神圣不可侵犯 神聖不可侵犯 S - 0 shén shèng bù kě qīn fàn f /sacred/inviolable/ 神圣周 神聖週 S - 0 shén shèng zhōu f /Holy week/Easter week (esp. Catholic)/ 神圣罗马帝国 神聖羅馬帝國 S - 0 Shén shèng Luó mǎ Dì guó f /the Holy Roman Empire (history)/ 神奇 2612 695 shén qí f /magical/mystical/miraculous/ 神奇宝贝 神奇寶貝 S - 0 Shén qí Bǎo bèi f /Pokémon or Pocket Monsters, popular Japanese video game, anime and manga/ 神奇寶貝 神奇宝贝 T - 0 Shén qí Bǎo bèi f /Pokémon or Pocket Monsters, popular Japanese video game, anime and manga/ 神奈川 - 6 Shén nài chuān f /Kanagawa, Japan/ 神奈川县 神奈川縣 S - 15 Shén nài chuān xiàn f /Kanagawa prefecture, Japan/ 神奈川縣 神奈川县 T - 15 Shén nài chuān xiàn f /Kanagawa prefecture, Japan/ 神奥 神奧 S - 3 shén ào f /mysterious/an enigma/ 神奧 神奥 T - 3 shén ào f /mysterious/an enigma/ 神女 - 42 Shén nǚ f /The Goddess, 1934 silent film about a Shanghai prostitute, directed by 吳永剛|吴永刚[Wu2 Yong3 gang1]/ 神女 - 42 shén nǚ f /goddess/prostitute (slang)/ 神女峰 - 11 Shén nǚ Fēng f /name of a peak by the Three Gorges 長江三峽|长江三峡[Chang2 Jiang1 San1 xia2]/ 神女有心,襄王无梦 神女有心,襄王無夢 S - 0 shén nǚ yǒu xīn , Xiāng Wáng wú mèng f /lit. the fairy is willing, but King Xiang doesn't dream (idiom)/(said of a woman's unrequited love)/ 神女有心,襄王無夢 神女有心,襄王无梦 T - 0 shén nǚ yǒu xīn , Xiāng Wáng wú mèng f /lit. the fairy is willing, but King Xiang doesn't dream (idiom)/(said of a woman's unrequited love)/ 神妙 - 144 shén miào f /marvelous/wondrous/ 神妙隽美 神妙雋美 S - 0 shén miào juàn měi f /outstanding and elegant/remarkable and refined/ 神妙雋美 神妙隽美 T - 0 shén miào juàn měi f /outstanding and elegant/remarkable and refined/ 神学 神學 S - 462 shén xué f /theological/theology/ 神学士 神學士 S - 0 shén xué shì f /student of theology/Bachelor of Divinity/Taleban (Farsi: student)/ 神学家 神學家 S - 102 shén xué jiā f /theologian/ 神学研究所 神學研究所 S - 0 shén xué yán jiū suǒ f /seminary/ 神学院 神學院 S - 55 shén xué yuàn f /seminary/ 神學 神学 T - 462 shén xué f /theological/theology/ 神學士 神学士 T - 0 shén xué shì f /student of theology/Bachelor of Divinity/Taleban (Farsi: student)/ 神學家 神学家 T - 102 shén xué jiā f /theologian/ 神學研究所 神学研究所 T - 0 shén xué yán jiū suǒ f /seminary/ 神學院 神学院 T - 55 shén xué yuàn f /seminary/ 神家园 神家園 S - 0 shén jiā yuán f /spiritual home/ 神家園 神家园 T - 0 shén jiā yuán f /spiritual home/ 神山 - 85 shén shān f /sacred mountain/ 神岡 神冈 T - 3 Shén gāng f /Shenkang township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan/ 神岡鄉 神冈乡 T - 0 Shén gāng xiāng f /Shenkang township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan/ 神州 - 422 Shén zhōu f /old name for China/ 神工鬼斧 - 3 shén gōng guǐ fǔ f /supernaturally fine craft (idiom); the work of the Gods/uncanny workmanship/superlative craftsmanship/ 神差鬼使 - 11 shén chāi guǐ shǐ f /the work of gods and devils (idiom); unexplained event crying out for a supernatural explanation/curious coincidence/ 神庙 神廟 S - 486 shén miào f /temple (nonspecific)/ 神廟 神庙 T - 486 shén miào f /temple (nonspecific)/ 神异 神異 S - 32 shén yì f /magical/miraculous/mystical/ 神往 - 523 shén wǎng f /to be fascinated/to be rapt/to long for/to dream of/ 神志 - 184 shén zhì f /consciousness/state of mind/compos mentis/ 神志不清 - 3 shén zhì bù qīng f /to be delirious/to be mentally confused/ 神志昏迷 - 3 shén zhì hūn mí f /to be in a state of delirium/ 神态 神態 S 4807 731 shén tài f /appearance/manner/bearing/deportment/look/expression/mien/ 神思 - 67 shén sī f /state of mind/ 神思恍惚 - 9 shén sī huǎng hū f /abstracted/absent-minded/in a trance/ 神性 - 3 shén xìng f /divinity/ 神怪 - 58 shén guài f /spirits and devils (usually harmful)/demon/ 神情 - 1963 shén qíng f /look/expression/ 神愛世人 神爱世人 T - 3 shén ài shì rén f /the gods love the common people (idiom)/ 神態 神态 T 4807 731 shén tài f /appearance/manner/bearing/deportment/look/expression/mien/ 神慰 - 0 shén wèi f /spiritual consolation/ 神成为人 神成為人 S - 0 Shén chéng wéi rén f /God became man/ 神成為人 神成为人 T - 0 Shén chéng wéi rén f /God became man/ 神戶 神户 T - 70 Shén hù f /Kōbe, major Japanese port near Ōsaka/ 神户 神戶 S - 70 Shén hù f /Kōbe, major Japanese port near Ōsaka/ 神探 - 2 shén tàn f /master sleuth/lit. miraculous detective/cf Sherlock Holmes 福爾摩斯|福尔摩斯[Fu2 er3 mo2 si1] or Di Renjie 狄仁傑|狄仁杰[Di2 Ren2 jie2]/ 神明 - 212 shén míng f /deities/gods/ 神智 - 320 shén zhì f /mind/wisdom/consciousness/ 神曲 - 46 Shén qǔ f /The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri 但丁/ 神曲 - 46 shén qū t /medicated leaven (used in TCM to treat indigestion)/ 神木 - 93 Shén mù f /Shenmu County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shaanxi/ 神木县 神木縣 S - 4 Shén mù Xiàn f /Shenmu County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shaanxi/ 神木縣 神木县 T - 4 Shén mù Xiàn f /Shenmu County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shaanxi/ 神机妙算 神機妙算 S - 76 shén jī miào suàn f /divine strategy and wonderful planning (idiom)/clever scheme/supremely clever in his schemes/ 神权 神權 S - 91 shén quán f /divine right (of kings)/ 神权政治 神權政治 S - 0 shén quán zhèng zhì f /theocracy/ 神权统治 神權統治 S - 0 shén quán tǒng zhì f /theocracy/ 神枯 - 0 shén kū f /spiritual desolation/ 神格 - 3 shén gé f /Godhead/ 神機妙算 神机妙算 T - 76 shén jī miào suàn f /divine strategy and wonderful planning (idiom)/clever scheme/supremely clever in his schemes/ 神權 神权 T - 91 shén quán f /divine right (of kings)/ 神權政治 神权政治 T - 0 shén quán zhèng zhì f /theocracy/ 神權統治 神权统治 T - 0 shén quán tǒng zhì f /theocracy/ 神殿 - 155 shén diàn f /shrine/ 神气 神氣 S 4665 627 shén qì f /expression/manner/vigorous/impressive/lofty/pretentious/ 神氣 神气 T 4665 627 shén qì f /expression/manner/vigorous/impressive/lofty/pretentious/ 神汉 神漢 S - 22 shén hàn f /sorcerer/ 神池 - 7 Shén chí f /Shenchi county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ 神池县 神池縣 S - 5 Shén chí xiàn f /Shenchi county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ 神池縣 神池县 T - 5 Shén chí xiàn f /Shenchi county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ 神治 - 0 shén zhì f /theocratic/theocracy/ 神治国 神治國 S - 0 shén zhì guó f /theocracy/also written 神權統治|神权统治[shen2 quan2 tong3 zhi4] or 神權政治|神权政治[shen2 quan2 zheng4 zhi4]/ 神治國 神治国 T - 0 shén zhì guó f /theocracy/also written 神權統治|神权统治[shen2 quan2 tong3 zhi4] or 神權政治|神权政治[shen2 quan2 zheng4 zhi4]/ 神游 - 41 shén yóu f /to go on a mental journey/ 神漢 神汉 T - 22 shén hàn f /sorcerer/ 神灵 神靈 S - 301 shén líng f /god/spirit/demon/occult or supernatural entities in general/ 神爱世人 神愛世人 S - 3 shén ài shì rén f /the gods love the common people (idiom)/ 神父 - 222 shén fu f /Christian priest or clergyman/(spiritual) father/ 神獸 神兽 T - 3 shén shòu f /mythological animal/ 神甫 - 58 shén fu f /variant of 神父[shen2 fu5]/ 神異 神异 T - 32 shén yì f /magical/miraculous/mystical/ 神的儿子 神的兒子 S - 0 Shén de Er zi f /the Son of God/ 神的兒子 神的儿子 T - 0 Shén de Er zi f /the Son of God/ 神社 - 30 shén shè f /shrine/ 神祇 - 3 shén qí f /gods/ 神祕莫測 神秘莫测 T - 60 shén mì mò cè f /mystery/unfathomable/enigmatic/ 神祖 - 0 shén zǔ f /Godhead/ 神祠 - 17 shén cí f /shrine/ 神秘 1513 2108 shén mì f /mysterious/mystery/ 神秘主义 神秘主義 S - 92 shén mì zhǔ yì f /mysticism/ 神秘主義 神秘主义 T - 92 shén mì zhǔ yì f /mysticism/ 神秘莫测 神祕莫測 S - 60 shén mì mò cè f /mystery/unfathomable/enigmatic/ 神童 - 66 shén tóng f /child prodigy/ 神笔 神筆 S - 50 shén bǐ f /lit. divine pen/fig. outstanding writing/ 神筆 神笔 T - 50 shén bǐ f /lit. divine pen/fig. outstanding writing/ 神經 神经 T 2603 1997 shén jīng f /nerve/mental state/(coll.) unhinged/nutjob/ 神經元 神经元 T - 281 shén jīng yuán f /neuron/ 神經元網 神经元网 T - 0 shén jīng yuán wǎng f /neural network/ 神經原 神经原 T - 10 shén jīng yuán f /neuron/also written 神經元|神经元/ 神經外科 神经外科 T - 70 shén jīng wài kē f /neurosurgery/ 神經大條 神经大条 T - 0 shén jīng dà tiáo f /thick-skinned/insensitive/ 神經失常 神经失常 T - 3 shén jīng shī cháng f /mental aberration/nervous abnormality/ 神經學 神经学 T - 3 shén jīng xué f /neurology/ 神經學家 神经学家 T - 3 shén jīng xué jiā f /neurologist/ 神經官能症 神经官能症 T - 24 shén jīng guān néng zhèng f /neurosis/ 神經性 神经性 T - 82 shén jīng xìng f /neural/mental/neurological/ 神經性毒劑 神经性毒剂 T - 0 shén jīng xìng dú jì f /nerve agent/nerve gas/ 神經性視損傷 神经性视损伤 T - 0 shén jīng xìng shì sǔn shāng f /neurological visual impairment (NVI)/ 神經毒素 神经毒素 T - 3 shén jīng dú sù f /neurotoxin/ 神經氨酸酶 神经氨酸酶 T - 0 shén jīng ān suān méi f /neuraminidase (the N of virus such as bird flu H5N1)/ 神經生物學 神经生物学 T - 0 shén jīng shēng wù xué f /neurobiology/ 神經病 神经病 T - 160 shén jīng bìng f /mental disorder/neuropathy/(derog.) mental case/ 神經症 神经症 T - 51 shén jīng zhèng f /neurosis/ 神經痛 神经痛 T - 21 shén jīng tòng f /neuralgia (medicine)/ 神經科 神经科 T - 21 shén jīng kē f /neurology/ 神經突 神经突 T - 0 shén jīng tū f /nerve process/ 神經管 神经管 T - 52 shén jīng guǎn f /neural tube (embryology)/ 神經系統 神经系统 T - 407 shén jīng xì tǒng f /nervous system/ 神經索 神经索 T - 0 shén jīng suǒ f /nerve cord/ 神經細胞 神经细胞 T - 122 shén jīng xì bāo f /nerve cell/neuron/ 神經網 神经网 T - 5 shén jīng wǎng f /neural net/ 神經網絡 神经网络 T - 3 shén jīng wǎng luò f /neural network/ 神經網路 神经网路 T - 0 shén jīng wǎng lù f /neural network (artificial or biological)/ 神經纖維 神经纤维 T - 99 shén jīng xiān wéi f /neurofibril/ 神經纖維瘤 神经纤维瘤 T - 0 shén jīng xiān wéi liú f /neurofibroma/ 神經膠質 神经胶质 T - 0 shén jīng jiāo zhì f /glial cell/neuroglia/ 神經膠質細胞 神经胶质细胞 T - 0 shén jīng jiāo zhì xì bāo f /glial cell (provide support to neuron)/neuroglia/ 神經衰弱 神经衰弱 T - 80 shén jīng shuāi ruò f /(euphemism) mental illness/psychasthenia/ 神經質 神经质 T - 85 shén jīng zhì f /nervous/on edge/excitable/neurotic/ 神經過敏 神经过敏 T - 22 shén jīng guò mǐn f /jumpy/nervous/oversensitive/ 神经 神經 S 2603 1997 shén jīng f /nerve/mental state/(coll.) unhinged/nutjob/ 神经元 神經元 S - 281 shén jīng yuán f /neuron/ 神经元网 神經元網 S - 0 shén jīng yuán wǎng f /neural network/ 神经原 神經原 S - 10 shén jīng yuán f /neuron/also written 神經元|神经元/ 神经外科 神經外科 S - 70 shén jīng wài kē f /neurosurgery/ 神经大条 神經大條 S - 0 shén jīng dà tiáo f /thick-skinned/insensitive/ 神经失常 神經失常 S - 3 shén jīng shī cháng f /mental aberration/nervous abnormality/ 神经学 神經學 S - 3 shén jīng xué f /neurology/ 神经学家 神經學家 S - 3 shén jīng xué jiā f /neurologist/ 神经官能症 神經官能症 S - 24 shén jīng guān néng zhèng f /neurosis/ 神经性 神經性 S - 82 shén jīng xìng f /neural/mental/neurological/ 神经性毒剂 神經性毒劑 S - 0 shén jīng xìng dú jì f /nerve agent/nerve gas/ 神经性视损伤 神經性視損傷 S - 0 shén jīng xìng shì sǔn shāng f /neurological visual impairment (NVI)/ 神经毒素 神經毒素 S - 3 shén jīng dú sù f /neurotoxin/ 神经氨酸酶 神經氨酸酶 S - 0 shén jīng ān suān méi f /neuraminidase (the N of virus such as bird flu H5N1)/ 神经生物学 神經生物學 S - 0 shén jīng shēng wù xué f /neurobiology/ 神经病 神經病 S - 160 shén jīng bìng f /mental disorder/neuropathy/(derog.) mental case/ 神经症 神經症 S - 51 shén jīng zhèng f /neurosis/ 神经痛 神經痛 S - 21 shén jīng tòng f /neuralgia (medicine)/ 神经科 神經科 S - 21 shén jīng kē f /neurology/ 神经突 神經突 S - 0 shén jīng tū f /nerve process/ 神经管 神經管 S - 52 shén jīng guǎn f /neural tube (embryology)/ 神经系统 神經系統 S - 407 shén jīng xì tǒng f /nervous system/ 神经索 神經索 S - 0 shén jīng suǒ f /nerve cord/ 神经纤维 神經纖維 S - 99 shén jīng xiān wéi f /neurofibril/ 神经纤维瘤 神經纖維瘤 S - 0 shén jīng xiān wéi liú f /neurofibroma/ 神经细胞 神經細胞 S - 122 shén jīng xì bāo f /nerve cell/neuron/ 神经网 神經網 S - 5 shén jīng wǎng f /neural net/ 神经网络 神經網絡 S - 3 shén jīng wǎng luò f /neural network/ 神经网路 神經網路 S - 0 shén jīng wǎng lù f /neural network (artificial or biological)/ 神经胶质 神經膠質 S - 0 shén jīng jiāo zhì f /glial cell/neuroglia/ 神经胶质细胞 神經膠質細胞 S - 0 shén jīng jiāo zhì xì bāo f /glial cell (provide support to neuron)/neuroglia/ 神经衰弱 神經衰弱 S - 80 shén jīng shuāi ruò f /(euphemism) mental illness/psychasthenia/ 神经质 神經質 S - 85 shén jīng zhì f /nervous/on edge/excitable/neurotic/ 神经过敏 神經過敏 S - 22 shén jīng guò mǐn f /jumpy/nervous/oversensitive/ 神职 神職 S - 30 shén zhí f /clergy/clerical/ 神职人员 神職人員 S - 34 shén zhí rén yuán f /clergy/cleric/ 神聖 神圣 T 2770 1051 shén shèng f /divine/hallow/holy/sacred/ 神聖不可侵犯 神圣不可侵犯 T - 0 shén shèng bù kě qīn fàn f /sacred/inviolable/ 神聖羅馬帝國 神圣罗马帝国 T - 0 Shén shèng Luó mǎ Dì guó f /the Holy Roman Empire (history)/ 神聖週 神圣周 T - 0 shén shèng zhōu f /Holy week/Easter week (esp. Catholic)/ 神職 神职 T - 30 shén zhí f /clergy/clerical/ 神職人員 神职人员 T - 34 shén zhí rén yuán f /clergy/cleric/ 神舆 神輿 S - 0 shén yú f /mikoshi (Japanese portable Shinto shrine)/ 神舟 - 131 Shén zhōu f /Shenzhou (spacecraft)/Hasee (computer manufacturer)/ 神舟号飞船 神舟號飛船 S - 0 Shén zhōu hào fēi chuán f /Shenzhou (spacecraft)/ 神舟电脑 神舟電腦 S - 0 shén zhōu diàn nǎo f /Hasee (computer manufacturer)/ 神舟號飛船 神舟号飞船 T - 0 Shén zhōu hào fēi chuán f /Shenzhou (spacecraft)/ 神舟電腦 神舟电脑 T - 0 shén zhōu diàn nǎo f /Hasee (computer manufacturer)/ 神色 - 2277 shén sè f /expression/look/ 神話 神话 T 2065 1378 shén huà f /legend/fairy tale/myth/mythology/ 神話故事 神话故事 T - 3 shén huà gù shi f /mythological story/myth/ 神諭 神谕 T - 11 shén yù f /oracle/ 神譜 神谱 T - 0 shén pǔ f /list of Gods and Immortals/pantheon/ 神话 神話 S 2065 1378 shén huà f /legend/fairy tale/myth/mythology/ 神话故事 神話故事 S - 3 shén huà gù shi f /mythological story/myth/ 神谕 神諭 S - 11 shén yù f /oracle/ 神谱 神譜 S - 0 shén pǔ f /list of Gods and Immortals/pantheon/ 神跡 神迹 T - 30 shén jì f /miracle/ 神輿 神舆 T - 0 shén yú f /mikoshi (Japanese portable Shinto shrine)/ 神農 神农 T - 688 Shén nóng f /Shennong or Farmer God (c. 2000 BC), first of the legendary Flame Emperors, 炎帝[Yan2 di4] and creator of agriculture/ 神農本草經 神农本草经 T - 18 Shén nóng Běn cǎo Jīng f /Shennong's Compendium of Materia Medica, a Han dynasty pharmacological compendium, 3 scrolls/ 神農架 神农架 T - 2114 Shén nóng jià f /Shennongjialin, directly administered forestry reserve in east Hubei/ 神農架地區 神农架地区 T - 0 Shén nóng jià dì qū f /Shennongjialin, directly administered forestry reserve in east Hubei/ 神農架林區 神农架林区 T - 535 Shén nóng jià lín qū f /Shennongjialin, directly administered forestry reserve in east Hubei/ 神農氏 神农氏 T - 7 Shén nóng shì f /Shennong or Farmer God (c. 2000 BC), first of the legendary Flame Emperors, 炎帝[Yan2 di4] and creator of agriculture in China/followers or clan of Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2]/ 神迹 神跡 S - 30 shén jì f /miracle/ 神通 - 354 shén tōng f /remarkable ability/magical power/ 神通广大 神通廣大 S - 174 shén tōng guǎng dà f /to possess great magical power/to possess remarkable abilities/ 神通廣大 神通广大 T - 174 shén tōng guǎng dà f /to possess great magical power/to possess remarkable abilities/ 神速 - 123 shén sù f /lightning speed/amazingly rapid/incredible pace of development/ 神造論 神造论 T - 0 shén zào lùn f /creationism/ 神造论 神造論 S - 0 shén zào lùn f /creationism/ 神道 - 464 Shén dào f /Shinto (Japanese religion)/ 神采 - 110 shén cǎi f /expression/spirit/vigor/ 神采奕奕 - 61 shén cǎi yì yì f /in glowing spirits (idiom); bursting with life/radiating health and vigor/ 神采飛揚 神采飞扬 T - 82 shén cǎi fēi yáng f /in high spirits (idiom); glowing with health and vigor/ 神采飞扬 神采飛揚 S - 82 shén cǎi fēi yáng f /in high spirits (idiom); glowing with health and vigor/ 神雕侠侣 神雕俠侶 S - 3 Shén diāo xiá lǚ f /The Return of the Condor Heroes (classic wuxia martial arts TV films of 1998 and 2006 based on novel by Jinyong 金庸)/variant of 神鵰俠侶|神雕侠侣/ 神雕侠侣 神鵰俠侶 S - 3 Shén diāo xiá lǚ f /The Return of the Condor Heroes (classic wuxia martial arts TV films of 1998 and 2006 based on novel by Jinyong 金庸)/ 神雕俠侶 神雕侠侣 T - 3 Shén diāo xiá lǚ f /The Return of the Condor Heroes (classic wuxia martial arts TV films of 1998 and 2006 based on novel by Jinyong 金庸)/variant of 神鵰俠侶|神雕侠侣/ 神靈 神灵 T - 301 shén líng f /god/spirit/demon/occult or supernatural entities in general/ 神韵 神韻 S - 355 shén yùn f /charm or grace (in poetry or art)/ 神韻 神韵 T - 355 shén yùn f /charm or grace (in poetry or art)/ 神風特攻隊 神风特攻队 T - 0 shén fēng tè gōng duì f /kamikaze unit (Japanese corps of suicide pilots in World War II)/ 神風突擊隊 神风突击队 T - 0 shén fēng tū jī duì f /kamikaze unit (Japanese corps of suicide pilots in World War II)/ 神风特攻队 神風特攻隊 S - 0 shén fēng tè gōng duì f /kamikaze unit (Japanese corps of suicide pilots in World War II)/ 神风突击队 神風突擊隊 S - 0 shén fēng tū jī duì f /kamikaze unit (Japanese corps of suicide pilots in World War II)/ 神馬 神马 T - 8 shén mǎ f /mythical horse/Internet slang for 什麼|什么[shen2 me5]/ 神马 神馬 S - 8 shén mǎ f /mythical horse/Internet slang for 什麼|什么[shen2 me5]/ 神髓 - 3 shén suǐ f /lit. spirit and marrow/the essential character/ 神體 神体 T - 0 shén tǐ f /Godhead/ 神魂 - 58 shén hún f /mind/state of mind (often abnormal)/ 神魂顛倒 神魂颠倒 T - 73 shén hún diān dǎo f /lit. spirit and soul upside down (idiom); infatuated and head over heels in love/fascinated/captivated/ 神魂颠倒 神魂顛倒 S - 73 shén hún diān dǎo f /lit. spirit and soul upside down (idiom); infatuated and head over heels in love/fascinated/captivated/ 神魔小說 神魔小说 T - 0 shén mó xiǎo shuō f /supernatural novel/novel of ghosts and goblins/ 神魔小说 神魔小說 S - 0 shén mó xiǎo shuō f /supernatural novel/novel of ghosts and goblins/ 神鳥 神鸟 T - 27 shén niǎo f /supernatural bird/ 神鵰俠侶 神雕侠侣 T - 3 Shén diāo xiá lǚ f /The Return of the Condor Heroes (classic wuxia martial arts TV films of 1998 and 2006 based on novel by Jinyong 金庸)/ 神鸟 神鳥 S - 27 shén niǎo f /supernatural bird/ 神龍汽車 神龙汽车 T - 0 Shén lóng Qì chē f /Dongfeng Peugeot Citroën Automobile Company Ltd/ 神龕 神龛 T - 47 shén kān f /shrine/niche/household shrine/ 神龙汽车 神龍汽車 S - 0 Shén lóng Qì chē f /Dongfeng Peugeot Citroën Automobile Company Ltd/ 神龛 神龕 S - 47 shén kān f /shrine/niche/household shrine/ 祟 - 49 suì f /evil spirit/ 祠 - 584 cí f /shrine/to offer a sacrifice/ 祠堂 - 425 cí táng f /ancestral hall/memorial hall/ 祠墓 - 3 cí mù f /memorial hall and tomb/ 祠庙 祠廟 S - 3 cí miào f /ancestral hall/temple to one's forebears/ 祠廟 祠庙 T - 3 cí miào f /ancestral hall/temple to one's forebears/ 祢 禰 S - 657 Mí f /surname Mi/ 祢 禰 S - 657 mí f /memorial tablet in a temple commemorating a deceased father/ 祥 - 632 xiáng f /auspicious/propitious/ 祥云 祥雲 S - 80 Xiáng yún f /Xiangyun county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 祥云 祥雲 S - 80 xiáng yún f /magic cloud/ 祥云县 祥雲縣 S - 3 Xiáng yún xiàn f /Xiangyun county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 祥光 - 3 xiáng guāng f /auspicious light/ 祥和 - 287 xiáng hé f /auspicious and peaceful/ 祥瑞 - 58 xiáng ruì f /auspicious sign/ 祥雲 祥云 T - 80 Xiáng yún f /Xiangyun county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 祥雲 祥云 T - 80 xiáng yún f /magic cloud/ 祥雲縣 祥云县 T - 3 Xiáng yún xiàn f /Xiangyun county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 祦 禑 S - 65 wú f /happy/used in historical names/ 祧 - 133 tiāo f /ancestral hall/ 票 246 2353 piào f /ticket/ballot/banknote/CL:張|张[zhang1]/person held for ransom/amateur performance of Chinese opera/classifier for groups, batches, business transactions/ 票价 票價 S - 590 piào jià f /ticket price/fare/admission fee/ 票價 票价 T - 590 piào jià f /ticket price/fare/admission fee/ 票决 票決 S - 3 piào jué f /to decide by vote/ 票券 - 3 piào quàn f /voucher/share/share certificate/ 票匯 票汇 T - 3 piào huì f /draft remittance/ 票友 - 47 piào yǒu f /an amateur actor (e.g. in Chinese opera)/ 票友儿 票友兒 S - 0 piào yǒu r f /an amateur actor (e.g. in Chinese opera)/ 票友兒 票友儿 T - 0 piào yǒu r f /an amateur actor (e.g. in Chinese opera)/ 票庄 票莊 S - 3 piào zhuāng f /money shop (ancient form of banking business)/ 票房 - 106 piào fáng f /box office/ 票据 票據 S - 321 piào jù f /bill/banknote/voucher/receipt/ 票据法 票據法 S - 22 piào jù fǎ f /negotiable instruments act/ 票據 票据 T - 321 piào jù f /bill/banknote/voucher/receipt/ 票據法 票据法 T - 22 piào jù fǎ f /negotiable instruments act/ 票数 票數 S - 59 piào shù f /number of votes/poll count/ 票數 票数 T - 59 piào shù f /number of votes/poll count/ 票根 - 3 piào gēn f /ticket stub/ 票汇 票匯 S - 3 piào huì f /draft remittance/ 票決 票决 T - 3 piào jué f /to decide by vote/ 票活 - 0 piào huó f /to work as amateur for no pay/ 票源 - 10 piào yuán f /(Tw) voter base/ 票站 - 0 piào zhàn f /polling station/ 票箱 - 13 piào xiāng f /ballot box/ 票莊 票庄 T - 3 piào zhuāng f /money shop (ancient form of banking business)/ 票證 票证 T - 41 piào zhèng f /a ticket/a pass (e.g. to enter a building)/ 票证 票證 S - 41 piào zhèng f /a ticket/a pass (e.g. to enter a building)/ 票販子 票贩子 T - 25 piào fàn zi f /ticket scalper/ 票贩子 票販子 S - 25 piào fàn zi f /ticket scalper/ 票选 票選 S - 24 piào xuǎn f /to vote by ballot/ 票選 票选 T - 24 piào xuǎn f /to vote by ballot/ 票面值 - 6 piào miàn zhí f /par value/face value (of a bond)/ 祫 - 23 xiá f /triennial sacrifice to ancestors/ 祭 - 4139 Zhài f /surname Zhai/ 祭 - 4139 jì t /to offer sacrifice/festive occasion/ 祭典 - 3 jì diǎn f /sacrificial ceremony/religious festival/ 祭司 - 293 jì sī f /priest/ 祭司权术 祭司權術 S - 0 jì sī quán shù f /priestcraft/ 祭司權術 祭司权术 T - 0 jì sī quán shù f /priestcraft/ 祭吊 祭弔 S - 3 jì diào f /to mourn and offer prayers/ 祭品 - 108 jì pǐn f /offering/ 祭器 - 194 jì qì f /ritual dishes/sacrificial vessels/ 祭坛 祭壇 S - 187 jì tán f /altar/ 祭壇 祭坛 T - 187 jì tán f /altar/ 祭奠 - 165 jì diàn f /to offer sacrifices (to one's ancestors)/to hold or attend a memorial service/ 祭孔 - 3 jì Kǒng f /to offer sacrifices to Confucius/ 祭弔 祭吊 T - 3 jì diào f /to mourn and offer prayers/ 祭拜 - 69 jì bài f /to offer sacrifice (to one's ancestors)/ 祭灶 - 25 jì zào f /to offer sacrifices to the kitchen god/ 祭物 - 3 jì wù f /sacrifices/ 祭牲 - 0 jì shēng f /sacrificial animal/ 祭礼 祭禮 S - 169 jì lǐ f /sacrificial offerings/worship/religious rite/ 祭祀 - 2014 jì sì f /to offer sacrifices to the gods or ancestors/ 祭祖 - 384 jì zǔ f /to offer sacrifices to one's ancestors/ 祭禮 祭礼 T - 169 jì lǐ f /sacrificial offerings/worship/religious rite/ 祭賽 祭赛 T - 0 jì sài f /to give sacrifice/ 祭赛 祭賽 S - 0 jì sài f /to give sacrifice/ 祭酒 - 3 jì jiǔ f /to offer a libation/person who performs the libation before a banquet/senior member of a profession/important government post in imperial China/ 祯 禎 S - 66 zhēn f /auspicious/lucky/ 祲 - 0 jīn f /evil force/ 祷 禱 S - 150 dǎo f /prayer/pray/supplication/ 祷告 禱告 S - 142 dǎo gào f /to pray/prayer/ 祷念 禱念 S - 3 dǎo niàn f /to pray/to say one's prayers/ 祷文 禱文 S - 3 dǎo wén f /litany (text of a prayer)/ 祷祝 禱祝 S - 70 dǎo zhù f /to pray/ 祷词 禱詞 S - 7 dǎo cí f /litany (text of a prayer)/ 祸 旤 S - 1186 huò f /old variant of 禍|祸[huo4]/ 祸 禍 S - 1186 huò f /disaster/misfortune/calamity/ 祸不单行 禍不單行 S - 29 huò bù dān xíng f /misfortune does not come singly (idiom)/it never rains but it pours/ 祸不旋踵 禍不旋踵 S - 3 huò bù xuán zhǒng f /trouble is never far away (idiom)/ 祸乱 禍亂 S - 64 huò luàn f /calamity and chaos/devastating disorder/great turmoil/ 祸事 禍事 S - 135 huò shì f /disaster/doom/ 祸从口出 禍從口出 S - 17 huò cóng kǒu chū f /Trouble issues from the mouth (idiom). A loose tongue may cause a lot of trouble./ 祸国殃民 禍國殃民 S - 69 huò guó yāng mín f /to damage the country and cause suffering to the people (idiom)/ 祸害 禍害 S - 229 huò hài f /disaster/harm/scourge/bad person/to damage/to harm/to wreck/ 祸患 禍患 S - 152 huò huàn f /disaster/calamity/ 祸根 禍根 S - 97 huò gēn f /root of the trouble/cause of the ruin/ 祸水 禍水 S - 37 huò shuǐ f /source of calamity (esp. of women)/ 祸福 禍福 S - 109 huò fú f /disaster and happiness/ 祸福与共 禍福與共 S - 3 huò fú yǔ gòng f /to stick together through thick and thin (idiom)/ 祸福吉凶 禍福吉凶 S - 0 huò fú jí xiōng f /fate/portent/luck or disasters as foretold in the stars (astrology)/ 祸福无常 禍福無常 S - 3 huò fú wú cháng f /disaster and happiness do not follow rules (idiom); future blessings and misfortunes are unpredictable/ 祸首 禍首 S - 44 huò shǒu f /chief offender/main culprit/ 祸首罪魁 禍首罪魁 S - 3 huò shǒu zuì kuí f /main offender, criminal ringleader (idiom); main culprit/fig. main cause of a disaster/ 祺 - 149 qí f /auspicious/propitious/good luck/felicity/euphoria/used for 旗, e.g. in 旗袍, long Chinese dress/ 祻 - 16 gù f /variant of 禍|祸, disaster/ 祼 - 7 guàn f /pour out libation/ 祿 禄 T - 404 lù f /good fortune/official salary/ 祿位 禄位 T - 19 lù wèi f /official rank and salary/ 祿俸 禄俸 T - 3 lù fèng f /official pay/ 祿勸 禄劝 T - 5 Lù quàn f /Luquan Yizu Miaozu autonomous county in Yunnan/ 祿勸彞族苗族自治縣 禄劝彝族苗族自治县 T - 4 Lù quàn Yí zú Miáo zú zì zhì xiàn f /Luquan Yi and Miao autonomous county in Kunming 昆明[Kun1 ming2], Yunnan/ 祿勸縣 禄劝县 T - 3 Lù quàn xiàn f /Luquan Yi and Miao autonomous county in Kunming 昆明[Kun1 ming2], Yunnan/ 祿命 禄命 T - 3 lù mìng f /person's lot through life/ 祿星 禄星 T - 4 lù xīng f /Star God of Rank and Affluence (Daoism)/ 祿秩 禄秩 T - 11 lù zhì f /official rank and pay/ 祿籍 禄籍 T - 0 lù jí f /good fortune and reputation/ 祿蠹 禄蠹 T - 0 lù dù f /sinecurist/ 祿豐 禄丰 T - 22 Lù fēng f /Lufeng county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州[Chu3 xiong2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 祿豐縣 禄丰县 T - 12 Lù fēng xiàn f /Lufeng county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州[Chu3 xiong2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 祿食 禄食 T - 3 lù shí f /official pay/ 祿養 禄养 T - 0 lù yǎng f /to support sb with official pay/ 祿餌 禄饵 T - 0 lù ěr f /official pay as bait (for talent)/ 禀 稟 S - 1460 bǐng f /to make a report (to a superior)/to give/to endow/to receive/petition/ 禀告 稟告 S - 406 bǐng gào f /to report (to one's superior)/ 禀复 稟復 S - 0 bǐng fù f /to report back (to a superior)/ 禀性 稟性 S - 49 bǐng xìng f /natural disposition/ 禀承 稟承 S - 5 bǐng chéng f /variant of 秉承[bing3 cheng2]/ 禀报 稟報 S - 1156 bǐng bào f /to report (to one's superior)/ 禀赋 稟賦 S - 81 bǐng fù f /natural endowment/gift/ 禁 - 1737 jīn f /to endure/ 禁 - 1737 jìn t /to prohibit/to forbid/ 禁不住 - 598 jīn bu zhù f /can't help it/can't bear it/ 禁不起 - 30 jīn bu qǐ f /to be unable to stand/ 禁书 禁書 S - 20 jìn shū f /banned book/ 禁令 - 364 jìn lìng f /prohibition/ban/ 禁伐 - 0 jìn fá f /a ban on logging/ 禁军 禁軍 S - 344 jìn jūn f /imperial guard/ 禁制 - 23 jìn zhì f /to control/to restrict/to prohibit/prohibition/restriction/ 禁制令 - 3 jìn zhì lìng f /prohibition/ban/law forbidding sth/ 禁区 禁區 S - 855 jìn qū f /restricted area/forbidden region/ 禁區 禁区 T - 855 jìn qū f /restricted area/forbidden region/ 禁卫军 禁衛軍 S - 3 jìn wèi jūn f /imperial guard/ 禁受 - 3 jīn shòu f /to stand/to endure/ 禁品 - 3 jìn pǐn f /contraband goods/ 禁地 - 744 jìn dì f /forbidden area/restricted area/(fig.) sth considered off-limits/ 禁夜 - 0 jìn yè f /curfew/ 禁忌 - 414 jìn jì f /taboo/contraindication (medicine)/to abstain from/ 禁忌語 禁忌语 T - 0 jìn jì yǔ f /taboo language/ 禁忌语 禁忌語 S - 0 jìn jì yǔ f /taboo language/ 禁慾 禁欲 T - 50 jìn yù f /to suppress desire/self-restraint/asceticism/ 禁慾主義 禁欲主义 T - 38 jìn yù zhǔ yì f /asceticism/ 禁戒 - 3 jìn jiè f /guard against/ 禁書 禁书 T - 20 jìn shū f /banned book/ 禁果 - 26 jìn guǒ f /forbidden fruit/ 禁欲 禁慾 S - 50 jìn yù f /to suppress desire/self-restraint/asceticism/ 禁欲主义 禁慾主義 S - 38 jìn yù zhǔ yì f /asceticism/ 禁止 1001 2582 jìn zhǐ f /to prohibit/to forbid/to ban/ 禁止令行 - 3 jìn zhǐ lìng xíng f /see 令行禁止[ling4 xing2 jin4 zhi3]/ 禁止吸烟 禁止吸煙 S - 0 jìn zhǐ xī yān f /No smoking!/ 禁止吸煙 禁止吸烟 T - 0 jìn zhǐ xī yān f /No smoking!/ 禁止外出 - 0 jìn zhǐ wài chū f /to forbid sb to go out/to curfew/to ground (as disciplinary measure)/ 禁止核武器試驗條約 禁止核武器试验条约 T - 0 jìn zhǐ hé wǔ qì shì yàn tiáo yuē f /nuclear test ban treaty/ 禁止核武器试验条约 禁止核武器試驗條約 S - 0 jìn zhǐ hé wǔ qì shì yàn tiáo yuē f /nuclear test ban treaty/ 禁止駛入 禁止驶入 T - 0 jìn zhǐ shǐ rù f /Do not enter! (road sign)/ 禁止驶入 禁止駛入 S - 0 jìn zhǐ shǐ rù f /Do not enter! (road sign)/ 禁毒 - 211 jìn dú f /drug prohibition/ 禁渔 禁漁 S - 2 jìn yú f /ban on fishing/ 禁漁 禁渔 T - 2 jìn yú f /ban on fishing/ 禁演 - 23 jìn yǎn f /to prohibit performance/ 禁烟 禁煙 S - 73 jìn yān f /to ban smoking/to quit smoking/to prohibit cooking/prohibition on opium (esp. in China from 1729)/ 禁煙 禁烟 T - 73 jìn yān f /to ban smoking/to quit smoking/to prohibit cooking/prohibition on opium (esp. in China from 1729)/ 禁用 - 141 jìn yòng f /to prohibit the use of sth/prohibition on use/ 禁絕 禁绝 T - 69 jìn jué f /to totally prohibit/to put an end to/ 禁绝 禁絕 S - 69 jìn jué f /to totally prohibit/to put an end to/ 禁脔 禁臠 S - 2 jìn luán f /exclusive property/forbidden domain/ 禁臠 禁脔 T - 2 jìn luán f /exclusive property/forbidden domain/ 禁药 禁藥 S - 8 jìn yào f /drugs ban (e.g. for athletes)/ 禁藥 禁药 T - 8 jìn yào f /drugs ban (e.g. for athletes)/ 禁衛軍 禁卫军 T - 3 jìn wèi jūn f /imperial guard/ 禁見 禁见 T - 0 jìn jiàn f /solitary confinement/ 禁见 禁見 S - 0 jìn jiàn f /solitary confinement/ 禁語 禁语 T - 0 jìn yǔ f /taboo (word)/unmentionable word/ 禁语 禁語 S - 0 jìn yǔ f /taboo (word)/unmentionable word/ 禁足 - 3 jìn zú f /to forbid sb to go out/to confine to one location (e.g. student, soldier, prisoner, monk etc)/to ground (as disciplinary measure)/to gate/to curfew/restriction on movement/ban on visiting a place/out of bounds/off limits/caveat/ 禁軍 禁军 T - 344 jìn jūn f /imperial guard/ 禁运 禁運 S - 195 jìn yùn f /embargo/export ban (e.g. on weapons)/ 禁運 禁运 T - 195 jìn yùn f /embargo/export ban (e.g. on weapons)/ 禁酒 - 15 jìn jiǔ f /prohibition/ban on alcohol/dry law/ 禁酒令 - 3 jìn jiǔ lìng f /prohibition/ban on alcohol/ 禁錮 禁锢 T - 171 jìn gù f /to confine/to imprison/prohibition/shackles/fetters/ 禁锢 禁錮 S - 171 jìn gù f /to confine/to imprison/prohibition/shackles/fetters/ 禁食 - 74 jìn shí f /to fast/to abstain from eating/to forbid the eating of (certain foods)/a fast/ 禂 - 6 dǎo f /to pray/prayer/ 禄 祿 S - 404 lù f /good fortune/official salary/ 禄丰 祿豐 S - 22 Lù fēng f /Lufeng county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州[Chu3 xiong2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 禄丰县 祿豐縣 S - 12 Lù fēng xiàn f /Lufeng county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州[Chu3 xiong2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 禄位 祿位 S - 19 lù wèi f /official rank and salary/ 禄俸 祿俸 S - 3 lù fèng f /official pay/ 禄养 祿養 S - 0 lù yǎng f /to support sb with official pay/ 禄劝 祿勸 S - 5 Lù quàn f /Luquan Yizu Miaozu autonomous county in Yunnan/ 禄劝县 祿勸縣 S - 3 Lù quàn xiàn f /Luquan Yi and Miao autonomous county in Kunming 昆明[Kun1 ming2], Yunnan/ 禄劝彝族苗族自治县 祿勸彞族苗族自治縣 S - 4 Lù quàn Yí zú Miáo zú zì zhì xiàn f /Luquan Yi and Miao autonomous county in Kunming 昆明[Kun1 ming2], Yunnan/ 禄命 祿命 S - 3 lù mìng f /person's lot through life/ 禄星 祿星 S - 4 lù xīng f /Star God of Rank and Affluence (Daoism)/ 禄秩 祿秩 S - 11 lù zhì f /official rank and pay/ 禄籍 祿籍 S - 0 lù jí f /good fortune and reputation/ 禄蠹 祿蠹 S - 0 lù dù f /sinecurist/ 禄食 祿食 S - 3 lù shí f /official pay/ 禄饵 祿餌 S - 0 lù ěr f /official pay as bait (for talent)/ 禅 禪 S - 868 chán t /dhyana (Sanskrit)/Zen/meditation (Buddhism)/ 禅 禪 S - 868 shàn f /to abdicate/ 禅位 禪位 S - 3 shàn wèi f /to abdicate (as king)/ 禅城 禪城 S - 3 Chán chéng f /see 禪城區|禅城区[Chan2 cheng2 qu1]/ 禅城区 禪城區 S - 3 Chán chéng qū f /Chancheng district, Foshan city, Guangdong/ 禅堂 禪堂 S - 48 chán táng f /meditation room (in Buddhist monastery)/ 禅宗 禪宗 S - 177 Chán zōng f /Zen Buddhism/ 禅师 禪師 S - 237 chán shī f /honorific title for a Buddhist monk/ 禅房 禪房 S - 105 chán fáng f /a room in a Buddhist monastery/a temple/ 禅机 禪機 S - 26 chán jī f /Buddhism subtleties/Buddhist allegory/ 禅杖 禪杖 S - 250 chán zhàng f /the staff of a Buddhist monk/ 禅林 禪林 S - 9 chán lín f /a Buddhist temple/ 禅让 禪讓 S - 59 shàn ràng f /to abdicate/ 禅门五宗 禪門五宗 S - 0 chán mén wǔ zōng f /the five schools of Chan Buddhism (idiom)/ 禅院 禪院 S - 35 chán yuàn f /Buddhist hall/ 禇 - 0 chǔ f /erroneous form of 褚/ 禊 - 4 xì f /semi-annual ceremony of purification/ 禋 - 9 yīn f /sacrifice/ 禍 祸 T - 1186 huò f /disaster/misfortune/calamity/ 禍不單行 祸不单行 T - 29 huò bù dān xíng f /misfortune does not come singly (idiom)/it never rains but it pours/ 禍不旋踵 祸不旋踵 T - 3 huò bù xuán zhǒng f /trouble is never far away (idiom)/ 禍亂 祸乱 T - 64 huò luàn f /calamity and chaos/devastating disorder/great turmoil/ 禍事 祸事 T - 135 huò shì f /disaster/doom/ 禍國殃民 祸国殃民 T - 69 huò guó yāng mín f /to damage the country and cause suffering to the people (idiom)/ 禍害 祸害 T - 229 huò hài f /disaster/harm/scourge/bad person/to damage/to harm/to wreck/ 禍從口出 祸从口出 T - 17 huò cóng kǒu chū f /Trouble issues from the mouth (idiom). A loose tongue may cause a lot of trouble./ 禍患 祸患 T - 152 huò huàn f /disaster/calamity/ 禍根 祸根 T - 97 huò gēn f /root of the trouble/cause of the ruin/ 禍水 祸水 T - 37 huò shuǐ f /source of calamity (esp. of women)/ 禍福 祸福 T - 109 huò fú f /disaster and happiness/ 禍福吉凶 祸福吉凶 T - 0 huò fú jí xiōng f /fate/portent/luck or disasters as foretold in the stars (astrology)/ 禍福無常 祸福无常 T - 3 huò fú wú cháng f /disaster and happiness do not follow rules (idiom); future blessings and misfortunes are unpredictable/ 禍福與共 祸福与共 T - 3 huò fú yǔ gòng f /to stick together through thick and thin (idiom)/ 禍首 祸首 T - 44 huò shǒu f /chief offender/main culprit/ 禍首罪魁 祸首罪魁 T - 3 huò shǒu zuì kuí f /main offender, criminal ringleader (idiom); main culprit/fig. main cause of a disaster/ 禎 祯 T - 66 zhēn f /auspicious/lucky/ 福 - 2920 Fú f /surname Fu/abbr. for Fujian province 福建省[Fu2 jian4 sheng3]/ 福 - 2920 fú f /good fortune/happiness/luck/ 福佬 - 0 Fú lǎo f /Hoklo/ 福克 - 25 Fú kè f /Fock or Foch (name)/ 福克兰群岛 福克蘭群島 S - 28 Fú kè lán Qún dǎo f /Falkland Islands/ 福克納 福克纳 T - 31 Fú kè nà f /William Faulkner (1897-1962), American novelist and poet/ 福克纳 福克納 S - 31 Fú kè nà f /William Faulkner (1897-1962), American novelist and poet/ 福克蘭群島 福克兰群岛 T - 28 Fú kè lán Qún dǎo f /Falkland Islands/ 福兴 福興 S - 6 Fú xīng f /Fuhsing township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 福兴乡 福興鄉 S - 0 Fú xīng xiāng f /Fuhsing township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 福冈 福岡 S - 48 Fú gāng f /Fukuoka, city in Kyushyu, Japan/ 福冈县 福岡縣 S - 0 Fú gāng xiàn f /Fukuoka prefecture/ 福分 - 55 fú fen f /one's happy lot/good fortune/ 福利 3198 1112 fú lì f /material benefit/benefit in kind/(social) welfare/ 福利事业 福利事業 S - 3 fú lì shì yè f /welfare services/ 福利事業 福利事业 T - 3 fú lì shì yè f /welfare services/ 福利品 - 3 fú lì pǐn f /reconditioned or showroom item/ 福利政策 - 0 fú lì zhèng cè f /welfare policy/ 福利院 - 66 fú lì yuàn f /welfare agency/ 福地 - 79 fú dì f /happy land/paradise/ 福報 福报 T - 145 fú bào f /karmic reward (Buddhism)/ 福壽 福寿 T - 27 fú shòu f /happiness and longevity/ 福壽綿長 福寿绵长 T - 3 fú shòu mián cháng f /good luck and long life/ 福壽螺 福寿螺 T - 3 fú shòu luó f /giant Amazon snail (Ampullaria gigas spix), that has devastated rice paddies in China since its introduction in the 1980s/ 福如东海 福如東海 S - 6 fú rú Dōng Hǎi f /may your happiness be as immense as the East Sea (idiom)/ 福如東海 福如东海 T - 6 fú rú Dōng Hǎi f /may your happiness be as immense as the East Sea (idiom)/ 福委会 福委會 S - 0 fú wěi huì f /welfare committee/abbr. for 福利委員會|福利委员会/ 福委會 福委会 T - 0 fú wěi huì f /welfare committee/abbr. for 福利委員會|福利委员会/ 福娃 - 3 Fú wá f /Fuwa (official 2008 Olympic mascots)/ 福安 - 7 Fú ān f /Fu'an county level city in Ningde 寧德|宁德[Ning2 de2], Fujian/ 福安市 - 4 Fú ān shì f /Fu'an county level city in Ningde 寧德|宁德[Ning2 de2], Fujian/ 福寿 福壽 S - 27 fú shòu f /happiness and longevity/ 福寿绵长 福壽綿長 S - 3 fú shòu mián cháng f /good luck and long life/ 福寿螺 福壽螺 S - 3 fú shòu luó f /giant Amazon snail (Ampullaria gigas spix), that has devastated rice paddies in China since its introduction in the 1980s/ 福尔 福爾 S - 7 Fú ěr f /Félix Faure (former president of France)/ 福尔摩斯 福爾摩斯 S - 12 Fú ěr mó sī f /Sherlock Holmes, 歇洛克·福爾摩斯|歇洛克·福尔摩斯[Xie1 luo4 ke4 · Fu2 er3 mo2 si1]/ 福尔摩沙 福爾摩沙 S - 8 Fú ěr mó shā f /Formosa (Tw)/ 福山 - 10 Fú shān f /Fushan district of Yantai city 煙台市|烟台市, Shandong/ 福山区 福山區 S - 3 Fú shān qū f /Fushan district of Yantai city 煙台市|烟台市, Shandong/ 福山區 福山区 T - 3 Fú shān qū f /Fushan district of Yantai city 煙台市|烟台市, Shandong/ 福岛 福島 S - 30 Fú dǎo f /Fukushima (Japanese surname and place name)/ 福岛县 福島縣 S - 0 Fú dǎo xiàn f /Fukushima prefecture in north Japan/ 福岡 福冈 T - 48 Fú gāng f /Fukuoka, city in Kyushyu, Japan/ 福岡縣 福冈县 T - 0 Fú gāng xiàn f /Fukuoka prefecture/ 福島 福岛 T - 30 Fú dǎo f /Fukushima (Japanese surname and place name)/ 福島縣 福岛县 T - 0 Fú dǎo xiàn f /Fukushima prefecture in north Japan/ 福州 - 897 Fú zhōu f /Fuzhou prefecture level city and capital of Fujian province in east China/formerly known as Foochow or Fuchow/ 福州市 - 140 Fú zhōu shì f /Fuzhou prefecture level city and capital of Fujian province in east China/formerly known as Foochow or Fuchow/ 福布斯 - 58 Fú bù sī f /Forbes (US publisher)/Forbes magazine/ 福建 - 2179 Fú jiàn f /Fujian province (Fukien) in east China, abbr. 福 or 閩|闽, capital Fuzhou 福州/Fujian province (Fukien) in Taiwan/ 福建省 - 520 Fú jiàn shěng f /Fujian province (Fukien) in east China, abbr. 閩|闽, capital Fuzhou 福州/Fujian province (Fukien) in Taiwan/ 福报 福報 S - 145 fú bào f /karmic reward (Buddhism)/ 福摩萨 福摩薩 S - 2 Fú mó sà f /Formosa/ 福摩薩 福摩萨 T - 2 Fú mó sà f /Formosa/ 福斯 - 50 Fú sī f /(Tw) Volkswagen (car manufacturer)/Fox Entertainment Group/ 福斯塔夫 - 3 Fú sī tǎ fū f /Falstaff (Shakespearian character)/ 福斯特 - 34 Fú sī tè f /Foster or Forster (name)/Stephen Collins Foster (1826-1864), American composer/ 福无双至 福無雙至 S - 3 fú wú shuāng zhì f /blessings never come in pairs (idiom)/ 福星 - 277 fú xīng f /mascot/lucky star/ 福星高照 - 7 fú xīng gāo zhào f /lucky star in the ascendant (idiom); a lucky sign/ 福晉 福晋 T - 421 fú jìn f /in Qing dynasty, Manchurian word for wife/ 福晋 福晉 S - 421 fú jìn f /in Qing dynasty, Manchurian word for wife/ 福林 - 2 fú lín f /forint (Hungarian currency) (loanword)/ 福柯 - 5 Fú kē f /Foucault/ 福气 福氣 S 4264 272 fú qi f /good fortune/a blessing/ 福氣 福气 T 4264 272 fú qi f /good fortune/a blessing/ 福泉 - 8 Fú quán f /Fuquan county level city in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州[Qian2 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 福泉市 - 3 Fú quán shì f /Fuquan county level city in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州[Qian2 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 福泽 福澤 S - 87 fú zé f /good fortune/ 福泽谕吉 福澤諭吉 S - 10 Fú zé Yù jí f /Fukuzawa Yukichi (1835-1901), prominent Japanese Westernizer, liberal educator and founder of Keio University/ 福海 - 11 Fú hǎi f /Fuhai county or Burultoqay nahiyisi in Altay prefecture 阿勒泰地區|阿勒泰地区[A1 le4 tai4 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 福海县 福海縣 S - 2 Fú hǎi xiàn f /Fuhai county or Burultoqay nahiyisi in Altay prefecture 阿勒泰地區|阿勒泰地区[A1 le4 tai4 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 福海縣 福海县 T - 2 Fú hǎi xiàn f /Fuhai county or Burultoqay nahiyisi in Altay prefecture 阿勒泰地區|阿勒泰地区[A1 le4 tai4 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 福清 - 33 Fú qīng f /Fuqing county level city in Fuzhou 福州[Fu2 zhou1], Fujian/ 福清市 - 6 Fú qīng shì f /Fuqing county level city in Fuzhou 福州[Fu2 zhou1], Fujian/ 福澤 福泽 T - 87 fú zé f /good fortune/ 福澤諭吉 福泽谕吉 T - 10 Fú zé Yù jí f /Fukuzawa Yukichi (1835-1901), prominent Japanese Westernizer, liberal educator and founder of Keio University/ 福無雙至 福无双至 T - 3 fú wú shuāng zhì f /blessings never come in pairs (idiom)/ 福煦 - 7 Fú xù f /Ferdinand Foch (1851-1929), leading French general and commander-in-chief of allied forces in the latter stages of World War One/ 福爾 福尔 T - 7 Fú ěr f /Félix Faure (former president of France)/ 福爾摩斯 福尔摩斯 T - 12 Fú ěr mó sī f /Sherlock Holmes, 歇洛克·福爾摩斯|歇洛克·福尔摩斯[Xie1 luo4 ke4 · Fu2 er3 mo2 si1]/ 福爾摩沙 福尔摩沙 T - 8 Fú ěr mó shā f /Formosa (Tw)/ 福特 - 145 Fú tè f /Ford (name)/Ford, US car make/ 福特汽車 福特汽车 T - 0 Fú tè Qì chē f /Ford Motor Company/ 福特汽车 福特汽車 S - 0 Fú tè Qì chē f /Ford Motor Company/ 福田 - 108 Fú tián f /Futian district of Shenzhen City 深圳市, Guangdong/Fukuda (Japanese surname)/ 福田 - 108 fú tián f /field for growing happiness/domain for practices leading to enlightenment (Buddhism)/ 福田区 福田區 S - 24 Fú tián qū f /Futian district of Shenzhen City 深圳市, Guangdong/ 福田區 福田区 T - 24 Fú tián qū f /Futian district of Shenzhen City 深圳市, Guangdong/ 福田康夫 - 0 Fú tián Kāng fū f /FUKUDA Yasuo (1936-), Japanese LDP politician, prime minister 2007-2008/ 福相 - 16 fú xiàng f /facial expression of good fortune/joyous and contented look/ 福祉 - 38 fú zhǐ f /well-being/welfare/ 福祿貝爾 福禄贝尔 T - 5 Fú lù bèi ěr f /surname Fröbel or Froebel/Friedrich Wilhelm August Fröbel (1782-1852), German pedagogue/ 福禄贝尔 福祿貝爾 S - 5 Fú lù bèi ěr f /surname Fröbel or Froebel/Friedrich Wilhelm August Fröbel (1782-1852), German pedagogue/ 福維克 福维克 T - 0 Fú wéi kè f /Vorwerk (brand)/ 福维克 福維克 S - 0 Fú wéi kè f /Vorwerk (brand)/ 福興 福兴 T - 6 Fú xīng f /Fuhsing township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 福興鄉 福兴乡 T - 0 Fú xīng xiāng f /Fuhsing township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 福袋 - 0 fú dài f /fukubukuro or "lucky bag", Japanese New Year custom where merchants offer grab bags containing random products at a steep discount/ 福貢 福贡 T - 5 Fú gòng f /Fugong county in Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture 怒江傈僳族自治州[Nu4 jiang1 Li4 su4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] in northwest Yunnan/ 福貢縣 福贡县 T - 2 Fú gòng xiàn f /Fugong county in Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture 怒江傈僳族自治州[Nu4 jiang1 Li4 su4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] in northwest Yunnan/ 福贡 福貢 S - 5 Fú gòng f /Fugong county in Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture 怒江傈僳族自治州[Nu4 jiang1 Li4 su4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] in northwest Yunnan/ 福贡县 福貢縣 S - 2 Fú gòng xiàn f /Fugong county in Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture 怒江傈僳族自治州[Nu4 jiang1 Li4 su4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] in northwest Yunnan/ 福音 - 114 fú yīn f /good news/glad tidings/gospel/ 福音书 福音書 S - 20 fú yīn shū f /gospel/ 福音書 福音书 T - 20 fú yīn shū f /gospel/ 福馬林 福马林 T - 3 fú mǎ lín f /formalin (loanword)/ 福马林 福馬林 S - 3 fú mǎ lín f /formalin (loanword)/ 福鼎 - 3 Fú dǐng f /Fuding county level city in Ningde 寧德|宁德[Ning2 de2], Fujian/ 福鼎市 - 3 Fú dǐng shì f /Fuding county level city in Ningde 寧德|宁德[Ning2 de2], Fujian/ 禑 祦 T - 65 wú f /happy/used in historical names/ 禔 - 0 tí f /well-being/ 禕 祎 T - 391 yī f /excellent/precious/rare/fine/(used in given names)/ 禖 - 7 méi f /heir-requesting sacrifice/ 禘 - 0 dì f /imperial ancestral sacrifice/ 禚 - 0 zhuó f /place name/ 禛 - 136 zhēn f /to receive blessings in a sincere spirit/ 禜 - 0 yǒng f /sacrifice/ 禝 - 0 jì f /old variant of 稷[ji4]/ 禠 - 0 sī f /felicity/blessing/ 禡 祃 T - 5 mà f /(arch.) religious ritual on setting out for war/ 禢 - 0 Tà f /surname Ta/see also 褟[ta1]/ 禤 - 0 Xuān f /surname Xuan/ 禥 - 8 qí f /old variant of 祺[qi2]/ 禦 御 T - 5044 yù f /to defend/to resist/ 禦夫座 御夫座 T - 3 Yù fū zuò f /Auriga (constellation)/ 禦敵 御敌 T - 3 yù dí f /armed enemy of the nation/enemy of the Emperor/fig. championship challenger/contender opposing champion in sporting contest/ 禦用大律師 御用大律师 T - 0 yù yòng dà lǜ shī f /Queen's Counsel/ 禧 - 23 xǐ f /joy/ 禧玛诺 禧瑪諾 S - 0 Xǐ mǎ nuò f /Shimano (brand)/ 禧瑪諾 禧玛诺 T - 0 Xǐ mǎ nuò f /Shimano (brand)/ 禨 - 84 jī f /omen/pray/ 禩 祀 T - 1389 sì f /variant of 祀[si4]/ 禪 禅 T - 868 chán t /dhyana (Sanskrit)/Zen/meditation (Buddhism)/ 禪 禅 T - 868 shàn f /to abdicate/ 禪位 禅位 T - 3 shàn wèi f /to abdicate (as king)/ 禪城 禅城 T - 3 Chán chéng f /see 禪城區|禅城区[Chan2 cheng2 qu1]/ 禪城區 禅城区 T - 3 Chán chéng qū f /Chancheng district, Foshan city, Guangdong/ 禪堂 禅堂 T - 48 chán táng f /meditation room (in Buddhist monastery)/ 禪宗 禅宗 T - 177 Chán zōng f /Zen Buddhism/ 禪師 禅师 T - 237 chán shī f /honorific title for a Buddhist monk/ 禪房 禅房 T - 105 chán fáng f /a room in a Buddhist monastery/a temple/ 禪杖 禅杖 T - 250 chán zhàng f /the staff of a Buddhist monk/ 禪林 禅林 T - 9 chán lín f /a Buddhist temple/ 禪機 禅机 T - 26 chán jī f /Buddhism subtleties/Buddhist allegory/ 禪讓 禅让 T - 59 shàn ràng f /to abdicate/ 禪門五宗 禅门五宗 T - 0 chán mén wǔ zōng f /the five schools of Chan Buddhism (idiom)/ 禪院 禅院 T - 35 chán yuàn f /Buddhist hall/ 禫 - 0 tǎn f /sacrifice at the end of mourning/ 禮 礼 T - 5605 Lǐ f /surname Li/abbr. for 禮記|礼记[Li3 ji4], Classic of Rites/ 禮 礼 T - 5605 lǐ f /gift/rite/ceremony/CL:份[fen4]/propriety/etiquette/courtesy/ 禮俗 礼俗 T - 52 lǐ sú f /etiquette/custom/ 禮儀 礼仪 T - 1092 lǐ yí f /etiquette/ceremony/ 禮制 礼制 T - 97 lǐ zhì f /etiquette/system of rites/ 禮券 礼券 T - 21 lǐ quàn f /gift voucher/gift coupon/ 禮品 礼品 T - 303 lǐ pǐn f /gift/present/ 禮器 礼器 T - 107 lǐ qì f /ritual dishes/sacrificial vessels/ 禮堂 礼堂 T - 577 lǐ táng f /assembly hall/auditorium/CL:座[zuo4],處|处[chu4]/ 禮壞樂崩 礼坏乐崩 T - 3 lǐ huài yuè bēng f /see 禮崩樂壞|礼崩乐坏[li3 beng1 yue4 huai4]/ 禮多人不怪 礼多人不怪 T - 0 lǐ duō rén bù guài f /nobody will find fault with extra courtesy (idiom)/courtesy costs nothing/ 禮尚往來 礼尚往来 T 4934 16 lǐ shàng wǎng lái f /lit. proper behavior is based on reciprocity (idiom)/fig. to return politeness for politeness/ 禮崩樂壞 礼崩乐坏 T - 10 lǐ bēng yuè huài f /rites and music are in ruins (idiom); fig. society in total disarray/cf. 禮樂|礼乐[li3 yue4]/ 禮帽 礼帽 T - 107 lǐ mào f /Western-style man's hat/ 禮廢樂崩 礼废乐崩 T - 0 lǐ fèi yuè bēng f /see 禮崩樂壞|礼崩乐坏[li3 beng1 yue4 huai4]/ 禮拜 礼拜 T - 358 lǐ bài f /week/religious service/worship/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 禮拜一 礼拜一 T - 13 Lǐ bài yī f /Monday/ 禮拜三 礼拜三 T - 3 Lǐ bài sān f /Wednesday/ 禮拜二 礼拜二 T - 3 Lǐ bài èr f /Tuesday/ 禮拜五 礼拜五 T - 6 Lǐ bài wǔ f /Friday/ 禮拜儀式 礼拜仪式 T - 0 lǐ bài yí shì f /liturgical/ 禮拜六 礼拜六 T - 19 Lǐ bài liù f /Saturday/ 禮拜四 礼拜四 T - 3 Lǐ bài sì f /Thursday/ 禮拜堂 礼拜堂 T - 46 lǐ bài táng f /chapel/church (Protestant)/ 禮拜天 礼拜天 T 1180 31 Lǐ bài tiān f /Sunday/ 禮拜日 礼拜日 T - 8 Lǐ bài rì f /Sunday/ 禮教 礼教 T - 86 lǐ jiào f /Confucian code of ethics/ 禮教吃人 礼教吃人 T - 0 lǐ jiào chī rén f /sufferings brought about by Confucian ethics/ 禮數 礼数 T - 155 lǐ shù f /etiquette/(old) gradation of etiquette with social status/ 禮服 礼服 T - 291 lǐ fú f /ceremonial robe/formal attire (dinner suit, evening gown etc)/ 禮樂 礼乐 T - 213 lǐ yuè f /(Confucianism) rites and music (the means of regulating society)/ 禮樂崩壞 礼乐崩坏 T - 0 lǐ yuè bēng huài f /see 禮崩樂壞|礼崩乐坏[li3 beng1 yue4 huai4]/ 禮泉 礼泉 T - 8 Lǐ quán f /Liquan County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2 yang2], Shaanxi/ 禮泉縣 礼泉县 T - 3 Lǐ quán Xiàn f /Liquan County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2 yang2], Shaanxi/ 禮法 礼法 T - 389 lǐ fǎ f /etiquette/ceremonial rites/ 禮炮 礼炮 T - 185 lǐ pào f /gun salute (e.g. 21-gun salute)/salvo/ 禮炮號 礼炮号 T - 0 Lǐ pào Hào f /Salyut (salute), Russian spacecraft series/ 禮物 礼物 T 430 1113 lǐ wù f /gift/present/CL:件[jian4],個|个[ge4],份[fen4]/ 禮節 礼节 T 3938 257 lǐ jié f /etiquette/ 禮經 礼经 T - 0 Lǐ jīng f /Classic of Rites (same as 禮記|礼记[Li3 ji4])/ 禮縣 礼县 T - 5 Lǐ xiàn f /Li county in Longnan 隴南|陇南[Long3 nan2], Gansu/ 禮義 礼义 T - 54 lǐ yì f /righteousness/justice/ 禮義廉恥 礼义廉耻 T - 16 lǐ yì lián chǐ f /sense of propriety, justice, integrity and honor (i.e. the four social bonds, 四維|四维[si4 wei2])/ 禮花 礼花 T - 40 lǐ huā f /fireworks/ 禮記 礼记 T - 137 Lǐ jì f /Classic of Rites/ 禮讓 礼让 T - 43 lǐ ràng f /to show consideration for (others)/to yield to (another vehicle etc)/courtesy/comity/ 禮讚 礼赞 T - 19 lǐ zàn f /to praise/well done, bravo!/ 禮貌 礼貌 T 1007 516 lǐ mào f /courtesy/manners/ 禮賓 礼宾 T - 22 lǐ bīn f /protocol/official etiquette/ 禮賢下士 礼贤下士 T - 40 lǐ xián xià shì f /respect for the wise/ 禮輕人意重 礼轻人意重 T - 0 lǐ qīng rén yì zhòng f /slight present but weighty meaning (idiom); It's not the present the counts, it's the thought behind it./ 禮輕人意重,千里送鵝毛 礼轻人意重,千里送鹅毛 T - 0 lǐ qīng rén yì zhòng , qiān lǐ sòng é máo f /goose feather sent from afar, a slight present but weighty meaning (idiom); It's not the present the counts, it's the thought behind it./ 禮輕情意重 礼轻情意重 T - 0 lǐ qīng qíng yì zhòng f /goose feather sent from afar, a trifling present with a weighty thought behind it (idiom); It's not the gift that counts, but the thought behind it./ 禮遇 礼遇 T - 132 lǐ yù f /courtesy/deferential treatment/polite reception/ 禮部 礼部 T - 2937 Lǐ bù f /Ministry of (Confucian) Rites (in imperial China)/ 禮部尚書 礼部尚书 T - 0 lǐ bù shàng shū f /Director of Board of Rites (Confucian)/ 禮金 礼金 T - 45 lǐ jīn f /monetary gift/ 禰 祢 T - 657 Mí f /surname Mi/ 禰 祢 T - 657 mí f /memorial tablet in a temple commemorating a deceased father/ 禱 祷 T - 150 dǎo f /prayer/pray/supplication/ 禱告 祷告 T - 142 dǎo gào f /to pray/prayer/ 禱念 祷念 T - 3 dǎo niàn f /to pray/to say one's prayers/ 禱文 祷文 T - 3 dǎo wén f /litany (text of a prayer)/ 禱祝 祷祝 T - 70 dǎo zhù f /to pray/ 禱詞 祷词 T - 7 dǎo cí f /litany (text of a prayer)/ 禳 - 69 ráng f /sacrifice for avoiding calamity/ 禳解 - 0 ráng jiě f /to pray the gods for the avoidance of a misfortune/ 禴 - 0 yuè f /spring imperial ancestral sacrifice/ 禸 - 0 róu f /trample/ 禹 - 603 Yǔ f /Yu the Great (c. 21st century BC), mythical leader who tamed the floods/surname Yu/ 禹会 禹會 S - 0 Yǔ huì f /Yuhui district of Bengbu city 蚌埠市[Beng4 bu4 shi4], Anhui/ 禹会区 禹會區 S - 0 Yǔ huì qū f /Yuhui district of Bengbu city 蚌埠市[Beng4 bu4 shi4], Anhui/ 禹城 - 6 Yǔ chéng f /Yucheng county level city in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1], Shandong/ 禹城市 - 3 Yǔ chéng shì f /Yucheng county level city in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1], Shandong/ 禹州 - 30 Yǔ zhōu f /Yuzhou, county-level city in Xuchang 許昌市|许昌市[Xu3 chang1 shi4], Henan/ 禹州市 - 6 Yǔ zhōu shì f /Yuzhou, county-level city in Xuchang 許昌市|许昌市[Xu3 chang1 shi4], Henan/ 禹會 禹会 T - 0 Yǔ huì f /Yuhui district of Bengbu city 蚌埠市[Beng4 bu4 shi4], Anhui/ 禹會區 禹会区 T - 0 Yǔ huì qū f /Yuhui district of Bengbu city 蚌埠市[Beng4 bu4 shi4], Anhui/ 禹王台 - 25 Yǔ wáng tái f /Yuwangtai district of Kaifeng city 開封市|开封市[Kai1 feng1 shi4], Henan/ 禹王台区 禹王台區 S - 0 Yǔ wáng tái qū f /Yuwangtai district of Kaifeng city 開封市|开封市[Kai1 feng1 shi4], Henan/ 禹王台區 禹王台区 T - 0 Yǔ wáng tái qū f /Yuwangtai district of Kaifeng city 開封市|开封市[Kai1 feng1 shi4], Henan/ 禺 - 10 ǒu f /archaic variant of 偶[ou3]/ 禺 - 10 yú t /ancient area/ 禺 - 10 yù f /legendary monkey of ancient China/ 离 230 9736 lí f /mythical beast (archaic)/ 离 離 S 230 9736 Lí f /surname Li/ 离 離 S 230 9736 lí f /to leave/to part from/to be away from/(in giving distances) from/without (sth)/independent of/one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦[ba1 gua4], symbolizing fire/☲/ 离不开 離不開 S - 392 lí bu kāi f /inseparable/inevitably linked to/ 离世 離世 S - 44 lí shì f /to pass away/death/ 离乡背井 離鄉背井 S - 23 lí xiāng bèi jǐng f /to leave one's homeplace (to find work, flee disaster etc)/ 离乳 離乳 S - 0 lí rǔ f /to be weaned/weaning/ 离任 離任 S - 95 lí rèn f /to leave office/to leave one's post/ 离休 離休 S - 156 lí xiū f /to retire/to leave work and rest (euphemism for compulsory retirement of old cadres)/ 离别 離別 S - 200 lí bié f /to leave (on a long journey)/to part from sb/ 离去 離去 S - 909 lí qù f /to leave/to exit/ 离合 離合 S - 42 lí hé f /clutch (in car gearbox)/separation and reunion/ 离合器 離合器 S - 79 lí hé qì f /clutch (mechanics)/ 离合板 離合板 S - 0 lí hé bǎn f /clutch pedal/ 离合词 離合詞 S - 0 lí hé cí f /separable word (in Chinese grammar)/ 离奇 離奇 S - 106 lí qí f /odd/bizarre/ 离奇有趣 離奇有趣 S - 0 lí qí yǒu qù f /quaint/ 离婚 離婚 S 1421 886 lí hūn f /to divorce/divorced from (one's spouse)/ 离子 離子 S - 1478 lí zǐ f /ion/ 离子交换 離子交換 S - 3 lí zǐ jiāo huàn f /ion exchange/ 离子键 離子鍵 S - 31 lí zǐ jiàn f /ionic bond (chemistry)/ 离宫 離宮 S - 55 lí gōng f /detached palace/imperial villa/ 离家出走 離家出走 S - 3 lí jiā chū zǒu f /to leave home/to abandon one's family/ 离家别井 離家別井 S - 0 lí jiā bié jǐng f /to leave home/to abandon one's family/ 离岛 離島 S - 66 lí dǎo f /outlying islands/ 离岛区 離島區 S - 0 Lí dǎo Qū f /Islands District of the New Territories, Hong Kong/ 离岸 離岸 S - 87 lí àn f /offshore/ 离岸价 離岸價 S - 3 lí àn jià f /Free On Board (FOB) (transportation)/ 离开 離開 S 330 7600 lí kāi f /to depart/to leave/ 离开人世 離開人世 S - 0 lí kāi rén shì f /to die/to leave this world/ 离开故乡 離開故鄉 S - 0 lí kāi gù xiāng f /to leave one's homeland/ 离异 離異 S - 97 lí yì f /to divorce/ 离弃 離棄 S - 15 lí qì f /to abandon/ 离心 離心 S - 120 lí xīn f /centrifugal (force)/ 离心分离机 離心分離機 S - 0 lí xīn fēn lí jī f /centrifuge/ 离心力 離心力 S - 65 lí xīn lì f /centrifugal force/ 离心机 離心機 S - 49 lí xīn jī f /centrifuge/ 离情别绪 離情別緒 S - 4 lí qíng bié xù f /sad feeling at separation (idiom)/ 离愁 離愁 S - 21 lí chóu f /parting sorrow/pain of separation/ 离散 離散 S - 230 lí sàn f /(of family members) separated from one another/scattered about/dispersed/(math.) discrete/ 离散性 離散性 S - 5 lí sàn xìng f /discreteness/ 离散数学 離散數學 S - 3 lí sàn shù xué f /discrete mathematics/ 离歌 離歌 S - 0 lí gē f /(sad) farewell song/ 离港 離港 S - 0 lí gǎng f /to leave harbor/departure (at airport)/ 离港大厅 離港大廳 S - 0 lí gǎng dà tīng f /departure lounge/ 离独 離獨 S - 0 lí dú f /to be divorced/ 离石 離石 S - 65 Lí shí f /Lishi district of Lüliang city 呂梁市|吕梁市[Lu:3 liang2 shi4], Shanxi 山西/ 离石区 離石區 S - 3 Lí shí qū f /Lishi district of Lüliang city 呂梁市|吕梁市[Lu:3 liang2 shi4], Shanxi 山西/ 离离光光 離離光光 S - 0 lí lí guāng guāng f /lackluster (look)/ 离索 離索 S - 3 lí suǒ f /(literary) desolate and lonely/ 离线 離線 S - 34 lí xiàn f /offline (computing)/ 离经叛道 離經叛道 S - 22 lí jīng pàn dào f /to rebel against orthodoxy/to depart from established practices/ 离职 離職 S - 233 lí zhí f /to retire/to leave office/to quit a job/ 离苦得乐 離苦得樂 S - 0 lí kǔ dé lè f /to abandon suffering and obtain happiness (Buddhism)/ 离谱 離譜 S - 51 lí pǔ f /excessive/beyond reasonable limits/irregular/ 离贰 離貳 S - 0 lí èr f /to defect/to be disloyal/ 离间 離間 S - 89 lí jiàn f /to drive a wedge between (allies, partners etc)/ 离队 離隊 S - 50 lí duì f /to leave one's post/ 离题 離題 S - 11 lí tí f /to digress/to stray from the subject/ 离骚 離騷 S - 72 Lí Sāo f /Sorrow at Parting, poem by Qu Yuan 屈原 in Songs of Chu 楚辭|楚辞/ 禽 - 334 qín f /generic term for birds and animals/birds/to capture (old)/ 禽兽 禽獸 S - 225 qín shòu f /birds and animals/creature/beast (brutal person)/ 禽兽不如 禽獸不如 S - 3 qín shòu bù rú f /worse than a beast/to behave immorally/ 禽流感 - 298 qín liú gǎn f /bird flu/avian influenza/ 禽獸 禽兽 T - 225 qín shòu f /birds and animals/creature/beast (brutal person)/ 禽獸不如 禽兽不如 T - 3 qín shòu bù rú f /worse than a beast/to behave immorally/ 禽畜 - 23 qín chù f /poultry and livestock/ 禽类 禽類 S - 38 qín lèi f /bird species/birds/ 禽蛋 - 34 qín dàn f /bird eggs/ 禽類 禽类 T - 38 qín lèi f /bird species/birds/ 禽鳥 禽鸟 T - 38 qín niǎo f /birds/fowl/ 禽鸟 禽鳥 S - 38 qín niǎo f /birds/fowl/ 禽龍 禽龙 T - 0 qín lóng f /iguanodon/ 禽龙 禽龍 S - 0 qín lóng f /iguanodon/ 禾 - 1106 hé f /cereal/grain/ 禾场 禾場 S - 3 hé cháng f /threshing floor/ 禾場 禾场 T - 3 hé cháng f /threshing floor/ 禾木科 - 0 hé mù kē f /gramineae (family including bamboo, cereals, rice)/ 禾本科 - 127 hé běn kē f /Graminae or Poaceae, the grass family/ 禾秆 禾稈 S - 9 hé gǎn f /straw/ 禾稈 禾秆 T - 9 hé gǎn f /straw/ 禾稻 - 3 hé dào f /paddy (rice)/ 禾穀 禾谷 T - 0 hé gǔ f /cereal/food grain/ 禾苗 - 16 hé miáo f /seedling (of rice or other grain)/CL:棵[ke1]/ 禾草 - 53 hé cǎo f /grass/ 禾谷 禾穀 S - 0 hé gǔ f /cereal/food grain/ 禿 秃 T 4270 780 tū f /bald/blunt/ 禿子 秃子 T - 74 tū zi f /bald-headed person/baldy/ 禿寶蓋 秃宝盖 T - 3 tū bǎo gài f /name of "cover" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 14)/see also 冖[mi4]/ 禿瓢 秃瓢 T - 0 tū piáo f /bald head (colloquial)/ 禿瘡 秃疮 T - 20 tū chuāng f /(dialect) favus of the scalp (skin disease)/ 禿發 秃发 T - 3 Tū fā f /a branch of the Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑 nomadic people/ 禿頂 秃顶 T - 53 tū dǐng f /bald head/ 禿頭 秃头 T - 164 tū tóu f /baldness/ 禿驢 秃驴 T - 3 tū lǘ f /Buddhist monk (mocking)/lit. bald donkey/ 禿鷲 秃鹫 T - 28 tū jiù f /vulture/(bird species of China) cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus)/ 禿鷹 秃鹰 T - 22 tū yīng f /condor/bald eagle/ 禿鸛 秃鹳 T - 3 tū guàn f /(bird species of China) lesser adjutant (Leptoptilos javanicus)/ 禿鼻烏鴉 秃鼻乌鸦 T - 0 tū bí wū yā f /(bird species of China) rook (Corvus frugilegus)/ 秀 - 1678 xiù f /handsome/refined/elegant/graceful/performance/ear of grain/show (loanword)/CL:場|场[chang2]/ 秀丽 秀麗 S - 910 xiù lì f /pretty/beautiful/ 秀发 秀髮 S - 109 xiù fà f /beautiful hair/ 秀发垂肩 秀髮垂肩 S - 0 xiù fà chuí jiān f /beautiful shoulder length hair (idiom)/ 秀外惠中 - 0 xiù wài huì zhōng f /variant of 秀外慧中[xiu4 wai4 hui4 zhong1]/ 秀外慧中 - 9 xiù wài huì zhōng f /good-looking and intelligent (idiom)/ 秀山 - 21 Xiù shān f /Xiushan Tujiazu-Miaozu autonomous county in Sichuan/ 秀山县 秀山縣 S - 0 Xiù shān xiàn f /Xiushan Miao and Tujia autonomous county in Qianjiang suburbs of Chongqing municipality/ 秀山土家族苗族自治县 秀山土家族苗族自治縣 S - 2 Xiù shān Tǔ jiā zú Miáo zú zì zhì xiàn f /Xiushan Miao and Tujia autonomous county in Qianjiang suburbs of Chongqing municipality/ 秀山土家族苗族自治縣 秀山土家族苗族自治县 T - 2 Xiù shān Tǔ jiā zú Miáo zú zì zhì xiàn f /Xiushan Miao and Tujia autonomous county in Qianjiang suburbs of Chongqing municipality/ 秀山縣 秀山县 T - 0 Xiù shān xiàn f /Xiushan Miao and Tujia autonomous county in Qianjiang suburbs of Chongqing municipality/ 秀屿 秀嶼 S - 2 Xiù yǔ f /Xiuyu district of Putian city 莆田市[Pu2 tian2 shi4], Fujian/ 秀屿区 秀嶼區 S - 3 Xiù yǔ qū f /Xiuyu district of Putian city 莆田市[Pu2 tian2 shi4], Fujian/ 秀峰 - 7 Xiù fēng f /Xiufeng district of Guilin city 桂林市[Gui4 lin2 shi4], Guangxi/ 秀峰区 秀峰區 S - 3 Xiù fēng qū f /Xiufeng district of Guilin city 桂林市[Gui4 lin2 shi4], Guangxi/ 秀峰區 秀峰区 T - 3 Xiù fēng qū f /Xiufeng district of Guilin city 桂林市[Gui4 lin2 shi4], Guangxi/ 秀嶼 秀屿 T - 2 Xiù yǔ f /Xiuyu district of Putian city 莆田市[Pu2 tian2 shi4], Fujian/ 秀嶼區 秀屿区 T - 3 Xiù yǔ qū f /Xiuyu district of Putian city 莆田市[Pu2 tian2 shi4], Fujian/ 秀恩愛 秀恩爱 T - 0 xiù ēn ài f /to make a public display of affection/ 秀恩爱 秀恩愛 S - 0 xiù ēn ài f /to make a public display of affection/ 秀才 - 594 xiù cai f /a person who has passed the county level imperial exam (historical)/scholar/skillful writer/fine talent/ 秀才不出門,全知天下事 秀才不出门,全知天下事 T - 0 xiù cai bù chū mén , quán zhī tiān xià shì f /a learned person need not leave his home to know what's going on in the world (idiom)/ 秀才不出門,能知天下事 秀才不出门,能知天下事 T - 0 xiù cai bù chū mén , néng zhī tiān xià shì f /a learned person need not leave his home to know what's going on in the world (idiom)/ 秀才不出门,全知天下事 秀才不出門,全知天下事 S - 0 xiù cai bù chū mén , quán zhī tiān xià shì f /a learned person need not leave his home to know what's going on in the world (idiom)/ 秀才不出门,能知天下事 秀才不出門,能知天下事 S - 0 xiù cai bù chū mén , néng zhī tiān xià shì f /a learned person need not leave his home to know what's going on in the world (idiom)/ 秀林 - 3 Xiù lín f /Xiulin or Hsiulin township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 xian4], east Taiwan/ 秀林乡 秀林鄉 S - 0 Xiù lín xiāng f /Xiulin or Hsiulin township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 xian4], east Taiwan/ 秀林鄉 秀林乡 T - 0 Xiù lín xiāng f /Xiulin or Hsiulin township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 xian4], east Taiwan/ 秀气 秀氣 S - 65 xiù qi f /delicate/graceful/ 秀氣 秀气 T - 65 xiù qi f /delicate/graceful/ 秀水 - 21 Xiù shuǐ f /Hsiushui township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 秀水乡 秀水鄉 S - 0 Xiù shuǐ xiāng f /Hsiushui township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 秀水鄉 秀水乡 T - 0 Xiù shuǐ xiāng f /Hsiushui township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 秀洲 - 0 Xiù zhōu f /Xiuzhou district of Jiaxing city 嘉興市|嘉兴市[Jia1 xing1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 秀洲区 秀洲區 S - 3 Xiù zhōu qū f /Xiuzhou district of Jiaxing city 嘉興市|嘉兴市[Jia1 xing1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 秀洲區 秀洲区 T - 3 Xiù zhōu qū f /Xiuzhou district of Jiaxing city 嘉興市|嘉兴市[Jia1 xing1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 秀美 - 139 xiù měi f /elegant/graceful/ 秀色可餐 - 7 xiù sè kě cān f /a feast for the eyes (idiom)/(of women) gorgeous/graceful/(of scenery) beautiful/ 秀色孙鲽 秀色孫鰈 S - 0 xiù sè sūn dié f /yellowtail/ 秀色孫鰈 秀色孙鲽 T - 0 xiù sè sūn dié f /yellowtail/ 秀英 - 18 Xiù yīng f /Xiuying district of Haikou city 海口市[Hai3 kou3 shi4], Hainan/ 秀英区 秀英區 S - 3 Xiù yīng qū f /Xiuying district of Haikou city 海口市[Hai3 kou3 shi4], Hainan/ 秀英區 秀英区 T - 3 Xiù yīng qū f /Xiuying district of Haikou city 海口市[Hai3 kou3 shi4], Hainan/ 秀逗 - 0 xiù dòu f /to short-circuit/(fig.) to have a mental lapse/to get one's wires crossed/to be addled/ 秀雅 - 38 xiù yǎ f /exquisite/in good taste/ 秀髮 秀发 T - 109 xiù fà f /beautiful hair/ 秀髮垂肩 秀发垂肩 T - 0 xiù fà chuí jiān f /beautiful shoulder length hair (idiom)/ 秀麗 秀丽 T - 910 xiù lì f /pretty/beautiful/ 私 - 1908 sī f /personal/private/selfish/ 私下 - 443 sī xià f /in private/ 私了 - 0 sī liǎo f /to settle privately/to solve behind closed doors/to settle out of court/ 私事 - 221 sī shì f /personal matters/ 私人 1354 2443 sī rén f /private/personal/interpersonal/sb with whom one has a close personal relationship/a member of one's clique/ 私人鑰匙 私人钥匙 T - 0 sī rén yào shi f /private key (in encryption)/ 私人钥匙 私人鑰匙 S - 0 sī rén yào shi f /private key (in encryption)/ 私仇 - 42 sī chóu f /personal grudge/ 私企 - 43 sī qǐ f /private enterprise/abbr. of 私營企業|私营企业[si1 ying2 qi3 ye4]/ 私信 - 1061 sī xìn f /private correspondence/personal letter/(computing) personal message (PM)/to message sb/ 私偏 - 0 sī piān f /selfish preference/ 私利 - 286 sī lì f /personal gain/(one's own) selfish interest/ 私办 私辦 S - 0 sī bàn f /privately-run/private enterprise/ 私募 - 33 sī mù f /private placement (investing)/ 私募基金 - 0 sī mù jī jīn f /private equity fund/fund offered to private placement (e.g. hedge fund)/ 私卖 私賣 S - 19 sī mài f /to sell illicitly/to bootleg/to sell privately/ 私吞 - 11 sī tūn f /to misappropriate (public funds etc)/to embezzle/ 私售 - 3 sī shòu f /see 私賣|私卖[si1 mai4]/ 私囊 - 10 sī náng f /one's own pocket/ 私塾 - 177 sī shú f /private school (in former times)/ 私处 私處 S - 3 sī chù f /private parts/genitalia/ 私奔 - 71 sī bēn f /to elope/ 私定終身 私定终身 T - 3 sī dìng zhōng shēng f /to make a pledge to be married, without parents' approval/ 私定终身 私定終身 S - 3 sī dìng zhōng shēng f /to make a pledge to be married, without parents' approval/ 私家 - 201 sī jiā f /private/privately owned or managed/ 私家車 私家车 T - 18 sī jiā chē f /private car/ 私家车 私家車 S - 18 sī jiā chē f /private car/ 私密 - 31 sī mì f /private/secret/intimate/ 私底下 - 43 sī dǐ xia f /privately/secretly/confidentially/ 私心 - 208 sī xīn f /selfishness/selfish motives/ 私情 - 147 sī qíng f /personal considerations/love affair/ 私愤 私憤 S - 4 sī fèn f /personal spite/malice/ 私憤 私愤 T - 4 sī fèn f /personal spite/malice/ 私房 - 60 sī fáng t /privately-owned house/private rooms/private ownings/ 私房 - 60 sī fang f /personal/private/confidential/ 私房錢 私房钱 T - 90 sī fáng qián f /secret purse/secret stash of money/ 私房钱 私房錢 S - 90 sī fáng qián f /secret purse/secret stash of money/ 私有 - 466 sī yǒu f /private/privately-owned/ 私有制 - 338 sī yǒu zhì f /private ownership of property/ 私有化 - 140 sī yǒu huà f /privatization/to privatize/ 私欲 - 45 sī yù f /selfish desire/ 私法 - 21 sī fǎ f /private law/ 私營 私营 T - 752 sī yíng f /privately-owned/private/ 私營企業 私营企业 T - 3 sī yíng qǐ yè f /private business/opposite: state-owned enterprise 國有企業|国有企业[guo2 you3 qi3 ye4]/ 私生子 - 149 sī shēng zǐ f /illegitimate child (male)/bastard/love child/ 私生子女 - 0 sī shēng zǐ nǚ f /illegitimate child/bastard/love child/ 私秘 - 0 sī mì f /see 私密[si1 mi4]/ 私立 - 193 sī lì f /private (company, school etc)/ 私立学校 私立學校 S - 3 sī lì xué xiào f /private school/ 私立學校 私立学校 T - 3 sī lì xué xiào f /private school/ 私自 4130 290 sī zì f /private/personal/secretly/without explicit approval/ 私营 私營 S - 752 sī yíng f /privately-owned/private/ 私营企业 私營企業 S - 3 sī yíng qǐ yè f /private business/opposite: state-owned enterprise 國有企業|国有企业[guo2 you3 qi3 ye4]/ 私藏 - 54 sī cáng f /secret store/a stash (of contraband)/ 私處 私处 T - 3 sī chù f /private parts/genitalia/ 私行 - 0 sī xíng f /to travel on private business/to act without official approval/to inspect incognito/to act in one's own interest/ 私語 私语 T - 49 sī yǔ f /to discuss in whispered tones/whispered conversation/ 私謀叛國 私谋叛国 T - 0 sī móu pàn guó f /to secretly plan treason (idiom)/ 私语 私語 S - 49 sī yǔ f /to discuss in whispered tones/whispered conversation/ 私谋叛国 私謀叛國 S - 0 sī móu pàn guó f /to secretly plan treason (idiom)/ 私賣 私卖 T - 19 sī mài f /to sell illicitly/to bootleg/to sell privately/ 私辦 私办 T - 0 sī bàn f /privately-run/private enterprise/ 私运 私運 S - 3 sī yùn f /to smuggle/ 私通 - 87 sī tōng f /to have secret ties with/to be in covert communication with (the enemy etc)/to engage in an illicit sexual relationship/adultery/ 私運 私运 T - 3 sī yùn f /to smuggle/ 私酿 私釀 S - 3 sī niàng f /to brew alcoholic drinks illegally/ 私釀 私酿 T - 3 sī niàng f /to brew alcoholic drinks illegally/ 秃 禿 S 4270 780 tū f /bald/blunt/ 秃发 禿發 S - 3 Tū fā f /a branch of the Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑 nomadic people/ 秃头 禿頭 S - 164 tū tóu f /baldness/ 秃子 禿子 S - 74 tū zi f /bald-headed person/baldy/ 秃宝盖 禿寶蓋 S - 3 tū bǎo gài f /name of "cover" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 14)/see also 冖[mi4]/ 秃瓢 禿瓢 S - 0 tū piáo f /bald head (colloquial)/ 秃疮 禿瘡 S - 20 tū chuāng f /(dialect) favus of the scalp (skin disease)/ 秃顶 禿頂 S - 53 tū dǐng f /bald head/ 秃驴 禿驢 S - 3 tū lǘ f /Buddhist monk (mocking)/lit. bald donkey/ 秃鹫 禿鷲 S - 28 tū jiù f /vulture/(bird species of China) cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus)/ 秃鹰 禿鷹 S - 22 tū yīng f /condor/bald eagle/ 秃鹳 禿鸛 S - 3 tū guàn f /(bird species of China) lesser adjutant (Leptoptilos javanicus)/ 秃鼻乌鸦 禿鼻烏鴉 S - 0 tū bí wū yā f /(bird species of China) rook (Corvus frugilegus)/ 秆 稈 S - 159 gǎn f /stalks of grain/ 秈 - 43 xiān f /common rice/ 秉 - 306 Bǐng f /surname Bing/ 秉 - 306 bǐng f /to grasp/to hold/to maintain/ 秉公 - 68 bǐng gōng f /justly/impartially/ 秉公办理 秉公辦理 S - 3 bǐng gōng bàn lǐ f /conducting business impartially (idiom); to act justly/ 秉公辦理 秉公办理 T - 3 bǐng gōng bàn lǐ f /conducting business impartially (idiom); to act justly/ 秉性 - 150 bǐng xìng f /innate character/natural disposition/attitude/ 秉承 - 127 bǐng chéng f /to take orders/to receive commands/to carry on (a tradition)/ 秉持 - 27 bǐng chí f /to uphold/to hold fast to/ 秉烛 秉燭 S - 53 bǐng zhú f /variant of 炳燭|炳烛[bing3 zhu2]/ 秉燭 秉烛 T - 53 bǐng zhú f /variant of 炳燭|炳烛[bing3 zhu2]/ 秉笔 秉筆 S - 120 bǐng bǐ f /to hold the pen/to do the actual writing/ 秉笔直书 秉筆直書 S - 2 bǐng bǐ zhí shū f /to record faithfully/ 秉筆 秉笔 T - 120 bǐng bǐ f /to hold the pen/to do the actual writing/ 秉筆直書 秉笔直书 T - 2 bǐng bǐ zhí shū f /to record faithfully/ 秊 年 T 51 248559 nián f /grain/harvest (old)/variant of 年[nian2]/ 秋 589 2855 Qiū f /surname Qiu/ 秋 589 2855 qiū f /autumn/fall/harvest time/a swing/ 秋 秌 S 589 2855 qiū f /old variant of 秋[qiu1]/ 秋 鞦 S 589 2855 qiū f /a swing/ 秋令 - 3 qiū lìng f /autumn/autumn weather/ 秋凉 秋涼 S - 13 qiū liáng f /the cool of autumn/ 秋刀魚 秋刀鱼 T - 2 qiū dāo yú f /Pacific saury (Cololabis saira)/ 秋刀鱼 秋刀魚 S - 2 qiū dāo yú f /Pacific saury (Cololabis saira)/ 秋分 - 29 Qiū fēn f /Qiufen or Autumn Equinox, 16th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 23rd September-7th October/ 秋分点 秋分點 S - 5 qiū fēn diǎn f /the autumn equinox/ 秋分點 秋分点 T - 5 qiū fēn diǎn f /the autumn equinox/ 秋千 鞦韆 S - 105 qiū qiān f /swing/seesaw/trapeze/ 秋叶 秋葉 S - 13 qiū yè f /autumn leaf/ 秋叶原 秋葉原 S - 3 Qiū yè yuán f /Akihabara, region of downtown Tokyo famous for electronics stores/ 秋后算帐 秋後算帳 S - 9 qiū hòu suàn zhàng f /lit. settling accounts after the autumn harvest (idiom); to wait until the time is ripe to settle accounts/to bide time for revenge/ 秋后算账 秋後算賬 S - 19 qiū hòu suàn zhàng f /lit. to settle accounts after autumn/settle scores at an opportune moment (idiom)/ 秋天 - 713 qiū tiān f /autumn/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 秋季 - 457 qiū jì f /autumn/fall/ 秋审 秋審 S - 256 qiū shěn f /autumn trial (judicial hearing of capital cases during Ming and Qing)/ 秋審 秋审 T - 256 qiū shěn f /autumn trial (judicial hearing of capital cases during Ming and Qing)/ 秋征 - 3 qiū zhēng f /autumn levy (tax on harvest)/ 秋後算帳 秋后算帐 T - 9 qiū hòu suàn zhàng f /lit. settling accounts after the autumn harvest (idiom); to wait until the time is ripe to settle accounts/to bide time for revenge/ 秋後算賬 秋后算账 T - 19 qiū hòu suàn zhàng f /lit. to settle accounts after autumn/settle scores at an opportune moment (idiom)/ 秋播 - 21 qiū bō f /sowing in autumn (for a crop in spring)/ 秋收 - 137 qiū shōu f /fall harvest/to reap/ 秋收起义 秋收起義 S - 103 Qiū shōu qǐ yì f /Autumn Harvest Uprising/ 秋收起義 秋收起义 T - 103 Qiū shōu qǐ yì f /Autumn Harvest Uprising/ 秋景 - 13 qiū jǐng f /autumn scenery/harvest season/ 秋毫 - 16 qiū háo f /new down (fine feather)/fig. the small thing/ 秋毫无犯 秋毫無犯 S - 63 qiū háo wú fàn f /lit. not harming a new feather (idiom); not commit the slightest offense against the people (of soldiers)/would not hurt a fly/ 秋毫無犯 秋毫无犯 T - 63 qiū háo wú fàn f /lit. not harming a new feather (idiom); not commit the slightest offense against the people (of soldiers)/would not hurt a fly/ 秋水 - 205 qiū shuǐ f /limpid autumn waters (trad. description of girl's beautiful eyes)/ 秋水仙 - 0 qiū shuǐ xiān f /autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale)/meadow saffron/ 秋水仙素 - 3 qiū shuǐ xiān sù f /colchicine (pharmacy)/ 秋汛 - 54 qiū xùn f /autumn flood/ 秋波 - 50 qiū bō f /autumn ripples/(fig.) luminous eyes of a woman/amorous glance/ 秋海棠 - 22 qiū hǎi táng f /begonia/ 秋海棠花 - 0 qiū hǎi táng huā f /begonia/ 秋涼 秋凉 T - 13 qiū liáng f /the cool of autumn/ 秋游 秋遊 S - 13 qiū yóu f /autumn outing/autumn excursion/ 秋灌 - 3 qiū guàn f /autumn irrigation/ 秋熟 - 2 qiū shú f /ripening in autumn (of crops)/ 秋燥 - 15 qiū zào f /autumn dryness disease (TCM)/ 秋狝 秋獮 S - 0 qiū xiǎn f /(history) a hunting party/ 秋獮 秋狝 T - 0 qiū xiǎn f /(history) a hunting party/ 秋瑾 - 33 qiū jǐn f /Qiu Jin (1875-1907), famous female martyr of the anti-Qing revolution, the subject of several books and films/ 秋田 - 39 Qiū tián f /Akita prefecture of north Japan/ 秋田县 秋田縣 S - 7 Qiū tián xiàn f /Akita prefecture, northeast Japan/ 秋田縣 秋田县 T - 7 Qiū tián xiàn f /Akita prefecture, northeast Japan/ 秋粮 秋糧 S - 28 qiū liáng f /autumn grain crops/ 秋糧 秋粮 T - 28 qiū liáng f /autumn grain crops/ 秋老虎 - 6 qiū lǎo hǔ f /hot spell during autumn/Indian summer/ 秋耕 - 2 qiū gēng f /autumn plowing/ 秋色 - 49 qiū sè f /colors of autumn/autumn scenery/ 秋荼密網 秋荼密网 T - 3 qiū tú mì wǎng f /flowering autumn grass, fine net (idiom); fig. abundant and exacting punishments prescribed by law/ 秋荼密网 秋荼密網 S - 3 qiū tú mì wǎng f /flowering autumn grass, fine net (idiom); fig. abundant and exacting punishments prescribed by law/ 秋菊傲霜 - 0 qiū jú ào shuāng f /the autumn chrysanthemum braves the frost (idiom)/ 秋菜 - 3 qiū cài f /autumn vegetables/ 秋葉 秋叶 T - 13 qiū yè f /autumn leaf/ 秋葉原 秋叶原 T - 3 Qiū yè yuán f /Akihabara, region of downtown Tokyo famous for electronics stores/ 秋葵 - 3 qiū kuí f /okra (Hibiscus esculentus)/lady's fingers/ 秋葵荚 秋葵莢 S - 0 qiū kuí jiá f /okra (Hibiscus esculentus)/lady's fingers/ 秋葵莢 秋葵荚 T - 0 qiū kuí jiá f /okra (Hibiscus esculentus)/lady's fingers/ 秋衣 - 5 qiū yī f /long underwear/ 秋裤 秋褲 S - 3 qiū kù f /long underwear pants/ 秋褲 秋裤 T - 3 qiū kù f /long underwear pants/ 秋試 秋试 T - 3 qiū shì f /autumn exam (triennial provincial exam during Ming and Qing)/ 秋试 秋試 S - 3 qiū shì f /autumn exam (triennial provincial exam during Ming and Qing)/ 秋遊 秋游 T - 13 qiū yóu f /autumn outing/autumn excursion/ 秋闈 秋闱 T - 8 qiū wéi f /autumn exam (triennial provincial exam during Ming and Qing)/ 秋闱 秋闈 S - 8 qiū wéi f /autumn exam (triennial provincial exam during Ming and Qing)/ 秋雨 - 75 qiū yǔ f /autumn rain/ 秋霜 - 19 qiū shuāng f /autumn frost/fig. white hair as sign of old age/ 秋風掃落葉 秋风扫落叶 T - 25 qiū fēng sǎo luò yè f /lit. as the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves (idiom); to drive out the old and make a clean sweep/ 秋風送爽 秋风送爽 T - 0 qiū fēng sòng shuǎng f /the cool autumn breeze (idiom)/ 秋風過耳 秋风过耳 T - 2 qiū fēng guò ěr f /lit. as the autumn breeze passes the ear (idiom); not in the least concerned/ 秋風颯颯 秋风飒飒 T - 0 qiū fēng sà sà f /the autumn wind is soughing (idiom)/ 秋风扫落叶 秋風掃落葉 S - 25 qiū fēng sǎo luò yè f /lit. as the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves (idiom); to drive out the old and make a clean sweep/ 秋风过耳 秋風過耳 S - 2 qiū fēng guò ěr f /lit. as the autumn breeze passes the ear (idiom); not in the least concerned/ 秋风送爽 秋風送爽 S - 0 qiū fēng sòng shuǎng f /the cool autumn breeze (idiom)/ 秋风飒飒 秋風颯颯 S - 0 qiū fēng sà sà f /the autumn wind is soughing (idiom)/ 秋高气爽 秋高氣爽 S - 18 qiū gāo qì shuǎng f /clear and refreshing autumn weather/ 秋高氣爽 秋高气爽 T - 18 qiū gāo qì shuǎng f /clear and refreshing autumn weather/ 秌 秋 T 589 2855 qiū f /old variant of 秋[qiu1]/ 种 種 S 343 20538 zhǒng t /seed/species/kind/type/classifier for types, kinds, sorts/ 种 種 S 343 20538 zhòng f /to plant/to grow/to cultivate/ 种仁 種仁 S - 25 zhǒng rén f /seed kernel/ 种公畜 種公畜 S - 0 zhǒng gōng chù f /stud/male breeding stock (of animal species)/ 种地 種地 S - 182 zhòng dì f /to farm/to work the land/ 种块 種塊 S - 0 zhǒng kuài f /seed tuber/ 种姓 種姓 S - 358 zhǒng xìng f /caste (traditional Indian social division)/ 种姓制 種姓制 S - 0 zhǒng xìng zhì f /caste system (traditional Indian social division)/ 种姓制度 種姓製度 S - 0 zhǒng xìng zhì dù f /caste system/ 种子 種子 S 3497 2039 zhǒng zi f /seed/CL:顆|颗[ke1],粒[li4]/ 种子岛 種子島 S - 7 Zhǒng zi dǎo f /Tanegashima, Japanese Island off Kyushu, the Japanese space launch site/ 种子植物 種子植物 S - 0 zhǒng zi zhí wù f /seed plant/ 种子选手 種子選手 S - 37 zhǒng zi xuǎn shǒu f /seeded player/ 种实 種實 S - 0 zhǒng shí f /seed/seedpod/aril/ 种差 種差 S - 3 zhǒng chā f /determinant (characteristic of a species)/ 种族 種族 S 2792 1136 zhǒng zú f /race/ethnicity/ 种族中心主义 種族中心主義 S - 0 zhǒng zú zhōng xīn zhǔ yì f /ethnocentrism/ 种族主义 種族主義 S - 101 zhǒng zú zhǔ yì f /racism/ 种族主义者 種族主義者 S - 5 zhǒng zú zhǔ yì zhě f /racist (person)/ 种族歧视 種族歧視 S - 92 zhǒng zú qí shì f /racial discrimination/racism/ 种族清洗 種族清洗 S - 0 zhǒng zú qīng xǐ f /"ethnic cleansing"/genocide/ 种族清除 種族清除 S - 0 zhǒng zú qīng chú f /ethnic cleansing/ 种族灭绝 種族滅絕 S - 3 zhǒng zú miè jué f /genocide/ 种族隔离 種族隔離 S - 3 zhǒng zú gé lí f /apartheid/ 种树 種樹 S - 42 zhòng shù f /to plant trees/ 种植 種植 S 3960 3084 zhòng zhí f /to plant/to grow/ 种植业 種植業 S - 284 zhòng zhí yè f /plantation/ 种植体 種植體 S - 3 zhòng zhí tǐ f /implant (dentistry)/ 种植园 種植園 S - 188 zhòng zhí yuán f /plantation/ 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆 種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆 S - 0 zhòng guā dé guā , zhòng dòu dé dòu f /lit. Sow melon and you get melon, sow beans and you get beans (idiom); fig. As you sow, so shall you reap./One must live with the consequences of one's actions./You've made your bed, now must lie on it./ 种田 種田 S - 130 zhòng tián f /to farm/farming/ 种畜 種畜 S - 8 zhǒng chù f /breeding stock (of animal species)/stud/ 种禽 種禽 S - 4 zhǒng qín f /cock/male breeding poultry/ 种种 種種 S - 3344 zhǒng zhǒng f /all kinds of/ 种类 種類 S 2292 4950 zhǒng lèi f /kind/genus/type/category/variety/species/sort/class/ 种系 種系 S - 3 zhǒng xì f /evolutionary line/line of descent/ 种群 種群 S - 291 zhǒng qún f /population (of a species)/community (of animals or plants)/ 种脐 種臍 S - 0 zhǒng qí f /hilum/omphalodium (botany)/ 种花 種花 S - 27 zhòng huā f /to grow flowers/floriculture/ 种薯 種薯 S - 0 zhǒng shǔ f /seed tuber/ 种蛋 種蛋 S - 5 zhǒng dàn f /breeding egg/ 种马 種馬 S - 12 zhǒng mǎ f /stallion/stud horse/ 种麻 種麻 S - 10 zhǒng má f /distinctively female hemp plant (Cannabis sativa)/ 秏 - 3 hào f /variant of 耗[hao4]/ 科 - 7098 kē f /branch of study/administrative section/division/field/branch/stage directions/family (taxonomy)/rules/laws/to mete out (punishment)/to levy (taxes etc)/to fine sb/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 科举 科舉 S - 1019 kē jǔ f /imperial examination/ 科举制 科舉制 S - 41 kē jǔ zhì f /imperial examination system/ 科举考试 科舉考試 S - 3 kē jǔ kǎo shì f /imperial examinations (in former times)/ 科什图尼察 科什圖尼察 S - 0 Kē shí tú ní chá f /Kostunica/Vojislav Kostunica (1944-), Serbian politician, prime minister from 2004/ 科什圖尼察 科什图尼察 T - 0 Kē shí tú ní chá f /Kostunica/Vojislav Kostunica (1944-), Serbian politician, prime minister from 2004/ 科企 - 0 kē qǐ f /science & technology and industry/tech company/ 科伦坡 科倫坡 S - 56 Kē lún pō f /Colombo, capital of Sri Lanka/ 科佩尔 科佩爾 S - 2 Kē pèi ěr f /Koper (port city of Slovenia)/ 科佩爾 科佩尔 T - 2 Kē pèi ěr f /Koper (port city of Slovenia)/ 科倫坡 科伦坡 T - 56 Kē lún pō f /Colombo, capital of Sri Lanka/ 科克 - 31 kē kè f /cork/ 科利奥兰纳斯 科利奧蘭納斯 S - 0 Kē lì ào lán nà sī f /Coriolanus, 1607 tragedy by William Shakespeare 莎士比亞|莎士比亚/ 科利奧蘭納斯 科利奥兰纳斯 T - 0 Kē lì ào lán nà sī f /Coriolanus, 1607 tragedy by William Shakespeare 莎士比亞|莎士比亚/ 科卿 - 0 Kē qīng f /Cochin (in south India)/ 科右中旗 - 0 Kē yòu zhōng qí f /Horqin right center banner, Mongolian Khorchin Baruun Garyn Dund khoshuu, in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴安盟[Xing1 an1 meng2], east Inner Mongolia/ 科右前旗 - 0 Kē yòu qián qí f /Horqin right front banner, Mongolian Khorchin Baruun Garyn Ömnöd khoshuu, in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴安盟[Xing1 an1 meng2], east Inner Mongolia/ 科名 - 3 kē míng f /rank obtained in the imperial examinations/scholarly honors/ 科奈 - 0 Kē nài f /Kenai (Peninsula, Lake, Mountains), Alaska/ 科威特 - 265 Kē wēi tè f /Kuwait/ 科学 科學 S 930 13460 kē xué f /science/scientific knowledge/scientific/rational/CL:門|门[men2],個|个[ge4],種|种[zhong3]/ 科学主义 科學主義 S - 11 kē xué zhǔ yì f /scientism/ 科学发展观 科學發展觀 S - 0 Kē xué Fā zhǎn guān f /Scientific Outlook on Development, a guiding principle for the CPC attributed to Hu Jintao 胡錦濤|胡锦涛[Hu2 Jin3 tao1], incorporated into the Constitution of the CPC in 2007/ 科学史 科學史 S - 58 kē xué shǐ f /history of science/ 科学实验 科學實驗 S - 4 kē xué shí yàn f /scientific experiment/ 科学家 科學家 S - 2789 kē xué jiā f /scientist/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 科学幻想 科學幻想 S - 3 kē xué huàn xiǎng f /science fiction/ 科学怪人 科學怪人 S - 0 Kē xué Guài rén f /Frankenstein (novel)/ 科学执政 科學執政 S - 0 kē xué zhí zhèng f /rule of science/ 科学技术 科學技術 S - 2324 kē xué jì shù f /science and technology/ 科学技术是第一生产力 科學技術是第一生產力 S - 0 kē xué jì shù shì dì yī shēng chǎn lì f /Science and technology is the number one productive force (from 1978 speech by Deng Xiaoping 鄧小平|邓小平 introducing the Four Modernizations 四個現代化|四个现代化)./ 科学技术现代化 科學技術現代化 S - 0 kē xué jì shù xiàn dài huà f /modernization of science and technology, one of Deng Xiaoping's Four Modernizations/ 科学普及 科學普及 S - 3 kē xué pǔ jí f /popular science/popularization of science/ 科学界 科學界 S - 114 kē xué jiè f /world of science/scientific circles/ 科学知识 科學知識 S - 3 kē xué zhī shi f /scientific knowledge/ 科学研究 科學研究 S - 49 kē xué yán jiū f /scientific research/ 科学种田 科學種田 S - 3 kē xué zhòng tián f /scientific crop planting/scientific farming/ 科学管理 科學管理 S - 26 kē xué guǎn lǐ f /scientific management/ 科学编辑 科學編輯 S - 0 kē xué biān jí f /science editor (of a publication)/ 科学育儿 科學育兒 S - 0 kē xué yù ér f /scientific parenting/ 科学院 科學院 S - 986 kē xué yuàn f /academy of sciences/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 科學 科学 T 930 13460 kē xué f /science/scientific knowledge/scientific/rational/CL:門|门[men2],個|个[ge4],種|种[zhong3]/ 科學主義 科学主义 T - 11 kē xué zhǔ yì f /scientism/ 科學史 科学史 T - 58 kē xué shǐ f /history of science/ 科學執政 科学执政 T - 0 kē xué zhí zhèng f /rule of science/ 科學家 科学家 T - 2789 kē xué jiā f /scientist/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 科學實驗 科学实验 T - 4 kē xué shí yàn f /scientific experiment/ 科學幻想 科学幻想 T - 3 kē xué huàn xiǎng f /science fiction/ 科學怪人 科学怪人 T - 0 Kē xué Guài rén f /Frankenstein (novel)/ 科學技術 科学技术 T - 2324 kē xué jì shù f /science and technology/ 科學技術是第一生產力 科学技术是第一生产力 T - 0 kē xué jì shù shì dì yī shēng chǎn lì f /Science and technology is the number one productive force (from 1978 speech by Deng Xiaoping 鄧小平|邓小平 introducing the Four Modernizations 四個現代化|四个现代化)./ 科學技術現代化 科学技术现代化 T - 0 kē xué jì shù xiàn dài huà f /modernization of science and technology, one of Deng Xiaoping's Four Modernizations/ 科學普及 科学普及 T - 3 kē xué pǔ jí f /popular science/popularization of science/ 科學界 科学界 T - 114 kē xué jiè f /world of science/scientific circles/ 科學發展觀 科学发展观 T - 0 Kē xué Fā zhǎn guān f /Scientific Outlook on Development, a guiding principle for the CPC attributed to Hu Jintao 胡錦濤|胡锦涛[Hu2 Jin3 tao1], incorporated into the Constitution of the CPC in 2007/ 科學知識 科学知识 T - 3 kē xué zhī shi f /scientific knowledge/ 科學研究 科学研究 T - 49 kē xué yán jiū f /scientific research/ 科學種田 科学种田 T - 3 kē xué zhòng tián f /scientific crop planting/scientific farming/ 科學管理 科学管理 T - 26 kē xué guǎn lǐ f /scientific management/ 科學編輯 科学编辑 T - 0 kē xué biān jí f /science editor (of a publication)/ 科學育兒 科学育儿 T - 0 kē xué yù ér f /scientific parenting/ 科學院 科学院 T - 986 kē xué yuàn f /academy of sciences/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 科室 - 175 kē shì f /department/administrative division/unit (e.g. intensive care unit)/ 科尔 科爾 S - 124 Kē ěr f /Kohl (name)/Helmut Kohl (1930-), German CDU politician, Chancellor 1982-1998/ 科尔多瓦 科爾多瓦 S - 35 Kē ěr duō wǎ f /Córdoba, Spain/ 科尔沁 科爾沁 S - 40 Kē ěr qìn f /Horqin or Xorchin, famous Mongolian archer/Horqin district or Xorchin raion of Tongliao city 通遼市|通辽市[Tong1 liao2 shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 科尔沁区 科爾沁區 S - 3 Kē ěr qìn qū f /Horqin district or Xorchin raion of Tongliao city 通遼市|通辽市[Tong1 liao2 shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 科尔沁右翼中旗 科爾沁右翼中旗 S - 3 Kē ěr qìn yòu yì zhōng qí f /Horqin right center banner, Mongolian Khorchin Baruun Garyn Dund khoshuu, in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴安盟[Xing1 an1 meng2], east Inner Mongolia/ 科尔沁右翼前旗 科爾沁右翼前旗 S - 6 Kē ěr qìn yòu yì qián qí f /Horqin right front banner, Mongolian Khorchin Baruun Garyn Ömnöd khoshuu, in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴安盟[Xing1 an1 meng2], east Inner Mongolia/ 科尔沁左翼中 科爾沁左翼中 S - 0 Kē ěr qìn zuǒ yì zhōng f /Horqin Left Middle banner or Khorchin Züün Garyn Dund khoshuu in Tongliao 通遼|通辽[Tong1 liao2], Inner Mongolia/ 科尔沁左翼中旗 科爾沁左翼中旗 S - 3 Kē ěr qìn zuǒ yì zhōng qí f /Horqin Left Middle banner or Khorchin Züün Garyn Dund khoshuu in Tongliao 通遼|通辽[Tong1 liao2], Inner Mongolia/ 科尔沁左翼后 科爾沁左翼後 S - 0 Kē ěr qìn zuǒ yì hòu f /Horqin Left Rear banner or Khorchin Züün Garyn Xoit khoshuu in Tongliao 通遼|通辽[Tong1 liao2], Inner Mongolia/ 科尔沁左翼后旗 科爾沁左翼後旗 S - 5 Kē ěr qìn zuǒ yì hòu qí f /Horqin Left Rear banner or Khorchin Züün Garyn Xoit khoshuu in Tongliao 通遼|通辽[Tong1 liao2], Inner Mongolia/ 科尼賽克 科尼赛克 T - 0 Kē ní sài kè f /Koenigsegg (car manufacturer)/ 科尼赛克 科尼賽克 S - 0 Kē ní sài kè f /Koenigsegg (car manufacturer)/ 科布多 - 27 Kē bù duō f /Qobto or Kobdo, khanate of outer Mongolia/ 科幻 - 80 kē huàn f /science fiction/abbr. for 科學幻想|科学幻想[ke1 xue2 huan4 xiang3]/ 科幻小說 科幻小说 T - 3 kē huàn xiǎo shuō f /science fiction novel/ 科幻小说 科幻小說 S - 3 kē huàn xiǎo shuō f /science fiction novel/ 科幻电影 科幻電影 S - 3 kē huàn diàn yǐng f /science fiction movie/ 科幻電影 科幻电影 T - 3 kē huàn diàn yǐng f /science fiction movie/ 科恩 - 68 Kē ēn f /Cohen (name)/ 科托努 - 25 Kē tuō nǔ f /Cotonou (city in Benin)/ 科技 - 15691 kē jì f /science and technology/ 科技人员 科技人員 S - 60 kē jì rén yuán f /scientific and technical staff/ 科技人員 科技人员 T - 60 kē jì rén yuán f /scientific and technical staff/ 科技大学 科技大學 S - 0 kē jì dà xué f /university of science and technology/ 科技大學 科技大学 T - 0 kē jì dà xué f /university of science and technology/ 科技工作者 - 0 kē jì gōng zuò zhě f /worker in science and technology/ 科技惊悚 科技驚悚 S - 0 kē jì jīng sǒng f /techno-thriller (novel)/science fiction thriller/ 科技惊悚小说 科技驚悚小說 S - 0 kē jì jīng sǒng xiǎo shuō f /techno-thriller novel/science fiction thriller/ 科技驚悚 科技惊悚 T - 0 kē jì jīng sǒng f /techno-thriller (novel)/science fiction thriller/ 科技驚悚小說 科技惊悚小说 T - 0 kē jì jīng sǒng xiǎo shuō f /techno-thriller novel/science fiction thriller/ 科摩洛 - 0 Kē mó luò f /Comoros/ 科摩罗 科摩羅 S - 61 Kē mó luó f /Union of Comoros/ 科摩羅 科摩罗 T - 61 Kē mó luó f /Union of Comoros/ 科教 - 302 kē jiào f /science education/popular science/ 科教兴国 科教興國 S - 82 kē jiào xīng guó f /to invigorate the country through science and education/ 科教片 - 11 kē jiào piàn f /science education film/popular science movie/ 科教興國 科教兴国 T - 82 kē jiào xīng guó f /to invigorate the country through science and education/ 科斗 - 0 kē dǒu f /tadpole/also written 蝌蚪[ke1 dou3]/ 科普 - 297 kē pǔ f /popular science/popularization of science/abbr. of 科學普及|科学普及/ 科普特人 - 10 Kē pǔ tè rén f /the Copts, major ethnoreligious group of Egyptian Christians/ 科普特語 科普特语 T - 0 Kē pǔ tè yǔ f /Coptic, Afro-Asiatic language of the Copts 科普特人[Ke1 pu3 te4 ren2], spoken in Egypt until late 17th century/ 科普特语 科普特語 