廝搏 厮搏 T - 0 sī bó f /to fight at close quarters/to tussle/ 廝殺 厮杀 T - 505 sī shā f /to fight at close quarters/hand-to-hand/ 廝混 厮混 T - 68 sī hùn f /to hang out together with (derog.)/to mix with/ 廝熟 厮熟 T - 0 sī shú f /familiar with one another/ 廝纏 厮缠 T - 2 sī chán f /to tangle with/to get involved/to pester/ 廝鑼 厮锣 T - 0 sī luó f /small gong/ 廞 - 0 xīn f /to prepare horses and chariots for battle/ 廟 庙 T - 4541 miào f /temple/ancestral shrine/CL:座[zuo4]/temple fair/ 廟主 庙主 T - 3 miào zhǔ f /head priest of a temple/ 廟口 庙口 T - 3 Miào kǒu f /Miaokou, market district in Keelung, Taiwan/ 廟堂 庙堂 T - 113 miào táng f /imperial ancestral temple/imperial court/temple/ 廟塔 庙塔 T - 0 miào tǎ f /temples and pagodas/ 廟宇 庙宇 T - 300 miào yǔ f /temple/ 廟會 庙会 T - 123 miào huì f /temple fair/ 廟祝 庙祝 T - 19 miào zhù f /acolyte in charge of incense in a temple/ 廟號 庙号 T - 58 miào hào f /temple name of a deceased Chinese emperor/ 廠 厂 T - 5728 chǎng t /factory/yard/depot/workhouse/works/(industrial) plant/ 廠主 厂主 T - 52 chǎng zhǔ f /factory owner/ 廠史 厂史 T - 3 chǎng shǐ f /factory history/ 廠商 厂商 T - 1183 chǎng shāng f /manufacturer/producer/ 廠址 厂址 T - 25 chǎng zhǐ f /factory site/location/ 廠子 厂子 T - 115 chǎng zi f /(coll.) factory/mill/yard/depot/ 廠家 厂家 T - 654 chǎng jiā f /factory/factory owners/ 廠工 厂工 T - 0 chǎng gōng f /factory/factory worker/ 廠房 厂房 T - 309 chǎng fáng f /a building used as a factory/factory (building)/CL:座[zuo4],棟|栋[dong4]/ 廠牌 厂牌 T - 5 chǎng pái f /brand (of a product)/ 廠礦 厂矿 T - 103 chǎng kuàng f /factories and mines/ 廠禮拜 厂礼拜 T - 0 chǎng lǐ bài f /day off (work)/ 廠絲 厂丝 T - 0 chǎng sī f /filature silk/ 廠規 厂规 T - 3 chǎng guī f /factory regulations/ 廠長 厂长 T - 789 chǎng zhǎng f /factory director/ 廡 庑 T - 553 wú f /variant of 蕪|芜[wu2]/ 廡 庑 T - 553 wǔ t /small rooms facing or to the side of the main hall or veranda/ 廢 废 T - 2641 fèi f /to abolish/to abandon/to abrogate/to discard/to depose/to oust/crippled/abandoned/waste/ 廢人 废人 T - 115 fèi rén f /handicapped person/useless person/ 廢品 废品 T - 133 fèi pǐn f /production rejects/seconds/scrap/discarded material/ 廢墟 废墟 T 3611 476 fèi xū f /ruins/ 廢寢忘食 废寝忘食 T 4909 45 fèi qǐn wàng shí f /to neglect sleep and forget about food (idiom)/to skip one's sleep and meals/to be completely wrapped up in one's work/ 廢寢忘餐 废寝忘餐 T - 3 fèi qǐn wàng cān f /to neglect sleep and food (idiom); to skip one's sleep and meals/to be completely wrapped up in one's work/ 廢寢食 废寝食 T - 0 fèi qǐn shí f /to neglect sleep and food/ 廢弛 废弛 T - 61 fèi chí f /to fall into disuse (of laws, customs etc)/to neglect/ 廢掉 废掉 T - 94 fèi diào f /to depose (a king)/ 廢料 废料 T - 72 fèi liào f /waste products/refuse/garbage/good-for-nothing (derog.)/ 廢時 废时 T - 0 fèi shí f /to waste time/ 廢柴 废柴 T - 0 fèi chái f /(Cantonese) (coll.) good-for-nothing/loser/ 廢棄 废弃 T - 398 fèi qì f /to discard/to abandon (old ways)/to invalidate/ 廢止 废止 T - 198 fèi zhǐ f /to repeal (a law)/to put an end to/abolition/annulled/ 廢氣 废气 T - 127 fèi qì f /exhaust gas/industrial waste gas/steam/ 廢水 废水 T - 209 fèi shuǐ f /waste water/drain water/effluent/ 廢液 废液 T - 25 fèi yè f /waste liquids/ 廢渣 废渣 T - 47 fèi zhā f /industrial waste product/slag/ 廢然 废然 T - 3 fèi rán f /depressed/dejected/ 廢物 废物 T - 433 fèi wù f /rubbish/waste material/useless person/ 廢物箱 废物箱 T - 3 fèi wù xiāng f /ash-bin/litter-bin/ 廢物點心 废物点心 T - 0 fèi wù diǎn xin f /(coll.) a good-for-nothing/loser/ 廢紙 废纸 T - 99 fèi zhǐ f /waste paper/ 廢統 废统 T - 0 fèi tǒng f /"abandonment of reunification", abolition of the cross-straits reunification committee/ 廢置 废置 T - 23 fèi zhì f /to discard/to shelve as useless/ 廢舊 废旧 T - 37 fèi jiù f /worn out/old fashioned and dilapidated/ 廢藩置縣 废藩置县 T - 0 fèi fān zhì xiàn f /to abolish the feudal Han and introduce modern prefectures (refers to reorganization during Meiji Japan)/ 廢話 废话 T 1520 327 fèi huà f /nonsense/rubbish/superfluous words/You don't say!/No kidding! (gently sarcastic)/ 廢話連篇 废话连篇 T - 3 fèi huà lián piān f /a bunch of nonsense/verbose and rambling/ 廢銅爛鐵 废铜烂铁 T - 3 fèi tóng làn tiě f /scrap metal/a pile of junk/ 廢鋼 废钢 T - 10 fèi gāng f /scrap metal/steel scrap/ 廢鐵 废铁 T - 54 fèi tiě f /scrap iron/ 廢除 废除 T 3906 3551 fèi chú f /to abolish/to abrogate/to repeal/ 廢除軍備 废除军备 T - 0 fèi chú jūn bèi f /to disarm/ 廢黜 废黜 T - 155 fèi chù f /to depose (a king)/ 廣 广 T - 4658 Guǎng f /surname Guang/ 廣 广 T - 4658 guǎng f /wide/numerous/to spread/ 廣九 广九 T - 0 Guǎng Jiǔ f /Guangdong and Kowloon (e.g. railway)/ 廣九鐵路 广九铁路 T - 0 Guǎng Jiǔ tiě lù f /Guangdong and Kowloon railway/ 廣交會 广交会 T - 33 Guǎng Jiāo Huì f /China Export Commodities Fair also known as the Canton Fair/ 廣傳 广传 T - 0 guǎng chuán f /to propagate/ 廣元 广元 T - 42 Guǎng yuán f /Guangyuan prefecture level city in Sichuan/ 廣元市 广元市 T - 22 Guǎng yuán shì f /Guangyuan prefecture level city in Sichuan/ 廣南 广南 T - 21 Guǎng nán f /Guangnan county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture 文山壯族苗族自治州|文山壮族苗族自治州[Wen2 shan1 Zhuang4 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 廣南縣 广南县 T - 2 Guǎng nán xiàn f /Guangnan county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture 文山壯族苗族自治州|文山壮族苗族自治州[Wen2 shan1 Zhuang4 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 廣博 广博 T - 133 guǎng bó f /extensive/ 廣告 广告 T 824 2928 guǎng gào f /to advertise/a commercial/advertisement/CL:項|项[xiang4]/ 廣告商 广告商 T - 59 guǎng gào shāng f /advertising company/ 廣告條幅 广告条幅 T - 0 guǎng gào tiáo fú f /banner advertisement/ 廣告片 广告片 T - 10 guǎng gào piàn f /advertising film/TV commercial/ 廣告牌 广告牌 T - 79 guǎng gào pái f /billboard/ 廣告衫 广告衫 T - 3 guǎng gào shān f /promotional T-shirt/CL:件[jian4]/ 廣域市 广域市 T - 0 guǎng yù shì f /metropolitan city, South Korean analog of PRC municipality 直轄市|直辖市[zhi2 xia2 shi4]/ 廣域網 广域网 T - 35 guǎng yù wǎng f /wide area network/WAN/ 廣域網路 广域网路 T - 0 guǎng yù wǎng lù f /wide area network/WAN/ 廣場 广场 T 1776 7424 guǎng chǎng f /public square/plaza/ 廣場恐怖症 广场恐怖症 T - 0 guǎng chǎng kǒng bù zhèng f /agoraphobia/ 廣場恐懼 广场恐惧 T - 0 guǎng chǎng kǒng jù f /agoraphobia/ 廣場恐懼症 广场恐惧症 T - 0 guǎng chǎng kǒng jù zhèng f /agoraphobia/ 廣外 广外 T - 4 Guǎng Wài f /abbr. for 廣東外語外貿大學|广东外语外贸大学[Guang3 dong1 Wai4 yu3 Wai4 mao4 Da4 xue2]/ 廣大 广大 T 2448 5043 guǎng dà f /(of an area) vast or extensive/large-scale/widespread/(of people) numerous/ 廣安 广安 T - 31 Guǎng ān f /Guang'an prefecture level city in Sichuan/ 廣安地區 广安地区 T - 0 Guǎng ān dì qū f /Guang'an prefecture level city in Sichuan/ 廣安市 广安市 T - 5 Guǎng ān shì f /Guang'an prefecture level city in Sichuan/ 廣安門 广安门 T - 29 Guǎng ān mén f /Guanganmen in Xuanwu 宣武區|宣武区 district of southwest Beijing/ 廣宗 广宗 T - 10 Guǎng zōng f /Guangzong county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ 廣宗縣 广宗县 T - 2 Guǎng zōng xiàn f /Guangzong county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ 廣寧 广宁 T - 75 Guǎng níng f /Guangning county in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆[Zhao4 qing4], Guangdong/ 廣寧縣 广宁县 T - 4 Guǎng níng xiàn f /Guangning county in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆[Zhao4 qing4], Guangdong/ 廣島 广岛 T - 143 Guǎng dǎo f /Hiroshima, Japan/ 廣島縣 广岛县 T - 0 Guǎng dǎo xiàn f /Hiroshima prefecture, Japan/ 廣州 广州 T - 5640 Guǎng zhōu f /Guangzhou subprovincial city and capital of Guangdong/Canton/ 廣州中醫藥大學 广州中医药大学 T - 0 Guǎng zhōu Zhōng yī yào Dà xué f /Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine/ 廣州市 广州市 T - 473 Guǎng zhōu shì f /Guangzhou subprovincial city and capital of Guangdong/Canton/ 廣州日報 广州日报 T - 3 Guǎng zhōu Rì bào f /Guangzhou Daily/ 廣州美術學院 广州美术学院 T - 3 Guǎng zhōu Měi shù Xué yuàn f /Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts/ 廣平 广平 T - 26 Guǎng píng f /Guangping county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 dan1], Hebei/ 廣平縣 广平县 T - 2 Guǎng píng xiàn f /Guangping county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 dan1], Hebei/ 廣度 广度 T - 265 guǎng dù f /breadth/ 廣德 广德 T - 40 Guǎng dé f /Guangde county in Xuancheng 宣城[Xuan1 cheng2], Anhui/ 廣德縣 广德县 T - 3 Guǎng dé xiàn f /Guangde county in Xuancheng 宣城[Xuan1 cheng2], Anhui/ 廣播 广播 T 1018 1920 guǎng bō f /broadcast/CL:個|个[ge4]/broadcasting/to broadcast/(formal) to propagate/to publicize/ 廣播劇 广播剧 T - 35 guǎng bō jù f /radio drama/ 廣播和未知服務器 广播和未知服务器 T - 0 guǎng bō hé wèi zhī fú wù qì f /Broadcast and Unknown Server/BUS/ 廣播員 广播员 T - 6 guǎng bō yuán f /(radio) broadcaster/ 廣播地址 广播地址 T - 0 guǎng bō dì zhǐ f /broadcast address/ 廣播室 广播室 T - 6 guǎng bō shì f /broadcasting room/ 廣播節目 广播节目 T - 3 guǎng bō jié mù f /radio program/broadcast schedule/ 廣播網 广播网 T - 12 guǎng bō wǎng f /network/ 廣播網路 广播网路 T - 0 guǎng bō wǎng lù f /broadcast network/ 廣播電台 广播电台 T - 32 guǎng bō diàn tái f /radio station/ 廣播電臺 广播电台 T - 32 guǎng bō diàn tái f /radio station/broadcasting station/CL:個|个[ge4],家[jia1]/ 廣昌 广昌 T - 65 Guǎng chāng f /Guangchang county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi/ 廣昌縣 广昌县 T - 3 Guǎng chāng xiàn f /Guangchang county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi/ 廣東 广东 T - 4256 Guǎng dōng f /Guangdong province (Kwangtung) in south China, short name 粵|粤[Yue4], capital Guangzhou 廣州|广州/ 廣東人 广东人 T - 0 Guǎng dōng rén f /Cantonese (people)/ 廣東外語外貿大學 广东外语外贸大学 T - 22 Guǎng dōng Wài yǔ Wài mào Dà xué f /Guangdong University of Foreign Studies/ 廣東海洋大學 广东海洋大学 T - 0 Guǎng dōng Hǎi yáng Dà xué f /Guangdong Ocean University/ 廣東省 广东省 T - 924 Guǎng dōng shěng f /Guangdong province (Kwangtung) in south China, short name 粵|粤[Yue4], capital Guangzhou 廣州|广州/ 廣東科學技術職業學院 广东科学技术职业学院 T - 0 Guǎng dōng Kē xué jì shù Zhí yè Xué yuàn f /Guangdong Institute of Science and Technology/ 廣東藥學院 广东药学院 T - 0 Guǎng dōng Yào Xué yuàn f /Guangdong Pharmaceutical University/ 廣東話 广东话 T - 3 Guǎng dōng huà f /Cantonese language/ 廣東醫學院 广东医学院 T - 0 Guǎng dōng Yī xué yuàn f /Guangdong Medical College/ 廣柑 广柑 T - 10 Guǎng gān f /a variety of orange grown in Guangdong, Sichuan, Taiwan etc/ 廣水 广水 T - 6 Guǎng shuǐ f /Guangshui county level city in Suizhou 隨州|随州[Sui2 zhou1], Hubei/ 廣水市 广水市 T - 258 Guǎng shuǐ shì f /Guangshui county level city in Suizhou 隨州|随州[Sui2 zhou1], Hubei/ 廣河 广河 T - 2 Guǎng hé f /Guanghe county in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture 臨夏回族自治州|临夏回族自治州[Lin2 xia4 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ 廣河縣 广河县 T - 3 Guǎng hé xiàn f /Guanghe county in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture 臨夏回族自治州|临夏回族自治州[Lin2 xia4 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ 廣泛 广泛 T 2349 8276 guǎng fàn f /extensive/wide range/ 廣泛影響 广泛影响 T - 0 guǎng fàn yǐng xiǎng f /wide ranging influence/ 廣泛性焦慮症 广泛性焦虑症 T - 0 guǎng fàn xìng jiāo lǜ zhèng f /generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)/ 廣漠 广漠 T - 11 guǎng mò f /vast and empty/ 廣漢 广汉 T - 69 Guǎng hàn f /Guanghan county level city in Deyang 德陽|德阳[De2 yang2], Sichuan/ 廣漢市 广汉市 T - 11 Guǎng hàn shì f /Guanghan county level city in Deyang 德陽|德阳[De2 yang2], Sichuan/ 廣目天 广目天 T - 0 Guǎng mù tiān f /Virupaksa (on of the Four Heavenly Kings)/ 廣硯 广砚 T - 0 Guǎng Yàn f /Guangnan and Yanshan (in Yunnan)/ 廣結良緣 广结良缘 T - 3 guǎng jié liáng yuán f /to earn people's praise through one's good deeds (idiom)/ 廣義 广义 T - 856 guǎng yì f /broad sense/general sense/ 廣義相對論 广义相对论 T - 0 guǎng yì xiāng duì lùn f /general relativity/Einstein's theory of gravity/ 廣而告之廣告公司 广而告之广告公司 T - 0 guǎng ér gào zhī guǎng gào gōng sī f /China Mass Media International Advertising Corp/ 廣藿香 广藿香 T - 3 guǎng huò xiāng f /(botany) patchouli (Pogostemon cablin)/ 廣袤 广袤 T - 97 guǎng mào f /vast/ 廣西 广西 T - 1727 Guǎng xī f /Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region 廣西壯族自治區|广西壮族自治区 (Zhuang: Gvangjsih Bouxcuengh Swcigih) in southwest China on the border with Vietnam, abbr. 桂, capital Nanning 南寧|南宁/until 1959, Guangxi province/ 廣西壯族自治區 广西壮族自治区 T - 205 Guǎng xī Zhuàng zú Zì zhì qū f /Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region in southwest China on the border with Vietnam, abbr. 桂[Gui4], capital Nanning 南寧|南宁[Nan2 ning2]/until 1959, Guangxi province/ 廣西省 广西省 T - 31 Guǎng xī Shěng f /Guangxi province in south China/since 1959, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region 廣西壯族自治區|广西壮族自治区[Guang3 xi1 Zhuang4 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 qu1], location of the Zhuang ethnic group, abbr. 桂[Gui4], capital Nanning 南寧|南宁[Nan2 ning2]/ 廣角 广角 T - 13 guǎng jiǎo f /wide-angle/panoramic/fig. wide perspective/panorama/ 廣角鏡 广角镜 T - 3 guǎng jiǎo jìng f /wide-angle lens/ 廣角鏡頭 广角镜头 T - 2 guǎng jiǎo jìng tóu f /wide angle camera shot/ 廣譜 广谱 T - 31 guǎng pǔ f /broad spectrum/ 廣豐 广丰 T - 4 Guǎng fēng f /Guangfeng county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi/ 廣豐縣 广丰县 T - 4 Guǎng fēng xiàn f /Guangfeng county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi/ 廣遊 广游 T - 0 guǎng yóu f /to travel widely (esp. as Daoist priest or Buddhist monk)/ 廣開言路 广开言路 T - 14 guǎng kāi yán lù f /to encourage the free airing of views (idiom)/ 廣闊 广阔 T 4233 1558 guǎng kuò f /wide/vast/ 廣陵 广陵 T - 98 Guǎng líng f /Guangling district of Yangzhou city 揚州市|扬州市[Yang2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 廣陵區 广陵区 T - 3 Guǎng líng qū f /Guangling district of Yangzhou city 揚州市|扬州市[Yang2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 廣陽 广阳 T - 13 Guǎng yáng f /Guangyang district of Langfang city 廊坊市[Lang2 fang2 shi4], Hebei/ 廣陽區 广阳区 T - 6 Guǎng yáng qū f /Guangyang district of Langfang city 廊坊市[Lang2 fang2 shi4], Hebei/ 廣雅 广雅 T - 18 Guǎng yǎ f /earliest extant Chinese encyclopedia from Wei of the Three Kingdoms, 3rd century, modeled on Erya 爾雅|尔雅[Er3 ya3], 18150 entries/ 廣電 广电 T - 115 guǎng diàn f /radio and television/broadcasting/ 廣電總局 广电总局 T - 124 Guǎng diàn Zǒng jú f /State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television (SARFT) (terminated 2013)/(as of 2013) abbr. for 國家新聞出版廣電總局|国家新闻出版光电总局[Guo2 jia1 Xin1 wen2 Chu1 ban3 Guang3 dian4 Zong3 ju2]/ 廣靈 广灵 T - 6 Guǎng líng f /Guangling county in Datong 大同[Da4 tong2], Shanxi/ 廣靈縣 广灵县 T - 3 Guǎng líng xiàn f /Guangling county in Datong 大同[Da4 tong2], Shanxi/ 廣韻 广韵 T - 18 Guǎng yùn f /Guangyun, Chinese rime dictionary from 11th century, containing 26,194 single-character entries/ 廣饒 广饶 T - 9 Guǎng ráo f /Guanrao county in Dongying 東營|东营[Dong1 ying2], Shandong/ 廣饒縣 广饶县 T - 7 Guǎng ráo xiàn f /Guanrao county in Dongying 東營|东营[Dong1 ying2], Shandong/ 廥 - 0 kuài f /barn/granary/ 廥仓 廥倉 S - 0 kuài cāng f /granary/ 廥倉 廥仓 T - 0 kuài cāng f /granary/ 廧 - 0 qiáng f /wall/ 廨 - 76 xiè f /office/ 廩 廪 T - 77 lǐn f /government granary/ 廪 廩 S - 77 lǐn f /government granary/ 廬 庐 T - 310 lú f /hut/ 廬山 庐山 T - 533 Lú shān f /Lushan district of Jiujiang city 九江市, Jiangxi/Mt Lushan in Jiujiang, famous as summer holiday spot/ 廬山區 庐山区 T - 15 Lú shān qū f /Lushan district of Jiujiang city 九江市, Jiangxi/ 廬江 庐江 T - 318 Lú jiāng f /Lujiang county in Chaohu 巢湖[Chao2 hu2], Anhui/ 廬江縣 庐江县 T - 11 Lú jiāng xiàn f /Lujiang county in Chaohu 巢湖[Chao2 hu2], Anhui/ 廬陽 庐阳 T - 0 Lú yáng f /Luyang district of Hefei city 合肥市[He2 fei2 shi4], Anhui/ 廬陽區 庐阳区 T - 3 Lú yáng qū f /Luyang district of Hefei city 合肥市[He2 fei2 shi4], Anhui/ 廱 - 5 yōng f /harmonious/ 廳 厅 T - 4146 tīng f /(reception) hall/living room/office/provincial government department/ 廳堂 厅堂 T - 364 tīng táng f /hall/ 廳長 厅长 T - 406 tīng zhǎng f /head of provincial PRC government department/ 廵 巡 T - 808 xún f /variant of 巡[xun2]/ 延 - 846 Yán f /surname Yan/ 延 - 846 yán f /to prolong/to extend/to delay/ 延会 延會 S - 0 yán huì f /to postpone a meeting/ 延伸 3793 2586 yán shēn f /to extend/to spread/ 延发 延發 S - 0 yán fā f /delayed action/ 延吉 - 33 Yán jí f /Yanji county level city, capital of Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州, Jilin/ 延吉市 - 16 Yán jí shì f /Yanji county level city, capital of Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州, Jilin/ 延后 延後 S - 3 yán hòu f /to postpone/to defer/to delay/ 延坪岛 延坪島 S - 0 Yán píng Dǎo f /Yeonpyeong island on Yellow Sea coast of Korea/ 延坪島 延坪岛 T - 0 Yán píng Dǎo f /Yeonpyeong island on Yellow Sea coast of Korea/ 延壽 延寿 T - 70 Yán shòu f /Yanshou county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1], Heilongjiang/to extend life/ 延壽縣 延寿县 T - 2 Yán shòu xiàn f /Yanshou county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1], Heilongjiang/ 延安 - 1381 Yán ān f /Yan'an prefecture level city in Shaanxi, communist headquarters during the war/ 延安地区 延安地區 S - 16 Yán ān dì qū f /Yan'an prefecture, Shaanxi/ 延安地區 延安地区 T - 16 Yán ān dì qū f /Yan'an prefecture, Shaanxi/ 延安市 - 24 Yán ān shì f /Yán'ān prefecture level city in Shaanxi 陝西|陕西, communist headquarters during the war/ 延宕 - 18 yán dàng f /to postpone/to keep putting sth off/ 延寿 延壽 S - 70 Yán shòu f /Yanshou county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1], Heilongjiang/to extend life/ 延寿县 延壽縣 S - 2 Yán shòu xiàn f /Yanshou county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1], Heilongjiang/ 延展 - 36 yán zhǎn f /to extend/to stretch out/ductable/to scale/scalable/ 延展性 - 40 yán zhǎn xìng f /ductability/ 延川 - 4 Yán chuān f /Yanchuan county in Yan'an 延安[Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ 延川县 延川縣 S - 3 Yán chuān xiàn f /Yanchuan county in Yan'an 延安[Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ 延川縣 延川县 T - 3 Yán chuān xiàn f /Yanchuan county in Yan'an 延安[Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ 延平 - 36 Yán píng f /Yanping district of Nanping city 南平市[Nan2 ping2 shi4] Fujian/Yanping township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 延平乡 延平鄉 S - 0 Yán píng xiāng f /Yanping township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 延平区 延平區 S - 3 Yán píng qū f /Yanping district of Nanping city 南平市[Nan2 ping2 shi4] Fujian/ 延平區 延平区 T - 3 Yán píng qū f /Yanping district of Nanping city 南平市[Nan2 ping2 shi4] Fujian/ 延平鄉 延平乡 T - 0 Yán píng xiāng f /Yanping township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 延年 - 0 yán nián f /to prolong life/ 延年益壽 延年益寿 T - 44 yán nián yì shòu f /to make life longer/to promise longevity/(this product will) extend your life/ 延年益寿 延年益壽 S - 44 yán nián yì shòu f /to make life longer/to promise longevity/(this product will) extend your life/ 延庆 延慶 S - 279 Yán qìng f /Yanqing county in Beijing/ 延庆县 延慶縣 S - 27 Yán qìng xiàn f /Yanqing county in Beijing/ 延後 延后 T - 3 yán hòu f /to postpone/to defer/to delay/ 延性 - 12 yán xìng f /ductility/ 延慶 延庆 T - 279 Yán qìng f /Yanqing county in Beijing/ 延慶縣 延庆县 T - 27 Yán qìng xiàn f /Yanqing county in Beijing/ 延接 - 3 yán jiē f /to receive sb/ 延揽 延攬 S - 16 yán lǎn f /to recruit talent/to round up/to enlist the services of sb/ 延搁 延擱 S - 11 yán gē f /to delay/to procrastinate/ 延擱 延搁 T - 11 yán gē f /to delay/to procrastinate/ 延攬 延揽 T - 16 yán lǎn f /to recruit talent/to round up/to enlist the services of sb/ 延时摄影 延時攝影 S - 0 yán shí shè yǐng f /time-lapse photography/ 延時攝影 延时摄影 T - 0 yán shí shè yǐng f /time-lapse photography/ 延會 延会 T - 0 yán huì f /to postpone a meeting/ 延期 3621 359 yán qī f /to delay/to extend/to postpone/to defer/ 延期付款 - 3 yán qī fù kuǎn f /to defer payment/to pay back over long term/ 延津 - 313 Yán jīn f /Yanjin county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡[Xin1 xiang1], Henan/ 延津县 延津縣 S - 9 Yán jīn xiàn f /Yanjin county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡[Xin1 xiang1], Henan/ 延津縣 延津县 T - 9 Yán jīn xiàn f /Yanjin county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡[Xin1 xiang1], Henan/ 延發 延发 T - 0 yán fā f /delayed action/ 延綿 延绵 T - 23 yán mián f /to extend continuously/ 延緩 延缓 T - 224 yán huǎn f /to defer/to postpone/to put off/to retard/to slow sth down/ 延續 延续 T 3551 1369 yán xù f /to continue/to go on/to last/ 延续 延續 S 3551 1369 yán xù f /to continue/to go on/to last/ 延绵 延綿 S - 23 yán mián f /to extend continuously/ 延缓 延緩 S - 224 yán huǎn f /to defer/to postpone/to put off/to retard/to slow sth down/ 延聘 - 11 yán pìn f /to hire/to employ/to engage/ 延聘招揽 延聘招攬 S - 0 yán pìn zhāo lǎn f /to enlist the services of sb/ 延聘招攬 延聘招揽 T - 0 yán pìn zhāo lǎn f /to enlist the services of sb/ 延見 延见 T - 0 yán jiàn f /to introduce/to receive sb/ 延见 延見 S - 0 yán jiàn f /to introduce/to receive sb/ 延誤 延误 T - 328 yán wu f /to delay/to be held up/to miss (an opportunity)/delay/holdup/ 延誤費 延误费 T - 0 yán wu fèi f /demurrage (shipping)/ 延請 延请 T - 26 yán qǐng f /to employ/to send for sb promising employment/ 延误 延誤 S - 328 yán wu f /to delay/to be held up/to miss (an opportunity)/delay/holdup/ 延误费 延誤費 S - 0 yán wu fèi f /demurrage (shipping)/ 延请 延請 S - 26 yán qǐng f /to employ/to send for sb promising employment/ 延边 延邊 S - 82 Yán biān f /Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州 in Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China, capital Yanji city 延吉市/ 延边地区 延邊地區 S - 0 Yán biān dì qū f /Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州 in Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China, capital Yanji city 延吉市/ 延边大学 延邊大學 S - 0 Yán biān Dà xué f /Yanbian University (Jilin province)/ 延边州 延邊州 S - 3 Yán biān zhōu f /Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州 in Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China, capital Yanji city 延吉市/ 延边朝鲜族自治州 延邊朝鮮族自治州 S - 13 Yán biān Cháo xiǎn zú Zì zhì zhōu f /Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture in Jilin province 吉林省[Ji2 lin2 Sheng3] in northeast China, capital Yanji city 延吉市[Yan2 ji2 Shi4]/ 延迟 延遲 S - 197 yán chí f /to delay/to postpone/to keep putting sth off/to procrastinate/(computing) to lag/ 延遲 延迟 T - 197 yán chí f /to delay/to postpone/to keep putting sth off/to procrastinate/(computing) to lag/ 延邊 延边 T - 82 Yán biān f /Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州 in Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China, capital Yanji city 延吉市/ 延邊地區 延边地区 T - 0 Yán biān dì qū f /Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州 in Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China, capital Yanji city 延吉市/ 延邊大學 延边大学 T - 0 Yán biān Dà xué f /Yanbian University (Jilin province)/ 延邊州 延边州 T - 3 Yán biān zhōu f /Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州 in Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China, capital Yanji city 延吉市/ 延邊朝鮮族自治州 延边朝鲜族自治州 T - 13 Yán biān Cháo xiǎn zú Zì zhì zhōu f /Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture in Jilin province 吉林省[Ji2 lin2 Sheng3] in northeast China, capital Yanji city 延吉市[Yan2 ji2 Shi4]/ 延長 延长 T 2219 1229 Yán cháng f /Yanchang county in Yan'an 延安[Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ 延長 延长 T 2219 1229 yán cháng f /to prolong/to extend/to delay/ 延長線 延长线 T - 18 yán cháng xiàn f /extension cord/extended line/powerstrip/ 延長縣 延长县 T - 2 Yán cháng xiàn f /Yanchang county in Yan'an 延安[Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ 延长 延長 S 2219 1229 Yán cháng f /Yanchang county in Yan'an 延安[Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ 延长 延長 S 2219 1229 yán cháng f /to prolong/to extend/to delay/ 延长县 延長縣 S - 2 Yán cháng xiàn f /Yanchang county in Yan'an 延安[Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ 延长线 延長線 S - 18 yán cháng xiàn f /extension cord/extended line/powerstrip/ 延音線 延音线 T - 0 yán yīn xiàn f /tie (music)/ 延音线 延音線 S - 0 yán yīn xiàn f /tie (music)/ 延頸企踵 延颈企踵 T - 3 yán jǐng qǐ zhǒng f /to stand on tiptoe and crane one's neck (idiom); fig. to yearn for sth/ 延颈企踵 延頸企踵 S - 3 yán jǐng qǐ zhǒng f /to stand on tiptoe and crane one's neck (idiom); fig. to yearn for sth/ 延髓 - 100 yán suǐ f /medulla oblongata (the lower half of the brainstem)/ 廷 - 1300 tíng f /palace courtyard/ 廷尉 - 31 tíng wèi f /Commandant of Justice in imperial China, one of the Nine Ministers 九卿[jiu3 qing1]/ 廷巴克图 廷巴克圖 S - 0 Tíng bā kè tú f /Timbuktoo (town and historical cultural center in Mali, a World Heritage site)/ 廷巴克圖 廷巴克图 T - 0 Tíng bā kè tú f /Timbuktoo (town and historical cultural center in Mali, a World Heritage site)/ 廷布 - 3 Tíng bù f /Thimphu, capital of Bhutan/ 廷試 廷试 T - 3 tíng shì f /court examination, the top grade imperial exam/ 廷试 廷試 S - 3 tíng shì f /court examination, the top grade imperial exam/ 廸 - 3 dí f /variant of 迪[di2]/ 廹 迫 T - 929 pò f /variant of 迫[po4]/to persecute/to oppress/embarrassed/ 建 - 11608 jiàn f /to establish/to found/to set up/to build/to construct/ 建三江 - 3 Jiàn sān jiāng f /Jiansanjiang, large-scale agricultural development in Sanjiang river plain in Heilongjiang/ 建业 建業 S - 117 Jiàn yè f /an old name for Nanjing, called Jiankang 建康 or Jianye during the Eastern Jin (317-420)/ 建交 - 493 jiàn jiāo f /to establish diplomatic relations/ 建党 建黨 S - 143 jiàn dǎng f /party-founding/ 建党节 建黨節 S - 0 Jiàn dǎng jié f /CPC Founding Day (July 1st)/ 建军节 建軍節 S - 12 Jiàn jūn jié f /Army Day (August 1)/ 建制 - 1579 jiàn zhì f /organizational structure/ 建功立业 建功立業 S - 85 jiàn gōng lì yè f /to achieve or accomplish goals/ 建功立業 建功立业 T - 85 jiàn gōng lì yè f /to achieve or accomplish goals/ 建华 建華 S - 342 Jiàn huá f /Jianhua district of Qiqihar city 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang/ 建华区 建華區 S - 3 Jiàn huá qū f /Jianhua district of Qiqihar city 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang/ 建商 - 0 jiàn shāng f /construction company/housebuilder/ 建国 建國 S - 3083 jiàn guó f /to found a country/nation-building/the foundation of PRC by Mao Zedong in 1949/ 建國 建国 T - 3083 jiàn guó f /to found a country/nation-building/the foundation of PRC by Mao Zedong in 1949/ 建基 - 3 jiàn jī f /to lay foundations/ 建塘鎮 建塘镇 T - 0 Jiàn táng zhèn f /Jiantang, capital of Dêqên or Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture 迪慶藏族自治州|迪庆藏族自治州[Di2 qing4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], northwest Yunnan/ 建塘镇 建塘鎮 S - 0 Jiàn táng zhèn f /Jiantang, capital of Dêqên or Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture 迪慶藏族自治州|迪庆藏族自治州[Di2 qing4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], northwest Yunnan/ 建始 - 11 Jiàn shǐ f /Jianshi county in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 恩施土家族苗族自治州[En1 shi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Hubei/ 建始县 建始縣 S - 260 Jiàn shǐ xiàn f /Jianshi county in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 恩施土家族苗族自治州[En1 shi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Hubei/ 建始縣 建始县 T - 260 Jiàn shǐ xiàn f /Jianshi county in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 恩施土家族苗族自治州[En1 shi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Hubei/ 建宁 建寧 S - 112 Jiàn níng f /Jianning county in Sanming 三明[San1 ming2], Fujian/ 建宁县 建寧縣 S - 2 Jiàn níng xiàn f /Jianning county in Sanming 三明[San1 ming2], Fujian/ 建安 - 318 Jiàn ān f /reign name (196-219) at the end of the Han dynasty/ 建寧 建宁 T - 112 Jiàn níng f /Jianning county in Sanming 三明[San1 ming2], Fujian/ 建寧縣 建宁县 T - 2 Jiàn níng xiàn f /Jianning county in Sanming 三明[San1 ming2], Fujian/ 建屋互助会 建屋互助會 S - 0 jiàn wū hù zhù huì f /building society (finance)/ 建屋互助會 建屋互助会 T - 0 jiàn wū hù zhù huì f /building society (finance)/ 建平 - 528 Jiàn píng f /Jianping county in Chaoyang 朝陽|朝阳, Liaoning/ 建平县 建平縣 S - 2 Jiàn píng xiàn f /Jianping county in Chaoyang 朝陽|朝阳, Liaoning/ 建平縣 建平县 T - 2 Jiàn píng xiàn f /Jianping county in Chaoyang 朝陽|朝阳, Liaoning/ 建康 - 206 Jiàn kāng f /old name for Nanjing 南京, esp. during Southern dynasties/ 建德 - 91 Jiàn dé f /Jiande county level city in Hangzhou 杭州[Hang2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 建德市 - 4 Jiàn dé shì f /Jiande county level city in Hangzhou 杭州[Hang2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 建成 - 6215 jiàn chéng f /to establish/to build/ 建成区 建成區 S - 19 jiàn chéng qū f /built-up area/urban area/ 建成區 建成区 T - 19 jiàn chéng qū f /built-up area/urban area/ 建政 - 35 jiàn zhèng f /to establish a government/esp. refers to communist take-over of 1949/ 建文 - 98 Jiàn Wén f /Jianwen Emperor, reign name of second Ming Emperor Zhu Yunwen 朱允炆[Zhu1 Yun3 wen2] (1377-1402), reigned 1398-1402/ 建文帝 - 168 Jiàn wén dì f /reign name of second Ming emperor, reigned 1398-1402, deposed in 1402 (mysterious disappearance is ongoing conspiracy theory)/ 建昌 - 18 Jiàn chāng f /Jianchang county in Huludao 葫蘆島|葫芦岛, Liaoning/ 建昌县 建昌縣 S - 7 Jiàn chāng xiàn f /Jianchang county in Huludao 葫蘆島|葫芦岛, Liaoning/ 建昌縣 建昌县 T - 7 Jiàn chāng xiàn f /Jianchang county in Huludao 葫蘆島|葫芦岛, Liaoning/ 建材 - 831 jiàn cái f /building materials/ 建构 建構 S - 145 jiàn gòu f /to construct (often sth abstract, such as good relations)/to set up/to develop/construction (abstract)/architecture/ 建构正义理论 建構正義理論 S - 0 jiàn gòu zhèng yì lǐ lùn f /constructivist theory/ 建树 建樹 S - 215 jiàn shù f /to make a contribution/to establish/to found/contribution/ 建業 建业 T - 117 Jiàn yè f /an old name for Nanjing, called Jiankang 建康 or Jianye during the Eastern Jin (317-420)/ 建構 建构 T - 145 jiàn gòu f /to construct (often sth abstract, such as good relations)/to set up/to develop/construction (abstract)/architecture/ 建構正義理論 建构正义理论 T - 0 jiàn gòu zhèng yì lǐ lùn f /constructivist theory/ 建樹 建树 T - 215 jiàn shù f /to make a contribution/to establish/to found/contribution/ 建水 - 17 Jiàn shuǐ f /Jianshui county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/ 建水县 建水縣 S - 3 Jiàn shuǐ xiàn f /Jianshui county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/ 建水縣 建水县 T - 3 Jiàn shuǐ xiàn f /Jianshui county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/ 建湖 - 5 Jiàn hú f /Jianhu county in Yancheng 鹽城|盐城[Yan2 cheng2], Jiangsu/ 建湖县 建湖縣 S - 2 Jiàn hú xiàn f /Jianhu county in Yancheng 鹽城|盐城[Yan2 cheng2], Jiangsu/ 建湖縣 建湖县 T - 2 Jiàn hú xiàn f /Jianhu county in Yancheng 鹽城|盐城[Yan2 cheng2], Jiangsu/ 建瓯 建甌 S - 29 Jiàn ōu f /Jian'ou county level city in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ 建瓯市 建甌市 S - 4 Jiàn ōu shì f /Jian'ou county level city in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ 建甌 建瓯 T - 29 Jiàn ōu f /Jian'ou county level city in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ 建甌市 建瓯市 T - 4 Jiàn ōu shì f /Jian'ou county level city in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ 建白 - 0 jiàn bái f /to propose/to suggest/to state a view/ 建立 1509 23118 jiàn lì f /to establish/to set up/to found/ 建立正式外交关系 建立正式外交關係 S - 0 jiàn lì zhèng shì wài jiāo guān xì f /formally establish diplomatic relations/ 建立正式外交關係 建立正式外交关系 T - 0 jiàn lì zhèng shì wài jiāo guān xì f /formally establish diplomatic relations/ 建立者 - 0 jiàn lì zhě f /founder/ 建筑 建築 S 1586 14397 jiàn zhù f /to construct/building/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 建筑业 建築業 S - 1156 jiàn zhù yè f /building industry/ 建筑学 建築學 S - 131 jiàn zhù xué f /architectural/architecture/ 建筑工人 建築工人 S - 3 jiàn zhù gōng rén f /construction worker/builder/ 建筑师 建築師 S - 337 jiàn zhù shī f /architect/ 建筑物 建築物 S - 1147 jiàn zhù wù f /building/structure/edifice/ 建筑群 建築群 S - 1756 jiàn zhù qún f /building complex/ 建築 建筑 T 1586 14397 jiàn zhù f /to construct/building/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 建築學 建筑学 T - 131 jiàn zhù xué f /architectural/architecture/ 建築工人 建筑工人 T - 3 jiàn zhù gōng rén f /construction worker/builder/ 建築師 建筑师 T - 337 jiàn zhù shī f /architect/ 建築業 建筑业 T - 1156 jiàn zhù yè f /building industry/ 建築物 建筑物 T - 1147 jiàn zhù wù f /building/structure/edifice/ 建築群 建筑群 T - 1756 jiàn zhù qún f /building complex/ 建華 建华 T - 342 Jiàn huá f /Jianhua district of Qiqihar city 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang/ 建華區 建华区 T - 3 Jiàn huá qū f /Jianhua district of Qiqihar city 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang/ 建行 - 201 Jiàn háng f /China Construction Bank (abbr.)/ 建言 - 60 jiàn yán f /to declare/to state/(strong) suggestion/ 建設 建设 T 2254 26381 jiàn shè f /to build/to construct/construction/constructive/ 建設性 建设性 T - 241 jiàn shè xìng f /constructive/constructiveness/ 建設性的批評 建设性的批评 T - 0 jiàn shè xìng de pī píng f /constructive criticism/ 建議 建议 T 735 9327 jiàn yì f /to propose/to suggest/to recommend/proposal/suggestion/recommendation/CL:個|个[ge4],點|点[dian3]/ 建议 建議 S 735 9327 jiàn yì f /to propose/to suggest/to recommend/proposal/suggestion/recommendation/CL:個|个[ge4],點|点[dian3]/ 建设 建設 S 2254 26381 jiàn shè f /to build/to construct/construction/constructive/ 建设性 建設性 S - 241 jiàn shè xìng f /constructive/constructiveness/ 建设性的批评 建設性的批評 S - 0 jiàn shè xìng de pī píng f /constructive criticism/ 建軍節 建军节 T - 12 Jiàn jūn jié f /Army Day (August 1)/ 建造 - 3683 jiàn zào f /to construct/to build/ 建邺 建鄴 S - 0 Jiàn yè f /Jian'ye district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏/ 建邺区 建鄴區 S - 2 Jiàn yè qū f /Jian'ye district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏/ 建都 - 860 jiàn dū f /to establish a capital/ 建鄴 建邺 T - 0 Jiàn yè f /Jian'ye district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏/ 建鄴區 建邺区 T - 2 Jiàn yè qū f /Jian'ye district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏/ 建阳 建陽 S - 18 Jiàn yáng f /Jianyang county level city in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ 建阳市 建陽市 S - 2 Jiàn yáng shì f /Jianyang county level city in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ 建陽 建阳 T - 18 Jiàn yáng f /Jianyang county level city in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ 建陽市 建阳市 T - 2 Jiàn yáng shì f /Jianyang county level city in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ 建黨 建党 T - 143 jiàn dǎng f /party-founding/ 建黨節 建党节 T - 0 Jiàn dǎng jié f /CPC Founding Day (July 1st)/ 廻 - 0 huí f /variant of 迴|回[hui2]/ 廼 乃 T - 4905 nǎi f /variant of 乃[nai3]/ 廾 - 13 gǒng f /hands joined/ 廿 - 9 niàn f /twenty (20), in a limited number of set expressions/also written using banker's character 念/ 廿八躔 - 0 niàn bā chán f /the twenty-eight constellations/also written 二十八宿[er4 shi2 ba1 xiu4]/ 廿四史 - 0 niàn sì shǐ f /twenty four dynastic histories (or 25 or 26 in modern editions)/same as 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3]/ 开 開 S 57 27900 kāi f /to open/to start/to turn on/to boil/to write out (a prescription, check, invoice etc)/to operate (a vehicle)/carat (gold)/abbr. for Kelvin, 開爾文|开尔文[Kai1 er3 wen2]/abbr. for 開本|开本[kai1 ben3], book format/ 开三次方 開三次方 S - 0 kāi sān cì fāng f /cube root/to extract a cube root/ 开业 開業 S - 629 kāi yè f /to open a business/to open a practice/open (for business)/ 开业大吉 開業大吉 S - 0 kāi yè dà jí f /celebration on opening a business/ 开交 開交 S - 3 kāi jiāo f /(used with negative) to conclude/(impossible) to end/(can't) finish/ 开仗 開仗 S - 3 kāi zhàng f /to start a war/to open hostilities/ 开价 開價 S - 47 kāi jià f /to quote a price/seller's first offer/ 开伙 開伙 S - 5 kāi huǒ f /to start providing food/to open today's service in a canteen/ 开会 開會 S - 1302 kāi huì f /to hold a meeting/to attend a meeting/ 开会祈祷 開會祈禱 S - 0 kāi huì qí dǎo f /invocation/ 开伯尔 開伯爾 S - 0 Kāi bó ěr f /Khyber province of Pakistan/Northwest Frontier province/ 开伯尔山口 開伯爾山口 S - 0 Kāi bó ěr shān kǒu f /Khyber pass (between Pakistand and Afghanistan)/ 开例 開例 S - 3 kāi lì f /to create a precedent/ 开倒车 開倒車 S - 5 kāi dào chē f /to drive in reverse/fig. to take a backward step/retrogressive/trying to turn the clock back/ 开元 開元 S - 379 Kāi yuán f /Tang emperor Xuanzong's 唐玄宗[Tang2 Xuan2 zong1] reign name used during the Kaiyuan era (713-741), a peak of Tang prosperity/ 开先 開先 S - 3 kāi xiān f /at first/ 开光 開光 S - 13 kāi guāng f /eye-opening ceremony for a religious idol (Buddhism)/to consecrate/to bless/transparent/translucent/haircut/shaving the head or face (humorous)/a method of decoration/first light (astronomy)/ 开关 開關 S - 360 kāi guān f /power switch/to open a gate/ 开冻 開凍 S - 8 kāi dòng f /to thaw/to melt/ 开凿 開鑿 S - 344 kāi záo f /to cut (a canal, tunnel, well etc)/ 开刀 開刀 S - 110 kāi dāo f /(of a surgeon) to perform an operation/(of a patient) to have an operation/to decapitate/to behead/to single out as a point of attack/ 开列 開列 S - 63 kāi liè f /(make a) list/ 开创 開創 S - 1741 kāi chuàng f /to initiate/to start/to found/ 开创性 開創性 S - 83 kāi chuàng xìng f /innovative/ 开初 開初 S - 0 kāi chū f /at the outset/at first/early/ 开办 開辦 S - 674 kāi bàn f /to open/to start (a business etc)/to set up/ 开动 開動 S - 135 kāi dòng f /to start/to set in motion/to move/to march/to dig in (eating)/to tuck in (eating)/ 开化 開化 S - 87 kāi huà f /to become civilized/to be open-minded/(of ice) to thaw/ 开化县 開化縣 S - 2 Kāi huà xiàn f /Kaihua county in Quzhou 衢州[Qu2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 开区间 開區間 S - 3 kāi qū jiān f /open interval (in calculus)/ 开单 開單 S - 26 kāi dān f /to bill/to open a tab/ 开印 開印 S - 3 kāi yìn f /to start a print run/ 开卷 開卷 S - 50 kāi juàn f /to open a book/open-book (exam)/ 开卷有益 開卷有益 S - 5 kāi juàn yǒu yì f /lit. opening a book is profitable (idiom); the benefits of education/ 开原 開原 S - 37 Kāi yuán f /Kaiyuan county level city in Tieling 鐵嶺|铁岭, Liaoning/ 开原县 開原縣 S - 3 Kāi yuán xiàn f /Kaiyuan county in Tieling 鐵嶺|铁岭, Liaoning/ 开原市 開原市 S - 4 Kāi yuán shì f /Kaiyuan county level city in Tieling 鐵嶺|铁岭, Liaoning/ 开县 開縣 S - 39 Kāi xiàn f /Kai county in Wanzhou suburbs of north Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 开发 開發 S 2073 10022 kāi fā f /to exploit (a resource)/to open up (for development)/to develop/ 开发人员 開發人員 S - 36 kāi fā rén yuán f /developer/ 开发区 開發區 S - 3667 kāi fā qū f /development zone/ 开发周期 開發周期 S - 3 kāi fā zhōu qī f /development cycle/development period/also written 開發週期|开发周期/ 开发周期 開發週期 S - 3 kāi fā zhōu qī f /development cycle/development period/ 开发商 開發商 S - 376 kāi fā shāng f /developer (of real estate, a commercial product etc)/ 开发环境 開發環境 S - 0 kāi fā huán jìng f /development environment (computer)/ 开发过程 開發過程 S - 0 kāi fā guò chéng f /development process/ 开发银行 開發銀行 S - 0 kāi fā yín háng f /development bank/ 开口 開口 S - 1466 kāi kǒu f /to open one's mouth/to start to talk/ 开口子 開口子 S - 13 kāi kǒu zi f /a dike breaks/fig. to provide facilities (for evil deeds)/to open the floodgates/ 开台 開臺 S - 2 kāi tái f /start of play/opening of theatrical performance/ 开台锣鼓 開臺鑼鼓 S - 3 kāi tái luó gǔ f /opening gong/gong strokes announcing start of opera performance/ 开司米 開司米 S - 10 kāi sī mǐ f /cashmere (loanword)/ 开吊 開弔 S - 3 kāi diào f /to hold memorial service/to hold a funeral/ 开后门 開後門 S - 20 kāi hòu mén f /to open the back door/fig. under the counter/to do a secret or dishonest deal/to let sth in by the back door/ 开启 開啟 S - 399 kāi qǐ f /to open/to start/ 开味 開味 S - 0 kāi wèi f /whet the appetite/ 开国 開國 S - 2525 kāi guó f /to found a state/to open a closed country/ 开国元勋 開國元勛 S - 3 kāi guó yuán xūn f /variant of 開國元勳|开国元勋, founding figure (of country or dynasty)/founding father/fig. also used of company, school etc/ 开国元勋 開國元勳 S - 3 kāi guó yuán xūn f /founding figure (of a country or dynasty)/founding father/fig. also used of company or school etc/ 开国功臣 開國功臣 S - 3 kāi guó gōng chén f /outstanding founding minister (title given to reward loyal general or vassal of new dynasty or state)/ 开地 開地 S - 3 kāi dì f /to clear land (for cultivation)/to open up land/ 开场 開場 S - 212 kāi chǎng f /to begin/to open/to start/beginning of an event/ 开场白 開場白 S - 218 kāi chǎng bái f /prologue of play/opening remarks/preamble (of speeches, articles etc)/ 开垦 開墾 S - 262 kāi kěn f /to clear a wild area for cultivation/to put under the plow/ 开城 開城 S - 106 Kāi chéng f /Kaesong or Gaeseong 개성 city in southwest North Korea, close to the border with South Korea and a special economic zone for South Korean companies/ 开城市 開城市 S - 0 Kāi chéng shì f /Kaesong or Gaeseong 개성시 city in southwest North Korea, close to the border with South Korea and a special economic zone for South Korean companies/ 开埠 開埠 S - 3 kāi bù f /to open up a port for trade/to open treaty ports/ 开堂 開堂 S - 3 kāi táng f /to open a law court/to set up a mourning hall/ 开士米 開士米 S - 0 kāi shì mǐ f /cashmere (loanword)/ 开壶 開壺 S - 0 kāi hú f /pot of boiling water/ 开外 開外 S - 81 kāi wài f /over and above (some amount)/beyond (budget)/ 开夜车 開夜車 S - 10 kāi yè chē f /to burn the midnight oil/to work late into the night/ 开大油门 開大油門 S - 0 kāi dà yóu mén f /to open the throttle/to accelerate/to let her rip/ 开天窗 開天窗 S - 2 kāi tiān chuāng f /to leave a blank to mark censored area/ 开天辟地 開天闢地 S - 78 kāi tiān pì dì f /to split heaven and earth apart (idiom); refers to the Pangu 盤古|盘古[Pan2 gu3] creation myth/ 开天避地 開天避地 S - 0 kāi tiān bì dì f /to open the sky and divide the earth/ref. to Pangu 盤古|盘古 in the Chinese creation myth/ 开头 開頭 S - 594 kāi tóu f /beginning/ 开奖 開獎 S - 142 kāi jiǎng f /to announce the winners in a lottery/ 开始 開始 S 191 38139 kāi shǐ f /to begin/beginning/to start/initial/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 开始以前 開始以前 S - 0 kāi shǐ yǐ qián f /before the beginning (of sth)/ 开始比赛 開始比賽 S - 0 kāi shǐ bǐ sài f /to start a match/to kick off/ 开学 開學 S - 229 kāi xué f /foundation of a University or College/school opening/the start of a new term/ 开宗明义 開宗明義 S - 18 kāi zōng míng yì f /to declare at the outset (idiom)/ 开导 開導 S - 153 kāi dǎo f /to talk sb round/to straighten sth out/to enlighten/ 开封 開封 S - 1696 Kāi fēng f /Kaifeng prefecture level city in Henan, old capital of Northern Song, former provincial capital of Henan/old name Bianliang 汴梁/ 开封县 開封縣 S - 13 Kāi fēng xiàn f /Kaifeng county in Kaifeng, Henan/ 开封地区 開封地區 S - 0 Kāi fēng dì qū f /Kaifeng prefecture in Henan/ 开封市 開封市 S - 43 Kāi fēng shì f /Kaifeng prefecture level city in Henan, old capital of Northern Song, former provincial capital of Henan/old name Bianliang 汴梁/ 开封府 開封府 S - 188 Kāi fēng fǔ f /Kaifeng as the capital of Northern Song dynasty/ 开小会 開小會 S - 0 kāi xiǎo huì f /to whisper and chat (instead of listening during a meeting or lecture)/ 开小差 開小差 S - 49 kāi xiǎo chāi f /to be absent-minded/to desert/to abscond from the army/absent without leave (AWOL)/ 开小灶 開小灶 S - 7 kāi xiǎo zào f /to give preferential treatment/to give special attention/ 开尔文 開爾文 S - 54 Kāi ěr wén f /Lord Kelvin 1824-1907, British physicist (William Thomson)/Kelvin (temperature scale)/ 开局 開局 S - 496 kāi jú f /opening (chess etc)/early stage of game, match, work, activity etc/ 开屏 開屏 S - 35 kāi píng f /(a peacock) spreads its tail/ 开展 開展 S 3991 6910 kāi zhǎn f /to launch/to develop/to unfold/(of an exhibition etc) to open/ 开山 開山 S - 164 kāi shān f /to cut into a mountain (to open a mine)/to open a monastery/ 开山刀 開山刀 S - 0 kāi shān dāo f /machete/ 开山祖师 開山祖師 S - 12 kāi shān zǔ shī f /founding master of a monastery/founder/originator/ 开山鼻祖 開山鼻祖 S - 4 kāi shān bí zǔ f /founder/ 开工 開工 S - 874 kāi gōng f /to begin work (of a factory or engineering operation)/to start a construction job/ 开市 開市 S - 24 kāi shì f /to open a store for business/to make the first transaction of the day/ 开幕 開幕 S - 596 kāi mù f /to open (a conference)/to inaugurate/ 开幕典礼 開幕典禮 S - 3 kāi mù diǎn lǐ f /opening ceremony/ 开幕式 開幕式 S 2380 360 kāi mù shì f /opening ceremony/ 开幕词 開幕詞 S - 201 kāi mù cí f /opening speech (at a conference)/ 开平 開平 S - 253 Kāi píng f /Kaiping county level city in Jiangmen 江門|江门, Guangdong/Kaiping district of Tangshan city 唐山市[Tang2 shan1 shi4], Hebei/ 开平区 開平區 S - 3 Kāi píng qū f /Kaiping district of Tangshan city 唐山市[Tang2 shan1 shi4], Hebei/ 开平市 開平市 S - 2 Kāi píng shì f /Kaiping county level city in Jiangmen 江門|江门, Guangdong/ 开店 開店 S - 166 kāi diàn f /to open shop/ 开庭 開庭 S - 127 kāi tíng f /to begin a (judicial) court session/ 开弓不放箭 開弓不放箭 S - 0 kāi gōng bù fàng jiàn f /lit. to draw the bow without shooting the arrow (idiom)/fig. to bluff/to be all talk and no action/false bravado/ 开弓没有回头箭 開弓沒有回頭箭 S - 0 kāi gōng méi yǒu huí tóu jiàn f /lit. once you've shot the arrow, there's no getting it back (idiom)/fig. once you started sth, there's no turning back/to have to finish what one started/to be determined to reach one's goals in spite of setbacks/ 开张 開張 S - 193 kāi zhāng f /to open a business/first transaction of a business day/ 开往 開往 S - 200 kāi wǎng f /(of a bus, train etc) to leave for/heading for/ 开征 開徵 S - 30 kāi zhēng f /to start collecting taxes/ 开心 開心 S 685 487 kāi xīn f /to feel happy/to rejoice/to have a great time/to make fun of sb/ 开心果 開心果 S - 6 kāi xīn guǒ f /pistachio nuts/fig. amusing person/ 开心颜 開心顏 S - 6 kāi xīn yán f /to rejoice/smiling/ 开快车 開快車 S - 2 kāi kuài chē f /an express train sets off/fig. to work in haste/to rush/ 开怀 開懷 S - 64 kāi huái f /to one's heart's content/without restraint/ 开恩 開恩 S - 150 kāi ēn f /to give a favor (used of Christian God)/ 开悟 開悟 S - 3 kāi wù f /to become enlightened (Buddhism)/ 开戏 開戲 S - 3 kāi xì f /to start an opera/ 开戒 開戒 S - 2 kāi jiè f /to end abstinence/to resume (drinking) after a break/to break (a taboo)/ 开战 開戰 S - 279 kāi zhàn f /to start a war/to make war/to battle against/ 开户 開戶 S - 64 kāi hù f /to open an account (bank etc)/ 开房间 開房間 S - 3 kāi fáng jiān f /to take a hotel room/to rent a room/ 开打 開打 S - 57 kāi dǎ f /(of a sports competition or match) to commence/(of a war or battle) to break out/to perform acrobatic or choreographed fighting (in Chinese opera)/to brawl/to come to blows/ 开拍 開拍 S - 23 kāi pāi f /to begin shooting (a movie, a scene of a movie etc)/to start the bidding (auction)/to start a trading session (stock market)/ 开拓 開拓 S 4527 1194 kāi tuò f /to break new ground (for agriculture)/to open up (a new seam)/to develop (border regions)/fig. to open up (new horizons)/ 开拓性 開拓性 S - 37 kāi tuò xìng f /pioneering/groundbreaking/ 开拓者 開拓者 S - 100 kāi tuò zhě f /pioneer/ 开拔 開拔 S - 75 kāi bá f /to set out (of troops)/departure/start date (of military expedition)/ 开挖 開挖 S - 404 kāi wā f /to dig out/to excavate/to scoop out/ 开掘 開掘 S - 84 kāi jué f /to excavate/to dig out/fig. to investigate (in an archive)/ 开支 開支 S 3719 1012 kāi zhī f /expenditures/pay/expenses/CL:筆|笔[bi3]/ 开放 開放 S 1962 8332 kāi fàng f /to bloom/to open/to be open (to the public)/to open up (to the outside)/to be open-minded/unrestrained by convention/unconstrained in one's sexuality/ 开放式系统 開放式系統 S - 2 kāi fàng shì xì tǒng f /open system(s)/ 开放式网络 開放式網絡 S - 0 kāi fàng shì wǎng luò f /open network/ 开放性 開放性 S - 90 kāi fàng xìng f /openness/ 开放源代码 開放源代碼 S - 0 kāi fàng yuán dài mǎ f /see 開放源碼|开放源码[kai1 fang4 yuan2 ma3]/ 开放源码 開放源碼 S - 3 kāi fàng yuán mǎ f /open source (computing)/ 开放源码软件 開放源碼軟件 S - 0 kāi fàng yuán mǎ ruǎn jiàn f /open source software (OSS)/ 开放系统 開放系統 S - 3 kāi fàng xì tǒng f /open system/ 开放系统互连 開放系統互連 S - 0 kāi fàng xì tǒng hù lián f /open systems interconnection/OSI/ 开敞 開敞 S - 25 kāi chǎng f /wide open/ 开斋 開齋 S - 9 kāi zhāi f /to stop following a vegetarian diet/to break a fast/ 开斋节 開齋節 S - 31 Kāi zhāi jié f /Eid al-Fitr or Feast of Breaking the Fast, celebrated on the last day of Ramadan/ 开方 開方 S - 64 kāi fāng f /to extract a square root/ 开旷 開曠 S - 3 kāi kuàng f /open and vast/ 开明 開明 S 4477 306 kāi míng f /enlightened/open-minded/enlightenment/ 开明君主 開明君主 S - 0 kāi míng jūn zhǔ f /enlightened sovereign/ 开映 開映 S - 3 kāi yìng f /to start showing a movie/ 开春 開春 S - 60 kāi chūn f /beginning of spring/the lunar New Year/ 开普勒 開普勒 S - 53 Kāi pǔ lè f /Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), German astronomer and formulator of Kepler's laws of planetary motion/ 开普敦 開普敦 S - 129 Kāi pǔ dūn f /Cape Town (city in South Africa)/ 开晴 開晴 S - 0 kāi qíng f /to brighten up/ 开曼群岛 開曼群島 S - 3 Kāi màn Qún dǎo f /Cayman Islands/ 开朗 開朗 S 4256 238 kāi lǎng f /spacious and well-lit/open and clear/to open out (onto a wider vista)/optimistic/cheerful/carefree/easy-going/open-minded/ 开本 開本 S - 12 kāi běn f /book format, similar to in-4°, in-8° etc (a 16开 format is roughly A4)/abbr. to 開|开[kai1]/ 开机 開機 S - 104 kāi jī f /to start an engine/to boot up (a computer)/to press Ctrl-Alt-Delete/to begin shooting a film or TV show/ 开杆 開桿 S - 2 kāi gǎn f /to tee off (golf)/to break (snooker)/ 开枪 開槍 S - 377 kāi qiāng f /to open fire/to shoot a gun/ 开架 開架 S - 13 kāi jià f /open shelves (in self-service store or user access library)/ 开步 開步 S - 3 kāi bù f /to step forward/to walk/ 开水 開水 S 2468 333 kāi shuǐ f /boiled water/boiling water/ 开江 開江 S - 14 Kāi jiāng f /Kaijiang county in Dazhou 達州|达州[Da2 zhou1], Sichuan/ 开江县 開江縣 S - 11 Kāi jiāng xiàn f /Kaijiang county in Dazhou 達州|达州[Da2 zhou1], Sichuan/ 开河 開河 S - 28 kāi hé f /to open a river/to dig a canal/to thaw (of river)/ 开河期 開河期 S - 0 kāi hé qī f /thawing and opening up of frozen river in spring/ 开消 開消 S - 3 kāi xiāo f /variant of 開銷|开销[kai1 xiao1]/ 开涮 開涮 S - 30 kāi shuàn f /(coll.) to make fun of (sb)/to play tricks on/ 开源 開源 S - 70 kāi yuán f /to expand one's financial resources/abbr. for 開放源碼|开放源码[kai1 fang4 yuan2 ma3]/ 开源节流 開源節流 S - 19 kāi yuán jié liú f /lit. to open a water source and reduce outflow (idiom); to increase income and save on spending/to broaden the sources of income and economize on expenditure/ 开溜 開溜 S - 23 kāi liū f /to leave in stealth/to slip away/ 开满 開滿 S - 3 kāi mǎn f /to bloom abundantly/ 开演 開演 S - 19 kāi yǎn f /(of a play, movie etc) to begin/ 开漳圣王 開漳聖王 S - 0 Kāi zhāng shèng wáng f /Sacred King, founder of Zhangzhou, posthumous title of Tang dynasty general Chen Yuanguang (657-711) 陳元光|陈元光[Chen2 Yuan2 guang1]/ 开火 開火 S - 99 kāi huǒ f /to open fire/ 开灯 開燈 S - 14 kāi dēng f /to turn on the light/ 开炉 開爐 S - 7 kāi lú f /to open a furnace/to start up a furnace/ 开炮 開砲 S - 129 kāi pào f /to open fire/ 开犁 開犁 S - 2 kāi lí f /to start plowing/to plow the first furrow/ 开玩笑 開玩笑 S 821 724 kāi wán xiào f /to play a joke/to make fun of/to joke/ 开球 開球 S - 66 kāi qiú f /open ball (math.)/to start a ball game/to kick off (soccer)/to tee off (golf)/ 开瓶器 開瓶器 S - 3 kāi píng qì f /bottle opener/ 开瓶费 開瓶費 S - 3 kāi píng fèi f /corkage fee/ 开畅 開暢 S - 0 kāi chàng f /happy and carefree/ 开疆 開疆 S - 3 kāi jiāng f /to pioneer a frontier area/to open up new territory/ 开皌 開皌 S - 0 kāi mò f /to receive condolences/ 开盘 開盤 S - 148 kāi pán f /to commence trading (stock market)/ 开盘汇率 開盤匯率 S - 0 kāi pán huì lǜ f /opening exchange rate/ 开眼 開眼 S - 54 kāi yǎn f /to open one's eyes/to widen one's horizons/ 开眼界 開眼界 S - 3 kāi yǎn jiè f /broaden, expand one's horizons/ 开矿 開礦 S - 47 kāi kuàng f /to mine/to open a seam/ 开票 開票 S - 16 kāi piào f /to open ballot boxes/to count votes/to make out a voucher or invoice etc/to write out a receipt/ 开禁 開禁 S - 37 kāi jìn f /to lift a ban/to lift a curfew/ 开福 開福 S - 0 Kāi fú f /Kaifu district of Changsha city 長沙市|长沙市[Chang2 sha1 shi4], Hunan/ 开福区 開福區 S - 3 Kāi fú qū f /Kaifu district of Changsha city 長沙市|长沙市[Chang2 sha1 shi4], Hunan/ 开窍 開竅 S - 125 kāi qiào f /to get it straight/to start to understand things properly/enlightenment dawns/ 开立 開立 S - 46 kāi lì f /to found or start/ 开站 開站 S - 3 kāi zhàn f /to put a new bus or railway station into operation/ 开端 開端 S - 470 kāi duān f /start/beginning/ 开笔 開筆 S - 3 kāi bǐ f /to start learning as a poet/to write one's first (poem, essay etc)/ 开筵 開筵 S - 3 kāi yán f /to host a banquet/ 开篇 開篇 S - 89 kāi piān f /start of literary work/opening song of ballad in Tanci style 彈詞|弹词[tan2 ci2]/ 开红盘 開紅盤 S - 0 kāi hóng pán f /(of a store) to open for business for the first time in the New Year/(of a business) to be profitable/(of a stock market) to rise/(sport) to win one's first match of a competition/ 开线 開線 S - 3 kāi xiàn f /to come unsewn/to split at the seam/ 开绽 開綻 S - 3 kāi zhàn f /to come unsewn/ 开绿灯 開綠燈 S - 14 kāi lǜ dēng f /to give the green light/to give the go-ahead/ 开罗 開羅 S - 468 Kāi luó f /Cairo, capital of Egypt/ 开罗大学 開羅大學 S - 0 Kāi luó Dà xué f /Cairo University/ 开罚单 開罰單 S - 3 kāi fá dān f /to issue an infringement notice/ 开罪 開罪 S - 3 kāi zuì f /to offend sb/to give offense/to displease/ 开胃 開胃 S - 301 kāi wèi f /to whet the appetite/appetizing/to amuse oneself at sb's expense/to tease/ 开胃菜 開胃菜 S - 3 kāi wèi cài f /starter/appetizer/ 开胃酒 開胃酒 S - 3 kāi wèi jiǔ f /aperitif wine/ 开胶 開膠 S - 3 kāi jiāo f /to come unglued/to come apart/ 开脱 開脫 S - 123 kāi tuō f /to exculpate/to absolve/to exonerate/ 开脱罪责 開脫罪責 S - 3 kāi tuō zuì zé f /to absolve sb from guilt/to exonerate/to exculpate/ 开脸 開臉 S - 3 kāi liǎn f /(of a bride-to-be) to remove facial hair and trim hairline (old)/to carve a face/ 开腔 開腔 S - 26 kāi qiāng f /to speak out/to start speaking/ 开膛手杰克 開膛手傑克 S - 0 Kāi táng shǒu Jié kè f /Jack the Ripper/ 开船 開船 S - 63 kāi chuán f /to set sail/ 开花 開花 S - 396 kāi huā f /to bloom/to blossom/to flower/fig. to burst open/to feel happy or elated/new development grows out/ 开花儿 開花兒 S - 0 kāi huā r f /erhua variant of 開花|开花[kai1 hua1]/ 开花衣 開花衣 S - 0 kāi huā yī f /to open a bale of cotton/ 开苞 開苞 S - 3 kāi bāo f /to deflower/ 开荒 開荒 S - 99 kāi huāng f /to open up land (for agriculture)/ 开荤 開葷 S - 3 kāi hūn f /to resume a meat diet/to eat meat again after a period of fasting/fig. novel experience/ 开药 開藥 S - 18 kāi yào f /to prescribe medicine/ 开蒙 開蒙 S - 3 kāi méng f /(old) (of a child) to begin schooling/ 开衩 開衩 S - 3 kāi chà f /slit (in clothing)/ 开裂 開裂 S - 143 kāi liè f /to split open/to dehisce (of fruit or cotton bolls, to split open)/ 开裆裤 開襠褲 S - 19 kāi dāng kù f /open pants (for infants before toilet training)/ 开襟 開襟 S - 15 kāi jīn f /buttoned Chinese tunic/unbuttoned (to cool down)/ 开解 開解 S - 10 kāi jiě f /to straighten out/to explain/to ease sb's anxiety/ 开言 開言 S - 3 kāi yán f /to start to speak/ 开议 開議 S - 3 kāi yì f /to hold a (business) meeting/to start negotiations/ 开讲 開講 S - 14 kāi jiǎng f /to begin a lecture/to start on a story/ 开许 開許 S - 0 kāi xǔ f /(literary) to allow/to permit/ 开设 開設 S - 935 kāi shè f /to offer (goods or services)/to open (for business etc)/ 开诚 開誠 S - 4 kāi chéng f /to be honest/to show sincerity/ 开诚布公 開誠佈公 S - 48 kāi chéng bù gōng f /variant of 開誠布公|开诚布公[kai1 cheng2 bu4 gong1]/ 开诚布公 開誠布公 S - 48 kāi chéng bù gōng f /lit. deal sincerely and fairly (idiom); frank and open-minded/plain speaking/Let's talk frankly and openly between ourselves./to put one's cards on the table/ 开诚相见 開誠相見 S - 3 kāi chéng xiāng jiàn f /candid and open (idiom)/ 开课 開課 S - 15 kāi kè f /school begins/give a course/teach a subject/ 开败 開敗 S - 0 kāi bài f /to wither and fall/ 开账 開賬 S - 3 kāi zhàng f /to make out a bill/ 开赛 開賽 S - 185 kāi sài f /to start a match/the kick-off/ 开走 開走 S - 72 kāi zǒu f /to go (of car, train etc)/to drive off/ 开赴 開赴 S - 243 kāi fù f /(of troops) to depart for/to head for/ 开足马力 開足馬力 S - 29 kāi zú mǎ lì f /to accelerate at full power (idiom); at full speed/fig. to work as hard as possible/ 开路 開路 S - 97 kāi lù f /to open up a path/to make one's way through/to construct a road/(electricity) open circuit/ 开路先锋 開路先鋒 S - 17 kāi lù xiān fēng f /pioneer/trailbreaker/ 开车 開車 S - 496 kāi chē f /to drive a car/ 开车人 開車人 S - 0 kāi chē rén f /driver/person driving a vehicle/ 开辟 開闢 S 4577 2131 kāi pì f /to open up/to set up/to establish/ 开辟者 開闢者 S - 0 kāi pì zhě f /pioneer/groundbreaker/ 开运竹 開運竹 S - 0 kāi yùn zhú f /lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)/ 开远 開遠 S - 25 Kāi yuǎn f /Kaiyuan county level city in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/ 开远市 開遠市 S - 7 Kāi yuǎn shì f /Kaiyuan county level city in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/ 开通 開通 S - 1404 kāi tong f /to open up (windows for air, ideas for discussion, transport routes etc)/open-minded/ 开道 開道 S - 76 kāi dào f /to clear the way/ 开都河 開都河 S - 15 Kāi dū Hé f /Kaidu River, Xinjiang/ 开酒费 開酒費 S - 0 kāi jiǔ fèi f /corkage fee/ 开采 開採 S 4280 1416 kāi cǎi f /to extract (ore or other resource from a mine)/to exploit/to mine/ 开释 開釋 S - 23 kāi shì f /to release (a prisoner)/ 开金 開金 S - 20 kāi jīn f /carated gold (alloy containing stated proportion of gold)/ 开钻 開鑽 S - 3 kāi zuān f /to start drilling/ 开销 開銷 S - 171 kāi xiāo f /to pay (expenses)/expenses/(old) to dismiss (an employee)/ 开锁 開鎖 S - 3 kāi suǒ f /to unlock/ 开锅 開鍋 S - 10 kāi guō f /(of a pot) to boil/ 开锣 開鑼 S - 11 kāi luó f /to beat the gong to open a performance/ 开锣喝道 開鑼喝道 S - 3 kāi luó hè dào f /to clear a street by banging gongs and shouting loudly (idiom)/ 开镰 開鐮 S - 3 kāi lián f /to start the harvest/ 开门 開門 S - 970 kāi mén f /to open a door (lit. and fig.)/to open for business/ 开门揖盗 開門揖盜 S - 4 kāi mén yī dào f /leaving the door open invites the thief (idiom); to invite disaster by giving evildoers a free hand/ 开门炮 開門砲 S - 0 kāi mén pào f /firecrackers to open the door on the New Year/ 开门红 開門紅 S - 43 kāi mén hóng f /a good beginning/ 开门见山 開門見山 S - 146 kāi mén jiàn shān f /lit. to open the door and see the mountain; fig. to get right to the point (idiom)/ 开闭幕式 開閉幕式 S - 0 kāi bì mù shì f /opening and closing ceremonies/ 开间 開間 S - 17 kāi jiān f /alcove/bay in a room/unit of length used for rooms, approx. 3.3 meters/ 开阔 開闊 S 4117 590 kāi kuò f /wide/open (spaces)/to open up/ 开阳 開陽 S - 35 Kāi yáng f /zeta Ursae Majoris in the Big Dipper/Kaiyang county in Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Gui4 yang2], Guizhou/ 开阳县 開陽縣 S - 5 Kāi yáng xiàn f /Kaiyang county in Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Gui4 yang2], Guizhou/ 开除 開除 S 2661 486 kāi chú f /to expel/ 开除党籍 開除黨籍 S - 3 kāi chú dǎng jí f /to expel from the Party/ 开除学籍 開除學籍 S - 0 kāi chú xué jí f /to expel from school/ 开集 開集 S - 0 kāi jí f /open set (math.)/ 开霁 開霽 S - 0 kāi jì f /to clear up (of weather)/ 开革 開革 S - 0 kāi gé f /to fire/to discharge/ 开颜 開顏 S - 3 kāi yán f /to smile/to beam/ 开饭 開飯 S - 61 kāi fàn f /to serve a meal/ 开高叉 開高叉 S - 0 kāi gāo chā f /slit dress/ 开鲁 開魯 S - 3 Kāi lǔ f /Kailu county in Tongliao 通遼|通辽[Tong1 liao2], Inner Mongolia/ 开鲁县 開魯縣 S - 5 Kāi lǔ xiàn f /Kailu county in Tongliao 通遼|通辽[Tong1 liao2], Inner Mongolia/ 开麦拉 開麥拉 S - 3 kāi mài lā f /camera (loanword)/ 开黑店 開黑店 S - 8 kāi hēi diàn f /lit. to open an inn that kills and robs guests (esp. in traditional fiction)/fig. to carry out a scam/to run a protection racket/daylight robbery/ 弁 - 207 biàn f /(old) cap (garment)/military officer of low rank (in former times)/preceding/ 异 異 S - 3455 yì f /different/other/hetero-/unusual/strange/surprising/to distinguish/to separate/to discriminate/ 异丁烷 異丁烷 S - 12 yì dīng wán f /isobutane/ 异丁苯丙酸 異丁苯丙酸 S - 0 Yì dīng běn bǐng suān f /Ibuprofen or Nurofen/nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), trade names Advil, Motrin, Nuprin etc, used as analgesic and antipyretic, e.g. for arthritis sufferers/also called 布洛芬/ 异丙醇 異丙醇 S - 10 yì bǐng chún f /isopropanol/isopropyl alcohol C3H8O/ 异义 異義 S - 3 yì yì f /differing opinion/ 异乎寻常 異乎尋常 S - 116 yì hū xún cháng f /unusual/extraordinary/ 异乡 異鄉 S - 85 yì xiāng f /foreign land/a place far from home/ 异乡人 異鄉人 S - 13 yì xiāng rén f /stranger/ 异事 異事 S - 3 yì shì f /sth else/a separate matter/not the same thing/with different jobs (not colleagues)/a remarkable thing/sth special/an odd thing/sth strange or incomprehensible/ 异亮氨酸 異亮氨酸 S - 4 yì liàng ān suān f /isoleucine (Ile), an essential amino acid/ 异人 異人 S - 3 yì rén f /eccentric/unusual person/talented individual/ 异体 異體 S - 66 yì tǐ f /variant form (of a Chinese character)/ 异体字 異體字 S - 18 yì tǐ zì f /variant Chinese character/ 异像 異像 S - 3 yì xiàng f /extraordinary image/ 异军突起 異軍突起 S - 75 yì jūn tū qǐ f /to emerge as a new force to be reckoned with (idiom)/ 异化 異化 S - 182 yì huà f /alienation (philosophy)/(of speech) dissimilation/ 异化作用 異化作用 S - 4 yì huà zuò yòng f /catabolism (biology)/metabolic breaking down and waste disposal/dissimilation/ 异卵 異卵 S - 0 yì luǎn f /(of twins) fraternal/dizygotic/ 异卵双胞胎 異卵雙胞胎 S - 0 yì luǎn shuāng bāo tāi f /fraternal twins/ 异口同声 異口同聲 S - 101 yì kǒu tóng shēng f /different mouths, same voice/to speak in unison (idiom)/ 异同 異同 S - 237 yì tóng f /comparison/differences and similarities/ 异咯嗪 異咯嗪 S - 0 yì gē qín f /isoalloxazine (name of organic chemical)/ 异国 異國 S - 158 yì guó f /exotic/foreign/ 异国他乡 異國他鄉 S - 40 yì guó tā xiāng f /foreign lands and places (idiom); living as expatriate/ 异国情调 異國情調 S - 3 yì guó qíng diào f /exoticism/local color/exotic/ 异地 異地 S - 184 yì dì f /different place/abroad/ 异地恋 異地戀 S - 0 yì dì liàn f /long-distance romance/long-distance relationship/ 异域 異域 S - 85 yì yù f /foreign country/alien land/ 异己 異己 S - 112 yì jǐ f /dissident/alien/outsider/ 异常 異常 S 2719 3360 yì cháng f /exceptional/abnormal/an anomaly/ 异形 異形 S - 80 yì xíng f /not the usual type/atypical/heterotype/ 异形词 異形詞 S - 3 yì xíng cí f /variant spelling of the same Chinese word, e.g. 筆劃|笔划[bi3 hua4] and 筆畫|笔画[bi3 hua4]/exact synonym and homonym written with different characters/ 异彩 異彩 S - 63 yì cǎi f /extraordinary splendor/ 异心 異心 S - 73 yì xīn f /disloyalty/infidelity/ 异性 異性 S - 326 yì xìng f /the opposite sex/of the opposite sex/heterosexual/different in nature/ 异性性接触 異性性接觸 S - 0 yì xìng xìng jiē chù f /heterosexual sex/ 异性恋 異性戀 S - 3 yì xìng liàn f /heterosexuality/heterosexual love/ 异性恋主义 異性戀主義 S - 0 yì xìng liàn zhǔ yì f /heterosexism/ 异性相吸 異性相吸 S - 3 yì xìng xiāng xī f /opposite polarities attract/(fig.) opposite sexes attract/opposites attract/ 异想天开 異想天開 S - 86 yì xiǎng tiān kāi f /to imagine the wildest thing/to indulge in fantasy/ 异戊二烯 異戊二烯 S - 34 yì wù èr xī f /isoprene/ 异戊巴比妥 異戊巴比妥 S - 2 yì wù bā bǐ tuǒ f /amobarbital (drug) (loanword)/ 异戊橡胶 異戊橡膠 S - 7 yì wù xiàng jiāo f /isoprene rubber/ 异才 異才 S - 5 yì cái f /extraordinary talent/ 异教 異教 S - 34 yì jiào f /heresy/heathenism/ 异教徒 異教徒 S - 88 yì jiào tú f /member of another religion/heathen/pagan/heretic/apostate/ 异文 異文 S - 34 yì wén f /variant character/loan word/variant written form (for the same word)/different edition/ 异族 異族 S - 152 yì zú f /different tribe/ 异曲同工 異曲同工 S - 65 yì qǔ tóng gōng f /different tunes played with equal skill (idiom)/different methods leading to the same result/different approach but equally satisfactory outcome/ 异构 異構 S - 117 yì gòu f /isomeric (chemistry)/ 异构体 異構體 S - 161 yì gòu tǐ f /isomer (chemistry)/ 异株荨麻 異株蕁麻 S - 0 yì zhū qián má f /common nettle (Urtica dioica)/ 异样 異樣 S - 311 yì yàng f /difference/peculiar/ 异步 異步 S - 49 yì bù f /asynchronous/ 异步传输模式 異步傳輸模式 S - 0 yì bù chuán shū mó shì f /asynchronous transfer mode/ATM/ 异母 異母 S - 3 yì mǔ f /(of siblings) having the same father but different mothers/ 异源多倍体 異源多倍體 S - 0 yì yuán duō bèi tǐ f /allopolyploid (polyploid with chromosomes of different species)/ 异焉 異焉 S - 0 yì yān f /feeling surprised at sth/ 异父 異父 S - 3 yì fù f /with different father (e.g. of half-brother)/ 异物 異物 S - 191 yì wù f /rarity/rare delicacy/foreign matter/alien body/the dead/ghost/monstrosity/alien life-form/ 异特龙 異特龍 S - 0 yì tè lóng f /allosaurus/ 异状 異狀 S - 96 yì zhuàng f /unusual condition/something odd/strange shape/ 异病同治 異病同治 S - 0 yì bìng tóng zhì f /to use the same method to treat different diseases (TCM)/ 异种 異種 S - 83 yì zhǒng f /hetero-/variety/ 异端 異端 S - 191 yì duān f /heresy/ 异端者 異端者 S - 0 yì duān zhě f /a heretic/ 异维A酸 異維A酸 S - 0 yì wéi A suān f /isotretinoin (used in acne treatment)/ 异能 異能 S - 26 yì néng f /different function/ 异腈 異腈 S - 3 yì jīng f /carbylamine/isocyanide/ 异色树莺 異色樹鶯 S - 0 yì sè shù yīng f /(bird species of China) aberrant bush warbler (Horornis flavolivaceus)/ 异装癖 異裝癖 S - 3 yì zhuāng pǐ f /transvestism/ 异见 異見 S - 27 yì jiàn f /dissident/dissenting/dissent/ 异见者 異見者 S - 0 yì jiàn zhě f /dissident/ 异言 異言 S - 24 yì yán f /dissenting words/ 异议 異議 S - 462 yì yì f /objection/dissent/ 异议人士 異議人士 S - 3 yì yì rén shì f /dissident/ 异议分子 異議份子 S - 0 yì yì fèn zǐ f /dissidents/dissenting faction/ 异议者 異議者 S - 0 yì yì zhě f /dissenter/dissident/ 异说 異說 S - 17 yì shuō f /different opinion/dissident view/absurd remark/ 异读 異讀 S - 10 yì dú f /variant pronunciation (when the same character has more than one reading)/ 异读词 異讀詞 S - 0 yì dú cí f /word having alternative pronunciations/ 异质 異質 S - 31 yì zhì f /heterogeneous/ 异质体 異質體 S - 0 yì zhì tǐ f /variant/ 异质网路 異質網路 S - 0 yì zhì wǎng lù f /heterogeneous network/ 异邦 異邦 S - 20 yì bāng f /foreign country/ 异频雷达收发机 異頻雷達收發機 S - 0 yì pín léi dá shōu fā jī f /transponder/electronic device that responds to a radio code/ 异食癖 異食癖 S - 0 yì shí pǐ f /pica (medicine)/ 异香 異香 S - 70 yì xiāng f /rare perfume/ 异香扑鼻 異香撲鼻 S - 3 yì xiāng pū bí f /exotic odors assail the nostrils (idiom)/ 异龙 異龍 S - 0 yì lóng f /allosaurus/also written 異特龍|异特龙/ 弃 棄 S - 1441 qì f /to abandon/to relinquish/to discard/to throw away/ 弃世 棄世 S - 3 qì shì f /to leave this world/to die/ 弃之如敝屣 棄之如敝屣 S - 0 qì zhī rú bì xǐ f /to toss away like a pair of worn-out shoes (idiom)/ 弃保潜逃 棄保潛逃 S - 0 qì bǎo qián táo f /to jump bail/ 弃农经商 棄農經商 S - 0 qì nóng jīng shāng f /to abandon farming and become a businessman (idiom)/ 弃婴 棄嬰 S - 23 qì yīng f /to abandon an infant/abandoned baby/ 弃守 棄守 S - 3 qì shǒu f /to give up defending/to yield/to surrender/ 弃市 棄市 S - 28 qì shì f /public execution (old)/ 弃恶从善 棄惡從善 S - 2 qì è cóng shàn f /to renounce evil and turn to virtue (idiom)/ 弃旧图新 棄舊圖新 S - 4 qì jiù tú xīn f /to turn over a new leaf/ 弃暗投明 棄暗投明 S - 21 qì àn tóu míng f /to renounce the dark and seek the light/to give up one's wrong way of life and turn to a better one/ 弃权 棄權 S - 722 qì quán f /to abstain from voting/to forfeit/to waive one's right to vote/to abdicate/ 弃核 棄核 S - 0 qì hé f /to renounce nuclear weapons/ 弃樱 棄櫻 S - 0 qì yīng f /abandoned baby/ 弃用 棄用 S - 0 qì yòng f /to stop using/to abandon/abandoned/deprecated/ 弃约背盟 棄約背盟 S - 0 qì yuē bèi méng f /to abrogate an agreement/to break one's oath (idiom)/ 弃绝 棄絕 S - 14 qì jué f /to abandon/to forsake/ 弃置 棄置 S - 26 qì zhì f /to throw away/to discard/ 弃船 棄船 S - 3 qì chuán f /to abandon ship/ 弃若敝屣 棄若敝屣 S - 3 qì ruò bì xǐ f /to throw away like worn out shoes/ 弃邪归正 棄邪歸正 S - 5 qì xié guī zhèng f /to give up evil and return to virtue/ 弄 625 5784 lòng f /lane/alley/ 弄 625 5784 nòng t /to do/to manage/to handle/to play with/to fool with/to mess with/to fix/to toy with/ 弄 挵 S 625 5784 nòng t /old variant of 弄[nong4]/ 弄 衖 S 625 5784 lòng f /variant of 弄[long4]/ 弄不懂 - 0 nòng bu dǒng f /unable to make sense of (sth)/ 弄不清 - 3 nòng bu qīng f /unable to figure out/ 弄丟 弄丢 T - 0 nòng diū f /to lose/ 弄丢 弄丟 S - 0 nòng diū f /to lose/ 弄乱 弄亂 S - 3 nòng luàn f /to mess up/to put into disorder/to meddle with/to confuse/ 弄亂 弄乱 T - 3 nòng luàn f /to mess up/to put into disorder/to meddle with/to confuse/ 弄伤 弄傷 S - 3 nòng shāng f /to bruise/to hurt (something)/ 弄假成真 - 15 nòng jiǎ chéng zhēn f /pretense that turns into reality (idiom); to play at make-believe, but accidentally make it true/ 弄傷 弄伤 T - 3 nòng shāng f /to bruise/to hurt (something)/ 弄僵 - 10 nòng jiāng f /to bring to deadlock/to result in a stalemate/ 弄到 - 0 nòng dào f /to get hold of/to obtain/to secure/to come by/ 弄到手 - 3 nòng dào shǒu f /to get in hand/to get (one's) hands on/to get hold of (in the sense of to acquire)/ 弄嘴弄舌 - 3 nòng zuǐ nòng shé f /to cause a dispute through boastful gossip (idiom)/ 弄坏 弄壞 S - 3 nòng huài f /to ruin/to spoil/to break/ 弄堂 - 262 lòng táng f /(dialect) alley/lane/ 弄壞 弄坏 T - 3 nòng huài f /to ruin/to spoil/to break/ 弄岗穗鹛 弄崗穗鶥 S - 0 Nòng gǎng suì méi f /(bird species of China) Nonggang babbler (Stachyris nonggangensis)/ 弄崗穗鶥 弄岗穗鹛 T - 0 Nòng gǎng suì méi f /(bird species of China) Nonggang babbler (Stachyris nonggangensis)/ 弄巧反拙 - 18 nòng qiǎo fǎn zhuō f /see 弄巧成拙[nong4 qiao3 cheng2 zhuo1]/ 弄巧成拙 - 47 nòng qiǎo chéng zhuō f /to overreach oneself/to try to be clever and end up with egg on one's face/ 弄平 - 3 nòng píng f /to flatten/ 弄懂 - 48 nòng dǒng f /to make sense of/to grasp the meaning of/to figure out/ 弄懂弄通 - 0 nòng dǒng nòng tōng f /to get a thorough understanding of sth (idiom)/ 弄明白 - 0 nòng míng bai f /to figure out how to do something/ 弄歪 - 0 nòng wāi f /to distort/ 弄死 - 3 nòng sǐ f /to kill/to put to death/ 弄混 - 3 nòng hún f /to confuse (fail to differentiate)/ 弄清 - 362 nòng qīng f /to clarify/to fully understand/ 弄皱 弄皺 S - 3 nòng zhòu f /to crumple/ 弄皺 弄皱 T - 3 nòng zhòu f /to crumple/ 弄直 - 3 nòng zhí f /to straighten/ 弄短 - 3 nòng duǎn f /to shorten/shortening/ 弄碎 - 3 nòng suì f /to crumble/ 弄糟 - 3 nòng zāo f /to spoil/to mess up/ 弄脏 弄髒 S - 3 nòng zāng f /to make dirty/to defile/to smear/ 弄臣 - 12 nòng chén f /emperor's favorite courtier/ 弄虚作假 弄虛作假 S - 112 nòng xū zuò jiǎ f /to practice fraud (idiom); by trickery/ 弄虛作假 弄虚作假 T - 112 nòng xū zuò jiǎ f /to practice fraud (idiom); by trickery/ 弄走 - 0 nòng zǒu f /(coll.) to take (sth) away/to get rid of/ 弄通 - 3 nòng tōng f /to get a good grasp of/ 弄醒 - 3 nòng xǐng f /to wake sb up/ 弄錯 弄错 T - 118 nòng cuò f /to err/to get sth wrong/to miscalculate/to misunderstand/ 弄错 弄錯 S - 118 nòng cuò f /to err/to get sth wrong/to miscalculate/to misunderstand/ 弄髒 弄脏 T - 3 nòng zāng f /to make dirty/to defile/to smear/ 弇 - 24 yǎn f /to cover/trap/ 弈 - 53 yì f /ancient name for go (Chinese board game)/ 弊 - 550 bì f /detriment/fraud/harm/defeat/ 弊案 - 0 bì àn f /scandal/ 弊病 4938 159 bì bìng f /malady/evil/malpractice/drawback/disadvantage/ 弊端 4799 436 bì duān f /malpractice/abuse/corrupt practice/ 弋 - 41 yì f /to shoot/ 弋江 - 0 Yì jiāng f /Yijiang district of Wuhu city 蕪湖市|芜湖市[Wu2 hu2 shi4], Anhui/ 弋江区 弋江區 S - 0 Yì jiāng qū f /Yijiang district of Wuhu city 蕪湖市|芜湖市[Wu2 hu2 shi4], Anhui/ 弋江區 弋江区 T - 0 Yì jiāng qū f /Yijiang district of Wuhu city 蕪湖市|芜湖市[Wu2 hu2 shi4], Anhui/ 弋阳 弋陽 S - 26 Yì yáng f /Yiyang county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi/ 弋阳县 弋陽縣 S - 3 Yì yáng xiàn f /Yiyang county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi/ 弋陽 弋阳 T - 26 Yì yáng f /Yiyang county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi/ 弋陽縣 弋阳县 T - 3 Yì yáng xiàn f /Yiyang county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi/ 弌 - 2 yī f /archaic variant of 壹 banker's anti-fraud numeral one/ 弍 - 2 èr f /archaic variant of 貳|贰, banker's anti-fraud numeral two/ 弎 - 3 sān f /archaic variant of 參|叁, banker's anti-fraud numeral three/ 式 - 12938 shì f /type/form/pattern/style/ 式子 - 31 shì zi f /formula/mathematical expression/ 式微 - 49 shì wēi f /(literary) to decline/to wane/title of a section in the Book of Songs 詩經|诗经[Shi1 jing1]/ 式样 式樣 S - 274 shì yàng f /style/ 式樣 式样 T - 274 shì yàng f /style/ 弐 - 0 èr f /Japanese variant of 貳|贰[er4]/ 弑 弒 S - 130 shì f /to murder a superior/to murder one's parent/ 弑君 弒君 S - 30 shì jūn f /regicide/to commit regicide/ 弑母 弒母 S - 0 shì mǔ f /matricide/to commit matricide/ 弑父 弒父 S - 11 shì fù f /patricide/to kill one's own father/ 弒 弑 T - 130 shì f /to murder a superior/to murder one's parent/ 弒君 弑君 T - 30 shì jūn f /regicide/to commit regicide/ 弒母 弑母 T - 0 shì mǔ f /matricide/to commit matricide/ 弒父 弑父 T - 11 shì fù f /patricide/to kill one's own father/ 弓 - 1020 Gōng f /surname Gong/ 弓 - 1020 gōng f /a bow (weapon)/CL:張|张[zhang1]/to bend/to arch (one's back etc)/ 弓弦 - 79 gōng xián f /bowstring/ 弓弦儿 弓弦兒 S - 0 gōng xián r f /bowstring/ 弓弦兒 弓弦儿 T - 0 gōng xián r f /bowstring/ 弓弩 - 101 gōng nǔ f /bow and crossbow/ 弓弩手 - 72 gōng nǔ shǒu f /crossbow shooter/ 弓形 - 47 gōng xíng f /circular segment/ 弓状 弓狀 S - 3 gōng zhuàng f /bowed/curved like a bow/ 弓狀 弓状 T - 3 gōng zhuàng f /bowed/curved like a bow/ 弓箭 - 422 gōng jiàn f /bow and arrow/ 弓箭手 - 82 gōng jiàn shǒu f /archer/ 弓箭步 - 13 gōng jiàn bù f /bow-and-arrow step (dance step)/ 弓背 - 3 gōng bèi f /to hunch over/to stoop/to arch one's back (upward)/ 弓腰 - 34 gōng yāo f /to bow/to bend at the waist/ 弓足 - 0 gōng zú f /bound feet/ 弓身 - 26 gōng shēn f /to bend the body at the waist/to bow/ 弓長嶺 弓长岭 T - 3 Gōng cháng lǐng f /Gongchangling district of Liaoyang city 遼陽市|辽阳市[Liao2 yang2 shi4], Liaoning/ 弓長嶺區 弓长岭区 T - 3 Gōng cháng lǐng qū f /Gongchangling district of Liaoyang city 遼陽市|辽阳市[Liao2 yang2 shi4], Liaoning/ 弓长岭 弓長嶺 S - 3 Gōng cháng lǐng f /Gongchangling district of Liaoyang city 遼陽市|辽阳市[Liao2 yang2 shi4], Liaoning/ 弓长岭区 弓長嶺區 S - 3 Gōng cháng lǐng qū f /Gongchangling district of Liaoyang city 遼陽市|辽阳市[Liao2 yang2 shi4], Liaoning/ 弔 吊 T 2962 1450 diào f /a string of 100 cash (arch.)/to lament/to condole with/variant of 吊[diao4]/ 弔古 吊古 T - 3 diào gǔ f /to revisit the past/to commemorate/ 弔唁 吊唁 T - 180 diào yàn f /variant of 吊唁[diao4 yan4]/ 弔喪 吊丧 T - 37 diào sāng f /condolences/a condolence visit/ 弔孝 吊孝 T - 32 diào xiào f /a condolence visit/ 弔客 吊客 T - 16 diào kè f /a visitor offering condolences/ 弔慰 吊慰 T - 3 diào wèi f /to offer condolences/to console the bereaved/ 弔文 吊文 T - 3 diào wén f /paper prayers for the dead burnt at funerals/ 弔死問疾 吊死问疾 T - 3 diào sǐ wèn jí f /to grieve for the sick and the dying/to show great concern for people's suffering/ 弔民伐罪 吊民伐罪 T - 32 diào mín fá zuì f /to console the people and punish the tyrant/ 弔祭 吊祭 T - 11 diào jì f /a worship ceremony for the dead/to offer sacrifice (to ancestors)/a libation/ 弔詭 吊诡 T - 0 diào guǐ f /bizarre/paradoxical/a paradox (from Daoist classic Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子)/ 弔詭矜奇 吊诡矜奇 T - 0 diào guǐ jīn qí f /strange and paradoxical/ 引 - 5550 yǐn f /to draw (e.g. a bow)/to pull/to stretch sth/to extend/to lengthen/to involve or implicate in/to attract/to lead/to guide/to leave/to provide evidence or justification for/old unit of distance equal to 10 丈[zhang4], one-thirtieth of a km or 33.33 meters/ 引产 引產 S - 26 yǐn chǎn f /to induce labor (childbirth)/ 引人入勝 引人入胜 T - 106 yǐn rén rù shèng f /to enchant/fascinating/ 引人入胜 引人入勝 S - 106 yǐn rén rù shèng f /to enchant/fascinating/ 引人注意 - 19 yǐn rén zhù yì f /to attract attention/eye-catching/conspicuous/ 引人注目 - 658 yǐn rén zhù mù f /to attract attention/eye-catching/conspicuous/ 引以为傲 引以為傲 S - 3 yǐn yǐ wéi ào f /to be intensely proud of sth (idiom)/ 引以为憾 引以為憾 S - 3 yǐn yǐ wéi hàn f /to consider sth regrettable (idiom)/ 引以为荣 引以為榮 S - 17 yǐn yǐ wéi róng f /to regard it as an honor (idiom)/ 引以為傲 引以为傲 T - 3 yǐn yǐ wéi ào f /to be intensely proud of sth (idiom)/ 引以為憾 引以为憾 T - 3 yǐn yǐ wéi hàn f /to consider sth regrettable (idiom)/ 引以為榮 引以为荣 T - 17 yǐn yǐ wéi róng f /to regard it as an honor (idiom)/ 引体向上 引體向上 S - 3 yǐn tǐ xiàng shàng f /chin-up (physical exercise)/ 引信 - 331 yǐn xìn f /a detonator/ 引信系統 引信系统 T - 0 yǐn xìn xì tǒng f /fuzing system/ 引信系统 引信系統 S - 0 yǐn xìn xì tǒng f /fuzing system/ 引入 - 1111 yǐn rù f /to draw into/to pull into/to introduce/ 引入迷途 - 0 yǐn rù mí tú f /to mislead/to lead astray/ 引决 引決 S - 0 yǐn jué f /to commit suicide/ 引出 - 273 yǐn chū f /to extract/to draw out/ 引別 引别 T - 0 yǐn bié f /to leave/to say goodbye/ 引别 引別 S - 0 yǐn bié f /to leave/to say goodbye/ 引力 - 420 yǐn lì f /gravitation (force)/attraction/ 引力场 引力場 S - 71 yǐn lì chǎng f /gravitational field/ 引力場 引力场 T - 71 yǐn lì chǎng f /gravitational field/ 引力波 - 24 yǐn lì bō f /gravitational wave/ 引发 引發 S - 1697 yǐn fā f /to lead to/to trigger/to initiate/to cause/to evoke (emotions)/ 引叙 引敘 S - 0 yǐn xù f /reported speech (in grammar)/ 引号 引號 S - 57 yǐn hào f /quotation mark (punct.)/ 引向 - 215 yǐn xiàng f /to lead to/to draw to/to steer towards/ 引吭高歌 - 11 yǐn háng gāo gē f /to sing at the top of one's voice (idiom)/ 引咎 - 9 yǐn jiù f /to take the blame/to accept responsibility (for a mistake)/ 引咎辞职 引咎辭職 S - 45 yǐn jiù cí zhí f /to admit responsibility and resign/ 引咎辭職 引咎辞职 T - 45 yǐn jiù cí zhí f /to admit responsibility and resign/ 引嫌 - 0 yǐn xián f /to avoid arousing suspicions/ 引子 - 63 yǐn zi f /introduction/primer/opening words/ 引导 引導 S 3137 2161 yǐn dǎo f /to guide/to lead (around)/to conduct/to boot/introduction/primer/ 引导员 引導員 S - 9 yǐn dǎo yuán f /usher/guide/ 引导扇区 引導扇區 S - 0 yǐn dǎo shàn qū f /boot sector/ 引導 引导 T 3137 2161 yǐn dǎo f /to guide/to lead (around)/to conduct/to boot/introduction/primer/ 引導員 引导员 T - 9 yǐn dǎo yuán f /usher/guide/ 引導扇區 引导扇区 T - 0 yǐn dǎo shàn qū f /boot sector/ 引征 引徵 S - 0 yǐn zhēng f /quotation/citing/to cite/to reference/ 引得 - 301 yǐn dé f /index (loanword)/ 引徵 引征 T - 0 yǐn zhēng f /quotation/citing/to cite/to reference/ 引擎 2789 160 yǐn qíng f /engine (loanword)/CL:臺|台[tai2]/ 引擎盖 引擎蓋 S - 3 yǐn qíng gài f /(car) hood/bonnet/ 引擎蓋 引擎盖 T - 3 yǐn qíng gài f /(car) hood/bonnet/ 引敘 引叙 T - 0 yǐn xù f /reported speech (in grammar)/ 引文 - 60 yǐn wén f /quotation/citation/ 引柴 - 3 yǐn chái f /kindling (to light a fire)/ 引水 - 258 yǐn shuǐ f /to pilot a ship/to channel water/to draw water (for irrigation)/ 引水入墙 引水入牆 S - 3 yǐn shuǐ rù qiáng f /lit. to lead the water through the wall/to ask for trouble (idiom)/ 引水入牆 引水入墙 T - 3 yǐn shuǐ rù qiáng f /lit. to lead the water through the wall/to ask for trouble (idiom)/ 引水工程 - 0 yǐn shuǐ gōng chéng f /water-induction engineering/irrigation engineering/ 引決 引决 T - 0 yǐn jué f /to commit suicide/ 引河 - 14 yǐn hé f /irrigation channel/ 引流 - 85 yǐn liú f /to drain/(medicine) drainage/ 引渡 - 97 yǐn dù f /to extradite/ 引火 - 46 yǐn huǒ f /to kindle/to light a fire/ 引火柴 - 0 yǐn huǒ chái f /kindling/ 引火烧身 引火燒身 S - 41 yǐn huǒ shāo shēn f /to invite trouble/ 引火燒身 引火烧身 T - 41 yǐn huǒ shāo shēn f /to invite trouble/ 引爆 - 203 yǐn bào f /to cause to burn/to ignite/to detonate/a fuse/ 引爆点 引爆點 S - 0 yǐn bào diǎn f /tipping point/ 引爆装置 引爆裝置 S - 0 yǐn bào zhuāng zhì f /detonator/ 引爆裝置 引爆装置 T - 0 yǐn bào zhuāng zhì f /detonator/ 引爆點 引爆点 T - 0 yǐn bào diǎn f /tipping point/ 引狗入寨 - 3 yǐn gǒu rù zhài f /to lead the wolf into the woodpile (idiom); to leave oneself open to attack/to act imprudently, asking for trouble/ 引狼入室 - 17 yǐn láng rù shì f /to lead the wolf into the house (idiom); to leave oneself open to attack/to act imprudently, asking for trouble/ 引玉之砖 引玉之磚 S - 3 yǐn yù zhī zhuān f /lit. a brick thrown after a jade/enticing sb to come forward (idiom)/ 引玉之磚 引玉之砖 T - 3 yǐn yù zhī zhuān f /lit. a brick thrown after a jade/enticing sb to come forward (idiom)/ 引產 引产 T - 26 yǐn chǎn f /to induce labor (childbirth)/ 引用 3266 3264 yǐn yòng f /to quote/to cite/to recommend/to appoint/ 引用句 - 0 yǐn yòng jù f /quotation/ 引申 - 194 yǐn shēn f /to extend (the meaning of a word, an analogy etc)/derivation/ 引申义 引申義 S - 5 yǐn shēn yì f /extended meaning (of an expression)/derived sense/ 引申義 引申义 T - 5 yǐn shēn yì f /extended meaning (of an expression)/derived sense/ 引發 引发 T - 1697 yǐn fā f /to lead to/to trigger/to initiate/to cause/to evoke (emotions)/ 引着 引著 S - 274 yǐn zháo f /to ignite/to kindle/ 引种 引種 S - 150 yǐn zhǒng t /(agriculture) to introduce a new plant variety/ 引种 引種 S - 150 yǐn zhòng f /(agriculture) to plant an introduced variety/ 引種 引种 T - 150 yǐn zhǒng t /(agriculture) to introduce a new plant variety/ 引種 引种 T - 150 yǐn zhòng f /(agriculture) to plant an introduced variety/ 引經據典 引经据典 T - 32 yǐn jīng jù diǎn f /lit. to quote the classics/to quote chapter and verse (idiom)/ 引線 引线 T - 84 yǐn xiàn f /fuse (for an explosive device)/electrical lead/intermediary/catalyst/(dialect) sewing needle/ 引線穿針 引线穿针 T - 3 yǐn xiàn chuān zhēn f /a pull-through to thread a needle/fig. to act as go-between/ 引线 引線 S - 84 yǐn xiàn f /fuse (for an explosive device)/electrical lead/intermediary/catalyst/(dialect) sewing needle/ 引线穿针 引線穿針 S - 3 yǐn xiàn chuān zhēn f /a pull-through to thread a needle/fig. to act as go-between/ 引经据典 引經據典 S - 32 yǐn jīng jù diǎn f /lit. to quote the classics/to quote chapter and verse (idiom)/ 引而不发 引而不發 S - 10 yǐn ér bù fā f /to pull the bow without shooting (idiom from Mencius); ready and waiting for action/to go through the motions/to practice/a trial run/ 引而不發 引而不发 T - 10 yǐn ér bù fā f /to pull the bow without shooting (idiom from Mencius); ready and waiting for action/to go through the motions/to practice/a trial run/ 引脚 引腳 S - 2 yǐn jiǎo f /lead/pin (computer hardware)/ 引腳 引脚 T - 2 yǐn jiǎo f /lead/pin (computer hardware)/ 引荐 引薦 S - 63 yǐn jiàn f /to recommend sb/to give a referral/ 引著 引着 T - 274 yǐn zháo f /to ignite/to kindle/ 引薦 引荐 T - 63 yǐn jiàn f /to recommend sb/to give a referral/ 引號 引号 T - 57 yǐn hào f /quotation mark (punct.)