護 护 T - 2810 hù f /to protect/ 護國戰 护国战 T - 0 Hù guó zhàn f /National Protection War or Campaign to Defend the Republic (1915), a rebellion against the installation of Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯[Yuan2 Shi4 kai3] as emperor/ 護國戰爭 护国战争 T - 0 Hù guó Zhàn zhēng f /National Protection War or Campaign to Defend the Republic (1915), a rebellion against the installation of Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯[Yuan2 Shi4 kai3] as emperor/ 護國軍 护国军 T - 25 Hù guó jūn f /National Protection Army of 1915 (in rebellion against Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯[Yuan2 Shi4 kai3])/ 護國運動 护国运动 T - 7 Hù guó Yùn dòng f /Campaign to Defend the Republic (1915) or National Protection War, a rebellion against the installation of Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯[Yuan2 Shi4 kai3] as emperor/ 護城河 护城河 T - 103 hù chéng hé f /moat/ 護士 护士 T 936 676 hù shi f /nurse/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 護封 护封 T - 3 hù fēng f /dust jacket (of a book)/protective cover/document seal/ 護手盤 护手盘 T - 0 hù shǒu pán f /hand guard (e.g. on saber)/ 護手霜 护手霜 T - 3 hù shǒu shuāng f /hand cream/hand lotion/ 護法 护法 T - 296 hù fǎ f /to keep the law/to protect Buddha's teachings/protector of Buddhist law (i.e. temple donor)/ 護法戰爭 护法战争 T - 0 hù fǎ zhàn zhēng f /National protection war or Campaign to defend the republic (1915), a rebellion against the installation of Yuan Shikai as emperor/ 護法神 护法神 T - 9 hù fǎ shén f /protector deities of Buddhist law/ 護照 护照 T 554 242 hù zhào f /passport/CL:本[ben3],個|个[ge4]/ 護犢子 护犊子 T - 3 hù dú zi f /(of a woman) to be fiercely protective of one's children/ 護理 护理 T - 501 hù lǐ f /to nurse/to tend and protect/ 護理學 护理学 T - 3 hù lǐ xué f /nursing/ 護甲 护甲 T - 0 hù jiǎ f /armor/bulletproof vest/ 護目鏡 护目镜 T - 7 hù mù jìng f /goggles/protective glasses/ 護短 护短 T - 38 hù duǎn f /to shield (one's shortcoming)/to cover up (errors)/ 護老者 护老者 T - 0 hù lǎo zhě f /carer of elderly persons/aged care worker/ 護肘 护肘 T - 5 hù zhǒu f /elbow pad/elbow support/ 護脛 护胫 T - 0 hù jìng f /shin pad/shin guard/ 護膚 护肤 T - 46 hù fū f /skincare/ 護膝 护膝 T - 26 hù xī f /kneepad/knee brace/ 護航 护航 T - 184 hù háng f /a naval escort/to convoy/ 護航艦 护航舰 T - 9 hù háng jiàn f /escort vessel/ 護著 护着 T - 0 hù zhe f /to protect/to guard/to shield/ 護衛 护卫 T - 621 hù wèi f /to guard/to protect/bodyguard (for officials in ancient times)/ 護衛艇 护卫艇 T - 17 hù wèi tǐng f /escort vessel/corvette/ 護衛艦 护卫舰 T - 579 hù wèi jiàn f /corvette/ 護貝 护贝 T - 0 hù bèi f /laminate film/abbr. for 護貝膠膜|护贝胶膜[hu4 bei4 jiao1 mo2]/ 護貝機 护贝机 T - 0 hù bèi jī f /laminating machine/laminator/ 護貝膠膜 护贝胶膜 T - 0 hù bèi jiāo mó f /laminate film/abbr. to 護貝|护贝[hu4 bei4]/ 護身符 护身符 T - 79 hù shēn fú f /amulet/protective talisman/charm/ 護身符子 护身符子 T - 0 hù shēn fú zi f /amulet/protective talisman/charm/ 護送 护送 T - 551 hù sòng f /to escort/to accompany/ 護頸套 护颈套 T - 0 hù jǐng tào f /cervical collar/ 護髮乳 护发乳 T - 3 hù fà rǔ f /hair conditioner/ 護髮素 护发素 T - 12 hù fà sù f /hair conditioner/ 譸 诪 T - 0 zhōu f /(literary) to curse/to deceive/to lie/ 譹 - 0 háo f /to shout/to roar/to terrify/swiftly/ 譽 誉 T - 1858 yù f /to praise/to acclaim/reputation/ 譾 谫 T - 5 jiǎn f /shallow/stupid/ 讀 读 T 110 5660 dòu f /comma/phrase marked by pause/ 讀 读 T 110 5660 dú t /to read/to study/reading of word (i.e. pronunciation), similar to 拼音[pin1 yin1]/ 讀卡器 读卡器 T - 4 dú kǎ qì f /card reader/ 讀取 读取 T - 79 dú qǔ f /(of a computer etc) to read (data)/ 讀報 读报 T - 40 dú bào f /to read newspapers/ 讀寫 读写 T - 182 dú xiě f /reading and writing/ 讀寫能力 读写能力 T - 3 dú xiě néng lì f /literacy/ 讀後感 读后感 T - 7 dú hòu gǎn f /impression of a book/opinion expressed in a book review/ 讀心術 读心术 T - 3 dú xīn shù f /mind reading (in psychology or Western magic)/ 讀懂 读懂 T - 3 dú dǒng f /to read and understand/ 讀數 读数 T - 71 dú shù f /reading/data from meter/ 讀書 读书 T - 2347 dú shū f /to read a book/to study/to attend school/ 讀書人 读书人 T - 517 dú shū rén f /scholar/intellectual/ 讀書會 读书会 T - 8 dú shū huì f /study group/ 讀書機 读书机 T - 0 dú shū jī f /audio-output reading machine/ 讀本 读本 T - 77 dú běn f /reader/an instructional book/ 讀法 读法 T - 22 dú fǎ f /reading/pronunciation (of a Chinese character)/ 讀物 读物 T - 269 dú wù f /reading material/ 讀研 读研 T - 45 dú yán f /to attend graduate school/ 讀破 读破 T - 3 dú pò f /to read extensively and thoroughly/nonstandard pronunciation of a Chinese character, e.g. reading [hao4] in compound 愛好|爱好[ai4 hao4] "hobby" in place of [hao3]/ 讀破句 读破句 T - 0 dú pò jù f /incorrect break in reading Chinese, dividing text into clauses at wrong point/ 讀經 读经 T - 69 dú jīng f /to study the Confucian classics/to read scriptures or canonical texts/ 讀者 读者 T - 2695 dú zhě f /reader/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 讀者文摘 读者文摘 T - 3 Dú zhě Wén zhāi f /Reader's Digest/ 讀萬卷書,行萬里路 读万卷书,行万里路 T - 0 dú wàn juàn shū , xíng wàn lǐ lù f /see 行萬里路,讀萬卷書|行万里路,读万卷书[xing2 wan4 li3 lu4 , du2 wan4 juan4 shu1]/ 讀譜 读谱 T - 0 dú pǔ f /to read a score/to read music/ 讀賣新聞 读卖新闻 T - 50 Dú mài Xīn wén f /Yomiuri Shimbun (Japanese newspaper)/ 讀音 读音 T - 89 dú yīn f /pronunciation/literary (rather than colloquial) pronunciation of a Chinese character/ 讀音錯誤 读音错误 T - 0 dú yīn cuò wù f /mistake of pronunciation/ 讀頭 读头 T - 0 dú tóu f /reading head (e.g. in tape deck)/ 讁 谪 T - 82 zhé f /variant of 謫|谪[zhe2]/ 讃 赞 T - 1347 zàn f /variant of 讚|赞[zan4]/ 讅 谉 T - 0 shěn f /to investigate/to try (in court)/ 讆 - 0 wèi f /to exaggerate/incredible/ 讇 - 0 chǎn f /to talk in one's sleep/old variant of 諂|谄[chan3]/ 變 变 T - 12121 biàn f /to change/to become different/to transform/to vary/rebellion/ 變亂 变乱 T - 112 biàn luàn f /turmoil/social upheaval/ 變作 变作 T - 3 biàn zuò f /to change into/to turn into/to become/ 變修 变修 T - 3 biàn xiū f /to become revisionist/ 變做 变做 T - 3 biàn zuò f /to turn into/ 變價 变价 T - 10 biàn jià f /to appraise at the current rate/ 變兵 变兵 T - 0 biàn bīng f /rebel soldier/ 變分 变分 T - 0 biàn fēn f /variation (calculus)/deformation/ 變分原理 变分原理 T - 0 biàn fēn yuán lǐ f /variational principle (physics)/ 變分學 变分学 T - 0 biàn fēn xué f /calculus of variations (math.)/ 變分法 变分法 T - 67 biàn fēn fǎ f /calculus of variations/ 變動 变动 T - 1761 biàn dòng f /change/alteration/ 變化 变化 T 510 14935 biàn huà f /change/variation/to change/to vary/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 變化多端 变化多端 T - 86 biàn huà duō duān f /changeable/changing/varied/full of changes/ 變化莫測 变化莫测 T - 32 biàn huà mò cè f /unpredictable/changeable/ 變卦 变卦 T - 109 biàn guà f /to change one's mind/to go back on one's word/ 變厚 变厚 T - 3 biàn hòu f /to thicken/ 變壓器 变压器 T - 240 biàn yā qì f /transformer/ 變壞 变坏 T - 68 biàn huài f /to get worse/to degenerate/ 變天 变天 T - 23 biàn tiān f /to undergo change in weather/restoration of reactionary rule or the previous regime/ 變奏 变奏 T - 13 biàn zòu f /variation/ 變奏曲 变奏曲 T - 25 biàn zòu qǔ f /variation (music)/ 變局 变局 T - 19 biàn jú f /turbulent situation/changing (face, scene, situation, world of etc)/ 變工 变工 T - 0 biàn gōng f /to exchange labor/labor exchange (system of sharing workforce resources)/ 變幻 变幻 T - 245 biàn huàn f /to change irregularly/to fluctuate/ 變幻莫測 变幻莫测 T - 68 biàn huàn mò cè f /to change unpredictably/unpredictable/erratic/treacherous/ 變形 变形 T - 998 biàn xíng f /deformation/to become deformed/to change shape/to morph/ 變形蟲 变形虫 T - 15 biàn xíng chóng f /amoeba/ 變形金剛 变形金刚 T - 3 Biàn xíng jīn gāng f /Transformers (franchise)/ 變得 变得 T - 4499 biàn de f /to become/ 變徵之聲 变徵之声 T - 0 biàn zhǐ zhī shēng f /modified fifth note of the pentatonic scale/ 變心 变心 T - 33 biàn xīn f /to cease to be faithful/ 變性 变性 T - 188 biàn xìng f /to denature/denaturation/to have a sex change/transgender/ 變性土 变性土 T - 0 Biàn xìng tǔ f /Vertosols (Chinese Soil Taxonomy)/ 變態 变态 T - 783 biàn tài f /to metamorphose (biology)/abnormal/perverted/hentai/(slang) pervert/ 變態反應 变态反应 T - 106 biàn tài fǎn yìng f /allergic response/allergy/ 變成 变成 T - 6555 biàn chéng f /to change into/to turn into/to become/ 變戲法 变戏法 T - 50 biàn xì fǎ f /to perform conjuring tricks/to conjure/to juggle/ 變把戲 变把戏 T - 0 biàn bǎ xì f /to perform magic/to do magic tricks/prestidigitation/ 變換 变换 T - 994 biàn huàn f /to transform/to convert/to vary/to alternate/a transformation/ 變換群 变换群 T - 0 biàn huàn qún f /(math.) transformation group/ 變換設備 变换设备 T - 0 biàn huàn shè bèi f /converter/conversion device/ 變故 变故 T 4623 393 biàn gù f /an unforeseen event/accident/misfortune/ 變數 变数 T - 128 biàn shù f /variable (math.)/ 變文 变文 T - 0 biàn wén f /a popular form of narrative literature flourishing in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) with alternate prose and rhymed parts for recitation and singing (often on Buddhist themes)/ 變星 变星 T - 144 biàn xīng f /variable star/ 變暖 变暖 T - 3 biàn nuǎn f /warming/changing to become warmer/ 變暗 变暗 T - 3 biàn àn f /to darken/ 變更 变更 T - 1345 biàn gēng f /to change/to alter/to modify/ 變本加厲 变本加厉 T - 117 biàn běn jiā lì f /lit. change to more severe (idiom); to become more intense (esp. of shortcoming)/to aggravate/to intensify/ 變格 变格 T - 3 biàn gé f /case change (in grammar)/ 變樣 变样 T - 19 biàn yàng f /to change (appearance)/to change shape/ 變樣兒 变样儿 T - 0 biàn yàng r f /erhua variant of 變樣|变样[bian4 yang4]/ 變法 变法 T - 646 biàn fǎ f /to change the laws/political reform/unconventional method/ 變法兒 变法儿 T - 3 biàn fǎ r f /to try by all available methods/ 變活 变活 T - 0 biàn huó f /to come to life (by magic)/ 變流器 变流器 T - 13 biàn liú qì f /converter/ 變溫動物 变温动物 T - 15 biàn wēn dòng wù f /poikilothermal (cold-blooded) animal/ 變溫層 变温层 T - 3 biàn wēn céng f /troposphere/lower atmosphere/ 變為 变为 T - 1658 biàn wéi f /to change into/ 變焦距鏡頭 变焦距镜头 T - 0 biàn jiāo jù jìng tóu f /zoom lens/ 變生肘腋 变生肘腋 T - 2 biàn shēng zhǒu yè f /lit. calamity in one's armpit (idiom); a major coup happening on one's doorstep/trouble or danger in one's own backyard/ 變產 变产 T - 3 biàn chǎn f /to sell one's estate/ 變異 变异 T - 591 biàn yì f /variation/ 變異型克雅氏症 变异型克雅氏症 T - 0 biàn yì xíng Kè Yǎ shì zhèng f /variant Creutzfeldt-Jacobs disease, vCJD/ 變異株 变异株 T - 0 biàn yì zhū f /variant/variant strain (of virus)/ 變相 变相 T - 225 biàn xiàng f /in disguised form/covert/ 變硬 变硬 T - 3 biàn yìng f /to stiffen/ 變種 变种 T - 198 biàn zhǒng f /mutation/variety/variant/ 變節 变节 T - 33 biàn jié f /betrayal/defection/turncoat/to change sides politically/ 變紅 变红 T - 3 biàn hóng f /to redden/ 變臉 变脸 T - 81 biàn liǎn f /to turn hostile suddenly/face changing, a device of Sichuan Opera, a dramatic change of attitude expressing fright, anger etc/ 變色 变色 T - 294 biàn sè f /to change color/to discolor/to change countenance/to become angry/ 變色易容 变色易容 T - 3 biàn sè yì róng f /to change color and alter one's expression (idiom); to go white with fear/out of one's wits/ 變色龍 变色龙 T - 32 biàn sè lóng f /chameleon/ 變苦 变苦 T - 0 biàn kǔ f /to sour/to turn sour/to curdle/ 變裝皇后 变装皇后 T - 0 biàn zhuāng huáng hòu f /drag queen/ 變調 变调 T - 56 biàn diào f /tone sandhi/modified tone/(music) to change key/modulation/ 變調夾 变调夹 T - 0 biàn diào jiā f /capo/ 變賣 变卖 T - 119 biàn mài f /to sell off (one's property)/ 變質 变质 T 4214 742 biàn zhì f /to degenerate/to go bad/to deteriorate/metamorphosis/ 變質作用 变质作用 T - 0 biàn zhì zuò yòng f /metamorphism (geology)/ 變質岩 变质岩 T - 447 biàn zhì yán f /metamorphic rock (geology)/ 變軟 变软 T - 3 biàn ruǎn f /to soften/ 變通 变通 T - 79 biàn tōng f /pragmatic/flexible/to act differently in different situations/to accommodate to circumstances/ 變速 变速 T - 57 biàn sù f /to change speed/to shift gear/variable-speed/ 變速傳動 变速传动 T - 0 biàn sù chuán dòng f /to change gear/ 變速器 变速器 T - 21 biàn sù qì f /gearbox/speed changer/gear/ 變速桿 变速杆 T - 3 biàn sù gǎn f /gear lever/stick shift/ 變速箱 变速箱 T - 110 biàn sù xiāng f /gearbox/transmission/ 變造 变造 T - 5 biàn zào f /to alter/to modify/to mutilate (of documents)/ 變造幣 变造币 T - 0 biàn zào bì f /illegally modified or altered currency/ 變道 变道 T - 0 biàn dào f /to change lanes/ 變遷 变迁 T 4681 1103 biàn qiān f /changes/vicissitudes/ 變醜 变丑 T - 0 biàn chǒu f /to disfigure/ 變量 变量 T - 1172 biàn liàng f /variable (math.)/ 變阻器 变阻器 T - 10 biàn zǔ qì f /rheostat (variable resistor)/ 變電 变电 T - 35 biàn diàn f /power transformation/ 變電站 变电站 T - 21 biàn diàn zhàn f /(transformer) substation/ 變革 变革 T - 2441 biàn gé f /to transform/to change/ 變頻 变频 T - 70 biàn pín f /frequency conversion/ 變體 变体 T - 118 biàn tǐ f /variant/ 變魔術 变魔术 T - 3 biàn mó shù f /to perform magical tricks/ 變黑 变黑 T - 3 biàn hēi f /to darken/ 讋 詟 T - 0 zhé f /to be frightened/ 讌 䜩 T - 0 yàn f /variant of 宴[yan4]/ 讌饗 宴飨 T - 0 yàn xiǎng f /variant of 宴饗|宴飨[yan4 xiang3]/ 讎 雠 T - 118 chóu f /to collate/to proofread/variant of 仇[chou2]/ 讏 - 0 wèi f /variant of 讆[wei4]/ 讐 - 0 chóu f /variant of 讎|雠[chou2]/ 讒 谗 T - 108 chán f /to slander/to defame/to misrepresent/to speak maliciously/ 讒佞 谗佞 T - 3 chán nìng f /to defame one person while flattering another/a slandering toady/ 讒害 谗害 T - 3 chán hài f /to slander/to defame and persecute/ 讒言 谗言 T - 62 chán yán f /slander/slanderous report/calumny/false charge/ 讒諂 谗谄 T - 0 chán chǎn f /to defame one person while flattering another/a slandering toady/ 讒邪 谗邪 T - 0 chán xié f /lies and slander/malicious calumny/ 讓 让 T 158 50310 ràng f /to yield/to permit/to let sb do sth/to have sb do sth/to make sb (feel sad etc)/ 讓人羨慕 让人羡慕 T - 0 ràng rén xiàn mù f /enviable/to be admired/ 讓位 让位 T - 178 ràng wèi f /to abdicate/to yield/ 讓坐 让坐 T - 0 ràng zuò f /to give up one's seat/to be seated/ 讓座 让座 T - 35 ràng zuò f /to give up one's seat for sb/ 讓步 让步 T 3699 376 ràng bù f /to concede/to give in/to yield/a concession/ 讓步地 让步地 T - 0 ràng bù de f /concessively (linguistic term)/yieldingly/ 讓煙 让烟 T - 0 ràng yān f /to offer a cigarette/ 讓球 让球 T - 0 ràng qiú f /to concede points (in a game)/ 讓畔 让畔 T - 0 ràng pàn f /to be accommodating in negotiating the boundary of one's field/fig. (of farmers in ancient times) to be good-hearted and honest/ 讓胡路 让胡路 T - 0 Ràng hú lù f /Ranghulu district of Daqing city 大慶|大庆[Da4 qing4], Heilongjiang/ 讓胡路區 让胡路区 T - 0 Ràng hú lù qū f /Ranghulu district of Daqing city 大慶|大庆[Da4 qing4], Heilongjiang/ 讓賢與能 让贤与能 T - 0 ràng xián yǔ néng f /to step aside and give a more worthy person a chance (idiom)/ 讓路 让路 T - 115 ràng lù f /to make way (for sth)/ 讓開 让开 T - 144 ràng kāi f /to get out of the way/to step aside/ 讕 谰 T - 30 lán f /to make a false charge/ 讕言 谰言 T - 4 lán yán f /slander/calumny/to accuse unjustly/ 讕調 谰调 T - 0 lán diào f /slander/calumny/to accuse unjustly/ 讖 谶 T - 213 chèn f /prophecy/omen/ 讖緯 谶纬 T - 73 chèn wěi f /divination combined with mystical Confucian philosopy, prevalent during the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220)/ 讖語 谶语 T - 43 chèn yǔ f /prophecy/prophetic remark/ 讘 - 0 niè f /(old) to talk a lot/to talk nonsense/also pr. [zhe2]/ 讙 欢 T - 1261 huān f /hubbub/clamor/variant of 歡|欢[huan1]/ 讚 赞 T - 1347 zàn f /variant of 贊|赞[zan4]/to praise/ 讚不絕口 赞不绝口 T - 68 zàn bù jué kǒu f /to praise without cease (idiom); praise sb to high heaven/ 讚同 赞同 T - 721 zàn tóng f /to approve of/to endorse/(vote) in favor/ 讚揚 赞扬 T - 616 zàn yáng f /to praise/to approve of/to show approval/ 讚美 赞美 T 2004 395 zàn měi f /to admire/to praise/to eulogize/ 讚許 赞许 T - 156 zàn xǔ f /to praise/to laud/ 讚賞 赞赏 T - 581 zàn shǎng f /to admire/to praise/to appreciate/ 讚頌 赞颂 T - 84 zàn sòng f /to bless/to praise/ 讜 谠 T - 107 dǎng f /honest/straightforward/ 讞 谳 T - 47 yàn f /to decide judicially/ 讟 - 0 dú f /to murmur/to slander/ 讠 訁 S - 18 yán f /"speech" or "words" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 149)/see also 言字旁[yan2 zi4 pang2]/ 计 計 S - 4965 Jì f /surname Ji/ 计 計 S - 4965 jì f /to calculate/to compute/to count/to regard as important/to plan/ruse/meter/gauge/ 计件工资 計件工資 S - 86 jì jiàn gōng zī f /piece rate wage/remuneration based on one's output/opposite: time rate wage 計時工資|计时工资[ji4 shi2 gong1 zi1]/ 计价 計價 S - 86 jì jià f /to valuate/valuation/ 计价器 計價器 S - 16 jì jià qì f /fare meter/taximeter/ 计分 計分 S - 52 jì fēn f /to calculate the score/ 计分卡 計分卡 S - 3 jì fēn kǎ f /scorecard/ 计分环 計分環 S - 0 jì fēn huán f /scoring ring (on shooting target)/ 计划 計劃 S 647 19799 jì huà f /plan/project/program/to plan/to map out/CL:個|个[ge4],項|项[xiang4]/ 计划生育 計劃生育 S - 1446 jì huà shēng yù f /family planning/ 计划目标 計劃目標 S - 0 jì huà mù biāo f /planned target/scheduled target/ 计划经济 計劃經濟 S - 330 jì huà jīng jì f /planned economy/ 计提 計提 S - 124 jì tí f /to set aside/to make provision for (capital requirements)/ 计数 計數 S - 196 jì shù f /to count/reckoning/ 计数器 計數器 S - 98 jì shù qì f /counter/register/ 计数法 計數法 S - 2 jì shù fǎ f /calculation/reckoning/ 计数率仪 計數率儀 S - 0 jì shù lǜ yí f /ratemeter/ 计数管 計數管 S - 16 jì shù guǎn f /counter/ 计数者 計數者 S - 0 jì shù zhě f /counter/ 计时 計時 S - 161 jì shí f /to measure time/to time/to reckon by time/ 计时器 計時器 S - 18 jì shí qì f /timer/chronograph/timepiece/clock/timekeeping device (sundial, water clock)/ 计时工资 計時工資 S - 37 jì shí gōng zī f /time rate wage/remuneration based on one's time and skill/opposite: piece rate wage 計件工資|计件工资[ji4 jian4 gong1 zi1]/ 计时收费 計時收費 S - 0 jì shí shōu fèi f /time charge/ 计时比赛 計時比賽 S - 0 jì shí bǐ sài f /time trial (e.g. in cycle race)/timed race/competition against the clock/ 计时法 計時法 S - 0 jì shí fǎ f /time reckoning/ 计时测验 計時測驗 S - 0 jì shí cè yàn f /time trial/ 计时炸弹 計時炸彈 S - 0 jì shí zhà dàn f /time bomb/ 计时赛 計時賽 S - 10 jì shí sài f /time trial (e.g. in cycle race)/timed race/competition against the clock/ 计步器 計步器 S - 3 jì bù qì f /pedometer/ 计生 計生 S - 56 jì shēng f /planned childbirth/birth control/family planning/abbr. for 計劃生育|计划生育/ 计画 計畫 S - 0 jì huà f /variant of 計劃|计划[ji4 hua4]/ 计票 計票 S - 47 jì piào f /count of votes/ 计程车 計程車 S - 17 jì chéng chē f /taxi/cab (Tw)/ 计策 計策 S - 377 jì cè f /stratagem/ 计算 計算 S 1947 5235 jì suàn f /to count/to calculate/to compute/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 计算器 計算器 S - 141 jì suàn qì f /calculator/calculating machine/ 计算复杂性 計算複雜性 S - 0 jì suàn fù zá xìng f /computational complexity (math.)/ 计算尺 計算尺 S - 31 jì suàn chǐ f /slide rule/ 计算数学 計算數學 S - 0 jì suàn shù xué f /computational mathematics/numerical mathematics/ 计算机 計算機 S - 6396 jì suàn jī f /computer/(Tw) calculator/CL:臺|台[tai2]/ 计算机制图 計算機制圖 S - 0 jì suàn jī zhì tú f /computer graphics/ 计算机动画 計算機動畫 S - 0 jì suàn jī dòng huà f /computer animation/ 计算机可读 計算機可讀 S - 0 jì suàn jī kě dú f /computer-readable/machine-readable/ 计算机工业 計算機工業 S - 0 jì suàn jī gōng yè f /computer industry/ 计算机断层 計算機斷層 S - 0 jì suàn jī duàn céng f /CT, computed tomography (medical imaging method)/ 计算机模式 計算機模式 S - 0 jì suàn jī mó shì f /computer simulation/ 计算机模拟 計算機模擬 S - 0 jì suàn jī mó nǐ f /computer simulation/ 计算机比喻 計算機比喻 S - 0 jì suàn jī bǐ yù f /computer metaphor/ 计算机科学 計算機科學 S - 13 jì suàn jī kē xué f /computer science/ 计算机科学家 計算機科學家 S - 0 jì suàn jī kē xué jiā f /computer scientist/ 计算机辅助设计 計算機輔助設計 S - 0 jì suàn jī fǔ zhù shè jì f /CAD computer-aided design/ 计算机集成制造 計算機集成制造 S - 0 jì suàn jī jí chéng zhì zào f /computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM)/ 计议 計議 S - 305 jì yì f /to deliberate/to talk over/to plan/ 计谋 計謀 S - 180 jì móu f /stratagem/scheme/ 计较 計較 S 3903 692 jì jiào f /to bother about/to haggle/to bicker/to argue/plan/stratagem/ 计都 計都 S - 0 jì dū f /concept from Vedic astronomy (Sanskrit Ketu), the opposite point to 羅睺|罗睺[luo2 hou2]/imaginary star presaging disaster/ 计量 計量 S - 526 jì liàng f /measurement/to calculate/ 计量制 計量制 S - 0 jì liàng zhì f /system of weights and measures/ 计量棒 計量棒 S - 0 jì liàng bàng f /measuring rod/dipstick/ 订 訂 S - 1545 dìng f /to agree/to conclude/to draw up/to subscribe to (a newspaper etc)/to order/ 订书机 訂書機 S - 3 dìng shū jī f /stapler/stapling machine/bookbinding machine/CL:臺|台[tai2]/ 订书针 訂書針 S - 3 dìng shū zhēn f /staple/ 订书钉 訂書釘 S - 0 dìng shū dīng f /staple (stationery)/ 订位 訂位 S - 3 dìng wèi f /to reserve a seat/to book a table/reservation/ 订做 訂做 S - 26 dìng zuò f /to make to order/to have sth made to order/ 订出 訂出 S - 3 dìng chū f /to lay down (a rule, a plan of action)/to draw up/booked out (i.e. already fully booked)/ 订制 訂製 S - 52 dìng zhì f /custom-made/made-to-order/to have something custom made/also written 定製|定制/ 订单 訂單 S - 300 dìng dān f /(purchase) order/ 订单号 訂單號 S - 3 dìng dān hào f /order number/ 订婚 訂婚 S - 136 dìng hūn f /to get engaged/ 订定 訂定 S - 3 dìng dìng f /to set/to designate/to stipulate/to provide/to draw up/to formulate (rules etc)/stipulation/ 订户 訂戶 S - 35 dìng hù f /subscriber (to a newspaper or periodical)/ 订房 訂房 S - 0 dìng fáng f /to reserve a room/ 订明 訂明 S - 0 dìng míng f /to stipulate/to state expressly/to explicitly provide for/ 订正 訂正 S - 61 dìng zhèng f /to make a correction/ 订票 訂票 S - 83 dìng piào f /to book tickets/to issue tickets/ 订立 訂立 S - 713 dìng lì f /to conclude (treaty, contract, agreement etc)/to set up (a rule etc)/ 订货 訂貨 S - 251 dìng huò f /to order goods/to place an order/ 订购 訂購 S - 316 dìng gòu f /to place an order/to subscribe/ 订购者 訂購者 S - 6 dìng gòu zhě f /subscriber/ 订费 訂費 S - 3 dìng fèi f /subscription (rate)/ 订金 訂金 S - 7 dìng jīn f /an initial payment/earnest money/deposit/ 订阅 訂閱 S - 75 dìng yuè f /subscription/to subscribe to/ 讣 訃 S - 42 fù f /to report a bereavement/obituary/ 讣告 訃告 S - 41 fù gào f /obituary/ 讣文 訃文 S - 2 fù wén f /obituary notice/ 讣闻 訃聞 S - 6 fù wén f /obituary/ 认 認 S - 2506 rèn f /to recognize/to know/to admit/ 认为 認為 S 325 30204 rèn wéi f /to believe/to think/to consider/to feel/ 认亲 認親 S - 31 rèn qīn f /to visit new in-laws after a marriage/ 认人 認人 S - 3 rèn rén f /to recognize people (of babies)/to be able to tell people apart/ 认人儿 認人兒 S - 0 rèn rén r f /erhua variant of 認人|认人[ren4 ren2]/ 认作 認作 S - 3 rèn zuò f /to regard as/to view/to consider sth as/to treat as/ 认养 認養 S - 2 rèn yǎng f /to sponsor/to adopt (pledge to give sb or sth one's special attention or support)/to adopt (choose to raise a child or animal as one's own)/ 认准 認準 S - 66 rèn zhǔn f /to identify clearly/to make sure of/to believe firmly/ 认出 認出 S - 572 rèn chū f /recognition/to recognize/ 认可 認可 S 3321 918 rèn kě f /to approve/approval/acknowledgment/OK/ 认同 認同 S - 705 rèn tóng f /to approve of/to endorse/to acknowledge/to recognize/to identify oneself with/ 认命 認命 S - 56 rèn mìng f /to accept misfortunes as decreed by fate/to be resigned to sth/ 认头 認頭 S - 3 rèn tóu f /to accept defeat/to recognize losing/ 认字 認字 S - 34 rèn zì f /literate/knowing how to read/ 认定 認定 S 3150 1464 rèn dìng f /to maintain (that sth is true)/to determine (a fact)/determination (of an amount)/of the firm opinion/to believe firmly/to set one's mind on/to identify with/ 认床 認床 S - 0 rèn chuáng f /to have difficulties sleeping in a bed other than one's own/ 认得 認得 S - 1340 rèn de f /to recognize/to remember sth (or sb) on seeing it/to know/ 认明 認明 S - 3 rèn míng f /to identify/to authenticate/ 认栽 認栽 S - 3 rèn zāi f /to admit defeat/ 认死扣儿 認死扣兒 S - 0 rèn sǐ kòu r f /stubborn/ 认死理 認死理 S - 3 rèn sǐ lǐ f /obstinate/opinionated/ 认死理儿 認死理兒 S - 0 rèn sǐ lǐ r f /erhua variant of 認死理|认死理[ren4 si3 li3]/ 认清 認清 S - 251 rèn qīng f /to see clearly/to recognize/ 认生 認生 S - 14 rèn shēng f /shy with strangers/ 认真 認真 S 454 4703 rèn zhēn f /conscientious/earnest/serious/to take seriously/to take to heart/ 认知 認知 S - 440 rèn zhī f /cognition/to acknowledge/ 认知失调 認知失調 S - 3 rèn zhī shī tiáo f /cognitive dissonance/ 认知心理学 認知心理學 S - 0 rèn zhī xīn lǐ xué f /cognitive psychology/ 认知神经心理学 認知神經心理學 S - 0 rèn zhī shén jīng xīn lǐ xué f /cognitive neuropsychology/ 认缴资本 認繳資本 S - 0 rèn jiǎo zī běn f /subscribed capital (finance)/ 认罚 認罰 S - 3 rèn fá f /to accept punishment/ 认罪 認罪 S - 60 rèn zuì f /to admit guilt/to plead guilty/ 认罪协商 認罪協商 S - 0 rèn zuì xié shāng f /plea bargain/ 认脚 認腳 S - 0 rèn jiǎo f /to know your right shoe from your left (colloquial)/to know which of two you want/ 认证 認證 S - 1170 rèn zhèng f /to authenticate/to approve/ 认识 認識 S 76 8901 rèn shi f /to know/to recognize/to be familiar with/to get acquainted with sb/knowledge/understanding/awareness/cognition/ 认识不能 認識不能 S - 0 rèn shi bù néng f /agnosia/ 认识论 認識論 S - 272 rèn shi lùn f /epistemology (in philosophy, the theory of how we know things)/ 认账 認賬 S - 45 rèn zhàng f /to own up to a fault/to admit the truth/to acknowledge a debt/ 认购 認購 S - 268 rèn gòu f /to undertake to purchase sth/to subscribe (to share issue)/ 认贼作父 認賊作父 S - 33 rèn zéi zuò fù f /lit. to acknowledge the bandit as one's father (idiom); fig. a complete betrayal/to sell oneself to the enemy/ 认赔 認賠 S - 3 rèn péi f /to agree to pay compensation/to accept liability/ 认输 認輸 S - 285 rèn shū f /to concede/to admit defeat/ 认错 認錯 S - 280 rèn cuò f /to admit an error/to acknowledge one's mistake/ 认领 認領 S - 37 rèn lǐng f /to claim (as one's property)/to adopt (a child)/to accept (an illegitimate child as one's own)/ 讥 譏 S - 136 jī f /to ridicule/ 讥刺 譏刺 S - 140 jī cì f /to ridicule/to mock/ 讥笑 譏笑 S 4697 160 jī xiào f /to sneer/ 讥讽 譏諷 S - 193 jī fěng f /to satirize/to ridicule/to mock/ 讥诮 譏誚 S - 26 jī qiào f /cynical/ 讦 訐 S - 26 jié f /to accuse/to pry/ 讧 訌 S - 15 hòng f /strife/disorder/rioting/fighting/ 讨 討 S - 2229 tǎo f /to invite/to provoke/to demand or ask for/to send armed forces to suppress/to denounce or condemn/to marry (a woman)/to discuss or study/ 讨乞 討乞 S - 3 tǎo qǐ f /to go begging/to ask for alms/ 讨人 討人 S - 0 tǎo rén f /(old) girl trafficked into a brothel to work as prostitute/ 讨人厌 討人厭 S - 3 tǎo rén yàn f /horrid/ 讨人喜欢 討人喜歡 S - 45 tǎo rén xǐ huan f /to attract people's affection/charming/delightful/ 讨人嫌 討人嫌 S - 10 tǎo rén xián f /unpleasant/disagreeable/ 讨价还价 討價還價 S 2268 185 tǎo jià huán jià f /to haggle over price/ 讨伐 討伐 S - 385 tǎo fá f /to suppress by armed force/to send a punitive expedition against/to crusade against/ 讨便宜 討便宜 S - 7 tǎo pián yi f /to look for a bargain/to seek advantage/to try to gain at expense of others/ 讨俏 討俏 S - 0 tǎo qiào f /deliberately provocative/saucy/ 讨保 討保 S - 0 tǎo bǎo f /to ask for bail money/ 讨债 討債 S - 152 tǎo zhài f /to demand repayment/ 讨厌 討厭 S 697 745 tǎo yàn f /to dislike/to loathe/disagreeable/troublesome/annoying/ 讨厌鬼 討厭鬼 S - 8 tǎo yàn guǐ f /disgusting person/slob/ 讨取 討取 S - 3 tǎo qǔ f /to ask for/to demand/ 讨吃 討吃 S - 3 tǎo chī f /to beg for food/ 讨好 討好 S 3587 539 tǎo hǎo f /to get the desired outcome/to win favor by fawning on sb/to curry favor with/a fruitful outcome to reward one's labor/ 讨好卖乖 討好賣乖 S - 3 tǎo hǎo mài guāi f /to curry favor by showing obeisance (idiom)/ 讨嫌 討嫌 S - 10 tǎo xián f /disagreeable/hateful/a pain in the neck/ 讨小 討小 S - 0 tǎo xiǎo f /(coll.) to take a concubine/ 讨巧 討巧 S - 9 tǎo qiǎo f /to act cleverly to get what one desires/to get the best at least expense/ 讨平 討平 S - 3 tǎo píng f /to put down (an uprising)/to pacify/ 讨底 討底 S - 0 tǎo dǐ f /to enquire/to demand details/ 讨底儿 討底兒 S - 0 tǎo dǐ r f /erhua variant of 討底|讨底[tao3 di3]/ 讨扰 討擾 S - 3 tǎo rǎo f /I beg to disturb you/I trespass on your hospitality/Thank you for your hospitality!/ 讨教 討教 S - 120 tǎo jiào f /to consult/to ask for advice/ 讨海 討海 S - 0 tǎo hǎi f /to make one's living from the sea/ 讨生活 討生活 S - 18 tǎo shēng huó f /to eke out a living/to live from hand to mouth/to drift aimlessly/ 讨究 討究 S - 3 tǎo jiū f /to investigate/ 讨米 討米 S - 3 tǎo mǐ f /to beg for food/ 讨论 討論 S 780 6464 tǎo lùn f /to discuss/to talk over/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 讨论会 討論會 S - 122 tǎo lùn huì f /symposium/discussion forum/ 讨论区 討論區 S - 3 tǎo lùn qū f /forum (esp. online)/discussion area/feedback/ 讨论班 討論班 S - 0 tǎo lùn bān f /seminar/workshop/ 讨账 討賬 S - 5 tǎo zhàng f /to demand payment/to collect overdue payment/ 讨还 討還 S - 43 tǎo huán f /to ask for sth back/to recover/ 讨饭 討飯 S - 115 tǎo fàn f /to ask for food/to beg/ 讨饶 討饒 S - 50 tǎo ráo f /to beg for mercy/to ask for forgiveness/ 让 讓 S 158 50310 ràng f /to yield/to permit/to let sb do sth/to have sb do sth/to make sb (feel sad etc)/ 让人羡慕 讓人羨慕 S - 0 ràng rén xiàn mù f /enviable/to be admired/ 让位 讓位 S - 178 ràng wèi f /to abdicate/to yield/ 让坐 讓坐 S - 0 ràng zuò f /to give up one's seat/to be seated/ 让座 讓座 S - 35 ràng zuò f /to give up one's seat for sb/ 让开 讓開 S - 144 ràng kāi f /to get out of the way/to step aside/ 让步 讓步 S 3699 376 ràng bù f /to concede/to give in/to yield/a concession/ 让步地 讓步地 S - 0 ràng bù de f /concessively (linguistic term)/yieldingly/ 让烟 讓煙 S - 0 ràng yān f /to offer a cigarette/ 让球 讓球 S - 0 ràng qiú f /to concede points (in a game)/ 让畔 讓畔 S - 0 ràng pàn f /to be accommodating in negotiating the boundary of one's field/fig. (of farmers in ancient times) to be good-hearted and honest/ 让胡路 讓胡路 S - 0 Ràng hú lù f /Ranghulu district of Daqing city 大慶|大庆[Da4 qing4], Heilongjiang/ 让胡路区 讓胡路區 S - 0 Ràng hú lù qū f /Ranghulu district of Daqing city 大慶|大庆[Da4 qing4], Heilongjiang/ 让贤与能 讓賢與能 S - 0 ràng xián yǔ néng f /to step aside and give a more worthy person a chance (idiom)/ 让路 讓路 S - 115 ràng lù f /to make way (for sth)/ 讪 訕 S - 232 shàn f /to mock/to ridicule/to slander/ 讪笑 訕笑 S - 37 shàn xiào f /to ridicule/to mock/ 讪脸 訕臉 S - 0 shàn liǎn f /impudent/ 讪讪 訕訕 S - 3 shàn shàn f /embarrassed/ 讫 訖 S - 230 qì f /finished/ 讬 託 S - 3283 tuō f /variant of 託|托[tuo1]/ 训 訓 S - 1058 xùn f /to teach/to train/to admonish/instruction (from superiors)/teachings/rule/ 训令 訓令 S - 43 xùn lìng f /order/instruction/ 训兽术 訓獸術 S - 0 xùn shòu shù f /animal training/taming wild beast (e.g. lion-taming)/ 训导处 訓導處 S - 3 xùn dǎo chù f /dean of students office (Tw)/ 训导职务 訓導職務 S - 0 xùn dǎo zhí wù f /ministry/the teaching of a religious leader/ 训戒 訓戒 S - 5 xùn jiè f /variant of 訓誡|训诫[xun4 jie4]/ 训斥 訓斥 S - 244 xùn chì f /to reprimand/to rebuke/to berate/stern criticism/ 训条 訓條 S - 0 xùn tiáo f /instruction/order/maxim/ 训民正音 訓民正音 S - 0 Xùn mín Zhèng yīn f /Korean text HunMin JongUm promulgated by Sejong Daewang in 1418 to introduce hangeul/ 训示 訓示 S - 38 xùn shì f /to admonish/instructions/orders/ 训练 訓練 S 1316 7829 xùn liàn f /to train/to drill/training/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 训练者 訓練者 S - 3 xùn liàn zhě f /trainer/ 训练营 訓練營 S - 32 xùn liàn yíng f /training camp/ 训育 訓育 S - 4 xùn yù f /pedagogy/to instruct and guide/ 训诂 訓詁 S - 157 xùn gǔ f /to interpret and make glossaries and commentaries on classic texts/ 训诂学 訓詁學 S - 3 xùn gǔ xué f /study of classic texts, including interpretation, glossaries and commentaries/ 训词 訓詞 S - 6 xùn cí f /instruction/admonition/ 训话 訓話 S - 91 xùn huà f /to admonish subordinates/ 训诫 訓誡 S - 59 xùn jiè f /to reprimand/to admonish/to lecture sb/ 训迪 訓迪 S - 3 xùn dí f /guidance/to instruct/pedagogy/ 训释 訓釋 S - 0 xùn shì f /to explain/to interpret/interpretation/ 议 議 S - 2216 yì f /to comment on/to discuss/to suggest/ 议事 議事 S - 1840 yì shì f /to discuss official business/ 议付 議付 S - 3 yì fù f /negotiation (finance)/ 议价 議價 S - 18 yì jià f /to bargain/to negotiate a price/ 议会 議會 S - 3669 yì huì f /parliament/legislative assembly/ 议会制 議會制 S - 80 yì huì zhì f /parliamentary system/ 议决 議決 S - 82 yì jué f /to decide (in a meeting)/to resolve (i.e. pass a resolution)/ 议员 議員 S - 1333 yì yuán f /member (of a legislative body)/representative/ 议和 議和 S - 470 yì hé f /to negotiate peace/ 议定 議定 S - 322 yì dìng f /to reach an agreement/to agree upon/ 议定书 議定書 S - 141 yì dìng shū f /protocol/treaty/ 议席 議席 S - 103 yì xí f /seat in a parliament or legislative assembly/ 议政 議政 S - 285 yì zhèng f /to discuss politics/ 议案 議案 S - 2909 yì àn f /proposal/motion/ 议程 議程 S - 681 yì chéng f /agenda/agenda item/ 议论 議論 S 2341 1678 yì lùn f /to comment/to talk about/to discuss/discussion/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 议论纷纷 議論紛紛 S - 124 yì lùn fēn fēn f /to discuss spiritedly (idiom)/tongues are wagging/ 议论纷错 議論紛錯 S - 3 yì lùn fēn cuò f /see 議論紛紛|议论纷纷[yi4 lun4 fen1 fen1]/ 议长 議長 S - 376 yì zhǎng f /chairman (of a legislative assembly)/speaker/ 议院 議院 S - 95 yì yuàn f /parliament/congress/legislative assembly/ 议题 議題 S - 523 yì tí f /topic of discussion/topic/subject/issue (under discussion)/CL:項|项[xiang4]/ 讯 訊 S - 4086 xùn f /to question/to ask/to interrogate/rapid/speedy/fast/news/information/ 讯号 訊號 S - 32 xùn hào f /signal/ 讯息 訊息 S - 411 xùn xī f /information/news/message/text message or SMS/ 讯息原 訊息原 S - 0 xùn xī yuán f /information source/ 讯框中继 訊框中繼 S - 0 xùn kuàng zhōng jì f /frame relay (telecommunications)/ 讯问 訊問 S - 38 xùn wèn f /to interrogate/to ask about/ 记 記 S - 7460 jì f /to record/to note/to remember/mark/sign/classifier for blows, kicks, shots/ 记不住 記不住 S - 3 jì bu zhù f /can't remember/ 记为 記為 S - 3 jì wéi f /denoted by/ 记事 記事 S - 147 jì shì f /to keep a record of events/record/to start to form memories (after one's infancy)/ 记事册 記事冊 S - 0 jì shì cè f /notebook containing a record/ 记事本 記事本 S - 24 jì shì běn f /notebook/paper notepad/laptop computer/ 记事簿 記事簿 S - 18 jì shì bù f /a memo book (recording events)/ 记仇 記仇 S - 48 jì chóu f /to hold a grudge/ 记传 記傳 S - 0 jì zhuàn f /history and biography/ 记住 記住 S - 1204 jì zhu f /to remember/to bear in mind/to learn by heart/ 记作 記作 S - 3 jì zuò f /to denote/denoted by/written/ 记叙 記敘 S - 67 jì xù f /to narrate/narrative/ 记叙文 記敘文 S - 42 jì xù wén f /narrative writing/written narration/ 记号 記號 S - 392 jì hao f /notation/seal/ 记号笔 記號筆 S - 2 jì hao bǐ f /(permanent) marker (pen)/ 记帐 記帳 S - 3 jì zhàng f /charge/ 记帐员 記帳員 S - 0 jì zhàng yuán f /bookkeeper/ 记录 記錄 S 1253 3466 jì lù f /to record/record (written account)/note-taker/record (in sports etc)/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 记录员 記錄員 S - 7 jì lù yuán f /recorder/ 记录器 記錄器 S - 32 jì lù qì f /recorder/ 记录片 記錄片 S - 18 jì lù piàn f /variant of 紀錄片|纪录片[ji4 lu4 pian4]/ 记得 記得 S 346 2545 jì de f /to remember/ 记忆 記憶 S 1395 1574 jì yì f /to remember/to recall/memory/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 记忆体 記憶體 S - 3 jì yì tǐ f /(computer) memory/ 记忆力 記憶力 S - 196 jì yì lì f /faculty of memory/ability to remember/ 记忆器 記憶器 S - 0 jì yì qì f /memristor (memory transistor)/ 记忆广度 記憶廣度 S - 0 jì yì guǎng dù f /memory span/ 记忆犹新 記憶猶新 S - 104 jì yì yóu xīn f /to remain fresh in one's memory (idiom)/ 记忆电路 記憶電路 S - 3 jì yì diàn lù f /memory circuit/ 记念 記念 S - 12 jì niàn f /variant of 紀念|纪念[ji4 nian4]/ 记念品 記念品 S - 0 jì niàn pǐn f /souvenir/memorabilia/ 记性 記性 S 3948 169 jì xing f /memory (ability to retain information)/ 记恨 記恨 S - 46 jì hèn f /to bear grudges/ 记法 記法 S - 3 jì fǎ f /notation/ 记者 記者 S 888 24649 jì zhě f /reporter/journalist/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 记者会 記者會 S - 724 jì zhě huì f /press conference/ 记者报道 記者報道 S - 0 jì zhě bào dào f /press report/ 记者招待会 記者招待會 S - 0 jì zhě zhāo dài huì f /press conference/ 记者无国界 記者無國界 S - 0 jì zhě wú guó jiè f /Reporters Without Borders (pressure group)/ 记者站 記者站 S - 38 jì zhě zhàn f /correspondent post/correspondent station/ 记谱 記譜 S - 55 jì pǔ f /to notate music/to write a score/ 记谱法 記譜法 S - 0 jì pǔ fǎ f /method of music notation/ 记账 記賬 S - 48 jì zhàng f /to keep accounts/book-keeping/ 记起 記起 S - 3 jì qǐ f /to recall/to recollect/ 记载 記載 S 3568 4784 jì zǎi f /to write down/to record/written account/ 记过 記過 S - 33 jì guò f /to give sb a demerit/ 记述 記述 S - 846 jì shù f /to write an account (of events)/ 讱 訒 S - 0 rèn f /(literary) slow in speech/ 讲 講 S 389 13587 jiǎng f /to speak/to explain/to negotiate/to emphasise/to be particular about/as far as sth is concerned/speech/lecture/ 讲不通 講不通 S - 0 jiǎng bù tōng f /it does not make sense/ 讲义 講義 S - 205 jiǎng yì f /teaching materials/ 讲义气 講義氣 S - 0 jiǎng yì qì f /to be loyal (to one's friends)/to value loyalty/ 讲习 講習 S - 336 jiǎng xí f /to lecture/to instruct/ 讲习会 講習會 S - 11 jiǎng xí huì f /discussion forum/seminar/assembly/ 讲习班 講習班 S - 22 jiǎng xí bān f /instructional workshop/ 讲价 講價 S - 8 jiǎng jià f /to bargain (over price)/to haggle/ 讲到 講到 S - 3 jiǎng dào f /to talk about sth/ 讲台 講臺 S - 198 jiǎng tái f /platform/rostrum/lectern/(teacher's) desk/ 讲史 講史 S - 3 jiǎng shǐ f /historical tales/ 讲和 講和 S - 0 jiǎng hé f /to make peace/to reconcile/ 讲坛 講壇 S - 78 jiǎng tán f /a platform (to speak)/ 讲堂 講堂 S - 24 jiǎng táng f /lecture hall/CL:家[jia1],間|间[jian1]/ 讲学 講學 S - 359 jiǎng xué f /to lecture (on branch of learning)/ 讲师 講師 S - 149 jiǎng shī f /instructor/lecturer/ 讲座 講座 S 2351 447 jiǎng zuò f /a course of lectures/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 讲授 講授 S - 359 jiǎng shòu f /to lecture/to teach (a college course)/ 讲明 講明 S - 46 jiǎng míng f /to explain/ 讲桌 講桌 S - 3 jiǎng zhuō f /lectern/podium/ 讲求 講求 S - 722 jiǎng qiú f /to stress/to emphasize/particular about sth/to strive for/ 讲演 講演 S - 243 jiǎng yǎn f /to lecture/to speak publicly/ 讲理 講理 S - 88 jiǎng lǐ f /to argue/to reason with sb/to talk sense/to be reasonable/ 讲究 講究 S 2390 1572 jiǎng jiu f /to pay particular attention to/carefully selected for quality/tastefully chosen/ 讲筵 講筵 S - 0 jiǎng yán f /the teacher's seat/ 讲解 講解 S - 407 jiǎng jiě f /to explain/ 讲解员 講解員 S - 30 jiǎng jiě yuán f /guide/ 讲论 講論 S - 50 jiǎng lùn f /to discuss/ 讲评 講評 S - 25 jiǎng píng f /to criticize/to evaluate/ 讲话 講話 S - 2555 jiǎng huà f /a speech/to speak/to talk/to address/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 讲课 講課 S - 232 jiǎng kè f /teach/lecture/ 讲辞 講辭 S - 0 jiǎng cí f /lectures/ 讲述 講述 S - 776 jiǎng shù f /to talk about/to narrate/to give an account/ 讲道 講道 S - 66 jiǎng dào f /to preach/a sermon/ 讲闲话 講閒話 S - 0 jiǎng xián huà f /to gossip/to make unfavorable comments/ 讲题 講題 S - 6 jiǎng tí f /topic of a lecture/ 讳 諱 S - 575 huì f /to avoid mentioning/taboo word/name of deceased emperor or superior/ 讳名 諱名 S - 3 huì míng f /taboo name/name of deceased/ 讳疾忌医 諱疾忌醫 S - 9 huì jí jì yī f /hiding a sickness for fear of treatment (idiom); fig. concealing a fault to avoid criticism/to keep one's shortcomings secret/to refuse to listen to advice/ 讳称 諱稱 S - 0 huì chēng f /euphemism/word used to avoid a taboo reference/ 讳莫如深 諱莫如深 S - 49 huì mò rú shēn f /important matter that must be kept secret (idiom); don't breathe a word of it to anyone!/ 讴 謳 S - 12 ōu f /to sing/ballad/folk song/ 讴吟 謳吟 S - 3 ōu yín f /song/chant/rhythmic declamation/ 讴歌 謳歌 S - 112 Oū gē f /Acura (Honda car model)/ 讴歌 謳歌 S - 112 ōu gē t /(literary) to celebrate in song/to eulogize/ 讵 詎 S - 138 jù f /how (interj. of surprise)/ 讶 訝 S - 62 yà f /astounded/ 讶异 訝異 S - 69 yà yì f /to be surprised/to be astonished/ 讷 訥 S - 196 nè f /to speak slowly/inarticulate/ 讷河 訥河 S - 43 Nè hé f /Nehe county level city in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang/ 讷河市 訥河市 S - 3 Nè hé shì f /Nehe county level city in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang/ 讷涩 訥澀 S - 0 nè sè f /clumsy in speech/tongue tied/ 讷讷 訥訥 S - 42 nè nè f /(of speech) indistinct/mumbling/hesitating/ 许 許 S - 2921 Xǔ f /surname Xu/ 许 許 S - 2921 xǔ f /to allow/to permit/to promise/to praise/somewhat/perhaps/ 许下 許下 S - 114 xǔ xià f /to make a promise/ 许下愿心 許下願心 S - 0 xǔ xià yuàn xīn f /to express a wish (to a deity)/ 许久 許久 S - 379 xǔ jiǔ f /for a long time/for ages/ 许亲 許親 S - 0 xǔ qīn f /to accept a marriage proposal/ 许仲琳 許仲琳 S - 4 Xǔ Zhòng lín f /Xu Zhonglin or Chen Zhonglin 陳仲琳|陈仲琳 (c. 1567-c. 1620), Ming novelist, to whom the fantasy novel Investure of the Gods 封神演義|封神演义 is attributed, together with Lu Xixing 陸西星|陆西星/ 许信良 許信良 S - 2 Xǔ Xìn liáng f /Hsu Hsin-liang (1941-), Taiwanese politician/ 许可 許可 S 2877 623 xǔ kě f /to allow/to permit/ 许可协议 許可協議 S - 0 xǔ kě xié yì f /licensing agreement (for intellectual property)/ 许可证 許可證 S - 351 xǔ kě zhèng f /license/authorization/permit/ 许和 許和 S - 0 xǔ hé f /to allow/permit/ 许地山 許地山 S - 5 Xǔ Dì shān f /Xu Dishan (1893-1941), journalist, publisher and novelist/ 许多 許多 S 851 25601 xǔ duō f /many/a lot of/much/ 许婚 許婚 S - 19 xǔ hūn f /to become engaged/to affiance (a daughter)/ 许嫁 許嫁 S - 0 xǔ jià f /allowed to marry/ 许字 許字 S - 2 xǔ zì f /betrothed/ 许廑父 許廑父 S - 0 Xǔ Qín fù f /Xu Qinfu (1891-1953), journalist and writer/ 许愿 許願 S - 106 xǔ yuàn f /to make a wish/to make a vow/to promise a reward/ 许慎 許慎 S - 21 Xǔ Shèn f /Xu Shen (-147) the compiler of the original Han dynasty dictionary Shuowen Jiezi 說文解字|说文解字[Shuo1 wen2 Jie3 zi4]/ 许旺细胞 許旺細胞 S - 0 Xǔ wàng xì bāo f /Schwann cell (support axon of nerve cell)/neurolemmocyte/ 许昌 許昌 S - 243 Xǔ chāng f /Xuchang prefecture level city in north Henan, on the Beijing-Guangzhou railway line/ 许昌县 許昌縣 S - 3 Xǔ chāng xiàn f /Xuchang county in Xuchang city 許昌市|许昌市[Xu3 chang1 shi4], Henan/ 许昌地区 許昌地區 S - 0 Xǔ chāng dì qū f /Xuchang prefecture in Henan/ 许昌市 許昌市 S - 21 Xǔ chāng shì f /Xuchang prefecture level city in north Henan, on the Beijing-Guangzhou railway line/ 许海峰 許海峰 S - 8 Xǔ Hǎi fēng f /Xu Haifeng (1957-), PRC sharpshooter, 50m pistol gold medalist at Los Angeles 1984 Olympics/ 许诺 許諾 S - 246 xǔ nuò f /promise/pledge/ 许配 許配 S - 165 xǔ pèi f /to betroth a girl (in arranged marriages)/ 讹 訛 S - 329 é f /error/false/to extort/ 讹 譌 S - 329 é f /variant of 訛|讹[e2]/ 讹人 訛人 S - 3 é rén f /to blackmail/to extort/ 讹传 訛傳 S - 14 é chuán f /unfounded rumor/ 讹字 訛字 S - 3 é zì f /erroneous character/typographical error/ 讹诈 訛詐 S - 47 é zhà f /to extort under false pretenses/to blackmail/to bluff/to defraud/ 讹误 訛誤 S - 31 é wù f /error in a text/text corruption/ 讹谬 訛謬 S - 3 é miù f /error/mistake/ 论 論 S - 7378 Lún f /abbr. for 論語|论语[Lun2 yu3], The Analects (of Confucius)/ 论 論 S - 7378 lùn t /opinion/view/theory/doctrine/to discuss/to talk about/to regard/to consider/per/by the (kilometer, hour etc)/ 论争 論爭 S - 94 lùn zhēng f /argument/debate/controversy/ 论功 論功 S - 3 lùn gōng f /to evaluate the merit of sth/ 论及 論及 S - 165 lùn jí f /to make reference to/to write about/ 论坛 論壇 S 4072 4009 lùn tán f /forum (for discussion)/ 论坛报 論壇報 S - 3 Lùn tán Bào f /Tribune (in newspaper names)/ 论定 論定 S - 3 lùn dìng f /to make a definitive judgment/to come to a firm conclusion/ 论战 論戰 S - 243 lùn zhàn f /to debate/to contend/polemics/ 论据 論據 S - 133 lùn jù f /grounds (for an argument)/contention/thesis/ 论文 論文 S 1925 1875 lùn wén f /paper/treatise/thesis/CL:篇[pian1]/to discuss a paper or thesis (old)/ 论断 論斷 S - 461 lùn duàn f /to infer/to judge/inference/judgement/conclusion/ 论法 論法 S - 3 lùn fǎ f /argumentation/ 论点 論點 S - 397 lùn diǎn f /argument/line of reasoning/thesis/point (of discussion)/ 论理 論理 S - 70 lùn lǐ f /normally/as things should be/by rights/to reason things out/logic/ 论理学 論理學 S - 10 lùn lǐ xué f /logic/ 论证 論證 S 4615 1425 lùn zhèng f /to prove a point/to expound on/to demonstrate or prove (through argument)/proof/ 论语 論語 S - 265 Lún yǔ f /The Analects of Confucius 孔子[Kong3 zi3]/ 论调 論調 S - 73 lùn diào f /argument/view (sometimes derogatory)/ 论述 論述 S - 2057 lùn shù f /treatise/discourse/exposition/ 论长道短 論長道短 S - 3 lùn cháng dào duǎn f /lit. to discuss sb's merits and demerits (idiom); to gossip/ 论题 論題 S - 468 lùn tí f /topic/ 讼 訟 S - 269 sòng f /litigation/ 讽 諷 S - 94 fěng f /to satirize/to mock/to recite/Taiwan pr. [feng4]/ 讽刺 諷刺 S 1739 812 fěng cì f /to satirize/to mock/irony/satire/sarcasm/ 讽喻 諷喻 S - 29 fěng yù f /parable/allegory/satire/ 讽谏 諷諫 S - 14 fěng jiàn f /(literary) to remonstrate with one's superior tactfully/ 讽谕 諷諭 S - 0 fěng yù f /variant of 諷喻|讽喻[feng3 yu4]/ 设 設 S - 16042 shè f /to set up/to arrange/to establish/to found/to display/ 设伏 設伏 S - 61 shè fú f /to prepare an ambush/to waylay/ 设厂 設廠 S - 41 shè chǎng f /to establish a factory/ 设圈套 設圈套 S - 4 shè quān tào f /to scam/to set a trap/to set up a scheme to defraud people/ 设在 設在 S - 1465 shè zài f /located at/set up in a particular location/ 设备 設備 S 1573 8176 shè bèi f /equipment/facilities/installations/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 设定 設定 S - 406 shè dìng f /to set/to set up/to install/setting/preferences/ 设局 設局 S - 20 shè jú f /to set a trap/ 设岗 設崗 S - 4 shè gǎng f /to post a sentry/ 设想 設想 S 3548 1519 shè xiǎng f /to imagine/to assume/to envisage/tentative plan/to have consideration for/ 设或 設或 S - 0 shè huò f /if/ 设摊 設攤 S - 7 shè tān f /to set up a vendor's stand/ 设施 設施 S 2038 4803 shè shī f /facilities/installation/ 设有 設有 S - 3182 shè yǒu f /to have/to incorporate/to feature/ 设法 設法 S - 1251 shè fǎ f /to try/to make an attempt/to think of a way (to accomplish sth)/ 设立 設立 S 3619 8773 shè lì f /to set up/to establish/ 设置 設置 S 3009 4230 shè zhì f /to set up/to install/ 设色 設色 S - 63 shè sè f /to paint/to color/ 设若 設若 S - 50 shè ruò f /if/ 设计 設計 S 1352 12474 shè jì f /plan/design/to design/to plan/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 设计师 設計師 S - 747 shè jì shī f /designer/architect/ 设计程序 設計程序 S - 0 shè jì chéng xù f /design process/ 设计程式 設計程式 S - 0 shè jì chéng shì f /programming/ 设计者 設計者 S - 501 shè jì zhě f /designer/architect (of a project)/ 设计规范 設計規範 S - 3 shè jì guī fàn f /design norm/planning regulations/ 设身处地 設身處地 S - 58 shè shēn chǔ dì f /to put oneself in sb else's shoes/ 设防 設防 S - 183 shè fáng f /to set up defenses/to fortify/ 访 訪 S - 1446 fǎng f /to visit/to call on/to seek/to inquire/to investigate/ 访亲问友 訪親問友 S - 3 fǎng qīn wèn yǒu f /to visit friends and relations (idiom)/ 访古 訪古 S - 7 fǎng gǔ f /to search for ancient relics/ 访台 訪臺 S - 3 fǎng Tái f /to visit Taiwan/ 访员 訪員 S - 3 fǎng yuán f /field reporter/investigative journalist/ 访客 訪客 S - 24 fǎng kè f /visitor/caller/ 访寻 訪尋 S - 7 fǎng xún f /to enquire/to search/ 访师求学 訪師求學 S - 0 fǎng shī qiú xué f /to seek a teacher desiring to study/ 访朝 訪朝 S - 0 fǎng Cháo f /to visit North Korea/ 访查 訪查 S - 31 fǎng chá f /to investigate/ 访求 訪求 S - 29 fǎng qiú f /to seek/to search for/ 访港 訪港 S - 0 fǎng Gǎng f /to visit Hong Kong/ 访美 訪美 S - 3 fǎng Měi f /to visit the USA/ 访谈 訪談 S - 653 fǎng tán f /to visit and discuss/to interview/ 访贫问苦 訪貧問苦 S - 15 fǎng pín wèn kǔ f /to visit the poor and ask about their suffering (idiom)/ 访问 訪問 S 2966 3086 fǎng wèn f /to visit/to call on/to interview/CL:次[ci4]/ 访问方式 訪問方式 S - 0 fǎng wèn fāng shì f /access method/ 访问者 訪問者 S - 23 fǎng wèn zhě f /interviewer/ 访问量 訪問量 S - 29 fǎng wèn liàng f /(web counter) hits/ 诀 訣 S - 696 jué f /farewell/secrets (of an art)/ 诀别 訣別 S - 59 jué bié f /to bid farewell/to part (usually with little hope of meeting again)/ 诀窍 訣竅 S - 187 jué qiào f /secret/trick/knack/key/ 证 証 S - 3628 zhèng f /to admonish/variant of 證|证[zheng4]/ 证 證 S - 3628 zhèng f /certificate/proof/to prove/to demonstrate/to confirm/variant of 症[zheng4]/ 证书 證書 S 3631 1691 zhèng shū f /credentials/certificate/ 证交会 證交會 S - 3 zhèng jiāo huì f /US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)/ 证交所 證交所 S - 28 zhèng jiāo suǒ f /stock exchange/ 证人 證人 S - 228 zhèng rén f /witness/ 证人席 證人席 S - 3 zhèng rén xí f /witness stand or box/ 证件 證件 S 2008 321 zhèng jiàn f /certificate/papers/credentials/document/ID/ 证券 證券 S - 3575 zhèng quàn f /negotiable security (financial)/certificate/stocks and bonds/ 证券交易所 證券交易所 S - 0 zhèng quàn jiāo yì suǒ f /stock exchange/ 证券代销 證券代銷 S - 0 zhèng quàn dài xiāo f /proxy sale of securities/ 证券公司 證券公司 S - 3 zhèng quàn gōng sī f /securities company/share company/ 证券化率 證券化率 S - 0 zhèng quàn huà lǜ f /securitization ratio/ 证券商 證券商 S - 24 zhèng quàn shāng f /to deal in securities/share dealing/brokering/ 证券委 證券委 S - 10 zhèng quàn wěi f /securities commission/abbr. for 證券委員會|证券委员会/ 证券委员会 證券委員會 S - 0 zhèng quàn wěi yuán huì f /securities commission (of the State Council)/ 证券市场 證券市場 S - 3 zhèng quàn shì chǎng f /financial market/ 证券柜台买卖中心 證券櫃檯買賣中心 S - 0 Zhèng quàn Guì tái Mǎi mài Zhōng xīn f /GreTai Securities Market (GTSM)/ 证券经纪人 證券經紀人 S - 0 zhèng quàn jīng jì rén f /stockbroker/ 证券经营 證券經營 S - 0 zhèng quàn jīng yíng f /to deal in securities/share dealing/brokering/ 证奴 證奴 S - 0 zhèng nú f /"a slave to certificates", sb who does one's utmost to obtain as many certificates as possible so to be more employable/ 证婚 證婚 S - 6 zhèng hūn f /to be witness (at a wedding)/ 证婚人 證婚人 S - 12 zhèng hūn rén f /wedding witness/ 证实 證實 S 2680 1611 zhèng shí f /to confirm (sth to be true)/to verify/ 证实礼 證實禮 S - 0 zhèng shí lǐ f /confirmation/ 证据 證據 S 1239 1486 zhèng jù f /evidence/proof/testimony/ 证明 證明 S 691 6425 zhèng míng f /proof/certificate/identification/testimonial/CL:個|个[ge4]/to prove/to testify/to confirm the truth of/ 证明书 證明書 S - 57 zhèng míng shū f /certificate/ 证明力 證明力 S - 0 zhèng míng lì f /probative value/strength of evidence in legal proof/relevance/ 证明完毕 證明完畢 S - 0 zhèng míng wán bì f /QED/end of proof (math.)/ 证明文件 證明文件 S - 3 zhèng míng wén jiàn f /identification document/documentary proof/ 证照 證照 S - 32 zhèng zhào f /professional certification/certificate/ID or passport photo/ 证物 證物 S - 12 zhèng wù f /exhibit (law)/ 证监会 證監會 S - 180 Zhèng jiān huì f /China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)/abbr. for 中國證券監督管理委員會|中国证券监督管理委员会[Zhong1 guo2 Zheng4 quan4 Jian1 du1 Guan3 li3 Wei3 yuan2 hui4]/ 证章 證章 S - 15 zhèng zhāng f /badge/ 证言 證言 S - 35 zhèng yán f /testimony/ 证词 證詞 S - 107 zhèng cí f /testimony/ 证验 證驗 S - 3 zhèng yàn f /real results/to verify/ 诂 詁 S - 25 gǔ f /to comment/to explain/ 诃 訶 S - 196 hē f /to scold/ 诃叱 訶叱 S - 0 hē chì f /variant of 呵斥[he1 chi4]/ 诃斥 訶斥 S - 0 hē chì f /variant of 呵斥[he1 chi4]/ 诃谴 訶譴 S - 0 hē qiǎn f /variant of 呵譴|呵谴[he1 qian3]/ 评 評 S - 1313 píng f /to discuss/to comment/to criticize/to judge/to choose (by public appraisal)/ 评为 評為 S - 2005 píng wéi f /to elect as/to choose as/to consider as/ 评书 評書 S - 81 píng shū f /pingshu, a folk art where a single performer narrates stories from history or fiction/ 评事 評事 S - 0 píng shì f /to discuss and evaluate/to appraise/ 评介 評介 S - 45 píng jiè f /to review (a book)/ 评价 評價 S 1692 3476 píng jià f /to evaluate/to assess/ 评价分类 評價分類 S - 0 píng jià fēn lèi f /rank, classify/ 评估 評估 S 2906 1419 píng gū f /to evaluate/to assess/assessment/evaluation/ 评分 評分 S - 155 píng fēn f /to grade/to mark (student's work)/grade/score (of student's work)/ 评判 評判 S - 293 píng pàn f /to judge (a competition)/to appraise/ 评头品足 評頭品足 S - 8 píng tóu pǐn zú f /to make idle remarks about a woman's appearance (idiom)/ 评头论足 評頭論足 S - 15 píng tóu lùn zú f /lit. to assess the head and discuss the feet (idiom); minute criticism of a woman's appearance/fig. to find fault in minor details/to remark upon a person's appearance/nit-picking/over-critical/judgmental/ 评委 評委 S - 175 píng wěi f /evaluation committee/judging panel/judging panel member/adjudicator/abbr. for 評選委員會委員|评选委员会委员[ping2 xuan3 wei3 yuan2 hui4 wei3 yuan2]/ 评定 評定 S - 345 píng dìng f /to evaluate/to make one's judgment/ 评审 評審 S - 597 píng shěn f /to appraise/to evaluate/to judge/ 评审团 評審團 S - 11 píng shěn tuán f /jury/panel of judges/ 评审团特别奖 評審團特別獎 S - 0 píng shěn tuán tè bié jiǎng f /Special Jury Prize/ 评断 評斷 S - 49 píng duàn f /to judge/ 评比 評比 S - 154 píng bǐ f /to evaluate (by comparison)/ 评注 評註 S - 22 píng zhù f /to annotate/annotation/commentary/remark/ 评点 評點 S - 99 píng diǎn f /to comment/a point by point commentary/ 评理 評理 S - 50 píng lǐ f /to judge between right and wrong/to reason things out/ 评章 評章 S - 0 píng zhāng f /to appraise/ 评级 評級 S - 273 píng jí f /rating/ 评议 評議 S - 268 píng yì f /to appraise through discussion/ 评议会 評議會 S - 23 píng yì huì f /council/ 评论 評論 S 2810 2189 píng lùn f /to comment on/to discuss/comment/commentary/CL:篇[pian1]/ 评论家 評論家 S - 250 píng lùn jiā f /critic/reviewer/ 评话 評話 S - 55 píng huà f /storytelling dramatic art dating back to Song and Yuan periods, single narrator without music, often historical topics with commentary/ 评语 評語 S - 141 píng yǔ f /comment/evaluation/ 评说 評說 S - 201 píng shuō f /to comment/to evaluate/ 评述 評述 S - 164 píng shù f /to comment on/commentary/ 评选 評選 S - 858 píng xuǎn f /to select on the basis of a vote or consensus/ 评鉴 評鑒 S - 3 píng jiàn f /evaluation/assessment/ 评阅 評閱 S - 11 píng yuè f /to read and appraise/ 评骘 評騭 S - 0 píng zhì f /to evaluate/to appraise/ 诅 詛 S - 25 zǔ f /curse/swear (oath)/ 诅咒 詛咒 S - 263 zǔ zhòu f /to curse/ 识 識 S - 2793 shí f /to know/knowledge/Taiwan pr. [shi4]/ 识 識 S - 2793 zhì f /to record/to write a footnote/ 识别 識別 S 3160 1112 shí bié f /to distinguish/to discern/ 识别号 識別號 S - 0 shí bié hào f /identifier/ 识别码 識別碼 S - 15 shí bié mǎ f /identifier/ 识力 識力 S - 0 shí lì f /discernment/the ability to judge well/ 识多才广 識多才廣 S - 3 shí duō cái guǎng f /knowledgeable and versatile/ 识字 識字 S - 255 shí zì f /to learn to read/ 识字率 識字率 S - 13 shí zì lǜ f /literacy rate/ 识度 識度 S - 0 shí dù f /knowledge and experience/ 识得 識得 S - 3 shí de f /to know/ 识微见几 識微見幾 S - 3 shí wēi jiàn jǐ f /lit. see a tiny bit and understand everything (idiom)/ 识才 識才 S - 3 shí cái f /to recognize talent/ 识才尊贤 識才尊賢 S - 3 shí cái zūn xián f /to recognize talent and have great respect for it/ 识数 識數 S - 3 shí shù f /to know how to count and do sums/numerate/numeracy/ 识文断字 識文斷字 S - 17 shí wén duàn zì f /literate/a cultured person/ 识时务 識時務 S - 58 shí shí wù f /to have a clear view of things/to adapt to circumstances/ 识时务者为俊杰 識時務者為俊傑 S - 18 shí shí wù zhě wèi jùn jié f /Only an outstanding talent can recognize current trends (idiom). A wise man submits to circumstances./ 识时达务 識時達務 S - 3 shí shí dá wù f /understanding/to know what's up/ 识时通变 識時通變 S - 3 shí shí tōng biàn f /understanding and adaptable/ 识相 識相 S - 70 shí xiàng f /sensitive/tactful/ 识破 識破 S - 198 shí pò f /to penetrate/to see through/ 识破机关 識破機關 S - 0 shí pò jī guān f /to see through a trick/ 识羞 識羞 S - 3 shí xiū f /to know shame/to feel shame (often with a negative, shameless)/ 识荆 識荊 S - 13 shí jīng f /It is a great honor to meet you./ 识荆恨晚 識荊恨晚 S - 0 shí jīng hèn wǎn f /It is a great honor to meet you and I regret it is not sooner/ 识见 識見 S - 78 shí jiàn f /knowledge and experience/ 识货 識貨 S - 55 shí huò f /to know what's what/ 识趣 識趣 S - 40 shí qù f /tactful/discreet/ 识途老马 識途老馬 S - 4 shí tú lǎo mǎ f /lit. an old horse knows the way home (idiom); fig. in difficulty, trust an experience colleague/ 诇 詗 S - 0 xiòng f /(literary) to spy/to pry into/ 诈 詐 S - 427 zhà f /to cheat/to swindle/to pretend/to feign/to draw sb out/to try to extract information by deceit or bluff/ 诈冒 詐冒 S - 0 zhà mào f /to claim ownership (of stolen goods)/ 诈取 詐取 S - 12 zhà qǔ f /to swindle/to defraud/ 诈唬 詐唬 S - 4 zhà hu f /to bluff/to bluster/to intimidate/ 诈尸 詐屍 S - 41 zhà shī f /sudden movement of a corpse (superstition)/fig. sudden torrent of abuse/ 诈晴 詐晴 S - 0 zhà qíng f /to clear up (of weather after rain)/ 诈欺 詐欺 S - 90 zhà qī f /fraud/deception/ 诈死 詐死 S - 13 zhà sǐ f /to feign death/to fake death/ 诈病 詐病 S - 4 zhà bìng f /to feign illness/to malinger/ 诈语 詐語 S - 3 zhà yǔ f /falsehood/lies/fabrication/ 诈降 詐降 S - 54 zhà xiáng f /feigned surrender/ 诈领 詐領 S - 0 zhà lǐng f /to defraud/to obtain by fraud/to embezzle/fraudulent/ 诈骗 詐騙 S 3359 201 zhà piàn f /to defraud/to swindle/to blackmail/ 诈骗罪 詐騙罪 S - 5 zhà piàn zuì f /fraud/ 诉 訴 S - 498 sù f /to complain/to sue/to tell/ 诉冤 訴冤 S - 14 sù yuān f /to complain/to vent one's grievances/ 诉愿 訴願 S - 10 sù yuàn f /to appeal/an appeal (law)/ 诉求 訴求 S - 87 sù qiú f /to appeal/to demand (an answer)/requirement/demand/claim/appeal/(marketing) message/ 诉状 訴狀 S - 63 sù zhuàng f /indictment/plea/complaint/ 诉苦 訴苦 S - 174 sù kǔ f /to grumble/to complain/grievance/ 诉论 訴論 S - 0 sù lùn f /lawsuit/legal action/accusation/ 诉讼 訴訟 S 2800 1569 sù sòng f /lawsuit/ 诉讼中 訴訟中 S - 0 sù sòng zhōng f /pendente lite/during litigation/ 诉讼法 訴訟法 S - 66 sù sòng fǎ f /procedural law/ 诉说 訴說 S - 362 sù shuō f /to tell sb/ 诉诸 訴諸 S - 97 sù zhū f /to appeal (to reason, sentiment, charity etc)/to resort to (a course of action)/ 诉诸公论 訴諸公論 S - 0 sù zhū gōng lùn f /to appeal to the public/ 诉述 訴述 S - 3 sù shù f /to narrate/to tell of/ 诊 診 S - 365 zhěn f /to examine or treat medically/ 诊室 診室 S - 23 zhěn shì f /consulting room/ 诊所 診所 S - 164 zhěn suǒ f /clinic/ 诊断 診斷 S 1889 1714 zhěn duàn f /diagnosis/to diagnose/ 诊治 診治 S - 223 zhěn zhì f /to diagnose and treat/ 诊疗 診療 S - 119 zhěn liáo f /diagnosis and treatment/ 诊脉 診脈 S - 33 zhěn mài f /to feel the pulse (TCM)/Taiwan pr. [zhen3 mo4]/ 诊费 診費 S - 21 zhěn fèi f /medical fees/ 诊间 診間 S - 0 zhěn jiān f /examination room (in a doctor's office)/ 诋 詆 S - 26 dǐ f /to defame/to slander/ 诋毁 詆毀 S - 77 dǐ huǐ f /to vilify/to slander/vilification/ 诌 謅 S - 63 zhōu f /to make up (a story)/Taiwan pr. [zou1]/ 词 䛐 S - 5735 cí f /old variant of 詞|词[ci2]/ 词 詞 S - 5735 cí f /word/statement/speech/lyrics/CL:組|组[zu3],個|个[ge4]/classical Chinese poem/CL:首[shou3]/ 词不达意 詞不達意 S - 6 cí bù dá yì f /words do not convey the meaning/poorly expressed/senseless/inarticulate/ 词义 詞義 S - 113 cí yì f /meaning of a word/ 词人 詞人 S - 125 cí rén f /writer of 詞|词[ci2] (a kind of classical Chinese poem)/person of literary talent/ 词人墨客 詞人墨客 S - 0 cí rén mò kè f /sb of literary abilities (idiom)/ 词令 詞令 S - 8 cí lìng f /appropriate language/manners in talking with sb/variant of 辭令|辞令[ci2 ling4]/ 词优效应 詞優效應 S - 0 cí yōu xiào yìng f /word superiority effect/ 词位 詞位 S - 0 cí wèi f /lexeme/ 词典 詞典 S 597 838 cí diǎn f /dictionary (of Chinese compound words)/also written 辭典|辞典[ci2 dian3]/CL:部[bu4],本[ben3]/ 词典学 詞典學 S - 3 cí diǎn xué f /lexicography/ 词句 詞句 S - 150 cí jù f /words and sentences/ 词头 詞頭 S - 8 cí tóu f /prefix/ 词尾 詞尾 S - 32 cí wěi f /suffix/ 词干 詞幹 S - 10 cí gàn f /word stem (in linguistics)/ 词干启动 詞幹啟動 S - 0 cí gàn qǐ dòng f /stem priming/ 词序 詞序 S - 28 cí xù f /word order/ 词库 詞庫 S - 3 cí kù f /word stock/lexicon/ 词形 詞形 S - 21 cí xíng f /form of words (e.g. inflection, conjugation)/morphology (linguistics)/ 词性 詞性 S - 13 cí xìng f /part of speech (noun, verb, adjective etc)/lexical category/ 词性标注 詞性標註 S - 0 cí xìng biāo zhù f /part-of-speech tagging/ 词意 詞意 S - 3 cí yì f /meaning of word/sense/ 词族 詞族 S - 0 cí zú f /word family (cognate words within a given language)/ 词条 詞條 S - 10441 cí tiáo f /dictionary entry/lexical item/term/ 词根 詞根 S - 48 cí gēn f /radical of a compound word (in European language)/ 词汇 詞匯 S 2320 752 cí huì f /variant of 詞彙|词汇[ci2 hui4]/ 词汇 詞彙 S 2320 752 cí huì f /vocabulary/list of words (e.g. for language teaching purposes)/word/ 词汇分解 詞彙分解 S - 0 cí huì fēn jiě f /lexical decomposition/ 词汇判断 詞彙判斷 S - 0 cí huì pàn duàn f /lexical decision/ 词汇判断任务 詞彙判斷任務 S - 0 cí huì pàn duàn rèn wù f /lexical decision task/ 词汇判断作业 詞彙判斷作業 S - 0 cí huì pàn duàn zuò yè f /lexical decision task/ 词汇判断法 詞彙判斷法 S - 0 cí huì pàn duàn fǎ f /lexical decision task/ 词汇学 詞彙學 S - 17 cí huì xué f /lexicology (linguistics)/ 词汇通路 詞彙通路 S - 0 cí huì tōng lù f /lexical route/ 词法 詞法 S - 17 cí fǎ f /morphology (linguistics)/word formation and inflection/ 词源 詞源 S - 78 cí yuán f /etymology/root of a word/ 词目 詞目 S - 7 cí mù f /dictionary headword/lexical item/term/ 词相似效应 詞相似效應 S - 0 cí xiāng sì xiào yìng f /word similarity effect/ 词眼 詞眼 S - 3 cí yǎn f /key word/ 词类 詞類 S - 29 cí lèi f /parts of speech (grammar)/word class/lexical category/ 词素 詞素 S - 8 cí sù f /morpheme/ 词素结构 詞素結構 S - 0 cí sù jié gòu f /morphological structure/ 词素通达模型 詞素通達模型 S - 0 cí sù tōng dá mó xíng f /morpheme access model (MA model)/ 词约指明 詞約指明 S - 3 cí yuē zhǐ míng f /concise but unambiguous (idiom)/ 词组 詞組 S - 104 cí zǔ f /phrase (grammar)/ 词缀 詞綴 S - 19 cí zhuì f /prefix or suffix of a compound word/affix (linguistics)/ 词缀剥除 詞綴剝除 S - 0 cí zhuì bō chú f /affix stripping/to determine the root of a word by removing prefix and suffix/ 词翰 詞翰 S - 0 cí hàn f /book/written composition/(literary) penned words/ 词藻 詞藻 S - 38 cí zǎo f /rhetoric/flowery language/ 词讼 詞訟 S - 15 cí sòng f /lawsuit/legal case/ 词讼费 詞訟費 S - 0 cí sòng fèi f /legal fees/costs (of a lawsuit)/ 词话 詞話 S - 41 cí huà f /form of writing novels that comprise lots of poetry in the body of the text, popular in the Ming Dynasty/ 词语 詞語 S 1157 288 cí yǔ f /word (general term including monosyllables through to short phrases)/term (e.g. technical term)/expression/ 词语汇 詞語彙 S - 0 cí yǔ huì f /vocabulary/ 词跟语 詞跟語 S - 0 cí gēn yǔ f /amorphous language/ 词通达模型 詞通達模型 S - 0 cí tōng dá mó xíng f /word access model/ 词长效应 詞長效應 S - 0 cí cháng xiào yìng f /word length effect/ 词项逻辑 詞項邏輯 S - 0 cí xiàng luó ji f /categorical logic/ 词频 詞頻 S - 4 cí pín f /word frequency/ 词频效应 詞頻效應 S - 0 cí pín xiào yìng f /word frequency effect (psych.)/ 诎 詘 S - 50 qū f /to bend/to yield/to exhaust/to stutter/ 诏 詔 S - 4127 zhào f /imperial order/ 诏书 詔書 S - 2309 zhào shū f /edict/written imperial order/ 诏令 詔令 S - 717 zhào lìng f /imperial order/ 诏安 詔安 S - 6 Zhào ān f /Zhao'an county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang1 zhou1], Fujian/ 诏安县 詔安縣 S - 4 Zhào ān xiàn f /Zhao'an county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhang1 zhou1], Fujian/ 诏旨 詔旨 S - 3 zhào zhǐ f /an Imperial edict/ 诏狱 詔獄 S - 0 zhào yù f /imperial prison/ 诏谕 詔諭 S - 22 zhào yù f /imperial decree/ 诐 詖 S - 0 bì f /unfair/to flatter/ 译 譯 S - 1768 yì f /to translate/to interpret/ 译写 譯寫 S - 3 yì xiě f /to translate/to render foreign words/to transliterate/ 译名 譯名 S - 60 yì míng f /translated names/transliteration/ 译员 譯員 S - 164 yì yuán f /interpreter/translator (esp. oral)/ 译意风 譯意風 S - 3 yì yì fēng f /simultaneous interpretation facilities (loanword from "earphone")/ 译成 譯成 S - 439 yì chéng f /to translate into (Chinese, English etc)/ 译文 譯文 S - 207 yì wén f /translated text/ 译码器 譯碼器 S - 7 yì mǎ qì f /decoder/ 译者 譯者 S - 112 yì zhě f /translator (of writing)/ 译自 譯自 S - 0 yì zì f /translation from/loan from (e.g. English word)/ 译词 譯詞 S - 0 yì cí f /translated word (such as company 公司 or bus 巴士 or club 俱樂部|俱乐部)/ 译语 譯語 S - 0 yì yǔ f /target language (linguistics)/ 译音 譯音 S - 46 yì yīn f /phonetic transcription/transliteration/ 诒 詒 S - 74 yí f /(archaic) to present/to bequeath/variant of 貽|贻[yi2]/ 诓 誆 S - 150 kuāng f /to mislead/to swindle/ 诓骗 誆騙 S - 24 kuāng piàn f /to defraud/to swindle/ 诔 誄 S - 92 lěi f /to eulogize the dead/eulogy/ 试 試 S 382 3723 shì f /to test/to try/experiment/examination/test/ 试一试 試一試 S - 3 shì yī shì f /to have a try/ 试乘 試乘 S - 3 shì chéng f /test drive/ 试作 試作 S - 5 shì zuò f /to attempt/test run/ 试制 試製 S - 207 shì zhì f /to try out a new product (or manufacturing process)/prototype/trial product/ 试剂 試劑 S - 364 shì jì f /reagent/ 试办 試辦 S - 42 shì bàn f /to try sth out/trial/pilot scheme/ 试卷 試卷 S 2427 465 shì juàn f /examination paper/test paper/CL:份[fen4],張|张[zhang1]/ 试吃品 試吃品 S - 0 shì chī pǐn f /food sample/ 试听 試聽 S - 21 shì tīng f /audition/to give sb an audition/to check by listening/ 试听带 試聽帶 S - 0 shì tīng dài f /demo recording (music)/ 试图 試圖 S 2540 1484 shì tú f /to attempt/to try/ 试场 試場 S - 3 shì chǎng f /exam room/ 试婚 試婚 S - 3 shì hūn f /trial marriage/to live together before deciding whether to marry/ 试客 試客 S - 0 shì kè f /user of shareware or demo software/ 试射 試射 S - 282 shì shè f /test-fire/trial fire/ 试工 試工 S - 6 shì gōng f /to work for a trial period/worker on probation/ 试想 試想 S - 125 shì xiǎng f /just think!/imagine that!/ 试手 試手 S - 3 shì shǒu f /to work for a trial period/worker on probation/ 试手儿 試手兒 S - 0 shì shǒu r f /erhua variant of 試手|试手[shi4 shou3]/ 试探 試探 S - 468 shì tàn f /to sound out/to probe/to feel out/to try out/ 试播 試播 S - 5 shì bō f /trial broadcast/ 试映 試映 S - 3 shì yìng f /preview (of a movie)/trial screening/ 试杯 試杯 S - 0 shì bēi f /Petri dish/test dish/trial slide/ 试样 試樣 S - 99 shì yàng f /style/type/model/ 试液 試液 S - 40 shì yè f /reagent/test solution/experimental liquid/ 试演 試演 S - 74 shì yǎn f /audition/dress rehearsal/preview (of a theatrical performance)/dummy run/ 试点 試點 S - 1130 shì diǎn f /test point/to carry out trial/pilot scheme/ 试炼 試煉 S - 3 shì liàn f /to refine with fire/ 试爆 試爆 S - 0 shì bào f /trial explosion/nuclear test/ 试用 試用 S - 526 shì yòng f /to try something out/on probation/ 试用品 試用品 S - 3 shì yòng pǐn f /prototype/trial product/test sample/ 试用期 試用期 S - 270 shì yòng qī f /trial period/probation/ 试着 試著 S - 0 shì zhe f /(coll.) to try to/ 试种 試種 S - 35 shì zhòng f /test planting/crop grown on a trial basis/ 试穿 試穿 S - 40 shì chuān f /to try wearing clothes/fitting trial/ 试算表 試算表 S - 3 shì suàn biǎo f /spreadsheet/trial balance (accountancy)/ 试管 試管 S - 374 shì guǎn f /test tube/ 试管受孕 試管受孕 S - 0 shì guǎn shòu yùn f /in vitro fertilisation/test tube fertilisation/ 试管婴儿 試管嬰兒 S - 30 shì guǎn yīng ér f /test tube baby/ 试航 試航 S - 37 shì háng f /test flight (of aircraft)/sea trial (of ship)/ 试药族 試藥族 S - 0 shì yào zú f /people who participate in clinical trials/ 试行 試行 S - 368 shì xíng f /to try out/to test/ 试衣 試衣 S - 3 shì yī f /to try on (clothes)/fitting/ 试衣间 試衣間 S - 7 shì yī jiān f /fitting room/ 试表 試表 S - 3 shì biǎo f /to take temperature/ 试试看 試試看 S - 99 shì shì kàn f /to give it a try/ 试读 試讀 S - 3 shì dú f /trial study/probationary period at school/ 试车 試車 S - 40 shì chē f /to test drive/a trial run/ 试金 試金 S - 0 shì jīn f /assay/ 试金石 試金石 S - 32 shì jīn shí f /touchstone/fig. test that sth is genuine/ 试销 試銷 S - 6 shì xiāo f /trial sale/test marketing/ 试镜 試鏡 S - 5 shì jìng f /to take a screen test/to audition/screen test/audition/tryout/ 试镜头 試鏡頭 S - 9 shì jìng tóu f /screen test/ 试问 試問 S - 175 shì wèn f /I would like to ask (usually used rhetorically)/one might well ask/ 试题 試題 S - 574 shì tí f /exam question/test topic/ 试飞员 試飛員 S - 105 shì fēi yuán f /test pilot/ 试饮 試飲 S - 0 shì yǐn f /to taste (wine etc)/ 试验 試驗 S 2718 4648 shì yàn f /experiment/test/CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4]/to experiment/experimental/ 试验场 試驗場 S - 91 shì yàn chǎng f /experimental station/ 试验性 試驗性 S - 19 shì yàn xìng f /experimental/ 试验间 試驗間 S - 0 shì yàn jiān f /test room/ 诖 詿 S - 104 guà f /to deceive/to disturb/ 诗 詩 S 1685 6567 Shī f /abbr. for Shijing 詩經|诗经[Shi1 jing1], the Book of Songs/ 诗 詩 S 1685 6567 shī f /poem/CL:首[shou3]/poetry/verse/ 诗书 詩書 S - 132 Shī Shū f /the Book of Songs 詩經|诗经[Shi1 jing1] and the Book of History 書經|书经[Shu1 jing1]/ 诗人 詩人 S - 2795 shī rén f /bard/poet/ 诗仙 詩仙 S - 11 shī xiān f /"immortal of poetry", epithet of Li Bai 李白[Li3 Bai2]/ 诗句 詩句 S - 294 shī jù f /verse/CL:行[hang2]/ 诗圣 詩聖 S - 13 shī shèng f /"sage of poetry", epithet of Du Fu 杜甫[Du4 Fu3]/ 诗坛 詩壇 S - 61 shī tán f /poetry circles/poetry world/ 诗情画意 詩情畫意 S - 45 shī qíng huà yì f /picturesque charm/idyllic appeal/poetic grace/ 诗意 詩意 S - 227 shī yì f /poetry/poetic quality or flavor/ 诗文 詩文 S - 1026 shī wén f /poetry and literature/ 诗曰 詩曰 S - 0 shī yuē f /a poem goes:/ 诗歌 詩歌 S - 1562 shī gē f /poem/CL:本[ben3],首[shou3],段[duan4]/ 诗画 詩畫 S - 0 shī huà f /poetry and pictorial art/work of art combining pictures and poetry/ 诗礼 詩禮 S - 2 Shī Lǐ f /the Book of Songs 書經|书经[Shu1 jing1] and Classic of Rites 禮記|礼记[Li3 ji4]/a cultured well-read person/ 诗稿 詩稿 S - 30 shī gǎo f /verse manuscript/ 诗篇 詩篇 S - 634 shī piān f /a poem/a composition in verse/fig. epic (compared with historical epic)/the biblical Book of Psalms/ 诗经 詩經 S - 238 Shī jīng f /Shijing, the Book of Songs, early collection of Chinese poems and one of the Five Classics of Confucianism 五經|五经[Wu3 jing1]/ 诗词 詩詞 S - 396 shī cí f /verse/ 诗集 詩集 S - 575 shī jí f /poetry anthology/ 诘 詰 S - 429 jié f /to investigate/to restrain/to scold/ 诘问 詰問 S - 32 jié wèn f /to ask questions/to interrogate/ 诙 詼 S - 118 huī f /whimsical/humorous/ 诙谐 詼諧 S - 173 huī xié f /humorous/jocular/zany/ 诚 誠 S - 753 chéng f /honest/sincere/true/ 诚信 誠信 S - 683 chéng xìn f /genuine/honest/in good faith/honesty/integrity/ 诚实 誠實 S 979 288 chéng shí f /honest/honesty/honorable/truthful/ 诚心 誠心 S - 209 chéng xīn f /sincerity/ 诚心实意 誠心實意 S - 9 chéng xīn shí yì f /earnestly and sincerely (idiom)/with all sincerity/ 诚心所愿 誠心所願 S - 0 chéng xīn suǒ yuàn f /so be it/amen/ 诚心诚意 誠心誠意 S - 57 chéng xīn chéng yì f /earnestly and sincerely (idiom); with all sincerity/ 诚恳 誠懇 S 2355 386 chéng kěn f /sincere/honest/cordial/ 诚惶诚恐 誠惶誠恐 S - 74 chéng huáng chéng kǒng f /in fear and trepidation (idiom); in reverence before your majesty (court formula of humility)/ 诚意 誠意 S - 387 chéng yì f /sincerity/good faith/ 诚挚 誠摯 S 4168 169 chéng zhì f /sincere/cordial/ 诚服 誠服 S - 3 chéng fú f /to be completely convinced/to fully accept another person's views/ 诚朴 誠樸 S - 17 chéng pǔ f /simple and sincere/ 诚然 誠然 S - 250 chéng rán f /indeed/true! (I agree with you)/ 诚笃 誠篤 S - 21 chéng dǔ f /honest/sincere and serious/ 诚聘 誠聘 S - 3 chéng pìn f /to seek to recruit/to invite job applications from/ 诛 誅 S - 842 zhū f /to put (a criminal) to death/to punish/ 诛九族 誅九族 S - 0 zhū jiǔ zú f /to execute all of sb's relatives (as punishment) (old)/ 诛尽杀绝 誅盡殺絕 S - 3 zhū jìn shā jué f /to wipe out/to exterminate/ 诛心之论 誅心之論 S - 2 zhū xīn zhī lùn f /a devastating criticism/to expose hidden motives/ 诛戮 誅戮 S - 85 zhū lù f /to put to death/ 诛暴讨逆 誅暴討逆 S - 3 zhū bào tǎo nì f /to wipe out the villains (e.g. insurgents, or people of another race)/ 诛杀 誅殺 S - 169 zhū shā f /to kill/to murder/ 诛求 誅求 S - 3 zhū qiú f /exorbitant demands/demanding with menaces/extortion/ 诛求无厌 誅求無厭 S - 3 zhū qiú wú yàn f /incessant exorbitant demands/ 诛求无已 誅求無已 S - 3 zhū qiú wú yǐ f /to make endless exorbitant demands/ 诛流 誅流 S - 0 zhū liú f /to kill and banish/ 诛灭 誅滅 S - 76 zhū miè f /to wipe out/to exterminate/ 诛锄 誅鋤 S - 0 zhū chú f /to uproot/to eradicate (traitors)/ 诛锄异己 誅鋤異己 S - 3 zhū chú yì jǐ f /to wipe out dissenters/to exterminate those who disagree/ 诛除 誅除 S - 3 zhū chú f /to wipe out/to exterminate/ 诜 詵 S - 128 shēn f /to inform/to inquire/ 话 話 S - 34240 huà f /dialect/language/spoken words/speech/talk/words/conversation/what sb said/CL:種|种[zhong3],席[xi2],句[ju4],口[kou3],番[fan1]/ 话 諙 S - 34240 huà f /old variant of 話|话[hua4]/ 话不投机半句多 話不投機半句多 S - 7 huà bù tóu jī bàn jù duō f /when words get sour, adding words is useless (idiom)/ 话中有刺 話中有刺 S - 0 huà zhōng yǒu cì f /hidden barbs in one's words/hostile subtext/ 话中有话 話中有話 S - 30 huà zhōng yǒu huà f /overtones in conversation/things indirectly implied from what is said/ 话亭 話亭 S - 0 huà tíng f /telephone booth/ 话别 話別 S - 51 huà bié f /to say good-bye/to bid sb farewell/ 话到嘴边 話到嘴邊 S - 3 huà dào zuǐ biān f /to be on the verge of saying what is on one's mind/ 话到嘴边留三分 話到嘴邊留三分 S - 0 huà dào zuǐ biān liú sān fēn f /A still tongue makes a wise head. (idiom)/ 话剧 話劇 S - 759 huà jù f /stage play/modern drama/CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4]/ 话务员 話務員 S - 14 huà wù yuán f /phone operator/ 话匣子 話匣子 S - 37 huà xiá zi f /phonograph or radio (old term)/chatterbox/talkative person/ 话卡 話卡 S - 0 huà kǎ f /calling card (telephone)/ 话又说回来 話又說回來 S - 0 huà yòu shuō huí lai f /returning to our main topic,.../that said,.../again,.../in this connection/in passing/nevertheless,.../anyhow/ 话多不甜 話多不甜 S - 0 huà duō bù tián f /too much talk is a nuisance (idiom)/ 话头 話頭 S - 147 huà tóu f /subject (under discussion)/thread (of an argument)/ 话旧 話舊 S - 4 huà jiù f /to reminisce/ 话本 話本 S - 102 huà běn f /Song and Yuan literary form based on vernacular folk stories/ 话柄 話柄 S - 15 huà bǐng f /a pretext for gossip/a matter for derision/ 话梅 話梅 S - 12 huà méi f /plum candy/preserved plum/ 话痨 話癆 S - 0 huà láo f /chatterer/ 话筒 話筒 S 3871 203 huà tǒng f /microphone/(telephone) receiver/handset/ 话茬 話茬 S - 25 huà chá f /tone of voice/topic/subject under discussion/ 话茬儿 話茬兒 S - 14 huà chá r f /erhua variant of 話茬|话茬[hua4 cha2]/ 话虽如此 話雖如此 S - 3 huà suī rú cǐ f /be that as it may/ 话语 話語 S - 402 huà yǔ f /words/speech/utterance/discourse/ 话说 話說 S - 0 huà shuō f /It is said that ... (at the start of a narrative)/to discuss/to recount/ 话说回来 話說回來 S - 3 huà shuō huí lai f /returning to our main topic,.../that said,.../again,.../in this connection/in passing/nevertheless,.../anyhow/ 话费 話費 S - 243 huà fèi f /call charge/ 话里套话 話裡套話 S - 0 huà lǐ tào huà f /to use seemingly innocent conversation topics as a pretext to glean information/to touch upon other matters not central to the topic being discussed/ 话里有话 話裡有話 S - 44 huà lǐ yǒu huà f /to have hidden meaning/implication/more than just the apparent meaning/something hinted/ 话锋 話鋒 S - 11 huà fēng f /topic under discussion/thread of discussion/ 话音 話音 S - 416 huà yīn f /one's speaking voice/tone/implication/ 话题 話題 S 1583 1943 huà tí f /subject (of a talk or conversation)/topic/ 诞 誕 S - 210 dàn f /birth/birthday/brag/boast/to increase/ 诞生 誕生 S 3180 2046 dàn shēng f /to be born/ 诞育 誕育 S - 3 dàn yù f /to give birth to/to give rise to/ 诞辰 誕辰 S 4956 284 dàn chén f /birthday/ 诟 詬 S - 110 gòu f /disgrace/to revile/ 诟病 詬病 S - 48 gòu bìng f /to denounce/to castigate/ 诟骂 詬罵 S - 20 gòu mà f /to revile/to abuse verbally/ 诠 詮 S - 163 quán f /to explain/to comment/to annotate/ 诠注 詮註 S - 3 quán zhù f /notes and commentary/exegesis/ 诠解 詮解 S - 0 quán jiě f /to explain (a text)/ 诠释 詮釋 S - 197 quán shì f /to interpret/to comment and explain/to annotate/to perform (i.e. interpret a theatrical role)/to decode/interpretation/annotation/ 诠释学 詮釋學 S - 0 quán shì xué f /hermeneutics/ 诡 詭 S - 183 guǐ f /sly/crafty/ 诡异 詭異 S - 426 guǐ yì f /strange/weird/ 诡秘 詭祕 S - 161 guǐ mì f /secretive/furtive/surreptitious/ 诡笑 詭笑 S - 5 guǐ xiào f /smirk/insincere smile/ 诡计 詭計 S - 403 guǐ jì f /trick/ruse/crafty scheme/ 诡计多端 詭計多端 S - 89 guǐ jì duō duān f /deceitful in many ways (idiom); wily and mischievous/full of craft and cunning/ 诡诈 詭詐 S - 35 guǐ zhà f /sly/treacherous/ 诡谲 詭譎 S - 63 guǐ jué f /weird/sly/treacherous/ 诡辩 詭辯 S - 54 guǐ biàn f /specious arguments/sophistry/ 诡辩家 詭辯家 S - 0 guǐ biàn jiā f /sophist/one who relies on specious arguments/ 诡辩术 詭辯術 S - 3 guǐ biàn shù f /specious arguments/sophistry/ 询 詢 S - 228 xún f /to ask about/to inquire about/ 询价 詢價 S - 37 xún jià f /quotation request/price inquiry/price check/ 询查 詢查 S - 3 xún chá f /to make inquiries/ 询根问底 詢根問底 S - 3 xún gēn wèn dǐ f /lit. to examine roots and inquire at the base (idiom); to get to the bottom of sth/ 询盘 詢盤 S - 0 xún pán f /inquiry/ 询问 詢問 S 1801 2256 xún wèn f /to inquire/ 询问台 詢問台 S - 0 xún wèn tái f /information desk/ 诣 詣 S - 86 yì f /to go (to visit a superior)/one's current attainment in learning or art/ 诣谒 詣謁 S - 0 yì yè f /to pay a visit to/ 诣门 詣門 S - 0 yì mén f /to visit sb/ 诣阙 詣闕 S - 0 yì quē f /to go to the palace to see the emperor/ 诤 諍 S - 135 zhèng f /to admonish/to warn sb of their errors/to criticize frankly/Taiwan pr. [zheng1]/ 诤人 諍人 S - 0 zhèng rén f /dwarf in legends/ 诤友 諍友 S - 12 zhèng yǒu f /a friend capable of direct admonition/ 诤臣 諍臣 S - 8 zhèng chén f /official who dares speak frankly before the emperor/ 诤言 諍言 S - 4 zhèng yán f /to reprove/forthright admonition/ 诤讼 諍訟 S - 3 zhèng sòng f /to contest a lawsuit/ 诤谏 諍諫 S - 2 zhèng jiàn f /to criticize frankly/to admonish/ 该 該 S - 27977 gāi f /should/ought to/probably/must be/to deserve/to owe/to be sb's turn to do sth/that/the above-mentioned/ 该亚 該亞 S - 0 Gāi yà f /Gaea, the Earth Goddess and mother of the Titans/ 该博 該博 S - 3 gāi bó f /erudite/broad and profound/learned/ 该应 該應 S - 0 gāi yīng f /should/ 该当 該當 S - 474 gāi dāng f /should/to deserve/ 该死 該死 S - 189 gāi sǐ f /Damn it!