S - 0 Kē pǔ tè yǔ f /Coptic, Afro-Asiatic language of the Copts 科普特人[Ke1 pu3 te4 ren2], spoken in Egypt until late 17th century/ 科林 - 4 Kē lín f /Colin (name)/ 科林·弗思 - 0 Kē lín · Fú sī f /Colin Firth, English actor (1960-)/ 科林斯 - 258 Kē lín sī f /Corinth (city of ancient Greece)/ 科比 - 464 Kē bǐ f /Kobe Bryant/abbr. for 科比·布莱恩特[Ke1 bi3 · Bu4 lai2 en1 te4]/ 科比·布莱恩特 科比·布萊恩特 S - 0 Kē bǐ · Bù lái ēn tè f /Kobe Bryant (1978-), Los Angeles Lakers NBA star/ 科比·布萊恩特 科比·布莱恩特 T - 0 Kē bǐ · Bù lái ēn tè f /Kobe Bryant (1978-), Los Angeles Lakers NBA star/ 科泽科德 科澤科德 S - 0 Kē zé kē dé f /old Chinese name for Calicut, town on Arabian sea in Kerala, India/now called 卡利卡特/ 科澤科德 科泽科德 T - 0 Kē zé kē dé f /old Chinese name for Calicut, town on Arabian sea in Kerala, India/now called 卡利卡特/ 科爾 科尔 T - 124 Kē ěr f /Kohl (name)/Helmut Kohl (1930-), German CDU politician, Chancellor 1982-1998/ 科爾多瓦 科尔多瓦 T - 35 Kē ěr duō wǎ f /Córdoba, Spain/ 科爾沁 科尔沁 T - 40 Kē ěr qìn f /Horqin or Xorchin, famous Mongolian archer/Horqin district or Xorchin raion of Tongliao city 通遼市|通辽市[Tong1 liao2 shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 科爾沁區 科尔沁区 T - 3 Kē ěr qìn qū f /Horqin district or Xorchin raion of Tongliao city 通遼市|通辽市[Tong1 liao2 shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 科爾沁右翼中旗 科尔沁右翼中旗 T - 3 Kē ěr qìn yòu yì zhōng qí f /Horqin right center banner, Mongolian Khorchin Baruun Garyn Dund khoshuu, in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴安盟[Xing1 an1 meng2], east Inner Mongolia/ 科爾沁右翼前旗 科尔沁右翼前旗 T - 6 Kē ěr qìn yòu yì qián qí f /Horqin right front banner, Mongolian Khorchin Baruun Garyn Ömnöd khoshuu, in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴安盟[Xing1 an1 meng2], east Inner Mongolia/ 科爾沁左翼中 科尔沁左翼中 T - 0 Kē ěr qìn zuǒ yì zhōng f /Horqin Left Middle banner or Khorchin Züün Garyn Dund khoshuu in Tongliao 通遼|通辽[Tong1 liao2], Inner Mongolia/ 科爾沁左翼中旗 科尔沁左翼中旗 T - 3 Kē ěr qìn zuǒ yì zhōng qí f /Horqin Left Middle banner or Khorchin Züün Garyn Dund khoshuu in Tongliao 通遼|通辽[Tong1 liao2], Inner Mongolia/ 科爾沁左翼後 科尔沁左翼后 T - 0 Kē ěr qìn zuǒ yì hòu f /Horqin Left Rear banner or Khorchin Züün Garyn Xoit khoshuu in Tongliao 通遼|通辽[Tong1 liao2], Inner Mongolia/ 科爾沁左翼後旗 科尔沁左翼后旗 T - 5 Kē ěr qìn zuǒ yì hòu qí f /Horqin Left Rear banner or Khorchin Züün Garyn Xoit khoshuu in Tongliao 通遼|通辽[Tong1 liao2], Inner Mongolia/ 科特布斯 - 0 Kē tè bù sī f /Cottbus (city in Germany)/ 科特迪瓦 - 156 Kē tè dí wǎ f /Côte d'Ivoire or Ivory Coast in West Africa/ 科特迪瓦共和国 科特迪瓦共和國 S - 0 Kē tè dí wǎ Gòng hé guó f /Republic of Cote d'Ivoire/ 科特迪瓦共和國 科特迪瓦共和国 T - 0 Kē tè dí wǎ Gòng hé guó f /Republic of Cote d'Ivoire/ 科甲 - 4 kē jiǎ f /imperial examinations/ 科目 4545 921 kē mù f /subject/ 科研 - 3204 kē yán f /(scientific) research/ 科研人员 科研人員 S - 16 kē yán rén yuán f /(scientific) researcher/ 科研人員 科研人员 T - 16 kē yán rén yuán f /(scientific) researcher/ 科研小組 科研小组 T - 0 kē yán xiǎo zǔ f /a scientific research group/ 科研小组 科研小組 S - 0 kē yán xiǎo zǔ f /a scientific research group/ 科研样机 科研樣機 S - 0 kē yán yàng jī f /research prototype/ 科研樣機 科研样机 T - 0 kē yán yàng jī f /research prototype/ 科系 - 3 kē xì f /department/ 科納克里 科纳克里 T - 25 Kē nà kè lǐ f /Conakry, capital of Guinea/ 科級 科级 T - 38 kē jí f /(administrative) section-level/ 科索沃 - 428 Kē suǒ wò f /Kosovo/ 科级 科級 S - 38 kē jí f /(administrative) section-level/ 科纳克里 科納克里 S - 25 Kē nà kè lǐ f /Conakry, capital of Guinea/ 科罗娜 科羅娜 S - 2 Kē luó nà f /Corona (beer)/ 科罗恩病 科羅恩病 S - 0 Kē luó ēn bìng f /Krohn's disease/ 科罗拉多 科羅拉多 S - 61 Kē luó lā duō f /Colorado/ 科罗拉多大峡谷 科羅拉多大峽谷 S - 0 Kē luó lā duō dà xiá gǔ f /the Grand Canyon (Colorado)/ 科罗拉多州 科羅拉多州 S - 30 Kē luó lā duō zhōu f /Colorado/ 科罗纳 科羅納 S - 3 Kē luó nà f /Corona/Colonna/ 科羅娜 科罗娜 T - 2 Kē luó nà f /Corona (beer)/ 科羅恩病 科罗恩病 T - 0 Kē luó ēn bìng f /Krohn's disease/ 科羅拉多 科罗拉多 T - 61 Kē luó lā duō f /Colorado/ 科羅拉多大峽谷 科罗拉多大峡谷 T - 0 Kē luó lā duō dà xiá gǔ f /the Grand Canyon (Colorado)/ 科羅拉多州 科罗拉多州 T - 30 Kē luó lā duō zhōu f /Colorado/ 科羅納 科罗纳 T - 3 Kē luó nà f /Corona/Colonna/ 科考 - 74 kē kǎo f /preliminary round of imperial examinations/abbr. for 科學考察|科学考察[ke1 xue2 kao3 cha2], scientific exploration/ 科考队 科考隊 S - 17 kē kǎo duì f /scientific exploration team/expedition/ 科考隊 科考队 T - 17 kē kǎo duì f /scientific exploration team/expedition/ 科舉 科举 T - 1019 kē jǔ f /imperial examination/ 科舉制 科举制 T - 41 kē jǔ zhì f /imperial examination system/ 科舉考試 科举考试 T - 3 kē jǔ kǎo shì f /imperial examinations (in former times)/ 科茨沃尔德 科茨沃爾德 S - 0 Kē cí wò ěr dé f /the Cotswolds (England)/ 科茨沃爾德 科茨沃尔德 T - 0 Kē cí wò ěr dé f /the Cotswolds (England)/ 科莫多龍 科莫多龙 T - 0 Kē mò duō lóng f /Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis)/ 科莫多龙 科莫多龍 S - 0 Kē mò duō lóng f /Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis)/ 科西嘉岛 科西嘉島 S - 3 Kē xī jiā Dǎo f /Corsica (Island located west of Italy and southeast of France)/ 科西嘉島 科西嘉岛 T - 3 Kē xī jiā Dǎo f /Corsica (Island located west of Italy and southeast of France)/ 科迪勒拉 - 55 Kē dí lè lā f /Cordillera, series of mountain ranges stretching from Patagonia in South America through to Alaska and Aleutian islands/ 科迪勒拉山系 - 0 Kē dí lè lā shān xì f /Cordillera, series of mountain ranges stretching from Patagonia in South America through to Alaska and Aleutian islands/ 科長 科长 T - 1082 kē zhǎng f /section chief/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 科长 科長 S - 1082 kē zhǎng f /section chief/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 科隆 - 256 Kē lóng f /Cologne, Germany or Colon, Panama/ 秒 765 3981 miǎo f /second (of time)/unit of angle or arc equivalent to one sixtieth of a degree/ 秒差距 - 0 miǎo chā jù f /parallax second or parsec or pc, astronomic unit of distance, approx 3.26 light years/ 秒杀 秒殺 S - 3 miǎo shā f /(Internet) flash sale/(sports or online gaming) rapid dispatch of an opponent/ 秒殺 秒杀 T - 3 miǎo shā f /(Internet) flash sale/(sports or online gaming) rapid dispatch of an opponent/ 秒表 - 15 miǎo biǎo f /stopwatch/ 秒針 秒针 T - 16 miǎo zhēn f /second hand (of a clock)/ 秒鐘 秒钟 T - 280 miǎo zhōng f /(time) second/ 秒针 秒針 S - 16 miǎo zhēn f /second hand (of a clock)/ 秒钟 秒鐘 S - 280 miǎo zhōng f /(time) second/ 秔 粳 T - 19 jīng f /variant of 粳[jing1]/ 秕 - 11 bǐ f /grain not fully grown/husks/withered grain/unripe grain/ 秕 粃 S - 11 bǐ f /variant of 秕[bi3]/ 秕子 - 3 bǐ zi f /blighted grain/ 秕糠 - 3 bǐ kāng f /chaff/worthless stuff/ 秖 只 T 306 101442 zhǐ t /grain that has begun to ripen/variant of 衹|只[zhi3]/ 秘 祕 S - 1016 mì t /variant of 秘[mi4]/ 秘 - 1016 bì f /see 秘魯|秘鲁[Bi4 lu3]/ 秘 - 1016 mì t /secret/secretary/ 秘书 秘書 S 1855 2921 mì shū f /secretary/ 秘书长 秘書長 S - 5821 mì shū zhǎng f /secretary-general/ 秘传 祕傳 S - 58 mì chuán f /secretly transmitted/esoteric lore/ 秘密 1243 3833 mì mì f /secret/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 秘密会社 秘密會社 S - 0 mì mì huì shè f /a secret society/ 秘密會社 秘密会社 T - 0 mì mì huì shè f /a secret society/ 秘密活动 秘密活動 S - 3 mì mì huó dòng f /clandestine activities/covert operation/ 秘密活動 秘密活动 T - 3 mì mì huó dòng f /clandestine activities/covert operation/ 秘密警察 - 3 mì mì jǐng chá f /secret police/ 秘技 - 13 mì jì f /cheat code/ 秘方 祕方 S - 121 mì fāng f /secret recipe/ 秘書 秘书 T 1855 2921 mì shū f /secretary/ 秘書長 秘书长 T - 5821 mì shū zhǎng f /secretary-general/ 秘本 祕本 S - 20 mì běn f /a treasured rare book/ 秘笈 - 174 mì jí f /secret book or collection of books/ 秘籍 - 66 mì jí f /rare book/cheat code (video games)/ 秘结 祕結 S - 0 mì jié f /constipation/ 秘而不宣 祕而不宣 S - 26 mì ér bù xuān f /to withhold information/to keep sth secret/ 秘藏 祕藏 S - 14 mì cáng f /hidden/a hidden treasure (often a Buddhist relic)/to keep secret/ 秘訣 秘诀 T - 326 mì jué f /secret know-how/key (to longevity)/secret (of happiness)/recipe (for success)/ 秘诀 秘訣 S - 326 mì jué f /secret know-how/key (to longevity)/secret (of happiness)/recipe (for success)/ 秘辛 - 0 mì xīn f /behind-the-scenes story/details known only to insiders/ 秘魯 秘鲁 T - 563 Bì lǔ f /Peru/ 秘魯苦蘵 秘鲁苦蘵 T - 0 Bì lǔ kǔ zhí f /Peruvian ground-cherry/cape gooseberry/Physalis peruviana/ 秘鲁 秘魯 S - 563 Bì lǔ f /Peru/ 秘鲁苦蘵 秘魯苦蘵 S - 0 Bì lǔ kǔ zhí f /Peruvian ground-cherry/cape gooseberry/Physalis peruviana/ 秚 - 0 bàn f /old variant of 拌[ban4]/ 租 944 2067 zū f /to hire/to rent/to charter/to rent out/to lease out/rent/land tax/ 租价 租價 S - 8 zū jià f /rent price/ 租佃 - 178 zū diàn f /to rent out one's land (to tenant farmers)/ 租借 - 155 zū jiè f /to rent/to lease/ 租借地 - 161 zū jiè dì f /concession (territory)/ 租债 租債 S - 0 zū zhài f /rent and debt/ 租債 租债 T - 0 zū zhài f /rent and debt/ 租價 租价 T - 8 zū jià f /rent price/ 租地 - 371 zū dì f /to rent land/to lease farmland/ 租地人投标票权 租地人投標票權 S - 0 zū dì rén tóu biāo piào quán f /occupation franchise/ 租地人投標票權 租地人投标票权 T - 0 zū dì rén tóu biāo piào quán f /occupation franchise/ 租子 - 3 zū zi f /rent (payment)/ 租戶 租户 T - 8 zū hù f /tenant/person who leases/ 租户 租戶 S - 8 zū hù f /tenant/person who leases/ 租房 - 120 zū fáng f /to rent an apartment/ 租用 - 175 zū yòng f /to rent and use/lend-lease (US device to provide war materiel to its allies during WW2)/ 租界 - 610 zū jiè f /settlement/international settlement in many Chinese cities established under unequal treaties from 1860/ 租稅 租税 T - 122 zū shuì f /taxation/in former times, esp. land tax/ 租税 租稅 S - 122 zū shuì f /taxation/in former times, esp. land tax/ 租約 租约 T - 40 zū yuē f /lease/ 租约 租約 S - 40 zū yuē f /lease/ 租船 - 18 zū chuán f /to charter a ship/to take a vessel on rent/ 租讓 租让 T - 21 zū ràng f /to lease out/to rent (one's property out to sb else)/ 租让 租讓 S - 21 zū ràng f /to lease out/to rent (one's property out to sb else)/ 租賃 租赁 T 4237 361 zū lìn f /to rent/to lease/to hire/ 租赁 租賃 S 4237 361 zū lìn f /to rent/to lease/to hire/ 租金 - 270 zū jīn f /rent/ 租錢 租钱 T - 3 zū qian f /rent/same as 租金/ 租钱 租錢 S - 3 zū qian f /rent/same as 租金/ 秠 - 0 pī f /(millet)/ 秣 - 51 mò f /feed a horse with grain/horse feed/ 秤 4473 329 chēng f /variant of 稱|称[cheng1], to weigh/ 秤 4473 329 chèng t /steelyard/Roman balance/CL:臺|台[tai2]/ 秤坨 - 3 chèng tuó f /variant of 秤砣[cheng4 tuo2]/ 秤杆 秤桿 S - 29 chèng gǎn f /the beam of a steelyard/a balance arm/ 秤桿 秤杆 T - 29 chèng gǎn f /the beam of a steelyard/a balance arm/ 秤槃 秤盘 T - 9 chèng pán f /the tray or pan of a steelyard/ 秤盘 秤槃 S - 9 chèng pán f /the tray or pan of a steelyard/ 秤砣 - 22 chèng tuó f /steelyard weight/standard weight/ 秤砣虽小压千斤 秤砣雖小壓千斤 S - 0 chèng tuó suī xiǎo yā qiān jīn f /although small, a steelyard weight may tip a hundred pounds (idiom)/apparently insignificant details can have a large impact/for want of a nail the battle was lost/ 秤砣雖小壓千斤 秤砣虽小压千斤 T - 0 chèng tuó suī xiǎo yā qiān jīn f /although small, a steelyard weight may tip a hundred pounds (idiom)/apparently insignificant details can have a large impact/for want of a nail the battle was lost/ 秤鉤 秤钩 T - 13 chèng gōu f /steelyard hook/ 秤錘 秤锤 T - 20 chèng chuí f /steelyard weights/ 秤钩 秤鉤 S - 13 chèng gōu f /steelyard hook/ 秤锤 秤錘 S - 20 chèng chuí f /steelyard weights/ 秦 - 2837 Qín f /surname Qin/Qin dynasty (221-207 BC) of the first emperor 秦始皇[Qin2 Shi3 huang2]/abbr. for 陝西|陕西[Shan3 xi1]/ 秦二世 - 75 Qín Er shì f /Qin Ershi (229-207 BC), second Qin emperor/ 秦代 - 172 Qín dài f /Qin dynasty (221-207 BC), founded by the first emperor Qin Shihuang 秦始皇[Qin2 Shi3 huang2], the first dynasty to rule the whole of China/ 秦军 秦軍 S - 126 Qín jūn f /the Qin army (model for the terracotta warriors)/ 秦吉了 - 0 qín jí liǎo f /mythical talking bird/mynah bird/ 秦国 秦國 S - 257 Qín guó f /Qin State, one of the seven states of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC)/ 秦國 秦国 T - 257 Qín guó f /Qin State, one of the seven states of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC)/ 秦始皇 - 668 Qín Shǐ huáng f /Qin Shihuang (259-210 BC), the first emperor/ 秦始皇帝 - 10 Qín Shǐ Huáng dì f /the First Emperor 259-210 BC/ 秦始皇帝陵 - 0 Qín Shǐ Huáng dì líng f /the mausoleum of the First Emperor near Xi'an/ 秦始皇陵 - 62 Qín Shǐ huáng líng f /the tomb of the first emperor at Mt Li 驪山|骊山[Li2 shan1] near Xi'an (awaits excavation)/ 秦孝公 - 23 Qín Xiào gōng f /Duke Xiao of Qin, 秦國|秦国[Qin2 guo2], ruled 361-338 BC during the Warring States Period/ 秦安 - 328 Qín ān f /Qin'an county in Tianshui 天水[Tian1 shui3], Gansu/ 秦安县 秦安縣 S - 8 Qín ān xiàn f /Qin'an county in Tianshui 天水[Tian1 shui3], Gansu/ 秦安縣 秦安县 T - 8 Qín ān xiàn f /Qin'an county in Tianshui 天水[Tian1 shui3], Gansu/ 秦岭 秦嶺 S - 687 Qín lǐng f /Qinling mountain range in Shaanxi forming natural barrier between Guanzhong plain 關中平原|关中平原[Guan1 zhong1 ping2 yuan2] and Han River 漢水|汉水[Han4 shui3] valley/ 秦岭山脉 秦嶺山脈 S - 19 Qín lǐng shān mài f /Qinling mountain range in Shaanxi forming natural barrier between Guanzhong plain 關中平原|关中平原 and Han River 汉水 valley/ 秦岭蜀栈道 秦嶺蜀棧道 S - 0 Qín lǐng shǔ zhàn dào f /the Qinling plank road to Shu, a historical mountain road from Shaanxi to Sichuan/ 秦嶺 秦岭 T - 687 Qín lǐng f /Qinling mountain range in Shaanxi forming natural barrier between Guanzhong plain 關中平原|关中平原[Guan1 zhong1 ping2 yuan2] and Han River 漢水|汉水[Han4 shui3] valley/ 秦嶺山脈 秦岭山脉 T - 19 Qín lǐng shān mài f /Qinling mountain range in Shaanxi forming natural barrier between Guanzhong plain 關中平原|关中平原 and Han River 汉水 valley/ 秦嶺蜀棧道 秦岭蜀栈道 T - 0 Qín lǐng shǔ zhàn dào f /the Qinling plank road to Shu, a historical mountain road from Shaanxi to Sichuan/ 秦州 - 34 Qín zhōu f /Qinzhou district of Tianshui city 天水市[Tian1 shui3 shi4], Gansu/ 秦州区 秦州區 S - 0 Qín zhōu qū f /Qinzhou district of Tianshui city 天水市[Tian1 shui3 shi4], Gansu/ 秦州區 秦州区 T - 0 Qín zhōu qū f /Qinzhou district of Tianshui city 天水市[Tian1 shui3 shi4], Gansu/ 秦惠文王 - 0 Qín Huì wén Wáng f /King Huiwen of Qin 秦國|秦国, ruled 338-211 BC during the Warring States Period/ 秦朝 - 100 Qín cháo f /Qin Dynasty (221-207 BC)/ 秦末 - 12 Qín mò f /the end of the Qin dynasty 207 BC/ 秦桧 秦檜 S - 215 Qín Huì f /Qin Hui (1090-1155 AD), Song Dynasty official said to have betrayed General Yue Fei 岳飛|岳飞[Yue4 Fei1]/ 秦椒 - 2 Qín jiāo f /(dialect) hot pepper (long and thin)/same as 花椒[hua1 jiao1]/ 秦檜 秦桧 T - 215 Qín Huì f /Qin Hui (1090-1155 AD), Song Dynasty official said to have betrayed General Yue Fei 岳飛|岳飞[Yue4 Fei1]/ 秦汉 秦漢 S - 596 Qín Hàn f /the Qin (221-207 BC) and Han (206 BC-220 AD) dynasties/ 秦淮 - 49 Qín huái f /Qinhuai district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏/ 秦淮区 秦淮區 S - 11 Qín huái qū f /Qinhuai district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏/ 秦淮區 秦淮区 T - 11 Qín huái qū f /Qinhuai district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏/ 秦漢 秦汉 T - 596 Qín Hàn f /the Qin (221-207 BC) and Han (206 BC-220 AD) dynasties/ 秦火 - 0 Qín huǒ f /the Qin burning of the books in 212 BC/ 秦牧 - 7 Qín Mù f /Qin Mu (1919-1992), educator and prolific writer/ 秦皇岛 秦皇島 S - 153 Qín huáng dǎo f /Qinhuangdao prefecture level city in Hebei/ 秦皇岛市 秦皇島市 S - 36 Qín huáng dǎo shì f /Qinhuangdao prefecture level city in Hebei/ 秦皇島 秦皇岛 T - 153 Qín huáng dǎo f /Qinhuangdao prefecture level city in Hebei/ 秦皇島市 秦皇岛市 T - 36 Qín huáng dǎo shì f /Qinhuangdao prefecture level city in Hebei/ 秦穆公 - 16 Qín Mù gōng f /Duke Mu of Qin, the first substantial king of Qin (ruled 659-621 BC), sometimes considered one of the Five Hegemons 春秋五霸/ 秦篆 - 6 Qín zhuàn f /seal script as unified by the Qin dynasty/the small seal 小篆 and great seal 大篆/ 秦腔 - 328 Qín qiāng f /Qinqiang, an opera style popular in northwest China, possibly originating in Ming dynasty folk music/Shanxi opera/ 秦艽 - 9 qín jiāo f /large leaf gentian (Gentiana macrophylla)/ 秦越人 - 0 Qín Yuè rén f /Qin Yueren (407-310 BC), Warring States physician known for his medical skills/ 秦軍 秦军 T - 126 Qín jūn f /the Qin army (model for the terracotta warriors)/ 秦都 - 10 Qín dū f /Qindu District in Xianyang City 咸陽市|咸阳市[Xian2 yang2 Shi4], Shaanxi/ 秦都区 秦都區 S - 4 Qín dū Qū f /Qindu District in Xianyang City 咸陽市|咸阳市[Xian2 yang2 Shi4], Shaanxi/ 秦都區 秦都区 T - 4 Qín dū Qū f /Qindu District in Xianyang City 咸陽市|咸阳市[Xian2 yang2 Shi4], Shaanxi/ 秦鏡高懸 秦镜高悬 T - 3 Qín jìng gāo xuán f /see 明鏡高懸|明镜高悬[ming2 jing4 gao1 xuan2]/ 秦镜高悬 秦鏡高懸 S - 3 Qín jìng gāo xuán f /see 明鏡高懸|明镜高悬[ming2 jing4 gao1 xuan2]/ 秦陵 - 11 Qín líng f /the tomb of the First Emperor at Mt Li 驪山|骊山[Li2 shan1] near Xi'an (awaits excavation)/ 秦韜玉 秦韬玉 T - 0 Qín Tāo yù f /Qin Taoyu, Tang poet, author of long poem Poor Woman 貧女詩|贫女诗[pin2 nu:3 shi1]/ 秦韬玉 秦韜玉 S - 0 Qín Tāo yù f /Qin Taoyu, Tang poet, author of long poem Poor Woman 貧女詩|贫女诗[pin2 nu:3 shi1]/ 秧 - 46 yāng f /shoots/sprouts/ 秧子 - 10 yāng zi f /sapling/seedling/bud/baby animal/ 秧歌 - 149 yāng ge f /Yangge, a popular rural folk dance/ 秧歌剧 秧歌劇 S - 5 yāng ge jù f /Yangge opera, a rural form of theater/ 秧歌劇 秧歌剧 T - 5 yāng ge jù f /Yangge opera, a rural form of theater/ 秧苗 - 28 yāng miáo f /seedling/ 秩 - 340 zhì f /order/orderliness/(classifier) ten years/ 秩序 2045 2935 zhì xù f /order (orderly)/order (sequence)/social order/the state (of society)/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 秩序井然 - 58 zhì xù jǐng rán f /in perfect order/ 秩序美 - 0 zhì xù měi f /order (as an aesthetic quality)/ 秩然不紊 - 0 zhì rán bù wěn f /to be in complete order (idiom)/ 秩祿 秩禄 T - 0 zhì lù f /official salaries/ 秩禄 秩祿 S - 0 zhì lù f /official salaries/ 秫 - 16 shú f /broomcorn millet (Panicum spp.)/Panicum italicum/glutinous millet/ 秫米 - 3 shú mǐ f /broomcorn millet (Panicum spp.)/Panicum italicum/glutinous millet/ 秬 - 0 jù f /black millet/ 秭 - 4 zǐ f /billion/ 秭归 秭歸 S - 560 Zǐ guī f /Zigui county in Yichang 宜昌[Yi2 chang1], Hubei/ 秭归县 秭歸縣 S - 269 Zǐ guī Xiàn f /Zigui county in Yichang 宜昌[Yi2 chang1], Hubei/ 秭歸 秭归 T - 560 Zǐ guī f /Zigui county in Yichang 宜昌[Yi2 chang1], Hubei/ 秭歸縣 秭归县 T - 269 Zǐ guī Xiàn f /Zigui county in Yichang 宜昌[Yi2 chang1], Hubei/ 积 積 S - 2440 jī f /to amass/to accumulate/to store/measured quantity (such as area of volume)/product (the result of multiplication)/to integrate (math.)/to solve (or integrate) an ordinary differential equation (math.)/old/long-standing/ 积不相能 積不相能 S - 3 jī bù xiāng néng f /always at loggerheads (idiom); never able to agree with sb/unable to get on with sb/ 积习 積習 S - 94 jī xí f /old habit (usually bad)/inbred custom/deep-rooted practice/ 积习成俗 積習成俗 S - 3 jī xí chéng sú f /accumulated habits become custom/ 积习难改 積習難改 S - 2 jī xí nán gǎi f /old habits are hard to change (idiom); It is hard to throw off ingrained habits./ 积于忽微 積於忽微 S - 0 jī yú hū wēi f /to accumulate tiny quantities (idiom)/ 积云 積雲 S - 19 jī yún f /cumulus/heap cloud/ 积冰 積冰 S - 9 jī bīng f /ice accretion/ 积分 積分 S - 742 jī fēn f /integral (calculus)/accumulated points (in sports, at school etc)/total credits earned by student/bonus points in a benefit scheme/ 积分变换 積分變換 S - 0 jī fēn biàn huàn f /integral transform (math.)/ 积分学 積分學 S - 24 jī fēn xué f /integral calculus/ 积分常数 積分常數 S - 0 jī fēn cháng shù f /constant of integration (math.)/ 积分方程 積分方程 S - 0 jī fēn fāng chéng f /integral equation (math.)/ 积分榜 積分榜 S - 128 jī fēn bǎng f /table of scores (in exams or sports league)/ 积劳成疾 積勞成疾 S - 27 jī láo chéng jí f /to accumulate work causes sickness (idiom); to fall ill from constant overwork/ 积压 積壓 S - 151 jī yā f /to pile up/to accumulate without being dealt with/ 积厚流广 積厚流廣 S - 0 jī hòu liú guǎng f /deep rooted and influential/ 积叠 積疊 S - 0 jī dié f /to pile up layer upon layer/ 积垢 積垢 S - 12 jī gòu f /deeply accumulated filth/ 积存 積存 S - 75 jī cún f /to stockpile/ 积少成多 積少成多 S - 8 jī shǎo chéng duō f /Many little things add up to sth great./Many little drops make an ocean. (idiom)/ 积年 積年 S - 3 jī nián f /for a long time/over many years/old/advanced in age/ 积年累月 積年累月 S - 4 jī nián lěi yuè f /year in, year out (idiom)/(over) many years/ 积弊 積弊 S - 86 jī bì f /age-old (malpractice)/long established (corrupt practices)/deeply rooted (superstition)/ 积弱 積弱 S - 15 jī ruò f /cumulative weakness/to decline (over time)/degeneration/ 积德 積德 S - 59 jī dé f /to accumulate merit/to do good/to give to charity/virtuous actions/ 积德累功 積德累功 S - 3 jī dé lěi gōng f /to accumulate merit and virtue/ 积怨 積怨 S - 43 jī yuàn f /grievance/accumulated rancor/ 积恶 積惡 S - 0 jī è f /accumulated evil/ 积恶余殃 積惡餘殃 S - 3 jī è yú yāng f /Accumulated evil will be repaid in suffering (idiom)./ 积愤 積憤 S - 27 jī fèn f /accumulated anger/pent-up fury/ 积攒 積攢 S - 131 jī zǎn f /to save bit by bit/to accumulate/ 积木 積木 S - 53 jī mù f /toy building blocks/ 积极 積極 S 1064 8844 jī jí f /active/energetic/vigorous/positive (outlook)/proactive/ 积极分子 積極份子 S - 51 jī jí fèn zǐ f /enthusiast/zealot/ 积极反应 積極反應 S - 0 jī jí fǎn yìng f /active response/energetic response/ 积极性 積極性 S - 1476 jī jí xìng f /zeal/initiative/enthusiasm/activity/ 积案 積案 S - 8 jī àn f /long pending case/ 积水 積水 S - 322 jī shuǐ f /to collect water/to be covered with water/to pond/accumulated water/ponding/ 积淀 積澱 S - 119 jī diàn f /deposits accumulated over long periods/fig. valuable experience, accumulated wisdom/ 积渐 積漸 S - 3 jī jiàn f /gradually/ 积物 積物 S - 0 jī wù f /sediment/deposit/ 积石山保安族东乡族撒拉族自治县 積石山保安族東鄉族撒拉族自治縣 S - 4 Jī shí shān Bǎo ān zú Dōng xiāng zú Sā lā zú zì zhì xiàn f /Jishishan Bonan, Dongxiang and Salar autonomous county in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture 臨夏回族自治州|临夏回族自治州[Lin2 xia4 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ 积祖 積祖 S - 0 jī zǔ f /many generations of ancestors/ 积累 積累 S 1174 2791 jī lěi f /to accumulate/accumulation/cumulative/cumulatively/ 积累性 積累性 S - 14 jī lěi xìng f /cumulative/ 积累毒性 積累毒性 S - 0 jī lěi dú xìng f /cumulative poison/ 积聚 積聚 S - 320 jī jù f /to coalesce/to gather together/to amass/ 积肥 積肥 S - 4 jī féi f /to accumulate manure/to lay down compost/ 积草屯粮 積草屯糧 S - 9 jī cǎo tún liáng f /to store up provisions against a war/ 积蓄 積蓄 S - 542 jī xù f /to save/to put aside/savings/ 积薪厝火 積薪厝火 S - 3 jī xīn cuò huǒ f /to add fuel to the flames/ 积谷防饥 積穀防饑 S - 3 jī gǔ fáng jī f /storing grain against a famine/to lay sth by for a rainy day/also written 積穀防飢|积谷防饥/ 积贮 積貯 S - 3 jī zhù f /to stockpile/ 积贼 積賊 S - 0 jī zéi f /confirmed thief/ 积郁 積鬱 S - 27 jī yù f /pent-up frustrations/sth that has accumulated in one's mind for a long time/ 积重难返 積重難返 S - 30 jī zhòng nán fǎn f /ingrained habits are hard to overcome (idiom); bad old practices die hard/ 积金累玉 積金累玉 S - 3 jī jīn lěi yù f /to accumulate gold and jewels (idiom); prosperous/ 积雨云 積雨雲 S - 32 jī yǔ yún f /cumulonimbus (cloud)/ 积雪 積雪 S - 607 jī xuě f /snow/snow cover/snow mantle/ 积雪场 積雪場 S - 3 jī xuě chǎng f /snowpack/ 积非成是 積非成是 S - 3 jī fēi chéng shì f /a wrong repeated becomes right (idiom); a lie or an error passed on for a long time may be taken for the truth/ 积食 積食 S - 3 jī shí f /(of food) to retain in stomach due to indigestion (TCM)/ 称 稱 S 1493 26275 chèn f /to fit/balanced/suitable/ 称 稱 S 1493 26275 chēng t /to weigh/to state/to name/name/appellation/to praise/ 称 稱 S 1493 26275 chèng f /variant of 秤[cheng4]/steelyard/ 称为 稱為 S - 14328 chēng wéi f /called/to call sth (by a name)/to name/ 称之为 稱之為 S - 1685 chēng zhī wéi f /to call it.../known as.../ 称作 稱作 S - 807 chēng zuò f /to be called/to be known as/ 称做 稱做 S - 184 chēng zuò f /to be called/to be known as/ 称号 稱號 S 3885 2930 chēng hào f /name/term of address/title/ 称呼 稱呼 S 1745 1087 chēng hu f /to call/to address as/appellation/ 称多 稱多 S - 0 Chèn duō f /Chindu county (Tibetan: khri 'du rdzong) in Yushu Tibetan autonomous prefecture 玉樹藏族自治州|玉树藏族自治州[Yu4 shu4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 称多县 稱多縣 S - 3 Chèn duō xiàn f /Chindu county (Tibetan: khri 'du rdzong) in Yushu Tibetan autonomous prefecture 玉樹藏族自治州|玉树藏族自治州[Yu4 shu4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 称心 稱心 S - 56 chèn xīn f /satisfactory/agreeable/ 称心如意 稱心如意 S 4806 43 chèn xīn rú yì f /after one's heart (idiom); gratifying and satisfactory/everything one could wish/ 称意 稱意 S - 2 chèn yì f /to be satisfactory/ 称扬 稱揚 S - 24 chēng yáng f /to praise/to compliment/ 称职 稱職 S - 175 chèn zhí f /well qualified/competent/to be equal to the task/able to do sth very well/ 称誉 稱譽 S - 55 chēng yù f /to acclaim/to sing the praises of/ 称许 稱許 S - 35 chēng xǔ f /to praise/to commend/ 称说 稱說 S - 0 chēng shuō f /to declare/to state/to call/to name/ 称谓 稱謂 S - 416 chēng wèi f /title/appellation/form of address/ 称谢 稱謝 S - 103 chēng xiè f /to express thanks/ 称赞 稱讚 S 2260 1123 chēng zàn f /to praise/to acclaim/to commend/to compliment/ 称道 稱道 S - 253 chēng dào f /to commend/to praise/ 称重 稱重 S - 15 chēng zhòng f /to weigh/ 称量 稱量 S - 92 chēng liáng f /to weigh/ 称钱 稱錢 S - 0 chèn qián f /(coll.) rich/well-heeled/ 称霸 稱霸 S - 196 chēng bà f /lit. to proclaim oneself hegemon/to take a leading role/to build a personal fiefdom/ 称颂 稱頌 S - 200 chēng sòng f /to praise/ 秷 - 47 zhí f /sound of reaping/ 秸 - 101 jiē f /grain stalks left after threshing/ 秸 稭 S - 101 jiē f /variant of 秸[jie1]/ 秸秆 秸稈 S - 131 jiē gǎn f /straw/ 秸稈 秸秆 T - 131 jiē gǎn f /straw/ 移 - 3331 yí f /to move/to shift/to change/to alter/to remove/ 移交 - 411 yí jiāo f /to transfer/to hand over/ 移位 - 112 yí wèi f /to shift/shift/translocation/displacement/(medicine) dislocation/ 移借 - 0 yí jiè f /to put to a different use/to borrow/(linguistics) borrowing/ 移动 移動 S 1537 3838 yí dòng f /to move/movement/migration/mobile/portable/ 移动平均线 移動平均線 S - 0 yí dòng píng jūn xiàn f /moving average (in financial analysis)/ 移动平均线指标 移動平均線指標 S - 0 yí dòng píng jūn xiàn zhǐ biāo f /moving average index (used in financial analysis)/ 移动式 移動式 S - 26 yí dòng shì f /mobile/ 移动式电话 移動式電話 S - 0 yí dòng shì diàn huà f /mobile telephone/ 移动性 移動性 S - 19 yí dòng xìng f /mobility/ 移动电话 移動電話 S - 3 yí dòng diàn huà f /mobile telephone/ 移动设备 移動設備 S - 0 yí dòng shè bèi f /mobile device (smartphone, tablet, etc)/ 移动通信网络 移動通信網絡 S - 0 yí dòng tōng xìn wǎng luò f /cell phone network/ 移動 移动 T 1537 3838 yí dòng f /to move/movement/migration/mobile/portable/ 移動平均線 移动平均线 T - 0 yí dòng píng jūn xiàn f /moving average (in financial analysis)/ 移動平均線指標 移动平均线指标 T - 0 yí dòng píng jūn xiàn zhǐ biāo f /moving average index (used in financial analysis)/ 移動式 移动式 T - 26 yí dòng shì f /mobile/ 移動式電話 移动式电话 T - 0 yí dòng shì diàn huà f /mobile telephone/ 移動性 移动性 T - 19 yí dòng xìng f /mobility/ 移動設備 移动设备 T - 0 yí dòng shè bèi f /mobile device (smartphone, tablet, etc)/ 移動通信網絡 移动通信网络 T - 0 yí dòng tōng xìn wǎng luò f /cell phone network/ 移動電話 移动电话 T - 3 yí dòng diàn huà f /mobile telephone/ 移去 - 3 yí qù f /to move away/ 移居 - 588 yí jū f /to migrate/to move to a new place of residence/ 移山倒海 - 7 yí shān dǎo hǎi f /lit. to move mountains and drain seas/to transform nature/ 移山志 - 0 yí shān zhì f /the will to move mountains/fig. high ambitions/ 移师 移師 S - 43 yí shī f /to move troops to/(fig.) to move to/to shift to/ 移師 移师 T - 43 yí shī f /to move troops to/(fig.) to move to/to shift to/ 移开 移開 S - 3 yí kāi f /move away/ 移情 - 61 yí qíng f /to shift one's affection/to change sentiment/ 移情別戀 移情别恋 T - 3 yí qíng bié liàn f /change of affection, shift of love (idiom); to change one's feelings to another love/to fall in love with sb else/ 移情别恋 移情別戀 S - 3 yí qíng bié liàn f /change of affection, shift of love (idiom); to change one's feelings to another love/to fall in love with sb else/ 移时 移時 S - 0 yí shí f /for a while/ 移時 移时 T - 0 yí shí f /for a while/ 移栽 - 36 yí zāi f /to transplant (horticulture, agriculture)/ 移植 - 999 yí zhí f /to transplant/ 移植性 - 2 yí zhí xìng f /portability/ 移植手术 移植手術 S - 3 yí zhí shǒu shù f /(organ) transplant operation/ 移植手術 移植手术 T - 3 yí zhí shǒu shù f /(organ) transplant operation/ 移殖 - 0 yí zhí f /variant of 移植[yi2 zhi2]/ 移民 1865 1231 yí mín f /to immigrate/to migrate/emigrant/immigrant/ 移民局 - 13 yí mín jú f /immigration office/ 移民工 - 0 yí mín gōng f /migrant worker/ 移民者 - 0 yí mín zhě f /migrant/immigrant/ 移液器 - 3 yí yè qì f /pipette/ 移用 - 3 yí yòng f /to re-use/to adapt (for another purpose)/to copy/ 移花接木 - 21 yí huā jiē mù f /lit. to graft flowers onto a tree/to surreptiously substitute one thing for another (idiom)/ 移調 移调 T - 3 yí diào f /to transpose (music)/ 移调 移調 S - 3 yí diào f /to transpose (music)/ 移送 - 172 yí sòng f /to transfer (a case, a person, files etc)/ 移送法办 移送法辦 S - 0 yí sòng fǎ bàn f /to bring to justice/to hand over to the law/ 移送法辦 移送法办 T - 0 yí sòng fǎ bàn f /to bring to justice/to hand over to the law/ 移開 移开 T - 3 yí kāi f /move away/ 移除 - 3 yí chú f /to remove/ 秽 穢 S - 251 huì f /dirt/filth/ 秽语 穢語 S - 12 huì yǔ f /obscene language/ 秾 穠 S - 47 nóng f /lush flora/ 稀 - 1441 xī f /rare/uncommon/watery/sparse/ 稀世 - 84 xī shì f /rare/ 稀土 - 162 xī tǔ f /rare earth (chemistry)/ 稀土元素 - 58 xī tǔ yuán sù f /rare earth element (chemistry)/ 稀土金属 稀土金屬 S - 23 xī tǔ jīn shǔ f /rare earth element/ 稀土金屬 稀土金属 T - 23 xī tǔ jīn shǔ f /rare earth element/ 稀奇 - 147 xī qí f /rare/strange/ 稀奇古怪 - 52 xī qí gǔ guài f /crazy/bizarre/weird/fantastic/strange/ 稀客 - 19 xī kè f /infrequent visitor/ 稀少 - 493 xī shǎo f /sparse/rare/ 稀巴烂 稀巴爛 S - 36 xī bā làn f /same as 稀爛|稀烂[xi1 lan4]/ 稀巴爛 稀巴烂 T - 36 xī bā làn f /same as 稀爛|稀烂[xi1 lan4]/ 稀有 - 530 xī yǒu f /uncommon/ 稀有元素 - 31 xī yǒu yuán sù f /trace element (nutrition)/ 稀有气体 稀有氣體 S - 44 xī yǒu qì tǐ f /rare gas/noble gas (chemistry)/ 稀有氣體 稀有气体 T - 44 xī yǒu qì tǐ f /rare gas/noble gas (chemistry)/ 稀松 稀鬆 S - 87 xī sōng f /poor/sloppy/unconcerned/heedless/lax/unimportant/trivial/loose/porous/ 稀松骨质 稀鬆骨質 S - 0 xī sōng gǔ zhì f /cancellous bone/trabecular bone/spongy bone/ 稀烂 稀爛 S - 121 xī làn f /smashed up/broken into pieces/thoroughly mashed/pulpy/ 稀爛 稀烂 T - 121 xī làn f /smashed up/broken into pieces/thoroughly mashed/pulpy/ 稀疏 - 353 xī shū f /sparse/infrequent/thinly spread/ 稀稀拉拉 - 35 xī xī lā lā f /sparse and fragmentary/ 稀粥 - 30 xī zhōu f /water gruel/thin porridge/ 稀缺 - 168 xī quē f /scarce/scarcity/ 稀罕 - 225 xī han f /rare/uncommon/rarity/to value as a rarity/to cherish/Taiwan pr. [xi1 han3]/ 稀薄 - 182 xī bó f /thin/rarefied/ 稀裏糊塗 稀里糊涂 T - 65 xī li hú tu f /muddleheaded/careless/ 稀裡嘩啦 稀里哗啦 T - 31 xī li huā lā f /(onom.) rustling sound/sound of rain or of sth falling down/in disorder/completely smashed/badly battered/broken to pieces/ 稀释 稀釋 S - 222 xī shì f /to dilute/ 稀釋 稀释 T - 222 xī shì f /to dilute/ 稀里光当 稀里光當 S - 3 xī li guāng dāng f /thin/diluted/ 稀里光當 稀里光当 T - 3 xī li guāng dāng f /thin/diluted/ 稀里哗啦 稀裡嘩啦 S - 31 xī li huā lā f /(onom.) rustling sound/sound of rain or of sth falling down/in disorder/completely smashed/badly battered/broken to pieces/ 稀里糊涂 稀裏糊塗 S - 65 xī li hú tu f /muddleheaded/careless/ 稀飯 稀饭 T - 396 xī fàn f /porridge/gruel/ 稀饭 稀飯 S - 396 xī fàn f /porridge/gruel/ 稀鬆 稀松 T - 87 xī sōng f /poor/sloppy/unconcerned/heedless/lax/unimportant/trivial/loose/porous/ 稀鬆骨質 稀松骨质 T - 0 xī sōng gǔ zhì f /cancellous bone/trabecular bone/spongy bone/ 稂 - 13 láng f /grass/weeds/ 稃 - 16 fū f /husk/outside shell of grain/ 稅 税 T 2053 2494 shuì f /taxes/duties/ 稅制 税制 T - 102 shuì zhì f /tax system/ 稅前 税前 T - 50 shuì qián f /pre-tax/before taxes/ 稅務 税务 T - 543 shuì wù f /taxation services/state revenue service/ 稅務局 税务局 T - 43 Shuì wù jú f /Tax Bureau/Inland Revenue Department (Hong Kong)/ 稅官 税官 T - 14 shuì guān f /a taxman/a customs officer/ 稅後 税后 T - 73 shuì hòu f /after tax/ 稅捐稽征處 税捐稽征处 T - 0 Shuì juān Jī zhēng chù f /Taipei Revenue Service (tax office)/ 稅收 税收 T - 1336 shuì shōu f /taxation/ 稅款 税款 T - 146 shuì kuǎn f /tax payments/ 稅法 税法 T - 149 shuì fǎ f /tax code/tax law/ 稅關 税关 T - 3 shuì guān f /customs house (in ancient times)/ 稆 - 0 lǚ f /variant of 穭|穞[lu:3]/ 稈 秆 T - 159 gǎn f /stalks of grain/ 稉 粳 T - 19 jīng f /variant of 粳[jing1]/ 稊 - 3 tí f /grass/tares/ 程 - 2087 Chéng f /surname Cheng/ 程 - 2087 chéng f /rule/order/regulations/formula/journey/procedure/sequence/ 程咬金 - 16 Chéng Yǎo jīn f /Cheng Yaojin (589-665), aka 程知節|程知节[Cheng2 Zhi1 jie2], Chinese general of the Tang dynasty/ 程子 - 3 chéng zi f /(Beijing dialect) see 陣子|阵子[zhen4 zi5]/ 程序 1488 5610 chéng xù f /procedures/sequence/order/computer program/ 程序员 程序員 S - 170 chéng xù yuán f /programmer/ 程序員 程序员 T - 170 chéng xù yuán f /programmer/ 程序库 程序庫 S - 3 chéng xù kù f /program library (computing)/ 程序庫 程序库 T - 3 chéng xù kù f /program library (computing)/ 程序性 - 44 chéng xù xìng f /program/ 程序法 - 24 chéng xù fǎ f /procedural law/ 程序設計 程序设计 T - 28 chéng xù shè jì f /computer programming/ 程序设计 程序設計 S - 28 chéng xù shè jì f /computer programming/ 程度 1551 9953 chéng dù f /degree (level or extent)/level/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 程式 - 197 chéng shì f /form/pattern/formula/program/ 程式管理员 程式管理員 S - 0 chéng shì guǎn lǐ yuán f /program manager (Windows)/ 程式管理員 程式管理员 T - 0 chéng shì guǎn lǐ yuán f /program manager (Windows)/ 程式語言 程式语言 T - 0 chéng shì yǔ yán f /programming language/ 程式语言 程式語言 S - 0 chéng shì yǔ yán f /programming language/ 程控 - 60 chéng kòng f /programmed/under automatic control/ 程控交换机 程控交換機 S - 0 chéng kòng jiāo huàn jī f /electronic switching system (telecom.)/stored program control exchange (SPC)/ 程控交換機 程控交换机 T - 0 chéng kòng jiāo huàn jī f /electronic switching system (telecom.)/stored program control exchange (SPC)/ 程控电话 程控電話 S - 18 chéng kòng diàn huà f /automatic telephone exchange/ 程控電話 程控电话 T - 18 chéng kòng diàn huà f /automatic telephone exchange/ 程昱 - 34 Chéng Yù f /Cheng Yu (141-220), advisor to General Cao Cao 曹操 during the Three Kingdoms era/ 程海湖 - 0 Chéng hǎi Hú f /Chenghai Lake in Lijiang 麗江市|丽江市, Hunan/ 程砚秋 程硯秋 S - 28 Chéng Yàn qiū f /Cheng Yanqiu (1904-1958), famous Beijing opera star, second only to 梅蘭芳|梅兰芳[Mei2 Lan2 fang1]/ 程硯秋 程砚秋 T - 28 Chéng Yàn qiū f /Cheng Yanqiu (1904-1958), famous Beijing opera star, second only to 梅蘭芳|梅兰芳[Mei2 Lan2 fang1]/ 程邈 - 3 Chéng Miǎo f /Cheng Miao, a jailer turned prisoner in the Jin dynasty who created the clerical style of Chinese calligraphy/ 程門立雪 程门立雪 T - 2 Chéng mén lì xuě f /lit. the snow piles up at Cheng Yi's door (idiom)/fig. deep reverence for one's master/ 程门立雪 程門立雪 S - 2 Chéng mén lì xuě f /lit. the snow piles up at Cheng Yi's door (idiom)/fig. deep reverence for one's master/ 程頤 程颐 T - 3 Chéng Yí f /Cheng Yi (1033-1107), Song neo-Confucian scholar/ 程顥 程颢 T - 47 Chéng Hào f /Cheng Hao (1032-1085), Song neo-Confucian scholar/ 程颐 程頤 S - 3 Chéng Yí f /Cheng Yi (1033-1107), Song neo-Confucian scholar/ 程颢 程顥 S - 47 Chéng Hào f /Cheng Hao (1032-1085), Song neo-Confucian scholar/ 稌 - 2 tú f /sticky rice/ 稍 - 4540 shāo t /somewhat/a little/ 稍 - 4540 shào f /see 稍息[shao4 xi1]/ 稍后 稍後 S - 167 shāo hòu f /in a little while/in a moment/later on/ 稍嫌 - 3 shāo xián f /more than one would wish/somewhat/a bit too (old, contrived, distracting etc)/ 稍安勿躁 - 0 shāo ān wù zào f /variant of 少安毋躁[shao3 an1 wu2 zao4]/ 稍安毋躁 - 3 shāo ān wú zào f /variant of 少安毋躁[shao3 an1 wu2 zao4]/ 稍异 稍異 S - 0 shāo yì f /differing slightly/ 稍後 稍后 T - 167 shāo hòu f /in a little while/in a moment/later on/ 稍微 990 719 shāo wēi f /a little bit/ 稍快板 - 0 shāo kuài bǎn f /allegretto/ 稍息 - 25 shào xī f /Stand at ease! (military)/Taiwan pr. [shao1 xi1]/ 稍早 - 3 shāo zǎo f /a little early/ 稍早时 稍早時 S - 0 shāo zǎo shí f /a little earlier/ 稍早時 稍早时 T - 0 shāo zǎo shí f /a little earlier/ 稍異 稍异 T - 0 shāo yì f /differing slightly/ 稍稍 - 610 shāo shāo f /somewhat/a little/slightly/ 稍等 - 0 shāo děng f /to wait a moment/ 稍縱即逝 稍纵即逝 T - 55 shāo zòng jí shì f /transient/fleeting/ 稍纵即逝 稍縱即逝 S - 55 shāo zòng jí shì f /transient/fleeting/ 稍許 稍许 T - 36 shāo xǔ f /a little/a bit/ 稍许 稍許 S - 36 shāo xǔ f /a little/a bit/ 稍食 - 0 shāo shí f /(old) monthly salary of an official/ 税 稅 S 2053 2494 shuì f /taxes/duties/ 税关 稅關 S - 3 shuì guān f /customs house (in ancient times)/ 税制 稅制 S - 102 shuì zhì f /tax system/ 税前 稅前 S - 50 shuì qián f /pre-tax/before taxes/ 税务 稅務 S - 543 shuì wù f /taxation services/state revenue service/ 税务局 稅務局 S - 43 Shuì wù jú f /Tax Bureau/Inland Revenue Department (Hong Kong)/ 税后 稅後 S - 73 shuì hòu f /after tax/ 税官 稅官 S - 14 shuì guān f /a taxman/a customs officer/ 税捐稽征处 稅捐稽征處 S - 0 Shuì juān Jī zhēng chù f /Taipei Revenue Service (tax office)/ 税收 稅收 S - 1336 shuì shōu f /taxation/ 税款 稅款 S - 146 shuì kuǎn f /tax payments/ 税法 稅法 S - 149 shuì fǎ f /tax code/tax law/ 稑 - 0 lù f /late-planted early-ripening grain/ 稔 - 32 rěn f /ripe grain/ 稗 - 58 bài f /barnyard millet (Echinochloa crus-galli)/Panicum crus-galli/(literary) insignificant/trivial/ 稗 粺 S - 58 bài f /polished rice/old variant of 稗[bai4]/ 稙 - 0 zhí f /early-planted crop/ 稚 - 222 zhì f /infantile/young/ 稚 稺 S - 222 zhì f /old variant of 稚[zhi4]/ 稚 穉 S - 222 zhì f /variant of 稚[zhi4]/ 稚女 - 3 zhì nǚ f /little girl (of toddler age)/ 稚嫩 - 92 zhì nèn f /young and tender/puerile/soft and immature/ 稚子 - 12 zhì zǐ f /young child/ 稚弱 - 3 zhì ruò f /immature and feeble/ 稚拙 - 32 zhì zhuō f /young and clumsy/childish and awkward/ 稚气 稚氣 S - 87 zhì qì f /childish nature/infantile/juvenile/puerile/ 稚气未脱 稚氣未脫 S - 7 zhì qì wèi tuō f /still possessing the innocence of childhood (idiom)/ 稚氣 稚气 T - 87 zhì qì f /childish nature/infantile/juvenile/puerile/ 稚氣未脫 稚气未脱 T - 7 zhì qì wèi tuō f /still possessing the innocence of childhood (idiom)/ 稚虫 稚蟲 S - 3 zhì chóng f /naiad/larva/developmental stage of insect/ 稚蟲 稚虫 T - 3 zhì chóng f /naiad/larva/developmental stage of insect/ 稛 - 5 kǔn f /full/ 稜 棱 T - 905 léng f /corner/edge/arris (sharp ridge formed by two surfaces meeting at an edge)/protrusion/ 稜柱 棱柱 T - 6 léng zhù f /prism/ 稜臺 棱台 T - 2 léng tái f /prism/ 稜角 棱角 T - 83 léng jiǎo f /edge and corner/protrusion/sharpness (of a protrusion)/craggy/ridge corner/ 稜錐 棱锥 T - 14 léng zhuī f /pyramid (geometry)/ 稜鏡 棱镜 T - 80 léng jìng f /prism/prismatic lens/ 稞 - 3 kē f /(wheat)/ 稟 禀 T - 1460 bǐng f /to make a report (to a superior)/to give/to endow/to receive/petition/ 稟告 禀告 T - 406 bǐng gào f /to report (to one's superior)/ 稟報 禀报 T - 1156 bǐng bào f /to report (to one's superior)/ 稟復 禀复 T - 0 bǐng fù f /to report back (to a superior)/ 稟性 禀性 T - 49 bǐng xìng f /natural disposition/ 稟承 禀承 T - 5 bǐng chéng f /variant of 秉承[bing3 cheng2]/ 稟賦 禀赋 T - 81 bǐng fù f /natural endowment/gift/ 稠 - 245 chóu f /dense/crowded/thick/many/ 稠密 4881 365 chóu mì f /dense/ 稠浊 稠濁 S - 0 chóu zhuó f /numerous and confused/forming a confused mass/ 稠濁 稠浊 T - 0 chóu zhuó f /numerous and confused/forming a confused mass/ 稣 穌 S - 47 sū f /archaic variant of 蘇|苏[su1]/to revive/ 稨 - 0 biǎn f /see 稨豆[bian3 dou4]/ 稨豆 - 0 biǎn dòu f /variant of 扁豆[bian3 dou4]/ 稬 糯 T - 236 nuò f /variant of 糯[nuo4]/ 稭 秸 T - 101 jiē f /variant of 秸[jie1]/ 種 种 T 343 20538 zhǒng t /seed/species/kind/type/classifier for types, kinds, sorts/ 種 种 T 343 20538 zhòng f /to plant/to grow/to cultivate/ 種仁 种仁 T - 25 zhǒng rén f /seed kernel/ 種公畜 种公畜 T - 0 zhǒng gōng chù f /stud/male breeding stock (of animal species)/ 種地 种地 T - 182 zhòng dì f /to farm/to work the land/ 種塊 种块 T - 0 zhǒng kuài f /seed tuber/ 種姓 种姓 T - 358 zhǒng xìng f /caste (traditional Indian social division)/ 種姓制 种姓制 T - 0 zhǒng xìng zhì f /caste system (traditional Indian social division)/ 種姓製度 种姓制度 T - 0 zhǒng xìng zhì dù f /caste system/ 種子 种子 T 3497 2039 zhǒng zi f /seed/CL:顆|颗[ke1],粒[li4]/ 種子島 种子岛 T - 7 Zhǒng zi dǎo f /Tanegashima, Japanese Island off Kyushu, the Japanese space launch site/ 種子植物 种子植物 T - 0 zhǒng zi zhí wù f /seed plant/ 種子選手 种子选手 T - 37 zhǒng zi xuǎn shǒu f /seeded player/ 種實 种实 T - 0 zhǒng shí f /seed/seedpod/aril/ 種差 种差 T - 3 zhǒng chā f /determinant (characteristic of a species)/ 種族 种族 T 2792 1136 zhǒng zú f /race/ethnicity/ 種族中心主義 种族中心主义 T - 0 zhǒng zú zhōng xīn zhǔ yì f /ethnocentrism/ 種族主義 种族主义 T - 101 zhǒng zú zhǔ yì f /racism/ 種族主義者 种族主义者 T - 5 zhǒng zú zhǔ yì zhě f /racist (person)/ 種族歧視 种族歧视 T - 92 zhǒng zú qí shì f /racial discrimination/racism/ 種族清洗 种族清洗 T - 0 zhǒng zú qīng xǐ f /"ethnic cleansing"/genocide/ 種族清除 种族清除 T - 0 zhǒng zú qīng chú f /ethnic cleansing/ 種族滅絕 种族灭绝 T - 3 zhǒng zú miè jué f /genocide/ 種族隔離 种族隔离 T - 3 zhǒng zú gé lí f /apartheid/ 種植 种植 T 3960 3084 zhòng zhí f /to plant/to grow/ 種植園 种植园 T - 188 zhòng zhí yuán f /plantation/ 種植業 种植业 T - 284 zhòng zhí yè f /plantation/ 種植體 种植体 T - 3 zhòng zhí tǐ f /implant (dentistry)/ 種樹 种树 T - 42 zhòng shù f /to plant trees/ 種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆 T - 0 zhòng guā dé guā , zhòng dòu dé dòu f /lit. Sow melon and you get melon, sow beans and you get beans (idiom); fig. As you sow, so shall you reap./One must live with the consequences of one's actions./You've made your bed, now must lie on it./ 種田 种田 T - 130 zhòng tián f /to farm/farming/ 種畜 种畜 T - 8 zhǒng chù f /breeding stock (of animal species)/stud/ 種禽 种禽 T - 4 zhǒng qín f /cock/male breeding poultry/ 種種 种种 T - 3344 zhǒng zhǒng f /all kinds of/ 種系 种系 T - 3 zhǒng xì f /evolutionary line/line of descent/ 種群 种群 T - 291 zhǒng qún f /population (of a species)/community (of animals or plants)/ 種臍 种脐 T - 0 zhǒng qí f /hilum/omphalodium (botany)/ 種花 种花 T - 27 zhòng huā f /to grow flowers/floriculture/ 種薯 种薯 T - 0 zhǒng shǔ f /seed tuber/ 種蛋 种蛋 T - 5 zhǒng dàn f /breeding egg/ 種類 种类 T 2292 4950 zhǒng lèi f /kind/genus/type/category/variety/species/sort/class/ 種馬 种马 T - 12 zhǒng mǎ f /stallion/stud horse/ 種麻 种麻 T - 10 zhǒng má f /distinctively female hemp plant (Cannabis sativa)/ 稱 称 T 1493 26275 chèn f /to fit/balanced/suitable/ 稱 称 T 1493 26275 chēng t /to weigh/to state/to name/name/appellation/to praise/ 稱 称 T 1493 26275 chèng f /variant of 秤[cheng4]/steelyard/ 稱之為 称之为 T - 1685 chēng zhī wéi f /to call it.../known as.../ 稱作 称作 T - 807 chēng zuò f /to be called/to be known as/ 稱做 称做 T - 184 chēng zuò f /to be called/to be known as/ 稱呼 称呼 T 1745 1087 chēng hu f /to call/to address as/appellation/ 稱多 称多 T - 0 Chèn duō f /Chindu county (Tibetan: khri 'du rdzong) in Yushu Tibetan autonomous prefecture 玉樹藏族自治州|玉树藏族自治州[Yu4 shu4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 稱多縣 称多县 T - 3 Chèn duō xiàn f /Chindu county (Tibetan: khri 'du rdzong) in Yushu Tibetan autonomous prefecture 玉樹藏族自治州|玉树藏族自治州[Yu4 shu4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 稱心 称心 T - 56 chèn xīn f /satisfactory/agreeable/ 稱心如意 称心如意 T 4806 43 chèn xīn rú yì f /after one's heart (idiom); gratifying and satisfactory/everything one could wish/ 稱意 称意 T - 2 chèn yì f /to be satisfactory/ 稱揚 称扬 T - 24 chēng yáng f /to praise/to compliment/ 稱為 称为 T - 14328 chēng wéi f /called/to call sth (by a name)/to name/ 稱職 称职 T - 175 chèn zhí f /well qualified/competent/to be equal to the task/able to do sth very well/ 稱號 称号 T 3885 2930 chēng hào f /name/term of address/title/ 稱許 称许 T - 35 chēng xǔ f /to praise/to commend/ 稱說 称说 T - 0 chēng shuō f /to declare/to state/to call/to name/ 稱謂 称谓 T - 416 chēng wèi f /title/appellation/form of address/ 稱謝 称谢 T - 103 chēng xiè f /to express thanks/ 稱譽 称誉 T - 55 chēng yù f /to acclaim/to sing the praises of/ 稱讚 称赞 T 2260 1123 chēng zàn f /to praise/to acclaim/to commend/to compliment/ 稱道 称道 T - 253 chēng dào f /to commend/to praise/ 稱重 称重 T - 15 chēng zhòng f /to weigh/ 稱量 称量 T - 92 chēng liáng f /to weigh/ 稱錢 称钱 T - 0 chèn qián f /(coll.) rich/well-heeled/ 稱霸 称霸 T - 196 chēng bà f /lit. to proclaim oneself hegemon/to take a leading role/to build a personal fiefdom/ 稱頌 称颂 T - 200 chēng sòng f /to praise/ 稲 - 0 dào f /variant of 稻[dao4]/ 稳 穩 S - 1908 wěn f /settled/steady/stable/ 稳中求进 穩中求進 S - 26 wěn zhōng qiú jìn f /to make progress while ensuring stability/ 稳便 穩便 S - 31 wěn biàn f /reliable/at one's convenience/as you wish/ 稳健 穩健 S - 339 wěn jiàn f /firm/stable and steady/ 稳压 穩壓 S - 12 wěn yā f /stable voltage/ 稳厚 穩厚 S - 0 wěn hòu f /steady and honest/ 稳固 穩固 S - 308 wěn gù f /stable/steady/firm/to stabilize/ 稳坐钓鱼台 穩坐釣魚臺 S - 10 wěn zuò diào yú tái f /lit. sitting at ease in a fishing boat despite storms (idiom); to stay calm during tense situation/a cool head in a crisis/ 稳如泰山 穩如泰山 S - 46 wěn rú Tài Shān f /steady as Mt Tai/as safe as houses/ 稳妥 穩妥 S - 246 wěn tuǒ f /dependable/ 稳婆 穩婆 S - 7 wěn pó f /midwife (old term)/ 稳定 穩定 S 1556 8439 wěn dìng f /steady/stable/stability/to stabilize/to pacify/ 稳定塘 穩定塘 S - 0 wěn dìng táng f /stabilization tank (for sewage processing)/ 稳定度 穩定度 S - 18 wěn dìng dù f /degree of stability/ 稳定性 穩定性 S - 857 wěn dìng xìng f /stability/ 稳定物价 穩定物價 S - 3 wěn dìng wù jià f /stable prices/commodity prices fixed by government (in a command economy)/to valorize (a commodity)/ 稳实 穩實 S - 3 wěn shí f /steady/calm and practical/ 稳当 穩當 S - 55 wěn dang f /reliable/secure/stable/firm/ 稳态 穩態 S - 88 wěn tài f /steady state/homeostasis/ 稳态理论 穩態理論 S - 0 wěn tài lǐ lùn f /the steady-state theory (cosmology)/ 稳恒 穩恆 S - 0 wěn héng f /steady/stable and permanent/constant/steady-state/ 稳恒态 穩恆態 S - 0 wěn héng tài f /steady state/stable and permanent attitude/ 稳扎稳打 穩扎穩打 S - 54 wěn zhā wěn dǎ f /to go steady and strike hard (in fighting)/fig. steadily and surely/ 稳拿 穩拿 S - 7 wěn ná f /a sure gain/sth one is sure to obtain/ 稳操胜券 穩操勝券 S - 35 wěn cāo shèng quàn f /grasp it and victory is assured/to have success within one's grasp (idiom)/ 稳步 穩步 S - 1233 wěn bù f /steadily/a steady pace/ 稳步不前 穩步不前 S - 0 wěn bù bù qián f /to mark time and make no advances (idiom)/ 稳练 穩練 S - 3 wěn liàn f /steady and proficient/skilled and reliable/ 稳胜 穩勝 S - 0 wěn shèng f /to beat comfortably/to win easily/abbr. for 穩操勝券|稳操胜券, to have victory within one's grasp/ 稳获 穩獲 S - 12 wěn huò f /a sure catch/sth one is sure to obtain/ 稳贴 穩貼 S - 0 wěn tiē f /safe/to appease/to reassure/ 稳重 穩重 S - 202 wěn zhòng f /steady/earnest/staid/ 稳静 穩靜 S - 0 wěn jìng f /steady/calm/ 稷 - 273 jì f /millet/God of cereals worshiped by ancient rulers/minister of agriculture/ 稷山 - 20 Jì shān f /Jishan county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ 稷山县 稷山縣 S - 7 Jì shān xiàn f /Jishan county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ 稷山縣 稷山县 T - 7 Jì shān xiàn f /Jishan county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ 稹 - 121 zhěn f /to accumulate/fine and close/ 稺 稚 T - 222 zhì f /old variant of 稚[zhi4]/ 稻 - 470 dào f /paddy/rice (Oraza sativa)/ 稻作 - 3 dào zuò f /rice cultivation/ 稻城 - 10 Dào chéng f /Daocheng county (Tibetan: 'dab pa rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ 稻城县 稻城縣 S - 3 Dào chéng xiàn f /Daocheng county (Tibetan: 'dab pa rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ 稻城縣 稻城县 T - 3 Dào chéng xiàn f /Daocheng county (Tibetan: 'dab pa rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ 稻壳 稻殼 S - 29 dào ké f /rice husk/ 稻子 - 34 dào zi f /rice (crop)/unhulled rice/ 稻殼 稻壳 T - 29 dào ké f /rice husk/ 稻田 - 206 dào tián f /paddy field/rice paddy/ 稻田苇莺 稻田葦鶯 S - 0 dào tián wěi yīng f /(bird species of China) paddyfield warbler (Acrocephalus agricola)/ 稻田葦鶯 稻田苇莺 T - 0 dào tián wěi yīng f /(bird species of China) paddyfield warbler (Acrocephalus agricola)/ 稻田鷚 稻田鹨 T - 0 dào tián liù f /(bird species of China) paddyfield pipit (Anthus rufulus)/ 稻田鹨 稻田鷚 S - 0 dào tián liù f /(bird species of China) paddyfield pipit (Anthus rufulus)/ 稻穀 稻谷 T 4949 505 dào gǔ f /rice crops/ 稻穗 - 5 dào suì f /rice ear/ 稻米 - 236 dào mǐ f /rice (crop)/ 稻糠 - 2 dào kāng f /rice husk/ 稻苗 - 2 dào miáo f /rice seedling/ 稻草 - 193 dào cǎo f /rice straw/ 稻草人 - 20 dào cǎo rén f /scarecrow/ 稻荷壽司 稻荷寿司 T - 0 dào hè shòu sī f /inarizushi (pouch of fried tofu typically filled with rice)/ 稻荷寿司 稻荷壽司 S - 0 dào hè shòu sī f /inarizushi (pouch of fried tofu typically filled with rice)/ 稻谷 稻穀 S 4949 505 dào gǔ f /rice crops/ 稼 - 84 jià f /to sow grain/(farm) crop/ 稼穑 稼穡 S - 19 jià sè f /(literary) sowing and reaping/farm work/ 稼穡 稼穑 T - 19 jià sè f /(literary) sowing and reaping/farm work/ 稽 - 334 Jī t /surname Ji/ 稽 - 334 jī t /to inspect/to check/ 稽 - 334 qǐ f /to bow to the ground/ 稽古 - 0 jī gǔ f /to learn from the ancients/to study the classic texts/ 稽古振今 - 3 jī gǔ zhèn jīn f /studying the old to promote the new (idiom)/ 稽查 - 135 jī chá f /inspection/ 稽查人员 稽查人員 S - 3 jī chá rén yuán f /inspector/ 稽查人員 稽查人员 T - 3 jī chá rén yuán f /inspector/ 稽查员 稽查員 S - 3 jī chá yuán f /inspector/ticket inspector/ 稽查員 稽查员 T - 3 jī chá yuán f /inspector/ticket inspector/ 稽核 - 80 jī hé f /to audit/to verify/to examine/auditing/ 稽顙 稽颡 T - 0 qǐ sǎng f /to kowtow (touch the forehead to the floor)/ 稽颡 稽顙 S - 0 qǐ sǎng f /to kowtow (touch the forehead to the floor)/ 稾 稿 T - 1438 gǎo f /variant of 稿[gao3]/ 稿 稾 S - 1438 gǎo f /variant of 稿[gao3]/ 稿 - 1438 gǎo f /manuscript/draft/stalk of grain/ 稿件 4868 168 gǎo jiàn f /rough draft/material contributing to a final document/ 稿子 - 354 gǎo zi f /draft of a document/script/manuscript/mental plan/precedent/ 稿本 - 15 gǎo běn f /manuscript (of a book etc)/sketch (of a design etc)/ 稿紙 稿纸 T - 72 gǎo zhǐ f /draft paper/ 稿纸 稿紙 S - 72 gǎo zhǐ f /draft paper/ 稿費 稿费 T - 82 gǎo fèi f /author's remuneration/CL:筆|笔[bi3]/ 稿费 稿費 S - 82 gǎo fèi f /author's remuneration/CL:筆|笔[bi3]/ 稿酬 - 41 gǎo chóu f /fee paid to an author for a piece of writing/ 穀 谷 T - 3461 gǔ f /grain/corn/ 穀倉 谷仓 T - 48 gǔ cāng f /barn/ 穀子 谷子 T - 384 gǔ zi f /millet/ 穀梁 谷梁 T - 28 Gǔ liáng f /surname Guliang/abbr. for 穀梁傳|谷梁传[Gu3 liang2 Zhuan4], Guliang Annals/ 穀梁傳 谷梁传 T - 3 Gǔ liáng Zhuàn f /Guliang Annals, commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋[Chun1 qiu1], first published during the Han Dynasty/ 穀歌 谷歌 T - 0 Gǔ gē f /variant of 谷歌[Gu3 ge1]/ 穀殼 谷壳 T - 7 gǔ ké f /husk of grain/grain and chaff/ 穀氨酸 谷氨酸 T - 93 gǔ ān suān f /glutamic acid (Glu), an amino acid/ 穀氨酸鈉 谷氨酸钠 T - 3 gǔ ān suān nà f /monosodium glutamate (MSG) (E621)/ 穀物 谷物 T - 696 gǔ wù f /cereal/grain/ 穀神 谷神 T - 8 gǔ shén f /harvest God/ 穀神星 谷神星 T - 3 Gǔ shén xīng f /Ceres, dwarf planet in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, discovered in 1801 by G. Piazzi/ 穀穗 谷穗 T - 9 gǔ suì f /ear of grain/gerbe (used on coats of arms)/ 穀粒 谷粒 T - 17 gǔ lì f /grain (of cereal)/ 穀糠 谷糠 T - 11 gǔ kāng f /grain chaff/ 穀草 谷草 T - 5 gǔ cǎo f /straw/ 穀雨 谷雨 T - 0 Gǔ yǔ f /Guyu or Grain Rain, 6th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 20th April-4th May/ 穀類 谷类 T - 69 gǔ lèi f /cereal/grain/ 穂 - 0 suì f /Japanese variant of 穗[sui4]/ 穄 - 9 jì f /(millet)/ 穅 糠 T - 259 kāng f /variant of 糠[kang1]/ 穆 - 404 Mù f /surname Mu/ 穆 - 404 mù f /solemn/reverent/calm/burial position in an ancestral tomb (old)/old variant of 默/ 穆加貝 穆加贝 T - 9 Mù jiā bèi f /Robert Mugabe (1924-), Zimbabwean ZANU-PF politician, President of Zimbabwe 1987-/ 穆加贝 穆加貝 S - 9 Mù jiā bèi f /Robert Mugabe (1924-), Zimbabwean ZANU-PF politician, President of Zimbabwe 1987-/ 穆圣 穆聖 S - 11 Mù shèng f /Prophet Muhammad/ 穆尔西 穆爾西 S - 12 Mù ěr xī f /Morsi, Mursi or Morsy (name)/Mohamed Morsi (1951-), Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood politician, President of Egypt 2012-2013/ 穆巴拉克 - 142 Mù bā lā kè f /Hosni Mubarak (1928-), former Egyptian President and military commander/ 穆斯林 - 1280 Mù sī lín f /Muslim/ 穆桂英 - 30 Mù Guì yīng f /Mu Guiying, female warrior and heroine of the Yang Saga 楊家將|杨家将/ 穆棱 穆稜 S - 11 Mù líng f /Muling county level city in Mudanjiang 牡丹江, Heilongjiang/ 穆棱市 穆稜市 S - 3 Mù líng shì f /Muling county level city in Mudanjiang 牡丹江, Heilongjiang/ 穆沙拉夫 - 18 Mù shā lā fū f /Pervez Musharraf (1943-), Pakistani general and politician, president 2001-2008/ 穆爾西 穆尔西 T - 12 Mù ěr xī f /Morsi, Mursi or Morsy (name)/Mohamed Morsi (1951-), Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood politician, President of Egypt 2012-2013/ 穆稜 穆棱 T - 11 Mù líng f /Muling county level city in Mudanjiang 牡丹江, Heilongjiang/ 穆稜市 穆棱市 T - 3 Mù líng shì f /Muling county level city in Mudanjiang 牡丹江, Heilongjiang/ 穆索尔斯基 穆索爾斯基 S - 0 Mù suǒ ěr sī jī f /Modest Mussorgsky (1839-1881), Russian composer, composer of Pictures at an Exhibition/ 穆索爾斯基 穆索尔斯基 T - 0 Mù suǒ ěr sī jī f /Modest Mussorgsky (1839-1881), Russian composer, composer of Pictures at an Exhibition/ 穆罕默德 - 443 Mù hǎn mò dé f /Mohammed (c. 570-632), central figure of Islam and prophet of God/ 穆罕默德·欧玛 穆罕默德·歐瑪 S - 0 Mù hǎn mò dé · Oū mǎ f /Mullah Mohammad Omar (1959-), Taliban leader, Afghan head of state 1996-2001/ 穆罕默德·歐瑪 穆罕默德·欧玛 T - 0 Mù hǎn mò dé · Oū mǎ f /Mullah Mohammad Omar (1959-), Taliban leader, Afghan head of state 1996-2001/ 穆罕默德六世 - 0 Mù hǎn mò dé liù shì f /King Mohammed VI (King of Morocco)/ 穆聖 穆圣 T - 11 Mù shèng f /Prophet Muhammad/ 穆萨维 穆薩維 S - 2 Mù sà wéi f /Moussavi, Mir Hussein (1941-), candidate in Iran's disputed 2009 elections/ 穆薩維 穆萨维 T - 2 Mù sà wéi f /Moussavi, Mir Hussein (1941-), candidate in Iran's disputed 2009 elections/ 穆迪 - 20 Mù dí f /Moody's, company specializing in financial market ratings/ 穆通 - 2 Mù tōng f /Mouton (name)/Gabriel Mouton (1618-1694), French clergyman and scientist, pioneer of the metric system/ 穇 - 13 shān f /panicum frumentaceum/ 穈 - 0 mén f /porridge/rice sprouts/ 穉 稚 T - 222 zhì f /variant of 稚[zhi4]/ 穊 - 0 jì f /dense/ 穋 - 2 lù f /late-planted early-ripening grain/ 穌 稣 T - 47 sū f /archaic variant of 蘇|苏[su1]/to revive/ 積 积 T - 2440 jī f /to amass/to accumulate/to store/measured quantity (such as area of volume)/product (the result of multiplication)/to integrate (math.)/to solve (or integrate) an ordinary differential equation (math.)/old/long-standing/ 積不相能 积不相能 T - 3 jī bù xiāng néng f /always at loggerheads (idiom); never able to agree with sb/unable to get on with sb/ 積冰 积冰 T - 9 jī bīng f /ice accretion/ 積分 积分 T - 742 jī fēn f /integral (calculus)/accumulated points (in sports, at school etc)/total credits earned by student/bonus points in a benefit scheme/ 積分學 积分学 T - 24 jī fēn xué f /integral calculus/ 積分常數 积分常数 T - 0 jī fēn cháng shù f /constant of integration (math.)/ 積分方程 积分方程 T - 0 jī fēn fāng chéng f /integral equation (math.)/ 積分榜 积分榜 T - 128 jī fēn bǎng f /table of scores (in exams or sports league)/ 積分變換 积分变换 T - 0 jī fēn biàn huàn f /integral transform (math.)/ 積勞成疾 积劳成疾 T - 27 jī láo chéng jí f /to accumulate work causes sickness (idiom); to fall ill from constant overwork/ 積厚流廣 积厚流广 T - 0 jī hòu liú guǎng f /deep rooted and influential/ 積垢 积垢 T - 12 jī gòu f /deeply accumulated filth/ 積壓 积压 T - 151 jī yā f /to pile up/to accumulate without being dealt with/ 積存 积存 T - 75 jī cún f /to stockpile/ 積少成多 积少成多 T - 8 jī shǎo chéng duō f /Many little things add up to sth great./Many little drops make an ocean. (idiom)/ 積年 积年 T - 3 jī nián f /for a long time/over many years/old/advanced in age/ 積年累月 积年累月 T - 4 jī nián lěi yuè f /year in, year out (idiom)/(over) many years/ 積弊 积弊 T - 86 jī bì f /age-old (malpractice)/long established (corrupt practices)/deeply rooted (superstition)/ 積弱 积弱 T - 15 jī ruò f /cumulative weakness/to decline (over time)/degeneration/ 積德 积德 T - 59 jī dé f /to accumulate merit/to do good/to give to charity/virtuous actions/ 積德累功 积德累功 T - 3 jī dé lěi gōng f /to accumulate merit and virtue/ 積怨 积怨 T - 43 jī yuàn f /grievance/accumulated rancor/ 積惡 积恶 T - 0 jī è f /accumulated evil/ 積惡餘殃 积恶余殃 T - 3 jī è yú yāng f /Accumulated evil will be repaid in suffering (idiom)./ 積憤 积愤 T - 27 jī fèn f /accumulated anger/pent-up fury/ 積攢 积攒 T - 131 jī zǎn f /to save bit by bit/to accumulate/ 積於忽微 积于忽微 T - 0 jī yú hū wēi f /to accumulate tiny quantities (idiom)/ 積木 积木 T - 53 jī mù f /toy building blocks/ 積案 积案 T - 8 jī àn f /long pending case/ 積極 积极 T 1064 8844 jī jí f /active/energetic/vigorous/positive (outlook)/proactive/ 積極份子 积极分子 T - 51 jī jí fèn zǐ f /enthusiast/zealot/ 積極反應 积极反应 T - 0 jī jí fǎn yìng f /active response/energetic response/ 積極性 积极性 T - 1476 jī jí xìng f /zeal/initiative/enthusiasm/activity/ 積水 积水 T - 322 jī shuǐ f /to collect water/to be covered with water/to pond/accumulated water/ponding/ 積漸 积渐 T - 3 jī jiàn f /gradually/ 積澱 积淀 T - 119 jī diàn f /deposits accumulated over long periods/fig. valuable experience, accumulated wisdom/ 積物 积物 T - 0 jī wù f /sediment/deposit/ 積疊 积叠 T - 0 jī dié f /to pile up layer upon layer/ 積石山保安族東鄉族撒拉族自治縣 积石山保安族东乡族撒拉族自治县 T - 4 Jī shí shān Bǎo ān zú Dōng xiāng zú Sā lā zú zì zhì xiàn f /Jishishan Bonan, Dongxiang and Salar autonomous county in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture 臨夏回族自治州|临夏回族自治州[Lin2 xia4 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ 積祖 积祖 T - 0 jī zǔ f /many generations of ancestors/ 積穀防饑 积谷防饥 T - 3 jī gǔ fáng jī f /storing grain against a famine/to lay sth by for a rainy day/also written 積穀防飢|积谷防饥/ 積累 积累 T 1174 2791 jī lěi f /to accumulate/accumulation/cumulative/cumulatively/ 積累性 积累性 T - 14 jī lěi xìng f /cumulative/ 積累毒性 积累毒性 T - 0 jī lěi dú xìng f /cumulative poison/ 積習 积习 T - 94 jī xí f /old habit (usually bad)/inbred custom/deep-rooted practice/ 積習成俗 积习成俗 T - 3 jī xí chéng sú f /accumulated habits become custom/ 積習難改 积习难改 T - 2 jī xí nán gǎi f /old habits are hard to change (idiom); It is hard to throw off ingrained habits./ 積聚 积聚 T - 320 jī jù f /to coalesce/to gather together/to amass/ 積肥 积肥 T - 4 jī féi f /to accumulate manure/to lay down compost/ 積草屯糧 积草屯粮 T - 9 jī cǎo tún liáng f /to store up provisions against a war/ 積蓄 积蓄 T - 542 jī xù f /to save/to put aside/savings/ 積薪厝火 积薪厝火 T - 3 jī xīn cuò huǒ f /to add fuel to the flames/ 積貯 积贮 T - 3 jī zhù f /to stockpile/ 積賊 积贼 T - 0 jī zéi f /confirmed thief/ 積重難返 积重难返 T - 30 jī zhòng nán fǎn f /ingrained habits are hard to overcome (idiom); bad old practices die hard/ 積金累玉 积金累玉 T - 3 jī jīn lěi yù f /to accumulate gold and jewels (idiom); prosperous/ 積雨雲 积雨云 T - 32 jī yǔ yún f /cumulonimbus (cloud)/ 積雪 积雪 T - 607 jī xuě f /snow/snow cover/snow mantle/ 積雪場 积雪场 T - 3 jī xuě chǎng f /snowpack/ 積雲 积云 T - 19 jī yún f /cumulus/heap cloud/ 積非成是 积非成是 T - 3 jī fēi chéng shì f /a wrong repeated becomes right (idiom); a lie or an error passed on for a long time may be taken for the truth/ 積食 积食 T - 3 jī shí f /(of food) to retain in stomach due to indigestion (TCM)/ 積鬱 积郁 T - 27 jī yù f /pent-up frustrations/sth that has accumulated in one's mind for a long time/ 穎 颖 T - 511 Yǐng f /surname Ying/ 穎 颖 T - 511 yǐng f /head of grain/husk/tip/point/clever/gifted/outstanding/ 穎上縣 颖上县 T - 2 Yǐng shàng xiàn f /Yingshang county in Anhui/ 穎悟 颖悟 T - 28 yǐng wù f /intelligent/bright/ 穎果 颖果 T - 21 yǐng guǒ f /grain/caryopsis (single seed typical of grasses)/ 穎異 颖异 T - 3 yǐng yì f /highly intelligent/original and unique/ 穏 - 0 wěn f /Japanese variant of 穩|稳/ 穑 穡 S - 97 sè f /gather in harvest/ 穗 - 395 Suì f /abbr. for Guangzhou 廣州|广州[Guang3 zhou1]/ 穗 - 395 suì f /ear of grain/fringe/tassel/ 穗飾 穗饰 T - 0 suì shì f /tassel/ 穗饰 穗飾 S - 0 suì shì f /tassel/ 穗鵖 - 0 suì bī f /(bird species of China) northern wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe)/ 穜 - 2 tóng f /early-planted late-ripening grain/ 穞 穭 S - 2 lǚ f /wild grain/ 穟 - 0 suì f /ear of grain/ 穠 秾 T - 47 nóng f /lush flora/ 穡 穑 T - 97 sè f /gather in harvest/ 穢 秽 T - 251 huì f /dirt/filth/ 穢語 秽语 T - 12 huì yǔ f /obscene language/ 穣 - 0 ráng f /Japanese variant of 穰[rang2]/ 穤 糯 T - 236 nuò f /variant of 糯[nuo4]/ 穧 - 0 jì f /stack grain stalks evenly/ 穨 颓 T - 111 tuí f /variant of 頹|颓[tui2]/ 穩 稳 T - 1908 wěn f /settled/steady/stable/ 穩中求進 稳中求进 T - 26 wěn zhōng qiú jìn f /to make progress while ensuring stability/ 穩便 稳便 T - 31 wěn biàn f /reliable/at one's convenience/as you wish/ 穩健 稳健 T - 339 wěn jiàn f /firm/stable and steady/ 穩勝 稳胜 T - 0 wěn shèng f /to beat comfortably/to win easily/abbr. for 穩操勝券|稳操胜券, to have victory within one's grasp/ 穩厚 稳厚 T - 0 wěn hòu f /steady and honest/ 穩固 稳固 T - 308 wěn gù f /stable/steady/firm/to stabilize/ 穩坐釣魚臺 稳坐钓鱼台 T - 10 wěn zuò diào yú tái f /lit. sitting at ease in a fishing boat despite storms (idiom); to stay calm during tense situation/a cool head in a crisis/ 穩壓 稳压 T - 12 wěn yā f /stable voltage/ 穩如泰山 稳如泰山 T - 46 wěn rú Tài Shān f /steady as Mt Tai/as safe as houses/ 穩妥 稳妥 T - 246 wěn tuǒ f /dependable/ 穩婆 稳婆 T - 7 wěn pó f /midwife (old term)/ 穩定 稳定 T 1556 8439 wěn dìng f /steady/stable/stability/to stabilize/to pacify/ 穩定塘 稳定塘 T - 0 wěn dìng táng f /stabilization tank (for sewage processing)/ 穩定度 稳定度 T - 18 wěn dìng dù f /degree of stability/ 穩定性 稳定性 T - 857 wěn dìng xìng f /stability/ 穩定物價 稳定物价 T - 3 wěn dìng wù jià f /stable prices/commodity prices fixed by government (in a command economy)/to valorize (a commodity)/ 穩實 稳实 T - 3 wěn shí f /steady/calm and practical/ 穩恆 稳恒 T - 0 wěn héng f /steady/stable and permanent/constant/steady-state/ 穩恆態 稳恒态 T - 0 wěn héng tài f /steady state/stable and permanent attitude/ 穩態 稳态 T - 88 wěn tài f /steady state/homeostasis/ 穩態理論 稳态理论 T - 0 wěn tài lǐ lùn f /the steady-state theory (cosmology)/ 穩扎穩打 稳扎稳打 T - 54 wěn zhā wěn dǎ f /to go steady and strike hard (in fighting)/fig. steadily and surely/ 穩拿 稳拿 T - 7 wěn ná f /a sure gain/sth one is sure to obtain/ 穩操勝券 稳操胜券 T - 35 wěn cāo shèng quàn f /grasp it and victory is assured/to have success within one's grasp (idiom)/ 穩步 稳步 T - 1233 wěn bù f /steadily/a steady pace/ 穩步不前 稳步不前 T - 0 wěn bù bù qián f /to mark time and make no advances (idiom)/ 穩獲 稳获 T - 12 wěn huò f /a sure catch/sth one is sure to obtain/ 穩當 稳当 T - 55 wěn dang f /reliable/secure/stable/firm/ 穩練 稳练 T - 3 wěn liàn f /steady and proficient/skilled and reliable/ 穩貼 稳贴 T - 0 wěn tiē f /safe/to appease/to reassure/ 穩重 稳重 T - 202 wěn zhòng f /steady/earnest/staid/ 穩靜 稳静 T - 0 wěn jìng f /steady/calm/ 穫 获 T - 7931 huò f /to reap/to harvest/ 穫刑 获刑 T - 0 huò xíng f /to be punished/ 穫獎者 获奖者 T - 107 huò jiǎng zhě f /prize-winner/laureate/ 穭 穞 T - 2 lǚ f /wild grain/ 穮 - 0 biāo f /to weed/ 穯 - 0 sè f /old variant of 穡|穑[se4]/ 穰 - 49 Ráng f /surname Rang/ 穰 - 49 ráng f /abundant/stalk of grain/ 穴 - 3068 xué f /cave/cavity/hole/acupuncture point/Taiwan pr. [xue4]/ 穴位 - 216 xué wèi f /acupuncture point/ 穴头 穴頭 S - 2 xué tou f /(show business) promoter/ 穴居 - 73 xué jū f /to live in a cave/ 穴居人 - 3 xué jū rén f /cave man/ 穴播 - 3 xué bō f /bunch planting/ 穴脈 穴脉 T - 0 xué mài f /node (center of energy)/acupuncture point/Chakra/ 穴脉 穴脈 S - 0 xué mài f /node (center of energy)/acupuncture point/Chakra/ 穴道 - 1500 xué dào f /acupuncture point/acupoint/ 穴頭 穴头 T - 2 xué tou f /(show business) promoter/ 穴鳥 穴鸟 T - 0 xué niǎo f /jackdaw (family Corvidae)/ 穴鸟 穴鳥 S - 0 xué niǎo f /jackdaw (family Corvidae)/ 穵 - 0 wā f /to dig/to scoop out/ 究 - 985 jiū f /after all/to investigate/to study carefully/Taiwan pr. [jiu4]/ 究其根源 - 3 jiū qí gēn yuán f /to trace something to its source (idiom)/ 究办 究辦 S - 5 jiū bàn f /to investigate and deal with/ 究竟 834 3981 jiū jìng f /to go to the bottom of a matter/after all/when all is said and done/(in an interrogative sentence) finally/outcome/result/ 究辦 究办 T - 5 jiū bàn f /to investigate and deal with/ 穷 窮 S 1084 2298 qióng f /exhausted/poor/ 穷乡僻壤 窮鄉僻壤 S - 48 qióng xiāng pì rǎng f /a remote and desolate place/ 穷二代 窮二代 S - 0 qióng èr dài f /those who did not benefit from the Chinese economic reforms of the 1980s/see also 富二代[fu4 er4 dai4]/ 穷于应付 窮於應付 S - 0 qióng yú yìng fù f /to struggle to cope (with a situation)/to be at one's wits' end/ 穷人 窮人 S - 1693 qióng rén f /poor people/the poor/ 穷光蛋 窮光蛋 S - 66 qióng guāng dàn f /poor wretch/pauper/destitute man/poverty-stricken peasant/penniless good-for-nothing/impecunious vagabond/ 穷兵黩武 窮兵黷武 S - 17 qióng bīng dú wǔ f /to engage in wars of aggression at will (idiom)/militaristic/bellicose/ 穷匮 窮匱 S - 0 qióng kuì f /to be short of sth/to be wanting in sth/ 穷困 窮困 S - 126 qióng kùn f /destitute/wretched poverty/ 穷国 窮國 S - 39 qióng guó f /poor country/ 穷在闹市无人问,富在深山有远亲 窮在鬧市無人問,富在深山有遠親 S - 0 qióng zài nào shì wú rén wèn , fù zài shēn shān yǒu yuǎn qīn f /the poor are ignored in the busiest city; the rich will find relatives in the deepest mountain/ 穷奢极侈 窮奢極侈 S - 7 qióng shē jí chǐ f /extravagant in the extreme (idiom)/ 穷奢极欲 窮奢極欲 S - 27 qióng shē jí yù f /to indulge in a life of luxury (idiom); extreme extravagance/ 穷家薄业 窮家薄業 S - 0 qióng jiā bó yè f /poor and with few means of subsistance (idiom)/destitute/ 穷寇 窮寇 S - 23 qióng kòu f /cornered enemy/ 穷尽 窮盡 S - 82 qióng jìn f /to use up/to exhaust/to probe to the bottom/limit/end/ 穷山恶水 窮山惡水 S - 15 qióng shān è shuǐ f /lit. barren hills and wild rivers (idiom)/fig. inhospitable natural environment/ 穷当益坚 窮當益堅 S - 3 qióng dāng yì jiān f /poor but ambitious (idiom); hard-pressed but determined/the worse one's position, the harder one must fight back/ 穷忙族 窮忙族 S - 0 qióng máng zú f /the working poor/ 穷愁 窮愁 S - 3 qióng chóu f /destitute/troubled/penniless and full of care/ 穷愁潦倒 窮愁潦倒 S - 2 qióng chóu liáo dǎo f /destitute and troubled/in dire straits/ 穷棒子 窮棒子 S - 3 qióng bàng zi f /poor but spirited person/destitute/the poor (traditional)/ 穷竭 窮竭 S - 14 qióng jié f /to exhaust/to use up/ 穷竭法 窮竭法 S - 0 qióng jié fǎ f /Archimedes' method of exhaustion (an early form of integral calculus)/ 穷结 窮結 S - 0 Qióng jié f /variant of 瓊結|琼结[Qiong2 jie2], Qonggyai county, Tibetan: 'Phyongs rgyas, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 穷结县 窮結縣 S - 0 Qióng jié xiàn f /variant of 瓊結縣|琼结县[Qiong2 jie2 xian4], Qonggyai county, Tibetan: 'Phyongs rgyas rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 穷苦 窮苦 S - 145 qióng kǔ f /impoverished/destitute/ 穷蹙 窮蹙 S - 0 qióng cù f /hard-up/in dire straits/desperate/ 穷追 窮追 S - 53 qióng zhuī f /to pursue relentlessly/ 穷途末路 窮途末路 S - 32 qióng tú mò lù f /lit. the path exhausted, the end of the road (idiom); an impasse/in a plight with no way out/things have reached a dead end/ 穷酸相 窮酸相 S - 3 qióng suān xiàng f /wretched look/shabby looks/ 穷饿 窮餓 S - 0 qióng è f /exhausted and hungry/ 穷鼠啮狸 窮鼠嚙狸 S - 3 qióng shǔ niè lí f /a desperate rat will bite the fox (idiom); the smallest worm will turn being trodden on/ 穸 - 58 xī f /tomb/ 穹 - 96 qióng f /vault/dome/the sky/ 穹丘 - 0 qióng qiū f /dome/ 穹庐 穹廬 S - 43 qióng lú f /yurt (round tent)/ 穹廬 穹庐 T - 43 qióng lú f /yurt (round tent)/ 穹形 - 0 qióng xíng f /arched/vaulted/dome-shaped/ 穹窿 - 53 qióng lóng f /a dome/a vault/the sky/ 穹肋 - 0 qióng lèi f /a rib of an arch/ 穹苍 穹蒼 S - 4 qióng cāng f /the sky/the firmament/the vault of heaven/ 穹蒼 穹苍 T - 4 qióng cāng f /the sky/the firmament/the vault of heaven/ 穹隆 - 17 qióng lóng f /domed structure/vault/ 穹頂 穹顶 T - 47 qióng dǐng f /dome/vault/domed roof/ 穹顶 穹頂 S - 47 qióng dǐng f /dome/vault/domed roof/ 空 833 7470 kōng t /empty/air/sky/in vain/ 空 833 7470 kòng f /to empty/vacant/unoccupied/space/leisure/free time/ 空中 - 4608 kōng zhōng f /in the sky/in the air/ 空中交通管制 - 0 kōng zhōng jiāo tōng guǎn zhì f /air traffic control/ 空中交通管制员 空中交通管制員 S - 0 kōng zhōng jiāo tōng guǎn zhì yuán f /air traffic controller/ 空中交通管制員 空中交通管制员 T - 0 kōng zhōng jiāo tōng guǎn zhì yuán f /air traffic controller/ 空中客車 空中客车 T - 42 Kōng zhōng Kè chē f /Airbus (Aircraft company)/ 空中客车 空中客車 S - 42 Kōng zhōng Kè chē f /Airbus (Aircraft company)/ 空中小姐 - 19 kōng zhōng xiǎo jiě f /stewardess/air hostess/ 空中少爷 空中少爺 S - 3 kōng zhōng shào ye f /airline steward/ 空中少爺 空中少爷 T - 3 kōng zhōng shào ye f /airline steward/ 空中格斗 空中格鬥 S - 0 kōng zhōng gé dòu f /dogfight (of planes)/ 空中格鬥 空中格斗 T - 0 kōng zhōng gé dòu f /dogfight (of planes)/ 空中楼阁 空中樓閣 S - 23 kōng zhōng lóu gé f /pavilion in the air (idiom); unrealistic Utopian construction/castles in Spain/imaginary future plans/ 空中樓閣 空中楼阁 T - 23 kōng zhōng lóu gé f /pavilion in the air (idiom); unrealistic Utopian construction/castles in Spain/imaginary future plans/ 空中炮舰 空中砲艦 S - 0 kōng zhōng pào jiàn f /helicopter gunship/ 空中砲艦 空中炮舰 T - 0 kōng zhōng pào jiàn f /helicopter gunship/ 空中花园 空中花園 S - 0 kōng zhōng huā yuán f /hanging gardens (Babylon etc)/rooftop garden/ 空中花園 空中花园 T - 0 kōng zhōng huā yuán f /hanging gardens (Babylon etc)/rooftop garden/ 空中飄浮 空中飘浮 T - 0 kōng zhōng piāo fú f /to float in the air/ 空中飘浮 空中飄浮 S - 0 kōng zhōng piāo fú f /to float in the air/ 空中飛人 空中飞人 T - 3 kōng zhōng fēi rén f /trapeze artist/frequent flyer/ 空中飞人 空中飛人 S - 3 kōng zhōng fēi rén f /trapeze artist/frequent flyer/ 空乘 - 30 kōng chéng f /flight attendant/on-board service/ 空位 - 87 kōng wèi f /empty place/room (for sb)/ 空余 空餘 S - 41 kòng yú f /free/vacant/unoccupied/ 空儿 空兒 S - 119 kòng r f /spare time/free time/ 空兒 空儿 T - 119 kòng r f /spare time/free time/ 空军 空軍 S - 5522 kōng jūn f /air force/ 空军一号 空軍一號 S - 58 Kōng jūn Yī hào f /Air Force One, US presidential jet/ 空军司令 空軍司令 S - 3 kōng jūn sī lìng f /air commodore/top commander of air force/ 空军基地 空軍基地 S - 3 kōng jūn jī dì f /air base/ 空前 - 1315 kōng qián f /unprecedented/ 空前絕後 空前绝后 T 4780 37 kōng qián jué hòu f /unprecedented and never to be duplicated/the first and the last/unmatched/unique/ 空前绝后 空前絕後 S 4780 37 kōng qián jué hòu f /unprecedented and never to be duplicated/the first and the last/unmatched/unique/ 空匮 空匱 S - 3 kòng kuì f /scarce/poor/ 空匱 空匮 T - 3 kòng kuì f /scarce/poor/ 空口 - 21 kōng kǒu f /incomplete meal of a single dish/meat or vegetable dish without rice or wine/rice without meat or vegetables/ 空口白話 空口白话 T - 0 kōng kǒu bái huà f /empty promises/ 空口白话 空口白話 S - 0 kōng kǒu bái huà f /empty promises/ 空口說白話 空口说白话 T - 3 kōng kǒu shuō bái huà f /to make empty promises/ 空口说白话 空口說白話 S - 3 kōng kǒu shuō bái huà f /to make empty promises/ 空名 - 3 kōng míng f /vacuous reputation/name without substance/in name only/so-called/ 空喊 - 14 kōng hǎn f /idle clamor/to prattle/ 空地 - 360 kōng dì f /air-to-surface (missile)/ 空地 - 360 kòng dì t /vacant land/open space/ 空地导弹 空地導彈 S - 80 kòng dì dǎo dàn f /air-to-surface missile/ 空地導彈 空地导弹 T - 80 kòng dì dǎo dàn f /air-to-surface missile/ 空城計 空城计 T - 38 kōng chéng jì f /empty city strategy/double bluff strategy (idiom)/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 空城计 空城計 S - 38 kōng chéng jì f /empty city strategy/double bluff strategy (idiom)/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 空头 空頭 S - 96 kōng tóu f /phony/so-called/armchair (expert)/vain (promise)/(finance) short-seller/bear (market)/short (selling)/ 空姐 - 290 kōng jiě f /abbr. for 空中小姐/stewardess/air hostess/female flight attendant/ 空嫂 - 3 kōng sǎo f /married stewardess of mature age/ 空子 - 98 kòng zi f /gap/unoccupied space or time/fig. gap/loophole/ 空客公司 - 0 Kōng kè Gōng sī f /Airbus (European corporation)/ 空室清野 - 3 kōng shì qīng yě f /empty room, clean field (idiom); clean out everything to leave nothing for the enemy/scorched earth policy/ 空对地 空對地 S - 62 kōng duì dì f /air-to-surface (missile)/ 空对空导弹 空對空導彈 S - 0 kōng duì kōng dǎo dàn f /air-to-air missile/ 空對地 空对地 T - 62 kōng duì dì f /air-to-surface (missile)/ 空對空導彈 空对空导弹 T - 0 kōng duì kōng dǎo dàn f /air-to-air missile/ 空巢 - 6 kōng cháo f /empty nest/a home where the kids have grown up and moved out/ 空幻 - 9 kōng huàn f /vanity/empty fantasy/illusion/ 空当 空當 S - 53 kòng dāng f /gap/interval/ 空心 - 166 kōng xīn t /hollow/empty headed/mindless/ 空心 - 166 kòng xīn f /fasting/on an empty stomach/ 空心儿 空心兒 S - 0 kòng xīn r f /erhua variant of 空心[kong4 xin1]/ 空心兒 空心儿 T - 0 kòng xīn r f /erhua variant of 空心[kong4 xin1]/ 空心墙 空心牆 S - 0 kōng xīn qiáng f /cavity wall/hollow wall/ 空心大老官 - 0 kōng xīn dà lǎo guān f /fake important personage/sham/ 空心牆 空心墙 T - 0 kōng xīn qiáng f /cavity wall/hollow wall/ 空心老大 - 0 kōng xīn lǎo dà f /pretentious and vacuous person/ 空心菜 - 114 kōng xīn cài f /see 蕹菜[weng4 cai4]/ 空心萝卜 空心蘿蔔 S - 0 kōng xīn luó bo f /useless person/ 空心蘿蔔 空心萝卜 T - 0 kōng xīn luó bo f /useless person/ 空心面 空心麵 S - 0 kōng xīn miàn f /macaroni/ 空心麵 空心面 T - 0 kōng xīn miàn f /macaroni/ 空怒 - 0 kōng nù f /air rage/ 空性 - 31 kōng xìng f /emptiness/ 空想 4446 164 kōng xiǎng f /daydream/fantasy/to fantasize/ 空想社会主义 空想社會主義 S - 0 kōng xiǎng shè huì zhǔ yì f /utopian socialism/ 空想社會主義 空想社会主义 T - 0 kōng xiǎng shè huì zhǔ yì f /utopian socialism/ 空战 空戰 S - 363 kōng zhàn f /air war/air warfare/ 空戰 空战 T - 363 kōng zhàn f /air war/air warfare/ 空房間 空房间 T - 6 kōng fáng jiān f /vacant room/ 空房间 空房間 S - 6 kōng fáng jiān f /vacant room/ 空手 - 222 kōng shǒu f /empty-handed/unarmed/karate/ 空手而归 空手而歸 S - 3 kōng shǒu ér guī f /to return empty-handed/to fail to win anything/ 空手而歸 空手而归 T - 3 kōng shǒu ér guī f /to return empty-handed/to fail to win anything/ 空手道 - 20 kōng shǒu dào f /karate/ 空投 - 269 kōng tóu f /air drop/to drop supplies by air/ 空挡 空擋 S - 19 kōng dǎng f /neutral gear/ 空擋 空挡 T - 19 kōng dǎng f /neutral gear/ 空无一人 空無一人 S - 72 kōng wú yī rén f /not a soul in sight (idiom)/ 空无所有 空無所有 S - 12 kōng wú suǒ yǒu f /having nothing (idiom); utterly destitute/without two sticks to rub together/ 空日 - 0 kòng rì f /day that is named but not numbered (on ethnic calendar)/ 空旷 空曠 S - 251 kōng kuàng f /spacious and empty/void/ 空暇 - 8 kòng xiá f /idle/free time/leisure/ 空曠 空旷 T - 251 kōng kuàng f /spacious and empty/void/ 空服员 空服員 S - 0 kōng fú yuán f /flight attendant/cabin crew/ 空服員 空服员 T - 0 kōng fú yuán f /flight attendant/cabin crew/ 空格 - 107 kòng gé f /blank/blank space on a form/space/囗 (indicating missing or illegible character)/ 空格鍵 空格键 T - 3 kòng gé jiàn f /space bar (keyboard)/ 空格键 空格鍵 S - 3 kòng gé jiàn f /space bar (keyboard)/ 空档 空檔 S - 35 kòng dàng f /gap or interval of time (between turns)/opening in one's schedule/free time/ 空檔 空档 T - 35 kòng dàng f /gap or interval of time (between turns)/opening in one's schedule/free time/ 空气 空氣 S 935 3732 kōng qì f /air/atmosphere/ 空气净化器 空氣淨化器 S - 0 kōng qì jìng huà qì f /air purifier/ 空气剂量 空氣劑量 S - 0 kōng qì jì liàng f /air dose/ 空气动力 空氣動力 S - 0 kōng qì dòng lì f /aerodynamic force/ 空气动力学 空氣動力學 S - 0 kōng qì dòng lì xué f /aerodynamics/ 空气取样 空氣取樣 S - 0 kōng qì qǔ yàng f /air sampling/ 空气取样器 空氣取樣器 S - 0 kōng qì qǔ yàng qì f /air sampler/ 空气污染 空氣污染 S - 22 kōng qì wū rǎn f /air pollution/ 空气流 空氣流 S - 4 kōng qì liú f /flow of air/draft/ 空气流通 空氣流通 S - 3 kōng qì liú tōng f /fresh air/draft/ 空气缓冲间 空氣緩衝間 S - 0 kōng qì huǎn chōng jiān f /air lock/ 空气调节 空氣調節 S - 3 kōng qì tiáo jié f /air conditioning/ 空气阻力 空氣阻力 S - 3 kōng qì zǔ lì f /atmospheric drag/ 空氣 空气 T 935 3732 kōng qì f /air/atmosphere/ 空氣劑量 空气剂量 T - 0 kōng qì jì liàng f /air dose/ 空氣動力 空气动力 T - 0 kōng qì dòng lì f /aerodynamic force/ 空氣動力學 空气动力学 T - 0 kōng qì dòng lì xué f /aerodynamics/ 空氣取樣 空气取样 T - 0 kōng qì qǔ yàng f /air sampling/ 空氣取樣器 空气取样器 T - 0 kōng qì qǔ yàng qì f /air sampler/ 空氣污染 空气污染 T - 22 kōng qì wū rǎn f /air pollution/ 空氣流 空气流 T - 4 kōng qì liú f /flow of air/draft/ 空氣流通 空气流通 T - 3 kōng qì liú tōng f /fresh air/draft/ 空氣淨化器 空气净化器 T - 0 kōng qì jìng huà qì f /air purifier/ 空氣緩衝間 空气缓冲间 T - 0 kōng qì huǎn chōng jiān f /air lock/ 空氣調節 空气调节 T - 3 kōng qì tiáo jié f /air conditioning/ 空氣阻力 空气阻力 T - 3 kōng qì zǔ lì f /atmospheric drag/ 空泛 - 36 kōng fàn f /vague and general/not specific/shallow/empty/ 空洞 3959 267 kōng dòng f /cavity/empty/vacuous/ 空洞无物 空洞無物 S - 10 kōng dòng wú wù f /empty cave, nothing there (idiom); devoid of substance/nothing new to show/ 空洞無物 空洞无物 T - 10 kōng dòng wú wù f /empty cave, nothing there (idiom); devoid of substance/nothing new to show/ 空無一人 空无一人 T - 72 kōng wú yī rén f /not a soul in sight (idiom)/ 空無所有 空无所有 T - 12 kōng wú suǒ yǒu f /having nothing (idiom); utterly destitute/without two sticks to rub together/ 空當 空当 T - 53 kòng dāng f /gap/interval/ 空疏 - 8 kōng shū f /shallow/empty/ 空白 3294 920 kòng bái f /blank space/ 空白点 空白點 S - 6 kòng bái diǎn f /gap/empty space/ 空白點 空白点 T - 6 kòng bái diǎn f /gap/empty space/ 空着手 空著手 S - 0 kōng zhe shǒu f /empty-handed/ 空穴 - 89 kòng xué f /electron hole/ 空穴來風 空穴来风 T - 46 kōng xué lái fēng f /lit. wind from an empty cave (idiom)/fig. unfounded (story)/baseless (claim)/ 空穴來風未必無因 空穴来风未必无因 T - 0 kòng xué lái fēng wèi bì wú yīn f /wind does not come from an empty cave without reason/there's no smoke without fire (idiom)/ 空穴来风 空穴來風 S - 46 kōng xué lái fēng f /lit. wind from an empty cave (idiom)/fig. unfounded (story)/baseless (claim)/ 空穴来风未必无因 空穴來風未必無因 S - 0 kòng xué lái fēng wèi bì wú yīn f /wind does not come from an empty cave without reason/there's no smoke without fire (idiom)/ 空空 - 179 kōng kōng f /empty/vacuous/nothing/vacant/in vain/all for nothing/air-to-air (missile)/ 空空如也 - 73 kōng kōng rú yě f /as empty as anything (idiom); completely bereft/to have nothing/vacuous/hollow/empty (argument, head etc)/ 空空导弹 空空導彈 S - 237 kōng kōng dǎo dàn f /air-to-air missile/ 空空導彈 空空导弹 T - 237 kōng kōng dǎo dàn f /air-to-air missile/ 空空洞洞 - 22 kōng kōng dòng dòng f /empty/hollow/lacking in substance/ 空空盪盪 空空荡荡 T - 83 kōng kōng dàng dàng f /deserted/ 空空荡荡 空空盪盪 S - 83 kōng kōng dàng dàng f /deserted/ 空空荡荡 空空蕩蕩 S - 83 kōng kōng dàng dàng f /absolutely empty (space)/complete vacuum/ 空空蕩蕩 空空荡荡 T - 83 kōng kōng dàng dàng f /absolutely empty (space)/complete vacuum/ 空窗期 - 0 kōng chuāng qī f /window period (time between first infection and the appearance of detectable antibodies)/intervening period of time/ 空竹 - 23 kōng zhú f /Chinese yo-yo/ 空缺 - 220 kòng quē f /vacancy/ 空置 - 33 kōng zhì f /to set sth aside/to let sth lie idle/idle/unused/ 空翻 - 28 kōng fān f /flip/somersault/ 空肠 空腸 S - 16 kōng cháng f /jejunum (empty gut, middle segment of small intestine between duodenum 十二指腸|十二指肠[shi2 er4 zhi3 chang2] and ileum 回腸|回肠[hui2 chang2])/ 空腔 - 63 kōng qiāng f /cavity/ 空腸 空肠 T - 16 kōng cháng f /jejunum (empty gut, middle segment of small intestine between duodenum 十二指腸|十二指肠[shi2 er4 zhi3 chang2] and ileum 回腸|回肠[hui2 chang2])/ 空腹 - 90 kōng fù f /an empty stomach/ 空腹高心 - 3 kōng fù gāo xīn f /ambitious despite lack of ambition/ 空荡荡 空蕩蕩 S - 243 kōng dàng dàng f /absolutely empty (space)/complete vacuum/ 空落落 - 58 kōng luò luò f /empty/desolate/ 空著手 空着手 T - 0 kōng zhe shǒu f /empty-handed/ 空蕩蕩 空荡荡 T - 243 kōng dàng dàng f /absolutely empty (space)/complete vacuum/ 空虚 空虛 S 3538 490 kōng xū f /hollow/emptiness/meaningless/ 空虛 空虚 T 3538 490 kōng xū f /hollow/emptiness/meaningless/ 空袭 空襲 S - 365 kōng xí f /air raid/attack from the air/ 空襲 空袭 T - 365 kōng xí f /air raid/attack from the air/ 空話 空话 T - 152 kōng huà f /empty talk/bunk/malicious gossip/ 空話連篇 空话连篇 T - 3 kōng huà lián piān f /long-winded empty talk/ 空調 空调 T 577 614 kōng tiáo f /air conditioning/air conditioner (including units that have a heating mode)/CL:臺|台[tai2]/ 空調車 空调车 T - 4 kōng tiáo chē f /air conditioned vehicle/ 空談 空谈 T - 85 kōng tán f /prattle/idle chit-chat/ 空话 空話 S - 152 kōng huà f /empty talk/bunk/malicious gossip/ 空话连篇 空話連篇 S - 3 kōng huà lián piān f /long-winded empty talk/ 空调 空調 S 577 614 kōng tiáo f /air conditioning/air conditioner (including units that have a heating mode)/CL:臺|台[tai2]/ 空调车 空調車 S - 4 kōng tiáo chē f /air conditioned vehicle/ 空谈 空談 S - 85 kōng tán f /prattle/idle chit-chat/ 空谷足音 - 2 kōng gǔ zú yīn f /sound of footsteps in an empty valley (idiom); a rare occurrence/That's sth you don't often hear!