/ 引蛇出洞 - 10 yǐn shé chū dòng f /lit. to pull a snake from its hole/to expose a malefactor (idiom)/ 引言 - 20 yǐn yán f /foreword/introduction/ 引誘 引诱 T - 275 yǐn yòu f /to coerce (sb into doing sth bad)/to lure (into a trap)/to seduce/ 引語 引语 T - 8 yǐn yǔ f /quotation/ 引證 引证 T - 75 yǐn zhèng f /to cite/to quote/to cite as evidence/ 引证 引證 S - 75 yǐn zhèng f /to cite/to quote/to cite as evidence/ 引语 引語 S - 8 yǐn yǔ f /quotation/ 引诱 引誘 S - 275 yǐn yòu f /to coerce (sb into doing sth bad)/to lure (into a trap)/to seduce/ 引起 896 12074 yǐn qǐ f /to give rise to/to lead to/to cause/to arouse/ 引路 - 207 yǐn lù f /to guide/to show the way/ 引車 引车 T - 0 yǐn chē f /to pull a car/ 引车 引車 S - 0 yǐn chē f /to pull a car/ 引进 引進 S - 2375 yǐn jìn f /to recommend/to introduce (from outside)/ 引述 - 101 yǐn shù f /to quote/ 引退 - 57 yǐn tuì f /to retire from office/to resign/ 引逗 - 21 yǐn dòu f /to tantalize/to lead on/to tease/ 引進 引进 T - 2375 yǐn jìn f /to recommend/to introduce (from outside)/ 引領 引领 T - 525 yǐn lǐng f /to crane one's neck/to await eagerly/to lead/to show the way/ 引頸 引颈 T - 43 yǐn jǐng f /to crane one's neck/(fig.) with one's neck outstretched in expectation/ 引頸就戮 引颈就戮 T - 0 yǐn jǐng jiù lù f /to extend one's neck in preparation for execution (idiom)/ 引领 引領 S - 525 yǐn lǐng f /to crane one's neck/to await eagerly/to lead/to show the way/ 引颈 引頸 S - 43 yǐn jǐng f /to crane one's neck/(fig.) with one's neck outstretched in expectation/ 引颈就戮 引頸就戮 S - 0 yǐn jǐng jiù lù f /to extend one's neck in preparation for execution (idiom)/ 引體向上 引体向上 T - 3 yǐn tǐ xiàng shàng f /chin-up (physical exercise)/ 引鬼上門 引鬼上门 T - 3 yǐn guǐ shàng mén f /to lead the devil to the door (idiom); to invite the attention of criminals/to leave oneself open to attack/ 引鬼上门 引鬼上門 S - 3 yǐn guǐ shàng mén f /to lead the devil to the door (idiom); to invite the attention of criminals/to leave oneself open to attack/ 弗 - 778 fú f /not/ 弗兰克 弗蘭克 S - 67 Fú lán kè f /Frank (name)/ 弗兰兹 弗蘭茲 S - 9 Fú lán zī f /Franz (name)/ 弗兰西斯 弗蘭西斯 S - 7 Fú lán xī sī f /Francis (name)/ 弗兰西斯·培根 弗蘭西斯·培根 S - 0 Fú lán xī sī · Péi gēn f /Francis Bacon (1561-1626), English renaissance philosopher and early scientist/ 弗吉尼亚 弗吉尼亞 S - 169 Fú jí ní yà f /variant of 弗吉尼亞州|弗吉尼亚州/Virginia, US state/ 弗吉尼亚州 弗吉尼亞州 S - 52 Fú jí ní yà zhōu f /Virginia, US state/ 弗吉尼亞 弗吉尼亚 T - 169 Fú jí ní yà f /variant of 弗吉尼亞州|弗吉尼亚州/Virginia, US state/ 弗吉尼亞州 弗吉尼亚州 T - 52 Fú jí ní yà zhōu f /Virginia, US state/ 弗州 - 0 Fú zhōu f /Virginia, US state/abbr. for 弗吉尼亞州|弗吉尼亚州[Fu2 ji2 ni2 ya4 zhou1]/ 弗愛 弗爱 T - 0 fú ài f /phi (Greek letter Φφ)/ 弗拉基米尔 弗拉基米爾 S - 42 Fú lā jī mǐ ěr f /Vladimir/ 弗拉基米爾 弗拉基米尔 T - 42 Fú lā jī mǐ ěr f /Vladimir/ 弗拉明戈 - 0 fú lā míng gē f /flamenco (loanword)/ 弗拉芒 - 8 Fú lā máng f /Flemish, inhabitant of Flanders (Belgium)/ 弗朗索瓦·霍兰德 弗朗索瓦·霍蘭德 S - 0 Fú lǎng suǒ wǎ · Huò lán dé f /François Hollande (1954-), French Socialist politician, President from 2012/also written 奧朗德|奥朗德[Ao4 lang3 de2]/ 弗朗索瓦·霍蘭德 弗朗索瓦·霍兰德 T - 0 Fú lǎng suǒ wǎ · Huò lán dé f /François Hollande (1954-), French Socialist politician, President from 2012/also written 奧朗德|奥朗德[Ao4 lang3 de2]/ 弗格森 - 172 Fú gé sēn f /Ferguson (surname)/ 弗氏鷗 弗氏鸥 T - 0 Fú shì ōu f /(bird species of China) Franklin's gull (Leucophaeus pipixcan)/ 弗氏鸥 弗氏鷗 S - 0 Fú shì ōu f /(bird species of China) Franklin's gull (Leucophaeus pipixcan)/ 弗洛伊德 - 85 Fú luò yī dé f /Floyd (name)/Freud (name)/Dr Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), the inventor of psychoanalysis/ 弗洛伦蒂诺·佩雷斯 弗洛倫蒂諾·佩雷斯 S - 0 Fú luò lún dì nuò · Pèi léi sī f /Florentino Pérez (1947-), Spanish businessman and president of Real Madrid football club/ 弗洛倫蒂諾·佩雷斯 弗洛伦蒂诺·佩雷斯 T - 0 Fú luò lún dì nuò · Pèi léi sī f /Florentino Pérez (1947-), Spanish businessman and president of Real Madrid football club/ 弗洛勒斯岛 弗洛勒斯島 S - 0 Fú luò lēi sī dǎo f /Flores, Indonesia/also written 弗洛里斯島|弗洛里斯岛[Fu2 luo4 li3 si1 dao3]/ 弗洛勒斯島 弗洛勒斯岛 T - 0 Fú luò lēi sī dǎo f /Flores, Indonesia/also written 弗洛里斯島|弗洛里斯岛[Fu2 luo4 li3 si1 dao3]/ 弗洛姆 - 4 Fú luò mǔ f /Fromm (psychoanalyst)/ 弗洛里斯岛 弗洛里斯島 S - 0 Fú luò lǐ sī dǎo f /Flores, Indonesia/also written 弗洛勒斯島|弗洛勒斯岛[Fu2 luo4 lei1 si1 dao3]/ 弗洛里斯島 弗洛里斯岛 T - 0 Fú luò lǐ sī dǎo f /Flores, Indonesia/also written 弗洛勒斯島|弗洛勒斯岛[Fu2 luo4 lei1 si1 dao3]/ 弗爱 弗愛 S - 0 fú ài f /phi (Greek letter Φφ)/ 弗罗茨瓦夫 弗羅茨瓦夫 S - 11 Fú luó cí wǎ fū f /Wroclaw, Polish city/ 弗罗里达 弗羅里達 S - 0 Fú luó lǐ dá f /Florida, US state/ 弗罗里达州 弗羅里達州 S - 0 Fú luó lǐ dá zhōu f /Florida, US state/ 弗羅茨瓦夫 弗罗茨瓦夫 T - 11 Fú luó cí wǎ fū f /Wroclaw, Polish city/ 弗羅里達 弗罗里达 T - 0 Fú luó lǐ dá f /Florida, US state/ 弗羅里達州 弗罗里达州 T - 0 Fú luó lǐ dá zhōu f /Florida, US state/ 弗莱威厄斯 弗萊威厄斯 S - 0 Fú lái wēi è sī f /Flavius (Roman historian of 1st century AD)/ 弗莱福兰 弗萊福蘭 S - 0 Fú lái fú lán f /Flevoland, province in Netherlands/ 弗萊威厄斯 弗莱威厄斯 T - 0 Fú lái wēi è sī f /Flavius (Roman historian of 1st century AD)/ 弗萊福蘭 弗莱福兰 T - 0 Fú lái fú lán f /Flevoland, province in Netherlands/ 弗落伊德 - 0 Fú luò yī dé f /Freud (name)/ 弗蘭克 弗兰克 T - 67 Fú lán kè f /Frank (name)/ 弗蘭茲 弗兰兹 T - 9 Fú lán zī f /Franz (name)/ 弗蘭西斯 弗兰西斯 T - 7 Fú lán xī sī f /Francis (name)/ 弗蘭西斯·培根 弗兰西斯·培根 T - 0 Fú lán xī sī · Péi gēn f /Francis Bacon (1561-1626), English renaissance philosopher and early scientist/ 弗迪南 - 0 Fú dí nán f /Ferdinand (name)/ 弗里得里希 - 0 Fú lǐ dé lǐ xī f /Friedrich (name)/ 弗里德里希 - 34 Fú lǐ dé lǐ xī f /Friedrich (name)/ 弗里德里希·席勒 - 0 Fú lǐ dé lǐ xī · Xí lè f /Friedrich Schiller or Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805), German poet and dramatist/ 弗里敦 - 17 Fú lǐ dūn f /Freetown, capital of Sierra Leone/ 弗里斯兰 弗里斯蘭 S - 3 fú lǐ sī lán f /Friesland/ 弗里斯蘭 弗里斯兰 T - 3 fú lǐ sī lán f /Friesland/ 弗里曼 - 0 Fú lǐ màn f /Freeman (surname)/ 弗雷 - 6 Fú léi f /Freyr (god in Norse mythology)/ 弗雷德里克 - 11 Fú léi dé lǐ kè f /Frederick (name)/ 弗雷德里克頓 弗雷德里克顿 T - 0 Fú léi dé lǐ kè dùn f /Fredericton, capital of New Brunswick, Canada/ 弗雷德里克顿 弗雷德里克頓 S - 0 Fú léi dé lǐ kè dùn f /Fredericton, capital of New Brunswick, Canada/ 弘 - 163 hóng f /great/liberal/ 弘图 弘圖 S - 45 hóng tú f /variant of 宏圖|宏图[hong2 tu2]/ 弘圖 弘图 T - 45 hóng tú f /variant of 宏圖|宏图[hong2 tu2]/ 弘愿 弘願 S - 3 hóng yuàn f /variant of 宏願|宏愿[hong2 yuan4]/ 弘扬 弘揚 S - 430 hóng yáng f /to enhance/to promote/to enrich/ 弘揚 弘扬 T - 430 hóng yáng f /to enhance/to promote/to enrich/ 弘旨 - 0 hóng zhǐ f /variant of 宏旨[hong2 zhi3]/ 弘治 - 259 Hóng zhì f /Hongzhi Emperor, reign name of ninth Ming emperor 朱祐樘[Zhu1 You4 tang2] (1470-1505), reigned 1487-1505, Temple name 明孝宗[Ming2 Xiao4 zong1]/ 弘法 - 13 hóng fǎ f /to propagate Buddhist teachings/ 弘願 弘愿 T - 3 hóng yuàn f /variant of 宏願|宏愿[hong2 yuan4]/ 弛 - 112 chí f /to unstring a bow/to slacken/to relax/to loosen/ 弛张热 弛張熱 S - 0 chí zhāng rè f /remittent fever/ 弛張熱 弛张热 T - 0 chí zhāng rè f /remittent fever/ 弛緩 弛缓 T - 34 chí huǎn f /to relax/to slacken/relaxation (in nuclear magnetic resonance)/ 弛缓 弛緩 S - 34 chí huǎn f /to relax/to slacken/relaxation (in nuclear magnetic resonance)/ 弝 - 52 bà f /the part of a bow grasped when shooting/ 弟 - 3217 dì t /younger brother/junior male/I (modest word in letter)/ 弟 - 3217 tì f /variant of 悌[ti4]/ 弟兄 - 1748 dì xiong f /brothers/comrade/ 弟兄们 弟兄們 S - 3 dì xiōng men f /brothers/comrades/men/brethren/ 弟兄們 弟兄们 T - 3 dì xiōng men f /brothers/comrades/men/brethren/ 弟妇 弟婦 S - 17 dì fù f /younger brother's wife/sister-in-law/ 弟妹 - 134 dì mèi f /younger sibling/younger brother's wife/ 弟婦 弟妇 T - 17 dì fù f /younger brother's wife/sister-in-law/ 弟媳 - 47 dì xí f /younger brother's wife/sister-in-law/ 弟子 - 6071 dì zǐ f /disciple/follower/ 弟弟 250 1625 dì di f /younger brother/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]/ 张 張 S 357 23973 Zhāng f /surname Zhang/ 张 張 S 357 23973 zhāng f /to open up/to spread/sheet of paper/classifier for flat objects, sheet/classifier for votes/ 张三 張三 S - 0 Zhāng Sān f /John Doe/Zhang San, name for an unspecified person, first of a series of three: 張三|张三, 李四[Li3 Si4], 王五[Wang2 Wu3] Tom, Dick and Harry/ 张三李四 張三李四 S - 18 Zhāng sān Lǐ sì f /Zhang and Li (idiom); Zhang with tight trousers and Li with wide hat/Tom, Dick and Harry/ 张三,李四,王五,赵六 張三,李四,王五,趙六 S - 0 Zhāng sān , Lǐ sì , Wáng wǔ , Zhào liù f /four proverbial names/Tom, Dick and Harry/ 张丹 張丹 S - 0 Zhāng Dān f /Zhang Dan (1985-), Chinese figure skater/ 张之洞 張之洞 S - 519 Zhāng Zhī dòng f /Zhang Zhidong (1837-1909), prominent politician in late Qing/ 张二鸿 張二鴻 S - 0 Zhāng Er hóng f /Jung Chang 張戎|张戎[Zhang1 Rong2] (1952-), British-Chinese writer, author of Wild Swans 野天鵝|野天鹅[Ye3 Tian1 e2] and Mao: The Unknown Story 毛澤東·鮮為人知的故事|毛泽东·鲜为人知的故事[Mao2 Ze2 dong1 · Xian1 wei2 ren2 zhi1 de5 Gu4 shi5]/ 张仪 張儀 S - 88 Zhāng Yí f /Zhang Yi (-309 BC), political strategist of the School of Diplomacy 縱橫家|纵横家[Zong4 heng2 jia1] during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC)/ 张伯伦 張伯倫 S - 92 Zhāng bó lún f /Chamberlain (name)/Wilt Chamberlain (1936-1999), US basketball player/ 张作霖 張作霖 S - 373 Zhāng Zuò lín f /Zhang Zuolin (c. 1873-1928), warlord of Manchuria 1916-1928/ 张僧繇 張僧繇 S - 12 Zhāng Sēng yóu f /Zhang Sengyou (active c. 490-540), one of the Four Great Painters of the Six dynasties 六朝四大家/ 张冠李戴 張冠李戴 S - 25 Zhāng guān Lǐ dài f /lit. to put Zhang's hat on Li's head/to attribute sth to the wrong person (idiom)/to confuse one thing with another/ 张力 張力 S - 0 zhāng lì f /tension/ 张北 張北 S - 93 Zhāng běi f /Zhangbei county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei/ 张北县 張北縣 S - 49 Zhāng běi xiàn f /Zhangbei county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei/ 张华 張華 S - 0 Zhāng Huà f /Zhang Hua (232-300), Western Jin writer, poet and politician/Zhang Hua (1958-1982), student held up as a martyr after he died saving an old peasant from a septic tank/other Zhang Hua's too numerous to mention/ 张口 張口 S - 361 zhāng kǒu f /to gape/to yawn/to open one's mouth/to start speaking/to talk carelessly/to talk out of place/ 张口结舌 張口結舌 S - 89 zhāng kǒu jié shé f /agape and tongue-tied (idiom); at a loss for words/gaping and speechless/ 张嘴 張嘴 S - 368 zhāng zuǐ f /to open one's mouth (to speak, esp. to make a request)/to gape/ 张国焘 張國燾 S - 351 Zhāng Guó tāo f /Zhang Guotao (1897-1979), Chinese communist leader in the 1920s and 1930s, defected to Guomindang in 1938/ 张国荣 張國榮 S - 162 Zhāng Guó róng f /Leslie Cheung (1956-2003), Hong Kong singer and actor/ 张大千 張大千 S - 33 Zhāng Dà qiān f /Chang Dai-chien or Zhang Daqian (1899-1983), one of the greatest Chinese artists of the 20th century/ 张天翼 張天翼 S - 18 Zhāng Tiān yì f /Zhang Tian'yi (1906-1985), children's writer, author of prize-winning fairy tale Secret of the magic gourd 寶葫蘆的秘密|宝葫芦的秘密/ 张太雷 張太雷 S - 79 Zhāng Tài léi f /Zhang Tailei (1898-1927), founding member of Chinese communist party/ 张学友 張學友 S - 3 Zhāng Xué yǒu f /Jacky Cheung or Hok Yau Jacky (1961-), cantopop and film star/ 张学良 張學良 S - 536 Zhāng Xué liáng f /Zhang Xueliang (1901-2001) son of Fengtian clique warlord, then senior general for the Nationalists and subsequently for the People's Liberation Army/ 张宁 張寧 S - 487 Zhāng Níng f /Zhang Ning (1975-), PRC female badminton player and Olympic gold medalist/ 张宝 張寶 S - 0 Zhāng Bǎo f /Zhang Bao (-184), leader of the Yellow Turban rebels during the late Han 漢朝|汉朝[Han4 chao2]/ 张家口 張家口 S - 303 Zhāng jiā kǒu f /Zhangjiakou prefecture level city in Hebei/ 张家口地区 張家口地區 S - 0 Zhāng jiā kǒu dì qū f /Zhangjiakou prefecture in Hebei/ 张家口市 張家口市 S - 26 Zhāng jiā kǒu shì f /Zhangjiakou prefecture level city in Hebei/ 张家川回族自治县 張家川回族自治縣 S - 3 Zhāng jiā chuān huí zú zì zhì xiàn f /Zhanjiachuan Huizu autonomous county in Gansu/ 张家港 張家港 S - 69 Zhāng jiā gǎng f /Zhangjiagang county level city in Suzhou 蘇州|苏州[Su1 zhou1], Jiangsu/ 张家港市 張家港市 S - 23 Zhāng jiā gǎng shì f /Zhangjiagang county level city in Suzhou 蘇州|苏州[Su1 zhou1], Jiangsu/ 张家界 張家界 S - 193 Zhāng jiā jiè f /Zhangjiajie prefecture level city in Hunan, formerly Dayong 大庸[Da4 yong1]/ 张家界市 張家界市 S - 17 Zhāng jiā jiè shì f /Zhangjiajie prefecture level city in Hunan/ 张家长,李家短 張家長,李家短 S - 0 Zhāng jiā cháng , Lǐ jiā duǎn f /lit. the Zhangs are better off than the Lis (idiom); to gossip about the neighbors/ 张居正 張居正 S - 4564 Zhāng Jū zhèng f /Zhang Juzheng (1525-1582), Grand Secretary during the Ming dynasty, credited with bringing the dynasty to its apogee/ 张岱 張岱 S - 0 Zhāng Dài f /Zhang Dai (1597-c. 1684), late Ming scholar/ 张店 張店 S - 0 Zhāng diàn f /Zhangdian district of Zibo city 淄博市[Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong/ 张店区 張店區 S - 14 Zhāng diàn qū f /Zhangdian district of Zibo city 淄博市[Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong/ 张廷玉 張廷玉 S - 22 Zhāng Tíng yù f /Zhang Tingyu (1672-1755), Qing politician, senior minister to three successive emperors, oversaw compilation of History of the Ming Dynasty 明史[Ming2 shi3] and the Kangxi Dictionary 康熙字典[Kang1 xi1 Zi4 dian3]/ 张开 張開 S - 452 zhāng kāi f /to open up/to spread/to extend/ 张弛 張弛 S - 0 zhāng chí f /tension and relaxation/ 张德江 張德江 S - 5 Zhāng Dé jiāng f /Zhang Dejiang (1946-), PRC politician/ 张心 張心 S - 0 zhāng xīn f /to be troubled/to be concerned/ 张志新 張志新 S - 22 Zhāng Zhì xīn f /Zhang Zhixin (1930-1975) female revolutionary and martyr, who followed the true Marxist-Leninist line as a party member, and was arrested in 1969, murdered in 1975 after opposing the counter-revolutionary party-usurping conspiracies of Lin Biao and the Gang of Four, and only rehabilitated posthumously in 1979/ 张怡 張怡 S - 0 Zhāng yí f /Zhang Yi (1608-1695), prolific author and poet spanning interregnum between Ming and Qing/ 张怡宁 張怡寧 S - 32 Zhāng Yí níng f /Zhang Yining (1981-), PRC female table tennis player and Olympic gold medalist/ 张惠妹 張惠妹 S - 13 Zhāng Huì mèi f /A-Mei, aka Gulilai Amit (1972-), aboriginal Taiwanese pop singer/ 张惶 張惶 S - 0 zhāng huáng f /variant of 張皇|张皇[zhang1 huang2]/ 张戎 張戎 S - 0 Zhāng Róng f /Jung Chang (1952-), British-Chinese writer, name at birth Zhang Erhong 張二鴻|张二鸿[Zhang1 Er4 hong2], author of Wild Swans 野天鵝|野天鹅[Ye3 Tian1 e2] and Mao: The Unknown Story 毛澤東·鮮為人知的故事|毛泽东·鲜为人知的故事[Mao2 Ze2 dong1 · Xian1 wei2 ren2 zhi1 de5 Gu4 shi5]/ 张成泽 張成澤 S - 0 Zhāng Chéng zé f /Jang Seong-taek or Chang Sŏngt'aek (1946-2013), brother-in-law of Kim Jong-il 金正日[Jin1 Zheng4 ri4], uncle and regent of Kim Jong-un 金正恩[Jin1 Zheng4 en1]/ 张扬 張揚 S - 268 Zhāng Yáng f /Zhang Yang (1967-), PRC film director and screenwriter/ 张扬 張揚 S - 268 zhāng yáng f /to publicize/to make known/to show off/ 张择端 張擇端 S - 21 Zhāng Zé duān f /Zhang Zeduan (1085-1145), Song dynasty painter/ 张挂 張掛 S - 0 zhāng guà f /to hang up (a picture, banner, mosquito net etc)/ 张掖 張掖 S - 165 Zhāng yè f /Zhangye prefecture level city in Gansu/ 张掖地区 張掖地區 S - 2 Zhāng yè dì qū f /Zhangye prefecture, Gansu (old term)/Zhangye prefecture level city 張掖市|张掖市[Zhang1 ye4 shi4] (district in Gansu)/ 张掖市 張掖市 S - 10 Zhāng yè shì f /Zhangye prefecture level city in Gansu/ 张揖 張揖 S - 0 Zhāng Yī f /Zhang Yi (c. 3rd century), literary figure from Wei of the Three Kingdoms, other name 稚讓|稚让[Zhi4 rang4], named as compiler of earliest extant Chinese encyclopedia 廣雅|广雅[Guang3 ya3] and several lost works/ 张敞 張敞 S - 0 Zhāng Cháng f /Zhang Chang, official and scholar of the Eastern Han dynasty/ 张斌 張斌 S - 0 Zhāng Bīn f /Zhang Bin (1979-), CCTV sports presenter/ 张旭 張旭 S - 65 Zhāng Xù f /Zhang Xu (probably early 8th century), Tang dynasty poet and calligrapher, most famous for his grass script 草書|草书/ 张易之 張易之 S - 17 Zhāng yì zhī f /Zhang Yizhi (-705), Tang dynasty politician and favorite of Empress Wu Zetian 武則天|武则天[Wu3 Ze2 tian1]/ 张春帆 張春帆 S - 0 Zhāng Chūn fān f /Zhang Chunfan (-1935), late Qing novelist, author of The Nine-tailed Turtle 九尾龜|九尾龟/ 张春桥 張春橋 S - 134 Zhāng Chūn qiáo f /Zhang Chunqiao (1917-2005), one of the Gang of Four/ 张曼玉 張曼玉 S - 20 Zhāng Màn yù f /Maggie Cheung (1964-), Hong Kong actress/ 张望 張望 S - 249 zhāng wàng f /to look around/to peep (through a crack)/to peer at/to throw a look at/ 张柏芝 張柏芝 S - 3 Zhāng Bó zhī f /Cecilia Cheung (1980-), Hong Kong actress and pop singer/ 张治中 張治中 S - 47 Zhāng Zhì zhōng f /Zhang Zhizhong (1890-1969), National Revolutionary Army general/ 张湾 張灣 S - 0 Zhāng wān f /Zhangwan district of Shiyan city 十堰市[Shi2 yan4 shi4], Hubei/ 张湾区 張灣區 S - 768 Zhāng wān qū f /Zhangwan district of Shiyan city 十堰市[Shi2 yan4 shi4], Hubei/ 张溥 張溥 S - 0 Zhāng Pǔ f /Zhang Pu (1602-1641), Ming dynasty scholar and prolific writer, proponent of 複社|复社[fu4 she4] cultural renewal movement, author of Five tombstone inscriptions 五人墓碑記|五人墓碑记[wu3 ren2 mu4 bei1 ji4]/ 张灯结彩 張燈結彩 S - 48 zhāng dēng jié cǎi f /to be decorated with lanterns and colored banners (idiom)/ 张爱玲 張愛玲 S - 147 Zhāng Aì líng f /Eileen Chang (1920-1995), famous Chinese-American novelist/ 张牙舞爪 張牙舞爪 S - 87 zhāng yá wǔ zhǎo f /to bare fangs and brandish claws (idiom); to make threatening gestures/ 张狂 張狂 S - 67 zhāng kuáng f /brash/insolent/frantic/ 张献忠 張獻忠 S - 1012 Zhāng Xiàn zhōng f /Zhang Xianzhong (1606-1647), leader of a late-Ming peasant revolt/ 张王李赵 張王李趙 S - 3 Zhāng Wáng Lǐ Zhào f /anyone/Mr Average/any Tom, Dick or Harry/ 张皇 張皇 S - 0 zhāng huáng f /alarmed/flustered/ 张皇失措 張皇失措 S - 17 zhāng huáng shī cuò f /panic-stricken (idiom)/to be in a flustered state/also written 張惶失措|张惶失措[zhang1 huang2 shi1 cuo4]/ 张目 張目 S - 0 zhāng mù f /to open one's eyes wide/ 张秋 張秋 S - 0 Zhāng Qiū f /Cho Chang (Harry Potter)/ 张籍 張籍 S - 0 Zhāng Jí f /Zhang Ji (767-830), Tang Dynasty poet/ 张纯如 張純如 S - 3 Zhāng Chún rú f /Iris Chang (1968-2004), Chinese American historian and author of the Rape of Nanjing/ 张罗 張羅 S - 311 zhāng luo f /to take care of/to raise money/to attend to (guests, customers etc)/ 张自忠 張自忠 S - 27 Zhāng Zì zhōng f /Zhang Zizhong (1891-1940), Chinese National Revolutionary Army general during the Second Sino-Japanese War/ 张自烈 張自烈 S - 159 Zhāng Zì liè f /Zhang Zilie (1597-1673), Ming dynasty scholar, author of Zhengzitong 正字通[Zheng4 zi4 tong1]/ 张艺谋 張藝謀 S - 46 Zhāng Yì móu f /Zhang Yimou (1950-), PRC film director/ 张若虚 張若虛 S - 3 Zhāng Ruò xū f /Zhang Ruoxu (c. 660-720), Tang dynasty poet, author of yuefu poem River on a spring night 春江花月夜/ 张荫桓 張蔭桓 S - 10 Zhāng Yìn huán f /Zhang Yinhuan (1837-1900), late Qing politician and senior Chinese diplomat/ 张衡 張衡 S - 109 Zhāng Héng f /Zhang Heng (78-139) great Han dynasty astronomer and mathematician/ 张角 張角 S - 0 Zhāng Jué f /Zhang Jue (-184), leader of the Yellow turban rebels during the late Han/ 张贴 張貼 S - 401 zhāng tiē f /to post (a notice)/to advertise/ 张量 張量 S - 37 zhāng liàng f /tensor (math.)/ 张闻天 張聞天 S - 172 Zhāng Wén tiān f /Zhang Wentian (1900-1976), CCP party leader and theorist/ 张震 張震 S - 0 Zhāng Zhèn f /Chang Chen (1976-), Taiwanese film actor/ 张静初 張靜初 S - 3 Zhāng Jìng chū f /Zhang Jingchu (1980-), PRC actress/ 张韶涵 張韶涵 S - 2 Zhāng Sháo hán f /Angela Chang (1982-), Taiwanese pop singer and actress/ 张飞 張飛 S - 420 Zhāng Fēi f /Zhang Fei (168-221), general of Shu and blood-brother of Liu Bei in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, famous as fearsome fighter and lover of wine/ 张飞打岳飞 張飛打岳飛 S - 0 Zhāng fēi dǎ Yuè fēi f /lit. Zhang Fei fights Yue Fei/fig. an impossible combination/an impossible turn of events (idiom)/ 张骞 張騫 S - 111 Zhāng Qiān f /Zhang Qian (-114 BC), Han dynasty explorer of 2nd century BC/ 张高丽 張高麗 S - 3 Zhāng Gāo lì f /Zhang Gaoli (1946-), PRC politician/ 弢 - 42 tāo f /bow case/to cover/ 弣 - 0 fǔ f /handle of bow/ 弤 - 7 dǐ f /carved bow/ 弥 彌 S - 516 mí f /full/to fill/completely/more/ 弥 瀰 S - 516 mí f /brimming or overflowing/ 弥勒 彌勒 S - 144 Mí lè f /Mile county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/Maitreya, the future Bodhisattva, to come after Shakyamuni Buddha/ 弥勒佛 彌勒佛 S - 44 Mí lè fó f /Maitreya/the Bodhisattva that will be the next to come after Shakyamuni Buddha/ 弥勒县 彌勒縣 S - 6 Mí lè xiàn f /Mile county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/ 弥勒菩萨 彌勒菩薩 S - 0 Mí lè Pú sà f /Maitreya Bodhisattva/ 弥合 彌合 S - 41 mí hé f /to cause a wound to close up and heal/ 弥天 彌天 S - 3 mí tiān f /filling the entire sky/covering everything (of fog, crime, disaster etc)/ 弥天大谎 彌天大謊 S - 6 mí tiān dà huǎng f /a pack of lies (idiom)/ 弥封 彌封 S - 3 mí fēng f /to sign across the seal (as a precaution against fraud)/ 弥撒 彌撒 S - 37 mí sa f /(Catholic) Mass/ 弥散 彌散 S - 76 mí sàn f /to dissipate everywhere (of light, sound, gas etc)/ 弥月 彌月 S - 3 mí yuè f /full moon/first full moon after birth (i.e. entering the second month)/ 弥望 彌望 S - 3 mí wàng f /a full view/ 弥渡 彌渡 S - 2 Mí dù f /Midu county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 弥渡县 彌渡縣 S - 2 Mí dù xiàn f /Midu county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 弥满 彌滿 S - 0 mí mǎn f /to be full/ 弥漫 彌漫 S 4232 609 mí màn f /to pervade/to fill the air/diffuse/everywhere present/about to inundate (water)/permeated by (smoke)/filled with (dust)/to saturate (the air with fog, smoke etc)/ 弥漫 瀰漫 S 4232 609 mí màn f /variant of 彌漫|弥漫[mi2 man4]/ 弥漫星云 瀰漫星雲 S - 0 mí màn xīng yún f /diffuse nebula/ 弥留 彌留 S - 36 mí liú f /seriously ill and about to die/ 弥留之际 彌留之際 S - 18 mí liú zhī jì f /on one's deathbed/at the point of death/ 弥缝 彌縫 S - 35 mí féng f /to cover up mistakes or crimes/to stitch up/to fix/ 弥蒙 彌蒙 S - 3 mí méng f /impenetrable thick fog or smoke/ 弥补 彌補 S 2841 843 mí bǔ f /to complement/to make up for a deficiency/ 弥赛亚 彌賽亞 S - 3 Mí sài yà f /Messiah/ 弥足珍贵 彌足珍貴 S - 30 mí zú zhēn guì f /extremely precious/valuable/ 弥迦书 彌迦書 S - 0 Mí jiā shū f /Book of Micah/ 弥陀 彌陀 S - 28 Mí tuó f /Amitabha, the Buddha of the Western Paradise/abbr. for 阿彌陀佛|阿弥陀佛/Mituo or Mito township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/ 弥陀乡 彌陀鄉 S - 0 Mí tuó xiāng f /Mituo or Mito township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/ 弦 3620 4072 xián f /bow string/string of musical instrument/watchspring/chord (segment of curve)/hypotenuse/CL:根[gen1]/ 弦乐 弦樂 S - 86 xián yuè f /string music/ 弦乐器 弦樂器 S - 56 xián yuè qì f /string instrument/ 弦乐队 弦樂隊 S - 2 xián yuè duì f /string orchestra/ 弦切角 - 3 xián qiē jiǎo f /chord angle (i.e. angle a chord of a curve makes to the tangent)/ 弦外之响 弦外之響 S - 3 xián wài zhī xiǎng f /see 弦外之音[xian2 wai4 zhi1 yin1]/ 弦外之意 - 3 xián wài zhī yì f /see 弦外之音[xian2 wai4 zhi1 yin1]/ 弦外之音 - 52 xián wài zhī yīn f /overtone (music)/(fig.) connotation/implied meaning/ 弦外之響 弦外之响 T - 3 xián wài zhī xiǎng f /see 弦外之音[xian2 wai4 zhi1 yin1]/ 弦数 弦數 S - 0 xián shù f /number of strings (of an instrument)/ 弦數 弦数 T - 0 xián shù f /number of strings (of an instrument)/ 弦月 - 12 xián yuè f /half-moon/the 7th and 8th and 22nd and 23rd of the lunar month/ 弦月窗 - 0 xián yuè chuāng f /a narrow slit window/a lunette/ 弦樂 弦乐 T - 86 xián yuè f /string music/ 弦樂器 弦乐器 T - 56 xián yuè qì f /string instrument/ 弦樂隊 弦乐队 T - 2 xián yuè duì f /string orchestra/ 弦歌 - 14 xián gē f /to sing to a string accompaniment/education (a reference to teaching the people Confucian values by means of song in ancient times)/ 弦理論 弦理论 T - 0 xián lǐ lùn f /string theory (physics)/ 弦理论 弦理論 S - 0 xián lǐ lùn f /string theory (physics)/ 弦而鼓之 - 0 xián ér gǔ zhī f /lit. to tune one's zither then play it; fig. to live by the consequences of one's actions/to make one's bed then lie on it/ 弦誦不綴 弦诵不缀 T - 0 xián sòng bù chuò f /variant of 弦誦不輟|弦诵不辍[xian2 song4 bu4 chuo4]/ 弦誦不輟 弦诵不辍 T - 0 xián sòng bù chuò f /incessant playing of instruments and reciting of poems (idiom)/ 弦論 弦论 T - 0 xián lùn f /string theory (in theoretical physics)/ 弦论 弦論 S - 0 xián lùn f /string theory (in theoretical physics)/ 弦诵不缀 弦誦不綴 S - 0 xián sòng bù chuò f /variant of 弦誦不輟|弦诵不辍[xian2 song4 bu4 chuo4]/ 弦诵不辍 弦誦不輟 S - 0 xián sòng bù chuò f /incessant playing of instruments and reciting of poems (idiom)/ 弦貝斯 弦贝斯 T - 0 xián bèi sī f /acoustic bass (guitar)/ 弦贝斯 弦貝斯 S - 0 xián bèi sī f /acoustic bass (guitar)/ 弦鳴樂器 弦鸣乐器 T - 0 xián míng yuè qì f /string instrument/ 弦鸣乐器 弦鳴樂器 S - 0 xián míng yuè qì f /string instrument/ 弧 - 532 hú f /arc/ 弧光 - 21 hú guāng f /arc light/ 弧光灯 弧光燈 S - 3 hú guāng dēng f /arc lamp/ 弧光燈 弧光灯 T - 3 hú guāng dēng f /arc lamp/ 弧度 - 93 hú dù f /radian/arc/curve/curvature/ 弧形 - 551 hú xíng f /curve/arc/arch/ 弧線 弧线 T - 121 hú xiàn f /arc/ 弧線長 弧线长 T - 0 hú xiàn cháng f /arc length/length of a curve segment/ 弧线 弧線 S - 121 hú xiàn f /arc/ 弧线长 弧線長 S - 0 hú xiàn cháng f /arc length/length of a curve segment/ 弧長 弧长 T - 0 hú cháng f /arc length (the length of a curve segment)/ 弧長參數 弧长参数 T - 0 hú cháng cān shù f /parametrization by arc length (of a space curve)/ 弧长 弧長 S - 0 hú cháng f /arc length (the length of a curve segment)/ 弧长参数 弧長參數 S - 0 hú cháng cān shù f /parametrization by arc length (of a space curve)/ 弨 - 2 chāo f /unbent bow/ 弩 - 385 nǔ f /crossbow/ 弩兵 - 0 nǔ bīng f /archer/infantry armed with crossbow/ 弩弓 - 5 nǔ gōng f /crossbow/ 弩炮 弩砲 S - 0 nǔ pào f /catapult/ballista (siege catapult firing stone blocks)/ 弩砲 弩炮 T - 0 nǔ pào f /catapult/ballista (siege catapult firing stone blocks)/ 弪 弳 S - 13 jìng f /radian (math.)/now written 弧度/ 弪度 弳度 S - 0 jìng dù f /radian (math.)/now written 弧度/ 弫 - 0 zhěn f /(of a bow) impactful/powerful/ 弭 - 47 mǐ f /to stop/repress/ 弮 - 0 juàn f /variant of 卷, curled up scroll/ 弮 - 0 quān t /crossbow (arch.)/ 弯 彎 S - 2025 wān f /to bend/bent/a bend/a turn (in the road etc)/CL:道[dao4]/ 弯嘴滨鹬 彎嘴濱鷸 S - 0 wān zuǐ bīn yù f /(bird species of China) curlew sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea)/ 弯子 彎子 S - 71 wān zi f /bend/turn/curve/ 弯弯 彎彎 S - 51 Wān wān f /Wan Wan (1981-), Taiwanese blogger and cartoonist/ 弯弯曲曲 彎彎曲曲 S - 111 wān wān qū qū f /curved/meandering/zigzagging/ 弯折 彎折 S - 3 wān zhé f /to bend/ 弯曲 彎曲 S - 1238 wān qū f /to bend/to curve around/curved/crooked/to wind/to warp/ 弯曲度 彎曲度 S - 0 wān qū dù f /camber/curvature/ 弯曲空间 彎曲空間 S - 0 wān qū kōng jiān f /curved space/ 弯月形透镜 彎月形透鏡 S - 0 wān yuè xíng tòu jìng f /meniscus lens/ 弯液面 彎液面 S - 0 wān yè miàn f /meniscus (physics)/ 弯男 彎男 S - 0 wān nán f /gay guy/ 弯管面 彎管麵 S - 0 wān guǎn miàn f /elbow pasta/ 弯腰 彎腰 S - 392 wān yāo f /to stoop/ 弯腰驼背 彎腰駝背 S - 3 wān yāo tuó bèi f /slouch/stoop/poor posture/ 弯角 彎角 S - 13 wān jiǎo f /corner/bend/curve/ 弯路 彎路 S - 97 wān lù f /winding road/roundabout route/detour/(fig.) wrong way (of doing sth)/ 弯道 彎道 S - 39 wān dào f /winding road/road curve/ 弯道超车 彎道超車 S - 0 wān dào chāo chē f /to overtake on a bend (driving)/(fig.) taking opportunity of tight corners to make swift progress (economy etc)/ 弰 - 25 shāo f /ends of a bow/ 弱 1886 2984 ruò f /weak/feeble/young/inferior/(following a decimal or fraction) slightly less than/ 弱不禁風 弱不禁风 T - 40 ruò bù jīn fēng f /too weak to stand up to the wind (idiom); extremely delicate/fragile state of health/ 弱不禁风 弱不禁風 S - 40 ruò bù jīn fēng f /too weak to stand up to the wind (idiom); extremely delicate/fragile state of health/ 弱作用 - 0 ruò zuò yòng f /weak interaction/ 弱作用力 - 0 ruò zuò yòng lì f /the weak force (in particle physics)/ 弱侧 弱側 S - 0 ruò cè f /weak side/off side (sports)/ 弱側 弱侧 T - 0 ruò cè f /weak side/off side (sports)/ 弱势 弱勢 S - 241 ruò shì f /vulnerable/weak/ 弱势群体 弱勢群體 S - 3 ruò shì qún tǐ f /disadvantaged social groups (e.g. the handicapped)/the economically and politically marginalized/the dispossessed/ 弱勢 弱势 T - 241 ruò shì f /vulnerable/weak/ 弱勢群體 弱势群体 T - 3 ruò shì qún tǐ f /disadvantaged social groups (e.g. the handicapped)/the economically and politically marginalized/the dispossessed/ 弱化 - 78 ruò huà f /weaken/make weaker/ 弱受 - 0 ruò shòu f /submissive/yielding/weak/opposite: 強攻|强攻, dominant/ 弱小 - 171 ruò xiǎo f /small and weak/puny/a child/ 弱智 - 76 ruò zhì f /weak-minded/mentally deficient/retarded/ 弱点 弱點 S 3024 641 ruò diǎn f /weak point/failing/ 弱爆 - 0 ruò bào f /(slang) weak/pathetic/subpar/sucks/ 弱电统一 弱電統一 S - 0 ruò diàn tǒng yī f /electro-weak interaction in fermion particle physics/ 弱相互作用 - 0 ruò xiāng hù zuò yòng f /weak interaction (in particle physics)/weak force/ 弱碱 弱鹼 S - 30 ruò jiǎn f /weak base (alkali)/ 弱肉強食 弱肉强食 T - 25 ruò ròu qiáng shí f /lit. the weak are prey to the strong (idiom); fig. predatory behavior/the law of the jungle/ 弱肉强食 弱肉強食 S - 25 ruò ròu qiáng shí f /lit. the weak are prey to the strong (idiom); fig. predatory behavior/the law of the jungle/ 弱脈 弱脉 T - 0 ruò mài f /weak pulse/ 弱脉 弱脈 S - 0 ruò mài f /weak pulse/ 弱視 弱视 T - 14 ruò shì f /amblyopia/ 弱视 弱視 S - 14 ruò shì f /amblyopia/ 弱酸 - 41 ruò suān f /weak acid/ 弱電統一 弱电统一 T - 0 ruò diàn tǒng yī f /electro-weak interaction in fermion particle physics/ 弱音踏板 - 0 ruò yīn tà bǎn f /soft pedal (on piano)/una corda pedal/ 弱鹼 弱碱 T - 30 ruò jiǎn f /weak base (alkali)/ 弱點 弱点 T 3024 641 ruò diǎn f /weak point/failing/ 弳 弪 T - 13 jìng f /radian (math.)/now written 弧度/ 弳度 弪度 T - 0 jìng dù f /radian (math.)/now written 弧度/ 張 张 T 357 23973 Zhāng f /surname Zhang/ 張 张 T 357 23973 zhāng f /to open up/to spread/sheet of paper/classifier for flat objects, sheet/classifier for votes/ 張三 张三 T - 0 Zhāng Sān f /John Doe/Zhang San, name for an unspecified person, first of a series of three: 張三|张三, 李四[Li3 Si4], 王五[Wang2 Wu3] Tom, Dick and Harry/ 張三李四 张三李四 T - 18 Zhāng sān Lǐ sì f /Zhang and Li (idiom); Zhang with tight trousers and Li with wide hat/Tom, Dick and Harry/ 張三,李四,王五,趙六 张三,李四,王五,赵六 T - 0 Zhāng sān , Lǐ sì , Wáng wǔ , Zhào liù f /four proverbial names/Tom, Dick and Harry/ 張丹 张丹 T - 0 Zhāng Dān f /Zhang Dan (1985-), Chinese figure skater/ 張之洞 张之洞 T - 519 Zhāng Zhī dòng f /Zhang Zhidong (1837-1909), prominent politician in late Qing/ 張二鴻 张二鸿 T - 0 Zhāng Er hóng f /Jung Chang 張戎|张戎[Zhang1 Rong2] (1952-), British-Chinese writer, author of Wild Swans 野天鵝|野天鹅[Ye3 Tian1 e2] and Mao: The Unknown Story 毛澤東·鮮為人知的故事|毛泽东·鲜为人知的故事[Mao2 Ze2 dong1 · Xian1 wei2 ren2 zhi1 de5 Gu4 shi5]/ 張伯倫 张伯伦 T - 92 Zhāng bó lún f /Chamberlain (name)/Wilt Chamberlain (1936-1999), US basketball player/ 張作霖 张作霖 T - 373 Zhāng Zuò lín f /Zhang Zuolin (c. 1873-1928), warlord of Manchuria 1916-1928/ 張僧繇 张僧繇 T - 12 Zhāng Sēng yóu f /Zhang Sengyou (active c. 490-540), one of the Four Great Painters of the Six dynasties 六朝四大家/ 張儀 张仪 T - 88 Zhāng Yí f /Zhang Yi (-309 BC), political strategist of the School of Diplomacy 縱橫家|纵横家[Zong4 heng2 jia1] during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC)/ 張冠李戴 张冠李戴 T - 25 Zhāng guān Lǐ dài f /lit. to put Zhang's hat on Li's head/to attribute sth to the wrong person (idiom)/to confuse one thing with another/ 張力 张力 T - 0 zhāng lì f /tension/ 張北 张北 T - 93 Zhāng běi f /Zhangbei county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei/ 張北縣 张北县 T - 49 Zhāng běi xiàn f /Zhangbei county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei/ 張口 张口 T - 361 zhāng kǒu f /to gape/to yawn/to open one's mouth/to start speaking/to talk carelessly/to talk out of place/ 張口結舌 张口结舌 T - 89 zhāng kǒu jié shé f /agape and tongue-tied (idiom); at a loss for words/gaping and speechless/ 張嘴 张嘴 T - 368 zhāng zuǐ f /to open one's mouth (to speak, esp. to make a request)/to gape/ 張國榮 张国荣 T - 162 Zhāng Guó róng f /Leslie Cheung (1956-2003), Hong Kong singer and actor/ 張國燾 张国焘 T - 351 Zhāng Guó tāo f /Zhang Guotao (1897-1979), Chinese communist leader in the 1920s and 1930s, defected to Guomindang in 1938/ 張大千 张大千 T - 33 Zhāng Dà qiān f /Chang Dai-chien or Zhang Daqian (1899-1983), one of the greatest Chinese artists of the 20th century/ 張天翼 张天翼 T - 18 Zhāng Tiān yì f /Zhang Tian'yi (1906-1985), children's writer, author of prize-winning fairy tale Secret of the magic gourd 寶葫蘆的秘密|宝葫芦的秘密/ 張太雷 张太雷 T - 79 Zhāng Tài léi f /Zhang Tailei (1898-1927), founding member of Chinese communist party/ 張學友 张学友 T - 3 Zhāng Xué yǒu f /Jacky Cheung or Hok Yau Jacky (1961-), cantopop and film star/ 張學良 张学良 T - 536 Zhāng Xué liáng f /Zhang Xueliang (1901-2001) son of Fengtian clique warlord, then senior general for the Nationalists and subsequently for the People's Liberation Army/ 張家口 张家口 T - 303 Zhāng jiā kǒu f /Zhangjiakou prefecture level city in Hebei/ 張家口地區 张家口地区 T - 0 Zhāng jiā kǒu dì qū f /Zhangjiakou prefecture in Hebei/ 張家口市 张家口市 T - 26 Zhāng jiā kǒu shì f /Zhangjiakou prefecture level city in Hebei/ 張家川回族自治縣 张家川回族自治县 T - 3 Zhāng jiā chuān huí zú zì zhì xiàn f /Zhanjiachuan Huizu autonomous county in Gansu/ 張家港 张家港 T - 69 Zhāng jiā gǎng f /Zhangjiagang county level city in Suzhou 蘇州|苏州[Su1 zhou1], Jiangsu/ 張家港市 张家港市 T - 23 Zhāng jiā gǎng shì f /Zhangjiagang county level city in Suzhou 蘇州|苏州[Su1 zhou1], Jiangsu/ 張家界 张家界 T - 193 Zhāng jiā jiè f /Zhangjiajie prefecture level city in Hunan, formerly Dayong 大庸[Da4 yong1]/ 張家界市 张家界市 T - 17 Zhāng jiā jiè shì f /Zhangjiajie prefecture level city in Hunan/ 張家長,李家短 张家长,李家短 T - 0 Zhāng jiā cháng , Lǐ jiā duǎn f /lit. the Zhangs are better off than the Lis (idiom); to gossip about the neighbors/ 張寧 张宁 T - 487 Zhāng Níng f /Zhang Ning (1975-), PRC female badminton player and Olympic gold medalist/ 張寶 张宝 T - 0 Zhāng Bǎo f /Zhang Bao (-184), leader of the Yellow Turban rebels during the late Han 漢朝|汉朝[Han4 chao2]/ 張居正 张居正 T - 4564 Zhāng Jū zhèng f /Zhang Juzheng (1525-1582), Grand Secretary during the Ming dynasty, credited with bringing the dynasty to its apogee/ 張岱 张岱 T - 0 Zhāng Dài f /Zhang Dai (1597-c. 1684), late Ming scholar/ 張店 张店 T - 0 Zhāng diàn f /Zhangdian district of Zibo city 淄博市[Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong/ 張店區 张店区 T - 14 Zhāng diàn qū f /Zhangdian district of Zibo city 淄博市[Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong/ 張廷玉 张廷玉 T - 22 Zhāng Tíng yù f /Zhang Tingyu (1672-1755), Qing politician, senior minister to three successive emperors, oversaw compilation of History of the Ming Dynasty 明史[Ming2 shi3] and the Kangxi Dictionary 康熙字典[Kang1 xi1 Zi4 dian3]/ 張弛 张弛 T - 0 zhāng chí f /tension and relaxation/ 張德江 张德江 T - 5 Zhāng Dé jiāng f /Zhang Dejiang (1946-), PRC politician/ 張心 张心 T - 0 zhāng xīn f /to be troubled/to be concerned/ 張志新 张志新 T - 22 Zhāng Zhì xīn f /Zhang Zhixin (1930-1975) female revolutionary and martyr, who followed the true Marxist-Leninist line as a party member, and was arrested in 1969, murdered in 1975 after opposing the counter-revolutionary party-usurping conspiracies of Lin Biao and the Gang of Four, and only rehabilitated posthumously in 1979/ 張怡 张怡 T - 0 Zhāng yí f /Zhang Yi (1608-1695), prolific author and poet spanning interregnum between Ming and Qing/ 張怡寧 张怡宁 T - 32 Zhāng Yí níng f /Zhang Yining (1981-), PRC female table tennis player and Olympic gold medalist/ 張惠妹 张惠妹 T - 13 Zhāng Huì mèi f /A-Mei, aka Gulilai Amit (1972-), aboriginal Taiwanese pop singer/ 張惶 张惶 T - 0 zhāng huáng f /variant of 張皇|张皇[zhang1 huang2]/ 張愛玲 张爱玲 T - 147 Zhāng Aì líng f /Eileen Chang (1920-1995), famous Chinese-American novelist/ 張戎 张戎 T - 0 Zhāng Róng f /Jung Chang (1952-), British-Chinese writer, name at birth Zhang Erhong 張二鴻|张二鸿[Zhang1 Er4 hong2], author of Wild Swans 野天鵝|野天鹅[Ye3 Tian1 e2] and Mao: The Unknown Story 毛澤東·鮮為人知的故事|毛泽东·鲜为人知的故事[Mao2 Ze2 dong1 · Xian1 wei2 ren2 zhi1 de5 Gu4 shi5]/ 張成澤 张成泽 T - 0 Zhāng Chéng zé f /Jang Seong-taek or Chang Sŏngt'aek (1946-2013), brother-in-law of Kim Jong-il 金正日[Jin1 Zheng4 ri4], uncle and regent of Kim Jong-un 金正恩[Jin1 Zheng4 en1]/ 張掖 张掖 T - 165 Zhāng yè f /Zhangye prefecture level city in Gansu/ 張掖地區 张掖地区 T - 2 Zhāng yè dì qū f /Zhangye prefecture, Gansu (old term)/Zhangye prefecture level city 張掖市|张掖市[Zhang1 ye4 shi4] (district in Gansu)/ 張掖市 张掖市 T - 10 Zhāng yè shì f /Zhangye prefecture level city in Gansu/ 張掛 张挂 T - 0 zhāng guà f /to hang up (a picture, banner, mosquito net etc)/ 張揖 张揖 T - 0 Zhāng Yī f /Zhang Yi (c. 3rd century), literary figure from Wei of the Three Kingdoms, other name 稚讓|稚让[Zhi4 rang4], named as compiler of earliest extant Chinese encyclopedia 廣雅|广雅[Guang3 ya3] and several lost works/ 張揚 张扬 T - 268 Zhāng Yáng f /Zhang Yang (1967-), PRC film director and screenwriter/ 張揚 张扬 T - 268 zhāng yáng f /to publicize/to make known/to show off/ 張擇端 张择端 T - 21 Zhāng Zé duān f /Zhang Zeduan (1085-1145), Song dynasty painter/ 張敞 张敞 T - 0 Zhāng Cháng f /Zhang Chang, official and scholar of the Eastern Han dynasty/ 張斌 张斌 T - 0 Zhāng Bīn f /Zhang Bin (1979-), CCTV sports presenter/ 張旭 张旭 T - 65 Zhāng Xù f /Zhang Xu (probably early 8th century), Tang dynasty poet and calligrapher, most famous for his grass script 草書|草书/ 張易之 张易之 T - 17 Zhāng yì zhī f /Zhang Yizhi (-705), Tang dynasty politician and favorite of Empress Wu Zetian 武則天|武则天[Wu3 Ze2 tian1]/ 張春帆 张春帆 T - 0 Zhāng Chūn fān f /Zhang Chunfan (-1935), late Qing novelist, author of The Nine-tailed Turtle 九尾龜|九尾龟/ 張春橋 张春桥 T - 134 Zhāng Chūn qiáo f /Zhang Chunqiao (1917-2005), one of the Gang of Four/ 張曼玉 张曼玉 T - 20 Zhāng Màn yù f /Maggie Cheung (1964-), Hong Kong actress/ 張望 张望 T - 249 zhāng wàng f /to look around/to peep (through a crack)/to peer at/to throw a look at/ 張柏芝 张柏芝 T - 3 Zhāng Bó zhī f /Cecilia Cheung (1980-), Hong Kong actress and pop singer/ 張治中 张治中 T - 47 Zhāng Zhì zhōng f /Zhang Zhizhong (1890-1969), National Revolutionary Army general/ 張溥 张溥 T - 0 Zhāng Pǔ f /Zhang Pu (1602-1641), Ming dynasty scholar and prolific writer, proponent of 複社|复社[fu4 she4] cultural renewal movement, author of Five tombstone inscriptions 五人墓碑記|五人墓碑记[wu3 ren2 mu4 bei1 ji4]/ 張灣 张湾 T - 0 Zhāng wān f /Zhangwan district of Shiyan city 十堰市[Shi2 yan4 shi4], Hubei/ 張灣區 张湾区 T - 768 Zhāng wān qū f /Zhangwan district of Shiyan city 十堰市[Shi2 yan4 shi4], Hubei/ 張燈結彩 张灯结彩 T - 48 zhāng dēng jié cǎi f /to be decorated with lanterns and colored banners (idiom)/ 張牙舞爪 张牙舞爪 T - 87 zhāng yá wǔ zhǎo f /to bare fangs and brandish claws (idiom); to make threatening gestures/ 張狂 张狂 T - 67 zhāng kuáng f /brash/insolent/frantic/ 張獻忠 张献忠 T - 1012 Zhāng Xiàn zhōng f /Zhang Xianzhong (1606-1647), leader of a late-Ming peasant revolt/ 張王李趙 张王李赵 T - 3 Zhāng Wáng Lǐ Zhào f /anyone/Mr Average/any Tom, Dick or Harry/ 張皇 张皇 T - 0 zhāng huáng f /alarmed/flustered/ 張皇失措 张皇失措 T - 17 zhāng huáng shī cuò f /panic-stricken (idiom)/to be in a flustered state/also written 張惶失措|张惶失措[zhang1 huang2 shi1 cuo4]/ 張目 张目 T - 0 zhāng mù f /to open one's eyes wide/ 張秋 张秋 T - 0 Zhāng Qiū f /Cho Chang (Harry Potter)/ 張籍 张籍 T - 0 Zhāng Jí f /Zhang Ji (767-830), Tang Dynasty poet/ 張純如 张纯如 T - 3 Zhāng Chún rú f /Iris Chang (1968-2004), Chinese American historian and author of the Rape of Nanjing/ 張羅 张罗 T - 311 zhāng luo f /to take care of/to raise money/to attend to (guests, customers etc)/ 張聞天 张闻天 T - 172 Zhāng Wén tiān f /Zhang Wentian (1900-1976), CCP party leader and theorist/ 張自忠 张自忠 T - 27 Zhāng Zì zhōng f /Zhang Zizhong (1891-1940), Chinese National Revolutionary Army general during the Second Sino-Japanese War/ 張自烈 张自烈 T - 159 Zhāng Zì liè f /Zhang Zilie (1597-1673), Ming dynasty scholar, author of Zhengzitong 正字通[Zheng4 zi4 tong1]/ 張若虛 张若虚 T - 3 Zhāng Ruò xū f /Zhang Ruoxu (c. 660-720), Tang dynasty poet, author of yuefu poem River on a spring night 春江花月夜/ 張華 张华 T - 0 Zhāng Huà f /Zhang Hua (232-300), Western Jin writer, poet and politician/Zhang Hua (1958-1982), student held up as a martyr after he died saving an old peasant from a septic tank/other Zhang Hua's too numerous to mention/ 張蔭桓 张荫桓 T - 10 Zhāng Yìn huán f /Zhang Yinhuan (1837-1900), late Qing politician and senior Chinese diplomat/ 張藝謀 张艺谋 T - 46 Zhāng Yì móu f /Zhang Yimou (1950-), PRC film director/ 張衡 张衡 T - 109 Zhāng Héng f /Zhang Heng (78-139) great Han dynasty astronomer and mathematician/ 張角 张角 T - 0 Zhāng Jué f /Zhang Jue (-184), leader of the Yellow turban rebels during the late Han/ 張貼 张贴 T - 401 zhāng tiē f /to post (a notice)/to advertise/ 張量 张量 T - 37 zhāng liàng f /tensor (math.)/ 張開 张开 T - 452 zhāng kāi f /to open up/to spread/to extend/ 張震 张震 T - 0 Zhāng Zhèn f /Chang Chen (1976-), Taiwanese film actor/ 張靜初 张静初 T - 3 Zhāng Jìng chū f /Zhang Jingchu (1980-), PRC actress/ 張韶涵 张韶涵 T - 2 Zhāng Sháo hán f /Angela Chang (1982-), Taiwanese pop singer and actress/ 張飛 张飞 T - 420 Zhāng Fēi f /Zhang Fei (168-221), general of Shu and blood-brother of Liu Bei in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, famous as fearsome fighter and lover of wine/ 張飛打岳飛 张飞打岳飞 T - 0 Zhāng fēi dǎ Yuè fēi f /lit. Zhang Fei fights Yue Fei/fig. an impossible combination/an impossible turn of events (idiom)/ 張騫 张骞 T - 111 Zhāng Qiān f /Zhang Qian (-114 BC), Han dynasty explorer of 2nd century BC/ 張高麗 张高丽 T - 3 Zhāng Gāo lì f /Zhang Gaoli (1946-), PRC politician/ 弶 - 60 jiàng f /snare/to snare/ 強 强 T - 17342 Qiáng t /surname Qiang/ 強 强 T - 17342 jiàng f /stubborn/unyielding/ 強 强 T - 17342 qiáng t /strong/powerful/better/slightly more than/vigorous/violent/best in their category, e.g. see 百強|百强[bai3 qiang2]/ 強 强 T - 17342 qiǎng f /to force/to compel/to strive/to make an effort/ 強中自有強中手 强中自有强中手 T - 2 qiáng zhōng zì yǒu qiáng zhōng shǒu f /However strong you are, there is always someone stronger/There is always sth more to learn (applied to art or learning)./Never be satisfied to rest on you laurels./There is no room for complacency./ 強人所難 强人所难 T - 19 qiǎng rén suǒ nán f /to force someone to do something/ 強令 强令 T - 61 qiáng lìng f /to order by force/peremptory/ 強似 强似 T - 3 qiáng sì f /to be better than/ 強佔 强占 T - 416 qiáng zhàn f /to occupy by force/ 強作用 强作用 T - 0 qiáng zuò yòng f /strong interaction (governing hadrons in nuclear physics)/ 強作用力 强作用力 T - 0 qiáng zuò yòng lì f /the strong force (in nuclear physics)/ 強使 强使 T - 0 qiáng shǐ f /to force/to oblige/ 強健 强健 T - 133 qiáng jiàn f /sturdy/ 強兵 强兵 T - 3 qiáng bīng f /strong soldiers/make the military powerful (political slogan)/ 強制 强制 T 3422 932 qiáng zhì f /to enforce/enforcement/forcibly/compulsory/ 強力 强力 T - 559 qiáng lì f /powerful/ 強力膠 强力胶 T - 3 qiáng lì jiāo f /superglue/ 強加 强加 T - 206 qiáng jiā f /to impose/to force upon/ 強勁 强劲 T - 786 qiáng jìng f /strong/powerful/robust/ 強勢 强势 T - 735 qiáng shì f /strong/powerful/(linguistics) emphatic/intensive/ 強化 强化 T - 1484 qiáng huà f /to strengthen/to intensify/ 強嘴 强嘴 T - 8 jiàng zuǐ f /to talk back/to reply defiantly/ 強國 强国 T - 358 Qiáng guó f /(ironically) mainland China (Taiwan & Hong Kong usage)/ 強國 强国 T - 358 qiáng guó f /powerful country/great power/ 強壯 强壮 T - 263 qiáng zhuàng f /strong/sturdy/robust/ 強大 强大 T - 3837 qiáng dà f /large/formidable/powerful/strong/ 強如 强如 T - 0 qiáng rú f /to be better than/ 強姦 强奸 T - 211 qiáng jiān f /to rape/ 強姦犯 强奸犯 T - 9 qiáng jiān fàn f /rapist/ 強姦罪 强奸罪 T - 26 qiáng jiān zuì f /rape/ 強子 强子 T - 55 qiáng zǐ f /hadron (particle physics)/ 強將手下無弱兵 强将手下无弱兵 T - 13 qiáng jiàng shǒu xià wú ruò bīng f /there are no poor soldiers under a good general (idiom)/ 強幹 强干 T - 0 qiáng gàn f /competent/capable/ 強度 强度 T - 1811 qiáng dù f /strength/intensity/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 強弩之末 强弩之末 T - 50 qiáng nǔ zhī mò f /lit. an arrow at the end of its flight (idiom)/fig. spent force/ 強弱 强弱 T - 326 qiáng ruò f /strong or weak/intensity/amount of force or pressure/ 強徵 强征 T - 34 qiǎng zhēng f /to press into service/to impress/to commandeer/ 強心劑 强心剂 T - 14 qiáng xīn jì f /cardiac stimulant/ 強心針 强心针 T - 11 qiáng xīn zhēn f /heart-strengthening shot/fig. a shot in the arm/ 強忍 强忍 T - 229 qiáng rěn f /to resist (with great difficulty)/ 強忍悲痛 强忍悲痛 T - 0 qiáng rěn bēi tòng f /to try hard to suppress one's grief (idiom)/ 強悍 强悍 T - 358 qiáng hàn f /valiant/ 強打 强打 T - 0 qiáng dǎ f /promotion (for a product)/advertisement/ 強拉 强拉 T - 0 qiǎng lā f /to drag (sb) along (to a place)/to yank/ 強攻 强攻 T - 123 qiáng gōng f /dominant/controlling/strong/opposite: weak, yielding 弱受/to take by storm (military)/ 強敵 强敌 T - 289 qiáng dí f /powerful enemy/ 強暴 强暴 T - 222 qiáng bào f /violent/to rape/ 強有力 强有力 T - 426 qiáng yǒu lì f /strong/forceful/ 強梁 强梁 T - 9 qiáng liáng f /ruffian/bully/ 強橫 强横 T - 82 qiáng hèng f /surly and unreasoning/bullying/tyrannical/ 強檔 强档 T - 0 qiáng dàng f /prime time/ 強權 强权 T - 112 qiáng quán f /power/might/ 強求 强求 T - 123 qiǎng qiú f /to force sb to do sth/to importune/to demand insistently/insistence/ 強流 强流 T - 0 qiáng liú f /high current (e.g. electric)/ 強烈 强烈 T 1693 5076 qiáng liè f /intense/(violently) strong/ 強烈反對 强烈反对 T - 0 qiáng liè fǎn duì f /to oppose strongly/violently opposed to/ 強生 强生 T - 23 Qiáng shēng f /Johnson (surname)/Johnson & Johnson (company)/ 強生公司 强生公司 T - 0 Qiáng shēng Gōng sī f /Johnson & Johnson/ 強盛 强盛 T - 832 qiáng shèng f /rich and powerful/ 強盜 强盗 T - 1015 qiáng dào f /to rob (with force)/bandit/robber/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 強直性脊柱炎 强直性脊柱炎 T - 0 qiáng zhí xìng jǐ zhù yán f /ankylosing spondylitis/Bechterew’s disease/ 強相互作用 强相互作用 T - 0 qiáng xiāng hù zuò yòng f /strong interaction (in particle physics)/strong force/ 強硬 强硬 T - 284 qiáng yìng f /tough/unyielding/hard-line/ 強硬態度 强硬态度 T - 3 qiáng yìng tài dù f /unyielding attitude/ 強硬派 强硬派 T - 24 qiáng yìng pài f /hardline faction/hawks/ 強硬立場 强硬立场 T - 0 qiáng yìng lì chǎng f /tough position/ 強腳樹鶯 强脚树莺 T - 0 qiáng jiǎo shù yīng f /(bird species of China) brown-flanked bush warbler (Horornis fortipes)/ 強行 强行 T - 798 qiáng xíng f /to do sth by force/ 強詞奪理 强词夺理 T - 38 qiǎng cí duó lǐ f /to twist words and force logic (idiom)/sophistry/loud rhetoric making up for fallacious argument/shoving false arguments down people's throats/ 強調 强调 T 2142 6318 qiáng diào f /to emphasize (a statement)/to stress/ 強買強賣 强买强卖 T - 8 qiǎng mǎi qiǎng mài f /to force sb to buy or sell/to trade using coercion/ 強身 强身 T - 32 qiáng shēn f /to strengthen one's body/to keep fit/to build up one's health (through exercise, nutrition etc)/ 強輻射區 强辐射区 T - 0 qiáng fú shè qū f /radioactive hot spot/ 強辯 强辩 T - 24 qiǎng biàn f /to argue strenuously or with sophistry/to quibble/ 強辯到底 强辩到底 T - 0 qiǎng biàn dào dǐ f /to argue endlessly/to try to have the last word/ 強迫 强迫 T 2722 1066 qiǎng pò f /to compel/to force/ 強迫勞動 强迫劳动 T - 0 qiǎng pò láo dòng f /forced labor (as punishment in criminal case)/ 強迫性 强迫性 T - 37 qiǎng pò xìng f /compulsive/obsessive/ 強迫性儲物症 强迫性储物症 T - 0 qiǎng pò xìng chǔ wù zhèng f /compulsive hoarding/ 強迫性性行為 强迫性性行为 T - 0 qiǎng pò xìng xìng xíng wéi f /sexual obsession/ 強迫症 强迫症 T - 37 qiǎng pò zhèng f /obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)/ 強迫觀念 强迫观念 T - 3 qiǎng pò guān niàn f /compelling notion/obsession/ 強逼 强逼 T - 34 qiǎng bī f /to compel/to force/ 強隊 强队 T - 115 qiáng duì f /a powerful team (sports)/ 強震 强震 T - 25 qiáng zhèn f /powerful earthquake/abbr. for 強烈地震|强烈地震/ 強韌 强韧 T - 24 qiáng rèn f /resilient/tough and strong/ 強音踏板 强音踏板 T - 0 qiáng yīn tà bǎn f /loud pedal (on piano)/sustaining pedal/ 強項 强项 T - 103 qiáng xiàng f /key strength/strong suit/specialty/ 強風 强风 T - 36 qiáng fēng f /strong breeze (meteorology)/ 強鹼 强碱 T - 62 qiáng jiǎn f /strong alkali/ 強龍不壓地頭蛇 强龙不压地头蛇 T - 12 qiáng lóng bù yā dì tóu shé f /lit. strong dragon cannot repress a snake (idiom); fig. a local gangster who is above the law/ 弸 - 31 bēng f /full/stretch/ 弹 彈 S - 4578 dàn t /crossball/bullet/shot/shell/ball/ 弹 彈 S - 4578 tán f /to pluck (a string)/to play (a string instrument)/to spring or leap/to shoot (e.g. with a catapult)/(of cotton) to fluff or tease/to flick/to flip/to accuse/to impeach/elastic (of materials)/ 弹丸 彈丸 S - 185 dàn wán f /pellet/ 弹冠相庆 彈冠相慶 S - 15 tán guān xiāng qìng f /lit. to flick dust off sb's cap (idiom); to celebrate an official appointment/to congratulate and celebrate (promotion, graduation etc)/ 弹出 彈出 S - 3 tán chū f /to eject/to exit from/to pop up/ 弹力 彈力 S - 63 tán lì f /elasticity/elastic force/spring/rebound/bounce/ 弹劾 彈劾 S - 615 tán hé f /to accuse of misconduct (in official task)/to impeach/ 弹匣 彈匣 S - 200 dàn xiá f /magazine (for ammunition)/ 弹压 彈壓 S - 66 tán yā f /to suppress/to quell (a disturbance)/repression/ 弹唱 彈唱 S - 66 tán chàng f /to sing and play (plucked string instrument)/ 弹回 彈回 S - 14 tán huí f /to rebound/ 弹坑 彈坑 S - 42 dàn kēng f /bomb crater/ 弹壳 彈殼 S - 209 dàn ké f /ammunition case/ 弹头 彈頭 S - 507 dàn tóu f /warhead/ 弹夹 彈夾 S - 43 dàn jiā f /ammunition clip/cartridge clip/magazine (for ammunition)/ 弹奏 彈奏 S - 126 tán zòu f /to play (musical instrument, esp. string)/ 弹子 彈子 S - 62 dàn zi f /slingshot pellet/playing marbles/billiards/CL:粒[li4],顆|颗[ke1]/ 弹子 彈子 S - 62 tán zi f /towrope/ 弹子锁 彈子鎖 S - 3 dàn zi suǒ f /pin tumbler lock/spring lock/ 弹孔 彈孔 S - 17 dàn kǒng f /bullet hole/ 弹射 彈射 S - 207 tán shè f /to catapult/to launch/to eject (from a plane)/to shoot/ 弹射出 彈射出 S - 0 tán shè chū f /to catapult/to shoot/ 弹射座椅 彈射座椅 S - 0 tán shè zuò yǐ f /ejection seat/ 弹射座舱 彈射座艙 S - 0 tán shè zuò cāng f /ejection capsule (cabin)/ 弹尽援绝 彈盡援絕 S - 4 dàn jìn yuán jué f /out of ammunition and no hope of reinforcements (idiom); in desperate straits/ 弹尽粮绝 彈盡糧絕 S - 32 dàn jìn liáng jué f /out of ammunition and no food left (idiom); in desperate straits/ 弹弓 彈弓 S - 78 dàn gōng f /catapult/slingshot/ 弹性 彈性 S 4015 1125 tán xìng f /flexibility/elasticity/ 弹性形变 彈性形變 S - 0 tán xìng xíng biàn f /elastic deformation/ 弹性模量 彈性模量 S - 34 tán xìng mó liàng f /modulus of elasticity/coefficient of restitution/ 弹拨 彈撥 S - 15 tán bō f /to pluck (a string)/ 弹拨乐 彈撥樂 S - 3 tán bō yuè f /plucked string music/ 弹拨乐器 彈撥樂器 S - 13 tán bō yuè qì f /plucked string instrument/CL:件[jian4]/ 弹指 彈指 S - 114 tán zhǐ f /a snap of the fingers/a short moment/in a flash/in the twinkling of an eye/ 弹指一挥间 彈指一揮間 S - 8 tán zhǐ yī huī jiān f /in a flash (idiom)/ 弹指之间 彈指之間 S - 2 tán zhǐ zhī jiān f /a snap of the fingers (idiom); in an instant/in a short moment/in a flash/in the twinkling of an eye/ 弹斥 彈斥 S - 0 tán chì f /accuse and criticize/ 弹涂鱼 彈塗魚 S - 15 tán tú yú f /mudskipper (amphibious fish)/ 弹片 彈片 S - 64 dàn piàn f /shrapnel/splinter from shell/ 弹牙 彈牙 S - 0 tán yá f /al dente/ 弹珠 彈珠 S - 3 dàn zhū f /marbles/ 弹珠台 彈珠檯 S - 3 dàn zhū tái f /pinball/ 弹球 彈球 S - 11 tán qiú f /to play marbles/ 弹球盘 彈球盤 S - 0 tán qiú pán f /pachinko/ 弹琴 彈琴 S - 169 tán qín f /to play or strum a lute or other stringed instrument/ 弹痕 彈痕 S - 5 dàn hén f /bullet hole/shell hole/ 弹痕累累 彈痕累累 S - 3 dàn hén lěi lěi f /bullet-riddled/ 弹窗 彈窗 S - 3 tán chuāng f /pop-up window (computing)/ 弹簧 彈簧 S - 239 tán huáng f /spring/ 弹簧刀 彈簧刀 S - 3 tán huáng dāo f /flick knife/switchblade/spring-loaded knife/ 弹簧垫圈 彈簧墊圈 S - 0 tán huáng diàn quān f /spring washer/ 弹簧秤 彈簧秤 S - 6 tán huáng chèng f /spring balance/ 弹簧锁 彈簧鎖 S - 3 tán huáng suǒ f /spring lock/ 弹簧门 彈簧門 S - 13 tán huáng mén f /swing door/ 弹纠 彈糾 S - 0 tán jiū f /to accuse/to impeach/ 弹舌 彈舌 S - 0 tán shé f /to cluck/to trill/ 弹花 彈花 S - 0 tán huā f /to soften cotton fiber by fluffing/ 弹药 彈藥 S - 1121 dàn yào f /ammunition/ 弹药库 彈藥庫 S - 52 dàn yào kù f /ammunition dump/ 弹药补给站 彈藥補給站 S - 0 dàn yào bǔ jǐ zhàn f /ammunition depot/ 弹词 彈詞 S - 95 tán cí f /ballad tune in southern dialects, usually to sanxian 三弦 or pipa 琵琶 accompaniment/ 弹跳 彈跳 S - 53 tán tiào f /to bounce/to jump/to leap/ 弹跳板 彈跳板 S - 3 tán tiào bǎn f /springboard/ 弹道 彈道 S - 313 dàn dào f /trajectory (of a projectile)/ballistic curve/ 弹道导弹 彈道導彈 S - 872 dàn dào dǎo dàn f /ballistic missile/ 弹雨 彈雨 S - 20 dàn yǔ f /hail of bullets/ 强 強 S - 17342 Qiáng t /surname Qiang/ 强 強 S - 17342 jiàng f /stubborn/unyielding/ 强 強 S - 17342 qiáng t /strong/powerful/better/slightly more than/vigorous/violent/best in their category, e.g. see 百強|百强[bai3 qiang2]/ 强 強 S - 17342 qiǎng f /to force/to compel/to strive/to make an effort/ 强 彊 S - 17342 jiàng f /variant of 強|强[jiang4]/ 强 彊 S - 17342 qiáng t /variant of 強|强[qiang2]/ 强 彊 S - 17342 qiǎng f /variant of 強|强[qiang3]/ 强中自有强中手 強中自有強中手 S - 2 qiáng zhōng zì yǒu qiáng zhōng shǒu f /However strong you are, there is always someone stronger/There is always sth more to learn (applied to art or learning)./Never be satisfied to rest on you laurels./There is no room for complacency./ 强买强卖 強買強賣 S - 8 qiǎng mǎi qiǎng mài f /to force sb to buy or sell/to trade using coercion/ 强人所难 強人所難 S - 19 qiǎng rén suǒ nán f /to force someone to do something/ 强令 強令 S - 61 qiáng lìng f /to order by force/peremptory/ 强似 強似 S - 3 qiáng sì f /to be better than/ 强作用 強作用 S - 0 qiáng zuò yòng f /strong interaction (governing hadrons in nuclear physics)/ 强作用力 強作用力 S - 0 qiáng zuò yòng lì f /the strong force (in nuclear physics)/ 强使 強使 S - 0 qiáng shǐ f /to force/to oblige/ 强健 強健 S - 133 qiáng jiàn f /sturdy/ 强兵 強兵 S - 3 qiáng bīng f /strong soldiers/make the military powerful (political slogan)/ 强制 強制 S 3422 932 qiáng zhì f /to enforce/enforcement/forcibly/compulsory/ 强力 強力 S - 559 qiáng lì f /powerful/ 强力胶 強力膠 S - 3 qiáng lì jiāo f /superglue/ 强加 強加 S - 206 qiáng jiā f /to impose/to force upon/ 强劲 強勁 S - 786 qiáng jìng f /strong/powerful/robust/ 强势 強勢 S - 735 qiáng shì f /strong/powerful/(linguistics) emphatic/intensive/ 强化 強化 S - 1484 qiáng huà f /to strengthen/to intensify/ 强占 強佔 S - 416 qiáng zhàn f /to occupy by force/ 强嘴 強嘴 S - 8 jiàng zuǐ f /to talk back/to reply defiantly/ 强国 強國 S - 358 Qiáng guó f /(ironically) mainland China (Taiwan & Hong Kong usage)/ 强国 強國 S - 358 qiáng guó f /powerful country/great power/ 强壮 強壯 S - 263 qiáng zhuàng f /strong/sturdy/robust/ 强大 強大 S - 3837 qiáng dà f /large/formidable/powerful/strong/ 强奸 強姦 S - 211 qiáng jiān f /to rape/ 强奸犯 強姦犯 S - 9 qiáng jiān fàn f /rapist/ 强奸罪 強姦罪 S - 26 qiáng jiān zuì f /rape/ 强如 強如 S - 0 qiáng rú f /to be better than/ 强子 強子 S - 55 qiáng zǐ f /hadron (particle physics)/ 强将手下无弱兵 強將手下無弱兵 S - 13 qiáng jiàng shǒu xià wú ruò bīng f /there are no poor soldiers under a good general (idiom)/ 强干 強幹 S - 0 qiáng gàn f /competent/capable/ 强度 強度 S - 1811 qiáng dù f /strength/intensity/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 强弩之末 強弩之末 S - 50 qiáng nǔ zhī mò f /lit. an arrow at the end of its flight (idiom)/fig. spent force/ 强弱 強弱 S - 326 qiáng ruò f /strong or weak/intensity/amount of force or pressure/ 强征 強徵 S - 34 qiǎng zhēng f /to press into service/to impress/to commandeer/ 强心剂 強心劑 S - 14 qiáng xīn jì f /cardiac stimulant/ 强心针 強心針 S - 11 qiáng xīn zhēn f /heart-strengthening shot/fig. a shot in the arm/ 强忍 強忍 S - 229 qiáng rěn f /to resist (with great difficulty)/ 强忍悲痛 強忍悲痛 S - 0 qiáng rěn bēi tòng f /to try hard to suppress one's grief (idiom)/ 强悍 強悍 S - 358 qiáng hàn f /valiant/ 强打 強打 S - 0 qiáng dǎ f /promotion (for a product)/advertisement/ 强拉 強拉 S - 0 qiǎng lā f /to drag (sb) along (to a place)/to yank/ 强攻 強攻 S - 123 qiáng gōng f /dominant/controlling/strong/opposite: weak, yielding 弱受/to take by storm (military)/ 强敌 強敵 S - 289 qiáng dí f /powerful enemy/ 强暴 強暴 S - 222 qiáng bào f /violent/to rape/ 强有力 強有力 S - 426 qiáng yǒu lì f /strong/forceful/ 强权 強權 S - 112 qiáng quán f /power/might/ 强档 強檔 S - 0 qiáng dàng f /prime time/ 强梁 強梁 S - 9 qiáng liáng f /ruffian/bully/ 强横 強橫 S - 82 qiáng hèng f /surly and unreasoning/bullying/tyrannical/ 强求 強求 S - 123 qiǎng qiú f /to force sb to do sth/to importune/to demand insistently/insistence/ 强流 強流 S - 0 qiáng liú f /high current (e.g. electric)/ 强烈 強烈 S 1693 5076 qiáng liè f /intense/(violently) strong/ 强烈反对 強烈反對 S - 0 qiáng liè fǎn duì f /to oppose strongly/violently opposed to/ 强生 強生 S - 23 Qiáng shēng f /Johnson (surname)/Johnson & Johnson (company)/ 强生公司 強生公司 S - 0 Qiáng shēng Gōng sī f /Johnson & Johnson/ 强盗 強盜 S - 1015 qiáng dào f /to rob (with force)/bandit/robber/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 强盛 強盛 S - 832 qiáng shèng f /rich and powerful/ 强直性脊柱炎 強直性脊柱炎 S - 0 qiáng zhí xìng jǐ zhù yán f /ankylosing spondylitis/Bechterew’s disease/ 强相互作用 強相互作用 S - 0 qiáng xiāng hù zuò yòng f /strong interaction (in particle physics)/strong force/ 强硬 強硬 S - 284 qiáng yìng f /tough/unyielding/hard-line/ 强硬态度 強硬態度 S - 3 qiáng yìng tài dù f /unyielding attitude/ 强硬派 強硬派 S - 24 qiáng yìng pài f /hardline faction/hawks/ 强硬立场 強硬立場 S - 0 qiáng yìng lì chǎng f /tough position/ 强碱 強鹼 S - 62 qiáng jiǎn f /strong alkali/ 强脚树莺 強腳樹鶯 S - 0 qiáng jiǎo shù yīng f /(bird species of China) brown-flanked bush warbler (Horornis fortipes)/ 强行 強行 S - 798 qiáng xíng f /to do sth by force/ 强词夺理 強詞奪理 S - 38 qiǎng cí duó lǐ f /to twist words and force logic (idiom)/sophistry/loud rhetoric making up for fallacious argument/shoving false arguments down people's throats/ 强调 強調 S 2142 6318 qiáng diào f /to emphasize (a statement)/to stress/ 强身 強身 S - 32 qiáng shēn f /to strengthen one's body/to keep fit/to build up one's health (through exercise, nutrition etc)/ 强辐射区 強輻射區 S - 0 qiáng fú shè qū f /radioactive hot spot/ 强辩 強辯 S - 24 qiǎng biàn f /to argue strenuously or with sophistry/to quibble/ 强辩到底 強辯到底 S - 0 qiǎng biàn dào dǐ f /to argue endlessly/to try to have the last word/ 强迫 強迫 S 2722 1066 qiǎng pò f /to compel/to force/ 强迫劳动 強迫勞動 S - 0 qiǎng pò láo dòng f /forced labor (as punishment in criminal case)/ 强迫性 強迫性 S - 37 qiǎng pò xìng f /compulsive/obsessive/ 强迫性储物症 強迫性儲物症 S - 0 qiǎng pò xìng chǔ wù zhèng f /compulsive hoarding/ 强迫性性行为 強迫性性行為 S - 0 qiǎng pò xìng xìng xíng wéi f /sexual obsession/ 强迫症 強迫症 S - 37 qiǎng pò zhèng f /obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)/ 强迫观念 強迫觀念 S - 3 qiǎng pò guān niàn f /compelling notion/obsession/ 强逼 強逼 S - 34 qiǎng bī f /to compel/to force/ 强队 強隊 S - 115 qiáng duì f /a powerful team (sports)/ 强震 強震 S - 25 qiáng zhèn f /powerful earthquake/abbr. for 強烈地震|强烈地震/ 强韧 強韌 S - 24 qiáng rèn f /resilient/tough and strong/ 强音踏板 強音踏板 S - 0 qiáng yīn tà bǎn f /loud pedal (on piano)/sustaining pedal/ 强项 強項 S - 103 qiáng xiàng f /key strength/strong suit/specialty/ 强风 強風 S - 36 qiáng fēng f /strong breeze (meteorology)/ 强龙不压地头蛇 強龍不壓地頭蛇 S - 12 qiáng lóng bù yā dì tóu shé f /lit. strong dragon cannot repress a snake (idiom); fig. a local gangster who is above the law/ 弼 - 115 bì f /to assist/ 弾 - 0 dàn f /Japanese variant of 彈|弹/ 彀 - 190 gòu f /to draw a bow to the full/the range of a bow and arrow/old variant of 夠|够[gou4], enough/ 彀中 - 0 gòu zhōng f /within the range of a bow and arrow/(fig.) under sb's control/ 彄 - 0 kōu f /nock at end of bow/stretch/ 彆 别 T 165 14132 biè f /to make sb change their ways, opinions etc/ 彆嘴 别嘴 T - 3 biè zuǐ f /mouthful (awkward speech)/tongue-twister/ 彆扭 别扭 T 3707 270 biè niu f /awkward/difficult/uncomfortable/not agreeing/at loggerheads/gauche/ 彈 弹 T - 4578 dàn t /crossball/bullet/shot/shell/ball/ 彈 弹 T - 4578 tán f /to pluck (a string)/to play (a string instrument)/to spring or leap/to shoot (e.g. with a catapult)/(of cotton) to fluff or tease/to flick/to flip/to accuse/to impeach/elastic (of materials)/ 彈丸 弹丸 T - 185 dàn wán f /pellet/ 彈冠相慶 弹冠相庆 T - 15 tán guān xiāng qìng f /lit. to flick dust off sb's cap (idiom); to celebrate an official appointment/to congratulate and celebrate (promotion, graduation etc)/ 彈出 弹出 T - 3 tán chū f /to eject/to exit from/to pop up/ 彈力 弹力 T - 63 tán lì f /elasticity/elastic force/spring/rebound/bounce/ 彈劾 弹劾 T - 615 tán hé f /to accuse of misconduct (in official task)/to impeach/ 彈匣 弹匣 T - 200 dàn xiá f /magazine (for ammunition)/ 彈唱 弹唱 T - 66 tán chàng f /to sing and play (plucked string instrument)/ 彈回 弹回 T - 14 tán huí f /to rebound/ 彈坑 弹坑 T - 42 dàn kēng f /bomb crater/ 彈塗魚 弹涂鱼 T - 15 tán tú yú f /mudskipper (amphibious fish)/ 彈壓 弹压 T - 66 tán yā f /to suppress/to quell (a disturbance)/repression/ 彈夾 弹夹 T - 43 dàn jiā f /ammunition clip/cartridge clip/magazine (for ammunition)/ 彈奏 弹奏 T - 126 tán zòu f /to play (musical instrument, esp. string)/ 彈子 弹子 T - 62 dàn zi f /slingshot pellet/playing marbles/billiards/CL:粒[li4],顆|颗[ke1]/ 彈子 弹子 T - 62 tán zi f /towrope/ 彈子鎖 弹子锁 T - 3 dàn zi suǒ f /pin tumbler lock/spring lock/ 彈孔 弹孔 T - 17 dàn kǒng f /bullet hole/ 彈射 弹射 T - 207 tán shè f /to catapult/to launch/to eject (from a plane)/to shoot/ 彈射出 弹射出 T - 0 tán shè chū f /to catapult/to shoot/ 彈射座椅 弹射座椅 T - 0 tán shè zuò yǐ f /ejection seat/ 彈射座艙 弹射座舱 T - 0 tán shè zuò cāng f /ejection capsule (cabin)/ 彈弓 弹弓 T - 78 dàn gōng f /catapult/slingshot/ 彈性 弹性 T 4015 1125 tán xìng f /flexibility/elasticity/ 彈性形變 弹性形变 T - 0 tán xìng xíng biàn f /elastic deformation/ 彈性模量 弹性模量 T - 34 tán xìng mó liàng f /modulus of elasticity/coefficient of restitution/ 彈指 弹指 T - 114 tán zhǐ f /a snap of the fingers/a short moment/in a flash/in the twinkling of an eye/ 彈指一揮間 弹指一挥间 T - 8 tán zhǐ yī huī jiān f /in a flash (idiom)/ 彈指之間 弹指之间 T - 2 tán zhǐ zhī jiān f /a snap of the fingers (idiom); in an instant/in a short moment/in a flash/in the twinkling of an eye/ 彈撥 弹拨 T - 15 tán bō f /to pluck (a string)/ 彈撥樂 弹拨乐 T - 3 tán bō yuè f /plucked string music/ 彈撥樂器 弹拨乐器 T - 13 tán bō yuè qì f /plucked string instrument/CL:件[jian4]/ 彈斥 弹斥 T - 0 tán chì f /accuse and criticize/ 彈殼 弹壳 T - 209 dàn ké f /ammunition case/ 彈片 弹片 T - 64 dàn piàn f /shrapnel/splinter from shell/ 彈牙 弹牙 T - 0 tán yá f /al dente/ 彈珠 弹珠 T - 3 dàn zhū f /marbles/ 彈珠檯 弹珠台 T - 3 dàn zhū tái f /pinball/ 彈球 弹球 T - 11 tán qiú f /to play marbles/ 彈球盤 弹球盘 T - 0 tán qiú pán f /pachinko/ 彈琴 弹琴 T - 169 tán qín f /to play or strum a lute or other stringed instrument/ 彈痕 弹痕 T - 5 dàn hén f /bullet hole/shell hole/ 彈痕累累 弹痕累累 T - 3 dàn hén lěi lěi f /bullet-riddled/ 彈盡援絕 弹尽援绝 T - 4 dàn jìn yuán jué f /out of ammunition and no hope of reinforcements (idiom); in desperate straits/ 彈盡糧絕 弹尽粮绝 T - 32 dàn jìn liáng jué f /out of ammunition and no food left (idiom); in desperate straits/ 彈窗 弹窗 T - 3 tán chuāng f /pop-up window (computing)/ 彈簧 弹簧 T - 239 tán huáng f /spring/ 彈簧刀 弹簧刀 T - 3 tán huáng dāo f /flick knife/switchblade/spring-loaded knife/ 彈簧墊圈 弹簧垫圈 T - 0 tán huáng diàn quān f /spring washer/ 彈簧秤 弹簧秤 T - 6 tán huáng chèng f /spring balance/ 彈簧鎖 弹簧锁 T - 3 tán huáng suǒ f /spring lock/ 彈簧門 弹簧门 T - 13 tán huáng mén f /swing door/ 彈糾 弹纠 T - 0 tán jiū f /to accuse/to impeach/ 彈舌 弹舌 T - 0 tán shé f /to cluck/to trill/ 彈花 弹花 T - 0 tán huā f /to soften cotton fiber by fluffing/ 彈藥 弹药 T - 1121 dàn yào f /ammunition/ 彈藥庫 弹药库 T - 52 dàn yào kù f /ammunition dump/ 彈藥補給站 弹药补给站 T - 0 dàn yào bǔ jǐ zhàn f /ammunition depot/ 彈詞 弹词 T - 95 tán cí f /ballad tune in southern dialects, usually to sanxian 三弦 or pipa 琵琶 accompaniment/ 彈跳 弹跳 T - 53 tán tiào f /to bounce/to jump/to leap/ 彈跳板 弹跳板 T - 3 tán tiào bǎn f /springboard/ 彈道 弹道 T - 313 dàn dào f /trajectory (of a projectile)/ballistic curve/ 彈道導彈 弹道导弹 T - 872 dàn dào dǎo dàn f /ballistic missile/ 彈雨 弹雨 T - 20 dàn yǔ f /hail of bullets/ 彈頭 弹头 T - 507 dàn tóu f /warhead/ 彊 强 T - 17342 jiàng f /variant of 強|强[jiang4]/ 彊 强 T - 17342 qiáng t /variant of 強|强[qiang2]/ 彊 强 T - 17342 qiǎng f /variant of 強|强[qiang3]/ 彌 弥 T - 516 mí f /full/to fill/completely/more/ 彌勒 弥勒 T - 144 Mí lè f /Mile county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/Maitreya, the future Bodhisattva, to come after Shakyamuni Buddha/ 彌勒佛 弥勒佛 T - 44 Mí lè fó f /Maitreya/the Bodhisattva that will be the next to come after Shakyamuni Buddha/ 彌勒縣 弥勒县 T - 6 Mí lè xiàn f /Mile county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/ 彌勒菩薩 弥勒菩萨 T - 0 Mí lè Pú sà f /Maitreya Bodhisattva/ 彌合 弥合 T - 41 mí hé f /to cause a wound to close up and heal/ 彌天 弥天 T - 3 mí tiān f /filling the entire sky/covering everything (of fog, crime, disaster etc)/ 彌天大謊 弥天大谎 T - 6 mí tiān dà huǎng f /a pack of lies (idiom)/ 彌封 弥封 T - 3 mí fēng f /to sign across the seal (as a precaution against fraud)/ 彌撒 弥撒 T - 37 mí sa f /(Catholic) Mass/ 彌散 弥散 T - 76 mí sàn f /to dissipate everywhere (of light, sound, gas etc)/ 彌月 弥月 T - 3 mí yuè f /full moon/first full moon after birth (i.e. entering the second month)/ 彌望 弥望 T - 3 mí wàng f /a full view/ 彌渡 弥渡 T - 2 Mí dù f /Midu county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 彌渡縣 弥渡县 T - 2 Mí dù xiàn f /Midu county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 彌滿 弥满 T - 0 mí mǎn f /to be full/ 彌漫 弥漫 T 4232 609 mí màn f /to pervade/to fill the air/diffuse/everywhere present/about to inundate (water)/permeated by (smoke)/filled with (dust)/to saturate (the air with fog, smoke etc)/ 彌留 弥留 T - 36 mí liú f /seriously ill and about to die/ 彌留之際 弥留之际 T - 18 mí liú zhī jì f /on one's deathbed/at the point of death/ 彌縫 弥缝 T - 35 mí féng f /to cover up mistakes or crimes/to stitch up/to fix/ 彌蒙 弥蒙 T - 3 mí méng f /impenetrable thick fog or smoke/ 彌補 弥补 T 2841 843 mí bǔ f /to complement/to make up for a deficiency/ 彌賽亞 弥赛亚 T - 3 Mí sài yà f /Messiah/ 彌足珍貴 弥足珍贵 T - 30 mí zú zhēn guì f /extremely precious/valuable/ 彌迦書 弥迦书 T - 0 Mí jiā shū f /Book of Micah/ 彌陀 弥陀 T - 28 Mí tuó f /Amitabha, the Buddha of the Western Paradise/abbr. for 阿彌陀佛|阿弥陀佛/Mituo or Mito township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/ 彌陀鄉 弥陀乡 T - 0 Mí tuó xiāng f /Mituo or Mito township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/ 彎 弯 T - 2025 wān f /to bend/bent/a bend/a turn (in the road etc)/CL:道[dao4]/ 彎嘴濱鷸 弯嘴滨鹬 T - 0 wān zuǐ bīn yù f /(bird species of China) curlew sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea)/ 彎子 弯子 T - 71 wān zi f /bend/turn/curve/ 彎彎 弯弯 T - 51 Wān wān f /Wan Wan (1981-), Taiwanese blogger and cartoonist/ 彎彎曲曲 弯弯曲曲 T - 111 wān wān qū qū f /curved/meandering/zigzagging/ 彎折 弯折 T - 3 wān zhé f /to bend/ 彎曲 弯曲 T - 1238 wān qū f /to bend/to curve around/curved/crooked/to wind/to warp/ 彎曲度 弯曲度 T - 0 wān qū dù f /camber/curvature/ 彎曲空間 弯曲空间 T - 0 wān qū kōng jiān f /curved space/ 彎月形透鏡 弯月形透镜 T - 0 wān yuè xíng tòu jìng f /meniscus lens/ 彎液面 弯液面 T - 0 wān yè miàn f /meniscus (physics)/ 彎男 弯男 T - 0 wān nán f /gay guy/ 彎管麵 弯管面 T - 0 wān guǎn miàn f /elbow pasta/ 彎腰 弯腰 T - 392 wān yāo f /to stoop/ 彎腰駝背 弯腰驼背 T - 3 wān yāo tuó bèi f /slouch/stoop/poor posture/ 彎角 弯角 T - 13 wān jiǎo f /corner/bend/curve/ 彎路 弯路 T - 97 wān lù f /winding road/roundabout route/detour/(fig.) wrong way (of doing sth)/ 彎道 弯道 T - 39 wān dào f /winding road/road curve/ 彎道超車 弯道超车 T - 0 wān dào chāo chē f /to overtake on a bend (driving)/(fig.) taking opportunity of tight corners to make swift progress (economy etc)/ 彐 - 0 jì f /pig snout (Kangxi radical 58)/ 彑 - 0 jì f /variant of 彐[ji4]/ 归 歸 S - 7299 Guī f /surname Gui/ 归 歸 S - 7299 guī f /to return/to go back to/to give back to/(of a responsibility) to be taken care of by/to belong to/to gather together/(used between two identical verbs) despite/to marry (of a woman) (old)/division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor/ 归于 歸於 S - 587 guī yú f /to belong to/affiliated to/to result in sth/to incline towards/ 归仁 歸仁 S - 5 Guī rén f /Kueijen township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 归仁乡 歸仁鄉 S - 0 Guī rén xiāng f /Kueijen township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 归依 歸依 S - 29 guī yī f /to convert to (a religion)/to rely upon/refuge/mainstay/ 归侨 歸僑 S - 323 guī qiáo f /returnees/ 归入 歸入 S - 248 guī rù f /to assign (to a class)/to classify as/to include/ 归公 歸公 S - 374 guī gōng f /to commandeer/to take over for the state/ 归功 歸功 S - 158 guī gōng f /to give credit/to give sb his due/attribution/ 归化 歸化 S - 36 Guī huà f /old name for district of Hohhot city 呼和浩特[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4], Inner Mongolia/ 归化 歸化 S - 36 guī huà f /naturalization/ 归口 歸口 S - 64 guī kǒu f /to return to one's original trade/to put (a business etc) under the administration of the relevant central authority/(the) relevant (department in charge of sth)/ 归向 歸向 S - 8 guī xiàng f /to turn toward/ 归咎 歸咎 S - 128 guī jiù f /to put the blame on/to accuse/ 归国 歸國 S - 326 guī guó f /to go home (to one's native country)/to return from abroad/ 归天 歸天 S - 69 guī tiān f /to die/ 归宁 歸寧 S - 3 guī níng f /(literary) (of a married woman) to visit one's parents/ 归宿 歸宿 S - 213 guī sù f /place to return to/home/final destination/ending/ 归属 歸屬 S - 638 guī shǔ f /to belong to/to be affiliated to/to fall under the jurisdiction of/a place where one feels that one belongs/one's final destination (where one need look no further)/ 归属感 歸屬感 S - 52 guī shǔ gǎn f /sense of belonging/ 归属权 歸屬權 S - 3 guī shǔ quán f /right of attribution/ 归并 歸併 S - 84 guī bìng f /to put together/to add/to merge/ 归心 歸心 S - 70 guī xīn f /converted to (religion)/ 归心似箭 歸心似箭 S - 19 guī xīn sì jiàn f /with one's heart set on speeding home (idiom)/ 归心者 歸心者 S - 0 guī xīn zhě f /religious convert/ 归拢 歸攏 S - 16 guī lǒng f /to gather/to rake together/to pile up/ 归根 歸根 S - 9 guī gēn f /to return home (after a lifetime's absence)/to go back to one's roots/ 归根到底 歸根到底 S 4734 100 guī gēn dào dǐ f /after all/in the final analysis/ultimately/ 归根结底 歸根結底 S - 177 guī gēn jié dǐ f /in the final analysis/ultimately/ 归根结柢 歸根結柢 S - 5 guī gēn jié dǐ f /variant of 歸根結底|归根结底[gui1 gen1 jie2 di3]/ 归根结蒂 歸根結蒂 S - 11 guī gēn jié dì f /ultimately/in the final analysis/after all/when all is said and done/ 归案 歸案 S - 36 guī àn f /to bring to justice/arrested and brought to trial/ 归档 歸檔 S - 169 guī dàng f /to file away/to place on file/ 归正 歸正 S - 0 guī zhèng f /to return to the right path/to mend one's ways/to reform/Reformed (church etc)/ 归牧 歸牧 S - 0 guī mù f /to return from pasture/ 归省 歸省 S - 7 guī xǐng f /to go home for a visit/to return to one's parents' home to pay respects/ 归真 歸真 S - 21 guī zhēn f /to die (Buddhism)/ 归真返璞 歸真返璞 S - 3 guī zhēn fǎn pú f /see 返璞歸真|返璞归真[fan3 pu2 gui1 zhen1]/ 归程 歸程 S - 17 guī chéng f /return trip/homeward journey/ 归类 歸類 S - 77 guī lèi f /to classify/to categorize/ 归纳 歸納 S 2496 630 guī nà f /to sum up/to summarize/to conclude from facts/induction (method of deduction in logic)/ 归纳推理 歸納推理 S - 23 guī nà tuī lǐ f /inference by induction (method of deduction in logic)/ 归纳法 歸納法 S - 38 guī nà fǎ f /induction (method of deduction in logic)/ 归经 歸經 S - 0 guī jīng f /channel tropism (TCM)/ 归结 歸結 S - 422 guī jié f /to sum up/to conclude/in a nutshell/the end (of a story)/ 归绥 歸綏 S - 8 Guī suí f /old name for Hohhot city 呼和浩特[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4], Inner Mongolia/ 归罪 歸罪 S - 57 guī zuì f /to blame sb/ 归西 歸西 S - 26 guī xī f /to die/euphemism, lit. to return West or to the Western Paradise/ 归谬法 歸謬法 S - 4 guī miù fǎ f /reductio ad absurdum/arguing by contradiction/also called 反證法|反证法/ 归路 歸路 S - 102 guī lù f /the way back/return route/ 归还 歸還 S 3637 584 guī huán f /to return sth/to revert/ 归途 歸途 S - 56 guī tú f /the way back/one's journey home/ 归队 歸隊 S - 61 guī duì f /to return to one's unit/to go back to one's station in life/ 归附 歸附 S - 260 guī fù f /to realign one's allegiance (to another religion, ruler etc)/to submit/ 归除 歸除 S - 3 guī chú f /long division/calculation on the abacus/ 归隐 歸隱 S - 82 guī yǐn f /to go back to one's native place and live in seclusion/ 归零地 歸零地 S - 0 Guī líng dì f /Ground Zero/ 归顺 歸順 S - 180 guī shùn f /to surrender and pay allegiance to/ 当 噹 S 606 42694 dāng t /(onom.) dong/ding dong (bell)/ 当 當 S 606 42694 dāng t /to be/to act as/manage/withstand/when/during/ought/should/match equally/equal/same/obstruct/just at (a time or place)/on the spot/right/just at/ 当 當 S 606 42694 dàng f /at or in the very same.../suitable/adequate/fitting/proper/to replace/to regard as/to think/to pawn/(coll.) to fail (a student)/ 当上 當上 S - 3 dāng shang f /to take up duty as/to assume a position/to assume/to take on (an office)/ 当下 當下 S - 4358 dāng xià f /immediately/at once/at that moment/at the moment/ 当且仅当 當且僅當 S - 0 dāng qiě jǐn dāng f /if and only if/ 当世 當世 S - 3 dāng shì f /the present age/in office/the current office holder/ 当世之冠 當世之冠 S - 0 dāng shì zhī guàn f /the foremost person of his age/unequalled/a leading light/ 当世冠 當世冠 S - 0 dāng shì guàn f /the foremost person of his age/unequalled/a leading light/ 当世无双 當世無雙 S - 3 dāng shì wú shuāng f /unequalled in his time/ 当中 當中 S - 2311 dāng zhōng f /among/in the middle/in the center/ 当之无愧 當之無愧 S - 238 dāng zhī wú kuì f /fully deserving, without any reservations (idiom); entirely worthy (of a title, honor etc)/ 当之有愧 當之有愧 S - 3 dāng zhī yǒu kuì f /to feel undeserving of the praise or the honor/ 当事 當事 S - 60 dāng shì t /to be in charge/to be confronted (with a matter)/involved (in some matter)/ 当事 當事 S - 60 dàng shì f /to consider as a matter of importance/to be of importance/ 当事人 當事人 S 2724 1135 dāng shì rén f /persons involved or implicated/party (to an affair)/ 当事国 當事國 S - 53 dāng shì guó f /the countries involved/ 当事者 當事者 S - 36 dāng shì zhě f /the person involved/the people holding power/ 当仁不让 當仁不讓 S - 80 dāng rén bù ràng f /to be unwilling to pass on one's responsibilities to others/ 当今 當今 S - 1855 dāng jīn f /current/present/now/nowadays/ 当代 當代 S 4062 1649 dāng dài f /the present age/the contemporary era/ 当代史 當代史 S - 8 dāng dài shǐ f /contemporary history/ 当代新儒家 當代新儒家 S - 0 Dāng dài Xīn Rú jiā f /Contemporary New Confucianism/see 新儒家[Xin1 Ru2 jia1]/ 当令 當令 S - 17 dāng lìng f /to be in season/seasonal/ 当众 當眾 S - 389 dāng zhòng f /in public/in front of everybody/ 当作 當作 S - 1859 dàng zuò f /to treat as/to regard as/ 当值 當值 S - 182 dāng zhí f /to be on duty/ 当做 當做 S - 721 dàng zuò f /to treat as/to regard as/to look upon as/ 当儿 當兒 S - 498 dāng r f /the very moment/just then/during (that brief interval)/ 当兵 當兵 S - 431 dāng bīng f /to serve in the army/to be a soldier/ 当初 當初 S 2738 2093 dāng chū f /at that time/originally/ 当前 當前 S 3680 2433 dāng qián f /current/today's/modern/present/to be facing (us)/ 当务之急 當務之急 S 4383 307 dāng wù zhī jí f /top priority job/matter of vital importance/ 当即 當即 S - 3126 dāng jí f /at once/on the spot/ 当口 當口 S - 3 dāng kǒu f /at that moment/just then/ 当啷 當啷 S - 102 dāng lāng f /(onom.) metallic sound/clanging/ 当回事 當回事 S - 3 dàng huí shì f /to take seriously (often with negative expression: "don't take it too seriously")/to treat conscientiously/ 当回事儿 當回事兒 S - 0 dàng huí shì r f /erhua variant of 當回事|当回事[dang4 hui2 shi4]/ 当地 當地 S 1601 7272 dāng dì f /local/ 当地居民 當地居民 S - 0 dāng dì jū mín f /a local person/the local population/ 当地时间 當地時間 S - 0 dāng dì shí jiān f /local time/ 当场 當場 S 3398 1223 dāng chǎng f /at the scene/on the spot/ 当夜 當夜 S - 221 dāng yè f /on that night/ 当夜 當夜 S - 221 dàng yè t /that very night/the same night/ 当天 當天 S - 1616 dāng tiān f /on that day/ 当天 當天 S - 1616 dàng tiān t /the same day/ 当天事当天毕 當天事當天畢 S - 0 dàng tiān shì dàng tiān bì f /never put off until tomorrow what you can do today (idiom)/ 当头 當頭 S - 311 dāng tóu t /coming right into one's face/imminent/to put first/ 当头 當頭 S - 311 dàng tou f /(coll.) pledge/surety/ 当家 當家 S - 214 dāng jiā f /to manage the household/to be the one in charge of the family/to call the shots/to be in charge/ 当家作主 當家作主 S - 394 dāng jiā zuò zhǔ f /to be in charge in one's own house (idiom)/to be the master of one's own affairs/ 当局 當局 S - 2194 dāng jú f /authorities/ 当局者迷,旁观者清 當局者迷,旁觀者清 S - 0 dāng jú zhě mí , páng guān zhě qīng f /The person on the spot is baffled, the onlooker sees clear (idiom). The onlooker sees more of the game./ 当年 當年 S - 7633 dāng nián t /in those days/then/in those years/during that time/ 当年 當年 S - 7633 dàng nián f /that very same year/ 当归 當歸 S - 126 dāng guī f /Angelica sinensis/ 当当 噹噹 S - 3 dāng dāng t /(onom.) ding dong/ 当当 當當 S - 0 Dāng dāng t /Dangdang (online retailer)/ 当当 當當 S - 0 dàng dàng f /to pawn/ 当当车 噹噹車 S - 0 dāng dāng chē f /(coll.) tram, especially Beijing trams during period of operation 1924-1956/also written 鐺鐺車|铛铛车[dang1 dang1 che1]/ 当心 當心 S 1762 159 dāng xīn f /to take care/to look out/ 当成 當成 S - 678 dàng chéng f /to consider as/to take to be/ 当掉 當掉 S - 3 dàng diào f /to fail (a student)/to pawn/(of a computer or program) to crash/to stop working/ 当政 當政 S - 164 dāng zhèng f /to come to power/to hold power/in office/ 当政者 當政者 S - 9 dāng zhèng zhě f /power holder/current political ruler/ 当断则断 當斷則斷 S - 3 dāng duàn zé duàn f /to make a decision when it's time to decide/ 当断即断 當斷即斷 S - 0 dāng duàn jí duàn f /not to delay making a decision when a decision is needed/ 当日 當日 S - 2031 dāng rì t /on that day/ 当日 當日 S - 2031 dàng rì f /that very day/the same day/ 当时 當時 S 670 19195 dāng shí t /then/at that time/while/ 当时 當時 S 670 19195 dàng shí f /at once/right away/ 当晚 當晚 S - 665 dāng wǎn f /on that evening/ 当晚 當晚 S - 665 dàng wǎn t /the same evening/ 当月 當月 S - 88 dāng yuè f /on that month/ 当月 當月 S - 88 dàng yuè t /the same month/ 当机 當機 S - 0 dàng jī f /to crash (of a computer)/to stop working/(loanword from English "down")/ 当机立断 當機立斷 S - 162 dāng jī lì duàn f /to make prompt decisions (idiom)/ 当权 當權 S - 148 dāng quán f /to hold power/ 当权派 當權派 S - 71 dāng quán pài f /persons or faction in authority/ 当权者 當權者 S - 82 dāng quán zhě f /ruler/those in power/the authorities/ 当枪使 當槍使 S - 0 dāng qiāng shǐ f /to use (sb) as a tool/ 当涂 當涂 S - 25 Dāng tú f /Dangtu county in Ma'anshan 馬鞍山|马鞍山[Ma3 an1 shan1], Anhui/ 当涂县 當涂縣 S - 9 Dāng tú xiàn f /Dangtu county in Ma'anshan 馬鞍山|马鞍山[Ma3 an1 shan1], Anhui/ 当然 當然 S 323 12865 dāng rán f /only natural/as it should be/certainly/of course/without doubt/ 当牛作马 當牛作馬 S - 0 dāng niú zuò mǎ f /to work like a horse and toil like an ox/fig. to slave for sb/ 当班 當班 S - 27 dāng bān f /to work one's shift/ 当真 當真 S - 2426 dàng zhēn f /to take seriously/serious/No joking, really!/ 当着 當著 S - 665 dāng zhe f /in front of/in the presence of/ 当空 當空 S - 51 dāng kōng f /overhead/up in the sky/ 当红 當紅 S - 167 dāng hóng f /currently popular (of movie stars, singers etc)/ 当行出色 當行出色 S - 3 dāng háng chū sè f /to excel in one's field/ 当街 當街 S - 74 dāng jiē f /in the middle of the street/facing the street/ 当轴 當軸 S - 0 dāng zhóu f /person in power/important official/ 当选 當選 S 3532 2919 dāng xuǎn f /to be elected/ 当道 當道 S - 0 dāng dào f /in the middle of the road/to be in the way/to hold power/ 当量 當量 S - 134 dāng liàng f /equivalent/yield/ 当量剂量 當量劑量 S - 0 dāng liàng jì liàng f /equivalent dose/ 当铺 當舖 S - 154 dàng pù f /pawn shop/CL:家[jia1],間|间[jian1]/ 当阳 當陽 S - 345 Dāng yáng f /Dangyan county level city in Yichang 宜昌[Yi2 chang1], Hubei/ 当阳市 當陽市 S - 263 Dāng yáng shì f /Dangyan county level city in Yichang 宜昌[Yi2 chang1], Hubei/ 当雄 當雄 S - 26 Dāng xióng f /Damxung county, Tibetan: 'Dam gzhung rdzong in Lhasa 拉薩|拉萨[La1 sa4], Tibet/ 当雄县 當雄縣 S - 10 Dāng xióng xiàn f /Damxung county, Tibetan: 'Dam gzhung rdzong in Lhasa 拉薩|拉萨[La1 sa4], Tibet/ 当面 當面 S 3397 708 dāng miàn f /to sb's face/in sb's presence/ 当驾 當駕 S - 0 dāng jià f /imperial driver/ 彔 - 23 lù f /to carve wood/ 录 錄 S - 1833 Lù f /surname Lu/ 录 錄 S - 1833 lù f /diary/record/to hit/to copy/ 录供 錄供 S - 3 lù gòng f /to take down a confession/ 录像 錄像 S - 313 lù xiàng f /to videotape/to videorecord/video recording/CL:盤|盘[pan2]/ 录像带 錄像帶 S - 69 lù xiàng dài f /video cassette/CL:盤|盘[pan2]/ 录像机 錄像機 S - 91 lù xiàng jī f /video recorder/VCR/ 录入 錄入 S - 38 lù rù f /to input (computer)/to type/ 录共 錄共 S - 0 lù gòng f /to take down a confession/ 录制 錄製 S - 162 lù zhì f /to record (video or audio)/ 录取 錄取 S 2125 4370 lù qǔ f /to recruit/to enroll/ 录取线 錄取線 S - 58 lù qǔ xiàn f /minimum passing score for admission/ 录取通知书 錄取通知書 S - 0 lù qǔ tōng zhī shū f /admission notice (delivered by a university)/ 录影 錄影 S - 2 lù yǐng f /to videotape/to videorecord/ 录影带 錄影帶 S - 3 lù yǐng dài f /videotape (Tw)/CL:盤|盘[pan2]/ 录影机 錄影機 S - 3 lù yǐng jī f /camcorder/video recorder/videocassette recorder (Tw)/CL:臺|台[tai2]/ 录放 錄放 S - 21 lù fàng f /to record and play (audio, video)/ 录用 錄用 S - 481 lù yòng f /to hire (an employee)/ 录相 錄相 S - 3 lù xiàng f /variant of 錄像|录像[lu4 xiang4]/ 录象 錄象 S - 9 lù xiàng f /variant of 錄像|录像[lu4 xiang4]/ 录音 錄音 S 1791 355 lù yīn f /to record (sound)/sound recording/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 录音带 錄音帶 S - 124 lù yīn dài f /audio tape/CL:盤|盘[pan2],盒[he2]/ 录音机 錄音機 S - 143 lù yīn jī f /(tape) recording machine/tape recorder/CL:臺|台[tai2]/ 彖 - 21 tuàn f /to foretell the future using the trigrams of the Book of Changes 易經|易经/ 彖辞 彖辭 S - 0 tuàn cí f /to interpret the divinatory trigrams/ 彖辭 彖辞 T - 0 tuàn cí f /to interpret the divinatory trigrams/ 彗 - 60 huì f /broom/ 彗星 - 246 huì xīng f /comet/ 彘 - 97 zhì f /swine/ 彙 汇 T - 1235 huì f /class/collection/ 彙報 汇报 T 2878 1563 huì bào f /to report/to give an account of/report/ 彙整 汇整 T - 0 huì zhěng f /to collect and organize (papers etc)/to archive (data)/to summarize (evidence etc)/summary/ 彙映 汇映 T - 3 huì yìng f /joint screening/consecutive screening of collection of movies/ 彙注 汇注 T - 0 huì zhù f /annotated collection/ 彙編 汇编 T - 286 huì biān f /collection/compilation/compile/ 彙總 汇总 T - 173 huì zǒng f /summary/to summarize/to collect (data, receipts etc)/to gather and report/also written 匯總|汇总/ 彙集 汇集 T - 905 huì jí f /to collect/to compile/to converge/ 彛 - 147 yí f /variant of 彞|彝[yi2]/ 彝 彞 S - 382 yí f /ancient wine vessel/ancient sacrificial vessel/Yi ethnic group/normal nature of man/laws and rules/ 彝伦 彞倫 S - 0 yí lún f /cardinal human relationships/ 彝剧 彞劇 S - 3 Yí jù f /Yi opera/ 彝器 彞器 S - 0 yí qì f /ritual objects/sacral vessels/ 彝宪 彞憲 S - 0 yí xiàn f /laws/regulations/rules/ 彝族 彞族 S - 734 Yí zú f /Yi ethnic group/ 彝良 彞良 S - 2 Yí liáng f /Yiliang county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan/ 彝良县 彞良縣 S - 3 Yí liáng xiàn f /Yiliang county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan/ 彝训 彞訓 S - 0 yí xùn f /regular exhortations/ 彞 彝 T - 382 yí f /ancient wine vessel/ancient sacrificial vessel/Yi ethnic group/normal nature of man/laws and rules/ 彞倫 彝伦 T - 0 yí lún f /cardinal human relationships/ 彞劇 彝剧 T - 3 Yí jù f /Yi opera/ 彞器 彝器 T - 0 yí qì f /ritual objects/sacral vessels/ 彞憲 彝宪 T - 0 yí xiàn f /laws/regulations/rules/ 彞族 彝族 T - 734 Yí zú f /Yi ethnic group/ 彞良 彝良 T - 2 Yí liáng f /Yiliang county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan/ 彞良縣 彝良县 T - 3 Yí liáng xiàn f /Yiliang county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan/ 彞訓 彝训 T - 0 yí xùn f /regular exhortations/ 彟 彠 S - 63 huò f /see 武士彠|武士彟[Wu3 Shi4 huo4]/old variant of 蒦[huo4]/ 彠 彟 T - 63 huò f /see 武士彠|武士彟[Wu3 Shi4 huo4]/old variant of 蒦[huo4]/ 形 - 7698 xíng f /to appear/to look/form/shape/ 形上 - 0 xíng shàng f /metaphysics/ 形于色 形於色 S - 0 xíng yú sè f /to show one's feelings/to show it in one's face/ 形似 - 630 xíng sì f /similar in shape and appearance/ 形体 形體 S - 385 xíng tǐ f /figure/physique/form and structure/ 形像 - 3 xíng xiàng f /form/image/ 形制 - 734 xíng zhì f /form/shape/structure/design/ 形势 形勢 S 2084 5510 xíng shì f /circumstances/situation/terrain/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 形势严峻 形勢嚴峻 S - 3 xíng shì yán jùn f /in grave difficulties/the situation is grim/ 形勝 形胜 T - 3 xíng shèng f /advantageous/strategic (position)/ 形勢 形势 T 2084 5510 xíng shì f /circumstances/situation/terrain/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 形勢嚴峻 形势严峻 T - 3 xíng shì yán jùn f /in grave difficulties/the situation is grim/ 形单影只 形單影隻 S - 18 xíng dān yǐng zhī f /lonely soul/solitary/ 形变 形變 S - 89 xíng biàn f /deformation/bending/ 形同 - 65 xíng tóng f /tantamount to/to be like/ 形同虚设 形同虛設 S - 68 xíng tóng xū shè f /to exist in name only/empty shell/useless (idiom)/ 形同虛設 形同虚设 T - 68 xíng tóng xū shè f /to exist in name only/empty shell/useless (idiom)/ 形同陌路 - 3 xíng tóng mò lù f /to be estranged/ 形單影隻 形单影只 T - 18 xíng dān yǐng zhī f /lonely soul/solitary/ 形声 形聲 S - 19 xíng shēng f /ideogram plus phonetic (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters)/also known as phonogram, phonetic compound or picto-phonetic character/ 形声字 形聲字 S - 25 xíng shēng zì f /radical plus phonetic (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters)/also known as phonogram, phonetic compound or picto-phonetic character/ 形容 1799 870 xíng róng f /to describe/description/appearance/look/ 形容詞 形容词 T - 122 xíng róng cí f /adjective/ 形容词 形容詞 S - 122 xíng róng cí f /adjective/ 形容辞 形容辭 S - 0 xíng róng cí f /adjective/ 形容辭 形容辞 T - 0 xíng róng cí f /adjective/ 形式 1871 15188 xíng shì f /outer appearance/form/shape/formality/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 形式主义 形式主義 S - 148 xíng shì zhǔ yì f /Formalism (art)/ 形式主義 形式主义 T - 148 xíng shì zhǔ yì f /Formalism (art)/ 形式化 - 57 xíng shì huà f /formalization/formalized/ 形形色色 - 203 xíng xíng sè sè f /all kinds of/all sorts of/every (different) kind of/ 形影不离 形影不離 S - 79 xíng yǐng bù lí f /inseparable (as form and shadow)/ 形影不離 形影不离 T - 79 xíng yǐng bù lí f /inseparable (as form and shadow)/ 形影相吊 形影相弔 S - 5 xíng yǐng xiāng diào f /with only body and shadow to comfort each other (idiom)/extremely sad and lonely/ 形影相弔 形影相吊 T - 5 xíng yǐng xiāng diào f /with only body and shadow to comfort each other (idiom)/extremely sad and lonely/ 形影相随 形影相隨 S - 3 xíng yǐng xiāng suí f /lit. body and shadow follow each other (idiom)/fig. inseparable/ 形影相隨 形影相随 T - 3 xíng yǐng xiāng suí f /lit. body and shadow follow each other (idiom)/fig. inseparable/ 形态 形態 S 4133 2559 xíng tài f /shape/form/pattern/morphology/ 形态发生素 形態發生素 S - 0 xíng tài fā shēng sù f /morphogen/ 形态学 形態學 S - 97 xíng tài xué f /morphology (in biology or linguistics)/ 形意拳 - 23 Xíng yì quán f /Xingyiquan (Chinese martial art)/ 形態 形态 T 4133 2559 xíng tài f /shape/form/pattern/morphology/ 形態學 形态学 T - 97 xíng tài xué f /morphology (in biology or linguistics)/ 形態發生素 形态发生素 T - 0 xíng tài fā shēng sù f /morphogen/ 形成 1916 25854 xíng chéng f /to form/to take shape/ 形成层 形成層 S - 52 xíng chéng céng f /vascular cambium (layer of tissue responsible for growth inside wood)/ 形成層 形成层 T - 52 xíng chéng céng f /vascular cambium (layer of tissue responsible for growth inside wood)/ 形於色 形于色 T - 0 xíng yú sè f /to show one's feelings/to show it in one's face/ 形旁 - 8 xíng páng f /part of Chinese character indicating the meaning/also called significative or radical/ 形核 - 0 xíng hé f /nucleation/ 形状 形狀 S 2046 2015 xíng zhuàng f /form/shape/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 形狀 形状 T 2046 2015 xíng zhuàng f /form/shape/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 形神 - 65 xíng shén f /body and soul/physical and spiritual/material form and internal spirit/ 形而上学 形而上學 S - 190 xíng ér shàng xué f /metaphysics/ 形而上學 形而上学 T - 190 xíng ér shàng xué f /metaphysics/ 形聲 形声 T - 19 xíng shēng f /ideogram plus phonetic (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters)/also known as phonogram, phonetic compound or picto-phonetic character/ 形聲字 形声字 T - 25 xíng shēng zì f /radical plus phonetic (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters)/also known as phonogram, phonetic compound or picto-phonetic character/ 形胜 形勝 S - 3 xíng shèng f /advantageous/strategic (position)/ 形譯 形译 T - 0 xíng yì f /derivation of a Chinese loanword from Japanese by using the same characters (or variants) but applying Chinese pronunciation (e.g. 場合|场合[chang3 he2], derived from Japanese 場合, pronounced "ba'ai")/ 形變 形变 T - 89 xíng biàn f /deformation/bending/ 形译 形譯 S - 0 xíng yì f /derivation of a Chinese loanword from Japanese by using the same characters (or variants) but applying Chinese pronunciation (e.g. 