/damned/wretched/ 该隐 該隱 S - 0 Gāi yǐn f /Cain (name)/Cain (biblical character), a figure of Judeo-Christian-Muslim mythology/ 详 詳 S - 1011 xiáng f /detailed/comprehensive/ 详和 詳和 S - 0 xiáng hé f /serene/calm/ 详备 詳備 S - 21 xiáng bèi f /detailed/ 详实 詳實 S - 45 xiáng shí f /detailed and reliable/full and accurate/ 详密 詳密 S - 26 xiáng mì f /detailed/meticulous/ 详尽 詳盡 S - 323 xiáng jìn f /thorough and detailed/exhaustive/the tedious details in full/ 详尽无遗 詳盡無遺 S - 0 xiáng jìn wú yí f /exhaustive/thorough/ 详情 詳情 S - 482 xiáng qíng f /details/particulars/ 详梦 詳夢 S - 0 xiáng mèng f /to analyze dreams (for fortune-telling)/ 详略 詳略 S - 8 xiáng lüè f /concise/the details in brief/ 详细 詳細 S 1025 2532 xiáng xì f /detailed/in detail/minute/ 详见 詳見 S - 244 xiáng jiàn f /for further details, refer to/ 详解 詳解 S - 69 xiáng jiě f /to explain in detail/detailed answer/full solution (to a math problem)/ 详述 詳述 S - 156 xiáng shù f /to recount/ 诧 詫 S - 145 chà f /to be surprised/to be astonished/ 诧异 詫異 S 4674 1008 chà yì f /flabbergasted/astonished/ 诨 諢 S - 109 hùn f /jest/nickname/ 诩 詡 S - 130 xǔ f /to brag/popular/lovely/ 诪 譸 S - 0 zhōu f /(literary) to curse/to deceive/to lie/ 诫 誡 S - 190 jiè f /commandment/to prohibit/ 诫命 誡命 S - 3 jiè mìng f /commandment/ 诬 誣 S - 241 wū f /to accuse falsely/ 诬告 誣告 S - 122 wū gào f /to frame sb/to accuse falsely/ 诬害 誣害 S - 19 wū hài f /to damage by calumny/ 诬蔑 誣蔑 S - 123 wū miè f /variant of 誣衊|诬蔑[wu1 mie4]/ 诬蔑 誣衊 S - 123 wū miè f /to slander/to smear/to vilify/ 诬赖 誣賴 S - 24 wū lài f /to accuse falsely/ 诬陷 誣陷 S 4219 361 wū xiàn f /to entrap/to frame/to plant false evidence against sb/ 语 語 S - 4563 yǔ t /dialect/language/speech/ 语 語 S - 4563 yù f /to tell to/ 语义 語義 S - 150 yǔ yì f /meaning of words/semantic/ 语义分析 語義分析 S - 0 yǔ yì fēn xī f /semantic analysis/ 语义分类 語義分類 S - 0 yǔ yì fēn lèi f /semantic categorization/ 语义学 語義學 S - 45 yǔ yì xué f /semantics/ 语义空间 語義空間 S - 0 yǔ yì kōng jiān f /semantic space/ 语云 語云 S - 3 yǔ yún f /as the saying goes.../ 语助词 語助詞 S - 2 yǔ zhù cí f /auxiliary word/ 语句 語句 S - 276 yǔ jù f /sentence/ 语域 語域 S - 0 yǔ yù f /(linguistics) linguistic field/register/ 语塞 語塞 S - 70 yǔ sè f /to be at a loss for words/speechless/ 语境 語境 S - 122 yǔ jìng f /context/ 语境依赖性 語境依賴性 S - 0 yǔ jìng yī lài xìng f /context dependency/ 语声 語聲 S - 191 yǔ shēng f /spoken language/sound of speaking/ 语失 語失 S - 0 yǔ shī f /indiscreet remark/indiscretion/slip of the tongue/ 语尾 語尾 S - 2 yǔ wěi f /word ending/suffix/inflection (grammar)/ 语序 語序 S - 11 yǔ xù f /word order/ 语录 語錄 S - 164 yǔ lù f /quotation (from a book or existing source)/ 语态 語態 S - 28 yǔ tài f /voice (grammar)/ 语意 語意 S - 130 yǔ yì f /meaning/content of speech or writing/semantic/ 语意性 語意性 S - 0 yǔ yì xìng f /semantic/ 语感 語感 S - 63 yǔ gǎn f /a feel for language/instinctive understanding/ 语支 語支 S - 5 yǔ zhī f /language branch/ 语文 語文 S - 815 yǔ wén f /literature and language/ 语料 語料 S - 3 yǔ liào f /corpus/ 语料库 語料庫 S - 6 yǔ liào kù f /text corpus/ 语族 語族 S - 729 yǔ zú f /language branch/ 语无伦次 語無倫次 S - 52 yǔ wú lún cì f /incoherent speech/to talk without rhyme or reason (idiom)/ 语气 語氣 S 2037 951 yǔ qì f /tone/manner of speaking/mood/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 语气助词 語氣助詞 S - 2 yǔ qì zhù cí f /modal particle/ 语气词 語氣詞 S - 6 yǔ qì cí f /modal particle/ 语汇 語彙 S - 36 yǔ huì f /vocabulary/ 语法 語法 S 1179 735 yǔ fǎ f /grammar/ 语法术语 語法術語 S - 0 yǔ fǎ shù yǔ f /grammatical term/ 语源 語源 S - 22 yǔ yuán f /etymology/ 语焉不详 語焉不詳 S - 17 yǔ yān bù xiáng f /to mention sth without elaborating (idiom); not giving details/ 语用学 語用學 S - 0 yǔ yòng xué f /pragmatics/ 语画 語畫 S - 0 yǔ huà f /picture in words/ 语病 語病 S - 9 yǔ bìng f /faulty wording/mispronunciation due to a speech defect/ 语种 語種 S - 277 yǔ zhǒng f /language type (in a classification)/ 语篇 語篇 S - 0 yǔ piān f /discourse/text/ 语系 語系 S - 431 yǔ xì f /language family/ 语素 語素 S - 21 yǔ sù f /language component/morpheme/individual characters (making up an expression)/ 语言 語言 S 964 7647 yǔ yán f /language/CL:門|门[men2],種|种[zhong3]/ 语言产生 語言產生 S - 0 yǔ yán chǎn shēng f /production of speech/ 语言匮乏 語言匱乏 S - 0 yǔ yán kuì fá f /language deficit (linguistics)/ 语言学 語言學 S - 284 yǔ yán xué f /linguistics/ 语言学家 語言學家 S - 75 yǔ yán xué jiā f /linguist/ 语言实验室 語言實驗室 S - 0 yǔ yán shí yàn shì f /language laboratory/ 语言缺陷 語言缺陷 S - 0 yǔ yán quē xiàn f /speech defect/ 语言能力 語言能力 S - 0 yǔ yán néng lì f /verbal ability/ 语言誓约 語言誓約 S - 0 yǔ yán shì yuē f /language pledge (to speak only the target language in a language school)/ 语言训练 語言訓練 S - 0 yǔ yán xùn liàn f /language training/ 语言障碍 語言障礙 S - 3 yǔ yán zhàng ài f /language barrier/speech impediment/ 语词 語詞 S - 89 yǔ cí f /word/significative/predicate/ 语调 語調 S - 202 yǔ diào f /intonation/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 语重心长 語重心長 S - 103 yǔ zhòng xīn cháng f /meaningful and heartfelt words (idiom); sincere and earnest wishes/ 语锋 語鋒 S - 2 yǔ fēng f /thread of discussion/topic/ 语音 語音 S - 865 yǔ yīn f /speech sounds/pronunciation/colloquial (rather than literary) pronunciation of a Chinese character/phonetic/audio/voice/(Internet) to voice chat/voice message/ 语音信号 語音信號 S - 0 yǔ yīn xìn hào f /voice signal/ 语音信箱 語音信箱 S - 3 yǔ yīn xìn xiāng f /voice mailbox/voicemail/ 语音合成 語音合成 S - 0 yǔ yīn hé chéng f /speech synthesis/ 语音失语症 語音失語症 S - 0 yǔ yīn shī yǔ zhèng f /phonetic aphasia/ 语音学 語音學 S - 47 yǔ yīn xué f /phonetics/ 语音意识 語音意識 S - 0 yǔ yīn yì shí f /phonetic awareness/ 语音技巧 語音技巧 S - 0 yǔ yīn jì qiǎo f /phonological skill/ 语音指令 語音指令 S - 3 yǔ yīn zhǐ lìng f /speech command (for computer speech recognition)/ 语音识别 語音識別 S - 0 yǔ yīn shí bié f /speech recognition/ 语音通讯通道 語音通訊通道 S - 0 yǔ yīn tōng xùn tōng dào f /voice (communications) channel/ 诮 誚 S - 104 qiào f /ridicule/to blame/ 误 誤 S - 1715 wù f /mistake/error/to miss/to harm/to delay/to neglect/mistakenly/ 误上贼船 誤上賊船 S - 3 wù shàng zéi chuán f /lit. to mistakenly board a pirate ship/to embark on a hopeless adventure/ 误事 誤事 S - 68 wù shì f /to hold things up/to make a botch of things/ 误人子弟 誤人子弟 S - 22 wù rén zǐ dì f /(of a lazy or incompetent teacher) to hamper students' progress/(of media) to propagate errors/to lead people astray/ 误会 誤會 S 967 547 wù huì f /to misunderstand/to mistake/misunderstanding/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 误伤 誤傷 S - 121 wù shāng f /to injure accidentally/accidental injury/ 误作 誤作 S - 0 wù zuò f /to consider erroneously/incorrectly attributed to sb/ 误信 誤信 S - 20 wù xìn f /to falsely believe/to be mislead/to fall for (a trick etc)/ 误入歧途 誤入歧途 S - 40 wù rù qí tú f /to take a wrong step in life (idiom)/to go astray/ 误入歧途效应 誤入歧途效應 S - 0 wù rù qí tú xiào yìng f /garden path effect/ 误写 誤寫 S - 3 wù xiě f /to unwittingly write the wrong thing/ 误判 誤判 S - 37 wù pàn f /to misjudge/error of judgment/incorrect ruling/miscarriage of justice/ 误判案 誤判案 S - 0 wù pàn àn f /miscarriage of justice/ 误区 誤區 S - 357 wù qū f /error/inconsistency/ 误导 誤導 S - 193 wù dǎo f /to mislead/to misguide/misleading/ 误工 誤工 S - 14 wù gōng f /to delay one's work/to be late for or absent from work/loss of working time/ 误差 誤差 S 4614 406 wù chā f /difference/error/inaccuracy/ 误打误撞 誤打誤撞 S - 49 wù dǎ wù zhuàng f /accidentally/to act before thinking/ 误机 誤機 S - 0 wù jī f /to miss a plane/ 误杀 誤殺 S - 54 wù shā f /to mistakenly kill/manslaughter/ 误点 誤點 S - 7 wù diǎn f /not on time/late (public transport, airlines)/overdue/behind schedule/delayed/ 误用 誤用 S - 54 wù yòng f /to misuse/ 误解 誤解 S 3089 827 wù jiě f /to misunderstand/to misread/misunderstanding/ 误读 誤讀 S - 43 wù dú f /to misread/(fig.) to misunderstand/to misinterpret/ 误车 誤車 S - 3 wù chē f /to miss (bus, train etc)/ 诰 誥 S - 1034 gào f /to enjoin/to grant (a title)/ 诱 誘 S - 417 yòu f /to entice/to tempt/ 诱人 誘人 S - 300 yòu rén f /attractive/alluring/captivating/to attract/to captivate/ 诱使 誘使 S - 90 yòu shǐ f /to lure into/to entrap/to trick into/to entice/to induce/to invite/to tempt/ 诱动 誘動 S - 0 yòu dòng f /to tempt/to seduce/ 诱发 誘發 S - 391 yòu fā f /to induce/to cause/to elicit/to trigger/ 诱变剂 誘變劑 S - 8 yòu biàn jì f /mutagen/ 诱因 誘因 S - 112 yòu yīn f /cause/triggering factor/incentive/inducement/ 诱导 誘導 S - 303 yòu dǎo f /to guide/to lead/to induce/electrical induction/(medic.) revulsion/ 诱导分娩 誘導分娩 S - 0 yòu dǎo fēn miǎn f /to induce labor (i.e. childbirth)/labor induction/ 诱惑 誘惑 S 2915 601 yòu huò f /to entice/to lure/to induce/to attract/ 诱拐 誘拐 S - 13 yòu guǎi f /to abduct/to kidnap/ 诱拐者 誘拐者 S - 3 yòu guǎi zhě f /abductor/ 诱捕 誘捕 S - 31 yòu bǔ f /to lure into a trap/to trap/to capture/ 诱掖 誘掖 S - 3 yòu yè f /to help and encourage/ 诱陷 誘陷 S - 3 yòu xiàn f /to lure into a trap/ 诱饵 誘餌 S - 115 yòu ěr f /bait/ 诱骗 誘騙 S - 103 yòu piàn f /to entice/to lure/to scam/to hoodwink/to decoy/ 诲 誨 S - 665 huì f /to teach/to instruct/to induce/ 诲人不倦 誨人不倦 S - 15 huì rén bù juàn f /instructing with tireless zeal (idiom, from Analects)/ 诲淫 誨淫 S - 3 huì yín f /to stir up lust/to promote sex/to encourage licentiousness/ 诲淫性 誨淫性 S - 0 huì yín xìng f /licentious/ 诲淫诲盗 誨淫誨盜 S - 5 huì yín huì dào f /to promote sex and violence/to stir up lust and covetousness/ 诳 誑 S - 183 kuáng f /to deceive/lies/ 诳语 誑語 S - 36 kuáng yǔ f /deceit/lies/ 说 說 S 15 219817 shuì f /to persuade/ 说 說 S 15 219817 shuō t /to speak/to say/to explain/to scold/to tell off/a theory (usually in compounds such as 日心说 heliocentric theory)/ 说一不二 說一不二 S - 50 shuō yī bù èr f /to say one and mean just that (idiom); to keep one's word/ 说七说八 說七說八 S - 0 shuō qī shuō bā f /after all/ 说三道四 說三道四 S - 63 shuō sān dào sì f /to make thoughtless remarks (idiom)/to criticize/gossip/ 说上 說上 S - 0 shuō shàng f /to say/to speak/to talk/ 说不上 說不上 S - 189 shuō bu shàng f /to be unable to say or tell/to not be worth mentioning/ 说不准 說不準 S - 0 shuō bù zhǔn f /unable to say/can't say precisely/ 说不出 說不出 S - 3 shuō bu chū f /unable to say/ 说不出话来 說不出話來 S - 0 shuō bù chū huà lái f /speechless/ 说不定 說不定 S 1624 1914 shuō bu dìng f /can't say for sure/maybe/ 说不通 說不通 S - 0 shuō bù tōng f /it does not make sense/ 说书 說書 S - 99 shuō shū f /folk art consisting of story-telling to music/ 说了算 說了算 S - 226 shuō le suàn f /to have the final say/to be the one in charge/ 说亲 說親 S - 0 shuō qīn f /to act as a matchmaker/ 说出 說出 S - 2145 shuō chū f /to speak out/to declare (one's view)/ 说到做到 說到做到 S - 32 shuō dào zuò dào f /to be as good as one's word (idiom)/to keep one's promise/ 说动 說動 S - 25 shuō dòng f /to persuade/ 说合 說合 S - 21 shuō hé f /to bring together/to mediate/to arrange a deal/ 说唱 說唱 S - 174 shuō chàng f /speaking and singing, as in various forms of storytelling such as 彈詞|弹词[tan2 ci2] and 相聲|相声[xiang4 sheng5]/(music) rapping/ 说嘴 說嘴 S - 0 shuō zuǐ f /to boast/ 说好 說好 S - 513 shuō hǎo f /to come to an agreement/to complete negotiations/ 说媒 說媒 S - 42 shuō méi f /to act as a matchmaker/ 说定 說定 S - 19 shuō dìng f /to agree on/to settle on/ 说实话 說實話 S - 581 shuō shí huà f /to speak the truth/truth to tell/frankly/ 说客 說客 S - 43 shuì kè f /(old) itinerant political adviser/(fig.) lobbyist/go-between/mouthpiece/also pr. [shuo1 ke4]/ 说岳全传 說岳全傳 S - 0 Shuō Yuè Quán zhuàn f /"The Story of Yue Fei", biography of Song dynasty patriot and general Yue Fei 岳飛|岳飞[Yue4 Fei1]/ 说帖 說帖 S - 0 shuō tiě f /memorandum/note (i.e. written statement)/ 说废话 說廢話 S - 0 shuō fèi huà f /to talk nonsense/to bullshit/ 说得上 說得上 S - 3 shuō de shàng f /can be counted or regarded as/to be able to tell or answer/to deserve mention/ 说情 說情 S - 46 shuō qíng f /to intercede/to plead for sb else/ 说教 說教 S - 135 shuō jiào f /to preach/ 说文 說文 S - 0 Shuō wén f /see 說文解字|说文解字[Shuo1 wen2 Jie3 zi4]/ 说文解字 說文解字 S - 3 Shuō wén Jiě zì f /Shuowen Jiezi, the original Han dynasty Chinese character dictionary with 10,516 entries, authored by Xu Shen 許慎|许慎[Xu3 Shen4] in 2nd century/ 说文解字注 說文解字註 S - 0 Shuō wén Jiě zì Zhù f /Commentary on Shuowen Jiezi (1815) by Duan Yucai 段玉裁[Duan4 Yu4 cai2]/ 说时迟,那时快 說時遲,那時快 S - 0 shuō shí chí , nà shí kuài f /(idiom) no sooner said than done/before you know it/ 说明 說明 S 781 8446 shuō míng f /to explain/to illustrate/to indicate/to show/to prove/explanation/directions/caption/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 说明书 說明書 S - 407 shuō míng shū f /(technical) manual/(book of) directions/synopsis (of a play or film)/CL:本[ben3]/ 说明会 說明會 S - 51 shuō míng huì f /information meeting/ 说是一回事,做又是另外一回事 說是一回事,做又是另外一回事 S - 0 shuō shì yī huí shì , zuò yòu shì lìng wài yī huí shì f /Saying is one thing, doing quite another (idiom)/ 说是一回事,而做又是另外一回事 說是一回事,而做又是另外一回事 S - 0 shuō shì yī huí shì , ér zuò yòu shì lìng wài yī huí shì f /see 說是一回事,做又是另外一回事|说是一回事,做又是另外一回事[shuo1 shi4 yi1 hui2 shi4 , zuo4 you4 shi4 ling4 wai4 yi1 hui2 shi4]/ 说曹操曹操就到 說曹操曹操就到 S - 0 shuō Cáo Cāo Cáo Cāo jiù dào f /lit. speak of Cao Cao and Cao Cao arrives/fig. speak of the devil and he doth appear/ 说服 說服 S 1469 610 shuō fú f /to persuade/to convince/to talk sb over/Taiwan pr. [shui4 fu2]/ 说服力 說服力 S - 183 shuō fú lì f /persuasiveness/ 说来话长 說來話長 S - 66 shuō lái huà cháng f /start explaining and it's a long story (idiom); complicated and not easy to express succinctly/ 说法 說法 S - 3227 shuō fǎ t /to expound Buddhist teachings/ 说法 說法 S - 3227 shuō fa f /way of speaking/wording/formulation/one's version (of events)/statement/theory/hypothesis/interpretation/ 说溜嘴 說溜嘴 S - 0 shuō liū zuǐ f /to make a slip of the tongue/ 说漏嘴 說漏嘴 S - 4 shuō lòu zuǐ f /to blurt out/to let slip/ 说理 說理 S - 66 shuō lǐ f /to reason/to argue logically/ 说白了 說白了 S - 109 shuō bái le f /to speak frankly/ 说着玩 說著玩 S - 0 shuō zhe wán f /to say sth for fun/to be kidding/to joke around/ 说着玩儿 說著玩兒 S - 0 shuō zhe wán r f /erhua variant of 說著玩|说着玩[shuo1 zhe5 wan2]/ 说破 說破 S - 70 shuō pò f /to lay bare (actual facts, secrets etc)/to reveal/ 说笑 說笑 S - 0 shuō xiào f /to chat and laugh/to crack jokes/to banter/ 说葡萄酸 說葡萄酸 S - 0 shuō pú tao suān f /sour grapes (set expr. based on Aesop)/lit. to say grapes are sour when you can't eat them/ 说话 說話 S 216 10146 shuō huà f /to speak/to say/to talk/to gossip/to tell stories/talk/word/ 说话不当话 說話不當話 S - 0 shuō huà bù dàng huà f /to fail to keep to one's word/to break a promise/ 说话算数 說話算數 S - 3 shuō huà suàn shù f /to keep one's promise/to mean what one says/ 说话算话 說話算話 S - 3 shuō huà suàn huà f /to do as promised/to be as good as one's word/to honor one's word/to mean what one says/ 说话要算数 說話要算數 S - 0 shuō huà yào suàn shù f /promises must be kept/ 说说 說說 S - 0 shuō shuo f /to say sth/ 说说而已 說說而已 S - 0 shuō shuō ér yǐ f /nothing serious/just hot air/ 说谎 說謊 S - 218 shuō huǎng f /to lie/to tell an untruth/ 说谎者 說謊者 S - 5 shuō huǎng zhě f /liar/ 说起 說起 S - 1620 shuō qǐ f /to mention/to bring up (a subject)/with regard to/as for/ 说辞 說辭 S - 75 shuō cí f /excuse/pretext/entreaties/arguments/ 说通 說通 S - 0 shuō tōng f /to get sb to understand/to persuade/ 说道 說道 S - 21168 shuō dào f /to state/to say (the quoted words)/ 说道 說道 S - 21168 shuō dao t /to discuss/reason (behind sth)/ 说长道短 說長道短 S - 13 shuō cháng dào duǎn f /lit. to discuss sb's merits and demerits (idiom); to gossip/ 说风凉话 說風涼話 S - 0 shuō fēng liáng huà f /to sneer/to make cynical remarks/sarcastic talk/ 诵 誦 S - 457 sòng f /to read aloud/to recite/ 诵经 誦經 S - 155 sòng jīng f /to chant the sutras/ 诵读 誦讀 S - 120 sòng dú f /to read aloud/ 诵读困难症 誦讀困難症 S - 0 sòng dú kùn nan zhèng f /dyslexia/ 诶 誒 S - 39 ēi f /hey (to call sb)/ 诶 誒 S - 39 éi t /hey (to express surprise)/ 诶 誒 S - 39 ěi f /hey (to express disagreement)/ 诶 誒 S - 39 èi f /hey (to express agreement)/ 诶 誒 S - 39 xī f /sigh (to express regret)/ 诶笑 誒笑 S - 0 ēi xiào f /to laugh loudly/guffaw/ 诶诒 誒詒 S - 0 ēi yí f /to rave/to babble in one's sleep/ 请 請 S 52 23523 qǐng f /to ask/to invite/please (do sth)/to treat (to a meal etc)/to request/ 请便 請便 S - 62 qǐng biàn f /Please do as you wish!/You are welcome to do whatever you like!/Please make yourself at home./ 请假 請假 S 587 229 qǐng jià f /to request leave of absence/ 请别见怪 請別見怪 S - 0 qǐng bié jiàn guài f /please don't be upset/no hard feelings/absit iniuria verbis/let injury by words be absent/ 请功 請功 S - 18 qǐng gōng f /to request recognition for sb's merits/to recommend sb for promotion or an award/ 请勿吸烟 請勿吸煙 S - 3 qǐng wù xī yān f /No smoking/Please do not smoke/ 请勿打扰 請勿打擾 S - 3 qǐng wù dǎ rǎo f /please do not disturb/ 请君入瓮 請君入甕 S - 10 qǐng jūn rù wèng f /lit. please Sir, get into the boiling pot (idiom)/fig. to give sb a taste of his own medicine/ 请喝茶 請喝茶 S - 0 qǐng hē chá f /(lit.) to invite to tea/(fig.) (of police etc) to interrogate sb about their subversive political activities and warn them against further involvement/ 请多关照 請多關照 S - 3 qǐng duō guān zhào f /please treat me kindly (conventional greeting on first meeting)/ 请安 請安 S - 615 qǐng ān f /to pay respects/to wish good health/in Qing times, a specific form of salutation (see also 打千[da3 qian1])/ 请客 請客 S - 252 qǐng kè f /to give a dinner party/to entertain guests/to invite to dinner/ 请将不如激将 請將不如激將 S - 0 qǐng jiàng bù rú jī jiàng f /lit. to dispatch a general is not as effective as to excite a general/fig. inciting people to action is more effective than dispatching orders/ 请帖 請帖 S 4355 50 qǐng tiě f /invitation card/written invitation/ 请您回复 請您回復 S - 0 qǐng nín huí fù f /repondez s'il vous plait/R.S.V.P./please reply/ 请愿 請願 S - 1891 qǐng yuàn f /petition (for action to be taken)/ 请愿书 請願書 S - 40 qǐng yuàn shū f /petition/ 请援 請援 S - 3 qǐng yuán f /to request help/to appeal (for assistance)/ 请教 請教 S 4129 847 qǐng jiào f /to ask for guidance/to consult/ 请柬 請柬 S 4155 82 qǐng jiǎn f /invitation card/written invitation/ 请求 請求 S 1452 2149 qǐng qiú f /to request/to ask/request/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 请求宽恕 請求寬恕 S - 0 qǐng qiú kuān shù f /to sue for mercy/to ask for forgiveness/begging for magnanimity/ 请看 請看 S - 0 qǐng kàn f /please see .../vide/ 请示 請示 S 4582 496 qǐng shì f /to ask for instructions/ 请神容易送神难 請神容易送神難 S - 0 qǐng shén róng yì sòng shén nán f /it's easier to invite the devil in than to send him away/ 请缨 請纓 S - 39 qǐng yīng f /to volunteer for military service/to offer oneself for an assignment/ 请罪 請罪 S - 93 qǐng zuì f /to apologize humbly/to beg forgiveness/ 请调 請調 S - 10 qǐng diào f /to request a transfer/ 请辞 請辭 S - 3 qǐng cí f /to ask sb to resign from a post/ 请进 請進 S - 3 qǐng jìn f /"please come in"/ 请问 請問 S - 774 qǐng wèn f /Excuse me, may I ask...?/ 请领 請領 S - 3 qǐng lǐng f /to apply for (a subsidy, unemployment benefit etc)/ 诸 諸 S - 6711 Zhū f /surname Zhu/ 诸 諸 S - 6711 zhū f /all/various/ 诸事 諸事 S - 228 zhū shì f /everything/every matter/ 诸位 諸位 S 3741 670 zhū wèi f /(pron) everyone/Ladies and Gentlemen/Sirs/ 诸侯 諸侯 S - 893 zhū hóu f /feudal vassal/feudal princes, esp. the monarchs (dukes or princes) of the several vassal states 諸侯國|诸侯国 of Zhou during Western Zhou and Spring and Autumn periods 11th-5th century BC/subordinate warlord/local official/ 诸侯国 諸侯國 S - 165 zhū hóu guó f /vassal state/ 诸公 諸公 S - 69 zhū gōng f /gentlemen (form of address)/ 诸凡百事 諸凡百事 S - 0 zhū fán bǎi shì f /everything/ 诸君 諸君 S - 128 zhū jūn f /Gentlemen! (start of a speech)/Ladies and Gentlemen!/ 诸城 諸城 S - 141 Zhū chéng f /Zhucheng county level city in Weifang 濰坊|潍坊[Wei2 fang1], Shandong/ 诸城市 諸城市 S - 27 Zhū chéng shì f /Zhucheng county level city in Weifang 濰坊|潍坊[Wei2 fang1], Shandong/ 诸多 諸多 S - 1044 zhū duō f /(used for abstract things) a good deal, a lot of/ 诸如 諸如 S - 967 zhū rú f /(various things) such as/such as (the following)/ 诸如此类 諸如此類 S - 95 zhū rú cǐ lèi f /things like this (idiom); and so on/and the rest/etc/ 诸子 諸子 S - 158 zhū zǐ f /various sages/refers to the classical schools of thought, e.g. Confucianism 儒[ru2] represented by Confucius 孔子[Kong3 zi3] and Mencius 孟子[Meng4 zi3], Daoism 道[dao4] by Laozi 老子[Lao3 zi3] and Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子[Zhuang1 zi3], Mohism 墨[mo4] by Mozi 墨子[Mo4 zi3], Legalism 法[fa3] by Sunzi 孫子|孙子[Sun1 zi3] and Han Feizi 韓非子|韩非子[Han2 Fei1 zi3], and numerous others/ 诸子十家 諸子十家 S - 0 zhū zǐ shí jiā f /various sages and ten schools of thought/refers to the classical schools of thought, e.g. Confucianism 儒[ru2] represented by Confucius 孔子[Kong3 zi3] and Mencius 孟子[Meng4 zi3], Daoism 道[dao4] by Laozi 老子[Lao3 zi3] and Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子[Zhuang1 zi3], Mohism 墨[mo4] by Mozi 墨子[Mo4 zi3], Legalism 法[fa3] by Sunzi 孫子|孙子[Sun1 zi3] and Han Feizi 韓非子|韩非子[Han2 Fei1 zi3], and numerous others/ 诸子百家 諸子百家 S - 70 zhū zǐ bǎi jiā f /the Hundred Schools of Thought, the various schools of thought and their exponents during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods (770-220 BC)/ 诸将 諸將 S - 0 zhū jiàng f /various generals/all the generals/ 诸广山 諸廣山 S - 10 Zhū guǎng Shān f /Mt Zhuguang between Jiangxi and Hunan/ 诸暨 諸暨 S - 49 Zhū jì f /Zhuji county level city in Shaoxing 紹興|绍兴[Shao4 xing1], Zhejiang/ 诸暨市 諸暨市 S - 5 Zhū jì shì f /Zhuji county level city in Shaoxing 紹興|绍兴[Shao4 xing1], Zhejiang/ 诸柘 諸柘 S - 0 zhū zhè f /sugarcane/ 诸生 諸生 S - 87 zhū shēng f /Imperial scholar from the Ming Dynasty onwards/ 诸相 諸相 S - 3 zhū xiàng f /the appearance of all things (Buddhism)/ 诸般 諸般 S - 339 zhū bān f /various/many different kinds of/ 诸色 諸色 S - 6 zhū sè f /various/all kinds/ 诸葛 諸葛 S - 152 Zhū gě f /two-character surname Zhuge/ 诸葛亮 諸葛亮 S - 1067 Zhū gě Liàng f /Zhuge Liang (181-234), military leader and prime minister of Shu Han 蜀漢|蜀汉 during the Three Kingdoms period/the main hero of the fictional Romance of Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义, where he is portrayed as a sage and military genius/mastermind/ 诹 諏 S - 65 zōu f /to choose/to consult/ 诺 諾 S - 1442 nuò f /to consent/to promise/(literary) yes!/ 诺丁汉 諾丁漢 S - 9 Nuò dīng hàn f /Nottingham (city in England)/ 诺丁汉郡 諾丁漢郡 S - 3 Nuò dīng hàn jùn f /Nottinghamshire (English county)/ 诺亚 諾亞 S - 9 Nuò yà f /Noah/ 诺伊曼 諾伊曼 S - 52 Nuò yī màn f /Neumann (surname)/John von Neumann (1903-1957), Hungarian-born American mathematician and polymath/ 诺克少 諾克少 S - 0 Nuò kè shǎo f /Nouakchott, capital of Mauritania (Tw)/ 诺基亚 諾基亞 S - 310 Nuò jī yà f /Nokia (company name)/ 诺塞斯 諾塞斯 S - 0 nuò sāi sī f /Knossos (Minoan palace at Iraklion, Crete)/ 诺夫哥罗德 諾夫哥羅德 S - 22 Nuò fū gē luó dé f /Novgorod, city in Russia/ 诺奖 諾獎 S - 0 Nuò jiǎng f /Nobel Prize/abbr. for 諾貝爾獎|诺贝尔奖[Nuo4 bei4 er3 Jiang3]/ 诺姆·乔姆斯基 諾姆·喬姆斯基 S - 0 Nuò mǔ · Qiáo mǔ sī jī f /Noam Chomsky (American linguist and political activist)/ 诺曼人 諾曼人 S - 41 Nuò màn rén f /Normans (people)/ 诺曼底 諾曼底 S - 103 Nuò màn dǐ f /Normandy, France/ 诺曼底人 諾曼底人 S - 0 nuò màn dǐ rén f /Norman (people)/ 诺曼底半岛 諾曼底半島 S - 0 Nuò màn dǐ Bàn dǎo f /Normandy peninsula/ 诺曼征服 諾曼征服 S - 0 Nuò màn Zhēng fú f /the Norman conquest of England (1066)/ 诺曼第 諾曼第 S - 3 Nuò màn dì f /Normandy, France/ 诺格 諾格 S - 0 Nuò gé f /Northrop Grumman (aerospace arm of Boeing)/ 诺特 諾特 S - 16 Nuò tè f /Noether (name)/Emmy Noether (1882-1935), famous German female algebraist/Noetherian (math.)/ 诺矩罗 諾矩羅 S - 0 Nuò jǔ luó f /Nuojuluo, monk at start of Tang dynasty, possibly originally immigrant, lived in Qingshen county 青神[Qing1 shen2], Sichuan/ 诺福克岛 諾福克島 S - 3 Nuò fú kè Dǎo f /Norfolk Island/ 诺美克斯 諾美克斯 S - 0 Nuò měi kè sī f /Nomex (brand)/ 诺言 諾言 S - 206 nuò yán f /promise/ 诺贝尔 諾貝爾 S - 205 Nuò bèi ěr f /Nobel (Prize)/ 诺贝尔和平奖 諾貝爾和平獎 S - 130 Nuò bèi ěr Hé píng jiǎng f /Nobel Peace Prize/ 诺贝尔奖 諾貝爾獎 S - 138 Nuò bèi ěr Jiǎng f /Nobel Prize/ 诺贝尔文学奖 諾貝爾文學獎 S - 109 Nuò bèi ěr Wén xué Jiǎng f /Nobel Prize in Literature/ 诺贝尔物理学奖 諾貝爾物理學獎 S - 95 Nuò bèi ěr Wù lǐ xué Jiǎng f /Nobel Prize in Physics/ 诺鲁 諾魯 S - 0 Nuò lǔ f /Nauru, volcanic island in SW Pacific (Tw)/ 读 讀 S 110 5660 dòu f /comma/phrase marked by pause/ 读 讀 S 110 5660 dú t /to read/to study/reading of word (i.e. pronunciation), similar to 拼音[pin1 yin1]/ 读万卷书,行万里路 讀萬卷書,行萬里路 S - 0 dú wàn juàn shū , xíng wàn lǐ lù f /see 行萬里路,讀萬卷書|行万里路,读万卷书[xing2 wan4 li3 lu4 , du2 wan4 juan4 shu1]/ 读书 讀書 S - 2347 dú shū f /to read a book/to study/to attend school/ 读书人 讀書人 S - 517 dú shū rén f /scholar/intellectual/ 读书会 讀書會 S - 8 dú shū huì f /study group/ 读书机 讀書機 S - 0 dú shū jī f /audio-output reading machine/ 读写 讀寫 S - 182 dú xiě f /reading and writing/ 读写能力 讀寫能力 S - 3 dú xiě néng lì f /literacy/ 读卖新闻 讀賣新聞 S - 50 Dú mài Xīn wén f /Yomiuri Shimbun (Japanese newspaper)/ 读卡器 讀卡器 S - 4 dú kǎ qì f /card reader/ 读取 讀取 S - 79 dú qǔ f /(of a computer etc) to read (data)/ 读后感 讀後感 S - 7 dú hòu gǎn f /impression of a book/opinion expressed in a book review/ 读头 讀頭 S - 0 dú tóu f /reading head (e.g. in tape deck)/ 读心术 讀心術 S - 3 dú xīn shù f /mind reading (in psychology or Western magic)/ 读懂 讀懂 S - 3 dú dǒng f /to read and understand/ 读报 讀報 S - 40 dú bào f /to read newspapers/ 读数 讀數 S - 71 dú shù f /reading/data from meter/ 读本 讀本 S - 77 dú běn f /reader/an instructional book/ 读法 讀法 S - 22 dú fǎ f /reading/pronunciation (of a Chinese character)/ 读物 讀物 S - 269 dú wù f /reading material/ 读研 讀研 S - 45 dú yán f /to attend graduate school/ 读破 讀破 S - 3 dú pò f /to read extensively and thoroughly/nonstandard pronunciation of a Chinese character, e.g. reading [hao4] in compound 愛好|爱好[ai4 hao4] "hobby" in place of [hao3]/ 读破句 讀破句 S - 0 dú pò jù f /incorrect break in reading Chinese, dividing text into clauses at wrong point/ 读经 讀經 S - 69 dú jīng f /to study the Confucian classics/to read scriptures or canonical texts/ 读者 讀者 S - 2695 dú zhě f /reader/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 读者文摘 讀者文摘 S - 3 Dú zhě Wén zhāi f /Reader's Digest/ 读谱 讀譜 S - 0 dú pǔ f /to read a score/to read music/ 读音 讀音 S - 89 dú yīn f /pronunciation/literary (rather than colloquial) pronunciation of a Chinese character/ 读音错误 讀音錯誤 S - 0 dú yīn cuò wù f /mistake of pronunciation/ 诼 諑 S - 39 zhuó f /to complain/ 诽 誹 S - 93 fěi f /slander/ 诽谤 誹謗 S 3702 129 fěi bàng f /to slander/to libel/ 诽闻 誹聞 S - 0 fěi wén f /scandal/gossip/ 课 課 S 260 2900 kè f /subject/course/CL:門|门[men2]/class/lesson/CL:堂[tang2],節|节[jie2]/to levy/tax/form of divination/ 课业 課業 S - 37 kè yè f /lesson/schoolwork/ 课余 課餘 S - 62 kè yú f /after school/extracurricular/ 课堂 課堂 S - 707 kè táng f /classroom/CL:間|间[jian1]/ 课外 課外 S - 139 kè wài f /extracurricular/ 课外读物 課外讀物 S - 3 kè wài dú wù f /extracurricular reading material/ 课室 課室 S - 4 kè shì f /classroom/ 课文 課文 S - 96 kè wén f /text/CL:篇[pian1]/ 课文启动 課文啟動 S - 0 kè wén qǐ dòng f /text priming/ 课时 課時 S - 46 kè shí f /class/period/ 课本 課本 S - 462 kè běn f /textbook/CL:本[ben3]/ 课桌 課桌 S - 43 kè zhuō f /school desk/ 课程 課程 S 1763 2765 kè chéng f /course/academic program/CL:堂[tang2],節|节[jie2],門|门[men2]/ 课程表 課程表 S - 3 kè chéng biǎo f /class timetable/ 课表 課表 S - 6 kè biǎo f /school timetable/ 课长 課長 S - 16 kè zhǎng f /section chief (of an administrative unit)/head (of a department)/ 课间 課間 S - 20 kè jiān f /interval between lessons/ 课题 課題 S 4192 2044 kè tí f /task/problem/issue/ 诿 諉 S - 75 wěi f /to shirk/to give excuses/ 诿过 諉過 S - 0 wěi guò f /to put the blame on sb else/ 谀 諛 S - 145 yú f /to flatter/ 谀辞 諛辭 S - 3 yú cí f /flattering words/ 谁 誰 S 39 25842 shéi f /who/also pr. [shui2]/ 谁人乐队 誰人樂隊 S - 0 Shéi rén yuè duì f /The Who (1960s UK rock band)/ 谁知 誰知 S - 1082 shéi zhī f /lit. who knows/who would have thought/unexpectedly/unpredictably/ 谁知道 誰知道 S - 0 shéi zhī dào f /God knows.../Who would have imagined...?/ 谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好 誰笑到最後,誰笑得最好 S - 0 shéi xiào dào zuì hòu , shéi xiào dé zuì hǎo f /He laughs best who laughs last./ 谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好 誰笑在最後,誰笑得最好 S - 0 shéi xiào zài zuì hòu , shéi xiào dé zuì hǎo f /He laughs best who laughs last./ 谂 諗 S - 41 shěn f /to know/to reprimand/to urge/to long for/to tell/to inform/ 调 調 S - 7728 diào t /to transfer/to move (troops or cadres)/to investigate/to enquire into/accent/view/argument/key (in music)/mode (music)/tune/tone/melody/ 调 調 S - 7728 tiáo f /to harmonize/to reconcile/to blend/to suit well/to season (food)/to provoke/to incite/ 调三窝四 調三窩四 S - 3 tiáo sān wō sì f /to sow the seeds of discord everywhere (idiom)/ 调价 調價 S - 123 tiáo jià f /to raise or lower the price/price adjustment/ 调任 調任 S - 196 diào rèn f /to transfer/to move to another post/ 调休 調休 S - 11 tiáo xiū f /to compensate for working on a holiday by resting on a workday/to compensate for resting on a workday by working on a holiday/ 调侃 調侃 S - 165 tiáo kǎn f /to ridicule/to tease/to mock/idle talk/chitchat/ 调值 調值 S - 5 diào zhí f /pitch of tones/ 调停 調停 S - 164 tiáo tíng f /to reconcile/to mediate/to bring warring parties to agreement/to arbitrate/ 调停者 調停者 S - 6 tiáo tíng zhě f /mediator/intermediary/go-between/ 调光器 調光器 S - 3 tiáo guāng qì f /dimmer/ 调入 調入 S - 133 diào rù f /to bring in/to call in/to transfer (a person, data)/(computing) to call/to load (a subroutine etc)/ 调兵山 調兵山 S - 3 Diào bīng shān f /Mt Diaobingshan in Tieling/Diaobingshan district of Tieling city 鐵嶺市|铁岭市, Liaoning/ 调兵山市 調兵山市 S - 3 Diào bīng shān shì f /Diaobingshan district of Tieling city 鐵嶺市|铁岭市, Liaoning/ 调兵遣将 調兵遣將 S - 98 diào bīng qiǎn jiàng f /to move an army and send a general (idiom); to deploy an army/to send a team on a task/ 调养 調養 S - 117 tiáo yǎng f /to take care of (sb's health)/to nurse/ 调准 調準 S - 3 tiáo zhǔn f /to adjust to the right value/to tune/to focus (a camera etc)/to set (the date, the time) to the correct value/ 调制 調制 S - 518 tiáo zhì f /to modulate/modulation/ 调制 調製 S - 518 tiáo zhì f /to concoct by mixing ingredients/to prepare according to a recipe/to make (a salad, a cocktail, cosmetics etc)/ 调制波 調制波 S - 0 tiáo zhì bō f /modulated wave (elec.)/ 调制解调器 調制解調器 S - 33 tiáo zhì jiě tiáo qì f /modem/ 调剂 調劑 S 4804 543 tiáo jì f /to adjust/to balance/to make up a medical prescription/ 调动 調動 S 3884 1403 diào dòng f /to transfer/to maneuver (troops etc)/movement of personnel/to mobilize/to bring into play/ 调匀 調勻 S - 117 tiáo yún f /to blend (cooking)/to mix evenly/ 调包 調包 S - 5 diào bāo f /see 掉包[diao4 bao1]/ 调升 調升 S - 46 diào shēng t /to promote/ 调升 調升 S - 46 tiáo shēng f /to adjust upward/to upgrade/(price) hike/ 调协 調協 S - 4 tiáo xié f /to harmonize/to match/ 调发 調發 S - 0 diào fā f /to requisition/to dispatch/ 调取 調取 S - 26 diào qǔ f /to obtain (information from an archive etc)/ 调变 調變 S - 0 tiáo biàn f /modulation/to modulate (electronics)/ 调号 調號 S - 4 diào hào f /tone mark on a Chinese syllable (i.e. accents on ā á ǎ à)/(music) key signature/ 调味 調味 S - 347 tiáo wèi f /seasoning/condiment/flavoring/dressing/essences/ 调味剂 調味劑 S - 8 tiáo wèi jì f /flavoring agent/ 调味品 調味品 S - 66 tiáo wèi pǐn f /seasoning/flavoring/ 调味料 調味料 S - 43 tiáo wèi liào f /seasoning/condiment/flavoring/dressing/essences/ 调味汁 調味汁 S - 3 tiáo wèi zhī f /dressing/sauce/ 调味肉汁 調味肉汁 S - 0 tiáo wèi ròu zhī f /gravy/ 调和 調和 S 4613 644 tiáo hé f /harmonious/to mediate/to reconcile/to compromise/mediation/to mix/to blend/blended/to season/seasoning/to placate/ 调和分析 調和分析 S - 0 tiáo hé fēn xī f /harmonic analysis (math.)/ 调和平均数 調和平均數 S - 0 tiáo hé píng jūn shù f /harmonic mean/ 调和振动 調和振動 S - 0 tiáo hé zhèn dòng f /harmonic oscillation/ 调唆 調唆 S - 34 tiáo suō f /to provoke/to stir up (trouble)/to instigate/ 调嘴 調嘴 S - 0 tiáo zuǐ f /to hold forth/to quibble/ 调嘴学舌 調嘴學舌 S - 3 tiáo zuǐ xué shé f /to incite trouble between people (idiom)/ 调头 調頭 S - 33 diào tóu f /variant of 掉頭|掉头[diao4 tou2]/ 调头 調頭 S - 33 diào tou t /tone (of voice)/tune/ 调子 調子 S - 158 diào zi f /tune/melody/tuning/cadence/intonation/(speech) tone/ 调幅 調幅 S - 35 tiáo fú f /amplitude modulation (AM)/size of an adjustment/ 调干 調幹 S - 4 diào gàn f /cadre chosen by promoting a worker/ 调度 調度 S - 359 diào dù f /to dispatch (vehicles, staff etc)/to schedule/to manage/dispatcher/scheduler/ 调弄 調弄 S - 16 tiáo nòng f /to tease/to make fun of/to provoke/to stir up (trouble)/ 调式 調式 S - 78 diào shì f /(musical) mode/ 调律 調律 S - 0 tiáo lǜ f /to tune (e.g. piano)/ 调情 調情 S - 65 tiáo qíng f /to flirt/ 调戏 調戲 S - 108 tiáo xì f /to take liberties with a woman/to dally/to assail a woman with obscenities/ 调拨 調撥 S - 131 diào bō t /to send (products)/to allocate/to commit (funds)/to channel (goods)/ 调拨 調撥 S - 131 tiáo bō f /to sow discord/ 调挡 調擋 S - 0 tiáo dǎng f /gear shift/ 调换 調換 S - 95 diào huàn f /to exchange/to change places/to swap/ 调控 調控 S - 1035 tiáo kòng f /to regulate/to control/ 调摄 調攝 S - 18 tiáo shè f /to nurse to health/to recuperate/ 调教 調教 S - 141 tiáo jiào f /to instruct/to teach/to train/to raise (livestock)/ 调整 調整 S 1813 8590 tiáo zhěng f /to adjust/adjustment/revision/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 调料 調料 S 4114 79 tiáo liào f /condiment/seasoning/flavoring/ 调查 調查 S 680 8332 diào chá f /investigation/inquiry/to investigate/to survey/survey/(opinion) poll/CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4]/ 调查人员 調查人員 S - 0 diào chá rén yuán f /investigator/ 调查员 調查員 S - 16 diào chá yuán f /investigator/ 调查团 調查團 S - 42 diào chá tuán f /investigating team/ 调查核实 調查核實 S - 3 diào chá hé shí f /to investigate/investigation/fact-checking/ 调查结果 調查結果 S - 3 diào chá jié guǒ f /results (of an investigation, poll)/ 调查者 調查者 S - 37 diào chá zhě f /investigator/ 调查表 調查表 S - 33 diào chá biǎo f /questionnaire/inventory list/CL:張|张[zhang1],份[fen4]/ 调档 調檔 S - 127 diào dàng f /to transfer a dossier/to consult a dossier/ 调派 調派 S - 40 diào pài f /to send on assignment/to deploy (troops)/ 调焦 調焦 S - 6 tiáo jiāo f /to focus/ 调理 調理 S - 150 tiáo lǐ f /to nurse one's health/to recuperate/to take care of/to look after/to discipline/to educate/to train/to prepare food/(dialect) to make fun of/(medicine) to opsonize/ 调用 調用 S - 343 diào yòng f /to transfer (for a specific purpose)/to allocate/(computing) to invoke (a command, an application etc)/ 调皮 調皮 S 2350 266 tiáo pí f /naughty/mischievous/unruly/ 调相 調相 S - 21 tiáo xiàng f /phase modulation/ 调研 調研 S - 605 diào yán f /to investigate and research/research/investigation/ 调研人员 調研人員 S - 0 tiáo yán rén yuán f /research workers/survey and research workers/ 调笑 調笑 S - 74 tiáo xiào f /to tease/to poke fun at/ 调羹 調羹 S - 13 tiáo gēng f /spoon/ 调职 調職 S - 14 diào zhí f /to be transferred to another post/to post away/ 调色 調色 S - 13 tiáo sè f /to blend colors/to mix colors/ 调色板 調色板 S - 13 tiáo sè bǎn f /palette/ 调节 調節 S 3870 2626 tiáo jié f /to adjust/to regulate/to harmonize/to reconcile (accountancy etc)/ 调节器 調節器 S - 53 tiáo jié qì f /regulator/ 调药刀 調藥刀 S - 0 tiáo yào dāo f /spatula/ 调虎离山 調虎離山 S - 47 diào hǔ lí shān f /to lure the tiger from its domain in the mountains (idiom)/to lure an enemy away from his territory/ 调解 調解 S 4200 711 tiáo jiě f /to mediate/to bring parties to an agreement/ 调训 調訓 S - 2 tiáo xùn f /to train/to care for and educate/ 调试 調試 S - 177 tiáo shì f /to debug/to adjust components during testing/debugging/ 调谐 調諧 S - 37 tiáo xié f /harmonious/to adjust/to tune (e.g. wireless receiver)/to bring into harmony/ 调谑 調謔 S - 3 tiáo xuè f /to make fun of/to mock/ 调资 調資 S - 3 tiáo zī f /wage adjustment/to raise or lower wages/ 调赴 調赴 S - 3 diào fù f /to dispatch (troops to the front)/ 调转 調轉 S - 52 diào zhuǎn f /to reassign sb to a different job/to turn around/to change direction/to make a U turn/ 调迁 調遷 S - 3 diào qiān f /to transfer/to move/to shift/ 调适 調適 S - 50 tiáo shì f /to adapt (to an environment etc)/to make sth suitable/adaptation/adjustment/adaptive/ 调速 調速 S - 34 tiáo sù f /to adjust the speed/ 调遣 調遣 S - 300 diào qiǎn f /to dispatch/to assign/a dispatch/ 调配 調配 S - 205 diào pèi t /to allocate/to deploy/ 调配 調配 S - 205 tiáo pèi f /to blend (colors, herbs)/to mix/ 调酒 調酒 S - 26 tiáo jiǔ f /to mix drinks/cocktail/ 调酒器 調酒器 S - 0 tiáo jiǔ qì f /(cocktail) shaker/ 调酒师 調酒師 S - 61 tiáo jiǔ shī f /bartender/ 调门 調門 S - 26 diào mén t /melody/pitch or key (music)/tone/style/point of view/ 调门 調門 S - 26 tiáo mén f /valve/ 调门儿 調門兒 S - 2 diào mén r f /erhua variant of 調門|调门[diao4 men2]/ 调阅 調閱 S - 57 diào yuè f /to access (a document)/to consult/ 调防 調防 S - 12 diào fáng f /to relieve a garrison/ 调降 調降 S - 0 tiáo jiàng f /(Tw) to lower (prices, interest rates etc)/to reduce/to cut/ 调集 調集 S - 377 diào jí f /to summon/to muster/to assemble/ 调音 調音 S - 24 tiáo yīn f /to tune (a musical instrument)/ 调频 調頻 S - 82 tiáo pín f /frequency modulation/FM/ 调驯 調馴 S - 0 tiáo xùn f /to look after and train (animals)/ 谄 諂 S - 120 chǎn f /to flatter/to cajole/ 谄媚 諂媚 S - 96 chǎn mèi f /to flatter/ 谄媚者 諂媚者 S - 3 chǎn mèi zhě f /flatterer/ 谅 諒 S - 452 liàng f /to forgive/to understand/ 谅解 諒解 S 3988 248 liàng jiě f /to understand/to make allowances for/understanding/ 谆 諄 S - 28 zhūn f /repeatedly (in giving advice)/sincere/earnest/untiring/ 谆谆 諄諄 S - 45 zhūn zhūn f /earnest/devoted/tireless/sincere/assiduous/ 谆谆告诫 諄諄告誡 S - 29 zhūn zhūn gào jiè f /to repeatedly advise sb earnestly (idiom)/to admonish/ 谇 誶 S - 54 suì f /abuse/ 谈 談 S 632 6712 Tán f /surname Tan/ 谈 談 S 632 6712 tán f /to speak/to talk/to converse/to chat/to discuss/ 谈不上 談不上 S - 311 tán bu shàng f /to be out of the question/ 谈不拢 談不攏 S - 3 tán bù lǒng f /can't come to an agreement/ 谈价 談價 S - 3 tán jià f /to negotiate (prices)/to haggle/ 谈何容易 談何容易 S - 236 tán hé róng yì f /easier said than done (idiom)/ 谈判 談判 S 1753 3141 tán pàn f /to negotiate/negotiation/talks/conference/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 谈判制度 談判制度 S - 0 tán pàn zhì dù f /collective bargaining system/ 谈判桌 談判桌 S - 83 tán pàn zhuō f /conference table/ 谈到 談到 S - 1263 tán dào f /to refer to/to speak about/to talk about/ 谈及 談及 S - 173 tán jí f /to talk about/to mention/ 谈古论今 談古論今 S - 14 tán gǔ lùn jīn f /to talk of the past and discuss the present (idiom)/to chat freely/to discuss everything/ 谈吐 談吐 S - 99 tán tǔ f /style of conversation/ 谈天 談天 S - 31 tán tiān f /to chat/ 谈天说地 談天說地 S - 23 tán tiān shuō dì f /to talk endlessly/talking of anything under the sun/ 谈得来 談得來 S - 25 tán de lái f /to be able to talk to/to get along with/to be congenial/ 谈心 談心 S - 112 tán xīn f /to have a heart-to-heart chat/ 谈恋爱 談戀愛 S - 181 tán liàn ài f /to court/to go steady/to be dating/ 谈情说爱 談情說愛 S - 55 tán qíng shuō ài f /to discuss passion and talk of love (idiom); to express love with terms of endearment/billing and cooing/ 谈星 談星 S - 0 tán xīng f /astrology/fortune-telling/ 谈朋友 談朋友 S - 3 tán péng you f /to be dating sb/ 谈笑自若 談笑自若 S - 16 tán xiào zì ruò f /to talk and laugh as though nothing had happened/to remain cheerful (despite a crisis)/ 谈笑风生 談笑風生 S - 71 tán xiào fēng shēng f /to talk cheerfully and wittily/to joke together/ 谈虎色变 談虎色變 S - 32 tán hǔ sè biàn f /to turn pale at the mention of a tiger (idiom)/to be scared at the mere mention of/ 谈论 談論 S - 892 tán lùn f /to discuss/to talk about/ 谈话 談話 S - 2436 tán huà f /talk/conversation/CL:次[ci4]/ 谈谈 談談 S - 691 tán tán f /to discuss/to have a chat/ 谈资 談資 S - 26 tán zī f /sth that people like to chat about/topic of idle conversation/ 谉 讅 S - 0 shěn f /to investigate/to try (in court)/ 谊 誼 S - 180 yì f /friendship/also pr. [yi2]/ 谋 謀 S - 1989 móu f /to plan/to seek/scheme/ 谋事 謀事 S - 53 móu shì f /to plan matters/to look for a job/ 谋事在人,成事在天 謀事在人,成事在天 S - 0 móu shì zài rén , chéng shì zài tiān f /planning is with man, accomplishing with heaven (idiom); Man proposes but God disposes./ 谋划 謀劃 S - 218 móu huà f /to scheme/to plot/conspiracy/ 谋利 謀利 S - 46 móu lì f /to make a profit/to gain/to get an advantage/ 谋刺 謀刺 S - 3 móu cì f /to plot to assassinate/ 谋反 謀反 S - 293 móu fǎn f /to plot a rebellion/to conspire against the state/ 谋取 謀取 S - 185 móu qǔ f /to seek/to strive for/to obtain/see also 牟取[mou2 qu3]/ 谋取面试 謀取面試 S - 0 móu qǔ miàn shì f /to be interviewed for a job/ 谋士 謀士 S - 205 móu shì f /skilled manipulator/tactician/strategist/advisor/counsellor/ 谋害 謀害 S - 108 móu hài f /to conspire to murder/to plot against sb's life/ 谋智 謀智 S - 0 móu zhì f /Mozilla Corporation/intelligence and wisdom/resourceful/same as 智謀|智谋/ 谋杀 謀殺 S - 354 móu shā f /to murder/to assassinate/intentional homicide/ 谋杀案 謀殺案 S - 17 móu shā àn f /murder case/ 谋杀罪 謀殺罪 S - 11 móu shā zuì f /murder/ 谋求 謀求 S 4819 496 móu qiú f /to seek/to strive for/ 谋生 謀生 S - 367 móu shēng f /to seek one's livelihood/to work to support oneself/to earn a living/ 谋略 謀略 S - 214 móu lüè f /stratagem/strategy/resourcefulness/ 谋职 謀職 S - 26 móu zhí f /to look for a job/to seek employment/ 谋臣 謀臣 S - 47 móu chén f /imperial strategic adviser/expert on strategy/ 谋臣如雨 謀臣如雨 S - 3 móu chén rú yǔ f /strategic experts as thick as rain (idiom); no shortage of advisers on strategy/ 谋臣武将 謀臣武將 S - 3 móu chén wǔ jiàng f /strategic experts and powerful generals (idiom)/ 谋臣猛将 謀臣猛將 S - 3 móu chén měng jiàng f /strategic experts and powerful generals (idiom)/ 谋虑 謀慮 S - 3 móu lǜ f /to plan and consider/to reflect on one's best strategy/ 谋计 謀計 S - 45 móu jì f /stratagem/scheme/ 谋财害命 謀財害命 S - 31 móu cái hài mìng f /to plot and kill sb for his property (idiom); to murder for money/ 谋面 謀面 S - 42 móu miàn f /to meet/ 谋食 謀食 S - 0 móu shí f /to make a living/to strive to earn a living/ 谌 諶 S - 402 Chén f /surname Chen/ 谌 諶 S - 402 chén f /faithful/sincere/ 谍 諜 S - 27 dié f /to spy/ 谍报 諜報 S - 50 dié bào f /spy report/intelligence/ 谎 謊 S - 377 huǎng f /lies/to lie/ 谎价 謊價 S - 3 huǎng jià f /inflated price/exorbitant price/ 谎报 謊報 S - 39 huǎng bào f /to lie/ 谎称 謊稱 S - 39 huǎng chēng f /to claim/to pretend/ 谎言 謊言 S - 210 huǎng yán f /lie/ 谎话 謊話 S - 121 huǎng huà f /lie/ 谏 諫 S - 856 Jiàn f /surname Jian/ 谏 諫 S - 856 jiàn f /to remonstrate/to admonish/ 谏征 諫征 S - 0 jiàn zhēng f /to send or go on a punitive expedition/ 谏正 諫正 S - 0 jiàn zhèng f /see 諍諫|诤谏[zheng4 jian4]/ 谏言 諫言 S - 5 jiàn yán f /advice/to advise/ 谏诤 諫諍 S - 18 jiàn zhèng f /see 諍諫|诤谏[zheng4 jian4]/ 谐 諧 S - 468 xié f /harmonious/ 谐剧 諧劇 S - 3 xié jù f /Xieju opera (ballad and dancing monologue, popular in Sichuan)/ 谐和 諧和 S - 64 xié hé f /concordant/harmonious/ 谐婉 諧婉 S - 0 xié wǎn f /mild and harmonious/ 谐戏 諧戲 S - 3 xié xì f /to joke/ 谐振 諧振 S - 147 xié zhèn f /resonance/sympathetic vibration/ 谐振动 諧振動 S - 3 xié zhèn dòng f /harmonic oscillation (e.g. sound wave)/ 谐振子 諧振子 S - 15 xié zhèn zǐ f /harmonic oscillator (physics)/ 谐波 諧波 S - 64 xié bō f /harmonic (wave with frequency an integer multiple of the fundamental)/ 谐称 諧稱 S - 0 xié chēng f /humorous nickname/ 谐美 諧美 S - 3 xié měi f /harmonious and graceful/ 谐谈 諧談 S - 0 xié tán f /joking/humorous talk/ 谐谑 諧謔 S - 29 xié xuè f /banter/humorous repartee/ 谐趣 諧趣 S - 7 xié qù f /humor/amusing/ 谐音 諧音 S - 87 xié yīn f /homonym/homophone/harmonic (component of sound)/ 谐音列 諧音列 S - 0 xié yīn liè f /harmonic series/ 谑 謔 S - 267 xuè f /joy/to joke/to banter/to tease/to mock/Taiwan pr. [nu:e4]/ 谑剧 謔劇 S - 0 xuè jù f /fun and mockery/ 谑戏 謔戲 S - 0 xuè xì f /fun and mockery/ 谑称 謔稱 S - 0 xuè chēng f /playful appellation/ 谑而不虐 謔而不虐 S - 3 xuè ér bù nüè f /to tease/to mock sb without offending/to banter/ 谑语 謔語 S - 0 xuè yǔ f /words to tease sb/ 谒 謁 S - 376 yè f /to visit (a superior)/ 谒访 謁訪 S - 0 yè fǎng f /to pay one's respects/to visit (ancestral grave)/ 谒陵 謁陵 S - 21 yè líng f /to pay homage at a mausoleum/ 谓 謂 S - 1211 Wèi f /surname Wei/ 谓 謂 S - 1211 wèi f /to speak/to say/to name/to designate/meaning/sense/ 谓词 謂詞 S - 66 wèi cí f /predicate (in logic and grammar)/ 谓语 謂語 S - 60 wèi yǔ f /(grammatical) predicate/ 谔 諤 S - 92 è f /honest speech/ 谕 諭 S - 950 yù f /order (from above)/ 谕旨 諭旨 S - 233 yù zhǐ f /imperial edict/ 谕示 諭示 S - 32 yù shì f /to issue a directive/to instruct (that sth be done)/ 谖 諼 S - 109 xuān f /to deceive/to forget/ 谗 讒 S - 108 chán f /to slander/to defame/to misrepresent/to speak maliciously/ 谗佞 讒佞 S - 3 chán nìng f /to defame one person while flattering another/a slandering toady/ 谗害 讒害 S - 3 chán hài f /to slander/to defame and persecute/ 谗言 讒言 S - 62 chán yán f /slander/slanderous report/calumny/false charge/ 谗谄 讒諂 S - 0 chán chǎn f /to defame one person while flattering another/a slandering toady/ 谗邪 讒邪 S - 0 chán xié f /lies and slander/malicious calumny/ 谘 諮 S - 161 zī f /variant of 咨[zi1]/ 谘询 諮詢 S - 4342 zī xún f /consultation/to consult/to inquire/ 谘询员 諮詢員 S - 24 zī xún yuán f /advisor/consultant/ 谙 諳 S - 114 ān f /to be versed in/to know well/ 谙练 諳練 S - 5 ān liàn f /conversant/skilled/proficient/ 谚 諺 S - 66 yàn f /proverb/ 谚文 諺文 S - 0 yàn wén f /hangeul 한글, Korean phonetic alphabet/ 谚语 諺語 S - 229 yàn yǔ f /proverb/ 谛 諦 S - 325 dì f /to examine/truth (Buddhism)/ 谛听 諦聽 S - 43 dì tīng f /to listen carefully/ 谛视 諦視 S - 3 dì shì f /to look carefully/ 谜 謎 S - 1206 mèi f /see 謎兒|谜儿[mei4 r5], riddle/ 谜 謎 S - 1206 mí t /riddle/ 谜儿 謎兒 S - 3 mèi r f /riddle/ 谜团 謎團 S - 86 mí tuán f /riddle/enigma/unpredictable situation/elusive matters/ 谜底 謎底 S - 105 mí dǐ f /answer to a riddle/ 谜样 謎樣 S - 3 mí yàng f /enigmatic/ 谜语 謎語 S 4083 68 mí yǔ f /riddle/conundrum/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 谜题 謎題 S - 3 mí tí f /puzzle/riddle/ 谝 諞 S - 365 piǎn f /to brag/ 谞 諝 S - 7 xū f /(literary) ability and wisdom/scheme/stratagem/ 谟 謨 S - 422 mó f /plan/to practice/ 谟 謩 S - 422 mó f /old variant of 謨|谟[mo2]/ 谠 讜 S - 107 dǎng f /honest/straightforward/ 谡 謖 S - 137 sù f /composed/rise/to begin/ 谢 謝 S - 2504 Xiè f /surname Xie/ 谢 謝 S - 2504 xiè f /to thank/to apologize/to wither (of flowers, leaves etc)/to decline/ 谢世 謝世 S - 51 xiè shì f /to die/to pass away/ 谢仪 謝儀 S - 5 xiè yí f /honorarium/gift as thanks/ 谢候 謝候 S - 0 xiè hòu f /to thank sb for favor or hospitality/ 谢却 謝卻 S - 0 xiè què f /to decline/to refuse politely/ 谢天谢地 謝天謝地 S - 171 xiè tiān xiè dì f /Thank heavens!/Thank goodness that's worked out so well!/ 谢媒 謝媒 S - 0 xiè méi f /to thank the matchmaker/ 谢孝 謝孝 S - 2 xiè xiào f /to visit friends to thank them after a funeral/ 谢客 謝客 S - 13 xiè kè f /to decline to meet a visitor/to express one's gratitude to one's guests/ 谢家集 謝家集 S - 0 Xiè jiā jí f /Xiejiaji district of Huainan city 淮南市[Huai2 nan2 shi4], Anhui/ 谢家集区 謝家集區 S - 3 Xiè jiā jí qū f /Xiejiaji district of Huainan city 淮南市[Huai2 nan2 shi4], Anhui/ 谢尔巴人 謝爾巴人 S - 0 Xiè ěr bā rén f /Sherpa/ 谢尔盖 謝爾蓋 S - 34 Xiè ěr gài f /Sergei (name)/ 谢帖 謝帖 S - 3 xiè tiě f /letter of thanks/ 谢幕 謝幕 S - 72 xiè mù f /to take a curtain call/(fig.) to come to an end/ 谢忱 謝忱 S - 8 xiè chén f /gratitude/ 谢恩 謝恩 S - 519 xiè ēn f /to thank sb for favor (esp. emperor or superior official)/ 谢意 謝意 S - 88 xiè yì f /gratitude/thanks/ 谢拉 謝拉 S - 8 Xiè lā f /Zerah (son of Judah)/ 谢灵运 謝靈運 S - 39 Xiè Líng yùn f /Xie Lingyun (385-433) poet during Song of the Southern Dynasties 南朝宋/ 谢特 謝特 S - 0 xiè tè f /shit! (loanword)/ 谢病 謝病 S - 3 xiè bìng f /to excuse oneself because of illness/ 谢礼 謝禮 S - 19 xiè lǐ f /honorarium/gift as thanks/ 谢绝 謝絕 S 4755 141 xiè jué f /to refuse politely/ 谢绝参观 謝絕參觀 S - 3 xiè jué cān guān f /closed to visitors/no admittance/ 谢罪 謝罪 S - 153 xiè zuì f /to apologize for an offense/to offer one's apology for a fault/ 谢肉节 謝肉節 S - 0 xiè ròu jié f /carnival (esp. Christian)/ 谢词 謝詞 S - 3 xiè cí f /speech of thanks/ 谢谢 謝謝 S 43 1089 xiè xie f /to thank/thanks/thank you/ 谢赫 謝赫 S - 26 Xiè Hè f /Xie He (479-502), portrait painter from Qi of Southern dynasties 南齊/ 谢辛 謝辛 S - 0 Xiè Xīn f /Chea Sim, President of Cambodian National Assembly/ 谢通门 謝通門 S - 3 Xiè tōng mén f /Xaitongmoin county, Tibetan: Bzhad mthong smon rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 谢通门县 謝通門縣 S - 3 Xiè tōng mén xiàn f /Xaitongmoin county, Tibetan: Bzhad mthong smon rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 谢里夫 謝里夫 S - 27 Xiè lǐ fū f /Sharif (name)/Nawaz Sharif (1949-), Pakistani politician/ 谢长廷 謝長廷 S - 28 Xiè Cháng tíng f /Frank Chang-ting Hsieh (1946-), Taiwanese DPP politician, mayor of Kaohsiung 1998-2005/ 谢霆锋 謝霆鋒 S - 6 Xiè Tíng fēng f /Tse Ting-Fung or Nicholas Tse (1980-), Cantopop star/ 谢顶 謝頂 S - 20 xiè dǐng f /to go bald/ 谣 謠 S - 110 yáo f /popular ballad/rumor/ 谣传 謠傳 S - 98 yáo chuán f /rumor/ 谣言 謠言 S 3105 574 yáo yán f /rumor/ 谣言惑众 謠言惑衆 S - 2 yáo yán huò zhòng f /to mislead the public with rumors/to delude the people with lies/ 谤 謗 S - 80 bàng f /to slander/to defame/to speak ill of/ 谥 諡 S - 387 shì t /posthumous name or title/to confer a posthumous title/ 谥 謚 S - 387 shì t /variant of 諡|谥[shi4]/ 谥 謚 S - 387 yì f /smiling face/ 谥号 諡號 S - 78 shì hào f /posthumous name and title/ 谦 謙 S - 567 qiān f /modest/ 谦卑 謙卑 S - 50 qiān bēi f /humble/ 谦和 謙和 S - 101 qiān hé f /meek/modest/amiable/ 谦恭 謙恭 S - 151 qiān gōng f /polite and modest/ 谦称 謙稱 S - 7 qiān chēng f /modest appellation/ 谦虚 謙虛 S 2232 290 qiān xū f /modest/self-effacing/to make modest remarks/ 谦让 謙讓 S - 134 qiān ràng f /to modestly decline/ 谦词 謙詞 S - 3 qiān cí f /modest word (grammar)/ 谦诚 謙誠 S - 3 qiān chéng f /modest and sincere/humble/ 谦语 謙語 S - 0 qiān yǔ f /humble expression/ 谦辞 謙辭 S - 13 qiān cí f /humble words/self-deprecatory expression/to modestly decline/ 谦逊 謙遜 S 4327 249 qiān xùn f /humble/modest/unpretentious/modesty/ 谧 謐 S - 65 mì f /quiet/ 谨 謹 S - 853 jǐn f /cautious/careful/solemnly/sincerely (formal)/ 谨上 謹上 S - 0 jǐn shàng f /respectfully yours (in closing a letter)/ 谨严 謹嚴 S - 58 jǐn yán f /meticulous/rigorous/ 谨启 謹啟 S - 3 jǐn qǐ f /respectfully yours (in letters)/ 谨守 謹守 S - 3 jǐn shǒu f /to adhere strictly (to the rules)/ 谨慎 謹慎 S 1951 1131 jǐn shèn f /cautious/prudent/ 谨订 謹訂 S - 0 jǐn dìng f /would like to invite (epistolary style)/ 谨记 謹記 S - 3 jǐn jì f /to remember with reverence/to bear in mind/to keep in mind/ 谨防 謹防 S - 77 jǐn fáng f /to guard against/to beware of/ 谩 謾 S - 246 mán t /to deceive/ 谩 謾 S - 246 màn f /to slander/to be disrespectful/to slight/ 谩骂 謾罵 S - 98 màn mà f /to hurl abuse/to deride/to call sb names/ 谪 謫 S - 82 zhé f /to relegate a high official to a minor post in an outlying region (punishment in imperial China)/to banish or exile/(of immortals) to banish from Heaven/to censure/to blame/ 谪 讁 S - 82 zhé f /variant of 謫|谪[zhe2]/ 谪居 謫居 S - 16 zhé jū f /(of officials in imperial China) to live in banishment/ 谪戍 謫戍 S - 17 zhé shù f /in exile as penal servitude/ 谫 譾 S - 5 jiǎn f /shallow/stupid/ 谬 謬 S - 169 miù f /to deceive/to confuse/to cheat/absurd/erroneous/ 谬奖 謬獎 S - 9 miù jiǎng f /to overpraise/You praise me too much!/ 谬种 謬種 S - 8 miù zhǒng f /error/fallacy/misconception/scoundrel/You swine!/ 谬种流传 謬種流傳 S - 3 miù zhǒng liú chuán f /to pass on errors or lies (idiom); the propagation of misconceptions/ 谬耄 謬耄 S - 0 miù mào f /feeble-minded and senile/ 谬见 謬見 S - 3 miù jiàn f /erroneous views/false idea/false opinion/ 谬论 謬論 S - 99 miù lùn f /misconception/fallacy/ 谬误 謬誤 S - 267 miù wù f /error/mistaken idea/falsehood/ 谭 譚 S - 541 Tán f /surname Tan/ 谭 譚 S - 541 tán f /variant of 談|谈[tan2]/ 谭咏麟 譚詠麟 S - 0 Tán Yǒng lín f /Alan Tam (1950-), Hong Kong Canto-pop singer and actor/ 谭嗣同 譚嗣同 S - 264 Tán Sì tóng f /Tan Sitong (1865-1898), Qing writer and politician, one of the Six Gentlemen Martyrs 戊戌六君子 of the unsuccessful reform movement of 1898/ 谭富英 譚富英 S - 12 Tán Fù yīng f /Tan Fuying (1906-1977), Beijing opera star, one of the Four great beards 四大鬚生|四大须生/ 谭盾 譚盾 S - 5 Tán Dùn f /Tan Dun (1957-) Chinese composer/ 谭鑫培 譚鑫培 S - 37 Tán Xīn péi f /Tan Xinpei (1847-1917), noted opera actor/ 谭震林 譚震林 S - 117 Tán Zhèn lín f /Tan Zhenlin (1902-1983), PRC revolutionary and military leader, played political role after the cultural revolution/ 谮 譖 S - 20 zèn f /to slander/ 谮言 譖言 S - 0 zèn yán f /to slander/ 谯 譙 S - 111 Qiáo t /surname Qiao/ 谯 譙 S - 111 qiáo t /drum tower/ 谯 譙 S - 111 qiào f /ridicule/to blame/ 谯城 譙城 S - 0 Qiáo chéng f /Qiaocheng district of Bozhou city 亳州市[Bo2 zhou1 shi4], Anhui/ 谯城区 譙城區 S - 3 Qiáo chéng qū f /Qiaocheng district of Bozhou city 亳州市[Bo2 zhou1 shi4], Anhui/ 谰 讕 S - 30 lán f /to make a false charge/ 谰言 讕言 S - 4 lán yán f /slander/calumny/to accuse unjustly/ 谰调 讕調 S - 0 lán diào f /slander/calumny/to accuse unjustly/ 谱 譜 S - 2254 pǔ f /chart/list/table/register/score (music)/spectrum (physics)/to set to music/ 谱写 譜寫 S - 121 pǔ xiě f /to compose (usu. of music)/ 谱分析 譜分析 S - 30 pǔ fēn xī f /spectral analysis (physics)/ 谱子 譜子 S - 9 pǔ zi f /musical score/ 谱学 譜學 S - 0 pǔ xué f /spectroscopy/ 谱带 譜帶 S - 0 pǔ dài f /band of a spectrum/ 谱曲 譜曲 S - 28 pǔ qǔ f /to compose a piece of music/ 谱氏 譜氏 S - 0 pǔ shì f /family tree/ancestral records/ 谱牒 譜牒 S - 35 pǔ dié f /genealogical record/record of ancestors/family tree/ 谱系 譜係 S - 51 pǔ xì f /variant of 譜系|谱系[pu3 xi4]/ 谱系 譜系 S - 51 pǔ xì f /pedigree/ 谱线 譜線 S - 0 pǔ xiàn f /spectral line/ 谱表 譜表 S - 20 pǔ biǎo f /musical stave/ 谲 譎 S - 39 jué f /deceitful/ 谳 讞 S - 47 yàn f /to decide judicially/ 谴 譴 S - 166 qiǎn f /to censure/to reprimand/ 谴呵 譴呵 S - 0 qiǎn hē f /variant of 譴訶|谴诃[qian3 he1]/ 谴诃 譴訶 S - 0 qiǎn hē f /to reprimand/ 谴责 譴責 S 3477 1222 qiǎn zé f /to denounce/to condemn/to criticize/condemnation/criticism/ 谴责小说 譴責小說 S - 0 qiǎn zé xiǎo shuō f /novel of denunciation (according to Lu Xun's 鲁迅 classification)/ 谵 譫 S - 0 zhān f /incoherent talk/talkative/ 谵妄 譫妄 S - 35 zhān wàng f /delirium/ 谶 讖 S - 213 chèn f /prophecy/omen/ 谶纬 讖緯 S - 73 chèn wěi f /divination combined with mystical Confucian philosopy, prevalent during the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220)/ 谶语 讖語 S - 43 chèn yǔ f /prophecy/prophetic remark/ 谷 穀 S - 3461 gǔ f /grain/corn/ 谷 - 3461 Gǔ f /surname Gu/ 谷 - 3461 gǔ f /valley/ 谷仓 穀倉 S - 48 gǔ cāng f /barn/ 谷口 - 135 Gǔ kǒu f /Taniguchi (Japanese surname)/ 谷地 - 723 gǔ dì f /valley/ 谷城 - 227 Gǔ chéng f /Gucheng county in Xiangfan 襄樊[Xiang1 fan2], Hubei/ 谷城县 谷城縣 S - 264 Gǔ chéng xiàn f /Gucheng county in Xiangfan 襄樊[Xiang1 fan2], Hubei/ 谷城縣 谷城县 T - 264 Gǔ chéng xiàn f /Gucheng county in Xiangfan 襄樊[Xiang1 fan2], Hubei/ 谷壳 穀殼 S - 7 gǔ ké f /husk of grain/grain and chaff/ 谷子 穀子 S - 384 gǔ zi f /millet/ 谷底 - 280 gǔ dǐ f /valley floor/(fig.) lowest ebb/all-time low/ 谷梁 穀梁 S - 28 Gǔ liáng f /surname Guliang/abbr. for 穀梁傳|谷梁传[Gu3 liang2 Zhuan4], Guliang Annals/ 谷梁传 穀梁傳 S - 3 Gǔ liáng Zhuàn f /Guliang Annals, commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋[Chun1 qiu1], first published during the Han Dynasty/ 谷歌 穀歌 S - 0 Gǔ gē f /variant of 谷歌[Gu3 ge1]/ 谷歌 - 0 Gǔ gē f /Google Internet company and search engine/ 谷氨酰胺 - 3 gǔ ān xiān àn f /glutamine (Gln), an amino acid/ 谷氨酸 穀氨酸 S - 93 gǔ ān suān f /glutamic acid (Glu), an amino acid/ 谷氨酸钠 穀氨酸鈉 S - 3 gǔ ān suān nà f /monosodium glutamate (MSG) (E621)/ 谷物 穀物 S - 696 gǔ wù f /cereal/grain/ 谷神 穀神 S - 8 gǔ shén f /harvest God/ 谷神星 穀神星 S - 3 Gǔ shén xīng f /Ceres, dwarf planet in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, discovered in 1801 by G. Piazzi/ 谷穗 穀穗 S - 9 gǔ suì f /ear of grain/gerbe (used on coats of arms)/ 谷类 穀類 S - 69 gǔ lèi f /cereal/grain/ 谷粒 穀粒 S - 17 gǔ lì f /grain (of cereal)/ 谷糠 穀糠 S - 11 gǔ kāng f /grain chaff/ 谷草 穀草 S - 5 gǔ cǎo f /straw/ 谷雨 穀雨 S - 0 Gǔ yǔ f /Guyu or Grain Rain, 6th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 20th April-4th May/ 谽 - 0 hān f /a mouth or opening/ 谿 溪 T 3797 1335 xī f /variant of 溪[xi1]/ 豁 - 211 huá f /to play Chinese finger-guessing game/ 豁 - 211 huō t /opening/stake all/sacrifice/crack/slit/ 豁 - 211 huò f /clear/open/exempt (from)/liberal-minded/ 豁免 - 131 huò miǎn f /to exempt/exemption/ 豁免权 豁免權 S - 29 huò miǎn quán f /immunity from prosecution/ 豁免權 豁免权 T - 29 huò miǎn quán f /immunity from prosecution/ 豁出去 - 28 huō chu qu f /to throw caution to the wind/to press one's luck/to go for broke/ 豁拳 - 3 huá quán f /variant of 划拳[hua2 quan2]/ 豁然 - 195 huò rán f /wide and open/a flash of understanding/ 豁然开朗 豁然開朗 S - 73 huò rán kāi lǎng f /suddenly opens up to a wide panorama (idiom); to come to a wide clearing/fig. everything becomes clear at once/to achieve speedy enlightenment/ 豁然開朗 豁然开朗 T - 73 huò rán kāi lǎng f /suddenly opens up to a wide panorama (idiom); to come to a wide clearing/fig. everything becomes clear at once/to achieve speedy enlightenment/ 豁达 豁達 S - 153 huò dá f /optimistic/sanguine/generous/magnanimous/open-minded/ 豁達 豁达 T - 153 huò dá f /optimistic/sanguine/generous/magnanimous/open-minded/ 豅 - 0 lóng f /long and wide valley/ 豆 荳 S - 2483 dòu f /variant of 豆[dou4]/ 豆 - 2483 dòu f /bean/pea/CL:棵[ke1],粒[li4]/sacrificial vessel/ 豆佉 - 0 dòu qiā f /dukkha (Sanskrit)/suffering (Buddhism)/ 豆奶 - 40 dòu nǎi f /soy milk/ 豆子 - 101 dòu zi f /bean/pea/CL:顆|颗[ke1]/ 豆寇年华 豆寇年華 S - 0 dòu kòu nián huá f /used erroneously for 豆蔻年華|豆蔻年华, a girl's teenage years (idiom); maidenhood/a budding beauty/ 豆寇年華 豆寇年华 T - 0 dòu kòu nián huá f /used erroneously for 豆蔻年華|豆蔻年华, a girl's teenage years (idiom); maidenhood/a budding beauty/ 豆汁 - 36 dòu zhī f /douzhi, fermented drink made from ground mung beans/soy milk/ 豆沙 - 22 dòu shā f /sweetened bean paste/ 豆沙包 - 2 dòu shā bāo f /bean paste bun/ 豆油 - 21 dòu yóu f /soy bean oil/ 豆浆 豆漿 S - 114 dòu jiāng f /soy milk/ 豆渣 - 5 dòu zhā f /soybean dregs/ 豆渣脑筋 豆渣腦筋 S - 0 dòu zhā nǎo jīn f /brain of soybean dregs/idiot/porridge head/ 豆渣腦筋 豆渣脑筋 T - 0 dòu zhā nǎo jīn f /brain of soybean dregs/idiot/porridge head/ 豆满江 豆滿江 S - 0 Dòu mǎn jiāng f /Dumangang 두만강, Korean name of Tumen river 圖們江|图们江[Tu2 men2 jiang1] in Jilin province, forming the eastern border between China and North Korea/ 豆滿江 豆满江 T - 0 Dòu mǎn jiāng f /Dumangang 두만강, Korean name of Tumen river 圖們江|图们江[Tu2 men2 jiang1] in Jilin province, forming the eastern border between China and North Korea/ 豆漿 豆浆 T - 114 dòu jiāng f /soy milk/ 豆瓣 - 23 Dòu bàn f /Douban, PRC social networking website/ 豆瓣網 豆瓣网 T - 0 Dòu bàn Wǎng f /Douban, PRC social networking website/ 豆瓣网 豆瓣網 S - 0 Dòu bàn Wǎng f /Douban, PRC social networking website/ 豆瓣菜 - 3 dòu bàn cài f /watercress (Nasturtium officinale)/ 豆瓣酱 豆瓣醬 S - 10 dòu bàn jiàng f /sticky chili bean sauce/doubanjiang/ 豆瓣醬 豆瓣酱 T - 10 dòu bàn jiàng f /sticky chili bean sauce/doubanjiang/ 豆皀 - 0 dòu bī f /pea or bean (dialect)/ 豆皮 - 0 dòu pí f /dried beancurd (tofu)/ 豆科 - 133 dòu kē f /Fabaceae/Leguminosae/legume family (botany)/ 豆科植物 - 3 dòu kē zhí wù f /legume/leguminous plant/ 豆类 豆類 S - 280 dòu lèi f /bean/ 豆腐 2147 1078 dòu fu f /tofu/bean curd/ 豆腐渣 - 31 dòu fu zhā f /soybean dregs/ 豆腐渣工程 - 13 dòu fu zhā gōng chéng f /jerry-built building project/lit. built on soybean dregs/ 豆腐脑 豆腐腦 S - 8 dòu fu nǎo f /jellied tofu/soft bean curd/ 豆腐腦 豆腐脑 T - 8 dòu fu nǎo f /jellied tofu/soft bean curd/ 豆花 - 16 dòu huā f /douhua/type of bean curd/ 豆芽 - 53 dòu yá f /bean sprout/ 豆芽菜 - 15 dòu yá cài f /bean sprouts/ 豆苗 - 5 dòu miáo f /pea shoots/bean seedling/ 豆荚 豆莢 S - 30 dòu jiá f /pod (of legumes)/ 豆莢 豆荚 T - 30 dòu jiá f /pod (of legumes)/ 豆蓉 - 3 dòu róng f /sweetened bean paste/ 豆蓉包 - 0 dòu róng bāo f /bean paste bun/ 豆蔻 - 26 dòu kòu f /cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum)/fig. a girl's teenage years/maidenhood/a budding beauty/ 豆蔻年华 豆蔻年華 S - 8 dòu kòu nián huá f /a girl's teenage years (idiom); maidenhood/a budding beauty/ 豆蔻年華 豆蔻年华 T - 8 dòu kòu nián huá f /a girl's teenage years (idiom); maidenhood/a budding beauty/ 豆薯 - 10 dòu shǔ f /yam bean (Pachyrhizus erosus), a vine with sweet edible root/ 豆薯属 豆薯屬 S - 0 dòu shǔ shǔ f /yam bean/Pachyrhizus genus/ 豆薯屬 豆薯属 T - 0 dòu shǔ shǔ f /yam bean/Pachyrhizus genus/ 豆角 - 50 dòu jiǎo f /string bean/snap bean/green bean/ 豆角儿 豆角兒 S - 3 dòu jiǎo r f /erhua variant of 豆角[dou4 jiao3]/ 豆角兒 豆角儿 T - 3 dòu jiǎo r f /erhua variant of 豆角[dou4 jiao3]/ 豆豉 - 30 dòu chǐ f /black bean/black bean sauce/ 豆豉酱 豆豉醬 S - 0 dòu chǐ jiàng f /black bean sauce/ 豆豉醬 豆豉酱 T - 0 dòu chǐ jiàng f /black bean sauce/ 豆雁 - 0 dòu yàn f /(bird species of China) taiga bean goose (Anser fabalis)/ 豆類 豆类 T - 280 dòu lèi f /bean/ 豇 - 3 jiāng f /cowpeas/black-eyed beans/ 豇豆 - 36 jiāng dòu f /cowpea/black-eyed bean/ 豈 岂 T - 4042 kǎi f /old variant of 愷|恺[kai3]/old variant of 凱|凯[kai3]/ 豈 岂 T - 4042 qǐ t /how? (emphatic question)/ 豈不 岂不 T - 0 qǐ bù f /how couldn't...?/wouldn't it...?/ 豈敢 岂敢 T - 179 qǐ gǎn f /how could one dare?/I don't deserve such praise/ 豈有此理 岂有此理 T 3696 105 qǐ yǒu cǐ lǐ f /how can this be so? (idiom); preposterous/ridiculous/absurd/ 豈止 岂止 T - 129 qǐ zhǐ f /not only/far from/more than/ 豈非 岂非 T - 289 qǐ fēi f /wouldn't it be ... ?/ 豉 - 9 chǐ f /salted fermented beans/ 豉油 - 0 chǐ yóu f /soy sauce/ 豊 - 10 fēng f /variant of 豐|丰[feng1]/ 豊 - 10 lǐ t /ceremonial vessel/variant of 禮|礼[li3]/ 豋 - 0 dēng f /ceremonial vessel/ 豌 - 4 wān f /peas/ 豌豆 - 789 wān dòu f /pea (Pisum sativum)/ 豌豆尖 - 0 wān dòu jiān f /pea shoots/ 豌豆粥 - 0 wān dòu zhōu f /pea gruel/ 豌豆象 - 3 wān dòu xiàng f /pea weevil/ 豍 - 0 bī f /pea (Pisum sativum)/ 豎 竖 T 3625 1185 shù f /to erect/vertical/vertical stroke (in Chinese characters)/ 豎式 竖式 T - 0 shù shì f /standing/vertical/ 豎彎鉤 竖弯钩 T - 0 shù wān gōu f /乚 stroke in Chinese characters/ 豎折 竖折 T - 0 shù zhé f /(downwards-starting right angle character stroke)/ 豎琴 竖琴 T - 88 shù qín f /harp/ 豎直 竖直 T - 32 shù zhí f /vertical/to erect/to set upright/vertical stroke in Chinese characters/young servant (old)/ 豎立 竖立 T - 282 shù lì f /to erect/to set upright/to stand/ 豎筆 竖笔 T - 0 shù bǐ f /vertical stroke (in Chinese characters)/ 豎起 竖起 T - 388 shù qǐ f /to erect (a tent etc)/to prick up (one's ears)/to raise (one's eyebrows)/to stick up (one's thumb)/to turn up (one's collar)/(of a bird) to puff up (one's feathers)/ 豎起大拇指 竖起大拇指 T - 0 shù qǐ dà mu zhǐ f /to give a thumbs-up/to express one's approval/ 豎起耳朵 竖起耳朵 T - 0 shù qǐ ěr duo f /to prick up one's ears/to strain to hear sth/ 豎鉤 竖钩 T - 0 shù gōu f /vertical stroke with a hook at the end (in Chinese characters)/ 豏 - 0 xiàn f /half-grown beans/variant of 餡|馅[xian4]/ 豐 丰 T - 784 Fēng f /surname Feng/ 豐 丰 T - 784 fēng f /abundant/plentiful/fertile/plump/great/ 豐儉由人 丰俭由人 T - 0 fēng jiǎn yóu rén f /fancy or simple according to sb's budget (idiom)/ 豐功 丰功 T - 2 fēng gōng f /brilliant (exploit)/great (achievement)/esp. 豐功偉績|丰功伟绩, glorious achievement/ 豐功偉績 丰功伟绩 T - 69 fēng gōng wěi jì f /glorious achievement (idiom)/ 豐南 丰南 T - 9 Fēng nán f /Fengnan district of Tangshan city 唐山市[Tang2 shan1 shi4], Hebei/ 豐南區 丰南区 T - 3 Fēng nán qū f /Fengnan district of Tangshan city 唐山市[Tang2 shan1 shi4], Hebei/ 豐厚 丰厚 T - 402 fēng hòu f /generous/ample/ 豐原 丰原 T - 23 Fēng yuán f /Fongyuan or Fengyuan city in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan/ 豐原市 丰原市 T - 3 Fēng yuán shì f /Fongyuan or Fengyuan city in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan/ 豐台 丰台 T - 98 Fēng tái f /Fengtai inner district of southwest Beijing/ 豐台區 丰台区 T - 46 Fēng tái qū f /Fengtai inner district of southwest Beijing/ 豐城 丰城 T - 17 Fēng chéng f /Fengcheng county level city in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi/ 豐城市 丰城市 T - 3 Fēng chéng shì f /Fengcheng county level city in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi/ 豐富 丰富 T 1075 11867 fēng fù f /to enrich/rich/plentiful/abundant/ 豐富多彩 丰富多彩 T - 355 fēng fù duō cǎi f /richly colorful/ 豐寧 丰宁 T - 15 Fēng níng f /Fengning Manchu autonomous county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 de2], Hebei/ 豐寧滿族自治縣 丰宁满族自治县 T - 4 Fēng níng Mǎn zú Zì zhì xiàn f /Fengning Manchu Autonomous County in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 de2], Hebei/ 豐寧縣 丰宁县 T - 4 Fēng níng xiàn f /Fengning Manchu autonomous county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 de2], Hebei/ 豐年 丰年 T - 64 fēng nián f /prosperous year/year with bumper harvest/ 豐度 丰度 T - 66 fēng dù f /abundance/ 豐收 丰收 T 4466 395 fēng shōu f /bumper harvest/ 豐水 丰水 T - 12 fēng shuǐ f /abundant water/high water level/ 豐沛 丰沛 T - 116 fēng pèi f /copious/plentiful (of water)/surging (of waves)/refers to home village of first Han emperor 漢高祖|汉高祖[Han4 Gao1 zu3]/fig. majestic/ 豐溪 丰溪 T - 3 Fēng xī f /Fengxi, common place name/P'unggye in Kilju county, North Hamgyeong province, the North Korean nuclear test site/ 豐溪里 丰溪里 T - 0 Fēng xī lǐ f /P'unggye in Kilju county, North Hamgyeong province, the North Korean nuclear test site/ 豐滿 丰满 T 3646 281 Fēng mǎn f /Fengman district of Jilin city 吉林市, Jilin province/ 豐滿 丰满 T 3646 281 fēng mǎn f /ample/well developed/fully rounded/ 豐滿區 丰满区 T - 3 Fēng mǎn qū f /Fengman district of Jilin city 吉林市, Jilin province/ 豐潤 丰润 T - 39 Fēng rùn f /Fengrun district of Tangshan city 唐山市[Tang2 shan1 shi4], Hebei/ 豐潤區 丰润区 T - 3 Fēng rùn qū f /Fengrun district of Tangshan city 唐山市[Tang2 shan1 shi4], Hebei/ 豐澤 丰泽 T - 4 Fēng zé f /Fengze district of Quanzhou city 泉州市[Quan2 zhou1 shi4], Fujian/ 豐澤區 丰泽区 T - 3 Fēng zé qū f /Fengze district of Quanzhou city 泉州市[Quan2 zhou1 shi4], Fujian/ 豐濱 丰滨 T - 3 Fēng bīn f /Fengbin or Fengpin township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 xian4], east Taiwan/ 豐濱鄉 丰滨乡 T - 0 Fēng bīn xiāng f /Fengbin or Fengpin township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 xian4], east Taiwan/ 豐產 丰产 T - 567 fēng chǎn f /high yield/bumper crop/ 豐田 丰田 T - 156 Fēng tián f /Toyota or Toyoda (name)/Toyota, Japanese car make/ 豐登 丰登 T - 4 fēng dēng f /plentiful harvest/bumper crop/ 豐盈 丰盈 T - 30 fēng yíng f /well-rounded/plump/ 豐盛 丰盛 T 3913 244 fēng shèng f /rich/sumptuous/ 豐碑 丰碑 T - 48 fēng bēi f /large inscribed stele/fig. great achievement/imperishable masterpiece/ 豐碩 丰硕 T - 146 fēng shuò f /plentiful/substantial/rich (in resources etc)/ 豐縣 丰县 T - 29 Fēng xiàn f /Feng county in Xuzhou 徐州[Xu2 zhou1], Jiangsu/ 豐美 丰美 T - 193 fēng měi f /abundant and prosperous/ 豐胸 丰胸 T - 3 fēng xiōng f /see 隆胸[long2 xiong1]/ 豐腴 丰腴 T - 63 fēng yú f /full-bodied/well-rounded/fig. fertile land/ 豐臣秀吉 丰臣秀吉 T - 3 Fēng chén Xiù jí f /TOYOTOMI Hideyoshi (1536-1598), Japanese warlord, undisputed ruler of Japan 1590-1598/ 豐衣足食 丰衣足食 T - 18 fēng yī zú shí f /having ample food and clothing (idiom); well fed and clothed/ 豐裕 丰裕 T - 22 fēng yù f /abundance/plenty/ 豐足 丰足 T - 28 fēng zú f /abundant/plenty/ 豐都 丰都 T - 39 Fēng dū f /Fengdu county in Fuling suburbs of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 豐都縣 丰都县 T - 8 Fēng dū xiàn f /Fengdu county in Fuling suburbs of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 豐鎮 丰镇 T - 8 Fēng zhèn f /Fengzhen city in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia/ 豐鎮市 丰镇市 T - 6 Fēng zhèn shì f /Fengzhen city in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia/ 豐順 丰顺 T - 5 Fēng shùn f /Fengshun county in Meizhou 梅州, Guangdong/ 豐順縣 丰顺县 T - 3 Fēng shùn xiàn f /Fengshun county in Meizhou 梅州, Guangdong/ 豐饒 丰饶 T - 65 fēng ráo f /rich and fertile/ 豑 - 0 zhì f /old variant of 秩[zhi4]/ 豓 艳 T - 746 yàn f /old variant of 豔|艳[yan4]/ 豔 艳 T - 746 yàn f /variant of 艷|艳[yan4]/ 豔陽天 艳阳天 T - 8 yàn yáng tiān f /bright sunny day/blazing hot day/ 豕 - 52 shǐ f /hog/swine/ 豕豞 - 0 shǐ hòu f /grunting of pigs/ 豖 - 0 chù f /a shackled pig/ 豗 - 0 huī f /clash/grunting of pigs/ 豚 - 98 tún f /suckling pig/ 豚鼠 - 13 tún shǔ f /guinea pig (Cavia porcellus)/ 豜 - 0 jiān f /fully grown pig/3-year old pig/ 豝 - 3 bā f /corned beef/female pig/sow/ 豞 - 37 hòu f /grunting of pigs/ 象 - 8475 xiàng f /elephant/CL:隻|只[zhi1]/shape/form/appearance/to imitate/ 象声词 象聲詞 S - 11 xiàng shēng cí f /onomatopoeia/ 象山 - 319 Xiàng shān f /Xiangshan district of Guilin city 桂林市[Gui4 lin2 shi4], Guangxi/Xiangshan county in Ningbo 寧波|宁波[Ning2 bo1], Zhejiang/ 象山区 象山區 S - 2 Xiàng shān qū f /Xiangshan district of Guilin city 桂林市[Gui4 lin2 shi4], Guangxi/ 象山區 象山区 T - 2 Xiàng shān qū f /Xiangshan district of Guilin city 桂林市[Gui4 lin2 shi4], Guangxi/ 象山县 象山縣 S - 11 Xiàng shān xiàn f /Xiangshan county in Ningbo 寧波|宁波[Ning2 bo1], Zhejiang/ 象山縣 象山县 T - 11 Xiàng shān xiàn f /Xiangshan county in Ningbo 寧波|宁波[Ning2 bo1], Zhejiang/ 象州 - 8 Xiàng zhōu f /Xiangzhou county in Laibin 來賓|来宾[Lai2 bin1], Guangxi/ 象州县 象州縣 S - 5 Xiàng zhōu xiàn f /Xiangzhou county in Laibin 來賓|来宾[Lai2 bin1], Guangxi/ 象州縣 象州县 T - 5 Xiàng zhōu xiàn f /Xiangzhou county in Laibin 來賓|来宾[Lai2 bin1], Guangxi/ 象形 - 71 xiàng xíng f /pictogram/one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters/Chinese character derived from a picture/sometimes called hieroglyph/ 象形字 - 18 xiàng xíng zì f /pictogram (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters)/Chinese character derived from a picture/sometimes called hieroglyph/ 象形文字 - 81 xiàng xíng wén zì f /pictogram/hieroglyph/ 象征 象徵 S 1961 4233 xiàng zhēng f /emblem/symbol/token/badge/to symbolize/to signify/to stand for/ 象征主义 象徵主義 S - 3 xiàng zhēng zhǔ yì f /symbolism/ 象征性 象徵性 S - 189 xiàng zhēng xìng f /symbolic/emblem/token/ 象徵 象征 T 1961 4233 xiàng zhēng f /emblem/symbol/token/badge/to symbolize/to signify/to stand for/ 象徵主義 象征主义 T - 3 xiàng zhēng zhǔ yì f /symbolism/ 象徵性 象征性 T - 189 xiàng zhēng xìng f /symbolic/emblem/token/ 象拔蚌 - 3 xiàng bá bàng f /elephant trunk clam/geoduck (Panopea abrupta), large clam with a long proboscis (mainly from Washington State and British Columbia)/ 象样 象樣 S - 3 xiàng yàng f /variant of 像樣|像样[xiang4 yang4]/ 象棋 2385 182 xiàng qí f /Chinese chess/CL:副[fu4]/ 象棋賽 象棋赛 T - 2 xiàng qí sài f /Chinese chess tournament/ 象棋赛 象棋賽 S - 2 xiàng qí sài f /Chinese chess tournament/ 象樣 象样 T - 3 xiàng yàng f /variant of 像樣|像样[xiang4 yang4]/ 象海豹 - 0 xiàng hǎi bào f /elephant seal/ 象牙 - 334 xiàng yá f /ivory/elephant tusk/ 象牙塔 - 32 xiàng yá tǎ f /ivory tower/ 象牙海岸 - 3 Xiàng yá Hǎi àn f /Ivory Coast/ 象聲詞 象声词 T - 11 xiàng shēng cí f /onomatopoeia/ 象話 象话 T - 24 xiàng huà f /proper/also written 像話|像话/ 象话 象話 S - 24 xiàng huà f /proper/also written 像話|像话/ 象限 - 46 xiàng xiàn f /quadrant (in coordinate geometry)/ 象鼻山 - 5 Xiàng bí shān f /Elephant trunk hill in Guilin/ 豢 - 215 huàn f /to rear/to raise (animals)/ 豢养 豢養 S - 48 huàn yǎng f /to keep (an animal)/to look after the needs of (a person or an animal)/(fig.) to keep (a spy, lackey etc) in one's pay/ 豢圉 - 0 huàn yǔ f /pen for animals/animal barn or stable/ 豢養 豢养 T - 48 huàn yǎng f /to keep (an animal)/to look after the needs of (a person or an animal)/(fig.) to keep (a spy, lackey etc) in one's pay/ 豣 - 0 jiān f /variant of 豜[jian1]/ 豦 - 0 qú f /a wild boar/to fight/ 豨 - 19 xī f /swine/ 豪 - 1182 háo f /grand/heroic/ 豪伊杜·比豪尔 豪伊杜·比豪爾 S - 0 Háo yī dù · Bǐ háo ěr f /Hajdú-Bihar province of east Hungary on the border with Romania/ 豪伊杜·比豪尔州 豪伊杜·比豪爾州 S - 0 Háo yī dù · Bì háo ěr zhōu f /Hajdú-Bihar county in east Hungary on the border with Romania, capital Debrecen 德布勒森/ 豪伊杜·比豪爾 豪伊杜·比豪尔 T - 0 Háo yī dù · Bǐ háo ěr f /Hajdú-Bihar province of east Hungary on the border with Romania/ 豪伊杜·比豪爾州 豪伊杜·比豪尔州 T - 0 Háo yī dù · Bì háo ěr zhōu f /Hajdú-Bihar county in east Hungary on the border with Romania, capital Debrecen 德布勒森/ 豪侠 豪俠 S - 47 háo xiá f /brave and chivalrous/ 豪俠 豪侠 T - 47 háo xiá f /brave and chivalrous/ 豪傑 豪杰 T - 496 háo jié f /hero/towering figure/ 豪华 豪華 S 1844 1043 háo huá f /luxurious/ 豪华型 豪華型 S - 29 háo huá xíng f /deluxe model/ 豪华轿车 豪華轎車 S - 3 háo huá jiào chē f /limousine/luxury carriage/ 豪壮 豪壯 S - 32 háo zhuàng f /magnificent/heroic/ 豪壯 豪壮 T - 32 háo zhuàng f /magnificent/heroic/ 豪奢 - 87 háo shē f /extravagant/luxurious/ 豪宅 - 129 háo zhái f /grand residence/mansion/ 豪富 - 73 háo fù f /rich and powerful/rich and influential person/big shot/ 豪強 豪强 T - 279 háo qiáng f /despot/tyrant/bully/ 豪强 豪強 S - 279 háo qiáng f /despot/tyrant/bully/ 豪情壮志 豪情壯志 S - 14 háo qíng zhuàng zhì f /lofty ideals/noble aspirations/ 豪情壯志 豪情壮志 T - 14 háo qíng zhuàng zhì f /lofty ideals/noble aspirations/ 豪放 - 116 háo fàng f /bold and unconstrained/powerful and free/ 豪杰 豪傑 S - 496 háo jié f /hero/towering figure/ 豪气 豪氣 S - 149 háo qì f /heroic spirit/heroism/ 豪气干云 豪氣干雲 S - 0 háo qì gān yún f /lit. heroism reaching to the clouds (idiom)/ 豪氣 豪气 T - 149 háo qì f /heroic spirit/heroism/ 豪氣干雲 豪气干云 T - 0 háo qì gān yún f /lit. heroism reaching to the clouds (idiom)/ 豪油 - 0 háo yóu f /oyster sauce/correct spelling 蠔油|蚝油/ 豪爽 - 164 háo shuǎng f /outspoken and straightforward/forthright/expansive/ 豪猪 豪豬 S - 28 háo zhū f /porcupine/ 豪紳 豪绅 T - 72 háo shēn f /local despot/ 豪绅 豪紳 S - 72 háo shēn f /local despot/ 豪華 豪华 T 1844 1043 háo huá f /luxurious/ 豪華型 豪华型 T - 29 háo huá xíng f /deluxe model/ 豪華轎車 豪华轿车 T - 3 háo huá jiào chē f /limousine/luxury carriage/ 豪萨语 豪薩語 S - 0 Háo sà yǔ f /the Hausa language/ 豪薩語 豪萨语 T - 0 Háo sà yǔ f /the Hausa language/ 豪言壮语 豪言壯語 S - 48 háo yán zhuàng yǔ f /bold, visionary words/ 豪言壯語 豪言壮语 T - 48 háo yán zhuàng yǔ f /bold, visionary words/ 豪豬 豪猪 T - 28 háo zhū f /porcupine/ 豪迈 豪邁 S 4931 212 háo mài f /bold/open-minded/heroic/ 豪邁 豪迈 T 4931 212 háo mài f /bold/open-minded/heroic/ 豪門 豪门 T - 144 háo mén f /rich and powerful (families)/aristocratic/big shots/ 豪门 豪門 S - 144 háo mén f /rich and powerful (families)/aristocratic/big shots/ 豪雨 - 9 háo yǔ f /violent rain (e.g. due to monsoon or typhoon)/cloudburst/ 豫 - 907 Yù f /abbr. for Henan province 河南 in central China/ 豫 - 907 yù f /happy/carefree/at one's ease/variant of 預|预[yu4]/old variant of 與|与[yu4]/ 豫剧 豫劇 S - 72 Yù jù f /Henan opera/ 豫劇 豫剧 T - 72 Yù jù f /Henan opera/ 豫告 - 0 yù gào f /variant of 預告|预告[yu4 gao4]/to forecast/to predict/advance notice/ 豬 猪 T 1407 3108 zhū f /hog/pig/swine/CL:口[kou3],頭|头[tou2]/ 