yù chǎng f /Workers Stadium/ 北京工人體育場 北京工人体育场 T - 0 Běi jīng Gōng rén Tǐ yù chǎng f /Workers Stadium/ 北京工業大學 北京工业大学 T - 23 Běi jīng Gōng yè Dà xué f /Beijing University of Technology/ 北京市 - 3392 Běi jīng Shì f /Beijing/capital of People's Republic of China/one of the four municipalities 直轄市|直辖市[zhi2 xia2 shi4]/ 北京师范大学 北京師範大學 S - 112 Běi jīng Shī fàn Dà xué f /Beijing Normal University/ 北京師範大學 北京师范大学 T - 112 Běi jīng Shī fàn Dà xué f /Beijing Normal University/ 北京广播学院 北京廣播學院 S - 11 Běi jīng Guǎng bō Xué yuàn f /Beijing Broadcasting Institute, former name of 中國傳媒大學|中国传媒大学[Zhong1 guo2 Chuan2 mei2 Da4 xue2]/ 北京廣播學院 北京广播学院 T - 11 Běi jīng Guǎng bō Xué yuàn f /Beijing Broadcasting Institute, former name of 中國傳媒大學|中国传媒大学[Zhong1 guo2 Chuan2 mei2 Da4 xue2]/ 北京教育学院 北京教育學院 S - 0 Běi jīng Jiào yù Xué yuàn f /Beijing Institute of Education/ 北京教育學院 北京教育学院 T - 0 Běi jīng Jiào yù Xué yuàn f /Beijing Institute of Education/ 北京日報 北京日报 T - 3 Běi jīng Rì bào f /Beijing Daily (newspaper), www.bjd.com.cn/ 北京日报 北京日報 S - 3 Běi jīng Rì bào f /Beijing Daily (newspaper), www.bjd.com.cn/ 北京时间 北京時間 S - 0 Běi jīng Shí jiān f /Chinese Standard Time/ 北京時間 北京时间 T - 0 Běi jīng Shí jiān f /Chinese Standard Time/ 北京晚報 北京晚报 T - 3 Běi jīng Wǎn bào f /Beijing Evening News/ 北京晚报 北京晚報 S - 3 Běi jīng Wǎn bào f /Beijing Evening News/ 北京晨報 北京晨报 T - 16 Běi jīng Chén bào f /Beijing Morning Post, www.morningpost.com.cn/ 北京晨报 北京晨報 S - 16 Běi jīng Chén bào f /Beijing Morning Post, www.morningpost.com.cn/ 北京林业大学 北京林業大學 S - 14 Běi jīng Lín yè Dà xué f /Beijing Forestry University/ 北京林業大學 北京林业大学 T - 14 Běi jīng Lín yè Dà xué f /Beijing Forestry University/ 北京核武器研究所 - 0 Běi jīng hé wǔ qì yán jiū suǒ f /Nuclear Weapon Institute in Beijing/ 北京汽車製造廠有限公司 北京汽车制造厂有限公司 T - 0 Běi jīng Qì chē Zhì zào chǎng Yǒu xiàn Gōng sī f /Beijing Automobile Works (BAW)/ 北京汽车制造厂有限公司 北京汽車製造廠有限公司 S - 0 Běi jīng Qì chē Zhì zào chǎng Yǒu xiàn Gōng sī f /Beijing Automobile Works (BAW)/ 北京烤鴨 北京烤鸭 T - 3 Běi jīng kǎo yā f /Peking Duck/ 北京烤鸭 北京烤鴨 S - 3 Běi jīng kǎo yā f /Peking Duck/ 北京物資學院 北京物资学院 T - 3 Běi jīng Wù zī Xué yuàn f /Beijing Materials University/ 北京物资学院 北京物資學院 S - 3 Běi jīng Wù zī Xué yuàn f /Beijing Materials University/ 北京猿人 - 69 Běi jīng yuán rén f /Peking ape-man/Homo erectus pekinensis (c. 600,000 BC), discovered in Zhoukoudian 周口店[Zhou1 kou3 dian4] in 1921/ 北京环球金融中心 北京環球金融中心 S - 0 Běi jīng Huán qiú Jīn róng Zhōng xīn f /Beijing World Financial Center, skyscraper/ 北京理工大学 北京理工大學 S - 64 Běi jīng Lǐ gōng Dà xué f /Beijing Institute of Technology/ 北京理工大學 北京理工大学 T - 64 Běi jīng Lǐ gōng Dà xué f /Beijing Institute of Technology/ 北京環球金融中心 北京环球金融中心 T - 0 Běi jīng Huán qiú Jīn róng Zhōng xīn f /Beijing World Financial Center, skyscraper/ 北京產權交易所 北京产权交易所 T - 0 Běi jīng chǎn quán jiāo yì suǒ f /China Beijing Equity Exchange (CBEX)/ 北京电影学院 北京電影學院 S - 25 Běi jīng Diàn yǐng Xué yuàn f /Beijing Film Academy/ 北京科技大学 北京科技大學 S - 40 Běi jīng Kē jì Dà xué f /University of Science and Technology Beijing/ 北京科技大學 北京科技大学 T - 40 Běi jīng Kē jì Dà xué f /University of Science and Technology Beijing/ 北京第二外国语学院 北京第二外國語學院 S - 20 Běi jīng Dì èr Wài guó yǔ Xué yuàn f /Beijing International Studies University (BISU)/ 北京第二外國語學院 北京第二外国语学院 T - 20 Běi jīng Dì èr Wài guó yǔ Xué yuàn f /Beijing International Studies University (BISU)/ 北京舞蹈学院 北京舞蹈學院 S - 5 Běi jīng Wǔ dǎo Xué yuàn f /Beijing Dance Academy/ 北京舞蹈學院 北京舞蹈学院 T - 5 Běi jīng Wǔ dǎo Xué yuàn f /Beijing Dance Academy/ 北京航空学院 北京航空學院 S - 0 Běi jīng Háng kōng Xué yuàn f /Beijing Aeronautical and Astronautical Institute (abbr. to 北航院)/ 北京航空學院 北京航空学院 T - 0 Běi jīng Háng kōng Xué yuàn f /Beijing Aeronautical and Astronautical Institute (abbr. to 北航院)/ 北京航空航天大学 北京航空航天大學 S - 28 Běi jīng Háng kōng Háng tiān Dà xué f /Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics/ 北京航空航天大學 北京航空航天大学 T - 28 Běi jīng Háng kōng Háng tiān Dà xué f /Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics/ 北京艺术学院 北京藝術學院 S - 0 Běi jīng Yì shù Xué yuàn f /Beijing Academy of Fine Arts/ 北京藝術學院 北京艺术学院 T - 0 Běi jīng Yì shù Xué yuàn f /Beijing Academy of Fine Arts/ 北京話 北京话 T - 0 Běi jīng huà f /Beijing dialect/ 北京語言大學 北京语言大学 T - 0 Běi jīng Yǔ yán Dà xué f /Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU)/ 北京語言學院 北京语言学院 T - 0 Běi jīng Yǔ yán Xué yuàn f /Beijing Language Institute/former name of 北京語言大學|北京语言大学[Bei3 jing1 Yu3 yan2 Da4 xue2] Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU)/ 北京话 北京話 S - 0 Běi jīng huà f /Beijing dialect/ 北京语言大学 北京語言大學 S - 0 Běi jīng Yǔ yán Dà xué f /Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU)/ 北京语言学院 北京語言學院 S - 0 Běi jīng Yǔ yán Xué yuàn f /Beijing Language Institute/former name of 北京語言大學|北京语言大学[Bei3 jing1 Yu3 yan2 Da4 xue2] Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU)/ 北京週報 北京周报 T - 0 Běi jīng Zhōu bào f /Beijing Review/ 北京電影學院 北京电影学院 T - 25 Běi jīng Diàn yǐng Xué yuàn f /Beijing Film Academy/ 北京青年報 北京青年报 T - 31 Běi jīng Qīng nián Bào f /Beijing Youth Daily, bjyouth.ynet.com/ 北京青年报 北京青年報 S - 31 Běi jīng Qīng nián Bào f /Beijing Youth Daily, bjyouth.ynet.com/ 北京音 - 0 Běi jīng yīn f /Beijing pronunciation/ 北仑 北侖 S - 8 Běi lún f /Beilun district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁波市[Ning2 bo1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 北仑区 北侖區 S - 6 Běi lún qū f /Beilun district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁波市[Ning2 bo1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 北仓区 北倉區 S - 0 Běi cāng qū f /erroneous variant of 北侖區|北仑区[Bei3 lun2 qu1], Beilun district of Ningbo, Zhejiang/ 北伐 - 498 Běi fá f /the Northern Expedition, the Nationalists' campaign of 1926-1928 under Chiang Kai-shek, against the rule of local warlords/ 北伐军 北伐軍 S - 356 běi fá jūn f /the Northern Expeditionary Army/ 北伐軍 北伐军 T - 356 běi fá jūn f /the Northern Expeditionary Army/ 北佬 - 0 běi lǎo f /northerner, person from Northern China (Cantonese)/ 北侖 北仑 T - 8 Běi lún f /Beilun district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁波市[Ning2 bo1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 北侖區 北仑区 T - 6 Běi lún qū f /Beilun district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁波市[Ning2 bo1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 北侧 北側 S - 704 běi cè f /north side/north face/ 北倉區 北仓区 T - 0 Běi cāng qū f /erroneous variant of 北侖區|北仑区[Bei3 lun2 qu1], Beilun district of Ningbo, Zhejiang/ 北側 北侧 T - 704 běi cè f /north side/north face/ 北关 北關 S - 62 Běi guān f /Beiguan district of Anyang city 安陽市|安阳市[An1 yang2 shi4], Henan/ 北关区 北關區 S - 3 Běi guān qū f /Beiguan district of Anyang city 安陽市|安阳市[An1 yang2 shi4], Henan/ 北冕座 - 0 Běi miǎn zuò f /Corona Borealis (constellation)/ 北冰洋 - 326 Běi bīng yáng f /Arctic ocean/ 北凉 北涼 S - 27 Běi Liáng f /Northern Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms (398-439)/ 北半球 - 252 Běi bàn qiú f /Northern Hemisphere/ 北卡罗来纳 北卡羅來納 S - 20 Běi Kǎ luó lái nà f /North Carolina, US state/ 北卡罗来纳州 北卡羅來納州 S - 31 Běi Kǎ luó lái nà zhōu f /North Carolina, US state/ 北卡羅來納 北卡罗来纳 T - 20 Běi Kǎ luó lái nà f /North Carolina, US state/ 北卡羅來納州 北卡罗来纳州 T - 31 Běi Kǎ luó lái nà zhōu f /North Carolina, US state/ 北印度語 北印度语 T - 0 běi Yìn dù yǔ f /Hindi/a north Indian language/ 北印度语 北印度語 S - 0 běi Yìn dù yǔ f /Hindi/a north Indian language/ 北县 北縣 S - 3 Běi xiàn f /abbr. for 台北縣|台北县[Tai2 bei3 xian4], Taipei county in north Taiwan/ 北叟失馬 北叟失马 T - 3 běi sǒu shī mǎ f /lit. the old man lost his horse, but it all turned out for the best (idiom)/fig. a blessing in disguise/it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good/ 北叟失马 北叟失馬 S - 3 běi sǒu shī mǎ f /lit. the old man lost his horse, but it all turned out for the best (idiom)/fig. a blessing in disguise/it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good/ 北史 - 0 Běi shǐ f /History of the Northern Dynasties, fifteenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled by Li Yanshou 李延壽|李延寿[Li3 Yan2 shou4] in 659 during Tang Dynasty, 100 scrolls/ 北周 - 316 Běi Zhōu f /the Northern Zhou Dynasty (557-581)/one of the Northern Dynasties/ 北噪鴉 北噪鸦 T - 0 běi zào yā f /(bird species of China) Siberian jay (Perisoreus infaustus)/ 北噪鸦 北噪鴉 S - 0 běi zào yā f /(bird species of China) Siberian jay (Perisoreus infaustus)/ 北回归线 北回歸線 S - 81 Běi huí guī xiàn f /Tropic of Cancer/ 北回歸線 北回归线 T - 81 Běi huí guī xiàn f /Tropic of Cancer/ 北国 北國 S - 81 běi guó f /the northern part of the country/the North/ 北國 北国 T - 81 běi guó f /the northern part of the country/the North/ 北圻 - 3 Běi qí f /Tonkin, northern Vietnam during the French colonial period/ 北坡 - 210 běi pō f /north slope/ 北埔 - 3 Běi bù f /Beibu or Peipu township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 北埔乡 北埔鄉 S - 0 Běi bù xiāng f /Beibu or Peipu township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 北埔鄉 北埔乡 T - 0 Běi bù xiāng f /Beibu or Peipu township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 北塔 - 0 Běi tǎ f /North tower/Beita district of Shaoyang city 邵陽市|邵阳市[Shao4 yang2 shi4], Hunan/ 北塔区 北塔區 S - 3 Běi tǎ qū f /North tower district/Beita district of Shaoyang city 邵陽市|邵阳市[Shao4 yang2 shi4], Hunan/ 北塔區 北塔区 T - 3 Běi tǎ qū f /North tower district/Beita district of Shaoyang city 邵陽市|邵阳市[Shao4 yang2 shi4], Hunan/ 北塘 - 149 Běi táng f /Beitang district of Wuxi city 無錫市|无锡市[Wu2 xi1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 北塘区 北塘區 S - 3 Běi táng qū f /Beitang district of Wuxi city 無錫市|无锡市[Wu2 xi1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 北塘區 北塘区 T - 3 Běi táng qū f /Beitang district of Wuxi city 無錫市|无锡市[Wu2 xi1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 北外 - 87 Běi Wài f /abbr. for 北京外國語大學|北京外国语大学[Bei3 jing1 Wai4 guo2 yu3 Da4 xue2]/ 北大 - 1580 Běi Dà f /Peking University (abbr. for 北京大學|北京大学)/ 北大荒 - 97 běi dà huāng f /the Great Northern Wilderness (in Northern China)/ 北大西洋 - 165 Běi Dà xī yáng f /North Atlantic/ 北大西洋公約組織 北大西洋公约组织 T - 77 Běi Dà xī Yáng Gōng yuē Zǔ zhī f /North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO/ 北大西洋公约组织 北大西洋公約組織 S - 77 Běi Dà xī Yáng Gōng yuē Zǔ zhī f /North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO/ 北威州 - 3 Běi wēi zhōu f /North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany/ 北安 - 181 Běi ān f /Bei'an county level city in Heihe 黑河[Hei1 he2], Heilongjiang/ 北安市 - 5 Běi ān shì f /Bei'an county level city in Heihe 黑河[Hei1 he2], Heilongjiang/ 北安普敦 - 0 Běi ān pǔ dūn f /Northampton, town in central England, county town of Northamptonshire 北安普敦郡[Bei3 an1 pu3 dun1 jun4]/ 北宋 - 1415 Běi Sòng f /the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127)/ 北宋四大部书 北宋四大部書 S - 0 Běi Sòng sì dà bù shū f /Four great compilations of Northern Song dynasty, namely: Extensive records of the Taiping era (978) 太平廣記|太平广记, Imperial readings of the Taiping era 太平御覽|太平御览, Prime tortoise of the record bureau 冊府元龜|册府元龟, Finest blossoms in the garden of literature 文苑英華|文苑英华/ 北宋四大部書 北宋四大部书 T - 0 Běi Sòng sì dà bù shū f /Four great compilations of Northern Song dynasty, namely: Extensive records of the Taiping era (978) 太平廣記|太平广记, Imperial readings of the Taiping era 太平御覽|太平御览, Prime tortoise of the record bureau 冊府元龜|册府元龟, Finest blossoms in the garden of literature 文苑英華|文苑英华/ 北寒带 北寒帶 S - 3 běi hán dài f /the north frigid zone/ 北寒帶 北寒带 T - 3 běi hán dài f /the north frigid zone/ 北屯 - 3 Běi tún f /Beitun city or town in Altay prefecture 阿勒泰地區|阿勒泰地区[A1 le4 tai4 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 北屯区 北屯區 S - 0 Běi tún Qū f /Beitun District of Taichung, Taiwan/ 北屯區 北屯区 T - 0 Běi tún Qū f /Beitun District of Taichung, Taiwan/ 北屯市 - 0 Běi tún shì f /Beitun city or town in Altay prefecture 阿勒泰地區|阿勒泰地区[A1 le4 tai4 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 北屯鎮 北屯镇 T - 0 Běi tún zhèn f /Beitun city or town in Altay prefecture 阿勒泰地區|阿勒泰地区[A1 le4 tai4 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 北屯镇 北屯鎮 S - 0 Běi tún zhèn f /Beitun city or town in Altay prefecture 阿勒泰地區|阿勒泰地区[A1 le4 tai4 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 北山 - 360 Běi shān f /northern mountain/refers to Mt Mang 邙山 at Luoyang in Henan/ 北山羊 - 0 běi shān yáng f /ibex/ 北岛 北島 S - 61 Běi Dǎo f /Bei Dao (1949-), Chinese poet/ 北岳 北嶽 S - 29 Běi yuè f /Mt Heng 恆山|恒山[Heng2 Shan1] in Shanxi, one of the Five Sacred Mountains 五嶽|五岳[Wu3 yue4]/ 北島 北岛 T - 61 Běi Dǎo f /Bei Dao (1949-), Chinese poet/ 北嶽 北岳 T - 29 Běi yuè f /Mt Heng 恆山|恒山[Heng2 Shan1] in Shanxi, one of the Five Sacred Mountains 五嶽|五岳[Wu3 yue4]/ 北川 - 14 Běi chuān f /Beichuan county level city in Mianyang prefecture 綿陽|绵阳, Sichuan/ 北川县 北川縣 S - 2 Běi chuān xiàn f /Beichuan Qiang autonomous county in Mianyang 綿陽|绵阳[Mian2 yang2], north Sichuan/ 北川縣 北川县 T - 2 Běi chuān xiàn f /Beichuan Qiang autonomous county in Mianyang 綿陽|绵阳[Mian2 yang2], north Sichuan/ 北川羌族自治县 北川羌族自治縣 S - 0 Běi chuān Qiāng zú zì zhì xiàn f /Beichuan Qiang autonomous county in Mianyang 綿陽|绵阳[Mian2 yang2], north Sichuan/ 北川羌族自治縣 北川羌族自治县 T - 0 Běi chuān Qiāng zú zì zhì xiàn f /Beichuan Qiang autonomous county in Mianyang 綿陽|绵阳[Mian2 yang2], north Sichuan/ 北市区 北市區 S - 3 Běi shì qū f /North city district/ 北市區 北市区 T - 3 Běi shì qū f /North city district/ 北师大 北師大 S - 60 Běi Shī Dà f /Beijing Normal University/abbr. for 北京師範大學|北京师范大学[Bei3 jing1 Shi1 fan4 Da4 xue2]/ 北師大 北师大 T - 60 Běi Shī Dà f /Beijing Normal University/abbr. for 北京師範大學|北京师范大学[Bei3 jing1 Shi1 fan4 Da4 xue2]/ 北平 - 4403 Běi píng f /Peiping or Beiping (name of Beijing at different periods, esp. 1928-1949)/ 北征 - 11 běi zhēng f /punitive expedition to the north/ 北愛 北爱 T - 199 Běi Aì f /abbr. for 北愛爾蘭|北爱尔兰[Bei3 Ai4 er3 lan2], Northern Ireland/ 北愛爾蘭 北爱尔兰 T - 129 Běi Aì ěr lán f /Northern Ireland/ 北戴河 - 155 Běi dài hé f /Beidaihe district of Qinhuangdao city 秦皇島市|秦皇岛市[Qin2 huang2 dao3 shi4], Hebei/ 北戴河区 北戴河區 S - 3 Běi dài hé qū f /Beidaihe district of Qinhuangdao city 秦皇島市|秦皇岛市[Qin2 huang2 dao3 shi4], Hebei/ 北戴河區 北戴河区 T - 3 Běi dài hé qū f /Beidaihe district of Qinhuangdao city 秦皇島市|秦皇岛市[Qin2 huang2 dao3 shi4], Hebei/ 北投 - 3 Běi tóu f /Beitou or Peitou district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 北投区 北投區 S - 2 Běi tóu qū f /Beitou or Peitou district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 北投區 北投区 T - 2 Běi tóu qū f /Beitou or Peitou district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 北斗 - 265 Běi dǒu f /Great Bear/Big Dipper/Peitou town in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 北斗七星 - 56 běi dǒu qī xīng f /Ursa Major/Great Bear/Big Dipper/ 北斗卫星导航系统 北斗衛星導航系統 S - 0 Běi Dǒu wèi xīng dǎo háng xì tǒng f /Beidou navigation system/ 北斗星 - 33 Běi dǒu xīng f /the Big Dipper/the Plow/ 北斗衛星導航系統 北斗卫星导航系统 T - 0 Běi Dǒu wèi xīng dǎo háng xì tǒng f /Beidou navigation system/ 北斗鎮 北斗镇 T - 0 Běi dǒu zhèn f /Peitou town in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 北斗镇 北斗鎮 S - 0 Běi dǒu zhèn f /Peitou town in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 北方 571 3850 běi fāng f /north/the northern part a country/China north of the Yellow River/ 北方中杜鵑 北方中杜鹃 T - 0 běi fāng zhōng dù juān f /(bird species of China) oriental cuckoo (Cuculus optatus)/ 北方中杜鹃 北方中杜鵑 S - 0 běi fāng zhōng dù juān f /(bird species of China) oriental cuckoo (Cuculus optatus)/ 北方佬 - 4 běi fāng lǎo f /northerner/guy from the north/Yankee/ 北方工业 北方工業 S - 3 Běi fāng Gōng yè f /Norinco, PRC state-run conglomerate/ 北方工業 北方工业 T - 3 Běi fāng Gōng yè f /Norinco, PRC state-run conglomerate/ 北方民族大学 北方民族大學 S - 0 Běi fāng Mín zú Dà xué f /Northern Nationalities University NNU at Yingchuan, Ningxia (former Northwestern Second College for Nationalities)/ 北方民族大學 北方民族大学 T - 0 Běi fāng Mín zú Dà xué f /Northern Nationalities University NNU at Yingchuan, Ningxia (former Northwestern Second College for Nationalities)/ 北方邦 - 32 Běi fāng bāng f /Uttar Pradesh (state in India)/ 北朝 - 180 Běi Cháo f /Northern Dynasties (386-581)/ 北朝鮮 北朝鲜 T - 108 Běi Cháo xiǎn f /North Korea (esp. Japanese usage)/ 北朝鲜 北朝鮮 S - 108 Běi Cháo xiǎn f /North Korea (esp. Japanese usage)/ 北朱雀 - 0 běi zhū què f /(bird species of China) Pallas's rosefinch (Carpodacus roseus)/ 北极 北極 S 3622 409 běi jí f /the North Pole/the Arctic Pole/the north magnetic pole/ 北极光 北極光 S - 20 běi jí guāng f /Northern lights/aurora borealis/ 北极圈 北極圈 S - 97 Běi jí quān f /Arctic Circle/ 北极星 北極星 S - 172 Běi jí xīng f /North Star/Polaris/ 北极熊 北極熊 S - 67 běi jí xióng f /polar bear/ 北极鸥 北極鷗 S - 0 Běi jí ōu f /(bird species of China) glaucous gull (Larus hyperboreus)/ 北林 - 2 Běi lín f /Beilin District of Suihua City 綏化市|绥化市[Sui2 hua4 Shi4], Heilongjiang/ 北林区 北林區 S - 3 Běi lín Qū f /Beilin District of Suihua City 綏化市|绥化市[Sui2 hua4 Shi4], Heilongjiang/ 北林區 北林区 T - 3 Běi lín Qū f /Beilin District of Suihua City 綏化市|绥化市[Sui2 hua4 Shi4], Heilongjiang/ 北柴胡 - 0 běi chái hú f /honewort/Cryptotaenia japonica/ 北椋鳥 北椋鸟 T - 0 běi liáng niǎo f /(bird species of China) purple-backed starling (Agropsar sturninus)/ 北椋鸟 北椋鳥 S - 0 běi liáng niǎo f /(bird species of China) purple-backed starling (Agropsar sturninus)/ 北極 北极 T 3622 409 běi jí f /the North Pole/the Arctic Pole/the north magnetic pole/ 北極光 北极光 T - 20 běi jí guāng f /Northern lights/aurora borealis/ 北極圈 北极圈 T - 97 Běi jí quān f /Arctic Circle/ 北極星 北极星 T - 172 Běi jí xīng f /North Star/Polaris/ 北極熊 北极熊 T - 67 běi jí xióng f /polar bear/ 北極鷗 北极鸥 T - 0 Běi jí ōu f /(bird species of China) glaucous gull (Larus hyperboreus)/ 北欧 北歐 S - 410 Běi Oū f /north Europe/Scandinavia/ 北欧航空公司 北歐航空公司 S - 0 Běi Oū Háng kōng Gōng sī f /Scandinavian Airlines (SAS)/ 北歐 北欧 T - 410 Běi Oū f /north Europe/Scandinavia/ 北歐航空公司 北欧航空公司 T - 0 Běi Oū Háng kōng Gōng sī f /Scandinavian Airlines (SAS)/ 北汉 北漢 S - 141 Běi Hàn f /Han of the Five dynasties (951-979), one of ten kingdoms during the Five Dynasties, Ten Kingdoms period (907-960)/ 北江 - 86 Běi jiāng f /Beijiang River/ 北汽 - 22 Běi qì f /Beijing Automobile Works (BAW)/abbr. for 北京汽車製造廠有限公司|北京汽车制造厂有限公司[Bei3 jing1 Qi4 che1 Zhi4 zao4 chang3 You3 xian4 Gong1 si1]/ 北洋 - 936 Běi yáng f /the Qing Dynasty name for the coastal provinces of Liaoning, Hebei, and Shandong/ 北洋军 北洋軍 S - 62 Běi yáng jūn f /north China army, a modernizing Western-style army set up during late Qing, and a breeding ground for the Northern Warlords after the Qinghai revolution/ 北洋军阀 北洋軍閥 S - 724 Běi yáng Jūn fá f /the Northern Warlords (1912-1927)/ 北洋政府 - 578 Běi yáng zhèng fǔ f /the Warlord government of Northern China that developed from the Qing Beiyang army 北洋軍閥|北洋军阀 after the Xinhai revolution of 1911/ 北洋水师 北洋水師 S - 105 Běi yáng shuǐ shī f /north China navy (esp. the ill-fated Chinese navy in the 1895 war with Japan)/ 北洋水師 北洋水师 T - 105 Běi yáng shuǐ shī f /north China navy (esp. the ill-fated Chinese navy in the 1895 war with Japan)/ 北洋系 - 0 Běi yáng xì f /Beiyang faction of Northern Warlords/ 北洋軍 北洋军 T - 62 Běi yáng jūn f /north China army, a modernizing Western-style army set up during late Qing, and a breeding ground for the Northern Warlords after the Qinghai revolution/ 北洋軍閥 北洋军阀 T - 724 Běi yáng Jūn fá f /the Northern Warlords (1912-1927)/ 北洋陆军 北洋陸軍 S - 0 Běi yáng lù jūn f /north China army (esp. during the warlords period)/ 北洋陸軍 北洋陆军 T - 0 Běi yáng lù jūn f /north China army (esp. during the warlords period)/ 北派螳螂拳 - 0 běi pài táng láng quán f /Beipai Tanglang Quan - "Northern Praying Mantis" (Chinese Martial Art)/ 北流 - 376 Běi liú f /Beiliu county level city in Yulin 玉林[Yu4 lin2], Guangxi/ 北流市 - 3 Běi liú shì f /Beiliu county level city in Yulin 玉林[Yu4 lin2], Guangxi/ 北海 - 505 Běi hǎi f /Beihai, park in Beijing to the northwest of the Forbidden City/the North Sea (Europe)/Beihai prefecture level city and seaport in Guangxi/Bohai Sea/Lake Baikal/ 北海市 - 28 Běi hǎi shì f /Beihai prefecture level city and seaport in Guangxi/ 北海舰队 北海艦隊 S - 84 Běi hǎi Jiàn duì f /North Sea Fleet/ 北海艦隊 北海舰队 T - 84 Běi hǎi Jiàn duì f /North Sea Fleet/ 北海道 - 141 Běi hǎi dào f /Hokkaidō, Japan/ 北涼 北凉 T - 27 Běi Liáng f /Northern Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms (398-439)/ 北温带 北溫帶 S - 59 běi wēn dài f /the north temperate zone/ 北港 - 3 Běi gǎng f /Beigang or Peikang town in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 北港鎮 北港镇 T - 2 Běi gǎng zhèn f /Beigang or Peikang town in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 北港镇 北港鎮 S - 2 Běi gǎng zhèn f /Beigang or Peikang town in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 北湖区 北湖區 S - 3 Běi hú qū f /North lake district/Beihu district of Chenzhou city 郴州市[Chen1 zhou1 shi4], Hunan/ 北湖區 北湖区 T - 3 Běi hú qū f /North lake district/Beihu district of Chenzhou city 郴州市[Chen1 zhou1 shi4], Hunan/ 北溫帶 北温带 T - 59 běi wēn dài f /the north temperate zone/ 北漂 - 0 Běi piāo f /migrant worker living and working in Beijing without a residence permit/ 北漢 北汉 T - 141 Běi Hàn f /Han of the Five dynasties (951-979), one of ten kingdoms during the Five Dynasties, Ten Kingdoms period (907-960)/ 北燕 - 36 Běi Yān f /Northern Yan of the Sixteen Kingdoms (409-436)/ 北爱 北愛 S - 199 Běi Aì f /abbr. for 北愛爾蘭|北爱尔兰[Bei3 Ai4 er3 lan2], Northern Ireland/ 北爱尔兰 北愛爾蘭 S - 129 Běi Aì ěr lán f /Northern Ireland/ 北疆 - 64 Běi Jiāng f /North of Xinjiang/ 北短翅莺 北短翅鶯 S - 0 běi duǎn chì yīng f /(bird species of China) Baikal bush warbler (Locustella davidi)/ 北短翅鶯 北短翅莺 T - 0 běi duǎn chì yīng f /(bird species of China) Baikal bush warbler (Locustella davidi)/ 北碚 - 4 Běi bèi f /Beibei district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 北碚区 北碚區 S - 3 Běi bèi qū f /Beibei district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 北碚區 北碚区 T - 3 Běi bèi qū f /Beibei district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 北票 - 14 Běi piào f /Beipiao county level city in Chaoyang 朝陽|朝阳, Liaoning/ 北票市 - 5 Běi piào shì f /Beipiao county level city in Chaoyang 朝陽|朝阳, Liaoning/ 北端 - 428 běi duān f /northern extremity/ 北竿 - 3 Běi gān f /Peikan Island, one of the Matsu Islands/Peikan township in Lienchiang county 連江縣|连江县[Lian2 jiang1 xian4], Taiwan/ 北竿乡 北竿鄉 S - 0 Běi gān xiāng f /Peikan township in Lienchiang county 連江縣|连江县[Lian2 jiang1 xian4] i.e. the Matsu Islands, Taiwan/ 北竿鄉 北竿乡 T - 0 Běi gān xiāng f /Peikan township in Lienchiang county 連江縣|连江县[Lian2 jiang1 xian4] i.e. the Matsu Islands, Taiwan/ 北約 北约 T - 1124 Běi yuē f /NATO/abbr. for 北大西洋公約組織|北大西洋公约组织[Bei3 Da4 xi1 Yang2 Gong1 yue1 Zu3 zhi1], North Atlantic Treaty Organization/ 北紅尾鴝 北红尾鸲 T - 0 běi hóng wěi qú f /(bird species of China) Daurian redstart (Phoenicurus auroreus)/ 北緯 北纬 T - 1558 běi wěi f /latitude north/ 北縣 北县 T - 3 Běi xiàn f /abbr. for 台北縣|台北县[Tai2 bei3 xian4], Taipei county in north Taiwan/ 北红尾鸲 北紅尾鴝 S - 0 běi hóng wěi qú f /(bird species of China) Daurian redstart (Phoenicurus auroreus)/ 北约 北約 S - 1124 Běi yuē f /NATO/abbr. for 北大西洋公約組織|北大西洋公约组织[Bei3 Da4 xi1 Yang2 Gong1 yue1 Zu3 zhi1], North Atlantic Treaty Organization/ 北纬 北緯 S - 1558 běi wěi f /latitude north/ 北美 - 874 Běi měi f /North America/ 北美洲 - 375 Běi měi zhōu f /North America/ 北苑 - 7 Běi yuàn f /Beiyuan neighborhood of Beijing/ 北荷兰 北荷蘭 S - 0 Běi Hé lán f /North Holland/ 北荷蘭 北荷兰 T - 0 Běi Hé lán f /North Holland/ 北莱茵·威斯特法伦州 北萊茵·威斯特法倫州 S - 0 Běi lái yīn · Wēi sī tè fǎ lún zhōu f /Nordrhein-Westfalen, state of Germany/ 北萊茵·威斯特法倫州 北莱茵·威斯特法伦州 T - 0 Běi lái yīn · Wēi sī tè fǎ lún zhōu f /Nordrhein-Westfalen, state of Germany/ 北蝗莺 北蝗鶯 S - 0 běi huáng yīng f /(bird species of China) Middendorff's grasshopper warbler (Locustella ochotensis)/ 北蝗鶯 北蝗莺 T - 0 běi huáng yīng f /(bird species of China) Middendorff's grasshopper warbler (Locustella ochotensis)/ 北角 - 31 Běi Jiǎo f /North Point district of Hong Kong/ 北越 - 3 Běi Yuè f /North Vietnam/North Vietnamese/ 北辰 - 15 Běi chén f /Polaris/North Star/ 北辰区 北辰區 S - 5 Běi chén qū f /Beichen suburban district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tian1 jin1 shi4]/ 北辰區 北辰区 T - 5 Běi chén qū f /Beichen suburban district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tian1 jin1 shi4]/ 北边 北邊 S - 404 běi biān f /north/north side/northern part/to the north of/ 北边儿 北邊兒 S - 0 běi biān r f /erhua variant of 北邊|北边[bei3 bian1]/ 北达科他 北達科他 S - 3 Běi Dá kē tā f /North Dakota, US state/ 北达科他州 北達科他州 S - 8 Běi Dá kē tā zhōu f /North Dakota, US state/ 北達科他 北达科他 T - 3 Běi Dá kē tā f /North Dakota, US state/ 北達科他州 北达科他州 T - 8 Běi Dá kē tā zhōu f /North Dakota, US state/ 北邊 北边 T - 404 běi biān f /north/north side/northern part/to the north of/ 北邊兒 北边儿 T - 0 běi biān r f /erhua variant of 北邊|北边[bei3 bian1]/ 北邙 - 0 Běi Máng f /Mt Mang at Luoyang in Henan, with many Han, Wei and Jin dynasty royal tombs/ 北部 - 4963 běi bù f /northern part/ 北部拉班特 - 0 běi bù lā bān tè f /Noord Brabant/ 北部湾 北部灣 S - 99 Běi bù Wān f /Gulf of Tonkin/ 北部灣 北部湾 T - 99 Běi bù Wān f /Gulf of Tonkin/ 北鎮 北镇 T - 59 Běi zhèn f /Beizhen county level city in Jinzhou 錦州|锦州, Liaoning/ 北鎮市 北镇市 T - 0 Běi zhèn shì f /Beizhen county level city in Jinzhou 錦州|锦州, Liaoning/ 北鎮滿族自治縣 北镇满族自治县 T - 0 Běi zhèn mǎn zú zì zhì xiàn f /Beizhen Manzu autonomous county in Liaoning/ 北镇 北鎮 S - 59 Běi zhèn f /Beizhen county level city in Jinzhou 錦州|锦州, Liaoning/ 北镇市 北鎮市 S - 0 Běi zhèn shì f /Beizhen county level city in Jinzhou 錦州|锦州, Liaoning/ 北镇满族自治县 北鎮滿族自治縣 S - 0 Běi zhèn mǎn zú zì zhì xiàn f /Beizhen Manzu autonomous county in Liaoning/ 北長尾山雀 北长尾山雀 T - 0 běi cháng wěi shān què f /(bird species of China) long-tailed tit (Aegithalos caudatus)/ 北长尾山雀 北長尾山雀 S - 0 běi cháng wěi shān què f /(bird species of China) long-tailed tit (Aegithalos caudatus)/ 北門 北门 T - 776 Běi mén f /Peimen township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 北門鄉 北门乡 T - 0 Běi mén xiāng f /Peimen township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 北關 北关 T - 62 Běi guān f /Beiguan district of Anyang city 安陽市|安阳市[An1 yang2 shi4], Henan/ 北關區 北关区 T - 3 Běi guān qū f /Beiguan district of Anyang city 安陽市|安阳市[An1 yang2 shi4], Henan/ 北门 北門 S - 776 Běi mén f /Peimen township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 北门乡 北門鄉 S - 0 Běi mén xiāng f /Peimen township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 北非 - 530 Běi Fēi f /North Africa/ 北面 - 768 běi miàn f /northern side/north/ 北韓 北韩 T - 5 Běi hán f /North Korea (esp. South Korean usage)/ 北韩 北韓 S - 5 Běi hán f /North Korea (esp. South Korean usage)/ 北領地 北领地 T - 16 Běi lǐng dì f /Northern Territory, sparsely populated federal territory extending from center to north of Australia/ 北领地 北領地 S - 16 Běi lǐng dì f /Northern Territory, sparsely populated federal territory extending from center to north of Australia/ 北馬里亞納 北马里亚纳 T - 0 Běi Mǎ lǐ yà nà f /Northern Mariana Islands/ 北馬里亞納群島 北马里亚纳群岛 T - 6 Běi Mǎ lǐ yà nà Qún dǎo f /Northern Mariana Islands/ 北马里亚纳 北馬里亞納 S - 0 Běi Mǎ lǐ yà nà f /Northern Mariana Islands/ 北马里亚纳群岛 北馬里亞納群島 S - 6 Běi Mǎ lǐ yà nà Qún dǎo f /Northern Mariana Islands/ 北魏 - 640 Běi Wèi f /Wei of the Northern Dynasties (386-534), founded by the Tuoba 拓跋 branch of Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑/ 北鷚 北鹨 T - 0 běi liù f /(bird species of China) Pechora pipit (Anthus gustavi)/ 北鷹鵑 北鹰鹃 T - 0 běi yīng juān f /(bird species of China) rufous hawk-cuckoo (Hierococcyx hyperythrus)/ 北鹨 北鷚 S - 0 běi liù f /(bird species of China) Pechora pipit (Anthus gustavi)/ 北鹰鹃 北鷹鵑 S - 0 běi yīng juān f /(bird species of China) rufous hawk-cuckoo (Hierococcyx hyperythrus)/ 北鼻 - 0 běi bí f /baby (loanword)/ 北齊 北齐 T - 365 Běi Qí f /Qi of the Northern Dynasties (550-557)/ 北齊書 北齐书 T - 3 Běi Qí shū f /History of Qi of the Northern Dynasties, eleventh of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled by Li Baiyao 李百藥|李百药[Li3 Bai3 yao4] in 636 during Tang Dynasty, 50 scrolls/ 北齐 北齊 S - 365 Běi Qí f /Qi of the Northern Dynasties (550-557)/ 北齐书 北齊書 S - 3 Běi Qí shū f /History of Qi of the Northern Dynasties, eleventh of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled by Li Baiyao 李百藥|李百药[Li3 Bai3 yao4] in 636 during Tang Dynasty, 50 scrolls/ 匘 - 0 nǎo f /old variant of 腦|脑[nao3]/ 匙 - 186 chí f /spoon/ 匚 - 51 fāng f /radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 22), occurring in 区, 医, 匹 etc/see also 三框欄|三框栏[san1 kuang4 lan2]/see also 區字框|区字框[qu1 zi4 kuang4]/ 匜 - 7 yí f /washbasin with a tubular handle/ 匝 - 198 zā f /circuit/to surround/to extend (everywhere)/ 匝 帀 S - 376 zā f /variant of 匝[za1]/ 匝加利亚 匝加利亞 S - 0 Zā jiā lì yà f /Zechariah/ 匝加利亞 匝加利亚 T - 0 Zā jiā lì yà f /Zechariah/ 匝月 - 3 zā yuè f /(formal) a full month/ 匝道 - 7 zā dào f /freeway ramp/ 匞 - 0 jiàng f /old variant of 匠[jiang4]/ 匟 炕 T - 1327 kàng f /old variant of 炕[kang4]/ 匠 - 728 jiàng f /craftsman/ 匠心独运 匠心獨運 S - 16 jiàng xīn dú yùn f /original and ingenious (idiom)/to show great creativity/ 匠心獨運 匠心独运 T - 16 jiàng xīn dú yùn f /original and ingenious (idiom)/to show great creativity/ 匡 - 309 Kuāng f /surname Kuang/ 匡 - 309 kuāng f /to rectify/ 匡扶社稷 - 0 kuāng fú shè jì f /(of states within the nation) to support the ruler in governing the country/ 匡正 - 17 kuāng zhèng f /to correct/to amend/to redress (evils)/ 匣 - 496 xiá f /box/ 匣子 - 266 xiá zi f /small box/ 匣枪 匣槍 S - 0 xiá qiāng f /Mauser pistol (C96 type)/ 匣槍 匣枪 T - 0 xiá qiāng f /Mauser pistol (C96 type)/ 匦 匭 S - 172 guǐ f /small box/ 匧 - 0 qiè f /old variant of 篋|箧[qie4]/ 匪 - 627 fěi f /bandit/(literary) not/ 匪夷所思 - 214 fěi yí suǒ sī f /unimaginable/outrageous/freakish/ 匪巢 - 3 fěi cháo f /bandit stronghold/ 匪帮 匪幫 S - 19 fěi bāng f /gang of bandits/criminal gang (formerly often used of political opponents)/ 匪幫 匪帮 T - 19 fěi bāng f /gang of bandits/criminal gang (formerly often used of political opponents)/ 匪徒 - 104 fěi tú f /gangster/bandit/ 匪徒集团 匪徒集團 S - 0 fěi tú jí tuán f /gangster/ 匪徒集團 匪徒集团 T - 0 fěi tú jí tuán f /gangster/ 匪盗 匪盜 S - 4 fěi dào f /bandit/ 匪盜 匪盗 T - 4 fěi dào f /bandit/ 匪穴 - 3 fěi xué f /bandit den/rebel stronghold/ 匪首 - 41 fěi shǒu f /bandit/ 匭 匦 T - 172 guǐ f /small box/ 匮 匱 S - 88 Kuì t /surname Kui/ 匮 匱 S - 88 guì f /variant of 櫃|柜[gui4]/ 匮 匱 S - 88 kuì t /to lack/lacking/empty/exhausted/ 匮乏 匱乏 S - 228 kuì fá f /to be deficient in sth/to be short of sth (supplies, money etc)/ 匮竭 匱竭 S - 3 kuì jié f /exhausted/ 匮缺 匱缺 S - 5 kuì quē f /to be deficient in sth/to be short of sth (supplies, money etc)/ 匯 汇 T - 1235 huì f /to remit/to converge (of rivers)/to exchange/ 匯價 汇价 T - 109 huì jià f /exchange rate/ 匯兌 汇兑 T - 235 huì duì f /remittance/funds paid to a bank account/ 匯入 汇入 T - 328 huì rù f /to flow into/to converge (of river)/(computing) to import (data)/ 匯出 汇出 T - 15 huì chū f /to remit (funds)/(computing) to export (data)/ 匯出行 汇出行 T - 0 huì chū háng f /remitting bank/ 匯劃 汇划 T - 12 huì huà f /remittance/ 匯合 汇合 T - 776 huì hé f /confluence/to converge/to join/to fuse/fusion/ 匯回 汇回 T - 0 huì huí f /to remit home/ 匯報 汇报 T 2878 1563 huì bào f /to report/to give an account of/to collect information and report back/ 匯寄 汇寄 T - 3 huì jì f /remit/ 匯川 汇川 T - 3 Huì chuān f /Huichuan district of Zun'yi city 遵義市|遵义市[Zun1 yi4 shi4], Guizhou/ 匯川區 汇川区 T - 3 Huì chuān qū f /Huichuan district of Zun'yi city 遵義市|遵义市[Zun1 yi4 shi4], Guizhou/ 匯差 汇差 T - 3 huì chā f /difference in exchange rates in different regions/ 匯攏 汇拢 T - 4 huì lǒng f /to collect/to gather/ 匯業財經集團 汇业财经集团 T - 0 Huì yè Cái jīng Jí tuán f /Delta Asia Financial Group (Macau)/ 匯業銀行 汇业银行 T - 0 Huì yè Yín háng f /Banco Delta Asia S.A.R.L., Macau/ 匯款 汇款 T - 98 huì kuǎn f /to remit money/remittance/ 匯水 汇水 T - 3 huì shuǐ f /remittance fee/ 匯注 汇注 T - 0 huì zhù f /to flow into/to converge/ 匯流 汇流 T - 66 huì liú f /(of rivers etc) to converge/convergence/ 匯流環 汇流环 T - 0 huì liú huán f /slip-ring/rotary electrical interface/collector ring/ 匯演 汇演 T - 81 huì yǎn f /joint performance/ 匯率 汇率 T 2488 1220 huì lǜ f /exchange rate/ 匯票 汇票 T - 527 huì piào f /bill of exchange/bank draft/ 匯編 汇编 T - 286 huì biān f /collection/compilation/compile/also written 彙編|汇编/ 匯編語言 汇编语言 T - 87 huì biān yǔ yán f /assembly language/ 匯總 汇总 T - 173 huì zǒng f /summary/to summarize/to collect (data, receipts etc)/to gather and report/ 匯聚 汇聚 T - 232 huì jù f /convergence/to come together/ 匯豐 汇丰 T - 48 Huì fēng f /Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC)/ 匯豐銀行 汇丰银行 T - 93 Huì fēng Yín háng f /Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC)/ 匯費 汇费 T - 2 huì fèi f /remittance fee/ 匯金 汇金 T - 0 huì jīn f /finance/ 匯集 汇集 T - 905 huì jí f /to collect/to compile/to converge/also written 彙集|汇集[hui4 ji2]/ 匯點 汇点 T - 0 huì diǎn f /confluence/a meeting point/ 匱 匮 T - 88 Kuì t /surname Kui/ 匱 匮 T - 88 guì f /variant of 櫃|柜[gui4]/ 匱 匮 T - 88 kuì t /to lack/lacking/empty/exhausted/ 匱乏 匮乏 T - 228 kuì fá f /to be deficient in sth/to be short of sth (supplies, money etc)/ 匱竭 匮竭 T - 3 kuì jié f /exhausted/ 匱缺 匮缺 T - 5 kuì quē f /to be deficient in sth/to be short of sth (supplies, money etc)/ 匲 奁 T - 99 lián f /variant of 奩|奁[lian2]/ 匳 奁 T - 99 lián f /variant of 奩|奁[lian2]/ 匴 - 2 suǎn f /ancient utensil for washing rice (or being used as a plate)/ancient bamboo container for hats/ 匵 - 0 dú f /old variant of 櫝|椟[du2]/ 匶 - 0 jiù f /old variant of 柩[jiu4]/ 匸 - 0 xì f /"cover" or "conceal" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 23)/see also 匚[fang1]/ 匹 1508 1013 pī f /mate/one of a pair/ 匹 1508 1013 pǐ t /classifier for horses, mules etc/Taiwan pr. [pi1]/ordinary person/classifier for cloth: bolt/horsepower/ 匹 疋 S 1508 1013 pǐ t /variant of 匹[pi3]/classifier for cloth: bolt/ 匹偶 - 0 pǐ ǒu f /a married couple/ 匹兹堡 匹茲堡 S - 49 Pǐ zī bǎo f /Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania)/ 匹夫 - 98 pǐ fū f /ordinary man/ignorant person/coarse fellow/ 匹夫匹妇 匹夫匹婦 S - 2 pǐ fū pǐ fù f /ordinary people/commoners/ 匹夫匹婦 匹夫匹妇 T - 2 pǐ fū pǐ fù f /ordinary people/commoners/ 匹敌 匹敵 S - 134 pǐ dí f /to be equal to/to be well-matched/rival/ 匹敵 匹敌 T - 134 pǐ dí f /to be equal to/to be well-matched/rival/ 匹耦 - 0 pǐ ǒu f /variant of 匹偶[pi3 ou3]/ 匹茲堡 匹兹堡 T - 49 Pǐ zī bǎo f /Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania)/ 匹配 - 526 pǐ pèi f /to mate or marry/to match/matching/compatible/ 匹馬力 匹马力 T - 0 pǐ mǎ lì f /horsepower/ 匹马力 匹馬力 S - 0 pǐ mǎ lì f /horsepower/ 区 區 S - 24952 Oū f /surname Ou/ 区 區 S - 24952 qū t /area/region/district/small/distinguish/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 区位 區位 S - 136 qū wèi f /location/geographical position/position on a grid or spreadsheet, where 區|区 denotes the row and 位 the column/ 区分 區分 S 3712 1284 qū fēn f /to differentiate/to draw a distinction/to divide into categories/ 区分大小写 區分大小寫 S - 0 qū fēn dà xiǎo xiě f /case sensitive/distinguishing capitals from lower case letters/ 区划 區劃 S - 685 qū huà f /subdivision (e.g. of provinces into counties)/ 区别 區別 S 959 3776 qū bié f /difference/to distinguish/to discriminate/to make a distinction/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 区区 區區 S - 299 qū qū f /insignificant/trifling/merely/ 区区小事 區區小事 S - 13 qū qū xiǎo shì f /trivial matter/trifle/ 区号 區號 S - 3 qū hào f /area code/ 区块 區塊 S - 17 qū kuài f /separate block/specific section/chunk/ 区域 區域 S 2640 6406 qū yù f /area/region/district/ 区域性 區域性 S - 200 qū yù xìng f /regional/ 区域码 區域碼 S - 0 qū yù mǎ f /region code (DVD)/ 区域网络 區域網絡 S - 0 qū yù wǎng luò f /local area network/LAN/ 区域网路 區域網路 S - 0 qū yù wǎng lù f /local area network/LAN/ 区域网路技术 區域網路技術 S - 0 qū yù wǎng lù jì shù f /LAN technology/ 区处 區處 S - 0 qū chǔ f /to handle/to treat/ 区字框 區字框 S - 0 qū zì kuàng f /name of radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 22)/see also 匚[fang1]/ 区旗 區旗 S - 29 qū qí f /district flag/ 区画 區畫 S - 0 qū huà f /subdivision (e.g. of provinces into counties)/ 区码 區碼 S - 3 qū mǎ f /area code/telephone dialing code/ 区议会 區議會 S - 7 qū yì huì f /district council/ 区长 區長 S - 1668 qū zhǎng f /district chief/ 区间 區間 S - 194 qū jiān f /interval (math.)