/ 空跑一趟 - 3 kōng pǎo yī tàng f /to make a journey for nothing/ 空身 - 3 kōng shēn f /empty handed (carrying nothing)/alone/ 空軍 空军 T - 5522 kōng jūn f /air force/ 空軍一號 空军一号 T - 58 Kōng jūn Yī hào f /Air Force One, US presidential jet/ 空軍司令 空军司令 T - 3 kōng jūn sī lìng f /air commodore/top commander of air force/ 空軍基地 空军基地 T - 3 kōng jūn jī dì f /air base/ 空运 空運 S - 615 kōng yùn f /air transport/ 空运费 空運費 S - 0 kōng yùn fèi f /air freight (cost of air transport)/ 空運 空运 T - 615 kōng yùn f /air transport/ 空運費 空运费 T - 0 kōng yùn fèi f /air freight (cost of air transport)/ 空閒 空闲 T 2336 133 kòng xián f /idle/free time/leisure/unused (place)/ 空間 空间 T 1484 5511 kōng jiān f /space/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 空間局 空间局 T - 0 kōng jiān jú f /space agency/ 空間探測 空间探测 T - 0 kōng jiān tàn cè f /space probe/ 空間站 空间站 T - 71 kōng jiān zhàn f /space station/ 空闃 空阒 T - 0 kōng qù f /empty and quiet/ 空闲 空閒 S 2336 133 kòng xián f /idle/free time/leisure/unused (place)/ 空间 空間 S 1484 5511 kōng jiān f /space/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 空间局 空間局 S - 0 kōng jiān jú f /space agency/ 空间探测 空間探測 S - 0 kōng jiān tàn cè f /space probe/ 空间站 空間站 S - 71 kōng jiān zhàn f /space station/ 空阒 空闃 S - 0 kōng qù f /empty and quiet/ 空防 - 40 kōng fáng f /air force/air defense/ 空降 - 560 kōng jiàng f /airborne/ 空降兵 - 310 kōng jiàng bīng f /paratroopers/ 空隙 4522 370 kòng xì f /crack/gap between two objects/gap in time between two events/ 空难 空難 S - 45 kōng nàn f /air crash/aviation accident or incident/ 空集 - 3 kōng jí f /empty set (set theory)/ 空難 空难 T - 45 kōng nàn f /air crash/aviation accident or incident/ 空頭 空头 T - 96 kōng tóu f /phony/so-called/armchair (expert)/vain (promise)/(finance) short-seller/bear (market)/short (selling)/ 空額 空额 T - 28 kòng é f /vacancy/unfilled work place/ 空额 空額 S - 28 kòng é f /vacancy/unfilled work place/ 空餘 空余 T - 41 kòng yú f /free/vacant/unoccupied/ 穽 阱 T - 17 jǐng f /variant of 阱[jing3]/ 穿 206 11359 chuān f /to wear/to put on/to dress/to bore through/to pierce/to perforate/to penetrate/to pass through/to thread/ 穿一条裤子 穿一條褲子 S - 0 chuān yī tiáo kù zi f /(of male friends) to have been through thick and thin together/to be like family/to share the same view of things/ 穿一條褲子 穿一条裤子 T - 0 chuān yī tiáo kù zi f /(of male friends) to have been through thick and thin together/to be like family/to share the same view of things/ 穿上 - 0 chuān shang f /to put on (clothes etc)/ 穿凿 穿鑿 S - 22 chuān záo f /to bore a hole/to give a forced interpretation/ 穿凿附会 穿鑿附會 S - 8 chuān záo fù huì f /to give a forced interpretation (idiom)/to draw far-fetched analogies/ 穿刺 - 143 chuān cì f /medical puncture to extract bodily fluid (a tap)/body piercing/puncture/ 穿反 - 0 chuān fǎn f /to wear inside out (clothes)/ 穿回 - 0 chuān huí f /to put on (clothes)/to put (clothes) back on/ 穿堂風 穿堂风 T - 4 chuān táng fēng f /draft/ 穿堂风 穿堂風 S - 4 chuān táng fēng f /draft/ 穿孔 - 195 chuān kǒng f /to punch or bore a hole/to perforate/perforation/ 穿小鞋 - 16 chuān xiǎo xié f /lit. to make sb wear tight shoes (idiom)/to make life difficult for sb/ 穿山甲 - 110 chuān shān jiǎ f /pangolin (Manis pentadactylata)/scaly ant-eater/ 穿带 穿帶 S - 0 chuān dài f /wear/ 穿帮 穿幫 S - 12 chuān bāng f /(TV or movie) blooper/continuity error/(theater) to flub one's lines/unintended exposure of a body part/to be exposed (of a scheme or trick)/to reveal sth one intended to conceal through a slip of the tongue/to blow one's cover/ 穿帶 穿带 T - 0 chuān dài f /wear/ 穿幫 穿帮 T - 12 chuān bāng f /(TV or movie) blooper/continuity error/(theater) to flub one's lines/unintended exposure of a body part/to be exposed (of a scheme or trick)/to reveal sth one intended to conceal through a slip of the tongue/to blow one's cover/ 穿戴 - 366 chuān dài f /to dress/clothing/ 穿插 - 192 chuān chā f /to insert/to take turns, alternate/to interweave/to interlace/subplot/interlude/episode/(military) to thrust deep into the enemy forces/ 穿梭 - 241 chuān suō f /to travel back and forth/to shuttle/ 穿洞 - 3 chuān dòng f /pierce/ 穿着 穿著 S - 110 chuān zhuó f /attire/clothes/dress/ 穿着打扮 穿著打扮 S - 3 chuān zhuó dǎ bàn f /style of dress/one's appearance/ 穿着讲究 穿著講究 S - 0 chuān zhuó jiǎng jiu f /smart clothes/particular about one's dress/ 穿著 穿着 T - 110 chuān zhuó f /attire/clothes/dress/ 穿著打扮 穿着打扮 T - 3 chuān zhuó dǎ bàn f /style of dress/one's appearance/ 穿著講究 穿着讲究 T - 0 chuān zhuó jiǎng jiu f /smart clothes/particular about one's dress/ 穿行 - 266 chuān xíng f /to go through/to bore through/to push one's way through/ 穿衣 - 166 chuān yī f /to wear clothes/clothing/ 穿越 2894 621 chuān yuè f /to pass through/to cross/to overcome/ 穿越时空 穿越時空 S - 3 chuān yuè shí kōng f /to travel through time/ 穿越時空 穿越时空 T - 3 chuān yuè shí kōng f /to travel through time/ 穿过 穿過 S - 1437 chuān guò f /to pass through/ 穿透 - 299 chuān tòu f /to penetrate/ 穿透輻射 穿透辐射 T - 0 chuān tòu fú shè f /penetrating radiation/ 穿透辐射 穿透輻射 S - 0 chuān tòu fú shè f /penetrating radiation/ 穿過 穿过 T - 1437 chuān guò f /to pass through/ 穿金戴銀 穿金戴银 T - 3 chuān jīn dài yín f /richly bedecked/dripping with gold and silver (idiom)/ 穿金戴银 穿金戴銀 S - 3 chuān jīn dài yín f /richly bedecked/dripping with gold and silver (idiom)/ 穿針引線 穿针引线 T - 27 chuān zhēn yǐn xiàn f /lit. to thread a needle (idiom); fig. to act as a go-between/ 穿針走線 穿针走线 T - 0 chuān zhēn zǒu xiàn f /thread a needle/ 穿鑿 穿凿 T - 22 chuān záo f /to bore a hole/to give a forced interpretation/ 穿鑿附會 穿凿附会 T - 8 chuān záo fù huì f /to give a forced interpretation (idiom)/to draw far-fetched analogies/ 穿针引线 穿針引線 S - 27 chuān zhēn yǐn xiàn f /lit. to thread a needle (idiom); fig. to act as a go-between/ 穿针走线 穿針走線 S - 0 chuān zhēn zǒu xiàn f /thread a needle/ 穿馬路 穿马路 T - 0 chuān mǎ lù f /to cross (a street)/ 穿马路 穿馬路 S - 0 chuān mǎ lù f /to cross (a street)/ 窀 - 16 zhūn f /to bury/ 窀穸 - 3 zhūn xī f /to bury (in a tomb)/ 突 - 1960 tū f /to dash/to move forward quickly/to bulge/to protrude/to break through/to rush out/sudden/Taiwan pr. [tu2]/ 突兀 - 193 tū wù f /lofty or towering/sudden or abrupt/ 突出 2138 5289 tū chū f /prominent/outstanding/to give prominence to/to protrude/to project/ 突击 突擊 S - 1328 tū jī f /sudden and violent attack/assault/fig. rushed job/concentrated effort to finish a job quickly/ 突击检查 突擊檢查 S - 3 tū jī jiǎn chá f /sudden unannounced investigation/on-the-spot inspection/to search without notification/ 突击步枪 突擊步槍 S - 0 tū jī bù qiāng f /assault rifle/ 突击队 突擊隊 S - 255 tū jī duì f /commando unit/ 突击队员 突擊隊員 S - 48 tū jī duì yuán f /commando/ 突厥 - 899 Tū jué f /Turkic ethnic group/ 突厥斯坦 - 0 Tū jué sī tǎn f /Turkestan/ 突发 突發 S - 892 tū fā f /to burst out suddenly/sudden outburst/ 突发事件 突發事件 S - 3 tū fā shì jiàn f /emergency/sudden occurrence/ 突发奇想 突發奇想 S - 3 tū fā qí xiǎng f /suddenly have a thought (idiom)/suddenly be inspired to do something/ 突变 突變 S - 456 tū biàn f /sudden change/mutation/ 突变株 突變株 S - 0 tū biàn zhū f /mutant/mutant strain (of virus)/ 突变理论 突變理論 S - 0 tū biàn lǐ lùn f /(math.) catastrophe theory/ 突围 突圍 S - 625 tū wéi f /to break a siege/to break out of an enclosure/ 突圍 突围 T - 625 tū wéi f /to break a siege/to break out of an enclosure/ 突如其來 突如其来 T - 263 tū rú qí lái f /to arise abruptly/to arrive suddenly/happening suddenly/ 突如其来 突如其來 S - 263 tū rú qí lái f /to arise abruptly/to arrive suddenly/happening suddenly/ 突尼斯 - 436 Tū ní sī f /Tunisia/Tunis, capital of Tunisia/ 突尼斯市 - 0 Tū ní sī shì f /Tunis, capital of Tunisia/ 突尼西亚 突尼西亞 S - 3 Tū ní xī yà f /Tunisia (Tw)/ 突尼西亞 突尼西亚 T - 3 Tū ní xī yà f /Tunisia (Tw)/ 突擊 突击 T - 1328 tū jī f /sudden and violent attack/assault/fig. rushed job/concentrated effort to finish a job quickly/ 突擊檢查 突击检查 T - 3 tū jī jiǎn chá f /sudden unannounced investigation/on-the-spot inspection/to search without notification/ 突擊步槍 突击步枪 T - 0 tū jī bù qiāng f /assault rifle/ 突擊隊 突击队 T - 255 tū jī duì f /commando unit/ 突擊隊員 突击队员 T - 48 tū jī duì yuán f /commando/ 突显 突顯 S - 49 tū xiǎn f /conspicuous/to make sth stand out/make sth prominent/ 突泉县 突泉縣 S - 2 Tū quán xiàn f /Tuquan county in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴安盟[Xing1 an1 meng2], east Inner Mongolia/ 突泉縣 突泉县 T - 2 Tū quán xiàn f /Tuquan county in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴安盟[Xing1 an1 meng2], east Inner Mongolia/ 突然 425 14998 tū rán f /sudden/abrupt/unexpected/ 突然間 突然间 T - 0 tū rán jiān f /suddenly/ 突然间 突然間 S - 0 tū rán jiān f /suddenly/ 突發 突发 T - 892 tū fā f /to burst out suddenly/sudden outburst/ 突發事件 突发事件 T - 3 tū fā shì jiàn f /emergency/sudden occurrence/ 突發奇想 突发奇想 T - 3 tū fā qí xiǎng f /suddenly have a thought (idiom)/suddenly be inspired to do something/ 突破 2937 3699 tū pò f /to break through/to make a breakthrough/to surmount or break the back of (a task etc)/(of ball sports) to break through a defense/ 突破点 突破點 S - 30 tū pò diǎn f /point of penetration (military)/breakthrough/ 突破點 突破点 T - 30 tū pò diǎn f /point of penetration (military)/breakthrough/ 突突 - 3 tū tū f /(onom.) beating of the heart/pitapat/pulsation of a machine/ 突袭 突襲 S - 246 tū xí f /surprise attack/ 突襲 突袭 T - 246 tū xí f /surprise attack/ 突触 突觸 S - 125 tū chù f /synapse/ 突触后 突觸後 S - 0 tū chù hòu f /post-synaptic/ 突觸 突触 T - 125 tū chù f /synapse/ 突觸後 突触后 T - 0 tū chù hòu f /post-synaptic/ 突變 突变 T - 456 tū biàn f /sudden change/mutation/ 突變株 突变株 T - 0 tū biàn zhū f /mutant/mutant strain (of virus)/ 突變理論 突变理论 T - 0 tū biàn lǐ lùn f /(math.) catastrophe theory/ 突起 - 334 tū qǐ f /to appear suddenly/projection/bit sticking out/ 突起部 - 0 tū qǐ bù f /bit sticking out/projection/ 突顯 突显 T - 49 tū xiǎn f /conspicuous/to make sth stand out/make sth prominent/ 突飛猛進 突飞猛进 T - 107 tū fēi měng jìn f /to advance by leaps and bounds/ 突飞猛进 突飛猛進 S - 107 tū fēi měng jìn f /to advance by leaps and bounds/ 窂 - 0 láo f /variant of 牢[lao2]/ 窃 竊 S - 683 qiè f /to steal/secretly/(humble) I/ 窃取 竊取 S - 112 qiè qǔ f /to steal/to seize/ 窃听 竊聽 S - 154 qiè tīng f /to eavesdrop/to wiretap/ 窃听器 竊聽器 S - 15 qiè tīng qì f /tapping device/bug/ 窃喜 竊喜 S - 3 qiè xǐ f /to be secretly delighted/ 窃国者侯,窃钩者诛 竊國者侯,竊鉤者誅 S - 0 qiè guó zhě hóu , qiè gōu zhě zhū f /steal the whole country and they make you a prince, steal a hook and they hang you (idiom, from Daoist classic Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子)/ 窃声 竊聲 S - 0 qiè shēng f /in a whisper/in stealthy tones/ 窃嫌 竊嫌 S - 3 qiè xián f /suspected thief (Tw)/ 窃据 竊據 S - 30 qiè jù f /to usurp/to claim unjustly/to expropriate/ 窃权 竊權 S - 0 qiè quán f /to usurp authority/to hold power improperly/ 窃盗 竊盜 S - 3 qiè dào f /burglar/ 窃窃 竊竊 S - 3 qiè qiè f /privately/secretly/unobtrusively/ 窃窃私语 竊竊私語 S - 80 qiè qiè sī yǔ f /to whisper/ 窃笑 竊笑 S - 24 qiè xiào f /to snigger/to titter/ 窃蛋龙 竊蛋龍 S - 0 qiè dàn lóng f /oviraptorosaurus (egg-stealing dinosaur)/ 窃蠹甲 竊蠹甲 S - 0 qiè dù jiǎ f /drugstore beetle/CL:隻|只[zhi1]/ 窃贼 竊賊 S - 20 qiè zéi f /thief/ 窃钩者诛,窃国者侯 竊鉤者誅,竊國者侯 S - 0 qiè gōu zhě zhū , qiè guó zhě hóu f /steal a hook and they hang you, steal the whole country and they make you a prince (idiom, from Daoist classic Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子)/ 窄 2352 1277 zhǎi f /narrow/narrow-minded/badly off/ 窄巷 - 3 zhǎi xiàng f /narrow alley/narrow street/ 窄狭 窄狹 S - 3 zhǎi xiá f /see 狹窄|狭窄[xia2 zhai3]/ 窄狹 窄狭 T - 3 zhǎi xiá f /see 狹窄|狭窄[xia2 zhai3]/ 窄縫 窄缝 T - 0 zhǎi fèng f /narrow gap/slit/ 窄缝 窄縫 S - 0 zhǎi fèng f /narrow gap/slit/ 窅 - 0 yǎo f /sunken eyes/deep and hollow/remote and obscure/variant of 杳[yao3]/ 窅然 - 0 yǎo rán f /far and deep/remote and obscure/see also 杳然[yao3 ran2]/ 窆 - 24 biǎn f /to put a coffin in the grave/ 窈 - 47 yǎo f /deep/quiet and elegant/variant of 杳[yao3]/ 窈冥 - 0 yǎo míng f /variant of 杳冥[yao3 ming2]/ 窈窈 - 0 yǎo yǎo f /obscure/dusky/far and deep/profound/see also 杳杳[yao3 yao3]/ 窈窕 - 42 yǎo tiǎo f /sweet, fair, and graceful (of a woman)/a seductive woman/secluded (bower)/ 窈霭 窈靄 S - 0 yǎo ǎi f /variant of 杳靄|杳霭[yao3 ai3]/ 窈靄 窈霭 T - 0 yǎo ǎi f /variant of 杳靄|杳霭[yao3 ai3]/ 窊 - 0 wā f /lowland swamp/ 窋 - 5 zhú f /in a hole/ 窌 - 0 jiào f /cellar/ 窍 竅 S - 416 qiào f /hole/opening/orifice (of the human body)/(fig.) key (to the solution of a problem)/ 窍门 竅門 S 4253 240 qiào mén f /a trick/an ingenious method/know-how/the knack (of doing sth)/ 窍门儿 竅門兒 S - 0 qiào mén r f /a trick/an ingenious method/know-how/the knack (of doing sth)/ 窎 窵 S - 3 diào f /(literary) distant/deep/profound/ 窑 窯 S - 1393 yáo f /kiln/oven/coal pit/cave dwelling/(coll.) brothel/ 窑 窰 S - 1393 yáo f /variant of 窯|窑[yao2]/ 窑场 窯場 S - 0 yáo chǎng f /brick kiln/ 窑姐 窯姐 S - 3 yáo jiě f /(dialect) prostitute/ 窑姐儿 窯姐兒 S - 3 yáo jiě r f /erhua variant of 窯姐|窑姐[yao2 jie3]/ 窑子 窯子 S - 109 yáo zi f /(old) low-grade brothel/ 窑洞 窯洞 S - 505 yáo dòng f /yaodong (a kind of cave dwelling in the Loess Plateau in northwest China)/CL:孔[kong3]/ 窒 - 301 zhì f /to obstruct/to stop up/ 窒息 - 345 zhì xī f /to choke/to stifle/to suffocate/ 窒息性毒剂 窒息性毒劑 S - 0 zhì xī xìng dú jì f /choking agent/ 窒息性毒劑 窒息性毒剂 T - 0 zhì xī xìng dú jì f /choking agent/ 窓 窗 T - 1647 chuāng f /variant of 窗[chuang1]/ 窔 - 0 yǎo f /dark/deep/southeast corner of room/ 窕 - 51 tiǎo f /quiet and secluded/gentle, graceful, and elegant/ 窕邃 - 0 tiǎo suì f /abstruse/deep and profound/ 窖 - 805 jiào f /cellar/ 窗 牎 S - 1647 chuāng f /old variant of 窗[chuang1]/ 窗 牕 S - 1647 chuāng f /variant of 窗[chuang1]/ 窗 窓 S - 1647 chuāng f /variant of 窗[chuang1]/ 窗 - 1647 chuāng f /shutter/window/CL:扇[shan4]/ 窗 窻 S - 1647 chuāng f /variant of 窗[chuang1]/ 窗体 窗體 S - 2 chuāng tǐ f /form (used in programming languages such as Visual Basic and Delphi to create a GUI window)/ 窗口 - 1174 chuāng kǒu f /window/opening providing restricted access (e.g. customer service window)/computer operating system window/fig. medium/intermediary/showpiece/testing ground/ 窗台 窗臺 S - 98 chuāng tái f /window sill/window ledge/ 窗子 - 334 chuāng zi f /window/ 窗帘 窗簾 S 2131 217 chuāng lián f /window curtains/ 窗帷 - 3 chuāng wéi f /curtain/ 窗幔 - 3 chuāng màn f /curtain/ 窗戶 窗户 T 934 707 chuāng hu f /window/CL:個|个[ge4],扇[shan4]/ 窗戶欞 窗户棂 T - 0 chuāng hù líng f /window frame/ 窗户 窗戶 S 934 707 chuāng hu f /window/CL:個|个[ge4],扇[shan4]/ 窗户棂 窗戶欞 S - 0 chuāng hù líng f /window frame/ 窗扇 - 14 chuāng shàn f /window/the opening panel of a window/ 窗明几净 窗明几淨 S - 25 chuāng míng jī jìng f /lit. clear window and clean table (idiom)/fig. bright and clean/ 窗明几淨 窗明几净 T - 25 chuāng míng jī jìng f /lit. clear window and clean table (idiom)/fig. bright and clean/ 窗框 - 23 chuāng kuàng f /window frame/ 窗棂 窗欞 S - 89 chuāng líng f /window lattice/window frame/ 窗棂子 窗欞子 S - 0 chuāng líng zi f /window lattice/window frame/ 窗欞 窗棂 T - 89 chuāng líng f /window lattice/window frame/ 窗欞子 窗棂子 T - 0 chuāng líng zi f /window lattice/window frame/ 窗玻璃 - 42 chuāng bō lí f /window pane/ 窗簾 窗帘 T 2131 217 chuāng lián f /window curtains/ 窗臺 窗台 T - 98 chuāng tái f /window sill/window ledge/ 窗花 - 14 chuāng huā f /paper cutting/ 窗鉤 窗钩 T - 0 chuāng gōu f /window hook/window latch/ 窗钩 窗鉤 S - 0 chuāng gōu f /window hook/window latch/ 窗飾 窗饰 T - 3 chuāng shì f /window decoration/ 窗饰 窗飾 S - 3 chuāng shì f /window decoration/ 窗體 窗体 T - 2 chuāng tǐ f /form (used in programming languages such as Visual Basic and Delphi to create a GUI window)/ 窘 - 193 jiǒng f /distressed/embarrassed/ 窘况 窘況 S - 11 jiǒng kuàng f /predicament/ 窘匮 窘匱 S - 0 jiǒng kuì f /destitute/impoverished/ 窘匱 窘匮 T - 0 jiǒng kuì f /destitute/impoverished/ 窘境 - 79 jiǒng jìng f /awkward situation/predicament/ 窘況 窘况 T - 11 jiǒng kuàng f /predicament/ 窘迫 - 136 jiǒng pò f /poverty-stricken/very poor/hard-pressed/in a predicament/embarrassed/ 窜 竄 S 3744 1119 cuàn f /to flee/to scuttle/to exile or banish/to amend or edit/ 窜升 竄升 S - 2 cuàn shēng f /to rise rapidly/to shoot up/ 窜扰 竄擾 S - 5 cuàn rǎo f /to invade and harass/ 窜改 竄改 S - 29 cuàn gǎi f /to alter/to modify/to change/to tamper/ 窜犯 竄犯 S - 3 cuàn fàn f /to raid/an intrusion (of the enemy, or bandit groups)/ 窜红 竄紅 S - 0 cuàn hóng f /to become suddenly popular/suddenly all the rage/ 窜踞 竄踞 S - 0 cuàn jù f /to flee in disorder and encamp somewhere/ 窜逃 竄逃 S - 10 cuàn táo f /to flee in disorder/to scurry off/ 窝 窩 S 3016 2084 wō f /nest/pit or hollow on the human body/lair/den/place/to harbor or shelter/to hold in check/to bend/classifier for litters and broods/ 窝主 窩主 S - 19 wō zhǔ f /person who harbors criminals/receiver (of stolen goods)/ 窝咑 窩咑 S - 0 wō dā f /otak, a Malay food (GM)/ 窝囊 窩囊 S - 137 wō nang f /to feel vexed/annoyed/good-for-nothing/stupid and cowardly/ 窝囊废 窩囊廢 S - 27 wō nang fèi f /(coll.) spineless coward/wimp/a good-for-nothing/ 窝囊气 窩囊氣 S - 18 wō nang qì f /pent-up frustration/petty annoyances/ 窝夫 窩夫 S - 0 wō fū f /waffle (loanword)/ 窝子 窩子 S - 55 wō zi f /lair/den/stronghold/ 窝巢 窩巢 S - 21 wō cháo f /nest/ 窝工 窩工 S - 2 wō gōng f /(of workers) to have no work to do/to be underutilized (due to lack of supplies, poor organization by management etc)/ 窝心 窩心 S - 16 wō xīn f /aggrieved/dejected/(Tw, southern China) to be moved by a kind gesture etc/to feel gratified/to feel warm inside/ 窝窝头 窩窩頭 S - 34 wō wo tóu f /a kind of a bread/ 窝脓包 窩膿包 S - 0 wō nóng bāo f /useless weakling/ 窝脖儿 窩脖兒 S - 0 wō bó r f /to suffer a snub/to meet with a rebuff/ 窝藏 窩藏 S - 71 wō cáng f /to harbor/to shelter/ 窝里反 窩裡反 S - 3 wō li fǎn f /see 窩裡鬥|窝里斗[wo1 li5 dou4]/ 窝里斗 窩裡鬥 S - 25 wō li dòu f /internal strife (family, group, etc)/ 窝里横 窩裡橫 S - 3 wō li hèng f /(coll.) meek and civil in public, but a tyrant at home/ 窝阔台 窩闊臺 S - 3 Wō kuò tái f /Ögedei Khan (1186-1242), a son of Genghis Khan/ 窝阔台汗 窩闊臺汗 S - 0 Wō kuò tái hán f /Ögedei Khan (1186-1242), a son of Genghis Khan/ 窞 - 55 dàn f /pit/cave/ 窟 - 998 kū f /cave/hole/ 窟窿 - 383 kū long f /hole/pocket/cavity/loophole/debt/ 窟臀 - 0 kū tún f /buttocks (dialect)/ 窠 - 114 kē f /nest/ 窠臼 - 36 kē jiù f /stereotypical pattern/rut/ 窣 - 75 sù f /rush out of a den/rustling/ 窥 窺 S - 436 kuī f /to peep/to pry into/ 窥 闚 S - 436 kuī f /variant of 窺|窥[kui1]/ 窥伺 窺伺 S - 75 kuī sì f /to spy upon/to lie in wait for (an opportunity)/ 窥探 窺探 S - 158 kuī tàn f /to pry into or spy on/to snoop/to peep/to poke one's nose into/to peer/to get a glimpse of/ 窥望 窺望 S - 17 kuī wàng f /to peep/to spy on/ 窥知 窺知 S - 3 kuī zhī f /to find out about/to discover/ 窥视 窺視 S - 106 kuī shì f /to peep at/to spy on/to peek/ 窥豹 窺豹 S - 0 kuī bào f /lit. to see one spot on a leopard/fig. a restricted view/ 窥豹一斑 窺豹一斑 S - 2 kuī bào yī bān f /lit. see one spot on a leopard (idiom); fig. a restricted view/ 窦 竇 S - 503 Dòu f /surname Dou/ 窦 竇 S - 503 dòu f /hole/aperture/(anatomy) cavity/sinus/ 窦娥冤 竇娥冤 S - 3 Dòu E yuān f /The Injustice to Dou E (popular drama by 關漢卿|关汉卿[Guan1 Han4 qing1])/ 窦窖 竇窖 S - 0 dòu jiào f /cellar/crypt/ 窦道 竇道 S - 12 dòu dào f /subterranean passage/(medicine) sinus/ 窨 - 58 xūn t /to scent tea with flowers/variant of 熏[xun1]/ 窨 - 58 yìn f /cellar/ 窨井 - 3 yìn jǐng f /inspection shaft/well/ 窩 窝 T 3016 2084 wō f /nest/pit or hollow on the human body/lair/den/place/to harbor or shelter/to hold in check/to bend/classifier for litters and broods/ 窩主 窝主 T - 19 wō zhǔ f /person who harbors criminals/receiver (of stolen goods)/ 窩咑 窝咑 T - 0 wō dā f /otak, a Malay food (GM)/ 窩囊 窝囊 T - 137 wō nang f /to feel vexed/annoyed/good-for-nothing/stupid and cowardly/ 窩囊廢 窝囊废 T - 27 wō nang fèi f /(coll.) spineless coward/wimp/a good-for-nothing/ 窩囊氣 窝囊气 T - 18 wō nang qì f /pent-up frustration/petty annoyances/ 窩夫 窝夫 T - 0 wō fū f /waffle (loanword)/ 窩子 窝子 T - 55 wō zi f /lair/den/stronghold/ 窩巢 窝巢 T - 21 wō cháo f /nest/ 窩工 窝工 T - 2 wō gōng f /(of workers) to have no work to do/to be underutilized (due to lack of supplies, poor organization by management etc)/ 窩心 窝心 T - 16 wō xīn f /aggrieved/dejected/(Tw, southern China) to be moved by a kind gesture etc/to feel gratified/to feel warm inside/ 窩窩頭 窝窝头 T - 34 wō wo tóu f /a kind of a bread/ 窩脖兒 窝脖儿 T - 0 wō bó r f /to suffer a snub/to meet with a rebuff/ 窩膿包 窝脓包 T - 0 wō nóng bāo f /useless weakling/ 窩藏 窝藏 T - 71 wō cáng f /to harbor/to shelter/ 窩裡反 窝里反 T - 3 wō li fǎn f /see 窩裡鬥|窝里斗[wo1 li5 dou4]/ 窩裡橫 窝里横 T - 3 wō li hèng f /(coll.) meek and civil in public, but a tyrant at home/ 窩裡鬥 窝里斗 T - 25 wō li dòu f /internal strife (family, group, etc)/ 窩闊臺 窝阔台 T - 3 Wō kuò tái f /Ögedei Khan (1186-1242), a son of Genghis Khan/ 窩闊臺汗 窝阔台汗 T - 0 Wō kuò tái hán f /Ögedei Khan (1186-1242), a son of Genghis Khan/ 窪 洼 T - 153 wā f /depression/sunken/swamp/ 窪地 洼地 T - 613 wā dì f /depression/low-lying ground/ 窬 - 82 yú f /hole in a wall/ 窭 窶 S - 45 jù f /poor/rustic/ 窮 穷 T 1084 2298 qióng f /exhausted/poor/ 窮二代 穷二代 T - 0 qióng èr dài f /those who did not benefit from the Chinese economic reforms of the 1980s/see also 富二代[fu4 er4 dai4]/ 窮人 穷人 T - 1693 qióng rén f /poor people/the poor/ 窮光蛋 穷光蛋 T - 66 qióng guāng dàn f /poor wretch/pauper/destitute man/poverty-stricken peasant/penniless good-for-nothing/impecunious vagabond/ 窮兵黷武 穷兵黩武 T - 17 qióng bīng dú wǔ f /to engage in wars of aggression at will (idiom)/militaristic/bellicose/ 窮匱 穷匮 T - 0 qióng kuì f /to be short of sth/to be wanting in sth/ 窮困 穷困 T - 126 qióng kùn f /destitute/wretched poverty/ 窮國 穷国 T - 39 qióng guó f /poor country/ 窮在鬧市無人問,富在深山有遠親 穷在闹市无人问,富在深山有远亲 T - 0 qióng zài nào shì wú rén wèn , fù zài shēn shān yǒu yuǎn qīn f /the poor are ignored in the busiest city; the rich will find relatives in the deepest mountain/ 窮奢極侈 穷奢极侈 T - 7 qióng shē jí chǐ f /extravagant in the extreme (idiom)/ 窮奢極欲 穷奢极欲 T - 27 qióng shē jí yù f /to indulge in a life of luxury (idiom); extreme extravagance/ 窮家薄業 穷家薄业 T - 0 qióng jiā bó yè f /poor and with few means of subsistance (idiom)/destitute/ 窮寇 穷寇 T - 23 qióng kòu f /cornered enemy/ 窮山惡水 穷山恶水 T - 15 qióng shān è shuǐ f /lit. barren hills and wild rivers (idiom)/fig. inhospitable natural environment/ 窮忙族 穷忙族 T - 0 qióng máng zú f /the working poor/ 窮愁 穷愁 T - 3 qióng chóu f /destitute/troubled/penniless and full of care/ 窮愁潦倒 穷愁潦倒 T - 2 qióng chóu liáo dǎo f /destitute and troubled/in dire straits/ 窮於應付 穷于应付 T - 0 qióng yú yìng fù f /to struggle to cope (with a situation)/to be at one's wits' end/ 窮棒子 穷棒子 T - 3 qióng bàng zi f /poor but spirited person/destitute/the poor (traditional)/ 窮當益堅 穷当益坚 T - 3 qióng dāng yì jiān f /poor but ambitious (idiom); hard-pressed but determined/the worse one's position, the harder one must fight back/ 窮盡 穷尽 T - 82 qióng jìn f /to use up/to exhaust/to probe to the bottom/limit/end/ 窮竭 穷竭 T - 14 qióng jié f /to exhaust/to use up/ 窮竭法 穷竭法 T - 0 qióng jié fǎ f /Archimedes' method of exhaustion (an early form of integral calculus)/ 窮結 穷结 T - 0 Qióng jié f /variant of 瓊結|琼结[Qiong2 jie2], Qonggyai county, Tibetan: 'Phyongs rgyas, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 窮結縣 穷结县 T - 0 Qióng jié xiàn f /variant of 瓊結縣|琼结县[Qiong2 jie2 xian4], Qonggyai county, Tibetan: 'Phyongs rgyas rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 窮苦 穷苦 T - 145 qióng kǔ f /impoverished/destitute/ 窮蹙 穷蹙 T - 0 qióng cù f /hard-up/in dire straits/desperate/ 窮追 穷追 T - 53 qióng zhuī f /to pursue relentlessly/ 窮途末路 穷途末路 T - 32 qióng tú mò lù f /lit. the path exhausted, the end of the road (idiom); an impasse/in a plight with no way out/things have reached a dead end/ 窮鄉僻壤 穷乡僻壤 T - 48 qióng xiāng pì rǎng f /a remote and desolate place/ 窮酸相 穷酸相 T - 3 qióng suān xiàng f /wretched look/shabby looks/ 窮餓 穷饿 T - 0 qióng è f /exhausted and hungry/ 窮鼠嚙狸 穷鼠啮狸 T - 3 qióng shǔ niè lí f /a desperate rat will bite the fox (idiom); the smallest worm will turn being trodden on/ 窯 窑 T - 1393 yáo f /kiln/oven/coal pit/cave dwelling/(coll.) brothel/ 窯場 窑场 T - 0 yáo chǎng f /brick kiln/ 窯姐 窑姐 T - 3 yáo jiě f /(dialect) prostitute/ 窯姐兒 窑姐儿 T - 3 yáo jiě r f /erhua variant of 窯姐|窑姐[yao2 jie3]/ 窯子 窑子 T - 109 yáo zi f /(old) low-grade brothel/ 窯洞 窑洞 T - 505 yáo dòng f /yaodong (a kind of cave dwelling in the Loess Plateau in northwest China)/CL:孔[kong3]/ 窰 窑 T - 1393 yáo f /variant of 窯|窑[yao2]/ 窳 - 37 yǔ f /bad/useless/weak/ 窳敗 窳败 T - 0 yǔ bài f /to ruin/corrupt/ 窳败 窳敗 S - 0 yǔ bài f /to ruin/corrupt/ 窴 - 0 tián f /fill in/ 窵 窎 T - 3 diào f /(literary) distant/deep/profound/ 窶 窭 T - 45 jù f /poor/rustic/ 窸 - 43 xī f /disturbing noises/ 窸窣 - 0 xī sù f /a rustling noise/ 窺 窥 T - 436 kuī f /to peep/to pry into/ 窺伺 窥伺 T - 75 kuī sì f /to spy upon/to lie in wait for (an opportunity)/ 窺探 窥探 T - 158 kuī tàn f /to pry into or spy on/to snoop/to peep/to poke one's nose into/to peer/to get a glimpse of/ 窺望 窥望 T - 17 kuī wàng f /to peep/to spy on/ 窺知 窥知 T - 3 kuī zhī f /to find out about/to discover/ 窺視 窥视 T - 106 kuī shì f /to peep at/to spy on/to peek/ 窺豹 窥豹 T - 0 kuī bào f /lit. to see one spot on a leopard/fig. a restricted view/ 窺豹一斑 窥豹一斑 T - 2 kuī bào yī bān f /lit. see one spot on a leopard (idiom); fig. a restricted view/ 窻 窗 T - 1647 chuāng f /variant of 窗[chuang1]/ 窾 - 0 cuàn f /to conceal/to hide/ 窾 - 0 kuǎn t /crack/hollow/cavity/to excavate or hollow out/(onom.) water hitting rock/(old) variant of 款[kuan3]/ 窿 - 7 lóng f /cavity/hole/ 竁 - 0 cuì f /dig a hole/ 竃 - 2 zào f /old variant of 灶[zao4]/ 竄 窜 T 3744 1119 cuàn f /to flee/to scuttle/to exile or banish/to amend or edit/ 竄升 窜升 T - 2 cuàn shēng f /to rise rapidly/to shoot up/ 竄擾 窜扰 T - 5 cuàn rǎo f /to invade and harass/ 竄改 窜改 T - 29 cuàn gǎi f /to alter/to modify/to change/to tamper/ 竄犯 窜犯 T - 3 cuàn fàn f /to raid/an intrusion (of the enemy, or bandit groups)/ 竄紅 窜红 T - 0 cuàn hóng f /to become suddenly popular/suddenly all the rage/ 竄踞 窜踞 T - 0 cuàn jù f /to flee in disorder and encamp somewhere/ 竄逃 窜逃 T - 10 cuàn táo f /to flee in disorder/to scurry off/ 竅 窍 T - 416 qiào f /hole/opening/orifice (of the human body)/(fig.) key (to the solution of a problem)/ 竅門 窍门 T 4253 240 qiào mén f /a trick/an ingenious method/know-how/the knack (of doing sth)/ 竅門兒 窍门儿 T - 0 qiào mén r f /a trick/an ingenious method/know-how/the knack (of doing sth)/ 竇 窦 T - 503 Dòu f /surname Dou/ 竇 窦 T - 503 dòu f /hole/aperture/(anatomy) cavity/sinus/ 竇娥冤 窦娥冤 T - 3 Dòu E yuān f /The Injustice to Dou E (popular drama by 關漢卿|关汉卿[Guan1 Han4 qing1])/ 竇窖 窦窖 T - 0 dòu jiào f /cellar/crypt/ 竇道 窦道 T - 12 dòu dào f /subterranean passage/(medicine) sinus/ 竈 灶 T - 953 zào f /variant of 灶[zao4]/ 竊 窃 T - 683 qiè f /to steal/secretly/(humble) I/ 竊取 窃取 T - 112 qiè qǔ f /to steal/to seize/ 竊喜 窃喜 T - 3 qiè xǐ f /to be secretly delighted/ 竊國者侯,竊鉤者誅 窃国者侯,窃钩者诛 T - 0 qiè guó zhě hóu , qiè gōu zhě zhū f /steal the whole country and they make you a prince, steal a hook and they hang you (idiom, from Daoist classic Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子)/ 竊嫌 窃嫌 T - 3 qiè xián f /suspected thief (Tw)/ 竊據 窃据 T - 30 qiè jù f /to usurp/to claim unjustly/to expropriate/ 竊權 窃权 T - 0 qiè quán f /to usurp authority/to hold power improperly/ 竊盜 窃盗 T - 3 qiè dào f /burglar/ 竊竊 窃窃 T - 3 qiè qiè f /privately/secretly/unobtrusively/ 竊竊私語 窃窃私语 T - 80 qiè qiè sī yǔ f /to whisper/ 竊笑 窃笑 T - 24 qiè xiào f /to snigger/to titter/ 竊聲 窃声 T - 0 qiè shēng f /in a whisper/in stealthy tones/ 竊聽 窃听 T - 154 qiè tīng f /to eavesdrop/to wiretap/ 竊聽器 窃听器 T - 15 qiè tīng qì f /tapping device/bug/ 竊蛋龍 窃蛋龙 T - 0 qiè dàn lóng f /oviraptorosaurus (egg-stealing dinosaur)/ 竊蠹甲 窃蠹甲 T - 0 qiè dù jiǎ f /drugstore beetle/CL:隻|只[zhi1]/ 竊賊 窃贼 T - 20 qiè zéi f /thief/ 竊鉤者誅,竊國者侯 窃钩者诛,窃国者侯 T - 0 qiè gōu zhě zhū , qiè guó zhě hóu f /steal a hook and they hang you, steal the whole country and they make you a prince (idiom, from Daoist classic Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子)/ 立 - 8334 Lì f /surname Li/ 立 - 8334 lì f /to stand/to set up/to establish/to lay down/to draw up/at once/immediately/ 立下 - 542 lì xià f /to set up/to establish/ 立交 - 12 lì jiāo f /abbr. for 立體交叉|立体交叉[li4 ti3 jiao1 cha1] overpass/ 立交桥 立交橋 S 4830 119 lì jiāo qiáo f /overpass/flyover/ 立交橋 立交桥 T 4830 119 lì jiāo qiáo f /overpass/flyover/ 立传 立傳 S - 31 lì zhuàn f /to record sb's achievements in writing/to write a biography enhancing the subject's image/ 立体 立體 S 4202 839 lì tǐ f /three-dimensional/solid/stereoscopic/ 立体交叉 立體交叉 S - 3 lì tǐ jiāo chā f /three-dimensional road junction (i.e. involving fly-over bridges or underpass tunnels)/overpass/ 立体几何 立體幾何 S - 18 lì tǐ jǐ hé f /solid geometry/ 立体图 立體圖 S - 5 lì tǐ tú f /three-dimensional figure/hologram/stereogram/ 立体声 立體聲 S - 59 lì tǐ shēng f /stereo sound/ 立体异构 立體異構 S - 0 lì tǐ yì gòu f /stereoisomerism (chemistry)/ 立体异构体 立體異構體 S - 0 lì tǐ yì gòu tǐ f /stereoisomer (chemistry)/ 立体摄像机 立體攝像機 S - 0 lì tǐ shè xiàng jī f /stereoscopic camera/3D camera/ 立体派 立體派 S - 6 Lì tǐ pài f /Cubism/ 立体照片 立體照片 S - 3 lì tǐ zhào piàn f /three-dimensional photo/ 立体电影院 立體電影院 S - 0 lì tǐ diàn yǐng yuàn f /stereoscopic cinema/3D cinema/ 立体角 立體角 S - 10 lì tǐ jiǎo f /solid angle/ 立傳 立传 T - 31 lì zhuàn f /to record sb's achievements in writing/to write a biography enhancing the subject's image/ 立像 - 22 lì xiàng f /standing image (of a Buddha or saint)/ 立克次体 立克次體 S - 4 lì kè cì tǐ f /Rickettsia (genus of intracellular parasitic bacteria)/ 立克次體 立克次体 T - 4 lì kè cì tǐ f /Rickettsia (genus of intracellular parasitic bacteria)/ 立冬 - 13 Lì dōng f /Lidong or Start of Winter, 19th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 7th-21st November/ 立刀旁 - 0 lì dāo páng f /name of "knife" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 18), occurring in 到, 利, 别 etc/see also 刂[dao1]/ 立刻 1417 5871 lì kè f /forthwith/immediate/prompt/promptly/straightway/thereupon/at once/ 立即 1653 6937 lì jí f /immediately/ 立可白 - 0 lì kě bái f /correction fluid (loanword from "Liquid Paper") (Tw)/ 立国 立國 S - 240 lì guó f /to found a country/ 立國 立国 T - 240 lì guó f /to found a country/ 立地成佛 - 17 lì dì chéng fó f /to become a Buddha on the spot (idiom); instant rehabilitation/to repent and be absolved of one's crimes/ 立场 立場 S 2929 3407 lì chǎng f /position/standpoint/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 立場 立场 T 2929 3407 lì chǎng f /position/standpoint/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 立夏 - 0 Lì xià f /Lixia or Start of Summer, 7th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 5th-20th May/ 立委 - 114 lì wěi f /abbr. for 立法委員會|立法委员会[li4 fa3 wei3 yuan2 hui4]/abbr. for 立法委員|立法委员[li4 fa3 wei3 yuan2]/ 立委选举 立委選舉 S - 0 lì wěi xuǎn jǔ f /legislative elections/ 立委選舉 立委选举 T - 0 lì wěi xuǎn jǔ f /legislative elections/ 立定跳远 立定跳遠 S - 0 lì dìng tiào yuǎn f /standing long jump/ 立定跳遠 立定跳远 T - 0 lì dìng tiào yuǎn f /standing long jump/ 立宪 立憲 S - 243 lì xiàn f /to set up a constitution/ 立山区 立山區 S - 3 Lì shān qū f /Lishan district of Anshan city 鞍山市[An1 shan1 shi4], Liaoning/ 立山區 立山区 T - 3 Lì shān qū f /Lishan district of Anshan city 鞍山市[An1 shan1 shi4], Liaoning/ 立志 - 203 lì zhì f /to be determined/to be resolved/ 立憲 立宪 T - 243 lì xiàn f /to set up a constitution/ 立方 4633 959 lì fāng f /cube (math.)/abbr. for 立方體|立方体[li4 fang1 ti3]/abbr. for 立方米[li4 fang1 mi3]/ 立方体 立方體 S - 50 lì fāng tǐ f /cube/cubic/ 立方公尺 - 3 lì fāng gōng chǐ f /cubic meter m^3/ 立方厘米 - 28 lì fāng lí mǐ f /cubic centimeter/ 立方根 - 5 lì fāng gēn f /cubic root (math)/ 立方米 - 516 lì fāng mǐ f /cubic meter (unit of volume)/ 立方體 立方体 T - 50 lì fāng tǐ f /cube/cubic/ 立时 立時 S - 1805 lì shí f /right away/quickly/immediately/ 立春 - 0 Lì chūn f /Lichun or Beginning of Spring, 1st of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气[er4 shi2 si4 jie2 qi5] 4th-18th February/ 立時 立时 T - 1805 lì shí f /right away/quickly/immediately/ 立杆見影 立杆见影 T - 0 lì gān jiàn yǐng f /lit. put up a pole and see the shadow (idiom); to expect instant results/ 立杆见影 立杆見影 S - 0 lì gān jiàn yǐng f /lit. put up a pole and see the shadow (idiom); to expect instant results/ 立案 - 266 lì àn f /to register (to an official organism)/to file a case (for investigation)/ 立案侦查 立案偵查 S - 3 lì àn zhēn chá f /to file for investigation/to prosecute (a case)/ 立案偵查 立案侦查 T - 3 lì àn zhēn chá f /to file for investigation/to prosecute (a case)/ 立正 - 104 lì zhèng f /to stand straight/attention! (order to troops)/ 立氏立克次体 立氏立克次體 S - 0 lì shì lì kè cì tǐ f /Rickettsia rickettsii/ 立氏立克次體 立氏立克次体 T - 0 lì shì lì kè cì tǐ f /Rickettsia rickettsii/ 立法 - 2801 lì fǎ f /to enact laws/to legislate/legislation/ 立法会 立法會 S - 116 lì fǎ huì f /legislative council/LegCo (Hong Kong)/ 立法委员 立法委員 S - 26 lì fǎ wěi yuán f /member of the Legislative Yuan (Taiwan)/ 立法委员会 立法委員會 S - 0 lì fǎ wěi yuán huì f /legislative committee/ 立法委員 立法委员 T - 26 lì fǎ wěi yuán f /member of the Legislative Yuan (Taiwan)/ 立法委員會 立法委员会 T - 0 lì fǎ wěi yuán huì f /legislative committee/ 立法會 立法会 T - 116 lì fǎ huì f /legislative council/LegCo (Hong Kong)/ 立法机关 立法機關 S - 3 lì fǎ jī guān f /legislature/ 立法機關 立法机关 T - 3 lì fǎ jī guān f /legislature/ 立法院 - 3 Lì fǎ yuàn f /Legislative Yuan, the legislative branch of government under the constitution of Republic of China, then of Taiwan/ 立百病毒 - 0 Lì bǎi bìng dú f /Nipah virus/ 立秋 - 0 Lì qiū f /Liqiu or Start of Autumn, 13th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 7th-22nd August/ 立竿見影 立竿见影 T - 60 lì gān jiàn yǐng f /lit. set up a pole and see the shadow (idiom); fig. instant effect/quick results/ 立竿见影 立竿見影 S - 60 lì gān jiàn yǐng f /lit. set up a pole and see the shadow (idiom); fig. instant effect/quick results/ 立約 立约 T - 23 lì yuē f /to make a contract/ 立絨 立绒 T - 0 lì róng f /velvet/ 立约 立約 S - 23 lì yuē f /to make a contract/ 立绒 立絨 S - 0 lì róng f /velvet/ 立論 立论 T - 135 lì lùn f /proposition/argument/ 立论 立論 S - 135 lì lùn f /proposition/argument/ 立足 4572 719 lì zú f /to stand/to have a footing/to be established/to base oneself on/ 立足点 立足點 S - 111 lì zú diǎn f /foothold/ 立足點 立足点 T - 111 lì zú diǎn f /foothold/ 立身处世 立身處世 S - 15 lì shēn chǔ shì f /the way of one's conduct and interaction in society (idiom)/ 立身處世 立身处世 T - 15 lì shēn chǔ shì f /the way of one's conduct and interaction in society (idiom)/ 立軸 立轴 T - 31 lì zhóu f /vertical scroll (painting or calligraphy)/vertical shaft (of a machine)/ 立轴 立軸 S - 31 lì zhóu f /vertical scroll (painting or calligraphy)/vertical shaft (of a machine)/ 立院 - 3 Lì yuàn f /Legislative Yuan (Tw)/abbr. for 立法院[Li4 fa3 yuan4]/ 立陶宛 - 269 Lì táo wǎn f /Lithuania/the Lithuanian republic, former Baltic Soviet republic/ 立陶宛人 - 10 Lì táo wǎn rén f /Lithuanian (person)/ 立面图 立面圖 S - 3 lì miàn tú f /elevation (architectural drawing)/ 立面圖 立面图 T - 3 lì miàn tú f /elevation (architectural drawing)/ 立項 立项 T - 419 lì xiàng f /to launch a project/ 立頓 立顿 T - 4 Lì dùn f /Lipton (name)/ 立项 立項 S - 419 lì xiàng f /to launch a project/ 立顿 立頓 S - 4 Lì dùn f /Lipton (name)/ 立馬 立马 T - 491 lì mǎ f /at once/immediately/promptly/swiftly/ 立马 立馬 S - 491 lì mǎ f /at once/immediately/promptly/swiftly/ 立體 立体 T 4202 839 lì tǐ f /three-dimensional/solid/stereoscopic/ 立體交叉 立体交叉 T - 3 lì tǐ jiāo chā f /three-dimensional road junction (i.e. involving fly-over bridges or underpass tunnels)/overpass/ 立體圖 立体图 T - 5 lì tǐ tú f /three-dimensional figure/hologram/stereogram/ 立體幾何 立体几何 T - 18 lì tǐ jǐ hé f /solid geometry/ 立體攝像機 立体摄像机 T - 0 lì tǐ shè xiàng jī f /stereoscopic camera/3D camera/ 立體派 立体派 T - 6 Lì tǐ pài f /Cubism/ 立體照片 立体照片 T - 3 lì tǐ zhào piàn f /three-dimensional photo/ 立體異構 立体异构 T - 0 lì tǐ yì gòu f /stereoisomerism (chemistry)/ 立體異構體 立体异构体 T - 0 lì tǐ yì gòu tǐ f /stereoisomer (chemistry)/ 立體聲 立体声 T - 59 lì tǐ shēng f /stereo sound/ 立體角 立体角 T - 10 lì tǐ jiǎo f /solid angle/ 立體電影院 立体电影院 T - 0 lì tǐ diàn yǐng yuàn f /stereoscopic cinema/3D cinema/ 立魚 立鱼 T - 0 lì yú f /tilapia/ 立鱼 立魚 S - 0 lì yú f /tilapia/ 竑 - 43 hóng f /large/to estimate/ 竖 竪 S 3625 1185 shù f /variant of 豎|竖[shu4]/ 竖 豎 S 3625 1185 shù f /to erect/vertical/vertical stroke (in Chinese characters)/ 竖式 豎式 S - 0 shù shì f /standing/vertical/ 竖弯钩 豎彎鉤 S - 0 shù wān gōu f /乚 stroke in Chinese characters/ 竖折 豎折 S - 0 shù zhé f /(downwards-starting right angle character stroke)/ 竖琴 豎琴 S - 88 shù qín f /harp/ 竖直 豎直 S - 32 shù zhí f /vertical/to erect/to set upright/vertical stroke in Chinese characters/young servant (old)/ 竖立 豎立 S - 282 shù lì f /to erect/to set upright/to stand/ 竖笔 豎筆 S - 0 shù bǐ f /vertical stroke (in Chinese characters)/ 竖起 豎起 S - 388 shù qǐ f /to erect (a tent etc)/to prick up (one's ears)/to raise (one's eyebrows)/to stick up (one's thumb)/to turn up (one's collar)/(of a bird) to puff up (one's feathers)/ 竖起大拇指 豎起大拇指 S - 0 shù qǐ dà mu zhǐ f /to give a thumbs-up/to express one's approval/ 竖起耳朵 豎起耳朵 S - 0 shù qǐ ěr duo f /to prick up one's ears/to strain to hear sth/ 竖钩 豎鉤 S - 0 shù gōu f /vertical stroke with a hook at the end (in Chinese characters)/ 站 368 23194 zhàn f /station/to stand/to halt/to stop/branch of a company or organization/website/ 站不住脚 站不住腳 S - 63 zhàn bu zhù jiǎo f /ill-founded/groundless/ 站不住腳 站不住脚 T - 63 zhàn bu zhù jiǎo f /ill-founded/groundless/ 站住 - 625 zhàn zhù f /to stand/ 站军姿 站軍姿 S - 0 zhàn jūn zī f /to stand at attention (military)/ 站前区 站前區 S - 3 Zhàn qián qū f /Zhanqian district of Yingkou City 營口市|营口市, Liaoning/ 站前區 站前区 T - 3 Zhàn qián qū f /Zhanqian district of Yingkou City 營口市|营口市, Liaoning/ 站台 - 359 zhàn tái f /platform (at a railway station)/ 站员 站員 S - 0 zhàn yuán f /station employee/railway clerk/ 站員 站员 T - 0 zhàn yuán f /station employee/railway clerk/ 站地 - 0 zhàn dì f /stop (on a bus or train route)/ 站姿 - 0 zhàn zī f /stance/ 站岗 站崗 S - 97 zhàn gǎng f /to stand guard/to serve on sentry duty/ 站崗 站岗 T - 97 zhàn gǎng f /to stand guard/to serve on sentry duty/ 站点 站點 S - 210 zhàn diǎn f /website/ 站牌 - 32 zhàn pái f /bus information board/street sign for a bus stop/bus stop/ 站着说话不腰疼 站著說話不腰疼 S - 0 zhàn zhe shuō huà bù yāo téng f /it's all very well to talk, but getting things done is another matter (idiom)/to be an armchair expert/to blabber on/ 站稳 站穩 S - 209 zhàn wěn f /to stand firm/ 站稳脚步 站穩腳步 S - 3 zhàn wěn jiǎo bù f /to gain a firm foothold/(fig.) to get oneself established/ 站稳脚跟 站穩腳跟 S - 3 zhàn wěn jiǎo gēn f /to stand firmly/to gain a foothold/to establish oneself/ 站穩 站稳 T - 209 zhàn wěn f /to stand firm/ 站穩腳步 站稳脚步 T - 3 zhàn wěn jiǎo bù f /to gain a firm foothold/(fig.) to get oneself established/ 站穩腳跟 站稳脚跟 T - 3 zhàn wěn jiǎo gēn f /to stand firmly/to gain a foothold/to establish oneself/ 站立 - 943 zhàn lì f /to stand/standing/on one's feet/ 站管理 - 0 zhàn guǎn lǐ f /station management/ 站著說話不腰疼 站着说话不腰疼 T - 0 zhàn zhe shuō huà bù yāo téng f /it's all very well to talk, but getting things done is another matter (idiom)/to be an armchair expert/to blabber on/ 站起 - 3 zhàn qǐ f /to get up on hind legs (esp. of horse)/to stand/to spring up/ 站起來 站起来 T - 0 zhàn qǐ lai f /to stand up/ 站起来 站起來 S - 0 zhàn qǐ lai f /to stand up/ 站軍姿 站军姿 T - 0 zhàn jūn zī f /to stand at attention (military)/ 站長 站长 T - 778 zhàn zhǎng f /station master/ 站长 站長 S - 778 zhàn zhǎng f /station master/ 站點 站点 T - 210 zhàn diǎn f /website/ 竚 伫 T - 21 zhù f /variant of 佇|伫[zhu4]/to stand for a long time/ 竜 - 0 lóng f /Japanese variant of 龍|龙/ 竝 并 T - 93868 bìng f /variant of 並|并[bing4]/ 竞 競 S - 1130 jìng f /to compete/to contend/to struggle/ 竞争 競爭 S 976 5985 jìng zhēng f /to compete/competition/ 竞争产品 競爭產品 S - 0 jìng zhēng chǎn pǐn f /competitive product/competitor's product/ 竞争力 競爭力 S - 1310 jìng zhēng lì f /competitive strength/competitiveness/ 竞争和聚合 競爭和聚合 S - 0 jìng zhēng hé jù hé f /to compete and converge/ 竞争性 競爭性 S - 79 jìng zhēng xìng f /competitive/ 竞争模式 競爭模式 S - 0 jìng zhēng mó shì f /competition model/ 竞争者 競爭者 S - 148 jìng zhēng zhě f /competitor/ 竞价 競價 S - 42 jìng jià f /price competition/bid (in an auction)/to compete on price/to bid against sb/ 竞技 競技 S - 430 jìng jì f /competition of skill (e.g. sports)/athletics tournament/ 竞技动物 競技動物 S - 0 jìng jì dòng wù f /animals used in blood sports/ 竞技场 競技場 S - 61 jìng jì chǎng f /arena/ 竞技性 競技性 S - 6 jìng jì xìng f /competitive/ 竞渡 競渡 S - 70 jìng dù f /rowing competition/boat race/swimming competition (e.g. to cross river or lake)/ 竞猜 競猜 S - 52 jìng cāi f /to try to answer a question (in a quiz, guessing game, riddle etc)/quiz game/ 竞相 競相 S - 347 jìng xiāng f /competitive/eagerly/to vie/ 竞秀 競秀 S - 9 jìng xiù f /beauty contest/vying to be the most beautiful/ 竞租 競租 S - 0 jìng zū f /rent-seeking (economics)/ 竞答 競答 S - 0 jìng dá f /to compete to answer questions (in class)/ 竞艳 競艷 S - 3 jìng yàn f /vying to be the most glamorous/each more gorgeous than the other/beauty contest/ 竞购 競購 S - 39 jìng gòu f /to bid competitively/to compete to buy (at auction)/ 竞赛 競賽 S 3133 1213 jìng sài f /race/competition/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 竞赛者 競賽者 S - 3 jìng sài zhě f /player/ 竞走 競走 S - 64 jìng zǒu f /walking race (athletics event)/ 竞选 競選 S 2708 778 jìng xuǎn f /to take part in an election/to run for office/ 竞选副手 競選副手 S - 0 jìng xuǎn fù shǒu f /election assistant/running mate/ 竞选搭档 競選搭檔 S - 0 jìng xuǎn dā dàng f /election partner/running mate/ 竞选活动 競選活動 S - 3 jìng xuǎn huó dòng f /(election) campaign/ 竞逐 競逐 S - 13 jìng zhú f /competition/to compete/to pursue/ 竟 - 10875 jìng f /unexpectedly/actually/to go so far as to/indeed/ 竟敢 - 401 jìng gǎn f /to have the impertinence/to have the cheek to/ 竟然 874 6640 jìng rán f /unexpectedly/to one's surprise/in spite of everything/in that crazy way/actually/to go as far as to/ 竟陵 - 298 Jìng líng f /Jingling, former name of Tianmen 天門|天门, Hubei/ 章 - 6128 Zhāng f /surname Zhang/ 章 - 6128 zhāng f /chapter/section/clause/movement (of symphony)/seal/badge/regulation/order/ 章丘 - 23 Zhāng qiū f /Zhangqiu county level city in Ji'nan 濟南|济南[Ji3 nan2], Shandong/ 章丘市 - 30 Zhāng qiū shì f /Zhangqiu county level city in Ji'nan 濟南|济南[Ji3 nan2], Shandong/ 章则 章則 S - 26 zhāng zé f /rule/ 章則 章则 T - 26 zhāng zé f /rule/ 章台 章臺 S - 0 zhāng tái f /street name in ancient Chang'an synonymous with brothel area/red-light district/ 章回小說 章回小说 T - 22 zhāng huí xiǎo shuō f /novel in chapters, main format for long novels from the Ming onwards, with each chapter headed by a summary couplet/ 章回小说 章回小說 S - 22 zhāng huí xiǎo shuō f /novel in chapters, main format for long novels from the Ming onwards, with each chapter headed by a summary couplet/ 章士釗 章士钊 T - 29 Zhāng Shì zhāo f /Zhang Shizhao (1881-1973), revolutionary journalist in Shanghai, then established writer/ 章士钊 章士釗 S - 29 Zhāng Shì zhāo f /Zhang Shizhao (1881-1973), revolutionary journalist in Shanghai, then established writer/ 章太炎 - 75 Zhāng Tài yán f /Zhang Taiyan (1869-1936), scholar, journalist, revolutionary and leading intellectual around the time of the Xinhai revolution/ 章子 - 6 zhāng zi f /seal/stamp/ 章子怡 - 11 Zhāng Zǐ yí f /Zhang Ziyi (1979-), PRC actress/ 章孝严 章孝嚴 S - 15 zhāng xiào yán f /John Chang (Taiwan Foreign Minister)/ 章孝嚴 章孝严 T - 15 zhāng xiào yán f /John Chang (Taiwan Foreign Minister)/ 章炳麟 - 44 Zhāng Bǐng lín f /Zhang Taiyan 章太炎 (1869-1936), scholar, journalist, revolutionary and leading intellectual around the time of the Xinhai revolution/ 章甫荐履 章甫薦履 S - 3 zhāng fǔ jiàn lǚ f /court crown beneath straw shoe (idiom); everything turned upside down/ 章甫薦履 章甫荐履 T - 3 zhāng fǔ jiàn lǚ f /court crown beneath straw shoe (idiom); everything turned upside down/ 章程 4664 1318 zhāng chéng f /rules/regulations/constitution/statute/articles of association (of company)/articles of incorporation/charter (of a corporation)/by-laws/ 章節 章节 T - 198 zhāng jié f /chapter/section/ 章臺 章台 T - 0 zhāng tái f /street name in ancient Chang'an synonymous with brothel area/red-light district/ 章节 章節 S - 198 zhāng jié f /chapter/section/ 章貢 章贡 T - 0 Zhāng gòng f /Zhanggong district of Ganzhou city 贛州市|赣州市, Jiangxi/ 章貢區 章贡区 T - 3 Zhāng gòng qū f /Zhanggong district of Ganzhou city 贛州市|赣州市, Jiangxi/ 章贡 章貢 S - 0 Zhāng gòng f /Zhanggong district of Ganzhou city 贛州市|赣州市, Jiangxi/ 章贡区 章貢區 S - 3 Zhāng gòng qū f /Zhanggong district of Ganzhou city 贛州市|赣州市, Jiangxi/ 章魚 章鱼 T - 37 zhāng yú f /octopus/ 章鱼 章魚 S - 37 zhāng yú f /octopus/ 竡 - 0 bǎi f /hectoliter (old)/ 竢 俟 T - 299 sì f /variant of 俟[si4]/ 竣 - 13 jùn f /complete/finish/ 竣工 - 687 jùn gōng f /to complete a project/ 童 - 1797 Tóng f /surname Tong/ 童 - 1797 tóng f /child/ 童乩 - 0 tóng jī f /spirit medium/ 童便 - 2 tóng biàn f /urine of boys under 12, used as medicine (TCM)/ 童儿 童兒 S - 48 tóng ér f /boy/ 童兒 童儿 T - 48 tóng ér f /boy/ 童养媳 童養媳 S - 25 tóng yǎng xí f /child bride/girl adopted into a family as future daughter-in-law/ 童养媳妇 童養媳婦 S - 0 tóng yǎng xí fù f /child bride/girl adopted into a family as future daughter-in-law/ 童军 童軍 S - 3 Tóng jūn f /Scout (youth organization)/see also 童子軍|童子军[Tong2 zi3 jun1]/ 童叟无欺 童叟無欺 S - 18 tóng sǒu wú qī f /cheating neither old nor young (idiom); treating youngsters and old folk equally scrupulously/Our house offers sincere treatment to all and fair trade to old and young alike./ 童叟無欺 童叟无欺 T - 18 tóng sǒu wú qī f /cheating neither old nor young (idiom); treating youngsters and old folk equally scrupulously/Our house offers sincere treatment to all and fair trade to old and young alike./ 童女 - 17 tóng nǚ f /virgin female/ 童子 - 562 tóng zǐ f /boy/ 童子军 童子軍 S - 34 Tóng zǐ jūn f /Scout (youth organization)/ 童子军 童子軍 S - 34 tóng zǐ jūn f /child soldiers/juvenile militia/ 童子尿 - 0 tóng zǐ niào f /urine of boys under 12, used as medicine (TCM)/ 童子軍 童子军 T - 34 Tóng zǐ jūn f /Scout (youth organization)/ 童子軍 童子军 T - 34 tóng zǐ jūn f /child soldiers/juvenile militia/ 童山濯濯 - 3 tóng shān zhuó zhuó f /treeless hill/(fig.) bald head/ 童工 - 86 tóng gōng f /child labor/ 童年 - 461 tóng nián f /childhood/ 童床 - 0 tóng chuáng f /crib/children's bed/ 童心 - 91 tóng xīn f /childish heart/childish innocence/ 童星 - 5 tóng xīng f /child star/ 童生 - 20 tóng shēng f /candidate who has not yet passed the county level imperial exam/ 童男 - 54 tóng nán f /virgin male/ 童真 - 15 tóng zhēn f /childishness/naivete/ 童稚 - 18 tóng zhì f /child/childish/ 童花头 童花頭 S - 0 tóng huā tóu f /short bobbed hairstyle/ 童花頭 童花头 T - 0 tóng huā tóu f /short bobbed hairstyle/ 童蒙 - 5 tóng méng f /young and ignorant/ignorant and uneducated/ 童装 童裝 S - 278 tóng zhuāng f /children's clothing/ 童裝 童装 T - 278 tóng zhuāng f /children's clothing/ 童言无忌 童言無忌 S - 6 tóng yán wú jì f /children's words carry no harm (idiom)/ 童言無忌 童言无忌 T - 6 tóng yán wú jì f /children's words carry no harm (idiom)/ 童話 童话 T 3234 388 tóng huà f /children's fairy tales/ 童話故事 童话故事 T - 3 tóng huà gù shì f /fairy tale/ 童謠 童谣 T - 61 tóng yáo f /nursery rhyme/ 童话 童話 S 3234 388 tóng huà f /children's fairy tales/ 童话故事 童話故事 S - 3 tóng huà gù shì f /fairy tale/ 童谣 童謠 S - 61 tóng yáo f /nursery rhyme/ 童貞 童贞 T - 25 tóng zhēn f /virginity/chastity/ 童贞 童貞 S - 25 tóng zhēn f /virginity/chastity/ 童趣 - 17 tóng qù f /qualities that delight children (e.g. bold colors in a picture, anthropomorphized characters in a TV show, the physical challenge of playground equipment)/ 童身 - 3 tóng shēn f /undefiled body/virginity/virgin/ 童軍 童军 T - 3 Tóng jūn f /Scout (youth organization)/see also 童子軍|童子军[Tong2 zi3 jun1]/ 童養媳 童养媳 T - 25 tóng yǎng xí f /child bride/girl adopted into a family as future daughter-in-law/ 童養媳婦 童养媳妇 T - 0 tóng yǎng xí fù f /child bride/girl adopted into a family as future daughter-in-law/ 竦 - 219 sǒng f /respectful/horrified/to raise (one's shoulders)/to stand on tiptoe/to crane/ 竪 竖 T 3625 1185 shù f /variant of 豎|竖[shu4]/ 竭 - 261 jié f /to exhaust/ 竭力 - 1044 jié lì f /to do one's utmost/ 竭尽 竭盡 S - 91 jié jìn f /to use up/to exhaust/ 竭尽全力 竭盡全力 S 3431 164 jié jìn quán lì f /to spare no effort (idiom); to do one's utmost/ 竭心 - 3 jié xīn f /to do one's utmost/ 竭泽而渔 竭澤而漁 S - 21 jié zé ér yú f /lit. to drain the pond to get at the fish (idiom)/fig. to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs/ 竭澤而漁 竭泽而渔 T - 21 jié zé ér yú f /lit. to drain the pond to get at the fish (idiom)/fig. to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs/ 竭盡 竭尽 T - 91 jié jìn f /to use up/to exhaust/ 竭盡全力 竭尽全力 T 3431 164 jié jìn quán lì f /to spare no effort (idiom); to do one's utmost/ 竭誠 竭诚 T - 52 jié chéng f /wholeheartedly/ 竭诚 竭誠 S - 52 jié chéng f /wholeheartedly/ 端 2853 5639 duān f /end/extremity/item/port/to hold sth level with both hands/to carry/regular/ 端 耑 S 2853 5639 duān f /old variant of 端[duan1]/start/origin/ 端上 - 3 duān shàng f /to serve (food, tea etc)/ 端五 - 0 Duān wǔ f /variant of 端午[Duan1 wu3]/ 端倪 - 220 duān ní f /boundary land/clue/inkling/to predict/ 端午 - 60 Duān wǔ f /see 端午節|端午节[Duan1 wu3 jie2]/ 端午節 端午节 T 4995 123 Duān wǔ jié f /Dragon Boat Festival (5th day of the 5th lunar month)/ 端午节 端午節 S 4995 123 Duān wǔ jié f /Dragon Boat Festival (5th day of the 5th lunar month)/ 端口 - 174 duān kǒu f /interface/port/ 端坐 - 264 duān zuò f /to sit upright/ 端子 - 15 duān zi f /terminal (electronics)/ 端尿 - 0 duān niào f /to support a child (or invalid etc) while he or she urinates/ 端屎 - 0 duān shǐ f /to support a child (or invalid etc) while he or she defecates/ 端州 - 12 Duān zhōu f /Duanzhou district of Zhaoqing city 肇慶市|肇庆市[Zhao4 qing4 shi4], Guangdong/ 端州区 端州區 S - 3 Duān zhōu qū f /Duanzhou district of Zhaoqing city 肇慶市|肇庆市[Zhao4 qing4 shi4], Guangdong/ 端州區 端州区 T - 3 Duān zhōu qū f /Duanzhou district of Zhaoqing city 肇慶市|肇庆市[Zhao4 qing4 shi4], Guangdong/ 端庄 端莊 S - 231 duān zhuāng f /dignified/composed/ 端方 - 23 duān fāng f /upright/honest/proper/correct/ 端木 - 46 Duān mù f /two-character surname Duanmu/ 端木賜 端木赐 T - 0 Duān mù Cì f /Duanmu Ci (520 BC-446 BC), disciple of Confucius, also known as Zi Gong 子貢|子贡[Zi3 Gong4]/ 端木赐 端木賜 S - 0 Duān mù Cì f /Duanmu Ci (520 BC-446 BC), disciple of Confucius, also known as Zi Gong 子貢|子贡[Zi3 Gong4]/ 端架子 - 3 duān jià zi f /to put on airs/ 端正 4533 385 duān zhèng f /upright/regular/proper/correct/ 端点 端點 S - 36 duān diǎn f /starting point or ending point (in stories etc)/end point (math)/ 端然 - 0 duān rán f /upright/finally/unexpectedly/ 端的 - 520 duān dì f /really/after all/details/particulars/ 端砚 端硯 S - 19 Duān yàn f /high-quality ink stonemade in Duanxi and Guangdong/ 端硯 端砚 T - 19 Duān yàn f /high-quality ink stonemade in Duanxi and Guangdong/ 端站 - 0 duān zhàn f /end station/ 端粒 - 3 duān lì f /telomere, a protective DNA cap on a chromosome/ 端粒脢 - 0 duān lì méi f /telomerase/ 端系統 端系统 T - 3 duān xì tǒng f /end system/ 端系统 端系統 S - 3 duān xì tǒng f /end system/ 端緒 端绪 T - 16 duān xù f /start and development/thread (of a story)/general outline/clue/ 端線 端线 T - 41 duān xiàn f /end line/baseline (sports)/ 端线 端線 S - 41 duān xiàn f /end line/baseline (sports)/ 端绪 端緒 S - 16 duān xù f /start and development/thread (of a story)/general outline/clue/ 端莊 端庄 T - 231 duān zhuāng f /dignified/composed/ 端菜 - 3 duān cài f /to serve food/ 端詳 端详 T - 249 duān xiáng t /full details/full particulars/ 端詳 端详 T - 249 duān xiang f /to look over carefully/to scrutinize/ 端详 端詳 S - 249 duān xiáng t /full details/full particulars/ 端详 端詳 S - 249 duān xiang f /to look over carefully/to scrutinize/ 端賴 端赖 T - 3 duān lài f /to depend ultimately on (Tw)/absolutely reliant on/ 端赖 端賴 S - 3 duān lài f /to depend ultimately on (Tw)/absolutely reliant on/ 端阳节 端陽節 S - 58 Duān yáng jié f /see 端午節|端午节[Duan1 wu3 jie2]/ 端陽節 端阳节 T - 58 Duān yáng jié f /see 端午節|端午节[Duan1 wu3 jie2]/ 端面 - 18 duān miàn f /end face/end surface of a cylindrical object/ 端飯 端饭 T - 0 duān fàn f /to serve (food)/ 端饭 端飯 S - 0 duān fàn f /to serve (food)/ 端點 端点 T - 36 duān diǎn f /starting point or ending point (in stories etc)/end point (math)/ 競 竞 T - 1130 jìng f /to compete/to contend/to struggle/ 競價 竞价 T - 42 jìng jià f /price competition/bid (in an auction)/to compete on price/to bid against sb/ 競技 竞技 T - 430 jìng jì f /competition of skill (e.g. sports)/athletics tournament/ 競技動物 竞技动物 T - 0 jìng jì dòng wù f /animals used in blood sports/ 競技場 竞技场 T - 61 jìng jì chǎng f /arena/ 競技性 竞技性 T - 6 jìng jì xìng f /competitive/ 競渡 竞渡 T - 70 jìng dù f /rowing competition/boat race/swimming competition (e.g. to cross river or lake)/ 競爭 竞争 T 976 5985 jìng zhēng f /to compete/competition/ 競爭力 竞争力 T - 1310 jìng zhēng lì f /competitive strength/competitiveness/ 競爭和聚合 竞争和聚合 T - 0 jìng zhēng hé jù hé f /to compete and converge/ 競爭性 竞争性 T - 79 jìng zhēng xìng f /competitive/ 競爭模式 竞争模式 T - 0 jìng zhēng mó shì f /competition model/ 競爭產品 竞争产品 T - 0 jìng zhēng chǎn pǐn f /competitive product/competitor's product/ 競爭者 竞争者 T - 148 jìng zhēng zhě f /competitor/ 競猜 竞猜 T - 52 jìng cāi f /to try to answer a question (in a quiz, guessing game, riddle etc)/quiz game/ 競相 竞相 T - 347 jìng xiāng f /competitive/eagerly/to vie/ 競秀 竞秀 T - 9 jìng xiù f /beauty contest/vying to be the most beautiful/ 競租 竞租 T - 0 jìng zū f /rent-seeking (economics)/ 競答 竞答 T - 0 jìng dá f /to compete to answer questions (in class)/ 競艷 竞艳 T - 3 jìng yàn f /vying to be the most glamorous/each more gorgeous than the other/beauty contest/ 競購 竞购 T - 39 jìng gòu f /to bid competitively/to compete to buy (at auction)/ 競賽 竞赛 T 3133 1213 jìng sài f /race/competition/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 競賽者 竞赛者 T - 3 jìng sài zhě f /player/ 競走 竞走 T - 64 jìng zǒu f /walking race (athletics event)/ 競逐 竞逐 T - 13 jìng zhú f /competition/to compete/to pursue/ 競選 竞选 T 2708 778 jìng xuǎn f /to take part in an election/to run for office/ 競選副手 竞选副手 T - 0 jìng xuǎn fù shǒu f /election assistant/running mate/ 競選搭檔 竞选搭档 T - 0 jìng xuǎn dā dàng f /election partner/running mate/ 競選活動 竞选活动 T - 3 jìng xuǎn huó dòng f /(election) campaign/ 竹 - 3911 zhú f /bamboo/CL:棵[ke1],支[zhi1],根[gen1]/Kangxi radical 118/ 竹东 竹東 S - 3 Zhú dōng f /Zhudong or Chutung town in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 竹东镇 竹東鎮 S - 2 Zhú dōng zhèn f /Zhudong or Chutung town in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 竹丝鸡 竹絲雞 S - 0 zhú sī jī f /black-boned chicken/silky fowl/silkie/Gallus gallus domesticus Brisson/see also 烏骨雞|乌骨鸡[wu1 gu3 ji1]/ 竹书纪年 竹書紀年 S - 97 Zhú shū Jì nián f /Bamboo Annals, early chronicle of Chinese ancient history, written c. 300 BC/ 竹內 竹内 T - 5 Zhú nèi f /Takeuchi (Japanese surname)/ 竹内 竹內 S - 5 Zhú nèi f /Takeuchi (Japanese surname)/ 竹刀 - 0 zhú dāo f /shinai (bamboo sword for kendō)/ 竹制 竹製 S - 31 zhú zhì f /made of bamboo/ 竹北 - 3 Zhú běi f /Zhubei or Chupei city in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 竹北市 - 0 Zhú běi Shì f /Zhubei or Chupei City in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 竹南 - 3 Zhú nán f /Zhunan or Chunan town in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 竹南鎮 竹南镇 T - 0 Zhú nán zhèn f /Zhu'nan or Chu'nan town in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 竹南镇 竹南鎮 S - 0 Zhú nán zhèn f /Zhu'nan or Chu'nan town in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 竹叶青 竹葉青 S - 19 zhú yè qīng f /Trimeresurus stejnegeri (poisonous snake)/ 竹叶青蛇 竹葉青蛇 S - 0 zhú yè qīng shé f /Trimeresurus stejnegeri (poisonous snake)/ 竹啄木鳥 竹啄木鸟 T - 0 zhú zhuó mù niǎo f /(bird species of China) pale-headed woodpecker (Gecinulus grantia)/ 竹啄木鸟 竹啄木鳥 S - 0 zhú zhuó mù niǎo f /(bird species of China) pale-headed woodpecker (Gecinulus grantia)/ 竹器 - 41 zhú qì f /utensil made of bamboo/ 竹园 竹園 S - 279 Zhú Yuán f /Chuk Yuen (place in Hong Kong)/ 竹園 竹园 T - 279 Zhú Yuán f /Chuk Yuen (place in Hong Kong)/ 竹塘 - 0 Zhú táng f /Chutang or Zhutang township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 竹塘乡 竹塘鄉 S - 0 Zhú táng xiāng f /Chutang or Zhutang township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 竹塘鄉 竹塘乡 T - 0 Zhú táng xiāng f /Chutang or Zhutang township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 竹子 2404 241 zhú zi f /bamboo/CL:棵[ke1],支[zhi1],根[gen1]/ 竹山 - 279 Zhú shān f /Zhushan county in Shiyan 十堰[Shi2 yan4], Hubei/Zhushan or Chushan town in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ 竹山县 竹山縣 S - 263 Zhú shān xiàn f /Zhushan county in Shiyan 十堰[Shi2 yan4], Hubei/ 竹山縣 竹山县 T - 263 Zhú shān xiàn f /Zhushan county in Shiyan 十堰[Shi2 yan4], Hubei/ 竹山鎮 竹山镇 T - 0 Zhú shān zhèn f /Zhushan or Chushan town in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ 竹山镇 竹山鎮 S - 0 Zhú shān zhèn f /Zhushan or Chushan town in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ 竹岛 竹島 S - 18 Zhú dǎo f /Takeshima (Korean Dokdo 獨島|独岛[Du2 dao3]), disputed islands in Sea of Japan/ 竹島 竹岛 T - 18 Zhú dǎo f /Takeshima (Korean Dokdo 獨島|独岛[Du2 dao3]), disputed islands in Sea of Japan/ 竹崎 - 0 Zhú qí f /Zhuqi or Chuchi township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan/ 竹崎乡 竹崎鄉 S - 0 Zhú qí xiāng f /Zhuqi or Chuchi township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan/ 竹崎鄉 竹崎乡 T - 0 Zhú qí xiāng f /Zhuqi or Chuchi township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan/ 竹布 - 16 zhú bù f /light cotton fabric/ 竹帛 - 12 zhú bó f /bamboo and silk writing materials (before paper)/ 竹排 - 25 zhú pái f /bamboo raft/ 竹書紀年 竹书纪年 T - 97 Zhú shū Jì nián f /Bamboo Annals, early chronicle of Chinese ancient history, written c. 300 BC/ 竹木 - 77 zhú mù f /bamboo and wood/ 竹東 竹东 T - 3 Zhú dōng f /Zhudong or Chutung town in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 竹東鎮 竹东镇 T - 2 Zhú dōng zhèn f /Zhudong or Chutung town in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 竹板 - 25 zhú bǎn f /bamboo clapper boards used in folk theater/ 竹林 - 316 zhú lín f /bamboo forest/ 竹溪 - 525 Zhú xī f /Zhuxi county in Shiyan 十堰[Shi2 yan4], Hubei/ 竹溪县 竹溪縣 S - 260 Zhú xī xiàn f /Zhuxi county in Shiyan 十堰[Shi2 yan4], Hubei/ 竹溪縣 竹溪县 T - 260 Zhú xī xiàn f /Zhuxi county in Shiyan 十堰[Shi2 yan4], Hubei/ 竹田 - 0 Zhú tián f /Chutien township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 竹田乡 竹田鄉 S - 0 Zhú tián xiāng f /Chutien township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 竹田鄉 竹田乡 T - 0 Zhú tián xiāng f /Chutien township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 竹笋 竹筍 S - 73 zhú sǔn f /bamboo shoot/ 竹笙 - 0 zhú shēng f /bamboo fungus/ 竹筍 竹笋 T - 73 zhú sǔn f /bamboo shoot/ 竹筒 - 187 zhú tǒng f /bamboo tube/bamboo pipe/ 竹筒倒豆子 - 16 zhú tǒng dǎo dòu zi f /to pour beans out of a bamboo tube/to come clean/to make a clean breast of things/ 竹简 竹簡 S - 136 zhú jiǎn f /bamboo writing slips in ancient times (joined together to form whole scrolls)/ 竹箍儿 竹箍兒 S - 0 zhú gū r f /bamboo hoop/bamboo band/ 竹箍兒 竹箍儿 T - 0 zhú gū r f /bamboo hoop/bamboo band/ 竹管 - 27 zhú guǎn f /bamboo pipe/ 竹節 竹节 T - 39 zhú jié f /bamboo joint/ 竹篦 - 0 zhú bì f /bamboo comb/ 竹篮 竹籃 S - 67 zhú lán f /wicker basket/ 竹篮打水 竹籃打水 S - 2 zhú lán dǎ shuǐ f /using a wicker basket to draw water (idiom); wasted effort/ 竹篮打水,一场空 竹籃打水,一場空 S - 0 zhú lán dǎ shuǐ , yī cháng kōng f /using a wicker basket to draw water (idiom); wasted effort/ 竹篱笆 竹籬笆 S - 3 zhú lí bā f /fence/ 竹篾 - 42 zhú miè f /thin bamboo strips used for baskets/ 竹簡 竹简 T - 136 zhú jiǎn f /bamboo writing slips in ancient times (joined together to form whole scrolls)/ 竹籃 竹篮 T - 67 zhú lán f /wicker basket/ 竹籃打水 竹篮打水 T - 2 zhú lán dǎ shuǐ f /using a wicker basket to draw water (idiom); wasted effort/ 竹籃打水,一場空 竹篮打水,一场空 T - 0 zhú lán dǎ shuǐ , yī cháng kōng f /using a wicker basket to draw water (idiom); wasted effort/ 竹籬笆 竹篱笆 T - 3 zhú lí bā f /fence/ 竹絲雞 竹丝鸡 T - 0 zhú sī jī f /black-boned chicken/silky fowl/silkie/Gallus gallus domesticus Brisson/see also 烏骨雞|乌骨鸡[wu1 gu3 ji1]/ 竹編 竹编 T - 60 zhú biān f /wickerwork/ 竹编 竹編 S - 60 zhú biān f /wickerwork/ 竹舆 竹輿 S - 0 zhú yú f /a bamboo carriage/a palanquin/ 竹节 竹節 S - 39 zhú jié f /bamboo joint/ 竹芋 - 3 zhú yù f /Indian arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea)/ 竹茹 - 6 zhú rú f /bamboo shavings (Bambusa tuldoides) used in Chinese medicine/ 竹葉青 竹叶青 T - 19 zhú yè qīng f /Trimeresurus stejnegeri (poisonous snake)/ 竹葉青蛇 竹叶青蛇 T - 0 zhú yè qīng shé f /Trimeresurus stejnegeri (poisonous snake)/ 竹製 竹制 T - 31 zhú zhì f /made of bamboo/ 竹輿 竹舆 T - 0 zhú yú f /a bamboo carriage/a palanquin/ 竹青 - 0 zhú qīng f /bamboo bark/bamboo green (color)/ 竹馬 竹马 T - 8 zhú mǎ f /bamboo stick used as a toy horse/ 竹馬之交 竹马之交 T - 3 zhú mǎ zhī jiāo f /childhood friend (idiom)/ 竹馬之友 竹马之友 T - 3 zhú mǎ zhī yǒu f /see 竹馬之交|竹马之交[zhu2 ma3 zhi1 jiao1]/ 竹马 竹馬 S - 8 zhú mǎ f /bamboo stick used as a toy horse/ 竹马之交 竹馬之交 S - 3 zhú mǎ zhī jiāo f /childhood friend (idiom)/ 竹马之友 竹馬之友 S - 3 zhú mǎ zhī yǒu f /see 竹馬之交|竹马之交[zhu2 ma3 zhi1 jiao1]/ 竹鮫 竹鲛 T - 0 zhú jiāo f /see 馬鮫魚|马鲛鱼[ma3 jiao1 yu2]/ 竹鲛 竹鮫 S - 0 zhú jiāo f /see 馬鮫魚|马鲛鱼[ma3 jiao1 yu2]/ 竺 - 67 Zhú t /surname Zhu/abbr. for 天竺[Tian1 zhu2] India (esp. in Tang or Buddhist context)/Buddhism (archaic)/ 竺 - 67 dǔ f /variant of 篤|笃[du3]/ 竺书 竺書 S - 0 Zhú shū f /Buddhist texts (archaic)/scripture/ 竺乾 - 0 Zhú qián f /Buddha (archaic)/Dharma (the teachings of the Buddha)/ 竺可桢 竺可楨 S - 30 Zhú Kě zhēn f /Zhu Kezhen (1890-1974), Chinese metereologist and geologist/ 竺可楨 竺可桢 T - 30 Zhú Kě zhēn f /Zhu Kezhen (1890-1974), Chinese metereologist and geologist/ 竺学 竺學 S - 0 Zhú xué f /Buddhist doctrine (archaic)/Buddhist studies/ 竺學 竺学 T - 0 Zhú xué f /Buddhist doctrine (archaic)/Buddhist studies/ 竺教 - 0 Zhú jiào f /Buddhism (archaic)/ 竺書 竺书 T - 0 Zhú shū f /Buddhist texts (archaic)/scripture/ 竺法 - 0 Zhú fǎ f /Dharma (the teachings of the Buddha, archaic)/Buddhist doctrine/ 竽 - 82 yú f /free reed mouth organ, with wooden pipes stuck into a gourd (larger version of 笙[sheng1])/ 竾 - 45 chí f /variant of 篪[chi2]/ 竿 - 281 gān f /pole/ 竿头 竿頭 S - 3 gān tóu f /bamboo pole's uppermost tip/(fig.) acme/ 竿子 - 31 gān zi f /bamboo pole/CL:根[gen1],個|个[ge4]/ 竿頭 竿头 T - 3 gān tóu f /bamboo pole's uppermost tip/(fig.) acme/ 笀 - 82 máng f /old variant of 芒[mang2]/arista (of grain)/ 笃 篤 S - 550 dǔ f /serious (illness)/sincere/true/ 笃专 篤專 S - 0 dǔ zhuān f /with undivided attention/ 笃信 篤信 S - 68 dǔ xìn f /to believe firmly/devout in one's faith/ 笃信好学 篤信好學 S - 3 dǔ xìn hào xué f /sincere belief and diligent study/ 笃厚 篤厚 S - 3 dǔ hòu f /honest and generous/magnanimous/ 笃学 篤學 S - 3 dǔ xué f /studious/diligent in study/ 笃守 篤守 S - 3 dǔ shǒu f /to comply faithfully/sincerely abiding by/ 笃定 篤定 S - 52 dǔ dìng f /certain/confident (of some outcome)/calm and unhurried/ 笃实 篤實 S - 9 dǔ shí f /loyal/sincere/sound/ 笃志 篤志 S - 4 dǔ zhì f /steadfast/with single-minded devotion/ 笃挚 篤摯 S - 0 dǔ zhì f /sincere (in friendship)/cordial/ 笃爱 篤愛 S - 3 dǔ ài f /to love deeply/devoted to sb/ 笃病 篤病 S - 0 dǔ bìng f /seriously ill/critical/ 笃行 篤行 S - 3 dǔ xíng f /to carry out (obligation) conscientiously/to behave sincerely/ 笄 - 57 jī f /15 years old/hairpin for bun/ 笄之年 - 0 jī zhī nián f /beginning of maturity (of a girl)/ 笄冠 - 0 jī guān f /to have just attained maturity (traditional)/ 笄年 - 0 jī nián f /beginning of maturity (of a girl)/ 笄蛭 - 0 jī zhì f /a kind of earthworm/ 笆 - 158 bā f /an article made of bamboo strips/fence/ 笆斗 - 5 bā dǒu f /round-bottomed basket/ 笆篱子 笆籬子 S - 0 bā lí zi f /(dialect) prison/ 笆籬子 笆篱子 T - 0 bā lí zi f /(dialect) prison/ 笈 - 190 jí f /trunks (for books)/ 笉 - 2798 qǐn f /smiling countenance/bamboo rope/ 笊 - 29 zhào f /loosely woven bamboo ladle/ 笊篱 笊籬 S - 21 zhào li f /strainer (made of bamboo, wicker, or wire)/ 笊籬 笊篱 T - 21 zhào li f /strainer (made of bamboo, wicker, or wire)/ 笋 筍 S - 157 sǔn f /bamboo shoot/ 笎 - 18 yuán f /bamboo with black patches/ 笏 - 69 hù f /tablet held at an audience/ 笐 - 11 gāng f /bamboos placed across wooden frames on which grain may be stored in damp climates/ 笑 咲 S 226 32256 xiào f /old variant of 笑[xiao4]/ 笑 226 32256 xiào f /laugh/smile/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 笑不可仰 - 3 xiào bù kě yǎng f /to double up with laughter (idiom)/ 笑不可抑 - 0 xiào bù kě yì f /to laugh irrepressibly/ 笑口弥勒 笑口彌勒 S - 0 Xiào kǒu Mí lè f /laughing Maitreya/ 笑口彌勒 笑口弥勒 T - 0 Xiào kǒu Mí lè f /laughing Maitreya/ 笑哈哈 - 10 xiào hā hā f /to laugh heartily/ 笑声 笑聲 S - 1011 xiào shēng f /laughter/ 笑容 - 1456 xiào róng f /smile/smiling expression/CL:副[fu4]/ 笑容可掬 - 72 xiào róng kě jū f /smiling wholeheartedly (idiom); beaming from ear to ear/ 笑意 - 332 xiào yì f /smiling expression/ 笑掉大牙 - 2 xiào diào dà yá f /to laugh one's head off/ridiculous/jaw-dropping/ 笑料 - 25 xiào liào f /source of laughter/laughing stock/butt/joke (person)/ 笑林 - 5 Xiào lín f /Jokes (title of an ancient collection of jokes, often used in the title of modern collections of jokes)/ 笑柄 - 41 xiào bǐng f /a matter for ridicule/an object of ridicule/laughingstock/ 笑涡 笑渦 S - 0 xiào wō f /see 笑窩|笑窝[xiao4 wo1]/ 笑渦 笑涡 T - 0 xiào wō f /see 笑窩|笑窝[xiao4 wo1]/ 笑点 笑點 S - 0 xiào diǎn f /funny bits/humorous parts/jokes/punchline/ 笑点低 笑點低 S - 0 xiào diǎn dī f /amused by even the weakest joke/ready to laugh at the smallest thing/ 笑盈盈 - 42 xiào yíng yíng f /smilingly/to be all smiles/ 笑眯眯 - 227 xiào mī mī f /beaming/all smiles/ 笑破肚皮 - 3 xiào pò dù pí f /to split one's sides laughing/ 笑窝 笑窩 S - 2 xiào wō f /dimple/ 笑窩 笑窝 T - 2 xiào wō f /dimple/ 笑紋 笑纹 T - 8 xiào wén f /laugh lines (on the face)/ 笑納 笑纳 T - 47 xiào nà f /to kindly accept (an offering)/ 笑纳 笑納 S - 47 xiào nà f /to kindly accept (an offering)/ 笑纹 笑紋 S - 8 xiào wén f /laugh lines (on the face)/ 笑聲 笑声 T - 1011 xiào shēng f /laughter/ 笑脸 笑臉 S - 1419 xiào liǎn f /smiling face/smiley :) ☺/CL:副[fu4]/ 笑脸儿 笑臉兒 S - 0 xiào liǎn r f /erhua variant of 笑臉|笑脸[xiao4 lian3]/ 笑脸相迎 笑臉相迎 S - 30 xiào liǎn xiāng yíng f /to welcome sb with a smiling face (idiom)/ 笑臉 笑脸 T - 1419 xiào liǎn f /smiling face/smiley :) ☺/CL:副[fu4]/ 笑臉兒 笑脸儿 T - 0 xiào liǎn r f /erhua variant of 笑臉|笑脸[xiao4 lian3]/ 笑臉相迎 笑脸相迎 T - 30 xiào liǎn xiāng yíng f /to welcome sb with a smiling face (idiom)/ 笑裡藏刀 笑里藏刀 T - 21 xiào lǐ cáng dāo f /lit. a dagger hidden in smiles (idiom); friendly manners belying hypocritical intentions/when the fox preaches, look to the geese/ 笑話 笑话 T 925 1087 xiào huà f /joke/jest/CL:個|个[ge4]/to laugh at/to mock/ 笑語 笑语 T - 112 xiào yǔ f /talking and laughing/cheerful talk/ 笑談 笑谈 T - 66 xiào tán f /object of ridicule/laughingstock/to laugh over sth/to make light chat/ 笑话 笑話 S 925 1087 xiào huà f /joke/jest/CL:個|个[ge4]/to laugh at/to mock/ 笑语 笑語 S - 112 xiào yǔ f /talking and laughing/cheerful talk/ 笑谈 笑談 S - 66 xiào tán f /object of ridicule/laughingstock/to laugh over sth/to make light chat/ 笑貌 - 4 xiào mào f /smiling face/ 笑貧不笑娼 笑贫不笑娼 T - 5 xiào pín bù xiào chāng f /the notion in society that it's better to get ahead in the world by abandoning one's scruples than to suffer poverty/lit. despising poverty but not prostitution (idiom)/ 笑贫不笑娼 笑貧不笑娼 S - 5 xiào pín bù xiào chāng f /the notion in society that it's better to get ahead in the world by abandoning one's scruples than to suffer poverty/lit. despising poverty but not prostitution (idiom)/ 笑逐顏開 笑逐颜开 T - 66 xiào zhú yán kāi f /smile spread across the face (idiom); beaming with pleasure/all smiles/joy written across one's face/ 笑逐颜开 笑逐顏開 S - 66 xiào zhú yán kāi f /smile spread across the face (idiom); beaming with pleasure/all smiles/joy written across one's face/ 笑里藏刀 笑裡藏刀 S - 21 xiào lǐ cáng dāo f /lit. a dagger hidden in smiles (idiom); friendly manners belying hypocritical intentions/when the fox preaches, look to the geese/ 笑面虎 - 15 xiào miàn hǔ f /man with a big smile and evil intentions/ 笑靥 笑靨 S - 57 xiào yè f /dimple/smiling face/ 笑靨 笑靥 T - 57 xiào yè f /dimple/smiling face/ 笑鷗 笑鸥 T - 0 xiào ōu f /(bird species of China) laughing gull (Leucophaeus atricilla)/ 笑鸥 笑鷗 S - 0 xiào ōu f /(bird species of China) laughing gull (Leucophaeus atricilla)/ 笑點 笑点 T - 0 xiào diǎn f /funny bits/humorous parts/jokes/punchline/ 笑點低 笑点低 T - 0 xiào diǎn dī f /amused by even the weakest joke/ready to laugh at the smallest thing/ 笓 - 17 pí f /to comb/fine-toothed comb/trap for prawns/ 笔 筆 S - 3249 bǐ f /pen/pencil/writing brush/to write or compose/the strokes of Chinese characters/classifier for sums of money, deals/CL:支[zhi1],枝[zhi1]/ 笔下 筆下 S - 199 bǐ xià f /the wording and purport of what one writes/ 笔下生花 筆下生花 S - 2 bǐ xià shēng huā f /to write elegantly/ 笔会 筆會 S - 56 Bǐ huì f /PEN (association of writers)/ 笔供 筆供 S - 3 bǐ gòng f /written evidence, as opposed to oral evidence 口供[kou3 gong4]/ 笔划 筆劃 S - 77 bǐ huà f /variant of 筆畫|笔画[bi3 hua4]/ 笔划检字表 筆劃檢字表 S - 0 bǐ huà jiǎn zì biǎo f /look-up table for Chinese character based on radical and stroke-count/ 笔力 筆力 S - 54 bǐ lì f /vigor of strokes in calligraphy or drawing/vigor of style in literary composition/ 笔友 筆友 S - 3 bǐ yǒu f /pen pal/ 笔名 筆名 S - 180 bǐ míng f /pen name/pseudonym/ 笔墨 筆墨 S - 362 bǐ mò f /pen and ink/words/writing/ 笔头 筆頭 S - 44 bǐ tóu f /ability to write/writing skill/written/in written form/ 笔套 筆套 S - 4 bǐ tào f /the cap of a pen, pencil or writing brush/the sheath of a pen (made of cloth, silk or thread)/ 笔尖 筆尖 S - 65 bǐ jiān f /nib/pen point/the tip of a writing brush or pencil/ 笔帽 筆帽 S - 18 bǐ mào f /the cap of a pen, pencil, or writing brush/ 笔底下 筆底下 S - 3 bǐ dǐ xià f /ability to write/ 笔录 筆錄 S - 103 bǐ lù f /to put down in writing/to take down notes/transcript/record/ 笔心 筆心 S - 3 bǐ xīn f /pencil lead/refill (for a ball-point pen)/ 笔战 筆戰 S - 3 bǐ zhàn f /written polemics/ 笔挺 筆挺 S - 68 bǐ tǐng f /(standing) very straight/straight as a ramrod/bolt upright/well-ironed/trim/ 笔替 筆替 S - 0 bǐ tì f /(poorly paid) ghostwriter or substitute calligrapher/ 笔杆 筆桿 S - 37 bǐ gǎn f /the shaft of a pen or writing brush/pen-holder/pen/ 笔杆子 筆桿子 S - 33 bǐ gǎn zi f /pen/an effective writer/ 笔架 筆架 S - 2855 bǐ jià f /pen rack/pen-holder/ 笔法 筆法 S - 218 bǐ fǎ f /technique of writing/calligraphy/or drawing/ 笔电 筆電 S - 0 bǐ diàn f /notebook (computer)/CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4]/ 笔画 筆畫 S - 173 bǐ huà f /strokes of a Chinese character/ 笔画数 筆畫數 S - 3 bǐ huà shù f /stroke count (number of brushstrokes of a Chinese character)/ 笔直 筆直 S - 429 bǐ zhí f /perfectly straight/straight as a ramrod/bolt upright/ 笔砚 筆硯 S - 60 bǐ yàn f /writing brush and ink stone/ 笔筒 筆筒 S - 29 bǐ tǒng f /pen container/brush pot/ 笔算 筆算 S - 4 bǐ suàn f /to do a sum in writing/written calculation/ 笔管面 筆管麵 S - 0 bǐ guǎn miàn f /penne pasta/ 笔者 筆者 S - 1150 bǐ zhě f /the author/the writer/ 笔耕 筆耕 S - 17 bǐ gēng f /to make a living by writing/to write (as an author)/ 笔胜于刀文比武强 筆勝於刀文比武強 S - 0 bǐ shèng yú dāo wén bǐ wǔ qiáng f /the pen is mightier than the sword (idiom)/ 笔触 筆觸 S - 114 bǐ chù f /brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy/brushwork/style of drawing or writing/ 笔记 筆記 S - 515 bǐ jì f /to take down (in writing)/notes/a type of literature consisting mainly of short sketches/CL:本[ben3]/ 笔记型电脑 筆記型電腦 S - 8 bǐ jì xíng diàn nǎo f /notebook (computer)/ 笔记本 筆記本 S 568 930 bǐ jì běn f /notebook (stationery)/CL:本[ben3]/notebook (computing)/ 笔记本电脑 筆記本電腦 S - 100 bǐ jì běn diàn nǎo f /laptop/notebook (computer)/CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4]/ 笔记本计算机 筆記本計算機 S - 0 bǐ jì běn jì suàn jī f /laptop/notebook (computer)/ 笔译 筆譯 S - 19 bǐ yì f /written translation/ 笔试 筆試 S - 338 bǐ shì f /written examination/ 笔误 筆誤 S - 15 bǐ wù f /a slip of a pen/CL:處|处[chu4]/ 笔调 筆調 S - 57 bǐ diào f /(of writing) tone/style/ 笔谈 筆談 S - 20 bǐ tán f /conversation by writing/sketches and notes/ 笔迹 筆跡 S - 139 bǐ jì f /handwriting/ 笔锋 筆鋒 S - 40 bǐ fēng f /the tip of a writing brush/vigor of style in writing/stroke/touch/ 笔顺 筆順 S - 2 bǐ shùn f /stroke order (when writing Chinese character)/ 笕 筧 S - 53 jiǎn f /bamboo conduit/water pipe of bamboo/ 笙 - 488 shēng f /free reed mouth organ, with wooden pipes stuck into a gourd/ 笙歌 - 170 shēng gē f /music and song (formal writing)/ 笙管 - 0 shēng guǎn f /pipes of a panpipe/ 笙箫 笙簫 S - 3 shēng xiāo f /reed-pipe wind instrument and vertical bamboo flute/ 笙簧 - 3 shēng huáng f /reeds of a panpipe/ 笙簫 笙箫 T - 3 shēng xiāo f /reed-pipe wind instrument and vertical bamboo flute/ 笛 - 981 dí f /flute/ 笛卡儿 笛卡兒 S - 3 Dí kǎ ér f /René Descartes (1596-1650), French philosopher and author of Discours de la méthode 方法論|方法论/ 笛卡儿坐标制 笛卡兒座標制 S - 0 Dí kǎ ér zuò biāo zhì f /Cartesian coordinate system/ 笛卡兒 笛卡儿 T - 3 Dí kǎ ér f /René Descartes (1596-1650), French philosopher and author of Discours de la méthode 方法論|方法论/ 笛卡兒座標制 笛卡儿坐标制 T - 0 Dí kǎ ér zuò biāo zhì f /Cartesian coordinate system/ 笛卡尔 笛卡爾 S - 93 Dí kǎ ěr f /René Descartes (1596-1650) French philosopher/ 笛卡爾 笛卡尔 T - 93 Dí kǎ ěr f /René Descartes (1596-1650) French philosopher/ 笛子 - 196 dí zi f /bamboo flute/CL:管[guan3]/ 笛沙格 - 0 Dí shā gé f /Girard Desargues (1591-1661), French geometer/ 笛膜 - 3 dí mó f /membrane which covers a hole in a flute and produces a buzzing tone/ 笞 - 134 chī f /to whip with bamboo strips/ 笞击 笞擊 S - 3 chī jī f /to cudgel/ 笞刑 - 0 chī xíng f /whipping with bamboo strips (as corporal punishment)/ 笞挞 笞撻 S - 0 chī tà f /to flog/to whip/ 笞掠 - 0 chī lüè f /to flog/ 笞撻 笞挞 T - 0 chī tà f /to flog/to whip/ 笞擊 笞击 T - 3 chī jī f /to cudgel/ 笞杖 - 3 chī zhàng f /a cudgel/CL:根[gen1]/ 笞棰 - 0 chī chuí f /to beat with a bamboo whip/ 笞罵 笞骂 T - 0 chī mà f /to whip and revile/ 笞背 - 0 chī bèi f /to flog or whip the back/ 笞臀 - 0 chī tún f /to whip the buttocks/ 笞責 笞责 T - 3 chī zé f /to flog with a bamboo stick/ 笞责 笞責 S - 3 chī zé f /to flog with a bamboo stick/ 笞辱 - 3 chī rǔ f /to whip and insult/ 笞骂 笞罵 S - 0 chī mà f /to whip and revile/ 笠 - 179 lì f /bamboo rain hat/ 笤 - 79 tiáo f /broom/ 笤帚 - 52 tiáo zhou f /whisk broom/small broom/CL:把[ba3]/ 笥 - 91 sì f /square bamboo container for food or clothing/ 笥匮囊空 笥匱囊空 S - 0 sì kuì náng kōng f /extremely destitute (idiom)/ 笥匱囊空 笥匮囊空 T - 0 sì kuì náng kōng f /extremely destitute (idiom)/ 符 - 798 Fú f /surname Fu/ 符 - 798 fú f /mark/sign/talisman/to seal/to correspond to/tally/symbol/written charm/to coincide/ 符串 - 0 fú chuàn f /string (as in 'character string')/ 符号 符號 S 3182 1235 fú hào f /symbol/mark/sign/ 符号学 符號學 S - 10 fú hào xué f /semiotics/semiology/ 符合 987 4421 fú hé f /in keeping with/in accordance with/tallying with/in line with/to agree with/to accord with/to conform to/to correspond with/to manage/to handle/ 符合标准 符合標準 S - 2 fú hé biāo zhǔn f /to comply with a standard/standards-compliant/ 符合標準 符合标准 T - 2 fú hé biāo zhǔn f /to comply with a standard/standards-compliant/ 符咒 - 53 fú zhòu f /charm/amulet (religious object conferring blessing)/ 符拉迪沃斯托克 - 28 Fú lā dí wò sī tuō kè f /Vladivostok (Russian port city)/Chinese name 海參崴|海参崴/ 符板 - 0 fú bǎn f /a charm to protect against evil spirits/ 符牌 - 0 fú pái f /a talisman or lucky charm/ 符箓 符籙 S - 38 fú lù f /Taoist incantations and magic symbols/(written or painted) charm/talisman/ 符籙 符箓 T - 38 fú lù f /Taoist incantations and magic symbols/(written or painted) charm/talisman/ 符类福音 符類福音 S - 0 fú lèi fú yīn f /synoptic gospels (i.e. Matthew, Mark and Luke, with similar accounts and chronology)/ 符腾堡 符騰堡 S - 25 Fú téng bǎo f /Württemberg, region of southwest Germany, former state around Stuttgart 斯圖加特|斯图加特[Si1 tu2 jia1 te4]/ 符號 符号 T 3182 1235 fú hào f /symbol/mark/sign/ 符號學 符号学 T - 10 fú hào xué f /semiotics/semiology/ 符記 符记 T - 0 fú jì f /token/ 符記環 符记环 T - 0 fú jì huán f /token ring (computing)/ 符记 符記 S - 0 fú jì f /token/ 符记环 符記環 S - 0 fú jì huán f /token ring (computing)/ 符類福音 符类福音 T - 0 fú lèi fú yīn f /synoptic gospels (i.e. Matthew, Mark and Luke, with similar accounts and chronology)/ 符騰堡 符腾堡 T - 25 Fú téng bǎo f /Württemberg, region of southwest Germany, former state around Stuttgart 斯圖加特|斯图加特[Si1 tu2 jia1 te4]/ 笨 929 491 bèn f /stupid/foolish/silly/slow-witted/clumsy/ 笨人 - 18 bèn rén f /fool/stupid person/ 笨伯 - 4 bèn bó f /fool/dolt/clumsy oaf/ 笨口拙舌 - 3 bèn kǒu zhuō shé f /awkward in speech/ 笨嘴拙腮 - 3 bèn zuǐ zhuō sāi f /see 笨嘴拙舌[ben4 zui3 zhuo1 she2]/ 笨嘴拙舌 - 4 bèn zuǐ zhuō shé f /clumsy in speech/poor speaker/ 笨嘴笨舌 - 7 bèn zuǐ bèn shé f /clumsy in speaking/awkward/inarticulate/ 笨手笨脚 笨手笨腳 S - 37 bèn shǒu bèn jiǎo f /clumsy/all thumbs/ 笨手笨腳 笨手笨脚 T - 37 bèn shǒu bèn jiǎo f /clumsy/all thumbs/ 笨拙 3693 165 bèn zhuō f /clumsy/awkward/stupid/ 笨瓜 - 3 bèn guā f /fool/blockhead/ 笨蛋 - 77 bèn dàn f /fool/idiot/ 笨貨 笨货 T - 3 bèn huò f /idiot/ 笨货 笨貨 S - 3 bèn huò f /idiot/ 笨重 - 191 bèn zhòng f /heavy/cumbersome/unwieldy/ 笨雞 笨鸡 T - 0 bèn jī f /free-range chicken/ 笨鳥先飛 笨鸟先飞 T - 5 bèn niǎo xiān fēi f /lit. the clumsy bird flies early (idiom); fig. to work hard to compensate for one's limited abilities/ 笨鸟先飞 笨鳥先飛 S - 5 bèn niǎo xiān fēi f /lit. the clumsy bird flies early (idiom); fig. to work hard to compensate for one's limited abilities/ 笨鸡 笨雞 S - 0 bèn jī f /free-range chicken/ 笪 - 54 Dá f /surname Da/ 笪 - 54 dá f /rough bamboo mat/ 笫 - 92 zǐ f /bamboo mat/bed mat/ 第 - 23112 dì f /(prefix indicating ordinal number, e.g. first, number two etc)/order/(old) rank in the imperial examinations/mansion/(lit.) but/just/ 第一 201 17725 dì yī f /first/number one/primary/ 第一个层次 第一個層次 S - 0 dì yī gè céng cì f /the first stage/ 第一产业 第一產業 S - 527 dì yī chǎn yè f /primary sector of industry/ 第一例 - 28 dì yī lì f /first case/first instance/first time (sth is done)/ 第一個層次 第一个层次 T - 0 dì yī gè céng cì f /the first stage/ 第一国际 第一國際 S - 61 dì yī guó jì f /First international, organized by Karl Marx in Geneva in 1866/ 第一國際 第一国际 T - 61 dì yī guó jì f /First international, organized by Karl Marx in Geneva in 1866/ 第一型糖尿病 - 0 dì yī xíng táng niào bìng f /Type 1 diabetes/ 第一基本形式 - 0 dì yī jī běn xíng shì f /(math.) first fundamental form/ 第一声 第一聲 S - 38 dì yī shēng f /first tone in Mandarin/high level tone/ 第一夫人 - 20 dì yī fū rén f /First Lady (wife of US president)/ 第一季度 - 3 dì yī jì dù f /first quarter (of financial year)/ 第一手 - 105 dì yī shǒu f /first-hand/ 第一时间 第一時間 S - 0 dì yī shí jiān f /in the first moments (of sth happening)/immediately (after an event)/first thing/ 第一時間 第一时间 T - 0 dì yī shí jiān f /in the first moments (of sth happening)/immediately (after an event)/first thing/ 第一桶金 - 3 dì yī tǒng jīn f /the first pot of gold/the initial profits from an economic endeavour/ 第一次 - 6509 dì yī cì f /the first time/first/number one/ 第一次世界大战 第一次世界大戰 S - 1151 Dì yī cì Shì jiè Dà zhàn f /World War One/ 第一次世界大戰 第一次世界大战 T - 1151 Dì yī cì Shì jiè Dà zhàn f /World War One/ 第一步 - 540 dì yī bù f /step one/first step/ 第一流 - 185 dì yī liú f /first-class/ 第一炮 - 3 dì yī pào f /(fig.) opening shot/ 第一產業 第一产业 T - 527 dì yī chǎn yè f /primary sector of industry/ 第一級 第一级 T - 105 dì yī jí f /first level/ 第一级 第一級 S - 105 dì yī jí f /first level/ 第一聲 第一声 T - 38 dì yī shēng f /first tone in Mandarin/high level tone/ 第一象限 - 0 dì yī xiàng xiàn f /first quadrant (of the coordinate plane, where both x and y are positive)/ 第一輪 第一轮 T - 183 dì yī lún f /first round (of match, or election)/ 第一轮 第一輪 S - 183 dì yī lún f /first round (of match, or election)/ 第三世界 - 244 dì sān shì jiè f /Third World/ 第三产业 第三產業 S - 424 dì sān chǎn yè f /tertiary sector of industry/ 第三位 - 220 dì sān wèi f /third place/ 第三十 - 44 dì sān shí f /thirtieth/ 第三国际 第三國際 S - 92 Dì sān Guó jì f /see 共產國際|共产国际[Gong4 chan3 Guo2 ji4]/ 第三國際 第三国际 T - 92 Dì sān Guó jì f /see 共產國際|共产国际[Gong4 chan3 Guo2 ji4]/ 第三声 第三聲 S - 3 dì sān shēng f /third tone in Mandarin/falling-rising tone/ 第三季度 - 3 dì sān jì dù f /third quarter (of financial year)/ 第三帝国 第三帝國 S - 0 Dì sān Dì guó f /Third Reich, Nazi regime (1933-1945)/ 第三帝國 第三帝国 T - 0 Dì sān Dì guó f /Third Reich, Nazi regime (1933-1945)/ 第三方 - 134 dì sān fāng f /third party/ 第三状态 第三狀態 S - 0 dì sān zhuàng tài f /"third state", borderline state between health and disease/ 第三狀態 第三状态 T - 0 dì sān zhuàng tài f /"third state", borderline state between health and disease/ 第三產業 第三产业 T - 424 dì sān chǎn yè f /tertiary sector of industry/ 第三紀 第三纪 T - 321 dì sān jì f /third period/tertiary (geological era since the extinction of the dinosaurs at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary 65 million years ago)/ 第三纪 第三紀 S - 321 dì sān jì f /third period/tertiary (geological era since the extinction of the dinosaurs at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary 65 million years ago)/ 第三者 - 196 dì sān zhě f /sb who is romantically involved with sb already in a committed relationship/the other woman/the other man/third person/third party (in dispute)/disinterested party/number three in a list/ 第三聲 第三声 T - 3 dì sān shēng f /third tone in Mandarin/falling-rising tone/ 第二 - 9146 dì èr f /second/number two/next/secondary/ 第二世界 - 10 Dì èr Shì jiè f /Second World (Cold War-era term referring to communist nations as a bloc)/ 第二个人 第二個人 S - 0 dì èr ge rén f /the second person/(fig.) someone else/third party/ 第二产业 第二產業 S - 538 dì èr chǎn yè f /secondary industry/ 第二位 - 387 dì èr wèi f /second place/ 第二個人 第二个人 T - 0 dì èr ge rén f /the second person/(fig.) someone else/third party/ 第二型糖尿病 - 0 dì èr xíng táng niào bìng f /Type 2 diabetes/ 第二声 第二聲 S - 12 dì èr shēng f /second tone in Mandarin/rising tone/ 第二天 - 2578 dì èr tiān f /next day/the morrow/ 第二季度 - 3 dì èr jì dù f /second quarter (of financial year)/ 第二性 - 65 Dì èr xìng f /The Second Sex (book by Simone de Beauvoir)/ 第二春 - 0 dì èr chūn f /(lit.) second spring/(fig.) falling in love for the second time/a new lease of life/rebirth/ 第二次 - 3031 dì èr cì f /the second time/second/number two/ 第二次世界大战 第二次世界大戰 S - 1743 Dì èr Cì Shì jiè Dà zhàn f /World War II/ 第二次世界大戰 第二次世界大战 T - 1743 Dì èr Cì Shì jiè Dà zhàn f /World War II/ 第二次汉字简化方案 第二次漢字簡化方案 S - 0 Dì èr cì Hàn zì Jiǎn huà Fāng àn f /Second Chinese Character Simplification Scheme (second round of simplified Chinese characters, proposed in 1977 and retracted in 1986)/abbr. to 二簡|二简[er4 jian3]/ 第二次漢字簡化方案 第二次汉字简化方案 T - 0 Dì èr cì Hàn zì Jiǎn huà Fāng àn f /Second Chinese Character Simplification Scheme (second round of simplified Chinese characters, proposed in 1977 and retracted in 1986)/abbr. to 二簡|二简[er4 jian3]/ 第二產業 第二产业 T - 538 dì èr chǎn yè f /secondary industry/ 第二聲 第二声 T - 12 dì èr shēng f /second tone in Mandarin/rising tone/ 第二輪 第二轮 T - 243 dì èr lún f /second round (of match, or election)/ 第二轮 第二輪 S - 243 dì èr lún f /second round (of match, or election)/ 第五 - 1391 dì wǔ f /fifth/ 第五个现代化 第五個現代化 S - 0 dì wǔ gè xiàn dài huà f /fifth modernization, i.e. democracy, cf Deng Xiaoping's Four Modernizations 鄧小平|邓小平, 四個現代化|四个现代化/ 第五個現代化 第五个现代化 T - 0 dì wǔ gè xiàn dài huà f /fifth modernization, i.e. democracy, cf Deng Xiaoping's Four Modernizations 鄧小平|邓小平, 四個現代化|四个现代化/ 第五类 第五類 S - 8 dì wǔ lèi f /category 5/CAT 5 (cable)/ 第五縱隊 第五纵队 T - 20 dì wǔ zòng duì f /fifth column (subversive group)/ 第五纵队 第五縱隊 S - 20 dì wǔ zòng duì f /fifth column (subversive group)/ 第五類 第五类 T - 8 dì wǔ lèi f /category 5/CAT 5 (cable)/ 第六感 - 3 dì liù gǎn f /sixth sense (i.e. intuition, premonition, telepathy etc)/ 第六感覺 第六感觉 T - 0 dì liù gǎn jué f /sixth sense/intuition/ 第六感觉 第六感覺 S - 0 dì liù gǎn jué f /sixth sense/intuition/ 第勒尼安海 - 0 Dì lè ní ān Hǎi f /Tyrrhenian Sea between Sardinia and the Italian mainland/ 第四台 第四臺 S - 0 dì sì tái f /fourth channel/(in Taiwan) cable TV, FTV/ 第四声 第四聲 S - 4 dì sì shēng f /fourth tone in Mandarin/falling tone/ 第四季 - 3 dì sì jì f /fourth quarter/ 第四季度 - 3 dì sì jì dù f /fourth quarter (of financial year)/ 第四紀 第四纪 T - 298 dì sì jì f /fourth period/quaternary (geological period covering the recent ice ages over the last 180,000 years)/ 第四纪 第四紀 S - 298 dì sì jì f /fourth period/quaternary (geological period covering the recent ice ages over the last 180,000 years)/ 第四聲 第四声 T - 4 dì sì shēng f /fourth tone in Mandarin/falling tone/ 第四臺 第四台 T - 0 dì sì tái f /fourth channel/(in Taiwan) cable TV, FTV/ 第戎 - 10 Dì róng f /Dijon (France)/ 第比利斯 - 24 Dì bì lì sī f /T'bilisi, capital of Georgia or Gruzia 格魯吉亞|格鲁吉亚[Ge2 lu3 ji2 ya4]/ 第納爾 第纳尔 T - 41 dì nà ěr f /dinar (currency) (loanword)/ 第纳尔 第納爾 S - 41 dì nà ěr f /dinar (currency) (loanword)/ 笭 - 4 líng f /bamboo screen/ 笮 - 106 zé f /board under tiles on roof/narrow/ 笰 - 0 fú f /duster/ 笱 - 94 gǒu f /basket for trapping fish/ 笲 - 0 fán f /osier basket of brides/ 笳 - 48 jiā f /whistle made of reed/ 笵 - 0 fàn f /bamboo mold/ 笸 - 54 pǒ f /flat basket-tray/ 笺 椾 S - 391 jiān f /variant of 箋|笺[jian1]/ 笺 牋 S - 350 jiān f /variant of 箋|笺[jian1]/ 笺 箋 S - 350 jiān f /letter/note-paper/ 笺注 箋注 S - 21 jiān zhù f /to annotate (ancient texts)/commentaries/ 笻 - 0 qióng f /variant of 筇[qiong2]/ 笼 籠 S - 943 lóng t /basket/cage/flat bamboo basket used to serve dimsum 點心|点心[dian3 xin5]/to cover/to cage/to embrace/to manipulate through trickery/ 笼 籠 S - 943 lǒng f /to cover/to cage/covering/also pr. [long2]/ 笼嘴 籠嘴 S - 3 lóng zuǐ f /muzzle (device)/ 笼头 籠頭 S - 32 lóng tou f /headstall/bridle/ 笼子 籠子 S - 178 lóng zi f /cage/coop/basket/container/ 笼屉 籠屜 S - 8 lóng tì f /bamboo steamer (for buns or dimsum)/ 笼槛 籠檻 S - 0 lóng jiàn f /cage (for animals)/ 笼络 籠絡 S - 432 lǒng luò f /to coax/to beguile/to win over/ 笼统 籠統 S - 130 lǒng tǒng f /general/broad/sweeping/lacking in detail/vague/ 笼罩 籠罩 S 3865 946 lǒng zhào f /to envelop/to shroud/ 笼鸟 籠鳥 S - 0 lóng niǎo f /a caged bird/ 笼鸟槛猿 籠鳥檻猿 S - 3 lóng niǎo jiàn yuán f /bird in a basket, monkey in a cage (idiom); prisoner/ 笾 籩 S - 44 biān f /basket for fruits/ 筀 - 0 guì f /bamboo (archaic)/ 筀竹 - 0 guì zhú f /bamboo (archaic)/ 筃 - 0 yīn f /a kind of bamboo/old variant of 茵[yin1]/ 筅 - 24 xiǎn f /bamboo brush for utensils/ 筅帚 - 0 xiǎn zhǒu f /(dialect) pot-scrubbing brush, made from bamboo strips/ 筆 笔 T - 3249 bǐ f /pen/pencil/writing brush/to write or compose/the strokes of Chinese characters/classifier for sums of money, deals/CL:支[zhi1],枝[zhi1]/ 筆下 笔下 T - 199 bǐ xià f /the wording and purport of what one writes/ 筆下生花 笔下生花 T - 2 bǐ xià shēng huā f /to write elegantly/ 筆供 笔供 T - 3 bǐ gòng f /written evidence, as opposed to oral evidence 口供[kou3 gong4]/ 筆劃 笔划 T - 77 bǐ huà f /variant of 筆畫|笔画[bi3 hua4]/ 筆劃檢字表 笔划检字表 T - 0 bǐ huà jiǎn zì biǎo f /look-up table for Chinese character based on radical and stroke-count/ 筆力 笔力 T - 54 bǐ lì f /vigor of strokes in calligraphy or drawing/vigor of style in literary composition/ 筆勝於刀文比武強 笔胜于刀文比武强 T - 0 bǐ shèng yú dāo wén bǐ wǔ qiáng f /the pen is mightier than the sword (idiom)/ 筆友 笔友 T - 3 bǐ yǒu f /pen pal/ 筆名 笔名 T - 180 bǐ míng f /pen name/pseudonym/ 筆墨 笔墨 T - 362 bǐ mò f /pen and ink/words/writing/ 筆套 笔套 T - 4 bǐ tào f /the cap of a pen, pencil or writing brush/the sheath of a pen (made of cloth, silk or thread)/ 筆尖 笔尖 T - 65 bǐ jiān f /nib/pen point/the tip of a writing brush or pencil/ 筆帽 笔帽 T - 18 bǐ mào f /the cap of a pen, pencil, or writing brush/ 筆底下 笔底下 T - 3 bǐ dǐ xià f /ability to write/ 筆心 笔心 T - 3 bǐ xīn f /pencil lead/refill (for a ball-point pen)/ 筆戰 笔战 T - 3 bǐ zhàn f /written polemics/ 筆挺 笔挺 T - 68 bǐ tǐng f /(standing) very straight/straight as a ramrod/bolt upright/well-ironed/trim/ 筆替 笔替 T - 0 bǐ tì f /(poorly paid) ghostwriter or substitute calligrapher/ 筆會 笔会 T - 56 Bǐ huì f /PEN (association of writers)/ 筆架 笔架 T - 2855 bǐ jià f /pen rack/pen-holder/ 筆桿 笔杆 T - 37 bǐ gǎn f /the shaft of a pen or writing brush/pen-holder/pen/ 筆桿子 笔杆子 T - 33 bǐ gǎn zi f /pen/an effective writer/ 筆法 笔法 T - 218 bǐ fǎ f /technique of writing/calligraphy/or drawing/ 筆畫 笔画 T - 173 bǐ huà f /strokes of a Chinese character/ 筆畫數 笔画数 T - 3 bǐ huà shù f /stroke count (number of brushstrokes of a Chinese character)/ 筆直 笔直 T - 429 bǐ zhí f /perfectly straight/straight as a ramrod/bolt upright/ 筆硯 笔砚 T - 60 bǐ yàn f /writing brush and ink stone/ 筆筒 笔筒 T - 29 bǐ tǒng f /pen container/brush pot/ 筆算 笔算 T - 4 bǐ suàn f /to do a sum in writing/written calculation/ 筆管麵 笔管面 T - 0 bǐ guǎn miàn f /penne pasta/ 筆者 笔者 T - 1150 bǐ zhě f /the author/the writer/ 筆耕 笔耕 T - 17 bǐ gēng f /to make a living by writing/to write (as an author)/ 筆觸 笔触 T - 114 bǐ chù f /brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy/brushwork/style of drawing or writing/ 筆記 笔记 T - 515 bǐ jì f /to take down (in writing)/notes/a type of literature consisting mainly of short sketches/CL:本[ben3]/ 筆記型電腦 笔记型电脑 T - 8 bǐ jì xíng diàn nǎo f /notebook (computer)/ 筆記本 笔记本 T 568 930 bǐ jì běn f /notebook (stationery)/CL:本[ben3]/notebook (computing)/ 筆記本計算機 笔记本计算机 T - 0 bǐ jì běn jì suàn jī f /laptop/notebook (computer)/ 筆記本電腦 笔记本电脑 T - 100 bǐ jì běn diàn nǎo f /laptop/notebook (computer)/CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4]/ 筆試 笔试 T - 338 bǐ shì f /written examination/ 筆誤 笔误 T - 15 bǐ wù f /a slip of a pen/CL:處|处[chu4]/ 筆調 笔调 T - 57 bǐ diào f /(of writing) tone/style/ 筆談 笔谈 T - 20 bǐ tán f /conversation by writing/sketches and notes/ 筆譯 笔译 T - 19 bǐ yì f /written translation/ 筆跡 笔迹 T - 139 bǐ jì f /handwriting/ 筆鋒 笔锋 T - 40 bǐ fēng f /the tip of a writing brush/vigor of style in writing/stroke/touch/ 筆錄 笔录 T - 103 bǐ lù f /to put down in writing/to take down notes/transcript/record/ 筆電 笔电 T - 0 bǐ diàn f /notebook (computer)/CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4]/ 筆順 笔顺 T - 2 bǐ shùn f /stroke order (when writing Chinese character)/ 筆頭 笔头 T - 44 bǐ tóu f /ability to write/writing skill/written/in written form/ 筇 - 42 qióng f /(in ancient texts) type of bamboo sometimes used as a staff/ 筈 - 3 guā f /arrow end/ 等 186 195934 děng f /class/rank/grade/equal to/same as/to wait for/to await/et cetera/and so on/et al. (and other authors)/after/as soon as/once/ 等一下 - 0 děng yī xià f /to wait a moment/later/in awhile/ 等一下儿 等一下兒 S - 0 děng yī xià r f /erhua variant of 等一下[deng3 yi1 xia4]/ 等一下兒 等一下儿 T - 0 děng yī xià r f /erhua variant of 等一下[deng3 yi1 xia4]/ 等一会 等一會 S - 0 děng yī huì f /Wait a moment!/after a while/ 等一会儿 等一會兒 S - 0 děng yī huì r f /erhua variant of 等一會|等一会[deng3 yi1 hui4]/ 等一會 等一会 T - 0 děng yī huì f /Wait a moment!/after a while/ 等一會兒 等一会儿 T - 0 děng yī huì r f /erhua variant of 等一會|等一会[deng3 yi1 hui4]/ 等一等 - 3 děng yī děng f /wait a moment/ 等不及 - 84 děng bù jí f /can't wait/ 等于 等於 S 1761 3258 děng yú f /to equal/to be tantamount to/ 等价 等價 S - 304 děng jià f /equal/equal in value/equivalent/ 等价关系 等價關係 S - 15 děng jià guān xì f /equivalence relation (math.)