豬下水 猪下水 T - 6 zhū xià shuǐ f /pig offal/ 豬仔包 猪仔包 T - 0 zhū zǎi bāo f /a French-style bread, similar to a small baguette, commonly seen in Hong Kong and Macao/ 豬仔館 猪仔馆 T - 0 zhū zǎi guǎn f /pigsty/ 豬倌 猪倌 T - 2 zhū guān f /swineherd/ 豬八戒 猪八戒 T - 172 Zhū Bā jiè f /Zhu Bajie, character in Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记, with pig-like characteristics and armed with a muck-rake/Pigsy in Arthur Waley's translation/ 豬場 猪场 T - 11 zhū chǎng f /piggery/ 豬婆龍 猪婆龙 T - 3 zhū pó lóng f /Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis)/ 豬尾巴 猪尾巴 T - 0 zhū wěi ba f /pig's tail (meat)/ 豬年 猪年 T - 0 zhū nián f /Year of the Boar (e.g. 2007)/ 豬悟能 猪悟能 T - 0 Zhū Wù néng f /Zhu Bajie 豬八戒|猪八戒[Zhu1 Ba1 jie4] or Zhu Wuneng, Pigsy or Pig (in Journey to the West)/ 豬扒 猪扒 T - 3 zhū pá f /see 豬排|猪排[zhu1 pai2]/ 豬拱菌 猪拱菌 T - 0 zhū gǒng jūn f /Chinese truffle/ 豬排 猪排 T - 11 zhū pái f /pork ribs/pork chop/ 豬朋狗友 猪朋狗友 T - 6 zhū péng gǒu yǒu f /dissolute companions/disreputable comrades/ 豬柳 猪柳 T - 0 zhū liǔ f /pork fillet/ 豬水泡病 猪水泡病 T - 0 zhū shuǐ pào bìng f /swine vesicular disease (SVD)/ 豬油 猪油 T - 70 zhū yóu f /lard/ 豬流感 猪流感 T - 0 zhū liú gǎn f /swine influenza/swine flu/influenza A (H1N1)/ 豬流感病毒 猪流感病毒 T - 0 zhū liú gǎn bìng dú f /swine influenza virus (SIV)/ 豬灣 猪湾 T - 4 Zhū Wān f /Bay of Pigs (Cuba)/ 豬狗 猪狗 T - 3 zhū gǒu f /pig-dog (intended as insult)/Schweinhund/ 豬狗不如 猪狗不如 T - 3 zhū gǒu bù rú f /worse than a dog or pig/lower than low/ 豬窠 猪窠 T - 0 zhū kē f /pigsty/ 豬肉 猪肉 T - 777 zhū ròu f /pork/ 豬苓 猪苓 T - 7 zhū líng f /poria mushroom (Polyporus umbellatus)/ 豬草 猪草 T - 17 zhū cǎo f /ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia)/fishwort (Houttuynia cordata)/ 豬蹄 猪蹄 T - 26 zhū tí f /pig trotters/ 豬鏈球菌 猪链球菌 T - 3 zhū liàn qiú jūn f /pig streptococcus/streptococcus suis/ 豬鏈球菌病 猪链球菌病 T - 0 zhū liàn qiú jūn bìng f /streptococcus suis (swine-borne disease)/ 豬頭 猪头 T - 83 zhū tóu f /pig head/(coll.) fool/jerk/ 豭 - 0 jiā f /boar/male pig/ 豮 豶 S - 0 fén f /gelded pig/ 豱 - 0 wēn f /short-headed pig/ 豱公 - 0 wēn gōng f /piggy (joking name)/ 豳 - 31 Bīn f /name of an ancient county in Shaanxi/variant of 彬[bin1]/ 豵 - 0 zōng f /litter of pigs/little pig/ 豶 豮 T - 0 fén f /gelded pig/ 豷 - 0 yì f /breathing of pigs/ 豸 - 7 zhì f /worm-like invertebrate/mythical animal (see 獬豸[xie4 zhi4])/radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 153)/ 豹 - 761 bào f /leopard/panther/ 豹子 - 374 bào zi f /leopard/CL:頭|头[tou2]/ 豹拳 - 0 bào quán f /Bao Quan - "Leopard Fist" - Martial Art/ 豹猫 豹貓 S - 13 bào māo f /leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis)/ 豹貓 豹猫 T - 13 bào māo f /leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis)/ 豺 - 50 chái f /dog-like animal/ravenous beast/dhole (Cuon Alpinus)/jackal/ 豺狼 - 93 chái láng f /jackal and wolf/ravenous wolf/fig. evil person/vicious tyrant/ 豺狼塞路 - 3 chái láng sāi lù f /ravenous wolves block the road (idiom); wicked people in power/a vicious tyranny rules the land/ 豺狼座 - 0 Chái láng zuò f /Lupus (constellation)/ 豺狼当涂 豺狼當塗 S - 3 chái láng dāng tú f /ravenous wolves hold the road (idiom); wicked people in power/a vicious tyranny rules the land/ 豺狼当路 豺狼當路 S - 3 chái láng dāng lù f /ravenous wolves hold the road (idiom); wicked people in power/a vicious tyranny rules the land/ 豺狼当道 豺狼當道 S - 3 chái láng dāng dào f /ravenous wolves hold the road (idiom); wicked people in power/a vicious tyranny rules the land/ 豺狼當塗 豺狼当涂 T - 3 chái láng dāng tú f /ravenous wolves hold the road (idiom); wicked people in power/a vicious tyranny rules the land/ 豺狼當路 豺狼当路 T - 3 chái láng dāng lù f /ravenous wolves hold the road (idiom); wicked people in power/a vicious tyranny rules the land/ 豺狼當道 豺狼当道 T - 3 chái láng dāng dào f /ravenous wolves hold the road (idiom); wicked people in power/a vicious tyranny rules the land/ 豺狼虎豹 - 7 chái láng hǔ bào f /jackals, wolves, tigers and panthers (idiom)/animals who are dangerous to man and cattle/fierce and cruel people/ 豻 - 0 àn t /jail/ 豻 - 0 hàn f /(canine)/ 貂 - 389 diāo f /sable or marten (genus Martes)/ 貂熊 - 3 diāo xióng f /wolverine (Gulo gulo)/ 貂皮 - 89 diāo pí f /mink fur/ 貂蝉 貂蟬 S - 8 Diāo Chán f /Diaochan (-192), one of the Four legendary beauties 四大美女[si4 da4 mei3 nu:3], in fiction a famous beauty at the break-up of Han dynasty, given as concubine to usurping warlord Dong Zhuo 董卓[Dong3 Zhuo2] to ensure his overthrow by fighting hero Lü Bu 呂布|吕布[Lu:3 Bu4]/ 貂蟬 貂蝉 T - 8 Diāo Chán f /Diaochan (-192), one of the Four legendary beauties 四大美女[si4 da4 mei3 nu:3], in fiction a famous beauty at the break-up of Han dynasty, given as concubine to usurping warlord Dong Zhuo 董卓[Dong3 Zhuo2] to ensure his overthrow by fighting hero Lü Bu 呂布|吕布[Lu:3 Bu4]/ 貂裘换酒 貂裘換酒 S - 3 diāo qiú huàn jiǔ f /lit. to trade a fur coat for wine (idiom)/fig. (of wealthy people) to lead a dissolute and extravagant life/ 貂裘換酒 貂裘换酒 T - 3 diāo qiú huàn jiǔ f /lit. to trade a fur coat for wine (idiom)/fig. (of wealthy people) to lead a dissolute and extravagant life/ 貅 - 2 xiū f /see 貔貅[pi2 xiu1], composite mythical animal (originally 貅 was the female)/ 貆 - 0 huán f /badger/ 貉 - 86 hé f /raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides)/raccoon of North China, Korea and Japan (Japanese: tanuki)/also pr. [hao2]/ 貉 - 86 mò f /old term for northern peoples/silent/ 貉子 - 6 háo zi f /raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides)/raccoon of North China, Korea and Japan (Japanese: tanuki)/also called 狸/ 貉絨 貉绒 T - 2 háo róng f /precious fur obtained from skin of raccoon dog after removing hard bristle/ 貉绒 貉絨 S - 2 háo róng f /precious fur obtained from skin of raccoon dog after removing hard bristle/ 貊 - 20 mò f /name of a wild tribe/silent/ 貌 - 870 mào f /appearance/ 貌似 - 101 mào sì f /to appear to be/to seem as if/ 貌合心离 貌合心離 S - 3 mào hé xīn lí f /the appearance of unity, but divided at heart (idiom); seeming harmony belies underlying disagreement/ 貌合心離 貌合心离 T - 3 mào hé xīn lí f /the appearance of unity, but divided at heart (idiom); seeming harmony belies underlying disagreement/ 貌合神离 貌合神離 S - 9 mào hé shén lí f /the appearance of unity, but divided at heart (idiom); seeming harmony belies underlying disagreement/ 貌合神離 貌合神离 T - 9 mào hé shén lí f /the appearance of unity, but divided at heart (idiom); seeming harmony belies underlying disagreement/ 貌相 - 3 mào xiàng f /appearance (esp. superficial)/looks/to judge a person by appearances/ 貌美 - 3 mào měi f /good looks/pretty (e.g. young woman)/ 貍 狸 T - 75 lí f /variant of 狸[li2]/ 貎 猊 T - 10 ní f /wild beast/wild horse/lion/trad. form used erroneously for 貌/simplified form used erroneously for 狻/ 貓 猫 T 118 1908 māo f /cat/CL:隻|只[zhi1]/(dialect) to hide oneself/(coll.) modem/ 貓兒 猫儿 T - 76 māo ér f /kitten/ 貓兒山 猫儿山 T - 18 Māo ér shān f /Kitten Mountain, Guangxi/ 貓匿 猫匿 T - 0 māo nì f /see 貓膩|猫腻[mao1 ni4]/ 貓叫聲 猫叫声 T - 3 māo jiào shēng f /mew/ 貓咪 猫咪 T - 2 māo mī f /kitty/ 貓哭老鼠 猫哭老鼠 T - 3 māo kū lǎo shǔ f /the cat weeps for the dead mouse (idiom); hypocritical pretence of condolence/crocodile tears/ 貓哭耗子 猫哭耗子 T - 7 māo kū hào zi f /the cat weeps for the dead mouse (idiom); hypocritical pretence of condolence/crocodile tears/ 貓抓病 猫抓病 T - 0 māo zhuā bìng f /cat scratch disease/cat scratch fever/ 貓沙 猫沙 T - 0 māo shā f /cat litter/kitty litter/ 貓熊 猫熊 T - 4 māo xióng f /see 熊貓|熊猫[xiong2 mao1]/ 貓王 猫王 T - 18 Māo Wáng f /Elvis Presley (1935-1977), US pop singer and film star/transliterated as 埃爾維斯·普雷斯利|埃尔维斯·普雷斯利[Ai1 er3 wei2 si1 · Pu3 lei2 si1 li4]/ 貓瘟 猫瘟 T - 0 māo wēn f /feline panleukopenia/feline distemper/ 貓眼 猫眼 T - 57 māo yǎn f /peephole/ 貓眼兒 猫眼儿 T - 3 māo yǎn r f /erhua variant of 貓眼|猫眼[mao1 yan3]/ 貓科 猫科 T - 25 māo kē f /Felidae (the cat family)/ 貓聲鳥 猫声鸟 T - 0 māo shēng niǎo f /catbird/ 貓腰 猫腰 T - 12 máo yāo f /to bend over/ 貓膩 猫腻 T - 67 māo nì f /trick/something fishy/ 貓霧族 猫雾族 T - 0 Māo wù zú f /Babuza, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/ 貓頭鷹 猫头鹰 T - 123 māo tóu yīng f /owl/ 貓鼠遊戲 猫鼠游戏 T - 0 māo shǔ yóu xì f /cat and mouse game/ 貓鼬 猫鼬 T - 0 māo yòu f /see 狐獴[hu2 meng3]/ 貔 - 7 pí f /see 貔貅[pi2 xiu1], composite mythical animal (originally 貔 was the male)/ 貔貅 - 10 pí xiū f /mythical animal that brings luck and wards off evil, having head of a dragon and lion's body, often with hoofs, wings and tail/also written 辟邪/fig. valiant soldier/ 貘 - 45 mò f /tapir/ 貙 䝙 T - 0 chū f /(archaic) animal resembling a tiger/ 貛 獾 T - 632 huān f /variant of 獾[huan1]/ 貜 - 559 jué f /(ape)/ 貝 贝 T - 836 Bèi f /surname Bei/ 貝 贝 T - 836 bèi f /cowrie/shellfish/currency (archaic)/ 貝·佈托 贝·布托 T - 0 Bèi · Bù tuō f /Benazir Bhutto (1953-2007), Pakistani politician, daughter of executed former prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and herself prime minister 1993-1996, murdered by Al Qaeda/ 貝丘 贝丘 T - 2 bèi qiū f /shell mound/ 貝九 贝九 T - 0 Bèi jiǔ f /Beethoven's Ninth/ 貝克 贝克 T - 84 Bèi kè f /Baker or Becker (name)/ 貝克 贝克 T - 84 bèi kè f /becquerel (unit of radioactivity, symbol Bq)/abbr. for 貝克勒爾|贝克勒尔[bei4 ke4 le4 er3]/ 貝克勒爾 贝克勒尔 T - 3 bèi kè lè ěr f /becquerel (unit of radioactivity, symbol Bq)/abbr. to 貝克|贝克[bei4 ke4]/ 貝克漢姆 贝克汉姆 T - 89 Bèi kè hàn mǔ f /Beckenham or Beckham (name)/David Beckham (1975-), British midfield footballer/ 貝克爾 贝克尔 T - 26 Bèi kè ěr f /Baker or Becker (name)/ 貝內特 贝内特 T - 19 Bèi nèi tè f /Bennett (surname)/ 貝利卡登 贝利卡登 T - 0 Bèi lì kǎ dēng f /Ballycotton (Irish: Baile Choitín), village near Cork/Ballycotton, music band/ 貝加爾湖 贝加尔湖 T - 90 Bèi jiā ěr Hú f /Lake Baikal/ 貝加萊 贝加莱 T - 0 Bèi jiā lái f /B&R Industrial Automation International Trade (Shanghai) Co., Ltd./ 貝努力 贝努力 T - 0 Bèi nǔ lì f /Bernoulli (Swiss mathematical family, including Johann (1667-1748) and Daniel (1700-1782))/ 貝南 贝南 T - 0 Bèi nán f /Benin (Tw)/ 貝卡谷地 贝卡谷地 T - 0 Bèi kǎ Gǔ dì f /Bekaa Valley between Lebanon and Syria/ 貝司 贝司 T - 2 bèi sī f /bass (loanword)/ 貝塔 贝塔 T - 11 bèi tǎ f /beta (Greek letter Ββ)/ 貝塔斯曼 贝塔斯曼 T - 11 Bèi tǎ sī màn f /Bertelsmann, German media company/ 貝多 贝多 T - 3 bèi duō f /pattra palm tree (loan from Sanskrit, Corypha umbraculifera), whose leaves were used as paper substitute for Buddhist sutras/ 貝多羅樹 贝多罗树 T - 0 bèi duō luó shù f /Talipot palm (Corypha umbraculifera), whose leaves were used as writing media/ 貝多芬 贝多芬 T - 124 Bèi duō fēn f /Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), German composer/ 貝娜齊爾·布托 贝娜齐尔·布托 T - 0 Bèi nà qí ěr · Bù tuō f /Benazir Bhutto (1953-2007), Pakistani politician, daughter of executed former prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and herself prime minister 1993-1996, murdered by Al Qaeda/ 貝婭特麗克絲 贝娅特丽克丝 T - 0 Bèi yà tè lí kè sī f /Beatrix (name)/ 貝寧 贝宁 T - 182 Bèi níng f /Benin/ 貝寶 贝宝 T - 3 Bèi bǎo f /PayPal (Internet payment and money transfer company)/ 貝拉 贝拉 T - 37 Bèi lā f /Beira, Mozambique/ 貝拉米 贝拉米 T - 0 Bèi lā mǐ f /Bellamy/ 貝斯 贝斯 T - 8 bèi sī f /bass (loanword)/bass guitar/Bes or Bisu, Egyptian protector god of households/ 貝斯吉他 贝斯吉他 T - 0 bèi sī jí tā f /bass guitar/ 貝果 贝果 T - 0 bèi guǒ f /bagel (loanword)/ 貝殼 贝壳 T 3808 325 bèi ké f /shell/conch/cowry/mother of pearl/hard outer skin/also pr. [bei4 qiao4]/ 貝殼兒 贝壳儿 T - 0 bèi ké r f /erhua variant of 貝殼|贝壳[bei4 ke2]/ 貝母 贝母 T - 343 bèi mǔ f /the bulb of the fritillary (Fritillaria thunbergii)/ 貝爾 贝尔 T - 695 Bèi ěr f /Bell (person name)/ 貝爾墨邦 贝尔墨邦 T - 0 Bèi ěr mò bāng f /Belmopan, capital of Belize (Tw)/ 貝爾實驗室 贝尔实验室 T - 28 Bèi ěr Shí yàn shì f /Bell Labs/ 貝爾格勒 贝尔格勒 T - 0 Bèi ěr gé lè f /Belgrade, capital of Serbia (Tw)/ 貝爾格萊德 贝尔格莱德 T - 143 Bèi ěr gé lái dé f /Belgrade, capital of Serbia/ 貝爾法斯特 贝尔法斯特 T - 29 Bèi ěr fǎ sī tè f /Belfast, capital of Northern Ireland/ 貝爾湖 贝尔湖 T - 10 Bèi ěr Hú f /Buir Lake of Inner Mongolia/ 貝爾莫潘 贝尔莫潘 T - 6 Bèi ěr mò pān f /Belmopan, capital of Belize/ 貝盧斯科尼 贝卢斯科尼 T - 0 Bèi lú sī kē ní f /Silvio Berlusconi (1936-), Italian media magnate and right-wing politician, prime minister of Italy 1994-1995, 2001-2006, 2008-2011/ 貝納通 贝纳通 T - 2 Bèi nà tōng f /Benetton, clothes company/ 貝聿銘 贝聿铭 T - 17 Bèi Yù míng f /Pei Ieoh Ming or I.M. Pei (1917-), famous Chinese-American architect/ 貝葉 贝叶 T - 8 bèi yè f /pattra palm tree (Corypha umbraculifera), whose leaves were used as paper substitute for Buddhist sutras/ 貝葉斯 贝叶斯 T - 22 Bèi yè sī f /Bayes (name)/Thomas Bayes (1702-1761), English mathematician and theologian/ 貝葉棕 贝叶棕 T - 0 bèi yè zōng f /pattra palm tree (Corypha umbraculifera), whose leaves were used as paper substitute for Buddhist sutras/ 貝葉經 贝叶经 T - 8 bèi yè jīng f /sutra written on leaves of pattra palm tree/ 貝里斯 贝里斯 T - 2 Bèi lǐ sī f /Belize (Tw)/ 貝雕 贝雕 T - 34 bèi diāo f /shell carving/ 貝雷帽 贝雷帽 T - 29 bèi léi mào f /beret (loanword)/ 貝類 贝类 T - 209 bèi lèi f /shellfish/mollusks/ 貝魯特 贝鲁特 T - 77 Bèi lǔ tè f /Beirut, capital of Lebanon/ 貞 贞 T - 418 zhēn f /chaste/ 貞女 贞女 T - 10 zhēn nǚ f /female virgin/widow who does not remarry/ 貞德 贞德 T - 45 Zhēn dé f /Jeanne d'Arc (1412-1431), French heroine and liberator, executed as a witch by the Burgundians and English/also called Jehanne Darc, the Maid or Orleans, Joan of Arc or St Joan/ 貞操 贞操 T - 57 zhēn cāo f /(usually of women) chastity/virginity/virtue/honor/loyalty/moral integrity/ 貞操帶 贞操带 T - 3 zhēn cāo dài f /chastity belt/ 貞潔 贞洁 T - 40 zhēn jié f /chastity/ 貞烈 贞烈 T - 7 zhēn liè f /ready to die to preserve one's chastity/ 貞節 贞节 T - 48 zhēn jié f /chastity/virginity (of women)/moral integrity (of men)/loyalty/constancy/ 貞節牌坊 贞节牌坊 T - 3 zhēn jié pái fāng f /memorial arch in honor of a chaste widow/ 貞豐 贞丰 T - 4 Zhēn fēng f /Zhenfeng county in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔西南州[Qian2 xi1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 貞豐縣 贞丰县 T - 3 Zhēn fēng xiàn f /Zhenfeng county in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔西南州[Qian2 xi1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 貟 贠 T - 0 yuán f /old variant of 員|员[yuan2]/ 負 负 T - 4410 fù f /to bear/to carry (on one's back)/to turn one's back on/to be defeated/negative (math. etc)/ 負值 负值 T - 36 fù zhí f /negative value (math.)/ 負債 负债 T - 343 fù zhài f /to be in debt/to incur debts/liability (finance)/ 負債累累 负债累累 T - 29 fù zhài lěi lěi f /deep in debt/ 負傷 负伤 T - 254 fù shāng f /to be wounded/to sustain an injury/ 負分 负分 T - 4 fù fēn f /negative score/minus (in grades, such as A-)/ 負反饋 负反馈 T - 41 fù fǎn kuì f /negative feedback/ 負增長 负增长 T - 3 fù zēng zhǎng f /negative growth/economic recession/ 負壓 负压 T - 30 fù yā f /suction/negative pressure/ 負外部性 负外部性 T - 0 fù wài bù xìng f /negative influence, effect that people's doings or behavior have on others (society)/ 負心 负心 T - 122 fù xīn f /ungrateful/heartless/to fail to be loyal to one's love/ 負心漢 负心汉 T - 3 fù xīn hàn f /traitor to one's love/heartless rat/ 負擔 负担 T 2917 1948 fù dān f /burden/to bear a burden/ 負擔不起 负担不起 T - 0 fù dān bu qǐ f /cannot afford/cannot bear the burden/ 負擔者 负担者 T - 0 fù dān zhě f /bearer/ 負整數 负整数 T - 0 fù zhěng shù f /negative integer/ 負數 负数 T - 72 fù shù f /negative number/ 負方 负方 T - 3 fù fāng f /the losing side/ 負有 负有 T - 392 fù yǒu f /to be responsible for/ 負有責任 负有责任 T - 3 fù yǒu zé rèn f /at fault/blamed for/responsible (for a blunder or crime)/ 負極 负极 T - 59 fù jí f /negative pole/cathode/ 負氣 负气 T - 41 fù qì f /in a pique/sulky/cross/ 負片 负片 T - 5 fù piàn f /negative (in photography)/ 負疚 负疚 T - 28 fù jiù f /(literary) to feel apologetic/to feel guilty/ 負累 负累 T - 23 fù lěi f /to implicate/to involve/ 負累 负累 T - 23 fù lèi t /burden/ 負翁 负翁 T - 6 fù wēng f /debtor (jocular term, homonymous with 富翁[fu4 weng1])/ 負荊請罪 负荆请罪 T - 22 fù jīng qǐng zuì f /lit. to bring a bramble and ask for punishment (idiom)/fig. to offer sb a humble apology/ 負荷 负荷 T - 336 fù hè f /load/burden/charge/ 負號 负号 T - 19 fù hào f /negative value sign - (math.)/minus sign/ 負責 负责 T 728 13745 fù zé f /to be in charge of/to take responsibility for/to be to blame/conscientious/ 負責人 负责人 T - 3722 fù zé rén f /person in charge/ 負責任 负责任 T - 0 fù zé rèn f /to take responsibility/to bear responsibility/to be responsible/ 負載 负载 T - 174 fù zài f /load/ 負重擔 负重担 T - 0 fù zhòng dān f /burdened/ 負離子 负离子 T - 101 fù lí zǐ f /negative ion (physics)/ 負電 负电 T - 82 fù diàn f /negative electric charge/ 負面 负面 T - 707 fù miàn f /negative/the negative side/ 負鼠 负鼠 T - 21 fù shǔ f /opossum (zoo.)/ 財 财 T - 1725 cái f /money/wealth/riches/property/valuables/ 財主 财主 T - 230 cái zhǔ f /rich man/moneybags/ 財利 财利 T - 0 cái lì f /wealth and profit/riches/ 財力 财力 T - 499 cái lì f /financial resources/financial ability/ 財務 财务 T 3203 1822 cái wù f /financial affairs/ 財務再保險 财务再保险 T - 0 cái wù zài bǎo xiǎn f /financial reinsurance/fin re/ 財務大臣 财务大臣 T - 0 cái wù dà chén f /finance minister/ 財務秘書 财务秘书 T - 0 cái wù mì shū f /treasurer/ 財務軟件 财务软件 T - 3 cái wù ruǎn jiàn f /financial software/accounting software/ 財勢 财势 T - 12 cái shì f /wealth and influence/ 財團 财团 T - 281 cái tuán f /financial group/ 財報 财报 T - 0 cái bào f /financial report/ 財大氣粗 财大气粗 T - 72 cái dà qì cū f /rich and imposing/rich and overbearing/ 財富 财富 T 2974 4280 cái fù f /wealth/riches/ 財寶 财宝 T - 137 cái bǎo f /money and valuables/ 財帛 财帛 T - 55 cái bó f /wealth/money/ 財年 财年 T - 446 cái nián f /fiscal year/financial year/ 財政 财政 T 3328 6228 cái zhèng f /finances (public)/financial/ 財政大臣 财政大臣 T - 0 cái zhèng dà chén f /finance minister/UK chancellor of exchequer/ 財政年度 财政年度 T - 3 cái zhèng nián dù f /financial year/fiscal year (e.g. from April to March, for tax purposes)/ 財政部 财政部 T - 428 Cái zhèng bù f /Ministry of Finance/ 財政部長 财政部长 T - 119 cái zhèng bù zhǎng f /minister of finance (e.g. of PRC)/ 財會 财会 T - 71 cái kuài f /finance and accounting/ 財東 财东 T - 39 cái dōng f /shop owner/moneybags/ 財權 财权 T - 34 cái quán f /property ownership or right/financial power/financial control/ 財源 财源 T - 112 cái yuán f /financial resources/source of revenue/ 財源滾滾 财源滚滚 T - 3 cái yuán gǔn gǔn f /profits pouring in from all sides (idiom)/raking in money/bonanza/ 財物 财物 T - 1261 cái wù f /property/belongings/ 財產 财产 T 1642 7202 cái chǎn f /property/assets/estate/CL:筆|笔[bi3]/ 財產價值 财产价值 T - 0 cái chǎn jià zhí f /property value/ 財產公證 财产公证 T - 0 cái chǎn gōng zhèng f /property notarization/ 財產權 财产权 T - 60 cái chǎn quán f /property rights/ 財相 财相 T - 0 cái xiàng f /minister of finance/ 財神 财神 T - 61 cái shén f /god of wealth/ 財神爺 财神爷 T - 30 cái shén yé f /god of wealth/very wealthy man/ 財稅 财税 T - 347 cái shuì f /finance and taxation/ 財稅廳 财税厅 T - 0 cái shuì tīng f /(provincial) department of finance/ 財經 财经 T - 612 cái jīng f /finance and economics/ 財貿 财贸 T - 50 cái mào f /finance and trade/ 財賦 财赋 T - 3 cái fù f /government revenue/tributary goods and finances/finances and taxes/wealth/property/belongings/ 財路 财路 T - 35 cái lù f /livelihood/ 財迷 财迷 T - 8 cái mí f /money grubber/miser/ 財迷心竅 财迷心窍 T - 13 cái mí xīn qiào f /mad about money (idiom)/ 財長 财长 T - 57 cái zhǎng f /treasurer/head of finances/minister of finance/ 財閥 财阀 T - 124 cái fá f /plutocracy/monopolistic corporation, esp. prewar Japanese zaibatsu/Korean chaebol/plutocrat/tycoon/oligarch/financial magnate/ 貢 贡 T - 681 Gòng f /surname Gong/ 貢 贡 T - 681 gòng f /to offer tribute/tribute/gifts/ 貢丸 贡丸 T - 0 gòng wán f /pork ball/ 貢井 贡井 T - 0 Gòng jǐng f /Gongjing district of Zigong city 自貢市|自贡市[Zi4 gong4 shi4], Sichuan/ 貢井區 贡井区 T - 3 Gòng jǐng qū f /Gongjing district of Zigong city 自貢市|自贡市[Zi4 gong4 shi4], Sichuan/ 貢品 贡品 T - 335 gòng pǐn f /tribute/ 貢嘎 贡嘎 T - 10 Gòng gá f /Gonggar county, Tibetan: Gong dkar rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 貢嘎縣 贡嘎县 T - 3 Gòng gá xiàn f /Gonggar county, Tibetan: Gong dkar rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 貢國 贡国 T - 0 gòng guó f /tributary state of China (old)/ 貢士 贡士 T - 258 gòng shì f /(old) candidate who has successfully passed the first grades of the examination system, but not yet the court examination (殿試|殿试[dian4 shi4])/ 貢寮 贡寮 T - 3 Gòng liáo f /Gongliao or Kungliao township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 貢寮鄉 贡寮乡 T - 0 Gòng liáo xiāng f /Gongliao or Kungliao township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 貢山 贡山 T - 24 Gòng shān f /Gongshan Derung and Nu autonomous county in Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture 怒江傈僳族自治州[Nu4 jiang1 Li4 su4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] in northwest Yunnan/ 貢山獨龍族怒族自治縣 贡山独龙族怒族自治县 T - 10 Gòng shān Dú lóng zú Nù zú zì zhì xiàn f /Gongshan Derung and Nu autonomous county in Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture 怒江傈僳族自治州[Nu4 jiang1 Li4 su4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] in northwest Yunnan/ 貢山縣 贡山县 T - 0 Gòng shān xiàn f /Gongshan Derung and Nu autonomous county in Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture 怒江傈僳族自治州[Nu4 jiang1 Li4 su4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] in northwest Yunnan/ 貢布 贡布 T - 8 Gòng bù f /Kampot, town in Cambodia, capital of Kampot Province/ 貢物 贡物 T - 19 gòng wù f /tribute/ 貢獻 贡献 T 1909 5762 gòng xiàn f /to contribute/to dedicate/to devote/contribution/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 貢獻者 贡献者 T - 1579 gòng xiàn zhě f /contributor/benefactor/ 貢生 贡生 T - 13 gòng shēng f /candidate for the Imperial Examination proposed by a tributary state/ 貢覺 贡觉 T - 4 Gòng jué f /Gonjo county, Tibetan: Go 'jo rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区[Chang1 du1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 貢覺縣 贡觉县 T - 3 Gòng jué xiàn f /Gonjo county, Tibetan: Go 'jo rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区[Chang1 du1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 貢賦 贡赋 T - 74 gòng fù f /tribute/ 貢高我慢 贡高我慢 T - 0 gòng gāo wǒ màn f /haughty and arrogant/ 貤 - 0 yí f /to promote/to reward/ 貧 贫 T - 784 pín f /poor/inadequate/deficient/garrulous/ 貧下中農 贫下中农 T - 156 pín xià zhōng nóng f /(category defined by the Communist Party) poor and lower-middle peasants: farmers who, before land reform, possessed little or no land (poor peasants) and those who were barely able to support themselves with their own land (lower-middle peasants)/ 貧不足恥 贫不足耻 T - 0 pín bù zú chǐ f /it is no disgrace to be poor (idiom)/ 貧乏 贫乏 T 4852 234 pín fá f /impoverished/lacking/deficient/limited/meager/impoverishment/lack/deficiency/ 貧僧 贫僧 T - 229 pín sēng f /poor monk (humble term used by monk of himself)/ 貧嘴 贫嘴 T - 32 pín zuǐ f /talkative/garrulous/loquacious/flippant/jocular/ 貧嘴滑舌 贫嘴滑舌 T - 3 pín zuǐ huá shé f /garrulous and sharp-tongued/ 貧嘴薄舌 贫嘴薄舌 T - 3 pín zuǐ bó shé f /garrulous and sharp-tongued/ 貧困 贫困 T 3732 1882 pín kùn f /impoverished/poverty/ 貧困地區 贫困地区 T - 3 pín kùn dì qū f /poor region/impoverished area/ 貧困率 贫困率 T - 2 pín kùn lǜ f /poverty rate/ 貧女詩 贫女诗 T - 0 pín nǚ shī f /Poor Woman, long poem by Tang dynasty poet Qin Taoyu 秦韜玉|秦韬玉[Qin2 Tao1 yu4]/ 貧富 贫富 T - 545 pín fù f /poor and rich/ 貧富差距 贫富差距 T - 3 pín fù chā jù f /disparity between rich and poor/ 貧寒 贫寒 T - 419 pín hán f /poor/poverty-stricken/impoverished/ 貧弱 贫弱 T - 26 pín ruò f /poor and feeble/ 貧民 贫民 T - 580 pín mín f /poor people/ 貧民區 贫民区 T - 21 pín mín qū f /slum area/ghetto/ 貧民窟 贫民窟 T - 58 pín mín kū f /slum housing/ 貧氣 贫气 T - 3 pín qì f /mean/stingy/garrulous/ 貧油 贫油 T - 10 pín yóu f /poor in oil/ 貧油國 贫油国 T - 0 pín yóu guó f /country poor in oil/ 貧液 贫液 T - 0 pín yè f /waste liquid/liquid with precipitate skimmed off/ 貧無立錐 贫无立锥 T - 17 pín wú lì zhuī f /not even enough land to stand an awl (idiom); absolutely destitute/ 貧無立錐之地 贫无立锥之地 T - 0 pín wú lì zhuī zhī dì f /not even enough land to stand an awl (idiom); absolutely destitute/ 貧病交加 贫病交加 T - 9 pín bìng jiāo jiā f /poverty compounded by ill health (idiom)/ 貧病交迫 贫病交迫 T - 4 pín bìng jiāo pò f /beset by poverty and illness (idiom)/ 貧瘠 贫瘠 T - 133 pín jí f /barren/infertile/poor/ 貧相 贫相 T - 0 pín xiàng f /mean/stingy/ 貧礦 贫矿 T - 10 pín kuàng f /low grade ore/ 貧窮 贫穷 T - 680 pín qióng f /poor/impoverished/ 貧窮潦倒 贫穷潦倒 T - 0 pín qióng liáo dǎo f /poverty stricken/ 貧腔 贫腔 T - 0 pín qiāng f /verbose/garrulous/ 貧苦 贫苦 T - 769 pín kǔ f /poverty-stricken/poor/ 貧血 贫血 T - 451 pín xuè f /anemia/ 貧血性壞死 贫血性坏死 T - 0 pín xuè xìng huài sǐ f /anemic necrosis/ 貧血症 贫血症 T - 3 pín xuè zhèng f /anemia/ 貧賤 贫贱 T - 69 pín jiàn f /poor and lowly/ 貧賤不能移 贫贱不能移 T - 0 pín jiàn bù néng yí f /not shaken by poverty/to preserve one's ambitions although destitute/ 貧農 贫农 T - 181 pín nóng f /poor peasant/ 貧道 贫道 T - 305 pín dào f /poor Taoist/ 貧鈾 贫铀 T - 3 pín yóu f /depleted uranium (D-38)/ 貧雇農 贫雇农 T - 10 pín gù nóng f /poor peasants (in Marxism)/ 貨 货 T - 2218 huò f /goods/money/commodity/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 貨倉 货仓 T - 4 huò cāng f /warehouse/ 貨值 货值 T - 5 huò zhí f /value (of goods)/ 貨到付款 货到付款 T - 3 huò dào fù kuǎn f /cash on delivery (COD)/ 貨品 货品 T - 36 huò pǐn f /goods/ 貨商場 货商场 T - 0 huò shāng chǎng f /department store/ 貨問三家不吃虧 货问三家不吃亏 T - 0 huò wèn sān jiā bù chī kuī f /see 貨比三家不吃虧|货比三家不吃亏[huo4 bi3 san1 jia1 bu4 chi1 kui1]/ 貨幣 货币 T 3849 8092 huò bì f /currency/monetary/money/ 貨幣主義 货币主义 T - 24 huò bì zhǔ yì f /monetarism/ 貨幣供應量 货币供应量 T - 0 huò bì gōng yìng liàng f /money supply/ 貨幣兌換 货币兑换 T - 0 huò bì duì huàn f /currency exchange/ 貨幣危機 货币危机 T - 0 huò bì wēi jī f /monetary crisis/ 貨幣市場 货币市场 T - 0 huò bì shì chǎng f /money market/ 貨幣貶值 货币贬值 T - 3 huò bì biǎn zhí f /currency devaluation/to devaluate a currency/ 貨攤 货摊 T - 7 huò tān f /vendor's stall/ 貨架 货架 T - 76 huò jià f /shelf for goods/shop shelf/ 貨梯 货梯 T - 0 huò tī f /freight elevator/goods lift/ 貨棚 货棚 T - 0 huò péng f /covered stall/shed/ 貨棧 货栈 T - 66 huò zhàn f /warehouse/ 貨機 货机 T - 25 huò jī f /cargo plane/ 貨櫃 货柜 T - 30 huò guì f /container (for freight transport)/see 集裝箱|集装箱[ji2 zhuang1 xiang1]/ 貨款 货款 T - 154 huò kuǎn f /payment for goods/ 貨比三家 货比三家 T - 17 huò bǐ sān jiā f /to comparison shop (idiom)/comparison shopping/ 貨比三家不吃虧 货比三家不吃亏 T - 0 huò bǐ sān jiā bù chī kuī f /shop around first and you won't get ripped off (idiom)/ 貨源 货源 T - 99 huò yuán f /supply of goods/ 貨物 货物 T - 1482 huò wù f /goods/commodity/merchandise/CL:宗[zong1]/ 貨物運輸 货物运输 T - 3 huò wù yùn shū f /freight or cargo transportation/ 貨盤 货盘 T - 8 huò pán f /pallet/ 貨真價實 货真价实 T - 116 huò zhēn jià shí f /genuine goods at fair prices/ 貨站 货站 T - 3 huò zhàn f /a store/the collection point in a store/ 貨船 货船 T - 65 huò chuán f /cargo ship/freighter/ 貨艙 货舱 T - 168 huò cāng f /cargo hold/cargo bay (of a plane)/ 貨色 货色 T - 110 huò sè f /goods/(derog.) stuff/trash/ 貨車 货车 T - 197 huò chē f /truck/van/freight wagon/ 貨載 货载 T - 3 huò zài f /cargo/ 貨輪 货轮 T - 69 huò lún f /freighter/cargo ship/CL:艘[sou1]/ 貨運 货运 T - 419 huò yùn f /freight transport/cargo/transported goods/ 貨運列車 货运列车 T - 0 huò yùn liè chē f /goods train/freight train/ 貨運卡車 货运卡车 T - 3 huò yùn kǎ chē f /freight truck/ 販 贩 T - 464 fàn f /to deal in/to buy and sell/to trade in/to retail/to peddle/ 販售 贩售 T - 3 fàn shòu f /to sell/ 販夫 贩夫 T - 3 fàn fū f /peddler/street vendor/ 販夫俗子 贩夫俗子 T - 3 fàn fū sú zi f /peddlers and common people/lower class/ 販夫走卒 贩夫走卒 T - 22 fàn fū zǒu zú f /lit. peddlers and carriers/common people/lower class/ 販嬰 贩婴 T - 0 fàn yīng f /child trafficking/ 販子 贩子 T - 182 fàn zǐ f /child trafficking/ 販子 贩子 T - 182 fàn zi t /trafficker/dealer/monger/peddler/ 販毒 贩毒 T - 175 fàn dú f /to traffic narcotics/drugs trade/opium trade/ 販私 贩私 T - 37 fàn sī f /to traffic (smuggled goods)/illegal trading/ 販賣 贩卖 T 3379 737 fàn mài f /to sell/to peddle/to traffic/ 販賣人口 贩卖人口 T - 3 fàn mài rén kǒu f /trafficking in human beings/ 販賣機 贩卖机 T - 3 fàn mài jī f /vending machine/ 販運 贩运 T - 151 fàn yùn f /to transport (for sale)/to traffic (in sth)/ 貪 贪 T - 871 tān f /to have a voracious desire for/to covet/greedy/corrupt/ 貪占 贪占 T - 3 tān zhàn f /to misappropriate/ 貪吃 贪吃 T - 37 tān chī f /gluttonous/voracious/ 貪吃者 贪吃者 T - 0 tān chī zhě f /glutton/ 貪吃鬼 贪吃鬼 T - 3 tān chī guǐ f /glutton/chowhound/ 貪嘴 贪嘴 T - 14 tān zuǐ f /gluttonous/ 貪圖 贪图 T - 268 tān tú f /to covet/to seek (riches, fame)/ 貪多嚼不爛 贪多嚼不烂 T - 13 tān duō jiáo bù làn f /to bite off more than one can chew (idiom)/ 貪天之功 贪天之功 T - 8 tān tiān zhī gōng f /to claim credit for other people's achievements (idiom)/ 貪婪 贪婪 T 3165 495 tān lán f /avaricious/greedy/rapacious/insatiable/avid/ 貪婪是萬惡之源 贪婪是万恶之源 T - 0 tān lán shì wàn è zhī yuán f /Greed is the root of all evil./ 貪婪無厭 贪婪无厌 T - 4 tān lán wú yàn f /avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied/ 貪官 贪官 T - 286 tān guān f /corrupt official/grasping functionary/greedy mandarin/ 貪官污吏 贪官污吏 T - 126 tān guān wū lì f /grasping officials, corrupt mandarins (idiom); abuse and corruption/ 貪小失大 贪小失大 T - 3 tān xiǎo shī dà f /penny wise and pound foolish (idiom)/ 貪得無厭 贪得无厌 T - 61 tān dé wú yàn f /avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied/ 貪得無饜 贪得无餍 T - 0 tān dé wú yàn f /variant of 貪得無厭|贪得无厌[tan1 de2 wu2 yan4]/ 貪心 贪心 T - 64 tān xīn f /greedy/ 貪心不足 贪心不足 T - 11 tān xīn bù zú f /avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied/ 貪慾 贪欲 T - 86 tān yù f /greed/avarice/rapacious/avid/ 貪戀 贪恋 T - 65 tān liàn f /to cling to/to be reluctant to give up (sth)/to have a fondness for (an indulgence etc)/ 貪杯 贪杯 T - 10 tān bēi f /to drink in excess/ 貪求 贪求 T - 7 tān qiú f /to pursue greedily/to crave/ 貪求無厭 贪求无厌 T - 3 tān qiú wú yàn f /insatiably greedy (idiom)/ 貪汙腐化 贪汙腐化 T - 0 tān wū fǔ huà f /corruption/ 貪污 贪污 T 4262 639 tān wū f /to be corrupt/corruption/to embezzle/ 貪污腐敗 贪污腐败 T - 3 tān wū fǔ bài f /corruption/ 貪瀆 贪渎 T - 3 tān dú f /(of an official) corrupt and negligent of his duty/ 貪猥無厭 贪猥无厌 T - 3 tān wěi wú yàn f /avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied/ 貪玩 贪玩 T - 48 tān wán f /to only want to have a good time/to just want to have fun, and to shy away from self-discipline/ 貪生怕死 贪生怕死 T - 120 tān shēng pà sǐ f /greedy for life, afraid of death (idiom); craven and cowardly/clinging abjectly to life/only interested in saving one's neck/ 貪腐 贪腐 T - 3 tān fǔ f /corruption/ 貪色 贪色 T - 26 tān sè f /greedy for sex/given to lust for women/ 貪財 贪财 T - 88 tān cái f /to be greedy in getting money/ 貪賄無藝 贪贿无艺 T - 3 tān huì wú yì f /greed for bribes knows no bounds (idiom); unbridled corruption/ 貪贓枉法 贪赃枉法 T - 64 tān zāng wǎng fǎ f /corruption and abuse of the law (idiom); to take bribes and bend the law/ 貪鄙 贪鄙 T - 21 tān bǐ f /to be avaricious and mean/ 貪食 贪食 T - 3 tān shí f /greedy/glutton/ 貪饞 贪馋 T - 0 tān chán f /gluttonous/greedy/insatiable/avid/ 貫 贯 T - 743 guàn f /to pierce through/to pass through/to be stringed together/string of 1000 cash/ 貫串 贯串 T - 49 guàn chuàn f /to pierce through/to string together/ 貫徹 贯彻 T 4721 2922 guàn chè f /to implement/to put into practice/to carry out/ 貫徹始終 贯彻始终 T - 7 guàn chè shǐ zhōng f /to follow through/to carry through to the end/ 貫時 贯时 T - 0 guàn shí f /diachronic/ 貫氣 贯气 T - 3 guàn qì f /beneficial influence, esp. from one's ancestral graves 墳山|坟山 in fengshui 風水|风水/to confer beneficial influence/ 貫注 贯注 T - 39 guàn zhù f /to concentrate/ 貫穿 贯穿 T - 463 guàn chuān f /to run through/a connecting thread from beginning to end/to link/ 貫通 贯通 T - 524 guàn tōng f /to link up/to thread together/ 貫連 贯连 T - 3 guàn lián f /to link up/to join together/to connect/ 責 责 T - 1150 zé f /duty/responsibility/to reproach/to blame/ 責令 责令 T - 227 zé lìng f /to order/to enjoin/to charge/to instruct sb to finish sth/ 責任 责任 T 808 5946 zé rèn f /responsibility/blame/duty/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 責任事故 责任事故 T - 5 zé rèn shì gù f /accident occurring due to negligence/ 責任人 责任人 T - 193 zé rèn rén f /responsible person/coordinator/ 責任制 责任制 T - 446 zé rèn zhì f /system of job responsibility/ 責任心 责任心 T - 150 zé rèn xīn f /sense of responsibility/ 責任感 责任感 T - 497 zé rèn gǎn f /sense of responsibility/ 責備 责备 T 2155 524 zé bèi f /to blame/to criticize/condemnation/reproach/ 責備求全 责备求全 T - 3 zé bèi qiú quán f /see 求全責備|求全责备[qiu2 quan2 ze2 bei4]/ 責怪 责怪 T 3055 219 zé guài f /to blame/to rebuke/ 責成 责成 T - 374 zé chéng f /give sb a task/ 責打 责打 T - 53 zé dǎ f /to punish by flogging/ 責有攸歸 责有攸归 T - 3 zé yǒu yōu guī f /responsibility must lie where it belongs (idiom)/ 責無旁貸 责无旁贷 T - 190 zé wú páng dài f /to be duty bound/to be one's unshrinkable responsibility/ 責罰 责罚 T - 167 zé fá f /to punish/to chastise/ 責罵 责骂 T - 140 zé mà f /to scold/ 責難 责难 T - 218 zé nàn f /to censure/ 貯 贮 T - 354 zhù f /to store/to save/stockpile/Taiwan pr. [zhu3]/ 貯備 贮备 T - 27 zhù bèi f /to store/ 貯存 贮存 T - 426 zhù cún f /to store/to deposit/ 貯存器 贮存器 T - 3 zhù cún qì f /storage device (computing)/ 貯存管 贮存管 T - 0 zhù cún guǎn f /storage container for liquid or gas/gas holder/ 貯木場 贮木场 T - 2 zhù mù chǎng f /lumber yard/ 貯水處 贮水处 T - 0 zhù shuǐ chù f /reservoir/ 貯熱 贮热 T - 0 zhù rè f /to conserve heat/ 貯物 贮物 T - 0 zhù wù f /storage/ 貯藏 贮藏 T - 516 zhù cáng f /to store up/to hoard/deposits/ 貰 贳 T - 0 shì f /to borrow/to buy on credit/to rent out/ 貲 赀 T - 100 zī f /to estimate/to fine (archaic)/variant of 資|资[zi1]/ 貲財 赀财 T - 3 zī cái f /variant of 資財|资财[zi1 cai2]/ 貲郎 赀郎 T - 0 zī láng f /sb who purchases a public post/ 貳 贰 T - 307 èr f /two (banker's anti-fraud numeral)/to betray/ 貳心 贰心 T - 11 èr xīn f /variant of 二心[er4 xin1]/ 貳臣 贰臣 T - 6 èr chén f /turncoat official/ 貴 贵 T 276 4478 guì f /expensive/noble/your (name)/precious/ 貴人 贵人 T - 410 guì rén f /nobility/person of high rank/ 貴人多忘 贵人多忘 T - 3 guì rén duō wàng f /an eminent person has short memory (idiom)/ 貴人多忘事 贵人多忘事 T - 8 guì rén duō wàng shì f /see 貴人多忘|贵人多忘[gui4 ren2 duo1 wang4]/ 貴公司 贵公司 T - 0 guì gōng sī f /your company/ 貴南 贵南 T - 2 Guì nán f /Guinan county in Hainan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海南藏族自治州[Hai3 nan2 Zang4 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 貴南縣 贵南县 T - 4 Guì nán xiàn f /Guinan county in Hainan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海南藏族自治州[Hai3 nan2 Zang4 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 貴古賤今 贵古贱今 T - 3 guì gǔ jiàn jīn f /to revere the past and despise the present (idiom)/ 貴國 贵国 T - 146 guì guó f /your distinguished country/ 貴妃 贵妃 T - 542 guì fēi f /senior concubine/imperial consort/ 貴妃床 贵妃床 T - 0 guì fēi chuáng f /chaise longue/ 貴妃醉酒 贵妃醉酒 T - 3 Guì fēi Zuì jiǔ f /The Drunken Beauty, Qing Dynasty Beijing opera/ 貴姓 贵姓 T - 94 guì xìng f /what is your name?/ 貴婦 贵妇 T - 82 guì fù f /upper-class woman/lady (old)/ 貴婦人 贵妇人 T - 46 guì fù rén f /dame/ 貴婦犬 贵妇犬 T - 0 guì fù quǎn f /poodle/ 貴定 贵定 T - 4 Guì dìng f /Guiding county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州[Qian2 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 貴定縣 贵定县 T - 5 Guì dìng xiàn f /Guiding county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州[Qian2 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 貴州 贵州 T - 1202 Guì zhōu f /Guizhou province (Kweichow) in south central China, abbr. to 黔[Qian2] or 貴|贵[Gui4], capital Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Gui4 yang2]/ 貴州日報 贵州日报 T - 0 Guì zhōu Rì bào f /Guizhou Daily, www.gog.com.cn/ 貴州省 贵州省 T - 340 Guì zhōu shěng f /Guizhou province (Kweichow) in south central China, abbr. to 黔[Qian2] or 貴|贵[Gui4], capital Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Gui4 yang2]/ 貴州財經學院 贵州财经学院 T - 0 Guì zhōu Cái jīng Xué yuàn f /Guizhou University of Finance and Economics/ 貴幹 贵干 T - 41 guì gàn f /(polite) your business/what brings you?/ 貴府 贵府 T - 3 guì fǔ f /your home (honorific)/ 貴德 贵德 T - 16 Guì dé f /Guide county in Hainan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海南藏族自治州[Hai3 nan2 Zang4 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 貴德縣 贵德县 T - 3 Guì dé xiàn f /Guide county in Hainan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海南藏族自治州[Hai3 nan2 Zang4 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 貴方 贵方 T - 9 guì fāng f /(in business etc) your side/you/ 貴族 贵族 T 3046 5389 guì zú f /lord/nobility/nobleman/noblewoman/aristocrat/aristocracy/ 貴族化 贵族化 T - 7 guì zú huà f /aristocratic/ 貴族社會 贵族社会 T - 0 guì zú shè huì f /aristocracy/ 貴族身份 贵族身份 T - 0 guì zú shēn fèn f /lordship/ 貴校 贵校 T - 10 guì xiào f /Your esteemed school (honorific)/ 貴格會 贵格会 T - 0 Guì gé huì f /Society of Friends/the Quakers/ 貴池 贵池 T - 18 Guì chí f /Guichi district of Chizhou city 池州市[Chi2 zhou1 shi4], Anhui/ 貴池區 贵池区 T - 3 Guì chí qū f /Guichi district of Chizhou city 池州市[Chi2 zhou1 shi4], Anhui/ 貴港 贵港 T - 7 Guì gǎng f /Guigang prefecture level city in Guangxi/Zhuang: Gveigangj/ 貴港市 贵港市 T - 11 Guì gǎng shì f /Guigang prefecture level city in Guangxi/Zhuang: Gveigangj/ 貴溪 贵溪 T - 36 Guì xī f /Guixi county level city in Yingtan 鷹潭|鹰潭, Jiangxi/ 貴溪市 贵溪市 T - 3 Guì xī shì f /Guixi county level city in Yingtan 鷹潭|鹰潭, Jiangxi/ 貴珊瑚 贵珊瑚 T - 0 guì shān hú f /precious coral/red coral (Corallium rubrum and several related species of marine coral)/ 貴胄 贵胄 T - 141 guì zhòu f /descendants of feudal aristocrats/ 貴賓 贵宾 T - 447 guì bīn f /honored guest/distinguished guest/VIP/ 貴賓室 贵宾室 T - 23 guì bīn shì f /VIP lounge/ 貴賓犬 贵宾犬 T - 3 guì bīn quǎn f /poodle/ 貴賤 贵贱 T - 103 guì jiàn f /noble and lowly/high versus low social hierarchy of ruler to people, father to son, husband to wife in Confucianism/ 貴遠賤近 贵远贱近 T - 3 guì yuǎn jiàn jìn f /to revere the past and despise the present (idiom)/ 貴重 贵重 T - 342 guì zhòng f /precious/ 貴金屬 贵金属 T - 230 guì jīn shǔ f /precious metal/ 貴陽 贵阳 T - 347 Guì yáng f /Guiyang prefecture level city and capital of Guizhou province 貴州|贵州[Gui4 zhou1], short name 筑[Zhu4]/ 貴陽市 贵阳市 T - 83 Guì yáng shì f /Guiyang prefecture level city and capital of Guizhou province 貴州|贵州[Gui4 zhou1]/ 貴陽醫學院 贵阳医学院 T - 0 Guì yáng Yī Xué yuàn f /Guiyang Medical University/ 貶 贬 T - 489 biǎn f /to diminish/to demote/to reduce or devaluate/to disparage/to censure/to depreciate/ 貶低 贬低 T 3958 130 biǎn dī f /to belittle/to disparage/to play down/to demean/to degrade/to devalue/ 貶值 贬值 T - 679 biǎn zhí f /to become devaluated/to devaluate/to depreciate/ 貶官 贬官 T - 3 biǎn guān f /to demote an official/a demoted official/ 貶居 贬居 T - 0 biǎn jū f /(period of) banishment or exile (old)/ 貶抑 贬抑 T - 28 biǎn yì f /to belittle/to disparage/to demean/ 貶損 贬损 T - 24 biǎn sǔn f /to mock/to disparage/to belittle/ 貶斥 贬斥 T - 49 biǎn chì f /to demote/to denounce/ 貶稱 贬称 T - 0 biǎn chēng f /derogatory term/to refer to disparagingly (as)/ 貶義 贬义 T 4742 27 biǎn yì f /derogatory sense/negative connotation/ 貶職 贬职 T - 5 biǎn zhí f /to demote/ 貶詞 贬词 T - 5 biǎn cí f /derogatory term/expression of censure/ 貶謫 贬谪 T - 37 biǎn zhé f /to banish from the court/to relegate/ 貶降 贬降 T - 0 biǎn jiàng f /to demote/ 買 买 T 71 10529 mǎi f /to buy/to purchase/ 買不起 买不起 T - 122 mǎi bu qǐ f /cannot afford/can't afford buying/ 買主 买主 T - 132 mǎi zhǔ f /customer/ 買價 买价 T - 4 mǎi jià f /buying price/ 買入 买入 T - 213 mǎi rù f /to buy (finance)/ 買單 买单 T - 97 mǎi dān f /to pay the restaurant bill/ 買回 买回 T - 3 mǎi huí f /to buy back/to redeem/repurchase/ 買好 买好 T - 63 mǎi hǎo f /to ingratiate oneself/ 買官 买官 T - 0 mǎi guān f /to buy a title/to use wealth to acquire office/ 買官賣官 买官卖官 T - 0 mǎi guān mài guān f /buying and selling of official positions/ 買家 买家 T - 163 mǎi jiā f /buyer/client/ 買帳 买帐 T - 3 mǎi zhàng f /to acknowledge sb as senior or superior (often in negative)/to accept (a version of events)/to buy it/ 買房 买房 T - 259 mǎi fáng f /to buy a house/ 買斷 买断 T - 60 mǎi duàn f /to buy out/buyout/severance/ 買方 买方 T - 238 mǎi fāng f /buyer (in contracts)/ 買方市場 买方市场 T - 3 mǎi fāng shì chǎng f /buyer's market/ 買春 买春 T - 3 mǎi chūn f /to buy wine or drinks/ 買東西 买东西 T - 0 mǎi dōng xi f /to do one's shopping/ 買櫝還珠 买椟还珠 T - 3 mǎi dú huán zhū f /to buy a wooden box and return the pearls inside/to show poor judgement (idiom)/ 買票 买票 T - 83 mǎi piào f /to buy tickets/(Tw) to buy votes (in an election)/ 買空賣空 买空卖空 T - 7 mǎi kōng mài kōng f /to buy and sell short (i.e. without paying cash)/to speculate/ 買笑追歡 买笑追欢 T - 3 mǎi xiào zhuī huān f /lit. to buy smiles to seek happiness/abandon oneself to the pleasures of the flesh (idiom)/ 買賣 买卖 T - 1832 mǎi mài f /buying and selling/business/business transactions/CL:樁|桩[zhuang1],次[ci4]/ 買賬 买账 T - 2 mǎi zhàng f /variant of 買帳|买帐[mai3 zhang4]/ 買路財 买路财 T - 0 mǎi lù cái f /see 買路錢|买路钱[mai3 lu4 qian2]/ 買路錢 买路钱 T - 19 mǎi lù qián f /money extorted as a right of passage/illegal toll/(old) paper money thrown along the way of a funeral procession/ 買辦 买办 T - 251 mǎi bàn f /comprador/ 買通 买通 T - 30 mǎi tōng f /to bribe/ 買進 买进 T - 125 mǎi jìn f /to purchase/to buy in (goods)/ 買關節 买关节 T - 3 mǎi guān jié f /to offer a bribe/ 買面子 买面子 T - 3 mǎi miàn zi f /to allow sb to save face/to defer to/ 買餸 买餸 T - 0 mǎi sòng f /to buy groceries (Cantonese)/ 貸 贷 T - 783 dài f /to lend on interest/to borrow/a loan/leniency/to make excuses/to pardon/to forgive/ 貸學金 贷学金 T - 20 dài xué jīn f /student loan/ 貸方 贷方 T - 23 dài fāng f /credit side (of a balance sheet)/creditor/lender/ 貸款 贷款 T 1898 4000 dài kuǎn f /a loan/CL:筆|笔[bi3]/to provide a loan (e.g. bank)/to raise a loan (from e.g. a bank)/ 貸款人 贷款人 T - 56 dài kuǎn rén f /the lender/ 貸款率 贷款率 T - 9 dài kuǎn lǜ f /interest rate/loan rate/ 貸記 贷记 T - 0 dài jì f /to credit/ 貺 贶 T - 8 kuàng f /to bestow/to confer/ 費 费 T - 3247 Fèi f /surname Fei/ 費 费 T - 3247 fèi f /to cost/to spend/fee/wasteful/expenses/ 費事 费事 T - 84 fèi shì f /troublesome/to take a lot of trouble to do sth/ 費人思索 费人思索 T - 0 fèi rén sī suǒ f /to think oneself to exhaustion (idiom)/ 費利克斯 费利克斯 T - 8 Fèi lì kè sī f /Felix/ 費力 费力 T - 379 fèi lì f /to expend a great deal of effort/ 費力不討好 费力不讨好 T - 0 fèi lì bù tǎo hǎo f /arduous and thankless task (idiom); strenuous and unrewarding/ 費加羅報 费加罗报 T - 0 Fèi jiā luó bào f /Le Figaro/ 費勁 费劲 T - 120 fèi jìn f /to require effort/strenuous/ 費勁兒 费劲儿 T - 4 fèi jìn r f /erhua variant of 費勁|费劲[fei4 jin4]/ 費口舌 费口舌 T - 15 fèi kǒu shé f /to argue needlessly/waste time explaining/ 費周折 费周折 T - 3 fèi zhōu zhé f /to spend (much) effort/to go through (a lot of) trouble/ 費城 费城 T - 167 Fèi chéng f /Philadelphia, Pennsylvania/abbr. for 費拉德爾菲亞|费拉德尔菲亚[Fei4 la1 de2 er3 fei1 ya4]/ 費奧多爾 费奥多尔 T - 0 Fèi ào duō ěr f /Theodor of Fyodor (name)/ 費孝通 费孝通 T - 52 Fèi Xiào tōng f /Fei Xiaotong (1910-2005), Chinese sociologist/ 費德勒 费德勒 T - 43 Fèi dé lè f /Roger Federer (1981-), Swiss tennis star/ 費心 费心 T - 155 fèi xīn f /to take a lot of trouble (over sb or sth)/may I trouble you (to do sth)/ 費拉德爾菲亞 费拉德尔菲亚 T - 0 Fèi lā dé ěr fēi yà f /Philadelphia, Pennsylvania/abbr. to 費城|费城[Fei4 cheng2]/ 費時 费时 T - 214 fèi shí f /to take time/time-consuming/ 費曼 费曼 T - 4 Fèi màn f /Feinman or Feynman (name)/Richard Feynman (1918-1988), US physicist, 1965 Nobel prize laureate together with TOMONAGA Shin'ichirō and Julian Schwinger/ 費洛蒙 费洛蒙 T - 0 fèi luò méng f /pheromone/ 費爾巴哈 费尔巴哈 T - 66 Fèi ěr bā hā f /Ludwig Feuerbach (1804-1872), materialist philosopher/ 費爾干納 费尔干纳 T - 51 Fèi ěr gàn nà f /the Ferghana valley (in Uzbekistan, central Asia)/ 費爾幹納盆地 费尔干纳盆地 T - 0 Fèi ěr gàn nà Pén dì f /the Ferghana Valley in modern Uzbekistan/ 費爾馬 费尔马 T - 23 Fèi ěr mǎ f /Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665), French mathematician/ 費爾馬大定理 费尔马大定理 T - 0 Fèi ěr mǎ dà dìng lǐ f /Fermat's last theorem/ 費率 费率 T - 56 fèi lǜ f /rate/tariff/ 費瑪 费玛 T - 0 Fèi mǎ f /Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665), French mathematician/ 費用 费用 T - 3802 fèi yòng f /cost/expenditure/expense/CL:筆|笔[bi3],個|个[ge4]/ 費用報銷單 费用报销单 T - 0 fèi yòng bào xiāo dān f /expense claim form/ 費盡心思 费尽心思 T - 3 fèi jìn xīn si f /to rack one's brains (idiom); to take great pains to think sth through/ 費盡心機 费尽心机 T - 42 fèi jìn xīn jī f /to rack one's brains for schemes (idiom)/to beat one's brains out/ 費盧傑 费卢杰 T - 5 Fèi lú jié f /Fallujah, Iraqi city on Euphrates/ 費神 费神 T - 49 fèi shén f /to spend effort/to take trouble/May I trouble you to...? (as part of polite request)/Please would you mind...?/ 費米 费米 T - 105 Fèi mǐ f /Fermi (name)/Enrico Fermi (1901-1954), Italian born US nuclear physicist/ 費米子 费米子 T - 34 fèi mǐ zǐ f /fermion/ 費縣 费县 T - 28 Fèi xiàn f /Feixian county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 yi2], Shandong/ 費解 费解 T - 170 fèi jiě f /to be puzzled/hard to understand/unintelligible/incomprehensible/ 費邊社 费边社 T - 24 Fèi biān shè f /Fabian Society/ 費馬 费马 T - 0 Fèi mǎ f /variant of 費瑪|费玛[Fei4 ma3]/ 貼 贴 T - 5204 tiē f /to stick/to paste/to post (e.g. on a blog)/to keep close to/to fit snugly/to subsidize/allowance (e.g. money for food or housing)/sticker/classifier for sticking plaster: strip/ 貼切 贴切 T - 166 tiē qiè f /close-fitting/closest (translation)/ 貼合 贴合 T - 9 tiē hé f /to adjust closely/to fit/ 貼吧 贴吧 T - 0 tiē bā f /electronic message board/web forum/ 貼圖 贴图 T - 78 tiē tú f /sticker (social messaging) (Tw)/ 貼士 贴士 T - 0 tiē shì f /tip (loanword)/hint/inside story/ 貼心 贴心 T - 102 tiē xīn f /intimate/close/considerate/ 貼心貼肺 贴心贴肺 T - 0 tiē xīn tiē fèi f /considerate and caring/very close/intimate/ 貼息 贴息 T - 35 tiē xī f /to discount the interest on a bill of exchange/ 貼旦 贴旦 T - 0 tiē dàn f /female supporting actress in a Chinese opera/ 貼水 贴水 T - 9 tiē shuǐ f /agio (charge for changing currency)/premium/ 貼現 贴现 T - 259 tiē xiàn f /discount/rebate/ 貼現率 贴现率 T - 94 tiē xiàn lǜ f /discount rate/ 貼生 贴生 T - 0 tiē shēng f /male supporting actor in a Chinese opera/ 貼畫 贴画 T - 13 tiē huà f /pinup picture/poster/ 貼紙 贴纸 T - 3 tiē zhǐ f /sticker/ 貼膜 贴膜 T - 2 tiē mó f /protective or tinted film (for LCD screens, car windows etc)/facial mask (cosmetics)/ 貼花 贴花 T - 11 tiē huā f /appliqué/decalcomania/ 貼身 贴身 T - 362 tiē shēn f /worn next to the skin/close-fitting/personal (servant etc)/ 貼身衛隊 贴身卫队 T - 0 tiē shēn wèi duì f /personal bodyguard/ 貼近 贴近 T - 323 tiē jìn f /to press close to/to snuggle close/intimate/ 貼邊 贴边 T - 3 tiē biān f /welt/facing (of a garment)/to be relevant/ 貼錫箔 贴锡箔 T - 0 tiē xī bó f /to decorate with tin foil/ 貼題 贴题 T - 3 tiē tí f /relevant/pertinent/ 貽 贻 T - 108 yí f /to present/to bequeath/ 貽人口實 贻人口实 T - 3 yí rén kǒu shí f /to make oneself an object of ridicule/ 貽害 贻害 T - 13 yí hài f /to have bad consequences/ 貽害無窮 贻害无穷 T - 5 yí hài wú qióng f /to have disastrous consequences/ 貽燕 贻燕 T - 0 yí yàn f /to leave peace for the future generations/ 貽笑 贻笑 T - 3 yí xiào f /to be ridiculous/to make a fool of oneself/ 貽笑大方 贻笑大方 T - 15 yí xiào dà fāng f /to make a fool of oneself/to make oneself a laughing stock/ 貽笑方家 贻笑方家 T - 0 yí xiào fāng jiā f /a novice making a fool of himself/to make oneself ridiculous before experts/ 貽範古今 贻范古今 T - 0 yí fàn gǔ jīn f /to leave an example for all generations/ 貽誤 贻误 T - 143 yí wù f /to mislead/to affect adversely/to bungle/to cause delay or hindrance/ 貽貝 贻贝 T - 38 yí bèi f /mussel/ 貿 贸 T - 225 mào f /commerce/trade/ 貿易 贸易 T 2162 6255 mào yì f /(commercial) trade/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 貿易中心 贸易中心 T - 3 mào yì zhōng xīn f /trade center/shopping mall/ 貿易伙伴 贸易伙伴 T - 0 mào yì huǒ bàn f /trading partner/ 貿易保護主義 贸易保护主义 T - 0 mào yì bǎo hù zhǔ yì f /trade protectionism/ 貿易公司 贸易公司 T - 0 mào yì gōng sī f /trading company/ 貿易協定 贸易协定 T - 3 mào yì xié dìng f /trade agreement/ 貿易國 贸易国 T - 12 mào yì guó f /trading nation/ 貿易壁壘 贸易壁垒 T - 3 mào yì bì lěi f /trade barrier/ 貿易夥伴 贸易夥伴 T - 0 mào yì huǒ bàn f /variant of 貿易伙伴|贸易伙伴[mao4 yi4 huo3 ban4]/ 貿易戰 贸易战 T - 9 mào yì zhàn f /trade war/ 貿易組織 贸易组织 T - 3 mào yì zǔ zhī f /trade organization/ 貿易談判 贸易谈判 T - 3 mào yì tán pàn f /trade talks/ 貿易貨棧 贸易货栈 T - 0 mào yì huò zhàn f /commercial warehouse/ 貿易逆差 贸易逆差 T - 3 mào yì nì chā f /trade deficit/adverse trade balance/ 貿易順差 贸易顺差 T - 3 mào yì shùn chā f /trade surplus/ 貿易額 贸易额 T - 172 mào yì é f /volume of trade (between countries)/ 貿然 贸然 T - 413 mào rán f /rashly/hastily/without careful consideration/ 賀 贺 T - 1608 Hè f /surname He/ 賀 贺 T - 1608 hè f /to congratulate/ 賀函 贺函 T - 3 hè hán f /letter of congratulations/greeting card (e.g. for New Year)/ 賀卡 贺卡 T - 84 hè kǎ f /greeting card/congratulation card/ 賀喜 贺喜 T - 106 hè xǐ f /to congratulate/ 賀子珍 贺子珍 T - 128 Hè Zǐ zhēn f /He Zizhen (1910-1984), Mao Zedong's third wife/ 賀客 贺客 T - 7 hè kè f /guest (to a wedding etc)/ 賀州 贺州 T - 3 Hè zhōu f /Hezhou prefecture level city in Guangxi/ 賀州市 贺州市 T - 2 Hè zhōu shì f /Hezhou prefecture level city in Guangxi/ 賀年 贺年 T - 12 hè nián f /see 賀歲|贺岁[he4 sui4]/ 賀年卡 贺年卡 T - 10 hè nián kǎ f /New Year greeting card/ 賀年片 贺年片 T - 4 hè nián piàn f /New Year's card/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 賀拉斯 贺拉斯 T - 19 Hè lā sī f /Horace, full Latin name Quintus Horatius Flaccus (65-8 BC), Roman poet/ 賀普丁 贺普丁 T - 3 Hè pǔ dīng f /Chinese brand name of Lamivudine 拉米夫定[La1 mi3 fu1 ding4]/ 賀朝 贺朝 T - 0 Hè Cháo f /He Chao (active c. 711), Tang dynasty poet/ 賀正 贺正 T - 0 hè zhēng f /to exchange compliments on New Year's Day/ 賀歲 贺岁 T - 18 hè suì f /to extend New Year's greetings/to pay a New Year's visit/ 賀爾蒙 贺尔蒙 T - 3 hè ěr méng f /hormone (loanword)/ 賀知章 贺知章 T - 14 Hè Zhī zhāng f /He Zhizhang (659-744), Tang dynasty poet/ 賀禮 贺礼 T - 49 hè lǐ f /congratulatory gift/ 賀縣 贺县 T - 20 Hè xiàn f /He county in Guangxi/ 賀蘭 贺兰 T - 37 Hè lán f /Helan county in Yinchuan 銀川|银川[Yin2 chuan1], Ningxia/ 賀蘭山 贺兰山 T - 108 Hè lán Shān f /Helan Mountains, lying across part of the border between Ningxia and Inner Mongolia/ 賀蘭山岩鷚 贺兰山岩鹨 T - 0 Hè lán Shān yán liù f /(bird species of China) Mongolian accentor (Prunella koslowi)/ 賀蘭山紅尾鴝 贺兰山红尾鸲 T - 0 Hè lán Shān hóng wěi qú f /(bird species of China) Alashan redstart (Phoenicurus alaschanicus)/ 賀蘭山脈 贺兰山脉 T - 0 Hè lán Shān mài f /Helan Mountains, lying across part of the border between Ningxia and Inner Mongolia/ 賀蘭縣 贺兰县 T - 11 Hè lán xiàn f /Helan county in Yinchuan 銀川|银川[Yin2 chuan1], Ningxia/ 賀詞 贺词 T - 41 hè cí f /message of congratulation/ 賀軍翔 贺军翔 T - 3 Hè Jūn xiáng f /Mike He (1983-), Taiwanese actor/ 賀電 贺电 T - 39 hè diàn f /congratulatory telegram/ 賀龍 贺龙 T - 199 Hè Lóng f /He Long (1896-1969), important communist military leader, died from persecution during the Cultural Revolution/ 賁 贲 T - 75 Bēn t /surname Ben/ 賁 贲 T - 75 bēn t /energetic/ 賁 贲 T - 75 bì f /bright/ 賁臨 贲临 T - 3 bì lín f /(of distinguished guest) honor my house (firm etc) with your presence/ 賁門 贲门 T - 20 bēn mén f /cardia (anatomy)/ 賂 赂 T - 53 lù f /bribe/bribery/ 賃 赁 T - 84 lìn f /to rent/ 賄 贿 T - 153 huì f /bribe/bribery/ 賄買 贿买 T - 10 huì mǎi f /to bribe/bribery/ 賄賂 贿赂 T 3031 682 huì lù f /to bribe/a bribe/ 賄選 贿选 T - 29 huì xuǎn f /to buy votes (in an election)/ 賅 赅 T - 13 Gāi f /surname Gai/ 賅 赅 T - 13 gāi f /complete/full/ 賅博 赅博 T - 0 gāi bó f /variant of 該博|该博[gai1 bo2]/ 賅括 赅括 T - 0 gāi kuò f /see 概括[gai4 kuo4]/ 資 资 T - 1599 zī f /resources/capital/to provide/to supply/to support/money/expense/ 資中 资中 T - 10 Zī zhōng f /Zizhong county in Neijiang 內江|内江[Nei4 jiang1], Sichuan/ 資中縣 资中县 T - 3 Zī zhōng xiàn f /Zizhong county in Neijiang 內江|内江[Nei4 jiang1], Sichuan/ 資俸 资俸 T - 3 zī fèng f /salary/pay/wages/ 資優生 资优生 T - 3 zī yōu shēng f /brilliant student/ 資助 资助 T 3212 1316 zī zhù f /to subsidize/to provide financial aid/subsidy/ 資工 资工 T - 0 zī gōng f /abbr. of 資訊工程|资讯工程[zi1 xun4 gong1 cheng2]/ 資料 资料 T 1388 9021 zī liào f /material/resources/data/information/profile (Internet)/CL:份[fen4],個|个[ge4]/ 資料介面 资料介面 T - 0 zī liào jiè miàn f /data interface/ 資料倉儲 资料仓储 T - 0 zī liào cāng chǔ f /data warehouse (computing)/ 資料傳輸 资料传输 T - 0 zī liào chuán shū f /data transmission/ 資料傳送服務 资料传送服务 T - 0 zī liào chuán sòng fú wù f /data delivery service/ 資料夾 资料夹 T - 3 zī liào jiā f /(file) folder/ 資料庫 资料库 T - 32 zī liào kù f /database/ 資料量 资料量 T - 0 zī liào liàng f /quantity of data/ 資料鏈結層 资料链结层 T - 0 zī liào liàn jié céng f /data link layer/ 資斧 资斧 T - 3 zī fǔ f /(literary) money for a journey/travel expenses/ 資方 资方 T - 48 zī fāng f /the owners of a private enterprise/management/capital (as opposed to labor)/ 資望 资望 T - 24 zī wàng f /seniority and prestige/ 資本 资本 T 4058 14732 zī běn f /capital (economics)/ 資本主義 资本主义 T - 5188 zī běn zhǔ yì f /capitalism/ 資本儲備 资本储备 T - 0 zī běn chǔ bèi f /capital reserve/ 資本外逃 资本外逃 T - 3 zī běn wài táo f /outflow of capital/ 資本家 资本家 T - 2575 zī běn jiā f /capitalist/ 資本市場 资本市场 T - 0 zī běn shì chǎng f /capital market/ 資本計提 资本计提 T - 0 zī běn jì tí f /capital requirement/ 資本論 资本论 T - 150 Zī běn lùn f /Das Kapital (1867) by Karl Marx 卡爾·馬克思|卡尔·马克思[Ka3 er3 · Ma3 ke4 si1]/ 資格 资格 T 1612 3379 zī gé f /qualifications/seniority/ 資格賽 资格赛 T - 76 zī gé sài f /qualifying round (in sports)/ 資歷 资历 T - 248 zī lì f /qualifications/experience/seniority/ 資治通鑒 资治通鉴 T - 162 Zī zhì Tōng jiàn f /A Mirror for the Wise Ruler (or Comprehensive Mirror for Aid in Government), a vast chronological general history, written by 司馬光|司马光[Si1 ma3 Guang1] Sima Guang (1019-1089) and collaborators during the Northern Song in 1084, covering the period 403 BC-959 AD, 294 scrolls/ 資深 资深 T 4071 560 zī shēn f /veteran (attributive)/senior/highly experienced/ 資淺 资浅 T - 3 zī qiǎn f /junior/ 資源 资源 T 1890 17453 Zī yuán f /Ziyuan county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ 資源 资源 T 1890 17453 zī yuán f /natural resource (such as water or minerals)/resource (such as manpower or tourism)/ 資源縣 资源县 T - 0 Zī yuán xiàn f /Ziyuan county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ 資溪 资溪 T - 4 Zī xī f /Zixi county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi/ 資溪縣 资溪县 T - 3 Zī xī xiàn f /Zixi county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi/ 資生堂 资生堂 T - 5 Zī shēng táng f /Shiseidō (Japanese cosmetics company)/ 資產 资产 T 3323 3243 zī chǎn f /property/assets/ 資產價值 资产价值 T - 0 zī chǎn jià zhí f /value of assets/ 資產剝離 资产剥离 T - 0 zī chǎn bō lí f /asset stripping/ 資產擔保證券 资产担保证券 T - 0 zī chǎn dān bǎo zhèng quàn f /asset-backed security/ABS/ 資產組合 资产组合 T - 0 zī chǎn zǔ hé f /asset portfolio/ 資產負債表 资产负债表 T - 0 zī chǎn fù zhài biǎo f /balance sheet/ 資產階級 资产阶级 T - 3764 zī chǎn jiē jí f /the capitalist class/the bourgeoisie/ 資產階級右派 资产阶级右派 T - 0 zī chǎn jiē jí yòu pài f /bourgeois rightist faction (esp. during anti-rightist movement of 1957-58)/ 資產階級革命 资产阶级革命 T - 0 zī chǎn jiē jí gé mìng f /bourgeois revolution (in Marx-Leninist theory, a prelude to the proletarian revolution)/ 資用 资用 T - 0 zī yòng f /(physics) available/ 資興 资兴 T - 7 Zī xīng f /Zixing county level city in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ 資興市 资兴市 T - 3 Zī xīng shì f /Zixing county level city in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ 資訊 资讯 T - 561 zī xùn f /information/ 資訊工程 资讯工程 T - 0 zī xùn gōng chéng f /information engineering (Tw)/ 資訊科技 资讯科技 T - 3 zī xùn kē jì f /information technology/science of communications/ 資財 资财 T - 327 zī cái f /assets/capital and materials/ 資費 资费 T - 975 zī fèi f /(postal, telecom etc) service charge/ 資質 资质 T - 266 zī zhì f /aptitude/natural endowments/ 資遣 资遣 T - 0 zī qiǎn f /to dismiss with severance pay/to pay sb off/ 資金 资金 T 1768 6555 zī jīn f /funds/funding/capital/ 資金槓桿 资金杠杆 T - 0 zī jīn gàng gǎn f /(finance) leverage/gearing/ 資陽 资阳 T - 19 Zī yáng f /Ziyang prefecture level city in Sichuan/Ziyang district of Yiyang city 益陽市|益阳市[Yi4 yang2 shi4], Hunan/ 資陽區 资阳区 T - 3 Zī yáng qū f /Ziyang district of Yiyang city 益陽市|益阳市[Yi4 yang2 shi4], Hunan/ 資陽市 资阳市 T - 2 Zī yáng shì f /Ziyang prefecture level city in Sichuan/ 賈 贾 T - 1901 Jiǎ t /surname Jia/ 賈 贾 T - 1901 gǔ f /merchant/to buy/ 賈伯斯 贾伯斯 T - 0 Jiǎ bó sī f /Jobs (name)/see also 史提夫·賈伯斯|史提夫·贾伯斯[Shi3 ti2 fu1 · Jia3 bo2 si1], Steve Jobs/ 賈南德拉 贾南德拉 T - 0 Jiǎ nán dé lā f /Gyanendra of Nepal/ 賈夾威德 贾夹威德 T - 0 Jiǎ jiā wēi dé f /Janjaweed (armed Baggara herders used by the Sudanese government against Darfur rebels)/ 賈客 贾客 T - 0 gǔ kè f /merchant (old)/ 賈寶玉 贾宝玉 T - 62 Jiǎ Bǎo yù f /Jia Baoyu, male character in The Dream of Red Mansions, in love with his cousin Lin Daiyu 林黛玉 but obliged to marry Xue Baochai 薛寶釵|薛宝钗/ 賈平凹 贾平凹 T - 50 Jiǎ Píng wā f /Jia Pingwa (1952-), Chinese novelist/ 賈思勰 贾思勰 T - 12 Jiǎ Sī xié f /Jia Sixie, sixth century writer and author of agricultural encyclopedia Essential skill to benefit the people 齊民要術|齐民要术[Qi2 min2 Yao4 shu4]/ 賈慶林 贾庆林 T - 46 Jiǎ Qìng lín f /Jia Qinglin (1940-), member of PRC Poliburo/ 賈斯汀·比伯 贾斯汀·比伯 T - 0 Jiǎ sī tīng · Bǐ bà f /Justin Bieber (1994-), Canadian singer/ 賈汪 贾汪 T - 4 Jiǎ wāng f /Jiawang district of Xuzhou city 徐州市[Xu2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 賈汪區 贾汪区 T - 3 Jiǎ wāng qū f /Jiawang district of Xuzhou city 徐州市[Xu2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 賈第蟲 贾第虫 T - 0 Jiǎ dì chóng f /Giardia lamblia protozoan parasite that inhabits the gut/ 賈第蟲屬 贾第虫属 T - 0 Jiǎ dì chóng shǔ f /Giardia lamblia protozoan parasite that inhabits the gut/ 賈第蟲病 贾第虫病 T - 0 Jiǎ dì chóng bìng f /Giardiasis, a form of gastro-enteritis caused by infection of gut by Giardia lamblia protozoan parasite/ 賈誼 贾谊 T - 90 Jiǎ Yì f /Jia Yi (200-168 BC), Chinese poet and statesman of the Western Han Dynasty/ 賉 恤 T - 211 xù f /variant of 恤[xu4]/ 賊 贼 T 2791 5032 zéi f /thief/traitor/wily/deceitful/evil/extremely/ 賊亮 贼亮 T - 13 zéi liàng f /bright/shiny/dazzling/glaring/ 賊心 贼心 T - 31 zéi xīn f /evil intentions/ 賊死 贼死 T - 3 zéi sǐ f /completely/utterly (dialect)/ 賊眉賊眼 贼眉贼眼 T - 3 zéi méi zéi yǎn f /see 賊眉鼠眼|贼眉鼠眼[zei2 mei2 shu3 yan3]/ 賊眉鼠眼 贼眉鼠眼 T - 8 zéi méi shǔ yǎn f /shifty-eyed/crafty-looking (idiom)/ 賊眼 贼眼 T - 11 zéi yǎn f /shifty gaze/furtive glance/ 賊禿 贼秃 T - 3 zéi tū f /(derog.) Buddhist monk/ 賊窩 贼窝 T - 11 zéi wō f /thieves' lair/ 賊船 贼船 T - 16 zéi chuán f /pirate ship/fig. venture of dubious merit/criminal gang/reactionary faction/ 賊頭賊腦 贼头贼脑 T - 11 zéi tóu zéi nǎo f /lit. to behave like a thief/furtive/underhand/ 賌 - 0 gāi f /old variant of 賅|赅[gai1]/ 賏 - 0 yìng f /pearls or shells strung together/ 賑 赈 T - 193 zhèn f /to provide relief/to aid/ 賑恤 赈恤 T - 7 zhèn xù f /relief aid/ 賑捐 赈捐 T - 0 zhèn juān f /money donation to relieve distress or famine/ 賑濟 赈济 T - 185 zhèn jì f /to give relief aid/ 賑災 赈灾 T - 70 zhèn zāi f /disaster relief/ 賒 赊 T - 84 shē f /to buy or sell on credit/distant/long (time)/to forgive/ 賒帳 赊帐 T - 3 shē zhàng f /see 賒賬|赊账[she1 zhang4]/ 賒欠 赊欠 T - 15 shē qiàn f /to offer credit/credit transaction/to buy or sell on account/ 賒賬 赊账 T - 14 shē zhàng f /to buy or sell on credit/outstanding account/to have an outstanding account/ 賒購 赊购 T - 20 shē gòu f /to buy on credit/to delay payment/ 賒銷 赊销 T - 11 shē xiāo f /credit transaction/to sell on account/ 賓 宾 T - 565 bīn f /visitor/guest/object (in grammar)/ 賓主 宾主 T - 180 bīn zhǔ f /host and guest/ 賓利 宾利 T - 6 Bīn lì f /Bentley/ 賓士 宾士 T - 3 Bīn shì f /Taiwan equivalent of 奔馳|奔驰[Ben1 chi2]/ 賓夕法尼亞 宾夕法尼亚 T - 37 Bīn xī fǎ ní yà f /Pennsylvania/ 賓夕法尼亞大學 宾夕法尼亚大学 T - 24 Bīn xī fǎ ní yà Dà xué f /University of Pennsylvania/ 賓夕法尼亞州 宾夕法尼亚州 T - 42 Bīn xī fǎ ní yà zhōu f /Pennsylvania/ 賓客 宾客 T - 435 bīn kè f /guests/visitors/ 賓客盈門 宾客盈门 T - 5 bīn kè yíng mén f /guests filled the hall (idiom); a house full of distinguished visitors/ 賓川 宾川 T - 5 Bīn chuān f /Binchuan county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 賓川縣 宾川县 T - 3 Bīn chuān xiàn f /Binchuan county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 賓州 宾州 T - 32 Bīn zhōu f /Pennsylvania/abbr. for 賓夕法尼亞州|宾夕法尼亚州/ 賓得 宾得 T - 3 Bīn dé f /Pentax, Japanese optics company/ 賓朋 宾朋 T - 24 bīn péng f /guests/invited friends/ 賓朋滿座 宾朋满座 T - 3 bīn péng mǎn zuò f /guests filled all the seats (idiom); a house full of distinguished visitors/ 賓朋盈門 宾朋盈门 T - 0 bīn péng yíng mén f /guests filled the hall (idiom); a house full of distinguished visitors/ 賓果 宾果 T - 3 bīn guǒ f /bingo (loanword)/ 賓格 宾格 T - 12 bīn gé f /accusative case (grammar)/ 賓治 宾治 T - 0 bīn zhì f /punch (loanword)/ 賓縣 宾县 T - 6 Bīn xiàn f /Bin county in Heilongjiang/ 賓至如歸 宾至如归 T - 17 bīn zhì rú guī f /guests feel at home (in a hotel, guest house etc)/a home away from home/ 賓西法尼亞 宾西法尼亚 T - 3 Bīn xī fǎ ní yà f /Pennsylvania/also written 賓夕法尼亞|宾夕法尼亚/ 賓詞 宾词 T - 3 bīn cí f /predicate/ 賓語 宾语 T - 93 bīn yǔ f /object (grammar)/ 賓語關係從句 宾语关系从句 T - 0 bīn yǔ guān xì cóng jù f /object relative clause/ 賓陽 宾阳 T - 3 Bīn yáng f /Binyang county in Nanning 南寧|南宁[Nan2 ning2], Guangxi/ 賓陽縣 宾阳县 T - 2 Bīn yáng xiàn f /Binyang county in Nanning 南寧|南宁[Nan2 ning2], Guangxi/ 賓館 宾馆 T 291 671 bīn guǎn f /guesthouse/lodge/hotel/CL:個|个[ge4],家[jia1]/ 賕 赇 T - 0 qiú f /to bribe/ 賙 赒 T - 5 zhōu f /to give to the needy/to bestow alms/charity/ 賙人 赒人 T - 0 zhōu rén f /to help the needy/to bestow alms/charity/ 賙卹 赒恤 T - 0 zhōu xù f /to give to the needy/ 賙急 赒急 T - 0 zhōu jí f /disaster relief/ 賙急扶困 赒急扶困 T - 0 zhōu jí fú kùn f /disaster relief/ 賙濟 赒济 T - 139 zhōu jì f /variant of 周濟|周济[zhou1 ji4]/ 賚 赉 T - 38 lài f /to bestow/to confer/ 賛 赞 T - 1347 zàn f /variant of 贊|赞[zan4]/ 賜 赐 T - 2375 cì f /to confer/to bestow/to grant/ 賜予 赐予 T - 267 cì yǔ f /to grant/to bestow/ 賜姓 赐姓 T - 3 cì xìng f /to bestow a surname (of emperor conferring favor on ethnic group)/ 賜死 赐死 T - 3 cì sǐ f /to commit suicide on the orders of a sovereign (old)/ 賜福 赐福 T - 33 cì fú f /to bless/ 賜給 赐给 T - 3 cì gěi f /to bestow/to give/ 賜與 赐与 T - 48 cì yǔ f /variant of 賜予|赐予[ci4 yu3]/ 賝 - 0 chēn f /(gem)/ 賞 赏 T - 2419 shǎng f /to bestow (a reward)/to give (to an inferior)/to hand down/a reward (bestowed by a superior)/to appreciate (beauty)/ 賞光 赏光 T - 32 shǎng guāng f /to do sb the honor (of attending etc)/to put in an appearance/to show up/ 賞心悅目 赏心悦目 T - 68 shǎng xīn yuè mù f /warms the heart and delights the eye (idiom)/pleasing/delightful/ 賞月 赏月 T - 80 shǎng yuè f /to admire the full moon/ 賞析 赏析 T - 46 shǎng xī f /understanding and enjoying (a work of art)/ 賞罰 赏罚 T - 76 shǎng fá f /reward and punishment/ 賞臉 赏脸 T - 52 shǎng liǎn f /(polite) do me the honor/ 賞識 赏识 T - 352 shǎng shí f /to appreciate/to recognize the worth of sth/appreciation/ 賞賜 赏赐 T - 641 shǎng cì f /to bestow/to confer (a reward for service)/a reward/ 賞錢 赏钱 T - 91 shǎng qian f /tip/gratuity/monetary reward/bonus/ 賞鳥 赏鸟 T - 0 shǎng niǎo f /birdwatching/ 賠 赔 T - 866 péi f /to compensate for loss/to indemnify/to suffer a financial loss/ 賠不是 赔不是 T - 64 péi bú shi f /to apologize/ 賠了夫人又折兵 赔了夫人又折兵 T - 15 péi le fū rén yòu zhé bīng f /having given away a bride, to lose one's army on top of it (idiom)/to suffer a double loss after trying to trick the enemy/ 賠付 赔付 T - 45 péi fù f /to pay out/to compensate/(insurance) payment/ 賠償 赔偿 T 2021 1072 péi cháng f /to compensate/ 賠償金 赔偿金 T - 45 péi cháng jīn f /compensation/ 賠小心 赔小心 T - 10 péi xiǎo xīn f /to be conciliatory or apologetic/to tread warily in dealing with sb/ 賠本 赔本 T - 50 péi běn f /loss/to sustain losses/ 賠款 赔款 T - 339 péi kuǎn f /reparations/to pay reparations/ 賠禮 赔礼 T - 51 péi lǐ f /to offer an apology/to make amends/ 賠笑 赔笑 T - 99 péi xiào f /to smile apologetically or obsequiously/ 賠罪 赔罪 T - 119 péi zuì f /to apologize/ 賠錢 赔钱 T - 64 péi qián f /to lose money/to pay for damages/ 賡 赓 T - 22 gēng f /to continue (as a song)/ 賢 贤 T - 1241 xián f /worthy or virtuous person/honorific used for a person of the same or a younger generation/ 賢人 贤人 T - 37 xián rén f /great person of the past/venerable forebear/the great and the good/ 賢內助 贤内助 T - 20 xián nèi zhù f /(said of sb else's wife) a good wife/ 賢勞 贤劳 T - 3 xián láo f /diligent/ 賢士 贤士 T - 49 xián shì f /virtuous person/a man of merit/ 賢妻 贤妻 T - 21 xián qī f /(old) perfect wife/you, my beloved wife/ 賢妻良母 贤妻良母 T - 19 xián qī liáng mǔ f /a good wife and loving mother/ 賢弟 贤弟 T - 414 xián dì f /worthy little brother/ 賢惠 贤惠 T 4889 46 xián huì f /variant of 賢慧|贤慧[xian2 hui4]/ 賢慧 贤慧 T - 19 xián huì f /(of a wife) wise and kind/perfect in her traditional roles/ 賢才 贤才 T - 50 xián cái f /a genius/a talented person/ 賢明 贤明 T - 40 xián míng f /wise and capable/sagacious/ 賢淑 贤淑 T - 35 xián shū f /(of a woman) virtuous/ 賢淑仁慈 贤淑仁慈 T - 0 xián shū rén cí f /a virtuous and benevolent woman (idiom)/ 賢王 贤王 T - 62 xián wáng f /sage kings/ 賢相 贤相 T - 3 xián xiàng f /sagacious prime minister (in feudal China)/ 賢能 贤能 T - 103 xián néng f /sage/ 賢良 贤良 T - 465 xián liáng f /(of a man) able and virtuous/ 賢達 贤达 T - 32 xián dá f /prominent and worthy personage/ 賣 卖 T 220 7578 mài f /to sell/to betray/to spare no effort/to show off or flaunt/ 賣主 卖主 T - 35 mài zhǔ f /seller/ 賣傻 卖傻 T - 0 mài shǎ f /to play stupid/to act like an idiot/ 賣價 卖价 T - 17 mài jià f /selling price/ 賣光了 卖光了 T - 0 mài guāng le f /to be sold out/to be out of stock/ 賣出 卖出 T - 339 mài chū f /to sell/to reach (a price in an auction)/ 賣力 卖力 T - 145 mài lì f /to really put out energy for/ 賣力氣 卖力气 T - 15 mài lì qi f /to make a living doing manual labor/to give sth all one's got/ 賣卜 卖卜 T - 0 mài bǔ f /to do trade as a fortune teller/ 賣命 卖命 T - 68 mài mìng f /to throw one's life in for/to haplessly give one's life for/to sacrifice oneself torturously working for another or for a group/to pour in one's utmost effort/to shed one's last ounce of strength for/ 賣國 卖国 T - 864 mài guó f /to sell one's country/treason/ 賣國主義 卖国主义 T - 0 mài guó zhǔ yì f /treason/ 賣國賊 卖国贼 T - 1364 mài guó zéi f /traitor/ 賣場 卖场 T - 159 mài chǎng f /market/store/mall (usually specializing in a particular product category such as furniture)/ 賣完 卖完 T - 3 mài wán f /to be sold out/ 賣家 卖家 T - 104 mài jiā f /seller/ 賣座 卖座 T - 20 mài zuò f /(of a movie, show etc) to attract large audiences/ 賣弄 卖弄 T - 152 mài nong f /to show off/to make a display of/ 賣掉 卖掉 T - 278 mài diào f /to sell off/to get rid of in a sale/ 賣方 卖方 T - 179 mài fāng f /seller (in contracts)/ 賣春 卖春 T - 3 mài chūn f /to engage in prostitution/ 賣本事 卖本事 T - 3 mài běn shì f /to flaunt a skill/to give display to one's ability/to show off a feat/to vaunt one's tricks/ 賣淫 卖淫 T - 115 mài yín f /prostitution/to prostitute oneself/ 賣炭翁 卖炭翁 T - 3 Mài Tàn Wēng f /The Old Charcoal Seller, poem by Tang poet Bai Juyi 白居易[Bai2 Ju1 yi4]/ 賣相 卖相 T - 10 mài xiàng f /outward appearance/demeanor/ 賣破綻 卖破绽 T - 3 mài pò zhàn f /to feign an opening in order to hoodwink the opponent (in a fight, combat etc)/ 賣空 卖空 T - 5 mài kōng f /to sell short (finance)/ 賣笑 卖笑 T - 22 mài xiào f /to work as a good-time girl/to prostitute oneself/ 賣肉 卖肉 T - 3 mài ròu f /butcher/meat merchant/ 賣肉者 卖肉者 T - 0 mài ròu zhě f /butcher/ 賣苦力 卖苦力 T - 3 mài kǔ lì f /to make a hard living as unskilled laborer/ 賣萌 卖萌 T - 0 mài méng f /(slang) to act cute/ 賣身 卖身 T - 74 mài shēn f /to prostitute oneself/to sell oneself into slavery/ 賣關子 卖关子 T - 52 mài guān zi f /to do sth reluctantly/to keep listeners in suspense (in storytelling)/to keep people on tenterhooks/ 賣關節 卖关节 T - 3 mài guān jié f /to solicit a bribe/to accept a bribe/ 賣面子 卖面子 T - 3 mài miàn zi f /to obsequiously bequeath favors on behalf of another/to give face to somebody by doing favors on their behalf/to curry favor for a third party/to intercede on another's behalf/ 賣風流 卖风流 T - 0 mài fēng liú f /to exert flirtatious allure/to entice coquettishly/ 賣點 卖点 T - 90 mài diǎn f /selling point/ 賤 贱 T - 875 jiàn f /inexpensive/lowly/ 賤人 贱人 T - 277 jiàn rén f /slut/cheap person/ 賤內 贱内 T - 12 jiàn nèi f /my wife (humble)/ 賤格 贱格 T - 3 jiàn gé f /despicable/ 賤民 贱民 T - 84 jiàn mín f /social stratum below the level of ordinary people/untouchable/dalit (India caste)/ 賤稱 贱称 T - 0 jiàn chēng f /contemptuous term/ 賤貨 贱货 T - 39 jiàn huò f /bitch/slut/ 賤賣 贱卖 T - 32 jiàn mài f /to sell cheaply/sacrifice/low price/discount sale/ 賤骨頭 贱骨头 T - 20 jiàn gǔ tou f /miserable wretch/contemptible individual/ 賥 - 0 suì f /money and property/ 賦 赋 T - 1362 fù f /poetic essay/taxation/to bestow on/to endow with/ 賦予 赋予 T 3218 2186 fù yǔ f /to assign/to entrust (a task)/to give/to bestow/ 賦形劑 赋形剂 T - 4 fù xíng jì f /(pharm.) vehicle/excipient/ 賦格曲 赋格曲 T - 3 fù gé qǔ f /fugue (loanword)/ 賦稅 赋税 T - 675 fù shuì f /taxation/ 賦與 赋与 T - 0 fù yǔ f /variant of 賦予|赋予[fu4 yu3]/ 賦詩 赋诗 T - 79 fù shī f /to versify/to compose poetry/ 賦閒 赋闲 T - 58 fù xián f /to stay idle at home/to have resigned from office/to be unemployed/to have been fired/to be on a sabbatical/ 賧 赕 T - 5 dǎn f /fine/ 賨 - 151 cóng f /tribute paid by Han dynasty tribes/ 質 质 T - 5760 zhì f /character/nature/quality/plain/to pawn/pledge/hostage/to question/Taiwan pr. [zhi2]/ 質問 质问 T - 232 zhì wèn f /to question/to ask questions/to inquire/to bring to account/to interrogate/ 質因數 质因数 T - 3 zhì yīn shù f /prime factor (in arithmetic)/ 質地 质地 T - 830 zhì dì f /texture/background (texture)/grain/quality/character/disposition/ 質子 质子 T - 391 zhì zǐ f /proton (positively charged nuclear particle)/a prince sent to be held as a hostage in a neighbouring state in ancient China/ 質子數 质子数 T - 0 zhì zǐ shù f /proton number in nucleus/atomic number/ 質子轟擊 质子轰击 T - 0 zhì zǐ hōng jī f /proton bombardment/ 質庫 质库 T - 0 zhì kù f /pawnshop (old)/ 質心 质心 T - 68 zhì xīn f /center of gravity/barycenter/ 質感 质感 T - 342 zhì gǎn f /realism (in art)/sense of reality/texture/tactile quality/ 質數 质数 T - 18 zhì shù f /prime number/ 質料 质料 T - 59 zhì liào f /material/matter/ 質明 质明 T - 0 zhì míng f /at dawn/ 質樸 质朴 T - 257 zhì pǔ f /simple/plain/unadorned/unaffected/unsophisticated/rustic/earthy/ 質檢 质检 T - 98 zhì jiǎn f /quarantine/quality inspection/ 質檢局 质检局 T - 3 zhì jiǎn jú f /quarantine bureau/quality inspection office/ 質疑 质疑 T - 557 zhì yí f /to call into question/to question (truth or validity)/ 質的飛躍 质的飞跃 T - 0 zhì de fēi yuè f /qualitative leap/ 質直 质直 T - 7 zhì zhí f /upright/straightforward/ 質粒 质粒 T - 25 zhì lì f /plasmid/ 質素 质素 T - 32 zhì sù f /(high) quality/ 質詢 质询 T - 523 zhì xún f /to question/to enquire/interrogatory/ 質證 质证 T - 9 zhì zhèng f /examination of the evidence of the opposing party in a court of law/ 質譜 质谱 T - 32 zhì pǔ f /mass spectrometry/ 質譜儀 质谱仪 T - 27 zhì pǔ yí f /mass spectrometer/ 質變 质变 T - 128 zhì biàn f /qualitative change/fundamental change/ 質量 质量 T 1102 8009 zhì liàng f /quality/(physics) mass/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 質量保障 质量保障 T - 0 zhì liàng bǎo zhàng f /quality assurance (QA)/ 質量塊 质量块 T - 0 zhì liàng kuài f /a mass/a body/ 質量數 质量数 T - 31 zhì liàng shù f /atomic weight of an element/atomic mass/ 質量檢查 质量检查 T - 3 zhì liàng jiǎn chá f /quality inspection/ 質量管理 质量管理 T - 0 zhì liàng guǎn lǐ f /quality management/ 質鋪 质铺 T - 0 zhì pù f /pawn shop/ 質難 质难 T - 0 zhì nàn f /to blame/ 質點 质点 T - 275 zhì diǎn f /point mass/particle/ 賫 赍 T - 339 jī f /to present (a gift)/to harbor (a feeling)/ 賬 账 T - 838 zhàng f /account/bill/debt/CL:本[ben3],筆|笔[bi3]/ 賬冊 账册 T - 22 zhàng cè f /an account book/a ledger/a bill/ 賬單 账单 T - 62 zhàng dān f /bill/ 賬戶 账户 T 1913 489 zhàng hù f /bank account/online account/ 賬房 账房 T - 65 zhàng fáng f /an accounts office (in former times)/an accountant/a cashier/ 賬房先生 账房先生 T - 0 zhàng fáng xiān sheng f /bookkeeper (old)/ 賬本 账本 T - 27 zhàng běn f /account book/ 賬款 账款 T - 49 zhàng kuǎn f /money in an account/ 賬目 账目 T - 209 zhàng mù f /an item in accounts/an entry/ 賬簿 账簿 T - 49 zhàng bù f /an account book/a ledger/ 賬號 账号 T - 103 zhàng hào f /account/username/ 賬載 账载 T - 0 zhàng zǎi f /per book/as recorded in the accounts/ 賬面 账面 T - 90 zhàng miàn f /an item in accounts/an entry/ 賭 赌 T - 1079 dǔ f /to bet/to gamble/ 賭上一局 赌上一局 T - 0 dǔ shàng yī jú f /to engage in a game of chance/to gamble/to make a bet/ 賭博 赌博 T 2864 610 dǔ bó f /to gamble/ 賭咒 赌咒 T - 34 dǔ zhòu f /to swear to God/to cross one's heart/ 賭咒發誓 赌咒发誓 T - 36 dǔ zhòu fā shì f /to vow/ 賭城 赌城 T - 3 dǔ chéng f /casino town/nickname for Las Vegas/ 賭場 赌场 T - 221 dǔ chǎng f /casino/ 賭客 赌客 T - 64 dǔ kè f /gambler/ 賭局 赌局 T - 20 dǔ jú f /game of chance/gambling party/gambling joint/ 賭徒 赌徒 T - 59 dǔ tú f /gambler/ 賭棍 赌棍 T - 15 dǔ gùn f /hardened gambler/professional gambler/ 賭氣 赌气 T - 219 dǔ qì f /to act in a fit of pique/to get in a huff/to be peeved/ 賭注 赌注 T - 101 dǔ zhù f /stake (in a gamble)/(what is at) stake/ 賭球 赌球 T - 19 dǔ qiú f /(ball) sports betting/ 賭窩 赌窝 T - 3 dǔ wō f /gamblers' den/illegal casino/ 賭資 赌资 T - 22 dǔ zī f /money to gamble with/ 賭錢 赌钱 T - 179 dǔ qián f /to gamble/ 賭鬭 赌斗 T - 0 dǔ dòu f /to fight/ 賭鬼 赌鬼 T - 5 dǔ guǐ f /gambling addict/ 賮 - 0 jìn f /farewell presents/ 賴 赖 T - 1199 Lài f /surname Lai/ 賴 赖 T - 1199 lài f /to depend on/to hang on in a place/bad/to renege (on promise)/to disclaim/to rat (on debts)/rascally/to blame/to put the blame on/ 賴以 赖以 T - 262 lài yǐ f /to rely on/to depend on/ 賴婚 赖婚 T - 3 lài hūn f /to go back on a marriage contract/to repudiate an engagement/ 賴安 赖安 T - 6 Lài ān f /Ryan (name)/ 賴床 赖床 T - 3 lài chuáng f /to have a lie-in/to dawdle in bed/ 賴斯 赖斯 T - 88 Lài sī f /Rice (name)/Condoleezza Rice (1954-) US Secretary of State 2005-2009/ 賴昌星 赖昌星 T - 10 Lài Chāng xīng f /Lai Changxing (1958-), notorious Xiamen mafia boss involved in large scale corruption and smuggling, extradited from Canada back to China in 2008/ 賴校族 赖校族 T - 0 lài xiào zú f /campus dwellers (slang)/graduates who cannot break away from campus life/ 賴比瑞亞 赖比瑞亚 T - 3 Lài bǐ ruì yà f /Liberia (Tw)/ 賴氨酸 赖氨酸 T - 51 lài ān suān f /lysine (Lys), an essential amino acid/ 賴特 赖特 T - 86 Lài tè f /Wright (name)/ 賴皮 赖皮 T - 20 lài pí f /shameless/(slang) rascal/ 賴索托 赖索托 T - 3 Lài suǒ tuō f /Lesotho (Tw)/ 賴聲川 赖声川 T - 0 Lài Shēng chuān f /Lai Shengchuan (1954-), US-Taiwanese dramatist and director/ 賴臉 赖脸 T - 0 lài liǎn f /to be shameless/ 賴賬 赖账 T - 24 lài zhàng f /to renege on a debt/ 賵 赗 T - 0 fèng f /(literary) gift (of money etc) to a bereaved family/to contribute to funeral expenses/ 賷 赍 T - 339 jī f /variant of 齎|赍[ji1]/ 賸 - 0 shèng f /have as remainder/trad. variant of 剩[sheng4]/ 賺 赚 T 854 1870 zhuàn t /to earn/to make a profit/ 賺 赚 T 854 1870 zuàn f /to cheat/to swindle/ 賺取 赚取 T - 113 zhuàn qǔ f /to make a profit/to earn a packet/ 賺哄 赚哄 T - 0 zhuàn hǒng f /to cheat/to hoodwink/to defraud/ 賺大錢 赚大钱 T - 3 zhuàn dà qián f /to earn a fortune/ 賺得 赚得 T - 0 zhuàn dé f /to earn/ 賺錢 赚钱 T - 634 zhuàn qián f /to earn money/moneymaking/ 賺頭 赚头 T - 18 zhuàn tou f /profit (colloquial)/ 賻 