場合|场合[chang3 he2], derived from Japanese 場合, pronounced "ba'ai")/ 形象 1706 4911 xíng xiàng f /image/form/figure/CL:個|个[ge4]/visualization/vivid/ 形象大使 - 3 xíng xiàng dà shǐ f /person who represents an organization and enhances its image/ambassador/ 形象艺术 形象藝術 S - 3 xíng xiàng yì shù f /visual arts/ 形象藝術 形象艺术 T - 3 xíng xiàng yì shù f /visual arts/ 形貌 - 183 xíng mào f /appearance/ 形質 形质 T - 3 xíng zhì f /form/structure/design/ 形质 形質 S - 3 xíng zhì f /form/structure/design/ 形跡 形迹 T - 90 xíng jì f /manner/bearing/trace/mark/trail/etiquette/ 形迹 形跡 S - 90 xíng jì f /manner/bearing/trace/mark/trail/etiquette/ 形骸 - 42 xíng hái f /the human body/skeleton/ 形體 形体 T - 385 xíng tǐ f /figure/physique/form and structure/ 彤 - 89 Tóng f /surname Tong/ 彤 - 89 tóng f /red/ 彤管貽 彤管贻 T - 0 tóng guǎn yí f /presents between lovers/ 彤管贻 彤管貽 S - 0 tóng guǎn yí f /presents between lovers/ 彥 彦 T - 757 yàn f /accomplished/elegant/ 彦 彥 S - 757 yàn f /accomplished/elegant/ 彧 - 403 yù f /accomplished/elegant/ 彩 - 2318 cǎi f /(bright) color/variety/applause/applaud/lottery prize/ 彩䴉 彩鹮 T - 0 cǎi huán f /(bird species of China) glossy ibis (Plegadis falcinellus)/ 彩云 彩雲 S - 205 cǎi yún f /rosy clouds/CL:朵[duo3]/ 彩信 - 33 cǎi xìn f /multi-media messaging service (MMS) (telecommunications)/ 彩印 - 272 cǎi yìn f /color printing/abbr. for 彩色印刷[cai3 se4 yin4 shua1]/ 彩卷 - 3 cǎi juǎn f /color film/abbr. for 彩色膠卷|彩色胶卷/lottery ticket/ 彩塑 - 89 cǎi sù f /painted clay figure/ 彩头 彩頭 S - 41 cǎi tóu f /good omen/good luck (in business etc)/profits (gained in gambling, lottery etc)/ 彩妆 彩妝 S - 29 cǎi zhuāng f /makeup/cosmetics/ 彩妝 彩妆 T - 29 cǎi zhuāng f /makeup/cosmetics/ 彩带 彩帶 S - 53 cǎi dài f /colored ribbon/streamer/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 彩帶 彩带 T - 53 cǎi dài f /colored ribbon/streamer/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 彩弹 彩彈 S - 0 cǎi dàn f /paintball/ 彩彈 彩弹 T - 0 cǎi dàn f /paintball/ 彩扩 彩擴 S - 3 cǎi kuò f /to enlarge color photos/color film processing/ 彩排 - 103 cǎi pái f /dress rehearsal/ 彩擴 彩扩 T - 3 cǎi kuò f /to enlarge color photos/color film processing/ 彩旗 - 81 cǎi qí f /colored flag/ 彩民 - 96 cǎi mín f /lottery player/ 彩电 彩電 S - 369 cǎi diàn f /color TV/ 彩电视 彩電視 S - 0 cǎi diàn shì f /color TV/ 彩画 彩畫 S - 449 cǎi huà f /color painting/ 彩畫 彩画 T - 449 cǎi huà f /color painting/ 彩票 3364 249 cǎi piào f /lottery ticket/ 彩繪 彩绘 T - 1255 cǎi huì f /painted/colored painted-on designs/ 彩绘 彩繪 S - 1255 cǎi huì f /painted/colored painted-on designs/ 彩色 - 730 cǎi sè f /color/multi-colored/CL:種|种[zhong3]/ 彩虹 2117 258 cǎi hóng f /rainbow/CL:道[dao4]/ 彩虹蜂虎 - 0 cǎi hóng fēng hǔ f /(bird species of China) rainbow bee-eater (Merops ornatus)/ 彩虹鸚鵡 彩虹鹦鹉 T - 0 cǎi hóng yīng wǔ f /(bird species of China) rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus)/ 彩虹鹦鹉 彩虹鸚鵡 S - 0 cǎi hóng yīng wǔ f /(bird species of China) rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus)/ 彩蚌 - 0 cǎi bàng f /painted shell/painting on shell/ 彩蛋 - 10 cǎi dàn f /Easter egg/colored egg/painted eggshell/ 彩衣 - 3 cǎi yī f /colored clothes/motley attire/ 彩超 - 10 Cǎi Chāo f /Color Doppler Imaging (CDI) (medicine)/ 彩車 彩车 T - 30 cǎi chē f /float (in a parade)/ 彩车 彩車 S - 30 cǎi chē f /float (in a parade)/ 彩鈴 彩铃 T - 0 cǎi líng f /caller ring-back tone (CRBT)/ring-back tone (RBT)/ 彩铃 彩鈴 S - 0 cǎi líng f /caller ring-back tone (CRBT)/ring-back tone (RBT)/ 彩雲 彩云 T - 205 cǎi yún f /rosy clouds/CL:朵[duo3]/ 彩電 彩电 T - 369 cǎi diàn f /color TV/ 彩電視 彩电视 T - 0 cǎi diàn shì f /color TV/ 彩霞 - 78 cǎi xiá f /clouds tinged with sunset hues/ 彩頭 彩头 T - 41 cǎi tóu f /good omen/good luck (in business etc)/profits (gained in gambling, lottery etc)/ 彩鷸 彩鹬 T - 0 cǎi yù f /(bird species of China) greater painted-snipe (Rostratula benghalensis)/ 彩鸛 彩鹳 T - 0 cǎi guàn f /(bird species of China) painted stork (Mycteria leucocephala)/ 彩鹬 彩鷸 S - 0 cǎi yù f /(bird species of China) greater painted-snipe (Rostratula benghalensis)/ 彩鹮 彩䴉 S - 0 cǎi huán f /(bird species of China) glossy ibis (Plegadis falcinellus)/ 彩鹳 彩鸛 S - 0 cǎi guàn f /(bird species of China) painted stork (Mycteria leucocephala)/ 彪 - 437 biāo f /tiger stripes/tiger cub/(old) classifier for troops/ 彪个子 彪個子 S - 0 biāo gè zi f /tall and strong physique/ 彪休 - 0 biāo xiū f /angry/wrathful/ 彪個子 彪个子 T - 0 biāo gè zi f /tall and strong physique/ 彪壮 彪壯 S - 3 biāo zhuàng f /tall and husky/hefty/ 彪壯 彪壮 T - 3 biāo zhuàng f /tall and husky/hefty/ 彪子 - 0 biāo zi f /a frolicsome creature/ 彪形 - 2 biāo xíng f /husky/burly/ 彪形大汉 彪形大漢 S - 20 biāo xíng dà hàn f /burly chap/husky fellow/ 彪形大漢 彪形大汉 T - 20 biāo xíng dà hàn f /burly chap/husky fellow/ 彪悍 - 35 biāo hàn f /intrepid/doughty/valiant/ 彪炳 - 15 biāo bǐng f /shining/splendid/ 彪炳千古 - 3 biāo bǐng qiān gǔ f /to shine through the ages (idiom)/ 彪焕 彪煥 S - 0 biāo huàn f /brilliant and shining/outstanding and elegant/ 彪煥 彪焕 T - 0 biāo huàn f /brilliant and shining/outstanding and elegant/ 彪蒙 - 0 biāo méng f /to develop the mind/ 彪馬 彪马 T - 3 Biāo mǎ f /Puma (brand)/ 彪马 彪馬 S - 3 Biāo mǎ f /Puma (brand)/ 彫 雕 T - 2981 diāo f /variant of 雕[diao1], to engrave/ 彬 - 714 bīn f /ornamental/refined/ 彬县 彬縣 S - 14 Bīn Xiàn f /Bin County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2 yang2], Shaanxi/ 彬彬 - 5 bīn bīn f /refined, gentle, and elegant/ 彬彬君子 - 0 bīn bīn jūn zǐ f /refined gentleman/ 彬彬有礼 彬彬有禮 S - 83 bīn bīn yǒu lǐ f /refined and courteous/urbane/ 彬彬有禮 彬彬有礼 T - 83 bīn bīn yǒu lǐ f /refined and courteous/urbane/ 彬縣 彬县 T - 14 Bīn Xiàn f /Bin County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2 yang2], Shaanxi/ 彬蔚 - 0 bīn wèi f /erudite and refined/ 彬馬那 彬马那 T - 0 Bīn mǎ nà f /Pyinmana, former jungle county town in central Myanmar (Burma), redesignated the national capital and renamed Naypyidaw 內比都 in November 2005/ 彬马那 彬馬那 S - 0 Bīn mǎ nà f /Pyinmana, former jungle county town in central Myanmar (Burma), redesignated the national capital and renamed Naypyidaw 內比都 in November 2005/ 彭 - 1030 Péng f /surname Peng/ 彭丽媛 彭麗媛 S - 3 Péng Lì yuán f /Peng Liyuan (1962-), PRC folk music singer, wife of Xi Jinping 習近平|习近平[Xi2 Jin4 ping2]/ 彭亨 - 13 Péng hēng f /Pahang province of Malaysia/ 彭佳屿 彭佳嶼 S - 4 Péng jiā yǔ f /Pengjia Island, administered as part of Chilung or Keelung 基隆[Ji1 long2], Taiwan/ 彭佳嶼 彭佳屿 T - 4 Péng jiā yǔ f /Pengjia Island, administered as part of Chilung or Keelung 基隆[Ji1 long2], Taiwan/ 彭养鸥 彭養鷗 S - 0 Péng Yǎng ōu f /Peng Yangou, late Qing novelist, author of Black register of lost souls 黑籍冤魂/ 彭勃 - 0 Péng Bó f /Peng Bo/ 彭博 - 0 Péng bó f /Bloomberg (name)/Michael Bloomberg (1942-), US billionaire businessman, politician and philanthropist/ 彭博新聞社 彭博新闻社 T - 0 Péng bó Xīn wén shè f /Bloomberg News/ 彭博新闻社 彭博新聞社 S - 0 Péng bó Xīn wén shè f /Bloomberg News/ 彭博社 - 10 Péng bó shè f /Bloomberg News/ 彭博通訊社 彭博通讯社 T - 0 Péng bó Tōng xùn shè f /Bloomberg L.P., financial software services, news and data company/ 彭博通讯社 彭博通訊社 S - 0 Péng bó Tōng xùn shè f /Bloomberg L.P., financial software services, news and data company/ 彭县 彭縣 S - 3 Péng xiàn f /Peng county in Sichuan/ 彭定康 - 2 Péng Dìng kāng f /Chris Patten (1944-), last British Governor of Hong Kong 1992-1997/ 彭山 - 14 Péng shān f /Pengshan County in Meishan 眉山市[Mei2 shan1 Shi4], Sichuan/ 彭山县 彭山縣 S - 10 Péng shān Xiàn f /Pengshan County in Meishan 眉山市[Mei2 shan1 Shi4], Sichuan/ 彭山縣 彭山县 T - 10 Péng shān Xiàn f /Pengshan County in Meishan 眉山市[Mei2 shan1 Shi4], Sichuan/ 彭州 - 13 Péng zhōu f /Pengzhou county level city in Chengdu 成都[Cheng2 du1], Sichuan/ 彭州市 - 3 Péng zhōu shì f /Pengzhou county level city in Chengdu 成都[Cheng2 du1], Sichuan/ 彭德怀 彭德懷 S - 471 Péng Dé huái f /Peng Dehuai (1898-1974), top communist general, subsequently politician and politburo member, disgraced after attacking Mao's failed policies in 1959, and died after extensive persecution during the Cultural Revolution/ 彭德懷 彭德怀 T - 471 Péng Dé huái f /Peng Dehuai (1898-1974), top communist general, subsequently politician and politburo member, disgraced after attacking Mao's failed policies in 1959, and died after extensive persecution during the Cultural Revolution/ 彭水县 彭水縣 S - 0 Péng shuǐ xiàn f /Pengshui Miao and Tujia autonomous county in Qianjiang suburbs of Chongqing municipality/ 彭水縣 彭水县 T - 0 Péng shuǐ xiàn f /Pengshui Miao and Tujia autonomous county in Qianjiang suburbs of Chongqing municipality/ 彭水苗族土家族自治县 彭水苗族土家族自治縣 S - 4 Péng shuǐ Miáo zú Tǔ jiā zú zì zhì xiàn f /Pengshui Miao and Tujia autonomous county in Qianjiang suburbs of Chongqing municipality/ 彭水苗族土家族自治縣 彭水苗族土家族自治县 T - 4 Péng shuǐ Miáo zú Tǔ jiā zú zì zhì xiàn f /Pengshui Miao and Tujia autonomous county in Qianjiang suburbs of Chongqing municipality/ 彭泽 彭澤 S - 33 Péng zé f /Pengze county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi/ 彭泽县 彭澤縣 S - 8 Péng zé xiàn f /Pengze county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi/ 彭湖 - 3 Péng hú f /Penghu island county of Taiwan, off the coast of Kaohsiung/ 彭湖岛 彭湖島 S - 0 Péng hú Dǎo f /Penghu island county of Taiwan, off the coast of Kaohsiung/ 彭湖島 彭湖岛 T - 0 Péng hú Dǎo f /Penghu island county of Taiwan, off the coast of Kaohsiung/ 彭澤 彭泽 T - 33 Péng zé f /Pengze county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi/ 彭澤縣 彭泽县 T - 8 Péng zé xiàn f /Pengze county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi/ 彭真 - 268 Péng Zhēn f /Peng Zhen (1902-1997), Chinese communist leader/ 彭祖 - 17 Péng Zǔ f /Peng Zu (legendary figure of Taoism who lived 800 years)/ 彭縣 彭县 T - 3 Péng xiàn f /Peng county in Sichuan/ 彭阳 彭陽 S - 3 Péng yáng f /Pengyang county in Guyuan 固原[Gu4 yuan2], Ningxia/ 彭阳县 彭陽縣 S - 2 Péng yáng xiàn f /Pengyang county in Guyuan 固原[Gu4 yuan2], Ningxia/ 彭陽 彭阳 T - 3 Péng yáng f /Pengyang county in Guyuan 固原[Gu4 yuan2], Ningxia/ 彭陽縣 彭阳县 T - 2 Péng yáng xiàn f /Pengyang county in Guyuan 固原[Gu4 yuan2], Ningxia/ 彭養鷗 彭养鸥 T - 0 Péng Yǎng ōu f /Peng Yangou, late Qing novelist, author of Black register of lost souls 黑籍冤魂/ 彭麗媛 彭丽媛 T - 3 Péng Lì yuán f /Peng Liyuan (1962-), PRC folk music singer, wife of Xi Jinping 習近平|习近平[Xi2 Jin4 ping2]/ 彭麻麻 - 0 Péng má má f /Mommy Peng, nickname for Peng Liyuan 彭麗媛|彭丽媛[Peng2 Li4 yuan2]/ 彰 - 240 zhāng f /clear/conspicuous/manifest/ 彰化 - 31 Zhāng huà f /Zhanghua or Changhua city and county in west Taiwan/ 彰化县 彰化縣 S - 17 Zhāng huà xiàn f /Zhanghua or Changhua county in west Taiwan/ 彰化市 - 9 Zhāng huà shì f /Zhanghua or Changhua city in west Taiwan, capital of Changhua county/ 彰化縣 彰化县 T - 17 Zhāng huà xiàn f /Zhanghua or Changhua county in west Taiwan/ 彰善瘅恶 彰善癉惡 S - 3 zhāng shàn dàn è f /to distinguish good and evil (idiom); to uphold virtue and condemn evil/to praise good and expose vice/ 彰善癉惡 彰善瘅恶 T - 3 zhāng shàn dàn è f /to distinguish good and evil (idiom); to uphold virtue and condemn evil/to praise good and expose vice/ 彰彰 - 3 zhāng zhāng f /obvious/manifest/clearly visible/ 彰明 - 3 zhāng míng f /to show clearly/to make public/obvious/ 彰明較著 彰明较著 T - 3 zhāng míng jiào zhù f /obvious/clear for all to see/ 彰明较著 彰明較著 S - 3 zhāng míng jiào zhù f /obvious/clear for all to see/ 彰显 彰顯 S - 62 zhāng xiǎn f /to manifest/ 彰武 - 13 Zhāng wǔ f /Zhangwu county in Fuxin 阜新, Liaoning/ 彰武县 彰武縣 S - 3 Zhāng wǔ xiàn f /Zhangwu county in Fuxin 阜新, Liaoning/ 彰武縣 彰武县 T - 3 Zhāng wǔ xiàn f /Zhangwu county in Fuxin 阜新, Liaoning/ 彰顯 彰显 T - 62 zhāng xiǎn f /to manifest/ 影 - 2202 yǐng f /picture/image/film/movie/photograph/reflection/shadow/trace/ 影业 影業 S - 99 yǐng yè f /film industry/ 影像 - 335 yǐng xiàng f /image/ 影像会议 影像會議 S - 0 yǐng xiàng huì yì f /video conference/ 影像处理 影像處理 S - 0 yǐng xiàng chǔ lǐ f /image processing/ 影像會議 影像会议 T - 0 yǐng xiàng huì yì f /video conference/ 影像档 影像檔 S - 0 yǐng xiàng dàng f /image file/ 影像檔 影像档 T - 0 yǐng xiàng dàng f /image file/ 影像處理 影像处理 T - 0 yǐng xiàng chǔ lǐ f /image processing/ 影儿 影兒 S - 50 yǐng r f /shadow/ 影兒 影儿 T - 50 yǐng r f /shadow/ 影剧 影劇 S - 10 yǐng jù f /film and theater/screen and stage/ 影剧院 影劇院 S - 58 yǐng jù yuàn f /cinema/movie theater/ 影劇 影剧 T - 10 yǐng jù f /film and theater/screen and stage/ 影劇院 影剧院 T - 58 yǐng jù yuàn f /cinema/movie theater/ 影印 - 120 yǐng yìn f /photographic reproduction/photocopying/photo-offset/ 影印本 - 38 yǐng yìn běn f /a photocopy/ 影印机 影印機 S - 3 yǐng yìn jī f /photocopier (Tw)/ 影印機 影印机 T - 3 yǐng yìn jī f /photocopier (Tw)/ 影响 影響 S 453 24144 yǐng xiǎng f /influence/effect/to influence/to affect (usually adversely)/to disturb/CL:股[gu3]/ 影响力 影響力 S - 651 yǐng xiǎng lì f /influence/impact/ 影响面 影響面 S - 7 yǐng xiǎng miàn f /reach of influence/affected area/ 影坛 影壇 S - 109 yǐng tán f /moviedom/the world of movies/film circles/ 影壇 影坛 T - 109 yǐng tán f /moviedom/the world of movies/film circles/ 影子 2049 1061 yǐng zi f /shadow/reflection/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 影子內閣 影子内阁 T - 20 yǐng zi nèi gé f /shadow cabinet/ 影子内阁 影子內閣 S - 20 yǐng zi nèi gé f /shadow cabinet/ 影射 - 205 yǐng shè f /to refer obliquely to/to insinuate/innuendo/ 影射小說 影射小说 T - 0 yǐng shè xiǎo shuō f /roman à clef/ 影射小说 影射小說 S - 0 yǐng shè xiǎo shuō f /roman à clef/ 影展 - 33 yǐng zhǎn f /film festival/photography exhibition/ 影星 - 69 yǐng xīng f /film star/ 影本 - 3 yǐng běn f /copy (of a document)/book with model calligraphy for copying/ 影業 影业 T - 99 yǐng yè f /film industry/ 影片 - 2519 yǐng piàn f /film/movie/CL:部[bu4]/ 影碟 - 20 yǐng dié f /DVD/CL:片[pian4],張|张[zhang1]/ 影碟机 影碟機 S - 31 yǐng dié jī f /DVD player/ 影碟機 影碟机 T - 31 yǐng dié jī f /DVD player/ 影視 影视 T - 394 yǐng shì f /movies and television/ 影视 影視 S - 394 yǐng shì f /movies and television/ 影評 影评 T - 51 yǐng píng f /film review/ 影评 影評 S - 51 yǐng píng f /film review/ 影象 - 18 yǐng xiàng f /variant of 影像[ying3 xiang4]/ 影踪 影蹤 S - 173 yǐng zōng f /trace/sign/ 影蹤 影踪 T - 173 yǐng zōng f /trace/sign/ 影迷 - 30 yǐng mí f /film enthusiast/movie fan/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 影院 - 109 yǐng yuàn f /cinema/movie theater/ 影集 - 6 yǐng jí f /photo album/CL:本[ben3]/(TV) series/ 影音 - 46 yǐng yīn f /recorded media (CD and DVD)/sound and movies/ 影響 影响 T 453 24144 yǐng xiǎng f /influence/effect/to influence/to affect (usually adversely)/to disturb/CL:股[gu3]/ 影響力 影响力 T - 651 yǐng xiǎng lì f /influence/impact/ 影響面 影响面 T - 7 yǐng xiǎng miàn f /reach of influence/affected area/ 彲 - 560 chī f /variant of 螭[chi1]/ 彳 - 15 chì f /step with the left foot (Kangxi radical 60)/see also 彳亍[chi4 chu4]/ 彳亍 - 2 chì chù f /(literary) to walk slowly/ 彴 - 39 zhuó f /bridge/ 彷 仿 T - 614 fǎng f /seemingly/ 彷 - 122 páng f /irresolute/ 彷似 - 0 fǎng sì f /variant of 仿似[fang3 si4]/ 彷彿 仿佛 T 2057 3124 fǎng fú f /to seem/as if/alike/similar/ 彷徉 - 3 páng yáng f /unsettled/doubtful/to roam about/ 彷徨 - 147 páng huáng f /to pace back and forth/to hesitate/to be indecisive/ 彸 - 63 zhōng f /restless, agitated/ 役 - 2398 yì f /forced labor/corvée/obligatory task/military service/to use as servant/to enserf/servant (old)/war/campaign/battle/ 役使 - 130 yì shǐ f /to put to work (servant or animal)/to make use of for labor/ 役使动物 役使動物 S - 0 yì shǐ dòng wù f /draft animals/beasts of burden/ 役使動物 役使动物 T - 0 yì shǐ dòng wù f /draft animals/beasts of burden/ 役男 - 3 yì nán f /males eligible for military service/draftee/abbr. for 役齡男子|役龄男子/ 役畜 - 48 yì chù f /draft animal/beast of burden/ 役齡 役龄 T - 38 yì líng f /enlistment age/ 役龄 役齡 S - 38 yì líng f /enlistment age/ 彻 徹 S - 315 chè f /thorough/penetrating/to pervade/to pass through/ 彻夜 徹夜 S - 110 chè yè f /the whole night/ 彻夜不眠 徹夜不眠 S - 23 chè yè bù mián f /to be sleepless all night/ 彻头彻尾 徹頭徹尾 S - 68 chè tóu chè wěi f /lit. from head to tail (idiom); thoroughgoing/through and through/out and out/from top to bottom/ 彻底 徹底 S 1449 4498 chè dǐ f /thorough/thoroughly/complete/ 彻底失败 徹底失敗 S - 0 chè dǐ shī bài f /utter failure/ 彻悟 徹悟 S - 9 chè wù f /fully aware/to recognize fully/ 彻查 徹查 S - 3 chè chá f /to investigate thoroughly/ 彻西 徹西 S - 0 Chè xī f /Chelsea, suburb of London/Chelsea football club/ 彻骨 徹骨 S - 81 chè gǔ f /to the bone/to the marrow/fig. to a very large degree/ 彼 - 1332 bǐ f /that/those/(one) another/ 彼一时此一时 彼一時此一時 S - 0 bǐ yī shí cǐ yī shí f /that was one thing, and this is another/times have changed/ 彼一時此一時 彼一时此一时 T - 0 bǐ yī shí cǐ yī shí f /that was one thing, and this is another/times have changed/ 彼倡此和 - 3 bǐ chàng cǐ hé f /to chorus sb else's lead (idiom); to chime in in agreement/ 彼唱此和 - 3 bǐ chàng cǐ hé f /to chorus sb else's lead (idiom); to chime in in agreement/ 彼尔姆 彼爾姆 S - 15 Bǐ ěr mǔ f /Perm, Russian city in the Urals/ 彼岸 - 199 bǐ àn f /the other shore/(Buddhism) paramita/ 彼岸花 - 3 bǐ àn huā f /red spider lily (Lycoris radiata)/cluster amaryllis/ 彼得 - 336 Bǐ dé f /Peter (name)/ 彼得前书 彼得前書 S - 0 Bǐ dé qián shū f /First Epistle of Peter (in New Testament)/ 彼得前書 彼得前书 T - 0 Bǐ dé qián shū f /First Epistle of Peter (in New Testament)/ 彼得后书 彼得後書 S - 0 Bǐ dé Hòu shū f /Second Epistle of Peter (in New Testament)/ 彼得堡 - 122 Bǐ dé bǎo f /Petersburg (place name)/Saint Petersburg, Russia/ 彼得後書 彼得后书 T - 0 Bǐ dé Hòu shū f /Second Epistle of Peter (in New Testament)/ 彼得格勒 - 63 Bǐ dé gé lè f /Petrograd, variant spelling of 彼得堡[Bi3 de2 bao3], Saint Petersburg/ 彼得潘 - 0 Bǐ dé Pān f /Peter Pan, the novel character/ 彼得罗维奇 彼得羅維奇 S - 7 Bǐ dé luó wéi qí f /Petrovich (name)/ 彼得羅維奇 彼得罗维奇 T - 7 Bǐ dé luó wéi qí f /Petrovich (name)/ 彼得里皿 - 0 Bǐ dé lǐ mǐn f /Petri dish/ 彼拉多 - 0 Bǐ lā duō f /Pilate (Pontius Pilate in the Biblical passion story)/ 彼拉提斯 - 0 Bǐ lā tí sī f /Pilates (physical fitness system) (Tw)/ 彼此 1414 2165 bǐ cǐ f /each other/one another/ 彼此彼此 - 13 bǐ cǐ bǐ cǐ f /no better (or worse) than each other/both in the same boat/ 彼爾姆 彼尔姆 T - 15 Bǐ ěr mǔ f /Perm, Russian city in the Urals/ 彽 - 3 chí f /go to and fro/ 彿 佛 T - 3080 fú t /seemingly/ 彿雷澤爾 佛雷泽尔 T - 0 Fú léi zé ěr f /Frazer (name)/ 往 231 16974 wǎng f /to go (in a direction)/to/towards/(of a train) bound for/past/previous/ 往 徃 S 231 16974 wǎng f /old variant of 往[wang3]/ 往事 3402 680 wǎng shì f /past events/former happenings/ 往事如風 往事如风 T - 0 wǎng shì rú fēng f /the past is vanished like the wind; gone beyond recall/ 往事如风 往事如風 S - 0 wǎng shì rú fēng f /the past is vanished like the wind; gone beyond recall/ 往事已矣 - 0 wǎng shì yǐ yǐ f /the past is dead (idiom)/ 往來 往来 T - 1567 wǎng lái f /dealings/contacts/to go back and forth/ 往來帳戶 往来帐户 T - 0 wǎng lái zhàng hù f /current account (in bank)/ 往例 - 3 wǎng lì f /(usual) practice of the past/precedent/ 往初 - 0 wǎng chū f /(literary) former times/in olden days/ 往前 - 1057 wǎng qián f /to move forwards/ 往古 - 0 wǎng gǔ f /in former times/in olden days/ 往后 往後 S - 652 wǎng hòu f /from now on/in the future/time to come/ 往复 往復 S - 117 wǎng fù f /to go and come back/to make a return trip/backwards and forwards (e.g. of piston or pump action)/to reciprocate (of machine part)/ 往复运动 往復運動 S - 3 wǎng fù yùn dòng f /backwards and forwards action (e.g. of piston or pump)/reciprocating motion/ 往复锯 往復鋸 S - 0 wǎng fù jù f /reciprocating saw/ 往外 - 0 wǎng wài f /out/outbound/departing/ 往屆 往届 T - 70 wǎng jiè f /former sessions/former years/ 往届 往屆 S - 70 wǎng jiè f /former sessions/former years/ 往岁 往歲 S - 0 wǎng suì f /in former years/in olden days/ 往常 3177 460 wǎng cháng f /habitually (in the past)/as one used to do formerly/as it used to be/ 往年 - 624 wǎng nián f /in former years/in previous years/ 往往 1132 7443 wǎng wǎng f /often/frequently/ 往後 往后 T - 652 wǎng hòu f /from now on/in the future/time to come/ 往復 往复 T - 117 wǎng fù f /to go and come back/to make a return trip/backwards and forwards (e.g. of piston or pump action)/to reciprocate (of machine part)/ 往復運動 往复运动 T - 3 wǎng fù yùn dòng f /backwards and forwards action (e.g. of piston or pump)/reciprocating motion/ 往復鋸 往复锯 T - 0 wǎng fù jù f /reciprocating saw/ 往心裡去 往心里去 T - 0 wǎng xīn li qù f /to take sth to heart/to take sth seriously/ 往心里去 往心裡去 S - 0 wǎng xīn li qù f /to take sth to heart/to take sth seriously/ 往日 - 719 wǎng rì f /in former days/ 往时 往時 S - 33 wǎng shí f /past events/former times/ 往昔 - 152 wǎng xī f /in the past/ 往時 往时 T - 33 wǎng shí f /past events/former times/ 往来 往來 S - 1567 wǎng lái f /dealings/contacts/to go back and forth/ 往来帐户 往來帳戶 S - 0 wǎng lái zhàng hù f /current account (in bank)/ 往歲 往岁 T - 0 wǎng suì f /in former years/in olden days/ 往泥裡踩 往泥里踩 T - 0 wǎng nì lǐ cǎi f /to belittle/to attack sb/ 往泥里踩 往泥裡踩 S - 0 wǎng nì lǐ cǎi f /to belittle/to attack sb/ 往生 - 0 wǎng shēng f /to be reborn/to live in paradise (Buddhism)/to die/(after) one's death/ 往程 - 0 wǎng chéng f /outbound leg (of a bus or train journey etc)/ 往脸上抹黑 往臉上抹黑 S - 0 wǎng liǎn shàng mǒ hēi f /to bring shame to/to smear/to disgrace/ 往臉上抹黑 往脸上抹黑 T - 0 wǎng liǎn shàng mǒ hēi f /to bring shame to/to smear/to disgrace/ 往跡 往迹 T - 0 wǎng jì f /past events/former times/ 往返 2440 488 wǎng fǎn f /to go back and forth/to go to and fro/round trip/ 往还 往還 S - 0 wǎng huán f /contacts/dealings/ 往迹 往跡 S - 0 wǎng jì f /past events/former times/ 往還 往还 T - 0 wǎng huán f /contacts/dealings/ 征 - 2607 zhēng f /journey/trip/expedition/to go on long campaign/to attack/ 征 徵 S - 2607 zhēng f /to invite/to recruit/to levy (taxes)/to draft (troops)/phenomenon/symptom/characteristic sign (used as proof)/evidence/ 征人 - 0 zhēng rén f /traveler (on a long journey)/participant in an expedition/garrison soldier/new recruit/ 征伐 - 214 zhēng fá f /to go on or send a punitive expedition/ 征传 徵傳 S - 0 zhēng zhuàn f /narrative of long journey/campaign record/ 征信 徵信 S - 32 zhēng xìn f /to examine the reliability/reliable/credit reporting/ 征信社 徵信社 S - 3 zhēng xìn shè f /(Taiwan) private investigator/credit bureau/ 征候 徵候 S - 17 zhēng hòu f /sign/indication/symptom/ 征兆 徵兆 S - 248 zhēng zhào f /omen/sign (that sth is about to happen)/warning sign/ 征兵 徵兵 S - 131 zhēng bīng f /to levy troops/recruitment/ 征剿 征勦 S - 0 zhēng jiǎo f /to mount a punitive expedition against bandits/ 征募 徵募 S - 25 zhēng mù f /to conscript/ 征勦 征剿 T - 0 zhēng jiǎo f /to mount a punitive expedition against bandits/ 征友 徵友 S - 3 zhēng yǒu f /to seek new friends through personal ads, dating apps etc/ 征发 徵發 S - 3 zhēng fā f /a punitive expedition/a requisition/ 征召 徵召 S - 151 zhēng zhào f /to enlist/to draft/to conscript/to appoint to an official position/ 征名责实 徵名責實 S - 3 zhēng míng zé shí f /to seek out the real nature based on the name (idiom); to judge sth at face value/ 征地 - 70 zhēng dì f /to requisition land/ 征塵 征尘 T - 31 zhēng chén f /the dust of a long journey/ 征士 徵士 S - 0 zhēng shì f /soldier (in battle)/ 征夫 - 10 zhēng fū f /traveler/soldier on expedition/soldier taking part in battle/ 征婚 徵婚 S - 42 zhēng hūn f /to look for a partner/ 征实 徵實 S - 3 zhēng shí f /levies in kind/grain tax/ 征尘 征塵 S - 31 zhēng chén f /the dust of a long journey/ 征帆 - 3 zhēng fān f /expedition ship/ 征彸 - 0 zhēng zhōng f /scared/badly frightened/ 征得 - 101 zhēng dé f /to seek approval/ 征戍 - 0 zhēng shù f /garrison/ 征战 征戰 S - 321 zhēng zhàn f /campaign/expedition/ 征戰 征战 T - 321 zhēng zhàn f /campaign/expedition/ 征才 徵才 S - 0 zhēng cái f /to recruit/ 征收 徵收 S 4823 895 zhēng shōu f /to levy (a fine)/to impose (a tariff)/ 征敛 征斂 S - 0 zhēng liǎn f /to extort taxes/ 征敛无度 征斂無度 S - 3 zhēng liǎn wú dù f /to extort taxes excessively/ 征斂 征敛 T - 0 zhēng liǎn f /to extort taxes/ 征斂無度 征敛无度 T - 3 zhēng liǎn wú dù f /to extort taxes excessively/ 征旆 - 0 zhēng pèi f /pennant used on expedition/war pennant/ 征服 2995 1564 zhēng fú f /to conquer/to subdue/to vanquish/ 征服者 - 158 zhēng fú zhě f /conqueror/ 征求 徵求 S 2322 1205 zhēng qiú f /to solicit/to seek/to request (opinions, feedback etc)/to petition/ 征状 徵狀 S - 13 zhēng zhuàng f /symptom/ 征用 - 104 zhēng yòng f /to expropriate/to commandeer/ 征程 - 108 zhēng chéng f /journey/expedition/voyage/ 征税 徵稅 S - 369 zhēng shuì f /to levy taxes/ 征稿 徵稿 S - 21 zhēng gǎo f /to solicit contributions (to a publication)/ 征聘 徵聘 S - 19 zhēng pìn f /to invite job applications/to recruit/ 征衣 - 3 zhēng yī f /traveler's clothing/military uniform/ 征衫 - 0 zhēng shān f /traveler's clothing/by extension, traveler/ 征討 征讨 T - 214 zhēng tǎo f /to go on a punitive expedition/ 征詢 征询 T - 149 zhēng xún f /to consult/to query/to solicit opinion/ 征讨 征討 S - 214 zhēng tǎo f /to go on a punitive expedition/ 征询 征詢 S - 149 zhēng xún f /to consult/to query/to solicit opinion/ 征调 徵調 S - 99 zhēng diào f /to conscript/to second (personnel)/to requisition (supplies etc)/ 征象 徵象 S - 106 zhēng xiàng f /sign/symptom/ 征选 徵選 S - 0 zhēng xuǎn f /to call for entries and select the best/to solicit (entries, submissions, applications etc)/to select (the best candidate)/contest/competition/ 征途 - 156 zhēng tú f /long journey/trek/course of an expedition/ 征集 徵集 S - 1359 zhēng jí f /to collect/to recruit/ 征馬 征马 T - 0 zhēng mǎ f /horse capable of long expedition/army horse/ 征駕 征驾 T - 0 zhēng jià f /horses and wagons for an expedition/vehicles and horses used in battle/ 征马 征馬 S - 0 zhēng mǎ f /horse capable of long expedition/army horse/ 征驾 征駕 S - 0 zhēng jià f /horses and wagons for an expedition/vehicles and horses used in battle/ 徂 - 9 cú f /to go/to reach/ 徃 往 T 231 16974 wǎng f /old variant of 往[wang3]/ 径 徑 S - 1771 jìng f /footpath/track/diameter/straight/directly/ 径向 徑向 S - 191 jìng xiàng f /radial (direction)/ 径庭 徑庭 S - 3 jìng tíng f /completely different/ 径情直遂 徑情直遂 S - 3 jìng qíng zhí suì f /to achieve one's ambitions (idiom)/ 径流 徑流 S - 516 jìng liú f /runoff/ 径直 徑直 S - 625 jìng zhí f /directly/ 径自 徑自 S - 322 jìng zì f /without leave/without consulting anyone/ 径赛 徑賽 S - 13 jìng sài f /track events (athletics competition)/ 径路 徑路 S - 3 jìng lù f /route/path/ 径迹 徑跡 S - 43 jìng jì f /track/trajectory/path/way/means/diameter/directly/ 径道 徑道 S - 0 jìng dào f /path/short-cut/ 待 - 10253 dāi f /to stay/ 待 - 10253 dài t /to wait/to treat/to deal with/to need/going to (do sth)/about to/intending to/ 待业 待業 S - 78 dài yè f /to await job assignment (term used only in mainland China)/ 待乙妥 - 0 dài yǐ tuǒ f /DEET (insect repellent) (loanword)/ 待产 待產 S - 15 dài chǎn f /(of an expectant mother) to be in labor/ 待人 - 218 dài rén f /to treat people (politely, harshly etc)/ 待人接物 - 41 dài rén jiē wù f /the way one treats people/ 待价而沽 待價而沽 S - 12 dài jià ér gū f /to sell only for a good price (idiom)/to wait for a good offer/ 待会儿 待會兒 S - 165 dāi huì r f /in a moment/later/Taiwan pr. [dai1 hui3 r5]/ 待價而沽 待价而沽 T - 12 dài jià ér gū f /to sell only for a good price (idiom)/to wait for a good offer/ 待办事项列表 待辦事項列表 S - 0 dài bàn shì xiàng liè biǎo f /to-do list/ 待命 - 120 dài mìng f /to be on call/to be on standby/ 待复 待復 S - 0 dài fù f /to be advised/awaiting an answer/ 待定 - 330 dài dìng f /to await a decision/to be pending/ 待宵草 - 0 dài xiāo cǎo f /evening primrose/ 待復 待复 T - 0 dài fù f /to be advised/awaiting an answer/ 待斃 待毙 T - 3 dài bì f /to await death/to be a sitting duck/ 待會兒 待会儿 T - 165 dāi huì r f /in a moment/later/Taiwan pr. [dai1 hui3 r5]/ 待机 待機 S - 66 dài jī f /to wait for an opportunity/to seize a chance/pragmatic/ 待業 待业 T - 78 dài yè f /to await job assignment (term used only in mainland China)/ 待機 待机 T - 66 dài jī f /to wait for an opportunity/to seize a chance/pragmatic/ 待毙 待斃 S - 3 dài bì f /to await death/to be a sitting duck/ 待產 待产 T - 15 dài chǎn f /(of an expectant mother) to be in labor/ 待續 待续 T - 78 dài xù f /to be continued/ 待续 待續 S - 78 dài xù f /to be continued/ 待考 - 34 dài kǎo f /under investigation/currently unknown/ 待要 - 0 dài yào f /to be about to/ 待見 待见 T - 169 dài jian f /(coll.) to like/ 待见 待見 S - 169 dài jian f /(coll.) to like/ 待解 - 0 dài jiě f /unresolved/awaiting solution/ 待辦事項列表 待办事项列表 T - 0 dài bàn shì xiàng liè biǎo f /to-do list/ 待遇 2069 1608 dài yù f /treatment/pay/salary/status/rank/ 徇 - 46 xùn f /to give in to/to be swayed by (personal considerations etc)/Taiwan pr. [xun2]/to follow/to expose publicly/variant of 侚[xun4]/variant of 殉[xun4]/ 徇 狥 S - 46 xùn f /variant of 徇[xun4]/ 徇情 - 13 xùn qíng f /to act out of personal considerations/to show partiality/ 徇情枉法 - 3 xùn qíng wǎng fǎ f /see 徇私枉法[xun4 si1 wang3 fa3]/ 徇私枉法 - 9 xùn sī wǎng fǎ f /to bend the law in order to favor one's relatives or associates (idiom)/ 徇私舞弊 - 50 xùn sī wǔ bì f /bribery and fraud (idiom)/ 很 19 69103 hěn f /(adverb of degree)/quite/very/awfully/ 很多时 很多時 S - 0 hěn duō shí f /often/ 很多時 很多时 T - 0 hěn duō shí f /often/ 徉 - 13 yáng f /to walk back and forth/ 徊 - 185 huái f /see 徘徊[pai2 huai2], to dither/to hesitate/to pace back and forth/irresolute/ 律 - 2073 Lǜ f /surname Lü/ 律 - 2073 lǜ f /law/ 律动 律動 S - 26 lǜ dòng f /rhythm/to move rhythmically/ 律動 律动 T - 26 lǜ dòng f /rhythm/to move rhythmically/ 律吕 律呂 S - 8 lǜ lǚ f /tuning/temperament/ 律呂 律吕 T - 8 lǜ lǚ f /tuning/temperament/ 律师 律師 S 672 1826 lǜ shī f /lawyer/ 律师事务所 律師事務所 S - 0 lǜ shī shì wù suǒ f /law firm/ 律師 律师 T 672 1826 lǜ shī f /lawyer/ 律師事務所 律师事务所 T - 0 lǜ shī shì wù suǒ f /law firm/ 律政司 - 5 Lǜ zhèng sī f /Department of Justice (Hong Kong)/ 律条 律條 S - 3 lǜ tiáo f /a law/ 律條 律条 T - 3 lǜ tiáo f /a law/ 律法 - 3 lǜ fǎ f /laws and decrees/ 律詩 律诗 T - 81 lǜ shī f /regular verse/strict poetic form with eight lines of 5, 6 or 7 syllables and even lines rhyming/ 律诗 律詩 S - 81 lǜ shī f /regular verse/strict poetic form with eight lines of 5, 6 or 7 syllables and even lines rhyming/ 後 后 T - 124793 hòu f /back/behind/rear/afterwards/after/later/ 後世 后世 T - 1096 hòu shì f /later generations/ 後事 后事 T - 124 hòu shì f /future events/and what happened next... (in fiction)/funeral arrangements/ 後人 后人 T - 1035 hòu rén f /later generation/ 後付 后付 T - 0 hòu fù f /payment made afterwards/postpaid/ 後代 后代 T 3438 1192 hòu dài f /posterity/later periods/later ages/later generations/ 後任 后任 T - 365 hòu rèn f /successor/(attributive) future/ 後來 后来 T 463 13932 hòu lái f /afterwards/later/ 後來居上 后来居上 T - 61 hòu lái jū shàng f /lit. late-comer lives above (idiom); the up-and-coming youngster outstrips the older generation/the pupil surpasses the master/ 後信號燈 后信号灯 T - 0 hòu xìn hào dēng f /car rear indicator/ 後備 后备 T - 517 hòu bèi f /reserve/backup/ 後備箱 后备箱 T - 6 hòu bèi xiāng f /trunk/boot (of a car)/ 後備軍 后备军 T - 90 hòu bèi jūn f /rearguard/ 後兒 后儿 T - 6 hòu r f /the day after tomorrow/ 後兩者 后两者 T - 0 hòu liǎng zhě f /the latter two/ 後加 后加 T - 0 hòu jiā f /postposition (grammar)/ 後勤 后勤 T 4394 1279 hòu qín f /logistics/ 後勤學 后勤学 T - 0 hòu qín xué f /military logistics/ 後半 后半 T - 3 hòu bàn f /latter half/ 後半場 后半场 T - 3 hòu bàn chǎng f /second half (of sporting competition)/ 後半葉 后半叶 T - 0 hòu bàn yè f /latter half (of a decade, century etc)/ 後台 后台 T - 331 hòu tái f /backstage area/behind-the-scenes supporter/(computing) back-end/background/ 後台進程 后台进程 T - 0 hòu tái jìn chéng f /background process (computing)/ 後周 后周 T - 174 Hòu Zhōu f /Later Zhou of the Five Dynasties (951-960), centered on Shandong and Hebei, with capital at Kaifeng 开封/ 後味 后味 T - 0 hòu wèi f /after-taste/ 後唐 后唐 T - 240 Hòu Táng f /Later Tang of the Five Dynasties (923-936)/ 後嗣 后嗣 T - 85 hòu sì f /heir/descendant/posterity/ 後坐 后坐 T - 78 hòu zuò f /recoil (of a gun)/backlash/ 後坐力 后坐力 T - 61 hòu zuò lì f /recoil (of a gun)/backlash/reactive force/ 後塵 后尘 T - 66 hòu chén f /lit. trailing dust/fig. sb's footsteps/course in life/ 後壁 后壁 T - 3 Hòu bì f /Houpi township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 後壁鄉 后壁乡 T - 3 Hòu bì xiāng f /Houbi township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 後天 后天 T - 352 hòu tiān f /the day after tomorrow/post-natal/acquired (not innate)/a posteriori/ 後天性 后天性 T - 28 hòu tiān xìng f /acquired (characteristic etc)/ 後娘 后娘 T - 30 hòu niáng f /stepmother (coll.)/ 後媽 后妈 T - 16 hòu mā f /(coll.) stepmother/ 後學 后学 T - 3 hòu xué f /junior scholar or pupil in imperial China/ 後宮 后宫 T - 707 hòu gōng f /harem/chambers of imperial concubines/ 後年 后年 T - 20 hòu nián f /the year after next/ 後座 后座 T - 108 hòu zuò f /back seat/pillion/ 後庭 后庭 T - 5 hòu tíng f /backyard/imperial harem/(slang) anus/ 後影 后影 T - 13 hòu yǐng f /rear view/figure seen from behind/view of the back (of a person or object)/ 後心 后心 T - 3 hòu xīn f /middle of the back/ 後怕 后怕 T - 50 hòu pà f /lingering fear/fear after the event/post-traumatic stress/ 後悔 后悔 T 937 988 hòu huǐ f /to regret/to repent/ 後悔不迭 后悔不迭 T - 9 hòu huǐ bù dié f /too late for regrets/ 後悔莫及 后悔莫及 T - 32 hòu huǐ mò jí f /too late for regrets (idiom); It is useless to repent after the event./ 後患無窮 后患无穷 T - 56 hòu huàn wú qióng f /it will cause no end of trouble (idiom); nip the problem in the bud/ 後感 后感 T - 0 hòu gǎn f /afterthought/reflection after an event/a review (of a movie etc)/ 後感覺 后感觉 T - 0 hòu gǎn jué f /after-sensation/after-impression/ 後排 后排 T - 62 hòu pái f /the back row/ 後掩蔽 后掩蔽 T - 0 hòu yǎn bì f /backward masking/ 後援 后援 T - 43 hòu yuán f /reinforcement/back-up/supporting force/ 後搖 后摇 T - 0 hòu yáo f /post-rock (music genre)/ 後搖滾 后摇滚 T - 0 hòu yáo gǔn f /post-rock (music genre)/ 後撤 后撤 T - 150 hòu chè f /to pull back (an army)/to retreat/ 後擋板 后挡板 T - 0 hòu dǎng bǎn f /backboard/ 後效 后效 T - 3 hòu xiào f /after-effect/ 後方 后方 T - 637 hòu fāng f /the rear/far behind the front line/ 後日 后日 T - 3 hòu rì f /the day after tomorrow/from hence/from now/from now on/henceforth/ 後晉 后晋 T - 132 Hòu Jìn f /Later Jin of the Five Dynasties (936-946)/ 後會有期 后会有期 T - 111 hòu huì yǒu qī f /I'm sure we'll meet again some day. (idiom)/Hope to see you again./ 後會無期 后会无期 T - 3 hòu huì wú qī f /to meet again at unspecified date/meeting postponed indefinitely/ 後期 后期 T - 2557 hòu qī f /late stage/later period/ 後果 后果 T 1649 1766 hòu guǒ f /consequences/aftermath/ 後梁 后梁 T - 0 Hòu Liáng f /Later Liang of the Five Dynasties (907-923)/ 後段 后段 T - 3 hòu duàn f /final part/rear/back end/final segment/the following section/last paragraph/ 後母 后母 T - 28 hòu mǔ f /stepmother/ 後涼 后凉 T - 0 Hòu Liáng f /Later Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms (386-403)/ 後漢 后汉 T - 142 Hòu Hàn f /Later Han or Eastern Han dynasty (25-220)/Later Han of the Five Dynasties (947-950)/ 後漢書 后汉书 T - 96 Hòu Hàn shū f /History of Eastern Han (later Han), third of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], composed by Fan Ye 範曄|范晔[Fan4 Ye4] in 445 during Song of the Southern Dynasties 南朝宋[Nan2 chao2 Song4], 120 scrolls/ 後照鏡 后照镜 T - 0 hòu zhào jìng f /rearview mirror (Tw)/ 後燈 后灯 T - 3 hòu dēng f /taillight/ 後燕 后燕 T - 14 Hòu Yān f /Later Yan of the Sixteen Kingdoms (384-409)/ 後父 后父 T - 5 hòu fù f /stepfather/ 後現代主義 后现代主义 T - 30 hòu xiàn dài zhǔ yì f /post-modernism/ 後生 后生 T - 286 hòu shēng f /young generation/youth/young man/ 後生動物 后生动物 T - 0 hòu shēng dòng wù f /metazoa/the animal kingdom/ 後生可畏 后生可畏 T - 24 hòu shēng kě wèi f /the young will be redoubtable in the years to come (idiom)/the younger generations will surpass us in time/ 後甲板 后甲板 T - 3 hòu jiǎ bǎn f /afterdeck/ 後盾 后盾 T - 122 hòu dùn f /support/backing/ 後秦 后秦 T - 137 Hòu Qín f /Later Qin of the Sixteen Kingdoms (384-417)/ 後空翻 后空翻 T - 12 hòu kōng fān f /backward somersault/backflip/ 後綴 后缀 T - 49 hòu zhuì f /suffix (linguistics)/ 後緣 后缘 T - 123 hòu yuán f /trailing edge (of airplane wing)/ 後繼乏人 后继乏人 T - 11 hòu jì fá rén f /see 後繼無人|后继无人[hou4 ji4 wu2 ren2]/ 後繼有人 后继有人 T - 28 hòu jì yǒu rén f /to have qualified successors to carry on one's undertaking/ 後繼無人 后继无人 T - 16 hòu jì wú rén f /to have no qualified successors to carry on one's undertaking/ 後續 后续 T - 374 hòu xù f /follow-up/(dialect) to remarry/ 後置 后置 T - 70 hòu zhì f /to place after (e.g. in grammar)/postposition/ 後置修飾語 后置修饰语 T - 0 hòu zhì xiū shì yǔ f /postmodifier (grammar)/ 後置詞 后置词 T - 3 hòu zhì cí f /postposition/suffix/word placed after/ 後翅 后翅 T - 0 hòu chì f /back wing (of insect)/ 後翻筋斗 后翻筋斗 T - 0 hòu fān jīn dǒu f /backward somersault/ 後者 后者 T - 2961 hòu zhě f /the latter/ 後肢 后肢 T - 152 hòu zhī f /hind legs/ 後背 后背 T 2129 310 hòu bèi f /the back (human anatomy)/the back part of sth/ 後腦 后脑 T - 125 hòu nǎo f /hindbrain/back of the head/ 後腦勺 后脑勺 T - 94 hòu nǎo sháo f /back of the head/ 後腰 后腰 T - 145 hòu yāo f /lower back/ 後蓋 后盖 T - 0 hòu gài f /back cover/shell (of crab etc)/ 後藤 后藤 T - 3 Hòu téng f /Gotō (Japanese surname)/ 後衛 后卫 T - 491 hòu wèi f /rear guard/backfield/fullback/ 後裔 后裔 T - 811 hòu yì f /descendant/ 後製 后制 T - 0 hòu zhì f /post-production/ 後西遊記 后西游记 T - 0 Hòu Xī yóu Jì f /one of three Ming dynasty sequels to Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记/ 後見之明 后见之明 T - 0 hòu jiàn zhī míng f /hindsight/ 後視鏡 后视镜 T - 18 hòu shì jìng f /rearview mirror/ 後記 后记 T - 51 hòu jì f /epilogue/afterword/ 後診 后诊 T - 0 hòu zhěn f /post-operative examination/ 後詞彙加工 后词汇加工 T - 0 hòu cí huì jiā gōng f /post-lexical access/ 後話 后话 T - 0 hòu huà f /something to be taken up later in speech or writing/ 後賬 后账 T - 3 hòu zhàng f /undisclosed account/to settle matters later/to blame sb after the event/ 後起之秀 后起之秀 T - 45 hòu qǐ zhī xiù f /an up-and coming youngster/new talent/a brilliant younger generation/ 後趙 后赵 T - 97 Hòu Zhào f /Later Zhao of the Sixteen Kingdoms (319-350)/ 後路 后路 T - 85 hòu lù f /escape route/retreat route/communication lines to the rear/alternative course of action/room for maneuver/ 後車之鑒 后车之鉴 T - 2 hòu chē zhī jiàn f /lit. warning to the following cart (idiom); don't follow the track of an overturned cart/fig. draw lesson from the failure of one's predecessor/learn from past mistake/once bitten twice shy/ 後車架 后车架 T - 0 hòu chē jià f /luggage carrier (bicycle)/ 後車軸 后车轴 T - 0 hòu chē zhóu f /back axle (of car)/ 後輟 后辍 T - 3 hòu chuò f /suffix/ 後輩 后辈 T - 169 hòu bèi f /younger generation/ 後輪 后轮 T - 13 hòu lún f /rear wheel/ 後退 后退 T - 697 hòu tuì f /to recoil/to draw back/to fall back/to retreat/ 後送 后送 T - 0 hòu sòng f /evacuation (military)/ 後送醫院 后送医院 T - 0 hòu sòng yī yuàn f /evacuation hospital (military)/ 後進 后进 T - 89 hòu jìn f /less advanced/underdeveloped/lagging behind/the younger generation/the less experienced ones/ 後進先出 后进先出 T - 3 hòu jìn xiān chū f /to come late and leave first/last in, first out (LIFO)/ 後遺症 后遗症 T - 143 hòu yí zhèng f /(medicine) sequelae/residual effects/(fig.) repercussions/aftermath/ 後邊 后边 T - 859 hòu bian f /back/rear/behind/ 後邊兒 后边儿 T - 0 hòu bian r f /erhua variant of 後邊|后边[hou4 bian5]/ 後部 后部 T - 402 hòu bù f /back section/ 後金 后金 T - 313 Hòu Jīn f /Later Jin dynasty (from 1616-)/Manchu Khanate or kingdom that took over as Qing dynasty in 1644/ 後鉤 后钩 T - 0 hòu gōu f /unfinished business/ 後鉤兒 后钩儿 T - 0 hòu gōu r f /erhua variant of 後鉤|后钩[hou4 gou1]/ 後門 后门 T - 336 hòu mén f /the back door/fig. under the counter (indirect way for influence or pressure)/anus/ 後附 后附 T - 0 hòu fù f /attachment/appendix/addendum/ 後院 后院 T - 368 hòu yuàn f /rear court/back garden/backyard (also fig.)/ 後院起火 后院起火 T - 10 hòu yuàn qǐ huǒ f /a fire in one's backyard/conflict close to home/ 後面 后面 T 111 4308 hòu mian f /rear/back/behind/later/afterwards/ 後頭 后头 T - 311 hòu tou f /behind/in the back/the rear side/later/in future/ 後頸 后颈 T - 3 hòu jǐng f /nape/ 後顧之憂 后顾之忧 T 4874 122 hòu gù zhī yōu f /fears of trouble in the rear (idiom); family worries (obstructing freedom of action)/worries about the future consequences/often in negative expressions, meaning "no worries about anything"/ 後驗概率 后验概率 T - 0 hòu yàn gài lǜ f /posterior probability (statistics)/ 後魏 后魏 T - 287 Hòu Wèi f /Wei of the Northern Dynasties 386-534/ 後鼻音 后鼻音 T - 0 hòu bí yīn f /velar nasal/consonant ng or ŋ produced in the nose with the back of the tongue against the soft palate/ 後龍 后龙 T - 0 Hòu lóng f /Houlung town in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 後龍鎮 后龙镇 T - 0 Hòu lóng zhèn f /Houlung town in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 徐 - 2325 Xú f /surname Xu/ 徐 - 2325 xú f /slowly/gently/ 徐世昌 - 219 Xú Shì chāng f /Xu Shichang (1855-1939), politician associated with the Northern Warlords, president of China in 1921/ 徐俊 - 2 Xú Jùn f /Xu Jun (1962-), Chinese Chinese chess grandmaster/ 徐光启 徐光啟 S - 89 Xú Guāng qǐ f /Xu Guangqi (1562-1633), agricultural scientist, astronomer, and mathematician in the Ming dynasty/ 徐光啟 徐光启 T - 89 Xú Guāng qǐ f /Xu Guangqi (1562-1633), agricultural scientist, astronomer, and mathematician in the Ming dynasty/ 徐克 - 55 Xú Kè f /Tsui Hark (1951-), Chinese movie director and producer/ 徐匡迪 - 20 Xú Kuāng dí f /Xu Kuangdi (1937-), PRC politician and former mayor of Shanghai/ 徐匯區 徐汇区 T - 18 Xú huì qū f /Xuhui district, central Shanghai/ 徐娘半老 - 11 Xú niáng bàn lǎo f /middle-aged but still attractive woman/lady of a certain age/ 徐家匯 徐家汇 T - 57 Xú jiā huì f /Xujiahui, an area in 徐匯區|徐汇区[Xu2 hui4 qu1], Xuhui district, central Shanghai/ 徐家汇 徐家匯 S - 57 Xú jiā huì f /Xujiahui, an area in 徐匯區|徐汇区[Xu2 hui4 qu1], Xuhui district, central Shanghai/ 徐州 - 765 Xú zhōu f /Xuzhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ 徐州地区 徐州地區 S - 0 Xú zhōu dì qū f /Xuzhou prefecture in Jiangsu/ 徐州地區 徐州地区 T - 0 Xú zhōu dì qū f /Xuzhou prefecture in Jiangsu/ 徐州市 - 53 Xú zhōu shì f /Xuzhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ 徐徐 - 310 xú xú f /slowly/gently/ 徐志摩 - 40 Xú Zhì mó f /Xu Zhimo (1897-1931), writer and poet/ 徐悲鴻 徐悲鸿 T - 60 Xú Bēi hóng f /Xu Beihong (1895-1953), famous European trained painter and influential art teacher/ 徐悲鸿 徐悲鴻 S - 60 Xú Bēi hóng f /Xu Beihong (1895-1953), famous European trained painter and influential art teacher/ 徐星 - 0 Xú Xīng f /Xu Xing (1969-), Chinese palaeontologist/Xu Xing (1956-), Chinese short story writer/ 徐步 - 4 xú bù f /to stroll/to walk slowly/ 徐水 - 7 Xú shuǐ f /Xushui county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ 徐水县 徐水縣 S - 3 Xú shuǐ xiàn f /Xushui county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ 徐水縣 徐水县 T - 3 Xú shuǐ xiàn f /Xushui county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ 徐汇区 徐匯區 S - 18 Xú huì qū f /Xuhui district, central Shanghai/ 徐渭 - 136 Xú Wèi f /Xu Wei, Chinese painter/ 徐熙媛 - 0 Xú Xī yuán f /Xu Xiyuan or Hsu Hsiyuan or Barbie Hsu (1976-), Taiwan pop star and actress, F4 band member/also called 大S/ 徐祯卿 徐禎卿 S - 6 Xú Zhēn qīng f /Xu Zhenqing (1479-1511), Ming writer, one of Four great southern talents of the Ming 江南四大才子/ 徐禎卿 徐祯卿 T - 6 Xú Zhēn qīng f /Xu Zhenqing (1479-1511), Ming writer, one of Four great southern talents of the Ming 江南四大才子/ 徐福 - 97 Xú Fú f /Xu Fu (3rd century BC), Qin dynasty court necromancer/ 徐緩 徐缓 T - 25 xú huǎn f /slow/sluggish/lazily/to slow down/ 徐繼畬 徐继畲 T - 3 Xú Jì yú f /Xu Jiyu (1795-1873), Chinese geographer/ 徐继畲 徐繼畬 S - 3 Xú Jì yú f /Xu Jiyu (1795-1873), Chinese geographer/ 徐缓 徐緩 S - 25 xú huǎn f /slow/sluggish/lazily/to slow down/ 徐聞 徐闻 T - 14 Xú wén f /Xuwen county in Zhanjiang 湛江[Zhan4 jiang1], Guangdong/ 徐聞縣 徐闻县 T - 7 Xú wén xiàn f /Xuwen county in Zhanjiang 湛江[Zhan4 jiang1], Guangdong/ 徐行 - 27 xú xíng f /to walk slowly/to stroll/ 徐鉉 徐铉 T - 12 Xú Xuàn f /Xu Xuan (-991), author of commentaries on Shuowen Jiezi 說文解字註|说文解字注[Shuo1 wen2 Jie3 zi4 Zhu4]/ 徐铉 徐鉉 S - 12 Xú Xuàn f /Xu Xuan (-991), author of commentaries on Shuowen Jiezi 說文解字註|说文解字注[Shuo1 wen2 Jie3 zi4 Zhu4]/ 徐闻 徐聞 S - 14 Xú wén f /Xuwen county in Zhanjiang 湛江[Zhan4 jiang1], Guangdong/ 徐闻县 徐聞縣 S - 7 Xú wén xiàn f /Xuwen county in Zhanjiang 湛江[Zhan4 jiang1], Guangdong/ 徐霞客 - 332 Xú Xiá kè f /Xu Xiake (1587-1641), Ming dynasty travel writer and geographer, author of Xu Xiake's Travel Diaries 徐霞客遊記|徐霞客游记[Xu2 Xia2 ke4 You2 ji4]/ 徐霞客游记 徐霞客遊記 S - 0 Xú Xiá kè Yóu jì f /Xu Xiake's Travel Diaries, a book of travel records by 徐霞客[Xu2 Xia2 ke4] on geology, geography, plants etc/ 徐霞客遊記 徐霞客游记 T - 0 Xú Xiá kè Yóu jì f /Xu Xiake's Travel Diaries, a book of travel records by 徐霞客[Xu2 Xia2 ke4] on geology, geography, plants etc/ 徑 径 T - 1771 jìng f /footpath/track/diameter/straight/directly/ 徑向 径向 T - 191 jìng xiàng f /radial (direction)/ 徑庭 径庭 T - 3 jìng tíng f /completely different/ 徑情直遂 径情直遂 T - 3 jìng qíng zhí suì f /to achieve one's ambitions (idiom)/ 徑流 径流 T - 516 jìng liú f /runoff/ 徑直 径直 T - 625 jìng zhí f /directly/ 徑自 径自 T - 322 jìng zì f /without leave/without consulting anyone/ 徑賽 径赛 T - 13 jìng sài f /track events (athletics competition)/ 徑跡 径迹 T - 43 jìng jì f /track/trajectory/path/way/means/diameter/directly/ 徑路 径路 T - 3 jìng lù f /route/path/ 徑道 径道 T - 0 jìng dào f /path/short-cut/ 徒 - 2138 Tú f /surname Tu/ 徒 - 2138 tú f /disciple/apprentice/believer/on foot/bare or empty/to no avail/only/prison sentence/ 徒具 - 3 tú jù f /to only have/ 徒刑 - 134 tú xíng f /prison sentence/ 徒劳 徒勞 S - 125 tú láo f /futile/ 徒劳无功 徒勞無功 S - 14 tú láo wú gōng f /to work to no avail (idiom)/ 徒劳无益 徒勞無益 S - 25 tú láo wú yì f /futile endeavor (idiom)/ 徒勞 徒劳 T - 125 tú láo f /futile/ 徒勞無功 徒劳无功 T - 14 tú láo wú gōng f /to work to no avail (idiom)/ 徒勞無益 徒劳无益 T - 25 tú láo wú yì f /futile endeavor (idiom)/ 徒呼負負 徒呼负负 T - 3 tú hū fù fù f /to feel powerless and full of shame (idiom)/ 徒呼负负 徒呼負負 S - 3 tú hū fù fù f /to feel powerless and full of shame (idiom)/ 徒工 - 7 tú gōng f /apprentice/trainee worker/ 徒弟 3997 1169 tú dì f /apprentice/disciple/ 徒手 - 200 tú shǒu f /with bare hands/unarmed/fighting hand-to-hand/freehand (drawing)/ 徒手搏击 徒手搏擊 S - 0 tú shǒu bó jī f /arm wrestling/ 徒手搏擊 徒手搏击 T - 0 tú shǒu bó jī f /arm wrestling/ 徒手画 徒手畫 S - 0 tú shǒu huà f /freehand drawing/ 徒手畫 徒手画 T - 0 tú shǒu huà f /freehand drawing/ 徒拥虚名 徒擁虛名 S - 3 tú yōng xū míng f /to possess an undeserved reputation (idiom)/ 徒擁虛名 徒拥虚名 T - 3 tú yōng xū míng f /to possess an undeserved reputation (idiom)/ 徒有其名 - 16 tú yǒu qí míng f /with an undeserved reputation (idiom); unwarranted fame/nowhere near as good as he's made out to be/ 徒有虚名 徒有虛名 S - 47 tú yǒu xū míng f /with an undeserved reputation (idiom); unwarranted fame/nowhere near as good as he's made out to be/ 徒有虛名 徒有虚名 T - 47 tú yǒu xū míng f /with an undeserved reputation (idiom); unwarranted fame/nowhere near as good as he's made out to be/ 徒步 - 220 tú bù f /to be on foot/ 徒步区 徒步區 S - 0 tú bù qū f /(Tw) car-free zone/pedestrian zone/ 徒步區 徒步区 T - 0 tú bù qū f /(Tw) car-free zone/pedestrian zone/ 徒步旅行 - 3 tú bù lǚ xíng f /hiking/ 徒然 - 175 tú rán f /in vain/ 徒自惊扰 徒自驚擾 S - 0 tú zì jīng rǎo f /to alarm oneself unnecessarily (idiom)/ 徒自驚擾 徒自惊扰 T - 0 tú zì jīng rǎo f /to alarm oneself unnecessarily (idiom)/ 徒裼 - 0 tú xī f /barefooted and barebreasted/ 従 - 2 cóng f /Japanese variant of 從|从/ 徕 徠 S - 15 lái f /see 招徠|招徕[zhao1 lai2]/ 得 161 134479 dé t /to obtain/to get/to gain/to catch (a disease)/proper/suitable/proud/contented/to allow/to permit/ready/finished/ 得 161 134479 de f /structural particle: used after a verb (or adjective as main verb), linking it to following phrase indicating effect, degree, possibility etc/ 得 161 134479 děi f /to have to/must/ought to/to need to/ 得不偿失 得不償失 S 4896 96 dé bù cháng shī f /the gains do not make up for the losses (idiom)/ 得不償失 得不偿失 T 4896 96 dé bù cháng shī f /the gains do not make up for the losses (idiom)/ 得不到 - 401 dé bù dào f /cannot get/cannot obtain/ 得中 - 0 dé zhòng f /to succeed in an imperial examination/successful/to hit the target/to win (the lottery)/suitable/proper/just right/ 得主 - 133 dé zhǔ f /recipient (of an award)/winner (in a competition)/ 得了 - 0 dé le f /all right!/that's enough!/ 得了 - 0 dé liǎo t /(emphatically, in rhetorical questions) possible/ 得亏 得虧 S - 3 děi kuī f /luckily/fortunately/ 得令 - 3 dé lìng f /to follow your orders/roger!/yessir!/ 得以 - 2227 dé yǐ f /able to/so that sb can/enabling/in order to/finally in a position to/with sth in view/ 得体 得體 S - 277 dé tǐ f /appropriate to the occasion/fitting/ 得來速 得来速 T - 0 dé lái sù f /drive-thru (loanword)/ 得克萨斯 得克薩斯 S - 53 Dé kè sà sī f /Texas, US state/ 得克萨斯州 得克薩斯州 S - 101 Dé kè sà sī zhōu f /Texas, US state/ 得克薩斯 得克萨斯 T - 53 Dé kè sà sī f /Texas, US state/ 得克薩斯州 得克萨斯州 T - 101 Dé kè sà sī zhōu f /Texas, US state/ 得出 - 1334 dé chū f /to obtain (results)/to arrive at (a conclusion)/ 得分 - 1027 dé fēn f /to score/ 得到 - 18464 dé dào f /to get/to obtain/to receive/ 得力 4149 430 dé lì f /able/capable/competent/efficient/ 得势 得勢 S - 76 dé shì f /to win power/to get authority/to become dominant/ 得勝 得胜 T - 371 dé shèng f /to triumph over an opponent/ 得勢 得势 T - 76 dé shì f /to win power/to get authority/to become dominant/ 得可以 - 0 de kě yǐ f /(coll.) very/awfully/ 得名 - 2838 dé míng f /to get one's name/named (after sth)/ 得天独厚 得天獨厚 S 4987 377 dé tiān dú hòu f /blessed by heaven (idiom)/enjoying exceptional advantages/favored by nature/ 得天獨厚 得天独厚 T 4987 377 dé tiān dú hòu f /blessed by heaven (idiom)/enjoying exceptional advantages/favored by nature/ 得失 - 363 dé shī f /gains and losses/success and failure/merits and demerits/ 得奖 得獎 S - 72 dé jiǎng f /to win a prize/ 得宜 - 16 dé yí f /proper/appropriate/suitable/ 得宠 得寵 S - 52 dé chǒng f /to be a favorite/favor/ 得寵 得宠 T - 52 dé chǒng f /to be a favorite/favor/ 得寸进尺 得寸進尺 S - 173 dé cùn jìn chǐ f /lit. win an inch, want a foot (idiom); fig. not satisfied with small gains/give him an inch, and he'll want a mile/ 得寸進尺 得寸进尺 T - 173 dé cùn jìn chǐ f /lit. win an inch, want a foot (idiom); fig. not satisfied with small gains/give him an inch, and he'll want a mile/ 得尔塔 得爾塔 S - 0 děi ěr tǎ f /delta (Greek letter Δδ)/ 得当 得當 S - 216 dé dàng f /appropriate/suitable/ 得心应手 得心應手 S - 143 dé xīn yìng shǒu f /lit. what the heart wishes, the hand accomplishes (idiom) skilled at the job/entirely in one's element/going smoothly and easily/ 得心應手 得心应手 T - 143 dé xīn yìng shǒu f /lit. what the heart wishes, the hand accomplishes (idiom) skilled at the job/entirely in one's element/going smoothly and easily/ 得志 得誌 S - 38 dé zhì f /to accomplish one's ambition/a dream come true/to enjoy success/ 得悉 - 135 dé xī f /to learn about/to be informed/ 得意 1134 1454 dé yì f /proud of oneself/pleased with oneself/complacent/ 得意忘形 - 52 dé yì wàng xíng f /so pleased as to lose one's sense of measure/beside oneself with joy/ 得意扬扬 得意揚揚 S - 6 dé yì yáng yáng f /variant of 得意洋洋[de2 yi4 yang2 yang2]/ 得意揚揚 得意扬扬 T - 6 dé yì yáng yáng f /variant of 得意洋洋[de2 yi4 yang2 yang2]/ 得意洋洋 - 158 dé yì yáng yáng f /joyfully satisfied/to be immensely proud of oneself/proudly/an air of complacency/ 得意門生 得意门生 T - 17 dé yì mén shēng f /favorite pupil/ 得意门生 得意門生 S - 17 dé yì mén shēng f /favorite pupil/ 得手 - 339 dé shǒu f /to go smoothly/to come off/to succeed/ 得救 - 104 dé jiù f /to be saved/ 得文 - 0 Dé wén f /Devon (county of southwest England)/ 得无 得無 S - 0 dé wú f /(literary) isn't it that...?/ 得来速 得來速 S - 0 dé lái sù f /drive-thru (loanword)/ 得标 得標 S - 3 dé biāo f /to win a bid/to win a trophy in a contest/ 得梅因 - 3 Dé Méi yīn f /Des Moines, capital of Iowa/ 得榮 得荣 T - 2 Dé róng f /Dêrong county (Tibetan: sde rong rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州|甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ 得榮縣 得荣县 T - 3 Dé róng xiàn f /Dêrong county (Tibetan: sde rong rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ 得標 得标 T - 3 dé biāo f /to win a bid/to win a trophy in a contest/ 得气 得氣 S - 3 dé qì f /"to obtain qi", the sensation of electrical tingling, numbness, soreness etc at the meridian where accupuncture needle is inserted/ 得氣 得气 T - 3 dé qì f /"to obtain qi", the sensation of electrical tingling, numbness, soreness etc at the meridian where accupuncture needle is inserted/ 得法 - 20 dé fǎ f /(doing sth) in the right way/suitable/properly/ 得無 得无 T - 0 dé wú f /(literary) isn't it that...?/ 得爾塔 得尔塔 T - 0 děi ěr tǎ f /delta (Greek letter Δδ)/ 得獎 得奖 T - 72 dé jiǎng f /to win a prize/ 得瑟 - 0 dè se f /to be cocky/ 得當 得当 T - 216 dé dàng f /appropriate/suitable/ 得病 - 57 dé bìng f /to fall ill/to contract a disease/ 得益 - 162 dé yì f /to derive benefit/ 得着 得著 S - 0 dé zháo f /to obtain/ 得知 - 2137 dé zhī f /to find out/to know/to learn about/ 得票 - 30 dé piào f /vote-getting/ 得票率 - 8 dé piào lǜ f /percentage of votes obtained/ 得罪 3695 1504 dé zuì t /to commit an offense/to violate the law/excuse me! (formal)/see also 得罪[de2 zui5]/ 得罪 3695 1504 dé zui f /to offend somebody/to make a faux pas/a faux pas/see also 得罪[de2 zui4]/ 得而复失 得而復失 S - 13 dé ér fù shī f /to lose what one has just obtained (idiom)/ 得而復失 得而复失 T - 13 dé ér fù shī f /to lose what one has just obtained (idiom)/ 得胜 得勝 S - 371 dé shèng f /to triumph over an opponent/ 得色 - 3 dé sè f /pleased with oneself/ 得荣 得榮 S - 2 Dé róng f /Dêrong county (Tibetan: sde rong rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州|甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ 得荣县 得榮縣 S - 3 Dé róng xiàn f /Dêrong county (Tibetan: sde rong rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ 得著 得着 T - 0 dé zháo f /to obtain/ 得虧 得亏 T - 3 děi kuī f /luckily/fortunately/ 得要 - 0 děi yào f /to need/must/ 得誌 得志 T - 38 dé zhì f /to accomplish one's ambition/a dream come true/to enjoy success/ 得證 得证 T - 0 dé zhèng f /to obtain a proof/Q.E.D./ 得证 得證 S - 0 dé zhèng f /to obtain a proof/Q.E.D./ 得过且过 得過且過 S - 31 dé guò qiě guò f /satisfied just to get through (idiom); to muddle through/without high ambitions, but getting by/ 得逞 - 245 dé chěng f /to prevail/to have one's way/to get away with it/ 得過且過 得过且过 T - 31 dé guò qiě guò f /satisfied just to get through (idiom); to muddle through/without high ambitions, but getting by/ 得道 - 93 dé dào f /to achieve the Dao/to become an immortal/ 得道多助 - 4 dé dào duō zhù f /a just cause enjoys abundant support (idiom); those upholding justice will find help all around/ 得道多助,失道寡助 - 0 dé dào duō zhù , shī dào guǎ zhù f /A just cause attracts much support, an unjust one finds little (idiom, from Mencius)/ 得陇望蜀 得隴望蜀 S - 7 dé Lǒng wàng Shǔ f /lit. covet Sichuan once Gansu has been seized/fig. endless greed/insatiable desire/ 得隴望蜀 得陇望蜀 T - 7 dé Lǒng wàng Shǔ f /lit. covet Sichuan once Gansu has been seized/fig. endless greed/insatiable desire/ 得饒人處且饒人 得饶人处且饶人 T - 20 dé ráo rén chù qiě ráo rén f /where it is possible to let people off, one should spare them (idiom); anyone can make mistakes, forgive them when possible/ 得饶人处且饶人 得饒人處且饒人 S - 20 dé ráo rén chù qiě ráo rén f /where it is possible to let people off, one should spare them (idiom); anyone can make mistakes, forgive them when possible/ 得體 得体 T - 277 dé tǐ f /appropriate to the occasion/fitting/ 得魚忘筌 得鱼忘筌 T - 0 dé yú wàng quán f /lit. catch fish then forget the trap (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子); fig. to take help for granted/ 得鱼忘筌 得魚忘筌 S - 0 dé yú wàng quán f /lit. catch fish then forget the trap (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子); fig. to take help for granted/ 徘 - 28 pái f /irresolute/ 徘徊 3659 597 pái huái f /to dither/to hesitate/to pace back and forth/by ext. to hover around/to linger/ 徙 - 788 xǐ f /(literary) to change one's residence/ 徜 - 4 cháng f /sit cross-legged/walk back and forth/ 徜徉 - 57 cháng yáng f /to wander about unhurriedly/to linger/to loiter/ 從 从 T 176 110435 Cóng t /surname Cong/ 從 从 T 176 110435 cōng f /lax/yielding/unhurried/ 從 从 T 176 110435 cóng t /from/via/passing through/through (a gap)/past/ever (followed by negative, meaning never)/(formerly pr. [zong4] and related to 縱|纵) to follow/to comply with/to obey/to join/to engage in/adopting some mode of action or attitude/follower/retainer/accessory/accomplice/related by common paternal grandfather or earlier ancestor/ 從 从 T 176 110435 zòng f /second cousin/ 從一而終 从一而终 T - 27 cóng yī ér zhōng f /faithful unto death (i.e. Confucian ban on widow remarrying)/ 從不 从不 T - 1386 cóng bù f /never/ 從中 从中 T - 1170 cóng zhōng f /from within/therefrom/ 從事 从事 T 1988 7036 cóng shì f /to go for/to engage in/to undertake/to deal with/to handle/to do/ 從事研究 从事研究 T - 0 cóng shì yán jiū f /to do research/to carry out research/ 從井救人 从井救人 T - 3 cóng jǐng jiù rén f /to jump into a well to rescue sb else (idiom); fig. to help others at the risk to oneself/ 從何 从何 T - 0 cóng hé f /whence?/where from?/ 從來 从来 T 652 3548 cóng lái f /always/at all times/never (if used in negative sentence)/ 從來不 从来不 T - 952 cóng lái bù f /never/ 從來沒 从来没 T - 3 cóng lái méi f /never/ 從來沒有 从来没有 T - 0 cóng lái méi yǒu f /have never/never before/ 從優 从优 T - 21 cóng yōu f /preferential treatment/most favored terms/ 從先 从先 T - 3 cóng xiān f /(dialect) before/in the past/previously/ 從前 从前 T 1975 1310 cóng qián f /previously/formerly/once upon a time/ 從動 从动 T - 0 cóng dòng f /-driven (of mechanism, driven by a component)/slave (wheel, pulley)/ 從化 从化 T - 0 Cóng huà f /Conghua county level city in Guangzhou 廣州|广州[Guang3 zhou1], Guangdong/ 從化市 从化市 T - 6 Cóng huà shì f /Conghua county level city in Guangzhou 廣州|广州[Guang3 zhou1], Guangdong/ 從句 从句 T - 36 cóng jù f /clause/ 從命 从命 T - 72 cóng mìng f /to obey an order/to comply/to do sb's bidding/to do as requested/ 從善如流 从善如流 T - 21 cóng shàn rú liú f /readily following good advice (idiom); willing to accept other people's views/ 從善如登,從惡如崩 从善如登,从恶如崩 T - 0 cóng shàn rú dēng , cóng è rú bēng f /doing good is like a hard climb, doing evil is like an easy fall (idiom)/ 從嚴 从严 T - 317 cóng yán f /strict/rigorous/severely/ 從嚴懲處 从严惩处 T - 0 cóng yán chéng chǔ f /to deal with sb severely (idiom)/ 從天而降 从天而降 T - 116 cóng tiān ér jiàng f /lit. to drop from the sky (idiom)/fig. to appear unexpectedly/to arise abruptly/out of the blue/to drop into one's lap/ 從容 从容 T 4275 498 cóng róng f /to go easy/unhurried/calm/Taiwan pr. [cong1 rong2]/ 從容不迫 从容不迫 T - 240 cóng róng bù pò f /calm/unruffled/ 從實招來 从实招来 T - 3 cóng shí zhāo lái f /to own up to the facts/ 從寬 从宽 T - 51 cóng kuān f /lenient/leniently/ 從小 从小 T - 1254 cóng xiǎo f /from childhood/as a child/ 從屬 从属 T - 317 cóng shǔ f /subordinate/ 從影 从影 T - 0 cóng yǐng f /to make movies/to be a movie actor (or actress)/ 從從容容 从从容容 T - 16 cóng cóng róng róng f /unhurried/all in good time/ 從心所欲 从心所欲 T - 7 cóng xīn suǒ yù f /whatever you like/to do as one pleases/ 從戎 从戎 T - 9 cóng róng f /to enlist/to be in the army/ 從未 从未 T - 1517 cóng wèi f /never/ 從業 从业 T - 1346 cóng yè f /to practice (a trade)/ 從業人員 从业人员 T - 3 cóng yè rén yuán f /employee/person employed in a trade or profession/ 從此 从此 T 1954 5348 cóng cǐ f /from now on/since then/henceforth/ 從此往後 从此往后 T - 0 cóng cǐ wǎng hòu f /from here on/ 從江 从江 T - 51 Cóng jiāng f /Congjiang county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州[Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 從江縣 从江县 T - 2 Cóng jiāng xiàn f /Congjiang county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州[Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 從沒 从没 T - 547 cóng méi f /never (in the past)/never did/ 從犯 从犯 T - 31 cóng fàn f /accessory to a crime/accomplice/ 從略 从略 T - 0 cóng lüè f /to omit (less important details etc)/ 從眾 从众 T - 42 cóng zhòng f /to follow the crowd/to conform/ 從緩 从缓 T - 3 cóng huǎn f /not to hurry/to procrastinate/to postpone/ 從者 从者 T - 0 cóng zhě f /follower/attendant/ 從而 从而 T 2204 7775 cóng ér f /thus/thereby/ 從良 从良 T - 31 cóng liáng f /(of a slave or servant) to be given one's freedom/(of a prostitute) to marry and leave one's trade/ 從裡到外 从里到外 T - 3 cóng lǐ dào wài f /from the inside to the outside/through and through/thoroughly/ 從諫如流 从谏如流 T - 22 cóng jiàn rú liú f /to follow admonition as natural flow (idiom); to accept criticism or correction (even from one's inferiors)/ 從軍 从军 T - 201 cóng jūn f /to enlist/to serve in the army/ 從輕 从轻 T - 89 cóng qīng f /to be lenient (in sentencing)/ 從速 从速 T - 55 cóng sù f /(to do sth) with dispatch/as soon as possible/ 從長計議 从长计议 T - 87 cōng cháng jì yì f /to take one's time making a decision (idiom)/to consider at length/ 從難從嚴 从难从严 T - 11 cóng nán cóng yán f /demanding and strict (idiom)/exacting/ 從頭 从头 T - 318 cóng tóu f /anew/from the start/ 從頭到尾 从头到尾 T - 159 cóng tóu dào wěi f /from start to finish/from head to tail/the whole (thing)/ 從頭到腳 从头到脚 T - 3 cóng tóu dào jiǎo f /from head to foot/ 徠 徕 T - 15 lái f /see 招徠|招徕[zhao1 lai2]/ 御 - 5044 yù f /to resist/imperial/(classical) to drive (a chariot)/to manage/to govern/ 御 禦 S - 5044 yù f /to defend/to resist/ 御医 御醫 S - 56 yù yī f /imperial physician/ 御史 - 686 yù shǐ f /imperial censor (formal title of a dynastic official)/ 御夫座 禦夫座 S - 3 Yù fū zuò f /Auriga (constellation)/ 御宅族 - 3 yù zhái zú f /otaku, a Japanese term for people with obsessive interests such as anime, manga, and video games/see also 宅男[zhai2 nan2]/see also 宅女[zhai2 nu:3]/ 御宝 御寶 S - 0 yù bǎo f /imperial seal/ 御寶 御宝 T - 0 yù bǎo f /imperial seal/ 御弟 - 3 yù dì f /emperor's young brother/ 御戎 - 0 yù róng f /(military) chariot driver (old)/ 御手 - 15 yù shǒu f /the emperor's hand/variant of 馭手|驭手[yu4 shou3]/ 御敌 禦敵 S - 3 yù dí f /armed enemy of the nation/enemy of the Emperor/fig. championship challenger/contender opposing champion in sporting contest/ 御用 - 136 yù yòng f /for use by the emperor/imperial/(derog.) in the pay of the ruler/ 御用大律师 禦用大律師 S - 0 yù yòng dà lǜ shī f /Queen's Counsel/ 御膳房 - 3 yù shàn fáng f /imperial kitchen/ 御賜 御赐 T - 3 yù cì f /to be bestowed, conferred, or granted by the emperor/ 御赐 御賜 S - 3 yù cì f /to be bestowed, conferred, or granted by the emperor/ 御酒 - 0 yù jiǔ f /imperial wine/sacred wine/ 御醫 御医 T - 56 yù yī f /imperial physician/ 御駕親征 御驾亲征 T - 3 yù jià qīn zhēng f /the emperor leads his troops into battle (idiom)/to take part personally in an expedition/ 御驾亲征 御駕親征 S - 3 yù jià qīn zhēng f /the emperor leads his troops into battle (idiom)/to take part personally in an expedition/ 徧 遍 T 720 2147 biàn f /variant of 遍[bian4]/ 徨 - 59 huáng f /irresolute/ 復 复 T - 6297 fù f /to go and return/to return/to resume/to return to a normal or original state/to repeat/again/to recover/to restore/to turn over/to reply/to answer/to reply to a letter/to retaliate/to carry out/ 復交 复交 T - 52 fù jiāo f /to reopen diplomatic relations/ 復仇 复仇 T - 403 fù chóu f /to avenge/vengeance/ 復位 复位 T - 175 fù wèi f /to restore sb or sth to its original position/to regain the throne/to reset (a dislocated joint, an electronic device etc)/reset/ 復信 复信 T - 33 fù xìn f /to reply to a letter/ 復修 复修 T - 0 fù xiū f /to restore (an ancient temple)/ 復健 复健 T - 3 fù jiàn f /rehabilitation/recuperate/ 復元 复元 T - 27 fù yuán f /variant of 復原|复原[fu4 yuan2]/ 復出 复出 T - 221 fù chū f /to come back out of retirement/to get involved again after having withdrawn/ 復分解反應 复分解反应 T - 0 fù fēn jiě fǎn yìng f /metathesis (chemistry)/ 復原 复原 T - 331 fù yuán f /to restore (sth) to (its) former condition/to recover from illness/recovery/ 復古 复古 T - 126 fù gǔ f /to return to old ways (a Confucian aspiration)/to turn back the clock/neoclassical school during Tang and Song associated with classical writing 古文/retro (fashion style based on nostalgia, esp. for 1960s)/ 復古會 复古会 T - 0 fù gǔ huì f /anti-Qing revolutionary party set up in 1904 under Cai Yuanpei 蔡元培/same as 光復會|光复会/ 復合 复合 T - 924 fù hé f /(of people who were estranged) to be reconciled/(of a couple) to get back together/ 復吸 复吸 T - 2 fù xī f /to resume smoking (after giving up)/to relapse into smoking or drug abuse/ 復命 复命 T - 105 fù mìng f /to report on completion of a mission/debriefing/ 復員 复员 T - 133 fù yuán f /to demobilize/demobilization/ 復大 复大 T - 0 Fù Dà f /Fudan University, Shanghai, abbr. for 復旦大學|复旦大学[Fu4 dan4 Da4 xue2]/ 復婚 复婚 T - 34 fù hūn f /to remarry (the same person)/ 復學 复学 T - 24 fù xué f /to return to school (after an interruption)/to resume one's studies/ 復審 复审 T - 61 fù shěn f /to review a judicial case/to reexamine/ 復工 复工 T - 12 fù gōng f /to return to work (after stoppage)/ 復旦 复旦 T - 240 Fù dàn f /Fudan University, Shanghai, abbr. for 復旦大學|复旦大学[Fu4 dan4 Da4 xue2]/ 復旦大學 复旦大学 T - 393 Fù dàn Dà xué f /Fudan University, Shanghai/ 復會 复会 T - 13 fù huì f /to resume a meeting/ 復查 复查 T - 265 fù chá f /rechecking/re-inspection/reexamination/ 復核 复核 T - 66 fù hé f /to reconsider/to reexamine/to review (e.g. a report prior to accepting it)/ 復歸 复归 T - 127 fù guī f /to return/to come back/ 復活 复活 T 2925 270 fù huó f /resurrection/ 復活的軍團 复活的军团 T - 0 Fù huó de jūn tuán f /the Resurrected Army (CCTV documentary series about the Terracotta army)/ 復活節 复活节 T - 73 Fù huó jié f /Easter/ 復活節島 复活节岛 T - 41 Fù huó jié dǎo f /Easter Island/ 復活賽 复活赛 T - 0 fù huó sài f /repechage (supplementary qualifying round in sports)/ 復現 复现 T - 28 fù xiàn f /to reappear/to persist (in memory)/ 復生 复生 T - 114 fù shēng f /to be reborn/to recover/to come back to life/to regenerate/ 復甦 复苏 T - 426 fù sū f /to recover (health, economic)/to resuscitate/anabiosis/ 復發 复发 T - 325 fù fā f /to recur (of a disease)/to reappear/to relapse (into a former bad state)/ 復習 复习 T 585 1804 fù xí f /to review/revision/CL:次[ci4]/ 復職 复职 T - 56 fù zhí f /to resume a post/ 復興 复兴 T 4325 787 Fù xīng f /Fuxing district of Handan city 邯鄲市|邯郸市[Han2 dan1 shi4], Hebei/Fuxing or Fuhsing township in Taoyuan county 桃園縣|桃园县[Tao2 yuan2 xian4], north Taiwan/ 復興 复兴 T 4325 787 fù xīng f /to revive/to rejuvenate/ 復興區 复兴区 T - 3 Fù xīng qū f /Fuxing district of Handan city 邯鄲市|邯郸市[Han2 dan1 shi4], Hebei/ 復興時代 复兴时代 T - 0 Fù xīng Shí dài f /the Renaissance/ 復興鄉 复兴乡 T - 3 Fù xīng xiāng f /Fuxing or Fuhsing township in Taoyuan county 桃園縣|桃园县[Tao2 yuan2 xian4], north Taiwan/ 復興門 复兴门 T - 11 Fù xīng mén f /Fuxingmen neighborhood of Beijing/ 復興黨 复兴党 T - 41 Fù xīng dǎng f /Baath Party/ 復舊 复旧 T - 51 fù jiù f /to restore old way/to return to the past/ 復萌 复萌 T - 0 fù méng f /to germinate again/ 復蘇 复苏 T - 426 fù sū f /variant of 復甦|复苏[fu4 su1]/to recover (health, economic)/to resuscitate/anabiosis/ 復診 复诊 T - 10 fù zhěn f /another visit to doctor/further diagnosis/ 復課 复课 T - 5 fù kè f /to resume classes/ 復議 复议 T - 84 fù yì f /to reconsider/ 復讀 复读 T - 35 fù dú f /to return to the same school and repeat a course from which one has already graduated, as a result of failing to get good enough results to progress to one's desired higher-level school/ 復讀生 复读生 T - 3 fù dú shēng f /student who repeats (a course, grade etc) at school/ 復轉 复转 T - 18 fù zhuǎn f /to demobilize/to transfer to other tasks (of troops)/ 復辟 复辟 T - 467 fù bì f /to recover one's power or authority/restoration (of a past regime)/ 復返 复返 T - 19 fù fǎn f /to come back/to return/ 循 - 878 xún f /to follow/to adhere to/to abide by/ 循分 - 0 xún fèn f /to abide by one's duties/ 循化 - 20 Xún huà f /Xunhua Salazu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区[Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai/ 循化县 循化縣 S - 0 Xún huà xiàn f /Xunhua Salazu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区[Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai/ 循化撒拉族自治县 循化撒拉族自治縣 S - 2 Xún huà Sǎ lā zú zì zhì xiàn f /Xunhua Salazu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区[Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai/ 循化撒拉族自治縣 循化撒拉族自治县 T - 2 Xún huà Sǎ lā zú zì zhì xiàn f /Xunhua Salazu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区[Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai/ 循化縣 循化县 T - 0 Xún huà xiàn f /Xunhua Salazu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区[Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai/ 循序渐进 循序漸進 S 4837 119 xún xù jiàn jìn f /in sequence, step by step (idiom); to make steady progress incrementally/ 循序漸進 循序渐进 T 4837 119 xún xù jiàn jìn f /in sequence, step by step (idiom); to make steady progress incrementally/ 循循善誘 循循善诱 T - 23 xún xún shàn yòu f /to guide patiently and systematically (idiom)/ 循循善诱 循循善誘 S - 23 xún xún shàn yòu f /to guide patiently and systematically (idiom)/ 循环 循環 S 3202 2575 xún huán f /to cycle/to circulate/circle/loop/ 循环使用 循環使用 S - 0 xún huán shǐ yòng f /recycle/to use in cyclic order/ 循环小数 循環小數 S - 12 xún huán xiǎo shù f /recurring decimal/ 循环性 循環性 S - 3 xún huán xìng f /recurrent/ 循环系统 循環系統 S - 78 xún huán xì tǒng f /circulatory system/ 循环节 循環節 S - 0 xún huán jié f /recurring section of a rational decimal/ 循环论证 循環論證 S - 4 xún huán lùn zhèng f /circular argument/logical error consisting of begging the question/Latin: petitio principii/ 循环赛 循環賽 S - 36 xún huán sài f /round-robin tournament/ 循環 循环 T 3202 2575 xún huán f /to cycle/to circulate/circle/loop/ 循環使用 循环使用 T - 0 xún huán shǐ yòng f /recycle/to use in cyclic order/ 循環小數 循环小数 T - 12 xún huán xiǎo shù f /recurring decimal/ 循環性 循环性 T - 3 xún huán xìng f /recurrent/ 循環節 循环节 T - 0 xún huán jié f /recurring section of a rational decimal/ 循環系統 循环系统 T - 78 xún huán xì tǒng f /circulatory system/ 循環論證 循环论证 T - 4 xún huán lùn zhèng f /circular argument/logical error consisting of begging the question/Latin: petitio principii/ 循環賽 循环赛 T - 36 xún huán sài f /round-robin tournament/ 循着 循著 S - 0 xún zhe f /to follow/ 循著 循着 T - 0 xún zhe f /to follow/ 循規蹈矩 循规蹈矩 T - 106 xún guī dǎo jǔ f /to follow the compass and go with the set square (idiom); to follow the rules inflexibly/to act according to convention/ 循规蹈矩 循規蹈矩 S - 106 xún guī dǎo jǔ f /to follow the compass and go with the set square (idiom); to follow the rules inflexibly/to act according to convention/ 循道宗 - 0 Xún dào zōng f /Methodism/ 徬 - 35 páng f /irresolute/ 徭 - 127 yáo f /compulsory service/ 徭役 - 292 yáo yì f /forced labor/corvee/ 微 - 4852 Wēi f /surname Wei/ancient Chinese state near present day Chongqing/Taiwan pr. [Wei2]/ 微 - 4852 wēi f /tiny/miniature/profound/abtruse/to decline/one millionth part of/micro-/Taiwan pr. [wei2]/ 微不足道 3888 277 wēi bù zú dào f /negligible/insignificant/ 微丝 微絲 S - 0 wēi sī f /microfilament/ 微丝血管 微絲血管 S - 0 wēi sī xuè guǎn f /capillary blood vessels/ 微中子 - 0 wēi zhōng zǐ f /neutrino (particle physics)/also written 中微子[zhong1 wei1 zi3]/ 微乎其微 - 77 wēi hū qí wēi f /a tiny bit/very little/next to nothing (idiom)/ 微信 - 0 Wēi xìn f /Weixin or WeChat (mobile text and voice messaging service developed by Tencent 騰訊|腾讯[Teng2 xun4])/ 微光 - 204 wēi guāng f /glimmer/ 微克 - 68 wēi kè f /microgram (ug)/ 微分 - 307 wēi fēn f /(math.) differential (of a function)/differential (equation etc)/to differentiate/differentiation/ 微分几何 微分幾何 S - 0 wēi fēn jǐ hé f /differential geometry/ 微分几何学 微分幾何學 S - 0 wēi fēn jǐ hé xué f /differential geometry/ 微分学 微分學 S - 31 wēi fēn xué f /differential calculus/ 微分學 微分学 T - 31 wēi fēn xué f /differential calculus/ 微分幾何 微分几何 T - 0 wēi fēn jǐ hé f /differential geometry/ 微分幾何學 微分几何学 T - 0 wēi fēn jǐ hé xué f /differential geometry/ 微分方程 - 356 wēi fēn fāng chéng f /differential equation (math.)/ 微创手术 微創手術 S - 0 wēi chuāng shǒu shù f /minimally invasive surgery/ 微創手術 微创手术 T - 0 wēi chuāng shǒu shù f /minimally invasive surgery/ 微动脉 微動脈 S - 0 wēi dòng mài f /capillary artery/ 微動脈 微动脉 T - 0 wēi dòng mài f /capillary artery/ 微升 - 28 wēi shēng f /microliter/ 微博 - 0 wēi bó f /micro-blogging/microblog/ 微博客 - 0 wēi bó kè f /micro-blogging/microblog/ 微商 - 0 wēi shāng f /(math.) derivative/ 微囊 - 5 wēi náng f /microcapsule/caplet (pharm.)/ 微型 - 341 wēi xíng f /miniature/micro-/tiny/ 微型封装块 微型封裝塊 S - 0 wēi xíng fēng zhuāng kuài f /microcapsule/ 微型封裝塊 微型封装块 T - 0 wēi xíng fēng zhuāng kuài f /microcapsule/ 微型小說 微型小说 T - 0 wēi xíng xiǎo shuō f /flash fiction/ 微型小说 微型小說 S - 0 wēi xíng xiǎo shuō f /flash fiction/ 微塵 微尘 T - 32 wēi chén f /dust/(Buddhism) minutest particle of matter/ 微处理器 微處理器 S - 146 wēi chǔ lǐ qì f /microprocessor/ 微处理机 微處理機 S - 28 wēi chǔ lǐ jī f /microprocessor/ 微妙 - 335 wēi miào f /subtle/ 微孔膜 - 0 wēi kǒng mó f /microporous membrane/ 微安 - 4 wēi ān f /microampere (one millionth of amp)/also written 微安培/ 微安培 - 0 wēi ān péi f /microampere (one millionth of amp)/ 微小 - 463 wēi xiǎo f /minute (i.e. extremely small)/infinitesimal/ 微小病毒科 - 0 wēi xiǎo bìng dú kē f /Picornaviridae (virus family including many human pathogens)/small RNA virus/ 微尘 微塵 S - 32 wēi chén f /dust/(Buddhism) minutest particle of matter/ 微山 - 6 Wēi shān f /Weishan County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 ning2], Shandong/ 微山县 微山縣 S - 9 Wēi shān Xiàn f /Weishan County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 ning2], Shandong/ 微山縣 微山县 T - 9 Wēi shān Xiàn f /Weishan County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 ning2], Shandong/ 微弱 - 577 wēi ruò f /weak/faint/feeble/ 微径 微徑 S - 0 wēi jìng f /small path/ 微徑 微径 T - 0 wēi jìng f /small path/ 微微 - 3182 wēi wēi f /slight/faint/humble/ 微恙 - 2 wēi yàng f /slight illness/indisposition/ 微扰 微擾 S - 0 wēi rǎo f /infinitesimal disturbance/perturbation (physics)/ 微扰展开 微擾展開 S - 0 wēi rǎo zhǎn kāi f /perturbative expansion (physics)/ 微扰论 微擾論 S - 3 wēi rǎo lùn f /perturbation theory/ 微擾 微扰 T - 0 wēi rǎo f /infinitesimal disturbance/perturbation (physics)/ 微擾展開 微扰展开 T - 0 wēi rǎo zhǎn kāi f /perturbative expansion (physics)/ 微擾論 微扰论 T - 3 wēi rǎo lùn f /perturbation theory/ 微明 - 3 wēi míng f /twilight/ 微星 - 3 Wēi xīng f /Micro-Star International (MSI), Taiwanese computer hardware company/ 微晶 - 37 wēi jīng f /microcrystal/ 微晶片 - 3 wēi jīng piàn f /microchip/ 微服 - 33 wēi fú f /(of a high-ranking official) to wear plain clothes in order to go about incognito/ 微服私訪 微服私访 T - 29 wēi fú sī fǎng f /to mingle with the people incognito/ 微服私访 微服私訪 S - 29 wēi fú sī fǎng f /to mingle with the people incognito/ 微末 - 65 wēi mò f /tiny/negligible/ 微机 微機 S - 180 wēi jī f /micro (computer)/ 微机化 微機化 S - 2 wēi jī huà f /miniaturization/micro-miniaturization/ 微機 微机 T - 180 wēi jī f /micro (computer)/ 微機化 微机化 T - 2 wēi jī huà f /miniaturization/micro-miniaturization/ 微波 - 650 wēi bō f /ripple/microwave/ 微波天線 微波天线 T - 0 wēi bō tiān xiàn f /microwave antenna/ 微波天线 微波天線 S - 0 wēi bō tiān xiàn f /microwave antenna/ 微波炉 微波爐 S - 79 wēi bō lú f /microwave oven/CL:臺|台[tai2]/ 微波爐 微波炉 T - 79 wēi bō lú f /microwave oven/CL:臺|台[tai2]/ 微溶 - 0 wēi róng f /slightly soluble/ 微漠 - 0 wēi mò f /faint (almost inaudible or invisible)/ 微火 - 12 wēi huǒ f /a low fire (for roasting)/ 微生物 - 784 wēi shēng wù f /microorganism/ 微生物学 微生物學 S - 49 wēi shēng wù xué f /microbiology/ 微生物学家 微生物學家 S - 22 wēi shēng wù xué jiā f /microbiologist/ 微生物學 微生物学 T - 49 wēi shēng wù xué f /microbiology/ 微生物學家 微生物学家 T - 22 wēi shēng wù xué jiā f /microbiologist/ 微电子 微電子 S - 119 wēi diàn zǐ f /microelectronics/ 微电子学 微電子學 S - 14 wēi diàn zǐ xué f /microelectronics/ 微电脑 微電腦 S - 40 wēi diàn nǎo f /microcomputer/ 微秒 - 22 wēi miǎo f /microsecond, µs, 10^-6 s/ 微积分 微積分 S - 182 wēi jī fēn f /calculus/differentiation and integration/calculus of infinitesimals 微 and integrals 積|积/ 微积分基本定理 微積分基本定理 S - 0 wēi jī fēn jī běn dìng lǐ f /fundamental theorem of calculus/ 微积分学 微積分學 S - 3 wēi jī fēn xué f /infinitesimal calculus/calculus/ 微積分 微积分 T - 182 wēi jī fēn f /calculus/differentiation and integration/calculus of infinitesimals 微 and integrals 積|积/ 微積分基本定理 微积分基本定理 T - 0 wēi jī fēn jī běn dìng lǐ f /fundamental theorem of calculus/ 微積分學 微积分学 T - 3 wēi jī fēn xué f /infinitesimal calculus/calculus/ 微笑 1602 3625 wēi xiào f /smile/CL:個|个[ge4],絲|丝[si1]/to smile/ 微管 - 55 wēi guǎn f /tubule/microtubule/ 微管蛋白 - 0 wēi guǎn dàn bái f /tubulin/ 微米 - 307 wēi mǐ f /micron (one thousandth of a millimeter or 10^-6 meter)/ 微粒 - 249 wēi lì f /speck/particle/ 微粒体 微粒體 S - 3 wēi lì tǐ f /microsome/ 微粒體 微粒体 T - 3 wēi lì tǐ f /microsome/ 微細 微细 T - 73 wēi xì f /microminiature (technology)/ 微細加工 微细加工 T - 0 wēi xì jiā gōng f /microminiature technology/ 微絲 微丝 T - 0 wēi sī f /microfilament/ 微絲血管 微丝血管 T - 0 wēi sī xuè guǎn f /capillary blood vessels/ 微縮 微缩 T - 17 wēi suō f /compact/micro-/miniature/to miniaturize/ 微縮膠捲 微缩胶卷 T - 0 wēi suō jiāo juǎn f /microfilm/ 微细 微細 S - 73 wēi xì f /microminiature (technology)/ 微细加工 微細加工 S - 0 wēi xì jiā gōng f /microminiature technology/ 微缩 微縮 S - 17 wēi suō f /compact/micro-/miniature/to miniaturize/ 微缩胶卷 微縮膠捲 S - 0 wēi suō jiāo juǎn f /microfilm/ 微聚焦 - 0 wēi jù jiāo f /microfocus x-ray computed tomography (microCT)/ 微胶囊技术 微膠囊技術 S - 0 wēi jiāo náng jì shù f /microencapsulation/ 微膠囊技術 微胶囊技术 T - 0 wēi jiāo náng jì shù f /microencapsulation/ 微臣 - 206 wēi chén f /this small official/humble servant/ 微茫 - 3 wēi máng f /hazy/blurred/ 微菌 - 0 wēi jūn f /bacterium/germ/ 微薄 - 161 wēi bó f /scanty/meager/ 微處理器 微处理器 T - 146 wēi chǔ lǐ qì f /microprocessor/ 微處理機 微处理机 T - 28 wēi chǔ lǐ jī f /microprocessor/ 微血管 - 31 wēi xuè guǎn f /capillary/ 微觀 微观 T 4925 508 wēi guān f /micro-/sub-atomic/ 微觀世界 微观世界 T - 38 wēi guān shì jiè f /microcosm/the microscopic world/ 微觀經濟 微观经济 T - 3 wēi guān jīng jì f /micro-economic/ 微观 微觀 S 4925 508 wēi guān f /micro-/sub-atomic/ 微观世界 微觀世界 S - 38 wēi guān shì jiè f /microcosm/the microscopic world/ 微观经济 微觀經濟 S - 3 wēi guān jīng jì f /micro-economic/ 微調 微调 T - 50 wēi tiáo f /fine tuning/trimming/ 微调 微調 S - 50 wēi tiáo f /fine tuning/trimming/ 微賤 微贱 T - 35 wēi jiàn f /humble/lowly/ 微贱 微賤 S - 35 wēi jiàn f /humble/lowly/ 微軟 微软 T - 1757 Wēi ruǎn f /Microsoft corporation/ 微軟公司 微软公司 T - 268 Wēi ruǎn Gōng sī f /Microsoft Corporation/ 微软 微軟 S - 1757 Wēi ruǎn f /Microsoft corporation/ 微软公司 微軟公司 S - 268 Wēi ruǎn Gōng sī f /Microsoft Corporation/ 微辣 - 0 wēi là f /mildly spicy/ 微速摄影 微速攝影 S - 0 wēi sù shè yǐng f /time-lapse photography/ 微速攝影 微速摄影 T - 0 wēi sù shè yǐng f /time-lapse photography/ 微醺 - 17 wēi xūn f /tipsy/ 微量 - 218 wēi liàng f /a smidgen/minute/micro-/trace (element)/ 微量元素 - 205 wēi liàng yuán sù f /trace element (chemistry)/ 微量白蛋白 - 0 wēi liàng bái dàn bái f /microalbumin/ 微雕 - 12 wēi diāo f /a miniature (carving)/ 微電子 微电子 T - 119 wēi diàn zǐ f /microelectronics/ 微電子學 微电子学 T - 14 wēi diàn zǐ xué f /microelectronics/ 微電腦 微电脑 T - 40 wēi diàn nǎo f /microcomputer/ 微静脉 微靜脈 S - 0 wēi jìng mài f /capillary vein/ 微靜脈 微静脉 T - 0 wēi jìng mài f /capillary vein/ 微風 微风 T - 186 wēi fēng f /breeze/light wind/ 微风 微風 S - 186 wēi fēng f /breeze/light wind/ 微駝 微驼 T - 0 wēi tuó f /stooping/hunched/ 微驼 微駝 S - 0 wēi tuó f /stooping/hunched/ 徯 - 6 xī f /footpath/wait for/ 徯径 徯徑 S - 3 xī jìng f /path/way (method)/ 徯徑 徯径 T - 3 xī jìng f /path/way (method)/ 徳 - 22 dé f /Japanese variant of 德/ 徴 - 0 zhēng f /Japanese variant of 徵|征/ 徵 征 T - 2607 zhēng f /to invite/to recruit/to levy (taxes)/to draft (troops)/phenomenon/symptom/characteristic sign (used as proof)/evidence/ 徵 - 2607 zhǐ f /4th note in pentatonic scale 五音[wu3 yin1], roughly sol/see also 徵|征[zheng1]/ 徵信 征信 T - 32 zhēng xìn f /to examine the reliability/reliable/credit reporting/ 徵信社 征信社 T - 3 zhēng xìn shè f /(Taiwan) private investigator/credit bureau/ 徵候 征候 T - 17 zhēng hòu f /sign/indication/symptom/ 徵傳 征传 T - 0 zhēng zhuàn f /narrative of long journey/campaign record/ 徵兆 征兆 T - 248 zhēng zhào f /omen/sign (that sth is about to happen)/warning sign/ 徵兵 征兵 T - 131 zhēng bīng f /to levy troops/recruitment/ 徵募 征募 T - 25 zhēng mù f /to conscript/ 徵友 征友 T - 3 zhēng yǒu f /to seek new friends through personal ads, dating apps etc/ 徵召 征召 T - 151 zhēng zhào f /to enlist/to draft/to conscript/to appoint to an official position/ 徵名責實 征名责实 T - 3 zhēng míng zé shí f /to seek out the real nature based on the name (idiom); to judge sth at face value/ 徵士 征士 T - 0 zhēng shì f /soldier (in battle)/ 徵婚 征婚 T - 42 zhēng hūn f /to look for a partner/ 徵實 征实 T - 3 zhēng shí f /levies in kind/grain tax/ 徵才 征才 T - 0 zhēng cái f /to recruit/ 徵收 征收 T 4823 895 zhēng shōu f /to levy (a fine)/to impose (a tariff)/ 徵求 征求 T 2322 1205 zhēng qiú f /to solicit/to seek/to request (opinions, feedback etc)/to petition/ 徵狀 征状 T - 13 zhēng zhuàng f /symptom/ 徵發 征发 T - 3 zhēng fā f /a punitive expedition/a requisition/ 徵稅 征税 T - 369 zhēng shuì f /to levy taxes/ 徵稿 征稿 T - 21 zhēng gǎo f /to solicit contributions (to a publication)/ 徵聘 征聘 T - 19 zhēng pìn f /to invite job applications/to recruit/ 徵調 征调 T - 99 zhēng diào f /to conscript/to second (personnel)/to requisition (supplies etc)/ 徵象 征象 T - 106 zhēng xiàng f /sign/symptom/ 徵選 征选 T - 0 zhēng xuǎn f /to call for entries and select the best/to solicit (entries, submissions, applications etc)/to select (the best candidate)/contest/competition/ 徵集 征集 T - 1359 zhēng jí f /to collect/to recruit/ 德 - 9549 Dé f /Germany/German/abbr. for 德國|德国[De2 guo2]/ 德 - 9549 dé f /virtue/goodness/morality/ethics/kindness/favor/character/kind/ 德 悳 S - 9549 dé f /variant of 德[de2]/ 德 惪 S - 9549 dé f /variant of 德[de2]/ 德乌帕 德烏帕 S - 0 Dé wū pà f /Sher Bahadur Deuba (1946-), former prime minister of Nepal/ 德仁 - 0 Dé rén f /Naruhito (1960-), crown prince of Japan/ 德令哈 - 10 Dé lìng hā f /Delingha city in Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州[Hai3 xi1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 德令哈市 - 7 Dé lìng hā shì f /Delingha city in Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州[Hai3 xi1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 德伦特 德倫特 S - 0 Dé lún tè f /Drenthe (name)/Drenthe (province in Netherlands)/ 德保 - 2 Dé bǎo f /Debao county in Baise 百色[Bai3 se4], Guangxi/ 德保县 德保縣 S - 2 Dé bǎo xiàn f /Debao county in Baise 百色[Bai3 se4], Guangxi/ 德保縣 德保县 T - 2 Dé bǎo xiàn f /Debao county in Baise 百色[Bai3 se4], Guangxi/ 德倫特 德伦特 T - 0 Dé lún tè f /Drenthe (name)/Drenthe (province in Netherlands)/ 德先生 - 0 Dé xiān sheng f /"Mr Democracy", phrase used during the May 4th Movement 五四運動|五四运动[Wu3 si4 Yun4 dong4]/abbr. for 德謨克拉西|德谟克拉西[de2 mo2 ke4 la1 xi1]/see also 賽先生|赛先生[Sai4 xian1 sheng5]/ 德克萨斯 德克薩斯 S - 14 Dé kè sà sī f /Texas/ 德克萨斯州 德克薩斯州 S - 21 Dé kè sà sī zhōu f /state of Texas/ 德克薩斯 德克萨斯 T - 14 Dé kè sà sī f /Texas/ 德克薩斯州 德克萨斯州 T - 21 Dé kè sà sī zhōu f /state of Texas/ 德兴 德興 S - 23 Dé xīng f /Dexing county level city in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi/ 德兴市 德興市 S - 3 Dé xīng shì f /Dexing county level city in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi/ 德勒兹 德勒茲 S - 0 Dé lè zī f /Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995), French philosopher/ 德勒巴克 - 0 Dé lè bā kè f /Drøbak (city in Akershus, Norway)/ 德勒茲 德勒兹 T - 0 Dé lè zī f /Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995), French philosopher/ 德勝門 德胜门 T - 203 Dé shèng mén f /Deshengmen (Beijing)/ 德化 - 232 Dé huà f /Dehua county in Quanzhou 泉州[Quan2 zhou1], Fujian/ 德化县 德化縣 S - 2 Dé huà xiàn f /Dehua county in Quanzhou 泉州[Quan2 zhou1], Fujian/ 德化縣 德化县 T - 2 Dé huà xiàn f /Dehua county in Quanzhou 泉州[Quan2 zhou1], Fujian/ 德古拉 - 0 Dé gǔ lā f /Dracula, novel by Bram Stoker/Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia (1431-1476), nicknamed Vlad the Impaler or Dracula/ 德古西加巴 - 0 Dé gǔ xī jiā bā f /Tegucigalpa, capital of Honduras (Tw)/ 德国 德國 S - 9604 Dé guó f /Germany/German/ 德国之声 德國之聲 S - 0 Dé guó zhī shēng f /Deutsche Welle, German publicly-operated international broadcaster/ 德国人 德國人 S - 476 Dé guó rén f /German person or people/ 德国学术交流总署 德國學術交流總署 S - 0 Dé guó Xué shù Jiāo liú Zǒng shǔ f /German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (Tw)/ 德国战车 德國戰車 S - 0 Dé guó zhàn chē f /Rammstein (German metal band)/ 德国汉莎航空公司 德國漢莎航空公司 S - 10 Dé guó Hàn shā Háng kōng Gōng sī f /Deutsche Lufthansa AG/ 德国统一社会党 德國統一社會黨 S - 0 Dé guó Tǒng yī Shè huì dǎng f /Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands (Socialist Unity Party of Germany 1949-1990), the ruling communist party of the former German Democratic Republic (East Germany)/ 德国酸菜 德國酸菜 S - 0 Dé guó suān cài f /sauerkraut/ 德国马克 德國馬克 S - 17 Dé guó mǎ kè f /German mark/ 德国麻疹 德國麻疹 S - 0 Dé guó má zhěn f /German measles/rubella/ 德國 德国 T - 9604 Dé guó f /Germany/German/ 德國之聲 德国之声 T - 0 Dé guó zhī shēng f /Deutsche Welle, German publicly-operated international broadcaster/ 德國人 德国人 T - 476 Dé guó rén f /German person or people/ 德國學術交流總署 德国学术交流总署 T - 0 Dé guó Xué shù Jiāo liú Zǒng shǔ f /German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (Tw)/ 德國戰車 德国战车 T - 0 Dé guó zhàn chē f /Rammstein (German metal band)/ 德國漢莎航空公司 德国汉莎航空公司 T - 10 Dé guó Hàn shā Háng kōng Gōng sī f /Deutsche Lufthansa AG/ 德國統一社會黨 德国统一社会党 T - 0 Dé guó Tǒng yī Shè huì dǎng f /Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands (Socialist Unity Party of Germany 1949-1990), the ruling communist party of the former German Democratic Republic (East Germany)/ 德國酸菜 德国酸菜 T - 0 Dé guó suān cài f /sauerkraut/ 德國馬克 德国马克 T - 17 Dé guó mǎ kè f /German mark/ 德國麻疹 德国麻疹 T - 0 Dé guó má zhěn f /German measles/rubella/ 德城 - 10 Dé chéng f /Decheng district of Dezhou city 德州市[De2 zhou1 shi4], Shandong/ 德城区 德城區 S - 3 Dé chéng qū f /Decheng district of Dezhou city 德州市[De2 zhou1 shi4], Shandong/ 德城區 德城区 T - 3 Dé chéng qū f /Decheng district of Dezhou city 德州市[De2 zhou1 shi4], Shandong/ 德安 - 540 Dé ān f /De'an county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi/ 德安县 德安縣 S - 3 Dé ān xiàn f /De'an county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi/ 德安縣 德安县 T - 3 Dé ān xiàn f /De'an county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi/ 德宏 - 21 Dé hóng f /Dehong prefecture in Yunnan (Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefecture)/ 德宏傣族景頗族自治州 德宏傣族景颇族自治州 T - 14 Dé hóng Dǎi zú Jǐng pō zú zì zhì zhōu f /Dehong Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefecture in west Yunnan, surrounded on three sides by Myanmar (Burma), capital Luxi 潞西市/ 德宏傣族景颇族自治州 德宏傣族景頗族自治州 S - 14 Dé hóng Dǎi zú Jǐng pō zú zì zhì zhōu f /Dehong Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefecture in west Yunnan, surrounded on three sides by Myanmar (Burma), capital Luxi 潞西市/ 德宏州 - 7 Dé hóng zhōu f /abbr. for 德宏傣族景頗族自治州|德宏傣族景颇族自治州, Dehong Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefecture in west Yunnan surrounded on three sides by Myanmar (Burma)/ 德川 - 71 Dé chuān f /Tokugawa, the ruling clan of Japan from 1550-1850/ 德州 - 146 Dé zhōu f /Dezhou prefecture level city in Shandong/abbr. for 德克薩斯州|德克萨斯州, Texas/ 德州仪器 德州儀器 S - 3 Dé zhōu Yí qì f /Texas Instruments/ 德州儀器 德州仪器 T - 3 Dé zhōu Yí qì f /Texas Instruments/ 德州地区 德州地區 S - 0 Dé zhōu dì qū f /Dezhou prefecture in Shandong/ 德州地區 德州地区 T - 0 Dé zhōu dì qū f /Dezhou prefecture in Shandong/ 德州市 - 13 Dé zhōu shì f /Dezhou prefecture level city in Shandong/ 德布勒森 - 2 Dé bù lè sēn f /Debrecen, Hungary's second city, capital of Hajdú-Bihar county 豪伊杜·比豪爾州|豪伊杜·比豪尔州[Hao2 yi1 du4 · Bi4 hao2 er3 zhou1] in east Hungary on the border with Romania/ 德干 - 0 Dé gān f /Deccan (India)/ 德庆 德慶 S - 4 Dé qìng f /Deqing county in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆[Zhao4 qing4], Guangdong/ 德庆县 德慶縣 S - 3 Dé qìng xiàn f /Deqing county in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆[Zhao4 qing4], Guangdong/ 德彪西 - 29 Dé biāo xī f /Claude Debussy (1862-1918), French composer/ 德律風 德律风 T - 0 dé lǜ fēng f /telephone (loanword)/ 德律风 德律風 S - 0 dé lǜ fēng f /telephone (loanword)/ 德性 - 127 dé xìng t /moral integrity/ 德性 - 127 dé xing f /(coll.) revolting behavior/CL:副[fu4]/ 德惠 - 3 Dé huì f /Dehui county level city in Changchun 長春|长春, Jilin/ 德惠地区 德惠地區 S - 0 Dé huì dì qū f /Dehui county in Changchun 長春|长春, Jilin/ 德惠地區 德惠地区 T - 0 Dé huì dì qū f /Dehui county in Changchun 長春|长春, Jilin/ 德惠市 - 4 Dé huì shì f /Dehui county level city in Changchun 長春|长春, Jilin/ 德意志 - 577 Dé yì zhì f /German (phonetic rendition of "Deutsch")/Germany/ 德意志学术交流中心 德意志學術交流中心 S - 0 Dé yì zhì Xué shù Jiāo liú Zhōng xīn f /German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)/ 德意志學術交流中心 德意志学术交流中心 T - 0 Dé yì zhì Xué shù Jiāo liú Zhōng xīn f /German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)/ 德意志民主共和国 德意志民主共和國 S - 25 Dé yì zhì Mín zhǔ Gòng hé guó f /German democratic republic (former East Germany), 1945-1990/ 德意志民主共和國 德意志民主共和国 T - 25 Dé yì zhì Mín zhǔ Gòng hé guó f /German democratic republic (former East Germany), 1945-1990/ 德意志联邦共和国 德意志聯邦共和國 S - 28 Dé yì zhì Lián bāng Gòng hé guó f /Federal Republic of Germany/former West Germany 1945-1990, now simply Germany/ 德意志聯邦共和國 德意志联邦共和国 T - 28 Dé yì zhì Lián bāng Gòng hé guó f /Federal Republic of Germany/former West Germany 1945-1990, now simply Germany/ 德意志銀行 德意志银行 T - 146 Dé yì zhì Yín háng f /Deutsche Bank/ 德意志银行 德意志銀行 S - 146 Dé yì zhì Yín háng f /Deutsche Bank/ 德慶 德庆 T - 4 Dé qìng f /Deqing county in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆[Zhao4 qing4], Guangdong/ 德慶縣 德庆县 T - 3 Dé qìng xiàn f /Deqing county in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆[Zhao4 qing4], Guangdong/ 德才 - 15 dé cái f /ethics and ability/virtuous and talented/ 德才兼備 德才兼备 T - 62 dé cái jiān bèi f /having both integrity and talent (idiom)/ 德才兼备 德才兼備 S - 62 dé cái jiān bèi f /having both integrity and talent (idiom)/ 德拉克罗瓦 德拉克羅瓦 S - 0 Dé lā kè luó wǎ f /Delacroix (painter)/ 德拉克羅瓦 德拉克罗瓦 T - 0 Dé lā kè luó wǎ f /Delacroix (painter)/ 德拉門 德拉门 T - 0 Dé lā mén f /Drammen (city in Buskerud, Norway)/ 德拉门 德拉門 S - 0 Dé lā mén f /Drammen (city in Buskerud, Norway)/ 德政 - 58 dé zhèng f /benevolent government/ 德文 - 132 Dé wén f /German (language)/ 德昂 - 20 Dé áng f /De'ang (ethnic group)/ 德昌 - 8 Dé chāng f /Dechang county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州|凉山彝族自治州[Liang2 shan1 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ 德昌县 德昌縣 S - 3 Dé chāng xiàn f /Dechang county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州|凉山彝族自治州[Liang2 shan1 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ 德昌縣 德昌县 T - 3 Dé chāng xiàn f /Dechang county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州|凉山彝族自治州[Liang2 shan1 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ 德智体美 德智體美 S - 28 dé zhì tǐ měi f /the aims of education: morality, intelligence, physical fitness and aesthetic sense/ 德智體美 德智体美 T - 28 dé zhì tǐ měi f /the aims of education: morality, intelligence, physical fitness and aesthetic sense/ 德格 - 17 Dé gé f /Dêgê county (Tibetan: sde dge rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ 德格县 德格縣 S - 7 Dé gé xiàn f /Dêgê county (Tibetan: sde dge rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ 德格縣 德格县 T - 7 Dé gé xiàn f /Dêgê county (Tibetan: sde dge rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ 德梅因 - 0 Dé Méi yīn f /Des Moines, capital of Iowa/ 德欽 德钦 T - 28 Dé qīn f /Dechen county in Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture 迪慶藏族自治州|迪庆藏族自治州[Di2 qing4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ 德欽縣 德钦县 T - 5 Dé qīn xiàn f /Dechen county in Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture 迪慶藏族自治州|迪庆藏族自治州[Di2 qing4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ 德江 - 8 Dé jiāng f /Dejiang county in Tongren prefecture 銅仁地區|铜仁地区[Tong2 ren2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 德江县 德江縣 S - 3 Dé jiāng xiàn f /Dejiang county in Tongren prefecture 銅仁地區|铜仁地区[Tong2 ren2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 德江縣 德江县 T - 3 Dé jiāng xiàn f /Dejiang county in Tongren prefecture 銅仁地區|铜仁地区[Tong2 ren2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 德沃夏克 - 10 Dé wò xià kè f /Antonin Dvořák (1841-1904), Bohemian composer, author of nine symphonies including the New World symphony/ 德治 - 26 dé zhì f /rule by virtue/rule by setting virtuous example (Confucian ideal)/ 德法年鉴 德法年鑒 S - 0 Dé Fǎ Nián jiàn f /Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher (published once in 1844 by Karl Marx and bourgeois radical Arnold Ruge)/ 德法年鑒 德法年鉴 T - 0 Dé Fǎ Nián jiàn f /Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher (published once in 1844 by Karl Marx and bourgeois radical Arnold Ruge)/ 德清 - 28 Dé qīng f /Deqing county in Huzhou 湖州[Hu2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 德清县 德清縣 S - 9 Dé qīng xiàn f /Deqing county in Huzhou 湖州[Hu2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 德清縣 德清县 T - 9 Dé qīng xiàn f /Deqing county in Huzhou 湖州[Hu2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 德烏帕 德乌帕 T - 0 Dé wū pà f /Sher Bahadur Deuba (1946-), former prime minister of Nepal/ 德牧 - 0 Dé mù f /German shepherd/ 德班 - 32 Dé bān f /Durban (city in South Africa)/ 德累斯頓 德累斯顿 T - 77 Dé lèi sī dùn f /Dresden, capital of Saxony 薩克森州|萨克森州[Sa4 ke4 sen1 zhou1], Germany/ 德累斯顿 德累斯頓 S - 77 Dé lèi sī dùn f /Dresden, capital of Saxony 薩克森州|萨克森州[Sa4 ke4 sen1 zhou1], Germany/ 德維爾潘 德维尔潘 T - 0 Dé wéi ěr pān f /(Dominique) de Villepin (French name)/ 德维尔潘 德維爾潘 S - 0 Dé wéi ěr pān f /(Dominique) de Villepin (French name)/ 德育 - 215 dé yù f /moral education/ 德胜门 德勝門 S - 203 Dé shèng mén f /Deshengmen (Beijing)/ 德興 德兴 T - 23 Dé xīng f /Dexing county level city in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi/ 德興市 德兴市 T - 3 Dé xīng shì f /Dexing county level city in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi/ 德航 - 0 Dé háng f /Lufthansa (German airline)/abbr. for 德國漢莎航空公司|德国汉莎航空公司[De2 guo2 Han4 sha1 Hang2 kong1 Gong1 si1]/ 德薄能鮮 德薄能鲜 T - 3 dé bó néng xiǎn f /little virtue and meager abilities (idiom); I'm a humble person and not much use at anything (Song writer Ouyang Xiu 欧阳修)/ 德薄能鲜 德薄能鮮 S - 3 dé bó néng xiǎn f /little virtue and meager abilities (idiom); I'm a humble person and not much use at anything (Song writer Ouyang Xiu 欧阳修)/ 德行 - 291 dé xíng t /morality and conduct/Taiwan pr. [de2 xing4]/ 德行 - 291 dé xing f /variant of 德性[de2 xing5]/ 德語 德语 T - 274 Dé yǔ f /German (language)/ 德謨克拉西 德谟克拉西 T - 0 dé mó kè lā xī f /democracy (loanword) (old)/ 德语 德語 S - 274 Dé yǔ f /German (language)/ 德谟克拉西 德謨克拉西 S - 0 dé mó kè lā xī f /democracy (loanword) (old)/ 德貴麗類 德贵丽类 T - 0 Dé guì lì lèi f /daiquirí/ 德贵丽类 德貴麗類 S - 0 Dé guì lì lèi f /daiquirí/ 德都 - 3 Dé dū f /Dejun, former county, merged into Wudalianchi 五大連池|五大连池[Wu3 da4 lian2 chi2] in Heihe, Heilongjiang/ 德都县 德都縣 S - 4 Dé dū xiàn f /Dejun, former county, merged into Wudalianchi 五大連池|五大连池[Wu3 da4 lian2 chi2] in Heihe, Heilongjiang/ 德都縣 德都县 T - 4 Dé dū xiàn f /Dejun, former county, merged into Wudalianchi 五大連池|五大连池[Wu3 da4 lian2 chi2] in Heihe, Heilongjiang/ 德里 - 231 Dé lǐ f /Delhi/New Delhi, capital of India/same as 新德里[Xin1 De2 li3]/ 德里达 德里達 S - 3 Dé lǐ dá f /Jacques Derrida (1930-2004), philosopher/ 德里達 德里达 T - 3 Dé lǐ dá f /Jacques Derrida (1930-2004), philosopher/ 德钦 德欽 S - 28 Dé qīn f /Dechen county in Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture 迪慶藏族自治州|迪庆藏族自治州[Di2 qing4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ 德钦县 德欽縣 S - 5 Dé qīn xiàn f /Dechen county in Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture 迪慶藏族自治州|迪庆藏族自治州[Di2 qing4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ 德阳 德陽 S - 28 Dé yáng f /Deyang prefecture level city in Sichuan/ 德阳市 德陽市 S - 13 Dé yáng shì f /Deyang prefecture level city in Sichuan/ 德陽 德阳 T - 28 Dé yáng f /Deyang prefecture level city in Sichuan/ 德陽市 德阳市 T - 13 Dé yáng shì f /Deyang prefecture level city in Sichuan/ 德雷尔 德雷爾 S - 3 Dé léi ěr f /Dreyer (name)/June Teufel Dreyer, China expert at Univ. of Miami and Foreign Policy Research Institute/ 德雷斯頓 德雷斯顿 T - 0 Dé léi sī dùn f /Dresden, Germany/ 德雷斯顿 德雷斯頓 S - 0 Dé léi sī dùn f /Dresden, Germany/ 德雷爾 德雷尔 T - 3 Dé léi ěr f /Dreyer (name)/June Teufel Dreyer, China expert at Univ. of Miami and Foreign Policy Research Institute/ 德雷福斯 - 0 Dé léi fú sī f /Dreyfus (name)/Alfred Dreyfus (1859-1935), French artillery officer of Alsatian and Jewish background, infamously imprisoned 1894 in miscarriage of justice/ 德雷福斯案件 - 0 Dé léi fú sī àn jiàn f /Dreyfus affair 1894-1906, notorious political scandal in France case involving antisemitism and miscarriage of justice/ 德高望重 - 126 dé gāo wàng zhòng f /a person of virtue and prestige/a person of good moral standing and reputation/ 德黑兰 德黑蘭 S - 209 Dé hēi lán f /Tehran, capital of Iran/ 德黑蘭 德黑兰 T - 209 Dé hēi lán f /Tehran, capital of Iran/ 徹 彻 T - 315 chè f /thorough/penetrating/to pervade/to pass through/ 徹夜 彻夜 T - 110 chè yè f /the whole night/ 徹夜不眠 彻夜不眠 T - 23 chè yè bù mián f /to be sleepless all night/ 徹底 彻底 T 1449 4498 chè dǐ f /thorough/thoroughly/complete/ 徹底失敗 彻底失败 T - 0 chè dǐ shī bài f /utter failure/ 徹悟 彻悟 T - 9 chè wù f /fully aware/to recognize fully/ 徹查 彻查 T - 3 chè chá f /to investigate thoroughly/ 徹西 彻西 T - 0 Chè xī f /Chelsea, suburb of London/Chelsea football club/ 徹頭徹尾 彻头彻尾 T - 68 chè tóu chè wěi f /lit. from head to tail (idiom); thoroughgoing/through and through/out and out/from top to bottom/ 徹骨 彻骨 T - 81 chè gǔ f /to the bone/to the marrow/fig. to a very large degree/ 徻 - 0 wèi f /a wide room/ 徼 - 21 jiǎo t /by mere luck/ 徼 - 21 jiào f /boundary/to go around/ 徼倖 徼幸 T - 0 jiǎo xìng f /variant of 僥倖|侥幸[jiao3 xing4]/ 徼幸 徼倖 S - 0 jiǎo xìng f /variant of 僥倖|侥幸[jiao3 xing4]/ 徼幸 - 0 jiǎo xìng f /variant of 僥倖|侥幸[jiao3 xing4]/ 徽 幑 S - 405 huī f /old variant of 徽[hui1]/ 徽 - 405 huī f /badge/emblem/insignia/crest/logo/coat of arms/ 徽剧 徽劇 S - 15 Huī jù f /Anhui opera/ 徽劇 徽剧 T - 15 Huī jù f /Anhui opera/ 徽县 徽縣 S - 9 Huī xiàn f /Hui county in Longnan 隴南|陇南[Long3 nan2], Gansu/ 徽号 徽號 S - 143 huī hào f /title of honor/term of respect/ 徽墨 - 16 Huī mò f /Anhui ink (known for its quality)/ 徽州 - 239 Huī zhōu f /Huizhou district of Huangshan city 黃山市|黄山市[Huang2 shan1 shi4], Anhui/ 徽州区 徽州區 S - 5 Huī zhōu qū f /Huizhou district of Huangshan city 黃山市|黄山市[Huang2 shan1 shi4], Anhui/ 徽州區 徽州区 T - 5 Huī zhōu qū f /Huizhou district of Huangshan city 黃山市|黄山市[Huang2 shan1 shi4], Anhui/ 徽帜 徽幟 S - 3 huī zhì f /banner/ 徽幟 徽帜 T - 3 huī zhì f /banner/ 徽章 - 72 huī zhāng f /badge/emblem/insignia/crest/logo/coat of arms/ 徽縣 徽县 T - 9 Huī xiàn f /Hui county in Longnan 隴南|陇南[Long3 nan2], Gansu/ 徽菜 - 3 Huī cài f /Anhui cuisine/ 徽號 徽号 T - 143 huī hào f /title of honor/term of respect/ 徽記 徽记 T - 8 huī jì f /crest/insignia/ 徽語 徽语 T - 0 Huī yǔ f /Huizhou dialect of Gan, spoken in southern parts of Anhui Province/ 徽調 徽调 T - 5 Huī diào f /Anhui opera/ 徽记 徽記 S - 8 huī jì f /crest/insignia/ 徽语 徽語 S - 0 Huī yǔ f /Huizhou dialect of Gan, spoken in southern parts of Anhui Province/ 徽调 徽調 S - 5 Huī diào f /Anhui opera/ 忀 - 0 xiāng f /to stroll/to ramble/ 忂 - 0 qú f /old variant of 躣[qu2]/ 心 - 25236 xīn f /heart/mind/intention/center/core/CL:顆|颗[ke1],個|个[ge4]/ 心上人 - 103 xīn shàng rén f /sweetheart/one's beloved/ 心下 - 0 xīn xià f /in mind/ 心不在焉 - 164 xīn bù zài yān f /absent-minded/preoccupied/inattentive/with one's thoughts wandering/ 心中 - 14906 xīn zhōng f /central point/in one's thoughts/in one's heart/ 心中无数 心中無數 S - 17 xīn zhōng wú shù f /to have no idea/to be unsure/ 心中有数 心中有數 S - 157 xīn zhōng yǒu shù f /to know what's going on/ 心中有數 心中有数 T - 157 xīn zhōng yǒu shù f /to know what's going on/ 心中有鬼 - 3 xīn zhōng yǒu guǐ f /to harbor ulterior motives (idiom)/ 心中無數 心中无数 T - 17 xīn zhōng wú shù f /to have no idea/to be unsure/ 心乱如麻 心亂如麻 S - 82 xīn luàn rú má f /one's thoughts in a whirl (idiom); confused/disconcerted/upset/ 心亂如麻 心乱如麻 T - 82 xīn luàn rú má f /one's thoughts in a whirl (idiom); confused/disconcerted/upset/ 心事 - 360 xīn shì f /a load on one's mind/worry/CL:宗[zong1],樁|桩[zhuang1]/ 心仪 心儀 S - 106 xīn yí f /to admire/ 心余力绌 心餘力絀 S - 3 xīn yú lì chù f /see 心有餘而力不足|心有余而力不足[xin1 you3 yu2 er2 li4 bu4 zu2]/ 心儀 心仪 T - 106 xīn yí f /to admire/ 心切 - 187 xīn qiè f /eager/impatient/guileless/ 心力 - 65 xīn lì f /mental and physical efforts/ 心力交瘁 - 55 xīn lì jiāo cuì f /to be both mentally and physically exhausted (idiom)/ 心力衰竭 - 102 xīn lì shuāi jié f /heart failure/ 心动 心動 S - 255 xīn dòng f /heartbeat/palpitation/one's heartbeat quickens/tachycardia/fig. emotionally affected/aroused (of desire, emotion, interest etc)/startled/shocked/perturbed/ 心动图 心動圖 S - 27 xīn dòng tú f /cardiogram (medicine)/ 心劲 心勁 S - 19 xīn jìn f /thoughts/what one has in one's heart/ 心勁 心劲 T - 19 xīn jìn f /thoughts/what one has in one's heart/ 心動 心动 T - 255 xīn dòng f /heartbeat/palpitation/one's heartbeat quickens/tachycardia/fig. emotionally affected/aroused (of desire, emotion, interest etc)/startled/shocked/perturbed/ 心動圖 心动图 T - 27 xīn dòng tú f /cardiogram (medicine)/ 心包 - 102 xīn bāo f /pericardium/ 心口 - 155 xīn kǒu f /pit of the stomach/solar plexus/words and thoughts/ 心口不一 - 17 xīn kǒu bù yī f /heart and mouth at variance (idiom); keeping one's real intentions to oneself/saying one thing but meaning sth different/ 心口如一 - 6 xīn kǒu rú yī f /lit. heart and mouth as one (idiom); to say what you think/honest and straightforward/ 心叶椴 心葉椴 S - 0 xīn yè duàn f /small-leaf linden (Tilia cordata)/ 心土 - 4 xīn tǔ f /subsoil/ 心地 - 295 xīn dì f /character/ 心地善良 - 3 xīn dì shàn liáng f /kindhearted/good-natured/ 心坎 - 62 xīn kǎn f /bottom of one's heart/ 心境 - 384 xīn jìng f /mood/mental state/frame of mind/ 心声 心聲 S - 201 xīn shēng f /thoughts/feelings/aspirations/heartfelt wishes/inner voice/ 心头 心頭 S - 1882 xīn tóu f /heart/thoughts/mind/ 心头肉 心頭肉 S - 17 xīn tóu ròu f /favorite/ 心如刀割 - 37 xīn rú dāo gē f /to feel as if having one's heart cut out (idiom)/to be torn with grief/ 心如刀絞 心如刀绞 T - 25 xīn rú dāo jiǎo f /to feel a pain like a knife being twisted in one's heart (idiom)/ 心如刀绞 心如刀絞 S - 25 xīn rú dāo jiǎo f /to feel a pain like a knife being twisted in one's heart (idiom)/ 心如止水 - 19 xīn rú zhǐ shuǐ f /to be at peace with oneself/ 心孔 - 0 xīn kǒng f /see 心竅|心窍[xin1 qiao4]/ 心存不满 心存不滿 S - 0 xīn cún bù mǎn f /to be discontented/to be dissatisfied/ 心存不滿 心存不满 T - 0 xīn cún bù mǎn f /to be discontented/to be dissatisfied/ 心存怀疑 心存懷疑 S - 0 xīn cún huái yí f /to be suspicious/ 心存懷疑 心存怀疑 T - 0 xīn cún huái yí f /to be suspicious/ 心学 心學 S - 3 xīn xué f /School of Mind/Neo-Confucian Idealistic School (from Song to mid-Qing times, c. 1000-1750, typified by the teachings of Wang Yangming 王陽明|王阳明[Wang2 Yang2 ming2])/ 心學 心学 T - 3 xīn xué f /School of Mind/Neo-Confucian Idealistic School (from Song to mid-Qing times, c. 1000-1750, typified by the teachings of Wang Yangming 王陽明|王阳明[Wang2 Yang2 ming2])/ 心安理得 - 107 xīn ān lǐ dé f /to have a clear conscience/to have no qualms about sth/ 心安神閑 心安神闲 T - 0 xīn ān shén xián f /with one's heart at ease and one's spirit at rest (idiom)/ 心安神闲 心安神閑 S - 0 xīn ān shén xián f /with one's heart at ease and one's spirit at rest (idiom)/ 心室 - 144 xīn shì f /ventricle (heart)/ 心宽体胖 心寬體胖 S - 4 xīn kuān tǐ pán f /big-hearted and serene (idiom); contented and easy-going/ 心宿二 - 0 Xīn xiù èr f /Antares, the brightest star in Scorpio 天蠍座|天蝎座[Tian1 xie1 zuo4]/ 心寒 - 64 xīn hán f /bitterly disappointed/frightened/ 心寬體胖 心宽体胖 T - 4 xīn kuān tǐ pán f /big-hearted and serene (idiom); contented and easy-going/ 心尖 - 23 xīn jiān f /bottom tip of the heart/fig. innermost feelings/coll. my darling/ 心平气和 心平氣和 S - 86 xīn píng qì hé f /tranquil and even-tempered (idiom); calmly and without stress/ 心平氣和 心平气和 T - 86 xīn píng qì hé f /tranquil and even-tempered (idiom); calmly and without stress/ 心广体胖 心廣體胖 S - 3 xīn guǎng tǐ pán f /big-hearted and serene (idiom); contended and easy-going/ 心底 - 804 xīn dǐ f /bottom of one's heart/ 心廣體胖 心广体胖 T - 3 xīn guǎng tǐ pán f /big-hearted and serene (idiom); contended and easy-going/ 心弦 - 59 xīn xián f /heartstrings/ 心影儿 心影兒 S - 0 xīn yǐng ér f /(Taiwan usage) child in need of help (orphaned, abandoned, abused etc)/ 心影兒 心影儿 T - 0 xīn yǐng ér f /(Taiwan usage) child in need of help (orphaned, abandoned, abused etc)/ 心律不整 - 3 xīn lǜ bù zhěng f /arrhythmia/ 心律不齊 心律不齐 T - 3 xīn lǜ bù qí f /arrhythmia/ 心律不齐 心律不齊 S - 3 xīn lǜ bù qí f /arrhythmia/ 心律失常 - 3 xīn lǜ shī cháng f /arrhythmia/ 心得 4659 234 xīn dé f /what one has learned (through experience, reading etc)/knowledge/insight/understanding/tips/CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4]/ 心得安 - 7 xīn dé ān f /propranolol (beta-blocker used to treat high blood pressure)/ 心心相印 - 52 xīn xīn xiāng yìn f /two hearts beat as one (idiom); a kindred spirit/ 心志 - 94 xīn zhì f /will/resolution/aspiration/ 心怀 心懷 S - 385 xīn huái f /to harbor (thoughts)/to cherish/to entertain (illusions)/ 心怀叵测 心懷叵測 S - 17 xīn huái pǒ cè f /see 居心叵測|居心叵测[ju1 xin1 po3 ce4]/ 心态 心態 S 3965 1363 xīn tài f /attitude (of the heart)/state of one's psyche/way of thinking/mentality/ 心思 - 1612 xīn si f /mind/thoughts/inclination/mood/ 心急 - 98 xīn jí f /anxious/impatient/ 心急吃不了热豆腐 心急吃不了熱豆腐 S - 0 xīn jí chī bu liǎo rè dòu fu f /hasty men don't get to eat hot tofu (idiom)/one just has to be patient/haste will ruin everything/ 心急吃不了熱豆腐 心急吃不了热豆腐 T - 0 xīn jí chī bu liǎo rè dòu fu f /hasty men don't get to eat hot tofu (idiom)/one just has to be patient/haste will ruin everything/ 心急火燎 - 60 xīn jí huǒ liǎo f /to burn with anxiety/ 心怦怦跳 - 0 xīn pēng pēng tiào f /The heart thumps wildly. (idiom)/ 心性 - 176 xīn xìng f /one's nature/temperament/ 心悅誠服 心悦诚服 T - 46 xīn yuè chéng fú f /to submit cheerfully/to accept willingly (idiom)/ 心悦诚服 心悅誠服 S - 46 xīn yuè chéng fú f /to submit cheerfully/to accept willingly (idiom)/ 心悸 - 178 xīn jì f /palpitation/ 心情 903 3662 xīn qíng f /mood/frame of mind/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 心惊 心驚 S - 394 xīn jīng f /fearful/apprehensive/ 心惊肉跳 心驚肉跳 S - 152 xīn jīng ròu tiào f /lit. heart alarmed, body leaping (idiom); fear and trepidation in the face of disaster/ 心惊胆战 心驚膽戰 S - 119 xīn jīng dǎn zhàn f /lit. heart alarmed, trembling in fear (idiom); prostrate with fear/scared witless/ 心惊胆颤 心驚膽顫 S - 11 xīn jīng dǎn chàn f /see 心驚膽戰|心惊胆战[xin1 jing1 dan3 zhan4]/ 心想 - 7205 xīn xiǎng f /to think to oneself/to think/to assume/ 心想事成 - 7 xīn xiǎng shì chéng f /to have one's wishes come true/wish you the best!