/ 区间车 區間車 S - 6 qū jiān chē f /shuttle bus (or train)/train or bus traveling only part of its normal route/ 区隔 區隔 S - 3 qū gé f /to mark off/interval/segment (e.g. of market)/compartment/segmentation/ 医 醫 S - 1040 yī f /medical/medicine/doctor/to cure/to treat/ 医书 醫書 S - 81 yī shū f /medical book/ 医保 醫保 S - 273 yī bǎo f /medical insurance/abbr. for 醫療保險|医疗保险[yi1 liao2 bao3 xian3]/ 医务 醫務 S - 331 yī wù f /medical affairs/ 医务人员 醫務人員 S - 3 yī wù rén yuán f /medical personnel/ 医务室 醫務室 S - 16 yī wù shì f /infirmary/sick bay/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 医务所 醫務所 S - 5 yī wù suǒ f /clinic/CL:家[jia1]/ 医卜 醫卜 S - 0 yī bǔ f /medicine and divination/ 医嘱 醫囑 S - 62 yī zhǔ f /prescription (medicine)/doctor's advice/ 医大 醫大 S - 17 yī dà f /abbr. for 醫科大學|医科大学[yi1 ke1 da4 xue2], university of medicine/ 医学 醫學 S - 3433 yī xué f /medicine/medical science/study of medicine/ 医学专家 醫學專家 S - 3 yī xué zhuān jiā f /medical expert/medical specialist/ 医学中心 醫學中心 S - 3 yī xué zhōng xīn f /medical center/ 医学博士 醫學博士 S - 3 yī xué bó shì f /doctor of medicine/ 医学家 醫學家 S - 104 yī xué jiā f /medical scientist/ 医学检验 醫學檢驗 S - 0 yī xué jiǎn yàn f /medical laboratory technology/ 医学检验师 醫學檢驗師 S - 0 yī xué jiǎn yàn shī f /medical technologist/ 医学系 醫學系 S - 15 yī xué xì f /medical school/ 医学院 醫學院 S - 443 yī xué yuàn f /medical school/ 医官 醫官 S - 3 yī guān f /official in charge of medical affairs/respectful title for a doctor/ 医家 醫家 S - 58 yī jiā f /healer/physician/medical man/doctor (esp. of TCM)/ 医密 醫密 S - 0 yī mì f /patient confidentiality (medicine)/ 医师 醫師 S - 629 yī shī f /doctor/ 医德 醫德 S - 59 yī dé f /medical ethics/ 医患 醫患 S - 71 yī huàn f /doctor-patient/ 医托 醫托 S - 8 yī tuō f /hospital scalper/sb who for a profit entices others to obtain medical care/ 医护 醫護 S - 175 yī hù f /doctors and nurses/medic/medical (personnel)/ 医护人员 醫護人員 S - 3 yī hù rén yuán f /medical personnel/doctors and nurses/ 医改 醫改 S - 32 yī gǎi f /reform of the medical system/ 医术 醫術 S - 170 yī shù f /medical expertise/art of healing/ 医案 醫案 S - 3 yī àn f /case history (TCM)/case record/ 医治 醫治 S - 370 yī zhì f /to treat (an illness)/medical treatment/ 医理 醫理 S - 43 yī lǐ f /medical knowledge/principles of medical science/ 医生 醫生 S 72 4263 yī shēng f /doctor/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]/ 医疗 醫療 S - 3488 yī liáo f /medical treatment/ 医疗保健 醫療保健 S - 3 yī liáo bǎo jiàn f /health care/ 医疗保险 醫療保險 S - 200 yī liáo bǎo xiǎn f /medical insurance/ 医疗器械 醫療器械 S - 3 yī liáo qì xiè f /medical equipment/ 医疗护理 醫療護理 S - 0 yī liáo hù lǐ f /health care/ 医疗疏失 醫療疏失 S - 0 yī liáo shū shī f /medical negligence/medical malpractice/ 医疗经验 醫療經驗 S - 0 yī liáo jīng yàn f /medical expertise/ 医疗费 醫療費 S - 69 yī liáo fèi f /medical expenses/ 医科 醫科 S - 181 yī kē f /medicine (as a science)/medical science/ 医科大学 醫科大學 S - 3 yī kē dà xué f /university of medicine/ 医科学校 醫科學校 S - 0 yī kē xué xiào f /medical school/ 医药 醫藥 S - 3417 yī yào f /medical care and medicines/medicine (drug)/medical/pharmaceutical/ 医药分离 醫藥分離 S - 0 yī yào fēn lí f /separating medical consultation from dispensing drugs, proposed policy to counteract perceived PRC problem of "drugs serving to nourish doctors" 以藥養醫|以药养医[yi3 yao4 yang3 yi1]/ 医药商店 醫藥商店 S - 0 yī yào shāng diàn f /chemist/druggist/pharmacy/ 医药学 醫藥學 S - 27 yī yào xué f /medical science/ 医道 醫道 S - 74 Yī dào f /Hur Jun (TV series)/ 医道 醫道 S - 74 yī dào f /art of healing/medical skill/ 医院 醫院 S 105 7376 yī yuàn f /hospital/CL:所[suo3],家[jia1],座[zuo4]/ 匽 - 8 yǎn f /to hide, to secrete, to repress/to bend/ 匾 - 764 biǎn t /horizontal rectangular inscribed tablet hung over a door or on a wall/shallow round woven bamboo basket/ 匾 楄 S - 764 pián f /basket-couch in coffin/ 匾額 匾额 T - 1798 biǎn é f /a horizontal inscribed board/ 匾额 匾額 S - 1798 biǎn é f /a horizontal inscribed board/ 匿 - 114 nì f /to hide/ 匿名 - 99 nì míng f /anonymous/ 匿報 匿报 T - 3 nì bào f /to withhold information/ 匿影藏形 - 3 nì yǐng cáng xíng f /to hide from public view/to conceal one's identity/to lay low/ 匿报 匿報 S - 3 nì bào f /to withhold information/ 匿跡 匿迹 T - 4 nì jì f /to go into hiding/ 匿迹 匿跡 S - 4 nì jì f /to go into hiding/ 區 区 T - 24952 Oū f /surname Ou/ 區 区 T - 24952 qū t /area/region/district/small/distinguish/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 區位 区位 T - 136 qū wèi f /location/geographical position/position on a grid or spreadsheet, where 區|区 denotes the row and 位 the column/ 區分 区分 T 3712 1284 qū fēn f /to differentiate/to draw a distinction/to divide into categories/ 區分大小寫 区分大小写 T - 0 qū fēn dà xiǎo xiě f /case sensitive/distinguishing capitals from lower case letters/ 區別 区别 T 959 3776 qū bié f /difference/to distinguish/to discriminate/to make a distinction/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 區劃 区划 T - 685 qū huà f /subdivision (e.g. of provinces into counties)/ 區區 区区 T - 299 qū qū f /insignificant/trifling/merely/ 區區小事 区区小事 T - 13 qū qū xiǎo shì f /trivial matter/trifle/ 區域 区域 T 2640 6406 qū yù f /area/region/district/ 區域性 区域性 T - 200 qū yù xìng f /regional/ 區域碼 区域码 T - 0 qū yù mǎ f /region code (DVD)/ 區域網絡 区域网络 T - 0 qū yù wǎng luò f /local area network/LAN/ 區域網路 区域网路 T - 0 qū yù wǎng lù f /local area network/LAN/ 區域網路技術 区域网路技术 T - 0 qū yù wǎng lù jì shù f /LAN technology/ 區塊 区块 T - 17 qū kuài f /separate block/specific section/chunk/ 區字框 区字框 T - 0 qū zì kuàng f /name of radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 22)/see also 匚[fang1]/ 區旗 区旗 T - 29 qū qí f /district flag/ 區畫 区画 T - 0 qū huà f /subdivision (e.g. of provinces into counties)/ 區碼 区码 T - 3 qū mǎ f /area code/telephone dialing code/ 區處 区处 T - 0 qū chǔ f /to handle/to treat/ 區號 区号 T - 3 qū hào f /area code/ 區議會 区议会 T - 7 qū yì huì f /district council/ 區長 区长 T - 1668 qū zhǎng f /district chief/ 區間 区间 T - 194 qū jiān f /interval (math.)/ 區間車 区间车 T - 6 qū jiān chē f /shuttle bus (or train)/train or bus traveling only part of its normal route/ 區隔 区隔 T - 3 qū gé f /to mark off/interval/segment (e.g. of market)/compartment/segmentation/ 十 117 7926 shí f /ten/10/ 十·一 - 0 shí · yī f /first of October/PRC National Day/same as 國慶|国庆[Guo2 qing4]/ 十一 - 1116 shí yī f /eleven/11/ 十一月 - 565 Shí yī yuè f /November/eleventh month (of the lunar year)/ 十一月份 - 3 shí yī yuè fèn f /November/ 十一路 - 0 shí yī lù f /(coll.) going on foot/ 十七 - 627 shí qī f /seventeen/17/ 十七孔桥 十七孔橋 S - 3 Shí qī kǒng qiáo f /Seventeen arch bridge in the Summer Palace 頤和園|颐和园, Beijing/ 十七孔橋 十七孔桥 T - 3 Shí qī kǒng qiáo f /Seventeen arch bridge in the Summer Palace 頤和園|颐和园, Beijing/ 十万 十萬 S - 571 shí wàn f /hundred thousand/ 十万位 十萬位 S - 0 shí wàn wèi f /the hundred thousands place (or column) in the decimal system/ 十万火急 十萬火急 S - 79 shí wàn huǒ jí f /most urgent/post-haste/express/ 十三 - 1808 shí sān f /thirteen/13/ 十三日 - 91 shí sān rì f /thirteenth day of a month/ 十三点 十三點 S - 131 shí sān diǎn f /half-witted/nitwit/ 十三經 十三经 T - 20 Shí sān jīng f /the Thirteen Confucian Classics, namely: Book of Songs 詩經|诗经[Shi1 jing1], Book of History 尚書|尚书[Shang4 shu1], Rites of Zhou 周禮|周礼[Zhou1 li3], Rites and Ceremonies 儀禮|仪礼[Yi2 li3], Classic of Rites 禮記|礼记[Li3 ji4], Book of Changes 易經|易经[Yi4 jing1], Mr Zuo's Annals 左傳|左传[Zuo3 Zhuan4], Mr Gongyang's Annals 公羊傳|公羊传[Gong1 yang2 Zhuan4], Mr Guliang's Annals 穀梁傳|谷梁传[Gu3 liang2 Zhuan4], The Analects 論語|论语[Lun2 yu3], Erya 爾雅|尔雅[Er3 ya3], Classic of Filial Piety 孝經|孝经[Xiao4 jing1], Mencius 孟子[Meng4 zi3]/ 十三经 十三經 S - 20 Shí sān jīng f /the Thirteen Confucian Classics, namely: Book of Songs 詩經|诗经[Shi1 jing1], Book of History 尚書|尚书[Shang4 shu1], Rites of Zhou 周禮|周礼[Zhou1 li3], Rites and Ceremonies 儀禮|仪礼[Yi2 li3], Classic of Rites 禮記|礼记[Li3 ji4], Book of Changes 易經|易经[Yi4 jing1], Mr Zuo's Annals 左傳|左传[Zuo3 Zhuan4], Mr Gongyang's Annals 公羊傳|公羊传[Gong1 yang2 Zhuan4], Mr Guliang's Annals 穀梁傳|谷梁传[Gu3 liang2 Zhuan4], The Analects 論語|论语[Lun2 yu3], Erya 爾雅|尔雅[Er3 ya3], Classic of Filial Piety 孝經|孝经[Xiao4 jing1], Mencius 孟子[Meng4 zi3]/ 十三點 十三点 T - 131 shí sān diǎn f /half-witted/nitwit/ 十之八九 - 137 shí zhī bā jiǔ f /most likely/mostly (in 8 or 9 cases out of 10)/vast majority/ 十九 - 382 shí jiǔ f /nineteen/19/ 十二 - 1396 shí èr f /twelve/12/ 十二分 - 82 shí èr fēn f /exceedingly/hundred percent/everything and more/ 十二地支 - 0 shí èr dì zhī f /the 12 earthly branches 子, 丑, 寅, 卯, 辰, 巳, 午, 未, 申, 酉, 戌, 亥 (used cyclically in the calendar and as ordinal numbers)/ 十二宫 十二宮 S - 3 shí èr gōng f /the twelve equatorial constellations or signs of the zodiac in Western astronomy and astrology, namely: Aries 白羊[Bai2 yang2], Taurus 金牛[Jin4 niu2], Gemini 雙子|双子[Shuang1 zi3], Cancer 巨蟹[Ju4 xie4], Leo 獅子|狮子[Shi1 zi3], Virgo 室女[Shi4 nu:3], Libra 天秤[Tian1 cheng4], Scorpio 天蠍|天蝎[Tian1 xie1], Sagittarius 人馬|人马[Ren2 ma3], Capricorn 摩羯[Mo2 jie2], Aquarius 寶瓶|宝瓶[Bao3 ping2], Pisces 雙魚|双鱼[Shuang1 yu2]/ 十二宮 十二宫 T - 3 shí èr gōng f /the twelve equatorial constellations or signs of the zodiac in Western astronomy and astrology, namely: Aries 白羊[Bai2 yang2], Taurus 金牛[Jin4 niu2], Gemini 雙子|双子[Shuang1 zi3], Cancer 巨蟹[Ju4 xie4], Leo 獅子|狮子[Shi1 zi3], Virgo 室女[Shi4 nu:3], Libra 天秤[Tian1 cheng4], Scorpio 天蠍|天蝎[Tian1 xie1], Sagittarius 人馬|人马[Ren2 ma3], Capricorn 摩羯[Mo2 jie2], Aquarius 寶瓶|宝瓶[Bao3 ping2], Pisces 雙魚|双鱼[Shuang1 yu2]/ 十二平均律 - 0 shí èr píng jūn lǜ f /equal temperament/ 十二指肠 十二指腸 S - 127 shí èr zhǐ cháng f /duodenum/ 十二指腸 十二指肠 T - 127 shí èr zhǐ cháng f /duodenum/ 十二支 - 7 shí èr zhī f /the 12 earthly branches 子, 丑, 寅, 卯, 辰, 巳, 午, 未, 申, 酉, 戌, 亥 (used cyclically in the calendar and as ordinal number)/ 十二时辰 十二時辰 S - 0 shí èr shí chen f /twelve divisions of the day of early Chinese and Babylonian time-keeping and astronomy/ 十二星座 - 0 shí èr xīng zuò f /the twelve constellations on the ecliptic plane/the signs of the zodiac/ 十二時辰 十二时辰 T - 0 shí èr shí chen f /twelve divisions of the day of early Chinese and Babylonian time-keeping and astronomy/ 十二月 - 575 Shí èr yuè f /December/twelfth month (of the lunar year)/ 十二月份 - 3 shí èr yuè fèn f /December/ 十二码 十二碼 S - 0 shí èr mǎ f /12-yard (sports)/penalty kick/ 十二碼 十二码 T - 0 shí èr mǎ f /12-yard (sports)/penalty kick/ 十二經 十二经 T - 0 shí èr jīng f /twelve channels of TCM/ 十二經脈 十二经脉 T - 3 shí èr jīng mài f /twelve channels of TCM/ 十二经 十二經 S - 0 shí èr jīng f /twelve channels of TCM/ 十二经脉 十二經脈 S - 3 shí èr jīng mài f /twelve channels of TCM/ 十二角形 - 0 shí èr jiǎo xíng f /dodecagon/ 十二边形 十二邊形 S - 0 shí èr biān xíng f /dodecagon/ 十二邊形 十二边形 T - 0 shí èr biān xíng f /dodecagon/ 十二面体 十二面體 S - 0 shí èr miàn tǐ f /dodecahedron/ 十二面體 十二面体 T - 0 shí èr miàn tǐ f /dodecahedron/ 十五 - 2584 shí wǔ f /fifteen/15/ 十亿 十億 S - 19 shí yì f /one billion/giga-/ 十亿位元 十億位元 S - 0 shí yì wèi yuán f /gigabit/ 十位 - 74 shí wèi f /the tens place (or column) in the decimal system/ 十倍 - 437 shí bèi f /tenfold/ten times (sth)/ 十億 十亿 T - 19 shí yì f /one billion/giga-/ 十億位元 十亿位元 T - 0 shí yì wèi yuán f /gigabit/ 十克 - 2 shí kè f /decagram/ 十全 - 29 shí quán f /perfect/complete/ 十全十美 - 68 shí quán shí měi f /complete and beautiful/to be perfect (idiom)/ 十八 - 1304 shí bā f /eighteen/18/ 十六 - 1183 shí liù f /sixteen/16/ 十六位元 - 0 shí liù wèi yuán f /16-bit (computing)/ 十六国 十六國 S - 0 Shí liù guó f /Sixteen Kingdoms of Five non-Han people (ruling most of China 304-439)/also written 五胡十六國|五胡十六国/ 十六国春秋 十六國春秋 S - 0 Shí liù guó Chūn qiū f /history of the Sixteen Kingdoms 304-439 by Cui Hong 崔鴻|崔鸿, written towards the end of Wei of the Northern Dynasties 北魏, 100 scrolls/ 十六國 十六国 T - 0 Shí liù guó f /Sixteen Kingdoms of Five non-Han people (ruling most of China 304-439)/also written 五胡十六國|五胡十六国/ 十六國春秋 十六国春秋 T - 0 Shí liù guó Chūn qiū f /history of the Sixteen Kingdoms 304-439 by Cui Hong 崔鴻|崔鸿, written towards the end of Wei of the Northern Dynasties 北魏, 100 scrolls/ 十六烷值 - 3 shí liù wán zhí f /cetane number (quality of light diesel fuel, measured by its ignition delay)/ 十六进制 十六進制 S - 6 shí liù jìn zhì f /hexadecimal/ 十六進制 十六进制 T - 6 shí liù jìn zhì f /hexadecimal/ 十几 十幾 S - 320 shí jǐ f /more than ten/a dozen or more/ 十几个月 十幾個月 S - 0 shí jǐ gè yuè f /ten months or so/about ten months/ 十分 861 16428 shí fēn f /very/completely/utterly/extremely/absolutely/hundred percent/to divide into ten equal parts/ 十分之一 - 149 shí fēn zhī yī f /one tenth/ 十动然拒 十動然拒 S - 0 shí dòng rán jù f /to reject sb after being deeply touched by them (Internet slang)/ 十動然拒 十动然拒 T - 0 shí dòng rán jù f /to reject sb after being deeply touched by them (Internet slang)/ 十四 - 1634 shí sì f /fourteen/14/ 十四行詩 十四行诗 T - 42 shí sì háng shī f /sonnet/ 十四行诗 十四行詩 S - 42 shí sì háng shī f /sonnet/ 十国春秋 十國春秋 S - 0 shí guó chūn qiū f /History of Ten States of South China (1669) by Wu Renchen 吳任臣|吴任臣, 77 scrolls/ 十國春秋 十国春秋 T - 0 shí guó chūn qiū f /History of Ten States of South China (1669) by Wu Renchen 吳任臣|吴任臣, 77 scrolls/ 十堰 - 3611 Shí yàn f /Shiyan prefecture level city in Hubei/ 十堰市 - 3089 Shí yàn shì f /Shiyan prefecture level city in Hubei/ 十多亿 十多億 S - 2 shí duō yì f /over one billion/more than a billion/ 十多億 十多亿 T - 2 shí duō yì f /over one billion/more than a billion/ 十大神兽 十大神獸 S - 0 shí dà shén shòu f /the Baidu 10 mythical creatures (a set of hoax animals and puns linked to PRC Internet censorship)/ 十大神獸 十大神兽 T - 0 shí dà shén shòu f /the Baidu 10 mythical creatures (a set of hoax animals and puns linked to PRC Internet censorship)/ 十天干 - 0 shí tiān gān f /the ten Heavenly Stems 甲[jia3], 乙[yi3], 丙[bing3], 丁[ding1], 戊[wu4], 己[ji3], 庚[geng1], 辛[xin1], 壬[ren2], 癸[gui3] (used cyclically in the calendar and as ordinal number like Roman I, II, III)/ 十字 - 187 shí zì f /cross road/cross-shaped/crucifix/the character ten/ 十字丝 十字絲 S - 0 shí zì sī f /crosshairs/ 十字军 十字軍 S - 258 shí zì jūn f /crusaders/army of crusaders/the Crusades/ 十字军东征 十字軍東征 S - 0 shí zì jūn dōng zhēng f /the Crusades/crusaders' eastern expedition/ 十字军远征 十字軍遠征 S - 0 shí zì jūn yuǎn zhēng f /the Crusades/ 十字头螺刀 十字頭螺刀 S - 0 shí zì tóu luó dāo f /Phillips screwdriver (i.e. with cross slit)/ 十字形 - 59 shí zì xíng f /cruciform/cross shape/ 十字架 - 150 shí zì jià f /cross/crucifix/yoke one has to endure/ 十字架刑 - 0 shí zì jià xíng f /crucifiction/ 十字絲 十字丝 T - 0 shí zì sī f /crosshairs/ 十字繡 十字绣 T - 3 shí zì xiù f /cross-stitch/ 十字绣 十字繡 S - 3 shí zì xiù f /cross-stitch/ 十字花科 - 36 shí zì huā kē f /Cruciferae or Brassicaceae (taxonomic family including Brassica etc whose flowers have a cross of 4 petals)/ 十字路口 - 170 shí zì lù kǒu f /crossroads/intersection/ 十字軍 十字军 T - 258 shí zì jūn f /crusaders/army of crusaders/the Crusades/ 十字軍東征 十字军东征 T - 0 shí zì jūn dōng zhēng f /the Crusades/crusaders' eastern expedition/ 十字軍遠征 十字军远征 T - 0 shí zì jūn yuǎn zhēng f /the Crusades/ 十字轉門 十字转门 T - 0 shí zì zhuàn mén f /turnstile/ 十字转门 十字轉門 S - 0 shí zì zhuàn mén f /turnstile/ 十字鎬 十字镐 T - 3 shí zì gǎo f /pickaxe/ 十字镐 十字鎬 S - 3 shí zì gǎo f /pickaxe/ 十字頭螺刀 十字头螺刀 T - 0 shí zì tóu luó dāo f /Phillips screwdriver (i.e. with cross slit)/ 十常侍 - 0 shí cháng shì f /Ten Permanent Functionaries at the end of Han, a byword for corruption/ 十干 - 0 shí gān f /same as 天干/the 10 heavenly stems 甲, 乙, 丙, 丁, 戊, 己, 庚, 辛, 壬, 癸 (used cyclically in the calendar and as ordinal number like Roman I, II, III)/ 十年树木,百年树人 十年樹木,百年樹人 S - 0 shí nián shù mù , bǎi nián shù rén f /It takes ten years to nurture a tree, but a hundred years to train a man (idiom). A good education program takes a long time to develop./ 十年樹木,百年樹人 十年树木,百年树人 T - 0 shí nián shù mù , bǎi nián shù rén f /It takes ten years to nurture a tree, but a hundred years to train a man (idiom). A good education program takes a long time to develop./ 十幾 十几 T - 320 shí jǐ f /more than ten/a dozen or more/ 十幾個月 十几个月 T - 0 shí jǐ gè yuè f /ten months or so/about ten months/ 十恶不赦 十惡不赦 S - 64 shí è bù shè f /wicked beyond redemption (idiom)/heinous/ 十惡不赦 十恶不赦 T - 64 shí è bù shè f /wicked beyond redemption (idiom)/heinous/ 十成 - 99 shí chéng f /completely/ 十成九稳 十成九穩 S - 3 shí chéng jiǔ wěn f /to be 90 percent sure (idiom)/ 十成九穩 十成九稳 T - 3 shí chéng jiǔ wěn f /to be 90 percent sure (idiom)/ 十戒 - 3 shí jiè f /the ten commandments (religion)/ 十拿九稳 十拿九穩 S - 50 shí ná jiǔ wěn f /extremely certain/ninety percent sure/ 十拿九穩 十拿九稳 T - 50 shí ná jiǔ wěn f /extremely certain/ninety percent sure/ 十指不沾阳春水 十指不沾陽春水 S - 0 shí zhǐ bù zhān yáng chūn shuǐ f /to have no need to fend for oneself (idiom)/to lead a pampered life/ 十指不沾陽春水 十指不沾阳春水 T - 0 shí zhǐ bù zhān yáng chūn shuǐ f /to have no need to fend for oneself (idiom)/to lead a pampered life/ 十数 十數 S - 85 shí shù f /more than ten/a dozen or more/ 十數 十数 T - 85 shí shù f /more than ten/a dozen or more/ 十日談 十日谈 T - 20 Shí rì Tán f /Decameron, collection of 100 tales of love supposedly told by ten young people in ten days, written by Giovanni Boccaccio 薄伽丘[Bo2 jia1 qiu1]/ 十日谈 十日談 S - 20 Shí rì Tán f /Decameron, collection of 100 tales of love supposedly told by ten young people in ten days, written by Giovanni Boccaccio 薄伽丘[Bo2 jia1 qiu1]/ 十月 - 1030 Shí yuè f /October/tenth month (of the lunar year)/ 十月份 - 24 shí yuè fèn f /October/ 十月革命 - 409 Shí yuè Gé mìng f /October Revolution/ 十有八九 - 94 shí yǒu bā jiǔ f /most likely/mostly (in 8 or 9 cases out of 10)/vast majority/ 十萬 十万 T - 571 shí wàn f /hundred thousand/ 十萬位 十万位 T - 0 shí wàn wèi f /the hundred thousands place (or column) in the decimal system/ 十萬火急 十万火急 T - 79 shí wàn huǒ jí f /most urgent/post-haste/express/ 十角形 - 3 shí jiǎo xíng f /decagon/ 十誡 十诫 T - 3 shí jiè f /ten commandments/ 十诫 十誡 S - 3 shí jiè f /ten commandments/ 十足 3084 732 shí zú f /ample/complete/hundred percent/a pure shade (of some color)/ 十边形 十邊形 S - 3 shí biān xíng f /decagon/ 十进 十進 S - 0 shí jìn f /decimal/calculations to base 10/ 十进位 十進位 S - 3 shí jìn wèi f /decimal system/ 十进位法 十進位法 S - 0 shí jìn wèi fǎ f /decimal system/ 十进制 十進制 S - 64 shí jìn zhì f /decimal/ 十进算术 十進算術 S - 0 shí jìn suàn shù f /decimal calculation/ 十進 十进 T - 0 shí jìn f /decimal/calculations to base 10/ 十進位 十进位 T - 3 shí jìn wèi f /decimal system/ 十進位法 十进位法 T - 0 shí jìn wèi fǎ f /decimal system/ 十進制 十进制 T - 64 shí jìn zhì f /decimal/ 十進算術 十进算术 T - 0 shí jìn suàn shù f /decimal calculation/ 十邊形 十边形 T - 3 shí biān xíng f /decagon/ 十里洋场 十里洋場 S - 9 shí lǐ yáng chǎng f /the Shanghai of old, with its foreign settlements/(fig.) a bustling, cosmopolitan city/ 十里洋場 十里洋场 T - 9 shí lǐ yáng chǎng f /the Shanghai of old, with its foreign settlements/(fig.) a bustling, cosmopolitan city/ 十錦 十锦 T - 0 shí jǐn f /variant of 什錦|什锦[shi2 jin3]/ 十锦 十錦 S - 0 shí jǐn f /variant of 什錦|什锦[shi2 jin3]/ 十面埋伏 - 43 shí miàn mái fú f /Ambush from ten sides (pipa solo piece)/House of Flying Daggers (2004 movie by Zhang Yimou 張藝謀|张艺谋[Zhang1 Yi4 mou2])/ 十項 十项 T - 41 shí xiàng f /ten items/decathlon (athletics)/ 十項全能 十项全能 T - 3 shí xiàng quán néng f /decathlon/ 十项 十項 S - 41 shí xiàng f /ten items/decathlon (athletics)/ 十项全能 十項全能 S - 3 shí xiàng quán néng f /decathlon/ 卂 - 51 xùn f /(archaic) to fly rapidly/ 千 269 3728 qiān f /thousand/ 千 韆 S 269 3728 qiān f /a swing/ 千万 千萬 S 906 2361 qiān wàn f /ten million/countless/many/one must by all means/ 千丝万缕 千絲萬縷 S - 108 qiān sī wàn lǚ f /linked in countless ways/ 千亿 千億 S - 7 qiān yì f /myriads/hundred billion/ 千伏 - 91 qiān fú f /kilovolt/ 千位 - 9 qiān wèi f /the thousands place (or column) in the decimal system/ 千位元 - 0 qiān wèi yuán f /kilobit/ 千佛洞 - 54 qiān Fó dòng f /Buddhist grottos/ 千依百順 千依百顺 T - 27 qiān yī bǎi shùn f /totally submissive (idiom)/ 千依百顺 千依百順 S - 27 qiān yī bǎi shùn f /totally submissive (idiom)/ 千億 千亿 T - 7 qiān yì f /myriads/hundred billion/ 千儿八百 千兒八百 S - 14 qiān r bā bǎi f /(coll.) one thousand or almost one thousand/ 千兆 - 13 qiān zhào f /giga-/ 千克 - 1678 qiān kè f /kilogram/ 千兒八百 千儿八百 T - 14 qiān r bā bǎi f /(coll.) one thousand or almost one thousand/ 千军万马 千軍萬馬 S - 172 qiān jūn wàn mǎ f /magnificent army with thousands of men and horses (idiom); impressive display of manpower/all the King's horses and all the King's men/ 千军易得,一将难求 千軍易得,一將難求 S - 0 qiān jūn yì dé , yī jiàng nán qiú f /Easy to raise an army of one thousand, but hard to find a good general. (idiom)/ 千刀万剐 千刀萬剮 S - 108 qiān dāo wàn guǎ f /to make mincemeat of sb/to hack sb to pieces (used while cursing)/ 千刀萬剮 千刀万剐 T - 108 qiān dāo wàn guǎ f /to make mincemeat of sb/to hack sb to pieces (used while cursing)/ 千千万万 千千萬萬 S - 174 qiān qiān wàn wàn f /lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom); untold numbers/innumerable/thousands upon thousands/ 千千萬萬 千千万万 T - 174 qiān qiān wàn wàn f /lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom); untold numbers/innumerable/thousands upon thousands/ 千卡 - 291 qiān kǎ f /kilocalorie (Kcal)/ 千变万化 千變萬化 S - 120 qiān biàn wàn huà f /countless changes/constant permutation/ 千变万轸 千變萬軫 S - 3 qiān biàn wàn zhěn f /constantly changing, ever-varying (idiom)/ 千古 - 620 qiān gǔ f /for all eternity/throughout all ages/ 千古罪人 - 35 qiān gǔ zuì rén f /sb condemned by history (idiom)/ 千古遗恨 千古遺恨 S - 3 qiān gǔ yí hèn f /to have eternal regrets (idiom)/ 千古遺恨 千古遗恨 T - 3 qiān gǔ yí hèn f /to have eternal regrets (idiom)/ 千叮万嘱 千叮萬囑 S - 15 qiān dīng wàn zhǔ f /repeatedly urging/imploring over and over again/ 千叮萬囑 千叮万嘱 T - 15 qiān dīng wàn zhǔ f /repeatedly urging/imploring over and over again/ 千叶 千葉 S - 65 Qiān yè f /Chiba (Japanese surname and place name)/ 千叶县 千葉縣 S - 5 Qiān yè xiàn f /Chiba prefecture, Japan/ 千吨 千噸 S - 48 qiān dūn f /kiloton/ 千吨级核武器 千噸級核武器 S - 0 qiān dūn jí hé wǔ qì f /kiloton weapon/ 千周 - 3 qiān zhōu f /kilocycle (KC), equals to 1,000 Hz/ 千噸 千吨 T - 48 qiān dūn f /kiloton/ 千噸級核武器 千吨级核武器 T - 0 qiān dūn jí hé wǔ qì f /kiloton weapon/ 千夫 - 37 qiān fū f /a lot of people (literary)/ 千头万绪 千頭萬緒 S - 60 qiān tóu wàn xù f /plethora of things to tackle/multitude of loose ends/very complicated/chaotic/ 千奇百怪 - 74 qiān qí bǎi guài f /fantastic oddities of every description (idiom)/ 千姿百态 千姿百態 S - 87 qiān zī bǎi tài f /in different poses and with different expressions/in thousands of postures (idiom)/ 千姿百態 千姿百态 T - 87 qiān zī bǎi tài f /in different poses and with different expressions/in thousands of postures (idiom)/ 千字文 - 31 Qiān zì wén f /Thousand Character Classic, 6th century poem used as a traditional reading primer/ 千字節 千字节 T - 0 qiān zì jié f /kilobyte/ 千字节 千字節 S - 0 qiān zì jié f /kilobyte/ 千家万户 千家萬戶 S - 229 qiān jiā wàn hù f /every family (idiom)/ 千家萬戶 千家万户 T - 229 qiān jiā wàn hù f /every family (idiom)/ 千层面 千層麵 S - 0 qiān céng miàn f /lasagna/ 千層麵 千层面 T - 0 qiān céng miàn f /lasagna/ 千山区 千山區 S - 3 Qiān shān qū f /Qianshan district of Anshan city 鞍山市[An1 shan1 shi4], Liaoning/ 千山區 千山区 T - 3 Qiān shān qū f /Qianshan district of Anshan city 鞍山市[An1 shan1 shi4], Liaoning/ 千岛湖 千島湖 S - 29 Qiān dǎo Hú f /Qiandao Lake/ 千岛群岛 千島群島 S - 3 Qiān dǎo Qún dǎo f /Kuril Islands, archipelago in Sakhalin, far-eastern Russia/ 千岛酱 千島醬 S - 0 qiān dǎo jiàng f /thousand island dressing/ 千島湖 千岛湖 T - 29 Qiān dǎo Hú f /Qiandao Lake/ 千島群島 千岛群岛 T - 3 Qiān dǎo Qún dǎo f /Kuril Islands, archipelago in Sakhalin, far-eastern Russia/ 千島醬 千岛酱 T - 0 qiān dǎo jiàng f /thousand island dressing/ 千差万别 千差萬別 S - 75 qiān chā wàn bié f /manifold diversity/ 千差萬別 千差万别 T - 75 qiān chā wàn bié f /manifold diversity/ 千帕 - 0 qiān pà f /kilopascal (kPa, unit of pressure)/ 千年 - 1040 qiān nián f /millennium/ 千慮一失 千虑一失 T - 3 qiān lǜ yī shī f /reflect a thousand times and you can still make a mistake (idiom); to err is human/ 千慮一得 千虑一得 T - 3 qiān lǜ yī dé f /a thousand tries leads to one success (idiom, humble expr.); Even without any notable ability on my part, I may still get it right sometimes by good luck./ 千挑万选 千挑萬選 S - 0 qiān tiāo wàn xuǎn f /to select very carefully/ 千挑萬選 千挑万选 T - 0 qiān tiāo wàn xuǎn f /to select very carefully/ 千斤頂 千斤顶 T - 30 qiān jīn dǐng f /jack (for lifting weight)/ 千斤顶 千斤頂 S - 30 qiān jīn dǐng f /jack (for lifting weight)/ 千方百計 千方百计 T 4637 430 qiān fāng bǎi jì f /lit. thousand ways, a hundred plans (idiom); by every possible means/ 千方百计 千方百計 S 4637 430 qiān fāng bǎi jì f /lit. thousand ways, a hundred plans (idiom); by every possible means/ 千瓦 - 231 qiān wǎ f /kilowatt (unit of electric power)/ 千疮百孔 千瘡百孔 S - 71 qiān chuāng bǎi kǒng f /see 百孔千瘡|百孔千疮[bai3 kong3 qian1 chuang1]/ 千瘡百孔 千疮百孔 T - 71 qiān chuāng bǎi kǒng f /see 百孔千瘡|百孔千疮[bai3 kong3 qian1 chuang1]/ 千真万确 千真萬確 S - 132 qiān zhēn wàn què f /absolutely true (idiom)/manifold/true from many points of view/ 千真萬確 千真万确 T - 132 qiān zhēn wàn què f /absolutely true (idiom)/manifold/true from many points of view/ 千碱基对 千鹼基對 S - 0 qiān jiǎn jī duì f /thousand base pair (kbp)/ 千禧一代 - 0 Qiān xǐ Yī dài f /Generation Y/Millennial Generation/ 千禧年 - 3 qiān xǐ nián f /millennium/ 千秋 - 258 qiān qiū f /a thousand years/your birthday (honorific)/ 千秋万代 千秋萬代 S - 22 qiān qiū wàn dài f /throughout the ages/ 千秋萬代 千秋万代 T - 22 qiān qiū wàn dài f /throughout the ages/ 千篇一律 - 64 qiān piān yī lǜ f /thousand articles, same rule (idiom); stereotyped and repetitive/once you've seen one, you've seen them all/ 千米 - 4992 qiān mǐ f /kilometer/ 千絲萬縷 千丝万缕 T - 108 qiān sī wàn lǚ f /linked in countless ways/ 千經萬卷 千经万卷 T - 0 qiān jīng wàn juǎn f /lit. a thousand sutras, ten thousand scrolls; fig. the vast Buddhist canon/ 千经万卷 千經萬卷 S - 0 qiān jīng wàn juǎn f /lit. a thousand sutras, ten thousand scrolls; fig. the vast Buddhist canon/ 千萬 千万 T 906 2361 qiān wàn f /ten million/countless/many/one must by all means/ 千葉 千叶 T - 65 Qiān yè f /Chiba (Japanese surname and place name)/ 千葉縣 千叶县 T - 5 Qiān yè xiàn f /Chiba prefecture, Japan/ 千虑一失 千慮一失 S - 3 qiān lǜ yī shī f /reflect a thousand times and you can still make a mistake (idiom); to err is human/ 千虑一得 千慮一得 S - 3 qiān lǜ yī dé f /a thousand tries leads to one success (idiom, humble expr.); Even without any notable ability on my part, I may still get it right sometimes by good luck./ 千言万语 千言萬語 S - 64 qiān yán wàn yǔ f /thousands of words (idiom); having a lot of things to say/talking nonstop/ 千言萬語 千言万语 T - 64 qiān yán wàn yǔ f /thousands of words (idiom); having a lot of things to say/talking nonstop/ 千變萬化 千变万化 T - 120 qiān biàn wàn huà f /countless changes/constant permutation/ 千變萬軫 千变万轸 T - 3 qiān biàn wàn zhěn f /constantly changing, ever-varying (idiom)/ 千赫 - 36 qiān hè f /kilohertz/ 千赫兹 千赫茲 S - 0 qiān hè zī f /kilohertz/kHz/ 千赫茲 千赫兹 T - 0 qiān hè zī f /kilohertz/kHz/ 千足虫 千足蟲 S - 0 qiān zú chóng f /millipede/ 千足蟲 千足虫 T - 0 qiān zú chóng f /millipede/ 千軍易得,一將難求 千军易得,一将难求 T - 0 qiān jūn yì dé , yī jiàng nán qiú f /Easy to raise an army of one thousand, but hard to find a good general. (idiom)/ 千軍萬馬 千军万马 T - 172 qiān jūn wàn mǎ f /magnificent army with thousands of men and horses (idiom); impressive display of manpower/all the King's horses and all the King's men/ 千載難逢 千载难逢 T - 95 qiān zǎi nán féng f /extremely rare (idiom)/once in a blue moon/ 千载难逢 千載難逢 S - 95 qiān zǎi nán féng f /extremely rare (idiom)/once in a blue moon/ 千辛万苦 千辛萬苦 S - 117 qiān xīn wàn kǔ f /to suffer untold hardships (idiom); trials and tribulations/with difficulty/after some effort/ 千辛萬苦 千辛万苦 T - 117 qiān xīn wàn kǔ f /to suffer untold hardships (idiom); trials and tribulations/with difficulty/after some effort/ 千里 - 742 qiān lǐ f /a thousand miles/a thousand li (i.e. 500 kilometers)/a long distance/ 千里之堤,溃于蚁穴 千里之堤,潰於蟻穴 S - 0 qiān lǐ zhī dī , kuì yú yǐ xué f /An ant hole causing the collapse of a great dike./Huge damage from a moment's negligence. (idiom)/ 千里之堤,潰於蟻穴 千里之堤,溃于蚁穴 T - 0 qiān lǐ zhī dī , kuì yú yǐ xué f /An ant hole causing the collapse of a great dike./Huge damage from a moment's negligence. (idiom)/ 千里之外 - 0 qiān lǐ zhī wài f /thousand miles distant/ 千里之行,始于足下 千里之行,始於足下 S - 0 qiān lǐ zhī xíng , shǐ yú zú xià f /lit. a thousand mile journey begins with the first step/fig. big accomplishments come from an accumulation of little achievements made one by one/ 千里之行,始於足下 千里之行,始于足下 T - 0 qiān lǐ zhī xíng , shǐ yú zú xià f /lit. a thousand mile journey begins with the first step/fig. big accomplishments come from an accumulation of little achievements made one by one/ 千里寄鵝毛 千里寄鹅毛 T - 0 qiān lǐ jì é máo f /goose feather sent from afar (idiom); a trifling present with a weighty thought behind it/also written 千里送鵝毛|千里送鹅毛/ 千里寄鹅毛 千里寄鵝毛 S - 0 qiān lǐ jì é máo f /goose feather sent from afar (idiom); a trifling present with a weighty thought behind it/also written 千里送鵝毛|千里送鹅毛/ 千里搭長棚,沒有不散的宴席 千里搭长棚,没有不散的宴席 T - 0 qiān lǐ dā cháng péng , méi yǒu bù sàn de yàn xí f /even if you build a thousand-league awning for it, every banquet must come to an end (idiom)/ 千里搭长棚,没有不散的宴席 千里搭長棚,沒有不散的宴席 S - 0 qiān lǐ dā cháng péng , méi yǒu bù sàn de yàn xí f /even if you build a thousand-league awning for it, every banquet must come to an end (idiom)/ 千里眼 - 21 qiān lǐ yǎn f /clairvoyance/ 千里达及托巴哥 千里達及托巴哥 S - 0 Qiān lǐ dá jí Tuō bā gē f /Trinidad and Tobago (Tw)/ 千里达和多巴哥 千里達和多巴哥 S - 0 Qiān lǐ dá hé Duō bā gē f /Trinidad and Tobago/ 千里迢迢 - 151 qiān lǐ tiáo tiáo f /from distant parts/ 千里送鵝毛 千里送鹅毛 T - 2 qiān lǐ sòng é máo f /goose feather sent from afar (idiom); a trifling present with a weighty thought behind it/ 千里送鵝毛,禮輕人意重 千里送鹅毛,礼轻人意重 T - 0 qiān lǐ sòng é máo , lǐ qīng rén yì zhòng f /goose feather sent from afar, a slight present but weighty meaning (idiom); It's not the present the counts, it's the thought behind it./ 千里送鵝毛,禮輕情意重 千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重 T - 0 qiān lǐ sòng é máo , lǐ qīng qíng yì zhòng f /goose feather sent from afar, a trifling present with a weighty thought behind it (idiom); It's not the gift that counts, but the thought behind it./ 千里送鹅毛 千里送鵝毛 S - 2 qiān lǐ sòng é máo f /goose feather sent from afar (idiom); a trifling present with a weighty thought behind it/ 千里送鹅毛,礼轻人意重 千里送鵝毛,禮輕人意重 S - 0 qiān lǐ sòng é máo , lǐ qīng rén yì zhòng f /goose feather sent from afar, a slight present but weighty meaning (idiom); It's not the present the counts, it's the thought behind it./ 千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重 千里送鵝毛,禮輕情意重 S - 0 qiān lǐ sòng é máo , lǐ qīng qíng yì zhòng f /goose feather sent from afar, a trifling present with a weighty thought behind it (idiom); It's not the gift that counts, but the thought behind it./ 千里達及托巴哥 千里达及托巴哥 T - 0 Qiān lǐ dá jí Tuō bā gē f /Trinidad and Tobago (Tw)/ 千里達和多巴哥 千里达和多巴哥 T - 0 Qiān lǐ dá hé Duō bā gē f /Trinidad and Tobago/ 千里馬 千里马 T - 75 qiān lǐ mǎ f /lit. ten thousand mile horse/fine steed/ 千里马 千里馬 S - 75 qiān lǐ mǎ f /lit. ten thousand mile horse/fine steed/ 千里鵝毛 千里鹅毛 T - 3 qiān lǐ é máo f /goose feather sent from afar (idiom); a trifling gift with a weighty thought behind it/also written 千里送鵝毛|千里送鹅毛[qian1 li3 song4 e2 mao2]/ 千里鹅毛 千里鵝毛 S - 3 qiān lǐ é máo f /goose feather sent from afar (idiom); a trifling gift with a weighty thought behind it/also written 千里送鵝毛|千里送鹅毛[qian1 li3 song4 e2 mao2]/ 千金 - 251 qiān jīn f /thousand jin 斤 (pounds) of gold/money and riches/(honorific) invaluable (support)/(honorific) daughter/ 千金一掷 千金一擲 S - 3 qiān jīn yī zhì f /lit. stake a thousand pieces of gold on one throw (idiom); to throw away money recklessly/extravagant/ 千金一擲 千金一掷 T - 3 qiān jīn yī zhì f /lit. stake a thousand pieces of gold on one throw (idiom); to throw away money recklessly/extravagant/ 千金一諾 千金一诺 T - 8 qiān jīn yī nuò f /a promise worth one thousand in gold (idiom); a promise that must be kept/ 千金一诺 千金一諾 S - 8 qiān jīn yī nuò f /a promise worth one thousand in gold (idiom); a promise that must be kept/ 千金方 - 12 Qiān jīn fāng f /Prescriptions Worth a Thousand in Gold, early Tang compendium of herbal medicine by Sun Simiao 孫思邈|孙思邈[Sun1 Si1 miao3]/ 千金要方 - 0 Qiān jīn Yào fāng f /Prescriptions Worth a Thousand in Gold, early Tang compendium of herbal medicine by Sun Simiao 孫思邈|孙思邈[Sun1 Si1 miao3]/ 千金难买 千金難買 S - 6 qiān jīn nán mǎi f /can't be bought for one thousand in gold (idiom)/ 千金難買 千金难买 T - 6 qiān jīn nán mǎi f /can't be bought for one thousand in gold (idiom)/ 千鈞一髮 千钧一发 T - 120 qiān jūn yī fà f /a thousand pounds hangs by a thread (idiom)/imminent peril/a matter of life or death/ 千錘百鍊 千锤百炼 T - 63 qiān chuí bǎi liàn f /after hard work and numerous revisions (idiom)/the vicissitudes of life/ 千钧一发 千鈞一髮 S - 120 qiān jūn yī fà f /a thousand pounds hangs by a thread (idiom)/imminent peril/a matter of life or death/ 千锤百炼 千錘百鍊 S - 63 qiān chuí bǎi liàn f /after hard work and numerous revisions (idiom)/the vicissitudes of life/ 千阳 千陽 S - 4 Qiān yáng f /Qianyang County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 ji1], Shaanxi/ 千阳县 千陽縣 S - 3 Qiān yáng Xiàn f /Qianyang County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 ji1], Shaanxi/ 千陽 千阳 T - 4 Qiān yáng f /Qianyang County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 ji1], Shaanxi/ 千陽縣 千阳县 T - 3 Qiān yáng Xiàn f /Qianyang County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 ji1], Shaanxi/ 千难万难 千難萬難 S - 63 qiān nán wàn nán f /extremely difficult/ 千難萬難 千难万难 T - 63 qiān nán wàn nán f /extremely difficult/ 千頭萬緒 千头万绪 T - 60 qiān tóu wàn xù f /plethora of things to tackle/multitude of loose ends/very complicated/chaotic/ 千鳥淵國家公墓 千鸟渊国家公墓 T - 0 Qiān niǎo yuān guó jiā gōng mù f /Chidori ga fuchi, national war cemetery in Tokyo/also called Tomb of the Unknown Soldier/ 千鸟渊国家公墓 千鳥淵國家公墓 S - 0 Qiān niǎo yuān guó jiā gōng mù f /Chidori ga fuchi, national war cemetery in Tokyo/also called Tomb of the Unknown Soldier/ 千鹼基對 千碱基对 T - 0 qiān jiǎn jī duì f /thousand base pair (kbp)/ 卄 - 0 niàn f /twenty, twentieth/ 卅 - 33 sà f /thirty/ 卆 - 0 zú f /variant of 卒[zu2], soldier/to die/ 升 1661 4813 shēng f /to ascend/to rise to the rank of/to promote/to hoist/liter/measure for dry grain equal to one-tenth dou 斗[dou3]/ 升 昇 S 1661 4813 shēng f /variant of 升[sheng1]/to ascend/to rise in rank/ 升 陞 S 1661 4813 shēng f /variant of 升[sheng1]/ 升任 - 334 shēng rèn f /to be promoted to/ 升值 昇值 S - 511 shēng zhí f /to rise in value/to appreciate/ 升华 升華 S - 240 shēng huá f /to sublimate/sublimation (physics)/to raise to a higher level/to refine/promotion/ 升号 升號 S - 3 shēng hào f /(music) sharp (♯)/ 升堂入室 - 3 shēng táng rù shì f /lit. to reach the main room and enter the chamber (idiom)/fig. to gradually attain proficiency/to attain a higher level/ 升天 - 85 shēng tiān f /lit. to ascend to heaven/to die/ 升学 升學 S - 188 shēng xué f /to enter the next grade school/ 升學 升学 T - 188 shēng xué f /to enter the next grade school/ 升官 - 144 shēng guān f /to get promoted/ 升官发财 升官發財 S - 81 shēng guān fā cái f /to be promoted and gain wealth (idiom)/ 升官發財 升官发财 T - 81 shēng guān fā cái f /to be promoted and gain wealth (idiom)/ 升市 - 0 shēng shì f /rising prices/bull market/ 升幅 - 44 shēng fú f /extent of an increase/percentage rise/ 升序 - 3 shēng xù f /ascending order/ 升息 - 70 shēng xī f /to raise interest rates/ 升斗 - 3 shēng dǒu f /liter and decaliter dry measure/(fig.) meager quantity of foodstuff/ 升斗小民 - 5 shēng dǒu xiǎo mín f /poor people (idiom)/those who live from hand to mouth/ 升旗 - 367 shēng qí f /to raise a flag/to hoist a flag/ 升旗仪式 升旗儀式 S - 3 shēng qí yí shì f /flag raising ceremony/ 升旗儀式 升旗仪式 T - 3 shēng qí yí shì f /flag raising ceremony/ 升格 - 122 shēng gé f /promotion/upgrade/ 升汞 - 3 shēng gǒng f /mercuric chloride (HgCl)/ 升温 升溫 S - 234 shēng wēn f /to become hot/temperature rise/(fig.) to intensify/to hot up/to escalate/to get a boost/ 升溫 升温 T - 234 shēng wēn f /to become hot/temperature rise/(fig.) to intensify/to hot up/to escalate/to get a boost/ 升空 昇空 S - 240 shēng kōng f /to rise to the sky/to lift off/to levitate/lift-off/ 升級 升级 T - 3593 shēng jí f /to escalate (in intensity)/to go up by one grade/to be promoted/to upgrade (computing)/ 升結腸 升结肠 T - 4 shēng jié cháng f /ascending colon (anatomy)/first section of large intestine/ 升级 升級 S - 3593 shēng jí f /to escalate (in intensity)/to go up by one grade/to be promoted/to upgrade (computing)/ 升结肠 升結腸 S - 4 shēng jié cháng f /ascending colon (anatomy)/first section of large intestine/ 升职 升職 S - 209 shēng zhí f /to get promoted (at work etc)/promotion/ 升職 升职 T - 209 shēng zhí f /to get promoted (at work etc)/promotion/ 升腾 升騰 S - 258 shēng téng f /to rise/to ascend/to leap up/ 升華 升华 T - 240 shēng huá f /to sublimate/sublimation (physics)/to raise to a higher level/to refine/promotion/ 升號 升号 T - 3 shēng hào f /(music) sharp (♯)/ 升调 昇調 S - 4 shēng diào f /rising tone (phonetics, e.g. on a question in English)/ 升起 - 904 shēng qǐ f /to raise/to hoist/to rise/ 升迁 升遷 S - 259 shēng qiān f /promote/promotion/ 升遐 - 0 shēng xiá f /to pass away (of an emperor)/ 升遷 升迁 T - 259 shēng qiān f /promote/promotion/ 升降 昇降 S - 463 shēng jiàng f /rising and lowering/ 升降机 升降機 S - 25 shēng jiàng jī f /aerial work platform (e.g. cherry picker or scissor lift)/lift/elevator/ 升降機 升降机 T - 25 shēng jiàng jī f /aerial work platform (e.g. cherry picker or scissor lift)/lift/elevator/ 升騰 升腾 T - 258 shēng téng f /to rise/to ascend/to leap up/ 升高 昇高 S - 1142 shēng gāo f /to raise/to ascend/ 午 - 897 wǔ f /7th earthly branch: 11 a.m.-1 p.m., noon, 5th solar month (6th June-6th July), year of the Horse/ancient Chinese compass point: 180° (south)/ 午休 - 39 wǔ xiū f /noon break/lunch break/lunchtime nap/ 午前 - 21 wǔ qián f /morning/a.m./ 午后 午後 S - 331 wǔ hòu f /afternoon/ 午夜 - 231 wǔ yè f /midnight/ 午安 - 2 wǔ ān f /Good afternoon!