赙 T - 8 fù f /to contribute to funeral expenses/ 購 购 T - 1875 gòu f /to buy/to purchase/ 購得 购得 T - 100 gòu dé f /to purchase/to acquire/ 購書券 购书券 T - 0 gòu shū quàn f /book token/ 購物 购物 T 1004 994 gòu wù f /shopping/ 購物中心 购物中心 T - 3 gòu wù zhōng xīn f /shopping center/ 購物券 购物券 T - 20 gòu wù quàn f /coupon/ 購物大廈 购物大厦 T - 0 gòu wù dà shà f /shopping mall/ 購物廣場 购物广场 T - 3 gòu wù guǎng chǎng f /shopping mall/ 購物手推車 购物手推车 T - 0 gòu wù shǒu tuī chē f /shopping cart/ 購物袋 购物袋 T - 3 gòu wù dài f /shopping bag/ 購物車 购物车 T - 3 gòu wù chē f /shopping cart/ 購置 购置 T - 279 gòu zhì f /to purchase/ 購貨 购货 T - 34 gòu huò f /purchase of goods/ 購買 购买 T - 4275 gòu mǎi f /to purchase/to buy/ 購買力 购买力 T - 164 gòu mǎi lì f /purchasing power/ 購買者 购买者 T - 79 gòu mǎi zhě f /purchaser/ 賽 赛 T - 2783 sài f /to compete/competition/match/to surpass/better than/superior to/to excel/ 賽事 赛事 T - 599 sài shì f /competition (e.g. sporting)/ 賽先生 赛先生 T - 26 Sài xiān sheng f /"Mr Science", phrase used during the May 4th Movement 五四運動|五四运动[Wu3 si4 Yun4 dong4]/abbr. for 賽因斯|赛因斯[sai4 yin1 si1]/see also 德先生[De2 xian1 sheng5]/ 賽因斯 赛因斯 T - 0 sài yīn sī f /science (loanword)/ 賽場 赛场 T - 473 sài chǎng f /racetrack/field (for athletics competition)/ 賽夏族 赛夏族 T - 0 Sài xià zú f /Saisiyat or Saisiat, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/ 賽季 赛季 T - 1605 sài jì f /season (sports)/ 賽德克族 赛德克族 T - 0 Sài dé kè zú f /Seediq, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/ 賽德娜 赛德娜 T - 0 Sài dé nà f /Sedna, small body in the outer reaches of the solar system/ 賽揚 赛扬 T - 32 Sài yáng f /Celeron (an Intel chip)/ 賽普勒斯 赛普勒斯 T - 0 Sài pǔ lè sī f /Cyprus (Tw)/ 賽會 赛会 T - 82 sài huì f /religious procession/exposition/ 賽段 赛段 T - 13 sài duàn f /stage of a competition/ 賽氏籬鶯 赛氏篱莺 T - 0 Sài shì lí yīng f /(bird species of China) Sykes's warbler (Iduna rama)/ 賽特 赛特 T - 24 Sài tè f /Seth (name)/ 賽珍珠 赛珍珠 T - 5 Sài Zhēn zhū f /Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973), American writer known for her novels on Asian cultures, Pulitzer Prize and Nobel Prize laureate/ 賽璐玢 赛璐玢 T - 3 sài lù fēn f /cellophane (loanword)/ 賽璐珞 赛璐珞 T - 17 sài lù luò f /celluloid (loanword)/ 賽百味 赛百味 T - 0 Sài bǎi wèi f /Subway (fast food restaurant)/ 賽程 赛程 T - 96 sài chéng f /competition schedule/the course of a race/ 賽罕 赛罕 T - 0 Sài hǎn f /Saihan District of Hohhot City 呼和浩特市[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4 Shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 賽罕區 赛罕区 T - 3 Sài hǎn Qū f /Saihan District of Hohhot City 呼和浩特市[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4 Shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 賽義迪 赛义迪 T - 0 Sài yì dí f /Said or Sayed (Arabic name)/ 賽船 赛船 T - 3 sài chuán f /boat race/racing ship or boat/ 賽艇 赛艇 T - 30 sài tǐng f /boat race/racing ship or boat/rowing (sport)/ 賽跑 赛跑 T - 85 sài pǎo f /race (running)/to race (running)/ 賽車 赛车 T - 143 sài chē f /auto race/cycle race/race car/ 賽車場 赛车场 T - 22 sài chē chǎng f /motor racetrack/cycle racetrack/ 賽車場賽 赛车场赛 T - 0 sài chē chǎng sài f /stadium cycle race/ 賽車女郎 赛车女郎 T - 0 sài chē nǚ láng f /pit babe/paddock girl/grid girl/ 賽車手 赛车手 T - 3 sài chē shǒu f /racing driver/ 賽道 赛道 T - 13 sài dào f /race course/ 賽里木湖 赛里木湖 T - 10 Sài lǐ mù Hú f /Sayram Lake in Xinjiang/ 賽馬 赛马 T - 95 sài mǎ f /horse race/horse racing/ 賽馬場 赛马场 T - 9 sài mǎ chǎng f /race course/race ground/race track/ 賽馬會 赛马会 T - 2 Sài mǎ huì f /the Jockey Club, Hong Kong philanthropic organization (and former gentleman's club)/ 賽點 赛点 T - 14 sài diǎn f /match point (tennis etc)/ 賽龍舟 赛龙舟 T - 3 sài lóng zhōu f /to race dragon boats/ 賽龍船 赛龙船 T - 0 sài lóng chuán f /dragon-boat race/ 賾 赜 T - 87 zé f /mysterious/ 贄 贽 T - 26 zhì f /gifts to superiors/ 贅 赘 T - 163 zhuì f /superfluous/redundant/cumbersome/refers to a son-in-law living with wife's family/ 贅婿 赘婿 T - 15 zhuì xù f /son-in-law living at wife's parent's house/ 贅物 赘物 T - 3 zhuì wù f /sth that is superfluous/ 贅生 赘生 T - 0 zhuì shēng f /excrescence/abnormal superfluous growth/ 贅疣 赘疣 T - 6 zhuì yóu f /wart/sth superfluous/ 贅瘤 赘瘤 T - 3 zhuì liú f /useless/superfluous/ 贅肉 赘肉 T - 24 zhuì ròu f /excess flesh/unwanted fat/flab/bulge/ 贅言 赘言 T - 13 zhuì yán f /superfluous words/unnecessary detail/ 贅詞 赘词 T - 3 zhuì cí f /superfluous words/unnecessary detail/ 贅語 赘语 T - 0 zhuì yǔ f /superfluous words/pleonasm/ 贅述 赘述 T - 56 zhuì shù f /to say more than is necessary/to give unnecessary details/ 贅餘 赘余 T - 0 zhuì yú f /superfluous/ 贇 赟 T - 171 yūn f /good appearance/ 贈 赠 T - 627 zèng f /to give as a present/to repel/to bestow an honorary title after death (old)/ 贈予 赠予 T - 35 zèng yǔ f /to give a present/to accord (a favor)/to grant/ 贈品 赠品 T - 26 zèng pǐn f /gift/complimentary item/freebie/giveaway/ 贈與 赠与 T - 84 zèng yǔ f /variant of 贈予|赠予[zeng4 yu3]/ 贈與者 赠与者 T - 3 zèng yǔ zhě f /giver/ 贈芍 赠芍 T - 0 zèng sháo f /to give peonies/fig. exchange of gifts between lovers/ 贈送 赠送 T 4018 461 zèng sòng f /to present as a gift/ 贉 - 0 tǎn f /pay an advance/silk book cover/ 贊 赞 T - 1347 zàn f /to patronize/to support/to praise/(Internet slang) to like (an online post on Facebook etc)/ 贊不絕口 赞不绝口 T - 68 zàn bù jué kǒu f /to praise without cease (idiom); praise sb to high heaven/ 贊丹 赞丹 T - 0 Zàn dān f /Zaandam (town in Netherlands)/ 贊助 赞助 T 3057 379 zàn zhù f /to support/to assist/to sponsor/ 贊助商 赞助商 T - 73 zàn zhù shāng f /sponsor/ 贊同 赞同 T - 721 zàn tóng f /to approve of/to endorse/(vote) in favor/ 贊嘆 赞叹 T 4542 577 zàn tàn f /to sigh or gasp in admiration/high praise/ 贊嘆不已 赞叹不已 T - 45 zàn tàn bù yǐ f /to be full of praise (idiom)/ 贊成 赞成 T 1867 1162 zàn chéng f /to approve/to endorse/(literary) to assist/ 贊成票 赞成票 T - 55 zàn chéng piào f /approval/affirmative vote/ 贊比亞 赞比亚 T - 195 Zàn bǐ yà f /Zambia/ 贊皇 赞皇 T - 2 Zàn huáng f /Zanhuang county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei/ 贊皇縣 赞皇县 T - 8 Zàn huáng xiàn f /Zanhuang county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei/ 贊西佩 赞西佩 T - 0 Zàn xī pèi f /Xanthippe, Socrates' wife/ 贊詞 赞词 T - 12 zàn cí f /praise/ 贊譽 赞誉 T - 200 zàn yù f /to praise/recognition/ 贊辭 赞辞 T - 3 zàn cí f /praise/ 贊饗 赞飨 T - 0 zàn xiǎng f /message dedicated to a deity/ 贋 赝 T - 54 yàn f /variant of 贗|赝[yan4]/ 贍 赡 T - 215 shàn f /to support/to provide for/ 贍養 赡养 T - 89 shàn yǎng f /to support/to provide support for/to maintain/ 贍養費 赡养费 T - 15 shàn yǎng fèi f /alimony/child support/maintenance allowance/ 贏 赢 T 653 2471 yíng f /to beat/to win/to profit/ 贏利 赢利 T - 213 yíng lì f /gain/profit/to make a profit/ 贏家 赢家 T - 80 yíng jiā f /winner/ 贏得 赢得 T - 1216 yíng dé f /to win/to gain/ 贏餘 赢余 T - 3 yíng yú f /variant of 盈餘|盈余[ying2 yu2]/ 贐 赆 T - 8 jìn f /farewell presents/ 贑 赣 T - 697 Gàn f /variant of 贛|赣[Gan4]/ 贓 赃 T - 83 zāng f /stolen goods/booty/spoils/ 贓官污吏 赃官污吏 T - 3 zāng guān wū lì f /grasping officials, corrupt mandarins (idiom); abuse and corruption/ 贓款 赃款 T - 33 zāng kuǎn f /booty/stolen goods/ 贓物 赃物 T - 60 zāng wù f /booty/stolen property/ 贔 赑 T - 26 bì f /see 贔屭|赑屃[Bi4 xi4]/ 贔屭 赑屃 T - 0 Bì xì f /Bixi, one of the nine sons of a dragon with the form of a tortoise, also known as 龜趺|龟趺[gui1 fu1]/ 贕 - 0 dú f /still-born chick (in unhatched egg)/variant of 殰|㱩[du2]/ 贖 赎 T - 436 shú f /to redeem/to ransom/ 贖回 赎回 T - 129 shú huí f /to redeem/ 贖款 赎款 T - 5 shú kuǎn f /ransom/ 贖罪 赎罪 T - 122 shú zuì f /to atone for one's crime/to buy freedom from punishment/redemption/atonement/ 贖罪日 赎罪日 T - 0 Shú zuì rì f /Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement (Jewish holiday)/ 贖罪日戰爭 赎罪日战争 T - 0 Shú zuì rì zhàn zhēng f /the Yom Kippur war of October 1973 between Israel and her Arab neighbors/ 贖金 赎金 T - 44 shú jīn f /ransom/ 贗 赝 T - 54 yàn f /false/ 贗品 赝品 T - 63 yàn pǐn f /fake/counterfeit article/ 贛 赣 T - 697 Gàn f /abbr. for Jiangxi Province 江西省[Jiang1 xi1 Sheng3]/Gan River in Jiangxi Province 江西省[Jiang1 xi1 Sheng3]/ 贛州 赣州 T - 140 Gàn zhōu f /Ganzhou prefecture level city in Jiangxi/ 贛州地區 赣州地区 T - 0 Gàn zhōu dì qū f /Ganzhou prefecture in Jiangxi/ 贛州市 赣州市 T - 15 Gàn zhōu shì f /Ganzhou prefecture level city in Jiangxi/ 贛榆 赣榆 T - 6 Gàn yú f /Ganyu county in Lianyungang 連雲港|连云港[Lian2 yun2 gang3], Jiangsu/ 贛榆縣 赣榆县 T - 5 Gàn yú xiàn f /Ganyu county in Lianyungang 連雲港|连云港[Lian2 yun2 gang3], Jiangsu/ 贛江 赣江 T - 98 Gàn Jiāng f /Gan River in Jiangxi Province 江西省[Jiang1 xi1 Sheng3]/ 贛縣 赣县 T - 20 Gàn xiàn f /Gan county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi/ 贛語 赣语 T - 0 Gàn yǔ f /Gan dialect, spoken in Jiangxi Province/ 贜 赃 T - 83 zāng f /variant of 贓|赃[zang1]/ 贝 貝 S - 836 Bèi f /surname Bei/ 贝 貝 S - 836 bèi f /cowrie/shellfish/currency (archaic)/ 贝·布托 貝·佈托 S - 0 Bèi · Bù tuō f /Benazir Bhutto (1953-2007), Pakistani politician, daughter of executed former prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and herself prime minister 1993-1996, murdered by Al Qaeda/ 贝丘 貝丘 S - 2 bèi qiū f /shell mound/ 贝九 貝九 S - 0 Bèi jiǔ f /Beethoven's Ninth/ 贝克 貝克 S - 84 Bèi kè f /Baker or Becker (name)/ 贝克 貝克 S - 84 bèi kè f /becquerel (unit of radioactivity, symbol Bq)/abbr. for 貝克勒爾|贝克勒尔[bei4 ke4 le4 er3]/ 贝克勒尔 貝克勒爾 S - 3 bèi kè lè ěr f /becquerel (unit of radioactivity, symbol Bq)/abbr. to 貝克|贝克[bei4 ke4]/ 贝克尔 貝克爾 S - 26 Bèi kè ěr f /Baker or Becker (name)/ 贝克汉姆 貝克漢姆 S - 89 Bèi kè hàn mǔ f /Beckenham or Beckham (name)/David Beckham (1975-), British midfield footballer/ 贝内特 貝內特 S - 19 Bèi nèi tè f /Bennett (surname)/ 贝利卡登 貝利卡登 S - 0 Bèi lì kǎ dēng f /Ballycotton (Irish: Baile Choitín), village near Cork/Ballycotton, music band/ 贝加尔湖 貝加爾湖 S - 90 Bèi jiā ěr Hú f /Lake Baikal/ 贝加莱 貝加萊 S - 0 Bèi jiā lái f /B&R Industrial Automation International Trade (Shanghai) Co., Ltd./ 贝努力 貝努力 S - 0 Bèi nǔ lì f /Bernoulli (Swiss mathematical family, including Johann (1667-1748) and Daniel (1700-1782))/ 贝南 貝南 S - 0 Bèi nán f /Benin (Tw)/ 贝卡谷地 貝卡谷地 S - 0 Bèi kǎ Gǔ dì f /Bekaa Valley between Lebanon and Syria/ 贝卢斯科尼 貝盧斯科尼 S - 0 Bèi lú sī kē ní f /Silvio Berlusconi (1936-), Italian media magnate and right-wing politician, prime minister of Italy 1994-1995, 2001-2006, 2008-2011/ 贝叶 貝葉 S - 8 bèi yè f /pattra palm tree (Corypha umbraculifera), whose leaves were used as paper substitute for Buddhist sutras/ 贝叶斯 貝葉斯 S - 22 Bèi yè sī f /Bayes (name)/Thomas Bayes (1702-1761), English mathematician and theologian/ 贝叶棕 貝葉棕 S - 0 bèi yè zōng f /pattra palm tree (Corypha umbraculifera), whose leaves were used as paper substitute for Buddhist sutras/ 贝叶经 貝葉經 S - 8 bèi yè jīng f /sutra written on leaves of pattra palm tree/ 贝司 貝司 S - 2 bèi sī f /bass (loanword)/ 贝塔 貝塔 S - 11 bèi tǎ f /beta (Greek letter Ββ)/ 贝塔斯曼 貝塔斯曼 S - 11 Bèi tǎ sī màn f /Bertelsmann, German media company/ 贝壳 貝殼 S 3808 325 bèi ké f /shell/conch/cowry/mother of pearl/hard outer skin/also pr. [bei4 qiao4]/ 贝壳儿 貝殼兒 S - 0 bèi ké r f /erhua variant of 貝殼|贝壳[bei4 ke2]/ 贝多 貝多 S - 3 bèi duō f /pattra palm tree (loan from Sanskrit, Corypha umbraculifera), whose leaves were used as paper substitute for Buddhist sutras/ 贝多罗树 貝多羅樹 S - 0 bèi duō luó shù f /Talipot palm (Corypha umbraculifera), whose leaves were used as writing media/ 贝多芬 貝多芬 S - 124 Bèi duō fēn f /Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), German composer/ 贝娅特丽克丝 貝婭特麗克絲 S - 0 Bèi yà tè lí kè sī f /Beatrix (name)/ 贝娜齐尔·布托 貝娜齊爾·布托 S - 0 Bèi nà qí ěr · Bù tuō f /Benazir Bhutto (1953-2007), Pakistani politician, daughter of executed former prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and herself prime minister 1993-1996, murdered by Al Qaeda/ 贝宁 貝寧 S - 182 Bèi níng f /Benin/ 贝宝 貝寶 S - 3 Bèi bǎo f /PayPal (Internet payment and money transfer company)/ 贝尔 貝爾 S - 695 Bèi ěr f /Bell (person name)/ 贝尔墨邦 貝爾墨邦 S - 0 Bèi ěr mò bāng f /Belmopan, capital of Belize (Tw)/ 贝尔实验室 貝爾實驗室 S - 28 Bèi ěr Shí yàn shì f /Bell Labs/ 贝尔格勒 貝爾格勒 S - 0 Bèi ěr gé lè f /Belgrade, capital of Serbia (Tw)/ 贝尔格莱德 貝爾格萊德 S - 143 Bèi ěr gé lái dé f /Belgrade, capital of Serbia/ 贝尔法斯特 貝爾法斯特 S - 29 Bèi ěr fǎ sī tè f /Belfast, capital of Northern Ireland/ 贝尔湖 貝爾湖 S - 10 Bèi ěr Hú f /Buir Lake of Inner Mongolia/ 贝尔莫潘 貝爾莫潘 S - 6 Bèi ěr mò pān f /Belmopan, capital of Belize/ 贝拉 貝拉 S - 37 Bèi lā f /Beira, Mozambique/ 贝拉米 貝拉米 S - 0 Bèi lā mǐ f /Bellamy/ 贝斯 貝斯 S - 8 bèi sī f /bass (loanword)/bass guitar/Bes or Bisu, Egyptian protector god of households/ 贝斯吉他 貝斯吉他 S - 0 bèi sī jí tā f /bass guitar/ 贝果 貝果 S - 0 bèi guǒ f /bagel (loanword)/ 贝母 貝母 S - 343 bèi mǔ f /the bulb of the fritillary (Fritillaria thunbergii)/ 贝类 貝類 S - 209 bèi lèi f /shellfish/mollusks/ 贝纳通 貝納通 S - 2 Bèi nà tōng f /Benetton, clothes company/ 贝聿铭 貝聿銘 S - 17 Bèi Yù míng f /Pei Ieoh Ming or I.M. Pei (1917-), famous Chinese-American architect/ 贝里斯 貝里斯 S - 2 Bèi lǐ sī f /Belize (Tw)/ 贝雕 貝雕 S - 34 bèi diāo f /shell carving/ 贝雷帽 貝雷帽 S - 29 bèi léi mào f /beret (loanword)/ 贝鲁特 貝魯特 S - 77 Bèi lǔ tè f /Beirut, capital of Lebanon/ 贞 貞 S - 418 zhēn f /chaste/ 贞丰 貞豐 S - 4 Zhēn fēng f /Zhenfeng county in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔西南州[Qian2 xi1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 贞丰县 貞豐縣 S - 3 Zhēn fēng xiàn f /Zhenfeng county in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔西南州[Qian2 xi1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 贞女 貞女 S - 10 zhēn nǚ f /female virgin/widow who does not remarry/ 贞德 貞德 S - 45 Zhēn dé f /Jeanne d'Arc (1412-1431), French heroine and liberator, executed as a witch by the Burgundians and English/also called Jehanne Darc, the Maid or Orleans, Joan of Arc or St Joan/ 贞操 貞操 S - 57 zhēn cāo f /(usually of women) chastity/virginity/virtue/honor/loyalty/moral integrity/ 贞操带 貞操帶 S - 3 zhēn cāo dài f /chastity belt/ 贞洁 貞潔 S - 40 zhēn jié f /chastity/ 贞烈 貞烈 S - 7 zhēn liè f /ready to die to preserve one's chastity/ 贞节 貞節 S - 48 zhēn jié f /chastity/virginity (of women)/moral integrity (of men)/loyalty/constancy/ 贞节牌坊 貞節牌坊 S - 3 zhēn jié pái fāng f /memorial arch in honor of a chaste widow/ 负 負 S - 4410 fù f /to bear/to carry (on one's back)/to turn one's back on/to be defeated/negative (math. etc)/ 负伤 負傷 S - 254 fù shāng f /to be wounded/to sustain an injury/ 负债 負債 S - 343 fù zhài f /to be in debt/to incur debts/liability (finance)/ 负债累累 負債累累 S - 29 fù zhài lěi lěi f /deep in debt/ 负值 負值 S - 36 fù zhí f /negative value (math.)/ 负分 負分 S - 4 fù fēn f /negative score/minus (in grades, such as A-)/ 负压 負壓 S - 30 fù yā f /suction/negative pressure/ 负反馈 負反饋 S - 41 fù fǎn kuì f /negative feedback/ 负号 負號 S - 19 fù hào f /negative value sign - (math.)/minus sign/ 负增长 負增長 S - 3 fù zēng zhǎng f /negative growth/economic recession/ 负外部性 負外部性 S - 0 fù wài bù xìng f /negative influence, effect that people's doings or behavior have on others (society)/ 负心 負心 S - 122 fù xīn f /ungrateful/heartless/to fail to be loyal to one's love/ 负心汉 負心漢 S - 3 fù xīn hàn f /traitor to one's love/heartless rat/ 负担 負擔 S 2917 1948 fù dān f /burden/to bear a burden/ 负担不起 負擔不起 S - 0 fù dān bu qǐ f /cannot afford/cannot bear the burden/ 负担者 負擔者 S - 0 fù dān zhě f /bearer/ 负数 負數 S - 72 fù shù f /negative number/ 负整数 負整數 S - 0 fù zhěng shù f /negative integer/ 负方 負方 S - 3 fù fāng f /the losing side/ 负有 負有 S - 392 fù yǒu f /to be responsible for/ 负有责任 負有責任 S - 3 fù yǒu zé rèn f /at fault/blamed for/responsible (for a blunder or crime)/ 负极 負極 S - 59 fù jí f /negative pole/cathode/ 负气 負氣 S - 41 fù qì f /in a pique/sulky/cross/ 负片 負片 S - 5 fù piàn f /negative (in photography)/ 负电 負電 S - 82 fù diàn f /negative electric charge/ 负疚 負疚 S - 28 fù jiù f /(literary) to feel apologetic/to feel guilty/ 负离子 負離子 S - 101 fù lí zǐ f /negative ion (physics)/ 负累 負累 S - 23 fù lěi f /to implicate/to involve/ 负累 負累 S - 23 fù lèi t /burden/ 负翁 負翁 S - 6 fù wēng f /debtor (jocular term, homonymous with 富翁[fu4 weng1])/ 负荆请罪 負荊請罪 S - 22 fù jīng qǐng zuì f /lit. to bring a bramble and ask for punishment (idiom)/fig. to offer sb a humble apology/ 负荷 負荷 S - 336 fù hè f /load/burden/charge/ 负责 負責 S 728 13745 fù zé f /to be in charge of/to take responsibility for/to be to blame/conscientious/ 负责人 負責人 S - 3722 fù zé rén f /person in charge/ 负责任 負責任 S - 0 fù zé rèn f /to take responsibility/to bear responsibility/to be responsible/ 负载 負載 S - 174 fù zài f /load/ 负重担 負重擔 S - 0 fù zhòng dān f /burdened/ 负面 負面 S - 707 fù miàn f /negative/the negative side/ 负鼠 負鼠 S - 21 fù shǔ f /opossum (zoo.)/ 贠 貟 S - 0 yuán f /old variant of 員|员[yuan2]/ 贡 貢 S - 681 Gòng f /surname Gong/ 贡 貢 S - 681 gòng f /to offer tribute/tribute/gifts/ 贡丸 貢丸 S - 0 gòng wán f /pork ball/ 贡井 貢井 S - 0 Gòng jǐng f /Gongjing district of Zigong city 自貢市|自贡市[Zi4 gong4 shi4], Sichuan/ 贡井区 貢井區 S - 3 Gòng jǐng qū f /Gongjing district of Zigong city 自貢市|自贡市[Zi4 gong4 shi4], Sichuan/ 贡品 貢品 S - 335 gòng pǐn f /tribute/ 贡嘎 貢嘎 S - 10 Gòng gá f /Gonggar county, Tibetan: Gong dkar rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 贡嘎县 貢嘎縣 S - 3 Gòng gá xiàn f /Gonggar county, Tibetan: Gong dkar rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 贡国 貢國 S - 0 gòng guó f /tributary state of China (old)/ 贡士 貢士 S - 258 gòng shì f /(old) candidate who has successfully passed the first grades of the examination system, but not yet the court examination (殿試|殿试[dian4 shi4])/ 贡寮 貢寮 S - 3 Gòng liáo f /Gongliao or Kungliao township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 贡寮乡 貢寮鄉 S - 0 Gòng liáo xiāng f /Gongliao or Kungliao township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 贡山 貢山 S - 24 Gòng shān f /Gongshan Derung and Nu autonomous county in Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture 怒江傈僳族自治州[Nu4 jiang1 Li4 su4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] in northwest Yunnan/ 贡山县 貢山縣 S - 0 Gòng shān xiàn f /Gongshan Derung and Nu autonomous county in Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture 怒江傈僳族自治州[Nu4 jiang1 Li4 su4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] in northwest Yunnan/ 贡山独龙族怒族自治县 貢山獨龍族怒族自治縣 S - 10 Gòng shān Dú lóng zú Nù zú zì zhì xiàn f /Gongshan Derung and Nu autonomous county in Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture 怒江傈僳族自治州[Nu4 jiang1 Li4 su4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] in northwest Yunnan/ 贡布 貢布 S - 8 Gòng bù f /Kampot, town in Cambodia, capital of Kampot Province/ 贡物 貢物 S - 19 gòng wù f /tribute/ 贡献 貢獻 S 1909 5762 gòng xiàn f /to contribute/to dedicate/to devote/contribution/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 贡献者 貢獻者 S - 1579 gòng xiàn zhě f /contributor/benefactor/ 贡生 貢生 S - 13 gòng shēng f /candidate for the Imperial Examination proposed by a tributary state/ 贡觉 貢覺 S - 4 Gòng jué f /Gonjo county, Tibetan: Go 'jo rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区[Chang1 du1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 贡觉县 貢覺縣 S - 3 Gòng jué xiàn f /Gonjo county, Tibetan: Go 'jo rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区[Chang1 du1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 贡赋 貢賦 S - 74 gòng fù f /tribute/ 贡高我慢 貢高我慢 S - 0 gòng gāo wǒ màn f /haughty and arrogant/ 财 財 S - 1725 cái f /money/wealth/riches/property/valuables/ 财东 財東 S - 39 cái dōng f /shop owner/moneybags/ 财主 財主 S - 230 cái zhǔ f /rich man/moneybags/ 财产 財產 S 1642 7202 cái chǎn f /property/assets/estate/CL:筆|笔[bi3]/ 财产价值 財產價值 S - 0 cái chǎn jià zhí f /property value/ 财产公证 財產公證 S - 0 cái chǎn gōng zhèng f /property notarization/ 财产权 財產權 S - 60 cái chǎn quán f /property rights/ 财会 財會 S - 71 cái kuài f /finance and accounting/ 财利 財利 S - 0 cái lì f /wealth and profit/riches/ 财力 財力 S - 499 cái lì f /financial resources/financial ability/ 财务 財務 S 3203 1822 cái wù f /financial affairs/ 财务再保险 財務再保險 S - 0 cái wù zài bǎo xiǎn f /financial reinsurance/fin re/ 财务大臣 財務大臣 S - 0 cái wù dà chén f /finance minister/ 财务秘书 財務秘書 S - 0 cái wù mì shū f /treasurer/ 财务软件 財務軟件 S - 3 cái wù ruǎn jiàn f /financial software/accounting software/ 财势 財勢 S - 12 cái shì f /wealth and influence/ 财团 財團 S - 281 cái tuán f /financial group/ 财大气粗 財大氣粗 S - 72 cái dà qì cū f /rich and imposing/rich and overbearing/ 财宝 財寶 S - 137 cái bǎo f /money and valuables/ 财富 財富 S 2974 4280 cái fù f /wealth/riches/ 财帛 財帛 S - 55 cái bó f /wealth/money/ 财年 財年 S - 446 cái nián f /fiscal year/financial year/ 财报 財報 S - 0 cái bào f /financial report/ 财政 財政 S 3328 6228 cái zhèng f /finances (public)/financial/ 财政大臣 財政大臣 S - 0 cái zhèng dà chén f /finance minister/UK chancellor of exchequer/ 财政年度 財政年度 S - 3 cái zhèng nián dù f /financial year/fiscal year (e.g. from April to March, for tax purposes)/ 财政部 財政部 S - 428 Cái zhèng bù f /Ministry of Finance/ 财政部长 財政部長 S - 119 cái zhèng bù zhǎng f /minister of finance (e.g. of PRC)/ 财权 財權 S - 34 cái quán f /property ownership or right/financial power/financial control/ 财源 財源 S - 112 cái yuán f /financial resources/source of revenue/ 财源滚滚 財源滾滾 S - 3 cái yuán gǔn gǔn f /profits pouring in from all sides (idiom)/raking in money/bonanza/ 财物 財物 S - 1261 cái wù f /property/belongings/ 财相 財相 S - 0 cái xiàng f /minister of finance/ 财神 財神 S - 61 cái shén f /god of wealth/ 财神爷 財神爺 S - 30 cái shén yé f /god of wealth/very wealthy man/ 财税 財稅 S - 347 cái shuì f /finance and taxation/ 财税厅 財稅廳 S - 0 cái shuì tīng f /(provincial) department of finance/ 财经 財經 S - 612 cái jīng f /finance and economics/ 财贸 財貿 S - 50 cái mào f /finance and trade/ 财赋 財賦 S - 3 cái fù f /government revenue/tributary goods and finances/finances and taxes/wealth/property/belongings/ 财路 財路 S - 35 cái lù f /livelihood/ 财迷 財迷 S - 8 cái mí f /money grubber/miser/ 财迷心窍 財迷心竅 S - 13 cái mí xīn qiào f /mad about money (idiom)/ 财长 財長 S - 57 cái zhǎng f /treasurer/head of finances/minister of finance/ 财阀 財閥 S - 124 cái fá f /plutocracy/monopolistic corporation, esp. prewar Japanese zaibatsu/Korean chaebol/plutocrat/tycoon/oligarch/financial magnate/ 责 責 S - 1150 zé f /duty/responsibility/to reproach/to blame/ 责令 責令 S - 227 zé lìng f /to order/to enjoin/to charge/to instruct sb to finish sth/ 责任 責任 S 808 5946 zé rèn f /responsibility/blame/duty/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 责任事故 責任事故 S - 5 zé rèn shì gù f /accident occurring due to negligence/ 责任人 責任人 S - 193 zé rèn rén f /responsible person/coordinator/ 责任制 責任制 S - 446 zé rèn zhì f /system of job responsibility/ 责任心 責任心 S - 150 zé rèn xīn f /sense of responsibility/ 责任感 責任感 S - 497 zé rèn gǎn f /sense of responsibility/ 责备 責備 S 2155 524 zé bèi f /to blame/to criticize/condemnation/reproach/ 责备求全 責備求全 S - 3 zé bèi qiú quán f /see 求全責備|求全责备[qiu2 quan2 ze2 bei4]/ 责怪 責怪 S 3055 219 zé guài f /to blame/to rebuke/ 责成 責成 S - 374 zé chéng f /give sb a task/ 责打 責打 S - 53 zé dǎ f /to punish by flogging/ 责无旁贷 責無旁貸 S - 190 zé wú páng dài f /to be duty bound/to be one's unshrinkable responsibility/ 责有攸归 責有攸歸 S - 3 zé yǒu yōu guī f /responsibility must lie where it belongs (idiom)/ 责罚 責罰 S - 167 zé fá f /to punish/to chastise/ 责难 責難 S - 218 zé nàn f /to censure/ 责骂 責罵 S - 140 zé mà f /to scold/ 贤 賢 S - 1241 xián f /worthy or virtuous person/honorific used for a person of the same or a younger generation/ 贤人 賢人 S - 37 xián rén f /great person of the past/venerable forebear/the great and the good/ 贤内助 賢內助 S - 20 xián nèi zhù f /(said of sb else's wife) a good wife/ 贤劳 賢勞 S - 3 xián láo f /diligent/ 贤士 賢士 S - 49 xián shì f /virtuous person/a man of merit/ 贤妻 賢妻 S - 21 xián qī f /(old) perfect wife/you, my beloved wife/ 贤妻良母 賢妻良母 S - 19 xián qī liáng mǔ f /a good wife and loving mother/ 贤弟 賢弟 S - 414 xián dì f /worthy little brother/ 贤惠 賢惠 S 4889 46 xián huì f /variant of 賢慧|贤慧[xian2 hui4]/ 贤慧 賢慧 S - 19 xián huì f /(of a wife) wise and kind/perfect in her traditional roles/ 贤才 賢才 S - 50 xián cái f /a genius/a talented person/ 贤明 賢明 S - 40 xián míng f /wise and capable/sagacious/ 贤淑 賢淑 S - 35 xián shū f /(of a woman) virtuous/ 贤淑仁慈 賢淑仁慈 S - 0 xián shū rén cí f /a virtuous and benevolent woman (idiom)/ 贤王 賢王 S - 62 xián wáng f /sage kings/ 贤相 賢相 S - 3 xián xiàng f /sagacious prime minister (in feudal China)/ 贤能 賢能 S - 103 xián néng f /sage/ 贤良 賢良 S - 465 xián liáng f /(of a man) able and virtuous/ 贤达 賢達 S - 32 xián dá f /prominent and worthy personage/ 败 敗 S - 3221 bài f /to defeat/to damage/to lose (to an opponent)/to fail/to wither/ 败不成军 敗不成軍 S - 0 bài bù chéng jūn f /The army is completely routed. (idiom)/ 败仗 敗仗 S - 215 bài zhàng f /lost battle/defeat/ 败光 敗光 S - 0 bài guāng f /to squander one's fortune/to dissipate one's wealth/ 败兴 敗興 S - 29 bài xìng f /disappointed/ 败北 敗北 S - 99 bài běi f /(literary) to be routed (in a war)/to suffer defeat (in sports etc)/ 败坏 敗壞 S 4354 396 bài huài f /to ruin/to corrupt/to undermine/ 败子 敗子 S - 0 bài zǐ f /see 敗家子|败家子[bai4 jia1 zi3]/ 败子回头 敗子回頭 S - 3 bài zǐ huí tóu f /return of the prodigal son/ 败家子 敗家子 S - 87 bài jiā zǐ f /spendthrift/wastrel/prodigal/ 败局 敗局 S - 110 bài jú f /lost game/losing battle/ 败德 敗德 S - 3 bài dé f /evil conduct/ 败战 敗戰 S - 0 bài zhàn f /to lose a war/fig. the loser (in a competition or election)/ 败柳残花 敗柳殘花 S - 3 bài liǔ cán huā f /broken flower, withered willow (idiom); fig. fallen woman/ 败毒 敗毒 S - 10 bài dú f /(TCM) to relieve inflamation and internal heat/to detoxify/ 败火 敗火 S - 11 bài huǒ f /relieve inflammation or internal heat/ 败笔 敗筆 S - 28 bài bǐ f /a faulty stroke in calligraphy or painting/a faulty expression in writing/ 败类 敗類 S - 106 bài lèi f /scum of a community/degenerate/ 败絮 敗絮 S - 14 bài xù f /ruined/broken down/shabby/ 败绩 敗績 S - 68 bài jì f /to be utterly defeated/to be routed/ 败胃 敗胃 S - 3 bài wèi f /spoil one's appetite/ 败落 敗落 S - 53 bài luò f /(of status or wealth) to decline/(of buildings etc) to become dilapidated/run-down/(of plants) to wilt/ 败血症 敗血症 S - 83 bài xuè zhèng f /septicaemia/ 败诉 敗訴 S - 60 bài sù f /lose a lawsuit/ 败走 敗走 S - 3 bài zǒu f /to run away (in defeat)/ 败退 敗退 S - 182 bài tuì f /to retreat in defeat/ 败阵 敗陣 S - 72 bài zhèn f /to be defeated on the battlefield/to be beaten in a contest/ 败露 敗露 S - 146 bài lù f /(of a plot etc) to fall through and stand exposed/ 账 賬 S - 838 zhàng f /account/bill/debt/CL:本[ben3],筆|笔[bi3]/ 账册 賬冊 S - 22 zhàng cè f /an account book/a ledger/a bill/ 账单 賬單 S - 62 zhàng dān f /bill/ 账号 賬號 S - 103 zhàng hào f /account/username/ 账户 賬戶 S 1913 489 zhàng hù f /bank account/online account/ 账房 賬房 S - 65 zhàng fáng f /an accounts office (in former times)/an accountant/a cashier/ 账房先生 賬房先生 S - 0 zhàng fáng xiān sheng f /bookkeeper (old)/ 账本 賬本 S - 27 zhàng běn f /account book/ 账款 賬款 S - 49 zhàng kuǎn f /money in an account/ 账目 賬目 S - 209 zhàng mù f /an item in accounts/an entry/ 账簿 賬簿 S - 49 zhàng bù f /an account book/a ledger/ 账载 賬載 S - 0 zhàng zǎi f /per book/as recorded in the accounts/ 账面 賬面 S - 90 zhàng miàn f /an item in accounts/an entry/ 货 貨 S - 2218 huò f /goods/money/commodity/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 货仓 貨倉 S - 4 huò cāng f /warehouse/ 货值 貨值 S - 5 huò zhí f /value (of goods)/ 货到付款 貨到付款 S - 3 huò dào fù kuǎn f /cash on delivery (COD)/ 货品 貨品 S - 36 huò pǐn f /goods/ 货商场 貨商場 S - 0 huò shāng chǎng f /department store/ 货币 貨幣 S 3849 8092 huò bì f /currency/monetary/money/ 货币主义 貨幣主義 S - 24 huò bì zhǔ yì f /monetarism/ 货币供应量 貨幣供應量 S - 0 huò bì gōng yìng liàng f /money supply/ 货币兑换 貨幣兌換 S - 0 huò bì duì huàn f /currency exchange/ 货币危机 貨幣危機 S - 0 huò bì wēi jī f /monetary crisis/ 货币市场 貨幣市場 S - 0 huò bì shì chǎng f /money market/ 货币贬值 貨幣貶值 S - 3 huò bì biǎn zhí f /currency devaluation/to devaluate a currency/ 货摊 貨攤 S - 7 huò tān f /vendor's stall/ 货机 貨機 S - 25 huò jī f /cargo plane/ 货架 貨架 S - 76 huò jià f /shelf for goods/shop shelf/ 货柜 貨櫃 S - 30 huò guì f /container (for freight transport)/see 集裝箱|集装箱[ji2 zhuang1 xiang1]/ 货栈 貨棧 S - 66 huò zhàn f /warehouse/ 货梯 貨梯 S - 0 huò tī f /freight elevator/goods lift/ 货棚 貨棚 S - 0 huò péng f /covered stall/shed/ 货款 貨款 S - 154 huò kuǎn f /payment for goods/ 货比三家 貨比三家 S - 17 huò bǐ sān jiā f /to comparison shop (idiom)/comparison shopping/ 货比三家不吃亏 貨比三家不吃虧 S - 0 huò bǐ sān jiā bù chī kuī f /shop around first and you won't get ripped off (idiom)/ 货源 貨源 S - 99 huò yuán f /supply of goods/ 货物 貨物 S - 1482 huò wù f /goods/commodity/merchandise/CL:宗[zong1]/ 货物运输 貨物運輸 S - 3 huò wù yùn shū f /freight or cargo transportation/ 货盘 貨盤 S - 8 huò pán f /pallet/ 货真价实 貨真價實 S - 116 huò zhēn jià shí f /genuine goods at fair prices/ 货站 貨站 S - 3 huò zhàn f /a store/the collection point in a store/ 货舱 貨艙 S - 168 huò cāng f /cargo hold/cargo bay (of a plane)/ 货船 貨船 S - 65 huò chuán f /cargo ship/freighter/ 货色 貨色 S - 110 huò sè f /goods/(derog.) stuff/trash/ 货车 貨車 S - 197 huò chē f /truck/van/freight wagon/ 货轮 貨輪 S - 69 huò lún f /freighter/cargo ship/CL:艘[sou1]/ 货载 貨載 S - 3 huò zài f /cargo/ 货运 貨運 S - 419 huò yùn f /freight transport/cargo/transported goods/ 货运列车 貨運列車 S - 0 huò yùn liè chē f /goods train/freight train/ 货运卡车 貨運卡車 S - 3 huò yùn kǎ chē f /freight truck/ 货问三家不吃亏 貨問三家不吃虧 S - 0 huò wèn sān jiā bù chī kuī f /see 貨比三家不吃虧|货比三家不吃亏[huo4 bi3 san1 jia1 bu4 chi1 kui1]/ 质 質 S - 5760 zhì f /character/nature/quality/plain/to pawn/pledge/hostage/to question/Taiwan pr. [zhi2]/ 质变 質變 S - 128 zhì biàn f /qualitative change/fundamental change/ 质因数 質因數 S - 3 zhì yīn shù f /prime factor (in arithmetic)/ 质地 質地 S - 830 zhì dì f /texture/background (texture)/grain/quality/character/disposition/ 质子 質子 S - 391 zhì zǐ f /proton (positively charged nuclear particle)/a prince sent to be held as a hostage in a neighbouring state in ancient China/ 质子数 質子數 S - 0 zhì zǐ shù f /proton number in nucleus/atomic number/ 质子轰击 質子轟擊 S - 0 zhì zǐ hōng jī f /proton bombardment/ 质库 質庫 S - 0 zhì kù f /pawnshop (old)/ 质心 質心 S - 68 zhì xīn f /center of gravity/barycenter/ 质感 質感 S - 342 zhì gǎn f /realism (in art)/sense of reality/texture/tactile quality/ 质数 質數 S - 18 zhì shù f /prime number/ 质料 質料 S - 59 zhì liào f /material/matter/ 质明 質明 S - 0 zhì míng f /at dawn/ 质朴 質樸 S - 257 zhì pǔ f /simple/plain/unadorned/unaffected/unsophisticated/rustic/earthy/ 质检 質檢 S - 98 zhì jiǎn f /quarantine/quality inspection/ 质检局 質檢局 S - 3 zhì jiǎn jú f /quarantine bureau/quality inspection office/ 质点 質點 S - 275 zhì diǎn f /point mass/particle/ 质疑 質疑 S - 557 zhì yí f /to call into question/to question (truth or validity)/ 质的飞跃 質的飛躍 S - 0 zhì de fēi yuè f /qualitative leap/ 质直 質直 S - 7 zhì zhí f /upright/straightforward/ 质粒 質粒 S - 25 zhì lì f /plasmid/ 质素 質素 S - 32 zhì sù f /(high) quality/ 质证 質證 S - 9 zhì zhèng f /examination of the evidence of the opposing party in a court of law/ 质询 質詢 S - 523 zhì xún f /to question/to enquire/interrogatory/ 质谱 質譜 S - 32 zhì pǔ f /mass spectrometry/ 质谱仪 質譜儀 S - 27 zhì pǔ yí f /mass spectrometer/ 质量 質量 S 1102 8009 zhì liàng f /quality/(physics) mass/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 质量保障 質量保障 S - 0 zhì liàng bǎo zhàng f /quality assurance (QA)/ 质量块 質量塊 S - 0 zhì liàng kuài f /a mass/a body/ 质量数 質量數 S - 31 zhì liàng shù f /atomic weight of an element/atomic mass/ 质量检查 質量檢查 S - 3 zhì liàng jiǎn chá f /quality inspection/ 质量管理 質量管理 S - 0 zhì liàng guǎn lǐ f /quality management/ 质铺 質鋪 S - 0 zhì pù f /pawn shop/ 质问 質問 S - 232 zhì wèn f /to question/to ask questions/to inquire/to bring to account/to interrogate/ 质难 質難 S - 0 zhì nàn f /to blame/ 贩 販 S - 464 fàn f /to deal in/to buy and sell/to trade in/to retail/to peddle/ 贩卖 販賣 S 3379 737 fàn mài f /to sell/to peddle/to traffic/ 贩卖人口 販賣人口 S - 3 fàn mài rén kǒu f /trafficking in human beings/ 贩卖机 販賣機 S - 3 fàn mài jī f /vending machine/ 贩售 販售 S - 3 fàn shòu f /to sell/ 贩夫 販夫 S - 3 fàn fū f /peddler/street vendor/ 贩夫俗子 販夫俗子 S - 3 fàn fū sú zi f /peddlers and common people/lower class/ 贩夫走卒 販夫走卒 S - 22 fàn fū zǒu zú f /lit. peddlers and carriers/common people/lower class/ 贩婴 販嬰 S - 0 fàn yīng f /child trafficking/ 贩子 販子 S - 182 fàn zǐ f /child trafficking/ 贩子 販子 S - 182 fàn zi t /trafficker/dealer/monger/peddler/ 贩毒 販毒 S - 175 fàn dú f /to traffic narcotics/drugs trade/opium trade/ 贩私 販私 S - 37 fàn sī f /to traffic (smuggled goods)/illegal trading/ 贩运 販運 S - 151 fàn yùn f /to transport (for sale)/to traffic (in sth)/ 贪 貪 S - 871 tān f /to have a voracious desire for/to covet/greedy/corrupt/ 贪占 貪占 S - 3 tān zhàn f /to misappropriate/ 贪吃 貪吃 S - 37 tān chī f /gluttonous/voracious/ 贪吃者 貪吃者 S - 0 tān chī zhě f /glutton/ 贪吃鬼 貪吃鬼 S - 3 tān chī guǐ f /glutton/chowhound/ 贪嘴 貪嘴 S - 14 tān zuǐ f /gluttonous/ 贪图 貪圖 S - 268 tān tú f /to covet/to seek (riches, fame)/ 贪多嚼不烂 貪多嚼不爛 S - 13 tān duō jiáo bù làn f /to bite off more than one can chew (idiom)/ 贪天之功 貪天之功 S - 8 tān tiān zhī gōng f /to claim credit for other people's achievements (idiom)/ 贪婪 貪婪 S 3165 495 tān lán f /avaricious/greedy/rapacious/insatiable/avid/ 贪婪无厌 貪婪無厭 S - 4 tān lán wú yàn f /avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied/ 贪婪是万恶之源 貪婪是萬惡之源 S - 0 tān lán shì wàn è zhī yuán f /Greed is the root of all evil./ 贪官 貪官 S - 286 tān guān f /corrupt official/grasping functionary/greedy mandarin/ 贪官污吏 貪官污吏 S - 126 tān guān wū lì f /grasping officials, corrupt mandarins (idiom); abuse and corruption/ 贪小失大 貪小失大 S - 3 tān xiǎo shī dà f /penny wise and pound foolish (idiom)/ 贪得无厌 貪得無厭 S - 61 tān dé wú yàn f /avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied/ 贪得无餍 貪得無饜 S - 0 tān dé wú yàn f /variant of 貪得無厭|贪得无厌[tan1 de2 wu2 yan4]/ 贪心 貪心 S - 64 tān xīn f /greedy/ 贪心不足 貪心不足 S - 11 tān xīn bù zú f /avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied/ 贪恋 貪戀 S - 65 tān liàn f /to cling to/to be reluctant to give up (sth)/to have a fondness for (an indulgence etc)/ 贪杯 貪杯 S - 10 tān bēi f /to drink in excess/ 贪欲 貪慾 S - 86 tān yù f /greed/avarice/rapacious/avid/ 贪求 貪求 S - 7 tān qiú f /to pursue greedily/to crave/ 贪求无厌 貪求無厭 S - 3 tān qiú wú yàn f /insatiably greedy (idiom)/ 贪汙腐化 貪汙腐化 S - 0 tān wū fǔ huà f /corruption/ 贪污 貪污 S 4262 639 tān wū f /to be corrupt/corruption/to embezzle/ 贪污腐败 貪污腐敗 S - 3 tān wū fǔ bài f /corruption/ 贪渎 貪瀆 S - 3 tān dú f /(of an official) corrupt and negligent of his duty/ 贪猥无厌 貪猥無厭 S - 3 tān wěi wú yàn f /avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied/ 贪玩 貪玩 S - 48 tān wán f /to only want to have a good time/to just want to have fun, and to shy away from self-discipline/ 贪生怕死 貪生怕死 S - 120 tān shēng pà sǐ f /greedy for life, afraid of death (idiom); craven and cowardly/clinging abjectly to life/only interested in saving one's neck/ 贪腐 貪腐 S - 3 tān fǔ f /corruption/ 贪色 貪色 S - 26 tān sè f /greedy for sex/given to lust for women/ 贪财 貪財 S - 88 tān cái f /to be greedy in getting money/ 贪贿无艺 貪賄無藝 S - 3 tān huì wú yì f /greed for bribes knows no bounds (idiom); unbridled corruption/ 贪赃枉法 貪贓枉法 S - 64 tān zāng wǎng fǎ f /corruption and abuse of the law (idiom); to take bribes and bend the law/ 贪鄙 貪鄙 S - 21 tān bǐ f /to be avaricious and mean/ 贪食 貪食 S - 3 tān shí f /greedy/glutton/ 贪馋 貪饞 S - 0 tān chán f /gluttonous/greedy/insatiable/avid/ 贫 貧 S - 784 pín f /poor/inadequate/deficient/garrulous/ 贫下中农 貧下中農 S - 156 pín xià zhōng nóng f /(category defined by the Communist Party) poor and lower-middle peasants: farmers who, before land reform, possessed little or no land (poor peasants) and those who were barely able to support themselves with their own land (lower-middle peasants)/ 贫不足耻 貧不足恥 S - 0 pín bù zú chǐ f /it is no disgrace to be poor (idiom)/ 贫乏 貧乏 S 4852 234 pín fá f /impoverished/lacking/deficient/limited/meager/impoverishment/lack/deficiency/ 贫僧 貧僧 S - 229 pín sēng f /poor monk (humble term used by monk of himself)/ 贫农 貧農 S - 181 pín nóng f /poor peasant/ 贫嘴 貧嘴 S - 32 pín zuǐ f /talkative/garrulous/loquacious/flippant/jocular/ 贫嘴滑舌 貧嘴滑舌 S - 3 pín zuǐ huá shé f /garrulous and sharp-tongued/ 贫嘴薄舌 貧嘴薄舌 S - 3 pín zuǐ bó shé f /garrulous and sharp-tongued/ 贫困 貧困 S 3732 1882 pín kùn f /impoverished/poverty/ 贫困地区 貧困地區 S - 3 pín kùn dì qū f /poor region/impoverished area/ 贫困率 貧困率 S - 2 pín kùn lǜ f /poverty rate/ 贫女诗 貧女詩 S - 0 pín nǚ shī f /Poor Woman, long poem by Tang dynasty poet Qin Taoyu 秦韜玉|秦韬玉[Qin2 Tao1 yu4]/ 贫富 貧富 S - 545 pín fù f /poor and rich/ 贫富差距 貧富差距 S - 3 pín fù chā jù f /disparity between rich and poor/ 贫寒 貧寒 S - 419 pín hán f /poor/poverty-stricken/impoverished/ 贫弱 貧弱 S - 26 pín ruò f /poor and feeble/ 贫无立锥 貧無立錐 S - 17 pín wú lì zhuī f /not even enough land to stand an awl (idiom); absolutely destitute/ 贫无立锥之地 貧無立錐之地 S - 0 pín wú lì zhuī zhī dì f /not even enough land to stand an awl (idiom); absolutely destitute/ 贫民 貧民 S - 580 pín mín f /poor people/ 贫民区 貧民區 S - 21 pín mín qū f /slum area/ghetto/ 贫民窟 貧民窟 S - 58 pín mín kū f /slum housing/ 贫气 貧氣 S - 3 pín qì f /mean/stingy/garrulous/ 贫油 貧油 S - 10 pín yóu f /poor in oil/ 贫油国 貧油國 S - 0 pín yóu guó f /country poor in oil/ 贫液 貧液 S - 0 pín yè f /waste liquid/liquid with precipitate skimmed off/ 贫病交加 貧病交加 S - 9 pín bìng jiāo jiā f /poverty compounded by ill health (idiom)/ 贫病交迫 貧病交迫 S - 4 pín bìng jiāo pò f /beset by poverty and illness (idiom)/ 贫瘠 貧瘠 S - 133 pín jí f /barren/infertile/poor/ 贫相 貧相 S - 0 pín xiàng f /mean/stingy/ 贫矿 貧礦 S - 10 pín kuàng f /low grade ore/ 贫穷 貧窮 S - 680 pín qióng f /poor/impoverished/ 贫穷潦倒 貧窮潦倒 S - 0 pín qióng liáo dǎo f /poverty stricken/ 贫腔 貧腔 S - 0 pín qiāng f /verbose/garrulous/ 贫苦 貧苦 S - 769 pín kǔ f /poverty-stricken/poor/ 贫血 貧血 S - 451 pín xuè f /anemia/ 贫血性坏死 貧血性壞死 S - 0 pín xuè xìng huài sǐ f /anemic necrosis/ 贫血症 貧血症 S - 3 pín xuè zhèng f /anemia/ 贫贱 貧賤 S - 69 pín jiàn f /poor and lowly/ 贫贱不能移 貧賤不能移 S - 0 pín jiàn bù néng yí f /not shaken by poverty/to preserve one's ambitions although destitute/ 贫道 貧道 S - 305 pín dào f /poor Taoist/ 贫铀 貧鈾 S - 3 pín yóu f /depleted uranium (D-38)/ 贫雇农 貧雇農 S - 10 pín gù nóng f /poor peasants (in Marxism)/ 贬 貶 S - 489 biǎn f /to diminish/to demote/to reduce or devaluate/to disparage/to censure/to depreciate/ 贬义 貶義 S 4742 27 biǎn yì f /derogatory sense/negative connotation/ 贬低 貶低 S 3958 130 biǎn dī f /to belittle/to disparage/to play down/to demean/to degrade/to devalue/ 贬值 貶值 S - 679 biǎn zhí f /to become devaluated/to devaluate/to depreciate/ 贬官 貶官 S - 3 biǎn guān f /to demote an official/a demoted official/ 贬居 貶居 S - 0 biǎn jū f /(period of) banishment or exile (old)/ 贬抑 貶抑 S - 28 biǎn yì f /to belittle/to disparage/to demean/ 贬损 貶損 S - 24 biǎn sǔn f /to mock/to disparage/to belittle/ 贬斥 貶斥 S - 49 biǎn chì f /to demote/to denounce/ 贬称 貶稱 S - 0 biǎn chēng f /derogatory term/to refer to disparagingly (as)/ 贬职 貶職 S - 5 biǎn zhí f /to demote/ 贬词 貶詞 S - 5 biǎn cí f /derogatory term/expression of censure/ 贬谪 貶謫 S - 37 biǎn zhé f /to banish from the court/to relegate/ 贬降 貶降 S - 0 biǎn jiàng f /to demote/ 购 購 S - 1875 gòu f /to buy/to purchase/ 购书券 購書券 S - 0 gòu shū quàn f /book token/ 购买 購買 S - 4275 gòu mǎi f /to purchase/to buy/ 购买力 購買力 S - 164 gòu mǎi lì f /purchasing power/ 购买者 購買者 S - 79 gòu mǎi zhě f /purchaser/ 购得 購得 S - 100 gòu dé f /to purchase/to acquire/ 购物 購物 S 1004 994 gòu wù f /shopping/ 购物中心 購物中心 S - 3 gòu wù zhōng xīn f /shopping center/ 购物券 購物券 S - 20 gòu wù quàn f /coupon/ 购物大厦 購物大廈 S - 0 gòu wù dà shà f /shopping mall/ 购物广场 購物廣場 S - 3 gòu wù guǎng chǎng f /shopping mall/ 购物手推车 購物手推車 S - 0 gòu wù shǒu tuī chē f /shopping cart/ 购物袋 購物袋 S - 3 gòu wù dài f /shopping bag/ 购物车 購物車 S - 3 gòu wù chē f /shopping cart/ 购置 購置 S - 279 gòu zhì f /to purchase/ 购货 購貨 S - 34 gòu huò f /purchase of goods/ 贮 貯 S - 354 zhù f /to store/to save/stockpile/Taiwan pr. [zhu3]/ 贮备 貯備 S - 27 zhù bèi f /to store/ 贮存 貯存 S - 426 zhù cún f /to store/to deposit/ 贮存器 貯存器 S - 3 zhù cún qì f /storage device (computing)/ 贮存管 貯存管 S - 0 zhù cún guǎn f /storage container for liquid or gas/gas holder/ 贮木场 貯木場 S - 2 zhù mù chǎng f /lumber yard/ 贮水处 貯水處 S - 0 zhù shuǐ chù f /reservoir/ 贮热 貯熱 S - 0 zhù rè f /to conserve heat/ 贮物 貯物 S - 0 zhù wù f /storage/ 贮藏 貯藏 S - 516 zhù cáng f /to store up/to hoard/deposits/ 贯 貫 S - 743 guàn f /to pierce through/to pass through/to be stringed together/string of 1000 cash/ 贯串 貫串 S - 49 guàn chuàn f /to pierce through/to string together/ 贯彻 貫徹 S 4721 2922 guàn chè f /to implement/to put into practice/to carry out/ 贯彻始终 貫徹始終 S - 7 guàn chè shǐ zhōng f /to follow through/to carry through to the end/ 贯时 貫時 S - 0 guàn shí f /diachronic/ 贯气 貫氣 S - 3 guàn qì f /beneficial influence, esp. from one's ancestral graves 墳山|坟山 in fengshui 風水|风水/to confer beneficial influence/ 贯注 貫注 S - 39 guàn zhù f /to concentrate/ 贯穿 貫穿 S - 463 guàn chuān f /to run through/a connecting thread from beginning to end/to link/ 贯连 貫連 S - 3 guàn lián f /to link up/to join together/to connect/ 贯通 貫通 S - 524 guàn tōng f /to link up/to thread together/ 贰 貳 S - 307 èr f /two (banker's anti-fraud numeral)/to betray/ 贰心 貳心 S - 11 èr xīn f /variant of 二心[er4 xin1]/ 贰臣 貳臣 S - 6 èr chén f /turncoat official/ 贱 賤 S - 875 jiàn f /inexpensive/lowly/ 贱人 賤人 S - 277 jiàn rén f /slut/cheap person/ 贱内 賤內 S - 12 jiàn nèi f /my wife (humble)/ 贱卖 賤賣 S - 32 jiàn mài f /to sell cheaply/sacrifice/low price/discount sale/ 贱格 賤格 S - 3 jiàn gé f /despicable/ 贱民 賤民 S - 84 jiàn mín f /social stratum below the level of ordinary people/untouchable/dalit (India caste)/ 贱称 賤稱 S - 0 jiàn chēng f /contemptuous term/ 贱货 賤貨 S - 39 jiàn huò f /bitch/slut/ 贱骨头 賤骨頭 S - 20 jiàn gǔ tou f /miserable wretch/contemptible individual/ 贲 賁 S - 75 Bēn t /surname Ben/ 贲 賁 S - 75 bēn t /energetic/ 贲 賁 S - 75 bì f /bright/ 贲临 賁臨 S - 3 bì lín f /(of distinguished guest) honor my house (firm etc) with your presence/ 贲门 賁門 S - 20 bēn mén f /cardia (anatomy)/ 贳 貰 S - 0 shì f /to borrow/to buy on credit/to rent out/ 贴 貼 S - 5204 tiē f /to stick/to paste/to post (e.g. on a blog)/to keep close to/to fit snugly/to subsidize/allowance (e.g. money for food or housing)/sticker/classifier for sticking plaster: strip/ 贴切 貼切 S - 166 tiē qiè f /close-fitting/closest (translation)/ 贴合 貼合 S - 9 tiē hé f /to adjust closely/to fit/ 贴吧 貼吧 S - 0 tiē bā f /electronic message board/web forum/ 贴图 貼圖 S - 78 tiē tú f /sticker (social messaging) (Tw)/ 贴士 貼士 S - 0 tiē shì f /tip (loanword)/hint/inside story/ 贴心 貼心 S - 102 tiē xīn f /intimate/close/considerate/ 贴心贴肺 貼心貼肺 S - 0 tiē xīn tiē fèi f /considerate and caring/very close/intimate/ 贴息 貼息 S - 35 tiē xī f /to discount the interest on a bill of exchange/ 贴旦 貼旦 S - 0 tiē dàn f /female supporting actress in a Chinese opera/ 贴水 貼水 S - 9 tiē shuǐ f /agio (charge for changing currency)/premium/ 贴现 貼現 S - 259 tiē xiàn f /discount/rebate/ 贴现率 貼現率 S - 94 tiē xiàn lǜ f /discount rate/ 贴生 貼生 S - 0 tiē shēng f /male supporting actor in a Chinese opera/ 贴画 貼畫 S - 13 tiē huà f /pinup picture/poster/ 贴纸 貼紙 S - 3 tiē zhǐ f /sticker/ 贴膜 貼膜 S - 2 tiē mó f /protective or tinted film (for LCD screens, car windows etc)/facial mask (cosmetics)/ 贴花 貼花 S - 11 tiē huā f /appliqué/decalcomania/ 贴身 貼身 S - 362 tiē shēn f /worn next to the skin/close-fitting/personal (servant etc)/ 贴身卫队 貼身衛隊 S - 0 tiē shēn wèi duì f /personal bodyguard/ 贴边 貼邊 S - 3 tiē biān f /welt/facing (of a garment)/to be relevant/ 贴近 貼近 S - 323 tiē jìn f /to press close to/to snuggle close/intimate/ 贴锡箔 貼錫箔 S - 0 tiē xī bó f /to decorate with tin foil/ 贴题 貼題 S - 3 tiē tí f /relevant/pertinent/ 贵 貴 S 276 4478 guì f /expensive/noble/your (name)/precious/ 贵人 貴人 S - 410 guì rén f /nobility/person of high rank/ 贵人多忘 貴人多忘 S - 3 guì rén duō wàng f /an eminent person has short memory (idiom)/ 贵人多忘事 貴人多忘事 S - 8 guì rén duō wàng shì f /see 貴人多忘|贵人多忘[gui4 ren2 duo1 wang4]/ 贵公司 貴公司 S - 0 guì gōng sī f /your company/ 贵南 貴南 S - 2 Guì nán f /Guinan county in Hainan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海南藏族自治州[Hai3 nan2 Zang4 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 贵南县 貴南縣 S - 4 Guì nán xiàn f /Guinan county in Hainan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海南藏族自治州[Hai3 nan2 Zang4 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 贵古贱今 貴古賤今 S - 3 guì gǔ jiàn jīn f /to revere the past and despise the present (idiom)/ 贵国 貴國 S - 146 guì guó f /your distinguished country/ 贵妃 貴妃 S - 542 guì fēi f /senior concubine/imperial consort/ 贵妃床 貴妃床 S - 0 guì fēi chuáng f /chaise longue/ 贵妃醉酒 貴妃醉酒 S - 3 Guì fēi Zuì jiǔ f /The Drunken Beauty, Qing Dynasty Beijing opera/ 贵妇 貴婦 S - 82 guì fù f /upper-class woman/lady (old)/ 贵妇人 貴婦人 S - 46 guì fù rén f /dame/ 贵妇犬 貴婦犬 S - 0 guì fù quǎn f /poodle/ 贵姓 貴姓 S - 94 guì xìng f /what is your name?/ 贵定 貴定 S - 4 Guì dìng f /Guiding county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州[Qian2 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 贵定县 貴定縣 S - 5 Guì dìng xiàn f /Guiding county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州[Qian2 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 贵宾 貴賓 S - 447 guì bīn f /honored guest/distinguished guest/VIP/ 贵宾室 貴賓室 S - 23 guì bīn shì f /VIP lounge/ 贵宾犬 貴賓犬 S - 3 guì bīn quǎn f /poodle/ 贵州 貴州 S - 1202 Guì zhōu f /Guizhou province (Kweichow) in south central China, abbr. to 黔[Qian2] or 貴|贵[Gui4], capital Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Gui4 yang2]/ 贵州日报 貴州日報 S - 0 Guì zhōu Rì bào f /Guizhou Daily, www.gog.com.cn/ 贵州省 貴州省 S - 340 Guì zhōu shěng f /Guizhou province (Kweichow) in south central China, abbr. to 黔[Qian2] or 貴|贵[Gui4], capital Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Gui4 yang2]/ 贵州财经学院 貴州財經學院 S - 0 Guì zhōu Cái jīng Xué yuàn f /Guizhou University of Finance and Economics/ 贵干 貴幹 S - 41 guì gàn f /(polite) your business/what brings you?/ 贵府 貴府 S - 3 guì fǔ f /your home (honorific)/ 贵德 貴德 S - 16 Guì dé f /Guide county in Hainan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海南藏族自治州[Hai3 nan2 Zang4 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 贵德县 貴德縣 S - 3 Guì dé xiàn f /Guide county in Hainan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海南藏族自治州[Hai3 nan2 Zang4 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 贵方 貴方 S - 9 guì fāng f /(in business etc) your side/you/ 贵族 貴族 S 3046 5389 guì zú f /lord/nobility/nobleman/noblewoman/aristocrat/aristocracy/ 贵族化 貴族化 S - 7 guì zú huà f /aristocratic/ 贵族社会 貴族社會 S - 0 guì zú shè huì f /aristocracy/ 贵族身份 貴族身份 S - 0 guì zú shēn fèn f /lordship/ 贵校 貴校 S - 10 guì xiào f /Your esteemed school (honorific)/ 贵格会 貴格會 S - 0 Guì gé huì f /Society of Friends/the Quakers/ 贵池 貴池 S - 18 Guì chí f /Guichi district of Chizhou city 池州市[Chi2 zhou1 shi4], Anhui/ 贵池区 貴池區 S - 3 Guì chí qū f /Guichi district of Chizhou city 池州市[Chi2 zhou1 shi4], Anhui/ 贵港 貴港 S - 7 Guì gǎng f /Guigang prefecture level city in Guangxi/Zhuang: Gveigangj/ 贵港市 貴港市 S - 11 Guì gǎng shì f /Guigang prefecture level city in Guangxi/Zhuang: Gveigangj/ 贵溪 貴溪 S - 36 Guì xī f /Guixi county level city in Yingtan 鷹潭|鹰潭, Jiangxi/ 贵溪市 貴溪市 S - 3 Guì xī shì f /Guixi county level city in Yingtan 鷹潭|鹰潭, Jiangxi/ 贵珊瑚 貴珊瑚 S - 0 guì shān hú f /precious coral/red coral (Corallium rubrum and several related species of marine coral)/ 贵胄 貴胄 S - 141 guì zhòu f /descendants of feudal aristocrats/ 贵贱 貴賤 S - 103 guì jiàn f /noble and lowly/high versus low social hierarchy of ruler to people, father to son, husband to wife in Confucianism/ 贵远贱近 貴遠賤近 S - 3 guì yuǎn jiàn jìn f /to revere the past and despise the present (idiom)/ 贵重 貴重 S - 342 guì zhòng f /precious/ 贵金属 貴金屬 S - 230 guì jīn shǔ f /precious metal/ 贵阳 貴陽 S - 347 Guì yáng f /Guiyang prefecture level city and capital of Guizhou province 貴州|贵州[Gui4 zhou1], short name 筑[Zhu4]/ 贵阳医学院 貴陽醫學院 S - 0 Guì yáng Yī Xué yuàn f /Guiyang Medical University/ 贵阳市 貴陽市 S - 83 Guì yáng shì f /Guiyang prefecture level city and capital of Guizhou province 貴州|贵州[Gui4 zhou1]/ 贶 貺 S - 8 kuàng f /to bestow/to confer/ 贷 貸 S - 783 dài f /to lend on interest/to borrow/a loan/leniency/to make excuses/to pardon/to forgive/ 贷学金 貸學金 S - 20 dài xué jīn f /student loan/ 贷方 貸方 S - 23 dài fāng f /credit side (of a balance sheet)/creditor/lender/ 贷款 貸款 S 1898 4000 dài kuǎn f /a loan/CL:筆|笔[bi3]/to provide a loan (e.g. bank)/to raise a loan (from e.g. a bank)/ 贷款人 貸款人 S - 56 dài kuǎn rén f /the lender/ 贷款率 貸款率 S - 9 dài kuǎn lǜ f /interest rate/loan rate/ 贷记 貸記 S - 0 dài jì f /to credit/ 贸 貿 S - 225 mào f /commerce/trade/ 贸易 貿易 S 2162 6255 mào yì f /(commercial) trade/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 贸易中心 貿易中心 S - 3 mào yì zhōng xīn f /trade center/shopping mall/ 贸易伙伴 貿易伙伴 S - 0 mào yì huǒ bàn f /trading partner/ 贸易保护主义 貿易保護主義 S - 0 mào yì bǎo hù zhǔ yì f /trade protectionism/ 贸易公司 貿易公司 S - 0 mào yì gōng sī f /trading company/ 贸易协定 貿易協定 S - 3 mào yì xié dìng f /trade agreement/ 贸易国 貿易國 S - 12 mào yì guó f /trading nation/ 贸易壁垒 貿易壁壘 S - 3 mào yì bì lěi f /trade barrier/ 贸易夥伴 貿易夥伴 S - 0 mào yì huǒ bàn f /variant of 貿易伙伴|贸易伙伴[mao4 yi4 huo3 ban4]/ 贸易战 貿易戰 S - 9 mào yì zhàn f /trade war/ 贸易组织 貿易組織 S - 3 mào yì zǔ zhī f /trade organization/ 贸易谈判 貿易談判 S - 3 mào yì tán pàn f /trade talks/ 贸易货栈 貿易貨棧 S - 0 mào yì huò zhàn f /commercial warehouse/ 贸易逆差 貿易逆差 S - 3 mào yì nì chā f /trade deficit/adverse trade balance/ 贸易顺差 貿易順差 S - 3 mào yì shùn chā f /trade surplus/ 贸易额 貿易額 S - 172 mào yì é f /volume of trade (between countries)/ 贸然 貿然 S - 413 mào rán f /rashly/hastily/without careful consideration/ 费 費 S - 3247 Fèi f /surname Fei/ 费 費 S - 3247 fèi f /to cost/to spend/fee/wasteful/expenses/ 费事 費事 S - 84 fèi shì f /troublesome/to take a lot of trouble to do sth/ 费人思索 費人思索 S - 0 fèi rén sī suǒ f /to think oneself to exhaustion (idiom)/ 费利克斯 費利克斯 S - 8 Fèi lì kè sī f /Felix/ 费力 費力 S - 379 fèi lì f /to expend a great deal of effort/ 费力不讨好 費力不討好 S - 0 fèi lì bù tǎo hǎo f /arduous and thankless task (idiom); strenuous and unrewarding/ 费加罗报 費加羅報 S - 0 Fèi jiā luó bào f /Le Figaro/ 费劲 費勁 S - 120 fèi jìn f /to require effort/strenuous/ 费劲儿 費勁兒 S - 4 fèi jìn r f /erhua variant of 費勁|费劲[fei4 jin4]/ 费卢杰 費盧傑 S - 5 Fèi lú jié f /Fallujah, Iraqi city on Euphrates/ 费县 費縣 S - 28 Fèi xiàn f /Feixian county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 yi2], Shandong/ 费口舌 費口舌 S - 15 fèi kǒu shé f /to argue needlessly/waste time explaining/ 费周折 費周折 S - 3 fèi zhōu zhé f /to spend (much) effort/to go through (a lot of) trouble/ 费城 費城 S - 167 Fèi chéng f /Philadelphia, Pennsylvania/abbr. for 費拉德爾菲亞|费拉德尔菲亚[Fei4 la1 de2 er3 fei1 ya4]/ 费奥多尔 費奧多爾 S - 0 Fèi ào duō ěr f /Theodor of Fyodor (name)/ 费孝通 費孝通 S - 52 Fèi Xiào tōng f /Fei Xiaotong (1910-2005), Chinese sociologist/ 费尔巴哈 費爾巴哈 S - 66 Fèi ěr bā hā f /Ludwig Feuerbach (1804-1872), materialist philosopher/ 费尔干纳 費爾干納 S - 51 Fèi ěr gàn nà f /the Ferghana valley (in Uzbekistan, central Asia)/ 费尔干纳盆地 費爾幹納盆地 S - 0 Fèi ěr gàn nà Pén dì f /the Ferghana Valley in modern Uzbekistan/ 费尔马 費爾馬 S - 23 Fèi ěr mǎ f /Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665), French mathematician/ 费尔马大定理 費爾馬大定理 S - 0 Fèi ěr mǎ dà dìng lǐ f /Fermat's last theorem/ 费尽心思 費盡心思 S - 3 fèi jìn xīn si f /to rack one's brains (idiom); to take great pains to think sth through/ 费尽心机 費盡心機 S - 42 fèi jìn xīn jī f /to rack one's brains for schemes (idiom)/to beat one's brains out/ 费德勒 費德勒 S - 43 Fèi dé lè f /Roger Federer (1981-), Swiss tennis star/ 费心 費心 S - 155 fèi xīn f /to take a lot of trouble (over sb or sth)/may I trouble you (to do sth)/ 费拉德尔菲亚 費拉德爾菲亞 S - 0 Fèi lā dé ěr fēi yà f /Philadelphia, Pennsylvania/abbr. to 費城|费城[Fei4 cheng2]/ 费时 費時 S - 214 fèi shí f /to take time/time-consuming/ 费曼 費曼 S - 4 Fèi màn f /Feinman or Feynman (name)/Richard Feynman (1918-1988), US physicist, 1965 Nobel prize laureate together with TOMONAGA Shin'ichirō and Julian Schwinger/ 费洛蒙 費洛蒙 S - 0 fèi luò méng f /pheromone/ 费率 費率 S - 56 fèi lǜ f /rate/tariff/ 费玛 費瑪 S - 0 Fèi mǎ f /Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665), French mathematician/ 费用 費用 S - 3802 fèi yòng f /cost/expenditure/expense/CL:筆|笔[bi3],個|个[ge4]/ 费用报销单 費用報銷單 S - 0 fèi yòng bào xiāo dān f /expense claim form/ 费神 費神 S - 49 fèi shén f /to spend effort/to take trouble/May I trouble you to...? (as part of polite request)/Please would you mind...?/ 费米 費米 S - 105 Fèi mǐ f /Fermi (name)/Enrico Fermi (1901-1954), Italian born US nuclear physicist/ 费米子 費米子 S - 34 fèi mǐ zǐ f /fermion/ 费解 費解 S - 170 fèi jiě f /to be puzzled/hard to understand/unintelligible/incomprehensible/ 费边社 費邊社 S - 24 Fèi biān shè f /Fabian Society/ 费马 費馬 S - 0 Fèi mǎ f /variant of 費瑪|费玛[Fei4 ma3]/ 贺 賀 S - 1608 Hè f /surname He/ 贺 賀 S - 1608 hè f /to congratulate/ 贺兰 賀蘭 S - 37 Hè lán f /Helan county in Yinchuan 銀川|银川[Yin2 chuan1], Ningxia/ 贺兰县 賀蘭縣 S - 11 Hè lán xiàn f /Helan county in Yinchuan 銀川|银川[Yin2 chuan1], Ningxia/ 贺兰山 賀蘭山 S - 108 Hè lán Shān f /Helan Mountains, lying across part of the border between Ningxia and Inner Mongolia/ 贺兰山岩鹨 賀蘭山岩鷚 S - 0 Hè lán Shān yán liù f /(bird species of China) Mongolian accentor (Prunella koslowi)/ 贺兰山红尾鸲 賀蘭山紅尾鴝 S - 0 Hè lán Shān hóng wěi qú f /(bird species of China) Alashan redstart (Phoenicurus alaschanicus)/ 贺兰山脉 賀蘭山脈 S - 0 Hè lán Shān mài f /Helan Mountains, lying across part of the border between Ningxia and Inner Mongolia/ 贺军翔 賀軍翔 S - 3 Hè Jūn xiáng f /Mike He (1983-), Taiwanese actor/ 贺函 賀函 S - 3 hè hán f /letter of congratulations/greeting card (e.g. for New Year)/ 贺卡 賀卡 S - 84 hè kǎ f /greeting card/congratulation card/ 贺县 賀縣 S - 20 Hè xiàn f /He county in Guangxi/ 贺喜 賀喜 S - 106 hè xǐ f /to congratulate/ 贺子珍 賀子珍 S - 128 Hè Zǐ zhēn f /He Zizhen (1910-1984), Mao Zedong's third wife/ 贺客 賀客 S - 7 hè kè f /guest (to a wedding etc)/ 贺尔蒙 賀爾蒙 S - 3 hè ěr méng f /hormone (loanword)/ 贺岁 賀歲 S - 18 hè suì f /to extend New Year's greetings/to pay a New Year's visit/ 贺州 賀州 S - 3 Hè zhōu f /Hezhou prefecture level city in Guangxi/ 贺州市 賀州市 S - 2 Hè zhōu shì f /Hezhou prefecture level city in Guangxi/ 贺年 賀年 S - 12 hè nián f /see 賀歲|贺岁[he4 sui4]/ 贺年卡 賀年卡 S - 10 hè nián kǎ f /New Year greeting card/ 贺年片 賀年片 S - 4 hè nián piàn f /New Year's card/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 贺拉斯 賀拉斯 S - 19 Hè lā sī f /Horace, full Latin name Quintus Horatius Flaccus (65-8 BC), Roman poet/ 贺普丁 賀普丁 S - 3 Hè pǔ dīng f /Chinese brand name of Lamivudine 拉米夫定[La1 mi3 fu1 ding4]/ 贺朝 賀朝 S - 0 Hè Cháo f /He Chao (active c. 711), Tang dynasty poet/ 贺正 賀正 S - 0 hè zhēng f /to exchange compliments on New Year's Day/ 贺电 賀電 S - 39 hè diàn f /congratulatory telegram/ 贺知章 賀知章 S - 14 Hè Zhī zhāng f /He Zhizhang (659-744), Tang dynasty poet/ 贺礼 賀禮 S - 49 hè lǐ f /congratulatory gift/ 贺词 賀詞 S - 41 hè cí f /message of congratulation/ 贺龙 賀龍 S - 199 Hè Lóng f /He Long (1896-1969), important communist military leader, died from persecution during the Cultural Revolution/ 贻 貽 S - 108 yí f /to present/to bequeath/ 贻人口实 貽人口實 S - 3 yí rén kǒu shí f /to make oneself an object of ridicule/ 贻害 貽害 S - 13 yí hài f /to have bad consequences/ 贻害无穷 貽害無窮 S - 5 yí hài wú qióng f /to have disastrous consequences/ 贻燕 貽燕 S - 0 yí yàn f /to leave peace for the future generations/ 贻笑 貽笑 S - 3 yí xiào f /to be ridiculous/to make a fool of oneself/ 贻笑大方 貽笑大方 S - 15 yí xiào dà fāng f /to make a fool of oneself/to make oneself a laughing stock/ 贻笑方家 貽笑方家 S - 0 yí xiào fāng jiā f /a novice making a fool of himself/to make oneself ridiculous before experts/ 贻范古今 貽範古今 S - 0 yí fàn gǔ jīn f /to leave an example for all generations/ 贻误 貽誤 S - 143 yí wù f /to mislead/to affect adversely/to bungle/to cause delay or hindrance/ 贻贝 貽貝 S - 38 yí bèi f /mussel/ 贼 賊 S 2791 5032 zéi f /thief/traitor/wily/deceitful/evil/extremely/ 贼亮 賊亮 S - 13 zéi liàng f /bright/shiny/dazzling/glaring/ 贼头贼脑 賊頭賊腦 S - 11 zéi tóu zéi nǎo f /lit. to behave like a thief/furtive/underhand/ 贼心 賊心 S - 31 zéi xīn f /evil intentions/ 贼死 賊死 S - 3 zéi sǐ f /completely/utterly (dialect)/ 贼眉贼眼 賊眉賊眼 S - 3 zéi méi zéi yǎn f /see 賊眉鼠眼|贼眉鼠眼[zei2 mei2 shu3 yan3]/ 贼眉鼠眼 賊眉鼠眼 S - 8 zéi méi shǔ yǎn f /shifty-eyed/crafty-looking (idiom)/ 贼眼 賊眼 S - 11 zéi yǎn f /shifty gaze/furtive glance/ 贼秃 賊禿 S - 3 zéi tū f /(derog.) Buddhist monk/ 贼窝 賊窩 S - 11 zéi wō f /thieves' lair/ 贼船 賊船 S - 16 zéi chuán f /pirate ship/fig. venture of dubious merit/criminal gang/reactionary faction/ 贽 贄 S - 26 zhì f /gifts to superiors/ 贾 賈 S - 1901 Jiǎ t /surname Jia/ 贾 賈 S - 1901 gǔ f /merchant/to buy/ 贾伯斯 賈伯斯 S - 0 Jiǎ bó sī f /Jobs (name)/see also 史提夫·賈伯斯|史提夫·贾伯斯[Shi3 ti2 fu1 · Jia3 bo2 si1], Steve Jobs/ 贾南德拉 賈南德拉 S - 0 Jiǎ nán dé lā f /Gyanendra of Nepal/ 贾夹威德 賈夾威德 S - 0 Jiǎ jiā wēi dé f /Janjaweed (armed Baggara herders used by the Sudanese government against Darfur rebels)/ 贾宝玉 賈寶玉 S - 62 Jiǎ Bǎo yù f /Jia Baoyu, male character in The Dream of Red Mansions, in love with his cousin Lin Daiyu 林黛玉 but obliged to marry Xue Baochai 薛寶釵|薛宝钗/ 贾客 賈客 S - 0 gǔ kè f /merchant (old)/ 贾平凹 賈平凹 S - 50 Jiǎ Píng wā f /Jia Pingwa (1952-), Chinese novelist/ 贾庆林 賈慶林 S - 46 Jiǎ Qìng lín f /Jia Qinglin (1940-), member of PRC Poliburo/ 贾思勰 賈思勰 S - 12 Jiǎ Sī xié f /Jia Sixie, sixth century writer and author of agricultural encyclopedia Essential skill to benefit the people 齊民要術|齐民要术[Qi2 min2 Yao4 shu4]/ 贾斯汀·比伯 賈斯汀·比伯 S - 0 Jiǎ sī tīng · Bǐ bà f /Justin Bieber (1994-), Canadian singer/ 贾汪 賈汪 S - 4 Jiǎ wāng f /Jiawang district of Xuzhou city 徐州市[Xu2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 贾汪区 賈汪區 S - 3 Jiǎ wāng qū f /Jiawang district of Xuzhou city 徐州市[Xu2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 贾第虫 賈第蟲 S - 0 Jiǎ dì chóng f /Giardia lamblia protozoan parasite that inhabits the gut/ 贾第虫属 賈第蟲屬 S - 0 Jiǎ dì chóng shǔ f /Giardia lamblia protozoan parasite that inhabits the gut/ 贾第虫病 賈第蟲病 S - 0 Jiǎ dì chóng bìng f /Giardiasis, a form of gastro-enteritis caused by infection of gut by Giardia lamblia protozoan parasite/ 贾谊 賈誼 S - 90 Jiǎ Yì f /Jia Yi (200-168 BC), Chinese poet and statesman of the Western Han Dynasty/ 贿 賄 S - 153 huì f /bribe/bribery/ 贿买 賄買 S - 10 huì mǎi f /to bribe/bribery/ 贿赂 賄賂 S 3031 682 huì lù f /to bribe/a bribe/ 贿选 賄選 S - 29 huì xuǎn f /to buy votes (in an election)/ 赀 貲 S - 100 zī f /to estimate/to fine (archaic)/variant of 資|资[zi1]/ 赀财 貲財 S - 3 zī cái f /variant of 資財|资财[zi1 cai2]/ 赀郎 貲郎 S - 0 zī láng f /sb who purchases a public post/ 赁 賃 S - 84 lìn f /to rent/ 赂 賂 S - 53 lù f /bribe/bribery/ 赃 贓 S - 83 zāng f /stolen goods/booty/spoils/ 赃 贜 S - 83 zāng f /variant of 贓|赃[zang1]/ 赃官污吏 贓官污吏 S - 3 zāng guān wū lì f /grasping officials, corrupt mandarins (idiom); abuse and corruption/ 赃款 贓款 S - 33 zāng kuǎn f /booty/stolen goods/ 赃物 贓物 S - 60 zāng wù f /booty/stolen property/ 资 資 S - 1599 zī f /resources/capital/to provide/to supply/to support/money/expense/ 资中 資中 S - 10 Zī zhōng f /Zizhong county in Neijiang 內江|内江[Nei4 jiang1], Sichuan/ 资中县 資中縣 S - 3 Zī zhōng xiàn f /Zizhong county in Neijiang 內江|内江[Nei4 jiang1], Sichuan/ 资产 資產 S 3323 3243 zī chǎn f /property/assets/ 资产价值 資產價值 S - 0 zī chǎn jià zhí f /value of assets/ 资产剥离 資產剝離 S - 0 zī chǎn bō lí f /asset stripping/ 资产担保证券 資產擔保證券 S - 0 zī chǎn dān bǎo zhèng quàn f /asset-backed security/ABS/ 资产组合 資產組合 S - 0 zī chǎn zǔ hé f /asset portfolio/ 资产负债表 資產負債表 S - 0 zī chǎn fù zhài biǎo f /balance sheet/ 资产阶级 資產階級 S - 3764 zī chǎn jiē jí f /the capitalist class/the bourgeoisie/ 资产阶级右派 資產階級右派 S - 0 zī chǎn jiē jí yòu pài f /bourgeois rightist faction (esp. during anti-rightist movement of 1957-58)/ 资产阶级革命 資產階級革命 S - 0 zī chǎn jiē jí gé mìng f /bourgeois revolution (in Marx-Leninist theory, a prelude to the proletarian revolution)/ 资优生 資優生 S - 3 zī yōu shēng f /brilliant student/ 资俸 資俸 S - 3 zī fèng f /salary/pay/wages/ 资兴 資興 S - 7 Zī xīng f /Zixing county level city in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ 资兴市 資興市 S - 3 Zī xīng shì f /Zixing county level city in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ 资助 資助 S 3212 1316 zī zhù f /to subsidize/to provide financial aid/subsidy/ 资历 資歷 S - 248 zī lì f /qualifications/experience/seniority/ 资工 資工 S - 0 zī gōng f /abbr. of 資訊工程|资讯工程[zi1 xun4 gong1 cheng2]/ 资料 資料 S 1388 9021 zī liào f /material/resources/data/information/profile (Internet)/CL:份[fen4],個|个[ge4]/ 资料介面 資料介面 S - 0 zī liào jiè miàn f /data interface/ 资料仓储 資料倉儲 S - 0 zī liào cāng chǔ f /data warehouse (computing)/ 资料传输 資料傳輸 S - 0 zī liào chuán shū f /data transmission/ 资料传送服务 資料傳送服務 S - 0 zī liào chuán sòng fú wù f /data delivery service/ 资料夹 資料夾 S - 3 zī liào jiā f /(file) folder/ 资料库 資料庫 S - 32 zī liào kù f /database/ 资料量 資料量 S - 0 zī liào liàng f /quantity of data/ 资料链结层 資料鏈結層 S - 0 zī liào liàn jié céng f /data link layer/ 资斧 資斧 S - 3 zī fǔ f /(literary) money for a journey/travel expenses/ 资方 資方 S - 48 zī fāng f /the owners of a private enterprise/management/capital (as opposed to labor)/ 资望 資望 S - 24 zī wàng f /seniority and prestige/ 资本 資本 S 4058 14732 zī běn f /capital (economics)/ 资本主义 資本主義 S - 5188 zī běn zhǔ yì f /capitalism/ 资本储备 資本儲備 S - 0 zī běn chǔ bèi f /capital reserve/ 资本外逃 資本外逃 S - 3 zī běn wài táo f /outflow of capital/ 资本家 資本家 S - 2575 zī běn jiā f /capitalist/ 资本市场 資本市場 S - 0 zī běn shì chǎng f /capital market/ 资本计提 資本計提 S - 0 zī běn jì tí f /capital requirement/ 资本论 資本論 S - 150 Zī běn lùn f /Das Kapital (1867) by Karl Marx 卡爾·馬克思|卡尔·马克思[Ka3 er3 · Ma3 ke4 si1]/ 资格 資格 S 1612 3379 zī gé f /qualifications/seniority/ 资格赛 資格賽 S - 76 zī gé sài f /qualifying round (in sports)/ 资治通鉴 資治通鑒 S - 162 Zī zhì Tōng jiàn f /A Mirror for the Wise Ruler (or Comprehensive Mirror for Aid in Government), a vast chronological general history, written by 司馬光|司马光[Si1 ma3 Guang1] Sima Guang (1019-1089) and collaborators during the Northern Song in 1084, covering the period 403 BC-959 AD, 294 scrolls/ 资浅 資淺 S - 3 zī qiǎn f /junior/ 资深 資深 S 4071 560 zī shēn f /veteran (attributive)/senior/highly experienced/ 资源 資源 S 1890 17453 Zī yuán f /Ziyuan county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ 资源 資源 S 1890 17453 zī yuán f /natural resource (such as water or minerals)/resource (such as manpower or tourism)/ 资源县 資源縣 S - 0 Zī yuán xiàn f /Ziyuan county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ 资溪 資溪 S - 4 Zī xī f /Zixi county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi/ 资溪县 資溪縣 S - 3 Zī xī xiàn f /Zixi county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi/ 资生堂 資生堂 S - 5 Zī shēng táng f /Shiseidō (Japanese cosmetics company)/ 资用 資用 S - 0 zī yòng f /(physics) available/ 资讯 資訊 S - 561 zī xùn f /information/ 资讯工程 資訊工程 S - 0 zī xùn gōng chéng f /information engineering (Tw)/ 资讯科技 資訊科技 S - 3 zī xùn kē jì f /information technology/science of communications/ 资财 資財 S - 327 zī cái f /assets/capital and materials/ 资质 資質 S - 266 zī zhì f /aptitude/natural endowments/ 资费 資費 S - 975 zī fèi f /(postal, telecom etc) service charge/ 资遣 資遣 S - 0 zī qiǎn f /to dismiss with severance pay/to pay sb off/ 资金 資金 S 1768 6555 zī jīn f /funds/funding/capital/ 资金杠杆 資金槓桿 S - 0 zī jīn gàng gǎn f /(finance) leverage/gearing/ 资阳 資陽 S - 19 Zī yáng f /Ziyang prefecture level city in Sichuan/Ziyang district of Yiyang city 益陽市|益阳市[Yi4 yang2 shi4], Hunan/ 资阳区 資陽區 S - 3 Zī yáng qū f /Ziyang district of Yiyang city 益陽市|益阳市[Yi4 yang2 shi4], Hunan/ 资阳市 資陽市 S - 2 Zī yáng shì f /Ziyang prefecture level city in Sichuan/ 赅 賅 S - 13 Gāi f /surname Gai/ 赅 賅 S - 13 gāi f /complete/full/ 赅博 賅博 S - 0 gāi bó f /variant of 該博|该博[gai1 bo2]/ 赅括 賅括 S - 0 gāi kuò f /see 概括[gai4 kuo4]/ 赆 贐 S - 8 jìn f /farewell presents/ 赇 賕 S - 0 qiú f /to bribe/ 赈 賑 S - 193 zhèn f /to provide relief/to aid/ 赈恤 賑恤 S - 7 zhèn xù f /relief aid/ 赈捐 賑捐 S - 0 zhèn juān f /money donation to relieve distress or famine/ 赈济 賑濟 S - 185 zhèn jì f /to give relief aid/ 赈灾 賑災 S - 70 zhèn zāi f /disaster relief/ 赉 賚 S - 38 lài f /to bestow/to confer/ 赊 賒 S - 84 shē f /to buy or sell on credit/distant/long (time)/to forgive/ 赊帐 賒帳 S - 3 shē zhàng f /see 賒賬|赊账[she1 zhang4]/ 赊欠 賒欠 S - 15 shē qiàn f /to offer credit/credit transaction/to buy or sell on account/ 赊账 賒賬 S - 14 shē zhàng f /to buy or sell on credit/outstanding account/to have an outstanding account/ 赊购 賒購 S - 20 shē gòu f /to buy on credit/to delay payment/ 赊销 賒銷 S - 11 shē xiāo f /credit transaction/to sell on account/ 赋 賦 S - 1362 fù f /poetic essay/taxation/to bestow on/to endow with/ 赋与 賦與 S - 0 fù yǔ f /variant of 賦予|赋予[fu4 yu3]/ 赋予 賦予 S 3218 2186 fù yǔ f /to assign/to entrust (a task)/to give/to bestow/ 赋形剂 賦形劑 S - 4 fù xíng jì f /(pharm.) vehicle/excipient/ 赋格曲 賦格曲 S - 3 fù gé qǔ f /fugue (loanword)/ 赋税 賦稅 S - 675 fù shuì f /taxation/ 赋诗 賦詩 S - 79 fù shī f /to versify/to compose poetry/ 赋闲 賦閒 S - 58 fù xián f /to stay idle at home/to have resigned from office/to be unemployed/to have been fired/to be on a sabbatical/ 赌 賭 S - 1079 dǔ f /to bet/to gamble/ 赌上一局 賭上一局 S - 0 dǔ shàng yī jú f /to engage in a game of chance/to gamble/to make a bet/ 赌博 賭博 S 2864 610 dǔ bó f /to gamble/ 赌咒 賭咒 S - 34 dǔ zhòu f /to swear to God/to cross one's heart/ 赌咒发誓 賭咒發誓 S - 36 dǔ zhòu fā shì f /to vow/ 赌场 賭場 S - 221 dǔ chǎng f /casino/ 赌城 賭城 S - 3 dǔ chéng f /casino town/nickname for Las Vegas/ 赌客 賭客 S - 64 dǔ kè f /gambler/ 赌局 賭局 S - 20 dǔ jú f /game of chance/gambling party/gambling joint/ 赌徒 賭徒 S - 59 dǔ tú f /gambler/ 赌斗 賭鬭 S - 0 dǔ dòu f /to fight/ 赌棍 賭棍 S - 15 dǔ gùn f /hardened gambler/professional gambler/ 赌气 賭氣 S - 219 dǔ qì f /to act in a fit of pique/to get in a huff/to be peeved/ 赌注 賭注 S - 101 dǔ zhù f /stake (in a gamble)/(what is at) stake/ 赌球 賭球 S - 19 dǔ qiú f /(ball) sports betting/ 赌窝 賭窩 S - 3 dǔ wō f /gamblers' den/illegal casino/ 赌资 賭資 S - 22 dǔ zī f /money to gamble with/ 赌钱 賭錢 S - 179 dǔ qián f /to gamble/ 赌鬼 賭鬼 S - 5 dǔ guǐ f /gambling addict/ 赍 賫 S - 339 jī f /to present (a gift)/to harbor (a feeling)/ 赍 賷 S - 339 jī f /variant of 齎|赍[ji1]/ 赍 齎 S - 339 jī f /send/to present in both hands/ 赍恨 齎恨 S - 0 jī hèn f /to have a gnawing regret/ 赎 贖 S - 436 shú f /to redeem/to ransom/ 赎回 贖回 S - 129 shú huí f /to redeem/ 赎款 贖款 S - 5 shú kuǎn f /ransom/ 赎罪 贖罪 S - 122 shú zuì f /to atone for one's crime/to buy freedom from punishment/redemption/atonement/ 赎罪日 贖罪日 S - 0 Shú zuì rì f /Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement (Jewish holiday)/ 赎罪日战争 贖罪日戰爭 S - 0 Shú zuì rì zhàn zhēng f /the Yom Kippur war of October 1973 between Israel and her Arab neighbors/ 赎金 贖金 S - 44 shú jīn f /ransom/ 赏 賞 S - 2419 shǎng f /to bestow (a reward)/to give (to an inferior)/to hand down/a reward (bestowed by a superior)/to appreciate (beauty)/ 赏光 賞光 S - 32 shǎng guāng f /to do sb the honor (of attending etc)/to put in an appearance/to show up/ 赏心悦目 賞心悅目 S - 68 shǎng xīn yuè mù f /warms the heart and delights the eye (idiom)/pleasing/delightful/ 赏月 賞月 S - 80 shǎng yuè f /to admire the full moon/ 赏析 賞析 S - 46 shǎng xī f /understanding and enjoying (a work of art)/ 赏罚 賞罰 S - 76 shǎng fá f /reward and punishment/ 赏脸 賞臉 S - 52 shǎng liǎn f /(polite) do me the honor/ 赏识 賞識 S - 352 shǎng shí f /to appreciate/to recognize the worth of sth/appreciation/ 赏赐 賞賜 S - 641 shǎng cì f /to bestow/to confer (a reward for service)/a reward/ 赏钱 賞錢 S - 91 shǎng qian f /tip/gratuity/monetary reward/bonus/ 赏鸟 賞鳥 S - 0 shǎng niǎo f /birdwatching/ 赐 賜 S - 2375 cì f /to confer/to bestow/to grant/ 赐与 賜與 S - 48 cì yǔ f /variant of 賜予|赐予[ci4 yu3]/ 赐予 賜予 S - 267 cì yǔ f /to grant/to bestow/ 赐姓 賜姓 S - 3 cì xìng f /to bestow a surname (of emperor conferring favor on ethnic group)/ 赐死 賜死 S - 3 cì sǐ f /to commit suicide on the orders of a sovereign (old)/ 赐福 賜福 S - 33 cì fú f /to bless/ 赐给 賜給 S - 3 cì gěi f /to bestow/to give/ 赑 贔 S - 26 bì f /see 贔屭|赑屃[Bi4 xi4]/ 赑屃 贔屭 S - 0 Bì xì f /Bixi, one of the nine sons of a dragon with the form of a tortoise, also known as 龜趺|龟趺[gui1 fu1]/ 赒 賙 S - 5 zhōu f /to give to the needy/to bestow alms/charity/ 赒人 賙人 S - 0 zhōu rén f /to help the needy/to bestow alms/charity/ 赒急 賙急 S - 0 zhōu jí f /disaster relief/ 赒急扶困 賙急扶困 S - 0 zhōu jí fú kùn f /disaster relief/ 赒恤 賙卹 S - 0 zhōu xù f /to give to the needy/ 赒济 賙濟 S - 139 zhōu jì f /variant of 周濟|周济[zhou1 ji4]/ 赓 賡 S - 22 gēng f /to continue (as a song)/ 赔 賠 S - 866 péi f /to compensate for loss/to indemnify/to suffer a financial loss/ 赔不是 賠不是 S - 64 péi bú shi f /to apologize/ 赔了夫人又折兵 賠了夫人又折兵 S - 15 péi le fū rén yòu zhé bīng f /having given away a bride, to lose one's army on top of it (idiom)/to suffer a double loss after trying to trick the enemy/ 赔付 賠付 S - 45 péi fù f /to pay out/to compensate/(insurance) payment/ 赔偿 賠償 S 2021 1072 péi cháng f /to compensate/ 赔偿金 賠償金 S - 45 péi cháng jīn f /compensation/ 赔小心 賠小心 S - 10 péi xiǎo xīn f /to be conciliatory or apologetic/to tread warily in dealing with sb/ 赔本 賠本 S - 50 péi běn f /loss/to sustain losses/ 赔款 賠款 S - 339 péi kuǎn f /reparations/to pay reparations/ 赔礼 賠禮 S - 51 péi lǐ f /to offer an apology/to make amends/ 赔笑 賠笑 S - 99 péi xiào f /to smile apologetically or obsequiously/ 赔罪 賠罪 S - 119 péi zuì f /to apologize/ 赔钱 賠錢 S - 64 péi qián f /to lose money/to pay for damages/ 赕 賧 S - 5 dǎn f /fine/ 赖 賴 S - 1199 Lài f /surname Lai/ 赖 賴 S - 1199 lài f /to depend on/to hang on in a place/bad/to renege (on promise)/to disclaim/to rat (on debts)/rascally/to blame/to put the blame on/ 赖 頼 S - 1199 lài f /variant of 賴|赖[lai4]/ 赖以 賴以 S - 262 lài yǐ f /to rely on/to depend on/ 赖声川 賴聲川 S - 0 Lài Shēng chuān f /Lai Shengchuan (1954-), US-Taiwanese dramatist and director/ 赖婚 賴婚 S - 3 lài hūn f /to go back on a marriage contract/to repudiate an engagement/ 赖安 賴安 S - 6 Lài ān f /Ryan (name)/ 赖床 賴床 S - 3 lài chuáng f /to have a lie-in/to dawdle in bed/ 赖斯 賴斯 S - 88 Lài sī f /Rice (name)/Condoleezza Rice (1954-) US Secretary of State 2005-2009/ 赖昌星 賴昌星 S - 10 Lài Chāng xīng f /Lai Changxing (1958-), notorious Xiamen mafia boss involved in large scale corruption and smuggling, extradited from Canada back to China in 2008/ 赖校族 賴校族 S - 0 lài xiào zú f /campus dwellers (slang)/graduates who cannot break away from campus life/ 赖比瑞亚 賴比瑞亞 S - 3 Lài bǐ ruì yà f /Liberia (Tw)/ 赖氨酸 賴氨酸 S - 51 lài ān suān f /lysine (Lys), an essential amino acid/ 赖特 賴特 S - 86 Lài tè f /Wright (name)/ 赖皮 賴皮 S - 20 lài pí f /shameless/(slang) rascal/ 赖索托 賴索托 S - 3 Lài suǒ tuō f /Lesotho (Tw)/ 赖脸 賴臉 S - 0 lài liǎn f /to be shameless/ 赖账 賴賬 S - 24 lài zhàng f /to renege on a debt/ 赗 賵 S - 0 fèng f /(literary) gift (of money etc) to a bereaved family/to contribute to funeral expenses/ 赘 贅 S - 163 zhuì f /superfluous/redundant/cumbersome/refers to a son-in-law living with wife's family/ 赘余 贅餘 S - 0 zhuì yú f /superfluous/ 赘婿 贅婿 S - 15 zhuì xù f /son-in-law living at wife's parent's house/ 赘物 贅物 S - 3 zhuì wù f /sth that is superfluous/ 赘生 贅生 S - 0 zhuì shēng f /excrescence/abnormal superfluous growth/ 赘疣 贅疣 S - 6 zhuì yóu f /wart/sth superfluous/ 赘瘤 贅瘤 S - 3 zhuì liú f /useless/superfluous/ 赘肉 贅肉 S - 24 zhuì ròu f /excess flesh/unwanted fat/flab/bulge/ 赘言 贅言 S - 13 zhuì yán f /superfluous words/unnecessary detail/ 赘词 贅詞 S - 3 zhuì cí f /superfluous words/unnecessary detail/ 赘语 贅語 S - 0 zhuì yǔ f /superfluous words/pleonasm/ 赘述 贅述 S - 56 zhuì shù f /to say more than is necessary/to give unnecessary details/ 赙 賻 S - 8 fù f /to contribute to funeral expenses/ 赚 賺 S 854 1870 zhuàn t /to earn/to make a profit/ 赚 賺 S 854 1870 zuàn f /to cheat/to swindle/ 赚取 賺取 S - 113 zhuàn qǔ f /to make a profit/to earn a packet/ 赚哄 賺哄 S - 0 zhuàn hǒng f /to cheat/to hoodwink/to defraud/ 赚大钱 賺大錢 S - 3 zhuàn dà qián f /to earn a fortune/ 赚头 賺頭 S - 18 zhuàn tou f /profit (colloquial)/ 赚得 賺得 S - 0 zhuàn dé f /to earn/ 赚钱 賺錢 S - 634 zhuàn qián f /to earn money/moneymaking/ 赛 賽 S - 2783 sài f /to compete/competition/match/to surpass/better than/superior to/to excel/ 赛义迪 賽義迪 S - 0 Sài yì dí f /Said or Sayed (Arabic name)/ 赛事 賽事 S - 599 sài shì f /competition (e.g. sporting)/ 赛会 賽會 S - 82 sài huì f /religious procession/exposition/ 赛先生 賽先生 S - 26 Sài xiān sheng f /"Mr Science", phrase used during the May 4th Movement 五四運動|五四运动[Wu3 si4 Yun4 dong4]/abbr. for 賽因斯|赛因斯[sai4 yin1 si1]/see also 德先生[De2 xian1 sheng5]/ 赛因斯 賽因斯 S - 0 sài yīn sī f /science (loanword)/ 赛场 賽場 S - 473 sài chǎng f /racetrack/field (for athletics competition)/ 赛夏族 賽夏族 S - 0 Sài xià zú f /Saisiyat or Saisiat, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/ 赛季 賽季 S - 1605 sài jì f /season (sports)/ 赛德克族 賽德克族 S - 0 Sài dé kè zú f /Seediq, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/ 赛德娜 賽德娜 S - 0 Sài dé nà f /Sedna, small body in the outer reaches of the solar system/ 赛扬 賽揚 S - 32 Sài yáng f /Celeron (an Intel chip)/ 赛普勒斯 賽普勒斯 S - 0 Sài pǔ lè sī f /Cyprus (Tw)/ 赛段 賽段 S - 13 sài duàn f /stage of a competition/ 赛氏篱莺 賽氏籬鶯 S - 0 Sài shì lí yīng f /(bird species of China) Sykes's warbler (Iduna rama)/ 赛点 賽點 S - 14 sài diǎn f /match point (tennis etc)/ 赛特 賽特 S - 24 Sài tè f /Seth (name)/ 赛珍珠 賽珍珠 S - 5 Sài Zhēn zhū f /Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973), American writer known for her novels on Asian cultures, Pulitzer Prize and Nobel Prize laureate/ 赛璐玢 賽璐玢 S - 3 sài lù fēn f /cellophane (loanword)/ 赛璐珞 賽璐珞 S - 17 sài lù luò f /celluloid (loanword)/ 赛百味 賽百味 S - 0 Sài bǎi wèi f /Subway (fast food restaurant)/ 赛程 賽程 S - 96 sài chéng f /competition schedule/the course of a race/ 赛罕 賽罕 S - 0 Sài hǎn f /Saihan District of Hohhot City 呼和浩特市[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4 Shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 赛罕区 賽罕區 S - 3 Sài hǎn Qū f /Saihan District of Hohhot City 呼和浩特市[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4 Shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 赛船 賽船 S - 3 sài chuán f /boat race/racing ship or boat/ 赛艇 賽艇 S - 30 sài tǐng f /boat race/racing ship or boat/rowing (sport)/ 赛跑 賽跑 S - 85 sài pǎo f /race (running)/to race (running)/ 赛车 賽車 S - 143 sài chē f /auto race/cycle race/race car/ 赛车场 賽車場 S - 22 sài chē chǎng f /motor racetrack/cycle racetrack/ 赛车场赛 賽車場賽 S - 0 sài chē chǎng sài f /stadium cycle race/ 赛车女郎 賽車女郎 S - 0 sài chē nǚ láng f /pit babe/paddock girl/grid girl/ 赛车手 賽車手 S - 3 sài chē shǒu f /racing driver/ 赛道 賽道 S - 13 sài dào f /race course/ 赛里木湖 賽里木湖 S - 10 Sài lǐ mù Hú f /Sayram Lake in Xinjiang/ 赛马 賽馬 S - 95 sài mǎ f /horse race/horse racing/ 赛马会 賽馬會 