/ 心意 - 908 xīn yì f /regard/kindly feelings/intention/ 心愛 心爱 T - 362 xīn ài f /beloved/ 心愿 心願 S - 589 xīn yuàn f /cherished desire/dream/craving/wish/aspiration/ 心愿单 心願單 S - 0 xīn yuàn dān f /wish list/ 心態 心态 T 3965 1363 xīn tài f /attitude (of the heart)/state of one's psyche/way of thinking/mentality/ 心慌 - 96 xīn huāng f /to be flustered/(dialect) irregular heart-beat/ 心慌意乱 心慌意亂 S - 112 xīn huāng yì luàn f /confused/rattled/flustered/ 心慌意亂 心慌意乱 T - 112 xīn huāng yì luàn f /confused/rattled/flustered/ 心懷 心怀 T - 385 xīn huái f /to harbor (thoughts)/to cherish/to entertain (illusions)/ 心懷叵測 心怀叵测 T - 17 xīn huái pǒ cè f /see 居心叵測|居心叵测[ju1 xin1 po3 ce4]/ 心房 - 125 xīn fáng f /heart (as the seat of emotions)/cardiac atrium/ 心房顫動 心房颤动 T - 3 xīn fáng chàn dòng f /atrial fibrillation/ 心房颤动 心房顫動 S - 3 xīn fáng chàn dòng f /atrial fibrillation/ 心扉 - 61 xīn fēi f /inner heart/soul/ 心折 心摺 S - 3 xīn zhé f /convinced/to admire from the heart/enchanted/ 心拙口夯 - 0 xīn zhuō kǒu bèn f /variant of 心拙口笨[xin1 zhuo1 kou3 ben4]/ 心拙口笨 - 0 xīn zhuō kǒu bèn f /dull-witted and tongue-tied/ 心搏 - 5 xīn bó f /heartbeat/pulse/ 心摺 心折 T - 3 xīn zhé f /convinced/to admire from the heart/enchanted/ 心无二用 心無二用 S - 7 xīn wú èr yòng f /one cannot concentrate on two things at the same time/ 心旷神怡 心曠神怡 S - 218 xīn kuàng shén yí f /lit. heart untroubled, spirit pleased (idiom); carefree and relaxed/ 心智 - 158 xīn zhì f /wisdom/ 心曠神怡 心旷神怡 T - 218 xīn kuàng shén yí f /lit. heart untroubled, spirit pleased (idiom); carefree and relaxed/ 心有余悸 心有餘悸 S - 67 xīn yǒu yú jì f /to have lingering fears/trepidation remaining after a trauma (idiom)/ 心有余而力不足 心有餘而力不足 S - 31 xīn yǒu yú ér lì bù zú f /the will is there, but not the strength (idiom)/the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak/ 心有余,力不足 心有餘,力不足 S - 0 xīn yǒu yú , lì bù zú f /The will is there, but not the strength (idiom, from Confucian Analects)./I really want to do it, but don't have the resources./The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak./ 心有灵犀一点通 心有靈犀一點通 S - 14 xīn yǒu líng xī yī diǎn tōng f /hearts linked as one, just as the proverbial rhinoceros communicates emotion telepathically through his single horn (idiom); fig. two hearts beat as one/ 心有靈犀一點通 心有灵犀一点通 T - 14 xīn yǒu líng xī yī diǎn tōng f /hearts linked as one, just as the proverbial rhinoceros communicates emotion telepathically through his single horn (idiom); fig. two hearts beat as one/ 心有餘悸 心有余悸 T - 67 xīn yǒu yú jì f /to have lingering fears/trepidation remaining after a trauma (idiom)/ 心有餘而力不足 心有余而力不足 T - 31 xīn yǒu yú ér lì bù zú f /the will is there, but not the strength (idiom)/the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak/ 心有餘,力不足 心有余,力不足 T - 0 xīn yǒu yú , lì bù zú f /The will is there, but not the strength (idiom, from Confucian Analects)./I really want to do it, but don't have the resources./The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak./ 心服 - 89 xīn fú f /to be convinced/ 心服口服 - 66 xīn fú kǒu fú f /lit. convinced in heart and by word (idiom)/sincerely convinced and ready to concede/ 心术 心術 S - 56 xīn shù f /designs/schemes/intentions/scheming/calculating (of a person)/ 心机 心機 S - 87 xīn jī f /thinking/scheme/ 心杂音 心雜音 S - 0 xīn zá yīn f /see 心臟雜音|心脏杂音[xin1 zang4 za2 yin1]/ 心材 - 2 xīn cái f /pith/central core (of tree)/ 心梗 - 11 xīn gěng f /abbr. for 心肌梗塞[xin1 ji1 geng3 sai1], myocardial infarction/heart attack/ 心機 心机 T - 87 xīn jī f /thinking/scheme/ 心毒 - 3 xīn dú f /cruel/vicious/ 心毒手辣 - 3 xīn dú shǒu là f /vicious and ruthless/ 心气 心氣 S - 66 xīn qì f /intention/motive/state of mind/ambition/aspiration/heart 氣|气[qi4] (TCM)/ 心氣 心气 T - 66 xīn qì f /intention/motive/state of mind/ambition/aspiration/heart 氣|气[qi4] (TCM)/ 心满意足 心滿意足 S - 247 xīn mǎn yì zú f /perfectly contented (idiom)/perfectly satisfied/ 心滿意足 心满意足 T - 247 xīn mǎn yì zú f /perfectly contented (idiom)/perfectly satisfied/ 心潮澎湃 - 45 xīn cháo péng pài f /to be overwhelmed by emotions/ 心灰意冷 - 72 xīn huī yì lěng f /discouraged/downhearted/ 心灰意懒 心灰意懶 S - 55 xīn huī yì lǎn f /discouraged/downhearted/ 心灰意懶 心灰意懒 T - 55 xīn huī yì lǎn f /discouraged/downhearted/ 心灵 心靈 S 2743 1411 xīn líng f /bright/smart/quick-witted/heart/thoughts/spirit/ 心灵上 心靈上 S - 0 xīn líng shàng f /spiritual/ 心灵感应 心靈感應 S - 3 xīn líng gǎn yìng f /telepathy/ 心灵手巧 心靈手巧 S - 18 xīn líng shǒu qiǎo f /capable/clever/dexterous/ 心烦 心煩 S - 140 xīn fán f /to feel agitated/to be troubled/to be annoyed/an upset or distraction/ 心烦意乱 心煩意亂 S - 102 xīn fán yì luàn f /lit. heart distracted, thoughts in turmoil (idiom); distraught with anxiety/ 心烦气躁 心煩氣躁 S - 0 xīn fán qì zào f /agitated/annoyed (idiom)/ 心無二用 心无二用 T - 7 xīn wú èr yòng f /one cannot concentrate on two things at the same time/ 心焦 - 95 xīn jiāo f /worried/anxious/ 心照 - 7 xīn zhào f /intuitive sympathy/to understand tacitly/ 心照不宣 - 73 xīn zhào bù xuān f /a tacit mutual understanding/ 心煩 心烦 T - 140 xīn fán f /to feel agitated/to be troubled/to be annoyed/an upset or distraction/ 心煩意亂 心烦意乱 T - 102 xīn fán yì luàn f /lit. heart distracted, thoughts in turmoil (idiom); distraught with anxiety/ 心煩氣躁 心烦气躁 T - 0 xīn fán qì zào f /agitated/annoyed (idiom)/ 心爱 心愛 S - 362 xīn ài f /beloved/ 心狠手辣 - 104 xīn hěn shǒu là f /vicious and merciless (idiom)/ 心猿意馬 心猿意马 T - 32 xīn yuán yì mǎ f /lit. heart like a frisky monkey, mind like a cantering horse (idiom); fig. capricious (derog.)/to have ants in one's pants/hyperactive/adventurous and uncontrollable/ 心猿意马 心猿意馬 S - 32 xīn yuán yì mǎ f /lit. heart like a frisky monkey, mind like a cantering horse (idiom); fig. capricious (derog.)/to have ants in one's pants/hyperactive/adventurous and uncontrollable/ 心率 - 109 xīn lǜ f /heart rate/ 心理 1393 6715 xīn lǐ f /mental/psychological/ 心理作用 - 3 xīn lǐ zuò yòng f /psychological effect/subjective experience affected more by one's expectations than by objective reality/figment of the imagination/ 心理学 心理學 S - 1268 xīn lǐ xué f /psychology/ 心理学家 心理學家 S - 229 xīn lǐ xué jiā f /psychologist/ 心理學 心理学 T - 1268 xīn lǐ xué f /psychology/ 心理學家 心理学家 T - 229 xīn lǐ xué jiā f /psychologist/ 心理战 心理戰 S - 3 xīn lǐ zhàn f /psychological warfare/psychological operations/psyop/ 心理戰 心理战 T - 3 xīn lǐ zhàn f /psychological warfare/psychological operations/psyop/ 心理統計學 心理统计学 T - 0 xīn lǐ tǒng jì xué f /psychometrics/quantitative psychology/ 心理统计学 心理統計學 S - 0 xīn lǐ tǒng jì xué f /psychometrics/quantitative psychology/ 心理詞典 心理词典 T - 0 xīn lǐ cí diǎn f /mental lexicon/ 心理词典 心理詞典 S - 0 xīn lǐ cí diǎn f /mental lexicon/ 心理防線 心理防线 T - 0 xīn lǐ fáng xiàn f /psychological barrier/ 心理防线 心理防線 S - 0 xīn lǐ fáng xiàn f /psychological barrier/ 心瓣 - 3 xīn bàn f /heart valve/ 心甘 - 29 xīn gān f /to be willing/to be satisfied/ 心甘情愿 心甘情願 S 4292 225 xīn gān qíng yuàn f /delighted to (do sth, idiom)/perfectly happy to do/most willing to do/ 心甘情願 心甘情愿 T 4292 225 xīn gān qíng yuàn f /delighted to (do sth, idiom)/perfectly happy to do/most willing to do/ 心田 - 53 xīn tián f /heart (one's innermost being)/ 心电图 心電圖 S - 109 xīn diàn tú f /electrocardiogram (ECG)/ 心电感应 心電感應 S - 2 xīn diàn gǎn yìng f /telepathy/ 心疑 - 3 xīn yí f /to suspect/ 心疼 4648 602 xīn téng f /to love dearly/to feel sorry for sb/to regret/to grudge/to be distressed/ 心病 - 137 xīn bìng f /anxiety/sore point/secret worry/mental disorder/heart disease (medicine)/ 心痛 - 196 xīn tòng f /to feel distressed about sth/heartache/cardiac pain/ 心目 - 998 xīn mù f /mind/view/ 心直口快 - 33 xīn zhí kǒu kuài f /frank and outspoken (idiom)/straight speaking/to say what one thinks/ 心直嘴快 - 3 xīn zhí zuǐ kuài f /frank and outspoken/straight speaking/to say what one thinks/ 心眼 - 207 xīn yǎn f /heart/intention/conscience/consideration/cleverness/tolerance/ 心眼儿 心眼兒 S 2525 130 xīn yǎn r f /one's thoughts/mind/intention/willingness to accept new ideas/baseless suspicions/ 心眼兒 心眼儿 T 2525 130 xīn yǎn r f /one's thoughts/mind/intention/willingness to accept new ideas/baseless suspicions/ 心眼多 - 0 xīn yǎn duō f /have unfounded doubts/over concerned/ 心眼大 - 0 xīn yǎn dà f /magnanimous/considerate/thoughtful/able to think of everything that needs to be thought of/ 心眼好 - 0 xīn yǎn hǎo f /well-intentioned/good-natured/kindhearted/ 心眼小 - 3 xīn yǎn xiǎo f /see 小心眼[xiao3 xin1 yan3]/ 心知肚明 - 48 xīn zhī dù míng f /to be well aware/ 心砰砰跳 - 0 xīn pēng pēng tiào f /variant of 心怦怦跳[xin1 peng1 peng1 tiao4]/ 心硬 - 17 xīn yìng f /hardhearted/callous/ 心碎 - 52 xīn suì f /heartbroken/extreme depth of sorrow/ 心神 - 406 xīn shén f /mind/state of mind/attention/(Chinese medicine) psychic constitution/ 心神不宁 心神不寧 S - 44 xīn shén bù níng f /to feel ill at ease/ 心神不安 - 18 xīn shén bù ān f /to feel ill at ease/ 心神不寧 心神不宁 T - 44 xīn shén bù níng f /to feel ill at ease/ 心神不属 心神不屬 S - 0 xīn shén bù zhǔ f /see 心不在焉[xin1 bu4 zai4 yan1]/ 心神不屬 心神不属 T - 0 xīn shén bù zhǔ f /see 心不在焉[xin1 bu4 zai4 yan1]/ 心神专注 心神專註 S - 0 xīn shén zhuān zhù f /to concentrate one's attention/to be fully focused/ 心神專註 心神专注 T - 0 xīn shén zhuān zhù f /to concentrate one's attention/to be fully focused/ 心神恍惚 - 32 xīn shén huǎng hū f /perturbed (idiom)/ 心秀 - 3 xīn xiù f /not manifesting one's inner quality/ 心窄 - 3 xīn zhǎi f /narrow-minded/intolerant/ 心窍 心竅 S - 36 xīn qiào f /the mind/capacity for clear thinking/ 心窝儿 心窩兒 S - 2 xīn wō r f /one's breast/the pit of one's stomach/ 心窩兒 心窝儿 T - 2 xīn wō r f /one's breast/the pit of one's stomach/ 心竅 心窍 T - 36 xīn qiào f /the mind/capacity for clear thinking/ 心算 - 40 xīn suàn f /mental arithmetic/to calculate in one's head/planning/preparation/ 心細 心细 T - 28 xīn xì f /careful/scrupulous/ 心結 心结 T - 40 xīn jié f /a matter that gnaws at one's mind/preoccupation/sore point/rancor/ 心絞痛 心绞痛 T - 120 xīn jiǎo tòng f /angina/ 心經 心经 T - 3 Xīn jīng f /the Heart Sutra/ 心緒 心绪 T - 204 xīn xù f /state of mind/mood/ 心緒不佳 心绪不佳 T - 0 xīn xù bù jiā f /out of sorts/gloomy/ 心緒不寧 心绪不宁 T - 3 xīn xù bù níng f /unquiet state of mind/ 心细 心細 S - 28 xīn xì f /careful/scrupulous/ 心经 心經 S - 3 Xīn jīng f /the Heart Sutra/ 心结 心結 S - 40 xīn jié f /a matter that gnaws at one's mind/preoccupation/sore point/rancor/ 心绞痛 心絞痛 S - 120 xīn jiǎo tòng f /angina/ 心绪 心緒 S - 204 xīn xù f /state of mind/mood/ 心绪不佳 心緒不佳 S - 0 xīn xù bù jiā f /out of sorts/gloomy/ 心绪不宁 心緒不寧 S - 3 xīn xù bù níng f /unquiet state of mind/ 心羡 心羨 S - 0 xīn xiàn f /to admire/ 心羨 心羡 T - 0 xīn xiàn f /to admire/ 心聲 心声 T - 201 xīn shēng f /thoughts/feelings/aspirations/heartfelt wishes/inner voice/ 心肌 - 219 xīn jī f /myocardium/ 心肌梗塞 - 57 xīn jī gěng sè f /myocardial infarction/heart attack/ 心肌梗死 - 83 xīn jī gěng sǐ f /myocardial infarction/heart attack/ 心肌炎 - 46 xīn jī yán f /myocarditis/ 心肝 - 171 xīn gān f /darling/(in negative sentences) heart/humanity/ 心肠 心腸 S - 403 xīn cháng f /heart/intention/one's inclination/state of mind/to have the heart for sth/mood/ 心肺复苏术 心肺復甦術 S - 0 xīn fèi fù sū shù f /cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)/ 心肺復甦術 心肺复苏术 T - 0 xīn fèi fù sū shù f /cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)/ 心胆 心膽 S - 31 xīn dǎn f /courage/ 心胆俱裂 心膽俱裂 S - 41 xīn dǎn jù liè f /to be scared out of one's wits (idiom)/ 心胸 - 196 xīn xiōng f /breadth of mind/ 心胸开阔 心胸開闊 S - 3 xīn xiōng kāi kuò f /broad-minded/open-minded/ 心胸狭窄 心胸狹窄 S - 3 xīn xiōng xiá zhǎi f /narrow-minded (idiom); petty/ungenerous/ 心胸狭隘 心胸狹隘 S - 3 xīn xiōng xiá ài f /narrow/petty-minded/ 心胸狹窄 心胸狭窄 T - 3 xīn xiōng xiá zhǎi f /narrow-minded (idiom); petty/ungenerous/ 心胸狹隘 心胸狭隘 T - 3 xīn xiōng xiá ài f /narrow/petty-minded/ 心胸開闊 心胸开阔 T - 3 xīn xiōng kāi kuò f /broad-minded/open-minded/ 心脏 心臟 S 1428 1338 xīn zàng f /heart/CL:顆|颗[ke1],個|个[ge4]/ 心脏搭桥手术 心臟搭橋手術 S - 0 xīn zàng dā qiáo shǒu shù f /coronary bypass operation/ 心脏收缩压 心臟收縮壓 S - 0 xīn zàng shōu suō yā f /systolic blood pressure/ 心脏杂音 心臟雜音 S - 0 xīn zàng zá yīn f /heart murmur/ 心脏疾患 心臟疾患 S - 3 xīn zàng jí huàn f /heart disease/ 心脏病 心臟病 S - 522 xīn zàng bìng f /heart disease/ 心脏移殖 心臟移殖 S - 0 xīn zàng yí zhí f /heart transplant/ 心脏舒张压 心臟舒張壓 S - 0 xīn zàng shū zhāng yā f /diastolic blood pressure/ 心腸 心肠 T - 403 xīn cháng f /heart/intention/one's inclination/state of mind/to have the heart for sth/mood/ 心腹 - 560 xīn fù f /trusted aide/confidant/reliable agent/to confide/ 心腹之患 - 42 xīn fù zhī huàn f /lit. calamity within one's bosom (idiom); major trouble hidden within/ 心膽 心胆 T - 31 xīn dǎn f /courage/ 心膽俱裂 心胆俱裂 T - 41 xīn dǎn jù liè f /to be scared out of one's wits (idiom)/ 心臟 心脏 T 1428 1338 xīn zàng f /heart/CL:顆|颗[ke1],個|个[ge4]/ 心臟搭橋手術 心脏搭桥手术 T - 0 xīn zàng dā qiáo shǒu shù f /coronary bypass operation/ 心臟收縮壓 心脏收缩压 T - 0 xīn zàng shōu suō yā f /systolic blood pressure/ 心臟疾患 心脏疾患 T - 3 xīn zàng jí huàn f /heart disease/ 心臟病 心脏病 T - 522 xīn zàng bìng f /heart disease/ 心臟移殖 心脏移殖 T - 0 xīn zàng yí zhí f /heart transplant/ 心臟舒張壓 心脏舒张压 T - 0 xīn zàng shū zhāng yā f /diastolic blood pressure/ 心臟雜音 心脏杂音 T - 0 xīn zàng zá yīn f /heart murmur/ 心花怒放 - 147 xīn huā nù fàng f /to burst with joy (idiom)/to be over the moon/to be elated/ 心荡神驰 心蕩神馳 S - 2 xīn dàng shén chí f /to be infatuated with/ 心葉椴 心叶椴 T - 0 xīn yè duàn f /small-leaf linden (Tilia cordata)/ 心蕩神馳 心荡神驰 T - 2 xīn dàng shén chí f /to be infatuated with/ 心虚 心虛 S - 153 xīn xū f /lacking in confidence/diffident/to have a guilty conscience/ 心虛 心虚 T - 153 xīn xū f /lacking in confidence/diffident/to have a guilty conscience/ 心血 3781 524 xīn xuè f /heart's blood/expenditure (for some project)/meticulous care/ 心血來潮 心血来潮 T - 67 xīn xuè lái cháo f /to be prompted by a sudden impulse/carried away by a whim/to have a brainstorm/ 心血来潮 心血來潮 S - 67 xīn xuè lái cháo f /to be prompted by a sudden impulse/carried away by a whim/to have a brainstorm/ 心血管 - 309 xīn xuè guǎn f /cardiovascular/ 心血管疾病 - 0 xīn xuè guǎn jí bìng f /cardiovascular disease/ 心術 心术 T - 56 xīn shù f /designs/schemes/intentions/scheming/calculating (of a person)/ 心裡 心里 T - 10571 xīn li f /chest/heart/mind/ 心裡有數 心里有数 T - 53 xīn lǐ yǒu shù f /to know the score (idiom)/to be well aware of the situation/ 心裡有譜 心里有谱 T - 0 xīn lǐ yǒu pǔ f /to have a plan in mind/ 心裡有鬼 心里有鬼 T - 0 xīn li yǒu guǐ f /to have secret motives/to have a guilty conscience/ 心裡癢癢 心里痒痒 T - 0 xīn lǐ yǎng yang f /lit. itchy heart/to be itching to do sth (idiom)/ 心裡美蘿蔔 心里美萝卜 T - 0 xīn li měi luó bo f /Chinese roseheart radish (shinrimei radish), green on the outside, purple-red on the inside, a favorite Beijing vegetable/ 心裡話 心里话 T - 206 xīn li huà f /(to express one's) true feelings/what is on one's mind/secret mind/ 心計 心计 T - 87 xīn jì f /scheming/shrewdness/ 心許 心许 T - 2 xīn xǔ f /to consent tacitly/unspoken approval/ 心计 心計 S - 87 xīn jì f /scheming/shrewdness/ 心许 心許 S - 2 xīn xǔ f /to consent tacitly/unspoken approval/ 心跡 心迹 T - 53 xīn jì f /true motive/true feelings/ 心路 - 36 xīn lù f /scheme/artifice/tolerance/intention/motive/train of thought/brains/wit/ideas/ 心跳 - 441 xīn tiào f /heartbeat/pulse/ 心軟 心软 T - 95 xīn ruǎn f /to be softhearted/to be tenderhearted/to be kindhearted/ 心軸 心轴 T - 3 xīn zhóu f /central axis/spindle/ 心輪 心轮 T - 0 xīn lún f /anāhata or anahata, the heart chakra 查克拉, residing in the chest/ 心轮 心輪 S - 0 xīn lún f /anāhata or anahata, the heart chakra 查克拉, residing in the chest/ 心软 心軟 S - 95 xīn ruǎn f /to be softhearted/to be tenderhearted/to be kindhearted/ 心轴 心軸 S - 3 xīn zhóu f /central axis/spindle/ 心迹 心跡 S - 53 xīn jì f /true motive/true feelings/ 心酸 - 198 xīn suān f /to feel sad/ 心醉 - 41 xīn zuì f /enchanted/fascinated/charmed/ 心醉神迷 - 5 xīn zuì shén mí f /ecstatic/enraptured/ 心里 心裡 S - 10571 xīn li f /chest/heart/mind/ 心里有数 心裡有數 S - 53 xīn lǐ yǒu shù f /to know the score (idiom)/to be well aware of the situation/ 心里有谱 心裡有譜 S - 0 xīn lǐ yǒu pǔ f /to have a plan in mind/ 心里有鬼 心裡有鬼 S - 0 xīn li yǒu guǐ f /to have secret motives/to have a guilty conscience/ 心里痒痒 心裡癢癢 S - 0 xīn lǐ yǎng yang f /lit. itchy heart/to be itching to do sth (idiom)/ 心里美萝卜 心裡美蘿蔔 S - 0 xīn li měi luó bo f /Chinese roseheart radish (shinrimei radish), green on the outside, purple-red on the inside, a favorite Beijing vegetable/ 心里话 心裡話 S - 206 xīn li huà f /(to express one's) true feelings/what is on one's mind/secret mind/ 心重 - 3 xīn zhòng f /over-anxious/neurotic/ 心雜音 心杂音 T - 0 xīn zá yīn f /see 心臟雜音|心脏杂音[xin1 zang4 za2 yin1]/ 心電圖 心电图 T - 109 xīn diàn tú f /electrocardiogram (ECG)/ 心電感應 心电感应 T - 2 xīn diàn gǎn yìng f /telepathy/ 心靈 心灵 T 2743 1411 xīn líng f /bright/smart/quick-witted/heart/thoughts/spirit/ 心靈上 心灵上 T - 0 xīn líng shàng f /spiritual/ 心靈感應 心灵感应 T - 3 xīn líng gǎn yìng f /telepathy/ 心靈手巧 心灵手巧 T - 18 xīn líng shǒu qiǎo f /capable/clever/dexterous/ 心静 心靜 S - 24 xīn jìng f /tranquil/calm/ 心静自然凉 心靜自然涼 S - 0 xīn jìng zì rán liáng f /a calm heart keeps you cool (idiom)/ 心靜 心静 T - 24 xīn jìng f /tranquil/calm/ 心靜自然涼 心静自然凉 T - 0 xīn jìng zì rán liáng f /a calm heart keeps you cool (idiom)/ 心音 - 73 xīn yīn f /sound of the heart/heartbeat/ 心領 心领 T - 3 xīn lǐng f /I appreciate your kindness (conventional reply to turn down an offer)/ 心領神悟 心领神悟 T - 3 xīn lǐng shén wù f /to understand tacitly (idiom)/to know intuitively/to understand thoroughly/ 心領神會 心领神会 T - 67 xīn lǐng shén huì f /to understand tacitly (idiom)/to know intuitively/to understand thoroughly/ 心頭 心头 T - 1882 xīn tóu f /heart/thoughts/mind/ 心頭肉 心头肉 T - 17 xīn tóu ròu f /favorite/ 心願 心愿 T - 589 xīn yuàn f /cherished desire/dream/craving/wish/aspiration/ 心願單 心愿单 T - 0 xīn yuàn dān f /wish list/ 心领 心領 S - 3 xīn lǐng f /I appreciate your kindness (conventional reply to turn down an offer)/ 心领神会 心領神會 S - 67 xīn lǐng shén huì f /to understand tacitly (idiom)/to know intuitively/to understand thoroughly/ 心领神悟 心領神悟 S - 3 xīn lǐng shén wù f /to understand tacitly (idiom)/to know intuitively/to understand thoroughly/ 心餘力絀 心余力绌 T - 3 xīn yú lì chù f /see 心有餘而力不足|心有余而力不足[xin1 you3 yu2 er2 li4 bu4 zu2]/ 心馳神往 心驰神往 T - 13 xīn chí shén wǎng f /one's thoughts fly to a longed-for place or person/to long for/infatuated/fascinated/ 心驚 心惊 T - 394 xīn jīng f /fearful/apprehensive/ 心驚肉跳 心惊肉跳 T - 152 xīn jīng ròu tiào f /lit. heart alarmed, body leaping (idiom); fear and trepidation in the face of disaster/ 心驚膽戰 心惊胆战 T - 119 xīn jīng dǎn zhàn f /lit. heart alarmed, trembling in fear (idiom); prostrate with fear/scared witless/ 心驚膽顫 心惊胆颤 T - 11 xīn jīng dǎn chàn f /see 心驚膽戰|心惊胆战[xin1 jing1 dan3 zhan4]/ 心驰神往 心馳神往 S - 13 xīn chí shén wǎng f /one's thoughts fly to a longed-for place or person/to long for/infatuated/fascinated/ 心高气傲 心高氣傲 S - 52 xīn gāo qì ào f /proud and arrogant/ 心高氣傲 心高气傲 T - 52 xīn gāo qì ào f /proud and arrogant/ 必 - 9063 bì f /certainly/must/will/necessarily/ 必不可少 - 450 bì bù kě shǎo f /absolutely necessary/indispensable/essential/ 必不可少組成 必不可少组成 T - 0 bì bù kě shǎo zǔ chéng f /absolute necessity/sine qua non/ 必不可少组成 必不可少組成 S - 0 bì bù kě shǎo zǔ chéng f /absolute necessity/sine qua non/ 必不可缺 - 117 bì bù kě quē f /see 必不可少[bi4 bu4 ke3 shao3]/ 必修 - 68 bì xiū f /a required course/ 必修課 必修课 T - 101 bì xiū kè f /required course/compulsory course/ 必修课 必修課 S - 101 bì xiū kè f /required course/compulsory course/ 必備 必备 T - 1542 bì bèi f /essential/ 必勝客 必胜客 T - 16 Bì shèng Kè f /Pizza Hut/ 必和必拓 - 0 Bì huó Bì tuò f /BHP Billiton (Anglo-Australian mining corporation)/ 必备 必備 S - 1542 bì bèi f /essential/ 必定 - 1706 bì dìng f /to be bound to/to be sure to/ 必将 必將 S - 937 bì jiāng f /inevitably/ 必將 必将 T - 937 bì jiāng f /inevitably/ 必应 必應 S - 3 Bì yìng f /Bing (search engine)/ 必得 - 3 bì děi f /must/have to/ 必恭必敬 - 4 bì gōng bì jìng f /variant of 畢恭畢敬|毕恭毕敬[bi4 gong1 bi4 jing4]/ 必應 必应 T - 3 Bì yìng f /Bing (search engine)/ 必有重謝 必有重谢 T - 0 bì yǒu zhòng xiè f /(we) will be very grateful (if …)/ 必有重谢 必有重謝 S - 0 bì yǒu zhòng xiè f /(we) will be very grateful (if …)/ 必死之症 - 0 bì sǐ zhī zhèng f /terminal illness/incurable condition (also fig.)/ 必然 2240 4280 bì rán f /inevitable/certain/necessity/ 必然王国 必然王國 S - 22 bì rán wáng guó f /realm of necessity (philosophy)/ 必然王國 必然王国 T - 22 bì rán wáng guó f /realm of necessity (philosophy)/ 必然結果 必然结果 T - 3 bì rán jié guǒ f /inevitable outcome/inescapable consequence/ 必然结果 必然結果 S - 3 bì rán jié guǒ f /inevitable outcome/inescapable consequence/ 必由之路 - 76 bì yóu zhī lù f /the road one must follow or take/the only way/ 必經 必经 T - 197 bì jīng f /unavoidable/the only (road, entrance etc)/ 必經之路 必经之路 T - 186 bì jīng zhī lù f /the road one must follow or take/the only way/same as 必由之路[bi4 you2 zhi1 lu4]/ 必经 必經 S - 197 bì jīng f /unavoidable/the only (road, entrance etc)/ 必经之路 必經之路 S - 186 bì jīng zhī lù f /the road one must follow or take/the only way/same as 必由之路[bi4 you2 zhi1 lu4]/ 必胜客 必勝客 S - 16 Bì shèng Kè f /Pizza Hut/ 必要 1275 5175 bì yào f /necessary/essential/indispensable/required/ 必要性 - 225 bì yào xìng f /necessity/ 必要条件 必要條件 S - 276 bì yào tiáo jiàn f /requirement/necessary condition (math)/ 必要條件 必要条件 T - 276 bì yào tiáo jiàn f /requirement/necessary condition (math)/ 必需 - 1273 bì xū f /to need/to require/essential/indispensable/ 必需品 - 160 bì xū pǐn f /necessity/essential (thing)/ 必須 必须 T 336 21884 bì xū f /to have to/must/compulsory/necessarily/ 必须 必須 S 336 21884 bì xū f /to have to/must/compulsory/necessarily/ 忆 憶 S - 241 yì f /to recollect/to remember/memory/ 忆苦思甜 憶苦思甜 S - 28 yì kǔ sī tián f /to view one's past as miserable and one's present as happy (idiom)/ 忆苦饭 憶苦飯 S - 3 yì kǔ fàn f /unsavory meal taken in remembrance of past hardships/fig. poor-tasting meal/ 忆述 憶述 S - 3 yì sù f /to talk (or write) about one's recollections of past events/ 忉 - 0 dāo f /grieved/ 忌 - 4236 jì f /to be jealous of/fear/dread/scruple/to avoid or abstain from/to quit/to give up sth/ 忌口 - 15 jì kǒu f /abstain from certain food (as when ill)/avoid certain foods/be on a diet/ 忌妒 - 26 jì du f /to be jealous of/to envy/jealousy/envy/ 忌恨 - 53 jì hèn f /hate (due to envy etc)/ 忌惮 忌憚 S - 308 jì dàn f /to be afraid of the consequences/restraining fear/ 忌憚 忌惮 T - 308 jì dàn f /to be afraid of the consequences/restraining fear/ 忌日 - 28 jì rì f /anniversary of a death/inauspicious day/ 忌羡 忌羨 S - 0 jì xiàn f /to envy/ 忌羨 忌羡 T - 0 jì xiàn f /to envy/ 忌諱 忌讳 T 4678 355 jì huì f /taboo/to avoid as taboo/to abstain from/ 忌讳 忌諱 S 4678 355 jì huì f /taboo/to avoid as taboo/to abstain from/ 忌辰 - 18 jì chén f /anniversary of a death/ 忍 - 2129 rěn f /to bear/to endure/to tolerate/to restrain oneself/ 忍不住 1963 2838 rěn bu zhù f /cannot help/unable to bear/ 忍俊 - 0 rěn jùn f /smiling/ 忍俊不禁 - 40 rěn jùn bù jīn f /cannot help laughing/unable to restrain a smile/ 忍冬 - 16 rěn dōng f /honeysuckle/Lonicera japonica/ 忍受 2629 851 rěn shòu f /to bear/to endure/ 忍垢偷生 - 3 rěn gòu tōu shēng f /to bear humiliation to save one's skin (idiom)/ 忍得住 - 0 rěn de zhù f /to refrain/to be able to endure it/ 忍心 - 334 rěn xīn f /to have the heart to do sth/to steel oneself to a task/ 忍恥 忍耻 T - 0 rěn chǐ f /to endure humiliation/ 忍无可忍 忍無可忍 S - 118 rěn wú kě rěn f /more than one can bear (idiom); at the end of one's patience/the last straw/ 忍气吞声 忍氣吞聲 S - 98 rěn qì tūn shēng f /to submit to humiliation (idiom); to suffer in silence/to swallow one's anger/to grin and bear it/ 忍氣吞聲 忍气吞声 T - 98 rěn qì tūn shēng f /to submit to humiliation (idiom); to suffer in silence/to swallow one's anger/to grin and bear it/ 忍無可忍 忍无可忍 T - 118 rěn wú kě rěn f /more than one can bear (idiom); at the end of one's patience/the last straw/ 忍痛 - 118 rěn tòng f /to suffer/fig. reluctantly/ 忍痛割愛 忍痛割爱 T - 25 rěn tòng gē ài f /to resign oneself to part with what one treasures/ 忍痛割爱 忍痛割愛 S - 25 rěn tòng gē ài f /to resign oneself to part with what one treasures/ 忍者 - 3 rěn zhě f /ninja/ 忍者神龜 忍者神龟 T - 3 Rěn zhě Shén guī f /Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, US comic book series, first appeared in 1984, also films, video games etc/ 忍者神龟 忍者神龜 S - 3 Rěn zhě Shén guī f /Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, US comic book series, first appeared in 1984, also films, video games etc/ 忍者龜 忍者龟 T - 3 Rěn zhě Guī f /Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Tw)/see 忍者神龜|忍者神龟[Ren3 zhe3 Shen2 gui1]/ 忍者龟 忍者龜 S - 3 Rěn zhě Guī f /Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Tw)/see 忍者神龜|忍者神龟[Ren3 zhe3 Shen2 gui1]/ 忍耐 3556 672 rěn nài f /to endure/to bear with/to exercise patience/to restrain oneself/patience/endurance/ 忍耐力 - 34 rěn nài lì f /patience/fortitude/ 忍耻 忍恥 S - 0 rěn chǐ f /to endure humiliation/ 忍讓 忍让 T - 82 rěn ràng f /to exercise forbearance/patient and accommodating/ 忍让 忍讓 S - 82 rěn ràng f /to exercise forbearance/patient and accommodating/ 忍辱偷生 - 3 rěn rǔ tōu shēng f /to bear humiliation to save one's skin (idiom)/ 忍辱含垢 - 2 rěn rǔ hán gòu f /to eat humble pie/to accept humiliation/to turn the other cheek/ 忍辱求全 - 3 rěn rǔ qiú quán f /to endure humiliation to preserve unity/ 忍辱負重 忍辱负重 T - 43 rěn rǔ fù zhòng f /to endure humiliation as part of an important mission (idiom); to suffer in silence/ 忍辱负重 忍辱負重 S - 43 rěn rǔ fù zhòng f /to endure humiliation as part of an important mission (idiom); to suffer in silence/ 忍飢挨餓 忍饥挨饿 T - 16 rěn jī ái è f /starving/famished/ 忍饥挨饿 忍飢挨餓 S - 16 rěn jī ái è f /starving/famished/ 忏 懺 S - 60 chàn f /feel remorse/regret/repent/ 忏悔 懺悔 S - 227 chàn huǐ f /to confess/to repent/remorse/repentance/penitent/confession (Buddhism)/ 忐 - 18 tǎn f /nervous/ 忐忑 - 75 tǎn tè f /nervous/apprehensive/ 忐忑不安 - 134 tǎn tè bù ān f /restless/apprehensive/ 忑 - 4 tè f /nervous/ 忒 - 602 tè t /to err/to change/ 忒 - 602 tēi f /(dialect) too/very/also pr. [tui1]/ 忕 - 199 shì t /accustomed to/habit/ 忕 - 199 tài f /extravagant/luxurious/ 忖 - 106 cǔn f /to ponder/to speculate/to consider/to guess/ 忖度 - 19 cǔn duó f /to speculate/to surmise/to wonder whether/to guess/ 忖思 - 0 cǔn sī f /to reckon/to consider/to ponder/to estimate/ 忖量 - 4 cǔn liàng f /to turn things over in one's mind/to conjecture/to guess/ 志 - 3667 zhì f /aspiration/ambition/the will/ 志 誌 S - 3667 zhì f /sign/mark/to record/to write a footnote/ 志不在此 - 3 zhì bù zài cǐ f /to have one's ambitions elsewhere (idiom)/ 志丹 - 14 Zhì dān f /Zhidan county in Yan'an 延安[Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ 志丹县 志丹縣 S - 11 Zhì dān xiàn f /Zhidan county in Yan'an 延安[Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ 志丹縣 志丹县 T - 11 Zhì dān xiàn f /Zhidan county in Yan'an 延安[Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ 志同道合 - 88 zhì tóng dào hé f /like-minded (idiom)/fellow enthusiast/kindred spirit/ 志向 - 159 zhì xiàng f /ambition/goal/ideal/aspiration/ 志哀 誌哀 S - 20 zhì āi f /to pay respects to the dead/to mark sb's passing/ 志在四方 - 6 zhì zài sì fāng f /to aspire to travel far and make one's mark (idiom)/ 志士仁人 - 15 zhì shì rén rén f /gentleman aspiring to benevolence (idiom); people with lofty ideals/ 志工 - 0 zhì gōng f /volunteer/ 志得意满 志得意滿 S - 62 zhì dé yì mǎn f /fully content with one's achievements (idiom)/complacent/ 志得意滿 志得意满 T - 62 zhì dé yì mǎn f /fully content with one's achievements (idiom)/complacent/ 志愿 志願 S - 3801 zhì yuàn f /aspiration/ambition/to volunteer/ 志愿兵 志願兵 S - 35 zhì yuàn bīng f /volunteer soldier/CL:名[ming2]/ 志愿军 志願軍 S - 500 zhì yuàn jūn f /volunteer army/ 志愿者 志願者 S 2152 730 zhì yuàn zhě f /volunteer/ 志气 志氣 S 4798 185 zhì qì f /ambition/resolve/backbone/drive/spirit/ 志氣 志气 T 4798 185 zhì qì f /ambition/resolve/backbone/drive/spirit/ 志留系 - 25 Zhì liú xì f /Silurian system (geology)/see 志留紀|志留纪/ 志留紀 志留纪 T - 44 Zhì liú jì f /Silurian (geological period 440-417m years ago)/ 志留纪 志留紀 S - 44 Zhì liú jì f /Silurian (geological period 440-417m years ago)/ 志賀氏菌病 志贺氏菌病 T - 0 zhì hè shì jūn bìng f /shigellosis/bacillary dysentery/ 志贺氏菌病 志賀氏菌病 S - 0 zhì hè shì jūn bìng f /shigellosis/bacillary dysentery/ 志趣 - 87 zhì qù f /inclination/interest/ 志願 志愿 T - 3801 zhì yuàn f /aspiration/ambition/to volunteer/ 志願兵 志愿兵 T - 35 zhì yuàn bīng f /volunteer soldier/CL:名[ming2]/ 志願者 志愿者 T 2152 730 zhì yuàn zhě f /volunteer/ 志願軍 志愿军 T - 500 zhì yuàn jūn f /volunteer army/ 志高气扬 志高氣揚 S - 3 zhì gāo qì yáng f /high-spirited and smug/ 志高氣揚 志高气扬 T - 3 zhì gāo qì yáng f /high-spirited and smug/ 忘 - 4957 wàng f /to forget/to overlook/to neglect/ 忘不了 - 164 wàng bù liǎo f /cannot forget/ 忘乎所以 - 52 wàng hū suǒ yǐ f /to get carried away/to forget oneself/ 忘八 - 0 wàng bā f /see 王八[wang2 ba1]/ 忘八旦 - 0 wàng bā dàn f /turtle's egg (highly offensive when directed at sb)/ 忘八蛋 - 0 wàng bā dàn f /turtle's egg (highly offensive when directed at sb)/ 忘其所以 - 3 wàng qí suǒ yǐ f /see 忘乎所以[wang4 hu1 suo3 yi3]/ 忘却 忘卻 S - 231 wàng què f /to forget/ 忘卻 忘却 T - 231 wàng què f /to forget/ 忘年交 - 14 wàng nián jiāo f /friends despite the difference in age/ 忘忧草 忘憂草 S - 3 wàng yōu cǎo f /daylily (Hemerocallis fulva)/ 忘怀 忘懷 S - 69 wàng huái f /to forget/ 忘性 - 4 wàng xìng f /forgetfulness/ 忘恩 - 25 wàng ēn f /to be ungrateful/ 忘恩負義 忘恩负义 T - 136 wàng ēn fù yì f /to forget favors and violate justice (idiom); ingratitude to a friend/to kick a benefactor in the teeth/ 忘恩负义 忘恩負義 S - 136 wàng ēn fù yì f /to forget favors and violate justice (idiom); ingratitude to a friend/to kick a benefactor in the teeth/ 忘情 - 97 wàng qíng f /unmoved/indifferent/unruffled by sentiment/ 忘憂草 忘忧草 T - 3 wàng yōu cǎo f /daylily (Hemerocallis fulva)/ 忘懷 忘怀 T - 69 wàng huái f /to forget/ 忘我 - 91 wàng wǒ f /selflessness/altruism/ 忘掉 - 218 wàng diào f /to forget/ 忘本 - 29 wàng běn f /to forget one's roots/ 忘机 忘機 S - 0 wàng jī f /free of worldly concerns/above the fray/at peace with the world/ 忘機 忘机 T - 0 wàng jī f /free of worldly concerns/above the fray/at peace with the world/ 忘記 忘记 T 440 2410 wàng jì f /to forget/ 忘記密碼 忘记密码 T - 0 wàng jì mì mǎ f /forgotten password?/ 忘记 忘記 S 440 2410 wàng jì f /to forget/ 忘记密码 忘記密碼 S - 0 wàng jì mì mǎ f /forgotten password?/ 忘餐 - 0 wàng cān f /to forget one's meals/ 忘餐废寝 忘餐廢寢 S - 3 wàng cān fèi qǐn f /see 廢寢忘餐|废寝忘餐[fei4 qin3 wang4 can1]/ 忘餐廢寢 忘餐废寝 T - 3 wàng cān fèi qǐn f /see 廢寢忘餐|废寝忘餐[fei4 qin3 wang4 can1]/ 忙 219 10154 máng f /busy/hurriedly/to hurry/to rush/ 忙不过来 忙不過來 S - 3 máng bù guò lái f /to have more work than one can deal with/to have one's hands full/ 忙不迭 - 141 máng bù dié f /hurriedly/in haste/ 忙不過來 忙不过来 T - 3 máng bù guò lái f /to have more work than one can deal with/to have one's hands full/ 忙中有失 - 3 máng zhōng yǒu shī f /Rushed work lead to slip-ups (idiom). Mistakes are likely at times of stress./ 忙中有錯 忙中有错 T - 3 máng zhōng yǒu cuò f /Rushed work lead to errors (idiom). Mistakes are likely at times of stress./ 忙中有错 忙中有錯 S - 3 máng zhōng yǒu cuò f /Rushed work lead to errors (idiom). Mistakes are likely at times of stress./ 忙乎 - 31 máng hū f /to be busy (colloquial)/ 忙乱 忙亂 S - 150 máng luàn f /rushed and muddled/ 忙亂 忙乱 T - 150 máng luàn f /rushed and muddled/ 忙于 忙於 S - 361 máng yú f /busy with/ 忙忙叨叨 - 3 máng mang dāo dāo f /in a busy and hasty manner/ 忙於 忙于 T - 361 máng yú f /busy with/ 忙活 - 378 máng huo f /to be really busy/pressing business/ 忙着 忙著 S - 0 máng zhe f /to be occupied with (doing sth)/ 忙碌 3545 623 máng lù f /busy/bustling/ 忙著 忙着 T - 0 máng zhe f /to be occupied with (doing sth)/ 忙进忙出 忙進忙出 S - 0 máng jìn máng chū f /very busy/ 忙進忙出 忙进忙出 T - 0 máng jìn máng chū f /very busy/ 忙音 - 4 máng yīn f /busy signal (telephony)/ 忛 - 139 fān f /erroneous variant of 帆[fan1]/ 応 - 0 yìng f /Japanese variant of 應|应/ 忝 - 89 tiǎn f /to shame/ 忞 - 10 mín t /to encourage oneself/ 忞 - 10 mǐn f /ancient variant of 暋[min3]/ 忞 - 10 wěn f /disorderly/messy/chaotic/ 忠 - 2170 zhōng f /loyal/devoted/honest/ 忠义 忠義 S - 372 zhōng yì f /loyal and righteous/fealty/loyalty/ 忠于 忠於 S - 384 zhōng yú f /to be loyal to/ 忠信 - 3 zhōng xìn f /faithful and honest/loyal and sincere/ 忠勇 - 66 zhōng yǒng f /loyal and brave/ 忠南大学校 忠南大學校 S - 0 Zhōng nán Dà xué xiào f /Chungnam National University, Daejeon, South Korea/ 忠南大學校 忠南大学校 T - 0 Zhōng nán Dà xué xiào f /Chungnam National University, Daejeon, South Korea/ 忠厚 - 122 zhōng hòu f /honest and considerate/ 忠县 忠縣 S - 45 Zhōng xiàn f /Zhong county in Wanzhou suburbs of north Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 忠君愛國 忠君爱国 T - 29 zhōng jūn ài guó f /faithful patriots (idiom)/ 忠君爱国 忠君愛國 S - 29 zhōng jūn ài guó f /faithful patriots (idiom)/ 忠告 - 135 zhōng gào f /to give sb a word of advice/advice/counsel/a wise word/ 忠实 忠實 S 3181 467 zhōng shí f /faithful/ 忠實 忠实 T 3181 467 zhōng shí f /faithful/ 忠心 - 503 zhōng xīn f /good faith/devotion/loyalty/dedication/ 忠心耿耿 - 190 zhōng xīn gěng gěng f /loyal and devoted (idiom); faithful and true/ 忠於 忠于 T - 384 zhōng yú f /to be loyal to/ 忠清 - 6 Zhōng qīng f /Chungcheong Province of Joseon Korea, now divided into North Chungcheong province 忠清北道[Zhong1 qing1 bei3 dao4] and South Chungcheong province 忠清南道[Zhong1 qing1 nan2 dao4] of South Korea/ 忠清北道 - 0 Zhōng qīng běi dào f /North Chungcheong Province, South Korea, capital Cheongju 清州市/ 忠清南道 - 2 Zhōng qīng nán dào f /South Chungcheong Province, South Korea, capital Daejeon 大田[Da4 tian2]/ 忠清道 - 0 Zhōng qīng dào f /Chungcheong Province of Joseon Korea, now divided into North Chungcheong province 忠清北道[Zhong1 qing1 bei3 dao4] and South Chungcheong province 忠清南道[Zhong1 qing1 nan2 dao4] of South Korea/ 忠烈 - 53 zhōng liè f /sacrifice oneself for one's country/martyr/ 忠縣 忠县 T - 45 Zhōng xiàn f /Zhong county in Wanzhou suburbs of north Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 忠義 忠义 T - 372 zhōng yì f /loyal and righteous/fealty/loyalty/ 忠臣 - 316 zhōng chén f /faithful official/ 忠言 - 50 zhōng yán f /loyal advice/sincere advice/ 忠言逆耳 - 6 zhōng yán nì ěr f /loyal advice jars on the ears (idiom)/ 忠誠 忠诚 T 2735 609 zhōng chéng f /devoted/loyal/fidelity/loyalty/ 忠诚 忠誠 S 2735 609 zhōng chéng f /devoted/loyal/fidelity/loyalty/ 忠貞 忠贞 T - 80 zhōng zhēn f /loyal and dependable/ 忠貞不渝 忠贞不渝 T - 15 zhōng zhēn bù yú f /unswerving in one's loyalty (idiom); faithful and constant/ 忠贞 忠貞 S - 80 zhōng zhēn f /loyal and dependable/ 忠贞不渝 忠貞不渝 S - 15 zhōng zhēn bù yú f /unswerving in one's loyalty (idiom); faithful and constant/ 忡 - 11 chōng f /grieved/distressed/sad/uneasy/ 忤 - 111 wǔ f /disobedient/unfilial/ 忤逆 - 40 wǔ nì f /disobedient to parents/ 忧 憂 S - 1783 yōu f /to worry/to concern oneself with/worried/anxiety/sorrow/a parent's funeral/inconvenienced by being orphaned/ 忧伤 憂傷 S - 204 yōu shāng f /distressed/laden with grief/ 忧心 憂心 S - 119 yōu xīn f /concerned/worried/disturbed/anxious/ 忧心忡忡 憂心忡忡 S - 207 yōu xīn chōng chōng f /deeply worried and sick at heart (idiom)/ 忧思 憂思 S - 48 yōu sī f /to be anxious and worried/agitated/pensive/ 忧悒 憂悒 S - 3 yōu yì f /anxious/distressed/burdened with care/ 忧患 憂患 S - 159 yōu huàn f /suffering/misery/hardship/ 忧惧 憂懼 S - 30 yōu jù f /apprehension/apprehensive/ 忧愁 憂愁 S - 208 yōu chóu f /to be worried/ 忧灼 憂灼 S - 3 yōu zhuó f /worrying/ 忧苦以终 憂苦以終 S - 0 yōu kǔ yǐ zhōng f /worried to death (idiom)/ 忧虑 憂慮 S - 739 yōu lǜ f /to worry/anxiety (about)/ 忧郁 憂鬱 S 3374 310 yōu yù f /sullen/depressed/melancholy/dejected/ 忧郁症 憂鬱症 S - 47 yōu yù zhèng f /(psychology) depression/ 忧闷 憂悶 S - 40 yōu mèn f /depressed/full of worries/feeling down/ 忪 - 4 zhōng f /restless/agitated/ 快 170 21973 kuài f /rapid/quick/speed/rate/soon/almost/to make haste/clever/sharp (of knives or wits)/forthright/plainspoken/gratified/pleased/pleasant/ 快中子 - 17 kuài zhōng zǐ f /fast neutrons/ 快乐 快樂 S 234 2516 kuài lè f /happy/merry/ 快乐大本营 快樂大本營 S - 0 Kuài lè Dà běn yíng f /Happy Camp (PRC TV series)/ 快乐幸福 快樂幸福 S - 0 kuài lè xìng fú f /cheerful/happy/ 快件 - 14 kuài jiàn f /express delivery/express mail or luggage/ 快信 - 6 kuài xìn f /letter by express mail/ 快刀斩乱麻 快刀斬亂麻 S - 26 kuài dāo zhǎn luàn má f /lit. quick sword cuts through tangled hemp (idiom); decisive action in a complex situation/cutting the Gordian knot/ 快刀斬亂麻 快刀斩乱麻 T - 26 kuài dāo zhǎn luàn má f /lit. quick sword cuts through tangled hemp (idiom); decisive action in a complex situation/cutting the Gordian knot/ 快刀断乱麻 快刀斷亂麻 S - 0 kuài dāo duàn luàn má f /lit. quick sword cuts through tangled hemp (idiom); decisive action in a complex situation/cutting the Gordian knot/ 快刀斷亂麻 快刀断乱麻 T - 0 kuài dāo duàn luàn má f /lit. quick sword cuts through tangled hemp (idiom); decisive action in a complex situation/cutting the Gordian knot/ 快取 - 0 kuài qǔ f /cache (computing)/ 快可立 - 0 Kuài kě lì f /Quickly, tapioca milk tea franchise/ 快嘴 - 15 kuài zuǐ f /unable to keep one's thoughts to oneself/blabbermouth/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 快報 快报 T - 119 kuài bào f /bulletin board/ 快快乐乐 快快樂樂 S - 22 kuài kuài lè lè f /happy/ 快快樂樂 快快乐乐 T - 22 kuài kuài lè lè f /happy/ 快意 - 102 kuài yì f /pleased/elated/ 快感 - 197 kuài gǎn f /pleasure/thrill/delight/joy/pleasurable sensation/a high/ 快感中心 - 0 kuài gǎn zhōng xīn f /pleasure center/ 快慢 - 137 kuài màn f /speed/ 快慰 - 51 kuài wèi f /to feel pleased/ 快报 快報 S - 119 kuài bào f /bulletin board/ 快捷 - 294 kuài jié f /quick/fast/nimble/agile/(computer) shortcut/ 快捷方式 - 2 kuài jié fāng shì f /(computer) shortcut/ 快捷鍵 快捷键 T - 6 kuài jié jiàn f /(computer) shortcut key/hotkey/ 快捷键 快捷鍵 S - 6 kuài jié jiàn f /(computer) shortcut key/hotkey/ 快攻 - 121 kuài gōng f /fast break/quick attack (ball sports)/ 快板 - 62 kuài bǎn f /allegro/ 快板儿 快板兒 S - 3 kuài bǎn r f /clapper talk/patter song (in opera) with clapperboard accompaniment/ 快板兒 快板儿 T - 3 kuài bǎn r f /clapper talk/patter song (in opera) with clapperboard accompaniment/ 快樂 快乐 T 234 2516 kuài lè f /happy/merry/ 快樂大本營 快乐大本营 T - 0 Kuài lè Dà běn yíng f /Happy Camp (PRC TV series)/ 快樂幸福 快乐幸福 T - 0 kuài lè xìng fú f /cheerful/happy/ 快步 - 847 kuài bù f /quick step/ 快步流星 - 3 kuài bù liú xīng f /to walk quickly/striding quickly/ 快步跑 - 0 kuài bù pǎo f /to trot/ 快活 3685 475 kuài huo f /happy/cheerful/ 快炒店 - 0 kuài chǎo diàn f /(Tw) low-budget eatery/ 快点 快點 S - 254 kuài diǎn f /to do sth more quickly/Hurry up!/Get a move on!/ 快点儿 快點兒 S - 29 kuài diǎn r f /erhua variant of 快點|快点[kuai4 dian3]/ 快照 - 778 kuài zhào f /snapshot/photo/ 快熟面 快熟麵 S - 0 kuài shú miàn f /instant noodles/ 快熟麵 快熟面 T - 0 kuài shú miàn f /instant noodles/ 快班 - 3 kuài bān f /fast stream (in school)/ 快船 - 304 Kuài chuán f /Los Angeles Clippers (NBA team)/ 快艇 - 157 kuài tǐng f /speedboat/motor launch/ 快行道 - 0 kuài xíng dào f /fast lane/express lane/ 快要 - 597 kuài yào f /almost/nearly/almost all/ 快訊 快讯 T - 38 kuài xùn f /newsflash/ 快讯 快訊 S - 38 kuài xùn f /newsflash/ 快跑 - 0 kuài pǎo f /to run fast/to sprint/to gallop/Gee up!/Run for it!/ 快車 快车 T - 129 kuài chē f /express (train, bus etc)/ 快車道 快车道 T - 17 kuài chē dào f /fast lane/ 快轉 快转 T - 0 kuài zhuǎn f /fast-forward/ 快车 快車 S - 129 kuài chē f /express (train, bus etc)/ 快车道 快車道 S - 17 kuài chē dào f /fast lane/ 快转 快轉 S - 0 kuài zhuǎn f /fast-forward/ 快进 快進 S - 0 kuài jìn f /fast-forward (media player)/ 快退 - 0 kuài tuì f /fast-rewind (media player)/ 快递 快遞 S - 100 kuài dì f /express delivery/ 快速 - 4491 kuài sù f /fast/high-speed/rapid/ 快速以太網絡 快速以太网络 T - 0 kuài sù yǐ tài wǎng luò f /Fast Ethernet/ 快速以太网络 快速以太網絡 S - 0 kuài sù yǐ tài wǎng luò f /Fast Ethernet/ 快速动眼期 快速動眼期 S - 0 kuài sù dòng yǎn qī f /REM sleep/ 快速動眼期 快速动眼期 T - 0 kuài sù dòng yǎn qī f /REM sleep/ 快速記憶法 快速记忆法 T - 0 kuài sù jì yì fǎ f /mnemotechnic method/ 快速记忆法 快速記憶法 S - 0 kuài sù jì yì fǎ f /mnemotechnic method/ 快進 快进 T - 0 kuài jìn f /fast-forward (media player)/ 快遞 快递 T - 100 kuài dì f /express delivery/ 快門 快门 T - 37 kuài mén f /shutter/ 快閃記憶體 快闪记忆体 T - 0 kuài shǎn jì yì tǐ f /flash memory/ 快门 快門 S - 37 kuài mén f /shutter/ 快闪记忆体 快閃記憶體 S - 0 kuài shǎn jì yì tǐ f /flash memory/ 快餐 - 99 kuài cān f /fast food/snack/quick meal/ 快餐交友 - 0 kuài cān jiāo yǒu f /speed dating/ 快餐店 - 27 kuài cān diàn f /fast food shop/ 快餐部 - 3 kuài cān bù f /snack bar/buffet/ 快馬加鞭 快马加鞭 T - 36 kuài mǎ jiā biān f /to spur the horse to full speed (idiom)/to go as fast as possible/ 快马加鞭 快馬加鞭 S - 36 kuài mǎ jiā biān f /to spur the horse to full speed (idiom)/to go as fast as possible/ 快點 快点 T - 254 kuài diǎn f /to do sth more quickly/Hurry up!/Get a move on!/ 快點兒 快点儿 T - 29 kuài diǎn r f /erhua variant of 快點|快点[kuai4 dian3]/ 忬 - 7 shū f /old variant of 舒[shu1]/old variant of 紓|纾[shu1]/ 忬 - 7 yù t /old variant of 豫[yu4]/ 忭 - 10 biàn f /delighted/pleased/ 忮 - 3 zhì f /aggressive/ 忱 - 74 chén f /sincerity/honesty/ 忲 - 3 tài f /variant of 忕[tai4]/ 念 唸 S 1486 3978 niàn f /variant of 念[nian4], to read aloud/ 念 1486 3978 niàn f /to read/to study (a subject)/to attend (a school)/to read aloud/to miss (sb)/idea/remembrance/twenty (banker's anti-fraud numeral corresponding to 廿, 20)/ 念书 念書 S - 245 niàn shū f /to read/to study/ 念佛 - 150 niàn fó f /to pray to Buddha/to chant the names of Buddha/ 念兹在兹 念茲在茲 S - 10 niàn zī zài zī f /see 念念不忘[nian4 nian4 bu4 wang4]/ 念力 - 0 niàn lì f /psychokinesis/telekinesis/ 念叨 - 143 niàn dao f /to talk about often/to reminisce about/to keep repeating/to keep harping on/to discuss/ 念咒 - 90 niàn zhòu f /to chant a magic spell/to recite incantations/ 念头 念頭 S - 1329 niàn tou f /thought/idea/intention/ 念学位 念學位 S - 0 niàn xué wèi f /to study for a degree/to take a degree course/ 念學位 念学位 T - 0 niàn xué wèi f /to study for a degree/to take a degree course/ 念念不忘 - 213 niàn niàn bù wàng f /to keep in mind constantly (idiom)/ 念念有詞 念念有词 T - 79 niàn niàn yǒu cí f /to mumble/to mutter to oneself/ 念念有词 唸唸有詞 S - 79 niàn niàn yǒu cí f /variant of 念念有詞|念念有词[nian4 nian4 you3 ci2]/ 念念有词 念念有詞 S - 79 niàn niàn yǒu cí f /to mumble/to mutter to oneself/ 念日 - 0 niàn rì f /memorial day/commemoration day/ 念旧 念舊 S - 47 niàn jiù f /to remember old friends/to cherish old friendships/for old time's sake/ 念書 念书 T - 245 niàn shū f /to read/to study/ 念珠 - 204 niàn zhū f /prayer beads/rosary/rosary beads/CL:串[chuan4]/ 念珠菌症 - 0 niàn zhū jūn zhèng f /(medicine) candidiasis/thrush/ 念經 念经 T - 193 niàn jīng f /to recite or chant Buddhist scripture/ 念经 念經 S - 193 niàn jīng f /to recite or chant Buddhist scripture/ 念舊 念旧 T - 47 niàn jiù f /to remember old friends/to cherish old friendships/for old time's sake/ 念茲在茲 念兹在兹 T - 10 niàn zī zài zī f /see 念念不忘[nian4 nian4 bu4 wang4]/ 念誦 念诵 T - 86 niàn sòng f /to read out/to recite/to remember sb (while talking about sth else)/ 念诵 念誦 S - 86 niàn sòng f /to read out/to recite/to remember sb (while talking about sth else)/ 念頭 念头 T - 1329 niàn tou f /thought/idea/intention/ 忸 - 9 niǔ f /accustomed to/blush/be shy/ 忸忸怩怩 - 0 niǔ niǔ ní ní f /timid/bashful/ 忸怩 - 99 niǔ ní f /bashful/blushing/ 忻 - 58 xīn f /happy/ 忻城 - 4 Xīn chéng f /Xincheng county in Laibin 來賓|来宾[Lai2 bin1], Guangxi/ 忻城县 忻城縣 S - 3 Xīn chéng xiàn f /Xincheng county in Laibin 來賓|来宾[Lai2 bin1], Guangxi/ 忻城縣 忻城县 T - 3 Xīn chéng xiàn f /Xincheng county in Laibin 來賓|来宾[Lai2 bin1], Guangxi/ 忻州 - 47 Xīn zhōu f /Xinzhou prefecture level city in Shanxi 山西/ 忻州市 - 6 Xīn zhōu shì f /Xinzhou prefecture level city in Shanxi 山西/ 忻府 - 0 Xīn fǔ f /Xinfu district of Xinzhou city 忻州市[Xin1 zhou1 shi4], Shanxi/ 忻府区 忻府區 S - 3 Xīn fǔ qū f /Xinfu district of Xinzhou city 忻州市[Xin1 zhou1 shi4], Shanxi/ 忻府區 忻府区 T - 3 Xīn fǔ qū f /Xinfu district of Xinzhou city 忻州市[Xin1 zhou1 shi4], Shanxi/ 忽 - 7683 Hū f /surname Hu/ 忽 - 7683 hū f /to neglect/to overlook/to ignore/suddenly/ 忽上忽下 - 3 hū shàng hū xià f /to fluctuate sharply/ 忽冷忽热 忽冷忽熱 S - 22 hū lěng hū rè f /now hot, now cold/(of one's mood, affection etc) to alternate/ 忽冷忽熱 忽冷忽热 T - 22 hū lěng hū rè f /now hot, now cold/(of one's mood, affection etc) to alternate/ 忽哨 - 20 hū shào f /to whistle (with fingers in one's mouth)/nowadays written 呼哨/ 忽地 - 726 hū de f /suddenly/ 忽布 - 0 hū bù f /hops/ 忽微 - 0 hū wēi f /minuscule quantity/minor matter/ 忽必烈 - 3 Hū bì liè f /Khubilai Khan (1215-1294), grandson of Genghis Khan 成吉思汗, first Yuan dynasty emperor, reigned 1260-1294/ 忽忽 - 41 hū hū f /fleeting (of quick passage time)/in a flash/distracted manner/vacantly/frustratedly/ 忽忽悠悠 - 4 hū hū yōu yōu f /indifferent to the passing of time/careless/ 忽悠 - 250 hū you f /to rock/to sway/to flicker (e.g. of lights reflected on water)/to flutter (e.g. of a flag)/to trick sb into doing sth/to dupe/to con/ 忽然 2149 7645 hū rán f /suddenly/all of a sudden/ 忽略 2945 920 hū lüè f /to neglect/to overlook/to ignore/ 忽而 - 230 hū ér f /suddenly/now (..., now...)/ 忽聞 忽闻 T - 3 hū wén f /to hear suddenly/to learn of sth unexpectedly/ 忽視 忽视 T 2020 1195 hū shì f /to neglect/to ignore/ 忽视 忽視 S 2020 1195 hū shì f /to neglect/to ignore/ 忽閃 忽闪 T - 35 hū shǎn f /to glitter/to gleam/to sparkle/to flash/ 忽闪 忽閃 S - 35 hū shǎn f /to glitter/to gleam/to sparkle/to flash/ 忽闻 忽聞 S - 3 hū wén f /to hear suddenly/to learn of sth unexpectedly/ 忽隐忽现 忽隱忽現 S - 21 hū yǐn hū xiàn f /intermittent/now you see it, now you don't/ 忽隱忽現 忽隐忽现 T - 21 hū yǐn hū xiàn f /intermittent/now you see it, now you don't/ 忽魯謨斯 忽鲁谟斯 T - 0 Hū lǔ mó sī f /old Chinese name for Hormuz/now called 霍爾木茲|霍尔木兹/ 忽鲁谟斯 忽魯謨斯 S - 0 Hū lǔ mó sī f /old Chinese name for Hormuz/now called 霍爾木茲|霍尔木兹/ 忾 愾 S - 35 kài f /anger/ 忿 - 389 fèn f /anger/indignation/hatred/ 忿忿 - 3 fèn fèn f /variant of 憤憤|愤愤[fen4 fen4]/ 忿忿不平 - 20 fèn fèn bù píng f /variant of 憤憤不平|愤愤不平[fen4 fen4 bu4 ping2]/ 忿怒 - 171 fèn nù f /variant of 憤怒|愤怒[fen4 nu4]/ 忿恨 - 17 fèn hèn f /variant of 憤恨|愤恨[fen4 hen4]/ 忿懑 忿懣 S - 3 fèn mèn f /indignant/furious/ 忿懣 忿懑 T - 3 fèn mèn f /indignant/furious/ 怀 懷 S - 1918 Huái f /surname Huai/ 怀 懷 S - 1918 huái f /bosom/heart/mind/to think of/to harbor in one's mind/to conceive (a child)/ 怀乡 懷鄉 S - 3 huái xiāng f /homesick/ 怀仁 懷仁 S - 23 Huái rén f /Huairen county in Shuozhou 朔州[Shuo4 zhou1], Shanxi/ 怀仁县 懷仁縣 S - 2 Huái rén xiàn f /Huairen county in Shuozhou 朔州[Shuo4 zhou1], Shanxi/ 怀俄明 懷俄明 S - 12 Huái é míng f /Wyoming, US state/ 怀俄明州 懷俄明州 S - 12 Huái é míng zhōu f /Wyoming, US state/ 怀化 懷化 S - 36 Huái huà f /Huaihua prefecture level city in Hunan/ 怀化县 懷化縣 S - 0 Huái huà xiàn f /Huaihua county, Hunan/ 怀化市 懷化市 S - 10 Huái huà shì f /Huaihua prefecture level city in Hunan/ 怀古 懷古 S - 55 huái gǔ f /to recall the past/to cherish the memory of past events/to reminisce/nostalgic/ 怀妊 懷妊 S - 0 huái rèn f /gestation/pregnancy/ 怀孕 懷孕 S 1387 797 huái yùn f /pregnant/to have conceived/gestation/pregnancy/ 怀宁 懷寧 S - 28 Huái níng f /Huaining county in Anqing 安慶|安庆[An1 qing4], Anhui/ 怀宁县 懷寧縣 S - 5 Huái níng xiàn f /Huaining county in Anqing 安慶|安庆[An1 qing4], Anhui/ 怀安 懷安 S - 4 Huái ān f /Huai'an county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei/ 怀安县 懷安縣 S - 2 Huái ān xiàn f /Huai'an county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei/ 怀念 懷念 S 1821 437 huái niàn f /to cherish the memory of/to think of/reminisce/ 怀恨 懷恨 S - 52 huái hèn f /to nurse hatred/to harbor a grudge/spiteful/ 怀恨在心 懷恨在心 S - 58 huái hèn zài xīn f /to harbor hard feelings/ 怀才不遇 懷才不遇 S - 46 huái cái bù yù f /to have talent but no opportunity (idiom)/to be an unrecognized talent/ 怀抱 懷抱 S - 833 huái bào f /to hug/to cherish/within the bosom (of the family)/to embrace (also fig. an ideal, aspiration etc)/ 怀敌意 懷敵意 S - 0 huái dí yì f /hostile/ 怀旧 懷舊 S - 102 huái jiù f /fond remembrance of times past/nostalgia/ 怀旧感 懷舊感 S - 3 huái jiù gǎn f /feeling of nostalgia/ 怀春 懷春 S - 16 huái chūn f /(of girls) to yearn for love/ 怀有 懷有 S - 244 huái yǒu f /to have in one's person (feelings, talent etc)/ 怀来 懷來 S - 44 Huái lái f /Huailai county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei/ 怀来县 懷來縣 S - 14 Huái lái xiàn f /Huailai county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei/ 怀柔 懷柔 S - 89 Huái róu f /Huairou rural district of Beijing, formerly Huairou county/ 怀柔 懷柔 S - 89 huái róu f /to conciliate/to appease/ 怀柔区 懷柔區 S - 9 Huái róu qū f /Huairou rural district of Beijing municipality, formerly Huairou county/ 怀柔县 懷柔縣 S - 16 Huái róu xiàn f /former Huairou county, now Huairou rural district of Beijing/ 怀氏虎鸫 懷氏虎鶇 S - 0 Huái shì hǔ dōng f /(bird species of China) White's thrush (Zoothera aurea)/ 怀特 懷特 S - 81 Huái tè f /White (name)/ 怀璧其罪 懷璧其罪 S - 5 huái bì qí zuì f /lit. treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime (idiom); to get into trouble on account of a cherished item/fig. A person's talent will arouse the envy of others./ 怀疑 懷疑 S 786 2525 huái yí f /to doubt/to suspect/doubt/suspicion/skeptical/ 怀疑派 懷疑派 S - 5 huái yí pài f /skeptical/ 怀疑者 懷疑者 S - 14 huái yí zhě f /skeptic/suspecter/ 怀禄 懷祿 S - 0 huái lù f /to yearn for a high official position/ 怀胎 懷胎 S - 54 huái tāi f /to become pregnant/to carry a child in the womb/ 怀表 懷錶 S - 59 huái biǎo f /pocket watch/ 怀远 懷遠 S - 32 Huái yuǎn f /Huaiyuan county in Bengbu 蚌埠[Beng4 bu4], Anhui/ 怀远县 懷遠縣 S - 21 Huái yuǎn xiàn f /Huaiyuan county in Bengbu 蚌埠[Beng4 bu4], Anhui/ 怀里 懷裡 S - 1546 huái lǐ f /embrace/bosom/ 怀集 懷集 S - 5 Huái jí f /Huaiji county in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆[Zhao4 qing4], Guangdong/ 怀集县 懷集縣 S - 3 Huái jí xiàn f /Huaiji county in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆[Zhao4 qing4], Guangdong/ 态 態 S - 1666 tài f /(bound form)/appearance/shape/form/state/attitude/(grammar) voice/ 态势 態勢 S - 736 tài shì f /posture/situation/ 态叠加 態疊加 S - 0 tài dié jiā f /superposition of states (quantum mechanics)/ 态子 態子 S - 0 tài zi f /state of matter (solid, liquid or gas)/ 态射 態射 S - 0 tài shè f /morphism (math.)/homomorphism/ 态度 態度 S 947 5033 tài du f /manner/bearing/attitude/approach/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 态样 態樣 S - 0 tài yàng f /form/pattern/ 怂 慫 S - 197 sǒng f /terrified/ 怂恿 慫恿 S - 188 sǒng yǒng f /to instigate/to incite/to egg sb on/ 怃 憮 S - 0 wǔ f /disappointed/startled/ 怄 慪 S - 55 òu f /to annoy/to irritate/to be annoyed/to sulk/ 怄气 慪氣 S - 45 òu qì f /to sulk/to squabble/ 怅 悵 S - 49 chàng f /regretful/upset/despair/depressed/ 怅怅然 悵悵然 S - 3 chàng chàng rán f /disappointed/ 怅惘 悵惘 S - 82 chàng wǎng f /distracted/listless/in low spirits/ 怅然 悵然 S - 39 chàng rán f /disappointed and frustrated/ 怆 愴 S - 49 chuàng f /mournful/sad/grieved/sorry/ 怍 - 18 zuò f /ashamed/ 怎 - 6736 zěn f /how/ 怎么 怎麼 S 32 27339 zěn me f /how?/what?/why?/ 怎么 怎麽 S 32 27339 zěn me f /variant of 怎麼|怎么[zen3 me5]/ 怎么了 怎麼了 S - 0 zěn me le f /What's up?/What's going on?/What happened?/ 怎么了 怎麽了 S - 0 zěn me le f /variant of 怎麼了|怎么了[zen3 me5 le5]/ 怎么办 怎麼辦 S - 117 zěn me bàn f /what's to be done/ 怎么回事 怎麼回事 S - 3 zěn me huí shì f /what's the matter?/what's going on?/how could that be?/how did that come about?/what's it all about?/ 怎么得了 怎麼得了 S - 45 zěn me dé liǎo f /how can this be?/what's to be done?/what an awful mess!/ 怎么搞的 怎麼搞的 S - 0 zěn me gǎo de f /How did it happen?/What's wrong?/What went wrong?/What's up?/ 怎么样 怎麼樣 S 66 2332 zěn me yàng f /how?/how about?/how was it?/how are things?/ 怎么着 怎麼著 S - 216 zěn me zhāo f /what?/how?/how about?/whatever/also pr. [zen3 me5 zhe5]/ 怎样 怎樣 S - 7294 zěn yàng f /how/why/ 怎樣 怎样 T - 7294 zěn yàng f /how/why/ 怎生 - 3 zěn shēng f /how/why/ 怎的 - 0 zěn de f /what for/why/how/ 怎能 - 0 zěn néng f /how can?/ 怎麼 怎么 T 32 27339 zěn me f /how?/what?/why?/ 怎麼了 怎么了 T - 0 zěn me le f /What's up?/What's going on?/What happened?/ 怎麼回事 怎么回事 T - 3 zěn me huí shì f /what's the matter?/what's going on?/how could that be?/how did that come about?/what's it all about?/ 怎麼得了 怎么得了 T - 45 zěn me dé liǎo f /how can this be?/what's to be done?/what an awful mess!/ 怎麼搞的 怎么搞的 T - 0 zěn me gǎo de f /How did it happen?/What's wrong?/What went wrong?/What's up?/ 怎麼樣 怎么样 T 66 2332 zěn me yàng f /how?/how about?/how was it?/how are things?/ 怎麼著 怎么着 T - 216 zěn me zhāo f /what?/how?/how about?/whatever/also pr. [zen3 me5 zhe5]/ 怎麼辦 怎么办 T - 117 zěn me bàn f /what's to be done/ 怎麽 怎么 T 32 27339 zěn me f /variant of 怎麼|怎么[zen3 me5]/ 怎麽了 怎么了 T - 0 zěn me le f /variant of 怎麼了|怎么了[zen3 me5 le5]/ 怏 - 10 yàng f /discontented/ 怒 - 4653 nù f /anger/fury/flourishing/vigorous/ 怒不可遏 - 245 nù bù kě è f /unable to restrain one's anger (idiom); in a towering rage/ 怒冲冲 怒沖沖 S - 34 nù chōng chōng f /furiously/ 怒发冲冠 怒髮衝冠 S - 25 nù fà chōng guān f /lit. hair stands up in anger and tips off one's hat (idiom)/fig. seething in anger/raise one's hackles/ 怒吼 - 228 nù hǒu f /to bellow/to rave/to snarl/ 怒容 - 98 nù róng f /angry look/ 怒容满面 怒容滿面 S - 3 nù róng mǎn miàn f /scowling in anger/rage written across one's face/ 怒容滿面 怒容满面 T - 3 nù róng mǎn miàn f /scowling in anger/rage written across one's face/ 怒形于色 怒形於色 S - 17 nù xíng yú sè f /to betray anger (idiom); fury written across one's face/ 怒形於色 怒形于色 T - 17 nù xíng yú sè f /to betray anger (idiom); fury written across one's face/ 怒恨 - 0 nù hèn f /extreme hatred/animosity/spite/ 怒放 - 48 nù fàng f /in full bloom/ 怒斥 - 100 nù chì f /to angrily rebuke/to indignantly denounce/ 怒族 - 38 Nù zú f /Nu ethnic group/ 怒气 怒氣 S - 568 nù qì f /anger/ 怒气冲冲 怒氣沖沖 S - 106 nù qì chōng chōng f /spitting anger (idiom); in a rage/ 怒氣 怒气 T - 568 nù qì f /anger/ 怒氣沖沖 怒气冲冲 T - 106 nù qì chōng chōng f /spitting anger (idiom); in a rage/ 怒江 - 152 Nù jiāng f /Nujiang river of south Tibet and northwest Yunnan, the upper reaches of Salween river 薩爾溫江|萨尔温江, forming border of Myanmar and Thailand/ 怒江傈僳族自治区 怒江傈僳族自治區 S - 0 Nù jiāng Lì sù zú Zì zhì qū f /Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture in northwest Yunnan, capital Liuku or Lutku 六庫鎮|六库镇[Liu4 ku4 zhen4]/ 怒江傈僳族自治區 怒江傈僳族自治区 T - 0 Nù jiāng Lì sù zú Zì zhì qū f /Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture in northwest Yunnan, capital Liuku or Lutku 六庫鎮|六库镇[Liu4 ku4 zhen4]/ 怒江傈僳族自治州 - 13 Nù jiāng Lì sù zú zì zhì zhōu f /Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture in northwest Yunnan, capital Liuku or Lutku 六庫鎮|六库镇[Liu4 ku4 zhen4]/ 怒江大峡谷 怒江大峽谷 S - 4 Nù jiāng Dà xiá gǔ f /the Grand Canyon of the Nujiang river in Tibet and Yunnan/ 怒江大峽谷 怒江大峡谷 T - 4 Nù jiāng Dà xiá gǔ f /the Grand Canyon of the Nujiang river in Tibet and Yunnan/ 怒江州 - 6 Nù jiāng zhōu f /abbr. for 怒江傈僳族自治州, Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture in northwest Yunnan, capital Liuku or Lutku 六庫鎮|六库镇[Liu4 ku4 zhen4]/ 怒沖沖 怒冲冲 T - 34 nù chōng chōng f /furiously/ 怒潮 - 161 nù cháo f /(tidal) bore/raging tide/ 怒火 - 657 nù huǒ f /rage/fury/hot anger/ 怒目 - 130 nù mù f /with glaring eyes/glowering/ 怒目切齒 怒目切齿 T - 3 nù mù qiè chǐ f /to gnash one's teeth in anger/ 怒目切齿 怒目切齒 S - 3 nù mù qiè chǐ f /to gnash one's teeth in anger/ 怒目相向 - 3 nù mù xiāng xiàng f /to glower at each other (idiom)/ 怒目而視 怒目而视 T - 88 nù mù ér shì f /to glare at/ 怒目而视 怒目而視 S - 88 nù mù ér shì f /to glare at/ 怒罵 怒骂 T - 138 nù mà f /to curse in rage/ 怒色 - 112 nù sè f /angry look/glare/scowl/ 怒視 怒视 T - 38 nù shì f /to glower (at sb)/to cast an angry look/ 怒视 怒視 S - 38 nù shì f /to glower (at sb)/to cast an angry look/ 怒骂 怒罵 S - 138 nù mà f /to curse in rage/ 怒髮衝冠 怒发冲冠 T - 25 nù fà chōng guān f /lit. hair stands up in anger and tips off one's hat (idiom)/fig. seething in anger/raise one's hackles/ 怔 - 2697 zhēng t /to stare blankly/startled/ 怔 - 2697 zhèng f /stumped for words/to stare blankly/ 怔忡 - 59 zhēng chōng f /(of the heart) palpitating with fear/palpitation (Chinese medicine)/ 怔忪 - 0 zhēng zhōng f /frightened/scared/terrified/ 怔怔 - 3 zhèng zhèng f /in a daze/ 怔神儿 怔神兒 S - 0 zhēng shén r f /lost in thought/in a daze/ 怔神兒 怔神儿 T - 0 zhēng shén r f /lost in thought/in a daze/ 怕 - 11213 Pà f /surname Pa/ 怕 - 11213 pà f /to be afraid/to fear/to dread/to be unable to endure/perhaps/ 怕事 - 27 pà shì f /timid/to be afraid of getting involved/to be afraid of getting into trouble/ 怕死鬼 - 11 pà sǐ guǐ f /afraid to die (contemptuous term)/ 怕生 - 13 pà shēng f /fear of strangers/to be afraid of strangers (of small children)/ 怕痒 怕癢 S - 3 pà yǎng f /to be ticklish/ 怕癢 怕痒 T - 3 pà yǎng f /to be ticklish/ 怕羞 - 38 pà xiū f /coy/shy/bashful/ 怕老婆 - 3 pà lǎo pó f /henpecked/to be under one's wife's thumb/ 怖 - 87 bù f /terror/terrified/afraid/frightened/ 怗 - 5 tiē f /peaceful/quiet/ 怙 - 22 hù f /to rely on/father (formal)/ 怙恃 - 3 hù shì f /to rely on/father and mother (classical)/ 怙恶不悛 怙惡不悛 S - 11 hù è bù quān f /to keep doing evil without a sense of repentance (idiom)/ 怙惡不悛 怙恶不悛 T - 11 hù è bù quān f /to keep doing evil without a sense of repentance (idiom)/ 怚 - 0 jù f /dull, stupid, suspicious/ 怛 - 60 dá f /distressed/alarmed/shocked/grieved/ 怜 憐 S - 345 lián f /to pity/ 怜恤 憐恤 S - 6 lián xù f /to take pity/to show compassion/ 怜悯 憐憫 S - 317 lián mǐn f /to take pity on/pity/mercy/ 怜惜 憐惜 S - 291 lián xī f /to take pity on/to feel tenderness toward/ 怜爱 憐愛 S - 88 lián ài f /to have tender affection for/to love tenderly/to pamper sb/ 怜香惜玉 憐香惜玉 S - 35 lián xiāng xī yù f /to have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex (idiom)/ 思 - 2618 sī f /to think/to consider/ 思之心痛 - 0 sī zhī xīn tòng f /a thought that causes heartache (idiom)/ 思乐冰 思樂冰 S - 0 Sī lè bīng f /Slurpee (drink)/ 思乡 思鄉 S - 50 sī xiāng f /to be homesick/ 思乡病 思鄉病 S - 3 sī xiāng bìng f /homesick/homesickness/ 思亲 思親 S - 9 sī qīn f /to remember one's parents/to feel homesick for one's relatives/ 思前想后 思前想後 S - 92 sī qián xiǎng hòu f /to consider past cause and future effect (idiom); to think over the past and future/to ponder over reasons and connection/ 思前想後 思前想后 T - 92 sī qián xiǎng hòu f /to consider past cause and future effect (idiom); to think over the past and future/to ponder over reasons and connection/ 思南 - 14 Sī nán f /Sinan county in Tongren prefecture 銅仁地區|铜仁地区[Tong2 ren2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 思南县 思南縣 S - 6 Sī nán xiàn f /Sinan county in Tongren prefecture 銅仁地區|铜仁地区[Tong2 ren2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 思南縣 思南县 T - 6 Sī nán xiàn f /Sinan county in Tongren prefecture 銅仁地區|铜仁地区[Tong2 ren2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 思嘉丽 思嘉麗 S - 0 Sī jiā lì f /Scarlett (name)/also written 斯嘉麗|斯嘉丽[Si1 jia1 li4]/ 思嘉麗 思嘉丽 T - 0 Sī jiā lì f /Scarlett (name)/also written 斯嘉麗|斯嘉丽[Si1 jia1 li4]/ 思忖 - 165 sī cǔn f /to ponder/to reckon/to turn sth over in one's mind/ 思念 3636 585 sī niàn f /to think of/to long for/to miss/ 思恋 思戀 S - 8 sī liàn f /to miss/to long for/ 思情 - 3 sī qíng f /to miss/to long for/ 思惟 - 7 sī wéi f /variant of 思維|思维[si1 wei2]/ 思想 1631 15387 sī xiǎng f /thought/thinking/idea/ideology/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 思想交流 - 0 sī xiǎng jiāo liú f /exchange of ideas/ 思想体系 思想體系 S - 3 sī xiǎng tǐ xì f /system of thought/ideology/ 思想包袱 - 3 sī xiǎng bāo fu f /a load on one's mind/ 思想史 - 127 sī xiǎng shǐ f /intellectual history/ 思想家 - 550 sī xiǎng jiā f /thinker/ 思想库 思想庫 S - 17 sī xiǎng kù f /think tank (committee set up to study a problem)/ 思想庫 思想库 T - 17 sī xiǎng kù f /think tank (committee set up to study a problem)/ 思想意識 思想意识 T - 3 sī xiǎng yì shí f /consciousness/ 思想意识 思想意識 S - 3 sī xiǎng yì shí f /consciousness/ 思想頑鈍 思想顽钝 T - 0 sī xiǎng wán dùn f /blunt thinking/apathy/ 思想顽钝 思想頑鈍 S - 0 sī xiǎng wán dùn f /blunt thinking/apathy/ 思想體系 思想体系 T - 3 sī xiǎng tǐ xì f /system of thought/ideology/ 思慕 - 21 sī mù f /to cherish the memory of sb/to think of with respect/ 思慮 思虑 T - 303 sī lǜ f /to think sth through/to consider carefully/ 思戀 思恋 T - 8 sī liàn f /to miss/to long for/ 思明 - 8 Sī míng f /Siming district of Xiamen city 廈門市|厦门市[Xia4 men2 shi4] (Amoy), Fujian/ 思明区 思明區 S - 3 Sī míng qū f /Siming district of Xiamen city 廈門市|厦门市[Xia4 men2 shi4] (Amoy), Fujian/ 思明區 思明区 T - 3 Sī míng qū f /Siming district of Xiamen city 廈門市|厦门市[Xia4 men2 shi4] (Amoy), Fujian/ 思春 - 3 sī chūn f /same as 懷春|怀春[huai2 chun1]/ 思春期 - 3 sī chūn qī f /age when girls start to develop feelings for the opposite sex/puberty/ 思樂冰 思乐冰 T - 0 Sī lè bīng f /Slurpee (drink)/ 思潮 - 801 sī cháo f /tide of thought/way of thinking characteristic of a historical period/Zeitgeist/ 思潮起伏 - 80 sī cháo qǐ fú f /thoughts surging in one's mind (idiom)/different thoughts coming to mind/ 思科 - 269 Sī kē f /Cisco Systems Company/ 思索 4322 853 sī suǒ f /to think deeply/to ponder/ 思維 思维 T 3130 2227 sī wéi f /(line of) thought/thinking/ 思維敏捷 思维敏捷 T - 0 sī wéi mǐn jié f /quick-witted/agile of mind/ 思緒 思绪 T - 282 sī xù f /train of thought/emotional state/mood/feeling/ 思绪 思緒 S - 282 sī xù f /train of thought/emotional state/mood/feeling/ 思维 思維 S 3130 2227 sī wéi f /(line of) thought/thinking/ 思维敏捷 思維敏捷 S - 0 sī wéi mǐn jié f /quick-witted/agile of mind/ 思考 1542 2216 sī kǎo f /to reflect on/to ponder over/ 思茅 - 28 Sī máo f /Simao city in Yunnan, renamed Pu'er city 普洱市 in 2007/ 思茅区 思茅區 S - 0 Sī máo qū f /Simao district of Pu'er city 普洱市[Pu3 er3 shi4], Yunnan/ 思茅區 思茅区 T - 0 Sī máo qū f /Simao district of Pu'er city 普洱市[Pu3 er3 shi4], Yunnan/ 思茅地区 思茅地區 S - 9 Sī máo dì qū f /Simao prefecture in Yunnan/ 思茅地區 思茅地区 T - 9 Sī máo dì qū f /Simao prefecture in Yunnan/ 思茅市 - 5 Sī máo shì f /Simao city in Yunnan, renamed Pu'er city 普洱市 in 2007/ 思虑 思慮 S - 303 sī lǜ f /to think sth through/to consider carefully/ 思親 思亲 T - 9 sī qīn f /to remember one's parents/to feel homesick for one's relatives/ 思覺失調 思觉失调 T - 0 sī jué shī tiáo f /psychosis/ 思觉失调 思覺失調 S - 0 sī jué shī tiáo f /psychosis/ 思謀 思谋 T - 27 sī móu f /to consider/to turn over in one's mind/ 思議 思议 T - 5 sī yì f /to imagine/to comprehend/ 思议 思議 S - 5 sī yì f /to imagine/to comprehend/ 思谋 思謀 S - 27 sī móu f /to consider/to turn over in one's mind/ 思路 - 1627 sī lù f /train of thought/thinking/reason/reasoning/ 思路敏捷 - 0 sī lù mǐn jié f /quick-witted/ 思过 思過 S - 64 sī guò f /to reflect on one's past errors/ 思過 思过 T - 64 sī guò f /to reflect on one's past errors/ 思鄉 思乡 T - 50 sī xiāng f /to be homesick/ 思鄉病 思乡病 T - 3 sī xiāng bìng f /homesick/homesickness/ 思量 - 270 sī liang f /to reckon/to consider/to turn over in one's mind/ 怞 - 3 zhòu f /to grieve/sorrowful/ 怠 - 398 dài f /idle/lazy/negligent/careless/ 怠工 - 30 dài gōng f /to slacken off in one's work/to go slow (as a form of strike)/ 怠忽 - 3 dài hū f /to neglect/ 怠惰 - 15 dài duò f /idleness/ 怠慢 4797 368 dài màn f /to slight/to neglect/ 怡 - 684 yí f /harmony/pleased/ 怡人 - 0 yí rén f /delightful/ 怡保 - 7 Yí bǎo f /Ipoh city in Malaysia, capital of Sultanate of Perak on Malayan peninsula/ 怡保市 - 0 Yí bǎo shì f /Ipoh city in Malaysia, capital of Sultanate of Perak on Malayan peninsula/ 怡悅 怡悦 T - 274 yí yuè f /pleasant/happy/ 怡悦 怡悅 S - 274 yí yuè f /pleasant/happy/ 怡然 - 22 yí rán f /happy/joyful/ 怡然自得 - 25 yí rán zì dé f /happy and content (idiom)/ 怡顏悅色 怡颜悦色 T - 3 yí yán yuè sè f /happy countenance/ 怡颜悦色 怡顏悅色 S - 3 yí yán yuè sè f /happy countenance/ 急 - 11126 jí f /urgent/pressing/rapid/hurried/worried/to make (sb) anxious/ 急不可待 - 42 jí bù kě dài f /impatient/eager to/anxious to/ 急不可耐 - 41 jí bù kě nài f /unable to wait/ 急中生智 - 50 jí zhōng shēng zhì f /quick witted in an emergency/able to react resourcefully/ 急于 急於 S - 857 jí yú f /anxious/impatient/ 急于星火 急於星火 S - 3 jí yú xīng huǒ f /see 急如星火[ji2 ru2 xing1 huo3]/ 急于求成 急於求成 S 4961 153 jí yú qiú chéng f /anxious for quick results (idiom); to demand instant success/impatient for result/impetuous/ 急人之难 急人之難 S - 15 jí rén zhī nàn f /anxious to help others resolve difficulties (idiom)/ 急人之難 急人之难 T - 15 jí rén zhī nàn f /anxious to help others resolve difficulties (idiom)/ 急促 - 407 jí cù f /urgent/hurried and brief/rushing/ 急先鋒 急先锋 T - 40 jí xiān fēng f /daring vanguard/pioneer/leading figure/ 急先锋 急先鋒 S - 40 jí xiān fēng f /daring vanguard/pioneer/leading figure/ 急公好义 急公好義 S - 4 jí gōng hào yì f /public-spirited/ 急公好義 急公好义 T - 4 jí gōng hào yì f /public-spirited/ 急切 3990 422 jí qiè f /eager/impatient/ 急刹车 急剎車 S - 12 jí shā chē f /emergency braking/ 急剎車 急刹车 T - 12 jí shā chē f /emergency braking/ 急剧 急劇 S 4405 834 jí jù f /rapid/sudden/ 急劇 急剧 T 4405 834 jí jù f /rapid/sudden/ 急功近利 4836 98 jí gōng jìn lì f /seeking instant benefit (idiom); shortsighted vision, looking only for fast return/ 急务 急務 S - 33 jí wù f /urgent task/pressing matter/ 急務 急务 T - 33 jí wù f /urgent task/pressing matter/ 急匆匆 - 204 jí cōng cōng f /hurried/hasty/ 急吼吼 - 0 jí hǒu hǒu f /impatient/ 急嘴急舌 - 0 jí zuǐ jí shé f /lit. quick mouth and quick tongue/fig. to interrupt sb urgently and say one's piece/to chime in rapidly/ 急噪 - 0 jí zào f /irritable/irascible/impetuous/also written 急躁/ 急如星火 - 22 jí rú xīng huǒ f /lit. as hurried as a shooting star (idiom); requiring immediate action/extremely urgent/ 急婚族 - 0 jí hūn zú f /(coll.) those who are in a rush to get married/ 急待 - 67 jí dài f /to need urgently/to need doing without delay/ 急忙 2483 2165 jí máng f /hastily/ 急急忙忙 - 156 jí jí máng máng f /hurriedly/ 急性 - 950 jí xìng f /acute/ 急性人 - 0 jí xìng rén f /impetuous person/excitable person/ 急性子 - 51 jí xìng zi f /impetuous person/excitable person/ 急性氰化物中毒 - 0 jí xìng qíng huà wù zhōng dú f /acute cyanide poisoning/ 急性照射 - 0 jí xìng zhào shè f /acute exposure/ 急性病 - 35 jí xìng bìng f /acute illness/fig. impetuous/impatient/ 急性肠炎 急性腸炎 S - 0 jí xìng cháng yán f /acute enteritis/ 急性腸炎 急性肠炎 T - 0 jí xìng cháng yán f /acute enteritis/ 急性闌尾炎 急性阑尾炎 T - 0 jí xìng lán wěi yán f /acute appendicitis (medicine)/ 急性阑尾炎 急性闌尾炎 S - 0 jí xìng lán wěi yán f /acute appendicitis (medicine)/ 急拍拍 - 0 jí pāi pāi f /hurried/impatient/rushed/ 急救 - 287 jí jiù f /first aid/emergency treatment/ 急救站 - 8 jí jiù zhàn f /emergency desk/first aid office/ 急救箱 - 8 jí jiù xiāng f /first-aid kit/ 急於 急于 T - 857 jí yú f /anxious/impatient/ 急於星火 急于星火 T - 3 jí yú xīng huǒ f /see 急如星火[ji2 ru2 xing1 huo3]/ 急於求成 急于求成 T 4961 153 jí yú qiú chéng f /anxious for quick results (idiom); to demand instant success/impatient for result/impetuous/ 急智 - 15 jí zhì f /quick witted/able to think fast in an emergency/ 急板 - 3 jí bǎn f /(music) presto/ 急派 - 0 jí pài f /to rush/ 急流 - 566 jí liú f /torrent/ 急用 - 41 jí yòng f /to need sth urgently/urgently required/ 急症 - 26 jí zhèng f /acute disease/medical emergency/ 急眼 - 12 jí yǎn f /to be anxious/to get angry with sb/ 急着 急著 S - 0 jí zhe f /urgently/ 急著 急着 T - 0 jí zhe f /urgently/ 急行军 急行軍 S - 41 jí xíng jūn f /rapid advance/forced march/ 急行軍 急行军 T - 41 jí xíng jūn f /rapid advance/forced march/ 急袭 急襲 S - 7 jí xí f /sudden attack/ 急襲 急袭 T - 7 jí xí f /sudden attack/ 急要 - 22 jí yào f /urgent/ 急診 急诊 T 2346 71 jí zhěn f /emergency call/emergency (medical) treatment/ 急診室 急诊室 T - 49 jí zhěn shì f /emergency room/ 急诊 急診 S 2346 71 jí zhěn f /emergency call/emergency (medical) treatment/ 急诊室 急診室 S - 49 jí zhěn shì f /emergency room/ 急赤白脸 急赤白臉 S - 3 jí chì bái liǎn f /to worry oneself sick/to fret/ 急赤白臉 急赤白脸 T - 3 jí chì bái liǎn f /to worry oneself sick/to fret/ 急躁 4321 227 jí zào f /irritable/irascible/impetuous/ 急轉 急转 T - 102 jí zhuǎn f /to whirl/to turn around quickly/ 急轉彎 急转弯 T - 20 jí zhuǎn wān f /to make a sudden turn/ 急轉直下 急转直下 T - 46 jí zhuǎn zhí xià f /to develop rapidly after abrupt turn (idiom); dramatic change/ 急转 急轉 S - 102 jí zhuǎn f /to whirl/to turn around quickly/ 急转弯 急轉彎 S - 20 jí zhuǎn wān f /to make a sudden turn/ 急转直下 急轉直下 S - 46 jí zhuǎn zhí xià f /to develop rapidly after abrupt turn (idiom); dramatic change/ 急迫 - 88 jí pò f /urgent/pressing/imperative/ 急速 - 532 jí sù f /hurried/at a great speed/rapid (development)/ 急遽 - 45 jí jù f /rapid/sudden/ 急难 急難 S - 44 jí nàn f /misfortune/crisis/grave danger/critical situation/disaster/emergency/to be zealous in helping others out of a predicament/ 急難 急难 T - 44 jí nàn f /misfortune/crisis/grave danger/critical situation/disaster/emergency/to be zealous in helping others out of a predicament/ 急需 - 523 jí xū f /to urgently need/urgent need/ 急馳 急驰 T - 130 jí chí f /to speed along/ 急驟 急骤 T - 66 jí zhòu f /rapid/hurried/ 急驰 急馳 S - 130 jí chí f /to speed along/ 急骤 急驟 S - 66 jí zhòu f /rapid/hurried/ 怦 - 62 pēng f /impulsive/ 怦怦 - 416 pēng pēng f /thumping sound (onom.)/to be eager and anxious (to do sth)/faithful and upright/ 怦然 - 20 pēng rán f /with a sudden shock, bang etc/ 怦然心动 怦然心動 S - 67 pēng rán xīn dòng f /palpitating with eagerness to do sth (idiom)/ 怦然心動 怦然心动 T - 67 pēng rán xīn dòng f /palpitating with eagerness to do sth (idiom)/ 性 - 13847 xìng f /nature/character/property/quality/attribute/sexuality/sex/gender/suffix forming adjective from verb/suffix forming noun from adjective, corresponding to -ness or -ity/essence/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 性乐 性樂 S - 0 xìng lè f /sexual pleasure/orgasm/ 性事 - 15 xìng shì f /sex/ 性交 - 29 xìng jiāo f /sexual intercourse/ 性交易 - 3 xìng jiāo yì f /prostitution/commercial sex/the sex trade/ 性交高潮 - 0 xìng jiāo gāo cháo f /orgasm/ 性产业 性產業 S - 0 xìng chǎn yè f /the sex industry/ 性价比 性價比 S - 109 xìng jià bǐ f /quality-price ratio/ 性伙伴 - 9 xìng huǒ bàn f /sexual partner/ 性传播 性傳播 S - 3 xìng chuán bō f /sexually transmitted/ 性伴 - 0 xìng bàn f /sexual partner/ 性伴侣 性伴侶 S - 3 xìng bàn lǚ f /sex partner/ 性伴侶 性伴侣 T - 3 xìng bàn lǚ f /sex partner/ 性侵 - 0 xìng qīn f /sexual assault (law)/ 性侵害 - 0 xìng qīn hài f /sexual assault (law)/ 性侵犯 - 3 xìng qīn fàn f /to assault sexually/to molest/ 性偏好 - 0 xìng piān hào f /sexual preference/ 性健康 - 9 xìng jiàn kāng f /sexual health/ 性傳播 性传播 T - 3 xìng chuán bō f /sexually transmitted/ 性價比 性价比 T - 109 xìng jià bǐ f /quality-price ratio/ 性关系 性關係 S - 85 xìng guān xi f /sexual relations/sexual contact/intercourse/ 性冲动 性衝動 S - 3 xìng chōng dòng f /sex drive/ 性冷感 - 0 xìng lěng gǎn f /frigidity (lack of libido)/ 性冷淡 - 3 xìng lěng dàn f /frigidity/ 性別 性别 T 1137 950 xìng bié f /gender/sex/distinguishing between the sexes/ 性別歧視 性别歧视 T - 3 xìng bié qí shì f /sex discrimination/sexism/ 性別比 性别比 T - 294 xìng bié bǐ f /sex ratio/ 性別角色 性别角色 T - 3 xìng bié jué sè f /gender role/ 性別認同障礙 性别认同障碍 T - 0 xìng bié rèn tóng zhàng ài f /gender identity disorder (GID)/gender dysphoria/ 性别 性別 S 1137 950 xìng bié f /gender/sex/distinguishing between the sexes/ 性别歧视 性別歧視 S - 3 xìng bié qí shì f /sex discrimination/sexism/ 性别比 性別比 S - 294 xìng bié bǐ f /sex ratio/ 性别角色 性別角色 S - 3 xìng bié jué sè f /gender role/ 性别认同障碍 性別認同障礙 S - 0 xìng bié rèn tóng zhàng ài f /gender identity disorder (GID)/gender dysphoria/ 性取向 - 3 xìng qǔ xiàng f /sexual orientation (e.g. gay)/ 性变态 性變態 S - 14 xìng biàn tài f /sexual perversion/sexual pervert/ 性同一性障碍 性同一性障礙 S - 0 xìng tóng yī xìng zhàng ài f /gender identity disorder/ 性同一性障礙 性同一性障碍 T - 0 xìng tóng yī xìng zhàng ài f /gender identity disorder/ 性向 - 3 xìng xiàng f /aptitude/disposition/inclination/ 性命 2832 4207 xìng mìng f /life/ 性命攸关 性命攸關 S - 3 xìng mìng yōu guān f /vitally important/a matter of life and death/ 性命攸關 性命攸关 T - 3 xìng mìng yōu guān f /vitally important/a matter of life and death/ 性善 - 3 xìng shàn f /the theory of Mencius that people are by nature good/ 性器 - 26 xìng qì f /sex organ/ 性器官 - 66 xìng qì guān f /sexual organ/ 性地 - 3 xìng dì f /innate quality/natural disposition/ 性媾 - 0 xìng gòu f /sexual intercourse/ 性子 - 666 xìng zi f /temper/ 性学 性學 S - 4 xìng xué f /sexology/ 性學 性学 T - 4 xìng xué f /sexology/ 性工作 - 0 xìng gōng zuò f /employment as sex worker/prostitution/ 性征 性徵 S - 3 xìng zhēng f /sexual characteristic/ 性徵 性征 T - 3 xìng zhēng f /sexual characteristic/ 性快感 - 3 xìng kuài gǎn f /sexual pleasure/ 性急 - 223 xìng jí f /impatient/ 性恶论 性惡論 S - 11 xìng è lùn f /"human nature is evil", theory advocated by Xunzi 荀子[Xun2 zi3]/ 性情 - 755 xìng qíng f /nature/temperament/ 性惡論 性恶论 T - 11 xìng è lùn f /"human nature is evil", theory advocated by Xunzi 荀子[Xun2 zi3]/ 性愛 性爱 T - 192 xìng ài f /sex/lovemaking/ 性感 2532 240 xìng gǎn f /sex appeal/eroticism/sexuality/sexy/ 性慾 性欲 T - 242 xìng yù f /sexual desire/lust/ 性慾高潮 性欲高潮 T - 0 xìng yù gāo cháo f /orgasm/ 性成熟 - 90 xìng chéng shú f /sexual maturity/ 性指向 - 0 xìng zhǐ xiàng f /sexual orientation (e.g. gay)/ 性接触 性接觸 S - 0 xìng jiē chù f /sexual encounter/ 性接觸 性接触 T - 0 xìng jiē chù f /sexual encounter/ 性教育 - 0 xìng jiào yù f /sex education/ 性服务 性服務 S - 0 xìng fú wù f /sexual service/prostitution/ 性服务产业 性服務產業 S - 0 xìng fú wù chǎn yè f /sex service industry/ 性服務 性服务 T - 0 xìng fú wù f /sexual service/prostitution/ 性服務產業 性服务产业 T - 0 xìng fú wù chǎn yè f /sex service industry/ 性格 1042 2521 xìng gé f /nature/disposition/temperament/character/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 性格不合 - 3 xìng gé bù hé f /incompatibility of temperament/ 性樂 性乐 T - 0 xìng lè f /sexual pleasure/orgasm/ 性欲 性慾 S - 242 xìng yù f /sexual desire/lust/ 性欲高潮 性慾高潮 S - 0 xìng yù gāo cháo f /orgasm/ 性满足 性滿足 S - 3 xìng mǎn zú f /sexual gratification/ 性滿足 性满足 T - 3 xìng mǎn zú f /sexual gratification/ 性激素 - 144 xìng jī sù f /sex hormone/ 性爱 性愛 S - 192 xìng ài f /sex/lovemaking/ 性物恋 性物戀 S - 0 xìng wù liàn f /(sexual) fetishism/ 性物戀 性物恋 T - 0 xìng wù liàn f /(sexual) fetishism/ 性状 性狀 S - 399 xìng zhuàng f /nature (i.e. properties of sth)/character/ 性狀 性状 T - 399 xìng zhuàng f /nature (i.e. properties of sth)/character/ 性生活 - 395 xìng shēng huó f /sex life/ 性產業 性产业 T - 0 xìng chǎn yè f /the sex industry/ 性疾病 - 3 xìng jí bìng f /sexually transmitted disease/venereal disease/ 性病 - 285 xìng bìng f /sexually transmitted disease/venereal disease/ 性瘾 性癮 S - 0 xìng yǐn f /sexual addiction/ 性癮 性瘾 T - 0 xìng yǐn f /sexual addiction/ 性短訊 性短讯 T - 0 xìng duǎn xùn f /sexting/sexually explicit text message/ 性短讯 性短訊 S - 0 xìng duǎn xùn f /sexting/sexually explicit text message/ 性禁忌 - 0 xìng jìn jì f /sexual taboo/ 性細胞 性细胞 T - 0 xìng xì bāo f /sexual cell/germline cell/gamete/ 性细胞 性細胞 S - 0 xìng xì bāo f /sexual cell/germline cell/gamete/ 性能 4291 3808 xìng néng f /function/performance/ 性腺 - 178 xìng xiàn f /gonad/sex gland/ 性虐待 - 3 xìng nüè dài f /sexual abuse/ 性行 - 12 xìng xíng f /sexual activity/ 性行为 性行為 S - 141 xìng xíng wéi f /sexual behavior/ 性行為 性行为 T - 141 xìng xíng wéi f /sexual behavior/ 性衝動 性冲动 T - 3 xìng chōng dòng f /sex drive/ 性變態 性变态 T - 14 xìng biàn tài f /sexual perversion/sexual pervert/ 性質 性质 T 2285 8018 xìng zhì f /nature/characteristic/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 性質命題 性质命题 T - 0 xìng zhì mìng tí f /categorical proposition (logic)/ 性质 性質 S 2285 8018 xìng zhì f /nature/characteristic/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 性质命题 性質命題 S - 0 xìng zhì mìng tí f /categorical proposition (logic)/ 性關係 性关系 T - 85 xìng guān xi f /sexual relations/sexual contact/intercourse/ 性騷擾 性骚扰 T - 91 xìng sāo rǎo f /sexual harassment/ 性骚扰 性騷擾 S - 91 xìng sāo rǎo f /sexual harassment/ 性高潮 - 46 xìng gāo cháo f /orgasm/climax/ 怨 - 1394 yuàn f /to blame/to complain/ 怨不得 - 87 yuàn bu de f /cannot blame/no wonder/ 怨偶 - 2 yuàn ǒu f /an unhappy couple (formal writing)/ 怨命 - 0 yuàn mìng f /to complain about one's fate/to bemoan one's lot/ 怨声 怨聲 S - 12 yuàn shēng f /wail/lament/voice of complaint/ 怨声载道 怨聲載道 S - 51 yuàn shēng zài dào f /lit. cries of complaint fill the roads (idiom); complaints rise all around/discontent is openly voiced/ 怨天尤人 - 61 yuàn tiān yóu rén f /(idiom) to blame the gods and accuse others/ 怨天載道 怨天载道 T - 0 yuàn tiān zài dào f /lit. cries of complaint fill the roads (idiom); complaints rise all around/discontent is openly voiced/ 怨天载道 怨天載道 S - 0 yuàn tiān zài dào f /lit. cries of complaint fill the roads (idiom); complaints rise all around/discontent is openly voiced/ 怨女 - 9 yuàn nǚ f /senior palace maiden/unmarried woman/ 怨怼 怨懟 S - 20 yuàn duì f /resentment/grudge/ 怨恨 - 285 yuàn hèn f /to resent/to harbor a grudge against/to loathe/resentment/rancor/ 怨愤 怨憤 S - 66 yuàn fèn f /resentment and indignation/ 怨憤 怨愤 T - 66 yuàn fèn f /resentment and indignation/ 怨懟 怨怼 T - 20 yuàn duì f /resentment/grudge/ 怨毒 - 123 yuàn dú f /bitter resentment/rancor/ 怨气 怨氣 S - 183 yuàn qì f /grievance/resentment/complaint/ 怨氣 怨气 T - 183 yuàn qì f /grievance/resentment/complaint/ 怨耦 - 0 yuàn ǒu f /variant of 怨偶[yuan4 ou3]/ 怨聲 怨声 T - 12 yuàn shēng f /wail/lament/voice of complaint/ 怨聲載道 怨声载道 T - 51 yuàn shēng zài dào f /lit. cries of complaint fill the roads (idiom); complaints rise all around/discontent is openly voiced/ 怨艾 - 12 yuàn yì f /to resent/to regret/grudge/ 怨言 - 180 yuàn yán f /complaint/ 怩 - 10 ní f /shy/timid/bashful/to look ashamed/ 怪 - 6097 guài f /bewildering/odd/strange/uncanny/devil/monster/to wonder at/to blame/quite/rather/ 怪 恠 S - 6097 guài f /variant of 怪[guai4]/ 怪不得 2108 504 guài bu de f /no wonder!/so that's why!/ 怪事 - 181 guài shì f /strange thing/curious occurrence/ 怪人 - 239 guài rén f /strange person/eccentric/ 怪人奥尔·扬科维奇 怪人奧爾·揚科維奇 S - 0 guài rén Aò ěr · Yáng kē wéi qí f /"Weird Al" Yankovic (1959-), US singer and writer of parody songs/ 怪人奧爾·揚科維奇 怪人奥尔·扬科维奇 T - 0 guài rén Aò ěr · Yáng kē wéi qí f /"Weird Al" Yankovic (1959-), US singer and writer of parody songs/ 怪傑 怪杰 T - 18 guài jié f /monstre sacré (i.e. artist famous for being deliberately preposterous)/ 怪僻 - 45 guài pì f /eccentric/peculiar/ 怪兽 怪獸 S - 141 guài shòu f /rare animal/mythical animal/monster/ 怪叔叔 - 0 guài shū shu f /queer uncle, referring to a young to middle-aged male pedophile (Internet slang)/ 怪味 - 13 guài wèi f /strange odor/ 怪咖 - 0 guài kā f /(slang) (Tw) loony/freak/ 怪圈 - 126 guài quān f /vicious circle/(abnormal) phenomenon/ 怪声怪气 怪聲怪氣 S - 19 guài shēng guài qì f /strange voice/affected manner of speaking/ 怪异 怪異 S - 494 guài yì f /monstrous/strange/strange phenomenon/ 怪念头 怪念頭 S - 6 guài niàn tou f /eccentric notion/strange whim/ 怪念頭 怪念头 T - 6 guài niàn tou f /eccentric notion/strange whim/ 怪戾 - 0 guài lì f /see 乖戾[guai1 li4]/ 怪手 - 3 guài shǒu f /excavator/backhoe/ 怪杰 怪傑 S - 18 guài jié f /monstre sacré (i.e. artist famous for being deliberately preposterous)/ 怪样 怪樣 S - 3 guài yàng f /odd expression/funny looks/queer face/to grimace/to give sb funny looks/to pull faces/ 怪模怪样 怪模怪樣 S - 48 guài mó guài yàng f /outlandish/strange-looking/grotesque/ 怪模怪樣 怪模怪样 T - 48 guài mó guài yàng f /outlandish/strange-looking/grotesque/ 怪樣 怪样 T - 3 guài yàng f /odd expression/funny looks/queer face/to grimace/to give sb funny looks/to pull faces/ 怪气 怪氣 S - 3 guài qì f /weird (temperament)/ 怪氣 怪气 T - 3 guài qì f /weird (temperament)/ 怪物 - 527 guài wu f /monster/freak/eccentric person/ 怪物似 - 0 guài wù sì f /monstrous/ 怪獸 怪兽 T - 141 guài shòu f /rare animal/mythical animal/monster/ 怪異 怪异 T - 494 guài yì f /monstrous/strange/strange phenomenon/ 怪癖 - 24 guài pǐ f /eccentricity/peculiarity/strange hobby/ 怪相 - 18 guài xiàng f /grotesque visage/grimace/ 怪祕 怪秘 T - 0 guài mì f /strange/mystic/ 怪秘 怪祕 S - 0 guài mì f /strange/mystic/ 怪罪 - 161 guài zuì f /to blame/ 怪聲怪氣 怪声怪气 T - 19 guài shēng guài qì f /strange voice/affected manner of speaking/ 怪胎 - 38 guài tāi f /freak/abnormal embryo/fetus with deformity/ 怪腔怪調 怪腔怪调 T - 3 guài qiāng guài diào f /strange accent/odd manner of speaking or singing/ 怪腔怪调 怪腔怪調 S - 3 guài qiāng guài diào f /strange accent/odd manner of speaking or singing/ 怪蜀黍 - 0 guài shǔ shǔ f /see 怪叔叔[guai4 shu1 shu5]/ 怪訝 怪讶 T - 3 guài yà f /astonished/ 怪話 怪话 T - 50 guài huà f /ridiculous talk/preposterous remark/ 怪誕 怪诞 T - 90 guài dàn f /freak/weird/ 怪誕不經 怪诞不经 T - 3 guài dàn bù jīng f /uncanny/unbelievable/ridiculous/outrageous/ 怪讶 怪訝 S - 3 guài yà f /astonished/ 怪话 怪話 S - 50 guài huà f /ridiculous talk/preposterous remark/ 怪诞 怪誕 S - 90 guài dàn f /freak/weird/ 怪诞不经 怪誕不經 S - 3 guài dàn bù jīng f /uncanny/unbelievable/ridiculous/outrageous/ 怪道 - 0 guài dào f /no wonder!