/Hello (daytime greeting)/ 午宴 - 37 wǔ yàn f /lunch banquet/ 午後 午后 T - 331 wǔ hòu f /afternoon/ 午时 午時 S - 146 wǔ shí f /11 am-1 pm (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)/ 午時 午时 T - 146 wǔ shí f /11 am-1 pm (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)/ 午睡 - 61 wǔ shuì f /to take a nap/siesta/ 午覺 午觉 T - 58 wǔ jiào f /siesta/afternoon nap/ 午觉 午覺 S - 58 wǔ jiào f /siesta/afternoon nap/ 午飯 午饭 T - 491 wǔ fàn f /lunch/CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4],餐[can1]/ 午餐 - 267 wǔ cān f /lunch/luncheon/CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4]/ 午餐会 午餐會 S - 21 wǔ cān huì f /luncheon/ 午餐會 午餐会 T - 21 wǔ cān huì f /luncheon/ 午饭 午飯 S - 491 wǔ fàn f /lunch/CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4],餐[can1]/ 午馬 午马 T - 4 wǔ mǎ f /Year 7, year of the Horse (e.g. 2002)/ 午马 午馬 S - 4 wǔ mǎ f /Year 7, year of the Horse (e.g. 2002)/ 卉 - 37 huì f /plants/ 半 412 8201 bàn f /half/semi-/incomplete/(after a number) and a half/ 半个 半個 S - 2233 bàn ge f /half of sth/ 半个人 半個人 S - 0 bàn ge rén f /(not) a single person/(no) one/ 半中腰 - 3 bàn zhōng yāo f /middle/halfway/ 半乳糖 - 3 bàn rǔ táng f /galactose (CH2O)6/brain sugar/ 半乳糖血症 - 0 bàn rǔ táng xuè zhèng f /galactosemia/ 半人馬 半人马 T - 0 bàn rén mǎ f /centaur (mythology)/ 半人馬座 半人马座 T - 0 Bàn rén mǎ zuò f /Centaurus (constellation)/ 半人马 半人馬 S - 0 bàn rén mǎ f /centaur (mythology)/ 半人马座 半人馬座 S - 0 Bàn rén mǎ zuò f /Centaurus (constellation)/ 半以上 - 0 bàn yǐ shàng f /more than half/ 半价 半價 S - 31 bàn jià f /half price/ 半保留复制 半保留複製 S - 0 bàn bǎo liú fù zhì f /semiconservative replication/ 半保留複製 半保留复制 T - 0 bàn bǎo liú fù zhì f /semiconservative replication/ 半信半疑 - 101 bàn xìn bàn yí f /half-believe, half-doubt/ 半個 半个 T - 2233 bàn ge f /half of sth/ 半個人 半个人 T - 0 bàn ge rén f /(not) a single person/(no) one/ 半價 半价 T - 31 bàn jià f /half price/ 半公开 半公開 S - 8 bàn gōng kāi f /semi-overt/more or less open/ 半公開 半公开 T - 8 bàn gōng kāi f /semi-overt/more or less open/ 半决赛 半決賽 S - 549 bàn jué sài f /semifinals/ 半分 - 464 bàn fēn f /a little bit/ 半分儿 半分兒 S - 0 bàn fēn r f /erhua variant of 半分[ban4 fen1]/ 半分兒 半分儿 T - 0 bàn fēn r f /erhua variant of 半分[ban4 fen1]/ 半劳动力 半勞動力 S - 3 bàn láo dòng lì f /one able to do light manual labor only/semi-able-bodied or part time (farm) worker/ 半勞動力 半劳动力 T - 3 bàn láo dòng lì f /one able to do light manual labor only/semi-able-bodied or part time (farm) worker/ 半半拉拉 - 3 bàn bàn lā lā f /incomplete/unfinished/ 半吊子 - 17 bàn diào zi f /dabbler/smatterer/tactless and impulsive person/ 半响 半響 S - 23 bàn xiǎng f /half the day/a long time/quite a while/ 半圆 半圓 S - 37 bàn yuán f /semicircle/ 半圆仪 半圓儀 S - 0 bàn yuán yí f /protractor/ 半圆形 半圓形 S - 87 bàn yuán xíng f /semi-circular/ 半圓 半圆 T - 37 bàn yuán f /semicircle/ 半圓儀 半圆仪 T - 0 bàn yuán yí f /protractor/ 半圓形 半圆形 T - 87 bàn yuán xíng f /semi-circular/ 半场 半場 S - 148 bàn chǎng f /half of a game or contest/half-court/ 半坡 - 62 Bàn pō f /Banpo neolithic Yangshao culture archaeological site east of Xi'an 西安/ 半坡村 - 0 bàn pō cūn f /archaeological site near Xi'an/ 半坡遗址 半坡遺址 S - 0 Bàn pō yí zhǐ f /Banpo neolithic Yangshao culture archaeological site east of Xi'an 西安/ 半坡遺址 半坡遗址 T - 0 Bàn pō yí zhǐ f /Banpo neolithic Yangshao culture archaeological site east of Xi'an 西安/ 半場 半场 T - 148 bàn chǎng f /half of a game or contest/half-court/ 半壁江山 - 57 bàn bì jiāng shān f /half of the country (esp. when half the country has fallen into enemy hands)/vast swathe of territory/ 半壁河山 - 4 bàn bì hé shān f /see 半壁江山[ban4 bi4 jiang1 shan1]/ 半复赛 半復賽 S - 0 bàn fù sài f /eighth finals/ 半夏 - 41 bàn xià f /Pinellia ternata/ 半夜 - 970 bàn yè f /midnight/in the middle of the night/ 半夜三更 - 108 bàn yè sān gēng f /in the depth of night/late at night/ 半夢半醒 半梦半醒 T - 8 bàn mèng bàn xǐng f /half-awake/half-asleep/ 半天 - 2617 bàn tiān f /half of the day/a long time/quite a while/midair/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 半失业 半失業 S - 3 bàn shī yè f /semi-employed/partly employed/underemployed/ 半失業 半失业 T - 3 bàn shī yè f /semi-employed/partly employed/underemployed/ 半官方 - 3 bàn guān fāng f /semi-official/ 半导体 半導體 S - 866 bàn dǎo tǐ f /semiconductor/ 半导体探测器 半導體探測器 S - 0 bàn dǎo tǐ tàn cè qì f /semiconductor detector/ 半导体超点阵 半導體超點陣 S - 0 bàn dǎo tǐ chāo diǎn zhèn f /semiconductor superlattice/ 半导瓷 半導瓷 S - 0 bàn dǎo cí f /semi-conducting ceramic (electronics)/ 半封建 - 227 bàn fēng jiàn f /semi-feudal/ 半封建半殖民地 - 0 bàn fēng jiàn bàn zhí mín dì f /semi-feudal and semi-colonial (the official Marxist description of China in the late Qing and under the Guomindang)/ 半導瓷 半导瓷 T - 0 bàn dǎo cí f /semi-conducting ceramic (electronics)/ 半導體 半导体 T - 866 bàn dǎo tǐ f /semiconductor/ 半導體探測器 半导体探测器 T - 0 bàn dǎo tǐ tàn cè qì f /semiconductor detector/ 半導體超點陣 半导体超点阵 T - 0 bàn dǎo tǐ chāo diǎn zhèn f /semiconductor superlattice/ 半小时 半小時 S - 3 bàn xiǎo shí f /half hour/ 半小時 半小时 T - 3 bàn xiǎo shí f /half hour/ 半履带 半履帶 S - 0 bàn lǚ dài f /half-track (vehicle with both wheels and caterpillar treads)/ 半履帶 半履带 T - 0 bàn lǚ dài f /half-track (vehicle with both wheels and caterpillar treads)/ 半山区 半山區 S - 13 bàn shān qū f /mid-levels (in Hong Kong)/ 半山區 半山区 T - 13 bàn shān qū f /mid-levels (in Hong Kong)/ 半岛 半島 S - 1520 bàn dǎo f /peninsula/ 半岛和东方航海 半島和東方航海 S - 0 Bàn dǎo hé dōng fāng háng hǎi f /P&O/Peninsula and Oriental shipping company/ 半岛国际学校 半島國際學校 S - 0 Bàn dǎo Guó jì Xué xiào f /International School of the Penninsula/ 半岛电视台 半島電視台 S - 0 Bàn dǎo Diàn shì tái f /Al Jazeera (Arabic news network)/ 半島 半岛 T - 1520 bàn dǎo f /peninsula/ 半島和東方航海 半岛和东方航海 T - 0 Bàn dǎo hé dōng fāng háng hǎi f /P&O/Peninsula and Oriental shipping company/ 半島國際學校 半岛国际学校 T - 0 Bàn dǎo Guó jì Xué xiào f /International School of the Penninsula/ 半島電視台 半岛电视台 T - 0 Bàn dǎo Diàn shì tái f /Al Jazeera (Arabic news network)/ 半工半讀 半工半读 T - 53 bàn gōng bàn dú f /part work, part study/work-study program/ 半工半读 半工半讀 S - 53 bàn gōng bàn dú f /part work, part study/work-study program/ 半年 - 1621 bàn nián f /half a year/ 半开化 半開化 S - 3 bàn kāi huà f /semi-civilized/ 半开半关 半開半關 S - 0 bàn kāi bàn guān f /half-open, half closed/ 半开门 半開門 S - 0 bàn kāi mén f /half-open door/fig. prostitute/ 半开门儿 半開門兒 S - 3 bàn kāi mén r f /erhua variant of 半開門|半开门[ban4 kai1 men2]/ 半径 半徑 S - 633 bàn jìng f /radius/ 半徑 半径 T - 633 bàn jìng f /radius/ 半復賽 半复赛 T - 0 bàn fù sài f /eighth finals/ 半成品 - 117 bàn chéng pǐn f /semi-manufactured goods/semi-finished articles/semi-finished products/ 半截 - 592 bàn jié f /half (of sth)/halfway through/ 半截衫 - 0 bàn jié shān f /upper jacket/ 半打 - 0 bàn dá f /half a dozen/ 半托 - 0 bàn tuō f /day care/ 半拉 - 7 bàn lǎ f /half/ 半拱 - 0 bàn gǒng f /semiarch/half arch/ 半排出期 - 0 bàn pái chū qī f /half-life/ 半推半就 - 23 bàn tuī bàn jiù f /half willing and half unwilling (idiom); to yield after making a show of resistance/ 半数 半數 S - 1213 bàn shù f /half the number/half/ 半数以上 半數以上 S - 2 bàn shù yǐ shàng f /more than half/ 半數 半数 T - 1213 bàn shù f /half the number/half/ 半數以上 半数以上 T - 2 bàn shù yǐ shàng f /more than half/ 半文盲 - 23 bàn wén máng f /semiliterate/ 半斤八两 半斤八兩 S - 38 bàn jīn bā liǎng f /not much to choose between the two/tweedledum and tweedledee/ 半斤八兩 半斤八两 T - 38 bàn jīn bā liǎng f /not much to choose between the two/tweedledum and tweedledee/ 半旗 - 3 bàn qí f /half-mast/half-staff/ 半无限 半無限 S - 0 bàn wú xiàn f /semi-infinite/ 半日制学校 半日制學校 S - 0 bàn rì zhì xué xiào f /half-day (or double-shift) school/ 半日制學校 半日制学校 T - 0 bàn rì zhì xué xiào f /half-day (or double-shift) school/ 半日工作 - 0 bàn rì gōng zuò f /part-time work in which one works each day for a half-day, typically a morning or an afternoon/ 半明不滅 半明不灭 T - 0 bàn míng bù miè f /dull (lamplight)/ 半明不灭 半明不滅 S - 0 bàn míng bù miè f /dull (lamplight)/ 半晌 - 1725 bàn shǎng f /half of the day/a long time/quite a while/ 半月 - 498 bàn yuè f /half-moon/fortnight/ 半月刊 - 43 bàn yuè kān f /fortnightly/twice a month/ 半月板 - 14 bàn yuè bǎn f /meniscus (anatomy)/ 半月瓣 - 0 bàn yuè bàn f /semilunar valve (anatomy)/ 半条命 半條命 S - 3 bàn tiáo mìng f /half a life/only half alive/barely alive/(scared, beaten etc) half to death/ 半桶水 - 3 bàn tǒng shuǐ f /(coll.) (of one's skills, knowledge etc) limited/superficial/half-baked/sb with a smattering of knowledge (of sth)/dabbler/ 半條命 半条命 T - 3 bàn tiáo mìng f /half a life/only half alive/barely alive/(scared, beaten etc) half to death/ 半梦半醒 半夢半醒 S - 8 bàn mèng bàn xǐng f /half-awake/half-asleep/ 半死 - 39 bàn sǐ f /half dead (of torment, hunger, tiredness etc)/(tired) to death/(terrified) out of one's wits/(beaten) to within an inch of one's life/(knock) the daylights out of sb/ 半殖民地 - 394 bàn zhí mín dì f /semi-colonial/ 半決賽 半决赛 T - 549 bàn jué sài f /semifinals/ 半流体 半流體 S - 3 bàn liú tǐ f /semi-fluid/ 半流體 半流体 T - 3 bàn liú tǐ f /semi-fluid/ 半点 半點 S - 1590 bàn diǎn f /the least bit/ 半無限 半无限 T - 0 bàn wú xiàn f /semi-infinite/ 半熟練 半熟练 T - 0 bàn shú liàn f /semi-skilled/ 半熟练 半熟練 S - 0 bàn shú liàn f /semi-skilled/ 半球 - 219 bàn qiú f /hemisphere/ 半瓶子醋 - 7 bàn píng zi cù f /see 半瓶醋[ban4 ping2 cu4]/ 半瓶水响叮当 半瓶水響叮噹 S - 0 bàn píng shuǐ xiǎng dīng dāng f /lit. if you tap a half-empty bottle it makes a sound (idiom)/fig. empty vessels make the most noise/one who has a little knowledge likes to show off, but one who is truly knowledgeable is modest/ 半瓶水響叮噹 半瓶水响叮当 T - 0 bàn píng shuǐ xiǎng dīng dāng f /lit. if you tap a half-empty bottle it makes a sound (idiom)/fig. empty vessels make the most noise/one who has a little knowledge likes to show off, but one who is truly knowledgeable is modest/ 半瓶醋 - 5 bàn píng cù f /dabbler/dilettante who speaks as though he were an expert/ 半生 - 118 bàn shēng f /half a lifetime/ 半生不熟 - 33 bàn shēng bù shóu f /underripe/half-cooked/(fig.) not mastered (of a technique)/clumsy/halting/ 半白 - 3 bàn bái f /fifty (years of age)/ 半真半假 - 29 bàn zhēn bàn jiǎ f /(idiom) half true and half false/ 半票 - 7 bàn piào f /half-price ticket/half fare/ 半空 - 726 bàn kōng f /midair/ 半空中 - 3 bàn kōng zhōng f /in midair/in the air/ 半糖夫妻 - 0 bàn táng fū qī f /weekend spouse/relationship involving a sugar-daddy/ 半翅目 - 10 bàn chì mù f /Hemiptera (suborder of order Homoptera, insects including cicadas and aphids)/ 半老徐娘 - 6 bàn lǎo Xú niáng f /middle-aged but still attractive woman/lady of a certain age/ 半职 半職 S - 0 bàn zhí f /part-time work/ 半職 半职 T - 0 bàn zhí f /part-time work/ 半胱氨酸 - 12 bàn guāng ān suān f /cysteine (Cys), an amino acid/mercaptoethyl amine/ 半脫產 半脱产 T - 5 bàn tuō chǎn f /partly released from productive labor/partly released from one's regular work/ 半脱产 半脫產 S - 5 bàn tuō chǎn f /partly released from productive labor/partly released from one's regular work/ 半腰 - 3 bàn yāo f /middle/halfway/ 半腱肌 - 0 bàn jiàn jī f /semitendinosus, one of the hamstring muscles in the thigh/ 半膜肌 - 0 bàn mó jī f /semimembranosus (anatomy)/ 半自动 半自動 S - 104 bàn zì dòng f /semi-automatic/ 半自動 半自动 T - 104 bàn zì dòng f /semi-automatic/ 半自耕农 半自耕農 S - 6 bàn zì gēng nóng f /semi-tenant peasant/semi-owner peasant/ 半自耕農 半自耕农 T - 6 bàn zì gēng nóng f /semi-tenant peasant/semi-owner peasant/ 半表半裡 半表半里 T - 6 bàn biǎo bàn lǐ f /half outside, half inside/half interior, half exterior/ 半表半里 半表半裡 S - 6 bàn biǎo bàn lǐ f /half outside, half inside/half interior, half exterior/ 半衰期 - 74 bàn shuāi qī f /half-life/ 半裸体 半裸體 S - 0 bàn luǒ tǐ f /half-naked/ 半裸體 半裸体 T - 0 bàn luǒ tǐ f /half-naked/ 半規則 半规则 T - 0 bàn guī zé f /quasi-regular/ 半規管 半规管 T - 0 bàn guī guǎn f /semicircular canal/ 半視野 半视野 T - 0 bàn shì yě f /half visual field/ 半规则 半規則 S - 0 bàn guī zé f /quasi-regular/ 半规管 半規管 S - 0 bàn guī guǎn f /semicircular canal/ 半视野 半視野 S - 0 bàn shì yě f /half visual field/ 半跏坐 - 0 bàn jiā zuò f /sitting with one leg crossed (usu. of Bodhisattva)/ 半路 - 347 bàn lù f /halfway/midway/on the way/ 半路出家 - 34 bàn lù chū jiā f /switch to a job one was not trained for/ 半蹲 - 0 bàn dūn f /half squat/ 半蹼鷸 半蹼鹬 T - 0 bàn pǔ yù f /(bird species of China) Asian dowitcher (Limnodromus semipalmatus)/ 半蹼鹬 半蹼鷸 S - 0 bàn pǔ yù f /(bird species of China) Asian dowitcher (Limnodromus semipalmatus)/ 半身不遂 - 34 bàn shēn bù suì f /paralysis of one side of the body/hemiplegia/ 半身像 - 3 bàn shēn xiàng f /half-length photo or portrait/bust/ 半軸 半轴 T - 4 bàn zhóu f /semi-axis/half axle/ 半載 半载 T - 27 bàn zǎi t /half a year/ 半載 半载 T - 27 bàn zài f /half load/ 半輩子 半辈子 T - 108 bàn bèi zi f /half of a lifetime/ 半轴 半軸 S - 4 bàn zhóu f /semi-axis/half axle/ 半载 半載 S - 27 bàn zǎi t /half a year/ 半载 半載 S - 27 bàn zài f /half load/ 半辈子 半輩子 S - 108 bàn bèi zi f /half of a lifetime/ 半边 半邊 S - 305 bàn biān f /half of sth/one side of sth/ 半边天 半邊天 S - 43 bàn biān tiān f /half the sky/women of the new society/womenfolk/ 半透明 - 154 bàn tòu míng f /translucent/semitransparent/ 半途 - 65 bàn tú f /halfway/midway/ 半途而废 半途而廢 S 4207 77 bàn tú ér fèi f /to give up halfway (idiom); leave sth unfinished/ 半途而廢 半途而废 T 4207 77 bàn tú ér fèi f /to give up halfway (idiom); leave sth unfinished/ 半通不通 - 0 bàn tōng bù tōng f /to not fully understand (idiom)/ 半邊 半边 T - 305 bàn biān f /half of sth/one side of sth/ 半邊天 半边天 T - 43 bàn biān tiān f /half the sky/women of the new society/womenfolk/ 半長軸 半长轴 T - 0 bàn cháng zhóu f /semi-axis/radius/ 半长轴 半長軸 S - 0 bàn cháng zhóu f /semi-axis/radius/ 半開化 半开化 T - 3 bàn kāi huà f /semi-civilized/ 半開半關 半开半关 T - 0 bàn kāi bàn guān f /half-open, half closed/ 半開門 半开门 T - 0 bàn kāi mén f /half-open door/fig. prostitute/ 半開門兒 半开门儿 T - 3 bàn kāi mén r f /erhua variant of 半開門|半开门[ban4 kai1 men2]/ 半間不界 半间不界 T - 3 bàn gān bù gà f /shallow/not thorough/superficial/ 半间不界 半間不界 S - 3 bàn gān bù gà f /shallow/not thorough/superficial/ 半音 - 39 bàn yīn f /semitone/ 半音程 - 0 bàn yīn chéng f /semitone/ 半響 半响 T - 23 bàn xiǎng f /half the day/a long time/quite a while/ 半麻醉 - 0 bàn má zuì f /local anesthetic/anesthesia to half the body (as for a C-section birth)/ 半點 半点 T - 1590 bàn diǎn f /the least bit/ 卋 - 0 shì f /old variant of 世[shi4]/ 卌 - 2 xì f /forty/ 卍 - 4 wàn f /swastika, a sacred and auspicious symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism/ 华 華 S - 4364 Huá t /abbr. for China/ 华 華 S - 4364 Huà f /Mt Hua 華山|华山 in Shaanxi/surname Hua/ 华 華 S - 4364 huā f /old variant of 花[hua1]/flower/ 华 華 S - 4364 huá t /magnificent/splendid/flowery/ 华东 華東 S - 775 Huá dōng f /East China/ 华东师范大学 華東師範大學 S - 75 Huá dōng Shī fàn Dà xué f /East China Normal University (ECNU)/ 华东理工大学 華東理工大學 S - 28 Huá dōng Lǐ gōng Dà xué f /East China University of Science and Technology/ 华严宗 華嚴宗 S - 41 Huá yán zōng f /Chinese Buddhist school founded on the Buddhavatamsaka-mahavaipulya Sutra (Garland sutra)/ 华严经 華嚴經 S - 36 Huá yán jīng f /Avatamsaka sutra of the Huayan school/also called Buddhavatamsaka-mahavaipulya Sutra, the Flower adornment sutra or the Garland sutra/ 华中 華中 S - 1235 Huá zhōng f /central China/ 华为 華為 S - 373 Huá wéi f /Huawei (brand)/ 华丽 華麗 S 3345 433 huá lì f /gorgeous/ 华亭 華亭 S - 37 Huá tíng f /Huating county in Pingliang 平涼|平凉[Ping2 liang2], Gansu/ 华亭县 華亭縣 S - 18 Huá tíng xiàn f /Huating county in Pingliang 平涼|平凉[Ping2 liang2], Gansu/ 华人 華人 S - 940 Huá rén f /ethnic Chinese person or people/ 华佗 華佗 S - 66 Huà Tuó f /Hua Tuo (?-208), famous doctor at the end of Han Dynasty/ 华侨 華僑 S 5000 1076 Huá qiáo f /overseas Chinese/(in a restricted sense) Chinese emigrant who still retains Chinese nationality/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]/ 华侨中学 華僑中學 S - 0 Huá qiáo Zhōng xué f /The Chinese High School/ 华侨大学 華僑大學 S - 26 Huá qiáo Dà xué f /Huaqiao University/ 华侨报 華僑報 S - 0 Huá qiáo Bào f /Va Kio Daily/ 华兴会 華興會 S - 14 Huá xīng huì f /anti-Qing revolutionary party set up in Changsha by 黃興|黄兴[Huang2 Xing1] in 1904, a precursor of Sun Yat-sen's Alliance for Democracy 同盟會|同盟会[Tong2 meng2 hui4] and of the Guomindang/ 华北 華北 S - 3074 Huá běi f /North China/ 华北事变 華北事變 S - 0 Huá běi Shì biàn f /North China Incident of October-December 1935, a Japanese attempt to set up a puppet government in north China/ 华北平原 華北平原 S - 173 Huá běi Píng yuán f /North China Plain/ 华北龙 華北龍 S - 0 Huá běi lóng f /Huabeisaurus (Huabeisaurus allocotus)/ 华南 華南 S - 647 Huá nán f /Southern China/ 华南冠纹柳莺 華南冠紋柳鶯 S - 0 Huá nán guān wén liǔ yīng f /(bird species of China) Hartert's leaf warbler (Phylloscopus goodsoni)/ 华南斑胸钩嘴鹛 華南斑胸鉤嘴鶥 S - 0 Huá nán bān xiōng gōu zuǐ méi f /(bird species of China) grey-sided scimitar babbler (Pomatorhinus swinhoei)/ 华南理工大学 華南理工大學 S - 49 Huá nán Lǐ gōng Dà xué f /South China University of Technology/ 华南虎 華南虎 S - 48 Huá nán hǔ f /South China Tiger/ 华县 華縣 S - 20 Huá xiàn f /Hua county in Shaanxi/ 华发 華髮 S - 23 huá fà f /(literary) gray hair/ 华商报 華商報 S - 15 Huá Shāng Bào f /China Business News (newspaper)/ 华商晨报 華商晨報 S - 0 Huá shāng Chén bào f /China Business Morning Post (morning edition of China Business News 華商報|华商报)/ 华国锋 華國鋒 S - 365 Huá Guó fēng f /Hua Guofeng (1921-), leader of Chinese communist party after the cultural revolution/ 华坪 華坪 S - 3 Huá píng f /Huaping county in Lijiang 麗江|丽江[Li4 jiang1], Yunnan/ 华坪县 華坪縣 S - 3 Huá píng xiàn f /Huaping county in Lijiang 麗江|丽江[Li4 jiang1], Yunnan/ 华埠 華埠 S - 6 Huá bù f /Chinatown/also called 唐人街[Tang2 ren2 jie1]/ 华夏 華夏 S - 1348 Huá xià f /old name for China/Cathay/ 华夏银行 華夏銀行 S - 18 Huá xià Yín háng f /Huaxia Bank/ 华威 華威 S - 8 Huá wēi f /Warwick (name)/University of Warwick, Coventry, UK/ 华威大学 華威大學 S - 0 Huá wēi Dà xué f /University of Warwick, Coventry, UK/ 华宁 華寧 S - 3 Huá níng f /Huaning county in Yuxi 玉溪[Yu4 xi1], Yunnan/ 华宁县 華寧縣 S - 3 Huá níng xiàn f /Huaning county in Yuxi 玉溪[Yu4 xi1], Yunnan/ 华安 華安 S - 24 Huá ān f /Hua'an county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang1 zhou1], Fujian/ 华安县 華安縣 S - 2 Huá ān xiàn f /Hua'an county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang1 zhou1], Fujian/ 华容 華容 S - 277 Huá róng f /Huarong district of Ezhou city 鄂州市[E4 zhou1 shi4], Hubei/Huarong county in Yueyang 岳陽|岳阳[Yue4 yang2], Hunan/ 华容区 華容區 S - 256 Huá róng qū f /Huarong district of Ezhou city 鄂州市[E4 zhou1 shi4], Hubei/ 华容县 華容縣 S - 772 Huá róng xiàn f /Huarong county in Yueyang 岳陽|岳阳[Yue4 yang2], Hunan/ 华容道 華容道 S - 15 Huá róng Dào f /Huarong Road (traditional puzzle involving sliding wooden blocks, loosely based on an episode in Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义[San1 guo2 Yan3 yi4])/ 华尔兹 華爾茲 S - 23 huá ěr zī f /waltz (dance) (loanword)/ 华尔街 華爾街 S - 151 Huá ěr Jiē f /Wall Street, New York/by extension, American big business/ 华尔街日报 華爾街日報 S - 82 Huá ěr jiē Rì bào f /Wall Street Journal/ 华屋 華屋 S - 9 huá wū f /magnificent residence/splendid house/ 华屋丘墟 華屋丘墟 S - 3 huá wū qiū xū f /magnificent building reduced to a mound of rubble (idiom); fig. all one's plans in ruins/ 华山 華山 S - 1539 Huà Shān f /Mt Hua in Shaanxi, westmost of the Five Sacred Mountains 五嶽|五岳[Wu3 yue4]/ 华府 華府 S - 22 Huá fǔ f /Washington, D.C./the US federal government/ 华彩 華彩 S - 25 huá cǎi f /gorgeous/resplendent or rich color/ 华拳 華拳 S - 14 huá quán f /Hua Quan - "Flowery Fist? Magnificent Fist?" - Martial Art/ 华文 華文 S - 54 Huá wén f /Chinese language/Chinese script/ 华族 華族 S - 10 huá zú f /noble family/of Chinese ancestry/ 华林 華林 S - 12 Huá lín f /Hualinbu, Ming dynasty theatrical troupe in Nanjing/ 华林部 華林部 S - 0 Huá lín bù f /Hualinbu, Ming dynasty theatrical troupe in Nanjing/ 华毂 華轂 S - 0 huá gǔ f /decorated carriage/ 华氏 華氏 S - 37 Huá shì f /Fahrenheit/ 华氏度 華氏度 S - 3 Huá shì dù f /degrees Fahrenheit/ 华池县 華池縣 S - 3 Huá chí xiàn f /Huachi county in Qingyang 慶陽|庆阳[Qing4 yang2], Gansu/ 华沙 華沙 S - 307 Huá shā f /Warsaw, capital of Poland/ 华法林 華法林 S - 0 huá fǎ lín f /warfarin (loanword)/ 华润 華潤 S - 29 Huá rùn f /China Resources (company name)/ 华润万家 華潤萬家 S - 0 Huá rùn Wàn jiā f /CR Vanguard or China Resources Vanguard Shop, a supermarket chain in Hong Kong and Mainland China/ 华灯 華燈 S - 100 huá dēng f /light/decorated lantern/ 华灯初上 華燈初上 S - 12 huá dēng chū shàng f /early evening when lanterns are first lit/ 华特 華特 S - 3 Huá tè f /Walt (name)/ 华盖 華蓋 S - 67 huá gài f /imperial canopy (e.g. domed umbrella-like roof over carriage)/aureole/halo/ 华盛顿 華盛頓 S - 952 Huá shèng dùn f /Washington (name)/George Washington (1732-1799), first US president/Washington, US State/Washington, D.C. (US federal capital)/ 华盛顿州 華盛頓州 S - 41 Huá shèng dùn zhōu f /Washington, US State/ 华盛顿时报 華盛頓時報 S - 0 Huá shèng dùn Shí bào f /Washington Times (newspaper)/ 华盛顿特区 華盛頓特區 S - 0 Huá shèng dùn tè qū f /Washington D.C. (US federal capital)/ 华盛顿邮报 華盛頓郵報 S - 91 Huá shèng dùn Yóu bào f /Washington Post (newspaper)/ 华硕 華碩 S - 75 Huá shuò f /Asus (computer manufacturer)/ 华纳兄弟 華納兄弟 S - 0 Huà nà xiōng dì f /Warner Brothers/ 华纳音乐集团 華納音樂集團 S - 0 Huà nà Yīn yuè Jí tuán f /Warner Music Group/ 华罗庚 華羅庚 S - 59 Huà Luó gēng f /Hua Luogeng (1910-1985), Chinese number theorist/ 华美 華美 S - 212 huá měi f /magnificent/gorgeous/ornate/ 华而不实 華而不實 S - 43 huá ér bù shí f /flower but no fruit (idiom); handsome exterior but hollow inside/flashy/ 华胄 華胄 S - 5 Huá zhòu f /(literary) Han people/descendants of nobles/ 华航 華航 S - 3 Huá háng f /China Airlines (Taiwan)/abbr. for 中華航空公司|中华航空公司[Zhong1 hua2 Hang2 kong1 Gong1 si1]/ 华蓥 華鎣 S - 6 Huá yíng f /Huaying county level city in Guang'an 廣安|广安[Guang3 an1], Sichuan/ 华蓥市 華鎣市 S - 6 Huá yíng shì f /Huaying county level city in Guang'an 廣安|广安[Guang3 an1], Sichuan/ 华表 華表 S - 1714 huá biǎo f /marble pillar (ornamental column in front of places, tombs)/ 华裔 華裔 S 2489 194 Huá yì f /ethnic Chinese/non-Chinese citizen of Chinese ancestry/ 华西 華西 S - 75 Huá xī f /West China (region in the upper reaches of Yangtze River and Sichuan Province)/ 华西村 華西村 S - 21 Huá xī Cūn f /Huaxi Village in Jiangsu Province 江蘇省|江苏省[Jiang1 su1 Sheng3]/ 华西柳莺 華西柳鶯 S - 0 Huá xī liǔ yīng f /(bird species of China) alpine leaf warbler (Phylloscopus occisinensis)/ 华视 華視 S - 3 Huà shì f /China TV (Taiwan), CTS/abbr. for 中華電視|中华电视/ 华诞 華誕 S - 90 huá dàn f /your birthday (honorific)/ 华语 華語 S - 82 Huá yǔ f /Chinese language/ 华贵 華貴 S - 143 huá guì f /sumptuous/luxurious/ 华达呢 華達呢 S - 15 huá dá ní f /gabardine (loanword)/ 华里 華里 S - 147 huá lǐ f /li (Chinese unit of distance)/ 华阴 華陰 S - 38 Huá yīn f /Huayin county level city in Weinan 渭南[Wei4 nan2], Shaanxi/ 华阴市 華陰市 S - 7 Huá yīn Shì f /Huayin county level city in Weinan 渭南[Wei4 nan2], Shaanxi/ 华陀 華陀 S - 6 Huà Tuó f /Hua Tuo (c. 140-208), ancient Chinese physician from the Eastern Han period/ 华靡 華靡 S - 0 huá mí f /luxurious/opulent/ 华龙 華龍 S - 17 Huà lóng f /Hualong district of Puyang city 濮陽市|濮阳市[Pu2 yang2 shi4], Henan/ 华龙区 華龍區 S - 3 Huà lóng qū f /Hualong district of Puyang city 濮陽市|濮阳市[Pu2 yang2 shi4], Henan/ 协 協 S - 590 xié f /to cooperate/to harmonize/to help/to assist/to join/ 协会 協會 S 2833 3145 xié huì f /an association/a society/CL:個|个[ge4],家[jia1]/ 协作 協作 S - 726 xié zuò f /cooperation/coordination/ 协力 協力 S - 77 xié lì f /to unite in common effort/ 协办 協辦 S - 126 xié bàn f /to assist/to help sb do sth/to cooperate in doing sth/ 协助 協助 S 2829 1873 xié zhù f /to provide assistance/to aid/ 协同 協同 S - 846 xié tóng f /to cooperate/in coordination with/coordinated/collaborate/collaboration/collaborative/ 协同作用 協同作用 S - 0 xié tóng zuò yòng f /synergy/cooperative interaction/ 协和 協和 S - 163 xié hé f /to harmonize/harmony/cooperation/(music) consonant/ 协和式客机 協和式客機 S - 0 Xié hé shì Kè jī f /Concorde, supersonic passenger airliner/ 协和飞机 協和飛機 S - 0 Xié hé Fēi jī f /Concorde, supersonic passenger airliner/ 协商 協商 S 3858 1552 xié shāng f /to consult with/to talk things over/agreement/ 协商会议 協商會議 S - 3 xié shāng huì yì f /consultative conference (political venue during early communist rule)/consultative meeting/deliberative assembly/ 协奏 協奏 S - 8 xié zòu f /to perform (a concerto)/ 协奏曲 協奏曲 S - 243 xié zòu qǔ f /concerto/ 协定 協定 S - 2687 xié dìng f /(reach an) agreement/protocol/ 协方差 協方差 S - 3 xié fāng chā f /(statistics) covariance/ 协理 協理 S - 49 xié lǐ f /assistant manager/to cooperate in managing/ 协管 協管 S - 5 xié guǎn f /to assist in managing (e.g. traffic police or crowd control)/to steward/ 协管员 協管員 S - 8 xié guǎn yuán f /assistant manager/steward/ 协约 協約 S - 57 xié yuē f /entente/pact/agreement/negotiated settlement/ 协约国 協約國 S - 211 xié yuē guó f /Allies/entente (i.e. Western powers allied to China in WW1)/ 协议 協議 S 2586 5108 xié yì f /agreement/pact/protocol/CL:項|项[xiang4]/ 协议书 協議書 S - 152 xié yì shū f /contract/protocol/ 协调 協調 S 3386 4071 xié tiáo f /to coordinate/to harmonize/to fit together/to match (colors etc)/harmonious/concerted/ 协调世界时 協調世界時 S - 7 xié tiáo shì jiè shí f /Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)/ 协调人 協調人 S - 0 xié tiáo rén f /coordinator/ 协调员 協調員 S - 20 xié tiáo yuán f /coordinator/ 协韵 協韻 S - 0 xié yùn f /to rhyme/ 卐 - 3 wàn f /swastika, a sacred and auspicious symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, later adopted by Nazi Germany/ 卑 - 644 bēi f /low/base/vulgar/inferior/humble/ 卑下 - 117 bēi xià f /base/low/ 卑不足道 - 3 bēi bù zú dào f /not worth mentioning/ 卑之,无甚高论 卑之,無甚高論 S - 0 bēi zhī , wú shèn gāo lùn f /my opinion, nothing very involved (idiom, humble expression); my humble point is a familiar opinion/what I say is really nothing out of the ordinary/ 卑之,毋甚高論 卑之,毋甚高论 T - 0 bēi zhī , wú shèn gāo lùn f /my opinion, nothing very involved (idiom, humble expression); my humble point is a familiar opinion/what I say is really nothing out of the ordinary/ 卑之,毋甚高论 卑之,毋甚高論 S - 0 bēi zhī , wú shèn gāo lùn f /my opinion, nothing very involved (idiom, humble expression); my humble point is a familiar opinion/what I say is really nothing out of the ordinary/ 卑之,無甚高論 卑之,无甚高论 T - 0 bēi zhī , wú shèn gāo lùn f /my opinion, nothing very involved (idiom, humble expression); my humble point is a familiar opinion/what I say is really nothing out of the ordinary/ 卑劣 - 137 bēi liè f /base/mean/despicable/ 卑卑不足道 - 0 bēi bēi bù zú dào f /to be too petty or insignificant to mention/to not be worth mentioning (idiom)/ 卑南 - 3 Bēi nán f /Beinan or Peinan township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 卑南乡 卑南鄉 S - 0 Bēi nán xiāng f /Beinan or Peinan township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 卑南族 - 0 Bēi nán zú f /puyuma, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/ 卑南鄉 卑南乡 T - 0 Bēi nán xiāng f /Beinan or Peinan township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 卑尔根 卑爾根 S - 38 Bēi ěr gēn f /Bergen/ 卑微 - 124 bēi wēi f /petty and low/ 卑怯 - 12 bēi qiè f /mean and cowardly/abject/ 卑污 - 20 bēi wū f /despicable and filthy/foul/ 卑爾根 卑尔根 T - 38 Bēi ěr gēn f /Bergen/ 卑詩 卑诗 T - 0 Bēi Shī f /British Columbia, province of Canada (loanword from "BC")/ 卑诗 卑詩 S - 0 Bēi Shī f /British Columbia, province of Canada (loanword from "BC")/ 卑賤 卑贱 T - 101 bēi jiàn f /lowly/mean and low/ 卑贱 卑賤 S - 101 bēi jiàn f /lowly/mean and low/ 卑躬屈節 卑躬屈节 T - 4 bēi gōng qū jié f /to bow and scrape/to act servilely/ 卑躬屈膝 - 23 bēi gōng qū xī f /to bow and bend the knee (idiom); fawning/bending and scraping to curry favor/ 卑躬屈节 卑躬屈節 S - 4 bēi gōng qū jié f /to bow and scrape/to act servilely/ 卑辞厚币 卑辭厚幣 S - 3 bēi cí hòu bì f /humble expression for generous donation/ 卑辞厚礼 卑辭厚禮 S - 3 bēi cí hòu lǐ f /humble expression for generous gift/ 卑辭厚幣 卑辞厚币 T - 3 bēi cí hòu bì f /humble expression for generous donation/ 卑辭厚禮 卑辞厚礼 T - 3 bēi cí hòu lǐ f /humble expression for generous gift/ 卑鄙 2854 365 bēi bǐ f /base/mean/contemptible/despicable/ 卑鄙齷齪 卑鄙龌龊 T - 16 bēi bǐ wò chuò f /sordid and contemptible (idiom); vile and repulsive (esp. character or action)/ 卑鄙龌龊 卑鄙齷齪 S - 16 bēi bǐ wò chuò f /sordid and contemptible (idiom); vile and repulsive (esp. character or action)/ 卑陋 - 3 bēi lòu f /humble/petty/crude/ 卑陋齷齪 卑陋龌龊 T - 3 bēi lòu wò chuò f /sordid and contemptible (idiom); vile and repulsive (esp. character or action)/ 卑陋龌龊 卑陋齷齪 S - 3 bēi lòu wò chuò f /sordid and contemptible (idiom); vile and repulsive (esp. character or action)/ 卒 䘚 S - 4428 zú t /variant of 卒[zu2]/ 卒 - 4428 cù f /variant of 猝[cu4]/ 卒 - 4428 zú t /soldier/servant/to finish/to die/finally/at last/pawn in Chinese chess/ 卒业 卒業 S - 4 zú yè f /to complete a course of study (old)/to graduate/ 卒中 - 0 cù zhòng f /stroke/cerebral hemorrhage/ 卒業 卒业 T - 4 zú yè f /to complete a course of study (old)/to graduate/ 卓 - 410 Zhuó f /surname Zhuo/ 卓 - 410 zhuó f /outstanding/ 卓乎不群 - 3 zhuó hū bù qún f /standing out from the common crowd (idiom); outstanding/preeminent/ 卓兰 卓蘭 S - 3 Zhuó lán f /Zhuolan or Cholan town in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 卓兰镇 卓蘭鎮 S - 0 Zhuó lán zhèn f /Zhuolan or Cholan town in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 卓別林 卓别林 T - 28 Zhuó bié lín f /Charlie Chaplin (1899-1977), English movie actor and director/ 卓别林 卓別林 S - 28 Zhuó bié lín f /Charlie Chaplin (1899-1977), English movie actor and director/ 卓尔不群 卓爾不群 S - 12 zhuó ěr bù qún f /standing above the common crowd (idiom); outstanding/excellent and unrivaled/ 卓尼 - 4 Zhuó ní f /Jonê or Zhuoni county in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘南藏族自治州[Gan1 nan2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ 卓尼县 卓尼縣 S - 3 Zhuó ní xiàn f /Jonê or Zhuoni county in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘南藏族自治州[Gan1 nan2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ 卓尼縣 卓尼县 T - 3 Zhuó ní xiàn f /Jonê or Zhuoni county in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘南藏族自治州[Gan1 nan2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ 卓异 卓異 S - 22 zhuó yì f /(of talent) outstanding/exceptional/ 卓有成效 - 243 zhuó yǒu chéng xiào f /highly effective/fruitful/ 卓溪 - 3 Zhuó xī f /Zhuoxi or Chohsi township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 xian4], east Taiwan/ 卓溪乡 卓溪鄉 S - 0 Zhuó xī xiāng f /Zhuoxi or Chohsi township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 xian4], east Taiwan/ 卓溪鄉 卓溪乡 T - 0 Zhuó xī xiāng f /Zhuoxi or Chohsi township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 xian4], east Taiwan/ 卓然 - 35 zhuó rán f /outstanding/eminent/ 卓爾不群 卓尔不群 T - 12 zhuó ěr bù qún f /standing above the common crowd (idiom); outstanding/excellent and unrivaled/ 卓異 卓异 T - 22 zhuó yì f /(of talent) outstanding/exceptional/ 卓絕 卓绝 T - 170 zhuó jué f /unsurpassed/extreme/extraordinary/ 卓绝 卓絕 S - 170 zhuó jué f /unsurpassed/extreme/extraordinary/ 卓著 - 263 zhuó zhù f /outstanding/eminent/brilliant/ 卓蘭 卓兰 T - 3 Zhuó lán f /Zhuolan or Cholan town in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 卓蘭鎮 卓兰镇 T - 0 Zhuó lán zhèn f /Zhuolan or Cholan town in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 卓識 卓识 T - 20 zhuó shí f /superior judgement/sagacity/ 卓识 卓識 S - 20 zhuó shí f /superior judgement/sagacity/ 卓資 卓资 T - 3 Zhuó zī f /Zhuozi county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia/ 卓資縣 卓资县 T - 2 Zhuó zī xiàn f /Zhuozi county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia/ 卓资 卓資 S - 3 Zhuó zī f /Zhuozi county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia/ 卓资县 卓資縣 S - 2 Zhuó zī xiàn f /Zhuozi county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia/ 卓越 4053 592 zhuó yuè f /outstanding/surpassing/distinguished/splendid/ 卓越網 卓越网 T - 0 Zhuó yuè Wǎng f /Joyo.com/ 卓越网 卓越網 S - 0 Zhuó yuè Wǎng f /Joyo.com/ 協 协 T - 590 xié f /to cooperate/to harmonize/to help/to assist/to join/ 協作 协作 T - 726 xié zuò f /cooperation/coordination/ 協力 协力 T - 77 xié lì f /to unite in common effort/ 協助 协助 T 2829 1873 xié zhù f /to provide assistance/to aid/ 協同 协同 T - 846 xié tóng f /to cooperate/in coordination with/coordinated/collaborate/collaboration/collaborative/ 協同作用 协同作用 T - 0 xié tóng zuò yòng f /synergy/cooperative interaction/ 協和 协和 T - 163 xié hé f /to harmonize/harmony/cooperation/(music) consonant/ 協和式客機 协和式客机 T - 0 Xié hé shì Kè jī f /Concorde, supersonic passenger airliner/ 協和飛機 协和飞机 T - 0 Xié hé Fēi jī f /Concorde, supersonic passenger airliner/ 協商 协商 T 3858 1552 xié shāng f /to consult with/to talk things over/agreement/ 協商會議 协商会议 T - 3 xié shāng huì yì f /consultative conference (political venue during early communist rule)/consultative meeting/deliberative assembly/ 協奏 协奏 T - 8 xié zòu f /to perform (a concerto)/ 協奏曲 协奏曲 T - 243 xié zòu qǔ f /concerto/ 協定 协定 T - 2687 xié dìng f /(reach an) agreement/protocol/ 協方差 协方差 T - 3 xié fāng chā f /(statistics) covariance/ 協會 协会 T 2833 3145 xié huì f /an association/a society/CL:個|个[ge4],家[jia1]/ 協理 协理 T - 49 xié lǐ f /assistant manager/to cooperate in managing/ 協管 协管 T - 5 xié guǎn f /to assist in managing (e.g. traffic police or crowd control)/to steward/ 協管員 协管员 T - 8 xié guǎn yuán f /assistant manager/steward/ 協約 协约 T - 57 xié yuē f /entente/pact/agreement/negotiated settlement/ 協約國 协约国 T - 211 xié yuē guó f /Allies/entente (i.e. Western powers allied to China in WW1)/ 協調 协调 T 3386 4071 xié tiáo f /to coordinate/to harmonize/to fit together/to match (colors etc)/harmonious/concerted/ 協調世界時 协调世界时 T - 7 xié tiáo shì jiè shí f /Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)/ 協調人 协调人 T - 0 xié tiáo rén f /coordinator/ 協調員 协调员 T - 20 xié tiáo yuán f /coordinator/ 協議 协议 T 2586 5108 xié yì f /agreement/pact/protocol/CL:項|项[xiang4]/ 協議書 协议书 T - 152 xié yì shū f /contract/protocol/ 協辦 协办 T - 126 xié bàn f /to assist/to help sb do sth/to cooperate in doing sth/ 協韻 协韵 T - 0 xié yùn f /to rhyme/ 单 單 S - 5823 Shàn f /surname Shan/ 单 單 S - 5823 dān t /bill/list/form/single/only/sole/odd number/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 单一 單一 S - 1005 dān yī f /single/only/sole/ 单一合体字 單一合體字 S - 0 dān yī hé tǐ zì f /unique compound/ 单一码 單一碼 S - 0 dān yī mǎ f /Unicode/also written 統一碼|统一码/ 单一货币 單一貨幣 S - 0 dān yī huò bì f /single currency/ 单丛 單叢 S - 0 Dān cōng f /a class of oolong tea/ 单个 單個 S - 849 dān ge f /single/alone/individually/an odd one/ 单个儿 單個兒 S - 3 dān gè r f /erhua variant of 單個|单个[dan1 ge5]/ 单于 單于 S - 220 chán yú f /chanyu (Han Dynasty name for chiefs of Xiongnu Huns 匈奴[Xiong1 nu2])/ 单亲 單親 S - 20 dān qīn f /single parent/ 单亲家庭 單親家庭 S - 3 dān qīn jiā tíng f /single parent family/ 单人 單人 S - 476 dān rén f /single person/ 单人床 單人床 S - 7 dān rén chuáng f /single bed/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 单人间 單人間 S - 3 dān rén jiān f /single room (hotel)/ 单价 單價 S - 118 dān jià f /price of item/ 单位 單位 S 1924 17532 dān wèi f /unit (of measure)/unit (group of people as a whole)/work unit (place of employment, esp. in the PRC prior to economic reform)/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 单位信托 單位信托 S - 0 dān wèi xìn tuō f /unit trust (finance)/ 单位元 單位元 S - 0 dān wèi yuán f /identity element (math.)/ 单位切向量 單位切向量 S - 0 dān wèi qiē xiàng liàng f /unit tangent vector/ 单位向量 單位向量 S - 3 dān wèi xiàng liàng f /unit vector/ 单位根 單位根 S - 3 dān wèi gēn f /root of unity/ 单位犯罪 單位犯罪 S - 0 dān wèi fàn zuì f /crime committed by an organization/ 单体 單體 S - 357 dān tǐ f /monomer/ 单侧 單側 S - 36 dān cè f /one-sided/unilateral/ 单倍体 單倍體 S - 44 dān bèi tǐ f /haploid (single chromosome)/ 单元 單元 S 2312 795 dān yuán f /unit (forming an entity)/element/(in a residential building) entrance or staircase/ 单元房 單元房 S - 12 dān yuán fáng f /apartment/ 单元格 單元格 S - 3 dān yuán gé f /(spreadsheet) cell/ 单克隆抗体 單克隆抗體 S - 0 dān kè lóng kàng tǐ f /monoclonal antibody/ 单击 單擊 S - 18 dān jī f /to click (using a mouse or other pointing device)/ 单刀直入 單刀直入 S - 49 dān dāo zhí rù f /to get straight to the point (idiom)/ 单刀赴会 單刀赴會 S - 23 dān dāo fù huì f /lit. to go among enemies with only one's sword (idiom)/fig. to go alone into enemy lines/ 单单 單單 S - 221 dān dān f /only/merely/just/ 单县 單縣 S - 8 Shàn xiàn f /Shan county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze2], Shandong/ 单反机 單反機 S - 0 dān fǎn jī f /see 單反相機|单反相机[dan1 fan3 xiang4 ji1]/ 单反相机 單反相機 S - 3 dān fǎn xiàng jī f /single-lens reflex camera (SLR)/ 单口相声 單口相聲 S - 7 dān kǒu xiàng shēng f /comic monologue/one-person comic sketch/ 单句 單句 S - 12 dān jù f /simple sentence (grammar)/ 单另 單另 S - 0 dān lìng f /separately and exclusively/specially/ 单叶双曲面 單葉雙曲面 S - 0 dān yè shuāng qū miàn f /hyperboloid of one sheet (math.)/ 单号 單號 S - 3 dān hào f /odd number (on a ticket, house etc)/ 单向 單向 S - 286 dān xiàng f /uni-directional/ 单向电流 單向電流 S - 0 dān xiàng diàn liú f /direct current (elec.)/also written 直流/ 单味药 單味藥 S - 0 dān wèi yào f /medicine made from a single herb/drug made from a single substance/ 单套 單套 S - 0 dān tào f /single set/ 单子 單子 S - 154 dān zǐ f /the only son of a family/(functional programming or philosophy) monad/ 单子 單子 S - 154 dān zi t /list of items/bill/form/bedsheet/ 单子叶 單子葉 S - 22 dān zǐ yè f /monocotyledon (plant family distinguished by single embryonic leaf, includes grasses, orchids and lilies)/ 单字 單字 S - 79 dān zì f /single Chinese character/word (in a foreign language)/ 单宁酸 單寧酸 S - 23 dān níng suān f /tannic acid (loanword)/ 单射 單射 S - 0 dān shè f /one-to-one function/injective map (math.)/ 单层 單層 S - 196 dān céng f /single layer/single story/single deck/single level/ 单层塔 單層塔 S - 0 dān céng tǎ f /single storied pagoda/ 单峰驼 單峰駝 S - 5 dān fēng tuó f /dromedary/ 单干 單幹 S - 92 dān gàn f /to work on one's own/to work single-handed/individual farming/ 单张汇票 單張匯票 S - 0 dān zhāng huì piào f /sola bill of exchange (international trade)/ 单恋 單戀 S - 3 dān liàn f /unrequited love/one-sided love/ 单意 單意 S - 0 dān yì f /unambiguous/having only one meaning/ 单房差 單房差 S - 0 dān fáng chā f /single person supplement (for a hotel room etc)/ 单手 單手 S - 3 dān shǒu f /one hand/single-handed/ 单打 單打 S - 461 dān dǎ f /singles (in sports)/CL:場|场[chang3]/ 单打独斗 單打獨鬥 S - 150 dān dǎ dú dòu f /to fight alone (idiom)/ 单挑 單挑 S - 3 dān tiāo f /to pick/to choose/to fight a duel/ 单据 單據 S - 108 dān jù f /receipts/invoices/transaction records/ 单摆 單擺 S - 28 dān bǎi f /simple pendulum (physics)/ 单放机 單放機 S - 2 dān fàng jī f /tape player/video player/(media) player/play-only device/ 单数 單數 S - 63 dān shù f /positive odd number (also written 奇數|奇数)/singular (grammar)/ 单方 單方 S - 63 dān fāng f /unilateral/one-sided/home remedy/folk prescription(same as 丹方)/single-drug prescription (same as 奇方[ji1 fang1], one of the seven kinds of prescriptions of Chinese medicine 七方[qi1 fang1])/metaphorically. a good solution/ 单方决定 單方決定 S - 0 dān fāng jué dìng f /to decide without reference to other parties involved/unilateral decision/ 单方制剂 單方製劑 S - 0 dān fāng zhì jì f /prescribed preparation/ 单方向 單方向 S - 0 dān fāng xiàng f /unidirectional/single-aspect/ 单方宣告 單方宣告 S - 0 dān fāng xuān gào f /unilateral declaration/ 单方恐吓 單方恐嚇 S - 0 dān fāng kǒng hè f /unilateral threat/ 单方过失碰撞 單方過失碰撞 S - 0 dān fāng guò shī pèng zhuàng f /collision in which only one party is at fault/ 单方面 單方面 S - 240 dān fāng miàn f /unilateral/ 单日 單日 S - 66 dān rì f /on a single day/ 单晶 單晶 S - 88 dān jīng f /monocrystalline/ 单曲 單曲 S - 2 dān qǔ f /single (music)/ 单月 單月 S - 13 dān yuè f /monthly/in a single month/ 单杠 單槓 S - 46 dān gàng f /bar/bold line/horizontal bar (gymnastics event)/ 单板机 單板機 S - 3 dān bǎn jī f /single-board computer/ 单板滑雪 單板滑雪 S - 0 dān bǎn huá xuě f /to snowboard/ 单极 單極 S - 39 dān jí f /unipolar/monopole (physics)/ 单枞 單樅 S - 0 Dān cōng f /variant of 單叢|单丛[Dan1 cong1]/ 单枪匹马 單槍匹馬 S - 73 dān qiāng pǐ mǎ f /lit. single spear and horse (idiom); fig. single-handed/unaccompanied/ 单核细胞 單核細胞 S - 3 dān hé xì bāo f /monocyte/mononuclear cell/ 单核细胞增多症 單核細胞增多症 S - 0 dān hé xì bāo zēng duō zhèng f /mononucleosis/ 单根独苗 單根獨苗 S - 3 dān gēn dú miáo f /an only child/ 单模 單模 S - 4 dān mó f /single mode/ 单模光纤 單模光纖 S - 0 dān mó guāng xiān f /single mode fiber/ 单源多倍体 單源多倍體 S - 0 dān yuán duō bèi tǐ f /autopolyploid (polyploid with chromosomes of single species)/ 单源论 單源論 S - 0 dān yuán lùn f /theory of single origin (of mankind)/ 单点 單點 S - 11 dān diǎn f /à la carte/ 单片机 單片機 S - 8 dān piàn jī f /microcontroller/one-chip computer/ 单独 單獨 S 1440 2307 dān dú f /alone/by oneself/on one's own/ 单班课 單班課 S - 0 dān bān kè f /individual lesson/one-on-one class/ 单瓣 單瓣 S - 25 dān bàn f /single petal/single valve/ 单用 單用 S - 3 dān yòng f /to use (sth) on its own/ 单盲 單盲 S - 3 dān máng f /single-blind (scientific experiment)/ 单相 單相 S - 37 dān xiàng f /single phase (elec.)/ 单相思 單相思 S - 19 dān xiāng sī f /one-sided lovesickness/unrequited longing/ 单眼 單眼 S - 58 dān yǎn f /ommatidium (single component of insect's compound eye)/ 单眼皮 單眼皮 S - 19 dān yǎn pí f /single eyelid/ 单眼相机 單眼相機 S - 0 dān yǎn xiàng jī f /single-lens reflex camera (Tw)/ 单程 單程 S - 40 dān chéng f /one way (ticket)/ 单端孢霉烯类毒素 單端孢霉烯類毒素 S - 0 dān duān bāo méi xī lèi dú sù f /trichothecenes (TS, T-2)/ 单端孢霉烯类毒素中毒症 單端孢霉烯類毒素中毒症 S - 0 dān duān bāo méi xī lèi dú sù zhōng dú zhèng f /trichothecenes toxicosis/ 单簧管 單簧管 S - 39 dān huáng guǎn f /clarinet/ 单糖 單糖 S - 59 dān táng f /monosaccharide/ 单纯 單純 S 2124 1679 dān chún f /simple/pure/unsophisticated/merely/purely/ 单纯疱疹 單純皰疹 S - 0 dān chún pào zhěn f /herpes simplex (med.)/ 单纯疱疹病毒 單純皰疹病毒 S - 0 dān chún pào zhěn bìng dú f /herpes simplex virus (HSV, med.)