/ 等位基因 - 3 děng wèi jī yīn f /allele (one of two paired gene in diploid organism)/ 等候 3161 1737 děng hòu f /to wait/to wait for/ 等值 - 60 děng zhí f /of equal value/ 等價 等价 T - 304 děng jià f /equal/equal in value/equivalent/ 等價關係 等价关系 T - 15 děng jià guān xì f /equivalence relation (math.)/ 等分 - 0 děng fēn f /division into equal parts/equipartition/ 等到 - 1083 děng dào f /to wait until/by the time when (sth is ready etc)/ 等压 等壓 S - 26 děng yā f /constant pressure/equal pressure/ 等压线 等壓線 S - 17 děng yā xiàn f /isobar (line of equal pressure)/ 等变压线 等變壓線 S - 0 děng biàn yā xiàn f /isallobar (line of equal pressure gradient)/ 等号 等號 S - 0 děng hào f /(math.) equals sign =/ 等同 - 197 děng tóng f /to equate/equal to/ 等周 - 0 děng zhōu f /isoperimetric/ 等周不等式 - 0 děng zhōu bù děng shì f /the isoperimetric inequality/ 等因奉此 - 7 děng yīn fèng cǐ f /officialese/official routine/(old) (conventional phrase used in response to one's superior) in view of the above, we therefore.../ 等壓 等压 T - 26 děng yā f /constant pressure/equal pressure/ 等壓線 等压线 T - 17 děng yā xiàn f /isobar (line of equal pressure)/ 等差 - 0 děng chā f /degree of disparity/equal difference/ 等差数列 等差數列 S - 31 děng chā shù liè f /arithmetic progression/ 等差數列 等差数列 T - 31 děng chā shù liè f /arithmetic progression/ 等差級數 等差级数 T - 7 děng chā jí shù f /arithmetic series (such as 2+4+6+8+...)/ 等差级数 等差級數 S - 7 děng chā jí shù f /arithmetic series (such as 2+4+6+8+...)/ 等式 - 67 děng shì f /an equality/an equation/ 等待 1420 2998 děng dài f /to wait/to wait for/ 等效百万吨当量 等效百萬噸當量 S - 0 děng xiào bǎi wàn dūn dāng liàng f /equivalent megatonnage (EMT)/ 等效百萬噸當量 等效百万吨当量 T - 0 děng xiào bǎi wàn dūn dāng liàng f /equivalent megatonnage (EMT)/ 等於 等于 T 1761 3258 děng yú f /to equal/to be tantamount to/ 等比 - 0 děng bǐ f /geometric (of mathematical sequences or progressions)/ 等比数列 等比數列 S - 12 děng bǐ shù liè f /geometric progression/ 等比數列 等比数列 T - 12 děng bǐ shù liè f /geometric progression/ 等比級數 等比级数 T - 3 děng bǐ jí shù f /geometric series (such as 1+2+4+8+...)/ 等比级数 等比級數 S - 3 děng bǐ jí shù f /geometric series (such as 1+2+4+8+...)/ 等温 等溫 S - 51 děng wēn f /constant temperature/equal temperature/ 等溫 等温 T - 51 děng wēn f /constant temperature/equal temperature/ 等熵線 等熵线 T - 0 děng shāng xiàn f /isentropic curve (physics})/ 等熵线 等熵線 S - 0 děng shāng xiàn f /isentropic curve (physics})/ 等着瞧 等著瞧 S - 3 děng zhe qiáo f /wait and see (who is right)/ 等离子体 等離子體 S - 490 děng lí zǐ tǐ f /plasma (physics)/ 等第 - 0 děng dì f /level/rank/grade/rating/ 等等 - 6063 děng děng f /et cetera/and so on .../wait a minute!/hold on!/ 等級 等级 T 3519 2010 děng jí f /grade/rank/status/ 等級制度 等级制度 T - 3 děng jí zhì dù f /hierarchy/ 等级 等級 S 3519 2010 děng jí f /grade/rank/status/ 等级制度 等級制度 S - 3 děng jí zhì dù f /hierarchy/ 等而下之 - 6 děng ér xià zhī f /going from there to lower grades (idiom)/ 等腰三角形 - 0 děng yāo sān jiǎo xíng f /isosceles triangle/ 等著瞧 等着瞧 T - 3 děng zhe qiáo f /wait and see (who is right)/ 等號 等号 T - 0 děng hào f /(math.) equals sign =/ 等變壓線 等变压线 T - 0 děng biàn yā xiàn f /isallobar (line of equal pressure gradient)/ 等距 - 24 děng jù f /equidistant/ 等軸晶系 等轴晶系 T - 0 děng zhóu jīng xì f /cubical system (crystallography)/crystal system based on cubic lattice/equiaxial crystal system/ 等轴晶系 等軸晶系 S - 0 děng zhóu jīng xì f /cubical system (crystallography)/crystal system based on cubic lattice/equiaxial crystal system/ 等边三角形 等邊三角形 S - 0 děng biān sān jiǎo xíng f /equilateral triangle/ 等邊三角形 等边三角形 T - 0 děng biān sān jiǎo xíng f /equilateral triangle/ 等閒 等闲 T - 129 děng xián f /ordinary/common/unimportant/idly/for no reason/ 等閒之輩 等闲之辈 T - 52 děng xián zhī bèi f /(in the negative) (not) to be trifled with/ 等闲 等閒 S - 129 děng xián f /ordinary/common/unimportant/idly/for no reason/ 等闲之辈 等閒之輩 S - 52 děng xián zhī bèi f /(in the negative) (not) to be trifled with/ 等離子體 等离子体 T - 490 děng lí zǐ tǐ f /plasma (physics)/ 等額比基金 等额比基金 T - 0 děng é bǐ jī jīn f /equality ration fund, a charitable investment fund that can be drawn down in proportion to further donations/ 等额比基金 等額比基金 S - 0 děng é bǐ jī jīn f /equality ration fund, a charitable investment fund that can be drawn down in proportion to further donations/ 筊 - 2 jiǎo f /bamboo rope/ 筊 - 2 jiào f /old variant of 珓[jiao4]/ 筊杯 - 0 jiǎo bēi f /see 杯珓[bei1 jiao4]/ 筋 - 1770 jīn f /muscle/tendon/ 筋斗 - 446 jīn dǒu f /tumble/somersault/ 筋斗云 筋斗雲 S - 3 jīn dǒu yún f /Sun Wukong's magical cloud/ 筋斗雲 筋斗云 T - 3 jīn dǒu yún f /Sun Wukong's magical cloud/ 筋疲力尽 筋疲力盡 S - 106 jīn pí lì jìn f /body weary, strength exhausted (idiom); extremely tired/spent/ 筋疲力盡 筋疲力尽 T - 106 jīn pí lì jìn f /body weary, strength exhausted (idiom); extremely tired/spent/ 筋節 筋节 T - 7 jīn jié f /lit. muscles and joints/by ext. the relations between parts in a speech, composition etc/ 筋絡 筋络 T - 15 jīn luò f /tendons and muscles/ 筋络 筋絡 S - 15 jīn luò f /tendons and muscles/ 筋节 筋節 S - 7 jīn jié f /lit. muscles and joints/by ext. the relations between parts in a speech, composition etc/ 筋骨 - 260 jīn gǔ f /muscles and bones/physique/strength/courage/ 筌 - 7 quán f /bamboo fish trap/ 筍 笋 T - 157 sǔn f /bamboo shoot/ 筎 - 3 rú f /thin outside skin of bamboo/ 筏 栰 S - 207 fá f /variant of 筏[fa2]/ 筏 - 207 fá f /raft (of logs)/ 筏子 - 106 fá zi f /raft/ 筐 4445 210 kuāng f /basket/CL:隻|只[zhi1]/ 筐箧 筐篋 S - 0 kuāng qiè f /rectangular box or chest/ 筐箧中物 筐篋中物 S - 3 kuāng qiè zhōng wù f /a commonplace thing/ 筐篋 筐箧 T - 0 kuāng qiè f /rectangular box or chest/ 筐篋中物 筐箧中物 T - 3 kuāng qiè zhōng wù f /a commonplace thing/ 筑 - 2195 Zhù f /short name for Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Gui4 yang2]/ 筑 - 2195 zhù f /five-string lute/Taiwan pr. [zhu2]/ 筑 築 S - 2195 zhù f /to build/to construct/to ram/to hit/Taiwan pr. [zhu2]/ 筑土墙 築土牆 S - 0 zhù tǔ qiáng f /a wall of rammed earth/ 筑城 築城 S - 573 zhù chéng f /fortification/ 筑室道谋 築室道謀 S - 3 zhù shì dào móu f /lit. ask passers-by how to build one's house (idiom); fig. to have no idea what to do/without a clue/ 筑波 - 14 Zhù bō f /Tsukuba, university city in Ibaraki prefecture 茨城縣|茨城县[Ci2 cheng2 xian4], northeast of Tokyo, Japan/ 筒 - 1229 tǒng f /tube/cylinder/to encase in sth cylindrical (such as hands in sleeves etc)/ 筒 筩 S - 1229 tǒng f /variant of 筒[tong3]/ 筒子 - 62 tǒng zi f /tube-shaped object/tube/bobbin/(Internet slang) homonym for 同志[tong2 zhi4]/ 筒灯 筒燈 S - 3 tǒng dēng f /fluorescent tube or light/ 筒燈 筒灯 T - 3 tǒng dēng f /fluorescent tube or light/ 筒閥 筒阀 T - 0 tǒng fá f /a sleeve valve/ 筒阀 筒閥 S - 0 tǒng fá f /a sleeve valve/ 答 - 5137 dā f /to answer/to agree/ 答 - 5137 dá t /reply/answer/return/respond/echo/ 答卷 - 115 dá juàn f /completed examination paper/answer sheet/CL:份[fen4],張|张[zhang1]/ 答問 答问 T - 426 dá wèn f /answer/ 答复 答復 S 3346 1410 dá fù f /variant of 答覆|答复[da2 fu4]/ 答复 答覆 S 3346 1410 dá fù f /to answer/to reply/Reply to: (in email header)/ 答对 答對 S - 23 dá duì f /(usually used in the negative) to answer or reply to sb's question/ 答對 答对 T - 23 dá duì f /(usually used in the negative) to answer or reply to sb's question/ 答应 答應 S 1304 4126 dā ying f /to promise/to agree/to reply/to respond/ 答录机 答錄機 S - 2 dá lù jī f /answering machine/ 答復 答复 T 3346 1410 dá fù f /variant of 答覆|答复[da2 fu4]/ 答應 答应 T 1304 4126 dā ying f /to promise/to agree/to reply/to respond/ 答拜 - 3 dá bài f /to return a visit/ 答数 答數 S - 3 dá shù f /numerical answer (to a question in math.)/ 答數 答数 T - 3 dá shù f /numerical answer (to a question in math.)/ 答案 791 1756 dá àn f /answer/solution/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 答理 - 48 dā li f /to acknowledge/to respond/to answer/to pay attention/to heed/to deal with/ 答疑 - 54 dá yí f /to answer questions (as teacher or consultant)/to clarify doubts/ 答白 - 0 dā bái f /to answer/ 答礼 答禮 S - 87 dá lǐ f /to return a courtesy/return gift/ 答禮 答礼 T - 87 dá lǐ f /to return a courtesy/return gift/ 答腔 - 30 dā qiāng f /to answer/to respond/to converse/ 答覆 答复 T 3346 1410 dá fù f /to answer/to reply/Reply to: (in email header)/ 答訕 答讪 T - 0 dā shàn f /variant of 搭訕|搭讪[da1 shan4]/ 答訪 答访 T - 0 dá fǎng f /to return a visit/ 答詞 答词 T - 13 dá cí f /reply/thank-you speech/ 答話 答话 T - 459 dá huà f /to reply/to answer/ 答謝 答谢 T - 68 dá xiè f /to express one's thanks/ 答讪 答訕 S - 0 dā shàn f /variant of 搭訕|搭讪[da1 shan4]/ 答访 答訪 S - 0 dá fǎng f /to return a visit/ 答词 答詞 S - 13 dá cí f /reply/thank-you speech/ 答话 答話 S - 459 dá huà f /to reply/to answer/ 答谢 答謝 S - 68 dá xiè f /to express one's thanks/ 答辨 - 0 dá biàn f /to plead (in law court)/to reply to a charge/ 答辩 答辯 S 4700 167 dá biàn f /to reply (to an accusation)/to defend one's dissertation/ 答辯 答辩 T 4700 167 dá biàn f /to reply (to an accusation)/to defend one's dissertation/ 答錄機 答录机 T - 2 dá lù jī f /answering machine/ 答问 答問 S - 426 dá wèn f /answer/ 答非所問 答非所问 T - 122 dá fēi suǒ wèn f /to answer beside the point/irrelevant answer/ 答非所问 答非所問 S - 122 dá fēi suǒ wèn f /to answer beside the point/irrelevant answer/ 筕 - 0 háng f /see 筕篖[hang2 tang2]/ 筕篖 - 0 háng táng f /woven bamboo mat/ 策 - 1710 Cè f /surname Ce/ 策 - 1710 cè f /policy/plan/scheme/bamboo slip for writing (old)/to whip (a horse)/to encourage/riding crop with sharp spines (old)/essay written for the imperial examinations (old)/upward horizontal stroke in calligraphy/ 策 筞 S - 1710 cè f /variant of 策[ce4]/ 策 筴 S - 1710 cè f /variant of 策[ce4]/ 策划 策劃 S 2840 1110 cè huà f /to plot/to scheme/to bring about/to engineer/planning/producer/planner/ 策划人 策劃人 S - 25 cè huà rén f /sponsor/plotter/schemer/ 策劃 策划 T 2840 1110 cè huà f /to plot/to scheme/to bring about/to engineer/planning/producer/planner/ 策劃人 策划人 T - 25 cè huà rén f /sponsor/plotter/schemer/ 策动 策動 S - 316 cè dòng f /to conspire/to plot (a rebellion, crime etc)/to machinate/to spur on/to urge action/ 策励 策勵 S - 3 cè lì f /to encourage/to urge/to impel/to spur sb on/ 策勒 - 6 Cè lè f /Chira Nahiyisi/Chira county in Khotan prefecture 和田地區|和田地区[He2 tian2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 策勒县 策勒縣 S - 2 Cè lè xiàn f /Chira Nahiyisi/Chira county in Khotan prefecture 和田地區|和田地区[He2 tian2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 策勒縣 策勒县 T - 2 Cè lè xiàn f /Chira Nahiyisi/Chira county in Khotan prefecture 和田地區|和田地区[He2 tian2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 策動 策动 T - 316 cè dòng f /to conspire/to plot (a rebellion, crime etc)/to machinate/to spur on/to urge action/ 策勵 策励 T - 3 cè lì f /to encourage/to urge/to impel/to spur sb on/ 策反 - 38 cè fǎn f /to instigate (rebellion etc)/incitement (e.g. to desertion within opposing camp)/ 策問 策问 T - 0 cè wèn f /essay on policy in question and answer form used in imperial exams/ 策士 - 7 cè shì f /strategist/counsellor on military strategy/ 策应 策應 S - 182 cè yìng f /in coordination with/to support/ 策應 策应 T - 182 cè yìng f /in coordination with/to support/ 策源地 - 51 cè yuán dì f /place of origin/source (of a war or a social movement)/ 策画 策畫 S - 3 cè huà f /variant of 策劃|策划[ce4 hua4]/ 策略 2817 2170 cè lüè f /tactics/to be tactful/ 策畫 策画 T - 3 cè huà f /variant of 策劃|策划[ce4 hua4]/ 策試 策试 T - 3 cè shì f /imperial exam involving writing essay on policy 策論|策论[ce4 lun4]/ 策論 策论 T - 32 cè lùn f /essay on current affairs submitted to the emperor as policy advice (old)/ 策謀 策谋 T - 3 cè móu f /stratagem (political or military)/trick/ 策论 策論 S - 32 cè lùn f /essay on current affairs submitted to the emperor as policy advice (old)/ 策试 策試 S - 3 cè shì f /imperial exam involving writing essay on policy 策論|策论[ce4 lun4]/ 策谋 策謀 S - 3 cè móu f /stratagem (political or military)/trick/ 策问 策問 S - 0 cè wèn f /essay on policy in question and answer form used in imperial exams/ 策馬 策马 T - 180 cè mǎ f /to urge on a horse using a whip or spurs/ 策马 策馬 S - 180 cè mǎ f /to urge on a horse using a whip or spurs/ 筘 - 8 kòu f /(a measure of width of cloth)/ 筚 篳 S - 4 bì f /wicker/ 筚路蓝缕 篳路藍縷 S - 7 bì lù lán lǚ f /the hardships of beginning an undertaking (idiom)/ 筚门闺窦 篳門閨竇 S - 3 bì mén guī dòu f /wicker door, hole window (idiom); fig. wretched hovel/living in poverty/ 筛 篩 S - 331 shāi f /to filter/to sift/to sieve/ 筛子 篩子 S - 70 shāi zi f /sieve/CL:面[mian4]/ 筛查 篩查 S - 27 shāi chá f /screening (medicine)/ 筛检 篩檢 S - 0 shāi jiǎn f /screening (medicine)/ 筛法 篩法 S - 25 shāi fǎ f /the sieve method (for primes)/ 筛糠 篩糠 S - 56 shāi kāng f /to sift chaff/(fig.) to shake all over/ 筛选 篩選 S 4059 352 shāi xuǎn f /to filter/ 筛除 篩除 S - 3 shāi chú f /to screen or filter out/to winnow (agriculture)/ 筛骨 篩骨 S - 2 shāi gǔ f /ethmoid bone (cheek)/ 筜 簹 S - 128 dāng f /see 篔簹|筼筜[yun2 dang1]/ 筝 箏 S - 203 zhēng f /guzheng or long zither/long zither with 13 to 16 strings, developed from guqin 古琴 during Tang and Song times/Japanese koto/ 筞 策 T - 1710 cè f /variant of 策[ce4]/ 筠 - 9 yún f /skin of bamboo/ 筠连 筠連 S - 2 Yún lián f /Yunlian county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bin1], Sichuan/ 筠连县 筠連縣 S - 3 Yún lián xiàn f /Yunlian county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bin1], Sichuan/ 筠連 筠连 T - 2 Yún lián f /Yunlian county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bin1], Sichuan/ 筠連縣 筠连县 T - 3 Yún lián xiàn f /Yunlian county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bin1], Sichuan/ 筤 - 0 láng f /young bamboo/ 筥 - 0 jǔ f /round bamboo basket/ 筦 - 43 Guǎn f /surname Guan/ 筦 管 T - 11444 guǎn f /variant of 管[guan3]/ 筧 笕 T - 53 jiǎn f /bamboo conduit/water pipe of bamboo/ 筩 筒 T - 1229 tǒng f /variant of 筒[tong3]/ 筭 - 0 suàn f /to regard as/to figure/ 筮 - 43 shì f /divine by stalk/ 筯 箸 T - 129 zhù f /variant of 箸[zhu4]/ 筰 - 20 zuó f /cable/ 筱 - 26 xiǎo f /dwarf bamboo/thin bamboo/ 筲 䈰 S - 10 shāo f /pot-scrubbing brush made of bamboo strips/basket (container) for chopsticks/variant of 筲[shao1]/ 筲 - 10 shāo f /basket/bucket/ 筲箍 - 0 shāo gū f /to hoop on a basket/ 筲箕 - 2 shāo jī f /bamboo basket for rice-washing/ 筳 - 2 tíng f /bamboo pole/spindle/ 筴 策 T - 1710 cè f /variant of 策[ce4]/ 筵 - 327 yán f /bamboo mat for sitting/ 筵上 - 3 yán shǎng f /feast/ 筵宴 筵讌 S - 116 yán yàn f /feast/banquet/ 筵席 - 355 yán xí f /banquet/mat for sitting/ 筵席捐 - 3 yán xí juān f /tax on a banquet or feast/ 筵讌 筵宴 T - 116 yán yàn f /feast/banquet/ 筷 - 212 kuài f /chopstick/ 筷子 592 814 kuài zi f /chopsticks/CL:對|对[dui4],根[gen1],把[ba3],雙|双[shuang1]/ 筷子芥 - 0 kuài zi jiè f /Arabis, a genus of Brassica family including cress/ 筸 - 0 gān f /name of a place in Henan/ 筹 籌 S - 821 chóu f /chip (in gambling)/token (for counting)/ticket/to prepare/to plan/to raise (funds)/resource/means/ 筹出 籌出 S - 0 chóu chū f /to plan out/to prepare/ 筹划 籌劃 S - 408 chóu huà f /to plan and prepare/ 筹办 籌辦 S - 139 chóu bàn f /to arrange/to make preparations/ 筹募 籌募 S - 7 chóu mù f /to raise funds/to collect money/ 筹商 籌商 S - 3 chóu shāng f /to discuss (a plan)/to negotiate (an outcome)/ 筹备 籌備 S 3892 837 chóu bèi f /preparations/to get ready for sth/ 筹委会 籌委會 S - 169 chóu wěi huì f /organizing committee/ 筹子 籌子 S - 0 chóu zi f /chip/counter/ 筹建 籌建 S - 414 chóu jiàn f /to prepare to build sth/ 筹思 籌思 S - 0 chóu sī f /to ponder a solution/to consider (the best move, how to find a way etc)/ 筹拍 籌拍 S - 4 chóu pāi f /to prepare to film/to plan a shoot/ 筹措 籌措 S - 282 chóu cuò f /to raise (money)/ 筹款 籌款 S - 75 chóu kuǎn f /fundraising/ 筹画 籌畫 S - 0 chóu huà f /variant of 籌劃|筹划[chou2 hua4]/ 筹略 籌略 S - 3 chóu lüè f /astute/resourceful/ 筹码 籌碼 S - 176 chóu mǎ f /bargaining chip/gaming chip/casino token/ 筹算 籌算 S - 40 chóu suàn f /to calculate (using bamboo tokens on a counting board)/to count beads/fig. to budget/to plan (an investment)/ 筹议 籌議 S - 3 chóu yì f /to discuss (a plan)/ 筹谋 籌謀 S - 23 chóu móu f /to work out a strategy/to come up with a plan for/ 筹资 籌資 S - 110 chóu zī f /to raise resources/ 筹钱 籌錢 S - 0 chóu qián f /to raise money/ 筹集 籌集 S - 302 chóu jí f /to collect money/to raise funds/ 筹马 籌馬 S - 0 chóu mǎ f /variant of 籌碼|筹码[chou2 ma3]/ 筼 篔 S - 4 yún f /see 篔簹|筼筜[yun2 dang1]/ 筼筜 篔簹 S - 0 yún dāng f /species of tall bamboo/ 筼筜湖 篔簹湖 S - 0 Yún dāng Hú f /Yundang or Yuandang Lake in Xiamen/ 签 簽 S 1359 1174 qiān f /to sign one's name/visa/variant of 籤|签[qian1]/ 签 籖 S 1359 1174 qiān f /Japanese variant of 籤|签[qian1]/ 签 籤 S 1359 1174 qiān f /inscribed bamboo stick (used in divination, gambling, drawing lots etc)/small wood sliver/label/tag/ 签入 簽入 S - 0 qiān rù f /to log on/to log in/ 签出 簽出 S - 3 qiān chū f /to log off/ 签到 簽到 S - 27 qiān dào f /to register/to sign in/ 签发 簽發 S - 192 qiān fā f /to issue (a document)/to sign and issue officially/ 签发地点 簽發地點 S - 0 qiān fā dì diǎn f /place of issue (of document)/ 签发日期 簽發日期 S - 0 qiān fā rì qī f /date of issue (of document)/ 签名 簽名 S - 585 qiān míng f /to sign (one's name with a pen etc)/to autograph/signature/ 签呈 簽呈 S - 3 qiān chéng f /petition (submitted to a superior)/ 签唱会 簽唱會 S - 0 qiān chàng huì f /(of a singer) autograph session/record signing event/ 签字 簽字 S - 1237 qiān zì f /to sign (one's name)/signature/ 签字笔 簽字筆 S - 26 qiān zì bǐ f /felt-tip pen/roller ball pen/gel ink pen/ 签字者 簽字者 S - 0 qiān zì zhě f /signatory/ 签字费 簽字費 S - 0 qiān zì fèi f /signing bonus/sign-on bonus/ 签定 簽定 S - 147 qiān dìng f /to sign (a contract, treaty etc)/ 签收 簽收 S - 19 qiān shōu f /to sign for the acceptance of sth (e.g. a delivery etc)/ 签条 籤條 S - 8 qiān tiáo f /label/tag/ 签派室 簽派室 S - 0 qiān pài shì f /dispatch office/ 签章 簽章 S - 11 qiān zhāng f /signature/ 签约 簽約 S - 440 qiān yuē f /to sign a contract or agreement/ 签约奖金 簽約獎金 S - 0 qiān yuē jiǎng jīn f /signing bonus/sign-on bonus/ 签署 簽署 S 3032 2276 qiān shǔ f /to sign (an agreement)/ 签订 簽訂 S - 3272 qiān dìng f /to agree to and sign (a treaty etc)/ 签证 簽證 S 1146 444 qiān zhèng f /visa/certificate/to certify/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 签语饼 簽語餅 S - 0 qiān yǔ bǐng f /fortune cookie/ 简 簡 S - 3221 jiǎn f /simple/uncomplicated/letter/to choose/to select/bamboo strips used for writing (old)/ 简·爱 簡·愛 S - 0 Jiǎn · Aì f /Jane Eyre, novel by Charlotte Brontë 夏洛特·勃良特[Xia4 luo4 te4 · Bo2 liang2 te4]/ 简介 簡介 S - 2671 jiǎn jiè f /summary/brief introduction/ 简体 簡體 S - 13 jiǎn tǐ f /simplified form of Chinese characters, as opposed to traditional form 繁體|繁体[fan2 ti3]/ 简体字 簡體字 S 2961 268 jiǎn tǐ zì f /simplified Chinese character, as opposed to traditional Chinese character 繁體字|繁体字[fan2 ti3 zi4]/ 简便 簡便 S - 287 jiǎn biàn f /simple and convenient/handy/ 简册 簡冊 S - 2 jiǎn cè f /booklet/brochure/(old) book (made of bamboo strips tied together)/ 简写 簡寫 S - 25 jiǎn xiě f /to write characters in simplified form/to simplify a book/ 简则 簡則 S - 3 jiǎn zé f /general rule/simple principle/ 简化 簡化 S 4435 867 jiǎn huà f /to simplify/ 简化字 簡化字 S - 21 jiǎn huà zì f /simplified Chinese character/ 简单 簡單 S 418 6935 jiǎn dān f /simple/not complicated/ 简单化 簡單化 S - 81 jiǎn dān huà f /simplification/to simplify/ 简单地说 簡單地說 S - 0 jiǎn dān de shuō f /to put it simply/simply put/ 简单明了 簡單明瞭 S - 3 jiǎn dān míng liǎo f /clear and simple/in simple terms/ 简单网络管理协议 簡單網絡管理協議 S - 0 jiǎn dān wǎng luò guǎn lǐ xié yì f /Simple Network Management Protocol/SNMP/ 简历 簡歷 S 2128 1520 jiǎn lì f /curriculum vitae (CV)/résumé/biographical notes/ 简史 簡史 S - 296 jiǎn shǐ f /simple history/Brief History (used in modern book titles)/ 简帖 簡帖 S - 21 jiǎn tiě f /a letter/ 简帖儿 簡帖兒 S - 0 jiǎn tiě r f /a letter/ 简慢 簡慢 S - 24 jiǎn màn f /negligent (towards guests)/ 简报 簡報 S - 46 jiǎn bào f /presentation/ 简括 簡括 S - 56 jiǎn kuò f /brief but comprehensive/compendious/ 简明 簡明 S - 325 jiǎn míng f /simple and clear/concise/ 简明扼要 簡明扼要 S - 85 jiǎn míng è yào f /brief and to the point (idiom)/succinct/ 简易 簡易 S - 416 jiǎn yì f /simple and easy/simplistic/simplicity/ 简易棚 簡易棚 S - 0 jiǎn yì péng f /makeshift shelter/awning/ 简易爆炸装置 簡易爆炸裝置 S - 0 jiǎn yì zhà dàn zhuāng zhì f /improvised explosive device (IED)/ 简本 簡本 S - 45 jiǎn běn f /concise edition/abridged edition/ 简朴 簡樸 S - 160 jiǎn pǔ f /simple and unadorned/plain/ 简氏防务周刊 簡氏防務週刊 S - 0 Jiǎn shì fáng wù zhōu kān f /Jane's defense weekly/ 简洁 簡潔 S - 326 jiǎn jié f /concise/succinct/pithy/ 简炼 簡煉 S - 3 jiǎn liàn f /variant of 簡練|简练[jian3 lian4]/ 简略 簡略 S - 216 jiǎn lüè f /simple/brief/ 简略见告 簡略見告 S - 0 jiǎn lüè jiàn gào f /brief outline or overview (of a plan etc)/ 简直 簡直 S 1245 2356 jiǎn zhí f /simply/at all/practically/ 简短 簡短 S - 271 jiǎn duǎn f /brief/short-duration/ 简短介绍 簡短介紹 S - 0 jiǎn duǎn jiè shào f /brief introduction/ 简称 簡稱 S - 3534 jiǎn chēng f /to be abbreviated to/abbreviation/short form/ 简章 簡章 S - 101 jiǎn zhāng f /concise list of rules/brochure/pamphlet/ 简繁 簡繁 S - 3 jiǎn fán f /simple versus traditional (Chinese characters)/ 简繁转换 簡繁轉換 S - 3 jiǎn fán zhuǎn huàn f /conversion from simple to traditional Chinese characters/ 简约 簡約 S - 55 jiǎn yuē f /sketchy/concise/abbreviated/ 简练 簡練 S - 136 jiǎn liàn f /terse/succinct/ 简编 簡編 S - 39 jiǎn biān f /concise edition/abridged edition/compendium/ 简缩 簡縮 S - 4 jiǎn suō f /abbreviation/short form/ 简而言之 簡而言之 S - 63 jiǎn ér yán zhī f /in a nutshell/to put it briefly/ 简装 簡裝 S - 2 jiǎn zhuāng f /paperback/plainly packaged/opposite: 精裝|精装[jing1 zhuang1]/ 简要 簡要 S 4472 183 jiǎn yào f /concise/brief/ 简要介绍 簡要介紹 S - 0 jiǎn yào jiè shào f /brief introduction/ 简言之 簡言之 S - 36 jiǎn yán zhī f /in simple terms/to put things simply/briefly/ 简讯 簡訊 S - 41 jiǎn xùn f /newsletter/the news in brief/(Tw) SMS message/ 简谐 簡諧 S - 3 jiǎn xié f /simple harmonic (motion, oscillation etc in mechanics)/ 简谐振动 簡諧振動 S - 0 jiǎn xié zhèn dòng f /simple harmonic oscillation/sinusoidal oscillation/ 简谐波 簡諧波 S - 3 jiǎn xié bō f /simple harmonic wave/sine wave/ 简谐运动 簡諧運動 S - 8 jiǎn xié yùn dòng f /simple harmonic motion (in mechanics)/motion of a simple pendulum/ 简谱 簡譜 S - 32 jiǎn pǔ f /music notation in which the notes Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La and Si are represented by numerals 1 to 7/ 简述 簡述 S - 57 jiǎn shù f /to outline/to summarize/to sketch/summary/brief description/concise narrative/in a nutshell/briefly/ 简阳 簡陽 S - 7 Jiǎn yáng f /Jianyang county level city in Ziyang 資陽|资阳[Zi1 yang2], Sichuan/ 简阳市 簡陽市 S - 3 Jiǎn yáng shì f /Jianyang county level city in Ziyang 資陽|资阳[Zi1 yang2], Sichuan/ 简陋 簡陋 S 4434 363 jiǎn lòu f /simple and crude/ 箂 - 0 lái f /(bamboo)/ 箇 个 T 24 125538 gè f /variant of 個|个[ge4]/ 箊 - 0 yū f /bamboo with thin/wide leaves/ 箋 笺 T - 350 jiān f /letter/note-paper/ 箋注 笺注 T - 21 jiān zhù f /to annotate (ancient texts)/commentaries/ 箍 - 505 gū f /hoop/to bind with hoops/ 箍嘴 - 0 gū zuǐ f /to muzzle/ 箍子 - 0 gū zi f /finger ring (dialect)/ 箍带 箍帶 S - 0 gū dài f /strap/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 箍帶 箍带 T - 0 gū dài f /strap/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 箍桶 - 16 gū tǒng f /hooped barrel/to handmake a wooden barrel/ 箍桶匠 - 2 gū tǒng jiàng f /cooper/hooper/ 箍桶店 - 0 gū tǒng diàn f /coopery/ 箍節兒 箍节儿 T - 0 gū jie r f /short length/small section or portion/ 箍紧 箍緊 S - 3 gū jǐn f /to fasten tightly with a hoop/ 箍緊 箍紧 T - 3 gū jǐn f /to fasten tightly with a hoop/ 箍节儿 箍節兒 S - 0 gū jie r f /short length/small section or portion/ 箍麻 - 0 gū má f /to become numb (from being bound too tightly)/ 箎 - 9 chí f /bamboo flute with 8 holes/ 箏 筝 T - 203 zhēng f /guzheng or long zither/long zither with 13 to 16 strings, developed from guqin 古琴 during Tang and Song times/Japanese koto/ 箐 - 262 qìng f /to draw a bamboo bow or crossbow/ 箑 - 8 shà f /fan/ 箒 帚 T - 120 zhǒu f /variant of 帚[zhou3]/ 箓 籙 S - 47 lù f /records/book/Taoist written charm/book of prophecy (e.g. of dynastic fortunes)/ 箔 - 73 bó f /plaited matting (of rushes, bamboo etc)/silkworm basket/metal foil/foil paper/ 箕 - 363 jī f /winnow basket/ 箕子 - 0 Jī zǐ f /Jizi, legendary sage from end of Shang dynasty (c. 1100 BC), said to have opposed the tyrant Zhòu 紂|纣 then ruled ancient Korea for Zhōu 周/ 算 - 8888 suàn f /to regard as/to figure/to calculate/to compute/ 算不了 - 111 suàn bù liǎo f /does not count for anything/of no account/ 算不得 - 191 suàn bù dé f /not count as/ 算了 - 1142 suàn le f /let it be/let it pass/forget about it/ 算你狠 - 3 suàn nǐ hěn f /you got me!/you win!/you are something!/ 算出 - 3 suàn chū f /to figure out/ 算力 - 0 suàn lì f /hash rate (digital currency mining)/ 算卦 - 126 suàn guà f /fortune telling/ 算命 - 216 suàn mìng f /fortune-telling/to tell fortune/ 算命先生 - 3 suàn mìng xiān sheng f /fortune-teller/ 算命家 - 0 suàn mìng jiā f /fortune-teller/ 算命者 - 3 suàn mìng zhě f /fortune-teller/ 算哪根葱 算哪根蔥 S - 0 suàn nǎ gēn cōng f /who do (you) think (you) are?/who does (he, she etc) think (he, she) is?/ 算哪根蔥 算哪根葱 T - 0 suàn nǎ gēn cōng f /who do (you) think (you) are?/who does (he, she etc) think (he, she) is?/ 算子 - 77 suàn zi f /operator (math.)/ 算帐 算帳 S - 0 suàn zhàng f /to reckon (accounting)/to balance an account/fig. to settle an account/to get one's revenge/ 算帳 算帐 T - 0 suàn zhàng f /to reckon (accounting)/to balance an account/fig. to settle an account/to get one's revenge/ 算数 算數 S 3518 167 suàn shù f /to count numbers/to keep to one's word/to hold (i.e. to remain valid)/to count (i.e. to be important)/ 算數 算数 T 3518 167 suàn shù f /to count numbers/to keep to one's word/to hold (i.e. to remain valid)/to count (i.e. to be important)/ 算是 - 3540 suàn shì f /considered to be/at last/ 算术 算術 S - 585 suàn shù f /arithmetic/sums (mathematics as primary school subject)/ 算术平均 算術平均 S - 3 suàn shù píng jūn f /arithmetic mean (math.)/ 算术平均数 算術平均數 S - 0 suàn shù píng jūn shù f /arithmetic mean/ 算术式 算術式 S - 0 suàn shù shì f /formula in mathematics/arithmetic formula/ 算术级数 算術級數 S - 6 suàn shù jí shù f /arithmetic series (such as 2+4+6+8+...)/ 算法 - 455 suàn fǎ f /arithmetic/algorithm/method of calculation/ 算盘 算盤 S - 300 suàn pán f /abacus/CL:把[ba3]/plan/scheme/ 算盤 算盘 T - 300 suàn pán f /abacus/CL:把[ba3]/plan/scheme/ 算老几 算老幾 S - 0 suàn lǎo jǐ f /(coll.) (I, you etc) have what status/who am I (you etc)/ 算老幾 算老几 T - 0 suàn lǎo jǐ f /(coll.) (I, you etc) have what status/who am I (you etc)/ 算術 算术 T - 585 suàn shù f /arithmetic/sums (mathematics as primary school subject)/ 算術平均 算术平均 T - 3 suàn shù píng jūn f /arithmetic mean (math.)/ 算術平均數 算术平均数 T - 0 suàn shù píng jūn shù f /arithmetic mean/ 算術式 算术式 T - 0 suàn shù shì f /formula in mathematics/arithmetic formula/ 算術級數 算术级数 T - 6 suàn shù jí shù f /arithmetic series (such as 2+4+6+8+...)/ 算計 算计 T - 200 suàn ji f /to reckon/to calculate/to plan/to expect/to scheme/ 算話 算话 T - 3 suàn huà f /(of sb's words) to count/can be trusted/ 算计 算計 S - 200 suàn ji f /to reckon/to calculate/to plan/to expect/to scheme/ 算话 算話 S - 3 suàn huà f /(of sb's words) to count/can be trusted/ 箘 - 10 jùn f /bamboo shoots/ 箙 - 84 fú f /quiver/ 箛 - 0 gū f /(bamboo)/trumpet for chariots/ 箜 - 0 kōng f /ancient harp/cf 箜篌, Chinese harp/ 箜篌 - 34 kōng hóu f /konghou (Chinese harp)/ 箜簧 - 0 kōng huáng f /old reed wind instrument/(possibly used erroneously for konghou 箜篌 harp or 笙簧 sheng)/ 箝 - 15 qián f /pliers/pincers/to clamp/ 箠 棰 T - 595 chuí f /variant of 棰[chui2]/ 管 筦 S - 11444 guǎn f /variant of 管[guan3]/ 管 - 11444 Guǎn f /surname Guan/ 管 - 11444 guǎn f /to take care (of)/to control/to manage/to be in charge of/to look after/to run/to care about/tube/pipe/woodwind/classifier for tube-shaped objects/particle similar to 把[ba3] in 管...叫 constructions/writing brush/(coll.) to/towards/ 管不着 管不著 S - 3 guǎn bu zháo f /to have no right or ability to interfere in sth/it's none of your business!/ 管不著 管不着 T - 3 guǎn bu zháo f /to have no right or ability to interfere in sth/it's none of your business!/ 管中窥豹 管中窺豹 S - 10 guǎn zhōng kuī bào f /lit. to see a leopard through a narrow tube (idiom); fig. to miss the big picture/ 管中窺豹 管中窥豹 T - 10 guǎn zhōng kuī bào f /lit. to see a leopard through a narrow tube (idiom); fig. to miss the big picture/ 管乐器 管樂器 S - 19 guǎn yuè qì f /wind instrument/woodwind/ 管井 - 3 guǎn jǐng f /tube well/ 管他三七二十一 - 0 guǎn tā sān qī èr shí yī f /who cares/no matter what/regardless of the consequences/ 管他呢 - 0 guǎn tā ne f /don’t worry about (it, him etc)/doesn’t matter/whatever/anyway/ 管他的 - 0 guǎn tā de f /don’t worry about (it, him etc)/doesn’t matter/whatever/anyway/ 管仲 - 56 Guǎn Zhòng f /Guan Zhong (-645 BC), famous politician of Qi 齊國|齐国 of Spring and Autumn period/known as Guangzi 管子/ 管仲 - 56 guǎn zhòng f /a restricted view through a bamboo tube/ 管保 - 19 guǎn bǎo f /to guarantee/assuredly/ 管制 - 704 guǎn zhì f /control/supervision/ 管取 - 0 guǎn qǔ f /sure/ 管圆线虫 管圓線蟲 S - 0 guǎn yuán xiàn chóng f /"eel worm", a parasitic worm carrying meningitis/ 管圓線蟲 管圆线虫 T - 0 guǎn yuán xiàn chóng f /"eel worm", a parasitic worm carrying meningitis/ 管城区 管城區 S - 0 Guǎn chéng Qū f /Guangcheng Hui District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑州市[Zheng4 zhou1 Shi4], Henan/ 管城區 管城区 T - 0 Guǎn chéng Qū f /Guangcheng Hui District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑州市[Zheng4 zhou1 Shi4], Henan/ 管城回族区 管城回族區 S - 0 Guǎn chéng Huí zú Qū f /Guangcheng Hui District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑州市[Zheng4 zhou1 Shi4], Henan/ 管城回族區 管城回族区 T - 0 Guǎn chéng Huí zú Qū f /Guangcheng Hui District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑州市[Zheng4 zhou1 Shi4], Henan/ 管套 - 2 guǎn tào f /pipe sleeve/ 管委会 管委會 S - 57 guǎn wěi huì f /regulatory commission/abbr. for 管理委員會|管理委员会[guan3 li3 wei3 yuan2 hui4]/ 管委會 管委会 T - 57 guǎn wěi huì f /regulatory commission/abbr. for 管理委員會|管理委员会[guan3 li3 wei3 yuan2 hui4]/ 管子 2026 210 Guǎn zǐ f /Guanzi or Guan Zhong 管仲 (-645 BC), famous politician of Qi 齊國|齐国 of Spring and Autumn period/Guanzi, classical book containing writings of Guan Zhong and his school/ 管子 2026 210 guǎn zi t /tube/pipe/drinking straw/CL:根[gen1]/ 管子工 - 0 guǎn zi gōng f /plumber/pipe-fitter/ 管子鉗 管子钳 T - 0 guǎn zi qián f /pipe wrench/monkey wrench/ 管子钳 管子鉗 S - 0 guǎn zi qián f /pipe wrench/monkey wrench/ 管家 - 733 guǎn jiā f /housekeeper/butler/manage one's household/ 管家职务 管家職務 S - 0 guǎn jiā zhí wù f /stewardship/ 管家職務 管家职务 T - 0 guǎn jiā zhí wù f /stewardship/ 管工 - 9 guǎn gōng f /plumber/pipe-worker/ 管座 - 0 guǎn zuò f /to mount an electronic valve/to plug in a bulb/ 管弦乐 管弦樂 S - 122 guǎn xián yuè f /orchestral music/ 管弦乐团 管弦樂團 S - 26 guǎn xián yuè tuán f /orchestra/ 管弦乐队 管弦樂隊 S - 65 guǎn xián yuè duì f /orchestra/ 管弦樂 管弦乐 T - 122 guǎn xián yuè f /orchestral music/ 管弦樂團 管弦乐团 T - 26 guǎn xián yuè tuán f /orchestra/ 管弦樂隊 管弦乐队 T - 65 guǎn xián yuè duì f /orchestra/ 管待 - 127 guǎn dài f /to wait on/to attend/to serve/ 管情 - 0 guǎn qíng f /to guarantee/ 管手管脚 管手管腳 S - 0 guǎn shǒu guǎn jiǎo f /to control in every detail/excessive supervision/ 管手管腳 管手管脚 T - 0 guǎn shǒu guǎn jiǎo f /to control in every detail/excessive supervision/ 管扳手 - 0 guǎn bān shǒu f /pipe wrench/ 管控 - 13 guǎn kòng f /to control/ 管教 - 283 guǎn jiào f /to discipline/to teach/to guarantee/ 管教无方 管教無方 S - 0 guǎn jiào wú fāng f /unable to discipline a child/incapable of dealing with (unruly child)/ 管教無方 管教无方 T - 0 guǎn jiào wú fāng f /unable to discipline a child/incapable of dealing with (unruly child)/ 管束 - 106 guǎn shù f /to exercise control over/restriction/control/ 管樂器 管乐器 T - 19 guǎn yuè qì f /wind instrument/woodwind/ 管治 - 9 guǎn zhì f /governance/to govern/ 管灯 管燈 S - 0 guǎn dēng f /fluorescent light/ 管燈 管灯 T - 0 guǎn dēng f /fluorescent light/ 管理 966 27191 guǎn lǐ f /to supervise/to manage/to administer/management/administration/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 管理人 - 0 guǎn lǐ rén f /supervisor/manager/administrator/ 管理信息库 管理信息庫 S - 0 guǎn lǐ xìn xī kù f /Management Information Base/MIB/ 管理信息庫 管理信息库 T - 0 guǎn lǐ xìn xī kù f /Management Information Base/MIB/ 管理功能 - 0 guǎn lǐ gōng néng f /management function/ 管理员 管理員 S - 205 guǎn lǐ yuán f /manager/administrator/ 管理員 管理员 T - 205 guǎn lǐ yuán f /manager/administrator/ 管理委员会 管理委員會 S - 0 guǎn lǐ wěi yuán huì f /regulatory commission (e.g. regulating employment, financial services etc)/ 管理委員會 管理委员会 T - 0 guǎn lǐ wěi yuán huì f /regulatory commission (e.g. regulating employment, financial services etc)/ 管理学 管理學 S - 104 guǎn lǐ xué f /management studies/ 管理学院 管理學院 S - 0 guǎn lǐ xué yuàn f /school of management/ 管理學 管理学 T - 104 guǎn lǐ xué f /management studies/ 管理學院 管理学院 T - 0 guǎn lǐ xué yuàn f /school of management/ 管理层收购 管理層收購 S - 0 guǎn lǐ céng shōu gòu f /management buyout (MBO)/ 管理層收購 管理层收购 T - 0 guǎn lǐ céng shōu gòu f /management buyout (MBO)/ 管理接口 - 0 guǎn lǐ jiē kǒu f /management interface/ 管理站 - 26 guǎn lǐ zhàn f /management station/ 管用 - 198 guǎn yòng f /efficacious/useful/ 管窥 管窺 S - 8 guǎn kuī f /to look at sth through a bamboo tube/to have a restricted view/ 管窥所及 管窺所及 S - 0 guǎn kuī suǒ jí f /in my humble opinion/ 管窺 管窥 T - 8 guǎn kuī f /to look at sth through a bamboo tube/to have a restricted view/ 管窺所及 管窥所及 T - 0 guǎn kuī suǒ jí f /in my humble opinion/ 管紗 管纱 T - 3 guǎn shā f /cop (textiles)/ 管線 管线 T - 224 guǎn xiàn f /pipeline/general term for pipes, cables etc/ 管纱 管紗 S - 3 guǎn shā f /cop (textiles)/ 管线 管線 S - 224 guǎn xiàn f /pipeline/general term for pipes, cables etc/ 管胞 - 3 guǎn bāo f /tracheid (botany)/ 管見 管见 T - 26 guǎn jiàn f /my limited view (lit. view through a thin tube)/my limited understanding/my opinion (humble)/ 管見所及 管见所及 T - 3 guǎn jiàn suǒ jí f /in my humble opinion (idiom)/ 管见 管見 S - 26 guǎn jiàn f /my limited view (lit. view through a thin tube)/my limited understanding/my opinion (humble)/ 管见所及 管見所及 S - 3 guǎn jiàn suǒ jí f /in my humble opinion (idiom)/ 管路 - 32 guǎn lù f /piping (for water, oil, etc)/conduit/ 管轄 管辖 T 3860 1846 guǎn xiá f /to administer/to have jurisdiction (over)/ 管辖 管轄 S 3860 1846 guǎn xiá f /to administer/to have jurisdiction (over)/ 管道 - 1005 guǎn dào f /tubing/pipeline/(fig.) channel/means/ 管道运输 管道運輸 S - 0 guǎn dào yùn shū f /pipeline transport/ 管道運輸 管道运输 T - 0 guǎn dào yùn shū f /pipeline transport/ 管鉗 管钳 T - 0 guǎn qián f /pipe wrench/ 管钳 管鉗 S - 0 guǎn qián f /pipe wrench/ 管閒事 管闲事 T - 104 guǎn xián shì f /to meddle/to be a "nosy Parker"/to be too inquisitive about other people's business/ 管闲事 管閒事 S - 104 guǎn xián shì f /to meddle/to be a "nosy Parker"/to be too inquisitive about other people's business/ 管風琴 管风琴 T - 66 guǎn fēng qín f /organ/pipe organ/ 管风琴 管風琴 S - 66 guǎn fēng qín f /organ/pipe organ/ 管龠 - 0 guǎn yuè f /flute/pipe/key/CL:把[ba3]/ 箦 簀 S - 4 zé f /reed mat/ 箧 篋 S - 50 qiè f /chest/box/trunk/suitcase/portfolio/ 箧笥 篋笥 S - 0 qiè sì f /bamboo box for holding books, clothes etc/ 箧箧 篋篋 S - 0 qiè qiè f /long and thin/slender/ 箧衍 篋衍 S - 0 qiè yǎn f /bamboo box/ 箨 籜 S - 22 tuò f /sheath around joints of bamboo/ 箩 籮 S - 104 luó f /basket/ 箩筐 籮筐 S - 71 luó kuāng f /large wicker basket/ 箪 簞 S - 23 dān f /round basket for cooked rice/ 箪笥 簞笥 S - 0 dān sì f /bamboo box/vessels for holding food/ 箪食壶浆 簞食壺漿 S - 9 dān shí hú jiāng f /to receive troops with food and drink (idiom)/to give troops a hearty welcome/also pr. [dan1 si4 hu2 jiang1]/ 箫 簫 S - 366 xiāo f /xiao, a free reed mouth organ with five or more pipes blown from the bottom/same as 排簫|排箫/also translated as pan pipes/ 箬 - 26 ruò f /(bamboo)/skin of bamboo/ 箭 - 3504 jiàn f /arrow/CL:支[zhi1]/ 箭头 箭頭 S - 196 jiàn tóu f /arrowhead/arrow symbol/ 箭头键 箭頭鍵 S - 3 jiàn tóu jiàn f /arrow key (on keyboard)/ 箭杆 箭桿 S - 51 jiàn gǎn f /arrow shaft/ 箭桿 箭杆 T - 51 jiàn gǎn f /arrow shaft/ 箭步 - 82 jiàn bù f /sudden big stride forward/ 箭毒蛙 - 0 jiàn dú wā f /poison dart frog/ 箭竹 - 36 jiàn zhú f /bamboo (genus Fargesia)/ 箭鏃 箭镞 T - 33 jiàn zú f /arrowhead/ 箭镞 箭鏃 S - 33 jiàn zú f /arrowhead/ 箭頭 箭头 T - 196 jiàn tóu f /arrowhead/arrow symbol/ 箭頭鍵 箭头键 T - 3 jiàn tóu jiàn f /arrow key (on keyboard)/ 箭魚 箭鱼 T - 3 jiàn yú f /variant of 劍魚|剑鱼[jian4 yu2]/ 箭鱼 箭魚 S - 3 jiàn yú f /variant of 劍魚|剑鱼[jian4 yu2]/ 箮 - 105 xuān f /bamboo flower/flowering bamboo/ 箯 - 161 biān f /bamboo sedan chair/ 箱 - 1196 xiāng f /box/trunk/chest/ 箱子 - 721 xiāng zi f /suitcase/chest/box/case/trunk/CL:隻|只[zhi1],個|个[ge4]/ 箱根 - 14 Xiāng gēn f /Hakone, city on the east coast of Japan southwest of Tokyo/ 箱梁 - 4 xiāng liáng f /box girder (construction)/ 箱箧 箱篋 S - 0 xiāng qiè f /box/chest/ 箱篋 箱箧 T - 0 xiāng qiè f /box/chest/ 箴 - 86 zhēn f /to warn/to admonish/variant of 針|针[zhen1]/ 箴言 - 60 zhēn yán f /admonition/exhortation/dictum/the biblical Book of Proverbs/ 箸 筯 S - 129 zhù f /variant of 箸[zhu4]/ 箸 - 129 zhù f /(literary) chopsticks/ 箾 - 4 shuò f /to hit sb with a pole/(archaic) pole held by a dancer/ 節 节 T 850 4822 jiē f /see 節骨眼|节骨眼[jie1 gu5 yan3]/ 節 节 T 850 4822 jié t /festival/holiday/node/joint/section/segment/part/to economize/to save/to abridge/moral integrity/classifier for segments, e.g. lessons, train wagons, biblical verses/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 節上生枝 节上生枝 T - 0 jié shàng shēng zhī f /a new branch grows out of a knot (idiom); fig. side issues keep arising/ 節候 节候 T - 0 jié hòu f /season and climate/ 節假日 节假日 T - 208 jié jià rì f /public holiday/ 節儉 节俭 T - 171 jié jiǎn f /frugal/economical/ 節制 节制 T 4317 876 jié zhì f /to control/to restrict/to moderate/to temper/moderation/sobriety/to administer/ 節哀順變 节哀顺变 T - 3 jié āi shùn biàn f /restrain your grief, accept fate (condolence phrase)/ 節外生枝 节外生枝 T - 77 jié wài shēng zhī f /a new branch grows out of a knot (idiom); fig. side issues keep arising/ 節奏 节奏 T 2955 1173 jié zòu f /rhythm/tempo/musical pulse/cadence/beat/ 節奏口技 节奏口技 T - 0 jié zòu kǒu jì f /beatboxing/ 節奏布魯斯 节奏布鲁斯 T - 0 jié zòu bù lǔ sī f /Rhythm and Blues R&B/ 節子 节子 T - 4 jiē zi f /gnarl/knot/ 節度使 节度使 T - 1545 jié dù shǐ f /Tang and Song dynasty provincial governor, in Tang times having military and civil authority, but only civil authority in Song/ 節律 节律 T - 181 jié lǜ f /rhythm/pace/ 節慶 节庆 T - 197 jié qìng f /festival/ 節拍 节拍 T - 139 jié pāi f /beat (music)/meter/ 節拍器 节拍器 T - 10 jié pāi qì f /metronome/ 節操 节操 T - 32 jié cāo f /integrity/moral principle/ 節支 节支 T - 11 jié zhī f /to save on expenditure/ 節支動物 节支动物 T - 0 jié zhī dòng wù f /arthropod/ 節日 节日 T 555 2105 jié rì f /holiday/festival/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 節期 节期 T - 10 jié qī f /festival season/ 節本 节本 T - 6 jié běn f /abridged version/ 節氣 节气 T - 68 jié qi f /solar term/ 節氣門 节气门 T - 3 jié qì mén f /throttle/ 節水 节水 T - 97 jié shuǐ f /to save water/ 節油 节油 T - 17 jié yóu f /to economize on gasoline/fuel-efficient/ 節流 节流 T - 28 jié liú f /to control flow/to choke/weir valve/a throttle/a choke/ 節流踏板 节流踏板 T - 0 jié liú tà bǎn f /throttle pedal/accelerator/ 節流閥 节流阀 T - 7 jié liú fá f /a throttle/ 節烈 节烈 T - 25 jié liè f /(of a woman) indomitably chaste/ 節略 节略 T - 17 jié lüè f /abbreviation/ 節略本 节略本 T - 0 jié lüè běn f /abridged version/ 節疤 节疤 T - 3 jié bā f /gnarl/knot/ 節瘤 节瘤 T - 0 jié liú f /knot (in wood)/ 節目 节目 T 397 2186 jié mù f /program/item (on a program)/CL:臺|台[tai2],個|个[ge4],套[tao4]/ 節省 节省 T 2251 695 jié shěng f /saving/to save/to use sparingly/to cut down on/ 節節 节节 T - 2 jié jié f /step by step/little by little/ 節約 节约 T 1171 883 jié yuē f /to economize/to conserve (resources)/economy/frugal/ 節肢介體病毒 节肢介体病毒 T - 0 jié zhī jiè tǐ bìng dú f /arbovirus/ 節肢動物 节肢动物 T - 76 jié zhī dòng wù f /arthropod/ 節育 节育 T - 29 jié yù f /to practice birth control/ 節能 节能 T - 274 jié néng f /to save energy/energy-saving/ 節能燈 节能灯 T - 11 jié néng dēng f /compact fluorescent lamp (CFL)/ 節衣縮食 节衣缩食 T - 18 jié yī suō shí f /to save on food and clothing (idiom); to live frugally/ 節足動物 节足动物 T - 3 jié zú dòng wù f /arthropod, segmented animals with jointed limbs/same as 節肢動物|节肢动物[jie2 zhi1 dong4 wu4]/ 節選 节选 T - 24 jié xuǎn f /excerpt/selection (from a book)/to select/to choose an extract/ 節錄 节录 T - 14 jié lù f /to extract/to excerpt/excerpt/ 節間 节间 T - 54 jié jiān f /between joints/ 節電 节电 T - 22 jié diàn f /to save electricity/power saving/ 節食 节食 T - 56 jié shí f /to save food/to go on a diet/ 節餘 节余 T - 33 jié yú f /to save/savings/ 節骨眼 节骨眼 T - 64 jiē gu yǎn f /(dialect) critical juncture/crucial moment/Taiwan pr. [jie2 gu5 yan3]/ 節骨眼兒 节骨眼儿 T - 19 jiē gu yǎn r f /erhua variant of 節骨眼|节骨眼[jie1 gu5 yan3]/ 節點 节点 T - 451 jié diǎn f /node/ 篁 - 28 huáng f /(bamboo)/bamboo grove/ 篃 - 841 mèi f /a kind of bamboo/ 範 范 T - 843 fàn f /pattern/model/example/ 範例 范例 T - 139 fàn lì f /example/model case/ 範公偁 范公偁 T - 0 Fàn Gōng chēng f /Fan Gongcheng (12th century), Southern Song author of 過庭錄|过庭录/ 範圍 范围 T 1492 12101 fàn wéi f /range/scope/limit/extent/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 範式 范式 T - 43 fàn shì f /paradigm/ 範德格拉夫 范德格拉夫 T - 0 Fàn Dé gé lā fū f /Van de Graaff (name)/Robert J. Van de Graaff (1901-1967), American physicist/ 範德格拉夫起電機 范德格拉夫起电机 T - 0 Fàn dé Gé lā fū qǐ diàn jī f /Van de Graaff generator/ 範德瓦耳斯 范德瓦耳斯 T - 0 Fàn dé Wǎ ěr sī f /van der Waals/Johannes Diderik van der Waals (1837-1923), Dutch physicist/ 範德瓦耳斯力 范德瓦耳斯力 T - 0 Fàn dé Wǎ ěr sī lì f /van der Waals force (valency)/ 範數 范数 T - 4 fàn shù f /norm (math.)/ 範本 范本 T - 55 fàn běn f /model (example worthy of being imitated)/template/ 範疇 范畴 T 4412 925 fàn chóu f /category/ 範疇論 范畴论 T - 0 fàn chóu lùn f /category theory/general nonsense (math.)/ 範縣 范县 T - 0 Fàn xiàn f /Fan county in Puyang 濮陽|濮阳[Pu2 yang2], Henan/ 篆 - 505 zhuàn f /seal (of office)/seal script (a calligraphic style)/the small seal 小篆 and great seal 大篆/writing in seal script/ 篆书 篆書 S - 77 zhuàn shū f /seal script (Chinese calligraphic style)/ 篆体 篆體 S - 12 zhuàn tǐ f /see 篆書|篆书[zhuan4 shu1]/ 篆刻 - 107 zhuàn kè f /carving a seal/ 篆工 - 0 zhuàn gōng f /craftsman engaged in carving characters/ 篆書 篆书 T - 77 zhuàn shū f /seal script (Chinese calligraphic style)/ 篆體 篆体 T - 12 zhuàn tǐ f /see 篆書|篆书[zhuan4 shu1]/ 篇 945 3750 piān f /sheet/piece of writing/bound set of bamboo slips used for record keeping (old)/classifier for written items: chapter, article/ 篇幅 - 277 piān fu f /length (of a piece of writing)/space occupied on a printed page/ 篇目 - 38 piān mù f /table of contents/ 篇章 - 267 piān zhāng f /writing/sections and chapters/ 篇韵 篇韻 S - 0 piān yùn f /abbr. for Yupian 玉篇[Yu4 pian1] and Guangyun 廣韻|广韵[Guang3 yun4]/ 篇韻 篇韵 T - 0 piān yùn f /abbr. for Yupian 玉篇[Yu4 pian1] and Guangyun 廣韻|广韵[Guang3 yun4]/ 築 筑 T - 2195 zhù f /to build/to construct/to ram/to hit/Taiwan pr. [zhu2]/ 築土牆 筑土墙 T - 0 zhù tǔ qiáng f /a wall of rammed earth/ 築城 筑城 T - 573 zhù chéng f /fortification/ 築室道謀 筑室道谋 T - 3 zhù shì dào móu f /lit. ask passers-by how to build one's house (idiom); fig. to have no idea what to do/without a clue/ 篋 箧 T - 50 qiè f /chest/box/trunk/suitcase/portfolio/ 篋笥 箧笥 T - 0 qiè sì f /bamboo box for holding books, clothes etc/ 篋篋 箧箧 T - 0 qiè qiè f /long and thin/slender/ 篋衍 箧衍 T - 0 qiè yǎn f /bamboo box/ 篌 - 3 hóu f /(mus. instr.)/ 篑 簣 S - 13 kuì f /basket for carrying soil/ 篓 簍 S - 73 lǒu f /deep basket/ 篔 筼 T - 4 yún f /see 篔簹|筼筜[yun2 dang1]/ 篔簹 筼筜 T - 0 yún dāng f /species of tall bamboo/ 篔簹湖 筼筜湖 T - 0 Yún dāng Hú f /Yundang or Yuandang Lake in Xiamen/ 篖 - 0 táng f /see 筕篖[hang2 tang2]/ 篘 - 1320 chōu f /basket for straining/to strain/ 篙 - 99 gāo f /pole for punting boats/ 篚 - 5 fěi f /round covered basket/ 篛 - 0 ruò f /cuticle of bamboo plant/ 篜 - 0 zhēng f /bamboo/ 篝 - 3 gōu f /bamboo frame for drying clothes/bamboo cage/ 篝火 - 164 gōu huǒ f /bonfire/ 篝火狐鳴 篝火狐鸣 T - 3 gōu huǒ hú míng f /to tell fox ghost stories around a bonfire and incite rebellion/an uprising is afoot (idiom)/ 篝火狐鸣 篝火狐鳴 S - 3 gōu huǒ hú míng f /to tell fox ghost stories around a bonfire and incite rebellion/an uprising is afoot (idiom)/ 篟 - 0 qiàn f /luxuriant growth of bamboo/ 篠 - 0 xiǎo f /dwarf bamboo/ 篡 - 165 cuàn f /to seize/to usurp/ 篡 簒 S - 165 cuàn f /old variant of 篡[cuan4]/ 篡位 - 94 cuàn wèi f /to seize the throne/ 篡党 篡黨 S - 45 cuàn dǎng f /to usurp the leadership of the party/ 篡军 篡軍 S - 0 cuàn jūn f /to usurp the military/ 篡夺 篡奪 S - 147 cuàn duó f /to usurp/to seize/ 篡奪 篡夺 T - 147 cuàn duó f /to usurp/to seize/ 篡弑 篡弒 S - 0 cuàn shì f /to commit regicide/ 篡弒 篡弑 T - 0 cuàn shì f /to commit regicide/ 篡改 - 101 cuàn gǎi f /to tamper with/to falsify/ 篡政 - 0 cuàn zhèng f /to usurp political power/ 篡权 篡權 S - 61 cuàn quán f /to usurp power/ 篡權 篡权 T - 61 cuàn quán f /to usurp power/ 篡窃 篡竊 S - 3 cuàn qiè f /to usurp/to seize/ 篡竊 篡窃 T - 3 cuàn qiè f /to usurp/to seize/ 篡立 - 0 cuàn lì f /to become an unlawful ruler/ 篡賊 篡贼 T - 0 cuàn zéi f /usurper/ 篡贼 篡賊 S - 0 cuàn zéi f /usurper/ 篡軍 篡军 T - 0 cuàn jūn f /to usurp the military/ 篡逆 - 20 cuàn nì f /to rebel/to revolt/ 篡黨 篡党 T - 45 cuàn dǎng f /to usurp the leadership of the party/ 篢 - 0 gōng f /bamboo hat/ 篤 笃 T - 550 dǔ f /serious (illness)/sincere/true/ 篤信 笃信 T - 68 dǔ xìn f /to believe firmly/devout in one's faith/ 篤信好學 笃信好学 T - 3 dǔ xìn hào xué f /sincere belief and diligent study/ 篤厚 笃厚 T - 3 dǔ hòu f /honest and generous/magnanimous/ 篤學 笃学 T - 3 dǔ xué f /studious/diligent in study/ 篤守 笃守 T - 3 dǔ shǒu f /to comply faithfully/sincerely abiding by/ 篤定 笃定 T - 52 dǔ dìng f /certain/confident (of some outcome)/calm and unhurried/ 篤實 笃实 T - 9 dǔ shí f /loyal/sincere/sound/ 篤專 笃专 T - 0 dǔ zhuān f /with undivided attention/ 篤志 笃志 T - 4 dǔ zhì f /steadfast/with single-minded devotion/ 篤愛 笃爱 T - 3 dǔ ài f /to love deeply/devoted to sb/ 篤摯 笃挚 T - 0 dǔ zhì f /sincere (in friendship)/cordial/ 篤病 笃病 T - 0 dǔ bìng f /seriously ill/critical/ 篤行 笃行 T - 3 dǔ xíng f /to carry out (obligation) conscientiously/to behave sincerely/ 篥 - 2 lì f /bamboos good for poles/horn/ 篦 - 37 bì f /fine-toothed comb/to comb/ 篦头 篦頭 S - 0 bì tóu f /to comb one's hair/ 篦子 - 12 bì zi f /double-edged fine-toothed comb/grate/ 篦頭 篦头 T - 0 bì tóu f /to comb one's hair/ 篧 - 0 zhuó f /creel for trapping fish/ 篨 - 0 chú f /crude bamboo mat/ 篩 筛 T - 331 shāi f /to filter/to sift/to sieve/ 篩子 筛子 T - 70 shāi zi f /sieve/CL:面[mian4]/ 篩查 筛查 T - 27 shāi chá f /screening (medicine)/ 篩檢 筛检 T - 0 shāi jiǎn f /screening (medicine)/ 篩法 筛法 T - 25 shāi fǎ f /the sieve method (for primes)/ 篩糠 筛糠 T - 56 shāi kāng f /to sift chaff/(fig.) to shake all over/ 篩選 筛选 T 4059 352 shāi xuǎn f /to filter/ 篩除 筛除 T - 3 shāi chú f /to screen or filter out/to winnow (agriculture)/ 篩骨 筛骨 T - 2 shāi gǔ f /ethmoid bone (cheek)/ 篪 - 5 chí f /bamboo flute with 7 or 8 holes/ 篭 - 0 lóng f /old variant of 籠|笼[long2]/ 篮 籃 S - 684 lán f /basket/goal/ 篮圈 籃圈 S - 3 lán quān f /ring/hoop/ 篮子 籃子 S - 310 lán zi f /basket/CL:隻|只[zhi1]/ 篮板 籃板 S - 537 lán bǎn f /backboard/ 篮板球 籃板球 S - 152 lán bǎn qiú f /rebound (basketball)/ 篮球 籃球 S - 634 lán qiú f /basketball/CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1]/ 篮球场 籃球場 S - 135 lán qiú chǎng f /basketball court/ 篮筐 籃筐 S - 24 lán kuāng f /basket/ 篯 籛 S - 6 Jiān f /surname Jian/ 篰 - 0 bù f /sieve-like utensil/ 篱 籬 S - 72 lí f /a fence/ 篱垣 籬垣 S - 0 lí yuán f /fence/hedge/ 篱笆 籬笆 S - 222 lí ba f /fence (esp. of bamboo or wood railings)/ 篲 - 2 huì f /variant of 彗[hui4]/ 篳 筚 T - 4 bì f /wicker/ 篳路藍縷 筚路蓝缕 T - 7 bì lù lán lǚ f /the hardships of beginning an undertaking (idiom)/ 篳門閨竇 筚门闺窦 T - 3 bì mén guī dòu f /wicker door, hole window (idiom); fig. wretched hovel/living in poverty/ 篴 - 2 dí f /flute/ 篶 - 0 yān f /black bamboo/ 篷 - 183 péng f /sail/ 篷布 - 7 péng bù f /tarpaulin/ 篷盖布 篷蓋佈 S - 0 péng gài bù f /sail cloth/ 篷蓋佈 篷盖布 T - 0 péng gài bù f /sail cloth/ 篷車 篷车 T - 9 péng chē f /covered truck/caravan/van/ 篷车 篷車 S - 9 péng chē f /covered truck/caravan/van/ 篷頂 篷顶 T - 0 péng dǐng f /canopy/roof/ceiling/ 篷顶 篷頂 S - 0 péng dǐng f /canopy/roof/ceiling/ 篹 - 0 suǎn f /ancient bamboo basket for food/variant of 匴[suan3]/bamboo container for hats/ 篹 - 0 zhuàn f /to compose/to compile/food/delicacies/ 篹 纂 T - 207 zuǎn f /variant of 纂[zuan3]/to compile/ 篼 - 21 dōu f /bamboo, rattan or wicker basket/sedan chair for mountain use (Cantonese)/ 篾 - 51 miè f /bamboo splints for baskets/ 簀 箦 T - 4 zé f /reed mat/ 簁 - 0 xǐ f /sieve/to sift, to strain/ 簃 - 13 yí f /small house connected to large one/ 簆 - 0 kòu f /healds of a loom/ 簇 - 394 cù f /crowded/framework for silkworms/gather foliage/bunch/classifier for bunched objects/ 簇射 - 0 cù shè f /shower (radiation, particle, etc)/ 簇拥 簇擁 S - 652 cù yōng f /to crowd around/to escort/ 簇擁 簇拥 T - 652 cù yōng f /to crowd around/to escort/ 簇新 - 44 cù xīn f /brand-new, spankin' new/ 簇茎石竹 簇莖石竹 S - 0 cù jīng shí zhú f /boreal carnation or northern pink/Dianthus repens (botany)/ 簇莖石竹 簇茎石竹 T - 0 cù jīng shí zhú f /boreal carnation or northern pink/Dianthus repens (botany)/ 簉 - 0 zào f /deputy/subordinate/concubine/ 簉室 - 0 zào shì f /concubine/ 簋 - 71 guǐ f /ancient bronze food vessel with a round mouth and two or four handles/round basket of bamboo/ 簌 - 14 sù f /dense vegetation/sieve/ 簌簌 - 178 sù sù f /very slight sound/rustling (onom.)/to stream down (of tears)/luxuriant growth (of vegetation)/ 簌簌发抖 簌簌發抖 S - 0 sù sù fā dǒu f /shivering/trembling (idiom)/ 簌簌發抖 簌簌发抖 T - 0 sù sù fā dǒu f /shivering/trembling (idiom)/ 簍 篓 T - 73 lǒu f /deep basket/ 簏 - 7 lù f /box/basket/ 簑 蓑 T - 44 suō f /variant of 蓑[suo1]/ 簒 篡 T - 165 cuàn f /old variant of 篡[cuan4]/ 簖 籪 S - 3 duàn f /bamboo fish trap/ 簗 - 0 zhù f /erroneous variant of 築|筑[zhu4]/ 簜 - 0 dàng f /(bamboo)/ 簞 箪 T - 23 dān f /round basket for cooked rice/ 簞笥 箪笥 T - 0 dān sì f /bamboo box/vessels for holding food/ 簞食壺漿 箪食壶浆 T - 9 dān shí hú jiāng f /to receive troops with food and drink (idiom)/to give troops a hearty welcome/also pr. [dan1 si4 hu2 jiang1]/ 簟 - 68 diàn f /fine woven grass mat/ 簠 - 25 fǔ f /basket used in state worship/ 簡 简 T - 3221 jiǎn f /simple/uncomplicated/letter/to choose/to select/bamboo strips used for writing (old)/ 簡·愛 简·爱 T - 0 Jiǎn · Aì f /Jane Eyre, novel by Charlotte Brontë 夏洛特·勃良特[Xia4 luo4 te4 · Bo2 liang2 te4]/ 簡介 简介 T - 2671 jiǎn jiè f /summary/brief introduction/ 簡便 简便 T - 287 jiǎn biàn f /simple and convenient/handy/ 簡冊 简册 T - 2 jiǎn cè f /booklet/brochure/(old) book (made of bamboo strips tied together)/ 簡則 简则 T - 3 jiǎn zé f /general rule/simple principle/ 簡化 简化 T 4435 867 jiǎn huà f /to simplify/ 簡化字 简化字 T - 21 jiǎn huà zì f /simplified Chinese character/ 簡史 简史 T - 296 jiǎn shǐ f /simple history/Brief History (used in modern book titles)/ 簡單 简单 T 418 6935 jiǎn dān f /simple/not complicated/ 簡單化 简单化 T - 81 jiǎn dān huà f /simplification/to simplify/ 簡單地說 简单地说 T - 0 jiǎn dān de shuō f /to put it simply/simply put/ 簡單明瞭 简单明了 T - 3 jiǎn dān míng liǎo f /clear and simple/in simple terms/ 簡單網絡管理協議 简单网络管理协议 T - 0 jiǎn dān wǎng luò guǎn lǐ xié yì f /Simple Network Management Protocol/SNMP/ 簡報 简报 T - 46 jiǎn bào f /presentation/ 簡寫 简写 T - 25 jiǎn xiě f /to write characters in simplified form/to simplify a book/ 簡帖 简帖 T - 21 jiǎn tiě f /a letter/ 簡帖兒 简帖儿 T - 0 jiǎn tiě r f /a letter/ 簡慢 简慢 T - 24 jiǎn màn f /negligent (towards guests)/ 簡括 简括 T - 56 jiǎn kuò f /brief but comprehensive/compendious/ 簡明 简明 T - 325 jiǎn míng f /simple and clear/concise/ 簡明扼要 简明扼要 T - 85 jiǎn míng è yào f /brief and to the point (idiom)/succinct/ 簡易 简易 T - 416 jiǎn yì f /simple and easy/simplistic/simplicity/ 簡易棚 简易棚 T - 0 jiǎn yì péng f /makeshift shelter/awning/ 簡易爆炸裝置 简易爆炸装置 T - 0 jiǎn yì zhà dàn zhuāng zhì f /improvised explosive device (IED)/ 簡本 简本 T - 45 jiǎn běn f /concise edition/abridged edition/ 簡樸 简朴 T - 160 jiǎn pǔ f /simple and unadorned/plain/ 簡歷 简历 T 2128 1520 jiǎn lì f /curriculum vitae (CV)/résumé/biographical notes/ 簡氏防務週刊 简氏防务周刊 T - 0 Jiǎn shì fáng wù zhōu kān f /Jane's defense weekly/ 簡潔 简洁 T - 326 jiǎn jié f /concise/succinct/pithy/ 簡煉 简炼 T - 3 jiǎn liàn f /variant of 簡練|简练[jian3 lian4]/ 簡略 简略 T - 216 jiǎn lüè f /simple/brief/ 簡略見告 简略见告 T - 0 jiǎn lüè jiàn gào f /brief outline or overview (of a plan etc)/ 簡直 简直 T 1245 2356 jiǎn zhí f /simply/at all/practically/ 簡短 简短 T - 271 jiǎn duǎn f /brief/short-duration/ 簡短介紹 简短介绍 T - 0 jiǎn duǎn jiè shào f /brief introduction/ 簡稱 简称 T - 3534 jiǎn chēng f /to be abbreviated to/abbreviation/short form/ 簡章 简章 T - 101 jiǎn zhāng f /concise list of rules/brochure/pamphlet/ 簡約 简约 T - 55 jiǎn yuē f /sketchy/concise/abbreviated/ 簡編 简编 T - 39 jiǎn biān f /concise edition/abridged edition/compendium/ 簡練 简练 T - 136 jiǎn liàn f /terse/succinct/ 簡縮 简缩 T - 4 jiǎn suō f /abbreviation/short form/ 簡繁 简繁 T - 3 jiǎn fán f /simple versus traditional (Chinese characters)/ 簡繁轉換 简繁转换 T - 3 jiǎn fán zhuǎn huàn f /conversion from simple to traditional Chinese characters/ 簡而言之 简而言之 T - 63 jiǎn ér yán zhī f /in a nutshell/to put it briefly/ 簡裝 简装 T - 2 jiǎn zhuāng f /paperback/plainly packaged/opposite: 精裝|精装[jing1 zhuang1]/ 簡要 简要 T 4472 183 jiǎn yào f /concise/brief/ 簡要介紹 简要介绍 T - 0 jiǎn yào jiè shào f /brief introduction/ 簡言之 简言之 T - 36 jiǎn yán zhī f /in simple terms/to put things simply/briefly/ 簡訊 简讯 T - 41 jiǎn xùn f /newsletter/the news in brief/(Tw) SMS message/ 簡諧 简谐 T - 3 jiǎn xié f /simple harmonic (motion, oscillation etc in mechanics)/ 簡諧振動 简谐振动 T - 0 jiǎn xié zhèn dòng f /simple harmonic oscillation/sinusoidal oscillation/ 簡諧波 简谐波 T - 3 jiǎn xié bō f /simple harmonic wave/sine wave/ 簡諧運動 简谐运动 T - 8 jiǎn xié yùn dòng f /simple harmonic motion (in mechanics)/motion of a simple pendulum/ 簡譜 简谱 T - 32 jiǎn pǔ f /music notation in which the notes Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La and Si are represented by numerals 1 to 7/ 簡述 简述 T - 57 jiǎn shù f /to outline/to summarize/to sketch/summary/brief description/concise narrative/in a nutshell/briefly/ 簡陋 简陋 T 4434 363 jiǎn lòu f /simple and crude/ 簡陽 简阳 T - 7 Jiǎn yáng f /Jianyang county level city in Ziyang 資陽|资阳[Zi1 yang2], Sichuan/ 簡陽市 简阳市 T - 3 Jiǎn yáng shì f /Jianyang county level city in Ziyang 資陽|资阳[Zi1 yang2], Sichuan/ 簡體 简体 T - 13 jiǎn tǐ f /simplified form of Chinese characters, as opposed to traditional form 繁體|繁体[fan2 ti3]/ 簡體字 简体字 T 2961 268 jiǎn tǐ zì f /simplified Chinese character, as opposed to traditional Chinese character 繁體字|繁体字[fan2 ti3 zi4]/ 簣 篑 T - 13 kuì f /basket for carrying soil/ 簥 - 14 jiāo f /large pipe/ 簦 - 67 dēng f /large umbrella for stalls/an ancient kind of bamboo or straw hat/ 簧 - 293 huáng f /metallic reed/spring of lock/ 簧片 - 18 huáng piàn f /reed (music)/ 簧管 - 6 huáng guǎn f /reed pipe/ 簧舌 - 0 huáng shé f /the lip or vibrating end of a reed in a wind instrument/ 簧風琴 簧风琴 T - 3 huáng fēng qín f /harmonium/ 簧风琴 簧風琴 S - 3 huáng fēng qín f /harmonium/ 簨 - 556 sǔn f /cross-beam for hanging bells/ 簪 - 126 zān f /hairpin/ 簪 簮 S - 126 zān f /old variant of 簪[zan1]/ 簫 箫 T - 366 xiāo f /xiao, a free reed mouth organ with five or more pipes blown from the bottom/same as 排簫|排箫/also translated as pan pipes/ 簬 - 397 lù f /(bamboo)/ 簮 簪 T - 126 zān f /old variant of 簪[zan1]/ 簰 - 6 pái f /bamboo raft/ 簷 檐 T - 1465 yán f /variant of 檐[yan2]/ 簸 - 12 bǒ t /to winnow/to toss/ 簸 - 12 bò f /see 簸箕[bo4 ji1]/ 簸扬 簸揚 S - 0 bǒ yáng f /winnow/ 簸揚 簸扬 T - 0 bǒ yáng f /winnow/ 簸穀 簸谷 T - 3 bǒ gǔ f /to winnow grain/ 簸箕 - 79 bò jī f /wicker or bamboo winnowing basket/dustpan/ 簸荡 簸蕩 S - 3 bǒ dàng f /roll/rock/ 簸蕩 簸荡 T - 3 bǒ dàng f /roll/rock/ 簸谷 簸穀 S - 3 bǒ gǔ f /to winnow grain/ 簹 筜 T - 128 dāng f /see 篔簹|筼筜[yun2 dang1]/ 簻 - 40 kē f /big/hunger/ 簽 签 T 1359 1174 qiān f /to sign one's name/visa/variant of 籤|签[qian1]/ 簽入 签入 T - 0 qiān rù f /to log on/to log in/ 簽出 签出 T - 3 qiān chū f /to log off/ 簽到 签到 T - 27 qiān dào f /to register/to sign in/ 簽名 签名 T - 585 qiān míng f /to sign (one's name with a pen etc)/to autograph/signature/ 簽呈 签呈 T - 3 qiān chéng f /petition (submitted to a superior)/ 簽唱會 签唱会 T - 0 qiān chàng huì f /(of a singer) autograph session/record signing event/ 簽字 签字 T - 1237 qiān zì f /to sign (one's name)/signature/ 簽字筆 签字笔 T - 26 qiān zì bǐ f /felt-tip pen/roller ball pen/gel ink pen/ 簽字者 签字者 T - 0 qiān zì zhě f /signatory/ 簽字費 签字费 T - 0 qiān zì fèi f /signing bonus/sign-on bonus/ 簽定 签定 T - 147 qiān dìng f /to sign (a contract, treaty etc)/ 簽收 签收 T - 19 qiān shōu f /to sign for the acceptance of sth (e.g. a delivery etc)/ 簽派室 签派室 T - 0 qiān pài shì f /dispatch office/ 簽發 签发 T - 192 qiān fā f /to issue (a document)/to sign and issue officially/ 簽發地點 签发地点 T - 0 qiān fā dì diǎn f /place of issue (of document)/ 簽發日期 签发日期 T - 0 qiān fā rì qī f /date of issue (of document)/ 簽章 签章 T - 11 qiān zhāng f /signature/ 簽約 签约 T - 440 qiān yuē f /to sign a contract or agreement/ 簽約獎金 签约奖金 T - 0 qiān yuē jiǎng jīn f /signing bonus/sign-on bonus/ 簽署 签署 T 3032 2276 qiān shǔ f /to sign (an agreement)/ 簽訂 签订 T - 3272 qiān dìng f /to agree to and sign (a treaty etc)/ 簽語餅 签语饼 T - 0 qiān yǔ bǐng f /fortune cookie/ 簽證 签证 T 1146 444 qiān zhèng f /visa/certificate/to certify/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 簾 帘 T - 512 lián f /hanging screen or curtain/ 簾子 帘子 T - 303 lián zi f /curtain/ 簾布 帘布 T - 9 lián bù f /cord fabric used in vehicle tires/ 簾幕 帘幕 T - 15 lián mù f /hanging screen/curtain over shop door (for privacy and serving as advertisement)/ 簿 - 726 bù f /a book/a register/account-book/ 簿冊 簿册 T - 20 bù cè f /a register/land register/account book/ledger/ 簿册 簿冊 S - 20 bù cè f /a register/land register/account book/ledger/ 簿子 - 29 bù zi f /notebook/book/ 簿籍 - 22 bù jí f /account books/registers/records/ 簿記 簿记 T - 50 bù jì f /bookkeeping/ 簿記管理員 簿记管理员 T - 0 bù jì guǎn lǐ yuán f /commissarian/ 簿记 簿記 S - 50 bù jì f /bookkeeping/ 簿记管理员 簿記管理員 S - 0 bù jì guǎn lǐ yuán f /commissarian/ 籀 - 37 Zhòu f /surname Zhou/ 籀 - 37 zhòu f /(writing)/to develop/seal script used throughout the pre-Han period/ 籀书 籀書 S - 0 zhòu shū f /seal script used throughout the pre-Han period/ 籀文 - 0 zhòu wén f /seal script used throughout the pre-Han period/ 籀書 籀书 T - 0 zhòu shū f /seal script used throughout the pre-Han period/ 籁 籟 S - 52 lài f /a sound/a noise/musical pipe with 3 reeds/ 籃 篮 T - 684 lán f /basket/goal/ 籃圈 篮圈 T - 3 lán quān f /ring/hoop/ 籃子 篮子 T - 310 lán zi f /basket/CL:隻|只[zhi1]/ 籃板 篮板 T - 537 lán bǎn f /backboard/ 籃板球 篮板球 T - 152 lán bǎn qiú f /rebound (basketball)/ 籃球 篮球 T - 634 lán qiú f /basketball/CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1]/ 籃球場 篮球场 T - 135 lán qiú chǎng f /basketball court/ 籃筐 篮筐 T - 24 lán kuāng f /basket/ 籅 - 0 yú f /round basket used for feeding the cattle/ 籊 - 0 tì f /long bamboo (for fishing rod)/ 籌 筹 T - 821 chóu f /chip (in gambling)/token (for counting)/ticket/to prepare/to plan/to raise (funds)/resource/means/ 籌備 筹备 T 3892 837 chóu bèi f /preparations/to get ready for sth/ 籌出 筹出 T - 0 chóu chū f /to plan out/to prepare/ 籌劃 筹划 T - 408 chóu huà f /to plan and prepare/ 籌募 筹募 T - 7 chóu mù f /to raise funds/to collect money/ 籌商 筹商 T - 3 chóu shāng f /to discuss (a plan)/to negotiate (an outcome)/ 籌委會 筹委会 T - 169 chóu wěi huì f /organizing committee/ 籌子 筹子 T - 0 chóu zi f /chip/counter/ 籌建 筹建 T - 414 chóu jiàn f /to prepare to build sth/ 籌思 筹思 T - 0 chóu sī f /to ponder a solution/to consider (the best move, how to find a way etc)/ 籌拍 筹拍 T - 4 chóu pāi f /to prepare to film/to plan a shoot/ 籌措 筹措 T - 282 chóu cuò f /to raise (money)/ 籌款 筹款 T - 75 chóu kuǎn f /fundraising/ 籌略 筹略 T - 3 chóu lüè f /astute/resourceful/ 籌畫 筹画 T - 0 chóu huà f /variant of 籌劃|筹划[chou2 hua4]/ 籌碼 筹码 T - 176 chóu mǎ f /bargaining chip/gaming chip/casino token/ 籌算 筹算 T - 40 chóu suàn f /to calculate (using bamboo tokens on a counting board)/to count beads/fig. to budget/to plan (an investment)/ 籌謀 筹谋 T - 23 chóu móu f /to work out a strategy/to come up with a plan for/ 籌議 筹议 T - 3 chóu yì f /to discuss (a plan)/ 籌資 筹资 T - 110 chóu zī f /to raise resources/ 籌辦 筹办 T - 139 chóu bàn f /to arrange/to make preparations/ 籌錢 筹钱 T - 0 chóu qián f /to raise money/ 籌集 筹集 T - 302 chóu jí f /to collect money/to raise funds/ 籌馬 筹马 T - 0 chóu mǎ f /variant of 籌碼|筹码[chou2 ma3]/ 籍 - 1401 Jí f /surname Ji/ 籍 - 1401 jí f /book or record/registry/roll/place of one's family or ancestral records/membership/ 籍籍 - 0 jí jí f /noisy/of high reputation/intricate/ 籍貫 籍贯 T 4948 132 jí guàn f /one's native place/place of ancestry/registered birthplace/ 籍贯 籍貫 S 4948 132 jí guàn f /one's native place/place of ancestry/registered birthplace/ 籐 藤 T - 592 téng f /variant of 藤[teng2]/ 籑 - 0 zhuàn f /old variant of 撰[zhuan4]/ 籑 馔 T - 660 zhuàn f /old variant of 饌|馔[zhuan4]/ 籒 - 0 zhòu f /old variant of 籀[zhou4]/ 籓 - 7 fān f /big winnow basket/ 籔 䉤 T - 10 sǒu f /basket for draining rice/ 籖 签 T 1359 1174 qiān f /Japanese variant of 籤|签[qian1]/ 籙 箓 T - 47 lù f /records/book/Taoist written charm/book of prophecy (e.g. of dynastic fortunes)/ 籚 - 0 lú f /basket made of rush/spear-shaft/ 籛 篯 T - 6 Jiān f /surname Jian/ 籜 箨 T - 22 tuò f /sheath around joints of bamboo/ 籝 - 27 yíng f /old variant of 籯[ying2]/ 籟 籁 T - 52 lài f /a sound/a noise/musical pipe with 3 reeds/ 籠 笼 T - 943 lóng t /basket/cage/flat bamboo basket used to serve dimsum 點心|点心[dian3 xin5]/to cover/to cage/to embrace/to manipulate through trickery/ 籠 笼 T - 943 lǒng f /to cover/to cage/covering/also pr. [long2]/ 籠嘴 笼嘴 T - 3 lóng zuǐ f /muzzle (device)/ 籠子 笼子 T - 178 lóng zi f /cage/coop/basket/container/ 籠屜 笼屉 T - 8 lóng tì f /bamboo steamer (for buns or dimsum)/ 籠檻 笼槛 T - 0 lóng jiàn f /cage (for animals)/ 籠絡 笼络 T - 432 lǒng luò f /to coax/to beguile/to win over/ 籠統 笼统 T - 130 lǒng tǒng f /general/broad/sweeping/lacking in detail/vague/ 籠罩 笼罩 T 3865 946 lǒng zhào f /to envelop/to shroud/ 籠頭 笼头 T - 32 lóng tou f /headstall/bridle/ 籠鳥 笼鸟 T - 0 lóng niǎo f /a caged bird/ 籠鳥檻猿 笼鸟槛猿 T - 3 lóng niǎo jiàn yuán f /bird in a basket, monkey in a cage (idiom); prisoner/ 籢 奁 T - 99 lián f /old variant of 奩|奁[lian2]/ 籣 - 0 lán f /bow case/quiver/ 籤 签 T 1359 1174 qiān f /inscribed bamboo stick (used in divination, gambling, drawing lots etc)/small wood sliver/label/tag/ 籤條 签条 T - 8 qiān tiáo f /label/tag/ 籥 - 0 yuè f /flute/key/ 籧 - 0 qú f /crude bamboo mat/ 籩 笾 T - 44 biān f /basket for fruits/ 籪 簖 T - 3 duàn f /bamboo fish trap/ 籫 - 0 zuǎn f /bamboo utensil/ 籬 篱 T - 72 lí f /a fence/ 籬垣 篱垣 T - 0 lí yuán f /fence/hedge/ 籬笆 篱笆 T - 222 lí ba f /fence (esp. of bamboo or wood railings)/ 籭 - 0 shāi f /old variant of 篩|筛[shai1]/ 籮 箩 T - 104 luó f /basket/ 籮筐 箩筐 T - 71 luó kuāng f /large wicker basket/ 籯 - 0 yíng f /slender basket for chopsticks/ 籲 吁 T - 319 yù f /to implore/ 籲請 吁请 T - 26 yù qǐng f /to implore/to entreat/ 米 455 35136 Mǐ f /surname Mi/ 米 455 35136 mǐ f /rice/CL:粒[li4]/meter (classifier)/ 米仓 米倉 S - 10 mǐ cāng f /rice granary/ 米倉 米仓 T - 10 mǐ cāng f /rice granary/ 米兰 米蘭 S - 607 Mǐ lán f /Milano/Milan (Italy)/ 米其林 - 41 Mǐ qí lín f /Michelin (tire company)/ 米凯拉 米凱拉 S - 0 Mǐ kǎi lā f /Michaela (name)/ 米凱拉 米凯拉 T - 0 Mǐ kǎi lā f /Michaela (name)/ 米利班德 - 0 Mǐ lì bān dé f /Milliband (name)/Ed Milliband, UK labor politician, opposition leader from 2010/ 米制 - 12 mǐ zhì f /metric system/ 米哈伊尔·普罗霍罗夫 米哈伊爾·普羅霍羅夫 S - 0 Mǐ hā yī ěr · Pǔ luó huò luó fū f /Mikhail Prokhorov (1965-), Russian billionaire and owner of the Brooklyn Nets (NBA team)/ 米哈伊爾·普羅霍羅夫 米哈伊尔·普罗霍罗夫 T - 0 Mǐ hā yī ěr · Pǔ luó huò luó fū f /Mikhail Prokhorov (1965-), Russian billionaire and owner of the Brooklyn Nets (NBA team)/ 米国 米國 S - 0 Mǐ guó f /United States/name of a country that formerly existed near Samarkand/ 米國 米国 T - 0 Mǐ guó f /United States/name of a country that formerly existed near Samarkand/ 米夫 - 39 Mǐ fū f /Pavel Aleksandrovich Mif (1901-1938), Ukrainian Soviet expert on Chinese affairs, secretly executed in Stalin's purges/ 米奇 - 15 Mǐ qí f /Mickey or Mitch (name)/ 米奇老鼠 - 0 Mǐ qí Lǎo shǔ f /Mickey Mouse/ 米字旗 - 3 Mǐ zì qí f /Union Jack (flag of the United Kingdom)/ 米尔斯 米爾斯 S - 12 Mǐ ěr sī f /Mills (name)/ 米尔顿 米爾頓 S - 32 Mǐ ěr dùn f /Milton (name)/John Milton (1608-1674), English republican writer and poet, author of Paradise Lost/ 米已成炊 - 3 mǐ yǐ chéng chuī f /lit. the rice has already been cooked (idiom)/fig. what is done cannot be undone/ 米底亚 米底亞 S - 0 Mǐ dǐ yà f /Media (ancient Middle east region)/ 米底亞 米底亚 T - 0 Mǐ dǐ yà f /Media (ancient Middle east region)/ 米开兰基罗 米開蘭基羅 S - 0 Mǐ kāi lán jī luó f /Michelangelo (Tw)/ 米开朗基罗 米開朗基羅 S - 14 Mǐ kāi lǎng jī luó f /Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), renaissance painter and sculptor/ 米德尔伯里 米德爾伯里 S - 0 Mǐ dé ěr bó lǐ f /Middlebury (College)/ 米德爾伯里 米德尔伯里 T - 0 Mǐ dé ěr bó lǐ f /Middlebury (College)/ 米拉 - 44 Mǐ lā f /Mira (red giant star, Omicron Ceti)/ 米易 - 4 Mǐ yì f /Miyi county in Panzhihua 攀枝花[Pan1 zhi1 hua1], south Sichuan/ 米易县 米易縣 S - 3 Mǐ yì xiàn f /Miyi county in Panzhihua 攀枝花[Pan1 zhi1 hua1], south Sichuan/ 米易縣 米易县 T - 3 Mǐ yì xiàn f /Miyi county in Panzhihua 攀枝花[Pan1 zhi1 hua1], south Sichuan/ 米林 - 6 Mǐ lín f /Mainling county, Tibetan: Sman gling rdzong, in Nyingchi prefecture 林芝地區|林芝地区[Lin2 zhi1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 米林县 米林縣 S - 2 Mǐ lín xiàn f /Mainling county, Tibetan: Sman gling rdzong, in Nyingchi prefecture 林芝地區|林芝地区[Lin2 zhi1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 米林縣 米林县 T - 2 Mǐ lín xiàn f /Mainling county, Tibetan: Sman gling rdzong, in Nyingchi prefecture 林芝地區|林芝地区[Lin2 zhi1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 米果 - 3 mǐ guǒ f /rice cracker/ 米格 - 722 Mǐ gé f /MiG/Russian Aircraft Corporation/Mikoyan/ 米格尔·德·塞万提斯·萨维德拉 米格爾·德·塞萬提斯·薩維德拉 S - 0 Mǐ gé ěr · dé · Sāi wàn tí sī · Sà wéi dé lā f /Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616), Spanish novelist, poet and playwright, author of Don Quixote 堂吉訶德|堂吉诃德[Tang2 ji2 he1 de2]/ 米格爾·德·塞萬提斯·薩維德拉 米格尔·德·塞万提斯·萨维德拉 T - 0 Mǐ gé ěr · dé · Sāi wàn tí sī · Sà wéi dé lā f /Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616), Spanish novelist, poet and playwright, author of Don Quixote 堂吉訶德|堂吉诃德[Tang2 ji2 he1 de2]/ 米欧 米歐 S - 0 mǐ ōu f /mu (Greek letter Μμ)/ 米歇尔 米歇爾 S - 45 Mǐ xiē ěr f /Michel or Mitchell (name)/George Mitchell (1933-), US Democratic party politician and diplomat, influential in brokering Northern Ireland peace deal in 1990s, US Middle East special envoy from 2009/ 米歇爾 米歇尔 T - 45 Mǐ xiē ěr f /Michel or Mitchell (name)/George Mitchell (1933-), US Democratic party politician and diplomat, influential in brokering Northern Ireland peace deal in 1990s, US Middle East special envoy from 2009/ 米歐 米欧 T - 0 mǐ ōu f /mu (Greek letter Μμ)/ 米泉 - 4 Mǐ quán f /Miquan county level city in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture 昌吉回族自治州[Chang1 ji2 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 米泉市 - 3 Mǐ quán shì f /Miquan county level city in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture 昌吉回族自治州[Chang1 ji2 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 米浆 米漿 S - 4 mǐ jiāng f /rice milk/ 米漿 米浆 T - 4 mǐ jiāng f /rice milk/ 米爾斯 米尔斯 T - 12 Mǐ ěr sī f /Mills (name)/ 米爾頓 米尔顿 T - 32 Mǐ ěr dùn f /Milton (name)/John Milton (1608-1674), English republican writer and poet, author of Paradise Lost/ 米特·罗姆尼 米特·羅姆尼 S - 0 Mǐ tè · Luó mǔ ní f /Mitt Romney (1947-), US Republican contender 2012/ 米特·羅姆尼 米特·罗姆尼 T - 0 Mǐ tè · Luó mǔ ní f /Mitt Romney (1947-), US Republican contender 2012/ 米突 - 3 mǐ tū f /meter (unit of length) (loanword) (old)/ 米粉 - 1336 mǐ fěn f /rice flour/rice-flour noodles/ 米粉肉 - 3 mǐ fěn ròu f /rice flour meat/ 米粒 - 94 mǐ lì f /grain of rice/granule/ 米粒組織 米粒组织 T - 0 mǐ lì zǔ zhī f /granulation/ 米粒组织 米粒組織 S - 0 mǐ lì zǔ zhī f /granulation/ 米粥 - 61 mǐ zhōu f /congee/ 米糠 - 11 mǐ kāng f /bran/ 米納爾迪 米纳尔迪 T - 0 mǐ nà ěr dí f /Minardi, Formula 1 racing team/ 米線 米线 T - 28 mǐ xiàn f /rice-flour noodles/ 米纳尔迪 米納爾迪 S - 0 mǐ nà ěr dí f /Minardi, Formula 1 racing team/ 米线 米線 S - 28 mǐ xiàn f /rice-flour noodles/ 米罗 米羅 S - 4 Mǐ luó f /Joan Miró (1893-1983), Spanish surrealist painter/ 米羅 米罗 T - 4 Mǐ luó f /Joan Miró (1893-1983), Spanish surrealist painter/ 米老鼠 - 38 Mǐ Lǎo shǔ f /Mickey Mouse/ 米脂 - 93 Mǐ zhī f /Mizhi County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shaanxi/ 米脂县 米脂縣 S - 34 Mǐ zhī Xiàn f /Mizhi County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shaanxi/ 米脂縣 米脂县 T - 34 Mǐ zhī Xiàn f /Mizhi County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shaanxi/ 米芾 - 294 Mǐ Fú f /Mi Fu (1051-1107), Song poet and calligrapher/ 米蘭 米兰 T - 607 Mǐ lán f /Milano/Milan (Italy)/ 米虫 米蟲 S - 3 mǐ chóng f /rice weevil/(fig.) sponger/parasite/ 米蟲 米虫 T - 3 mǐ chóng f /rice weevil/(fig.) sponger/parasite/ 米袋子 - 8 mǐ dài zi f /(fig.) supply of grain to the public/ 米該亞 米该亚 T - 0 Mǐ gāi yà f /Micah/ 米諾安 米诺安 T - 0 Mǐ nuò ān f /Minoan (civilization on Crete)/ 米该亚 米該亞 S - 0 Mǐ gāi yà f /Micah/ 米诺安 米諾安 S - 0 Mǐ nuò ān f /Minoan (civilization on Crete)/ 米開朗基羅 米开朗基罗 T - 14 Mǐ kāi lǎng jī luó f /Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), renaissance painter and sculptor/ 米開蘭基羅 米开兰基罗 T - 0 Mǐ kāi lán jī luó f /Michelangelo (Tw)/ 米面 米麵 S - 56 mǐ miàn f /rice and noodles/rice flour/rice-flour noodles/ 米飯 米饭 T 147 400 mǐ fàn f /(cooked) rice/ 米饭 米飯 S 147 400 mǐ fàn f /(cooked) rice/ 米高扬 米高揚 S - 24 Mǐ gāo yáng f /Mikoyan (name)/Anastas Ivanonovich Mikoyan (1895-1978), Soviet politician, politburo member in the 1950s and 1960s/Artem Ivanovich Mikoyan (1905-1970), brother of the politician and one designer of MiG military aircraft/ 米高揚 米高扬 T - 24 Mǐ gāo yáng f /Mikoyan (name)/Anastas Ivanonovich Mikoyan (1895-1978), Soviet politician, politburo member in the 1950s and 1960s/Artem Ivanovich Mikoyan (1905-1970), brother of the politician and one designer of MiG military aircraft/ 米麴菌 - 0 mǐ qū jūn f /Aspergillus oryzae (type of mold)/ 米麵 米面 T - 56 mǐ miàn f /rice and noodles/rice flour/rice-flour noodles/ 米黃 米黄 T - 0 mǐ huáng f /beige/ 米黄 米黃 S - 0 mǐ huáng f /beige/ 籴 糴 S - 89 dí f /buy up (grain)/ 籵 - 0 fán f /dm/ 籸 - 0 shēn f /crushed grain/ 籹 - 6 nǚ f /cakes of rice-flour and honey/ 类 類 S - 14536 lèi f /kind/type/class/category/similar/like/to resemble/ 类乌齐 類烏齊 S - 2 Lèi wū qí f /Riwoqê county, Tibetan: Ri bo che rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区[Chang1 du1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 类乌齐县 類烏齊縣 S - 3 Lèi wū qí xiàn f /Riwoqê county, Tibetan: Ri bo che rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区[Chang1 du1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 类书 類書 S - 68 lèi shū f /book by category/ 类人猿 類人猿 S - 15 lèi rén yuán f /hominid/ 类似 類似 S 2651 5527 lèi sì f /similar/analogous/ 类似点 類似點 S - 0 lèi sì diǎn f /resemblance/ 类别 類別 S - 1016 lèi bié f /classification/category/ 类器官 類器官 S - 0 lèi qì guān f /organoid (regenerative medicine)/ 类固醇 類固醇 S - 77 lèi gù chún f /steroid/ 类地行星 類地行星 S - 6 lèi dì xíng xīng f /terrestrial planet/ 类型 類型 S 1660 5899 lèi xíng f /type/category/genre/form/style/ 类属词典 類屬詞典 S - 0 lèi shǔ cí diǎn f /thesaurus/ 类推 類推 S - 54 lèi tuī f /to reason by analogy/ 类星体 類星體 S - 34 lèi xīng tǐ f /quasar/ 类木行星 類木行星 S - 4 lèi mù xíng xīng f /Jovian planet/ 类毒素 類毒素 S - 19 lèi dú sù f /toxoid/ 类比 類比 S - 111 lèi bǐ f /analogy/(Tw) (electronics) analog/ 类比策略 類比策略 S - 0 lèi bǐ cè lüè f /analogy strategies/ 类球面 類球面 S - 0 lèi qiú miàn f /prolate spheroid (math.)/ 类篇 類篇 S - 0 Lèi piān f /Leipian, Chinese character dictionary with 31,319 entries, compiled by Sima Guang 司馬光|司马光[Si1 ma3 Guang1] et al in 11th century/ 类精神分裂型人格违常 類精神分裂型人格違常 S - 0 lèi jīng shén fēn liè xíng rén gé wéi cháng f /schizoid personality disorder (SPD)/ 类语辞典 類語辭典 S - 0 lèi yǔ cí diǎn f /thesaurus/ 类金属 類金屬 S - 0 lèi jīn shǔ f /metalloid (chemistry)/ 类风湿因子 類風濕因子 S - 0 lèi fēng shī yīn zǐ f /rheumatoid factor/ 类鼻疽 類鼻疽 S - 0 lèi bí jū f /melioidosis/ 类鼻疽单细胞 類鼻疽單細胞 S - 0 lèi bí jū dān xì bāo f /Pseudomonas pseudomallei/ 籼 - 43 xiān f /long-grained rice/same as 秈/ 籼稻 - 21 xiān dào f /long-grained rice (Indian rice, as opposed to round-grained rice)/ 籼米 - 9 xiān mǐ f /long-grained rice (Indian rice, as opposed to round-grained rice 粳米[jing1 mi3])/ 籽 - 146 zǐ f /seeds/ 籽实 籽實 S - 18 zǐ shí f /seed/grain/kernel/bean/ 籽實 籽实 T - 18 zǐ shí f /seed/grain/kernel/bean/ 粀 - 0 zhàng f /decameter (old)/ 粁 - 0 qiān f /kilometer/ 粃 秕 T - 11 bǐ f /variant of 秕[bi3]/ 粇 糠 T - 259 kāng f /old variant of 糠[kang1]/ 粉 - 2351 fěn f /powder/cosmetic face powder/food prepared from starch/noodles or pasta made from any kind of flour/whitewash/white/pink/ 粉丝 粉絲 S - 120 fěn sī f /bean vermicelli/mung bean starch noodles/Chinese vermicelli/cellophane noodles/CL:把[ba3]/fan (loanword)/enthusiast for sb or sth/ 粉刷 - 165 fěn shuā f /to paint/to whitewash/emulsion/plaster/ 粉刺 - 76 fěn cì f /pimple/comedo/blackhead/acne/ 粉土 - 0 fěn tǔ f /dust/sand/ 粉塵 粉尘 T - 108 fěn chén f /dust/airborne powder/solid particulate matter/ 粉墙 粉牆 S - 36 fěn qiáng f /whitewashed wall/to whitewash a wall/ 粉墨登场 粉墨登場 S - 31 fěn mò dēng chǎng f /to make up and go on stage (idiom); to embark on a career (esp. in politics or crime)/ 粉墨登場 粉墨登场 T - 31 fěn mò dēng chǎng f /to make up and go on stage (idiom); to embark on a career (esp. in politics or crime)/ 粉头 粉頭 S - 0 fěn tóu f /prostitute (old)/crafty character (in opera)/ 粉尘 粉塵 S - 108 fěn chén f /dust/airborne powder/solid particulate matter/ 粉底 - 39 fěn dǐ f /foundation (cosmetics)/ 粉扑 粉撲 S - 4 fěn pū f /powder puff (cosmetics)/ 粉撲 粉扑 T - 4 fěn pū f /powder puff (cosmetics)/ 粉末 3954 437 fěn mò f /fine powder/dust/ 粉条 粉條 S - 53 fěn tiáo f /vermicelli made from mung bean starch etc/ 粉板 - 3 fěn bǎn f /blackboard/painted board on which to make temporary notes with brush pen/ 粉條 粉条 T - 53 fěn tiáo f /vermicelli made from mung bean starch etc/ 粉牆 粉墙 T - 36 fěn qiáng f /whitewashed wall/to whitewash a wall/ 粉砂岩 - 0 fěn shā yán f /siltstone/ 粉砂石 - 0 fěn shā shí f /siltstone/ 粉碎 3598 1215 fěn suì f /to crush/to smash/to shatter/ 粉碎机 粉碎機 S - 19 fěn suì jī f /pulverizer/grinder/ 粉碎機 粉碎机 T - 19 fěn suì jī f /pulverizer/grinder/ 粉笔 粉筆 S - 85 fěn bǐ f /chalk/CL:支[zhi1],段[duan4]/ 粉筆 粉笔 T - 85 fěn bǐ f /chalk/CL:支[zhi1],段[duan4]/ 粉紅 粉红 T - 200 fěn hóng f /pink/ 粉紅山椒鳥 粉红山椒鸟 T - 0 fěn hóng shān jiāo niǎo f /(bird species of China) rosy minivet (Pericrocotus roseus)/ 粉紅椋鳥 粉红椋鸟 T - 0 fěn hóng liáng niǎo f /(bird species of China) rosy starling (Pastor roseus)/ 粉紅燕鷗 粉红燕鸥 T - 0 fěn hóng yàn ōu f /(bird species of China) roseate tern (Sterna dougallii)/ 粉紅胸鷚 粉红胸鹨 T - 0 fěn hóng xiōng liù f /(bird species of China) rosy pipit (Anthus roseatus)/ 粉紅腹嶺雀 粉红腹岭雀 T - 0 fěn hóng fù lǐng què f /(bird species of China) Asian rosy finch (Leucosticte arctoa)/ 粉紅色 粉红色 T - 505 fěn hóng sè f /pink/ 粉絲 粉丝 T - 120 fěn sī f /bean vermicelli/mung bean starch noodles/Chinese vermicelli/cellophane noodles/CL:把[ba3]/fan (loanword)/enthusiast for sb or sth/ 粉红 粉紅 S - 200 fěn hóng f /pink/ 粉红山椒鸟 粉紅山椒鳥 S - 0 fěn hóng shān jiāo niǎo f /(bird species of China) rosy minivet (Pericrocotus roseus)/ 粉红椋鸟 粉紅椋鳥 S - 0 fěn hóng liáng niǎo f /(bird species of China) rosy starling (Pastor roseus)/ 粉红燕鸥 粉紅燕鷗 S - 0 fěn hóng yàn ōu f /(bird species of China) roseate tern (Sterna dougallii)/ 粉红胸鹨 粉紅胸鷚 S - 0 fěn hóng xiōng liù f /(bird species of China) rosy pipit (Anthus roseatus)/ 粉红腹岭雀 粉紅腹嶺雀 S - 0 fěn hóng fù lǐng què f /(bird species of China) Asian rosy finch (Leucosticte arctoa)/ 粉红色 粉紅色 S - 505 fěn hóng sè f /pink/ 粉色 3353 62 fěn sè f /pink/white/erotic/beautiful woman/powdered (with make-up)/ 粉艳 粉艷 S - 2 fěn yàn f /(of a woman, a flower etc) delicate colors/ 粉艷 粉艳 T - 2 fěn yàn f /(of a woman, a flower etc) delicate colors/ 粉芡 - 3 fěn qiàn f /cooking starch/pasty mixture of starch and water/ 粉身碎骨 - 236 fěn shēn suì gǔ f /lit. torn body and crushed bones (idiom)/fig. to die horribly/to sacrifice one's life/ 粉領 粉领 T - 3 fěn lǐng f /pink collar/woman working in the service industry/ 粉頭 粉头 T - 0 fěn tóu f /prostitute (old)/crafty character (in opera)/ 粉领 粉領 S - 3 fěn lǐng f /pink collar/woman working in the service industry/ 粉飾 粉饰 T - 51 fěn shì f /to paint/to whitewash/to decorate/plaster/fig. to gloss over/to cover up/ 粉飾太平 粉饰太平 T - 11 fěn shì tài píng f /to pretend that everything is going well/ 粉餅 粉饼 T - 8 fěn bǐng f /compact (cosmetics)/ 粉饰 粉飾 S - 51 fěn shì f /to paint/to whitewash/to decorate/plaster/fig. to gloss over/to cover up/ 粉饰太平 粉飾太平 S - 11 fěn shì tài píng f /to pretend that everything is going well/ 粉饼 粉餅 S - 8 fěn bǐng f /compact (cosmetics)/ 粉黛 - 14 fěn dài f /face powder and eyebrow liner/cosmetics/(fig.) beautiful woman/ 粋 - 0 cuì f /Japanese variant of 粹/ 粑 - 1491 bā f /a round flat cake (dialect)/ 粒 3316 1142 lì f /grain/granule/classifier for small round things (peas, bullets, peanuts, pills, grains etc)/ 粒子 - 1503 lì zǐ t /(elementary) particle/grain/ 粒子 - 1503 lì zi f /grain (of rice)/granule/ 粒子加速器 - 0 lì zǐ jiā sù qì f /particle accelerator/ 粒子束 - 56 lì zǐ shù f /beam of elementary particles/ 粒子流 - 28 lì zǐ liú f /stream of particles/particle flow/ 粒子物理 - 0 lì zǐ wù lǐ f /particle physics/ 粒子物理学 粒子物理學 S - 0 lì zǐ wù lǐ xué f /particle physics/ 粒子物理學 粒子物理学 T - 0 lì zǐ wù lǐ xué f /particle physics/ 粒径 粒徑 S - 32 lì jìng f /grain size/ 粒徑 粒径 T - 32 lì jìng f /grain size/ 粒白細胞 粒白细胞 T - 0 lì bái xì bāo f /white granulocyte (blood cell)/ 粒白细胞 粒白細胞 S - 0 lì bái xì bāo f /white granulocyte (blood cell)/ 粒細胞 粒细胞 T - 134 lì xì bāo f /granulocyte/ 粒细胞 粒細胞 S - 134 lì xì bāo f /granulocyte/ 粔 - 2 jù f /cakes made from rice flour twisted into rings/ 粕 - 43 pò f /grains in distilled liquor/ 粗 - 2598 cū f /coarse/rough/thick (for cylindrical objects)/unfinished/vulgar/rude/crude/ 粗 觕 S - 2598 cū f /variant of 粗[cu1]/ 粗 麤 S - 2598 cū f /remote/distant/variant of 粗[cu1]/ 粗估 - 2 cū gū f /rough estimate/ 粗体 粗體 S - 3 cū tǐ f /bold (typeface)/ 粗体字 粗體字 S - 0 cū tǐ zì f /bold letter/ 粗俗 - 103 cū sú f /vulgar/ 粗制滥造 粗製濫造 S - 32 cū zhì làn zào f /to churn out large quantities without regard for quality (idiom); rough and slipshod work/ 粗劣 - 16 cū liè f /coarse/ 粗劣作品 - 0 cū liè zuò pǐn f /kitsch/vulgar art/art in bad taste/ 粗卤 粗鹵 S - 0 cū lǔ f /variant of 粗魯|粗鲁[cu1 lu3]/ 粗厉 粗厲 S - 0 cū lì f /abrasive/husky (voice)/ 粗厲 粗厉 T - 0 cū lì f /abrasive/husky (voice)/ 粗口 - 15 cū kǒu f /swear words/obscene language/foul language/ 粗哑 粗啞 S - 7 cū yǎ f /husky/hoarse/raucous/ 粗啞 粗哑 T - 7 cū yǎ f /husky/hoarse/raucous/ 粗壮 粗壯 S - 339 cū zhuàng f /thick and solid/ 粗壯 粗壮 T - 339 cū zhuàng f /thick and solid/ 粗大 - 562 cū dà f /thick/bulky/loud/ 粗心 1186 77 cū xīn f /careless/thoughtless/ 粗心大意 - 60 cū xīn dà yì f /negligent/careless/inadvertent/ 粗放 - 113 cū fàng f /extensive/expansive/large-scale/ 粗暴 - 241 cū bào f /rough/cruel/ 粗枝大叶 粗枝大葉 S - 8 cū zhī dà yè f /thick stems and broad leaves (idiom)/boorish/rough and ready/sloppy/ 粗枝大葉 粗枝大叶 T - 8 cū zhī dà yè f /thick stems and broad leaves (idiom)/boorish/rough and ready/sloppy/ 粗榧 - 0 cū fěi f /Chinese plum-yew/Cephalotaxus sinensis (botany)/ 粗活 - 37 cū huó f /unskilled labor/heavy manual work/ 粗浅 粗淺 S - 105 cū qiǎn f /shallow/superficial/ 粗淺 粗浅 T - 105 cū qiǎn f /shallow/superficial/ 粗犷 粗獷 S - 168 cū guǎng f /rough/rude/boorish/straightforward/uninhibited/ 粗獷 粗犷 T - 168 cū guǎng f /rough/rude/boorish/straightforward/uninhibited/ 粗率 - 26 cū shuài f /rough/coarse/crude/without due care/ill-considered/ 粗略 - 172 cū lüè f /rough (not precise or accurate)/cursory/ 粗疏 - 71 cū shū f /coarse/rough/careless/ 粗盐 粗鹽 S - 3 cū yán f /coarse salt/rock salt/ 粗砂 - 0 cū shā f /grit/ 粗笨 - 30 cū bèn f /awkward/clumsy/unwieldy/heavy-handed/ 粗管面 粗管麵 S - 0 cū guǎn miàn f /rigatoni/ 粗管麵 粗管面 T - 0 cū guǎn miàn f /rigatoni/ 粗粝 粗糲 S - 11 cū lì f /coarse rice/coarse (of food)/ 粗粮 粗糧 S - 62 cū liáng f /coarse grains (maize, sorghum etc)/ 粗糙 2307 489 cū cāo f /crude/gruff/rough/coarse/ 粗糧 粗粮 T - 62 cū liáng f /coarse grains (maize, sorghum etc)/ 粗糲 粗粝 T - 11 cū lì f /coarse rice/coarse (of food)/ 粗細 粗细 T - 278 cū xì f /thick and thin/coarse and fine/thickness (caliber)/coarseness/quality of work/ 粗细 粗細 S - 278 cū xì f /thick and thin/coarse and fine/thickness (caliber)/coarseness/quality of work/ 粗茶淡飯 粗茶淡饭 T - 21 cū chá dàn fàn f /plain tea and simple food/(fig.) bread and water/ 粗茶淡饭 粗茶淡飯 S - 21 cū chá dàn fàn f /plain tea and simple food/(fig.) bread and water/ 粗莽 - 8 cū mǎng f /brusque/rough/boorish/crude/ 粗製濫造 粗制滥造 T - 32 cū zhì làn zào f /to churn out large quantities without regard for quality (idiom); rough and slipshod work/ 粗話 粗话 T - 104 cū huà f /vulgar language (esp. scatological insults)/uncultured speech/ 粗語 粗语 T - 0 cū yǔ f /rude words/dirty talk/ 粗话 粗話 S - 104 cū huà f /vulgar language (esp. scatological insults)/uncultured speech/ 粗语 粗語 S - 0 cū yǔ f /rude words/dirty talk/ 粗豪 - 64 cū háo f /straightforward/forthright/ 粗鄙 - 50 cū bǐ f /vulgar/coarse/uncouth/ 粗野 - 83 cū yě f /insolent/boorish/rough (in actions)/ 粗陋 - 35 cū lòu f /crude/coarse/unsophisticated/shallow/ 粗飯 粗饭 T - 0 cū fàn f /an unappealing and unsatisfying meal/ 粗饭 粗飯 S - 0 cū fàn f /an unappealing and unsatisfying meal/ 粗體 粗体 T - 3 cū tǐ f /bold (typeface)/ 粗體字 粗体字 T - 0 cū tǐ zì f /bold letter/ 粗魯 粗鲁 T 3114 193 cū lǔ f /coarse/crude (in one's manner)/boorish/ 粗鲁 粗魯 S 3114 193 cū lǔ f /coarse/crude (in one's manner)/boorish/ 粗鹵 粗卤 T - 0 cū lǔ f /variant of 粗魯|粗鲁[cu1 lu3]/ 粗鹽 粗盐 T - 3 cū yán f /coarse salt/rock salt/ 粘 - 1360 nián f /glutinous/sticky/to stick/to adhere/variant of 黏[nian2]/ 粘 - 1360 zhān t /to glue/to stick/to paste/ 粘乎乎 - 9 nián hū hū f /sticky/slimy/ 粘合 - 73 zhān hé f /to bind/agglutination/ 粘合剂 粘合劑 S - 50 nián hé jì f /adhesive/glue/ 粘合劑 粘合剂 T - 50 nián hé jì f /adhesive/glue/ 粘土 - 377 nián tǔ f /clay/loam/ 粘度 - 109 nián dù f /viscosity/ 粘性 - 237 nián xìng f /viscosity/glutinous/ 粘性力 - 3 nián xìng lì f /viscous forces (in fluid mechanics)/ 粘木 - 0 zhān mù f /amonang tree (Ixonanthes chinensis)/ 粘涎 - 0 zhān xián f /saliva/slobber/(colloquial) useless talk/drivel/ 粘液 - 218 nián yè f /mucus/ 粘滑 - 0 nián huá f /slimy (of rotten food)/viscous/stick-slip (in mechanics)/ 粘滞 粘滯 S - 41 nián zhì f /viscous/ 粘滞性 粘滯性 S - 23 nián zhì xìng f /viscosity/ 粘滯 粘滞 T - 41 nián zhì f /viscous/ 粘滯性 粘滞性 T - 23 nián zhì xìng f /viscosity/ 粘皮带骨 粘皮帶骨 S - 3 nián pí dài gǔ f /to glue skin and bind the bones (idiom); insistent unrelenting conduct/ 粘皮帶骨 粘皮带骨 T - 3 nián pí dài gǔ f /to glue skin and bind the bones (idiom); insistent unrelenting conduct/ 粘皮著骨 - 0 nián pí zhù gǔ f /to glue skin and bind the bones (idiom); insistent unrelenting conduct/ 粘着 粘著 S - 74 nián zhuó f /to stick together/to adhere/ 粘着力 粘著力 S - 0 zhān zhuó lì f /adhesive force/adherence/coherence/ 粘着性 粘著性 S - 0 zhān zhuó xìng f /agglutinative (in linguistics, a characteristic of Altaic languages)/ 粘稠 - 104 nián chóu f /thick/viscous/sticky/ 粘米 - 0 nián mǐ f /sticky rice/short-grain rice/Oryza sativa var. japonica/also written 黏米/ 粘粘 - 0 nián nián f /sticky/ 粘糊 - 2 nián hu f /sticky/ 粘結 粘结 T - 62 nián jié f /to cohere/to bind/ 粘纏 粘缠 T - 0 nián chán f /to stick closely to/cloying/ 粘结 粘結 S - 62 nián jié f /to cohere/to bind/ 粘缠 粘纏 S - 0 nián chán f /to stick closely to/cloying/ 粘聚 - 0 nián jù f /to cohere/to group together as a unit/to agglomerate/ 粘胶 粘膠 S - 64 nián jiāo f /viscose/ 粘胶液 粘膠液 S - 0 nián jiāo yè f /viscose/ 粘膜 - 404 nián mó f /mucous membrane/ 粘膠 粘胶 T - 64 nián jiāo f /viscose/ 粘膠液 粘胶液 T - 0 nián jiāo yè f /viscose/ 粘菌 - 13 nián jūn f /slime mold (Myxomycetes)/ 粘著 粘着 T - 74 nián zhuó f /to stick together/to adhere/ 粘著力 粘着力 T - 0 zhān zhuó lì f /adhesive force/adherence/coherence/ 粘著性 粘着性 T - 0 zhān zhuó xìng f /agglutinative (in linguistics, a characteristic of Altaic languages)/ 粘虫 粘蟲 S - 13 nián chóng f /army worm (e.g. Mythimna separata or Leucania separata etc, major cereal pests)/ 粘蟲 粘虫 T - 13 nián chóng f /army worm (e.g. Mythimna separata or Leucania separata etc, major cereal pests)/ 粘貼 粘贴 T 2490 59 zhān tiē f /to stick/to affix/to adhere/to paste (as in "copy and paste")/Taiwan pr. [nian2 tie1]/also written 黏貼|黏贴[nian2 tie1]/ 粘贴 粘貼 S 2490 59 zhān tiē f /to stick/to affix/to adhere/to paste (as in "copy and paste")/Taiwan pr. [nian2 tie1]/also written 黏貼|黏贴[nian2 tie1]/ 粘连 粘連 S - 114 nián lián f /to adhere/to stick together/ 粘连 粘連 S - 114 zhān lián t /adhesion/to adhere/to cohere/to stick/ 粘連 粘连 T - 114 nián lián f /to adhere/to stick together/ 粘連 粘连 T - 114 zhān lián t /adhesion/to adhere/to cohere/to stick/ 粘附 - 69 nián fù f /to adhere/ 粚 - 0 chī f /old variant of 黐[chi1]/ 粛 - 67 sù f /Japanese variant of 肅|肃/ 粜 糶 S - 78 tiào f /to sell grain/ 粝 糲 S - 48 lì f /coarse rice/ 粞 - 26 xī f /ground rice/thresh rice/ 粟 - 300 Sù f /surname Su/ 粟 - 300 