S - 2 Sài mǎ huì f /the Jockey Club, Hong Kong philanthropic organization (and former gentleman's club)/ 赛马场 賽馬場 S - 9 sài mǎ chǎng f /race course/race ground/race track/ 赛龙舟 賽龍舟 S - 3 sài lóng zhōu f /to race dragon boats/ 赛龙船 賽龍船 S - 0 sài lóng chuán f /dragon-boat race/ 赜 賾 S - 87 zé f /mysterious/ 赝 贋 S - 54 yàn f /variant of 贗|赝[yan4]/ 赝 贗 S - 54 yàn f /false/ 赝品 贗品 S - 63 yàn pǐn f /fake/counterfeit article/ 赞 讃 S - 1347 zàn f /variant of 讚|赞[zan4]/ 赞 讚 S - 1347 zàn f /variant of 贊|赞[zan4]/to praise/ 赞 賛 S - 1347 zàn f /variant of 贊|赞[zan4]/ 赞 贊 S - 1347 zàn f /to patronize/to support/to praise/(Internet slang) to like (an online post on Facebook etc)/ 赞不绝口 讚不絕口 S - 68 zàn bù jué kǒu f /to praise without cease (idiom); praise sb to high heaven/ 赞不绝口 贊不絕口 S - 68 zàn bù jué kǒu f /to praise without cease (idiom); praise sb to high heaven/ 赞丹 贊丹 S - 0 Zàn dān f /Zaandam (town in Netherlands)/ 赞助 贊助 S 3057 379 zàn zhù f /to support/to assist/to sponsor/ 赞助商 贊助商 S - 73 zàn zhù shāng f /sponsor/ 赞叹 贊嘆 S 4542 577 zàn tàn f /to sigh or gasp in admiration/high praise/ 赞叹不已 贊嘆不已 S - 45 zàn tàn bù yǐ f /to be full of praise (idiom)/ 赞同 讚同 S - 721 zàn tóng f /to approve of/to endorse/(vote) in favor/ 赞同 贊同 S - 721 zàn tóng f /to approve of/to endorse/(vote) in favor/ 赞成 贊成 S 1867 1162 zàn chéng f /to approve/to endorse/(literary) to assist/ 赞成票 贊成票 S - 55 zàn chéng piào f /approval/affirmative vote/ 赞扬 讚揚 S - 616 zàn yáng f /to praise/to approve of/to show approval/ 赞比亚 贊比亞 S - 195 Zàn bǐ yà f /Zambia/ 赞皇 贊皇 S - 2 Zàn huáng f /Zanhuang county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei/ 赞皇县 贊皇縣 S - 8 Zàn huáng xiàn f /Zanhuang county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei/ 赞美 讚美 S 2004 395 zàn měi f /to admire/to praise/to eulogize/ 赞西佩 贊西佩 S - 0 Zàn xī pèi f /Xanthippe, Socrates' wife/ 赞誉 贊譽 S - 200 zàn yù f /to praise/recognition/ 赞许 讚許 S - 156 zàn xǔ f /to praise/to laud/ 赞词 贊詞 S - 12 zàn cí f /praise/ 赞赏 讚賞 S - 581 zàn shǎng f /to admire/to praise/to appreciate/ 赞辞 贊辭 S - 3 zàn cí f /praise/ 赞颂 讚頌 S - 84 zàn sòng f /to bless/to praise/ 赞飨 贊饗 S - 0 zàn xiǎng f /message dedicated to a deity/ 赟 贇 S - 171 yūn f /good appearance/ 赠 贈 S - 627 zèng f /to give as a present/to repel/to bestow an honorary title after death (old)/ 赠与 贈與 S - 84 zèng yǔ f /variant of 贈予|赠予[zeng4 yu3]/ 赠与者 贈與者 S - 3 zèng yǔ zhě f /giver/ 赠予 贈予 S - 35 zèng yǔ f /to give a present/to accord (a favor)/to grant/ 赠品 贈品 S - 26 zèng pǐn f /gift/complimentary item/freebie/giveaway/ 赠芍 贈芍 S - 0 zèng sháo f /to give peonies/fig. exchange of gifts between lovers/ 赠送 贈送 S 4018 461 zèng sòng f /to present as a gift/ 赡 贍 S - 215 shàn f /to support/to provide for/ 赡养 贍養 S - 89 shàn yǎng f /to support/to provide support for/to maintain/ 赡养费 贍養費 S - 15 shàn yǎng fèi f /alimony/child support/maintenance allowance/ 赢 贏 S 653 2471 yíng f /to beat/to win/to profit/ 赢余 贏餘 S - 3 yíng yú f /variant of 盈餘|盈余[ying2 yu2]/ 赢利 贏利 S - 213 yíng lì f /gain/profit/to make a profit/ 赢家 贏家 S - 80 yíng jiā f /winner/ 赢得 贏得 S - 1216 yíng dé f /to win/to gain/ 赣 灨 S - 697 Gàn f /variant of 贛|赣[Gan4]/ 赣 贑 S - 697 Gàn f /variant of 贛|赣[Gan4]/ 赣 贛 S - 697 Gàn f /abbr. for Jiangxi Province 江西省[Jiang1 xi1 Sheng3]/Gan River in Jiangxi Province 江西省[Jiang1 xi1 Sheng3]/ 赣县 贛縣 S - 20 Gàn xiàn f /Gan county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi/ 赣州 贛州 S - 140 Gàn zhōu f /Ganzhou prefecture level city in Jiangxi/ 赣州地区 贛州地區 S - 0 Gàn zhōu dì qū f /Ganzhou prefecture in Jiangxi/ 赣州市 贛州市 S - 15 Gàn zhōu shì f /Ganzhou prefecture level city in Jiangxi/ 赣榆 贛榆 S - 6 Gàn yú f /Ganyu county in Lianyungang 連雲港|连云港[Lian2 yun2 gang3], Jiangsu/ 赣榆县 贛榆縣 S - 5 Gàn yú xiàn f /Ganyu county in Lianyungang 連雲港|连云港[Lian2 yun2 gang3], Jiangsu/ 赣江 贛江 S - 98 Gàn Jiāng f /Gan River in Jiangxi Province 江西省[Jiang1 xi1 Sheng3]/ 赣语 贛語 S - 0 Gàn yǔ f /Gan dialect, spoken in Jiangxi Province/ 赤 - 2612 chì f /red/scarlet/bare/naked/ 赤佬 - 0 chì lǎo f /(dialect) scoundrel/rascal/ 赤匪 - 0 chì fěi f /red bandit (i.e. PLA soldier (during the civil war) or Chinese communist (Tw))/ 赤卫军 赤衛軍 S - 7 Chì wèi jūn f /Red Guards/ 赤卫队 赤衛隊 S - 47 Chì wèi duì f /Red Guards/ 赤口日 - 0 chì kǒu rì f /third day of the lunar year (inauspicious for visits because arguments happen easily on that day)/ 赤嘴潛鴨 赤嘴潜鸭 T - 0 chì zuǐ qián yā f /(bird species of China) red-crested pochard (Netta rufina)/ 赤嘴潜鸭 赤嘴潛鴨 S - 0 chì zuǐ qián yā f /(bird species of China) red-crested pochard (Netta rufina)/ 赤坎 - 3 Chì kǎn f /Chikan district of Zhanjiang city 湛江市[Zhan4 jiang1 shi4], Guangdong/ 赤坎区 赤坎區 S - 3 Chì kǎn qū f /Chikan district of Zhanjiang city 湛江市[Zhan4 jiang1 shi4], Guangdong/ 赤坎區 赤坎区 T - 3 Chì kǎn qū f /Chikan district of Zhanjiang city 湛江市[Zhan4 jiang1 shi4], Guangdong/ 赤城 - 22 Chì chéng f /Chicheng county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei/ 赤城县 赤城縣 S - 3 Chì chéng xiàn f /Chicheng county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei/ 赤城縣 赤城县 T - 3 Chì chéng xiàn f /Chicheng county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei/ 赤壁 - 945 Chì bì f /Chibi county level city in Xianning 咸宁市, Hubei/Chibi or Red Cliff in Huangzhou district 黃州區|黄州区 of Huanggang city 黄冈, Hubei, scene of the famous battle of Red Cliff of 208/ 赤壁之战 赤壁之戰 S - 3 Chì bì zhī zhàn f /Battle of Redcliff of 208 at Chibi in Huangzhou district 黃州區|黄州区 of Huanggang city 黄冈, a decisive defeat of Cao Cao 曹操 at the hands of southern kingdom of Wu/famous episode in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义/ 赤壁之戰 赤壁之战 T - 3 Chì bì zhī zhàn f /Battle of Redcliff of 208 at Chibi in Huangzhou district 黃州區|黄州区 of Huanggang city 黄冈, a decisive defeat of Cao Cao 曹操 at the hands of southern kingdom of Wu/famous episode in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义/ 赤壁县 赤壁縣 S - 0 Chì bì xiàn f /Chibi county in Xianning 咸宁市, Hubei/ 赤壁市 - 257 Chì bì shì f /Chibi county level city in Xianning 咸宁市, Hubei/Chibi or Redcliff in Huangzhou district 黃州區|黄州区 of Huanggang city 黄冈, Hubei, scene of the famous battle of Redcliff of 208/ 赤壁縣 赤壁县 T - 0 Chì bì xiàn f /Chibi county in Xianning 咸宁市, Hubei/ 赤子 - 50 chì zǐ f /newborn baby/the people (of a country)/ 赤子之心 - 21 chì zǐ zhī xīn f /pure and innocent like the heart of a newborn/sincere/ 赤字 4591 336 chì zì f /(financial) deficit/red letter/ 赤字累累 - 0 chì zì lěi lěi f /debt-ridden/heavily laden with debt/ 赤小豆 - 6 chì xiǎo dòu f /see 紅豆|红豆[hong2 dou4]/ 赤尾噪鶥 赤尾噪鹛 T - 0 chì wěi zào méi f /(bird species of China) red-tailed laughingthrush (Trochalopteron milnei)/ 赤尾噪鹛 赤尾噪鶥 S - 0 chì wěi zào méi f /(bird species of China) red-tailed laughingthrush (Trochalopteron milnei)/ 赤峰 - 66 Chì fēng f /Chifeng prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia/ 赤峰市 - 47 Chì fēng shì f /Chifeng prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia/ 赤崁楼 赤崁樓 S - 3 Chì kǎn lóu f /Chihkan Tower (formerly Fort Provintia) in Tainan, Taiwan (also written 赤嵌樓|赤嵌楼[Chi4 kan3 lou2])/ 赤崁樓 赤崁楼 T - 3 Chì kǎn lóu f /Chihkan Tower (formerly Fort Provintia) in Tainan, Taiwan (also written 赤嵌樓|赤嵌楼[Chi4 kan3 lou2])/ 赤嵌楼 赤嵌樓 S - 8 Chì kǎn lóu f /Chihkan Tower (formerly Fort Provintia) in Tainan, Taiwan (also written 赤崁樓|赤崁楼[Chi4 kan3 lou2])/ 赤嵌樓 赤嵌楼 T - 8 Chì kǎn lóu f /Chihkan Tower (formerly Fort Provintia) in Tainan, Taiwan (also written 赤崁樓|赤崁楼[Chi4 kan3 lou2])/ 赤手 - 3 chì shǒu f /with bare hands/ 赤手空拳 - 246 chì shǒu kōng quán f /empty hand, empty fist (idiom); having nothing to rely on/unarmed and defenseless/ 赤朱雀 - 0 chì zhū què f /(bird species of China) Blanford's rosefinch (Agraphospiza rubescens)/ 赤条条 赤條條 S - 104 chì tiáo tiáo f /stark naked/ 赤杨 赤楊 S - 113 chì yáng f /alder tree (genus Alnus)/ 赤條條 赤条条 T - 104 chì tiáo tiáo f /stark naked/ 赤楊 赤杨 T - 113 chì yáng f /alder tree (genus Alnus)/ 赤水 - 80 Chì shuǐ f /Chishui county level city in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ 赤水市 - 4 Chì shuǐ shì f /Chishui county level city in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ 赤水河 - 47 Chì shuǐ Hé f /Chishui River, tributary of Wei in Shaanxi/ 赤潮 - 24 chì cháo f /algal bloom/ 赤睛魚 赤睛鱼 T - 0 chì jīng yú f /rudd/ 赤睛鱼 赤睛魚 S - 0 chì jīng yú f /rudd/ 赤紅山椒鳥 赤红山椒鸟 T - 0 chì hóng shān jiāo niǎo f /(bird species of China) scarlet minivet (Pericrocotus speciosus)/ 赤红山椒鸟 赤紅山椒鳥 S - 0 chì hóng shān jiāo niǎo f /(bird species of China) scarlet minivet (Pericrocotus speciosus)/ 赤翅沙雀 - 0 chì chì shā què f /(bird species of China) Eurasian crimson-winged finch (Rhodopechys sanguineus)/ 赤翡翠 - 0 chì fěi cuì f /(bird species of China) ruddy kingfisher (Halcyon coromanda)/ 赤老 - 0 chì lǎo f /variant of 赤佬[chi4 lao3]/ 赤胆忠心 赤膽忠心 S - 41 chì dǎn zhōng xīn f /lit. red-bellied devotion (idiom); wholehearted loyalty/to serve sb with body and soul/ 赤胸啄木鳥 赤胸啄木鸟 T - 0 chì xiōng zhuó mù niǎo f /(bird species of China) crimson-breasted woodpecker (Dendrocopos cathpharius)/ 赤胸啄木鸟 赤胸啄木鳥 S - 0 chì xiōng zhuó mù niǎo f /(bird species of China) crimson-breasted woodpecker (Dendrocopos cathpharius)/ 赤胸拟啄木鸟 赤胸擬啄木鳥 S - 0 chì xiōng nǐ zhuó mù niǎo f /(bird species of China) coppersmith barbet (Megalaima haemacephala)/ 赤胸擬啄木鳥 赤胸拟啄木鸟 T - 0 chì xiōng nǐ zhuó mù niǎo f /(bird species of China) coppersmith barbet (Megalaima haemacephala)/ 赤胸朱頂雀 赤胸朱顶雀 T - 0 chì xiōng zhū dǐng què f /(bird species of China) common linnet (Linaria cannabina))/ 赤胸朱顶雀 赤胸朱頂雀 S - 0 chì xiōng zhū dǐng què f /(bird species of China) common linnet (Linaria cannabina))/ 赤胸鶇 赤胸鸫 T - 0 chì xiōng dōng f /(bird species of China) brown-headed thrush (Turdus chrysolaus)/ 赤胸鸫 赤胸鶇 S - 0 chì xiōng dōng f /(bird species of China) brown-headed thrush (Turdus chrysolaus)/ 赤脚 赤腳 S - 108 chì jiǎo f /barefoot/ 赤脚医生 赤腳醫生 S - 14 chì jiǎo yī shēng f /barefoot doctor/farmer with paramedical training (PRC)/ 赤脚律师 赤腳律師 S - 0 chì jiǎo lǜ shī f /barefoot lawyer/grassroots lawyer/ 赤腳 赤脚 T - 108 chì jiǎo f /barefoot/ 赤腳律師 赤脚律师 T - 0 chì jiǎo lǜ shī f /barefoot lawyer/grassroots lawyer/ 赤腳醫生 赤脚医生 T - 14 chì jiǎo yī shēng f /barefoot doctor/farmer with paramedical training (PRC)/ 赤腹鷹 赤腹鹰 T - 0 chì fù yīng f /(bird species of China) Chinese sparrowhawk (Accipiter soloensis)/ 赤腹鹰 赤腹鷹 S - 0 chì fù yīng f /(bird species of China) Chinese sparrowhawk (Accipiter soloensis)/ 赤膀鴨 赤膀鸭 T - 0 chì bǎng yā f /(bird species of China) gadwall (Anas strepera)/ 赤膀鸭 赤膀鴨 S - 0 chì bǎng yā f /(bird species of China) gadwall (Anas strepera)/ 赤膊 - 42 chì bó f /bare to the waist/ 赤膊上阵 赤膊上陣 S - 18 chì bó shàng zhèn f /lit. to go into battle bare-breasted (idiom)/fig. to go all out/to come out in the open/ 赤膊上陣 赤膊上阵 T - 18 chì bó shàng zhèn f /lit. to go into battle bare-breasted (idiom)/fig. to go all out/to come out in the open/ 赤膽忠心 赤胆忠心 T - 41 chì dǎn zhōng xīn f /lit. red-bellied devotion (idiom); wholehearted loyalty/to serve sb with body and soul/ 赤藓糖醇 赤蘚糖醇 S - 0 chì xiǎn táng chún f /erythritol, a sugar alcohol/ 赤藓醇 赤蘚醇 S - 0 chì xiǎn chún f /erythritol, a sugar alcohol/ 赤蘚糖醇 赤藓糖醇 T - 0 chì xiǎn táng chún f /erythritol, a sugar alcohol/ 赤蘚醇 赤藓醇 T - 0 chì xiǎn chún f /erythritol, a sugar alcohol/ 赤衛軍 赤卫军 T - 7 Chì wèi jūn f /Red Guards/ 赤衛隊 赤卫队 T - 47 Chì wèi duì f /Red Guards/ 赤裸 - 142 chì luǒ f /naked/bare/ 赤裸裸 - 130 chì luǒ luǒ f /bare/naked/(fig.) plain/undisguised/unadorned/ 赤褐色 - 13 chì hè sè f /reddish-brown/ 赤誠 赤诚 T - 63 chì chéng f /utterly sincere/wholly devoted/ 赤誠相待 赤诚相待 T - 3 chì chéng xiāng dài f /to treat utterly sincerely/open and above board in dealing with sb/ 赤誠相見 赤诚相见 T - 3 chì chéng xiàng jiàn f /candidly sharing confidences/ 赤诚 赤誠 S - 63 chì chéng f /utterly sincere/wholly devoted/ 赤诚相待 赤誠相待 S - 3 chì chéng xiāng dài f /to treat utterly sincerely/open and above board in dealing with sb/ 赤诚相见 赤誠相見 S - 3 chì chéng xiàng jiàn f /candidly sharing confidences/ 赤豆 - 24 chì dòu f /see 紅豆|红豆[hong2 dou4]/ 赤貧 赤贫 T - 74 chì pín f /poverty-stricken/ 赤貧如洗 赤贫如洗 T - 3 chì pín rú xǐ f /without two nickels to rub together (idiom)/impoverished/ 赤贫 赤貧 S - 74 chì pín f /poverty-stricken/ 赤贫如洗 赤貧如洗 S - 3 chì pín rú xǐ f /without two nickels to rub together (idiom)/impoverished/ 赤足 - 37 chì zú f /barefoot/barefooted/ 赤身 - 16 chì shēn f /naked/ 赤身露体 赤身露體 S - 30 chì shēn lù tǐ f /completely naked/ 赤身露體 赤身露体 T - 30 chì shēn lù tǐ f /completely naked/ 赤道 4644 771 chì dào f /equator (of the earth or astronomical body)/ 赤道仪 赤道儀 S - 0 chì dào yí f /equatorial mount (for a telescope)/ 赤道儀 赤道仪 T - 0 chì dào yí f /equatorial mount (for a telescope)/ 赤道几内亚 赤道幾內亞 S - 45 Chì dào Jī nèi yà f /Equatorial Guinea/ 赤道幾內亞 赤道几内亚 T - 45 Chì dào Jī nèi yà f /Equatorial Guinea/ 赤道逆流 - 0 chì dào nì liú f /equatorial counter current/ 赤道雨林 - 0 chì dào yǔ lín f /equatorial rain forest/ 赤金 - 37 chì jīn f /pure gold/ 赤鐵礦 赤铁矿 T - 53 chì tiě kuàng f /hematite (red iron ore)/ferric oxide Fe2O3/ 赤铁矿 赤鐵礦 S - 53 chì tiě kuàng f /hematite (red iron ore)/ferric oxide Fe2O3/ 赤陶 - 0 chì táo f /terracotta/terra cotta/ 赤霞珠 - 0 Chì xiá zhū f /Cabernet Sauvignon (grape type)/ 赤頸鴨 赤颈鸭 T - 0 chì jǐng yā f /(bird species of China) Eurasian wigeon (Anas penelope)/ 赤頸鶇 赤颈鸫 T - 0 chì jǐng dōng f /(bird species of China) red-throated thrush (Turdus ruficollis)/ 赤頸鶴 赤颈鹤 T - 0 chì jǐng hè f /(bird species of China) sarus crane (Grus antigone)/ 赤頸鷿鷈 赤颈䴙䴘 T - 0 chì jǐng pì tī f /(bird species of China) red-necked grebe (Podiceps grisegena)/ 赤颈䴙䴘 赤頸鷿鷈 S - 0 chì jǐng pì tī f /(bird species of China) red-necked grebe (Podiceps grisegena)/ 赤颈鸫 赤頸鶇 S - 0 chì jǐng dōng f /(bird species of China) red-throated thrush (Turdus ruficollis)/ 赤颈鸭 赤頸鴨 S - 0 chì jǐng yā f /(bird species of China) Eurasian wigeon (Anas penelope)/ 赤颈鹤 赤頸鶴 S - 0 chì jǐng hè f /(bird species of China) sarus crane (Grus antigone)/ 赤麻鴨 赤麻鸭 T - 0 chì má yā f /(bird species of China) ruddy shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea)/ 赤麻鸭 赤麻鴨 S - 0 chì má yā f /(bird species of China) ruddy shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea)/ 赦 - 1157 shè f /to pardon (a convict)/ 赦令 - 10 shè lìng f /amnesty/pardon/ 赦免 - 167 shè miǎn f /to pardon/to absolve/to exempt from punishment/ 赦罪 - 28 shè zuì f /to forgive (an offender)/ 赧 - 26 nǎn f /blushing with shame/ 赩 - 0 xì f /red/scarlet/ 赪 赬 S - 3 chēng f /deep red/ 赫 - 586 Hè f /surname He/abbr. for Herz Hz 赫茲|赫兹[He4 zi1]/ 赫 - 586 hè f /awe-inspiring/hertz/abbr. for herz hz 赫茲|赫兹[He4 zi1] (cycles per second)/ 赫伯斯翼龍 赫伯斯翼龙 T - 0 Hè bó sī yì lóng f /Herbstosaurus (genus of pterosaur)/ 赫伯斯翼龙 赫伯斯翼龍 S - 0 Hè bó sī yì lóng f /Herbstosaurus (genus of pterosaur)/ 赫伯特 - 19 Hè bó tè f /Herbert (name)/ 赫兹 赫茲 S - 108 Hè zī f /Hertz (name)/Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894), German physicist and meteorologist, pioneer of electromagnetic radiation/Herz (Hz) or cycles per second, unit of frequency/ 赫兹龙 赫茲龍 S - 0 Hè zī lóng f /Hezron (name)/ 赫哲族 - 30 Hè zhé zú f /Hezhen ethnic group of Heilongjiang province/ 赫哲語 赫哲语 T - 2 Hè zhé yǔ f /Hezhen language (of Hezhen ethnic group of Heilongjiang province)/ 赫哲语 赫哲語 S - 2 Hè zhé yǔ f /Hezhen language (of Hezhen ethnic group of Heilongjiang province)/ 赫图阿拉 赫圖阿拉 S - 20 Hè tú ā lā f /Hetu Ala (Manchu: Yellow Rock), Nurhaci's capital at the 1619 Battle of Sarhu/ 赫圖阿拉 赫图阿拉 T - 20 Hè tú ā lā f /Hetu Ala (Manchu: Yellow Rock), Nurhaci's capital at the 1619 Battle of Sarhu/ 赫塞哥維納 赫塞哥维纳 T - 0 Hè sè gē wéi nà f /Herzegovina (Tw)/ 赫塞哥维纳 赫塞哥維納 S - 0 Hè sè gē wéi nà f /Herzegovina (Tw)/ 赫奇帕奇 - 0 Hè qí pà qí f /Hufflepuff (Harry Potter)/ 赫尔 赫爾 S - 55 Hè ěr f /Hull (name)/Kingston upon Hull/ 赫尔墨斯 赫爾墨斯 S - 19 Hè ěr mò sī f /Hermes (Greek god)/ 赫尔曼 赫爾曼 S - 27 Hè ěr màn f /Herman or Hermann (name)/ 赫尔曼德 赫爾曼德 S - 3 Hè ěr màn dé f /Helmand (name)/Helmand province of south Afghanistan, capital Lashkar Gah/ 赫尔穆特 赫爾穆特 S - 2 Hè ěr mù tè f /Helmut (name)/ 赫尔穆特·科尔 赫爾穆特·科爾 S - 0 Hè ěr mù tè · Kē ěr f /Helmut Kohl (1930-), German CDU politician, Chancellor 1982-1998/ 赫尔辛基 赫爾辛基 S - 91 Hè ěr xīn jī f /Helsinki (Swedish Helsingfors), capital of Finland/ 赫山 - 0 Hè shān f /Heshan district of Yiyang city 益陽市|益阳市[Yi4 yang2 shi4], Hunan/ 赫山区 赫山區 S - 3 Hè shān qū f /Heshan district of Yiyang city 益陽市|益阳市[Yi4 yang2 shi4], Hunan/ 赫山區 赫山区 T - 3 Hè shān qū f /Heshan district of Yiyang city 益陽市|益阳市[Yi4 yang2 shi4], Hunan/ 赫德 - 24 Hè dé f /Hart or Herd (name)/Robert Hart (1835-1911), Englishman who served 1863-1911 in Qing dynasty customs office/ 赫拉 - 142 Hè lā f /Hera (wife of Zeus)/ 赫拉克利特 - 18 Hè lā kè lì tè f /Heraclitus (535-475 BC), pre-Socratic philosopher/ 赫拉特 - 25 Hè lā tè f /Herat (city in Afghanistan)/ 赫拉特省 - 0 Hè lā tè shěng f /Herat province of Afghanistan/ 赫斯提亚 赫斯提亞 S - 0 Hè sī tí yà f /Hestia, goddess of the hearth in Greek mythology, daughter of Chronos and Rhea/ 赫斯提亞 赫斯提亚 T - 0 Hè sī tí yà f /Hestia, goddess of the hearth in Greek mythology, daughter of Chronos and Rhea/ 赫曼·麥爾維爾 赫曼·麦尔维尔 T - 0 Hè màn · Mài ěr wéi ěr f /Herman Melville (1819-1891), US novelist, author of Moby Dick 白鯨|白鲸[bai2 jing1]/ 赫曼·麦尔维尔 赫曼·麥爾維爾 S - 0 Hè màn · Mài ěr wéi ěr f /Herman Melville (1819-1891), US novelist, author of Moby Dick 白鯨|白鲸[bai2 jing1]/ 赫本 - 15 Hè běn f /Hepburn (name)/ 赫然 - 445 hè rán f /with astonishment/with a shock/awe-inspiringly/impressively/furiously (angry)/ 赫爾 赫尔 T - 55 Hè ěr f /Hull (name)/Kingston upon Hull/ 赫爾墨斯 赫尔墨斯 T - 19 Hè ěr mò sī f /Hermes (Greek god)/ 赫爾曼 赫尔曼 T - 27 Hè ěr màn f /Herman or Hermann (name)/ 赫爾曼德 赫尔曼德 T - 3 Hè ěr màn dé f /Helmand (name)/Helmand province of south Afghanistan, capital Lashkar Gah/ 赫爾穆特 赫尔穆特 T - 2 Hè ěr mù tè f /Helmut (name)/ 赫爾穆特·科爾 赫尔穆特·科尔 T - 0 Hè ěr mù tè · Kē ěr f /Helmut Kohl (1930-), German CDU politician, Chancellor 1982-1998/ 赫爾辛基 赫尔辛基 T - 91 Hè ěr xīn jī f /Helsinki (Swedish Helsingfors), capital of Finland/ 赫特河公国 赫特河公國 S - 0 Hè tè hé Gōng guó f /Principality of Hutt River (formerly Hutt River Province)/ 赫特河公國 赫特河公国 T - 0 Hè tè hé Gōng guó f /Principality of Hutt River (formerly Hutt River Province)/ 赫福特郡 - 0 Hè fú tè jùn f /Hertfordshire (English county)/ 赫章 - 6 Hè zhāng f /Hezhang county in Bijie prefecture 畢節地區|毕节地区[Bi4 jie2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 赫章县 赫章縣 S - 2 Hè zhāng xiàn f /Hezhang county in Bijie prefecture 畢節地區|毕节地区[Bi4 jie2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 赫章縣 赫章县 T - 2 Hè zhāng xiàn f /Hezhang county in Bijie prefecture 畢節地區|毕节地区[Bi4 jie2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 赫耳墨斯 - 2 Hè ěr mò sī f /Hermes, in Greek mythology, messenger of the Gods/ 赫胥黎 - 30 Hè xū lí f /Huxley (name)/Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-1895), British evolutionary scientist and champion of Darwin/Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), British novelist/ 赫芬頓郵報 赫芬顿邮报 T - 0 Hè fēn dùn Yóu bào f /Huffington Post (US online news aggregator)/ 赫芬顿邮报 赫芬頓郵報 S - 0 Hè fēn dùn Yóu bào f /Huffington Post (US online news aggregator)/ 赫茲 赫兹 T - 108 Hè zī f /Hertz (name)/Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894), German physicist and meteorologist, pioneer of electromagnetic radiation/Herz (Hz) or cycles per second, unit of frequency/ 赫茲龍 赫兹龙 T - 0 Hè zī lóng f /Hezron (name)/ 赫赫 - 115 hè hè f /brilliant/impressive/outstanding/ 赫魯曉夫 赫鲁晓夫 T - 218 Hè lǔ xiǎo fu f /Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971), secretary-general of Soviet Communist Party 1953-1964/ 赫魯雪夫 赫鲁雪夫 T - 3 Hè lǔ xuě fu f /see 赫魯曉夫|赫鲁晓夫[He4 lu3 xiao3 fu5]/ 赫鲁晓夫 赫魯曉夫 S - 218 Hè lǔ xiǎo fu f /Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971), secretary-general of Soviet Communist Party 1953-1964/ 赫鲁雪夫 赫魯雪夫 S - 3 Hè lǔ xuě fu f /see 赫魯曉夫|赫鲁晓夫[He4 lu3 xiao3 fu5]/ 赬 赪 T - 3 chēng f /deep red/ 赭 - 40 zhě f /ocher/ 赭石 - 15 zhě shí f /ocher (pigment)/ 赭紅尾鴝 赭红尾鸲 T - 0 zhě hóng wěi qú f /(bird species of China) black redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros)/ 赭红尾鸲 赭紅尾鴝 S - 0 zhě hóng wěi qú f /(bird species of China) black redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros)/ 赯 - 0 táng f /red/crimson/ 走 166 50437 zǒu f /to walk/to go/to run/to move (of vehicle)/to visit/to leave/to go away/to die (euph.)/from/through/away (in compound verbs, such as 撤走[che4 zou3])/to change (shape, form, meaning)/ 走下坡路 - 51 zǒu xià pō lù f /to go downhill/to decline/to slump/ 走丟 走丢 T - 0 zǒu diū f /to wander off/to get lost/ 走丢 走丟 S - 0 zǒu diū f /to wander off/to get lost/ 走为上 走為上 S - 0 zǒu wéi shàng f /If everything else fails, retreat. (idiom)/see also 三十六計,走為上策|三十六计,走为上策[san1 shi2 liu4 ji4 , zou3 wei2 shang4 ce4]/ 走为上计 走為上計 S - 16 zǒu wéi shàng jì f /see 三十六計,走為上策|三十六计,走为上策[san1 shi2 liu4 ji4 , zou3 wei2 shang4 ce4]/ 走乡随乡 走鄉隨鄉 S - 0 zǒu xiāng suí xiāng f /(proverb) to follow local customs/When in Rome, do as the Romans do./ 走亲戚 走親戚 S - 3 zǒu qīn qi f /to visit relatives/ 走亲访友 走親訪友 S - 7 zǒu qīn fǎng yǒu f /to visit one's friends and relations/ 走人 - 174 zǒu rén f /to leave/to let sb leave/ 走低 - 62 zǒu dī f /to go down/to decline/ 走來回 走来回 T - 0 zǒu lái huí f /to make a round trip/a return journey/ 走俏 - 47 zǒu qiào f /(a product) sells well/to be in demand/ 走光 - 3 zǒu guāng f /to expose oneself/to be completely gone/ 走入 - 335 zǒu rù f /to walk into/ 走內線 走内线 T - 3 zǒu nèi xiàn f /insider contacts/via private channels/to seek influence with sb via family members (possibly dishonest or underhand)/ 走兽 走獸 S - 316 zǒu shòu f /(four-footed) animal/beast/ 走内线 走內線 S - 3 zǒu nèi xiàn f /insider contacts/via private channels/to seek influence with sb via family members (possibly dishonest or underhand)/ 走出 - 3073 zǒu chū f /to move away from/to walk away from/ 走动 走動 S - 245 zǒu dòng f /to walk around/to move about/to stretch one's legs/to go for a walk/to be mobile (e.g. after an illness)/to visit one another/to pay a visit (go to the toilet)/ 走势 走勢 S - 687 zǒu shì f /tendency/trend/path/ 走動 走动 T - 245 zǒu dòng f /to walk around/to move about/to stretch one's legs/to go for a walk/to be mobile (e.g. after an illness)/to visit one another/to pay a visit (go to the toilet)/ 走勢 走势 T - 687 zǒu shì f /tendency/trend/path/ 走卒 - 18 zǒu zú f /pawn (i.e. foot soldier)/servant/lackey (of malefactor)/ 走南闖北 走南闯北 T - 35 zǒu nán chuǎng běi f /to travel extensively/ 走南闯北 走南闖北 S - 35 zǒu nán chuǎng běi f /to travel extensively/ 走去 - 3 zǒu qù f /to walk over (to)/ 走后门 走後門 S - 77 zǒu hòu mén f /lit. to enter by the back door/fig. to gain influence by pull or unofficial channels/back door or under the counter connections/ 走向 - 3550 zǒu xiàng f /direction/strike (i.e. angle of inclination in geology)/inclination/trend/to move towards/to head for/ 走向断层 走向斷層 S - 0 zǒu xiàng duàn céng f /strike fault (geology)/ 走向斷層 走向断层 T - 0 zǒu xiàng duàn céng f /strike fault (geology)/ 走向滑动断层 走向滑動斷層 S - 0 zǒu xiàng huá dòng duàn céng f /strike-slip fault (geology)/fault line where the two sides slide horizontally past one another/ 走向滑動斷層 走向滑动断层 T - 0 zǒu xiàng huá dòng duàn céng f /strike-slip fault (geology)/fault line where the two sides slide horizontally past one another/ 走味 - 3 zǒu wèi f /to lose flavor/ 走味儿 走味兒 S - 3 zǒu wèi r f /erhua variant of 走味[zou3 wei4]/ 走味兒 走味儿 T - 3 zǒu wèi r f /erhua variant of 走味[zou3 wei4]/ 走嘴 - 0 zǒu zuǐ f /a slip of the tongue/to blurt out (a secret or stupid mistake)/ 走圆场 走圓場 S - 0 zǒu yuán chǎng f /to walk around the stage (to indicate scene changes)/ 走圓場 走圆场 T - 0 zǒu yuán chǎng f /to walk around the stage (to indicate scene changes)/ 走地盘 走地盤 S - 0 zǒu dì pán f /live betting/in-play wagering/ 走地盤 走地盘 T - 0 zǒu dì pán f /live betting/in-play wagering/ 走地雞 走地鸡 T - 0 zǒu dì jī f /free-range chicken/ 走地鸡 走地雞 S - 0 zǒu dì jī f /free-range chicken/ 走失 - 39 zǒu shī f /lost/missing/to lose (sb in one's charge)/to get lost/to wander away/to lose (flavor, freshness, shape, hair, one's good looks etc)/to lose meaning (in translation)/ 走好运 走好運 S - 2 zǒu hǎo yùn f /to experience good luck/ 走好運 走好运 T - 2 zǒu hǎo yùn f /to experience good luck/ 走娘家 - 3 zǒu niáng jiā f /(of a wife) to visit one's parental home/ 走子 - 0 zǒu zǐ f /a move (in chess)/ 走宝 走寶 S - 0 zǒu bǎo f /to miss an opportunity (Cantonese)/ 走寶 走宝 T - 0 zǒu bǎo f /to miss an opportunity (Cantonese)/ 走山 - 0 zǒu shān f /landslide/avalanche/to take a walk in the mountains/ 走廊 2736 954 zǒu láng f /corridor/aisle/hallway/colonnade/passageway/piazza/veranda/ 走开 走開 S - 333 zǒu kāi f /to go somewhere else/Get out of the way!/ 走弯路 走彎路 S - 48 zǒu wān lù f /to take an indirect route/to waste one's time by using an inappropriate method/ 走彎路 走弯路 T - 48 zǒu wān lù f /to take an indirect route/to waste one's time by using an inappropriate method/ 走形 - 11 zǒu xíng f /out of shape/to lose shape/to deform/ 走形儿 走形兒 S - 0 zǒu xíng r f /out of shape/to lose shape/to deform/ 走形兒 走形儿 T - 0 zǒu xíng r f /out of shape/to lose shape/to deform/ 走形式 - 0 zǒu xíng shì f /to go through the formalities/ 走後門 走后门 T - 77 zǒu hòu mén f /lit. to enter by the back door/fig. to gain influence by pull or unofficial channels/back door or under the counter connections/ 走心 - 0 zǒu xīn f /to take care/to be mindful/ 走扇 - 0 zǒu shàn f /not closing properly (of door, window etc)/ 走投无路 走投無路 S - 173 zǒu tóu wú lù f /to be at an impasse (idiom)/in a tight spot/at the end of one's rope/desperate/ 走投無路 走投无路 T - 173 zǒu tóu wú lù f /to be at an impasse (idiom)/in a tight spot/at the end of one's rope/desperate/ 走掉 - 71 zǒu diào f /to leave/ 走散 - 26 zǒu sàn f /to wander off/to stray/to get lost/ 走时 走時 S - 170 zǒu shí f /(of a watch or clock) to keep time/(physics) propagation time/travel time (of a wave)/ 走時 走时 T - 170 zǒu shí f /(of a watch or clock) to keep time/(physics) propagation time/travel time (of a wave)/ 走来回 走來回 S - 0 zǒu lái huí f /to make a round trip/a return journey/ 走板 - 3 zǒu bǎn f /to be off the beat/to sound awful (of singing)/(fig.) to wander off the topic/(diving) to step toward the end of the board/approach/ 走样 走樣 S - 28 zǒu yàng f /to lose shape/to deform/ 走样儿 走樣兒 S - 0 zǒu yàng r f /to lose shape/to deform/ 走樣 走样 T - 28 zǒu yàng f /to lose shape/to deform/ 走樣兒 走样儿 T - 0 zǒu yàng r f /to lose shape/to deform/ 走步 - 26 zǒu bù f /to walk/to step/pace/traveling (walking with the ball, a foul in basketball)/ 走水 - 24 zǒu shuǐ f /to leak/to flow/to catch on fire/ 走江湖 - 87 zǒu jiāng hú f /to travel around the country (as itinerant peddler or entertainer)/ 走漏 4105 90 zǒu lòu f /to leak (of information, liquid etc)/to divulge/ 走漏消息 - 3 zǒu lòu xiāo xi f /to divulge secrets/ 走火 - 33 zǒu huǒ f /to go off accidentally/to catch fire/ 走為上 走为上 T - 0 zǒu wéi shàng f /If everything else fails, retreat. (idiom)/see also 三十六計,走為上策|三十六计,走为上策[san1 shi2 liu4 ji4 , zou3 wei2 shang4 ce4]/ 走為上計 走为上计 T - 16 zǒu wéi shàng jì f /see 三十六計,走為上策|三十六计,走为上策[san1 shi2 liu4 ji4 , zou3 wei2 shang4 ce4]/ 走狗 - 530 zǒu gǒu f /hunting dog/hound/(fig.) running dog/lackey/ 走獸 走兽 T - 316 zǒu shòu f /(four-footed) animal/beast/ 走相 - 0 zǒu xiàng f /to lose one's good looks/ 走眼 - 13 zǒu yǎn f /a mistake/an oversight/an error of judgment/ 走着瞧 走著瞧 S - 91 zǒu zhe qiáo f /wait and see (who is right)/ 走神 - 26 zǒu shén f /absent-minded/one's mind is wandering/ 走神儿 走神兒 S - 4 zǒu shén r f /absent-minded/one's mind is wandering/ 走神兒 走神儿 T - 4 zǒu shén r f /absent-minded/one's mind is wandering/ 走票 - 0 zǒu piào f /amateur performance (in theater)/ 走禽 - 3 zǒu qín f /Ratitae (formerly Cursores) flightless birds such as ostriches/ 走秀 - 0 zǒu xiù f /a fashion show/to walk the runway (in a fashion show)/ 走私 3247 900 zǒu sī f /to smuggle/to have an illicit affair/ 走私品 - 0 zǒu sī pǐn f /smuggled product/contraband/pirate product/ 走私貨 走私货 T - 4 zǒu sī huò f /smuggled goods/ 走私货 走私貨 S - 4 zǒu sī huò f /smuggled goods/ 走穴 - 21 zǒu xué f /(of itinerant entertainers) to tour, playing in many venues/ 走紅 走红 T - 65 zǒu hóng f /to be popular/to be in luck/to have good luck/to develop smoothly/ 走索 - 3 zǒu suǒ f /tightrope walking/ 走繩 走绳 T - 3 zǒu shéng f /tightrope walking/ 走红 走紅 S - 65 zǒu hóng f /to be popular/to be in luck/to have good luck/to develop smoothly/ 走绳 走繩 S - 3 zǒu shéng f /tightrope walking/ 走背字 - 0 zǒu bèi zì f /to have bad luck/ 走背字儿 走背字兒 S - 0 zǒu bèi zì r f /erhua variant of 走背字[zou3 bei4 zi4]/ 走背字兒 走背字儿 T - 0 zǒu bèi zì r f /erhua variant of 走背字[zou3 bei4 zi4]/ 走自己的路,讓人家去說 走自己的路,让人家去说 T - 0 zǒu zì jǐ de lù , ràng rén jiā qù shuō f /Go your own way, let others say what they like. (popular modern cliche)/Do it my way./ 走自己的路,让人家去说 走自己的路,讓人家去說 S - 0 zǒu zì jǐ de lù , ràng rén jiā qù shuō f /Go your own way, let others say what they like. (popular modern cliche)/Do it my way./ 走色 - 3 zǒu sè f /to lose color/to fade/ 走著瞧 走着瞧 T - 91 zǒu zhe qiáo f /wait and see (who is right)/ 走親戚 走亲戚 T - 3 zǒu qīn qi f /to visit relatives/ 走親訪友 走亲访友 T - 7 zǒu qīn fǎng yǒu f /to visit one's friends and relations/ 走訪 走访 T - 574 zǒu fǎng f /to visit/to travel to/ 走調 走调 T - 3 zǒu diào f /out of tune/off-key/ 走讀 走读 T - 12 zǒu dú f /to attend a day school/ 走访 走訪 S - 574 zǒu fǎng f /to visit/to travel to/ 走读 走讀 S - 12 zǒu dú f /to attend a day school/ 走调 走調 S - 3 zǒu diào f /out of tune/off-key/ 走資派 走资派 T - 96 zǒu zī pài f /capitalist-roader/person in power taking the capitalist road, a political label often pinned on cadres by the Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution/ 走资派 走資派 S - 96 zǒu zī pài f /capitalist-roader/person in power taking the capitalist road, a political label often pinned on cadres by the Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution/ 走路 - 813 zǒu lù f /to walk/to go on foot/ 走过 走過 S - 862 zǒu guò f /to walk past/to pass by/ 走过场 走過場 S - 31 zǒu guò chǎng f /to go through the motions/ 走运 走運 S - 38 zǒu yùn f /to have good luck/lucky/in luck/ 走近 - 962 zǒu jìn f /to approach/to draw near to/ 走进 走進 S - 2742 zǒu jìn f /to enter/ 走進 走进 T - 2742 zǒu jìn f /to enter/ 走運 走运 T - 38 zǒu yùn f /to have good luck/lucky/in luck/ 走過 走过 T - 862 zǒu guò f /to walk past/to pass by/ 走過場 走过场 T - 31 zǒu guò chǎng f /to go through the motions/ 走道 - 33 zǒu dào f /pavement/sidewalk/path/walk/footpath/aisle/ 走避 - 14 zǒu bì f /to run away/to escape/to avoid/ 走鄉隨鄉 走乡随乡 T - 0 zǒu xiāng suí xiāng f /(proverb) to follow local customs/When in Rome, do as the Romans do./ 走鋼絲 走钢丝 T - 20 zǒu gāng sī f /to walk a tightrope (literally or figuratively)/ 走錯 走错 T - 3 zǒu cuò f /to go the wrong way/to take the wrong (road, exit etc)/ 走钢丝 走鋼絲 S - 20 zǒu gāng sī f /to walk a tightrope (literally or figuratively)/ 走错 走錯 S - 3 zǒu cuò f /to go the wrong way/to take the wrong (road, exit etc)/ 走門子 走门子 T - 2 zǒu mén zi f /see 走門路|走门路[zou3 men2 lu4]/ 走門路 走门路 T - 3 zǒu mén lù f /to use social connections/to toady to influential people/ 走開 走开 T - 333 zǒu kāi f /to go somewhere else/Get out of the way!/ 走门子 走門子 S - 2 zǒu mén zi f /see 走門路|走门路[zou3 men2 lu4]/ 走门路 走門路 S - 3 zǒu mén lù f /to use social connections/to toady to influential people/ 走险 走險 S - 3 zǒu xiǎn f /to take risks/to run risks/ 走險 走险 T - 3 zǒu xiǎn f /to take risks/to run risks/ 走音 - 0 zǒu yīn f /off-key/out of tune (music)/ 走題 走题 T - 3 zǒu tí f /to get off the main topic/to digress/ 走题 走題 S - 3 zǒu tí f /to get off the main topic/to digress/ 走風 走风 T - 0 zǒu fēng f /to leak (a secret)/to transpire/ 走风 走風 S - 0 zǒu fēng f /to leak (a secret)/to transpire/ 走馬 走马 T - 44 zǒu mǎ f /to ride (a horse)/to go on horseback/ 走馬上任 走马上任 T - 47 zǒu mǎ shàng rèn f /to ride to take up an official appointment (idiom); to take on a job with alacrity/to undertake a task/ 走馬到任 走马到任 T - 3 zǒu mǎ dào rèn f /to ride to take up an official appointment (idiom); to take on a job with alacrity/to undertake a task/ 走馬燈 走马灯 T - 70 zǒu mǎ dēng f /lantern with carousel of paper horses, rotating under convection, used at Lantern Festival 元宵節|元宵节/fig. constant busy circulation of people/ 走馬看花 走马看花 T - 3 zǒu mǎ kàn huā f /lit. flower viewing from horseback (idiom); fig. superficial understanding from cursory observation/to make a quick judgment based on inadequate information/ 走馬章臺 走马章台 T - 3 zǒu mǎ zhāng tái f /to go to the brothel on horseback (idiom); to visit prostitutes/ 走馬觀花 走马观花 T - 31 zǒu mǎ guān huā f /lit. flower viewing from horseback (idiom); a fleeting glance in passing/fig. superficial understanding from cursory observation/to make a quick judgment based on inadequate information/ 走馬赴任 走马赴任 T - 3 zǒu mǎ fù rèn f /to ride to take up an official appointment (idiom); to take on a job with alacrity/to undertake a task/ 走马 走馬 S - 44 zǒu mǎ f /to ride (a horse)/to go on horseback/ 走马上任 走馬上任 S - 47 zǒu mǎ shàng rèn f /to ride to take up an official appointment (idiom); to take on a job with alacrity/to undertake a task/ 走马到任 走馬到任 S - 3 zǒu mǎ dào rèn f /to ride to take up an official appointment (idiom); to take on a job with alacrity/to undertake a task/ 走马灯 走馬燈 S - 70 zǒu mǎ dēng f /lantern with carousel of paper horses, rotating under convection, used at Lantern Festival 元宵節|元宵节/fig. constant busy circulation of people/ 走马看花 走馬看花 S - 3 zǒu mǎ kàn huā f /lit. flower viewing from horseback (idiom); fig. superficial understanding from cursory observation/to make a quick judgment based on inadequate information/ 走马章台 走馬章臺 S - 3 zǒu mǎ zhāng tái f /to go to the brothel on horseback (idiom); to visit prostitutes/ 走马观花 走馬觀花 S - 31 zǒu mǎ guān huā f /lit. flower viewing from horseback (idiom); a fleeting glance in passing/fig. superficial understanding from cursory observation/to make a quick judgment based on inadequate information/ 走马赴任 走馬赴任 S - 3 zǒu mǎ fù rèn f /to ride to take up an official appointment (idiom); to take on a job with alacrity/to undertake a task/ 走鬼 - 0 zǒu guǐ f /unlicensed street vendor/ 赱 - 0 zǒu f /variant of 走[zou3]/ 赳 - 43 jiū f /see 赳赳[jiu1 jiu1]/ 赳赳 - 3 jiū jiū f /valiantly/gallantly/ 赴 - 4943 fù f /to go/to visit (e.g. another country)/to attend (a banquet etc)/ 赴任 - 84 fù rèn f /to travel to take up a new post/ 赴会 赴會 S - 0 fù huì f /to go to a meeting/ 赴华 赴華 S - 0 fù Huá f /to visit China/ 赴台 赴臺 S - 0 fù Tái f /to visit Taiwan/ 赴宴 - 153 fù yàn f /to attend a banquet/ 赴會 赴会 T - 0 fù huì f /to go to a meeting/ 赴死 - 29 fù sǐ f /to meet death/ 赴汤蹈火 赴湯蹈火 S - 79 fù tāng dǎo huǒ f /to go through water and tread on fire (idiom); not afraid of any difficulty/ 赴湯蹈火 赴汤蹈火 T - 79 fù tāng dǎo huǒ f /to go through water and tread on fire (idiom); not afraid of any difficulty/ 赴約 赴约 T - 46 fù yuē f /to keep an appointment/ 赴约 赴約 S - 46 fù yuē f /to keep an appointment/ 赴考 - 10 fù kǎo f /to go and sit an examination/ 赴臺 赴台 T - 0 fù Tái f /to visit Taiwan/ 赴華 赴华 T - 0 fù Huá f /to visit China/ 赴阴曹 赴陰曹 S - 0 fù yīn cáo f /to enter hell/ 赴陰曹 赴阴曹 T - 0 fù yīn cáo f /to enter hell/ 赵 趙 S - 3084 Zhào f /surname Zhao/one of the seven states during the Warring States Period (476-220 BC)/the Former Zhao 前趙 (304-329) and Later Zhao 後趙 (319-350), states of the Sixteen Kingdoms/ 赵 趙 S - 3084 zhào f /to surpass (old)/ 赵云 趙雲 S - 236 Zhào Yún f /Zhao Yun (-229), general of Shu in Romance of the Three Kingdoms/ 赵元任 趙元任 S - 12 Zhào Yuán rèn f /Yuen Ren Chao (1892-1982), Chinese-American linguist/ 赵军 趙軍 S - 50 Zhào jūn f /army of Zhao 趙國|赵国 during the Warring States/ 赵匡胤 趙匡胤 S - 174 Zhào Kuāng yìn f /Zhao Kuangyin, personal name of founding Song emperor Song Taizu 宋太祖 (927-976)/ 赵县 趙縣 S - 0 Zhào Xiàn f /Zhao County in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei/ 赵国 趙國 S - 73 Zhào Guó f /Zhao, one of the seven states during the Warring States Period of Chinese history (475-220 BC)/ 赵宋 趙宋 S - 0 Zhào Sòng f /Song dynasty (960-1279)/used to distinguish it from 劉宋|刘宋 Song of Southern dynasties (420-479)/ 赵客 趙客 S - 0 Zhào kè f /knight of the Zhao State/generic term for a knight-errant/ 赵尔巽 趙爾巽 S - 11 Zhào Er xùn f /Zhao Erxun (1844-1927), modern historian, compiled the Draft History of the Qing dynasty 清史稿/ 赵岐 趙岐 S - 0 Zhào Qí f /Zhao Qi (-201 BC), early Han commentator on Mencius 孟子[Meng4 zi3]/ 赵州桥 趙州橋 S - 35 Zhào zhōu Qiáo f /Zhaozhou Bridge over Xiao River 洨河[Xiao2 He2] in Zhao county 趙縣|赵县[Zhao4 Xian4], Shijiazhuang, Hebei, dating back to the Sui dynasty 隋代[Sui2 dai4] (581-617) and the world's oldest extant stone arch bridge/ 赵忠尧 趙忠堯 S - 3 Zhào Zhōng yáo f /Zhao Zhongyao (1902-1998), Chinese pioneer nuclear physicist/ 赵惠文王 趙惠文王 S - 0 Zhào Huì wén Wáng f /King Huiwen of Zhao 趙國|赵国, reigned 298-266 BC during the Warring States Period/ 赵括 趙括 S - 0 Zhào Kuò f /Zhao Kuo (-260 BC), hapless general of Zhao 趙國|赵国, who famously led an army of 400,000 to total annihilation at battle of Changping 長平之戰|长平之战 in 260 BC/also called Ma Fuzi 馬服子|马服子/ 赵晔 趙曄 S - 0 Zhào Yè f /Zhao Ye, Han dynasty historian, author of History of the Southern States Wu and Yue 吳越春秋|吴越春秋/ 赵本山 趙本山 S - 80 Zhào Běn shān f /Zhao Benshan (1958-), universally known PRC TV comedian/ 赵构 趙構 S - 30 Zhào Gòu f /Zhao Gou, personal name of the tenth Song Emperor Gaozong 高宗[Gao1 zong1]/ 赵树理 趙樹理 S - 17 Zhào Shù lǐ f /Zhao Shuli (1906-1970), proletarian novelist/ 赵紫阳 趙紫陽 S - 158 Zhào Zǐ yáng f /Zhao Ziyang (1919-2005), PRC reforming politician, general secretary of Chinese Communist Party 1987-1989, held under house arrest from 1989 to his death, and non-person since then/ 赵翼 趙翼 S - 0 Zhào Yì f /Zhao Yi (1727-1814), Qing dynasty poet and historian, one of Three great poets of the Qianlong era 乾嘉三大家/ 赵薇 趙薇 S - 0 Zhào Wēi f /Zhao Wei or Vicky Zhao (1976-), Chinese film star/ 赵高 趙高 S - 0 Zhào Gāo f /Zhao Gao (?-207 BC), one of the most vile, corrupt and powerful eunuchs in Chinese history, responsible for the fall of Qin Dynasty/ 赶 趕 S 785 4518 gǎn f /to overtake/to catch up with/to hurry/to rush/to try to catch (the bus etc)/to drive (cattle etc) forward/to drive (sb) away/to avail oneself of (an opportunity)/until/ 赶上 趕上 S - 958 gǎn shàng f /to keep up with/to catch up with/to overtake/to chance upon/in time for/ 赶不上 趕不上 S - 3 gǎn bù shàng f /can't keep up with/can't catch up with/cannot overtake/ 赶不及 趕不及 S - 11 gǎn bù jí f /not enough time (to do sth)/too late (to do sth)/ 赶出 趕出 S - 3 gǎn chū f /to drive away/ 赶到 趕到 S - 1967 gǎn dào f /to hurry (to some place)/ 赶前不赶后 趕前不趕後 S - 0 gǎn qián bù gǎn hòu f /it's better to hurry at the start than to rush later (idiom)/ 赶尽杀绝 趕盡殺絕 S - 75 gǎn jìn shā jué f /to kill to the last one (idiom)/to exterminate/to eradicate/ruthless/ 赶工 趕工 S - 12 gǎn gōng f /to work against the clock/to hurry with work to get it done in time/ 赶往 趕往 S - 205 gǎn wǎng f /to hurry to (somewhere)/ 赶得及 趕得及 S - 6 gǎn dé jí f /there is still time (to do sth)/to be able to do sth in time/to be able to make it/ 赶忙 趕忙 S - 627 gǎn máng f /to hurry/to hasten/to make haste/ 赶快 趕快 S 1442 3242 gǎn kuài f /at once/immediately/ 赶早 趕早 S - 56 gǎn zǎo f /as soon as possible/at the first opportunity/the sooner the better/before it's too late/ 赶时髦 趕時髦 S - 27 gǎn shí máo f /to keep up with the latest fashion/ 赶明儿 趕明兒 S - 46 gǎn míng r f /(coll.) some day/one of these days/ 赶来 趕來 S - 1228 gǎn lái f /to rush over/ 赶浪头 趕浪頭 S - 3 gǎn làng tou f /to follow the trend/ 赶紧 趕緊 S 1507 2603 gǎn jǐn f /hurriedly/without delay/ 赶考 趕考 S - 36 gǎn kǎo f /to go and take an imperial examination/ 赶脚 趕腳 S - 3 gǎn jiǎo f /to work as a carter or porter/to transport goods for a living (esp. by donkey)/ 赶走 趕走 S - 373 gǎn zǒu f /to drive out/to turn back/ 赶赴 趕赴 S - 173 gǎn fù f /to hurry/to rush/ 赶超 趕超 S - 88 gǎn chāo f /to overtake/ 赶跑 趕跑 S - 54 gǎn pǎo f /to drive away/to force out/to repel/ 赶路 趕路 S - 371 gǎn lù f /to hasten on with one's journey/to hurry on/ 赶车 趕車 S - 109 gǎn chē f /to drive a cart/ 赶集 趕集 S - 103 gǎn jí f /to go to market/to go to a fair/ 赶鸭子上架 趕鴨子上架 S - 11 gǎn yā zi shàng jià f /lit. to drive a duck onto a perch (idiom)/fig. to push sb to do sth way beyond their ability/ 起 - 58684 qǐ f /to rise/to raise/to get up/to set out/to start/to appear/to launch/to initiate (action)/to draft/to establish/to get (from a depot or counter)/verb suffix, to start/(before place or time) starting from/classifier for occurrences or unpredictable events: case, instance/classifier for groups: batch, group/ 起义 起義 S - 4138 qǐ yì f /uprising/insurrection/revolt/ 起云剂 起雲劑 S - 0 qǐ yún jì f /clouding agent/emulsifier/ 起亚 起亞 S - 17 Qǐ yà f /Kia (Motors)/ 起亞 起亚 T - 17 Qǐ yà f /Kia (Motors)/ 起价 起價 S - 29 qǐ jià f /initial price (e.g. for the first kilometer)/prices starting from/ 起伏 3864 1120 qǐ fú f /to move up and down/to undulate/ups and downs/ 起來 起来 T 315 39788 qǐ lai f /to stand up/to get up/ 起來 起来 T 315 39788 qi lai f /(after a verb) indicating the beginning and continuation of an action or a state/indicating an upward movement (e.g. after 站[zhan4])/bringing things together (e.g. after 收拾[shou1 shi5])/(after a perception verb, e.g. 看[kan4]) expressing preliminary judgement/ 起價 起价 T - 29 qǐ jià f /initial price (e.g. for the first kilometer)/prices starting from/ 起先 - 306 qǐ xiān f /at first/in the beginning/ 起初 3391 838 qǐ chū f /originally/at first/at the outset/ 起动 起動 S - 106 qǐ dòng f /to start up (a motor)/to launch (a computer application)/ 起动钮 起動鈕 S - 3 qǐ dòng niǔ f /starter button/on switch/ 起劲 起勁 S - 140 qǐ jìn f /vigorously/energetically/enthusiastically/ 起勁 起劲 T - 140 qǐ jìn f /vigorously/energetically/enthusiastically/ 起動 起动 T - 106 qǐ dòng f /to start up (a motor)/to launch (a computer application)/ 起動鈕 起动钮 T - 3 qǐ dòng niǔ f /starter button/on switch/ 起司 - 0 qǐ sī f /cheese (loanword) (Tw)/ 起司蛋糕 - 0 qǐ sī dàn gāo f /cheesecake/ 起名 - 33 qǐ míng f /to name/to christen/to take a name/ 起名儿 起名兒 S - 3 qǐ míng r f /erhua variant of 起名[qi3 ming2]/ 起名兒 起名儿 T - 3 qǐ míng r f /erhua variant of 起名[qi3 ming2]/ 起哄 起鬨 S 4720 193 qǐ hòng f /to heckle/rowdy jeering/to create a disturbance/ 起因 - 364 qǐ yīn f /cause/a factor (leading to an effect)/ 起士 - 0 qǐ shì f /cheese (loanword) (Tw)/ 起士蛋糕 - 0 qǐ shì dàn gāo f /cheesecake/ 起头 起頭 S - 29 qǐ tóu f /to start/at first/beginning/ 起始 - 257 qǐ shǐ f /to originate/ 起子 - 28 qǐ zi f /baking soda (used to leaven bread)/screwdriver/bottle opener/ 起家 - 143 qǐ jiā f /to start out by/to grow an enterprise beginning with/to begin one's career by/ 起小 - 0 qǐ xiǎo f /since childhood/ 起小儿 起小兒 T - 0 qǐ xiǎo r f /erhua variant of 起小[qi3 xiao3]/ 起小兒 起小儿 S - 0 qǐ xiǎo r f /erhua variant of 起小[qi3 xiao3]/ 起居 - 238 qǐ jū f /everyday life/regular pattern of life/ 起居作息 - 0 qǐ jū zuò xī f /lit. rising and lying down, working and resting (idiom)/fig. everyday life/daily routine/to go about one's daily life/ 起居室 - 34 qǐ jū shì f /living room/sitting room/ 起床 283 530 qǐ chuáng f /to get out of bed/to get up/ 起床号 起床號 S - 2 qǐ chuáng háo f /reveille/ 起床號 起床号 T - 2 qǐ chuáng háo f /reveille/ 起意 - 3 qǐ yì f /to conceive a scheme/to devise a plan/ 起扑 起撲 S - 0 qǐ pū f /chip shot (golf)/ 起扑杆 起撲桿 S - 0 qǐ pū gān f /chipper (golf)/ 起搏器 - 9 qǐ bó qì f /artificial pacemaker/ 起撲 起扑 T - 0 qǐ pū f /chip shot (golf)/ 起撲桿 起扑杆 T - 0 qǐ pū gān f /chipper (golf)/ 起敬 - 10 qǐ jìng f /to feel respect/ 起早摸黑 - 6 qǐ zǎo mō hēi f /see 起早貪黑|起早贪黑[qi3 zao3 tan1 hei1]/ 起早貪黑 起早贪黑 T - 35 qǐ zǎo tān hēi f /to be industrious, rising early and going to bed late/ 起早贪黑 起早貪黑 S - 35 qǐ zǎo tān hēi f /to be industrious, rising early and going to bed late/ 起来 起來 S 315 39788 qǐ lai f /to stand up/to get up/ 起来 起來 S 315 39788 qi lai f /(after a verb) indicating the beginning and continuation of an action or a state/indicating an upward movement (e.g. after 站[zhan4])/bringing things together (e.g. after 收拾[shou1 shi5])/(after a perception verb, e.g. 看[kan4]) expressing preliminary judgement/ 起模範 起模范 T - 0 qǐ mó fàn f /to set an example/ 起模范 起模範 S - 0 qǐ mó fàn f /to set an example/ 起步 - 501 qǐ bù f /to set out/to set in motion/the start (of some activity)/ 起死回生 - 101 qǐ sǐ huí shēng f /to rise from the dead (idiom); fig. an unexpected recovery/ 起毛 - 13 qǐ máo f /fluff/lint/to feel nervous/ 起泡 - 29 qǐ pào f /to bubble/to foam/to blister/to sprout boils (on one's body)/sparkling (wine etc)/ 起泡沫 - 3 qǐ pào mò f /to emit bubbles/to bubble/to foam (with rage)/to seethe/ 起源 3834 1504 qǐ yuán f /origin/to originate/to come from/ 起火 - 396 qǐ huǒ f /to catch fire/to cook/to get angry/ 起点 起點 S - 1199 qǐ diǎn f /starting point/ 起点线 起點線 S - 0 qǐ diǎn xiàn f /starting line/ 起爆 - 63 qǐ bào f /to explode/to set off an explosion/to detonate/ 起用 - 218 qǐ yòng f /to promote/to reinstate (in a position or job)/ 起电机 起電機 S - 3 qǐ diàn jī f /electric generator/dynamo/ 起皮 - 4 qǐ pí f /(of skin) to peel/ 起皱纹 起皺紋 S - 0 qǐ zhòu wén f /to shrivel/ 起皺紋 起皱纹 T - 0 qǐ zhòu wén f /to shrivel/ 起码 起碼 S 2685 607 qǐ mǎ f /at the minimum/at the very least/ 起碼 起码 T 2685 607 qǐ mǎ f /at the minimum/at the very least/ 起磁 - 0 qǐ cí f /magnetization/to magnetize/ 起程 - 152 qǐ chéng f /to set out/to leave/ 起稿 - 8 qǐ gǎo f /to make a draft/to draft (a document)/ 起立 - 86 qǐ lì f /to stand/Stand up!/ 起義 起义 T - 4138 qǐ yì f /uprising/insurrection/revolt/ 起航 - 33 qǐ háng f /(of a ship) to set sail/(of an aeroplane) to take off/also written 啟航|启航[qi3 hang2]/ 起草 3833 733 qǐ cǎo f /to make a draft/to draw up (plans)/ 起落 - 185 qǐ luò f /to rise and fall/take-off and landing/ups and downs/ 起落场 起落場 S - 0 qǐ luò chǎng f /airfield/take-off and landing strip/ 起落場 起落场 T - 0 qǐ luò chǎng f /airfield/take-off and landing strip/ 起落架 - 138 qǐ luò jià f /undercarriage/ 起落装置 起落裝置 S - 0 qǐ luò zhuāng zhì f /aircraft take-off and landing gear/ 起落裝置 起落装置 T - 0 qǐ luò zhuāng zhì f /aircraft take-off and landing gear/ 起見 起见 T - 42 qǐ jiàn f /motive/purpose/(sth) being the motive or purpose/ 起见 起見 S - 42 qǐ jiàn f /motive/purpose/(sth) being the motive or purpose/ 起訖 起讫 T - 27 qǐ qì f /beginning and end (dates)/ 起訴 起诉 T - 530 qǐ sù f /to sue/to bring a lawsuit against/to prosecute/ 起訴員 起诉员 T - 0 qǐ sù yuán f /prosecutor/ 起訴書 起诉书 T - 36 qǐ sù shū f /indictment (law)/statement of charges (law)/ 起訴者 起诉者 T - 0 qǐ sù zhě f /plaintiff/ 起誓 - 46 qǐ shì f /to vow/to swear an oath/ 起課 起课 T - 0 qǐ kè f /to practice divination/ 起講 起讲 T - 0 qǐ jiǎng f /to start a story/ 起讫 起訖 S - 27 qǐ qì f /beginning and end (dates)/ 起讲 起講 S - 0 qǐ jiǎng f /to start a story/ 起诉 起訴 S - 530 qǐ sù f /to sue/to bring a lawsuit against/to prosecute/ 起诉书 起訴書 S - 36 qǐ sù shū f /indictment (law)/statement of charges (law)/ 起诉员 起訴員 S - 0 qǐ sù yuán f /prosecutor/ 起诉者 起訴者 S - 0 qǐ sù zhě f /plaintiff/ 起课 起課 S - 0 qǐ kè f /to practice divination/ 起跑 - 44 qǐ pǎo f /to start running/the start of a race/ 起跑線 起跑线 T - 73 qǐ pǎo xiàn f /the starting line (of a race)/scratch line (in a relay race)/ 起跑线 起跑線 S - 73 qǐ pǎo xiàn f /the starting line (of a race)/scratch line (in a relay race)/ 起身 - 2195 qǐ shēn f /to get up/to leave/to set forth/ 起迄 - 0 qǐ qì f /start and end (dates)/origin and destination/ 起运 起運 S - 26 qǐ yùn f /variant of 啟運|启运[qi3 yun4]/ 起造员 起造員 S - 0 qǐ zào yuán f /draftsman/draughtsman/ 起造員 起造员 T - 0 qǐ zào yuán f /draftsman/draughtsman/ 起運 起运 T - 26 qǐ yùn f /variant of 啟運|启运[qi3 yun4]/ 起重机 起重機 S - 78 qǐ zhòng jī f /crane/ 起重機 起重机 T - 78 qǐ zhòng jī f /crane/ 起重葫芦 起重葫蘆 S - 0 qǐ chóng hú lu f /hoist pulley/ 起重葫蘆 起重葫芦 T - 0 qǐ chóng hú lu f /hoist pulley/ 起釘器 起钉器 T - 0 qǐ dīng qì f /staple remover/ 起錨 起锚 T - 21 qǐ máo f /to weigh anchor/ 起钉器 起釘器 S - 0 qǐ dīng qì f /staple remover/ 起锚 起錨 S - 21 qǐ máo f /to weigh anchor/ 起降 - 324 qǐ jiàng f /(of aircraft) to take off and land/ 起雲劑 起云剂 T - 0 qǐ yún jì f /clouding agent/emulsifier/ 起電機 起电机 T - 3 qǐ diàn jī f /electric generator/dynamo/ 起頭 起头 T - 29 qǐ tóu f /to start/at first/beginning/ 起飛 起飞 T 549 1024 qǐ fēi f /(of an aircraft) to take off/ 起飛彈射 起飞弹射 T - 0 qǐ fēi tán shè f /take-off catapult (on aircraft carrier)/ 起飞 起飛 S 549 1024 qǐ fēi f /(of an aircraft) to take off/ 起飞弹射 起飛彈射 S - 0 qǐ fēi tán shè f /take-off catapult (on aircraft carrier)/ 起鬨 起哄 T 4720 193 qǐ hòng f /to heckle/rowdy jeering/to create a disturbance/ 起點 起点 T - 1199 qǐ diǎn f /starting point/ 起點線 起点线 T - 0 qǐ diǎn xiàn f /starting line/ 赸 - 0 shàn f /to jump/to leave/ 趁 1724 1909 chèn f /to avail oneself of/to take advantage of/ 趁 趂 S 1724 1909 chèn f /old variant of 趁[chen4]/ 趁乱逃脱 趁亂逃脫 S - 0 chèn luàn táo tuō f /to run away in the confusion/to take advantage of the confusion to escape/ 趁亂逃脫 趁乱逃脱 T - 0 chèn luàn táo tuō f /to run away in the confusion/to take advantage of the confusion to escape/ 趁人之危 - 6 chèn rén zhī wēi f /to take advantage of sb's difficulties (idiom)/ 趁便 - 16 chèn biàn f /to take the opportunity/in passing/ 趁势 趁勢 S - 129 chèn shì f /to take advantage of a favorable situation/to seize an opportunity/ 趁勢 趁势 T - 129 chèn shì f /to take advantage of a favorable situation/to seize an opportunity/ 趁心 - 0 chèn xīn f /variant of 稱心|称心[chen4 xin1]/ 趁早 - 192 chèn zǎo f /as soon as possible/at the first opportunity/the sooner the better/before it's too late/ 趁早儿 趁早兒 S - 0 chèn zǎo r f /erhua variant of 趁早[chen4 zao3]/ 趁早兒 趁早儿 T - 0 chèn zǎo r f /erhua variant of 趁早[chen4 zao3]/ 趁机 趁機 S - 630 chèn jī f /to seize an opportunity/to take advantage of situation/ 趁機 趁机 T - 630 chèn jī f /to seize an opportunity/to take advantage of situation/ 趁火打劫 - 43 chèn huǒ dǎ jié f /to loot a burning house/to profit from sb's misfortune (idiom)/ 趁热打铁 趁熱打鐵 S - 45 chèn rè dǎ tiě f /to strike while the iron is hot/ 趁熱打鐵 趁热打铁 T - 45 chèn rè dǎ tiě f /to strike while the iron is hot/ 趁錢 趁钱 T - 0 chèn qián f /variant of 稱錢|称钱[chen4 qian2]/ 趁钱 趁錢 S - 0 chèn qián f /variant of 稱錢|称钱[chen4 qian2]/ 趂 趁 T 1724 1909 chèn f /old variant of 趁[chen4]/ 趄 - 8 jū t /to hesitate/to mark time/ 趄 - 8 qiè f /to recline/ 超 - 3870 chāo f /to exceed/to overtake/to surpass/to transcend/to pass/to cross/ultra-/super-/ 超临界 超臨界 S - 11 chāo lín jiè f /supercritical/ 超乎寻常 超乎尋常 S - 3 chāo hū xún cháng f /out of the ordinary/exceptional/ 超乎尋常 超乎寻常 T - 3 chāo hū xún cháng f /out of the ordinary/exceptional/ 超产 超產 S - 10 chāo chǎn f /to exceed a production goal/ 超人 - 166 Chāo rén f /Superman, comic book superhero/ 超人 - 166 chāo rén f /superhuman/exceptional/ 超值 - 25 chāo zhí f /great value/well worthwhile/ 超凡 - 65 chāo fán f /out of the ordinary/exceedingly (good)/ 超出 - 1128 chāo chū f /to exceed/to overstep/to go too far/to encroach/ 超前 - 319 chāo qián f /to be ahead of one's time/to surpass or outdo one's predecessors/to be ahead of the pack/to take the lead/advanced/ 超前意識 超前意识 T - 3 chāo qián yì shí f /foresight/ 超前意识 超前意識 S - 3 chāo qián yì shí f /foresight/ 超前消費 超前消费 T - 3 chāo qián xiāo fèi f /excessive consumption/overspending on luxuries/ 超前消费 超前消費 S - 3 chāo qián xiāo fèi f /excessive consumption/overspending on luxuries/ 超前瞄准 超前瞄準 S - 0 chāo qián miáo zhǔn f /to aim in front of a moving target/ 超前瞄準 超前瞄准 T - 0 chāo qián miáo zhǔn f /to aim in front of a moving target/ 超升 - 4 chāo shēng f /exaltation/ 超博士 - 0 chāo bó shì f /postdoc/postdoctoral student/ 超友誼關係 超友谊关系 T - 0 chāo yǒu yì guān xi f /relationship that is more than friendship/ 超友谊关系 超友誼關係 S - 0 chāo yǒu yì guān xi f /relationship that is more than friendship/ 超售 - 0 chāo shòu f /overbooking/ 超商 - 0 chāo shāng f /convenience store/supermarket/ 超基性岩 - 0 chāo jī xìng yán f /ultrabasic rock (geology, rock containing less than 45 percent silicates)/ 超声 超聲 S - 257 chāo shēng f /ultrasonic/ultrasound/ 超声扫描 超聲掃描 S - 0 chāo shēng sǎo miáo f /ultrasonic scan/ 超声波 超聲波 S - 160 chāo shēng bō f /ultrasound (scan)/ 超声波检查 超聲波檢查 S - 0 chāo shēng bō jiǎn chá f /echography/ultrasound scan/ 超声频 超聲頻 S - 0 chāo shēng pín f /ultrasonic/beyond human hearing/ 超媒体 超媒體 S - 3 chāo méi tǐ f /hypermedia/ 超媒體 超媒体 T - 3 chāo méi tǐ f /hypermedia/ 超对称 超對稱 S - 0 chāo duì chèn f /supersymmetry/ 超导 超導 S - 381 chāo dǎo f /superconductor/superconductivity (physics)/ 超导体 超導體 S - 93 chāo dǎo tǐ f /superconductor/ 超导电 超導電 S - 0 chāo dǎo diàn f /superconductance (physics)/ 超导电体 超導電體 S - 0 chāo dǎo diàn tǐ f /superconductor/ 超导电性 超導電性 S - 43 chāo dǎo diàn xìng f /superconductivity (physics)/ 超對稱 超对称 T - 0 chāo duì chèn f /supersymmetry/ 超導 超导 T - 381 chāo dǎo f /superconductor/superconductivity (physics)/ 超導電 超导电 T - 0 chāo dǎo diàn f /superconductance (physics)/ 超導電性 超导电性 T - 43 chāo dǎo diàn xìng f /superconductivity (physics)/ 超導電體 超导电体 T - 0 chāo dǎo diàn tǐ f /superconductor/ 超導體 超导体 T - 93 chāo dǎo tǐ f /superconductor/ 超市 563 534 chāo shì f /supermarket/abbr. for 超級市場|超级市场/CL:家[jia1]/ 超平面 - 2 chāo píng miàn f /hyperplane (math.)/ 超度 - 79 chāo dù f /to surpass/to transcend/to perform religious ceremonies to help the soul find peace/ 超弦 - 0 chāo xián f /super-string/ 超弦理論 超弦理论 T - 0 chāo xián lǐ lùn f /(super-) string theory/ 超弦理论 超弦理論 S - 0 chāo xián lǐ lùn f /(super-) string theory/ 超我 - 0 chāo wǒ f /superego/ 超拔 - 5 chāo bá f /outstanding/to fast-track/to elevate/to free oneself from/ 超支 - 27 chāo zhī f /to overspend/ 超敏反应 超敏反應 S - 3 chāo mǐn fǎn yìng f /hypersensitivity/ 超敏反應 超敏反应 T - 3 chāo mǐn fǎn yìng f /hypersensitivity/ 超文件 - 0 chāo wén jiàn f /hypertext/ 超文件传输协定 超文件傳輸協定 S - 0 chāo wén jiàn chuán shū xié dìng f /hypertext transfer protocol/HTTP/ 超文件傳輸協定 超文件传输协定 T - 0 chāo wén jiàn chuán shū xié dìng f /hypertext transfer protocol/HTTP/ 超文本 - 13 chāo wén běn f /hypertext/ 超文本传输协定 超文本傳輸協定 S - 0 chāo wén běn chuán shū xié dìng f /hypertext transfer protocol/HTTP/ 超文本传送协议 超文本傳送協議 S - 0 chāo wén běn chuán sòng xié yì f /hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)/ 超文本傳輸協定 超文本传输协定 T - 0 chāo wén běn chuán shū xié dìng f /hypertext transfer protocol/HTTP/ 超文本傳送協議 超文本传送协议 T - 0 chāo wén běn chuán sòng xié yì f /hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)/ 超文本标记语言 超文本標記語言 S - 0 chāo wén běn biāo jì yǔ yán f /hypertext markup language/HTML/ 超文本標記語言 超文本标记语言 T - 0 chāo wén běn biāo jì yǔ yán f /hypertext markup language/HTML/ 超新星 - 90 chāo xīn xīng f /supernova/ 超新星剩余 超新星剩餘 S - 0 chāo xīn xīng shèng yú f /supernova residue (a type of nebula)/ 超新星剩餘 超新星剩余 T - 0 chāo xīn xīng shèng yú f /supernova residue (a type of nebula)/ 超时 超時 S - 45 chāo shí f /to exceed the time limit/(to work) overtime/(computing) timeout/ 超時 超时 T - 45 chāo shí f /to exceed the time limit/(to work) overtime/(computing) timeout/ 超标 超標 S - 227 chāo biāo f /to cross the limit/to be over the accepted norm/excessive/ 超標 超标 T - 227 chāo biāo f /to cross the limit/to be over the accepted norm/excessive/ 超模 - 4 chāo mó f /supermodel/ 超泛神論 超泛神论 T - 0 chāo fàn shén lùn f /panentheism, theological theory of God as equal to the Universe while transcending it/ 超泛神论 超泛神論 S - 0 chāo fàn shén lùn f /panentheism, theological theory of God as equal to the Universe while transcending it/ 超渡 - 0 chāo dù f /variant of 超度[chao1 du4]/ 超然世事 - 0 chāo rán shì shì f /to consider oneself above worldly matters (idiom)/ 超物理 - 0 chāo wù lǐ f /surpassing the physical world/metaphysical/ 超现实主义 超現實主義 S - 71 chāo xiàn shí zhǔ yì f /surrealism/ 超現實主義 超现实主义 T - 71 chāo xiàn shí zhǔ yì f /surrealism/ 超生 - 84 chāo shēng f /to exceed the stipulated limit of a birth-control policy/to be reincarnated/to be lenient/ 超產 超产 T - 10 chāo chǎn f /to exceed a production goal/ 超界 - 0 chāo jiè f /super-kingdom (taxonomy)/ 超短波 - 30 chāo duǎn bō f /ultra short wave (radio)/UHF/ 超短裙 - 59 chāo duǎn qún f /miniskirt/ 超等 - 3 chāo děng f /superior grade/ 超級 超级 T 1364 790 chāo jí f /super-/ultra-/hyper-/ 超級大國 超级大国 T - 161 chāo jí dà guó f /superpower/ 超級市場 超级市场 T - 48 chāo jí shì chǎng f /supermarket/ 超級強國 超级强国 T - 3 chāo jí qiáng guó f /superpower/ 超級杯 超级杯 T - 0 Chāo jí bēi f /Super cup (various sports)/Super Bowl (American football championship game)/ 超級盃 超级杯 T - 0 Chāo jí bēi f /Super cup (various sports)/Super Bowl (American football championship game)/ 超級碗 超级碗 T - 0 Chāo jí Wǎn f /Super Bowl (American football championship game)/ 超級走廊 超级走廊 T - 0 chāo jí zǒu láng f /super-corridor (media)/information super-highway/ 超級跑車 超级跑车 T - 0 chāo jí pǎo chē f /supercar/abbr. to 超跑|超跑[chao1 pao3]/ 超級鏈接 超级链接 T - 3 chāo jí liàn jiē f /hyperlink (in HTML)/ 超絕 超绝 T - 10 chāo jué f /surpassing/excelling/preeminent/unique/ 超經驗 超经验 T - 0 chāo jīng yàn f /extra-empirical/outside one's experience/ 超維空間 超维空间 T - 0 chāo wéi kōng jiān f /hyperspace/superspace/higher dimensional space/ 超綱 超纲 T - 0 chāo gāng f /beyond the scope of the syllabus/ 超级 超級 S 1364 790 chāo jí f /super-/ultra-/hyper-/ 超级大国 超級大國 S - 161 chāo jí dà guó f /superpower/ 超级市场 超級市場 S - 48 chāo jí shì chǎng f /supermarket/ 超级强国 超級強國 S - 3 chāo jí qiáng guó f /superpower/ 超级杯 超級杯 S - 0 Chāo jí bēi f /Super cup (various sports)/Super Bowl (American football championship game)/ 超级杯 超級盃 S - 0 Chāo jí bēi f /Super cup (various sports)/Super Bowl (American football championship game)/ 超级碗 超級碗 S - 0 Chāo jí Wǎn f /Super Bowl (American football championship game)/ 超级走廊 超級走廊 S - 0 chāo jí zǒu láng f /super-corridor (media)/information super-highway/ 超级跑车 超級跑車 S - 0 chāo jí pǎo chē f /supercar/abbr. to 超跑|超跑[chao1 pao3]/ 超级链接 超級鏈接 S - 3 chāo jí liàn jiē f /hyperlink (in HTML)/ 超纲 超綱 S - 0 chāo gāng f /beyond the scope of the syllabus/ 超经验 超經驗 S - 0 chāo jīng yàn f /extra-empirical/outside one's experience/ 超绝 超絕 S - 10 chāo jué f /surpassing/excelling/preeminent/unique/ 超维空间 超維空間 S - 0 chāo wéi kōng jiān f /hyperspace/superspace/higher dimensional space/ 超群 - 232 chāo qún f /surpassing/preeminent/outstanding/ 超群絕倫 超群绝伦 T - 2 chāo qún jué lún f /outstanding (idiom); incomparable/ 超群绝伦 超群絕倫 S - 2 chāo qún jué lún f /outstanding (idiom); incomparable/ 超联 超聯 S - 0 chāo lián f /hyperlink/superleague (e.g. soccer)/ 超联结 超聯結 S - 0 chāo lián jié f /hyperlink/ 超聯 超联 T - 0 chāo lián f /hyperlink/superleague (e.g. soccer)/ 超聯結 超联结 T - 0 chāo lián jié f /hyperlink/ 超聲 超声 T - 257 chāo shēng f /ultrasonic/ultrasound/ 超聲掃描 超声扫描 T - 0 chāo shēng sǎo miáo f /ultrasonic scan/ 超聲波 超声波 T - 160 chāo shēng bō f /ultrasound (scan)/ 超聲波檢查 超声波检查 T - 0 chāo shēng bō jiǎn chá f /echography/ultrasound scan/ 超聲頻 超声频 T - 0 chāo shēng pín f /ultrasonic/beyond human hearing/ 超能力 - 3 chāo néng lì f /superpower/extrasensory perception/ 超脫 超脱 T - 97 chāo tuō f /to stand aloof/to be detached from/to transcend worldliness/untrammeled/unconventional/ 超脱 超脫 S - 97 chāo tuō f /to stand aloof/to be detached from/to transcend worldliness/untrammeled/unconventional/ 超臨界 超临界 T - 11 chāo lín jiè f /supercritical/ 超自然 - 58 chāo zì rán f /supernatural/ 超負荷 超负荷 T - 77 chāo fù hè f /excess load/an overload/overloaded/ 超负荷 超負荷 S - 77 chāo fù hè f /excess load/an overload/overloaded/ 超越 3018 1215 chāo yuè f /to surpass/to exceed/to transcend/ 超越数 超越數 S - 3 chāo yuè shù f /transcendental number (math.)/ 超越數 超越数 T - 3 chāo yuè shù f /transcendental number (math.)/ 超足球 - 0 chāo zú qiú f /premier soccer league/superleague/ 超跑 - 0 chāo pǎo f /supercar/abbr. for 超級跑車|超级跑车[chao1 ji2 pao3 che1]/ 超距作用 - 3 chāo jù zuò yòng f /action at a distance (e.g. gravitational force)/ 超車 超车 T - 29 chāo chē f /to overtake (another car)/ 超載 超载 T - 61 chāo zài f /to overload/ 超车 超車 S - 29 chāo chē f /to overtake (another car)/ 超载 超載 S - 61 chāo zài f /to overload/ 超迁 超遷 S - 0 chāo qiān f /(literary) to be promoted more than one grade or rank at a time/to be promoted ahead of time/ 超过 超過 S 863 12732 chāo guò f /to surpass/to exceed/to outstrip/ 超过限度 超過限度 S - 0 chāo guò xiàn dù f /to exceed/to go beyond/to overstep the limit/ 超连结 超連結 S - 0 chāo lián jié f /hyperlink/ 超速 - 51 chāo sù f /to exceed the speed limit/to speed/high-speed/ 超連結 超连结 T - 0 chāo lián jié f /hyperlink/ 超過 超过 T 863 12732 chāo guò f /to surpass/to exceed/to outstrip/ 超過限度 超过限度 T - 0 chāo guò xiàn dù f /to exceed/to go beyond/to overstep the limit/ 超遷 超迁 T - 0 chāo qiān f /(literary) to be promoted more than one grade or rank at a time/to be promoted ahead of time/ 超重 - 60 chāo zhòng f /overweight (baggage, freight)/ 超重氢 超重氫 S - 0 chāo zhòng qīng f /tritium/3H/radioactive isotope of hydrogen having 2 neutrons in its nucleus, so atomic weight 3/ 超重氫 超重氢 T - 0 chāo zhòng qīng f /tritium/3H/radioactive isotope of hydrogen having 2 neutrons in its nucleus, so atomic weight 3/ 超鏈接 超链接 T - 3 chāo liàn jiē f /hyperlink, link/ 超链接 超鏈接 S - 3 chāo liàn jiē f /hyperlink, link/ 超音波 - 2 chāo yīn bō f /ultrasound/ultrasonic wave/ 超音速 - 271 chāo yīn sù f /supersonic/ 超頻 超频 T - 22 chāo pín f /overclocking/ 超額 超额 T - 275 chāo é f /above quota/ 超額利潤 超额利润 T - 220 chāo é lì rùn f /superprofit/excess profit/ 超額訂購 超额订购 T - 0 chāo é dìng gòu f /to overbook/ 超額認 超额认 T - 0 chāo é rèn f /(a share issue is) oversubscribed/ 超額認購 超额认购 T - 0 chāo é rèn gòu f /(a share issue is) oversubscribed/ 超額配 超额配 T - 0 chāo é pèi f /oversubscribed/ 超額配股權 超额配股权 T - 0 chāo é pèi gǔ quán f /an oversubscribed share/ 超频 超頻 S - 22 chāo pín f /overclocking/ 超额 超額 S - 275 chāo é f /above quota/ 超额利润 超額利潤 S - 220 chāo é lì rùn f /superprofit/excess profit/ 超额订购 超額訂購 S - 0 chāo é dìng gòu f /to overbook/ 超额认 超額認 S - 0 chāo é rèn f /(a share issue is) oversubscribed/ 超额认购 超額認購 S - 0 chāo é rèn gòu f /(a share issue is) oversubscribed/ 超额配 超額配 S - 0 chāo é pèi f /oversubscribed/ 超额配股权 超額配股權 S - 0 chāo é pèi gǔ quán f /an oversubscribed share/ 超馬 超马 T - 0 chāo mǎ f /ultramarathon/abbr. for 超級馬拉松|超级马拉松[chao1 ji2 ma3 la1 song1]/ 超马 超馬 S - 0 chāo mǎ f /ultramarathon/abbr. for 超級馬拉松|超级马拉松[chao1 ji2 ma3 la1 song1]/ 超高速 - 45 chāo gāo sù f /ultra high speed/ 超高速乙太網路 超高速乙太网路 T - 0 chāo gāo sù yǐ tài wǎng lù f /Gigabit Ethernet/ 超高速乙太网路 超高速乙太網路 S - 0 chāo gāo sù yǐ tài wǎng lù f /Gigabit Ethernet/ 超齡 超龄 T - 31 chāo líng f /too old/overage/ 超龄 超齡 S - 31 chāo líng f /too old/overage/ 越 421 15864 Yuè f /generic word for peoples or states of south China or south Asia at different historical periods/abbr. for Vietnam 越南/ 越 421 15864 yuè f /to exceed/to climb over/to surpass/the more... the more/ 越位 - 117 yuè wèi f /offside (sports)/ 越來越 越来越 T - 7867 yuè lái yuè f /more and more/ 越侨 越僑 S - 0 Yuè qiáo f /Vietnamese resident in other countries (including in China)/ 越俎代庖 - 23 yuè zǔ dài páo f /lit. to go beyond the sacrificial altar and take over the kitchen (idiom); fig. to exceed one's place and meddle in other people's affairs/to take matters into one's own hands/ 越僑 越侨 T - 0 Yuè qiáo f /Vietnamese resident in other countries (including in China)/ 越光米 - 0 Yuè guāng mǐ f /Koshihikari rice (variety of rice popular in Japan)/ 越共 - 46 Yuè Gòng f /Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV)/ 越冬 - 250 yuè dōng f /to pass the winter/to overwinter/to live through the winter/ 越出界線 越出界线 T - 0 yuè chū jiè xiàn f /to exceed/to overstep the limit/ 越出界线 越出界線 S - 0 yuè chū jiè xiàn f /to exceed/to overstep the limit/ 越剧 越劇 S - 75 Yuè jù f /Shaoxing opera/ 越劇 越剧 T - 75 Yuè jù f /Shaoxing opera/ 越南 - 1532 Yuè nán f /Vietnam/Vietnamese/ 越南刺鰟鮍 越南刺鳑鲏 T - 0 Yuè nán cì páng pí f /Acanthorhodeus tonkinensis Vaillant (small carp)/ 越南刺鳑鲏 越南刺鰟鮍 S - 0 Yuè nán cì páng pí f /Acanthorhodeus tonkinensis Vaillant (small carp)/ 越南战争 越南戰爭 S - 69 Yuè nán Zhàn zhēng f /Vietnam War/Vietnam Conflict/ 越南戰爭 越南战争 T - 69 Yuè nán Zhàn zhēng f /Vietnam War/Vietnam Conflict/ 越南文 - 0 Yuè nán wén f /Vietnamese written language/Vietnamese literature/ 越南盾 - 2 Yuè nán dùn f /Vietnamese dong (currency)/ 越南語 越南语 T - 9 Yuè nán yǔ f /Vietnamese language, Tiếng Việt/ 越南语 越南語 S - 9 Yuè nán yǔ f /Vietnamese language, Tiếng Việt/ 越发 越發 S - 897 yuè fā f /increasingly/more and more/ever more/all the more/ 越国 越國 S - 588 Yuè guó f /Yue state/generic term for states in south China or southeast Asia at different historical periods/ 越國 越国 T - 588 Yuè guó f /Yue state/generic term for states in south China or southeast Asia at different historical periods/ 越城 - 0 Yuè chéng f /Yuecheng district of Shaoxing city 紹興市|绍兴市[Shao4 xing1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 越城区 越城區 S - 3 Yuè chéng qū f /Yuecheng district of Shaoxing city 紹興市|绍兴市[Shao4 xing1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 越城區 越城区 T - 3 Yuè chéng qū f /Yuecheng district of Shaoxing city 紹興市|绍兴市[Shao4 xing1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 越城岭 越城嶺 S - 23 Yuè chéng lǐng f /Yuecheng mountain range between south Hunan and Guangxi/ 越城嶺 越城岭 T - 23 Yuè chéng lǐng f /Yuecheng mountain range between south Hunan and Guangxi/ 越境 - 32 yuè jìng f /to cross a border (usually illegally)/to sneak in or out of a country/ 越席 - 0 yuè xí f /to leave one's seat/ 越帮越忙 越幫越忙 S - 0 yuè bāng yuè máng f /to be officious/to kibitz/to be meddlesome/to force one's help upon/ 越幫越忙 越帮越忙 T - 0 yuè bāng yuè máng f /to be officious/to kibitz/to be meddlesome/to force one's help upon/ 越战 越戰 S - 89 Yuè zhàn f /Vietnam War/ 越戰 越战 T - 89 Yuè zhàn f /Vietnam War/ 越描越黑 - 3 yuè miáo yuè hēi f /lit. the more you touch things up, the darker they get/fig. to only make matters worse/ 越文 - 0 Yuè wén f /Vietnamese written language/Vietnamese literature/ 越权 越權 S - 27 yuè quán f /to go beyond one's authority/arrogation/ 越来越 越來越 S - 7867 yuè lái yuè f /more and more/ 越橘 - 7 yuè jú f /cowberry/blue berry/ 越權 越权 T - 27 yuè quán f /to go beyond one's authority/arrogation/ 越演越烈 - 0 yuè yǎn yuè liè f /to be intensifying/to be getting worse and worse/to start to run rampant/ 越狱 越獄 S - 63 yuè yù f /to break out of prison/to jailbreak (an iOS device etc)/ 越狱犯 越獄犯 S - 3 yuè yù fàn f /escaped prisoner/ 越獄 越狱 T - 63 yuè yù f /to break out of prison/to jailbreak (an iOS device etc)/ 越獄犯 越狱犯 T - 3 yuè yù fàn f /escaped prisoner/ 越王勾践 越王勾踐 S - 0 Yuè Wáng Gōu Jiàn f /King Gou Jian of Yue (c. 470 BC), sometimes considered one of the Five Hegemons 春秋五霸/ 越王勾踐 越王勾践 T - 0 Yuè Wáng Gōu Jiàn f /King Gou Jian of Yue (c. 470 BC), sometimes considered one of the Five Hegemons 春秋五霸/ 越瓜 - 3 yuè guā f /snake melon/ 越界 - 41 yuè jiè f /to cross a border/to overstep a bound/ 越發 越发 T - 897 yuè fā f /increasingly/more and more/ever more/all the more/ 越礼 越禮 S - 3 yuè lǐ f /to overstep etiquette/not to observe priorities/ 越禮 越礼 T - 3 yuè lǐ f /to overstep etiquette/not to observe priorities/ 越秀 - 64 Yuè xiù f /Yuexiu district of Guangzhou city 廣州市|广州市[Guang3 zhou1 shi4], Guangdong/ 越秀区 越秀區 S - 16 Yuè xiù qū f /Yuexiu district of Guangzhou city 廣州市|广州市[Guang3 zhou1 shi4], Guangdong/ 越秀區 越秀区 T - 16 Yuè xiù qū f /Yuexiu district of Guangzhou city 廣州市|广州市[Guang3 zhou1 shi4], Guangdong/ 越級 越级 T - 40 yuè jí f /to skip a grade/to bypass ranks/to go over the head of one's boss/ 越级 越級 S - 40 yuè jí f /to skip a grade/to bypass ranks/to go over the head of one's boss/ 越职 越職 S - 0 yuè zhí f /to exceed one's authority/to go beyond the bounds of one's job/ 越職 越职 T - 0 yuè zhí f /to exceed one's authority/to go beyond the bounds of one's job/ 越西 - 6 Yuè xī f /Yuexi county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州|凉山彝族自治州[Liang2 shan1 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ 越西县 越西縣 S - 2 Yuè xī xiàn f /Yuexi county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州|凉山彝族自治州[Liang2 shan1 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ 越西縣 越西县 T - 2 Yuè xī xiàn f /Yuexi county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州|凉山彝族自治州[Liang2 shan1 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ 越軌 越轨 T - 75 yuè guǐ f /to run off the track/to step out of line/to overstep the bounds of propriety/ 越轨 越軌 S - 75 yuè guǐ f /to run off the track/to step out of line/to overstep the bounds of propriety/ 越过 越過 S - 93 yuè guò f /to cross over/to transcend/to cover distance/to overcome/to rise above/ 越過 越过 T - 93 yuè guò f /to cross over/to transcend/to cover distance/to overcome/to rise above/ 越野 - 217 yuè yě f /cross country/ 越野賽跑 越野赛跑 T - 3 yuè yě sài pǎo f /cross-country running/ 越野赛跑 越野賽跑 S - 3 yuè yě sài pǎo f /cross-country running/ 越野跑 - 12 yuè yě pǎo f /cross country running/ 越野車 越野车 T - 74 yuè yě chē f /off-road vehicle/ 越野车 越野車 S - 74 yuè yě chē f /off-road vehicle/ 越陷越深 - 3 yuè xiàn yuè shēn f /to fall deeper and deeper (in debt, in love etc)/ 越障 - 8 yuè zhàng f /to surmount obstacles/assault course for training troops/ 越飛 越飞 T - 8 Yuè fēi f /Adolph Abramovich Joffe (1883-1927), Soviet and Comintern diplomat and spy in 1922-23 in Republican China/ 越飞 越飛 S - 8 Yuè fēi f /Adolph Abramovich Joffe (1883-1927), Soviet and Comintern diplomat and spy in 1922-23 in Republican China/ 趋 趨 S - 1314 qū f /to hasten/to hurry/to walk fast/to approach/to tend towards/to converge/ 趋之若鹜 趨之若鶩 S - 47 qū zhī ruò wù f /to rush like ducks (idiom); the mob scrabbles madly for sth unobtainable/an unruly crowd on a wild goose chase/ 趋于 趨於 S - 869 qū yú f /to tend towards/ 趋冷 趨冷 S - 0 qū lěng f /a cold tendency/a freeze (in relations)/ 趋冷气候 趨冷氣候 S - 0 qū lěng qì hòu f /cooling/a cold spell/ 趋力 趨力 S - 0 qū lì f /driving force/ 趋势 趨勢 S 2364 3047 qū shì f /trend/tendency/ 趋化作用 趨化作用 S - 0 qū huà zuò yòng f /chemotaxis (movement of leukocytes under chemical stimulus)/ 趋吉避凶 趨吉避凶 S - 3 qū jí bì xiōng f /to seek luck and avoid calamity (idiom)/ 趋同 趨同 S - 63 qū tóng f /to converge/ 趋向 趨向 S - 991 qū xiàng f /direction/trend/to incline/ 趋奉 趨奉 S - 3 qū fèng f /to fawn on/to kiss up to/ 趋时 趨時 S - 3 qū shí f /to follow fashion/ 趋炎附势 趨炎附勢 S - 39 qū yán fù shì f /to curry favor (idiom); playing up to those in power/social climbing/ 趋缓 趨緩 S - 3 qū huǎn f /to slow down/to ease up/to abate/slowdown/downturn/ 趋近 趨近 S - 17 qū jìn f /to approach (a numerical value)/to converge to a limit (in calculus)/convergence/ 趋附 趨附 S - 20 qū fù f /to ingratiate oneself/ 趐 - 0 xuè f /(archaic) to enter/to fly/ 趑 - 0 zī f /to falter/unable to move/ 趑趄 - 2 zī jū f /to advance with difficulty/to hesitate to advance/ 趑趄不前 - 3 zī jū bù qián f /hesitant and not daring to move forward (idiom)/ 趑趄嗫嚅 趑趄囁嚅 S - 0 zī jū niè rú f /faltering steps, mumbling speech (idiom); hesitant/cringing/to cower/ 趑趄囁嚅 趑趄嗫嚅 T - 0 zī jū niè rú f /faltering steps, mumbling speech (idiom); hesitant/cringing/to cower/ 趒 - 0 tiáo f /to jump/to climb over/to leap/to posture/a gangway/ 趔 - 3 liè f /stumble/ 趔趄 - 75 liè qie f /to stagger/to stumble/to reel/Taiwan pr. [lie4 ju1]/ 趕 赶 T 785 4518 gǎn f /to overtake/to catch up with/to hurry/to rush/to try to catch (the bus etc)/to drive (cattle etc) forward/to drive (sb) away/to avail oneself of (an opportunity)/until/ 趕上 赶上 T - 958 gǎn shàng f /to keep up with/to catch up with/to overtake/to chance upon/in time for/ 趕不上 赶不上 T - 3 gǎn bù shàng f /can't keep up with/can't catch up with/cannot overtake/ 趕不及 赶不及 T - 11 gǎn bù jí f /not enough time (to do sth)/too late (to do sth)/ 趕來 赶来 T - 1228 gǎn lái f /to rush over/ 趕出 赶出 T - 3 gǎn chū f /to drive away/ 趕到 赶到 T - 1967 gǎn dào f /to hurry (to some place)/ 趕前不趕後 赶前不赶后 T - 0 gǎn qián bù gǎn hòu f /it's better to hurry at the start than to rush later (idiom)/ 趕工 赶工 T - 12 gǎn gōng f /to work against the clock/to hurry with work to get it done in time/ 趕往 赶往 T - 205 gǎn wǎng f /to hurry to (somewhere)/ 趕得及 赶得及 T - 6 gǎn dé jí f /there is still time (to do sth)/to be able to do sth in time/to be able to make it/ 趕忙 赶忙 T - 627 gǎn máng f /to hurry/to hasten/to make haste/ 趕快 赶快 T 1442 3242 gǎn kuài f /at once/immediately/ 趕早 赶早 T - 56 gǎn zǎo f /as soon as possible/at the first opportunity/the sooner the better/before it's too late/ 趕明兒 赶明儿 T - 46 gǎn míng r f /(coll.) some day/one of these days/ 趕時髦 赶时髦 T - 27 gǎn shí máo f /to keep up with the latest fashion/ 趕浪頭 赶浪头 T - 3 gǎn làng tou f /to follow the trend/ 趕盡殺絕 赶尽杀绝 T - 75 gǎn jìn shā jué f /to kill to the last one (idiom)/to exterminate/to eradicate/ruthless/ 趕緊 赶紧 T 1507 2603 gǎn jǐn f /hurriedly/without delay/ 趕考 赶考 T - 36 gǎn kǎo f /to go and take an imperial examination/ 趕腳 赶脚 T - 3 gǎn jiǎo f /to work as a carter or porter/to transport goods for a living (esp. by donkey)/ 趕走 赶走 T - 373 gǎn zǒu f /to drive out/to turn back/ 趕赴 赶赴 T - 173 gǎn fù f /to hurry/to rush/ 趕超 赶超 T - 88 gǎn chāo f /to overtake/ 趕跑 赶跑 T - 54 gǎn pǎo f /to drive away/to force out/to repel/ 趕路 赶路 T - 371 gǎn lù f /to hasten on with one's journey/to hurry on/ 趕車 赶车 T - 109 gǎn chē f /to drive a cart/ 趕集 赶集 T - 103 gǎn jí f /to go to market/to go to a fair/ 趕鴨子上架 赶鸭子上架 T - 11 gǎn yā zi shàng jià f /lit. to drive a duck onto a perch (idiom)/fig. to push sb to do sth way beyond their ability/ 趙 赵 T - 3084 Zhào f /surname Zhao/one of the seven states during the Warring States Period (476-220 BC)/the Former Zhao 前趙 (304-329) and Later Zhao 後趙 (319-350), states of the Sixteen Kingdoms/ 趙 赵 T - 3084 zhào f /to surpass (old)/ 趙元任 赵元任 T - 12 Zhào Yuán rèn f /Yuen Ren Chao (1892-1982), Chinese-American linguist/ 趙匡胤 赵匡胤 T - 174 Zhào Kuāng yìn f /Zhao Kuangyin, personal name of founding Song emperor Song Taizu 宋太祖 (927-976)/ 趙國 赵国 T - 73 Zhào Guó f /Zhao, one of the seven states during the Warring States Period of Chinese history (475-220 BC)/ 趙宋 赵宋 T - 0 Zhào Sòng f /Song dynasty (960-1279)/used to distinguish it from 劉宋|刘宋 Song of Southern dynasties (420-479)/ 趙客 赵客 T - 0 Zhào kè f /knight of the Zhao State/generic term for a knight-errant/ 趙岐 赵岐 T - 0 Zhào Qí f /Zhao Qi (-201 BC), early Han commentator on Mencius 孟子[Meng4 zi3]/ 趙州橋 赵州桥 T - 35 Zhào zhōu Qiáo f /Zhaozhou Bridge over Xiao River 洨河[Xiao2 He2] in Zhao county 趙縣|赵县[Zhao4 Xian4], Shijiazhuang, Hebei, dating back to the Sui dynasty 隋代[Sui2 dai4] (581-617) and the world's oldest extant stone arch bridge/ 趙忠堯 赵忠尧 T - 3 Zhào Zhōng yáo f /Zhao Zhongyao (1902-1998), Chinese pioneer nuclear physicist/ 趙惠文王 赵惠文王 T - 0 Zhào Huì wén Wáng f /King Huiwen of Zhao 趙國|赵国, reigned 298-266 BC during the Warring States Period/ 趙括 赵括 T - 0 Zhào Kuò f /Zhao Kuo (-260 BC), hapless general of Zhao 趙國|赵国, who famously led an army of 400,000 to total annihilation at battle of Changping 長平之戰|长平之战 in 260 BC/also called Ma Fuzi 馬服子|马服子/ 趙曄 赵晔 T - 0 Zhào Yè f /Zhao Ye, Han dynasty historian, author of History of the Southern States Wu and Yue 吳越春秋|吴越春秋/ 趙本山 赵本山 T - 80 Zhào Běn shān f /Zhao Benshan (1958-), universally known PRC TV comedian/ 趙構 赵构 T - 30 Zhào Gòu f /Zhao Gou, personal name of the tenth Song Emperor Gaozong 高宗[Gao1 zong1]/ 趙樹理 赵树理 T - 17 Zhào Shù lǐ f /Zhao Shuli (1906-1970), proletarian novelist/ 趙爾巽 赵尔巽 T - 11 Zhào Er xùn f /Zhao Erxun (1844-1927), modern historian, compiled the Draft History of the Qing dynasty 清史稿/ 趙紫陽 赵紫阳 T - 158 Zhào Zǐ yáng f /Zhao Ziyang (1919-2005), PRC reforming politician, general secretary of Chinese Communist Party 1987-1989, held under house arrest from 1989 to his death, and non-person since then/ 趙縣 赵县 T - 0 Zhào Xiàn f /Zhao County in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei/ 趙翼 赵翼 T - 0 Zhào Yì f /Zhao Yi (1727-1814), Qing dynasty poet and historian, one of Three great poets of the Qianlong era 乾嘉三大家/ 趙薇 赵薇 T - 0 Zhào Wēi f /Zhao Wei or Vicky Zhao (1976-), Chinese film star/ 趙軍 赵军 T - 50 Zhào jūn f /army of Zhao 趙國|赵国 during the Warring States/ 趙雲 赵云 T - 236 Zhào Yún f /Zhao Yun (-229), general of Shu in Romance of the Three Kingdoms/ 趙高 赵高 T - 0 Zhào Gāo f /Zhao Gao (?