/ 单纯词 單純詞 S - 6 dān chún cí f /(linguistics) single-morpheme word/simple word/ 单细胞 單細胞 S - 131 dān xì bāo f /single-celled (organism)/unicellular/ 单细胞生物 單細胞生物 S - 0 dān xì bāo shēng wù f /single-celled organism/ 单翼飞机 單翼飛機 S - 3 dān yì fēi jī f /monoplane/ 单肩包 單肩包 S - 0 dān jiān bāo f /shoulder bag/ 单胞藻 單胞藻 S - 3 dān bāo zǎo f /single-celled algae/ 单脚跳 單腳跳 S - 3 dān jiǎo tiào f /to hop/to jump on one leg/ 单色 單色 S - 93 dān sè f /monochrome/monochromatic/black and white/ 单色照片 單色照片 S - 0 dān sè zhào piàn f /monochrome photo/black and white picture/ 单色画 單色畫 S - 3 dān sè huà f /monochrome picture/black and white picture/ 单薄 單薄 S - 282 dān bó f /weak/frail/thin/flimsy/ 单行 單行 S - 1610 dān xíng f /to come individually/to treat separately/separate edition/one-way traffic/ 单行本 單行本 S - 55 dān xíng běn f /single volume edition/offprint/ 单行线 單行線 S - 6 dān xíng xiàn f /one-way road/ 单行道 單行道 S - 11 dān xíng dào f /one way street/ 单衣 單衣 S - 20 dān yī f /unlined garment/ 单裤 單褲 S - 11 dān kù f /unlined trousers/summer trousers/ 单证 單證 S - 38 dān zhèng f /(international trade) documentation (e.g. a bill of lading)/ 单词 單詞 S - 671 dān cí f /word/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 单词产生器模型 單詞產生器模型 S - 0 dān cí chǎn shēng qì mó xíng f /logogen model/ 单语 單語 S - 0 dān yǔ f /monolingual/ 单调 單調 S 2395 348 dān diào f /monotonous/ 单调乏味 單調乏味 S - 3 dān diào fá wèi f /monotonous/dull/tedious (idiom)/ 单质 單質 S - 62 dān zhì f /simple substance (consisting purely of one element, such as diamond)/ 单趟 單趟 S - 0 dān tàng f /single trip/ 单身 單身 S - 444 dān shēn f /unmarried/single/ 单身汉 單身漢 S - 31 dān shēn hàn f /bachelor/unmarried man/ 单身贵族 單身貴族 S - 3 dān shēn guì zú f /fig. unmarried person/single person (especially one who is comfortable financially)/ 单车 單車 S - 83 dān chē f /(coll.) bicycle/bike/ 单轨 單軌 S - 8 dān guǐ f /single track/ 单轮车 單輪車 S - 0 dān lún chē f /unicycle/ 单边 單邊 S - 44 dān biān f /unilateral/ 单边主义 單邊主義 S - 18 dān biān zhǔ yì f /unilateralism/ 单过 單過 S - 0 dān guò f /to live independently/to live on one's own/ 单连接站 單連接站 S - 0 dān lián jiē zhàn f /single attachment station (telecommunications)/ 单速车 單速車 S - 0 dān sù chē f /single-speed bicycle/fixed-gear bicycle/ 单铬 單鉻 S - 0 dān gè f /monochrome/ 单链 單鏈 S - 31 dān liàn f /single chain/refers to RNA as opposed to the double helix DNA/ 单键 單鍵 S - 19 dān jiàn f /single bond (chemistry)/ 单镜反光相机 單鏡反光相機 S - 0 dān jìng fǎn guāng xiàng jī f /single-lens reflex camera (SLR)/ 单院制 單院制 S - 0 dān yuàn zhì f /unicameralism/single-house system/ 单非 單非 S - 5 dān fēi f /a couple in which one of the spouses is not a Hong Kong citizen/ 单鞋 單鞋 S - 3 dān xié f /unpadded shoes/ 单音节 單音節 S - 3 dān yīn jié f /monosyllabic/a monosyllable/ 单音词 單音詞 S - 3 dān yīn cí f /monosyllabic word/ 单韵母 單韻母 S - 0 dān yùn mǔ f /simple finals/ 单项 單項 S - 244 dān xiàng f /single-item/ 卖 賣 S 220 7578 mài f /to sell/to betray/to spare no effort/to show off or flaunt/ 卖主 賣主 S - 35 mài zhǔ f /seller/ 卖价 賣價 S - 17 mài jià f /selling price/ 卖傻 賣傻 S - 0 mài shǎ f /to play stupid/to act like an idiot/ 卖光了 賣光了 S - 0 mài guāng le f /to be sold out/to be out of stock/ 卖关子 賣關子 S - 52 mài guān zi f /to do sth reluctantly/to keep listeners in suspense (in storytelling)/to keep people on tenterhooks/ 卖关节 賣關節 S - 3 mài guān jié f /to solicit a bribe/to accept a bribe/ 卖出 賣出 S - 339 mài chū f /to sell/to reach (a price in an auction)/ 卖力 賣力 S - 145 mài lì f /to really put out energy for/ 卖力气 賣力氣 S - 15 mài lì qi f /to make a living doing manual labor/to give sth all one's got/ 卖卜 賣卜 S - 0 mài bǔ f /to do trade as a fortune teller/ 卖命 賣命 S - 68 mài mìng f /to throw one's life in for/to haplessly give one's life for/to sacrifice oneself torturously working for another or for a group/to pour in one's utmost effort/to shed one's last ounce of strength for/ 卖国 賣國 S - 864 mài guó f /to sell one's country/treason/ 卖国主义 賣國主義 S - 0 mài guó zhǔ yì f /treason/ 卖国贼 賣國賊 S - 1364 mài guó zéi f /traitor/ 卖场 賣場 S - 159 mài chǎng f /market/store/mall (usually specializing in a particular product category such as furniture)/ 卖完 賣完 S - 3 mài wán f /to be sold out/ 卖家 賣家 S - 104 mài jiā f /seller/ 卖座 賣座 S - 20 mài zuò f /(of a movie, show etc) to attract large audiences/ 卖弄 賣弄 S - 152 mài nong f /to show off/to make a display of/ 卖掉 賣掉 S - 278 mài diào f /to sell off/to get rid of in a sale/ 卖方 賣方 S - 179 mài fāng f /seller (in contracts)/ 卖春 賣春 S - 3 mài chūn f /to engage in prostitution/ 卖本事 賣本事 S - 3 mài běn shì f /to flaunt a skill/to give display to one's ability/to show off a feat/to vaunt one's tricks/ 卖淫 賣淫 S - 115 mài yín f /prostitution/to prostitute oneself/ 卖炭翁 賣炭翁 S - 3 Mài Tàn Wēng f /The Old Charcoal Seller, poem by Tang poet Bai Juyi 白居易[Bai2 Ju1 yi4]/ 卖点 賣點 S - 90 mài diǎn f /selling point/ 卖相 賣相 S - 10 mài xiàng f /outward appearance/demeanor/ 卖破绽 賣破綻 S - 3 mài pò zhàn f /to feign an opening in order to hoodwink the opponent (in a fight, combat etc)/ 卖空 賣空 S - 5 mài kōng f /to sell short (finance)/ 卖笑 賣笑 S - 22 mài xiào f /to work as a good-time girl/to prostitute oneself/ 卖肉 賣肉 S - 3 mài ròu f /butcher/meat merchant/ 卖肉者 賣肉者 S - 0 mài ròu zhě f /butcher/ 卖苦力 賣苦力 S - 3 mài kǔ lì f /to make a hard living as unskilled laborer/ 卖萌 賣萌 S - 0 mài méng f /(slang) to act cute/ 卖身 賣身 S - 74 mài shēn f /to prostitute oneself/to sell oneself into slavery/ 卖面子 賣面子 S - 3 mài miàn zi f /to obsequiously bequeath favors on behalf of another/to give face to somebody by doing favors on their behalf/to curry favor for a third party/to intercede on another's behalf/ 卖风流 賣風流 S - 0 mài fēng liú f /to exert flirtatious allure/to entice coquettishly/ 南 523 24296 Nán f /surname Nan/ 南 523 24296 nán f /south/ 南三角座 - 0 Nán sān jiǎo zuò f /Triangulum Australe (constellation)/ 南下 - 528 nán xià f /to go down south/ 南丰 南豐 S - 51 Nán fēng f /Nanfeng county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi/ 南丰县 南豐縣 S - 11 Nán fēng xiàn f /Nanfeng county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi/ 南丹 - 12 Nán dān f /Nandan county in Hezhou 賀州|贺州[He4 zhou1], Guangxi/ 南丹县 南丹縣 S - 9 Nán dān xiàn f /Nandan county in Hezhou 賀州|贺州[He4 zhou1], Guangxi/ 南丹縣 南丹县 T - 9 Nán dān xiàn f /Nandan county in Hezhou 賀州|贺州[He4 zhou1], Guangxi/ 南乐 南樂 S - 13 Nán lè f /Nanle county in Puyang 濮陽|濮阳[Pu2 yang2], Henan/ 南乐县 南樂縣 S - 3 Nán lè xiàn f /Nanle county in Puyang 濮陽|濮阳[Pu2 yang2], Henan/ 南乔治亚岛和南桑威奇 南喬治亞島和南桑威奇 S - 0 Nán Qiáo zhì yà dǎo hé Nán Sāng wēi qí f /South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands/ 南乳 - 0 nán rǔ f /fermented soybean curd/ 南亚 南亞 S - 692 nán Yà f /southern Asia/ 南亚区域合作联盟 南亞區域合作聯盟 S - 0 Nán Yà Qū yù Hé zuò Lián méng f /South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)/ 南亚大草莺 南亞大草鶯 S - 0 Nán yà dà cǎo yīng f /(bird species of China) Indian grassbird (Graminicola bengalensis)/ 南亞 南亚 T - 692 nán Yà f /southern Asia/ 南亞區域合作聯盟 南亚区域合作联盟 T - 0 Nán Yà Qū yù Hé zuò Lián méng f /South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)/ 南亞大草鶯 南亚大草莺 T - 0 Nán yà dà cǎo yīng f /(bird species of China) Indian grassbird (Graminicola bengalensis)/ 南京 - 7228 Nán jīng f /Nanjing subprovincial city on the Changjiang, capital of Jiangsu province 江蘇|江苏/capital of China at different historical periods/ 南京农业大学 南京農業大學 S - 8 Nán jīng Nóng yè Dà xué f /Nanjing Agricultural University/ 南京大学 南京大學 S - 112 Nán jīng Dà xué f /Nanjing University, NJU/ 南京大學 南京大学 T - 112 Nán jīng Dà xué f /Nanjing University, NJU/ 南京大屠杀 南京大屠殺 S - 53 Nán jīng Dà tú shā f /the Nanjing Massacre of 1937-38/ 南京大屠杀事件 南京大屠殺事件 S - 0 Nán jīng Dà tú shā Shì jiàn f /The Rape of Nanking (1997 documentary book by Iris Chang 張純如|张纯如)/ 南京大屠殺 南京大屠杀 T - 53 Nán jīng Dà tú shā f /the Nanjing Massacre of 1937-38/ 南京大屠殺事件 南京大屠杀事件 T - 0 Nán jīng Dà tú shā Shì jiàn f /The Rape of Nanking (1997 documentary book by Iris Chang 張純如|张纯如)/ 南京市 - 2046 Nán jīng shì f /Nanjing subprovincial city on the Changjiang, capital of Jiangsu province 江蘇|江苏/capital of China at different historical periods/ 南京条约 南京條約 S - 0 Nán jīng Tiáo yuē f /Treaty of Nanjing (1842) that concluded the First Opium War between Qing China and Britain/ 南京條約 南京条约 T - 0 Nán jīng Tiáo yuē f /Treaty of Nanjing (1842) that concluded the First Opium War between Qing China and Britain/ 南京理工大学 南京理工大學 S - 0 Nán jīng Lǐ gōng Dà xué f /Nanjing University of Science and Technology/ 南京理工大學 南京理工大学 T - 0 Nán jīng Lǐ gōng Dà xué f /Nanjing University of Science and Technology/ 南京路 - 71 Nán jīng lù f /Nanjing St., large commercial street in Shanghai/ 南京農業大學 南京农业大学 T - 8 Nán jīng Nóng yè Dà xué f /Nanjing Agricultural University/ 南京邮电大学 南京郵電大學 S - 0 Nán jīng Yóu diàn Dà xué f /Nanjing Post and Communications University/ 南京郵電大學 南京邮电大学 T - 0 Nán jīng Yóu diàn Dà xué f /Nanjing Post and Communications University/ 南侧 南側 S - 729 nán cè f /south side/south face/ 南側 南侧 T - 729 nán cè f /south side/south face/ 南充 - 48 Nán chōng f /Nanchong prefecture level city in Sichuan/ 南充地区 南充地區 S - 0 Nán chōng dì qū f /Nanchong prefecture in Sichuan/ 南充地區 南充地区 T - 0 Nán chōng dì qū f /Nanchong prefecture in Sichuan/ 南充市 - 16 Nán chōng shì f /Nanchong prefecture level city in Sichuan/ 南关 南關 S - 137 Nán guān f /Nanguan district of Changchun city 長春市|长春市, Jilin/ 南关区 南關區 S - 5 Nán guān qū f /Nanguan district of Changchun city 長春市|长春市, Jilin/ 南冕座 - 0 Nán miǎn zuò f /Corona Australis (constellation)/ 南冰洋 - 0 Nán bīng yáng f /the Antarctic Ocean/ 南凉 南涼 S - 12 Nán Liáng f /Southern Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms (397-414)/ 南化 - 0 Nán huà f /Nanhua township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 南化乡 南化鄉 S - 0 Nán huà xiāng f /Nanhua township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 南化鄉 南化乡 T - 0 Nán huà xiāng f /Nanhua township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 南北 - 5877 nán běi f /north and south/north to south/ 南北朝 - 908 Nán Běi cháo f /Northern and Southern dynasties (420-589)/ 南北极 南北極 S - 20 nán běi jí f /south and north poles/ 南北極 南北极 T - 20 nán běi jí f /south and north poles/ 南北美 - 0 Nán Běi Měi f /North and South America/ 南北長 南北长 T - 0 nán běi cháng f /north-south distance/ 南北长 南北長 S - 0 nán běi cháng f /north-south distance/ 南北韓 南北韩 T - 0 nán běi Hán f /North and South Korea/ 南北韩 南北韓 S - 0 nán běi Hán f /North and South Korea/ 南匯 南汇 T - 36 Nán huì f /Nanhui former district of Shanghai, now in Pudong New District 浦東新區|浦东新区[Pu3 dong1 xin1 qu1], Shanghai/ 南匯區 南汇区 T - 4 Nán huì qū f /Nanhui former district of Shanghai, now in Pudong New District 浦東新區|浦东新区[Pu3 dong1 xin1 qu1], Shanghai/ 南十字座 - 0 Nán shí zì zuò f /Crux (constellation)/Southern Cross/ 南半球 - 142 Nán bàn qiú f /Southern Hemisphere/ 南华 南華 S - 46 Nán Huá f /South China/Nanhua county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州[Chu3 xiong2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 南华 南華 S - 46 nán huá f /south or southern China/ 南华县 南華縣 S - 2 Nán huá xiàn f /Nanhua county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州[Chu3 xiong2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 南华早报 南華早報 S - 3 Nán huá Zǎo bào f /South China Morning Post (newspaper in Hong Kong)/ 南卡罗来纳 南卡羅來納 S - 13 Nán Kǎ luó lái nà f /South Carolina, US state/ 南卡罗来纳州 南卡羅來納州 S - 7 Nán Kǎ luó lái nà zhōu f /South Carolina, US state/ 南卡羅來納 南卡罗来纳 T - 13 Nán Kǎ luó lái nà f /South Carolina, US state/ 南卡羅來納州 南卡罗来纳州 T - 7 Nán Kǎ luó lái nà zhōu f /South Carolina, US state/ 南县 南縣 S - 574 Nán xiàn f /southern county/Nan county in Yiyang 益陽|益阳[Yi4 yang2], Hunan/ 南召 - 16 Nán zhào f /Nanzhao county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 yang2], Henan/ 南召县 南召縣 S - 16 Nán zhào xiàn f /Nanzhao county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 yang2], Henan/ 南召縣 南召县 T - 16 Nán zhào xiàn f /Nanzhao county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 yang2], Henan/ 南史 - 3 Nán shǐ f /History of the Southern Dynasties, fourteenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled by Li Yanshou 李延壽|李延寿[Li3 Yan2 shou4] in 659 during Tang Dynasty, 80 scrolls/ 南和 - 31 Nán hé f /Nanhe county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ 南和县 南和縣 S - 3 Nán hé xiàn f /Nanhe county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ 南和縣 南和县 T - 3 Nán hé xiàn f /Nanhe county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ 南唐 - 529 Nán Táng f /Tang of the Five Southern Dynasties 937-975/ 南喬治亞島和南桑威奇 南乔治亚岛和南桑威奇 T - 0 Nán Qiáo zhì yà dǎo hé Nán Sāng wēi qí f /South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands/ 南回归线 南回歸線 S - 41 Nán huí guī xiàn f /Tropic of Capricorn/ 南回歸線 南回归线 T - 41 Nán huí guī xiàn f /Tropic of Capricorn/ 南坡 - 43 nán pō f /south slope/ 南坪 - 18 Nán píng f /Nanping, common place name/Nanping township in Nan'an district of Chongqing/ 南城 - 193 Nán chéng f /Nancheng county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi/ 南城县 南城縣 S - 3 Nán chéng xiàn f /Nancheng county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi/ 南城縣 南城县 T - 3 Nán chéng xiàn f /Nancheng county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi/ 南大 - 39 Nán Dà f /Nanjing University, NJU/abbr. for 南京大學|南京大学[Nan2 jing1 Da4 xue2]/ 南天門 南天门 T - 66 Nán tiān mén f /The Southern Heavenly Gates/a name for a mountain pass gate in several places/ 南天门 南天門 S - 66 Nán tiān mén f /The Southern Heavenly Gates/a name for a mountain pass gate in several places/ 南奥塞梯 南奧塞梯 S - 16 Nán Aò sāi tī f /South Ossetia, autonomous region of Georgia in the Caucasus mountains/ 南奧塞梯 南奥塞梯 T - 16 Nán Aò sāi tī f /South Ossetia, autonomous region of Georgia in the Caucasus mountains/ 南宁 南寧 S - 314 Nán níng f /Nanning prefecture level city and capital of Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region in south China 廣西壯族自治區|广西壮族自治区/Zhuang: Namzningz/ 南宁地区 南寧地區 S - 8 Nán níng dì qū f /Nanning prefecture in Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region in south China 廣西壯族自治區|广西壮族自治区/ 南宁市 南寧市 S - 70 Nán níng Shì f /Nanning prefecture level city and capital of Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region 廣西壯族自治區|广西壮族自治区[Guang3 xi1 Zhuang4 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 qu1] in south China/ 南安 - 145 Nán ān f /Nan'an county level city in Quanzhou 泉州[Quan2 zhou1], Fujian/ 南安市 - 3 Nán ān shì f /Nan'an county level city in Quanzhou 泉州[Quan2 zhou1], Fujian/ 南安普敦 - 22 Nán ān pǔ dūn f /Southampton, town in south England/ 南宋 - 1272 Nán sòng f /the Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279)/ 南定 - 9 Nán dìng f /Nam Dinh, Vietnam/ 南宫 南宮 S - 116 Nán gōng f /Nangong county level city in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ 南宫市 南宮市 S - 3 Nán gōng shì f /Nangong county level city in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ 南宮 南宫 T - 116 Nán gōng f /Nangong county level city in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ 南宮市 南宫市 T - 3 Nán gōng shì f /Nangong county level city in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ 南寧 南宁 T - 314 Nán níng f /Nanning prefecture level city and capital of Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region in south China 廣西壯族自治區|广西壮族自治区/Zhuang: Namzningz/ 南寧地區 南宁地区 T - 8 Nán níng dì qū f /Nanning prefecture in Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region in south China 廣西壯族自治區|广西壮族自治区/ 南寧市 南宁市 T - 70 Nán níng Shì f /Nanning prefecture level city and capital of Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region 廣西壯族自治區|广西壮族自治区[Guang3 xi1 Zhuang4 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 qu1] in south China/ 南屯区 南屯區 S - 0 Nán tún Qū f /Nantun District of Taichung, Taiwan/ 南屯區 南屯区 T - 0 Nán tún Qū f /Nantun District of Taichung, Taiwan/ 南山 - 310 Nán shān f /Nanshan or Namsan, common place name/Nanshan district of Shenzhen City 深圳市, Guangdong/ 南山区 南山區 S - 32 Nán shān qū f /Nanshan district of Shenzhen City 深圳市, Guangdong/Nanshan district of Hegang city 鶴崗|鹤岗[He4 gang3], Heilongjiang/ 南山區 南山区 T - 32 Nán shān qū f /Nanshan district of Shenzhen City 深圳市, Guangdong/Nanshan district of Hegang city 鶴崗|鹤岗[He4 gang3], Heilongjiang/ 南山矿区 南山礦區 S - 3 Nán shān kuàng qū f /Nanshan mining district, old name of Dabancheng district 達坂城區|达坂城区[Da2 ban3 cheng2 qu1] of Urumqi city, Xinjiang/ 南山礦區 南山矿区 T - 3 Nán shān kuàng qū f /Nanshan mining district, old name of Dabancheng district 達坂城區|达坂城区[Da2 ban3 cheng2 qu1] of Urumqi city, Xinjiang/ 南岔 - 3 Nán chà f /Nancha district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 南岔区 南岔區 S - 3 Nán chà qū f /Nancha district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 南岔區 南岔区 T - 3 Nán chà qū f /Nancha district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 南岗 南崗 S - 9 Nán gǎng f /Nangang district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1] in Heilongjiang/ 南岗区 南崗區 S - 19 Nán gǎng qū f /Nangang district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1] in Heilongjiang/ 南岛 南島 S - 143 Nán Dǎo f /South Island (New Zealand)/ 南岛民族 南島民族 S - 0 nán dǎo mín zú f /Austronesian/ 南岭 南嶺 S - 119 Nán lǐng f /Nanling mountain, on the border of Hunan, Jiangxi, Guangdong and Guangxi/ 南岳 南嶽 S - 1077 Nán yuè f /Nanyue district of Hengyang city 衡陽市|衡阳市[Heng2 yang2 shi4], Hunan/Mt Heng 衡山 in Hunan, one of the Five Sacred Mountains 五嶽|五岳[Wu3 yue4]/ 南岳区 南嶽區 S - 3 Nán yuè qū f /Nanyue district of Hengyang city 衡陽市|衡阳市[Heng2 yang2 shi4], Hunan/ 南岸 - 979 Nán àn f /Nananqu district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 南岸区 南岸區 S - 9 Nán àn qū f /Nananqu district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 南岸區 南岸区 T - 9 Nán àn qū f /Nananqu district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 南島 南岛 T - 143 Nán Dǎo f /South Island (New Zealand)/ 南島民族 南岛民族 T - 0 nán dǎo mín zú f /Austronesian/ 南崗 南岗 T - 9 Nán gǎng f /Nangang district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1] in Heilongjiang/ 南崗區 南岗区 T - 19 Nán gǎng qū f /Nangang district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1] in Heilongjiang/ 南嶺 南岭 T - 119 Nán lǐng f /Nanling mountain, on the border of Hunan, Jiangxi, Guangdong and Guangxi/ 南嶽 南岳 T - 1077 Nán yuè f /Nanyue district of Hengyang city 衡陽市|衡阳市[Heng2 yang2 shi4], Hunan/Mt Heng 衡山 in Hunan, one of the Five Sacred Mountains 五嶽|五岳[Wu3 yue4]/ 南嶽區 南岳区 T - 3 Nán yuè qū f /Nanyue district of Hengyang city 衡陽市|衡阳市[Heng2 yang2 shi4], Hunan/ 南川 - 10 Nán chuān f /Nanchuan district of Fuling suburbs of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 南川区 南川區 S - 0 Nán chuān qū f /Nanchuan district of Fuling suburbs of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 南川區 南川区 T - 0 Nán chuān qū f /Nanchuan district of Fuling suburbs of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 南州 - 0 Nán zhōu f /Nanchou township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 南州乡 南州鄉 S - 0 Nán zhōu xiāng f /Nanchou township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 南州鄉 南州乡 T - 0 Nán zhōu xiāng f /Nanchou township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 南市区 南市區 S - 13 Nán shì qū f /South city district/ 南市區 南市区 T - 13 Nán shì qū f /South city district/ 南希 - 9 Nán xī f /Nancy/ 南平 - 380 Nán píng f /Nanping prefecture level city in Fujian/ 南平地区 南平地區 S - 0 Nán píng dì qū f /Nanping district (old term)/since 1983, Nanping county level city, Fujian/ 南平地區 南平地区 T - 0 Nán píng dì qū f /Nanping district (old term)/since 1983, Nanping county level city, Fujian/ 南平市 - 24 Nán píng shì f /Nanping prefecture level city in Fujian/ 南庄 南莊 S - 2 Nán zhuāng f /township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 南庄乡 南莊鄉 S - 0 Nán zhuāng xiāng f /township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 南康 - 18 Nán kāng f /Nankang county level city in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi/ 南康市 - 3 Nán kāng shì f /Nankang county level city in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi/ 南开 南開 S - 155 Nán kāi f /Nankai district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tian1 jin1 shi4]/ 南开区 南開區 S - 17 Nán kāi qū f /Hebei district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tian1 jin1 shi4]/ 南开大学 南開大學 S - 217 Nán kāi Dà xué f /Nankai University (Tianjin)/ 南征 - 178 nán zhēng f /punitive expedition to the south/ 南征北伐 - 4 nán zhēng běi fá f /war on all sides (idiom); fighting from all four quarters/ 南征北战 南征北戰 S - 64 nán zhēng běi zhàn f /war on all sides (idiom); fighting from all four quarters/ 南征北戰 南征北战 T - 64 nán zhēng běi zhàn f /war on all sides (idiom); fighting from all four quarters/ 南征北討 南征北讨 T - 8 nán zhēng běi tǎo f /war on all sides (idiom); fighting from all four quarters/ 南征北讨 南征北討 S - 8 nán zhēng běi tǎo f /war on all sides (idiom); fighting from all four quarters/ 南投 - 20 Nán tóu f /Nantou city and county in central Taiwan/ 南投县 南投縣 S - 20 Nán tóu xiàn f /Nantou county in central Taiwan/ 南投市 - 3 Nán tóu shì f /Nantou city in central Taiwan, capital of Nantou county/ 南投縣 南投县 T - 20 Nán tóu xiàn f /Nantou county in central Taiwan/ 南拳 - 36 nán quán f /Nanquan - "Southern Fist" (Chinese Martial Art)/ 南拳妈妈 南拳媽媽 S - 0 Nán Quán Mā mā f /Nan Quan Mama, a Taiwanese Music Group/ 南拳媽媽 南拳妈妈 T - 0 Nán Quán Mā mā f /Nan Quan Mama, a Taiwanese Music Group/ 南斯拉夫 - 670 Nán sī lā fū f /Yugoslavia, 1943-1992/ 南方 - 3736 nán fāng f /south/the southern part of the country/the South/ 南方古猿 - 0 Nán fāng Gǔ yuán f /Australopithecus/ 南方周末 - 3 Nán fāng Zhōu mò f /Southern Weekend (newspaper)/ 南方澳渔港 南方澳漁港 S - 0 Nán fāng ào Yú gǎng f /Nanfang-ao Port in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 南方澳漁港 南方澳渔港 T - 0 Nán fāng ào Yú gǎng f /Nanfang-ao Port in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 南无 南無 S - 0 nā mó f /Buddhist salutation or expression of faith (loanword from Sanskrit)/Taiwan pr. [na2 mo2]/ 南昌 - 829 Nán chāng f /Nanchang prefecture level city and capital of Jiangxi province 江西省 in southeast China/also Nanchang county/ 南昌县 南昌縣 S - 7 Nán chāng xiàn f /Nanchang county in Nanchang 南昌, Jiangxi/ 南昌市 - 107 Nán chāng shì f /Nanchang prefecture level city and capital of Jiangxi province 江西省 in southeast China/ 南昌縣 南昌县 T - 7 Nán chāng xiàn f /Nanchang county in Nanchang 南昌, Jiangxi/ 南昌起义 南昌起義 S - 303 Nán chāng Qǐ yì f /Nanchang Uprising, 1st August 1927, the beginning of military revolt by the Communists in the Chinese Civil War/ 南昌起義 南昌起义 T - 303 Nán chāng Qǐ yì f /Nanchang Uprising, 1st August 1927, the beginning of military revolt by the Communists in the Chinese Civil War/ 南明 - 24 Nán míng f /Nanming district of Guiyang city 貴陽市|贵阳市[Gui4 yang2 shi4], Guizhou/ 南明区 南明區 S - 3 Nán míng qū f /Nanming district of Guiyang city 貴陽市|贵阳市[Gui4 yang2 shi4], Guizhou/ 南明區 南明区 T - 3 Nán míng qū f /Nanming district of Guiyang city 貴陽市|贵阳市[Gui4 yang2 shi4], Guizhou/ 南普陀寺 - 0 Nán pǔ tuó sì f /Nanputuo Temple in Xiamen 廈門|厦门[Xia4 men2]/ 南朝 - 942 Nán Cháo f /Southern Dynasties (420-589)/ 南朝宋 - 0 Nán cháo Sòng f /Song of the Southern dynasties (420-479), with capital at Nanjing/also known as Liu Song 劉宋|刘宋/ 南朝梁 - 5 Nán cháo Liáng f /Liang of the Southern dynasties (502-557)/ 南朝陈 南朝陳 S - 0 Nán cháo Chén f /Chen of the Southern dynasties (557-589)/ 南朝陳 南朝陈 T - 0 Nán cháo Chén f /Chen of the Southern dynasties (557-589)/ 南朝鮮 南朝鲜 T - 190 Nán cháo xiǎn f /South Korea (esp. North Korean usage)/ 南朝鲜 南朝鮮 S - 190 Nán cháo xiǎn f /South Korea (esp. North Korean usage)/ 南朝齊 南朝齐 T - 0 Nán cháo Qí f /Qi of Southern dynasties (479-502)/ 南朝齐 南朝齊 S - 0 Nán cháo Qí f /Qi of Southern dynasties (479-502)/ 南木林 - 2 Nán mù lín f /Namling county, Tibetan: Rnam gling rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 南木林县 南木林縣 S - 2 Nán mù lín xiàn f /Namling county, Tibetan: Rnam gling rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 南木林縣 南木林县 T - 2 Nán mù lín xiàn f /Namling county, Tibetan: Rnam gling rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 南极 南極 S - 770 nán jí f /south pole/ 南极座 南極座 S - 0 Nán jí zuò f /Octans (constellation)/ 南极洲 南極洲 S - 162 Nán jí zhōu f /Antarctica/ 南极洲半岛 南極洲半島 S - 0 Nán jí zhōu Bàn dǎo f /the Antarctic Peninsula (jutting out towards South America)/ 南枣 南棗 S - 0 nán zǎo f /dried jujubes/ 南柯一夢 南柯一梦 T - 21 Nán kē yī mèng f /lit. a dream of Nanke/fig. dreams of grandeur/ 南柯一梦 南柯一夢 S - 21 Nán kē yī mèng f /lit. a dream of Nanke/fig. dreams of grandeur/ 南桐矿区 南桐礦區 S - 0 Nán tóng kuàng qū f /Nantong coal mining area of Chongqing/ 南桐礦區 南桐矿区 T - 0 Nán tóng kuàng qū f /Nantong coal mining area of Chongqing/ 南棗 南枣 T - 0 nán zǎo f /dried jujubes/ 南極 南极 T - 770 nán jí f /south pole/ 南極座 南极座 T - 0 Nán jí zuò f /Octans (constellation)/ 南極洲 南极洲 T - 162 Nán jí zhōu f /Antarctica/ 南極洲半島 南极洲半岛 T - 0 Nán jí zhōu Bàn dǎo f /the Antarctic Peninsula (jutting out towards South America)/ 南樂 南乐 T - 13 Nán lè f /Nanle county in Puyang 濮陽|濮阳[Pu2 yang2], Henan/ 南樂縣 南乐县 T - 3 Nán lè xiàn f /Nanle county in Puyang 濮陽|濮阳[Pu2 yang2], Henan/ 南欧 南歐 S - 116 Nán Oū f /Southern Europe/ 南歐 南欧 T - 116 Nán Oū f /Southern Europe/ 南汇 南匯 S - 36 Nán huì f /Nanhui former district of Shanghai, now in Pudong New District 浦東新區|浦东新区[Pu3 dong1 xin1 qu1], Shanghai/ 南汇区 南匯區 S - 4 Nán huì qū f /Nanhui former district of Shanghai, now in Pudong New District 浦東新區|浦东新区[Pu3 dong1 xin1 qu1], Shanghai/ 南汉 南漢 S - 9 Nán Hàn f /Southern Han/ 南江 - 6 Nán jiāng f /Nanjiang county in Panzhihua 攀枝花[Pan1 zhi1 hua1], south Sichuan/ 南江县 南江縣 S - 6 Nán jiāng xiàn f /Nanjiang county in Panzhihua 攀枝花[Pan1 zhi1 hua1], south Sichuan/ 南江縣 南江县 T - 6 Nán jiāng xiàn f /Nanjiang county in Panzhihua 攀枝花[Pan1 zhi1 hua1], south Sichuan/ 南沙 - 132 Nán shā f /Nansha Islands/Spratly Islands/Nansha district of Guangzhou city 廣州市|广州市[Guang3 zhou1 shi4], Guangdong/ 南沙区 南沙區 S - 0 Nán shā qū f /Nansha district of Guangzhou city 廣州市|广州市[Guang3 zhou1 shi4], Guangdong/ 南沙區 南沙区 T - 0 Nán shā qū f /Nansha district of Guangzhou city 廣州市|广州市[Guang3 zhou1 shi4], Guangdong/ 南沙群岛 南沙群島 S - 91 Nán shā Qún dǎo f /Spratly islands, disputed between China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam/ 南沙群島 南沙群岛 T - 91 Nán shā Qún dǎo f /Spratly islands, disputed between China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam/ 南泥湾 南泥灣 S - 19 Nán ní wān f /Nanniwan/ 南泥灣 南泥湾 T - 19 Nán ní wān f /Nanniwan/ 南洋 - 377 Nán yáng f /Southeast Asia/South seas/ 南洋商報 南洋商报 T - 0 Nán yáng Shāng Bào f /Nanyang Siang Pau (Malay's oldest newspaper)/ 南洋商报 南洋商報 S - 0 Nán yáng Shāng Bào f /Nanyang Siang Pau (Malay's oldest newspaper)/ 南洋理工大学 南洋理工大學 S - 0 Nán yáng Lǐ gōng Dà xué f /Nanyang Technological University, Singapore/ 南洋理工大學 南洋理工大学 T - 0 Nán yáng Lǐ gōng Dà xué f /Nanyang Technological University, Singapore/ 南派螳螂 - 0 nán pài táng láng f /Chow Gar - "Southern Praying Mantis" - Martial Art/ 南浔 南潯 S - 21 Nán xún f /Nanxun district of Huzhou city 湖州市[Hu2 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 南浔区 南潯區 S - 3 Nán xún qū f /Nanxun district of Huzhou city 湖州市[Hu2 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 南浦市 - 0 Nán pǔ shì f /Nampo city in North Korea/ 南海 - 2087 Nán Hǎi f /South China Sea/ 南海区 南海區 S - 4 Nán hǎi qū f /Nanhai district of Foshan city 佛山市[Fo2 shan1 shi4], Guangdong/ 南海區 南海区 T - 4 Nán hǎi qū f /Nanhai district of Foshan city 佛山市[Fo2 shan1 shi4], Guangdong/ 南海子 - 17 Nán Hǎi zi f /Nanhaizi, name used to refer to various places, including 草海[Cao3 hai3], 南苑[Nan2 yuan4] and the Nanhaizi Wetland in Baotou, Inner Mongolia/ 南海舰队 南海艦隊 S - 100 Nán hǎi Jiàn duì f /South Sea Fleet/ 南海艦隊 南海舰队 T - 100 Nán hǎi Jiàn duì f /South Sea Fleet/ 南涧彝族自治县 南澗彞族自治縣 S - 2 Nán jiàn yí zú zì zhì xiàn f /Nanjian Yizu autonomous county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 南涼 南凉 T - 12 Nán Liáng f /Southern Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms (397-414)/ 南港 - 273 Nán gǎng f /Nankang district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 南港区 南港區 S - 2 Nán gǎng qū f /Nankang district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 南港區 南港区 T - 2 Nán gǎng qū f /Nankang district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 南湖 - 1652 Nán hú f /Nanhu district of Jiaxing city 嘉興市|嘉兴市[Jia1 xing1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 南湖区 南湖區 S - 0 Nán hú qū f /Nanhu district of Jiaxing city 嘉興市|嘉兴市[Jia1 xing1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 南湖區 南湖区 T - 0 Nán hú qū f /Nanhu district of Jiaxing city 嘉興市|嘉兴市[Jia1 xing1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 南溪 - 21 Nán xī f /Nanxi county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bin1], Sichuan/ 南溪县 南溪縣 S - 3 Nán xī xiàn f /Nanxi county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bin1], Sichuan/ 南溪縣 南溪县 T - 3 Nán xī xiàn f /Nanxi county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bin1], Sichuan/ 南漢 南汉 T - 9 Nán Hàn f /Southern Han/ 南漳 - 269 Nán zhāng f /Nanzhang county in Xiangfan 襄樊[Xiang1 fan2], Hubei/ 南漳县 南漳縣 S - 258 Nán zhāng xiàn f /Nanzhang county in Xiangfan 襄樊[Xiang1 fan2], Hubei/ 南漳縣 南漳县 T - 258 Nán zhāng xiàn f /Nanzhang county in Xiangfan 襄樊[Xiang1 fan2], Hubei/ 南潯 南浔 T - 21 Nán xún f /Nanxun district of Huzhou city 湖州市[Hu2 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 南潯區 南浔区 T - 3 Nán xún qū f /Nanxun district of Huzhou city 湖州市[Hu2 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 南澗彞族自治縣 南涧彝族自治县 T - 2 Nán jiàn yí zú zì zhì xiàn f /Nanjian Yizu autonomous county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 南澳 - 34 Nán ào f /Nan'ao County in Shantou 汕頭|汕头[Shan4 tou2], Guangdong/Nan'ao township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 南澳乡 南澳鄉 S - 0 Nán ào xiāng f /Nan'ao township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 南澳县 南澳縣 S - 2 Nán ào Xiàn f /Nan'ao County in Shantou 汕頭|汕头[Shan4 tou2], Guangdong/ 南澳大利亚州 南澳大利亞州 S - 0 Nán ào dà lì yà zhōu f /South Australia, Australian state/ 南澳大利亞州 南澳大利亚州 T - 0 Nán ào dà lì yà zhōu f /South Australia, Australian state/ 南澳岛 南澳島 S - 11 Nán ào Dǎo f /Nan'ao Island in Shantou 汕頭|汕头[Shan4 tou2], Guangdong/ 南澳島 南澳岛 T - 11 Nán ào Dǎo f /Nan'ao Island in Shantou 汕頭|汕头[Shan4 tou2], Guangdong/ 南澳縣 南澳县 T - 2 Nán ào Xiàn f /Nan'ao County in Shantou 汕頭|汕头[Shan4 tou2], Guangdong/ 南澳鄉 南澳乡 T - 0 Nán ào xiāng f /Nan'ao township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 南灰伯劳 南灰伯勞 S - 0 nán huī bó láo f /(bird species of China) southern grey shrike (Lanius meridionalis)/ 南灰伯勞 南灰伯劳 T - 0 nán huī bó láo f /(bird species of China) southern grey shrike (Lanius meridionalis)/ 南無 南无 T - 0 nā mó f /Buddhist salutation or expression of faith (loanword from Sanskrit)/Taiwan pr. [na2 mo2]/ 南燕 - 23 Nán Yān f /Southern Yan of the Sixteen Kingdoms (398-410)/ 南特 - 56 Nán tè f /Nantes (city in France)/ 南瓜 - 197 nán guā f /pumpkin/ 南瓜灯 南瓜燈 S - 0 nán guā dēng f /jack-o'-lantern/ 南瓜燈 南瓜灯 T - 0 nán guā dēng f /jack-o'-lantern/ 南疆 - 212 Nán Jiāng f /southern border (of a country)/South Xinjiang/ 南皮 - 21 Nán pí f /Nanpi county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ 南皮县 南皮縣 S - 2 Nán pí xiàn f /Nanpi county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ 南皮縣 南皮县 T - 2 Nán pí xiàn f /Nanpi county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ 南盟 - 10 Nán méng f /abbr. for 南亞區域合作聯盟|南亚区域合作联盟[Nan2 Ya4 Qu1 yu4 He2 zuo4 Lian2 meng2]/ 南票 - 0 Nán piào f /Nanpiao district of Huludao city 葫蘆島市|葫芦岛市, Liaoning/ 南票区 南票區 S - 3 Nán piào qū f /Nanpiao district of Huludao city 葫蘆島市|葫芦岛市, Liaoning/ 南票區 南票区 T - 3 Nán piào qū f /Nanpiao district of Huludao city 葫蘆島市|葫芦岛市, Liaoning/ 南端 - 960 nán duān f /southern end or extremity/ 南竹 - 10 nán zhú f /see 毛竹[mao2 zhu2]/ 南竿 - 0 Nán gān f /Nankan Island, one of the Matsu Islands/Nankan or Nangan township in Lienchiang county 連江縣|连江县[Lian2 jiang1 xian4], Taiwan/ 南竿乡 南竿鄉 S - 0 Nán gān xiāng f /Nankan or Nangan township in Lienchiang county 連江縣|连江县[Lian2 jiang1 xian4] i.e. the Matsu Islands, Taiwan/ 南竿鄉 南竿乡 T - 0 Nán gān xiāng f /Nankan or Nangan township in Lienchiang county 連江縣|连江县[Lian2 jiang1 xian4] i.e. the Matsu Islands, Taiwan/ 南箕北斗 - 3 nán jī běi dǒu f /the Winnowing Basket in the southern sky, and the Big Dipper in the north (idiom); sth which, despite its name, is of no practical use/ 南緯 南纬 T - 299 nán wěi f /latitude south/ 南縣 南县 T - 574 Nán xiàn f /southern county/Nan county in Yiyang 益陽|益阳[Yi4 yang2], Hunan/ 南纬 南緯 S - 299 nán wěi f /latitude south/ 南美 - 432 Nán Měi f /South America/ 南美梨 - 0 nán měi lí f /avocado (Persea americana)/ 南美洲 - 491 Nán měi zhōu f /South America/ 南胶河 南膠河 S - 0 Nán jiāo Hé f /Nanjiao River (Shandong province, flows into Qingdao harbor)/ 南腔北調 南腔北调 T - 12 nán qiāng běi diào f /a regional accent/ 南腔北调 南腔北調 S - 12 nán qiāng běi diào f /a regional accent/ 南膠河 南胶河 T - 0 Nán jiāo Hé f /Nanjiao River (Shandong province, flows into Qingdao harbor)/ 南航 - 399 Nán Háng f /China Southern Airlines/ 南芬 - 0 Nán fēn f /Nanfen district of Benxi city 本溪市, Liaoning/ 南芬区 南芬區 S - 3 Nán fēn qū f /Nanfen district of Benxi city 本溪市, Liaoning/ 南芬區 南芬区 T - 3 Nán fēn qū f /Nanfen district of Benxi city 本溪市, Liaoning/ 南苏丹 南蘇丹 S - 0 Nán Sū dān f /South Sudan/ 南苑 - 63 Nán yuàn f /Nanyuan or "Southern Park", an imperial hunting domain during the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, now the site of Nanhaizi Park in the south of Beijing/ 南荷兰 南荷蘭 S - 0 Nán Hé lán f /South Holland/ 南荷蘭 南荷兰 T - 0 Nán Hé lán f /South Holland/ 南莊 南庄 T - 2 Nán zhuāng f /township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 南莊鄉 南庄乡 T - 0 Nán zhuāng xiāng f /township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 南華 南华 T - 46 Nán Huá f /South China/Nanhua county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州[Chu3 xiong2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 南華 南华 T - 46 nán huá f /south or southern China/ 南華早報 南华早报 T - 3 Nán huá Zǎo bào f /South China Morning Post (newspaper in Hong Kong)/ 南華縣 南华县 T - 2 Nán huá xiàn f /Nanhua county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州[Chu3 xiong2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 南蘇丹 南苏丹 T - 0 Nán Sū dān f /South Sudan/ 南西諸島 南西诸岛 T - 0 Nán xī zhū dǎo f /Ryukyu islands/Okinawa 沖繩|冲绳[Chong1 sheng2] and other islands of modern Japan/ 南西诸岛 南西諸島 S - 0 Nán xī zhū dǎo f /Ryukyu islands/Okinawa 沖繩|冲绳[Chong1 sheng2] and other islands of modern Japan/ 南詔 南诏 T - 112 Nán zhào f /Nanzhao kingdom 738-937 in southwest China and southeast Asia/ 南詔國 南诏国 T - 0 Nán zhào guó f /Nanzhao, 8th and 9th century kingdom in Yunnan, at times allied with Tang against Tibetan Tubo pressure/ 南譙 南谯 T - 0 Nán qiáo f /Nanqiao district of Chuzhou city 滁州市[Chu2 zhou1 shi4], Anhui/ 南譙區 南谯区 T - 3 Nán qiáo qū f /Nanqiao district of Chuzhou city 滁州市[Chu2 zhou1 shi4], Anhui/ 南诏 南詔 S - 112 Nán zhào f /Nanzhao kingdom 738-937 in southwest China and southeast Asia/ 南诏国 南詔國 S - 0 Nán zhào guó f /Nanzhao, 8th and 9th century kingdom in Yunnan, at times allied with Tang against Tibetan Tubo pressure/ 南谯 南譙 S - 0 Nán qiáo f /Nanqiao district of Chuzhou city 滁州市[Chu2 zhou1 shi4], Anhui/ 南谯区 南譙區 S - 3 Nán qiáo qū f /Nanqiao district of Chuzhou city 滁州市[Chu2 zhou1 shi4], Anhui/ 南豐 南丰 T - 51 Nán fēng f /Nanfeng county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi/ 南豐縣 南丰县 T - 11 Nán fēng xiàn f /Nanfeng county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi/ 南贍部洲 南赡部洲 T - 0 Nán shàn bù zhōu f /Jambudvipa/ 南赡部洲 南贍部洲 S - 0 Nán shàn bù zhōu f /Jambudvipa/ 南越 - 192 Nán Yuè f /South Vietnam/South Vietnamese/ 南轅北轍 南辕北辙 T 4963 26 nán yuán běi zhé f /to act in a way that defeats one's purpose (idiom)/ 南辕北辙 南轅北轍 S 4963 26 nán yuán běi zhé f /to act in a way that defeats one's purpose (idiom)/ 南边 南邊 S - 305 nán bian f /south/south side/southern part/to the south of/ 南边儿 南邊兒 S - 0 nán bian r f /erhua variant of 南邊|南边[nan2 bian5]/ 南达科他 南達科他 S - 2 Nán Dá kē tā f /South Dakota, US state/ 南达科他州 南達科他州 S - 14 Nán Dá kē tā zhōu f /South Dakota, US state/ 南迦巴瓦峰 - 11 Nán jiā Bā wǎ fēng f /Namcha Barwa (Himalayan mountain)/ 南通 - 508 Nán tōng f /Nantong prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ 南通地区 南通地區 S - 0 Nán tōng dì qū f /Nantong prefecture in Jiangsu/ 南通地區 南通地区 T - 0 Nán tōng dì qū f /Nantong prefecture in Jiangsu/ 南通市 - 22 Nán tōng shì f /Nantong prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ 南達科他 南达科他 T - 2 Nán Dá kē tā f /South Dakota, US state/ 南達科他州 南达科他州 T - 14 Nán Dá kē tā zhōu f /South Dakota, US state/ 南邊 南边 T - 305 nán bian f /south/south side/southern part/to the south of/ 南邊兒 南边儿 T - 0 nán bian r f /erhua variant of 南邊|南边[nan2 bian5]/ 南郊区 南郊區 S - 3 Nán jiāo qū f /Nanjiao district of Datong city 大同市[Da4 tong2 shi4], Shanxi/ 南郊區 南郊区 T - 3 Nán jiāo qū f /Nanjiao district of Datong city 大同市[Da4 tong2 shi4], Shanxi/ 南郑 南鄭 S - 35 Nán zhèng f /Nanzheng County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4 zhong1], Shaanxi/ 南郑县 南鄭縣 S - 2 Nán zhèng Xiàn f /Nanzheng County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4 zhong1], Shaanxi/ 南部 - 5612 nán bù f /southern part/ 南部县 南部縣 S - 3 Nán bù xiàn f /Nanbu county in Nanchong 南充[Nan2 chong1], Sichuan/ 南部縣 南部县 T - 3 Nán bù xiàn f /Nanbu county in Nanchong 南充[Nan2 chong1], Sichuan/ 南郭 - 3 Nán guō f /surname Nanguo/ 南鄭 南郑 T - 35 Nán zhèng f /Nanzheng County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4 zhong1], Shaanxi/ 南鄭縣 南郑县 T - 2 Nán zhèng Xiàn f /Nanzheng County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4 zhong1], Shaanxi/ 南長 南长 T - 0 Nán cháng f /Nanchang district of Wuxi city 無錫市|无锡市[Wu2 xi1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 南長區 南长区 T - 3 Nán cháng qū f /Nanchang district of Wuxi city 無錫市|无锡市[Wu2 xi1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 南长 南長 S - 0 Nán cháng f /Nanchang district of Wuxi city 無錫市|无锡市[Wu2 xi1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 南长区 南長區 S - 3 Nán cháng qū f /Nanchang district of Wuxi city 無錫市|无锡市[Wu2 xi1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 南門二 南门二 T - 0 Nán mén èr f /Alpha Centauri or Rigel Kentaurus/ 南開 南开 T - 155 Nán kāi f /Nankai district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tian1 jin1 shi4]/ 南開區 南开区 T - 17 Nán kāi qū f /Hebei district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tian1 jin1 shi4]/ 南開大學 南开大学 T - 217 Nán kāi Dà xué f /Nankai University (Tianjin)/ 南關 南关 T - 137 Nán guān f /Nanguan district of Changchun city 長春市|长春市, Jilin/ 南關區 南关区 T - 5 Nán guān qū f /Nanguan district of Changchun city 長春市|长春市, Jilin/ 南门二 南門二 S - 0 Nán mén èr f /Alpha Centauri or Rigel Kentaurus/ 南阳 南陽 S - 1615 Nán yáng f /Nanyang prefecture level city in Henan/ 南阳县 南陽縣 S - 8 Nán yáng xiàn f /Nanyang county in Henan/ 南阳地区 南陽地區 S - 0 Nán yáng dì qū f /Nanyang prefecture in Henan/ 