sù f /grain/millet/goose pimples/ 粟米 - 34 sù mǐ f /corn/maize (dialect)/ 粟裕 - 193 Sù Yù f /Su Yu (1907-1984), PLA commander/ 粢 - 24 zī f /common millet/ 粤 粵 S - 917 Yuè f /Cantonese/short name for Guangdong 廣東|广东[Guang3 dong1]/ 粤剧 粵劇 S - 58 Yuè jù f /Cantonese opera/ 粤拼 粵拼 S - 0 Yuè pīn f /Jyutping, one of the many Cantonese romanization systems/abbr. of 粵語拼音|粤语拼音[Yue4 yu3 Pin1 yin1]/ 粤汉铁路 粵漢鐵路 S - 3 Yuè Hàn Tiě lù f /Canton-Hankou Railway, linking Guangzhou and Wuchang, incorporated since 1957 into the Jing-Guang Railway 京廣鐵路|京广铁路[Jing1 Guang3 Tie3 lu4]/ 粤海 粵海 S - 10 Yuè Hǎi f /Guangdong-Hainan/ 粤菜 粵菜 S - 26 Yuè cài f /Cantonese cuisine/ 粤语 粵語 S - 43 Yuè yǔ f /Cantonese language/ 粤语拼音 粵語拼音 S - 0 Yuè yǔ Pīn yīn f /Cantonese romanization/Jyutping, one of the many Cantonese romanization systems/ 粥 3743 1117 yù f /see 葷粥|荤粥[Xun1 yu4]/ 粥 3743 1117 zhōu t /congee/gruel/porridge/CL:碗[wan3]/ 粥厂 粥廠 S - 0 zhōu chǎng f /food relief center/soup kitchen/ 粥少僧多 - 2 zhōu shǎo sēng duō f /see 僧多粥少[seng1 duo1 zhou1 shao3]/ 粥廠 粥厂 T - 0 zhōu chǎng f /food relief center/soup kitchen/ 粥样硬化 粥樣硬化 S - 0 zhōu yàng yìng huà f /atherosclerosis/hardening of the arteries/ 粥棚 - 0 zhōu péng f /food relief center/soup kitchen/ 粥樣硬化 粥样硬化 T - 0 zhōu yàng yìng huà f /atherosclerosis/hardening of the arteries/ 粦 磷 T - 1372 lín f /variant of 磷[lin2]/ 粧 妆 T - 425 zhuāng f /variant of 妝|妆[zhuang1]/ 粨 - 101 bǎi mǐ f /hectometer (old)/single-character equivalent of 百米/ 粪 糞 S - 665 fèn f /manure/dung/ 粪便 糞便 S - 279 fèn biàn f /excrement/feces/night soil/ 粪凼 糞凼 S - 0 fèn dàng f /cesspool/cesspit/ 粪土 糞土 S - 46 fèn tǔ f /dirty soil/dung/muck/ 粪尿 糞尿 S - 0 fèn niào f /sewerage/ 粪耙 糞耙 S - 0 fèn pá f /manure rake/ 粪肥 糞肥 S - 16 fèn féi f /manure/dung/ 粪草 糞草 S - 0 fèn cǎo f /trash/garbage/ 粪蛆 糞蛆 S - 0 fèn qū f /muckworm/ 粪道 糞道 S - 0 fèn dào f /coprodeum (in birds)/ 粪金龟 糞金龜 S - 0 fèn jīn guī f /dung beetle/ 粪金龟子 糞金龜子 S - 0 fèn jīn guī zǐ f /dung beetle/ 粪除 糞除 S - 0 fèn chú f /(literary) to clean up/ 粪青 糞青 S - 3 fèn qīng f /shit youth/used satirically against 憤青|愤青 which shares the same sound/see also 憤青|愤青[fen4 qing1]/ 粬 - 1457 qū f /variant of 麯[qu1]/ 粮 糧 S - 3454 liáng f /grain/food/provisions/agricultural tax paid in grain/ 粮仓 糧倉 S - 147 liáng cāng f /granary/barn/fig. bread basket (of fertile agricultural land)/ 粮农 糧農 S - 17 liáng nóng f /food and agriculture/grain farmer/ 粮库 糧庫 S - 40 liáng kù f /grain depot/ 粮店 糧店 S - 15 liáng diàn f /grain store/ 粮栈 糧棧 S - 7 liáng zhàn f /wholesale grain store/ 粮票 糧票 S - 70 liáng piào f /coupons for food or grain used in a PRC economic program c. 1955-1993/ 粮秣 糧秣 S - 50 liáng mò f /provisions (e.g. military)/forage/fodder/ 粮站 糧站 S - 66 liáng zhàn f /grain supply station/ 粮草 糧草 S - 376 liáng cǎo f /army provisions/rations and fodder/ 粮荒 糧荒 S - 9 liáng huāng f /famine/critical shortage of grain/ 粮行 糧行 S - 3 liáng háng f /grain retailer (in former times)/ 粮道 糧道 S - 3 liáng dào f /route for providing foodstuff/ 粮食 糧食 S 2333 5923 liáng shi f /foodstuff/cereals/CL:種|种[zhong3]/ 粮食作物 糧食作物 S - 584 liáng shi zuò wù f /grain crops/cereals/ 粮饷 糧餉 S - 159 liáng xiǎng f /army provisions/ 粰 - 299 fū f /variant of 稃[fu1]/ 粱 - 92 liáng f /sorghum/ 粲 - 127 càn f /beautiful/bright/splendid/smilingly/ 粲夸克 - 0 càn kuā kè f /charm quark (particle physics)/ 粲然 - 16 càn rán f /clear and bright/with a big smile/ 粳 秔 S - 19 jīng f /variant of 粳[jing1]/ 粳 稉 S - 19 jīng f /variant of 粳[jing1]/ 粳 - 19 jīng f /round-grained nonglutinous rice (Japonica rice)/Taiwan pr. [geng1]/ 粳稻 - 275 jīng dào f /round-grained nonglutinous rice (Japonica rice)/ 粳米 - 34 jīng mǐ f /polished round-grained nonglutinous rice (Japonica rice)/ 粵 粤 T - 917 Yuè f /Cantonese/short name for Guangdong 廣東|广东[Guang3 dong1]/ 粵劇 粤剧 T - 58 Yuè jù f /Cantonese opera/ 粵拼 粤拼 T - 0 Yuè pīn f /Jyutping, one of the many Cantonese romanization systems/abbr. of 粵語拼音|粤语拼音[Yue4 yu3 Pin1 yin1]/ 粵海 粤海 T - 10 Yuè Hǎi f /Guangdong-Hainan/ 粵漢鐵路 粤汉铁路 T - 3 Yuè Hàn Tiě lù f /Canton-Hankou Railway, linking Guangzhou and Wuchang, incorporated since 1957 into the Jing-Guang Railway 京廣鐵路|京广铁路[Jing1 Guang3 Tie3 lu4]/ 粵菜 粤菜 T - 26 Yuè cài f /Cantonese cuisine/ 粵語 粤语 T - 43 Yuè yǔ f /Cantonese language/ 粵語拼音 粤语拼音 T - 0 Yuè yǔ Pīn yīn f /Cantonese romanization/Jyutping, one of the many Cantonese romanization systems/ 粹 - 31 cuì f /pure/unmixed/essence/ 粺 稗 T - 58 bài f /polished rice/old variant of 稗[bai4]/ 粻 - 3 zhāng f /food/white cooked rice/ 粼 - 41 lín f /clear (as of water)/ 粼粼 - 23 lín lín f /clear and crystalline (of water)/ 粽 - 76 zòng f /rice dumplings wrapped in leaves/ 粽 糉 S - 76 zòng f /variant of 粽[zong4]/ 粽子 - 322 zòng zi f /glutinous rice and choice of filling wrapped in leaves and boiled/ 精 - 4066 jīng f /essence/extract/vitality/energy/semen/sperm/mythical goblin spirit/highly perfected/elite/the pick of sth/proficient (refined ability)/extremely (fine)/selected rice (archaic)/ 精义 精義 S - 44 jīng yì f /quintessence/essentials/ 精于 精於 S - 356 jīng yú f /skillful in/proficient in/adept at/ 精于此道 精於此道 S - 0 jīng yú cǐ dào f /to be proficient in the area of/skilled in this field/ 精光 - 221 jīng guāng f /nothing left (money, food etc)/all finished/bright and shiny/radiant/glorious/ 精兵 - 458 jīng bīng f /elite troops/ 精准 精準 S - 99 jīng zhǔn f /accurate/exact/precise/precision/ 精减 精減 S - 12 jīng jiǎn f /to reduce/to pare down/to streamline/ 精制 精製 S - 369 jīng zhì f /refined/ 精力 1667 1496 jīng lì f /energy/ 精力充沛 - 37 jīng lì chōng pèi f /vigorous/energetic/ 精华 精華 S 4115 1717 jīng huá f /best feature/most important part of an object/quintessence/essence/soul/ 精卫 精衛 S - 3 Jīng wèi f /mythological bird, reincarnation of drowned daughter Nüwa 女娃[Nu:3 wa2] of Fiery Emperor 炎帝[Yan2 di4]/ 精卫填海 精衛填海 S - 3 Jīng wèi tián hǎi f /lit. mythical bird Jingwei tries to fill the ocean with stones (idiom); futile ambition/task of Sisyphus/determination in the face of impossible odds/ 精品 - 1959 jīng pǐn f /quality goods/premium product/fine work (of art)/ 精囊 - 31 jīng náng f /spermatophore/ 精妙 - 352 jīng miào f /exquisite/fine and delicate (usu. of works of art)/ 精子 - 492 jīng zǐ f /sperm/spermatozoon/ 精子密度 - 0 jīng zǐ mì dù f /sperm count/ 精密 4140 559 jīng mì f /accuracy/exact/precise/refined/ 精密仪器 精密儀器 S - 2 jīng mì yí qì f /precision instruments/ 精密儀器 精密仪器 T - 2 jīng mì yí qì f /precision instruments/ 精密化 - 4 jīng mì huà f /refinement/to add precision/ 精密陶瓷 - 0 jīng mì táo cí f /fine ceramics (used for dental implants, synthetic bones, electronics, knife blades etc)/advanced ceramics/engineered ceramics/ 精尽人亡 精盡人亡 S - 3 jīng jìn rén wáng f /to die from excessive ejaculation/ 精巢 - 12 jīng cháo f /testes/ 精工 - 40 Jīng gōng f /Seiko, Japanese watch and electronics company/ 精工 - 40 jīng gōng f /refined/delicate/exquisite (craftsmanship)/ 精巧 - 936 jīng qiǎo f /elaborate/ 精干 精幹 S - 163 jīng gàn f /crack (troops)/special (forces)/highly capable/ 精干高效 精幹高效 S - 0 jīng gàn gāo xiào f /top-notch efficiency/ 精幹 精干 T - 163 jīng gàn f /crack (troops)/special (forces)/highly capable/ 精幹高效 精干高效 T - 0 jīng gàn gāo xiào f /top-notch efficiency/ 精度 - 943 jīng dù f /precision/ 精当 精當 S - 47 jīng dàng f /precise and appropriate/ 精彩 817 2048 jīng cǎi f /wonderful/marvelous/brilliant/ 精微 - 164 jīng wēi f /subtle/profound/ 精心 3302 1217 jīng xīn f /with utmost care/fine/meticulous/detailed/ 精打光 - 0 jīng dǎ guāng f /with absolutely nothing/completely broke/ 精打細算 精打细算 T 4891 60 jīng dǎ xì suàn f /meticulous planning and careful accounting (idiom)/ 精打细算 精打細算 S 4891 60 jīng dǎ xì suàn f /meticulous planning and careful accounting (idiom)/ 精挑細選 精挑细选 T - 3 jīng tiāo xì xuǎn f /to select very carefully/ 精挑细选 精挑細選 S - 3 jīng tiāo xì xuǎn f /to select very carefully/ 精於 精于 T - 356 jīng yú f /skillful in/proficient in/adept at/ 精於此道 精于此道 T - 0 jīng yú cǐ dào f /to be proficient in the area of/skilled in this field/ 精明 - 474 jīng míng f /astute/shrewd/ 精明強幹 精明强干 T - 68 jīng míng qiáng gàn f /intelligent and capable (idiom)/ 精明强干 精明強幹 S - 68 jīng míng qiáng gàn f /intelligent and capable (idiom)/ 精明能干 精明能幹 S - 54 jīng míng néng gàn f /able and efficient/ 精明能幹 精明能干 T - 54 jīng míng néng gàn f /able and efficient/ 精校本 - 0 jīng jiào běn f /corrected edition/ 精气神 精氣神 S - 23 jīng qì shén f /the three energies of Chinese medicine: 精[jing1], 氣|气[qi4], and 神[shen2]/ 精氣神 精气神 T - 23 jīng qì shén f /the three energies of Chinese medicine: 精[jing1], 氣|气[qi4], and 神[shen2]/ 精氨酸 - 3 jīng ān suān f /argnine (Arg), an essential amino acid/ 精河 - 7 Jīng hé f /Jing Nahiyisi or Jinghe county in Börtala Mongol autonomous prefecture 博爾塔拉蒙古自治州|博尔塔拉蒙古自治州, Xinjiang/ 精河县 精河縣 S - 5 Jīng hé xiàn f /Jing Nahiyisi or Jinghe county in Börtala Mongol autonomous prefecture 博爾塔拉蒙古自治州|博尔塔拉蒙古自治州, Xinjiang/ 精河縣 精河县 T - 5 Jīng hé xiàn f /Jing Nahiyisi or Jinghe county in Börtala Mongol autonomous prefecture 博爾塔拉蒙古自治州|博尔塔拉蒙古自治州, Xinjiang/ 精油 - 87 jīng yóu f /essential oil/ 精液 - 129 jīng yè f /semen/ 精深 - 137 jīng shēn f /refined/profound/ 精減 精减 T - 12 jīng jiǎn f /to reduce/to pare down/to streamline/ 精湛 - 397 jīng zhàn f /consummate/exquisite/ 精準 精准 T - 99 jīng zhǔn f /accurate/exact/precise/precision/ 精灵 精靈 S - 163 jīng líng f /spirit/fairy/elf/sprite/genie/ 精灵宝钻 精靈寶鑽 S - 0 jīng líng bǎo zuàn f /treasure of spirits/Silmarillion or Quenta Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien 托爾金|托尔金/ 精灵文 精靈文 S - 0 jīng líng wén f /Elvish (language of elves)/ 精炼 精煉 S - 125 jīng liàn f /to refine (a substance)/to purify/to refine (one's skills, writing etc)/refined/polished/succinct/skilled/capable/ 精炼厂 精煉廠 S - 2 jīng liàn chǎng f /refinery (of oil etc)/ 精煉 精炼 T - 125 jīng liàn f /to refine (a substance)/to purify/to refine (one's skills, writing etc)/refined/polished/succinct/skilled/capable/ 精煉廠 精炼厂 T - 2 jīng liàn chǎng f /refinery (of oil etc)/ 精當 精当 T - 47 jīng dàng f /precise and appropriate/ 精疲力尽 精疲力盡 S - 63 jīng pí lì jìn f /spirit weary, strength exhausted (idiom); spent/drained/washed out/ 精疲力盡 精疲力尽 T - 63 jīng pí lì jìn f /spirit weary, strength exhausted (idiom); spent/drained/washed out/ 精疲力竭 - 98 jīng pí lì jié f /spirit weary, strength exhausted (idiom); spent/drained/washed out/ 精瘦 - 38 jīng shòu f /(coll.) lean (figure, meat etc)/slender/ 精白 - 6 jīng bái f /pure white/spotlessly white/ 精益求精 4947 51 jīng yì qiú jīng f /to perfect sth that is already outstanding (idiom); constantly improving/ 精盡人亡 精尽人亡 T - 3 jīng jìn rén wáng f /to die from excessive ejaculation/ 精矿 精礦 S - 36 jīng kuàng f /refined ore/concentrate/ 精研 - 79 jīng yán f /to research carefully/to study intensively/ 精确 精確 S 3222 1315 jīng què f /accurate/precise/ 精确度 精確度 S - 100 jīng què dù f /accuracy/precision/ 精確 精确 T 3222 1315 jīng què f /accurate/precise/ 精確度 精确度 T - 100 jīng què dù f /accuracy/precision/ 精礦 精矿 T - 36 jīng kuàng f /refined ore/concentrate/ 精神 1263 12961 jīng shén t /spirit/mind/consciousness/thought/mental/psychological/essence/gist/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 精神 1263 12961 jīng shen f /vigor/vitality/drive/spiritual/ 精神健康 - 0 jīng shén jiàn kāng f /mental health/ 精神分析 - 3 jīng shén fēn xī f /psychoanalysis/ 精神分裂症 - 44 jīng shén fēn liè zhèng f /schizophrenia/ 精神奕奕 - 0 jīng shén yì yì f /in great spirits/to have great vitality/ 精神学 精神學 S - 0 jīng shén xué f /psychology/ 精神学家 精神學家 S - 0 jīng shén xué jiā f /psychologist/ 精神學 精神学 T - 0 jīng shén xué f /psychology/ 精神學家 精神学家 T - 0 jīng shén xué jiā f /psychologist/ 精神官能症 - 0 jīng shén guān néng zhèng f /neurosis/ 精神崩溃 精神崩潰 S - 0 jīng shén bēng kuì f /nervous breakdown/ 精神崩潰 精神崩溃 T - 0 jīng shén bēng kuì f /nervous breakdown/ 精神性 - 35 jīng shén xìng f /spirituality/mental/nervous/psychogenic/ 精神性厌食症 精神性厭食症 S - 0 jīng shén xìng yàn shí zhèng f /anorexia nervosa/ 精神性厭食症 精神性厌食症 T - 0 jīng shén xìng yàn shí zhèng f /anorexia nervosa/ 精神恍惚 - 23 jīng shén huǎng hū f /absent-minded/in a trance/ 精神抖擞 精神抖擻 S - 88 jīng shén dǒu sǒu f /spirit trembling with excitement (idiom); in high spirits/lively and full of enthusiasm/full of energy/con brio/ 精神抖擻 精神抖擞 T - 88 jīng shén dǒu sǒu f /spirit trembling with excitement (idiom); in high spirits/lively and full of enthusiasm/full of energy/con brio/ 精神支柱 - 3 jīng shén zhī zhù f /moral pillars/spiritual props/ 精神文明 - 1118 jīng shén wén míng f /spiritual culture/ 精神满腹 精神滿腹 S - 3 jīng shén mǎn fù f /full of wisdom (idiom); astute and widely experienced/ 精神滿腹 精神满腹 T - 3 jīng shén mǎn fù f /full of wisdom (idiom); astute and widely experienced/ 精神焕发 精神煥發 S - 32 jīng shén huàn fā f /in high spirits (idiom); glowing with health and vigor/ 精神煥發 精神焕发 T - 32 jīng shén huàn fā f /in high spirits (idiom); glowing with health and vigor/ 精神状态 精神狀態 S - 5 jīng shén zhuàng tài f /mental state/psychological condition/ 精神狀態 精神状态 T - 5 jīng shén zhuàng tài f /mental state/psychological condition/ 精神狂乱 精神狂亂 S - 0 jīng shén kuáng luàn f /delirium/mental illness/ 精神狂亂 精神狂乱 T - 0 jīng shén kuáng luàn f /delirium/mental illness/ 精神生活 - 0 jīng shén shēng huó f /spiritual or moral life/ 精神疗法 精神療法 S - 0 jīng shén liáo fǎ f /psychotherapy/mental health treatment/ 精神疾病 - 3 jīng shén jí bìng f /mental illness/ 精神病 - 241 jīng shén bìng f /mental disorder/psychosis/ 精神病医院 精神病醫院 S - 0 jīng shén bìng yī yuàn f /psychiatric hospital/ 精神病学 精神病學 S - 40 jīng shén bìng xué f /psychiatry/ 精神病學 精神病学 T - 40 jīng shén bìng xué f /psychiatry/ 精神病患 - 0 jīng shén bìng huàn f /mental illness/ 精神病醫院 精神病医院 T - 0 jīng shén bìng yī yuàn f /psychiatric hospital/ 精神療法 精神疗法 T - 0 jīng shén liáo fǎ f /psychotherapy/mental health treatment/ 精神百倍 - 20 jīng shén bǎi bèi f /lit. vitality a hundredfold (idiom); refreshed/one's vigor thoroughly restored/ 精神科 - 3 jīng shén kē f /psychiatry/ 精神药物 精神藥物 S - 3 jīng shén yào wù f /psychotropic drugs/ 精神藥物 精神药物 T - 3 jīng shén yào wù f /psychotropic drugs/ 精神衰弱 - 3 jīng shén shuāi ruò f /psychasthenia/obsessive-compulsive disorder/ 精神訓話 精神训话 T - 0 jīng shén xùn huà f /pep talk/ 精神训话 精神訓話 S - 0 jīng shén xùn huà f /pep talk/ 精神財富 精神财富 T - 3 jīng shén cái fù f /spiritual wealth/ 精神财富 精神財富 S - 3 jīng shén cái fù f /spiritual wealth/ 精神錯亂 精神错乱 T - 0 jīng shén cuò luàn f /insanity/ 精神错乱 精神錯亂 S - 0 jīng shén cuò luàn f /insanity/ 精神領袖 精神领袖 T - 3 jīng shén lǐng xiù f /spiritual leader (of a nation or church)/religious leader/ 精神领袖 精神領袖 S - 3 jīng shén lǐng xiù f /spiritual leader (of a nation or church)/religious leader/ 精神飽滿 精神饱满 T - 44 jīng shén bǎo mǎn f /full of vigor (idiom)/lively/in high spirits/ 精神饱满 精神飽滿 S - 44 jīng shén bǎo mǎn f /full of vigor (idiom)/lively/in high spirits/ 精简 精簡 S 4593 237 jīng jiǎn f /to simplify/to reduce/ 精简开支 精簡開支 S - 0 jīng jiǎn kāi zhī f /to reduce spending/to cut spending/ 精算 - 16 jīng suàn f /actuarial/ 精算师 精算師 S - 61 jīng suàn shī f /actuary/ 精算師 精算师 T - 61 jīng suàn shī f /actuary/ 精簡 精简 T 4593 237 jīng jiǎn f /to simplify/to reduce/ 精簡開支 精简开支 T - 0 jīng jiǎn kāi zhī f /to reduce spending/to cut spending/ 精米 - 6 jīng mǐ f /refined rice/ 精粮 精糧 S - 0 jīng liáng f /refined grain (rice, wheat etc)/ 精粹 - 35 jīng cuì f /succinct/pure and concise/ 精糧 精粮 T - 0 jīng liáng f /refined grain (rice, wheat etc)/ 精細 精细 T - 1616 jīng xì f /fine/meticulous/careful/ 精練 精练 T - 87 jīng liàn f /(textiles) to scour/to degum (silk)/variant of 精煉|精炼[jing1 lian4]/ 精緻 精致 T 3715 630 jīng zhì f /delicate/fine/exquisite/refined/ 精练 精練 S - 87 jīng liàn f /(textiles) to scour/to degum (silk)/variant of 精煉|精炼[jing1 lian4]/ 精细 精細 S - 1616 jīng xì f /fine/meticulous/careful/ 精美 - 1515 jīng měi f /delicate/fine/refinement/ 精義 精义 T - 44 jīng yì f /quintessence/essentials/ 精耕細作 精耕细作 T - 38 jīng gēng xì zuò f /intensive farming/ 精耕细作 精耕細作 S - 38 jīng gēng xì zuò f /intensive farming/ 精致 精緻 S 3715 630 jīng zhì f /delicate/fine/exquisite/refined/ 精良 - 238 jīng liáng f /excellent/of superior quality/ 精英 - 781 jīng yīng f /cream/elite/essence/quintessence/ 精華 精华 T 4115 1717 jīng huá f /best feature/most important part of an object/quintessence/essence/soul/ 精虫 精蟲 S - 3 jīng chóng f /spermatozoon/spermatozoa/ 精虫冲脑 精蟲衝腦 S - 0 jīng chóng chōng nǎo f /lit. the spermatozoons have gone to his head/fig. overwhelmed by lust/ 精蟲 精虫 T - 3 jīng chóng f /spermatozoon/spermatozoa/ 精蟲衝腦 精虫冲脑 T - 0 jīng chóng chōng nǎo f /lit. the spermatozoons have gone to his head/fig. overwhelmed by lust/ 精衛 精卫 T - 3 Jīng wèi f /mythological bird, reincarnation of drowned daughter Nüwa 女娃[Nu:3 wa2] of Fiery Emperor 炎帝[Yan2 di4]/ 精衛填海 精卫填海 T - 3 Jīng wèi tián hǎi f /lit. mythical bird Jingwei tries to fill the ocean with stones (idiom); futile ambition/task of Sisyphus/determination in the face of impossible odds/ 精装 精裝 S - 24 jīng zhuāng f /hardcover (book)/elaborately packaged/opposite: 簡裝|简装[jian3 zhuang1]/ 精裝 精装 T - 24 jīng zhuāng f /hardcover (book)/elaborately packaged/opposite: 簡裝|简装[jian3 zhuang1]/ 精製 精制 T - 369 jīng zhì f /refined/ 精誠 精诚 T - 24 jīng chéng f /sincerity/absolute good faith/ 精誠所加,金石為開 精诚所加,金石为开 T - 0 jīng chéng suǒ jiā , jīn shí wèi kāi f /lit. sincerity splits open metal and metal (idiom); if you put your heart to it, you can break up metal and rocks/With a will, you can achieve anything./ 精誠所至 精诚所至 T - 7 jīng chéng suǒ zhì f /with a will, you can achieve anything (idiom); cf 精誠所至,金石為開|精诚所至,金石为开[jing1 cheng2 suo3 zhi4 , jin1 shi2 wei4 kai1]/ 精誠所至,金石為開 精诚所至,金石为开 T - 0 jīng chéng suǒ zhì , jīn shí wèi kāi f /lit. sincerity splits open metal and metal (idiom); if you put your heart to it, you can break up metal and rocks/With a will, you can achieve anything./ 精講多練 精讲多练 T - 0 jīng jiǎng duō liàn f /to speak concisely and practice frequently (idiom)/ 精讀 精读 T - 41 jīng dú f /intensive reading/to peruse/perusal/ 精讀課 精读课 T - 0 jīng dú kè f /intensive reading course/ 精讲多练 精講多練 S - 0 jīng jiǎng duō liàn f /to speak concisely and practice frequently (idiom)/ 精诚 精誠 S - 24 jīng chéng f /sincerity/absolute good faith/ 精诚所加,金石为开 精誠所加,金石為開 S - 0 jīng chéng suǒ jiā , jīn shí wèi kāi f /lit. sincerity splits open metal and metal (idiom); if you put your heart to it, you can break up metal and rocks/With a will, you can achieve anything./ 精诚所至 精誠所至 S - 7 jīng chéng suǒ zhì f /with a will, you can achieve anything (idiom); cf 精誠所至,金石為開|精诚所至,金石为开[jing1 cheng2 suo3 zhi4 , jin1 shi2 wei4 kai1]/ 精诚所至,金石为开 精誠所至,金石為開 S - 0 jīng chéng suǒ zhì , jīn shí wèi kāi f /lit. sincerity splits open metal and metal (idiom); if you put your heart to it, you can break up metal and rocks/With a will, you can achieve anything./ 精读 精讀 S - 41 jīng dú f /intensive reading/to peruse/perusal/ 精读课 精讀課 S - 0 jīng dú kè f /intensive reading course/ 精辟 精闢 S - 145 jīng pì f /clear and penetrating (e.g. analysis)/incisive/insightful/ 精进 精進 S - 64 jīng jìn f /to forge ahead vigorously/to dedicate oneself to progress/ 精选 精選 S - 497 jīng xuǎn f /carefully chosen/handpicked/best of the bunch/choice (product)/concentration (mining)/to concentrate/to winnow/ 精通 3790 643 jīng tōng f /to be proficient in/to master (a subject)/ 精進 精进 T - 64 jīng jìn f /to forge ahead vigorously/to dedicate oneself to progress/ 精選 精选 T - 497 jīng xuǎn f /carefully chosen/handpicked/best of the bunch/choice (product)/concentration (mining)/to concentrate/to winnow/ 精銳 精锐 T - 569 jīng ruì f /elite (e.g. troops)/crack/best quality personnel/ 精锐 精銳 S - 569 jīng ruì f /elite (e.g. troops)/crack/best quality personnel/ 精闢 精辟 T - 145 jīng pì f /clear and penetrating (e.g. analysis)/incisive/insightful/ 精雕細刻 精雕细刻 T - 31 jīng diāo xì kè f /lit. fine sculpting (idiom); fig. to work with extreme care and precision/ 精雕细刻 精雕細刻 S - 31 jīng diāo xì kè f /lit. fine sculpting (idiom); fig. to work with extreme care and precision/ 精靈 精灵 T - 163 jīng líng f /spirit/fairy/elf/sprite/genie/ 精靈寶鑽 精灵宝钻 T - 0 jīng líng bǎo zuàn f /treasure of spirits/Silmarillion or Quenta Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien 托爾金|托尔金/ 精靈文 精灵文 T - 0 jīng líng wén f /Elvish (language of elves)/ 精髓 - 186 jīng suǐ f /marrow/pith/quintessence/essence/ 精魂 - 269 jīng hún f /spirit/soul/ 粿 - 0 guǒ f /rice cake (typically made with glutinous rice flour and steamed)/ 糁 糝 S - 63 sǎn f /to mix (of powders)/ 糅 - 11 róu f /mix/ 糅合 - 48 róu hé f /mix together/put together (usu. things that do not blend well together)/ 糆 - 0 miàn f /variant of 麵|面[mian4]/rice noodles/rice fragments/ 糇 餱 S - 17 hóu f /dry provisions/ 糈 - 4 xǔ f /official pay/sacrificial rice/ 糉 粽 T - 76 zòng f /variant of 粽[zong4]/ 糊 䊀 S - 565 hú t /variant of 糊[hu2]/ 糊 - 565 hú t /muddled/paste/scorched/ 糊 - 565 hù f /paste/cream/ 糊 餬 S - 565 hú t /congee/making a living/ 糊剂 糊劑 S - 4 hú jì f /paste/glue/ 糊劑 糊剂 T - 4 hú jì f /paste/glue/ 糊口 - 95 hú kǒu f /to scrape a meager living/to get by with difficulty/ 糊口 餬口 S - 95 hú kǒu f /variant of 糊口[hu2 kou3]/ 糊名 - 0 hú míng f /(old) to seal an examinee's name on the examination paper to prevent fraud/ 糊嘴 - 0 hú zuǐ f /to scrape a meager living/to get by with difficulty/ 糊塗 糊涂 T 1841 946 hú tu f /muddled/silly/confused/ 糊塗蟲 糊涂虫 T - 33 hú tu chóng f /blunderer/bungler/ 糊塗賬 糊涂账 T - 23 hú tu zhàng f /muddled accounts/a mess of bookkeeping/ 糊墙 糊牆 S - 3 hú qiáng f /to paper a wall/ 糊墙纸 糊牆紙 S - 3 hú qiáng zhǐ f /wallpaper/ 糊弄 - 117 hù nong f /to fool/to deceive/to go through the motions/ 糊涂 糊塗 S 1841 946 hú tu f /muddled/silly/confused/ 糊涂虫 糊塗蟲 S - 33 hú tu chóng f /blunderer/bungler/ 糊涂账 糊塗賬 S - 23 hú tu zhàng f /muddled accounts/a mess of bookkeeping/ 糊牆 糊墙 T - 3 hú qiáng f /to paper a wall/ 糊牆紙 糊墙纸 T - 3 hú qiáng zhǐ f /wallpaper/ 糊精 - 14 hú jīng f /dextrin/ 糊糊 - 59 hú hu f /thick congee/porridge/fig. in trouble/ 糊糊塗塗 糊糊涂涂 T - 15 hú hu tú tu f /confused/muddled/stupid/dumb/ 糊糊涂涂 糊糊塗塗 S - 15 hú hu tú tu f /confused/muddled/stupid/dumb/ 糊裡糊塗 糊里糊涂 T - 101 hú li hú tú f /confused/vague/indistinct/muddle-headed/mixed up/in a daze/ 糊里糊塗 糊里糊涂 T - 101 hú li hú tú f /variant of 糊裡糊塗|糊里糊涂[hu2 li5 hu2 tu2]/ 糊里糊涂 糊裡糊塗 S - 101 hú li hú tú f /confused/vague/indistinct/muddle-headed/mixed up/in a daze/ 糊里糊涂 糊里糊塗 S - 101 hú li hú tú f /variant of 糊裡糊塗|糊里糊涂[hu2 li5 hu2 tu2]/ 糌 - 3 zān f /zanba, Tibetan barley bread/ 糌粑 - 27 zān bā f /tsamba, Tibetan barley bread/ 糍 - 5 cí f /sticky rice cake/ 糍粑 - 786 cí bā f /sticky rice cake/ 糒 - 0 bèi f /food for a journey/cakes/ 糔 - 0 xiǔ f /to wash (rice etc)/ 糕 - 2846 gāo f /cake/ 糕 餻 S - 2846 gāo f /variant of 糕[gao1]/ 糕点 糕點 S - 148 gāo diǎn f /cakes/pastries/ 糕餅 糕饼 T - 56 gāo bǐng f /cakes/pastries/ 糕饼 糕餅 S - 56 gāo bǐng f /cakes/pastries/ 糕點 糕点 T - 148 gāo diǎn f /cakes/pastries/ 糖 907 3550 táng f /sugar/sweets/candy/CL:顆|颗[ke1],塊|块[kuai4]/ 糖 餹 S 907 3550 táng f /old variant of 糖[tang2]/ 糖原 - 49 táng yuán f /glycogen/ 糖友 - 0 táng yǒu f /diabetes sufferer/ 糖寮 - 0 táng liáo f /sugar mill/ 糖尿病 - 571 táng niào bìng f /diabetes/diabetes mellitus/ 糖房 - 3 táng fáng f /sugar mill/ 糖果 - 276 táng guǒ f /candy/CL:粒[li4]/ 糖水 - 33 táng shuǐ f /syrup/sweetened water/tong sui (sweet soup)/ 糖汁 - 11 táng zhī f /syrup/ 糖油粑粑 - 0 táng yóu bā bā f /sweet snack made from glutinous rice, sugar and honey, common in Changsha 長沙|长沙[Chang2 sha1], Hunan/ 糖浆 糖漿 S - 94 táng jiāng f /syrup/ 糖漿 糖浆 T - 94 táng jiāng f /syrup/ 糖瓜 - 4 táng guā f /malt sugar candy, a traditional offering to the kitchen god Zaoshen 灶神/ 糖皮質激素 糖皮质激素 T - 0 táng pí zhì jī sù f /glucocorticosteroid (corticosteroid hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex)/ 糖皮质激素 糖皮質激素 S - 0 táng pí zhì jī sù f /glucocorticosteroid (corticosteroid hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex)/ 糖类 糖類 S - 172 táng lèi f /sugar (chemistry)/ 糖粉 - 18 táng fěn f /icing sugar/confectioner's sugar/powdered sugar/ 糖精 - 58 táng jīng f /saccharin/ 糖脂 - 3 táng zhī f /glycolipid/ 糖苷 - 39 táng gān f /glucoside/ 糖萼 - 3 táng è f /glycocalyx/ 糖葫芦 糖葫蘆 S - 33 táng hú lu f /sugar-coated Chinese hawthorn or other fruit on a stick/tanghulu/ 糖葫蘆 糖葫芦 T - 33 táng hú lu f /sugar-coated Chinese hawthorn or other fruit on a stick/tanghulu/ 糖蛋白 - 3 táng dàn bái f /glycoprotein/ 糖蜜 - 16 táng mì f /molasses/syrup/ 糖衣 - 16 táng yī f /frosting or icing (on cakes etc)/sugarcoating/ 糖酯 - 0 táng zhǐ f /glycolipid/ 糖酵解 - 3 táng jiào jiě f /glycolysis (anaerobic metabolism of glucose)/ 糖醇 - 18 táng chún f /sugar alcohol/ 糖醋 - 11 táng cù f /sweet and sour/ 糖醋肉 - 0 táng cù ròu f /sweet and sour pork/ 糖醋里脊 - 0 táng cù lǐ jǐ f /sweet and sour pork/ 糖醋魚 糖醋鱼 T - 5 táng cù yú f /sweet and sour fish/ 糖醋鱼 糖醋魚 S - 5 táng cù yú f /sweet and sour fish/ 糖類 糖类 T - 172 táng lèi f /sugar (chemistry)/ 糖飴 糖饴 T - 3 táng yí f /malt sugar/maltose/ 糖饴 糖飴 S - 3 táng yí f /malt sugar/maltose/ 糖高粱 - 0 táng gāo liáng f /sweet sorghum/ 糗 - 11 Qiǔ f /surname Qiu/ 糗 - 11 qiǔ f /dry rations (for a journey)/(dialect) (of noodles etc) to become mush (from overcooking)/(coll.) embarrassing/embarrassment/ 糗事 - 0 qiǔ shì f /awkward incident/ 糗粮 糗糧 S - 0 qiǔ liáng f /dry rations/ 糗糧 糗粮 T - 0 qiǔ liáng f /dry rations/ 糙 - 79 cāo f /rough/coarse (in texture)/ 糙皮病 - 0 cāo pí bìng f /pellagra (medicine)/ 糙米 - 27 cāo mǐ f /brown rice/ 糙面內質網 糙面内质网 T - 0 cāo miàn nèi zhì wǎng f /rough endoplasmic reticulum/ 糙面内质网 糙面內質網 S - 0 cāo miàn nèi zhì wǎng f /rough endoplasmic reticulum/ 糜 - 156 Mí t /surname Mi/ 糜 - 156 méi f /millet/ 糜 - 156 mí t /rice gruel/rotten/to waste (money)/ 糜烂 糜爛 S - 178 mí làn f /dissipated/rotten/decaying/ 糜烂性毒剂 糜爛性毒劑 S - 0 mí làn xìng dú jì f /vesicant/ 糜爛 糜烂 T - 178 mí làn f /dissipated/rotten/decaying/ 糜爛性毒劑 糜烂性毒剂 T - 0 mí làn xìng dú jì f /vesicant/ 糜費 糜费 T - 16 mí fèi f /variant of 靡費|靡费[mi2 fei4]/ 糜费 糜費 S - 16 mí fèi f /variant of 靡費|靡费[mi2 fei4]/ 糝 糁 T - 63 sǎn f /to mix (of powders)/ 糞 粪 T - 665 fèn f /manure/dung/ 糞便 粪便 T - 279 fèn biàn f /excrement/feces/night soil/ 糞凼 粪凼 T - 0 fèn dàng f /cesspool/cesspit/ 糞土 粪土 T - 46 fèn tǔ f /dirty soil/dung/muck/ 糞尿 粪尿 T - 0 fèn niào f /sewerage/ 糞耙 粪耙 T - 0 fèn pá f /manure rake/ 糞肥 粪肥 T - 16 fèn féi f /manure/dung/ 糞草 粪草 T - 0 fèn cǎo f /trash/garbage/ 糞蛆 粪蛆 T - 0 fèn qū f /muckworm/ 糞道 粪道 T - 0 fèn dào f /coprodeum (in birds)/ 糞金龜 粪金龟 T - 0 fèn jīn guī f /dung beetle/ 糞金龜子 粪金龟子 T - 0 fèn jīn guī zǐ f /dung beetle/ 糞除 粪除 T - 0 fèn chú f /(literary) to clean up/ 糞青 粪青 T - 3 fèn qīng f /shit youth/used satirically against 憤青|愤青 which shares the same sound/see also 憤青|愤青[fen4 qing1]/ 糟 - 807 zāo f /dregs/draff/pickled in wine/rotten/messy/ruined/ 糟了 - 0 zāo le f /gosh!/oh no!/darn!/ 糟溜黃魚 糟溜黄鱼 T - 0 zāo liū huáng yú f /stir-fried yellow fish filet/ 糟溜黃魚片 糟溜黄鱼片 T - 0 zāo liū huáng yú piàn f /stir-fried yellow fish filet/ 糟溜黄鱼 糟溜黃魚 S - 0 zāo liū huáng yú f /stir-fried yellow fish filet/ 糟溜黄鱼片 糟溜黃魚片 S - 0 zāo liū huáng yú piàn f /stir-fried yellow fish filet/ 糟粕 - 69 zāo pò f /dross/dregs/rubbish/fig. useless residue/ 糟糕 1237 755 zāo gāo f /too bad/how terrible/what bad luck/terrible/bad/ 糟糠 - 4 zāo kāng f /chaff/grain husk/ 糟践 糟踐 S - 41 zāo jian f /to waste/to spoil/to destroy/to insult grievously/ 糟踏 - 47 zāo tà f /variant of 糟蹋[zao1 ta4]/ 糟踐 糟践 T - 41 zāo jian f /to waste/to spoil/to destroy/to insult grievously/ 糟蹋 4012 222 zāo tà f /to waste/to defile/to abuse/to insult/to defile/to trample on/to wreck/also pr. [zao1 ta5]/ 糟透 - 3 zāo tòu f /in a bad state/horrible/dreadful/entirely regrettable/ 糟齒類爬蟲 糟齿类爬虫 T - 0 zāo chǐ lèi pá chóng f /thecodontia (primitive dinosaur)/ 糟齿类爬虫 糟齒類爬蟲 S - 0 zāo chǐ lèi pá chóng f /thecodontia (primitive dinosaur)/ 糠 穅 S - 259 kāng f /variant of 糠[kang1]/ 糠 粇 S - 259 kāng f /old variant of 糠[kang1]/ 糠 - 259 kāng f /husk/ 糠疹 - 6 kāng zhěn f /pityriasis (medicine)/ 糠秕 - 4 kāng bǐ f /same as 秕糠[bi3 kang1]/ 糠醛 - 27 kāng quán f /furfural (chemistry)/ 糢 - 0 mó f /blurred/ 糢糊 - 0 mó hu f /variant of 模糊[mo2 hu5]/ 糧 粮 T - 3454 liáng f /grain/food/provisions/agricultural tax paid in grain/ 糧倉 粮仓 T - 147 liáng cāng f /granary/barn/fig. bread basket (of fertile agricultural land)/ 糧店 粮店 T - 15 liáng diàn f /grain store/ 糧庫 粮库 T - 40 liáng kù f /grain depot/ 糧棧 粮栈 T - 7 liáng zhàn f /wholesale grain store/ 糧票 粮票 T - 70 liáng piào f /coupons for food or grain used in a PRC economic program c. 1955-1993/ 糧秣 粮秣 T - 50 liáng mò f /provisions (e.g. military)/forage/fodder/ 糧站 粮站 T - 66 liáng zhàn f /grain supply station/ 糧草 粮草 T - 376 liáng cǎo f /army provisions/rations and fodder/ 糧荒 粮荒 T - 9 liáng huāng f /famine/critical shortage of grain/ 糧行 粮行 T - 3 liáng háng f /grain retailer (in former times)/ 糧農 粮农 T - 17 liáng nóng f /food and agriculture/grain farmer/ 糧道 粮道 T - 3 liáng dào f /route for providing foodstuff/ 糧食 粮食 T 2333 5923 liáng shi f /foodstuff/cereals/CL:種|种[zhong3]/ 糧食作物 粮食作物 T - 584 liáng shi zuò wù f /grain crops/cereals/ 糧餉 粮饷 T - 159 liáng xiǎng f /army provisions/ 糨 - 4 jiàng f /starch/paste/to starch/ 糨子 - 3 jiàng zi f /(coll.) paste/ 糨糊 - 25 jiàng hù f /flour paste/ 糬 - 0 shǔ f /see 麻糬[ma2 shu3]/ 糭 - 0 zòng f /old variant of 粽[zong4]/ 糯 稬 S - 236 nuò f /variant of 糯[nuo4]/ 糯 穤 S - 236 nuò f /variant of 糯[nuo4]/ 糯 - 236 nuò f /glutinous rice/sticky rice/ 糯稻 - 11 nuò dào f /glutinous rice/sticky rice/ 糯米 - 695 nuò mǐ f /glutinous rice/Oryza sativa var. glutinosa/ 糯米粉 - 271 nuò mǐ fěn f /glutinous rice flour/ 糯米糍 - 0 nuò mǐ cí f /rice cake dumpling/sticky rice cake/mochi cake/ 糯米糕 - 3 nuò mǐ gāo f /glutinous rice cake/CL:塊|块[kuai4]/ 糯米紙 糯米纸 T - 3 nuò mǐ zhǐ f /rice paper/membrane of glutinous rice, used to wrap sweets etc/ 糯米纸 糯米紙 S - 3 nuò mǐ zhǐ f /rice paper/membrane of glutinous rice, used to wrap sweets etc/ 糯米臀 - 0 nuò mǐ tún f /lazy bones (dialect)/ 糯麥 糯麦 T - 0 nuò mài f /glutinous barley/ 糯麦 糯麥 S - 0 nuò mài f /glutinous barley/ 糰 团 T 1585 6703 tuán f /dumpling/ 糰子 团子 T - 1567 tuán zi f /dango (Japanese dumpling)/ 糱 - 0 niè f /fermenting grain/yeast/ 糲 粝 T - 48 lì f /coarse rice/ 糴 籴 T - 89 dí f /buy up (grain)/ 糶 粜 T - 78 tiào f /to sell grain/ 糸 - 13 mì f /fine silk/ 糺 - 6 jiǔ f /army (used during the Liao, Jin and Yuan dynasties)/ 糺 纠 T - 311 jiū f /old variant of 糾|纠[jiu1]/ 系 係 S 1265 10196 xì t /to connect/to relate to/to tie up/to bind/to be (literary)/ 系 1265 10196 xì t /system/department/faculty/ 系 繫 S 1265 10196 jì f /to tie/to fasten/to button up/ 系 繫 S 1265 10196 xì t /to connect/to arrest/to worry/ 系上 繫上 S - 3 jì shang f /to tie on/to buckle up/to fasten/ 系主任 - 396 xì zhǔ rèn f /chairman of department/dean/CL:位[wei4],個|个[ge4]/ 系出名門 系出名门 T - 3 xì chū míng mén f /to come from a distinguished family/ 系出名门 系出名門 S - 3 xì chū míng mén f /to come from a distinguished family/ 系列 2739 3199 xì liè f /series/set/ 系列放大器 - 0 xì liè fàng dà qì f /series amplifier/ 系列片 - 22 xì liè piàn f /film series/ 系囚 繫囚 S - 3 jì qiú f /to be imprisoned/ 系囚 繫囚 S - 3 xì qiú t /prisoner/ 系数 係數 S - 649 xì shù f /coefficient/factor/modulus/ratio/ 系泊 繫泊 S - 11 jì bó f /to moor/ 系統 系统 T 1266 20602 xì tǒng f /system/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 系統性 系统性 T - 140 xì tǒng xìng f /systematic/ 系统 系統 S 1266 20602 xì tǒng f /system/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 系统性 系統性 S - 140 xì tǒng xìng f /systematic/ 糾 纠 T - 311 jiū f /to gather together/to investigate/to entangle/to correct/ 糾偏 纠偏 T - 11 jiū piān f /to correct an error/ 糾合 纠合 T - 48 jiū hé f /gathering/a get-together/ 糾察 纠察 T - 58 jiū chá f /to maintain order/steward (policing a meeting)/ 糾彈 纠弹 T - 3 jiū tán f /to censure/to denounce/to impeach/ 糾正 纠正 T 3309 1509 jiū zhèng f /to correct/to make right/ 糾眾 纠众 T - 3 jiū zhòng f /to muster/to gather a crowd/ 糾紛 纠纷 T 3822 1191 jiū fēn f /dispute/ 糾結 纠结 T - 74 jiū jié f /to intertwine/to band together (with)/to link up (with)/twisted/tangled/confused/to be at a loss/ 糾結點 纠结点 T - 0 jiū jiē diǎn f /a knot/fig. meeting of many strands/ 糾纏 纠缠 T - 637 jiū chán f /to be in a tangle/to nag/ 糾纏不清 纠缠不清 T - 3 jiū chán bù qīng f /hopelessly muddled/impossible to unravel/ 糾葛 纠葛 T - 242 jiū gé f /entanglement/dispute/ 糾錯 纠错 T - 48 jiū cuò f /to correct (a typo)/ 糾集 纠集 T - 198 jiū jí f /to gather together/to muster/ 紀 纪 T - 806 Jǐ f /surname Ji/also pr. [Ji4]/ 紀 纪 T - 806 jì t /order/discipline/age/era/period/to chronicle/ 紀伯倫 纪伯伦 T - 7 Jì bó lún f /Khalil Gibran (1883-1931), Lebanese poet, writer and artist/ 紀傳體 纪传体 T - 98 jì zhuàn tǐ f /history genre based on biography, such as Sima Qian's Record of the Historian/ 紀元 纪元 T - 77 jì yuán f /calendar era/epoch/ 紀元前 纪元前 T - 3 jì yuán qián f /before the common era (BC)/ 紀委 纪委 T - 282 jì wěi f /discipline inspection commission/ 紀實 纪实 T - 170 jì shí f /record of actual events/documentary (factual rather than fictional)/ 紀年 纪年 T - 281 jì nián f /to number the years/calendar era/annals/chronicle/ 紀律 纪律 T 2168 1223 jì lǜ f /discipline/ 紀律檢查委員會 纪律检查委员会 T - 0 Jì lǜ Jiǎn chá Wěi yuán huì f /Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the CCP/ 紀念 纪念 T 1711 2681 jì niàn f /to commemorate/to remember/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 紀念品 纪念品 T - 424 jì niàn pǐn f /souvenir/ 紀念堂 纪念堂 T - 70 jì niàn táng f /memorial hall/mausoleum/ 紀念日 纪念日 T - 266 jì niàn rì f /day of commemoration/memorial day/ 紀念獎 纪念奖 T - 11 jì niàn jiǎng f /trophy/ 紀念碑 纪念碑 T - 238 jì niàn bēi f /monument/ 紀念章 纪念章 T - 37 jì niàn zhāng f /memorial badge/souvenir badge/CL:枚[mei2]/ 紀念郵票 纪念邮票 T - 23 jì niàn yóu piào f /commemorative postage stamp/ 紀念館 纪念馆 T - 604 jì niàn guǎn f /memorial hall/commemorative museum/ 紀昀 纪昀 T - 11 Jì Yún f /Ji Yun (1724-1805), Qing Dynasty writer, author of supernatural novel Notes on a Minutely Observed Thatched Hut 閱微草堂筆記|阅微草堂笔记/ 紀檢 纪检 T - 150 jì jiǎn f /disciplinary inspection/to inspect another's discipline/ 紀要 纪要 T 4983 391 jì yào f /minutes/written summary of a meeting/ 紀錄 纪录 T 1772 1232 jì lù f /variant of 記錄|记录[ji4 lu4]/ 紀錄創造者 纪录创造者 T - 0 jì lù chuàng zào zhě f /record setter/record holder/ 紀錄片 纪录片 T - 205 jì lù piàn f /newsreel/documentary (film or TV program)/CL:部[bu4]/ 紂 纣 T - 224 zhòu f /saddle crupper (harness strap on horse's back)/ 紂辛 纣辛 T - 0 Zhòu Xīn f /Zhou Xin (c. 11th century BC), last emperor of the of Shang Dynasty/ 紃 - 0 xún f /bind/silkcords/ 約 约 T - 27535 yāo f /to weigh in a balance or on a scale/ 約 约 T - 27535 yuē t /to make an appointment/to invite/approximately/pact/treaty/to economize/to restrict/to reduce (a fraction)/concise/ 約伯 约伯 T - 3 Yuē bó f /Job (name)/Book of Job in the Old Testament/ 約伯記 约伯记 T - 0 Yuē bó jì f /Book of Job (in the Old Testament)/ 約但 约但 T - 0 Yuē dàn f /variant of 約旦|约旦, Jordan/ 約但河 约但河 T - 0 Yuē dàn Hé f /variant of 約旦河|约旦河[Yue1 dan4 He2]/ 約克 约克 T - 97 Yuē kè f /York/ 約克郡 约克郡 T - 34 Yuē kè jùn f /Yorkshire (English region)/ 約出 约出 T - 0 yuē chū f /to ask sb out (on a date etc)/ 約分 约分 T - 0 yuē fēn f /reduced fraction (e.g. one half for three sixths)/to reduce a fraction by canceling common factors in the numerator and denominator/ 約制 约制 T - 0 yuē zhì f /to bind/to restrict/to constrain/ 約合 约合 T - 186 yuē hé f /approximately/about (some numerical value)/ 約同 约同 T - 0 yuē tóng f /to promise to accompany/an appointment (to go together with sb)/ 約坦 约坦 T - 0 Yuē tǎn f /Jotham (son of Uzziah)/ 約塔 约塔 T - 0 yāo tǎ f /iota (Greek letter Ιι)/ 約契 约契 T - 0 yuē qì f /contract/oath of allegiance/ 約定 约定 T - 820 yuē dìng f /to agree on sth (after discussion)/to conclude a bargain/to arrange/to promise/to stipulate/to make an appointment/stipulated (time, amount, quality etc)/an arrangement/a deal/appointment/undertaking/commitment/understanding/engagement/stipulation/ 約定俗成 约定俗成 T - 49 yuē dìng sú chéng f /established by popular usage (idiom); common usage agreement/customary convention/ 約定資訊速率 约定资讯速率 T - 0 yuē dìng zī xùn sù lǜ f /committed information rate (Frame Relay)/CIR/ 約拿書 约拿书 T - 0 Yuē ná shū f /Book of Jonah/ 約摸 约摸 T - 120 yuē mo f /about/around/approximately/also written 約莫|约莫/ 約數 约数 T - 27 yuē shù f /divisor (of a number)/approximate number/ 約旦 约旦 T - 303 Yuē dàn f /Jordan/ 約旦河 约旦河 T - 130 Yuē dàn Hé f /Jordan River/ 約書亞 约书亚 T - 2 Yuē shū yà f /Joshua (name)/ 約書亞記 约书亚记 T - 0 Yuē shū yà jì f /Book of Joshua/ 約會 约会 T 683 329 yuē huì f /appointment/engagement/date/CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4]/to arrange to meet/ 約會對象 约会对象 T - 0 yuē huì duì xiàng f /partner for dating/a date (boyfriend or girlfriend)/ 約束 约束 T 3560 1132 yuē shù f /to restrict/to limit to/to constrain/restriction/constraint/ 約束力 约束力 T - 138 yuē shù lì f /(of a contract) binding (law)/ 約束條件 约束条件 T - 37 yuē shù tiáo jiàn f /restrictive condition/constraint/ 約根 约根 T - 0 Yuē gēn f /Jurgen (name)/ 約櫃 约柜 T - 0 yuē guì f /Ark of the Covenant/ 約沙法 约沙法 T - 0 Yuē shā fǎ f /Jehoshaphat, fourth king of Judah (Judaism)/ 約法 约法 T - 147 yuē fǎ f /temporary law/provisional constitution/ 約法三章 约法三章 T - 48 yuē fǎ sān zhāng f /to agree on three laws (idiom)/three-point covenant/(fig.) preliminary agreement/basic rules/ 約炮 约炮 T - 0 yuē pào f /(slang) to hook up for a one night stand/booty call/ 約珥書 约珥书 T - 0 Yuē ěr shū f /Book of Joel/ 約瑟 约瑟 T - 23 Yuē sè f /Joseph (name)/ 約瑟夫 约瑟夫 T - 144 Yuē sè fū f /Joseph (name)/ 約瑟夫·斯大林 约瑟夫·斯大林 T - 0 Yuē sè fū · Sī dà lín f /Joseph Stalin (1879-1953), Soviet dictator/ 約略 约略 T - 117 yuē lüè f /approximate/rough/ 約略估計 约略估计 T - 0 yuē lüè gū jì f /approximate estimate/to reckon roughly/ 約當現金 约当现金 T - 0 yuē dāng xiàn jīn f /cash equivalent (accountancy)/ 約章 约章 T - 0 yuē zhāng f /charter/ 約等於 约等于 T - 3 yuē děng yú f /approximately equal to/ 約納 约纳 T - 0 Yuē nà f /Jonah/ 約維克 约维克 T - 0 Yāo wéi kè f /Gjøvik (city in Oppland, Norway)/ 約翰 约翰 T - 503 Yuē hàn f /John (name)/Johan (name)/Johann (name)/ 約翰·厄普代克 约翰·厄普代克 T - 0 Yuē hàn · E pǔ dài kè f /John Updike, US novelist (1932-2009), Pulitzer Prize winner/ 約翰·拉貝 约翰·拉贝 T - 0 Yuē hàn · Lā bèi f /John Rabe (1882-1950), German who helped protect Chinese during the Nanking massacre period/ 約翰·本仁 约翰·本仁 T - 0 Yuē hàn · Běn rén f /John Bunyan (1628-1688), English puritan writer, author of Pilgrim's Progress 天路歷程|天路历程/ 約翰·霍金斯 约翰·霍金斯 T - 0 Yuē hàn · Huò jīn sī f /John Hawkins (1532-1595), British seaman involved in sea war with Spain/Johns Hopkins (1795-1873), American entrepreneur, abolitionist and philanthropist/ 約翰·霍金斯大學 约翰·霍金斯大学 T - 0 Yuē hàn · Huò jīn sī Dà xué f /Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore/ 約翰一書 约翰一书 T - 0 Yuē hàn yī shū f /First epistle of St John/ 約翰三書 约翰三书 T - 0 Yuē hàn sān shū f /Third epistle of St John/ 約翰二書 约翰二书 T - 0 Yuē hàn èr shū f /Second epistle of St John/ 約翰保羅 约翰保罗 T - 0 Yuē hàn Bǎo luó f /John Paul (name)/Pope John Paul II, Karol Józef Wojtyła (1920-2005), Pope 1978-2005/ 約翰內斯堡 约翰内斯堡 T - 105 Yuē hàn nèi sī bǎo f /Johannesburg, South Africa/ 約翰參書 约翰参书 T - 0 Yuē hàn cān shū f /Third epistle of St John/also written 約翰三書|约翰三书/ 約翰壹書 约翰壹书 T - 0 Yuē hàn yī shū f /First epistle of St John/also written 約翰一書|约翰一书/ 約翰斯頓 约翰斯顿 T - 10 Yuē hàn sī dùn f /Johnston, Johnson, Johnstone etc, name/ 約翰福音 约翰福音 T - 3 Yuē hàn Fú yīn f /Gospel according to St John/ 約翰貳書 约翰贰书 T - 0 Yuē hàn èr shū f /Second epistle of St John/also written 約翰二書|约翰二书/ 約翰遜 约翰逊 T - 252 Yuē hàn xùn f /Johnson or Johnston (name)/ 約莫 约莫 T - 296 yuē mo f /about/around/approximately/ 約西亞 约西亚 T - 0 Yuē xī yà f /Josiah or Yoshiyahu (649-609 BC), a king of Judah (Judaism)/ 約見 约见 T - 55 yuē jiàn f /to arrange an interview/an appointment (with the foreign ambassador)/ 約言 约言 T - 6 yuē yán f /promise/one's word/pledge/abbreviation/ 約計 约计 T - 13 yuē jì f /approximate estimate/a rough count/ 約請 约请 T - 41 yuē qǐng f /to invite/to issue an invitation/ 約集 约集 T - 3 yuē jí f /to assemble by agreement/to gather/ 紅 红 T 252 14915 Hóng f /surname Hong/ 紅 红 T 252 14915 hóng f /red/popular/revolutionary/bonus/ 紅不讓 红不让 T - 0 hóng bù ràng f /home run (loanword)/a big hit (hugely popular) (Tw)/ 紅五星旗 红五星旗 T - 0 hóng wǔ xīng qí f /name of the flag of the People's Republic of China/ 紅交嘴雀 红交嘴雀 T - 0 hóng jiāo zuǐ què f /(bird species of China) red crossbill (Loxia curvirostra)/ 紅利 红利 T - 204 hóng lì f /bonus/dividend/ 紅利股票 红利股票 T - 0 hóng lì gǔ piào f /scrip shares (issued as dividend payment)/ 紅包 红包 T - 171 hóng bāo f /money wrapped in red as a gift/bonus payment/kickback/bribe/ 紅十字 红十字 T - 83 Hóng shí zì f /Red Cross/ 紅原 红原 T - 4 Hóng yuán f /Hongyuan county (Tibetan: rka khog rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture 阿壩藏族羌族自治州|阿坝藏族羌族自治州[A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], northwest Sichuan/ 紅原縣 红原县 T - 5 Hóng yuán xiàn f /Hongyuan county (Tibetan: rka khog rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture 阿壩藏族羌族自治州|阿坝藏族羌族自治州[A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], northwest Sichuan/ 紅原雞 红原鸡 T - 0 hóng yuán jī f /(bird species of China) red junglefowl (Gallus gallus)/ 紅古 红古 T - 0 Hóng gǔ f /Honggu District of Lanzhou City 蘭州市|兰州市[Lan2 zhou1 Shi4], Gansu/ 紅古區 红古区 T - 3 Hóng gǔ Qū f /Honggu District of Lanzhou City 蘭州市|兰州市[Lan2 zhou1 Shi4], Gansu/ 紅喉姬鶲 红喉姬鹟 T - 0 hóng hóu jī wēng f /(bird species of China) taiga flycatcher (Ficedula albicilla)/ 紅喉山鷓鴣 红喉山鹧鸪 T - 0 hóng hóu shān zhè gū f /(bird species of China) rufous-throated partridge (Arborophila rufogularis)/ 紅喉歌鴝 红喉歌鸲 T - 0 hóng hóu gē qú f /(bird species of China) Siberian rubythroat (Calliope calliope)/ 紅喉潛鳥 红喉潜鸟 T - 0 hóng hóu qián niǎo f /(bird species of China) red-throated loon (Gavia stellata)/ 紅喉鷚 红喉鹨 T - 0 hóng hóu liù f /(bird species of China) red-throated pipit (Anthus cervinus)/ 紅嘴山鴉 红嘴山鸦 T - 0 hóng zuǐ shān yā f /(bird species of China) red-billed chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax)/ 紅嘴巨鷗 红嘴巨鸥 T - 0 hóng zuǐ jù ōu f /(bird species of China) Caspian tern (Hydroprogne caspia)/ 紅嘴椋鳥 红嘴椋鸟 T - 0 hóng zuǐ liáng niǎo f /(bird species of China) vinous-breasted starling (Acridotheres burmannicus)/ 紅嘴相思鳥 红嘴相思鸟 T - 0 hóng zuǐ xiāng sī niǎo f /(bird species of China) red-billed leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea)/ 紅嘴藍鵲 红嘴蓝鹊 T - 0 hóng zuǐ lán què f /(bird species of China) red-billed blue magpie (Urocissa erythroryncha)/ 紅嘴鉤嘴鶥 红嘴钩嘴鹛 T - 0 hóng zuǐ gōu zuǐ méi f /(bird species of China) coral-billed scimitar babbler (Pomatorhinus ferruginosus)/ 紅嘴鴉雀 红嘴鸦雀 T - 0 hóng zuǐ yā què f /(bird species of China) great parrotbill (Conostoma oemodium)/ 紅嘴鷗 红嘴鸥 T - 2 hóng zuǐ ōu f /(bird species of China) black-headed gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus)/ 紅嘴鸏 红嘴鹲 T - 0 hóng zuǐ méng f /(bird species of China) red-billed tropicbird (Phaethon aethereus)/ 紅土 红土 T - 522 hóng tǔ f /red soil/laterite/ 紅地毯 红地毯 T - 3 hóng dì tǎn f /red carpet/ 紅堡 红堡 T - 3 hóng bǎo f /Red Fort (historic building in Delhi, India)/ 紅場 红场 T - 33 Hóng chǎng f /Red Square (in Moscow)/ 紅塔 红塔 T - 72 Hóng tǎ f /Hongta district of Yuxi city 玉溪市[Yu4 xi1 shi4], Yunnan/ 紅塔區 红塔区 T - 3 Hóng tǎ qū f /Hongta district of Yuxi city 玉溪市[Yu4 xi1 shi4], Yunnan/ 紅塵 红尘 T - 101 hóng chén f /the world of mortals (Buddhism)/human society/worldly affairs/ 紅外 红外 T - 669 hóng wài f /infrared (ray)/ 紅外光譜 红外光谱 T - 0 hóng wài guāng pǔ f /infrared spectrum/ 紅外線 红外线 T - 176 hóng wài xiàn f /infrared ray/ 紅外線導引飛彈 红外线导引飞弹 T - 0 hóng wài xiàn dǎo yǐn fēi dàn f /infrared guided missile/ 紅妝 红妆 T - 53 hóng zhuāng f /splendid gay female clothing/ 紅姑娘 红姑娘 T - 0 hóng gū niang f /Chinese lantern plant/winter cherry/strawberry ground-cherry/Physalis alkekengi/ 紅娘 红娘 T - 182 hóng niáng f /matchmaker/ 紅孩症 红孩症 T - 0 hóng hái zhèng f /kwashiorkor (a form of malnutrition)/ 紅學 红学 T - 59 Hóng xué f /"Redology", academic field devoted to the study of A Dream of Red Mansions/ 紅安 红安 T - 273 Hóng ān f /Hong'an county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Huang2 gang1], Hubei/ 紅安縣 红安县 T - 265 Hóng ān xiàn f /Hong'an county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Huang2 gang1], Hubei/ 紅客 红客 T - 0 hóng kè f /"honker", Chinese hacker motivated by patriotism, using one's skills to protect domestic networks and work in national interest/ 紅寡婦鳥 红寡妇鸟 T - 0 Hóng Guǎ fu niǎo f /Red Bishop/Euplectes orix/ 紅寶書 红宝书 T - 32 Hóng bǎo shū f /the "Little Red Book" of selected writings of Mao Zedong (refers to 毛主席語錄|毛主席语录[Mao2 Zhu3 xi2 Yu3 lu4])/ 紅寶石 红宝石 T - 403 hóng bǎo shí f /ruby/ 紅寺堡 红寺堡 T - 2 Hóng sì bǎo f /Hongsibao district of Wuzhong city 吳忠市|吴忠市[Wu2 zhong1 shi4], Ningxia/ 紅寺堡區 红寺堡区 T - 0 Hóng sì bǎo qū f /Hongsibao district of Wuzhong city 吳忠市|吴忠市[Wu2 zhong1 shi4], Ningxia/ 紅寺堡鎮 红寺堡镇 T - 0 Hóng sì bǎo zhèn f /Hongsibao district of Wuzhong city 吳忠市|吴忠市[Wu2 zhong1 shi4], Ningxia/ 紅尾伯勞 红尾伯劳 T - 0 hóng wěi bó láo f /(bird species of China) brown shrike (Lanius cristatus)/ 紅尾歌鴝 红尾歌鸲 T - 0 hóng wěi gē qú f /(bird species of China) rufous-tailed robin (Larvivora sibilans)/ 紅尾水鴝 红尾水鸲 T - 0 hóng wěi shuǐ qú f /(bird species of China) plumbeous water redstart (Phoenicurus fuliginosus)/ 紅尾鶇 红尾鸫 T - 0 hóng wěi dōng f /(bird species of China) Naumann's thrush (Turdus naumanni)/ 紅尾鸏 红尾鹲 T - 0 hóng wěi méng f /(bird species of China) red-tailed tropicbird (Phaethon rubricauda)/ 紅山 红山 T - 44 hóng shān f /Hongshan district of Chifeng city 赤峰市, Inner Mongolia/ 紅山區 红山区 T - 3 Hóng shān qū f /Hongshan district of Chifeng city 赤峰市, Inner Mongolia/ 紅崗 红岗 T - 0 Hóng gǎng f /Honggang district of Daqing city 大慶|大庆[Da4 qing4], Heilongjiang/ 紅崗區 红岗区 T - 3 Hóng gǎng qū f /Honggang district of Daqing city 大慶|大庆[Da4 qing4], Heilongjiang/ 紅巨星 红巨星 T - 14 hóng jù xīng f /red giant (star)/ 紅巾軍 红巾军 T - 90 hóng jīn jūn f /the Red Turbans, peasant rebellion at the end of the Yuan dynasty/ 紅彤彤 红彤彤 T - 38 hóng tōng tōng f /bright red/ 紅心 红心 T - 41 hóng xīn f /heart ♥ (in card games)/red, heart-shaped symbol/bullseye/ 紅撲撲 红扑扑 T - 51 hóng pū pū f /red/rosy/flushed/ 紅斑 红斑 T - 107 hóng bān f /erythema (pathol.)/rash in red patches/ 紅斑性狼瘡 红斑性狼疮 T - 0 hóng bān xìng láng chuāng f /lupus erythematosus/ 紅新月 红新月 T - 2 Hóng xīn yuè f /Red Crescent/ 紅旗 红旗 T - 1052 Hóng qí f /Red flag city district/Hongqi district of Xinxiang city 新鄉市|新乡市[Xin1 xiang1 shi4], Henan/ 紅旗 红旗 T - 1052 hóng qí f /red flag/CL:面[mian4]/ 紅旗區 红旗区 T - 3 Hóng qí qū f /Red flag city district/Hongqi district of Xinxiang city 新鄉市|新乡市[Xin1 xiang1 shi4], Henan/ 紅日 红日 T - 94 hóng rì f /sun/ 紅星 红星 T - 144 Hóng xīng f /Hongxing district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 紅星 红星 T - 144 hóng xīng f /red star/five pointed star as symbol or communism or proletariat/hot film star/ 紅星區 红星区 T - 3 Hóng xīng qū f /Hongxing district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 紅景天 红景天 T - 4 hóng jǐng tiān f /roseroot/Rhodiola rosea/ 紅暈 红晕 T - 233 hóng yùn f /to blush/to flush red/ 紅曲 红曲 T - 24 hóng qū f /red food dye made from yeast/ 紅木 红木 T - 161 hóng mù f /red wood/mahogany/rosewood/padauk/ 紅杏出牆 红杏出墙 T - 16 hóng xìng chū qiáng f /lit. the red apricot tree leans over the garden wall (idiom)/fig. a wife having an illicit lover/ 紅果 红果 T - 16 hóng guǒ f /haw fruit/ 紅桃 红桃 T - 26 hóng táo f /heart ♥ (in card games)/ 紅梅花雀 红梅花雀 T - 0 hóng méi huā què f /(bird species of China) red avadavat (Amandava amandava)/ 紅棗 红枣 T - 138 hóng zǎo f /jujube/red date/ 紅極一時 红极一时 T - 26 hóng jí yī shí f /tremendously popular for a while/ 紅榿樹 红桤树 T - 0 hóng qī shù f /red alder (Alnus rubra)/ 紅樓夢 红楼梦 T - 334 Hóng lóu Mèng f /A Dream of Red Mansions (first completed edition 1791) by Cao Xueqin 曹雪芹[Cao2 Xue3 qin2], one of the four great novels/ 紅樹 红树 T - 56 hóng shù f /red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle)/CL:棵[ke1]/ 紅樹林 红树林 T - 140 hóng shù lín f /mangrove forest or swamp/ 紅橋 红桥 T - 9 Hóng qiáo f /Hongqiao district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tian1 jin1 shi4]/ 紅橋區 红桥区 T - 8 Hóng qiáo qū f /Hongqiao district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tian1 jin1 shi4]/ 紅橙 红橙 T - 3 hóng chéng f /blood orange/ 紅橙黃綠藍靛紫 红橙黄绿蓝靛紫 T - 0 hóng chéng huáng lǜ lán diàn zǐ f /red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet/Colors of the rainbow/ 紅櫻槍 红樱枪 T - 4 hóng yīng qiāng f /ancient spear-like weapon, decorated with a red tassel/ 紅殷殷 红殷殷 T - 3 hóng yān yān f /dark red/crimson/also pr. [hong2 yin1 yin1]/ 紅毛丹 红毛丹 T - 3 hóng máo dān f /rambutan or rumbutan (tropical fruit) (Nephelium lappaceum)/ 紅毯 红毯 T - 0 hóng tǎn f /red carpet/ 紅河 红河 T - 76 Hóng hé f /Honghe county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/Red River in China/Northern Vietnam/ 紅河哈尼族彞族自治州 红河哈尼族彝族自治州 T - 16 Hóng hé Hā ní zú Yí zú zì zhì zhōu f /Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture in Yunnan 雲南|云南/ 紅河州 红河州 T - 8 Hóng hé zhōu f /Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture in Yunnan 雲南|云南/ 紅河縣 红河县 T - 3 Hóng hé xiàn f /Honghe county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/ 紅油 红油 T - 12 hóng yóu f /chili oil/ 紅泥月亮 红泥月亮 T - 0 Hóng ní yuè liang f /Honeymoon/ 紅海 红海 T - 310 Hóng Hǎi f /Red Sea/ 紅潤 红润 T - 193 hóng rùn f /ruddy/rosy/florid/ 紅潮 红潮 T - 32 hóng cháo f /to blush/flush/red tide (algal bloom)/menstruation/ 紅灌木茶 红灌木茶 T - 0 hóng guàn mù chá f /rooibos tea/ 紅火 红火 T - 309 hóng huǒ f /prosperous/ 紅火蟻 红火蚁 T - 3 hóng huǒ yǐ f /fire ant (Solenopsis invicta), an introduced species in China/ 紅熊貓 红熊猫 T - 0 hóng xióng māo f /lesser Panda/red panda/firefox/ 紅燈 红灯 T - 193 hóng dēng f /red light/ 紅燈區 红灯区 T - 60 hóng dēng qū f /red-light district/ 紅燈記 红灯记 T - 22 Hóng dēng jì f /The Legend of the Red Lantern/ 紅燒 红烧 T - 848 hóng shāo f /simmer-fried (dish)/ 紅燒肉 红烧肉 T - 58 hóng shāo ròu f /red braised pork/ 紅牌 红牌 T - 150 hóng pái f /red card (sports)/ 紅牛 红牛 T - 32 Hóng Niú f /Red Bull (energy drink)/ 紅牛皮菜 红牛皮菜 T - 0 hóng niú pí cài f /chard (Beta vulgaris), a foliage beet/ 紅玉髓 红玉髓 T - 0 hóng yù suǐ f /cornelian (mineral)/ 紅珊瑚 红珊瑚 T - 14 hóng shān hú f /red coral/precious coral (Corallium rubrum and several related species of marine coral)/ 紅瑪瑙 红玛瑙 T - 9 hóng mǎ nǎo f /cornelian/ 紅璧璽 红璧玺 T - 0 hóng bì xǐ f /topaz/ 紅男綠女 红男绿女 T - 8 hóng nán lǜ nǚ f /young people decked out in gorgeous clothes (idiom)/ 紅白喜事 红白喜事 T - 20 hóng bái xǐ shì f /weddings and funerals/ 紅盤 红盘 T - 4 hóng pán f /(of a stock price or market index) currently higher than at the previous day's close/ 紅眉朱雀 红眉朱雀 T - 0 hóng méi zhū què f /(bird species of China) Chinese beautiful rosefinch (Carpodacus davidianus)/ 紅眉松雀 红眉松雀 T - 0 hóng méi sōng què f /(bird species of China) crimson-browed finch (Carpodacus subhimachalus)/ 紅眼病 红眼病 T - 10 hóng yǎn bìng f /pinkeye/envy/jealousy/ 紅矮星 红矮星 T - 0 hóng ǎi xīng f /red dwarf star/ 紅磡 红磡 T - 0 Hóng Kàn f /Hung Hom, a locality in Kowloon, Hong Kong/ 紅磷 红磷 T - 16 hóng lín f /red phosphorus/ 紅移 红移 T - 0 hóng yí f /red shift (astronomy)/ 紅箍兒 红箍儿 T - 0 hóng gū r f /(northern dialects) red armband/ 紅籌股 红筹股 T - 4 hóng chóu gǔ f /red chip stocks (Chinese company stocks incorporated outside Mainland China and listed in the Hong Kong stock exchange)/ 紅粉 红粉 T - 45 hóng fěn f /rouge and powder/(fig.) the fair sex/ 紅糖 红糖 T - 300 hóng táng f /dark brown sugar/molasses/ 紅細胞 红细胞 T - 384 hóng xì bāo f /erythrocyte/red blood cell/ 紅細胞沉降率 红细胞沉降率 T - 0 hóng xì bāo shén jiàng lǜ f /erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)/ 紅綠燈 红绿灯 T - 22 hóng lǜ dēng f /traffic light/traffic signal/ 紅線 红线 T - 150 hóng xiàn f /red line/ 紅羊劫 红羊劫 T - 0 hóng yáng jié f /national disaster (ancient astrological allusion)/ 紅翅旋壁雀 红翅旋壁雀 T - 0 hóng chì xuán bì què f /(bird species of China) wallcreeper (Tichodroma muraria)/ 紅翅綠鳩 红翅绿鸠 T - 0 hóng chì lǜ jiū f /(bird species of China) white-bellied green pigeon (Treron sieboldii)/ 紅翅藪鶥 红翅薮鹛 T - 0 hóng chì sǒu méi f /(bird species of China) scarlet-faced liocichla (Liocichla ripponi)/ 紅翅鳳頭鵑 红翅凤头鹃 T - 0 hóng chì fèng tóu juān f /(bird species of China) chestnut-winged cuckoo (Clamator coromandus)/ 紅翅鶪鶥 红翅䴗鹛 T - 0 hóng chì jú méi f /(bird species of China) Blyth's shrike-babbler (Pteruthius aeralatus)/ 紅耳鵯 红耳鹎 T - 0 hóng ěr bēi f /(bird species of China) red-whiskered bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus)/ 紅股 红股 T - 0 hóng gǔ f /(economics) bonus stock or share, i.e. share issued fully or partly paid to an existing shareholder in a company, generally on a pro rata basis/ 紅背伯勞 红背伯劳 T - 0 hóng bèi bó láo f /(bird species of China) red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio)/ 紅背紅尾鴝 红背红尾鸲 T - 0 hóng bèi hóng wěi qú f /(bird species of China) rufous-backed redstart (Phoenicurus erythronotus)/ 紅背蜘蛛 红背蜘蛛 T - 0 hóng bèi zhī zhū f /redback spider/ 紅胡子 红胡子 T - 3 hóng hú zi f /band of mounted bandits in Manchuria (archaic)/ 紅胸啄花鳥 红胸啄花鸟 T - 0 hóng xiōng zhuó huā niǎo f /(bird species of China) fire-breasted flowerpecker (Dicaeum ignipectus)/ 紅胸姬鶲 红胸姬鹟 T - 0 hóng xiōng jī wēng f /(bird species of China) red-breasted flycatcher (Ficedula parva)/ 紅胸山鷓鴣 红胸山鹧鸪 T - 0 hóng xiōng shān zhè gū f /(bird species of China) chestnut-breasted partridge (Arborophila mandellii)/ 紅胸朱雀 红胸朱雀 T - 0 hóng xiōng zhū què f /(bird species of China) red-fronted rosefinch (Carpodacus puniceus)/ 紅胸田雞 红胸田鸡 T - 0 hóng xiōng tián jī f /(bird species of China) ruddy-breasted crake (Porzana fusca)/ 紅胸秋沙鴨 红胸秋沙鸭 T - 0 hóng xiōng qiū shā yā f /(bird species of China) red-breasted merganser (Mergus serrator)/ 紅胸角雉 红胸角雉 T - 0 hóng xiōng jiǎo zhì f /(bird species of China) satyr tragopan (Tragopan satyra)/ 紅胸鴴 红胸鸻 T - 0 hóng xiōng héng f /(bird species of China) Caspian plover (Charadrius asiaticus)/ 紅胸黑雁 红胸黑雁 T - 0 hóng xiōng hēi yàn f /(bird species of China) red-breasted goose (Branta ruficollis)/ 紅脅繡眼鳥 红胁绣眼鸟 T - 0 hóng xié xiù yǎn niǎo f /(bird species of China) chestnut-flanked white-eye (Zosterops erythropleurus)/ 紅脅藍尾鴝 红胁蓝尾鸲 T - 0 hóng xié lán wěi qú f /(bird species of China) red-flanked bluetail (Tarsiger cyanurus)/ 紅脖子 红脖子 T - 0 hóng bó zi f /redneck (mildly disparaging term for poor white Americans, sim. hillbilly)/ 紅腫 红肿 T - 209 hóng zhǒng f /inflamed/red and swollen/ 紅腰朱雀 红腰朱雀 T - 0 hóng yāo zhū què f /(bird species of China) red-mantled rosefinch (Carpodacus rhodochlamys)/ 紅腳苦惡鳥 红脚苦恶鸟 T - 0 hóng jiǎo kǔ è niǎo f /(bird species of China) brown crake (Amaurornis akool)/ 紅腳隼 红脚隼 T - 0 hóng jiǎo sǔn f /(bird species of China) Amur falcon (Falco amurensis)/ 紅腳鰹鳥 红脚鲣鸟 T - 0 hóng jiǎo jiān niǎo f /(bird species of China) red-footed booby (Sula sula)/ 紅腳鷸 红脚鹬 T - 0 hóng jiǎo yù f /(bird species of China) common redshank (Tringa totanus)/ 紅腸 红肠 T - 0 hóng cháng f /saveloy/ 紅腹咬鵑 红腹咬鹃 T - 0 hóng fù yǎo juān f /(bird species of China) Ward's trogon (Harpactes wardi)/ 紅腹山雀 红腹山雀 T - 0 hóng fù shān què f /(bird species of China) rusty-breasted tit (Poecile davidi)/ 紅腹濱鷸 红腹滨鹬 T - 0 hóng fù bīn yù f /(bird species of China) red knot (Calidris canutus)/ 紅腹灰雀 红腹灰雀 T - 0 hóng fù huī què f /(bird species of China) Eurasian bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)/ 紅腹紅尾鴝 红腹红尾鸲 T - 0 hóng fù hóng wěi qú f /(bird species of China) white-winged redstart (Phoenicurus erythrogastrus)/ 紅腹角雉 红腹角雉 T - 0 hóng fù jiǎo zhì f /(bird species of China) Temminck's tragopan (Tragopan temminckii)/ 紅腹錦雞 红腹锦鸡 T - 13 hóng fù jǐn jī f /(bird species of China) golden pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus)/ 紅腿小隼 红腿小隼 T - 0 hóng tuǐ xiǎo sǔn f /(bird species of China) collared falconet (Microhierax caerulescens)/ 紅腿斑秧雞 红腿斑秧鸡 T - 0 hóng tuǐ bān yāng jī f /(bird species of China) red-legged crake (Rallina fasciata)/ 紅臂章 红臂章 T - 0 hóng bì zhāng f /(southern dialects) red armband/ 紅臉 红脸 T - 134 hóng liǎn f /to blush/to turn red/ 紅臉鸕鶿 红脸鸬鹚 T - 0 hóng liǎn lú cí f /(bird species of China) red-faced cormorant (Phalacrocorax urile)/ 紅色 红色 T - 4243 hóng sè f /red (color)/revolutionary/ 紅色孃子軍 红色娘子军 T - 0 hóng sè niáng zi jūn f /Red Detachment of Women/ 紅色高棉 红色高棉 T - 23 Hóng sè Gāo mián f /Khmer Rouge, Cambodian political party/ 紅艷艷 红艳艳 T - 45 hóng yàn yàn f /brilliant red/ 紅花 红花 T - 708 hóng huā f /safflower (Carthamus tinctorius)/ 紅花崗 红花岗 T - 0 Hóng huā gǎng f /Honghua district of Zun'yi city 遵義市|遵义市[Zun1 yi4 shi4], Guizhou/ 紅花崗區 红花岗区 T - 3 Hóng huā gǎng qū f /Honghua district of Zun'yi city 遵義市|遵义市[Zun1 yi4 shi4], Guizhou/ 紅苕 红苕 T - 25 hóng sháo f /(dialect) sweet potato or yam/ 紅茶 红茶 T - 119 hóng chá f /black tea/CL:杯[bei1],壺|壶[hu2]/ 紅葉 红叶 T - 90 hóng yè f /red autumnal leaves/ 紅蓮 红莲 T - 267 hóng lián f /red lotus/ 紅薯 红薯 T - 473 hóng shǔ f /sweet potato/ 紅蘿蔔 红萝卜 T - 18 hóng luó bo f /carrot/radish/ 紅血球 红血球 T - 10 hóng xuè qiú f /erythrocyte/red blood cell/ 紅血球生成素 红血球生成素 T - 0 hóng xuè qiú shēng chéng sù f /erythropoietin (EPO)/ 紅衛兵 红卫兵 T - 285 Hóng wèi bīng f /Red Guard(s) (during the Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976)/ 紅衣主教 红衣主教 T - 49 hóng yī zhǔ jiào f /Catholic Cardinal/ 紅角鴞 红角鸮 T - 0 hóng jiǎo xiāo f /(bird species of China) oriental scops owl (Otus sunia)/ 紅豆 红豆 T - 63 hóng dòu f /azuki bean/red bean/ 紅豆杉醇 红豆杉醇 T - 3 hóng dòu shān chún f /Taxol (a.k.a. Paclitaxel), mitotic inhibitor used in cancer chemotherapy/ 紅豆沙 红豆沙 T - 0 hóng dòu shā f /red bean paste/ 紅超巨星 红超巨星 T - 0 hóng chāo jù xīng f /red super-giant (star)/ 紅軍 红军 T - 2819 Hóng jūn f /Red Army (1928-1937), predecessor of the PLA/(Soviet) Red Army (1917-1946)/ 紅輪 红轮 T - 0 hóng lún f /the sun/ 紅辣椒 红辣椒 T - 4 hóng là jiāo f /hot red pepper/chili/ 紅辣椒粉 红辣椒粉 T - 0 hóng là jiāo fěn f /red pepper powder/paprika/ 紅通 红通 T - 0 hóng tōng f /(Interpol) red notice/abbr. for 紅色通緝令|红色通缉令/ 紅通通 红通通 T - 15 hóng tōng tōng f /variant of 紅彤彤|红彤彤[hong2 tong1 tong1]/ 紅運 红运 T - 2 hóng yùn f /good luck/ 紅醋栗 红醋栗 T - 3 hóng cù lì f /red currant/ 紅鈴蟲 红铃虫 T - 5 hóng líng chóng f /pink bollworm/Pectinophora gassypiella/ 紅銅 红铜 T - 24 hóng tóng f /copper (chemistry)/see also 銅|铜[tong2]/ 紅隼 红隼 T - 0 hóng sǔn f /(bird species of China) common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)/ 紅霉素 红霉素 T - 46 hóng méi sù f /erythromycin/ 紅頂綠鳩 红顶绿鸠 T - 0 hóng dǐng lǜ jiū f /(bird species of China) whistling green pigeon (Treron formosae)/ 紅頂鶥 红顶鹛 T - 0 hóng dǐng méi f /(bird species of China) chestnut-capped babbler (Timalia pileata)/ 紅領 红领 T - 0 hóng lǐng f /red collar/government worker/ 紅領巾 红领巾 T - 60 hóng lǐng jīn f /red neckscarf/by extension, a member of the Young Pioneers/ 紅領綠鸚鵡 红领绿鹦鹉 T - 0 hóng lǐng lǜ yīng wǔ f /(bird species of China) rose-ringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri)/ 紅頭咬鵑 红头咬鹃 T - 0 hóng tóu yǎo juān f /(bird species of China) red-headed trogon (Harpactes erythrocephalus)/ 紅頭噪鶥 红头噪鹛 T - 0 hóng tóu zào méi f /(bird species of China) chestnut-crowned laughingthrush (Trochalopteron erythrocephalum)/ 紅頭潛鴨 红头潜鸭 T - 0 hóng tóu qián yā f /(bird species of China) common pochard (Aythya ferina)/ 紅頭灰雀 红头灰雀 T - 0 hóng tóu huī què f /(bird species of China) red-headed bullfinch (Pyrrhula erythrocephala)/ 紅頭穗鶥 红头穗鹛 T - 0 hóng tóu suì méi f /(bird species of China) rufous-capped babbler (Stachyridopsis ruficeps)/ 紅頭菜 红头菜 T - 0 hóng tóu cài f /beetroot/ 紅頭長尾山雀 红头长尾山雀 T - 0 hóng tóu cháng wěi shān què f /(bird species of China) black-throated bushtit (Aegithalos concinnus)/ 紅頭鴉雀 红头鸦雀 T - 0 hóng tóu yā què f /(bird species of China) rufous-headed parrotbill (Psittiparus bakeri)/ 紅頸濱鷸 红颈滨鹬 T - 0 hóng jǐng bīn yù f /(bird species of China) red-necked stint (Calidris ruficollis)/ 紅頸瓣蹼鷸 红颈瓣蹼鹬 T - 0 hóng jǐng bàn pǔ yù f /(bird species of China) red-necked phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus)/ 紅頸綠啄木鳥 红颈绿啄木鸟 T - 0 hóng jǐng lǜ zhuó mù niǎo f /(bird species of China) red-collared woodpecker (Picus rabieri)/ 紅頸葦鵐 红颈苇鹀 T - 0 hóng jǐng wěi wú f /(bird species of China) Japanese reed bunting (Emberiza yessoensis)/ 紅額穗鶥 红额穗鹛 T - 0 hóng é suì méi f /(bird species of China) rufous-fronted babbler (Stachyridopsis rufifrons)/ 紅額金翅雀 红额金翅雀 T - 0 hóng é jīn chì què f /(bird species of China) European goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)/ 紅顏 红颜 T - 116 hóng yán f /a beautiful woman/young beauties/youths/rosy cheeks/ 紅顏知己 红颜知己 T - 0 hóng yán zhī jǐ f /close female friend/confidante/ 紅顏禍水 红颜祸水 T - 0 hóng yán huò shuǐ f /femme fatale/ 紅顏薄命 红颜薄命 T - 8 hóng yán bó mìng f /beautiful women suffer unhappy fates (idiom)/ 紅馬甲 红马甲 T - 3 hóng mǎ jiǎ f /red waistcoat/floor trader in stock market/stockbroker/ 紅骨髓 红骨髓 T - 5 hóng gǔ suǐ f /red bone marrow (myeloid tissue)/ 紅高粱 红高粱 T - 14 hóng gāo liáng f /red sorghum/ 紅魔鬼 红魔鬼 T - 0 Hóng Mó guǐ f /Red Devils, nickname of Manchester United Football Club/ 紅鰹 红鲣 T - 0 hóng jiān f /red mullet/ 紅黴素 红霉素 T - 46 hóng méi sù f /erythromycin/ 紆 纡 T - 55 Yū f /surname Yu/ 紆 纡 T - 55 yū f /winding/twisting/ 紇 纥 T - 32 gē t /knot/ 紇 纥 T - 32 hé f /tassels/ 紈 纨 T - 506 wán f /white/white silk/ 紈絝子弟 纨绔子弟 T - 30 wán kù zǐ dì f /hedonistic son of rich parents/ 紈褲子弟 纨裤子弟 T - 4 wán kù zǐ dì f /dandy/fop/lounge lizard/ 紉 纫 T - 74 rèn f /to string/to thread (needle)/ 紊 - 51 wěn f /involved/tangled/disorderly/confused/chaotic/Taiwan pr. [wen4]/ 紊乱 紊亂 S - 707 wěn luàn f /disorder/chaos/ 紊亂 紊乱 T - 707 wěn luàn f /disorder/chaos/ 紊流 - 3 wěn liú f /turbulent flow/ 紋 纹 T - 1861 wén f /line/trace/mark/pattern/grain (of wood etc)/ 紋刺 纹刺 T - 0 wén cì f /to tattoo/ 紋喉鳳鶥 纹喉凤鹛 T - 0 wén hóu fèng méi f /(bird species of China) stripe-throated yuhina (Yuhina gularis)/ 紋喉鵯 纹喉鹎 T - 0 wén hóu bēi f /(bird species of China) stripe-throated bulbul (Pycnonotus finlaysoni)/ 紋層 纹层 T - 0 wén céng f /lamina/lamella/lamination/ 紋理 纹理 T - 135 wén lǐ f /vein lines (in marble or fingerprint)/grain (in wood etc)/ 紋章 纹章 T - 5 wén zhāng f /coat of arms/ 紋絲 纹丝 T - 3 wén sī f /tiny bit/a jot/whisker/ 紋絲不動 纹丝不动 T - 160 wén sī bù dòng f /to not move a single jot (idiom)/ 紋絲兒 纹丝儿 T - 0 wén sī r f /erhua variant of 紋絲|纹丝[wen2 si1]/ 紋縷 纹缕 T - 0 wén lǚ f /veined pattern/wrinkles/vein lines (in marble or fingerprint)/grain (in wood etc)/ 紋縷兒 纹缕儿 T - 0 wén lǚ r f /erhua variant of 紋縷|纹缕[wen2 lu:3]/ 紋背捕蛛鳥 纹背捕蛛鸟 T - 0 wén bèi bǔ zhū niǎo f /(bird species of China) streaked spiderhunter (Arachnothera magna)/ 紋胸啄木鳥 纹胸啄木鸟 T - 0 wén xiōng zhuó mù niǎo f /(bird species of China) stripe-breasted woodpecker (Dendrocopos atratus)/ 紋胸斑翅鶥 纹胸斑翅鹛 T - 0 wén xiōng bān chì méi f /(bird species of China) streak-throated barwing (Actinodura waldeni)/ 紋胸織雀 纹胸织雀 T - 0 wén xiōng zhī què f /(bird species of China) streaked weaver (Ploceus manyar)/ 紋胸鶥 纹胸鹛 T - 0 wén xiōng méi f /(bird species of China) pin-striped tit-babbler (Macronus gularis)/ 紋胸鷦鶥 纹胸鹪鹛 T - 0 wén xiōng jiāo méi f /(bird species of China) eyebrowed wren-babbler (Napothera epilepidota)/ 紋路 纹路 T - 82 wén lù f /veined pattern/wrinkles/vein lines (in marble or fingerprint)/grain (in wood etc)/ 紋身 纹身 T - 16 wén shēn f /tattoo/ 紋銀 纹银 T - 77 wén yín f /fine silver/ 紋面 纹面 T - 0 wén miàn f /see 文面[wen2 mian4]/ 紋頭斑翅鶥 纹头斑翅鹛 T - 0 wén tóu bān chì méi f /(bird species of China) hoary-throated barwing (Actinodura nipalensis)/ 紋風不動 纹风不动 T - 3 wén fēng bù dòng f /absolutely still/fig. not the slightest change/also written 文風不動|文风不动/ 紋飾 纹饰 T - 418 wén shì f /decorative motif/figure/ 納 纳 T - 1968 Nà f /surname Na/ 納 纳 T - 1968 nà f /to receive/to accept/to enjoy/to bring into/to pay (tax etc)/nano- (one billionth)/to reinforce sole of shoes or stockings by close sewing/ 納什 纳什 T - 509 Nà shí f /Nash (surname)/ 納什維爾 纳什维尔 T - 5 Nà shí wéi ěr f /Nashville, capital of Tennessee/ 納傑夫 纳杰夫 T - 5 Nà jié fū f /Najaf (city in Iraq, a Shia holy city)/ 納入 纳入 T - 1491 nà rù f /to bring into/to channel into/to integrate into/to incorporate/ 納匝肋 纳匝肋 T - 0 Nà zā lèi f /Nazareth/ 納吉布 纳吉布 T - 21 Nà jí bù f /Muhammad Naguib (1901-1984), first president of the Republic of Egypt/ 納塔乃耳 纳塔乃耳 T - 0 Nà tǎ nǎi ěr f /Nathaniel/ 納妾 纳妾 T - 46 nà qiè f /to take a concubine/ 納寵 纳宠 T - 0 nà chǒng f /to take a concubine/ 納尼亞 纳尼亚 T - 3 Nà ní yà f /Narnia, children's fantasy world in stories by C.S. Lewis/ 納尼亞傳奇 纳尼亚传奇 T - 0 Nà ní yà Chuán qí f /The Chronicles of Narnia, children's stories by C.S. Lewis/ 納德阿里 纳德阿里 T - 0 Nà dé A lǐ f /Nad Ali, town in Helmand province, Afghanistan/ 納悶 纳闷 T - 436 nà mèn f /puzzled/bewildered/ 納悶兒 纳闷儿 T 3145 11 nà mèn r f /erhua variant of 納悶|纳闷[na4 men4]/ 納扎爾巴耶夫 纳扎尔巴耶夫 T - 13 Nà zhā ěr bā yē fū f /Nursultan Nazarbayev (1940-), President of Kazakhstan/ 納指 纳指 T - 2 Nà zhǐ f /NASDAQ/National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations, a computerized data system to provide brokers with price quotations for securities traded over the counter/ 納撒尼爾·霍桑 纳撒尼尔·霍桑 T - 0 Nà sā ní ěr · Huò sāng f /Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) American novelist and short story writer/ 納斯達克 纳斯达克 T - 105 Nà sī dá kè f /NASDAQ (stock exchange)/ 納新 纳新 T - 3 nà xīn f /to accept the new/to take fresh (air)/fig. to accept new members (to reinvigorate the party)/new blood/ 納星 纳星 T - 0 nà xīng f /nanosatellite/ 納木錯 纳木错 T - 26 Nà mù cuò f /Namtso or Lake Nam (officially Nam Co), mountain lake at Nakchu in central Tibet/ 納涼 纳凉 T - 38 nà liáng f /to enjoy the cool air/ 納溪 纳溪 T - 4 Nà xī f /Naxi district of Luzhou city 瀘州市|泸州市[Lu2 zhou1 shi4], Sichuan/ 納溪區 纳溪区 T - 3 Nà xī qū f /Naxi district of Luzhou city 瀘州市|泸州市[Lu2 zhou1 shi4], Sichuan/ 納爾遜 纳尔逊 T - 36 Nà ěr xùn f /Horatio Nelson (1758-1805), British naval hero/ 納瓦特爾語 纳瓦特尔语 T - 0 Nà wǎ tè ěr yǔ f /Nahuatl (language)/ 納瓦薩 纳瓦萨 T - 0 Nà wǎ sà f /Navassa/ 納福 纳福 T - 18 nà fú f /to accept a life of ease/to enjoy a comfortable retirement/ 納秒 纳秒 T - 17 nà miǎo f /nanosecond, ns, 10^-9 s (PRC)/Taiwan equivalent: 奈秒[nai4 miao3]/ 納稅 纳税 T - 352 nà shuì f /to pay taxes/ 納稅人 纳税人 T - 177 nà shuì rén f /taxpayer/ 納米 纳米 T - 231 nà mǐ f /nanometer/ 納米技術 纳米技术 T - 3 nà mǐ jì shù f /nanotechnology/ 納米比亞 纳米比亚 T - 134 Nà mǐ bǐ yà f /Namibia/ 納粹 纳粹 T - 505 Nà cuì f /Nazi (loanword)/ 納粹主義 纳粹主义 T - 22 Nà cuì zhǔ yì f /Nazism/ 納粹份子 纳粹分子 T - 0 Nà cuì fèn zǐ f /Nazi/ 納粹德國 纳粹德国 T - 3 Nà cuì Dé guó f /Nazi Germany (1933-1945)/ 納粹黨 纳粹党 T - 126 Nà cuì dǎng f /Nazi Party/Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP) (1919-1945)/ 納糧 纳粮 T - 84 nà liáng f /to pay taxes in kind (rice, cloth etc)/ 納罕 纳罕 T - 97 nà hǎn f /bewildered/amazed/ 納聘 纳聘 T - 3 nà pìn f /to pay bride-price (payment to the bride's family in former times)/ 納蘭性德 纳兰性德 T - 0 Nà lán Xìng dé f /Nalan Xingde (1655-1685), Manchu ethnic Qing dynasty poet/ 納衛星 纳卫星 T - 0 nà wèi xīng f /nanosatellite/ 納西 纳西 T - 139 Nà xī f /Nakhi (ethnic group)/ 納西族 纳西族 T - 357 Nà xī zú f /Nakhi ethnic group in Yunnan/ 納豆 纳豆 T - 0 nà dòu f /nattō, a type of fermented soybean, popular as a breakfast food in Japan/ 納豆菌 纳豆菌 T - 2 nà dòu jūn f /Bacillus subtilis (formerly Bacillus natto), a common soil bacterium/ 納貢 纳贡 T - 82 nà gòng f /to pay tribute/ 納賄 纳贿 T - 32 nà huì f /bribery/to give or accept bribes/ 納賽爾 纳赛尔 T - 43 Nà sài ěr f /Nasr or Nasser (Arab name)/Gamal Abdel Nasser (1918-1970), Egyptian President/ 納赫雄 纳赫雄 T - 0 Nà hè xióng f /Nahshon (name)/ 納達爾 纳达尔 T - 34 Nà dá ěr f /Nadal (name)/Rafael Nadal (1986-), Spanish tennis player/ 納閩 纳闽 T - 0 Nà mǐn f /Labuan, island territory of Malaysia off Sabah coast, north Borneo 婆羅洲|婆罗洲/ 納降 纳降 T - 22 nà xiáng f /to surrender/to accept defeat/ 納雍 纳雍 T - 3 Nà yōng f /Nayong county in Bijie prefecture 畢節地區|毕节地区[Bi4 jie2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 納雍縣 纳雍县 T - 3 Nà yōng xiàn f /Nayong county in Bijie prefecture 畢節地區|毕节地区[Bi4 jie2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 納霍德卡 纳霍德卡 T - 0 Nà huò dé kǎ f /Nakhodka (city in Russia)/ 納鴻 纳鸿 T - 0 Nà hóng f /Nahum/ 紐 纽 T - 379 niǔ f /to turn/to wrench/button/nu (Greek letter Νν)/ 紐倫堡 纽伦堡 T - 128 Niǔ lún bǎo f /Nürnberg or Nuremberg, town in Bavaria, Germany/ 紐卡斯爾 纽卡斯尔 T - 56 Niǔ kǎ sī ěr f /Newcastle (place name)/ 紐卡素 纽卡素 T - 0 niǔ kǎ sù f /Newcastle/ 紐埃 纽埃 T - 31 Niǔ āi f /Niue (island)/ 紐奧良 纽奥良 T - 0 Niǔ ào liáng f /New Orleans, Louisiana/ 紐子 纽子 T - 4 niǔ zi f /button/ 紐帶 纽带 T - 233 niǔ dài f /tie/link/bond/ 紐幾內亞 纽几内亚 T - 0 Niǔ Jī nèi yà f /New Guinea/Papua-New Guinea/ 紐扣 纽扣 T - 119 niǔ kòu f /button/ 紐時 纽时 T - 0 Niǔ Shí f /New York Times, abbr. for 紐約時報|纽约时报[Niu3 Yue1 Shi2 bao4]/ 紐澤西 纽泽西 T - 0 Niǔ zé xī f /New Jersey, USA (Tw)/ 紐瓦克 纽瓦克 T - 5 Niǔ wǎ kè f /Newark (place name)/ 紐約 纽约 T - 1758 Niǔ yuē f /New York/ 紐約人 纽约人 T - 0 Niǔ yuē rén f /New Yorker/ 紐約大學 纽约大学 T - 17 Niǔ yuē Dà xué f /New York University/ 紐約客 纽约客 T - 0 Niǔ yuē kè f /The New Yorker, US magazine/resident of New York/ 紐約州 纽约州 T - 87 Niǔ yuē zhōu f /New York state/ 紐約市 纽约市 T - 51 Niǔ yuē Shì f /New York City/ 紐約帝國大廈 纽约帝国大厦 T - 0 Niǔ yuē Dì guó Dà shà f /Empire State Building/ 紐約時報 纽约时报 T - 3 Niǔ yuē Shí bào f /New York Times (newspaper)/ 紐約證券交易所 纽约证券交易所 T - 8 Niǔ yuē Zhèng quàn Jiāo yì suǒ f /New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)/ 紐約郵報 纽约邮报 T - 0 Niǔ yuē Yóu bào f /New York Post (newspaper)/ 紐絆 纽绊 T - 0 niǔ bàn f /see 紐襻|纽襻[niu3 pan4]/ 紐芬蘭 纽芬兰 T - 82 Niǔ fēn lán f /Newfoundland Island, Canada/ 紐芬蘭與拉布拉多 纽芬兰与拉布拉多 T - 0 Niǔ fēn lán yǔ lā bù lā duō f /Newfoundland and Labrador, province of Canada/ 紐襻 纽襻 T - 3 niǔ pàn f /button loop/ 紐西蘭 纽西兰 T - 3 Niǔ xī lán f /New Zealand (Tw)/ 紑 - 295 fóu f /bright/glossy (of silk)/ 紓 纾 T - 165 shū f /abundant/ample/at ease/relaxed/to free from/to relieve/ 紓困 纾困 T - 0 shū kùn f /to provide financial relief/to bail out (financially)/financial relief/bailout/ 紓壓 纾压 T - 0 shū yā f /to alleviate stress/ 紓緩 纾缓 T - 0 shū huǎn f /to relax/relaxed/ 紓解 纾解 T - 3 shū jiě f /to relieve/to ease (pressure)/to alleviate/to remove/to get rid of/ 純 纯 T - 2375 chún f /pure/simple/unmixed/genuine/ 純利 纯利 T - 45 chún lì f /net profit/ 純利益 纯利益 T - 0 chún lì yì f /net profit/ 純品 纯品 T - 0 chún pǐn f /sterling/ 純屬 纯属 T - 824 chún shǔ f /to be purely/pure and simple/sheer/outright/ 純度 纯度 T - 130 chún dù f /purity/ 純情 纯情 T - 25 chún qíng f /pure and innocent/a pure heart/ 純文字 纯文字 T - 3 chún wén zì f /text only (webpage)/ 純文字頁 纯文字页 T - 0 chún wén zì yè f /text-only webpage/ 純棉 纯棉 T - 13 chún mián f /pure cotton/100% cotton/ 純樸 纯朴 T - 127 chún pǔ f /variant of 淳樸|淳朴[chun2 pu3]/ 純正 纯正 T - 407 chún zhèng f /pure/unadulterated/(of motives etc) honest/ 純淨 纯净 T - 271 chún jìng f /pure/clean/unmixed/ 純潔 纯洁 T 3267 358 chún jié f /pure/clean and honest/to purify/ 純熟 纯熟 T - 231 chún shú f /skillful/proficient/ 純牛奶 纯牛奶 T - 3 chún niú nǎi f /pure milk/ 純白 纯白 T - 296 chún bái f /pure white/ 純真 纯真 T - 120 chún zhēn f /sincere/ 純真無垢 纯真无垢 T - 0 chún zhēn wú gòu f /pure of heart/ 純種 纯种 T - 34 chún zhǒng f /purebred/ 純粹 纯粹 T 3014 990 chún cuì f /pure/unadulterated/purely/completely/ 純粹數學 纯粹数学 T - 0 chún cuì shù xué f /pure mathematics/ 純素 纯素 T - 0 chún sù f /plain/ordinary/vegetarian/ 純素顏 纯素颜 T - 0 chún sù yán f /see 素顏|素颜[su4 yan2]/ 純素食 纯素食 T - 0 chún sù shí f /vegan/vegan food/ 純素食主義 纯素食主义 T - 0 chún sù shí zhǔ yì f /veganism, a diet consisting solely of plant products/strict vegetarianism/ 純素食者 纯素食者 T - 0 chún sù shí zhě f /a vegan/person following a vegan diet/ 純色啄花鳥 纯色啄花鸟 T - 0 chún sè zhuó huā niǎo f /(bird species of China) plain flowerpecker (Dicaeum minullum)/ 純色噪鶥 纯色噪鹛 T - 0 chún sè zào méi f /(bird species of China) scaly laughingthrush (Trochalopteron subunicolor)/ 純色岩燕 纯色岩燕 T - 0 chún sè yán yàn f /(bird species of China) dusky crag martin (Ptyonoprogne concolor)/ 純藍仙鶲 纯蓝仙鹟 T - 0 chún lán xiān wēng f /(bird species of China) pale blue flycatcher (Cyornis unicolor)/ 純褐鸌 纯褐鹱 T - 0 chún hè hù f /(bird species of China) Bulwer's petrel (Bulweria bulwerii)/ 純金 纯金 T - 80 chún jīn f /pure gold/ 純音 纯音 T - 23 chún yīn f /pure tone/ 純鹼 纯碱 T - 832 chún jiǎn f /sodium carbonate Na2CO3/soda ash/same as 碳酸鈉|碳酸钠/ 紕 纰 T - 206 pī f /error/carelessness/spoiled silk/ 紕漏 纰漏 T - 71 pī lòu f /careless mistake/slip-up/ 紕繆 纰缪 T - 17 pī miù f /error/mistake/ 紗 纱 T - 788 shā f /cotton yarn/muslin/ 紗布 纱布 T - 120 shā bù f /gauze/ 紗布口罩 纱布口罩 T - 0 shā bù kǒu zhào f /gauze mask/ 紗帽 纱帽 T - 58 shā mào f /gauze hat/fig. job as an official/ 紗廠 纱厂 T - 92 shā chǎng f /cotton mill/textile factory/ 紗窗 纱窗 T - 40 shā chuāng f /screen window/ 紗綻 纱绽 T - 3 shā zhàn f /spindle/ 紗線 纱线 T - 75 shā xiàn f /yarn/ 紗麗 纱丽 T - 21 shā lì f /sari (loanword)/ 紘 纮 T - 21 hóng f /cord for hat/vast/ 紙 纸 T - 3727 zhǐ f /paper/CL:張|张[zhang1],沓[da2]/classifier for documents, letter etc/ 紙上談兵 纸上谈兵 T - 55 zhǐ shàng tán bīng f /lit. military tactics on paper (idiom)/fig. theoretical discussion that is worse than useless in practice/armchair strategist/idle theorizing/cf Zhao Kuo 趙括|赵括 leading an army of 400,000 to total annihilation at battle of Changping 長平之戰|长平之战 in 260 BC/ 紙人 纸人 T - 51 zhǐ rén f /paper doll/papercut silhouette/ 紙人紙馬 纸人纸马 T - 0 zhǐ rén zhǐ mǎ f /paper dolls for ritual use in the shape of people or animals/ 紙包不住火 纸包不住火 T - 9 zhǐ bāo bù zhù huǒ f /lit. paper can't wrap fire; fig. the truth will out/ 紙包飲品 纸包饮品 T - 0 zhǐ bāo yǐn pǐn f /juice box/drink in a carton/Tetra Pak drink/ 紙品 纸品 T - 15 zhǐ pǐn f /paper products/stationery/ 紙型 纸型 T - 3 zhǐ xíng f /paper matrix in which type is set/ 紙堆 纸堆 T - 3 zhǐ duī f /papers/stack of paper/ 紙夾 纸夹 T - 3 zhǐ jiā f /paperclip/ 紙婚 纸婚 T - 4 zhǐ hūn f /paper wedding (first year wedding anniversary)/ 紙尿布 纸尿布 T - 0 zhǐ niào bù f /disposable diaper/ 紙尿片 纸尿片 T - 3 zhǐ niào piàn f /disposable diaper/ 紙尿褲 纸尿裤 T - 3 zhǐ niào kù f /disposable diaper/ 紙巾 纸巾 T - 41 zhǐ jīn f /paper towel/napkin/facial tissue/CL:張|张[zhang1],包[bao1]/ 紙帶 纸带 T - 22 zhǐ dài f /paper tape/ticker tape/paper streamer/ 紙幣 纸币 T - 364 zhǐ bì f /bank notes/paper currency/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 紙張 纸张 T - 270 zhǐ zhāng f /paper/ 紙杯 纸杯 T - 13 zhǐ bēi f /paper cup/ 紙板 纸板 T - 62 zhǐ bǎn f /cardboard/ 紙條 纸条 T - 319 zhǐ tiáo f /slip of paper/ 紙樣 纸样 T - 4 zhǐ yàng f /paper pattern as model in dressmaking/paper patten/ 紙漿 纸浆 T - 117 zhǐ jiāng f /paper pulp/ 紙火柴 纸火柴 T - 0 zhǐ huǒ chái f /matches made of cardboard/ 紙火鍋 纸火锅 T - 0 zhǐ huǒ guō f /paper hot pot (hot pot using a single-use pot made of Japanese washi paper with a special coating to prevent burning and leaking, used for cooking at the dining table)/ 紙灰 纸灰 T - 32 zhǐ huī f /ash from burnt paper/ 紙煙 纸烟 T - 244 zhǐ yān f /cigarette/ 紙煤兒 纸煤儿 T - 3 zhǐ méi r f /paper taper used to light cigarette etc/ 紙片 纸片 T - 139 zhǐ piàn f /a piece, scrap or fragment of paper/ 紙牌 纸牌 T - 58 zhǐ pái f /playing card/ 紙盆 纸盆 T - 0 zhǐ pén f /paper cone used as hailer/ 紙箔 纸箔 T - 0 zhǐ bó f /joss paper/ 紙箱 纸箱 T - 46 zhǐ xiāng f /carton/cardboard box/ 紙老虎 纸老虎 T - 46 zhǐ lǎo hǔ f /paper tiger/ 紙花 纸花 T - 13 zhǐ huā f /paper flower/ 紙草 纸草 T - 0 zhǐ cǎo f /papyrus/ 紙葉子 纸叶子 T - 0 zhǐ yè zi f /deck of playing cards/ 紙質 纸质 T - 67 zhǐ zhì f /paper/hard copy/printed (as opposed to electronically displayed)/ 紙醉金迷 纸醉金迷 T - 25 zhǐ zuì jīn mí f /lit. dazzling with paper and gold (idiom); fig. indulging in a life of luxury/ 紙鈔 纸钞 T - 2 zhǐ chāo f /banknote/ 紙錠 纸锭 T - 0 zhǐ dìng f /paper ingots (burned as offerings to the dead)/ 紙錢 纸钱 T - 89 zhǐ qián f /ritual money made of paper burnt for the Gods or the dead/ 紙馬 纸马 T - 31 zhǐ mǎ f /paper dolls for ritual use in the shape of people or animals/ 紙馬兒 纸马儿 T - 0 zhǐ mǎ r f /erhua variant of 紙馬|纸马[zhi3 ma3]/ 紙魚 纸鱼 T - 0 zhǐ yú f /silverfish (Lepisma saccarina)/fish moth/ 紙鳶 纸鸢 T - 8 zhǐ yuān f /kite/ 紙鶴 纸鹤 T - 4 zhǐ hè f /paper crane/ 紙鷂 纸鹞 T - 8 zhǐ yào f /kite/ 紙黃金 纸黄金 T - 3 zhǐ huáng jīn f /gold contract/special drawing right (SDR)/paper gold (finance)/ 級 级 T - 9853 jí f /level/grade/rank/step (of stairs)/CL:個|个[ge4]/classifier: step, level/ 級別 级别 T 3132 1161 jí bié f /(military) rank/level/grade/ 級差 级差 T - 447 jí chā f /differential (between grades)/salary differential/ 級強 级强 T - 0 jí qiáng f /named grade or higher/at least stated magnitude (of earthquake)/ 級數 级数 T - 267 jí shù f /(math.) series/ 級聯 级联 T - 21 jí lián f /cascade/cascading/ 級距 级距 T - 3 jí jù f /numerical range/interval/taxation band/ 紛 纷 T - 317 fēn f /numerous/confused/disorderly/ 紛亂 纷乱 T - 158 fēn luàn f /numerous and disorderly/ 紛呈 纷呈 T - 55 fēn chéng f /brilliant and varied/(often in the combination 精彩纷呈)/ 紛披 纷披 T - 3 fēn pī f /scattered/mixed and disorganized/ 紛擾 纷扰 T - 139 fēn rǎo f /turmoil/unrest/disturbance/ 紛爭 纷争 T - 270 fēn zhēng f /to dispute/ 紛紛 纷纷 T 2402 4973 fēn fēn f /one after another/in succession/one by one/continuously/diverse/in profusion/numerous and confused/pell-mell/ 紛紛揚揚 纷纷扬扬 T - 35 fēn fēn yáng yáng f /fluttering about (of leaves etc)/ 紛紜 纷纭 T - 82 fēn yún f /diverse and muddled/many and confused/ 紛繁 纷繁 T - 163 fēn fán f /numerous and complicated/ 紛至沓來 纷至沓来 T - 89 fēn zhì tà lái f /to come thick and fast (idiom)/ 紛雜 纷杂 T - 17 fēn zá f /numerous and confused/in a mess/ 紛飛 纷飞 T - 122 fēn fēi f /to swirl in the air (of thickly falling snowflakes, flower petals etc)/to flutter about/ 紜 纭 T - 239 yún f /confused/numerous/ 紜紜 纭纭 T - 0 yún yún f /variant of 芸芸[yun2 yun2]/ 紝 纴 T - 11651 rèn f /to weave/to lay warp for weaving/silk thread for weaving/variant of 紉|纫, to sew/to stitch/thread/ 紝織 纴织 T - 0 rèn zhī f /to weave/ 紞 - 62 dǎn f /silk fringe of a coronet/ 紟 - 590 jīn f /a sash/to tie/ 素 - 4533 sù f /raw silk/white/plain, unadorned/vegetarian (food)/essence/nature/element/constituent/usually/always/ever/ 素不相能 - 3 sù bù xiāng néng f /unable to get along (idiom)/ 素不相識 素不相识 T - 201 sù bù xiāng shí f /to be total strangers (idiom)/ 素不相识 素不相識 S - 201 sù bù xiāng shí f /to be total strangers (idiom)/ 素來 素来 T - 441 sù lái f /usually/ 素养 素養 S - 354 sù yǎng f /(personal) accomplishment/attainment in self-cultivation/ 素净 素淨 S - 26 sù jing f /simple and neat/quiet (colors)/unobtrusive/(of food) light/not greasy or strongly flavored/ 素原促进 素原促進 S - 0 sù yuán cù jìn f /antigen (medicine)/ 素原促進 素原促进 T - 0 sù yuán cù jìn f /antigen (medicine)/ 素常 - 9 sù cháng f /ordinarily/usually/ 素手 - 0 sù shǒu f /white hand/empty-handed/ 素描 - 188 sù miáo f /sketch/ 素数 素數 S - 149 sù shù f /prime number/ 素數 素数 T - 149 sù shù f /prime number/ 素斋 素齋 S - 0 sù zhāi f /vegetarian food/ 素日 - 188 sù rì f /usually/ 素昧平生 - 15 sù mèi píng shēng f /to have never met sb before (idiom); entirely unacquainted/a complete stranger/not to know sb from Adam/ 素有 - 753 sù yǒu f /to have/to have always had/ 素朴 素樸 S - 92 sù pǔ f /simple/unadorned/unsophisticated/naive/ 素材 - 261 sù cái f /source material (in literature and art)/ 素来 素來 S - 441 sù lái f /usually/ 素樸 素朴 T - 92 sù pǔ f /simple/unadorned/unsophisticated/naive/ 素淨 素净 T - 26 sù jing f /simple and neat/quiet (colors)/unobtrusive/(of food) light/not greasy or strongly flavored/ 素筵 - 0 sù yán f /vegetarian feast/food offerings to Buddha/ 素菜 - 59 sù cài f /vegetable dish/ 素質 素质 T 4073 4263 sù zhì f /inner quality/basic essence/ 素質差 素质差 T - 0 sù zhì chà f /so uneducated!/so ignorant!/ 素質教育 素质教育 T - 3 sù zhì jiào yù f /all-round education (contrasted with 應試教育|应试教育[ying4 shi4 jiao4 yu4], exam-oriented education)/ 素质 素質 S 4073 4263 sù zhì f /inner quality/basic essence/ 素质差 素質差 S - 0 sù zhì chà f /so uneducated!/so ignorant!