/ 怪里怪气 怪里怪氣 S - 5 guài lǐ guài qì f /eccentric/odd-looking/peculiar/ 怪里怪氣 怪里怪气 T - 5 guài lǐ guài qì f /eccentric/odd-looking/peculiar/ 怫 - 52 fèi f /anger/ 怫 - 52 fú t /anxious/ 怫然 - 0 fú rán f /angry/enraged/Taiwan pr. [fei4 ran2]/ 怭 - 2 bì f /frivolous/rude/ 怯 - 617 qiè f /timid/cowardly/rustic/Taiwan pr. [que4]/ 怯场 怯場 S - 35 qiè chǎng f /to have stage fright/ 怯場 怯场 T - 35 qiè chǎng f /to have stage fright/ 怯声怯气 怯聲怯氣 S - 3 qiè shēng qiè qì f /to speak in a frightened voice that lacks courage (idiom)/ 怯子 - 0 qiè zi f /person with country accent/rustic/country bumpkin/ 怯弱 - 29 qiè ruò f /timid/weak/ 怯懦 - 124 qiè nuò f /timid/gutless/weakling/ 怯生 - 3 qiè shēng f /shy/ 怯生生 - 42 qiè shēng shēng f /shy/ 怯羞 - 0 qiè xiū f /see 羞怯[xiu1 qie4]/ 怯聲怯氣 怯声怯气 T - 3 qiè shēng qiè qì f /to speak in a frightened voice that lacks courage (idiom)/ 怱 匆 T - 114 cōng f /variant of 匆[cong1]/ 怲 - 3 bǐng f /sad/mournful/ 怳 恍 T - 326 huǎng f /variant of 恍[huang3]/ 怵 - 108 chù f /fearful/timid/to fear/ 怵惕 - 3 chù tì f /to be alarmed/to be apprehensive/ 怵惧 怵懼 S - 0 chù jù f /fear/dread/panic/ 怵懼 怵惧 T - 0 chù jù f /fear/dread/panic/ 怵然 - 3 chù rán f /fearful/ 怵目惊心 怵目驚心 S - 5 chù mù jīng xīn f /lit. shocks the eye, astonishes the heart (idiom); shocking/horrible to see/a ghastly sight/also written 觸目驚心|触目惊心/ 怵目驚心 怵目惊心 T - 5 chù mù jīng xīn f /lit. shocks the eye, astonishes the heart (idiom); shocking/horrible to see/a ghastly sight/also written 觸目驚心|触目惊心/ 怸 - 0 xī f /obscure variant of 悉[xi1]/Achyranthes bidentata, a root used in Chinese medicine, equivalent to 牛膝[niu2 xi1]/ 怹 - 2 tān f /he/she/(courteous, as opposed to 他[ta1])/ 总 總 S - 23585 zǒng f /always/to assemble/gather/total/overall/head/chief/general/in every case/ 总主教 總主教 S - 3 zǒng zhǔ jiào f /archbishop/primate (of a church)/metropolitan/ 总之 總之 S 1549 1517 zǒng zhī f /in a word/in short/in brief/ 总书记 總書記 S - 1104 zǒng shū ji f /general secretary (of the Communist Party)/ 总产值 總產值 S - 2452 zǒng chǎn zhí f /gross product/total output/ 总产量 總產量 S - 1643 zǒng chǎn liàng f /total output/ 总人口 總人口 S - 3295 zǒng rén kǒu f /total population/ 总价 總價 S - 44 zǒng jià f /total price/ 总会三明治 總會三明治 S - 0 zǒng huì sān míng zhì f /club sandwich/ 总会会长 總會會長 S - 0 zǒng huì huì zhǎng f /president/ 总体 總體 S - 2506 zǒng tǐ f /completely/totally/total/entire/overall/population (statistics)/ 总体上说 總體上說 S - 0 zǒng tǐ shàng shuō f /looking at the big picture/all in all/all things considered/ 总体目标 總體目標 S - 3 zǒng tǐ mù biāo f /overall target/overall objective/ 总体经济学 總體經濟學 S - 0 zǒng tǐ jīng jì xué f /macroeconomics (Taiwan)/ 总体规划 總體規劃 S - 3 zǒng tǐ guī huà f /overall plan/master plan/ 总供给 總供給 S - 3 zǒng gōng jǐ f /aggregate supply/ 总值 總值 S - 363 zǒng zhí f /total value/ 总公司 總公司 S - 506 zǒng gōng sī f /parent company/head office/ 总共 總共 S 2113 660 zǒng gòng f /altogether/in sum/in all/in total/ 总决赛 總決賽 S - 118 zǒng jué sài f /finals (sports)/ 总分 總分 S - 349 zǒng fēn f /overall score/total points/ 总则 總則 S - 81 zǒng zé f /profile/general provision (law)/ 总务 總務 S - 50 zǒng wù f /general matters/division of general affairs/person in overall charge/ 总动员 總動員 S - 335 zǒng dòng yuán f /general mobilization (for war etc)/ 总卵黄管 總卵黃管 S - 0 zǒng luǎn huáng guǎn f /common vitelline duct/ 总参谋部 總參謀部 S - 139 zǒng cān móu bù f /(military) General Staff Headquarters/ 总参谋长 總參謀長 S - 358 zǒng cān móu zhǎng f /(military) Chief of Staff/ 总台 總台 S - 18 zǒng tái f /front desk/reception desk/ 总司令 總司令 S - 1647 zǒng sī lìng f /commander-in-chief/top military commander for a country or theater of operations/ 总司令部 總司令部 S - 167 zǒng sī lìng bù f /general headquarters/ 总合 總合 S - 4 zǒng hé f /to collect together/to add up/altogether/ 总后勤部 總後勤部 S - 96 zǒng hòu qín bù f /(military) General Logistics Department/ 总吨位 總噸位 S - 51 zǒng dūn wèi f /overall tonnage (of a shipping fleet or company)/ 总和 總和 S 4476 583 zǒng hé f /sum/ 总回报 總回報 S - 0 zǒng huí bào f /total return/aggregate profit/ 总局 總局 S - 479 zǒng jú f /head office/general office/central office/ 总干事 總幹事 S - 3 zǒng gàn shi f /secretary-general/ 总平面图 總平面圖 S - 0 zǒng píng miàn tú f /general layout/site plan/ 总开关 總開關 S - 3 zǒng kāi guān f /main switch/ 总归 總歸 S - 88 zǒng guī f /eventually/after all/anyhow/ 总得 總得 S - 423 zǒng děi f /must/have to/be bound to/ 总成本 總成本 S - 3 zǒng chéng běn f /total costs/ 总括 總括 S - 39 zǒng kuò f /to sum up/all-inclusive/ 总指挥部 總指揮部 S - 43 zǒng zhǐ huī bù f /general headquarters/ 总揽 總攬 S - 70 zǒng lǎn f /to assume full responsibility/to be in full control/to monopolize/ 总收入 總收入 S - 171 zǒng shōu rù f /gross income/ 总收益 總收益 S - 0 zǒng shōu yì f /total profit/aggregate return/ 总政治部 總政治部 S - 149 zǒng zhèng zhì bù f /(military) General Political Department/ 总数 總數 S - 2565 zǒng shù f /total/sum/aggregate/ 总方针 總方針 S - 43 zǒng fāng zhēn f /general policy/overall guidelines/ 总是 總是 S 375 6089 zǒng shì f /always/ 总有 總有 S - 0 zǒng yǒu f /inevitably there will be/ 总机 總機 S - 20 zǒng jī f /central exchange/telephone exchange/switchboard/ 总杆赛 總桿賽 S - 0 zǒng gān sài f /stroke play (golf)/ 总次数 總次數 S - 0 zǒng cì shù f /total number of times/ 总法律顾问 總法律顧問 S - 0 zǒng fǎ lǜ gù wèn f /general counsel/ 总热值 總熱值 S - 0 zǒng rè zhí f /gross calorific value/ 总理 總理 S 2273 8200 zǒng lǐ f /premier/prime minister/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]/ 总理衙门 總理衙門 S - 3 zǒng lǐ yá men f /the Qing dynasty equivalent of the Foreign Office/ 总的来说 總的來說 S - 162 zǒng de lái shuō f /generally speaking/to sum up/in summary/in short/ 总监 總監 S - 711 zǒng jiān f /head/director (of an organizational unit)/(police) commissioner/inspector-general/rank of local governor in Tang dynasty administration/ 总目 總目 S - 71 zǒng mù f /super-order (taxonomy)/catalog/table of contents/ 总督 總督 S - 2447 zǒng dū f /governor-general/viceroy/governor/ 总社 總社 S - 86 zǒng shè f /cooperative (organisation)/cooperation (e.g. between companies)/ 总称 總稱 S - 535 zǒng chēng f /generic term/ 总站 總站 S - 70 zǒng zhàn f /terminus/ 总算 總算 S 1818 1164 zǒng suàn f /at long last/finally/on the whole/ 总管理处 總管理處 S - 0 zǒng guǎn lǐ chù f /headquarters/main administrative office/ 总线 總線 S - 181 zǒng xiàn f /computer bus/ 总经理 總經理 S - 1895 zǒng jīng lǐ f /general manager/CEO/ 总结 總結 S 1142 3346 zǒng jié f /to sum up/to conclude/summary/résumé/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 总统 總統 S 1231 6679 zǒng tǒng f /president (of a country)/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2],屆|届[jie4]/ 总统任期 總統任期 S - 0 zǒng tǒng rèn qī f /presidency/term of office/ 总统制 總統制 S - 100 zǒng tǒng zhì f /presidential system/ 总统大选 總統大選 S - 3 zǒng tǒng dà xuǎn f /presidential election/ 总统府 總統府 S - 408 zǒng tǒng fǔ f /presidential palace/ 总统选举 總統選舉 S - 0 zǒng tǒng xuǎn jǔ f /presidential election/ 总编 總編 S - 77 zǒng biān f /chief editor (of newspaper)/abbr. for 總編輯|总编辑/ 总编辑 總編輯 S - 232 zǒng biān jí f /chief editor (of newspaper)/ 总署 總署 S - 106 zǒng shǔ f /general office/ 总而言之 總而言之 S 4188 248 zǒng ér yán zhī f /in short/in a word/in brief/ 总能 總能 S - 244 zǒng néng f /total energy/ 总裁 總裁 S 1993 1812 zǒng cái f /chairman/director-general (of a company etc)/ 总装备部 總裝備部 S - 61 Zǒng Zhuāng bèi bù f /General Armaments Department (GAD)/ 总要 總要 S - 3 zǒng yào f /nevertheless/ 总览 總覽 S - 3 zǒng lǎn f /a general overview/ 总角之交 總角之交 S - 8 zǒng jiǎo zhī jiāo f /childhood friend (idiom)/ 总角之好 總角之好 S - 3 zǒng jiǎo zhī hǎo f /childhood friend (idiom)/ 总计 總計 S - 410 zǒng jì f /(grand) total/ 总谐波失真 總諧波失真 S - 0 zǒng xié bō shī zhēn f /(acoustics) total harmonic distortion (THD)/ 总谱 總譜 S - 12 zǒng pǔ f /musical score/ 总运单 總運單 S - 0 zǒng yùn dān f /master air waybill (MAWB) (transport)/ 总部 總部 S - 2024 zǒng bù f /general headquarters/ 总重 總重 S - 3 zǒng zhòng f /gross weight/total weight/ 总量 總量 S - 2510 zǒng liàng f /total/overall amount/ 总长 總長 S - 926 zǒng cháng f /total length/ 总长 總長 S - 926 zǒng zhǎng t /name used for cabinet ministers between 1912-1927, superseded by 部長|部长[bu4 zhang3]/ 总集 總集 S - 118 zǒng jí f /general collection/anthology/ 总需求 總需求 S - 3 zǒng xū qiú f /aggregate demand/ 总领事 總領事 S - 162 zǒng lǐng shì f /consul general/ 总领事馆 總領事館 S - 27 zǒng lǐng shì guǎn f /Consulate General/ 总领馆 總領館 S - 32 zǒng lǐng guǎn f /Consulate general/same as 總領事館|总领事馆[zong3 ling3 shi4 guan3]/ 总额 總額 S - 3282 zǒng é f /total (amount or value)/ 总风险 總風險 S - 0 zǒng fēng xiǎn f /aggregate risk/ 怼 懟 S - 138 duì f /dislike/hate/ 怿 懌 S - 45 yì f /pleased/rejoice/ 恁 - 318 nèn t /to think/this/which?/how? (literary)/Taiwan pr. [ren4]/ 恁 - 318 nín f /old variant of 您[nin2]/ 恁么 恁麼 S - 0 rèn me f /(old) this way/what?/ 恁般 - 56 rèn bān f /(old) this way/this much/ 恁麼 恁么 T - 0 rèn me f /(old) this way/what?/ 恂 - 43 xún f /sincere/ 恃 - 363 shì f /to rely on/mother (formal)/ 恃強欺弱 恃强欺弱 T - 3 shì qiáng qī ruò f /to use one's strength to mistreat people (idiom)/to bully/ 恃强欺弱 恃強欺弱 S - 3 shì qiáng qī ruò f /to use one's strength to mistreat people (idiom)/to bully/ 恃才傲物 - 15 shì cái ào wù f /to be inordinately proud of one's ability/to be conceited and contemptuous (idiom)/ 恆 恒 T - 606 Héng f /surname Heng/ 恆 恒 T - 606 héng f /permanent/constant/fixed/usual/ordinary/rule (old)/one of the 64 trigrams of the Book of Changes/ 恆久 恒久 T - 32 héng jiǔ f /constant/persistent/long-lasting/eternal/ 恆力 恒力 T - 3 héng lì f /constant force/ 恆加速度 恒加速度 T - 0 héng jiā sù dù f /constant acceleration/ 恆定 恒定 T - 210 héng dìng f /constant/ 恆山 恒山 T - 792 Héng Shān f /Mt Heng in Shanxi, northern of the Five Sacred Mountains 五嶽|五岳[Wu3 yue4]/Hengshan district of Jixi city 雞西|鸡西[Ji1 xi1], Heilongjiang/ 恆山區 恒山区 T - 3 Héng shān Qū f /Hengshan District of Jixi city 雞西|鸡西[Ji1 xi1], Heilongjiang/ 恆常 恒常 T - 3 héng cháng f /constant/constantly/ 恆心 恒心 T - 62 héng xīn f /perseverance/ 恆星 恒星 T - 993 héng xīng f /(fixed) star/ 恆星年 恒星年 T - 0 héng xīng nián f /the sidereal year (astronomy)/the year defined in terms of the fixed stars/ 恆星系 恒星系 T - 2 héng xīng xì f /stellar system/galaxy/ 恆星際 恒星际 T - 0 héng xīng jì f /interstellar/between the fixed stars/ 恆春 恒春 T - 20 Héng chūn f /Hengchun town in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 恆春半島 恒春半岛 T - 0 Héng chūn Bàn dǎo f /Hengchun Peninsula in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], the southernmost point of Taiwan/ 恆春鎮 恒春镇 T - 2 Héng chūn zhèn f /Hengchun town in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 恆河 恒河 T - 244 Héng Hé f /Ganges River/ 恆河沙數 恒河沙数 T - 4 Héng hé shā shù f /countless as the grains of sand in the Ganges (idiom)/ 恆河猴 恒河猴 T - 0 Héng hé hóu f /rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta)/rhesus monkey/lit. river Ganges monkey of north India/ 恆溫 恒温 T - 36 héng wēn f /constant temperature/ 恆溫器 恒温器 T - 6 héng wēn qì f /thermostat/ 恆牙 恒牙 T - 9 héng yá f /permanent tooth (as opposed to deciduous tooth 乳牙)/adult tooth/ 恆生 恒生 T - 34 Héng Shēng f /Hang Seng (name)/ 恆生中資企業指數 恒生中资企业指数 T - 0 Héng shēng Zhōng zī qǐ yè zhǐ shù f /Hang Seng China affiliated index/ 恆等 恒等 T - 3 héng děng f /identity ≡ (math., logic)/identical/ 恆等式 恒等式 T - 33 héng děng shì f /identity (math.)/ 恆速率 恒速率 T - 0 héng sù lǜ f /constant velocity/ 恇 - 9 kuāng f /to fear/apprehensive/ 恉 - 2 zhǐ f /purport/ 恋 戀 S - 539 liàn f /to feel attached to/to long for/to love/ 恋人 戀人 S - 314 liàn rén f /lover/sweetheart/ 恋家 戀家 S - 6 liàn jiā f /home-loving/to feel a strong attachment to home life/to begrudge being away from home/ 恋尸癖 戀屍癖 S - 3 liàn shī pǐ f /necrophilia/ 恋念 戀念 S - 3 liàn niàn f /to have a sentimental attachment to (a place)/to miss (one's ancestral home etc)/to be nostalgic about/ 恋恋不舍 戀戀不捨 S - 103 liàn liàn bù shě f /reluctant to part/ 恋情 戀情 S - 159 liàn qíng f /romantic love/ 恋慕 戀慕 S - 8 liàn mù f /to be enamored of/to have tender feelings for/to be sentimentally attached to (a person or place)/ 恋战 戀戰 S - 84 liàn zhàn f /to zealously continue fighting/ 恋旧 戀舊 S - 19 liàn jiù f /see 懷舊|怀旧[huai2 jiu4]/ 恋旧情结 戀舊情結 S - 0 liàn jiù qíng jié f /dwelling on the past/difficulty in adapting to changes/ 恋栈 戀棧 S - 3 liàn zhàn f /to be reluctant to give up a post/ 恋歌 戀歌 S - 12 liàn gē f /love song/ 恋母情结 戀母情結 S - 3 liàn mǔ qíng jié f /Oedipus complex/ 恋爱 戀愛 S 1582 848 liàn ài f /(romantic) love/CL:個|个[ge4],場|场[chang3]/in love/to have an affair/ 恋物 戀物 S - 0 liàn wù f /(sexual) fetishism/ 恋物狂 戀物狂 S - 0 liàn wù kuáng f /(sexual) fetishism/ 恋物癖 戀物癖 S - 3 liàn wù pǐ f /(sexual) fetishism/ 恋童犯 戀童犯 S - 0 liàn tóng fàn f /pedophile/ 恋童癖 戀童癖 S - 0 liàn tóng pǐ f /pedophilia/pedophile/ 恋脚癖 戀腳癖 S - 0 liàn jiǎo pǐ f /foot fetish/ 恋脚癖者 戀腳癖者 S - 0 liàn jiǎo pǐ zhě f /foot fetishist/ 恌 - 0 tiāo f /frivolous/ 恍 怳 S - 326 huǎng f /variant of 恍[huang3]/ 恍 - 326 huǎng f /disappointed/flurried/indistinct/ 恍如 - 50 huǎng rú f /to be as if.../to be rather like.../ 恍如隔世 - 20 huǎng rú gé shì f /like a thing of the previous generation/as if it were a lifetime ago/ 恍忽 - 17 huǎng hū f /variant of 恍惚[huang3 hu1]/ 恍惚 - 276 huǎng hū f /absent-minded/distracted/dazzled/vaguely/dimly/ 恍然 - 243 huǎng rán f /suddenly (understand sth)/in a flash/ 恍然大悟 4860 345 huǎng rán dà wù f /to suddenly realize/to suddenly see the light/ 恍然醒悟 - 0 huǎng rán xǐng wù f /a sudden realisation/to realise sth in a flash/ 恍神 - 0 huǎng shén f /to be off in another world/to suffer a lapse in concentration/ 恍若 - 94 huǎng ruò f /as if/as though/rather like/ 恍若隔世 - 3 huǎng ruò gé shì f /see 恍如隔世[huang3 ru2 ge2 shi4]/ 恏 - 0 hào f /to desire/ 恐 - 1622 kǒng f /afraid/frightened/to fear/ 恐同 - 0 kǒng tóng f /see 恐同症[kong3 tong2 zheng4]/ 恐同症 - 0 kǒng tóng zhèng f /homophobia/ 恐吓 恐嚇 S 3076 163 kǒng hè f /to threaten/to menace/ 恐嚇 恐吓 T 3076 163 kǒng hè f /to threaten/to menace/ 恐怕 835 3355 kǒng pà f /fear/to dread/I'm afraid that.../perhaps/maybe/ 恐怖 2531 1463 kǒng bù f /terrible/frightful/frightening/terror/terrorist/ 恐怖主义 恐怖主義 S - 221 kǒng bù zhǔ yì f /terrorism/ 恐怖主义者 恐怖主義者 S - 0 kǒng bù zhǔ yì zhě f /terrorist/ 恐怖主義 恐怖主义 T - 221 kǒng bù zhǔ yì f /terrorism/ 恐怖主義者 恐怖主义者 T - 0 kǒng bù zhǔ yì zhě f /terrorist/ 恐怖分子 - 3 kǒng bù fèn zǐ f /terrorist/ 恐怖片 - 34 kǒng bù piàn f /horror movie/CL:部[bu4]/ 恐怖片儿 恐怖片兒 S - 0 kǒng bù piān r f /erhua variant of 恐怖片[kong3 bu4 pian4]/ 恐怖片兒 恐怖片儿 T - 0 kǒng bù piān r f /erhua variant of 恐怖片[kong3 bu4 pian4]/ 恐怖电影 恐怖電影 S - 3 kǒng bù diàn yǐng f /horror movie/ 恐怖症 - 38 kǒng bù zhèng f /phobia/ 恐怖組織 恐怖组织 T - 3 kǒng bù zǔ zhī f /terrorist organization/ 恐怖组织 恐怖組織 S - 3 kǒng bù zǔ zhī f /terrorist organization/ 恐怖袭击 恐怖襲擊 S - 3 kǒng bù xí jī f /terrorist attack/ 恐怖襲擊 恐怖袭击 T - 3 kǒng bù xí jī f /terrorist attack/ 恐怖電影 恐怖电影 T - 3 kǒng bù diàn yǐng f /horror movie/ 恐惧 恐懼 S 2580 1230 kǒng jù f /to be frightened/fear/dread/ 恐惧症 恐懼症 S - 23 kǒng jù zhèng f /phobia/ 恐慌 - 353 kǒng huāng f /panic/panicky/panic-stricken/ 恐慌发作 恐慌發作 S - 0 kǒng huāng fā zuò f /panic attack/ 恐慌發作 恐慌发作 T - 0 kǒng huāng fā zuò f /panic attack/ 恐懼 恐惧 T 2580 1230 kǒng jù f /to be frightened/fear/dread/ 恐懼症 恐惧症 T - 23 kǒng jù zhèng f /phobia/ 恐旷症 恐曠症 S - 0 kǒng kuàng zhèng f /agoraphobia/ 恐曠症 恐旷症 T - 0 kǒng kuàng zhèng f /agoraphobia/ 恐水病 - 3 kǒng shuǐ bìng f /rabies/ 恐水症 - 0 kǒng shuǐ zhèng f /rabies/hydrophobia/ 恐法症 - 0 kǒng Fǎ zhèng f /Francophobia/ 恐韓症 恐韩症 T - 3 kǒng Hán zhèng f /Koreaphobia/ 恐韩症 恐韓症 S - 3 kǒng Hán zhèng f /Koreaphobia/ 恐高症 - 18 kǒng gāo zhèng f /acrophobia/fear of heights/ 恐鳥 恐鸟 T - 0 kǒng niǎo f /monstrous bird/moa (genus Dinornithidae, extinct bird of New Zealand)/ 恐鸟 恐鳥 S - 0 kǒng niǎo f /monstrous bird/moa (genus Dinornithidae, extinct bird of New Zealand)/ 恐龍 恐龙 T - 299 kǒng lóng f /dinosaur/CL:頭|头[tou2]/(slang) ugly person/ 恐龍妹 恐龙妹 T - 0 kǒng lóng mèi f /ugly girl (slang)/ 恐龍總目 恐龙总目 T - 0 kǒng lóng zǒng mù f /Dinosauria, super-order within class Sauropsida containing dinosaurs and birds/ 恐龍類 恐龙类 T - 0 kǒng lóng lèi f /dinosaurs/ 恐龙 恐龍 S - 299 kǒng lóng f /dinosaur/CL:頭|头[tou2]/(slang) ugly person/ 恐龙妹 恐龍妹 S - 0 kǒng lóng mèi f /ugly girl (slang)/ 恐龙总目 恐龍總目 S - 0 kǒng lóng zǒng mù f /Dinosauria, super-order within class Sauropsida containing dinosaurs and birds/ 恐龙类 恐龍類 S - 0 kǒng lóng lèi f /dinosaurs/ 恒 恆 S - 606 Héng f /surname Heng/ 恒 恆 S - 606 héng f /permanent/constant/fixed/usual/ordinary/rule (old)/one of the 64 trigrams of the Book of Changes/ 恒 - 606 héng f /variant of 恆|恒[heng2]/ 恒久 恆久 S - 32 héng jiǔ f /constant/persistent/long-lasting/eternal/ 恒力 恆力 S - 3 héng lì f /constant force/ 恒加速度 恆加速度 S - 0 héng jiā sù dù f /constant acceleration/ 恒定 恆定 S - 210 héng dìng f /constant/ 恒山 恆山 S - 792 Héng Shān f /Mt Heng in Shanxi, northern of the Five Sacred Mountains 五嶽|五岳[Wu3 yue4]/Hengshan district of Jixi city 雞西|鸡西[Ji1 xi1], Heilongjiang/ 恒山区 恆山區 S - 3 Héng shān Qū f /Hengshan District of Jixi city 雞西|鸡西[Ji1 xi1], Heilongjiang/ 恒常 恆常 S - 3 héng cháng f /constant/constantly/ 恒心 恆心 S - 62 héng xīn f /perseverance/ 恒星 恆星 S - 993 héng xīng f /(fixed) star/ 恒星年 恆星年 S - 0 héng xīng nián f /the sidereal year (astronomy)/the year defined in terms of the fixed stars/ 恒星系 恆星系 S - 2 héng xīng xì f /stellar system/galaxy/ 恒星际 恆星際 S - 0 héng xīng jì f /interstellar/between the fixed stars/ 恒春 恆春 S - 20 Héng chūn f /Hengchun town in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 恒春半岛 恆春半島 S - 0 Héng chūn Bàn dǎo f /Hengchun Peninsula in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], the southernmost point of Taiwan/ 恒春镇 恆春鎮 S - 2 Héng chūn zhèn f /Hengchun town in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 恒河 恆河 S - 244 Héng Hé f /Ganges River/ 恒河沙数 恆河沙數 S - 4 Héng hé shā shù f /countless as the grains of sand in the Ganges (idiom)/ 恒河猴 恆河猴 S - 0 Héng hé hóu f /rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta)/rhesus monkey/lit. river Ganges monkey of north India/ 恒温 恆溫 S - 36 héng wēn f /constant temperature/ 恒温器 恆溫器 S - 6 héng wēn qì f /thermostat/ 恒牙 恆牙 S - 9 héng yá f /permanent tooth (as opposed to deciduous tooth 乳牙)/adult tooth/ 恒生 恆生 S - 34 Héng Shēng f /Hang Seng (name)/ 恒生中资企业指数 恆生中資企業指數 S - 0 Héng shēng Zhōng zī qǐ yè zhǐ shù f /Hang Seng China affiliated index/ 恒生指数 恒生指數 S - 11 Héng Shēng zhǐ shù f /Hang Seng index (of Hong Kong stock market)/ 恒生指數 恒生指数 T - 11 Héng Shēng zhǐ shù f /Hang Seng index (of Hong Kong stock market)/ 恒生銀行 恒生银行 T - 0 Héng Shēng Yín háng f /Hang Seng Bank, Hong Kong/ 恒生银行 恒生銀行 S - 0 Héng Shēng Yín háng f /Hang Seng Bank, Hong Kong/ 恒等 恆等 S - 3 héng děng f /identity ≡ (math., logic)/identical/ 恒等式 恆等式 S - 33 héng děng shì f /identity (math.)/ 恒速率 恆速率 S - 0 héng sù lǜ f /constant velocity/ 恓 - 29 xī f /troubled/vexed/ 恓惶 - 0 xī huáng f /busy and restless/unhappy/ 恔 - 3 xiào f /cheerful/ 恕 - 876 shù f /to forgive/ 恕罪 - 252 shù zuì f /please forgive me/ 恘 - 0 qiū f /meaning uncertain, related to 戾[li4], to violate/ 恙 - 19 yàng f /sickness/ 恙虫病 恙蟲病 S - 0 yàng chóng bìng f /Scrub typhus/Tsutsugamushi disease/Mite-borne typhus fever/ 恙蟲病 恙虫病 T - 0 yàng chóng bìng f /Scrub typhus/Tsutsugamushi disease/Mite-borne typhus fever/ 恚 - 182 huì f /rage/ 恛 - 4 huí f /disordered/indistinct doubtful/blurred/ 恝 - 0 jiá f /indifferent/ 恞 - 2 yí f /happy/joyous/ 恟 - 0 xiōng f /scared, nervous/ 恠 怪 T - 6097 guài f /variant of 怪[guai4]/ 恡 吝 T - 25 lìn f /variant of 吝[lin4]/ 恢 - 547 huī f /to restore/to recover/great/ 恢复 恢復 S 1385 7600 huī fù f /to reinstate/to resume/to restore/to recover/to regain/to rehabilitate/ 恢复原状 恢復原狀 S - 3 huī fù yuán zhuàng f /to restore sth to its original state/ 恢复名誉 恢復名譽 S - 3 huī fù míng yù f /to rehabilitate/to regain one's good name/ 恢复常态 恢復常態 S - 0 huī fù cháng tài f /to return to normal/ 恢复期 恢復期 S - 26 huī fù qī f /convalescence/ 恢宏 - 72 huī hóng f /to develop/vast/broad/generous/ 恢弘 - 35 huī hóng f /variant of 恢宏[hui1 hong2]/ 恢復 恢复 T 1385 7600 huī fù f /to reinstate/to resume/to restore/to recover/to regain/to rehabilitate/ 恢復原狀 恢复原状 T - 3 huī fù yuán zhuàng f /to restore sth to its original state/ 恢復名譽 恢复名誉 T - 3 huī fù míng yù f /to rehabilitate/to regain one's good name/ 恢復常態 恢复常态 T - 0 huī fù cháng tài f /to return to normal/ 恢復期 恢复期 T - 26 huī fù qī f /convalescence/ 恢恢 - 0 huī huī f /vast/extensive (literary)/ 恢恢有余 恢恢有餘 S - 3 huī huī yǒu yú f /lit. to have an abundance of space/room to maneuver (idiom)/ 恢恢有餘 恢恢有余 T - 3 huī huī yǒu yú f /lit. to have an abundance of space/room to maneuver (idiom)/ 恣 - 97 zì f /to abandon restraint/to do as one pleases/comfortable (dialect)/ 恣情 - 3 zì qíng f /to indulge in something to one's heart's content/wanton or willful/ 恣意 - 79 zì yì f /without restraint/unbridled/reckless/ 恣意妄为 恣意妄為 S - 6 zì yì wàng wéi f /to behave unscrupulously/ 恣意妄為 恣意妄为 T - 6 zì yì wàng wéi f /to behave unscrupulously/ 恣意行乐 恣意行樂 S - 0 zì yì xíng lè f /to abandon restraint and have a fling (idiom)/ 恣意行樂 恣意行乐 T - 0 zì yì xíng lè f /to abandon restraint and have a fling (idiom)/ 恣欲 - 0 zì yù f /to follow lustful desires/ 恣肆 - 77 zì sì f /unrestrained/unbridled/free and unrestrained (style)/bold/ 恣行无忌 恣行無忌 S - 3 zì xíng wú jì f /to behave recklessly/ 恣行無忌 恣行无忌 T - 3 zì xíng wú jì f /to behave recklessly/ 恤 䘏 S - 211 xù f /variant of 恤[xu4]/ 恤 卹 S - 211 xù f /anxiety/sympathy/to sympathize/to give relief/to compensate/ 恤 - 211 xù f /anxiety/sympathy/to sympathize/to give relief/to compensate/ 恤 賉 S - 211 xù f /variant of 恤[xu4]/ 恤匮 恤匱 S - 0 xù kuì f /to relieve the distressed/ 恤匱 恤匮 T - 0 xù kuì f /to relieve the distressed/ 恤嫠 - 0 xù lí f /to give relief to widows/ 恤衫 - 29 xù shān f /shirt (loanword)/ 恥 耻 T - 295 chǐ f /shame/disgrace/ 恥毛 耻毛 T - 0 chǐ máo f /pubic hair/ 恥笑 耻笑 T - 140 chǐ xiào f /to sneer at sb/to ridicule/ 恥罵 耻骂 T - 0 chǐ mà f /to abuse/to mock/ 恥辱 耻辱 T - 374 chǐ rǔ f /disgrace/shame/humiliation/ 恥骨 耻骨 T - 31 chǐ gǔ f /pubis/pubic bone/ 恧 - 5 nǜ f /ashamed/ 恨 1315 4139 hèn f /to hate/to regret/ 恨不得 3905 619 hèn bu de f /wishing one could do sth/to hate to be unable/itching to do sth/ 恨不能 - 3 hèn bu néng f /see 恨不得[hen4 bu5 de5]/ 恨之入骨 - 83 hèn zhī rù gǔ f /to hate somebody to the bone (idiom)/ 恨事 - 42 hèn shì f /a matter for regret or resentment/ 恨人 - 0 hèn rén f /provoking/exasperating/ 恨恶 恨惡 S - 2 hèn wù f /to despise/ 恨惡 恨恶 T - 2 hèn wù f /to despise/ 恨意 - 11 hèn yì f /rancor/hatred/bitterness/resentfulness/ 恨海难填 恨海難填 S - 3 hèn hǎi nán tián f /sea of hatred is hard to fill (idiom); irreconcilable division/ 恨海難填 恨海难填 T - 3 hèn hǎi nán tián f /sea of hatred is hard to fill (idiom); irreconcilable division/ 恨透 - 3 hèn tòu f /to hate bitterly/ 恨鐵不成鋼 恨铁不成钢 T - 18 hèn tiě bù chéng gāng f /lit. to hate iron for not becoming steel/to feel resentful towards sb for failing to meet expectations and impatient to see improvement (idiom)/ 恨铁不成钢 恨鐵不成鋼 S - 18 hèn tiě bù chéng gāng f /lit. to hate iron for not becoming steel/to feel resentful towards sb for failing to meet expectations and impatient to see improvement (idiom)/ 恩 㤙 S - 3475 ēn f /variant of 恩[en1]/ 恩 - 3475 ēn f /favor/grace/kindness/ 恩义 恩義 S - 54 ēn yì f /feelings of gratitude and loyalty/ 恩人 - 249 ēn rén f /a benefactor/a person who has significantly helped sb else/ 恩仇 - 57 ēn chóu f /debt of gratitude coupled with duty to avenge/ 恩俸 - 0 ēn fèng f /pension granted as a favor/ 恩公 - 188 ēn gōng f /benefactor/ 恩典 - 151 ēn diǎn f /favor/grace/ 恩准 - 58 ēn zhǔn f /approved by His (or Her) Majesty/permission graciously granted (from highly authoritative position)/to graciously permit/to condescend to allow/ 恩同再造 - 2 ēn tóng zài zào f /your favor amounts to being given a new lease on life (idiom)/ 恩培多克勒 - 0 En péi duō kè lēi f /Empedocles (490-430 BC), Greek Sicilian pre-Socratic philosopher/ 恩威兼施 - 0 ēn wēi jiān shī f /to employ both kindness and severity (idiom)/ 恩宠 恩寵 S - 64 ēn chǒng f /special favor from a ruler/Emperor's generosity towards a favorite/ 恩寵 恩宠 T - 64 ēn chǒng f /special favor from a ruler/Emperor's generosity towards a favorite/ 恩将仇报 恩將仇報 S - 50 ēn jiāng chóu bào f /to bite the hand that feeds one (idiom)/ 恩將仇報 恩将仇报 T - 50 ēn jiāng chóu bào f /to bite the hand that feeds one (idiom)/ 恩师 恩師 S - 428 ēn shī f /(greatly respected) teacher/ 恩師 恩师 T - 428 ēn shī f /(greatly respected) teacher/ 恩平 - 4 En píng f /Enping county level city in Jiangmen 江門|江门, Guangdong/ 恩平市 - 2 En píng shì f /Enping county level city in Jiangmen 江門|江门, Guangdong/ 恩德 - 188 ēn dé f /benevolence/favor/ 恩怨 3406 176 ēn yuàn f /gratitude and grudges/resentment/grudges/grievances/ 恩情 - 139 ēn qíng f /kindness/affection/grace/favor/ 恩惠 - 110 ēn huì f /favor/grace/ 恩愛 恩爱 T - 139 ēn ài f /loving affection (in a couple)/conjugal love/ 恩慈 - 0 ēn cí f /bestowed kindness/ 恩断义绝 恩斷義絕 S - 14 ēn duàn yì jué f /to split up/to break all ties/ 恩斯赫德 - 0 En sī hè dé f /Enschede, city in the Netherlands/ 恩斷義絕 恩断义绝 T - 14 ēn duàn yì jué f /to split up/to break all ties/ 恩施 - 1861 En shī f /Enshi prefecture level city in southwest Hubei, capital of Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 恩施土家族苗族自治州/ 恩施县 恩施縣 S - 0 En shī xiàn f /Enshi county in southwest Hubei/ 恩施土家族苗族自治州 - 772 En shī Tǔ jiā zú Miáo zú zì zhì zhōu f /Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture in Hubei/ 恩施地区 恩施地區 S - 0 En shī dì qū f /Enshi in Hubei/abbr. for Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 恩施土家族苗族自治州[En1 shi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ 恩施地區 恩施地区 T - 0 En shī dì qū f /Enshi in Hubei/abbr. for Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 恩施土家族苗族自治州[En1 shi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ 恩施市 - 1037 En shī shì f /Enshi prefecture level city in Hubei, capital of Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 恩施土家族苗族自治州/ 恩施縣 恩施县 T - 0 En shī xiàn f /Enshi county in southwest Hubei/ 恩格尔 恩格爾 S - 11 En gé ěr f /Engel (name)/Ernst Engel (1821-1896), German statistician/ 恩格斯 - 384 En gé sī f /Friedrich Engels (1820-1895), socialist philosopher and one of the founder of Marxism/ 恩格爾 恩格尔 T - 11 En gé ěr f /Engel (name)/Ernst Engel (1821-1896), German statistician/ 恩比天大 - 0 ēn bǐ tiān dà f /to be as kind and benevolent as heaven (idiom)/ 恩泽 恩澤 S - 57 ēn zé f /favor from an emperor or high official/ 恩澤 恩泽 T - 57 ēn zé f /favor from an emperor or high official/ 恩爱 恩愛 S - 139 ēn ài f /loving affection (in a couple)/conjugal love/ 恩眄 - 0 ēn miǎn f /kind patronage/ 恩義 恩义 T - 54 ēn yì f /feelings of gratitude and loyalty/ 恩膏 - 0 ēn gāo f /rich favor/ 恩賈梅納 恩贾梅纳 T - 12 En jiǎ méi nà f /N'Djamena, capital of Chad/ 恩賜 恩赐 T - 114 ēn cì f /favor/to give charity to sb out of pity/ 恩贾梅纳 恩賈梅納 S - 12 En jiǎ méi nà f /N'Djamena, capital of Chad/ 恩赐 恩賜 S - 114 ēn cì f /favor/to give charity to sb out of pity/ 恩里科·費米 恩里科·费米 T - 0 En lǐ kē · Fèi mǐ f /Enrico Fermi (1901-1954), Italian born US nuclear physicist/ 恩里科·费米 恩里科·費米 S - 0 En lǐ kē · Fèi mǐ f /Enrico Fermi (1901-1954), Italian born US nuclear physicist/ 恪 - 309 Kè f /surname Ke/ 恪 - 309 kè f /respectful/scrupulous/ 恪 愙 S - 309 kè f /variant of 恪[ke4]/ 恪守 - 215 kè shǒu f /to scrupulously abide by/ 恪慎 - 0 kè shèn f /careful/reverently/ 恪遵 - 0 kè zūn f /to scrupulously observe (rules, traditions etc)/ 恫 - 36 dòng f /frighten/ 恫吓 恫嚇 S - 73 dòng hè f /to intimidate/to threaten/ 恫嚇 恫吓 T - 73 dòng hè f /to intimidate/to threaten/ 恬 - 61 tián f /quiet/calm/tranquil/peaceful/ 恬不知恥 恬不知耻 T - 24 tián bù zhī chǐ f /to have no sense of shame/ 恬不知耻 恬不知恥 S - 24 tián bù zhī chǐ f /to have no sense of shame/ 恬和 - 3 tián hé f /quiet and gentle/ 恬噪 - 0 tián zào f /to caw/ 恬愉 - 0 tián yú f /content and at ease/ 恬愉之安 - 0 tián yú zhī ān f /comfortably at peace (idiom)/ 恬暢 恬畅 T - 0 tián chàng f /comfortable and happy/ 恬波 - 0 tián bō f /calm waters/ 恬淡 - 35 tián dàn f /quiet and contented/indifferent to fame or gain/ 恬漠 - 0 tián mò f /indifferent and undisturbed/ 恬澹 - 0 tián dàn f /variant of 恬淡[tian2 dan4]/ 恬然 - 7 tián rán f /unperturbed/nonchalant/ 恬畅 恬暢 S - 0 tián chàng f /comfortable and happy/ 恬美 - 6 tián měi f /quiet and nice/ 恬謐 恬谧 T - 3 tián mì f /quiet/peaceful/ 恬谧 恬謐 S - 3 tián mì f /quiet/peaceful/ 恬退 - 0 tián tuì f /contented/uninterested in wealth and glory/ 恬适 恬適 S - 23 tián shì f /quiet and comfortable/ 恬逸 - 0 tián yì f /free from worry and disturbance/ 恬適 恬适 T - 23 tián shì f /quiet and comfortable/ 恬雅 - 0 tián yǎ f /retired and quiet/calm and graceful/ 恬静 恬靜 S - 62 tián jìng f /still/peaceful/quiet/ 恬靜 恬静 T - 62 tián jìng f /still/peaceful/quiet/ 恭 - 1176 gōng f /respectful/ 恭亲王 恭親王 S - 81 Gōng qīn wáng f /Grand Prince (Qing title)/ 恭亲王奕䜣 恭親王奕訢 S - 0 Gōng qīn wáng Yì xīn f /Grand Prince Yixin (1833-1898), sixth son of Emperor Daoguang, prominent politician, diplomat and modernizer in late Qing/ 恭候 - 276 gōng hòu f /to look forward to sth/to wait respectfully/ 恭喜 1313 306 gōng xǐ f /congratulations/greetings/ 恭喜发财 恭喜發財 S - 12 gōng xǐ fā cái f /May you have a prosperous New Year! (New Year's greeting)/ 恭喜發財 恭喜发财 T - 12 gōng xǐ fā cái f /May you have a prosperous New Year! (New Year's greeting)/ 恭城 - 30 Gōng chéng f /Gongcheng Yao autonomous county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ 恭城县 恭城縣 S - 4 Gōng chéng xiàn f /Gongcheng Yao autonomous county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ 恭城瑤族自治縣 恭城瑶族自治县 T - 4 Gōng chéng Yáo zú zì zhì xiàn f /Gongcheng Yao autonomous county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ 恭城瑶族自治县 恭城瑤族自治縣 S - 4 Gōng chéng Yáo zú zì zhì xiàn f /Gongcheng Yao autonomous county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ 恭城縣 恭城县 T - 4 Gōng chéng xiàn f /Gongcheng Yao autonomous county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ 恭惟 - 0 gōng wei f /variant of 恭維|恭维[gong1 wei5]/ 恭敬 4733 600 gōng jìng f /deferential/respectful/ 恭敬不如从命 恭敬不如從命 S - 13 gōng jìng bù rú cóng mìng f /deference is no substitute for obedience (idiom)/(said to accept sb's request, invitation etc)/ 恭敬不如從命 恭敬不如从命 T - 13 gōng jìng bù rú cóng mìng f /deference is no substitute for obedience (idiom)/(said to accept sb's request, invitation etc)/ 恭祝 - 54 gōng zhù f /to congratulate respectfully/to wish good luck and success (esp. to a superior)/with best wishes (in writing)/ 恭維 恭维 T - 171 gōng wei f /to flatter or give a compliment/ 恭维 恭維 S - 171 gōng wei f /to flatter or give a compliment/ 恭親王 恭亲王 T - 81 Gōng qīn wáng f /Grand Prince (Qing title)/ 恭親王奕訢 恭亲王奕䜣 T - 0 Gōng qīn wáng Yì xīn f /Grand Prince Yixin (1833-1898), sixth son of Emperor Daoguang, prominent politician, diplomat and modernizer in late Qing/ 恭賀 恭贺 T - 64 gōng hè f /to congratulate respectfully/to express good wishes/ 恭賀佳節 恭贺佳节 T - 0 gōng hè jiā jié f /season's greetings (idiom)/ 恭賀新禧 恭贺新禧 T - 3 gōng hè xīn xǐ f /Happy New Year/ 恭贺 恭賀 S - 64 gōng hè f /to congratulate respectfully/to express good wishes/ 恭贺佳节 恭賀佳節 S - 0 gōng hè jiā jié f /season's greetings (idiom)/ 恭贺新禧 恭賀新禧 S - 3 gōng hè xīn xǐ f /Happy New Year/ 恭順 恭顺 T - 88 gōng shùn f /deferent/ 恭顺 恭順 S - 88 gōng shùn f /deferent/ 息 - 1538 xī f /breath/news/interest (on an investment or loan)/to cease/to stop/to rest/Taiwan pr. [xi2]/ 息争 息爭 S - 0 xī zhēng f /to settle a dispute/ 息事宁人 息事寧人 S - 38 xī shì níng rén f /to keep the peace; to patch up a quarrel (idiom)/ 息事寧人 息事宁人 T - 38 xī shì níng rén f /to keep the peace; to patch up a quarrel (idiom)/ 息县 息縣 S - 12 Xī xiàn f /Xi county in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan/ 息峰县 息峰縣 S - 0 Xī fēng xiàn f /Xifeng county in Guizhou/ 息峰縣 息峰县 T - 0 Xī fēng xiàn f /Xifeng county in Guizhou/ 息怒 - 143 xī nù f /to calm down/to quell one's anger/ 息息相关 息息相關 S - 396 xī xī xiāng guān f /closely bound up (idiom); intimately related/ 息息相關 息息相关 T - 396 xī xī xiāng guān f /closely bound up (idiom); intimately related/ 息烽 - 8 Xī fēng f /Xifeng county in Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Gui4 yang2], Guizhou/ 息烽县 息烽縣 S - 10 Xī fēng xiàn f /Xifeng county in Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Gui4 yang2], Guizhou/ 息烽縣 息烽县 T - 10 Xī fēng xiàn f /Xifeng county in Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Gui4 yang2], Guizhou/ 息爭 息争 T - 0 xī zhēng f /to settle a dispute/ 息率 - 18 xī lǜ f /interest rate/ 息票 - 5 xī piào f /interest coupon/dividend coupon/ 息縣 息县 T - 12 Xī xiàn f /Xi county in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan/ 息肉 - 102 xī ròu f /(medicine) polyp/ 息肩 - 3 xī jiān f /(literary) to put down one's burden/to rest/to stay (at an inn etc)/ 恰 - 981 qià f /exactly/just/ 恰似 - 162 qià sì f /just like/exactly like/ 恰到好处 恰到好處 S 4108 197 qià dào hǎo chù f /it's just perfect/it's just right/ 恰到好處 恰到好处 T 4108 197 qià dào hǎo chù f /it's just perfect/it's just right/ 恰好 - 1396 qià hǎo f /as it turns out/by lucky coincidence/(of number, time, size etc) just right/ 恰如 - 126 qià rú f /just as if/ 恰如其份 - 0 qià rú qí fèn f /appropriate/judicious/accurate (assessment etc)/ 恰如其分 - 76 qià rú qí fèn f /to say or do sth appropriate (idiom)/ 恰巧 4035 195 qià qiǎo f /fortunately/unexpectedly/by coincidence/ 恰帕斯州 - 17 Qià pà sī zhōu f /Chiapas, state in Mexico/ 恰当 恰當 S 3339 780 qià dàng f /appropriate/suitable/ 恰恰 - 1023 qià qià f /exactly/just/precisely/ 恰恰舞 - 3 qià qià wǔ f /(loanword) cha-cha (dance)/ 恰當 恰当 T 3339 780 qià dàng f /appropriate/suitable/ 恰遇 - 3 qià yù f /to chance upon/to coincide fortuitously with sth/ 恳 懇 S - 361 kěn f /earnest/ 恳切 懇切 S 4986 164 kěn qiè f /earnest/sincere/ 恳求 懇求 S - 322 kěn qiú f /to beg/to beseech/to entreat/entreaty/ 恳请 懇請 S - 71 kěn qǐng f /to request earnestly/ 恳辞 懇辭 S - 3 kěn cí f /to decline with sincere thanks/ 恵 - 5 huì f /Japanese variant of 惠[hui4]/ 恶 噁 S - 3136 ě f /variant of 惡|恶[e3], esp. used in names of chemical components/ 恶 惡 S - 3136 ě f /see 惡心|恶心[e3 xin1]/ 恶 惡 S - 3136 è t /evil/fierce/vicious/ugly/coarse/to harm/ 恶 惡 S - 3136 wù f /to hate/to loathe/ashamed/to fear/to slander/ 恶习 惡習 S - 114 è xí f /bad habit/vice/ 恶事 惡事 S - 3 è shì f /evil/malicious deed/ 恶事传千里 惡事傳千里 S - 0 è shì chuán qiān lǐ f /evil deeds spread a thousand miles (idiom); scandal spreads like wildfire/ 恶人 惡人 S - 594 è rén f /evil person/vile creature/ugly man/ 恶人先告状 惡人先告狀 S - 3 è rén xiān gào zhuàng f /the guilty party files the suit/the thief cries thief/ 恶仗 惡仗 S - 19 è zhàng f /hard fighting/fierce battle/ 恶作剧 惡作劇 S - 134 è zuò jù f /mischief/mischievous/practical joke/prank/ 恶俗 惡俗 S - 14 è sú f /bad habit/evil custom/vulgarity/ 恶凶凶 惡兇兇 S - 0 è xiōng xiōng f /fierce/ 恶创 惡創 S - 0 è chuāng f /malign sore (TCM)/ 恶劣 惡劣 S 2154 1009 è liè f /vile/nasty/of very poor quality/ 恶劣影响 惡劣影響 S - 3 è liè yǐng xiǎng f /evil influence/ 恶势力 惡勢力 S - 3 è shì lì f /evil forces/criminal elements/ 恶化 惡化 S 3252 743 è huà f /to worsen/ 恶叉白赖 惡叉白賴 S - 3 è chā bái lài f /evil behavior (idiom); brazen villainy/ 恶口 惡口 S - 0 è kǒu f /bad language/foul mouth/ 恶名 惡名 S - 97 è míng f /bad name/evil reputation/ 恶名儿 惡名兒 S - 0 è míng r f /erhua variant of 惡名|恶名[e4 ming2]/ 恶名昭彰 惡名昭彰 S - 3 è míng zhāo zhāng f /infamous/notorious/ 恶名昭著 惡名昭著 S - 0 è míng zhāo zhù f /notorious (idiom)/infamous/ 恶唑啉 惡唑啉 S - 0 è zuò lín f /oxacillin/ 恶唑啉酮 惡唑啉酮 S - 0 è zuò lín tóng f /oxacillin/ 恶嗪 噁嗪 S - 0 ě qín f /oxazine C4H5NO/ 恶声 惡聲 S - 3 è shēng f /malicious abuse/lewd song/evil reputation/ 恶妇 惡婦 S - 38 è fù f /vicious wife/ 恶少 惡少 S - 25 è shào f /young thug/malicious young ruffian/ 恶岁 惡歲 S - 0 è suì f /lean year/year of bad harvest/ 恶徒 惡徒 S - 56 è tú f /hoodlum/bad guy/ 恶德 惡德 S - 33 è dé f /wickedness/evil behavior/ 恶心 噁心 S 2535 696 ě xīn t /variant of 惡心|恶心[e3 xin1]/ 恶心 惡心 S 2535 696 ě xīn t /nausea/to feel sick/disgust/nauseating/to embarrass (deliberately)/ 恶心 惡心 S 2535 696 è xīn f /bad habit/vicious habit/vice/ 恶性 惡性 S - 463 è xìng f /malignant/wicked/vicious (circle)/producing evil/rapid (decline)/runaway (inflation)/ 恶性循环 惡性循環 S - 134 è xìng xún huán f /vicious circle/ 恶性疟原虫 惡性瘧原蟲 S - 0 è xìng nüè yuán chóng f /plasmodium falciparum (malaria parasite)/ 恶性肿瘤 惡性腫瘤 S - 227 è xìng zhǒng liú f /malignant tumor/ 恶性通货膨胀 惡性通貨膨脹 S - 0 è xìng tōng huò péng zhàng f /hyperinflation/ 恶恨 惡恨 S - 0 è hèn f /to hate/to abhor/ 恶恶实实 惡惡實實 S - 0 è è shí shí f /very fierce/ 恶意 惡意 S - 359 è yì f /malice/evil intention/ 恶意中伤 惡意中傷 S - 3 è yì zhōng shāng f /malicious libel/slander/ 恶意代码 惡意代碼 S - 3 è yì dài mǎ f /malicious code (e.g. virus)/malware/ 恶感 惡感 S - 18 è gǎn f /malice/ill will/ 恶战 惡戰 S - 169 è zhàn f /hard fighting/fierce battle/ 恶报 惡報 S - 8 è bào f /retribution/ 恶损 惡損 S - 0 è sǔn f /to ridicule/ 恶搞 惡搞 S - 3 è gǎo f /spoof (web-based genre in PRC, acquiring cult status from 2005, involving humorous, satirical or fantastical videos, photo collections, texts, poems etc)/ 恶搞文化 惡搞文化 S - 0 è gǎo wén huà f /spoofing culture (web based genre in PRC acquiring cult status from 2005, involving humorous, satirical or fantastical videos, photo collections, texts, poems etc)/ 恶斗 惡鬥 S - 254 è dòu f /hard fighting/fierce battle/ 恶有恶报 惡有惡報 S - 19 è yǒu è bào f /evil has its retribution (idiom); to suffer the consequences of one's bad deeds/sow the wind and reap the whirlwind (Hosea 8:7)/ 恶果 惡果 S - 120 è guǒ f /evil consequence/retribution (in Buddhism)/ 恶梦 惡夢 S - 72 è mèng f /nightmare/ 恶棍 惡棍 S - 57 è gùn f /scoundrel/rogue/bully/villain/ 恶毒 惡毒 S - 285 è dú f /malicious/ 恶气 惡氣 S - 130 è qì f /evil smell/resentment/unpleasant manner/ 恶水 惡水 S - 0 è shuǐ f /dirty water/water that is unfit to drink/slops/ 恶汉 惡漢 S - 3 è hàn f /overbearing fiend/ 恶浊 惡濁 S - 4 è zhuó f /filthy/foul/ 恶浪 惡浪 S - 17 è làng f /violent wave/fierce billow/fig. depraved force/ 恶煞 惡煞 S - 4 è shà f /demon/fiend/ 恶狠 惡狠 S - 3 è hěn f /fierce and vicious/ 恶狠狠 惡狠狠 S - 256 è hěn hěn f /very fierce/ 恶疾 惡疾 S - 22 è jí f /unpleasant ailment/foul disease/ 恶病质 惡病質 S - 3 è bìng zhì f /Cachexia (physical wasting associated with long-term illness)/ 恶癖 惡癖 S - 3 è pǐ f /bad habit/ 恶相 惡相 S - 3 è xiàng f /evil countenance/vicious appearance/ 恶神 惡神 S - 3 è shén f /malignant deity/fiend/ 恶臭 惡臭 S - 130 è chòu f /stink/ 恶舌 惡舌 S - 0 è shé f /vicious talk/malicious tongue/ 恶行 惡行 S - 183 è xíng f /evil or wicked conduct/ 恶补 惡補 S - 9 è bǔ f /to overdose on supplementary medicine/to cram too hard/ 恶言 惡言 S - 81 è yán f /evil tongue/malicious talk/ 恶言伤人 惡言傷人 S - 0 è yán shāng rén f /to insult/to direct bad language at sb/to slag off/ 恶誓 惡誓 S - 0 è shì f /evil oath/ 恶语 惡語 S - 34 è yǔ f /evil words/malicious talk/ 恶语中伤 惡語中傷 S - 2 è yǔ zhòng shāng f /vicious slander/to calumny maliciously/ 恶语伤人 惡語傷人 S - 3 è yǔ shāng rén f /to insult/to direct bad language at sb/to slag off/ 恶贯满盈 惡貫滿盈 S - 55 è guàn mǎn yíng f /lit. strung through and filled with evil (idiom); filled with extreme evil/replete with vice/guilty of monstrous crimes/ 恶辣 惡辣 S - 0 è là f /ruthless/ 恶运 惡運 S - 3 è yùn f /variant of 厄運|厄运[e4 yun4]/ 恶迹 惡跡 S - 3 è jì f /evil conduct/ 恶霸 惡霸 S - 115 è bà f /evil tyrant/ 恶骂 惡罵 S - 3 è mà f /to curse fiercely/ 恶鬼 惡鬼 S - 259 è guǐ f /evil spirit/devil/ 恶魔 惡魔 S - 158 è mó f /demon/fiend/ 恶魔城 惡魔城 S - 3 E mó Chéng f /Castlevania (video game series)/ 恸 慟 S - 185 tòng f /grief/ 恹 懨 S - 0 yān f /see 懨懨|恹恹[yan1 yan1]/ 恹恹 懨懨 S - 15 yān yān f /weak/worried/sickly/wan/ 恺 愷 S - 141 kǎi f /joyful/kind/ 恺弟 愷弟 S - 0 kǎi tì f /variant of 愷悌|恺悌[kai3 ti4]/ 恺彻 愷徹 S - 0 Kǎi chè f /variant of 愷撒|恺撒, Caesar (emperor) used by Yan Fu 嚴復|严复/ 恺悌 愷悌 S - 0 kǎi tì f /happy and easygoing/friendly/ 恺撒 愷撒 S - 3 Kǎi sǎ f /Caesar (name)/Gaius Julius Caesar 100-42 BC/by extension, emperor, Kaiser, Tsar/ 恻 惻 S - 141 cè f /sorrowful/ 恻怛之心 惻怛之心 S - 3 cè dá zhī xīn f /see 惻隱之心|恻隐之心[ce4 yin3 zhi1 xin1]/ 恻隐 惻隱 S - 10 cè yǐn f /compassion/empathetic/ 恻隐之心 惻隱之心 S - 200 cè yǐn zhī xīn f /compassion/ 恼 惱 S - 996 nǎo f /to get angry/ 恼人 惱人 S - 30 nǎo rén f /annoying/irksome/to irritate/ 恼怒 惱怒 S - 517 nǎo nù f /resentful/angry/to enrage sb/ 恼恨 惱恨 S - 141 nǎo hèn f /to hate and resent/angry and full of grievances/ 恼火 惱火 S 3451 237 nǎo huǒ f /to get angry/irritated/to annoy/to aggravate/annoying/ 恼羞成怒 惱羞成怒 S - 74 nǎo xiū chéng nù f /to fly into a rage out of humiliation/to be ashamed into anger (idiom)/ 恽 惲 S - 24 Yùn f /surname Yun/ 恿 - 94 yǒng f /to urge/to incite/ 恿 惥 S - 94 yǒng f /old variant of 恿[yong3]/ 恿 慂 S - 94 yǒng f /old variant of 恿[yong3]/ 悀 - 8 yǒng f /to be angry/to like/variant of 湧|涌[yong3]/ 悁 - 3 juān f /angry/sad/ 悁 - 3 juàn f /impatient/ 悃 - 22 kǔn f /sincere/ 悄 - 415 qiāo t /see 悄悄[qiao1 qiao1]/ 悄 - 415 qiǎo f /quiet/sad/ 悄声 悄聲 S - 334 qiǎo shēng f /quietly/in a low voice/ 悄悄 2161 1527 qiāo qiāo f /quietly/secretly/stealthily/quiet/worried/Taiwan pr. [qiao3 qiao3]/ 悄悄話 悄悄话 T - 45 qiāo qiao huà f /whisperings/private words/confidences/sweet nothings/ 悄悄话 悄悄話 S - 45 qiāo qiao huà f /whisperings/private words/confidences/sweet nothings/ 悄无声息 悄無聲息 S - 126 qiǎo wú shēng xī f /quietly/noiselessly/ 悄無聲息 悄无声息 T - 126 qiǎo wú shēng xī f /quietly/noiselessly/ 悄然 - 334 qiǎo rán f /quietly/sorrowfully/ 悄然无声 悄然無聲 S - 16 qiǎo rán wú shēng f /absolutely quiet/ 悄然無聲 悄然无声 T - 16 qiǎo rán wú shēng f /absolutely quiet/ 悄聲 悄声 T - 334 qiǎo shēng f /quietly/in a low voice/ 悅 悦 T - 289 yuè f /pleased/ 悅納 悦纳 T - 0 yuè nà f /to find acceptable/ 悅耳 悦耳 T - 156 yuè ěr f /sweet-sounding/beautiful (of sound)/ 悅色 悦色 T - 0 yuè sè f /happy/contented/ 悆 - 110 yù f /happy/ 悉 - 718 xī f /in all cases/know/ 悉尼 - 265 Xī ní f /Sydney, capital of New South Wales, Australia/ 悉德尼 - 0 Xī dé ní f /Sidney or Sydney (name)/ 悉心 - 115 xī xīn f /to put one's heart (and soul) into sth/with great care/ 悉数 悉數 S - 102 xī shǔ f /to enumerate in detail/to explain clearly/ 悉数 悉數 S - 102 xī shù t /all/every single one/the entire sum/ 悉數 悉数 T - 102 xī shǔ f /to enumerate in detail/to explain clearly/ 悉數 悉数 T - 102 xī shù t /all/every single one/the entire sum/ 悉达多 悉達多 S - 0 Xī dá duō f /Siddhartha Gautama (563-485 BC), the historical Buddha and founder of Buddhism/ 悉達多 悉达多 T - 0 Xī dá duō f /Siddhartha Gautama (563-485 BC), the historical Buddha and founder of Buddhism/ 悊 - 215 zhé f /to respect/old variant of 哲[zhe2]/philosophy/wisdom/intuitive knowledge/to revere/ 悌 - 58 tì f /to do one's duty as a younger brother/ 悌友 - 0 tì yǒu f /to show brotherly love for friends/ 悌睦 - 0 tì mù f /to live at peace as brothers/ 悍 - 236 hàn f /heroic/intrepid/valiant/dauntless/fierce/ferocious/violent/ 悍 猂 S - 236 hàn f /variant of 悍[han4]/ 悍勇 - 36 hàn yǒng f /intrepid/valiant/dauntless/ 悍妇 悍婦 S - 15 hàn fù f /violent woman/shrew/ 悍婦 悍妇 T - 15 hàn fù f /violent woman/shrew/ 悍然 - 97 hàn rán f /outrageous/brazen/flagrant/ 悍然不顧 悍然不顾 T - 3 hàn rán bù gù f /outrageous and unconventional (idiom); flying in the face of (authority, convention, public opinion etc)/ 悍然不顾 悍然不顧 S - 3 hàn rán bù gù f /outrageous and unconventional (idiom); flying in the face of (authority, convention, public opinion etc)/ 悐 - 12 tì f /respect, regard/to stand in awe of, to be alarmed/ 悑 - 4 bù f /old variant of 怖[bu4]/ 悒 - 7 yì f /anxiety/worry/ 悔 - 739 huǐ f /to regret/ 悔不当初 悔不當初 S - 6 huǐ bù dāng chū f /to regret one's past deeds (idiom)/ 悔不當初 悔不当初 T - 6 huǐ bù dāng chū f /to regret one's past deeds (idiom)/ 悔之已晚 - 3 huǐ zhī yǐ wǎn f /too late to be sorry/ 悔之无及 悔之無及 S - 13 huǐ zhī wú jí f /too late for regrets (idiom); It is useless to repent after the event./ 悔之無及 悔之无及 T - 13 huǐ zhī wú jí f /too late for regrets (idiom); It is useless to repent after the event./ 悔婚 - 3 huǐ hūn f /to break a promise of marriage/ 悔恨 4161 123 huǐ hèn f /remorse/repentance/ 悔恨交加 - 3 huǐ hèn jiāo jiā f /to feel remorse and shame (idiom)/ 悔悟 - 42 huǐ wù f /to repent/ 悔意 - 3 huǐ yì f /remorse/ 悔改 - 62 huǐ gǎi f /to repent/repentance/ 悔棋 - 3 huǐ qí f /to withdraw a move (chess)/ 悔罪 - 27 huǐ zuì f /conviction/ 悔过 悔過 S - 34 huǐ guò f /to regret/to repent/ 悔过书 悔過書 S - 12 huǐ guò shū f /written repentance/ 悔过自新 悔過自新 S - 14 huǐ guò zì xīn f /to repent and start afresh (idiom); to turn over a new leaf/ 悔過 悔过 T - 34 huǐ guò f /to regret/to repent/ 悔過書 悔过书 T - 12 huǐ guò shū f /written repentance/ 悔過自新 悔过自新 T - 14 huǐ guò zì xīn f /to repent and start afresh (idiom); to turn over a new leaf/ 悖 - 307 bèi f /to go against/to be contrary to/perverse/rebellious/ 悖 誖 S - 307 bèi f /old variant of 悖[bei4]/ 悖乱 悖亂 S - 3 bèi luàn f /to rebel/sedition/to delude/confused/ 悖亂 悖乱 T - 3 bèi luàn f /to rebel/sedition/to delude/confused/ 悖晦 - 3 bèi huì f /(coll.) muddleheaded/ 悖繆 悖缪 T - 0 bèi miù f /variant of 悖謬|悖谬[bei4 miu4]/ 悖缪 悖繆 S - 0 bèi miù f /variant of 悖謬|悖谬[bei4 miu4]/ 悖論 悖论 T - 236 bèi lùn f /paradox (logic)/ 悖謬 悖谬 T - 9 bèi miù f /absurd/irrational/ 悖论 悖論 S - 236 bèi lùn f /paradox (logic)/ 悖谬 悖謬 S - 9 bèi miù f /absurd/irrational/ 悖逆 - 8 bèi nì f /contrary/ 悚 - 85 sǒng f /frightened/ 悚然 - 3 sǒng rán f /frightened/terrified/ 悛 - 4 quān f /to reform/ 悜 - 219 chěng f /obscure/ 悝 - 4 kuī t /to laugh at/ 悝 - 4 lǐ f /worried/afflicted/ 悞 悮 T - 2 wù f /to impede/to delay/variant of 誤|误[wu4]/ 悟 - 1095 wù f /to comprehend/to apprehend/to become aware/ 悟入 - 3 wù rù f /to understand/to comprehend the ultimate essence of things (Buddhism)/ 悟净 悟淨 S - 0 Wù jìng f /Sha Wujing, character from the Journey to the West/ 悟性 - 111 wù xìng f /perception/wits/power of understanding/comprehension/ 悟淨 悟净 T - 0 Wù jìng f /Sha Wujing, character from the Journey to the West/ 悟空 - 3 Wù Kōng f /Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, character with supernatural powers from the novel Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记[Xi1 You2 Ji4]/ 悟能 - 0 Wù néng f /Zhu Bajie 豬八戒|猪八戒[Zhu1 Ba1 jie4] or Zhu Wuneng, Pigsy or Pig (in Journey to the West)/ 悠 - 123 yōu f /long or drawn out/remote in time or space/leisurely/to swing/pensive/worried/ 悠久 2415 2461 yōu jiǔ f /long (tradition, history etc)/ 悠哉 - 3 yōu zāi f /see 悠哉悠哉[you1 zai1 you1 zai1]/ 悠哉悠哉 - 3 yōu zāi yōu zāi f /free and unconstrained (idiom)/leisurely and carefree/ 悠哉游哉 悠哉遊哉 S - 10 yōu zāi yóu zāi f /see 悠哉悠哉[you1 zai1 you1 zai1]/ 悠哉遊哉 悠哉游哉 T - 10 yōu zāi yóu zāi f /see 悠哉悠哉[you1 zai1 you1 zai1]/ 悠悠 - 369 yōu yōu f /lasting for ages/long drawn out/remote in time or space/unhurried/a great number (of events)/preposterous/pensive/ 悠悠球 - 0 yōu yōu qiú f /yo-yo (loanword)/ 悠扬 悠揚 S - 167 yōu yáng f /melodious/mellifluous/ 悠揚 悠扬 T - 167 yōu yáng f /melodious/mellifluous/ 悠然 - 124 yōu rán f /unhurried/leisurely/ 悠然神往 - 0 yōu rán shén wǎng f /thoughts wandering far away/ 悠着 悠著 S - 3 yōu zhe f /to take it easy/ 悠著 悠着 T - 3 yōu zhe f /to take it easy/ 悠远 悠遠 S - 55 yōu yuǎn f /long time ago/distant/far away/ 悠遠 悠远 T - 55 yōu yuǎn f /long time ago/distant/far away/ 悠長 悠长 T - 100 yōu cháng f /long/drawn-out/prolonged/lingering/ 悠长 悠長 S - 100 yōu cháng f /long/drawn-out/prolonged/lingering/ 悠閑 悠闲 T - 221 yōu xián f /variant of 悠閒|悠闲/leisurely/ 悠閒 悠闲 T - 221 yōu xián f /leisurely/carefree/relaxed/ 悠闲 悠閑 S - 221 yōu xián f /variant of 悠閒|悠闲/leisurely/ 悠闲 悠閒 S - 221 yōu xián f /leisurely/carefree/relaxed/ 患 - 2058 huàn f /to suffer (from illness)/to contract (a disease)/misfortune/trouble/danger/worry/ 患儿 患兒 S - 100 huàn ér f /child victim of disaster or disease/afflicted child/ 患兒 患儿 T - 100 huàn ér f /child victim of disaster or disease/afflicted child/ 患处 患處 S - 35 huàn chù f /afflicted part/ 患得患失 - 55 huàn dé huàn shī f /to worry about personal gains and losses/ 患晚期 - 0 huàn wǎn qī f /terminal stage (of illness)/ 患有 - 339 huàn yǒu f /to contract (an illness)/to be afflicted with/to suffer from/ 患病 - 313 huàn bìng f /to fall ill/ 患病者 - 7 huàn bìng zhě f /person suffering (from a disease or poisoning)/a patient/ 患者 2991 3932 huàn zhě f /patient/sufferer/ 患處 患处 T - 35 huàn chù f /afflicted part/ 患难 患難 S - 206 huàn nàn f /trials and tribulations/ 患难之交 患難之交 S - 33 huàn nàn zhī jiāo f /a friend in times of tribulations (idiom); a friend in need is a friend indeed/ 患难见真情 患難見真情 S - 6 huàn nàn jiàn zhēn qíng f /a friend in need is a friend indeed (idiom)/ 患難 患难 T - 206 huàn nàn f /trials and tribulations/ 患難之交 患难之交 T - 33 huàn nàn zhī jiāo f /a friend in times of tribulations (idiom); a friend in need is a friend indeed/ 患難見真情 患难见真情 T - 6 huàn nàn jiàn zhēn qíng f /a friend in need is a friend indeed (idiom)/ 悤 匆 T - 114 cōng f /variant of 匆[cong1]/ 悦 悅 S - 289 yuè f /pleased/ 悦纳 悅納 S - 0 yuè nà f /to find acceptable/ 悦耳 悅耳 S - 156 yuè ěr f /sweet-sounding/beautiful (of sound)/ 悦色 悅色 S - 0 yuè sè f /happy/contented/ 悧 - 127 lì f /smooth/active/clever/sharp/ 您 205 14737 nín f /you (courteous, as opposed to informal 你[ni3])/ 您好 - 112 nín hǎo f /hello (polite)/ 悩 - 0 nǎo f /Japanese variant of 惱|恼/ 悪 - 3 è f /Japanese variant of 惡|恶[e4]/ 悫 愨 S - 12 què f /honest/ 悬 懸 S - 1868 xuán f /to hang or suspend/to worry/public announcement/unresolved/baseless/without foundation/ 悬停 懸停 S - 34 xuán tíng f /to hover (helicopter, computer mouse etc)/ 悬垂 懸垂 S - 32 xuán chuí f /overhang/ 悬壶济世 懸壺濟世 S - 3 xuán hú jì shì f /practice medicine or pharmacy to help the people or public/ 悬岩 懸岩 S - 3 xuán yán f /cliff/ 悬崖 懸崖 S - 423 xuán yá f /precipice/overhanging cliff/ 悬崖勒马 懸崖勒馬 S - 46 xuán yá lè mǎ f /lit. to rein in the horse at the edge of the precipice (idiom); fig. to act in the nick of time/ 悬崖峭壁 懸崖峭壁 S 4951 75 xuán yá qiào bì f /sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces (idiom)/ 悬崖绝壁 懸崖絕壁 S - 29 xuán yá jué bì f /sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces (idiom)/ 悬带 懸帶 S - 0 xuán dài f /sling (for immobilizing an injured limb etc)/ 悬念 懸念 S 4181 277 xuán niàn f /suspense in a movie, play etc/concern for sb's welfare/ 悬挂 懸掛 S 4516 1977 xuán guà f /to suspend/to hang/(vehicle) suspension/ 悬挂式滑翔 懸掛式滑翔 S - 0 xuán guà shì huá xiáng f /hang-gliding/ 悬挂式滑翔机 懸掛式滑翔機 S - 0 xuán guà shì huá xiáng jī f /hang-glider/ 悬案 懸案 S - 24 xuán àn f /unresolved question/unresolved case/ 悬梁刺股 懸樑刺股 S - 5 xuán liáng cì gǔ f /to study assiduously and tirelessly (idiom)/see also 頭懸梁,錐刺股|头悬梁,锥刺股[tou2 xuan2 liang2 , zhui1 ci4 gu3]/ 悬殊 懸殊 S 4732 629 xuán shū f /widely different/large disparity/ 悬河 懸河 S - 12 xuán hé f /"hanging" river (an embanked one whose riverbed is higher than the surrounding floodplain)/(literary) waterfall/cataract/(fig.) torrent of words/ 悬浮 懸浮 S - 215 xuán fú f /to float (in the air etc)/suspension/ 悬浮微粒 懸浮微粒 S - 0 xuán fú wēi lì f /particulates/particulate matter/ 悬浮物 懸浮物 S - 13 xuán fú wù f /suspended matter/suspension (of atmospheric pollution)/ 悬疑 懸疑 S - 22 xuán yí f /suspense/ 悬空 懸空 S - 120 xuán kōng f /midair/ 悬空寺 懸空寺 S - 42 Xuán kōng Sì f /Xuankong Temple or Suspended Temple near Yanyuan in Shanxi/ 悬索桥 懸索橋 S - 28 xuán suǒ qiáo f /suspension bridge/ 悬羊头卖狗肉 懸羊頭賣狗肉 S - 0 xuán yáng tóu mài gǒu ròu f /see 掛羊頭賣狗肉|挂羊头卖狗肉[gua4 yang2 tou2 mai4 gou3 rou4]/ 悬而未决 懸而未決 S - 50 xuán ér wèi jué f /pending a decision/hanging in the balance/ 悬臂 懸臂 S - 105 xuán bì f /cantilever/ 悬荡 懸盪 S - 0 xuán dàng f /to hang/suspended/ 悬赏 懸賞 S - 72 xuán shǎng f /to offer a reward/bounty/ 悬赏令 懸賞令 S - 0 xuán shǎng lìng f /an order to post a reward (for the capture of a criminal)/ 悬雍垂 懸雍垂 S - 2 xuán yōng chuí f /uvula (biology)/ 悭 慳 S - 14 qiān f /stingy/ 悭俭 慳儉 S - 0 qiān jiǎn f /to be frugal/ 悭吝 慳吝 S - 21 qiān lìn f /(literary) miserly/stingy/ 悮 悞 S - 2 wù f /to impede/to delay/variant of 誤|误[wu4]/ 悯 憫 S - 86 mǐn f /to sympathize/to pity/to feel compassion for/ 悰 - 24 cóng f /joy/ 悱 - 6 fěi f /want but cannot speak/ 悲 - 797 bēi f /sad/sadness/sorrow/grief/ 悲不自勝 悲不自胜 T - 8 bēi bù zì shèng f /unable to control one's grief (idiom); overwrought/overcome with sorrow/heartbroken/ 悲不自胜 悲不自勝 S - 8 bēi bù zì shèng f /unable to control one's grief (idiom); overwrought/overcome with sorrow/heartbroken/ 悲伤 悲傷 S - 471 bēi shāng f /sad/sorrowful/ 悲催 - 0 bēi cuī f /(Internet slang) miserable/pathetic/the pits/ 悲傷 悲伤 T - 471 bēi shāng f /sad/sorrowful/ 悲凄 悲悽 S - 17 bēi qī f /pitiable/sorrowful/ 悲凉 悲涼 S - 152 bēi liáng f /sorrowful/dismal/ 悲切 - 54 bēi qiè f /mournful/ 悲剧 悲劇 S - 1044 bēi jù f /tragedy/CL:出[chu1]/ 悲剧性 悲劇性 S - 54 bēi jù xìng f /tragic/ 悲剧缺陷 悲劇缺陷 S - 0 bēi jù quē xiàn f /tragic flaw (Aristotle's hamartia)/ 悲劇 悲剧 T - 1044 bēi jù f /tragedy/CL:出[chu1]/ 悲劇性 悲剧性 T - 54 bēi jù xìng f /tragic/ 悲劇缺陷 悲剧缺陷 T - 0 bēi jù quē xiàn f /tragic flaw (Aristotle's hamartia)/ 悲叹 悲嘆 S - 35 bēi tàn f /to bewail/to sigh mournfully/to lament/ 悲叹 悲歎 S - 35 bēi tàn f /to bewail/to sigh mournfully/to lament/ 悲哀 3154 435 bēi āi f /grieved/sorrowful/ 悲哽 - 0 bēi gěng f /to choke with grief/ 悲啼 - 3 bēi tí f /to wail with grief/plaintive cry/ 悲喜交集 - 31 bēi xǐ jiāo jí f /mixed feelings of grief and joy/ 悲喜剧 悲喜劇 S - 25 bēi xǐ jù f /tragicomedy/ 悲喜劇 悲喜剧 T - 25 bēi xǐ jù f /tragicomedy/ 悲嘆 悲叹 T - 35 bēi tàn f /to bewail/to sigh mournfully/to lament/ 悲壮 悲壯 S - 354 bēi zhuàng f /solemn and stirring/moving and tragic/ 悲壯 悲壮 T - 354 bēi zhuàng f /solemn and stirring/moving and tragic/ 悲声载道 悲聲載道 S - 3 bēi shēng zài dào f /lamentations fill the roads (idiom); severe suffering all around/ 悲天悯人 悲天憫人 S - 19 bēi tiān mǐn rén f /to bemoan the state of the universe and pity the fate of mankind/ 悲天憫人 悲天悯人 T - 19 bēi tiān mǐn rén f /to bemoan the state of the universe and pity the fate of mankind/ 悲怆 悲愴 S - 76 bēi chuàng f /sorrow/tragic/ 悲恸 悲慟 S - 35 bēi tòng f /mournful/ 悲恻 悲惻 S - 0 bēi cè f /grieved/sorrowful/ 悲悯 悲憫 S - 35 bēi mǐn f /to take pity on sb/compassionate/ 悲悼 - 10 bēi dào f /mourn/grieve over sb's death/ 悲悽 悲凄 T - 17 bēi qī f /pitiable/sorrowful/ 悲惨 悲慘 S 2942 566 bēi cǎn f /miserable/tragic/ 悲惨世界 悲慘世界 S - 3 Bēi cǎn Shì jiè f /Les Misérables (1862) by Victor Hugo 維克多·雨果|维克多·雨果[Wei2 ke4 duo1 · Yu3 guo3]/ 悲惻 悲恻 T - 0 bēi cè f /grieved/sorrowful/ 悲愁 - 17 bēi chóu f /melancholy/ 悲愤 悲憤 S - 485 bēi fèn f /grief and indignation/ 悲愴 悲怆 T - 76 bēi chuàng f /sorrow/tragic/ 悲慘 悲惨 T 2942 566 bēi cǎn f /miserable/tragic/ 悲慘世界 悲惨世界 T - 3 Bēi cǎn Shì jiè f /Les Misérables (1862) by Victor Hugo 維克多·雨果|维克多·雨果[Wei2 ke4 duo1 · Yu3 guo3]/ 悲慟 悲恸 T - 35 bēi tòng f /mournful/ 悲憤 悲愤 T - 485 bēi fèn f /grief and indignation/ 悲憫 悲悯 T - 35 bēi mǐn f /to take pity on sb/compassionate/ 悲戚 - 56 bēi qī f /mournful/ 悲摧 - 0 bēi cuī f /grieved/miserable/ 悲楚 - 0 bēi chǔ f /sorrowful/grieved/ 悲欢离合 悲歡離合 S - 56 bēi huān lí hé f /joys and sorrows/partings and reunions/the vicissitudes of life/ 悲歌 - 36 bēi gē f /sad melody/stirring strains/elegy/dirge/threnody/sing with solemn fervor/ 悲歌当哭 悲歌當哭 S - 0 bēi gē dàng kū f /to sing instead of weep (idiom)/ 悲歌當哭 悲歌当哭 T - 0 bēi gē dàng kū f /to sing instead of weep (idiom)/ 悲歎 悲叹 T - 35 bēi tàn f /to bewail/to sigh mournfully/to lament/ 悲歡離合 悲欢离合 T - 56 bēi huān lí hé f /joys and sorrows/partings and reunions/the vicissitudes of life/ 悲泣 - 25 bēi qì f /to weep with grief/ 悲涼 悲凉 T - 152 bēi liáng f /sorrowful/dismal/ 悲痛 - 552 bēi tòng f /grieved/sorrowful/ 悲聲載道 悲声载道 T - 3 bēi shēng zài dào f /lamentations fill the roads (idiom); severe suffering all around/ 悲觀 悲观 T 2331 279 bēi guān f /pessimistic/ 悲观 悲觀 S 2331 279 bēi guān f /pessimistic/ 悲酸 - 3 bēi suān f /bitter and sad/ 悲鳴 悲鸣 T - 41 bēi míng f /utter sad calls/lament/ 悲鸣 悲鳴 S - 41 bēi míng f /utter sad calls/lament/ 悳 德 T - 9549 dé f /variant of 德[de2]/ 悴 - 94 cuì f /haggard/sad/downcast/distressed/ 悴 顇 S - 94 cuì f /variant of 悴[cui4]/ 悵 怅 T - 49 chàng f /regretful/upset/despair/depressed/ 悵悵然 怅怅然 T - 3 chàng chàng rán f /disappointed/ 悵惘 怅惘 T - 82 chàng wǎng f /distracted/listless/in low spirits/ 悵然 怅然 T - 39 chàng rán f /disappointed and frustrated/ 悶 闷 T - 1222 mēn f /stuffy/shut indoors/to smother/to cover tightly/ 悶 闷 T - 1222 mèn t /bored/depressed/melancholy/sealed/airtight/tightly closed/ 悶悶不樂 闷闷不乐 T - 92 mèn mèn bù lè f /depressed/sulky/moody/unhappy/ 悶熱 闷热 T - 138 mēn rè f /sultry/sultriness/hot and stuffy/stifling hot/ 悶聲不響 闷声不响 T - 30 mēn shēng bù xiǎng f /to keep silent/ 悶聲悶氣 闷声闷气 T - 6 mēn shēng mēn qì f /muffled/ 悶葫蘆 闷葫芦 T - 19 mèn hú lu f /lit. closed gourd/fig. enigma/complete mystery/taciturn person/ 悶酒 闷酒 T - 27 mèn jiǔ f /alcohol drunk to drown one's sorrows/ 悶雷 闷雷 T - 51 mèn léi f /muffled thunder/(fig.) sudden shock/blow/ 悶騷 闷骚 T - 3 mēn sāo f /(coll.) outwardly cold or retiring but deep and passionate inside/ 悷 - 9 lì f /sorrowful/ 悸 - 64 jì f /to palpitate/ 悸动 悸動 S - 17 jì dòng f /to pound/to throb/ 悸動 悸动 T - 17 jì dòng f /to pound/to throb/ 悸慄 悸栗 T - 3 jì lì f /to tremble with fear/ 悸栗 悸慄 S - 3 jì lì f /to tremble with fear/ 悻 - 19 xìng f /angry/ 悻悻 - 121 xìng xìng f /angry/resentful/ 悼 - 111 dào f /to mourn/to lament/ 悼念 - 350 dào niàn f /to grieve/ 悼襄王 - 0 Dào xiāng Wáng f /King Daoxiang of Zhao 趙國|赵国, reigned 245-236 BC/ 悼詞 悼词 T - 43 dào cí f /memorial speech/eulogy/ 悼词 悼詞 S - 43 dào cí f /memorial speech/eulogy/ 悼辞 悼辭 S - 3 dào cí f /variant of 悼詞|悼词[dao4 ci2]/ 悼辭 悼辞 T - 3 dào cí f /variant of 悼詞|悼词[dao4 ci2]/ 悽 凄 T - 155 qī f /variant of 淒|凄[qi1]/sad/mournful/ 悽哀 凄哀 T - 0 qī āi f /desolate/mournful/ 悽惻 凄恻 T - 19 qī cè f /heartbroken/sorrowful/ 悽慘 凄惨 T - 161 qī cǎn f /plaintive/mournful/miserable/ 悾 - 10 kōng f /simple-minded/sincere/ 惄 - 4 nì f /distressed/famished/ 情 - 8363 qíng f /feeling/emotion/passion/situation/ 情不可却 情不可卻 S - 3 qíng bù kě què f /unable to refuse because of affection/ 情不可卻 情不可却 T - 3 qíng bù kě què f /unable to refuse because of affection/ 情不自禁 - 336 qíng bù zì jīn f /unable to restrain emotions/cannot help/ 情义 情義 S - 85 qíng yì f /affection/comradeship/ 情书 情書 S - 80 qíng shū f /love letter/ 情事 - 33 qíng shì f /circumstances/facts (of a case)/case/feelings/love affair/ 情人 - 451 qíng rén f /lover/sweetheart/ 情人眼裡出西施 情人眼里出西施 T - 9 qíng rén yǎn lǐ chū Xī shī f /lit. in the eyes of a lover appears 西施[Xi1 shi1] (idiom); fig. beauty is in the eye of the beholder/ 情人眼裡有西施 情人眼里有西施 T - 0 qíng rén yǎn lǐ yǒu Xī shī f /In the eyes of the lover, a famous beauty (idiom). Beauty in the eye of the beholder/ 情人眼里出西施 情人眼裡出西施 S - 9 qíng rén yǎn lǐ chū Xī shī f /lit. in the eyes of a lover appears 西施[Xi1 shi1] (idiom); fig. beauty is in the eye of the beholder/ 情人眼里有西施 情人眼裡有西施 S - 0 qíng rén yǎn lǐ yǒu Xī shī f /In the eyes of the lover, a famous beauty (idiom). Beauty in the eye of the beholder/ 情人節 情人节 T - 95 Qíng rén jié f /Valentine's Day/ 情人节 情人節 S - 95 Qíng rén jié f /Valentine's Day/ 情何以堪 - 0 qíng hé yǐ kān f /how can this be endured! (idiom)/ 情侣 情侶 S - 196 qíng lǚ f /sweethearts/lovers/ 情侣鹦鹉 情侶鸚鵡 S - 0 qíng lǚ yīng wǔ f /lovebirds/ 情侶 情侣 T - 196 qíng lǚ f /sweethearts/lovers/ 情侶鸚鵡 情侣鹦鹉 T - 0 qíng lǚ yīng wǔ f /lovebirds/ 情儿 情兒 S - 0 qíng r f /mistress/secret lover/extra-marital lover/ 情兒 情儿 T - 0 qíng r f /mistress/secret lover/extra-marital lover/ 情况 情況 S 638 32833 qíng kuàng f /circumstances/state of affairs/situation/CL:個|个[ge4],種|种[zhong3]/ 情分 - 85 qíng fèn f /mutual affection/friendship/ 情势 情勢 S - 609 qíng shì f /situation/circumstance/ 情勢 情势 T - 609 qíng shì f /situation/circumstance/ 情变 情變 S - 10 qíng biàn f /loss of love/breakup of a relationship/ 情同手足 - 26 qíng tóng shǒu zú f /as close as one's hands and feet (idiom); loving one another as brothers/deep friendship/closely attached to one another/ 情同骨肉 - 9 qíng tóng gǔ ròu f /as close as flesh and bones (idiom); deep friendship/ 情味 - 3 qíng wèi f /feeling/flavor/sense/ 情商 - 56 qíng shāng f /emotional quotient (EQ)/emotional IQ/abbr. for 情緒商數|情绪商数[qing2 xu4 shang1 shu4]/ 情场 情場 S - 30 qíng chǎng f /affairs of the heart/mutual relationship/ 情報 情报 T 2599 1890 qíng bào f /information/intelligence/ 情報處 情报处 T - 10 qíng bào chù f /intelligence office/intelligence section/ 情場 情场 T - 30 qíng chǎng f /affairs of the heart/mutual relationship/ 情境 - 184 qíng jìng f /situation/atmosphere/ 情境模型 - 0 qíng jìng mó xíng f /situational model/ 情夫 - 12 qíng fū f /married woman's lover/ 情妇 情婦 S - 65 qíng fù f /mistress/paramour (of married man)/ 情婦 情妇 T - 65 qíng fù f /mistress/paramour (of married man)/ 情形 2931 2621 qíng xing f /circumstances/situation/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 情志 - 87 qíng zhì f /emotion/mood/ 情怀 情懷 S - 273 qíng huái f /feelings/mood/ 情态 情態 S - 59 qíng tài f /spirit/mood/(linguistics) modal/ 情急 - 116 qíng jí f /anxious/ 情急之下 - 161 qíng jí zhī xià f /in a moment of desperation/ 情急了 - 0 qíng jí liǎo f /mythical talking bird/mynah bird/ 情急智生 - 30 qíng jí zhì shēng f /inspiration in a moment of desperation (idiom)/also written 情急之下/ 情意 - 275 qíng yì f /friendly regard/affection/ 情愛 情爱 T - 141 qíng ài f /affection/friendly feelings towards sb/love/ 情感 - 1612 qíng gǎn f /feeling/emotion/to move (emotionally)/ 情感分析 - 0 qíng gǎn fēn xī f /sentiment analysis/ 情愫 - 53 qíng sù f /sentiment/feeling/ 情愿 情願 S - 488 qíng yuàn f /willingness/would rather (agree to X than Y)/ 情態 情态 T - 59 qíng tài f /spirit/mood/(linguistics) modal/ 情慾 情欲 T - 320 qíng yù f /lust/desire/sensual/ 情懷 情怀 T - 273 qíng huái f /feelings/mood/ 情投意合 - 46 qíng tóu yì hé f /to have an affinity with each other (idiom)/to find each other congenial/ 情报 情報 S 2599 1890 qíng bào f /information/intelligence/ 情报处 情報處 S - 10 qíng bào chù f /intelligence office/intelligence section/ 情操 - 314 qíng cāo f /sentiments/feelings/disposition of mind/moral character/ 情敌 情敵 S - 48 qíng dí f /rival in love/ 情敵 情敌 T - 48 qíng dí f /rival in love/ 情景 2029 1770 qíng jǐng f /scene/sight/circumstances/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 情書 情书 T - 80 qíng shū f /love letter/ 情有可原 - 43 qíng yǒu kě yuán f /pardonable (of interruption, misunderstanding etc)/ 情有独钟 情有獨鍾 S - 60 qíng yǒu dú zhōng f /to have a feeling for sth (affection, sympathy, passion etc)/ 情有独钟 情有獨鐘 S - 60 qíng yǒu dú zhōng f /to have a feeling for sth (affection, sympathy, passion etc)/ 情有獨鍾 情有独钟 T - 60 qíng yǒu dú zhōng f /to have a feeling for sth (affection, sympathy, passion etc)/ 情有獨鐘 情有独钟 T - 60 qíng yǒu dú zhōng f /to have a feeling for sth (affection, sympathy, passion etc)/ 情杀 情殺 S - 7 qíng shā f /murder as a crime of passion/ 情欲 情慾 S - 320 qíng yù f /lust/desire/sensual/ 情歌 - 93 qíng gē f /love song/ 情殺 情杀 T - 7 qíng shā f /murder as a crime of passion/ 情比金坚 情比金堅 S - 3 qíng bǐ jīn jiān f /love is more solid than gold (idiom)/ 情比金堅 情比金坚 T - 3 qíng bǐ jīn jiān f /love is more solid than gold (idiom)/ 情況 情况 T 638 32833 qíng kuàng f /circumstances/state of affairs/situation/CL:個|个[ge4],種|种[zhong3]/ 情爱 情愛 S - 141 qíng ài f /affection/friendly feelings towards sb/love/ 情状 情狀 S - 231 qíng zhuàng f /situation/circumstances/ 情狀 情状 T - 231 qíng zhuàng f /situation/circumstances/ 情理 4041 195 qíng lǐ f /reason/sense/ 情痴 情癡 S - 14 qíng chī f /infatuated/lovesick person/ 情癡 情痴 T - 14 qíng chī f /infatuated/lovesick person/ 情种 情種 S - 16 qíng zhǒng f /affectionate/an affectionate person/ 情種 情种 T - 16 qíng zhǒng f /affectionate/an affectionate person/ 情窦初开 情竇初開 S - 22 qíng dòu chū kāi f /first awakening of love (usually of a girl) (idiom)/ 情竇初開 情窦初开 T - 22 qíng dòu chū kāi f /first awakening of love (usually of a girl) (idiom)/ 情節 情节 T 2959 1325 qíng jié f /plot/circumstances/ 情素 - 0 qíng sù f /variant of 情愫[qing2 su4]/ 情結 情结 T - 238 qíng jié f /complex (psychology)/ 情網 情网 T - 14 qíng wǎng f /snare of love/ 情緒 情绪 T 1490 3892 qíng xù f /mood/state of mind/moodiness/CL:種|种[zhong3]/ 情緒化 情绪化 T - 35 qíng xù huà f /emotional/sentimental/ 情緒商數 情绪商数 T - 0 qíng xù shāng shù f /emotional quotient (EQ)/emotional IQ/ 情緒智商 情绪智商 T - 0 qíng xù zhì shāng f /emotional intelligence (EQ)/ 情緒狀態 情绪状态 T - 0 qíng xù zhuàng tài f /emotional state/ 情緣 情缘 T - 62 qíng yuán f /predestined love/love affinity/ 情结 情結 S - 238 qíng jié f /complex (psychology)/ 情绪 情緒 S 1490 3892 qíng xù f /mood/state of mind/moodiness/CL:種|种[zhong3]/ 情绪化 情緒化 S - 35 qíng xù huà f /emotional/sentimental/ 情绪商数 情緒商數 S - 0 qíng xù shāng shù f /emotional quotient (EQ)/emotional IQ/ 情绪智商 情緒智商 S - 0 qíng xù zhì shāng f /emotional intelligence (EQ)/ 情绪状态 情緒狀態 S - 0 qíng xù zhuàng tài f /emotional state/ 情缘 情緣 S - 62 qíng yuán f /predestined love/love affinity/ 情网 情網 S - 14 qíng wǎng f /snare of love/ 情義 情义 T - 85 qíng yì f /affection/comradeship/ 情色 - 3 qíng sè f /erotic (of art etc)/facial expression (archaic)/ 情节 情節 S 2959 1325 qíng jié f /plot/circumstances/ 情蒐 - 0 qíng sōu f /intelligence gathering/ 情詩 情诗 T - 30 qíng shī f /love poem/ 情話 情话 T - 57 qíng huà f /terms of endearment/words of love/ 情誼 情谊 T - 236 qíng yì f /friendship/camaraderie/ 情調 情调 T - 332 qíng diào f /sentiment/tone and mood/taste/ 情變 情变 T - 10 qíng biàn f /loss of love/breakup of a relationship/ 情诗 情詩 S - 30 qíng shī f /love poem/ 情话 情話 S - 57 qíng huà f /terms of endearment/words of love/ 情调 情調 S - 332 qíng diào f /sentiment/tone and mood/taste/ 情谊 情誼 S - 236 qíng yì f /friendship/camaraderie/ 情資 情资 T - 0 qíng zī f /intelligence/information/ 情资 情資 S - 0 qíng zī f /intelligence/information/ 情趣 - 346 qíng qù f /inclinations and interests/delight/fun/interest/appeal/ 情趣商店 - 0 qíng qù shāng diàn f /adult shop/ 情趣用品 - 3 qíng qù yòng pǐn f /adult product/sex toy/ 情逾骨肉 - 3 qíng yú gǔ ròu f /feelings deeper than for one's own flesh and blood (idiom)/deep friendship/ 情郎 - 93 qíng láng f /boyfriend/paramour (of a woman)/ 情随事迁 情隨事遷 S - 3 qíng suí shì qiān f /feelings change with circumstances (idiom)/ 情隨事遷 情随事迁 T - 3 qíng suí shì qiān f /feelings change with circumstances (idiom)/ 情面 - 56 qíng miàn f /feelings and sensibilities/sentiment and face/sensitivity to other's feelings/ 情願 情愿 T - 488 qíng yuàn f /willingness/would rather (agree to X than Y)/ 惆 - 25 chóu f /forlorn/vexed/disappointed/ 惆怅 惆悵 S - 160 chóu chàng f /melancholy/depression/ 惆怅若失 惆悵若失 S - 0 chóu chàng ruò shī f /to feel despondent (idiom)/ 惆悵 惆怅 T - 160 chóu chàng f /melancholy/depression/ 惆悵若失 惆怅若失 T - 0 chóu chàng ruò shī f /to feel despondent (idiom)/ 惇 - 94 dūn f /kindhearted/honest/ 惈 - 18 guǒ f /courageous/resolute and daring/ 惊 驚 S - 8417 jīng f /to start/to be frightened/to be scared/alarm/ 惊世骇俗 驚世駭俗 S - 72 jīng shì hài sú f /universally shocking/to offend the whole of society/ 惊人 驚人 S - 1321 jīng rén f /astonishing/ 惊人之举 驚人之舉 S - 5 jīng rén zhī jǔ f /to astonish people (with a miraculous feat)/ 惊动 驚動 S 4344 611 jīng dòng f /to alarm/to startle/to disturb/ 惊厥 驚厥 S - 102 jīng jué f /to faint from fear/(medicine) convulsions/ 惊叫 驚叫 S - 483 jīng jiào f /to cry out in fear/ 惊叹 驚嘆 S - 306 jīng tàn f /to exclaim in admiration/a gasp of surprise/ 惊叹不已 驚嘆不已 S - 3 jīng tàn bù yǐ f /to exclaim in astonishment/ 惊叹号 驚嘆號 S - 26 jīng tàn hào f /exclamation mark ! (punct.)/ 惊吓 驚嚇 S - 248 jīng xià f /to frighten/to horrify/to terrify/ 惊呆 驚呆 S - 207 jīng dāi f /stupefied/stunned/ 惊呼 驚呼 S - 679 jīng hū f /to cry out in alarm or surprise/ 惊喜 驚喜 S - 555 jīng xǐ f /nice surprise/to be pleasantly surprised/ 惊喜若狂 驚喜若狂 S - 4 jīng xǐ ruò kuáng f /pleasantly surprised like mad (idiom); capering madly with joy/to express boundless pleasure/ 惊天动地 驚天動地 S - 221 jīng tiān dòng dì f /world-shaking (idiom)/ 惊奇 驚奇 S 3127 792 jīng qí f /to be amazed/to be surprised/to wonder/ 惊师动众 驚師動眾 S - 3 jīng shī dòng zhòng f /to alarm everyone/to scandalize the public/ 惊异 驚異 S - 480 jīng yì f /amazed/ 惊弓之鸟 驚弓之鳥 S - 53 jīng gōng zhī niǎo f /lit. a bird startled by the mere twang of a bow (idiom)/fig. sb who frightens easily, due to past experiences/ 惊心 驚心 S - 58 jīng xīn f /staggering/shocking/frightened/ 惊心动魄 驚心動魄 S - 327 jīng xīn dòng pò f /shaking one to the core/extremely disturbing/hair-raising (idiom)/ 惊心胆颤 驚心膽顫 S - 0 jīng xīn dǎn chàn f /frightening/frightened (idiom)/ 惊怕 驚怕 S - 3 jīng pà f /alarmed/frightened/ 惊怖 驚怖 S - 33 jīng bù f /to surprise/ 惊急 驚急 S - 0 jīng jí f /stunned and anxious/ 惊怪 驚怪 S - 3 jīng guài f /to marvel/ 惊怯 驚怯 S - 0 jīng qiè f /cowardly and panicking/ 惊恐 驚恐 S - 438 jīng kǒng f /to be alarmed/to be frightened/ 惊恐万状 驚恐萬狀 S - 17 jīng kǒng wàn zhuàng f /convulsed with fear (idiom)/ 惊恐翼龙 驚恐翼龍 S - 0 Jīng kǒng yì lóng f /Phobetor (genus of pterodactyloid pterosaur)/ 惊悉 驚悉 S - 25 jīng xī f /to be shocked to learn/ 惊悚 驚悚 S - 20 jīng sǒng f /horror (movie)/thriller/ 惊悟 驚悟 S - 0 jīng wù f /to come to oneself with a start/to realize at a jolt/ 惊悸 驚悸 S - 37 jīng jì f /shaking in fear/one's heart palpitating with fear/ 惊惕 驚惕 S - 0 jīng tì f /to be alarmed/to be alert/ 惊惧 驚懼 S - 243 jīng jù f /to be alarmed/to be terrified/ 惊惶 驚惶 S - 322 jīng huáng f /panic-stricken/ 惊惶失措 驚惶失措 S - 46 jīng huáng shī cuò f /see 驚慌失措|惊慌失措[jing1 huang1 shi1 cuo4]/ 惊愕 驚愕 S - 161 jīng è f /to stun/to shock and amaze/stupefied/astonishment/ 惊慌 驚慌 S - 620 jīng huāng f /to panic/to be alarmed/ 惊慌失措 驚慌失措 S - 182 jīng huāng shī cuò f /to lose one's head out of fear (idiom)/ 惊慌失色 驚慌失色 S - 3 jīng huāng shī sè f /to go pale in panic (idiom)/ 惊扰 驚擾 S - 100 jīng rǎo f /to alarm/to agitate/ 惊栗 驚慄 S - 0 jīng lì f /horror (genre)/to tremble in fear/ 惊梦 驚夢 S - 17 jīng mèng f /to awaken from a dream/ 惊涛 驚濤 S - 26 jīng tāo f /raging waves/stormy waves/ 惊涛骇浪 驚濤駭浪 S - 102 jīng tāo hài làng f /perilous situation/ 惊爆 驚爆 S - 0 jīng bào f /unexpected/staggering (news) etc)/ 惊现 驚現 S - 0 jīng xiàn f /to appear unexpectedly/ 惊疑 驚疑 S - 289 jīng yí f /bewildered/ 惊痫 驚癇 S - 0 jīng xián f /epilepsy/ 惊羡 驚羨 S - 8 jīng xiàn f /to marvel at/ 惊群动众 驚群動眾 S - 3 jīng qún dòng zhòng f /to alarm everyone/to scandalize the public/ 惊艳 驚艷 S - 3 jīng yàn f /stunning/breathtaking/ 惊蛰 驚蟄 S - 23 Jīng zhé f /Jingzhe or Insects Wake, 3rd of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 6th-20th March/ 惊觉 驚覺 S - 180 jīng jué f /to realize suddenly/to wake up with a start/ 惊讶 驚訝 S 2581 1197 jīng yà f /amazed/astonished/to surprise/amazing/astonishment/awe/ 惊诧 驚詫 S - 283 jīng chà f /to be surprised/to be amazed/to be stunned/ 惊赏 驚賞 S - 0 jīng shǎng f /surprised and admiring/to appreciate with surprise/ 惊起 驚起 S - 58 jīng qǐ f /to start in surprise/to give a jolt of surprise/ 惊跳 驚跳 S - 12 jīng tiào f /to shy (away)/to give a start/ 惊车 驚車 S - 0 jīng chē f /runaway carriage (caused by the harnessed animal bolting in fright)/ 惊逃 驚逃 S - 0 jīng táo f /to stampede/ 惊遽 驚遽 S - 0 jīng jù f /in a panic/stunned/ 惊醒 驚醒 S - 582 jīng xǐng f /to rouse/to be woken by sth/to wake with a start/to sleep lightly/ 惊错 驚錯 S - 0 jīng cuò f /puzzled/surprised and nonplussed/ 惊险 驚險 S - 183 jīng xiǎn f /thrilling/a thriller/ 惊雷 驚雷 S - 52 jīng léi f /sudden clap of thunder/fig. surprising turn of events/ 惊颤 驚顫 S - 0 jīng chàn f /to quake in fear/ 惊风 驚風 S - 44 jīng fēng f /infantile convulsion (illness affecting children esp. under the age of five, marked by muscular spasms)/ 惊飞 驚飛 S - 30 jīng fēi f /to go off like a rocket/to rocket/ 惊马 驚馬 S - 3 jīng mǎ f /startled horse/ 惊骇 驚駭 S - 250 jīng hài f /to be shocked/to be appalled/to be terrified/ 惊魂 驚魂 S - 100 jīng hún f /in a panicked state/frightened/ 惊魂甫定 驚魂甫定 S - 0 jīng hún fǔ dìng f /to have just recovered from a shock/ 惊鸟 驚鳥 S - 3 jīng niǎo f /to scare a bird into flight/ 惊鸿 驚鴻 S - 40 jīng hóng f /graceful (esp. of female posture)/lithe/ 惋 - 21 wǎn f /to sigh in regret or pity/Taiwan pr. [wan4]/ 惋惜 4279 258 wǎn xī f /to regret/to feel that it is a great pity/to feel sorry for sb/ 惌 - 32 yuān f /to bear a grudge against/ 惎 - 3 jì f /injure/vilify/ 惏 婪 T - 23 lán f /old variant of 婪[lan2]/ 惏 - 2 lín f /cold/frigid/ 惑 - 187 huò f /to confuse/to be puzzled/ 惑星 - 0 huò xīng f /planet/also written 行星[xing2 xing1]/ 惒 - 0 hé f /old variant of 和[he2]/ 惓 - 5 quán f /earnest/ 惓惓 - 0 quán quán f /variant of 拳拳[quan2 quan2]/ 惔 - 22 yǎn f /cheerful/ 惕 - 83 tì f /fearful/respectful/ 惕然 - 0 tì rán f /to be afraid, fearful of/ 惘 - 37 wǎng f /disappointed/perplexed/ 惘然 - 50 wǎng rán f /frustrated/perplexed/irresolute/dazed/ 惘然若失 - 5 wǎng rán ruò shī f /lit. to be frustrated as though having lost sth (idiom)/fig. to be at a loss/perplexed/frustrated/ 惙 - 3 chuò f /mournful/uncertain/ 惚 - 32 hū f /indistinct/ 惛 - 29 hūn f /confused/forgetful/silly/ 惛耄 - 0 hūn mào f /senile/senility/ 惜 - 526 xī f /to cherish/to begrudge/to pity/Taiwan pr. [xi2]/ 惜別 惜别 T - 32 xī bié f /reluctant to part/ 惜别 惜別 S - 32 xī bié f /reluctant to part/ 惜寸阴 惜寸陰 S - 0 xī cùn yīn f /to cherish every moment/to make good use of one's time/ 惜寸陰 惜寸阴 T - 0 xī cùn yīn f /to cherish every moment/to make good use of one's time/ 惜福 - 3 xī fú f /to appreciate one's good fortune/ 惜香怜玉 惜香憐玉 S - 3 xī xiāng lián yù f /see 憐香惜玉|怜香惜玉[lian2 xiang1 xi1 yu4]/ 惜香憐玉 惜香怜玉 T - 3 xī xiāng lián yù f /see 憐香惜玉|怜香惜玉[lian2 xiang1 xi1 yu4]/ 惝 - 4 chǎng f /disappointed/listless/frightened/also pr. [tang3]/ 惝恍 - 3 chǎng huǎng f /hurt and disappointed/blurry and unclear/ 惟 - 972 wéi f /-ism/only/ 惟一 - 991 wéi yī f /only/sole/variant of 唯一[wei2 yi1]/ 惟利是图 惟利是圖 S - 10 wéi lì shì tú f /variant of 唯利是圖|唯利是图[wei2 li4 shi4 tu2]/ 惟利是圖 惟利是图 T - 10 wéi lì shì tú f /variant of 唯利是圖|唯利是图[wei2 li4 shi4 tu2]/ 惟命是听 惟命是聽 S - 4 wéi mìng shì tīng f /see 唯命是從|唯命是从[wei2 ming4 shi4 cong2]/ 惟命是聽 惟命是听 T - 4 wéi mìng shì tīng f /see 唯命是從|唯命是从[wei2 ming4 shi4 cong2]/ 惟妙惟肖 - 49 wéi miào wéi xiào f /to imitate to perfection/to be remarkably true to life/ 惟恐 - 303 wéi kǒng f /for fear that/lest/also written 唯恐/ 惟有 - 562 wéi yǒu f /variant of 唯有[wei2 you3]/ 惟独 惟獨 S - 182 wéi dú f /only/solely/this one alone/ 惟獨 惟独 T - 182 wéi dú f /only/solely/this one alone/ 惠 - 763 Huì f /surname Hui/ 惠 - 763 huì f /favor/benefit/to bestow/(literary) benevolence/(honorific)/ 惠东 惠東 S - 6 Huì dōng f /Huidong county in Huizhou 惠州[Hui4 zhou1], Guangdong/ 惠东县 惠東縣 S - 2 Huì dōng xiàn f /Huidong county in Huizhou 惠州[Hui4 zhou1], Guangdong/ 惠來 惠来 T - 8 Huì lái f /Huilai county in Jieyang 揭陽|揭阳, Guangdong/ 惠來縣 惠来县 T - 3 Huì lái xiàn f /Huilai county in Jieyang 揭陽|揭阳, Guangdong/ 惠农 惠農 S - 8 Huì nóng f /Huinong district of Shizuishan city 石嘴山市[Shi2 zui3 shan1 shi4], Ningxia/ 惠农区 惠農區 S - 3 Huì nóng qū f /Huinong district of Shizuishan city 石嘴山市[Shi2 zui3 shan1 shi4], Ningxia/ 惠城 - 0 Huì chéng f /Huicheng district of Huizhou city 惠州市[Hui4 zhou1 shi4], Guangdong/ 惠城区 惠城區 S - 3 Huì chéng qū f /Huicheng district of Huizhou city 惠州市[Hui4 zhou1 shi4], Guangdong/ 惠城區 惠城区 T - 3 Huì chéng qū f /Huicheng district of Huizhou city 惠州市[Hui4 zhou1 shi4], Guangdong/ 惠子 - 3 Huì zi f /Hui-zi also known as Hui Shi 惠施[Hui4 Shi1] (c. 370-310 BC), politician and philosopher of the School of Logicians 名家 [Ming2 jia1] during the Warring States Period (475-220 BC)/ 惠安 - 24 Huì ān f /Hui'an county in Quanzhou 泉州[Quan2 zhou1], Fujian/ 惠安县 惠安縣 S - 10 Huì ān xiàn f /Hui'an county in Quanzhou 泉州[Quan2 zhou1], Fujian/ 惠安縣 惠安县 T - 10 Huì ān xiàn f /Hui'an county in Quanzhou 泉州[Quan2 zhou1], Fujian/ 惠山 - 32 Huì shān f /Huishan district of Wuxi city 無錫市|无锡市[Wu2 xi1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 惠山区 惠山區 S - 3 Huì shān qū f /Huishan district of Wuxi city 無錫市|无锡市[Wu2 xi1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 惠山區 惠山区 T - 3 Huì shān qū f /Huishan district of Wuxi city 無錫市|无锡市[Wu2 xi1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 惠州 - 104 Huì zhōu f /Huizhou prefecture level city in Guangdong/ 惠州市 - 13 Huì zhōu shì f /Huizhou prefecture level city in Guangdong province/ 惠斯勒 - 2 Huì sī lè f /Whistler (name)/ 惠斯特 - 3 huì sī tè f /whist (loanword)/ 惠施 - 21 Huì Shī f /Hui Shi, also known as Hui-zi 惠子[Hui4 zi5](c. 370-310 BC), politician and philosopher of the School of Logicians 名家 [Ming2 jia1] during the Warring States Period (475-220 BC)/ 惠普 - 181 Huì Pǔ f /Hewlett-Packard/ 惠普公司 - 25 Huì Pǔ Gōng sī f /Hewlett-Packard/HP/ 惠更斯 - 103 Huì gēng sī f /Huygens (name)/Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695), Dutch mathematician and astronomer/ 惠来 惠來 S - 8 Huì lái f /Huilai county in Jieyang 揭陽|揭阳, Guangdong/ 惠来县 惠來縣 S - 3 Huì lái xiàn f /Huilai county in Jieyang 揭陽|揭阳, Guangdong/ 惠東 惠东 T - 6 Huì dōng f /Huidong county in Huizhou 惠州[Hui4 zhou1], Guangdong/ 惠東縣 惠东县 T - 2 Huì dōng xiàn f /Huidong county in Huizhou 惠州[Hui4 zhou1], Guangdong/ 惠民 - 105 Huì mín f /Huimin county in Binzhou 濱州|滨州[Bin1 zhou1], Shandong/ 惠民 - 105 huì mín f /to benefit the people/ 惠民县 惠民縣 S - 3 Huì mín xiàn f /Huimin county in Binzhou 濱州|滨州[Bin1 zhou1], Shandong/ 惠民縣 惠民县 T - 3 Huì mín xiàn f /Huimin county in Binzhou 濱州|滨州[Bin1 zhou1], Shandong/ 惠水 - 6 Huì shuǐ f /Huishui county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州[Qian2 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 惠水县 惠水縣 S - 3 Huì shuǐ xiàn f /Huishui county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州[Qian2 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 惠水縣 惠水县 T - 3 Huì shuǐ xiàn f /Huishui county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州[Qian2 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 惠济 惠濟 S - 8 Huì jì f /Huiji District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑州市[Zheng4 zhou1 Shi4], Henan/ 惠济区 惠濟區 S - 0 Huì jì Qū f /Huiji District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑州市[Zheng4 zhou1 Shi4], Henan/ 惠濟 惠济 T - 8 Huì jì f /Huiji District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑州市[Zheng4 zhou1 Shi4], Henan/ 惠濟區 惠济区 T - 0 Huì jì Qū f /Huiji District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑州市[Zheng4 zhou1 Shi4], Henan/ 惠灵顿 惠靈頓 S - 38 Huì líng dùn f /Wellington, capital of New Zealand/ 惠特妮·休斯頓 惠特妮·休斯顿 T - 0 Huì tè nī · Xiū sī dùn f /Whitney Houston (1963-2012), American singer and actress/ 惠特妮·休斯顿 惠特妮·休斯頓 S - 0 Huì tè nī · Xiū sī dùn f /Whitney Houston (1963-2012), American singer and actress/ 惠特曼 - 96 Huì tè màn f /Whitman (surname)/Walt Whitman (1819-1892), American poet and journalist/ 惠而不費 惠而不费 T - 6 huì ér bù fèi f /a kind act that costs nothing/ 惠而不费 惠而不費 S - 6 huì ér bù fèi f /a kind act that costs nothing/ 惠能 - 0 Huì néng f /variant of 慧能[Hui4 neng2]/ 惠誉 惠譽 S - 0 Huì yù f /Fitch, credit rating agency/ 惠譽 惠誉 T - 0 Huì yù f /Fitch, credit rating agency/ 惠農 惠农 T - 8 Huì nóng f /Huinong district of Shizuishan city 石嘴山市[Shi2 zui3 shan1 shi4], Ningxia/ 惠農區 惠农区 T - 3 Huì nóng qū f /Huinong district of Shizuishan city 石嘴山市[Shi2 zui3 shan1 shi4], Ningxia/ 惠远寺 惠遠寺 S - 0 Huì yuǎn sì f /Huiyuan Monastery in Dawu County 道孚縣|道孚县[Dao4 fu2 xian4], Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Sichuan/ 惠遠寺 惠远寺 T - 0 Huì yuǎn sì f /Huiyuan Monastery in Dawu County 道孚縣|道孚县[Dao4 fu2 xian4], Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Sichuan/ 惠阳 惠陽 S - 28 Huì yáng f /Huiyang district of Huizhou city 惠州市[Hui4 zhou1 shi4], Guangdong/ 惠阳区 惠陽區 S - 3 Huì yáng qū f /Huiyang district of Huizhou city 惠州市[Hui4 zhou1 shi4], Guangdong/ 惠阳地区 惠陽地區 S - 0 Huì yáng dì qū f /Huizhou prefecture 惠州[Hui4 zhou1], Guangdong/ 惠陽 惠阳 T - 28 Huì yáng f /Huiyang district of Huizhou city 惠州市[Hui4 zhou1 shi4], Guangdong/ 惠陽區 惠阳区 T - 3 Huì yáng qū f /Huiyang district of Huizhou city 惠州市[Hui4 zhou1 shi4], Guangdong/ 惠陽地區 惠阳地区 T - 0 Huì yáng dì qū f /Huizhou prefecture 惠州[Hui4 zhou1], Guangdong/ 惠靈頓 惠灵顿 T - 38 Huì líng dùn f /Wellington, capital of New Zealand/ 惠顧 惠顾 T - 2 huì gù f /your patronage/ 惠顾 惠顧 S - 2 huì gù f /your patronage/ 惡 恶 T - 3136 ě f /see 惡心|恶心[e3 xin1]/ 惡 恶 T - 3136 è t /evil/fierce/vicious/ugly/coarse/to harm/ 惡 恶 T - 3136 wù f /to hate/to loathe/ashamed/to fear/to slander/ 惡事 恶事 T - 3 è shì f /evil/malicious deed/ 惡事傳千里 恶事传千里 T - 0 è shì chuán qiān lǐ f /evil deeds spread a thousand miles (idiom); scandal spreads like wildfire/ 惡人 恶人 T - 594 è rén f /evil person/vile creature/ugly man/ 惡人先告狀 恶人先告状 T - 3 è rén xiān gào zhuàng f /the guilty party files the suit/the thief cries thief/ 惡仗 恶仗 T - 19 è zhàng f /hard fighting/fierce battle/ 惡作劇 恶作剧 T - 134 è zuò jù f /mischief/mischievous/practical joke/prank/ 惡俗 恶俗 T - 14 è sú f /bad habit/evil custom/vulgarity/ 惡兇兇 恶凶凶 T - 0 è xiōng xiōng f /fierce/ 惡創 恶创 T - 0 è chuāng f /malign sore (TCM)/ 惡劣 恶劣 T 2154 1009 è liè f /vile/nasty/of very poor quality/ 惡劣影響 恶劣影响 T - 3 è liè yǐng xiǎng f /evil influence/ 惡勢力 恶势力 T - 3 è shì lì f /evil forces/criminal elements/ 惡化 恶化 T 3252 743 è huà f /to worsen/ 惡叉白賴 恶叉白赖 T - 3 è chā bái lài f /evil behavior (idiom); brazen villainy/ 惡口 恶口 T - 0 è kǒu f /bad language/foul mouth/ 惡名 恶名 T - 97 è míng f /bad name/evil reputation/ 惡名兒 恶名儿 T - 0 è míng r f /erhua variant of 惡名|恶名[e4 ming2]/ 惡名昭彰 恶名昭彰 T - 3 è míng zhāo zhāng f /infamous/notorious/ 惡名昭著 恶名昭著 T - 0 è míng zhāo zhù f /notorious (idiom)/infamous/ 惡唑啉 恶唑啉 T - 0 è zuò lín f /oxacillin/ 惡唑啉酮 恶唑啉酮 T - 0 è zuò lín tóng f /oxacillin/ 惡報 恶报 T - 8 è bào f /retribution/ 惡夢 恶梦 T - 72 è mèng f /nightmare/ 惡婦 恶妇 T - 38 è fù f /vicious wife/ 惡少 恶少 T - 25 è shào f /young thug/malicious young ruffian/ 惡徒 恶徒 T - 56 è tú f /hoodlum/bad guy/ 惡德 恶德 T - 33 è dé f /wickedness/evil behavior/ 惡心 恶心 T 2535 696 ě xīn t /nausea/to feel sick/disgust/nauseating/to embarrass (deliberately)/ 惡心 恶心 T 2535 696 è xīn f /bad habit/vicious habit/vice/ 惡性 恶性 T - 463 è xìng f /malignant/wicked/vicious (circle)/producing evil/rapid (decline)/runaway (inflation)/ 惡性循環 恶性循环 T - 134 è xìng xún huán f /vicious circle/ 惡性瘧原蟲 恶性疟原虫 T - 0 è xìng nüè yuán chóng f /plasmodium falciparum (malaria parasite)/ 惡性腫瘤 恶性肿瘤 T - 227 è xìng zhǒng liú f /malignant tumor/ 惡性通貨膨脹 恶性通货膨胀 T - 0 è xìng tōng huò péng zhàng f /hyperinflation/ 惡恨 恶恨 T - 0 è hèn f /to hate/to abhor/ 惡惡實實 恶恶实实 T - 0 è è shí shí f /very fierce/ 惡意 恶意 T - 359 è yì f /malice/evil intention/ 惡意中傷 恶意中伤 T - 3 è yì zhōng shāng f /malicious libel/slander/ 惡意代碼 恶意代码 T - 3 è yì dài mǎ f /malicious code (e.g. virus)/malware/ 惡感 恶感 T - 18 è gǎn f /malice/ill will/ 惡戰 恶战 T - 169 è zhàn f /hard fighting/fierce battle/ 惡損 恶损 T - 0 è sǔn f /to ridicule/ 惡搞 恶搞 T - 3 è gǎo f /spoof (web-based genre in PRC, acquiring cult status from 2005, involving humorous, satirical or fantastical videos, photo collections, texts, poems etc)/ 惡搞文化 恶搞文化 T - 0 è gǎo wén huà f /spoofing culture (web based genre in PRC acquiring cult status from 2005, involving humorous, satirical or fantastical videos, photo collections, texts, poems etc)/ 惡有惡報 恶有恶报 T - 19 è yǒu è bào f /evil has its retribution (idiom); to suffer the consequences of one's bad deeds/sow the wind and reap the whirlwind (Hosea 8:7)/ 惡果 恶果 T - 120 è guǒ f /evil consequence/retribution (in Buddhism)/ 惡棍 恶棍 T - 57 è gùn f /scoundrel/rogue/bully/villain/ 惡歲 恶岁 T - 0 è suì f /lean year/year of bad harvest/ 惡毒 恶毒 T - 285 è dú f /malicious/ 惡氣 恶气 T - 130 è qì f /evil smell/resentment/unpleasant manner/ 惡水 恶水 T - 0 è shuǐ f /dirty water/water that is unfit to drink/slops/ 惡浪 恶浪 T - 17 è làng f /violent wave/fierce billow/fig. depraved force/ 惡漢 恶汉 T - 3 è hàn f /overbearing fiend/ 惡濁 恶浊 T - 4 è zhuó f /filthy/foul/ 惡煞 恶煞 T - 4 è shà f /demon/fiend/ 惡狠 恶狠 T - 3 è hěn f /fierce and vicious/ 惡狠狠 恶狠狠 T - 256 è hěn hěn f /very fierce/ 惡疾 恶疾 T - 22 è jí f /unpleasant ailment/foul disease/ 惡病質 恶病质 T - 3 è bìng zhì f /Cachexia (physical wasting associated with long-term illness)/ 惡癖 恶癖 T - 3 è pǐ f /bad habit/ 惡相 恶相 T - 3 è xiàng f /evil countenance/vicious appearance/ 惡神 恶神 T - 3 è shén f /malignant deity/fiend/ 惡罵 恶骂 T - 3 è mà f /to curse fiercely/ 惡習 恶习 T - 114 è xí f /bad habit/vice/ 惡聲 恶声 T - 3 è shēng f /malicious abuse/lewd song/evil reputation/ 惡臭 恶臭 T - 130 è chòu f /stink/ 惡舌 恶舌 T - 0 è shé f /vicious talk/malicious tongue/ 惡行 恶行 T - 183 è xíng f /evil or wicked conduct/ 惡補 恶补 T - 9 è bǔ f /to overdose on supplementary medicine/to cram too hard/ 惡言 恶言 T - 81 è yán f /evil tongue/malicious talk/ 惡言傷人 恶言伤人 T - 0 è yán shāng rén f /to insult/to direct bad language at sb/to slag off/ 惡誓 恶誓 T - 0 è shì f /evil oath/ 惡語 恶语 T - 34 è yǔ f /evil words/malicious talk/ 惡語中傷 恶语中伤 T - 2 è yǔ zhòng shāng f /vicious slander/to calumny maliciously/ 惡語傷人 恶语伤人 T - 3 è yǔ shāng rén f /to insult/to direct bad language at sb/to slag off/ 惡貫滿盈 恶贯满盈 T - 55 è guàn mǎn yíng f /lit. strung through and filled with evil (idiom); filled with extreme evil/replete with vice/guilty of monstrous crimes/ 惡跡 恶迹 T - 3 è jì f /evil conduct/ 惡辣 恶辣 T - 0 è là f /ruthless/ 惡運 恶运 T - 3 è yùn f /variant of 厄運|厄运[e4 yun4]/ 惡霸 恶霸 T - 115 è bà f /evil tyrant/ 惡鬥 恶斗 T - 254 è dòu f /hard fighting/fierce battle/ 惡鬼 恶鬼 T - 259 è guǐ f /evil spirit/devil/ 惡魔 恶魔 T - 158 è mó f /demon/fiend/ 惡魔城 恶魔城 T - 3 E mó Chéng f /Castlevania (video game series)/ 惥 恿 T - 94 yǒng f /old variant of 恿[yong3]/ 惦 - 73 diàn f /to think of/to remember/to miss/ 惦念 - 55 diàn niàn f /to constantly have (sb or sth) on one's mind/ 惦記 惦记 T 3945 271 diàn jì f /to think of/to keep thinking about/to be concerned about/ 惦记 惦記 S 3945 271 diàn jì f /to think of/to keep thinking about/to be concerned about/ 惧 懼 S - 1434 jù f /to fear/ 惧内 懼內 S - 12 jù nèi f /henpecked/ 惧怕 懼怕 S - 426 jù pà f /to be afraid/ 惧高症 懼高症 S - 3 jù gāo zhèng f /acrophobia/ 惨 慘 S - 1171 cǎn f /miserable/wretched/cruel/inhuman/disastrous/tragic/dim/gloomy/ 惨不忍睹 慘不忍睹 S - 67 cǎn bù rěn dǔ f /spectacle too horrible to endure (idiom); tragic sight/appalling scenes of devastation/ 惨不忍闻 慘不忍聞 S - 6 cǎn bù rěn wén f /too horrible to endure (idiom); tragic spectacle/appalling scenes of devastation/ 惨事 慘事 S - 3 cǎn shì f /disaster/ 惨况 慘況 S - 3 cǎn kuàng f /tragic situation/dreadful state/ 惨剧 慘劇 S - 77 cǎn jù f /tragedy/calamity/atrocity/ 惨变 慘變 S - 18 cǎn biàn f /disastrous turn/tragic event/ 惨叫 慘叫 S - 234 cǎn jiào f /to scream/blood-curdling screech/miserable shriek/ 惨境 慘境 S - 2 cǎn jìng f /wretched situation/ 惨怛 慘怛 S - 0 cǎn dá f /grieved/distressed/ 惨无人道 慘無人道 S - 21 cǎn wú rén dào f /inhuman (idiom)/brutal and unfeeling/ 惨景 慘景 S - 9 cǎn jǐng f /wretched sight/ 惨杀 慘殺 S - 18 cǎn shā f /to slaughter/to kill mercilessly/ 惨案 慘案 S - 1004 cǎn àn f /massacre/tragedy/CL:起[qi3]/ 惨死 慘死 S - 159 cǎn sǐ f /to die tragically/to meet with a violent death/ 惨毒 慘毒 S - 5 cǎn dú f /cruel/vicious/ 惨淡 慘淡 S - 111 cǎn dàn f /dark/gloomy/dismal/by painstaking effort/ 惨淡经营 慘淡經營 S - 35 cǎn dàn jīng yíng f /to manage by painstaking effort (idiom)/ 惨澹 慘澹 S - 0 cǎn dàn f /variant of 慘淡|惨淡[can3 dan4]/ 惨烈 慘烈 S - 215 cǎn liè f /bitter/desperate/ 惨然 慘然 S - 136 cǎn rán f /grieved/distressed/ 惨状 慘狀 S - 130 cǎn zhuàng f /devastation/miserable condition/ 惨痛 慘痛 S - 173 cǎn tòng f /bitter/painful/deeply distressed/ 惨白 慘白 S - 328 cǎn bái f /deathly pale/ 惨祸 慘禍 S - 41 cǎn huò f /terrible tragedy/grave mishap/ 惨笑 慘笑 S - 18 cǎn xiào f /bitter smile/ 惨红 慘紅 S - 0 cǎn hóng f /dark red/ 惨绝人寰 慘絕人寰 S - 49 cǎn jué rén huán f /extremely tragic (idiom); with unprecedented brutality/ 惨败 慘敗 S - 315 cǎn bài f /to suffer a crushing defeat/ 惨遭 慘遭 S - 281 cǎn zāo f /to suffer (defeat, death etc)/ 惨遭不幸 慘遭不幸 S - 0 cǎn zāo bù xìng f /to meet with disaster/to die tragically/ 惨重 慘重 S - 546 cǎn zhòng f /disastrous/ 惩 懲 S - 232 chéng f /to punish/to reprimand/to warn/ 惩一儆百 懲一儆百 S - 3 chéng yī jǐng bǎi f /lit. punish one, warn one hundred (idiom)/fig. to make an example of sb/ 惩一警百 懲一警百 S - 3 chéng yī jǐng bǎi f /lit. punish one, warn one hundred (idiom)/fig. to make an example of sb/also written 懲一儆百|惩一儆百[cheng2 yi1 jing3 bai3]/ 惩前毖后 懲前毖後 S - 36 chéng qián bì hòu f /lit. to punish those before to prevent those after (idiom); to criticize former mistakes firmly to prevent them happening again/ 惩办 懲辦 S - 267 chéng bàn f /to punish (someone)/to take disciplinary action against (someone)/ 惩处 懲處 S - 253 chéng chǔ f /to punish/to administer justice/ 惩恶劝善 懲惡勸善 S - 3 chéng è quàn shàn f /see 懲惡揚善|惩恶扬善[cheng2 e4 yang2 shan4]/ 惩恶扬善 懲惡揚善 S - 8 chéng è yáng shàn f /to uphold virtue and condemn evil (idiom)/ 惩戒 懲戒 S - 116 chéng jiè f /to discipline/reprimand/ 惩治 懲治 S - 274 chéng zhì f /to punish/ 惩罚 懲罰 S 2611 1145 chéng fá f /penalty/punishment/to punish/ 惩罚性 懲罰性 S - 47 chéng fá xìng f /punitive/ 惪 德 T - 9549 dé f /variant of 德[de2]/ 惫 憊 S - 64 bèi f /exhausted/ 惫倦 憊倦 S - 0 bèi juàn f /tired and sleepy/tipsy/ 惫懒 憊懶 S - 46 bèi lǎn f /naughty/mischievous person/ 惫赖 憊賴 S - 0 bèi lài f /naughty/cheeky/ 惬 㥦 S - 14 qiè f /variant of 愜|惬[qie4]/ 惬 愜 S - 14 qiè f /cheerful/satisfied/ 惬意 愜意 S - 298 qiè yì f /satisfied/pleased/contented/ 惭 慙 S - 143 cán f /variant of 慚|惭[can2]/ 惭 慚 S - 143 cán f /ashamed/ 惭愧 慚愧 S 2283 682 cán kuì f /ashamed/ 惮 憚 S - 45 dàn f /dread/fear/dislike/ 惯 慣 S - 1168 guàn f /accustomed to/used to/indulge/to spoil (a child)/ 惯例 慣例 S 3752 630 guàn lì f /convention/usual practice/ 惯偷 慣偷 S - 3 guàn tōu f /habitual thief/ 惯养 慣養 S - 0 guàn yǎng f /to spoil/to indulge sb (usu. a child)/ 惯坏 慣壞 S - 3 guàn huài f /to spoil (a child)/ 惯家 慣家 S - 3 guàn jia f /(usually derog.) an old hand at sth/ 惯常 慣常 S - 112 guàn cháng f /usual/customary/ 惯性 慣性 S - 592 guàn xìng f /inertia/ 惯性系 慣性系 S - 0 guàn xìng xì f /inertial system/inertial frame (mechanics)/ 惯犯 慣犯 S - 7 guàn fàn f /recidivist/habitual criminal/ 惯用 慣用 S - 127 guàn yòng f /to use habitually/habitual/customary/ 惯用手 慣用手 S - 0 guàn yòng shǒu f /dominant hand/ 惯用语 慣用語 S - 4 guàn yòng yǔ f /commonly used phrase/idiom/colloquial usage/ 惯窃 慣竊 S - 3 guàn qiè f /habitual thief/ 惯贼 慣賊 S - 3 guàn zéi f /habitual thief/ 惯量 慣量 S - 34 guàn liàng f /inertia (mechanics)/ 惰 - 283 duò f /lazy/ 惰性 - 108 duò xìng f /inert (chemistry)/apathy/inertia/laziness/ 惰性气体 惰性氣體 S - 54 duò xìng qì tǐ f /inert gas/noble gas (chemistry)/ 惰性氣體 惰性气体 T - 54 duò xìng qì tǐ f /inert gas/noble gas (chemistry)/ 惱 恼 T - 996 nǎo f /to get angry/ 惱人 恼人 T - 30 nǎo rén f /annoying/irksome/to irritate/ 惱怒 恼怒 T - 517 nǎo nù f /resentful/angry/to enrage sb/ 惱恨 恼恨 T - 141 nǎo hèn f /to hate and resent/angry and full of grievances/ 惱火 恼火 T 3451 237 nǎo huǒ f /to get angry/irritated/to annoy/to aggravate/annoying/ 惱羞成怒 恼羞成怒 T - 74 nǎo xiū chéng nù f /to fly into a rage out of humiliation/to be ashamed into anger (idiom)/ 惲 恽 T - 24 Yùn f /surname Yun/ 想 17 61904 xiǎng f /to think/to believe/to suppose/to wish/to want/to miss (feel wistful about the absence of sb or sth)/ 想不到 - 1148 xiǎng bu dào f /unexpected/hard to imagine/it had not occurred to me/who could have thought that/ 想不开 想不開 S - 32 xiǎng bu kāi f /cannot figure out/to be unable to take a lighter view/to take things too hard/to be depressed/to fret over trifles/ 想不通 - 3 xiǎng bu tōng f /unable to understand/unable to get over/ 想不開 想不开 T - 32 xiǎng bu kāi f /cannot figure out/to be unable to take a lighter view/to take things too hard/to be depressed/to fret over trifles/ 想來 想来 T - 824 xiǎng lái f /it may be assumed that/ 想倒美 - 0 xiǎng dǎo měi f /see 想得美[xiang3 de2 mei3]/ 想像 - 550 xiǎng xiàng f /to imagine/to conceive of/to visualize/imagination/ 想像力 - 48 xiǎng xiàng lì f /conception/imagination/ 想入非非 - 41 xiǎng rù fēi fēi f /to indulge in fantasy (idiom); to let one's imagination run wild/ 想出 - 3 xiǎng chū f /to figure out/to work out (a solution etc)/to think up/to come up with (an idea etc)/ 想到 - 5735 xiǎng dào f /to think of/to call to mind/to anticipate/ 想头 想頭 S - 16 xiǎng tou f /(coll.) idea/hope/ 想家 - 0 xiǎng jiā f /homesick/ 想开 想開 S - 29 xiǎng kāi f /to get over (a shock, bereavement etc)/to avoid dwelling on unpleasant things/to accept the situation and move on/ 想当然 想當然 S - 67 xiǎng dāng rán f /to take sth for granted/ 想得开 想得開 S - 17 xiǎng de kāi f /to not take to heart/to be free of worried thoughts/to adopt a lighthearted perspective/lighthearted/ 想得美 - 3 xiǎng dé měi f /in your dreams!