南阳市 南陽市 S - 26 Nán yáng shì f /Nanyang prefecture level city in Henan/ 南陵 - 6 Nán líng f /Nanling county in Wuhu 蕪湖|芜湖[Wu2 hu2], Anhui/ 南陵县 南陵縣 S - 2 Nán líng xiàn f /Nanling county in Wuhu 蕪湖|芜湖[Wu2 hu2], Anhui/ 南陵縣 南陵县 T - 2 Nán líng xiàn f /Nanling county in Wuhu 蕪湖|芜湖[Wu2 hu2], Anhui/ 南陽 南阳 T - 1615 Nán yáng f /Nanyang prefecture level city in Henan/ 南陽地區 南阳地区 T - 0 Nán yáng dì qū f /Nanyang prefecture in Henan/ 南陽市 南阳市 T - 26 Nán yáng shì f /Nanyang prefecture level city in Henan/ 南陽縣 南阳县 T - 8 Nán yáng xiàn f /Nanyang county in Henan/ 南雄 - 16 Nán xióng f /Nanxiong county level city in Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Shao2 guan1], Guangdong/ 南雄市 - 3 Nán xióng Shì f /Nanxiong county level city in Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Shao2 guan1], Guangdong/ 南靖 - 10 Nán jìng f /Najing county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang1 zhou1], Fujian/ 南靖县 南靖縣 S - 3 Nán jìng xiàn f /Najing county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang1 zhou1], Fujian/ 南靖縣 南靖县 T - 3 Nán jìng xiàn f /Najing county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang1 zhou1], Fujian/ 南非 - 1715 Nán fēi f /South Africa/ 南非茶 - 0 Nán fēi chá f /rooibos tea/ 南非語 南非语 T - 2 Nán fēi yǔ f /Afrikaans (language)/ 南非语 南非語 S - 2 Nán fēi yǔ f /Afrikaans (language)/ 南面 - 792 nán miàn f /south side/south/ 南韓 南韩 T - 29 Nán hán f /South Korea/ 南韩 南韓 S - 29 Nán hán f /South Korea/ 南飛過冬 南飞过冬 T - 0 nán fēi guò dōng f /(of birds) to migrate south for the winter/ 南飞过冬 南飛過冬 S - 0 nán fēi guò dōng f /(of birds) to migrate south for the winter/ 南魚座 南鱼座 T - 0 Nán yú zuò f /Piscis Austrinus (constellation)/ 南鱼座 南魚座 S - 0 Nán yú zuò f /Piscis Austrinus (constellation)/ 南齊 南齐 T - 75 Nán Qí f /Qi of Southern dynasties (479-502)/ 南齊書 南齐书 T - 3 Nán Qí shū f /History of Qi of the Southern Dynasties, seventh of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled by Xiao Zixian 蕭子顯|萧子显[Xiao1 Zi3 xian3] in 537 during Liang of the Southern Dynasties 南朝梁[Nan2 chao2 Liang2], 59 scrolls/ 南齐 南齊 S - 75 Nán Qí f /Qi of Southern dynasties (479-502)/ 南齐书 南齊書 S - 3 Nán Qí shū f /History of Qi of the Southern Dynasties, seventh of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled by Xiao Zixian 蕭子顯|萧子显[Xiao1 Zi3 xian3] in 537 during Liang of the Southern Dynasties 南朝梁[Nan2 chao2 Liang2], 59 scrolls/ 単 - 0 dān f /Japanese variant of 單|单/ 博 - 774 bó f /extensive/ample/rich/obtain/aim/to win/to get/plentiful/to gamble/ 博 愽 S - 774 bó f /old variant of 博[bo2]/ 博主 - 0 bó zhǔ f /blogger/ 博乐 博樂 S - 7 Bó lè f /Börtala Shehiri, county level city in Börtala Mongol autonomous prefecture 博爾塔拉蒙古自治州|博尔塔拉蒙古自治州, Xinjiang/ 博乐市 博樂市 S - 3 Bó lè shì f /Börtala Shehiri of Bole City, county level city in Börtala Mongol autonomous prefecture 博爾塔拉蒙古自治州|博尔塔拉蒙古自治州, Xinjiang/ 博伊西 - 0 Bó yī xī f /Boise, Idaho/ 博兴 博興 S - 8 Bó xīng f /Boxing county in Binzhou 濱州|滨州[Bin1 zhou1], Shandong/ 博兴县 博興縣 S - 3 Bó xīng xiàn f /Boxing county in Binzhou 濱州|滨州[Bin1 zhou1], Shandong/ 博动 博動 S - 3 bó dòng f /pulsation/to throb/ 博動 博动 T - 3 bó dòng f /pulsation/to throb/ 博友 - 0 bó yǒu f /lit. blog friend/ 博取 - 103 bó qǔ f /to win (favors, confidence etc)/ 博古 - 152 Bó Gǔ f /Bo Gu (1907-1946), Soviet-trained Chinese Communist, journalist and propagandist, 1930s Left adventurist, subsequently rehabilitated, killed in air crash/ 博古通今 - 18 bó gǔ tōng jīn f /conversant with things past and present/erudite and informed/ 博士 708 3373 bó shì f /doctor/court academician (in feudal China)/Ph.D./ 博士买驴 博士買驢 S - 3 bó shì mǎi lǘ f /lit. the scholar buys a donkey (idiom); fig. long-winded verbiage that never gets to the point/idiom mocking scholastic pomposity/ 博士后 博士後 S - 91 bó shì hòu f /postdoc/a postdoctoral position/ 博士学位 博士學位 S - 3 bó shì xué wèi f /doctoral degree/PhD/same as Doctor of Philosophy 哲學博士學位|哲学博士学位/ 博士學位 博士学位 T - 3 bó shì xué wèi f /doctoral degree/PhD/same as Doctor of Philosophy 哲學博士學位|哲学博士学位/ 博士山 - 0 Bó shì Shān f /Box Hill, a suburb of Melbourne, Australia with a large Chinese community/ 博士後 博士后 T - 91 bó shì hòu f /postdoc/a postdoctoral position/ 博士茶 - 0 bó shì chá f /rooibos tea/ 博士買驢 博士买驴 T - 3 bó shì mǎi lǘ f /lit. the scholar buys a donkey (idiom); fig. long-winded verbiage that never gets to the point/idiom mocking scholastic pomposity/ 博大 - 134 bó dà f /enormous/broad/extensive/ 博大精深 4989 107 bó dà jīng shēn f /wide-ranging and profound/broad and deep/ 博学 博學 S - 147 bó xué f /learned/erudite/ 博学多才 博學多才 S - 53 bó xué duō cái f /erudite and multi-talented (idiom); versatile and able/ 博學 博学 T - 147 bó xué f /learned/erudite/ 博學多才 博学多才 T - 53 bó xué duō cái f /erudite and multi-talented (idiom); versatile and able/ 博客 - 703 bó kè f /blog (loanword)/weblog/blogger/ 博客写手 博客寫手 S - 0 bó kè xiě shǒu f /blogger/blog writer/ 博客圈 - 0 bó kè quān f /blogosphere/ 博客寫手 博客写手 T - 0 bó kè xiě shǒu f /blogger/blog writer/ 博客話劇 博客话剧 T - 0 bó kè huà jù f /blog drama (netspeak)/ 博客话剧 博客話劇 S - 0 bó kè huà jù f /blog drama (netspeak)/ 博导 博導 S - 34 bó dǎo f /Ph.D. advisor/ 博導 博导 T - 34 bó dǎo f /Ph.D. advisor/ 博尔塔拉蒙古自治州 博爾塔拉蒙古自治州 S - 6 Bó ěr tǎ lā Měng gǔ zì zhì zhōu f /Börtala Mongol autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang/ 博尔德 博爾德 S - 6 Bó ěr dé f /Boulder, Colorado/ 博尔赫斯 博爾赫斯 S - 13 Bó ěr hè sī f /Jorge Luis Borges/ 博尔顿 博爾頓 S - 70 Bó ěr dùn f /Bolton (name)/ 博山 - 17 Bó shān f /Boshan district of Zibo city 淄博市[Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong/ 博山区 博山區 S - 3 Bó shān qū f /Boshan district of Zibo city 淄博市[Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong/ 博山區 博山区 T - 3 Bó shān qū f /Boshan district of Zibo city 淄博市[Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong/ 博帕尔 博帕爾 S - 10 Bó pà ěr f /Bhopal, capital of central Indian state of Uttar Pradesh 中央邦/ 博帕爾 博帕尔 T - 10 Bó pà ěr f /Bhopal, capital of central Indian state of Uttar Pradesh 中央邦/ 博弈 - 137 bó yì f /games (such as chess, dice etc)/gambling/contest/ 博弈論 博弈论 T - 19 bó yì lùn f /game theory/ 博弈论 博弈論 S - 19 bó yì lùn f /game theory/ 博彩 - 63 bó cǎi f /lottery/ 博得 - 271 bó dé f /to win/to gain/ 博德 - 2 Bó dé f /Bodø (city in Norway)/ 博德利图书馆 博德利圖書館 S - 0 Bó dé lì Tú shū guǎn f /Bodleian Library (Oxford)/ 博德利圖書館 博德利图书馆 T - 0 Bó dé lì Tú shū guǎn f /Bodleian Library (Oxford)/ 博愛 博爱 T - 165 Bó ài f /Bo'ai county in Jiaozuo 焦作[Jiao1 zuo4], Henan/ 博愛 博爱 T - 165 bó ài f /universal fraternity (or brotherhood)/universal love/ 博愛座 博爱座 T - 0 bó ài zuò f /priority seat (on a bus etc) (Tw)/ 博愛縣 博爱县 T - 8 Bó ài xiàn f /Bo'ai county in Jiaozuo 焦作[Jiao1 zuo4], Henan/ 博拉博拉岛 博拉博拉島 S - 0 Bó lā Bó lā Dǎo f /Bora Bora, island of the Society Islands group in French Polynesia/ 博拉博拉島 博拉博拉岛 T - 0 Bó lā Bó lā Dǎo f /Bora Bora, island of the Society Islands group in French Polynesia/ 博文 - 8 bó wén f /blog article/to write a blog article (netspeak)/ 博文約禮 博文约礼 T - 3 bó wén yuē lǐ f /vigorously pursuing knowledge, while scrupulously abiding by the rules of decorum (idiom)/ 博文约礼 博文約禮 S - 3 bó wén yuē lǐ f /vigorously pursuing knowledge, while scrupulously abiding by the rules of decorum (idiom)/ 博斗 博鬥 S - 3 bó dòu f /to fight or argue on a blogging site (netspeak)/ 博斯普魯斯 博斯普鲁斯 T - 5 Bó sī pǔ lǔ sī f /Bosphorus/ 博斯普鲁斯 博斯普魯斯 S - 5 Bó sī pǔ lǔ sī f /Bosphorus/ 博斯沃思 - 0 Bó sī wò sī f /Bosworth (name)/Stephen Bosworth (1939-), US academic and diplomat, special representative for policy on North Korea from 2009/ 博斯腾湖 博斯騰湖 S - 23 Bó sī téng Hú f /Bosten Lake in Xinjiang/ 博斯騰湖 博斯腾湖 T - 23 Bó sī téng Hú f /Bosten Lake in Xinjiang/ 博格 - 9 Bó gé f /Borg (name)/Bjorn Borg (1956-), Swedish tennis star/ 博格多 - 0 Bó gé duō f /Bogdo, last Khan of Mongolia/ 博格多汗宫 博格多汗宮 S - 0 Bó gé duō Hán gōng f /the Palace of the Bogdo Khan in Ulan Bator, Mongolia/ 博格多汗宮 博格多汗宫 T - 0 Bó gé duō Hán gōng f /the Palace of the Bogdo Khan in Ulan Bator, Mongolia/ 博格达山脉 博格達山脈 S - 0 Bó gé dá shān mài f /Bogda Mountain range in Tianshan mountains/ 博格达峰 博格達峰 S - 15 Bó gé dá fēng f /Mt Bogda in eastern Tianshan/ 博格達山脈 博格达山脉 T - 0 Bó gé dá shān mài f /Bogda Mountain range in Tianshan mountains/ 博格達峰 博格达峰 T - 15 Bó gé dá fēng f /Mt Bogda in eastern Tianshan/ 博樂 博乐 T - 7 Bó lè f /Börtala Shehiri, county level city in Börtala Mongol autonomous prefecture 博爾塔拉蒙古自治州|博尔塔拉蒙古自治州, Xinjiang/ 博樂市 博乐市 T - 3 Bó lè shì f /Börtala Shehiri of Bole City, county level city in Börtala Mongol autonomous prefecture 博爾塔拉蒙古自治州|博尔塔拉蒙古自治州, Xinjiang/ 博洛尼亚 博洛尼亞 S - 30 Bó luò ní yà f /Bologna/ 博洛尼亞 博洛尼亚 T - 30 Bó luò ní yà f /Bologna/ 博湖 - 13 Bó hú f /Bohu county, Baghrash nahiyisi or Bohu county in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州[Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 Meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 博湖县 博湖縣 S - 6 Bó hú xiàn f /Bohu county, Baghrash nahiyisi or Bohu county in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州[Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 Meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 博湖縣 博湖县 T - 6 Bó hú xiàn f /Bohu county, Baghrash nahiyisi or Bohu county in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州[Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 Meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 博爱 博愛 S - 165 Bó ài f /Bo'ai county in Jiaozuo 焦作[Jiao1 zuo4], Henan/ 博爱 博愛 S - 165 bó ài f /universal fraternity (or brotherhood)/universal love/ 博爱县 博愛縣 S - 8 Bó ài xiàn f /Bo'ai county in Jiaozuo 焦作[Jiao1 zuo4], Henan/ 博爱座 博愛座 S - 0 bó ài zuò f /priority seat (on a bus etc) (Tw)/ 博爾塔拉蒙古自治州 博尔塔拉蒙古自治州 T - 6 Bó ěr tǎ lā Měng gǔ zì zhì zhōu f /Börtala Mongol autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang/ 博爾德 博尔德 T - 6 Bó ěr dé f /Boulder, Colorado/ 博爾赫斯 博尔赫斯 T - 13 Bó ěr hè sī f /Jorge Luis Borges/ 博爾頓 博尔顿 T - 70 Bó ěr dùn f /Bolton (name)/ 博物 - 68 bó wù f /natural science/ 博物多聞 博物多闻 T - 3 bó wù duō wén f /wide and knowledgeable/well-informed and experienced/ 博物多闻 博物多聞 S - 3 bó wù duō wén f /wide and knowledgeable/well-informed and experienced/ 博物洽聞 博物洽闻 T - 3 bó wù qià wén f /to have a wide knowledge of many subjects (idiom)/ 博物洽闻 博物洽聞 S - 3 bó wù qià wén f /to have a wide knowledge of many subjects (idiom)/ 博物院 - 48 bó wù yuàn f /museum/ 博物館 博物馆 T 1726 3272 bó wù guǎn f /museum/ 博物馆 博物館 S 1726 3272 bó wù guǎn f /museum/ 博登湖 - 17 Bó dēng Hú f /Lake Constance (between Germany, Austria and Switzerland)/ 博白 - 5 Bó bái f /Bobai county in Yulin 玉林[Yu4 lin2], Guangxi/ 博白县 博白縣 S - 3 Bó bái xiàn f /Bobai county in Yulin 玉林[Yu4 lin2], Guangxi/ 博白縣 博白县 T - 3 Bó bái xiàn f /Bobai county in Yulin 玉林[Yu4 lin2], Guangxi/ 博福斯 - 25 Bó fú sī f /Bofors, Swedish arms company involved in major corruption case during 1980s/ 博科圣地 博科聖地 S - 0 Bó kē Shèng dì f /Boko Haram, Islamic insurgent group in north Nigeria/ 博科聖地 博科圣地 T - 0 Bó kē Shèng dì f /Boko Haram, Islamic insurgent group in north Nigeria/ 博罗 博羅 S - 16 Bó luó f /Boluo county in Huizhou 惠州[Hui4 zhou1], Guangdong/ 博罗县 博羅縣 S - 5 Bó luó xiàn f /Boluo county in Huizhou 惠州[Hui4 zhou1], Guangdong/ 博羅 博罗 T - 16 Bó luó f /Boluo county in Huizhou 惠州[Hui4 zhou1], Guangdong/ 博羅縣 博罗县 T - 5 Bó luó xiàn f /Boluo county in Huizhou 惠州[Hui4 zhou1], Guangdong/ 博美犬 - 3 Bó měi quǎn f /Pomeranian (dog breed)/ 博而不精 - 3 bó ér bù jīng f /extensive but not refined (idiom); to know something about everything/Jack of all trades and master of none./ 博聞多識 博闻多识 T - 3 bó wén duō shí f /learned and erudite/knowledgeable and experienced/ 博聞強記 博闻强记 T - 12 bó wén qiáng jì f /have wide learning and a retentive memory/have encyclopedic knowledge/ 博聞強識 博闻强识 T - 2 bó wén qiáng shí f /erudite/widely read and knowledgeable/ 博興 博兴 T - 8 Bó xīng f /Boxing county in Binzhou 濱州|滨州[Bin1 zhou1], Shandong/ 博興縣 博兴县 T - 3 Bó xīng xiàn f /Boxing county in Binzhou 濱州|滨州[Bin1 zhou1], Shandong/ 博茨瓦納 博茨瓦纳 T - 88 Bó cí wǎ nà f /Botswana/ 博茨瓦纳 博茨瓦納 S - 88 Bó cí wǎ nà f /Botswana/ 博茨瓦那 - 0 bó cí wǎ nà f /Botswana/ 博蒂 - 0 bó dì f /birdie (one stroke under par in golf)/ 博蒙特 - 4 Bó méng tè f /Beaumont/ 博覽 博览 T - 91 bó lǎn f /to read extensively/ 博覽會 博览会 T 4427 1233 bó lǎn huì f /exposition/international fair/ 博览 博覽 S - 91 bó lǎn f /to read extensively/ 博览会 博覽會 S 4427 1233 bó lǎn huì f /exposition/international fair/ 博訊 博讯 T - 3 Bó xùn f /abbr. for 博訊新聞網|博讯新闻网[Bo2 xun4 Xin1 wen2 wang3], Boxun, US-based dissident Chinese news network/ 博識 博识 T - 8 bó shí f /knowledgeable/erudite/erudition/proficient/ 博識多通 博识多通 T - 3 bó shí duō tōng f /knowledgeable and perspicacious (idiom)/ 博識洽聞 博识洽闻 T - 3 bó shí qià wén f /knowledgeable/erudite (idiom)/ 博讯 博訊 S - 3 Bó xùn f /abbr. for 博訊新聞網|博讯新闻网[Bo2 xun4 Xin1 wen2 wang3], Boxun, US-based dissident Chinese news network/ 博识 博識 S - 8 bó shí f /knowledgeable/erudite/erudition/proficient/ 博识多通 博識多通 S - 3 bó shí duō tōng f /knowledgeable and perspicacious (idiom)/ 博识洽闻 博識洽聞 S - 3 bó shí qià wén f /knowledgeable/erudite (idiom)/ 博野 - 3 Bó yě f /Boye county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ 博野县 博野縣 S - 3 Bó yě xiàn f /Boye county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ 博野縣 博野县 T - 3 Bó yě xiàn f /Boye county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ 博闻多识 博聞多識 S - 3 bó wén duō shí f /learned and erudite/knowledgeable and experienced/ 博闻强记 博聞強記 S - 12 bó wén qiáng jì f /have wide learning and a retentive memory/have encyclopedic knowledge/ 博闻强识 博聞強識 S - 2 bó wén qiáng shí f /erudite/widely read and knowledgeable/ 博雅 - 400 bó yǎ f /learned/ 博鬥 博斗 T - 3 bó dòu f /to fight or argue on a blogging site (netspeak)/ 博鰲 博鳌 T - 87 Bó áo f /see 博鰲鎮|博鳌镇[Bo2 ao2 zhen4]/ 博鰲亞洲論壇 博鳌亚洲论坛 T - 0 Bó áo Yà zhōu Lùn tán f /Bo'ao Forum for Asia (since 2001)/ 博鰲鎮 博鳌镇 T - 0 Bó áo zhèn f /Bo'ao seaside resort, Hainan/ 博鳌 博鰲 S - 87 Bó áo f /see 博鰲鎮|博鳌镇[Bo2 ao2 zhen4]/ 博鳌亚洲论坛 博鰲亞洲論壇 S - 0 Bó áo Yà zhōu Lùn tán f /Bo'ao Forum for Asia (since 2001)/ 博鳌镇 博鰲鎮 S - 0 Bó áo zhèn f /Bo'ao seaside resort, Hainan/ 卛 - 0 lǜ f /old variant of 率[lu:4]/ 卛 - 0 shuài t /old variant of 率[shuai4]/ 卜 - 810 Bǔ f /surname Bu/ 卜 - 810 bǔ f /to divine/to forecast or estimate/(of a place to live etc) to choose/ 卜 蔔 S - 810 bo t /see 蘿蔔|萝卜[luo2 bo5]/ 卜卜米 - 0 Bo bo mǐ f /Rice Krispies/ 卜占 - 0 bǔ zhān f /to divine/to prophecy/to foretell the future/ 卜卦 - 52 bǔ guà f /to divine using the trigrams/fortune telling/ 卜問 卜问 T - 0 bǔ wèn f /to predict by divining/to look into the future/ 卜宅 - 0 bǔ zhái f /to choose a capital by divination/to choose a home/to choose one's burial place by divination/ 卜居 - 4 bǔ jū f /to choose a home/ 卜征 - 0 bǔ zhēng f /to ask oracle for war forecast/ 卜昼卜夜 卜晝卜夜 S - 3 bǔ zhòu bǔ yè f /day and night (to toil, to abandon oneself to pleasure etc)/ 卜晝卜夜 卜昼卜夜 T - 3 bǔ zhòu bǔ yè f /day and night (to toil, to abandon oneself to pleasure etc)/ 卜甲 - 6 bǔ jiǎ f /oracle tortoise shell/ 卜筮 - 39 bǔ shì f /divination/ 卜課 卜课 T - 0 bǔ kè f /divination/fortune telling/ 卜课 卜課 S - 0 bǔ kè f /divination/fortune telling/ 卜辞 卜辭 S - 112 bǔ cí f /oracle inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty (16th-11th century BC) on tortoiseshells or animal bones/ 卜辭 卜辞 T - 112 bǔ cí f /oracle inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty (16th-11th century BC) on tortoiseshells or animal bones/ 卜问 卜問 S - 0 bǔ wèn f /to predict by divining/to look into the future/ 卜骨 - 15 bǔ gǔ f /oracle bone/bone used for divination, esp. animal scapula/ 卝 - 0 guàn f /two bunches of hair on a child/ 卝 - 0 kuàng t /classical variant of 礦|矿[kuang4]/ 卞 - 1252 Biàn f /surname Bian/ 卞 - 1252 biàn f /hurried/ 卟 - 108 bǔ f /see 卟啉, porphyrin/see 卟吩, porphin/ 卟吩 - 0 bǔ fēn f /porphin C20H14N4/ 卟啉 - 0 bǔ lín f /porphyrin (organic chemical essential to hemoglobin and chlorophyll)/ 占 佔 S 1686 25139 zhàn t /variant of 占[zhan4]/ 占 1686 25139 zhān f /to observe/to divine/ 占 1686 25139 zhàn t /to take possession of/to occupy/to take up/ 占上风 佔上風 S - 136 zhàn shàng fēng f /to take the lead/to gain the upper hand/ 占下风 佔下風 S - 0 zhàn xià fēng f /to be at a disadvantage/ 占中 佔中 S - 0 Zhàn Zhōng f /Occupy Central, Hong Kong civil disobedience movement (September 2014 -)/ 占为己有 佔為己有 S - 3 zhàn wéi jǐ yǒu f /to appropriate to oneself (what rightfully belongs to others)/ 占优 佔優 S - 68 zhàn yōu f /dominance/traditional form also written 占優/ 占优 占優 S - 68 zhàn yōu f /dominance/traditional form also written 佔優/ 占优势 佔優勢 S - 339 zhàn yōu shì f /to predominate/to occupy a dominant position/ 占便宜 佔便宜 S - 33 zhàn pián yi f /advantageous/favorable/to benefit at others' expense/to take unfair advantage/ 占優 占优 T - 68 zhàn yōu f /dominance/traditional form also written 佔優/ 占先 佔先 S - 25 zhàn xiān f /to take precedence/ 占卜 - 216 zhān bǔ f /to divine/ 占地 - 1347 zhàn dì f /to take up space/to occupy (space)/ 占地儿 占地兒 S - 0 zhàn dì r f /to take up space/ 占地兒 占地儿 T - 0 zhàn dì r f /to take up space/ 占地方 - 0 zhàn dì fang f /to take up space/ 占地面积 占地面積 S - 3 zhàn dì miàn ji f /floor area/occupied area/footprint (of a building, piece of equipment etc)/ 占地面積 占地面积 T - 3 zhàn dì miàn ji f /floor area/occupied area/footprint (of a building, piece of equipment etc)/ 占城 佔城 S - 0 Zhàn chéng f /Champa (Sanskrit: Campapura or Campanagara), ancient kingdom in the South of Vietnam c. 200-1693/ 占婆 佔婆 S - 7 Zhàn pó f /Champa (Sanskrit: Campapura or Campanagara), ancient kingdom in the South of Vietnam c. 200-1693/ 占据 佔據 S 3344 1716 zhàn jù f /to occupy/to hold/ 占族 佔族 S - 0 Zhàn zú f /Cham ethnic group/ 占星 - 13 zhān xīng f /to divine by astrology/horoscope/ 占星学 占星學 S - 2 zhān xīng xué f /astrology/ 占星學 占星学 T - 2 zhān xīng xué f /astrology/ 占星家 - 3 zhān xīng jiā f /astrologer/ 占星师 占星師 S - 3 zhān xīng shī f /astrologer/ 占星師 占星师 T - 3 zhān xīng shī f /astrologer/ 占星术 占星術 S - 33 zhān xīng shù f /astrology/ 占星術 占星术 T - 33 zhān xīng shù f /astrology/ 占有 佔有 S - 2272 zhàn yǒu f /to have/to own/to hold/to occupy/to possess/to account for (a high proportion etc)/ 占满 占滿 S - 3 zhàn mǎn f /to fill/to occupy completely/ 占滿 占满 T - 3 zhàn mǎn f /to fill/to occupy completely/ 占用 佔用 S - 480 zhàn yòng f /to occupy/ 占着茅坑不拉屎 占著茅坑不拉屎 S - 0 zhàn zhe máo kēng bù lā shǐ f /lit. to occupy a latrine but not shit (proverb)/fig. to be a dog in the manger/ 占线 佔線 S 1192 0 zhàn xiàn f /busy (telephone line)/ 占著茅坑不拉屎 占着茅坑不拉屎 T - 0 zhàn zhe máo kēng bù lā shǐ f /lit. to occupy a latrine but not shit (proverb)/fig. to be a dog in the manger/ 占领 佔領 S 3324 3365 zhàn lǐng f /to occupy (a territory)/to hold/ 占领者 佔領者 S - 23 zhàn lǐng zhě f /occupant/ 卡 - 2991 kǎ t /to stop/to block/card/CL:張|张[zhang1],片[pian4]/calorie/cassette/(computing) (coll.) slow/ 卡 - 2991 qiǎ f /to block/to be stuck/to be wedged/customs station/a clip/a fastener/a checkpost/Taiwan pr. [ka3]/ 卡丁車 卡丁车 T - 3 kǎ dīng chē f /kart racing/ 卡丁车 卡丁車 S - 3 kǎ dīng chē f /kart racing/ 卡乐星 卡樂星 S - 0 Kǎ lè xīng f /Carl's Jr. (fast-food restaurant chain)/ 卡介苗 - 11 kǎ jiè miáo f /BCG vaccine/bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine/ 卡仙尼 - 0 Kǎ xiān ní f /Cassini space probe/ 卡住 - 90 kǎ zhù f /to jam/to choke/to clutch/also pr. [qia3 zhu4]/ 卡侬 卡儂 S - 0 kǎ nóng f /XLR connector/ 卡债 卡債 S - 0 kǎ zhài f /credit card debt/ 卡債 卡债 T - 0 kǎ zhài f /credit card debt/ 卡儂 卡侬 T - 0 kǎ nóng f /XLR connector/ 卡內基 卡内基 T - 31 Kǎ nèi jī f /Carnegie (name)/Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919), Scots American steel millionaire and philanthropist/ 卡內基梅隆大學 卡内基梅隆大学 T - 0 Kǎ nèi jī Méi lóng Dà xué f /Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh/ 卡其 - 16 kǎ qí f /khaki (loanword)/ 卡内基 卡內基 S - 31 Kǎ nèi jī f /Carnegie (name)/Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919), Scots American steel millionaire and philanthropist/ 卡内基梅隆大学 卡內基梅隆大學 S - 0 Kǎ nèi jī Méi lóng Dà xué f /Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh/ 卡农 卡農 S - 18 kǎ nóng f /canon (music)/ 卡利亚里 卡利亞里 S - 29 Kǎ lì yà lǐ f /Cagliari, Sardinia/ 卡利亞里 卡利亚里 T - 29 Kǎ lì yà lǐ f /Cagliari, Sardinia/ 卡利卡特 - 0 Kǎ lì kǎ tè f /Calicut, town on Arabian sea in Kerala, India/ 卡利多尼亚 卡利多尼亞 S - 0 Kǎ lì duō ní yà f /Caledonia/ 卡利多尼亞 卡利多尼亚 T - 0 Kǎ lì duō ní yà f /Caledonia/ 卡利科 - 0 kǎ lì kē f /calico (woven cloth from Caldicot, Kerala, India)/ 卡到阴 卡到陰 S - 0 kǎ dào yīn f /(Tw) to be possessed/to be bewitched/ 卡到陰 卡到阴 T - 0 kǎ dào yīn f /(Tw) to be possessed/to be bewitched/ 卡司 - 0 kǎ sī f /(acting) cast (loanword)/ 卡哇伊 - 3 kǎ wā yī f /cute/adorable/charming (loanword from Japanese)/ 卡哇依 - 3 kǎ wā yī f /variant of 卡哇伊[ka3 wa1 yi1]/ 卡地亚 卡地亞 S - 4 Kǎ dì yà f /Cartier (brand)/ 卡地亞 卡地亚 T - 4 Kǎ dì yà f /Cartier (brand)/ 卡垫 卡墊 S - 0 kǎ diàn f /(Tibetan) rug/mat/ 卡塔尔 卡塔爾 S - 120 Kǎ tǎ ěr f /Qatar/ 卡塔尼亚 卡塔尼亞 S - 6 Kǎ tǎ ní yà f /Catania, Sicily/ 卡塔尼亞 卡塔尼亚 T - 6 Kǎ tǎ ní yà f /Catania, Sicily/ 卡塔爾 卡塔尔 T - 120 Kǎ tǎ ěr f /Qatar/ 卡塔赫納 卡塔赫纳 T - 10 Kǎ tǎ hè nà f /Cartagena/ 卡塔赫纳 卡塔赫納 S - 10 Kǎ tǎ hè nà f /Cartagena/ 卡墊 卡垫 T - 0 kǎ diàn f /(Tibetan) rug/mat/ 卡夫 - 30 Kǎ fū f /Kraft, US food company/ 卡夫卡 - 25 Kǎ fū kǎ f /Franz Kafka (1883-1924), Czech Jewish writer/ 卡奴 - 0 kǎ nú f /a slave to one's credit card/sb who is unable to repay their credit card borrowings/ 卡子 - 16 qiǎ zi f /clip/hair fastener/checkpoint/ 卡宴 - 0 Kǎ yàn f /Cayenne, capital of French Guiana/ 卡宾枪 卡賓槍 S - 122 kǎ bīn qiāng f /carbine rifle (loanword)/ 卡尔 卡爾 S - 161 Kǎ ěr f /Karl (name)/ 卡尔·马克思 卡爾·馬克思 S - 0 Kǎ ěr · Mǎ kè sī f /Karl Marx (1818-1883), German socialist philosopher, political activist and founder of Marxism/ 卡尔加里 卡爾加里 S - 10 Kǎ ěr jiā lǐ f /Calgary, largest city of Alberta, Canada/ 卡尔巴拉 卡爾巴拉 S - 8 Kǎ ěr bā lā f /Karbala (city in Iraq)/ 卡尔德龙 卡爾德龍 S - 0 Kǎ ěr dé lóng f /Calderon (Hispanic name)/ 卡尔扎伊 卡爾紮伊 S - 0 Kǎ ěr zā yī f /Hamid Karzai (1957-), Afghan politician, president from 2004/ 卡尔文 卡爾文 S - 13 Kǎ ěr wén f /Calvin (name)/ 卡尔文克莱因 卡爾文克萊因 S - 0 Kǎ ěr wén Kè lái yīn f /Calvin Klein CK (brand)/ 卡尔斯鲁厄 卡爾斯魯厄 S - 16 Kǎ ěr sī lǔ è f /Karlsruhe (city in Germany)/ 卡尔顿 卡爾頓 S - 3 Kǎ ěr dùn f /Carleton/ 卡尺 - 12 kǎ chǐ f /calipers/ 卡尼丁 - 0 kǎ ní dīng f /carnitine (loanword) (biochemistry)/ 卡巴斯基 - 4 Kǎ bā sī jī f /Kaspersky (computer security product brand)/ 卡巴莱 卡巴萊 S - 0 kǎ bā lái f /cabaret/ 卡巴萊 卡巴莱 T - 0 kǎ bā lái f /cabaret/ 卡布其諾 卡布其诺 T - 0 kǎ bù qí nuò f /cappuccino/ 卡布其諾咖啡 卡布其诺咖啡 T - 0 kǎ bù qí nuò kā fēi f /cappuccino coffee/ 卡布其诺 卡布其諾 S - 0 kǎ bù qí nuò f /cappuccino/ 卡布其诺咖啡 卡布其諾咖啡 S - 0 kǎ bù qí nuò kā fēi f /cappuccino coffee/ 卡布奇諾 卡布奇诺 T - 4 kǎ bù qí nuò f /cappuccino (coffee)/ 卡布奇诺 卡布奇諾 S - 4 kǎ bù qí nuò f /cappuccino (coffee)/ 卡帕 - 6 kǎ pà f /kappa (Greek letter Κκ)/ 卡带 卡帶 S - 2 kǎ dài f /cassette tape/ 卡帶 卡带 T - 2 kǎ dài f /cassette tape/ 卡式 - 9 kǎ shì f /cassette style (tape and tape player)/ 卡弹 卡彈 S - 0 kǎ dàn f /to jam (rifle)/ 卡彈 卡弹 T - 0 kǎ dàn f /to jam (rifle)/ 卡恩 - 38 Kǎ ēn f /Kahn/ 卡扎菲 - 32 Kǎ zhā fēi f /(Colonel Muammar) Gaddafi (1942-2011), de facto leader of Libya from 1969-2011/ 卡拉 - 342 Kǎ lā f /Kara, city in northern Togo 多哥[Duo1 ge1]/Cara, Karla etc (name)/ 卡拉 - 342 kǎ lā f /karaoke/ 卡拉OK - 0 kǎ lā O K f /karaoke (loanword)/ 卡拉什尼科夫 - 55 Kǎ lā shí ní kē fū f /Kalashnikov (the AK-47 assault rifle)/ 卡拉卡斯 - 0 Kǎ lā kǎ sī f /Caracas, capital of Venezuela (Tw)/ 卡拉奇 - 96 Kǎ lā qí f /Karachi (Pakistan)/ 卡拉奇那 - 0 Kǎ lā jī nà f /Krajina (former Yugoslavia)/ 卡拉姆昌德 - 0 Kǎ lā mǔ chāng dé f /Karamchand (name)/ 卡拉季奇 - 0 Kǎ lā jì jī f /Radovan Karadžić (1945-), former Bosnian Serb leader and war criminal/ 卡拉布里亚 卡拉布里亞 S - 5 Kǎ lā bù lǐ yà f /Calabria, southernmost Italian province/ 卡拉布里亞 卡拉布里亚 T - 5 Kǎ lā bù lǐ yà f /Calabria, southernmost Italian province/ 卡拉比拉 - 0 Kǎ lā bǐ lā f /Karabilah (Iraqi city)/ 卡拉胶 卡拉膠 S - 35 kǎ lā jiāo f /carageenan (chemistry)/ 卡拉膠 卡拉胶 T - 35 kǎ lā jiāo f /carageenan (chemistry)/ 卡拉馬佐夫兄弟 卡拉马佐夫兄弟 T - 0 Kǎ lā mǎ zuǒ fū xiōng dì f /Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky 陀思妥耶夫斯基/ 卡拉马佐夫兄弟 卡拉馬佐夫兄弟 S - 0 Kǎ lā mǎ zuǒ fū xiōng dì f /Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky 陀思妥耶夫斯基/ 卡文迪什 - 44 Kǎ wén dí shí f /Cavendish (name)/Henry Cavendish (1731-1810), English nobleman and pioneer experimental scientist/ 卡斯特利翁 - 0 Kǎ sī tè lì wēng f /Castellón/ 卡斯特罗 卡斯特羅 S - 70 Kǎ sī tè luó f /Castro (name)/Fidel Castro or Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz (1926-), Cuban revolutionary leader, prime minister 1959-1976, president 1976-2008/ 卡斯特羅 卡斯特罗 T - 70 Kǎ sī tè luó f /Castro (name)/Fidel Castro or Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz (1926-), Cuban revolutionary leader, prime minister 1959-1976, president 1976-2008/ 卡斯特里 - 10 Kǎ sī tè lǐ f /Castries, capital of Saint Lucia/ 卡斯翠 - 0 Kǎ sī cuì f /Castries, capital of Saint Lucia (Tw)/ 卡斯蒂利亚 卡斯蒂利亞 S - 37 Kǎ sī dì lì yà f /Castilla, old Spanish kingdom/modern Spanish provinces of Castilla-Leon and Castilla-La Mancha/ 卡斯蒂利亚·莱昂 卡斯蒂利亞·萊昂 S - 0 Kǎ sī dì lì yà · Lái áng f /Castilla-Leon, north Spanish province/ 卡斯蒂利亞 卡斯蒂利亚 T - 37 Kǎ sī dì lì yà f /Castilla, old Spanish kingdom/modern Spanish provinces of Castilla-Leon and Castilla-La Mancha/ 卡斯蒂利亞·萊昂 卡斯蒂利亚·莱昂 T - 0 Kǎ sī dì lì yà · Lái áng f /Castilla-Leon, north Spanish province/ 卡方 - 0 kǎ fāng f /chi-square (math.)/ 卡昂 - 6 Kǎ áng f /Caen (French town)/ 卡桑德拉 - 4 Kǎ sāng dé lā f /Cassandra (name)/Cassandra, daughter of king Priam in Greek mythology/prophet of doom/ 卡梅伦 卡梅倫 S - 0 Kǎ méi lún f /Cameron (name)/ 卡梅倫 卡梅伦 T - 0 Kǎ méi lún f /Cameron (name)/ 卡森城 - 0 Kǎ sēn chéng f /Carson City, capital of Nevada/ 卡榫 - 0 kǎ sǔn f /clip/latch (on a clip-into-place component)/ 卡樂星 卡乐星 T - 0 Kǎ lè xīng f /Carl's Jr. (fast-food restaurant chain)/ 卡死 - 3 kǎ sǐ f /jammed/stuck/frozen (computer)/ 卡波耶拉 - 0 Kǎ bō yē lā f /Capoeira/ 卡波西氏肉瘤 - 0 Kǎ bō xī shì ròu liú f /Kaposi's sarcoma/ 卡洛娜 - 0 kǎ luò nà f /calzone (Italian pocket), folded pizza/ 卡洛斯 - 142 Kǎ luò sī f /Carlos (name)/ 卡洛馳 卡洛驰 T - 0 Kǎ luò chí f /Crocs, Inc./ 卡洛驰 卡洛馳 S - 0 Kǎ luò chí f /Crocs, Inc./ 卡爾 卡尔 T - 161 Kǎ ěr f /Karl (name)/ 卡爾·馬克思 卡尔·马克思 T - 0 Kǎ ěr · Mǎ kè sī f /Karl Marx (1818-1883), German socialist philosopher, political activist and founder of Marxism/ 卡爾加里 卡尔加里 T - 10 Kǎ ěr jiā lǐ f /Calgary, largest city of Alberta, Canada/ 卡爾巴拉 卡尔巴拉 T - 8 Kǎ ěr bā lā f /Karbala (city in Iraq)/ 卡爾德龍 卡尔德龙 T - 0 Kǎ ěr dé lóng f /Calderon (Hispanic name)/ 卡爾文 卡尔文 T - 13 Kǎ ěr wén f /Calvin (name)/ 卡爾文克萊因 卡尔文克莱因 T - 0 Kǎ ěr wén Kè lái yīn f /Calvin Klein CK (brand)/ 卡爾斯魯厄 卡尔斯鲁厄 T - 16 Kǎ ěr sī lǔ è f /Karlsruhe (city in Germany)/ 卡爾紮伊 卡尔扎伊 T - 0 Kǎ ěr zā yī f /Hamid Karzai (1957-), Afghan politician, president from 2004/ 卡爾頓 卡尔顿 T - 3 Kǎ ěr dùn f /Carleton/ 卡片 - 170 kǎ piàn f /card/ 卡牌 - 0 kǎ pái f /playing card/ 卡特 - 217 Kǎ tè f /Carter (name)/James Earl (Jimmy) Carter (1924-), US Democrat politician, president 1977-1981/ 卡特尔 卡特爾 S - 35 kǎ tè ěr f /cartel (loanword)/ 卡特彼勒公司 - 0 Kǎ tè bǐ lè gōng sī f /Caterpillar Inc./ 卡特爾 卡特尔 T - 35 kǎ tè ěr f /cartel (loanword)/ 卡瓦格博峰 - 0 Kǎ wǎ gé bó fēng f /Mt Kawakarpo (6740 m) in Yunnan, the highest peak of Meri snow mountains 梅里雪山[Mei2 li3 xue3 shan1]/ 卡盘 卡盤 S - 2 qiǎ pán f /chuck (for a drill etc)/ 卡盤 卡盘 T - 2 qiǎ pán f /chuck (for a drill etc)/ 卡秋莎 - 2 Kǎ qiū shā f /Katyusha (name)/name of a Russian wartime song/nickname of a rocket launcher used by the Red Army in WWII/also written 喀秋莎/ 卡納塔克邦 卡纳塔克邦 T - 3 Kǎ nà tǎ kè bāng f /Karnataka, southwest Indian state, capital Bangalore 班加羅爾|班加罗尔[Ban1 jia1 luo2 er3]/formerly Mysore/ 卡納維拉爾角 卡纳维拉尔角 T - 14 Kǎ nà wéi lā ěr jiǎo f /Cape Canaveral, Florida, home of Kennedy space center 肯尼迪航天中心[Ken3 ni2 di2 Hang2 tian1 Zhong1 xin1]/ 卡納維爾角 卡纳维尔角 T - 0 Kǎ nà wéi ěr jiǎo f /Cape Canaveral, Florida/ 卡納達語 卡纳达语 T - 0 Kǎ nà dá yǔ f /Kannada (language)/ 卡紙 卡纸 T - 2 kǎ zhǐ f /cardboard/card stock/ 卡纳塔克邦 卡納塔克邦 S - 3 Kǎ nà tǎ kè bāng f /Karnataka, southwest Indian state, capital Bangalore 班加羅爾|班加罗尔[Ban1 jia1 luo2 er3]/formerly Mysore/ 卡纳维尔角 卡納維爾角 S - 0 Kǎ nà wéi ěr jiǎo f /Cape Canaveral, Florida/ 卡纳维拉尔角 卡納維拉爾角 S - 14 Kǎ nà wéi lā ěr jiǎo f /Cape Canaveral, Florida, home of Kennedy space center 肯尼迪航天中心[Ken3 ni2 di2 Hang2 tian1 Zhong1 xin1]/ 卡纳达语 卡納達語 S - 0 Kǎ nà dá yǔ f /Kannada (language)/ 卡纸 卡紙 S - 2 kǎ zhǐ f /cardboard/card stock/ 卡罗利纳 卡羅利納 S - 0 Kǎ luó lì nà f /Carolina (Puerto Rico)/ 卡羅利納 卡罗利纳 T - 0 Kǎ luó lì nà f /Carolina (Puerto Rico)/ 卡美拉 - 0 Kǎ měi lā f /Gamera (Japanese ガメラ Gamera), Japanese movie monster/ 卡美洛 - 0 Kǎ měi luò f /Camelot, seat of legendary King Arthur/ 卡脖子 - 6 qiǎ bó zi f /to squeeze the throat/(fig.) to have in a stranglehold/critical/ 卡萨布兰卡 卡薩布蘭卡 S - 51 Kǎ sà bù lán kǎ f /Casablanca (Morocco's economic capital)/ 卡萨诺瓦 卡薩諾瓦 S - 3 Kǎ sà nuò wǎ f /Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798), Italian adventurer known for womanizing/ 卡薩布蘭卡 卡萨布兰卡 T - 51 Kǎ sà bù lán kǎ f /Casablanca (Morocco's economic capital)/ 卡薩諾瓦 卡萨诺瓦 T - 3 Kǎ sà nuò wǎ f /Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798), Italian adventurer known for womanizing/ 卡西尼 - 17 Kǎ xī ní f /Cassini (proper name)/ 卡西欧 卡西歐 S - 3 Kǎ xī ōu f /Casio/ 卡西歐 卡西欧 T - 3 Kǎ xī ōu f /Casio/ 卡西米尔效应 卡西米爾效應 S - 0 Kǎ xī mǐ ěr xiào yìng f /Casimir effect (attraction between two parallel metal plates due to quantum mechanical vacuum effects)/ 卡西米爾效應 卡西米尔效应 T - 0 Kǎ xī mǐ ěr xiào yìng f /Casimir effect (attraction between two parallel metal plates due to quantum mechanical vacuum effects)/ 卡西莫夫 - 2 Kǎ xī mò fū f /Kasimov (town in Russia)/ 卡賓槍 卡宾枪 T - 122 kǎ bīn qiāng f /carbine rifle (loanword)/ 卡路里 - 34 kǎ lù lǐ f /calorie (loanword)/ 卡車 卡车 T 1474 516 kǎ chē f /truck/CL:輛|辆[liang4]/ 卡车 卡車 S 1474 516 kǎ chē f /truck/CL:輛|辆[liang4]/ 卡農 卡农 T - 18 kǎ nóng f /canon (music)/ 卡达 卡達 S - 6 Kǎ dá f /Qatar/ 卡通 3439 117 kǎ tōng f /cartoon (loanword)/ 卡達 卡达 T - 6 Kǎ dá f /Qatar/ 卡門 卡门 T - 81 Kǎ mén f /Carmen (name)/Carmen, 1875 opera by Georges Bizet 比才 based on novel by Prosper Mérimée 梅里美[Mei2 li3 mei3]/ 卡門柏乳酪 卡门柏乳酪 T - 0 Kǎ mén bó rǔ lào f /Camembert (soft, creamy French cheese)/ 卡門貝 卡门贝 T - 0 kǎ mén bèi f /camembert cheese/ 卡门 卡門 S - 81 Kǎ mén f /Carmen (name)/Carmen, 1875 opera by Georges Bizet 比才 based on novel by Prosper Mérimée 梅里美[Mei2 li3 mei3]/ 卡门柏乳酪 卡門柏乳酪 S - 0 Kǎ mén bó rǔ lào f /Camembert (soft, creamy French cheese)/ 卡门贝 卡門貝 S - 0 kǎ mén bèi f /camembert cheese/ 卡頓 卡顿 T - 0 kǎ dùn f /(computing) slow/unresponsive/ 卡顿 卡頓 S - 0 kǎ dùn f /(computing) slow/unresponsive/ 卡駱馳 卡骆驰 T - 0 Kǎ luò chí f /Crocs, Inc./ 卡骆驰 卡駱馳 S - 0 Kǎ luò chí f /Crocs, Inc./ 卢 盧 S - 801 Lú f /surname Lu/abbr. for Luxembourg 盧森堡|卢森堡[Lu2 sen1 bao3]/ 卢 盧 S - 801 lú f /(old) rice vessel/black/old variant of 廬|庐[lu2]/(slang) (Tw) troublesome/fussy/ 卢克索 盧克索 S - 22 Lú kè suǒ f /Luxor, city in Egypt/ 卢卡 盧卡 S - 19 Lú kǎ f /Lucca (city in Tuscany)/ 卢卡斯 盧卡斯 S - 18 Lú kǎ sī f /Lucas (name)/ 卢卡申科 盧卡申科 S - 32 Lú kǎ shēn kē f /Aleksandr Grigoryevich Lukachenko, president of Belarus from 1994/ 卢因 盧因 S - 0 Lú yīn f /Lewin (name)/Kurt Lewing (1890-1944), German American psychologist of the Gestalt school, the author of Field Theory/ 卢塞恩 盧塞恩 S - 6 Lú sài ēn f /Lucerne, Switzerland/ 卢安达 盧安達 S - 4 Lú ān dá f /Rwanda (Tw)/ 卢布 盧布 S - 334 lú bù f /ruble (Russian currency) (loanword)/ 卢布尔雅那 盧布爾雅那 S - 15 Lú bù ěr yǎ nà f /Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia/ 卢旺达 盧旺達 S - 109 Lú wàng dá f /Rwanda/ 卢梭 盧梭 S - 163 Lú suō f /Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), Enlightenment philosopher/ 卢森堡 盧森堡 S - 270 Lú sēn bǎo f /Luxembourg/ 卢武铉 盧武鉉 S - 18 Lú Wǔ xuàn f /Roh Moo-hyun (1946-2009), South Korean lawyer and politician, president 2003-2008/ 卢比 盧比 S - 171 lú bǐ f /rupee (Indian currency) (loanword)/ 卢比安纳 盧比安納 S - 0 Lú bǐ ān nà f /Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia (Tw)/ 卢氏 盧氏 S - 60 Lú shì f /Lushi county in Sanmenxia 三門峽|三门峡[San1 men2 xia2], Henan/ 卢氏县 盧氏縣 S - 39 Lú shì xiàn f /Lushi county in Sanmenxia 三門峽|三门峡[San1 men2 xia2], Henan/ 卢沟桥 盧溝橋 S - 88 Lú gōu Qiáo f /Lugou Bridge or Marco Polo Bridge in southwest of Beijing, the scene of the incident of 7th July 1937 that sparked WW2 between Japan and China/ 卢沟桥事变 盧溝橋事變 S - 33 Lú gōu Qiáo Shì biàn f /Marco Polo Bridge Incident of 7th July 1937, regarded as the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War 抗日戰爭|抗日战争[Kang4 Ri4 Zhan4 zheng1]/ 卢泰愚 盧泰愚 S - 41 Lú Tài yú f /Roh Tae-woo (1932-), South Korean politician, president 1988-1993/ 卢浮宫 盧浮宮 S - 91 Lú fú gōng f /Le Louvre, Paris Museum/more common trad. form 羅浮宮|罗浮宫/ 卢湾区 盧灣區 S - 12 Lú wān qū f /Luwan district, central Shanghai/ 卢照邻 盧照鄰 S - 13 Lú Zhào lín f /Lu Zhaolin (637-689), Tang poet/ 卢瑟 盧瑟 S - 4 lú sè f /loser (loanword)/ 卢瑟福 盧瑟福 S - 112 Lú sè fú f /Rutherford (name)/Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937), early nuclear physicist from New Zealand/ 卢瓦尔河 盧瓦爾河 S - 11 Lú wǎ ěr Hé f /Loire River, France/ 卢萨卡 盧薩卡 S - 34 Lú sà kǎ f /Lusaka, capital of Zambia/ 卢龙 盧龍 S - 45 Lú lóng f /Lulong county in Qinhuangdao 秦皇島|秦皇岛[Qin2 huang2 dao3], Hebei/ 卢龙县 盧龍縣 S - 2 Lú lóng xiàn f /Lulong county in Qinhuangdao 秦皇島|秦皇岛[Qin2 huang2 dao3], Hebei/ 卣 - 135 yǒu f /wine container/ 卤 滷 S - 778 lǔ f /to stew in soy sauce and spices/ 卤 鹵 S - 778 lǔ f /alkaline soil/salt/brine/halogen (chemistry)/crass/stupid/ 卤代烃 鹵代烴 S - 44 lǔ dài tīng f /haloalkane (obtained from hydrocarbon by substituting halogen for hydrogen, e.g. chlorobenzene or the CFCs)/ 卤化 鹵化 S - 96 lǔ huà f /to halogenate/halogenation (chemistry)/ 卤化物 鹵化物 S - 40 lǔ huà wù f /halide (i.e. fluoride, chloride, bromide etc)/ 卤化银 鹵化銀 S - 0 lǔ huà yín f /silver halide (usually chloride) used to fix photos/ 卤味 滷味 S - 5 lǔ wèi f /food prepared by stewing in soy sauce and spices/ 卤味 鹵味 S - 5 lǔ wèi f /variant of 滷味|卤味[lu3 wei4]/ 卤壶 滷壺 S - 0 lǔ hú f /a ceramic teapot/ 卤属 鹵屬 S - 0 lǔ shǔ f /see 鹵素|卤素[lu3 su4]/ 卤族 鹵族 S - 5 lǔ zú f /see 鹵素|卤素[lu3 su4]/ 卤水 鹵水 S - 61 lǔ shuǐ f /brine/bittern/marinade/ 卤汁 滷汁 S - 2 lǔ zhī f /gravy/marinade/ 卤法 滷法 S - 0 lǔ fǎ f /to simmer/to stew/ 卤田 鹵田 S - 0 lǔ tián f /a saltpan/ 卤素 鹵素 S - 173 lǔ sù f /halogen (chemistry)/ 卤肉 滷肉 S - 12 lǔ ròu f /stewed meat/ 卤莽 鹵莽 S - 37 lǔ mǎng f /variant of 魯莽|鲁莽[lu3 mang3]/ 卤菜 滷菜 S - 8 lǔ cài f /pot-stewed dish/ 卤质 鹵質 S - 3 lǔ zhì f /alkalinity/ 卦 - 1095 guà f /divinatory diagram/one of the eight divinatory trigrams of the Book of Changes 易經|易经[Yi4 jing1]/one of the sixty-four divinatory hexagrams of the Book of Changes 易經|易经[Yi4 jing1]/ 卦义 卦義 S - 0 guà yì f /interpretation of the divinatory trigrams/ 卦義 卦义 T - 0 guà yì f /interpretation of the divinatory trigrams/ 卦辞 卦辭 S - 3 guà cí f /to interpret the divinatory trigrams/ 卦辭 卦辞 T - 3 guà cí f /to interpret the divinatory trigrams/ 卧 臥 S - 1050 wò f /to lie/to crouch/ 卧不安 臥不安 S - 6 wò bù ān f /restless insomnia/ 卧位 臥位 S - 0 wò wèi f /berth/ 卧佛 臥佛 S - 26 wò fó f /reclining Buddha/ 卧倒 臥倒 S - 81 wò dǎo f /to lie down/to drop to the ground/ 卧具 臥具 S - 14 wò jù f /bedding/ 卧内 臥內 S - 0 wò nèi f /bedroom/ 卧室 臥室 S 1609 596 wò shì f /bedroom/CL:間|间[jian1]/ 卧床 臥床 S - 104 wò chuáng f /to lie in bed/bedridden/bed/ 卧底 臥底 S - 49 wò dǐ f /to hide (as an undercover agent)/an insider (in a gang of thieves)/a mole/ 卧式 臥式 S - 42 wò shì f /lying/horizontal/ 卧房 臥房 S - 111 wò fáng f /bedroom/a sleeping compartment (on a train)/ 卧推 臥推 S - 0 wò tuī f /bench press/ 卧果儿 臥果兒 S - 0 wò guǒ r f /a poached egg/ 卧榻 臥榻 S - 49 wò tà f /a couch/a narrow bed/ 卧病 臥病 S - 69 wò bìng f /ill in bed/bed-ridden/ 卧舱 臥艙 S - 5 wò cāng f /sleeping cabin on a boat or train/ 卧薪尝胆 臥薪嚐膽 S - 325 wò xīn cháng dǎn f /lit. to lie on firewood and taste gall (idiom); fig. suffering patiently, but firmly resolved on revenge/ 卧虎 臥虎 S - 0 wò hǔ f /crouching tiger/fig. major figure in hiding/concealed talent/ 卧虎藏龙 臥虎藏龍 S - 18 Wò hǔ Cáng lóng f /Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, movie by Ang Lee 李安[Li3 An1]/ 卧虎藏龙 臥虎藏龍 S - 18 wò hǔ cáng lóng f /lit. hidden dragon, crouching tiger (idiom)/fig. talented individuals in hiding/concealed talent/ 卧蚕 卧蠶 S - 0 wò cán f /plump lower eyelids (considered to be an attractive feature)/ 卧蠶 卧蚕 T - 0 wò cán f /plump lower eyelids (considered to be an attractive feature)/ 卧车 臥車 S - 17 wò chē f /a sleeping car/wagon-lits/ 卧轨 臥軌 S - 6 wò guǐ f /to lie across the railway tracks (to commit suicide or to prevent trains from getting through)/ 卧铺 臥鋪 S - 66 wò pù f /a bed (on a train)/a couchette/ 卧龙 臥龍 S - 176 Wò lóng f /nickname of Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮|诸葛亮/Wolong giant panda nature reserve 臥龍大熊貓保護區|卧龙大熊猫保护区 in Wenchuan county, northwest Sichuan/Wolong district of Nanyang city 南陽|南阳[Nan2 yang2], Henan/ 卧龙 臥龍 S - 176 wò lóng f /lit. hidden dragon/fig. emperor in hiding/ 卧龙区 臥龍區 S - 3 Wò lóng qū f /Wolong district of Nanyang city 南陽|南阳[Nan2 yang2], Henan/ 卧龙大熊猫保护区 臥龍大熊貓保護區 S - 0 wò lóng dà xióng māo bǎo hù qū f /Wolong giant panda nature reserve in Wenchuan county, northwest Sichuan/ 卧龙岗 臥龍崗 S - 21 Wò lóng gǎng f /Wollongong, Australia/ 卧龙自然保护区 臥龍自然保護區 S - 10 Wò lóng zì rán bǎo hù qū f /Wolong nature reserve in Wenchuan county, northwest Sichuan, home of the giant panda 大熊貓|大熊猫/ 卨 - 8 xiè f /used in old names/phonetic seol used in Korean names/ 卪 - 0 jié t /archaic variant of 節|节[jie2]/ 卪 - 0 xx f /one of the characters used in kwukyel, an ancient Korean writing system/ 卫 衛 S - 1650 Wèi f /surname Wei/vassal state during the Zhou Dynasty (1066-221 BC), located in present day Henan and Hebei Provinces/ 卫 衛 S - 1650 wèi f /to guard/to protect/to defend/abbr. for 衛生|卫生, hygiene/health/abbr. for 衛生間|卫生间, toilet/ 卫东 衛東 S - 2 Wèi dōng f /Weidong district of Pingdingshan city 平頂山市|平顶山市[Ping2 ding3 shan1 shi4], Henan/ 卫东区 衛東區 S - 3 Wèi dōng qū f /Weidong district of Pingdingshan city 平頂山市|平顶山市[Ping2 ding3 shan1 shi4], Henan/ 卫兵 衛兵 S - 529 wèi bīng f /guard/bodyguard/ 卫冕 衛冕 S - 295 wèi miǎn f /to defend the crown (in sports championship)/ 卫国 衛國 S - 445 Wèi guó f /state of Wei (c. 1040-209 BC), vassal of Zhou/ 卫国 衛國 S - 445 wèi guó f /to defend one's country/ 卫城 衛城 S - 43 wèi chéng f /citadel/defensive city/acropolis/ 卫士 衛士 S - 669 wèi shì f /guardian/defender/ 卫奕信 衛奕信 S - 0 Wèi yì xìn f /David Clive Wilson, Baron Wilson of Tillyorn (1935-), British diplomat and China expert, Governor of Hong Kong 1986-1992/ 