-207 BC), one of the most vile, corrupt and powerful eunuchs in Chinese history, responsible for the fall of Qin Dynasty/ 趟 䠀 S 908 642 tāng f /old variant of 趟[tang1]/ 趟 908 642 tāng f /to wade/to trample/to turn the soil/ 趟 908 642 tàng t /classifier for times, round trips or rows/a time/a trip/ 趡 - 0 cuǐ f /place name/ 趣 - 315 qù f /interesting/to interest/ 趣事 - 56 qù shì f /entertaining anecdote/interesting story or incident/ 趣剧 趣劇 S - 3 qù jù f /farce/ 趣劇 趣剧 T - 3 qù jù f /farce/ 趣味 4226 312 qù wèi f /fun/interest/delight/taste/liking/preference/ 趣多多 - 0 Qù duō duō f /Chips Ahoy! (brand)/ 趣聞 趣闻 T - 49 qù wén f /funny news item/interesting anecdote/ 趣闻 趣聞 S - 49 qù wén f /funny news item/interesting anecdote/ 趦 - 0 zī f /variant of 趑, to falter/unable to move/ 趦趄嗫嚅 趦趄囁嚅 S - 0 zī jū niè rú f /faltering steps/mumbling speech/hesitant/cringing/to cower/ 趦趄囁嚅 趦趄嗫嚅 T - 0 zī jū niè rú f /faltering steps/mumbling speech/hesitant/cringing/to cower/ 趨 趋 T - 1314 qū f /to hasten/to hurry/to walk fast/to approach/to tend towards/to converge/ 趨之若鶩 趋之若鹜 T - 47 qū zhī ruò wù f /to rush like ducks (idiom); the mob scrabbles madly for sth unobtainable/an unruly crowd on a wild goose chase/ 趨冷 趋冷 T - 0 qū lěng f /a cold tendency/a freeze (in relations)/ 趨冷氣候 趋冷气候 T - 0 qū lěng qì hòu f /cooling/a cold spell/ 趨力 趋力 T - 0 qū lì f /driving force/ 趨勢 趋势 T 2364 3047 qū shì f /trend/tendency/ 趨化作用 趋化作用 T - 0 qū huà zuò yòng f /chemotaxis (movement of leukocytes under chemical stimulus)/ 趨吉避凶 趋吉避凶 T - 3 qū jí bì xiōng f /to seek luck and avoid calamity (idiom)/ 趨同 趋同 T - 63 qū tóng f /to converge/ 趨向 趋向 T - 991 qū xiàng f /direction/trend/to incline/ 趨奉 趋奉 T - 3 qū fèng f /to fawn on/to kiss up to/ 趨於 趋于 T - 869 qū yú f /to tend towards/ 趨時 趋时 T - 3 qū shí f /to follow fashion/ 趨炎附勢 趋炎附势 T - 39 qū yán fù shì f /to curry favor (idiom); playing up to those in power/social climbing/ 趨緩 趋缓 T - 3 qū huǎn f /to slow down/to ease up/to abate/slowdown/downturn/ 趨近 趋近 T - 17 qū jìn f /to approach (a numerical value)/to converge to a limit (in calculus)/convergence/ 趨附 趋附 T - 20 qū fù f /to ingratiate oneself/ 趫 - 0 qiáo f /nimble/walk on stilts/ 趮 - 32 zào f /easily provoked, hasty/fierce, cruel/ 趯 - 0 tì t /to jump/way of stroke in calligraphy/ 趯 - 0 yuè f /to jump/ 趱 趲 S - 74 zǎn f /to hasten/to urge/ 趲 趱 T - 74 zǎn f /to hasten/to urge/ 足 - 9485 jù f /excessive/ 足 - 9485 zú t /foot/to be sufficient/ample/ 足下 - 363 zú xià f /you (used to a superior or between persons of the same generation)/below the foot/ 足不出戶 足不出户 T - 54 zú bù chū hù f /lit. not putting a foot outside/to stay at home/ 足不出户 足不出戶 S - 54 zú bù chū hù f /lit. not putting a foot outside/to stay at home/ 足以 2890 498 zú yǐ f /sufficient to.../so much so that/so that/ 足利 - 0 Zú lì f /Ashikaga (name)/ 足利·义政 足利·義政 S - 0 Zú lì · Yì zhèng f /ASHIKAGA Yoshimasa (1435-1490), eighth Ashikaga shōgun, reigned 1449-1473/ 足利·义满 足利·義滿 S - 0 Zú lì · Yì mǎn f /ASHIKAGA Yoshimitsu (1358-1408), third Ashikaga shōgun, reigned 1368-1394/ 足利·義政 足利·义政 T - 0 Zú lì · Yì zhèng f /ASHIKAGA Yoshimasa (1435-1490), eighth Ashikaga shōgun, reigned 1449-1473/ 足利·義滿 足利·义满 T - 0 Zú lì · Yì mǎn f /ASHIKAGA Yoshimitsu (1358-1408), third Ashikaga shōgun, reigned 1368-1394/ 足利义稙 足利義稙 S - 0 Zú lì Yì zhí f /Ashikaga Yoshitane (1466-1523), Japanese Muromachi shogun 1490-93/ 足利義稙 足利义稙 T - 0 Zú lì Yì zhí f /Ashikaga Yoshitane (1466-1523), Japanese Muromachi shogun 1490-93/ 足协 足協 S - 398 zú xié f /soccer league/same as 足球協會|足球协会/ 足協 足协 T - 398 zú xié f /soccer league/same as 足球協會|足球协会/ 足印 - 102 zú yìn f /footprint/ 足坛 足壇 S - 149 zú tán f /soccer circles/soccer world/ 足壇 足坛 T - 149 zú tán f /soccer circles/soccer world/ 足够 足夠 S - 2565 zú gòu f /enough/sufficient/ 足夠 足够 T - 2565 zú gòu f /enough/sufficient/ 足大指 - 0 zú dà zhǐ f /big toe/ 足尖 - 74 zú jiān f /tip of the foot/toes/ 足尖鞋 - 0 zú jiān xié f /(ballet) pointe shoe/ 足岁 足歲 S - 19 zú suì f /method of calculating a person's age in years from birth/see also 虛歲|虚岁[xu1 sui4]/see also 實歲|实岁[shi2 sui4]/ 足底筋膜炎 - 0 zú dǐ jīn mó yán f /plantar fasciitis (medicine)/ 足弓 - 3 zú gōng f /arch (of a foot)/ 足智多謀 足智多谋 T - 121 zú zhì duō móu f /resourceful/full of stratagems/ 足智多谋 足智多謀 S - 121 zú zhì duō móu f /resourceful/full of stratagems/ 足月 - 17 zú yuè f /full-term (gestation)/ 足本 - 3 zú běn f /unabridged/complete book/ 足歲 足岁 T - 19 zú suì f /method of calculating a person's age in years from birth/see also 虛歲|虚岁[xu1 sui4]/see also 實歲|实岁[shi2 sui4]/ 足浴 - 3 zú yù f /foot bath/ 足球 - 2042 zú qiú f /soccer ball/a football/CL:個|个[ge4]/soccer/football/ 足球协会 足球協會 S - 0 zú qiú xié huì f /soccer league/ 足球協會 足球协会 T - 0 zú qiú xié huì f /soccer league/ 足球场 足球場 S - 78 zú qiú chǎng f /football field/soccer field/ 足球場 足球场 T - 78 zú qiú chǎng f /football field/soccer field/ 足球賽 足球赛 T - 127 zú qiú sài f /soccer match/soccer competition/ 足球赛 足球賽 S - 127 zú qiú sài f /soccer match/soccer competition/ 足球迷 - 5 zú qiú mí f /football fan/ 足球队 足球隊 S - 154 zú qiú duì f /soccer team/ 足球隊 足球队 T - 154 zú qiú duì f /soccer team/ 足疗 足療 S - 0 zú liáo f /pedicure/foot massage/ 足療 足疗 T - 0 zú liáo f /pedicure/foot massage/ 足癣 足癬 S - 3 zú xuǎn f /athlete's foot/ 足癬 足癣 T - 3 zú xuǎn f /athlete's foot/ 足色 - 3 zú sè f /(gold or silver) of standard purity/(fig.) fine/ 足見 足见 T - 252 zú jiàn f /it goes to show that/one can see/ 足见 足見 S - 252 zú jiàn f /it goes to show that/one can see/ 足赤 - 3 zú chì f /pure gold/solid gold/ 足足 - 369 zú zú f /fully/no less than/as much as/extremely/ 足跡 足迹 T - 386 zú jì f /footprint/track/spoor/ 足踝 - 60 zú huái f /ankle/ 足輪 足轮 T - 0 zú lún f /foot shakra/ 足轮 足輪 S - 0 zú lún f /foot shakra/ 足迹 足跡 S - 386 zú jì f /footprint/track/spoor/ 足量 - 3 zú liàng f /sufficient amount/full amount/ 足金 - 13 zú jīn f /pure gold/solid gold/ 足額 足额 T - 88 zú é f /sufficient/full (payment)/ 足额 足額 S - 88 zú é f /sufficient/full (payment)/ 足高气强 足高氣強 S - 3 zú gāo qì jiàng f /high and mighty (idiom); arrogant/ 足高气扬 足高氣揚 S - 3 zú gāo qì yáng f /high and mighty (idiom); arrogant/ 足高氣強 足高气强 T - 3 zú gāo qì jiàng f /high and mighty (idiom); arrogant/ 足高氣揚 足高气扬 T - 3 zú gāo qì yáng f /high and mighty (idiom); arrogant/ 趴 2913 290 pā f /to lie on one's stomach/to lean forward, resting one's upper body (on a desktop etc)/(Taiwan) percent/ 趴伏 - 5 pā fú f /to crouch/to lie prone/ 趵 - 16 bào f /jump/leap/ 趷 - 2 kē f /to jolt/ 趸 躉 S - 185 dǔn f /wholesale/ 趸卖 躉賣 S - 0 dǔn mài f /to sell wholesale/ 趸售 躉售 S - 3 dǔn shòu f /to sell wholesale/ 趸批 躉批 S - 2 dǔn pī f /wholesale/ 趸柱 躉柱 S - 0 dǔn zhù f /main supporting pillar/ 趸船 躉船 S - 18 dǔn chuán f /barge/pontoon/landing stage/ 趹 - 0 jué f /to gallop/ 趺 - 45 fū f /instep/tarsus/ 趺坐 - 5 fū zuò f /to sit in the lotus position/ 趼 - 19 jiǎn f /callus (patch or hardened skin)/corns (on the feet)/ 趼子 - 0 jiǎn zi f /callus (patch or hardened skin)/corns (on the feet)/ 趼足 - 0 jiǎn zú f /feet with calluses/fig. a long and hard march/ 趾 - 598 zhǐ f /toe/ 趾尖 - 0 zhǐ jiān f /tiptoe/ 趾甲 - 14 zhǐ jiǎ f /toenail/ 趾疔 - 0 zhǐ dīng f /boil on the toe/ 趾高气扬 趾高氣揚 S - 63 zhǐ gāo qì yáng f /high and mighty (idiom); arrogant/ 趾高氣揚 趾高气扬 T - 63 zhǐ gāo qì yáng f /high and mighty (idiom); arrogant/ 趿 - 44 tā f /see 趿拉[ta1 la5]/ 趿拉 - 26 tā la f /to shuffle along (while walking)/to be deliberately slow (in doing sth)/slippers/ 跁 - 0 pá f /to squat/crouch/ 跂 - 3 jī f /foot/ 跂 - 3 qí t /sixth (extra) toe/to crawl/ 跂 - 3 qǐ f /to climb/to hope/ 跂 - 3 qì f /to sit with feet hanging/ 跂 - 3 zhī f /see 踶跂[di4 zhi1]/ 跂坐 - 0 qì zuò f /to sit with legs dangling/ 跂想 - 3 qǐ xiǎng f /to expect anxiously/ 跂望 - 3 qǐ wàng f /variant of 企望[qi3 wang4]/ 跂望 - 3 qì wàng f /to stand on tiptoe looking forward to sb or sth/ 跂訾 - 0 qǐ zǐ f /opinionated/ 跂跂 - 0 qí qí f /crawling or creeping (of insects)/ 跃 躍 S - 2750 yuè f /to jump/to leap/ 跃层 躍層 S - 9 yuè céng f /duplex (apartment)/ 跃居 躍居 S - 135 yuè jū f /to vault/ 跃然 躍然 S - 30 yuè rán f /to show forth/to appear as a vivid image/to stand out markedly/ 跃然纸上 躍然紙上 S - 16 yuè rán zhǐ shàng f /to appear vividly on paper (idiom); to show forth vividly (in writing, painting etc)/to stand out markedly/ 跃跃欲试 躍躍欲試 S - 129 yuè yuè yù shì f /to be eager to give sth a try (idiom)/ 跃迁 躍遷 S - 176 yuè qiān f /transition/jump (e.g. quantum leap in spectroscopy)/ 跃进 躍進 S - 128 yuè jìn f /to leap forward/to make rapid progress/a leap forward/ 跃马 躍馬 S - 91 yuè mǎ f /to gallop/to spur on a horse/to let one's steed have his head/ 跃龙 躍龍 S - 3 yuè lóng f /allosaurus/ 跄 蹌 S - 21 qiāng t /walk rapidly/ 跄 蹌 S - 21 qiàng f /stagger/sway from side to side/ 跄踉 蹌踉 S - 0 qiàng liàng f /see 踉蹌|踉跄[liang4 qiang4]/ 跅 - 0 tuò f /careless/ 跆 - 17 tái f /to trample, to kick/ 跆拳道 - 52 tái quán dào f /Taekwando (Korean martial art)/Tae Kwon Do/ 跋 - 312 bá f /postscript/to trek across mountains/ 跋前踬后 跋前躓後 S - 3 bá qián zhì hòu f /to trip forwards or stumble back (idiom, from Book of Songs); can't get anything right/ 跋前躓後 跋前踬后 T - 3 bá qián zhì hòu f /to trip forwards or stumble back (idiom, from Book of Songs); can't get anything right/ 跋山涉水 - 31 bá shān shè shuǐ f /to travel over land and water (idiom)/ 跋扈 - 137 bá hù f /domineering/bossy/ 跋涉 - 193 bá shè f /to trudge/to trek/ 跋語 跋语 T - 8 bá yǔ f /short comment or critical appraisal added at the end of a text, on a painting etc/ 跋语 跋語 S - 8 bá yǔ f /short comment or critical appraisal added at the end of a text, on a painting etc/ 跌 3412 2158 diē f /to drop/to fall/to tumble/Taiwan pr. [die2]/ 跌交 - 4 diē jiāo f /variant of 跌跤[die1 jiao1]/ 跌价 跌價 S - 62 diē jià f /to fall in price/ 跌份 - 2 diē fèn f /(coll.) to lose face/ 跌倒 - 377 diē dǎo f /to tumble/to fall/fig. to suffer a reverse (in politics or business)/ 跌停板 - 4 diē tíng bǎn f /daily lower limit on the price of a stock/ 跌價 跌价 T - 62 diē jià f /to fall in price/ 跌宕 - 172 diē dàng f /uninhibited/free and unconstrained/rhythmical/ 跌宕昭彰 - 3 diē dàng zhāo zhāng f /flowing (of prose)/free/ 跌市 - 0 diē shì f /falling stock prices/bear market/ 跌幅 - 124 diē fú f /decline (in value)/extent of a drop/ 跌扑 跌撲 S - 0 diē pū f /to tumble/to stumble and fall/ 跌打损伤 跌打損傷 S - 3 diē dǎ sǔn shāng f /injury such as contusion, sprain or fracture from falling, blow etc/ 跌打損傷 跌打损伤 T - 3 diē dǎ sǔn shāng f /injury such as contusion, sprain or fracture from falling, blow etc/ 跌打药 跌打藥 S - 0 diē dǎ yào f /liniment/ 跌打藥 跌打药 T - 0 diē dǎ yào f /liniment/ 跌撲 跌扑 T - 0 diē pū f /to tumble/to stumble and fall/ 跌断 跌斷 S - 0 diē duàn f /to fall and fracture (a leg, vertebra etc)/ 跌斷 跌断 T - 0 diē duàn f /to fall and fracture (a leg, vertebra etc)/ 跌水 - 3 diē shuǐ f /drop of height in waterway/staircase of waterfalls/ 跌眼鏡 跌眼镜 T - 0 diē yǎn jìng f /to be taken aback/ 跌眼镜 跌眼鏡 S - 0 diē yǎn jìng f /to be taken aback/ 跌破眼鏡 跌破眼镜 T - 3 diē pò yǎn jìng f /see 跌眼鏡|跌眼镜[die1 yan3 jing4]/ 跌破眼镜 跌破眼鏡 S - 3 diē pò yǎn jìng f /see 跌眼鏡|跌眼镜[die1 yan3 jing4]/ 跌脚捶胸 跌腳捶胸 S - 3 diē jiǎo chuí xiōng f /lit. stamping and beating the chest (idiom); fig. angry or stressed about sth/ 跌腳捶胸 跌脚捶胸 T - 3 diē jiǎo chuí xiōng f /lit. stamping and beating the chest (idiom); fig. angry or stressed about sth/ 跌至 - 0 diē zhì f /to fall to/ 跌至谷底 - 0 diē zhì gǔ dǐ f /to hit rock bottom (idiom)/ 跌荡 跌蕩 S - 3 diē dàng f /variant of 跌宕[die1 dang4]/ 跌落 - 305 diē luò f /to fall/to drop/ 跌蕩 跌荡 T - 3 diē dàng f /variant of 跌宕[die1 dang4]/ 跌足 - 3 diē zú f /to stamp one's foot (in anger)/ 跌跌撞撞 - 144 diē die zhuàng zhuàng f /to stagger along/ 跌跌爬爬 - 0 diē diē pá pá f /stumbling along/ 跌跌跄跄 跌跌蹌蹌 S - 0 diē diē qiàng qiàng f /to dodder along/ 跌跌蹌蹌 跌跌跄跄 T - 0 diē diē qiàng qiàng f /to dodder along/ 跌跤 - 3 diē jiāo f /to fall down/to take a fall/ 跌进 跌進 S - 52 diē jìn f /to fall into/to dip below a certain level/ 跌進 跌进 T - 52 diē jìn f /to fall into/to dip below a certain level/ 跌風 跌风 T - 0 diē fēng f /falling prices/bear market/ 跌风 跌風 S - 0 diē fēng f /falling prices/bear market/ 跍 - 0 kū f /to squat/ 跎 - 60 tuó f /to stumble/to waste time/ 跏 - 39 jiā f /to sit cross-legged/ 跏趺 - 2 jiā fū f /to sit in the lotus position/ 跐 - 0 cǐ f /to trample/to step/to walk on the ball of the foot/ 跑 - 11414 páo f /(of an animal) to paw (the ground)/ 跑 - 11414 pǎo t /to run/to run away/to escape/to run around (on errands etc)/(of a gas or liquid) to leak or evaporate/(verb complement) away/off/ 跑了和尚,跑不了寺 - 0 pǎo le hé shàng , pǎo bù liǎo sì f /the monk can run away, but the temple won't run with him (idiom)/you can run this time, but you'll have to come back/I'll get you sooner or later/ 跑了和尚,跑不了庙 跑了和尚,跑不了廟 S - 0 pǎo le hé shàng , pǎo bù liǎo miào f /the monk can run away, but the temple won't run with him (idiom)/you can run this time, but you'll have to come back/I'll get you sooner or later/ 跑了和尚,跑不了廟 跑了和尚,跑不了庙 T - 0 pǎo le hé shàng , pǎo bù liǎo miào f /the monk can run away, but the temple won't run with him (idiom)/you can run this time, but you'll have to come back/I'll get you sooner or later/ 跑出 - 0 pǎo chū f /to run out/ 跑味 - 0 pǎo wèi f /to lose flavor/ 跑味儿 跑味兒 S - 0 pǎo wèi r f /to lose flavor/ 跑味兒 跑味儿 T - 0 pǎo wèi r f /to lose flavor/ 跑垒 跑壘 S - 24 pǎo lěi f /running between bases (in baseball)/ 跑垒员 跑壘員 S - 3 pǎo lěi yuán f /runner (in baseball)/ 跑堂 - 44 pǎo táng f /waiter (old)/ 跑堂儿的 跑堂兒的 S - 2 pǎo táng r de f /waiter/ 跑堂兒的 跑堂儿的 T - 2 pǎo táng r de f /waiter/ 跑壘 跑垒 T - 24 pǎo lěi f /running between bases (in baseball)/ 跑壘員 跑垒员 T - 3 pǎo lěi yuán f /runner (in baseball)/ 跑得了和尚,跑不了庙 跑得了和尚,跑不了廟 S - 0 pǎo dé liǎo hé shàng , pǎo bù liǎo miào f /the monk can run away, but the temple won't run with him (idiom)/you can run this time, but you'll have to come back/I'll get you sooner or later/ 跑得了和尚,跑不了廟 跑得了和尚,跑不了庙 T - 0 pǎo dé liǎo hé shàng , pǎo bù liǎo miào f /the monk can run away, but the temple won't run with him (idiom)/you can run this time, but you'll have to come back/I'll get you sooner or later/ 跑掉 - 3 pǎo diào f /to run away/to take to one's heels/ 跑步 293 164 pǎo bù f /to run/to jog/(military) to march at the double/ 跑步者 - 0 pǎo bù zhě f /runner/ 跑江湖 - 18 pǎo jiāng hú f /to make a living as a traveling performer etc/ 跑法 - 0 pǎo fǎ f /running style/racing technique/ 跑电 跑電 S - 3 pǎo diàn f /electrical leakage/ 跑神儿 跑神兒 S - 0 pǎo shén r f /absent-minded/one's mind is wandering/ 跑神兒 跑神儿 T - 0 pǎo shén r f /absent-minded/one's mind is wandering/ 跑票 - 0 pǎo piào f /to vote against the party line/to vote contrary to one's promise/ 跑腿 - 44 pǎo tuǐ f /to run errands/ 跑腿儿 跑腿兒 S - 4 pǎo tuǐ r f /to run errands/ 跑腿兒 跑腿儿 T - 4 pǎo tuǐ r f /to run errands/ 跑腿子 - 0 pǎo tuǐ zi f /(dialect) to live as a bachelor/bachelor/ 跑表 跑錶 S - 3 pǎo biǎo f /stopwatch/ 跑調 跑调 T - 3 pǎo diào f /to be off-key or out of tune (while singing) (colloquial)/ 跑警報 跑警报 T - 46 pǎo jǐng bào f /to run for shelter/ 跑警报 跑警報 S - 46 pǎo jǐng bào f /to run for shelter/ 跑调 跑調 S - 3 pǎo diào f /to be off-key or out of tune (while singing) (colloquial)/ 跑走 - 0 pǎo zǒu f /to escape/to flee/to run away/ 跑跑顛顛 跑跑颠颠 T - 3 pǎo pǎo diān diān f /to work hectically/to be on the go/to run around attending to various tasks/ 跑跑颠颠 跑跑顛顛 S - 3 pǎo pǎo diān diān f /to work hectically/to be on the go/to run around attending to various tasks/ 跑車 跑车 T - 43 pǎo chē f /racing bicycle/sporting bicycle/sports car/logging truck/on the job (of a train conductor)/ 跑车 跑車 S - 43 pǎo chē f /racing bicycle/sporting bicycle/sports car/logging truck/on the job (of a train conductor)/ 跑遍 - 66 pǎo biàn f /to go everywhere/to scour (the whole town)/ 跑道 - 357 pǎo dào f /athletic track/track/runway (i.e. airstrip)/ 跑酷 - 0 pǎo kù f /parkour, French sport invented by David Belle in 1980s, with the aim of efficiently traversing obstacles in the environment/ 跑錶 跑表 T - 3 pǎo biǎo f /stopwatch/ 跑電 跑电 T - 3 pǎo diàn f /electrical leakage/ 跑鞋 - 6 pǎo xié f /running shoes/ 跑題 跑题 T - 17 pǎo tí f /to digress/to stray from the topic/ 跑题 跑題 S - 17 pǎo tí f /to digress/to stray from the topic/ 跑馬 跑马 T - 70 pǎo mǎ f /horse race/to ride a horse at a fast pace/wet dream/ 跑馬圈地 跑马圈地 T - 0 pǎo mǎ quān dì f /rushing to stake one's claim in new markets/ 跑馬地 跑马地 T - 2 Pǎo mǎ dì f /Happy Valley (suburb of Hong Kong)/ 跑馬山 跑马山 T - 3 Pǎo mǎ Shān f /Paoma Mountain in Kangding 康定[Kang1 ding4], Sichuan/ 跑馬廳 跑马厅 T - 0 pǎo mǎ tīng f /horse racing track/racetrack/ 跑马 跑馬 S - 70 pǎo mǎ f /horse race/to ride a horse at a fast pace/wet dream/ 跑马厅 跑馬廳 S - 0 pǎo mǎ tīng f /horse racing track/racetrack/ 跑马圈地 跑馬圈地 S - 0 pǎo mǎ quān dì f /rushing to stake one's claim in new markets/ 跑马地 跑馬地 S - 2 Pǎo mǎ dì f /Happy Valley (suburb of Hong Kong)/ 跑马山 跑馬山 S - 3 Pǎo mǎ Shān f /Paoma Mountain in Kangding 康定[Kang1 ding4], Sichuan/ 跑龍套 跑龙套 T - 26 pǎo lóng tào f /to play a small role/ 跑龙套 跑龍套 S - 26 pǎo lóng tào f /to play a small role/ 跕 - 0 dié f /shuffle/ 跖 - 28 zhí f /variant of 蹠[zhi2]/ 跗 - 60 fū f /instep/tarsus/ 跙 - 0 jǔ f /weak, lame/ 跚 - 22 shān f /limp/ 跛 - 196 bǒ f /to limp/lame/crippled/ 跛子 - 63 bǒ zi f /lame person/cripple/ 跛脚 跛腳 S - 23 bǒ jiǎo f /to limp/lame person/ 跛腳 跛脚 T - 23 bǒ jiǎo f /to limp/lame person/ 跛足 - 28 bǒ zú f /lame/ 距 - 4166 jù f /at a distance of/distance/to be apart/ 距今 - 3 jù jīn f /before the present/(a long period) ago/ 距状皮层 距狀皮層 S - 0 jù zhuàng pí céng f /calcarine/ 距狀皮層 距状皮层 T - 0 jù zhuàng pí céng f /calcarine/ 距离 距離 S 933 4556 jù lí f /distance/CL:個|个[ge4]/to be apart from/ 距翅麥雞 距翅麦鸡 T - 0 jù chì mài jī f /(bird species of China) river lapwing (Vanellus duvaucelii)/ 距翅麦鸡 距翅麥雞 S - 0 jù chì mài jī f /(bird species of China) river lapwing (Vanellus duvaucelii)/ 距角 - 0 jù jiǎo f /elongation (astronomy)/ 距離 距离 T 933 4556 jù lí f /distance/CL:個|个[ge4]/to be apart from/ 跞 躒 S - 23 lì f /move/walk/ 跟 308 32393 gēn f /heel/to follow closely/to go with/(of a woman) to marry sb/with/compared with/to/towards/and (joining two nouns)/ 跟上 - 400 gēn shàng f /to catch up with/to keep pace with/ 跟不上 - 157 gēn bu shàng f /not able to keep up with/ 跟人 - 0 gēn rén f /to marry (of woman)/ 跟从 跟從 S - 0 gēn cóng f /to follow/(of a woman) to get married/(old) attendant/ 跟前 4218 769 gēn qián t /in front of/close to/nearby/the time just before/ 跟前 4218 769 gēn qian f /living with sb/nearby/ 跟包 - 3 gēn bāo f /to work as footman/to do odd jobs/to understudy (an opera actor)/ 跟头 跟頭 S - 111 gēn tou f /tumble/somersault/ 跟头虫 跟頭蟲 S - 0 gēn tou chóng f /wriggler/mosquito larva/ 跟屁股 - 0 gēn pì gu f /to tag along behind/to follow sb closely/ 跟屁虫 跟屁蟲 S - 4 gēn pì chóng f /lit. bum beetle/sb who tags along/shadow/sycophant/ 跟屁蟲 跟屁虫 T - 4 gēn pì chóng f /lit. bum beetle/sb who tags along/shadow/sycophant/ 跟差 - 0 gēn chāi f /attendant/ 跟從 跟从 T - 0 gēn cóng f /to follow/(of a woman) to get married/(old) attendant/ 跟手 - 0 gēn shǒu f /(coll.) pronto/immediately/ 跟拍 - 0 gēn pāi f /to document on film the course of events/to follow sb with a camera/ 跟注 - 0 gēn zhù f /to match a bet/to call (poker)/ 跟班 - 33 gēn bān f /attendant/footman (servant)/ 跟着 跟著 S - 1018 gēn zhe f /to follow after/immediately afterwards/ 跟脚 跟腳 S - 0 gēn jiǎo f /to feet the feet perfectly/to follow closely/hard on sb's heels/ 跟腱 - 6 gēn jiàn f /heel tendon of mammals/Achilles tendon/ 跟腳 跟脚 T - 0 gēn jiǎo f /to feet the feet perfectly/to follow closely/hard on sb's heels/ 跟著 跟着 T - 1018 gēn zhe f /to follow after/immediately afterwards/ 跟踪 跟蹤 S 2550 1222 gēn zōng f /to follow sb's tracks/to tail/to shadow/tracking/ 跟踪狂 跟蹤狂 S - 0 gēn zōng kuáng f /stalker/ 跟蹤 跟踪 T 2550 1222 gēn zōng f /to follow sb's tracks/to tail/to shadow/tracking/ 跟蹤狂 跟踪狂 T - 0 gēn zōng kuáng f /stalker/ 跟进 跟進 S - 220 gēn jìn f /to follow/to follow up/ 跟進 跟进 T - 220 gēn jìn f /to follow/to follow up/ 跟随 跟隨 S 3388 1269 gēn suí f /to follow/ 跟隨 跟随 T 3388 1269 gēn suí f /to follow/ 跟頭 跟头 T - 111 gēn tou f /tumble/somersault/ 跟頭蟲 跟头虫 T - 0 gēn tou chóng f /wriggler/mosquito larva/ 跟風 跟风 T - 65 gēn fēng f /to go with the tide/to blindly follow the crowd/to follow the trend/ 跟风 跟風 S - 65 gēn fēng f /to go with the tide/to blindly follow the crowd/to follow the trend/ 跡 迹 T - 580 jì f /footprint/mark/trace/vestige/sign/indication/Taiwan pr. [ji1]/ 跡線 迹线 T - 3 jì xiàn f /trajectory/ 跡證 迹证 T - 0 jì zhèng f /traces of/material evidence/ 跡象 迹象 T 2769 780 jì xiàng f /mark/indication/sign/indicator/ 跣 - 60 xiǎn f /barefooted/ 跤 - 173 jiāo f /a tumble/a fall/ 跥 跺 T - 990 duò f /variant of 跺[duo4]/ 跦 - 0 zhū f /pace back and forth/to walk/ 跧 - 0 quán f /to curl up/to crouch/ 跨 3297 2858 kuà f /to step across/to stride over/to straddle/to span/ 跨刀 - 0 kuà dāo f /to appear in sb's show/to give one's support/ 跨国 跨國 S - 322 kuà guó f /transnational/multinational/ 跨国公司 跨國公司 S - 438 kuà guó gōng sī f /transnational corporation/multinational corporation/ 跨国化 跨國化 S - 0 kuà guó huà f /to internationalize/to globalize/ 跨國 跨国 T - 322 kuà guó f /transnational/multinational/ 跨國公司 跨国公司 T - 438 kuà guó gōng sī f /transnational corporation/multinational corporation/ 跨國化 跨国化 T - 0 kuà guó huà f /to internationalize/to globalize/ 跨地区 跨地區 S - 3 kuà dì qū f /inter-regional/spanning two or more PRC provinces/ 跨地區 跨地区 T - 3 kuà dì qū f /inter-regional/spanning two or more PRC provinces/ 跨境 - 38 kuà jìng f /cross-border/ 跨学科 跨學科 S - 44 kuà xué kē f /interdisciplinary/spanning several branches of science/ 跨學科 跨学科 T - 44 kuà xué kē f /interdisciplinary/spanning several branches of science/ 跨平台 - 24 kuà píng tái f /cross-platform/ 跨年 - 0 kuà nián f /to step into the new year/New Year/ 跨度 - 599 kuà dù f /span/horizontal distance between vertical supports/ 跨接器 - 0 kuà jiē qì f /jumper (electronics)/ 跨文化 - 3 kuà wén huà f /intercultural/ 跨栏 跨欄 S - 32 kuà lán f /hurdles/hurdle race (athletics)/ 跨栏比赛 跨欄比賽 S - 0 kuà lán bǐ sài f /hurdling/hurdles race (athletics event)/ 跨欄 跨栏 T - 32 kuà lán f /hurdles/hurdle race (athletics)/ 跨欄比賽 跨栏比赛 T - 0 kuà lán bǐ sài f /hurdling/hurdles race (athletics event)/ 跨步 - 70 kuà bù f /to take a (striding) step/ 跨洲 - 3 kuà zhōu f /intercontinental/ 跨海大桥 跨海大橋 S - 3 kuà hǎi dà qiáo f /bay bridge (elevated bridge across stretch of water)/ 跨海大橋 跨海大桥 T - 3 kuà hǎi dà qiáo f /bay bridge (elevated bridge across stretch of water)/ 跨灶 跨竈 S - 0 kuà zào f /to surpass one's father/ 跨竈 跨灶 T - 0 kuà zào f /to surpass one's father/ 跨線橋 跨线桥 T - 0 kuà xiàn qiáo f /fly-over (road bridge)/ 跨线桥 跨線橋 S - 0 kuà xiàn qiáo f /fly-over (road bridge)/ 跨語言 跨语言 T - 0 kuà yǔ yán f /cross-language/polyglot/ 跨语言 跨語言 S - 0 kuà yǔ yán f /cross-language/polyglot/ 跨越 - 573 kuà yuè f /to step across/step over/ 跨越式 - 90 kuà yuè shì f /breakthrough/going beyond/leap-forward/unusual new development/ 跨过 跨過 S - 272 kuà guò f /to surmount/to cross over/ 跨過 跨过 T - 272 kuà guò f /to surmount/to cross over/ 跨院 - 0 kuà yuàn f /lateral court (in a Chinese house)/ 跨領域 跨领域 T - 0 kuà lǐng yù f /interdisciplinary/ 跨领域 跨領域 S - 0 kuà lǐng yù f /interdisciplinary/ 跨鶴 跨鹤 T - 0 kuà hè f /to die/to fly on a crane/ 跨鶴揚州 跨鹤扬州 T - 0 kuà hè Yáng zhōu f /lit. to ride a crane to Yangzhou/to become a Daoist immortal/to die/ 跨鶴西遊 跨鹤西游 T - 3 kuà hè xī yóu f /to die/ 跨鹤 跨鶴 S - 0 kuà hè f /to die/to fly on a crane/ 跨鹤扬州 跨鶴揚州 S - 0 kuà hè Yáng zhōu f /lit. to ride a crane to Yangzhou/to become a Daoist immortal/to die/ 跨鹤西游 跨鶴西遊 S - 3 kuà hè xī yóu f /to die/ 跩 - 2 zhuǎi f /to waddle/to swagger/(coll.) strutting/self-satisfied/ 跩文 - 0 zhuǎi wén f /see 轉文|转文[zhuai3 wen2] (Tw)/ 跪 3193 3466 guì f /to kneel/ 跪下 - 1636 guì xia f /to kneel down/ 跪伏 - 43 guì fú f /to crouch (of animal)/ 跪倒 - 568 guì dǎo f /to kneel down/to sink to one's knees/to grovel/ 跪叩 - 12 guì kòu f /to kowtow/ 跪地求饒 跪地求饶 T - 3 guì dì qiú ráo f /to kneel and beg forgiveness/ 跪地求饶 跪地求饒 S - 3 guì dì qiú ráo f /to kneel and beg forgiveness/ 跪拜 - 210 guì bài f /to kowtow/to kneel and worship/ 跪毯 - 0 guì tǎn f /a prayer mat/a carpet for kneeling/ 跪祷 跪禱 S - 0 guì dǎo f /to kneel in prayer/ 跪禱 跪祷 T - 0 guì dǎo f /to kneel in prayer/ 跫 - 108 qióng f /sound of footsteps/ 跬 - 16 kuǐ f /brief/short step/ 跮 - 0 chì f /hasty walking/ 路 223 27626 Lù f /surname Lu/ 路 223 27626 lù f /road/CL:條|条[tiao2]/journey/route/line (bus etc)/sort/kind/ 路上 - 2706 lù shang f /on the road/on a journey/road surface/ 路上比終點更有意義 路上比终点更有意义 T - 0 lù shang bǐ zhōng diǎn gèng yǒu yì yì f /The road means more than the destination./It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive./ 路上比终点更有意义 路上比終點更有意義 S - 0 lù shang bǐ zhōng diǎn gèng yǒu yì yì f /The road means more than the destination./It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive./ 路不拾遗 路不拾遺 S - 8 lù bù shí yí f /lit. no one picks up lost articles in the street (idiom); fig. honesty prevails throughout society/a time of peace and stability/ 路不拾遺 路不拾遗 T - 8 lù bù shí yí f /lit. no one picks up lost articles in the street (idiom); fig. honesty prevails throughout society/a time of peace and stability/ 路人 - 117 lù rén f /passerby/passer-by/stranger/ 路人皆知 - 28 lù rén jiē zhī f /understood by everyone (idiom); well known/a household name/ 路况 路況 S - 70 lù kuàng f /road condition(s) (e.g. surface, traffic flow etc)/ 路加 - 0 Lù jiā f /Luke/St Luke the evangelist/ 路加福音 - 3 Lù jiā Fú yīn f /Gospel according to St Luke/ 路北区 路北區 S - 3 Lù běi qū f /Lubei district of Tangshan city 唐山市[Tang2 shan1 shi4], Hebei/ 路北區 路北区 T - 3 Lù běi qū f /Lubei district of Tangshan city 唐山市[Tang2 shan1 shi4], Hebei/ 路南区 路南區 S - 5 Lù nán qū f /Lunan district of Tangshan city 唐山市[Tang2 shan1 shi4], Hebei/ 路南區 路南区 T - 5 Lù nán qū f /Lunan district of Tangshan city 唐山市[Tang2 shan1 shi4], Hebei/ 路南彝族自治县 路南彞族自治縣 S - 3 Lù nán Yí zú Zì zhì xiàn f /Lu'nan Yizu Autonomous County in Yunnan/ 路南彞族自治縣 路南彝族自治县 T - 3 Lù nán Yí zú Zì zhì xiàn f /Lu'nan Yizu Autonomous County in Yunnan/ 路口 - 416 lù kǒu f /crossing/intersection (of roads)/ 路向 - 82 lù xiàng f /road direction/(fig.) direction/path/ 路子 - 475 lù zi f /method/way/approach/ 路径 路徑 S - 486 lù jìng f /path/route/method/ways and means/ 路徑 路径 T - 486 lù jìng f /path/route/method/ways and means/ 路得 - 0 Lù dé f /Ruth (name)/variant of 路德[Lu4 de2]/Luther/ 路得記 路得记 T - 0 Lù dé jì f /Book of Ruth/ 路得记 路得記 S - 0 Lù dé jì f /Book of Ruth/ 路德 - 102 Lù dé f /Luther (name)/Martin Luther (1483-1546), reformation protestant minister/ 路德会 路德會 S - 3 Lù dé huì f /Lutheran church/ 路德宗 - 29 Lù dé zōng f /Lutheran church/ 路德會 路德会 T - 3 Lù dé huì f /Lutheran church/ 路德維希 路德维希 T - 35 Lù dé wéi xī f /Ludwig (name)/ 路德維希港 路德维希港 T - 6 Lù dé wéi xī gǎng f /Ludwigshafen am Rhein, German city on the Rhine opposite Mannheim/ 路德维希 路德維希 S - 35 Lù dé wéi xī f /Ludwig (name)/ 路德维希港 路德維希港 S - 6 Lù dé wéi xī gǎng f /Ludwigshafen am Rhein, German city on the Rhine opposite Mannheim/ 路德雀鶥 路德雀鹛 T - 0 Lù dé què méi f /(bird species of China) Ludlow's fulvetta (Fulvetta ludlowi)/ 路德雀鹛 路德雀鶥 S - 0 Lù dé què méi f /(bird species of China) Ludlow's fulvetta (Fulvetta ludlowi)/ 路怒症 - 0 lù nù zhèng f /road rage/ 路数 路數 S - 66 lù shù f /social connections/stratagem/method/approach/movement (martial arts)/(sb's) background story/ 路數 路数 T - 66 lù shù f /social connections/stratagem/method/approach/movement (martial arts)/(sb's) background story/ 路旁 - 355 lù páng f /roadside/ 路易 - 156 Lù yì f /Louis or Lewis (name)/ 路易·皮埃尔·阿尔都塞 路易·皮埃爾·阿爾都塞 S - 0 Lù yì · Pí āi ěr · A ěr dōu sāi f /Louis Pierre Althusser (1918-1990), Marxist philosopher/ 路易·皮埃爾·阿爾都塞 路易·皮埃尔·阿尔都塞 T - 0 Lù yì · Pí āi ěr · A ěr dōu sāi f /Louis Pierre Althusser (1918-1990), Marxist philosopher/ 路易威登 - 0 Lù yì Wēi dēng f /Louis Vuitton (brand)/ 路易斯 - 106 Lù yì sī f /Louis or Lewis (name)/ 路易斯·伊納西奧·盧拉·達席爾瓦 路易斯·伊纳西奥·卢拉·达席尔瓦 T - 0 Lù yì sī · Yī nà xī ào · Lú lā · Dá xí ěr wǎ f /Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the thirty-fifth President of Brazil/Lula/ 路易斯·伊纳西奥·卢拉·达席尔瓦 路易斯·伊納西奧·盧拉·達席爾瓦 S - 0 Lù yì sī · Yī nà xī ào · Lú lā · Dá xí ěr wǎ f /Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the thirty-fifth President of Brazil/Lula/ 路易斯安那 - 26 Lù yì sī ān nà f /Louisiana, US state/ 路易斯安那州 - 29 Lù yì sī ān nà zhōu f /Louisiana, US state/ 路易港 - 13 Lù yì gǎng f /Port Louis, capital of Mauritius/ 路条 路條 S - 0 lù tiáo f /travel pass/ 路标 路標 S - 53 lù biāo f /a roadsign/ 路桥 路橋 S - 698 Lù qiáo f /Luqiao district of Taizhou city 台州市[Tai1 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 路桥 路橋 S - 698 lù qiáo f /road bridge/ 路桥区 路橋區 S - 7 Lù qiáo qū f /Luqiao district of Taizhou city 台州市[Tai1 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 路條 路条 T - 0 lù tiáo f /travel pass/ 路標 路标 T - 53 lù biāo f /a roadsign/ 路橋 路桥 T - 698 Lù qiáo f /Luqiao district of Taizhou city 台州市[Tai1 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 路橋 路桥 T - 698 lù qiáo f /road bridge/ 路橋區 路桥区 T - 7 Lù qiáo qū f /Luqiao district of Taizhou city 台州市[Tai1 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 路氹 - 0 Lù dàng f /Cotai, portmanteau term referring to the islands of 路環|路环[Lu4 huan2] (Coloane) and 氹仔[Dang4 zai3] (Taipa) in Macau/the strip of reclaimed land between Coloane and Taipa/the island formed by Coloane, Taipa and the reclaimed land between them/ 路沙卡 - 0 Lù shā kǎ f /Lusaka, capital of Zambia (Tw)/ 路況 路况 T - 70 lù kuàng f /road condition(s) (e.g. surface, traffic flow etc)/ 路演 - 43 lù yǎn f /road show or promotional tour (for a product etc)/ 路灯 路燈 S - 446 lù dēng f /street lamp/street light/ 路燈 路灯 T - 446 lù dēng f /street lamp/street light/ 路环 路環 S - 2 Lù huán f /Coloane, an island of Macao/ 路環 路环 T - 2 Lù huán f /Coloane, an island of Macao/ 路由 - 67 lù yóu f /routing (in computer networks)/ 路由协定 路由協定 S - 0 lù yóu xié dìng f /routing protocol/ 路由协议 路由協議 S - 0 lù yóu xié yì f /routing protocols/ 路由協定 路由协定 T - 0 lù yóu xié dìng f /routing protocol/ 路由協議 路由协议 T - 0 lù yóu xié yì f /routing protocols/ 路由器 - 97 lù yóu qì f /router (computing)/ 路痴 - 3 lù chī f /person with a poor sense of direction/ 路码表 路碼表 S - 0 lù mǎ biǎo f /odometer/ 路碼表 路码表 T - 0 lù mǎ biǎo f /odometer/ 路稅 路税 T - 0 lù shuì f /road tax/ 路程 - 297 lù chéng f /route/path traveled/distance traveled/course (of development)/ 路税 路稅 S - 0 lù shuì f /road tax/ 路竹 - 3 Lù zhú f /Luzhu or Luchu township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/ 路竹乡 路竹鄉 S - 0 Lù zhú xiāng f /Luzhu or Luchu township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/ 路竹鄉 路竹乡 T - 0 Lù zhú xiāng f /Luzhu or Luchu township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/ 路線 路线 T - 4463 lù xiàn f /itinerary/route/political line (e.g. right revisionist road)/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 路線圖 路线图 T - 81 lù xiàn tú f /route map/roadmap (also fig.)/ 路緣 路缘 T - 0 lù yuán f /curb/ 路线 路線 S - 4463 lù xiàn f /itinerary/route/political line (e.g. right revisionist road)/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 路线图 路線圖 S - 81 lù xiàn tú f /route map/roadmap (also fig.)/ 路缘 路緣 S - 0 lù yuán f /curb/ 路虎 - 0 Lù hǔ f /Land Rover/ 路西弗 - 0 Lù xī fú f /Lucifer (Satan's name before his Fall in Jewish and Christian mythology)/ 路西法 - 0 Lù xī fǎ f /Lucifer (Satan's name before his Fall in Jewish and Christian mythology)/ 路費 路费 T - 68 lù fèi f /travel expenses/money for a voyage/toll/ 路费 路費 S - 68 lù fèi f /travel expenses/money for a voyage/toll/ 路軌 路轨 T - 10 lù guǐ f /track (railroad, streetcar etc)/ 路轨 路軌 S - 10 lù guǐ f /track (railroad, streetcar etc)/ 路边 路邊 S - 697 lù biān f /curb/roadside/wayside/ 路过 路過 S - 535 lù guò f /to pass by or through/ 路透 - 181 Lù tòu f /Reuters (news agency)/ 路透社 - 151 Lù tòu shè f /Reuters News Agency/ 路透金融詞典 路透金融词典 T - 0 Lù tòu jīn róng cí diǎn f /Reuter's Financial Glossary/ 路透金融词典 路透金融詞典 S - 0 Lù tòu jīn róng cí diǎn f /Reuter's Financial Glossary/ 路透集团 路透集團 S - 0 Lù tòu jí tuán f /Reuters group plc/ 路透集團 路透集团 T - 0 Lù tòu jí tuán f /Reuters group plc/ 路途遙遠 路途遥远 T - 3 lù tú yáo yuǎn f /distant/far-flung/ 路途遥远 路途遙遠 S - 3 lù tú yáo yuǎn f /distant/far-flung/ 路過 路过 T - 535 lù guò f /to pass by or through/ 路遙知馬力,日久見人心 路遥知马力,日久见人心 T - 0 lù yáo zhī mǎ lì , rì jiǔ jiàn rén xīn f /just as distance determines the stamina of a horse, so does time reveal a person's true heart (proverb)/ 路遥知马力,日久见人心 路遙知馬力,日久見人心 S - 0 lù yáo zhī mǎ lì , rì jiǔ jiàn rén xīn f /just as distance determines the stamina of a horse, so does time reveal a person's true heart (proverb)/ 路邊 路边 T - 697 lù biān f /curb/roadside/wayside/ 路障 - 45 lù zhàng f /a road-block/a barricade/ 路霸 - 3 lù bà f /highway tyrant/road hog/ 路面 - 494 lù miàn f /pavement/ 跱 - 0 zhì f /to squat/to stop/ 跲 - 0 jiá f /to stumble/ 跳 - 8462 tiào f /to jump/to hop/to skip over/to bounce/to palpitate/ 跳一只脚 跳一隻腳 S - 0 tiào yī zhī jiǎo f /to hop on one leg/ 跳一隻腳 跳一只脚 T - 0 tiào yī zhī jiǎo f /to hop on one leg/ 跳井 - 31 tiào jǐng f /to jump into a well (to drown oneself, esp. of ladies in fiction)/ 跳价 跳價 S - 3 tiào jià f /price jump/ 跳伞 跳傘 S - 210 tiào sǎn f /to parachute/to bail out/parachute jumping/ 跳傘 跳伞 T - 210 tiào sǎn f /to parachute/to bail out/parachute jumping/ 跳價 跳价 T - 3 tiào jià f /price jump/ 跳出 - 461 tiào chū f /to jump out/fig. to appear suddenly/ 跳出火坑 - 3 tiào chū huǒ kēng f /lit. to jump out of a fire pit (idiom); to escape from a living hell/to free oneself from a life of torture/ 跳出釜底进火坑 跳出釜底進火坑 S - 0 tiào chū fǔ dǐ jìn huǒ kēng f /out of the frying pan into the fire (idiom)/ 跳出釜底進火坑 跳出釜底进火坑 T - 0 tiào chū fǔ dǐ jìn huǒ kēng f /out of the frying pan into the fire (idiom)/ 跳动 跳動 S - 412 tiào dòng f /to throb/to pulse/to bounce/to jiggle/to jump about/ 跳動 跳动 T - 412 tiào dòng f /to throb/to pulse/to bounce/to jiggle/to jump about/ 跳台 跳臺 S - 129 tiào tái f /diving platform/diving tower/landing platform/ 跳台滑雪 跳臺滑雪 S - 0 tiào tái huá xuě f /ski jumping/ 跳弹 跳彈 S - 0 tiào dàn f /ricochet/ 跳彈 跳弹 T - 0 tiào dàn f /ricochet/ 跳房子 - 3 tiào fáng zi f /hopscotch/to play hopscotch/ 跳挡 跳擋 S - 0 tiào dǎng f /(of a car) to slip out of gear/to pop out of gear/ 跳擋 跳挡 T - 0 tiào dǎng f /(of a car) to slip out of gear/to pop out of gear/ 跳板 - 223 tiào bǎn f /springboard/jumping-off point/gangplank/ 跳棋 - 18 tiào qí f /Chinese checkers/ 跳楼 跳樓 S - 68 tiào lóu f /to jump from a building (to kill oneself)/fig. to sell at a large discount (in advertising)/ 跳槽 - 955 tiào cáo f /to change jobs/job-hopping/ 跳樓 跳楼 T - 68 tiào lóu f /to jump from a building (to kill oneself)/fig. to sell at a large discount (in advertising)/ 跳水 - 332 tiào shuǐ f /to dive/diving (sport, a Chinese specialty)/ 跳河 - 23 tiào hé f /to drown oneself by jumping into the river/ 跳电 跳電 S - 0 tiào diàn f /(of a circuit breaker or switch) to trip/ 跳皮筋 - 7 tiào pí jīn f /to play rubber band jump rope/ 跳票 - 3 tiào piào f /bounced (bank) check/ 跳級 跳级 T - 5 tiào jí f /to jump a year (at college)/ 跳級生 跳级生 T - 0 tiào jí shēng f /student who jumps a year/ 跳繩 跳绳 T - 52 tiào shéng f /to jump rope/jump rope/ 跳级 跳級 S - 5 tiào jí f /to jump a year (at college)/ 跳级生 跳級生 S - 0 tiào jí shēng f /student who jumps a year/ 跳绳 跳繩 S - 52 tiào shéng f /to jump rope/jump rope/ 跳脚 跳腳 S - 37 tiào jiǎo f /to stomp or hop about (in anxiety, anger etc)/to dance on one's feet/hopping mad (anxious, etc)/ 跳腳 跳脚 T - 37 tiào jiǎo f /to stomp or hop about (in anxiety, anger etc)/to dance on one's feet/hopping mad (anxious, etc)/ 跳臺 跳台 T - 129 tiào tái f /diving platform/diving tower/landing platform/ 跳臺滑雪 跳台滑雪 T - 0 tiào tái huá xuě f /ski jumping/ 跳舞 249 336 tiào wǔ f /to dance/ 跳蚤 - 53 tiào zao f /flea/ 跳蚤市场 跳蚤市場 S - 21 tiào zǎo shì chǎng f /flea market/ 跳蚤市場 跳蚤市场 T - 21 tiào zǎo shì chǎng f /flea market/ 跳跃 跳躍 S 3092 447 tiào yuè f /to jump/to leap/to bound/to skip/ 跳跳糖 - 0 tiào tiào táng f /Pop Rocks/popping candy/ 跳躍 跳跃 T 3092 447 tiào yuè f /to jump/to leap/to bound/to skip/ 跳进 跳進 S - 206 tiào jìn f /to plunge into/to jump into/ 跳进黄河洗不清 跳進黃河洗不清 S - 0 tiào jìn Huáng Hé xǐ bù qīng f /lit. even jumping into the Yellow River can't get you clean/fig. to become inexorably mixed up/mired in controversy/in deep trouble/ 跳远 跳遠 S - 77 tiào yuǎn f /long jump (athletics)/ 跳進 跳进 T - 206 tiào jìn f /to plunge into/to jump into/ 跳進黃河洗不清 跳进黄河洗不清 T - 0 tiào jìn Huáng Hé xǐ bù qīng f /lit. even jumping into the Yellow River can't get you clean/fig. to become inexorably mixed up/mired in controversy/in deep trouble/ 跳遠 跳远 T - 77 tiào yuǎn f /long jump (athletics)/ 跳閘 跳闸 T - 7 tiào zhá f /(of a circuit breaker or switch) to trip/ 跳闸 跳閘 S - 7 tiào zhá f /(of a circuit breaker or switch) to trip/ 跳集体舞 跳集體舞 S - 0 tiào jí tǐ wǔ f /communal dancing/ 跳集體舞 跳集体舞 T - 0 tiào jí tǐ wǔ f /communal dancing/ 跳電 跳电 T - 0 tiào diàn f /(of a circuit breaker or switch) to trip/ 跳頻 跳频 T - 0 tiào pín f /frequency-hopping spread spectrum/ 跳频 跳頻 S - 0 tiào pín f /frequency-hopping spread spectrum/ 跳馬 跳马 T - 49 tiào mǎ f /vault (gymnastics)/ 跳马 跳馬 S - 49 tiào mǎ f /vault (gymnastics)/ 跳高 - 76 tiào gāo f /high jump (athletics)/ 跴 踩 T 1596 1241 cǎi f /variant of 踩[cai3]/ 践 踐 S - 419 jiàn f /to fulfill (a promise)/to tread/to walk/ 践约 踐約 S - 17 jiàn yuē f /to keep an promise/to keep an appointment/to honor an agreement/to practice economy/ 践踏 踐踏 S 4096 239 jiàn tà f /to trample/ 跶 躂 S - 59 dā f /to stumble/to slip/variant of 達|达[da2]/ 跷 蹺 S - 193 qiāo f /to raise one's foot/to stand on tiptoe/stilts/ 跷 蹻 S - 193 qiāo f /variant of 蹺|跷[qiao1]/to raise one's foot/stilts/ 跷家 蹺家 S - 0 qiāo jiā f /to run away from home/ 跷班 蹺班 S - 0 qiāo bān f /see 翹班|翘班[qiao4 ban1]/ 跷课 蹺課 S - 3 qiāo kè f /to avoid attending classes/ 跷跷板 蹺蹺板 S - 4 qiāo qiāo bǎn f /see-saw/ 跸 蹕 S - 70 bì f /to clear streets when emperor tours/ 跹 躚 S - 44 xiān f /to manner of dancing/to walk around/ 跺 跥 S - 990 duò f /variant of 跺[duo4]/ 跺 - 990 duò f /to stamp one's feet/ 跻 躋 S - 41 jī f /to go up (esp. in rank)/to rise/to ascend/ 跻身 躋身 S - 487 jī shēn f /to rise (in society)/ 跼 - 4 jú f /cramped/narrow/ 跽 - 12 jì f /kneel/ 踁 胫 T - 567 jìng f /variant of 脛|胫[jing4]/ 踅 - 529 chì f /walk with one leg/ 踅 - 529 xué t /to walk around/turn back midway/ 踅摸 - 0 xué mo f /to look for/to seek (colloq.)/ 踆 - 0 qūn f /squat/ 踈 - 0 shū f /variant of 疏[shu1]/ 踉 - 35 liáng t /jump/ 踉 - 35 liàng f /stagger/sway from side to side/ 踉跄 踉蹌 S - 345 liàng qiàng f /to stagger/to stumble/ 踉蹌 踉跄 T - 345 liàng qiàng f /to stagger/to stumble/ 踉蹡 - 0 liàng qiàng f /variant of 踉蹌|踉跄[liang4 qiang4]/ 踊 - 126 yǒng f /leap/ 踊 踴 S - 126 yǒng f /leap/ 踊跃 踴躍 S 4980 252 yǒng yuè f /to leap/to jump/eager/enthusiastically/ 踋 - 0 jiǎo f /old variant of 腳|脚[jiao3]/ 踌 躊 S - 7 chóu f /to pace back and forth/to hesitate/to waver/ 踌蹰 躊躕 S - 3 chóu chú f /variant of 躊躇|踌躇[chou2 chu2]/ 踌躇 躊躇 S - 518 chóu chú f /to hesitate/ 踌躇不决 躊躇不決 S - 9 chóu chú bù jué f /to hesitate/indecisive/ 踌躇满志 躊躇滿志 S - 91 chóu chú mǎn zhì f /enormously proud of one's success (idiom); smug/complacent/ 踏 - 1817 tā f /see 踏實|踏实[ta1 shi5]/ 踏 - 1817 tà t /to tread/to stamp/to step on/to press a pedal/to investigate on the spot/ 踏上 - 718 tà shàng f /to set foot on/to step on or into/ 踏勘 - 42 tà kān f /to go and inspect (a site)/to do an on-site survey/ 踏垫 踏墊 S - 0 tà diàn f /floor mat/bathroom mat/car mat/doormat/ 踏墊 踏垫 T - 0 tà diàn f /floor mat/bathroom mat/car mat/doormat/ 踏实 踏實 S 4571 516 tā shi f /firmly based/steady/steadfast/to have peace of mind/free from anxiety/Taiwan pr. [ta4 shi2]/ 踏實 踏实 T 4571 516 tā shi f /firmly based/steady/steadfast/to have peace of mind/free from anxiety/Taiwan pr. [ta4 shi2]/ 踏春 - 3 tà chūn f /to go for a hike in spring/ 踏月 - 7 tà yuè f /to go for a walk in the moonlight/ 踏板 - 74 tà bǎn f /pedal (in a car, on a piano etc)/treadle/footstool/footrest/footboard/ 踏板摩托車 踏板摩托车 T - 0 tà bǎn mó tuō chē f /scooter/ 踏板摩托车 踏板摩托車 S - 0 tà bǎn mó tuō chē f /scooter/ 踏板車 踏板车 T - 3 tà bǎn chē f /scooter/ 踏板车 踏板車 S - 3 tà bǎn chē f /scooter/ 踏查 - 4 tà chá f /to investigate on the spot/ 踏歌 - 8 tà gē f /to sing and dance/general term for a round dance/ 踏步 - 107 tà bù f /stride/to step (on the spot)/to mark time/at a standstill/ 踏步不前 - 0 tà bù bù qián f /to be at a standstill/to mark time/ 踏看 - 7 tà kàn f /to investigate on the spot/ 踏破鐵鞋無覓處,得來全不費工夫 踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫 T - 0 tà pò tiě xié wú mì chù , dé lái quán bù fèi gōng fu f /to travel far and wide looking for sth, only to find it easily/ 踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫 踏破鐵鞋無覓處,得來全不費工夫 S - 0 tà pò tiě xié wú mì chù , dé lái quán bù fèi gōng fu f /to travel far and wide looking for sth, only to find it easily/ 踏破門檻 踏破门槛 T - 0 tā pò mén kǎn f /to wear out the doorstep (idiom)/to crowd at sb's door/ 踏破门槛 踏破門檻 S - 0 tā pò mén kǎn f /to wear out the doorstep (idiom)/to crowd at sb's door/ 踏袭 踏襲 S - 0 tà xí f /to follow blindly/ 踏襲 踏袭 T - 0 tà xí f /to follow blindly/ 踏訪 踏访 T - 13 tà fǎng f /to interview people on the spot/to go around and make inquiries/ 踏访 踏訪 S - 13 tà fǎng f /to interview people on the spot/to go around and make inquiries/ 踏足 - 27 tà zú f /to visit/to land in/ 踏踏实实 踏踏實實 S - 95 tā tā shí shí f /steady/steadfast/ 踏踏實實 踏踏实实 T - 95 tā tā shí shí f /steady/steadfast/ 踏車 踏车 T - 0 tà chē f /treadwheel/treadmill/ 踏车 踏車 S - 0 tà chē f /treadwheel/treadmill/ 踏进 踏進 S - 211 tà jìn f /to set foot in/to tread (in or on)/to walk into/ 踏進 踏进 T - 211 tà jìn f /to set foot in/to tread (in or on)/to walk into/ 踏雪 - 53 tà xuě f /to go for a walk in the snow/ 踏雪寻梅 踏雪尋梅 S - 4 tà xuě xún méi f /to walk in the snow to view the flowering plum/ 踏雪尋梅 踏雪寻梅 T - 4 tà xuě xún méi f /to walk in the snow to view the flowering plum/ 踏青 - 76 tà qīng f /lit. tread the green; go for a walk in the spring (when the grass has turned green)/spring hike season around Qingming festival 清明, 4th-6th April/ 踏青賞春 踏青赏春 T - 0 tà qīng shǎng chūn f /to enjoy a beautiful spring walk (idiom)/ 踏青賞花 踏青赏花 T - 0 tà qīng shǎng huā f /to enjoy the flowers on a spring outing (idiom)/ 踏青赏春 踏青賞春 S - 0 tà qīng shǎng chūn f /to enjoy a beautiful spring walk (idiom)/ 踏青赏花 踏青賞花 S - 0 tà qīng shǎng huā f /to enjoy the flowers on a spring outing (idiom)/ 踐 践 T - 419 jiàn f /to fulfill (a promise)/to tread/to walk/ 踐約 践约 T - 17 jiàn yuē f /to keep an promise/to keep an appointment/to honor an agreement/to practice economy/ 踐踏 践踏 T 4096 239 jiàn tà f /to trample/ 踒 - 47 wō f /to slip and sprain a limb/ 踔 - 97 chuō f /to get ahead/to stride/to excel/Taiwan pr. [zhuo2]/ 踖 - 0 jí f /to step/walk reverently/ 踘 - 0 jū f /leather ball/Taiwan pr. [ju2]/ 踜 - 32 lèng f /to stumble/to slip/to fall/ 踝 - 89 huái f /ankle/ 踝骨 - 9 huái gǔ f /ankle bone/ankle/ 踞 - 171 jù f /to be based upon/to squat/ 踟 - 3 chí f /hesitating/undecided/hesitant/ 踟蹰 踟躕 S - 60 chí chú f /to waver/to hesitate/ 踟蹰不前 踟躕不前 S - 3 chí chú bu qián f /hesitant to take action/ 踟躇 - 3 chí chú f /variant of 踟躕|踟蹰[chi2 chu2]/ 踟躕 踟蹰 T - 60 chí chú f /to waver/to hesitate/ 踟躕不前 踟蹰不前 T - 3 chí chú bu qián f /hesitant to take action/ 踠 - 8 wǎn f /ankle/fetlock/bent/crooked/ 踡 - 0 quán f /to curl up/ 踢 - 2993 tī f /to kick/to play (e.g. soccer)/ 踢爆 - 0 tī bào f /to reveal/to expose/ 踢脚板 踢腳板 S - 3 tī jiǎo bǎn f /baseboard/skirting board/ 踢脚线 踢腳線 S - 3 tī jiǎo xiàn f /skirting board/ 踢腳板 踢脚板 T - 3 tī jiǎo bǎn f /baseboard/skirting board/ 踢腳線 踢脚线 T - 3 tī jiǎo xiàn f /skirting board/ 踢踏舞 - 8 tī tà wǔ f /tap dance/ 踢蹋舞 - 0 tī tà wǔ f /tap dance/step dance/ 踢馬刺 踢马刺 T - 0 tī mǎ cì f /horse spur/ 踢马刺 踢馬刺 S - 0 tī mǎ cì f /horse spur/ 踣 - 5 bó f /corpse/prostrate/ 踤 - 0 cù f /to butt against/ 踥 - 12 qiè f /to walk with small steps/ 踥踥 - 0 qiè qiè f /moving back and forth/ 踥蹀 - 0 qiè dié f /walking/in motion/ 踦 - 47 jǐ f /shin/ 踧 - 0 cù f /carefully/level/smooth/ 踩 跴 S 1596 1241 cǎi f /variant of 踩[cai3]/ 踩 1596 1241 cǎi f /to step on/to tread/to stamp/to press a pedal/to pedal (a bike)/ 踩刹车 踩剎車 S - 0 cǎi shā chē f /to step on the brake/to brake (when driving)/ 踩剎車 踩刹车 T - 0 cǎi shā chē f /to step on the brake/to brake (when driving)/ 踩动 踩動 S - 0 cǎi dòng f /to operate by means of a pedal/ 踩動 踩动 T - 0 cǎi dòng f /to operate by means of a pedal/ 踩失脚 踩失腳 S - 0 cǎi shī jiǎo f /to lose one's footing/ 踩失腳 踩失脚 T - 0 cǎi shī jiǎo f /to lose one's footing/ 踩水 - 6 cǎi shuǐ f /to tread water/to paddle or tramp in shallow water/ 踩線 踩线 T - 0 cǎi xiàn f /to scout for a tour operator/to reconnoiter a potential tour itinerary/(tennis) to commit a foot fault/ 踩線團 踩线团 T - 0 cǎi xiàn tuán f /group on a tour to get acquainted with the local situation/ 踩线 踩線 S - 0 cǎi xiàn f /to scout for a tour operator/to reconnoiter a potential tour itinerary/(tennis) to commit a foot fault/ 踩线团 踩線團 S - 0 cǎi xiàn tuán f /group on a tour to get acquainted with the local situation/ 踩踏 - 80 cǎi tà f /to trample on/ 踩道 - 0 cǎi dào f /to scout/to reconnoiter/ 踩高跷 踩高蹺 S - 14 cǎi gāo qiāo f /to walk on stilts/ 踩高蹺 踩高跷 T - 14 cǎi gāo qiāo f /to walk on stilts/ 踪 蹤 S - 388 zōng f /footprint/trace/tracks/ 踪影 蹤影 S - 367 zōng yǐng f /trace/vestige/presence/ 踪迹 蹤跡 S 3542 458 zōng jì f /tracks/trail/footprint/trace/vestige/ 踫 碰 T 1264 1888 pèng f /old variant of 碰[peng4]/ 踬 躓 S - 7 zhì f /to stumble/ 踮 - 78 diǎn f /to stand on tiptoe/Taiwan pr. [dian4]/ 踮脚尖 踮腳尖 S - 0 diǎn jiǎo jiān f /to stand on tiptoe/ 踮腳尖 踮脚尖 T - 0 diǎn jiǎo jiān f /to stand on tiptoe/ 踯 躑 S - 0 zhí f /hesitating/to stop/ 踯躅 躑躅 S - 20 zhí zhú f /to tread/to tramp/to loiter/to hover around/ 踰 逾 T - 769 yú f /variant of 逾[yu2]/ 踱 - 457 duó f /to stroll/to pace/Taiwan pr. [duo4]/ 踱方步 - 2 duó fāng bù f /to pace/to stroll/ 踱步 - 115 duó bù f /to pace back and forth/to stroll/ 踴 踊 T - 126 yǒng f /leap/ 踴躍 踊跃 T 4980 252 yǒng yuè f /to leap/to jump/eager/enthusiastically/ 踵 - 56 zhǒng f /to arrive/to follow/heel/ 踶 - 0 dì f /to kick/to tread on/ 踶跂 - 0 dì zhī f /over-confident and conceited mannerisms/ 踹 - 308 chuài f /to kick/to trample/to tread on/ 踺 - 0 jiàn f /somersault (in gymnastics or dance)/head-over-heels/aerial flip/also written 踺子/ 踺子 - 5 jiàn zǐ f /somersault (in gymnastics or dance)/head-over-heels/aerial flip/ 踼 - 0 táng f /to fall flat/to fall on the face/ 踽 - 0 jǔ f /hunchbacked/walk alone/ 踽踽独行 踽踽獨行 S - 6 jǔ jǔ dú xíng f /to walk alone (idiom)/ 踽踽獨行 踽踽独行 T - 6 jǔ jǔ dú xíng f /to walk alone (idiom)/ 蹀 - 5 dié f /to tread on/to stamp one's foot/ 蹀儿鸭子 蹀兒鴨子 S - 0 dié r yā zi f /to run away/to escape/ 蹀兒鴨子 蹀儿鸭子 T - 0 dié r yā zi f /to run away/to escape/ 蹀血 - 0 dié xuè f /variant of 喋血[die2 xue4]/ 蹀足 - 0 dié zú f /to stamp the feet (formal writing)/ 蹀蹀 - 0 dié dié f /to walk in a mincing gait (formal writing)/ 蹀躞 - 7 dié xiè f /to walk in small steps/to pace about/ 蹁 - 2 pián f /to limp/ 蹂 - 5 róu f /trample/ 蹂躏 蹂躪 S - 424 róu lìn f /to ravage/to devastate/to trample on/to violate/ 蹂躪 蹂躏 T - 424 róu lìn f /to ravage/to devastate/to trample on/to violate/ 蹄 - 420 tí f /hoof/pig's trotters/ 蹄 蹏 S - 420 tí f /variant of 蹄[ti2]/ 蹄印 - 3 tí yìn f /hoofprint/ 蹄子 - 296 tí zi f /hoof/(old) wench/hussy/ 蹇 - 1580 Jiǎn f /surname Jian/ 蹇 - 1580 jiǎn f /lame/cripple/unfortunate/slow/difficult/nag (inferior horse)/donkey/lame horse/ 蹇修 - 0 jiǎn xiū f /go-between/matchmaker/ 蹇拙 - 0 jiǎn zhuō f /clumsy (writing)/awkward/obscure/ 蹇涩 蹇澀 S - 0 jiǎn sè f /awkward/lame/difficulty (esp. in moving)/not smooth/ 蹇滞 蹇滯 S - 0 jiǎn zhì f /awkward/ominous/unfavorable/ 蹇滯 蹇滞 T - 0 jiǎn zhì f /awkward/ominous/unfavorable/ 蹇澀 蹇涩 T - 0 jiǎn sè f /awkward/lame/difficulty (esp. in moving)/not smooth/ 蹇运 蹇運 S - 0 jiǎn yùn f /misfortune/bad luck/ 蹇運 蹇运 T - 0 jiǎn yùn f /misfortune/bad luck/ 蹈 - 134 dǎo f /to tread on/to trample/to stamp/to fulfill/Taiwan pr. [dao4]/ 蹈常袭故 蹈常襲故 S - 3 dǎo cháng xí gù f /follow the same old path (idiom); stuck in a rut/always the same routine/ 蹈常襲故 蹈常袭故 T - 3 dǎo cháng xí gù f /follow the same old path (idiom); stuck in a rut/always the same routine/ 蹉 - 8 cuō f /to error/to slip/to miss/to err/ 蹉跎 - 23 cuō tuó f /wasted time/to take a wrong step in life/ 蹊 - 4 xī f /footpath/ 蹊径 蹊徑 S - 30 xī jìng f /path/way/ 蹊徑 蹊径 T - 30 xī jìng f /path/way/ 蹊跷 蹊蹺 S - 256 qī qiāo f /odd/queer/strange/fishy/Taiwan pr. [xi1 qiao1]/ 蹊蹺 蹊跷 T - 256 qī qiāo f /odd/queer/strange/fishy/Taiwan pr. [xi1 qiao1]/ 蹋 - 121 tà f /to step on/ 蹌 跄 T - 21 qiāng t /walk rapidly/ 蹌 跄 T - 21 qiàng f /stagger/sway from side to side/ 蹌踉 跄踉 T - 0 qiàng liàng f /see 踉蹌|踉跄[liang4 qiang4]/ 蹎 - 0 diān f /to fall forward/etymological variant of 顛|颠[dian1]/ 蹏 蹄 T - 420 tí f /variant of 蹄[ti2]/ 蹐 - 6 jí f /walk with short steps/ 蹑 躡 S - 83 niè f /to walk on tiptoe/to walk quietly/to tread (on)/to follow/ 蹑履 躡履 S - 0 niè lǚ f /to wear shoes/ 蹑悄悄 躡悄悄 S - 3 niè qiāo qiāo f /softly/quietly/ 蹑手蹑脚 躡手躡腳 S - 97 niè shǒu niè jiǎo f /to walk quietly on tiptoe (idiom)/ 蹑机 躡機 S - 0 niè jī f /silk loom with a foot peddle/ 蹑登 躡登 S - 0 niè dēng f /to go up/ 蹑着脚 躡著腳 S - 3 niè zhe jiǎo f /to tiptoe/ 蹑脚 躡腳 S - 3 niè jiǎo f /to walk cautiously in order not to make noise/ 蹑脚根 躡腳根 S - 3 niè jiǎo gēn f /variant of 躡腳跟|蹑脚跟[nie4 jiao3 gen1]/ 蹑脚跟 躡腳跟 S - 0 niè jiǎo gēn f /to walk cautiously in order not to make noise/ 蹑足 躡足 S - 43 niè zú f /to walk on tiptoe/to step on sb's foot/to join (a trade, profession etc)/to associate with (a certain group of people)/ 蹑跟 躡跟 S - 0 niè gēn f /too large or small for the feet (of shoes)/ 蹑踪 躡蹤 S - 3 niè zōng f /to follow along behind sb (formal writing)/ 蹑蹀 躡蹀 S - 0 niè dié f /to walk with mincing steps/ 蹑迹 躡跡 S - 0 niè jì f /to follow sb's tracks/to tail/ 蹒 蹣 S - 5 pán f /limp/ 蹒跚 蹣跚 S - 124 pán shān f /to walk unsteadily/to stagger/to lurch/to hobble/to totter/ 蹒跚不前 蹣跚不前 S - 0 pán shān bù qián f /to falter/to stall/ 蹓 - 27 liù f /to stroll/walk a horse/ 蹔 暂 T - 1406 zàn f /to scurry/variant of 暫|暂[zan4]/ 蹕 跸 T - 70 bì f /to clear streets when emperor tours/ 蹙 - 353 cù f /to knit (one's brows)/wrinkled (of brows)/to hesitate/distressed/ 蹙眉 - 42 cù méi f /to frown/ 蹚 - 197 tāng f /to wade/to trample/ 蹜 - 0 suō f /walk carefully/ 蹝 - 0 xǐ f /slippers/ 蹟 迹 T - 580 jì f /variant of 跡|迹[ji4]/ 蹠 - 36 zhí f /metatarsus/sole of foot/to tread on/ 蹡 - 11 qiāng t /(manner of walking)/ 蹡 - 11 qiàng f /see 踉蹡[liang4 qiang4]/ 蹢 - 0 dí f /hoof/ 蹣 蹒 T - 5 pán f /limp/ 蹣跚 蹒跚 T - 124 pán shān f /to walk unsteadily/to stagger/to lurch/to hobble/to totter/ 蹣跚不前 蹒跚不前 T - 0 pán shān bù qián f /to falter/to stall/ 蹤 踪 T - 388 zōng f /footprint/trace/tracks/ 蹤影 踪影 T - 367 zōng yǐng f /trace/vestige/presence/ 蹤跡 踪迹 T 3542 458 zōng jì f /tracks/trail/footprint/trace/vestige/ 蹦 3186 501 bèng f /to jump/to bounce/to hop/ 蹦儿 蹦兒 S - 0 bèng r f /erhua variant of 蹦[beng4]/ 蹦兒 蹦儿 T - 0 bèng r f /erhua variant of 蹦[beng4]/ 蹦出來 蹦出来 T - 3 bèng chū lai f /to crop up/to pop up/to emerge abruptly/ 蹦出来 蹦出來 S - 3 bèng chū lai f /to crop up/to pop up/to emerge abruptly/ 蹦床 - 5 bèng chuáng f /trampoline/ 蹦极 蹦極 S - 15 bèng jí f /bungee jumping (loanword)/ 蹦極 蹦极 T - 15 bèng jí f /bungee jumping (loanword)/ 蹦跳 - 51 bèng tiào f /to hop/to jump/ 蹦跶 蹦躂 S - 0 bèng da f /to bounce/to jump/to hop/also variant of 蹦達|蹦达[beng4 da2]/ 蹦蹦儿车 蹦蹦兒車 S - 3 bèng bèng r chē f /motor tricycle (onom. bang-bang car)/ 蹦蹦兒車 蹦蹦儿车 T - 3 bèng bèng r chē f /motor tricycle (onom. bang-bang car)/ 蹦蹦跳跳 - 19 bèng bèng tiào tiào f /bouncing and vivacious/ 蹦躂 蹦跶 T - 0 bèng da f /to bounce/to jump/to hop/also variant of 蹦達|蹦达[beng4 da2]/ 蹦达 蹦達 S - 5 bèng dá f /active/still bouncy (esp. of old person)/ 蹦迪 - 12 bèng dí f /disco dancing/to dance at a disco/ 蹦達 蹦达 T - 5 bèng dá f /active/still bouncy (esp. of old person)/ 蹦高 - 3 bèng gāo f /to jump/ 蹦高儿 蹦高兒 S - 0 bèng gāo r f /erhua variant of 蹦高[beng4 gao1]/ 蹦高兒 蹦高儿 T - 0 bèng gāo r f /erhua variant of 蹦高[beng4 gao1]/ 蹧 - 3 zāo f /see 蹧蹋[zao1 ta4]/ 蹧塌 - 0 zāo tà f /variant of 糟蹋[zao1 ta4]/ 蹧蹋 - 3 zāo tà f /variant of 糟蹋[zao1 ta4]/ 蹩 - 31 bié f /limp/ 蹩脚 蹩腳 S - 48 bié jiǎo f /inferior/shoddy/lousy/lame/ 蹩腳 蹩脚 T - 48 bié jiǎo f /inferior/shoddy/lousy/lame/ 蹪 - 0 tuí f /to stumble/to fall/ 蹬 4047 492 dēng f /to step on/to tread on/to wear/Taiwan pr. [deng4]/ 蹬子 - 0 dēng zi f /pedal/ 蹬脚 蹬腳 S - 3 dēng jiǎo f /to stamp one's foot/to kick/ 蹬腳 蹬脚 T - 3 dēng jiǎo f /to stamp one's foot/to kick/ 蹬鼻子上脸 蹬鼻子上臉 S - 0 dēng bí zi shàng liǎn f /lit. to climb all over sb/fig. to take advantage of sb's weakness/ 蹬鼻子上臉 蹬鼻子上脸 T - 0 dēng bí zi shàng liǎn f /lit. to climb all over sb/fig. to take advantage of sb's weakness/ 蹭 - 417 cèng f /to rub against/to walk slowly/to freeload (colloquial)/ 蹭吃 - 0 cèng chī f /to freeload for food/ 蹭吃蹭喝 - 0 cèng chī cèng hē f /to cadge a meal/ 蹭蹬 - 16 cèng dèng f /to have bad luck/dammit!/ 蹮 - 0 xiān f /old variant of 躚|跹[xian1]/ 蹯 - 2 fán f /paws of animal/ 蹰 躕 S - 0 chú f /irresolute/undecided/ 蹲 1677 1286 dūn f /to crouch/to squat/to stay (somewhere)/ 蹲下 - 297 dūn xià f /to squat down/to crouch/ 蹲伏 - 23 dūn fú f /to crouch low and bend forward (esp. in hiding or in wait)/ 蹲便器 - 0 dūn biàn qì f /squat toilet/ 蹲厕 蹲廁 S - 0 dūn cè f /squat toilet/ 蹲坑 - 6 dūn kēng f /Turkish toilet/squat toilet/to vacate one's bowels/ 蹲大牢 - 3 dūn dà láo f /to be behind bars/ 蹲廁 蹲厕 T - 0 dūn cè f /squat toilet/ 蹲点 蹲點 S - 28 dūn diǎn f /(of a cadre etc) to work for a period of time with a grass-roots unit to gain firsthand experience/(dialect) taking a crap/ 蹲牢 - 3 dūn láo f /see 蹲大牢[dun1 da4 lao2]/ 蹲膘 - 0 dūn biāo f /to fatten cattle in a shed/to become fat/ 蹲苦窑 蹲苦窯 S - 0 dūn kǔ yáo f /(slang) to be behind bars/ 蹲苦窯 蹲苦窑 T - 0 dūn kǔ yáo f /(slang) to be behind bars/ 蹲踞 - 0 dūn jù f /squat/crouch/ 蹲馬步 蹲马步 T - 2 dùn mǎ bù f /to do a martial-art squat/ 蹲马步 蹲馬步 S - 2 dùn mǎ bù f /to do a martial-art squat/ 蹲點 蹲点 T - 28 dūn diǎn f /(of a cadre etc) to work for a period of time with a grass-roots unit to gain firsthand experience/(dialect) taking a crap/ 蹴 - 74 cù f /carefully/to kick/to tread on/to stamp/ 蹴 蹵 S - 74 cù f /variant of 蹴[cu4]/ 蹴踘 - 0 cù jū f /variant of 蹴鞠[cu4 ju1]/ 蹴鞠 - 9 cù jū f /cuju, ancient Chinese football (soccer)/ 蹵 蹴 T - 74 cù f /variant of 蹴[cu4]/ 蹶 - 45 jué t /to stumble/to trample/to kick (of horse)/ 蹶 - 45 juě f /see 尥蹶子[liao4 jue3 zi5]/ 蹺 跷 T - 193 qiāo f /to raise one's foot/to stand on tiptoe/stilts/ 蹺家 跷家 T - 0 qiāo jiā f /to run away from home/ 蹺班 跷班 T - 0 qiāo bān f /see 翹班|翘班[qiao4 ban1]/ 蹺課 跷课 T - 3 qiāo kè f /to avoid attending classes/ 蹺蹺板 跷跷板 T - 4 qiāo qiāo bǎn f /see-saw/ 蹻 跷 T - 193 qiāo f /variant of 蹺|跷[qiao1]/to raise one's foot/stilts/ 蹼 - 101 pǔ f /web (of feet of ducks, frogs etc)/ 蹽 - 13 liāo f /to run/to slip away/to stride/ 蹾 - 13 dūn f /(coll.) to put sth down heavily/to plonk/ 蹿 躥 S - 477 cuān f /to leap up/(coll.) to gush out/to spurt out/ 蹿升 躥升 S - 5 cuān shēng f /to rise rapidly/to shoot up/ 蹿房越脊 躥房越脊 S - 3 cuān fáng yuè jǐ f /lit. to leap the house and cross the roofridge (idiom); dashing over rooftops (of robbers and pursuing knight-errant 俠客|侠客 in fiction)/ 蹿腾 躥騰 S - 0 cuān téng f /to jump about wildly (coll.)/ 蹿货 躥貨 S - 0 cuān huò f /product in great demand/hot property/ 蹿跳 躥跳 S - 3 cuān tiào f /to bound forward/to bound along/ 蹿蹦 躥蹦 S - 3 cuān bèng f /to jump up/to leap/ 躁 - 211 zào f /hot-tempered/impatient/ 躁动 躁動 S - 53 zào dòng f /to stir restlessly/to be agitated/commotion/agitation/ 躁動 躁动 T - 53 zào dòng f /to stir restlessly/to be agitated/commotion/agitation/ 躁狂 - 13 zào kuáng f /manic/ 躁狂抑郁症 躁狂抑鬱症 S - 0 zào kuáng yì yù zhèng f /manic depression/ 躁狂抑鬱症 躁狂抑郁症 T - 0 zào kuáng yì yù zhèng f /manic depression/ 躁狂症 - 11 zào kuáng zhèng f /mania/manic episode/ 躁郁症 躁鬱症 S - 0 zào yù zhèng f /bipolar disorder/manic depression/ 躁鬱症 躁郁症 T - 0 zào yù zhèng f /bipolar disorder/manic depression/ 躂 跶 T - 59 dā f /to stumble/to slip/variant of 達|达[da2]/ 躃 - 0 bì f /variant of 躄[bi4]/ 躄 - 7 bì f /both feet crippled/lame/ 躅 - 2 zhú f /walk carefully/to hesitate/to halter/ 躇 - 9 chú f /to hesitate/ 躉 趸 T - 185 dǔn f /wholesale/ 躉售 趸售 T - 3 dǔn shòu f /to sell wholesale/ 躉批 趸批 T - 2 dǔn pī f /wholesale/ 躉柱 趸柱 T - 0 dǔn zhù f /main supporting pillar/ 躉船 趸船 T - 18 dǔn chuán f /barge/pontoon/landing stage/ 躉賣 趸卖 T - 0 dǔn mài f /to sell wholesale/ 躊 踌 T - 7 chóu f /to pace back and forth/to hesitate/to waver/ 躊躇 踌躇 T - 518 chóu chú f /to hesitate/ 躊躇不決 踌躇不决 T - 9 chóu chú bù jué f /to hesitate/indecisive/ 躊躇滿志 踌躇满志 T - 91 chóu chú mǎn zhì f /enormously proud of one's success (idiom); smug/complacent/ 躊躕 踌蹰 T - 3 chóu chú f /variant of 躊躇|踌躇[chou2 chu2]/ 躋 跻 T - 41 jī f /to go up (esp. in rank)/to rise/to ascend/ 躋身 跻身 T - 487 jī shēn f /to rise (in society)/ 躍 跃 T - 2750 yuè f /to jump/to leap/ 躍居 跃居 T - 135 yuè jū f /to vault/ 躍層 跃层 T - 9 yuè céng f /duplex (apartment)/ 躍然 跃然 T - 30 yuè rán f /to show forth/to appear as a vivid image/to stand out markedly/ 躍然紙上 跃然纸上 T - 16 yuè rán zhǐ shàng f /to appear vividly on paper (idiom); to show forth vividly (in writing, painting etc)/to stand out markedly/ 躍躍欲試 跃跃欲试 T - 129 yuè yuè yù shì f /to be eager to give sth a try (idiom)/ 躍進 跃进 T - 128 yuè jìn f /to leap forward/to make rapid progress/a leap forward/ 躍遷 跃迁 T - 176 yuè qiān f /transition/jump (e.g. quantum leap in spectroscopy)/ 躍馬 跃马 T - 91 yuè mǎ f /to gallop/to spur on a horse/to let one's steed have his head/ 躍龍 跃龙 T - 3 yuè lóng f /allosaurus/ 躏 躪 S - 5 lìn f /to trample down/to oppress/to overrun/see 蹂躪|蹂躏[rou2 lin4]/ 躐 - 10 liè f /step across/ 躑 踯 T - 0 zhí f /hesitating/to stop/ 躑躅 踯躅 T - 20 zhí zhú f /to tread/to tramp/to loiter/to hover around/ 躒 跞 T - 23 lì f /move/walk/ 躓 踬 T - 7 zhì f /to stumble/ 躔 - 4 chán f /course of stars/follow precedent/ 躕 蹰 T - 0 chú f /irresolute/undecided/ 躗 - 0 wèi f /to exaggerate/to fabricate/falsehood/ 躘 - 8 lóng f /to walk/ 躙 - 0 lìn f /variant of 躪|躏, to trample down/to oppress/to overrun/ 躚 跹 T - 44 xiān f /to manner of dancing/to walk around/ 躛 - 0 wèi f /variant of 躗[wei4]/ 躜 躦 S - 15 zuān f /to jump/ 躝 - 0 lán f /to pass/to step over/to creep/to twine round/ 躞 - 0 xiè f /to walk/ 躞蹀 - 0 xiè dié f /to walk with a mincing gait/ 躠 - 0 xiè f /to limp/ 躡 蹑 T - 83 niè f /to walk on tiptoe/to walk quietly/to tread (on)/to follow/ 躡履 蹑履 T - 0 niè lǚ f /to wear shoes/ 躡悄悄 蹑悄悄 T - 3 niè qiāo qiāo f /softly/quietly/ 躡手躡腳 蹑手蹑脚 T - 97 niè shǒu niè jiǎo f /to walk quietly on tiptoe (idiom)/ 躡機 蹑机 T - 0 niè jī f /silk loom with a foot peddle/ 躡登 蹑登 T - 0 niè dēng f /to go up/ 躡腳 蹑脚 T - 3 niè jiǎo f /to walk cautiously in order not to make noise/ 躡腳根 蹑脚根 T - 3 niè jiǎo gēn f /variant of 躡腳跟|蹑脚跟[nie4 jiao3 gen1]/ 躡腳跟 蹑脚跟 T - 0 niè jiǎo gēn f /to walk cautiously in order not to make noise/ 躡著腳 蹑着脚 T - 3 niè zhe jiǎo f /to tiptoe/ 躡足 蹑足 T - 43 niè zú f /to walk on tiptoe/to step on sb's foot/to join (a trade, profession etc)/to associate with (a certain group of people)/ 躡跟 蹑跟 T - 0 niè gēn f /too large or small for the feet (of shoes)/ 躡跡 蹑迹 T - 0 niè jì f /to follow sb's tracks/to tail/ 躡蹀 蹑蹀 T - 0 niè dié f /to walk with mincing steps/ 躡蹤 蹑踪 T - 3 niè zōng f /to follow along behind sb (formal writing)/ 躣 - 0 qú f /(manner of walking)/ 躥 蹿 T - 477 cuān f /to leap up/(coll.) to gush out/to spurt out/ 躥升 蹿升 T - 5 cuān shēng f /to rise rapidly/to shoot up/ 躥房越脊 蹿房越脊 T - 3 cuān fáng yuè jǐ f /lit. to leap the house and cross the roofridge (idiom); dashing over rooftops (of robbers and pursuing knight-errant 俠客|侠客 in fiction)/ 躥貨 蹿货 T - 0 cuān huò f /product in great demand/hot property/ 躥跳 蹿跳 T - 3 cuān tiào f /to bound forward/to bound along/ 躥蹦 蹿蹦 T - 3 cuān bèng f /to jump up/to leap/ 躥騰 蹿腾 T - 0 cuān téng f /to jump about wildly (coll.)/ 躦 躜 T - 15 zuān f /to jump/ 躧 - 30 xǐ f /shoe/to step/ 躩 - 0 jué f /bend/leap/ 躪 躏 T - 5 lìn f /to trample down/to oppress/to overrun/see 蹂躪|蹂躏[rou2 lin4]/ 身 - 15789 shēn f /body/life/oneself/personally/one's morality and conduct/the main part of a structure or body/pregnant/classifier for sets of clothes: suit, twinset/Kangxi radical 158/ 身上 - 11123 shēn shang f /on the body/at hand/among/ 身不由己 - 108 shēn bù yóu jǐ f /without the freedom to act independently (idiom); involuntary/not of one's own volition/in spite of oneself/ 身世 - 348 shēn shì f /one's life experience/one's lot/ 身为 身為 S - 769 shēn wéi f /in the capacity of/as/ 身亡 - 406 shēn wáng f /to die/ 身价 身價 S - 329 shēn jià f /social status/price of a slave/price of a person (a sportsman etc)/worth/value (of stocks, valuables etc)/ 身份 1318 2691 shēn fèn f /identity/status/capacity/dignity/position/rank/ 身份卡 - 0 shēn fèn kǎ f /identity card/ID card/ 身份盗窃 身份盜竊 S - 0 shēn fèn dào qiè f /identity theft/ 身份盜竊 身份盗窃 T - 0 shēn fèn dào qiè f /identity theft/ 身份證 身份证 T - 708 shēn fèn zhèng f /identity card/ID/ 身份證明 身份证明 T - 3 shēn fèn zhèng míng f /ID card/proof of identity/ 身份證號碼 身份证号码 T - 0 shēn fèn zhèng hào mǎ f /I.D. number/ 身份識別卡 身份识别卡 T - 0 shēn fèn shí bié kǎ f /identification card/ID card/ 身份证 身份證 S - 708 shēn fèn zhèng f /identity card/ID/ 身份证号码 身份證號碼 S - 0 shēn fèn zhèng hào mǎ f /I.D. number/ 身份证明 身份證明 S - 3 shēn fèn zhèng míng f /ID card/proof of identity/ 身份识别卡 身份識別卡 S - 0 shēn fèn shí bié kǎ f /identification card/ID card/ 身体 身體 S 238 7962 shēn tǐ f /the body/one's health/CL:具[ju4],個|个[ge4]/in person/ 身体力行 身體力行 S - 111 shēn tǐ lì xíng f /to practice what one preaches (idiom)/ 身体检查 身體檢查 S - 3 shēn tǐ jiǎn chá f /see 體格檢查|体格检查[ti3 ge2 jian3 cha2]/ 身体质量指数 身體質量指數 S - 0 shēn tǐ zhì liàng zhǐ shù f /body mass index (BMI)/ 身体部分 身體部分 S - 0 shēn tǐ bù fèn f /body part/ 身体障害 身體障害 S - 0 shēn tǐ zhàng hài f /cripple/ 身價 身价 T - 329 shēn jià f /social status/price of a slave/price of a person (a sportsman etc)/worth/value (of stocks, valuables etc)/ 身先朝露 - 3 shēn xiān zhāo lù f /body will go with the morning dew (idiom); fig. ephemeral and precarious nature of human existence/ 身兼 - 56 shēn jiān f /holding two jobs simultaneously/ 身分 - 1253 shēn fèn f /variant of 身份/identity/status/capacity/dignity/position/rank/ 身分證 身分证 T - 23 shēn fèn zhèng f /identity card/also written 身份證|身份证[shen1 fen4 zheng4]/ 身分證號碼 身分证号码 T - 0 shēn fèn zhèng hào mǎ f /variant of 身份證號碼|身份证号码[shen1 fen4 zheng4 hao4 ma3]/I.D. number/ 身分证 身分證 S - 23 shēn fèn zhèng f /identity card/also written 身份證|身份证[shen1 fen4 zheng4]/ 身分证号码 身分證號碼 S - 0 shēn fèn zhèng hào mǎ f /variant of 身份證號碼|身份证号码[shen1 fen4 zheng4 hao4 ma3]/I.D. number/ 身后 身後 S - 2293 shēn hòu f /posthumous/one's social background/behind the body/ 身在曹營心在漢 身在曹营心在汉 T - 14 shēn zài Cáo yíng xīn zài Hàn f /live in Cao camp but have the heart in Han camp (idiom.)/to be somewhere while longing to be somewhere else/ 身在曹营心在汉 身在曹營心在漢 S - 14 shēn zài Cáo yíng xīn zài Hàn f /live in Cao camp but have the heart in Han camp (idiom.)