/as if!/You wish!/I wish that were so/ 想得開 想得开 T - 17 xiǎng de kāi f /to not take to heart/to be free of worried thoughts/to adopt a lighthearted perspective/lighthearted/ 想必 - 857 xiǎng bì f /presumably/probably/in all likelihood/surely/ 想念 1487 317 xiǎng niàn f /to miss/to remember with longing/to long to see again/ 想想看 - 3 xiǎng xiǎng kàn f /to think about it/ 想方設法 想方设法 T 3818 245 xiǎng fāng shè fǎ f /to think up every possible method (idiom); to devise ways and means/to try this, that and the other/ 想方设法 想方設法 S 3818 245 xiǎng fāng shè fǎ f /to think up every possible method (idiom); to devise ways and means/to try this, that and the other/ 想来 想來 S - 824 xiǎng lái f /it may be assumed that/ 想法 - 2558 xiǎng fǎ f /way of thinking/opinion/notion/to think of a way (to do sth)/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 想當然 想当然 T - 67 xiǎng dāng rán f /to take sth for granted/ 想睡 - 0 xiǎng shuì f /drowsy/sleepy/ 想要 - 2032 xiǎng yào f /to want to/to feel like/to fancy/to care for sb/desirous of/ 想見 想见 T - 249 xiǎng jiàn f /to infer/to gather/ 想见 想見 S - 249 xiǎng jiàn f /to infer/to gather/ 想象 1259 2330 xiǎng xiàng f /to imagine/to fancy/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 想象力 - 227 xiǎng xiàng lì f /imagination/ 想起 - 5118 xiǎng qǐ f /to recall/to think of/to call to mind/ 想起來 想起来 T - 0 xiǎng qi lai f /to remember/to recall/ 想起来 想起來 S - 0 xiǎng qi lai f /to remember/to recall/ 想通 - 0 xiǎng tōng f /to figure out/to realize/to become convinced/to come round (to an idea)/to get over it/ 想開 想开 T - 29 xiǎng kāi f /to get over (a shock, bereavement etc)/to avoid dwelling on unpleasant things/to accept the situation and move on/ 想頭 想头 T - 16 xiǎng tou f /(coll.) idea/hope/ 惴 - 90 zhuì f /anxious/worried/ 惴惴不安 - 101 zhuì zhuì bù ān f /to be on tenterhooks (idiom)/to be anxious and frightened/ 惶 - 324 huáng f /frightened/ 惶恐 - 322 huáng kǒng f /terrified/ 惶恐不安 - 40 huáng kǒng bù ān f /anxious/panicky/ 惶惑 - 142 huáng huò f /anxious and perplexed/uneasy and confused/suspicious and fearful/ 惶惶 - 42 huáng huáng f /alarmed/anxious/ 惷 蠢 T - 323 chǔn f /variant of 蠢[chun3]/stupid/ 惸 - 2 qióng f /variant of 煢|茕[qiong2]/alone/desolate/ 惹 - 1607 rě f /to provoke/to irritate/to vex/to stir up/to anger/to attract (troubles)/to cause (problems)/ 惹不起 - 40 rě bu qǐ f /can't afford to offend/dare not provoke/difficult to deal with/insufferable/ 惹乱子 惹亂子 S - 2 rě luàn zi f /to stir up trouble/to get into trouble/ 惹亂子 惹乱子 T - 2 rě luàn zi f /to stir up trouble/to get into trouble/ 惹事 - 100 rě shì f /to cause trouble/ 惹事生非 - 47 rě shì shēng fēi f /variant of 惹是生非[re3 shi4 sheng1 fei1]/ 惹人 - 0 rě rén f /to provoke (esp. annoyance, disgust etc)/to offend/to attract (attention)/ 惹人厌 惹人厭 S - 3 rě rén yàn f /annoying/disgusting/ 惹人厭 惹人厌 T - 3 rě rén yàn f /annoying/disgusting/ 惹人心烦 惹人心煩 S - 0 rě rén xīn fán f /to annoy people/to be a pain in the neck/ 惹人心煩 惹人心烦 T - 0 rě rén xīn fán f /to annoy people/to be a pain in the neck/ 惹人注意 - 3 rě rén zhù yì f /to attract attention/ 惹人注目 - 19 rě rén zhù mù f /to attract attention/noticeable/ 惹喽子 惹嘍子 S - 0 rě lóu zi f /variant of 惹婁子|惹娄子[re3 lou2 zi5]/ 惹嘍子 惹喽子 T - 0 rě lóu zi f /variant of 惹婁子|惹娄子[re3 lou2 zi5]/ 惹娄子 惹婁子 S - 0 rě lóu zi f /to stir up trouble/to bring trouble upon oneself/ 惹婁子 惹娄子 T - 0 rě lóu zi f /to stir up trouble/to bring trouble upon oneself/ 惹怒 - 3 rě nù f /to provoke anger/ 惹恼 惹惱 S - 83 rě nǎo f /to offend/ 惹惱 惹恼 T - 83 rě nǎo f /to offend/ 惹是生非 - 36 rě shì shēng fēi f /to stir up trouble/ 惹是非 - 8 rě shì fēi f /to stir up trouble/ 惹楼子 惹樓子 S - 0 rě lóu zi f /variant of 惹婁子|惹娄子[re3 lou2 zi5]/ 惹樓子 惹楼子 T - 0 rě lóu zi f /variant of 惹婁子|惹娄子[re3 lou2 zi5]/ 惹毛 - 0 rě máo f /(coll.) to irritate/to annoy/to piss sb off/ 惹火 - 21 rě huǒ f /to stir up the fire/fig. to provoke and offend people/to ruffle feathers/ 惹火烧身 惹火燒身 S - 7 rě huǒ shāo shēn f /stir up the fire and you get burnt (idiom); to get one's fingers burnt/fig. to suffer on account of one's own meddling/ 惹火燒身 惹火烧身 T - 7 rě huǒ shāo shēn f /stir up the fire and you get burnt (idiom); to get one's fingers burnt/fig. to suffer on account of one's own meddling/ 惹祸 惹禍 S 4498 84 rě huò f /to stir up trouble/to invite disaster/ 惹禍 惹祸 T 4498 84 rě huò f /to stir up trouble/to invite disaster/ 惹草拈花 - 3 rě cǎo niān huā f /see 拈花惹草[nian1 hua1 re3 cao3]/ 惹草沾花 - 3 rě cǎo zhān huā f /see 沾花惹草[zhan1 hua1 re3 cao3]/ 惹起 - 3 rě qǐ f /provoke, incite/stir up/arouse (attention)/ 惹麻烦 惹麻煩 S - 51 rě má fan f /to create difficulties/to invite trouble/to be troublesome/ 惹麻煩 惹麻烦 T - 51 rě má fan f /to create difficulties/to invite trouble/to be troublesome/ 惺 - 462 xīng f /tranquil/understand/ 惺忪 - 20 xīng sōng f /drowsy-eyed/wavering/indecisive/awake/conscious/clearheaded/ 惺惺惜惺惺 - 10 xīng xīng xī xīng xīng f /people of talent appreciate one another (idiom)/to sympathize with one another/ 惺惺相惜 - 38 xīng xīng xiāng xī f /see 惺惺惜惺惺[xing1 xing1 xi1 xing1 xing1]/ 惺松 惺鬆 S - 6 xīng sōng f /variant of 惺忪[xing1 song1]/ 惺鬆 惺松 T - 6 xīng sōng f /variant of 惺忪[xing1 song1]/ 惻 恻 T - 141 cè f /sorrowful/ 惻怛之心 恻怛之心 T - 3 cè dá zhī xīn f /see 惻隱之心|恻隐之心[ce4 yin3 zhi1 xin1]/ 惻隱 恻隐 T - 10 cè yǐn f /compassion/empathetic/ 惻隱之心 恻隐之心 T - 200 cè yǐn zhī xīn f /compassion/ 愀 - 28 qiǎo f /change countenance/worry/ 愁 - 1179 chóu f /to worry about/ 愁眉不展 - 42 chóu méi bù zhǎn f /with a worried frown/ 愁眉苦脸 愁眉苦臉 S - 152 chóu méi kǔ liǎn f /to look anxious (idiom)/to look miserable/ 愁眉苦臉 愁眉苦脸 T - 152 chóu méi kǔ liǎn f /to look anxious (idiom)/to look miserable/ 愁緒 愁绪 T - 25 chóu xù f /melancholy/ 愁绪 愁緒 S - 25 chóu xù f /melancholy/ 愁肠 愁腸 S - 35 chóu cháng f /anxiety/worries/ 愁肠百结 愁腸百結 S - 16 chóu cháng bǎi jié f /hundred knots of worry in one's intestines (idiom); weighed down with anxiety/ 愁腸 愁肠 T - 35 chóu cháng f /anxiety/worries/ 愁腸百結 愁肠百结 T - 16 chóu cháng bǎi jié f /hundred knots of worry in one's intestines (idiom); weighed down with anxiety/ 愁苦 - 111 chóu kǔ f /anxiety/distress/ 愃 - 2 xuān f /well-being/ 愆 - 67 qiān f /fault/transgression/ 愆 諐 S - 67 qiān f /old variant of 愆[qian1]/ 愆尤 - 3 qiān yóu f /crime/offense/fault/ 愆期 - 3 qiān qī f /(formal) to delay/to miss a deadline/to fail to do sth at the appointed time/ 愈 3710 2641 yù f /the more...(the more...)/to recover/to heal/better/ 愈 癒 S 3710 2641 yù f /variant of 愈[yu4]/to heal/ 愈來愈 愈来愈 T - 659 yù lái yù f /more and more/ 愈加 - 354 yù jiā f /all the more/even more/further/ 愈发 愈發 S - 399 yù fā f /all the more/increasingly/ 愈合 - 609 yù hé f /to heal/to fuse/ 愈复 癒復 S - 0 yù fù f /recovery (after illness)/ 愈描愈黑 - 0 yù miáo yù hēi f /see 越描越黑[yue4 miao2 yue4 hei1]/ 愈来愈 愈來愈 S - 659 yù lái yù f /more and more/ 愈演愈烈 - 208 yù yǎn yù liè f /ever more critical/problems get more and more intense/ 愈發 愈发 T - 399 yù fā f /all the more/increasingly/ 愈益 - 147 yù yì f /increasingly/more and more/ 愉 - 257 yú f /pleased/ 愉快 820 1193 yú kuài f /cheerful/cheerily/delightful/pleasant/pleasantly/pleasing/happy/delighted/ 愉悅 愉悦 T - 249 yú yuè f /joyful/cheerful/delighted/joy/delight/ 愉悦 愉悅 S - 249 yú yuè f /joyful/cheerful/delighted/joy/delight/ 愊 - 0 bì f /melancholy/sincere/ 愍 - 52 mǐn f /variant of 憫|悯[min3]/ 愎 - 32 bì f /perverse/obstinate/willful/ 意 - 12995 Yì f /Italy/Italian/abbr. for 意大利[Yi4 da4 li4]/ 意 - 12995 yì f /idea/meaning/thought/to think/wish/desire/intention/to expect/to anticipate/ 意下如何 - 3 yì xià rú hé f /how about it?/what do you think?/ 意中 - 77 yì zhōng f /according with one's wish or expectation/ 意中事 - 0 yì zhōng shì f /sth that is expected or wished for/ 意中人 - 83 yì zhōng rén f /sweetheart/one's true love/the person of one's thoughts/ 意义 意義 S 1282 8729 yì yì f /sense/meaning/significance/importance/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 意义变化 意義變化 S - 0 yì yì biàn huà f /change of meaning/ 意乐 意樂 S - 0 yì lè f /joy/happiness/ 意会 意會 S - 34 yì huì f /to sense/to grasp intuitively/ 意兴 意興 S - 37 yì xìng f /interest/enthusiasm/ 意即 - 0 yì jí f /which means/(this) means (that)/ 意向 4526 372 yì xiàng f /intention/purpose/intent/inclination/disposition/ 意向书 意向書 S - 49 yì xiàng shū f /letter of intent (LOI) (commerce)/ 意向書 意向书 T - 49 yì xiàng shū f /letter of intent (LOI) (commerce)/ 意味 - 566 yì wèi f /meaning/implication/flavor/overtone/to mean/to imply/(Tw) to get a sense of/ 意味深長 意味深长 T - 157 yì wèi shēn cháng f /profound/significant/meaningful/ 意味深长 意味深長 S - 157 yì wèi shēn cháng f /profound/significant/meaningful/ 意味着 意味著 S 2533 2304 yì wèi zhe f /to signify/to mean/to imply/ 意味著 意味着 T 2533 2304 yì wèi zhe f /to signify/to mean/to imply/ 意图 意圖 S 3229 873 yì tú f /intent/intention/to intend/ 意圖 意图 T 3229 873 yì tú f /intent/intention/to intend/ 意境 - 436 yì jìng f /artistic mood or conception/creative concept/ 意外 1348 2197 yì wài f /unexpected/accident/mishap/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 意外事故 - 3 yì wài shì gù f /accident/ 意大利 - 4556 Yì dà lì f /Italy/Italian/ 意大利人 - 197 Yì dà lì rén f /Italian person/ 意大利直面 意大利直麵 S - 0 Yì dà lì zhí miàn f /spaghetti/ 意大利直麵 意大利直面 T - 0 Yì dà lì zhí miàn f /spaghetti/ 意大利語 意大利语 T - 81 Yì dà lì yǔ f /Italian (language)/ 意大利语 意大利語 S - 81 Yì dà lì yǔ f /Italian (language)/ 意大利青瓜 - 0 Yì dà lì qīng guā f /zucchini/ 意大利面 意大利麵 S - 0 Yì dà lì miàn f /spaghetti/pasta/ 意大利麵 意大利面 T - 0 Yì dà lì miàn f /spaghetti/pasta/ 意存笔先,画尽意在 意存筆先,畫盡意在 S - 0 yì cún bǐ xiān , huà jìn yì zài f /the idea is present before the first stroke of the brush, when the last stroke is placed the idea shines through/ 意存筆先,畫盡意在 意存笔先,画尽意在 T - 0 yì cún bǐ xiān , huà jìn yì zài f /the idea is present before the first stroke of the brush, when the last stroke is placed the idea shines through/ 意式浓缩咖啡 意式濃縮咖啡 S - 0 yì shì nóng suō kā fēi f /espresso/Italian style strong coffee/ 意式濃縮咖啡 意式浓缩咖啡 T - 0 yì shì nóng suō kā fēi f /espresso/Italian style strong coffee/ 意志 2930 2040 yì zhì f /will/willpower/determination/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 意志力 - 40 yì zhì lì f /willpower/ 意念 - 102 yì niàn f /idea/thought/ 意念移物 - 0 yì niàn yí wù f /telekinesis/ 意态 意態 S - 3 yì tài f /bearing/attitude/ 意思 200 6089 yì si f /idea/opinion/meaning/wish/desire/interest/fun/token of appreciation, affection etc/CL:個|个[ge4]/to give as a small token/to do sth as a gesture of goodwill etc/ 意想不到 - 415 yì xiǎng bù dào f /unexpected/previously unimagined/ 意愿 意願 S - 654 yì yuàn f /aspiration/wish (for)/desire/ 意態 意态 T - 3 yì tài f /bearing/attitude/ 意指 - 3 yì zhǐ f /to mean/to imply/ 意料 3705 297 yì liào f /to anticipate/to expect/ 意料之中 - 92 yì liào zhī zhōng f /to come as no surprise/as expected/ 意料之外 - 336 yì liào zhī wài f /contrary to expectation/unexpected/ 意會 意会 T - 34 yì huì f /to sense/to grasp intuitively/ 意樂 意乐 T - 0 yì lè f /joy/happiness/ 意气用事 意氣用事 S - 42 yì qì yòng shì f /to let emotions affect one's decisions/ 意气相投 意氣相投 S - 24 yì qì xiāng tóu f /congenial/ 意气风发 意氣風發 S - 75 yì qì fēng fā f /high-spirited/full of mettle/ 意氣用事 意气用事 T - 42 yì qì yòng shì f /to let emotions affect one's decisions/ 意氣相投 意气相投 T - 24 yì qì xiāng tóu f /congenial/ 意氣風發 意气风发 T - 75 yì qì fēng fā f /high-spirited/full of mettle/ 意涵 - 3 yì hán f /implication/connotation/ 意淫 - 3 yì yín f /to fantasize/sexual fantasy/ 意犹未尽 意猶未盡 S - 71 yì yóu wèi jìn f /to wish to continue sth/to have not fully expressed oneself/ 意猶未盡 意犹未尽 T - 71 yì yóu wèi jìn f /to wish to continue sth/to have not fully expressed oneself/ 意符 - 0 yì fú f /part of Chinese character indicating the meaning/also called significative or radical/ 意第緒語 意第绪语 T - 0 Yì dì xù yǔ f /Yiddish language/ 意第绪语 意第緒語 S - 0 Yì dì xù yǔ f /Yiddish language/ 意義 意义 T 1282 8729 yì yì f /sense/meaning/significance/importance/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 意義變化 意义变化 T - 0 yì yì biàn huà f /change of meaning/ 意興 意兴 T - 37 yì xìng f /interest/enthusiasm/ 意蕴 意蘊 S - 46 yì yùn f /inner meaning/implication/connotation/ 意蘊 意蕴 T - 46 yì yùn f /inner meaning/implication/connotation/ 意見 意见 T 801 10329 yì jiàn f /idea/opinion/suggestion/objection/complaint/CL:點|点[dian3],條|条[tiao2]/ 意見不合 意见不合 T - 0 yì jiàn bù hé f /to disagree/dissent/ 意見箱 意见箱 T - 12 yì jiàn xiāng f /suggestion box/ 意见 意見 S 801 10329 yì jiàn f /idea/opinion/suggestion/objection/complaint/CL:點|点[dian3],條|条[tiao2]/ 意见不合 意見不合 S - 0 yì jiàn bù hé f /to disagree/dissent/ 意见箱 意見箱 S - 12 yì jiàn xiāng f /suggestion box/ 意謂 意谓 T - 32 yì wèi f /to mean/meaning/ 意識 意识 T 2526 4907 yì shí f /consciousness/awareness/to be aware/to realize/ 意識型態 意识型态 T - 0 yì shí xíng tài f /variant of 意識形態|意识形态[yi4 shi2 xing2 tai4]/ 意識形態 意识形态 T - 497 yì shí xíng tài f /ideology/ 意識流 意识流 T - 44 yì shí liú f /stream of consciousness (in literature)/ 意譯 意译 T - 65 yì yì f /meaning (of foreign expression)/translation of the meaning (as opposed to literal translation 直譯|直译)/paraphrase/free translation/ 意识 意識 S 2526 4907 yì shí f /consciousness/awareness/to be aware/to realize/ 意识型态 意識型態 S - 0 yì shí xíng tài f /variant of 意識形態|意识形态[yi4 shi2 xing2 tai4]/ 意识形态 意識形態 S - 497 yì shí xíng tài f /ideology/ 意识流 意識流 S - 44 yì shí liú f /stream of consciousness (in literature)/ 意译 意譯 S - 65 yì yì f /meaning (of foreign expression)/translation of the meaning (as opposed to literal translation 直譯|直译)/paraphrase/free translation/ 意谓 意謂 S - 32 yì wèi f /to mean/meaning/ 意象 - 115 yì xiàng f /image/imagery/ 意趣 - 82 yì qù f /interest/point of particular charm and interest/ 意面 意麵 S - 3 Yì miàn f /abbr. for 意大利麵|意大利面[Yi4 da4 li4 mian4]/ 意願 意愿 T - 654 yì yuàn f /aspiration/wish (for)/desire/ 意麵 意面 T - 3 Yì miàn f /abbr. for 意大利麵|意大利面[Yi4 da4 li4 mian4]/ 愐 - 0 miǎn f /shy/ 愑 - 0 yǒng f /variant of 悀[yong3]/ 愒 - 6 kài f /to desire/ 愓 - 0 dàng f /profligate/ 愔 - 16 yīn f /peaceful/solemn/ 愕 - 332 è f /startled/ 愕然 - 431 è rán f /stunned/amazed/ 愙 恪 T - 309 kè f /variant of 恪[ke4]/ 愚 - 513 yú f /to be stupid/to cheat or deceive/me or I (modest)/ 愚不可及 - 16 yú bù kě jí f /impossibly stupid/ 愚人 - 33 yú rén f /stupid person/ignoramus/ 愚人節 愚人节 T - 18 yú rén jié f /April fool's day/ 愚人节 愚人節 S - 18 yú rén jié f /April fool's day/ 愚公移山 - 18 yú gōng yí shān f /the old man moves mountains (idiom); fig. where there's a will, there's a way/ 愚妄 - 3 yú wàng f /stupid and arrogant/ 愚孝 - 3 yú xiào f /unquestioning filial piety/ 愚弄 - 99 yú nòng f /to make a fool out of/to fool/to dupe/ 愚弱 - 0 yú ruò f /ignorant and feeble/ 愚意 - 3 yú yì f /my humble opinion/ 愚懦 - 3 yú nuò f /ignorant and weak/ 愚拙 - 8 yú zhuō f /clumsy and stupid/ 愚昧 4333 224 yú mèi f /ignorant/uneducated/ 愚昧无知 愚昧無知 S - 25 yú mèi wú zhī f /stupid and ignorant (idiom)/ 愚昧無知 愚昧无知 T - 25 yú mèi wú zhī f /stupid and ignorant (idiom)/ 愚民 - 47 yú mín f /ignorant masses/to keep the people in ignorance/ 愚氓 - 3 yú méng f /fool/stupid person/ 愚矇 愚蒙 T - 5 yú méng f /ignorant/block-head/ 愚笨 - 28 yú bèn f /stupid/clumsy/ 愚蒙 愚矇 S - 5 yú méng f /ignorant/block-head/ 愚蠢 2549 543 yú chǔn f /silly/stupid/ 愚見 愚见 T - 94 yú jiàn f /my humble opinion/ 愚见 愚見 S - 94 yú jiàn f /my humble opinion/ 愚鈍 愚钝 T - 33 yú dùn f /stupid/slow-witted/ 愚钝 愚鈍 S - 33 yú dùn f /stupid/slow-witted/ 愚陋 - 7 yú lòu f /ignorant and backward/ 愚頑 愚顽 T - 11 yú wán f /ignorant and stubborn/ 愚顽 愚頑 S - 11 yú wán f /ignorant and stubborn/ 愚騃 - 0 yú ái f /stupid/foolish/ 愚魯 愚鲁 T - 29 yú lǔ f /simple-minded and ill-informed/ 愚鲁 愚魯 S - 29 yú lǔ f /simple-minded and ill-informed/ 愛 爱 T 50 14878 ài f /to love/affection/to be fond of/to like/ 愛丁堡 爱丁堡 T - 87 Aì dīng bǎo f /Edinburgh, capital of Scotland/ 愛上 爱上 T - 0 ài shàng f /to fall in love with/to be in love with/ 愛不忍釋 爱不忍释 T - 3 ài bù rěn shì f /to love sth too much to part with it (idiom)/ 愛不釋手 爱不释手 T 4795 48 ài bù shì shǒu f /to love sth too much to part with it (idiom); to fondle admiringly/ 愛之如命 爱之如命 T - 0 ài zhī rú mìng f /inordinately fond of sth/lit. to love it as one's life/ 愛人 爱人 T - 145 ài ren f /spouse (PRC)/lover (non-PRC)/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 愛人如己 爱人如己 T - 3 ài rén rú jǐ f /love others as self/ 愛侶 爱侣 T - 44 ài lǚ f /lovers/ 愛克斯光 爱克斯光 T - 3 ài kè sī guāng f /X-ray (loanword)/Röntgen or Roentgen ray/ 愛克斯射線 爱克斯射线 T - 0 ài kè sī shè xiàn f /X-ray radiation/ 愛別離苦 爱别离苦 T - 3 ài bié lí kǔ f /(Buddhism) the pain of parting with what (or whom) one loves, one of the eight distresses 八苦[ba1 ku3]/ 愛問 爱问 T - 0 Aì wèn f /iAsk.com, the search engine of Sina 新浪/ 愛因斯坦 爱因斯坦 T - 605 Aì yīn sī tǎn f /Albert Einstein (1879-1955), famous Austrian physicist/ 愛國 爱国 T - 6444 ài guó f /to love one's country/patriotic/ 愛國主義 爱国主义 T - 513 ài guó zhǔ yì f /patriotism/ 愛國如家 爱国如家 T - 3 ài guó rú jiā f /to love one's country as one's own family (praise for a virtuous ruler)/ 愛國者 爱国者 T - 306 Aì guó zhě f /MIM-104 Patriot surface-to-air missile/ 愛國者 爱国者 T - 306 ài guó zhě t /patriot/ 愛國衛生運動委員會 爱国卫生运动委员会 T - 0 Aì guó Wèi shēng Yùn dòng Wěi yuán huì f /Patriotic Health Committee/ 愛奧尼亞海 爱奥尼亚海 T - 0 Aì ào ní yà Hǎi f /Ionian Sea between Italy and Greece/ 愛奧華 爱奥华 T - 0 Aì ào huá f /Iowa, US state/ 愛奧華州 爱奥华州 T - 0 Aì ào huá zhōu f /Iowa, US state/ 愛奴 爱奴 T - 3 Aì nú f /see 阿伊努[A1 yi1 nu3]/ 愛好 爱好 T 562 810 ài hào f /to like/to take pleasure in/keen on/fond of/interest/hobby/appetite for/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 愛好者 爱好者 T - 445 ài hào zhě f /lover (of art, sports etc)/amateur/enthusiast/fan/ 愛子 爱子 T - 121 ài zǐ f /beloved son/ 愛將 爱将 T - 83 ài jiàng f /trusted lieutenant/ 愛屋及烏 爱屋及乌 T - 28 ài wū jí wū f /lit. love the house and its crow (idiom); involvement with sb and everyone connected/Love me, love my dog./ 愛屋及鳥 爱屋及鸟 T - 0 ài wū jí niǎo f /see 愛屋及烏|爱屋及乌[ai4 wu1 ji2 wu1]/ 愛崗敬業 爱岗敬业 T - 19 ài gǎng jìng yè f /industrious and hard-working/conscientious and meticulous/ 愛州 爱州 T - 0 Aì zhōu f /Iowa, US state/abbr. for 愛奧華州|爱奥华州/ 愛得死去活來 爱得死去活来 T - 0 ài de sǐ qù huó lái f /to be madly in love/ 愛德 爱德 T - 5 Aì dé f /Aide (brand)/ 愛德斯沃爾 爱德斯沃尔 T - 0 Aì dé sī wò ěr f /Eidsvoll (city in Norway)/ 愛德玲 爱德玲 T - 0 Aì dé líng f /Adeline (name)/ 愛德華 爱德华 T - 140 Aì dé huá f /Edward/Édouard (name)/ 愛德華·達拉第 爱德华·达拉第 T - 0 Aì dé huá · Dá lā dì f /Édouard Daladier (1884-1970), French politician/ 愛德華島 爱德华岛 T - 0 Aì dé huá Dǎo f /Prince Edward Island, province of Canada/ 愛德華王子島 爱德华王子岛 T - 0 Aì dé huá Wáng zǐ Dǎo f /Prince Edward Island (province of Canada)/ 愛德華茲 爱德华兹 T - 30 Aì dé huá zī f /Edwards (name)/ 愛心 爱心 T 2241 646 ài xīn f /compassion/kindness/care for others/love/CL:片[pian4]/charity (bazaar, golf day etc)/heart (the symbol ♥)/ 愛情 爱情 T 859 2606 ài qíng f /romance/love (romantic)/CL:個|个[ge4],份[fen4]/ 愛情喜劇 爱情喜剧 T - 3 ài qíng xǐ jù f /romantic comedy/ 愛情征服一切 爱情征服一切 T - 0 ài qíng zhēng fú yī qiè f /love conquers all/omnia vincit amor/ 愛情片 爱情片 T - 3 ài qíng piàn f /romance film/ 愛惜 爱惜 T 2462 253 ài xī f /to cherish/to treasure/to use sparingly/ 愛意 爱意 T - 45 ài yì f /love/ 愛愛 爱爱 T - 0 ài ai f /(coll.) to make love/ 愛慕 爱慕 T - 149 ài mù f /to adore/to admire/ 愛慕虛榮 爱慕虚荣 T - 0 ài mù xū róng f /vain/ 愛憎 爱憎 T - 96 ài zēng f /love and hate/ 愛憎分明 爱憎分明 T - 26 ài zēng fēn míng f /to make a clear difference between what one likes and what one hates/to have well-defined likes and dislikes/ 愛憐 爱怜 T - 130 ài lián f /to show tenderness/to coo over/affection/ 愛戀 爱恋 T - 69 ài liàn f /in love with/to feel deeply attached to/ 愛戴 爱戴 T 3962 185 ài dài f /to love and respect/love and respect/ 愛撫 爱抚 T - 75 ài fǔ f /to caress/to fondle/to look after (tenderly)/affectionate care/ 愛斯基摩 爱斯基摩 T - 60 Aì sī jī mó f /Eskimo/Inuit/ 愛斯基摩人 爱斯基摩人 T - 0 Aì sī jī mó rén f /Eskimo/also called Inuit 因紐特|因纽特/ 愛新覺羅 爱新觉罗 T - 76 Aì xīn Jué luó f /Aisin Gioro, family name of the Manchu emperors of the Qing dynasty/ 愛昵 爱昵 T - 3 ài nì f /intimate/loving/ 愛晚亭 爱晚亭 T - 0 Aì wǎn Tíng f /Aiwan Pavilion, on Mt Yuelu 岳麓山 in Hubei, famous beauty spot/ 愛普生 爱普生 T - 8 Aì pǔ shēng f /Epson, Japanese electronics company/ 愛樂 爱乐 T - 21 ài yuè f /music-loving/philharmonic/ 愛樂樂團 爱乐乐团 T - 22 ài yuè yuè tuán f /philharmonic orchestra/ 愛死病 爱死病 T - 0 ài sǐ bìng f /AIDS (loanword)/ 愛民 爱民 T - 107 Aì mín f /Aimin district of Mudanjiang city 牡丹江市, Heilongjiang/ 愛民區 爱民区 T - 3 Aì mín qū f /Aimin district of Mudanjiang city 牡丹江市, Heilongjiang/ 愛民如子 爱民如子 T - 13 ài mín rú zǐ f /to love the common people as one's own children (praise for a virtuous ruler)/ 愛沙尼亞 爱沙尼亚 T - 178 Aì shā ní yà f /Estonia/ 愛河 爱河 T - 49 ài hé f /the river of love/a stumbling block on the path to enlightenment (Buddhism)/ 愛滋 爱滋 T - 3 ài zī f /AIDS (loanword)/see also 愛滋病|爱滋病[ai4 zi1 bing4]/ 愛滋病 爱滋病 T - 14 ài zī bìng f /variant of 艾滋病[ai4 zi1 bing4]/ 愛滋病毒 爱滋病毒 T - 0 ài zī bìng dú f /HIV/the AIDS virus/ 愛漂亮 爱漂亮 T - 0 ài piào liang f /to like looking attractive (usually of girls)/aestheticism/ 愛爾蘭 爱尔兰 T - 669 Aì ěr lán f /Ireland/ 愛爾蘭人 爱尔兰人 T - 51 Aì ěr lán rén f /Irish person/ 愛爾蘭共和國 爱尔兰共和国 T - 13 Aì ěr lán Gòng hé guó f /Republic of Ireland/ 愛爾蘭共和軍 爱尔兰共和军 T - 11 Aì ěr lán Gòng hé jūn f /Irish Republican Army/ 愛爾蘭海 爱尔兰海 T - 0 Aì ěr lán Hǎi f /Irish Sea between Ireland and north England/ 愛爾蘭語 爱尔兰语 T - 3 Aì ěr lán yǔ f /Irish language/ 愛犬 爱犬 T - 6 ài quǎn f /beloved pet dog/ 愛玉子 爱玉子 T - 0 ài yù zǐ f /jelly fig seed (used in TCM)/Ficus Awkeotsang/ 愛現 爱现 T - 3 ài xiàn f /(coll.) to enjoy showing off/ 愛理不理 爱理不理 T - 34 ài lǐ bù lǐ f /to look cold and indifferent/standoffish/ 愛琴 爱琴 T - 41 Aì qín f /Aegean (sea between Greece and Turkey)/ 愛琴海 爱琴海 T - 160 Aì qín Hǎi f /Aegean Sea/ 愛瑪 爱玛 T - 17 Aì mǎ f /Emma (name)/ 愛瑪·沃特森 爱玛·沃特森 T - 0 Aì mǎ · Wò tè sēn f /Emma Watson (1990-), British actress/ 愛留根納 爱留根纳 T - 0 Aì liú gēn nà f /Eriugena, John Scottus (c. 810-880) Irish poet, theologian, and philosopher of Neoplatonism/ 愛瘋 爱疯 T - 0 ài Fēng f /iPhone (slang)/ 愛知 爱知 T - 6 Aì zhī f /Aichi (prefecture in Japan)/ 愛知縣 爱知县 T - 11 Aì zhī xiàn f /Aichi prefecture, central Japan/ 愛神 爱神 T - 48 ài shén f /god of love/ 愛稱 爱称 T - 7 ài chēng f /term of endearment/pet name/diminutive/ 愛窩窩 爱窝窝 T - 8 ài wō wo f /glutinous rice cake with a sweet filling/also written 艾窩窩|艾窝窝[ai4 wo1 wo5]/ 愛立信 爱立信 T - 141 Aì lì xìn f /Ericsson (Swedish telecommunications company)/ 愛經 爱经 T - 0 Aì jīng f /Kama Sutra/ 愛維養 爱维养 T - 0 Aì wéi yǎng f /Evian, mineral water company (Tw)/ 愛美 爱美 T - 137 ài měi f /love of beauty/wishing to appear beautiful/to set store by one's appearance/ 愛美之心,人皆有之 爱美之心,人皆有之 T - 0 ài měi zhī xīn , rén jiē yǒu zhī f /everyone loves beauty (idiom)/ 愛耳日 爱耳日 T - 3 Aì ěr rì f /Ear Care Day (March 3)/ 愛能移山 爱能移山 T - 0 ài néng yí shān f /love can move mountains/ 愛荷華 爱荷华 T - 13 Aì hé huá f /Iowa, US state (Tw)/ 愛莉絲 爱莉丝 T - 0 Aì lì sī f /Iris (name)/ 愛莫利維爾 爱莫利维尔 T - 0 Aì mò lì wéi ěr f /Emeryville, town on San Fransico bay, California/ 愛莫能助 爱莫能助 T - 31 ài mò néng zhù f /unable to help however much one would like to (idiom); Although we sympathize, there is no way to help you./My hands are tied./ 愛衛會 爱卫会 T - 6 Aì Wèi Huì f /Patriotic Health Committee, abbr. of 愛國衛生運動委員會|爱国卫生运动委员会[Ai4 guo2 Wei4 sheng1 Yun4 dong4 Wei3 yuan2 hui4]/ 愛詞霸 爱词霸 T - 0 Aì cí bà f /iCIBA, online dictionary by Kingsoft Corporation, at www.iciba.com/ 愛誰誰 爱谁谁 T - 0 ài shéi shéi f /(coll.) whatever/who cares/ 愛護 爱护 T 2379 436 ài hù f /to cherish/to treasure/to take care of/to love and protect/ 愛財 爱财 T - 3 ài cái f /avaricious/ 愛財如命 爱财如命 T - 3 ài cái rú mìng f /lit. to love money as much as one's own life (idiom)/fig. avaricious/tightfisted/ 愛輝 爱辉 T - 13 Aì huī f /Aihui district of Heihe city 黑河[Hei1 he2], Heilongjiang/ 愛輝區 爱辉区 T - 3 Aì huī qū f /Aihui district of Heihe city 黑河[Hei1 he2], Heilongjiang/ 愛迪生 爱迪生 T - 65 Aì dí shēng f /Edison (name)/Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), American inventor and businessman/ 愛遊玩 爱游玩 T - 0 ài yóu wán f /playful/ 愛達荷 爱达荷 T - 3 Aì dá hé f /Idaho, US state/ 愛達荷州 爱达荷州 T - 11 Aì dá hé zhōu f /Idaho, US state/ 愛面子 爱面子 T - 11 ài miàn zi f /to save face/to worry about losing face/proud of one's reputation/sensitive about losing prestige/sense of propriety/ 愛馬仕 爱马仕 T - 13 Aì mǎ shì f /Hermès (brand)/ 愛麗思泉 爱丽思泉 T - 0 Aì lí sī quán f /Alice Springs, town in central Australia/ 愛麗捨宮 爱丽舍宫 T - 13 Aì lì shě Gōng f /Elysée Palace, the residence of the president of the French Republic/ 愛麗絲 爱丽丝 T - 70 Aì lì sī f /Alice (name)/ 愛麗絲漫遊奇境記 爱丽丝漫游奇境记 T - 0 Aì lì sī Màn yóu Qí jìng Jì f /Alice in Wonderland/ 愜 惬 T - 14 qiè f /cheerful/satisfied/ 愜意 惬意 T - 298 qiè yì f /satisfied/pleased/contented/ 感 - 5722 gǎn f /to feel/to move/to touch/to affect/feeling/emotion/(suffix) sense of ~/ 感人 - 391 gǎn rén f /touching/moving/ 感伤 感傷 S - 144 gǎn shāng f /sad/down-hearted/sentimental/pathos/melancholy/ 感佩 - 28 gǎn pèi f /to admire with gratitude/ 感傷 感伤 T - 144 gǎn shāng f /sad/down-hearted/sentimental/pathos/melancholy/ 感光 - 166 gǎn guāng f /light-sensitive/ 感兴趣 感興趣 S 596 33 gǎn xìng qù f /to be interested/ 感冒 561 604 gǎn mào f /to catch cold/(common) cold/CL:場|场[chang2],次[ci4]/(coll.) to be interested in (often used in the negative)/(Tw) to detest/can't stand/ 感冒药 感冒藥 S - 32 gǎn mào yào f /medicine for colds/ 感冒藥 感冒药 T - 32 gǎn mào yào f /medicine for colds/ 感到 - 9561 gǎn dào f /to feel/to sense/to have the feeling that/to think that/to move/to affect/ 感动 感動 S 1051 1839 gǎn dòng f /to move (sb)/to touch (sb emotionally)/moving/ 感動 感动 T 1051 1839 gǎn dòng f /to move (sb)/to touch (sb emotionally)/moving/ 感化 - 81 gǎn huà f /corrective influence/to reform (a criminal)/redemption (of a sinner)/to influence (a malefactor to a better life)/to guide sb back to the right path by repeated word and example/ 感化院 - 7 gǎn huà yuàn f /reformatory/reform school/ 感发 感發 S - 3 gǎn fā f /to move and inspire/ 感受 1337 2620 gǎn shòu f /to sense/perception/to feel (through the senses)/to experience/a feeling/an impression/an experience/ 感受器 - 208 gǎn shòu qì f /sensory receptor/ 感召 - 62 gǎn zhào f /to move and appeal/to rally to a cause/to impel/to inspire/ 感召力 - 30 gǎn zhào lì f /appeal/attraction/charisma/ 感叹 感嘆 S - 729 gǎn tàn f /to sigh (with feeling)/to lament/ 感叹句 感嘆句 S - 3 gǎn tàn jù f /exclamation/exclamatory phrase/ 感叹号 感嘆號 S - 13 gǎn tàn hào f /exclamation mark ! (punct.)/ 感叹词 感嘆詞 S - 2 gǎn tàn cí f /interjection (part of speech)/exclamation/ 感叹语 感嘆語 S - 0 gǎn tàn yǔ f /exclamation/expletive/ 感同身受 - 32 gǎn tóng shēn shòu f /to feel as if it had happened to oneself/to sympathize/(polite expression of gratitude for a favor received by a friend etc) I take it as a personal favor/ 感喟 - 8 gǎn kuì f /sighing with emotion/ 感嘆 感叹 T - 729 gǎn tàn f /to sigh (with feeling)/to lament/ 感嘆句 感叹句 T - 3 gǎn tàn jù f /exclamation/exclamatory phrase/ 感嘆號 感叹号 T - 13 gǎn tàn hào f /exclamation mark ! (punct.)/ 感嘆詞 感叹词 T - 2 gǎn tàn cí f /interjection (part of speech)/exclamation/ 感嘆語 感叹语 T - 0 gǎn tàn yǔ f /exclamation/expletive/ 感奋 感奮 S - 30 gǎn fèn f /moved and inspired/fired with enthusiasm/ 感奮 感奋 T - 30 gǎn fèn f /moved and inspired/fired with enthusiasm/ 感官 - 172 gǎn guān f /sense/sense organ/ 感应 感應 S - 511 gǎn yìng f /response/reaction/interaction/irritability (biol.)/induction (elec.)/inductance/ 感应器 感應器 S - 17 gǎn yìng qì f /inductor (elec.)/ 感应线圈 感應線圈 S - 0 gǎn yìng xiàn quān f /induction coil/solenoid/ 感念 - 66 gǎn niàn f /to recall fondly/to remember with emotion/ 感怀 感懷 S - 45 gǎn huái f /to recall with emotion/to feel sentiments/ 感性 - 257 gǎn xìng f /perception/perceptual/sensibility/sensitive/emotional/sentimental/ 感性認識 感性认识 T - 48 gǎn xìng rèn shi f /perceptual awareness/ 感性认识 感性認識 S - 48 gǎn xìng rèn shi f /perceptual awareness/ 感恩 - 182 gǎn ēn f /thanksgiving/ 感恩图报 感恩圖報 S - 32 gǎn ēn tú bào f /grateful and seeking to repay the kindness (idiom)/ 感恩圖報 感恩图报 T - 32 gǎn ēn tú bào f /grateful and seeking to repay the kindness (idiom)/ 感恩戴德 - 32 gǎn ēn dài dé f /deeply grateful/ 感恩節 感恩节 T - 20 Gǎn ēn jié f /Thanksgiving Day/ 感恩节 感恩節 S - 20 Gǎn ēn jié f /Thanksgiving Day/ 感悟 - 202 gǎn wù f /to come to realize/to appreciate (feelings)/ 感情 818 3806 gǎn qíng f /feeling/emotion/sensation/likes and dislikes/deep affection for sb or sth/relationship (i.e. love affair)/CL:個|个[ge4],種|种[zhong3]/ 感情用事 - 102 gǎn qíng yòng shì f /to act impetuously (idiom); on an impulse/ 感想 2237 141 gǎn xiǎng f /impressions/reflections/thoughts/CL:通[tong4],個|个[ge4]/ 感愤 感憤 S - 3 gǎn fèn f /moved to anger/indignant/ 感愧 - 3 gǎn kuì f /to feel gratitude mixed with shame/ 感慨 4885 747 gǎn kǎi f /to sigh with sorrow, regret etc/rueful/deeply moved/ 感憤 感愤 T - 3 gǎn fèn f /moved to anger/indignant/ 感應 感应 T - 511 gǎn yìng f /response/reaction/interaction/irritability (biol.)/induction (elec.)/inductance/ 感應器 感应器 T - 17 gǎn yìng qì f /inductor (elec.)/ 感應線圈 感应线圈 T - 0 gǎn yìng xiàn quān f /induction coil/solenoid/ 感懷 感怀 T - 45 gǎn huái f /to recall with emotion/to feel sentiments/ 感戴 - 3 gǎn dài f /sincerely grateful/ 感染 2624 2282 gǎn rǎn f /infection/to infect/to influence/ 感染人数 感染人數 S - 0 gǎn rǎn rén shù f /number of infected persons/ 感染人數 感染人数 T - 0 gǎn rǎn rén shù f /number of infected persons/ 感染力 - 157 gǎn rǎn lì f /inspiration/infectious (enthusiasm)/ 感染性腹泻 感染性腹瀉 S - 0 gǎn rǎn xìng fù xiè f /infective diarrhea/ 感染性腹瀉 感染性腹泻 T - 0 gǎn rǎn xìng fù xiè f /infective diarrhea/ 感染率 - 17 gǎn rǎn lǜ f /rate of infection (usu. of a disease)/ 感染者 - 112 gǎn rǎn zhě f /infected person/ 感激 1408 1567 gǎn jī f /to be grateful/to appreciate/thankful/ 感激不尽 感激不盡 S - 84 gǎn jī bù jìn f /can't thank sb enough (idiom)/ 感激不盡 感激不尽 T - 84 gǎn jī bù jìn f /can't thank sb enough (idiom)/ 感激涕零 - 54 gǎn jī tì líng f /to shed tears of gratitude (idiom); moved to tears/ 感發 感发 T - 3 gǎn fā f /to move and inspire/ 感知 - 284 gǎn zhī f /perception/awareness/ 感知力 - 3 gǎn zhī lì f /perceptive/perceptivity/ 感興趣 感兴趣 T 596 33 gǎn xìng qù f /to be interested/ 感覺 感觉 T 615 7767 gǎn jué f /to feel/to become aware of/feeling/sense/perception/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 感覺到 感觉到 T - 0 gǎn jué dào f /to feel/to sense/to detect/to perceive/to become aware/ 感覺器 感觉器 T - 3 gǎn jué qì f /sense organ/ 感覺器官 感觉器官 T - 60 gǎn jué qì guān f /sense organs/the five senses/ 感觉 感覺 S 615 7767 gǎn jué f /to feel/to become aware of/feeling/sense/perception/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 感觉到 感覺到 S - 0 gǎn jué dào f /to feel/to sense/to detect/to perceive/to become aware/ 感觉器 感覺器 S - 3 gǎn jué qì f /sense organ/ 感觉器官 感覺器官 S - 60 gǎn jué qì guān f /sense organs/the five senses/ 感触 感觸 S - 193 gǎn chù f /one's thoughts and feelings/emotional stirring/moved/touched/ 感觸 感触 T - 193 gǎn chù f /one's thoughts and feelings/emotional stirring/moved/touched/ 感謝 感谢 T 650 1710 gǎn xiè f /(express) thanks/gratitude/grateful/thankful/thanks/ 感谢 感謝 S 650 1710 gǎn xiè f /(express) thanks/gratitude/grateful/thankful/thanks/ 感質 感质 T - 0 gǎn zhì f /qualia (philosophy)/ 感质 感質 S - 0 gǎn zhì f /qualia (philosophy)/ 感遇 - 5 gǎn yù f /gratitude for good treatment/to sigh/to lament/ 感遇詩 感遇诗 T - 0 gǎn yù shī f /a lament (poem)/ 感遇诗 感遇詩 S - 0 gǎn yù shī f /a lament (poem)/ 愠 慍 S - 103 yùn f /indignant/feel hurt/ 愠怒 慍怒 S - 28 yùn nù f /inwardly angry/indignant/sulking/sullen/ 愣 4223 1693 lèng f /to look distracted/to stare blankly/distracted/blank/(coll.) unexpectedly/rash/rashly/ 愣劲儿 愣勁兒 S - 0 lèng jìn r f /dash/pep/vigor/ 愣勁兒 愣劲儿 T - 0 lèng jìn r f /dash/pep/vigor/ 愣头儿青 愣頭兒青 S - 0 lèng tóu r qīng f /hothead/rash individual/ 愣头愣脑 愣頭愣腦 S - 7 lèng tóu lèng nǎo f /rash/impetuous/reckless/ 愣干 - 0 lèng gàn f /to do things recklessly/to persist in doing sth in one's own way/ 愣神儿 愣神兒 S - 6 lèng shén r f /to stare blankly/to be in a daze/ 愣神兒 愣神儿 T - 6 lèng shén r f /to stare blankly/to be in a daze/ 愣說 愣说 T - 0 lèng shuō f /to insist/to allege/to assert/ 愣说 愣說 S - 0 lèng shuō f /to insist/to allege/to assert/ 愣頭兒青 愣头儿青 T - 0 lèng tóu r qīng f /hothead/rash individual/ 愣頭愣腦 愣头愣脑 T - 7 lèng tóu lèng nǎo f /rash/impetuous/reckless/ 愤 憤 S - 497 fèn f /indignant/anger/resentment/ 愤世嫉俗 憤世嫉俗 S - 33 fèn shì jí sú f /to be cynical/to be embittered/ 愤富 憤富 S - 0 fèn fù f /to hate the rich/ 愤怒 憤怒 S 2605 2197 fèn nù f /angry/indignant/wrath/ire/ 愤恨 憤恨 S - 219 fèn hèn f /to hate/hatred/to resent/embittered/ 愤愤 憤憤 S - 127 fèn fèn f /extremely angry/ 愤愤不平 憤憤不平 S - 101 fèn fèn bù píng f /to feel indignant/to feel aggrieved/ 愤慨 憤慨 S - 535 fèn kǎi f /to resent/resentment/ 愤懑 憤懣 S - 130 fèn mèn f /depressed/resentful/discontented/indignant/perturbed/ 愤激 憤激 S - 81 fèn jī f /indignant/outraged/ 愤青 憤青 S - 3 fèn qīng f /angry youth/positive term used to describe young Chinese with extreme nationalistic tendencies/see also 糞青|粪青[fen4 qing1]/ 愦 憒 S - 30 kuì f /confused/troubled/ 愧 媿 S - 352 kuì f /old variant of 愧[kui4]/ 愧 - 352 kuì f /ashamed/ 愧不敢当 愧不敢當 S - 3 kuì bù gǎn dāng f /lit. I'm ashamed and dare not (accept the honor); fig. I do not deserve your praise./You flatter me too much./ 愧不敢當 愧不敢当 T - 3 kuì bù gǎn dāng f /lit. I'm ashamed and dare not (accept the honor); fig. I do not deserve your praise./You flatter me too much./ 愧怍 - 0 kuì zuò f /ashamed/ 愧恨 - 3 kuì hèn f /ashamed and sorry/suffering shame and remorse/ 愧悔无地 愧悔無地 S - 3 kuì huǐ wú dì f /ashamed and unable to show one's face (idiom)/ 愧悔無地 愧悔无地 T - 3 kuì huǐ wú dì f /ashamed and unable to show one's face (idiom)/ 愧汗 - 3 kuì hàn f /sweating from shame/extremely ashamed/ 愧疚 - 149 kuì jiù f /to feel guilty/ashamed and uneasy/ 愧色 - 45 kuì sè f /ashamed look/ 愧赧 - 3 kuì nǎn f /to blush in shame/red-faced/ 愨 悫 T - 12 què f /honest/ 愫 - 30 sù f /guileless/sincere/ 愬 - 521 sù f /complain/sue/tell/ 愮 - 203 yáo f /distressed, agitated/ 愯 - 140 sǒng f /old variant of 悚[song3]/ 愴 怆 T - 49 chuàng f /mournful/sad/grieved/sorry/ 愷 恺 T - 141 kǎi f /joyful/kind/ 愷弟 恺弟 T - 0 kǎi tì f /variant of 愷悌|恺悌[kai3 ti4]/ 愷徹 恺彻 T - 0 Kǎi chè f /variant of 愷撒|恺撒, Caesar (emperor) used by Yan Fu 嚴復|严复/ 愷悌 恺悌 T - 0 kǎi tì f /happy and easygoing/friendly/ 愷撒 恺撒 T - 3 Kǎi sǎ f /Caesar (name)/Gaius Julius Caesar 100-42 BC/by extension, emperor, Kaiser, Tsar/ 愼 - 0 shèn f /variant of 慎[shen4]/ 愽 博 T - 774 bó f /old variant of 博[bo2]/ 愾 忾 T - 35 kài f /anger/ 愿 願 S - 6538 yuàn f /to hope/to wish/to desire/hoped-for/ready/willing/sincere/ 愿心 願心 S - 12 yuàn xīn f /a wish/a request (to a deity)/ 愿意 願意 S 371 5538 yuàn yì f /to wish/to want/ready/willing (to do sth)/ 愿景 願景 S - 0 yuàn jǐng f /vision (of the future)/ 愿望 願望 S 1705 1643 yuàn wàng f /desire/wish/ 愿赌服输 願賭服輸 S - 3 yuàn dǔ fú shū f /lit. if you agree to bet you must accept to lose/fig. you bet, you pay/ 愿闻其详 願聞其詳 S - 3 yuàn wén qí xiáng f /I'd like to hear the details/ 慁 - 4 hùn f /confused/dishonor/ 慂 恿 T - 94 yǒng f /old variant of 恿[yong3]/ 慄 栗 T - 235 lì f /afraid/trembling/ 慄然 栗然 T - 3 lì rán f /(literary) shivering/shuddering/ 慅 - 2 sāo f /agitated/ 慆 - 2 tāo f /rejoice/ 慇 - 3 yīn f /solicitous/ 慈 - 687 cí f /compassionate/gentle/merciful/kind/humane/ 慈利 - 38 Cí lì f /Cili county in Zhangjiajie 張家界|张家界[Zhang1 jia1 jie4], Hunan/ 慈利县 慈利縣 S - 5 Cí lì xiàn f /Cili county in Zhangjiajie 張家界|张家界[Zhang1 jia1 jie4], Hunan/ 慈利縣 慈利县 T - 5 Cí lì xiàn f /Cili county in Zhangjiajie 張家界|张家界[Zhang1 jia1 jie4], Hunan/ 慈和 - 69 cí hé f /kindly/amiable/ 慈善 2638 559 cí shàn f /benevolent/charitable/ 慈善家 - 19 cí shàn jiā f /philanthropist/humanitarian/charity donor/ 慈善抽奖 慈善抽獎 S - 0 cí shàn chōu jiǎng f /a raffle (for charity)/ 慈善抽獎 慈善抽奖 T - 0 cí shàn chōu jiǎng f /a raffle (for charity)/ 慈善机构 慈善機構 S - 3 cí shàn jī gòu f /charity/ 慈善機構 慈善机构 T - 3 cí shàn jī gòu f /charity/ 慈善組織 慈善组织 T - 0 cí shàn zǔ zhī f /charity organization/ 慈善组织 慈善組織 S - 0 cí shàn zǔ zhī f /charity organization/ 慈姑 - 15 cí gu f /arrowhead (Sagittaria subulata, a water plant)/ 慈恩宗 - 4 Cí ēn zōng f /see 法相宗[Fa3 xiang4 zong1]/ 慈悲 - 358 cí bēi f /mercy/ 慈悲为本 慈悲為本 S - 3 cí bēi wéi běn f /mercy as the guiding principle (idiom); the Buddhist teaching that nothing is valid except compassion/ 慈悲為本 慈悲为本 T - 3 cí bēi wéi běn f /mercy as the guiding principle (idiom); the Buddhist teaching that nothing is valid except compassion/ 慈愛 慈爱 T - 129 cí ài f /love/devotion (to children)/affection, esp. towards children/ 慈母 - 59 cí mǔ f /warm, caring mother/ 慈江道 - 5 Cí jiāng dào f /Chagang province, at far north of north Korea, adjacent to Jilin/ 慈溪 - 38 Cí xī f /Cixi county level city in Ningbo 寧波|宁波[Ning2 bo1], Zhejiang/ 慈溪市 - 7 Cí xī shì f /Cixi county level city in Ningbo 寧波|宁波[Ning2 bo1], Zhejiang/ 慈照寺 - 0 Cí zhào sì f /Jishōji in northeast Kyōto 京都, Japan, the official name of Ginkakuji or Silver pavilion 銀閣寺|银阁寺[yin2 ge2 si4]/ 慈爱 慈愛 S - 129 cí ài f /love/devotion (to children)/affection, esp. towards children/ 慈眉善目 - 17 cí méi shàn mù f /kind brows, pleasant eyes (idiom); amiable looking/benign-faced/ 慈眉善眼 - 3 cí méi shàn yǎn f /kind brows, pleasant eyes (idiom); amiable looking/benign-faced/ 慈石 - 0 cí shí f /magnetite Fe3O4/ 慈祥 4701 179 cí xiáng f /kindly/benevolent (often of older person)/ 慈福行动 慈福行動 S - 0 cí fú xíng dòng f /Operation Blessing (charitable relief organization)/ 慈福行動 慈福行动 T - 0 cí fú xíng dòng f /Operation Blessing (charitable relief organization)/ 慈禧 - 2353 Cí Xǐ f /Empress Dowager Cixi or Ts'u Hsi (reigned 1861-1908)/ 慈禧太后 - 226 Cí xǐ tài hòu f /Empress Dowager Cixi or Ts'u Hsi (1835-1908), regent 1861-1908/ 慈霭 慈靄 S - 0 cí ǎi f /kindly and amiable/ 慈靄 慈霭 T - 0 cí ǎi f /kindly and amiable/ 慈顏 慈颜 T - 3 cí yán f /one's mother's loving face/ 慈颜 慈顏 S - 3 cí yán f /one's mother's loving face/ 慉 - 0 xù f /to foster/to bear/ 慊 - 137 qiàn t /dissatisfied/ 慊 - 137 qiè f /contented/ 態 态 T - 1666 tài f /(bound form)/appearance/shape/form/state/attitude/(grammar) voice/ 態勢 态势 T - 736 tài shì f /posture/situation/ 態子 态子 T - 0 tài zi f /state of matter (solid, liquid or gas)/ 態射 态射 T - 0 tài shè f /morphism (math.)/homomorphism/ 態度 态度 T 947 5033 tài du f /manner/bearing/attitude/approach/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 態樣 态样 T - 0 tài yàng f /form/pattern/ 態疊加 态叠加 T - 0 tài dié jiā f /superposition of states (quantum mechanics)/ 慌 - 1905 huāng f /to get panicky/to lose one's head/(coll.) (after 得) unbearably/terribly/ 慌乱 慌亂 S - 501 huāng luàn f /frenetic/hurried/ 慌亂 慌乱 T - 501 huāng luàn f /frenetic/hurried/ 慌张 慌張 S 2370 258 huāng zhāng f /confused/flustered/ 慌張 慌张 T 2370 258 huāng zhāng f /confused/flustered/ 慌得 - 0 huāng de f /hurriedly/in a frenzy/ 慌忙 - 672 huāng máng f /in a great rush/in a flurry/ 慌慌张张 慌慌張張 S - 120 huāng huāng zhāng zhāng f /helter-skelter/ 慌慌張張 慌慌张张 T - 120 huāng huāng zhāng zhāng f /helter-skelter/ 慌成一团 慌成一團 S - 3 huāng chéng yī tuán f /(of a group of people) to run about helplessly/ 慌成一團 慌成一团 T - 3 huāng chéng yī tuán f /(of a group of people) to run about helplessly/ 慌神 - 16 huāng shén f /to get agitated/to panic/ 慍 愠 T - 103 yùn f /indignant/feel hurt/ 慍怒 愠怒 T - 28 yùn nù f /inwardly angry/indignant/sulking/sullen/ 慎 - 425 shèn f /careful/cautious/ 慎 昚 S - 425 shèn f /old variant of 慎[shen4]/ 慎入 - 0 shèn rù f /keep away!/proceed with caution!/ 慎密 - 4 shèn mì f /cautious/with meticulous care/ 慎独 慎獨 S - 12 shèn dú f /to preserve a proper behavior in private life/ 慎獨 慎独 T - 12 shèn dú f /to preserve a proper behavior in private life/ 慎終追遠 慎终追远 T - 3 shèn zhōng zhuī yuǎn f /to pay careful attention to one's parents' funerary rites/ 慎终追远 慎終追遠 S - 3 shèn zhōng zhuī yuǎn f /to pay careful attention to one's parents' funerary rites/ 慎言 - 2 shèn yán f /to speak cautiously/to guard one's tongue/ 慎重 3887 600 shèn zhòng f /cautious/careful/prudent/ 慎重其事 - 3 shèn zhòng qí shì f /to treat a matter with due consideration (idiom)/ 慑 慴 S - 211 shè f /terrified/ 慑 懾 S - 211 shè f /afraid/be feared/to fear/to frighten/to intimidate/ 慑服 懾服 S - 26 shè fú f /to overawe/to be scared into submission/ 慕 - 390 mù f /to admire/ 慕丝 慕絲 S - 0 mù sī f /mousse (loanword)/ 慕名 - 351 mù míng f /to admire sb's reputation/to seek out famous person or location/ 慕名而來 慕名而来 T - 29 mù míng ér lái f /to come to a place on account of its reputation (idiom); attracted to visit a famous location/ 慕名而来 慕名而來 S - 29 mù míng ér lái f /to come to a place on account of its reputation (idiom); attracted to visit a famous location/ 慕容 - 753 Mù róng f /a branch of the Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑 nomadic people/two-character surname Murong/ 慕尼黑 - 485 Mù ní hēi f /München or Munich, capital of Bavaria, Germany/ 慕斯 - 0 mù sī f /mousse (loanword)/ 慕絲 慕丝 T - 0 mù sī f /mousse (loanword)/ 慕道友 - 0 mù dào yǒu f /religious investigator/ 慘 惨 T - 1171 cǎn f /miserable/wretched/cruel/inhuman/disastrous/tragic/dim/gloomy/ 慘不忍睹 惨不忍睹 T - 67 cǎn bù rěn dǔ f /spectacle too horrible to endure (idiom); tragic sight/appalling scenes of devastation/ 慘不忍聞 惨不忍闻 T - 6 cǎn bù rěn wén f /too horrible to endure (idiom); tragic spectacle/appalling scenes of devastation/ 慘事 惨事 T - 3 cǎn shì f /disaster/ 慘劇 惨剧 T - 77 cǎn jù f /tragedy/calamity/atrocity/ 慘叫 惨叫 T - 234 cǎn jiào f /to scream/blood-curdling screech/miserable shriek/ 慘境 惨境 T - 2 cǎn jìng f /wretched situation/ 慘怛 惨怛 T - 0 cǎn dá f /grieved/distressed/ 慘敗 惨败 T - 315 cǎn bài f /to suffer a crushing defeat/ 慘景 惨景 T - 9 cǎn jǐng f /wretched sight/ 慘案 惨案 T - 1004 cǎn àn f /massacre/tragedy/CL:起[qi3]/ 慘死 惨死 T - 159 cǎn sǐ f /to die tragically/to meet with a violent death/ 慘殺 惨杀 T - 18 cǎn shā f /to slaughter/to kill mercilessly/ 慘毒 惨毒 T - 5 cǎn dú f /cruel/vicious/ 慘況 惨况 T - 3 cǎn kuàng f /tragic situation/dreadful state/ 慘淡 惨淡 T - 111 cǎn dàn f /dark/gloomy/dismal/by painstaking effort/ 慘淡經營 惨淡经营 T - 35 cǎn dàn jīng yíng f /to manage by painstaking effort (idiom)/ 慘澹 惨澹 T - 0 cǎn dàn f /variant of 慘淡|惨淡[can3 dan4]/ 慘烈 惨烈 T - 215 cǎn liè f /bitter/desperate/ 慘無人道 惨无人道 T - 21 cǎn wú rén dào f /inhuman (idiom)/brutal and unfeeling/ 慘然 惨然 T - 136 cǎn rán f /grieved/distressed/ 慘狀 惨状 T - 130 cǎn zhuàng f /devastation/miserable condition/ 慘痛 惨痛 T - 173 cǎn tòng f /bitter/painful/deeply distressed/ 慘白 惨白 T - 328 cǎn bái f /deathly pale/ 慘禍 惨祸 T - 41 cǎn huò f /terrible tragedy/grave mishap/ 慘笑 惨笑 T - 18 cǎn xiào f /bitter smile/ 慘紅 惨红 T - 0 cǎn hóng f /dark red/ 慘絕人寰 惨绝人寰 T - 49 cǎn jué rén huán f /extremely tragic (idiom); with unprecedented brutality/ 慘變 惨变 T - 18 cǎn biàn f /disastrous turn/tragic event/ 慘遭 惨遭 T - 281 cǎn zāo f /to suffer (defeat, death etc)/ 慘遭不幸 惨遭不幸 T - 0 cǎn zāo bù xìng f /to meet with disaster/to die tragically/ 慘重 惨重 T - 546 cǎn zhòng f /disastrous/ 慙 惭 T - 143 cán f /variant of 慚|惭[can2]/ 慚 惭 T - 143 cán f /ashamed/ 慚愧 惭愧 T 2283 682 cán kuì f /ashamed/ 慝 - 18 tè f /evil thought/ 慟 恸 T - 185 tòng f /grief/ 慢 253 2660 màn f /slow/ 慢动作 慢動作 S - 6 màn dòng zuò f /slow motion/ 慢動作 慢动作 T - 6 màn dòng zuò f /slow motion/ 慢化剂 慢化劑 S - 3 màn huà jì f /moderator/ 慢化劑 慢化剂 T - 3 màn huà jì f /moderator/ 慢吞吞 - 120 màn tūn tūn f /very slow/exasperatingly slow/ 慢城市 - 0 màn chéng shì f /slow-paced town/ 慢工出巧匠 - 0 màn gōng chū qiǎo jiàng f /patient work makes a skilled craftsman/ 慢工出細貨 慢工出细货 T - 0 màn gōng chū xì huò f /patient work makes a fine product/ 慢工出细货 慢工出細貨 S - 0 màn gōng chū xì huò f /patient work makes a fine product/ 慢待 - 8 màn dài f /to slight (treat badly)/ 慢性 4198 969 màn xìng f /slow and patient/chronic (disease)/slow to take effect (e.g. a slow poison)/ 慢性子 - 31 màn xìng zi f /slow-tempered/phlegmatic/a slowcoach/ 慢性疲勞症候群 - 0 màn xìng pí láo zhèng hòu qún f /chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)/ 慢性疼痛 - 0 màn xìng téng tòng f /chronic pain/ 慢性疾病 - 0 màn xìng jí bìng f /a chronic illness/a disease that takes effect slowly/ 慢性病 - 122 màn xìng bìng f /chronic disease/ 慢性阻塞性肺病 - 0 màn xìng zǔ sè xìng fèi bìng f /chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)/ 慢悠悠 - 78 màn yōu yōu f /unhurried/ 慢慢 - 4427 màn màn f /slowly/ 慢慢來 慢慢来 T - 48 màn màn lái f /take your time/take it easy/ 慢慢吃 - 0 màn màn chī f /Enjoy your meal!/Bon appetit!/ 慢慢吞吞 - 6 màn man tūn tūn f /very slow/ 慢慢来 慢慢來 S - 48 màn màn lái f /take your time/take it easy/ 慢条斯理 慢條斯理 S - 99 màn tiáo sī lǐ f /unhurried/calm/composed/leisurely/ 慢板 - 29 màn bǎn f /slow tempo/adagio/ 慢條斯理 慢条斯理 T - 99 màn tiáo sī lǐ f /unhurried/calm/composed/leisurely/ 慢步 - 20 màn bù f /at a slow pace/ 慢热型 慢熱型 S - 0 màn rè xíng f /slow to get started/ 慢熱型 慢热型 T - 0 màn rè xíng f /slow to get started/ 慢班 - 3 màn bān f /slow stream (in school)/ 慢用 - 3 màn yòng f /same as 慢慢吃[man4 man4 chi1]/ 慢累积 慢累積 S - 0 màn lěi jī f /accumulates slowly/cumulative (e.g. poison)/ 慢累積 慢累积 T - 0 màn lěi jī f /accumulates slowly/cumulative (e.g. poison)/ 慢腾腾 慢騰騰 S - 45 màn téng téng f /leisurely/unhurried/sluggish/ 慢行 - 29 màn xíng f /to walk slowly/ 慢行道 - 0 màn xíng dào f /slow lane/ 慢說 慢说 T - 14 màn shuō f /not to mention ... (i.e. in addition to sth)/ 慢说 慢說 S - 14 màn shuō f /not to mention ... (i.e. in addition to sth)/ 慢走 - 59 màn zǒu f /Stay a bit!/Wait a minute!/(to a departing guest) Take care!/ 慢跑 - 56 màn pǎo f /jogging/to jog/to canter/a slow trot/ 慢車 慢车 T - 8 màn chē f /local bus or train/slow train with many stops/ 慢车 慢車 S - 8 màn chē f /local bus or train/slow train with many stops/ 慢速摄影 慢速攝影 S - 0 màn sù shè yǐng f /slow shutter speed photography/ 慢速攝影 慢速摄影 T - 0 màn sù shè yǐng f /slow shutter speed photography/ 慢鏡頭 慢镜头 T - 21 màn jìng tóu f /slow motion/ 慢镜头 慢鏡頭 S - 21 màn jìng tóu f /slow motion/ 慢長 慢长 T - 0 màn cháng f /extremely long/unending/ 慢长 慢長 S - 0 màn cháng f /extremely long/unending/ 慢騰騰 慢腾腾 T - 45 màn téng téng f /leisurely/unhurried/sluggish/ 慣 惯 T - 1168 guàn f /accustomed to/used to/indulge/to spoil (a child)/ 慣例 惯例 T 3752 630 guàn lì f /convention/usual practice/ 慣偷 惯偷 T - 3 guàn tōu f /habitual thief/ 慣壞 惯坏 T - 3 guàn huài f /to spoil (a child)/ 慣家 惯家 T - 3 guàn jia f /(usually derog.) an old hand at sth/ 慣常 惯常 T - 112 guàn cháng f /usual/customary/ 慣性 惯性 T - 592 guàn xìng f /inertia/ 慣性系 惯性系 T - 0 guàn xìng xì f /inertial system/inertial frame (mechanics)/ 慣犯 惯犯 T - 7 guàn fàn f /recidivist/habitual criminal/ 慣用 惯用 T - 127 guàn yòng f /to use habitually/habitual/customary/ 慣用手 惯用手 T - 0 guàn yòng shǒu f /dominant hand/ 慣用語 惯用语 T - 4 guàn yòng yǔ f /commonly used phrase/idiom/colloquial usage/ 慣竊 惯窃 T - 3 guàn qiè f /habitual thief/ 慣賊 惯贼 T - 3 guàn zéi f /habitual thief/ 慣量 惯量 T - 34 guàn liàng f /inertia (mechanics)/ 慣養 惯养 T - 0 guàn yǎng f /to spoil/to indulge sb (usu. a child)/ 慥 - 3 zào f /sincere/ 慧 - 571 huì f /intelligent/ 慧星 - 2 huì xīng f /variant of 彗星[hui4 xing1]/ 慧眼 - 66 huì yǎn f /an all-seeing mind/mental perception/insight/acumen/ 慧能 - 0 Huì néng f /Huineng (638-713), the Sixth Patriarch of Chan Buddhism/ 慧黠 - 3 huì xiá f /intelligent/bright/sharp/ 慨 嘅 S - 68 kǎi f /old variant of 慨[kai3]/to sigh (with emotion)/ 慨 - 68 kǎi f /indignant/generous/to sigh (with emotion)/ 慨叹 慨嘆 S - 124 kǎi tàn f /to sigh with regret/lament/ 慨嘆 慨叹 T - 124 kǎi tàn f /to sigh with regret/lament/ 慪 怄 T - 55 òu f /to annoy/to irritate/to be annoyed/to sulk/ 慪氣 怄气 T - 45 òu qì f /to sulk/to squabble/ 慫 怂 T - 197 sǒng f /terrified/ 慫恿 怂恿 T - 188 sǒng yǒng f /to instigate/to incite/to egg sb on/ 慬 - 0 jǐn f /brave/cautious/sad/ 慭 憖 S - 20 yìn f /injured/moreover/preferably/ 慮 虑 T - 655 lǜ f /to think over/to consider/anxiety/ 慮病症 虑病症 T - 0 lǜ bìng zhèng f /hypochondria/ 慰 - 447 wèi f /to comfort/to console/to reassure/ 慰劳 慰勞 S - 69 wèi láo f /to show appreciation (by kind words, small gifts etc)/to comfort/ 慰勞 慰劳 T - 69 wèi láo f /to show appreciation (by kind words, small gifts etc)/to comfort/ 慰唁 - 2 wèi yàn f /to console/ 慰問 慰问 T 4558 481 wèi wèn f /to express sympathy, greetings, consolation etc/ 慰安妇 慰安婦 S - 3 wèi ān fù f /comfort woman/ 慰安婦 慰安妇 T - 3 wèi ān fù f /comfort woman/ 慰籍 - 0 wèi jí f /solace/comfort/ 慰藉 - 118 wèi jiè f /to console/to comfort/consolation/ 慰问 慰問 S 4558 481 wèi wèn f /to express sympathy, greetings, consolation etc/ 慱 - 2 tuán f /sad/ 慳 悭 T - 14 qiān f /stingy/ 慳儉 悭俭 T - 0 qiān jiǎn f /to be frugal/ 慳吝 悭吝 T - 21 qiān lìn f /(literary) miserly/stingy/ 慴 慑 T - 211 shè f /terrified/ 慵 - 71 yōng f /lethargic/ 慵懒 慵懶 S - 55 yōng lǎn f /languid/indolent/ 慵懶 慵懒 T - 55 yōng lǎn f /languid/indolent/ 慶 庆 T - 2279 qìng f /to celebrate/ 慶元 庆元 T - 57 Qìng yuán f /Qingyuan county in Lishui 麗水|丽水[Li2 shui3], Zhejiang/ 慶元縣 庆元县 T - 5 Qìng yuán xiàn f /Qingyuan county in Lishui 麗水|丽水[Li2 shui3], Zhejiang/ 慶典 庆典 T - 2000 qìng diǎn f /celebration/ 慶功 庆功 T - 124 qìng gōng f /to celebrate a heroic deed/ 慶城 庆城 T - 3 Qìng chéng f /Qingcheng county in Qingyang 慶陽|庆阳[Qing4 yang2], Gansu/ 慶城縣 庆城县 T - 3 Qìng chéng xiàn f /Qingcheng county in Qingyang 慶陽|庆阳[Qing4 yang2], Gansu/ 慶大霉素 庆大霉素 T - 27 qìng dà méi sù f /gentamycin (antibiotic)/ 慶安 庆安 T - 5 Qìng ān f /Qing'an county in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilongjiang/ 慶安縣 庆安县 T - 6 Qìng ān xiàn f /Qing'an county in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilongjiang/ 慶尙北道 庆尙北道 T - 0 Qìng shàng běi dào f /North Gyeongsang Province, in east South Korea, capital Daegu 大邱[Da4 qiu1]/ 慶尙南道 庆尙南道 T - 0 Qìng shàng nán dào f /South Gyeongsang Province, in south east South Korea, capital Changwon 昌原[Chang1 yuan2]/ 慶尚北道 庆尚北道 T - 0 Qìng shàng běi dào f /North Gyeongsang Province, in east South Korea, capital Daegu 大邱[Da4 qiu1]/ 慶尚南道 庆尚南道 T - 6 Qìng shàng nán dào f /South Gyeongsang Province, in south east South Korea, capital Changwon 昌原[Chang1 yuan2]/ 慶尚道 庆尚道 T - 0 Qìng shàng dào f /Gyeongsang Province of Joseon Korea, now divided into North Gyeongsang Province 慶尚北道|庆尚北道[Qing4 shang4 bei3 dao4] and South Gyeongsang Province 慶尚南道|庆尚南道[Qing4 shang4 nan2 dao4]/ 慶州 庆州 T - 40 Qìng zhōu f /Qingzhou, ancient northern province/Gyeongju City, South Korea/ 慶幸 庆幸 T - 300 qìng xìng f /to rejoice/to be glad/ 慶曆新政 庆历新政 T - 0 Qìng lì xīn zhèng f /failed reform of Northern Song government in 1043/ 慶生 庆生 T - 3 qìng shēng f /to celebrate a birthday/ 慶祝 庆祝 T 1423 1612 qìng zhù f /to celebrate/ 慶祝會 庆祝会 T - 12 qìng zhù huì f /celebration/ 慶賀 庆贺 T - 308 qìng hè f /to congratulate/to celebrate/ 慶陽 庆阳 T - 34 Qìng yáng f /Qingyang prefecture level city in Gansu/ 慶陽地區 庆阳地区 T - 2 Qìng yáng dì qū f /Qingyang prefecture in Gansu/ 慶陽市 庆阳市 T - 3 Qìng yáng shì f /Qingyang prefecture level city in Gansu/ 慶雲 庆云 T - 34 Qìng yún f /Qingyun county in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1], Shandong/ 慶雲縣 庆云县 T - 3 Qìng yún xiàn f /Qingyun county in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1], Shandong/ 慷 - 100 kāng f /generous/magnanimous/ 慷慨 2968 620 kāng kǎi f /vehement/fervent/generous/giving/liberal/ 慷慨捐生 - 3 kāng kǎi juān shēng f /sacrificing one's life generously (idiom); to sacrifice oneself fervently to the cause/ 慷慨激昂 - 287 kāng kǎi jī áng f /impassioned/vehement/ 慷慨解囊 - 22 kāng kǎi jiě náng f /to contribute generously (idiom); help sb generously with money/to give generously to charity/ 慷慨赴义 慷慨赴義 S - 3 kāng kǎi fù yì f /heroically sacrificing one's life (idiom); to sacrifice oneself fervently to the cause/ 慷慨赴義 慷慨赴义 T - 3 kāng kǎi fù yì f /heroically sacrificing one's life (idiom); to sacrifice oneself fervently to the cause/ 慷慨輸將 慷慨输将 T - 3 kāng kǎi shū jiāng f /to donate generously (idiom)/ 慷慨输将 慷慨輸將 S - 3 kāng kǎi shū jiāng f /to donate generously (idiom)/ 慼 戚 T - 335 qī f /variant of 戚[qi1]/grief/sorrow/ 慼墅堰 戚墅堰 T - 6 Qī shù yàn f /Qishu district of Changzhou city 常州市[Chang2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 慼墅堰區 戚墅堰区 T - 3 Qī shù yàn qū f /Qishu district of Changzhou city 常州市[Chang2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 慼慼 戚戚 T - 10 qī qī f /sorrowful/distressed/ 慽 戚 T - 335 qī f /variant of 慼|戚[qi1]/ 慾 欲 T - 5942 yù f /desire/appetite/passion/lust/greed/ 慾仙慾死 欲仙欲死 T - 3 yù xiān yù sǐ f /to wish one were dead (idiom)/(fig.) to be in seventh heaven/ 慾壑難填 欲壑难填 T - 4 yù hè nán tián f /bottomless pit of desire (idiom); insatiable greed/carnal cravings are never satisfied and are a main obstruction on the path to enlightenment/ 慾望 欲望 T 2862 918 yù wàng f /desire/longing/appetite/craving/ 慾火 欲火 T - 34 yù huǒ f /lust/ 慾火焚身 欲火焚身 T - 3 yù huǒ fén shēn f /burning with desire/ 慿 - 0 píng f /old variant of 憑|凭[ping2]/ 憀 - 0 liáo f /to rely on/ 憂 忧 T - 1783 yōu f /to worry/to concern oneself with/worried/anxiety/sorrow/a parent's funeral/inconvenienced by being orphaned/ 憂傷 忧伤 T - 204 yōu shāng f /distressed/laden with grief/ 憂心 忧心 T - 119 yōu xīn f /concerned/worried/disturbed/anxious/ 憂心忡忡 忧心忡忡 T - 207 yōu xīn chōng chōng f /deeply worried and sick at heart (idiom)/ 憂思 忧思 T - 48 yōu sī f /to be anxious and worried/agitated/pensive/ 憂悒 忧悒 T - 3 yōu yì f /anxious/distressed/burdened with care/ 憂患 忧患 T - 159 yōu huàn f /suffering/misery/hardship/ 憂悶 忧闷 T - 40 yōu mèn f /depressed/full of worries/feeling down/ 憂愁 忧愁 T - 208 yōu chóu f /to be worried/ 憂慮 忧虑 T - 739 yōu lǜ f /to worry/anxiety (about)/ 憂懼 忧惧 T - 30 yōu jù f /apprehension/apprehensive/ 憂灼 忧灼 T - 3 yōu zhuó f /worrying/ 憂苦以終 忧苦以终 T - 0 yōu kǔ yǐ zhōng f /worried to death (idiom)/ 憂鬱 忧郁 T 3374 310 yōu yù f /sullen/depressed/melancholy/dejected/ 憂鬱症 忧郁症 T - 47 yōu yù zhèng f /(psychology) depression/ 憃 - 0 chōng f /foolish, stupid, dull, silly/ 憇 憩 T - 42 qì f /variant of 憩[qi4]/ 憊 惫 T - 64 bèi f /exhausted/ 憊倦 惫倦 T - 0 bèi juàn f /tired and sleepy/tipsy/ 憊懶 惫懒 T - 46 bèi lǎn f /naughty/mischievous person/ 憊賴 惫赖 T - 0 bèi lài f /naughty/cheeky/ 憋 3332 901 biē f /to choke/to stifle/to restrain/to hold back/to hold in (urine)/to hold (one's breath)/ 憋悶 憋闷 T - 43 biē men f /to feel oppressed/to be depressed/to feel dejected/ 憋气 憋氣 S - 52 biē qì f /to feel suffocated or oppressed/to choke with resentment/to feel injured or resentful/ 憋氣 憋气 T - 52 biē qì f /to feel suffocated or oppressed/to choke with resentment/to feel injured or resentful/ 憋闷 憋悶 S - 43 biē men f /to feel oppressed/to be depressed/to feel dejected/ 憍 - 4 jiāo f /arrogant/ 憎 - 161 zēng f /to detest/ 憎厌 憎厭 S - 3 zēng yàn f /to loathe/ 憎厭 憎厌 T - 3 zēng yàn f /to loathe/ 憎恨 - 354 zēng hèn f /to detest/hatred/ 憎恶 憎惡 S - 150 zēng è f /to hate evil/see also 憎惡|憎恶[zeng1 wu4]/ 憎恶 憎惡 S - 150 zēng wù t /to loathe/to hate/to abhor/see also 憎惡|憎恶[zeng1 e4]/ 憎惡 憎恶 T - 150 zēng è f /to hate evil/see also 憎惡|憎恶[zeng1 wu4]/ 憎惡 憎恶 T - 150 zēng wù t /to loathe/to hate/to abhor/see also 憎惡|憎恶[zeng1 e4]/ 憐 怜 T - 345 lián f /to pity/ 憐恤 怜恤 T - 6 lián xù f /to take pity/to show compassion/ 憐惜 怜惜 T - 291 lián xī f /to take pity on/to feel tenderness toward/ 憐愛 怜爱 T - 88 lián ài f /to have tender affection for/to love tenderly/to pamper sb/ 憐憫 怜悯 T - 317 lián mǐn f /to take pity on/pity/mercy/ 憐香惜玉 怜香惜玉 T - 35 lián xiāng xī yù f /to have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex (idiom)/ 憑 凭 T 1519 5717 píng f /to lean against/to rely on/on the basis of/no matter (how, what etc)/proof/ 憑什麼 凭什么 T - 0 píng shén me f /(spoken) why?/for which reason?/ 憑仗 凭仗 T - 11 píng zhàng f /to rely on/to depend on/ 憑依 凭依 T - 14 píng yī f /to rely on/to base oneself on/ 憑信 凭信 T - 28 píng xìn f /to trust/ 憑倚 凭倚 T - 0 píng yǐ f /to rely on/ 憑借 凭借 T - 1551 píng jiè f /to rely on/to depend on/by means of/thanks to/sth that one relies on/ 憑單 凭单 T - 9 píng dān f /bill of warrant (certificate, allowing one to collect money or valuables)/ 憑弔 凭吊 T - 71 píng diào f /to visit a place for the memories/to pay homage to (the deceased)/ 憑恃 凭恃 T - 3 píng shì f /to depend on/to rely on/ 憑據 凭据 T - 54 píng jù f /evidence/ 憑本能做事 凭本能做事 T - 0 píng běn néng zuò shì f /to follow one's nose/ 憑條 凭条 T - 0 píng tiáo f /paper docket confirming a transaction/ 憑欄 凭栏 T - 38 píng lán f /to lean on a parapet/ 憑準 凭准 T - 0 píng zhǔn f /evidence (that one can rely on)/grounds (for believing sth)/ 憑照 凭照 T - 16 píng zhào f /certificate/license/ 憑白無故 凭白无故 T - 3 píng bái wú gù f /variant of 平白無故|平白无故[ping2 bai2 wu2 gu4]/ 憑眺 凭眺 T - 4 píng tiào f /to lean on sth and gaze into the distance/ 憑祥 凭祥 T - 28 Píng xiáng f /Pingxiang county level city in Chongzuo 崇左[Chong2 zuo3], Guangxi/ 憑祥市 凭祥市 T - 8 Píng xiáng shì f /Pingxiang county level city in Chongzuo 崇左[Chong2 zuo3], Guangxi/ 憑票入場 凭票入场 T - 3 píng piào rù chǎng f /admission by ticket only/ 憑空 凭空 T - 170 píng kōng f /baseless (lie)/without foundation/ 憑空捏造 凭空捏造 T - 17 píng kōng niē zào f /fabrication relying on nothing (idiom); frame-up/ 憑藉 凭藉 T - 1551 píng jiè f /to rely on/to depend on/by means of/thanks to/sth that one relies on/also written 憑借|凭借[ping2 jie4]/ 憑證 凭证 T - 318 píng zhèng f /proof/certificate/receipt/voucher/ 憑軾結轍 凭轼结辙 T - 3 píng shì jié zhé f /to drive non-stop as fast as one can (idiom)/ 憑陵 凭陵 T - 0 píng líng f /to ride roughshod over/to encroach/ 憑險 凭险 T - 3 píng xiǎn f /(to resist the enemy) relying on inaccessible territory/ 憑靠 凭靠 T - 3 píng kào f /to use/to rely on/by means of/ 憒 愦 T - 30 kuì f /confused/troubled/ 憔 - 21 qiáo f /haggard/ 憔 癄 S - 21 qiáo f /old variant of 憔[qiao2]/ 憔 顦 S - 21 qiáo f /variant of 憔[qiao2]/ 憔悴 - 385 qiáo cuì f /wan and sallow/thin and pallid/haggard/(of plants) withered/ 憖 慭 T - 20 yìn f /injured/moreover/preferably/ 憙 - 0 xǐ f /variant of 喜[xi3]/ 憚 惮 T - 45 dàn f /dread/fear/dislike/ 憝 - 7 duì f /dislike/hate/ 憤 愤 T - 497 fèn f /indignant/anger/resentment/ 憤世嫉俗 愤世嫉俗 T - 33 fèn shì jí sú f /to be cynical/to be embittered/ 憤富 愤富 T - 0 fèn fù f /to hate the rich/ 憤怒 愤怒 T 2605 2197 fèn nù f /angry/indignant/wrath/ire/ 憤恨 愤恨 T - 219 fèn hèn f /to hate/hatred/to resent/embittered/ 憤慨 愤慨 T - 535 fèn kǎi f /to resent/resentment/ 憤憤 愤愤 T - 127 fèn fèn f /extremely angry/ 憤憤不平 愤愤不平 T - 101 fèn fèn bù píng f /to feel indignant/to feel aggrieved/ 憤懣 愤懑 T - 130 fèn mèn f /depressed/resentful/discontented/indignant/perturbed/ 憤激 愤激 T - 81 fèn jī f /indignant/outraged/ 憤青 愤青 T - 3 fèn qīng f /angry youth/positive term used to describe young Chinese with extreme nationalistic tendencies/see also 糞青|粪青[fen4 qing1]/ 憧 - 76 chōng f /irresolute/unsettled/ 憧憬 - 210 chōng jǐng f /to long for/to look forward to/longing/vision for future/ 憨 - 305 hān f /silly/simple-minded/foolish/naive/sturdy/tough/heavy (of rope)/ 憨厚 - 89 hān hou f /simple and honest/straightforward/ 憨子 - 2 hān zi f /(dialect) simpleton/idiot/fool/ 憨实 憨實 S - 3 hān shí f /simple and honest/ 憨實 憨实 T - 3 hān shí f /simple and honest/ 憨态 憨態 S - 5 hān tài f /naive and innocent look/ 憨态可掬 憨態可掬 S - 16 hān tài kě jū f /charmingly naive/ 憨態 憨态 T - 5 hān tài f /naive and innocent look/ 憨態可掬 憨态可掬 T - 16 hān tài kě jū f /charmingly naive/ 憨直 - 9 hān zhí f /honest and straightforward/ 憨豆先生 - 0 Hān dòu Xiān sheng f /Mr. Bean (TV)/ 憩 憇 S - 42 qì f /variant of 憩[qi4]/ 憩 - 42 qì f /to rest/ 憩室炎 - 0 qì shì yán f /diverticulitis/ 憩息处 憩息處 S - 0 qì xī chù f /rest area/ 憩息處 憩息处 T - 0 qì xī chù f /rest area/ 憪 - 5 xián f /composed, contented/ 憫 悯 T - 86 mǐn f /to sympathize/to pity/to feel compassion for/ 憬 - 50 jǐng f /awaken/ 憬然 - 0 jǐng rán f /to be aware/to be knowing/ 憭 - 0 liǎo f /clear/intelligible/severe/cold/ 憮 怃 T - 0 wǔ f /disappointed/startled/ 憯 - 29 cǎn f /already/sorrowful/ 憲 宪 T - 287 xiàn f /statute/constitution/ 憲兵 宪兵 T - 339 xiàn bīng f /military police/ 憲兵隊 宪兵队 T - 38 Xiàn bīng duì f /the Kempeitai or Japanese Military Police 1881-1945 (Japanese counterpart of the Gestapo during WWII)/ 憲政 宪政 T - 397 xiàn zhèng f /constitutional government/ 憲政主義 宪政主义 T - 0 xiàn zhèng zhǔ yì f /constitutionalism/ 憲法 宪法 T 3256 9553 xiàn fǎ f /constitution (of a country)/CL:部[bu4]/ 憲法法院 宪法法院 T - 34 xiàn fǎ fǎ yuàn f /Constitutional Court/ 憲法監護委員會 宪法监护委员会 T - 0 Xiàn fǎ Jiān hù Wěi yuán huì f /Guardian Council, body of 12 appointed clerics which govern Iran/ 憲章 宪章 T - 305 xiàn zhāng f /charter/ 憲章派 宪章派 T - 22 xiàn zhāng pài f /the Chartist movement (in the 1840s in England)/ 憶 忆 T - 241 yì f /to recollect/to remember/memory/ 憶苦思甜 忆苦思甜 T - 28 yì kǔ sī tián f /to view one's past as miserable and one's present as happy (idiom)/ 憶苦飯 忆苦饭 T - 3 yì kǔ fàn f /unsavory meal taken in remembrance of past hardships/fig. poor-tasting meal/ 憶述 忆述 T - 3 yì sù f /to talk (or write) about one's recollections of past events/ 憷 - 56 chù f /to be afraid/ 憷场 憷場 S - 0 chù chǎng f /to get stage fright/ 憷場 憷场 T - 0 chù chǎng f /to get stage fright/ 憷头 憷頭 S - 0 chù tóu f /to be afraid to stick out/ 憷頭 憷头 T - 0 chù tóu f /to be afraid to stick out/ 憸 - 7 xiān f /artful/flattering/ 憹 - 0 náo f /see 懊憹[ao4 nao2]/ 憺 - 8 dàn f /peace/ 憾 - 111 hàn f /regret (sense of loss or dissatisfaction)/ 憾事 - 33 hàn shì f /a matter for regret/sth that is a (great) pity/ 憾恨 - 3 hàn hèn f /resentful/hateful/ 懂 224 3998 dǒng f /to understand/to comprehend/ 懂事 - 389 dǒng shì f /sensible/thoughtful/intelligent/ 懂局 - 0 dǒng jú f /to know the business/to know the ropes/in the know/to know one's onions/professional/au fait/ 懂得 - 2185 dǒng de f /to understand/to know/to comprehend/ 懂眼 - 0 dǒng yǎn f /(coll.) to know the ropes/an expert/ 懂行 - 30 dǒng háng f /to know the ropes/ 懂門兒 懂门儿 T - 0 dǒng mén r f /one who knows his business/professional/expert/au fait/ 懂门儿 懂門兒 S - 0 dǒng mén r f /one who knows his business/professional/expert/au fait/ 懃 勤 T - 676 qín f /variant of 勤[qin2]/industrious/solicitous/ 懅 - 4 qú f /bashful/ashamed/ 懆 - 29 cǎo f /anxious/sad/ 懇 恳 T - 361 kěn f /earnest/ 懇切 恳切 T 4986 164 kěn qiè f /earnest/sincere/ 懇求 恳求 T - 322 kěn qiú f /to beg/to beseech/to entreat/entreaty/ 懇請 恳请 T - 71 kěn qǐng f /to request earnestly/ 懇辭 恳辞 T - 3 kěn cí f /to decline with sincere thanks/ 懈 - 169 xiè f /lax/negligent/ 懈弛 - 3 xiè chí f /slack (discipline)/ 懈怠 - 111 xiè dài f /slack/lazy/remiss/ 懈惰 - 3 xiè duò f /slack/idle/ 懈气 懈氣 S - 3 xiè qì f /to slacken off/to take it easy/ 懈氣 懈气 T - 3 xiè qì f /to slacken off/to take it easy/ 應 应 T - 25537 Yìng f /surname Ying/ 應 应 T - 25537 yīng t /to agree (to do sth)/should/ought to/must/(legal) shall/ 應 应 T - 25537 yìng f /to answer/to respond/to comply with/to deal or cope with/ 應仁之亂 应仁之乱 T - 0 Yīng rén zhī luàn f /Ōnin war 1467-1477 between factions of Ashikaga shogunate/ 應付 应付 T 1641 1288 yìng fu f /to deal with/to cope/ 應付帳款 应付帐款 T - 0 yīng fù zhàng kuǎn f /accounts payable/ 應付自如 应付自如 T - 12 yìng fu zì rú f /to handle matters with ease (idiom); equal to the situation/ 應付裕如 应付裕如 T - 12 yìng fu yù rú f /handling any occasion smoothly (idiom); equal to any situation/ 應允 应允 T - 142 yìng yǔn f /to give one's assent/to consent/ 應分 应分 T - 3 yīng fèn f /should be divided/part of the job/one's duty under the circumstances/ 應制 应制 T - 25 yìng zhì f /to write a poem on the order of the Emperor/ 應力 应力 T - 516 yìng lì f /stress (physics)/ 應力場 应力场 T - 10 yìng lì chǎng f /stress field/ 應卯 应卯 T - 3 yìng mǎo f /to answer the roll call at 卯時|卯时[mao3 shi2], i.e. between 5 and 7 am/fig. to put in a conventional appearance/ 應召 应召 T - 60 yìng zhào f /to respond to a call/ 應召女郎 应召女郎 T - 3 yìng zhào nǚ láng f /call girl/ 應召站 应召站 T - 0 yìng zhào zhàn f /call girl center/ 應名 应名 T - 0 yīng míng f /nominally/in name only/ 應名兒 应名儿 T - 3 yīng míng r f /erhua variant of 應名|应名[ying1 ming2]/ 應和 应和 T - 0 yìng hè f /to echo one another/to respond (in agreement)/ 應城 应城 T - 550 Yīng chéng f /Yingcheng district of Xiaogan city 孝感市[Xiao4 gan3 shi4], Hubei/ 應城區 应城区 T - 0 Yīng chéng qū f /Yingcheng district of Xiaogan city 孝感市[Xiao4 gan3 shi4], Hubei/ 應城市 应城市 T - 261 Yīng chéng shì f /Yingcheng county level city in Xiaogan 孝感[Xiao4 gan3], Hubei/ 應報 应报 T - 3 yìng bào f /see 報應|报应[bao4 ying4]/ 應天承運 应天承运 T - 3 yìng tiān chéng yùn f /lit. to respond to heaven and suit the times (idiom); to rule according to the will of heaven/the Divine Right of kings/ 應天順時 应天顺时 T - 3 yìng tiān shùn shí f /lit. to respond to heaven and suit the times (idiom); to rule according to the will of heaven/the Divine Right of kings/ 應對 应对 T - 184 yìng duì f /response/to answer/to reply/ 應對如流 应对如流 T - 3 yìng duì rú liú f /to respond fluently/to answer smartly/ 應屆 应届 T - 694 yīng jiè f /this year's/the current year's/ 應屆畢業生 应届毕业生 T - 0 yīng jiè bì yè shēng f /student graduating in the current year/recent graduate/ 應市 应市 T - 3 yìng shì f /to respond to the market/to buy or sell according to market conditions/ 應得 应得 T - 207 yīng dé f /to deserve/ 應從 应从 T - 144 yìng cóng f /to assent/to comply with/ 應徵 应征 T - 140 yìng zhēng f /to apply (for a job)/to reply to a job advertisement/ 應急 应急 T - 605 yìng jí f /to respond to an emergency/to meet a contingency/(attributive) emergency/ 應急待命 应急待命 T - 0 yìng jí dài mìng f /emergency standby/to be on standby/ 應急措施 应急措施 T - 0 yìng jí cuò shī f /emergency measure/ 應急照射 应急照射 T - 0 yìng jí zhào shè f /emergency exposure (nuclear energy)/ 應戰 应战 T - 158 yìng zhàn f /to take up a challenge/to face an attack and meet it/ 應手 应手 T - 76 yìng shǒu f /to handle/convenient/ 應承 应承 T - 139 yìng chéng f /to agree (to do sth)/to promise/ 應採兒 应采儿 T - 0 Yīng Cǎi ér f /Cherrie Ying Choi-Yi (1983-), actress/ 應接 应接 T - 3 yìng jiē f /to attend to/to deal with/ 應接不暇 应接不暇 T - 47 yìng jiē bù xiá f /more than one can attend to (idiom)/deluged (with inquiries etc)/overwhelmed (by the beauty of the scenery)/ 應收 应收 T - 101 yīng shōu f /(of a sum of money etc) receivable/ 應收帳款 应收帐款 T - 0 yīng shōu zhàng kuǎn f /accounts receivable/ 應敵 应敌 T - 22 yìng dí f /to face the enemy/to meet an attack/ 應時 应时 T - 0 yìng shí f /timely/occasional/ 應景 应景 T - 38 yìng jǐng f /according with the times/seasonal/ 應景兒 应景儿 T - 0 yìng jǐng r f /according with the times/seasonal/ 應有 应有 T - 1159 yīng yǒu f /proper/ 應有盡有 应有尽有 T - 113 yīng yǒu jìn yǒu f /everything that should be here is here (idiom); all one can think of is on hand/to have all one needs/ 應機立斷 应机立断 T - 3 yìng jī lì duàn f /to act on an opportunity (idiom); to take prompt advantage of a situation/ 應激性 应激性 T - 0 yīng jī xìng f /irritable/sensitive/excitable/ 應用 应用 T 2323 8796 yìng yòng f /to use/to apply/application/applicable/ 應用層 应用层 T - 11 yìng yòng céng f /application layer (computing)/ 應用平台 应用平台 T - 0 yìng yòng píng tái f /application platform (computing)/ 應用數學 应用数学 T - 0 yìng yòng shù xué f /applied mathematics/ 應用文 应用文 T - 23 yìng yòng wén f /applied writing/writing for practical purposes (business letters, advertising etc)/ 應用物理 应用物理 T - 0 yìng yòng wù lǐ f /applied physics/ 應用科學 应用科学 T - 42 yìng yòng kē xué f /applied science/ 應用程式 应用程式 T - 3 yìng yòng chéng shì f /application/(computer) program/ 應用程式介面 应用程式介面 T - 0 yìng yòng chéng shì jiè miàn f /application programming interface/API/ 應用軟件 应用软件 T - 124 yìng yòng ruǎn jiàn f /application software/ 應用軟體 应用软体 T - 3 yìng yòng ruǎn tǐ f /application software/ 應當 应当 T - 6476 yīng dāng f /should/ought to/ 應答 应答 T - 179 yìng dá f /to reply/ 應縣 应县 T - 36 Yīng xiàn f /Ying county in Shuozhou 朔州[Shuo4 zhou1], Shanxi/ 應縣木塔 应县木塔 T - 0 yìng xiàn mù tǎ f /the Yingxian wooden pagoda or Sakyamuni Pagoda near Datong in Shanxi province/ 應考 应考 T - 202 yìng kǎo f /to take an exam/ 應聘 应聘 T 1176 868 yìng pìn f /to accept a job offer/to apply for an advertised position/ 應聘者 应聘者 T - 517 yìng pìn zhě f /person taking a job/job applicant/CL:位[wei4]/ 應聲 应声 T - 340 yìng shēng f /an answering voice/to answer a voice/to respond/to copy a voice/to parrot/ 應聲蟲 应声虫 T - 8 yīng shēng chóng f /yes-man/opinionless person/ 應舉 应举 T - 23 yìng jǔ f /to sit for imperial examinations/ 應計 应计 T - 3 yīng jì f /accrual (accounting)/ 應計基礎 应计基础 T - 0 yīng jì jī chǔ f /accruals basis (accounting)/ 應許 应许 T - 15 yīng xǔ f /to promise/to allow/ 應診 应诊 T - 4 yìng zhěn f /to see patients (of doctor)/to hold a surgery/ 應詔 应诏 T - 0 yìng zhào f /to respond to an imperial decree/ 應試 应试 T - 480 yìng shì f /to take an exam/ 應試教育 应试教育 T - 3 yìng shì jiào yù f /exam-oriented education/teaching to the test/ 應該 应该 T 314 21067 yīng gāi f /ought to/should/must/ 應諾 应诺 T - 44 yìng nuò f /to promise/to agree to do sth/ 應變 应变 T - 455 yìng biàn f /to meet a contingency/to adapt oneself to changes/ 應變力 应变力 T - 3 yìng biàn lì f /adaptability/resourcefulness/ 應運 应运 T - 14 yìng yùn f /to conform with destiny/as the occasion demands/ 應運而生 应运而生 T - 194 yìng yùn ér shēng f /to emerge to meet a historic destiny (idiom)/to arise at an opportune time/able to take advantage of an opportunity/to rise to the occasion/ 應邀 应邀 T 4813 364 yìng yāo f /at sb's invitation/on invitation/ 應酬 应酬 T 4371 316 yìng chou f /social niceties/social interaction/a dinner party/ 應門 应门 T - 3 yìng mén f /to answer the door/ 應驗 应验 T - 84 yìng yàn f /to come true/to come about as predicted/to be fulfilled/ 應點 应点 T - 0 yìng diǎn f /to act on one's word/ 懊 - 79 ào f /to regret/ 懊丧 懊喪 S - 93 ào sàng f /dejected/despondent/depressed/ 懊喪 懊丧 T - 93 ào sàng f /dejected/despondent/depressed/ 懊恼 懊惱 S - 160 ào nǎo f /annoyed/vexed/upset/ 懊悔 - 248 ào huǐ f /to feel remorse/to repent/to regret/ 懊惱 懊恼 T - 160 ào nǎo f /annoyed/vexed/upset/ 懊憹 - 0 ào náo f /anxious/brooding/ 懋 - 53 mào f /to be hardworking/luxuriant/splendid/ 懌 怿 T - 45 yì f /pleased/rejoice/ 懍 懔 T - 59 lǐn f /fear/ 懐 - 0 huái f /Japanese variant of 懷|怀/ 懑 懣 S - 16 mèn f /melancholy/ 懑然 懣然 S - 0 mèn rán f /dejectedly/ 懒 嬾 S 1122 595 lǎn f /variant of 懶|懒[lan3]/ 懒 懶 S 1122 595 lǎn f /lazy/ 懒人 懶人 S - 16 lǎn rén f /lazy person/ 懒人沙发 懶人沙發 S - 0 lǎn rén shā fā f /beanbag/ 懒办法 懶辦法 S - 0 lǎn bàn fǎ f /to loaf about/lazy/to hang around (and cause trouble to everyone)/ 懒得 懶得 S - 324 lǎn dé f /not to feel like (doing sth)/disinclined to/ 懒得搭理 懶得搭理 S - 0 lǎn de dā lǐ f /not wishing to acknowledge sb/unwilling to respond/ 懒怠 懶怠 S - 9 lǎn dài f /lazy/ 懒惰 懶惰 S 4006 141 lǎn duò f /idle/lazy/ 懒散 懶散 S - 102 lǎn sǎn f /inactive/careless/lazy/indolent/negligent/ 懒汉 懶漢 S - 24 lǎn hàn f /idle fellow/lazybones/ 懒洋洋 懶洋洋 S - 140 lǎn yāng yāng f /lazily/ 懒猫 懶貓 S - 3 lǎn māo f /lazy bones/ 懒腰 懶腰 S - 70 lǎn yāo f /a stretch (of one's body)/ 懒虫 懶蟲 S - 10 lǎn chóng f /lazy fellow (insult)/idle slob/ 懒驴上磨屎尿多 懶驢上磨屎尿多 S - 0 lǎn lǘ shàng mò shǐ niào duō f /(proverb) A lazy person will find many excuses to delay working/lit. When a lazy donkey is turning a grindstone, it takes a lot of time off for peeing and pooing/ 懒骨头 懶骨頭 S - 3 lǎn gǔ tou f /lazybones/beanbag/ 懒鬼 懶鬼 S - 3 lǎn guǐ f /lazybones/idle bum/ 懔 懍 S - 59 lǐn f /fear/ 懞 - 6 méng f /variant of 蒙[meng2]/ 懟 怼 T - 138 duì f /dislike/hate/ 懠 - 40 qí f /angry/ 懣 懑 T - 16 mèn f /melancholy/ 懣然 懑然 T - 0 mèn rán f /dejectedly/ 懤 - 0 chóu f /grieved, pained/ 懥 - 0 zhì f /enraged/ 懦 - 194 nuò f /imbecile/timid/ 懦夫 - 96 nuò fū f /coward/ 懦弱 - 168 nuò ruò f /cowardly/weak/ 懨 恹 T - 0 yān f /see 懨懨|恹恹[yan1 yan1]/ 懨懨 恹恹 T - 15 yān yān f /weak/worried/sickly/wan/ 懫 - 2 zhí f /enraged/resentful/to hate/to desist/ 懮 - 0 yǒu f /grievous/relaxed/ 懮慮 懮虑 T - 0 yōu lǜ f /(feel) anxiety/concern/ 懮虑 懮慮 S - 0 yōu lǜ f /(feel) anxiety/concern/ 懰 - 0 liú f /lovely/beautiful/ 懱 - 2 miè f /variant of 蔑[mie4]/ 懲 惩 T - 232 chéng f /to punish/to reprimand/to warn/ 懲一儆百 惩一儆百 T - 3 chéng yī jǐng bǎi f /lit. punish one, warn one hundred (idiom)/fig. to make an example of sb/ 懲一警百 惩一警百 T - 3 chéng yī jǐng bǎi f /lit. punish one, warn one hundred (idiom)/fig. to make an example of sb/also written 懲一儆百|惩一儆百[cheng2 yi1 jing3 bai3]/ 懲前毖後 惩前毖后 T - 36 chéng qián bì hòu f /lit. to punish those before to prevent those after (idiom); to criticize former mistakes firmly to prevent them happening again/ 懲惡勸善 惩恶劝善 T - 3 chéng è quàn shàn f /see 懲惡揚善|惩恶扬善[cheng2 e4 yang2 shan4]/ 懲惡揚善 惩恶扬善 T - 8 chéng è yáng shàn f /to uphold virtue and condemn evil (idiom)/ 懲戒 惩戒 T - 116 chéng jiè f /to discipline/reprimand/ 懲治 惩治 T - 274 chéng zhì f /to punish/ 懲罰 惩罚 T 2611 1145 chéng fá f /penalty/punishment/to punish/ 懲罰性 惩罚性 T - 47 chéng fá xìng f /punitive/ 懲處 惩处 T - 253 chéng chǔ f /to punish/to administer justice/ 懲辦 惩办 T - 267 chéng bàn f /to punish (someone)/to take disciplinary action against (someone)/ 懵 - 192 měng f /stupid/ 懵懂 - 54 měng dǒng f /confused/ignorant/ 懵懵懂懂 - 38 měng měng dǒng dǒng f /confused/ignorant/ 懶 懒 T 1122 595 lǎn f /lazy/ 懶人 懒人 T - 16 lǎn rén f /lazy person/ 懶人沙發 懒人沙发 T - 0 lǎn rén shā fā f /beanbag/ 懶得 懒得 T - 324 lǎn dé f /not to feel like (doing sth)/disinclined to/ 懶得搭理 懒得搭理 T - 0 lǎn de dā lǐ f /not wishing to acknowledge sb/unwilling to respond/ 懶怠 懒怠 T - 9 lǎn dài f /lazy/ 懶惰 懒惰 T 4006 141 lǎn duò f /idle/lazy/ 懶散 懒散 T - 102 lǎn sǎn f /inactive/careless/lazy/indolent/negligent/ 懶洋洋 懒洋洋 T - 140 lǎn yāng yāng f /lazily/ 懶漢 懒汉 T - 24 lǎn hàn f /idle fellow/lazybones/ 懶腰 懒腰 T - 70 lǎn yāo f /a stretch (of one's body)/ 懶蟲 懒虫 T - 10 lǎn chóng f /lazy fellow (insult)/idle slob/ 懶貓 懒猫 T - 3 lǎn māo f /lazy bones/ 懶辦法 懒办法 T - 0 lǎn bàn fǎ f /to loaf about/lazy/to hang around (and cause trouble to everyone)/ 懶驢上磨屎尿多 懒驴上磨屎尿多 T - 0 lǎn lǘ shàng mò shǐ niào duō f /(proverb) A lazy person will find many excuses to delay working/lit. When a lazy donkey is turning a grindstone, it takes a lot of time off for peeing and pooing/ 懶骨頭 懒骨头 T - 3 lǎn gǔ tou f /lazybones/beanbag/ 懶鬼 懒鬼 T - 3 lǎn guǐ f /lazybones/idle bum/ 懷 怀 T - 1918 Huái f /surname Huai/ 懷 怀 T - 1918 huái f /bosom/heart/mind/to think of/to harbor in one's mind/to conceive (a child)/ 懷仁 怀仁 T - 23 Huái rén f /Huairen county in Shuozhou 朔州[Shuo4 zhou1], Shanxi/ 懷仁縣 怀仁县 T - 2 Huái rén xiàn f /Huairen county in Shuozhou 朔州[Shuo4 zhou1], Shanxi/ 懷來 怀来 T - 44 Huái lái f /Huailai county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei/ 懷來縣 怀来县 T - 14 Huái lái xiàn f /Huailai county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei/ 懷俄明 怀俄明 T - 12 Huái é míng f /Wyoming, US state/ 懷俄明州 怀俄明州 T - 12 Huái é míng zhōu f /Wyoming, US state/ 懷化 怀化 T - 36 Huái huà f /Huaihua prefecture level city in Hunan/ 懷化市 怀化市 T - 10 Huái huà shì f /Huaihua prefecture level city in Hunan/ 懷化縣 怀化县 T - 0 Huái huà xiàn f /Huaihua county, Hunan/ 懷古 怀古 T - 55 huái gǔ f /to recall the past/to cherish the memory of past events/to reminisce/nostalgic/ 懷妊 怀妊 T - 0 huái rèn f /gestation/pregnancy/ 懷孕 怀孕 T 1387 797 huái yùn f /pregnant/to have conceived/gestation/pregnancy/ 懷安 怀安 T - 4 Huái ān f /Huai'an county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei/ 懷安縣 怀安县 T - 2 Huái ān xiàn f /Huai'an county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei/ 懷寧 怀宁 T - 28 Huái níng f /Huaining county in Anqing 安慶|安庆[An1 qing4], Anhui/ 懷寧縣 怀宁县 T - 5 Huái níng xiàn f /Huaining county in Anqing 安慶|安庆[An1 qing4], Anhui/ 懷念 怀念 T 1821 437 huái niàn f /to cherish the memory of/to think of/reminisce/ 懷恨 怀恨 T - 52 huái hèn f /to nurse hatred/to harbor a grudge/spiteful/ 懷恨在心 怀恨在心 T - 58 huái hèn zài xīn f /to harbor hard feelings/ 懷才不遇 怀才不遇 T - 46 huái cái bù yù f /to have talent but no opportunity (idiom)/to be an unrecognized talent/ 懷抱 怀抱 T - 833 huái bào f /to hug/to cherish/within the bosom (of the family)/to embrace (also fig. an ideal, aspiration etc)/ 懷敵意 怀敌意 T - 0 huái dí yì f /hostile/ 懷春 怀春 T - 16 huái chūn f /(of girls) to yearn for love/ 懷有 怀有 T - 244 huái yǒu f /to have in one's person (feelings, talent etc)/ 懷柔 怀柔 T - 89 Huái róu f /Huairou rural district of Beijing, formerly Huairou county/ 懷柔 怀柔 T - 89 huái róu f /to conciliate/to appease/ 懷柔區 怀柔区 T - 9 Huái róu qū f /Huairou rural district of Beijing municipality, formerly Huairou county/ 懷柔縣 怀柔县 T - 16 Huái róu xiàn f /former Huairou county, now Huairou rural district of Beijing/ 懷氏虎鶇 怀氏虎鸫 T - 0 Huái shì hǔ dōng f /(bird species of China) White's thrush (Zoothera aurea)/ 懷特 怀特 T - 81 Huái tè f /White (name)/ 懷璧其罪 怀璧其罪 T - 5 huái bì qí zuì f /lit. treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime (idiom); to get into trouble on account of a cherished item/fig. A person's talent will arouse the envy of others./ 懷疑 怀疑 T 786 2525 huái yí f /to doubt/to suspect/doubt/suspicion/skeptical/ 懷疑派 怀疑派 T - 5 huái yí pài f /skeptical/ 懷疑者 怀疑者 T - 14 huái yí zhě f /skeptic/suspecter/ 懷祿 怀禄 T - 0 huái lù f /to yearn for a high official position/ 懷胎 怀胎 T - 54 huái tāi f /to become pregnant/to carry a child in the womb/ 懷舊 怀旧 T - 102 huái jiù f /fond remembrance of times past/nostalgia/ 懷舊感 怀旧感 T - 3 huái jiù gǎn f /feeling of nostalgia/ 懷裡 怀里 T - 1546 huái lǐ f /embrace/bosom/ 懷遠 怀远 T - 32 Huái yuǎn f /Huaiyuan county in Bengbu 蚌埠[Beng4 bu4], Anhui/ 懷遠縣 怀远县 T - 21 Huái yuǎn xiàn f /Huaiyuan county in Bengbu 蚌埠[Beng4 bu4], Anhui/ 懷鄉 怀乡 T - 3 huái xiāng f /homesick/ 懷錶 怀表 T - 59 huái biǎo f /pocket watch/ 懷集 怀集 T - 5 Huái jí f /Huaiji county in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆[Zhao4 qing4], Guangdong/ 懷集縣 怀集县 T - 3 Huái jí xiàn f /Huaiji county in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆[Zhao4 qing4], Guangdong/ 懸 悬 T - 1868 xuán f /to hang or suspend/to worry/public announcement/unresolved/baseless/without foundation/ 懸停 悬停 T - 34 xuán tíng f /to hover (helicopter, computer mouse etc)/ 懸垂 悬垂 T - 32 xuán chuí f /overhang/ 懸壺濟世 悬壶济世 T - 3 xuán hú jì shì f /practice medicine or pharmacy to help the people or public/ 懸岩 悬岩 T - 3 xuán yán f /cliff/ 懸崖 悬崖 T - 423 xuán yá f /precipice/overhanging cliff/ 懸崖勒馬 悬崖勒马 T - 46 xuán yá lè mǎ f /lit. to rein in the horse at the edge of the precipice (idiom); fig. to act in the nick of time/ 懸崖峭壁 悬崖峭壁 T 4951 75 xuán yá qiào bì f /sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces (idiom)/ 懸崖絕壁 悬崖绝壁 T - 29 xuán yá jué bì f /sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces (idiom)/ 懸帶 悬带 T - 0 xuán dài f /sling (for immobilizing an injured limb etc)/ 懸念 悬念 T 4181 277 xuán niàn f /suspense in a movie, play etc/concern for sb's welfare/ 懸掛 悬挂 T 4516 1977 xuán guà f /to suspend/to hang/(vehicle) suspension/ 懸掛式滑翔 悬挂式滑翔 T - 0 xuán guà shì huá xiáng f /hang-gliding/ 懸掛式滑翔機 悬挂式滑翔机 T - 0 xuán guà shì huá xiáng jī f /hang-glider/ 懸案 悬案 T - 24 xuán àn f /unresolved question/unresolved case/ 懸樑刺股 悬梁刺股 T - 5 xuán liáng cì gǔ f /to study assiduously and tirelessly (idiom)/see also 頭懸梁,錐刺股|头悬梁,锥刺股[tou2 xuan2 liang2 , zhui1 ci4 gu3]/ 懸殊 悬殊 T 4732 629 xuán shū f /widely different/large disparity/ 懸河 悬河 T - 12 xuán hé f /"hanging" river (an embanked one whose riverbed is higher than the surrounding floodplain)/(literary) waterfall/cataract/(fig.) torrent of words/ 懸浮 悬浮 T - 215 xuán fú f /to float (in the air etc)/suspension/ 懸浮微粒 悬浮微粒 T - 0 xuán fú wēi lì f /particulates/particulate matter/ 懸浮物 悬浮物 T - 13 xuán fú wù f /suspended matter/suspension (of atmospheric pollution)/ 懸疑 悬疑 T - 22 xuán yí f /suspense/ 懸盪 悬荡 T - 0 xuán dàng f /to hang/suspended/ 懸空 悬空 T - 120 xuán kōng f /midair/ 懸空寺 悬空寺 T - 42 Xuán kōng Sì f /Xuankong Temple or Suspended Temple near Yanyuan in Shanxi/ 懸索橋 悬索桥 T - 28 xuán suǒ qiáo f /suspension bridge/ 懸羊頭賣狗肉 悬羊头卖狗肉 T - 0 xuán yáng tóu mài gǒu ròu f /see 掛羊頭賣狗肉|挂羊头卖狗肉[gua4 yang2 tou2 mai4 gou3 rou4]/ 懸而未決 悬而未决 T - 50 xuán ér wèi jué f /pending a decision/hanging in the balance/ 懸臂 悬臂 T - 105 xuán bì f /cantilever/ 懸賞 悬赏 T - 72 xuán shǎng f /to offer a reward/bounty/ 懸賞令 悬赏令 T - 0 xuán shǎng lìng f /an order to post a reward (for the capture of a criminal)/ 懸雍垂 悬雍垂 T - 2 xuán yōng chuí f /uvula (biology)/ 懺 忏 T - 60 chàn f /feel remorse/regret/repent/ 懺悔 忏悔 T - 227 chàn huǐ f /to confess/to repent/remorse/repentance/penitent/confession (Buddhism)/ 懼 惧 T - 1434 jù f /to fear/ 懼內 惧内 T - 12 jù nèi f /henpecked/ 懼怕 惧怕 T - 426 jù pà f /to be afraid/ 懼高症 惧高症 T - 3 jù gāo zhèng f /acrophobia/ 懽 欢 T - 1261 huān f /variant of 歡|欢[huan1]/ 懾 慑 T - 211 shè f /afraid/be feared/to fear/to frighten/to intimidate/ 懾服 慑服 T - 26 shè fú f /to overawe/to be scared into submission/ 懿 - 509 yì f /restrain/virtuous/ 懿亲 懿親 S - 0 yì qīn f /(formal) close kin/closest relative/ 懿旨 - 126 yì zhǐ f /an imperial decree/ 懿親 懿亲 T - 0 yì qīn f /(formal) close kin/closest relative/ 戀 恋 T - 539 liàn f /to feel attached to/to long for/to love/ 戀人 恋人 T - 314 liàn rén f /lover/sweetheart/ 戀家 恋家 T - 6 liàn jiā f /home-loving/to feel a strong attachment to home life/to begrudge being away from home/ 戀屍癖 恋尸癖 T - 3 liàn shī pǐ f /necrophilia/ 戀念 恋念 T - 3 liàn niàn f /to have a sentimental attachment to (a place)/to miss (one's ancestral home etc)/to be nostalgic about/ 戀情 恋情 T - 159 liàn qíng f /romantic love/ 戀愛 恋爱 T 1582 848 liàn ài f /(romantic) love/CL:個|个[ge4],場|场[chang3]/in love/to have an affair/ 戀慕 恋慕 T - 8 liàn mù f /to be enamored of/to have tender feelings for/to be sentimentally attached to (a person or place)/ 戀戀不捨 恋恋不舍 T - 103 liàn liàn bù shě f /reluctant to part/ 戀戰 恋战 T - 84 liàn zhàn f /to zealously continue fighting/ 戀棧 恋栈 T - 3 liàn zhàn f /to be reluctant to give up a post/ 戀歌 恋歌 T - 12 liàn gē f /love song/ 戀母情結 恋母情结 T - 3 liàn mǔ qíng jié f /Oedipus complex/ 戀物 恋物 T - 0 liàn wù f /(sexual) fetishism/ 戀物狂 恋物狂 T - 0 liàn wù kuáng f /(sexual) fetishism/ 戀物癖 恋物癖 T - 3 liàn wù pǐ f /(sexual) fetishism/ 戀童犯 恋童犯 T - 0 liàn tóng fàn f /pedophile/ 戀童癖 恋童癖 T - 0 liàn tóng pǐ f /pedophilia/pedophile/ 戀腳癖 恋脚癖 T - 0 liàn jiǎo pǐ f /foot fetish/ 戀腳癖者 恋脚癖者 T - 0 liàn jiǎo pǐ zhě f /foot fetishist/ 戀舊 恋旧 T - 19 liàn jiù f /see 懷舊|怀旧[huai2 jiu4]/ 戀舊情結 恋旧情结 T - 0 liàn jiù qíng jié f /dwelling on the past/difficulty in adapting to changes/ 戁 - 0 nǎn f /stand in awe/ 戄 - 0 jué f /to fear/to be in awe/sudden glance/ 戆 戇 S - 18 gàng t /stupid (Wu dialect)/ 戆 戇 S - 18 zhuàng f /simple/honest/ 戆头戆脑 戇頭戇腦 S - 3 gàng tóu gàng nǎo f /stupid (Wu dialect)/ 戆督 戇督 S - 0 gàng dū f /stupid, ignorant (Wu dialect)/ 戇 戆 T - 18 gàng t /stupid (Wu dialect)/ 戇 戆 T - 18 zhuàng f /simple/honest/ 戇督 戆督 T - 0 gàng dū f /stupid, ignorant (Wu dialect)/ 戇頭戇腦 戆头戆脑 T - 3 gàng tóu gàng nǎo f /stupid (Wu dialect)/ 戈 - 370 Gē f /surname Ge/ 戈 - 370 gē f /spear/ 戈兰高地 戈蘭高地 S - 10 Gē lán Gāo dì f /Golan Heights/ 戈培尔 戈培爾 S - 35 Gē péi ěr f /Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945), German Nazi leader and politician/ 戈培爾 戈培尔 T - 35 Gē péi ěr f /Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945), German Nazi leader and politician/ 戈壁 - 368 Gē bì f /Gobi (desert)/ 戈壁沙漠 - 0 Gē bì Shā mò f /Gobi Desert/ 戈壁滩 戈壁灘 S - 52 Gē bì tān f /Gobi desert/ 戈壁灘 戈壁滩 T - 52 Gē bì tān f /Gobi desert/ 戈壁荒滩 戈壁荒灘 S - 0 Gē bì huāng tān f /barren sands of the Gobi desert/ 戈壁荒灘 戈壁荒滩 T - 0 Gē bì huāng tān f /barren sands of the Gobi desert/ 戈尔 戈爾 S - 47 Gē ěr f /Gore (name)/Al Gore (1948-), US vice-president 1993-2001 under Bill Clinton, subsequently environmental campaigner and Nobel Peace laureate/ 戈尔巴乔夫 戈爾巴喬夫 S - 123 Gē ěr bā qiáo fū f /Gorbachev/Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev (1931-), last president of the Soviet Union 1991-1995/ 戈德斯通 - 0 Gē dé sī tōng f /Goldstone (name)/ 戈斯拉尔 戈斯拉爾 S - 0 Gē sī lā ěr f /Goslar, Germany/ 戈斯拉爾 戈斯拉尔 T - 0 Gē sī lā ěr f /Goslar, Germany/ 戈比 - 21 gē bǐ f /kopeck (unit of money, one hundredth of ruble) (loanword)/ 戈氏岩鵐 戈氏岩鹀 T - 0 Gē shì yán wú f /(bird species of China) Godlewski's bunting (Emberiza godlewskii)/ 戈氏岩鹀 戈氏岩鵐 S - 0 Gē shì yán wú f /(bird species of China) Godlewski's bunting (Emberiza godlewskii)/ 戈氏金丝燕 戈氏金絲燕 S - 0 Gē shì jīn sī yàn f /(bird species of China) German's swiftlet (Aerodramus germani)/ 戈氏金絲燕 戈氏金丝燕 T - 0 Gē shì jīn sī yàn f /(bird species of China) German's swiftlet (Aerodramus germani)/ 戈爾 戈尔 T - 47 Gē ěr f /Gore (name)/Al Gore (1948-), US vice-president 1993-2001 under Bill Clinton, subsequently environmental campaigner and Nobel Peace laureate/ 戈爾巴喬夫 戈尔巴乔夫 T - 123 Gē ěr bā qiáo fū f /Gorbachev/Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev (1931-), last president of the Soviet Union 1991-1995/ 戈蘭高地 戈兰高地 T - 10 Gē lán Gāo dì f /Golan Heights/ 戉 - 2 yuè f /variant of 鉞|钺[yue4]/ 戊 - 163 wù f /fifth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]/fifth in order/letter "E" or roman "V" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/penta/ 戊五醇 - 0 wù wǔ chún f /xylitol/also written 木糖醇[mu4 tang2 chun2]/ 戊午 - 14 wù wǔ f /fifty fifth year E7 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1978 or 2038/ 戊唑醇 - 0 wù zuò chún f /tebuconazole (antifungal agent)/ 戊型肝炎 - 0 wù xíng gān yán f /hepatitis E/ 戊子 - 6 wù zǐ f /twenty fifth year E1 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 2008 or 2068/ 戊寅 - 17 wù yín f /fifteenth year E3 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1998 or 2058/ 戊巴比妥鈉 戊巴比妥钠 T - 0 wù bā bǐ tuǒ nà f /pentasorbital sodium (a sedative)/ 戊巴比妥钠 戊巴比妥鈉 S - 0 wù bā bǐ tuǒ nà f /pentasorbital sodium (a sedative)/ 戊戌 - 33 wù xū f /thirty-fifth year E11 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1958 or 2018/ 戊戌六君子 - 0 Wù xū Liù jūn zǐ f /the Six Gentlemen Martyrs of the failed reform movement of 1898, executed in its aftermath, namely: Tan Sitong 譚嗣同|谭嗣同[Tan2 Si4 tong2], Lin Xu 林旭[Lin2 Xu4], Yang Shenxiu 楊深秀|杨深秀[Yang2 Shen1 xiu4], Liu Guangdi 劉光第|刘光第[Liu2 Guang1 di4], Kang Guangren 康廣仁|康广仁[Kang1 Guang3 ren2] and Yang Rui 楊銳|杨锐[Yang2 Rui4]/ 戊戌变法 戊戌變法 S - 129 Wù xū Biàn fǎ f /Hundred Days Reform (1898), failed attempt to reform the Qing dynasty/ 戊戌政变 戊戌政變 S - 18 Wù xū Zhèng biàn f /coup by Dowager Empress Cixi 慈禧太后[Ci2 xi3 tai4 hou4] ending the 1898 attempt to reform the Qing dynasty/ 戊戌政變 戊戌政变 T - 18 Wù xū Zhèng biàn f /coup by Dowager Empress Cixi 慈禧太后[Ci2 xi3 tai4 hou4] ending the 1898 attempt to reform the Qing dynasty/ 戊戌維新 戊戌维新 T - 21 Wù xū Wéi xīn f /Hundred Days Reform (1898), failed attempt to reform the Qing dynasty/ 戊戌维新 戊戌維新 S - 21 Wù xū Wéi xīn f /Hundred Days Reform (1898), failed attempt to reform the Qing dynasty/ 戊戌變法 戊戌变法 T - 129 Wù xū Biàn fǎ f /Hundred Days Reform (1898), failed attempt to reform the Qing dynasty/ 戊申 - 4 wù shēn f /forty fifth year E9 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1968 or 2028/ 戊糖 - 3 wù táng f /pentose (CH2O)5, monosaccharide with five carbon atoms, such as ribose 核糖[he2 tang2]/ 戊辰 - 13 wù chén f /fifth year E5 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1988 or 2048/ 戊醇 - 2 wù chún f /amyl alcohol/ 戋 戔 S - 18 jiān f /narrow/small/ 戋戋 戔戔 S - 0 jiān jiān f /small/tiny/ 戌 - 83 xū f /11th earthly branch: 7-9 p.m., 9th solar month (8th October-6th November), year of the Dog/ancient Chinese compass point: 300°/ 戌时 戌時 S - 3 xū shí f /7-9 pm/ 戌時 戌时 T - 3 xū shí f /7-9 pm/ 戌狗 - 3 xū gǒu f /Year 11, year of the Dog (e.g. 2006)/ 戍 - 175 shù f /garrison/ 戍卒 - 13 shù zú f /garrison soldier/ 戍守 - 60 shù shǒu f /to guard/ 戍角 - 0 shù jiǎo f /garrison trumpet call/ 戍边 戍邊 S - 71 shù biān f /to garrison the border/to guard the frontier/exile to a border garrison post/ 戍邊 戍边 T - 71 shù biān f /to garrison the border/to guard the frontier/exile to a border garrison post/ 戎 - 401 Róng f /surname Rong/ 戎 - 401 róng f /generic term for weapons (old)/army (matters)/military affairs/ 戎事 - 3 róng shì f /military affairs/ 戎事倥偬 戎事倥傯 S - 0 róng shì kǒng zǒng f /a time of military urgency/war crisis/ 戎事倥傯 戎事倥偬 T - 0 róng shì kǒng zǒng f /a time of military urgency/war crisis/ 戎机 戎機 S - 8 róng jī f /opportunity for a fight/war/ 戎機 戎机 T - 8 róng jī f /opportunity for a fight/war/ 戎甲 - 0 róng jiǎ f /weapons and armor/ 戎行 - 3 róng háng f /troops/military affairs/ 戎衣 - 7 róng yī f /military uniform/ 戎装 戎裝 S - 254 róng zhuāng f /martial attire/ 戎裝 戎装 T - 254 róng zhuāng f /martial attire/ 戎車 戎车 T - 0 róng chē f /military vehicle/ 戎车 戎車 S - 0 róng chē f /military vehicle/ 戎馬 戎马 T - 41 róng mǎ f /military horse/by extension, military matters/ 戎馬生涯 戎马生涯 T - 16 róng mǎ shēng yá f /army life (idiom)/the experience of war/ 戎马 戎馬 S - 41 róng mǎ f /military horse/by extension, military matters/ 戎马生涯 戎馬生涯 S - 16 róng mǎ shēng yá f /army life (idiom)/the experience of war/ 戏 戯 S - 3048 xì f /variant of 戲|戏[xi4]/ 戏 戲 S - 3048 xì f /trick/drama/play/show/CL:出[chu1],場|场[chang3],臺|台[tai2]/ 戏仿 戲仿 S - 0 xì fǎng f /parody/imitation/ 戏侮 戲侮 S - 12 xì wǔ f /to insult/ 戏剧 戲劇 S 1917 2176 xì jù f /drama/play/theater/ 戏剧化 戲劇化 S - 34 xì jù huà f /theatrical/ 戏剧化人格违常 戲劇化人格違常 S - 0 xì jù huà rén gé wéi cháng f /histrionic personality disorder (HPD)/ 戏剧家 戲劇家 S - 107 xì jù jiā f /dramatist/playwright/ 戏剧性 戲劇性 S - 207 xì jù xìng f /dramatic/ 戏台 戲臺 S - 202 xì tái f /stage/ 戏子 戲子 S - 97 xì zi f /(derog.) opera singer/actor/ 戏弄 戲弄 S - 174 xì nòng f /to play tricks on/to make fun of/to tease/ 戏曲 戲曲 S - 1279 xì qǔ f /Chinese opera/ 戏法 戲法 S - 64 xì fǎ f /magic trick/ 戏眼 戲眼 S - 0 xì yǎn f /the best part (of a play etc)/ 戏码 戲碼 S - 14 xì mǎ f /item (on a program)/ 戏票 戲票 S - 24 xì piào f /(theater etc) ticket/ 戏称 戲稱 S - 356 xì chēng f /to jokingly call/jocular appellation/ 戏耍 戲耍 S - 60 xì shuǎ f /to amuse oneself/to play with/to tease/ 戏言 戲言 S - 52 xì yán f /joking matter/to go back on one's words/ 戏词 戲詞 S - 4 xì cí f /actor's lines (in theater)/ 戏说 戲說 S - 18 xì shuō f /dramatic form consisting of historical narration/history as jocular narrative/to stretch history for a joking story/amusing story with strained interpretations of history/to make an unreasonable comparison in jest/ 戏说剧 戲說劇 S - 0 xì shuō jù f /period costume drama (on TV)/ 戏谑 戲謔 S - 60 xì xuè f /to banter/to crack jokes/to ridicule/ 戏院 戲院 S - 48 xì yuàn f /theater/ 成 - 44880 Chéng f /surname Cheng/ 成 - 44880 chéng f /to succeed/to finish/to complete/to accomplish/to become/to turn into/to be all right/OK!