/ 素质教育 素質教育 S - 3 sù zhì jiào yù f /all-round education (contrasted with 應試教育|应试教育[ying4 shi4 jiao4 yu4], exam-oriented education)/ 素雅 - 27 sù yǎ f /simple yet elegant/ 素面 - 3 sù miàn f /face (of a woman) without makeup/solid color (unpatterned)/ 素面 素麵 S - 3 sù miàn f /vegetable noodle dish/ 素面朝天 - 3 sù miàn cháo tiān f /lit. to present oneself confidently to the emperor, without makeup (as did the sister of Yang Guifei 楊貴妃|杨贵妃[Yang2 Gui4 fei1]) (idiom)/fig. (of a woman) to show one's natural features, without makeup/to present oneself just as one is, without artifice/ 素顏 素颜 T - 0 sù yán f /a face without makeup/ 素颜 素顏 S - 0 sù yán f /a face without makeup/ 素食 3762 62 sù shí f /vegetables/vegetarian food/ 素食主义 素食主義 S - 0 sù shí zhǔ yì f /vegetarianism/ 素食主義 素食主义 T - 0 sù shí zhǔ yì f /vegetarianism/ 素食者 - 6 sù shí zhě f /vegetarian/ 素養 素养 T - 354 sù yǎng f /(personal) accomplishment/attainment in self-cultivation/ 素餡 素馅 T - 0 sù xiàn f /vegetable filling/ 素馅 素餡 S - 0 sù xiàn f /vegetable filling/ 素麵 素面 T - 3 sù miàn f /vegetable noodle dish/ 素齋 素斋 T - 0 sù zhāi f /vegetarian food/ 紡 纺 T - 519 fǎng f /to spin (cotton or hemp etc)/fine woven silk fabric/ 紡紗 纺纱 T - 301 fǎng shā f /to spin (cotton, wool etc)/spinning/ 紡絲 纺丝 T - 25 fǎng sī f /to spin synthetic fiber/to spin silk/spinning/filature/ 紡織 纺织 T 4709 4914 fǎng zhī f /spinning and weaving/ 紡織品 纺织品 T - 693 fǎng zhī pǐn f /textile/fabrics/ 紡織孃 纺织娘 T - 3 fǎng zhī niáng f /katydid/long-horned grasshopper/ 紡織工業 纺织工业 T - 3 fǎng zhī gōng yè f /textile industry/ 紡織廠 纺织厂 T - 263 fǎng zhī chǎng f /textile factory/cotton mill/ 紡織物 纺织物 T - 11 fǎng zhī wù f /textile material/ 紡織者 纺织者 T - 0 fǎng zhī zhě f /weaver/ 紡車 纺车 T - 84 fǎng chē f /spinning wheel/ 紡輪 纺轮 T - 0 fǎng lún f /spinning wheel/ 紡錘 纺锤 T - 55 fǎng chuí f /spindle/ 索 - 1494 Suǒ f /surname Suo/abbr. for 索馬里|索马里[Suo3 ma3 li3], Somalia/ 索 - 1494 suǒ f /to search/to demand/to ask/to exact/large rope/isolated/ 索价 索價 S - 7 suǒ jià f /to ask a price/to charge/asking price/ 索傑納 索杰纳 T - 0 Suǒ jié nà f /Sojourner (Martian land rover)/ 索價 索价 T - 7 suǒ jià f /to ask a price/to charge/asking price/ 索具装置 索具裝置 S - 0 suǒ jù zhuāng zhì f /rig/ 索具裝置 索具装置 T - 0 suǒ jù zhuāng zhì f /rig/ 索县 索縣 S - 7 Suǒ xiàn f /Sog county, Tibetan: Sog rdzong, in Nagchu prefecture 那曲地區|那曲地区[Na4 qu3 di4 qu1], central Tibet/ 索取 4347 225 suǒ qǔ f /to ask/to demand/ 索命 - 12 suǒ mìng f /to demand sb's life/ 索国 索國 S - 0 Suǒ Guó f /Solomon Islands/ 索國 索国 T - 0 Suǒ Guó f /Solomon Islands/ 索多玛 索多瑪 S - 3 Suǒ duō mǎ f /Sodom/ 索多玛与哈摩辣 索多瑪與哈摩辣 S - 0 Suǒ duō mǎ yǔ Hā mó là f /Sodom and Gomorrah/ 索多瑪 索多玛 T - 3 Suǒ duō mǎ f /Sodom/ 索多瑪與哈摩辣 索多玛与哈摩辣 T - 0 Suǒ duō mǎ yǔ Hā mó là f /Sodom and Gomorrah/ 索契 - 3 Suǒ qì f /Sochi (city on the Black Sea in Russia)/ 索尔 索爾 S - 55 Suǒ ěr f /Thor (Norse god of thunder)/ 索尔仁尼琴 索爾仁尼琴 S - 0 Suǒ ěr rén ní qín f /Alexandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Russian writer, prominent Soviet dissident, author of the Gulag Archipelago/ 索尔兹伯里平原 索爾茲伯里平原 S - 0 Suǒ ěr zī bó lǐ píng yuán f /Salisbury plain/ 索尔兹伯里石环 索爾茲伯里石環 S - 0 Suǒ ěr zī bó lǐ shí huán f /Stonehenge/Salisbury stone circle/ 索尼 - 711 Suǒ ní f /Sony/ 索带 索帶 S - 0 suǒ dài f /cable tie/plastic strap/ 索帶 索带 T - 0 suǒ dài f /cable tie/plastic strap/ 索引 - 205 suǒ yǐn f /index/ 索性 4690 809 suǒ xìng f /you might as well (do it)/simply/just/ 索戈拉特斯 - 0 Suǒ gē lā tè sī f /Socrates (name)/Jose Socrates, prime minister of Portugal from 2005/ 索普 - 0 Suǒ pǔ f /Thorpe (name)/ 索杰纳 索傑納 S - 0 Suǒ jié nà f /Sojourner (Martian land rover)/ 索求 - 5 suǒ qiú f /to seek/to demand/ 索然 - 39 suǒ rán f /dull/dry/ 索然寡味 - 2 suǒ rán guǎ wèi f /dull and insipid/ 索然无味 索然無味 S - 34 suǒ rán wú wèi f /dull/insipid/ 索然無味 索然无味 T - 34 suǒ rán wú wèi f /dull/insipid/ 索爾 索尔 T - 55 Suǒ ěr f /Thor (Norse god of thunder)/ 索爾仁尼琴 索尔仁尼琴 T - 0 Suǒ ěr rén ní qín f /Alexandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Russian writer, prominent Soviet dissident, author of the Gulag Archipelago/ 索爾茲伯里平原 索尔兹伯里平原 T - 0 Suǒ ěr zī bó lǐ píng yuán f /Salisbury plain/ 索爾茲伯里石環 索尔兹伯里石环 T - 0 Suǒ ěr zī bó lǐ shí huán f /Stonehenge/Salisbury stone circle/ 索福克勒斯 - 0 Suǒ fú kè lè sī f /Sophocles (496-406 BC), Greek tragedian, author of Oedipus the King/ 索福克里斯 - 0 Suǒ fú kè lǐ sī f /Sophocles (496-406 BC), Greek playwright/ 索索 - 40 suǒ suǒ f /trembling/ 索緒爾 索绪尔 T - 22 Suǒ xù ěr f /Saussure (name)/ 索縣 索县 T - 7 Suǒ xiàn f /Sog county, Tibetan: Sog rdzong, in Nagchu prefecture 那曲地區|那曲地区[Na4 qu3 di4 qu1], central Tibet/ 索绪尔 索緒爾 S - 22 Suǒ xù ěr f /Saussure (name)/ 索罗斯 索羅斯 S - 12 Suǒ luó sī f /Soros (name)/George Soros or György Schwartz (1930-), Hungarian American financial speculator and millionaire philanthropist/ 索罗门 索羅門 S - 2 Suǒ luó mén f /Solomon (name)/Solomon (Islands)/ 索羅斯 索罗斯 T - 12 Suǒ luó sī f /Soros (name)/George Soros or György Schwartz (1930-), Hungarian American financial speculator and millionaire philanthropist/ 索羅門 索罗门 T - 2 Suǒ luó mén f /Solomon (name)/Solomon (Islands)/ 索菲亚 索菲亞 S - 20 Suǒ fēi yà f /Sofia (capital of Bulgaria)/ 索菲亞 索菲亚 T - 20 Suǒ fēi yà f /Sofia (capital of Bulgaria)/ 索要 - 148 suǒ yào f /to ask for/to request/to demand/ 索解 - 10 suǒ jiě f /to seek an answer/to look for an explanation/to explain/explanation/ 索討 索讨 T - 7 suǒ tǎo f /to demand/to claim/ 索謝 索谢 T - 0 suǒ xiè f /(old) to ask for recompense (for personal services rendered)/ 索讨 索討 S - 7 suǒ tǎo f /to demand/to claim/ 索谢 索謝 S - 0 suǒ xiè f /(old) to ask for recompense (for personal services rendered)/ 索賄 索贿 T - 40 suǒ huì f /to exact bribes/to solicit bribes/to demand bribes/to extort/ 索賠 索赔 T - 94 suǒ péi f /to ask for compensation/to claim damages/claim for damages/ 索贿 索賄 S - 40 suǒ huì f /to exact bribes/to solicit bribes/to demand bribes/to extort/ 索赔 索賠 S - 94 suǒ péi f /to ask for compensation/to claim damages/claim for damages/ 索道 - 97 suǒ dào f /ropeway/ 索邦大学 索邦大學 S - 0 Suǒ bāng Dà xué f /Université Paris IV/the Sorbonne/ 索邦大學 索邦大学 T - 0 Suǒ bāng Dà xué f /Université Paris IV/the Sorbonne/ 索里亚 索里亞 S - 2 Suǒ lǐ yà f /Soria, Spain/ 索里亞 索里亚 T - 2 Suǒ lǐ yà f /Soria, Spain/ 索非亚 索非亞 S - 49 Suǒ fēi yà f /Sofia, capital of Bulgaria/ 索非亞 索非亚 T - 49 Suǒ fēi yà f /Sofia, capital of Bulgaria/ 索馬利 索马利 T - 0 Suǒ mǎ lì f /variant of 索馬里|索马里[Suo3 ma3 li3]/ 索馬利亞 索马利亚 T - 3 Suǒ mǎ lì yà f /Somalia (Tw)/ 索馬裡 索马里 T - 229 Suǒ mǎ lǐ f /variant of 索馬里|索马里[Suo3 ma3 li3]/Somalia/ 索馬里 索马里 T - 229 Suǒ mǎ lǐ f /Somalia/ 索馬里亞 索马里亚 T - 0 Suǒ mǎ lǐ yà f /variant of 索馬利亞|索马利亚[Suo3 ma3 li4 ya4]/ 索马利 索馬利 S - 0 Suǒ mǎ lì f /variant of 索馬里|索马里[Suo3 ma3 li3]/ 索马利亚 索馬利亞 S - 3 Suǒ mǎ lì yà f /Somalia (Tw)/ 索马里 索馬裡 S - 229 Suǒ mǎ lǐ f /variant of 索馬里|索马里[Suo3 ma3 li3]/Somalia/ 索马里 索馬里 S - 229 Suǒ mǎ lǐ f /Somalia/ 索马里亚 索馬里亞 S - 0 Suǒ mǎ lǐ yà f /variant of 索馬利亞|索马利亚[Suo3 ma3 li4 ya4]/ 紥 扎 T 2807 2928 zā f /variant of 紮|扎[za1]/ 紥 扎 T 2807 2928 zhā t /variant of 紮|扎[zha1]/ 紧 緊 S - 5672 jǐn f /tight/strict/close at hand/near/urgent/tense/hard up/short of money/to tighten/ 紧俏 緊俏 S - 61 jǐn qiào f /(merchandise) in high demand/ 紧凑 緊湊 S - 183 jǐn còu f /compact/terse/tight (schedule)/ 紧凑型车 緊湊型車 S - 0 jǐn còu xíng chē f /compact car model/ 紧凑渺子线圈 緊湊渺子線圈 S - 0 Jǐn còu Miǎo zǐ Xiàn quān f /Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS)/ 紧实 緊實 S - 0 jǐn shí f /tight/firm/dense/packed/ 紧密 緊密 S - 1591 jǐn mì f /inseparably close/ 紧密相联 緊密相聯 S - 3 jǐn mì xiāng lián f /closely interrelated/intimately related/ 紧密织物 緊密織物 S - 0 jǐn mì zhī wù f /closely woven fabric/ 紧密配合 緊密配合 S - 3 jǐn mì pèi hé f /to coordinate closely/to act in close partnership with/ 紧巴 緊巴 S - 6 jǐn bā f /tight (i.e. lacking money)/hard up/same as 緊巴巴|紧巴巴/ 紧巴巴 緊巴巴 S - 9 jǐn bā bā f /tight fitting/hard up (i.e. lacking money)/ 紧张 緊張 S 709 4790 jǐn zhāng f /nervous/keyed up/intense/tense/strained/in short supply/scarce/CL:陣|阵[zhen4]/ 紧张状态 緊張狀態 S - 3 jǐn zhāng zhuàng tài f /tense situation/stand-off/ 紧张缓和 緊張緩和 S - 0 jǐn zhāng huǎn hé f /detente/ 紧急 緊急 S 1396 2600 jǐn jí f /urgent/emergency/ 紧急事件 緊急事件 S - 3 jǐn jí shì jiàn f /emergency/ 紧急医疗 緊急醫療 S - 0 jǐn jí yī liáo f /emergency medical care/ 紧急危害 緊急危害 S - 0 jǐn jí wēi hài f /emergency risk/ 紧急应变 緊急應變 S - 0 jǐn jí yìng biàn f /emergency management/ 紧急状态 緊急狀態 S - 608 jǐn jí zhuàng tài f /state of emergency/ 紧急疏散 緊急疏散 S - 0 jǐn jí shū sàn f /emergency evacuation/ 紧扣 緊扣 S - 39 jǐn kòu f /to stick closely to (a topic or theme etc)/ 紧抱 緊抱 S - 16 jǐn bào f /to hug/to embrace/ 紧挤 緊擠 S - 0 jǐn jǐ f /to pinch/to squeeze tightly/ 紧接 緊接 S - 50 jǐn jiē f /immediately adjacent/immediately following/to follow closely on/ 紧握 緊握 S - 104 jǐn wò f /to hold firmly, not let go/ 紧盯 緊盯 S - 3 jǐn dīng f /to gaze/to stare fixedly/ 紧箍咒 緊箍咒 S - 38 jǐn gū zhòu f /the Band-tightening Spell (in 西遊記|西游记[Xi1 you2 Ji4])/a spell or incantation for controlling sb/ 紧紧 緊緊 S - 2190 jǐn jǐn f /closely/tightly/ 紧绌 緊絀 S - 0 jǐn chù f /supply shortage/ 紧绷 緊繃 S - 3 jǐn bēng f /to stretch taut/ 紧绷绷 緊繃繃 S - 14 jǐn bēng bēng f /tight/taut/strained/sullen/ 紧缩 緊縮 S - 295 jǐn suō f /(economics) to reduce/to curtail/to cut back/to tighten/austerity/tightening/crunch/ 紧缺 緊缺 S - 236 jǐn quē f /in short supply/scarce/ 紧衣缩食 緊衣縮食 S - 0 jǐn yī suō shí f /see 節衣縮食|节衣缩食[jie2 yi1 suo1 shi2]/ 紧裹 緊裹 S - 0 jǐn guǒ f /to wrap tightly/to wind tightly/to bind/close-fitting (clothes)/ 紧要 緊要 S - 167 jǐn yào f /critical/crucial/vital/ 紧要关头 緊要關頭 S - 243 jǐn yào guān tóu f /urgent and important moment (idiom); critical juncture/ 紧贴 緊貼 S - 191 jǐn tiē f /to stick close to/to press up against/ 紧跟 緊跟 S - 183 jǐn gēn f /to follow precisely/to comply with/ 紧身 緊身 S - 81 jǐn shēn f /skintight/ 紧迫 緊迫 S 3816 550 jǐn pò f /pressing/urgent/ 紧迫盯人 緊迫盯人 S - 0 jǐn pò dīng rén f /to keep a close eye on sb (idiom)/ 紧追 緊追 S - 42 jǐn zhuī f /to pursue closely/ 紧逼 緊逼 S - 81 jǐn bī f /to press hard/to close in on/ 紧邻 緊鄰 S - 42 jǐn lín f /close neighbor/ 紧闭 緊閉 S - 1049 jǐn bì f /to close securely/tightly closed/secure/ 紧随其后 緊隨其後 S - 3 jǐn suí qí hòu f /to follow closely behind sb or sth (idiom)/ 紧集 緊集 S - 0 jǐn jí f /compact set/ 紧靠 緊靠 S - 129 jǐn kào f /to be close to/to lean closely against/ 紩 - 42 zhì f /to stitch/to mend/ 紫 2279 5847 zǐ f /purple/violet/amethyst/Lithospermum erythrorhizon (flowering plant whose root provides red purple dye)/Japanese: murasaki/ 紫丁香 - 20 zǐ dīng xiāng f /lilac/ 紫云 紫雲 S - 65 Zǐ yún f /Ziyun Hmong and Buyei autonomous county in Anshun 安順|安顺[An1 shun4], Guizhou/ 紫云苗族布依族自治县 紫云苗族布依族自治縣 S - 3 Zǐ yún Miáo zú Bù yī zú zì zhì xiàn f /Ziyun Hmong and Buyei autonomous county in Anshun 安順|安顺[An1 shun4], Guizhou/ 紫云苗族布依族自治縣 紫云苗族布依族自治县 T - 3 Zǐ yún Miáo zú Bù yī zú zì zhì xiàn f /Ziyun Hmong and Buyei autonomous county in Anshun 安順|安顺[An1 shun4], Guizhou/ 紫啸鸫 紫嘯鶇 S - 0 zǐ xiào dōng f /(bird species of China) blue whistling thrush (Myophonus caeruleus)/ 紫嘯鶇 紫啸鸫 T - 0 zǐ xiào dōng f /(bird species of China) blue whistling thrush (Myophonus caeruleus)/ 紫坪鋪 紫坪铺 T - 0 Zǐ píng pū f /Zipingpu reservoir, Sichuan/ 紫坪鋪大壩 紫坪铺大坝 T - 0 Zǐ píng pū dà bà f /Zipingpu reservoir, Sichuan/ 紫坪鋪水庫 紫坪铺水库 T - 0 Zǐ píng pū shuǐ kù f /Zipingpu reservoir, Sichuan/ 紫坪铺 紫坪鋪 S - 0 Zǐ píng pū f /Zipingpu reservoir, Sichuan/ 紫坪铺大坝 紫坪鋪大壩 S - 0 Zǐ píng pū dà bà f /Zipingpu reservoir, Sichuan/ 紫坪铺水库 紫坪鋪水庫 S - 0 Zǐ píng pū shuǐ kù f /Zipingpu reservoir, Sichuan/ 紫壽帶 紫寿带 T - 0 zǐ shòu dài f /(bird species of China) Japanese paradise flycatcher (Terpsiphone atrocaudata)/ 紫外 - 143 zǐ wài f /ultraviolet (ray)/ 紫外光 - 28 zǐ wài guāng f /ultraviolet light/ 紫外射線 紫外射线 T - 0 zǐ wài shè xiàn f /ultraviolet ray/ 紫外射线 紫外射線 S - 0 zǐ wài shè xiàn f /ultraviolet ray/ 紫外線 紫外线 T - 291 zǐ wài xiàn f /ultraviolet ray/ 紫外線光 紫外线光 T - 0 zǐ wài xiàn guāng f /ultraviolet light/ 紫外线 紫外線 S - 291 zǐ wài xiàn f /ultraviolet ray/ 紫外线光 紫外線光 S - 0 zǐ wài xiàn guāng f /ultraviolet light/ 紫宽嘴鸫 紫寬嘴鶇 S - 0 zǐ kuān zuǐ dōng f /(bird species of China) purple cochoa (Cochoa purpurea)/ 紫寬嘴鶇 紫宽嘴鸫 T - 0 zǐ kuān zuǐ dōng f /(bird species of China) purple cochoa (Cochoa purpurea)/ 紫寿带 紫壽帶 S - 0 zǐ shòu dài f /(bird species of China) Japanese paradise flycatcher (Terpsiphone atrocaudata)/ 紫式部 - 3 Zǐ Shì bù f /Murasaki Shikibu (born c. 973), Japanese writer, author of "The Tale of Genji"/ 紫微宫 紫微宮 S - 0 zǐ wēi gōng f /palace of Jade emperor (in Taoism)/ 紫微宮 紫微宫 T - 0 zǐ wēi gōng f /palace of Jade emperor (in Taoism)/ 紫微斗数 紫微斗數 S - 3 zǐ wēi dǒu shù f /Zi Wei Dou Shu, a form of Chinese fortune-telling/ 紫微斗數 紫微斗数 T - 3 zǐ wēi dǒu shù f /Zi Wei Dou Shu, a form of Chinese fortune-telling/ 紫斑 - 3 zǐ bān f /bruise/ 紫晶 - 14 zǐ jīng f /amethyst (purple crystalline silicon dioxide)/ 紫杉 - 25 zǐ shān f /Japanese yew (taxus cuspidata)/ 紫杉醇 - 50 zǐ shān chún f /Taxol (a.k.a. Paclitaxel), mitotic inhibitor used in cancer chemotherapy/ 紫林鴿 紫林鸽 T - 0 zǐ lín gē f /(bird species of China) pale-capped pigeon (Columba punicea)/ 紫林鸽 紫林鴿 S - 0 zǐ lín gē f /(bird species of China) pale-capped pigeon (Columba punicea)/ 紫檀 - 63 zǐ tán f /red sandalwood/ 紫气 紫氣 S - 37 zǐ qì f /purple cloud (auspicious portent in astrology)/ 紫氣 紫气 T - 37 zǐ qì f /purple cloud (auspicious portent in astrology)/ 紫水晶 - 13 zǐ shuǐ jīng f /amethyst/ 紫水雞 紫水鸡 T - 0 zǐ shuǐ jī f /(bird species of China) purple swamphen (Porphyrio porphyrio)/ 紫水鸡 紫水雞 S - 0 zǐ shuǐ jī f /(bird species of China) purple swamphen (Porphyrio porphyrio)/ 紫甘蓝 紫甘藍 S - 0 zǐ gān lán f /red cabbage/purple cabbage/ 紫甘藍 紫甘蓝 T - 0 zǐ gān lán f /red cabbage/purple cabbage/ 紫石英 - 3 zǐ shí yīng f /amethyst/ 紫石英号 紫石英號 S - 0 Zǐ shí yīng Hào f /HMS Amethyst, Royal Navy corvette involved in a 1949 gunfight with the PLA on the Changjiang/ 紫石英號 紫石英号 T - 0 Zǐ shí yīng Hào f /HMS Amethyst, Royal Navy corvette involved in a 1949 gunfight with the PLA on the Changjiang/ 紫禁城 - 1758 Zǐ jìn chéng f /the Forbidden City/the Imperial Palace in Beijing/same as 故宮|故宫[Gu4 gong1]/ 紫竹 - 37 zǐ zhú f /black bamboo (Phyllostachys nigra)/ 紫紅色 紫红色 T - 131 zǐ hóng sè f /red-purple/mauve/prune (color)/claret/ 紫红色 紫紅色 S - 131 zǐ hóng sè f /red-purple/mauve/prune (color)/claret/ 紫罗兰 紫羅蘭 S - 39 zǐ luó lán f /violet (botany)/ 紫罗兰色 紫羅蘭色 S - 4 zǐ luó lán sè f /violet (color)/ 紫羅蘭 紫罗兰 T - 39 zǐ luó lán f /violet (botany)/ 紫羅蘭色 紫罗兰色 T - 4 zǐ luó lán sè f /violet (color)/ 紫翅椋鳥 紫翅椋鸟 T - 0 zǐ chì liáng niǎo f /(bird species of China) common starling (Sturnus vulgaris)/ 紫翅椋鸟 紫翅椋鳥 S - 0 zǐ chì liáng niǎo f /(bird species of China) common starling (Sturnus vulgaris)/ 紫胀 紫脹 S - 0 zǐ zhàng f /to get red and swollen/ 紫背椋鳥 紫背椋鸟 T - 0 zǐ bèi liáng niǎo f /(bird species of China) chestnut-cheeked starling (Agropsar philippensis)/ 紫背椋鸟 紫背椋鳥 S - 0 zǐ bèi liáng niǎo f /(bird species of China) chestnut-cheeked starling (Agropsar philippensis)/ 紫背苇鳽 紫背葦鳽 S - 0 zǐ bèi wěi yán f /(bird species of China) von Schrenck's bittern (Ixobrychus eurhythmus)/ 紫背葦鳽 紫背苇鳽 T - 0 zǐ bèi wěi yán f /(bird species of China) von Schrenck's bittern (Ixobrychus eurhythmus)/ 紫脹 紫胀 T - 0 zǐ zhàng f /to get red and swollen/ 紫色 - 621 zǐ sè f /purple/violet (color)/ 紫色花蜜鳥 紫色花蜜鸟 T - 0 zǐ sè huā mì niǎo f /(bird species of China) purple sunbird (Cinnyris asiaticus)/ 紫色花蜜鸟 紫色花蜜鳥 S - 0 zǐ sè huā mì niǎo f /(bird species of China) purple sunbird (Cinnyris asiaticus)/ 紫芝眉宇 - 3 zǐ zhī méi yǔ f /your appearance (honorific)/ 紫花地丁 - 3 zǐ huā dì dīng f /Chinese violet (Viola mandsurica)/ 紫苏 紫蘇 S - 30 zǐ sū f /beefsteak plant/shiso/Perilla frutescens/ 紫苏属 紫蘇屬 S - 0 zǐ sū shǔ f /genus Perilla (includes basil and mints)/ 紫荆 紫荊 S - 78 zǐ jīng f /Chinese redbud (Cercis chinensis)/ 紫草 - 21 zǐ cǎo f /red root gromwell (Lithospermum erythrorhizon)/flowering plant whose roots provide purple dye/arnebia (plant genus in family Boraginaceae)/ 紫草科 - 0 zǐ cǎo kē f /Boraginaceae (family of flowers and bushes)/ 紫荊 紫荆 T - 78 zǐ jīng f /Chinese redbud (Cercis chinensis)/ 紫菜 - 84 zǐ cài f /flavored roasted seaweed/generic term for edible seaweed/Japanese: nori/ 紫菜包飯 紫菜包饭 T - 0 zǐ cài bāo fàn f /gimbap (Korean rice roll similar in appearance to sushi)/kimbap/ 紫菜包饭 紫菜包飯 S - 0 zǐ cài bāo fàn f /gimbap (Korean rice roll similar in appearance to sushi)/kimbap/ 紫菜属 紫菜屬 S - 0 zǐ cài shǔ f /Porphyra (genus of edible seaweed)/ 紫菜屬 紫菜属 T - 0 zǐ cài shǔ f /Porphyra (genus of edible seaweed)/ 紫菜苔 - 3 zǐ cài tái f /purple cabbage/Brassica campestris var. purpurea/ 紫薇 - 33 zǐ wēi f /crape myrtle/ 紫藤 - 39 zǐ téng f /wisteria/ 紫蘇 紫苏 T - 30 zǐ sū f /beefsteak plant/shiso/Perilla frutescens/ 紫蘇屬 紫苏属 T - 0 zǐ sū shǔ f /genus Perilla (includes basil and mints)/ 紫袍 - 0 zǐ páo f /purple qipao gown, the sign of an official position/ 紫貂 - 37 zǐ diāo f /sable (Martes zibellina)/ 紫質症 紫质症 T - 0 zǐ zhì zhèng f /porphyria (medicine)/ 紫质症 紫質症 S - 0 zǐ zhì zhèng f /porphyria (medicine)/ 紫金 - 116 Zǐ jīn f /Zijin county in Heyuan 河源[He2 yuan2], Guangdong/ 紫金县 紫金縣 S - 2 Zǐ jīn xiàn f /Zijin county in Heyuan 河源[He2 yuan2], Guangdong/ 紫金山 - 35 Zǐ jīn Shān f /Purple Mountain in suburbs of Nanjing, with Ming tombs and Sun Yat-sen's mausoleum/ 紫金山天文台 - 39 Zǐ jīn shān Tiān wén tái f /Purple Mountain Observatory/ 紫金牛 - 8 zǐ jīn niú f /Japanese ardisia (Ardisia japonica)/ 紫金縣 紫金县 T - 2 Zǐ jīn xiàn f /Zijin county in Heyuan 河源[He2 yuan2], Guangdong/ 紫金鵑 紫金鹃 T - 0 zǐ jīn juān f /(bird species of China) violet cuckoo (Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus)/ 紫金鹃 紫金鵑 S - 0 zǐ jīn juān f /(bird species of China) violet cuckoo (Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus)/ 紫銅 紫铜 T - 13 zǐ tóng f /copper (pure copper, as opposed to alloy)/ 紫錐花 紫锥花 T - 0 zǐ zhuī huā f /coneflower genus (Echinacea)/ 紫铜 紫銅 S - 13 zǐ tóng f /copper (pure copper, as opposed to alloy)/ 紫锥花 紫錐花 S - 0 zǐ zhuī huā f /coneflower genus (Echinacea)/ 紫阳 紫陽 S - 20 Zǐ yáng f /Ziyang County in Ankang 安康[An1 kang1], Shaanxi/ 紫阳县 紫陽縣 S - 3 Zǐ yáng Xiàn f /Ziyang County in Ankang 安康[An1 kang1], Shaanxi/ 紫陽 紫阳 T - 20 Zǐ yáng f /Ziyang County in Ankang 安康[An1 kang1], Shaanxi/ 紫陽縣 紫阳县 T - 3 Zǐ yáng Xiàn f /Ziyang County in Ankang 安康[An1 kang1], Shaanxi/ 紫雲 紫云 T - 65 Zǐ yún f /Ziyun Hmong and Buyei autonomous county in Anshun 安順|安顺[An1 shun4], Guizhou/ 紫頰直嘴太陽鳥 紫颊直嘴太阳鸟 T - 0 zǐ jiá zhí zuǐ tài yáng niǎo f /(bird species of China) ruby-cheeked sunbird (Chalcoparia singalensis)/ 紫颊直嘴太阳鸟 紫頰直嘴太陽鳥 S - 0 zǐ jiá zhí zuǐ tài yáng niǎo f /(bird species of China) ruby-cheeked sunbird (Chalcoparia singalensis)/ 紬 䌷 T - 43 chóu f /silk/ 紮 扎 T 2807 2928 zā f /to tie/to bind/classifier for flowers, banknotes etc: bundle/Taiwan pr. [zha2]/ 紮實 扎实 T 4749 469 zhá shi f /see 扎實|扎实[zha1 shi5]/ 紮寨 扎寨 T - 3 zhā zhài f /to set up an encampment/ 紮歐紮翁 扎欧扎翁 T - 0 Zā ōu zā wēng f /name of village in Nyima county, Nagchu prefecture, Tibet/ 紮營 扎营 T - 247 zhā yíng f /to camp/to pitch camp/stationed/quartered/Taiwan pr. [zha2 ying2]/ 紮線帶 扎线带 T - 0 zā xiàn dài f /cable ties/zip ties/ 紮馬剌丁 扎马剌丁 T - 0 Zā mǎ lá dīng f /Jamal al-Din ibn Muhammad al-Najjari (13th century), famous Persian astronomer and scholar who served Khubilai Khan 忽必烈 from c. 1260/ 紮馬魯丁 扎马鲁丁 T - 0 Zā mǎ lǔ dīng f /see 紮馬剌丁|扎马剌丁[Za1 ma3 la2 ding1]/ 累 259 2878 lěi f /to accumulate/to involve or implicate (Taiwan pr. [lei4])/continuous/repeated/ 累 259 2878 lèi t /tired/weary/to strain/to wear out/to work hard/ 累 纍 S 259 2878 Léi f /surname Lei/ 累 纍 S 259 2878 léi f /rope/to bind together/to twist around/ 累加器 - 4 lěi jiā qì f /accumulator (computing)/ 累加总数 累加總數 S - 0 lěi jiā zǒng shù f /cumulative total/ 累加總數 累加总数 T - 0 lěi jiā zǒng shù f /cumulative total/ 累及 - 104 lěi jí f /to involve/to affect/ 累坏 累壞 S - 3 lèi huài f /to become exhausted/ 累坠 累墜 S - 0 léi zhuì f /variant of 累贅|累赘[lei2 zhui4]/ 累垮 - 12 lèi kuǎ f /to collapse/to be worn out/to break down/ 累墜 累坠 T - 0 léi zhuì f /variant of 累贅|累赘[lei2 zhui4]/ 累壞 累坏 T - 3 lèi huài f /to become exhausted/ 累心 - 0 lèi xīn f /taxing (mentally or emotionally)/ 累死累活 - 11 lèi sǐ lèi huó f /to tire oneself out through overwork/to work oneself to death/ 累犯 - 24 lěi fàn f /to repeatedly commit an offense/repeat offender/habitual criminal/recidivist/recidivism/ 累积 累積 S - 303 lěi jī f /to accumulate/ 累积剂量 累積劑量 S - 0 lèi jī jì liàng f /cumulative dose/ 累積 累积 T - 303 lěi jī f /to accumulate/ 累積劑量 累积剂量 T - 0 lèi jī jì liàng f /cumulative dose/ 累累 - 164 léi léi f /clusters of/piles of/heaps of/ 累累 - 164 lěi lěi t /again and again/innumerable/repeated/riddled with/accumulated/countless/ 累累 - 164 lèi lèi f /tired/exhausted/wretched/dejected/disappointed/ 累計 累计 T - 3457 lěi jì f /to accumulate/cumulative/ 累计 累計 S - 3457 lěi jì f /to accumulate/cumulative/ 累贅 累赘 T - 111 léi zhuì f /superfluous/cumbersome/a burden on sb/a nuisance to sb/to inconvenience/to tie sb down/long-winded (of writing)/also pr. [lei2 zhui5]/ 累赘 累贅 S - 111 léi zhuì f /superfluous/cumbersome/a burden on sb/a nuisance to sb/to inconvenience/to tie sb down/long-winded (of writing)/also pr. [lei2 zhui5]/ 累趴 - 0 lèi pā f /tired to the point of dropping/ 累进 累進 S - 29 lěi jìn f /progressive (taxation etc)/ 累進 累进 T - 29 lěi jìn f /progressive (taxation etc)/ 細 细 T - 4388 xì f /thin or slender/finely particulate/thin and soft/fine/delicate/trifling/(of a sound) quiet/frugal/ 細作 细作 T - 281 xì zuò f /police spy/secret agent/ 細分 细分 T - 183 xì fēn f /subdivision/segmentation/ 細則 细则 T - 185 xì zé f /detailed rules and regulations/bylaws/ 細嘴短趾百靈 细嘴短趾百灵 T - 0 xì zuǐ duǎn zhǐ bǎi líng f /(bird species of China) Hume's short-toed lark (Calandrella acutirostris)/ 細嘴鷗 细嘴鸥 T - 0 xì zuǐ ōu f /(bird species of China) slender-billed gull (Chroicocephalus genei)/ 細嘴黃鸝 细嘴黄鹂 T - 0 xì zuǐ huáng lí f /(bird species of China) slender-billed oriole (Oriolus tenuirostris)/ 細嚼慢嚥 细嚼慢咽 T - 12 xì jiáo màn yàn f /to eat slowly (idiom)/ 細大不捐 细大不捐 T - 3 xì dà bù juān f /not to discard anything, whether small or big (idiom)/all-embracing/ 細姨 细姨 T - 3 xì yí f /concubine/ 細嫩 细嫩 T - 344 xì nèn f /tender/ 細密 细密 T - 185 xì mì f /fine (texture)/meticulous/close (analysis)/detailed/ 細察 细察 T - 51 xì chá f /to observe carefully/ 細小 细小 T - 441 xì xiǎo f /tiny/fine/minute/ 細尾獴 细尾獴 T - 0 xì wěi měng f /meerkat/see 狐獴[hu2 meng3]/ 細微 细微 T - 278 xì wēi f /tiny/minute/fine/subtle/sensitive (instruments)/ 細微末節 细微末节 T - 5 xì wēi mò jié f /tiny insignificant details/niceties/ 細心 细心 T - 511 xì xīn f /careful/attentive/ 細挑 细挑 T - 3 xì tiāo f /slender/ 細支氣管炎 细支气管炎 T - 0 xì zhī qì guǎn yán f /bronchiolitis/ 細數 细数 T - 3 xì shǔ f /count-down/breakdown/to list/to enumerate/to run through/ 細明體 细明体 T - 0 Xì míng tǐ f /Mincho narrow font/ 細枝末節 细枝末节 T - 22 xì zhī mò jié f /minor details/trifles/ 細毛 细毛 T - 31 xì máo f /fuzz/fine fur (of marten etc)/ 細水長流 细水长流 T - 24 xì shuǐ cháng liú f /lit. thin streams flow forever/fig. economy will get you a long way/to work steadily at something little by little/ 細沙 细沙 T - 52 xì shā f /fine sand/ 細河 细河 T - 0 Xì hé f /Xihe river in Fuxin/Xihe district of Fuxin city 阜新市, Liaoning/ 細河區 细河区 T - 3 Xì hé qū f /Xihe district of Fuxin city 阜新市, Liaoning/ 細潤 细润 T - 8 xì rùn f /fine and glossy/ 細皮嫩肉 细皮嫩肉 T - 3 xì pí nèn ròu f /soft skin and tender flesh (idiom)/smooth-skinned/ 細目 细目 T - 13 xì mù f /detailed listing/specific item/ 細看 细看 T - 499 xì kàn f /to peer/to scan/to examine carefully/ 細碎 细碎 T - 127 xì suì f /fragments/bits and pieces/ 細磨刀石 细磨刀石 T - 0 xì mò dāo shí f /whetstone (for honing knives)/ 細究 细究 T - 13 xì jiū f /to look into (a matter)/ 細節 细节 T 1498 1339 xì jié f /details/particulars/ 細粉 细粉 T - 15 xì fěn f /powder/ 細粒 细粒 T - 51 xì lì f /fine grain/fine-grained/ 細紋噪鶥 细纹噪鹛 T - 0 xì wén zào méi f /(bird species of China) streaked laughingthrush (Trochalopteron lineatum)/ 細紋葦鶯 细纹苇莺 T - 0 xì wén wěi yīng f /(bird species of China) speckled reed warbler (Acrocephalus sorghophilus)/ 細細品味 细细品味 T - 3 xì xì pǐn wèi f /to savor/to relish/ 細細地流 细细地流 T - 0 xì xì de liú f /to trickle/ 細線 细线 T - 3 xì xiàn f /string/thread/ 細緻 细致 T 4307 695 xì zhì f /delicate/fine/careful/meticulous/painstaking/ 細繩 细绳 T - 3 xì shéng f /string/twine/cord/ 細聲細氣 细声细气 T - 38 xì shēng xì qì f /in a fine voice (idiom); softly spoken/ 細聽 细听 T - 0 xì tīng f /to listen carefully (for tiny sounds)/ 細胞 细胞 T 2967 5517 xì bāo f /cell (biology)/ 細胞分裂 细胞分裂 T - 3 xì bāo fēn liè f /cell division/ 細胞周期 细胞周期 T - 3 xì bāo zhōu qī f /cell cycle/ 細胞器 细胞器 T - 78 xì bāo qì f /organelle/ 細胞器官 细胞器官 T - 0 xì bāo qì guān f /organelle/ 細胞因子 细胞因子 T - 3 xì bāo yīn zǐ f /cytokine/ 細胞培養 细胞培养 T - 3 xì bāo péi yǎng f /cell culture/ 細胞培養器 细胞培养器 T - 0 xì bāo péi yǎng qì f /cell cultivator/ 細胞壁 细胞壁 T - 157 xì bāo bì f /cell wall/ 細胞外液 细胞外液 T - 0 xì bāo wài yè f /extracellular fluid/ 細胞學 细胞学 T - 72 xì bāo xué f /cytology/ 細胞核 细胞核 T - 184 xì bāo hé f /nucleus (of cell)/ 細胞毒 细胞毒 T - 3 xì bāo dú f /cytotoxin/ 細胞毒性 细胞毒性 T - 0 xì bāo dú xìng f /cytotoxicity/ 細胞生物學 细胞生物学 T - 0 xì bāo shēng wù xué f /cell biology/ 細胞膜 细胞膜 T - 149 xì bāo mó f /cell membrane/ 細胞色素 细胞色素 T - 0 xì bāo sè sù f /cytochrome/ 細胞融合 细胞融合 T - 3 xì bāo róng hé f /cell fusion/ 細胞質 细胞质 T - 149 xì bāo zhì f /cytoplasm/ 細胞骨架 细胞骨架 T - 3 xì bāo gǔ jià f /cytoskeleton (of a cell)/ 細腰 细腰 T - 3 xì yāo f /slender waist/fig. pretty woman/mortise and tenon joint on a coffin/ 細膩 细腻 T - 498 xì nì f /exquisite/meticulous/ 細菌 细菌 T 3171 1297 xì jūn f /bacterium/germ/ 細菌性痢疾 细菌性痢疾 T - 15 xì jūn xìng lì jí f /bacillary dysentery/ 細菌戰 细菌战 T - 37 xì jūn zhàn f /biological warfare/germ warfare/ 細菌武器 细菌武器 T - 46 xì jūn wǔ qì f /biological weapon (using germs)/ 細菌病毒 细菌病毒 T - 0 xì jūn bìng dú f /bacteriophage/virus that infects bacteria/ 細菌群 细菌群 T - 0 xì jūn qún f /bacterial community (e.g. in the gut)/ 細葉脈 细叶脉 T - 0 xì yè mài f /veinlet in a leaf/ 細語 细语 T - 57 xì yǔ f /to chat with a low voice/ 細說 细说 T - 131 xì shuō f /to tell in detail/ 細調 细调 T - 0 xì diào f /to fine tune/ 細軟 细软 T - 102 xì ruǎn f /fine and soft/valuables/ 細辛 细辛 T - 26 xì xīn f /Manchurian wild ginger (family Asarum)/ 細部 细部 T - 41 xì bù f /small part (of a whole ensemble)/detail/ 細長 细长 T - 484 xì cháng f /slender/ 細雨 细雨 T - 109 xì yǔ f /fine rain/drizzle/poem by Tang poet Li Shangyin 李商隱|李商隐/ 細頸瓶 细颈瓶 T - 0 xì jǐng píng f /jug/ 細顆粒物 细颗粒物 T - 0 xì kē lì wù f /fine particle (PM 2.5)/fine particulate matter (air pollution etc)/ 細香蔥 细香葱 T - 0 xì xiāng cōng f /chive/ 細鹽 细盐 T - 5 xì yán f /refined salt/table salt/ 紱 绂 T - 116 fú f /ribbon for a seal/sash/ 紲 绁 T - 188 xiè f /to tie/to bind/to hold on a leash/rope/cord/ 紳 绅 T - 144 shēn f /member of gentry/ 紳士 绅士 T 2765 296 shēn shì f /gentleman/ 紵 纻 T - 387 zhù f /ramie (Boehmeria nivea)/ 紹 绍 T - 437 Shào f /surname Shao/ 紹 绍 T - 437 shào f /to continue/to carry on/ 紹興 绍兴 T - 637 Shào xīng f /Shaoxing prefecture level city in Zhejiang/ 紹興地區 绍兴地区 T - 0 Shào xīng dì qū f /Shaoxing prefecture, Zhejiang/ 紹興市 绍兴市 T - 28 Shào xīng shì f /Shaoxing prefecture level city in Zhejiang/ 紹興酒 绍兴酒 T - 18 Shào xīng jiǔ f /Shaoxing wine a.k.a. "yellow wine", traditional Chinese wine made from glutinous rice and wheat/ 紹莫吉州 绍莫吉州 T - 0 Shào mò jí zhōu f /Somogy county in southwest Hungary, capital 考波什堡[Kao3 bo1 shi2 bao3]/ 紺 绀 T - 106 gàn f /violet or purple/ 紼 绋 T - 152 fú f /heavy rope/rope of a bier/ 紽 - 0 tuó f /braid on a robe/ 紾 - 0 zhěn f /crooked/obstinate/twist a cord/ 紿 绐 T - 440 dài f /to cheat/to pretend/to deceive/ 絀 绌 T - 277 chù f /crimson silk/deficiency/to stitch/ 絁 - 5 shī f /rough, indelicate silk/ 終 终 T - 2357 zhōng f /end/finish/ 終了 终了 T - 65 zhōng liǎo f /to end/ 終傅 终傅 T - 0 zhōng Fù f /last rites (Christian ceremony)/ 終南 终南 T - 14 Zhōng nán f /Zhongnan mountains, near Xi'an/ 終南山 终南山 T - 226 Zhōng nán Shān f /Zhongnan Mountains, near Xi'an/also known as the Taiyi Mountains/ 終南捷徑 终南捷径 T - 4 zhōng nán jié jìng f /lit. Mt Zhongnan is a shortcut to a ministerial job (idiom); fig. to take a shortcut to promotion/ 終場 终场 T - 111 zhōng chǎng f /end (of a performance or sports match)/last round of testing in the imperial examinations/ 終場鑼聲 终场锣声 T - 0 zhōng chǎng luó shēng f /the final bell (esp. in sports competition)/ 終天 终天 T - 18 zhōng tiān f /all day long/all one's life/ 終天之恨 终天之恨 T - 3 zhōng tiān zhī hèn f /eternal regret/ 終審 终审 T - 65 zhōng shěn f /final ruling/ 終審法院 终审法院 T - 0 zhōng shěn fǎ yuàn f /Court of Final Appeal/ 終局 终局 T - 21 zhōng jú f /endgame/conclusion/outcome/final part of a chess game/ 終年 终年 T - 655 zhōng nián f /entire year/throughout the year/age at death/ 終年積雪 终年积雪 T - 0 zhōng nián jī xuě f /permanent snow cover/ 終成泡影 终成泡影 T - 3 zhōng chéng pào yǐng f /finally a soap bubble (idiom); grandiose plans that end up with nothing/pie in the sky/ 終成眷屬 终成眷属 T - 3 zhōng chéng juàn shǔ f /see 有情人終成眷屬|有情人终成眷属[you3 qing2 ren2 zhong1 cheng2 juan4 shu3]/ 終戰 终战 T - 5 zhōng zhàn f /end of war/armistice/cf Japanese surrender in WWII on 15th August 1945/ 終戰日 终战日 T - 0 zhōng zhàn rì f /armistice day/cf Japan's surrender in WWII on 15th August 1945/ 終於 终于 T 426 10542 zhōng yú f /at last/in the end/finally/eventually/ 終日 终日 T - 259 zhōng rì f /all day long/ 終期 终期 T - 0 zhōng qī f /terminal/final/ 終期癌 终期癌 T - 0 zhōng qī ái f /terminal cancer/ 終極 终极 T - 325 zhōng jí f /ultimate/final/ 終止 终止 T 3206 693 zhōng zhǐ f /to stop/to terminate (law)/ 終生 终生 T - 433 zhōng shēng f /throughout one's life/lifetime/lifelong/ 終生伴侶 终生伴侣 T - 0 zhōng shēng bàn lǚ f /lifelong partner or companion/ 終產物 终产物 T - 3 zhōng chǎn wù f /end product/ 終究 终究 T 3549 1351 zhōng jiū f /in the end/after all is said and done/ 終端 终端 T - 770 zhōng duān f /end/terminal/ 終端機 终端机 T - 12 zhōng duān jī f /terminal/ 終端用戶 终端用户 T - 25 zhōng duān yòng hù f /end user/ 終結 终结 T - 412 zhōng jié f /end/conclusion/to come to an end/to terminate (sth)/ 終老 终老 T - 51 zhōng lǎo f /to spend one's last years/ 終而復始 终而复始 T - 0 zhōng ér fù shǐ f /lit. the end comes back to the start (idiom); the wheel comes full circle/ 終聲 终声 T - 0 zhōng shēng f /final (i.e. final consonant or stop of some syllables in Asian phonetics)/ 終身 终身 T 3194 1488 zhōng shēn f /lifelong/all one's life/marriage/ 終身俸 终身俸 T - 0 zhōng shēn fèng f /(Tw) retirement pay/pension/ 終身大事 终身大事 T - 81 zhōng shēn dà shì f /major turning point of lifelong import (esp. marriage)/ 終身監禁 终身监禁 T - 0 zhōng shēn jiān jìn f /life sentence/ 終點 终点 T 3052 508 zhōng diǎn f /the end/end point/finishing line (in a race)/destination/terminus/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 終點地址 终点地址 T - 0 zhōng diǎn dì zhǐ f /destination address/ 終點站 终点站 T - 52 zhōng diǎn zhàn f /terminus/final stop on rail or bus line/ 終點線 终点线 T - 3 zhōng diǎn xiàn f /finishing line/ 絃 - 3 xián f /variant of 弦/bow string/string of musical instrument/watch spring/chord (straight line joining two points on a curve)/hypotenuse/ 組 组 T 1278 4621 Zǔ f /surname Zu/ 組 组 T 1278 4621 zǔ f /to form/to organize/group/team/classifier for sets, series, groups of people, batteries/ 組件 组件 T - 179 zǔ jiàn f /module/unit/component/assembly/ 組分 组分 T - 406 zǔ fèn f /components/individual parts making up a compound/ 組合 组合 T 1630 2609 zǔ hé f /to assemble/combination/combinatorial/ 組合數學 组合数学 T - 0 zǔ hé shù xué f /combinatorial mathematics/combinatorics/ 組合論 组合论 T - 0 zǔ hé lùn f /combinatorics/ 組合音響 组合音响 T - 9 zǔ hé yīn xiǎng f /hi-fi system/stereo sound system/abbr. to 音響|音响[yin1 xiang3]/ 組圖 组图 T - 0 zǔ tú f /picture/image/diagram/map/ 組塊 组块 T - 3 zǔ kuài f /chunk/ 組委 组委 T - 7 zǔ wěi f /organizational committee/abbr. for 組織委員會|组织委员会/ 組字 组字 T - 0 zǔ zì f /word formation/ 組屋 组屋 T - 0 zǔ wū f /HDB flats/public apartment flats (in Singapore and Malaysia)/ 組建 组建 T - 1453 zǔ jiàn f /to organize/to set up/to establish/ 組成 组成 T 1903 20572 zǔ chéng f /to form/to make up/to constitute/ 組成部分 组成部分 T - 2299 zǔ chéng bù fèn f /part/component/ingredient/constituent/ 組曲 组曲 T - 73 zǔ qǔ f /suite (music)/ 組氨酸 组氨酸 T - 10 zǔ ān suān f /histidine (His), an essential amino acid/ 組織 组织 T 1294 26922 zǔ zhī f /to organize/organization/organized system/nerve/tissue/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 組織委員會 组织委员会 T - 0 zǔ zhī wěi yuán huì f /organizing committee/abbr. to 組委|组委/ 組織學 组织学 T - 38 zǔ zhī xué f /histology/ 組織法 组织法 T - 1083 zǔ zhī fǎ f /organic law/ 組織漿黴菌病 组织浆霉菌病 T - 0 zǔ zhī jiāng méi jūn bìng f /histoplasmosis/ 組織者 组织者 T - 219 zǔ zhī zhě f /organizer/ 組織胞漿菌病 组织胞浆菌病 T - 0 zǔ zhī bāo jiāng jūn bìng f /histoplasmosis/ 組織胺 组织胺 T - 7 zǔ zhī àn f /histamine/ 組胺 组胺 T - 54 zǔ àn f /histamine (a biogenic amine involved in local immune responses)/ 組裝 组装 T - 246 zǔ zhuāng f /to assemble and install/ 組詞 组词 T - 3 zǔ cí f /to combine words/word formation/ 組長 组长 T - 853 zǔ zhǎng f /group leader/ 組閣 组阁 T - 150 zǔ gé f /to form a cabinet/ 絅 䌹 T - 0 jiǒng f /monotone garment with no lining/ 絆 绊 T - 361 bàn f /to trip/to stumble/to hinder/ 絆住 绊住 T - 3 bàn zhù f /to entangle/to hinder/to impede movement/ 絆倒 绊倒 T - 83 bàn dǎo f /to trip/to stumble/ 絆腳 绊脚 T - 3 bàn jiǎo f /to stumble over sth/ 絆腳石 绊脚石 T - 49 bàn jiǎo shí f /stumbling block/obstacle/someone who gets in your way/ 絆跤 绊跤 T - 0 bàn jiāo f /to trip/to stumble/ 経 - 0 jīng f /Japanese variant of 經|经/ 絍 - 3 rèn f /to weave/to lay warp for weaving/variant of 紝|纴[ren4], silk thread for weaving/ 絎 绗 T - 540 háng f /to quilt/ 絎縫 绗缝 T - 0 háng féng f /to quilt/ 絏 绁 T - 188 xiè f /variant of 紲|绁[xie4]/ 結 结 T - 3761 jiē f /to bear fruit/to produce/firm/solid/ 結 结 T - 3761 jié t /knot/sturdy/bond/to tie/to bind/to check out (of a hotel)/ 結了 结了 T - 0 jié le f /that's that/that's it/that will do/ 結交 结交 T - 409 jié jiāo f /to make friends with/ 結仇 结仇 T - 49 jié chóu f /to start a feud/to become enemies/ 結伙 结伙 T - 27 jié huǒ f /to form a gang/ 結伴 结伴 T - 161 jié bàn f /to go with sb/to form companionships/ 結伴而行 结伴而行 T - 0 jié bàn ér xíng f /to stay together (of a group)/to keep together/ 結冰 结冰 T - 151 jié bīng f /to freeze/ 結出 结出 T - 102 jié chū f /to bear (fruit)/ 結匯 结汇 T - 11 jiē huì f /foreign exchange settlement/ 結合 结合 T 1872 8462 jié hé f /to combine/to link/to integrate/binding/CL:次[ci4]/ 結合律 结合律 T - 3 jié hé lǜ f /associative law (xy)z = x(yz) (math.)/ 結合模型 结合模型 T - 0 jié hé mó xíng f /combination model/ 結合過程 结合过程 T - 0 jié hé guò chéng f /cohesive process(es)/ 結喉 结喉 T - 3 jié hóu f /see 喉結|喉结[hou2 jie2]/ 結單 结单 T - 0 jié dān f /statement of account/ 結婚 结婚 T 392 2967 jié hūn f /to marry/to get married/CL:次[ci4]/ 結婚紀念日 结婚纪念日 T - 0 jié hūn jì niàn rì f /wedding anniversary/ 結婚證 结婚证 T - 43 jié hūn zhèng f /marriage certificate/ 結子 结子 T - 20 jiē zǐ f /to bear seeds (of plant)/ 結子 结子 T - 20 jié zi t /knot (on a rope or string)/ 結存 结存 T - 11 jié cún f /balance/cash in hand/ 結實 结实 T 2210 534 jiē shí f /to bear fruit/ 結實 结实 T 2210 534 jiē shi t /rugged/sturdy/strong/durable/buff (physique)/ 結對子 结对子 T - 3 jié duì zǐ f /to form pairs/to twin/ 結尾 结尾 T - 276 jié wěi f /ending/coda/to wind up/ 結局 结局 T 2670 803 jié jú f /conclusion/ending/ 結巴 结巴 T - 65 jiē ba f /to stutter/ 結帳 结帐 T - 30 jié zhàng f /to pay the bill/to settle accounts/also written 結賬|结账/ 結幕 结幕 T - 3 jié mù f /final scene (of a play)/denouement/ 結廬 结庐 T - 12 jié lú f /to build one's house/ 結彩 结彩 T - 3 jié cǎi f /to adorn/to festoon/ 結怨 结怨 T - 49 jié yuàn f /to arouse dislike/to incur hatred/ 結成 结成 T - 1137 jié chéng f /to form/to forge (alliances etc)/ 結扎 结扎 T - 79 jié zā f /ligation (medicine)/ 結拜 结拜 T - 123 jié bài f /to become sworn brothers or sisters/sworn (brothers)/ 結晶 结晶 T 4157 730 jié jīng f /to crystallize/crystallization/crystal/crystalline/ 結晶學 结晶学 T - 13 jié jīng xué f /crystallography/ 結晶水 结晶水 T - 34 jié jīng shuǐ f /water of crystallization/ 結晶狀 结晶状 T - 3 jié jīng zhuàng f /crystalline/ 結晶體 结晶体 T - 29 jié jīng tǐ f /a crystal/ 結末 结末 T - 2 jié mò f /ending/finally/ 結束 结束 T 369 8944 jié shù f /termination/to finish/to end/to conclude/to close/ 結束工作 结束工作 T - 0 jié shù gōng zuò f /to finish work/ 結束語 结束语 T - 34 jié shù yǔ f /concluding remarks/ 結果 结果 T 669 13963 jiē guǒ f /to bear fruit/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 結果 结果 T 669 13963 jié guǒ t /outcome/result/conclusion/in the end/as a result/to kill/to dispatch/ 結核 结核 T - 263 jié hé f /tuberculosis/consumption/nodule/ 結核桿菌 结核杆菌 T - 24 jié hé gǎn jūn f /tubercle bacillus/ 結核病 结核病 T - 77 jié hé bìng f /tuberculosis/ 結核菌素 结核菌素 T - 10 jié hé jūn sù f /tubercule bacillus/ 結案 结案 T - 80 jié àn f /to conclude a case/to wind up/ 結梁子 结梁子 T - 0 jié liáng zi f /(slang) to start a feud/to have a beef/ 結業 结业 T - 105 jié yè f /to finish school, esp. a short course/to complete a course/ 結構 结构 T 2006 14200 jié gòu f /structure/composition/makeup/architecture/CL:座[zuo4],個|个[ge4]/ 結構主義 结构主义 T - 43 jié gòu zhǔ yì f /structuralism/ 結構助詞 结构助词 T - 0 jié gòu zhù cí f /structural particle, such as 的[de5], 地[de5], 得[de5] and 所[suo3]/ 結構式 结构式 T - 41 jié gòu shì f /structural formula (chemistry)/ 結構理論 结构理论 T - 0 jié gòu lǐ lùn f /structural theory (physics)/ 結歡 结欢 T - 0 jié huān f /on friendly terms/ 結殼 结壳 T - 0 jiē ké f /crust/crusting/incrustation/ 結清 结清 T - 38 jié qīng f /to settle (an account)/to square up/ 結球甘藍 结球甘蓝 T - 0 jiē qiú gān lán f /cabbage/ 結疤 结疤 T - 9 jié bā f /to form a scar/to form a scab/ 結痂 结痂 T - 25 jié jiā f /scab/to form a scab/ 結盟 结盟 T - 359 jié méng f /to form an alliance/to ally oneself with/allied with/aligned/to bond with/ 結石 结石 T - 164 jié shí f /calculus/stone/ 結社自由 结社自由 T - 3 jié shè zì yóu f /(constitutional) freedom of association/ 結算 结算 T 4490 698 jié suàn f /to settle a bill/to close an account/ 結算方式 结算方式 T - 0 jié suàn fāng shì f /settlement terms (accountancy, law)/ 結節 结节 T - 134 jié jié f /nodule/tubercle/ 結納 结纳 T - 41 jié nà f /to make friends/to form friendship/ 結結巴巴 结结巴巴 T - 196 jiē jiē bā ba f /stammeringly/ 結締組織 结缔组织 T - 139 jié dì zǔ zhī f /connective tissue/ 結緣 结缘 T - 43 jié yuán f /to form ties/to become attached (to sb, sth)/ 結縭 结缡 T - 3 jié lí f /to marry/to tie the bridal veil/ 結纓 结缨 T - 0 jié yīng f /to die a hero/martyrdom in a good cause/ 結義 结义 T - 146 jié yì f /to swear brotherhood/ 結脈 结脉 T - 14 jié mài f /knotted or slow pulse (TCM)/ 結腸 结肠 T - 87 jié cháng f /colon (large intestine)/ 結腸炎 结肠炎 T - 27 jié cháng yán f /colitis (medicine)/ 結腸鏡檢查 结肠镜检查 T - 0 jié cháng jìng jiǎn chá f /colonoscopy/ 結膜 结膜 T - 75 jié mó f /conjunctiva (membrane surrounding the eyeball)/ 結膜炎 结膜炎 T - 55 jié mó yán f /conjunctivitis/ 結舌 结舌 T - 10 jié shé f /tongue-tied/unable to speak (out of surprise, embarrassment etc)/ 結草 结草 T - 3 jié cǎo f /deep gratitude up to death/ 結草銜環 结草衔环 T - 11 jié cǎo xián huán f /to repay sb's kind acts (idiom)/ 結褵 结褵 T - 0 jié lí f /to marry/to tie the bridal veil/ 結親 结亲 T - 94 jié qīn f /to marry/ 結記 结记 T - 0 jié jì f /to remember/to concern oneself with/ 結語 结语 T - 24 jié yǔ f /concluding remarks/ 結論 结论 T 1805 2413 jié lùn f /conclusion/verdict/CL:個|个[ge4]/to conclude/to reach a verdict/ 結識 结识 T - 461 jié shí f /to get to know sb/to meet sb for the first time/ 結賬 结账 T 2418 45 jié zhàng f /to pay the bill/to settle accounts/also written 結帳|结帐/ 結連 结连 T - 26 jié lián f /linked in a chain/ 結隊 结队 T - 43 jié duì f /to troop (of soldiers etc)/convoy/ 結隊成群 结队成群 T - 0 jié duì chéng qún f /to form a large group (idiom)/ 結餘 结余 T - 47 jié yú f /balance/cash surplus/ 結髮 结发 T - 53 jié fà f /(in former times) to bind one's hair on coming of age/ 結點 结点 T - 59 jié diǎn f /joint/node/ 結黨 结党 T - 3 jié dǎng f /to form a clique/ 結黨營私 结党营私 T - 39 jié dǎng yíng sī f /to gang up for personal interest (idiom)/to form a clique/ 絓 - 0 guà t /to hinder/to offend/to form/unique/ 絓 - 0 kuā f /type of coarse silk/bag used to wrap silk before washing/ 絕 绝 T - 4795 jué f /to cut short/extinct/to disappear/to vanish/absolutely/by no means/ 絕不 绝不 T - 1382 jué bù f /in no way/not in the least/absolutely not/ 絕世 绝世 T - 128 jué shì f /unique/exceptional/ 絕世佳人 绝世佳人 T - 3 jué shì jiā rén f /a woman of unmatched beauty (idiom)/ 絕交 绝交 T - 53 jué jiāo f /to break off relations/to break with sb/ 絕代 绝代 T - 18 jué dài f /peerless/unmatched in his generation/incomparable (talent, beauty)/ 絕代佳人 绝代佳人 T - 13 jué dài jiā rén f /beauty unmatched in her generation (idiom); woman of peerless elegance/prettiest girl ever/ 絕佳 绝佳 T - 107 jué jiā f /exceptionally good/ 絕倒 绝倒 T - 5 jué dǎo f /to split one's sides laughing/ 絕倫 绝伦 T - 155 jué lún f /outstanding/peerless/beyond compare/ 絕口不提 绝口不提 T - 3 jué kǒu bù tí f /lips sealed and not saying anything (idiom); fig. to omit mention (of a non-person or embarrassing topic)/to censor/ 絕句 绝句 T - 125 jué jù f /quatrain (poetic form)/ 絕命 绝命 T - 6 jué mìng f /to commit suicide/to have one's life cut short/ 絕命書 绝命书 T - 7 jué mìng shū f /suicide note/ 絕品 绝品 T - 22 jué pǐn f /peerless artwork/absolute gem/ 絕唱 绝唱 T - 41 jué chàng f /most perfect song/ 絕地 绝地 T - 99 jué dì f /danger spot/Jedi (in Star Wars)/ 絕域 绝域 T - 11 jué yù f /a faraway and hard-to-reach land (classical)/ 絕境 绝境 T - 245 jué jìng f /impasse/desperate straits/abbr. for 絕望的境地|绝望的境地[jue2 wang4 de5 jing4 di4]/ 絕壁 绝壁 T - 154 jué bì f /precipice/ 絕大多數 绝大多数 T - 1322 jué dà duō shù f /absolute majority/overwhelming majority/ 絕大部分 绝大部分 T - 1101 jué dà bù fen f /overwhelming majority/ 絕妙 绝妙 T - 136 jué miào f /exquisite/ 絕密 绝密 T - 83 jué mì f /top secret/ 絕密文件 绝密文件 T - 3 jué mì wén jiàn f /top secret document/classified papers/ 絕對 绝对 T 1222 5260 jué duì f /absolute/unconditional/ 絕對值 绝对值 T - 72 jué duì zhí f /absolute value/ 絕對地址 绝对地址 T - 0 jué duì dì zhǐ f /absolute address (computing)/ 絕對大多數 绝对大多数 T - 0 jué duì dà duō shù f /an absolute majority/an overwhelming majority/ 絕對數字 绝对数字 T - 0 jué duì shù zì f /absolute (as opposed to relative) number/ 絕對溫度 绝对温度 T - 17 jué duì wēn dù f /absolute temperature/ 絕對濕度 绝对湿度 T - 3 jué duì shī dù f /absolute humidity/ 絕對觀念 绝对观念 T - 10 jué duì guān niàn f /absolute idea (in Hegel's philosophy)/ 絕對連續 绝对连续 T - 0 jué duì lián xù f /absolutely continuous (math)/ 絕對零度 绝对零度 T - 20 jué duì líng dù f /absolute zero/ 絕對高度 绝对高度 T - 6 jué duì gāo dù f /absolute temperature/ 絕情 绝情 T - 485 jué qíng f /heartless/without regard for others' feelings/ 絕技 绝技 T - 449 jué jì f /consummate skill/supreme feat/tour-de-force/stunt/ 絕招 绝招 T - 272 jué zhāo f /unique skill/unexpected tricky move (as a last resort)/masterstroke/finishing blow/ 絕景 绝景 T - 5 jué jǐng f /stunning scenery/ 絕望 绝望 T 2725 898 jué wàng f /to despair/to give up all hope/desperate/desperation/ 絕望的境地 绝望的境地 T - 0 jué wàng de jìng dì f /desperate straits/impossible situation/ 絕殺 绝杀 T - 46 jué shā f /to deal the fatal blow (sports, chess etc)/to score the winning point/ 絕氣 绝气 T - 0 jué qì f /to expire/ 絕活 绝活 T - 56 jué huó f /specialty/unique skill/ 絕滅 绝灭 T - 244 jué miè f /to annihilate/to exterminate/extinction/ 絕無僅有 绝无仅有 T - 210 jué wú jǐn yǒu f /one and only (idiom); rarely seen/unique of its kind/ 絕然 绝然 T - 16 jué rán f /completely/absolutely/ 絕熱 绝热 T - 72 jué rè f /to insulate thermally/(physics) adiabatic/ 絕熱漆 绝热漆 T - 0 jué rè qī f /heat-resistant paint/ 絕版 绝版 T - 10 jué bǎn f /out of print/ 絕產 绝产 T - 0 jué chǎn f /crop failure/property left with no-one to inherit/sterilization/ 絕症 绝症 T - 74 jué zhèng f /incurable disease/terminal illness/ 絕種 绝种 T - 39 jué zhǒng f /extinct (species)/extinction/ 絕筆 绝笔 T - 40 jué bǐ f /words written on one’s deathbed/an artist's final work/swansong/ 絕糧 绝粮 T - 3 jué liáng f /provisions are exhausted/out of food/ 絕經 绝经 T - 115 jué jīng f /menopause/ 絕緣 绝缘 T - 346 jué yuán f /to have no contact with/to be cut off from/(electricity) to insulate/ 絕緣體 绝缘体 T - 53 jué yuán tǐ f /electrical insulation/heat insulation/ 絕罰 绝罚 T - 0 jué fá f /to excommunicate/ 絕育 绝育 T - 20 jué yù f /to sterilize/to spay/ 絕處逢生 绝处逢生 T - 26 jué chǔ féng shēng f /to come back from death's door (idiom); unexpected rescue from danger/fig. to recover from a seemingly impossible situation/to find a way out of a predicament/ 絕詣 绝诣 T - 0 jué yì f /profoundly well-versed/ 絕讚 绝赞 T - 0 jué zàn f /amazing/awesome/ultimate/ 絕跡 绝迹 T - 183 jué jì f /to be eradicated/to vanish/extinct/to break off relations/ 絕配 绝配 T - 3 jué pèi f /perfect match/ 絕門兒 绝门儿 T - 0 jué mén r f /extinct profession/lost trade/unique skill/astonishing/fantastic/ 絕非 绝非 T - 347 jué fēi f /absolutely not/ 絕頂聰明 绝顶聪明 T - 3 jué dǐng cōng ming f /extremely bright (idiom)/ 絕食 绝食 T - 112 jué shí f /to go on a hunger strike/ 絕食抗議 绝食抗议 T - 3 jué shí kàng yì f /hunger strike/ 絖 - 0 kuàng f /fine floss-silk or cotton/ 絘 - 0 cì f /ancient tax in the form of bales of cloth/ 絘布 - 0 cì bù f /ancient tax in the form of bales of cloth/ 絚 - 0 gēng f /old variant of 緪[geng1]/ 絛 绦 T - 195 dí f /see 絛綸|绦纶[di2 lun2]/ 絛 绦 T - 195 tāo t /braid/cord/sash/ 絛子 绦子 T - 8 tāo zi f /silk ribbon or braid/lace or embroidery used for hemming/ 絛帶 绦带 T - 0 tāo dài f /silk ribbon/silk braid/ 絛綸 绦纶 T - 0 dí lún f /variant of 滌綸|涤纶[di2 lun2]/ 絛蟲 绦虫 T - 68 tāo chóng f /tapeworm/ 絛蟲綱 绦虫纲 T - 0 tāo chóng gāng f /Cestoda (an order of flatworms)/ 絜 - 12 jié t /clean/ 絜 - 12 xié f /marking line/pure/to regulate/ 絝 绔 T - 333 kù f /variant of 褲|裤[ku4]/ 絞 绞 T - 517 jiǎo f /to twist (strands into a thread)/to entangle/to wring/to hang (by the neck)/to turn/to wind/classifier for skeins of yarn/ 絞刀 绞刀 T - 3 jiǎo dāo f /reamer/ 絞刑 绞刑 T - 38 jiǎo xíng f /to execute by hanging/ 絞刑架 绞刑架 T - 140 jiǎo xíng jià f /gibbet/hanging post/ 絞扭 绞扭 T - 3 jiǎo niǔ f /to wring/ 絞死 绞死 T - 33 jiǎo sǐ f /to hang/ 絞痛 绞痛 T - 38 jiǎo tòng f /sharp pain/cramp/griping pain/colic/angina, cf 心絞痛|心绞痛/ 絞盡腦汁 绞尽脑汁 T - 67 jiǎo jìn nǎo zhī f /to rack one's brains/ 絞盤 绞盘 T - 149 jiǎo pán f /capstan/ 絞索 绞索 T - 13 jiǎo suǒ f /a noose for hanging criminals/ 絞縊 绞缢 T - 3 jiǎo yì f /to be hanged/to hang oneself/ 絞肉 绞肉 T - 3 jiǎo ròu f /minced meat/ 絞肉機 绞肉机 T - 7 jiǎo ròu jī f /meat grinder/ 絞腦汁 绞脑汁 T - 2 jiǎo nǎo zhī f /to rack one's brains/ 絞車 绞车 T - 49 jiǎo chē f /winch/windlass/ 絡 络 T - 469 lào f /small net/ 絡 络 T - 469 luò t /net-like object/to hold sth in place with a net/to wind/to twist/(TCM) channels in the human body/ 絡繹 络绎 T - 51 luò yì f /continuous/unending/ 絡繹不絕 络绎不绝 T 4957 168 luò yì bù jué f /continuously; in an endless stream (idiom)/ 絡腮鬍子 络腮胡子 T - 77 luò sāi hú zi f /full beard/ 絢 绚 T - 9 xuàn f /adorned/swift/gorgeous/brilliant/variegated/ 絢爛 绚烂 T - 69 xuàn làn f /splendid/gorgeous/dazzling/ 絢麗 绚丽 T - 327 xuàn lì f /gorgeous/magnificent/ 絢麗多彩 绚丽多彩 T - 57 xuàn lì duō cǎi f /bright and colorful/gorgeous/ 絣 - 0 bǐng f /Ikat, a type of woven silk/Kasuri/ 給 给 T 159 69480 gěi t /to/for/for the benefit of/to give/to allow/to do sth (for sb)/(grammatical equivalent of 被)/(grammatical equivalent of 把)/(sentence intensifier)/ 給 给 T 159 69480 jǐ f /to supply/to provide/ 給予 给予 T 2908 3433 jǐ yǔ f /to accord/to give/to show (respect)/ 給事 给事 T - 0 gěi shì f /official (imperial) position (old)/ 給以 给以 T - 0 gěi yǐ f /to give/to grant/ 給你點顏色看看 给你点颜色看看 T - 0 gěi nǐ diǎn yán sè kàn kan f /(I'll) teach you a lesson/put you in your place/ 給力 给力 T - 0 gěi lì f /cool/nifty/awesome/impressive/to put in extra effort/ 給定 给定 T - 105 gěi dìng f /to state in advance/preset/given/ 給與 给与 T - 189 jǐ yǔ f /variant of 給予|给予[ji3 yu3]/ 絨 绒 T - 320 róng f /velvet/woolen/ 絨布 绒布 T - 33 róng bù f /flannel/ 絨毛 绒毛 T - 207 róng máo f /fur/down (soft fur)/villi capillary (in the small intestine)/ 絨毛性腺激素 绒毛性腺激素 T - 0 róng máo xìng xiàn jī sù f /human chrionic gonodocophin (HCG)/ 絨球 绒球 T - 20 róng qiú f /pompon/ 絨線 绒线 T - 62 róng xiàn f /wool/woolen thread/ 絨螯蟹 绒螯蟹 T - 0 róng áo xiè f /mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis)/ 絨額鳾 绒额䴓 T - 0 róng é shī f /(bird species of China) velvet-fronted nuthatch (Sitta frontalis)/ 絪 - 2 yīn f /generative force/magic emanation/ 絫 - 0 lěi f /variant of 累[lei3], to accumulate/ 絮 - 246 xù f /cotton wadding/fig. padding/long-winded/ 絮叨 - 26 xù dao f /long-winded/garrulous/to talk endlessly without getting to the point/ 絮嘴 - 0 xù zuǐ f /to chatter endlessly/ 絮棉 - 3 xù mián f /cotton wadding/ 絮烦 絮煩 S - 3 xù fán f /boring prattle/ 絮煩 絮烦 T - 3 xù fán f /boring prattle/ 絮片 - 0 xù piàn f /floccule/a wisp of material precipitated from liquid/ 絮状物 絮狀物 S - 4 xù zhuàng wù f /floccule/a wisp of material precipitated from liquid/ 絮狀物 絮状物 T - 4 xù zhuàng wù f /floccule/a wisp of material precipitated from liquid/ 絮球 - 3 xù qiú f /ball of fluff (containing seeds), e.g. a dandelion clock/ 絮絮 - 3 xù xu f /endless prattle/to chatter incessantly/ 絮絮叨叨 - 42 xù xu dāo dāo f /long-winded/garrulous/to talk endlessly without getting to the point/ 絮聒 - 9 xù guō f /noisy prattle/to chatter loudly/ 絮語 絮语 T - 19 xù yǔ f /to chatter incessantly/ 絮說 絮说 T - 3 xù shuō f /to chatter endlessly/ 絮语 絮語 S - 19 xù yǔ f /to chatter incessantly/ 絮说 絮說 S - 3 xù shuō f /to chatter endlessly/ 絰 绖 T - 0 dié f /hempen band worn on the head or waist by a mourner/ 統 统 T - 2198 tǒng f /to gather/to unite/to unify/whole/ 統一 统一 T 2078 13986 tǒng yī f /to unify/to unite/to integrate/ 統一口徑 统一口径 T - 3 tǒng yī kǒu jìng f /lit. one-track path; fig. to adopt a unified approach to discussing an issue/to sing from the same hymn-sheet/ 統一思想 统一思想 T - 0 tǒng yī sī xiǎng f /with the same idea in mind/with a common purpose/ 統一性 统一性 T - 67 tǒng yī xìng f /unity/ 統一戰線 统一战线 T - 1062 tǒng yī zhàn xiàn f /united front/ 統一戰線工作部 统一战线工作部 T - 0 Tǒng yī Zhàn xiàn Gōng zuò bù f /United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee (UFWD)/ 統一招生 统一招生 T - 0 tǒng yī zhāo shēng f /national unified entrance exam/ 統一新羅 统一新罗 T - 0 tǒng yī Xīn luó f /unified Silla (658-935), Korean kingdom/ 統一發票 统一发票 T - 3 tǒng yī fā piào f /invoice/ 統一碼 统一码 T - 0 tǒng yī mǎ f /Unicode/ 統一規劃 统一规划 T - 3 tǒng yī guī huà f /integrated program/ 統一資源 统一资源 T - 0 tǒng yī zī yuán f /unified resource/ 統一資源定位 统一资源定位 T - 0 tǒng yī zī yuán dìng wèi f /universal resource locator (URL), i.e. webaddress/ 統一資源定位符 统一资源定位符 T - 0 tǒng yī zī yuán dìng wèi fú f /universal resource locator (URL), i.e. webaddress/ 統一體 统一体 T - 60 tǒng yī tǐ f /whole/single entity/ 統假設 统假设 T - 0 tǒng jiǎ shè f /hypothesis/conjecture/ 統共 统共 T - 19 tǒng gòng f /altogether/in total/ 統制 统制 T - 281 tǒng zhì f /to control/ 統屬 统属 T - 3 tǒng shǔ f /subordination/line of command/ 統帥 统帅 T - 1670 tǒng shuài f /command/commander-in-chief/ 統建 统建 T - 3 tǒng jiàn f /to develop as a government project/to construct under the authority of a commission/ 統御 统御 T - 14 tǒng yù f /control/ 統感 统感 T - 0 tǒng gǎn f /feeling of togetherness/ 統戰 统战 T - 65 tǒng zhàn f /united front (abbr. for 統一戰線|统一战线)/consolidation/ 統戰部 统战部 T - 83 Tǒng Zhàn bù f /United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee (UFWD)/abbr. for 統一戰線工作部|统一战线工作部[Tong3 yi1 Zhan4 xian4 Gong1 zuo4 bu4]/ 統攝 统摄 T - 21 tǒng shè f /to command/ 統攬 统揽 T - 10 tǒng lǎn f /to be in overall charge/to have overall control/ 統治 统治 T 2922 11085 tǒng zhì f /to rule (a country)/to govern/rule/regime/ 統治權 统治权 T - 258 tǒng zhì quán f /sovereignty/dominion/dominance/ 統治者 统治者 T - 3561 tǒng zhì zhě f /ruler/ 統漢字 统汉字 T - 0 tǒng Hàn zì f /Unihan/China Japan Korea (CJK) unified ideographs/abbr. for 中日韓統一表意文字|中日韩统一表意文字[Zhong1 Ri4 Han2 tong3 yi1 biao3 yi4 wen2 zi4]/ 統獨 统独 T - 4 tǒng dú f /unification and independence/ 統率 统率 T - 775 tǒng shuài f /to command/to direct/ 統稱 统称 T - 921 tǒng chēng f /to be collectively called/collective term/general designation/ 統稱為 统称为 T - 0 tǒng chēng wéi f /collectively known as/to call sth as a group/ 統管 统管 T - 55 tǒng guǎn f /unified administration/ 統籌 统筹 T - 470 tǒng chóu f /an overall plan/to plan an entire project as a whole/ 統籌兼顧 统筹兼顾 T 4433 63 tǒng chóu jiān gù f /an overall plan taking into account all factors/ 統統 统统 T 3471 459 tǒng tǒng f /totally/ 統考 统考 T - 245 tǒng kǎo f /unified examination (e.g. across the country)/ 統艙 统舱 T - 6 tǒng cāng f /common passenger accommodation in the hold of a ship/steerage/ 統計 统计 T 3288 5381 tǒng jì f /statistics/to count/to add up/ 統計員 统计员 T - 9 tǒng jì yuán f /statistician/ 統計學 统计学 T - 167 tǒng jì xué f /statistics/ 統計數據 统计数据 T - 3 tǒng jì shù jù f /statistical data/ 統計結果 统计结果 T - 0 tǒng jì jié guǒ f /statistical results/ 統計表 统计表 T - 19 tǒng jì biǎo f /statistical table/chart/ 統讀 统读 T - 0 tǒng dú f /standard (unified) pronunciation of a character with multiple readings, as stipulated by the PRC Ministry of Education in 1985/ 統貨 统货 T - 14 tǒng huò f /unified goods/goods in the command economy that are not graded by quality and uniformly priced/ 統購 统购 T - 90 tǒng gòu f /state purchasing monopoly/unified government purchase/ 統購派購 统购派购 T - 3 tǒng gòu pài gòu f /unified government purchase at fixed price (esp of farm products)/ 統購統銷 统购统销 T - 92 tǒng gòu tǒng xiāo f /state monopoly of purchasing and marketing/ 統轄 统辖 T - 480 tǒng xiá f /to govern/to have complete control over/to be in command of/ 統通 统通 T - 3 tǒng tōng f /everything/ 統配 统配 T - 21 tǒng pèi f /a unified distribution/a unified allocation/ 統銷 统销 T - 11 tǒng xiāo f /state marketing monopoly/ 統鋪 统铺 T - 3 tǒng pù f /a common bed (to sleep many)/ 統領 统领 T - 925 tǒng lǐng f /to lead/to command/commander/officer/ 統馭 统驭 T - 3 tǒng yù f /to control/ 絲 丝 T - 2807 sī f /silk/thread/trace/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 絲光椋鳥 丝光椋鸟 T - 0 sī guāng liáng niǎo f /(bird species of China) red-billed starling (Spodiopsar sericeus)/ 絲巾 丝巾 T - 30 sī jīn f /headscarf/kerchief/silk neckband/ 絲帶 丝带 T - 61 sī dài f /ribbon/ 絲柏 丝柏 T - 0 sī bó f /cypress/ 絲毫 丝毫 T 2133 2603 sī háo f /the slightest amount or degree/a bit/ 絲毫不差 丝毫不差 T - 3 sī háo bù chā f /accurate to perfection (idiom)/precise to the finest detail/ 絲氨酸 丝氨酸 T - 5 sī ān suān f /serine (Ser), an amino acid/ 絲狀 丝状 T - 122 sī zhuàng f /thread-like/ 絲狀物 丝状物 T - 0 sī zhuàng wù f /filament/ 絲瓜 丝瓜 T - 37 sī guā f /luffa (loofah)/ 絲盤蟲 丝盘虫 T - 0 sī pán chóng f /Trichoplax adhaerens (biology)/ 絲竹 丝竹 T - 107 sī zhú f /traditional Chinese musical instruments/music/ 絲絛 丝绦 T - 0 sī tāo f /silk waistband/ 絲絨 丝绒 T - 48 sī róng f /velvet/ 絲絲小雨 丝丝小雨 T - 0 sī sī xiǎo yǔ f /fine drizzle/ 絲綢 丝绸 T 2317 413 sī chóu f /silk cloth/silk/ 絲綢之路 丝绸之路 T - 285 Sī chóu zhī Lù f /the Silk Road/ 絲綢古路 丝绸古路 T - 0 Sī chóu Gǔ lù f /the ancient Silk Road/see also 絲綢之路|丝绸之路[Si1 chou2 zhi1 Lu4]/ 絲綢織物 丝绸织物 T - 0 sī chóu zhī wù f /silk fabric/ 絲網 丝网 T - 31 sī wǎng f /silk screen/screen (printing)/ 絲綿 丝绵 T - 21 sī mián f /silk floss/down/ 絲線 丝线 T - 164 sī xiàn f /thread/silk yarn/ 絲縷 丝缕 T - 3 sī lǚ f /silk thread/ 絲織品 丝织品 T - 127 sī zhī pǐn f /item made from woven silk or rayon/ 絲織物 丝织物 T - 42 sī zhī wù f /woven silk fabric/ 絲襪 丝袜 T - 29 sī wà f /stockings/pantyhose/ 絲足 丝足 T - 0 sī zú f /feet and legs in silk stockings (especially in the massage context)/ 絲路 丝路 T - 77 Sī Lù f /the Silk Road/abbr. for 絲綢之路|丝绸之路[Si1 chou2 zhi1 Lu4]/ 絲雨 丝雨 T - 0 sī yǔ f /drizzle/fine rain/ 絳 绛 T - 478 Jiàng f /capital of the Jin State during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-475 BC)/ 絳 绛 T - 478 jiàng f /purple-red/ 絳紫 绛紫 T - 3 jiàng zǐ f /dark reddish purple/ 絳縣 绛县 T - 8 Jiàng xiàn f /Jiang county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ 絵 - 0 huì f /Japanese variant of 繪|绘/ 絶 绝 T - 4795 jué f /variant of 絕|绝[jue2]/ 絷 縶 S - 7 zhí f /to connect/to tie up/ 絹 绢 T - 645 juàn f /thin, tough silk fabric/ 絺 - 5 chī f /fine fibers of hemp/linen/ 絻 - 0 miǎn t /old variant of 冕[mian3]/ 絻 - 0 wèn f /(old) mourning apparel/ 絿 - 0 qiú f /urgent/pressing/ 綀 - 0 shū f /a kind of sackcloth/ 綁 绑 T - 1372 bǎng f /to tie/bind or fasten together/to kidnap/ 綁住 绑住 T - 3 bǎng zhù f /to fasten/to bind/ 綁匪 绑匪 T - 21 bǎng fěi f /kidnapper/ 綁定 绑定 T - 36 bǎng dìng f /binding (loanword)/to bind (e.g. an account to a mobile phone number)/ 綁帶 绑带 T - 4 bǎng dài f /bandage/puttee/ 綁架 绑架 T 2551 182 bǎng jià f /to kidnap/to abduct/to hijack/a kidnapping/abduction/staking/ 綁票 绑票 T - 28 bǎng piào f /to kidnap (for ransom)/ 綁紮 绑扎 T - 27 bǎng zā f /to bind/to wrap up/binding (computer science)/ 綁縛 绑缚 T - 3 bǎng fù f /to tie up/to bind/to tether/bondage (BDSM)/ 綁腿 绑腿 T - 18 bǎng tuǐ f /leg wrappings/puttee/gaiters/leggings/ 綁走 绑走 T - 0 bǎng zǒu f /to abduct/to kidnap/ 綁赴市曹 绑赴市曹 T - 0 bǎng fù shì cáo f /to bind up and take to the market (idiom); to take a prisoner to the town center for execution/ 綂 - 0 tǒng f /old variant of 統|统[tong3]/ 綃 绡 T - 64 xiāo f /raw silk/ 綅 - 81 qīn f /red silk crest of helmet/ 綆 绠 T - 316 gěng f /rope/well-rope/ 綈 绨 T - 48 tí f /coarse greenish black pongee/ 綉 绣 T 4306 4645 xiù f /variant of 繡|绣[xiu4]/ 綌 绤 T - 2 xì f /coarse hempen fabric/ 綍 - 99 fú f /heavy rope/ropes of a bier/ 綎 - 64 tīng f /silk braided cord/ 綏 绥 T - 211 suí f /to pacify/Taiwan pr. [sui1]/ 綏中 绥中 T - 8 Suí zhōng f /Suizhong county in Huludao 葫蘆島|葫芦岛, Liaoning/ 綏中縣 绥中县 T - 4 Suí zhōng xiàn f /Suizhong county in Huludao 葫蘆島|葫芦岛, Liaoning/ 綏化 绥化 T - 17 Suí huà f /Suihua prefecture level city in Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hei1 long2 jiang1] in northeast China/ 綏化地區 绥化地区 T - 4 Suí huà dì qū f /Suihua prefecture, Heilongjiang/ 綏化市 绥化市 T - 11 Suí huà Shì f /Suihua prefecture level city in Heilongjiang Province 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hei1 long2 jiang1] in northeast China/ 綏寧 绥宁 T - 6 Suí níng f /Suining county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao4 yang2], Hunan/ 綏寧縣 绥宁县 T - 3 Suí níng xiàn f /Suining county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao4 yang2], Hunan/ 綏德 绥德 T - 27 Suí dé f /Suide County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shaanxi/ 綏德縣 绥德县 T - 2 Suí dé Xiàn f /Suide County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shaanxi/ 綏江 绥江 T - 7 Suí jiāng f /Suijiang county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan/ 綏江縣 绥江县 T - 3 Suí jiāng xiàn f /Suijiang county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan/ 綏濱 绥滨 T - 3 Suí bīn f /Suibin county in Hegang 鶴崗|鹤岗[He4 gang3], Heilongjiang/ 綏濱縣 绥滨县 T - 2 Suí bīn xiàn f /Suibin county in Hegang 鶴崗|鹤岗[He4 gang3], Heilongjiang/ 綏稜 绥棱 T - 3 Suí léng f /Suileng county in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilongjiang/ 綏稜縣 绥棱县 T - 3 Suí léng xiàn f /Suileng county in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilongjiang/ 綏芬河 绥芬河 T - 37 Suí fēn hé f /Suifenhe River/Suifenhe county level city in Mudanjiang 牡丹江, Heilongjiang/ 綏芬河市 绥芬河市 T - 6 Suí fēn hé shì f /Suifenhe county level city in Mudanjiang 牡丹江, Heilongjiang/ 綏遠 绥远 T - 132 Suí yuǎn f /old name for district of Hohhot city 呼和浩特[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4], Inner Mongolia/ 綏遠省 绥远省 T - 3 Suí yuǎn shěng f /former Suiyuan province in Inner Mongolia and Shanxi/ 綏陽 绥阳 T - 3 Suí yáng f /Suiyang county in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ 綏陽縣 绥阳县 T - 4 Suí yáng xiàn f /Suiyang county in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ 綏靖 绥靖 T - 106 suí jìng f /to pacify/to appease/appeasement/ 綏靖主義 绥靖主义 T - 5 suí jìng zhǔ yì f /appeasement/ 綑 捆 T - 719 kǔn f /variant of 捆[kun3]/ 經 经 T - 21042 Jīng f /surname Jing/ 經 经 T - 21042 jīng f /classics/sacred book/scripture/to pass through/to undergo/to bear/to endure/warp (textile)/longitude/menstruation/channel (TCM)/abbr. for economics 經濟|经济[jing1 ji4]/ 經不住 经不住 T - 64 jīng bu zhù f /to be unable to bear/ 經不起 经不起 T - 182 jīng bu qǐ f /can't stand it/to be unable to bear/to be unable to resist/ 經不起推究 经不起推究 T - 0 jīng bù qǐ tuī jiū f /does not bear examination/ 經世 经世 T - 64 jīng shì f /statecraft/ 經久 经久 T - 32 jīng jiǔ f /long-lasting/durable/ 經久不衰 经久不衰 T - 29 jīng jiǔ bù shuāi f /unfailing/never-ending/ 經信委 经信委 T - 0 Jīng Xìn Wěi f /Economy and Informatization Commission/ 經傳 经传 T - 76 jīng zhuàn f /classic work (esp. Confucian classics)/ 經典 经典 T 1720 2096 jīng diǎn f /the classics/scriptures/classical/classic (example, case etc)/typical/ 經典動力系統 经典动力系统 T - 0 jīng diǎn dòng lì xì tǒng f /classical dynamical system (physics)/ 經典場論 经典场论 T - 0 jīng diǎn chǎng lùn f /classical field theory (physics)/ 經典案例 经典案例 T - 0 jīng diǎn àn lì f /case study/classic example/ 經卷 经卷 T - 95 jīng juàn f /volumes of classics/volumes of scriptures/ancient scrolls/ 經受 经受 T - 723 jīng shòu f /to undergo (hardship)/to endure/to withstand/ 經合 经合 T - 57 Jīng Hé f /Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)/abbr. for 經濟合作與發展組織|经济合作与发展组织/ 經合組織 经合组织 T - 3 Jīng Hé Zǔ zhī f /Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD/abbr. for 經濟合作與發展組織|经济合作与发展组织/ 經商 经商 T 2470 459 jīng shāng f /to trade/to carry out commercial activities/in business/ 經圈 经圈 T - 0 jīng quān f /line of longitude/meridian (geography)/ 經堂 经堂 T - 57 jīng táng f /scripture hall (Buddhism)/ 經常 经常 T 448 7253 jīng cháng f /frequently/constantly/regularly/often/day-to-day/everyday/daily/ 經幡 经幡 T - 3 jīng fān f /Tibetan prayer flag/ 經幢 经幢 T - 26 jīng chuáng f /Buddhist stone pillar/ 經年 经年 T - 0 jīng nián f /for years/year after year/ 經年累月 经年累月 T - 14 jīng nián lěi yuè f /for years/over the years/ 經度 经度 T - 78 jīng dù f /longitude/ 經得起 经得起 T - 244 jīng de qǐ f /to be able to withstand/to be able to endure/ 經手 经手 T - 70 jīng shǒu f /to pass through one's hands/to handle/to deal with/ 經手人 经手人 T - 10 jīng shǒu rén f /the person in-charge/agent/broker/ 經撞 经撞 T - 0 jīng zhuàng f /shock-resistant/ 經文 经文 T - 319 jīng wén f /scripture/scriptures/CL:本[ben3]/ 經書 经书 T - 429 jīng shū f /classic books in Confucianism/scriptures/sutras/ 經期 经期 T - 105 jīng qī f /menstrual period/ 經查 经查 T - 3 jīng chá f /upon investigation/ 經歷 经历 T 733 5266 jīng lì f /experience/CL:個|个[ge4],次[ci4]/to experience/to go through/ 經歷風雨 经历风雨 T - 0 jīng lì fēng yǔ f /to go through thick and thin (idiom)/ 經氣聚集 经气聚集 T - 0 jīng qì jù jí f /meeting points of qi (in Chinese medicine)/ 經濟 经济 T 1002 48718 jīng jì f /economy/economic/ 經濟人 经济人 T - 0 jīng jì rén f /Homo economicus/ 經濟作物 经济作物 T - 784 jīng jì zuò wù f /cash crop (economics)/ 經濟制裁 经济制裁 T - 3 jīng jì zhì cái f /economic sanctions/ 經濟前途 经济前途 T - 0 jīng jì qián tú f /economic future/economic outlook/ 經濟力量 经济力量 T - 0 jīng jì lì liang f /economic strength/ 經濟協力開發機構 经济协力开发机构 T - 0 Jīng jì Xié lì Kāi fā Jī gòu f /Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)/also written 經濟合作與發展組織|经济合作与发展组织[Jing1 ji4 He2 zuo4 yu3 Fa1 zhan3 Zu3 zhi1]/ 經濟危機 经济危机 T - 130 jīng jì wēi jī f /economic crisis/ 經濟合作與發展組織 经济合作与发展组织 T - 11 Jīng jì Hé zuò yǔ Fā zhǎn Zǔ zhī f /Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)/abbr. to 經合組織|经合组织/ 經濟問題 经济问题 T - 0 jīng jì wèn tí f /economic problem/ 經濟困境 经济困境 T - 0 jīng jì kùn jìng f /economic difficulty/ 經濟基礎 经济基础 T - 330 jīng jì jī chǔ f /socio-economic base/economic foundation/ 經濟增加值 经济增加值 T - 0 jīng jì zēng jiā zhí f /Economic value added, EVA/ 經濟增長 经济增长 T - 0 jīng jì zēng zhǎng f /economic growth/ 經濟增長率 经济增长率 T - 0 jīng jì zēng zhǎng lǜ f /economic growth rate/ 經濟學 经济学 T - 1544 jīng jì xué f /economics (as a field of study)/ 經濟學人 经济学人 T - 0 Jīng jì xué rén f /The Economist (magazine)/ 經濟學家 经济学家 T - 900 jīng jì xué jiā f /economist/ 經濟學者 经济学者 T - 0 jīng jì xué zhě f /economist/ 經濟安全 经济安全 T - 0 jīng jì ān quán f /economic security/ 經濟座 经济座 T - 0 jīng jì zuò f /economy seat/ 經濟情況 经济情况 T - 0 jīng jì qíng kuàng f /economic situation/one's socio-economic status/ 經濟改革 经济改革 T - 0 jīng jì gǎi gé f /economic reform/ 經濟有效 经济有效 T - 0 jīng jì yǒu xiào f /cost-effective/ 經濟活動 经济活动 T - 0 jīng jì huó dòng f /economic activity/ 經濟特區 经济特区 T - 1815 jīng jì tè qū f /special economic zone/ 經濟狀況 经济状况 T - 0 jīng jì zhuàng kuàng f /economic situation/ 經濟界 经济界 T - 95 jīng jì jiè f /economic circles/ 經濟發展 经济发展 T - 0 jīng jì fā zhǎn f /economic development/ 經濟社會及文化權利國際公約 经济社会及文化权利国际公约 T - 0 jīng jì shè huì jí wén huà quán lì guó jì gōng yuē f /International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)/ 經濟繁榮 经济繁荣 T - 3 jīng jì fán róng f /economic prosperity/ 經濟艙 经济舱 T - 24 jīng jì cāng f /economy class/ 經濟落後 经济落后 T - 3 jīng jì luò hòu f /economically backward/ 經濟蕭條 经济萧条 T - 0 jīng jì xiāo tiáo f /economic depression/ 經濟衰退 经济衰退 T - 3 jīng jì shuāi tuì f /(economic) recession/ 經濟週期 经济周期 T - 3 jīng jì zhōu qī f /economic cycle/ 經濟體制 经济体制 T - 519 jīng jì tǐ zhì f /economic system/ 經濟體系 经济体系 T - 0 jīng jì tǐ xì f /economic system/ 經營 经营 T 1764 7456 jīng yíng f /to engage in (business etc)/to run/to operate/ 經營管理和維護 经营管理和维护 T - 0 jīng yíng guǎn lǐ hé wéi hù f /Operations Administration and Maintenance/OAM/ 經營者 经营者 T - 488 jīng yíng zhě f /executive/manager/transactor/ 經營費用 经营费用 T - 0 jīng yíng fèi yòng f /business cost/business expense/ 經理 经理 T 491 2761 jīng lǐ f /manager/director/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]/ 經由 经由 T - 384 jīng yóu f /via/ 經痛 经痛 T - 14 jīng tòng f /menstrual pain/dysmenorrhea/ 經筵 经筵 T - 0 jīng yán f /place where the emperor listened to lectures (traditional)/ 經管 经管 T - 363 jīng guǎn f /to be in charge of/ 經籍 经籍 T - 132 jīng jí f /religious text/ 經紀 经纪 T - 147 jīng jì f /to manage (a business)/manager/broker/ 經紀人 经纪人 T - 371 jīng jì rén f /broker/middleman/agent/manager/ 經紗 经纱 T - 56 jīng shā f /warp (vertical thread in weaving)/ 經絡 经络 T - 267 jīng luò f /energy channels/meridian (TCM)/(dialect) trick/tactic/ 經絲彩色顯花 经丝彩色显花 T - 0 jīng sī cǎi sè xiǎn huā f /warp brocade/woven fabric with single woof but colored warp/ 經線 经线 T - 89 jīng xiàn f /warp/line of longitude/meridian (geography)/ 經緯 经纬 T 4982 60 jīng wěi f /warp and woof/longitude and latitude/main points/ 經緯儀 经纬仪 T - 63 jīng wěi yí f /theodolite/ 經緯線 经纬线 T - 17 jīng wěi xiàn f /lines of latitude and longitude/warp and woof/ 經脈 经脉 T - 449 jīng mài f /channel of TCM/ 經血 经血 T - 50 jīng xuè f /menstruation (TCM)/ 經費 经费 T 3840 1898 jīng fèi f /funds/expenditure/CL:筆|笔[bi3]/ 經貿 经贸 T - 959 jīng mào f /trade/ 經過 经过 T 475 16218 jīng guò f /to pass/to go through/process/course/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 經銷 经销 T - 152 jīng xiāo f /to sell/to sell on commission/to distribute/ 經銷商 经销商 T - 241 jīng xiāo shāng f /dealer/seller/distributor/broker/agency/franchise (i.e. company)/retail outlet/ 經錦 经锦 T - 0 jīng jǐn f /warp brocade/woven fabric with single colored woof but many-colored warp/ 經閉 经闭 T - 3 jīng bì f /amenorrhoea/ 經陸路 经陆路 T - 0 jīng lù lù f /overland/ 經驗 经验 T 914 9803 jīng yàn f /experience/to experience/ 經驗主義 经验主义 T - 58 jīng yàn zhǔ yì f /empiricism/ 經驗豐富 经验丰富 T - 3 jīng yàn fēng fù f /experienced/with ample experience/ 綖 - 16 yán f /cap tassels/ 綗 - 0 jiǒng f /variant of 絅|䌹[jiong3]/ 綘 - 1408 féng f /variant of 縫|缝[feng2]/ 継 - 0 jì f /Japanese variant of 繼|继/ 続 - 0 xù f /Japanese variant of 續|续/ 綜 综 T - 256 zèng f /heddle (device to form warp in weaving textiles)/Taiwan pr. [zong4]/ 綜 综 T - 256 zōng t /to sum up/to put together/Taiwan pr. [zong4]/ 綜上所述 综上所述 T - 109 zōng shàng suǒ shù f /to summarize/a round-up/in summary .../ 綜合 综合 T 2212 8250 zōng hé f /comprehensive/composite/synthesized/mixed/to sum up/to integrate/to synthesize/ 綜合報導 综合报导 T - 0 zōng hé bào dǎo f /summary report/press release/brief/ 綜合報道 综合报道 T - 0 zōng hé bào dào f /comprehensive report/consolidated report/ 綜合布線 综合布线 T - 0 zōng hé bù xiàn f /integrated wiring/ 綜合徵 综合征 T - 435 zōng hé zhēng f /syndrome/ 綜合性 综合性 T - 1536 zōng hé xìng f /synthesis/ 綜合敘述 综合叙述 T - 0 zōng hé xù shù f /to summarize/a round-up/ 綜合服務數位網絡 综合服务数位网络 T - 0 zōng hé fú wù shù wèi wǎng luò f /Integrated Services Digital Network/ISDN/ 綜合業務數字網 综合业务数字网 T - 0 zōng hé yè wù shù zì wǎng f /Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) (computing)/ 綜合法 综合法 T - 14 zōng hé fǎ f /synthesis/synthetic reasoning/ 綜合症 综合症 T - 78 zōng hé zhèng f /syndrome/ 綜合藝術 综合艺术 T - 0 zōng hé yì shù f /composite arts/multi-media arts/ 綜合館 综合馆 T - 0 zōng hé guǎn f /complex (group of buildings)/ 綜括 综括 T - 17 zōng kuò f /to summarize/to round up/ 綜效 综效 T - 0 zōng xiào f /synergy/ 綜析 综析 T - 0 zōng xī f /synthesis/ 綜理 综理 T - 0 zōng lǐ f /to be in overall charge/to oversee/ 綜藝 综艺 T - 44 zōng yì f /comprehensive arts and entertainment/ 綜藝節目 综艺节目 T - 3 zōng yì jié mù f /variety show/ 綜觀 综观 T - 116 zōng guān f /to take a broad view of sth/ 綜計 综计 T - 3 zōng jì f /grand total/to add everything together/ 綜述 综述 T - 106 zōng shù f /to sum up/a roundup/a general narrative/ 綝 - 73 chēn f /(literary) to stop/kindhearted/ 綠 绿 T 540 3701 lǜ f /green/ 綠化 绿化 T - 1052 lǜ huà f /to make green with plants/to reforest/ 綠區 绿区 T - 3 lǜ qū f /(Baghdad) green zone/ 綠卡 绿卡 T - 19 lǜ kǎ f /United States permanent resident card/green card/ 綠喉太陽鳥 绿喉太阳鸟 T - 0 lǜ hóu tài yáng niǎo f /(bird species of China) green-tailed sunbird (Aethopyga nipalensis)/ 綠喉蜂虎 绿喉蜂虎 T - 0 lǜ hóu fēng hǔ f /(bird species of China) green bee-eater (Merops orientalis)/ 綠嘴地鵑 绿嘴地鹃 T - 0 lǜ zuǐ dì juān f /(bird species of China) green-billed malkoha (Phaenicophaeus tristis)/ 綠園 绿园 T - 0 Lǜ yuán f /Lüyuan district of Changchun city 長春市|长春市, Jilin/ 綠園區 绿园区 T - 3 Lǜ yuán qū f /Lüyuan district of Changchun city 長春市|长春市, Jilin/ 綠地 绿地 T - 174 lǜ dì f /green area (e.g. urban park or garden)/ 綠壩 绿坝 T - 0 Lǜ bà f /Green Dam, content-control software (abbr. for 綠壩·花季護航|绿坝·花季护航[Lu:4 ba4 · hua1 ji4 hu4 hang2])/ 綠壩·花季護航 绿坝·花季护航 T - 0 Lǜ bà · huā jì hù háng f /Green Dam Youth Escort, Internet content-control software (abbreviated to 綠壩|绿坝[Lu:4 ba4])/ 綠女紅男 绿女红男 T - 3 lǜ nǚ hóng nán f /young people decked out in gorgeous clothes (idiom)/ 綠孔雀 绿孔雀 T - 14 lǜ kǒng què f /(bird species of China) green peafowl (Pavo muticus)/ 綠寬嘴鶇 绿宽嘴鸫 T - 0 lǜ kuān zuǐ dōng f /(bird species of China) green cochoa (Cochoa viridis)/ 綠寶石 绿宝石 T - 47 lǜ bǎo shí f /beryl/ 綠尾虹雉 绿尾虹雉 T - 0 lǜ wěi hóng zhì f /(bird species of China) Chinese monal (Lophophorus lhuysii)/ 綠島 绿岛 T - 22 Lǜ dǎo f /Lüdao or Lutao township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 綠島鄉 绿岛乡 T - 0 Lǜ dǎo xiāng f /Lüdao or Lutao township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 綠帽子 绿帽子 T - 21 lǜ mào zi f /cuckold/ 綠慘紅愁 绿惨红愁 T - 3 lǜ cǎn hóng chóu f /(of women) grieved appearance (idiom)/sorrowful mien/ 綠旗兵 绿旗兵 T - 0 Lǜ qí bīng f /same as 綠營|绿营[lu:4 ying2], Green standard army, standing infantry during Qing dynasty, originally formed from Ming and other Chinese army units/ 綠春 绿春 T - 3 Lǜ chūn f /Lüchun county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/ 綠春縣 绿春县 T - 2 Lǜ chūn xiàn f /Lüxi county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/ 綠松石 绿松石 T - 290 lǜ sōng shí f /turquoise (gemstone)/ 綠林 绿林 T - 220 Lù lín f /place in Hubei, the starting point for a major rebellion at the end of Western Han/also pr. [Lu:4 lin2]/ 綠林好漢 绿林好汉 T - 14 lǜ lín hǎo hàn f /true hero of Greenwood (refers to popular hero in Robin Hood style)/ 綠林豪客 绿林豪客 T - 3 lǜ lín háo kè f /bold hero of Greenwood (refers to popular hero in Robin Hood style)/ 綠樹 绿树 T - 80 lǜ shù f /trees/greenery/ 綠樹成蔭 绿树成荫 T - 21 lǜ shù chéng yìn f /(of an area) to have trees with shade-giving foliage/(of a road) to be tree-lined/ 綠水 绿水 T - 54 lǜ shuǐ f /green water/crystal-clear water/ 綠油油 绿油油 T - 45 lǜ yóu yóu f /lush green/verdant/ 綠泥石 绿泥石 T - 41 lǜ ní shí f /chlorite (geology)/ 綠洲 绿洲 T - 388 lǜ zhōu f /oasis/ 綠燈 绿灯 T - 65 lǜ dēng f /green light/ 綠營 绿营 T - 110 Lǜ yíng f /Green Standard Army, standing infantry during Qing dynasty, originally formed from Ming and other Chinese army units/ 綠營兵 绿营兵 T - 0 Lǜ yíng bīng f /Green standard army, standing infantry during Qing dynasty, originally formed from Ming and other Chinese army units/ 綠玉髓 绿玉髓 T - 0 lǜ yù suǐ f /chrysoprase (mineral)/ 綠瑩瑩 绿莹莹 T - 24 lǜ yīng yīng f /green and lush/ 綠瑪瑙 绿玛瑙 T - 0 lǜ mǎ nǎo f /chrysoprase (mineral)/ 綠皇鳩 绿皇鸠 T - 0 lǜ huáng jiū f /(bird species of China) green imperial pigeon (Ducula aenea)/ 綠皮書 绿皮书 T - 17 lǜ pí shū f /green paper/ 綠盤 绿盘 T - 0 lǜ pán f /(of a stock price or market index) currently lower than at the previous day's close/ 綠礬 绿矾 T - 3 lǜ fán f /green vitriol (ferrous sulfate FeSO4:7H2O)/ 綠箭 绿箭 T - 0 Lǜ jiàn f /Wrigley's Doublemint (brand)/ 綠翅短腳鵯 绿翅短脚鹎 T - 0 lǜ chì duǎn jiǎo bēi f /(bird species of China) mountain bulbul (Ixos mcclellandii)/ 綠翅金鳩 绿翅金鸠 T - 0 lǜ chì jīn jiū f /(bird species of China) common emerald dove (Chalcophaps indica)/ 綠翅鴨 绿翅鸭 T - 0 lǜ chì yā f /(bird species of China) Eurasian teal (Anas crecca)/ 綠肥 绿肥 T - 76 lǜ féi f /green manure/ 綠背姬鶲 绿背姬鹟 T - 0 lǜ bèi jī wēng f /(bird species of China) green-backed flycatcher (Ficedula elisae)/ 綠背山雀 绿背山雀 T - 0 lǜ bèi shān què f /(bird species of China) green-backed tit (Parus monticolus)/ 綠背林鶲 绿背林鹟 T - 0 lǜ bèi lín wēng f /(bird species of China) fulvous-chested jungle flycatcher (Rhinomyias olivacea)/ 綠胸八色鶇 绿胸八色鸫 T - 0 lǜ xiōng bā sè dōng f /(bird species of China) hooded pitta (Pitta sordida)/ 綠腳山鷓鴣 绿脚山鹧鸪 T - 0 lǜ jiǎo shān zhè gū f /(bird species of China) green-legged partridge (Arborophila chloropus)/ 綠色 绿色 T - 2851 lǜ sè f /green/ 綠色和平 绿色和平 T - 0 Lǜ sè hé píng f /Greenpeace (environmental network)/ 綠色食品 绿色食品 T - 3 lǜ sè shí pǐn f /clean, unadulterated food product/organic food/ 綠花椰菜 绿花椰菜 T - 0 lǜ huā yē cài f /broccoli/ 綠花菜 绿花菜 T - 0 lǜ huā cài f /broccoli/ 綠苔 绿苔 T - 32 lǜ tái f /green algae/ 綠茵 绿茵 T - 33 lǜ yīn f /grassy area/ 綠茵場 绿茵场 T - 41 lǜ yīn chǎng f /football field/ 綠茶 绿茶 T - 139 lǜ chá f /green tea/ 綠茶婊 绿茶婊 T - 0 lǜ chá biǎo f /"green tea bitch", a seemingly unaffected, innocent and charming girl, but really a dissipated and superficial whore/ 綠草 绿草 T - 3 lǜ cǎo f /green grass/ 綠草如茵 绿草如茵 T - 19 lǜ cǎo rú yīn f /green grass like cushion (idiom); green meadow so inviting to sleep on/ 綠菜花 绿菜花 T - 0 lǜ cài huā f /broccoli/ 綠葉 绿叶 T - 183 lǜ yè f /actor playing a supporting role/ 綠蔭 绿荫 T - 66 lǜ yìn f /shade (of a tree)/ 綠豆 绿豆 T - 709 lǜ dòu f /mung bean/ 綠豆凸 绿豆凸 T - 0 lǜ dòu tū f /see 綠豆椪|绿豆椪[lu:4 dou4 peng4]/ 綠豆椪 绿豆椪 T - 0 lǜ dòu pèng f /mung bean cake (pastry with a rounded top, containing a sweet or savory filling made with cooked mung beans)/ 綠赤楊 绿赤杨 T - 0 lǜ chì yáng f /green alder (Alnus viridis)/ 綠陰 绿阴 T - 2 lǜ yīn f /tree shade/shady/ 綠雀 绿雀 T - 0 lǜ què f /oriental greenfinch (Carduelis sinica)/ 綠頭巾 绿头巾 T - 2 lǜ tóu jīn f /green headband (to visit a Yuan dynasty brothel)/cuckold/ 綠頭鴨 绿头鸭 T - 14 lǜ tóu yā f /(bird species of China) mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)/ 綠鷺 绿鹭 T - 0 lǜ lù f /(bird species of China) striated heron (Butorides striata)/ 綠黨 绿党 T - 19 lǜ dǎng f /worldwide green parties/ 綢 绸 T - 333 chóu f /(light) silk/CL:匹[pi3]/ 綢子 绸子 T - 52 chóu zi f /silk fabric/silk/CL:匹[pi3]/ 綢緞 绸缎 T - 203 chóu duàn f /satin/silk fabric/ 綢繆 绸缪 T - 14 chóu móu f /to be sentimentally attached to sb or sth/ 綣 绻 T - 229 quǎn f /bound in a league/ 綥 - 0 qí f /dark gray/straw sandals/ 綦 - 15 qí f /dark gray/superlative/variegated/ 綦江 - 19 Qí jiāng f /Qijiang suburban county in Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 綦江县 綦江縣 S - 6 Qí jiāng xiàn f /Qijiang suburban county in Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 綦江縣 綦江县 T - 6 Qí jiāng xiàn f /Qijiang suburban county in Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 綪 - 0 qiàn f /dark red color (of silk product)/ 綫 线 T - 7688 xiàn f /variant of 線|线[xian4]/ 綬 绶 T - 90 shòu f /cord on a seal/ 綬帶 绶带 T - 19 shòu dài f /ribbon (as a decoration)/cordon (diagonal belt worn as a sign of office or honor)/ 維 维 T - 1685 Wéi f /abbr. for Uighur 維吾爾|维吾尔[Wei2 wu2 er3]/surname Wei/ 維 维 T - 1685 wéi f /to preserve/to maintain/to hold together/dimension/vitamin (abbr. for 維生素|维生素[wei2 sheng1 su4])/ 維也納 维也纳 T - 742 Wéi yě nà f /Vienna, capital of Austria/ 維京人 维京人 T - 0 wéi jīng rén f /Vikings/ 維他命 维他命 T - 67 wéi tā mìng f /vitamin (loanword)/ 維修 维修 T 2074 1678 wéi xiū f /maintenance (of equipment)/to protect and maintain/ 維修區 维修区 T - 3 wéi xiū qū f /maintenance area/ 維克多·雨果 维克多·雨果 T - 0 Wéi kè duō · Yǔ guǒ f /Victor Hugo (1802-1885), French writer/ 維克托 维克托 T - 25 Wéi kè tuō f /Victor (name)/ 維吉尼亞 维吉尼亚 T - 3 Wéi jí ní yà f /Virginia, US state (Tw)/ 維吉尼亞州 维吉尼亚州 T - 0 Wéi jí ní yà Zhōu f /Virginia, US state (Tw)/ 維吉爾 维吉尔 T - 23 Wéi jí ěr f /Virgil or Vergilius (70-19 BC), Roman poet and author of the Aeneid 埃涅阿斯紀|埃涅阿斯纪[Ai1 nie4 a1 si1 Ji4]/ 維吾爾 维吾尔 T - 210 Wéi wú ěr f /Uighur ethnic group of Xinjiang/ 維吾爾人 维吾尔人 T - 0 Wéi wú ěr rén f /Uighur person or people/ 維吾爾族 维吾尔族 T - 997 Wéi wú ěr zú f /Uighur (Uyghur) ethnic group of Xinjiang/ 維吾爾語 维吾尔语 T - 48 Wéi wú ěr yǔ f /Uighur language/ 維和 维和 T - 272 wéi hé f /peacekeeping/ 維基 维基 T - 2 wéi jī f /wiki (Internet)/ 維基媒體基金會 维基媒体基金会 T - 0 Wéi jī méi tǐ Jī jīn huì f /Wikimedia Foundation/ 維基數據 维基数据 T - 0 Wéi jī shù jù f /Wikistats, (stats.wikimedia.org), online tool providing statistics for Wikimedia projects/ 維基物種 维基物种 T - 0 Wéi jī wù zhǒng f /Wikispecies, (species.wikimedia.org), online project to catalog all known species/ 維基百科 维基百科 T - 3 Wéi jī Bǎi kē f /Wikipedia (online encyclopedia)/ 維基解密 维基解密 T - 0 Wéi jī Jiě mì f /WikiLeaks/ 維基詞典 维基词典 T - 0 Wéi jī cí diǎn f /Wiktionary (online dictionary)/ 維多利亞 维多利亚 T - 193 Wéi duō lì yà f /Victoria (name)/Victoria, capital of the Seychelles/ 維多利亞公園 维多利亚公园 T - 0 Wéi duō lì yà Gōng yuán f /Victoria Park, Hong Kong/ 維多利亞女王 维多利亚女王 T - 0 Wéi duō lì yà Nǚ wáng f /Queen Victoria (reigned 1837-1901)/ 維多利亞島 维多利亚岛 T - 6 Wéi duō lì yà Dǎo f /Victoria Island/ 維多利亞州 维多利亚州 T - 25 Wéi duō lì yà zhōu f /Victoria, southeastern Australian state/ 維多利亞港 维多利亚港 T - 23 Wéi duō lì yà Gǎng f /Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong/ 維多利亞湖 维多利亚湖 T - 44 Wéi duō lì yà Hú f /Lake Victoria or Victoria Nyanza, Kenya, on the White Nile/ 維多利亞瀑布 维多利亚瀑布 T - 0 Wéi duō lì yà pù bù f /Victoria Falls or Mosi-oa-Tunya on the Zambesi River, between Zambia and Zimbabwe/ 維奇 维奇 T - 79 Wéi qí f /Pope Vigilius (in office 537-555)/phonetic -vich or -wich in Russian names/ 維妙維肖 维妙维肖 T - 19 wéi miào wéi xiào f /to imitate to perfection/to be remarkably true to life/ 維它命 维它命 T - 0 wéi tā mìng f /variant of 維他命|维他命[wei2 ta1 ming4]/ 維密 维密 T - 0 Wéi Mì f /Victoria's Secret/ 維尼熊 维尼熊 T - 3 Wéi ní xióng f /Winnie the Pooh/ 維尼綸 维尼纶 T - 17 wéi ní lún f /see 維綸|维纶[wei2 lun2]/ 維度 维度 T - 34 wéi dù f /dimension (math.)/dimensionality/ 維德角 维德角 T - 0 Wéi dé jiǎo f /Cape Verde (Tw)/ 維恩圖解 维恩图解 T - 0 Wéi ēn tú jiě f /Venn diagram/ 維拉 维拉 T - 57 Wéi lā f /Vala (Middle-earth)/ 維拉港 维拉港 T - 9 Wéi lā Gǎng f /Port Vila, capital of Vanuatu/ 維持 维持 T 2752 3803 wéi chí f /to keep/to maintain/to preserve/ 維持原判 维持原判 T - 3 wéi chí yuán pàn f /to affirm the original sentence (law)/ 維持生活 维持生活 T - 0 wéi chí shēng huó f /to subsist/to eke out a living/to keep body and soul together/ 維持費 维持费 T - 9 wéi chí fèi f /maintenance costs/ 維揚 维扬 T - 0 Wéi yáng f /Weiyang district of Yangzhou city 揚州市|扬州市[Yang2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 維揚區 维扬区 T - 0 Wéi yáng qū f /Weiyang district of Yangzhou city 揚州市|扬州市[Yang2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 維數 维数 T - 0 wéi shù f /(math.) dimension/dimensionality/ 維新 维新 T - 300 wéi xīn f /(political) reform/revitalization/modernization/ 維新派 维新派 T - 140 wéi xīn pài f /the reformist faction/ 維新變法 维新变法 T - 0 Wéi xīn Biàn fǎ f /Hundred Days Reform (1898), failed attempt to reform the Qing dynasty/ 維族 维族 T - 34 Wéi zú f /abbr. for 維吾爾族|维吾尔族, Uighur (Uyghur) ethnic group of Xinjiang/ 維權 维权 T - 120 wéi quán f /to defend (legal) rights/ 維權人士 维权人士 T - 0 wéi quán rén shì f /civil rights activist/ 維氏 维氏 T - 0 Wéi shì f /Victorinox (knife manufacturer)/ 維港 维港 T - 0 Wéi Gǎng f /Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong/abbr. for 維多利亞港|维多利亚港[Wei2 duo1 li4 ya4 Gang3]/ 維爾容 维尔容 T - 0 Wéi ěr róng f /(Johannes Lodewikus) Viljoen (South African ambassador to Taiwan)/ 維爾斯特拉斯 维尔斯特拉斯 T - 0 Wéi ěr sī tè lā sī f /Karl Weierstrass (1815-1897), German mathematician/ 維爾紐斯 维尔纽斯 T - 15 Wéi ěr niǔ sī f /Vilnius, capital of Lithuania/ 維特 维特 T - 43 Wéi tè f /Werther, opera by Jules Massenet/Werther, German masculine given name/ 維特根斯坦 维特根斯坦 T - 4 Wéi tè gēn sī tǎn f /Wittgenstein (name)/ 維珍 维珍 T - 21 wéi zhēn f /Virgin (company)/ 維生 维生 T - 13 wéi shēng f /abbr. for 維持生活|维持生活[wei2 chi2 sheng1 huo2]/ 維生素 维生素 T 3851 1933 wéi shēng sù f /vitamin/ 維穩 维稳 T - 0 wéi wěn f /to maintain social stability/ 維管 维管 T - 0 wéi guǎn f /vascular/ 維管束 维管束 T - 60 wéi guǎn shù f /vascular bundle (botany)/ 維管束植物 维管束植物 T - 0 wéi guǎn shù zhí wù f /vascular plants/tracheophytes (botany)/ 維管柱 维管柱 T - 0 wéi guǎn zhù f /vascular column/ 維納斯 维纳斯 T - 76 Wéi nà sī f /Venus (mythology, Roman goddess of love)/ 維綸 维纶 T - 24 wéi lún f /vinylon, synthetic fiber made from polyvinyl alcohol (loanword)/ 維繫 维系 T - 257 wéi xì f /to maintain/to keep up/to hold together/ 維羅納 维罗纳 T - 27 Wéi luó nà f /Verona/ 維薩 维萨 T - 4 Wéi sà f /Visa (credit card)/ 維西傈僳族自治縣 维西傈僳族自治县 T - 4 Wéi xī Lì sù zú zì zhì xiàn f /Weixi Lisu autonomous county in Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture 迪慶藏族自治州|迪庆藏族自治州, northwest Yunnan/ 維西縣 维西县 T - 2 Wéi xī xiàn f /Weixi Lisu autonomous county in Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture 迪慶藏族自治州|迪庆藏族自治州[Di2 qing4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], northwest Yunnan/ 維護 维护 T 3051 5477 wéi hù f /to defend/to safeguard/to protect/to uphold/to maintain/ 維護和平 维护和平 T - 3 wéi hù hé píng f /to uphold peace/ 維達 维达 T - 48 Wéi dá f /Vidar (Norse deity)/ 綮 - 5 qǐ f /embroidered banner/ 綯 绹 T - 8 táo f /bind/cord/twist/ 綰 绾 T - 635 wǎn f /bind up/string together/ 綱 纲 T - 2163 gāng f /head rope of a fishing net/guiding principle/key link/class (taxonomy)/outline/program/ 綱紀 纲纪 T - 44 gāng jì f /law and order/ 綱舉目張 纲举目张 T - 6 gāng jǔ mù zhāng f /if you lift the headrope the meshes spread open (idiom)/take care of the big things and the little things will take care of themselves/(of a piece of writing) well-structured and ordered/ 綱要 纲要 T - 385 gāng yào f /outline/essential points/ 綱領 纲领 T 4906 1480 gāng lǐng f /program (i.e. plan of action)/guiding principle/ 網 网 T - 7209 wǎng f /net/network/ 網上 网上 T - 2495 wǎng shàng f /online/ 網上廣播 网上广播 T - 0 wǎng shàng guǎng bō f /online broadcast/webcast/ 網卡 网卡 T - 53 wǎng kǎ f /network adapter card (computing)/ 網友 网友 T - 1634 wǎng yǒu f /online friend/Internet user/ 網吧 网吧 T - 335 wǎng bā f /Internet café/ 網咖 网咖 T - 0 wǎng kā f /Internet café (Tw)/ 網址 网址 T - 293 wǎng zhǐ f /website/web address/URL/ 網孔 网孔 T - 3 wǎng kǒng f /mesh/ 網師園 网师园 T - 7 Wǎng shī Yuán f /The Master of the Nets Garden in Suzhou, Jiangsu/ 網店 网店 T - 3 wǎng diàn f /online shop/ 網戀 网恋 T - 27 wǎng liàn f /online love affair/cyberdate/Internet dating/ 網易 网易 T - 159 Wǎng yì f /NetEase/ 網景 网景 T - 24 Wǎng jǐng f /Netscape/ 網杓 网杓 T - 0 wǎng sháo f /skimmer (kitchen utensil)/ 網架 网架 T - 10 wǎng jià f /rack/ 網格 网格 T - 104 wǎng gé f /grid/mesh/lattice/ 網橋 网桥 T - 6 wǎng qiáo f /(network) bridge/ 網段 网段 T - 10 wǎng duàn f /network segment/ 網民 网民 T - 561 wǎng mín f /web user/netizen/ 網片 网片 T - 2 wǎng piàn f /mesh/netting/ 網特 网特 T - 3 wǎng tè f /Internet troll (agent provocateur on forums etc)/abbr. for 網絡特工|网络特工 etc/ 網狀泡沫 网状泡沫 T - 0 wǎng zhuàng pào mò f /reticulated foam/ 網狀脈 网状脉 T - 5 wǎng zhuàng mài f /netted veins/reticulated veins (of a leaf etc)/stockwork (geology)/ 網球 网球 T 1105 415 wǎng qiú f /tennis/tennis ball/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 網球場 网球场 T - 19 wǎng qiú chǎng f /tennis court/ 網球賽 网球赛 T - 55 wǎng qiú sài f /tennis match/tennis competition/CL:場|场[chang3]/ 網癮 网瘾 T - 54 wǎng yǐn f /Internet addiction/net addiction/web addiction/ 網盤 网盘 T - 0 wǎng pán f /online storage space/cloud file storage/ 網眼 网眼 T - 9 wǎng yǎn f /mesh/net/Web-Eye (Windows video program)/ 網禁 网禁 T - 0 wǎng jìn f /Internet censorship/ 網站 网站 T 1014 4817 wǎng zhàn f /website/network station/node/ 網管 网管 T - 36 wǎng guǎn f /network management/webmaster/ 網管員 网管员 T - 3 wǎng guǎn yuán f /network manager/network administrator/ 網管接口 网管接口 T - 0 wǎng guǎn jiē kǒu f /network management interface/ 網管系統 网管系统 T - 0 wǎng guǎn xì tǒng f /network management/ 網箱 网箱 T - 20 wǎng xiāng f /net cage (fish farming)/ 網絡 网络 T 1619 8352 Wǎng luò f /Internet/ 網絡 网络 T 1619 8352 wǎng luò f /network (computing, telecommunications, transport etc)/ 網絡俚語 网络俚语 T - 0 wǎng luò lǐ yǔ f /Internet slang/netspeak/cyberspeak/ 網絡協議 网络协议 T - 19 wǎng luò xié yì f /network protocol/ 網絡客 网络客 T - 0 wǎng luò kè f /web user/guest user/ 網絡層 网络层 T - 16 wǎng luò céng f /network layer/ 網絡層協議 网络层协议 T - 0 wǎng luò céng xié yì f /network layer protocol/ 網絡廣告 网络广告 T - 3 wǎng luò guǎng gào f /online advertising/ 網絡應用 网络应用 T - 29 wǎng luò yìng yòng f /network application/ 網絡成癮 网络成瘾 T - 0 wǎng luò chéng yǐn f /Internet addiction/net addiction/web addiction/ 網絡打印機 网络打印机 T - 0 wǎng luò dǎ yìn jī f /network printer/ 網絡技術 网络技术 T - 0 wǎng luò jì shù f /network technology/ 網絡操作系統 网络操作系统 T - 11 wǎng luò cāo zuò xì tǒng f /network operating system/ 網絡日記 网络日记 T - 3 wǎng luò rì jì f /blog/weblog/same as 博客[bo2 ke4]/ 網絡欺詐 网络欺诈 T - 0 wǎng luò qī zhà f /phishing/ 網絡瀏覽器 网络浏览器 T - 0 wǎng luò liú lǎn qì f /network browser/Internet browser/ 網絡特工 网络特工 T - 0 wǎng luò tè gōng f /Internet troll (agent provocateur on forums etc)/ 網絡環境 网络环境 T - 0 wǎng luò huán jìng f /network environment/ 網絡用語 网络用语 T - 0 wǎng luò yòng yǔ f /see 網絡語言|网络语言[wang3 luo4 yu3 yan2]/ 網絡直徑 网络直径 T - 0 wǎng luò zhí jìng f /network diameter/ 網絡科技 网络科技 T - 3 wǎng luò kē jì f /network technology/ 網絡空間 网络空间 T - 3 wǎng luò kōng jiān f /cyberspace/ 網絡管理 网络管理 T - 32 wǎng luò guǎn lǐ f /network management/ 網絡管理員 网络管理员 T - 4 wǎng luò guǎn lǐ yuán f /network administrator/ 網絡管理系統 网络管理系统 T - 0 wǎng luò guǎn lǐ xì tǒng f /network management system/NMS/ 網絡紅人 网络红人 T - 3 wǎng luò hóng rén f /Internet celebrity/ 網絡規劃人員 网络规划人员 T - 0 wǎng luò guī huà rén yuán f /network planner/ 網絡設備 网络设备 T - 3 wǎng luò shè bèi f /network equipment/ 網絡設計 网络设计 T - 0 wǎng luò shè jì f /network design/network plan/ 網絡語言 网络语言 T - 0 wǎng luò yǔ yán f /Internet language/Internet slang/netspeak/cyberspeak/ 網絡語音 网络语音 T - 0 wǎng luò yǔ yīn f /VoIP (Voice over IP) (computing)/to speak with others over the Internet/ 網絡遷移 网络迁移 T - 0 wǎng luò qiān yí f /network migration/ 網絡鐵路 网络铁路 T - 0 wǎng luò tiě lù f /Network Rail (UK railway organization)/ 網罟座 网罟座 T - 0 Wǎng gǔ zuò f /Reticulum (constellation)/ 網羅 网罗 T - 80 wǎng luó f /net for fishing or bird catching/(fig.) fetters/to snare (a valuable new team member etc)/to bring together under the one umbrella/ 網膜 网膜 T - 15 wǎng mó f /retina (anatomy)/ 網蝽 网蝽 T - 0 wǎng chūn f /lace bug/Tingidae/ 網蟲 网虫 T - 12 wǎng chóng f /Internet addict/ 網袋 网袋 T - 9 wǎng dài f /string bag/mesh bag/net bag/ 網襪 网袜 T - 0 wǎng wà f /fishnet stockings/ 網誌 网志 T - 0 wǎng zhì f /blog/weblog/same as 博客[bo2 ke4]/ 網語 网语 T - 0 wǎng yǔ f /netspeak/cyberspeak/ 網賺 网赚 T - 3 wǎng zhuàn f /to make money online/ 網購 网购 T - 0 wǎng gòu f /Internet shopping/to purchase online/ 網路 网路 T - 73 wǎng lù f /network (computer, telecom)/Internet/Taiwanese term for 網絡|网络[wang3 luo4]/ 網路作業系統 网路作业系统 T - 0 wǎng lù zuò yè xì tǒng f /network operating system/ 網路平台 网路平台 T - 0 wǎng lù píng tái f /network platform/ 網路應用 网路应用 T - 0 wǎng lù yìng yòng f /network application/ 網路服務 网路服务 T - 0 wǎng lù fú wù f /network service/ 網路架構 网路架构 T - 0 wǎng lù jià gòu f /network infrastructure/ 網路特務 网路特务 T - 0 wǎng lù tè wu f /Internet troll (agent provocateur on forums etc)/ 網路環境 网路环境 T - 0 wǎng lù huán jìng f /network environment/ 網路節點 网路节点 T - 0 wǎng lù jié diǎn f /network node/ 網路節點介面 网路节点介面 T - 0 wǎng lù jié diǎn jiè miàn f /network node interface/ 網路鏈接層 网路链接层 T - 0 wǎng lù liàn jiē céng f /network link layer/ 網通 网通 T - 79 wǎng tōng f /China Network Communications (CNC) Group Corporation (one of China's large telephone companies)/ 網遊 网游 T - 104 wǎng yóu f /online game/abbr. for 網絡遊戲|网络游戏/ 網銀 网银 T - 0 wǎng yín f /online banking/abbr. for 網上銀行|网上银行[wang3 shang4 yin2 hang2]/ 網開一面 网开一面 T - 48 wǎng kāi yī miàn f /open the net on one side (idiom); let the caged bird fly/to give one's opponent a way out/lenient treatment/ 網開三面 网开三面 T - 3 wǎng kāi sān miàn f /to leave the net open on three sides (idiom); let the caged bird fly/to give one's opponent a way out/lenient treatment/ 網關 网关 T - 32 wǎng guān f /network router/gateway (to Internet or between networks)/ 網際 网际 T - 5 wǎng jì f /Internet/net/cyber-/ 網際協定 网际协定 T - 0 wǎng jì xié dìng f /Internet protocol/IP/ 網際網絡 网际网络 T - 0 wǎng jì wǎng luò f /Internet/ 網際網路 网际网路 T - 3 wǎng jì wǎng lù f /Internet/ 網際網路協會 网际网路协会 T - 0 wǎng jì wǎng lù xié huì f /Internet Society/ 網際色情 网际色情 T - 0 wǎng jì sè qíng f /cyberporn/ 網際電話 网际电话 T - 0 wǎng jì diàn huà f /Internet phone/ 網頁 网页 T - 3066 wǎng yè f /web page/ 網頁地址 网页地址 T - 0 wǎng yè dì zhǐ f /webaddress/URL/ 網頁設計 网页设计 T - 0 wǎng yè shè jì f /web design/ 網點 网点 T - 332 wǎng diǎn f /node in a network/branch/website/ 綳 绷 T - 444 bēng t /variant of 繃|绷[beng1]/variant of 繃|绷[beng3]/ 綴 缀 T - 333 chuò f /variant of 輟|辍[chuo4]/ 綴 缀 T - 333 zhuì t /to sew/to stitch together/to combine/to link/to connect/to put words together/to compose/to embellish/ 綴合 缀合 T - 3 zhuì hé f /to compose/to put together/ 綴字 缀字 T - 3 zhuì zì f /to spell/to compose words/ 綴字課本 缀字课本 T - 0 zhuì zì kè běn f /spelling book/ 綴文 缀文 T - 2 zhuì wén f /to compose an essay/ 綴飾 缀饰 T - 0 zhuì shì f /to decorate/decoration/ 綵 䌽 T - 7 cǎi f /variant of 彩[cai3]/ 綷 - 0 cuì f /five-color silk/see 綷縩[cui4 cai4]/ 綷縩 - 0 cuì cài f /(onom.) sound of friction of fabric/ 綸 纶 T - 61 lún f /to classify/to twist silk/silk thread/ 綹 绺 T - 180 liǔ f /skein/tuft/lock/ 綺 绮 T - 1318 qǐ f /beautiful/open-work silk/ 綺井 绮井 T - 0 qǐ jǐng f /ceiling (architecture)/ 綺夢 绮梦 T - 3 qǐ mèng f /pleasant and romantic dream/ 綺室 绮室 T - 0 qǐ shì f /magnificent room/ 綺年 绮年 T - 3 qǐ nián f /young/youthful/ 綺思 绮思 T - 3 qǐ sī f /beautiful thoughts (in writing)/ 綺想 绮想 T - 3 qǐ xiǎng f /fantasies/imaginings/ 綺想曲 绮想曲 T - 0 qǐ xiǎng qǔ f /capriccio (music)/ 綺歲 绮岁 T - 0 qǐ suì f /youthful age/ 綺燦 绮灿 T - 3 qǐ càn f /enchanting/gorgeous/ 綺窗 绮窗 T - 3 qǐ chuāng f /beautifully decorated window/ 綺筵 绮筵 T - 0 qǐ yán f /magnificent feast/ 綺繡 绮绣 T - 0 qǐ xiù f /silk material with grained pattern/ 綺羅 绮罗 T - 3 qǐ luó f /beautiful silk fabrics/person in beautiful silk dress/ 綺色佳 绮色佳 T - 0 Qǐ sè jiā f /Ithaca, Island state of Greece, the home of Odysseus 奧迪修斯|奥迪修斯[Ao4 di2 xiu1 si1]/Ithaca NY (but pronounced [Yi3 se4 jia1]), location of Cornell University 康奈爾|康奈尔[Kang1 nai4 er3]/ 綺衣 绮衣 T - 3 qǐ yī f /beautiful clothes/ 綺語 绮语 T - 3 qǐ yǔ f /flowery writing/writing concerning love and sex/ 綺貌 绮貌 T - 3 qǐ mào f /beautiful appearance/ 綺陌 绮陌 T - 0 qǐ mò f /splendid streets/ 綺雲 绮云 T - 3 qǐ yún f /beautiful clouds/ 綺靡 绮靡 T - 13 qǐ mǐ f /beautiful and intricate/ornate/gorgeous/ 綺麗 绮丽 T - 182 qǐ lì f /beautiful/enchanting/ 綻 绽 T - 437 zhàn f /to burst open/to split at the seam/ 綻放 绽放 T - 94 zhàn fàng f /to blossom/ 綻破 绽破 T - 3 zhàn pò f /to burst/to split/ 綻線 绽线 T - 0 zhàn xiàn f /to have a ripped seam/ 綻裂 绽裂 T - 3 zhàn liè f /to split open/to split apart/ 綻開 绽开 T - 83 zhàn kāi f /to burst forth/ 綻露 绽露 T - 0 zhàn lù f /to appear (formal)/ 綽 绰 T - 190 chāo f /to grab/to snatch up/variant of 焯[chao1]/ 綽 绰 T - 190 chuò t /generous/ample/wide/spacious/well-off/to grip/ 綽約 绰约 T - 23 chuò yuē f /graceful/charming/ 綽綽有餘 绰绰有余 T - 99 chuò chuò yǒu yú f /enough and to spare (idiom)/ 綽號 绰号 T - 292 chuò hào f /nickname/ 綾 绫 T - 319 líng f /damask/thin silk/ 綿 绵 T - 360 mián f /silk floss/continuous/soft/weak/mild-mannered (dialect)/ 綿亙 绵亘 T - 54 mián gèn f /to stretch in an unbroken chain (esp. of mountains)/ 綿力 绵力 T - 5 mián lì f /one's limited power (humble expr.)