卫尉 衛尉 S - 40 wèi wèi f /Commandant of Guards (in imperial China), one of the Nine Ministers 九卿[jiu3 qing1]/ 卫护 衛護 S - 32 wèi hù f /to guard/to protect/ 卫报 衛報 S - 50 Wèi Bào f /The Guardian (U.K. newspaper)/ 卫星 衛星 S 2700 3057 wèi xīng f /satellite/moon/CL:顆|颗[ke1]/ 卫星图 衛星圖 S - 0 wèi xīng tú f /satellite photo/ 卫星图像 衛星圖像 S - 0 wèi xīng tú xiàng f /satellite photo/ 卫星城 衛星城 S - 47 wèi xīng chéng f /"satellite" town/edge city/exurb/ 卫星定位系统 衛星定位系統 S - 0 wèi xīng dìng wèi xì tǒng f /global positioning system (GPS)/ 卫星导航 衛星導航 S - 0 wèi xīng dǎo háng f /satellite navigation/sat-nav/ 卫星导航系统 衛星導航系統 S - 0 wèi xīng dǎo háng xì tǒng f /satellite navigation system/sat-nav/ 卫星电视 衛星電視 S - 3 wèi xīng diàn shì f /satellite TV/ 卫校 衛校 S - 269 wèi xiào f /medical school/nursing school/ 卫氏朝鲜 衛氏朝鮮 S - 0 Wèi shì Cháo xiǎn f /Wiman Korea (195-108 BC), historical kingdom in Manchuria, Liaoning and North Korea/ 卫浴 衛浴 S - 5 wèi yù f /sanitary (related to toilet and bathroom)/ 卫满朝鲜 衛滿朝鮮 S - 0 Wèi mǎn Cháo xiǎn f /Wiman Korea (195-108 BC), historical kingdom in Manchuria, Liaoning and North Korea/ 卫滨 衛濱 S - 0 Wèi bīn f /Weibin district of Xinxiang city 新鄉市|新乡市[Xin1 xiang1 shi4], Henan/ 卫滨区 衛濱區 S - 3 Wèi bīn qū f /Weibin district of Xinxiang city 新鄉市|新乡市[Xin1 xiang1 shi4], Henan/ 卫理公会 衛理公會 S - 9 Wèi lǐ Gōng huì f /Methodists/ 卫生 衛生 S - 4290 wèi shēng f /health/hygiene/sanitation/ 卫生丸 衛生丸 S - 3 wèi shēng wán f /mothball/(jocular term) bullet/ 卫生厅 衛生廳 S - 98 wèi shēng tīng f /(provincial) health department/ 卫生套 衛生套 S - 0 wèi shēng tào f /condom/ 卫生官员 衛生官員 S - 0 wèi shēng guān yuán f /health official/ 卫生局 衛生局 S - 160 wèi shēng jú f /health office/bureau of hygiene/ 卫生巾 衛生巾 S - 33 wèi shēng jīn f /sanitary towel/ 卫生棉 衛生棉 S - 6 wèi shēng mián f /sterilized absorbent cotton wool (used for dressings or cleansing wounds)/sanitary napkin/tampon/ 卫生棉条 衛生棉條 S - 0 wèi shēng mián tiáo f /tampon/ 卫生球 衛生球 S - 11 wèi shēng qiú f /mothball/ 卫生用纸 衛生用紙 S - 0 wèi shēng yòng zhǐ f /toilet paper/ 卫生纸 衛生紙 S - 24 wèi shēng zhǐ f /toilet paper/bathroom tissue/ 卫生署 衛生署 S - 17 wèi shēng shǔ f /health bureau (or office, or department, or agency)/ 卫生裤 衛生褲 S - 3 wèi shēng kù f /long underwear pants/ 卫生设备 衛生設備 S - 2 wèi shēng shè bèi f /sanitary equipment/ 卫生部 衛生部 S - 651 Wèi shēng bù f /Ministry of Health/ 卫生间 衛生間 S 1104 150 wèi shēng jiān f /bathroom/toilet/WC/CL:間|间[jian1]/ 卫生防疫 衛生防疫 S - 33 wèi shēng fáng yì f /epidemic-prevention/ 卫生陶瓷 衛生陶瓷 S - 3 wèi shēng táo cí f /chamber pot/commode/ 卫留成 衛留成 S - 3 Wèi Liú chéng f /Wei Liucheng (1946-), fifth governor of Hainan/ 卫舰 衛艦 S - 0 wèi jiàn f /a frigate (warship)/ 卫衣 衛衣 S - 0 wèi yī f /hooded sweatshirt/hoodie/ 卫视 衛視 S - 137 wèi shì f /satellite TV/abbr. of 衛星電視|卫星电视/ 卫辉 衛輝 S - 39 Wèi huī f /Weihui county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡[Xin1 xiang1], Henan/ 卫辉市 衛輝市 S - 5 Wèi huī shì f /Weihui county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡[Xin1 xiang1], Henan/ 卫道 衛道 S - 3 wèi dào f /to defend traditional values/ 卫道士 衛道士 S - 5 wèi dào shì f /traditionalist/moralist/champion (of a cause)/ 卫队 衛隊 S - 515 wèi duì f /guard (i.e. group of soldiers)/ 卬 - 25 Ang f /surname Ang/ 卬 - 25 áng t /I (regional colloquial)/me/variant of 昂[ang2]/ 卮 - 140 zhī f /goblet/ 卮 巵 S - 140 zhī f /old variant of 卮[zhi1]/ 卯 - 195 mǎo f /mortise (slot cut into wood to receive a tenon)/4th earthly branch: 5-7 a.m., 2nd solar month (6th March-4th April), year of the Rabbit/ancient Chinese compass point: 90° (east)/variant of 鉚|铆[mao3]/to exert one's strength/ 卯 夘 S - 195 mǎo f /variant of 卯[mao3]/ 卯 戼 S - 195 mǎo f /old variant of 卯[mao3]/ 卯兔 - 3 mǎo tù f /Year 4, year of the Rabbit (e.g. 2011)/ 卯时 卯時 S - 3 mǎo shí f /5-7 am (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)/ 卯時 卯时 T - 3 mǎo shí f /5-7 am (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)/ 卯榫 - 2 mǎo sǔn f /mortise and tenon (slot and tab forming a carpenter's joint)/ 卯眼 - 3 mǎo yǎn f /mortise/slit/ 印 - 3458 Yìn f /surname Yin/abbr. for 印度[Yin4 du4]/ 印 - 3458 yìn f /to print/to mark/to engrave/a seal/a print/a stamp/a mark/a trace/image/ 印信 - 49 yìn xìn f /official seal/legally binding seal/ 印制 印製 S - 165 yìn zhì f /to print/to produce (a publication)/ 印制电路 印製電路 S - 3 yìn zhì diàn lù f /printed circuit/ 印制电路板 印製電路板 S - 0 yìn zhì diàn lù bǎn f /printed circuit board/ 印刷 2289 1232 yìn shuā f /to print/printing/ 印刷业 印刷業 S - 41 yìn shuā yè f /typography/printing business/ 印刷体 印刷體 S - 4 yìn shuā tǐ f /printed letters (as opposed to handwriting)/typeface/ 印刷厂 印刷廠 S - 48 yìn shuā chǎng f /printing house/print shop/ 印刷品 - 58 yìn shuā pǐn f /printed products/ 印刷廠 印刷厂 T - 48 yìn shuā chǎng f /printing house/print shop/ 印刷所 - 27 yìn shuā suǒ f /printing press/printing office/printer/ 印刷术 印刷術 S - 118 yìn shuā shù f /printing/printing technology/ 印刷机 印刷機 S - 57 yìn shuā jī f /printing press/ 印刷業 印刷业 T - 41 yìn shuā yè f /typography/printing business/ 印刷機 印刷机 T - 57 yìn shuā jī f /printing press/ 印刷版 - 8 yìn shuā bǎn f /printing plate/ 印刷电路板 印刷電路板 S - 0 yìn shuā diàn lù bǎn f /printed circuit board/ 印刷者 - 0 yìn shuā zhě f /printer/ 印刷術 印刷术 T - 118 yìn shuā shù f /printing/printing technology/ 印刷量 - 0 yìn shuā liàng f /print run/ 印刷電路板 印刷电路板 T - 0 yìn shuā diàn lù bǎn f /printed circuit board/ 印刷體 印刷体 T - 4 yìn shuā tǐ f /printed letters (as opposed to handwriting)/typeface/ 印发 印發 S - 190 yìn fā f /to publish/to print and distribute/ 印古什 - 13 Yìn gǔ shí f /Ingushetia region of Russia North of the Caucasus/ 印台 印臺 S - 3 Yìn tái f /Yintai District of Tongchuan City 銅川市|铜川市[Tong2 chuan1 Shi4], Shaanxi/ 印台 印臺 S - 3 yìn tái f /ink pad/stamp pad/ 印台区 印臺區 S - 3 Yìn tái Qū f /Yintai District of Tongchuan City 銅川市|铜川市[Tong2 chuan1 Shi4], Shaanxi/ 印地安納 印地安纳 T - 3 Yìn dì ān nà f /Indiana, US state/ 印地安納州 印地安纳州 T - 0 Yìn dì ān nà zhōu f /Indiana, US state/ 印地安纳 印地安納 S - 3 Yìn dì ān nà f /Indiana, US state/ 印地安纳州 印地安納州 S - 0 Yìn dì ān nà zhōu f /Indiana, US state/ 印地語 印地语 T - 49 Yìn dì yǔ f /Hindi (language)/ 印地语 印地語 S - 49 Yìn dì yǔ f /Hindi (language)/ 印子 - 27 yìn zi f /trace/impression (e.g. footprint)/abbr. of 印子錢|印子钱[yin4 zi5 qian2], usury/ 印子錢 印子钱 T - 8 yìn zi qián f /usury/high interest loan (in former times)/ 印子钱 印子錢 S - 8 yìn zi qián f /usury/high interest loan (in former times)/ 印尼 - 1000 Yìn ní f /Indonesia (abbr. for 印度尼西亞|印度尼西亚)/ 印尼盾 - 34 Yìn ní dùn f /Indonesian rupiah/ 印巴 - 3 Yìn Bā f /India and Pakistan/ 印度 - 9701 Yìn dù f /India/ 印度人 - 280 Yìn dù rén f /Indian (person)/CL:個|个[ge4]/Indian people/ 印度人民党 印度人民黨 S - 11 Yìn dù rén mín dǎng f /Bharatiya Janata Party/ 印度人民黨 印度人民党 T - 11 Yìn dù rén mín dǎng f /Bharatiya Janata Party/ 印度国大党 印度國大黨 S - 0 Yìn dù Guó dà dǎng f /Indian Congress party/ 印度國大黨 印度国大党 T - 0 Yìn dù Guó dà dǎng f /Indian Congress party/ 印度尼西亚 印度尼西亞 S - 703 Yìn dù ní xī yà f /Indonesia/ 印度尼西亚语 印度尼西亞語 S - 12 Yìn dù ní xī yà yǔ f /Indonesian language/ 印度尼西亞 印度尼西亚 T - 703 Yìn dù ní xī yà f /Indonesia/ 印度尼西亞語 印度尼西亚语 T - 12 Yìn dù ní xī yà yǔ f /Indonesian language/ 印度支那 - 136 Yìn dù zhī nà f /Indo-China (transliteration)/ 印度支那半岛 印度支那半島 S - 0 Yìn dù zhī nà Bàn dǎo f /Indochina peninsula (old term, esp. colonial period)/now written 中南半島|中南半岛[Zhong1 nan2 Ban4 dao3]/ 印度支那半島 印度支那半岛 T - 0 Yìn dù zhī nà Bàn dǎo f /Indochina peninsula (old term, esp. colonial period)/now written 中南半島|中南半岛[Zhong1 nan2 Ban4 dao3]/ 印度教 - 388 Yìn dù jiào f /Hinduism/Indian religion/ 印度教徒 - 0 Yìn dù jiào tú f /Hindu/adherent of Hinduism/ 印度斯坦 - 47 Yìn dù sī tǎn f /Hindustan/ 印度时报 印度時報 S - 0 Yìn dù Shí bào f /India Times/ 印度時報 印度时报 T - 0 Yìn dù Shí bào f /India Times/ 印度河 - 264 Yìn dù Hé f /Indus River/ 印度洋 - 1049 Yìn dù yáng f /Indian Ocean/ 印度眼鏡蛇 印度眼镜蛇 T - 0 Yìn dù Yǎn jìng shé f /Indian Cobra (Naja naja)/ 印度眼镜蛇 印度眼鏡蛇 S - 0 Yìn dù Yǎn jìng shé f /Indian Cobra (Naja naja)/ 印度航空公司 - 5 Yìn dù háng kōng gōng sī f /Air India/ 印度袄 印度襖 S - 0 Yìn dù ǎo f /Parsee or Parsi, member of the Zoroastrian sect (religion)/ 印度襖 印度袄 T - 0 Yìn dù ǎo f /Parsee or Parsi, member of the Zoroastrian sect (religion)/ 印度金黃鸝 印度金黄鹂 T - 0 Yìn dù jīn huáng lí f /(bird species of China) Indian golden oriole (Oriolus kundoo)/ 印度金黄鹂 印度金黃鸝 S - 0 Yìn dù jīn huáng lí f /(bird species of China) Indian golden oriole (Oriolus kundoo)/ 印度音乐 印度音樂 S - 0 Yìn dù yīn yuè f /Bhangra, Indian music (music genre)/ 印度音樂 印度音乐 T - 0 Yìn dù yīn yuè f /Bhangra, Indian music (music genre)/ 印度鬼椒 - 0 Yìn dù guǐ jiāo f /see 斷魂椒|断魂椒[duan4 hun2 jiao1]/ 印戒 - 0 yìn jiè f /signet ring (cell)/ 印把子 - 9 yìn bà zi f /seal of authority/official seal/ 印支 - 47 Yìn Zhī f /abbr. for 印度支那[Yin4 du4 zhi1 na4]/ 印支半岛 印支半島 S - 0 Yìn zhī Bàn dǎo f /Indochina peninsula (abbr. for colonial term 印度支那半島|印度支那半岛[Yin4 du4 zhi1 na4 Ban4 dao3])/now written 中南半島|中南半岛[Zhong1 nan2 Ban4 dao3]/ 印支半島 印支半岛 T - 0 Yìn zhī Bàn dǎo f /Indochina peninsula (abbr. for colonial term 印度支那半島|印度支那半岛[Yin4 du4 zhi1 na4 Ban4 dao3])/now written 中南半島|中南半岛[Zhong1 nan2 Ban4 dao3]/ 印支期 - 0 Yìn Zhī qī f /Indo-Chinese epoch (geology)/Indosinian orogeny/ 印支綠鵲 印支绿鹊 T - 0 Yìn Zhī lǜ què f /(bird species of China) Indochinese green magpie (Cissa hypoleuca)/ 印支绿鹊 印支綠鵲 S - 0 Yìn Zhī lǜ què f /(bird species of China) Indochinese green magpie (Cissa hypoleuca)/ 印数 印數 S - 24 yìn shù f /the amount of books etc printed at one impression/print run/ 印數 印数 T - 24 yìn shù f /the amount of books etc printed at one impression/print run/ 印本 - 31 yìn běn f /printed book/copy/ 印染 - 100 yìn rǎn f /printing and dyeing/ 印次 - 3 yìn cì f /number of print run/ 印欧人 印歐人 S - 0 Yìn Oū rén f /Indo-European (person)/ 印欧文 印歐文 S - 0 Yìn Oū wén f /Indo-European (language)/ 印欧语 印歐語 S - 240 Yìn Oū yǔ f /Indo-European (language)/ 印欧语系 印歐語系 S - 0 Yìn Oū yǔ xì f /Indo-European family of languages/ 印欧语言 印歐語言 S - 0 Yìn Oū yǔ yán f /Indo-European (language)/ 印歐人 印欧人 T - 0 Yìn Oū rén f /Indo-European (person)/ 印歐文 印欧文 T - 0 Yìn Oū wén f /Indo-European (language)/ 印歐語 印欧语 T - 240 Yìn Oū yǔ f /Indo-European (language)/ 印歐語系 印欧语系 T - 0 Yìn Oū yǔ xì f /Indo-European family of languages/ 印歐語言 印欧语言 T - 0 Yìn Oū yǔ yán f /Indo-European (language)/ 印江 - 3 Yìn jiāng f /Yinjiang Tujia and Hmong autonomous county in Tongren prefecture 銅仁地區|铜仁地区[Tong2 ren2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 印江县 印江縣 S - 0 Yìn jiāng xiàn f /Yinjiang Tujia and Hmong autonomous county in Tongren prefecture 銅仁地區|铜仁地区[Tong2 ren2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 印江土家族苗族自治县 印江土家族苗族自治縣 S - 2 Yìn jiāng Tǔ jiā zú Miáo zú zì zhì xiàn f /Yinjiang Tujia and Hmong autonomous county in Tongren prefecture 銅仁地區|铜仁地区[Tong2 ren2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 印江土家族苗族自治縣 印江土家族苗族自治县 T - 2 Yìn jiāng Tǔ jiā zú Miáo zú zì zhì xiàn f /Yinjiang Tujia and Hmong autonomous county in Tongren prefecture 銅仁地區|铜仁地区[Tong2 ren2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 印江縣 印江县 T - 0 Yìn jiāng xiàn f /Yinjiang Tujia and Hmong autonomous county in Tongren prefecture 銅仁地區|铜仁地区[Tong2 ren2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 印泥 - 21 yìn ní f /red ink paste used for seal/ 印版 - 21 yìn bǎn f /printing plate/ 印玺 印璽 S - 16 yìn xǐ f /official seal/imperial or royal seal/papal bull/ 印璽 印玺 T - 16 yìn xǐ f /official seal/imperial or royal seal/papal bull/ 印痕 - 54 yìn hén f /molding/printed impression/ 印發 印发 T - 190 yìn fā f /to publish/to print and distribute/ 印盒 - 3 yìn hé f /seal case/box for seal and ink pad/ 印章 - 227 yìn zhāng f /seal/signet/chop/stamp/CL:方[fang1]/ 印第安 - 237 Yìn dì ān f /(American) Indian/native American/indigenous peoples of the Americas/ 印第安人 - 746 Yìn dì ān rén f /American Indians/ 印第安座 - 0 Yìn dì ān zuò f /Indus (constellation)/ 印第安納 印第安纳 T - 20 Yìn dì ān nà f /Indiana, US state/ 印第安納州 印第安纳州 T - 16 Yìn dì ān nà zhōu f /Indiana, US state/ 印第安納波利斯 印第安纳波利斯 T - 6 Yìn dì ān nà bō lì sī f /Indianapolis, Indiana/ 印第安纳 印第安納 S - 20 Yìn dì ān nà f /Indiana, US state/ 印第安纳州 印第安納州 S - 16 Yìn dì ān nà zhōu f /Indiana, US state/ 印第安纳波利斯 印第安納波利斯 S - 6 Yìn dì ān nà bō lì sī f /Indianapolis, Indiana/ 印紐 印纽 T - 3 yìn niǔ f /decorated knob protruding from seal, allowing it to be strung on a cord/ 印綬 印绶 T - 51 yìn shòu f /sealed ribbon fastening correspondence (in former times)/ 印緬斑嘴鴨 印缅斑嘴鸭 T - 0 Yìn miǎn bān zuǐ yā f /(bird species of China) Indian spot-billed duck (Anas poecilorhyncha)/ 印緬褐頭雀鶥 印缅褐头雀鹛 T - 0 yìn miǎn hè tóu què méi f /(bird species of China) manipur fulvetta (Fulvetta manipurensis)/ 印纽 印紐 S - 3 yìn niǔ f /decorated knob protruding from seal, allowing it to be strung on a cord/ 印绶 印綬 S - 51 yìn shòu f /sealed ribbon fastening correspondence (in former times)/ 印缅斑嘴鸭 印緬斑嘴鴨 S - 0 Yìn miǎn bān zuǐ yā f /(bird species of China) Indian spot-billed duck (Anas poecilorhyncha)/ 印缅褐头雀鹛 印緬褐頭雀鶥 S - 0 yìn miǎn hè tóu què méi f /(bird species of China) manipur fulvetta (Fulvetta manipurensis)/ 印臺 印台 T - 3 Yìn tái f /Yintai District of Tongchuan City 銅川市|铜川市[Tong2 chuan1 Shi4], Shaanxi/ 印臺 印台 T - 3 yìn tái f /ink pad/stamp pad/ 印臺區 印台区 T - 3 Yìn tái Qū f /Yintai District of Tongchuan City 銅川市|铜川市[Tong2 chuan1 Shi4], Shaanxi/ 印航 - 0 Yìn háng f /Air India (abbr.)/ 印花 - 87 yìn huā f /tax stamp/ 印花稅 印花税 T - 34 yìn huā shuì f /stamp duty/ 印花税 印花稅 S - 34 yìn huā shuì f /stamp duty/ 印行 - 70 yìn xíng f /to print and distribute/to publish/ 印表机 印表機 S - 3 yìn biǎo jī f /printer (Tw)/ 印表機 印表机 T - 3 yìn biǎo jī f /printer (Tw)/ 印製 印制 T - 165 yìn zhì f /to print/to produce (a publication)/ 印製電路 印制电路 T - 3 yìn zhì diàn lù f /printed circuit/ 印製電路板 印制电路板 T - 0 yìn zhì diàn lù bǎn f /printed circuit board/ 印記 印记 T - 276 yìn jì f /imprint/trace/ 印證 印证 T - 272 yìn zhèng f /to seal/to confirm/to corroborate/to verify/ 印譜 印谱 T - 16 yìn pǔ f /collection of seal stamps/ 印记 印記 S - 276 yìn jì f /imprint/trace/ 印证 印證 S - 272 yìn zhèng f /to seal/to confirm/to corroborate/to verify/ 印谱 印譜 S - 16 yìn pǔ f /collection of seal stamps/ 印象 876 2079 yìn xiàng f /impression/ 印象主义 印象主義 S - 150 yìn xiàng zhǔ yì f /impressionism/ 印象主義 印象主义 T - 150 yìn xiàng zhǔ yì f /impressionism/ 印象派 - 57 yìn xiàng pài f /impressionism/ 印跡 印迹 T - 28 yìn jì f /footprint/ 印迹 印跡 S - 28 yìn jì f /footprint/ 印鈔票 印钞票 T - 0 yìn chāo piào f /printing money/ 印鈕 印钮 T - 0 yìn niǔ f /decorated knob protruding from seal, allowing it to be strung on a cord/ 印鉴 印鑒 S - 12 yìn jiàn f /seal impression/stamp/mark from a seal serving as signature/ 印鑒 印鉴 T - 12 yìn jiàn f /seal impression/stamp/mark from a seal serving as signature/ 印钞票 印鈔票 S - 0 yìn chāo piào f /printing money/ 印钮 印鈕 S - 0 yìn niǔ f /decorated knob protruding from seal, allowing it to be strung on a cord/ 印鼠客蚤 - 0 yìn shǔ kè zǎo f /oriental rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis)/ 印鼻 - 3 yìn bí f /decorated knob protruding from seal, allowing it to be strung on a cord/ 危 - 609 Wēi f /surname Wei/ 危 - 609 wēi f /danger/to endanger/Taiwan pr. [wei2]/ 危亡 - 237 wēi wáng f /at stake/in peril/ 危及 - 478 wēi jí f /to endanger/to jeopardize/a danger (to life, national security etc)/ 危困 - 0 wēi kùn f /grave situation/ 危在旦夕 - 67 wēi zài dàn xī f /in imminent peril (idiom)/on the brink of crisis/ 危地馬拉 危地马拉 T - 145 Wēi dì mǎ lā f /Guatemala/see also 瓜地馬拉|瓜地马拉[Gua1 di4 ma3 la1]/ 危地馬拉人 危地马拉人 T - 0 Wēi dì mǎ lā rén f /Guatemalan (person)/ 危地马拉 危地馬拉 S - 145 Wēi dì mǎ lā f /Guatemala/see also 瓜地馬拉|瓜地马拉[Gua1 di4 ma3 la1]/ 危地马拉人 危地馬拉人 S - 0 Wēi dì mǎ lā rén f /Guatemalan (person)/ 危境 - 27 wēi jìng f /dangerous situation/venerable old age/ 危如朝露 - 3 wēi rú zhāo lù f /precarious as the morning dew (idiom); fig. ephemeral and precarious nature of human existence/ 危如累卵 - 12 wēi rú lěi luǎn f /precarious as pile of eggs (idiom); ready to fall and break at any moment/in a dangerous state/ 危害 2153 1781 wēi hài f /to jeopardize/to harm/to endanger/harmful effect/damage/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 危害性 - 76 wēi hài xìng f /harmfulness/ 危害評價 危害评价 T - 0 wēi hài píng jià f /hazard assessment/ 危害评价 危害評價 S - 0 wēi hài píng jià f /hazard assessment/ 危局 - 106 wēi jú f /perilous situation/ 危径 危徑 S - 0 wēi jìng f /steep and perilous path/ 危徑 危径 T - 0 wēi jìng f /steep and perilous path/ 危急 - 1161 wēi jí f /critical/desperate (situation)/ 危性 - 0 wēi xìng f /risk/ 危惧 危懼 S - 12 wēi jù f /afraid/apprehensive/ 危懼 危惧 T - 12 wēi jù f /afraid/apprehensive/ 危房 - 67 wēi fáng f /decrepit house/ 危机 危機 S 2751 4310 wēi jī f /crisis/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 危机四伏 危機四伏 S - 61 wēi jī sì fú f /danger lurks on every side (idiom)/ 危楼 危樓 S - 11 wēi lóu f /dangerous housing/building that is about to collapse/ 危樓 危楼 T - 11 wēi lóu f /dangerous housing/building that is about to collapse/ 危機 危机 T 2751 4310 wēi jī f /crisis/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 危機四伏 危机四伏 T - 61 wēi jī sì fú f /danger lurks on every side (idiom)/ 危殆 - 41 wēi dài f /grave danger/in jeopardy/in a critical condition/ 危笃 危篤 S - 5 wēi dǔ f /deathly ill/ 危篤 危笃 T - 5 wēi dǔ f /deathly ill/ 危而不持 - 3 wēi ér bù chí f /national danger, but no support (idiom, from Analects); the future of the nation is at stake but no-one comes to the rescue/ 危若朝露 - 3 wēi ruò zhāo lù f /precarious as morning dew (idiom); unlikely to last out the day/ 危言危行 - 3 wēi yán wēi xíng f /upright and plainspoken (idiom)/ 危言耸听 危言聳聽 S - 95 wēi yán sǒng tīng f /frightening words to scare people (idiom); alarmist talk/reds under the beds/ 危言聳聽 危言耸听 T - 95 wēi yán sǒng tīng f /frightening words to scare people (idiom); alarmist talk/reds under the beds/ 危辞耸听 危辭聳聽 S - 3 wēi cí sǒng tīng f /to startle sb with scary tale/ 危辭聳聽 危辞耸听 T - 3 wēi cí sǒng tīng f /to startle sb with scary tale/ 危迫 - 0 wēi pò f /urgent/pressing danger/ 危途 - 3 wēi tú f /dangerous road/ 危重 - 92 wēi zhòng f /critically ill/ 危重病人 - 0 wēi zhòng bìng rén f /critically ill patient/ 危险 危險 S 696 3979 wēi xiǎn f /danger/dangerous/ 危险品 危險品 S - 19 wēi xiǎn pǐn f /hazardous materials/ 危险警告灯 危險警告燈 S - 0 wēi xiǎn jǐng gào dēng f /hazard lights/ 危險 危险 T 696 3979 wēi xiǎn f /danger/dangerous/ 危險品 危险品 T - 19 wēi xiǎn pǐn f /hazardous materials/ 危險警告燈 危险警告灯 T - 0 wēi xiǎn jǐng gào dēng f /hazard lights/ 危难 危難 S - 582 wēi nàn f /calamity/ 危難 危难 T - 582 wēi nàn f /calamity/ 卲 - 0 Shào f /surname Shao/ 即 - 34677 jí f /namely/that is/i.e./prompt/at once/at present/even if/prompted (by the occasion)/to approach/to come into contact/to assume (office)/to draw near/ 即为 即為 S - 3 jí wéi f /to be considered to be/to be defined to be/to be called/ 即付 - 0 jí fù f /to pay on demand/ 即付即打 - 0 jí fù jí dǎ f /pay as you go/ 即令 - 275 jí lìng f /even if/even though/ 即位 - 1214 jí wèi f /to succeed to the throne/accession/ 即使 749 6462 jí shǐ f /even if/even though/ 即便 2733 2075 jí biàn f /even if/even though/right away/immediately/ 即兴 即興 S - 160 jí xìng f /improvisation (in the arts)/impromptu/extemporaneous/ 即兴之作 即興之作 S - 7 jí xìng zhī zuò f /improvisation/ 即兴发挥 即興發揮 S - 0 jí xìng fā huī f /improvisation/ 即刻 - 433 jí kè f /immediately/instant/instantly/ 即可 - 1052 jí kě f /equivalent to 就可以/can then (do sth)/can immediately (do sth)/(do sth) and that will suffice/ 即墨 - 68 Jí mò f /Jimo county level city in Qingdao 青島|青岛, Shandong/ 即墨市 - 14 Jí mò Shì f /Jimo county level city in Qingdao 青島|青岛[Qing1 dao3], Shandong/ 即如 - 3 jí rú f /such as/ 即将 即將 S 2634 2643 jí jiāng f /on the eve of/to be about to/to be on the verge of/ 即将来临 即將來臨 S - 3 jí jiāng lái lín f /imminent/ 即將 即将 T 2634 2643 jí jiāng f /on the eve of/to be about to/to be on the verge of/ 即將來臨 即将来临 T - 3 jí jiāng lái lín f /imminent/ 即席 - 37 jí xí f /impromptu/improvised/to take one's seat (at a banquet etc)/ 即或 - 28 jí huò f /even if/even though/ 即指即譯 即指即译 T - 0 jí zhǐ jí yì f /point-and-translate (computing)/ 即指即译 即指即譯 S - 0 jí zhǐ jí yì f /point-and-translate (computing)/ 即插即用 - 4 jí chā jí yòng f /plug-and-play/ 即日 - 437 jí rì f /this or that very day/in the next few days/ 即早 - 3 jí zǎo f /as soon as possible/ 即时 即時 S - 428 jí shí f /immediate/ 即时制 即時制 S - 0 jí shí zhì f /real-time (gaming)/ 即时即地 即時即地 S - 0 jí shí jí dì f /moment-to-moment/ 即时通讯 即時通訊 S - 3 jí shí tōng xùn f /instant messaging (IM)/instant message/ 即時 即时 T - 428 jí shí f /immediate/ 即時制 即时制 T - 0 jí shí zhì f /real-time (gaming)/ 即時即地 即时即地 T - 0 jí shí jí dì f /moment-to-moment/ 即時通訊 即时通讯 T - 3 jí shí tōng xùn f /instant messaging (IM)/instant message/ 即溶咖啡 - 0 jí róng kā fēi f /instant coffee/ 即為 即为 T - 3 jí wéi f /to be considered to be/to be defined to be/to be called/ 即由 - 0 jí yóu f /namely/ 即興 即兴 T - 160 jí xìng f /improvisation (in the arts)/impromptu/extemporaneous/ 即興之作 即兴之作 T - 7 jí xìng zhī zuò f /improvisation/ 即興發揮 即兴发挥 T - 0 jí xìng fā huī f /improvisation/ 即食 - 7 jí shí f /instant (food)/ 却 㕁 S 626 61348 què f /old variant of 卻|却[que4]/ 却 卻 S 626 61348 què f /but/yet/however/while/to go back/to decline/to retreat/nevertheless/even though/ 却之不恭 卻之不恭 S - 20 què zhī bù gōng f /to refuse would be impolite/ 却倒 卻倒 S - 0 què dào f /but on the contrary/but unexpectedly/ 却才 卻才 S - 0 què cái f /just now/ 却是 卻是 S - 7797 què shì f /nevertheless/actually/the fact is .../ 却步 卻步 S - 5 què bù f /to step back/ 却病 卻病 S - 0 què bìng f /to prevent or treat a disease/ 卵 - 1546 luǎn f /egg/ovum/spawn/ 卵圆 卵圓 S - 0 luǎn yuán f /oval/ellipse/ 卵圆形 卵圓形 S - 3 luǎn yuán xíng f /oval/ellipsoidal/ 卵圆窗 卵圓窗 S - 0 luǎn yuán chuāng f /oval window between middle and inner ear/ 卵圓 卵圆 T - 0 luǎn yuán f /oval/ellipse/ 卵圓形 卵圆形 T - 3 luǎn yuán xíng f /oval/ellipsoidal/ 卵圓窗 卵圆窗 T - 0 luǎn yuán chuāng f /oval window between middle and inner ear/ 卵子 - 129 luǎn zǐ t /ovum/ 卵子 - 129 luǎn zi f /testicles/penis/ 卵巢 - 357 luǎn cháo f /ovary/ 卵巢窝 卵巢窩 S - 0 luǎn cháo wō f /ovary/ 卵巢窩 卵巢窝 T - 0 luǎn cháo wō f /ovary/ 卵形 - 184 luǎn xíng f /oval/egg-shaped (leaves in botany)/ 卵模 - 0 luǎn mó f /ootype (site of egg composition in flatworm biology)/ 卵母細胞 卵母细胞 T - 3 luǎn mǔ xì bāo f /egg cell/ 卵母细胞 卵母細胞 S - 3 luǎn mǔ xì bāo f /egg cell/ 卵泡 - 60 luǎn pào f /follicle/ 卵石 - 111 luǎn shí f /cobble/pebble/ 卵磷脂 - 23 luǎn lín zhī f /lecithin (phospholipid found in egg yolk)/ 卵精巢 - 0 luǎn jīng cháo f /ovaries and testes/ 卵裂 - 3 luǎn liè f /cleavage of fertilized ovum into cells/ 卵黃 卵黄 T - 52 luǎn huáng f /egg yolk/ 卵黃囊 卵黄囊 T - 0 luǎn huáng náng f /yolk sac (ectodermal cells attaching fetus to uterus before the development of the placenta)/ 卵黃管 卵黄管 T - 0 luǎn huáng guǎn f /vitelline duct/ 卵黃腺 卵黄腺 T - 0 luǎn huáng xiàn f /vitelline glands/vitellaria (in biology)/ 卵黄 卵黃 S - 52 luǎn huáng f /egg yolk/ 卵黄囊 卵黃囊 S - 0 luǎn huáng náng f /yolk sac (ectodermal cells attaching fetus to uterus before the development of the placenta)/ 卵黄管 卵黃管 S - 0 luǎn huáng guǎn f /vitelline duct/ 卵黄腺 卵黃腺 S - 0 luǎn huáng xiàn f /vitelline glands/vitellaria (in biology)/ 卷 2596 5269 juǎn t /to roll up/roll/classifier for small rolled things (wad of paper money, movie reel etc)/ 卷 2596 5269 juàn f /scroll/book/volume/chapter/examination paper/classifier for books, paintings: volume, scroll/ 卷 捲 S 2596 5269 juǎn t /to roll (up)/to sweep up/to carry on/roll/ 卷云 卷雲 S - 16 juǎn yún f /cirrus (cloud)/ 卷入 捲入 S - 332 juǎn rù f /to be drawn into/to be involved in/ 卷刃 - 0 juǎn rèn f /curved blade/ 卷发 捲髮 S - 32 juǎn fà f /to curl hair/ 卷发器 捲髮器 S - 3 juǎn fà qì f /hair curler/ 卷土重來 卷土重来 T - 126 juǎn tǔ chóng lái f /lit. to return in a swirl of dust (idiom)/fig. to regroup and come back even stronger/to make a comeback/ 卷土重来 卷土重來 S - 126 juǎn tǔ chóng lái f /lit. to return in a swirl of dust (idiom)/fig. to regroup and come back even stronger/to make a comeback/ 卷地皮 - 0 juǎn dì pí f /to plunder the land and extort from the peasant/corrupt practice/ 卷子 - 166 juǎn zi f /steamed roll/spring roll/ 卷子 - 166 juàn zi t /test paper/examination paper/ 卷宗 - 295 juàn zōng f /file/folder/dossier/ 卷尺 - 3 juǎn chǐ f /tape measure/tape rule/CL:把[ba3]/ 卷层云 卷層雲 S - 13 juǎn céng yún f /cirrostratus (cloud)/also written 捲層雲|卷层云[juan3 ceng2 yun2]/ 卷层云 捲層雲 S - 13 juǎn céng yún f /cirrostratus (cloud)/also written 卷層雲|卷层云[juan3 ceng2 yun2]/ 卷層雲 卷层云 T - 13 juǎn céng yún f /cirrostratus (cloud)/also written 捲層雲|卷层云[juan3 ceng2 yun2]/ 卷巴 - 0 juǎn bā f /to bundle up/ 卷帘门 卷簾門 S - 2 juǎn lián mén f /roll-up door/ 卷帘门 捲帘門 S - 2 juǎn lián mén f /roll-up door/ 卷帙 - 15 juàn zhì f /book/ 卷帙浩繁 - 23 juàn zhì hào fán f /a huge amount (of books and papers)/ 卷带 捲帶 S - 0 juǎn dài f /tape/ 卷心菜 - 84 juǎn xīn cài f /cabbage/CL:棵[ke1]/ 卷心菜 捲心菜 S - 84 juǎn xīn cài f /variant of 卷心菜[juan3 xin1 cai4]/ 卷扬 捲揚 S - 4 juǎn yáng f /a whirlwind/ 卷扬机 捲揚機 S - 10 juǎn yáng jī f /a capstan/ 卷曲 捲曲 S - 96 juǎn qū f /to curl (hair)/to crimp/to roll up/curly/ 卷烟 卷煙 S - 315 juǎn yān f /cigarette/cigar/ 卷煙 卷烟 T - 315 juǎn yān f /cigarette/cigar/ 卷积云 捲積雲 S - 8 juǎn jī yún f /cirrocumulus (cloud)/ 卷笔刀 卷筆刀 S - 3 juǎn bǐ dāo f /pencil sharpener (blade-only type)/ 卷筆刀 卷笔刀 T - 3 juǎn bǐ dāo f /pencil sharpener (blade-only type)/ 卷簾門 卷帘门 T - 2 juǎn lián mén f /roll-up door/ 卷繞 卷绕 T - 22 juǎn rào f /to wind/to coil/to spool/to loop around/winding/ 卷线器 捲線器 S - 0 juǎn xiàn qì f /fishing reel/ 卷绕 卷繞 S - 22 juǎn rào f /to wind/to coil/to spool/to loop around/winding/ 卷羽鵜鶘 卷羽鹈鹕 T - 0 juǎn yǔ tí hú f /(bird species of China) Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus crispus)/ 卷羽鹈鹕 卷羽鵜鶘 S - 0 juǎn yǔ tí hú f /(bird species of China) Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus crispus)/ 卷舌元音 - 3 juǎn shé yuán yīn f /retroflex vowel (e.g. the final r of putonghua)/ 卷舌元音 捲舌元音 S - 3 juǎn shé yuán yīn f /retroflex vowel (e.g. the final r of putonghua)/ 卷裹 - 0 juǎn guǒ f /to wrap up/(fig.) to envelop/to swallow up/ 卷起 - 433 juǎn qǐ f /to roll up/to curl up/to furl (a flag, umbrella etc)/to swirl (of dust, wind, sandstorm etc)/twist (in gymnastics)/ 卷起 捲起 S - 433 juǎn qǐ f /variant of 卷起[juan3 qi3]/ 卷軸 卷轴 T - 93 juàn zhóu f /scroll (book or painting)/ 卷轴 卷軸 S - 93 juàn zhóu f /scroll (book or painting)/ 卷边 捲邊 S - 0 juǎn biān f /to hem/hem/to curl (at the edge)/ 卷逃 捲逃 S - 8 juǎn táo f /to bundle up valuables and abscond/ 卷铺盖 捲鋪蓋 S - 18 juǎn pū gài f /to pack and quit/to be sacked/ 卷铺盖走人 捲鋪蓋走人 S - 5 juǎn pū gài zǒu rén f /to pack one's things and leave/ 卷雲 卷云 T - 16 juǎn yún f /cirrus (cloud)/ 卷须 卷鬚 S - 26 juǎn xū f /tendril/ 卷须 捲鬚 S - 26 juǎn xū f /tendril/ 卷风 捲風 S - 3 juǎn fēng f /see 龍捲風|龙卷风[long2 juan3 feng1]/ 卷饼 捲餅 S - 0 juǎn bǐng f /rolled-up pastry/roll/turnover (patisserie)/ 卷鬚 卷须 T - 26 juǎn xū f /tendril/ 卸 - 955 xiè f /to unload/to unhitch/to remove or strip/to get rid of/ 卸下 - 132 xiè xià f /to unload/ 卸任 - 151 xiè rèn f /to leave office/ 卸头 卸頭 S - 0 xiè tóu f /(of a woman) to take off one's head ornaments and jewels/ 卸套 - 0 xiè tào f /to loosen a yoke/to remove harness (from beast of burden)/ 卸妆 卸妝 S - 77 xiè zhuāng f /to remove makeup/to take off formal dress and ornaments (traditional)/ 卸妝 卸妆 T - 77 xiè zhuāng f /to remove makeup/to take off formal dress and ornaments (traditional)/ 卸磨杀驴 卸磨殺驢 S - 5 xiè mò shā lǘ f /lit. to kill the donkey when the grinding is done (idiom)/to get rid of sb once he has ceased to be useful/ 卸磨殺驢 卸磨杀驴 T - 5 xiè mò shā lǘ f /lit. to kill the donkey when the grinding is done (idiom)/to get rid of sb once he has ceased to be useful/ 卸职 卸職 S - 13 xiè zhí f /to resign from office/to dismiss from office/ 卸職 卸职 T - 13 xiè zhí f /to resign from office/to dismiss from office/ 卸肩儿 卸肩兒 S - 0 xiè jiān r f /lit. a weight off one's shoulders/fig. to resign a post/to lay down a burden/to be relieved of a job/ 卸肩兒 卸肩儿 T - 0 xiè jiān r f /lit. a weight off one's shoulders/fig. to resign a post/to lay down a burden/to be relieved of a job/ 卸装 卸裝 S - 7 xiè zhuāng f /to unload/ 卸裝 卸装 T - 7 xiè zhuāng f /to unload/ 卸貨 卸货 T - 31 xiè huò f /to unload/to discharge cargo/ 卸货 卸貨 S - 31 xiè huò f /to unload/to discharge cargo/ 卸載 卸载 T - 25 xiè zài f /to disembark/to off-load cargo/to uninstall (software)/ 卸载 卸載 S - 25 xiè zài f /to disembark/to off-load cargo/to uninstall (software)/ 卸頭 卸头 T - 0 xiè tóu f /(of a woman) to take off one's head ornaments and jewels/ 卹 恤 T - 211 xù f /anxiety/sympathy/to sympathize/to give relief/to compensate/ 卺 巹 S - 8 jǐn f /nuptial wine cup/ 卺饮 巹飲 S - 0 jǐn yǐn f /to share nuptial cup/fig. to get married/ 卻 却 T 626 61348 què f /but/yet/however/while/to go back/to decline/to retreat/nevertheless/even though/ 卻之不恭 却之不恭 T - 20 què zhī bù gōng f /to refuse would be impolite/ 卻倒 却倒 T - 0 què dào f /but on the contrary/but unexpectedly/ 卻才 却才 T - 0 què cái f /just now/ 卻是 却是 T - 7797 què shì f /nevertheless/actually/the fact is .../ 卻步 却步 T - 5 què bù f /to step back/ 卻病 却病 T - 0 què bìng f /to prevent or treat a disease/ 卼 - 0 wù f /uncomfortable/unsteady/ 卽 - 0 jí f /variant of 即[ji2]/promptly/ 卿 - 1123 qīng f /high ranking official (old)/term of endearment between spouses (old)/(from the Tang Dynasty onwards) term used by the emperor for his subjects (old)/honorific (old)/ 卿卿我我 - 29 qīng qīng wǒ wǒ f /to bill and coo (idiom)/to whisper sweet nothings to one another/to be very much in love/ 厀 膝 T - 908 xī f /old variant of 膝[xi1]/ 厂 - 5728 hǎn f /"cliff" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 27), occurring in 原, 历, 压 etc/ 厂 廠 S - 5728 chǎng t /factory/yard/depot/workhouse/works/(industrial) plant/ 厂丝 廠絲 S - 0 chǎng sī f /filature silk/ 厂主 廠主 S - 52 chǎng zhǔ f /factory owner/ 厂史 廠史 S - 3 chǎng shǐ f /factory history/ 厂商 廠商 S - 1183 chǎng shāng f /manufacturer/producer/ 厂址 廠址 S - 25 chǎng zhǐ f /factory site/location/ 厂子 廠子 S - 115 chǎng zi f /(coll.) factory/mill/yard/depot/ 厂字旁 - 0 chǎng zì páng f /name of "cliff" 厂 radical in simplified Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 27)/ 厂家 廠家 S - 654 chǎng jiā f /factory/factory owners/ 厂工 廠工 S - 0 chǎng gōng f /factory/factory worker/ 厂房 廠房 S - 309 chǎng fáng f /a building used as a factory/factory (building)/CL:座[zuo4],棟|栋[dong4]/ 厂牌 廠牌 S - 5 chǎng pái f /brand (of a product)/ 厂矿 廠礦 S - 103 chǎng kuàng f /factories and mines/ 厂礼拜 廠禮拜 S - 0 chǎng lǐ bài f /day off (work)/ 厂规 廠規 S - 3 chǎng guī f /factory regulations/ 厂长 廠長 S - 789 chǎng zhǎng f /factory director/ 厄 - 683 è f /distressed/ 厄 戹 S - 683 è f /variant of 厄[e4]/ 厄什塔 - 0 E shén tǎ f /Ørsta (city in Norway)/ 厄利垂亚 厄利垂亞 S - 0 E lì chuí yà f /Eritrea (Tw)/ 厄利垂亞 厄利垂亚 T - 0 E lì chuí yà f /Eritrea (Tw)/ 厄勒布魯 厄勒布鲁 T - 0 E lè bù lǔ f /Örebro (city in Sweden)/ 厄勒布鲁 厄勒布魯 S - 0 E lè bù lǔ f /Örebro (city in Sweden)/ 厄勒海峡 厄勒海峽 S - 0 E lè Hǎi xiá f /Øresund/The Sound (strait between Denmark and Sweden)/ 厄勒海峽 厄勒海峡 T - 0 E lè Hǎi xiá f /Øresund/The Sound (strait between Denmark and Sweden)/ 厄境 - 3 è jìng f /difficult situation/ 厄尔尼诺 厄爾尼諾 S - 77 E ěr Ní nuò f /El Niño, equatorial climate variation in the Pacific/ 厄尔尼诺现象 厄爾尼諾現象 S - 0 è ěr ní nuò xiàn xiàng f /El Niño effect, equatorial climatic variation over the Pacific Ocean/ 厄尔布鲁士 厄爾布魯士 S - 0 E ěr bù lǔ shì f /Mt Elbrus, the highest peak of the Caucasus mountains/ 厄洛斯 - 0 E luò sī f /Eros (Cupid)/ 厄爾尼諾 厄尔尼诺 T - 77 E ěr Ní nuò f /El Niño, equatorial climate variation in the Pacific/ 厄爾尼諾現象 厄尔尼诺现象 T - 0 è ěr ní nuò xiàn xiàng f /El Niño effect, equatorial climatic variation over the Pacific Ocean/ 厄爾布魯士 厄尔布鲁士 T - 0 E ěr bù lǔ shì f /Mt Elbrus, the highest peak of the Caucasus mountains/ 厄瓜多 - 0 E guā duō f /Ecuador (Tw)/ 厄瓜多尔 厄瓜多爾 S - 209 E guā duō ěr f /Ecuador/ 厄瓜多爾 厄瓜多尔 T - 209 E guā duō ěr f /Ecuador/ 厄立特里亚 厄立特里亞 S - 101 E lì tè lǐ yà f /Eritrea/ 厄立特里亞 厄立特里亚 T - 101 E lì tè lǐ yà f /Eritrea/ 厄运 厄運 S - 134 è yùn f /bad luck/misfortune/adversity/ 厄運 厄运 T - 134 è yùn f /bad luck/misfortune/adversity/ 厅 廳 S - 4146 tīng f /(reception) hall/living room/office/provincial government department/ 厅堂 廳堂 S - 364 tīng táng f /hall/ 厅长 廳長 S - 406 tīng zhǎng f /head of provincial PRC government department/ 历 厤 S - 1988 lì f /old variant of 曆|历[li4]/old variant of 歷|历[li4]/ 历 曆 S - 1988 lì f /calendar/ 历 歴 S - 1988 lì f /old variant of 歷|历[li4]/ 历 歷 S - 1988 lì f /to experience/to undergo/to pass through/all/each/every/history/ 历下 歷下 S - 0 Lì xià f /Lixia district of Ji'nan city 濟南市|济南市[Ji3 nan2 shi4], Shandong/ 历下区 歷下區 S - 25 Lì xià qū f /Lixia district of Ji'nan city 濟南市|济南市[Ji3 nan2 shi4], Shandong/ 历久弥坚 歷久彌堅 S - 3 lì jiǔ mí jiān f /to become more resolute with the passing of time (idiom)/ 历代 歷代 S 4929 2261 lì dài f /successive generations/successive dynasties/past dynasties/ 历代志上 歷代志上 S - 0 Lì dài zhì shàng f /First book of Chronicles/ 历代志下 歷代志下 S - 0 Lì dài zhì xià f /Second book of Chronicles/ 历任 歷任 S - 1372 lì rèn f /to hold jobs successively/appointed (from one job to another)/ 历历可数 歷歷可數 S - 5 lì lì kě shǔ f /each one distinguishable/ 历历在目 歷歷在目 S - 74 lì lì zài mù f /vivid in one's mind (idiom)/ 历史 歷史 S 472 34460 lì shǐ f /history/CL:門|门[men2],段[duan4]/ 历史上 歷史上 S - 0 lì shǐ shàng f /historical/in history/ 历史久远 歷史久遠 S - 0 lì shǐ jiǔ yuǎn f /ancient history/ 历史事件 歷史事件 S - 0 lì shǐ shì jiàn f /historical incident/ 历史人物 歷史人物 S - 0 lì shǐ rén wù f /historical person/ 历史剧 歷史劇 S - 145 lì shǐ jù f /historical drama/ 历史博物馆 歷史博物館 S - 100 lì shǐ bó wù guǎn f /historical museum/ 历史学 歷史學 S - 179 lì shǐ xué f /history/ 历史学家 歷史學家 S - 397 lì shǐ xué jiā f /historian/ 历史家 歷史家 S - 0 lì shǐ jiā f /historian/ 历史性 歷史性 S - 669 lì shǐ xìng f /historic/ 历史悠久 歷史悠久 S - 3 lì shǐ yōu jiǔ f /long-established/time-honored/ 历史意义 歷史意義 S - 0 lì shǐ yì yì f /historic significance/ 历史成本 歷史成本 S - 0 lì shǐ chéng běn f /historic cost (accounting)/ 历史新高 歷史新高 S - 0 lì shǐ xīn gāo f /all-time high/ 历史时期 歷史時期 S - 0 lì shǐ shí qī f /historical period/ 历史沿革 歷史沿革 S - 3 lì shǐ yán gé f /historical development/background/ 历史版本 歷史版本 S - 0 lì shǐ bǎn běn f /historical edition/revision history (of a web page)/ 历史背景 歷史背景 S - 3 lì shǐ bèi jǐng f /historical background/ 历史观点 歷史觀點 S - 0 lì shǐ guān diǎn f /historical standpoint/ 历史遗产 歷史遺產 S - 0 lì shǐ yí chǎn f /heritage/historical legacy/ 历史遗迹 歷史遺跡 S - 0 lì shǐ yí jì f /historical remains/historic monuments/ 历城 歷城 S - 25 Lì chéng f /Licheng district of Ji'nan city 濟南市|济南市[Ji3 nan2 shi4], Shandong/ 历城区 歷城區 S - 8 Lì chéng qū f /Licheng district of Ji'nan city 濟南市|济南市[Ji3 nan2 shi4], Shandong/ 历尽 歷盡 S - 96 lì jìn f /to have experienced a lot of/to have been through/ 历尽沧桑 歷盡滄桑 S - 14 lì jìn cāng sāng f /to have been through the hardships of life/to have been through the mill/ 历届 歷屆 S - 508 lì jiè f /all previous (meetings, sessions etc)/ 历年 曆年 S - 420 lì nián f /calendar year/ 历年 歷年 S - 420 lì nián f /over the years/bygone years/ 历数 歷數 S - 71 lì shǔ f /to enumerate/to count (one by one)/ 历时 歷時 S - 1618 lì shí f /to last/to take (time)/period/ 历朝通俗演义 歷朝通俗演義 S - 0 lì cháo tōng sú yǎn yì f /Dramatized history of successive dynasties (from Han to Republican China) by Cai Dongfan 蔡東藩|蔡东藩/ 历来 歷來 S 4718 2078 lì lái f /always/throughout (a period of time)/(of) all-time/ 历来最低点 歷來最低點 S - 0 lì lái zuì dī diǎn f /all time low (point)/ 历次 歷次 S - 293 lì cì f /each (item in sequence)/successive/ 历法 曆法 S - 309 lì fǎ f /calendar science/calendar system/ 历法 歷法 S - 309 lì fǎ f /variant of 曆法|历法 calendar/ 历程 歷程 S - 762 lì chéng f /course/process/ 历练 歷練 S - 78 lì liàn f /to learn through experience/experience/practiced/experienced/ 历经 歷經 S - 873 lì jīng f /to experience/to go through/ 历险 歷險 S - 36 lì xiǎn f /to experience adventures/ 厉 厲 S - 272 Lì f /surname Li/ 厉 厲 S - 272 lì f /strict/severe/ 厉声 厲聲 S - 977 lì shēng f /stern voice/ 厉害 厲害 S 812 3850 lì hai f /difficult to deal with/difficult to endure/ferocious/radical/serious/terrible/violent/tremendous/awesome/ 厉目而视 厲目而視 S - 0 lì mù ér shì f /to cut sb a severe look (idiom)/ 厉行节约 厲行節約 S - 34 lì xíng jié yuē f /to practice strict economy (idiom)/ 厉鬼 厲鬼 S - 98 lì guǐ f /malicious spirit/devil/ 压 壓 S - 4586 yā t /to press/to push down/to keep under (control)/pressure/ 压 壓 S - 4586 yà f /see 壓根兒|压根儿[ya4 gen1 r5]/ 压不碎 壓不碎 S - 3 yā bu suì f /crush-proof/unbreakable/indomitable/ 压价 壓價 S - 39 yā jià f /to depress prices/ 压伏 壓伏 S - 0 yā fú f /variant of 壓服|压服[ya1 fu2]/ 压低 壓低 S - 475 yā dī f /to lower (one's voice)/ 压住 壓住 S - 3 yā zhù f /to press down/to crush down/to restrain (anger)/to keep down (voice)/ 压倒 壓倒 S - 417 yā dǎo f /to overwhelm/to overpower/overwhelming/ 压倒性 壓倒性 S - 64 yā dǎo xìng f /overwhelming/ 压克力 壓克力 S - 3 yā kè lì f /acrylic (loanword)/see also 亞克力|亚克力[ya4 ke4 li4]/ 压制 壓制 S 2808 689 yā zhì f /to suppress/to inhibit/to stifle/ 压力 壓力 S 810 6044 yā lì f /pressure/ 压力容器 壓力容器 S - 3 yā lì róng qì f /pressure vessel/autoclave/ 压力强度 壓力強度 S - 3 yā lì qiáng dù f /pressure (as measured)/ 压力计 壓力計 S - 16 yā lì jì f /pressure gauge/manometer/piezometer/ 压力锅 壓力鍋 S - 2 yā lì guō f /pressure cooker/ 压压脚 壓壓腳 S - 0 yā ya jiǎo f /to help out/ 压压脚儿 壓壓腳兒 S - 0 yā ya jiǎo r f /erhua variant of 壓壓腳|压压脚[ya1 ya5 jiao3]/ 压台戏 壓臺戲 S - 4 yā tái xì f /last item on a show/grand finale/ 压坏 壓壞 S - 3 yā huài f /to crush/ 压垮 壓垮 S - 33 yā kuǎ f /to cause sth to collapse under the weight/(fig.) to overwhelm/ 压埋 壓埋 S - 0 yā mái f /to crush and bury/ 压宝 壓寶 S - 3 yā bǎo f /variant of 押寶|押宝[ya1 bao3]/ 压岁钱 壓歲錢 S 4953 41 yā suì qián f /money given to children as new year present/ 压强 壓強 S - 202 yā qiáng f /pressure (physics)/ 压扁 壓扁 S - 3 yā biǎn f /to squash/to crush flat/ 压抑 壓抑 S 3270 664 yā yì f /to constrain or repress emotions/oppressive/stifling/depressing/repression/ 压挤 壓擠 S - 3 yā jǐ f /to squeeze out/to extrude/ 压服 壓服 S - 48 yā fú f /to compel sb to obey/to force into submission/to subjugate/ 压板 壓板 S - 5 yà bǎn f /vise jaw/press board (machine)/see-saw/ 压根 壓根 S - 142 yà gēn f /from the start/absolutely/entirely/simply/ 压根儿 壓根兒 S - 236 yà gēn r f /erhua variant of 壓根|压根[ya4 gen1]/ 压榨 壓榨 S 4480 130 yā zhà f /to press/to squeeze/to extract juice, oil etc by squeezing/ 压电 壓電 S - 102 yā diàn f /piezoelectricity (physics)/ 压电体 壓電體 S - 3 yā diàn tǐ f /piezo-electric/ 压碎 壓碎 S - 3 yā suì f /to crush/ 压紧 壓緊 S - 3 yā jǐn f /to compress/ 压线 壓線 S - 3 yā xiàn f /pressure crease/fig. to toil for sb else's benefit/line ball (i.e. on the line)/ 压线钳 壓線鉗 S - 0 yā xiàn qián f /crimping pliers/amp pliers/ 压缩 壓縮 S 4345 718 yā suō f /to compress/compression/ 压缩器 壓縮器 S - 4 yā suō qì f /compressor/ 