/one tenth/ 成丁 - 11 chéng dīng f /(of a male) to come of age/an adult male/ 成串 - 3 chéng chuàn f /cluster/bunch/ 成为 成為 S 643 35966 chéng wéi f /to become/to turn into/ 成也萧何,败也萧何 成也蕭何,敗也蕭何 S - 0 chéng yě Xiāo Hé , bài yě Xiāo Hé f /lit. raised up by Xiao He, cast down by Xiao He (idiom), alluding to Han Xin 韓信|韩信[Han2 Xin4] being made Grand General 大將軍|大将军[da4 jiang1 jun1]/fig. a situation where one's success and failure are both due to the same factor/ 成也蕭何,敗也蕭何 成也萧何,败也萧何 T - 0 chéng yě Xiāo Hé , bài yě Xiāo Hé f /lit. raised up by Xiao He, cast down by Xiao He (idiom), alluding to Han Xin 韓信|韩信[Han2 Xin4] being made Grand General 大將軍|大将军[da4 jiang1 jun1]/fig. a situation where one's success and failure are both due to the same factor/ 成书 成書 S - 411 chéng shū f /publication/a book's first appearance/ 成了 - 0 chéng le f /to be done/to be ready/that's enough!/that will do!/ 成事不足,敗事有餘 成事不足,败事有余 T - 0 chéng shì bù zú , bài shì yǒu yú f /unable to accomplish anything but liable to spoil everything (idiom)/unable to do anything right/never make, but always mar/ 成事不足,败事有余 成事不足,敗事有餘 S - 0 chéng shì bù zú , bài shì yǒu yú f /unable to accomplish anything but liable to spoil everything (idiom)/unable to do anything right/never make, but always mar/ 成交 2823 670 chéng jiāo f /to complete a contract/to reach a deal/ 成交价 成交價 S - 52 chéng jiāo jià f /sale price/negotiated price/price reached in an auction/ 成交價 成交价 T - 52 chéng jiāo jià f /sale price/negotiated price/price reached in an auction/ 成亲 成親 S - 279 chéng qīn f /to get married/ 成人 1891 1366 chéng rén f /adult/ 成人礼 成人禮 S - 3 chéng rén lǐ f /coming of age ceremony/ 成人禮 成人礼 T - 3 chéng rén lǐ f /coming of age ceremony/ 成仁 - 179 chéng rén f /to die for a good cause/ 成仙 - 45 chéng xiān f /to become immortal/ 成份 - 199 chéng fèn f /composition/make-up/ingredient/element/component/one's social status/same as 成分/ 成份股 - 9 chéng fèn gǔ f /share included in composite index/ 成体 成體 S - 3 chéng tǐ f /adult/fully formed/developed/ 成何体统 成何體統 S - 3 chéng hé tǐ tǒng f /What a scandal!/Whatever next?/ 成何體統 成何体统 T - 3 chéng hé tǐ tǒng f /What a scandal!/Whatever next?/ 成佛 - 72 chéng fó f /to become a Buddha/to attain enlightenment/ 成像 - 315 chéng xiàng f /to form an image/imaging/ 成全 - 177 chéng quán f /to help sb accomplish his aim/to help sb succeed/to complete/to make whole/to round off/ 成军 成軍 S - 12 chéng jūn f /lit. to form an army/to set up (team, group, band, organization etc)/to found/opening (ceremony)/to commission (arms system, naval vessel)/to graduate from an apprenticeship/ 成分 2048 4165 chéng fèn f /composition/make-up/ingredient/element/component/one's social status/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 成则为王,败则为寇 成則為王,敗則為寇 S - 0 chéng zé wéi wáng , bài zé wéi kòu f /lit. called a king if successful, called a bandit if defeated (idiom)/fig. losers are always in the wrong/ 成則為王,敗則為寇 成则为王,败则为寇 T - 0 chéng zé wéi wáng , bài zé wéi kòu f /lit. called a king if successful, called a bandit if defeated (idiom)/fig. losers are always in the wrong/ 成功 681 10638 Chéng gōng f /Chenggong or Chengkung town in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 成功 681 10638 chéng gōng f /success/to succeed/CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4]/ 成功感 - 8 chéng gōng gǎn f /sense of accomplishment/ 成功鎮 成功镇 T - 0 Chéng gōng zhèn f /Chenggong or Chengkung town in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 成功镇 成功鎮 S - 0 Chéng gōng zhèn f /Chenggong or Chengkung town in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 成千 - 3 chéng qiān f /thousands/ 成千上万 成千上萬 S - 631 chéng qiān shàng wàn f /lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom); untold numbers/innumerable/thousands upon thousands/ 成千上萬 成千上万 T - 631 chéng qiān shàng wàn f /lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom); untold numbers/innumerable/thousands upon thousands/ 成千成万 成千成萬 S - 74 chéng qiān chéng wàn f /lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom); untold numbers/innumerable/thousands upon thousands/ 成千成萬 成千成万 T - 74 chéng qiān chéng wàn f /lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom); untold numbers/innumerable/thousands upon thousands/ 成千累万 成千累萬 S - 2 chéng qiān lěi wàn f /lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom); untold numbers/innumerable/thousands upon thousands/ 成千累萬 成千累万 T - 2 chéng qiān lěi wàn f /lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom); untold numbers/innumerable/thousands upon thousands/ 成华 成華 S - 0 Chéng huá f /Chenghua district of Chengdu city 成都市[Cheng2 du1 shi4], Sichuan/ 成华区 成華區 S - 8 Chéng huá qū f /Chenghua district of Chengdu city 成都市[Cheng2 du1 shi4], Sichuan/ 成县 成縣 S - 26 Chéng xiàn f /Cheng county in Longnan 隴南|陇南[Long3 nan2], Gansu/ 成双作对 成雙作對 S - 3 chéng shuāng zuò duì f /see 成雙成對|成双成对[cheng2 shuang1 cheng2 dui4]/ 成双成对 成雙成對 S - 22 chéng shuāng chéng duì f /to form pairs/to be in couples/ 成反比 - 3 chéng fǎn bǐ f /to vary inversely/inversely proportional to/ 成吉思汗 - 946 Chéng jí sī hán f /Genghis Khan (1162-1227)/ 成名 - 334 chéng míng f /to make one's name/to become famous/ 成名作 - 54 chéng míng zuò f /work that makes one's name/ 成员 成員 S 2557 4686 chéng yuán f /member/ 成员国 成員國 S - 851 chéng yuán guó f /member country/ 成品 - 342 chéng pǐn f /finished goods/a finished product/ 成品油 - 58 chéng pǐn yóu f /refined oil/ 成員 成员 T 2557 4686 chéng yuán f /member/ 成員國 成员国 T - 851 chéng yuán guó f /member country/ 成器 - 20 chéng qì f /to make sth of oneself/to become a person who is worthy of respect/ 成因 - 426 chéng yīn f /cause/factor/cause of formation/ 成圈 - 0 chéng quān f /wreathe/ 成均館 成均馆 T - 0 Chéng jūn guǎn f /Koryo Seonggyungwan, university dating back to Korean Goryeo dynasty, in Gaesong, North Korea/Sungkyun kwan university, Seoul/ 成均馆 成均館 S - 0 Chéng jūn guǎn f /Koryo Seonggyungwan, university dating back to Korean Goryeo dynasty, in Gaesong, North Korea/Sungkyun kwan university, Seoul/ 成型 - 516 chéng xíng f /to become shaped/to become formed/ 成報 成报 T - 7 Chéng Bào f /Sing Pao Daily News/ 成夜 - 0 chéng yè f /all night long/ 成天 3487 295 chéng tiān f /(coll.) all day long/all the time/ 成套 - 153 chéng tào f /forming a complete set/complementing one another/ 成婚 - 228 chéng hūn f /to get married/ 成安 - 5 Chéng ān f /Chang'an county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 dan1], Hebei/ 成安县 成安縣 S - 3 Chéng ān xiàn f /Chang'an county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 dan1], Hebei/ 成安縣 成安县 T - 3 Chéng ān xiàn f /Chang'an county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 dan1], Hebei/ 成实宗 成實宗 S - 0 Chéng shí zōng f /Satyasiddhi school of Buddhism/ 成家 - 103 chéng jiā f /to settle down and get married (of a man)/to become a recognized expert/ 成家立业 成家立業 S - 29 chéng jiā lì yè f /to get married and start a career (idiom)/to settle down/to establish oneself/ 成家立室 - 0 chéng jiā lì shì f /to get married (idiom)/ 成家立業 成家立业 T - 29 chéng jiā lì yè f /to get married and start a career (idiom)/to settle down/to establish oneself/ 成實宗 成实宗 T - 0 Chéng shí zōng f /Satyasiddhi school of Buddhism/ 成对 成對 S - 3 chéng duì f /to form a pair/ 成對 成对 T - 3 chéng duì f /to form a pair/ 成就 1797 3599 chéng jiù f /accomplishment/success/achievement/CL:個|个[ge4]/to attain a result/ 成层 成層 S - 0 chéng céng f /layered/stratified/ 成層 成层 T - 0 chéng céng f /layered/stratified/ 成年 - 465 chéng nián f /to grow to adulthood/fully grown/the whole year/ 成年人 - 371 chéng nián rén f /adult person/ 成年累月 - 14 chéng nián lěi yuè f /year in, year out (idiom)/ 成年者 - 0 chéng nián zhě f /adult/ 成形 - 209 chéng xíng f /to take shape/shaping/forming/ 成心 4677 66 chéng xīn f /intentional/deliberate/on purpose/ 成性 - 3 chéng xìng f /to become second nature/by nature/ 成才 - 178 chéng cái f /to make sth of oneself/to become a person who is worthy of respect/ 成批 - 80 chéng pī f /in batches/in bulk/ 成报 成報 S - 7 Chéng Bào f /Sing Pao Daily News/ 成效 4290 1139 chéng xiào f /effect/result/ 成敗 成败 T - 325 chéng bài f /success or failure/ 成敗利鈍 成败利钝 T - 24 chéng bài lì dùn f /succeed or fail, sharp or blunt (idiom); advantages and disadvantages/success and failure/You win some, you lose some./ 成敗在此一舉 成败在此一举 T - 0 chéng bài zài cǐ yī jǔ f /win or lose, it all ends here/this is the moment to shine/ 成敗得失 成败得失 T - 15 chéng bài dé shī f /lit. success and failure, the gains and losses (idiom)/fig. to weigh up various factors/ 成敗論人 成败论人 T - 3 chéng bài lùn rén f /to judge people based on their success or failure (idiom)/ 成文 - 270 chéng wén f /written/statutory/ 成文法 - 95 chéng wén fǎ f /statute/ 成方儿 成方兒 S - 0 chéng fāng r f /set prescription (i.e. medicine specifically prescribed for a definite condition)/ 成方兒 成方儿 T - 0 chéng fāng r f /set prescription (i.e. medicine specifically prescribed for a definite condition)/ 成日 - 46 chéng rì f /all day long/the whole day/the whole time/ 成書 成书 T - 411 chéng shū f /publication/a book's first appearance/ 成本 3635 4289 chéng běn f /(manufacturing, production etc) costs/ 成材 - 58 chéng cái f /to make sth of oneself/to become a person who is worthy of respect/(of a tree) to grow to full size/to become useful for timber/ 成果 2041 4800 chéng guǒ f /result/achievement/gain/profit/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 成样 成樣 S - 0 chéng yàng f /seemly/presentable/ 成样子 成樣子 S - 0 chéng yàng zi f /seemly/presentable/ 成核 - 10 chéng hé f /nucleation/ 成樣 成样 T - 0 chéng yàng f /seemly/presentable/ 成樣子 成样子 T - 0 chéng yàng zi f /seemly/presentable/ 成武 - 7 Chéng wǔ f /Chengwu county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze2], Shandong/ 成武县 成武縣 S - 5 Chéng wǔ xiàn f /Chengwu county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze2], Shandong/ 成武縣 成武县 T - 5 Chéng wǔ xiàn f /Chengwu county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze2], Shandong/ 成汉 成漢 S - 7 Chéng Hàn f /Cheng Han of the Sixteen Kingdoms (304-347)/ 成活 - 33 chéng huó f /to survive/ 成活率 - 30 chéng huó lǜ f /survival rate/rate of success/ 成渝 - 5 Chéng Yú f /Chengdu 成都 and Chongqing 重慶|重庆/ 成漢 成汉 T - 7 Chéng Hàn f /Cheng Han of the Sixteen Kingdoms (304-347)/ 成災 成灾 T - 57 chéng zāi f /disastrous/to turn into a disaster/ 成灾 成災 S - 57 chéng zāi f /disastrous/to turn into a disaster/ 成為 成为 T 643 35966 chéng wéi f /to become/to turn into/ 成熟 1591 3742 chéng shú f /mature/ripe/to mature/to ripen/Taiwan pr. [cheng2 shou2]/ 成熟分裂 - 0 chéng shú fēn liè f /meiosis (in sexual reproduction)/ 成王敗寇 成王败寇 T - 6 chéng wáng bài kòu f /see 成則為王,敗則為寇|成则为王,败则为寇[cheng2 ze2 wei2 wang2 , bai4 ze2 wei2 kou4]/ 成王败寇 成王敗寇 S - 6 chéng wáng bài kòu f /see 成則為王,敗則為寇|成则为王,败则为寇[cheng2 ze2 wei2 wang2 , bai4 ze2 wei2 kou4]/ 成田 - 17 Chéng tián f /Narita (Japanese surname and place name)/ 成田机场 成田機場 S - 0 Chéng tián Jī chǎng f /Narita Airport (Tokyo)/ 成田機場 成田机场 T - 0 Chéng tián Jī chǎng f /Narita Airport (Tokyo)/ 成瘾 成癮 S - 84 chéng yǐn f /to be addicted/addiction/ 成癮 成瘾 T - 84 chéng yǐn f /to be addicted/addiction/ 成百上千 - 51 chéng bǎi shàng qiān f /hundreds/a large number/lit. by the hundreds and thousands/ 成真 - 3 chéng zhēn f /to come true/ 成立 1885 14079 chéng lì f /to establish/to set up/to be tenable/to hold water/ 成章 - 18 chéng zhāng f /to form a coherent composition/ 成竹在胸 - 54 chéng zhú zài xiōng f /see 胸有成竹[xiong1 you3 cheng2 zhu2]/ 成組 成组 T - 44 chéng zǔ f /to make up (out of components)/ 成縣 成县 T - 26 Chéng xiàn f /Cheng county in Longnan 隴南|陇南[Long3 nan2], Gansu/ 成績 成绩 T 535 6217 chéng jì f /achievement/performance records/grades/CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4]/ 成績卓然 成绩卓然 T - 0 chéng jì zhuó rán f /to achieve astounding results (idiom)/ 成績單 成绩单 T - 54 chéng jì dān f /school report or transcript/ 成组 成組 S - 44 chéng zǔ f /to make up (out of components)/ 成绩 成績 S 535 6217 chéng jì f /achievement/performance records/grades/CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4]/ 成绩卓然 成績卓然 S - 0 chéng jì zhuó rán f /to achieve astounding results (idiom)/ 成绩单 成績單 S - 54 chéng jì dān f /school report or transcript/ 成群 - 346 chéng qún f /in groups/large numbers of/grouping/ 成群結隊 成群结队 T - 137 chéng qún jié duì f /making up a group, forming a troupe (idiom); in large numbers/as a large crowd/ 成群结队 成群結隊 S - 137 chéng qún jié duì f /making up a group, forming a troupe (idiom); in large numbers/as a large crowd/ 成考移民 - 0 chéng kǎo yí mín f /mandatory college exam for immigrants/ 成者为王,败者为寇 成者為王,敗者為寇 S - 0 chéng zhě wéi wáng , bài zhě wéi kòu f /see 成則為王,敗則為寇|成则为王,败则为寇[cheng2 ze2 wei2 wang2 , bai4 ze2 wei2 kou4]/ 成者為王,敗者為寇 成者为王,败者为寇 T - 0 chéng zhě wéi wáng , bài zhě wéi kòu f /see 成則為王,敗則為寇|成则为王,败则为寇[cheng2 ze2 wei2 wang2 , bai4 ze2 wei2 kou4]/ 成色 - 342 chéng sè f /relative purity of silver or gold/purity in carat weight/quality/fineness/ 成药 成藥 S - 30 chéng yào f /patent medicine/medicine already made up/ 成華 成华 T - 0 Chéng huá f /Chenghua district of Chengdu city 成都市[Cheng2 du1 shi4], Sichuan/ 成華區 成华区 T - 8 Chéng huá qū f /Chenghua district of Chengdu city 成都市[Cheng2 du1 shi4], Sichuan/ 成藥 成药 T - 30 chéng yào f /patent medicine/medicine already made up/ 成虫 成蟲 S - 430 chéng chóng f /imago (adult, sexually mature insect, the final stage of its development)/ 成蛹 - 0 chéng yǒng f /to pupate/to become a chrysalis/ 成蟲 成虫 T - 430 chéng chóng f /imago (adult, sexually mature insect, the final stage of its development)/ 成行 - 249 chéng xíng f /to embark on a journey/ 成衣 - 53 chéng yī f /ready-made clothes/ 成見 成见 T - 64 chéng jiàn f /preconceived idea/bias/prejudice/ 成規 成规 T - 188 chéng guī f /established rules/the beaten track/ 成親 成亲 T - 279 chéng qīn f /to get married/ 成见 成見 S - 64 chéng jiàn f /preconceived idea/bias/prejudice/ 成规 成規 S - 188 chéng guī f /established rules/the beaten track/ 成話 成话 T - 0 chéng huà f /to make sense/ 成語 成语 T 2485 129 chéng yǔ f /Chinese set expression, often made up of 4 characters or two couplets of 4 characters each, often alluding to a story or historical quotation/idiom/proverb/saying/adage/set expression/CL:條|条[tiao2],本[ben3],句[ju4]/ 成語典故 成语典故 T - 0 chéng yǔ diǎn gù f /idiom that quotes a classic story/ 成語接龍 成语接龙 T - 0 chéng yǔ jiē lóng f /game where the last word of one idiom 成語|成语[cheng2 yu3] is the first of the next/ 成說 成说 T - 57 chéng shuō f /accepted theory or formulation/ 成话 成話 S - 0 chéng huà f /to make sense/ 成语 成語 S 2485 129 chéng yǔ f /Chinese set expression, often made up of 4 characters or two couplets of 4 characters each, often alluding to a story or historical quotation/idiom/proverb/saying/adage/set expression/CL:條|条[tiao2],本[ben3],句[ju4]/ 成语典故 成語典故 S - 0 chéng yǔ diǎn gù f /idiom that quotes a classic story/ 成语接龙 成語接龍 S - 0 chéng yǔ jiē lóng f /game where the last word of one idiom 成語|成语[cheng2 yu3] is the first of the next/ 成说 成說 S - 57 chéng shuō f /accepted theory or formulation/ 成象 - 4 chéng xiàng f /to form an image/to call to mind/ 成败 成敗 S - 325 chéng bài f /success or failure/ 成败利钝 成敗利鈍 S - 24 chéng bài lì dùn f /succeed or fail, sharp or blunt (idiom); advantages and disadvantages/success and failure/You win some, you lose some./ 成败在此一举 成敗在此一舉 S - 0 chéng bài zài cǐ yī jǔ f /win or lose, it all ends here/this is the moment to shine/ 成败得失 成敗得失 S - 15 chéng bài dé shī f /lit. success and failure, the gains and losses (idiom)/fig. to weigh up various factors/ 成败论人 成敗論人 S - 3 chéng bài lùn rén f /to judge people based on their success or failure (idiom)/ 成軍 成军 T - 12 chéng jūn f /lit. to form an army/to set up (team, group, band, organization etc)/to found/opening (ceremony)/to commission (arms system, naval vessel)/to graduate from an apprenticeship/ 成道 - 0 chéng dào f /to reach illumination (Buddhism)/ 成都 - 2770 Chéng dū f /Chengdu subprovincial city and capital of Sichuan province 四川 in southwest China/ 成都体育大学 成都體育大學 S - 0 Chéng dū Tǐ yù Dà xué f /Chengdu Sports University/ 成都市 - 216 Chéng dū shì f /Chengdu subprovincial city and capital of Sichuan province 四川 in southwest China/ 成都體育大學 成都体育大学 T - 0 Chéng dū Tǐ yù Dà xué f /Chengdu Sports University/ 成長 成长 T 1681 5432 chéng zhǎng f /to mature/to grow/growth/ 成長率 成长率 T - 3 chéng zhǎng lǜ f /growth rate/ 成长 成長 S 1681 5432 chéng zhǎng f /to mature/to grow/growth/ 成长率 成長率 S - 3 chéng zhǎng lǜ f /growth rate/ 成雙作對 成双作对 T - 3 chéng shuāng zuò duì f /see 成雙成對|成双成对[cheng2 shuang1 cheng2 dui4]/ 成雙成對 成双成对 T - 22 chéng shuāng chéng duì f /to form pairs/to be in couples/ 成骨 - 0 chéng gǔ f /bone formation/osteogenesis/ 成骨不全症 - 0 chéng gǔ bù quán zhèng f /osteogenesis imperfecta (OI)/brittle bone disease/ 成體 成体 T - 3 chéng tǐ f /adult/fully formed/developed/ 成龍 成龙 T - 56 Chéng Lóng f /Jackie Chan (1954-), kungfu film and cantopop star/ 成龙 成龍 S - 56 Chéng Lóng f /Jackie Chan (1954-), kungfu film and cantopop star/ 我 1 328841 wǒ f /I/me/my/ 我人 - 0 wǒ rén f /we/ 我们 我們 S 8 98740 wǒ men f /we/us/ourselves/our/ 我們 我们 T 8 98740 wǒ men f /we/us/ourselves/our/ 我勒个去 我勒個去 S - 0 wǒ lè ge qù f /(slang) shoot!/crap!/ 我勒個去 我勒个去 T - 0 wǒ lè ge qù f /(slang) shoot!/crap!/ 我国 我國 S - 22114 wǒ guó f /our country/China/ 我國 我国 T - 22114 wǒ guó f /our country/China/ 我方 - 194 wǒ fāng f /our side/we/ 我行我素 - 55 wǒ xíng wǒ sù f /to continue in one's own way (idiom); to ignore advice/to persist whatever others say/ 我輩 我辈 T - 246 wǒ bèi f /(literary) we/us/ 我辈 我輩 S - 246 wǒ bèi f /(literary) we/us/ 我醉欲眠 - 3 wǒ zuì yù mián f /lit. I'm drunk and would like to sleep (idiom)/(used to indicate one's sincere and straightforward nature)/ 我靠 - 0 wǒ kào f /bosh!/crap!/see also 哇靠[wa1 kao4]/ 戒 1462 1557 jiè f /to guard against/to exhort/to admonish or warn/to give up or stop doing sth/Buddhist monastic discipline/ring (for a finger)/ 戒严 戒嚴 S - 398 jiè yán f /to impose martial law/to impose emergency measures/ 戒严令 戒嚴令 S - 17 jiè yán lìng f /martial law/ 戒严区 戒嚴區 S - 3 jiè yán qū f /restricted area/zone of application of the martial law/ 戒備 戒备 T 3672 366 jiè bèi f /to take precautions/to guard against (emergency)/ 戒備森嚴 戒备森严 T - 194 jiè bèi sēn yán f /heavily-guarded/ 戒刀 - 147 jiè dāo f /Buddhist monk's knife (not used for killing)/ 戒命 - 0 jiè mìng f /prohibition/ 戒嚴 戒严 T - 398 jiè yán f /to impose martial law/to impose emergency measures/ 戒嚴令 戒严令 T - 17 jiè yán lìng f /martial law/ 戒嚴區 戒严区 T - 3 jiè yán qū f /restricted area/zone of application of the martial law/ 戒坛 戒壇 S - 8 jiè tán f /ordination platform in a Buddhist temple/ 戒壇 戒坛 T - 8 jiè tán f /ordination platform in a Buddhist temple/ 戒备 戒備 S 3672 366 jiè bèi f /to take precautions/to guard against (emergency)/ 戒备森严 戒備森嚴 S - 194 jiè bèi sēn yán f /heavily-guarded/ 戒奢崇俭 戒奢崇儉 S - 0 jiè shē chóng jiǎn f /to refrain from high standard of living (idiom)/ 戒奢崇儉 戒奢崇俭 T - 0 jiè shē chóng jiǎn f /to refrain from high standard of living (idiom)/ 戒子 - 0 jiè zi f /(finger) ring/ 戒律 - 239 jiè lǜ f /monastic discipline/commandment/ 戒心 - 98 jiè xīn f /vigilance/wariness/ 戒忌 - 3 jiè jì f /a taboo/to avoid sth (as taboo)/ 戒惧 戒懼 S - 78 jiè jù f /wary/ 戒慎 - 7 jiè shèn f /vigilant/cautious/ 戒懼 戒惧 T - 78 jiè jù f /wary/ 戒指 1463 808 jiè zhi f /(finger) ring/ 戒断 戒斷 S - 19 jiè duàn f /withdrawal (from drugs)/ 戒斷 戒断 T - 19 jiè duàn f /withdrawal (from drugs)/ 戒条 戒條 S - 17 jiè tiáo f /commandment/precept/ 戒條 戒条 T - 17 jiè tiáo f /commandment/precept/ 戒毒 - 66 jiè dú f /to kick a drug habit/to abstain from drugs/ 戒毒所 - 16 jiè dú suǒ f /drug rehabilitation center/ 戒治所 - 0 jiè zhì suǒ f /drug rehabilitation center/ 戒烟 戒煙 S - 133 jiè yān f /to give up smoking/ 戒煙 戒烟 T - 133 jiè yān f /to give up smoking/ 戒絕 戒绝 T - 0 jiè jué f /abstinence/to give up (a bad habit)/ 戒绝 戒絕 S - 0 jiè jué f /abstinence/to give up (a bad habit)/ 戒行 - 0 jiè xíng f /(Buddhism) to adhere strictly to the ethical precepts/asceticism/ 戒規 戒规 T - 6 jiè guī f /religious precept/taboo/rule/ 戒规 戒規 S - 6 jiè guī f /religious precept/taboo/rule/ 戒酒 - 43 jiè jiǔ f /to give up drinking/to abstain from drinking/ 戒除 - 35 jiè chú f /to quit/to give up (a bad habit)/ 戒驕戒躁 戒骄戒躁 T - 15 jiè jiāo jiè zào f /to guard against pride and impatience (idiom); to remain modest and keep cool/ 戒骄戒躁 戒驕戒躁 S - 15 jiè jiāo jiè zào f /to guard against pride and impatience (idiom); to remain modest and keep cool/ 戔 戋 T - 18 jiān f /narrow/small/ 戔戔 戋戋 T - 0 jiān jiān f /small/tiny/ 戕 - 53 qiāng f /to kill/to injure/Taiwan pr. [qiang2]/ 戕害 - 43 qiāng hài f /to injure/ 或 - 78942 huò f /maybe/perhaps/might/possibly/or/ 或体 或體 S - 0 huò tǐ f /variant Chinese character/alternative form of a Chinese character/ 或多或少 - 343 huò duō huò shǎo f /more or less/ 或是 - 2882 huò shì f /or/either one or the other/ 或然 - 3 huò rán f /probable/ 或然率 - 2 huò rán lǜ f /probability (math.)/ 或称 或稱 S - 0 huò chēng f /also called/also known as/a.k.a./ 或稱 或称 T - 0 huò chēng f /also called/also known as/a.k.a./ 或者 347 16633 huò zhě f /or/possibly/maybe/perhaps/ 或許 或许 T 1216 1849 huò xǔ f /perhaps/maybe/ 或许 或許 S 1216 1849 huò xǔ f /perhaps/maybe/ 或體 或体 T - 0 huò tǐ f /variant Chinese character/alternative form of a Chinese character/ 戗 戧 S - 60 qiāng f /contrary/pushing against/bump/knock/used as equivalent for 搶|抢[qiang1]/ 戗风 戧風 S - 0 qiāng fēng f /a headwind/a contrary wind/ 战 戰 S - 8864 zhàn f /to fight/fight/war/battle/ 战书 戰書 S - 25 zhàn shū f /written war challenge/ 战乱 戰亂 S - 857 zhàn luàn f /chaos of war/ 战争 戰爭 S 1312 14823 zhàn zhēng f /war/conflict/CL:場|场[chang2],次[ci4]/ 战争与和平 戰爭與和平 S - 0 Zhàn zhēng yǔ Hé píng f /War and Peace by Tolstoy 托爾斯泰|托尔斯泰/ 战争罪 戰爭罪 S - 0 zhàn zhēng zuì f /war crime/ 战事 戰事 S - 550 zhàn shì f /war/hostilities/fighting/ 战俘 戰俘 S - 600 zhàn fú f /prisoner of war/ 战兢 戰兢 S - 0 zhàn jīng f /to tremble/to be on guard/ 战兢兢 戰兢兢 S - 66 zhàn jīng jīng f /shaking with fear/ 战况 戰況 S - 113 zhàn kuàng f /battlefield situation/battle progress/ 战列舰 戰列艦 S - 157 zhàn liè jiàn f /battleship/ 战利品 戰利品 S - 234 zhàn lì pǐn f /spoils of war/ 战力 戰力 S - 46 zhàn lì f /military strength/military power/military capability/ 战功 戰功 S - 378 zhàn gōng f /outstanding military service/ 战区 戰區 S - 969 zhàn qū f /war zone/(military) theater of operations/ 战友 戰友 S - 996 zhàn yǒu f /comrade-in-arms/battle companion/ 战后 戰後 S - 1252 zhàn hòu f /after the war/post-war/ 战团 戰團 S - 47 zhàn tuán f /fighting group/by extension, a fight/a fray/ 战国 戰國 S - 2735 Zhàn guó f /the Warring States period (475-221 BC)/ 战国七雄 戰國七雄 S - 3 zhàn guó qī xióng f /Seven Powerful States of the Warring States, namely: 齊|齐[Qi2], 楚[Chu3], 燕[Yan1], 韓|韩[Han2], 趙|赵[Zhao4], 魏[Wei4] and 秦[Qin2]/ 战国时代 戰國時代 S - 3 Zhàn guó Shí dài f /the Warring States period (475-221 BC)/Japanese Warring States period (15th-17th century)/ 战国末 戰國末 S - 0 zhàn guó mò f /late Warring States period, c. 250-221 BC before the First Emperor's Qin Dynasty/ 战国末年 戰國末年 S - 0 zhàn guó mò nián f /late Warring States period, c. 250-221 BC before the First Emperor's Qin Dynasty/ 战国策 戰國策 S - 122 Zhàn guó cè f /"Strategies of the Warring States", chronicle of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC), possibly written by Su Qin 蘇秦|苏秦[Su1 Qin2]/ 战地 戰地 S - 142 zhàn dì f /battlefield/ 战场 戰場 S - 3566 zhàn chǎng f /battlefield/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 战壕 戰壕 S - 91 zhàn háo f /trench/entrenchment/ 战壕热 戰壕熱 S - 0 zhàn háo rè f /trench fever/ 战士 戰士 S - 3613 zhàn shì f /fighter/soldier/warrior/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 战备 戰備 S - 510 zhàn bèi f /war preparation/ 战役 戰役 S 3413 2785 zhàn yì f /military campaign/ 战战兢兢 戰戰兢兢 S - 231 zhàn zhàn jīng jīng f /trembling with fear/with fear and trepidation/ 战战栗栗 戰戰慄慄 S - 3 zhàn zhàn lì lì f /to tremble with fear/ 战抖 戰抖 S - 37 zhàn dǒu f /to shudder/to tremble/ 战斗 戰鬥 S 2572 6027 zhàn dòu f /to fight/to battle/CL:場|场[chang2],次[ci4]/ 战斗力 戰鬥力 S - 1218 zhàn dòu lì f /fighting strength/ 战斗机 戰鬥機 S - 2525 zhàn dòu jī f /fighter (aircraft)/ 战斗群 戰鬥群 S - 3 zhàn dòu qún f /battle group/naval formation headed by an aircraft carrier/ 战斗者 戰鬥者 S - 10 zhàn dòu zhě f /fighter/ 战斗舰 戰鬥艦 S - 60 zhàn dòu jiàn f /battleship/ 战斗营 戰鬥營 S - 0 zhàn dòu yíng f /boot camp/ 战斗部 戰斗部 S - 232 zhàn dòu bù f /warhead/ 战斧 戰斧 S - 108 zhàn fǔ f /battle-ax/ 战旗 戰旗 S - 15 zhàn qí f /a war flag/an army banner/ 战无不胜 戰無不勝 S - 72 zhàn wú bù shèng f /to triumph in every battle (idiom); invincible/to succeed in every undertaking/ 战无不胜,攻无不克 戰無不勝,攻無不克 S - 0 zhàn wú bù shèng , gōng wú bù kè f /to triumph in every battle and win every fight (idiom); all-conquering/ever victorious/nothing they can't do/ 战无不胜,攻无不取 戰無不勝,攻無不取 S - 0 zhàn wú bù shèng , gōng wú bù qǔ f /to triumph in every battle and win every fight (idiom); all-conquering/ever victorious/nothing they can't do/ 战时 戰時 S - 23 zhàn shí f /wartime/ 战术 戰術 S 3006 2753 zhàn shù f /tactics/ 战术导弹 戰術導彈 S - 3 zhàn shù dǎo dàn f /tactical missile/ 战术核武器 戰術核武器 S - 0 zhàn shù hé wǔ qì f /tactical nuclear weapons/ 战机 戰機 S - 2128 zhàn jī f /opportunity in a battle/fighter aircraft/war secret/ 战栗 戰慄 S - 134 zhàn lì f /to tremble/shudder/ 战死沙场 戰死沙場 S - 3 zhàn sǐ shā chǎng f /to die in battle (idiom)/ 战法 戰法 S - 302 zhàn fǎ f /military strategy/ 战火 戰火 S - 451 zhàn huǒ f /conflagration/the fire of war/ 战火纷飞 戰火紛飛 S - 14 zhàn huǒ fēn fēi f /fire of war everywhere (idiom); enveloped in the flames of war/ 战犯 戰犯 S - 215 zhàn fàn f /war criminal/ 战略 戰略 S 3242 10013 zhàn lüè f /strategy/ 战略伙伴 戰略伙伴 S - 3 zhàn lüè huǒ bàn f /strategic partner/ 战略夥伴 戰略夥伴 S - 0 zhàn lüè huǒ bàn f /variant of 戰略伙伴|战略伙伴[zhan4 lu:e4 huo3 ban4]/ 战略家 戰略家 S - 62 zhàn lüè jiā f /a strategist/ 战略性 戰略性 S - 283 zhàn lüè xìng f /strategic/ 战略核力量 戰略核力量 S - 0 zhàn lüè hé lì liang f /strategic nuclear force/ 战略核武器 戰略核武器 S - 0 zhàn lüè hé wǔ qì f /strategic nuclear weapon/ 战略要点 戰略要點 S - 0 zhàn lüè yào diǎn f /strategic point/ 战略轰炸机 戰略轟炸機 S - 0 zhàn lüè hōng zhà jī f /strategic bomber/ 战略防御倡议 戰略防御倡議 S - 0 zhàn lüè fáng yù chàng yì f /strategic defense initiative (SDI)/ 战祸 戰禍 S - 55 zhàn huò f /disaster of war/ 战线 戰線 S - 1249 zhàn xiàn f /battle line/battlefront/front/ 战绩 戰績 S - 478 zhàn jì f /military successes/(fig.) success/accomplishment/ 战胜 戰勝 S - 2342 zhàn shèng f /to prevail over/to defeat/to surmount/ 战舰 戰艦 S - 486 zhàn jiàn f /battleship/warship/ 战船 戰船 S - 339 zhàn chuán f /warship/ 战败 戰敗 S - 645 zhàn bài f /to lose a war/ 战车 戰車 S - 906 zhàn chē f /war chariot/tank/ 战酣 戰酣 S - 0 zhàn hān f /(literary) at the height of the battle/ 战马 戰馬 S - 630 zhàn mǎ f /warhorse/ 戚 慼 S - 335 qī f /variant of 戚[qi1]/grief/sorrow/ 戚 慽 S - 335 qī f /variant of 慼|戚[qi1]/ 戚 - 335 Qī f /surname Qi/ 戚 - 335 qī f /relative/parent/grief/sorrow/battle-axe/ 戚友 - 3 qī yǒu f /relatives and friends/ 戚墅堰 慼墅堰 S - 6 Qī shù yàn f /Qishu district of Changzhou city 常州市[Chang2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 戚墅堰区 慼墅堰區 S - 3 Qī shù yàn qū f /Qishu district of Changzhou city 常州市[Chang2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 戚属 戚屬 S - 3 qī shǔ f /relative/family member/dependent/ 戚屬 戚属 T - 3 qī shǔ f /relative/family member/dependent/ 戚戚 慼慼 S - 10 qī qī f /sorrowful/distressed/ 戚戚 - 10 qī qī f /intimate/closely related/sorrowful/distressed/ 戚族 - 3 qī zú f /family members/fellow clansman/ 戚繼光 戚继光 T - 471 Qī Jì guāng f /Qi Jiguang (1528-1588), military leader/ 戚继光 戚繼光 S - 471 Qī Jì guāng f /Qi Jiguang (1528-1588), military leader/ 戚誼 戚谊 T - 4 qī yì f /relation/close friendship/ 戚谊 戚誼 S - 4 qī yì f /relation/close friendship/ 戛 - 79 jiá f /lance/to tap/to scrape/to chirp/custom/ 戛 戞 S - 480 jiá f /variant of 戛[jia2]/ 戛戛 - 0 jiá jiá f /difficult/challenging/original/ 戛戛独造 戛戛獨造 S - 3 jiá jiá dú zào f /creative/original/ 戛戛獨造 戛戛独造 T - 3 jiá jiá dú zào f /creative/original/ 戛然 - 3 jiá rán f /(literary) to stop abruptly (of a sound)/to be loud and clear/ 戛然而止 - 55 jiá rán ér zhǐ f /with a grunting sound it stops (idiom); to come to an end spontaneously (esp. of sound)/ 戛納 戛纳 T - 138 Jiá nà f /Cannes (France)/ 戛纳 戛納 S - 138 Jiá nà f /Cannes (France)/ 戝 - 832 zéi f /old variant of 賊|贼[zei2]/ 戞 戛 T - 480 jiá f /variant of 戛[jia2]/ 戟 - 1004 jǐ f /halberd/long handled weapon with pointed tip and crescent blade/combined spear and battle-ax/ 戠 - 477 zhí f /to gather/old variant of 埴[zhi2]/ 戡 - 15 kān f /kill/suppress/ 戢 - 28 Jí f /surname Ji/ 戢 - 28 jí f /to restrain oneself/to collect/to hoard/to store up/to cease/ 戣 - 418 kuí f /a lance/ 戤 - 3 gài f /infringe upon a trade mark/ 戥 - 15 děng f /small steelyard for weighing money/ 戦 - 153 zhàn f /Japanese variant of 戰|战/ 戧 戗 T - 60 qiāng f /contrary/pushing against/bump/knock/used as equivalent for 搶|抢[qiang1]/ 戧風 戗风 T - 0 qiāng fēng f /a headwind/a contrary wind/ 戩 戬 T - 5 jiǎn f /carry to the utmost/to cut/ 截 - 1441 jié f /to cut off (a length)/to stop/to intercept/section/chunk/length/ 截击 截擊 S - 147 jié jī f /to intercept (military)/ 截取 - 35 jié qǔ f /to cut off a section of sth/ 截图 截圖 S - 16 jié tú f /screenshot (computing)/ 截圖 截图 T - 16 jié tú f /screenshot (computing)/ 截塔 - 0 jié tǎ f /zeta (Greek letter Ζζ)/ 截夺 截奪 S - 3 jié duó f /intercept/ 截奪 截夺 T - 3 jié duó f /intercept/ 截尾 - 3 jié wěi f /to dock/to trim (esp. the tail of an animal)/ 截屏 - 0 jié píng f /screenshot/to capture an image displayed on a computer screen/ 截拳道 - 3 jié quán dào f /Jeet Kun Do or Way of the Intercepting Fist, a fusion of Eastern and Western martial arts led by Bruce Lee 李小龍|李小龙[Li3 Xiao3 long2]/ 截擊 截击 T - 147 jié jī f /to intercept (military)/ 截断 截斷 S - 327 jié duàn f /to cut off/ 截斷 截断 T - 327 jié duàn f /to cut off/ 截止 4231 2547 jié zhǐ f /to close/to stop/to put a stop to sth/cut-off point/stopping point/deadline/ 截然 - 193 jié rán f /completely/sharply (differing)/ 截然不同 - 516 jié rán bù tóng f /entirely different/different as black and white/ 截獲 截获 T - 124 jié huò f /to intercept/to cut off and capture/ 截瘫 截癱 S - 15 jié tān f /paraplegia/paralysis/ 截癱 截瘫 T - 15 jié tān f /paraplegia/paralysis/ 截程序 - 0 jié chéng xù f /routine/ 截稿 - 8 jié gǎo f /(of a newspaper) to stop accepting incoming articles/ 截線 截线 T - 0 jié xiàn f /intersecting line/ 截线 截線 S - 0 jié xiàn f /intersecting line/ 截肢 - 42 jié zhī f /amputation (medicine)/to amputate/ 截至 4713 1780 jié zhì f /up to (a time)/by (a time)/ 截获 截獲 S - 124 jié huò f /to intercept/to cut off and capture/ 截距 - 3 jié jù f /intercept (the point at which a line crosses the x- or y-axis)/ 截長補短 截长补短 T - 5 jié cháng bǔ duǎn f /take from the long to supplement the short (idiom)/to offset each other's deficiencies/to complement each other/ 截长补短 截長補短 S - 5 jié cháng bǔ duǎn f /take from the long to supplement the short (idiom)/to offset each other's deficiencies/to complement each other/ 截面 - 167 jié miàn f /section/cross-section/ 戬 戩 S - 5 jiǎn f /carry to the utmost/to cut/ 戭 - 0 yǎn f /spear/ 戮 剹 S - 193 lù f /to peel with a knife/old variant of 戮[lu4]/ 戮 勠 S - 193 lù f /to join (forces)/variant of 戮[lu4]/ 戮 - 193 lù f /to kill/ 戮力同心 - 14 lù lì tóng xīn f /concerted efforts in a common cause (idiom); united and working together/ 戯 戏 T - 3048 xì f /variant of 戲|戏[xi4]/ 戰 战 T - 8864 zhàn f /to fight/fight/war/battle/ 戰亂 战乱 T - 857 zhàn luàn f /chaos of war/ 戰事 战事 T - 550 zhàn shì f /war/hostilities/fighting/ 戰俘 战俘 T - 600 zhàn fú f /prisoner of war/ 戰備 战备 T - 510 zhàn bèi f /war preparation/ 戰兢 战兢 T - 0 zhàn jīng f /to tremble/to be on guard/ 戰兢兢 战兢兢 T - 66 zhàn jīng jīng f /shaking with fear/ 戰列艦 战列舰 T - 157 zhàn liè jiàn f /battleship/ 戰利品 战利品 T - 234 zhàn lì pǐn f /spoils of war/ 戰力 战力 T - 46 zhàn lì f /military strength/military power/military capability/ 戰功 战功 T - 378 zhàn gōng f /outstanding military service/ 戰勝 战胜 T - 2342 zhàn shèng f /to prevail over/to defeat/to surmount/ 戰區 战区 T - 969 zhàn qū f /war zone/(military) theater of operations/ 戰友 战友 T - 996 zhàn yǒu f /comrade-in-arms/battle companion/ 戰國 战国 T - 2735 Zhàn guó f /the Warring States period (475-221 BC)/ 戰國七雄 战国七雄 T - 3 zhàn guó qī xióng f /Seven Powerful States of the Warring States, namely: 齊|齐[Qi2], 楚[Chu3], 燕[Yan1], 韓|韩[Han2], 趙|赵[Zhao4], 魏[Wei4] and 秦[Qin2]/ 戰國時代 战国时代 T - 3 Zhàn guó Shí dài f /the Warring States period (475-221 BC)/Japanese Warring States period (15th-17th century)/ 戰國末 战国末 T - 0 zhàn guó mò f /late Warring States period, c. 250-221 BC before the First Emperor's Qin Dynasty/ 戰國末年 战国末年 T - 0 zhàn guó mò nián f /late Warring States period, c. 250-221 BC before the First Emperor's Qin Dynasty/ 戰國策 战国策 T - 122 Zhàn guó cè f /"Strategies of the Warring States", chronicle of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC), possibly written by Su Qin 蘇秦|苏秦[Su1 Qin2]/ 戰團 战团 T - 47 zhàn tuán f /fighting group/by extension, a fight/a fray/ 戰地 战地 T - 142 zhàn dì f /battlefield/ 戰場 战场 T - 3566 zhàn chǎng f /battlefield/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 戰壕 战壕 T - 91 zhàn háo f /trench/entrenchment/ 戰壕熱 战壕热 T - 0 zhàn háo rè f /trench fever/ 戰士 战士 T - 3613 zhàn shì f /fighter/soldier/warrior/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 戰役 战役 T 3413 2785 zhàn yì f /military campaign/ 戰後 战后 T - 1252 zhàn hòu f /after the war/post-war/ 戰慄 战栗 T - 134 zhàn lì f /to tremble/shudder/ 戰戰兢兢 战战兢兢 T - 231 zhàn zhàn jīng jīng f /trembling with fear/with fear and trepidation/ 戰戰慄慄 战战栗栗 T - 3 zhàn zhàn lì lì f /to tremble with fear/ 戰抖 战抖 T - 37 zhàn dǒu f /to shudder/to tremble/ 戰敗 战败 T - 645 zhàn bài f /to lose a war/ 戰斗部 战斗部 T - 232 zhàn dòu bù f /warhead/ 戰斧 战斧 T - 108 zhàn fǔ f /battle-ax/ 戰旗 战旗 T - 15 zhàn qí f /a war flag/an army banner/ 戰時 战时 T - 23 zhàn shí f /wartime/ 戰書 战书 T - 25 zhàn shū f /written war challenge/ 戰機 战机 T - 2128 zhàn jī f /opportunity in a battle/fighter aircraft/war secret/ 戰死沙場 战死沙场 T - 3 zhàn sǐ shā chǎng f /to die in battle (idiom)/ 戰況 战况 T - 113 zhàn kuàng f /battlefield situation/battle progress/ 戰法 战法 T - 302 zhàn fǎ f /military strategy/ 戰火 战火 T - 451 zhàn huǒ f /conflagration/the fire of war/ 戰火紛飛 战火纷飞 T - 14 zhàn huǒ fēn fēi f /fire of war everywhere (idiom); enveloped in the flames of war/ 戰無不勝 战无不胜 T - 72 zhàn wú bù shèng f /to triumph in every battle (idiom); invincible/to succeed in every undertaking/ 戰無不勝,攻無不克 战无不胜,攻无不克 T - 0 zhàn wú bù shèng , gōng wú bù kè f /to triumph in every battle and win every fight (idiom); all-conquering/ever victorious/nothing they can't do/ 戰無不勝,攻無不取 战无不胜,攻无不取 T - 0 zhàn wú bù shèng , gōng wú bù qǔ f /to triumph in every battle and win every fight (idiom); all-conquering/ever victorious/nothing they can't do/ 戰爭 战争 T 1312 14823 zhàn zhēng f /war/conflict/CL:場|场[chang2],次[ci4]/ 戰爭罪 战争罪 T - 0 zhàn zhēng zuì f /war crime/ 戰爭與和平 战争与和平 T - 0 Zhàn zhēng yǔ Hé píng f /War and Peace by Tolstoy 托爾斯泰|托尔斯泰/ 戰犯 战犯 T - 215 zhàn fàn f /war criminal/ 戰略 战略 T 3242 10013 zhàn lüè f /strategy/ 戰略伙伴 战略伙伴 T - 3 zhàn lüè huǒ bàn f /strategic partner/ 戰略夥伴 战略夥伴 T - 0 zhàn lüè huǒ bàn f /variant of 戰略伙伴|战略伙伴[zhan4 lu:e4 huo3 ban4]/ 戰略家 战略家 T - 62 zhàn lüè jiā f /a strategist/ 戰略性 战略性 T - 283 zhàn lüè xìng f /strategic/ 戰略核力量 战略核力量 T - 0 zhàn lüè hé lì liang f /strategic nuclear force/ 戰略核武器 战略核武器 T - 0 zhàn lüè hé wǔ qì f /strategic nuclear weapon/ 戰略要點 战略要点 T - 0 zhàn lüè yào diǎn f /strategic point/ 戰略轟炸機 战略轰炸机 T - 0 zhàn lüè hōng zhà jī f /strategic bomber/ 戰略防御倡議 战略防御倡议 T - 0 zhàn lüè fáng yù chàng yì f /strategic defense initiative (SDI)/ 戰禍 战祸 T - 55 zhàn huò f /disaster of war/ 戰線 战线 T - 1249 zhàn xiàn f /battle line/battlefront/front/ 戰績 战绩 T - 478 zhàn jì f /military successes/(fig.) success/accomplishment/ 戰船 战船 T - 339 zhàn chuán f /warship/ 戰艦 战舰 T - 486 zhàn jiàn f /battleship/warship/ 戰術 战术 T 3006 2753 zhàn shù f /tactics/ 戰術導彈 战术导弹 T - 3 zhàn shù dǎo dàn f /tactical missile/ 戰術核武器 战术核武器 T - 0 zhàn shù hé wǔ qì f /tactical nuclear weapons/ 戰車 战车 T - 906 zhàn chē f /war chariot/tank/ 戰酣 战酣 T - 0 zhàn hān f /(literary) at the height of the battle/ 戰馬 战马 T - 630 zhàn mǎ f /warhorse/ 戰鬥 战斗 T 2572 6027 zhàn dòu f /to fight/to battle/CL:場|场[chang2],次[ci4]/ 戰鬥力 战斗力 T - 1218 zhàn dòu lì f /fighting strength/ 戰鬥機 战斗机 T - 2525 zhàn dòu jī f /fighter (aircraft)/ 戰鬥營 战斗营 T - 0 zhàn dòu yíng f /boot camp/ 戰鬥群 战斗群 T - 3 zhàn dòu qún f /battle group/naval formation headed by an aircraft carrier/ 戰鬥者 战斗者 T - 10 zhàn dòu zhě f /fighter/ 戰鬥艦 战斗舰 T - 60 zhàn dòu jiàn f /battleship/ 戱 - 264 xì f /variant of 戲|戏[xi4]/play/drama/ 戲 戏 T - 3048 xì f /trick/drama/play/show/CL:出[chu1],場|场[chang3],臺|台[tai2]/ 戲仿 戏仿 T - 0 xì fǎng f /parody/imitation/ 戲侮 戏侮 T - 12 xì wǔ f /to insult/ 戲劇 戏剧 T 1917 2176 xì jù f /drama/play/theater/ 戲劇化 戏剧化 T - 34 xì jù huà f /theatrical/ 戲劇化人格違常 戏剧化人格违常 T - 0 xì jù huà rén gé wéi cháng f /histrionic personality disorder (HPD)/ 戲劇家 戏剧家 T - 107 xì jù jiā f /dramatist/playwright/ 戲劇性 戏剧性 T - 207 xì jù xìng f /dramatic/ 戲子 戏子 T - 97 xì zi f /(derog.) opera singer/actor/ 戲弄 戏弄 T - 174 xì nòng f /to play tricks on/to make fun of/to tease/ 戲曲 戏曲 T - 1279 xì qǔ f /Chinese opera/ 戲法 戏法 T - 64 xì fǎ f /magic trick/ 戲眼 戏眼 T - 0 xì yǎn f /the best part (of a play etc)/ 戲碼 戏码 T - 14 xì mǎ f /item (on a program)/ 戲票 戏票 T - 24 xì piào f /(theater etc) ticket/ 戲稱 戏称 T - 356 xì chēng f /to jokingly call/jocular appellation/ 戲耍 戏耍 T - 60 xì shuǎ f /to amuse oneself/to play with/to tease/ 戲臺 戏台 T - 202 xì tái f /stage/ 戲言 戏言 T - 52 xì yán f /joking matter/to go back on one's words/ 戲詞 戏词 T - 4 xì cí f /actor's lines (in theater)/ 戲說 戏说 T - 18 xì shuō f /dramatic form consisting of historical narration/history as jocular narrative/to stretch history for a joking story/amusing story with strained interpretations of history/to make an unreasonable comparison in jest/ 戲說劇 戏说剧 T - 0 xì shuō jù f /period costume drama (on TV)/ 戲謔 戏谑 T - 60 xì xuè f /to banter/to crack jokes/to ridicule/ 戲院 戏院 T - 48 xì yuàn f /theater/ 戳 - 1285 chuō f /to jab/to poke/to stab/to sprain/to blunt/to fuck (vulgar)/to stand sth upright/ 戳不住 - 0 chuō bu zhù f /not up to it/cannot stand the test/ 戳个儿 戳個兒 S - 0 chuō gè r f /physique/ 戳份儿 戳份兒 S - 0 chuō fèn r f /to flaunt/ 戳份兒 戳份儿 T - 0 chuō fèn r f /to flaunt/ 戳個兒 戳个儿 T - 0 chuō gè r f /physique/ 戳儿 戳兒 S - 3 chuō r f /stamp/seal/ 戳兒 戳儿 T - 3 chuō r f /stamp/seal/ 戳刺感 - 0 chuō cì gǎn f /pins and needles (in muscle)/paresthesia/ 戳力 - 0 chuō lì f /to work toward/to endeavor/an attempt/ 戳咕 - 0 chuō gū f /to stir up behind sb's back/to incite secretly/ 戳壁脚 戳壁腳 S - 0 chuō bì jiǎo f /to criticize behind sb's back/back-biting/ 戳壁腳 戳壁脚 T - 0 chuō bì jiǎo f /to criticize behind sb's back/back-biting/ 戳子 - 3 chuō zi f /stamp/seal/ 戳得住 - 0 chuō de zhù f /up to it/can stand the test/ 戳心灌髓 - 3 chuō xīn guàn suǐ f /sarcasm/ 戳搭 - 0 chuō dā f /to knock/to jab/ 戳破 - 35 chuō pò f /puncture/to expose/ 戳祸 戳禍 S - 0 chuō huò f /to stir up trouble/ 戳禍 戳祸 T - 0 chuō huò f /to stir up trouble/ 戳穿 - 36 chuō chuān f /to puncture/to lay bear or expose (lies etc)/ 戳穿試驗 戳穿试验 T - 0 chuō chuān shì yàn f /puncture test/ 戳穿试验 戳穿試驗 S - 0 chuō chuān shì yàn f /puncture test/ 戳脊梁 - 0 chuō jǐ liang f /to criticize behind sb's back/back-biting/ 戳脊梁骨 - 3 chuō jǐ liang gǔ f /to criticize behind sb's back/back-biting/ 戳記 戳记 T - 11 chuō jì f /stamp/seal/ 戳记 戳記 S - 11 chuō jì f /stamp/seal/ 戴 730 4398 Dài f /surname Dai/ 戴 730 4398 dài f /to put on or wear (glasses, hat, gloves etc)/to respect/to bear/to support/ 戴上 - 0 dài shang f /to put on (hat etc)/ 戴克里先 - 0 Dài kè lǐ xiān f /Diocletian (c. 245-311), Roman emperor/ 戴勝 戴胜 T - 3 dài shèng f /(bird species of China) Eurasian hoopoe (Upupa epops)/ 戴名世 - 2 Dài Míng shì f /Dai Mingshi (1653-1713), early Qing writer/ 戴套 - 0 dài tào f /to wear a condom/ 戴奥辛 戴奧辛 S - 3 dài ào xīn f /dioxin, carcinogenic heterocyclic hydrocarbon (esp. Taiwan usage)/ 戴奧辛 戴奥辛 T - 3 dài ào xīn f /dioxin, carcinogenic heterocyclic hydrocarbon (esp. Taiwan usage)/ 戴孝 - 21 dài xiào f /to wear mourning garb/to be in mourning/ 戴安娜 - 56 Dài ān nà f /Diana (name)/ 戴安娜王妃 - 0 Dài ān nà wáng fēi f /Diana, Princess of Wales (1961-1997)/ 戴尔 戴爾 S - 293 Dài ěr f /Dell/ 戴帽子 - 14 dài mào zi f /to wear a hat/(fig.) to stigmatize/to be branded as/ 戴月披星 - 3 dài yuè pī xīng f /see 披星戴月[pi1 xing1 dai4 yue4]/ 戴有色眼鏡 戴有色眼镜 T - 0 dài yǒu sè yǎn jìng f /to wear colored glasses/to have a prejudiced viewpoint/ 戴有色眼镜 戴有色眼鏡 S - 0 dài yǒu sè yǎn jìng f /to wear colored glasses/to have a prejudiced viewpoint/ 戴爾 戴尔 T - 293 Dài ěr f /Dell/ 戴盆望天 - 3 dài pén wàng tiān f /lit. viewing the sky with a basin on one's head; it is hard to get a clear view of the sky while carrying a platter on one's head/fig. it is hard to get on in one's career while encumbered by family obligations/one can't perform a major task while bothered by other duties/ 戴秉国 戴秉國 S - 13 Dài Bǐng guó f /Dai Bingguo (1941-), a Chinese politician and professional diplomat/ 戴秉國 戴秉国 T - 13 Dài Bǐng guó f /Dai Bingguo (1941-), a Chinese politician and professional diplomat/ 戴綠帽子 戴绿帽子 T - 12 dài lǜ mào zi f /a cuckold/to be cuckolded by one's wife/ 戴綠頭巾 戴绿头巾 T - 0 dài lǜ tóu jīn f /lit. to wear green headband (to visit a Yuan dynasty brothel)/cuckold/ 戴維斯 戴维斯 T - 94 Dài wéi sī f /Davis or Davies (name)/ 戴維斯杯 戴维斯杯 T - 5 Dài wéi sī bēi f /Davis cup (international tennis team competition)/ 戴維營 戴维营 T - 22 Dài wéi yíng f /Camp David/ 戴维斯 戴維斯 S - 94 Dài wéi sī f /Davis or Davies (name)/ 戴维斯杯 戴維斯杯 S - 5 Dài wéi sī bēi f /Davis cup (international tennis team competition)/ 戴维营 戴維營 S - 22 Dài wéi yíng f /Camp David/ 戴绿头巾 戴綠頭巾 S - 0 dài lǜ tóu jīn f /lit. to wear green headband (to visit a Yuan dynasty brothel)/cuckold/ 戴绿帽子 戴綠帽子 S - 12 dài lǜ mào zi f /a cuckold/to be cuckolded by one's wife/ 戴胜 戴勝 S - 3 dài shèng f /(bird species of China) Eurasian hoopoe (Upupa epops)/ 戴菊 - 0 dài jú f /(bird species of China) goldcrest (Regulus regulus)/ 戴菊鳥 戴菊鸟 T - 0 dài jú niǎo f /kinglet/bird of Regulus genus/ 戴菊鸟 戴菊鳥 S - 0 dài jú niǎo f /kinglet/bird of Regulus genus/ 戴表 - 3 dài biǎo f /to wear a watch/a homophone for 代表 used to avoid Internet censorship in the PRC/ 戴高乐 戴高樂 S - 150 Dài Gāo lè f /Charles De Gaulle (1890-1970), French general and politician, leader of the Free French during World War II and President of the Republic 1959-1969/ 戴高帽子 - 20 dài gāo mào zi f /(coll.) to be the object of flattery/to be placed on a pedestal/ 戴高樂 戴高乐 T - 150 Dài Gāo lè f /Charles De Gaulle (1890-1970), French general and politician, leader of the Free French during World War II and President of the Republic 1959-1969/ 戶 户 T - 4053 hù f /a household/door/family/ 戶主 户主 T - 52 hù zhǔ f /head of the household/ 戶內 户内 T - 20 hù nèi f /indoors/within the home/ 戶口 户口 T - 1072 hù kǒu f /population (counted as number of households for census or taxation)/registered residence/residence permit/(in Hong Kong and Macau) bank account/ 戶口制 户口制 T - 0 hù kǒu zhì f /PRC system of compulsory registration of households/ 戶口制度 户口制度 T - 0 hù kǒu zhì dù f /PRC system of compulsory registration/ 戶口本 户口本 T - 24 hù kǒu běn f /household register/household registration booklet/residence certificate/ 戶口簿 户口簿 T - 36 hù kǒu bù f /household register/ 戶告人曉 户告人晓 T - 3 hù gào rén xiǎo f /to make known to every household (idiom); to disseminate widely/to shout from the rooftops/ 戶均 户均 T - 34 hù jūn f /household average/ 戶型 户型 T - 34 hù xíng f /configuration of rooms in a residence (e.g. 3BR 2 Bath)/ 戶外 户外 T - 262 hù wài f /outdoor/ 戶樞不蠹 户枢不蠹 T - 2 hù shū bù dù f /lit. a door hinge never becomes worm-eaten/constant activity prevents decay (idiom)/ 戶牖 户牖 T - 4 hù yǒu f /door and window/the home/ 戶籍 户籍 T - 618 hù jí f /census register/household register/ 戶縣 户县 T - 25 Hù xiàn f /Hu county in Xi'an 西安[Xi1 an1], Shaanxi/ 戶部 户部 T - 1443 Hù bù f /Ministry of Revenue in imperial China/ 戶部尚書 户部尚书 T - 0 hù bù shàng shū f /Minister of Revenue (from the Han dynasty onwards)/ 戶限 户限 T - 3 hù xiàn f /threshold/ 戶限為穿 户限为穿 T - 3 hù xiàn wèi chuān f /an endless stream of visitors (idiom)/ 戶頭 户头 T - 34 hù tóu f /bank account/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 户 戶 S - 4053 hù f /a household/door/family/ 户主 戶主 S - 52 hù zhǔ f /head of the household/ 户内 戶內 S - 20 hù nèi f /indoors/within the home/ 户县 戶縣 S - 25 Hù xiàn f /Hu county in Xi'an 西安[Xi1 an1], Shaanxi/ 户口 戶口 S - 1072 hù kǒu f /population (counted as number of households for census or taxation)/registered residence/residence permit/(in Hong Kong and Macau) bank account/ 户口制 戶口制 S - 0 hù kǒu zhì f /PRC system of compulsory registration of households/ 户口制度 戶口制度 S - 0 hù kǒu zhì dù f /PRC system of compulsory registration/ 户口本 戶口本 S - 24 hù kǒu běn f /household register/household registration booklet/residence certificate/ 户口簿 戶口簿 S - 36 hù kǒu bù f /household register/ 户告人晓 戶告人曉 S - 3 hù gào rén xiǎo f /to make known to every household (idiom); to disseminate widely/to shout from the rooftops/ 户均 戶均 S - 34 hù jūn f /household average/ 户型 戶型 S - 34 hù xíng f /configuration of rooms in a residence (e.g. 3BR 2 Bath)/ 户外 戶外 S - 262 hù wài f /outdoor/ 户头 戶頭 S - 34 hù tóu f /bank account/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 户枢不蠹 戶樞不蠹 S - 2 hù shū bù dù f /lit. a door hinge never becomes worm-eaten/constant activity prevents decay (idiom)/ 户牖 戶牖 S - 4 hù yǒu f /door and window/the home/ 户籍 戶籍 S - 618 hù jí f /census register/household register/ 户部 戶部 S - 1443 Hù bù f /Ministry of Revenue in imperial China/ 户部尚书 戶部尚書 S - 0 hù bù shàng shū f /Minister of Revenue (from the Han dynasty onwards)/ 户限 戶限 S - 3 hù xiàn f /threshold/ 户限为穿 戶限為穿 S - 3 hù xiàn wèi chuān f /an endless stream of visitors (idiom)/ 戸 - 0 hù f /variant of 戶|户[hu4]/ 戹 厄 T - 683 è f /variant of 厄[e4]/ 戺 - 0 shì f /door pivot/ 戻 - 0 lì f /Japanese variant of 戾[li4]/ 戼 卯 T - 195 mǎo f /old variant of 卯[mao3]/ 戽 - 4 hù f /water bucket for irrigation/ 戽斗 - 0 hù dǒu f /bailing bucket (tool for irrigating fields)/protruding lower jaw/ 戽水 - 0 hù shuǐ f /to bail (i.e. scoop water)/ 戾 - 89 lì f /to bend/to violate/to go against/ruthless and tyrannical/ 戾气 戾氣 S - 0 lì qì f /evil tendencies/vicious currents/antisocial behavior/ 戾氣 戾气 T - 0 lì qì f /evil tendencies/vicious currents/antisocial behavior/ 戾龍 戾龙 T - 0 lì lóng f /mythical evil serpent/evil dragon in Western mythology, cf Revelations 14:12/ 戾龙 戾龍 S - 0 lì lóng f /mythical evil serpent/evil dragon in Western mythology, cf Revelations 14:12/ 房 - 6407 Fáng f /surname Fang/ 房 - 6407 fáng f /house/room/CL:間|间[jian1]/branch of an extended family/classifier for family members (or concubines)/ 房下 - 0 fáng xià f /one's wife (traditional)/ 房东 房東 S 1129 129 fáng dōng f /landlord/ 房主 - 57 fáng zhǔ f /landlord/house owner/ 房事 - 108 fáng shì f /sexual intercourse/to make love/ 房产 房產 S - 372 fáng chǎn f /real estate/the property market (e.g. houses)/ 房产中介 房產中介 S - 0 fáng chǎn zhōng jiè f /real estate agent/ 房产证 房產證 S - 16 fáng chǎn zhèng f /title deeds/certificate of property ownership/ 房价 房價 S - 655 fáng jià f /house price/cost of housing/ 房價 房价 T - 655 fáng jià f /house price/cost of housing/ 房劳 房勞 S - 0 fáng láo f /deficiency of kidney essence due to sexual excess (TCM)/ 房勞 房劳 T - 0 fáng láo f /deficiency of kidney essence due to sexual excess (TCM)/ 房卡 - 12 fáng kǎ f /room card (in a hotel)/ 房县 房縣 S - 841 Fáng xiàn f /Fang county in Shiyan 十堰[Shi2 yan4], Hubei/ 房地产 房地產 S - 1603 fáng dì chǎn f /real estate/ 房地產 房地产 T - 1603 fáng dì chǎn f /real estate/ 房地美 - 0 Fáng dì měi f /Freddie Mac, US mortgage company/formerly Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp./ 房型 - 7 fáng xíng f /see 戶型|户型[hu4 xing2]/ 房契 - 13 fáng qì f /deed (for a house)/CL:張|张[zhang1],份[fen4]/ 房奴 - 4 fáng nú f /a slave to one's mortgage/ 房子 - 3194 fáng zi f /house/building (single- or two-story)/apartment/room/CL:棟|栋[dong4],幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4],套[tao4]/ 房子租 - 0 fáng zi zū f /house rent/ 房客 - 46 fáng kè f /tenant/ 房室 - 68 fáng shì f /room/ 房屋 - 1870 fáng wū f /house/building/CL:所[suo3],套[tao4]/ 房屋中介 - 3 fáng wū zhōng jiè f /housing agent/real estate agent/ 房山 - 84 Fáng shān f /Fangshan district of Beijing, formerly Fangshan county/ 房山区 房山區 S - 36 Fáng shān qū f /Fangshan district of Beijing, formerly Fangshan county/ 房山區 房山区 T - 36 Fáng shān qū f /Fangshan district of Beijing, formerly Fangshan county/ 房東 房东 T 1129 129 fáng dōng f /landlord/ 房檐 - 79 fáng yán f /eaves/ 房牙 - 0 fáng yá f /real estate agent (old)/ 房牙子 - 0 fáng yá zi f /real estate agent (old)/ 房玄齡 房玄龄 T - 57 Fáng Xuán líng f /Fang Xuanling (579-648), Tang dynasty historian, compiler of History of Jin dynasty 晉書|晋书/ 房玄龄 房玄齡 S - 57 Fáng Xuán líng f /Fang Xuanling (579-648), Tang dynasty historian, compiler of History of Jin dynasty 晉書|晋书/ 房產 房产 T - 372 fáng chǎn f /real estate/the property market (e.g. houses)/ 房產中介 房产中介 T - 0 fáng chǎn zhōng jiè f /real estate agent/ 房產證 房产证 T - 16 fáng chǎn zhèng f /title deeds/certificate of property ownership/ 房租 - 164 fáng zū f /rent for a room or house/ 房縣 房县 T - 841 Fáng xiàn f /Fang county in Shiyan 十堰[Shi2 yan4], Hubei/ 房舍 - 211 fáng shè f /house/building/ 房舱 房艙 S - 10 fáng cāng f /(ship's) cabin/ 房艙 房舱 T - 10 fáng cāng f /(ship's) cabin/ 房貸 房贷 T - 159 fáng dài f /home loan/ 房費 房费 T - 13 fáng fèi f /room charge/ 房贷 房貸 S - 159 fáng dài f /home loan/ 房费 房費 S - 13 fáng fèi f /room charge/ 房車 房车 T - 8 fáng chē f /recreational vehicle/ 房车 房車 S - 8 fáng chē f /recreational vehicle/ 房錢 房钱 T - 24 fáng qián f /charges for a room/house rental/ 房钱 房錢 S - 24 fáng qián f /charges for a room/house rental/ 房門 房门 T - 744 fáng mén f /door of a room/ 房間 房间 T 222 2489 fáng jiān f /room/CL:間|间[jian1],個|个[ge4]/ 房门 房門 S - 744 fáng mén f /door of a room/ 房间 房間 S 222 2489 fáng jiān f /room/CL:間|间[jian1],個|个[ge4]/ 房頂 房顶 T - 126 fáng dǐng f /housetop/roof/ 房顶 房頂 S - 126 fáng dǐng f /housetop/roof/ 房魔 - 0 fáng mó f /"housing devil", real estate developer or realtor accused of manipulating the property market in their favor/ 所 1203 76462 suǒ f /actually/place/classifier for houses, small buildings, institutions etc/that which/particle introducing a relative clause or passive/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 所为 所為 S - 300 suǒ wéi f /what one does/doings/ 所以 183 29396 suǒ yǐ f /therefore/as a result/so/the reason why/ 所以然 - 55 suǒ yǐ rán f /the reason why/ 所作所为 所作所為 S - 326 suǒ zuò suǒ wéi f /one's conduct and deeds/ 所作所為 所作所为 T - 326 suǒ zuò suǒ wéi f /one's conduct and deeds/ 所到之处 所到之處 S - 318 suǒ dào zhī chù f /wherever one goes/ 所到之處 所到之处 T - 318 suǒ dào zhī chù f /wherever one goes/ 所剩无几 所剩無幾 S - 70 suǒ shèng wú jǐ f /there is not much left/ 所剩無幾 所剩无几 T - 70 suǒ shèng wú jǐ f /there is not much left/ 所发现 所發現 S - 0 suǒ fā xiàn f /discovered/what one discovers/ 所向披靡 - 50 suǒ xiàng pī mǐ f /to sweep everything before one/to be invincible (idiom)/ 所向无敌 所向無敵 S - 59 suǒ xiàng wú dí f /to be invincible/unrivalled/ 所向無敵 所向无敌 T - 59 suǒ xiàng wú dí f /to be invincible/unrivalled/ 所周知 - 0 suǒ zhōu zhī f /as is well known/as everyone knows/ 所在 - 2800 suǒ zài f /place/location/whereabouts/domicile/to be located/to belong to (organization etc)/ 所在地 - 2962 suǒ zài dì f /location/site/ 所多 - 0 Suǒ duō f /Soto/ 所多玛 所多瑪 S - 0 Suǒ duō mǎ f /Sodom/ 所多玛与蛾摩拉 所多瑪與蛾摩拉 S - 0 Suǒ duō mǎ yǔ E mó lā f /Sodom and Gomorrah/ 所多瑪 所多玛 T - 0 Suǒ duō mǎ f /Sodom/ 所多瑪與蛾摩拉 所多玛与蛾摩拉 T - 0 Suǒ duō mǎ yǔ E mó lā f /Sodom and Gomorrah/ 所居 - 0 suǒ jū f /residence/dwelling/dwelling place/ 所属 所屬 S - 2434 suǒ shǔ f /one's affiliation (i.e. the organization one is affiliated with)/subordinate (i.e. those subordinate to oneself)/belonging to/affiliated/under one's command/ 所属单位 所屬單位 S - 3 suǒ shǔ dān wèi f /affiliated unit/subsidiary/ 所屬 所属 T - 2434 suǒ shǔ f /one's affiliation (i.e. the organization one is affiliated with)/subordinate (i.e. those subordinate to oneself)/belonging to/affiliated/under one's command/ 所屬單位 所属单位 T - 3 suǒ shǔ dān wèi f /affiliated unit/subsidiary/ 所幸 - 98 suǒ xìng f /fortunately (formal writing)/ 所得 - 1004 suǒ dé f /what one acquires/one's gains/ 所得稅 所得税 T - 250 suǒ dé shuì f /income tax/ 所得税 所得稅 S - 250 suǒ dé shuì f /income tax/ 所思 - 42 suǒ sī f /what one thinks/ 所想 - 3 suǒ xiǎng f /what one considers/one's thoughts/ 所愿 所願 S - 3 suǒ yuàn f /wished-for/desired/ 所指 - 794 suǒ zhǐ f /the objects indicated/as pointed out/ 所料 - 3 suǒ liào f /expectation/what one anticipates/ 所有 607 17464 suǒ yǒu f /all/to have/to possess/to own/ 所有主 - 12 suǒ yǒu zhǔ f /owner/proprietor/ 所有制 - 695 suǒ yǒu zhì f /ownership of the means of production (in Marxism)/system of ownership/ 所有权 所有權 S - 699 suǒ yǒu quán f /ownership/possession/property rights/title (to property)/ 所有格 - 5 suǒ yǒu gé f /possessive case (grammar)/ 所有權 所有权 T - 699 suǒ yǒu quán f /ownership/possession/property rights/title (to property)/ 所有物 - 109 suǒ yǒu wù f /a possession/belongings/ 所有者 - 957 suǒ yǒu zhě f /proprietor/owner/ 所為 所为 T - 300 suǒ wéi f /what one does/doings/ 所生 - 3 suǒ shēng f /parents (father and mother)/ 所發現 所发现 T - 0 suǒ fā xiàn f /discovered/what one discovers/ 所知 - 1267 suǒ zhī f /known/what one knows/ 所罗巴伯 所羅巴伯 S - 0 Suǒ luó bā bó f /Zerubbabel (son of Shealtiel)/ 所罗门 所羅門 S - 60 Suǒ luó mén f /Solomon (name)/ 所罗门群岛 所羅門群島 S - 64 Suǒ luó mén Qún dǎo f /Solomon Islands in southwest Pacific/ 所羅巴伯 所罗巴伯 T - 0 Suǒ luó bā bó f /Zerubbabel (son of Shealtiel)/ 所羅門 所罗门 T - 60 Suǒ luó mén f /Solomon (name)/ 所羅門群島 所罗门群岛 T - 64 Suǒ luó mén Qún dǎo f /Solomon Islands in southwest Pacific/ 所聞 所闻 T - 3 suǒ wén f /heard/what one hears/ 所能 - 3 suǒ néng f /according to one's capabilities/what sb is capable of/ 所致 - 826 suǒ zhì f /to be caused by/ 所見 所见 T - 3 suǒ jiàn f /seen/what one sees/ 所見即所得 所见即所得 T - 0 suǒ jiàn jí suǒ dé f /What you see is what you get (WYSIWYG)/ 所見所聞 所见所闻 T - 80 suǒ jiàn suǒ wén f /what one hears and sees (idiom)/ 所见 所見 S - 3 suǒ jiàn f /seen/what one sees/ 所见即所得 所見即所得 S - 0 suǒ jiàn jí suǒ dé f /What you see is what you get (WYSIWYG)/ 所见所闻 所見所聞 S - 80 suǒ jiàn suǒ wén f /what one hears and sees (idiom)/ 所謂 所谓 T - 7657 suǒ wèi f /so-called/what is called/ 所谓 所謂 S - 7657 suǒ wèi f /so-called/what is called/ 所部 - 281 suǒ bù f /troops under one's command/ 所長 所长 T - 2015 suǒ cháng t /what one is good at/ 所長 所长 T - 2015 suǒ zhǎng f /head of an institute etc/ 所长 所長 S - 2015 suǒ cháng t /what one is good at/ 所长 所長 S - 2015 suǒ zhǎng f /head of an institute etc/ 所闻 所聞 S - 3 suǒ wén f /heard/what one hears/ 所需 - 3 suǒ xū f /necessary (for)/required/ 所願 所愿 T - 3 suǒ yuàn f /wished-for/desired/ 扁 2896 1479 Piān f /surname Pian/ 扁 2896 1479 biǎn t /flat/(coll.) to beat (sb) up/old variant of 匾[bian3]/ 扁 2896 1479 piān f /small boat/ 扁嘴海雀 - 0 biǎn zuǐ hǎi què f /(bird species of China) ancient murrelet (Synthliboramphus antiquus)/ 扁圆 扁圓 S - 21 biǎn yuán f /oblate/ 扁圓 扁圆 T - 21 biǎn yuán f /oblate/ 扁坯 - 0 biǎn pī f /slab/ 扁平 - 329 biǎn píng f /flat/planar/ 扁形动物 扁形動物 S - 23 piān xíng dòng wù f /flatworm/phylum of Platyhelminthes/ 扁形动物门 扁形動物門 S - 0 piān xíng dòng wù mén f /flatworm/phylum of Platyhelminthes/ 扁形動物 扁形动物 T - 23 piān xíng dòng wù f /flatworm/phylum of Platyhelminthes/ 扁形動物門 扁形动物门 T - 0 piān xíng dòng wù mén f /flatworm/phylum of Platyhelminthes/ 扁担 扁擔 S - 163 biǎn dan f /carrying pole/shoulder pole/CL:根[gen1]/ 扁擔 扁担 T - 163 biǎn dan f /carrying pole/shoulder pole/CL:根[gen1]/ 扁桃 - 22 biǎn táo f /almond tree/almond/flat peach/ 扁桃体 扁桃體 S - 51 biǎn táo tǐ f /tonsil/ 扁桃体炎 扁桃體炎 S - 34 biǎn táo tǐ yán f /tonsillitis/ 扁桃腺 - 8 biǎn táo xiàn f /tonsil/ 扁桃腺炎 - 3 biǎn táo xiàn yán f /tonsillitis/ 扁桃體 扁桃体 T - 51 biǎn táo tǐ f /tonsil/ 扁桃體炎 扁桃体炎 T - 34 biǎn táo tǐ yán f /tonsillitis/ 扁穴 - 0 biǎn xué f /tonsil/now written 扁桃體|扁桃体[bian3 tao2 ti3]/ 扁舟 - 37 piān zhōu f /small boat/skiff/ 扁虫 扁蟲 S - 0 biǎn chóng f /flatworm/ 扁虱 - 0 biǎn shī f /tick (zoology)/ 扁蟲 扁虫 T - 0 biǎn chóng f /flatworm/ 扁豆 - 49 biǎn dòu f /hyacinth bean/haricot/ 扁鍬形蟲 扁锹形虫 T - 0 biǎn qiāo xíng chóng f /giant stag beetle (Dorcus titanus)/ 扁锹形虫 扁鍬形蟲 S - 0 biǎn qiāo xíng chóng f /giant stag beetle (Dorcus titanus)/ 扁額 扁额 T - 3 biǎn é f /variant of 匾額|匾额[bian3 e2]/ 扁额 扁額 S - 3 biǎn é f /variant of 匾額|匾额[bian3 e2]/ 扁食 - 3 biǎn shí f /dumplings/ 扁骨 - 7 biǎn gǔ f /flat bone/ 扁鵲 扁鹊 T - 39 Biǎn Què f /秦越人[Qin2 Yue4 ren2] (407-310 BC), Warring States physician known for his medical skills, nicknamed Bian Que after the earliest known Chinese physician allegedly from the 黃帝|黄帝[Huang2 di4] era/ 扁鹊 扁鵲 S - 39 Biǎn Què f /秦越人[Qin2 Yue4 ren2] (407-310 BC), Warring States physician known for his medical skills, nicknamed Bian Que after the earliest known Chinese physician allegedly from the 黃帝|黄帝[Huang2 di4] era/ 扂 - 0 diàn f /door latch/ 扂楔 - 0 diàn xiē f /door latch/ 扃 - 7 jiōng f /(literary) to shut or bolt a door/door/ 扆 - 28 Yǐ f /surname Yi/ 扆 - 28 yǐ f /screen/ 扇 - 2826 shān f /to fan/to slap sb on the face/ 扇 - 2826 shàn t /fan/sliding, hinged or detachable flat part of sth/classifier for doors, windows etc/ 扇动 扇動 S - 35 shān dòng f /to fan/to flap/to incite/to instigate (a strike etc)/ 扇動 扇动 T - 35 shān dòng f /to fan/to flap/to incite/to instigate (a strike etc)/ 扇区 扇區 S - 4 shàn qū f /disk sector (computing)/ 扇區 扇区 T - 4 shàn qū f /disk sector (computing)/ 扇子 2471 433 shàn zi f /fan/CL:把[ba3]/ 扇尾沙錐 扇尾沙锥 T - 0 shān wěi shā zhuī f /(bird species of China) common snipe (Gallinago gallinago)/ 扇尾沙锥 扇尾沙錐 S - 0 shān wěi shā zhuī f /(bird species of China) common snipe (Gallinago gallinago)/ 扇形 - 277 shàn xíng f /circular sector/ 扇貝 扇贝 T - 47 shàn bèi f /scallop (genus Pecten)/ 扇贝 扇貝 S - 47 shàn bèi f /scallop (genus Pecten)/ 扇面琴 - 0 shān miàn qín f /same as yangqin 揚琴|扬琴, dulcimer/ 扇風 扇风 T - 3 shān fēng f /to fan oneself/to fan (sb)/ 扇風耳朵 扇风耳朵 T - 0 shān fēng ěr duo f /protruding ears/ 扇风 扇風 S - 3 shān fēng f /to fan oneself/to fan (sb)/ 扇风耳朵 扇風耳朵 S - 0 shān fēng ěr duo f /protruding ears/ 扈 - 57 Hù f /surname Hu/ 扈 - 57 hù f /retinue/ 扉 - 28 fēi f /door with only one leaf/ 扉画 扉畫 S - 3 fēi huà f /frontpage picture/ 扉畫 扉画 T - 3 fēi huà f /frontpage picture/ 扉頁 扉页 T - 38 fēi yè f /title page/flyleaf/end paper/ 扉页 扉頁 S - 38 fēi yè f /title page/flyleaf/end paper/ 扊 - 0 yǎn f /upright bar for fastening a door/ 手 - 28466 shǒu f /hand/(formal) to hold/person engaged in certain types of work/person skilled in certain types of work/personal(ly)/convenient/classifier for skill/CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1]/ 手下 - 1419 shǒu xià f /under one's control or administration/subordinates/(money etc) on hand/sb's financial means/to take action/ 手下留情 - 75 shǒu xià liú qíng f /lit. start off leniently (idiom); please do not be too strict with me/Do not judge me too harshly./Look favorably on my humble efforts./ 手不释卷 手不釋卷 S - 14 shǒu bù shì juàn f /lit. always with a book in hand (idiom)/fig. (of a student or scholar) diligent and hardworking/ 手不釋卷 手不释卷 T - 14 shǒu bù shì juàn f /lit. always with a book in hand (idiom)/fig. (of a student or scholar) diligent and hardworking/ 手举 手舉 S - 0 shǒu jǔ f /a salute/hands raised/ 手书 手書 S - 211 shǒu shū f /to write personally/personal letter/ 手交 - 0 shǒu jiāo f /handjob/manual stimulation/ 手倒立 - 3 shǒu dào lì f /handstand/ 手冊 手册 T - 229 shǒu cè f /manual/handbook/ 手册 手冊 S - 229 shǒu cè f /manual/handbook/ 手写 手寫 S - 55 shǒu xiě f /to write by hand/handwriting/ 手写体 手寫體 S - 13 shǒu xiě tǐ f /handwriting/ 手写识别 手寫識別 S - 0 shǒu xiě shí bié f /handwriting recognition/ 手写辩识 手寫辯識 S - 0 shǒu xiě biàn shí f /handwriting recognition/ 手到拈來 手到拈来 T - 3 shǒu dào nián lái f /stretch a hand and grab it (idiom); easy to do/ 手到拈来 手到拈來 S - 3 shǒu dào nián lái f /stretch a hand and grab it (idiom); easy to do/ 手到擒來 手到擒来 T - 62 shǒu dào qín lái f /stretch a hand and grab it (idiom); very easy/ 手到擒来 手到擒來 S - 62 shǒu dào qín lái f /stretch a hand and grab it (idiom); very easy/ 手刹车 手剎車 S - 0 shǒu shā chē f /handbrake/ 手剎車 手刹车 T - 0 shǒu shā chē f /handbrake/ 手动 手動 S - 172 shǒu dòng f /manual/manually operated/manual gear-change/ 手动变速器 手動變速器 S - 0 shǒu dòng biàn sù qì f /manual gearbox/manual transmission/ 手动挡 手動擋 S - 3 shǒu dòng dǎng f /manual gear change/shift stick/ 手势 手勢 S 3500 737 shǒu shì f /gesture/sign/signal/ 手動 手动 T - 172 shǒu dòng f /manual/manually operated/manual gear-change/ 手動擋 手动挡 T - 3 shǒu dòng dǎng f /manual gear change/shift stick/ 手動變速器 手动变速器 T - 0 shǒu dòng biàn sù qì f /manual gearbox/manual transmission/ 手勢 手势 T 3500 737 shǒu shì f /gesture/sign/signal/ 手包 - 2 shǒu bāo f /handbag/ 手卷 手捲 S - 17 shǒu juǎn f /hand scroll (horizontal format for Chinese landscape painting)/hand roll (Japanese: temaki, style of fish cuisine)/hand rolled cigarette/hand roll (many contexts)/roll up/ 手头 手頭 S - 245 shǒu tóu f /in hand (e.g. cash)/ 手头现金 手頭現金 S - 0 shǒu tóu xiàn jīn f /cash in hand/ 手头紧 手頭緊 S - 9 shǒu tóu jǐn f /short of money/hard up/ 手套 1758 231 shǒu tào f /glove/mitten/CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1]/ 手套箱 - 0 shǒu tào xiāng f /glove compartment (of a car)/glovebox (sealed compartment with attached gloves for handling hazardous materials etc)/ 手定 - 0 shǒu dìng f /to set down (rules)/to institute/ 手寫 手写 T - 55 shǒu xiě f /to write by hand/handwriting/ 手寫識別 手写识别 T - 0 shǒu xiě shí bié f /handwriting recognition/ 手寫辯識 手写辩识 T - 0 shǒu xiě biàn shí f /handwriting recognition/ 手寫體 手写体 T - 13 shǒu xiě tǐ f /handwriting/ 手嶌葵 - 0 Shǒu dǎo Kuí f /TESHIMA Aoi (1987-), Japanese female pop singer/ 手工 2196 733 shǒu gōng f /handwork/manual/ 手工业 手工業 S - 1521 shǒu gōng yè f /handicraft/ 手工台 手工檯 S - 0 shǒu gōng tái f /workbench/ 手工業 手工业 T - 1521 shǒu gōng yè f /handicraft/ 手工檯 手工台 T - 0 shǒu gōng tái f /workbench/ 手工艺 手工藝 S - 74 shǒu gōng yì f /handicraft/arts and crafts/ 手工藝 手工艺 T - 74 shǒu gōng yì f /handicraft/arts and crafts/ 手巧 - 8 shǒu qiǎo f /to be skillful with one's hands/to be manually adroit/ 手巾 - 107 shǒu jīn f /hand towel/ 手帐 手帳 S - 0 shǒu zhàng f /notebook/pocket diary/ 手帕 - 533 shǒu pà f /handkerchief/CL:方[fang1]/ 手帳 手帐 T - 0 shǒu zhàng f /notebook/pocket diary/ 手式 - 0 shǒu shì f /gesture/same as 手勢|手势[shou3 shi4]/ 手弹 手彈 S - 3 shǒu tán f /fingered (bass)/ 手彈 手弹 T - 3 shǒu tán f /fingered (bass)/ 手影 - 0 shǒu yǐng f /hand shadow drama/ 手心 - 242 shǒu xīn f /palm (of one's hand)/control (extended meaning from having something in the palm of one's hand)/ 手心手背都是肉 - 0 shǒu xīn shǒu bèi dōu shì ròu f /lit. both the palm and the back of the hand are made of flesh (idiom)/fig. to both be of equal importance/to value both equally/ 手忙脚乱 手忙腳亂 S - 294 shǒu máng jiǎo luàn f /to act with confusion/to be in a flurry/to be flustered/ 手忙腳亂 手忙脚乱 T - 294 shǒu máng jiǎo luàn f /to act with confusion/to be in a flurry/to be flustered/ 手性 - 3 shǒu xìng f /chiral/chirality (chemistry)/ 手感 - 87 shǒu gǎn f /the feel (of sth touched with the hand)/(textiles) handle/ 手打 - 0 shǒu dǎ f /hand typewriter (as opposed to electric typewriter), abbr. for 手打字機|手打字机/ 手打字机 手打字機 S - 0 shǒu dǎ zì jī f /hand typewriter (as opposed to electric typewriter)/ 手打字機 手打字机 T - 0 shǒu dǎ zì jī f /hand typewriter (as opposed to electric typewriter)/ 手扳葫芦 手扳葫蘆 S - 0 shǒu bān hú lu f /lever hoist pulley/ 手扳葫蘆 手扳葫芦 T - 0 shǒu bān hú lu f /lever hoist pulley/ 手把 - 92 shǒu bà f /handle/ 手抓羊肉 - 0 shǒu zhuā yáng ròu f /hand-held mutton (mutton pieces on the bone, eaten with the fingers)/ 手拉手 - 52 shǒu lā shǒu f /to join hands/hand in hand/ 手拉葫芦 手拉葫蘆 S - 0 shǒu lā hú lu f /hand chain pulley block/ 手拉葫蘆 手拉葫芦 T - 0 shǒu lā hú lu f /hand chain pulley block/ 手拉車 手拉车 T - 0 shǒu lā chē f /cart/ 手拉车 手拉車 S - 0 shǒu lā chē f /cart/ 手拿包 - 0 shǒu ná bāo f /clutch bag/ 手指 1610 2516 shǒu zhǐ f /finger/CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1]/ 手指头 手指頭 S - 269 shǒu zhǐ tou f /fingertip/finger/ 手指頭 手指头 T - 269 shǒu zhǐ tou f /fingertip/finger/ 手捲 手卷 T - 17 shǒu juǎn f /hand scroll (horizontal format for Chinese landscape painting)/hand roll (Japanese: temaki, style of fish cuisine)/hand rolled cigarette/hand roll (many contexts)/roll up/ 手掌 - 1470 shǒu zhǎng f /palm/ 手掌心 - 73 shǒu zhǎng xīn f /see 手心[shou3 xin1]/ 手排 - 0 shǒu pái f /manual transmission/ 手掣 - 0 shǒu chè f /handbrake/game controller (Cantonese)/ 手控 - 10 shǒu kòng f /manual control/ 手推車 手推车 T - 36 shǒu tuī chē f /trolley/cart/barrow/handcart/wheelbarrow/baby buggy/ 手推车 手推車 S - 36 shǒu tuī chē f /trolley/cart/barrow/handcart/wheelbarrow/baby buggy/ 手提 - 237 shǒu tí f /portable/ 手提包 - 35 shǒu tí bāo f /(hand)bag/hold-all/ 手提电脑 手提電腦 S - 3 shǒu tí diàn nǎo f /portable computer/ 手提箱 - 15 shǒu tí xiāng f /suitcase/ 手提電腦 手提电脑 T - 3 shǒu tí diàn nǎo f /portable computer/ 手搖柄 手摇柄 T - 0 shǒu yáo bǐng f /hand crank/ 手搖風琴 手摇风琴 T - 3 shǒu yáo fēng qín f /hand organ/hurdy-gurdy/ 手搭凉棚 手搭涼棚 S - 9 shǒu dā liáng péng f /to shade one's eyes with one's hand/ 手搭涼棚 手搭凉棚 T - 9 shǒu dā liáng péng f /to shade one's eyes with one's hand/ 手摇柄 手搖柄 S - 0 shǒu yáo bǐng f /hand crank/ 手摇风琴 手搖風琴 S - 3 shǒu yáo fēng qín f /hand organ/hurdy-gurdy/ 手无寸铁 手無寸鐵 S - 174 shǒu wú cùn tiě f /lit. not an inch of steel (idiom); unarmed and defenseless/ 手无缚鸡之力 手無縛雞之力 S - 0 shǒu wú fù jī zhī lì f /without the strength to truss a chicken/ 手書 手书 T - 211 shǒu shū f /to write personally/personal letter/ 手札 - 12 shǒu zhá f /(literary) personal letter/ 手术 手術 S 1274 3305 shǒu shù f /(surgical) operation/surgery/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 手术台 手術檯 S - 40 shǒu shù tái f /operating table/ 手机 手機 S 247 4789 shǒu jī f /cell phone/mobile phone/CL:部[bu4],支[zhi1]/ 手杖 - 79 shǒu zhàng f /cane/CL:把[ba3]/ 手松 手鬆 S - 3 shǒu sōng f /liberal with one's money/free-spending/ 手板葫芦 手板葫蘆 S - 0 shǒu bǎn hú lu f /lever pulley block/ 手板葫蘆 手板葫芦 T - 0 shǒu bǎn hú lu f /lever pulley block/ 手枪 手槍 S - 517 shǒu qiāng f /pistol/CL:把[ba3]/ 手柄 - 52 shǒu bǐng f /handle/video game controller/ 手榴弹 手榴彈 S - 364 shǒu liú dàn f /hand grenade/ 手榴彈 手榴弹 T - 364 shǒu liú dàn f /hand grenade/ 手槍 手枪 T - 517 shǒu qiāng f /pistol/CL:把[ba3]/ 手機 手机 T 247 4789 shǒu jī f /cell phone/mobile phone/CL:部[bu4],支[zhi1]/ 手段 - 6991 shǒu duàn f /method/means (of doing sth)/strategy/trick/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 手气 手氣 S - 47 shǒu qì f /luck (in gambling)/ 手氣 手气 T - 47 shǒu qì f /luck (in gambling)/ 手法 2993 1886 shǒu fǎ f /technique/trick/skill/ 手淫 - 31 shǒu yín f /to masturbate/masturbation/ 手游 手遊 S - 0 shǒu yóu f /mobile game/abbr. for 手機遊戲|手机游戏/ 手滑 - 0 shǒu huá f /to do sth by mistake (with one's hand)/to make a slip of the hand (e.g. click the wrong button)/ 手無寸鐵 手无寸铁 T - 174 shǒu wú cùn tiě f /lit. not an inch of steel (idiom); unarmed and defenseless/ 手無縛雞之力 手无缚鸡之力 T - 0 shǒu wú fù jī zhī lì f /without the strength to truss a chicken/ 手牵手 手牽手 S - 3 shǒu qiān shǒu f /hand in hand/ 手牽手 手牵手 T - 3 shǒu qiān shǒu f /hand in hand/ 手环 手環 S - 3 shǒu huán f /wristband/bracelet/ 手球 - 75 shǒu qiú f /team handball/ 手環 手环 T - 3 shǒu huán f /wristband/bracelet/ 手用 - 3 shǒu yòng f /hand-used/hand (tool)/ 手电 手電 S - 111 shǒu diàn f /flashlight/torch/ 手电筒 手電筒 S - 348 shǒu diàn tǒng f /flashlight/electric hand torch/ 手相 - 50 shǒu xiàng f /palmistry/features of a palm (in palmistry)/ 手眼协调 手眼協調 S - 0 shǒu yǎn xié tiáo f /hand-eye coordination/ 手眼協調 手眼协调 T - 0 shǒu yǎn xié tiáo f /hand-eye coordination/ 手稿 - 231 shǒu gǎo f /manuscript/script/ 手笔 手筆 S - 70 shǒu bǐ f /sth written or painted in one's own hand/(of a writer, calligrapher or painter) skill/style/hand/(fig.) style shown in spending money, handling business etc/scale/ 手筆 手笔 T - 70 shǒu bǐ f /sth written or painted in one's own hand/(of a writer, calligrapher or painter) skill/style/hand/(fig.) style shown in spending money, handling business etc/scale/ 手紙 手纸 T - 26 shǒu zhǐ f /toilet paper/ 手紧 手緊 S - 14 shǒu jǐn f /tightfisted/stingy/short of money/hard up/ 手絹 手绢 T - 162 shǒu juàn f /handkerchief/CL:張|张[zhang1],塊|块[kuai4]/ 手緊 手紧 T - 14 shǒu jǐn f /tightfisted/stingy/short of money/hard up/ 手縫 手缝 T - 0 shǒu féng f /to sew by hand/hand-sewn/ 手續 手续 T 2213 1651 shǒu xù f /procedure/CL:道[dao4],個|个[ge4]/formalities/ 手續費 手续费 T - 232 shǒu xù fèi f /service charge/processing fee/commission/ 手纸 手紙 S - 26 shǒu zhǐ f /toilet paper/ 手绢 手絹 S - 162 shǒu juàn f /handkerchief/CL:張|张[zhang1],塊|块[kuai4]/ 手续 手續 S 2213 1651 shǒu xù f /procedure/CL:道[dao4],個|个[ge4]/formalities/ 手续费 手續費 S - 232 shǒu xù fèi f /service charge/processing fee/commission/ 手缝 手縫 S - 0 shǒu féng f /to sew by hand/hand-sewn/ 手肘 - 129 shǒu zhǒu f /elbow/ 手背 - 139 shǒu bèi f /back of the hand/ 手脖子 - 0 shǒu bó zi f /wrist (dialect)/ 手脚 手腳 S - 1010 shǒu jiǎo f /hand and foot/movement of limbs/action/trick/step in a procedure (CL: 道[dao4])/ 手脚不干净 手腳不乾淨 S - 0 shǒu jiǎo bù gān jìng f /thieving/light-fingered/prone to stealing/ 手腕 - 1213 shǒu wàn f /wrist/trickery/finesse/ability/skill/ 手腕子 - 13 shǒu wàn zi f /wrist/ 手腕式 - 0 shǒu wàn shì f /wrist- (watch, compass)/ 手腳 手脚 T - 1010 shǒu jiǎo f /hand and foot/movement of limbs/action/trick/step in a procedure (CL: 道[dao4])/ 手腳不乾淨 手脚不干净 T - 0 shǒu jiǎo bù gān jìng f /thieving/light-fingered/prone to stealing/ 手臂 - 1944 shǒu bì f /arm/helper/ 手舉 手举 T - 0 shǒu jǔ f /a salute/hands raised/ 手舞足蹈 - 117 shǒu wǔ zú dǎo f /hands dance and feet trip (idiom); dancing and gesticulating for joy/ 手艺 手藝 S 3800 481 shǒu yì f /craftmanship/workmanship/handicraft/trade/ 手藝 手艺 T 3800 481 shǒu yì f /craftmanship/workmanship/handicraft/trade/ 手術 手术 T 1274 3305 shǒu shù f /(surgical) operation/surgery/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 手術檯 手术台 T - 40 shǒu shù tái f /operating table/ 手表 手錶 S 288 324 shǒu biǎo f /wrist watch/CL:塊|块[kuai4],隻|只[zhi1],個|个[ge4]/ 手裡 手里 T - 4583 shǒu lǐ f /in hand/(a situation is) in sb's hands/ 手裡劍 手里剑 T - 3 shǒu lǐ jiàn f /shuriken (throwing star)/ 手語 手语 T - 24 shǒu yǔ f /sign language/ 手语 手語 S - 24 shǒu yǔ f /sign language/ 手足 - 840 shǒu zú f /hands and feet/(fig.) brothers/retinue, henchmen, accomplices/ 手足之情 - 31 shǒu zú zhī qíng f /brotherly affection/ 手足亲情 手足親情 S - 0 shǒu zú qīn qíng f /brotherly kindness/ 手足口病 - 0 shǒu zú kǒu bìng f /hand foot and mouth disease, HFMD, caused by a number of intestinal viruses, usually affecting young children/ 手足口症 - 0 shǒu zú kǒu zhèng f /human hand foot and mouth disease, a viral infection/ 手足无措 手足無措 S - 208 shǒu zú wú cuò f /at a loss to know what to do (idiom); bewildered/ 手足無措 手足无措 T - 208 shǒu zú wú cuò f /at a loss to know what to do (idiom); bewildered/ 手足親情 手足亲情 T - 0 shǒu zú qīn qíng f /brotherly kindness/ 手跡 手迹 T - 70 shǒu jì f /sb's original handwriting or painting/ 手軟 手软 T - 115 shǒu ruǎn f /to be lenient/to relent/to be reluctant to make a hard decision/to think twice/ 手软 手軟 S - 115 shǒu ruǎn f /to be lenient/to relent/to be reluctant to make a hard decision/to think twice/ 手边 手邊 S - 97 shǒu biān f /on hand/at hand/ 手迹 手跡 S - 70 shǒu jì f /sb's original handwriting or painting/ 手遊 手游 T - 0 shǒu yóu f /mobile game/abbr. for 手機遊戲|手机游戏/ 手邊 手边 T - 97 shǒu biān f /on hand/at hand/ 手里 手裡 S - 4583 shǒu lǐ f /in hand/(a situation is) in sb's hands/ 手里剑 手裡劍 S - 3 shǒu lǐ jiàn f /shuriken (throwing star)/ 手銬 手铐 T - 168 shǒu kào f /manacles/handcuffs/ 手錘 手锤 T - 0 shǒu chuí f /mallet/drumstick/ 手錶 手表 T 288 324 shǒu biǎo f /wrist watch/CL:塊|块[kuai4],隻|只[zhi1],個|个[ge4]/ 手鏈 手链 T - 12 shǒu liàn f /chain bracelet/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 手鐲 手镯 T - 91 shǒu zhuó f /bracelet/ 手鑽 手钻 T - 2 shǒu zuàn f /gimlet/hand drill/ 手钻 手鑽 S - 2 shǒu zuàn f /gimlet/hand drill/ 手铐 手銬 S - 168 shǒu kào f /manacles/handcuffs/ 手链 手鏈 S - 12 shǒu liàn f /chain bracelet/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 手锤 手錘 S - 0 shǒu chuí f /mallet/drumstick/ 手镯 手鐲 S - 91 shǒu zhuó f /bracelet/ 手閘 手闸 T - 3 shǒu zhá f /handbrake/ 手闸 手閘 S - 3 shǒu zhá f /handbrake/ 手雷 - 31 shǒu léi f /grenade/ 手電 手电 T - 111 shǒu diàn f /flashlight/torch/ 手電筒 手电筒 T - 348 shǒu diàn tǒng f /flashlight/electric hand torch/ 手頭 手头 T - 245 shǒu tóu f /in hand (e.g. cash)/ 手頭現金 手头现金 T - 0 shǒu tóu xiàn jīn f /cash in hand/ 手頭緊 手头紧 T - 9 shǒu tóu jǐn f /short of money/hard up/ 手風琴 手风琴 T - 38 shǒu fēng qín f /accordion/ 手风琴 手風琴 S - 38 shǒu fēng qín f /accordion/ 手鬆 手松 T - 3 shǒu sōng f /liberal with one's money/free-spending/ 才 316 55415 cái f /ability/talent/sb of a certain type/a capable individual/only/only then/just now/ 才 纔 S 316 55415 cái f /a moment ago/just now/(indicating sth happening later than expected)/(preceded by a clause of condition or reason) not until/(followed by a numerical clause) only/ 才不 - 0 cái bù f /by no means/definitely not/as if!/yeah right!/ 才兼文武 - 3 cái jiān wén wǔ f /talent in both military and civil field (idiom)/ 才分 - 0 cái fèn f /ability/talent/gift/ 才华 才華 S - 374 cái huá f /talent/CL:份[fen4]/ 才华出众 才華出眾 S - 3 cái huá chū zhòng f /outstanding talent (idiom); incomparable artistic merit/ 才华横溢 才華橫溢 S - 52 cái huá héng yì f /brimming over with talent (esp. literary)/brilliant/ 才华盖世 才華蓋世 S - 3 cái huá gài shì f /peerless talent (idiom); incomparable artistic merit/ 才外流 - 0 cái wài liú f /brain drain/ 才女 - 45 cái nǚ f /talented girl/ 才子 - 193 cái zǐ f /gifted scholar/ 才子佳人 - 25 cái zǐ jiā rén f /gifted scholar, beautiful lady (idiom); pair of ideal lovers/cf With his brains and her looks.../ 才学 才學 S - 83 cái xué f /talent and learning/scholarship/ 才學 才学 T - 83 cái xué f /talent and learning/scholarship/ 才干 才幹 S 4332 166 cái gàn f /ability/competence/ 才幹 才干 T 4332 166 cái gàn f /ability/competence/ 才德 - 3 cái dé f /talent and virtue/ 才思 - 12 cái sī f /imaginative power/creativeness/ 才怪 - 0 cái guài f /it'd be a wonder if... (following a verb phrase that is usually negative)/ 才智 - 166 cái zhì f /ability and wisdom/ 才气 才氣 S - 25 cái qì f /talent (usually literary or artistic)/ 才气过人 才氣過人 S - 6 cái qì guò rén f /an outstanding talent (idiom)/surpassing insight and acumen/ 才氣 才气 T - 25 cái qì f /talent (usually literary or artistic)/ 才氣過人 才气过人 T - 6 cái qì guò rén f /an outstanding talent (idiom)/surpassing insight and acumen/ 才然 纔然 S - 0 cái rán f /just recently/just a moment ago/just now/ 才略 - 50 cái lüè f /ability and sagacity/ 才疏学浅 才疏學淺 S - 15 cái shū xué qiǎn f /(humble expr.) of humble talent and shallow learning (idiom); Pray forgive my ignorance,.../ 才疏學淺 才疏学浅 T - 15 cái shū xué qiǎn f /(humble expr.) of humble talent and shallow learning (idiom); Pray forgive my ignorance,.../ 才能 - 1847 cái néng f /talent/ability/capacity/ 才艺 才藝 S - 98 cái yì f /talent/ 才艺技能 才藝技能 S - 0 cái yì jì néng f /talent/ 才艺秀 才藝秀 S - 0 cái yì xiù f /talent show/ 才華 才华 T - 374 cái huá f /talent/CL:份[fen4]/ 才華出眾 才华出众 T - 3 cái huá chū zhòng f /outstanding talent (idiom); incomparable artistic merit/ 才華橫溢 才华横溢 T - 52 cái huá héng yì f /brimming over with talent (esp. literary)/brilliant/ 才華蓋世 才华盖世 T - 3 cái huá gài shì f /peerless talent (idiom); incomparable artistic merit/ 才藝 才艺 T - 98 cái yì f /talent/ 才藝技能 才艺技能 T - 0 cái yì jì néng f /talent/ 才藝秀 才艺秀 T - 0 cái yì xiù f /talent show/ 才識 才识 T - 106 cái shí f /ability and insight/ 才識過人 才识过人 T - 3 cái shí guò rén f /an outstanding talent (idiom)/surpassing insight and acumen/ 才识 才識 S - 106 cái shí f /ability and insight/ 才识过人 才識過人 S - 3 cái shí guò rén f /an outstanding talent (idiom)/surpassing insight and acumen/ 才貌双全 才貌雙全 S - 27 cái mào shuāng quán f /talented and good-looking (idiom)/ 才貌雙全 才貌双全 T - 27 cái mào shuāng quán f /talented and good-looking (idiom)/ 才高八斗 - 16 cái gāo bā dǒu f /of great talent (idiom)/ 扎 2807 2928 zhā t /to prick/to run or stick (a needle etc) into/jug (a classifier for liquids such as beer)/ 扎 2807 2928 zhá f /penetrating (as of cold)/struggle/ 扎 紥 S 2807 2928 zā f /variant of 紮|扎[za1]/ 扎 紥 S 2807 2928 zhā t /variant of 紮|扎[zha1]/ 扎 紮 S 2807 2928 zā f /to tie/to bind/classifier for flowers, banknotes etc: bundle/Taiwan pr. [zha2]/ 扎伊尔 扎伊爾 S - 259 Zhā yī ěr f /Zaire/ 扎伊爾 扎伊尔 T - 259 Zhā yī ěr f /Zaire/ 扎住 - 0 zhā zhù f /to stop/Taiwan pr. [zha3 zhu4]/ 扎克伯格 - 0 Zhā kè bó gé f /Mark Zuckerberg (1984-), American computer programer, co-founder and CEO of Facebook/ 扎兰屯 扎蘭屯 S - 8 Zhā lán tún f /Zhalantun county level city, Mongolian Zalan-ail xot, in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔[Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3], Inner Mongolia/ 扎兰屯市 扎蘭屯市 S - 6 Zhā lán tún shì f /Zhalantun county level city, Mongolian Zalan-ail xot, in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔[Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3], Inner Mongolia/ 扎啤 - 3 zhā pí f /draught beer/ 扎囊 - 0 Zā náng f /Zhanang county, Tibetan: Gra nang rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 扎囊县 扎囊縣 S - 5 Zā náng xiàn f /Zhanang county, Tibetan: Gra nang rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 扎囊縣 扎囊县 T - 5 Zā náng xiàn f /Zhanang county, Tibetan: Gra nang rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 扎堆 - 43 zhā duī f /to gather together/ 扎实 扎實 S 4749 469 zhā shi t /strong/solid/sturdy/firm/practical/ 扎实 紮實 S 4749 469 zhá shi f /see 扎實|扎实[zha1 shi5]/ 扎实推进 扎實推進 S - 0 zhā shi tuī jìn f /solid progress/ 扎實 扎实 T 4749 469 zhā shi t /strong/solid/sturdy/firm/practical/ 扎實推進 扎实推进 T - 0 zhā shi tuī jìn f /solid progress/ 扎寨 紮寨 S - 3 zhā zhài f /to set up an encampment/ 扎尔达里 扎爾達里 S - 0 Zā ěr dá lǐ f /Asif Ali Zardari (1956-), Pakistani People's Party politician, widower of murdered Benazir Bhutto, president of Pakistan from 2008/ 扎带 扎帶 S - 0 zā dài f /cable tie/ 扎帶 扎带 T - 0 zā dài f /cable tie/ 扎扎 - 3 zhā zhā f /(onom.) crunch (of marching feet etc)/ 扎扎实实 扎扎實實 S - 166 zhā zha shí shí f /firm/solid/reliable/real/practical/ 扎扎實實 扎扎实实 T - 166 zhā zha shí shí f /firm/solid/reliable/real/practical/ 扎染 - 18 zā rǎn f /tie-dyeing/tie-dye/ 扎根 - 160 zhā gēn f /to take root/ 扎格罗斯 扎格羅斯 S - 0 Zā gé luó sī f /Zagros mountains of southwest Iran/ 扎格罗斯山脉 扎格羅斯山脈 S - 0 Zā gé luó sī shān mài f /Zagros mountains of southwest Iran/ 扎格羅斯 扎格罗斯 T - 0 Zā gé luó sī f /Zagros mountains of southwest Iran/ 扎格羅斯山脈 扎格罗斯山脉 T - 0 Zā gé luó sī shān mài f /Zagros mountains of southwest Iran/ 扎欧扎翁 紮歐紮翁 S - 0 Zā ōu zā wēng f /name of village in Nyima county, Nagchu prefecture, Tibet/ 扎款 - 0 zhā kuǎn f /to obtain money/to earn money (slang)/ 扎爾達里 扎尔达里 T - 0 Zā ěr dá lǐ f /Asif Ali Zardari (1956-), Pakistani People's Party politician, widower of murdered Benazir Bhutto, president of Pakistan from 2008/ 扎猛子 - 3 zhā měng zi f /to swim with head submerged/ 扎眼 - 22 zhā yǎn f /garish/dazzling/offensively conspicuous/ 扎穿 - 3 zhā chuān f /to prick/to puncture/ 扎线带 紮線帶 S - 0 zā xiàn dài f /cable ties/zip ties/ 扎营 紮營 S - 247 zhā yíng f /to camp/to pitch camp/stationed/quartered/Taiwan pr. [zha2 ying2]/ 扎蘭屯 扎兰屯 T - 8 Zhā lán tún f /Zhalantun county level city, Mongolian Zalan-ail xot, in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔[Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3], Inner Mongolia/ 扎蘭屯市 扎兰屯市 T - 6 Zhā lán tún shì f /Zhalantun county level city, Mongolian Zalan-ail xot, in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔[Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3], Inner Mongolia/ 扎賚特 扎赉特 T - 0 Zhā lài tè f /Jalaid or Zhalaid (name)/Jalaid banner, Mongolian Zhalaid khoshuu, in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴安盟[Xing1 an1 meng2], east Inner Mongolia/ 扎賚特旗 扎赉特旗 T - 4 Zhā lài tè qí f /Jalaid banner, Mongolian Zhalaid khoshuu, in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴安盟[Xing1 an1 meng2], east Inner Mongolia/ 扎赉特 扎賚特 S - 0 Zhā lài tè f /Jalaid or Zhalaid (name)/Jalaid banner, Mongolian Zhalaid khoshuu, in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴安盟[Xing1 an1 meng2], east Inner Mongolia/ 扎赉特旗 扎賚特旗 S - 4 Zhā lài tè qí f /Jalaid banner, Mongolian Zhalaid khoshuu, in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴安盟[Xing1 an1 meng2], east Inner Mongolia/ 扎針 扎针 T - 30 zhā zhēn f /to give or have an acupuncture treatment/ 扎针 扎針 S - 30 zhā zhēn f /to give or have an acupuncture treatment/ 扎马剌丁 紮馬剌丁 S - 0 Zā mǎ lá dīng f /Jamal al-Din ibn Muhammad al-Najjari (13th century), famous Persian astronomer and scholar who served Khubilai Khan 忽必烈 from c. 1260/ 扎马鲁丁 紮馬魯丁 S - 0 Zā mǎ lǔ dīng f /see 紮馬剌丁|扎马剌丁[Za1 ma3 la2 ding1]/ 扎魯特 扎鲁特 T - 0 Zā lǔ tè f /Jarud banner or Jarud khoshuu in Tongliao 通遼|通辽[Tong1 liao2], Inner Mongolia/ 扎魯特旗 扎鲁特旗 T - 5 Zā lǔ tè qí f /Jarud banner or Jarud khoshuu in Tongliao 通遼|通辽[Tong1 liao2], Inner Mongolia/ 扎鲁特 扎魯特 S - 0 Zā lǔ tè f /Jarud banner or Jarud khoshuu in Tongliao 通遼|通辽[Tong1 liao2], Inner Mongolia/ 扎鲁特旗 扎魯特旗 S - 5 Zā lǔ tè qí f /Jarud banner or Jarud khoshuu in Tongliao 通遼|通辽[Tong1 liao2], Inner Mongolia/ 扐 - 0 lè f /divination by straw/ 扑 撲 S 3265 4520 pū f /to throw oneself at/to pounce on/to devote one's energies/to flap/to flutter/to dab/to pat/to bend over/ 扑倒 撲倒 S - 3 pū dǎo f /to fall down/ 扑克 撲克 S - 63 pū kè f /poker (game) (loanword)/deck of playing cards/ 扑克牌 撲克牌 S - 57 pū kè pái f /poker (card game)/playing card/CL:副[fu4]/ 扑扇 撲扇 S - 12 pū shan f /to flutter/to flap/ 扑打 撲打 S - 68 pū dǎ f /to swat/(of wings) to flap/ 扑救 撲救 S - 56 pū jiù f /firefighting/to extinguish a fire and save life and property/to dive (of goalkeeper in soccer)/ 扑朔 撲朔 S - 3 pū shuò f /see 撲朔迷離|扑朔迷离[pu1 shuo4 mi2 li2]/ 扑朔迷离 撲朔迷離 S - 72 pū shuò mí lí f /impossible to unravel/confusing/ 扑杀 撲殺 S - 3 pū shā f /to kill/to cull/ 扑棱 撲稜 S - 5 pū lēng f /(onom.) fluttering or flapping of wings/ 扑棱 撲稜 S - 5 pū leng t /to do sth repeatedly/ 扑满 撲滿 S - 5 pū mǎn f /piggy bank/ 扑灭 撲滅 S - 325 pū miè f /to eradicate/to extinguish/ 扑空 撲空 S - 33 pū kōng f /lit. to rush at thin air/fig. to miss one's aim/to have nothing to show for one's troubles/ 扑脸儿 撲臉兒 S - 0 pū liǎn r f /strikes you in the face/ 扑腾 撲騰 S - 49 pū teng f /(onom.) thud/flutter/flop/ 扑落 撲落 S - 19 pū luò f /to fall/to drop/socket (loanword for "plug")/ 扑跌 撲跌 S - 3 pū diē f /to fall flat on one's face/(martial arts) pouncing and falling (i.e. all kinds of moves)/ 扑通 撲通 S - 380 pū tōng f /(onom.) sound of object falling into water/plop/ 扑闪 撲閃 S - 10 pū shǎn f /to wink/to blink/ 扑面 撲面 S - 129 pū miàn f /lit. sth hits one in the face/directly in one's face/sth assaults the senses/blatant (advertising)/eye catching/(a smell) assaults the nostrils/ 扑面而来 撲面而來 S - 121 pū miàn ér lái f /lit. sth hits one in the face/directly in one's face/sth assaults the senses/blatant (advertising)/eye catching/(a smell) assaults the nostrils/ 扑鼻 撲鼻 S - 190 pū bí f /to assail the nostrils (of fragrance and odours)/ 扒 3610 1131 bā t /to peel/to skin/to tear/to pull down/to cling to (sth on which one is climbing)/to dig/ 扒 3610 1131 pá f /to rake up/to steal/to braise/to crawl/ 扒头儿 扒頭兒 S - 0 bā tou r f /handhold (to pull oneself up)/ 扒屋牵牛 扒屋牽牛 S - 0 bā wū qiān niú f /to sack the home and lead off the cattle (proverb)/to strip of everything/ 扒屋牽牛 扒屋牵牛 T - 0 bā wū qiān niú f /to sack the home and lead off the cattle (proverb)/to strip of everything/ 扒开 扒開 S - 93 bā kāi f /to pry open or apart/ 扒手 - 17 pá shǒu f /pickpocket/ 扒拉 - 61 bā lā f /to push lightly/to flick to one side/to get rid of/ 扒搂 扒摟 S - 0 bā lōu f /to pile together/to cram food into one's mouth (with chopsticks)/to eat fast/ 扒摟 扒搂 T - 0 bā lōu f /to pile together/to cram food into one's mouth (with chopsticks)/to eat fast/ 扒灰 - 13 pá huī f /incest between father-in-law and daughter-in-law/ 扒犁 - 2 pá lí f /sledge/also written 爬犁/ 扒皮 - 9 bā pí f /to flay/to skin/(fig.) to exploit/to take advantage of/ 扒窃 扒竊 S - 6 pá qiè f /to steal/to pick pockets/to frisk/ 扒竊 扒窃 T - 6 pá qiè f /to steal/to pick pockets/to frisk/ 扒粪 扒糞 S - 0 bā fèn f /muckraking/to stir up scandal/to expose (corruption)/ 扒糕 - 2 pá gāo f /buckwheat pudding (snack of buckwheat noodles with sauce)/ 扒糞 扒粪 T - 0 bā fèn f /muckraking/to stir up scandal/to expose (corruption)/ 扒車 扒车 T - 3 bā chē f /to pull oneself up onto a moving vehicle/ 扒车 扒車 S - 3 bā chē f /to pull oneself up onto a moving vehicle/ 扒釘 扒钉 T - 0 bā dīng f /cramp/ 扒钉 扒釘 S - 0 bā dīng f /cramp/ 扒開 扒开 T - 93 bā kāi f /to pry open or apart/ 扒頭兒 扒头儿 T - 0 bā tou r f /handhold (to pull oneself up)/ 扒高踩低 - 3 pá gāo cǎi dī f /crawl high, step low (idiom); unprincipled crawling, flattering one's superiors and trampling on one's juniors/toadying and bullying/ 打 - 33853 dá f /dozen (loanword)/ 打 - 33853 dǎ t /to beat/to strike/to hit/to break/to type/to mix up/to build/to fight/to fetch/to make/to tie up/to issue/to shoot/to calculate/to play (a game)/since/from/ 打下 - 653 dǎ xià f /to lay (a foundation)/to conquer (a city etc)/to shoot down (a bird etc)/ 打下手 - 24 dǎ xià shǒu f /to act in a supporting role/fig. to play second fiddle/ 打不过 打不過 S - 0 dǎ bu guò f /unable to defeat/to be no match for sb/ 打不通 - 0 dǎ bu tōng f /cannot get through (on phone)/ 打不過 打不过 T - 0 dǎ bu guò f /unable to defeat/to be no match for sb/ 打中 - 329 dǎ zhòng f /to hit (a target)/ 打交道 1912 463 dǎ jiāo dào f /to come into contact with/to have dealings/ 打从 打從 S - 0 dǎ cóng f /from/(ever) since/ 打仗 3035 1164 dǎ zhàng f /to fight a battle/to go to war/ 打伞 打傘 S - 30 dǎ sǎn f /to hold up an umbrella/ 打伤 打傷 S - 295 dǎ shāng f /to injure/to wound/to damage/ 打住 - 39 dǎ zhù f /to stop/to halt/ 打來回 打来回 T - 0 dǎ lái huí f /to make a round trip/a return journey/ 打保票 - 3 dǎ bǎo piào f /to vouch for/to guarantee/ 打倒 - 1735 dǎ dǎo f /to overthrow/to knock down/Down with ... !