/ 綿子 绵子 T - 3 mián zi f /(dial.) silk floss/ 綿密 绵密 T - 43 mián mì f /detailed/meticulous/fine and careful/ 綿延 绵延 T - 571 mián yán f /continuous (esp. of mountain ranges)/to stretch long and unbroken/a continuous link/sostenuto (sustained, in music)/ 綿惙 绵惙 T - 0 mián chuò f /critically ill/ 綿白糖 绵白糖 T - 2 mián bái táng f /sugar powder/ 綿竹 绵竹 T - 57 Mián zhú f /Mianzhu county level city in Deyang 德陽|德阳[De2 yang2], Sichuan/ 綿竹市 绵竹市 T - 3 Mián zhú shì f /Mianzhu county level city in Deyang 德陽|德阳[De2 yang2], Sichuan/ 綿竹縣 绵竹县 T - 4 Mián zhú xiàn f /Mianzhu county in Deying 德阳 prefecture, Sichuan/ 綿綢 绵绸 T - 3 mián chóu f /rough-textured fabric of waste silk/ 綿綿 绵绵 T - 139 mián mián f /continuous/uninterrupted/ 綿綿不絕 绵绵不绝 T - 26 mián mián bù jué f /continuous/endless/ 綿羊 绵羊 T - 281 mián yáng f /sheep/ 綿聯 绵联 T - 0 mián lián f /variant of 綿連|绵连[mian2 lian2]/ 綿薄 绵薄 T - 20 mián bó f /my humble effort/my meager contribution (humble)/ 綿裡藏針 绵里藏针 T - 26 mián lǐ cáng zhēn f /lit. a needle concealed in silk floss (idiom)/fig. ruthless character behind a gentle appearance/a wolf in sheep's clothing/an iron fist in a velvet glove/ 綿連 绵连 T - 3 mián lián f /continuous/uninterrupted/ 綿遠 绵远 T - 3 mián yuǎn f /remote/ 綿邈 绵邈 T - 0 mián miǎo f /far back in time/faraway/remote/ 綿陽 绵阳 T - 65 Mián yáng f /Mianyang prefecture level city in Sichuan/ 綿陽地區 绵阳地区 T - 0 Mián yáng dì qū f /Mianyang prefecture in north Sichuan around Mianyang, Sichuan's second city/ 綿陽市 绵阳市 T - 28 Mián yáng shì f /Mianyang prefecture level city in north Sichuan, Sichuan's second city/ 緁 - 0 jié f /to join/to splice/to braid/ 緄 绲 T - 154 gǔn f /cord/embroidered sash/to sew/ 緄邊 绲边 T - 2 gǔn biān f /(of a dress etc) border, edging/ 緅 - 0 zōu f /purple silk/ 緆 - 0 xī f /fine gunny/sackcloth/ 緇 缁 T - 1657 zī f /Buddhists/black silk/dark/ 緊 紧 T - 5672 jǐn f /tight/strict/close at hand/near/urgent/tense/hard up/short of money/to tighten/ 緊俏 紧俏 T - 61 jǐn qiào f /(merchandise) in high demand/ 緊密 紧密 T - 1591 jǐn mì f /inseparably close/ 緊密相聯 紧密相联 T - 3 jǐn mì xiāng lián f /closely interrelated/intimately related/ 緊密織物 紧密织物 T - 0 jǐn mì zhī wù f /closely woven fabric/ 緊密配合 紧密配合 T - 3 jǐn mì pèi hé f /to coordinate closely/to act in close partnership with/ 緊實 紧实 T - 0 jǐn shí f /tight/firm/dense/packed/ 緊巴 紧巴 T - 6 jǐn bā f /tight (i.e. lacking money)/hard up/same as 緊巴巴|紧巴巴/ 緊巴巴 紧巴巴 T - 9 jǐn bā bā f /tight fitting/hard up (i.e. lacking money)/ 緊張 紧张 T 709 4790 jǐn zhāng f /nervous/keyed up/intense/tense/strained/in short supply/scarce/CL:陣|阵[zhen4]/ 緊張狀態 紧张状态 T - 3 jǐn zhāng zhuàng tài f /tense situation/stand-off/ 緊張緩和 紧张缓和 T - 0 jǐn zhāng huǎn hé f /detente/ 緊急 紧急 T 1396 2600 jǐn jí f /urgent/emergency/ 緊急事件 紧急事件 T - 3 jǐn jí shì jiàn f /emergency/ 緊急危害 紧急危害 T - 0 jǐn jí wēi hài f /emergency risk/ 緊急應變 紧急应变 T - 0 jǐn jí yìng biàn f /emergency management/ 緊急狀態 紧急状态 T - 608 jǐn jí zhuàng tài f /state of emergency/ 緊急疏散 紧急疏散 T - 0 jǐn jí shū sàn f /emergency evacuation/ 緊急醫療 紧急医疗 T - 0 jǐn jí yī liáo f /emergency medical care/ 緊扣 紧扣 T - 39 jǐn kòu f /to stick closely to (a topic or theme etc)/ 緊抱 紧抱 T - 16 jǐn bào f /to hug/to embrace/ 緊接 紧接 T - 50 jǐn jiē f /immediately adjacent/immediately following/to follow closely on/ 緊握 紧握 T - 104 jǐn wò f /to hold firmly, not let go/ 緊擠 紧挤 T - 0 jǐn jǐ f /to pinch/to squeeze tightly/ 緊湊 紧凑 T - 183 jǐn còu f /compact/terse/tight (schedule)/ 緊湊型車 紧凑型车 T - 0 jǐn còu xíng chē f /compact car model/ 緊湊渺子線圈 紧凑渺子线圈 T - 0 Jǐn còu Miǎo zǐ Xiàn quān f /Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS)/ 緊盯 紧盯 T - 3 jǐn dīng f /to gaze/to stare fixedly/ 緊箍咒 紧箍咒 T - 38 jǐn gū zhòu f /the Band-tightening Spell (in 西遊記|西游记[Xi1 you2 Ji4])/a spell or incantation for controlling sb/ 緊絀 紧绌 T - 0 jǐn chù f /supply shortage/ 緊緊 紧紧 T - 2190 jǐn jǐn f /closely/tightly/ 緊縮 紧缩 T - 295 jǐn suō f /(economics) to reduce/to curtail/to cut back/to tighten/austerity/tightening/crunch/ 緊繃 紧绷 T - 3 jǐn bēng f /to stretch taut/ 緊繃繃 紧绷绷 T - 14 jǐn bēng bēng f /tight/taut/strained/sullen/ 緊缺 紧缺 T - 236 jǐn quē f /in short supply/scarce/ 緊衣縮食 紧衣缩食 T - 0 jǐn yī suō shí f /see 節衣縮食|节衣缩食[jie2 yi1 suo1 shi2]/ 緊裹 紧裹 T - 0 jǐn guǒ f /to wrap tightly/to wind tightly/to bind/close-fitting (clothes)/ 緊要 紧要 T - 167 jǐn yào f /critical/crucial/vital/ 緊要關頭 紧要关头 T - 243 jǐn yào guān tóu f /urgent and important moment (idiom); critical juncture/ 緊貼 紧贴 T - 191 jǐn tiē f /to stick close to/to press up against/ 緊跟 紧跟 T - 183 jǐn gēn f /to follow precisely/to comply with/ 緊身 紧身 T - 81 jǐn shēn f /skintight/ 緊迫 紧迫 T 3816 550 jǐn pò f /pressing/urgent/ 緊迫盯人 紧迫盯人 T - 0 jǐn pò dīng rén f /to keep a close eye on sb (idiom)/ 緊追 紧追 T - 42 jǐn zhuī f /to pursue closely/ 緊逼 紧逼 T - 81 jǐn bī f /to press hard/to close in on/ 緊鄰 紧邻 T - 42 jǐn lín f /close neighbor/ 緊閉 紧闭 T - 1049 jǐn bì f /to close securely/tightly closed/secure/ 緊隨其後 紧随其后 T - 3 jǐn suí qí hòu f /to follow closely behind sb or sth (idiom)/ 緊集 紧集 T - 0 jǐn jí f /compact set/ 緊靠 紧靠 T - 129 jǐn kào f /to be close to/to lean closely against/ 緋 绯 T - 274 fēi f /dark red/purple silk/ 緋紅 绯红 T - 78 fēi hóng f /crimson/scarlet/ 緋聞 绯闻 T - 53 fēi wén f /sex scandal/ 緋胸鸚鵡 绯胸鹦鹉 T - 0 fēi xiōng yīng wǔ f /(bird species of China) red-breasted parakeet (Psittacula alexandri)/ 緌 - 0 ruí f /strings of cap/ 緍 - 0 mín f /old variant of 緡|缗[min2]/ 緎 - 0 yù f /seam/ 総 - 0 zǒng f /Japanese variant of 總|总/ 緐 繁 T - 1193 fán f /old variant of 繁[fan2]/ 緑 - 0 lǜ f /Japanese variant of 綠|绿/ 緒 绪 T - 172 xù f /beginnings/clues/mental state/thread/ 緒言 绪言 T - 3 xù yán f /preface/ 緒論 绪论 T - 33 xù lùn f /introduction/preface/ 緔 绱 T - 275 shàng f /to sole a shoe/ 緖 - 0 xù f /variant of 緒|绪[xu4]/ 緗 缃 T - 210 xiāng f /light yellow color/ 緘 缄 T - 63 jiān f /letters/to close/to seal/ 緘口不言 缄口不言 T - 3 jiān kǒu bù yán f /lips sealed and not saying anything (idiom); fig. to omit mention (of a non-person or embarrassing topic)/to censor/ 緘默 缄默 T - 190 jiān mò f /to keep silent/ 緙 缂 T - 225 kè f /see 緙絲|缂丝[ke4 si1]/ 緙絲 缂丝 T - 36 kè sī f /kesi or k’o-ssu, Chinese silk tapestry woven in a pictorial design/ 線 线 T - 7688 xiàn f /thread/string/wire/line/CL:條|条[tiao2],股[gu3],根[gen1]/ 線上 线上 T - 0 xiàn shàng f /online/ 線上查詢 线上查询 T - 0 xiàn shàng chá xún f /online search/ 線下 线下 T - 64 xiàn xià f /offline/below the line/ 線人 线人 T - 7 xiàn rén f /spy/informer/ 線圈 线圈 T - 181 xiàn quān f /solenoid (electrical engineering)/coil/ 線圈般 线圈般 T - 0 xiàn quān bān f /solenoid (electrical engineering)/coil/ 線圖 线图 T - 26 xiàn tú f /line drawing/diagram/line graph/ 線團 线团 T - 10 xiàn tuán f /ball of string/ 線報 线报 T - 0 xiàn bào f /tip-off/ 線尾燕 线尾燕 T - 0 xiàn wěi yàn f /(bird species of China) wire-tailed swallow (Hirundo smithii)/ 線性 线性 T - 562 xiàn xìng f /linear/linearity/ 線性代數 线性代数 T - 3 xiàn xìng dài shù f /linear algebra/ 線性回歸 线性回归 T - 0 xiàn xìng huí guī f /linear regression (statistics)/ 線性方程 线性方程 T - 19 xiàn xìng fāng chéng f /linear equation (math.)/ 線性波 线性波 T - 0 xiàn xìng bō f /linear wave/ 線性算子 线性算子 T - 0 xiàn xìng suàn zi f /linear operator (math.)/ 線性系統 线性系统 T - 44 xiàn xìng xì tǒng f /linear system/ 線性規劃 线性规划 T - 56 xiàn xìng guī huà f /linear programming/ 線桿 线杆 T - 0 xiàn gǎn f /telephone pole/utility pole/ 線條 线条 T - 389 xiàn tiáo f /line (in drawing, calligraphy etc)/the lines or contours of a three-dimensional object (hairstyle, clothing, car etc)/ 線段 线段 T - 48 xiàn duàn f /line segment/ 線狀 线状 T - 87 xiàn zhuàng f /linear/ 線粒體 线粒体 T - 98 xiàn lì tǐ f /mitochondrion/ 線索 线索 T 2527 730 xiàn suǒ f /trail/clues/thread (of a story)/ 線繩 线绳 T - 18 xiàn shéng f /string/cotton rope/ 線纜 线缆 T - 6 xiàn lǎn f /cable/wire/cord (computer)/ 線蟲 线虫 T - 112 xiàn chóng f /nematode worm (Caenorhabditis elegans)/ 線西 线西 T - 4 Xiàn xī f /Hsienhsi township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 線西鄉 线西乡 T - 0 Xiàn xī xiāng f /Hsienhsi township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 線路 线路 T - 2050 xiàn lù f /line/circuit/wire/road/railway track/bus route/ 線軸 线轴 T - 10 xiàn zhóu f /thread spool/ 線速度 线速度 T - 10 xiàn sù dù f /linear velocity/ 線鋸 线锯 T - 0 xiàn jù f /fret saw/jigsaw/ 緜 绵 T - 360 mián f /old variant of 綿|绵[mian2]/cotton/ 緝 缉 T - 236 jī t /to seize/to arrest/Taiwan pr. [qi4]/ 緝 缉 T - 236 qī f /to stitch finely/ 緝拿 缉拿 T - 44 jī ná f /to arrest/to seize/ 緝捕 缉捕 T - 188 jī bǔ f /to seize/to apprehend/an arrest/ 緝查 缉查 T - 7 jī chá f /to raid/to search (for criminal)/ 緝毒 缉毒 T - 45 jī dú f /to counter narcotics trafficking/drug enforcement/ 緝毒犬 缉毒犬 T - 0 jī dú quǎn f /drug detector dog/sniffer dog/ 緝獲 缉获 T - 5 jī huò f /to arrest/to apprehend/ 緝私 缉私 T - 67 jī sī f /to suppress smugglers/to search for smuggled goods/ 緝訪 缉访 T - 0 jī fǎng f /to search and enquire/ 緞 缎 T - 461 duàn f /satin/ 緞子 缎子 T - 123 duàn zi f /satin/ 緞布 缎布 T - 0 duàn bù f /satin/ 緞帶 缎带 T - 28 duàn dài f /ribbon/ 緞紋織 缎纹织 T - 0 duàn wén zhī f /satin weave/ 緞織 缎织 T - 0 duàn zhī f /satin weave/ 締 缔 T - 31 dì f /closely joined/connection/knot/ 締約 缔约 T - 68 dì yuē f /to conclude a treaty/ 締約國 缔约国 T - 186 dì yuē guó f /signatory states/countries that are party to a treaty/ 締約方 缔约方 T - 8 dì yuē fāng f /party in a contract, treaty etc/ 締結 缔结 T - 1195 dì jié f /to conclude (an agreement)/ 締造 缔造 T - 206 dì zào f /to found/to create/ 締造者 缔造者 T - 93 dì zào zhě f /creator (of a great work)/founder/ 緡 缗 T - 91 mín f /cord/fishing-line/string of coins/ 緣 缘 T - 2041 yuán f /cause/reason/karma/fate/predestined affinity/margin/hem/edge/along/ 緣何 缘何 T - 90 yuán hé f /why?/for what reason?/ 緣分 缘分 T - 133 yuán fèn f /fate or chance that brings people together/predestined affinity or relationship/(Budd.) destiny/ 緣故 缘故 T 3390 965 yuán gù f /reason/cause/ 緣於 缘于 T - 87 yuán yú f /to originate from/to come from the fact that/owing to/because of/ 緣木求魚 缘木求鱼 T - 6 yuán mù qiú yú f /lit. climb a tree to catch a fish (idiom); fig. to attempt the impossible/ 緣由 缘由 T - 456 yuán yóu f /reason/cause/ 緣起 缘起 T - 81 yuán qǐ f /origin/ 緣飾 缘饰 T - 0 yuán shì f /fringe/ 緤 - 8 xiè f /variant of 紲|绁[xie4]/to tie/to bind/ 緥 褓 T - 57 bǎo f /variant of 褓[bao3]/ 緦 缌 T - 139 sī f /fine linen/ 編 编 T - 3374 biān f /to weave/to plait/to organize/to group/to arrange/to edit/to compile/to write/to compose/to fabricate/ 編修 编修 T - 287 biān xiū f /to compile and edit/ 編列 - 17 biān liè f /to arrange in order/to compile/to prepare (a budget, project etc)/ 編劇 编剧 T - 502 biān jù f /to write a play/scenario/dramatist/screenwriter/ 編印 编印 T - 311 biān yìn f /to compile and print/to publish/ 編審 编审 T - 59 biān shěn f /to copy-edit/copy editor/ 編寫 编写 T - 953 biān xiě f /to compile/ 編導 编导 T - 339 biān dǎo f /to write and direct (a play, film etc)/playwright-director/choreographer-director/scenarist-director/ 編年史 编年史 T - 84 biān nián shǐ f /annals/chronicle/ 編年體 编年体 T - 58 biān nián tǐ f /in the style of annals/chronological history, the regular form of the Chinese dynastic histories/ 編成 编成 T - 760 biān chéng f /to organize/to put together/to edit/ 編排 编排 T - 279 biān pái f /to arrange/to lay out/ 編撰 编撰 T - 170 biān zhuàn f /to compile/to edit/ 編曲 编曲 T - 6 biān qǔ f /to compose (music)/arrangement/ 編次 编次 T - 68 biān cì f /order of arrangement/ 編班 编班 T - 3 biān bān f /to group or place into classes/ 編班考試 编班考试 T - 0 biān bān kǎo shì f /placement test/ 編目 编目 T - 65 biān mù f /to make a catalogue/catalogue/list/ 編碼 编码 T - 327 biān mǎ f /to code/to encode/code/ 編碼器 编码器 T - 16 biān mǎ qì f /encoder/ 編碼字符集 编码字符集 T - 0 biān mǎ zì fú jí f /coded character set/ 編碼系統 编码系统 T - 0 biān mǎ xì tǒng f /coding system/ 編磬 编磬 T - 4 biān qìng f /musical instrument consisting of a set of chime stones suspended from a beam and struck as a xylophone/ 編程 编程 T - 303 biān chéng f /(computing) to program/programming/ 編篡 编篡 T - 0 biān cuàn f /to fabricate (sth)/ 編組 编组 T - 325 biān zǔ f /to organize into groups/marshalling/ 編結 编结 T - 103 biān jié f /to weave/to plait/ 編結業 编结业 T - 0 biān jié yè f /weaving industry/ 編織 编织 T 4220 405 biān zhī f /to weave/to knit/to plait/to braid/(fig.) to create (sth abstract, e.g. a dream, a lie etc)/ 編織品 编织品 T - 11 biān zhī pǐn f /woven fabric/ 編纂 编纂 T - 484 biān zuǎn f /to compile/ 編者 编者 T - 171 biān zhě f /editor/compiler/ 編者按 编者按 T - 158 biān zhě àn f /editor's commentary/ 編者案 编者案 T - 3 biān zhě àn f /variant of 編者按|编者按[bian1 zhe3 an4]/ 編舞 编舞 T - 0 biān wǔ f /choreography/choreographer/ 編著 编著 T - 104 biān zhù f /to compile/to write/ 編號 编号 T - 402 biān hào f /to number/numbering/serial number/ 編製 编制 T - 2926 biān zhì f /to weave/to plait/to braid/to work out/to draw up/to prepare/to compile/authorized strength/establishment/ 編譯 编译 T - 343 biān yì f /to translate and edit/translator-editor/(computing) to compile (source code)/ 編譯器 编译器 T - 45 biān yì qì f /compiler/ 編譯家 编译家 T - 0 biān yì jiā f /translator and editor/ 編輯 编辑 T 1793 21691 biān jí f /to edit/to compile/editor/compiler/ 編輯器 编辑器 T - 25 biān jí qì f /editor (software)/ 編輯室 编辑室 T - 13 biān jí shì f /editorial office/ 編輯家 编辑家 T - 0 biān jí jiā f /editor/compiler/ 編造 编造 T - 202 biān zào f /to compile/to draw up/to fabricate/to invent/to concoct/to make up/to cook up/ 編遣 编遣 T - 3 biān qiǎn f /to reorganize (troops etc) and discharge surplus personnel/ 編選 编选 T - 82 biān xuǎn f /to select and edit/to compile/ 編錄 编录 T - 34 biān lù f /to select and edict/to edit extracts/ 編鐘 编钟 T - 725 biān zhōng f /set of bells (old Chinese music instrument)/ 編隊 编队 T - 505 biān duì f /to form into columns/to organize into teams/formation (of ships or aircraft)/ 緩 缓 T - 1824 huǎn f /slow/unhurried/sluggish/gradual/not tense/relaxed/to postpone/to defer/to stall/to stave off/to revive/to recuperate/ 緩不濟急 缓不济急 T - 7 huǎn bù jì jí f /lit. slow no aid to urgent (idiom); slow measures will not address a critical situation/too slow to meet a pressing need/ 緩兵之計 缓兵之计 T - 58 huǎn bīng zhī jì f /delaying tactics/stalling/measures to stave off an attack/stratagem to win a respite/ 緩刑 缓刑 T - 184 huǎn xíng f /suspended sentence/probation/ 緩動 缓动 T - 0 huǎn dòng f /sluggish/ 緩和 缓和 T 4269 857 huǎn hé f /to ease (tension)/to alleviate/to moderate/to allay/to make more mild/ 緩存 缓存 T - 245 huǎn cún f /(computing) cache/buffer memory/ 緩徵 缓征 T - 10 huǎn zhēng f /to suspend taxes momentarily/to postpone military draft/ 緩急 缓急 T - 85 huǎn jí f /priority/whether sth is urgent/ 緩急相濟 缓急相济 T - 3 huǎn jí xiāng jì f /to help one another in difficulty/mutual assistance in extremity/ 緩急輕重 缓急轻重 T - 3 huǎn jí qīng zhòng f /slight or important, urgent or non-urgent (idiom); to deal with important matters first/sense of priority/also written 輕重緩急|轻重缓急/ 緩慢 缓慢 T - 1512 huǎn màn f /slow/slow-moving/ 緩期 缓期 T - 47 huǎn qī f /to defer/to put off (until later)/to postpone/ 緩期付款 缓期付款 T - 0 huǎn qī fù kuǎn f /to defer payment/ 緩步 缓步 T - 319 huǎn bù f /to walk slowly/to amble along/gradually/slowly/ 緩氣 缓气 T - 3 huǎn qì f /to get one's breath back/to take a breather/ 緩發中子 缓发中子 T - 0 huǎn fā zhōng zǐ f /delayed neutron/ 緩緩 缓缓 T - 2078 huǎn huǎn f /slowly/unhurriedly/little by little/ 緩聘 缓聘 T - 0 huǎn pìn f /to defer employment/to put off hiring/ 緩衝 缓冲 T - 194 huǎn chōng f /buffer/to cushion/to adjust to sharp changes/ 緩衝器 缓冲器 T - 12 huǎn chōng qì f /buffer (computer science)/ 緩解 缓解 T 2230 1111 huǎn jiě f /to bring relief/to alleviate (a crisis)/to dull (a pain)/ 緩辦 缓办 T - 3 huǎn bàn f /to postpone/to delay/ 緩降 缓降 T - 0 huǎn jiàng f /to retard downward motion/to brake falling/to control descent/ 緩降器 缓降器 T - 0 huǎn jiàng qì f /escape mechanism to brake descent/safety chute/ 緩頰 缓颊 T - 3 huǎn jiá f /to urge reconciliation/to dissuade from punitive action/ 緪 - 3 gēng f /a rope/ 緫 - 6 zǒng f /variant of 總|总[zong3]/ 緬 缅 T - 516 Miǎn f /Myanmar (formerly Burma) (abbr. for 緬甸|缅甸[Mian3 dian4])/ 緬 缅 T - 516 miǎn f /distant/remote/detailed/ 緬元 缅元 T - 0 Miǎn yuán f /Burmese dollar/ 緬因 缅因 T - 51 Miǎn yīn f /Maine, US state/ 緬因州 缅因州 T - 19 Miǎn yīn zhōu f /Maine, US state/ 緬懷 缅怀 T - 234 miǎn huái f /to commemorate/to recall fondly/to think of the past/ 緬文 缅文 T - 0 Miǎn wén f /Burmese (language, esp. written)/ 緬甸 缅甸 T - 871 Miǎn diàn f /Myanmar (or Burma)/ 緬甸聯邦 缅甸联邦 T - 11 Miǎn diàn Lián bāng f /Union of Myanmar, official name of Burma 1998-2010/ 緬甸語 缅甸语 T - 6 Miǎn diàn yǔ f /Burmese (language of Myanmar)/ 緬邈 缅邈 T - 0 miǎn miǎo f /far/remote/ 緯 纬 T - 580 wěi f /latitude/woof (horizontal thread in weaving)/weft/ 緯圈 纬圈 T - 0 wěi quān f /line of latitude/parallel/ 緯度 纬度 T - 403 wěi dù f /latitude/ 緯紗 纬纱 T - 61 wěi shā f /woof (horizontal thread in weaving)/weft/ 緯線 纬线 T - 74 wěi xiàn f /woof/line of latitude/parallel/ 緯線圈 纬线圈 T - 0 wěi xiàn quān f /line of latitude/parallel/ 緯錦 纬锦 T - 0 wěi jǐn f /woof brocade/woven fabric with many-colored woof/ 緰 - 215 yú f /net/ 緱 缑 T - 677 Gōu f /surname Gou/ 緲 缈 T - 112 miǎo f /indistinct/ 練 练 T - 4197 liàn f /to practice/to train/to drill/to perfect (one's skill)/exercise/ 練兵 练兵 T - 423 liàn bīng f /to drill troops/army training/ 練功 练功 T - 391 liàn gōng f /to practice work skill/ 練字 练字 T - 26 liàn zì f /to practice writing characters/ 練習 练习 T 494 1029 liàn xí f /to practice/exercise/drill/practice/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 練習冊 练习册 T - 6 liàn xí cè f /exercise booklet/ 練習場 练习场 T - 9 liàn xí chǎng f /driving range (golf)/practice court/practice ground/ 練習本 练习本 T - 6 liàn xí běn f /exercise book/workbook/CL:本[ben3]/ 練達 练达 T - 41 liàn dá f /experienced/sophisticated/worldly-wise/ 緶 缏 T - 63 biàn f /braid/ 緹 缇 T - 243 tí f /orange-red silk/orange-red colored/ 緻 致 T - 3645 zhì f /fine/delicate/ 緻密 致密 T - 212 zhì mì f /fine/dense/compact/ 緻畸 致畸 T - 45 zhì jī f /producing abnormality/leading to genetic malformation/teratogenic/ 縁 - 0 yuán f /Japanese variant of 緣|缘/ 縂 - 0 zǒng f /variant of 總|总[zong3]/ 縃 - 0 xū f /fine silk/ 縄 - 0 shéng f /Japanese variant of 繩|绳/ 縈 萦 T - 56 yíng f /wind around/ 縈繞 萦绕 T - 91 yíng rào f /to linger on/to hover/to encircle/ 縉 缙 T - 238 jìn f /red silk/ 縉雲 缙云 T - 14 Jìn yún f /Jinyun county in Lishui 麗水|丽水[Li2 shui3], Zhejiang/ 縉雲縣 缙云县 T - 3 Jìn yún xiàn f /Jinyun county in Lishui 麗水|丽水[Li2 shui3], Zhejiang/ 縊 缢 T - 130 yì f /to hang/to strangle oneself/ 縊死 缢死 T - 3 yì sǐ f /to hang oneself/ 縊殺 缢杀 T - 0 yì shā f /to strangle to death/ 縊頸 缢颈 T - 0 yì jǐng f /to hang oneself/ 縋 缒 T - 189 zhuì f /to let down with a rope/ 縏 - 0 pán f /small bag/sack/ 縐 绉 T - 758 zhòu f /crepe/wrinkle/ 縐褶 绉褶 T - 3 zhòu zhě f /variant of 皺褶|皱褶[zhou4 zhe3]/ 縑 缣 T - 72 jiān f /thick waterproof silk/ 縕 缊 T - 2 yūn t /generative force/orange color/ 縕 缊 T - 2 yùn f /hemp/vague/mysterious/ 縗 缞 T - 0 cuī f /mourning garments of coarse hemp/ 縚 - 0 tāo f /braid/cord/sash/ 縛 缚 T - 1118 fù f /to bind/to tie/Taiwan pr. [fu2]/ 縝 缜 T - 46 zhěn f /fine and dense/ 縝匝 缜匝 T - 0 zhěn zā f /dense/fine (texture)/ 縝密 缜密 T - 132 zhěn mì f /meticulous/careful/deliberate/delicate/fine (texture)/ 縝潤 缜润 T - 0 zhěn rùn f /fine and smooth/ 縞 缟 T - 125 gǎo f /plain white silk/ 縞瑪瑙 缟玛瑙 T - 0 gǎo mǎ nǎo f /onyx/white agate/ 縞素 缟素 T - 37 gǎo sù f /white silk mourning dress/ 縟 缛 T - 41 rù f /adorned/beautiful/ 縠 - 6 hú f /fine silk gauze/ 縡 - 0 zài f /matter/affair/ 縢 - 5 téng f /bind/cord/tie up/ 縣 县 T 2111 25322 xiàn f /county/ 縣令 县令 T - 294 xiàn lìng f /county magistrate (during Tang to Qing times)/ 縣名 县名 T - 3 xiàn míng f /name of county/ 縣地 县地 T - 0 xiàn dì f /county seat/county town/ 縣城 县城 T - 1500 xiàn chéng f /county seat/county town/ 縣委 县委 T - 1363 xiàn wěi f /CPC county committee/ 縣府 县府 T - 365 xiàn fǔ f /county government/ 縣志 县志 T - 52 xiàn zhì f /general history of a county/county annals/ 縣政府 县政府 T - 1115 xiàn zhèng fǔ f /county administration/county regional government/ 縣界 县界 T - 3 xiàn jiè f /county border/county line/ 縣級 县级 T - 3647 xiàn jí f /county level/ 縣級市 县级市 T - 1180 xiàn jí shì f /county-level city/ 縣長 县长 T - 2752 xiàn zhǎng f /county's head commissioner/ 縦 - 8 zòng f /old variant of 縱|纵[zong4]/ 縧 绦 T - 195 tāo t /variant of 絛|绦[tao1]/ 縩 - 0 cài f /see 綷縩[cui4 cai4]/ 縫 缝 T - 1472 féng f /to sew/to stitch/ 縫 缝 T - 1472 fèng t /seam/crack/narrow slit/CL:道[dao4]/ 縫合 缝合 T - 84 féng hé f /to sew together/suture (in surgery)/to sew up (a wound)/ 縫合帶 缝合带 T - 0 fèng hé dài f /suture zone (geology)/ 縫子 缝子 T - 12 fèng zi f /crack/chink/narrow slit/crevice/ 縫窮 缝穷 T - 3 féng qióng f /to sew and mend clothes for a pittance/ 縫紉 缝纫 T - 66 féng rèn f /to sew/tailoring/ 縫紉機 缝纫机 T - 110 féng rèn jī f /sewing machine/CL:架[jia4]/ 縫絍 缝絍 T - 0 féng rèn f /to sew/to stitch/ 縫綴 缝缀 T - 14 féng zhuì f /to patch together/to mend/ 縫線 缝线 T - 19 féng xiàn f /suture/ 縫縫連連 缝缝连连 T - 3 féng féng lián lián f /needlework/sewing and mending/ 縫衣匠 缝衣匠 T - 0 féng yī jiàng f /tailor/ 縫衣工人 缝衣工人 T - 0 féng yī gōng rén f /needleworker/ 縫衣針 缝衣针 T - 6 féng yī zhēn f /sewing needle/ 縫補 缝补 T - 71 féng bǔ f /to darn (clothing)/to sew and mend/ 縫製 缝制 T - 110 féng zhì f /to sew/to make (clothes, bedding)/ 縫針 缝针 T - 8 féng zhēn t /a stitch/surgical stitches/ 縫針 缝针 T - 8 fèng zhēn f /needle/ 縫針跡 缝针迹 T - 0 féng zhēn jì f /seam/ 縫隙 缝隙 T - 445 fèng xì f /small crack/chink/ 縭 缡 T - 137 lí f /bridal veil or kerchief/ 縮 缩 T - 2024 suō f /to withdraw/to pull back/to contract/to shrink/to reduce/abbreviation/also pr. [su4]/ 縮印 缩印 T - 7 suō yìn f /to reprint (a book etc) in a smaller format/ 縮印本 缩印本 T - 7 suō yìn běn f /compact edition (of a dictionary etc)/ 縮多氨酸 缩多氨酸 T - 0 suō duō ān suān f /polypeptide, a chain of amino acids linked by peptide bonds CO-NH, a component of protein/same as 多肽[duo1 tai4]/ 縮寫 缩写 T - 216 suō xiě f /abbreviation/to abridge/ 縮小 缩小 T - 1347 suō xiǎo f /to reduce/to decrease/to shrink/ 縮小模型 缩小模型 T - 0 suō xiǎo mó xíng f /miniature/ 縮影 缩影 T - 116 suō yǐng f /miniature version of sth/microcosm/epitome/(Tw) to microfilm/ 縮微平片 缩微平片 T - 3 suō wēi píng piàn f /microfiche/ 縮成 缩成 T - 3 suō chéng f /to shrink into/ 縮成一團 缩成一团 T - 48 suō chéng yī tuán f /to huddle together/to curl up/ 縮手縮腳 缩手缩脚 T - 24 suō shǒu suō jiǎo f /bound hand and foot (idiom); constrained/ 縮排 缩排 T - 3 suō pái f /(typesetting) to indent/ 縮放 缩放 T - 3 suō fàng f /scaling/resizing/zoom (graphics)/ 縮時攝影 缩时摄影 T - 0 suō shí shè yǐng f /time-lapse photography/ 縮格 缩格 T - 0 suō gé f /(typesetting) to indent/ 縮氨酸 缩氨酸 T - 0 suō ān suān f /peptide (two or more amino acids linked by peptide bonds CO-NH)/same as 肽[tai4]/ 縮水 缩水 T - 190 suō shuǐ f /to shrink (in the wash)/fig. to shrink (of profits etc)/ 縮減 缩减 T - 222 suō jiǎn f /to cut/to reduce/ 縮略 缩略 T - 6 suō lüè f /to contract/to abbreviate/abbreviation/ 縮略字 缩略字 T - 0 suō lüè zì f /abbreviated character/ 縮略語 缩略语 T - 9 suō lüè yǔ f /abbreviated word/acronym/ 縮短 缩短 T 2392 976 suō duǎn f /to curtail/to cut down/ 縮約 缩约 T - 0 suō yuē f /contraction (in grammar)/abbreviation/ 縮緊 缩紧 T - 12 suō jǐn f /to tighten/to contract/to shrink in/ 縮胸 缩胸 T - 0 suō xiōng f /breast reduction/reduction mammaplasty/ 縮衣節食 缩衣节食 T - 3 suō yī jié shí f /to economize on clothes and food/to scrimp and save (idiom)/ 縮語 缩语 T - 0 suō yǔ f /abbreviated word/acronym/ 縮頭烏龜 缩头乌龟 T - 3 suō tóu wū guī f /person who refuses to face reality or confront a problem/ostrich/ 縯 - 30 yǐn f /long/ 縰 - 0 xǐ f /band for the hair/ 縱 纵 T - 4220 zòng f /warp (the vertical threads in weaving)/vertical/longitudinal/north-south (lines of longitude)/lengthwise/to release/to indulge/even if/ 縱享 纵享 T - 0 zòng xiǎng f /to enjoy/to indulge in/ 縱令 纵令 T - 16 zòng lìng f /to indulge/to give free rein/even if/ 縱使 纵使 T - 160 zòng shǐ f /even if/even though/ 縱剖面 纵剖面 T - 25 zòng pōu miàn f /vertical section/longitudinal section/ 縱向 纵向 T - 303 zòng xiàng f /longitudinal/vertical/ 縱容 纵容 T - 200 zòng róng f /to indulge/to connive at/ 縱座標 纵坐标 T - 27 zòng zuò biāo f /vertical coordinate/ordinate/ 縱情 纵情 T - 89 zòng qíng f /to your heart's content/ 縱意 纵意 T - 3 zòng yì f /willfully/wantonly/ 縱慾 纵欲 T - 66 zòng yù f /to indulge in debauchery/ 縱搖 纵摇 T - 0 zòng yáo f /pitching motion (of a boat)/ 縱放 纵放 T - 0 zòng fàng f /undisciplined/untrammeled/to indulge/ 縱斷面 纵断面 T - 3 zòng duàn miàn f /vertical section/longitudinal section/ 縱梁 纵梁 T - 6 zòng liáng f /longitudinal beam/ 縱橫 纵横 T 4710 1009 zòng héng f /lit. warp and weft in weaving; vertically and horizontal/length and breadth/criss-crossed/able to move unhindered/abbr. for 合縱連橫|合纵连横[He2 zong4 Lian2 heng2], School of Diplomacy during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC)/ 縱橫交錯 纵横交错 T - 135 zòng héng jiāo cuò f /criss-crossed (idiom)/ 縱橫字謎 纵横字谜 T - 0 zòng héng zì mí f /crossword/ 縱橫家 纵横家 T - 42 Zòng héng jiā f /School of Diplomacy of the Warring States Period (475-221 BC) whose leading advocates were Su Qin 蘇秦|苏秦[Su1 Qin2] and Zhang Yi 張儀|张仪[Zhang4 Yi2]/ 縱橫馳騁 纵横驰骋 T - 35 zòng héng chí chěng f /to criss-cross/to run unhindered across the whole country/ 縱步 纵步 T - 9 zòng bù f /to stride/to bound/ 縱波 纵波 T - 26 zòng bō f /longitudinal wave/ 縱深 纵深 T - 510 zòng shēn f /depth (of a battlefield or terrain)/ 縱火 纵火 T - 128 zòng huǒ f /to set on fire/to commit arson/ 縱火犯 纵火犯 T - 7 zòng huǒ fàn f /arsonist/ 縱然 纵然 T - 1197 zòng rán f /even if/even though/ 縱目 纵目 T - 39 zòng mù f /as far as the eye can see/ 縱神經索 纵神经索 T - 0 zòng shén jīng suǒ f /longitudinal nerve cord/ 縱紋 纵纹 T - 38 zòng wén f /stria longitudinalis (in the brain)/ 縱紋綠鵯 纵纹绿鹎 T - 0 zòng wén lǜ bēi f /(bird species of China) striated bulbul (Pycnonotus striatus)/ 縱紋腹小鴞 纵纹腹小鸮 T - 0 zòng wén fù xiǎo xiāo f /(bird species of China) little owl (Athene noctua)/ 縱紋角鴞 纵纹角鸮 T - 0 zòng wén jiǎo xiāo f /(bird species of China) pallid scops owl (Otus brucei)/ 縱線 纵线 T - 11 zòng xiàn f /vertical line/vertical coordinate line/ 縱聲 纵声 T - 3 zòng shēng f /loudly/in a loud voice/ 縱肌 纵肌 T - 0 zòng jī f /longitudinal muscle/ 縱虎歸山 纵虎归山 T - 4 zòng hǔ guī shān f /lit. to let the tiger return to the mountain; fig. to store up future calamities/ 縱裂 纵裂 T - 17 zòng liè f /lobe/longitudinal slit/vertical fracture/ 縱覽 纵览 T - 26 zòng lǎn f /panoramic view/wide survey/ 縱觀 纵观 T - 180 zòng guān f /to survey comprehensively/an overall survey/ 縱言 纵言 T - 0 zòng yán f /to theorize generally/ 縱談 纵谈 T - 38 zòng tán f /to talk freely/ 縱論 纵论 T - 15 zòng lùn f /to talk freely/ 縱貫 纵贯 T - 644 zòng guàn f /lit. warp string in weaving/fig. vertical or north-south lines/to pass through/to cross lengthwise/to pierce (esp. north-south or top-to-bottom)/ 縱身 纵身 T - 1025 zòng shēn f /to leap/to spring/to throw oneself/ 縱酒 纵酒 T - 22 zòng jiǔ f /to drink excessively/ 縱隊 纵队 T - 391 zòng duì f /column/file/CL:列[lie4],路[lu4]/ 縱隔 纵隔 T - 29 zòng gé f /mediastinum (organs and tissues in the thorax between the lungs)/ 縲 缧 T - 77 léi f /bind/bond/ 縳 䌸 T - 0 zhuàn f /to tie up/ 縴 纤 T - 403 qiàn f /boatman's tow-rope/ 縴夫 纤夫 T - 296 qiàn fū f /burlak (barge hauler)/ 縴道 纤道 T - 0 qiàn dào f /towpath (along a canal)/ 縵 缦 T - 63 màn f /plain thin silk/slow/unadorned/ 縶 絷 T - 7 zhí f /to connect/to tie up/ 縷 缕 T - 235 lǚ f /strand/thread/detailed/in detail/classifier for wisps (of smoke, mist or vapor), strands, locks (of hair)/ 縷述 缕述 T - 3 lǚ shù f /to relate in detail/ 縹 缥 T - 51 piǎo f /misty/indistinct/ 縹囊 缥囊 T - 0 piǎo náng f /book bag made of silk/ 縹渺 缥渺 T - 5 piǎo miǎo f /see 飄渺|飘渺[piao1 miao3]/ 縹緲 缥缈 T - 167 piǎo miǎo f /see 飄渺|飘渺[piao1 miao3]/ 縻 - 59 mí f /to tie up/ 總 总 T - 23585 zǒng f /always/to assemble/gather/total/overall/head/chief/general/in every case/ 總主教 总主教 T - 3 zǒng zhǔ jiào f /archbishop/primate (of a church)/metropolitan/ 總之 总之 T 1549 1517 zǒng zhī f /in a word/in short/in brief/ 總人口 总人口 T - 3295 zǒng rén kǒu f /total population/ 總供給 总供给 T - 3 zǒng gōng jǐ f /aggregate supply/ 總值 总值 T - 363 zǒng zhí f /total value/ 總價 总价 T - 44 zǒng jià f /total price/ 總公司 总公司 T - 506 zǒng gōng sī f /parent company/head office/ 總共 总共 T 2113 660 zǒng gòng f /altogether/in sum/in all/in total/ 總分 总分 T - 349 zǒng fēn f /overall score/total points/ 總則 总则 T - 81 zǒng zé f /profile/general provision (law)/ 總動員 总动员 T - 335 zǒng dòng yuán f /general mobilization (for war etc)/ 總務 总务 T - 50 zǒng wù f /general matters/division of general affairs/person in overall charge/ 總卵黃管 总卵黄管 T - 0 zǒng luǎn huáng guǎn f /common vitelline duct/ 總參謀部 总参谋部 T - 139 zǒng cān móu bù f /(military) General Staff Headquarters/ 總參謀長 总参谋长 T - 358 zǒng cān móu zhǎng f /(military) Chief of Staff/ 總台 总台 T - 18 zǒng tái f /front desk/reception desk/ 總司令 总司令 T - 1647 zǒng sī lìng f /commander-in-chief/top military commander for a country or theater of operations/ 總司令部 总司令部 T - 167 zǒng sī lìng bù f /general headquarters/ 總合 总合 T - 4 zǒng hé f /to collect together/to add up/altogether/ 總和 总和 T 4476 583 zǒng hé f /sum/ 總噸位 总吨位 T - 51 zǒng dūn wèi f /overall tonnage (of a shipping fleet or company)/ 總回報 总回报 T - 0 zǒng huí bào f /total return/aggregate profit/ 總局 总局 T - 479 zǒng jú f /head office/general office/central office/ 總平面圖 总平面图 T - 0 zǒng píng miàn tú f /general layout/site plan/ 總幹事 总干事 T - 3 zǒng gàn shi f /secretary-general/ 總後勤部 总后勤部 T - 96 zǒng hòu qín bù f /(military) General Logistics Department/ 總得 总得 T - 423 zǒng děi f /must/have to/be bound to/ 總成本 总成本 T - 3 zǒng chéng běn f /total costs/ 總括 总括 T - 39 zǒng kuò f /to sum up/all-inclusive/ 總指揮部 总指挥部 T - 43 zǒng zhǐ huī bù f /general headquarters/ 總攬 总揽 T - 70 zǒng lǎn f /to assume full responsibility/to be in full control/to monopolize/ 總收入 总收入 T - 171 zǒng shōu rù f /gross income/ 總收益 总收益 T - 0 zǒng shōu yì f /total profit/aggregate return/ 總政治部 总政治部 T - 149 zǒng zhèng zhì bù f /(military) General Political Department/ 總數 总数 T - 2565 zǒng shù f /total/sum/aggregate/ 總方針 总方针 T - 43 zǒng fāng zhēn f /general policy/overall guidelines/ 總是 总是 T 375 6089 zǒng shì f /always/ 總書記 总书记 T - 1104 zǒng shū ji f /general secretary (of the Communist Party)/ 總會三明治 总会三明治 T - 0 zǒng huì sān míng zhì f /club sandwich/ 總會會長 总会会长 T - 0 zǒng huì huì zhǎng f /president/ 總有 总有 T - 0 zǒng yǒu f /inevitably there will be/ 總桿賽 总杆赛 T - 0 zǒng gān sài f /stroke play (golf)/ 總機 总机 T - 20 zǒng jī f /central exchange/telephone exchange/switchboard/ 總次數 总次数 T - 0 zǒng cì shù f /total number of times/ 總歸 总归 T - 88 zǒng guī f /eventually/after all/anyhow/ 總決賽 总决赛 T - 118 zǒng jué sài f /finals (sports)/ 總法律顧問 总法律顾问 T - 0 zǒng fǎ lǜ gù wèn f /general counsel/ 總熱值 总热值 T - 0 zǒng rè zhí f /gross calorific value/ 總理 总理 T 2273 8200 zǒng lǐ f /premier/prime minister/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]/ 總理衙門 总理衙门 T - 3 zǒng lǐ yá men f /the Qing dynasty equivalent of the Foreign Office/ 總產值 总产值 T - 2452 zǒng chǎn zhí f /gross product/total output/ 總產量 总产量 T - 1643 zǒng chǎn liàng f /total output/ 總的來說 总的来说 T - 162 zǒng de lái shuō f /generally speaking/to sum up/in summary/in short/ 總監 总监 T - 711 zǒng jiān f /head/director (of an organizational unit)/(police) commissioner/inspector-general/rank of local governor in Tang dynasty administration/ 總目 总目 T - 71 zǒng mù f /super-order (taxonomy)/catalog/table of contents/ 總督 总督 T - 2447 zǒng dū f /governor-general/viceroy/governor/ 總社 总社 T - 86 zǒng shè f /cooperative (organisation)/cooperation (e.g. between companies)/ 總稱 总称 T - 535 zǒng chēng f /generic term/ 總站 总站 T - 70 zǒng zhàn f /terminus/ 總算 总算 T 1818 1164 zǒng suàn f /at long last/finally/on the whole/ 總管理處 总管理处 T - 0 zǒng guǎn lǐ chù f /headquarters/main administrative office/ 總結 总结 T 1142 3346 zǒng jié f /to sum up/to conclude/summary/résumé/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 總統 总统 T 1231 6679 zǒng tǒng f /president (of a country)/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2],屆|届[jie4]/ 總統任期 总统任期 T - 0 zǒng tǒng rèn qī f /presidency/term of office/ 總統制 总统制 T - 100 zǒng tǒng zhì f /presidential system/ 總統大選 总统大选 T - 3 zǒng tǒng dà xuǎn f /presidential election/ 總統府 总统府 T - 408 zǒng tǒng fǔ f /presidential palace/ 總統選舉 总统选举 T - 0 zǒng tǒng xuǎn jǔ f /presidential election/ 總經理 总经理 T - 1895 zǒng jīng lǐ f /general manager/CEO/ 總線 总线 T - 181 zǒng xiàn f /computer bus/ 總編 总编 T - 77 zǒng biān f /chief editor (of newspaper)/abbr. for 總編輯|总编辑/ 總編輯 总编辑 T - 232 zǒng biān jí f /chief editor (of newspaper)/ 總署 总署 T - 106 zǒng shǔ f /general office/ 總而言之 总而言之 T 4188 248 zǒng ér yán zhī f /in short/in a word/in brief/ 總能 总能 T - 244 zǒng néng f /total energy/ 總裁 总裁 T 1993 1812 zǒng cái f /chairman/director-general (of a company etc)/ 總裝備部 总装备部 T - 61 Zǒng Zhuāng bèi bù f /General Armaments Department (GAD)/ 總要 总要 T - 3 zǒng yào f /nevertheless/ 總覽 总览 T - 3 zǒng lǎn f /a general overview/ 總角之交 总角之交 T - 8 zǒng jiǎo zhī jiāo f /childhood friend (idiom)/ 總角之好 总角之好 T - 3 zǒng jiǎo zhī hǎo f /childhood friend (idiom)/ 總計 总计 T - 410 zǒng jì f /(grand) total/ 總諧波失真 总谐波失真 T - 0 zǒng xié bō shī zhēn f /(acoustics) total harmonic distortion (THD)/ 總譜 总谱 T - 12 zǒng pǔ f /musical score/ 總運單 总运单 T - 0 zǒng yùn dān f /master air waybill (MAWB) (transport)/ 總部 总部 T - 2024 zǒng bù f /general headquarters/ 總重 总重 T - 3 zǒng zhòng f /gross weight/total weight/ 總量 总量 T - 2510 zǒng liàng f /total/overall amount/ 總長 总长 T - 926 zǒng cháng f /total length/ 總長 总长 T - 926 zǒng zhǎng t /name used for cabinet ministers between 1912-1927, superseded by 部長|部长[bu4 zhang3]/ 總開關 总开关 T - 3 zǒng kāi guān f /main switch/ 總集 总集 T - 118 zǒng jí f /general collection/anthology/ 總需求 总需求 T - 3 zǒng xū qiú f /aggregate demand/ 總領事 总领事 T - 162 zǒng lǐng shì f /consul general/ 總領事館 总领事馆 T - 27 zǒng lǐng shì guǎn f /Consulate General/ 總領館 总领馆 T - 32 zǒng lǐng guǎn f /Consulate general/same as 總領事館|总领事馆[zong3 ling3 shi4 guan3]/ 總額 总额 T - 3282 zǒng é f /total (amount or value)/ 總風險 总风险 T - 0 zǒng fēng xiǎn f /aggregate risk/ 總體 总体 T - 2506 zǒng tǐ f /completely/totally/total/entire/overall/population (statistics)/ 總體上說 总体上说 T - 0 zǒng tǐ shàng shuō f /looking at the big picture/all in all/all things considered/ 總體目標 总体目标 T - 3 zǒng tǐ mù biāo f /overall target/overall objective/ 總體經濟學 总体经济学 T - 0 zǒng tǐ jīng jì xué f /macroeconomics (Taiwan)/ 總體規劃 总体规划 T - 3 zǒng tǐ guī huà f /overall plan/master plan/ 績 绩 T - 457 jì f /to spin (hemp etc)/merit/accomplishment/grade/Taiwan pr. [ji1]/ 績優股 绩优股 T - 9 jì yōu gǔ f /gilt-edged stock/blue chip stock/ 績效 绩效 T - 247 jì xiào f /performance/results/achievement/ 績溪 绩溪 T - 12 Jì xī f /Jixi county in Xuancheng 宣城[Xuan1 cheng2], Anhui/ 績溪縣 绩溪县 T - 5 Jì xī xiàn f /Jixi county in Xuancheng 宣城[Xuan1 cheng2], Anhui/ 縿 - 6 shān f /fringe/ornament of banner/ 繁 緐 S - 1193 fán f /old variant of 繁[fan2]/ 繁 - 1193 fán f /complicated/many/in great numbers/abbr. for 繁體|繁体[fan2 ti3], traditional form of Chinese characters/ 繁体 繁體 S - 20 fán tǐ f /traditional form of Chinese, as opposed to simplified form 簡體|简体[jian3 ti3]/ 繁体字 繁體字 S 4829 395 fán tǐ zì f /traditional Chinese character/ 繁冗 - 9 fán rǒng f /variant of 煩冗|烦冗[fan2 rong3]/ 繁华 繁華 S 4608 828 fán huá f /flourishing/bustling/ 繁博 - 3 fán bó f /numerous and wide-ranging/ 繁复 繁複 S - 228 fán fù f /complicated/ 繁多 - 637 fán duō f /many and varied/of many different kinds/ 繁密 - 32 fán mì f /numerous and close together/(of hair) luxuriant/(of woods) dense/(of gunfire) intense/ 繁峙 - 10 Fán shì f /Fanshi county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ 繁峙县 繁峙縣 S - 14 Fán shì xiàn f /Fanshi county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ 繁峙縣 繁峙县 T - 14 Fán shì xiàn f /Fanshi county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ 繁征博引 繁徵博引 S - 3 fán zhēng bó yǐn f /an elaborate string of references/many quotations/ 繁徵博引 繁征博引 T - 3 fán zhēng bó yǐn f /an elaborate string of references/many quotations/ 繁忙 3971 782 fán máng f /busy/bustling/ 繁文 - 3 fán wén f /convoluted/elaborate formalities/ 繁文縟節 繁文缛节 T - 29 fán wén rù jié f /convoluted and over-elaborate (document)/unnecessarily elaborate writing/mumbo-jumbo/ 繁文缛节 繁文縟節 S - 29 fán wén rù jié f /convoluted and over-elaborate (document)/unnecessarily elaborate writing/mumbo-jumbo/ 繁昌 - 4 Fán chāng f /Fanchang county in Wuhu 蕪湖|芜湖[Wu2 hu2], Anhui/ 繁昌县 繁昌縣 S - 3 Fán chāng xiàn f /Fanchang county in Wuhu 蕪湖|芜湖[Wu2 hu2], Anhui/ 繁昌縣 繁昌县 T - 3 Fán chāng xiàn f /Fanchang county in Wuhu 蕪湖|芜湖[Wu2 hu2], Anhui/ 繁星 - 89 fán xīng f /many stars/a vast sky full of stars/ 繁本 - 0 fán běn f /detailed edition/unexpurgated version/ 繁杂 繁雜 S - 130 fán zá f /many/diverse/ 繁榮 繁荣 T 2366 2081 fán róng f /prosperous/booming (economy)/ 繁榮昌盛 繁荣昌盛 T - 55 fán róng chāng shèng f /glorious and flourishing (idiom); thriving/ 繁殖 3843 3026 fán zhí f /to breed/to reproduce/to propagate/ 繁琐 繁瑣 S - 561 fán suǒ f /many and complicated/mired in minor details/ 繁瑣 繁琐 T - 561 fán suǒ f /many and complicated/mired in minor details/ 繁盛 - 321 fán shèng f /prosperous/thriving/(of vegetation) luxuriant/ 繁简 繁簡 S - 3 fán jiǎn f /complicated and simple/traditional and simplified form of Chinese characters/ 繁簡 繁简 T - 3 fán jiǎn f /complicated and simple/traditional and simplified form of Chinese characters/ 繁縟 繁缛 T - 28 fán rù f /many and elaborate/ 繁縷 繁缕 T - 0 fán lǚ f /common chickweed (Stellaria media)/ 繁缕 繁縷 S - 0 fán lǚ f /common chickweed (Stellaria media)/ 繁缛 繁縟 S - 28 fán rù f /many and elaborate/ 繁育 - 153 fán yù f /to breed/ 繁芜 繁蕪 S - 2 fán wú f /wordy/verbose/flourishing and thriving/ 繁花 - 43 fán huā f /flourishing blossom/a mass of flowers/luxuriant flowers/ 繁茂 - 399 fán mào f /exuberant/luxuriant/lush and flourishing (vegetation)/rank growth/ 繁荣 繁榮 S 2366 2081 fán róng f /prosperous/booming (economy)/ 繁荣昌盛 繁榮昌盛 S - 55 fán róng chāng shèng f /glorious and flourishing (idiom); thriving/ 繁華 繁华 T 4608 828 fán huá f /flourishing/bustling/ 繁蕪 繁芜 T - 2 fán wú f /wordy/verbose/flourishing and thriving/ 繁衍 - 562 fán yǎn f /to multiply/to reproduce/to increase gradually in number or quantity/ 繁複 繁复 T - 228 fán fù f /complicated/ 繁重 - 568 fán zhòng f /heavy/burdensome/heavy-duty/arduous/onerous/ 繁闹 繁鬧 S - 0 fán nào f /bustling/ 繁雜 繁杂 T - 130 fán zá f /many/diverse/ 繁體 繁体 T - 20 fán tǐ f /traditional form of Chinese, as opposed to simplified form 簡體|简体[jian3 ti3]/ 繁體字 繁体字 T 4829 395 fán tǐ zì f /traditional Chinese character/ 繁鬧 繁闹 T - 0 fán nào f /bustling/ 繃 绷 T - 597 bēng t /to stretch/taut/to tie/to bind/ 繃 绷 T - 597 běng f /to have a taut face/ 繃子 绷子 T - 4 bēng zi f /embroidery frame/hoop/tambour/ 繃巴吊拷 绷巴吊拷 T - 0 bèng bā diào kǎo f /variant of 繃扒吊拷|绷扒吊拷[beng4 ba1 diao4 kao3]/ 繃帶 绷带 T - 179 bēng dài f /bandage (loanword)/ 繃床 绷床 T - 3 bēng chuáng f /trampoline/ 繃扒吊拷 绷扒吊拷 T - 0 bèng bā diào kǎo f /to strip, tie up, hang and beat sb, an ancient torture technique/ 繃簧 绷簧 T - 2 bēng huáng f /spring/ 繃緊 绷紧 T - 86 bēng jǐn f /to brace/taut/ 繃著臉 绷着脸 T - 3 běng zhe liǎn f /to have a taut face/to pull a long face/to look displeased/ 繄 - 5 yī f /interj./sighing sound/ 繅 缫 T - 74 sāo f /to reel silk from cocoons/ 繆 缪 T - 90 Miào f /surname Miao/ 繆 缪 T - 90 liǎo f /old variant of 繚|缭[liao3]/ 繆 缪 T - 90 miào f /mu (Greek letter Μμ)/ 繆 缪 T - 90 móu t /to wind round/ 繆 缪 T - 90 mù f /old variant of 穆[mu4]/ 繆巧 缪巧 T - 0 miù qiǎo f /plan/scheme/intelligent/quick witted/ 繆思 缪思 T - 0 Miù sī f /variant of 繆斯|缪斯[Miu4 si1]/ 繆斯 缪斯 T - 0 Miù sī f /Muse (Greek mythology)/ 繇 - 64 yáo t /folk-song/forced labor/ 繇 - 64 yóu f /cause/means/ 繇 - 64 zhòu f /interpretations of the trigrams/ 繈 - 9 qiǎng f /cloth for carrying baby on back/ 繊 - 26 xiān f /Japanese variant of 纖|纤/ 繋 - 18 xì f /variant of 繫|系[xi4]/ 繐 - 3 suì f /fine and loose cloth/tassel/ 繒 缯 T - 65 Zēng t /surname Zeng/ 繒 缯 T - 65 zēng t /silk fabrics/ 繒 缯 T - 65 zèng f /to tie/to bind/ 織 织 T - 1133 zhī f /to weave/to knit/ 織品 织品 T - 28 zhī pǐn f /textile/ 織女 织女 T - 66 Zhī nǚ f /Vega (star)/Weaving girl of folk tales/ 織女星 织女星 T - 47 Zhī nǚ xīng f /Vega, brightest star in constellation Lyra 天琴星座/Weaving girl of folk tale Cowherd and weaving maid 牛郎織女|牛郎织女/ 織布 织布 T - 267 zhī bù f /woven cloth/to weave cloth/ 織布機 织布机 T - 86 zhī bù jī f /loom/ 織機 织机 T - 170 zhī jī f /loom/ 織物 织物 T - 368 zhī wù f /cloth/woven material/textiles/ 織田信長 织田信长 T - 3 Zhī tián Xìn cháng f /ODA Nobunaga (1534-1582), Japanese shogun (warlord), played an important role in unifying Japan/ 織當訪婢 织当访婢 T - 3 zhī dāng fǎng bì f /if it's weaving, ask the maid (idiom); when managing a matter, consult the appropriate specialist/ 織紝 织纴 T - 0 zhī rèn f /spinning and weaving/ 織花 织花 T - 3 zhī huā f /woven pattern/ 織補 织补 T - 11 zhī bǔ f /darning/to darn/ 織造 织造 T - 241 zhī zào f /to weave/to manufacture by weaving/ 織金 织金 T - 20 Zhī jīn f /Zhijin county in Bijie prefecture 畢節地區|毕节地区[Bi4 jie2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 織金縣 织金县 T - 2 Zhī jīn xiàn f /Zhijin county in Bijie prefecture 畢節地區|毕节地区[Bi4 jie2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 織金錦 织金锦 T - 0 zhī jīn jǐn f /gilt brocade/ 織錦 织锦 T - 92 zhī jǐn f /brocade/silk fabric with colored pattern/ 繕 缮 T - 787 shàn f /to repair/to mend/to rewrite/to transcribe/ 繕寫 缮写 T - 36 shàn xiě f /to copy/to transcribe/ 繕清 缮清 T - 0 shàn qīng f /to make a clean copy/ 繖 伞 T 580 1574 sǎn f /damask silk/variant of 傘|伞[san3]/ 繘 - 268 yù f /a well-rope/ 繙 - 104 fān f /to translate/ 繚 缭 T - 110 liáo f /to wind round/to sew with slanting stitches/ 繚亂 缭乱 T - 12 liáo luàn f /dazzled/confused/ 繚繞 缭绕 T - 196 liáo rào f /to curl up/to linger on (sound)/ 繚邊兒 缭边儿 T - 0 liáo biān r f /to stitch a hem/ 繞 绕 T 1637 3037 rào f /to wind/to coil (thread)/to rotate around/to spiral/to move around/to go round (an obstacle)/to by-pass/to make a detour/to confuse/to perplex/ 繞一圈 绕一圈 T - 0 rào yī quān f /to go around one time/to do a circuit/ 繞來繞去 绕来绕去 T - 0 rào lái rào qù f /meandering and circuitous (idiom); to go around in circles and never get anywhere/ 繞口令 绕口令 T - 10 rào kǒu lìng f /tongue-twister/ 繞嘴 绕嘴 T - 3 rào zuǐ f /hard to get one's mouth around/a tongue-twister/ 繞圈子 绕圈子 T - 17 rào quān zi f /to go around in circles/to make a detour/(fig.) to beat about the bush/ 繞地 绕地 T - 0 rào dì f /to orbit the earth/ 繞射 绕射 T - 0 rào shè f /interference (of wave motion in physics)/ 繞彎 绕弯 T - 4 rào wān f /to go for a walk around/fig. to speak in a roundabout way/ 繞彎兒 绕弯儿 T - 19 rào wān r f /to go for a walk around/fig. to speak in a roundabout way/ 繞彎子 绕弯子 T - 44 rào wān zi f /lit. to go on a long detour/fig. to speak vaguely around the topic without getting to the point/to beat about the bush/ 繞彎子兒 绕弯子儿 T - 0 rào wān zǐ r f /lit. to go on a long detour/fig. to speak vaguely around the topic without getting to the point/to beat about the bush/ 繞手 绕手 T - 0 rào shǒu f /thorny issue/tricky case/ 繞梁三日 绕梁三日 T - 3 rào liáng sān rì f /reverberates around the rafters for three days (idiom); fig. sonorous and resounding (esp. of singing voice)/ 繞流 绕流 T - 0 rào liú f /turbulence (in fluid mechanics)/ 繞組 绕组 T - 104 rào zǔ f /coil (in electric motor or transformer)/ 繞繞 绕绕 T - 0 rào rào f /twisting and turning/involved and tricky/ 繞脖子 绕脖子 T - 3 rào bó zi f /tricky/involved/to beat about the bush/ 繞膝 绕膝 T - 5 rào xī f /(children) run around parent's knees/fig. to stay to look after one's elderly parents/ 繞膝承歡 绕膝承欢 T - 0 rào xī chéng huān f /to live with one's parents, thus bringing them happiness (idiom)/ 繞行 绕行 T - 77 rào xíng f /detour/long way around/ 繞路 绕路 T - 3 rào lù f /to make a detour/to take the long route/ 繞過 绕过 T - 644 rào guò f /to detour/to bypass/to circumvent/to avoid/to wind around (of a road etc)/ 繞道 绕道 T - 353 rào dào f /roundabout route/detour/ 繞遠兒 绕远儿 T - 3 rào yuǎn r f /the road twists here and there/to make a detour/to take a long way around/ 繞騰 绕腾 T - 0 rào teng f /to run a long way around/fig. to speak vaguely around the topic without getting to the point/to beat about the bush/ 繠 - 0 ruǐ f /dangle/hang loosely/ 繡 绣 T 4306 4645 xiù f /to embroider/embroidery/ 繡墩 绣墩 T - 0 xiù dūn f /see 坐墩[zuo4 dun1]/ 繡帷 绣帷 T - 0 xiù wéi f /tapestry/ 繡球花 绣球花 T - 3 xiù qiú huā f /hydrangea/ 繡球藤 绣球藤 T - 0 xiù qiú téng f /Clematis montana/ 繡花 绣花 T - 200 xiù huā f /to embroider/to do embroidery/ 繡花鞋 绣花鞋 T - 81 xiù huā xié f /embroidered shoes/ 繢 缋 T - 43 huì f /multi-color/to draw/ 繣 - 0 huà f /obstinate/perverse/ 繦 襁 T - 0 qiǎng f /string of copper coins/variant of 襁[qiang3]/ 繨 - 0 dá f /a knot (of a rope)/ 繩 绳 T - 1056 shéng f /rope/CL:根[gen1]/ 繩之以法 绳之以法 T - 37 shéng zhī yǐ fǎ f /to punish according to the law/to bring to justice/ 繩墨 绳墨 T - 7 shéng mò f /lit. carpenter's straight line marker/same as 墨斗/fig. rules/rules and regulations/ 繩套 绳套 T - 28 shéng tào f /noose/harness/ 繩子 绳子 T 1709 693 shéng zi f /cord/string/rope/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 繩文 绳文 T - 0 shéng wén f /Jyōmon period of Japanese prehistory, with rope pattern pottery/ 繩梯 绳梯 T - 20 shéng tī f /a rope ladder/ 繩索 绳索 T - 673 shéng suǒ f /rope/ 繩索套 绳索套 T - 0 shéng suǒ tào f /a noose/ 繩結 绳结 T - 3 shéng jié f /knot/ 繪 绘 T - 1929 huì f /to draw/to paint/ 繪圖 绘图 T - 87 huì tú f /to draw/to draft/drawing/drafting/ 繪本 绘本 T - 0 huì běn f /picture book/ 繪架座 绘架座 T - 0 Huì jià zuò f /Pictor (constellation)/ 繪畫 绘画 T - 1884 huì huà f /drawing/painting/ 繪聲繪色 绘声绘色 T - 49 huì shēng huì sè f /vivid and colorful (idiom); true to life/lively and realistic/ 繪製 绘制 T - 523 huì zhì f /to draw/to draft/ 繫 系 T 1265 10196 jì f /to tie/to fasten/to button up/ 繫 系 T 1265 10196 xì t /to connect/to arrest/to worry/ 繫上 系上 T - 3 jì shang f /to tie on/to buckle up/to fasten/ 繫囚 系囚 T - 3 jì qiú f /to be imprisoned/ 繫囚 系囚 T - 3 xì qiú t /prisoner/ 繫泊 系泊 T - 11 jì bó f /to moor/ 繭 茧 T - 317 jiǎn f /cocoon/callus/ 繭子 茧子 T - 17 jiǎn zi f /callus (patch or hardened skin)/corns (on feet)/also 趼子/ 繮 缰 T - 310 jiāng f /variant of 韁|缰[jiang1]/ 繯 缳 T - 34 huán f /to bind/to tie/lace/noose (for suicide)/hangman's noose/ 繯首 缳首 T - 0 huán shǒu f /death by hanging/ 繰 缲 T - 2 qiāo t /to reel silk from cocoons/ 繰 缲 T - 2 sāo f /to reel thread/ 繳 缴 T - 484 jiǎo f /to hand in/to hand over/to seize/ 繳交 缴交 T - 7 jiǎo jiāo f /to hand in/to hand over/ 繳付 缴付 T - 21 jiǎo fù f /to pay/to hand over (tax payment etc)/ 繳械 缴械 T - 74 jiǎo xiè f /to disarm/to lay down one's weapons/to surrender/ 繳槍 缴枪 T - 25 jiǎo qiāng f /to lay down one's arms/to surrender/to disarm/ 繳槍不殺 缴枪不杀 T - 3 jiǎo qiāng bù shā f /“surrender and your life will be spared”/ 繳獲 缴获 T - 232 jiǎo huò f /to capture/to seize/ 繳稅 缴税 T - 38 jiǎo shuì f /to pay tax/ 繳納 缴纳 T 4828 513 jiǎo nà f /to pay (taxes etc)/ 繳費 缴费 T - 66 jiǎo fèi f /to pay a fee/ 繳銷 缴销 T - 5 jiǎo xiāo f /to hand in and cancel/ 繸 䍁 T - 2 suì f /tassel/ 繹 绎 T - 44 yì f /continuous/to interpret/to unravel/to draw silk (old)/ 繻 - 0 xū f /fine silk/ 繼 继 T - 2342 jì f /to continue/to follow after/to go on with/to succeed/to inherit/then/afterwards/ 繼任 继任 T - 284 jì rèn f /succeed sb in a job/successor/ 繼任者 继任者 T - 56 jì rèn zhě f /successor/ 繼位 继位 T - 743 jì wèi f /to succeed to the throne/ 繼嗣 继嗣 T - 13 jì sì f /to continue/to continue a family line/posterity/heir/ 繼女 继女 T - 3 jì nǚ f /stepdaughter/CL:個|个[ge4],名[ming2]/ 繼子 继子 T - 18 jì zǐ f /stepson/ 繼子女 继子女 T - 0 jì zǐ nǚ f /stepchildren/adopted children/ 繼室 继室 T - 19 jì shì f /second wife (of a widower)/ 繼往開來 继往开来 T - 56 jì wǎng kāi lái f /to follow the past and herald the future (idiom); part of a historical transition/forming a bridge between earlier and later stages/ 繼後 继后 T - 0 jì hòu f /later/afterwards/ 繼承 继承 T 2866 2580 jì chéng f /to inherit/to succeed to (the throne etc)/to carry on (a tradition etc)/ 繼承人 继承人 T - 397 jì chéng rén f /heir/successor/ 繼承權 继承权 T - 122 jì chéng quán f /right of inheritance/ 繼承者 继承者 T - 119 jì chéng zhě f /successor/ 繼承衣缽 继承衣钵 T - 3 jì chéng yī bō f /to take up sb's mantle/to follow in sb's steps/ 繼武 继武 T - 3 jì wǔ f /to follow in the steps of one's predecessor/ 繼母 继母 T - 124 jì mǔ f /stepmother/ 繼父 继父 T - 51 jì fù f /stepfather/ 繼父母 继父母 T - 0 jì fù mǔ f /step-parents/ 繼統 继统 T - 0 jì tǒng f /to succeed on the throne/ 繼續 继续 T 627 14690 jì xù f /to continue/to proceed with/to go on with/ 繼而 继而 T - 476 jì ér f /then/afterwards/ 繼親 继亲 T - 0 jì qīn f /stepfamily/(old) stepmother/to marry/ 繼軌 继轨 T - 0 jì guǐ f /to follow in the steps of/ 繼述 继述 T - 0 jì shù f /(literary) to carry on/to inherit/to succeed/ 繼配 继配 T - 3 jì pèi f /second wife (of a widower)/ 繼電器 继电器 T - 108 jì diàn qì f /relay (electronics)/ 繽 缤 T - 47 bīn f /helter-skelter/mixed colors/in confusion/ 繽紛 缤纷 T - 91 bīn fēn f /vast and various/rich and diverse/ 繾 缱 T - 206 qiǎn f /attached to/loving/ 繾綣 缱绻 T - 18 qiǎn quǎn f /in love and inseparable/ 纁 - 0 xūn f /crimson/ 纂 篹 S - 207 zuǎn f /variant of 纂[zuan3]/to compile/ 纂 - 207 zuǎn f /to compile/bun (of hair)/red silk ribbon/variant of 纘|缵[zuan3]/ 纂修 - 75 zuǎn xiū f /to compile/to edit/compilation/ 纆 - 0 mò f /bind/cord/ 纇 颣 T - 21 lèi f /flaw/knot/ 纈 缬 T - 98 xié f /knot/tie a knot/ 纈氨酸 缬氨酸 T - 6 xié ān suān f /valine (Val), an essential amino acid/ 纈草 缬草 T - 3 xié cǎo f /valerian (Valeriana officinalis)/ 纉 - 0 zuǎn f /variant of 纘|缵[zuan3]/ 纊 纩 T - 9 kuàng f /fine floss-silk or cotton/ 續 续 T - 1092 xù f /to continue/to replenish/ 續作 续作 T - 0 xù zuò f /sequel/ 續保 续保 T - 3 xù bǎo f /renewal of insurance/ 續借 续借 T - 9 xù jiè f /extended borrowing (e.g. library renewal)/ 續假 续假 T - 3 xù jià f /extended leave/prolonged absence/ 續增 续增 T - 0 xù zēng f /addition/appendix/addendum/ 續娶 续娶 T - 13 xù qǔ f /to remarry/ 續弦 续弦 T - 41 xù xián f /to remarry (of a widow)/second wife/qin and se 琴瑟[qin2 se4], two string instruments as a symbol of marital harmony/ 續書 续书 T - 0 xù shū f /sequel/continuation of a book/ 續杯 续杯 T - 0 xù bēi f /to refill (a beverage cup)/ 續發感染 续发感染 T - 0 xù fā gǎn rǎn f /secondary infection/ 續篇 续篇 T - 18 xù piān f /sequel/continuation (of a story)/ 續簽 续签 T - 26 xù qiān f /to renew a contract/contract extension/ 續約 续约 T - 95 xù yuē f /to renew or extend a contract/ 續編 续编 T - 59 xù biān f /sequel/continuation (of a serial publication)/ 續續 续续 T - 0 xù xù f /continuous/on and on/running/ 續航 续航 T - 112 xù háng f /endurance/long term continuous travel or use/ 續西遊記 续西游记 T - 0 Xù Xī yóu Jì f /one of three Ming dynasty sequels to Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记/ 續訂 续订 T - 21 xù dìng f /to renew/ 續跌 续跌 T - 0 xù diē f /to continue to fall (of share prices)/ 續集 续集 T - 45 xù jí f /sequel/next episode (of TV series etc)/ 纍 累 T 259 2878 Léi f /surname Lei/ 纍 累 T 259 2878 léi f /rope/to bind together/to twist around/ 纎 - 38 xiān f /old variant of 纖|纤[xian1]/ 纏 缠 T - 1539 chán f /to wind around/to wrap round/to coil/tangle/to involve/to bother/to annoy/ 纏夾 缠夹 T - 34 chán jiā f /to annoy/to bother/to harass/ 纏夾不清 缠夹不清 T - 3 chán jiā bù qīng f /to muddle things together (idiom)/to bother sb with annoying muddle-headed talk/ 纏夾二先生 缠夹二先生 T - 0 chán jiā èr xiān sheng f /annoying muddle-headed person who gabbles unintelligibly/ 纏手 缠手 T - 2 chán shǒu f /troublesome/hard to deal with/ 纏擾 缠扰 T - 6 chán rǎo f /to harass/to disturb/ 纏結 缠结 T - 5 chán jié f /to coil around/knot/to entangle/ 纏絡 缠络 T - 0 chán luò f /to wind around/to twist and turn (of road or river)/ 纏絲瑪瑙 缠丝玛瑙 T - 0 chán sī mǎ nǎo f /sardonyx (gemstone of brown-white striped chalcedony)/ 纏綿 缠绵 T - 234 chán mián f /touching (emotions)/lingering (illness)/ 纏綿不已 缠绵不已 T - 0 chán mián bù yǐ f /to cling without letting go/to pester without end/to cling lovingly to each other/ 纏綿悱惻 缠绵悱恻 T - 13 chán mián fěi cè f /(of a person) sad beyond words (idiom)/(of music, literature etc) poignant/very sentimental/ 纏繞 缠绕 T 4263 265 chán rào f /twisting/to twine/to wind/to pester/to bother/ 纏繞莖 缠绕茎 T - 4 chán rào jīng f /vine/twining stem/ 纏足 缠足 T - 54 chán zú f /foot binding/ 纏身 缠身 T - 91 chán shēn f /(of an illness, debt etc) to plague sb/to preoccupy sb/difficult to get rid of/ 纏頭 缠头 T - 0 chán tóu f /embroidered headband used as decoration by actors or in Hui ethnic group/to reward an actor with brocade headband/ 纑 - 0 lú f /hempen thread/to dress hemp/ 纒 - 0 chán f /old variant of 纏|缠[chan2]/ 纓 缨 T - 153 yīng f /tassel/sth shaped like a tassel (e.g. a leaf etc)/ribbon/ 纓翅目 缨翅目 T - 0 yīng chì mù f /see 薊馬|蓟马[ji4 ma3]/ 纔 才 T 316 55415 cái f /a moment ago/just now/(indicating sth happening later than expected)/(preceded by a clause of condition or reason) not until/(followed by a numerical clause) only/ 纔然 才然 T - 0 cái rán f /just recently/just a moment ago/just now/ 纕 - 0 xiāng f /cord to hold up sleeves/ 纖 纤 T - 403 xiān t /fine/delicate/minute/ 纖塵 纤尘 T - 7 xiān chén f /speck of dust/fine dust/ 纖塵不染 纤尘不染 T - 16 xiān chén bù rǎn f /see 一塵不染|一尘不染[yi1 chen2 bu4 ran3]/ 纖密 纤密 T - 3 xiān mì f /close/fine/intricate/ 纖小 纤小 T - 15 xiān xiǎo f /fine/delicate/ 纖屑 纤屑 T - 0 xiān xiè f /fine detail/ 纖巧 纤巧 T - 21 xiān qiǎo f /delicate/dainty/ 纖度 纤度 T - 9 xiān dù f /size/ 纖弱 纤弱 T - 33 xiān ruò f /fragile/delicate/ 纖微 纤微 T - 3 xiān wēi f /slight/slim/ 纖悉 纤悉 T - 3 xiān xī f /detailed/fine and meticulous/ 纖悉無遺 纤悉无遗 T - 3 xiān xī wú yí f /detailed and nothing left out (idiom); meticulous and comprehensive/not missing an iota/ 纖手 纤手 T - 32 xiān shǒu f /delicate hands/woman's tender and soft hands/ 纖柔 纤柔 T - 7 xiān róu f /delicate/fine/ 纖毛 纤毛 T - 95 xiān máo f /cilium/ 纖毛動力蛋白 纤毛动力蛋白 T - 0 xiān máo dòng lì dàn bái f /ciliary dynein protein/ 纖瘦 纤瘦 T - 9 xiān shòu f /slender/slim as a thread/ 纖細 纤细 T - 196 xiān xì f /fine/slim/tender/ 纖維 纤维 T 3187 1879 xiān wéi f /fiber/CL:種|种[zhong3]/ 纖維叢 纤维丛 T - 0 xiān wéi cóng f /fiber bundle (math.)/ 纖維囊泡症 纤维囊泡症 T - 0 xiān wéi náng pào zhèng f /cystic fibrosis/ 纖維狀 纤维状 T - 3 xiān wéi zhuàng f /fibrous/ 纖維素 纤维素 T - 564 xiān wéi sù f /cellulose/ 纖維肌痛 纤维肌痛 T - 0 xiān wéi jī tòng f /fibromyalgia/ 纖維膠 纤维胶 T - 0 xiān wéi jiāo f /viscose/ 纖維蛋白 纤维蛋白 T - 36 xiān wéi dàn bái f /fibrous protein/ 纖纖 纤纤 T - 3 xiān xiān f /slim/slender/ 纖美 纤美 T - 0 xiān měi f /exquisite/delicate and beautiful/ 纖腰 纤腰 T - 3 xiān yāo f /slender waistline/ 纖芯 纤芯 T - 0 xiān xīn f /core (of a fiber)/ 纖芯直徑 纤芯直径 T - 0 xiān xīn zhí jìng f /core diameter (of a fiber)/ 纖體 纤体 T - 0 xiān tǐ f /to get a slender figure/slimming/ 纘 缵 T - 134 zuǎn f /to carry on/to succeed (of a familial line)/to inherit/ 纙 - 0 luò f /string on which coins are strung/ 纚 - 0 lí t /(literary) to bind/to fasten/rope/ 纚 - 0 xǐ f /silk headband/Taiwan pr. [shi3]/ 纛 - 104 dào f /big banner/feather banner or fan/ 纜 缆 T - 127 lǎn f /cable/hawser/to moor/ 纜樁 缆桩 T - 0 lǎn zhuāng f /mooring bollard/ 纜索 缆索 T - 24 lǎn suǒ f /cable/hawser/mooring rope/ 纜索吊椅 缆索吊椅 T - 0 lǎn suǒ diào yǐ f /ski-lift/ 纜線 缆线 T - 8 lǎn xiàn f /cable/ 纜繩 缆绳 T - 70 lǎn shéng f /cable/hawser/mooring rope/ 纜車 缆车 T - 80 lǎn chē f /cable car/ 纠 糺 S - 311 jiū f /old variant of 糾|纠[jiu1]/ 纠 糾 S - 311 jiū f /to gather together/to investigate/to entangle/to correct/ 纠众 糾眾 S - 3 jiū zhòng f /to muster/to gather a crowd/ 纠偏 糾偏 S - 11 jiū piān f /to correct an error/ 纠合 糾合 S - 48 jiū hé f /gathering/a get-together/ 纠察 糾察 S - 58 jiū chá f /to maintain order/steward (policing a meeting)/ 纠弹 糾彈 S - 3 jiū tán f /to censure/to denounce/to impeach/ 纠正 糾正 S 3309 1509 jiū zhèng f /to correct/to make right/ 纠纷 糾紛 S 3822 1191 jiū fēn f /dispute/ 纠结 糾結 S - 74 jiū jié f /to intertwine/to band together (with)/to link up (with)/twisted/tangled/confused/to be at a loss/ 纠结点 糾結點 S - 0 jiū jiē diǎn f /a knot/fig. meeting of many strands/ 纠缠 糾纏 S - 637 jiū chán f /to be in a tangle/to nag/ 纠缠不清 糾纏不清 S - 3 jiū chán bù qīng f /hopelessly muddled/impossible to unravel/ 纠葛 糾葛 S - 242 jiū gé f /entanglement/dispute/ 纠错 糾錯 S - 48 jiū cuò f /to correct (a typo)/ 纠集 糾集 S - 198 jiū jí f /to gather together/to muster/ 纡 紆 S - 55 Yū f /surname Yu/ 纡 紆 S - 55 yū f /winding/twisting/ 红 紅 S 252 14915 Hóng f /surname Hong/ 红 紅 S 252 14915 hóng f /red/popular/revolutionary/bonus/ 红不让 紅不讓 S - 0 hóng bù ràng f /home run (loanword)/a big hit (hugely popular) (Tw)/ 红五星旗 紅五星旗 S - 0 hóng wǔ xīng qí f /name of the flag of the People's Republic of China/ 红交嘴雀 紅交嘴雀 S - 0 hóng jiāo zuǐ què f /(bird species of China) red crossbill (Loxia curvirostra)/ 红军 紅軍 S - 2819 Hóng jūn f /Red Army (1928-1937), predecessor of the PLA/(Soviet) Red Army (1917-1946)/ 红利 紅利 S - 204 hóng lì f /bonus/dividend/ 红利股票 紅利股票 S - 0 hóng lì gǔ piào f /scrip shares (issued as dividend payment)/ 红包 紅包 S - 171 hóng bāo f /money wrapped in red as a gift/bonus payment/kickback/bribe/ 红十字 紅十字 S - 83 Hóng shí zì f /Red Cross/ 红卫兵 紅衛兵 S - 285 Hóng wèi bīng f /Red Guard(s) (during the Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976)/ 红原 紅原 S - 4 Hóng yuán f /Hongyuan county (Tibetan: rka khog rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture 阿壩藏族羌族自治州|阿坝藏族羌族自治州[A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], northwest Sichuan/ 红原县 紅原縣 S - 5 Hóng yuán xiàn f /Hongyuan county (Tibetan: rka khog rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture 阿壩藏族羌族自治州|阿坝藏族羌族自治州[A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], northwest Sichuan/ 红原鸡 紅原雞 S - 0 hóng yuán jī f /(bird species of China) red junglefowl (Gallus gallus)/ 红古 紅古 S - 0 Hóng gǔ f /Honggu District of Lanzhou City 蘭州市|兰州市[Lan2 zhou1 Shi4], Gansu/ 红古区 紅古區 S - 3 Hóng gǔ Qū f /Honggu District of Lanzhou City 蘭州市|兰州市[Lan2 zhou1 Shi4], Gansu/ 红叶 紅葉 S - 90 hóng yè f /red autumnal leaves/ 红喉姬鹟 紅喉姬鶲 S - 0 hóng hóu jī wēng f /(bird species of China) taiga flycatcher (Ficedula albicilla)/ 红喉山鹧鸪 紅喉山鷓鴣 S - 0 hóng hóu shān zhè gū f /(bird species of China) rufous-throated partridge (Arborophila rufogularis)/ 红喉歌鸲 紅喉歌鴝 S - 0 hóng hóu gē qú f /(bird species of China) Siberian rubythroat (Calliope calliope)/ 红喉潜鸟 紅喉潛鳥 S - 0 hóng hóu qián niǎo f /(bird species of China) red-throated loon (Gavia stellata)/ 红喉鹨 紅喉鷚 S - 0 hóng hóu liù f /(bird species of China) red-throated pipit (Anthus cervinus)/ 红嘴山鸦 紅嘴山鴉 S - 0 hóng zuǐ shān yā f /(bird species of China) red-billed chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax)/ 红嘴巨鸥 紅嘴巨鷗 S - 0 hóng zuǐ jù ōu f /(bird species of China) Caspian tern (Hydroprogne caspia)/ 红嘴椋鸟 紅嘴椋鳥 S - 0 hóng zuǐ liáng niǎo f /(bird species of China) vinous-breasted starling (Acridotheres burmannicus)/ 红嘴相思鸟 紅嘴相思鳥 S - 0 hóng zuǐ xiāng sī niǎo f /(bird species of China) red-billed leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea)/ 红嘴蓝鹊 紅嘴藍鵲 S - 0 hóng zuǐ lán què f /(bird species of China) red-billed blue magpie (Urocissa erythroryncha)/ 红嘴钩嘴鹛 紅嘴鉤嘴鶥 S - 0 hóng zuǐ gōu zuǐ méi f /(bird species of China) coral-billed scimitar babbler (Pomatorhinus ferruginosus)/ 红嘴鸥 紅嘴鷗 S - 2 hóng zuǐ ōu f /(bird species of China) black-headed gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus)/ 红嘴鸦雀 紅嘴鴉雀 S - 0 hóng zuǐ yā què f /(bird species of China) great parrotbill (Conostoma oemodium)/ 红嘴鹲 紅嘴鸏 S - 0 hóng zuǐ méng f /(bird species of China) red-billed tropicbird (Phaethon aethereus)/ 红土 紅土 S - 522 hóng tǔ f /red soil/laterite/ 红地毯 紅地毯 S - 3 hóng dì tǎn f /red carpet/ 红场 紅場 S - 33 Hóng chǎng f /Red Square (in Moscow)/ 红堡 紅堡 S - 3 hóng bǎo f /Red Fort (historic building in Delhi, India)/ 红塔 紅塔 S - 72 Hóng tǎ f /Hongta district of Yuxi city 玉溪市[Yu4 xi1 shi4], Yunnan/ 红塔区 紅塔區 S - 3 Hóng tǎ qū f /Hongta district of Yuxi city 玉溪市[Yu4 xi1 shi4], Yunnan/ 红外 紅外 S - 669 hóng wài f /infrared (ray)/ 红外光谱 紅外光譜 S - 0 hóng wài guāng pǔ f /infrared spectrum/ 红外线 紅外線 S - 176 hóng wài xiàn f /infrared ray/ 红外线导引飞弹 紅外線導引飛彈 S - 0 hóng wài xiàn dǎo yǐn fēi dàn f /infrared guided missile/ 红头咬鹃 紅頭咬鵑 S - 0 hóng tóu yǎo juān f /(bird species of China) red-headed trogon (Harpactes erythrocephalus)/ 红头噪鹛 紅頭噪鶥 S - 0 hóng tóu zào méi f /(bird species of China) chestnut-crowned laughingthrush (Trochalopteron erythrocephalum)/ 红头潜鸭 紅頭潛鴨 S - 0 hóng tóu qián yā f /(bird species of China) common pochard (Aythya ferina)/ 红头灰雀 紅頭灰雀 S - 0 hóng tóu huī què f /(bird species of China) red-headed bullfinch (Pyrrhula erythrocephala)/ 红头穗鹛 紅頭穗鶥 S - 0 hóng tóu suì méi f /(bird species of China) rufous-capped babbler (Stachyridopsis ruficeps)/ 红头菜 紅頭菜 S - 0 hóng tóu cài f /beetroot/ 红头长尾山雀 紅頭長尾山雀 S - 0 hóng tóu cháng wěi shān què f /(bird species of China) black-throated bushtit (Aegithalos concinnus)/ 红头鸦雀 紅頭鴉雀 S - 0 hóng tóu yā què f /(bird species of China) rufous-headed parrotbill (Psittiparus bakeri)/ 红妆 紅妝 S - 53 hóng zhuāng f /splendid gay female clothing/ 红姑娘 紅姑娘 S - 0 hóng gū niang f /Chinese lantern plant/winter cherry/strawberry ground-cherry/Physalis alkekengi/ 红娘 紅娘 S - 182 hóng niáng f /matchmaker/ 红学 紅學 S - 59 Hóng xué f /"Redology", academic field devoted to the study of A Dream of Red Mansions/ 红孩症 紅孩症 S - 0 hóng hái zhèng f /kwashiorkor (a form of malnutrition)/ 红安 紅安 S - 273 Hóng ān f /Hong'an county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Huang2 gang1], Hubei/ 红安县 紅安縣 S - 265 Hóng ān xiàn f /Hong'an county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Huang2 gang1], Hubei/ 红宝书 紅寶書 S - 32 Hóng bǎo shū f /the "Little Red Book" of selected writings of Mao Zedong (refers to 毛主席語錄|毛主席语录[Mao2 Zhu3 xi2 Yu3 lu4])/ 红宝石 紅寶石 S - 403 hóng bǎo shí f /ruby/ 红客 紅客 S - 0 hóng kè f /"honker", Chinese hacker motivated by patriotism, using one's skills to protect domestic networks and work in national interest/ 红寡妇鸟 紅寡婦鳥 S - 0 Hóng Guǎ fu niǎo f /Red Bishop/Euplectes orix/ 红寺堡 紅寺堡 S - 2 Hóng sì bǎo f /Hongsibao district of Wuzhong city 吳忠市|吴忠市[Wu2 zhong1 shi4], Ningxia/ 红寺堡区 紅寺堡區 S - 0 Hóng sì bǎo qū f /Hongsibao district of Wuzhong city 吳忠市|吴忠市[Wu2 zhong1 shi4], Ningxia/ 红寺堡镇 紅寺堡鎮 S - 0 Hóng sì bǎo zhèn f /Hongsibao district of Wuzhong city 吳忠市|吴忠市[Wu2 zhong1 shi4], Ningxia/ 红尘 紅塵 S - 101 hóng chén f /the world of mortals (Buddhism)/human society/worldly affairs/ 红尾伯劳 紅尾伯勞 S - 0 hóng wěi bó láo f /(bird species of China) brown shrike (Lanius cristatus)/ 红尾歌鸲 紅尾歌鴝 S - 0 hóng wěi gē qú f /(bird species of China) rufous-tailed robin (Larvivora sibilans)/ 红尾水鸲 紅尾水鴝 S - 0 hóng wěi shuǐ qú f /(bird species of China) plumbeous water redstart (Phoenicurus fuliginosus)/ 红尾鸫 紅尾鶇 S - 0 hóng wěi dōng f /(bird species of China) Naumann's thrush (Turdus naumanni)/ 红尾鹲 紅尾鸏 S - 0 hóng wěi méng f /(bird species of China) red-tailed tropicbird (Phaethon rubricauda)/ 红山 紅山 S - 44 hóng shān f /Hongshan district of Chifeng city 赤峰市, Inner Mongolia/ 红山区 紅山區 S - 3 Hóng shān qū f /Hongshan district of Chifeng city 赤峰市, Inner Mongolia/ 红岗 紅崗 S - 0 Hóng gǎng f /Honggang district of Daqing city 大慶|大庆[Da4 qing4], Heilongjiang/ 红岗区 紅崗區 S - 3 Hóng gǎng qū f /Honggang district of Daqing city 大慶|大庆[Da4 qing4], Heilongjiang/ 红巨星 紅巨星 S - 14 hóng jù xīng f /red giant (star)/ 红巾军 紅巾軍 S - 90 hóng jīn jūn f /the Red Turbans, peasant rebellion at the end of the Yuan dynasty/ 红彤彤 紅彤彤 S - 38 hóng tōng tōng f /bright red/ 红心 紅心 S - 41 hóng xīn f /heart ♥ (in card games)/red, heart-shaped symbol/bullseye/ 红扑扑 紅撲撲 S - 51 hóng pū pū f /red/rosy/flushed/ 红斑 紅斑 S - 107 hóng bān f /erythema (pathol.)/rash in red patches/ 红斑性狼疮 紅斑性狼瘡 S - 0 hóng bān xìng láng chuāng f /lupus erythematosus/ 红新月 紅新月 S - 2 Hóng xīn yuè f /Red Crescent/ 红旗 紅旗 S - 1052 Hóng qí f /Red flag city district/Hongqi district of Xinxiang city 新鄉市|新乡市[Xin1 xiang1 shi4], Henan/ 红旗 紅旗 S - 1052 hóng qí f /red flag/CL:面[mian4]/ 红旗区 紅旗區 S - 3 Hóng qí qū f /Red flag city district/Hongqi district of Xinxiang city 新鄉市|新乡市[Xin1 xiang1 shi4], Henan/ 红日 紅日 S - 94 hóng rì f /sun/ 红星 紅星 S - 144 Hóng xīng f /Hongxing district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 红星 紅星 S - 144 hóng xīng f /red star/five pointed star as symbol or communism or proletariat/hot film star/ 红星区 紅星區 S - 3 Hóng xīng qū f /Hongxing district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 红晕 紅暈 S - 233 hóng yùn f /to blush/to flush red/ 红景天 紅景天 S - 4 hóng jǐng tiān f /roseroot/Rhodiola rosea/ 红曲 紅曲 S - 24 hóng qū f /red food dye made from yeast/ 红木 紅木 S - 161 hóng mù f /red wood/mahogany/rosewood/padauk/ 红杏出墙 紅杏出牆 S - 16 hóng xìng chū qiáng f /lit. the red apricot tree leans over the garden wall (idiom)/fig. a wife having an illicit lover/ 红极一时 紅極一時 S - 26 hóng jí yī shí f /tremendously popular for a while/ 红果 紅果 S - 16 hóng guǒ f /haw fruit/ 红枣 紅棗 S - 138 hóng zǎo f /jujube/red date/ 红树 紅樹 S - 56 hóng shù f /red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle)/CL:棵[ke1]/ 红树林 紅樹林 S - 140 hóng shù lín f /mangrove forest or swamp/ 红桃 紅桃 S - 26 hóng táo f /heart ♥ (in card games)/ 红桤树 紅榿樹 S - 0 hóng qī shù f /red alder (Alnus rubra)/ 红桥 紅橋 S - 9 Hóng qiáo f /Hongqiao district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tian1 jin1 shi4]/ 红桥区 紅橋區 S - 8 Hóng qiáo qū f /Hongqiao district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tian1 jin1 shi4]/ 红梅花雀 紅梅花雀 S - 0 hóng méi huā què f /(bird species of China) red avadavat (Amandava amandava)/ 红楼梦 紅樓夢 S - 334 Hóng lóu Mèng f /A Dream of Red Mansions (first completed edition 1791) by Cao Xueqin 曹雪芹[Cao2 Xue3 qin2], one of the four great novels/ 红樱枪 紅櫻槍 S - 4 hóng yīng qiāng f /ancient spear-like weapon, decorated with a red tassel/ 红橙 紅橙 S - 3 hóng chéng f /blood orange/ 红橙黄绿蓝靛紫 紅橙黃綠藍靛紫 S - 0 hóng chéng huáng lǜ lán diàn zǐ f /red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet/Colors of the rainbow/ 红殷殷 紅殷殷 S - 3 hóng yān yān f /dark red/crimson/also pr. [hong2 yin1 yin1]/ 红毛丹 紅毛丹 S - 3 hóng máo dān f /rambutan or rumbutan (tropical fruit) (Nephelium lappaceum)/ 红毯 紅毯 S - 0 hóng tǎn f /red carpet/ 红河 紅河 S - 76 Hóng hé f /Honghe county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/Red River in China/Northern Vietnam/ 红河县 紅河縣 S - 3 Hóng hé xiàn f /Honghe county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/ 红河哈尼族彝族自治州 紅河哈尼族彞族自治州 S - 16 Hóng hé Hā ní zú Yí zú zì zhì zhōu f /Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture in Yunnan 雲南|云南/ 红河州 紅河州 S - 8 Hóng hé zhōu f /Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture in Yunnan 雲南|云南/ 红油 紅油 S - 12 hóng yóu f /chili oil/ 红泥月亮 紅泥月亮 S - 0 Hóng ní yuè liang f /Honeymoon/ 红海 紅海 S - 310 Hóng Hǎi f /Red Sea/ 红润 紅潤 S - 193 hóng rùn f /ruddy/rosy/florid/ 红潮 紅潮 S - 32 hóng cháo f /to blush/flush/red tide (algal bloom)/menstruation/ 红灌木茶 紅灌木茶 S - 0 hóng guàn mù chá f /rooibos tea/ 红火 紅火 S - 309 hóng huǒ f /prosperous/ 红火蚁 紅火蟻 S - 3 hóng huǒ yǐ f /fire ant (Solenopsis invicta), an introduced species in China/ 红灯 紅燈 S - 193 hóng dēng f /red light/ 红灯区 紅燈區 S - 60 hóng dēng qū f /red-light district/ 红灯记 紅燈記 S - 22 Hóng dēng jì f /The Legend of the Red Lantern/ 红烧 紅燒 S - 848 hóng shāo f /simmer-fried (dish)/ 红烧肉 紅燒肉 S - 58 hóng shāo ròu f /red braised pork/ 红熊猫 紅熊貓 S - 0 hóng xióng māo f /lesser Panda/red panda/firefox/ 红牌 紅牌 S - 150 hóng pái f /red card (sports)/ 红牛 紅牛 S - 32 Hóng Niú f /Red Bull (energy drink)/ 红牛皮菜 紅牛皮菜 S - 0 hóng niú pí cài f /chard (Beta vulgaris), a foliage beet/ 红玉髓 紅玉髓 S - 0 hóng yù suǐ f /cornelian (mineral)/ 红玛瑙 紅瑪瑙 S - 9 hóng mǎ nǎo f /cornelian/ 红珊瑚 紅珊瑚 S - 14 hóng shān hú f /red coral/precious coral (Corallium rubrum and several related species of marine coral)/ 红璧玺 紅璧璽 S - 0 hóng bì xǐ f /topaz/ 红男绿女 紅男綠女 S - 8 hóng nán lǜ nǚ f /young people decked out in gorgeous clothes (idiom)/ 红白喜事 紅白喜事 S - 20 hóng bái xǐ shì f /weddings and funerals/ 红盘 紅盤 S - 4 hóng pán f /(of a stock price or market index) currently higher than at the previous day's close/ 红眉朱雀 紅眉朱雀 S - 0 hóng méi zhū què f /(bird species of China) Chinese beautiful rosefinch (Carpodacus davidianus)/ 红眉松雀 紅眉松雀 S - 0 hóng méi sōng què f /(bird species of China) crimson-browed finch (Carpodacus subhimachalus)/ 红眼病 紅眼病 S - 10 hóng yǎn bìng f /pinkeye/envy/jealousy/ 红矮星 紅矮星 S - 0 hóng ǎi xīng f /red dwarf star/ 红磡 紅磡 S - 0 Hóng Kàn f /Hung Hom, a locality in Kowloon, Hong Kong/ 红磷 紅磷 S - 16 hóng lín f /red phosphorus/ 红移 紅移 S - 0 hóng yí f /red shift (astronomy)/ 红筹股 紅籌股 S - 4 hóng chóu gǔ f /red chip stocks (Chinese company stocks incorporated outside Mainland China and listed in the Hong Kong stock exchange)/ 红箍儿 紅箍兒 S - 0 hóng gū r f /(northern dialects) red armband/ 红粉 紅粉 S - 45 hóng fěn f /rouge and powder/(fig.) the fair sex/ 红糖 紅糖 S - 300 hóng táng f /dark brown sugar/molasses/ 红线 紅線 S - 150 hóng xiàn f /red line/ 红细胞 紅細胞 S - 384 hóng xì bāo f /erythrocyte/red blood cell/ 红细胞沉降率 紅細胞沉降率 S - 0 hóng xì bāo shén jiàng lǜ f /erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)/ 红绿灯 紅綠燈 S - 22 hóng lǜ dēng f /traffic light/traffic signal/ 红羊劫 紅羊劫 S - 0 hóng yáng jié f /national disaster (ancient astrological allusion)/ 红翅䴗鹛 紅翅鶪鶥 S - 0 hóng chì jú méi f /(bird species of China) Blyth's shrike-babbler (Pteruthius aeralatus)/ 红翅凤头鹃 紅翅鳳頭鵑 S - 0 hóng chì fèng tóu juān f /(bird species of China) chestnut-winged cuckoo (Clamator coromandus)/ 红翅旋壁雀 紅翅旋壁雀 S - 0 hóng chì xuán bì què f /(bird species of China) wallcreeper (Tichodroma muraria)/ 红翅绿鸠 紅翅綠鳩 S - 0 hóng chì lǜ jiū f /(bird species of China) white-bellied green pigeon (Treron sieboldii)/ 红翅薮鹛 紅翅藪鶥 S - 0 hóng chì sǒu méi f /(bird species of China) scarlet-faced liocichla (Liocichla ripponi)/ 红耳鹎 紅耳鵯 S - 0 hóng ěr bēi f /(bird species of China) red-whiskered bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus)/ 红肠 紅腸 S - 0 hóng cháng f /saveloy/ 红股 紅股 S - 0 hóng gǔ f /(economics) bonus stock or share, i.e. share issued fully or partly paid to an existing shareholder in a company, generally on a pro rata basis/ 红肿 紅腫 S - 209 hóng zhǒng f /inflamed/red and swollen/ 红胁绣眼鸟 紅脅繡眼鳥 S - 0 hóng xié xiù yǎn niǎo f /(bird species of China) chestnut-flanked white-eye (Zosterops erythropleurus)/ 红胁蓝尾鸲 紅脅藍尾鴝 S - 0 hóng xié lán wěi qú f /(bird species of China) red-flanked bluetail (Tarsiger cyanurus)/ 红背伯劳 紅背伯勞 S - 0 hóng bèi bó láo f /(bird species of China) red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio)/ 红背红尾鸲 紅背紅尾鴝 S - 0 hóng bèi hóng wěi qú f /(bird species of China) rufous-backed redstart (Phoenicurus erythronotus)/ 红背蜘蛛 紅背蜘蛛 S - 0 hóng bèi zhī zhū f /redback spider/ 红胡子 紅胡子 S - 3 hóng hú zi f /band of mounted bandits in Manchuria (archaic)/ 红胸啄花鸟 紅胸啄花鳥 S - 0 hóng xiōng zhuó huā niǎo f /(bird species of China) fire-breasted flowerpecker (Dicaeum ignipectus)/ 红胸姬鹟 紅胸姬鶲 S - 0 hóng xiōng jī wēng f /(bird species of China) red-breasted flycatcher (Ficedula parva)/ 红胸山鹧鸪 紅胸山鷓鴣 S - 0 hóng xiōng shān zhè gū f /(bird species of China) chestnut-breasted partridge (Arborophila mandellii)/ 红胸朱雀 紅胸朱雀 S - 0 hóng xiōng zhū què f /(bird species of China) red-fronted rosefinch (Carpodacus puniceus)/ 红胸田鸡 紅胸田雞 S - 0 hóng xiōng tián jī f /(bird species of China) ruddy-breasted crake (Porzana fusca)/ 红胸秋沙鸭 紅胸秋沙鴨 S - 0 hóng xiōng qiū shā yā f /(bird species of China) red-breasted merganser (Mergus serrator)/ 红胸角雉 紅胸角雉 S - 0 hóng xiōng jiǎo zhì f /(bird species of China) satyr tragopan (Tragopan satyra)/ 红胸鸻 紅胸鴴 S - 0 hóng xiōng héng f /(bird species of China) Caspian plover (Charadrius asiaticus)/ 红胸黑雁 紅胸黑雁 S - 0 hóng xiōng hēi yàn f /(bird species of China) red-breasted goose (Branta ruficollis)/ 红脖子 紅脖子 S - 0 hóng bó zi f /redneck (mildly disparaging term for poor white Americans, sim. hillbilly)/ 红脚苦恶鸟 紅腳苦惡鳥 S - 0 hóng jiǎo kǔ è niǎo f /(bird species of China) brown crake (Amaurornis akool)/ 红脚隼 紅腳隼 S - 0 hóng jiǎo sǔn f /(bird species of China) Amur falcon (Falco amurensis)/ 红脚鲣鸟 紅腳鰹鳥 S - 0 hóng jiǎo jiān niǎo f /(bird species of China) red-footed booby (Sula sula)/ 红脚鹬 紅腳鷸 S - 0 hóng jiǎo yù f /(bird species of China) common redshank (Tringa totanus)/ 红脸 紅臉 S - 134 hóng liǎn f /to blush/to turn red/ 红脸鸬鹚 紅臉鸕鶿 S - 0 hóng liǎn lú cí f /(bird species of China) red-faced cormorant (Phalacrocorax urile)/ 红腰朱雀 紅腰朱雀 S - 0 hóng yāo zhū què f /(bird species of China) red-mantled rosefinch (Carpodacus rhodochlamys)/ 红腹咬鹃 紅腹咬鵑 S - 0 hóng fù yǎo juān f /(bird species of China) Ward's trogon (Harpactes wardi)/ 红腹山雀 紅腹山雀 S - 0 hóng fù shān què f /(bird species of China) rusty-breasted tit (Poecile davidi)/ 红腹滨鹬 紅腹濱鷸 S - 0 hóng fù bīn yù f /(bird species of China) red knot (Calidris canutus)/ 红腹灰雀 紅腹灰雀 S - 0 hóng fù huī què f /(bird species of China) Eurasian bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)/ 红腹红尾鸲 紅腹紅尾鴝 S - 0 hóng fù hóng wěi qú f /(bird species of China) white-winged redstart (Phoenicurus erythrogastrus)/ 红腹角雉 紅腹角雉 S - 0 hóng fù jiǎo zhì f /(bird species of China) Temminck's tragopan (Tragopan temminckii)/ 红腹锦鸡 紅腹錦雞 S - 13 hóng fù jǐn jī f /(bird species of China) golden pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus)/ 红腿小隼 紅腿小隼 S - 0 hóng tuǐ xiǎo sǔn f /(bird species of China) collared falconet (Microhierax caerulescens)/ 红腿斑秧鸡 紅腿斑秧雞 S - 0 hóng tuǐ bān yāng jī f /(bird species of China) red-legged crake (Rallina fasciata)/ 红臂章 紅臂章 S - 0 hóng bì zhāng f /(southern dialects) red armband/ 红色 紅色 S - 4243 hóng sè f /red (color)/revolutionary/ 红色娘子军 紅色孃子軍 S - 0 hóng sè niáng zi jūn f /Red Detachment of Women/ 红色高棉 紅色高棉 S - 23 Hóng sè Gāo mián f /Khmer Rouge, Cambodian political party/ 红艳艳 紅艷艷 S - 45 hóng yàn yàn f /brilliant red/ 红花 紅花 S - 708 hóng huā f /safflower (Carthamus tinctorius)/ 红花岗 紅花崗 S - 0 Hóng huā gǎng f /Honghua district of Zun'yi city 遵義市|遵义市[Zun1 yi4 shi4], Guizhou/ 红花岗区 紅花崗區 S - 3 Hóng huā gǎng qū f /Honghua district of Zun'yi city 遵義市|遵义市[Zun1 yi4 shi4], Guizhou/ 红苕 紅苕 S - 25 hóng sháo f /(dialect) sweet potato or yam/ 红茶 紅茶 S - 119 hóng chá f /black tea/CL:杯[bei1],壺|壶[hu2]/ 红莲 紅蓮 S - 267 hóng lián f /red lotus/ 红萝卜 紅蘿蔔 S - 18 hóng luó bo f /carrot/radish/ 红薯 紅薯 S - 473 hóng shǔ f /sweet potato/ 红血球 紅血球 S - 10 hóng xuè qiú f /erythrocyte/red blood cell/ 红血球生成素 紅血球生成素 S - 0 hóng xuè qiú shēng chéng sù f /erythropoietin (EPO)/ 红衣主教 紅衣主教 S - 49 hóng yī zhǔ jiào f /Catholic Cardinal/ 红角鸮 紅角鴞 S - 0 hóng jiǎo xiāo f /(bird species of China) oriental scops owl (Otus sunia)/ 红豆 紅豆 S - 63 hóng dòu f /azuki bean/red bean/ 红豆杉醇 紅豆杉醇 S - 3 hóng dòu shān chún f /Taxol (a.k.a. Paclitaxel), mitotic inhibitor used in cancer chemotherapy/ 红豆沙 紅豆沙 S - 0 hóng dòu shā f /red bean paste/ 红超巨星 紅超巨星 S - 0 hóng chāo jù xīng f /red super-giant (star)/ 红轮 紅輪 S - 0 hóng lún f /the sun/ 红辣椒 紅辣椒 S - 4 hóng là jiāo f /hot red pepper/chili/ 红辣椒粉 紅辣椒粉 S - 0 hóng là jiāo fěn f /red pepper powder/paprika/ 红运 紅運 S - 2 hóng yùn f /good luck/ 红通 紅通 S - 0 hóng tōng f /(Interpol) red notice/abbr. for 紅色通緝令|红色通缉令/ 红通通 紅通通 S - 15 hóng tōng tōng f /variant of 紅彤彤|红彤彤[hong2 tong1 tong1]/ 红醋栗 紅醋栗 S - 3 hóng cù lì f /red currant/ 红铃虫 紅鈴蟲 S - 5 hóng líng chóng f /pink bollworm/Pectinophora gassypiella/ 红铜 紅銅 S - 24 hóng tóng f /copper (chemistry)/see also 銅|铜[tong2]/ 红隼 紅隼 S - 0 hóng sǔn f /(bird species of China) common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)/ 红霉素 紅霉素 S - 46 hóng méi sù f /erythromycin/ 红霉素 紅黴素 S - 46 hóng méi sù f /erythromycin/ 红顶绿鸠 紅頂綠鳩 S - 0 hóng dǐng lǜ jiū f /(bird species of China) whistling green pigeon (Treron formosae)/ 红顶鹛 紅頂鶥 S - 0 hóng dǐng méi f /(bird species of China) chestnut-capped babbler (Timalia pileata)/ 红领 紅領 S - 0 hóng lǐng f /red collar/government worker/ 红领巾 紅領巾 S - 60 hóng lǐng jīn f /red neckscarf/by extension, a member of the Young Pioneers/ 红领绿鹦鹉 紅領綠鸚鵡 S - 0 hóng lǐng lǜ yīng wǔ f /(bird species of China) rose-ringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri)/ 红颈滨鹬 紅頸濱鷸 S - 0 hóng jǐng bīn yù f /(bird species of China) red-necked stint (Calidris ruficollis)/ 红颈瓣蹼鹬 紅頸瓣蹼鷸 S - 0 hóng jǐng bàn pǔ yù f /(bird species of China) red-necked phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus)/ 红颈绿啄木鸟 紅頸綠啄木鳥 S - 0 hóng jǐng lǜ zhuó mù niǎo f /(bird species of China) red-collared woodpecker (Picus rabieri)/ 红颈苇鹀 紅頸葦鵐 S - 0 hóng jǐng wěi wú f /(bird species of China) Japanese reed bunting (Emberiza yessoensis)/ 红颜 紅顏 S - 116 hóng yán f /a beautiful woman/young beauties/youths/rosy cheeks/ 红颜知己 紅顏知己 S - 0 hóng yán zhī jǐ f /close female friend/confidante/ 红颜祸水 紅顏禍水 S - 0 hóng yán huò shuǐ f /femme fatale/ 红颜薄命 紅顏薄命 S - 8 hóng yán bó mìng f /beautiful women suffer unhappy fates (idiom)/ 红额穗鹛 紅額穗鶥 S - 0 hóng é suì méi f /(bird species of China) rufous-fronted babbler (Stachyridopsis rufifrons)/ 红额金翅雀 紅額金翅雀 S - 0 hóng é jīn chì què f /(bird species of China) European goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)/ 红马甲 紅馬甲 S - 3 hóng mǎ jiǎ f /red waistcoat/floor trader in stock market/stockbroker/ 红骨髓 紅骨髓 S - 5 hóng gǔ suǐ f /red bone marrow (myeloid tissue)/ 红高粱 紅高粱 S - 14 hóng gāo liáng f /red sorghum/ 红魔鬼 紅魔鬼 S - 0 Hóng Mó guǐ f /Red Devils, nickname of Manchester United Football Club/ 红鲣 紅鰹 S - 0 hóng jiān f /red mullet/ 纣 紂 S - 224 zhòu f /saddle crupper (harness strap on horse's back)/ 纣辛 紂辛 S - 0 Zhòu Xīn f /Zhou Xin (c. 11th century BC), last emperor of the of Shang Dynasty/ 纤 縴 S - 403 qiàn f /boatman's tow-rope/ 纤 纖 S - 403 xiān t /fine/delicate/minute/ 纤体 纖體 S - 0 xiān tǐ f /to get a slender figure/slimming/ 纤夫 縴夫 S - 296 qiàn fū f /burlak (barge hauler)/ 纤密 纖密 S - 3 xiān mì f /close/fine/intricate/ 纤小 纖小 S - 15 xiān xiǎo f /fine/delicate/ 纤尘 纖塵 S - 7 xiān chén f /speck of dust/fine dust/ 纤尘不染 纖塵不染 S - 16 xiān chén bù rǎn f /see 一塵不染|一尘不染[yi1 chen2 bu4 ran3]/ 纤屑 纖屑 S - 0 xiān xiè f /fine detail/ 纤巧 纖巧 S - 21 xiān qiǎo f /delicate/dainty/ 纤度 纖度 S - 9 xiān dù f /size/ 纤弱 纖弱 S - 33 xiān ruò f /fragile/delicate/ 纤微 纖微 S - 3 xiān wēi f /slight/slim/ 纤悉 纖悉 S - 3 xiān xī f /detailed/fine and meticulous/ 纤悉无遗 纖悉無遺 S - 3 xiān xī wú yí f /detailed and nothing left out (idiom); meticulous and comprehensive/not missing an iota/ 纤手 纖手 S - 32 xiān shǒu f /delicate hands/woman's tender and soft hands/ 纤柔 纖柔 S - 7 xiān róu f /delicate/fine/ 纤毛 纖毛 S - 95 xiān máo f /cilium/ 纤毛动力蛋白 纖毛動力蛋白 S - 0 xiān máo dòng lì dàn bái f /ciliary dynein protein/ 纤瘦 纖瘦 S - 9 xiān shòu f /slender/slim as a thread/ 纤纤 纖纖 S - 3 xiān xiān f /slim/slender/ 纤细 纖細 S - 196 xiān xì f /fine/slim/tender/ 纤维 纖維 S 3187 1879 xiān wéi f /fiber/CL:種|种[zhong3]/ 纤维丛 纖維叢 S - 0 xiān wéi cóng f /fiber bundle (math.)