压缩机 壓縮機 S - 79 yā suō jī f /compactor/compressor/ 压缩比 壓縮比 S - 3 yā suō bǐ f /compression ratio/ 压而不服 壓而不服 S - 3 yā ér bù fú f /coercion will never convince (idiom)/ 压舌板 壓舌板 S - 3 yā shé bǎn f /tongue depressor/spatula/ 压花 壓花 S - 3 yā huā f /to emboss/coining/knurling/ 压蒜器 壓蒜器 S - 0 yā suàn qì f /garlic press/ 压路机 壓路機 S - 12 yā lù jī f /road roller/ 压车 壓車 S - 0 yā chē f /variant of 押車|押车[ya1 che1]/ 压轴好戏 壓軸好戲 S - 3 yā zhòu hǎo xì f /see 壓軸戲|压轴戏[ya1 zhou4 xi4]/ 压轴戏 壓軸戲 S - 18 yā zhòu xì f /next-to-last item on a program (theater)/climax/ 压迫 壓迫 S 3491 1546 yā pò f /to oppress/to repress/to constrict/oppression/stress (physics)/ 压阵 壓陣 S - 26 yā zhèn f /to bring up the rear/to provide support/to hold the lines/ 压韵 壓韻 S - 3 yā yùn f /variant of 押韻|押韵[ya1 yun4]/ 压马路 壓馬路 S - 3 yà mǎ lù f /variant of 軋馬路|轧马路[ya4 ma3 lu4]/ 厌 厭 S - 551 yàn f /to loathe/ 厌世 厭世 S - 20 yàn shì f /world-weary/pessimistic/ 厌倦 厭倦 S - 228 yàn juàn f /to be weary of/to be fed up with/tedious/ 厌弃 厭棄 S - 57 yàn qì f /to spurn/to reject/ 厌恨 厭恨 S - 3 yàn hèn f /to hate/to detest/ 厌恶 厭惡 S 3054 568 yàn wù f /to loathe/to hate/disgusted with sth/ 厌恶人类者 厭惡人類者 S - 0 yàn wù rén lèi zhě f /misanthrope/ 厌气 厭氣 S - 0 yàn qì f /fed up with/loathsome/ 厌氧 厭氧 S - 0 yàn yǎng f /anaerobic/ 厌氧菌 厭氧菌 S - 22 yàn yǎng jūn f /anaerobic bacteria/ 厌烦 厭煩 S - 236 yàn fán f /bored/fed up with sth/sick of sth/ 厌腻 厭膩 S - 3 yàn nì f /to detest/to abhor/ 厌薄 厭薄 S - 0 yàn bó f /to despise/to look down upon sth/ 厌酷球孢子菌 厭酷球孢子菌 S - 0 yàn kù qiú bāo zǐ jūn f /Coccidioides immitis/ 厌食 厭食 S - 47 yàn shí f /anorexia/ 厌食症 厭食症 S - 13 yàn shí zhèng f /anorexia/ 厍 厙 S - 155 Shè f /surname She/ 厎 - 0 zhǐ f /whetstone/ 厐 龎 S - 2 páng f /variant of 龐|庞[pang2], huge/enormous/ 厓 - 29 yá f /old form of 崖 (cliff) and 涯 (bank)/ 厔 - 70 zhì f /river bent/ 厕 厠 S - 141 cè t /variant of 廁|厕[ce4]/ 厕 廁 S - 141 cè t /restroom/toilet/lavatory/ 厕 廁 S - 141 sì f /see 茅廁|茅厕[mao2 si5]/ 厕具 廁具 S - 0 cè jù f /toilet fittings/ 厕所 廁所 S 893 906 cè suǒ f /toilet/lavatory/CL:間|间[jian1],處|处[chu4]/ 厕纸 廁紙 S - 0 cè zhǐ f /toilet paper/ 厕身 廁身 S - 3 cè shēn f /to participate (in sth)/to play a humble role in/ 厖 - 55 páng f /huge/ 厗 - 3 tí f /old stone or mineral, possibly related to antimony Sb 銻|锑[ti1]/ 厗奚 - 0 Tí xī f /old place name (in Yan of Warring states, in modern Beijing city)/ 厘 - 428 lí f /variant of 釐|厘[li2]/ 厘 釐 S - 428 Lí f /Li (c. 2000 BC), sixth of the legendary Flame Emperors 炎帝[Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God, also known as Ai 哀[Ai1]/ 厘 釐 S - 428 lí f /one hundredth/centi-/ 厘克 - 0 lí kè f /centigram/ 厘升 - 3 lí shēng f /centiliter/ 厘清 釐清 S - 22 lí qīng f /to clarify (the facts)/clarification/ 厘米 2276 3894 lí mǐ f /centimeter/also written 釐米|厘米/ 厘米 釐米 S 2276 3894 lí mǐ f /centimeter/also written 厘米/ 厘金 - 3 lí jīn f /a form of transit taxation in China introduced to finance armies to suppress the Taiping Rebellion/ 厙 厍 T - 155 Shè f /surname She/ 厚 1090 4878 hòu f /thick/deep or profound/kind/generous/rich or strong in flavor/to favor/to stress/ 厚养薄葬 厚養薄葬 S - 0 hòu yǎng bó zàng f /generous care but a thrifty funeral/to look after one's parents generously, but not waste money on a lavish funeral/ 厚古薄今 - 2 hòu gǔ bó jīn f /to revere the past and neglect the present (idiom)/ 厚嘴啄花鳥 厚嘴啄花鸟 T - 0 hòu zuǐ zhuó huā niǎo f /(bird species of China) thick-billed flowerpecker (Dicaeum agile)/ 厚嘴啄花鸟 厚嘴啄花鳥 S - 0 hòu zuǐ zhuó huā niǎo f /(bird species of China) thick-billed flowerpecker (Dicaeum agile)/ 厚嘴綠鳩 厚嘴绿鸠 T - 0 hòu zuǐ lǜ jiū f /(bird species of China) thick-billed green pigeon (Treron curvirostra)/ 厚嘴绿鸠 厚嘴綠鳩 S - 0 hòu zuǐ lǜ jiū f /(bird species of China) thick-billed green pigeon (Treron curvirostra)/ 厚嘴苇莺 厚嘴葦鶯 S - 0 hòu zuǐ wěi yīng f /(bird species of China) thick-billed warbler (Phragamaticola aedon)/ 厚嘴葦鶯 厚嘴苇莺 T - 0 hòu zuǐ wěi yīng f /(bird species of China) thick-billed warbler (Phragamaticola aedon)/ 厚報 厚报 T - 0 hòu bào f /generous reward/ 厚实 厚實 S - 157 hòu shi f /thick/substantial/sturdy/solid/ 厚實 厚实 T - 157 hòu shi f /thick/substantial/sturdy/solid/ 厚底鞋 - 0 hòu dǐ xié f /platform shoes/ 厚度 - 685 hòu dù f /thickness/ 厚待 - 36 hòu dài f /generous treatment/ 厚德載物 厚德载物 T - 3 hòu dé zài wù f /with great virtue one can take charge of the world (idiom)/ 厚德载物 厚德載物 S - 3 hòu dé zài wù f /with great virtue one can take charge of the world (idiom)/ 厚报 厚報 S - 0 hòu bào f /generous reward/ 厚望 - 111 hòu wàng f /great hopes/great expectations/ 厚朴 - 47 hòu pò f /magnolia bark (bark of Magnolia officinalis)/ 厚此薄彼 - 15 hòu cǐ bó bǐ f /to favour one and discriminate against the other/ 厚死薄生 - 0 hòu sǐ bó shēng f /lit. to praise the dead and revile the living/fig. to live in the past (idiom)/ 厚生劳动省 厚生勞動省 S - 0 Hòu shēng Láo dòng shěng f /Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (Japan)/ 厚生勞動省 厚生劳动省 T - 0 Hòu shēng Láo dòng shěng f /Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (Japan)/ 厚生相 - 0 hòu shēng xiàng f /minister of health (of Japan, UK etc)/ 厚生省 - 3 Hòu shēng shěng f /Ministry of Health and Welfare (Japan) (replaced in 2001 by 厚生勞動省|厚生劳动省[Hou4 sheng1 Lao2 dong4 sheng3])/ 厚礼 厚禮 S - 108 hòu lǐ f /generous gifts/ 厚禮 厚礼 T - 108 hòu lǐ f /generous gifts/ 厚积薄发 厚積薄發 S - 12 hòu jī bó fā f /lit. to have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly (idiom)/good preparation is the key to success/to be well prepared/ 厚積薄發 厚积薄发 T - 12 hòu jī bó fā f /lit. to have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly (idiom)/good preparation is the key to success/to be well prepared/ 厚脸皮 厚臉皮 S - 13 hòu liǎn pí f /brazen/shameless/impudent/cheek/thick-skinned/ 厚臉皮 厚脸皮 T - 13 hòu liǎn pí f /brazen/shameless/impudent/cheek/thick-skinned/ 厚薄 - 84 hòu báo t /thickness/also pr. [hou4 bo2]/ 厚薄 - 84 hòu bó f /to favor one and discriminate against the other (abbr. for 厚此薄彼[hou4 ci3 bo2 bi3])/ 厚誼 厚谊 T - 2 hòu yì f /generous friendship/ 厚谊 厚誼 S - 2 hòu yì f /generous friendship/ 厚道 - 122 hòu dao f /kind and honest/generous/sincere/ 厚重 - 435 hòu zhòng f /thick/heavy/thickset (body)/massive/generous/extravagant/profound/dignified/ 厚顏 厚颜 T - 5 hòu yán f /shameless/ 厚顏無恥 厚颜无耻 T - 44 hòu yán wú chǐ f /shameless/ 厚颜 厚顏 S - 5 hòu yán f /shameless/ 厚颜无耻 厚顏無恥 S - 44 hòu yán wú chǐ f /shameless/ 厚養薄葬 厚养薄葬 T - 0 hòu yǎng bó zàng f /generous care but a thrifty funeral/to look after one's parents generously, but not waste money on a lavish funeral/ 厜 - 147 zuī f /a mountain peak/ 厝 - 74 cuò f /to lay in place/to put/to place a coffin in a temporary location pending burial/ 厝火积薪 厝火積薪 S - 0 cuò huǒ jī xīn f /lit. to put a fire under a pile of firewood (idiom)/fig. hidden danger/imminent danger/ 厝火積薪 厝火积薪 T - 0 cuò huǒ jī xīn f /lit. to put a fire under a pile of firewood (idiom)/fig. hidden danger/imminent danger/ 厞 - 4 fèi f /to hide/hideout/ 原 - 16926 Yuán f /Hara (Japanese surname)/ 原 - 16926 yuán f /former/original/primary/raw/level/cause/source/ 原义 原義 S - 17 yuán yì f /original meaning/ 原产 原產 S - 276 yuán chǎn f /original production/native to (of species)/ 原产国 原產國 S - 0 yuán chǎn guó f /country of origin/ 原产地 原產地 S - 83 yuán chǎn dì f /original source/place of origin/provenance/ 原人 - 15 yuán rén f /prehistoric man/primitive man/ 原件 - 221 yuán jiàn f /the original/original document/master copy/ 原位 - 72 yuán wèi f /original position/(in) the same place/normal position/the place where one currently is/in situ/ 原住民 - 17 yuán zhù mín f /indigenous peoples/aborigine/ 原住民族 - 0 yuán zhù mín zú f /original inhabitant/indigenous people/ 原作 - 101 yuán zuò f /original works/original text/original author/ 原來 原来 T 779 15084 yuán lái f /original/former/originally/formerly/at first/so, actually, as it turns out/ 原先 3534 1083 yuán xiān f /originally/original/former/ 原函数 原函數 S - 3 yuán hán shù f /antiderivative/ 原函數 原函数 T - 3 yuán hán shù f /antiderivative/ 原则 原則 S 1770 9541 yuán zé f /principle/doctrine/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 原则上 原則上 S - 359 yuán zé shang f /in principle/generally/ 原则性 原則性 S - 87 yuán zé xìng f /principled/ 原创 原創 S - 214 yuán chuàng f /originality/creativity/innovation/ 原创性 原創性 S - 14 yuán chuàng xìng f /originality/ 原則 原则 T 1770 9541 yuán zé f /principle/doctrine/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 原則上 原则上 T - 359 yuán zé shang f /in principle/generally/ 原則性 原则性 T - 87 yuán zé xìng f /principled/ 原創 原创 T - 214 yuán chuàng f /originality/creativity/innovation/ 原創性 原创性 T - 14 yuán chuàng xìng f /originality/ 原动力 原動力 S - 29 yuán dòng lì f /motive force/prime mover/first cause/agent/ 原動力 原动力 T - 29 yuán dòng lì f /motive force/prime mover/first cause/agent/ 原南斯拉夫 - 0 yuán Nán sī lā fū f /former Yugoslavia (1945-1992)/ 原原本本 - 58 yuán yuán běn běn f /from beginning to end/in its entirety/in accord with fact/literal/ 原发性进行性失语 原發性進行性失語 S - 0 yuán fā xìng jìn xíng xìng shī yǔ f /primary progressive aphasia (PPA), speech disorder (sometimes related to dementia)/ 原名 - 1278 yuán míng f /original name/ 原告 3410 412 yuán gào f /complainant/plaintiff/ 原味 - 12 yuán wèi f /authentic taste/plain cooked/natural flavor (without spices and seasonings)/ 原因 656 12682 yuán yīn f /cause/origin/root cause/reason/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 原地 - 479 yuán dì f /(in) the original place/the place where one currently is/place of origin/local (product)/ 原地踏步 - 3 yuán dì tà bù f /to mark time (military)/to make no headway/ 原址 - 309 yuán zhǐ f /original location/ 原型 - 473 yuán xíng f /model/prototype/archetype/ 原处 原處 S - 30 yuán chù f /original spot/previous place/where it was before/ 原始 3020 3432 yuán shǐ f /first/original/primitive/original (document etc)/ 原始林 - 17 yuán shǐ lín f /old growth forest/primary forest/original forest cover/ 原始热带雨林 原始熱帶雨林 S - 0 yuán shǐ rè dài yǔ lín f /virgin tropical rainforest/ 原始熱帶雨林 原始热带雨林 T - 0 yuán shǐ rè dài yǔ lín f /virgin tropical rainforest/ 原始社会 原始社會 S - 250 yuán shǐ shè huì f /primitive society/ 原始社會 原始社会 T - 250 yuán shǐ shè huì f /primitive society/ 原委 - 204 yuán wěi f /the whole story/ 原子 - 2306 yuán zǐ f /atom/atomic/ 原子半径 原子半徑 S - 0 yuán zǐ bàn jìng f /atomic radius/ 原子半徑 原子半径 T - 0 yuán zǐ bàn jìng f /atomic radius/ 原子反应堆 原子反應堆 S - 11 yuán zǐ fǎn yìng duī f /atomic reactor/ 原子反應堆 原子反应堆 T - 11 yuán zǐ fǎn yìng duī f /atomic reactor/ 原子堆 - 0 yuán zǐ duī f /atomic pile (original form of nuclear reactor)/ 原子序数 原子序數 S - 119 yuán zǐ xù shù f /atomic number/ 原子序數 原子序数 T - 119 yuán zǐ xù shù f /atomic number/ 原子弹 原子彈 S - 509 yuán zǐ dàn f /atom bomb/atomic bomb/A-bomb/ 原子彈 原子弹 T - 509 yuán zǐ dàn f /atom bomb/atomic bomb/A-bomb/ 原子核 - 478 yuán zǐ hé f /atomic nucleus/ 原子武器 - 34 yuán zǐ wǔ qì f /atomic weapon/ 原子爆弹 原子爆彈 S - 0 yuán zǐ bào dàn f /atom bomb/ 原子爆彈 原子爆弹 T - 0 yuán zǐ bào dàn f /atom bomb/ 原子爆破弹药 原子爆破彈藥 S - 0 yuán zǐ bào pò dàn yào f /atomic demolition munition/ 原子爆破彈藥 原子爆破弹药 T - 0 yuán zǐ bào pò dàn yào f /atomic demolition munition/ 原子科学家 原子科學家 S - 0 yuán zǐ kē xué jiā f /atomic scientist/nuclear scientist/ 原子科学家通报 原子科學家通報 S - 0 Yuán zǐ Kē xué jiā Tōng bào f /Journal of Atomic Scientists/ 原子科學家 原子科学家 T - 0 yuán zǐ kē xué jiā f /atomic scientist/nuclear scientist/ 原子科學家通報 原子科学家通报 T - 0 Yuán zǐ Kē xué jiā Tōng bào f /Journal of Atomic Scientists/ 原子笔 原子筆 S - 6 yuán zǐ bǐ f /ballpoint pen/also written 圓珠筆|圆珠笔/ 原子筆 原子笔 T - 6 yuán zǐ bǐ f /ballpoint pen/also written 圓珠筆|圆珠笔/ 原子能 - 303 yuán zǐ néng f /atomic energy/ 原子能发电站 原子能發電站 S - 4 yuán zǐ néng fā diàn zhàn f /atomic power station/ 原子能發電站 原子能发电站 T - 4 yuán zǐ néng fā diàn zhàn f /atomic power station/ 原子論 原子论 T - 3 yuán zǐ lùn f /atomic theory/ 原子论 原子論 S - 3 yuán zǐ lùn f /atomic theory/ 原子質量 原子质量 T - 3 yuán zǐ zhì liàng f /atomic mass/ 原子质量 原子質量 S - 3 yuán zǐ zhì liàng f /atomic mass/ 原子量 - 244 yuán zǐ liàng f /atomic weight/atomic mass/ 原子鐘 原子钟 T - 29 yuán zǐ zhōng f /atomic clock/ 原子钟 原子鐘 S - 29 yuán zǐ zhōng f /atomic clock/ 原定 - 402 yuán dìng f /originally planned/originally determined/ 原封不动 原封不動 S - 43 yuán fēng bù dòng f /sticking unmoving to the original (idiom); not an iota changed/untouched/ 原封不動 原封不动 T - 43 yuán fēng bù dòng f /sticking unmoving to the original (idiom); not an iota changed/untouched/ 原居 - 0 yuán jū f /indigenous/ 原州 - 0 Yuán zhōu f /Yuanzhou district of Guyuan city 固原市[Gu4 yuan2 shi4], Ningxia/ 原州区 原州區 S - 3 Yuán zhōu qū f /Yuanzhou district of Guyuan city 固原市[Gu4 yuan2 shi4], Ningxia/ 原州區 原州区 T - 3 Yuán zhōu qū f /Yuanzhou district of Guyuan city 固原市[Gu4 yuan2 shi4], Ningxia/ 原平 - 24 Yuán píng f /Yuanping county level city in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ 原平市 - 7 Yuán píng shì f /Yuanping county level city in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ 原形 - 60 yuán xíng f /original shape/true appearance (under the disguise)/true character/ 原形毕露 原形畢露 S - 22 yuán xíng bì lù f /original identity fully revealed (idiom); fig. to unmask and expose the whole truth/ 原形畢露 原形毕露 T - 22 yuán xíng bì lù f /original identity fully revealed (idiom); fig. to unmask and expose the whole truth/ 原意 - 265 yuán yì f /original meaning/original intention/ 原故 - 75 yuán gù f /variant of 緣故|缘故[yuan2 gu4]/ 原文 - 331 yuán wén f /original text/ 原料 2319 4055 yuán liào f /raw material/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 原有 - 2285 yuán yǒu f /original/former/ 原木 - 63 yuán mù f /logs/ 原本 - 1923 yuán běn f /originally/original/ 原材料 - 958 yuán cái liào f /raw materials/unprocessed materials/ 原来 原來 S 779 15084 yuán lái f /original/former/originally/formerly/at first/so, actually, as it turns out/ 原样 原樣 S - 75 yuán yàng f /original shape/the same as before/ 原核 - 107 yuán hé f /prokaryotic (cell)/ 原核生物 - 0 yuán hé shēng wù f /prokaryote/ 原核生物界 - 0 yuán hé shēng wù jiè f /Kingdom Monera/prokaryote/ 原核細胞 原核细胞 T - 3 yuán hé xì bāo f /prokaryote/prokaryotic cell/ 原核細胞型微生物 原核细胞型微生物 T - 0 yuán hé xì bāo xíng wēi shēng wù f /prokaryotic cell type microorganism/ 原核细胞 原核細胞 S - 3 yuán hé xì bāo f /prokaryote/prokaryotic cell/ 原核细胞型微生物 原核細胞型微生物 S - 0 yuán hé xì bāo xíng wēi shēng wù f /prokaryotic cell type microorganism/ 原樣 原样 T - 75 yuán yàng f /original shape/the same as before/ 原水 - 43 yuán shuǐ f /raw water/unpurified water/ 原汁 - 8 yuán zhī f /stock (liquid from stewing meat etc)/ 原汁原味 - 57 yuán zhī yuán wèi f /original/authentic/ 原油 - 729 yuán yóu f /crude oil/ 原点 原點 S - 52 yuán diǎn f /origin (math.)/origin of coordinates/ 原点矩 原點矩 S - 0 yuán diǎn jǔ f /(statistics) moment/ 原煤 - 104 yuán méi f /raw coal/ 原爆 - 0 yuán bào f /atom bomb/contraction of 原子爆彈|原子爆弹[yuan2 zi3 bao4 dan4]/ 原爆点 原爆點 S - 0 yuán bào diǎn f /ground zero/ 原爆點 原爆点 T - 0 yuán bào diǎn f /ground zero/ 原物料 - 0 yuán wù liào f /source material/raw materials/ 原状 原狀 S - 79 yuán zhuàng f /previous condition/original state/ 原狀 原状 T - 79 yuán zhuàng f /previous condition/original state/ 原班人馬 原班人马 T - 16 yuán bān rén mǎ f /original cast/former team/ 原班人马 原班人馬 S - 16 yuán bān rén mǎ f /original cast/former team/ 原理 3673 3267 yuán lǐ f /principle/theory/ 原生 - 181 yuán shēng f /original/primary/native/indigenous/proto-/stock (firmware)/ 原生动物 原生動物 S - 108 yuán shēng dòng wù f /protozoan (bacteria)/ 原生動物 原生动物 T - 108 yuán shēng dòng wù f /protozoan (bacteria)/ 原生橄榄油 原生橄欖油 S - 0 yuán shēng gǎn lǎn yóu f /virgin olive oil/ 原生橄欖油 原生橄榄油 T - 0 yuán shēng gǎn lǎn yóu f /virgin olive oil/ 原生生物 - 0 yuán shēng shēng wù f /protist/primitive organism/ 原生質 原生质 T - 62 yuán shēng zhì f /protoplasm/ 原生质 原生質 S - 62 yuán shēng zhì f /protoplasm/ 原產 原产 T - 276 yuán chǎn f /original production/native to (of species)/ 原產國 原产国 T - 0 yuán chǎn guó f /country of origin/ 原產地 原产地 T - 83 yuán chǎn dì f /original source/place of origin/provenance/ 原田 - 9 Yuán tián f /Harada (Japanese surname)/ 原由 - 178 yuán yóu f /variant of 緣由|缘由[yuan2 you2]/ 原發性進行性失語 原发性进行性失语 T - 0 yuán fā xìng jìn xíng xìng shī yǔ f /primary progressive aphasia (PPA), speech disorder (sometimes related to dementia)/ 原稿 - 62 yuán gǎo f /manuscript/original copy/ 原籍 - 257 yuán jí f /ancestral home (town)/birthplace/ 原纖維 原纤维 T - 0 yuán xiān wéi f /fibril/protofilament/ 原纤维 原纖維 S - 0 yuán xiān wéi f /fibril/protofilament/ 原罪 - 49 yuán zuì f /original sin/ 原義 原义 T - 17 yuán yì f /original meaning/ 原肾管 原腎管 S - 0 yuán shèn guǎn f /protonephridium (invertebrate anatomy)/ 原腎管 原肾管 T - 0 yuán shèn guǎn f /protonephridium (invertebrate anatomy)/ 原色 - 32 yuán sè f /primary color/ 原苏联 原蘇聯 S - 3 yuán Sū lián f /former Soviet Union/ 原著 - 97 yuán zhù f /original work (not translation or abridged)/ 原蘇聯 原苏联 T - 3 yuán Sū lián f /former Soviet Union/ 原處 原处 T - 30 yuán chù f /original spot/previous place/where it was before/ 原被告 - 2 yuán bèi gào f /plaintiff and defendant/prosecution and defense (lawyers)/ 原装 原裝 S - 50 yuán zhuāng f /genuine/intact in original packaging (not locally assembled and packaged)/ 原裝 原装 T - 50 yuán zhuāng f /genuine/intact in original packaging (not locally assembled and packaged)/ 原語 原语 T - 4 yuán yǔ f /source language (linguistics)/ 原諒 原谅 T 756 617 yuán liàng f /to excuse/to forgive/to pardon/ 原语 原語 S - 4 yuán yǔ f /source language (linguistics)/ 原谅 原諒 S 756 617 yuán liàng f /to excuse/to forgive/to pardon/ 原貌 - 75 yuán mào f /the original form/ 原道 - 0 yuán dào f /original path/essay by Tang philosopher Han Yu 韓愈|韩愈/ 原野 - 249 yuán yě f /plain/open country/ 原阳 原陽 S - 15 Yuán yáng f /Yuanyang county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡[Xin1 xiang1], Henan/ 原阳县 原陽縣 S - 6 Yuán yáng xiàn f /Yuanyang county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡[Xin1 xiang1], Henan/ 原陽 原阳 T - 15 Yuán yáng f /Yuanyang county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡[Xin1 xiang1], Henan/ 原陽縣 原阳县 T - 6 Yuán yáng xiàn f /Yuanyang county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡[Xin1 xiang1], Henan/ 原鴿 原鸽 T - 5 yuán gē f /(bird species of China) rock dove (Columba livia)/ 原鸽 原鴿 S - 5 yuán gē f /(bird species of China) rock dove (Columba livia)/ 原點 原点 T - 52 yuán diǎn f /origin (math.)/origin of coordinates/ 原點矩 原点矩 T - 0 yuán diǎn jǔ f /(statistics) moment/ 厠 厕 T - 141 cè t /variant of 廁|厕[ce4]/ 厢 廂 S - 462 xiāng f /box (in theater)/side room/side/ 厢式车 廂式車 S - 3 xiāng shì chē f /van/ 厢房 廂房 S - 546 xiāng fáng f /wing (of a traditional house)/side room/ 厣 厴 S - 82 yǎn f /operculum (Latin: little lid)/a covering flap (in various branches of anatomy)/ 厤 历 T - 1988 lì f /old variant of 曆|历[li4]/old variant of 歷|历[li4]/ 厥 - 291 jué f /to faint/to lose consciousness/his/her/its/their/ 厦 廈 S - 274 Xià f /abbr. for Xiamen or Amoy 廈門|厦门[Xia4 men2], Fujian/ 厦 廈 S - 274 shà t /tall building/mansion/rear annex/lean-to/also pr. [xia4]/ 厦门 廈門 S - 943 Xià mén f /Xiamen or Amoy, subprovincial city in Fujian, abbr. 廈|厦[Xia4]/ 厦门大学 廈門大學 S - 85 Xià mén Dà xué f /Xiamen University/ 厦门市 廈門市 S - 106 Xià mén shì f /Xiamen, subprovincial city in Fujian/also known as Amoy/ 厨 㕑 S - 401 chú f /old variant of 廚|厨[chu2]/ 厨 廚 S - 401 chú f /kitchen/ 厨余 廚餘 S - 0 chú yú f /kitchen waste/food waste (recycling)/ 厨具 廚具 S - 9 chú jù f /kitchen implements/ 厨卫 廚衛 S - 12 chú wèi f /kitchens and bathrooms/ 厨司 廚司 S - 0 chú sī f /cook, chef/ 厨子 廚子 S - 141 chú zi f /cook/ 厨工 廚工 S - 6 chú gōng f /kitchen helper/assistant cook/ 厨师 廚師 S - 209 chú shī f /cook/chef/ 厨师长 廚師長 S - 4 chú shī zhǎng f /executive chef/head chef/ 厨房 廚房 S 900 1023 chú fáng f /kitchen/CL:間|间[jian1]/ 厨艺 廚藝 S - 27 chú yì f /cooking skills/culinary talent/ 厩 廄 S - 89 jiù f /stable/barn/ 厩 廐 S - 89 jiù f /variant of 廄|厩[jiu4]/ 厪 - 0 jǐn t /hut/ 厪 - 0 qín f /variant of 廑[qin2]/ 厭 厌 T - 551 yàn f /to loathe/ 厭世 厌世 T - 20 yàn shì f /world-weary/pessimistic/ 厭倦 厌倦 T - 228 yàn juàn f /to be weary of/to be fed up with/tedious/ 厭恨 厌恨 T - 3 yàn hèn f /to hate/to detest/ 厭惡 厌恶 T 3054 568 yàn wù f /to loathe/to hate/disgusted with sth/ 厭惡人類者 厌恶人类者 T - 0 yàn wù rén lèi zhě f /misanthrope/ 厭棄 厌弃 T - 57 yàn qì f /to spurn/to reject/ 厭氣 厌气 T - 0 yàn qì f /fed up with/loathsome/ 厭氧 厌氧 T - 0 yàn yǎng f /anaerobic/ 厭氧菌 厌氧菌 T - 22 yàn yǎng jūn f /anaerobic bacteria/ 厭煩 厌烦 T - 236 yàn fán f /bored/fed up with sth/sick of sth/ 厭膩 厌腻 T - 3 yàn nì f /to detest/to abhor/ 厭薄 厌薄 T - 0 yàn bó f /to despise/to look down upon sth/ 厭酷球孢子菌 厌酷球孢子菌 T - 0 yàn kù qiú bāo zǐ jūn f /Coccidioides immitis/ 厭食 厌食 T - 47 yàn shí f /anorexia/ 厭食症 厌食症 T - 13 yàn shí zhèng f /anorexia/ 厮 - 1249 sī f /variant of 廝|厮[si1]/ 厮 廝 S - 1249 sī f /mutually/with one another/manservant/boy servant/guy (derog.)/ 厮守 廝守 S - 111 sī shǒu f /to stay together/to rely on one another/ 厮打 廝打 S - 110 sī dǎ f /to fight together/to come to blows/ 厮搏 廝搏 S - 0 sī bó f /to fight at close quarters/to tussle/ 厮杀 廝殺 S - 505 sī shā f /to fight at close quarters/hand-to-hand/ 厮混 廝混 S - 68 sī hùn f /to hang out together with (derog.)/to mix with/ 厮熟 廝熟 S - 0 sī shú f /familiar with one another/ 厮缠 廝纏 S - 2 sī chán f /to tangle with/to get involved/to pester/ 厮锣 廝鑼 S - 0 sī luó f /small gong/ 厰 - 20 chǎng f /variant of 廠|厂[chang3]/ 厲 厉 T - 272 Lì f /surname Li/ 厲 厉 T - 272 lì f /strict/severe/ 厲害 厉害 T 812 3850 lì hai f /difficult to deal with/difficult to endure/ferocious/radical/serious/terrible/violent/tremendous/awesome/ 厲目而視 厉目而视 T - 0 lì mù ér shì f /to cut sb a severe look (idiom)/ 厲聲 厉声 T - 977 lì shēng f /stern voice/ 厲行節約 厉行节约 T - 34 lì xíng jié yuē f /to practice strict economy (idiom)/ 厲鬼 厉鬼 T - 98 lì guǐ f /malicious spirit/devil/ 厳 - 0 yán f /Japanese variant of 嚴|严/ 厴 厣 T - 82 yǎn f /operculum (Latin: little lid)/a covering flap (in various branches of anatomy)/ 厶 - 47 mǒu f /old variant of 某[mou3]/ 厶 - 47 sī t /old variant of 私[si1]/ 厷 - 168 gōng t /old variant of 肱[gong1]/ 厷 - 168 hóng f /old variant of 宏[hong2]/ 厹 - 7 qiú f /spear/ 厹 - 7 róu t /to trample/ 厺 - 4 qù f /old variant of 去[qu4]/ 去 26 123402 qù f /to go/to go to (a place)/to cause to go or send (sb)/to remove/to get rid of/(when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do sth/to be apart from in space or time/(after a verb of motion indicates movement away from the speaker)/(used after certain verbs to indicate detachment or separation)/(of a time or an event etc) just passed or elapsed/ 去世 1467 1590 qù shì f /to pass away/to die/ 去你的 - 0 qù nǐ de f /Get along with you!/ 去光水 - 0 qù guāng shuǐ f /nail polish remover/ 去其糟粕 - 0 qù qí zāo pò f /to remove the dross/to discard the dregs/ 去势 去勢 S - 168 qù shì f /to neuter/neutered/ 去勢 去势 T - 168 qù shì f /to neuter/neutered/ 去取 - 333 qù qǔ f /to accept or reject/ 去取之間 去取之间 T - 0 qù qǔ zhī jiān f /undecided between taking and leaving/ 去取之间 去取之間 S - 0 qù qǔ zhī jiān f /undecided between taking and leaving/ 去台 去臺 S - 0 qù Tái f /to go to Taiwan/refers to those who left China for Taiwan before the founding of PRC in 1949/ 去台人员 去臺人員 S - 0 qù Tái rén yuán f /those who left China for Taiwan before the founding of PRC in 1949/ 去向 - 307 qù xiàng f /the position of sth/whereabouts/ 去向不明 - 3 qù xiàng bù míng f /missing/lost/ 去回票 - 0 qù huí piào f /round-trip ticket (Tw)/ 去国 去國 S - 0 qù guó f /to leave one's country/ 去国外 去國外 S - 0 qù guó wài f /to go abroad/ 去國 去国 T - 0 qù guó f /to leave one's country/ 去國外 去国外 T - 0 qù guó wài f /to go abroad/ 去垢剂 去垢劑 S - 0 qù gòu jì f /detergent/ 去垢劑 去垢剂 T - 0 qù gòu jì f /detergent/ 去声 去聲 S - 0 qù shēng f /falling tone/fourth tone in modern Mandarin/ 去处 去處 S - 470 qù chù f /place/destination/ 去岁 去歲 S - 28 qù suì f /last year/ 去年 264 6730 qù nián f /last year/ 去年底 - 176 qù nián dǐ f /late last year/the end of last year/ 去得 - 0 qù de f /can go/ 去掉 - 238 qù diào f /to get rid of/to exclude/to eliminate/to remove/to delete/to strip out/to extract/ 去根 - 0 qù gēn f /to cure completely/ 去歲 去岁 T - 28 qù suì f /last year/ 去死 - 0 qù sǐ f /go to hell!/drop dead!/ 去氧核糖核酸 - 0 qù yǎng hé táng hé suān f /deoxyribonucleic acid/DNA/ 去氧麻黃鹼 去氧麻黄碱 T - 0 qù yǎng má huáng jiǎn f /methamphetamine/ 去氧麻黄碱 去氧麻黃鹼 S - 0 qù yǎng má huáng jiǎn f /methamphetamine/ 去火 - 0 qù huǒ f /to reduce internal heat (TCM)/ 去留 - 93 qù liú f /going or staying/ 去皮 - 36 qù pí f /to peel/to remove the skin/to tare/ 去皮重 - 0 qù pí zhòng f /to tare/ 去程 - 0 qù chéng f /outbound trip/ 去职 去職 S - 40 qù zhí f /to leave office/ 去聲 去声 T - 0 qù shēng f /falling tone/fourth tone in modern Mandarin/ 去職 去职 T - 40 qù zhí f /to leave office/ 去臺 去台 T - 0 qù Tái f /to go to Taiwan/refers to those who left China for Taiwan before the founding of PRC in 1949/ 去臺人員 去台人员 T - 0 qù Tái rén yuán f /those who left China for Taiwan before the founding of PRC in 1949/ 去芜存菁 去蕪存菁 S - 3 qù wú cún jīng f /lit. to get rid of the weeds and keep the flowers/to separate the wheat from the chaff (idiom)/ 去蕪存菁 去芜存菁 T - 3 qù wú cún jīng f /lit. to get rid of the weeds and keep the flowers/to separate the wheat from the chaff (idiom)/ 去處 去处 T - 470 qù chù f /place/destination/ 去路 - 334 qù lù f /the way one is following/outlet/ 去逝 - 3 qù shì f /pass away/die/ 去除 - 222 qù chú f /to remove/to dislodge/ 厼 - 4 xx f /one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "keum"), an ancient Korean writing system/ 厾 - 0 dū f /to tap lightly/ 县 縣 S 2111 25322 xiàn f /county/ 县令 縣令 S - 294 xiàn lìng f /county magistrate (during Tang to Qing times)/ 县名 縣名 S - 3 xiàn míng f /name of county/ 县地 縣地 S - 0 xiàn dì f /county seat/county town/ 县城 縣城 S - 1500 xiàn chéng f /county seat/county town/ 县委 縣委 S - 1363 xiàn wěi f /CPC county committee/ 县府 縣府 S - 365 xiàn fǔ f /county government/ 县志 縣志 S - 52 xiàn zhì f /general history of a county/county annals/ 县政府 縣政府 S - 1115 xiàn zhèng fǔ f /county administration/county regional government/ 县界 縣界 S - 3 xiàn jiè f /county border/county line/ 县级 縣級 S - 3647 xiàn jí f /county level/ 县级市 縣級市 S - 1180 xiàn jí shì f /county-level city/ 县长 縣長 S - 2752 xiàn zhǎng f /county's head commissioner/ 叁 - 28 sān f /variant of 參|叁[san1]/ 叁 參 S - 2849 sān f /three (banker's anti-fraud numeral)/ 参 參 S - 2849 cān t /to take part in/to participate/to join/to attend/to counsel/unequal/varied/irregular/uneven/not uniform/abbr. for 參議院|参议院 Senate, Upper House/ 参 參 S - 2849 shēn f /ginseng/one of the 28 constellations/ 参 叅 S - 2849 cān t /old variant of 參|参[can1]/ 参 葠 S - 2849 shēn f /variant of 參|参[shen1]/ 参 蓡 S - 2849 shēn f /variant of 參|参[shen1]/ 参与 參與 S 1413 7060 cān yù f /to participate (in sth)/ 参与者 參與者 S - 175 cān yù zhě f /participant/ 参两院 參兩院 S - 0 cān liǎng yuàn f /both houses of US Congress/ 参军 參軍 S - 359 cān jūn f /to join the army/ 参加 參加 S 377 22828 cān jiā f /to participate/to take part/to join/ 参加者 參加者 S - 129 cān jiā zhě f /participant/ 参劾 參劾 S - 17 cān hé f /to accuse/to impeach/(in imperial China) to level charges against an official/ 参半 參半 S - 26 cān bàn f /half/half and half/both ... and .../just as much ... as .../equally/ 参卡尔 參卡爾 S - 0 Cān kǎ ěr f /Ivan Cankar (1876-1918), Slovenian modernist writer/ 参天 參天 S - 82 cān tiān f /reach high to the sky/tall/of great height/ 参孙 參孫 S - 0 Cān sūn f /Samson (name)/biblical hero around 1100 BC/ 参宿 參宿 S - 0 Shēn xiù f /Three Stars (Chinese constellation)/ 参宿七 參宿七 S - 0 Shēn xiù qī f /Rigel (star)/lit. seventh star of the Three Stars Chinese constellation/ 参展 參展 S - 278 cān zhǎn f /to exhibit at or take part in a trade show etc/ 参差 參差 S - 235 cēn cī f /uneven/jagged/snaggletooth/ragged/serrated/ 参差不齐 參差不齊 S - 101 cēn cī bù qí f /unevenly matched (idiom); scraggly/jagged/ 参差错落 參差錯落 S - 8 cēn cī cuò luò f /uneven and jumbled (idiom); irregular and disorderly/in a tangled mess/ 参悟 參悟 S - 59 cān wù f /to comprehend (the nature of things etc)/to achieve enlightenment/ 参战 參戰 S - 501 cān zhàn f /to go to war/to engage in war/ 参拜 參拜 S - 156 cān bài f /to formally call on/to worship (a God)/to pay homage to sb/ 参政 參政 S - 246 cān zhèng f /to be involved in politics/participation in politics/ 参政权 參政權 S - 3 cān zhèng quán f /suffrage/voting rights/ 参数 參數 S - 1670 cān shù f /parameter/ 参杂 參雜 S - 35 cān zá f /to mix/ 参校 參校 S - 3 cān jiào f /to proofread/to revise one or more editions of a text using an authoritative edition as a source book/to editorially revise a text/ 参照 參照 S 4463 553 cān zhào f /to consult a reference/to refer to (another document)/ 参照系 參照系 S - 18 cān zhào xì f /frame of reference/coordinate frame (math.)/ 参看 參看 S - 102 cān kàn f /see also/please refer to/confer (cf.)/to consult for reference/ 参禅 參禪 S - 61 cān chán f /to practice Chan Buddhist meditation/to practice Zen meditation/to sit in meditation/ 参考 參考 S 2261 2597 cān kǎo f /consultation/reference/to consult/to refer/ 参考书 參考書 S - 126 cān kǎo shū f /reference book/ 参考文献 參考文獻 S - 3 cān kǎo wén xiàn f /cited material/reference (to the literature)/bibliography/ 参考材料 參考材料 S - 0 cān kǎo cái liào f /reference material/source documents/ 参考椭球体 參考橢球體 S - 0 cān kǎo tuǒ qiú tǐ f /reference ellipsoid (geodesy)/ 参考消息 參考消息 S - 27 Cān kǎo Xiāo xī f /Reference News (PRC limited-distribution daily newspaper)/ 参考系 參考系 S - 69 cān kǎo xì f /frame of reference/ 参考资料 參考資料 S - 3 cān kǎo zī liào f /reference material/bibliography/ 参股 參股 S - 76 cān gǔ f /equity participation (finance)/ 参茸 參茸 S - 4 shēn róng f /ginseng and young deer antler (used in TCM)/ 参薯 參薯 S - 0 shēn shǔ f /Dioscorea alata (Kinampay or aromatic purple yam, a sweet root crop)/ 参见 參見 S - 718 cān jiàn f /to refer to/see also/confer (cf.)/to pay respect to/ 参观 參觀 S 1074 1978 cān guān f /to look around/to tour/to visit/ 参议 參議 S - 146 cān yì f /consultant/adviser/ 参议员 參議員 S - 175 cān yì yuán f /senator/ 参议院 參議院 S - 951 cān yì yuàn f /senate/upper chamber (of legislative assembly)/ 参访团 參訪團 S - 11 cān fǎng tuán f /delegation/ 参谋 參謀 S 4502 919 cān móu f /staff officer/to give advice/ 参谋总长 參謀總長 S - 3 cān móu zǒng zhǎng f /army Chief of Staff/ 参谋长 參謀長 S - 819 cān móu zhǎng f /chief of staff/ 参谒 參謁 S - 12 cān yè f /to visit/to pay one's respects to (a revered figure etc)/to pay homage (at a tomb etc)/ 参赛 參賽 S - 733 cān sài f /to compete/to take part in a competition/ 参赛者 參賽者 S - 34 cān sài zhě f /competitor/CL:名[ming2]/ 参赞 參贊 S - 578 cān zàn f /diplomatic officer/attache/ 参选 參選 S - 79 cān xuǎn f /to be a candidate in an election or other selection process/to run for office/to turn out to vote/ 参选人 參選人 S - 13 cān xuǎn rén f /election participant/candidate/ 参选率 參選率 S - 0 cān xuǎn lǜ f /voter turnout/ 参透 參透 S - 29 cān tòu f /to fully grasp/to penetrate/ 参酌 參酌 S - 15 cān zhuó f /to consider (a matter)/to deliberate/ 参量 參量 S - 167 cān liàng f /parameter (math)/quantity used as a parameter/modulus (math.)/ 参量空间 參量空間 S - 0 cān liàng kōng jiān f /moduli space (math.)/parameter space/ 参阅 參閱 S - 62 cān yuè f /to consult/to refer to/to read (instructions)/ 参院 參院 S - 20 cān yuàn f /abbr. for 參議院|参议院[can1 yi4 yuan4], senate/upper chamber (of legislative assembly)/ 参预 參預 S - 230 cān yù f /variant of 參與|参与[can1 yu4]/ 參 叁 T - 2849 sān f /three (banker's anti-fraud numeral)/ 參 参 T - 2849 cān t /to take part in/to participate/to join/to attend/to counsel/unequal/varied/irregular/uneven/not uniform/abbr. for 參議院|参议院 Senate, Upper House/ 參 参 T - 2849 shēn f /ginseng/one of the 28 constellations/ 參兩院 参两院 T - 0 cān liǎng yuàn f /both houses of US Congress/ 參加 参加 T 377 22828 cān jiā f /to participate/to take part/to join/ 參加者 参加者 T - 129 cān jiā zhě f /participant/ 參劾 参劾 T - 17 cān hé f /to accuse/to impeach/(in imperial China) to level charges against an official/ 參半 参半 T - 26 cān bàn f /half/half and half/both ... and .../just as much ... as .../equally/ 參卡爾 参卡尔 T - 0 Cān kǎ ěr f /Ivan Cankar (1876-1918), Slovenian modernist writer/ 參天 参天 T - 82 cān tiān f /reach high to the sky/tall/of great height/ 參孫 参孙 T - 0 Cān sūn f /Samson (name)/biblical hero around 1100 BC/ 參宿 参宿 T - 0 Shēn xiù f /Three Stars (Chinese constellation)/ 參宿七 参宿七 T - 0 Shēn xiù qī f /Rigel (star)/lit. seventh star of the Three Stars Chinese constellation/ 參展 参展 T - 278 cān zhǎn f /to exhibit at or take part in a trade show etc/ 參差 参差 T - 235 cēn cī f /uneven/jagged/snaggletooth/ragged/serrated/ 參差不齊 参差不齐 T - 101 cēn cī bù qí f /unevenly matched (idiom); scraggly/jagged/ 參差錯落 参差错落 T - 8 cēn cī cuò luò f /uneven and jumbled (idiom); irregular and disorderly/in a tangled mess/ 參悟 参悟 T - 59 cān wù f /to comprehend (the nature of things etc)/to achieve enlightenment/ 參戰 参战 T - 501 cān zhàn f /to go to war/to engage in war/ 參拜 参拜 T - 156 cān bài f /to formally call on/to worship (a God)/to pay homage to sb/ 參政 参政 T - 246 cān zhèng f /to be involved in politics/participation in politics/ 參政權 参政权 T - 3 cān zhèng quán f /suffrage/voting rights/ 參數 参数 T - 1670 cān shù f /parameter/ 參校 参校 T - 3 cān jiào f /to proofread/to revise one or more editions of a text using an authoritative edition as a source book/to editorially revise a text/ 參照 参照 T 4463 553 cān zhào f /to consult a reference/to refer to (another document)/ 參照系 参照系 T - 18 cān zhào xì f /frame of reference/coordinate frame (math.)/ 參看 参看 T - 102 cān kàn f /see also/please refer to/confer (cf.)/to consult for reference/ 參禪 参禅 T - 61 cān chán f /to practice Chan Buddhist meditation/to practice Zen meditation/to sit in meditation/ 參考 参考 T 2261 2597 cān kǎo f /consultation/reference/to consult/to refer/ 參考文獻 参考文献 T - 3 cān kǎo wén xiàn f /cited material/reference (to the literature)/bibliography/ 參考書 参考书 T - 126 cān kǎo shū f /reference book/ 參考材料 参考材料 T - 0 cān kǎo cái liào f /reference material/source documents/ 參考橢球體 参考椭球体 T - 0 cān kǎo tuǒ qiú tǐ f /reference ellipsoid (geodesy)/ 參考消息 参考消息 T - 27 Cān kǎo Xiāo xī f /Reference News (PRC limited-distribution daily newspaper)/ 參考系 参考系 T - 69 cān kǎo xì f /frame of reference/ 參考資料 参考资料 T - 3 cān kǎo zī liào f /reference material/bibliography/ 參股 参股 T - 76 cān gǔ f /equity participation (finance)/ 參與 参与 T 1413 7060 cān yù f /to participate (in sth)/ 參與者 参与者 T - 175 cān yù zhě f /participant/ 參茸 参茸 T - 4 shēn róng f /ginseng and young deer antler (used in TCM)/ 參薯 参薯 T - 0 shēn shǔ f /Dioscorea alata (Kinampay or aromatic purple yam, a sweet root crop)/ 參見 参见 T - 718 cān jiàn f /to refer to/see also/confer (cf.)/to pay respect to/ 參觀 参观 T 1074 1978 cān guān f /to look around/to tour/to visit/ 參訪團 参访团 T - 11 cān fǎng tuán f /delegation/ 參謀 参谋 T 4502 919 cān móu f /staff officer/to give advice/ 參謀總長 参谋总长 T - 3 cān móu zǒng zhǎng f /army Chief of Staff/ 參謀長 参谋长 T - 819 cān móu zhǎng f /chief of staff/ 參謁 参谒 T - 12 cān yè f /to visit/to pay one's respects to (a revered figure etc)/to pay homage (at a tomb etc)/ 參議 参议 T - 146 cān yì f /consultant/adviser/ 參議員 参议员 T - 175 cān yì yuán f /senator/ 參議院 参议院 T - 951 cān yì yuàn f /senate/upper chamber (of legislative assembly)/ 參賽 参赛 T - 733 cān sài f /to compete/to take part in a competition/ 參賽者 参赛者 T - 34 cān sài zhě f /competitor/CL:名[ming2]/ 參贊 参赞 T - 578 cān zàn f /diplomatic officer/attache/ 參軍 参军 T - 359 cān jūn f /to join the army/ 參透 参透 T - 29 cān tòu f /to fully grasp/to penetrate/ 參選 参选 T - 79 cān xuǎn f /to be a candidate in an election or other selection process/to run for office/to turn out to vote/ 參選人 参选人 T - 13 cān xuǎn rén f /election participant/candidate/ 參選率 参选率 T - 0 cān xuǎn lǜ f /voter turnout/ 參酌 参酌 T - 15 cān zhuó f /to consider (a matter)/to deliberate/ 參量 参量 T - 167 cān liàng f /parameter (math)/quantity used as a parameter/modulus (math.)/ 參量空間 参量空间 T - 0 cān liàng kōng jiān f /moduli space (math.)