/ 打假 - 152 dǎ jiǎ f /to fight counterfeiting/to expose as false/to denounce sb's lies/ 打傘 打伞 T - 30 dǎ sǎn f /to hold up an umbrella/ 打傷 打伤 T - 295 dǎ shāng f /to injure/to wound/to damage/ 打光棍 - 12 dǎ guāng gùn f /to live as bachelor/ 打兌 打兑 T - 0 dǎ duì f /to arrange (colloquial)/to transfer creditor's rights (in a debt case)/ 打兑 打兌 S - 0 dǎ duì f /to arrange (colloquial)/to transfer creditor's rights (in a debt case)/ 打兰 打蘭 S - 0 dǎ lán f /dram (1⁄16 ounce) (loanword)/ 打冲锋 打衝鋒 S - 4 dǎ chōng fēng f /to lead the charge/ 打击 打擊 S 2650 4262 dǎ jī f /to hit/to strike/to attack/to crack down on sth/blow/(psychological) shock/percussion (music)/ 打击乐器 打擊樂器 S - 54 dǎ jī yuè qì f /percussion instrument/ 打击军事力量 打擊軍事力量 S - 0 dǎ jī jūn shì lì liang f /counterforce/ 打击率 打擊率 S - 3 dǎ jī lǜ f /batting average (baseball etc)/ 打击社会财富 打擊社會財富 S - 0 dǎ jī shè huì cái fù f /countervalue/ 打分 - 202 dǎ fēn f /to grade/to give a mark/ 打制 打製 S - 66 dǎ zhì f /forge/ 打制石器 打製石器 S - 0 dǎ zhì shí qì f /a chipped stone (paleolithic) implement/ 打前站 - 13 dǎ qián zhàn f /to set out in advance to make arrangements (board, lodging etc)/(military) to dispatch an advance party/ 打动 打動 S - 339 dǎ dòng f /to move (to pity)/arousing (sympathy)/touching/ 打劫 - 125 dǎ jié f /to loot/to rob/to plunder/to ransack/ 打動 打动 T - 339 dǎ dòng f /to move (to pity)/arousing (sympathy)/touching/ 打勾 - 3 dǎ gōu f /to check/to tick/to buy (traditional)/ 打勾勾 - 0 dǎ gōu gōu f /see 拉鉤|拉钩[la1 gou1]/ 打包 3095 110 dǎ bāo f /to wrap/to pack/to put leftovers in a doggy bag for take-out/ 打包票 - 9 dǎ bāo piào f /to vouch for/to guarantee/ 打千 - 3 dǎ qiān f /genuflection, a form of salutation in Qing times performed by men, going down on the right knee and reaching down with the right hand/ 打卡 - 30 dǎ kǎ f /to clock in or out (of a job etc)/ 打卦 - 3 dǎ guà f /to tell sb's fortune using divinatory trigrams/ 打印 1148 436 dǎ yìn f /to print/to seal/to stamp/ 打印头 打印頭 S - 4 dǎ yìn tóu f /print head/ 打印服务器 打印服務器 S - 2 dǎ yìn fú wù qì f /print server/ 打印服務器 打印服务器 T - 2 dǎ yìn fú wù qì f /print server/ 打印机 打印機 S - 153 dǎ yìn jī f /printer/ 打印機 打印机 T - 153 dǎ yìn jī f /printer/ 打印頭 打印头 T - 4 dǎ yìn tóu f /print head/ 打压 打壓 S - 91 dǎ yā f /to suppress/to beat down/ 打发 打發 S - 855 dǎ fa f /to dispatch sb to do sth/to make sb leave/to pass (the time)/(old) to make arrangements/(old) to bestow (alms etc)/ 打发时间 打發時間 S - 0 dǎ fā shí jiān f /to pass the time/ 打口 - 0 dǎ kǒu f /(of CDs, videos etc) surplus (or "cut-out") stock from Western countries, sometimes marked with a notch in the disc or its case, sold cheaply in China (beginning in the 1990s), as well as Eastern Europe etc/ 打听 打聽 S 2115 1627 dǎ ting f /to ask about/to make some inquiries/to ask around/ 打呃 - 0 dǎ è f /to hiccup/ 打呵欠 - 9 dǎ hē qiàn f /to yawn/ 打呼 - 3 dǎ hū f /to snore/ 打呼噜 打呼嚕 S - 26 dǎ hū lu f /to snore/ 打呼嚕 打呼噜 T - 26 dǎ hū lu f /to snore/ 打哄 - 0 dǎ hǒng f /to fool around/to kid around/ 打哆嗦 - 38 dǎ duō suo f /to tremble/to shiver (of cold)/to shudder/ 打哈哈 - 15 dǎ hā ha f /to joke/to laugh insincerely/to make merry/to talk irrelevantly/ 打哈哈儿 打哈哈兒 S - 0 dǎ hā ha r f /erhua variant of 打哈哈[da3 ha1 ha5]/ 打哈哈兒 打哈哈儿 T - 0 dǎ hā ha r f /erhua variant of 打哈哈[da3 ha1 ha5]/ 打响 打響 S - 269 dǎ xiǎng f /to start shooting or firing/to win an initial success/to succeed (of a plan)/ 打响名号 打響名號 S - 0 dǎ xiǎng míng hào f /to become well-known/ 打哑语 打啞語 S - 0 dǎ yǎ yǔ f /to use sign language/ 打哑谜 打啞謎 S - 7 dǎ yǎ mí f /to talk in riddles/ 打問 打问 T - 3 dǎ wèn f /to inquire about/to give sb the third degree/ 打啞語 打哑语 T - 0 dǎ yǎ yǔ f /to use sign language/ 打啞謎 打哑谜 T - 7 dǎ yǎ mí f /to talk in riddles/ 打啵 - 0 dǎ bō f /(dialect) to kiss/ 打喷嚏 打噴嚏 S 2406 71 dǎ pēn tì f /to sneeze/ 打嗝 - 54 dǎ gé f /to hiccup/to belch/to burp/ 打嗝儿 打嗝兒 S - 3 dǎ gé r f /erhua variant of 打嗝[da3 ge2]/ 打嗝兒 打嗝儿 T - 3 dǎ gé r f /erhua variant of 打嗝[da3 ge2]/ 打嘴 - 3 dǎ zuǐ f /to slap sb's face/to slap one's own face/fig. to fail to live up to a boast/ 打嘴巴 - 7 dǎ zuǐ ba f /to slap/ 打噴嚏 打喷嚏 T 2406 71 dǎ pēn tì f /to sneeze/ 打嚏喷 打嚏噴 S - 0 dǎ tì pen f /to sneeze/ 打嚏噴 打嚏喷 T - 0 dǎ tì pen f /to sneeze/ 打圆场 打圓場 S - 62 dǎ yuán chǎng f /to help to resolve a dispute/to smooth things over/ 打圓場 打圆场 T - 62 dǎ yuán chǎng f /to help to resolve a dispute/to smooth things over/ 打地鋪 打地铺 T - 11 dǎ dì pù f /to make one's bed on the floor/ 打地铺 打地鋪 S - 11 dǎ dì pù f /to make one's bed on the floor/ 打场 打場 S - 23 dǎ cháng f /to thresh grain (on the floor)/ 打坐 - 84 dǎ zuò f /to sit in meditation/to meditate/ 打垮 - 80 dǎ kuǎ f /to defeat/to strike down/to destroy/ 打埋伏 - 16 dǎ mái fu f /to lie in wait/to ambush/to conceal sth/ 打場 打场 T - 23 dǎ cháng f /to thresh grain (on the floor)/ 打壓 打压 T - 91 dǎ yā f /to suppress/to beat down/ 打夯 - 13 dǎ hāng f /to ram/to tamp/ 打奶 - 0 dǎ nǎi f /lit. to beat milk/to churn (to make butter)/milk foamer (for cappuccino)/ 打孔器 - 3 dǎ kǒng qì f /hole puncher/ 打孔鑽 打孔钻 T - 0 dǎ kǒng zuàn f /auger/drill/ 打孔钻 打孔鑽 S - 0 dǎ kǒng zuàn f /auger/drill/ 打字 - 74 dǎ zì f /to type/ 打字员 打字員 S - 24 dǎ zì yuán f /typist/ 打字員 打字员 T - 24 dǎ zì yuán f /typist/ 打字机 打字機 S - 122 dǎ zì jī f /typewriter/ 打字機 打字机 T - 122 dǎ zì jī f /typewriter/ 打官司 3771 95 dǎ guān si f /to file a lawsuit/to sue/to dispute/ 打官腔 - 9 dǎ guān qiāng f /to talk officiously/to assume the air of a functionary/to talk in official jargon/ 打官話 打官话 T - 0 dǎ guān huà f /to talk officiously/to assume the air of a functionary/to talk in official jargon/ 打官话 打官話 S - 0 dǎ guān huà f /to talk officiously/to assume the air of a functionary/to talk in official jargon/ 打家劫舍 - 56 dǎ jiā jié shè f /to break into a house for robbery (idiom)/ 打富济贫 打富濟貧 S - 20 dǎ fù jì pín f /to rob the rich to help the poor (idiom)/ 打富濟貧 打富济贫 T - 20 dǎ fù jì pín f /to rob the rich to help the poor (idiom)/ 打对仗 打對仗 S - 0 dǎ duì zhàng f /to compete/ 打对台 打對台 S - 0 dǎ duì tái f /to compete/to rival/ 打對仗 打对仗 T - 0 dǎ duì zhàng f /to compete/ 打對台 打对台 T - 0 dǎ duì tái f /to compete/to rival/ 打小報告 打小报告 T - 26 dǎ xiǎo bào gào f /tattletale/to rat on sb/ 打小报告 打小報告 S - 26 dǎ xiǎo bào gào f /tattletale/to rat on sb/ 打小算盘 打小算盤 S - 4 dǎ xiǎo suàn pán f /lit. to count on a narrow abacus (idiom); petty and scheming selfishly/concerned with petty interests/selfish and uncaring of the interests of others/bean counter/ 打小算盤 打小算盘 T - 4 dǎ xiǎo suàn pán f /lit. to count on a narrow abacus (idiom); petty and scheming selfishly/concerned with petty interests/selfish and uncaring of the interests of others/bean counter/ 打尖 - 126 dǎ jiān f /to stop for a snack while traveling/ 打屁 - 0 dǎ pì f /to chat idly/ 打屁股 - 45 dǎ pì gu f /to spank sb's bottom/ 打层次 打層次 S - 0 dǎ céng cì f /to get one's hair layered/ 打層次 打层次 T - 0 dǎ céng cì f /to get one's hair layered/ 打岔 - 69 dǎ chà f /interruption/to interrupt (esp. talk)/to change the subject/ 打工 2072 850 dǎ gōng f /to work a temporary or casual job/(of students) to have a job outside of class time, or during vacation/ 打工仔 - 39 dǎ gōng zǎi f /young worker/employee/young male worker/ 打工妹 - 16 dǎ gōng mèi f /young female worker/ 打底 - 18 dǎ dǐ f /to lay a foundation (also fig.)/to make a first sketch/to eat sth before drinking/to apply an undercoat/ 打底裤 打底褲 S - 0 dǎ dǐ kù f /leggings/ 打底褲 打底裤 T - 0 dǎ dǐ kù f /leggings/ 打开 打開 S - 4137 dǎ kāi f /to open/to show (a ticket)/to turn on/to switch on/ 打开天窗说亮话 打開天窗說亮話 S - 14 dǎ kāi tiān chuāng shuō liàng huà f /not to mince words/not to beat about the bush/ 打开话匣子 打開話匣子 S - 0 dǎ kāi huà xiá zi f /to start talking/ 打得火热 打得火熱 S - 28 dǎ de huǒ rè f /to carry on intimately with (idiom); ardent relationship (esp. between lovers)/billing and cooing/ 打得火熱 打得火热 T - 28 dǎ de huǒ rè f /to carry on intimately with (idiom); ardent relationship (esp. between lovers)/billing and cooing/ 打從 打从 T - 0 dǎ cóng f /from/(ever) since/ 打心眼裡 打心眼里 T - 0 dǎ xīn yǎn li f /from the bottom of one's heart/heartily/sincerely/ 打心眼里 打心眼裡 S - 0 dǎ xīn yǎn li f /from the bottom of one's heart/heartily/sincerely/ 打怵 - 0 dǎ chù f /to fear/to feel terrified/ 打悶雷 打闷雷 T - 0 dǎ mèn léi f /(coll.) to wonder secretly/to make wild conjectures/ 打情罵俏 打情骂俏 T - 31 dǎ qíng mà qiào f /to tease a woman by pretending to be displeased with her/to flirt with a member of the opposite sex/to banter flirtatiously/ 打情骂俏 打情罵俏 S - 31 dǎ qíng mà qiào f /to tease a woman by pretending to be displeased with her/to flirt with a member of the opposite sex/to banter flirtatiously/ 打憷 - 0 dǎ chù f /variant of 打怵[da3 chu4]/ 打成一片 - 49 dǎ chéng yī piàn f /to merge/to integrate/to become as one/to unify together/ 打成平手 - 3 dǎ chéng píng shǒu f /to draw (a competition)/to fight to a standstill/ 打手 - 78 dǎ shou f /hired thug/ 打手枪 打手槍 S - 0 dǎ shǒu qiāng f /to masturbate/ 打手槍 打手枪 T - 0 dǎ shǒu qiāng f /to masturbate/ 打手語 打手语 T - 0 dǎ shǒu yǔ f /to use sign language/ 打手语 打手語 S - 0 dǎ shǒu yǔ f /to use sign language/ 打扑克 打撲克 S - 3 dǎ pū kè f /to play cards/to play poker/ 打扫 打掃 S 541 386 dǎ sǎo f /to clean/to sweep/ 打扮 983 1129 dǎ ban f /to decorate/to dress/to make up/to adorn/manner of dressing/style of dress/ 打扰 打擾 S 762 412 dǎ rǎo f /to disturb/to bother/to trouble/ 打把势 打把勢 S - 3 dǎ bǎ shi f /drill (in sword play)/to thrash around/to demonstrate gymnastic skills/to solicit financial help (in an indirect way)/to show off/ 打把勢 打把势 T - 3 dǎ bǎ shi f /drill (in sword play)/to thrash around/to demonstrate gymnastic skills/to solicit financial help (in an indirect way)/to show off/ 打把式 - 0 dǎ bǎ shi f /variant of 打把勢|打把势[da3 ba3 shi5]/ 打折 1163 186 dǎ zhé f /to give a discount/ 打折扣 - 120 dǎ zhé kòu f /to give a discount/to be of less value than anticipated/ 打抱不平 - 83 dǎ bào bù píng f /to come to the aid of sb suffering an injustice/to fight for justice/also written 抱打不平[bao4 da3 bu4 ping2]/ 打拍 - 3 dǎ pāi f /to beat time/to mark rhythm on drum or clapper boards/ 打拍子 - 9 dǎ pāi zi f /to beat time/ 打招呼 1107 370 dǎ zhāo hu f /to greet sb by word or action/to give prior notice/ 打拱 - 3 dǎ gǒng f /to bow with clasped hands/ 打拱作揖 - 3 dǎ gǒng zuò yī f /to bow respectfully with clasped hands/to beg humbly/ 打拳 - 29 dǎ quán f /to do shadowboxing/ 打拼 - 85 dǎ pīn f /to work hard/to try to make a living/ 打挺儿 打挺兒 S - 3 dǎ tǐng r f /to arch one's body and fling one's head back/ 打挺兒 打挺儿 T - 3 dǎ tǐng r f /to arch one's body and fling one's head back/ 打捞 打撈 S - 213 dǎ lāo f /to salvage/to dredge/to fish out (person or object from the sea)/ 打掃 打扫 T 541 386 dǎ sǎo f /to clean/to sweep/ 打掉 - 3 dǎ diào f /to tear down/to destroy/to dismantle (a gang)/to abort (a fetus)/ 打探 - 319 dǎ tàn f /to make discreet inquiries/to scout out/ 打搅 打攪 S - 105 dǎ jiǎo f /to disturb/to trouble/ 打撈 打捞 T - 213 dǎ lāo f /to salvage/to dredge/to fish out (person or object from the sea)/ 打撲克 打扑克 T - 3 dǎ pū kè f /to play cards/to play poker/ 打擂台 打擂臺 S - 9 dǎ lèi tái f /(old) to fight on the leitai/(fig.) to enter a contest/ 打擂臺 打擂台 T - 9 dǎ lèi tái f /(old) to fight on the leitai/(fig.) to enter a contest/ 打擊 打击 T 2650 4262 dǎ jī f /to hit/to strike/to attack/to crack down on sth/blow/(psychological) shock/percussion (music)/ 打擊樂器 打击乐器 T - 54 dǎ jī yuè qì f /percussion instrument/ 打擊率 打击率 T - 3 dǎ jī lǜ f /batting average (baseball etc)/ 打擊社會財富 打击社会财富 T - 0 dǎ jī shè huì cái fù f /countervalue/ 打擊軍事力量 打击军事力量 T - 0 dǎ jī jūn shì lì liang f /counterforce/ 打擾 打扰 T 762 412 dǎ rǎo f /to disturb/to bother/to trouble/ 打攪 打搅 T - 105 dǎ jiǎo f /to disturb/to trouble/ 打敗 打败 T - 1507 dǎ bài f /to defeat/to overpower/to beat/to be defeated/ 打散 - 49 dǎ sàn f /to scatter/to break sth up/to beat (an egg)/ 打斋 打齋 S - 0 dǎ zhāi f /to beg for (vegetarian) food/ 打斗 打鬥 S - 100 dǎ dòu f /to fight/ 打断 打斷 S - 916 dǎ duàn f /to interrupt/to break off/to break (a bone)/ 打斷 打断 T - 916 dǎ duàn f /to interrupt/to break off/to break (a bone)/ 打旋 - 0 dǎ xuán f /to revolve/ 打旋儿 打旋兒 S - 0 dǎ xuán r f /erhua variant of 打旋[da3 xuan2]/ 打旋兒 打旋儿 T - 0 dǎ xuán r f /erhua variant of 打旋[da3 xuan2]/ 打早 - 0 dǎ zǎo f /earlier/long ago/as soon as possible/ 打春 - 3 dǎ chūn f /see 立春[Li4 chun1]/ 打更 - 57 dǎ gēng f /to sound the night watches (on clappers or gongs, in former times)/ 打杀 打殺 S - 3 dǎ shā f /to kill/ 打杂 打雜 S - 44 dǎ zá f /to do odd jobs/to do unskilled work/ 打杈 - 2 dǎ chà f /pruning (branches)/ 打来回 打來回 S - 0 dǎ lái huí f /to make a round trip/a return journey/ 打枪 打槍 S - 16 dǎ qiāng f /to fire a gun/to substitute for sb in sitting an examination/ 打架 2648 579 dǎ jià f /to fight/to scuffle/to come to blows/CL:場|场[chang2]/ 打柴 - 31 dǎ chái f /to chop firewood/to gather firewood/ 打格子 - 0 dǎ gé zi f /to draw a rectangular grid (e.g. of farmland)/to checker/ 打档 打檔 S - 0 dǎ dǎng f /(Tw) to change gears/ 打档车 打檔車 S - 0 dǎ dǎng chē f /(Tw) manual transmission motorcycle (usually denotes a traditional-style motorcycle, as opposed to a scooter)/ 打桩 打樁 S - 28 dǎ zhuāng f /to drive piles into/ 打桩机 打樁機 S - 2 dǎ zhuāng jī f /pile driver (machinery)/ 打棍子 - 8 dǎ gùn zi f /to bludgeon/to hit with a big stick/ 打棚 - 0 dǎ péng f /(dialect) to joke/ 打槍 打枪 T - 16 dǎ qiāng f /to fire a gun/to substitute for sb in sitting an examination/ 打樁 打桩 T - 28 dǎ zhuāng f /to drive piles into/ 打樁機 打桩机 T - 2 dǎ zhuāng jī f /pile driver (machinery)/ 打横炮 打橫炮 S - 0 dǎ héng pào f /speak unwarrantedly/ 打橫炮 打横炮 T - 0 dǎ héng pào f /speak unwarrantedly/ 打檔 打档 T - 0 dǎ dǎng f /(Tw) to change gears/ 打檔車 打档车 T - 0 dǎ dǎng chē f /(Tw) manual transmission motorcycle (usually denotes a traditional-style motorcycle, as opposed to a scooter)/ 打死 - 1643 dǎ sǐ f /to kill/to beat to death/ 打殺 打杀 T - 3 dǎ shā f /to kill/ 打气 打氣 S - 25 dǎ qì f /to inflate/to pump up/fig. to encourage/to boost morale/ 打气筒 打氣筒 S - 2 dǎ qì tǒng f /a bicycle pump/ 打氣 打气 T - 25 dǎ qì f /to inflate/to pump up/fig. to encourage/to boost morale/ 打氣筒 打气筒 T - 2 dǎ qì tǒng f /a bicycle pump/ 打水 - 3 dǎ shuǐ f /to draw water/to splash water/ 打水漂 - 3 dǎ shuǐ piāo f /to skim stones/to squander/to spend but get nothing in return/ 打油詩 打油诗 T - 27 dǎ yóu shī f /humorous poem/limerick/ 打油诗 打油詩 S - 27 dǎ yóu shī f /humorous poem/limerick/ 打法 - 321 dǎ fǎ f /to play (a card)/to make a move in a game/ 打洞 - 0 dǎ dòng f /to punch a hole/to drill a hole/to dig a hole/to burrow/ 打消 - 176 dǎ xiāo f /to dispel (doubts, misgivings etc)/to give up on/ 打混 - 3 dǎ hùn f /to muddle things up/to goof off/to hang around/ 打游击 打游擊 S - 61 dǎ yóu jī f /to fight as a guerilla/(fig.) to live or eat at no fixed place/ 打游擊 打游击 T - 61 dǎ yóu jī f /to fight as a guerilla/(fig.) to live or eat at no fixed place/ 打滚 打滾 S - 91 dǎ gǔn f /to roll about/ 打滾 打滚 T - 91 dǎ gǔn f /to roll about/ 打火机 打火機 S - 98 dǎ huǒ jī f /lighter/cigarette lighter/ 打火機 打火机 T - 98 dǎ huǒ jī f /lighter/cigarette lighter/ 打火石 - 9 dǎ huǒ shí f /flint/ 打炮 - 102 dǎ pào f /to open fire with artillery/to set off firecrackers/to make one's stage debut/(slang) to have sex/to masturbate/ 打点 打點 S - 199 dǎ dian f /to bribe/to get (luggage) ready/to put in order/to organize things/(baseball) RBI (run batted in)/ 打点滴 打點滴 S - 3 dǎ diǎn dī f /to put sb on an intravenous drip/ 打烊 - 10 dǎ yàng f /to close shop in the evening/also pr. [da3 yang2]/ 打爆 - 3 dǎ bào f /to blow out/to blow off/(computer games) to zap/(phone) to ring off the hook/to be jammed/to max out (credit card etc)/ 打牌 - 126 dǎ pái f /to play mahjong or cards/ 打牙祭 - 13 dǎ yá jì f /to have a large and sumptuous meal (traditionally on the 1st and 15th of each month)/ 打狗 - 0 Dǎ gǒu f /Takow, Takao or Takau, old name for Kaohsiung 高雄[Gao1 xiong2] in the southwest of Taiwan/ 打狗欺主 - 0 dǎ gǒu qī zhǔ f /to beat a dog and bully its owner/fig. to humiliate sb indirectly by bullying a subordinate/ 打猎 打獵 S 3296 301 dǎ liè f /to go hunting/ 打獵 打猎 T 3296 301 dǎ liè f /to go hunting/ 打球 - 100 dǎ qiú f /to play ball/to play with a ball/ 打理 - 62 dǎ lǐ f /to take care of/to sort out/to manage/to put in order/ 打瓜 - 3 dǎ guā f /a smaller variety of watermelon, with big, edible seeds/ 打电话 打電話 S 85 1305 dǎ diàn huà f /to make a telephone call/ 打發 打发 T - 855 dǎ fa f /to dispatch sb to do sth/to make sb leave/to pass (the time)/(old) to make arrangements/(old) to bestow (alms etc)/ 打發時間 打发时间 T - 0 dǎ fā shí jiān f /to pass the time/ 打白条 打白條 S - 3 dǎ bái tiáo f /to write an IOU or promissory note/ 打白條 打白条 T - 3 dǎ bái tiáo f /to write an IOU or promissory note/ 打的 - 0 dǎ dī f /(coll.) to take a taxi/to go by taxi/ 打盹 - 88 dǎ dǔn f /to doze off/to drop to sleep momentarily/(see also 打瞌睡)/ 打盹儿 打盹兒 S - 16 dǎ dǔn r f /erhua variant of 打盹[da3 dun3]/ 打盹兒 打盹儿 T - 16 dǎ dǔn r f /erhua variant of 打盹[da3 dun3]/ 打眼 - 15 dǎ yǎn f /to drill or bore a hole/to attract attention/conspicuous/ 打瞌睡 - 83 dǎ kē shuì f /to doze off/to fall asleep/see also 打盹[da3 dun3]/ 打短儿 打短兒 S - 3 dǎ duǎn r f /casual labor/to work for a bit/ 打短兒 打短儿 T - 3 dǎ duǎn r f /casual labor/to work for a bit/ 打码 打碼 S - 0 dǎ mǎ f /to pixelate an image/to key in captcha authentication codes/ 打破 - 1979 dǎ pò f /to break/to smash/ 打破砂鍋問到底 打破砂锅问到底 T - 2 dǎ pò shā guō wèn dào dǐ f /to go to the bottom of things (idiom)/ 打破砂锅问到底 打破砂鍋問到底 S - 2 dǎ pò shā guō wèn dào dǐ f /to go to the bottom of things (idiom)/ 打砸 - 3 dǎ zá f /to smash up/to vandalize/ 打碎 - 99 dǎ suì f /to shatter/to smash/to break into pieces/ 打碼 打码 T - 0 dǎ mǎ f /to pixelate an image/to key in captcha authentication codes/ 打磨 - 87 dǎ mó f /polish/grind/ 打禅 打禪 S - 3 dǎ chán f /to meditate (of Buddhist)/ 打禪 打禅 T - 3 dǎ chán f /to meditate (of Buddhist)/ 打稿子 - 0 dǎ gǎo zi f /to produce a draft manuscript/ 打穀 打谷 T - 8 dǎ gǔ f /to thresh/ 打穀場 打谷场 T - 8 dǎ gǔ cháng f /threshing floor/ 打穀機 打谷机 T - 3 dǎ gǔ jī f /threshing machine/ 打箍 - 0 dǎ gū f /to hoop/to put a hoop around sth/ 打算 381 3154 dǎ suàn f /to plan/to intend/to calculate/plan/intention/calculation/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 打算盘 打算盤 S - 15 dǎ suàn pán f /to compute on the abacus/(fig.) to calculate/to plan/to scheme/ 打算盤 打算盘 T - 15 dǎ suàn pán f /to compute on the abacus/(fig.) to calculate/to plan/to scheme/ 打紧 打緊 S - 3 dǎ jǐn f /important/ 打結 打结 T - 40 dǎ jié f /to tie a knot/to tie/ 打網 打网 T - 0 dǎ wǎng f /to net sth/to catch sth with a net/ 打緊 打紧 T - 3 dǎ jǐn f /important/ 打结 打結 S - 40 dǎ jié f /to tie a knot/to tie/ 打网 打網 S - 0 dǎ wǎng f /to net sth/to catch sth with a net/ 打罵 打骂 T - 79 dǎ mà f /to beat and scold/ 打翻 - 56 dǎ fān f /to overturn/to overthrow/to strike down (an enemy)/ 打翻身仗 - 6 dǎ fān shēn zhàng f /to work hard towards a turn-around/to fight to reverse sth/ 打耳光 - 11 dǎ ěr guāng f /to slap on the face/to box sb's ears/ 打聽 打听 T 2115 1627 dǎ ting f /to ask about/to make some inquiries/to ask around/ 打肿脸充胖子 打腫臉充胖子 S - 16 dǎ zhǒng liǎn chōng pàng zi f /lit. to swell one's face up by slapping it to look imposing (idiom); to seek to impress by feigning more than one's abilities/ 打胎 - 28 dǎ tāi f /to have an abortion/ 打胶枪 打膠槍 S - 0 dǎ jiāo qiāng f /sealant gun/glue gun/ 打腫臉充胖子 打肿脸充胖子 T - 16 dǎ zhǒng liǎn chōng pàng zi f /lit. to swell one's face up by slapping it to look imposing (idiom); to seek to impress by feigning more than one's abilities/ 打膠槍 打胶枪 T - 0 dǎ jiāo qiāng f /sealant gun/glue gun/ 打草 - 3 dǎ cǎo f /to mow grass/haymaking/to write a rough draft (of an essay etc)/ 打草惊蛇 打草驚蛇 S - 54 dǎ cǎo jīng shé f /lit. beat the grass to scare the snake/to inadvertently alert an enemy/to punish sb as a warning to others (idiom)/ 打草驚蛇 打草惊蛇 T - 54 dǎ cǎo jīng shé f /lit. beat the grass to scare the snake/to inadvertently alert an enemy/to punish sb as a warning to others (idiom)/ 打落水狗 - 9 dǎ luò shuǐ gǒu f /lit. to beat a drowning dog (idiom)/fig. to pulverize an (already defeated) enemy/to hit sb when he's down/ 打薄剪刀 - 0 dǎ báo jiǎn dāo f /thinning scissors/ 打蘭 打兰 T - 0 dǎ lán f /dram (1⁄16 ounce) (loanword)/ 打虫 打蟲 S - 3 dǎ chóng f /to swat an insect/to get rid of intestinal parasite with drugs/ 打蛇不死 - 0 dǎ shé bù sǐ f /beat the snake to death or it will cause endless calamity (idiom); nip the problem in the bud/ 打蛇不死,后患无穷 打蛇不死,後患無窮 S - 0 dǎ shé bù sǐ , hòu huàn wú qióng f /beat the snake to death or it will cause endless calamity (idiom); nip the problem in the bud/ 打蛇不死,後患無窮 打蛇不死,后患无穷 T - 0 dǎ shé bù sǐ , hòu huàn wú qióng f /beat the snake to death or it will cause endless calamity (idiom); nip the problem in the bud/ 打蛋器 - 3 dǎ dàn qì f /egg beater/ 打蜡 打蠟 S - 21 dǎ là f /to wax (a car, floor etc)/ 打蟲 打虫 T - 3 dǎ chóng f /to swat an insect/to get rid of intestinal parasite with drugs/ 打蠟 打蜡 T - 21 dǎ là f /to wax (a car, floor etc)/ 打衝鋒 打冲锋 T - 4 dǎ chōng fēng f /to lead the charge/ 打表 打錶 S - 0 dǎ biǎo f /to run the meter (in a taxi)/ 打製 打制 T - 66 dǎ zhì f /forge/ 打製石器 打制石器 T - 0 dǎ zhì shí qì f /a chipped stone (paleolithic) implement/ 打諢 打诨 T - 10 dǎ hùn f /to intersperse comic remarks (in a performance)/(fig.) to quip/to banter/ 打诨 打諢 S - 10 dǎ hùn f /to intersperse comic remarks (in a performance)/(fig.) to quip/to banter/ 打谷 打穀 S - 8 dǎ gǔ f /to thresh/ 打谷场 打穀場 S - 8 dǎ gǔ cháng f /threshing floor/ 打谷机 打穀機 S - 3 dǎ gǔ jī f /threshing machine/ 打賭 打赌 T - 102 dǎ dǔ f /to bet/to make a bet/a wager/ 打賴 打赖 T - 0 dǎ lài f /to deny/to disclaim/to disavow/ 打败 打敗 S - 1507 dǎ bài f /to defeat/to overpower/to beat/to be defeated/ 打赌 打賭 S - 102 dǎ dǔ f /to bet/to make a bet/a wager/ 打赖 打賴 S - 0 dǎ lài f /to deny/to disclaim/to disavow/ 打赤脚 打赤腳 S - 3 dǎ chì jiǎo f /to bare the feet/ 打赤腳 打赤脚 T - 3 dǎ chì jiǎo f /to bare the feet/ 打赤膊 - 2 dǎ chì bó f /to bare one's chest/bare-chested/ 打趔趄 - 0 dǎ liè qie f /to trip/to miss a step/to slip/ 打趣 - 100 dǎ qù f /to make fun of/ 打趸儿 打躉兒 S - 3 dǎ dǔn r f /to buy wholesale/ 打跑 - 0 dǎ pǎo f /to run off rebuffed/to fend off/(to fight off and make sb) run off/ 打跟头 打跟頭 S - 0 dǎ gēn tou f /to turn a somersault/to turn head over heels/ 打跟頭 打跟头 T - 0 dǎ gēn tou f /to turn a somersault/to turn head over heels/ 打躉兒 打趸儿 T - 3 dǎ dǔn r f /to buy wholesale/ 打躬作揖 - 22 dǎ gōng zuò yī f /to bow respectfully with clasped hands/to beg humbly/ 打車 打车 T - 61 dǎ chē f /to take a taxi (in town)/to hitch a lift/ 打轉 打转 T - 25 dǎ zhuàn f /to spin/to rotate/to revolve/ 打车 打車 S - 61 dǎ chē f /to take a taxi (in town)/to hitch a lift/ 打转 打轉 S - 25 dǎ zhuàn f /to spin/to rotate/to revolve/ 打边炉 打邊爐 S - 0 dǎ biān lú f /(Cantonese) to eat hot pot/hot pot/ 打边鼓 打邊鼓 S - 3 dǎ biān gǔ f /to echo what sb said/to back sb up from the sidelines (in an argument)/ 打进 打進 S - 3 dǎ jìn f /to breach/to invade/ 打退 - 144 dǎ tuì f /to beat back/to repel/to repulse/ 打退堂鼓 - 40 dá tuì táng gǔ f /lit. to beat the return drum (idiom)/fig. to give up/to turn tail/ 打通 - 305 dǎ tōng f /to open access/to establish contact/to remove a block/to put through (a phone connection)/ 打通宵 - 0 dǎ tōng xiāo f /to spend the whole night/ 打造 - 661 dǎ zào f /to create/to build/to develop/to forge (of metal)/ 打進 打进 T - 3 dǎ jìn f /to breach/to invade/ 打道回府 - 44 dǎ dào huí fǔ f /to go home (in a ceremonial procession)/to return home/ 打邊爐 打边炉 T - 0 dǎ biān lú f /(Cantonese) to eat hot pot/hot pot/ 打邊鼓 打边鼓 T - 3 dǎ biān gǔ f /to echo what sb said/to back sb up from the sidelines (in an argument)/ 打酒 - 24 dǎ jiǔ f /to have a drink/ 打酱油 打醬油 S - 0 dǎ jiàng yóu f /to buy soy sauce/it's none of my business ("I’m just here to buy some soy sauce")/ 打醬油 打酱油 T - 0 dǎ jiàng yóu f /to buy soy sauce/it's none of my business ("I’m just here to buy some soy sauce")/ 打野战 打野戰 S - 0 dǎ yě zhàn f /see 打野炮[da3 ye3 pao4]/ 打野戰 打野战 T - 0 dǎ yě zhàn f /see 打野炮[da3 ye3 pao4]/ 打野炮 - 0 dǎ yě pào f /(slang) to have sex outdoors or in a public place/ 打量 4370 914 dǎ liang f /to size sb up/to look sb up and down/to take the measure of/to suppose/to reckon/ 打針 打针 T 1159 90 dǎ zhēn f /to give or have an injection/ 打鉤 打钩 T - 7 dǎ gōu f /to tick/to check/tick mark/check mark/ 打錯 打错 T - 3 dǎ cuò f /to err/to dial a wrong number/to make a typo/ 打錶 打表 T - 0 dǎ biǎo f /to run the meter (in a taxi)/ 打鐵 打铁 T - 108 dǎ tiě f /to forge ironware/ 打鑔 打镲 T - 0 dǎ chǎ f /(dialect) to joke/to make fun of (sb)/ 打针 打針 S 1159 90 dǎ zhēn f /to give or have an injection/ 打钩 打鉤 S - 7 dǎ gōu f /to tick/to check/tick mark/check mark/ 打铁 打鐵 S - 108 dǎ tiě f /to forge ironware/ 打错 打錯 S - 3 dǎ cuò f /to err/to dial a wrong number/to make a typo/ 打镲 打鑔 S - 0 dǎ chǎ f /(dialect) to joke/to make fun of (sb)/ 打長工 打长工 T - 0 dǎ cháng gōng f /to work as long-term hired hand/ 打長途 打长途 T - 0 dǎ cháng tú f /to make a long distance call/ 打长工 打長工 S - 0 dǎ cháng gōng f /to work as long-term hired hand/ 打长途 打長途 S - 0 dǎ cháng tú f /to make a long distance call/ 打門 打门 T - 3 dǎ mén f /to knock on the door/to take a shot on goal (sports)/ 打開 打开 T - 4137 dǎ kāi f /to open/to show (a ticket)/to turn on/to switch on/ 打開天窗說亮話 打开天窗说亮话 T - 14 dǎ kāi tiān chuāng shuō liàng huà f /not to mince words/not to beat about the bush/ 打開話匣子 打开话匣子 T - 0 dǎ kāi huà xiá zi f /to start talking/ 打门 打門 S - 3 dǎ mén f /to knock on the door/to take a shot on goal (sports)/ 打问 打問 S - 3 dǎ wèn f /to inquire about/to give sb the third degree/ 打闷雷 打悶雷 S - 0 dǎ mèn léi f /(coll.) to wonder secretly/to make wild conjectures/ 打雜 打杂 T - 44 dǎ zá f /to do odd jobs/to do unskilled work/ 打雞血 打鸡血 T - 0 dǎ jī xuè f /lit. to inject chicken blood/(coll.) extremely excited or energetic (often used mockingly)/ 打雪仗 - 6 dǎ xuě zhàng f /to have a snowball fight/ 打雷 - 54 dǎ léi f /to rumble with thunder/clap of thunder/ 打電話 打电话 T 85 1305 dǎ diàn huà f /to make a telephone call/ 打靶 - 32 dǎ bǎ f /target shooting/ 打響 打响 T - 269 dǎ xiǎng f /to start shooting or firing/to win an initial success/to succeed (of a plan)/ 打響名號 打响名号 T - 0 dǎ xiǎng míng hào f /to become well-known/ 打頓 打顿 T - 0 dǎ dùn f /to pause/ 打頓兒 打顿儿 T - 0 dǎ dùn r f /erhua variant of 打頓|打顿[da3 dun4]/ 打顿 打頓 S - 0 dǎ dùn f /to pause/ 打顿儿 打頓兒 S - 0 dǎ dùn r f /erhua variant of 打頓|打顿[da3 dun4]/ 打飛機 打飞机 T - 0 dǎ fēi jī f /to masturbate (slang)/ 打飞机 打飛機 S - 0 dǎ fēi jī f /to masturbate (slang)/ 打食 - 3 dǎ shí f /to go in search of food (of animals)/to take medicine for indigestion or gastro-intestinal upsets/ 打飯 打饭 T - 0 dǎ fàn f /to get food at a canteen/ 打饭 打飯 S - 0 dǎ fàn f /to get food at a canteen/ 打馬虎眼 打马虎眼 T - 16 dǎ mǎ hu yǎn f /to play dumb/to slack off (idiom)/ 打馬賽克 打马赛克 T - 0 dǎ mǎ sài kè f /to censor an image/to pixelate/ 打马虎眼 打馬虎眼 S - 16 dǎ mǎ hu yǎn f /to play dumb/to slack off (idiom)/ 打马赛克 打馬賽克 S - 0 dǎ mǎ sài kè f /to censor an image/to pixelate/ 打骂 打罵 S - 79 dǎ mà f /to beat and scold/ 打高尔夫 打高爾夫 S - 3 dǎ gāo ěr fū f /to play golf/ 打高尔夫球 打高爾夫球 S - 0 dǎ gāo ěr fū qiú f /to play golf/ 打高爾夫 打高尔夫 T - 3 dǎ gāo ěr fū f /to play golf/ 打高爾夫球 打高尔夫球 T - 0 dǎ gāo ěr fū qiú f /to play golf/ 打鬥 打斗 T - 100 dǎ dòu f /to fight/ 打魚 打鱼 T - 118 dǎ yú f /to fish/ 打鱼 打魚 S - 118 dǎ yú f /to fish/ 打鳥 打鸟 T - 0 dǎ niǎo f /to shoot a bird (with a gun, slingshot etc)/to photograph birds/ 打鸟 打鳥 S - 0 dǎ niǎo f /to shoot a bird (with a gun, slingshot etc)/to photograph birds/ 打鸡血 打雞血 S - 0 dǎ jī xuè f /lit. to inject chicken blood/(coll.) extremely excited or energetic (often used mockingly)/ 打麻雀运动 打麻雀運動 S - 0 Dǎ Má què Yùn dòng f /the Great Sparrow Campaign or the Four Pests Campaign, one of the actions during the Great Leap Forward 大躍進|大跃进[Da4 yue4 jin4] aiming to eliminate four pests: rats, flies, mosquitoes, and sparrows/ 打麻雀運動 打麻雀运动 T - 0 Dǎ Má què Yùn dòng f /the Great Sparrow Campaign or the Four Pests Campaign, one of the actions during the Great Leap Forward 大躍進|大跃进[Da4 yue4 jin4] aiming to eliminate four pests: rats, flies, mosquitoes, and sparrows/ 打黑 - 9 dǎ hēi f /to crack down on illegal activities/to fight organized crime/ 打點 打点 T - 199 dǎ dian f /to bribe/to get (luggage) ready/to put in order/to organize things/(baseball) RBI (run batted in)/ 打點滴 打点滴 T - 3 dǎ diǎn dī f /to put sb on an intravenous drip/ 打鼓 - 324 dǎ gǔ f /to beat a drum/to play a drum/(fig.) to feel nervous/ 打鼾 - 81 dǎ hān f /to snore/ 打齋 打斋 T - 0 dǎ zhāi f /to beg for (vegetarian) food/ 扔 723 2277 rēng f /to throw/to throw away/ 扔下 - 255 rēng xià f /to throw down/to drop (bomb)/ 扔弃 扔棄 S - 3 rēng qì f /to abandon/to discard/to throw away/ 扔掉 - 216 rēng diào f /to throw away/to throw out/ 扔棄 扔弃 T - 3 rēng qì f /to abandon/to discard/to throw away/ 払 - 0 fǎn t /to take/to fetch/ 払 - 0 fú f /Japanese variant of 拂[fu2]/ 扗 - 0 zài f /old variant of 在[zai4]/ 托 - 3283 tuō f /prop/support (for weight)/rest (e.g. arm rest)/thanks to/to hold in one's hand/to support in one's palm/to give/to base/to commit/to set/Torr (unit of pressure)/ 托 託 S - 3283 tuō f /to trust/to entrust/to be entrusted with/to act as trustee/ 托业 托業 S - 0 Tuō yè f /TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication)/ 托付 - 167 tuō fù f /to entrust/ 托儿 托兒 S - 8 tuō ér t /childcare/ 托儿 托兒 S - 8 tuō r f /shill/tout/phony customer who pretends to buys things so as to lure real customers/ 托儿所 托兒所 S - 45 tuō ér suǒ f /nursery/ 托克劳 托克勞 S - 10 Tuō kè láo f /Tokelau (territory of New Zealand)/ 托克勞 托克劳 T - 10 Tuō kè láo f /Tokelau (territory of New Zealand)/ 托克托 - 8 Tuō kè tuō f /Togtoh county, Mongolian Togtox khoshuu, in Hohhot 呼和浩特[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4], Inner Mongolia/alternative spelling of 脫脫|脱脱[Tuo1 tuo1], Yuan dynasty politician Toktoghan (1314-1355)/ 托克托县 托克托縣 S - 10 Tuō kè tuō xiàn f /Togtoh county, Mongolian Togtox khoshuu, in Hohhot 呼和浩特[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4], Inner Mongolia/ 托克托縣 托克托县 T - 10 Tuō kè tuō xiàn f /Togtoh county, Mongolian Togtox khoshuu, in Hohhot 呼和浩特[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4], Inner Mongolia/ 托克逊 托克遜 S - 8 Tuō kè xùn f /Toksun county or Toqsun nahiyisi in Turpan prefecture 吐魯番地區|吐鲁番地区[Tu3 lu3 fan1 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 托克逊县 托克遜縣 S - 4 Tuō kè xùn xiàn f /Toksun county or Toqsun nahiyisi in Turpan prefecture 吐魯番地區|吐鲁番地区[Tu3 lu3 fan1 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 托克遜 托克逊 T - 8 Tuō kè xùn f /Toksun county or Toqsun nahiyisi in Turpan prefecture 吐魯番地區|吐鲁番地区[Tu3 lu3 fan1 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 托克遜縣 托克逊县 T - 4 Tuō kè xùn xiàn f /Toksun county or Toqsun nahiyisi in Turpan prefecture 吐魯番地區|吐鲁番地区[Tu3 lu3 fan1 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 托兒 托儿 T - 8 tuō ér t /childcare/ 托兒 托儿 T - 8 tuō r f /shill/tout/phony customer who pretends to buys things so as to lure real customers/ 托兒所 托儿所 T - 45 tuō ér suǒ f /nursery/ 托利党 托利黨 S - 33 Tuō lì dǎng f /Tory Party/ 托利黨 托利党 T - 33 Tuō lì dǎng f /Tory Party/ 托勒密 - 142 Tuō lè mì f /Ptolemy, kings of Egypt after the partition of Alexander the Great's Empire in 305 BC/Ptolemy or Claudius Ptolemaeus (c. 90-c. 168), Alexandrian Greek astronomer, mathematician and geographer, author of the Almagest 天文學大成|天文学大成/see also 托勒玫[Tuo1 le4 mei2]/ 托勒密王 - 0 Tuō lè mì Wáng f /Ptolemy, kings of Egypt after the partition of Alexander the Great's Empire in 305 BC/ 托勒玫 - 0 Tuō lè méi f /Ptolemy or Claudius Ptolemaeus (c. 90-c. 168), Alexandrian Greek astronomer, mathematician and geographer, author of the Almagest 天文學大成|天文学大成/see also 托勒密[Tuo1 le4 mi4]/ 托卡塔 - 9 tuō kǎ tǎ f /toccata (music) (loanword)/ 托塔天王 - 0 Tuō tǎ tiān wáng f /the pagoda bearing god/ 托尔斯泰 托爾斯泰 S - 83 Tuō ěr sī tài f /Tolstoy (name)/Count Lev Nikolayevich Tostoy (1828-1910), great Russian novelist, author of War and Peace 戰爭與和平|战争与和平/ 托尔斯港 托爾斯港 S - 0 Tuō ěr sī Gǎng f /Tórshavn, capital of Faroe Islands/ 托尔金 托爾金 S - 3 Tuō ěr jīn f /J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973), British philologist and author of fantasy fiction such as Lord of the Rings 魔戒/ 托庇 - 47 tuō bì f /to rely on sb for protection/ 托拉博拉 託拉博拉 S - 0 Tuō lā bó lā f /Torabora mountain area in east Afghanistan, famous for its caves/ 托拉尔 托拉爾 S - 0 tuō lā ěr f /(loanword) tolar, former currency of Slovenia/name for the silver coin and the main currency in Bohemia from 16th-18th century/ 托拉斯 - 100 tuō lā sī f /trust (commerce) (loanword)/ 托拉爾 托拉尔 T - 0 tuō lā ěr f /(loanword) tolar, former currency of Slovenia/name for the silver coin and the main currency in Bohemia from 16th-18th century/ 托木尔 托木爾 S - 5 Tuō mù ěr f /Mt Tomur (Russian: Pik Pobeda), the highest peak of Tianshan mountains on the border between Xinjiang and Kyrgyzstan/ 托木尔峰 托木爾峰 S - 21 Tuō mù ěr fēng f /Mt Tomur (Russian: Pik Pobeda), the highest peak of Tianshan mountains on the border between Xinjiang and Kyrgyzstan/ 托木爾 托木尔 T - 5 Tuō mù ěr f /Mt Tomur (Russian: Pik Pobeda), the highest peak of Tianshan mountains on the border between Xinjiang and Kyrgyzstan/ 托木爾峰 托木尔峰 T - 21 Tuō mù ěr fēng f /Mt Tomur (Russian: Pik Pobeda), the highest peak of Tianshan mountains on the border between Xinjiang and Kyrgyzstan/ 托架 - 8 tuō jià f /bracket/ 托業 托业 T - 0 Tuō yè f /TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication)/ 托洛茨基 託洛茨基 S - 43 Tuō luò cí jī f /Leon Davidovich Trotsky (1879-1940), early Bolshevik leader, exiled by Stalin in 1929 and murdered in 1940/ 托爾斯泰 托尔斯泰 T - 83 Tuō ěr sī tài f /Tolstoy (name)/Count Lev Nikolayevich Tostoy (1828-1910), great Russian novelist, author of War and Peace 戰爭與和平|战争与和平/ 托爾斯港 托尔斯港 T - 0 Tuō ěr sī Gǎng f /Tórshavn, capital of Faroe Islands/ 托爾金 托尔金 T - 3 Tuō ěr jīn f /J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973), British philologist and author of fantasy fiction such as Lord of the Rings 魔戒/ 托特 - 3 Tuō tè f /Thoth (ancient Egyptian deity)/ 托皮卡 - 2 Tuō pí kǎ f /Topeka, capital of Kansas/ 托盘 托盤 S - 139 tuō pán f /tray/salver/pallet/ 托盘车 托盤車 S - 0 tuō pán chē f /pallet jack/ 托盤 托盘 T - 139 tuō pán f /tray/salver/pallet/ 托盤車 托盘车 T - 0 tuō pán chē f /pallet jack/ 托福 - 282 Tuō fú f /TOEFL/Test of English as a Foreign Language/ 托福 - 282 tuō fú f /(old) thanks to your lucky influence (polite reply to health inquiries)/ 托管 - 220 tuō guǎn f /trusteeship/to trust/ 托缽修會 托钵修会 T - 0 tuō bō xiū huì f /mendicant religious order in Catholicism/Franciscan order/ 托罗斯山 托羅斯山 S - 0 Tuō luó sī shān f /Taurus mountains of south Turkey/ 托羅斯山 托罗斯山 T - 0 Tuō luó sī shān f /Taurus mountains of south Turkey/ 托老所 - 2 tuō lǎo suǒ f /senior center/ 托腮 - 0 tuō sāi f /to rest one's chin in one's hand/ 托莱多 托萊多 S - 18 Tuō lái duō f /Toledo, Spain/ 托萊多 托莱多 T - 18 Tuō lái duō f /Toledo, Spain/ 托词 託詞 S - 33 tuō cí f /to make an excuse/pretext/excuse/ 托足无门 托足無門 S - 3 tuō zú wú mén f /to be unable to find a place to stay (idiom)/ 托足無門 托足无门 T - 3 tuō zú wú mén f /to be unable to find a place to stay (idiom)/ 托辞 托辭 S - 40 tuō cí f /see 託詞|托词[tuo1 ci2]/ 托辞 託辭 S - 40 tuō cí f /see 託詞|托词[tuo1 ci2]/ 托辭 托辞 T - 40 tuō cí f /see 託詞|托词[tuo1 ci2]/ 托运 托運 S 4676 66 tuō yùn f /to consign (goods)/to check through (baggage)/ 托运行李 托運行李 S - 0 tuō yùn xíng li f /luggage that has been checked in (on flight)/ 托運 托运 T 4676 66 tuō yùn f /to consign (goods)/to check through (baggage)/ 托運行李 托运行李 T - 0 tuō yùn xíng li f /luggage that has been checked in (on flight)/ 托里 - 25 Tuō lǐ f /Toli county in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|塔城地区[Ta3 cheng2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 托里县 托里縣 S - 2 Tuō lǐ xiàn f /Toli county in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|塔城地区[Ta3 cheng2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 托里拆利 - 0 Tuō lǐ chāi lì f /Evangelista Torricelli (1608-1647), Italian physicist, colleague of Galileo/ 托里縣 托里县 T - 2 Tuō lǐ xiàn f /Toli county in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|塔城地区[Ta3 cheng2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 托钵修会 托缽修會 S - 0 tuō bō xiū huì f /mendicant religious order in Catholicism/Franciscan order/ 托馬斯 托马斯 T - 390 Tuō mǎ sī f /Thomas (male name)/ 托馬斯·哈代 托马斯·哈代 T - 0 Tuō mǎ sī · Hā dài f /Thomas Hardy (1840-1928), English author/ 托馬斯·斯特恩斯·艾略特 托马斯·斯特恩斯·艾略特 T - 0 Tuō mǎ sī · Sì tè ēn sī · Aì lüè tè f /T. S. Eliot (1888-1965), English poet/ 托馬斯·阿奎納 托马斯·阿奎纳 T - 0 Tuō mǎ sī · A kuí nà f /Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), Italian Catholic priest in the Dominican Order, philosopher and theologian in the scholastic tradition/ 托马斯 托馬斯 S - 390 Tuō mǎ sī f /Thomas (male name)/ 托马斯·哈代 托馬斯·哈代 S - 0 Tuō mǎ sī · Hā dài f /Thomas Hardy (1840-1928), English author/ 托马斯·斯特恩斯·艾略特 托馬斯·斯特恩斯·艾略特 S - 0 Tuō mǎ sī · Sì tè ēn sī · Aì lüè tè f /T. S. Eliot (1888-1965), English poet/ 托马斯·阿奎纳 托馬斯·阿奎納 S - 0 Tuō mǎ sī · A kuí nà f /Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), Italian Catholic priest in the Dominican Order, philosopher and theologian in the scholastic tradition/ 扛 3658 857 gāng f /to raise aloft with both hands/(of two or more people) to carry sth together/ 扛 3658 857 káng t /to carry on one's shoulder/(fig.) to take on (a burden, duty etc)/ 扛 摃 S 3658 857 gāng f /old variant of 扛[gang1]/ 扞 捍 T - 68 hàn f /variant of 捍[han4]/ 扠 - 47 chā f /to fork/ 扡 - 0 chǐ f /drag along/ 扢 - 28 gǔ t /clean/to rub/ 扢 - 28 xì f /sprightful/ 扣 2682 1515 kòu f /to fasten/to button/button/buckle/knot/to arrest/to confiscate/to deduct (money)/discount/to knock/to smash, spike or dunk (a ball)/to cover (with a bowl etc)/fig. to tag a label on sb/ 扣 釦 S 2682 1515 kòu f /button/ 扣上 - 3 kòu shàng f /to buckle up/to fasten/ 扣人心弦 - 35 kòu rén xīn xián f /to excite/to thrill/exciting/thrilling/cliff-hanging/ 扣住 - 5 kòu zhù f /to detain/to hold back by force/to buckle/to hook/ 扣关 扣關 S - 0 kòu guān f /variant of 叩關|叩关[kou4 guan1]/ 扣击 扣擊 S - 6 kòu jī f /to smash a ball/ 扣分 - 26 kòu fēn f /to deduct marks (when grading school work)/to have marks deducted/penalty points/to lose points for a penalty or error/ 扣压 扣壓 S - 15 kòu yā f /to withhold/to hold sth back (and prevent it being known)/ 扣去 - 3 kòu qù f /to deduct (points etc)/ 扣发 扣發 S - 141 kòu fā f /to deprive/to withhold/to hold sth back (and prevent it being known)/ 扣壓 扣压 T - 15 kòu yā f /to withhold/to hold sth back (and prevent it being known)/ 扣女 - 0 kòu nǚ f /(slang) to pick up girls/to chase after girls/ 扣子 釦子 S - 122 kòu zi f /button/ 扣屎盆子 - 0 kòu shǐ pén zi f /to make a scapegoat of sb/to defame/to slander/ 扣屎盔子 - 0 kòu shǐ kuī zi f /(northern dialect) lit. to cap in excrement/fig. to discredit with absurd unfounded accusations/to vilify/ 扣带回 扣帶回 S - 5 kòu dài huí f /cingulum (anatomy)/ 扣帶回 扣带回 T - 5 kòu dài huí f /cingulum (anatomy)/ 扣帽子 - 14 kòu mào zi f /to tag sb with unfair label/power word/ 扣应 扣應 S - 0 kòu yìng f /to call in (to a broadcast program) (loanword) (Taiwan)/ 扣式电池 扣式電池 S - 0 kòu shì diàn chí f /button cell/watch battery/ 扣式電池 扣式电池 T - 0 kòu shì diàn chí f /button cell/watch battery/ 扣應 扣应 T - 0 kòu yìng f /to call in (to a broadcast program) (loanword) (Taiwan)/ 扣扣 - 3 Kòu kòu f /(Internet slang) QQ instant messenger/ 扣押 - 227 kòu yā f /to detain/to hold in custody/to distrain/to seize property/ 扣擊 扣击 T - 6 kòu jī f /to smash a ball/ 扣杀 扣殺 S - 36 kòu shā f /to smash a ball/to spike/ 扣查 - 0 kòu chá f /to detain and question/ 扣殺 扣杀 T - 36 kòu shā f /to smash a ball/to spike/ 扣环 釦環 S - 2 kòu huán f /ring fastener/buckle/retainer strap/ 扣球 - 30 kòu qiú f /to smash a ball/to spike/ 扣留 - 174 kòu liú f /to detain/to arrest/to hold/to confiscate/ 扣發 扣发 T - 141 kòu fā f /to deprive/to withhold/to hold sth back (and prevent it being known)/ 扣眼 釦眼 S - 3 kòu yǎn f /eyelet/buttonhole/ 扣眼儿 釦眼兒 S - 0 kòu yǎn r f /erhua variant of 釦眼|扣眼[kou4 yan3]/ 扣篮 扣籃 S - 97 kòu lán f /slam dunk/ 扣籃 扣篮 T - 97 kòu lán f /slam dunk/ 扣繳 扣缴 T - 8 kòu jiǎo f /to withhold/to garnish (wages etc)/ 扣缴 扣繳 S - 8 kòu jiǎo f /to withhold/to garnish (wages etc)/ 扣肉 - 8 kòu ròu f /steamed pork/ 扣襻 釦襻 S - 4 kòu pàn f /fastening/ 扣關 扣关 T - 0 kòu guān f /variant of 叩關|叩关[kou4 guan1]/ 扣除 - 329 kòu chú f /to deduct/ 扣題 扣题 T - 0 kòu tí f /to stick to the topic/ 扣题 扣題 S - 0 kòu tí f /to stick to the topic/ 扤 - 13 wù f /to shake/to sway/ 扦 - 33 qiān f /short slender pointed piece of metal, bamboo etc/skewer/prod used to extract samples from sacks of grain etc/(dialect) to stick in/to bolt (a door)/to arrange (flowers in a vase)/to graft (tree)/to pedicure/to peel (an apple etc)/ 执 執 S - 2201 zhí f /to execute (a plan)/to grasp/ 执业 執業 S - 113 zhí yè f /to work in a profession (e.g. doctor, lawyer)/practitioner/professional/ 执事 執事 S - 211 zhí shì t /to perform one's job/attendant/job/duties/(respectful appellation for the addressee) you/your Excellency/(Church) deacon/ 执事 執事 S - 211 zhí shi f /paraphernalia of a guard of honor/ 执勤 執勤 S - 113 zhí qín f /to be on duty (of a security guard etc)/ 执委会 執委會 S - 85 zhí wěi huì f /executive committee/ 执导 執導 S - 173 zhí dǎo f /to direct (a film, play etc)/ 执意 執意 S - 320 zhí yì f /to be determined to/to insist on/ 执拗 執拗 S - 140 zhí niù f /stubborn/willful/pigheaded/Taiwan pr. [zhi2 ao4]/ 执拾 執拾 S - 0 zhí shí f /to tidy up (dialect)/ 执掌 執掌 S - 850 zhí zhǎng f /to wield (power etc)/ 执政 執政 S - 2751 zhí zhèng f /to hold power/in office/ 执政党 執政黨 S - 317 zhí zhèng dǎng f /ruling party/the party in power/ 执政官 執政官 S - 155 zhí zhèng guān f /consul (of the Roman Republic)/magistrate (chief administrator)/ 执政方式 執政方式 S - 0 zhí zhèng fāng shì f /governing method/ 执政者 執政者 S - 177 zhí zhèng zhě f /ruler/ 执政能力 執政能力 S - 0 zhí zhèng néng lì f /governing capacity/ 执教 執教 S - 325 zhí jiào f /to teach/to be a teacher/to train/to coach/ 执法 執法 S - 1187 zhí fǎ f /to enforce a law/law enforcement/ 执法如山 執法如山 S - 15 zhí fǎ rú shān f /to maintain the law as firm as a mountain (idiom); to enforce the law strictly/ 执照 執照 S 1918 107 zhí zhào f /license/permit/ 执着 執著 S 3442 218 zhí zhuó f /to be strongly attached to/to be dedicated/to cling to/ 执笔 執筆 S - 86 zhí bǐ f /to write/to do the actual writing/ 执绋 執紼 S - 0 zhí fú f /to attend a funeral/ 执行 執行 S 2592 14504 zhí xíng f /to implement/to carry out/to execute/to run/ 执行人 執行人 S - 0 zhí xíng rén f /executioner (hangman)/business executor/ 执行指挥官 執行指揮官 S - 0 zhí xíng zhǐ huī guān f /executing commander/ 执行长 執行長 S - 28 zhí xíng zhǎng f /chief executive/ 执迷 執迷 S - 45 zhí mí f /to be obsessive/to persist obstinately/ 执迷不悟 執迷不悟 S - 71 zhí mí bù wù f /to obstinately persist in going about things the wrong way (idiom)/ 扩 擴 S - 1928 kuò f /enlarge/ 扩充 擴充 S 4812 584 kuò chōng f /to expand/ 扩军 擴軍 S - 55 kuò jūn f /armament/to expand armed forces/ 扩印 擴印 S - 7 kuò yìn f /to enlarge (a photo)/to print larger/ 扩及 擴及 S - 49 kuò jí f /to extend to/ 扩增 擴增 S - 14 kuò zēng f /to augment/to amplify/to extend/to expand/ 扩增实境 擴增實境 S - 0 kuò zēng shí jìng f /augmented reality (computing)/ 扩大 擴大 S 2123 8594 kuò dà f /to expand/to enlarge/to broaden one's scope/ 扩大再生产 擴大再生產 S - 0 kuò dà zài shēng chǎn f /to expand production/to reproduce on an extended scale/ 扩大化 擴大化 S - 87 kuò dà huà f /to extend the scope/to exaggerate/ 扩孔 擴孔 S - 5 kuò kǒng f /to widen a tube/to ream (i.e. widen a hole)/ 扩展 擴展 S - 2670 kuò zhǎn f /to extend/to expand/extension/expansion/ 扩展坞 擴展塢 S - 0 kuò zhǎn wù f /docking station/ 扩建 擴建 S - 1845 kuò jiàn f /to extend a building/ 扩张 擴張 S 3867 2419 kuò zhāng f /expansion/dilation/to expand (e.g. one's power or influence)/to broaden/ 扩散 擴散 S 3428 982 kuò sàn f /to spread/to proliferate/to diffuse/spread/proliferation/diffusion/ 扩散周知 擴散周知 S - 0 kuò sàn zhōu zhī f /to let everyone know/spread the word!/ 扩版 擴版 S - 2 kuò bǎn f /to increase the format of a publication/ 扩编 擴編 S - 83 kuò biān f /to expand (esp. by new recruitment)/to increase the army/to augment/ 扩胸器 擴胸器 S - 3 kuò xiōng qì f /chest expander (gymnastic apparatus)/ 扩音 擴音 S - 16 kuò yīn f /to amplify (sound)/ 扩音器 擴音器 S - 47 kuò yīn qì f /megaphone/loudspeaker/amplifier/microphone/ 扩音机 擴音機 S - 3 kuò yīn jī f /amplifier/loudspeaker/hearing aid/ 扪 捫 S - 49 mén f /lay hands on/to cover/ 扪心无愧 捫心無愧 S - 3 mén xīn wú kuì f /lit. look into one's heart, no shame (idiom); with a clear conscience/ 扪心自问 捫心自問 S - 30 mén xīn zì wèn f /to ask oneself honestly/to search in one's heart/ 扫 掃 S - 1923 sǎo t /to sweep/ 扫 掃 S - 1923 sào f /broom/ 扫兴 掃興 S - 143 sǎo xìng f /to have one's spirits dampened/to feel disappointed/ 扫地 掃地 S - 348 sǎo dì f /to sweep the floor/to reach rock bottom/to be at an all-time low/ 扫墓 掃墓 S - 100 sǎo mù f /to sweep the tombs (of one's ancestors)/the Qingming festival/ 扫射 掃射 S - 152 sǎo shè f /to rake with machine gunfire/to strafe/to machine-gun down/ 扫尾 掃尾 S - 19 sǎo wěi f /to complete the last stage of work/to round off/ 扫帚 掃帚 S - 215 sào zhou f /broom/ 扫帚星 掃帚星 S - 11 sào zhou xīng f /comet/jinx/bearer of ill luck/ 扫把 掃把 S - 41 sào bǎ f /broom/ 扫把星 掃把星 S - 0 sào bǎ xīng f /bearer of ill luck/person with the evil eye/comet/ 扫描 掃描 S - 489 sǎo miáo f /to scan/ 扫描仪 掃描儀 S - 66 sǎo miáo yí f /scanner (device)/ 扫描器 掃描器 S - 20 sǎo miáo qì f /scanner/ 扫盲 掃盲 S - 75 sǎo máng f /to wipe out illiteracy/ 扫罗 掃羅 S - 0 Sǎo luó f /Saul (name)/biblical king around 1000 BC/ 扫荡 掃蕩 S - 366 sǎo dàng f /to root out/to wipe out/ 扫荡腿 掃蕩腿 S - 0 sǎo dàng tuǐ f /leg sweep/ 扫街 掃街 S - 0 sǎo jiē f /to sweep the streets/to canvas (for votes, sales etc)/ 扫视 掃視 S - 84 sǎo shì f /to run one's eyes over/to sweep one's eyes over/ 扫除 掃除 S - 259 sǎo chú f /to sweep/to clean with a brush/to sweep away (often fig.)/ 扫除天下 掃除天下 S - 3 sǎo chú tiān xià f /to sweep away evil/to purge (the world of crime)/ 扫除机 掃除機 S - 0 sǎo chú jī f /mechanical sweeper/ 扫雪车 掃雪車 S - 0 sǎo xuě chē f /snowplow/ 扫雷 掃雷 S - 337 sǎo léi f /minesweeper (computer game)/ 扫雷舰 掃雷艦 S - 43 sǎo léi jiàn f /minesweeper/ 扫雷艇 掃雷艇 S - 44 sǎo léi tǐng f /minesweeper/ 扫黄 掃黃 S - 60 sǎo huáng f /campaign against pornography/ 扫黄打非 掃黃打非 S - 29 sǎo huáng dǎ fēi f /to eradicate pornography and illegal publications/ 扫黄运动 掃黃運動 S - 0 sǎo huáng yùn dòng f /campaign against pornography/ 扬 揚 S - 1661 Yáng f /abbr. for 揚州|扬州[Yang2 zhou1]/surname Yang/ 扬 揚 S - 1661 yáng f /to raise/to hoist/the action of tossing or winnowing/scattering (in the wind)/to flutter/to propagate/ 扬 敭 S - 1661 yáng f /variant of 揚|扬[yang2]/ 扬中 揚中 S - 41 Yáng zhōng f /Yangzhong county level city in Zhenjiang 鎮江|镇江[Zhen4 jiang1], Jiangsu/ 扬中市 揚中市 S - 5 Yáng zhōng shì f /Yangzhong county level city in Zhenjiang 鎮江|镇江[Zhen4 jiang1], Jiangsu/ 扬名 揚名 S - 85 yáng míng f /to become famous/to become notorious/ 扬名四海 揚名四海 S - 3 yáng míng sì hǎi f /known throughout the country (idiom); world-famous/ 扬声器 揚聲器 S - 54 yáng shēng qì f /speaker/ 扬子江 揚子江 S - 401 Yáng zǐ jiāng f /Changjiang 長江|长江 or Yangtze River/old name for Changjiang, especially lower reaches around Yangzhou 揚州|扬州/ 扬子鳄 揚子鱷 S - 59 yáng zǐ è f /Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis)/ 扬州 揚州 S - 1325 Yáng zhōu f /Yangzhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ 扬州市 揚州市 S - 44 Yáng zhōu shì f /Yangzhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ 扬帆 揚帆 S - 66 yáng fān f /to set sail/ 扬抑格 揚抑格 S - 0 yáng yì gé f /trochaic/ 扬清激浊 揚清激濁 S - 3 yáng qīng jī zhuó f /lit. drain away filth and bring in fresh water (idiom); fig. dispel evil and usher in good/eliminate vice and exalt virtue/ 扬琴 揚琴 S - 54 yáng qín f /yangqin/dulcimer (hammered string musical instrument)/ 扬眉 揚眉 S - 6 yáng méi f /to raise eyebrows/ 扬科维奇 揚科維奇 S - 0 Yáng kē wéi qí f /Jankovic/Yankovic/Yankovich/Jelena Jankovic (1985-), Serbian tennis player/ 扬菜 揚菜 S - 0 Yáng cài f /Jiangsu cuisine/ 扬言 揚言 S - 311 yáng yán f /to put about (a story, plan, threat etc)/to let it be known (esp. of threat or malicious story)/to threaten/ 扬谷 揚穀 S - 0 yáng gǔ f /to winnow/ 扬起 揚起 S - 274 yáng qǐ f /to raise one's head/to perk up/ 扬长而去 揚長而去 S - 137 yáng cháng ér qù f /to shake one's sleeve and leave (idiom); to turn and leave abruptly/ 扬长避短 揚長避短 S - 69 yáng cháng bì duǎn f /to foster strengths and avoid weaknesses (idiom)/to play to one's strengths/ 扬雄 揚雄 S - 26 Yáng Xióng f /Yang Xiong (53 BC-18 AD), scholar, poet and lexicographer, author of the first Chinese dialect dictionary 方言[Fang1 yan2]/ 扬鞭 揚鞭 S - 79 yáng biān f /to whip on/to raise a whip/by ext. to swagger/ 扭 - 1355 niǔ f /to turn/to twist/to wring/to sprain/to swing one's hips/ 扭亏 扭虧 S - 68 niǔ kuī f /to make good a deficit/to reverse a loss/ 扭伤 扭傷 S - 82 niǔ shāng f /a sprain/a crick/to sprain/ 扭傷 扭伤 T - 82 niǔ shāng f /a sprain/a crick/to sprain/ 扭力 - 4 niǔ lì f /torque/turning force/torsion/ 扭头 扭頭 S - 296 niǔ tóu f /to turn one's head/to turn around/ 扭打 - 54 niǔ dǎ f /to wrestle/to grapple/to scuffle/ 扭扭乐 扭扭樂 S - 0 Niǔ niǔ lè f /Twister (game)/ 扭扭捏捏 - 35 niǔ niǔ niē niē f /affecting shyness or embarrassment/coy/mincing (walk, manner of speech)/mannered/ 扭扭樂 扭扭乐 T - 0 Niǔ niǔ lè f /Twister (game)/ 扭捏 - 31 niǔ nie f /affecting shyness or embarrassment/coy/mincing (walk, manner of speech)/mannered/ 扭摆 扭擺 S - 8 niǔ bǎi f /to twist and sway (one's body)/ 扭擺 扭摆 T - 8 niǔ bǎi f /to twist and sway (one's body)/ 扭曲 - 420 niǔ qū f /to twist/to warp/to distort/ 扭矩 - 25 niǔ jǔ f /torque/turning force/ 扭結 扭结 T - 25 niǔ jié f /to tangle up/to twist together/to wind/ 扭结 扭結 S - 25 niǔ jié f /to tangle up/to twist together/to wind/ 扭腰 - 3 niǔ yāo f /to sway one's hips/to twist one's waist/ 扭虧 扭亏 T - 68 niǔ kuī f /to make good a deficit/to reverse a loss/ 扭角羚 - 3 niǔ jiǎo líng f /takin (Budorcas taxicolor)/goat-antelope/ 扭轉 扭转 T 3704 646 niǔ zhuǎn f /to reverse/to turn around (an undesirable situation)/ 扭转 扭轉 S 3704 646 niǔ zhuǎn f /to reverse/to turn around (an undesirable situation)/ 扭頭 扭头 T - 296 niǔ tóu f /to turn one's head/to turn around/ 扮 - 980 bàn f /to disguise oneself as/to dress up/to play (a role)/to put on (an expression)/ 扮家家酒 - 0 bàn jiā jiā jiǔ f /to play house (Tw)/ 扮演 2677 911 bàn yǎn f /to play the role of/to act/ 扮相 - 21 bàn xiàng f /stage costume/ 扮装 扮裝 S - 4 bàn zhuāng f /to dress up and make up (like an actor)/ 扮装皇后 扮裝皇后 S - 0 bàn zhuāng huáng hòu f /drag queen/female impersonator/ 扮裝 扮装 T - 4 bàn zhuāng f /to dress up and make up (like an actor)/ 扮裝皇后 扮装皇后 T - 0 bàn zhuāng huáng hòu f /drag queen/female impersonator/ 扮酷 - 3 bàn kù f /to act cool/ 扯 - 2860 chě f /to pull/to tear/(of cloth, thread etc) to buy/to chat/to gossip/(coll.) (Tw) ridiculous/hokey/ 扯 撦 S - 2860 chě f /variant of 扯[che3]/to pull/to tear/ 扯住 - 3 chě zhù f /to grasp firmly/ 扯后腿 扯後腿 S - 6 chě hòu tuǐ f /to be a drag or hindrance on sb/ 扯嗓子 - 3 chě sǎng zi f /to raise one's voice/to speak at the top of one's voice/ 扯家常 - 0 chě jiā cháng f /to engage in small talk/to chit chat/ 扯平 - 16 chě píng f /to make even/to balance/(fig.) to be even/to call it quits/ 扯後腿 扯后腿 T - 6 chě hòu tuǐ f /to be a drag or hindrance on sb/ 扯淡 - 70 chě dàn f /to talk nonsense/ 扯犊子 扯犢子 S - 0 chě dú zi f /(dialect) to talk nonsense/to chat idly/ 扯犢子 扯犊子 T - 0 chě dú zi f /(dialect) to talk nonsense/to chat idly/ 扯皮 - 39 chě pí f /to wrangle/wrangling/ 扯皮条 扯皮條 S - 0 chě pí tiáo f /see 拉皮條|拉皮条[la1 pi2 tiao2]/ 扯皮條 扯皮条 T - 0 chě pí tiáo f /see 拉皮條|拉皮条[la1 pi2 tiao2]/ 扯破 - 3 chě pò f /tear apart/ 扯蛋 - 3 chě dàn f /variant of 扯淡[che3 dan4]/ 扯裂 - 5 chě liè f /rip/ 扯談 扯谈 T - 7 chě tán f /to talk nonsense (dialect)/ 扯謊 扯谎 T - 38 chě huǎng f /to tell a lie/ 扯谈 扯談 S - 7 chě tán f /to talk nonsense (dialect)/ 扯谎 扯謊 S - 38 chě huǎng f /to tell a lie/ 扯远 扯遠 S - 3 chě yuǎn f /to digress/to get sidetracked/to go off on a tangent/ 扯遠 扯远 T - 3 chě yuǎn f /to digress/to get sidetracked/to go off on a tangent/ 扯鈴 扯铃 T - 3 chě líng f /diabolo/Chinese yo-yo/ 扯铃 扯鈴 S - 3 chě líng f /diabolo/Chinese yo-yo/ 扯雞巴蛋 扯鸡巴蛋 T - 0 chě jī ba dàn f /to talk shit/to drivel/bullshit/ 扯鸡巴蛋 扯雞巴蛋 S - 0 chě jī ba dàn f /to talk shit/to drivel/bullshit/ 扰 擾 S - 554 rǎo f /to disturb/ 扰乱 擾亂 S 3473 383 rǎo luàn f /to disturb/to perturb/to harass/ 扰动 擾動 S - 166 rǎo dòng f /to disturb/to stir up/disturbance/agitation/turmoil/ 扰攘 擾攘 S - 40 rǎo rǎng f /bustling/to create trouble/to disturb/ 扰流板 擾流板 S - 3 rǎo liú bǎn f /spoiler (automotive or aeronautical)/ 扱 - 19 xī f /to collect/to receive/ 扳 - 656 bān t /to pull/to turn (sth) around/to turn around (a situation)/to recoup/ 扳 - 656 pān f /variant of 攀[pan1]/ 扳不倒儿 扳不倒兒 S - 3 bān bù dǎo r f /tumbler/roly-poly/ 扳不倒兒 扳不倒儿 T - 3 bān bù dǎo r f /tumbler/roly-poly/ 扳价 扳價 S - 0 bān jià f /to raise price/ 扳價 扳价 T - 0 bān jià f /to raise price/ 扳动 扳動 S - 32 bān dòng f /to pull out/to pull a lever/ 扳動 扳动 T - 32 bān dòng f /to pull out/to pull a lever/ 扳回 - 98 bān huí f /to pull back/to regain (one's dignity etc)/to recover from (an adverse situation)/to turn the tables/ 扳回一城 - 0 bān huí yī chéng f /to recover some lost ground (in a competition)/ 扳子 - 3 bān zi f /spanner/wrench/CL:把[ba3]/ 扳平 - 93 bān píng f /to equalize/to level the score/to pull back the advantage/ 扳手 - 29 bān shǒu f /spanner/wrench/lever (on a machine)/ 扳指 - 16 bān zhǐ f /ornamental thumb ring (originally a ring, often made from jade, worn by archers in ancient times to protect the right thumb when drawing a bowstring)/ 扳指儿 扳指兒 S - 3 bān zhǐ r f /erhua variant of 扳指[ban1 zhi3]/ 扳指兒 扳指儿 T - 3 bān zhǐ r f /erhua variant of 扳指[ban1 zhi3]/ 扳本 - 3 bān běn f /to recoup losses (in gambling)/ 扳本儿 扳本兒 S - 0 bān běn r f /to recoup losses (in gambling)/ 扳本兒 扳本儿 T - 0 bān běn r f /to recoup losses (in gambling)/ 扳机 扳機 S - 128 bān jī f /(gun) trigger/ 扳機 扳机 T - 128 bān jī f /(gun) trigger/ 扳罾 - 0 bān zēng f /to lift the fishnet/ 扳道 - 4 bān dào f /railroad switch/ 扳道员 扳道員 S - 3 bān dào yuán f /pointsman/switchman/ 扳道員 扳道员 T - 3 bān dào yuán f /pointsman/switchman/ 扳道岔 - 0 bān dào chà f /railroad switch/ 扳鉗 扳钳 T - 3 bān qián f /wrench/spanner/ 扳钳 扳鉗 S - 3 bān qián f /wrench/spanner/ 扳龍附鳳 扳龙附凤 T - 3 bān lóng fù fèng f /hitching a ride to the sky on the dragon and phoenix (idiom); fig. currying favor with the rich and powerful in the hope of advancement/ 扳龙附凤 扳龍附鳳 S - 3 bān lóng fù fèng f /hitching a ride to the sky on the dragon and phoenix (idiom); fig. currying favor with the rich and powerful in the hope of advancement/ 扶 1856 3105 fú f /to support with the hand/to help sb up/to support oneself by holding onto something/to help/ 扶不起的阿斗 - 0 fú bù qǐ de A dǒu f /weak and inept person/hopeless case/ 扶乩 - 31 fú jī f /planchette writing/to do planchette writing/ 扶他林 - 0 fú tā lín f /voltaren, a trade name for diclofenac sodium, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to reduce swelling and as pain-killer/ 扶余 扶餘 S - 42 Fú yú f /Fuyu county in Songyuan 松原, Jilin/Pu'yo, Korean Buyeo (c. 200 BC-494 AD), ancient kingdom in northeast frontier region of China/ 扶余县 扶余縣 S - 5 Fú yú xiàn f /Fuyu county in Songyuan 松原, Jilin/ 扶余縣 扶余县 T - 5 Fú yú xiàn f /Fuyu county in Songyuan 松原, Jilin/ 扶养 扶養 S - 51 fú yǎng f /to foster/to bring up/to raise/ 扶助 - 149 fú zhù f /to assist/ 扶危 - 17 fú wēi f /to help those in distress/ 扶危济困 扶危濟困 S - 24 fú wēi jì kùn f /to help those in distress (idiom)/ 扶危濟困 扶危济困 T - 24 fú wēi jì kùn f /to help those in distress (idiom)/ 扶困济危 扶困濟危 S - 0 fú kùn jì wēi f /see 濟危扶困|济危扶困[ji4 wei1 fu2 kun4]/ 扶困濟危 扶困济危 T - 0 fú kùn jì wēi f /see 濟危扶困|济危扶困[ji4 wei1 fu2 kun4]/ 扶弱抑強 扶弱抑强 T - 3 fú ruò yì qiáng f /to support the weak and restrain the strong (idiom); robbing the rich to help the poor/ 扶弱抑强 扶弱抑強 S - 3 fú ruò yì qiáng f /to support the weak and restrain the strong (idiom); robbing the rich to help the poor/ 扶手 - 92 fú shǒu f /handrail/armrest/ 扶手椅 - 15 fú shǒu yǐ f /armchair/ 扶持 - 624 fú chí f /to help/to assist/ 扶掖 - 5 fú yè f /to support/to help/ 扶揄 - 0 fú yú f /to raise high/to uphold/ 扶搖直上 扶摇直上 T - 30 fú yáo zhí shàng f /to skyrocket/to get quick promotion in one's career/ 扶摇直上 扶搖直上 S - 30 fú yáo zhí shàng f /to skyrocket/to get quick promotion in one's career/ 扶栏 扶欄 S - 135 fú lán f /handrail/ 扶桑 - 40 Fú sāng f /Fusang, mythical island of ancient literature, often interpreted as Japan/ 扶梯 - 33 fú tī f /ladder/staircase/escalator/ 扶植 - 218 fú zhí f /to foster/to support/ 扶欄 扶栏 T - 135 fú lán f /handrail/ 扶正 - 65 fú zhèng f /to set sth upright or straight/to promote an employee from part-time to full-time (or from deputy to principal)/(old) to raise from concubine to wife status/ 扶正压邪 扶正壓邪 S - 3 fú zhèng yā xié f /to uphold good and suppress evil (idiom)/ 扶正壓邪 扶正压邪 T - 3 fú zhèng yā xié f /to uphold good and suppress evil (idiom)/ 扶沟 扶溝 S - 30 Fú gōu f /Fugou county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 kou3], Henan/ 扶沟县 扶溝縣 S - 2 Fú gōu xiàn f /Fugou county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 kou3], Henan/ 扶清滅洋 扶清灭洋 T - 0 fú Qīng miè yáng f /Support the Qing, annihilate the West! (Boxer rebellion slogan)/ 扶清灭洋 扶清滅洋 S - 0 fú Qīng miè yáng f /Support the Qing, annihilate the West! (Boxer rebellion slogan)/ 扶溝 扶沟 T - 30 Fú gōu f /Fugou county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 kou3], Henan/ 扶溝縣 扶沟县 T - 2 Fú gōu xiàn f /Fugou county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 kou3], Henan/ 扶犁 - 3 fú lí f /to put one's hand to the plow/ 扶箕 - 0 fú jī f /planchette writing (for taking dictation from beyond the grave)/Ouija board/ 扶綏 扶绥 T - 6 Fú suí f /Fusui county in Chongzuo 崇左[Chong2 zuo3], Guangxi/ 扶綏縣 扶绥县 T - 3 Fú suí xiàn f /Fusui county in Chongzuo 崇左[Chong2 zuo3], Guangxi/ 扶绥 扶綏 S - 6 Fú suí f /Fusui county in Chongzuo 崇左[Chong2 zuo3], Guangxi/ 扶绥县 扶綏縣 S - 3 Fú suí xiàn f /Fusui county in Chongzuo 崇左[Chong2 zuo3], Guangxi/ 扶老携幼 扶老攜幼 S - 56 fú lǎo xié yòu f /taking everyone along, young and old/to look after the elderly and the young/ 扶老攜幼 扶老携幼 T - 56 fú lǎo xié yòu f /taking everyone along, young and old/to look after the elderly and the young/ 扶貧 扶贫 T - 717 fú pín f /assistance to the poor/poverty alleviation/ 扶貧濟困 扶贫济困 T - 21 fú pín jì kùn f /to help the poor/almsgiving for the needy/to assist poor households or poor regions/ 扶贫 扶貧 S - 717 fú pín f /assistance to the poor/poverty alleviation/ 扶贫济困 扶貧濟困 S - 21 fú pín jì kùn f /to help the poor/almsgiving for the needy/to assist poor households or poor regions/ 扶輪社 扶轮社 T - 3 Fú lún shè f /Rotary Club/ 扶轮社 扶輪社 S - 3 Fú lún shè f /Rotary Club/ 扶風 扶风 T - 93 Fú fēng f /Fufeng County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 ji1], Shaanxi/ 扶風縣 扶风县 T - 11 Fú fēng Xiàn f /Fufeng County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 ji1], Shaanxi/ 扶风 扶風 S - 93 Fú fēng f /Fufeng County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 ji1], Shaanxi/ 扶风县 扶風縣 S - 11 Fú fēng Xiàn f /Fufeng County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 ji1], Shaanxi/ 扶養 扶养 T - 51 fú yǎng f /to foster/to bring up/to raise/ 扶餘 扶余 T - 42 Fú yú f /Fuyu county in Songyuan 松原, Jilin/Pu'yo, Korean Buyeo (c. 200 BC-494 AD), ancient kingdom in northeast frontier region of China/ 扶餘 扶馀 T - 0 Fú yú f /variant of 扶餘|扶余 Korean: Buyeo (c. 200 BC-494 AD), ancient kingdom in northeast frontier region of China/ 扶馀 扶餘 S - 0 Fú yú f /variant of 扶餘|扶余 Korean: Buyeo (c. 200 BC-494 AD), ancient kingdom in northeast frontier region of China/ 批 1654 5299 pī f /to ascertain/to act on/to criticize/to pass on/classifier for batches, lots, military flights/tier (for the ranking of universities and colleges)/ 批件 - 8 pī jiàn f /approved document/document with written instructions/ 批价 批價 S - 2 pī jià f /wholesale price/to settle an account/to pay a bill/ 批假 - 3 pī jià f /to approve vacation/ 批價 批价 T - 2 pī jià f /wholesale price/to settle an account/to pay a bill/ 批八字 - 0 pī bā zì f /to have one's fortune read/system of fortune telling based on a person's date and time of birth, according to 干支 (sexagenary cycle)/ 批准 1788 11157 pī zhǔn f /to approve/to ratify/ 批准文号 批准文號 S - 3 pī zhǔn wén hào f /(drug etc) approval number/ 批准文號 批准文号 T - 3 pī zhǔn wén hào f /(drug etc) approval number/ 批判 4320 2231 pī pàn f /to criticize/critique/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 批办 批辦 S - 7 pī bàn f /to approve and carry out/to issue approval/ 批匯 批汇 T - 0 pī huì f /to approve use of foreign currency/ 批卷 - 0 pī juàn f /to correct student papers/to grade exam papers/ 批发 批發 S 4748 397 pī fā f /wholesale/bulk trade/distribution/ 批发业 批發業 S - 3 pī fā yè f /wholesale business/bulk trade/ 批发价 批發價 S - 16 pī fā jià f /wholesale price/ 批发商 批發商 S - 49 pī fā shāng f /a wholesale business/distributor/ 批号 批號 S - 21 pī hào f /lot number/batch number/ 批命 - 0 pī mìng f /to tell sb's fortune/ 批哩啪啦 - 0 pī li pā lā f /variant of 噼裡啪啦|噼里啪啦[pi1 li5 pa1 la1]/ 批处理 批處理 S - 12 pī chǔ lǐ f /batch file/ 批复 批復 S - 474 pī fù f /to reply officially to a subordinate/ 批头 批頭 S - 0 pī tóu f /screwdriving bits/ 批復 批复 T - 474 pī fù f /to reply officially to a subordinate/ 批捕 - 28 pī bǔ f /to authorize an arrest/ 批改 - 36 pī gǎi f /to mark (homework, exam scripts etc)/to correct and criticize (an article)/to check/to correct/a correction (to a piece of writing)/ 批文 - 52 pī wén f /official written ruling in response to a submission/official approval in writing/ 批斗 批鬥 S - 78 pī dòu f /(during the cultural revolution) to criticize and denounce sb publicly for their errors (often imaginary)/ 批汇 批匯 S - 0 pī huì f /to approve use of foreign currency/ 批注 批註 S - 17 pī zhù f /to annotate/to add marginal comments on/criticism/marginalia/ 批流年 - 0 pī liú nián f /to cast sb's yearly horoscope/ 批点 批點 S - 4 pī diǎn f /to add critical marks or notes to a text/(fig.) to criticize/ 批發 批发 T 4748 397 pī fā f /wholesale/bulk trade/distribution/ 批發價 批发价 T - 16 pī fā jià f /wholesale price/ 批發商 批发商 T - 49 pī fā shāng f /a wholesale business/distributor/ 批發業 批发业 T - 3 pī fā yè f /wholesale business/bulk trade/ 批示 - 316 pī shì f /to write comments on a report submitted by a subordinate/written comments from a superior/ 批荡 批蕩 S - 0 pī dàng f /cement-sand wall plaster/ 批萨 批薩 S - 0 pī sà f /pizza (loanword)/ 批蕩 批荡 T - 0 pī dàng f /cement-sand wall plaster/ 批薩 批萨 T - 0 pī sà f /pizza (loanword)/ 批處理 批处理 T - 12 pī chǔ lǐ f /batch file/ 批號 批号 T - 21 pī hào f /lot number/batch number/ 批覆 - 474 pī fù f /to give an official response/ 批註 批注 T - 17 pī zhù f /to annotate/to add marginal comments on/criticism/marginalia/ 批評 批评 T 1080 2972 pī píng f /to criticize/criticism/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 批評家 批评家 T - 134 pī píng jiā f /critic/ 批評者 批评者 T - 24 pī píng zhě f /critic/detractor/ 批語 批语 T - 9 pī yǔ f /criticism/commentary/ 批评 批評 S 1080 2972 pī píng f /to criticize/criticism/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 批评家 批評家 S - 134 pī píng jiā f /critic/ 批评者 批評者 S - 24 pī píng zhě f /critic/detractor/ 批语 批語 S - 9 pī yǔ f /criticism/commentary/ 批踢踢 - 0 Pī tī tī f /PTT, the largest terminal-based bulletin board system in Taiwan/full name: 批踢踢實業坊|批踢踢实业坊[Pi1 ti1 ti1 Shi2 ye4 Fang1]/ 批踢踢实业坊 批踢踢實業坊 S - 0 Pī tī tī Shí yè Fāng f /PTT Bulletin Board System (Tw)/ 批踢踢實業坊 批踢踢实业坊 T - 0 Pī tī tī Shí yè Fāng f /PTT Bulletin Board System (Tw)/ 批轉 批转 T - 21 pī zhuǎn f /to approve and forward/to endorse/stamp "approved for distribution"/ 批转 批轉 S - 21 pī zhuǎn f /to approve and forward/to endorse/stamp "approved for distribution"/ 批辦 批办 T - 7 pī bàn f /to approve and carry out/to issue approval/ 批郤导窾 批郤導窾 S - 3 pī xì dǎo kuǎn f /to get right to the heart of the matter (idiom)/ 批郤導窾 批郤导窾 T - 3 pī xì dǎo kuǎn f /to get right to the heart of the matter (idiom)/ 批量 - 579 pī liàng f /batch/lot/ 批量生产 批量生產 S - 3 pī liàng shēng chǎn f /to mass produce/ 批量生產 批量生产 T - 3 pī liàng shēng chǎn f /to mass produce/ 批量購買 批量购买 T - 0 pī liàng gòu mǎi f /to buy in bulk/bulk buying/ 批量购买 批量購買 S - 0 pī liàng gòu mǎi f /to buy in bulk/bulk buying/ 批閱 批阅 T - 81 pī yuè f /to read through to evaluate/to referee/ 批阅 批閱 S - 81 pī yuè f /to read through to evaluate/to referee/ 批頭 批头 T - 0 pī tóu f /screwdriving bits/ 批頰 批颊 T - 0 pī jiá f /to slap sb's cheeks/ 批颊 批頰 S - 0 pī jiá f /to slap sb's cheeks/ 批駁 批驳 T - 143 pī bó f /to criticize/to refute/ 批驳 批駁 S - 143 pī bó f /to criticize/to refute/ 批鬥 批斗 T - 78 pī dòu f /(during the cultural revolution) to criticize and denounce sb publicly for their errors (often imaginary)/ 批點 批点 T - 4 pī diǎn f /to add critical marks or notes to a text/(fig.) to criticize/ 扻 - 0 zì f /to strike/to run against/to throw, as a stone/ 扼 - 249 è f /to grip forcefully/to clutch at/to guard/to control/to hold/ 扼 搤 S - 249 è f /variant of 扼[e4]/ 扼制 - 31 è zhì f /to control/to restrain/ 扼喉抚背 扼喉撫背 S - 3 è hóu fǔ bèi f /lit. to strangle the front and press the back (idiom)/fig. to occupy all key points (military)/ 扼喉撫背 扼喉抚背 T - 3 è hóu fǔ bèi f /lit. to strangle the front and press the back (idiom)/fig. to occupy all key points (military)/ 扼守 - 86 è shǒu f /to hold a pass/to guard (a strategic location)/ 扼杀 扼殺 S - 147 è shā f /to strangle/to throttle/ 扼死 - 37 è sǐ f /to strangle/to throttle/to stifle (opinions)/ 扼殺 扼杀 T - 147 è shā f /to strangle/to throttle/ 扼腕 - 32 è wàn f /to wring one's hands (literally wring one's wrists)/ 扼襟控咽 - 3 è jīn kòng yān f /to secure a stranglehold (idiom); fig. to hold a strategic pass/ 扼要 - 70 è yào f /to the point/concise/ 扼頸 扼颈 T - 0 è jǐng f /to strangle/to throttle/ 扼颈 扼頸 S - 0 è jǐng f /to strangle/to throttle/ 扽 - 0 dèn f /to yank/to pull tight/ 找 177 20856 zhǎo f /to try to find/to look for/to call on sb/to find/to seek/to return/to give change/ 找上門 找上门 T - 159 zhǎo shàng mén f /to come to sb's door/to call on sb/ 找上门 找上門 S - 159 zhǎo shàng mén f /to come to sb's door/to call on sb/ 找不到 - 0 zhǎo bu dào f /can't find/ 找不着 找不著 S - 3 zhǎo bu zháo f /to be unable to find/ 找不着北 找不著北 S - 3 zhǎo bu zháo běi f /to be confused and disoriented/ 找不自在 - 6 zhǎo bù zì zai f /to ask for trouble/to bring misfortune on oneself/ 找不著 找不着 T - 3 zhǎo bu zháo f /to be unable to find/ 找不著北 找不着北 T - 3 zhǎo bu zháo běi f /to be confused and disoriented/ 找事 - 26 zhǎo shì f /to look for employment/to pick a quarrel/ 找借口 - 0 zhǎo jiè kǒu f /to look for a pretext/ 找出 - 852 zhǎo chū f /to find/to search out/ 找到 - 7607 zhǎo dào f /to find/ 找刺儿 找刺兒 S - 0 zhǎo cì r f /to find fault/ 找刺兒 找刺儿 T - 0 zhǎo cì r f /to find fault/ 找台阶儿 找台階兒 S - 0 zhǎo tái jiē r f /to find an excuse/to look for a pretext/ 找台階兒 找台阶儿 T - 0 zhǎo tái jiē r f /to find an excuse/to look for a pretext/ 找回 - 190 zhǎo huí f /to retrieve/ 找头 找頭 S - 3 zhǎo tou f /change (from money paid)/ 找对象 找對象 S - 3 zhǎo duì xiàng f /to seek a marriage partner/looking for a mate/ 找寻 找尋 S - 385 zhǎo xún f /to look for/to seek/to find fault/ 找尋 找寻 T - 385 zhǎo xún f /to look for/to seek/to find fault/ 找對象 找对象 T - 3 zhǎo duì xiàng f /to seek a marriage partner/looking for a mate/ 找岔子 - 6 zhǎo chà zi f /to look for blemishes/to find fault/nitpicking/ 找平 - 4 zhǎo píng f /to level (ground)/to make level/ 找抽 - 0 zhǎo chōu f /(coll.) to look for trouble/ 找机会 找機會 S - 0 zhǎo jī huì f /to look for an opportunity/ 找機會 找机会 T - 0 zhǎo jī huì f /to look for an opportunity/ 找死 - 55 zhǎo sǐ f /to court death/taking risks/ 找着 找著 S - 0 zhǎo zháo f /to find/ 找碴 - 8 zhǎo chá f /variant of 找茬[zhao3 cha2]/ 找碴儿 找碴兒 S - 3 zhǎo chá r f /to pick a quarrel/to find fault/nitpicking/ 找碴兒 找碴儿 T - 3 zhǎo chá r f /to pick a quarrel/to find fault/nitpicking/ 找茬 - 26 zhǎo chá f /to pick fault with/to spot the differences/to nitpick/to pick a quarrel/to find complaint with/ 找著 找着 T - 0 zhǎo zháo f /to find/ 找补 找補 S - 10 zhǎo bu f /to compensate/to make up/to complement/to add/ 找補 找补 T - 10 zhǎo bu f /to compensate/to make up/to complement/to add/ 找見 找见 T - 0 zhǎo jiàn f /to find (sth one has been looking for)/ 找见 找見 S - 0 zhǎo jiàn f /to find (sth one has been looking for)/ 找贖 找赎 T - 0 zhǎo shú f /(dialect) to give change/ 找赎 找贖 S - 0 zhǎo shú f /(dialect) to give change/ 找轍 找辙 T - 3 zhǎo zhé f /to look for a pretext/ 找辙 找轍 S - 3 zhǎo zhé f /to look for a pretext/ 找遍 - 3 zhǎo biàn f /to search everywhere/to search high and low/to comb/ 找錢 找钱 T - 18 zhǎo qián f /to give change/ 找钱 找錢 S - 18 zhǎo qián f /to give change/ 找門路 找门路 T - 3 zhǎo mén lù f /to seek help from social connections/ 找门路 找門路 S - 3 zhǎo mén lù f /to seek help from social connections/ 找零 - 4 zhǎo líng f /to give change/change money/ 找頭 找头 T - 3 zhǎo tou f /change (from money paid)/ 找飯碗 找饭碗 T - 0 zhǎo fàn wǎn f /to look for a job/ 找饭碗 找飯碗 S - 0 zhǎo fàn wǎn f /to look for a job/ 找麻烦 找麻煩 S - 15 zhǎo má fan f /to look for trouble/ 找麻煩 找麻烦 T - 15 zhǎo má fan f /to look for trouble/ 找齊 找齐 T - 5 zhǎo qí f /to make uniform/to even up/to make good a deficiency/ 找齐 找齊 S - 5 zhǎo qí f /to make uniform/to even up/to make good a deficiency/ 承 - 8308 Chéng f /surname Cheng/Cheng (c. 2000 BC), third of the legendary Flame Emperors 炎帝[Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God/ 承 - 8308 chéng f /to bear/to carry/to hold/to continue/to undertake/to take charge/owing to/due to/to receive/ 承上起下 - 3 chéng shàng qǐ xià f /to follow the past and herald the future (idiom); part of a historical transition/forming a bridge between earlier and later stages/ 承乏 - 3 chéng fá f /to accept a position on a provisional basis, in the absence of better qualified candidates (humble expr.)/ 承付 - 3 chéng fù f /to promise to pay/ 承做 - 3 chéng zuò f /to undertake/to take on (i.e. to accept a task)/ 承先启后 承先啟後 S - 8 chéng xiān qǐ hòu f /see 承前啟後|承前启后[cheng2 qian2 qi3 hou4]/ 承先啟後 承先启后 T - 8 chéng xiān qǐ hòu f /see 承前啟後|承前启后[cheng2 qian2 qi3 hou4]/ 承兌 承兑 T - 91 chéng duì f /to accept checks etc/to honor a check/ 承兑 承兌 S - 91 chéng duì f /to accept checks etc/to honor a check/ 承前启后 承前啟後 S - 41 chéng qián qǐ hòu f /to follow the past and herald the future (idiom); part of a historical transition/forming a bridge between earlier and later stages/ 承前啟後 承前启后 T - 41 chéng qián qǐ hòu f /to follow the past and herald the future (idiom); part of a historical transition/forming a bridge between earlier and later stages/ 承办 承辦 S 3933 310 chéng bàn f /to undertake/to accept a contract/ 承包 4747 627 chéng bāo f /to contract/to undertake (a job)/ 承包人 - 17 chéng bāo rén f /contractor/ 承包商 - 99 chéng bāo shāng f /contractor/ 承受 1570 1458 chéng shòu f /to bear/to support/to inherit/ 承受力 - 58 chéng shòu lì f /tolerance/capability of adapting oneself/ 承头 承頭 S - 0 chéng tóu f /to take responsibility/ 承审法官 承審法官 S - 0 chéng shěn fǎ guān f /trial judge/ 承審法官 承审法官 T - 0 chéng shěn fǎ guān f /trial judge/ 承平 - 10 chéng píng f /(periods of) peace and prosperity/peaceful/ 承应 承應 S - 3 chéng yìng f /to agree/to promise/ 承建 - 59 chéng jiàn f /to construct under contract/ 承当 承當 S - 78 chéng dāng f /to bear (responsibility)/to take on/to assume/ 承德 - 132 Chéng dé f /Chengde prefecture level city in Hebei/also Chengde county/ 承德县 承德縣 S - 6 Chéng dé xiàn f /Chengde county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 de2], Hebei/ 承德地区 承德地區 S - 4 Chéng dé dì qū f /Chengde prefecture (old name)/now Chengde prefecture level city/ 承德地區 承德地区 T - 4 Chéng dé dì qū f /Chengde prefecture (old name)/now Chengde prefecture level city/ 承德市 - 24 Chéng dé shì f /Chengde prefecture level city in Hebei/ 承德縣 承德县 T - 6 Chéng dé xiàn f /Chengde county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 de2], Hebei/ 承應 承应 T - 3 chéng yìng f /to agree/to promise/ 承担 承擔 S 1729 4063 chéng dān f /to undertake/to assume (responsibility etc)/ 承接 - 257 chéng jiē f /to receive/to accept/to carry on/ 承揽 承攬 S - 45 chéng lǎn f /to contract for an entire project/ 承擔 承担 T 1729 4063 chéng dān f /to undertake/to assume (responsibility etc)/ 承攬 承揽 T - 45 chéng lǎn f /to contract for an entire project/ 承望 - 3 chéng wàng f /to expect (often in negative combination, I never expected...)/to look forward to/ 承欢 承歡 S - 134 chéng huān f /to cater to sb to make them happy (esp. of one's parents)/ 承歡 承欢 T - 134 chéng huān f /to cater to sb to make them happy (esp. of one's parents)/ 承當 承当 T - 78 chéng dāng f /to bear (responsibility)/to take on/to assume/ 承租 - 23 chéng zū f /to rent/to lease/ 承租人 - 34 chéng zū rén f /leaser/tenant/ 承租方 - 3 chéng zū fāng f /borrower/leaser/the hiring side of a contract/ 承籍 - 0 chéng jí f /to inherit a rank (from a predecessor)/ 承繼 承继 T - 92 chéng jì f /adoption (e.g. of a nephew as a son)/to inherit/ 承继 承繼 S - 92 chéng jì f /adoption (e.g. of a nephew as a son)/to inherit/ 承蒙 - 66 chéng méng f /to be indebted (to sb)/ 承蒙关照 承蒙關照 S - 0 chéng méng guān zhào f /to be indebted to sb for care/thank you for looking after me/ 承蒙關照 承蒙关照 T - 0 chéng méng guān zhào f /to be indebted to sb for care/thank you for looking after me/ 承袭 承襲 S - 300 chéng xí f /to inherit/to follow/to adopt/ 承襲 承袭 T - 300 chéng xí f /to inherit/to follow/to adopt/ 承認 承认 T 1283 4242 chéng rèn f /to admit/to concede/to recognize/recognition (diplomatic, artistic etc)/to acknowledge/ 承認控罪 承认控罪 T - 0 chéng rèn kòng zuì f /guilty plea (law)/ 承諾 承诺 T 2614 1887 chéng nuò f /to promise/to undertake to do something/commitment/ 承讓 承让 T - 3 chéng ràng f /you let me win (said politely after winning a game)/ 承讓人 承让人 T - 0 chéng ràng rén f /grantee (law)/ 承认 承認 S 1283 4242 chéng rèn f /to admit/to concede/to recognize/recognition (diplomatic, artistic etc)/to acknowledge/ 承认控罪 承認控罪 S - 0 chéng rèn kòng zuì f /guilty plea (law)/ 承让 承讓 S - 3 chéng ràng f /you let me win (said politely after winning a game)/ 承让人 承讓人 S - 0 chéng ràng rén f /grantee (law)/ 承诺 承諾 S 2614 1887 chéng nuò f /to promise/to undertake to do something/commitment/ 承載 承载 T - 224 chéng zài f /to bear the weight/to sustain/ 承載力 承载力 T - 27 chéng zài lì f /carrying capacity/ 承轉 承转 T - 2 chéng zhuǎn f /to transmit a document (up or down a chain of bureaucracy)/ 承转 承轉 S - 2 chéng zhuǎn f /to transmit a document (up or down a chain of bureaucracy)/ 承载 承載 S - 224 chéng zài f /to bear the weight/to sustain/ 承载力 承載力 S - 27 chéng zài lì f /carrying capacity/ 承辦 承办 T 3933 310 chéng bàn f /to undertake/to accept a contract/ 承运 承運 S - 197 chéng yùn f /to provide transport/to accept the Mandate of Heaven/to acknowledge one's calling to be emperor/ 承运人 承運人 S - 44 chéng yùn rén f /carrier (of goods etc)/ 承運 承运 T - 197 chéng yùn f /to provide transport/to accept the Mandate of Heaven/to acknowledge one's calling to be emperor/ 承運人 承运人 T - 44 chéng yùn rén f /carrier (of goods etc)/ 承重 - 51 chéng zhòng f /to sustain/to bear the weight (of the upper storeys in architecture)/load-bearing/ 承重孙 承重孫 S - 0 chéng zhòng sūn f /eldest grandson (to sustain upper storeys of ancestor worship)/ 承重孫 承重孙 T - 0 chéng zhòng sūn f /eldest grandson (to sustain upper storeys of ancestor worship)/ 承銷 承销 T - 33 chéng xiāo f /to underwrite (i.e. guarantee financing)/underwriting/to sell as agent/consignee/ 承銷人 承销人 T - 3 chéng xiāo rén f /sales agent/salesman/consignee/underwriter/ 承銷價差 承销价差 T - 0 chéng xiāo jià chā f /underwriting spread/ 承銷利差 承销利差 T - 0 chéng xiāo lì chā f /underwriting spread/ 承銷品 承销品 T - 0 chéng xiāo pǐn f /goods on consignment/ 承銷商 承销商 T - 35 chéng xiāo shāng f /underwriting company/dealership/sales agency/ 承銷團 承销团 T - 18 chéng xiāo tuán f /underwriting group/ 承銷店 承销店 T - 0 chéng xiāo diàn f /dealership/ 承銷貨物 承销货物 T - 0 chéng xiāo huò wù f /goods on consignment/ 承销 承銷 S - 33 chéng xiāo f /to underwrite (i.e. guarantee financing)/underwriting/to sell as agent/consignee/ 承销人 承銷人 S - 3 chéng xiāo rén f /sales agent/salesman/consignee/underwriter/ 承销价差 承銷價差 S - 0 chéng xiāo jià chā f /underwriting spread/ 承销利差 承銷利差 S - 0 chéng xiāo lì chā f /underwriting spread/ 承销品 承銷品 S - 0 chéng xiāo pǐn f /goods on consignment/ 承销商 承銷商 S - 35 chéng xiāo shāng f /underwriting company/dealership/sales agency/ 承销团 承銷團 S - 18 chéng xiāo tuán f /underwriting group/ 承销店 承銷店 S - 0 chéng xiāo diàn f /dealership/ 承销货物 承銷貨物 S - 0 chéng xiāo huò wù f /goods on consignment/ 承順 承顺 T - 0 chéng shùn f /to comply with/to submit to/ 承頭 承头 T - 0 chéng tóu f /to take responsibility/ 承顺 承順 S - 0 chéng shùn f /to comply with/to submit to/ 技 - 1130 jì f /skill/ 技俩 技倆 S - 3 jì liǎng f /trick/scheme/ploy/tactic/stratagem/gimmick/ruse/trickery/skill/usually written 伎倆|伎俩/ 技倆 技俩 T - 3 jì liǎng f /trick/scheme/ploy/tactic/stratagem/gimmick/ruse/trickery/skill/usually written 伎倆|伎俩/ 技嘉 - 3 Jì jiā f /GIGABYTE Technology Co., Ltd./ 技工 - 449 jì gōng f /mechanic/ 技巧 2730 1563 jì qiǎo f /skill/technique/ 技师 技師 S - 130 jì shī f /technician/technical expert/ 技師 技师 T - 130 jì shī f /technician/technical expert/ 技术 技術 S 841 37664 jì shù f /technology/technique/skill/CL:門|门[men2],種|种[zhong3],項|项[xiang4]/ 技术人员 技術人員 S - 111 jì shù rén yuán f /technical staff/ 技术发展 技術發展 S - 0 jì shù fā zhǎn f /technological development/ 技术员 技術員 S - 136 jì shù yuán f /technician/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 技术官僚 技術官僚 S - 0 jì shù guān liáo f /technocrat/ 技术性 技術性 S - 216 jì shù xìng f /technical/technological/ 技术所限 技術所限 S - 0 jì shù suǒ xiàn f /technical limitations/ 技术指导 技術指導 S - 0 jì shù zhǐ dǎo f /technical instructor/coach/ 技术援助 技術援助 S - 0 jì shù yuán zhù f /technical assistance/ 技术故障 技術故障 S - 0 jì shù gù zhàng f /technical breakdown/malfunction/ 技术方案 技術方案 S - 0 jì shù fāng àn f /technology program/technical solution/ 技术标准 技術標準 S - 10 jì shù biāo zhǔn f /technology standard/ 技术潜水 技術潛水 S - 0 jì shù qián shuǐ f /technical diving/ 技术知识 技術知識 S - 0 jì shù zhī shi f /technical knowledge/ 技术规范 技術規範 S - 6 jì shù guī fàn f /technical specification/ 技法 - 356 jì fǎ f /technique/method/ 技职 技職 S - 0 jì zhí f /technical and vocational (education)/ 技職 技职 T - 0 jì zhí f /technical and vocational (education)/ 技能 - 1384 jì néng f /technical ability/skill/ 技艺 技藝 S - 1799 jì yì f /skill/art/ 技藝 技艺 T - 1799 jì yì f /skill/art/ 技術 技术 T 841 37664 jì shù f /technology/technique/skill/CL:門|门[men2],種|种[zhong3],項|项[xiang4]/ 技術人員 技术人员 T - 111 jì shù rén yuán f /technical staff/ 技術員 技术员 T - 136 jì shù yuán f /technician/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 技術官僚 技术官僚 T - 0 jì shù guān liáo f /technocrat/ 技術性 技术性 T - 216 jì shù xìng f /technical/technological/ 技術所限 技术所限 T - 0 jì shù suǒ xiàn f /technical limitations/ 技術指導 技术指导 T - 0 jì shù zhǐ dǎo f /technical instructor/coach/ 技術援助 技术援助 T - 0 jì shù yuán zhù f /technical assistance/ 技術故障 技术故障 T - 0 jì shù gù zhàng f /technical breakdown/malfunction/ 技術方案 技术方案 T - 0 jì shù fāng àn f /technology program/technical solution/ 技術標準 技术标准 T - 10 jì shù biāo zhǔn f /technology standard/ 技術潛水 技术潜水 T - 0 jì shù qián shuǐ f /technical diving/ 技術發展 技术发展 T - 0 jì shù fā zhǎn f /technological development/ 技術知識 技术知识 T - 0 jì shù zhī shi f /technical knowledge/ 技術規範 技术规范 T - 6 jì shù guī fàn f /technical specification/ 抃 - 2 biàn f /to applaud/ 抃悅 抃悦 T - 0 biàn yuè f /to clap one's hands in joy/ 抃悦 抃悅 S - 0 biàn yuè f /to clap one's hands in joy/ 抃掌 - 0 biàn zhǎng f /to clap/to applaud/ 抄 2160 1391 chāo f /to make a copy/to plagiarize/to search and seize/to raid/to grab/to go off with/to take a shortcut/to make a turning move/to fold one's arms/ 抄件 - 23 chāo jiàn f /duplicate (copy)/ 抄写 抄寫 S - 116 chāo xiě f /to copy/to transcribe/ 抄后路 抄後路 S - 2 chāo hòu lù f /to outflank and attack from the rear/ 抄家 - 206 chāo jiā f /to search a house and confiscate possessions/ 抄寫 抄写 T - 116 chāo xiě f /to copy/to transcribe/ 抄录 抄錄 S - 110 chāo lù f /to make a copy of/ 抄後路 抄后路 T - 2 chāo hòu lù f /to outflank and attack from the rear/ 抄手 - 29 chāo shǒu f /to fold one's arms/copyist/(dialect) wonton/ 抄本 - 171 chāo běn f /handwritten copy/ 抄查 - 7 chāo chá f /to search and confiscate/ 抄獲 抄获 T - 3 chāo huò f /to search and seize/ 抄網 抄网 T - 3 chāo wǎng f /dip net/ 抄网 抄網 S - 3 chāo wǎng f /dip net/ 抄获 抄獲 S - 3 chāo huò f /to search and seize/ 抄袭 抄襲 S - 111 chāo xí f /to plagiarize/to copy/to attack the flank or rear of an enemy/ 抄襲 抄袭 T - 111 chāo xí f /to plagiarize/to copy/to attack the flank or rear of an enemy/ 抄身 - 3 chāo shēn f /to search (a person)/to frisk/ 抄近 - 3 chāo jìn f /to take a shortcut/ 抄近儿 抄近兒 S - 0 chāo jìn r f /erhua variant of 抄近[chao1 jin4]/ 抄近兒 抄近儿 T - 0 chāo jìn r f /erhua variant of 抄近[chao1 jin4]/ 抄近路 - 12 chāo jìn lù f /to take a shortcut/ 抄送 - 14 chāo sòng f /to make a copy (and send it to someone)/Cc (for email)/Carbon Copy (for email)/ 抄道 - 3 chāo dào f /to take a shortcut/ 抄錄 抄录 T - 110 chāo lù f /to make a copy of/ 抄靶子 - 0 chāo bǎ zi f /(dialect) to do a body search/to frisk/ 抆 - 3 wèn f /to wipe/ 抈 - 0 yuè f /to bend/ 抉 - 23 jué f /to pick out/to single out/ 抉择 抉擇 S - 566 jué zé f /to choose (literary)/ 抉搞 - 0 jué gǎo f /to choose/to expose and censure/ 抉擇 抉择 T - 566 jué zé f /to choose (literary)/ 把 303 108066 bǎ t /to hold/to contain/to grasp/to take hold of/handle/particle marking the following noun as a direct object/classifier for objects with handle/classifier for small objects: handful/ 把 303 108066 bà f /handle/ 把儿 把兒 S - 62 bà r f /a handle/ 把兄弟 - 17 bǎ xiōng dì f /sworn brothers/ 把兒 把儿 T - 62 bà r f /a handle/ 把关 把關 S 4895 151 bǎ guān f /to guard a pass/to check on sth/ 把头 把頭 S - 412 bǎ tóu f /labor contractor/gangmaster/ 把妹 - 0 bǎ mèi f /to pick up a girl/to get a girl/ 把子 - 120 bà zi f /handle/ 把守 - 246 bǎ shǒu f /to guard/ 把尿 - 0 bǎ niào f /to support a child (or invalid etc) while he or she urinates/ 把屎 - 0 bǎ shǐ f /to support a child (or invalid etc) while he or she defecates/ 把式 - 0 bǎ shì f /person skilled in a trade/skill/ 把总 把總 S - 0 bǎ zǒng f /low-level officer of the army from the Ming to the mid Qing Dynasty/ 把戏 把戲 S - 176 bǎ xì f /acrobatics/jugglery/cheap trick/game/ 把戲 把戏 T - 176 bǎ xì f /acrobatics/jugglery/cheap trick/game/ 把手 3718 384 bǎ shǒu f /handle/grip/knob/ 把拔 - 0 bǎ bá f /daddy/ 把持 - 259 bǎ chí f /to control/to dominate/to monopolize/ 把持不定 - 19 bǎ chí bù dìng f /indecisive (idiom)/ 把握 1853 2371 bǎ wò f /to grasp (also fig.)/to seize/to hold/assurance/certainty/sure (of the outcome)/ 把柄 - 114 bǎ bǐng f /handle/(fig.) information that can be used against sb/ 把玩 - 80 bǎ wán f /to turn around in one's hands/to play with/to fiddle with/ 把稳 把穩 S - 0 bǎ wěn f /trustworthy/dependable/ 把穩 把稳 T - 0 bǎ wěn f /trustworthy/dependable/ 把總 把总 T - 0 bǎ zǒng f /low-level officer of the army from the Ming to the mid Qing Dynasty/ 把脈 把脉 T - 33 bǎ mài f /to feel the pulse/to take sb's pulse/ 把脉 把脈 S - 33 bǎ mài f /to feel the pulse/to take sb's pulse/ 把舵 - 18 bǎ duò f /to hold the rudder/to hold (to take, to be at) the helm/to steer/ 把袂 - 0 bǎ mèi f /to have an intimate friendship/ 把酒 - 142 bǎ jiǔ f /to raise one's wine cup/ 把酒言欢 把酒言歡 S - 5 bǎ jiǔ yán huān f /to drink and chat merrily (idiom)/ 把酒言歡 把酒言欢 T - 5 bǎ jiǔ yán huān f /to drink and chat merrily (idiom)/ 把門 把门 T - 188 bǎ mén f /to stand as a goalkeeper/to keep guard on a gate/ 把關 把关 T 4895 151 bǎ guān f /to guard a pass/to check on sth/ 把门 把門 S - 188 bǎ mén f /to stand as a goalkeeper/to keep guard on a gate/ 把頭 把头 T - 412 bǎ tóu f /labor contractor/gangmaster/ 把風 把风 T - 24 bǎ fēng f /to keep watch (during a clandestine activity)/to be on the lookout/