/to be somewhere while longing to be somewhere else/ 身在福中不知福 - 0 shēn zài fú zhōng bù zhī fú f /to live in plenty without appreciating it (idiom); not to know when one is well off/ 身型 - 0 shēn xíng f /body shape/ 身处 身處 S - 387 shēn chǔ f /in (some place)/to be in (adversity, a difficult situation, danger, turmoil etc)/to find oneself in/placed in/surrounded by/ 身外之物 - 67 shēn wài zhī wù f /mere worldly possessions/ 身子 - 6107 shēn zi f /body/pregnancy/health/ 身子骨 - 69 shēn zi gǔ f /posture/upright posture/ 身孕 - 74 shēn yùn f /pregnancy/pregnant/ 身強力壯 身强力壮 T - 41 shēn qiáng lì zhuàng f /strong and vigorous/sturdy/robust/ 身强力壮 身強力壯 S - 41 shēn qiáng lì zhuàng f /strong and vigorous/sturdy/robust/ 身形 - 637 shēn xíng f /figure (esp. a woman's)/ 身影 - 837 shēn yǐng f /silhouette/figure/ 身後 身后 T - 2293 shēn hòu f /posthumous/one's social background/behind the body/ 身心 - 618 shēn xīn f /body and mind/mental and physical/ 身心交病 - 3 shēn xīn jiāo bìng f /worn out in body and soul (idiom)/ 身心交瘁 - 5 shēn xīn jiāo cuì f /worn out in body and soul (idiom)/ 身心俱疲 - 3 shēn xīn jù pí f /physically and emotionally exhausted/ 身心爽快 - 0 shēn xīn shuǎng kuài f /refreshment/ 身心科 - 0 shēn xīn kē f /psychiatry/ 身心障碍 身心障礙 S - 0 shēn xīn zhàng ài f /disability/ 身心障礙 身心障碍 T - 0 shēn xīn zhàng ài f /disability/ 身怀六甲 身懷六甲 S - 7 shēn huái liù jiǎ f /to be pregnant (idiom)/ 身态 身態 S - 0 shēn tài f /pose/figure/attitude/ 身態 身态 T - 0 shēn tài f /pose/figure/attitude/ 身懷六甲 身怀六甲 T - 7 shēn huái liù jiǎ f /to be pregnant (idiom)/ 身手 - 453 shēn shǒu f /skill/talent/agility/ 身才 - 0 shēn cái f /stature/build (height and weight)/figure/ 身披羽毛 - 0 shēn pī yǔ máo f /feathered/ 身故 - 39 shēn gù f /to die/ 身敗名裂 身败名裂 T - 92 shēn bài míng liè f /to lose one's standing/to have one's reputation swept away/a complete defeat and fall from grace/ 身教 - 17 shēn jiào f /to teach by example/ 身教勝於言教 身教胜于言教 T - 0 shēn jiào shèng yú yán jiào f /teaching by example beats explaining in words (idiom)/action speaks louder than words/ 身教胜于言教 身教勝於言教 S - 0 shēn jiào shèng yú yán jiào f /teaching by example beats explaining in words (idiom)/action speaks louder than words/ 身无分文 身無分文 S - 20 shēn wú fēn wén f /penniless (idiom)/ 身材 1738 1275 shēn cái f /stature/build (height and weight)/figure/ 身板 - 43 shēn bǎn f /body/physique/physical condition/ 身板儿 身板兒 S - 2 shēn bǎn r f /erhua variant of 身板[shen1 ban3]/ 身板兒 身板儿 T - 2 shēn bǎn r f /erhua variant of 身板[shen1 ban3]/ 身段 - 81 shēn duàn f /a woman's physique/figure/posture on stage/ 身法 - 429 shēn fǎ f /pose or motion of one's body in martial arts/ 身為 身为 T - 769 shēn wéi f /in the capacity of/as/ 身無分文 身无分文 T - 20 shēn wú fēn wén f /penniless (idiom)/ 身着 身著 S - 672 shēn zhuó f /to wear/ 身穿 - 1263 shēn chuān f /to wear/wearing (a uniform)/ 身經百戰 身经百战 T - 107 shēn jīng bǎi zhàn f /lit. veteran of a hundred battles (idiom)/fig. experienced/seasoned/ 身经百战 身經百戰 S - 107 shēn jīng bǎi zhàn f /lit. veteran of a hundred battles (idiom)/fig. experienced/seasoned/ 身著 身着 T - 672 shēn zhuó f /to wear/ 身處 身处 T - 387 shēn chǔ f /in (some place)/to be in (adversity, a difficult situation, danger, turmoil etc)/to find oneself in/placed in/surrounded by/ 身負重傷 身负重伤 T - 3 shēn fù zhòng shāng f /seriously injured/ 身负重伤 身負重傷 S - 3 shēn fù zhòng shāng f /seriously injured/ 身败名裂 身敗名裂 S - 92 shēn bài míng liè f /to lose one's standing/to have one's reputation swept away/a complete defeat and fall from grace/ 身躯 身軀 S - 518 shēn qū f /body/ 身軀 身躯 T - 518 shēn qū f /body/ 身輕如燕 身轻如燕 T - 3 shēn qīng rú yàn f /as lithe as a swallow (of athlete or beautiful girl)/ 身轻如燕 身輕如燕 S - 3 shēn qīng rú yàn f /as lithe as a swallow (of athlete or beautiful girl)/ 身边 身邊 S - 5641 shēn biān f /at one's side/on hand/ 身邊 身边 T - 5641 shēn biān f /at one's side/on hand/ 身量 - 31 shēn liang f /height (of a person)/stature/fig. reputation/standing/ 身長 身长 T - 203 shēn cháng f /height (of person)/length of clothing from shoulders to bottom (tailor or dressmaker's measure)/ 身长 身長 S - 203 shēn cháng f /height (of person)/length of clothing from shoulders to bottom (tailor or dressmaker's measure)/ 身陷 - 86 shēn xiàn f /to be trapped/to be imprisoned/ 身陷囹圄 - 19 shēn xiàn líng yǔ f /thrown into prison/behind bars/ 身陷牢狱 身陷牢獄 S - 0 shēn xiàn láo yù f /to go to prison/to be imprisoned/ 身陷牢獄 身陷牢狱 T - 0 shēn xiàn láo yù f /to go to prison/to be imprisoned/ 身陷牢笼 身陷牢籠 S - 0 shēn xiàn láo lóng f /fallen into a trap/ 身陷牢籠 身陷牢笼 T - 0 shēn xiàn láo lóng f /fallen into a trap/ 身體 身体 T 238 7962 shēn tǐ f /the body/one's health/CL:具[ju4],個|个[ge4]/in person/ 身體力行 身体力行 T - 111 shēn tǐ lì xíng f /to practice what one preaches (idiom)/ 身體檢查 身体检查 T - 3 shēn tǐ jiǎn chá f /see 體格檢查|体格检查[ti3 ge2 jian3 cha2]/ 身體質量指數 身体质量指数 T - 0 shēn tǐ zhì liàng zhǐ shù f /body mass index (BMI)/ 身體部分 身体部分 T - 0 shēn tǐ bù fèn f /body part/ 身體障害 身体障害 T - 0 shēn tǐ zhàng hài f /cripple/ 身高 - 573 shēn gāo f /(a person's) height/ 身高馬大 身高马大 T - 8 shēn gāo mǎ dà f /tall/huge/ 身高马大 身高馬大 S - 8 shēn gāo mǎ dà f /tall/huge/ 躬 - 398 gōng f /body/oneself/personally/to bow/ 躬 躳 S - 398 gōng f /old variant of 躬[gong1]/ 躬亲 躬親 S - 12 gōng qīn f /to attend to personally/in person/ 躬履 - 0 gōng lǚ f /to carry out a task personally/to take responsibility for/ 躬行 - 3 gōng xíng f /to personally undertake or manage/ 躬親 躬亲 T - 12 gōng qīn f /to attend to personally/in person/ 躬詣 躬诣 T - 0 gōng yì f /to call (at sb's home) personally/ 躬诣 躬詣 S - 0 gōng yì f /to call (at sb's home) personally/ 躬身 - 1013 gōng shēn f /to bow/ 躭 耽 T - 264 dān f /variant of 耽[dan1]/ 躯 軀 S - 222 qū f /human body/ 躯体 軀體 S - 750 qū tǐ f /body/carcass/ 躯壳 軀殼 S - 59 qū qiào f /the body (housing the soul)/ 躯干 軀幹 S - 204 qū gàn f /trunk/torso/ 躰 - 0 tǐ f /variant of 體|体[ti3]/ 躲 - 3628 duǒ f /to hide/to dodge/to avoid/ 躲不起 - 0 duǒ bu qǐ f /can't avoid/can't hide from/unavoidable/ 躲债 躲債 S - 9 duǒ zhài f /to dodge a creditor/ 躲債 躲债 T - 9 duǒ zhài f /to dodge a creditor/ 躲年 - 0 duǒ nián f /to dodge a creditor/ 躲开 躲開 S - 294 duǒ kāi f /to stay out of (hot water, trouble, awkward situation etc)/to avoid (sb)/ 躲懒 躲懶 S - 14 duǒ lǎn f /to shy away from work/to get by without attending duty/ 躲懶 躲懒 T - 14 duǒ lǎn f /to shy away from work/to get by without attending duty/ 躲清閑 躲清闲 T - 0 duǒ qīng xián f /to avoid external disturbance in order to idle/ 躲清闲 躲清閑 S - 0 duǒ qīng xián f /to avoid external disturbance in order to idle/ 躲猫猫 躲貓貓 S - 3 duǒ māo māo f /hide-and-seek (game)/peekaboo (game)/ 躲穷 躲窮 S - 0 duǒ qióng f /to take refuge with a rich relative/ 躲窮 躲穷 T - 0 duǒ qióng f /to take refuge with a rich relative/ 躲藏 2262 163 duǒ cáng f /to conceal oneself/to go into hiding/to take cover/ 躲讓 躲让 T - 8 duǒ ràng f /to step aside (for a passing vehicle)/to get out of the way/to make way for/ 躲让 躲讓 S - 8 duǒ ràng f /to step aside (for a passing vehicle)/to get out of the way/to make way for/ 躲貓貓 躲猫猫 T - 3 duǒ māo māo f /hide-and-seek (game)/peekaboo (game)/ 躲躲藏藏 - 12 duǒ duǒ cáng cáng f /to not wish others to see/ 躲躲閃閃 躲躲闪闪 T - 54 duǒ duǒ shǎn shǎn f /to evade/to dodge (out of the way)/ 躲躲闪闪 躲躲閃閃 S - 54 duǒ duǒ shǎn shǎn f /to evade/to dodge (out of the way)/ 躲避 - 708 duǒ bì f /to hide/to evade/to dodge/to take shelter/to avoid (difficulties)/ 躲避球 - 3 duǒ bì qiú f /dodgeball/ 躲閃 躲闪 T - 235 duǒ shǎn f /to evade/to dodge (out of the way)/ 躲開 躲开 T - 294 duǒ kāi f /to stay out of (hot water, trouble, awkward situation etc)/to avoid (sb)/ 躲闪 躲閃 S - 235 duǒ shǎn f /to evade/to dodge (out of the way)/ 躲难 躲難 S - 0 duǒ nàn f /to take refuge/to seek refuge from disaster/ 躲難 躲难 T - 0 duǒ nàn f /to take refuge/to seek refuge from disaster/ 躲雨 - 21 duǒ yǔ f /to take shelter from the rain/ 躲風 躲风 T - 0 duǒ fēng f /lit. to avoid the wind/fig. to keep low to avoid a difficult situation/to stay out of trouble/ 躲风 躲風 S - 0 duǒ fēng f /lit. to avoid the wind/fig. to keep low to avoid a difficult situation/to stay out of trouble/ 躳 躬 T - 398 gōng f /old variant of 躬[gong1]/ 躶 裸 T - 463 luǒ f /variant of 裸[luo3]/ 躹 - 0 jū f /variant of 鞠[ju1]/ 躺 836 3481 tǎng f /to recline/to lie down/ 躺下 - 0 tǎng xià f /to lie down/ 躺枪 躺槍 S - 0 tǎng qiāng f /(Internet slang) to get unjustly ridiculed, attacked, implicated in sth etc while just being present/abbr. for 躺著也中槍|躺着也中枪[tang3 zhe5 ye3 zhong4 qiang1]/ 躺椅 - 67 tǎng yǐ f /deck chair/recliner/couch/lounge/ 躺槍 躺枪 T - 0 tǎng qiāng f /(Internet slang) to get unjustly ridiculed, attacked, implicated in sth etc while just being present/abbr. for 躺著也中槍|躺着也中枪[tang3 zhe5 ye3 zhong4 qiang1]/ 躺着也中枪 躺著也中槍 S - 0 tǎng zhe yě zhòng qiāng f /(lit.) to get shot even when lying down/(fig.) to get unjustly ridiculed, attacked, implicated in sth etc while just being present (Internet slang)/abbr. to 躺槍|躺枪[tang3 qiang1]/ 躺著也中槍 躺着也中枪 T - 0 tǎng zhe yě zhòng qiāng f /(lit.) to get shot even when lying down/(fig.) to get unjustly ridiculed, attacked, implicated in sth etc while just being present (Internet slang)/abbr. to 躺槍|躺枪[tang3 qiang1]/ 軀 躯 T - 222 qū f /human body/ 軀幹 躯干 T - 204 qū gàn f /trunk/torso/ 軀殼 躯壳 T - 59 qū qiào f /the body (housing the soul)/ 軀體 躯体 T - 750 qū tǐ f /body/carcass/ 軃 - 17 duǒ f /variant of 嚲|亸[duo3]/ 軃神 - 0 duǒ shén f /frivolous youth (dialect)/ 軆 - 41 tǐ f /old variant of 體|体[ti3]/ 車 车 T - 9985 Chē t /surname Che/ 車 车 T - 9985 chē t /car/vehicle/CL:輛|辆[liang4]/machine/to shape with a lathe/ 車 车 T - 9985 jū f /war chariot (archaic)/rook (in Chinese chess)/rook (in chess)/ 車主 车主 T - 61 chē zhǔ f /vehicle owner/ 車份 车份 T - 0 chē fèn f /vehicle rental fee paid by cab and rickshaw drivers/ 車份兒 车份儿 T - 0 chē fèn r f /erhua variant of 車份|车份[che1 fen4]/ 車位 车位 T - 17 chē wèi f /parking spot/unloading point/garage place/stand for taxi/ 車到山前必有路 车到山前必有路 T - 11 chē dào shān qián bì yǒu lù f /lit. When we get to the mountain, there'll be a way through. (idiom)/fig. Everything will turn out for the best./Let's worry about it when it happens./It will be all right on the night./cf couplet 車到山前必有路,船到橋頭自然直|车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直/ 車到山前必有路,船到橋頭自然直 车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直 T - 0 chē dào shān qián bì yǒu lù , chuán dào qiáo tóu zì rán zhí f /lit. When we get to the mountain, there'll be a way through and when the boat gets to the pier-head, it will go straight with the current. (idiom)/fig. Everything will turn out for the best./Let's worry about it when it happens./It will be all right on the night./ 車到山前自有路 车到山前自有路 T - 0 chē dào shān qián zì yǒu lù f /lit. When we get to the mountain, there'll be a way through. (idiom)/fig. Everything will turn out for the best./Let's worry about it when it happens./It will be all right on the night./cf couplet 車到山前必有路,船到橋頭自然直|车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直/ 車前草 车前草 T - 10 chē qián cǎo f /plantain herb (Plantago asiatica)/ 車城 车城 T - 261 Chē chéng f /Checheng township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 車城鄉 车城乡 T - 0 Chē chéng xiāng f /Checheng township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 車夫 车夫 T - 241 chē fū f /cart driver/coachman/ 車奴 车奴 T - 0 chē nú f /car slave, sb forced to sacrifice quality of life to buy or maintain a car/ 車子 车子 T - 711 chē zi f /car or other vehicle (bicycle, truck etc)/ 車展 车展 T - 10 chē zhǎn f /motor show/ 車工 车工 T - 14 chē gōng f /lathe work/lathe operator/ 車帶 车带 T - 3 chē dài f /(vehicle) tire/ 車床 车床 T - 58 chē chuáng f /lathe/ 車庫 车库 T 1862 32 chē kù f /garage/ 車廂 车厢 T 2172 512 chē xiāng f /carriage/CL:節|节[jie2]/ 車廠 车厂 T - 3 chē chǎng f /(bus, train etc) depot/car factory or repair shop/ 車後箱 车后箱 T - 0 chē hòu xiāng f /car boot, trunk/ 車房 车房 T - 3 chē fáng f /garage/carport/(old) rickshaw room/ 車把 车把 T - 31 chē bǎ f /handlebar (bicycle etc)/shaft (rickshaw etc)/ 車把式 车把式 T - 10 chē bǎ shi f /expert cart-driver/charioteer/ 車斗 车斗 T - 17 chē dǒu f /open-topped container (mounted on a truck or cart) for carrying loads/dump box (of a dump truck)/bucket (of a front loader)/wheelbarrow/ 車架 车架 T - 27 chē jià f /cart/barrow/frame/chassis/ 車條 车条 T - 3 chē tiáo f /spoke (of wheel)/ 車模 车模 T - 3 chē mó f /car show girl/model who poses next to cars/ 車次 车次 T - 42 chē cì f /train or coach service ("service" as in "they run 12 services per day between the two cities")/ 車水馬龍 车水马龙 T - 55 chē shuǐ mǎ lóng f /endless stream of horse and carriages (idiom)/heavy traffic/ 車流 车流 T - 65 chē liú f /traffic/rate of traffic flow/ 車照 车照 T - 3 chē zhào f /vehicle license/ 車爾尼雪夫斯基 车尔尼雪夫斯基 T - 19 Chē ěr ní xuě fū sī jī f /Nikolai Chernyshevsky/ 車牌 车牌 T - 797 chē pái f /license plate/ 車皮 车皮 T - 26 chē pí f /wagon/freight car/ 車票 车票 T - 264 chē piào f /ticket (for a bus or train)/ 車禍 车祸 T - 138 chē huò f /traffic accident/car crash/CL:場|场[chang2]/ 車程 车程 T - 2119 chē chéng f /travel time/expected time for a car journey/ 車窗 车窗 T - 167 chē chuāng f /car window/window of vehicle (bus, train etc)/ 車站 车站 T - 946 chē zhàn f /rail station/bus stop/CL:處|处[chu4],個|个[ge4]/ 車箱 车箱 T - 28 chē xiāng f /variant of 車廂|车厢[che1 xiang1]/ 車籍 车籍 T - 0 chē jí f /a vehicle's registration information (Tw)/ 車胎 车胎 T - 12 chē tāi f /tire/ 車臣 车臣 T - 129 Chē chén f /Chechnya, a Russian region in the Caucasus/Chechen/ 車行 车行 T - 70 chē háng f /car-related business/car dealership/taxi company/(commercial) garage/ 車行 车行 T - 70 chē xíng t /traffic/to drive (i.e. travel in a vehicle)/ 車行通道 车行通道 T - 0 chē xíng tōng dào f /traffic passage/ 車行道 车行道 T - 115 chē xíng dào f /roadway/carriageway/ 車裂 车裂 T - 60 chē liè f /to tear off a person's four limbs and head using five horse drawn carts (as capital punishment)/to tear limb from limb/ 車費 车费 T - 63 chē fèi f /passenger fare/ 車貼 车贴 T - 0 chē tiē f /car allowance/ 車身 车身 T - 367 chē shēn f /body of automobile/ 車軸 车轴 T - 69 chē zhóu f /axle/CL:根[gen1]/ 車軸草 车轴草 T - 0 chē zhóu cǎo f /honewort/Cryptotaenia japonica/ 車載斗量 车载斗量 T - 3 chē zài dǒu liáng f /lit. measured in cartloads and gallons/fig. by the barrowload (i.e. lots and lots)/innumerable/ 車輛 车辆 T - 1912 chē liàng f /vehicle/ 車輪 车轮 T - 304 chē lún f /wheel/ 車輪子 车轮子 T - 10 chē lún zi f /wheel/ 車輪餅 车轮饼 T - 0 chē lún bǐng f /imagawayaki (sweet snack made of batter cooked in the shape of a car wheel, stuffed with azuki bean paste or other fillings)/ 車轅 车辕 T - 36 chē yuán f /shaft (pulling a cart)/ 車轍 车辙 T - 84 chē zhé f /rut (of a wagon)/track/ 車速 车速 T - 84 chē sù f /vehicle speed/ 車道 车道 T - 180 chē dào f /traffic lane/driveway/ 車里雅賓斯克 车里雅宾斯克 T - 13 Chē lǐ yǎ bīn sī kè f /Chelyabinsk town on the eastern flanks of Ural, on trans-Siberian railway/ 車釐子 车厘子 T - 0 chē lí zi f /(American) cherry (loanword)/ 車鈴 车铃 T - 7 chē líng f /bicycle bell/ 車錢 车钱 T - 12 chē qián f /fare/transport costs/ 車門 车门 T - 150 chē mén f /car door/door of bus, railway carriage etc/ 車間 车间 T - 617 chē jiān f /workshop/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 車隊 车队 T - 212 chē duì f /motorcade/fleet/CL:列[lie4]/ 車震 车震 T - 0 chē zhèn f /lit. car shaking/car sex/ 車頂 车顶 T - 74 chē dǐng f /car roof/ 車頭相 车头相 T - 0 chē tóu xiàng f /photo attached to the front of a hearse in a funeral procession/ 車馬 车马 T - 172 chē mǎ f /vehicles and horses/ 車駕 车驾 T - 73 jū jià f /carriage/ 車龍 车龙 T - 0 chē lóng f /long queue of slow-moving traffic/tram/ 軋 轧 T - 339 Yà t /surname Ya/ 軋 轧 T - 339 gá f /to crush together (in a crowd)/to make friends/to check (accounts)/ 軋 轧 T - 339 yà t /to crush/to knock sb down with a vehicle/ 軋 轧 T - 339 zhá f /to roll (steel)/ 軋場 轧场 T - 3 yà cháng f /to roll with a stone roller/to thresh grain by rolling/ 軋染 轧染 T - 3 yà rǎn f /to roll used in dyeing trough/ 軋染機 轧染机 T - 0 yà rǎn jī f /pressure roller used in dyeing trough/ 軋棉 轧棉 T - 3 yà mián f /to gin cotton (separate seeds from fiber)/ 軋機 轧机 T - 25 zhá jī f /steel rolling mill/ 軋花機 轧花机 T - 32 yà huā jī f /cotton gin/ 軋製 轧制 T - 33 zhá zhì f /rolling steel/ 軋軋 轧轧 T - 3 yà yà f /(onom.) sound of machinery, e.g. squeaking/ 軋輥 轧辊 T - 11 zhá gǔn f /(steelmaking) roll/roller/CL:根[gen1]/ 軋道機 轧道机 T - 3 yà dào jī f /road roller/ 軋道車 轧道车 T - 3 yà dào chē f /trolley for inspecting rail track/ 軋鋼 轧钢 T - 43 zhá gāng f /to roll steel (into sheets or bars)/ 軋鋼廠 轧钢厂 T - 11 zhá gāng chǎng f /a steel rolling mill/ 軋鋼條 轧钢条 T - 0 zhá gāng tiáo f /steel rails/ 軋鋼機 轧钢机 T - 3 zhá gāng jī f /a steel rolling mill/ 軋馬路 轧马路 T - 3 yà mǎ lù f /to stroll around the streets (esp. of a young couple)/ 軌 轨 T - 515 guǐ f /course/path/track/rail/ 軌枕 轨枕 T - 19 guǐ zhěn f /sleeper/tie/ 軌範 轨范 T - 2 guǐ fàn f /standard/criterion/ 軌距 轨距 T - 31 guǐ jù f /gauge/ 軌跡 轨迹 T - 471 guǐ jì f /locus/orbit/trajectory/track/ 軌跡球 轨迹球 T - 3 guǐ jì qiú f /trackball (computing)/ 軌道 轨道 T 3077 2410 guǐ dào f /orbit/railway or tram line/fig. conventional way of thinking/ 軌道交通 轨道交通 T - 9 guǐ dào jiāo tōng f /metro/rapid transit/subway/ 軌道空間站 轨道空间站 T - 0 guǐ dào kōng jiān zhàn f /orbiting space station/ 軌道艙 轨道舱 T - 9 guǐ dào cāng f /orbital module/orbital cabin/ 軍 军 T - 27200 jūn f /army/military/arms/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 軍事 军事 T 1803 16552 jūn shì f /military affairs/military matters/military/ 軍事力量 军事力量 T - 3 jūn shì lì liang f /military strength/military force(s)/ 軍事化 军事化 T - 57 jūn shì huà f /militarization/ 軍事基地 军事基地 T - 160 jūn shì jī dì f /military base/ 軍事威脅 军事威胁 T - 0 jūn shì wēi xié f /military threat/ 軍事學 军事学 T - 50 jūn shì xué f /military science/ 軍事家 军事家 T - 239 jūn shì jiā f /military expert/general/ 軍事實力 军事实力 T - 3 jūn shì shí lì f /military strength/military power/ 軍事情報 军事情报 T - 3 jūn shì qíng bào f /military intelligence/ 軍事援助 军事援助 T - 3 jūn shì yuán zhù f /military aid/ 軍事政變 军事政变 T - 3 jūn shì zhèng biàn f /military coup/ 軍事核大國 军事核大国 T - 0 jūn shì hé dà guó f /military nuclear power/ 軍事機構 军事机构 T - 0 jūn shì jī gòu f /military institution/ 軍事法庭 军事法庭 T - 88 jūn shì fǎ tíng f /court-martial/military tribunal/ 軍事演習 军事演习 T - 3 jūn shì yǎn xí f /military exercise/war game/ 軍事科學 军事科学 T - 77 jūn shì kē xué f /military science/ 軍事行動 军事行动 T - 3 jūn shì xíng dòng f /military operation/ 軍事訓練 军事训练 T - 3 jūn shì xùn liàn f /military exercise/army drill/ 軍事設施 军事设施 T - 3 jūn shì shè shī f /military installations/ 軍事部門 军事部门 T - 0 jūn shì bù mén f /military branch/ 軍事體育 军事体育 T - 9 jūn shì tǐ yù f /military sports/military fitness (curriculum etc)/abbr. to 軍體|军体/ 軍人 军人 T - 2728 jūn rén f /serviceman/soldier/military personnel/ 軍令如山 军令如山 T - 19 jūn lìng rú shān f /military orders are like mountains (idiom)/a military order must be obeyed/ 軍令狀 军令状 T - 170 jūn lìng zhuàng f /military order/ 軍備 军备 T - 362 jūn bèi f /(military) arms/armaments/ 軍備競賽 军备竞赛 T - 3 jūn bèi jìng sài f /arms race/armament(s) race/ 軍公教 军公教 T - 3 jūn gōng jiào f /army, civil service and education/all branches of state employment/ 軍刀 军刀 T - 56 jūn dāo f /military knife/saber/ 軍分區 军分区 T - 121 jūn fēn qū f /military sub-districts/ 軍力 军力 T - 279 jūn lì f /military power/ 軍功章 军功章 T - 26 jūn gōng zhāng f /military medal/ 軍務 军务 T - 416 jūn wù f /military affairs/ 軍勢 军势 T - 0 jūn shì f /army strength/military prowess or potential/ 軍區 军区 T - 1345 jūn qū f /geographical area of command/(PLA) military district/ 軍售 军售 T - 227 jūn shòu f /arms sales/ 軍國主義 军国主义 T - 192 jūn guó zhǔ yì f /militarism/ 軍團 军团 T - 636 jūn tuán f /corps/legion/ 軍團桿菌 军团杆菌 T - 0 jūn tuán gǎn jūn f /legionella bacteria/ 軍團菌 军团菌 T - 3 jūn tuán jūn f /Legionella (bacterium causing legionnaires' disease)/ 軍團菌病 军团菌病 T - 0 jūn tuán jūn bìng f /legionnaires' disease/ 軍士 军士 T - 1153 jūn shì f /soldier/noncommssioned officer (NCO)/ 軍妓 军妓 T - 0 jūn jì f /military prostitute/ 軍委 军委 T - 355 jūn wěi f /Military Commission of the Communist Party Central Committee/ 軍委會 军委会 T - 323 jūn wěi huì f /Military Commission of the Communist Party Central Committee/same as 軍委|军委/ 軍嫂 军嫂 T - 15 jūn sǎo f /serviceman's wife/wives of military personnel/ 軍官 军官 T - 2322 jūn guān f /officer (military)/ 軍師 军师 T - 1158 jūn shī f /(old) military counselor/(coll.) trusted adviser/ 軍情 军情 T - 431 jūn qíng f /military situation/military intelligence/ 軍情五處 军情五处 T - 0 jūn qíng wǔ chù f /MI5 (British military intelligence agency)/ 軍情六處 军情六处 T - 0 jūn qíng liù chù f /MI6 (British military counter-intelligence office)/ 軍政 军政 T - 750 jūn zhèng f /army and government/ 軍政府 军政府 T - 449 jūn zhèng fǔ f /military government/ 軍方 军方 T - 1218 jūn fāng f /military/ 軍旅 军旅 T - 161 jūn lǚ f /army/ 軍曹魚 军曹鱼 T - 0 jūn cáo yú f /cobia or black kingfish (Rachycentron canadum)/ 軍校 军校 T - 376 jūn xiào f /military school/military academy/ 軍棋 军棋 T - 9 jūn qí f /land battle chess/ 軍樂隊 军乐队 T - 40 jūn yuè duì f /brass band/ 軍機 军机 T - 397 jūn jī f /military aircraft/secret plan/Privy Council during the Qing dynasty/ 軍機處 军机处 T - 145 jūn jī chù f /Office of Military and Political Affairs (Qing Dynasty)/ 軍民 军民 T - 1771 jūn mín f /army-civilian/military-masses/military-civilian/ 軍法 军法 T - 143 jūn fǎ f /martial law/ 軍港 军港 T - 207 jūn gǎng f /naval port/naval base/ 軍演 军演 T - 0 jūn yǎn f /military exercises/ 軍火 军火 T - 382 jūn huǒ f /weapons and ammunition/munitions/arms/ 軍火交易 军火交易 T - 3 jūn huǒ jiāo yì f /arms deal/ 軍火公司 军火公司 T - 0 jūn huǒ gōng sī f /arms company/ 軍火庫 军火库 T - 13 jūn huǒ kù f /arsenal/ 軍營 军营 T - 548 jūn yíng f /barracks/army camp/ 軍用 军用 T - 1113 jūn yòng f /(for) military use/military application/ 軍糧 军粮 T - 175 jūn liáng f /army provisions/ 軍綠 军绿 T - 0 jūn lǜ f /army green/ 軍艦 军舰 T - 1173 jūn jiàn f /warship/military naval vessel/CL:艘[sou1]/ 軍號 军号 T - 57 jūn hào f /bugle/ 軍裝 军装 T - 295 jūn zhuāng f /military uniform/ 軍訓 军训 T - 311 jūn xùn f /military practice, esp. for reservists or new recruits/military training as a (sometimes compulsory) subject in schools and colleges/drill/ 軍費 军费 T - 664 jūn fèi f /military expenditure/ 軍費開支 军费开支 T - 3 jūn fèi kāi zhī f /military spending/ 軍車 军车 T - 55 jūn chē f /military vehicle/ 軍醫 军医 T - 139 jūn yī f /military doctor/ 軍醫院 军医院 T - 0 jūn yī yuàn f /military hospital/ 軍銜 军衔 T - 327 jūn xián f /army rank/military rank/ 軍閥 军阀 T - 2334 jūn fá f /military clique/junta/warlord/ 軍閥混戰 军阀混战 T - 0 jūn fá hùn zhàn f /incessant fighting between warlords/ 軍陣 军阵 T - 58 jūn zhèn f /battle formation/ 軍隊 军队 T 2568 11317 jūn duì f /army/troops/CL:支[zhi1],個|个[ge4]/ 軍需 军需 T - 258 jūn xū f /military material/ 軍餉 军饷 T - 217 jūn xiǎng f /funds and provisions for the troops/(soldier's) pay/ 軍體 军体 T - 13 jūn tǐ f /military sports/military fitness (curriculum etc)/abbr. for 軍事體育|军事体育/ 軍齡 军龄 T - 13 jūn líng f /length of military service/ 軏 - 14 yuè f /crossbar for yoking horses/ 軒 轩 T - 632 Xuān f /surname Xuan/ 軒 轩 T - 632 xuān f /pavilion with a view/high/tall/high fronted, curtained carriage (old)/ 軒冕 轩冕 T - 0 xuān miǎn f /chariot and crown (symbols of important persons)/fig. royals and dignitaries/ 軒尼詩 轩尼诗 T - 5 Xuān ní shī f /Hennessy (cognac)/ 軒掖 轩掖 T - 0 xuān yè f /forbidden place/ 軒昂 轩昂 T - 49 xuān áng f /high/lofty/elevated/dignified/ 軒檻 轩槛 T - 0 xuān jiàn f /railings of a balcony/ 軒然大波 轩然大波 T - 209 xuān rán dà bō f /huge waves/(fig.) ruckus/controversy/sensation/ 軒軒自得 轩轩自得 T - 0 xuān xuān zì dé f /to be delighted with oneself/ 軒轅 轩辕 T - 93 Xuān Yuán f /Xuan Yuan, personal name of Huangdi, the Yellow Emperor 黃帝|黄帝[Huang2 di4]/ 軒轅 轩辕 T - 93 Xuān yuán f /two-character surname Xuanyuan/ 軒轅十四 轩辕十四 T - 0 Xuān yuán shí sì f /Regulus (constellation)/ 軒轅氏 轩辕氏 T - 9 Xuān yuán shì f /alternative name for the Yellow Emperor 黄帝/ 軔 轫 T - 63 rèn f /brake/ 軖 - 0 kuáng f /spinning wheel/wheelbarrow/ 軘 - 0 tún f /war chariot/ 軛 轭 T - 161 è f /to restrain/to yoke/ 軜 - 0 nà f /inner reins of a 4-horse team/ 軝 - 0 qí f /end of axle/ 軟 软 T 1847 3730 ruǎn f /soft/flexible/ 軟件 软件 T 2085 4601 ruǎn jiàn f /(computer) software/ 軟件企業 软件企业 T - 0 ruǎn jiàn qǐ yè f /software company/ 軟件包 软件包 T - 41 ruǎn jiàn bāo f /software package/ 軟件平臺 软件平台 T - 9 ruǎn jiàn píng tái f /software platform/ 軟件技術 软件技术 T - 3 ruǎn jiàn jì shù f /software technology/ 軟件系統 软件系统 T - 73 ruǎn jiàn xì tǒng f /software system/ 軟件開發 软件开发 T - 3 ruǎn jiàn kāi fā f /software development/ 軟件開發人員 软件开发人员 T - 0 ruǎn jiàn kāi fā rén yuán f /software developer/ 軟刀子 软刀子 T - 11 ruǎn dāo zi f /(lit.) the soft knife/(fig.) underhanded tactics/devious means of attack/ 軟包 软包 T - 0 ruǎn bāo f /soft (bread) roll/ 軟化 软化 T - 161 ruǎn huà f /to soften/ 軟口蓋 软口盖 T - 3 ruǎn kǒu gài f /soft palate/velum/ 軟呢 软呢 T - 0 ruǎn ní f /tweed/ 軟坐 软坐 T - 0 ruǎn zuò f /soft seat (= first class in PRC trains)/ 軟實力 软实力 T - 0 ruǎn shí lì f /soft power (i.e. media influence, propaganda and cultural ties in lieu of military power)/ 軟尺 软尺 T - 3 ruǎn chǐ f /soft ruler/tape measure/ 軟席 软席 T - 3 ruǎn xí f /soft seat (= first class in PRC trains)/ 軟座 软座 T - 6 ruǎn zuò f /soft seat (on trains or boats)/ 軟庫 软库 T - 0 Ruǎn kù f /Softbank corporation, Japanese e-commerce firm/ 軟弱 软弱 T - 428 ruǎn ruò f /weak/feeble/flabby/ 軟木 软木 T - 68 ruǎn mù f /cork/ 軟木塞 软木塞 T - 13 ruǎn mù sāi f /cork/ 軟木磚 软木砖 T - 0 ruǎn mù zhuān f /cork tile/cork flooring/ 軟柿子 软柿子 T - 3 ruǎn shì zi f /(coll.) pushover/soft touch/ 軟梯 软梯 T - 5 ruǎn tī f /rope ladder/ 軟毛 软毛 T - 3 ruǎn máo f /fur/ 軟泥 软泥 T - 70 ruǎn ní f /soft mud/silt/sludge/ooze (geology)/ 軟泥兒 软泥儿 T - 0 ruǎn ní r f /erhua variant of 軟泥|软泥[ruan3 ni2]/ 軟流圈 软流圈 T - 20 ruǎn liú quān f /asthenosphere (geology)/ 軟流層 软流层 T - 0 ruǎn liú céng f /asthenosphere (geology)/ 軟片 软片 T - 6 ruǎn piàn f /(photographic) film/ 軟玉 软玉 T - 34 ruǎn yù f /nephrite/Ca(Mg,Fe)3(SiO3)4/ 軟盤 软盘 T - 53 ruǎn pán f /floppy disk/ 軟硬不吃 软硬不吃 T - 3 ruǎn yìng bù chī f /unmoved by force or persuasion/ 軟硬件 软硬件 T - 62 ruǎn yìng jiàn f /software and hardware/ 軟硬兼施 软硬兼施 T - 32 ruǎn yìng jiān shī f /use both carrot and stick/use gentle methods and force/an iron hand in a velvet glove/ 軟碟 软碟 T - 3 ruǎn dié f /floppy disk/ 軟磁盤 软磁盘 T - 16 ruǎn cí pán f /floppy disk/ 軟磁碟 软磁碟 T - 0 ruǎn cí dié f /floppy disk/ 軟磨硬泡 软磨硬泡 T - 15 ruǎn mó yìng pào f /to coax and pester (idiom)/to wheedle/to cajole/ 軟禁 软禁 T - 133 ruǎn jìn f /house arrest/ 軟管 软管 T - 29 ruǎn guǎn f /hose/flexible tube/ 軟糖 软糖 T - 15 ruǎn táng f /soft candy (gummi candy, gumdrop, jellybean etc)/ 軟組織 软组织 T - 110 ruǎn zǔ zhī f /soft tissue/ 軟綿綿 软绵绵 T - 96 ruǎn mián mián f /soft/velvety/flabby/weak/schmaltzy/ 軟耳朵 软耳朵 T - 3 ruǎn ěr duo f /credulous person/credulous/ 軟肋 软肋 T - 3 ruǎn lèi f /rib cartilage/(fig.) weak spot/soft underbelly/ 軟脂酸 软脂酸 T - 12 ruǎn zhī suān f /palmitic acid (chemistry)/ 軟腳蝦 软脚虾 T - 0 ruǎn jiǎo xiā f /weakling/coward/ 軟腳蟹 软脚蟹 T - 0 ruǎn jiǎo xiè f /same as 軟腳蝦|软脚虾[ruan3 jiao3 xia1]/ 軟膏 软膏 T - 34 ruǎn gāo f /ointment/paste/ 軟臥 软卧 T - 26 ruǎn wò f /soft sleeper (a type of sleeper train ticket class with a softer bunk)/ 軟著陸 软着陆 T - 76 ruǎn zhuó lù f /soft landing (e.g. of spacecraft)/ 軟釘子 软钉子 T - 9 ruǎn dīng zi f /lit. a soft nail/fig. a tactful retort or rejection/ 軟飲 软饮 T - 0 ruǎn yǐn f /soft drink/ 軟飲料 软饮料 T - 35 ruǎn yǐn liào f /soft drink/ 軟骨 软骨 T - 161 ruǎn gǔ f /cartilage/ 軟骨病 软骨病 T - 16 ruǎn gǔ bìng f /chondropathy (medicine)/ 軟骨魚 软骨鱼 T - 35 ruǎn gǔ yú f /cartilaginous fish (such as sharks)/ 軟骨魚類 软骨鱼类 T - 3 ruǎn gǔ yú lèi f /cartilaginous fishes/Chondrichthyes (taxonomic class including sharks and rays)/ 軟體 软体 T - 30 ruǎn tǐ f /software (Tw)/soft-bodied (animal)/ 軟體動物 软体动物 T - 169 ruǎn tǐ dòng wù f /mollusk/mollusks/ 軟體業 软体业 T - 0 ruǎn tǐ yè f /the software industry/ 軟體配送者 软体配送者 T - 0 ruǎn tǐ pèi sòng zhě f /software distributor/ 軟齦音 软龈音 T - 0 ruǎn yín yīn f /velar sound (linguistics)/ 軟齶 软腭 T - 22 ruǎn è f /soft palate/ 軠 - 3 kuáng f /old variant of 軖[kuang2]/ 軡 - 0 Qián f /old variant of 黔[Qian2]/ 転 - 0 zhuǎn f /Japanese variant of 轉|转/ 軥 - 0 qú f /ends of yoke/ 軨 - 0 líng f /lattice work on front and sides/ 軫 轸 T - 31 zhěn f /square/strongly (as of emotion)/ 軫方 轸方 T - 0 zhěn fāng f /square/four-square/ 軭 - 0 kuāng f /to spoil (Cant.)/to ruin/to warp (car wheel)/ 軱 - 0 gū f /big bone/ 軲 轱 T - 3 gū f /wheel/to roll/ 軲轆 轱辘 T - 24 gū lù f /wheel/to roll/also pr. [gu1 lu5]/ 軶 - 10 è f /old variant of 軛|轭[e4]/ 軷 - 0 bá f /sacrifice/ 軸 轴 T - 1377 zhóu t /axis/axle/spool (for thread)/roller (for scrolls)/classifier for calligraphy rolls etc/ 軸 轴 T - 1377 zhòu f /see 壓軸戲|压轴戏[ya1 zhou4 xi4]/ 軸向 轴向 T - 3 zhóu xiàng f /axis/axial/ 軸心國 轴心国 T - 72 Zhóu xīn guó f /Axis powers (World War II)/ 軸承 轴承 T - 186 zhóu chéng f /bearing (mechanical)/ 軸承銷 轴承销 T - 0 zhóu chéng xiāo f /pin bearing/ 軸旋轉 轴旋转 T - 0 zhóu xuán zhuǎn f /to rotate about an axis/axis of rotation (math.)/ 軸率 轴率 T - 0 zhóu lǜ f /axial ratio/ 軸突 轴突 T - 61 zhóu tū f /axon/ 軸突運輸 轴突运输 T - 3 zhóu tū yùn shū f /axonal transport/ 軸索 轴索 T - 3 zhóu suǒ f /axon (long thin axis of nerve cell)/ 軸絲 轴丝 T - 3 zhóu sī f /axoneme (long thread of nerve cell)/ 軸線 轴线 T - 122 zhóu xiàn f /central axis (line)/ 軸距 轴距 T - 55 zhóu jù f /wheelbase/ 軹 轵 T - 10 zhǐ f /end of axle outside of hub/ 軺 轺 T - 13 yáo f /light carriage/ 軻 轲 T - 39 Kē t /given name of Mencius/ 軻 轲 T - 39 kě f /see 轗軻|轗轲[kan3 ke3]/ 軼 轶 T - 288 yì f /to excel/to surpass/to be scattered/variant of 逸[yi4], leisurely/ 軼事 轶事 T - 78 yì shì f /variant of 逸事[yi4 shi4]/ 軼事遺聞 轶事遗闻 T - 3 yì shì yí wén f /anecdote (about historical person)/lost or apocryphal story/ 軼塵 轶尘 T - 0 yì chén f /variant of 逸塵|逸尘[yi4 chen2]/ 軼群 轶群 T - 0 yì qún f /variant of 逸群[yi4 qun2]/ 軼聞 轶闻 T - 103 yì wén f /anecdote/apocryphal story/ 軽 - 0 qīng f /Japanese variant of 輕|轻/ 軾 轼 T - 9 shì f /crossbar in carriage front/ 軿 - 0 píng f /curtained carriage used by women/to gather together/to assemble/ 輀 - 0 ér f /hearse/ 輂 - 6 jú f /horse carriage (old)/ 輂輦 輂辇 T - 0 jú niǎn f /emperor's carriage/ 輂辇 輂輦 S - 0 jú niǎn f /emperor's carriage/ 較 较 T - 30431 jiào f /comparatively/(preposition comparing difference in degree)/to contrast/to compare/rather/fairly/clearly (different)/markedly/to haggle over/to quibble/also pr. [jiao3]/ 較佳 较佳 T - 3 jiào jiā f /comparatively good/ 較勁 较劲 T - 79 jiào jìn f /to match one's strength with/to compete/more competitive/to set oneself against sb/disobliging/to make a special effort/ 較勁兒 较劲儿 T - 8 jiào jìn r f /erhua variant of 較勁|较劲[jiao4 jin4]/ 較場 较场 T - 3 jiào chǎng f /military drill ground/same as 校場|校场/ 較大 较大 T - 6637 jiào dà f /comparatively large/ 較好 较好 T - 0 jiào hǎo f /preferably/rather or relatively good/ 較少 较少 T - 3 jiào shǎo f /less/ 較差 较差 T - 786 jiào chā f /mediocre/rather poor/not specially good/ 較比 较比 T - 0 jiào bǐ f /comparatively (colloquial)/fairly/quite/rather/relatively/ 較為 较为 T - 2350 jiào wéi f /comparatively/relatively/fairly/ 較然 较然 T - 0 jiào rán f /clearly/evidently/markedly/ 較略 较略 T - 0 jiào lüè f /approximately/roughly/about/ 較真 较真 T - 32 jiào zhēn f /serious/in earnest/ 較真兒 较真儿 T - 11 jiào zhēn r f /erhua variant of 較真|较真[jiao4 zhen1]/ 較短絜長 较短絜长 T - 3 jiào duǎn xié cháng f /to compare long and short/to compare the pros and cons/ 較著 较著 T - 3 jiào zhù f /obvious/prominent/standing out/ 較量 较量 T 3753 929 jiào liàng f /to have a contest with sb/to cross swords/to measure up against/to compete with/to haggle/to quibble/ 較長 较长 T - 0 jiào cháng f /comparatively long/ 較長絜短 较长絜短 T - 3 jiào cháng xié duǎn f /to compare long and short/to compare the pros and cons/ 較高級 较高级 T - 37 jiào gāo jí f /better quality/comparatively higher level/ 輅 辂 T - 219 lù f /chariot/ 輇 辁 T - 0 quán f /limited (of talent or ability)/(archaic) solid wheel (without spokes)/ 輈 辀 T - 5 zhōu f /(literary) shaft (of a cart)/cart/ 載 载 T - 3349 zǎi f /to record in writing/to carry (i.e. publish in a newspaper etc)/Taiwan pr. [zai4]/year/ 載 载 T - 3349 zài t /to carry/to convey/to load/to hold/to fill up/and/also/as well as/simultaneously/ 載人 载人 T - 282 zài rén f /(of spaceships etc) manned/also pr. [zai3 ren2]/ 載人軌道空間站 载人轨道空间站 T - 0 zài rén guǐ dào kōng jiān zhàn f /manned orbiting space station/ 載伯德 载伯德 T - 0 Zǎi bó dé f /Zebedee (name)/ 載入 载入 T - 356 zǎi rù f /to load into/to record/to write into/to enter (data)/to go into (the records)/to go down (in history)/ 載客 载客 T - 108 zài kè f /to take passengers on board/ 載客車 载客车 T - 0 zài kè chē f /passenger train (or bus)/ 載客量 载客量 T - 19 zài kè liàng f /passenger capacity/ 載彈量 载弹量 T - 43 zài dàn liàng f /payload/ 載攜 载携 T - 0 zài xié f /to carry/to bear/ 載明 载明 T - 33 zǎi míng f /to state explicitly in writing/to specify/to stipulate/ 載歌且舞 载歌且舞 T - 3 zài gē qiě wǔ f /singing and dancing (idiom); festive celebrations/ 載歌載舞 载歌载舞 T - 96 zài gē zài wǔ f /singing and dancing (idiom); festive celebrations/ 載波 载波 T - 53 zài bō f /carrier wave/ 載湉 载湉 T - 3 Zǎi tián f /birth name of Qing emperor Guangxu 光緒|光绪[Guang1 xu4]/ 載漪 载漪 T - 0 Zài yī f /Zai Yi (1856-1922), Manchu imperial prince and politician, disgraced after supporting the Boxers/ 載籍 载籍 T - 0 zǎi jí f /books (in Confucian education)/ 載舟覆舟 载舟覆舟 T - 3 zài zhōu fù zhōu f /to carry a boat or to overturn a boat (idiom); fig. The people can support a regime or overturn it./ 載荷 载荷 T - 430 zài hè f /load/lading (weight)/ 載貨 载货 T - 38 zài huò f /freight/load/ 載貨汽車 载货汽车 T - 0 zài huò qì chē f /lorry/ 載車 载车 T - 0 zài chē f /onboard (equipment)/to ferry cars/missile trucks/ 載途 载途 T - 0 zài tú f /to cover the road (snow, wind, hazards etc)/distance (between locations)/ 載運 载运 T - 96 zài yùn f /to convey (on vehicle)/to freight/ 載道 载道 T - 3 zài dào f /to fill the road (also fig. clamor, cries of complaint)/to communicate a moral/to convey the Way/to express (idea, preference, complaint)/ 載酒問字 载酒问字 T - 3 zài jiǔ wèn zì f /a scholarly and inquisitive individual (idiom)/ 載重 载重 T - 415 zài zhòng f /load/carrying capacity/ 載重能力 载重能力 T - 0 zài zhòng néng lì f /weight-carrying capacity/ 載重量 载重量 T - 100 zài zhòng liàng f /dead weight/weight capacity of a vehicle/ 載頻 载频 T - 2 zài pín f /frequency of carrier wave/ 載體 载体 T - 474 zài tǐ f /carrier (chemistry)/vector (epidemiology)/vehicle or medium/ 輊 轾 T - 0 zhì f /back and lower of chariot/short/low/ 輋 - 0 Shē f /old variant of 畬|畲[She1]/ 輒 辄 T - 89 zhé f /then/at once/always/(archaic) luggage rack on a chariot/ 輓 挽 T - 957 wǎn f /variant of 挽[wan3]/to draw (a cart)/to lament the dead/ 輓聯 挽联 T - 197 wǎn lián f /elegiac couplet/ 輓近 挽近 T - 0 wǎn jìn f /old variant of 晚近[wan3 jin4]/ 輔 辅 T - 1035 fǔ f /to assist/to complement/auxiliary/ 輔仁大學 辅仁大学 T - 3 Fǔ rén Dà xué f /Fu Jen Catholic University of Peking (from 1925), forerunner of Beijing Normal University 北京師範大學|北京师范大学/Fu Jen Catholic University in New Taipei City, Taiwan/ 輔以 辅以 T - 126 fǔ yǐ f /supplemented by/accompanied by/with/ 輔佐 辅佐 T - 355 fǔ zuǒ f /to assist (usually a ruler)/ 輔修 辅修 T - 28 fǔ xiū f /to minor in/minor/ 輔具 辅具 T - 0 fǔ jù f /assistive device (walking frame, hearing aid etc)/ 輔助 辅助 T 3671 1345 fǔ zhù f /to assist/to aid/supplementary/auxiliary/subsidiary/ 輔助語 辅助语 T - 0 fǔ zhù yǔ f /auxiliary language/ 輔助醫療 辅助医疗 T - 0 fǔ zhù yī liáo f /complementary medicine/ 輔大 辅大 T - 3 Fǔ Dà f /abbr. for 輔仁大學|辅仁大学[Fu3 ren2 Da4 xue2]/ 輔導 辅导 T 2165 471 fǔ dǎo f /to coach/to tutor/to give advice (in study)/ 輔導人 辅导人 T - 0 fǔ dǎo rén f /tutor/ 輔導員 辅导员 T - 55 fǔ dǎo yuán f /a coach (teacher or trainer)/ 輔導班 辅导班 T - 228 fǔ dǎo bān f /tutorial class/remedial class/preparatory course/ 輔幣 辅币 T - 23 fǔ bì f /fractional currency/ 輔弼 辅弼 T - 12 fǔ bì f /to assist a ruler in governing a country/prime minister/ 輔料 辅料 T - 39 fǔ liào f /auxiliary ingredients/supplementary materials/ 輔課 辅课 T - 0 fǔ kè f /subsidiary course/ 輔酶 辅酶 T - 47 fǔ méi f /coenzyme (chemistry)/ 輔音 辅音 T - 139 fǔ yīn f /consonant/ 輕 轻 T 880 7559 qīng f /light/easy/gentle/soft/reckless/unimportant/frivolous/small in number/unstressed/neutral/to disparage/ 輕佻 轻佻 T - 44 qīng tiāo f /frivolous/coquettish/ 輕侮 轻侮 T - 3 qīng wǔ f /to slight/to scorn/ 輕便 轻便 T - 166 qīng biàn f /lightweight and portable/light and convenient/ 輕信 轻信 T - 103 qīng xìn f /to easily trust/gullible/naïve/ 輕傷 轻伤 T - 110 qīng shāng f /lightly wounded/minor injuries/ 輕元素 轻元素 T - 18 qīng yuán sù f /light element (such as hydrogen)/ 輕取 轻取 T - 81 qīng qǔ f /to beat easily/to gain an easy victory/ 輕口薄舌 轻口薄舌 T - 3 qīng kǒu bó shé f /lit. light mouth, thin tongue (idiom); hasty and rude/caustic and sharp-tongued/ 輕咬 轻咬 T - 3 qīng yǎo f /nibble/ 輕嘴薄舌 轻嘴薄舌 T - 3 qīng zuǐ bó shé f /lit. light mouth, thin tongue (idiom); hasty and rude/caustic and sharp-tongued/ 輕型 轻型 T - 639 qīng xíng f /light (machinery, aircraft etc)/ 輕型軌道交通 轻型轨道交通 T - 0 qīng xíng guǐ dào jiāo tōng f /light rail/transit system (underground, at street level or elevated)/streetcar/metro/abbr. to 輕軌|轻轨[qing1 gui3]/ 輕子 轻子 T - 0 qīng zǐ f /lepton (particle physics)/ 輕工 轻工 T - 706 qīng gōng f /light engineering/ 輕工業 轻工业 T - 717 qīng gōng yè f /light industry/ 輕巧 轻巧 T - 148 qīng qiǎo f /dexterous/deft/easy/light and easy to use/nimble/agile/lithe/graceful/ 輕度 轻度 T - 209 qīng dù f /mild (symptoms etc)/ 輕微 轻微 T - 538 qīng wēi f /slight/light/trivial/to a small extent/ 輕快 轻快 T - 167 qīng kuài f /light and quick/brisk/spry/lively/effortless/relaxed/agile/blithe/ 輕慢 轻慢 T - 31 qīng màn f /irreverent/ 輕手輕腳 轻手轻脚 T - 75 qīng shǒu qīng jiǎo f /(to move or do sth) softly and quietly (idiom)/ 輕打 轻打 T - 0 qīng dǎ f /tap/hit lightly/ 輕捷 轻捷 T - 112 qīng jié f /light on one's feet/nimble/agile/ 輕描淡寫 轻描淡写 T - 184 qīng miáo dàn xiě f /to sketch in light shades/to play down/to deemphasize (idiom)/ 輕撫 轻抚 T - 3 qīng fǔ f /to stroke lightly/to caress/ 輕擊區 轻击区 T - 0 qīng jī qū f /putting green (golf)/ 輕擊棒 轻击棒 T - 0 qīng jī bàng f /putter (golf)/ 輕擊球 轻击球 T - 0 qīng jī qiú f /to hit the ball lightly (sport)/putt (golf)/ 輕敵 轻敌 T - 194 qīng dí f /to underestimate the enemy/ 輕於鴻毛 轻于鸿毛 T - 13 qīng yú hóng máo f /light as a goose feather (idiom); trifling/unimportant/ 輕易 轻易 T 1846 1474 qīng yì f /easily/lightly/rashly/ 輕染 轻染 T - 0 qīng rǎn f /tinge/ 輕柔 轻柔 T - 187 qīng róu f /soft/gentle/pliable/ 輕機槍 轻机枪 T - 95 qīng jī qiāng f /light machine gun/ 輕機關槍 轻机关枪 T - 3 qīng jī guān qiāng f /also written 輕機槍|轻机枪/light machine gun/ 輕武器 轻武器 T - 189 qīng wǔ qì f /light weapon/ 輕水 轻水 T - 14 qīng shuǐ f /light water (as opposed to heavy water)/see light water reactor 輕水反應堆|轻水反应堆/ 輕水反應堆 轻水反应堆 T - 0 qīng shuǐ fǎn yìng duī f /light water reactor (LWR)/ 輕浪浮薄 轻浪浮薄 T - 0 qīng làng fú bó f /(idiom) frivolous/ 輕浮 轻浮 T - 93 qīng fú f /frivolous/careless/giddy/ 輕狂 轻狂 T - 42 qīng kuáng f /frivolous/ 輕率 轻率 T - 167 qīng shuài f /cavalier/offhand/reckless/ 輕生 轻生 T - 48 qīng shēng f /a suicide/to commit suicide/ 輕盈 轻盈 T - 232 qīng yíng f /graceful/lithe/light and graceful/lighthearted/relaxed/ 輕省 轻省 T - 0 qīng sheng f /relaxed/easy/ 輕看 轻看 T - 0 qīng kàn f /to look down upon/ 輕窕 轻窕 T - 3 qīng tiǎo f /frivolous/capricious/playful/ 輕紗 轻纱 T - 3 qīng shā f /light muslin/gauze/ 輕罪 轻罪 T - 3 qīng zuì f /petty crime/misdemeanor/ 輕者 轻者 T - 3 qīng zhě f /less serious case/in less severe cases/ 輕而易舉 轻而易举 T - 196 qīng ér yì jǔ f /easy/with no difficulty/ 輕聲 轻声 T - 603 qīng shēng f /quietly/softly/neutral tone/light stress/ 輕聲細語 轻声细语 T - 9 qīng shēng xì yǔ f /to speak softly/to whisper (idiom)/ 輕脆 轻脆 T - 3 qīng cuì f /sharp and clear/crisp/melodious/ringing/tinkling/silvery (of sound)/fragile/frail/also written 清脆/ 輕舉妄動 轻举妄动 T - 169 qīng jǔ wàng dòng f /to act blindly without thinking (idiom)/ 輕蔑 轻蔑 T - 309 qīng miè f /to contempt/to disdain/pejorative/ 輕薄 轻薄 T - 218 qīng bó f /light (weight)/frivolous/a philanderer/to scorn/disrespectful/ 輕裘肥馬 轻裘肥马 T - 2 qīng qiú féi mǎ f /lit. light furs and stout horses/fig. to live in luxury/ 輕視 轻视 T 2396 472 qīng shì f /contempt/contemptuous/to despise/to scorn/scornful/ 輕言細語 轻言细语 T - 5 qīng yán xì yǔ f /to speak softly/ 輕質石油 轻质石油 T - 0 qīng zhì shí yóu f /light petroleum (product)/gasoline and diesel oil/ 輕質石油產品 轻质石油产品 T - 0 qīng zhì shí yóu chǎn pǐn f /light petroleum product (i.e. gasoline and diesel oil)/ 輕車熟路 轻车熟路 T - 23 qīng chē shú lù f /lit. to drive a lightweight chariot on a familiar road (idiom)/fig. to do sth routinely and with ease/a walk in the park/ 輕車簡從 轻车简从 T - 7 qīng chē jiǎn cóng f /(of an official) to travel with little luggage and just a small escort/to travel without ostentation/ 輕軌 轻轨 T - 15 qīng guǐ f /light rail/transit system (underground, at street level or elevated)/streetcar/metro/abbr. for 輕型軌道交通|轻型轨道交通[qing1 xing2 gui3 dao4 jiao1 tong1]/ 輕輕 轻轻 T - 4408 qīng qīng f /lightly/softly/ 輕重 轻重 T - 467 qīng zhòng f /severity (of the case)/degree of seriousness/whether sth is slight or serious/ 輕重主次 轻重主次 T - 0 qīng zhòng zhǔ cì f /to invert the importance of things (i.e. stress the incidental and neglect the main point)/lacking a sense of perspective/to put the cart before the horse/ 輕重倒置 轻重倒置 T - 2 qīng zhòng dào zhì f /to invert the importance of things (i.e. stress the unimportant and neglect the important)/lacking a sense of perspective/to put the cart before the horse/ 輕重緩急 轻重缓急 T - 52 qīng zhòng huǎn jí f /slight or important, urgent or non-urgent (idiom); to deal with important matters first/sense of priority/ 輕量級 轻量级 T - 13 qīng liàng jí f /light-weight class (in athletics)/ 輕靈 轻灵 T - 96 qīng líng f /quick and skillful/agile/ 輕音樂 轻音乐 T - 26 qīng yīn yuè f /light music/ 輕風 轻风 T - 26 qīng fēng f /breeze/light wind/ 輕飄飄 轻飘飘 T - 184 qīng piāo piāo f /light as a feather/ 輕食 轻食 T - 0 qīng shí f /light meal/snack/ 輕饒 轻饶 T - 3 qīng ráo f /to forgive easily/to let off lightly (often with negative: you won't get away with it)/ 輕饒素放 轻饶素放 T - 3 qīng ráo sù fàng f /easily forgive, simply release (idiom); to let sb off scot free/ 輕騎 轻骑 T - 120 qīng qí f /light cavalry/light motorcycle/moped/ 輕鬆 轻松 T 881 1979 qīng sōng f /light/gentle/relaxed/effortless/uncomplicated/to relax/to take things less seriously/ 輗 - 0 ní f /clamps for crossbar of carriage/ 輙 辄 T - 89 zhé f /variant of 輒|辄[zhe2]/ 輛 辆 T 398 2547 liàng f /classifier for vehicles/ 輜 辎 T - 14 zī f /covered wagon/military supply wagon/ 輝 辉 T - 510 huī f /splendor/to shine upon/ 輝南 辉南 T - 4 Huī nán f /Huinan county in Tonghua 通化, Jilin/ 輝南縣 辉南县 T - 3 Huī nán xiàn f /Huinan county in Tonghua 通化, Jilin/ 輝映 辉映 T - 213 huī yìng f /to reflect/to shine/ 輝格黨 辉格党 T - 0 Huī gé dǎng f /Whig Party/ 輝煌 辉煌 T 3606 1235 huī huáng f /splendid/glorious/ 輝瑞 辉瑞 T - 29 Huī ruì f /Pfizer, American pharmaceutical company/ 輝石 辉石 T - 144 huī shí f /pyroxene (family of rock-forming minerals)/augite/ 輝綠岩 辉绿岩 T - 19 huī lǜ yán f /diabase (geology)/dolerite/ 輝縣 辉县 T - 29 Huī xiàn f /Huixian county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡[Xin1 xiang1], Henan/ 輝縣市 辉县市 T - 5 Huī xiàn shì f /Huixian county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡[Xin1 xiang1], Henan/ 輝長岩 辉长岩 T - 21 huī cháng yán f /gabbro (geology)/ 輞 辋 T - 14 wǎng f /tire/wheel band/ 輟 辍 T - 177 chuò f /to stop (before completion)/to cease/to suspend/ 輟學 辍学 T - 172 chuò xué f /to drop out of school/to leave off studying/to interrupt one's studies/ 輟學率 辍学率 T - 273 chuò xué lǜ f /drop-out rate (from schooling)/ 輟工 辍工 T - 0 chuò gōng f /to stop work/ 輟朝 辍朝 T - 0 chuò cháo f /to suspend business at the imperial court on account of a misfortune/ 輟業 辍业 T - 0 chuò yè f /to give up work/to give up one's profession/ 輟止 辍止 T - 0 chuò zhǐ f /to stop/to leave off/ 輟演 辍演 T - 3 chuò yǎn f /to stop performing a play/to interrupt a stage run/ 輟筆 辍笔 T - 5 chuò bǐ f /to stop writing or painting/to leave off writing midway/ 輟耕 辍耕 T - 3 chuò gēng f /to stop plowing/to give up a life in the fields/ 輟食吐哺 辍食吐哺 T - 0 chuò shí tǔ bǔ f /to stop eating and spit out/ 輠 - 0 guǒ f /grease-pot under a cart/ 輣 - 34 péng f /war chariot (archaic)/ 輤 - 0 qiàn f /a pall to cover the hearse/ 輥 辊 T - 50 gǔn f /to revolve/stone roller/ 輦 辇 T - 779 niǎn f /handcart/emperor's carriage/to transport by carriage/ 輦運 辇运 T - 0 niǎn yùn f /(literary) to transport/to ship/ 輩 辈 T - 1337 bèi f /lifetime/generation/group of people/class/classifier for generations/(lit.) classifier for people/ 輩兒 辈儿 T - 0 bèi r f /generation/ 輩出 辈出 T - 604 bèi chū f /to come forth in large numbers/ 輩分 辈分 T - 85 bèi fèn f /seniority in the family or clan/position in the family hierarchy/ 輩子 辈子 T - 394 bèi zi f /all one's life/lifetime/ 輪 轮 T - 4615 lún f /wheel/disk/ring/steamship/to take turns/to rotate/by turn/classifier for big round objects: disk, or recurring events: round, turn/ 輪任 轮任 T - 0 lún rèn f /rotating appointment (e.g. Presidency of EU)/ 輪休 轮休 T - 24 lún xiū f /holiday roster/ 輪作 轮作 T - 80 lún zuò f /rotation of crops (to preserve fertility of soil)/ 輪候 轮候 T - 0 lún hòu f /to wait one's turn/ 輪值 轮值 T - 73 lún zhí f /to take turns on duty/ 輪到 轮到 T - 3 lún dào f /to be (sb's or sth's) turn/ 輪台 轮台 T - 23 Lún tái f /Bügür nahiyisi or Luntai county in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州[Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 Meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 輪台古城 轮台古城 T - 0 Lún tái gǔ chéng f /ruins of Luntai city, archaeological site in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州, Xinjiang/ 輪台縣 轮台县 T - 5 Lún tái xiàn f /Bügür nahiyisi or Luntai county in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州[Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 Meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 輪唱 轮唱 T - 5 lún chàng f /round (music)/canon/ 輪回 轮回 T - 376 lún huí f /variant of 輪迴|轮回[lun2 hui2]/ 輪姦 轮奸 T - 13 lún jiān f /to gang rape/ 輪子 轮子 T - 207 lún zi f /wheel/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 輪廓 轮廓 T 4024 499 lún kuò f /an outline/silhouette/ 輪廓線 轮廓线 T - 19 lún kuò xiàn f /an outline/silhouette/ 輪廓鮮明 轮廓鲜明 T - 0 lún kuò xiān míng f /sharp image/clear-cut/in bold outline/in sharp relief/ 輪指 轮指 T - 7 lún zhǐ f /circular finger movement (in playing plucked instrument)/strumming/ 輪換 轮换 T - 221 lún huàn f /duty roster/ 輪暴 轮暴 T - 0 lún bào f /to gang rape/ 輪替 轮替 T - 24 lún tì f /to take turns/to work by roster/ 輪椅 轮椅 T - 96 lún yǐ f /wheelchair/ 輪機 轮机 T - 19 lún jī f /turbine/ 輪機手 轮机手 T - 3 lún jī shǒu f /helmsman/ 輪次 轮次 T - 16 lún cì f /in turn/by turns/lap/turn/round/classifier for laps, turns, rounds/ 輪流 轮流 T 2304 694 lún liú f /to alternate/to take turns/ 輪渡 轮渡 T - 72 lún dù f /ferry/ 輪滑 轮滑 T - 22 lún huá f /roller skating/ 輪牧 轮牧 T - 5 lún mù f /rotation grazing/ 輪狀病毒 轮状病毒 T - 3 lún zhuàng bìng dú f /rotavirus/ 輪班 轮班 T - 43 lún bān f /shift working/ 輪番 轮番 T - 514 lún fān f /in turn/one after another/ 輪盤 轮盘 T - 29 lún pán f /roulette/ 輪種 轮种 T - 7 lún zhòng f /rotation of crops/ 輪箍 轮箍 T - 5 lún gū f /tire/ 輪緣 轮缘 T - 7 lún yuán f /rim/edge of wheel/ 輪胎 轮胎 T 2918 311 lún tāi f /tire/pneumatic tire/ 輪腳 轮脚 T - 0 lún jiǎo f /caster (furniture wheel)/ 輪船 轮船 T 4421 679 lún chuán f /steamship/steamer/ocean liner/ship/CL:艘[sou1]/ 輪訓 轮训 T - 28 lún xùn f /training in rotation/ 輪詢 轮询 T - 3 lún xún f /to poll/polling/ 輪距 轮距 T - 56 lún jù f /tread (on tire)/gauge/ 輪軸 轮轴 T - 14 lún zhóu f /axle/ 輪輻 轮辐 T - 4 lún fú f /wheel spoke/ 輪轂 轮毂 T - 11 lún gǔ f /wheel hub/ 輪轂罩 轮毂罩 T - 3 lún gǔ zhào f /hubcap/ 輪轉 轮转 T - 43 lún zhuàn f /to rotate/ 輪轉機 轮转机 T - 3 lún zhuǎn jī f /merry-go-round/ 輪迴 轮回 T - 376 lún huí f /to reincarnate/reincarnation (Buddhism)/(of the seasons etc) to follow each other cyclically/cycle/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 輪齒 轮齿 T - 3 lún chǐ f /tooth of cog wheel/gear tooth/ 輫 - 0 pái f /carriage (archaic)/ 輬 辌 T - 0 liáng f /see 轀輬|辒辌[wen1 liang2]/ 輭 软 T 1847 3730 ruǎn f /variant of 軟|软[ruan3]/ 輮 - 0 róu f /wheel band/ 輯 辑 T - 640 jí f /to gather up/to collect/to edit/to compile/ 輯睦 辑睦 T - 0 jí mù f /tranquil/harmonious/ 輯穆 辑穆 T - 0 jí mù f /variant of 輯睦|辑睦[ji2 mu4]/ 輯集 辑集 T - 0 jí jí f /to anthologize/ 輳 辏 T - 333 còu f /to converge/hub of wheel/ 輴 - 0 chūn f /hearse/ 輵 - 0 gé f /great array of spears and chariots/ 輶 - 0 yóu f /light carriage/trifling/ 輸 输 T 768 2922 shū f /to lose/to transport/to donate/to enter (a password)/ 輸不起 输不起 T - 3 shū bù qǐ f /to take defeat with bad grace/to be a sore loser/cannot afford to lose/ 輸入 输入 T 2025 1700 shū rù f /to import/to input/ 輸入法 输入法 T - 19 shū rù fǎ f /input method/ 輸入系統 输入系统 T - 0 shū rù xì tǒng f /input system/data entry system/ 輸入設備 输入设备 T - 0 shū rù shè bèi f /input device (computer)/ 輸出 输出 T - 2335 shū chū f /to export/to output/ 輸出品 输出品 T - 3 shū chū pǐn f /export item/product for export/ 輸出管 输出管 T - 3 shū chū guǎn f /vas efferens/ 輸卵管 输卵管 T - 130 shū luǎn guǎn f /Fallopian tube/oviduct/ 輸墨裝置 输墨装置 T - 0 shū mò zhuāng zhì f /ink supply mechanism/ 輸密碼 输密码 T - 0 shū mì mǎ f /to enter a code/to type a password/to enter an ATM PIN/ 輸尿管 输尿管 T - 116 shū niào guǎn f /ureter/ 輸掉 输掉 T - 3 shū diào f /to lose/ 輸水管 输水管 T - 2 shū shuǐ guǎn f /pipe/pipeline/ 輸沙量 输沙量 T - 86 shū shā liàng f /quantity of sand (transported by a river)/sediment content/ 輸油管 输油管 T - 47 shū yóu guǎn f /petroleum pipeline/ 輸注 输注 T - 74 shū zhù f /to inject/infusion/ 輸液 输液 T - 186 shū yè f /intravenous infusion/to get put on an IV/ 輸理 输理 T - 3 shū lǐ f /to be in the wrong/ 輸移 输移 T - 0 shū yí f /(sediment) transport/ 輸精管 输精管 T - 54 shū jīng guǎn f /vas deferens/ 輸給 输给 T - 358 shū gěi f /to lose to (sb)/to be outdone by/ 輸血 输血 T - 222 shū xuè f /to transfuse blood/to give aid and support/ 輸贏 输赢 T - 178 shū yíng f /win or loss/outcome/ 輸送 输送 T - 631 shū sòng f /to transport/to convey/ 輸送媒介 输送媒介 T - 0 shū sòng méi jiè f /transport medium/ 輸運 输运 T - 71 shū yùn f /to transport/transportation/ 輸電 输电 T - 467 shū diàn f /electricity transmission/to transmit electricity/ 輹 - 0 fù f /parts of cart holding the axle/ 輻 辐 T - 130 fú f /spoke of a wheel/ 輻射 辐射 T 3113 2452 fú shè f /radiation/ 輻射偵察 辐射侦察 T - 0 fú shè zhēn chá f /radiation detection/ 輻射儀 辐射仪 T - 10 fú shè yí f /radiation meter/ 輻射分解 辐射分解 T - 3 fú shè fēn jiě f /radiolysis/ 輻射劑量 辐射剂量 T - 0 fú shè jì liàng f /radiation dose/ 輻射劑量率 辐射剂量率 T - 0 fú shè jì liàng lǜ f /radiation dose rate/ 輻射場 辐射场 T - 0 fú shè chǎng f /radiation field/ 輻射對稱 辐射对称 T - 3 fú shè duì chèn f /radial symmetry/ 輻射強度 辐射强度 T - 3 fú shè qiáng dù f /radiation intensity/ 輻射敏感性 辐射敏感性 T - 0 fú shè mǐn gǎn xìng f /radiosensitivity/ 輻射散射 辐射散射 T - 0 fú shè sàn shè f /radiation scattering/ 輻射波 辐射波 T - 0 fú shè bō f /radiation (wave)/radiated wave/ 輻射直接效應 辐射直接效应 T - 0 fú shè zhí jiē xiào yìng f /direct effect of radiation/ 輻射能 辐射能 T - 57 fú shè néng f /radiation energy (e.g. solar)/ 輻射計 辐射计 T - 24 fú shè jì f /radiometer/ 輻射警告標志 辐射警告标志 T - 0 fú shè jǐng gào biāo zhì f /radiation warning symbol/ 輻射防護 辐射防护 T - 0 fú shè fáng hù f /radiation protection/ 輻條 辐条 T - 12 fú tiáo f /(wheel) spoke/ 輻照 辐照 T - 89 fú zhào f /irradiation/ 輼 - 0 wēn f /variant of 轀|辒, hearse/ 輾 辗 T - 80 zhǎn f /roll over on side/turn half over/ 輾軋 辗轧 T - 0 zhǎn yà f /to roll over/to run over/ 輾轉 辗转 T - 374 zhǎn zhuǎn f /to toss about in bed/from person to person/indirectly/to wander/ 輾轉反側 辗转反侧 T - 50 zhǎn zhuǎn fǎn cè f /to toss and turn restlessly (in the bed)/ 輿 舆 T - 1038 yú f /carriage/sedan chair/world/ 輿地 舆地 T - 3 yú dì f /land/map/(old) geography/ 輿情 舆情 T - 92 yú qíng f /public sentiment/ 輿論 舆论 T 4210 1830 yú lùn f /public opinion/ 輿論界 舆论界 T - 84 yú lùn jiè f /media/commentators/ 輿論調查 舆论调查 T - 0 yú lùn diào chá f /opinion poll/ 轀 辒 T - 0 wēn f /hearse/ 轀車 辒车 T - 0 wēn chē f /hearse/ 轀輬 辒辌 T - 0 wēn liáng f /(sleeping) carriage/hearse/ 轂 毂 T - 81 gū f /wheel/ 轂 毂 T - 81 gǔ t /hub of wheel/ 轄 辖 T - 7589 xiá f /to govern/to control/having jurisdiction over/linchpin of a wheel (archaic)/noise of a barrow/ 轄制 辖制 T - 18 xiá zhì f /to control/ 轄區 辖区 T - 1733 xiá qū f /administrative region/ 轅 辕 T - 94 yuán f /shafts of cart/yamen/ 轆 辘 T - 39 lù f /windlass/ 轆轤 辘轳 T - 42 lù lu f /well pulley/windlass/potter's wheel/ 轇 - 0 jiū f /complicated, confused/dispute/ 轉 转 T 707 11622 zhuǎi f /see 轉文|转文[zhuai3 wen2]/ 轉 转 T 707 11622 zhuǎn t /to turn/to change direction/to transfer/to forward (mail)/ 轉 转 T 707 11622 zhuàn f /to revolve/to turn/to circle about/to walk about/classifier for revolutions (per minute etc): revs, rpm/classifier for repeated actions/ 轉一趟 转一趟 T - 0 zhuàn yī tàng f /to go on a trip/ 轉世 转世 T - 166 zhuǎn shì f /reincarnation or transmigration (Buddhism)/ 轉乘 转乘 T - 16 zhuǎn chéng f /to transfer/to change trains, buses etc/ 轉交 转交 T - 191 zhuǎn jiāo f /to pass on to sb/to carry and give to sb else/ 轉介 转介 T - 0 zhuǎn jiè f /to refer sb to an agency (or hospital etc)/referral/ 轉位 转位 T - 8 zhuǎn wèi t /transposition/displacement/inversion/translocation/to displace/to transpose/ 轉位 转位 T - 8 zhuàn wèi f /index (rotating gauge)/cam gradation/ 轉來轉去 转来转去 T - 105 zhuàn lái zhuàn qù f /to rove around/to run around in circles/to walk back and forth/ 轉側 转侧 T - 14 zhuǎn cè f /to change one's viewpoint/to turn from side to side (in bed)/ 轉入 转入 T - 1182 zhuǎn rù f /change over to/shift to/switch to/ 轉入地下 转入地下 T - 3 zhuǎn rù dì xià f /to go underground/to turn to secret activities/ 轉劇 转剧 T - 0 zhuǎn jù f /becoming acute/to exacerbate/ 轉動 转动 T - 1093 zhuǎn dòng t /to turn sth around/to swivel/ 轉動 转动 T - 1093 zhuàn dòng f /to rotate (about an axis)/to revolve/to turn/to move in a circle/to gyrate/ 轉動件 转动件 T - 0 zhuàn dòng jiàn f /rotor/ 轉動慣量 转动惯量 T - 3 zhuǎn dòng guàn liàng f /moment of inertia (mechanics)/ 轉動軸 转动轴 T - 3 zhuàn dòng zhóu f /axis of rotation (mechanics)/spindle/ 轉化 转化 T - 3673 zhuǎn huà f /to change/to transform/isomerization (chemistry)/ 轉化糖 转化糖 T - 0 zhuǎn huà táng f /inverted sugar/ 轉危為安 转危为安 T - 96 zhuǎn wēi wéi ān f /to turn peril into safety (idiom); to avert a danger (esp. political or medical)/ 轉去 转去 T - 3 zhuàn qù f /to return/to go back/ 轉口 转口 T - 136 zhuǎn kǒu f /entrepot/transit (of goods)/(coll.) to deny/to go back on one's word/ 轉台 转台 T - 15 zhuǎn tái f /to change the channel (TV)/ 轉台 转台 T - 15 zhuàn tái t /rotating stage/swivel table/ 轉向 转向 T - 2176 zhuǎn xiàng t /to change direction/fig. to change one's stance/ 轉向 转向 T - 2176 zhuàn xiàng f /to get lost/to lose one's way/ 轉向信號 转向信号 T - 0 zhuǎn xiàng xìn hào f /turn signal (auto.)/turning indicator/ 轉向燈 转向灯 T - 9 zhuǎn xiàng dēng f /vehicle turn indicator light/ 轉告 转告 T 2143 174 zhuǎn gào f /to pass on/to communicate/to transmit/ 轉喻 转喻 T - 3 zhuǎn yù f /metonymy/ 轉回 转回 T - 135 zhuǎn huí f /to turn back/to put back/reversal/melodic inversion (in music)/ 轉圈 转圈 T - 38 zhuàn quān f /to rotate/to twirl/to run around/to encircle/rotation/(coll.) to speak indirectly/to beat about the bush/ 轉圜 转圜 T - 0 zhuǎn huán f /to save or redeem (a situation)/to mediate/to intercede/ 轉圜餘地 转圜余地 T - 3 zhuǎn huán yú dì f /to have room to save a situation/margin for error (idiom)/ 轉型 转型 T - 763 zhuǎn xíng f /transformation/to transform/ 轉基因 转基因 T - 47 zhuǎn jī yīn f /genetic modification/ 轉基因食品 转基因食品 T - 0 zhuǎn jī yīn shí pǐn f /genetically modified (GM) food/ 轉塔 转塔 T - 6 zhuàn tǎ f /rotating turret/ 轉好 转好 T - 0 zhuǎn hǎo f /improvement/turnaround (for the better)/ 轉嫁 转嫁 T - 121 zhuǎn jià f /to remarry (of widow)/to pass on (blame, cost, obligation, unpleasant consequence etc)/to transfer (blame, guilt)/to pass the buck/ 轉子 转子 T - 157 zhuàn zi f /rotor/ 轉字鎖 转字锁 T - 0 zhuàn zì suǒ f /combination lock/ 轉學 转学 T - 51 zhuǎn xué f /to change schools/to transfer to another college/ 轉學生 转学生 T - 0 zhuǎn xué sheng f /student who changes school/ 轉寄 转寄 T - 5 zhuǎn jì f /to forward (a message, letter, article etc)/ 轉寫 转写 T - 20 zhuǎn xiě f /to transmit/to pass on written message/ 轉導 转导 T - 6 zhuǎn dǎo f /transduction/ 轉差 转差 T - 0 zhuǎn chā f /to slip (e.g. of clutch)/slippage/also used of economic indicators, statistical discrepancies etc/ 轉差率 转差率 T - 3 zhuǎn chā lǜ f /slippage rate/ 轉帆 转帆 T - 0 zhuǎn fān f /to tack (of sailing ship)/to jibe/to go about/ 轉幹 转干 T - 4 zhuǎn gàn f /to become a cadre (e.g. a promotion from shopfloor)/ 轉引 转引 T - 24 zhuǎn yǐn f /to quote from secondary source/ 轉彎 转弯 T - 304 zhuǎn wān f /to turn/to go around a corner/ 轉彎抹角 转弯抹角 T - 33 zhuǎn wān mò jiǎo f /see 拐彎抹角|拐弯抹角[guai3 wan1 mo4 jiao3]/ 轉往 转往 T - 3 zhuǎn wǎng f /to change (to final stretch of journey)/ 轉徙 转徙 T - 3 zhuǎn xǐ f /to migrate/to move house/ 轉念 转念 T - 595 zhuǎn niàn f /to have second thoughts about sth/to think better of/ 轉悠 转悠 T - 155 zhuàn you f /to roll/to wander around/to appear repeatedly/ 轉悲為喜 转悲为喜 T - 9 zhuǎn bēi wéi xǐ f /to turn grief into happiness (idiom)/ 轉戰 转战 T - 287 zhuǎn zhàn f /to fight in one place after another/ 轉戰千里 转战千里 T - 3 zhuǎn zhàn qiān lǐ f /fighting everywhere over a thousand miles (idiom); constant fighting across the country/never-ending struggle/ 轉手 转手 T - 143 zhuǎn shǒu f /to pass on/to resell/to change hands/ 轉托 转托 T - 3 zhuǎn tuō f /to pass on a task/to delegate one's work/to pass the buck/ 轉折 转折 T 4362 509 zhuǎn zhé f /shift in the trend of events/turnaround/plot shift in a book/turn in the conversation/ 轉折點 转折点 T - 291 zhuǎn zhé diǎn f /turning point/breaking point/ 轉抵 转抵 T - 0 zhuǎn dǐ f /to convert/to exchange/ 轉捩 转捩 T - 9 zhuǎn liè f /to turn/ 轉捩點 转捩点 T - 3 zhuǎn liè diǎn f /turning point/ 轉授 转授 T - 20 zhuǎn shòu f /to delegate/ 轉接 转接 T - 174 zhuǎn jiē f /switch/connection/to put through (to telephone extension)/ 轉換 转换 T - 1648 zhuǎn huàn f /to change/to switch/to convert/to transform/ 轉換器 转换器 T - 56 zhuǎn huàn qì f /converter/transducer/ 轉換斷層 转换断层 T - 0 zhuǎn huàn duàn céng f /transform fault (geology)/ 轉播 转播 T - 143 zhuǎn bō f /relay/broadcast (on radio or TV)/ 轉敗為勝 转败为胜 T - 33 zhuàn bài wéi shèng f /to turn defeat into victory (idiom); snatching victory from the jaws of defeat/ 轉文 转文 T - 3 zhuǎi wén t /to parade by interspersing one's speech or writing with literary allusions/Taiwan pr. [zhuan3 wen2]/ 轉文 转文 T - 3 zhuǎn wén f /(Internet) to repost (Tw)/ 轉會 转会 T - 104 zhuǎn huì f /to transfer to another club (professional sports)/ 轉會費 转会费 T - 22 zhuǎn huì fèi f /transfer fee/signing bonus/sign-on bonus/ 轉校 转校 T - 3 zhuǎn xiào f /to transfer (school)/ 轉椅 转椅 T - 21 zhuàn yǐ f /swivel chair/children's roundabout/ 轉業 转业 T - 161 zhuǎn yè f /to change one's profession/to transfer to civilian work/ 轉機 转机 T - 290 zhuǎn jī f /(to take) a turn for the better/to change planes/ 轉正 转正 T - 222 zhuǎn zhèng f /to transfer to full membership/to obtain tenure/ 轉步 转步 T - 0 zhuǎn bù f /to turn around/ 轉氨基酶 转氨基酶 T - 0 zhuǎn ān jī méi f /amino transferase (enzyme)/ 轉氨酶 转氨酶 T - 66 zhuǎn ān méi f /transferase (enzyme)/ 轉法輪 转法轮 T - 4 zhuǎn fǎ lún f /to transmit Buddhist teaching/chakram or chakka (throwing disk)/ 轉注 转注 T - 7 zhuǎn zhù f /transfer character (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters)/character with meanings influenced by other words/sometimes called mutually explanatory character/ 轉注字 转注字 T - 0 zhuǎn zhù zì f /transfer character (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters)/character with meanings influenced by other words/sometimes called mutually explanatory character/ 轉渾天儀 转浑天仪 T - 0 zhuàn hún tiān yí f /armillary sphere (astronomy)/ 轉爐 转炉 T - 63 zhuàn lú f /converter (rotary furnace in steelmaking)/ 轉生 转生 T - 24 zhuǎn shēng f /reincarnation (Buddhism)/ 轉產 转产 T - 36 zhuǎn chǎn f /to change production/to move over to new products/ 轉用 转用 T - 33 zhuǎn yòng f /to adapt for use for another purpose/ 轉發 转发 T - 520 zhuǎn fā f /to transmit/to forward (mail, SMS, packets of data)/to pass on/to republish (an article from another publication)/ 轉盤 转盘 T - 40 zhuàn pán f /turntable/rotary (traffic)/ 轉眼 转眼 T - 346 zhuǎn yǎn f /in a flash/in the blink of an eye/to glance/ 轉眼便忘 转眼便忘 T - 0 zhuǎn yǎn biàn wàng f /what the eye doesn't see the heart doesn't miss (idiom)/ 轉眼即逝 转眼即逝 T - 0 zhuǎn yǎn jí shì f /to pass in an instant/over in the twinkling of an eye/ 轉矩 转矩 T - 19 zhuàn jǔ f /torque/ 轉矩臂 转矩臂 T - 0 zhuàn jǔ bì f /torque arm/ 轉磨 转磨 T - 3 zhuàn mò f /rotary grindstone/ 轉科 转科 T - 3 zhuǎn kē f /to change major (at college)/to take up a new specialist subject/to transfer to a different medical department/ 轉租 转租 T - 17 zhuǎn zū f /to sublet/to sublease/ 轉移 转移 T 2654 3941 zhuǎn yí f /to shift/to divert or distract (attention etc)/to change/to transform/metastasis (medicine)/to evacuate (people)/ 轉移安置 转移安置 T - 0 zhuǎn yí ān zhì f /to relocate/to evacuate/ 轉移支付 转移支付 T - 0 zhuǎn yí zhī fù f /transfer payment (payment from government or private sector for which no good or service is required in return)/ 轉移視線 转移视线 T - 3 zhuǎn yí shì xiàn f /to shift one's eyes/(fig.) to shift one's attention/to divert attention/ 轉移陣地 转移阵地 T - 3 zhuǎn yí zhèn dì f /to move one's base (of operations)/to reposition/to relocate/ 轉筆刀 转笔刀 T - 3 zhuàn bǐ dāo f /pencil sharpener/ 轉筋 转筋 T - 11 zhuàn jīn f /muscle cramp/ 轉紐 转纽 T - 0 zhuàn niǔ f /organ stop (button activating a row of pipes)/ 轉給 转给 T - 148 zhuǎn gěi f /to pass on to/ 轉置 转置 T - 3 zhuàn zhì f /to transpose/ 轉義 转义 T - 64 zhuǎn yì f /transferred meaning/ 轉而 转而 T - 569 zhuǎn ér f /conversely/but rather/to turn and (address a topic, face attackers etc)/to turn against sb/to turn one's thoughts back to/to come around (to a point of view)/ 轉背 转背 T - 0 zhuǎn bèi f /to turn one's back/to turn around/fig. change in a very short time/ 轉腰子 转腰子 T - 0 zhuàn yāo zi f /(coll.) to pace around nervously/to speak indirectly/to beat about the bush/ 轉臉 转脸 T - 122 zhuǎn liǎn f /to turn one's head/in no time/in the twinkling of an eye/ 轉船 转船 T - 3 zhuǎn chuán f /to transfer ships/ 轉行 转行 T - 129 zhuǎn háng f /to change profession/ 轉角 转角 T - 69 zhuǎn jiǎo f /bend in a street/corner/to turn a corner/ 轉診 转诊 T - 12 zhuǎn zhěn f /to transfer (a patient for treatment in a different hospital)/ 轉調 转调 T - 50 zhuǎn diào f /(music) to change key/modulation/(of an employee) to be transferred to another post/ 轉譯 转译 T - 28 zhuǎn yì f /to translate (to another language)/to convert/ 轉變 转变 T 1902 3510 zhuǎn biàn f /to change/to transform/shift/transformation/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 轉變立場 转变立场 T - 3 zhuǎn biàn lì chǎng f /to change positions/to shift one's ground/ 轉變過程 转变过程 T - 0 zhuǎn biàn guò chéng f /process of change/ 轉讓 转让 T 4411 1306 zhuǎn ràng f /transfer (technology, goods etc)/conveyancing (property)/ 轉賣 转卖 T - 59 zhuǎn mài f /to resell/ 轉賬 转账 T - 50 zhuǎn zhàng f /to transfer (money to a bank account)/ 轉賬卡 转账卡 T - 0 zhuǎn zhàng kǎ f /a debit card/ 轉贈 转赠 T - 17 zhuǎn zèng f /to pass on a present/ 轉距 转距 T - 0 zhuàn jù f /torque/ 轉身 转身 T - 3256 zhuǎn shēn f /(of a person) to turn round/to face about/(of a widow) to remarry (archaic)/ 轉車 转车 T - 13 zhuǎn chē t /to transfer/to change trains, buses etc/ 轉車 转车 T - 13 zhuàn chē f /a turntable/ 轉車台 转车台 T - 0 zhuàn chē tái f /a turntable/ 轉軌 转轨 T - 139 zhuǎn guǐ f /to change track/ 轉軸 转轴 T - 139 zhuàn zhóu f /axis of rotation/ 轉軸兒 转轴儿 T - 0 zhuàn zhóu r f /erhua variant of 轉軸|转轴[zhuan4 zhou2]/ 轉載 转载 T - 271 zhuǎn zǎi f /to forward (a shipment)/to reprint sth published elsewhere/Taiwan pr. [zhuan3 zai4]/ 轉輪 转轮 T - 60 zhuàn lún f /rotating disk/wheel/rotor/cycle of reincarnation in Buddhism/ 轉輪手槍 转轮手枪 T - 18 zhuàn lún shǒu qiāng f /revolver (handgun)/ 轉輪王 转轮王 T - 0 Zhuǎn lún Wáng f /Chakravarti raja (Sanskrit: King of Kings)/emperor in Hindu mythology/ 轉輪聖帝 转轮圣帝 T - 0 Zhuǎn lún shèng dì f /Chakravarti raja/emperor in Hindu mythology/ 轉輪聖王 转轮圣王 T - 0 Zhuàn lún shèng Wáng f /Chakravarti raja (Sanskrit: King of Kings)/emperor in Hindu mythology/ 轉轉 转转 T - 132 zhuàn zhuan f /to stroll/ 轉述 转述 T - 100 zhuǎn shù f /to pass on (stories)/to relate/ 轉送 转送 T - 74 zhuǎn sòng f /transfer/ 轉速 转速 T - 257 zhuàn sù f /angular velocity/number of revolutions per minute/ 轉速錶 转速表 T - 3 zhuàn sù biǎo f /tachometer/RPM gauge/ 轉遊 转游 T - 21 zhuàn you f /variant of 轉悠|转悠[zhuan4 you5]/ 轉運 转运 T - 591 zhuǎn yùn f /to forward goods/to ship/to distribute/transshipment/a lucky break/change of fortune (for the better)/ 轉運棧 转运栈 T - 0 zhuǎn yùn zhàn f /storage depot on a transportation route/ 轉運站 转运站 T - 25 zhuǎn yùn zhàn f /distribution depot/staging post/transit center/ 轉道 转道 T - 30 zhuǎn dào f /to make a detour/to go by way of/ 轉達 转达 T 3953 296 zhuǎn dá f /to pass on/to convey/to communicate/ 轉遞 转递 T - 10 zhuǎn dì f /to pass on/to relay/ 轉鈴 转铃 T - 3 zhuàn líng f /bicycle bell (with revolving cap)/ 轉鈴兒 转铃儿 T - 0 zhuàn líng r f /erhua variant of 轉鈴|转铃[zhuan4 ling2]/ 轉錄 转录 T - 62 zhuǎn lù f /transcription/to make a copy of a recording/ 轉鐘 转钟 T - 0 zhuǎn zhōng f /past midnight/ 轉門 转门 T - 8 zhuàn mén f /revolving door/turnstile/ 轉關係 转关系 T - 0 zhuǎn guān xi f /to transfer (from one unit to another)/ 轉院 转院 T - 28 zhuǎn yuàn f /to transfer (a patient) to a different hospital/to transfer to hospital (e.g. a prisoner)/ 轉面無情 转面无情 T - 0 zhuǎn miàn wú qíng f /to turn one's face against sb and show no mercy (idiom); to turn against a friend/ 轉韻 转韵 T - 3 zhuǎn yùn f /change of rhyme (within a poem)/ 轉頭 转头 T - 1480 zhuǎn tóu t /to turn one's head/to change direction/U-turn/volte face/to repent/ 轉頭 转头 T - 1480 zhuàn tóu f /nutation (plants turning to face the sun)/ 轉體 转体 T - 49 zhuǎn tǐ f /to roll over/to turn over (one's body)/ 轉鼓 转鼓 T - 12 zhuàn gǔ f /rotary drum/ 轍 辙 T - 70 chè f /to remove/to withdraw/ 轍 辙 T - 70 zhé t /rut/track/rhyme/(dialect) way/method/ 轎 轿 T - 2458 jiào f /a sedan chair/a palanquin/a litter/ 轎夫 轿夫 T - 142 jiào fū f /a porter for a palanquin/a carman/ 轎子 轿子 T - 593 jiào zi f /a sedan chair/a palanquin/a litter/ 轎車 轿车 T - 521 jiào chē f /enclosed carriage for carrying passengers/motor carriage/car or bus/limousine/CL:部[bu4],輛|辆[liang4]/ 轏 - 0 zhàn f /chariot for sleeping and conveyance/ 轑 - 2 lǎo f /spokes/ 轒 - 0 fén f /war chariot/ 轔 辚 T - 28 lín f /rumbling of wheels/ 轕 - 0 gé f /confused/disorderly/ 轖 - 0 sè f /leather top of a cart/ 轗 - 0 kǎn f /to be unable to reach one's aim/to be full of misfortune/ 轗軻 轗轲 T - 0 kǎn kě f /variant of 坎坷[kan3 ke3]/bumpy (of a road)/rough (of life)/ 轗轲 轗軻 S - 0 kǎn kě f /variant of 坎坷[kan3 ke3]/bumpy (of a road)/rough (of life)/ 轘 - 11 huàn f /to tear between chariots (as punishment)/ 轘裂 - 0 huàn liè f /see 車裂|车裂[che1 lie4]/ 轙 - 0 yǐ f /rings on the yokes/ 轜 - 0 ér f /variant of 輀[er2]/ 轝 - 0 yú f /variant of 輿|舆[yu2]/ 轞 - 0 xiàn f /vehicle for transporting prisoners/ 轟 轰 T - 1895 hōng f /explosion/bang/boom/rumble/to attack/to shoo away/to expel/ 轟動 轰动 T 3614 432 hōng dòng f /to cause a sensation/to create a stir in (a place)/commotion/controversy/ 轟動一時 轰动一时 T - 61 hōng dòng yī shí f /to cause a sensation (idiom)/ 轟動效應 轰动效应 T - 3 hōng dòng xiào yìng f /sensational effect/wild reaction/ 轟擊 轰击 T - 349 hōng jī f /bombard/ 轟炸 轰炸 T - 684 hōng zhà f /to bomb/to bombard/CL:陣|阵[zhen4]/ 轟炸機 轰炸机 T - 860 hōng zhà jī f /bomber (aircraft)/ 轟然 轰然 T - 270 hōng rán f /loudly/with a loud bang/a loud rumble/ 轟走 轰走 T - 3 hōng zǒu f /to drive away/ 轟趕 轰赶 T - 3 hōng gǎn f /to drive away/ 轟趴 轰趴 T - 0 hōng pā f /house party (loanword) (Tw)/ 轟轟 轰轰 T - 8 hōng hōng f /booming/roaring/ 轟轟烈烈 轰轰烈烈 T - 431 hōng hōng liè liè f /strong/vigorous/large-scale/ 轟隆 轰隆 T - 129 hōng lōng f /(onom.) rumbling/rolling/ 轟鳴 轰鸣 T - 159 hōng míng f /boom (sound of explosion)/rumble/ 轡 辔 T - 176 pèi f /bridle/reins/ 轡頭 辔头 T - 47 pèi tóu f /bridle/ 轢 轹 T - 2 lì f /to bully/wheel-rut/ 轤 轳 T - 2 lú f /windlass/ 车 車 S - 9985 Chē t /surname Che/ 车 車 S - 9985 chē t /car/vehicle/CL:輛|辆[liang4]/machine/to shape with a lathe/ 车 車 S - 9985 jū f /war chariot (archaic)/rook (in Chinese chess)/rook (in chess)/ 车主 車主 S - 61 chē zhǔ f /vehicle owner/ 车份 車份 S - 0 chē fèn f /vehicle rental fee paid by cab and rickshaw drivers/ 车份儿 車份兒 S - 0 chē fèn r f /erhua variant of 車份|车份[che1 fen4]/ 车位 車位 S - 17 chē wèi f /parking spot/unloading point/garage place/stand for taxi/ 车到山前必有路 車到山前必有路 S - 11 chē dào shān qián bì yǒu lù f /lit. When we get to the mountain, there'll be a way through. (idiom)/fig. Everything will turn out for the best./Let's worry about it when it happens./It will be all right on the night./cf couplet 車到山前必有路,船到橋頭自然直|车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直/ 车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直 車到山前必有路,船到橋頭自然直 S - 0 chē dào shān qián bì yǒu lù , chuán dào qiáo tóu zì rán zhí f /lit. When we get to the mountain, there'll be a way through and when the boat gets to the pier-head, it will go straight with the current. (idiom)/fig. Everything will turn out for the best./Let's worry about it when it happens./It will be all right on the night./ 车到山前自有路 車到山前自有路 S - 0 chē dào shān qián zì yǒu lù f /lit. When we get to the mountain, there'll be a way through. (idiom)/fig. Everything will turn out for the best./Let's worry about it when it happens./It will be all right on the night./cf couplet 車到山前必有路,船到橋頭自然直|车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直/ 车前草 車前草 S - 10 chē qián cǎo f /plantain herb (Plantago asiatica)/ 车厂 車廠 S - 3 chē chǎng f /(bus, train etc) depot/car factory or repair shop/ 车厘子 車釐子 S - 0 chē lí zi f /(American) cherry (loanword)/ 车厢 車廂 S 2172 512 chē xiāng f /carriage/CL:節|节[jie2]/ 车后箱 車後箱 S - 0 chē hòu xiāng f /car boot, trunk/ 车城 車城 S - 261 Chē chéng f /Checheng township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 车城乡 車城鄉 S - 0 Chē chéng xiāng f /Checheng township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 车夫 車夫 S - 241 chē fū f /cart driver/coachman/ 车头相 車頭相 S - 0 chē tóu xiàng f /photo attached to the front of a hearse in a funeral procession/ 车奴 車奴 S - 0 chē nú f /car slave, sb forced to sacrifice quality of life to buy or maintain a car/ 车子 車子 S - 711 chē zi f /car or other vehicle (bicycle, truck etc)/ 车尔尼雪夫斯基 車爾尼雪夫斯基 S - 19 Chē ěr ní xuě fū sī jī f /Nikolai Chernyshevsky/ 车展 車展 S - 10 chē zhǎn f /motor show/ 车工 車工 S - 14 chē gōng f /lathe work/lathe operator/ 车带 車帶 S - 3 chē dài f /(vehicle) tire/ 车床 車床 S - 58 chē chuáng f /lathe/ 车库 車庫 S 1862 32 chē kù f /garage/ 车房 車房 S - 3 chē fáng f /garage/carport/(old) rickshaw room/ 车把 車把 S - 31 chē bǎ f /handlebar (bicycle etc)/shaft (rickshaw etc)/ 车把式 車把式 S - 10 chē bǎ shi f /expert cart-driver/charioteer/ 车斗 車斗 S - 17 chē dǒu f /open-topped container (mounted on a truck or cart) for carrying loads/dump box (of a dump truck)/bucket (of a front loader)/wheelbarrow/ 车条 車條 S - 3 chē tiáo f /spoke (of wheel)/ 车架 車架 S - 27 chē jià f /cart/barrow/frame/chassis/ 车模 車模 S - 3 chē mó f /car show girl/model who poses next to cars/ 车次 車次 S - 42 chē cì f /train or coach service ("service" as in "they run 12 services per day between the two cities")/ 车水马龙 車水馬龍 S - 55 chē shuǐ mǎ lóng f /endless stream of horse and carriages (idiom)/heavy traffic/ 车流 車流 S - 65 chē liú f /traffic/rate of traffic flow/ 车照 車照 S - 3 chē zhào f /vehicle license/ 车牌 車牌 S - 797 chē pái f /license plate/ 车皮 車皮 S - 26 chē pí f /wagon/freight car/ 车票 車票 S - 264 chē piào f /ticket (for a bus or train)/ 车祸 車禍 S - 138 chē huò f /traffic accident/car crash/CL:場|场[chang2]/ 车程 車程 S - 2119 chē chéng f /travel time/expected time for a car journey/ 车窗 車窗 S - 167 chē chuāng f /car window/window of vehicle (bus, train etc)/ 车站 車站 S - 946 chē zhàn f /rail station/bus stop/CL:處|处[chu4],個|个[ge4]/ 车箱 車箱 S - 28 chē xiāng f /variant of 車廂|车厢[che1 xiang1]/ 车籍 車籍 S - 0 chē jí f /a vehicle's registration information (Tw)/ 车胎 車胎 S - 12 chē tāi f /tire/ 车臣 車臣 S - 129 Chē chén f /Chechnya, a Russian region in the Caucasus/Chechen/ 车行 車行 S - 70 chē háng f /car-related business/car dealership/taxi company/(commercial) garage/ 车行 車行 S - 70 chē xíng t /traffic/to drive (i.e. travel in a vehicle)/ 车行通道 車行通道 S - 0 chē xíng tōng dào f /traffic passage/ 车行道 車行道 S - 115 chē xíng dào f /roadway/carriageway/ 车裂 車裂 S - 60 chē liè f /to tear off a person's four limbs and head using five horse drawn carts (as capital punishment)/to tear limb from limb/ 车贴 車貼 S - 0 chē tiē f /car allowance/ 车费 車費 S - 63 chē fèi f /passenger fare/ 车身 車身 S - 367 chē shēn f /body of automobile/ 车轮 車輪 S - 304 chē lún f /wheel/ 车轮子 車輪子 S - 10 chē lún zi f /wheel/ 车轮饼 車輪餅 S - 0 chē lún bǐng f /imagawayaki (sweet snack made of batter cooked in the shape of a car wheel, stuffed with azuki bean paste or other fillings)/ 车轴 車軸 S - 69 chē zhóu f /axle/CL:根[gen1]/ 车轴草 車軸草 S - 0 chē zhóu cǎo f /honewort/Cryptotaenia japonica/ 车载斗量 車載斗量 S - 3 chē zài dǒu liáng f /lit. measured in cartloads and gallons/fig. by the barrowload (i.e. lots and lots)/innumerable/ 车辆 車輛 S - 1912 chē liàng f /vehicle/ 车辕 車轅 S - 36 chē yuán f /shaft (pulling a cart)/ 车辙 車轍 S - 84 chē zhé f /rut (of a wagon)/track/ 车速 車速 S - 84 chē sù f /vehicle speed/ 车道 車道 S - 180 chē dào f /traffic lane/driveway/ 车里雅宾斯克 車里雅賓斯克 S - 13 Chē lǐ yǎ bīn sī kè f /Chelyabinsk town on the eastern flanks of Ural, on trans-Siberian railway/ 车钱 車錢 S - 12 chē qián f /fare/transport costs/ 车铃 車鈴 S - 7 chē líng f /bicycle bell/ 车门 車門 S - 150 chē mén f /car door/door of bus, railway carriage etc/ 车间 車間 S - 617 chē jiān f /workshop/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 车队 車隊 S - 212 chē duì f /motorcade/fleet/CL:列[lie4]/ 车震 車震 S - 0 chē zhèn f /lit. car shaking/car sex/ 车顶 車頂 S - 74 chē dǐng f /car roof/ 车马 車馬 S - 172 chē mǎ f /vehicles and horses/ 车驾 車駕 S - 73 jū jià f /carriage/ 车龙 車龍 S - 0 chē lóng f /long queue of slow-moving traffic/tram/ 轧 軋 S - 339 Yà t /surname Ya/ 轧 軋 S - 339 gá f /to crush together (in a crowd)/to make friends/to check (accounts)/ 轧 軋 S - 339 yà t /to crush/to knock sb down with a vehicle/ 轧 軋 S - 339 zhá f /to roll (steel)/ 轧制 軋製 S - 33 zhá zhì f /rolling steel/ 轧场 軋場 S - 3 yà cháng f /to roll with a stone roller/to thresh grain by rolling/ 轧机 軋機 S - 25 zhá jī f /steel rolling mill/ 轧染 軋染 S - 3 yà rǎn f /to roll used in dyeing trough/ 轧染机 軋染機 S - 0 yà rǎn jī f /pressure roller used in dyeing trough/ 轧棉 軋棉 S - 3 yà mián f /to gin cotton (separate seeds from fiber)/ 轧花机 軋花機 S - 32 yà huā jī f /cotton gin/ 轧轧 軋軋 S - 3 yà yà f /(onom.) sound of machinery, e.g. squeaking/ 轧辊 軋輥 S - 11 zhá gǔn f /(steelmaking) roll/roller/CL:根[gen1]/ 轧道机 軋道機 S - 3 yà dào jī f /road roller/ 轧道车 軋道車 S - 3 yà dào chē f /trolley for inspecting rail track/ 轧钢 軋鋼 S - 43 zhá gāng f /to roll steel (into sheets or bars)/ 轧钢厂 軋鋼廠 S - 11 zhá gāng chǎng f /a steel rolling mill/ 轧钢机 軋鋼機 S - 3 zhá gāng jī f /a steel rolling mill/ 轧钢条 軋鋼條 S - 0 zhá gāng tiáo f /steel rails/ 轧马路 軋馬路 S - 3 yà mǎ lù f /to stroll around the streets (esp. of a young couple)/ 轨 軌 S - 515 guǐ f /course/path/track/rail/ 轨枕 軌枕 S - 19 guǐ zhěn f /sleeper/tie/ 轨范 軌範 S - 2 guǐ fàn f /standard/criterion/ 轨距 軌距 S - 31 guǐ jù f /gauge/ 轨迹 軌跡 S - 471 guǐ jì f /locus/orbit/trajectory/track/ 轨迹球 軌跡球 S - 3 guǐ jì qiú f /trackball (computing)/ 轨道 軌道 S 3077 2410 guǐ dào f /orbit/railway or tram line/fig. conventional way of thinking/ 轨道交通 軌道交通 S - 9 guǐ dào jiāo tōng f /metro/rapid transit/subway/ 轨道空间站 軌道空間站 S - 0 guǐ dào kōng jiān zhàn f /orbiting space station/ 轨道舱 軌道艙 S - 9 guǐ dào cāng f /orbital module/orbital cabin/ 轩 軒 S - 632 Xuān f /surname Xuan/ 轩 軒 S - 632 xuān f /pavilion with a view/high/tall/high fronted, curtained carriage (old)/ 轩冕 軒冕 S - 0 xuān miǎn f /chariot and crown (symbols of important persons)/fig. royals and dignitaries/ 轩尼诗 軒尼詩 S - 5 Xuān ní shī f /Hennessy (cognac)/ 轩掖 軒掖 S - 0 xuān yè f /forbidden place/ 轩昂 軒昂 S - 49 xuān áng f /high/lofty/elevated/dignified/ 轩槛 軒檻 S - 0 xuān jiàn f /railings of a balcony/ 轩然大波 軒然大波 S - 209 xuān rán dà bō f /huge waves/(fig.) ruckus/controversy/sensation/ 轩轩自得 軒軒自得 S - 0 xuān xuān zì dé f /to be delighted with oneself/ 轩辕 軒轅 S - 93 Xuān Yuán f /Xuan Yuan, personal name of Huangdi, the Yellow Emperor 黃帝|黄帝[Huang2 di4]/ 轩辕 軒轅 S - 93 Xuān yuán f /two-character surname Xuanyuan/ 轩辕十四 軒轅十四 S - 0 Xuān yuán shí sì f /Regulus (constellation)/ 轩辕氏 軒轅氏 S - 9 Xuān yuán shì f /alternative name for the Yellow Emperor 黄帝/ 轫 軔 S - 63 rèn f /brake/ 转 轉 S 707 11622 zhuǎi f /see 轉文|转文[zhuai3 wen2]/ 转 轉 S 707 11622 zhuǎn t /to turn/to change direction/to transfer/to forward (mail)/ 转 轉 S 707 11622 zhuàn f /to revolve/to turn/to circle about/to walk about/classifier for revolutions (per minute etc): revs, rpm/classifier for repeated actions/ 转一趟 轉一趟 S - 0 zhuàn yī tàng f /to go on a trip/ 转世 轉世 S - 166 zhuǎn shì f /reincarnation or transmigration (Buddhism)/ 转业 轉業 S - 161 zhuǎn yè f /to change one's profession/to transfer to civilian work/ 转义 轉義 S - 64 zhuǎn yì f /transferred meaning/ 转乘 轉乘 S - 16 zhuǎn chéng f /to transfer/to change trains, buses etc/ 转交 轉交 S - 191 zhuǎn jiāo f /to pass on to sb/to carry and give to sb else/ 转产 轉產 S - 36 zhuǎn chǎn f /to change production/to move over to new products/ 转介 轉介 S - 0 zhuǎn jiè f /to refer sb to an agency (or hospital etc)/referral/ 转会 轉會 S - 104 zhuǎn huì f /to transfer to another club (professional sports)/ 转会费 轉會費 S - 22 zhuǎn huì fèi f /transfer fee/signing bonus/sign-on bonus/ 转位 轉位 S - 8 zhuǎn wèi t /transposition/displacement/inversion/translocation/to displace/to transpose/ 转位 轉位 S - 8 zhuàn wèi f /index (rotating gauge)/cam gradation/ 转体 轉體 S - 49 zhuǎn tǐ f /to roll over/to turn over (one's body)/ 转侧 轉側 S - 14 zhuǎn cè f /to change one's viewpoint/to turn from side to side (in bed)/ 转入 轉入 S - 1182 zhuǎn rù f /change over to/shift to/switch to/ 转入地下 轉入地下 S - 3 zhuǎn rù dì xià f /to go underground/to turn to secret activities/ 转关系 轉關係 S - 0 zhuǎn guān xi f /to transfer (from one unit to another)/ 转写 轉寫 S - 20 zhuǎn xiě f /to transmit/to pass on written message/ 转剧 轉劇 S - 0 zhuǎn jù f /becoming acute/to exacerbate/ 转动 轉動 S - 1093 zhuǎn dòng t /to turn sth around/to swivel/ 转动 轉動 S - 1093 zhuàn dòng f /to rotate (about an axis)/to revolve/to turn/to move in a circle/to gyrate/ 转动件 轉動件 S - 0 zhuàn dòng jiàn f /rotor/ 转动惯量 轉動慣量 S - 3 zhuǎn dòng guàn liàng f /moment of inertia (mechanics)/ 转动轴 轉動軸 S - 3 zhuàn dòng zhóu f /axis of rotation (mechanics)/spindle/ 转化 轉化 S - 3673 zhuǎn huà f /to change/to transform/isomerization (chemistry)/ 转化糖 轉化糖 S - 0 zhuǎn huà táng f /inverted sugar/ 转卖 轉賣 S - 59 zhuǎn mài f /to resell/ 转危为安 轉危為安 S - 96 zhuǎn wēi wéi ān f /to turn peril into safety (idiom); to avert a danger (esp. political or medical)/ 转去 轉去 S - 3 zhuàn qù f /to return/to go back/ 转发 轉發 S - 520 zhuǎn fā f /to transmit/to forward (mail, SMS, packets of data)/to pass on/to republish (an article from another publication)/ 转变 轉變 S 1902 3510 zhuǎn biàn f /to change/to transform/shift/transformation/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 转变立场 轉變立場 S - 3 zhuǎn biàn lì chǎng f /to change positions/to shift one's ground/ 转变过程 轉變過程 S - 0 zhuǎn biàn guò chéng f /process of change/ 转口 轉口 S - 136 zhuǎn kǒu f /entrepot/transit (of goods)/(coll.) to deny/to go back on one's word/ 转台 轉台 S - 15 zhuǎn tái f /to change the channel (TV)/ 转台 轉台 S - 15 zhuàn tái t /rotating stage/swivel table/ 转向 轉向 S - 2176 zhuǎn xiàng t /to change direction/fig. to change one's stance/ 转向 轉向 S - 2176 zhuàn xiàng f /to get lost/to lose one's way/ 转向信号 轉向信號 S - 0 zhuǎn xiàng xìn hào f /turn signal (auto.)