/parameter space/ 參閱 参阅 T - 62 cān yuè f /to consult/to refer to/to read (instructions)/ 參院 参院 T - 20 cān yuàn f /abbr. for 參議院|参议院[can1 yi4 yuan4], senate/upper chamber (of legislative assembly)/ 參雜 参杂 T - 35 cān zá f /to mix/ 參預 参预 T - 230 cān yù f /variant of 參與|参与[can1 yu4]/ 叄 - 28 sān f /variant of 參|叁[san1]/ 叅 参 T - 2849 cān t /old variant of 參|参[can1]/ 叆 靉 S - 127 ài f /misty/cloudy sky/dark/obscure/ 叆叆 靉靉 S - 0 ài ài f /misty/ 叆叇 靉靆 S - 3 ài dài f /heavy clouds and mists (formal writing)/ 叇 靆 S - 8 dài f /see 靉靆|叆叇[ai4 dai4]/ 又 317 150749 yòu f /(once) again/also/both... and.../and yet/(used for emphasis) anyway/ 又一次 - 0 yòu yī cì f /yet again/once again/once more/ 又來了 又来了 T - 0 yòu lái le f /Here we go again./ 又及 - 0 yòu jí f /P.S./postscript/ 又名 - 2093 yòu míng f /also known as/alternative name/to also be called/ 又吵又闹 又吵又鬧 S - 0 yòu chǎo yòu nào f /to make a lot of noise/to be disorderly/ 又吵又鬧 又吵又闹 T - 0 yòu chǎo yòu nào f /to make a lot of noise/to be disorderly/ 又想当婊子又想立牌坊 又想當婊子又想立牌坊 S - 0 yòu xiǎng dāng biǎo zi yòu xiǎng lì pái fāng f /lit. to lead the life of a whore but still want a monument put up to one's chastity (idiom)/fig. to have bad intentions but still want a good reputation/to want to have one's cake and eat it too/ 又想當婊子又想立牌坊 又想当婊子又想立牌坊 T - 0 yòu xiǎng dāng biǎo zi yòu xiǎng lì pái fāng f /lit. to lead the life of a whore but still want a monument put up to one's chastity (idiom)/fig. to have bad intentions but still want a good reputation/to want to have one's cake and eat it too/ 又来了 又來了 S - 0 yòu lái le f /Here we go again./ 又称 又稱 S - 7008 yòu chēng f /also known as/ 又稱 又称 T - 7008 yòu chēng f /also known as/ 又紅又腫 又红又肿 T - 0 yòu hóng yòu zhǒng f /to be red and swollen (idiom)/ 又红又肿 又紅又腫 S - 0 yòu hóng yòu zhǒng f /to be red and swollen (idiom)/ 又要馬兒好,又要馬兒不吃草 又要马儿好,又要马儿不吃草 T - 0 yòu yào mǎ r hǎo , yòu yào mǎ r bù chī cǎo f /see 又要馬兒跑,又要馬兒不吃草|又要马儿跑,又要马儿不吃草[you4 yao4 ma3 r5 pao3 , you4 yao4 ma3 r5 bu4 chi1 cao3]/ 又要馬兒跑,又要馬兒不吃草 又要马儿跑,又要马儿不吃草 T - 0 yòu yào mǎ r pǎo , yòu yào mǎ r bù chī cǎo f /lit. you can't expect the horse to run fast but not let it graze (idiom)/fig. you can't have your cake and eat it, too/ 又要马儿好,又要马儿不吃草 又要馬兒好,又要馬兒不吃草 S - 0 yòu yào mǎ r hǎo , yòu yào mǎ r bù chī cǎo f /see 又要馬兒跑,又要馬兒不吃草|又要马儿跑,又要马儿不吃草[you4 yao4 ma3 r5 pao3 , you4 yao4 ma3 r5 bu4 chi1 cao3]/ 又要马儿跑,又要马儿不吃草 又要馬兒跑,又要馬兒不吃草 S - 0 yòu yào mǎ r pǎo , yòu yào mǎ r bù chī cǎo f /lit. you can't expect the horse to run fast but not let it graze (idiom)/fig. you can't have your cake and eat it, too/ 叉 - 1397 chā t /fork/pitchfork/prong/pick/cross/intersect/"X"/ 叉 - 1397 chá f /to cross/be stuck/ 叉 - 1397 chǎ f /to diverge/to open (as legs)/ 叉头 叉頭 S - 0 chā tóu f /prong of a fork/ 叉子 2309 31 chā zi f /fork/CL:把[ba3]/ 叉尾太阳鸟 叉尾太陽鳥 S - 0 chā wěi tài yáng niǎo f /(bird species of China) fork-tailed sunbird (Aethopyga christinae)/ 叉尾太陽鳥 叉尾太阳鸟 T - 0 chā wěi tài yáng niǎo f /(bird species of China) fork-tailed sunbird (Aethopyga christinae)/ 叉尾鷗 叉尾鸥 T - 0 chā wěi ōu f /(bird species of China) Sabine's gull (Xema sabini)/ 叉尾鸥 叉尾鷗 S - 0 chā wěi ōu f /(bird species of China) Sabine's gull (Xema sabini)/ 叉形 - 3 chā xíng f /forked/ 叉架 - 3 chā jià f /trestle/X-shaped frame/ 叉烧 叉燒 S - 6 chā shāo f /char siu/barbecued pork/ 叉烧包 叉燒包 S - 3 chā shāo bāo f /roast pork bun/cha siu baau/ 叉燒 叉烧 T - 6 chā shāo f /char siu/barbecued pork/ 叉燒包 叉烧包 T - 3 chā shāo bāo f /roast pork bun/cha siu baau/ 叉积 叉積 S - 0 chā jī f /cross product (of vectors)/ 叉積 叉积 T - 0 chā jī f /cross product (of vectors)/ 叉簧 - 0 chā huáng f /switch hook (button or cradle of a telephone, whose function is to disconnect the call)/ 叉車 叉车 T - 35 chā chē f /forklift truck/CL:臺|台[tai2]/ 叉车 叉車 S - 35 chā chē f /forklift truck/CL:臺|台[tai2]/ 叉頭 叉头 T - 0 chā tóu f /prong of a fork/ 及 - 49988 jí f /and/to reach/up to/in time for/ 及其 - 12663 jí qí f /and/as well as/ 及早 4775 393 jí zǎo f /at the earliest possible time/as soon as possible/ 及时 及時 S 1044 3762 jí shí f /in time/promptly/without delay/timely/ 及时处理 及時處理 S - 3 jí shí chǔ lǐ f /timely handling/a stitch in time/ 及时处理,事半功倍 及時處理,事半功倍 S - 0 jí shí chǔ lǐ , shì bàn gōng bèi f /timely handling doubles the effect and halves the effort/the right approach saves effort and leads to better results/a stitch in time saves nine/ 及时性 及時性 S - 7 jí shí xìng f /timeliness/promptness/ 及时行乐 及時行樂 S - 5 jí shí xíng lè f /to enjoy the present (idiom); to live happily with no thought for the future/make merry while you can/carpe diem/ 及时雨 及時雨 S - 53 jí shí yǔ f /timely rain/(fig.) timely assistance/ 及時 及时 T 1044 3762 jí shí f /in time/promptly/without delay/timely/ 及時性 及时性 T - 7 jí shí xìng f /timeliness/promptness/ 及時處理 及时处理 T - 3 jí shí chǔ lǐ f /timely handling/a stitch in time/ 及時處理,事半功倍 及时处理,事半功倍 T - 0 jí shí chǔ lǐ , shì bàn gōng bèi f /timely handling doubles the effect and halves the effort/the right approach saves effort and leads to better results/a stitch in time saves nine/ 及時行樂 及时行乐 T - 5 jí shí xíng lè f /to enjoy the present (idiom); to live happily with no thought for the future/make merry while you can/carpe diem/ 及時雨 及时雨 T - 53 jí shí yǔ f /timely rain/(fig.) timely assistance/ 及格 2203 148 jí gé f /to pass an exam or a test/to meet a minimum standard/ 及格線 及格线 T - 16 jí gé xiàn f /passing line or score (in an examination)/ 及格线 及格線 S - 16 jí gé xiàn f /passing line or score (in an examination)/ 及物 - 0 jí wù f /transitive (grammar)/ 及物动词 及物動詞 S - 3 jí wù dòng cí f /transitive verb/ 及物動詞 及物动词 T - 3 jí wù dòng cí f /transitive verb/ 及笄 - 9 jí jī f /to reach marriageable age (a girl's fifteenth birthday)/ 及第 - 67 jí dì f /to pass an imperial examination/ 及至 - 463 jí zhì f /by the time that/ 及鋒而試 及锋而试 T - 3 jí fēng ér shì f /lit. to reach the tip and try (idiom); to have a go when at one's peak/ 及锋而试 及鋒而試 S - 3 jí fēng ér shì f /lit. to reach the tip and try (idiom); to have a go when at one's peak/ 友 - 1271 yǒu f /friend/ 友人 - 239 yǒu rén f /friend/ 友军 友軍 S - 96 yǒu jūn f /friendly forces/allies/ 友善 - 170 yǒu shàn f /friendly/ 友好 1033 2568 Yǒu hǎo f /Youhao district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 友好 1033 2568 yǒu hǎo f /friendly/amicable/close friend/ 友好关系 友好關係 S - 3 yǒu hǎo guān xì f /good relations/ 友好区 友好區 S - 3 Yǒu hǎo qū f /Youhao district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 友好區 友好区 T - 3 Yǒu hǎo qū f /Youhao district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 友好訪問 友好访问 T - 3 yǒu hǎo fǎng wèn f /friendly visit/ 友好访问 友好訪問 S - 3 yǒu hǎo fǎng wèn f /friendly visit/ 友好關係 友好关系 T - 3 yǒu hǎo guān xì f /good relations/ 友悌 - 0 yǒu tì f /brotherly bond/ 友情 - 218 yǒu qíng f /friendly feelings/friendship/ 友愛 友爱 T - 203 yǒu ài f /friendly affection/fraternal love/ 友爱 友愛 S - 203 yǒu ài f /friendly affection/fraternal love/ 友誼 友谊 T 1036 1499 yǒu yì f /companionship/fellowship/friendship/ 友誼商店 友谊商店 T - 3 Yǒu yì Shāng diàn f /Friendship Store, PRC state-run store originally intended for foreigners, diplomats etc, specializing in selling imported Western goods and quality Chinese crafts/ 友誼地久天長 友谊地久天长 T - 0 Yǒu yì dì jiǔ tiān cháng f /Auld Lang Syne, Scottish song with lyrics by Robert Burns 羅伯特·伯恩斯|罗伯特·伯恩斯[Luo2 bo2 te4 · Bo2 en1 si1], sung to mark the start of a new year or as a farewell/also rendered 友誼萬歲|友谊万岁[You3 yi4 wan4 sui4] or 友誼天長地久|友谊天长地久[You3 yi4 tian1 chang2 di4 jiu3]/ 友誼天長地久 友谊天长地久 T - 0 Yǒu yì tiān cháng dì jiǔ f /see 友誼地久天長|友谊地久天长[You3 yi4 di4 jiu3 tian1 chang2]/ 友誼峰 友谊峰 T - 20 yǒu yì fēng f /Mt Friendship, the highest peak of the Altai mountains/ 友誼縣 友谊县 T - 3 Yǒu yì xiàn f /Youyi county in Shuangyashan 雙鴨山|双鸭山[Shuang1 ya1 shan1], Heilongjiang/ 友誼萬歲 友谊万岁 T - 0 Yǒu yì wàn suì f /see 友誼地久天長|友谊地久天长[You3 yi4 di4 jiu3 tian1 chang2]/ 友誼賽 友谊赛 T - 33 yǒu yì sài f /friendly match/friendly competition/ 友谊 友誼 S 1036 1499 yǒu yì f /companionship/fellowship/friendship/ 友谊万岁 友誼萬歲 S - 0 Yǒu yì wàn suì f /see 友誼地久天長|友谊地久天长[You3 yi4 di4 jiu3 tian1 chang2]/ 友谊县 友誼縣 S - 3 Yǒu yì xiàn f /Youyi county in Shuangyashan 雙鴨山|双鸭山[Shuang1 ya1 shan1], Heilongjiang/ 友谊商店 友誼商店 S - 3 Yǒu yì Shāng diàn f /Friendship Store, PRC state-run store originally intended for foreigners, diplomats etc, specializing in selling imported Western goods and quality Chinese crafts/ 友谊地久天长 友誼地久天長 S - 0 Yǒu yì dì jiǔ tiān cháng f /Auld Lang Syne, Scottish song with lyrics by Robert Burns 羅伯特·伯恩斯|罗伯特·伯恩斯[Luo2 bo2 te4 · Bo2 en1 si1], sung to mark the start of a new year or as a farewell/also rendered 友誼萬歲|友谊万岁[You3 yi4 wan4 sui4] or 友誼天長地久|友谊天长地久[You3 yi4 tian1 chang2 di4 jiu3]/ 友谊天长地久 友誼天長地久 S - 0 Yǒu yì tiān cháng dì jiǔ f /see 友誼地久天長|友谊地久天长[You3 yi4 di4 jiu3 tian1 chang2]/ 友谊峰 友誼峰 S - 20 yǒu yì fēng f /Mt Friendship, the highest peak of the Altai mountains/ 友谊赛 友誼賽 S - 33 yǒu yì sài f /friendly match/friendly competition/ 友軍 友军 T - 96 yǒu jūn f /friendly forces/allies/ 友邦 - 48 yǒu bāng f /friendly state/ally/ 友邦保险公司 友邦保險公司 S - 0 Yǒu bāng bǎo xiǎn gōng sī f /American International Group (AIG), insurance company/ 友邦保險公司 友邦保险公司 T - 0 Yǒu bāng bǎo xiǎn gōng sī f /American International Group (AIG), insurance company/ 双 雙 S 446 8395 Shuāng f /surname Shuang/ 双 雙 S 446 8395 shuāng f /two/double/pair/both/even (number)/ 双乳 雙乳 S - 7 shuāng rǔ f /breasts/ 双亲 雙親 S - 221 shuāng qīn f /parents/ 双人 雙人 S - 198 shuāng rén f /two-person/double/pair/tandem/ 双人包夹 雙人包夾 S - 0 shuāng rén bāo jiā f /double team (sports)/ 双人床 雙人床 S - 20 shuāng rén chuáng f /double bed/ 双人房 雙人房 S - 3 shuāng rén fáng f /double room/ 双人滑 雙人滑 S - 12 shuāng rén huá f /pair skating/ 双人间 雙人間 S - 14 shuāng rén jiān f /double room (hotel)/ 双休日 雙休日 S - 71 shuāng xiū rì f /two-day weekend/ 双侧 雙側 S - 0 shuāng cè f /two-sided/bilateral/ 双倍 雙倍 S - 80 shuāng bèi f /twofold/double/ 双倍体 雙倍體 S - 0 shuāng bèi tǐ f /diploid (doubled chromosomes)/ 双元音 雙元音 S - 0 shuāng yuán yīn f /diphthong/ 双光气 雙光氣 S - 0 shuāng guāng qì f /diphosgene/ 双关 雙關 S - 44 shuāng guān f /pun/play on words/ 双关语 雙關語 S - 16 shuāng guān yǔ f /pun/play on words/a phrase with a double meaning/ 双凸面 雙凸面 S - 0 shuāng tū miàn f /convex on both sides (of lens)/biconvex/ 双击 雙擊 S - 4 shuāng jī f /double-click/ 双刃 雙刃 S - 25 shuāng rèn f /double-edged blade/ 双刃剑 雙刃劍 S - 70 shuāng rèn jiàn f /double-edged sword (both lit. and fig.)/ 双十节 雙十節 S - 3 Shuāng shí jié f /Double Tenth, the anniversary of the Wuchang Uprising 武昌起義|武昌起义[Wu3 chang1 Qi3 yi4] of October 10th, 1911/(Taiwan) National Day/ 双台子 雙臺子 S - 10 Shuāng tái zi f /Shuangtai district of Panjin city 盤錦市|盘锦市, Liaoning/ 双台子区 雙臺子區 S - 3 Shuāng tái zi qū f /Shuangtai district of Panjin city 盤錦市|盘锦市, Liaoning/ 双号 雙號 S - 3 shuāng hào f /even number (on a ticket, house etc)/ 双名法 雙名法 S - 0 shuāng míng fǎ f /binomial nomenclature (taxonomy)/ 双后前兵开局 雙后前兵開局 S - 0 shuāng hòu qián bīng kāi jú f /Double Queen Pawn Opening/Closed Game (chess)/same as 封閉性開局|封闭性开局/ 双向 雙向 S - 372 shuāng xiàng f /bidirectional/two-way/interactive/ 双周期性 雙週期性 S - 0 shuāng zhōu qī xìng f /(math.) double periodicity/ 双唇音 雙唇音 S - 3 shuāng chún yīn f /bilabial consonant (b, p, or m)/ 双唑泰栓 雙唑泰栓 S - 0 shuāng zuò tài shuān f /metronidazole, clotrimazole and chlorhexidine acetate (as suppository)/ 双喜 雙喜 S - 725 shuāng xǐ f /double happiness/the combined symmetric character 囍 (similar to 喜喜) as symbol of good luck, esp. marriage/ 双喜临门 雙喜臨門 S - 23 shuāng xǐ lín mén f /two simultaneous happy events in the family/ 双城 雙城 S - 13 Shuāng chéng f /Suangcheng county level city in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1], Heilongjiang/ 双城子 雙城子 S - 0 Shuāng chéng zi f /Shuangchengzi, former name of Ussuriisk city in Russian Pacific Primorsky region/ 双城市 雙城市 S - 6 Shuāng chéng shì f /Suangcheng county level city in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1], Heilongjiang/ 双城记 雙城記 S - 12 Shuāng chéng Jì f /A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens 查爾斯·狄更斯|查尔斯·狄更斯[Cha2 er3 si1 · Di2 geng1 si1]/ 双塔 雙塔 S - 42 Shuāng tǎ f /Shuangta district of Chaoyang city 朝陽市|朝阳市, Liaoning/ 双塔区 雙塔區 S - 3 Shuāng tǎ qū f /Shuangta district of Chaoyang city 朝陽市|朝阳市, Liaoning/ 双壳类 雙殼類 S - 0 shuāng ké lèi f /bivalve/Lamellibranchia/ 双复磷 雙復磷 S - 0 shuāng fù lín f /obidoxime chloride/toxogonin/ 双套 雙套 S - 3 shuāng tào f /double set/diploid/ 双子 雙子 S - 87 Shuāng zǐ f /Gemini (star sign)/ 双子叶 雙子葉 S - 11 shuāng zǐ yè f /dicotyledon (plant family distinguished by two embryonic leaves, includes daisies, broadleaved trees, herbaceous plants)/ 双子座 雙子座 S - 22 Shuāng zǐ zuò f /Gemini (constellation and sign of the zodiac)/ 双学位 雙學位 S - 33 shuāng xué wèi f /dual degree (academic)/ 双宿双飞 雙宿雙飛 S - 9 shuāng sù shuāng fēi f /lit. to rest and fly together (idiom)/fig. to live in each other's pockets/to be inseparable/ 双射 雙射 S - 0 shuāng shè f /bijection (math.)/ 双层 雙層 S - 241 shuāng céng f /double tier/double decker/ 双层公共汽车 雙層公共汽車 S - 0 shuāng céng gōng gòng qì chē f /double-decker bus/ 双层巴士 雙層巴士 S - 0 shuāng céng bā shì f /double-decker bus/ 双峰 雙峰 S - 31 Shuāng fēng f /Shuangfeng county in Loudi 婁底|娄底[Lou2 di3], Hunan/(Tw) Twin Peaks, US television drama series 1990-1991/ 双峰 雙峰 S - 31 shuāng fēng f /boobies/ 双峰县 雙峰縣 S - 5 Shuāng fēng xiàn f /Twin peaks county/Shuangfeng county in Loudi 婁底|娄底[Lou2 di3], Hunan/ 双峰镇 雙峰镇 S - 0 Shuāng fēng Zhèn f /Twin Peaks, US television drama series 1990-1991/ 双开 雙開 S - 5 shuāng kāi f /to strip sb of their Party membership and government job (開除黨籍,開除公職|开除党籍,开除公职)/ 双性恋 雙性戀 S - 3 shuāng xìng liàn f /bisexual/bisexuality/ 双截棍 雙截棍 S - 3 shuāng jié gùn f /variant of 雙節棍|双节棍[shuang1 jie2 gun4]/ 双手 雙手 S - 4990 shuāng shǒu f /both hands/ 双打 雙打 S - 352 shuāng dǎ f /doubles (in sports)/CL:場|场[chang3]/ 双抽 雙抽 S - 0 shuāng chōu f /black soy sauce/ 双拐 雙拐 S - 21 shuāng guǎi f /crutches/ 双拼 雙拼 S - 3 shuāng pīn f /double pinyin/ 双摆 雙擺 S - 0 shuāng bǎi f /double pendulum (math.)/ 双数 雙數 S - 77 shuāng shù f /even number/ 双斑绿柳莺 雙斑綠柳鶯 S - 0 huāng bān lǜ liǔ yīng f /(bird species of China) two-barred warbler (Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus)/ 双方 雙方 S 1960 7289 shuāng fāng f /bilateral/both sides/both parties involved/ 双方同意 雙方同意 S - 3 shuāng fāng tóng yì f /bilateral agreement/ 双星 雙星 S - 223 shuāng xīng f /double star/ 双曲 雙曲 S - 47 shuāng qū f /hyperbola/hyperbolic (function)/ 双曲余割 雙曲餘割 S - 0 shuāng qū yú gē f /hyperbolic cosecant, i.e. function cosech(x)/ 双曲余弦 雙曲餘弦 S - 0 shuāng qū yú xián f /hyperbolic cosine or cosh (math)/ 双曲几何 雙曲幾何 S - 0 shuāng qū jǐ hé f /hyperbolic geometry/ 双曲抛物面 雙曲拋物面 S - 0 shuāng qū pāo wù miàn f /hyperbolic paraboloid (math.)/ 双曲拱桥 雙曲拱橋 S - 175 shuāng qū gǒng qiáo f /double arched bridge/ 双曲正弦 雙曲正弦 S - 0 shuāng qū zhèng xián f /hyperbolic sine or sinh (math)/ 双曲线 雙曲線 S - 67 shuāng qū xiàn f /hyperbola/ 双曲线正弦 雙曲線正弦 S - 0 shuāng qū xiàn zhèng xián f /hyperbolic sine or sinh (math)/ 双月刊 雙月刊 S - 21 shuāng yuè kān f /bimonthly publication/ 双杠 雙槓 S - 39 shuāng gàng f /parallel bars (gymnastics event)/ 双极 雙極 S - 0 shuāng jí f /bipolar/ 双柏 雙柏 S - 3 Shuāng bǎi f /Shuangbai county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州[Chu3 xiong2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 双柏县 雙柏縣 S - 3 Shuāng bǎi xiàn f /Shuangbai county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州[Chu3 xiong2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 双栖双宿 雙棲雙宿 S - 3 shuāng qī shuāng sū f /see 雙宿雙飛|双宿双飞[shuang1 su4 shuang1 fei1]/ 双核 雙核 S - 131 shuāng hé f /dual core (computing)/ 双桥 雙橋 S - 270 Shuāng qiáo f /Shuangqia suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 双桥区 雙橋區 S - 3 Shuāng qiáo qū f /Shuangqia suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/Shuangqia district of Chengde city 承德市[Cheng2 de2 shi4], Hebei/ 双氧水 雙氧水 S - 29 shuāng yǎng shuǐ f /hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) solution/ 双氯灭痛 雙氯滅痛 S - 0 shuāng lǜ miè tòng f /diclofenac pain-killer/also called 扶他林/ 双氯芬酸钠 雙氯芬酸鈉 S - 0 shuāng lǜ fēn suān nà f /diclofenac sodium, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to reduce swelling and as pain-killer/also called voltaren 扶他林/ 双氯醇胺 雙氯醇胺 S - 0 shuāng lǜ chún àn f /clenbuterol/ 双江县 雙江縣 S - 0 Shuāng jiāng xiàn f /Shuangjiang Lahu, Va, Blang and Dai autonomous county in Lincang 臨滄|临沧[Lin2 cang1], Yunnan/ 双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治县 雙江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治縣 S - 0 Shuāng jiāng lā hù zú Wǎ zú Bù lǎng zú Dǎi zú zì zhì xiàn f /Shuangjiang Lahu, Va, Blang and Dai autonomous county in Lincang 臨滄|临沧[Lin2 cang1], Yunnan/ 双流 雙流 S - 30 Shuāng liú f /Shuangliu county in Chengdu 成都[Cheng2 du1], Sichuan/Chengdu's main airport/ 双流县 雙流縣 S - 8 Shuāng liú xiàn f /Shuangliu county in Chengdu 成都[Cheng2 du1], Sichuan/ 双清 雙清 S - 5 Shuāng qīng f /Shuangqing district of Shaoyang city 邵陽市|邵阳市[Shao4 yang2 shi4], Hunan/ 双清区 雙清區 S - 3 Shuāng qīng qū f /Shuangqing district of Shaoyang city 邵陽市|邵阳市[Shao4 yang2 shi4], Hunan/ 双湖 雙湖 S - 261 Shuāng hú f /two lakes/Shuanghu special district, Tibetan: Mtsho gnyis don gcod khru'u, in Nagchu prefecture 那曲地區|那曲地区[Na4 qu3 di4 qu1], central Tibet/ 双湖特别区 雙湖特別區 S - 0 Shuāng hú tè bié qū f /Shuanghu special district, Tibetan: Mtsho gnyis don gcod khru'u, in Nagchu prefecture 那曲地區|那曲地区[Na4 qu3 di4 qu1], central Tibet/ 双溪 雙溪 S - 7 Shuāng xī f /Shuangxi or Shuanghsi township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 双溪乡 雙溪鄉 S - 0 Shuāng xī xiāng f /Shuangxi or Shuanghsi township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 双滦 雙灤 S - 0 Shuāng luán f /Shuangluan district of Chengde city 承德市[Cheng2 de2 shi4], Hebei/ 双滦区 雙灤區 S - 2 Shuāng luán qū f /Shuangluan district of Chengde city 承德市[Cheng2 de2 shi4], Hebei/ 双牌 雙牌 S - 3 Shuāng pái f /Shuangpai county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3 zhou1], Hunan/ 双牌县 雙牌縣 S - 2 Shuāng pái xiàn f /Shuangpai county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3 zhou1], Hunan/ 双独 雙獨 S - 0 shuāng dú f /double and single/allowed dispensation to have second child/ 双独夫妇 雙獨夫婦 S - 0 shuāng dú fū fù f /a married couple allowed dispensation to have second child/ 双球菌 雙球菌 S - 10 shuāng qiú jūn f /diplococcus/ 双生 雙生 S - 79 shuāng shēng f /twin (attributive)/twins/ 双生兄弟 雙生兄弟 S - 0 shuāng shēng xiōng dì f /twin brothers/ 双百方针 雙百方針 S - 8 shuāng bǎi fāng zhēn f /refers to 百花運動|百花运动[Bai3 hua1 Yun4 dong4] with its slogan 百花齊放,百家爭鳴|百花齐放,百家争鸣/ 双盲 雙盲 S - 3 shuāng máng f /double-blind (scientific experiment)/ 双眸 雙眸 S - 31 shuāng móu f /one's pair of eyes/ 双眼 雙眼 S - 2026 shuāng yǎn f /the two eyes/ 双眼皮 雙眼皮 S - 44 shuāng yǎn pí f /double eyelid/ 双眼视觉 雙眼視覺 S - 0 shuāng yǎn shì jué f /binocular vision/ 双瞳剪水 雙瞳翦水 S - 3 shuāng tóng jiǎn shuǐ f /clear, bright eyes (idiom)/ 双立人 雙立人 S - 3 Shuāng lì rén f /J. A. Henckels (brand)/ 双筒望远镜 雙筒望遠鏡 S - 0 shuāng tǒng wàng yuǎn jìng f /binoculars/ 双管 雙管 S - 3 shuāng guǎn f /double-barreled/ 双管齐下 雙管齊下 S - 47 shuāng guǎn qí xià f /lit. to paint holding two brushes (idiom); fig. to work on two tasks at the same time/to attack one problem from two angles at the same time/ 双簧 雙簧 S - 28 shuāng huáng f /a form or theatrical double act, popular since Qing times, with one player seated stage front and acting out the poem or song of the second player hidden at the back (also written 雙黄|双黄)/double reed (as used in oboe or bassoon)/an oboe or bassoon/ 双簧管 雙簧管 S - 28 shuāng huáng guǎn f /double reed wind instrument (such as oboe or bassoon)/ 双糖 雙糖 S - 12 shuāng táng f /disaccharide/ 双绞线 雙絞線 S - 10 shuāng jiǎo xiàn f /unshielded twisted pair/UTP/ 双翅目 雙翅目 S - 39 shuāng chì mù f /Diptera (insect order including flies)/ 双翼飞机 雙翼飛機 S - 3 shuāng yì fēi jī f /biplane/ 双肩包 雙肩包 S - 3 shuāng jiān bāo f /backpack/ 双胞胎 雙胞胎 S 2926 65 shuāng bāo tāi f /twin/CL:對|对[dui4]/ 双脚 雙腳 S - 467 shuāng jiǎo f /two legs/both feet/ 双脚架 雙腳架 S - 0 shuāng jiǎo jià f /bipod (supporting a machine gun etc)/ 双腿 雙腿 S - 550 shuāng tuǐ f /legs/both legs/two legs/ 双膝 雙膝 S - 0 shuāng xī f /both knees/ 双臂 雙臂 S - 673 shuāng bì f /arms/both arms/two arms/ 双节棍 雙節棍 S - 3 shuāng jié gùn f /nunchaku/ 双节棍道 雙節棍道 S - 0 shuāng jié gùn dào f /nunchaku martial arts/ 双蕊兰 雙蕊蘭 S - 0 shuāng ruǐ lán f /double-stamen orchid (Diplandrorchis sinica S.C. Chen), an endangered species/ 双规 雙規 S - 10 shuāng guī f /shuanggui, an extralegal system within the CCP for detaining and interrogating cadres who fall from grace/ 双角犀 雙角犀 S - 0 shuāng jiǎo xī f /two-horned rhinoceros/Dicerorhinini/ 双角犀鸟 雙角犀鳥 S - 0 shuāng jiǎo xī niǎo f /(bird species of China) great hornbill (Buceros bicornis)/ 双语 雙語 S - 30 shuāng yǔ f /bilingual/ 双误 雙誤 S - 0 shuāng wù f /double fault (in tennis)/ 双赢 雙贏 S - 105 shuāng yíng f /profitable to both sides/a win-win situation/ 双足 雙足 S - 0 shuāng zú f /both feet/two-legged/ 双轨 雙軌 S - 24 shuāng guǐ f /double-track/parallel tracks/dual-track (system)/ 双辫八色鸫 雙辮八色鶇 S - 0 shuāng biàn bā sè dōng f /(bird species of China) eared pitta (Hydrornis phayrei)/ 双边 雙邊 S - 701 shuāng biān f /bilateral/ 双边贸易 雙邊貿易 S - 3 shuāng biān mào yì f /bilateral trade/ 双辽 雙遼 S - 5 Shuāng liáo f /Shuangliao county level city in Siping 四平, Jilin/ 双辽市 雙遼市 S - 3 Shuāng liáo shì f /Shuangliao county level city in Siping 四平, Jilin/ 双进双出 雙進雙出 S - 0 shuāng jìn shuāng chū f /to be together constantly (idiom)/ 双连接站 雙連接站 S - 0 shuāng lián jiē zhàn f /dual attachment station/ 双重 雙重 S - 662 shuāng chóng f /double/ 双重国籍 雙重國籍 S - 3 shuāng chóng guó jí f /dual citizenship/ 双重标准 雙重標準 S - 3 shuāng chóng biāo zhǔn f /double standard/ 双链 雙鏈 S - 31 shuāng liàn f /double stranded/ 双链核酸 雙鏈核酸 S - 0 shuāng liàn hé suān f /double chain nucleic acid (refer to the double helix DNA as opposed to single chain RNA 單鏈|单链[dan1 lian4])/ 双键 雙鍵 S - 74 shuāng jiàn f /double bond (chemistry)/ 双阳 雙陽 S - 6 Shuāng yáng f /Shuangyang district of Changchun city 長春市|长春市, Jilin/ 双阳区 雙陽區 S - 3 Shuāng yáng qū f /Shuangyang district of Changchun city 長春市|长春市, Jilin/ 双陆棋 雙陸棋 S - 0 shuāng lù qí f /backgammon/ 双非 雙非 S - 0 shuāng fēi f /a couple where both spouses are not Hong Kong citizens/ 双面 雙面 S - 78 shuāng miàn f /double-sided/two-faced/double-edged/reversible/ 双音节 雙音節 S - 0 shuāng yīn jié f /bisyllable/ 双飞 雙飛 S - 3 shuāng fēi f /flying in pairs/close union as husband and wife/round-trip flight/(slang) threesome/ 双髻鲨 雙髻鯊 S - 0 shuāng jì shā f /hammerhead shark/ 双鱼 雙魚 S - 17 Shuāng yú f /Pisces (star sign)/ 双鱼座 雙魚座 S - 12 Shuāng yú zuò f /Pisces (constellation and sign of the zodiac)/ 双鸭山 雙鴨山 S - 17 Shuāng yā shān f /Shuangyashan prefecture level city in Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hei1 long2 jiang1] in northeast China/ 双鸭山市 雙鴨山市 S - 7 Shuāng yā shān shì f /Shuangyashan prefecture level city in Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hei1 long2 jiang1] in northeast China/ 双龙大裂谷 雙龍大裂谷 S - 0 Shuāng lóng dà liè gǔ f /Shuanglong ravine in Mt Xiong'er national geological park 熊耳山[Xiong2 er3 shan1], Zaozhuang 棗莊|枣庄[Zao3 zhuang1], Shandong/ 双龙镇 雙龍鎮 S - 0 Shuāng lóng zhèn f /Shuanglong town in Xixia county 西峽縣|西峡县[Xi1 xia2 xian4], Nanyang, Henan/ 反 - 13500 fǎn f /contrary/in reverse/inside out or upside down/to reverse/to return/to oppose/opposite/against/anti-/to rebel/to use analogy/instead/abbr. for 反切[fan3 qie4] phonetic system/ 反串 - 16 fǎn chuàn f /(Chinese opera) to play a role outside of one's specialty/(modern) to play a transvestite role/to masquerade as an opponent/ 反义 反義 S - 18 fǎn yì f /antonymous/(genetic) antisense/ 反义字 反義字 S - 3 fǎn yì zì f /character with opposite meaning/antonym/opposite characters/ 反义词 反義詞 S - 19 fǎn yì cí f /antonym/ 反之 4717 728 fǎn zhī f /on the other hand.../conversely.../ 反之亦然 - 34 fǎn zhī yì rán f /vice versa/ 反人类 反人類 S - 0 fǎn rén lèi f /inhuman/ 反人类罪 反人類罪 S - 0 fǎn rén lèi zuì f /crimes against humanity/ 反人道罪 - 0 fǎn rén dào zuì f /a crime against humanity/ 反人道罪行 - 0 fǎn rén dào zuì xíng f /crime against humanity/ 反人類 反人类 T - 0 fǎn rén lèi f /inhuman/ 反人類罪 反人类罪 T - 0 fǎn rén lèi zuì f /crimes against humanity/ 反传算法 反傳算法 S - 0 fǎn chuán suàn fǎ f /back propagation algorithm/ 反作用 - 32 fǎn zuò yòng f /opposite reaction/ 反例 - 4 fǎn lì f /counter-example/ 反侧 反側 S - 11 fǎn cè f /to toss and turn/ 反倒 - 859 fǎn dào f /but on the contrary/but expectedly/ 反倾销 反傾銷 S - 289 fǎn qīng xiāo f /anti-dumping/ 反側 反侧 T - 11 fǎn cè f /to toss and turn/ 反傳算法 反传算法 T - 0 fǎn chuán suàn fǎ f /back propagation algorithm/ 反傾銷 反倾销 T - 289 fǎn qīng xiāo f /anti-dumping/ 反光 - 59 fǎn guāng f /to reflect light/ 反光鏡 反光镜 T - 11 fǎn guāng jìng f /reflector/reflecting mirror/ 反光镜 反光鏡 S - 11 fǎn guāng jìng f /reflector/reflecting mirror/ 反光面 - 0 fǎn guāng miàn f /reflecting surface/ 反党 反黨 S - 186 fǎn dǎng f /anti-party/ 反共 - 671 fǎn gòng f /anti-communist/ 反兴奋剂 反興奮劑 S - 0 fǎn xīng fèn jì f /anti-doping/anti-stimulant/policy against drugs in sports/ 反其道而行之 - 39 fǎn qí dào ér xíng zhī f /to do the very opposite/to act in a diametrically opposite way/ 反冲 反衝 S - 33 fǎn chōng f /recoil (of a gun)/to bounce back/backlash/ 反冲力 反衝力 S - 3 fǎn chōng lì f /backlash/recoil/reactive force/ 反击 反擊 S - 1323 fǎn jī f /to strike back/to beat back/to counterattack/ 反函数 反函數 S - 17 fǎn hán shù f /inverse function (math.)/ 反函數 反函数 T - 17 fǎn hán shù f /inverse function (math.)/ 反分裂法 - 3 fǎn fēn liè fǎ f /anti-secession law of 2005 (whereby PRC claims the right to invade Taiwan)/ 反切 - 51 fǎn qiè f /traditional system expressing the phonetic value of a Chinese character using two other characters, the first for the initial consonant, the second for the rhyme and tone/ 反刍 反芻 S - 49 fǎn chú f /to ruminate/to chew the cud/ 反刍动物 反芻動物 S - 14 fǎn chú dòng wù f /ruminant/ 反剪 - 158 fǎn jiǎn f /with hands behind one's back/trussed/ 反动 反動 S - 2232 fǎn dòng f /reaction/reactionary/ 反动分子 反動份子 S - 3 fǎn dòng fèn zǐ f /reactionaries/reactionary elements/ 反动势力 反動勢力 S - 3 fǎn dòng shì li f /reactionary forces (esp. in Marxist rhetoric)/ 反动派 反動派 S - 697 fǎn dòng pài f /reactionaries/ 反動 反动 T - 2232 fǎn dòng f /reaction/reactionary/ 反動份子 反动分子 T - 3 fǎn dòng fèn zǐ f /reactionaries/reactionary elements/ 反動勢力 反动势力 T - 3 fǎn dòng shì li f /reactionary forces (esp. in Marxist rhetoric)/ 反動派 反动派 T - 697 fǎn dòng pài f /reactionaries/ 反华 反華 S - 78 fǎn Huá f /anti-Chinese/ 反反复复 反反復復 S - 87 fǎn fǎn fù fù f /repeatedly/time and time again/ 反反復復 反反复复 T - 87 fǎn fǎn fù fù f /repeatedly/time and time again/ 反叛 - 292 fǎn pàn f /to rebel/to revolt/ 反叛份子 反叛分子 T - 0 fǎn pàn fèn zǐ f /insurgent/rebel/ 反叛分子 反叛份子 S - 0 fǎn pàn fèn zǐ f /insurgent/rebel/ 反口 - 3 fǎn kǒu f /to correct oneself/to renege/to break one's word/ 反右 - 74 fǎn yòu f /anti-rightist/abbr. for 反右派鬥爭|反右派斗争[Fan3 you4 pai4 Dou4 zheng1]/ 反右派斗争 反右派鬥爭 S - 0 Fǎn yòu pài Dòu zhēng f /Anti-Rightist Movement, Mao's purge of "rightists" after the Hundred Flowers Campaign ended in 1957/ 反右派鬥爭 反右派斗争 T - 0 Fǎn yòu pài Dòu zhēng f /Anti-Rightist Movement, Mao's purge of "rightists" after the Hundred Flowers Campaign ended in 1957/ 反右运动 反右運動 S - 0 Fǎn yòu Yùn dòng f /Anti-Rightist Movement, Mao's purge of "rightists" after the Hundred Flowers Campaign ended in 1957/ 反右運動 反右运动 T - 0 Fǎn yòu Yùn dòng f /Anti-Rightist Movement, Mao's purge of "rightists" after the Hundred Flowers Campaign ended in 1957/ 反向 - 144 fǎn xiàng f /opposite direction/reverse/ 反咬一口 - 20 fǎn yǎo yī kǒu f /to make a false countercharge/ 反响 反響 S - 509 fǎn xiǎng f /repercussions/reaction/echo/ 反哺 - 18 fǎn bǔ f /to support one's parents in their old age/to show filial piety/to to repay/to return a favor/ 反唇相譏 反唇相讥 T - 58 fǎn chún xiāng jī f /mutual bickering and ridicule (idiom); sarcastic repartee/ 反唇相讥 反唇相譏 S - 58 fǎn chún xiāng jī f /mutual bickering and ridicule (idiom); sarcastic repartee/ 反問 反问 T 4625 187 fǎn wèn f /to ask (a question) in reply/to answer a question with a question/rhetorical question/ 反問句 反问句 T - 4 fǎn wèn jù f /rhetorical question/ 反問語氣 反问语气 T - 0 fǎn wèn yǔ qì f /tone of one's voice when asking a rhetorical question/ 反嘴 - 0 fǎn zuǐ f /to answer back/to contradict/to renege/to go back on one's word/ 反嘴鷸 反嘴鹬 T - 0 fǎn zuǐ yù f /(bird species of China) pied avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta)/ 反嘴鹬 反嘴鷸 S - 0 fǎn zuǐ yù f /(bird species of China) pied avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta)/ 反围剿 反圍剿 S - 0 fǎn wéi jiǎo f /communist attack against the Guomindang's encircle and annihilate campaign/ 反圍剿 反围剿 T - 0 fǎn wéi jiǎo f /communist attack against the Guomindang's encircle and annihilate campaign/ 反圣婴 反聖嬰 S - 0 Fǎn shèng yīng f /La Niña (counterpart of El Niño in meteorology)/ 反坐 - 3 fǎn zuò f /to sentence the accuser (and free the falsely accused defendant)/ 反坦克 - 3 fǎn tǎn kè f /anti-tank/ 反坫 - 0 fǎn diàn f /earthern goblet stand also known as 垿[xu4] (old)/ 反垄断 反壟斷 S - 3 fǎn lǒng duàn f /anti-trust legislation/anti-monopoly/ 反垄断法 反壟斷法 S - 26 fǎn lǒng duàn fǎ f /anti-trust law/legislation again monopolies/ 反基督 - 0 fǎn Jī dū f /the anti-Christ/ 反壟斷 反垄断 T - 3 fǎn lǒng duàn f /anti-trust legislation/anti-monopoly/ 反壟斷法 反垄断法 T - 26 fǎn lǒng duàn fǎ f /anti-trust law/legislation again monopolies/ 反复 反復 S 2135 2882 fǎn fù f /variant of 反覆|反复[fan3 fu4]/ 反复 反覆 S 2135 2882 fǎn fù f /repeatedly/over and over/to upend/unstable/to come and go/(of an illness) to return/ 反复无常 反覆無常 S - 36 fǎn fù wú cháng f /unstable/erratic/changeable/fickle/ 反客为主 反客為主 S - 37 fǎn kè wéi zhǔ f /lit. the guest acts as host (idiom); fig. to turn from passive to active behavior/ 反客為主 反客为主 T - 37 fǎn kè wéi zhǔ f /lit. the guest acts as host (idiom); fig. to turn from passive to active behavior/ 反密码子 反密碼子 S - 0 fǎn mì mǎ zi f /anticodon/ 反密碼子 反密码子 T - 0 fǎn mì mǎ zi f /anticodon/ 反对 反對 S 816 9366 fǎn duì f /to fight against/to oppose/to be opposed to/opposition/ 反对党 反對黨 S - 223 fǎn duì dǎng f /opposition (political) party/ 反对派 反對派 S - 285 fǎn duì pài f /opposition faction/ 反对票 反對票 S - 198 fǎn duì piào f /a vote against/a veto/ 反导 反導 S - 210 fǎn dǎo f /anti-missile/ 反导导弹 反導導彈 S - 0 fǎn dǎo dǎo dàn f /anti-missile missile (such as the Patriot Missile)/ 反导弹 反導彈 S - 3 fǎn dǎo dàn f /anti-missile/ 反导系统 反導系統 S - 0 fǎn dǎo xì tǒng f /anti-missile system/missile defense system/ 反射 3737 1100 fǎn shè f /to reflect/reflection (from a mirror etc)/reflex (i.e. automatic reaction of organism)/ 反射作用 - 0 fǎn shè zuò yòng f /reflex/reflection/ 反射光 - 3 fǎn shè guāng f /to reflect light/reflection/reflected light/ 反射动作 反射動作 S - 3 fǎn shè dòng zuò f /reflex action/ 反射動作 反射动作 T - 3 fǎn shè dòng zuò f /reflex action/ 反射区治疗 反射區治療 S - 0 fǎn shè ōu zhì liáo f /reflexology (alternative medicine)/ 反射區治療 反射区治疗 T - 0 fǎn shè ōu zhì liáo f /reflexology (alternative medicine)/ 反射弧 - 28 fǎn shè hú f /reflex arc/ 反射星云 反射星雲 S - 0 fǎn shè xīng yún f /reflection nebula/ 反射星雲 反射星云 T - 0 fǎn shè xīng yún f /reflection nebula/ 反射疗法 反射療法 S - 0 fǎn shè liáo fǎ f /reflexology (alternative medicine)/ 反射療法 反射疗法 T - 0 fǎn shè liáo fǎ f /reflexology (alternative medicine)/ 反射鏡 反射镜 T - 80 fǎn shè jìng f /reflector/ 反射镜 反射鏡 S - 80 fǎn shè jìng f /reflector/ 反射面 - 13 fǎn shè miàn f /reflecting surface/ 反對 反对 T 816 9366 fǎn duì f /to fight against/to oppose/to be opposed to/opposition/ 反對派 反对派 T - 285 fǎn duì pài f /opposition faction/ 反對票 反对票 T - 198 fǎn duì piào f /a vote against/a veto/ 反對黨 反对党 T - 223 fǎn duì dǎng f /opposition (political) party/ 反導 反导 T - 210 fǎn dǎo f /anti-missile/ 反導導彈 反导导弹 T - 0 fǎn dǎo dǎo dàn f /anti-missile missile (such as the Patriot Missile)/ 反導彈 反导弹 T - 3 fǎn dǎo dàn f /anti-missile/ 反導系統 反导系统 T - 0 fǎn dǎo xì tǒng f /anti-missile system/missile defense system/ 反差 - 162 fǎn chā f /contrast/discrepancy/ 反帝 - 1015 fǎn dì f /anti-imperialist/anti-imperialists/ 反常 3533 325 fǎn cháng f /unusual/abnormal/ 反应 反應 S 1347 7652 fǎn yìng f /to react/to respond/reaction/response/reply/chemical reaction/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 反应堆 反應堆 S - 196 fǎn yìng duī f /reactor/ 反应堆燃料元件 反應堆燃料元件 S - 0 fǎn yìng duī rán liào yuán jiàn f /fuel element/ 反应堆芯 反應堆芯 S - 0 fǎn yìng duī xīn f /reactor core/ 反应式 反應式 S - 18 fǎn yìng shì f /equation of a chemical reaction/ 反应时 反應時 S - 0 fǎn yìng shí f /response time/ 反应时间 反應時間 S - 6 fǎn yīng shí jiān f /response time (technology)/ 反应锅 反應鍋 S - 3 fǎn yìng guō f /reaction pot (chemical engineering)/cauldron (at Hogwarts 霍格沃茨)/ 反式 - 44 fǎn shì f /trans- (isomer) (chemistry)/see also 順式|顺式[shun4 shi4]/ 反式脂肪 - 0 fǎn shì zhī fáng f /trans fat/trans-isomer fatty acid/ 反式脂肪酸 - 0 fǎn shì zhī fáng suān f /see 反式脂肪[fan3 shi4 zhi1 fang2]/ 反弹 反彈 S - 410 fǎn tán f /to bounce/to bounce back/to boomerang/to ricochet/rebound (of stock market etc)/bounce/backlash/negative repercussions/ 反弹导弹 反彈導彈 S - 0 fǎn dàn dǎo dàn f /antimissile missile/ 反彈 反弹 T - 410 fǎn tán f /to bounce/to bounce back/to boomerang/to ricochet/rebound (of stock market etc)/bounce/backlash/negative repercussions/ 反彈導彈 反弹导弹 T - 0 fǎn dàn dǎo dàn f /antimissile missile/ 反录病毒 反錄病毒 S - 0 fǎn lù bìng dú f /reverse transcription virus/retrovirus/ 反復 反复 T 2135 2882 fǎn fù f /variant of 反覆|反复[fan3 fu4]/ 反思 4439 596 fǎn sī f /to think back over sth/to review/to revisit/to rethink/reflection/reassessment/ 反恐 - 352 fǎn kǒng f /anti-terrorism/to fight against terrorism/ 反恐战争 反恐戰爭 S - 0 fǎn kǒng zhàn zhēng f /war on terrorism/ 反恐戰爭 反恐战争 T - 0 fǎn kǒng zhàn zhēng f /war on terrorism/ 反悔 - 153 fǎn huǐ f /to renege/to go back (on a deal)/to back out (of a promise)/ 反感 3540 511 fǎn gǎn f /to be disgusted with/to dislike/bad reaction/antipathy/ 反應 反应 T 1347 7652 fǎn yìng f /to react/to respond/reaction/response/reply/chemical reaction/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 反應堆 反应堆 T - 196 fǎn yìng duī f /reactor/ 反應堆燃料元件 反应堆燃料元件 T - 0 fǎn yìng duī rán liào yuán jiàn f /fuel element/ 反應堆芯 反应堆芯 T - 0 fǎn yìng duī xīn f /reactor core/ 反應式 反应式 T - 18 fǎn yìng shì f /equation of a chemical reaction/ 反應時 反应时 T - 0 fǎn yìng shí f /response time/ 反應時間 反应时间 T - 6 fǎn yīng shí jiān f /response time (technology)/ 反應鍋 反应锅 T - 3 fǎn yìng guō f /reaction pot (chemical engineering)/cauldron (at Hogwarts 霍格沃茨)/ 反战 反戰 S - 75 fǎn zhàn f /anti-war/ 反战抗议 反戰抗議 S - 0 fǎn zhàn kàng yì f /antiwar protest/ 反戰 反战 T - 75 fǎn zhàn f /anti-war/ 反戰抗議 反战抗议 T - 0 fǎn zhàn kàng yì f /antiwar protest/ 反手 - 533 fǎn shǒu f /to turn a hand over/to put one's hand behind one's back/fig. easily done/ 反扑 反撲 S - 123 fǎn pū f /to counter-attack/to come back after a defeat/to retrieve lost ground/ 反托拉斯 - 3 fǎn tuō lā sī f /antitrust (loanword)/ 反批評 反批评 T - 0 fǎn pī píng f /counter-criticism/ 反批评 反批評 S - 0 fǎn pī píng f /counter-criticism/ 反抗 2742 2233 fǎn kàng f /to resist/to rebel/ 反抗者 - 3 fǎn kàng zhě f /rebel/ 反掌 - 0 fǎn zhǎng f /lit. to turn over one's palm/fig. everything is going very well./ 反接 - 3 fǎn jiē f /trussed/with hands tied behind the back/ 反撞 - 0 fǎn zhuàng f /recoil (of a gun)/ 反撲 反扑 T - 123 fǎn pū f /to counter-attack/to come back after a defeat/to retrieve lost ground/ 反擊 反击 T - 1323 fǎn jī f /to strike back/to beat back/to counterattack/ 反攻 - 618 fǎn gōng f /to counterattack/a counter-offensive/ 反政府 - 0 fǎn zhèng fǔ f /anti-government (protest)/ 反敗為勝 反败为胜 T - 61 fǎn bài wéi shèng f /to turn defeat into victory (idiom); to turn the tide/ 反散射 - 0 fǎn sàn shè f /backscatter/ 反文旁 - 3 fǎn wén páng f /(colloquial) grapheme 攵 (variant form of Kangxi radical 66, 攴)/ 反斜杠 - 0 fǎn xié gàng f /backslash (computing)/ 反斜線 反斜线 T - 0 fǎn xié xiàn f /backslash (computing)/reversed diagonal/ 反斜线 反斜線 S - 0 fǎn xié xiàn f /backslash (computing)/reversed diagonal/ 反日 - 62 fǎn rì f /anti-Japan/ 反时势 反時勢 S - 0 fǎn shí shì f /unconventional/ 反时针 反時針 S - 0 fǎn shí zhēn f /counterclockwise/ 反映 2157 6618 fǎn yìng f /to mirror/to reflect/mirror image/reflection/(fig.) to report/to make known/to render/ 反映論 反映论 T - 15 fǎn yìng lùn f /theory of reflection (in dialectic materialism), i.e. every perception reflects physical reality/ 反映论 反映論 S - 15 fǎn yìng lùn f /theory of reflection (in dialectic materialism), i.e. every perception reflects physical reality/ 反時勢 反时势 T - 0 fǎn shí shì f /unconventional/ 反時針 反时针 T - 0 fǎn shí zhēn f /counterclockwise/ 反杜林論 反杜林论 T - 3 Fǎn Dù lín Lùn f /Anti-Dühring, book by Friedrich Engels 恩格斯[En1 ge2 si1]/ 反杜林论 反杜林論 S - 3 Fǎn Dù lín Lùn f /Anti-Dühring, book by Friedrich Engels 恩格斯[En1 ge2 si1]/ 反核 - 0 fǎn hé f /anti-nuclear (e.g. protest)/ 反正 1351 2166 fǎn zhèng f /anyway/in any case/to come over from the enemy's side/ 反正一样 反正一樣 S - 0 fǎn zhèng yī yàng f /whether it's right or wrong doesn't make a lot of difference/six of one and half a dozen of the other/as broad as it is long/ 反正一樣 反正一样 T - 0 fǎn zhèng yī yàng f /whether it's right or wrong doesn't make a lot of difference/six of one and half a dozen of the other/as broad as it is long/ 反比 - 174 fǎn bǐ f /inversely proportional/inverse ratio/ 反气旋 反氣旋 S - 3 fǎn qì xuán f /anticyclone/ 反氣旋 反气旋 T - 3 fǎn qì xuán f /anticyclone/ 反水 - 13 fǎn shuǐ f /turncoat/traitor/ 反求諸己 反求诸己 T - 2 fǎn qiú zhū jǐ f /to seek the cause in oneself rather than sb else/ 反求诸己 反求諸己 S - 2 fǎn qiú zhū jǐ f /to seek the cause in oneself rather than sb else/ 反污 - 0 fǎn wū f /to accuse the victim (while being the guilty party)/ 反派 - 9 fǎn pài f /villain (of a drama etc)/ 反清 - 3 fǎn Qīng f /anti-Qing/refers to the revolutionary movements in late 19th and early 20th century leading up to 1911 Xinhai Revolution 辛亥革命[Xin1 hai4 Ge2 ming4]/ 反演 - 33 fǎn yǎn f /inversion (geometry)/ 反潛 反潜 T - 675 fǎn qián f /anti-submarine/antisubmarine/ 反潜 反潛 S - 675 fǎn qián f /anti-submarine/antisubmarine/ 反照 - 21 fǎn zhào f /reflection/ 反照率 - 3 fǎn zhào lǜ f /reflectivity/albedo/ 反物質 反物质 T - 9 fǎn wù zhì f /antimatter/ 反物质 反物質 S - 9 fǎn wù zhì f /antimatter/ 反特 - 0 fǎn tè f /to thwart enemy espionage/to engage in counterespionage/ 反犹太主义 反猶太主義 S - 0 fǎn Yóu tài zhǔ yì f /antisemitism/ 反猶太主義 反犹太主义 T - 0 fǎn Yóu tài zhǔ yì f /antisemitism/ 反生物战 反生物戰 S - 0 fǎn shēng wù zhàn f /biological (warfare) defense/ 反生物戰 反生物战 T - 0 fǎn shēng wù zhàn f /biological (warfare) defense/ 反用换流器 反用換流器 S - 0 fǎn yòng huàn liú qì f /inverter, device that converts AC electricity to DC and vice versa/ 反用換流器 反用换流器 T - 0 fǎn yòng huàn liú qì f /inverter, device that converts AC electricity to DC and vice versa/ 反电子 反電子 S - 0 fǎn diàn zǐ f /positron/also called 正電子|正电子[zheng4 dian4 zi3]/ 反白 - 3 fǎn bái f /reverse type (white on black)/reversed-out (graphics)/highlighting (of selected text on a computer screen)/ 反目 - 22 fǎn mù f /to quarrel/to fall out with sb/ 反目成仇 - 22 fǎn mù chéng chóu f /to become enemies (idiom); to fall out with sb/ 反省 - 288 fǎn xǐng f /to reflect upon oneself/to examine one's conscience/to question oneself/to search one's soul/ 反知識 反知识 T - 0 fǎn zhī shi f /anti-intellectual/ 反知识 反知識 S - 0 fǎn zhī shi f /anti-intellectual/ 反社会 反社會 S - 0 fǎn shè huì f /antisocial (behavior)/ 反社会行为 反社會行為 S - 0 fǎn shè huì xíng wéi f /antisocial behavior/ 反社會 反社会 T - 0 fǎn shè huì f /antisocial (behavior)/ 反社會行為 反社会行为 T - 0 fǎn shè huì xíng wéi f /antisocial behavior/ 反科学 反科學 S - 11 fǎn kē xué f /anti-science/anti-scientific/ 反科學 反科学 T - 11 fǎn kē xué f /anti-science/anti-scientific/ 反空降 - 35 fǎn kōng jiàng f /anti-aircraft defense/ 反粒子 - 3 fǎn lì zǐ f /antiparticle (physics)/ 反美 - 0 fǎn Měi f /anti-American/ 反義 反义 T - 18 fǎn yì f /antonymous/(genetic) antisense/ 反義字 反义字 T - 3 fǎn yì zì f /character with opposite meaning/antonym/opposite characters/ 反義詞 反义词 T - 19 fǎn yì cí f /antonym/ 反而 1992 3547 fǎn ér f /instead/on the contrary/contrary (to expectations)/ 反聖嬰 反圣婴 T - 0 Fǎn shèng yīng f /La Niña (counterpart of El Niño in meteorology)/ 反聘 - 3 fǎn pìn f /to re-hire retired personnel/ 反胃 - 25 fǎn wèi f /retching/vomiting/ 反脸无情 反臉無情 S - 3 fǎn liǎn wú qíng f /to turn one's face against sb and show no mercy (idiom); to turn against a friend/ 反腐 - 33 fǎn fǔ f /anti-corruption/ 反腐倡廉 - 57 fǎn fǔ chàng lián f /to fight corruption and advocate probity/ 反腐敗 反腐败 T - 3 fǎn fǔ bài f /to oppose corruption/anti-graft (measures, policy etc)/ 反腐败 反腐敗 S - 3 fǎn fǔ bài f /to oppose corruption/anti-graft (measures, policy etc)/ 反臉無情 反脸无情 T - 3 fǎn liǎn wú qíng f /to turn one's face against sb and show no mercy (idiom); to turn against a friend/ 反興奮劑 反兴奋剂 T - 0 fǎn xīng fèn jì f /anti-doping/anti-stimulant/policy against drugs in sports/ 反舰导弹 反艦導彈 S - 3 fǎn jiàn dǎo dàn f /anti-ship missile/ 反舰艇 反艦艇 S - 0 fǎn jiàn tǐng f /anti-ship/ 反舰艇巡航导弹 反艦艇巡航導彈 S - 0 fǎn jiàn tǐng xún háng dǎo dàn f /anti-ship cruise missile/ 反艦導彈 反舰导弹 T - 3 fǎn jiàn dǎo dàn f /anti-ship missile/ 反艦艇 反舰艇 T - 0 fǎn jiàn tǐng f /anti-ship/ 反艦艇巡航導彈 反舰艇巡航导弹 T - 0 fǎn jiàn tǐng xún háng dǎo dàn f /anti-ship cruise missile/ 反芻 反刍 T - 49 fǎn chú f /to ruminate/to chew the cud/ 反芻動物 反刍动物 T - 14 fǎn chú dòng wù f /ruminant/ 反英 - 3 fǎn Yīng f /anti-English/ 反英雄 - 0 fǎn yīng xióng f /antihero/ 反華 反华 T - 78 fǎn Huá f /anti-Chinese/ 反衝 反冲 T - 33 fǎn chōng f /recoil (of a gun)/to bounce back/backlash/