/ 纤维囊泡症 纖維囊泡症 S - 0 xiān wéi náng pào zhèng f /cystic fibrosis/ 纤维状 纖維狀 S - 3 xiān wéi zhuàng f /fibrous/ 纤维素 纖維素 S - 564 xiān wéi sù f /cellulose/ 纤维肌痛 纖維肌痛 S - 0 xiān wéi jī tòng f /fibromyalgia/ 纤维胶 纖維膠 S - 0 xiān wéi jiāo f /viscose/ 纤维蛋白 纖維蛋白 S - 36 xiān wéi dàn bái f /fibrous protein/ 纤美 纖美 S - 0 xiān měi f /exquisite/delicate and beautiful/ 纤腰 纖腰 S - 3 xiān yāo f /slender waistline/ 纤芯 纖芯 S - 0 xiān xīn f /core (of a fiber)/ 纤芯直径 纖芯直徑 S - 0 xiān xīn zhí jìng f /core diameter (of a fiber)/ 纤道 縴道 S - 0 qiàn dào f /towpath (along a canal)/ 纥 紇 S - 32 gē t /knot/ 纥 紇 S - 32 hé f /tassels/ 约 約 S - 27535 yāo f /to weigh in a balance or on a scale/ 约 約 S - 27535 yuē t /to make an appointment/to invite/approximately/pact/treaty/to economize/to restrict/to reduce (a fraction)/concise/ 约书亚 約書亞 S - 2 Yuē shū yà f /Joshua (name)/ 约书亚记 約書亞記 S - 0 Yuē shū yà jì f /Book of Joshua/ 约会 約會 S 683 329 yuē huì f /appointment/engagement/date/CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4]/to arrange to meet/ 约会对象 約會對象 S - 0 yuē huì duì xiàng f /partner for dating/a date (boyfriend or girlfriend)/ 约伯 約伯 S - 3 Yuē bó f /Job (name)/Book of Job in the Old Testament/ 约伯记 約伯記 S - 0 Yuē bó jì f /Book of Job (in the Old Testament)/ 约但 約但 S - 0 Yuē dàn f /variant of 約旦|约旦, Jordan/ 约但河 約但河 S - 0 Yuē dàn Hé f /variant of 約旦河|约旦河[Yue1 dan4 He2]/ 约克 約克 S - 97 Yuē kè f /York/ 约克郡 約克郡 S - 34 Yuē kè jùn f /Yorkshire (English region)/ 约出 約出 S - 0 yuē chū f /to ask sb out (on a date etc)/ 约分 約分 S - 0 yuē fēn f /reduced fraction (e.g. one half for three sixths)/to reduce a fraction by canceling common factors in the numerator and denominator/ 约制 約制 S - 0 yuē zhì f /to bind/to restrict/to constrain/ 约合 約合 S - 186 yuē hé f /approximately/about (some numerical value)/ 约同 約同 S - 0 yuē tóng f /to promise to accompany/an appointment (to go together with sb)/ 约坦 約坦 S - 0 Yuē tǎn f /Jotham (son of Uzziah)/ 约塔 約塔 S - 0 yāo tǎ f /iota (Greek letter Ιι)/ 约契 約契 S - 0 yuē qì f /contract/oath of allegiance/ 约定 約定 S - 820 yuē dìng f /to agree on sth (after discussion)/to conclude a bargain/to arrange/to promise/to stipulate/to make an appointment/stipulated (time, amount, quality etc)/an arrangement/a deal/appointment/undertaking/commitment/understanding/engagement/stipulation/ 约定俗成 約定俗成 S - 49 yuē dìng sú chéng f /established by popular usage (idiom); common usage agreement/customary convention/ 约定资讯速率 約定資訊速率 S - 0 yuē dìng zī xùn sù lǜ f /committed information rate (Frame Relay)/CIR/ 约当现金 約當現金 S - 0 yuē dāng xiàn jīn f /cash equivalent (accountancy)/ 约拿书 約拿書 S - 0 Yuē ná shū f /Book of Jonah/ 约摸 約摸 S - 120 yuē mo f /about/around/approximately/also written 約莫|约莫/ 约数 約數 S - 27 yuē shù f /divisor (of a number)/approximate number/ 约旦 約旦 S - 303 Yuē dàn f /Jordan/ 约旦河 約旦河 S - 130 Yuē dàn Hé f /Jordan River/ 约束 約束 S 3560 1132 yuē shù f /to restrict/to limit to/to constrain/restriction/constraint/ 约束力 約束力 S - 138 yuē shù lì f /(of a contract) binding (law)/ 约束条件 約束條件 S - 37 yuē shù tiáo jiàn f /restrictive condition/constraint/ 约柜 約櫃 S - 0 yuē guì f /Ark of the Covenant/ 约根 約根 S - 0 Yuē gēn f /Jurgen (name)/ 约沙法 約沙法 S - 0 Yuē shā fǎ f /Jehoshaphat, fourth king of Judah (Judaism)/ 约法 約法 S - 147 yuē fǎ f /temporary law/provisional constitution/ 约法三章 約法三章 S - 48 yuē fǎ sān zhāng f /to agree on three laws (idiom)/three-point covenant/(fig.) preliminary agreement/basic rules/ 约炮 約炮 S - 0 yuē pào f /(slang) to hook up for a one night stand/booty call/ 约珥书 約珥書 S - 0 Yuē ěr shū f /Book of Joel/ 约瑟 約瑟 S - 23 Yuē sè f /Joseph (name)/ 约瑟夫 約瑟夫 S - 144 Yuē sè fū f /Joseph (name)/ 约瑟夫·斯大林 約瑟夫·斯大林 S - 0 Yuē sè fū · Sī dà lín f /Joseph Stalin (1879-1953), Soviet dictator/ 约略 約略 S - 117 yuē lüè f /approximate/rough/ 约略估计 約略估計 S - 0 yuē lüè gū jì f /approximate estimate/to reckon roughly/ 约章 約章 S - 0 yuē zhāng f /charter/ 约等于 約等於 S - 3 yuē děng yú f /approximately equal to/ 约纳 約納 S - 0 Yuē nà f /Jonah/ 约维克 約維克 S - 0 Yāo wéi kè f /Gjøvik (city in Oppland, Norway)/ 约翰 約翰 S - 503 Yuē hàn f /John (name)/Johan (name)/Johann (name)/ 约翰·厄普代克 約翰·厄普代克 S - 0 Yuē hàn · E pǔ dài kè f /John Updike, US novelist (1932-2009), Pulitzer Prize winner/ 约翰·拉贝 約翰·拉貝 S - 0 Yuē hàn · Lā bèi f /John Rabe (1882-1950), German who helped protect Chinese during the Nanking massacre period/ 约翰·本仁 約翰·本仁 S - 0 Yuē hàn · Běn rén f /John Bunyan (1628-1688), English puritan writer, author of Pilgrim's Progress 天路歷程|天路历程/ 约翰·霍金斯 約翰·霍金斯 S - 0 Yuē hàn · Huò jīn sī f /John Hawkins (1532-1595), British seaman involved in sea war with Spain/Johns Hopkins (1795-1873), American entrepreneur, abolitionist and philanthropist/ 约翰·霍金斯大学 約翰·霍金斯大學 S - 0 Yuē hàn · Huò jīn sī Dà xué f /Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore/ 约翰一书 約翰一書 S - 0 Yuē hàn yī shū f /First epistle of St John/ 约翰三书 約翰三書 S - 0 Yuē hàn sān shū f /Third epistle of St John/ 约翰二书 約翰二書 S - 0 Yuē hàn èr shū f /Second epistle of St John/ 约翰保罗 約翰保羅 S - 0 Yuē hàn Bǎo luó f /John Paul (name)/Pope John Paul II, Karol Józef Wojtyła (1920-2005), Pope 1978-2005/ 约翰内斯堡 約翰內斯堡 S - 105 Yuē hàn nèi sī bǎo f /Johannesburg, South Africa/ 约翰参书 約翰參書 S - 0 Yuē hàn cān shū f /Third epistle of St John/also written 約翰三書|约翰三书/ 约翰壹书 約翰壹書 S - 0 Yuē hàn yī shū f /First epistle of St John/also written 約翰一書|约翰一书/ 约翰斯顿 約翰斯頓 S - 10 Yuē hàn sī dùn f /Johnston, Johnson, Johnstone etc, name/ 约翰福音 約翰福音 S - 3 Yuē hàn Fú yīn f /Gospel according to St John/ 约翰贰书 約翰貳書 S - 0 Yuē hàn èr shū f /Second epistle of St John/also written 約翰二書|约翰二书/ 约翰逊 約翰遜 S - 252 Yuē hàn xùn f /Johnson or Johnston (name)/ 约莫 約莫 S - 296 yuē mo f /about/around/approximately/ 约西亚 約西亞 S - 0 Yuē xī yà f /Josiah or Yoshiyahu (649-609 BC), a king of Judah (Judaism)/ 约见 約見 S - 55 yuē jiàn f /to arrange an interview/an appointment (with the foreign ambassador)/ 约言 約言 S - 6 yuē yán f /promise/one's word/pledge/abbreviation/ 约计 約計 S - 13 yuē jì f /approximate estimate/a rough count/ 约请 約請 S - 41 yuē qǐng f /to invite/to issue an invitation/ 约集 約集 S - 3 yuē jí f /to assemble by agreement/to gather/ 级 級 S - 9853 jí f /level/grade/rank/step (of stairs)/CL:個|个[ge4]/classifier: step, level/ 级别 級別 S 3132 1161 jí bié f /(military) rank/level/grade/ 级差 級差 S - 447 jí chā f /differential (between grades)/salary differential/ 级强 級強 S - 0 jí qiáng f /named grade or higher/at least stated magnitude (of earthquake)/ 级数 級數 S - 267 jí shù f /(math.) series/ 级联 級聯 S - 21 jí lián f /cascade/cascading/ 级距 級距 S - 3 jí jù f /numerical range/interval/taxation band/ 纨 紈 S - 506 wán f /white/white silk/ 纨绔子弟 紈絝子弟 S - 30 wán kù zǐ dì f /hedonistic son of rich parents/ 纨裤子弟 紈褲子弟 S - 4 wán kù zǐ dì f /dandy/fop/lounge lizard/ 纩 纊 S - 9 kuàng f /fine floss-silk or cotton/ 纪 紀 S - 806 Jǐ f /surname Ji/also pr. [Ji4]/ 纪 紀 S - 806 jì t /order/discipline/age/era/period/to chronicle/ 纪传体 紀傳體 S - 98 jì zhuàn tǐ f /history genre based on biography, such as Sima Qian's Record of the Historian/ 纪伯伦 紀伯倫 S - 7 Jì bó lún f /Khalil Gibran (1883-1931), Lebanese poet, writer and artist/ 纪元 紀元 S - 77 jì yuán f /calendar era/epoch/ 纪元前 紀元前 S - 3 jì yuán qián f /before the common era (BC)/ 纪委 紀委 S - 282 jì wěi f /discipline inspection commission/ 纪实 紀實 S - 170 jì shí f /record of actual events/documentary (factual rather than fictional)/ 纪年 紀年 S - 281 jì nián f /to number the years/calendar era/annals/chronicle/ 纪录 紀錄 S 1772 1232 jì lù f /variant of 記錄|记录[ji4 lu4]/ 纪录创造者 紀錄創造者 S - 0 jì lù chuàng zào zhě f /record setter/record holder/ 纪录片 紀錄片 S - 205 jì lù piàn f /newsreel/documentary (film or TV program)/CL:部[bu4]/ 纪律 紀律 S 2168 1223 jì lǜ f /discipline/ 纪律检查委员会 紀律檢查委員會 S - 0 Jì lǜ Jiǎn chá Wěi yuán huì f /Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the CCP/ 纪念 紀念 S 1711 2681 jì niàn f /to commemorate/to remember/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 纪念品 紀念品 S - 424 jì niàn pǐn f /souvenir/ 纪念堂 紀念堂 S - 70 jì niàn táng f /memorial hall/mausoleum/ 纪念奖 紀念獎 S - 11 jì niàn jiǎng f /trophy/ 纪念日 紀念日 S - 266 jì niàn rì f /day of commemoration/memorial day/ 纪念碑 紀念碑 S - 238 jì niàn bēi f /monument/ 纪念章 紀念章 S - 37 jì niàn zhāng f /memorial badge/souvenir badge/CL:枚[mei2]/ 纪念邮票 紀念郵票 S - 23 jì niàn yóu piào f /commemorative postage stamp/ 纪念馆 紀念館 S - 604 jì niàn guǎn f /memorial hall/commemorative museum/ 纪昀 紀昀 S - 11 Jì Yún f /Ji Yun (1724-1805), Qing Dynasty writer, author of supernatural novel Notes on a Minutely Observed Thatched Hut 閱微草堂筆記|阅微草堂笔记/ 纪检 紀檢 S - 150 jì jiǎn f /disciplinary inspection/to inspect another's discipline/ 纪要 紀要 S 4983 391 jì yào f /minutes/written summary of a meeting/ 纫 紉 S - 74 rèn f /to string/to thread (needle)/ 纬 緯 S - 580 wěi f /latitude/woof (horizontal thread in weaving)/weft/ 纬圈 緯圈 S - 0 wěi quān f /line of latitude/parallel/ 纬度 緯度 S - 403 wěi dù f /latitude/ 纬纱 緯紗 S - 61 wěi shā f /woof (horizontal thread in weaving)/weft/ 纬线 緯線 S - 74 wěi xiàn f /woof/line of latitude/parallel/ 纬线圈 緯線圈 S - 0 wěi xiàn quān f /line of latitude/parallel/ 纬锦 緯錦 S - 0 wěi jǐn f /woof brocade/woven fabric with many-colored woof/ 纭 紜 S - 239 yún f /confused/numerous/ 纭纭 紜紜 S - 0 yún yún f /variant of 芸芸[yun2 yun2]/ 纮 紘 S - 21 hóng f /cord for hat/vast/ 纯 純 S - 2375 chún f /pure/simple/unmixed/genuine/ 纯净 純淨 S - 271 chún jìng f /pure/clean/unmixed/ 纯利 純利 S - 45 chún lì f /net profit/ 纯利益 純利益 S - 0 chún lì yì f /net profit/ 纯品 純品 S - 0 chún pǐn f /sterling/ 纯属 純屬 S - 824 chún shǔ f /to be purely/pure and simple/sheer/outright/ 纯度 純度 S - 130 chún dù f /purity/ 纯情 純情 S - 25 chún qíng f /pure and innocent/a pure heart/ 纯文字 純文字 S - 3 chún wén zì f /text only (webpage)/ 纯文字页 純文字頁 S - 0 chún wén zì yè f /text-only webpage/ 纯朴 純樸 S - 127 chún pǔ f /variant of 淳樸|淳朴[chun2 pu3]/ 纯棉 純棉 S - 13 chún mián f /pure cotton/100% cotton/ 纯正 純正 S - 407 chún zhèng f /pure/unadulterated/(of motives etc) honest/ 纯洁 純潔 S 3267 358 chún jié f /pure/clean and honest/to purify/ 纯熟 純熟 S - 231 chún shú f /skillful/proficient/ 纯牛奶 純牛奶 S - 3 chún niú nǎi f /pure milk/ 纯白 純白 S - 296 chún bái f /pure white/ 纯真 純真 S - 120 chún zhēn f /sincere/ 纯真无垢 純真無垢 S - 0 chún zhēn wú gòu f /pure of heart/ 纯碱 純鹼 S - 832 chún jiǎn f /sodium carbonate Na2CO3/soda ash/same as 碳酸鈉|碳酸钠/ 纯种 純種 S - 34 chún zhǒng f /purebred/ 纯粹 純粹 S 3014 990 chún cuì f /pure/unadulterated/purely/completely/ 纯粹数学 純粹數學 S - 0 chún cuì shù xué f /pure mathematics/ 纯素 純素 S - 0 chún sù f /plain/ordinary/vegetarian/ 纯素颜 純素顏 S - 0 chún sù yán f /see 素顏|素颜[su4 yan2]/ 纯素食 純素食 S - 0 chún sù shí f /vegan/vegan food/ 纯素食主义 純素食主義 S - 0 chún sù shí zhǔ yì f /veganism, a diet consisting solely of plant products/strict vegetarianism/ 纯素食者 純素食者 S - 0 chún sù shí zhě f /a vegan/person following a vegan diet/ 纯色啄花鸟 純色啄花鳥 S - 0 chún sè zhuó huā niǎo f /(bird species of China) plain flowerpecker (Dicaeum minullum)/ 纯色噪鹛 純色噪鶥 S - 0 chún sè zào méi f /(bird species of China) scaly laughingthrush (Trochalopteron subunicolor)/ 纯色岩燕 純色岩燕 S - 0 chún sè yán yàn f /(bird species of China) dusky crag martin (Ptyonoprogne concolor)/ 纯蓝仙鹟 純藍仙鶲 S - 0 chún lán xiān wēng f /(bird species of China) pale blue flycatcher (Cyornis unicolor)/ 纯褐鹱 純褐鸌 S - 0 chún hè hù f /(bird species of China) Bulwer's petrel (Bulweria bulwerii)/ 纯金 純金 S - 80 chún jīn f /pure gold/ 纯音 純音 S - 23 chún yīn f /pure tone/ 纰 紕 S - 206 pī f /error/carelessness/spoiled silk/ 纰漏 紕漏 S - 71 pī lòu f /careless mistake/slip-up/ 纰缪 紕繆 S - 17 pī miù f /error/mistake/ 纱 紗 S - 788 shā f /cotton yarn/muslin/ 纱丽 紗麗 S - 21 shā lì f /sari (loanword)/ 纱厂 紗廠 S - 92 shā chǎng f /cotton mill/textile factory/ 纱布 紗布 S - 120 shā bù f /gauze/ 纱布口罩 紗布口罩 S - 0 shā bù kǒu zhào f /gauze mask/ 纱帽 紗帽 S - 58 shā mào f /gauze hat/fig. job as an official/ 纱窗 紗窗 S - 40 shā chuāng f /screen window/ 纱线 紗線 S - 75 shā xiàn f /yarn/ 纱绽 紗綻 S - 3 shā zhàn f /spindle/ 纲 綱 S - 2163 gāng f /head rope of a fishing net/guiding principle/key link/class (taxonomy)/outline/program/ 纲举目张 綱舉目張 S - 6 gāng jǔ mù zhāng f /if you lift the headrope the meshes spread open (idiom)/take care of the big things and the little things will take care of themselves/(of a piece of writing) well-structured and ordered/ 纲纪 綱紀 S - 44 gāng jì f /law and order/ 纲要 綱要 S - 385 gāng yào f /outline/essential points/ 纲领 綱領 S 4906 1480 gāng lǐng f /program (i.e. plan of action)/guiding principle/ 纳 納 S - 1968 Nà f /surname Na/ 纳 納 S - 1968 nà f /to receive/to accept/to enjoy/to bring into/to pay (tax etc)/nano- (one billionth)/to reinforce sole of shoes or stockings by close sewing/ 纳什 納什 S - 509 Nà shí f /Nash (surname)/ 纳什维尔 納什維爾 S - 5 Nà shí wéi ěr f /Nashville, capital of Tennessee/ 纳入 納入 S - 1491 nà rù f /to bring into/to channel into/to integrate into/to incorporate/ 纳兰性德 納蘭性德 S - 0 Nà lán Xìng dé f /Nalan Xingde (1655-1685), Manchu ethnic Qing dynasty poet/ 纳凉 納涼 S - 38 nà liáng f /to enjoy the cool air/ 纳匝肋 納匝肋 S - 0 Nà zā lèi f /Nazareth/ 纳卫星 納衛星 S - 0 nà wèi xīng f /nanosatellite/ 纳吉布 納吉布 S - 21 Nà jí bù f /Muhammad Naguib (1901-1984), first president of the Republic of Egypt/ 纳塔乃耳 納塔乃耳 S - 0 Nà tǎ nǎi ěr f /Nathaniel/ 纳妾 納妾 S - 46 nà qiè f /to take a concubine/ 纳宠 納寵 S - 0 nà chǒng f /to take a concubine/ 纳尔逊 納爾遜 S - 36 Nà ěr xùn f /Horatio Nelson (1758-1805), British naval hero/ 纳尼亚 納尼亞 S - 3 Nà ní yà f /Narnia, children's fantasy world in stories by C.S. Lewis/ 纳尼亚传奇 納尼亞傳奇 S - 0 Nà ní yà Chuán qí f /The Chronicles of Narnia, children's stories by C.S. Lewis/ 纳德阿里 納德阿里 S - 0 Nà dé A lǐ f /Nad Ali, town in Helmand province, Afghanistan/ 纳扎尔巴耶夫 納扎爾巴耶夫 S - 13 Nà zhā ěr bā yē fū f /Nursultan Nazarbayev (1940-), President of Kazakhstan/ 纳指 納指 S - 2 Nà zhǐ f /NASDAQ/National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations, a computerized data system to provide brokers with price quotations for securities traded over the counter/ 纳撒尼尔·霍桑 納撒尼爾·霍桑 S - 0 Nà sā ní ěr · Huò sāng f /Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) American novelist and short story writer/ 纳斯达克 納斯達克 S - 105 Nà sī dá kè f /NASDAQ (stock exchange)/ 纳新 納新 S - 3 nà xīn f /to accept the new/to take fresh (air)/fig. to accept new members (to reinvigorate the party)/new blood/ 纳星 納星 S - 0 nà xīng f /nanosatellite/ 纳木错 納木錯 S - 26 Nà mù cuò f /Namtso or Lake Nam (officially Nam Co), mountain lake at Nakchu in central Tibet/ 纳杰夫 納傑夫 S - 5 Nà jié fū f /Najaf (city in Iraq, a Shia holy city)/ 纳溪 納溪 S - 4 Nà xī f /Naxi district of Luzhou city 瀘州市|泸州市[Lu2 zhou1 shi4], Sichuan/ 纳溪区 納溪區 S - 3 Nà xī qū f /Naxi district of Luzhou city 瀘州市|泸州市[Lu2 zhou1 shi4], Sichuan/ 纳瓦特尔语 納瓦特爾語 S - 0 Nà wǎ tè ěr yǔ f /Nahuatl (language)/ 纳瓦萨 納瓦薩 S - 0 Nà wǎ sà f /Navassa/ 纳福 納福 S - 18 nà fú f /to accept a life of ease/to enjoy a comfortable retirement/ 纳秒 納秒 S - 17 nà miǎo f /nanosecond, ns, 10^-9 s (PRC)/Taiwan equivalent: 奈秒[nai4 miao3]/ 纳税 納稅 S - 352 nà shuì f /to pay taxes/ 纳税人 納稅人 S - 177 nà shuì rén f /taxpayer/ 纳米 納米 S - 231 nà mǐ f /nanometer/ 纳米技术 納米技術 S - 3 nà mǐ jì shù f /nanotechnology/ 纳米比亚 納米比亞 S - 134 Nà mǐ bǐ yà f /Namibia/ 纳粮 納糧 S - 84 nà liáng f /to pay taxes in kind (rice, cloth etc)/ 纳粹 納粹 S - 505 Nà cuì f /Nazi (loanword)/ 纳粹主义 納粹主義 S - 22 Nà cuì zhǔ yì f /Nazism/ 纳粹党 納粹黨 S - 126 Nà cuì dǎng f /Nazi Party/Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP) (1919-1945)/ 纳粹分子 納粹份子 S - 0 Nà cuì fèn zǐ f /Nazi/ 纳粹德国 納粹德國 S - 3 Nà cuì Dé guó f /Nazi Germany (1933-1945)/ 纳罕 納罕 S - 97 nà hǎn f /bewildered/amazed/ 纳聘 納聘 S - 3 nà pìn f /to pay bride-price (payment to the bride's family in former times)/ 纳西 納西 S - 139 Nà xī f /Nakhi (ethnic group)/ 纳西族 納西族 S - 357 Nà xī zú f /Nakhi ethnic group in Yunnan/ 纳豆 納豆 S - 0 nà dòu f /nattō, a type of fermented soybean, popular as a breakfast food in Japan/ 纳豆菌 納豆菌 S - 2 nà dòu jūn f /Bacillus subtilis (formerly Bacillus natto), a common soil bacterium/ 纳贡 納貢 S - 82 nà gòng f /to pay tribute/ 纳贿 納賄 S - 32 nà huì f /bribery/to give or accept bribes/ 纳赛尔 納賽爾 S - 43 Nà sài ěr f /Nasr or Nasser (Arab name)/Gamal Abdel Nasser (1918-1970), Egyptian President/ 纳赫雄 納赫雄 S - 0 Nà hè xióng f /Nahshon (name)/ 纳达尔 納達爾 S - 34 Nà dá ěr f /Nadal (name)/Rafael Nadal (1986-), Spanish tennis player/ 纳闷 納悶 S - 436 nà mèn f /puzzled/bewildered/ 纳闷儿 納悶兒 S 3145 11 nà mèn r f /erhua variant of 納悶|纳闷[na4 men4]/ 纳闽 納閩 S - 0 Nà mǐn f /Labuan, island territory of Malaysia off Sabah coast, north Borneo 婆羅洲|婆罗洲/ 纳降 納降 S - 22 nà xiáng f /to surrender/to accept defeat/ 纳雍 納雍 S - 3 Nà yōng f /Nayong county in Bijie prefecture 畢節地區|毕节地区[Bi4 jie2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 纳雍县 納雍縣 S - 3 Nà yōng xiàn f /Nayong county in Bijie prefecture 畢節地區|毕节地区[Bi4 jie2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 纳霍德卡 納霍德卡 S - 0 Nà huò dé kǎ f /Nakhodka (city in Russia)/ 纳鸿 納鴻 S - 0 Nà hóng f /Nahum/ 纴 紝 S - 11651 rèn f /to weave/to lay warp for weaving/silk thread for weaving/variant of 紉|纫, to sew/to stitch/thread/ 纴织 紝織 S - 0 rèn zhī f /to weave/ 纵 縱 S - 4220 zòng f /warp (the vertical threads in weaving)/vertical/longitudinal/north-south (lines of longitude)/lengthwise/to release/to indulge/even if/ 纵享 縱享 S - 0 zòng xiǎng f /to enjoy/to indulge in/ 纵令 縱令 S - 16 zòng lìng f /to indulge/to give free rein/even if/ 纵使 縱使 S - 160 zòng shǐ f /even if/even though/ 纵剖面 縱剖面 S - 25 zòng pōu miàn f /vertical section/longitudinal section/ 纵向 縱向 S - 303 zòng xiàng f /longitudinal/vertical/ 纵坐标 縱座標 S - 27 zòng zuò biāo f /vertical coordinate/ordinate/ 纵声 縱聲 S - 3 zòng shēng f /loudly/in a loud voice/ 纵容 縱容 S - 200 zòng róng f /to indulge/to connive at/ 纵情 縱情 S - 89 zòng qíng f /to your heart's content/ 纵意 縱意 S - 3 zòng yì f /willfully/wantonly/ 纵摇 縱搖 S - 0 zòng yáo f /pitching motion (of a boat)/ 纵放 縱放 S - 0 zòng fàng f /undisciplined/untrammeled/to indulge/ 纵断面 縱斷面 S - 3 zòng duàn miàn f /vertical section/longitudinal section/ 纵梁 縱梁 S - 6 zòng liáng f /longitudinal beam/ 纵横 縱橫 S 4710 1009 zòng héng f /lit. warp and weft in weaving; vertically and horizontal/length and breadth/criss-crossed/able to move unhindered/abbr. for 合縱連橫|合纵连横[He2 zong4 Lian2 heng2], School of Diplomacy during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC)/ 纵横交错 縱橫交錯 S - 135 zòng héng jiāo cuò f /criss-crossed (idiom)/ 纵横字谜 縱橫字謎 S - 0 zòng héng zì mí f /crossword/ 纵横家 縱橫家 S - 42 Zòng héng jiā f /School of Diplomacy of the Warring States Period (475-221 BC) whose leading advocates were Su Qin 蘇秦|苏秦[Su1 Qin2] and Zhang Yi 張儀|张仪[Zhang4 Yi2]/ 纵横驰骋 縱橫馳騁 S - 35 zòng héng chí chěng f /to criss-cross/to run unhindered across the whole country/ 纵欲 縱慾 S - 66 zòng yù f /to indulge in debauchery/ 纵步 縱步 S - 9 zòng bù f /to stride/to bound/ 纵波 縱波 S - 26 zòng bō f /longitudinal wave/ 纵深 縱深 S - 510 zòng shēn f /depth (of a battlefield or terrain)/ 纵火 縱火 S - 128 zòng huǒ f /to set on fire/to commit arson/ 纵火犯 縱火犯 S - 7 zòng huǒ fàn f /arsonist/ 纵然 縱然 S - 1197 zòng rán f /even if/even though/ 纵目 縱目 S - 39 zòng mù f /as far as the eye can see/ 纵神经索 縱神經索 S - 0 zòng shén jīng suǒ f /longitudinal nerve cord/ 纵纹 縱紋 S - 38 zòng wén f /stria longitudinalis (in the brain)/ 纵纹绿鹎 縱紋綠鵯 S - 0 zòng wén lǜ bēi f /(bird species of China) striated bulbul (Pycnonotus striatus)/ 纵纹腹小鸮 縱紋腹小鴞 S - 0 zòng wén fù xiǎo xiāo f /(bird species of China) little owl (Athene noctua)/ 纵纹角鸮 縱紋角鴞 S - 0 zòng wén jiǎo xiāo f /(bird species of China) pallid scops owl (Otus brucei)/ 纵线 縱線 S - 11 zòng xiàn f /vertical line/vertical coordinate line/ 纵肌 縱肌 S - 0 zòng jī f /longitudinal muscle/ 纵虎归山 縱虎歸山 S - 4 zòng hǔ guī shān f /lit. to let the tiger return to the mountain; fig. to store up future calamities/ 纵裂 縱裂 S - 17 zòng liè f /lobe/longitudinal slit/vertical fracture/ 纵观 縱觀 S - 180 zòng guān f /to survey comprehensively/an overall survey/ 纵览 縱覽 S - 26 zòng lǎn f /panoramic view/wide survey/ 纵言 縱言 S - 0 zòng yán f /to theorize generally/ 纵论 縱論 S - 15 zòng lùn f /to talk freely/ 纵谈 縱談 S - 38 zòng tán f /to talk freely/ 纵贯 縱貫 S - 644 zòng guàn f /lit. warp string in weaving/fig. vertical or north-south lines/to pass through/to cross lengthwise/to pierce (esp. north-south or top-to-bottom)/ 纵身 縱身 S - 1025 zòng shēn f /to leap/to spring/to throw oneself/ 纵酒 縱酒 S - 22 zòng jiǔ f /to drink excessively/ 纵队 縱隊 S - 391 zòng duì f /column/file/CL:列[lie4],路[lu4]/ 纵隔 縱隔 S - 29 zòng gé f /mediastinum (organs and tissues in the thorax between the lungs)/ 纶 綸 S - 61 lún f /to classify/to twist silk/silk thread/ 纷 紛 S - 317 fēn f /numerous/confused/disorderly/ 纷乱 紛亂 S - 158 fēn luàn f /numerous and disorderly/ 纷争 紛爭 S - 270 fēn zhēng f /to dispute/ 纷呈 紛呈 S - 55 fēn chéng f /brilliant and varied/(often in the combination 精彩纷呈)/ 纷扰 紛擾 S - 139 fēn rǎo f /turmoil/unrest/disturbance/ 纷披 紛披 S - 3 fēn pī f /scattered/mixed and disorganized/ 纷杂 紛雜 S - 17 fēn zá f /numerous and confused/in a mess/ 纷繁 紛繁 S - 163 fēn fán f /numerous and complicated/ 纷纭 紛紜 S - 82 fēn yún f /diverse and muddled/many and confused/ 纷纷 紛紛 S 2402 4973 fēn fēn f /one after another/in succession/one by one/continuously/diverse/in profusion/numerous and confused/pell-mell/ 纷纷扬扬 紛紛揚揚 S - 35 fēn fēn yáng yáng f /fluttering about (of leaves etc)/ 纷至沓来 紛至沓來 S - 89 fēn zhì tà lái f /to come thick and fast (idiom)/ 纷飞 紛飛 S - 122 fēn fēi f /to swirl in the air (of thickly falling snowflakes, flower petals etc)/to flutter about/ 纸 帋 S - 3727 zhǐ f /variant of 紙|纸[zhi3]/ 纸 紙 S - 3727 zhǐ f /paper/CL:張|张[zhang1],沓[da2]/classifier for documents, letter etc/ 纸上谈兵 紙上談兵 S - 55 zhǐ shàng tán bīng f /lit. military tactics on paper (idiom)/fig. theoretical discussion that is worse than useless in practice/armchair strategist/idle theorizing/cf Zhao Kuo 趙括|赵括 leading an army of 400,000 to total annihilation at battle of Changping 長平之戰|长平之战 in 260 BC/ 纸人 紙人 S - 51 zhǐ rén f /paper doll/papercut silhouette/ 纸人纸马 紙人紙馬 S - 0 zhǐ rén zhǐ mǎ f /paper dolls for ritual use in the shape of people or animals/ 纸包不住火 紙包不住火 S - 9 zhǐ bāo bù zhù huǒ f /lit. paper can't wrap fire; fig. the truth will out/ 纸包饮品 紙包飲品 S - 0 zhǐ bāo yǐn pǐn f /juice box/drink in a carton/Tetra Pak drink/ 纸叶子 紙葉子 S - 0 zhǐ yè zi f /deck of playing cards/ 纸品 紙品 S - 15 zhǐ pǐn f /paper products/stationery/ 纸型 紙型 S - 3 zhǐ xíng f /paper matrix in which type is set/ 纸堆 紙堆 S - 3 zhǐ duī f /papers/stack of paper/ 纸夹 紙夾 S - 3 zhǐ jiā f /paperclip/ 纸婚 紙婚 S - 4 zhǐ hūn f /paper wedding (first year wedding anniversary)/ 纸尿布 紙尿布 S - 0 zhǐ niào bù f /disposable diaper/ 纸尿片 紙尿片 S - 3 zhǐ niào piàn f /disposable diaper/ 纸尿裤 紙尿褲 S - 3 zhǐ niào kù f /disposable diaper/ 纸巾 紙巾 S - 41 zhǐ jīn f /paper towel/napkin/facial tissue/CL:張|张[zhang1],包[bao1]/ 纸币 紙幣 S - 364 zhǐ bì f /bank notes/paper currency/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 纸带 紙帶 S - 22 zhǐ dài f /paper tape/ticker tape/paper streamer/ 纸张 紙張 S - 270 zhǐ zhāng f /paper/ 纸条 紙條 S - 319 zhǐ tiáo f /slip of paper/ 纸杯 紙杯 S - 13 zhǐ bēi f /paper cup/ 纸板 紙板 S - 62 zhǐ bǎn f /cardboard/ 纸样 紙樣 S - 4 zhǐ yàng f /paper pattern as model in dressmaking/paper patten/ 纸浆 紙漿 S - 117 zhǐ jiāng f /paper pulp/ 纸火柴 紙火柴 S - 0 zhǐ huǒ chái f /matches made of cardboard/ 纸火锅 紙火鍋 S - 0 zhǐ huǒ guō f /paper hot pot (hot pot using a single-use pot made of Japanese washi paper with a special coating to prevent burning and leaking, used for cooking at the dining table)/ 纸灰 紙灰 S - 32 zhǐ huī f /ash from burnt paper/ 纸烟 紙煙 S - 244 zhǐ yān f /cigarette/ 纸煤儿 紙煤兒 S - 3 zhǐ méi r f /paper taper used to light cigarette etc/ 纸片 紙片 S - 139 zhǐ piàn f /a piece, scrap or fragment of paper/ 纸牌 紙牌 S - 58 zhǐ pái f /playing card/ 纸盆 紙盆 S - 0 zhǐ pén f /paper cone used as hailer/ 纸箔 紙箔 S - 0 zhǐ bó f /joss paper/ 纸箱 紙箱 S - 46 zhǐ xiāng f /carton/cardboard box/ 纸老虎 紙老虎 S - 46 zhǐ lǎo hǔ f /paper tiger/ 纸花 紙花 S - 13 zhǐ huā f /paper flower/ 纸草 紙草 S - 0 zhǐ cǎo f /papyrus/ 纸质 紙質 S - 67 zhǐ zhì f /paper/hard copy/printed (as opposed to electronically displayed)/ 纸醉金迷 紙醉金迷 S - 25 zhǐ zuì jīn mí f /lit. dazzling with paper and gold (idiom); fig. indulging in a life of luxury/ 纸钞 紙鈔 S - 2 zhǐ chāo f /banknote/ 纸钱 紙錢 S - 89 zhǐ qián f /ritual money made of paper burnt for the Gods or the dead/ 纸锭 紙錠 S - 0 zhǐ dìng f /paper ingots (burned as offerings to the dead)/ 纸马 紙馬 S - 31 zhǐ mǎ f /paper dolls for ritual use in the shape of people or animals/ 纸马儿 紙馬兒 S - 0 zhǐ mǎ r f /erhua variant of 紙馬|纸马[zhi3 ma3]/ 纸鱼 紙魚 S - 0 zhǐ yú f /silverfish (Lepisma saccarina)/fish moth/ 纸鸢 紙鳶 S - 8 zhǐ yuān f /kite/ 纸鹞 紙鷂 S - 8 zhǐ yào f /kite/ 纸鹤 紙鶴 S - 4 zhǐ hè f /paper crane/ 纸黄金 紙黃金 S - 3 zhǐ huáng jīn f /gold contract/special drawing right (SDR)/paper gold (finance)/ 纹 紋 S - 1861 wén f /line/trace/mark/pattern/grain (of wood etc)/ 纹丝 紋絲 S - 3 wén sī f /tiny bit/a jot/whisker/ 纹丝不动 紋絲不動 S - 160 wén sī bù dòng f /to not move a single jot (idiom)/ 纹丝儿 紋絲兒 S - 0 wén sī r f /erhua variant of 紋絲|纹丝[wen2 si1]/ 纹刺 紋刺 S - 0 wén cì f /to tattoo/ 纹喉凤鹛 紋喉鳳鶥 S - 0 wén hóu fèng méi f /(bird species of China) stripe-throated yuhina (Yuhina gularis)/ 纹喉鹎 紋喉鵯 S - 0 wén hóu bēi f /(bird species of China) stripe-throated bulbul (Pycnonotus finlaysoni)/ 纹头斑翅鹛 紋頭斑翅鶥 S - 0 wén tóu bān chì méi f /(bird species of China) hoary-throated barwing (Actinodura nipalensis)/ 纹层 紋層 S - 0 wén céng f /lamina/lamella/lamination/ 纹理 紋理 S - 135 wén lǐ f /vein lines (in marble or fingerprint)/grain (in wood etc)/ 纹章 紋章 S - 5 wén zhāng f /coat of arms/ 纹缕 紋縷 S - 0 wén lǚ f /veined pattern/wrinkles/vein lines (in marble or fingerprint)/grain (in wood etc)/ 纹缕儿 紋縷兒 S - 0 wén lǚ r f /erhua variant of 紋縷|纹缕[wen2 lu:3]/ 纹背捕蛛鸟 紋背捕蛛鳥 S - 0 wén bèi bǔ zhū niǎo f /(bird species of China) streaked spiderhunter (Arachnothera magna)/ 纹胸啄木鸟 紋胸啄木鳥 S - 0 wén xiōng zhuó mù niǎo f /(bird species of China) stripe-breasted woodpecker (Dendrocopos atratus)/ 纹胸斑翅鹛 紋胸斑翅鶥 S - 0 wén xiōng bān chì méi f /(bird species of China) streak-throated barwing (Actinodura waldeni)/ 纹胸织雀 紋胸織雀 S - 0 wén xiōng zhī què f /(bird species of China) streaked weaver (Ploceus manyar)/ 纹胸鹛 紋胸鶥 S - 0 wén xiōng méi f /(bird species of China) pin-striped tit-babbler (Macronus gularis)/ 纹胸鹪鹛 紋胸鷦鶥 S - 0 wén xiōng jiāo méi f /(bird species of China) eyebrowed wren-babbler (Napothera epilepidota)/ 纹路 紋路 S - 82 wén lù f /veined pattern/wrinkles/vein lines (in marble or fingerprint)/grain (in wood etc)/ 纹身 紋身 S - 16 wén shēn f /tattoo/ 纹银 紋銀 S - 77 wén yín f /fine silver/ 纹面 紋面 S - 0 wén miàn f /see 文面[wen2 mian4]/ 纹风不动 紋風不動 S - 3 wén fēng bù dòng f /absolutely still/fig. not the slightest change/also written 文風不動|文风不动/ 纹饰 紋飾 S - 418 wén shì f /decorative motif/figure/ 纺 紡 S - 519 fǎng f /to spin (cotton or hemp etc)/fine woven silk fabric/ 纺丝 紡絲 S - 25 fǎng sī f /to spin synthetic fiber/to spin silk/spinning/filature/ 纺纱 紡紗 S - 301 fǎng shā f /to spin (cotton, wool etc)/spinning/ 纺织 紡織 S 4709 4914 fǎng zhī f /spinning and weaving/ 纺织厂 紡織廠 S - 263 fǎng zhī chǎng f /textile factory/cotton mill/ 纺织品 紡織品 S - 693 fǎng zhī pǐn f /textile/fabrics/ 纺织娘 紡織孃 S - 3 fǎng zhī niáng f /katydid/long-horned grasshopper/ 纺织工业 紡織工業 S - 3 fǎng zhī gōng yè f /textile industry/ 纺织物 紡織物 S - 11 fǎng zhī wù f /textile material/ 纺织者 紡織者 S - 0 fǎng zhī zhě f /weaver/ 纺车 紡車 S - 84 fǎng chē f /spinning wheel/ 纺轮 紡輪 S - 0 fǎng lún f /spinning wheel/ 纺锤 紡錘 S - 55 fǎng chuí f /spindle/ 纻 紵 S - 387 zhù f /ramie (Boehmeria nivea)/ 纽 紐 S - 379 niǔ f /to turn/to wrench/button/nu (Greek letter Νν)/ 纽伦堡 紐倫堡 S - 128 Niǔ lún bǎo f /Nürnberg or Nuremberg, town in Bavaria, Germany/ 纽几内亚 紐幾內亞 S - 0 Niǔ Jī nèi yà f /New Guinea/Papua-New Guinea/ 纽卡斯尔 紐卡斯爾 S - 56 Niǔ kǎ sī ěr f /Newcastle (place name)/ 纽卡素 紐卡素 S - 0 niǔ kǎ sù f /Newcastle/ 纽埃 紐埃 S - 31 Niǔ āi f /Niue (island)/ 纽奥良 紐奧良 S - 0 Niǔ ào liáng f /New Orleans, Louisiana/ 纽子 紐子 S - 4 niǔ zi f /button/ 纽带 紐帶 S - 233 niǔ dài f /tie/link/bond/ 纽扣 紐扣 S - 119 niǔ kòu f /button/ 纽时 紐時 S - 0 Niǔ Shí f /New York Times, abbr. for 紐約時報|纽约时报[Niu3 Yue1 Shi2 bao4]/ 纽泽西 紐澤西 S - 0 Niǔ zé xī f /New Jersey, USA (Tw)/ 纽瓦克 紐瓦克 S - 5 Niǔ wǎ kè f /Newark (place name)/ 纽约 紐約 S - 1758 Niǔ yuē f /New York/ 纽约人 紐約人 S - 0 Niǔ yuē rén f /New Yorker/ 纽约大学 紐約大學 S - 17 Niǔ yuē Dà xué f /New York University/ 纽约客 紐約客 S - 0 Niǔ yuē kè f /The New Yorker, US magazine/resident of New York/ 纽约州 紐約州 S - 87 Niǔ yuē zhōu f /New York state/ 纽约市 紐約市 S - 51 Niǔ yuē Shì f /New York City/ 纽约帝国大厦 紐約帝國大廈 S - 0 Niǔ yuē Dì guó Dà shà f /Empire State Building/ 纽约时报 紐約時報 S - 3 Niǔ yuē Shí bào f /New York Times (newspaper)/ 纽约证券交易所 紐約證券交易所 S - 8 Niǔ yuē Zhèng quàn Jiāo yì suǒ f /New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)/ 纽约邮报 紐約郵報 S - 0 Niǔ yuē Yóu bào f /New York Post (newspaper)/ 纽绊 紐絆 S - 0 niǔ bàn f /see 紐襻|纽襻[niu3 pan4]/ 纽芬兰 紐芬蘭 S - 82 Niǔ fēn lán f /Newfoundland Island, Canada/ 纽芬兰与拉布拉多 紐芬蘭與拉布拉多 S - 0 Niǔ fēn lán yǔ lā bù lā duō f /Newfoundland and Labrador, province of Canada/ 纽襻 紐襻 S - 3 niǔ pàn f /button loop/ 纽西兰 紐西蘭 S - 3 Niǔ xī lán f /New Zealand (Tw)/ 纾 紓 S - 165 shū f /abundant/ample/at ease/relaxed/to free from/to relieve/ 纾压 紓壓 S - 0 shū yā f /to alleviate stress/ 纾困 紓困 S - 0 shū kùn f /to provide financial relief/to bail out (financially)/financial relief/bailout/ 纾缓 紓緩 S - 0 shū huǎn f /to relax/relaxed/ 纾解 紓解 S - 3 shū jiě f /to relieve/to ease (pressure)/to alleviate/to remove/to get rid of/ 线 綫 S - 7688 xiàn f /variant of 線|线[xian4]/ 线 線 S - 7688 xiàn f /thread/string/wire/line/CL:條|条[tiao2],股[gu3],根[gen1]/ 线上 線上 S - 0 xiàn shàng f /online/ 线上查询 線上查詢 S - 0 xiàn shàng chá xún f /online search/ 线下 線下 S - 64 xiàn xià f /offline/below the line/ 线人 線人 S - 7 xiàn rén f /spy/informer/ 线团 線團 S - 10 xiàn tuán f /ball of string/ 线图 線圖 S - 26 xiàn tú f /line drawing/diagram/line graph/ 线圈 線圈 S - 181 xiàn quān f /solenoid (electrical engineering)/coil/ 线圈般 線圈般 S - 0 xiàn quān bān f /solenoid (electrical engineering)/coil/ 线尾燕 線尾燕 S - 0 xiàn wěi yàn f /(bird species of China) wire-tailed swallow (Hirundo smithii)/ 线性 線性 S - 562 xiàn xìng f /linear/linearity/ 线性代数 線性代數 S - 3 xiàn xìng dài shù f /linear algebra/ 线性回归 線性回歸 S - 0 xiàn xìng huí guī f /linear regression (statistics)/ 线性方程 線性方程 S - 19 xiàn xìng fāng chéng f /linear equation (math.)/ 线性波 線性波 S - 0 xiàn xìng bō f /linear wave/ 线性算子 線性算子 S - 0 xiàn xìng suàn zi f /linear operator (math.)/ 线性系统 線性系統 S - 44 xiàn xìng xì tǒng f /linear system/ 线性规划 線性規劃 S - 56 xiàn xìng guī huà f /linear programming/ 线报 線報 S - 0 xiàn bào f /tip-off/ 线杆 線桿 S - 0 xiàn gǎn f /telephone pole/utility pole/ 线条 線條 S - 389 xiàn tiáo f /line (in drawing, calligraphy etc)/the lines or contours of a three-dimensional object (hairstyle, clothing, car etc)/ 线段 線段 S - 48 xiàn duàn f /line segment/ 线状 線狀 S - 87 xiàn zhuàng f /linear/ 线粒体 線粒體 S - 98 xiàn lì tǐ f /mitochondrion/ 线索 線索 S 2527 730 xiàn suǒ f /trail/clues/thread (of a story)/ 线绳 線繩 S - 18 xiàn shéng f /string/cotton rope/ 线缆 線纜 S - 6 xiàn lǎn f /cable/wire/cord (computer)/ 线虫 線蟲 S - 112 xiàn chóng f /nematode worm (Caenorhabditis elegans)/ 线西 線西 S - 4 Xiàn xī f /Hsienhsi township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 线西乡 線西鄉 S - 0 Xiàn xī xiāng f /Hsienhsi township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 线路 線路 S - 2050 xiàn lù f /line/circuit/wire/road/railway track/bus route/ 线轴 線軸 S - 10 xiàn zhóu f /thread spool/ 线速度 線速度 S - 10 xiàn sù dù f /linear velocity/ 线锯 線鋸 S - 0 xiàn jù f /fret saw/jigsaw/ 绀 紺 S - 106 gàn f /violet or purple/ 绁 紲 S - 188 xiè f /to tie/to bind/to hold on a leash/rope/cord/ 绁 絏 S - 188 xiè f /variant of 紲|绁[xie4]/ 绂 紱 S - 116 fú f /ribbon for a seal/sash/ 练 練 S - 4197 liàn f /to practice/to train/to drill/to perfect (one's skill)/exercise/ 练习 練習 S 494 1029 liàn xí f /to practice/exercise/drill/practice/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 练习册 練習冊 S - 6 liàn xí cè f /exercise booklet/ 练习场 練習場 S - 9 liàn xí chǎng f /driving range (golf)/practice court/practice ground/ 练习本 練習本 S - 6 liàn xí běn f /exercise book/workbook/CL:本[ben3]/ 练兵 練兵 S - 423 liàn bīng f /to drill troops/army training/ 练功 練功 S - 391 liàn gōng f /to practice work skill/ 练字 練字 S - 26 liàn zì f /to practice writing characters/ 练达 練達 S - 41 liàn dá f /experienced/sophisticated/worldly-wise/ 组 組 S 1278 4621 Zǔ f /surname Zu/ 组 組 S 1278 4621 zǔ f /to form/to organize/group/team/classifier for sets, series, groups of people, batteries/ 组件 組件 S - 179 zǔ jiàn f /module/unit/component/assembly/ 组分 組分 S - 406 zǔ fèn f /components/individual parts making up a compound/ 组合 組合 S 1630 2609 zǔ hé f /to assemble/combination/combinatorial/ 组合数学 組合數學 S - 0 zǔ hé shù xué f /combinatorial mathematics/combinatorics/ 组合论 組合論 S - 0 zǔ hé lùn f /combinatorics/ 组合音响 組合音響 S - 9 zǔ hé yīn xiǎng f /hi-fi system/stereo sound system/abbr. to 音響|音响[yin1 xiang3]/ 组图 組圖 S - 0 zǔ tú f /picture/image/diagram/map/ 组块 組塊 S - 3 zǔ kuài f /chunk/ 组委 組委 S - 7 zǔ wěi f /organizational committee/abbr. for 組織委員會|组织委员会/ 组字 組字 S - 0 zǔ zì f /word formation/ 组屋 組屋 S - 0 zǔ wū f /HDB flats/public apartment flats (in Singapore and Malaysia)/ 组建 組建 S - 1453 zǔ jiàn f /to organize/to set up/to establish/ 组成 組成 S 1903 20572 zǔ chéng f /to form/to make up/to constitute/ 组成部分 組成部分 S - 2299 zǔ chéng bù fèn f /part/component/ingredient/constituent/ 组曲 組曲 S - 73 zǔ qǔ f /suite (music)/ 组氨酸 組氨酸 S - 10 zǔ ān suān f /histidine (His), an essential amino acid/ 组织 組織 S 1294 26922 zǔ zhī f /to organize/organization/organized system/nerve/tissue/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 组织委员会 組織委員會 S - 0 zǔ zhī wěi yuán huì f /organizing committee/abbr. to 組委|组委/ 组织学 組織學 S - 38 zǔ zhī xué f /histology/ 组织法 組織法 S - 1083 zǔ zhī fǎ f /organic law/ 组织浆霉菌病 組織漿黴菌病 S - 0 zǔ zhī jiāng méi jūn bìng f /histoplasmosis/ 组织者 組織者 S - 219 zǔ zhī zhě f /organizer/ 组织胞浆菌病 組織胞漿菌病 S - 0 zǔ zhī bāo jiāng jūn bìng f /histoplasmosis/ 组织胺 組織胺 S - 7 zǔ zhī àn f /histamine/ 组胺 組胺 S - 54 zǔ àn f /histamine (a biogenic amine involved in local immune responses)/ 组装 組裝 S - 246 zǔ zhuāng f /to assemble and install/ 组词 組詞 S - 3 zǔ cí f /to combine words/word formation/ 组长 組長 S - 853 zǔ zhǎng f /group leader/ 组阁 組閣 S - 150 zǔ gé f /to form a cabinet/ 绅 紳 S - 144 shēn f /member of gentry/ 绅士 紳士 S 2765 296 shēn shì f /gentleman/ 细 細 S - 4388 xì f /thin or slender/finely particulate/thin and soft/fine/delicate/trifling/(of a sound) quiet/frugal/ 细作 細作 S - 281 xì zuò f /police spy/secret agent/ 细分 細分 S - 183 xì fēn f /subdivision/segmentation/ 细则 細則 S - 185 xì zé f /detailed rules and regulations/bylaws/ 细叶脉 細葉脈 S - 0 xì yè mài f /veinlet in a leaf/ 细听 細聽 S - 0 xì tīng f /to listen carefully (for tiny sounds)/ 细嘴短趾百灵 細嘴短趾百靈 S - 0 xì zuǐ duǎn zhǐ bǎi líng f /(bird species of China) Hume's short-toed lark (Calandrella acutirostris)/ 细嘴鸥 細嘴鷗 S - 0 xì zuǐ ōu f /(bird species of China) slender-billed gull (Chroicocephalus genei)/ 细嘴黄鹂 細嘴黃鸝 S - 0 xì zuǐ huáng lí f /(bird species of China) slender-billed oriole (Oriolus tenuirostris)/ 细嚼慢咽 細嚼慢嚥 S - 12 xì jiáo màn yàn f /to eat slowly (idiom)/ 细声细气 細聲細氣 S - 38 xì shēng xì qì f /in a fine voice (idiom); softly spoken/ 细大不捐 細大不捐 S - 3 xì dà bù juān f /not to discard anything, whether small or big (idiom)/all-embracing/ 细姨 細姨 S - 3 xì yí f /concubine/ 细嫩 細嫩 S - 344 xì nèn f /tender/ 细密 細密 S - 185 xì mì f /fine (texture)/meticulous/close (analysis)/detailed/ 细察 細察 S - 51 xì chá f /to observe carefully/ 细小 細小 S - 441 xì xiǎo f /tiny/fine/minute/ 细尾獴 細尾獴 S - 0 xì wěi měng f /meerkat/see 狐獴[hu2 meng3]/ 细微 細微 S - 278 xì wēi f /tiny/minute/fine/subtle/sensitive (instruments)/ 细微末节 細微末節 S - 5 xì wēi mò jié f /tiny insignificant details/niceties/ 细心 細心 S - 511 xì xīn f /careful/attentive/ 细挑 細挑 S - 3 xì tiāo f /slender/ 细支气管炎 細支氣管炎 S - 0 xì zhī qì guǎn yán f /bronchiolitis/ 细数 細數 S - 3 xì shǔ f /count-down/breakdown/to list/to enumerate/to run through/ 细明体 細明體 S - 0 Xì míng tǐ f /Mincho narrow font/ 细枝末节 細枝末節 S - 22 xì zhī mò jié f /minor details/trifles/ 细毛 細毛 S - 31 xì máo f /fuzz/fine fur (of marten etc)/ 细水长流 細水長流 S - 24 xì shuǐ cháng liú f /lit. thin streams flow forever/fig. economy will get you a long way/to work steadily at something little by little/ 细沙 細沙 S - 52 xì shā f /fine sand/ 细河 細河 S - 0 Xì hé f /Xihe river in Fuxin/Xihe district of Fuxin city 阜新市, Liaoning/ 细河区 細河區 S - 3 Xì hé qū f /Xihe district of Fuxin city 阜新市, Liaoning/ 细润 細潤 S - 8 xì rùn f /fine and glossy/ 细皮嫩肉 細皮嫩肉 S - 3 xì pí nèn ròu f /soft skin and tender flesh (idiom)/smooth-skinned/ 细盐 細鹽 S - 5 xì yán f /refined salt/table salt/ 细目 細目 S - 13 xì mù f /detailed listing/specific item/ 细看 細看 S - 499 xì kàn f /to peer/to scan/to examine carefully/ 细碎 細碎 S - 127 xì suì f /fragments/bits and pieces/ 细磨刀石 細磨刀石 S - 0 xì mò dāo shí f /whetstone (for honing knives)/ 细究 細究 S - 13 xì jiū f /to look into (a matter)/ 细粉 細粉 S - 15 xì fěn f /powder/ 细粒 細粒 S - 51 xì lì f /fine grain/fine-grained/ 细纹噪鹛 細紋噪鶥 S - 0 xì wén zào méi f /(bird species of China) streaked laughingthrush (Trochalopteron lineatum)/ 细纹苇莺 細紋葦鶯 S - 0 xì wén wěi yīng f /(bird species of China) speckled reed warbler (Acrocephalus sorghophilus)/ 细线 細線 S - 3 xì xiàn f /string/thread/ 细细品味 細細品味 S - 3 xì xì pǐn wèi f /to savor/to relish/ 细细地流 細細地流 S - 0 xì xì de liú f /to trickle/ 细绳 細繩 S - 3 xì shéng f /string/twine/cord/ 细胞 細胞 S 2967 5517 xì bāo f /cell (biology)/ 细胞分裂 細胞分裂 S - 3 xì bāo fēn liè f /cell division/ 细胞周期 細胞周期 S - 3 xì bāo zhōu qī f /cell cycle/ 细胞器 細胞器 S - 78 xì bāo qì f /organelle/ 细胞器官 細胞器官 S - 0 xì bāo qì guān f /organelle/ 细胞因子 細胞因子 S - 3 xì bāo yīn zǐ f /cytokine/ 细胞培养 細胞培養 S - 3 xì bāo péi yǎng f /cell culture/ 细胞培养器 細胞培養器 S - 0 xì bāo péi yǎng qì f /cell cultivator/ 细胞壁 細胞壁 S - 157 xì bāo bì f /cell wall/ 细胞外液 細胞外液 S - 0 xì bāo wài yè f /extracellular fluid/ 细胞学 細胞學 S - 72 xì bāo xué f /cytology/ 细胞核 細胞核 S - 184 xì bāo hé f /nucleus (of cell)/ 细胞毒 細胞毒 S - 3 xì bāo dú f /cytotoxin/ 细胞毒性 細胞毒性 S - 0 xì bāo dú xìng f /cytotoxicity/ 细胞生物学 細胞生物學 S - 0 xì bāo shēng wù xué f /cell biology/ 细胞膜 細胞膜 S - 149 xì bāo mó f /cell membrane/ 细胞色素 細胞色素 S - 0 xì bāo sè sù f /cytochrome/ 细胞融合 細胞融合 S - 3 xì bāo róng hé f /cell fusion/ 细胞质 細胞質 S - 149 xì bāo zhì f /cytoplasm/ 细胞骨架 細胞骨架 S - 3 xì bāo gǔ jià f /cytoskeleton (of a cell)/ 细腰 細腰 S - 3 xì yāo f /slender waist/fig. pretty woman/mortise and tenon joint on a coffin/ 细腻 細膩 S - 498 xì nì f /exquisite/meticulous/ 细致 細緻 S 4307 695 xì zhì f /delicate/fine/careful/meticulous/painstaking/ 细节 細節 S 1498 1339 xì jié f /details/particulars/ 细菌 細菌 S 3171 1297 xì jūn f /bacterium/germ/ 细菌性痢疾 細菌性痢疾 S - 15 xì jūn xìng lì jí f /bacillary dysentery/ 细菌战 細菌戰 S - 37 xì jūn zhàn f /biological warfare/germ warfare/ 细菌武器 細菌武器 S - 46 xì jūn wǔ qì f /biological weapon (using germs)/ 细菌病毒 細菌病毒 S - 0 xì jūn bìng dú f /bacteriophage/virus that infects bacteria/ 细菌群 細菌群 S - 0 xì jūn qún f /bacterial community (e.g. in the gut)/ 细语 細語 S - 57 xì yǔ f /to chat with a low voice/ 细说 細說 S - 131 xì shuō f /to tell in detail/ 细调 細調 S - 0 xì diào f /to fine tune/ 细软 細軟 S - 102 xì ruǎn f /fine and soft/valuables/ 细辛 細辛 S - 26 xì xīn f /Manchurian wild ginger (family Asarum)/ 细部 細部 S - 41 xì bù f /small part (of a whole ensemble)/detail/ 细长 細長 S - 484 xì cháng f /slender/ 细雨 細雨 S - 109 xì yǔ f /fine rain/drizzle/poem by Tang poet Li Shangyin 李商隱|李商隐/ 细颈瓶 細頸瓶 S - 0 xì jǐng píng f /jug/ 细颗粒物 細顆粒物 S - 0 xì kē lì wù f /fine particle (PM 2.5)/fine particulate matter (air pollution etc)/ 细香葱 細香蔥 S - 0 xì xiāng cōng f /chive/ 织 織 S - 1133 zhī f /to weave/to knit/ 织品 織品 S - 28 zhī pǐn f /textile/ 织女 織女 S - 66 Zhī nǚ f /Vega (star)/Weaving girl of folk tales/ 织女星 織女星 S - 47 Zhī nǚ xīng f /Vega, brightest star in constellation Lyra 天琴星座/Weaving girl of folk tale Cowherd and weaving maid 牛郎織女|牛郎织女/ 织布 織布 S - 267 zhī bù f /woven cloth/to weave cloth/ 织布机 織布機 S - 86 zhī bù jī f /loom/ 织当访婢 織當訪婢 S - 3 zhī dāng fǎng bì f /if it's weaving, ask the maid (idiom); when managing a matter, consult the appropriate specialist/ 织机 織機 S - 170 zhī jī f /loom/ 织物 織物 S - 368 zhī wù f /cloth/woven material/textiles/ 织田信长 織田信長 S - 3 Zhī tián Xìn cháng f /ODA Nobunaga (1534-1582), Japanese shogun (warlord), played an important role in unifying Japan/ 织纴 織紝 S - 0 zhī rèn f /spinning and weaving/ 织花 織花 S - 3 zhī huā f /woven pattern/ 织补 織補 S - 11 zhī bǔ f /darning/to darn/ 织造 織造 S - 241 zhī zào f /to weave/to manufacture by weaving/ 织金 織金 S - 20 Zhī jīn f /Zhijin county in Bijie prefecture 畢節地區|毕节地区[Bi4 jie2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 织金县 織金縣 S - 2 Zhī jīn xiàn f /Zhijin county in Bijie prefecture 畢節地區|毕节地区[Bi4 jie2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 织金锦 織金錦 S - 0 zhī jīn jǐn f /gilt brocade/ 织锦 織錦 S - 92 zhī jǐn f /brocade/silk fabric with colored pattern/ 终 終 S - 2357 zhōng f /end/finish/ 终了 終了 S - 65 zhōng liǎo f /to end/ 终于 終於 S 426 10542 zhōng yú f /at last/in the end/finally/eventually/ 终产物 終產物 S - 3 zhōng chǎn wù f /end product/ 终傅 終傅 S - 0 zhōng Fù f /last rites (Christian ceremony)/ 终南 終南 S - 14 Zhōng nán f /Zhongnan mountains, near Xi'an/ 终南山 終南山 S - 226 Zhōng nán Shān f /Zhongnan Mountains, near Xi'an/also known as the Taiyi Mountains/ 终南捷径 終南捷徑 S - 4 zhōng nán jié jìng f /lit. Mt Zhongnan is a shortcut to a ministerial job (idiom); fig. to take a shortcut to promotion/ 终场 終場 S - 111 zhōng chǎng f /end (of a performance or sports match)/last round of testing in the imperial examinations/ 终场锣声 終場鑼聲 S - 0 zhōng chǎng luó shēng f /the final bell (esp. in sports competition)/ 终声 終聲 S - 0 zhōng shēng f /final (i.e. final consonant or stop of some syllables in Asian phonetics)/ 终天 終天 S - 18 zhōng tiān f /all day long/all one's life/ 终天之恨 終天之恨 S - 3 zhōng tiān zhī hèn f /eternal regret/ 终审 終審 S - 65 zhōng shěn f /final ruling/ 终审法院 終審法院 S - 0 zhōng shěn fǎ yuàn f /Court of Final Appeal/ 终局 終局 S - 21 zhōng jú f /endgame/conclusion/outcome/final part of a chess game/ 终年 終年 S - 655 zhōng nián f /entire year/throughout the year/age at death/ 终年积雪 終年積雪 S - 0 zhōng nián jī xuě f /permanent snow cover/ 终成泡影 終成泡影 S - 3 zhōng chéng pào yǐng f /finally a soap bubble (idiom); grandiose plans that end up with nothing/pie in the sky/ 终成眷属 終成眷屬 S - 3 zhōng chéng juàn shǔ f /see 有情人終成眷屬|有情人终成眷属[you3 qing2 ren2 zhong1 cheng2 juan4 shu3]/ 终战 終戰 S - 5 zhōng zhàn f /end of war/armistice/cf Japanese surrender in WWII on 15th August 1945/ 终战日 終戰日 S - 0 zhōng zhàn rì f /armistice day/cf Japan's surrender in WWII on 15th August 1945/ 终日 終日 S - 259 zhōng rì f /all day long/ 终期 終期 S - 0 zhōng qī f /terminal/final/ 终期癌 終期癌 S - 0 zhōng qī ái f /terminal cancer/ 终极 終極 S - 325 zhōng jí f /ultimate/final/ 终止 終止 S 3206 693 zhōng zhǐ f /to stop/to terminate (law)/ 终点 終點 S 3052 508 zhōng diǎn f /the end/end point/finishing line (in a race)/destination/terminus/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 终点地址 終點地址 S - 0 zhōng diǎn dì zhǐ f /destination address/ 终点站 終點站 S - 52 zhōng diǎn zhàn f /terminus/final stop on rail or bus line/ 终点线 終點線 S - 3 zhōng diǎn xiàn f /finishing line/ 终生 終生 S - 433 zhōng shēng f /throughout one's life/lifetime/lifelong/ 终生伴侣 終生伴侶 S - 0 zhōng shēng bàn lǚ f /lifelong partner or companion/ 终究 終究 S 3549 1351 zhōng jiū f /in the end/after all is said and done/ 终端 終端 S - 770 zhōng duān f /end/terminal/ 终端机 終端機 S - 12 zhōng duān jī f /terminal/ 终端用户 終端用戶 S - 25 zhōng duān yòng hù f /end user/ 终结 終結 S - 412 zhōng jié f /end/conclusion/to come to an end/to terminate (sth)/ 终老 終老 S - 51 zhōng lǎo f /to spend one's last years/ 终而复始 終而復始 S - 0 zhōng ér fù shǐ f /lit. the end comes back to the start (idiom); the wheel comes full circle/ 终身 終身 S 3194 1488 zhōng shēn f /lifelong/all one's life/marriage/ 终身俸 終身俸 S - 0 zhōng shēn fèng f /(Tw) retirement pay/pension/ 终身大事 終身大事 S - 81 zhōng shēn dà shì f /major turning point of lifelong import (esp. marriage)/ 终身监禁 終身監禁 S - 0 zhōng shēn jiān jìn f /life sentence/ 绉 縐 S - 758 zhòu f /crepe/wrinkle/ 绉褶 縐褶 S - 3 zhòu zhě f /variant of 皺褶|皱褶[zhou4 zhe3]/ 绊 絆 S - 361 bàn f /to trip/to stumble/to hinder/ 绊住 絆住 S - 3 bàn zhù f /to entangle/to hinder/to impede movement/ 绊倒 絆倒 S - 83 bàn dǎo f /to trip/to stumble/ 绊脚 絆腳 S - 3 bàn jiǎo f /to stumble over sth/ 绊脚石 絆腳石 S - 49 bàn jiǎo shí f /stumbling block/obstacle/someone who gets in your way/ 绊跤 絆跤 S - 0 bàn jiāo f /to trip/to stumble/ 绋 紼 S - 152 fú f /heavy rope/rope of a bier/ 绌 絀 S - 277 chù f /crimson silk/deficiency/to stitch/ 绍 紹 S - 437 Shào f /surname Shao/ 绍 紹 S - 437 shào f /to continue/to carry on/ 绍兴 紹興 S - 637 Shào xīng f /Shaoxing prefecture level city in Zhejiang/ 绍兴地区 紹興地區 S - 0 Shào xīng dì qū f /Shaoxing prefecture, Zhejiang/ 绍兴市 紹興市 S - 28 Shào xīng shì f /Shaoxing prefecture level city in Zhejiang/ 绍兴酒 紹興酒 S - 18 Shào xīng jiǔ f /Shaoxing wine a.k.a. "yellow wine", traditional Chinese wine made from glutinous rice and wheat/ 绍莫吉州 紹莫吉州 S - 0 Shào mò jí zhōu f /Somogy county in southwest Hungary, capital 考波什堡[Kao3 bo1 shi2 bao3]/ 绎 繹 S - 44 yì f /continuous/to interpret/to unravel/to draw silk (old)/ 经 經 S - 21042 Jīng f /surname Jing/ 经 經 S - 21042 jīng f /classics/sacred book/scripture/to pass through/to undergo/to bear/to endure/warp (textile)/longitude/menstruation/channel (TCM)/abbr. for economics 經濟|经济[jing1 ji4]/ 经不住 經不住 S - 64 jīng bu zhù f /to be unable to bear/ 经不起 經不起 S - 182 jīng bu qǐ f /can't stand it/to be unable to bear/to be unable to resist/ 经不起推究 經不起推究 S - 0 jīng bù qǐ tuī jiū f /does not bear examination/ 经世 經世 S - 64 jīng shì f /statecraft/ 经丝彩色显花 經絲彩色顯花 S - 0 jīng sī cǎi sè xiǎn huā f /warp brocade/woven fabric with single woof but colored warp/ 经久 經久 S - 32 jīng jiǔ f /long-lasting/durable/ 经久不衰 經久不衰 S - 29 jīng jiǔ bù shuāi f /unfailing/never-ending/ 经书 經書 S - 429 jīng shū f /classic books in Confucianism/scriptures/sutras/ 经传 經傳 S - 76 jīng zhuàn f /classic work (esp. Confucian classics)/ 经信委 經信委 S - 0 Jīng Xìn Wěi f /Economy and Informatization Commission/ 经典 經典 S 1720 2096 jīng diǎn f /the classics/scriptures/classical/classic (example, case etc)/typical/ 经典动力系统 經典動力系統 S - 0 jīng diǎn dòng lì xì tǒng f /classical dynamical system (physics)/ 经典场论 經典場論 S - 0 jīng diǎn chǎng lùn f /classical field theory (physics)/ 经典案例 經典案例 S - 0 jīng diǎn àn lì f /case study/classic example/ 经卷 經卷 S - 95 jīng juàn f /volumes of classics/volumes of scriptures/ancient scrolls/ 经历 經歷 S 733 5266 jīng lì f /experience/CL:個|个[ge4],次[ci4]/to experience/to go through/ 经历风雨 經歷風雨 S - 0 jīng lì fēng yǔ f /to go through thick and thin (idiom)/ 经受 經受 S - 723 jīng shòu f /to undergo (hardship)/to endure/to withstand/ 经合 經合 S - 57 Jīng Hé f /Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)/abbr. for 經濟合作與發展組織|经济合作与发展组织/ 经合组织 經合組織 S - 3 Jīng Hé Zǔ zhī f /Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD/abbr. for 經濟合作與發展組織|经济合作与发展组织/ 经商 經商 S 2470 459 jīng shāng f /to trade/to carry out commercial activities/in business/ 经圈 經圈 S - 0 jīng quān f /line of longitude/meridian (geography)/ 经堂 經堂 S - 57 jīng táng f /scripture hall (Buddhism)/ 经常 經常 S 448 7253 jīng cháng f /frequently/constantly/regularly/often/day-to-day/everyday/daily/ 经幡 經幡 S - 3 jīng fān f /Tibetan prayer flag/ 经幢 經幢 S - 26 jīng chuáng f /Buddhist stone pillar/ 经年 經年 S - 0 jīng nián f /for years/year after year/ 经年累月 經年累月 S - 14 jīng nián lěi yuè f /for years/over the years/ 经度 經度 S - 78 jīng dù f /longitude/ 经得起 經得起 S - 244 jīng de qǐ f /to be able to withstand/to be able to endure/ 经手 經手 S - 70 jīng shǒu f /to pass through one's hands/to handle/to deal with/ 经手人 經手人 S - 10 jīng shǒu rén f /the person in-charge/agent/broker/ 经撞 經撞 S - 0 jīng zhuàng f /shock-resistant/ 经文 經文 S - 319 jīng wén f /scripture/scriptures/CL:本[ben3]/ 经期 經期 S - 105 jīng qī f /menstrual period/ 经查 經查 S - 3 jīng chá f /upon investigation/ 经气聚集 經氣聚集 S - 0 jīng qì jù jí f /meeting points of qi (in Chinese medicine)/ 经济 經濟 S 1002 48718 jīng jì f /economy/economic/ 经济人 經濟人 S - 0 jīng jì rén f /Homo economicus/ 经济体制 經濟體制 S - 519 jīng jì tǐ zhì f /economic system/ 经济体系 經濟體系 S - 0 jīng jì tǐ xì f /economic system/ 经济作物 經濟作物 S - 784 jīng jì zuò wù f /cash crop (economics)/ 经济制裁 經濟制裁 S - 3 jīng jì zhì cái f /economic sanctions/ 经济前途 經濟前途 S - 0 jīng jì qián tú f /economic future/economic outlook/ 经济力量 經濟力量 S - 0 jīng jì lì liang f /economic strength/ 经济协力开发机构 經濟協力開發機構 S - 0 Jīng jì Xié lì Kāi fā Jī gòu f /Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)/also written 經濟合作與發展組織|经济合作与发展组织[Jing1 ji4 He2 zuo4 yu3 Fa1 zhan3 Zu3 zhi1]/ 经济危机 經濟危機 S - 130 jīng jì wēi jī f /economic crisis/ 经济发展 經濟發展 S - 0 jīng jì fā zhǎn f /economic development/ 经济合作与发展组织 經濟合作與發展組織 S - 11 Jīng jì Hé zuò yǔ Fā zhǎn Zǔ zhī f /Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)/abbr. to 經合組織|经合组织/ 经济周期 經濟週期 S - 3 jīng jì zhōu qī f /economic cycle/ 经济困境 經濟困境 S - 0 jīng jì kùn jìng f /economic difficulty/ 经济基础 經濟基礎 S - 330 jīng jì jī chǔ f /socio-economic base/economic foundation/ 经济增加值 經濟增加值 S - 0 jīng jì zēng jiā zhí f /Economic value added, EVA/ 经济增长 經濟增長 S - 0 jīng jì zēng zhǎng f /economic growth/ 经济增长率 經濟增長率 S - 0 jīng jì zēng zhǎng lǜ f /economic growth rate/ 经济学 經濟學 S - 1544 jīng jì xué f /economics (as a field of study)/ 经济学人 經濟學人 S - 0 Jīng jì xué rén f /The Economist (magazine)/ 经济学家 經濟學家 S - 900 jīng jì xué jiā f /economist/ 经济学者 經濟學者 S - 0 jīng jì xué zhě f /economist/ 经济安全 經濟安全 S - 0 jīng jì ān quán f /economic security/ 经济座 經濟座 S - 0 jīng jì zuò f /economy seat/ 经济情况 經濟情況 S - 0 jīng jì qíng kuàng f /economic situation/one's socio-economic status/ 经济改革 經濟改革 S - 0 jīng jì gǎi gé f /economic reform/ 经济有效 經濟有效 S - 0 jīng jì yǒu xiào f /cost-effective/ 经济活动 經濟活動 S - 0 jīng jì huó dòng f /economic activity/ 经济特区 經濟特區 S - 1815 jīng jì tè qū f /special economic zone/ 经济状况 經濟狀況 S - 0 jīng jì zhuàng kuàng f /economic situation/ 经济界 經濟界 S - 95 jīng jì jiè f /economic circles/ 经济社会及文化权利国际公约 經濟社會及文化權利國際公約 S - 0 jīng jì shè huì jí wén huà quán lì guó jì gōng yuē f /International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)/ 经济繁荣 經濟繁榮 S - 3 jīng jì fán róng f /economic prosperity/ 经济舱 經濟艙 S - 24 jīng jì cāng f /economy class/ 经济萧条 經濟蕭條 S - 0 jīng jì xiāo tiáo f /economic depression/ 经济落后 經濟落後 S - 3 jīng jì luò hòu f /economically backward/ 经济衰退 經濟衰退 S - 3 jīng jì shuāi tuì f /(economic) recession/ 经济问题 經濟問題 S - 0 jīng jì wèn tí f /economic problem/ 经理 經理 S 491 2761 jīng lǐ f /manager/director/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]/ 经由 經由 S - 384 jīng yóu f /via/ 经痛 經痛 S - 14 jīng tòng f /menstrual pain/dysmenorrhea/ 经筵 經筵 S - 0 jīng yán f /place where the emperor listened to lectures (traditional)/ 经管 經管 S - 363 jīng guǎn f /to be in charge of/ 经籍 經籍 S - 132 jīng jí f /religious text/ 经纪 經紀 S - 147 jīng jì f /to manage (a business)/manager/broker/ 经纪人 經紀人 S - 371 jīng jì rén f /broker/middleman/agent/manager/ 经纬 經緯 S 4982 60 jīng wěi f /warp and woof/longitude and latitude/main points/ 经纬仪 經緯儀 S - 63 jīng wěi yí f /theodolite/ 经纬线 經緯線 S - 17 jīng wěi xiàn f /lines of latitude and longitude/warp and woof/ 经纱 經紗 S - 56 jīng shā f /warp (vertical thread in weaving)/ 经线 經線 S - 89 jīng xiàn f /warp/line of longitude/meridian (geography)/ 经络 經絡 S - 267 jīng luò f /energy channels/meridian (TCM)/(dialect) trick/tactic/ 经脉 經脈 S - 449 jīng mài f /channel of TCM/ 经营 經營 S 1764 7456 jīng yíng f /to engage in (business etc)/to run/to operate/ 经营管理和维护 經營管理和維護 S - 0 jīng yíng guǎn lǐ hé wéi hù f /Operations Administration and Maintenance/OAM/ 经营者 經營者 S - 488 jīng yíng zhě f /executive/manager/transactor/ 经营费用 經營費用 S - 0 jīng yíng fèi yòng f /business cost/business expense/ 经血 經血 S - 50 jīng xuè f /menstruation (TCM)/ 经贸 經貿 S - 959 jīng mào f /trade/ 经费 經費 S 3840 1898 jīng fèi f /funds/expenditure/CL:筆|笔[bi3]/ 经过 經過 S 475 16218 jīng guò f /to pass/to go through/process/course/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 经销 經銷 S - 152 jīng xiāo f /to sell/to sell on commission/to distribute/ 经销商 經銷商 S - 241 jīng xiāo shāng f /dealer/seller/distributor/broker/agency/franchise (i.e. company)/retail outlet/ 经锦 經錦 S - 0 jīng jǐn f /warp brocade/woven fabric with single colored woof but many-colored warp/ 经闭 經閉 S - 3 jīng bì f /amenorrhoea/ 经陆路 經陸路 S - 0 jīng lù lù f /overland/ 经验 經驗 S 914 9803 jīng yàn f /experience/to experience/ 经验丰富 經驗豐富 S - 3 jīng yàn fēng fù f /experienced/with ample experience/ 经验主义 經驗主義 S - 58 jīng yàn zhǔ yì f /empiricism/ 绐 紿 S - 440 dài f /to cheat/to pretend/to deceive/ 绑 綁 S - 1372 bǎng f /to tie/bind or fasten together/to kidnap/ 绑住 綁住 S - 3 bǎng zhù f /to fasten/to bind/ 绑匪 綁匪 S - 21 bǎng fěi f /kidnapper/ 绑定 綁定 S - 36 bǎng dìng f /binding (loanword)/to bind (e.g. an account to a mobile phone number)/ 绑带 綁帶 S - 4 bǎng dài f /bandage/puttee/ 绑扎 綁紮 S - 27 bǎng zā f /to bind/to wrap up/binding (computer science)/ 绑架 綁架 S 2551 182 bǎng jià f /to kidnap/to abduct/to hijack/a kidnapping/abduction/staking/ 绑票 綁票 S - 28 bǎng piào f /to kidnap (for ransom)/ 绑缚 綁縛 S - 3 bǎng fù f /to tie up/to bind/to tether/bondage (BDSM)/ 绑腿 綁腿 S - 18 bǎng tuǐ f /leg wrappings/puttee/gaiters/leggings/ 绑走 綁走 S - 0 bǎng zǒu f /to abduct/to kidnap/ 绑赴市曹 綁赴市曹 S - 0 bǎng fù shì cáo f /to bind up and take to the market (idiom); to take a prisoner to the town center for execution/ 绒 絨 S - 320 róng f /velvet/woolen/ 绒布 絨布 S - 33 róng bù f /flannel/ 绒毛 絨毛 S - 207 róng máo f /fur/down (soft fur)/villi capillary (in the small intestine)/ 绒毛性腺激素 絨毛性腺激素 S - 0 róng máo xìng xiàn jī sù f /human chrionic gonodocophin (HCG)/ 绒球 絨球 S - 20 róng qiú f /pompon/ 绒线 絨線 S - 62 róng xiàn f /wool/woolen thread/ 绒螯蟹 絨螯蟹 S - 0 róng áo xiè f /mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis)/ 绒额䴓 絨額鳾 S - 0 róng é shī f /(bird species of China) velvet-fronted nuthatch (Sitta frontalis)/ 结 結 S - 3761 jiē f /to bear fruit/to produce/firm/solid/ 结 結 S - 3761 jié t /knot/sturdy/bond/to tie/to bind/to check out (of a hotel)/ 结业 結業 S - 105 jié yè f /to finish school, esp. a short course/to complete a course/ 结义 結義 S - 146 jié yì f /to swear brotherhood/ 结了 結了 S - 0 jié le f /that's that/that's it/that will do/ 结交 結交 S - 409 jié jiāo f /to make friends with/ 结亲 結親 S - 94 jié qīn f /to marry/ 结仇 結仇 S - 49 jié chóu f /to start a feud/to become enemies/ 结伙 結伙 S - 27 jié huǒ f /to form a gang/ 结伴 結伴 S - 161 jié bàn f /to go with sb/to form companionships/ 结伴而行 結伴而行 S - 0 jié bàn ér xíng f /to stay together (of a group)/to keep together/ 结余 結餘 S - 47 jié yú f /balance/cash surplus/ 结党 結黨 S - 3 jié dǎng f /to form a clique/ 结党营私 結黨營私 S - 39 jié dǎng yíng sī f /to gang up for personal interest (idiom)/to form a clique/ 结冰 結冰 S - 151 jié bīng f /to freeze/ 结出 結出 S - 102 jié chū f /to bear (fruit)/ 结单 結單 S - 0 jié dān f /statement of account/ 结发 結髮 S - 53 jié fà f /(in former times) to bind one's hair on coming of age/ 结合 結合 S 1872 8462 jié hé f /to combine/to link/to integrate/binding/CL:次[ci4]/ 结合律 結合律 S - 3 jié hé lǜ f /associative law (xy)z = x(yz) (math.)/ 结合模型 結合模型 S - 0 jié hé mó xíng f /combination model/ 结合过程 結合過程 S - 0 jié hé guò chéng f /cohesive process(es)/ 结喉 結喉 S - 3 jié hóu f /see 喉結|喉结[hou2 jie2]/ 结壳 結殼 S - 0 jiē ké f /crust/crusting/incrustation/ 结婚 結婚 S 392 2967 jié hūn f /to marry/to get married/CL:次[ci4]/ 结婚纪念日 結婚紀念日 S - 0 jié hūn jì niàn rì f /wedding anniversary/ 结婚证 結婚證 S - 43 jié hūn zhèng f /marriage certificate/ 结子 結子 S - 20 jiē zǐ f /to bear seeds (of plant)/ 结子 結子 S - 20 jié zi t /knot (on a rope or string)/ 结存 結存 S - 11 jié cún f /balance/cash in hand/ 结实 結實 S 2210 534 jiē shí f /to bear fruit/ 结实 結實 S 2210 534 jiē shi t /rugged/sturdy/strong/durable/buff (physique)/ 结对子 結對子 S - 3 jié duì zǐ f /to form pairs/to twin/ 结尾 結尾 S - 276 jié wěi f /ending/coda/to wind up/ 结局 結局 S 2670 803 jié jú f /conclusion/ending/ 结巴 結巴 S - 65 jiē ba f /to stutter/ 结帐 結帳 S - 30 jié zhàng f /to pay the bill/to settle accounts/also written 結賬|结账/ 结幕 結幕 S - 3 jié mù f /final scene (of a play)/denouement/ 结庐 結廬 S - 12 jié lú f /to build one's house/ 结彩 結彩 S - 3 jié cǎi f /to adorn/to festoon/ 结怨 結怨 S - 49 jié yuàn f /to arouse dislike/to incur hatred/ 结成 結成 S - 1137 jié chéng f /to form/to forge (alliances etc)/ 结扎 結扎 S - 79 jié zā f /ligation (medicine)/ 结拜 結拜 S - 123 jié bài f /to become sworn brothers or sisters/sworn (brothers)/ 结晶 結晶 S 4157 730 jié jīng f /to crystallize/crystallization/crystal/crystalline/ 结晶体 結晶體 S - 29 jié jīng tǐ f /a crystal/ 结晶学 結晶學 S - 13 jié jīng xué f /crystallography/ 结晶水 結晶水 S - 34 jié jīng shuǐ f /water of crystallization/ 结晶状 結晶狀 S - 3 jié jīng zhuàng f /crystalline/ 结末 結末 S - 2 jié mò f /ending/finally/ 结束 結束 S 369 8944 jié shù f /termination/to finish/to end/to conclude/to close/ 结束工作 結束工作 S - 0 jié shù gōng zuò f /to finish work/ 结束语 結束語 S - 34 jié shù yǔ f /concluding remarks/ 结构 結構 S 2006 14200 jié gòu f /structure/composition/makeup/architecture/CL:座[zuo4],個|个[ge4]/ 结构主义 結構主義 S - 43 jié gòu zhǔ yì f /structuralism/ 结构助词 結構助詞 S - 0 jié gòu zhù cí f /structural particle, such as 的[de5], 地[de5], 得[de5] and 所[suo3]/ 结构式 結構式 S - 41 jié gòu shì f /structural formula (chemistry)/ 结构理论 結構理論 S - 0 jié gòu lǐ lùn f /structural theory (physics)/ 结果 結果 S 669 13963 jiē guǒ f /to bear fruit/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 结果 結果 S 669 13963 jié guǒ t /outcome/result/conclusion/in the end/as a result/to kill/to dispatch/ 结核 結核 S - 263 jié hé f /tuberculosis/consumption/nodule/ 结核杆菌 結核桿菌 S - 24 jié hé gǎn jūn f /tubercle bacillus/ 结核病 結核病 S - 77 jié hé bìng f /tuberculosis/ 结核菌素 結核菌素 S - 10 jié hé jūn sù f /tubercule bacillus/ 结案 結案 S - 80 jié àn f /to conclude a case/to wind up/ 结梁子 結梁子 S - 0 jié liáng zi f /(slang) to start a feud/to have a beef/ 结欢 結歡 S - 0 jié huān f /on friendly terms/ 结汇 結匯 S - 11 jiē huì f /foreign exchange settlement/ 结清 結清 S - 38 jié qīng f /to settle (an account)/to square up/ 结点 結點 S - 59 jié diǎn f /joint/node/ 结球甘蓝 結球甘藍 S - 0 jiē qiú gān lán f /cabbage/ 结疤 結疤 S - 9 jié bā f /to form a scar/to form a scab/ 结痂 結痂 S - 25 jié jiā f /scab/to form a scab/ 结盟 結盟 S - 359 jié méng f /to form an alliance/to ally oneself with/allied with/aligned/to bond with/ 结石 結石 S - 164 jié shí f /calculus/stone/ 结社自由 結社自由 S - 3 jié shè zì yóu f /(constitutional) freedom of association/ 结算 結算 S 4490 698 jié suàn f /to settle a bill/to close an account/ 结算方式 結算方式 S - 0 jié suàn fāng shì f /settlement terms (accountancy, law)/ 结纳 結納 S - 41 jié nà f /to make friends/to form friendship/ 结结巴巴 結結巴巴 S - 196 jiē jiē bā ba f /stammeringly/ 结缔组织 結締組織 S - 139 jié dì zǔ zhī f /connective tissue/ 结缘 結緣 S - 43 jié yuán f /to form ties/to become attached (to sb, sth)/ 结缡 結縭 S - 3 jié lí f /to marry/to tie the bridal veil/ 结缨 結纓 S - 0 jié yīng f /to die a hero/martyrdom in a good cause/ 结肠 結腸 S - 87 jié cháng f /colon (large intestine)/ 结肠炎 結腸炎 S - 27 jié cháng yán f /colitis (medicine)/ 结肠镜检查 結腸鏡檢查 S - 0 jié cháng jìng jiǎn chá f /colonoscopy/ 结脉 結脈 S - 14 jié mài f /knotted or slow pulse (TCM)/ 结膜 結膜 S - 75 jié mó f /conjunctiva (membrane surrounding the eyeball)/ 结膜炎 結膜炎 S - 55 jié mó yán f /conjunctivitis/ 结舌 結舌 S - 10 jié shé f /tongue-tied/unable to speak (out of surprise, embarrassment etc)/ 结节 結節 S - 134 jié jié f /nodule/tubercle/ 结草 結草 S - 3 jié cǎo f /deep gratitude up to death/ 结草衔环 結草銜環 S - 11 jié cǎo xián huán f /to repay sb's kind acts (idiom)/ 结褵 結褵 S - 0 jié lí f /to marry/to tie the bridal veil/ 结记 結記 S - 0 jié jì f /to remember/to concern oneself with/ 结论 結論 S 1805 2413 jié lùn f /conclusion/verdict/CL:個|个[ge4]/to conclude/to reach a verdict/ 结识 結識 S - 461 jié shí f /to get to know sb/to meet sb for the first time/ 结语 結語 S - 24 jié yǔ f /concluding remarks/ 结账 結賬 S 2418 45 jié zhàng f /to pay the bill/to settle accounts/also written 結帳|结帐/ 结连 結連 S - 26 jié lián f /linked in a chain/ 结队 結隊 S - 43 jié duì f /to troop (of soldiers etc)/convoy/ 结队成群 結隊成群 S - 0 jié duì chéng qún f /to form a large group (idiom)/ 绔 絝 S - 333 kù f /variant of 褲|裤[ku4]/ 绕 繞 S 1637 3037 rào f /to wind/to coil (thread)/to rotate around/to spiral/to move around/to go round (an obstacle)/to by-pass/to make a detour/to confuse/to perplex/ 绕 遶 S 1637 3037 rào f /variant of 繞|绕[rao4], to rotate around/to spiral/to move around/to go round (an obstacle)/to by-pass/to make a detour/ 绕一圈 繞一圈 S - 0 rào yī quān f /to go around one time/to do a circuit/ 绕口令 繞口令 S - 10 rào kǒu lìng f /tongue-twister/ 绕嘴 繞嘴 S - 3 rào zuǐ f /hard to get one's mouth around/a tongue-twister/ 绕圈子 繞圈子 S - 17 rào quān zi f /to go around in circles/to make a detour/(fig.) to beat about the bush/ 绕地 繞地 S - 0 rào dì f /to orbit the earth/ 绕射 繞射 S - 0 rào shè f /interference (of wave motion in physics)/ 绕弯 繞彎 S - 4 rào wān f /to go for a walk around/fig. to speak in a roundabout way/ 绕弯儿 繞彎兒 S - 19 rào wān r f /to go for a walk around/fig. to speak in a roundabout way/ 绕弯子 繞彎子 S - 44 rào wān zi f /lit. to go on a long detour/fig. to speak vaguely around the topic without getting to the point/to beat about the bush/ 绕弯子儿 繞彎子兒 S - 0 rào wān zǐ r f /lit. to go on a long detour/fig. to speak vaguely around the topic without getting to the point/to beat about the bush/ 绕手 繞手 S - 0 rào shǒu f /thorny issue/tricky case/ 绕来绕去 繞來繞去 S - 0 rào lái rào qù f /meandering and circuitous (idiom); to go around in circles and never get anywhere/ 绕梁三日 繞梁三日 S - 3 rào liáng sān rì f /reverberates around the rafters for three days (idiom); fig. sonorous and resounding (esp. of singing voice)/ 绕流 繞流 S - 0 rào liú f /turbulence (in fluid mechanics)/ 绕组 繞組 S - 104 rào zǔ f /coil (in electric motor or transformer)/ 绕绕 繞繞 S - 0 rào rào f /twisting and turning/involved and tricky/ 绕脖子 繞脖子 S - 3 rào bó zi f /tricky/involved/to beat about the bush/ 绕腾 繞騰 S - 0 rào teng f /to run a long way around/fig. to speak vaguely around the topic without getting to the point/to beat about the bush/ 绕膝 繞膝 S - 5 rào xī f /(children) run around parent's knees/fig. to stay to look after one's elderly parents/ 绕膝承欢 繞膝承歡 S - 0 rào xī chéng huān f /to live with one's parents, thus bringing them happiness (idiom)/ 绕行 繞行 S - 77 rào xíng f /detour/long way around/ 绕路 繞路 S - 3 rào lù f /to make a detour/to take the long route/ 绕过 繞過 S - 644 rào guò f /to detour/to bypass/to circumvent/to avoid/to wind around (of a road etc)/ 绕远儿 繞遠兒 S - 3 rào yuǎn r f /the road twists here and there/to make a detour/to take a long way around/ 绕道 繞道 S - 353 rào dào f /roundabout route/detour/ 绖 絰 S - 0 dié f /hempen band worn on the head or waist by a mourner/ 绗 絎 S - 540 háng f /to quilt/ 绗缝 絎縫 S - 0 háng féng f /to quilt/ 绘 繪 S - 1929 huì f /to draw/to paint/ 绘制 繪製 S - 523 huì zhì f /to draw/to draft/ 绘图 繪圖 S - 87 huì tú f /to draw/to draft/drawing/drafting/ 绘声绘色 繪聲繪色 S - 49 huì shēng huì sè f /vivid and colorful (idiom); true to life/lively and realistic/ 绘本 繪本 S - 0 huì běn f /picture book/ 绘架座 繪架座 S - 0 Huì jià zuò f /Pictor (constellation)/ 绘画 繪畫 S - 1884 huì huà f /drawing/painting/ 给 給 S 159 69480 gěi t /to/for/for the benefit of/to give/to allow/to do sth (for sb)/(grammatical equivalent of 被)/(grammatical equivalent of 把)/(sentence intensifier)/ 给 給 S 159 69480 jǐ f /to supply/to provide/ 给与 給與 S - 189 jǐ yǔ f /variant of 給予|给予[ji3 yu3]/ 给予 給予 S 2908 3433 jǐ yǔ f /to accord/to give/to show (respect)/ 给事 給事 S - 0 gěi shì f /official (imperial) position (old)/ 给以 給以 S - 0 gěi yǐ f /to give/to grant/ 给你点颜色看看 給你點顏色看看 S - 0 gěi nǐ diǎn yán sè kàn kan f /(I'll) teach you a lesson/put you in your place/ 给力 給力 S - 0 gěi lì f /cool/nifty/awesome/impressive/to put in extra effort/ 给定 給定 S - 105 gěi dìng f /to state in advance/preset/given/ 绚 絢 S - 9 xuàn f /adorned/swift/gorgeous/brilliant/variegated/ 绚丽 絢麗 S - 327 xuàn lì f /gorgeous/magnificent/ 绚丽多彩 絢麗多彩 S - 57 xuàn lì duō cǎi f /bright and colorful/gorgeous/ 绚烂 絢爛 S - 69 xuàn làn f /splendid/gorgeous/dazzling/ 绛 絳 S - 478 Jiàng f /capital of the Jin State during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-475 BC)/ 绛 絳 S - 478 jiàng f /purple-red/ 绛县 絳縣 S - 8 Jiàng xiàn f /Jiang county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ 绛紫 絳紫 S - 3 jiàng zǐ f /dark reddish purple/ 络 絡 S - 469 lào f /small net/ 络 絡 S - 469 luò t /net-like object/to hold sth in place with a net/to wind/to twist/(TCM) channels in the human body/ 络绎 絡繹 S - 51 luò yì f /continuous/unending/ 络绎不绝 絡繹不絕 S 4957 168 luò yì bù jué f /continuously; in an endless stream (idiom)/ 络腮胡子 絡腮鬍子 S - 77 luò sāi hú zi f /full beard/ 绝 絕 S - 4795 jué f /to cut short/extinct/to disappear/to vanish/absolutely/by no means/ 绝 絶 S - 4795 jué f /variant of 絕|绝[jue2]/ 绝不 絕不 S - 1382 jué bù f /in no way/not in the least/absolutely not/ 绝世 絕世 S - 128 jué shì f /unique/exceptional/ 绝世佳人 絕世佳人 S - 3 jué shì jiā rén f /a woman of unmatched beauty (idiom)/ 绝交 絕交 S - 53 jué jiāo f /to break off relations/to break with sb/ 绝产 絕產 S - 0 jué chǎn f /crop failure/property left with no-one to inherit/sterilization/ 绝代 絕代 S - 18 jué dài f /peerless/unmatched in his generation/incomparable (talent, beauty)/ 绝代佳人 絕代佳人 S - 13 jué dài jiā rén f /beauty unmatched in her generation (idiom); woman of peerless elegance/prettiest girl ever/ 绝伦 絕倫 S - 155 jué lún f /outstanding/peerless/beyond compare/ 绝佳 絕佳 S - 107 jué jiā f /exceptionally good/ 绝倒 絕倒 S - 5 jué dǎo f /to split one's sides laughing/ 绝口不提 絕口不提 S - 3 jué kǒu bù tí f /lips sealed and not saying anything (idiom); fig. to omit mention (of a non-person or embarrassing topic)/to censor/ 绝句 絕句 S - 125 jué jù f /quatrain (poetic form)/ 绝命 絕命 S - 6 jué mìng f /to commit suicide/to have one's life cut short/ 绝命书 絕命書 S - 7 jué mìng shū f /suicide note/ 绝品 絕品 S - 22 jué pǐn f /peerless artwork/absolute gem/ 绝唱 絕唱 S - 41 jué chàng f /most perfect song/ 绝地 絕地 S - 99 jué dì f /danger spot/Jedi (in Star Wars)/ 绝域 絕域 S - 11 jué yù f /a faraway and hard-to-reach land (classical)/ 绝境 絕境 S - 245 jué jìng f /impasse/desperate straits/abbr. for 絕望的境地|绝望的境地[jue2 wang4 de5 jing4 di4]/ 绝壁 絕壁 S - 154 jué bì f /precipice/ 绝处逢生 絕處逢生 S - 26 jué chǔ féng shēng f /to come back from death's door (idiom); unexpected rescue from danger/fig. to recover from a seemingly impossible situation/to find a way out of a predicament/ 绝大多数 絕大多數 S - 1322 jué dà duō shù f /absolute majority/overwhelming majority/ 绝大部分 絕大部分 S - 1101 jué dà bù fen f /overwhelming majority/ 绝妙 絕妙 S - 136 jué miào f /exquisite/ 绝密 絕密 S - 83 jué mì f /top secret/ 绝密文件 絕密文件 S - 3 jué mì wén jiàn f /top secret document/classified papers/ 绝对 絕對 S 1222 5260 jué duì f /absolute/unconditional/ 绝对值 絕對值 S - 72 jué duì zhí f /absolute value/ 绝对地址 絕對地址 S - 0 jué duì dì zhǐ f /absolute address (computing)/ 绝对大多数 絕對大多數 S - 0 jué duì dà duō shù f /an absolute majority/an overwhelming majority/ 绝对数字 絕對數字 S - 0 jué duì shù zì f /absolute (as opposed to relative) number/ 绝对温度 絕對溫度 S - 17 jué duì wēn dù f /absolute temperature/ 绝对湿度 絕對濕度 S - 3 jué duì shī dù f /absolute humidity/ 绝对观念 絕對觀念 S - 10 jué duì guān niàn f /absolute idea (in Hegel's philosophy)/ 绝对连续 絕對連續 S - 0 jué duì lián xù f /absolutely continuous (math)/ 绝对零度 絕對零度 S - 20 jué duì líng dù f /absolute zero/ 绝对高度 絕對高度 S - 6 jué duì gāo dù f /absolute temperature/ 绝情 絕情 S - 485 jué qíng f /heartless/without regard for others' feelings/ 绝技 絕技 S - 449 jué jì f /consummate skill/supreme feat/tour-de-force/stunt/ 绝招 絕招 S - 272 jué zhāo f /unique skill/unexpected tricky move (as a last resort)/masterstroke/finishing blow/ 绝无仅有 絕無僅有 S - 210 jué wú jǐn yǒu f /one and only (idiom); rarely seen/unique of its kind/ 绝景 絕景 S - 5 jué jǐng f /stunning scenery/ 绝望 絕望 S 2725 898 jué wàng f /to despair/to give up all hope/desperate/desperation/ 绝望的境地 絕望的境地 S - 0 jué wàng de jìng dì f /desperate straits/impossible situation/ 绝杀 絕殺 S - 46 jué shā f /to deal the fatal blow (sports, chess etc)/to score the winning point/ 绝气 絕氣 S - 0 jué qì f /to expire/ 绝活 絕活 S - 56 jué huó f /specialty/unique skill/ 绝灭 絕滅 S - 244 jué miè f /to annihilate/to exterminate/extinction/ 绝热 絕熱 S - 72 jué rè f /to insulate thermally/(physics) adiabatic/ 绝热漆 絕熱漆 S - 0 jué rè qī f /heat-resistant paint/ 绝然 絕然 S - 16 jué rán f /completely/absolutely/ 绝版 絕版 S - 10 jué bǎn f /out of print/ 绝症 絕症 S - 74 jué zhèng f /incurable disease/terminal illness/ 绝种 絕種 S - 39 jué zhǒng f /extinct (species)/extinction/ 绝笔 絕筆 S - 40 jué bǐ f /words written on one’s deathbed/an artist's final work/swansong/ 绝粮 絕糧 S - 3 jué liáng f /provisions are exhausted/out of food/ 绝经 絕經 S - 115 jué jīng f /menopause/ 绝缘 絕緣 S - 346 jué yuán f /to have no contact with/to be cut off from/(electricity) to insulate/ 绝缘体 絕緣體 S - 53 jué yuán tǐ f /electrical insulation/heat insulation/ 绝罚 絕罰 S - 0 jué fá f /to excommunicate/ 绝育 絕育 S - 20 jué yù f /to sterilize/to spay/ 绝诣 絕詣 S - 0 jué yì f /profoundly well-versed/ 绝赞 絕讚 S - 0 jué zàn f /amazing/awesome/ultimate/ 绝迹 絕跡 S - 183 jué jì f /to be eradicated/to vanish/extinct/to break off relations/ 绝配 絕配 S - 3 jué pèi f /perfect match/ 绝门儿 絕門兒 S - 0 jué mén r f /extinct profession/lost trade/unique skill/astonishing/fantastic/ 绝非 絕非 S - 347 jué fēi f /absolutely not/ 绝顶聪明 絕頂聰明 S - 3 jué dǐng cōng ming f /extremely bright (idiom)/ 绝食 絕食 S - 112 jué shí f /to go on a hunger strike/ 绝食抗议 絕食抗議 S - 3 jué shí kàng yì f /hunger strike/ 绞 絞 S - 517 jiǎo f /to twist (strands into a thread)/to entangle/to wring/to hang (by the neck)/to turn/to wind/classifier for skeins of yarn/ 绞刀 絞刀 S - 3 jiǎo dāo f /reamer/ 绞刑 絞刑 S - 38 jiǎo xíng f /to execute by hanging/ 绞刑架 絞刑架 S - 140 jiǎo xíng jià f /gibbet/hanging post/ 绞尽脑汁 絞盡腦汁 S - 67 jiǎo jìn nǎo zhī f /to rack one's brains/ 绞扭 絞扭 S - 3 jiǎo niǔ f /to wring/ 绞死 絞死 S - 33 jiǎo sǐ f /to hang/ 绞痛 絞痛 S - 38 jiǎo tòng f /sharp pain/cramp/griping pain/colic/angina, cf 心絞痛|心绞痛/ 绞盘 絞盤 S - 149 jiǎo pán f /capstan/ 绞索 絞索 S - 13 jiǎo suǒ f /a noose for hanging criminals/ 绞缢 絞縊 S - 3 jiǎo yì f /to be hanged/to hang oneself/ 绞肉 絞肉 S - 3 jiǎo ròu f /minced meat/ 绞肉机 絞肉機 S - 7 jiǎo ròu jī f /meat grinder/ 绞脑汁 絞腦汁 S - 2 jiǎo nǎo zhī f /to rack one's brains/ 绞车 絞車 S - 49 jiǎo chē f /winch/windlass/ 统 統 S - 2198 tǒng f /to gather/to unite/to unify/whole/ 统一 統一 S 2078 13986 tǒng yī f /to unify/to unite/to integrate/ 统一体 統一體 S - 60 tǒng yī tǐ f /whole/single entity/ 统一发票 統一發票 S - 3 tǒng yī fā piào f /invoice/ 统一口径 統一口徑 S - 3 tǒng yī kǒu jìng f /lit. one-track path; fig. to adopt a unified approach to discussing an issue/to sing from the same hymn-sheet/ 统一思想 統一思想 S - 0 tǒng yī sī xiǎng f /with the same idea in mind/with a common purpose/ 统一性 統一性 S - 67 tǒng yī xìng f /unity/ 统一战线 統一戰線 S - 1062 tǒng yī zhàn xiàn f /united front/ 统一战线工作部 統一戰線工作部 S - 0 Tǒng yī Zhàn xiàn Gōng zuò bù f /United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee (UFWD)/ 统一招生 統一招生 S - 0 tǒng yī zhāo shēng f /national unified entrance exam/ 统一新罗 統一新羅 S - 0 tǒng yī Xīn luó f /unified Silla (658-935), Korean kingdom/ 统一码 統一碼 S - 0 tǒng yī mǎ f /Unicode/ 统一规划 統一規劃 S - 3 tǒng yī guī huà f /integrated program/ 统一资源 統一資源 S - 0 tǒng yī zī yuán f /unified resource/ 统一资源定位 統一資源定位 S - 0 tǒng yī zī yuán dìng wèi f /universal resource locator (URL), i.e. webaddress/ 统一资源定位符 統一資源定位符 S - 0 tǒng yī zī yuán dìng wèi fú f /universal resource locator (URL), i.e. webaddress/ 统假设 統假設 S - 0 tǒng jiǎ shè f /hypothesis/conjecture/ 统共 統共 S - 19 tǒng gòng f /altogether/in total/ 统制 統制 S - 281 tǒng zhì f /to control/ 统属 統屬 S - 3 tǒng shǔ f /subordination/line of command/ 统帅 統帥 S - 1670 tǒng shuài f /command/commander-in-chief/ 统建 統建 S - 3 tǒng jiàn f /to develop as a government project/to construct under the authority of a commission/ 统御 統御 S - 14 tǒng yù f /control/ 统感 統感 S - 0 tǒng gǎn f /feeling of togetherness/ 统战 統戰 S - 65 tǒng zhàn f /united front (abbr. for 統一戰線|统一战线)/consolidation/ 统战部 統戰部 S - 83 Tǒng Zhàn bù f /United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee (UFWD)/abbr. for 統一戰線工作部|统一战线工作部[Tong3 yi1 Zhan4 xian4 Gong1 zuo4 bu4]/ 统揽 統攬 S - 10 tǒng lǎn f /to be in overall charge/to have overall control/ 统摄 統攝 S - 21 tǒng shè f /to command/ 统汉字 統漢字 S - 0 tǒng Hàn zì f /Unihan/China Japan Korea (CJK) unified ideographs/abbr. for 中日韓統一表意文字|中日韩统一表意文字[Zhong1 Ri4 Han2 tong3 yi1 biao3 yi4 wen2 zi4]/ 统治 統治 S 2922 11085 tǒng zhì f /to rule (a country)/to govern/rule/regime/ 统治权 統治權 S - 258 tǒng zhì quán f /sovereignty/dominion/dominance/ 统治者 統治者 S - 3561 tǒng zhì zhě f /ruler/ 统独 統獨 S - 4 tǒng dú f /unification and independence/ 统率 統率 S - 775 tǒng shuài f /to command/to direct/ 统称 統稱 S - 921 tǒng chēng f /to be collectively called/collective term/general designation/ 统称为 統稱為 S - 0 tǒng chēng wéi f /collectively known as/to call sth as a group/ 统筹 統籌 S - 470 tǒng chóu f /an overall plan/to plan an entire project as a whole/ 统筹兼顾 統籌兼顧 S 4433 63 tǒng chóu jiān gù f /an overall plan taking into account all factors/ 统管 統管 S - 55 tǒng guǎn f /unified administration/ 统统 統統 S 3471 459 tǒng tǒng f /totally/ 统考 統考 S - 245 tǒng kǎo f /unified examination (e.g. across the country)/ 统舱 統艙 S - 6 tǒng cāng f /common passenger accommodation in the hold of a ship/steerage/ 统计 統計 S 3288 5381 tǒng jì f /statistics/to count/to add up/ 统计员 統計員 S - 9 tǒng jì yuán f /statistician/ 统计学 統計學 S - 167 tǒng jì xué f /statistics/ 统计数据 統計數據 S - 3 tǒng jì shù jù f /statistical data/ 统计结果 統計結果 S - 0 tǒng jì jié guǒ f /statistical results/ 统计表 統計表 S - 19 tǒng jì biǎo f /statistical table/chart/ 统读 統讀 S - 0 tǒng dú f /standard (unified) pronunciation of a character with multiple readings, as stipulated by the PRC Ministry of Education in 1985/ 统货 統貨 S - 14 tǒng huò f /unified goods/goods in the command economy that are not graded by quality and uniformly priced/ 统购 統購 S - 90 tǒng gòu f /state purchasing monopoly/unified government purchase/ 统购派购 統購派購 S - 3 tǒng gòu pài gòu f /unified government purchase at fixed price (esp of farm products)/ 统购统销 統購統銷 S - 92 tǒng gòu tǒng xiāo f /state monopoly of purchasing and marketing/ 统辖 統轄 S - 480 tǒng xiá f /to govern/to have complete control over/to be in command of/ 统通 統通 S - 3 tǒng tōng f /everything/ 统配 統配 S - 21 tǒng pèi f /a unified distribution/a unified allocation/ 统铺 統鋪 S - 3 tǒng pù f /a common bed (to sleep many)/ 统销 統銷 S - 11 tǒng xiāo f /state marketing monopoly/ 统领 統領 S - 925 tǒng lǐng f /to lead/to command/commander/officer/ 统驭 統馭 S - 3 tǒng yù f /to control/ 绠 綆 S - 316 gěng f /rope/well-rope/ 绡 綃 S - 64 xiāo f /raw silk/ 绢 絹 S - 645 juàn f /thin, tough silk fabric/ 绣 綉 S 4306 4645 xiù f /variant of 繡|绣[xiu4]/ 绣 繡 S 4306 4645 xiù f /to embroider/embroidery/ 绣墩 繡墩 S - 0 xiù dūn f /see 坐墩[zuo4 dun1]/ 绣帷 繡帷 S - 0 xiù wéi f /tapestry/ 绣球花 繡球花 S - 3 xiù qiú huā f /hydrangea/ 绣球藤 繡球藤 S - 0 xiù qiú téng f /Clematis montana/ 绣花 繡花 S - 200 xiù huā f /to embroider/to do embroidery/ 绣花鞋 繡花鞋 S - 81 xiù huā xié f /embroidered shoes/ 绤 綌 S - 2 xì f /coarse hempen fabric/ 绥 綏 S - 211 suí f /to pacify/Taiwan pr. [sui1]/ 绥中 綏中 S - 8 Suí zhōng f /Suizhong county in Huludao 葫蘆島|葫芦岛, Liaoning/ 绥中县 綏中縣 S - 4 Suí zhōng xiàn f /Suizhong county in Huludao 葫蘆島|葫芦岛, Liaoning/ 绥化 綏化 S - 17 Suí huà f /Suihua prefecture level city in Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hei1 long2 jiang1] in northeast China/ 绥化地区 綏化地區 S - 4 Suí huà dì qū f /Suihua prefecture, Heilongjiang/ 绥化市 綏化市 S - 11 Suí huà Shì f /Suihua prefecture level city in Heilongjiang Province 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hei1 long2 jiang1] in northeast China/ 绥宁 綏寧 S - 6 Suí níng f /Suining county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao4 yang2], Hunan/ 绥宁县 綏寧縣 S - 3 Suí níng xiàn f /Suining county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao4 yang2], Hunan/ 绥德 綏德 S - 27 Suí dé f /Suide County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shaanxi/ 绥德县 綏德縣 S - 2 Suí dé Xiàn f /Suide County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shaanxi/ 绥棱 綏稜 S - 3 Suí léng f /Suileng county in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilongjiang/ 绥棱县 綏稜縣 S - 3 Suí léng xiàn f /Suileng county in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilongjiang/ 绥江 綏江 S - 7 Suí jiāng f /Suijiang county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan/ 绥江县 綏江縣 S - 3 Suí jiāng xiàn f /Suijiang county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan/ 绥滨 綏濱 S - 3 Suí bīn f /Suibin county in Hegang 鶴崗|鹤岗[He4 gang3], Heilongjiang/ 绥滨县 綏濱縣 S - 2 Suí bīn xiàn f /Suibin county in Hegang 鶴崗|鹤岗[He4 gang3], Heilongjiang/ 绥芬河 綏芬河 S - 37 Suí fēn hé f /Suifenhe River/Suifenhe county level city in Mudanjiang 牡丹江, Heilongjiang/ 绥芬河市 綏芬河市 S - 6 Suí fēn hé shì f /Suifenhe county level city in Mudanjiang 牡丹江, Heilongjiang/ 绥远 綏遠 S - 132 Suí yuǎn f /old name for district of Hohhot city 呼和浩特[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4], Inner Mongolia/ 绥远省 綏遠省 S - 3 Suí yuǎn shěng f /former Suiyuan province in Inner Mongolia and Shanxi/ 绥阳 綏陽 S - 3 Suí yáng f /Suiyang county in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ 绥阳县 綏陽縣 S - 4 Suí yáng xiàn f /Suiyang county in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ 绥靖 綏靖 S - 106 suí jìng f /to pacify/to appease/appeasement/ 绥靖主义 綏靖主義 S - 5 suí jìng zhǔ yì f /appeasement/ 绦 絛 S - 195 dí f /see 絛綸|绦纶[di2 lun2]/ 绦 絛 S - 195 tāo t /braid/cord/sash/ 绦 縧 S - 195 tāo t /variant of 絛|绦[tao1]/ 绦子 絛子 S - 8 tāo zi f /silk ribbon or braid/lace or embroidery used for hemming/ 绦带 絛帶 S - 0 tāo dài f /silk ribbon/silk braid/ 绦纶 絛綸 S - 0 dí lún f /variant of 滌綸|涤纶[di2 lun2]/ 绦虫 絛蟲 S - 68 tāo chóng f /tapeworm/ 绦虫纲 絛蟲綱 S - 0 tāo chóng gāng f /Cestoda (an order of flatworms)/ 继 繼 S - 2342 jì f /to continue/to follow after/to go on with/to succeed/to inherit/then/afterwards/ 继亲 繼親 S - 0 jì qīn f /stepfamily/(old) stepmother/to marry/ 继任 繼任 S - 284 jì rèn f /succeed sb in a job/successor/ 继任者 繼任者 S - 56 jì rèn zhě f /successor/ 继位 繼位 S - 743 jì wèi f /to succeed to the throne/ 继后 繼後 S - 0 jì hòu f /later/afterwards/ 继嗣 繼嗣 S - 13 jì sì f /to continue/to continue a family line/posterity/heir/ 继女 繼女 S - 3 jì nǚ f /stepdaughter/CL:個|个[ge4],名[ming2]/ 继子 繼子 S - 18 jì zǐ f /stepson/ 继子女 繼子女 S - 0 jì zǐ nǚ f /stepchildren/adopted children/ 继室 繼室 S - 19 jì shì f /second wife (of a widower)/ 继往开来 繼往開來 S - 56 jì wǎng kāi lái f /to follow the past and herald the future (idiom); part of a historical transition/forming a bridge between earlier and later stages/ 继承 繼承 S 2866 2580 jì chéng f /to inherit/to succeed to (the throne etc)/to carry on (a tradition etc)/ 继承人 繼承人 S - 397 jì chéng rén f /heir/successor/ 继承权 繼承權 S - 122 jì chéng quán f /right of inheritance/ 继承者 繼承者 S - 119 jì chéng zhě f /successor/ 继承衣钵 繼承衣缽 S - 3 jì chéng yī bō f /to take up sb's mantle/to follow in sb's steps/ 继武 繼武 S - 3 jì wǔ f /to follow in the steps of one's predecessor/ 继母 繼母 S - 124 jì mǔ f /stepmother/ 继父 繼父 S - 51 jì fù f /stepfather/ 继父母 繼父母 S - 0 jì fù mǔ f /step-parents/ 继电器 繼電器 S - 108 jì diàn qì f /relay (electronics)/ 继统 繼統 S - 0 jì tǒng f /to succeed on the throne/ 继续 繼續 S 627 14690 jì xù f /to continue/to proceed with/to go on with/ 继而 繼而 S - 476 jì ér f /then/afterwards/ 继轨 繼軌 S - 0 jì guǐ f /to follow in the steps of/ 继述 繼述 S - 0 jì shù f /(literary) to carry on/to inherit/to succeed/ 继配 繼配 S - 3 jì pèi f /second wife (of a widower)/ 绨 綈 S - 48 tí f /coarse greenish black pongee/ 绩 勣 S - 140 jì f /variant of 績|绩[ji4]/merit/accomplishment/ 绩 績 S - 457 jì f /to spin (hemp etc)/merit/accomplishment/grade/Taiwan pr. [ji1]/ 绩优股 績優股 S - 9 jì yōu gǔ f /gilt-edged stock/blue chip stock/ 绩效 績效 S - 247 jì xiào f /performance/results/achievement/ 绩溪 績溪 S - 12 Jì xī f /Jixi county in Xuancheng 宣城[Xuan1 cheng2], Anhui/ 绩溪县 績溪縣 S - 5 Jì xī xiàn f /Jixi county in Xuancheng 宣城[Xuan1 cheng2], Anhui/ 绪 緒 S - 172 xù f /beginnings/clues/mental state/thread/ 绪言 緒言 S - 3 xù yán f /preface/ 绪论 緒論 S - 33 xù lùn f /introduction/preface/ 绫 綾 S - 319 líng f /damask/thin silk/ 续 續 S - 1092 xù f /to continue/to replenish/ 续书 續書 S - 0 xù shū f /sequel/continuation of a book/ 续作 續作 S - 0 xù zuò f /sequel/ 续保 續保 S - 3 xù bǎo f /renewal of insurance/ 续借 續借 S - 9 xù jiè f /extended borrowing (e.g. library renewal)/ 续假 續假 S - 3 xù jià f /extended leave/prolonged absence/ 续发感染 續發感染 S - 0 xù fā gǎn rǎn f /secondary infection/ 续增 續增 S - 0 xù zēng f /addition/appendix/addendum/ 续娶 續娶 S - 13 xù qǔ f /to remarry/ 续弦 續弦 S - 41 xù xián f /to remarry (of a widow)/second wife/qin and se 琴瑟[qin2 se4], two string instruments as a symbol of marital harmony/ 续杯 續杯 S - 0 xù bēi f /to refill (a beverage cup)/ 续签 續簽 S - 26 xù qiān f /to renew a contract/contract extension/ 续篇 續篇 S - 18 xù piān f /sequel/continuation (of a story)/ 续约 續約 S - 95 xù yuē f /to renew or extend a contract/ 续续 續續 S - 0 xù xù f /continuous/on and on/running/ 续编 續編 S - 59 xù biān f /sequel/continuation (of a serial publication)/ 续航 續航 S - 112 xù háng f /endurance/long term continuous travel or use/ 续西游记 續西遊記 S - 0 Xù Xī yóu Jì f /one of three Ming dynasty sequels to Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记/ 续订 續訂 S - 21 xù dìng f /to renew/ 续跌 續跌 S - 0 xù diē f /to continue to fall (of share prices)/ 续集 續集 S - 45 xù jí f /sequel/next episode (of TV series etc)/ 绮 綺 S - 1318 qǐ f /beautiful/open-work silk/ 绮丽 綺麗 S - 182 qǐ lì f /beautiful/enchanting/ 绮云 綺雲 S - 3 qǐ yún f /beautiful clouds/ 绮井 綺井 S - 0 qǐ jǐng f /ceiling (architecture)/ 绮室 綺室 S - 0 qǐ shì f /magnificent room/ 绮岁 綺歲 S - 0 qǐ suì f /youthful age/ 绮年 綺年 S - 3 qǐ nián f /young/youthful/ 绮思 綺思 S - 3 qǐ sī f /beautiful thoughts (in writing)/ 绮想 綺想 S - 3 qǐ xiǎng f /fantasies/imaginings/ 绮想曲 綺想曲 S - 0 qǐ xiǎng qǔ f /capriccio (music)/ 绮梦 綺夢 S - 3 qǐ mèng f /pleasant and romantic dream/ 绮灿 綺燦 S - 3 qǐ càn f /enchanting/gorgeous/ 绮窗 綺窗 S - 3 qǐ chuāng f /beautifully decorated window/ 绮筵 綺筵 S - 0 qǐ yán f /magnificent feast/ 绮绣 綺繡 S - 0 qǐ xiù f /silk material with grained pattern/ 绮罗 綺羅 S - 3 qǐ luó f /beautiful silk fabrics/person in beautiful silk dress/ 绮色佳 綺色佳 S - 0 Qǐ sè jiā f /Ithaca, Island state of Greece, the home of Odysseus 奧迪修斯|奥迪修斯[Ao4 di2 xiu1 si1]/Ithaca NY (but pronounced [Yi3 se4 jia1]), location of Cornell University 康奈爾|康奈尔[Kang1 nai4 er3]/ 绮衣 綺衣 S - 3 qǐ yī f /beautiful clothes/ 绮语 綺語 S - 3 qǐ yǔ f /flowery writing/writing concerning love and sex/ 绮貌 綺貌 S - 3 qǐ mào f /beautiful appearance/ 绮陌 綺陌 S - 0 qǐ mò f /splendid streets/ 绮靡 綺靡 S - 13 qǐ mǐ f /beautiful and intricate/ornate/gorgeous/ 绯 緋 S - 274 fēi f /dark red/purple silk/ 绯红 緋紅 S - 78 fēi hóng f /crimson/scarlet/ 绯胸鹦鹉 緋胸鸚鵡 S - 0 fēi xiōng yīng wǔ f /(bird species of China) red-breasted parakeet (Psittacula alexandri)/ 绯闻 緋聞 S - 53 fēi wén f /sex scandal/ 绰 綽 S - 190 chāo f /to grab/to snatch up/variant of 焯[chao1]/ 绰 綽 S - 190 chuò t /generous/ample/wide/spacious/well-off/to grip/ 绰号 綽號 S - 292 chuò hào f /nickname/ 绰约 綽約 S - 23 chuò yuē f /graceful/charming/ 绰绰有余 綽綽有餘 S - 99 chuò chuò yǒu yú f /enough and to spare (idiom)/ 绱 緔 S - 275 shàng f /to sole a shoe/ 绲 緄 S - 154 gǔn f /cord/embroidered sash/to sew/ 绲边 緄邊 S - 2 gǔn biān f /(of a dress etc) border, edging/ 绳 繩 S - 1056 shéng f /rope/CL:根[gen1]/ 绳之以法 繩之以法 S - 37 shéng zhī yǐ fǎ f /to punish according to the law/to bring to justice/ 绳墨 繩墨 S - 7 shéng mò f /lit. carpenter's straight line marker/same as 墨斗/fig. rules/rules and regulations/ 绳套 繩套 S - 28 shéng tào f /noose/harness/ 绳子 繩子 S 1709 693 shéng zi f /cord/string/rope/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 绳文 繩文 S - 0 shéng wén f /Jyōmon period of Japanese prehistory, with rope pattern pottery/ 绳梯 繩梯 S - 20 shéng tī f /a rope ladder/ 绳索 繩索 S - 673 shéng suǒ f /rope/ 绳索套 繩索套 S - 0 shéng suǒ tào f /a noose/ 绳结 繩結 S - 3 shéng jié f /knot/ 维 維 S - 1685 Wéi f /abbr. for Uighur 維吾爾|维吾尔[Wei2 wu2 er3]/surname Wei/ 维 維 S - 1685 wéi f /to preserve/to maintain/to hold together/dimension/vitamin (abbr. for 維生素|维生素[wei2 sheng1 su4])/ 维也纳 維也納 S - 742 Wéi yě nà f /Vienna, capital of Austria/ 维京人 維京人 S - 0 wéi jīng rén f /Vikings/ 维他命 維他命 S - 67 wéi tā mìng f /vitamin (loanword)/ 维修 維修 S 2074 1678 wéi xiū f /maintenance (of equipment)/to protect and maintain/ 维修区 維修區 S - 3 wéi xiū qū f /maintenance area/ 维克多·雨果 維克多·雨果 S - 0 Wéi kè duō · Yǔ guǒ f /Victor Hugo (1802-1885), French writer/ 维克托 維克托 S - 25 Wéi kè tuō f /Victor (name)/ 维吉尔 維吉爾 S - 23 Wéi jí ěr f /Virgil or Vergilius (70-19 BC), Roman poet and author of the Aeneid 埃涅阿斯紀|埃涅阿斯纪[Ai1 nie4 a1 si1 Ji4]/ 维吉尼亚 維吉尼亞 S - 3 Wéi jí ní yà f /Virginia, US state (Tw)/ 维吉尼亚州 維吉尼亞州 S - 0 Wéi jí ní yà Zhōu f /Virginia, US state (Tw)/ 维吾尔 維吾爾 S - 210 Wéi wú ěr f /Uighur ethnic group of Xinjiang/ 维吾尔人 維吾爾人 S - 0 Wéi wú ěr rén f /Uighur person or people/ 维吾尔族 維吾爾族 S - 997 Wéi wú ěr zú f /Uighur (Uyghur) ethnic group of Xinjiang/ 维吾尔语 維吾爾語 S - 48 Wéi wú ěr yǔ f /Uighur language/ 维和 維和 S - 272 wéi hé f /peacekeeping/ 维基 維基 S - 2 wéi jī f /wiki (Internet)/ 维基媒体基金会 維基媒體基金會 S - 0 Wéi jī méi tǐ Jī jīn huì f /Wikimedia Foundation/ 维基数据 維基數據 S - 0 Wéi jī shù jù f /Wikistats, (stats.wikimedia.org), online tool providing statistics for Wikimedia projects/ 维基物种 維基物種 S - 0 Wéi jī wù zhǒng f /Wikispecies, (species.wikimedia.org), online project to catalog all known species/ 维基百科 維基百科 S - 3 Wéi jī Bǎi kē f /Wikipedia (online encyclopedia)/ 维基解密 維基解密 S - 0 Wéi jī Jiě mì f /WikiLeaks/ 维基词典 維基詞典 S - 0 Wéi jī cí diǎn f /Wiktionary (online dictionary)/ 维多利亚 維多利亞 S - 193 Wéi duō lì yà f /Victoria (name)/Victoria, capital of the Seychelles/ 维多利亚公园 維多利亞公園 S - 0 Wéi duō lì yà Gōng yuán f /Victoria Park, Hong Kong/ 维多利亚女王 維多利亞女王 S - 0 Wéi duō lì yà Nǚ wáng f /Queen Victoria (reigned 1837-1901)/ 维多利亚岛 維多利亞島 S - 6 Wéi duō lì yà Dǎo f /Victoria Island/ 维多利亚州 維多利亞州 S - 25 Wéi duō lì yà zhōu f /Victoria, southeastern Australian state/ 维多利亚港 維多利亞港 S - 23 Wéi duō lì yà Gǎng f /Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong/ 维多利亚湖 維多利亞湖 S - 44 Wéi duō lì yà Hú f /Lake Victoria or Victoria Nyanza, Kenya, on the White Nile/ 维多利亚瀑布 維多利亞瀑布 S - 0 Wéi duō lì yà pù bù f /Victoria Falls or Mosi-oa-Tunya on the Zambesi River, between Zambia and Zimbabwe/ 维奇 維奇 S - 79 Wéi qí f /Pope Vigilius (in office 537-555)/phonetic -vich or -wich in Russian names/ 维妙维肖 維妙維肖 S - 19 wéi miào wéi xiào f /to imitate to perfection/to be remarkably true to life/ 维它命 維它命 S - 0 wéi tā mìng f /variant of 維他命|维他命[wei2 ta1 ming4]/ 维密 維密 S - 0 Wéi Mì f /Victoria's Secret/ 维尔容 維爾容 S - 0 Wéi ěr róng f /(Johannes Lodewikus) Viljoen (South African ambassador to Taiwan)/ 维尔斯特拉斯 維爾斯特拉斯 S - 0 Wéi ěr sī tè lā sī f /Karl Weierstrass (1815-1897), German mathematician/ 维尔纽斯 維爾紐斯 S - 15 Wéi ěr niǔ sī f /Vilnius, capital of Lithuania/ 维尼熊 維尼熊 S - 3 Wéi ní xióng f /Winnie the Pooh/ 维尼纶 維尼綸 S - 17 wéi ní lún f /see 維綸|维纶[wei2 lun2]/ 维度 維度 S - 34 wéi dù f /dimension (math.)/dimensionality/ 维德角 維德角 S - 0 Wéi dé jiǎo f /Cape Verde (Tw)/ 维恩图解 維恩圖解 S - 0 Wéi ēn tú jiě f /Venn diagram/ 维扬 維揚 S - 0 Wéi yáng f /Weiyang district of Yangzhou city 揚州市|扬州市[Yang2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 维扬区 維揚區 S - 0 Wéi yáng qū f /Weiyang district of Yangzhou city 揚州市|扬州市[Yang2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 维护 維護 S 3051 5477 wéi hù f /to defend/to safeguard/to protect/to uphold/to maintain/ 维护和平 維護和平 S - 3 wéi hù hé píng f /to uphold peace/ 维拉 維拉 S - 57 Wéi lā f /Vala (Middle-earth)/ 维拉港 維拉港 S - 9 Wéi lā Gǎng f /Port Vila, capital of Vanuatu/ 维持 維持 S 2752 3803 wéi chí f /to keep/to maintain/to preserve/ 维持原判 維持原判 S - 3 wéi chí yuán pàn f /to affirm the original sentence (law)/ 维持生活 維持生活 S - 0 wéi chí shēng huó f /to subsist/to eke out a living/to keep body and soul together/ 维持费 維持費 S - 9 wéi chí fèi f /maintenance costs/ 维数 維數 S - 0 wéi shù f /(math.) dimension/dimensionality/ 维新 維新 S - 300 wéi xīn f /(political) reform/revitalization/modernization/ 维新变法 維新變法 S - 0 Wéi xīn Biàn fǎ f /Hundred Days Reform (1898), failed attempt to reform the Qing dynasty/ 维新派 維新派 S - 140 wéi xīn pài f /the reformist faction/ 维族 維族 S - 34 Wéi zú f /abbr. for 維吾爾族|维吾尔族, Uighur (Uyghur) ethnic group of Xinjiang/ 维权 維權 S - 120 wéi quán f /to defend (legal) rights/ 维权人士 維權人士 S - 0 wéi quán rén shì f /civil rights activist/ 维氏 維氏 S - 0 Wéi shì f /Victorinox (knife manufacturer)/ 维港 維港 S - 0 Wéi Gǎng f /Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong/abbr. for 維多利亞港|维多利亚港[Wei2 duo1 li4 ya4 Gang3]/ 维特 維特 S - 43 Wéi tè f /Werther, opera by Jules Massenet/Werther, German masculine given name/