/turning indicator/ 转向灯 轉向燈 S - 9 zhuǎn xiàng dēng f /vehicle turn indicator light/ 转告 轉告 S 2143 174 zhuǎn gào f /to pass on/to communicate/to transmit/ 转喻 轉喻 S - 3 zhuǎn yù f /metonymy/ 转回 轉回 S - 135 zhuǎn huí f /to turn back/to put back/reversal/melodic inversion (in music)/ 转圈 轉圈 S - 38 zhuàn quān f /to rotate/to twirl/to run around/to encircle/rotation/(coll.) to speak indirectly/to beat about the bush/ 转圜 轉圜 S - 0 zhuǎn huán f /to save or redeem (a situation)/to mediate/to intercede/ 转圜余地 轉圜餘地 S - 3 zhuǎn huán yú dì f /to have room to save a situation/margin for error (idiom)/ 转型 轉型 S - 763 zhuǎn xíng f /transformation/to transform/ 转基因 轉基因 S - 47 zhuǎn jī yīn f /genetic modification/ 转基因食品 轉基因食品 S - 0 zhuǎn jī yīn shí pǐn f /genetically modified (GM) food/ 转塔 轉塔 S - 6 zhuàn tǎ f /rotating turret/ 转头 轉頭 S - 1480 zhuǎn tóu t /to turn one's head/to change direction/U-turn/volte face/to repent/ 转头 轉頭 S - 1480 zhuàn tóu f /nutation (plants turning to face the sun)/ 转好 轉好 S - 0 zhuǎn hǎo f /improvement/turnaround (for the better)/ 转嫁 轉嫁 S - 121 zhuǎn jià f /to remarry (of widow)/to pass on (blame, cost, obligation, unpleasant consequence etc)/to transfer (blame, guilt)/to pass the buck/ 转子 轉子 S - 157 zhuàn zi f /rotor/ 转字锁 轉字鎖 S - 0 zhuàn zì suǒ f /combination lock/ 转学 轉學 S - 51 zhuǎn xué f /to change schools/to transfer to another college/ 转学生 轉學生 S - 0 zhuǎn xué sheng f /student who changes school/ 转寄 轉寄 S - 5 zhuǎn jì f /to forward (a message, letter, article etc)/ 转导 轉導 S - 6 zhuǎn dǎo f /transduction/ 转差 轉差 S - 0 zhuǎn chā f /to slip (e.g. of clutch)/slippage/also used of economic indicators, statistical discrepancies etc/ 转差率 轉差率 S - 3 zhuǎn chā lǜ f /slippage rate/ 转帆 轉帆 S - 0 zhuǎn fān f /to tack (of sailing ship)/to jibe/to go about/ 转干 轉幹 S - 4 zhuǎn gàn f /to become a cadre (e.g. a promotion from shopfloor)/ 转引 轉引 S - 24 zhuǎn yǐn f /to quote from secondary source/ 转弯 轉彎 S - 304 zhuǎn wān f /to turn/to go around a corner/ 转弯抹角 轉彎抹角 S - 33 zhuǎn wān mò jiǎo f /see 拐彎抹角|拐弯抹角[guai3 wan1 mo4 jiao3]/ 转录 轉錄 S - 62 zhuǎn lù f /transcription/to make a copy of a recording/ 转往 轉往 S - 3 zhuǎn wǎng f /to change (to final stretch of journey)/ 转徙 轉徙 S - 3 zhuǎn xǐ f /to migrate/to move house/ 转念 轉念 S - 595 zhuǎn niàn f /to have second thoughts about sth/to think better of/ 转悠 轉悠 S - 155 zhuàn you f /to roll/to wander around/to appear repeatedly/ 转悲为喜 轉悲為喜 S - 9 zhuǎn bēi wéi xǐ f /to turn grief into happiness (idiom)/ 转战 轉戰 S - 287 zhuǎn zhàn f /to fight in one place after another/ 转战千里 轉戰千里 S - 3 zhuǎn zhàn qiān lǐ f /fighting everywhere over a thousand miles (idiom); constant fighting across the country/never-ending struggle/ 转手 轉手 S - 143 zhuǎn shǒu f /to pass on/to resell/to change hands/ 转托 轉托 S - 3 zhuǎn tuō f /to pass on a task/to delegate one's work/to pass the buck/ 转折 轉折 S 4362 509 zhuǎn zhé f /shift in the trend of events/turnaround/plot shift in a book/turn in the conversation/ 转折点 轉折點 S - 291 zhuǎn zhé diǎn f /turning point/breaking point/ 转抵 轉抵 S - 0 zhuǎn dǐ f /to convert/to exchange/ 转换 轉換 S - 1648 zhuǎn huàn f /to change/to switch/to convert/to transform/ 转换器 轉換器 S - 56 zhuǎn huàn qì f /converter/transducer/ 转换断层 轉換斷層 S - 0 zhuǎn huàn duàn céng f /transform fault (geology)/ 转捩 轉捩 S - 9 zhuǎn liè f /to turn/ 转捩点 轉捩點 S - 3 zhuǎn liè diǎn f /turning point/ 转授 轉授 S - 20 zhuǎn shòu f /to delegate/ 转接 轉接 S - 174 zhuǎn jiē f /switch/connection/to put through (to telephone extension)/ 转播 轉播 S - 143 zhuǎn bō f /relay/broadcast (on radio or TV)/ 转文 轉文 S - 3 zhuǎi wén t /to parade by interspersing one's speech or writing with literary allusions/Taiwan pr. [zhuan3 wen2]/ 转文 轉文 S - 3 zhuǎn wén f /(Internet) to repost (Tw)/ 转机 轉機 S - 290 zhuǎn jī f /(to take) a turn for the better/to change planes/ 转来转去 轉來轉去 S - 105 zhuàn lái zhuàn qù f /to rove around/to run around in circles/to walk back and forth/ 转校 轉校 S - 3 zhuǎn xiào f /to transfer (school)/ 转椅 轉椅 S - 21 zhuàn yǐ f /swivel chair/children's roundabout/ 转正 轉正 S - 222 zhuǎn zhèng f /to transfer to full membership/to obtain tenure/ 转步 轉步 S - 0 zhuǎn bù f /to turn around/ 转氨基酶 轉氨基酶 S - 0 zhuǎn ān jī méi f /amino transferase (enzyme)/ 转氨酶 轉氨酶 S - 66 zhuǎn ān méi f /transferase (enzyme)/ 转法轮 轉法輪 S - 4 zhuǎn fǎ lún f /to transmit Buddhist teaching/chakram or chakka (throwing disk)/ 转注 轉注 S - 7 zhuǎn zhù f /transfer character (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters)/character with meanings influenced by other words/sometimes called mutually explanatory character/ 转注字 轉注字 S - 0 zhuǎn zhù zì f /transfer character (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters)/character with meanings influenced by other words/sometimes called mutually explanatory character/ 转浑天仪 轉渾天儀 S - 0 zhuàn hún tiān yí f /armillary sphere (astronomy)/ 转游 轉遊 S - 21 zhuàn you f /variant of 轉悠|转悠[zhuan4 you5]/ 转炉 轉爐 S - 63 zhuàn lú f /converter (rotary furnace in steelmaking)/ 转生 轉生 S - 24 zhuǎn shēng f /reincarnation (Buddhism)/ 转用 轉用 S - 33 zhuǎn yòng f /to adapt for use for another purpose/ 转盘 轉盤 S - 40 zhuàn pán f /turntable/rotary (traffic)/ 转眼 轉眼 S - 346 zhuǎn yǎn f /in a flash/in the blink of an eye/to glance/ 转眼便忘 轉眼便忘 S - 0 zhuǎn yǎn biàn wàng f /what the eye doesn't see the heart doesn't miss (idiom)/ 转眼即逝 轉眼即逝 S - 0 zhuǎn yǎn jí shì f /to pass in an instant/over in the twinkling of an eye/ 转矩 轉矩 S - 19 zhuàn jǔ f /torque/ 转矩臂 轉矩臂 S - 0 zhuàn jǔ bì f /torque arm/ 转磨 轉磨 S - 3 zhuàn mò f /rotary grindstone/ 转科 轉科 S - 3 zhuǎn kē f /to change major (at college)/to take up a new specialist subject/to transfer to a different medical department/ 转租 轉租 S - 17 zhuǎn zū f /to sublet/to sublease/ 转移 轉移 S 2654 3941 zhuǎn yí f /to shift/to divert or distract (attention etc)/to change/to transform/metastasis (medicine)/to evacuate (people)/ 转移安置 轉移安置 S - 0 zhuǎn yí ān zhì f /to relocate/to evacuate/ 转移支付 轉移支付 S - 0 zhuǎn yí zhī fù f /transfer payment (payment from government or private sector for which no good or service is required in return)/ 转移视线 轉移視線 S - 3 zhuǎn yí shì xiàn f /to shift one's eyes/(fig.) to shift one's attention/to divert attention/ 转移阵地 轉移陣地 S - 3 zhuǎn yí zhèn dì f /to move one's base (of operations)/to reposition/to relocate/ 转笔刀 轉筆刀 S - 3 zhuàn bǐ dāo f /pencil sharpener/ 转筋 轉筋 S - 11 zhuàn jīn f /muscle cramp/ 转纽 轉紐 S - 0 zhuàn niǔ f /organ stop (button activating a row of pipes)/ 转给 轉給 S - 148 zhuǎn gěi f /to pass on to/ 转置 轉置 S - 3 zhuàn zhì f /to transpose/ 转而 轉而 S - 569 zhuǎn ér f /conversely/but rather/to turn and (address a topic, face attackers etc)/to turn against sb/to turn one's thoughts back to/to come around (to a point of view)/ 转背 轉背 S - 0 zhuǎn bèi f /to turn one's back/to turn around/fig. change in a very short time/ 转脸 轉臉 S - 122 zhuǎn liǎn f /to turn one's head/in no time/in the twinkling of an eye/ 转腰子 轉腰子 S - 0 zhuàn yāo zi f /(coll.) to pace around nervously/to speak indirectly/to beat about the bush/ 转船 轉船 S - 3 zhuǎn chuán f /to transfer ships/ 转行 轉行 S - 129 zhuǎn háng f /to change profession/ 转角 轉角 S - 69 zhuǎn jiǎo f /bend in a street/corner/to turn a corner/ 转让 轉讓 S 4411 1306 zhuǎn ràng f /transfer (technology, goods etc)/conveyancing (property)/ 转诊 轉診 S - 12 zhuǎn zhěn f /to transfer (a patient for treatment in a different hospital)/ 转译 轉譯 S - 28 zhuǎn yì f /to translate (to another language)/to convert/ 转调 轉調 S - 50 zhuǎn diào f /(music) to change key/modulation/(of an employee) to be transferred to another post/ 转败为胜 轉敗為勝 S - 33 zhuàn bài wéi shèng f /to turn defeat into victory (idiom); snatching victory from the jaws of defeat/ 转账 轉賬 S - 50 zhuǎn zhàng f /to transfer (money to a bank account)/ 转账卡 轉賬卡 S - 0 zhuǎn zhàng kǎ f /a debit card/ 转赠 轉贈 S - 17 zhuǎn zèng f /to pass on a present/ 转距 轉距 S - 0 zhuàn jù f /torque/ 转身 轉身 S - 3256 zhuǎn shēn f /(of a person) to turn round/to face about/(of a widow) to remarry (archaic)/ 转车 轉車 S - 13 zhuǎn chē t /to transfer/to change trains, buses etc/ 转车 轉車 S - 13 zhuàn chē f /a turntable/ 转车台 轉車台 S - 0 zhuàn chē tái f /a turntable/ 转轨 轉軌 S - 139 zhuǎn guǐ f /to change track/ 转转 轉轉 S - 132 zhuàn zhuan f /to stroll/ 转轮 轉輪 S - 60 zhuàn lún f /rotating disk/wheel/rotor/cycle of reincarnation in Buddhism/ 转轮圣帝 轉輪聖帝 S - 0 Zhuǎn lún shèng dì f /Chakravarti raja/emperor in Hindu mythology/ 转轮圣王 轉輪聖王 S - 0 Zhuàn lún shèng Wáng f /Chakravarti raja (Sanskrit: King of Kings)/emperor in Hindu mythology/ 转轮手枪 轉輪手槍 S - 18 zhuàn lún shǒu qiāng f /revolver (handgun)/ 转轮王 轉輪王 S - 0 Zhuǎn lún Wáng f /Chakravarti raja (Sanskrit: King of Kings)/emperor in Hindu mythology/ 转轴 轉軸 S - 139 zhuàn zhóu f /axis of rotation/ 转轴儿 轉軸兒 S - 0 zhuàn zhóu r f /erhua variant of 轉軸|转轴[zhuan4 zhou2]/ 转载 轉載 S - 271 zhuǎn zǎi f /to forward (a shipment)/to reprint sth published elsewhere/Taiwan pr. [zhuan3 zai4]/ 转达 轉達 S 3953 296 zhuǎn dá f /to pass on/to convey/to communicate/ 转运 轉運 S - 591 zhuǎn yùn f /to forward goods/to ship/to distribute/transshipment/a lucky break/change of fortune (for the better)/ 转运栈 轉運棧 S - 0 zhuǎn yùn zhàn f /storage depot on a transportation route/ 转运站 轉運站 S - 25 zhuǎn yùn zhàn f /distribution depot/staging post/transit center/ 转述 轉述 S - 100 zhuǎn shù f /to pass on (stories)/to relate/ 转送 轉送 S - 74 zhuǎn sòng f /transfer/ 转递 轉遞 S - 10 zhuǎn dì f /to pass on/to relay/ 转速 轉速 S - 257 zhuàn sù f /angular velocity/number of revolutions per minute/ 转速表 轉速錶 S - 3 zhuàn sù biǎo f /tachometer/RPM gauge/ 转道 轉道 S - 30 zhuǎn dào f /to make a detour/to go by way of/ 转钟 轉鐘 S - 0 zhuǎn zhōng f /past midnight/ 转铃 轉鈴 S - 3 zhuàn líng f /bicycle bell (with revolving cap)/ 转铃儿 轉鈴兒 S - 0 zhuàn líng r f /erhua variant of 轉鈴|转铃[zhuan4 ling2]/ 转门 轉門 S - 8 zhuàn mén f /revolving door/turnstile/ 转院 轉院 S - 28 zhuǎn yuàn f /to transfer (a patient) to a different hospital/to transfer to hospital (e.g. a prisoner)/ 转面无情 轉面無情 S - 0 zhuǎn miàn wú qíng f /to turn one's face against sb and show no mercy (idiom); to turn against a friend/ 转韵 轉韻 S - 3 zhuǎn yùn f /change of rhyme (within a poem)/ 转鼓 轉鼓 S - 12 zhuàn gǔ f /rotary drum/ 轭 軛 S - 161 è f /to restrain/to yoke/ 轮 輪 S - 4615 lún f /wheel/disk/ring/steamship/to take turns/to rotate/by turn/classifier for big round objects: disk, or recurring events: round, turn/ 轮任 輪任 S - 0 lún rèn f /rotating appointment (e.g. Presidency of EU)/ 轮休 輪休 S - 24 lún xiū f /holiday roster/ 轮作 輪作 S - 80 lún zuò f /rotation of crops (to preserve fertility of soil)/ 轮候 輪候 S - 0 lún hòu f /to wait one's turn/ 轮值 輪值 S - 73 lún zhí f /to take turns on duty/ 轮到 輪到 S - 3 lún dào f /to be (sb's or sth's) turn/ 轮台 輪台 S - 23 Lún tái f /Bügür nahiyisi or Luntai county in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州[Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 Meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 轮台县 輪台縣 S - 5 Lún tái xiàn f /Bügür nahiyisi or Luntai county in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州[Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 Meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 轮台古城 輪台古城 S - 0 Lún tái gǔ chéng f /ruins of Luntai city, archaeological site in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州, Xinjiang/ 轮唱 輪唱 S - 5 lún chàng f /round (music)/canon/ 轮回 輪回 S - 376 lún huí f /variant of 輪迴|轮回[lun2 hui2]/ 轮回 輪迴 S - 376 lún huí f /to reincarnate/reincarnation (Buddhism)/(of the seasons etc) to follow each other cyclically/cycle/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 轮奸 輪姦 S - 13 lún jiān f /to gang rape/ 轮子 輪子 S - 207 lún zi f /wheel/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 轮廓 輪廓 S 4024 499 lún kuò f /an outline/silhouette/ 轮廓线 輪廓線 S - 19 lún kuò xiàn f /an outline/silhouette/ 轮廓鲜明 輪廓鮮明 S - 0 lún kuò xiān míng f /sharp image/clear-cut/in bold outline/in sharp relief/ 轮指 輪指 S - 7 lún zhǐ f /circular finger movement (in playing plucked instrument)/strumming/ 轮换 輪換 S - 221 lún huàn f /duty roster/ 轮暴 輪暴 S - 0 lún bào f /to gang rape/ 轮替 輪替 S - 24 lún tì f /to take turns/to work by roster/ 轮机 輪機 S - 19 lún jī f /turbine/ 轮机手 輪機手 S - 3 lún jī shǒu f /helmsman/ 轮椅 輪椅 S - 96 lún yǐ f /wheelchair/ 轮次 輪次 S - 16 lún cì f /in turn/by turns/lap/turn/round/classifier for laps, turns, rounds/ 轮毂 輪轂 S - 11 lún gǔ f /wheel hub/ 轮毂罩 輪轂罩 S - 3 lún gǔ zhào f /hubcap/ 轮流 輪流 S 2304 694 lún liú f /to alternate/to take turns/ 轮渡 輪渡 S - 72 lún dù f /ferry/ 轮滑 輪滑 S - 22 lún huá f /roller skating/ 轮牧 輪牧 S - 5 lún mù f /rotation grazing/ 轮状病毒 輪狀病毒 S - 3 lún zhuàng bìng dú f /rotavirus/ 轮班 輪班 S - 43 lún bān f /shift working/ 轮番 輪番 S - 514 lún fān f /in turn/one after another/ 轮盘 輪盤 S - 29 lún pán f /roulette/ 轮种 輪種 S - 7 lún zhòng f /rotation of crops/ 轮箍 輪箍 S - 5 lún gū f /tire/ 轮缘 輪緣 S - 7 lún yuán f /rim/edge of wheel/ 轮胎 輪胎 S 2918 311 lún tāi f /tire/pneumatic tire/ 轮脚 輪腳 S - 0 lún jiǎo f /caster (furniture wheel)/ 轮船 輪船 S 4421 679 lún chuán f /steamship/steamer/ocean liner/ship/CL:艘[sou1]/ 轮训 輪訓 S - 28 lún xùn f /training in rotation/ 轮询 輪詢 S - 3 lún xún f /to poll/polling/ 轮距 輪距 S - 56 lún jù f /tread (on tire)/gauge/ 轮转 輪轉 S - 43 lún zhuàn f /to rotate/ 轮转机 輪轉機 S - 3 lún zhuǎn jī f /merry-go-round/ 轮轴 輪軸 S - 14 lún zhóu f /axle/ 轮辐 輪輻 S - 4 lún fú f /wheel spoke/ 轮齿 輪齒 S - 3 lún chǐ f /tooth of cog wheel/gear tooth/ 软 軟 S 1847 3730 ruǎn f /soft/flexible/ 软 輭 S 1847 3730 ruǎn f /variant of 軟|软[ruan3]/ 软件 軟件 S 2085 4601 ruǎn jiàn f /(computer) software/ 软件企业 軟件企業 S - 0 ruǎn jiàn qǐ yè f /software company/ 软件包 軟件包 S - 41 ruǎn jiàn bāo f /software package/ 软件平台 軟件平臺 S - 9 ruǎn jiàn píng tái f /software platform/ 软件开发 軟件開發 S - 3 ruǎn jiàn kāi fā f /software development/ 软件开发人员 軟件開發人員 S - 0 ruǎn jiàn kāi fā rén yuán f /software developer/ 软件技术 軟件技術 S - 3 ruǎn jiàn jì shù f /software technology/ 软件系统 軟件系統 S - 73 ruǎn jiàn xì tǒng f /software system/ 软体 軟體 S - 30 ruǎn tǐ f /software (Tw)/soft-bodied (animal)/ 软体业 軟體業 S - 0 ruǎn tǐ yè f /the software industry/ 软体动物 軟體動物 S - 169 ruǎn tǐ dòng wù f /mollusk/mollusks/ 软体配送者 軟體配送者 S - 0 ruǎn tǐ pèi sòng zhě f /software distributor/ 软刀子 軟刀子 S - 11 ruǎn dāo zi f /(lit.) the soft knife/(fig.) underhanded tactics/devious means of attack/ 软包 軟包 S - 0 ruǎn bāo f /soft (bread) roll/ 软化 軟化 S - 161 ruǎn huà f /to soften/ 软卧 軟臥 S - 26 ruǎn wò f /soft sleeper (a type of sleeper train ticket class with a softer bunk)/ 软口盖 軟口蓋 S - 3 ruǎn kǒu gài f /soft palate/velum/ 软呢 軟呢 S - 0 ruǎn ní f /tweed/ 软坐 軟坐 S - 0 ruǎn zuò f /soft seat (= first class in PRC trains)/ 软实力 軟實力 S - 0 ruǎn shí lì f /soft power (i.e. media influence, propaganda and cultural ties in lieu of military power)/ 软尺 軟尺 S - 3 ruǎn chǐ f /soft ruler/tape measure/ 软席 軟席 S - 3 ruǎn xí f /soft seat (= first class in PRC trains)/ 软库 軟庫 S - 0 Ruǎn kù f /Softbank corporation, Japanese e-commerce firm/ 软座 軟座 S - 6 ruǎn zuò f /soft seat (on trains or boats)/ 软弱 軟弱 S - 428 ruǎn ruò f /weak/feeble/flabby/ 软木 軟木 S - 68 ruǎn mù f /cork/ 软木塞 軟木塞 S - 13 ruǎn mù sāi f /cork/ 软木砖 軟木磚 S - 0 ruǎn mù zhuān f /cork tile/cork flooring/ 软柿子 軟柿子 S - 3 ruǎn shì zi f /(coll.) pushover/soft touch/ 软梯 軟梯 S - 5 ruǎn tī f /rope ladder/ 软毛 軟毛 S - 3 ruǎn máo f /fur/ 软泥 軟泥 S - 70 ruǎn ní f /soft mud/silt/sludge/ooze (geology)/ 软泥儿 軟泥兒 S - 0 ruǎn ní r f /erhua variant of 軟泥|软泥[ruan3 ni2]/ 软流圈 軟流圈 S - 20 ruǎn liú quān f /asthenosphere (geology)/ 软流层 軟流層 S - 0 ruǎn liú céng f /asthenosphere (geology)/ 软片 軟片 S - 6 ruǎn piàn f /(photographic) film/ 软玉 軟玉 S - 34 ruǎn yù f /nephrite/Ca(Mg,Fe)3(SiO3)4/ 软盘 軟盤 S - 53 ruǎn pán f /floppy disk/ 软着陆 軟著陸 S - 76 ruǎn zhuó lù f /soft landing (e.g. of spacecraft)/ 软硬不吃 軟硬不吃 S - 3 ruǎn yìng bù chī f /unmoved by force or persuasion/ 软硬件 軟硬件 S - 62 ruǎn yìng jiàn f /software and hardware/ 软硬兼施 軟硬兼施 S - 32 ruǎn yìng jiān shī f /use both carrot and stick/use gentle methods and force/an iron hand in a velvet glove/ 软碟 軟碟 S - 3 ruǎn dié f /floppy disk/ 软磁盘 軟磁盤 S - 16 ruǎn cí pán f /floppy disk/ 软磁碟 軟磁碟 S - 0 ruǎn cí dié f /floppy disk/ 软磨硬泡 軟磨硬泡 S - 15 ruǎn mó yìng pào f /to coax and pester (idiom)/to wheedle/to cajole/ 软禁 軟禁 S - 133 ruǎn jìn f /house arrest/ 软管 軟管 S - 29 ruǎn guǎn f /hose/flexible tube/ 软糖 軟糖 S - 15 ruǎn táng f /soft candy (gummi candy, gumdrop, jellybean etc)/ 软组织 軟組織 S - 110 ruǎn zǔ zhī f /soft tissue/ 软绵绵 軟綿綿 S - 96 ruǎn mián mián f /soft/velvety/flabby/weak/schmaltzy/ 软耳朵 軟耳朵 S - 3 ruǎn ěr duo f /credulous person/credulous/ 软肋 軟肋 S - 3 ruǎn lèi f /rib cartilage/(fig.) weak spot/soft underbelly/ 软脂酸 軟脂酸 S - 12 ruǎn zhī suān f /palmitic acid (chemistry)/ 软脚虾 軟腳蝦 S - 0 ruǎn jiǎo xiā f /weakling/coward/ 软脚蟹 軟腳蟹 S - 0 ruǎn jiǎo xiè f /same as 軟腳蝦|软脚虾[ruan3 jiao3 xia1]/ 软腭 軟齶 S - 22 ruǎn è f /soft palate/ 软膏 軟膏 S - 34 ruǎn gāo f /ointment/paste/ 软钉子 軟釘子 S - 9 ruǎn dīng zi f /lit. a soft nail/fig. a tactful retort or rejection/ 软饮 軟飲 S - 0 ruǎn yǐn f /soft drink/ 软饮料 軟飲料 S - 35 ruǎn yǐn liào f /soft drink/ 软骨 軟骨 S - 161 ruǎn gǔ f /cartilage/ 软骨病 軟骨病 S - 16 ruǎn gǔ bìng f /chondropathy (medicine)/ 软骨鱼 軟骨魚 S - 35 ruǎn gǔ yú f /cartilaginous fish (such as sharks)/ 软骨鱼类 軟骨魚類 S - 3 ruǎn gǔ yú lèi f /cartilaginous fishes/Chondrichthyes (taxonomic class including sharks and rays)/ 软龈音 軟齦音 S - 0 ruǎn yín yīn f /velar sound (linguistics)/ 轰 轟 S - 1895 hōng f /explosion/bang/boom/rumble/to attack/to shoo away/to expel/ 轰击 轟擊 S - 349 hōng jī f /bombard/ 轰动 轟動 S 3614 432 hōng dòng f /to cause a sensation/to create a stir in (a place)/commotion/controversy/ 轰动一时 轟動一時 S - 61 hōng dòng yī shí f /to cause a sensation (idiom)/ 轰动效应 轟動效應 S - 3 hōng dòng xiào yìng f /sensational effect/wild reaction/ 轰炸 轟炸 S - 684 hōng zhà f /to bomb/to bombard/CL:陣|阵[zhen4]/ 轰炸机 轟炸機 S - 860 hōng zhà jī f /bomber (aircraft)/ 轰然 轟然 S - 270 hōng rán f /loudly/with a loud bang/a loud rumble/ 轰走 轟走 S - 3 hōng zǒu f /to drive away/ 轰赶 轟趕 S - 3 hōng gǎn f /to drive away/ 轰趴 轟趴 S - 0 hōng pā f /house party (loanword) (Tw)/ 轰轰 轟轟 S - 8 hōng hōng f /booming/roaring/ 轰轰烈烈 轟轟烈烈 S - 431 hōng hōng liè liè f /strong/vigorous/large-scale/ 轰隆 轟隆 S - 129 hōng lōng f /(onom.) rumbling/rolling/ 轰鸣 轟鳴 S - 159 hōng míng f /boom (sound of explosion)/rumble/ 轱 軲 S - 3 gū f /wheel/to roll/ 轱辘 軲轆 S - 24 gū lù f /wheel/to roll/also pr. [gu1 lu5]/ 轲 軻 S - 39 Kē t /given name of Mencius/ 轲 軻 S - 39 kě f /see 轗軻|轗轲[kan3 ke3]/ 轳 轤 S - 2 lú f /windlass/ 轴 軸 S - 1377 zhóu t /axis/axle/spool (for thread)/roller (for scrolls)/classifier for calligraphy rolls etc/ 轴 軸 S - 1377 zhòu f /see 壓軸戲|压轴戏[ya1 zhou4 xi4]/ 轴丝 軸絲 S - 3 zhóu sī f /axoneme (long thread of nerve cell)/ 轴向 軸向 S - 3 zhóu xiàng f /axis/axial/ 轴心国 軸心國 S - 72 Zhóu xīn guó f /Axis powers (World War II)/ 轴承 軸承 S - 186 zhóu chéng f /bearing (mechanical)/ 轴承销 軸承銷 S - 0 zhóu chéng xiāo f /pin bearing/ 轴旋转 軸旋轉 S - 0 zhóu xuán zhuǎn f /to rotate about an axis/axis of rotation (math.)/ 轴率 軸率 S - 0 zhóu lǜ f /axial ratio/ 轴突 軸突 S - 61 zhóu tū f /axon/ 轴突运输 軸突運輸 S - 3 zhóu tū yùn shū f /axonal transport/ 轴索 軸索 S - 3 zhóu suǒ f /axon (long thin axis of nerve cell)/ 轴线 軸線 S - 122 zhóu xiàn f /central axis (line)/ 轴距 軸距 S - 55 zhóu jù f /wheelbase/ 轵 軹 S - 10 zhǐ f /end of axle outside of hub/ 轶 軼 S - 288 yì f /to excel/to surpass/to be scattered/variant of 逸[yi4], leisurely/ 轶事 軼事 S - 78 yì shì f /variant of 逸事[yi4 shi4]/ 轶事遗闻 軼事遺聞 S - 3 yì shì yí wén f /anecdote (about historical person)/lost or apocryphal story/ 轶尘 軼塵 S - 0 yì chén f /variant of 逸塵|逸尘[yi4 chen2]/ 轶群 軼群 S - 0 yì qún f /variant of 逸群[yi4 qun2]/ 轶闻 軼聞 S - 103 yì wén f /anecdote/apocryphal story/ 轸 軫 S - 31 zhěn f /square/strongly (as of emotion)/ 轸方 軫方 S - 0 zhěn fāng f /square/four-square/ 轹 轢 S - 2 lì f /to bully/wheel-rut/ 轺 軺 S - 13 yáo f /light carriage/ 轻 輕 S 880 7559 qīng f /light/easy/gentle/soft/reckless/unimportant/frivolous/small in number/unstressed/neutral/to disparage/ 轻举妄动 輕舉妄動 S - 169 qīng jǔ wàng dòng f /to act blindly without thinking (idiom)/ 轻于鸿毛 輕於鴻毛 S - 13 qīng yú hóng máo f /light as a goose feather (idiom); trifling/unimportant/ 轻伤 輕傷 S - 110 qīng shāng f /lightly wounded/minor injuries/ 轻佻 輕佻 S - 44 qīng tiāo f /frivolous/coquettish/ 轻侮 輕侮 S - 3 qīng wǔ f /to slight/to scorn/ 轻便 輕便 S - 166 qīng biàn f /lightweight and portable/light and convenient/ 轻信 輕信 S - 103 qīng xìn f /to easily trust/gullible/naïve/ 轻元素 輕元素 S - 18 qīng yuán sù f /light element (such as hydrogen)/ 轻击区 輕擊區 S - 0 qīng jī qū f /putting green (golf)/ 轻击棒 輕擊棒 S - 0 qīng jī bàng f /putter (golf)/ 轻击球 輕擊球 S - 0 qīng jī qiú f /to hit the ball lightly (sport)/putt (golf)/ 轻取 輕取 S - 81 qīng qǔ f /to beat easily/to gain an easy victory/ 轻口薄舌 輕口薄舌 S - 3 qīng kǒu bó shé f /lit. light mouth, thin tongue (idiom); hasty and rude/caustic and sharp-tongued/ 轻咬 輕咬 S - 3 qīng yǎo f /nibble/ 轻嘴薄舌 輕嘴薄舌 S - 3 qīng zuǐ bó shé f /lit. light mouth, thin tongue (idiom); hasty and rude/caustic and sharp-tongued/ 轻型 輕型 S - 639 qīng xíng f /light (machinery, aircraft etc)/ 轻型轨道交通 輕型軌道交通 S - 0 qīng xíng guǐ dào jiāo tōng f /light rail/transit system (underground, at street level or elevated)/streetcar/metro/abbr. to 輕軌|轻轨[qing1 gui3]/ 轻声 輕聲 S - 603 qīng shēng f /quietly/softly/neutral tone/light stress/ 轻声细语 輕聲細語 S - 9 qīng shēng xì yǔ f /to speak softly/to whisper (idiom)/ 轻子 輕子 S - 0 qīng zǐ f /lepton (particle physics)/ 轻工 輕工 S - 706 qīng gōng f /light engineering/ 轻工业 輕工業 S - 717 qīng gōng yè f /light industry/ 轻巧 輕巧 S - 148 qīng qiǎo f /dexterous/deft/easy/light and easy to use/nimble/agile/lithe/graceful/ 轻度 輕度 S - 209 qīng dù f /mild (symptoms etc)/ 轻微 輕微 S - 538 qīng wēi f /slight/light/trivial/to a small extent/ 轻快 輕快 S - 167 qīng kuài f /light and quick/brisk/spry/lively/effortless/relaxed/agile/blithe/ 轻慢 輕慢 S - 31 qīng màn f /irreverent/ 轻手轻脚 輕手輕腳 S - 75 qīng shǒu qīng jiǎo f /(to move or do sth) softly and quietly (idiom)/ 轻打 輕打 S - 0 qīng dǎ f /tap/hit lightly/ 轻抚 輕撫 S - 3 qīng fǔ f /to stroke lightly/to caress/ 轻捷 輕捷 S - 112 qīng jié f /light on one's feet/nimble/agile/ 轻描淡写 輕描淡寫 S - 184 qīng miáo dàn xiě f /to sketch in light shades/to play down/to deemphasize (idiom)/ 轻敌 輕敵 S - 194 qīng dí f /to underestimate the enemy/ 轻易 輕易 S 1846 1474 qīng yì f /easily/lightly/rashly/ 轻机关枪 輕機關槍 S - 3 qīng jī guān qiāng f /also written 輕機槍|轻机枪/light machine gun/ 轻机枪 輕機槍 S - 95 qīng jī qiāng f /light machine gun/ 轻松 輕鬆 S 881 1979 qīng sōng f /light/gentle/relaxed/effortless/uncomplicated/to relax/to take things less seriously/ 轻染 輕染 S - 0 qīng rǎn f /tinge/ 轻柔 輕柔 S - 187 qīng róu f /soft/gentle/pliable/ 轻武器 輕武器 S - 189 qīng wǔ qì f /light weapon/ 轻水 輕水 S - 14 qīng shuǐ f /light water (as opposed to heavy water)/see light water reactor 輕水反應堆|轻水反应堆/ 轻水反应堆 輕水反應堆 S - 0 qīng shuǐ fǎn yìng duī f /light water reactor (LWR)/ 轻浪浮薄 輕浪浮薄 S - 0 qīng làng fú bó f /(idiom) frivolous/ 轻浮 輕浮 S - 93 qīng fú f /frivolous/careless/giddy/ 轻灵 輕靈 S - 96 qīng líng f /quick and skillful/agile/ 轻狂 輕狂 S - 42 qīng kuáng f /frivolous/ 轻率 輕率 S - 167 qīng shuài f /cavalier/offhand/reckless/ 轻生 輕生 S - 48 qīng shēng f /a suicide/to commit suicide/ 轻盈 輕盈 S - 232 qīng yíng f /graceful/lithe/light and graceful/lighthearted/relaxed/ 轻省 輕省 S - 0 qīng sheng f /relaxed/easy/ 轻看 輕看 S - 0 qīng kàn f /to look down upon/ 轻窕 輕窕 S - 3 qīng tiǎo f /frivolous/capricious/playful/ 轻纱 輕紗 S - 3 qīng shā f /light muslin/gauze/ 轻罪 輕罪 S - 3 qīng zuì f /petty crime/misdemeanor/ 轻者 輕者 S - 3 qīng zhě f /less serious case/in less severe cases/ 轻而易举 輕而易舉 S - 196 qīng ér yì jǔ f /easy/with no difficulty/ 轻脆 輕脆 S - 3 qīng cuì f /sharp and clear/crisp/melodious/ringing/tinkling/silvery (of sound)/fragile/frail/also written 清脆/ 轻蔑 輕蔑 S - 309 qīng miè f /to contempt/to disdain/pejorative/ 轻薄 輕薄 S - 218 qīng bó f /light (weight)/frivolous/a philanderer/to scorn/disrespectful/ 轻裘肥马 輕裘肥馬 S - 2 qīng qiú féi mǎ f /lit. light furs and stout horses/fig. to live in luxury/ 轻视 輕視 S 2396 472 qīng shì f /contempt/contemptuous/to despise/to scorn/scornful/ 轻言细语 輕言細語 S - 5 qīng yán xì yǔ f /to speak softly/ 轻质石油 輕質石油 S - 0 qīng zhì shí yóu f /light petroleum (product)/gasoline and diesel oil/ 轻质石油产品 輕質石油產品 S - 0 qīng zhì shí yóu chǎn pǐn f /light petroleum product (i.e. gasoline and diesel oil)/ 轻车熟路 輕車熟路 S - 23 qīng chē shú lù f /lit. to drive a lightweight chariot on a familiar road (idiom)/fig. to do sth routinely and with ease/a walk in the park/ 轻车简从 輕車簡從 S - 7 qīng chē jiǎn cóng f /(of an official) to travel with little luggage and just a small escort/to travel without ostentation/ 轻轨 輕軌 S - 15 qīng guǐ f /light rail/transit system (underground, at street level or elevated)/streetcar/metro/abbr. for 輕型軌道交通|轻型轨道交通[qing1 xing2 gui3 dao4 jiao1 tong1]/ 轻轻 輕輕 S - 4408 qīng qīng f /lightly/softly/ 轻重 輕重 S - 467 qīng zhòng f /severity (of the case)/degree of seriousness/whether sth is slight or serious/ 轻重主次 輕重主次 S - 0 qīng zhòng zhǔ cì f /to invert the importance of things (i.e. stress the incidental and neglect the main point)/lacking a sense of perspective/to put the cart before the horse/ 轻重倒置 輕重倒置 S - 2 qīng zhòng dào zhì f /to invert the importance of things (i.e. stress the unimportant and neglect the important)/lacking a sense of perspective/to put the cart before the horse/ 轻重缓急 輕重緩急 S - 52 qīng zhòng huǎn jí f /slight or important, urgent or non-urgent (idiom); to deal with important matters first/sense of priority/ 轻量级 輕量級 S - 13 qīng liàng jí f /light-weight class (in athletics)/ 轻音乐 輕音樂 S - 26 qīng yīn yuè f /light music/ 轻风 輕風 S - 26 qīng fēng f /breeze/light wind/ 轻飘飘 輕飄飄 S - 184 qīng piāo piāo f /light as a feather/ 轻食 輕食 S - 0 qīng shí f /light meal/snack/ 轻饶 輕饒 S - 3 qīng ráo f /to forgive easily/to let off lightly (often with negative: you won't get away with it)/ 轻饶素放 輕饒素放 S - 3 qīng ráo sù fàng f /easily forgive, simply release (idiom); to let sb off scot free/ 轻骑 輕騎 S - 120 qīng qí f /light cavalry/light motorcycle/moped/ 轼 軾 S - 9 shì f /crossbar in carriage front/ 载 載 S - 3349 zǎi f /to record in writing/to carry (i.e. publish in a newspaper etc)/Taiwan pr. [zai4]/year/ 载 載 S - 3349 zài t /to carry/to convey/to load/to hold/to fill up/and/also/as well as/simultaneously/ 载人 載人 S - 282 zài rén f /(of spaceships etc) manned/also pr. [zai3 ren2]/ 载人轨道空间站 載人軌道空間站 S - 0 zài rén guǐ dào kōng jiān zhàn f /manned orbiting space station/ 载伯德 載伯德 S - 0 Zǎi bó dé f /Zebedee (name)/ 载体 載體 S - 474 zài tǐ f /carrier (chemistry)/vector (epidemiology)/vehicle or medium/ 载入 載入 S - 356 zǎi rù f /to load into/to record/to write into/to enter (data)/to go into (the records)/to go down (in history)/ 载客 載客 S - 108 zài kè f /to take passengers on board/ 载客车 載客車 S - 0 zài kè chē f /passenger train (or bus)/ 载客量 載客量 S - 19 zài kè liàng f /passenger capacity/ 载弹量 載彈量 S - 43 zài dàn liàng f /payload/ 载携 載攜 S - 0 zài xié f /to carry/to bear/ 载明 載明 S - 33 zǎi míng f /to state explicitly in writing/to specify/to stipulate/ 载歌且舞 載歌且舞 S - 3 zài gē qiě wǔ f /singing and dancing (idiom); festive celebrations/ 载歌载舞 載歌載舞 S - 96 zài gē zài wǔ f /singing and dancing (idiom); festive celebrations/ 载波 載波 S - 53 zài bō f /carrier wave/ 载湉 載湉 S - 3 Zǎi tián f /birth name of Qing emperor Guangxu 光緒|光绪[Guang1 xu4]/ 载漪 載漪 S - 0 Zài yī f /Zai Yi (1856-1922), Manchu imperial prince and politician, disgraced after supporting the Boxers/ 载籍 載籍 S - 0 zǎi jí f /books (in Confucian education)/ 载舟覆舟 載舟覆舟 S - 3 zài zhōu fù zhōu f /to carry a boat or to overturn a boat (idiom); fig. The people can support a regime or overturn it./ 载荷 載荷 S - 430 zài hè f /load/lading (weight)/ 载货 載貨 S - 38 zài huò f /freight/load/ 载货汽车 載貨汽車 S - 0 zài huò qì chē f /lorry/ 载车 載車 S - 0 zài chē f /onboard (equipment)/to ferry cars/missile trucks/ 载运 載運 S - 96 zài yùn f /to convey (on vehicle)/to freight/ 载途 載途 S - 0 zài tú f /to cover the road (snow, wind, hazards etc)/distance (between locations)/ 载道 載道 S - 3 zài dào f /to fill the road (also fig. clamor, cries of complaint)/to communicate a moral/to convey the Way/to express (idea, preference, complaint)/ 载酒问字 載酒問字 S - 3 zài jiǔ wèn zì f /a scholarly and inquisitive individual (idiom)/ 载重 載重 S - 415 zài zhòng f /load/carrying capacity/ 载重能力 載重能力 S - 0 zài zhòng néng lì f /weight-carrying capacity/ 载重量 載重量 S - 100 zài zhòng liàng f /dead weight/weight capacity of a vehicle/ 载频 載頻 S - 2 zài pín f /frequency of carrier wave/ 轾 輊 S - 0 zhì f /back and lower of chariot/short/low/ 轿 轎 S - 2458 jiào f /a sedan chair/a palanquin/a litter/ 轿夫 轎夫 S - 142 jiào fū f /a porter for a palanquin/a carman/ 轿子 轎子 S - 593 jiào zi f /a sedan chair/a palanquin/a litter/ 轿车 轎車 S - 521 jiào chē f /enclosed carriage for carrying passengers/motor carriage/car or bus/limousine/CL:部[bu4],輛|辆[liang4]/ 辀 輈 S - 5 zhōu f /(literary) shaft (of a cart)/cart/ 辁 輇 S - 0 quán f /limited (of talent or ability)/(archaic) solid wheel (without spokes)/ 辂 輅 S - 219 lù f /chariot/ 较 較 S - 30431 jiào f /comparatively/(preposition comparing difference in degree)/to contrast/to compare/rather/fairly/clearly (different)/markedly/to haggle over/to quibble/also pr. [jiao3]/ 较为 較為 S - 2350 jiào wéi f /comparatively/relatively/fairly/ 较佳 較佳 S - 3 jiào jiā f /comparatively good/ 较劲 較勁 S - 79 jiào jìn f /to match one's strength with/to compete/more competitive/to set oneself against sb/disobliging/to make a special effort/ 较劲儿 較勁兒 S - 8 jiào jìn r f /erhua variant of 較勁|较劲[jiao4 jin4]/ 较场 較場 S - 3 jiào chǎng f /military drill ground/same as 校場|校场/ 较大 較大 S - 6637 jiào dà f /comparatively large/ 较好 較好 S - 0 jiào hǎo f /preferably/rather or relatively good/ 较少 較少 S - 3 jiào shǎo f /less/ 较差 較差 S - 786 jiào chā f /mediocre/rather poor/not specially good/ 较比 較比 S - 0 jiào bǐ f /comparatively (colloquial)/fairly/quite/rather/relatively/ 较然 較然 S - 0 jiào rán f /clearly/evidently/markedly/ 较略 較略 S - 0 jiào lüè f /approximately/roughly/about/ 较真 較真 S - 32 jiào zhēn f /serious/in earnest/ 较真儿 較真兒 S - 11 jiào zhēn r f /erhua variant of 較真|较真[jiao4 zhen1]/ 较短絜长 較短絜長 S - 3 jiào duǎn xié cháng f /to compare long and short/to compare the pros and cons/ 较著 較著 S - 3 jiào zhù f /obvious/prominent/standing out/ 较量 較量 S 3753 929 jiào liàng f /to have a contest with sb/to cross swords/to measure up against/to compete with/to haggle/to quibble/ 较长 較長 S - 0 jiào cháng f /comparatively long/ 较长絜短 較長絜短 S - 3 jiào cháng xié duǎn f /to compare long and short/to compare the pros and cons/ 较高级 較高級 S - 37 jiào gāo jí f /better quality/comparatively higher level/ 辄 輒 S - 89 zhé f /then/at once/always/(archaic) luggage rack on a chariot/ 辄 輙 S - 89 zhé f /variant of 輒|辄[zhe2]/ 辅 輔 S - 1035 fǔ f /to assist/to complement/auxiliary/ 辅仁大学 輔仁大學 S - 3 Fǔ rén Dà xué f /Fu Jen Catholic University of Peking (from 1925), forerunner of Beijing Normal University 北京師範大學|北京师范大学/Fu Jen Catholic University in New Taipei City, Taiwan/ 辅以 輔以 S - 126 fǔ yǐ f /supplemented by/accompanied by/with/ 辅佐 輔佐 S - 355 fǔ zuǒ f /to assist (usually a ruler)/ 辅修 輔修 S - 28 fǔ xiū f /to minor in/minor/ 辅具 輔具 S - 0 fǔ jù f /assistive device (walking frame, hearing aid etc)/ 辅助 輔助 S 3671 1345 fǔ zhù f /to assist/to aid/supplementary/auxiliary/subsidiary/ 辅助医疗 輔助醫療 S - 0 fǔ zhù yī liáo f /complementary medicine/ 辅助语 輔助語 S - 0 fǔ zhù yǔ f /auxiliary language/ 辅大 輔大 S - 3 Fǔ Dà f /abbr. for 輔仁大學|辅仁大学[Fu3 ren2 Da4 xue2]/ 辅导 輔導 S 2165 471 fǔ dǎo f /to coach/to tutor/to give advice (in study)/ 辅导人 輔導人 S - 0 fǔ dǎo rén f /tutor/ 辅导员 輔導員 S - 55 fǔ dǎo yuán f /a coach (teacher or trainer)/ 辅导班 輔導班 S - 228 fǔ dǎo bān f /tutorial class/remedial class/preparatory course/ 辅币 輔幣 S - 23 fǔ bì f /fractional currency/ 辅弼 輔弼 S - 12 fǔ bì f /to assist a ruler in governing a country/prime minister/ 辅料 輔料 S - 39 fǔ liào f /auxiliary ingredients/supplementary materials/ 辅课 輔課 S - 0 fǔ kè f /subsidiary course/ 辅酶 輔酶 S - 47 fǔ méi f /coenzyme (chemistry)/ 辅音 輔音 S - 139 fǔ yīn f /consonant/ 辆 輛 S 398 2547 liàng f /classifier for vehicles/ 辇 輦 S - 779 niǎn f /handcart/emperor's carriage/to transport by carriage/ 辇运 輦運 S - 0 niǎn yùn f /(literary) to transport/to ship/ 辈 輩 S - 1337 bèi f /lifetime/generation/group of people/class/classifier for generations/(lit.) classifier for people/ 辈儿 輩兒 S - 0 bèi r f /generation/ 辈出 輩出 S - 604 bèi chū f /to come forth in large numbers/ 辈分 輩分 S - 85 bèi fèn f /seniority in the family or clan/position in the family hierarchy/ 辈子 輩子 S - 394 bèi zi f /all one's life/lifetime/ 辉 輝 S - 510 huī f /splendor/to shine upon/ 辉南 輝南 S - 4 Huī nán f /Huinan county in Tonghua 通化, Jilin/ 辉南县 輝南縣 S - 3 Huī nán xiàn f /Huinan county in Tonghua 通化, Jilin/ 辉县 輝縣 S - 29 Huī xiàn f /Huixian county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡[Xin1 xiang1], Henan/ 辉县市 輝縣市 S - 5 Huī xiàn shì f /Huixian county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡[Xin1 xiang1], Henan/ 辉映 輝映 S - 213 huī yìng f /to reflect/to shine/ 辉格党 輝格黨 S - 0 Huī gé dǎng f /Whig Party/ 辉煌 輝煌 S 3606 1235 huī huáng f /splendid/glorious/ 辉瑞 輝瑞 S - 29 Huī ruì f /Pfizer, American pharmaceutical company/ 辉石 輝石 S - 144 huī shí f /pyroxene (family of rock-forming minerals)/augite/ 辉绿岩 輝綠岩 S - 19 huī lǜ yán f /diabase (geology)/dolerite/ 辉长岩 輝長岩 S - 21 huī cháng yán f /gabbro (geology)/ 辊 輥 S - 50 gǔn f /to revolve/stone roller/ 辋 輞 S - 14 wǎng f /tire/wheel band/ 辌 輬 S - 0 liáng f /see 轀輬|辒辌[wen1 liang2]/ 辍 輟 S - 177 chuò f /to stop (before completion)/to cease/to suspend/ 辍业 輟業 S - 0 chuò yè f /to give up work/to give up one's profession/ 辍学 輟學 S - 172 chuò xué f /to drop out of school/to leave off studying/to interrupt one's studies/ 辍学率 輟學率 S - 273 chuò xué lǜ f /drop-out rate (from schooling)/ 辍工 輟工 S - 0 chuò gōng f /to stop work/ 辍朝 輟朝 S - 0 chuò cháo f /to suspend business at the imperial court on account of a misfortune/ 辍止 輟止 S - 0 chuò zhǐ f /to stop/to leave off/ 辍演 輟演 S - 3 chuò yǎn f /to stop performing a play/to interrupt a stage run/ 辍笔 輟筆 S - 5 chuò bǐ f /to stop writing or painting/to leave off writing midway/ 辍耕 輟耕 S - 3 chuò gēng f /to stop plowing/to give up a life in the fields/ 辍食吐哺 輟食吐哺 S - 0 chuò shí tǔ bǔ f /to stop eating and spit out/ 辎 輜 S - 14 zī f /covered wagon/military supply wagon/ 辏 輳 S - 333 còu f /to converge/hub of wheel/ 辐 輻 S - 130 fú f /spoke of a wheel/ 辐射 輻射 S 3113 2452 fú shè f /radiation/ 辐射仪 輻射儀 S - 10 fú shè yí f /radiation meter/ 辐射侦察 輻射偵察 S - 0 fú shè zhēn chá f /radiation detection/ 辐射分解 輻射分解 S - 3 fú shè fēn jiě f /radiolysis/ 辐射剂量 輻射劑量 S - 0 fú shè jì liàng f /radiation dose/ 辐射剂量率 輻射劑量率 S - 0 fú shè jì liàng lǜ f /radiation dose rate/ 辐射场 輻射場 S - 0 fú shè chǎng f /radiation field/ 辐射对称 輻射對稱 S - 3 fú shè duì chèn f /radial symmetry/ 辐射强度 輻射強度 S - 3 fú shè qiáng dù f /radiation intensity/ 辐射敏感性 輻射敏感性 S - 0 fú shè mǐn gǎn xìng f /radiosensitivity/ 辐射散射 輻射散射 S - 0 fú shè sàn shè f /radiation scattering/ 辐射波 輻射波 S - 0 fú shè bō f /radiation (wave)/radiated wave/ 辐射直接效应 輻射直接效應 S - 0 fú shè zhí jiē xiào yìng f /direct effect of radiation/ 辐射能 輻射能 S - 57 fú shè néng f /radiation energy (e.g. solar)/ 辐射警告标志 輻射警告標志 S - 0 fú shè jǐng gào biāo zhì f /radiation warning symbol/ 辐射计 輻射計 S - 24 fú shè jì f /radiometer/ 辐射防护 輻射防護 S - 0 fú shè fáng hù f /radiation protection/ 辐条 輻條 S - 12 fú tiáo f /(wheel) spoke/ 辐照 輻照 S - 89 fú zhào f /irradiation/ 辑 輯 S - 640 jí f /to gather up/to collect/to edit/to compile/ 辑睦 輯睦 S - 0 jí mù f /tranquil/harmonious/ 辑穆 輯穆 S - 0 jí mù f /variant of 輯睦|辑睦[ji2 mu4]/ 辑集 輯集 S - 0 jí jí f /to anthologize/ 辒 轀 S - 0 wēn f /hearse/ 辒车 轀車 S - 0 wēn chē f /hearse/ 辒辌 轀輬 S - 0 wēn liáng f /(sleeping) carriage/hearse/ 输 輸 S 768 2922 shū f /to lose/to transport/to donate/to enter (a password)/ 输不起 輸不起 S - 3 shū bù qǐ f /to take defeat with bad grace/to be a sore loser/cannot afford to lose/ 输入 輸入 S 2025 1700 shū rù f /to import/to input/ 输入法 輸入法 S - 19 shū rù fǎ f /input method/ 输入系统 輸入系統 S - 0 shū rù xì tǒng f /input system/data entry system/ 输入设备 輸入設備 S - 0 shū rù shè bèi f /input device (computer)/ 输出 輸出 S - 2335 shū chū f /to export/to output/ 输出品 輸出品 S - 3 shū chū pǐn f /export item/product for export/ 输出管 輸出管 S - 3 shū chū guǎn f /vas efferens/ 输卵管 輸卵管 S - 130 shū luǎn guǎn f /Fallopian tube/oviduct/ 输墨装置 輸墨裝置 S - 0 shū mò zhuāng zhì f /ink supply mechanism/ 输密码 輸密碼 S - 0 shū mì mǎ f /to enter a code/to type a password/to enter an ATM PIN/ 输尿管 輸尿管 S - 116 shū niào guǎn f /ureter/ 输掉 輸掉 S - 3 shū diào f /to lose/ 输水管 輸水管 S - 2 shū shuǐ guǎn f /pipe/pipeline/ 输沙量 輸沙量 S - 86 shū shā liàng f /quantity of sand (transported by a river)/sediment content/ 输油管 輸油管 S - 47 shū yóu guǎn f /petroleum pipeline/ 输注 輸注 S - 74 shū zhù f /to inject/infusion/ 输液 輸液 S - 186 shū yè f /intravenous infusion/to get put on an IV/ 输理 輸理 S - 3 shū lǐ f /to be in the wrong/ 输电 輸電 S - 467 shū diàn f /electricity transmission/to transmit electricity/ 输移 輸移 S - 0 shū yí f /(sediment) transport/ 输精管 輸精管 S - 54 shū jīng guǎn f /vas deferens/ 输给 輸給 S - 358 shū gěi f /to lose to (sb)/to be outdone by/ 输血 輸血 S - 222 shū xuè f /to transfuse blood/to give aid and support/ 输赢 輸贏 S - 178 shū yíng f /win or loss/outcome/ 输运 輸運 S - 71 shū yùn f /to transport/transportation/ 输送 輸送 S - 631 shū sòng f /to transport/to convey/ 输送媒介 輸送媒介 S - 0 shū sòng méi jiè f /transport medium/ 辔 轡 S - 176 pèi f /bridle/reins/ 辔头 轡頭 S - 47 pèi tóu f /bridle/ 辕 轅 S - 94 yuán f /shafts of cart/yamen/ 辖 轄 S - 7589 xiá f /to govern/to control/having jurisdiction over/linchpin of a wheel (archaic)/noise of a barrow/ 辖制 轄制 S - 18 xiá zhì f /to control/ 辖区 轄區 S - 1733 xiá qū f /administrative region/ 辗 輾 S - 80 zhǎn f /roll over on side/turn half over/ 辗轧 輾軋 S - 0 zhǎn yà f /to roll over/to run over/ 辗转 輾轉 S - 374 zhǎn zhuǎn f /to toss about in bed/from person to person/indirectly/to wander/ 辗转反侧 輾轉反側 S - 50 zhǎn zhuǎn fǎn cè f /to toss and turn restlessly (in the bed)/ 辘 轆 S - 39 lù f /windlass/ 辘轳 轆轤 S - 42 lù lu f /well pulley/windlass/potter's wheel/ 辙 轍 S - 70 chè f /to remove/to withdraw/ 辙 轍 S - 70 zhé t /rut/track/rhyme/(dialect) way/method/ 辚 轔 S - 28 lín f /rumbling of wheels/ 辛 - 562 Xīn f /surname Xin/ 辛 - 562 xīn f /(of taste) hot or pungent/hard/laborious/suffering/eighth in order/eighth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]/letter "H" or roman "VIII" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/ancient Chinese compass point: 285°/octa/ 辛丑 - 196 xīn chǒu f /thirty eighth year H2 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1961 or 2021/cf 辛丑條約|辛丑条约, Protocol of Beijing of 1901 ending the 8-nation intervention after the Boxer uprising/ 辛丑条约 辛丑條約 S - 0 Xīn chǒu Tiáo yuē f /Boxer Protocol of 1901 signed in Beijing, ending the Eight-power Allied Force intervention after the Boxer uprising/ 辛丑條約 辛丑条约 T - 0 Xīn chǒu Tiáo yuē f /Boxer Protocol of 1901 signed in Beijing, ending the Eight-power Allied Force intervention after the Boxer uprising/ 辛亥 - 32 xīn hài f /forty eighth year H12 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1971 or 2031/cf 辛亥革命[Xin1 hai4 Ge2 ming4], Xinhai Revolution of 1911/ 辛亥革命 - 2027 Xīn hài Gé mìng f /Xinhai Revolution (1911), which ended the Qing Dynasty/ 辛伐他汀 - 7 xīn fá tā tīng f /simvastatin/ 辛劳 辛勞 S - 117 xīn láo f /laborious/ 辛勞 辛劳 T - 117 xīn láo f /laborious/ 辛勤 4046 1342 xīn qín f /hardworking/industrious/ 辛勤耕耘 - 3 xīn qín gēng yún f /to make industrious and diligent efforts (idiom)/ 辛卯 - 7 xīn mǎo f /twenty eighth year H4 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 2011 or 2071/ 辛奇 - 0 xīn qí f /kimchi (loanword)/ 辛巳 - 10 xīn sì f /eighteenth year H6 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 2001 or 2061/ 辛巴威 - 3 Xīn bā wēi f /Zimbabwe (Tw)/ 辛布 - 0 Xīn bù f /Thimphu, capital of Bhutan (Tw)/ 辛普森 - 12 Xīn pǔ sēn f /Simpson (name)/ 辛普森一家 - 0 Xīn pǔ sēn yī jiā f /The Simpsons (US TV series)/ 辛未 - 6 xīn wèi f /eight year H8 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1991 or 2051/ 辛格 - 73 Xīn gé f /Singh (name)/ 辛烷值 - 13 xīn wán zhí f /octane rating/ 辛苦 995 1221 xīn kǔ f /hard/exhausting/with much toil/thanks for your trouble/ 辛貝特 辛贝特 T - 0 xīn bèi tè f /Shin Bet (Israel national security service)/ 辛贝特 辛貝特 S - 0 xīn bèi tè f /Shin Bet (Israel national security service)/ 辛辛苦苦 - 194 xīn xīn kǔ kǔ f /painstakingly/with great trouble/ 辛辛那提 - 21 Xīn xīn nà tí f /Cincinnati, Ohio/ 辛辣 - 188 xīn là f /spicy hot (taste)/fig. biting (criticism)/ 辛迪加 - 22 xīn dí jiā f /syndicate (loanword)/ 辛酉 - 28 xīn yǒu f /fifty eighth year H10 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1981 or 2041/ 辛酸 - 162 xīn suān f /pungent (taste)/bitter/fig. sad/miserable/ 辛集 - 10 Xīn jí f /Xinji county level city in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei/ 辛集市 - 9 Xīn jí shì f /Xinji county level city in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei/ 辜 - 110 Gū f /surname Gu/ 辜 - 110 gū f /crime/sin/ 辜振甫 - 20 Gū Zhèn fǔ f /Koo Chen-fu (1917-2005), Taiwanese businessman and diplomat/ 辜負 辜负 T 3726 360 gū fù f /to fail to live up (to expectations)/unworthy (of trust)/to let down/to betray (hopes)/to disappoint/ 辜负 辜負 S 3726 360 gū fù f /to fail to live up (to expectations)/unworthy (of trust)/to let down/to betray (hopes)/to disappoint/ 辜鴻銘 辜鸿铭 T - 216 Gū Hóng míng f /Ku Hung-ming or Gu Hongming (1857-1928), Malaysian man of letters, highly regarded for his literary works written mostly in English, and known for his monarchist views/ 辜鸿铭 辜鴻銘 S - 216 Gū Hóng míng f /Ku Hung-ming or Gu Hongming (1857-1928), Malaysian man of letters, highly regarded for his literary works written mostly in English, and known for his monarchist views/ 辞 辤 S - 1742 cí f /old variant of 辭|辞[ci2]/ 辞 辭 S - 1742 cí f /to resign/to dismiss/to decline/to take leave/ballad (archaic poetic genre)/variant of 詞|词[ci2]/ 辞世 辭世 S - 61 cí shì f /to die/to depart this life (euphemism)/same as 去世/ 辞书 辭書 S - 36 cí shū f /word book/dictionary/encyclopedia/ 辞书学 辭書學 S - 0 cí shū xué f /lexicography/making dictionaries/ 辞令 辭令 S - 37 cí lìng f /polite speech/diplomatic terms/rhetoric/ 辞任 辭任 S - 0 cí rèn f /to resign (a position)/ 辞典 辭典 S - 133 cí diǎn f /dictionary (of Chinese compound words)/also written 詞典|词典[ci2 dian3]/CL:本[ben3],部[bu4]/ 辞别 辭別 S - 140 cí bié f /to take leave/ 辞去 辭去 S - 552 cí qù f /to resign/to quit/ 辞呈 辭呈 S - 68 cí chéng f /(written) resignation/ 辞官 辭官 S - 3 cí guān f /to resign a government post/ 辞掉 辭掉 S - 64 cí diào f /to resign a post/to sack and get rid of/ 辞格 辭格 S - 3 cí gé f /figure of speech/ 辞海 辭海 S - 47 Cí hǎi f /Cihai, an encyclopedic dictionary first published in 1915, and frequently revised/ 辞章 辭章 S - 6 cí zhāng f /poetry and prose/rhetoric/ 辞职 辭職 S 1613 1276 cí zhí f /to resign/ 辞藻 辭藻 S - 34 cí zǎo f /rhetoric/ 辞行 辭行 S - 76 cí xíng f /to say goodbye/leave-taking/farewells/ 辞谢 辭謝 S - 39 cí xiè f /to decline gratefully/ 辞退 辭退 S - 112 cí tuì f /to dismiss/to discharge/to fire/ 辟 - 1637 bì f /king/monarch/to enlist/to repel/to avoid/ 辟 - 1637 pì t /law/variant of 闢|辟[pi4]/ 辟 闢 S - 1637 pì t /to open (a door)/to open up (for development)/to dispel/to refute/to repudiate/ 辟室 闢室 S - 0 pì shì f /lit. to open a room/fig. to settle in a quiet room/behind closed doors/ 辟室密谈 闢室密談 S - 0 pì shì mì tán f /to discuss behind closed doors/ 辟穀 辟谷 T - 21 pì gǔ f /to abstain from eating cereals (Taoist practice)/to fast/ 辟谣 闢謠 S - 75 pì yáo f /to refute a rumor/to deny/ 辟谷 辟穀 S - 21 pì gǔ f /to abstain from eating cereals (Taoist practice)/to fast/ 辟邪 - 371 bì xié f /to ward off evil spirits/mythical lion-like animal that wards off evil (also called 貔貅[pi2 xiu1])/ 辟雍 - 0 Bì yōng f /central of the five Zhou dynasty royal academies/ 辟雍砚 辟雍硯 S - 0 pì yōng yàn f /ink slab or ink stone of celadon or white porcelain with unglazed surface/ 辟雍硯 辟雍砚 T - 0 pì yōng yàn f /ink slab or ink stone of celadon or white porcelain with unglazed surface/ 辠 罪 T - 4177 zuì f /variant of 罪[zui4], crime/ 辢 辣 T 891 1024 là f /old variant of 辣[la4]/ 辣 辢 S 891 1024 là f /old variant of 辣[la4]/ 辣 891 1024 là f /hot (spicy)/pungent/ 辣哈布 - 0 Lā hā bù f /Rahab (name)/ 辣妹 - 13 Là mèi f /Spice Girls (1990s UK pop group)/ 辣妹 - 13 là mèi f /hot chick/sexy girl/abbr. LM/ 辣妹子 - 17 là mèi zi f /sassy young woman or pretty girl (esp. one from China's spice belt: Guizhou, Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan and Yunnan)/ 辣子 - 72 là zi f /cayenne pepper/chili/ 辣彼 - 0 là bǐ f /rabbi (loanword)/ 辣根 - 3 là gēn f /horseradish/ 辣椒 2137 417 là jiāo f /hot pepper/chili/ 辣椒仔 - 0 Là jiāo zǎi f /Tabasco (brand)/ 辣椒酱 辣椒醬 S - 264 là jiāo jiàng f /red pepper paste/chili sauce/ 辣椒醬 辣椒酱 T - 264 là jiāo jiàng f /red pepper paste/chili sauce/ 辣汁 - 0 là zhī f /hot sauce/chili sauce/ 辣胡椒 - 0 là hú jiāo f /hot pepper/ 辣豆酱 辣豆醬 S - 0 là dòu jiàng f /chili con carne/ 辣豆醬 辣豆酱 T - 0 là dòu jiàng f /chili con carne/ 辣酱油 辣醬油 S - 3 là jiàng yóu f /Worcestershire sauce/ 辣醬油 辣酱油 T - 3 là jiàng yóu f /Worcestershire sauce/ 辤 辞 T - 1742 cí f /old variant of 辭|辞[ci2]/ 辦 办 T - 10314 bàn f /to do/to manage/to handle/to go about/to run/to set up/to deal with/ 辦不到 办不到 T - 3 bàn bu dào f /impossible/can't be done/no can do/unable to accomplish/ 辦事 办事 T - 2314 bàn shì f /to handle (affairs)/to work/ 辦事處 办事处 T - 1159 bàn shì chù f /office/agency/ 辦公 办公 T - 872 bàn gōng f /to handle official business/to work (esp. in an office)/ 辦公地址 办公地址 T - 0 bàn gōng dì zhǐ f /business address/ 辦公大樓 办公大楼 T - 3 bàn gōng dà lóu f /office building/ 辦公室 办公室 T 401 4373 bàn gōng shì f /office/business premises/bureau/CL:間|间[jian1]/ 辦公廳 办公厅 T - 468 bàn gōng tīng f /general office/ 辦公時間 办公时间 T - 3 bàn gōng shí jiān f /office hours/ 辦公桌輪用 办公桌轮用 T - 0 bàn gōng zhuō lún yòng f /hot-desking/ 辦公樓 办公楼 T - 296 bàn gōng lóu f /office building/CL:座[zuo4],棟|栋[dong4]/ 辦公自動化 办公自动化 T - 3 bàn gōng zì dòng huà f /office automation/ 辦到 办到 T - 182 bàn dào f /to accomplish/to get sth done/ 辦報 办报 T - 38 bàn bào f /to run a newspaper/to publish a newspaper/ 辦好 办好 T - 258 bàn hǎo f /to manage well/ 辦妥 办妥 T - 3 bàn tuǒ f /to arrange/to settle/to complete/to carry through/ 辦學 办学 T - 1127 bàn xué f /to run a school/ 辦年貨 办年货 T - 0 bàn nián huò f /to shop in preparation for Chinese New Year/ 辦案 办案 T - 136 bàn àn f /to handle a case/ 辦法 办法 T 378 10633 bàn fǎ f /means/method/way (of doing sth)/CL:條|条[tiao2],個|个[ge4]/ 辦理 办理 T 2360 2142 bàn lǐ f /to handle/to transact/to conduct/ 辦罪 办罪 T - 3 bàn zuì f /to punish/ 辦貨 办货 T - 8 bàn huò f /to purchase goods (for a company etc)/ 辦酒席 办酒席 T - 0 bàn jiǔ xí f /to prepare a feast/ 辨 - 1633 biàn f /to distinguish/to recognize/ 辨別 辨别 T - 342 biàn bié f /to differentiate/to distinguish/to discriminate/ 辨別力 辨别力 T - 5 biàn bié lì f /discrimination/power of discrimination/ 辨别 辨別 S - 342 biàn bié f /to differentiate/to distinguish/to discriminate/ 辨别力 辨別力 S - 5 biàn bié lì f /discrimination/power of discrimination/ 辨明 - 184 biàn míng f /to clarify/to distinguish/to elucidate/ 辨析 - 155 biàn xī f /to differentiate and analyze/to discriminate/ 辨認 辨认 T 3484 399 biàn rèn f /to recognize/to identify/ 辨證 辨证 T - 235 biàn zhèng f /to investigate/ 辨證施治 辨证施治 T - 0 biàn zhèng shī zhì f /diagnosis and treatment based on an overall analysis of the illness and the patient's condition/ 辨證論治 辨证论治 T - 52 biàn zhèng lùn zhì f /holistic diagnosis and treatment (TCM)/ 辨識 辨识 T - 132 biàn shí f /identification/to identify/to recognize/ 辨认 辨認 S 3484 399 biàn rèn f /to recognize/to identify/ 辨证 辨證 S - 235 biàn zhèng f /to investigate/ 辨证施治 辨證施治 S - 0 biàn zhèng shī zhì f /diagnosis and treatment based on an overall analysis of the illness and the patient's condition/ 辨证论治 辨證論治 S - 52 biàn zhèng lùn zhì f /holistic diagnosis and treatment (TCM)/ 辨识 辨識 S - 132 biàn shí f /identification/to identify/to recognize/ 辩 辯 S - 1188 biàn f /to dispute/to debate/to argue/to discuss/ 辩争 辯爭 S - 0 biàn zhēng f /to argue/to dispute/ 辩别 辯別 S - 0 biàn bié f /to differentiate/to distinguish/to discriminate/also written 辨別|辨别/ 辩士 辯士 S - 7 biàn shì f /eloquent person/person with rhetoric skills/ 辩才 辯才 S - 12 biàn cái f /eloquence/ 辩才天 辯才天 S - 0 biàn cái tiān f /Saraswati (the Hindu goddess of wisdom and arts and consort of Lord Brahma)/ 辩护 辯護 S 2684 397 biàn hù f /to speak in defense of/to argue in favor of/to defend/to plead/ 辩护人 辯護人 S - 44 biàn hù rén f /defender/defending counsel/ 辩护士 辯護士 S - 21 biàn hù shì f /defender/apologist/ 辩明 辯明 S - 42 biàn míng f /to explain clearly/to elucidate/ 辩机 辯機 S - 0 Biàn jī f /Bianji (c. 620-648), Tang dynasty buddhist monk and disciple of 玄奘[Xuan2 zang4], author and translator of Great Tang Records on the Western Regions 大唐西域記|大唐西域记[Da4 Tang2 Xi1 yu4 Ji4]/ 辩白 辯白 S - 50 biàn bái f /to offer an explanation/to plead innocence/to try to defend oneself/ 辩称 辯稱 S - 25 biàn chēng f /to argue (that)/to allege/to dispute/to plead (e.g. not guilty)/ 辩答 辯答 S - 0 biàn dá f /a reply (in debate)/ 辩解 辯解 S 3564 271 biàn jiě f /to explain/to justify/to defend (a point of view etc)/to provide an explanation/to try to defend oneself/ 辩认 辯認 S - 3 biàn rèn f /to distinguish/to examine and recognize/ 辩论 辯論 S 2011 474 biàn lùn f /debate/argument/to argue over/CL:場|场[chang3],次[ci4]/ 辩证 辯證 S 4916 339 biàn zhèng f /to investigate/dialectical/ 辩证唯物主义 辯證唯物主義 S - 184 biàn zhèng wéi wù zhǔ yì f /dialectical materialism/ 辩证法 辯證法 S - 364 biàn zhèng fǎ f /dialectics/dialectic or Socratic method of debate/ 辩词 辯詞 S - 5 biàn cí f /an excuse/ 辩诬 辯誣 S - 6 biàn wū f /to debate/to refute/ 辩说 辯說 S - 3 biàn shuō f /to debate/to argue/ 辩辞 辯辭 S - 3 biàn cí f /an excuse/ 辩难 辯難 S - 3 biàn nàn f /to debate/to retort/to refute/ 辩驳 辯駁 S - 85 biàn bó f /to dispute/to refute/ 辫 辮 S - 546 biàn f /a braid or queue/to plait/ 辫子 辮子 S 3967 419 biàn zi f /plait/braid/pigtail/a mistake or shortcoming that may be exploited by an opponent/handle/CL:根[gen1],條|条[tiao2]/ 辭 辞 T - 1742 cí f /to resign/to dismiss/to decline/to take leave/ballad (archaic poetic genre)/variant of 詞|词[ci2]/ 辭世 辞世 T - 61 cí shì f /to die/to depart this life (euphemism)/same as 去世/ 辭令 辞令 T - 37 cí lìng f /polite speech/diplomatic terms/rhetoric/ 辭任 辞任 T - 0 cí rèn f /to resign (a position)/ 辭典 辞典 T - 133 cí diǎn f /dictionary (of Chinese compound words)/also written 詞典|词典[ci2 dian3]/CL:本[ben3],部[bu4]/ 辭別 辞别 T - 140 cí bié f /to take leave/ 辭去 辞去 T - 552 cí qù f /to resign/to quit/ 辭呈 辞呈 T - 68 cí chéng f /(written) resignation/ 辭官 辞官 T - 3 cí guān f /to resign a government post/ 辭掉 辞掉 T - 64 cí diào f /to resign a post/to sack and get rid of/ 辭書 辞书 T - 36 cí shū f /word book/dictionary/encyclopedia/ 辭書學 辞书学 T - 0 cí shū xué f /lexicography/making dictionaries/ 辭格 辞格 T - 3 cí gé f /figure of speech/ 辭海 辞海 T - 47 Cí hǎi f /Cihai, an encyclopedic dictionary first published in 1915, and frequently revised/ 辭章 辞章 T - 6 cí zhāng f /poetry and prose/rhetoric/ 辭職 辞职 T 1613 1276 cí zhí f /to resign/ 辭藻 辞藻 T - 34 cí zǎo f /rhetoric/ 辭行 辞行 T - 76 cí xíng f /to say goodbye/leave-taking/farewells/ 辭謝 辞谢 T - 39 cí xiè f /to decline gratefully/ 辭退 辞退 T - 112 cí tuì f /to dismiss/to discharge/to fire/ 辮 辫 T - 546 biàn f /a braid or queue/to plait/ 辮子 辫子 T 3967 419 biàn zi f /plait/braid/pigtail/a mistake or shortcoming that may be exploited by an opponent/handle/CL:根[gen1],條|条[tiao2]/ 辯 辩 T - 1188 biàn f /to dispute/to debate/to argue/to discuss/ 辯別 辩别 T - 0 biàn bié f /to differentiate/to distinguish/to discriminate/also written 辨別|辨别/ 辯士 辩士 T - 7 biàn shì f /eloquent person/person with rhetoric skills/ 辯才 辩才 T - 12 biàn cái f /eloquence/ 辯才天 辩才天 T - 0 biàn cái tiān f /Saraswati (the Hindu goddess of wisdom and arts and consort of Lord Brahma)/ 辯明 辩明 T - 42 biàn míng f /to explain clearly/to elucidate/ 辯機 辩机 T - 0 Biàn jī f /Bianji (c. 620-648), Tang dynasty buddhist monk and disciple of 玄奘[Xuan2 zang4], author and translator of Great Tang Records on the Western Regions 大唐西域記|大唐西域记[Da4 Tang2 Xi1 yu4 Ji4]/ 辯爭 辩争 T - 0 biàn zhēng f /to argue/to dispute/ 辯白 辩白 T - 50 biàn bái f /to offer an explanation/to plead innocence/to try to defend oneself/ 辯稱 辩称 T - 25 biàn chēng f /to argue (that)/to allege/to dispute/to plead (e.g. not guilty)/ 辯答 辩答 T - 0 biàn dá f /a reply (in debate)/ 辯解 辩解 T 3564 271 biàn jiě f /to explain/to justify/to defend (a point of view etc)/to provide an explanation/to try to defend oneself/ 辯詞 辩词 T - 5 biàn cí f /an excuse/ 辯認 辩认 T - 3 biàn rèn f /to distinguish/to examine and recognize/ 辯誣 辩诬 T - 6 biàn wū f /to debate/to refute/ 辯說 辩说 T - 3 biàn shuō f /to debate/to argue/ 辯論 辩论 T 2011 474 biàn lùn f /debate/argument/to argue over/CL:場|场[chang3],次[ci4]/ 辯證 辩证 T 4916 339 biàn zhèng f /to investigate/dialectical/ 辯證唯物主義 辩证唯物主义 T - 184 biàn zhèng wéi wù zhǔ yì f /dialectical materialism/ 辯證法 辩证法 T - 364 biàn zhèng fǎ f /dialectics/dialectic or Socratic method of debate/ 辯護 辩护 T 2684 397 biàn hù f /to speak in defense of/to argue in favor of/to defend/to plead/ 辯護人 辩护人 T - 44 biàn hù rén f /defender/defending counsel/ 辯護士 辩护士 T - 21 biàn hù shì f /defender/apologist/ 辯辭 辩辞 T - 3 biàn cí f /an excuse/ 辯難 辩难 T - 3 biàn nàn f /to debate/to retort/to refute/ 辯駁 辩驳 T - 85 biàn bó f /to dispute/to refute/ 辰 - 497 chén f /5th earthly branch: 7-9 a.m., 3rd solar month (5th April-4th May), year of the Dragon/ancient Chinese compass point: 120°/ 辰光 - 14 chén guāng f /sunlight/(Wu dialect) time of the day/moment/ 辰时 辰時 S - 3 chén shí f /7-9 am (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)/ 辰星 - 5 Chén xīng f /Mercury in traditional Chinese astronomy/see also 水星[shui3 xing1]/ 辰時 辰时 T - 3 chén shí f /7-9 am (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)/ 辰溪 - 5 Chén xī f /Chenxi county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huai2 hua4], Hunan/ 辰溪县 辰溪縣 S - 3 Chén xī xiàn f /Chenxi county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huai2 hua4], Hunan/ 辰溪縣 辰溪县 T - 3 Chén xī xiàn f /Chenxi county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huai2 hua4], Hunan/ 辰砂 - 32 chén shā f /cinnabar/ 辰龍 辰龙 T - 3 chén lóng f /Year 5, year of the Dragon (e.g. 2000)/ 辰龙 辰龍 S - 3 chén lóng f /Year 5, year of the Dragon (e.g. 2000)/ 辱 - 693 rǔ f /disgrace/dishonor/to insult/to bring disgrace or humiliation to/to be indebted to/self-deprecating/Taiwan pr. [ru4]/ 辱罵 辱骂 T - 161 rǔ mà f /to insult/to revile/abuse/vituperation/ 辱骂 辱罵 S - 161 rǔ mà f /to insult/to revile/abuse/vituperation/ 農 农 T - 1880 Nóng f /surname Nong/ 農 农 T - 1880 nóng f /peasant/to farm/agriculture/diligent (old)/government field official (old)/ 農事 农事 T - 123 nóng shì f /farming task/ 農事活動 农事活动 T - 0 nóng shì huó dòng f /agricultural activities/ 農人 农人 T - 64 nóng rén f /farmer/ 農作物 农作物 T - 1465 nóng zuò wù f /(farm) crops/ 農具 农具 T - 239 nóng jù f /farm implements/farm tools/ 農區 农区 T - 87 nóng qū f /agricultural areas/farming areas/ 農園 农园 T - 3 nóng yuán f /plantation/ 農地 农地 T - 9 nóng dì f /farmland/ 農場 农场 T - 628 nóng chǎng f /farm/ 農夫 农夫 T - 313 nóng fū f /peasant/farmer/ 農奴 农奴 T - 609 nóng nú f /serf/ 農奴解放日 农奴解放日 T - 0 Nóng nú Jiě fàng rì f /Serf Liberation Day (PRC)/ 農婦 农妇 T - 55 nóng fù f /peasant woman (in former times)/female farm worker/ 農學 农学 T - 147 nóng xué f /agricultural science/ 農安 农安 T - 16 Nóng ān f /Nong'an county in Changchun 長春|长春, Jilin/ 農安縣 农安县 T - 6 Nóng ān xiàn f /Nong'an county in Changchun 長春|长春, Jilin/ 農家 农家 T - 471 Nóng jiā f /School of Agriculture, school of thought of the Warring States Period (475-221 BC)/ 農家 农家 T - 471 nóng jiā f /peasant family/ 農家庭院 农家庭院 T - 0 nóng jiā tíng yuàn f /farmyard/ 農家樂 农家乐 T - 277 nóng jiā lè f /rural tourism/agritourism/ 農工 农工 T - 151 nóng gōng f /agricultural worker/abbr. for 農業工人|农业工人/peasant and worker (in Marxism)/ 農德孟 农德孟 T - 0 Nóng Dé Mèng f /Nong Duc Manh (1940-), general secretary of the Vietnamese Communist Party 2001-2011/ 農忙 农忙 T - 41 nóng máng f /busy farming season/ 農戶 农户 T - 402 nóng hù f /peasant household/ 農房 农房 T - 0 nóng fáng f /farm house/ 農曆 农历 T 4991 677 nóng lì f /the traditional Chinese calendar/the lunar calendar/ 農曆新年 农历新年 T - 0 nóng lì xīn nián f /Chinese New Year/Lunar New Year/ 農會 农会 T - 86 nóng huì f /farmer's cooperative/abbr. for 農民協會|农民协会/ 農村 农村 T 2430 11478 nóng cūn f /rural area/village/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 農村合作化 农村合作化 T - 0 nóng cūn hé zuò huà f /collectivization of agriculture (in Marxist theory)/ 農村家庭聯產承包責任制 农村家庭联产承包责任制 T - 0 nóng cūn jiā tíng lián chǎn chéng bāo zé rèn zhì f /rural household contract responsibility system, PRC government policy linking rural income to productivity/ 農林 农林 T - 163 nóng lín f /agriculture and forestry/ 農林水產省 农林水产省 T - 0 Nóng lín Shuǐ chǎn shěng f /Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Japan)/ 農桑 农桑 T - 92 nóng sāng f /mulberry farming/to grow mulberry for sericulture/ 農業 农业 T 2361 16233 nóng yè f /agriculture/farming/ 農業區 农业区 T - 371 nóng yè qū f /agricultural region/ 農業合作化 农业合作化 T - 0 nóng yè hé zuò huà f /collectivization of agriculture (in Marxist theory)/ 農業廳 农业厅 T - 7 nóng yè tīng f /(provincial) department of agriculture/ 農業機械 农业机械 T - 3 nóng yè jī xiè f /agricultural machinery/ 農業現代化 农业现代化 T - 0 nóng yè xiàn dài huà f /modernization of agriculture, one of Deng Xiaoping's Four Modernizations/ 農業生技 农业生技 T - 0 nóng yè shēng jì f /agri-biotechnology/ 農業生產合作社 农业生产合作社 T - 0 nóng yè shēng chǎn hé zuò shè f /agricultural producers' cooperative/ 農業部 农业部 T - 968 Nóng yè bù f /Ministry of Agriculture/Department of Agriculture/ 農業集體化 农业集体化 T - 0 nóng yè jí tǐ huà f /collectivization of agriculture (under communism)/ 農機 农机 T - 193 nóng jī f /agricultural machinery/ 農民 农民 T 2151 11866 nóng mín f /peasant/farmer/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 農民工 农民工 T - 247 nóng mín gōng f /migrant workers/ 農民起義 农民起义 T - 291 nóng mín qǐ yì f /peasant revolt/ 農民階級 农民阶级 T - 3 nóng mín jiē jí f /peasant class (esp. in Marxist theory)/peasantry/ 農民黨 农民党 T - 21 Nóng mín dǎng f /Peasant Party (Republic of China)/ 農活 农活 T - 70 nóng huó f /farm work/ 農產 农产 T - 120 nóng chǎn f /agriculture products/farm produce/ 農產品 农产品 T - 1572 nóng chǎn pǐn f /agricultural produce/ 農田 农田 T - 618 nóng tián f /farmland/cultivated land/ 農耕 农耕 T - 205 nóng gēng f /farming/agriculture/ 農膜 农膜 T - 9 nóng mó f /agricultural plastic, used largely for creating greenhouses/ 農舍 农舍 T - 102 nóng shè f /farmhouse/ 農莊 农庄 T - 111 nóng zhuāng f /farm/ranch/ 農藝 农艺 T - 26 nóng yì f /agriculture/ 農藥 农药 T - 467 nóng yào f /agricultural chemical/farm chemical/pesticide/ 農諺 农谚 T - 11 nóng yàn f /farmers' saying/ 農貸 农贷 T - 10 nóng dài f /(government) loan to agriculture/ 農貿市場 农贸市场 T - 90 nóng mào shì chǎng f /farmer's market/ 農資 农资 T - 21 nóng zī f /rural capital (finance)/ 農運會 农运会 T - 2 Nóng yùn huì f /China National Farmers' Games (sports meeting for peasants held every 4 years since 1988)/ 辳 农 T - 1880 nóng f /variant of 農|农[nong2]/ 辵 - 0 chuò f /to walk (side part of split character)/ 辶 - 28 chuò f /to walk (side part of split character)/ 边 邊 S - 16283 biān t /side/edge/margin/border/boundary/CL:個|个[ge4]/simultaneously/ 边 邊 S - 16283 bian f /suffix of a noun of locality/ 边儿 邊兒 S - 54 biān r f /side/edge/margin/border/boundary/proximity/thread (of ideas, plots etc)/see also 邊|边[bian1]/ 边关 邊關 S - 62 biān guān f /border station/strategic defensive position on frontier/ 边区 邊區 S - 537 biān qū f /border area/ 边卡 邊卡 S - 3 biān qiǎ f /border checkpoint/ 边厢 邊廂 S - 8 biān xiāng f /side/side-room/room in the wings/ 边地 邊地 S - 3 biān dì f /border district/borderland/ 边坝 邊壩 S - 3 Biān bà f /Banbar county, Tibetan: Dpal 'bar rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区[Chang1 du1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 边坝县 邊壩縣 S - 3 Biān bà xiàn f /Banbar county, Tibetan: Dpal 'bar rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区[Chang1 du1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 边城 邊城 S - 33 biān chéng f /border town/remote town/ 边塞 邊塞 S - 130 biān sài f /frontier fortress/ 边境 邊境 S 3049 1738 biān jìng f /frontier/border/ 边境冲突 邊境衝突 S - 0 biān jìng chōng tū f /border clash/ 边境地区 邊境地區 S - 3 biān jìng dì qū f /border area/ 边声 邊聲 S - 0 biān shēng f /outlandish sounds (wind blowing on frontier, wild horses neighing etc)/ 边头 邊頭 S - 0 biān tóu f /the end/border/just before the end/ 边寨 邊寨 S - 7 biān zhài f /frontier stockade/ 边币 邊幣 S - 0 biān bì f /Border Region currency, issued by the Communist Border Region governments during the War against Japan and the War of Liberation/ 边幅 邊幅 S - 3 biān fú f /cloth margin/fig. person's appearance/one's dress/ 边庭 邊庭 S - 15 biān tíng f /bodies governing a border area/ 边患 邊患 S - 3 biān huàn f /foreign invasion/disaster on border due to incursion/ 边材 邊材 S - 10 biān cái f /sapwood (between vascular cambium and pith inside growing wood)/ 边框 邊框 S - 19 biān kuàng f /frame/rim/ 边检 邊檢 S - 7 biān jiǎn f /border inspection/immigration inspection/ 边民 邊民 S - 36 biān mín f /people living on the frontiers/inhabitants of a border area/ 边沿 邊沿 S - 356 biān yán f /edge/fringe/ 边界 邊界 S 3465 1815 biān jiè f /boundary/border/ 边界层 邊界層 S - 3 biān jiè céng f /boundary layer/ 边界线 邊界線 S - 25 biān jiè xiàn f /boundary line/border line/ 边疆 邊疆 S 4905 476 biān jiāng f /border area/borderland/frontier/frontier region/ 边窗 邊窗 S - 0 biān chuāng f /side window/ 边线 邊線 S - 105 biān xiàn f /sideline/foul line/ 边缘 邊緣 S 2924 1932 biān yuán f /edge/fringe/verge/brink/periphery/marginal/borderline/ 边缘人 邊緣人 S - 0 biān yuán rén f /marginalized people (not part of mainstream society)/marginal man (term coined by social psychologist Kurt Lewin, referring to a person in transition between two cultures or social groups, not fully belonging to either)/ 边缘化 邊緣化 S - 60 biān yuán huà f /to marginalize/marginalization/ 边缘地区 邊緣地區 S - 0 biān yuán dì qū f /border area/ 边缘性人格障碍 邊緣性人格障礙 S - 0 biān yuán xìng rén gé zhàng ài f /borderline personality disorder (BPD)/ 边缘系统 邊緣系統 S - 3 biān yuán xì tǒng f /limbic system/ 边衅 邊釁 S - 0 biān xìn f /clash on the frontier/border conflict/ 边裔 邊裔 S - 0 biān yì f /remote area/distant marches/ 边角料 邊角料 S - 15 biān jiǎo liào f /scrap/bits and pieces left over/ 边角科 邊角科 S - 0 biān jiǎo kē f /leftover bits and pieces (of industrial, material)/ 边远 邊遠 S - 250 biān yuǎn f /far from the center/remote/outlying/ 边鄙 邊鄙 S - 0 biān bǐ f /remote/border area/ 边锋 邊鋒 S - 8 biān fēng f /wing/wing forward/ 边长 邊長 S - 93 biān cháng f /length (of a side, geom.)/ 边门 邊門 S - 38 biān mén f /side door/wicket door/ 边防 邊防 S - 546 biān fáng f /frontier defense/ 边防军 邊防軍 S - 122 biān fáng jūn f /border guard/frontier army/ 边防站 邊防站 S - 4 biān fáng zhàn f /border station/frontier post/ 边防警察 邊防警察 S - 0 biān fáng jǐng chá f /border police/ 边际 邊際 S - 301 biān jì f /limit/bound/boundary/(economics) marginal/ 边际成本 邊際成本 S - 0 biān jì chéng běn f /marginal cost/ 边际报酬 邊際報酬 S - 0 biān jì bào chóu f /marginal returns/ 边陲 邊陲 S - 390 biān chuí f /border area/frontier/ 边音 邊音 S - 2 biān yīn f /lateral consonant (phonetics)/ 辺 - 0 biān f /Japanese variant of 邊|边[bian1]/ 込 - 0 xx f /(Japanese kokuji) to be crowded, to go into, etc/ 辽 遼 S - 3713 Liáo f /short name for Liaoning 遼寧|辽宁[Liao2 ning2] province/Liao or Khitan dynasty (907-1125)/ 辽东 遼東 S - 1105 Liáo dōng f /Liaodong peninsula between Bohai 渤海 and Yellow sea/east and south of Liaoning province/east of Liao river 遼河|辽河/ 辽东半岛 遼東半島 S - 147 Liáo dōng Bàn dǎo f /Liaodong Peninsula/ 辽中 遼中 S - 5 Liáo zhōng f /Liaozhong county in Shenyang 沈陽|沈阳, Liaoning/ 辽中县 遼中縣 S - 5 Liáo zhōng xiàn f /Liaozhong county in Shenyang 沈陽|沈阳, Liaoning/ 辽史 遼史 S - 0 Liáo shǐ f /History of the Liao Dynasty, twenty first of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], composed under Toktoghan 脫脫|脱脱[Tuo1 tuo1] in 1345 during the Yuan Dynasty 元[Yuan2], 116 scrolls/ 辽宁 遼寧 S - 1094 Liáo níng f /Liaoning province in northeast China, short name 遼|辽[Liao2], capital Shenyang 瀋陽|沈阳[Shen3 yang2]/ 辽宁古盗鸟 遼寧古盜鳥 S - 0 Liáo níng gǔ dào niǎo f /Archaeoraptor liaoningensis (bird-like dinosaur found in Liaoning province)/ 辽宁号 遼寧號 S - 0 Liáo níng Hào f /Liaoning, the first aircraft carrier commissioned into the PLA Navy (commissioned in 2012)/ 辽宁大学 遼寧大學 S - 6 Liáo níng Dà xué f /Liaoning University/ 辽宁省 遼寧省 S - 547 Liáo níng shěng f /Liaoning province in northeast China, short name 遼|辽[Liao2], capital Shenyang 瀋陽|沈阳[Shen3 yang2]/ 辽沈战役 遼瀋戰役 S - 97 Liáo shěn Zhàn yì f /Liaoshen Campaign (Sep-Nov 1948), the first of the three major campaigns by the People's Liberation Army near the end of the Chinese Civil War/ 辽河 遼河 S - 281 Liáo Hé f /Liao River of northeast China, passing through Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Jilin and Liaoning/ 辽海 遼海 S - 3 Liáo hǎi f /east and south of Liaoning province/ 辽源 遼源 S - 13 Liáo yuán f /Liaoyuan prefecture level city in Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China/ 辽源市 遼源市 S - 15 Liáo yuán shì f /Liaoyuan prefecture level city in Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China/ 辽西 遼西 S - 212 liáo xī f /west of Liaoning/ 辽远 遼遠 S - 31 liáo yuǎn f /distant/far away/remote/ 辽金 遼金 S - 33 Liáo Jīn f /Liao and Jin dynasties, namely: Liao or Khitan dynasty (907-1125) and Jurchen Jin dynasty (1115-1234)/ 辽阔 遼闊 S 4777 382 liáo kuò f /vast/extensive/ 辽阳 遼陽 S - 188 Liáo yáng f /Liaoyang prefecture level city in Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China/ 辽阳县 遼陽縣 S - 8 Liáo yáng xiàn f /Liaoyang county in Liaoyang 遼陽|辽阳[Liao2 yang2], Liaoning/ 辽阳市 遼陽市 S - 23 Liáo yáng shì f /Liaoyang prefecture level city in Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China/ 达 達 S - 28255 Dá f /surname Da/ 达 達 S - 28255 dá f /to attain/to reach/to amount to/to communicate/eminent/ 达·芬奇 達·芬奇 S - 0 Dá · Fēn qí f /Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Italian renaissance painter/ 达不到 達不到 S - 0 dá bù dào f /cannot achieve/cannot reach/ 达乌里寒鸦 達烏裡寒鴉 S - 0 Dá wū lǐ hán yā f /(bird species of China) Daurian jackdaw (Coloeus dauuricus)/ 达人 達人 S - 3 dá rén f /expert/person who takes things philosophically/ 达仁 達仁 S - 0 Dá rén f /Daren or Tajen township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 达仁乡 達仁鄉 S - 0 Dá rén xiāng f /Daren or Tajen township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 达令 達令 S - 15 Dá lìng f /Darling (name)/ 达克龙 達克龍 S - 0 Dá kè lóng f /Dacron (brand)/ 达兰萨拉 達蘭薩拉 S - 0 Dá lán sà lā f /Dharamsala in Himachal Pradesh, north India, home of Tibetan government in exile/ 达到 達到 S 1548 15471 dá dào f /to reach/to achieve/to attain/ 达卡 達卡 S - 66 Dá kǎ f /Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh/(Tw) Dakar, capital of Senegal/ 达县 達縣 S - 15 Dá xiàn f /Da county in Dazhou 達州|达州[Da2 zhou1], Sichuan/ 达味 達味 S - 0 Dá wèi f /David (name)/ 达味王 達味王 S - 0 Dá wèi wáng f /King David/ 达喀尔 達喀爾 S - 43 Dá kā ěr f /Dakar, capital of Senegal/ 达噜噶齐 達嚕噶齊 S - 0 dá lū gá qí f /Mongolian daruqachi, local commander in Mongol and Yuan times/ 达因 達因 S - 0 dá yīn f /dyne (loanword)/ 达坂城 達坂城 S - 15 Dá bǎn chéng f /Dabancheng district of Urumqi city 烏魯木齊市|乌鲁木齐市[Wu1 lu3 mu4 qi2 Shi4], Xinjiang/ 达坂城区 達坂城區 S - 3 Dá bǎn chéng qū f /Dabancheng district of Urumqi city 烏魯木齊市|乌鲁木齐市[Wu1 lu3 mu4 qi2 Shi4], Xinjiang/ 达姆弹 達姆彈 S - 12 dá mǔ dàn f /dumdum bullet (loanword)/expanding bullet/ 达孜 達孜 S - 4 Dá zī f /Dagzê county, Tibetan: Stag rtse rdzong in Lhasa 拉薩|拉萨[La1 sa4], Tibet/ 达孜县 達孜縣 S - 4 Dá zī xiàn f /Dagzê county, Tibetan: Stag rtse rdzong in Lhasa 拉薩|拉萨[La1 sa4], Tibet/ 达官 達官 S - 26 dá guān f /high ranking official/ 达官贵人 達官貴人 S - 76 dá guān guì rén f /high official and noble persons (idiom); the great and the good/ 达尔富尔 達爾富爾 S - 5 Dá ěr fù ěr f /Darfur, region of west Sudan/ 达尔文 達爾文 S - 190 Dá ěr wén f /Charles Darwin (1809-1882), British biologist and author of "On the Origin of Species" 物種起源|物种起源[Wu3 zhong3 Qi3 yuan2]/Darwin, capital of the Northern Territory (Australia) 北領地|北领地[Bei3 Ling3 di4]/ 达尔文学徒 達爾文學徒 S - 0 Dá ěr wén xué tú f /Darwinian/ 达尔文学说 達爾文學說 S - 0 Dá ěr wén xué shuō f /Darwinism/ 达尔文港 達爾文港 S - 5 Dá ěr wén gǎng f /Darwin, capital of the Northern Territory, Australia/ 达尔福尔 達爾福爾 S - 0 Dá ěr fú ěr f /Darfur (western province of Sudan)/ 达尔罕茂明安联合旗 達爾罕茂明安聯合旗 S - 6 Dá ěr hǎn Mào míng ān lián hé qí f /Darhan Muming'an united banner in Baotou 包頭|包头[Bao1 tou2], Inner Mongolia/ 达尔马提亚 達爾馬提亞 S - 0 Dá ěr mǎ tí yà f /Dalmatia, Croatian region on the eastern coast of Adriatic Sea/ 达尼亚 達尼亞 S - 0 Dá ní yà f /Dania, Tania etc/ 达州 達州 S - 29 Dá zhōu f /Dazhou prefecture level city in Sichuan/ 达州市 達州市 S - 11 Dá zhōu shì f /Dazhou prefecture level city in Sichuan/ 达德利 達德利 S - 3 Dá dé lì f /Dudley (name)/ 达悟族 達悟族 S - 0 Dá wù zú f /Tao or Yami, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/ 达意 達意 S - 16 dá yì f /to express or convey one's ideas/ 达成 達成 S 2705 1850 dá chéng f /to reach (an agreement)/to accomplish/ 达成协议 達成協議 S - 3 dá chéng xié yì f /to reach agreement/ 达拉斯 達拉斯 S - 42 Dá lā sī f /Dallas/ 达拉特 達拉特 S - 5 Dá lā tè f /Dalad banner in Ordos 鄂爾多斯|鄂尔多斯[E4 er3 duo1 si1], Inner Mongolia/ 达拉特旗 達拉特旗 S - 7 Dá lā tè qí f /Dalad banner in Ordos 鄂爾多斯|鄂尔多斯[E4 er3 duo1 si1], Inner Mongolia/ 达摩 達摩 S - 300 Dá mó f /Dharma, the teaching of Buddha/Bodhidharma/ 达文西 達文西 S - 3 Dá wén xī f /Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Italian renaissance painter (Tw)/ 达文西密码 達文西密碼 S - 0 Dá wén xī Mì mǎ f /see 達芬奇密碼|达芬奇密码[Da2 fen1 qi2 Mi4 ma3]/ 达斡尔 達斡爾 S - 69 Dá wò ěr f /Daur ethnic group of Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang/ 达斡尔语 達斡爾語 S - 0 Dá wò ěr yǔ f /Daur language (of Daur ethnic group of Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang)/ 达日 達日 S - 3 Dá rì f /Darlag or Dari county (Tibetan: dar lag rdzong) in Golog Tibetan autonomous prefecture 果洛州[Guo3 luo4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 达日县 達日縣 S - 3 Dá rì xiàn f /Darlag or Dari county (Tibetan: dar lag rdzong) in Golog Tibetan autonomous prefecture 果洛州[Guo3 luo4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 达朗贝尔 達朗貝爾 S - 8 Dá lǎng bèi ěr f /D'Alembert (1717-1783), French mathematician/ 达标 達標 S - 251 dá biāo f /to reach a set standard/ 达沃斯 達沃斯 S - 11 Dá wò sī f /Davos (Swiss ski resort)/Davos world economic forum (WEF)/ 达沃斯论坛 達沃斯論壇 S - 0 Dá wò sī lùn tán f /Davos world economic forum (WEF)/ 达特茅斯 達特茅斯 S - 6 Dá tè máo sī f /Dartmouth (place name)/ 达特茅斯学院 達特茅斯學院 S - 0 Dá tè máo sī Xué yuàn f /Dartmouth College/ 达科塔·芬妮 達科塔·芬妮 S - 0 Dá kē tǎ · Fēn nī f /Dakota Fanning, American actress/ 达累斯萨拉姆 達累斯薩拉姆 S - 32 Dá lèi sī Sà lā mǔ f /Dar es Salaam (former capital of Tanzania)/ 达罗毗荼 達羅毗荼 S - 0 Dá luó pí tú f /Dravidian (general term for South Indian people and languages)/ 达美航空 達美航空 S - 0 Dá měi Háng kōng f /Delta Air Lines, Inc., airline headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia/ 达芬奇密码 達芬奇密碼 S - 0 Dá fēn qí Mì mǎ f /The Da Vinci Code/ 达芬西 達芬西 S - 0 Dá fēn xī f /see 達·芬奇|达·芬奇[Da2 · Fen1 qi2]/ 达茂旗 達茂旗 S - 5 Dá Mào qí f /Darhan Muming'an united banner in Baotou 包頭|包头[Bao1 tou2], Inner Mongolia/abbr. for 達爾罕茂明安聯合旗|达尔罕茂明安联合旗[Da2 er3 han3 Mao4 ming2 an1 lian2 he2 qi2]/ 达菲 達菲 S - 22 dá fēi f /oseltamivir/Tamiflu/ 达观 達觀 S - 36 dá guān f /to take things philosophically/a broad perspective/ 达赖 達賴 S - 209 Dá lài f /the Dalai Lama/abbr. of 達賴喇嘛|达赖喇嘛[Da2 lai4 La3 ma5]/ 达赖喇嘛 達賴喇嘛 S - 123 Dá lài Lǎ ma f /Dalai Lama/ 达达尼尔海峡 達達尼爾海峽 S - 0 Dá dá ní ěr Hǎi xiá f /Dardanelles Strait/Turkish: Çanakkale Boğazı/ 达阵 達陣 S - 0 dá zhèn f /touchdown/try (sports)/ 达鲁花赤 達魯花赤 S - 76 dá lǔ huā chì f /Mongolian daruqachi, local commander in Mongol and Yuan times/ 辿 - 0 chān f /follow, pursue/ 迁 遷 S - 2901 qiān f /to move/to shift/to change (a position or location etc)/to promote/ 迁入 遷入 S - 258 qiān rù f /to move in (to new lodging)/ 迁安 遷安 S - 12 Qiān ān f /Qian'an county level city in Tangshan 唐山[Tang2 shan1], Hebei/ 迁安市 遷安市 S - 7 Qiān ān shì f /Qian'an county level city in Tangshan 唐山[Tang2 shan1], Hebei/ 迁就 遷就 S 4420 138 qiān jiù f /to yield/to adapt to/to accommodate to (sth)/ 迁居 遷居 S - 304 qiān jū f /to move (from one residence to another)/ 迁居移民 遷居移民 S - 0 qiān jū yí mín f /immigration/ 迁延 遷延 S - 83 qiān yán f /long delay/ 迁徙 遷徙 S 4340 446 qiān xǐ f /to migrate/to move/ 迁怒 遷怒 S - 87 qiān nù f /to take one's anger out on sb (who does not deserve it)/ 迁怒于人 遷怒於人 S - 3 qiān nù yú rén f /to vent one's anger on an innocent party (idiom)/ 迁离 遷離 S - 9 qiān lí f /to move away/to change residence/ 迁移 遷移 S - 731 qiān yí f /to migrate/to move/ 迁西 遷西 S - 11 Qiān xī f /Qianxi county in Tangshan 唐山[Tang2 shan1], Hebei/ 迁西县 遷西縣 S - 7 Qiān xī xiàn f /Qianxi county in Tangshan 唐山[Tang2 shan1], Hebei/ 迁都 遷都 S - 905 qiān dū f /to move the capital (city)/ 迁飞 遷飛 S - 49 qiān fēi f /to migrate (of birds)/ 迂 - 82 yū f /literal-minded/pedantic/doctrinaire/longwinded/circuitous/ 迂儒 - 3 yū rú f /unrealistic/pedantic and impractical/ 迂回 迂迴 S - 257 yū huí f /roundabout route/circuitous/tortuous/to outflank/indirect/roundabout/ 迂回奔袭 迂回奔襲 S - 0 yū huí bēn xí f /to attack from an unexpected direction/ 迂回奔襲 迂回奔袭 T - 0 yū huí bēn xí f /to attack from an unexpected direction/ 迂回曲折 - 49 yū huí qū zhé f /meandering and circuitous (idiom); complicated developments that never get anywhere/going around in circles/ 迂執 迂执 T - 3 yū zhí f /pedantic and stubborn/ 迂夫子 - 3 yū fū zǐ f /pedant/old fogey/ 迂执 迂執 S - 3 yū zhí f /pedantic and stubborn/ 迂拘 - 0 yū jū f /conventional/conservative/ 迂拙 - 3 yū zhuō f /stupid/impractical/ 迂曲 - 6 yū qū f /circuitous/tortuous/roundabout/ 迂气 迂氣 S - 0 yū qì f /pedantry/ 迂氣 迂气 T - 0 yū qì f /pedantry/ 迂滞 迂滯 S - 0 yū zhì f /high-sounding and impractical/ 迂滯 迂滞 T - 0 yū zhì f /high-sounding and impractical/ 迂磨 - 0 yū mó f /sluggish/delaying/ 迂緩 迂缓 T - 5 yū huǎn f /dilatory/slow in movement/roundabout/ 迂缓 迂緩 S - 5 yū huǎn f /dilatory/slow in movement/roundabout/ 迂腐 - 80 yū fǔ f /pedantic/trite/inflexible/adherence to old ideas/ 迂見 迂见 T - 3 yū jiàn f /absurd opinion/pedantic and unrealistic view/ 迂见 迂見 S - 3 yū jiàn f /absurd opinion/pedantic and unrealistic view/ 迂訥 迂讷 T - 0 yū nè f /overcautious/conservative and dull in conversation/ 迂論 迂论 T - 3 yū lùn f /unrealistic argument/high flown and impractical opinion/ 迂讷 迂訥 S - 0 yū nè f /overcautious/conservative and dull in conversation/ 迂论 迂論 S - 3 yū lùn f /unrealistic argument/high flown and impractical opinion/ 迂远 迂遠 S - 0 yū yuǎn f /impractical/ 迂迴 迂回 T - 257 yū huí f /roundabout route/circuitous/tortuous/to outflank/indirect/roundabout/ 迂遠 迂远 T - 0 yū yuǎn f /impractical/ 迂闊 迂阔 T - 13 yū kuò f /high sounding and impractical/high flown nonsense/ 迂阔 迂闊 S - 13 yū kuò f /high sounding and impractical/high flown nonsense/ 迄 - 255 qì f /as yet/until/ 迄今 - 671 qì jīn f /so far/to date/until now/ 迄今为止 迄今為止 S 3720 311 qì jīn wéi zhǐ f /so far/up to now/still (not)/ 迄今為止 迄今为止 T 3720 311 qì jīn wéi zhǐ f /so far/up to now/still (not)/ 迅 - 185 xùn f /rapid/fast/ 迅即 - 112 xùn jí f /immediately/promptly/quickly/ 迅捷 - 385 xùn jié f /fast and nimble/ 迅猛 - 450 xùn měng f /quick and violent/ 迅疾 - 59 xùn jí f /rapid/swift/ 迅速 1882 9323 xùn sù f /rapid/speedy/fast/ 迅速发展 迅速發展 S - 0 xùn sù fā zhǎn f /to develop rapidly/ 迅速發展 迅速发展 T - 0 xùn sù fā zhǎn f /to develop rapidly/ 迅速蔓延 - 0 xùn sù màn yán f /rapid spread/to spread rapidly/ 迅雷 - 18 xùn léi f /thunderbolt/ 迆 - 3 yí t /variant of 迤[yi2]/ 迆 - 3 yǐ f /variant of 迤[yi3]/ 过 過 S 160 97817 Guò t /surname Guo/ 过 過 S 160 97817 guò t /to cross/to go over/to pass (time)/to celebrate (a holiday)/to live/to get along/excessively/too-/ 过 過 S 160 97817 guo f /(experienced action marker)/ 过一会儿 過一會兒 S - 0 guò yī huì r f /later/after a while/ 过不下 過不下 S - 0 guò bu xià f /to be unable to continue living (in a certain manner)/to be unable to make a living/ 过不去 過不去 S - 308 guò bu qù f /to make life difficult for/to embarrass/unable to make it through/ 过世 過世 S - 135 guò shì f /to die/to pass away/ 过了这村没这店 過了這村沒這店 S - 0 guò le zhè cūn méi zhè diàn f /past this village, you won't find this shop (idiom)/this is your last chance/ 过于 過於 S 2963 1775 guò yú f /too much/excessively/ 过五关斩六将 過五關斬六將 S - 11 guò wǔ guān zhǎn liù jiàng f /lit. to cross five passes and slay six generals (idiom)/fig. to surmount all difficulties (on the way to success)/ 过人 過人 S - 439 guò rén f /to excel/to surpass others/outstanding/ 过从 過從 S - 0 guò cóng f /to have relations with/to associate with/ 过份 過份 S - 62 guò fèn f /unduly/excessive/ 过份简单化 過份簡單化 S - 0 guò fèn jiǎn dān huà f /oversimplification/to oversimplify/ 过低 過低 S - 0 guò dī f /too low/ 过关 過關 S - 296 guò guān f /to cross a barrier/to get through (an ordeal)/to pass (a test)/to reach (a standard)/ 过关斩将 過關斬將 S - 15 guò guān zhǎn jiàng f /to surmount all difficulties (on the way to success) (idiom)/abbr. for 過五關斬六將|过五关斩六将[guo4 wu3 guan1 zhan3 liu4 jiang4]/ 过冬 過冬 S - 72 guò dōng f /to get through the winter/ 过分 過分 S 1576 1430 guò fèn f /excessive/undue/overly/ 过剩 過剩 S - 607 guò shèng f /surplus/excess/ 过劳 過勞 S - 0 guò láo f /overwork/ 过劳死 過勞死 S - 3 guò láo sǐ f /karoshi (loan word from Japanese), death from overwork/ 过劳肥 過勞肥 S - 0 guò láo féi f /overweight from overwork (the supposition that white collar workers become fat as a consequence of factors associated with being under pressure at work, including irregular diet, lack of exercise and inadequate rest)/ 过半 過半 S - 140 guò bàn f /over fifty percent/more than half/ 过去 過去 S 348 17444 guò qu f /(in the) past/former/previous/to go over/to pass by/ 过去分词 過去分詞 S - 3 guò qu fēn cí f /past participle (in European grammar)/ 过去式 過去式 S - 0 guò qu shì f /past tense/ 过去时 過去時 S - 0 guò qù shí f /past tense (grammar)/ 过去经验 過去經驗 S - 0 guò qu jīng yàn f /past experience/ 过后 過後 S - 611 guò hòu f /after the event/ 过场 過場 S - 20 guò chǎng f /interlude/to cross the stage/to do sth as a mere formality/to go through the motions/ 过境 過境 S - 682 guò jìng f /to pass through a country's territory/transit/ 过境签证 過境簽證 S - 3 guò jìng qiān zhèng f /transit visa/ 过多 過多 S - 0 guò duō f /too many/excessive/ 过夜 過夜 S - 202 guò yè f /to spend the night/overnight/ 过失 過失 S 3430 236 guò shī f /error/fault/(law) negligence/delinquency/ 过失杀人 過失殺人 S - 3 guò shī shā rén f /see 過失致死罪|过失致死罪[guo4 shi1 zhi4 si3 zui4]/ 过失致死罪 過失致死罪 S - 0 guò shī zhì sǐ zuì f /(law) negligent homicide/ 过头 過頭 S - 168 guò tóu f /to overdo it/to overstep the limit/excessively/above one's head/overhead/ 过头话 過頭話 S - 5 guò tóu huà f /exaggeration/ 过奖 過獎 S 4945 50 guò jiǎng f /to over-praise/to flatter/ 过客 過客 S - 56 guò kè f /passing traveler/transient guest/sojourner/ 过家家 過家家 S - 17 guò jiā jiā f /to play house/ 过少 過少 S - 0 guò shǎo f /too few/insufficient/ 过山车 過山車 S - 27 guò shān chē f /roller coaster/ 过帐 過帳 S - 0 guò zhàng f /posting (accounting)/ 过年 過年 S - 1142 guò nián f /to celebrate the Chinese New Year/ 过度 過度 S 2879 1152 guò dù f /excessive/over-/excess/going too far/extravagant/intemperate/overdue/ 过度关怀 過度關懷 S - 0 guò dù guān huái f /obsession/excessive concern/ 过度紧张 過度緊張 S - 0 guò dù jǐn zhāng f /hypertension/excessive stress/ 过庭录 過庭錄 S - 0 guò tíng lù f /lit. Notes on passing the hall, historical jottings by 12th century Southern Song poet Fan Gongcheng 範公偁|范公偁, containing moral instructions derived from great men of Song dynasty/ 过当 過當 S - 0 guò dàng f /excessive/ 过往 過往 S - 513 guò wǎng f /to come and go/to have friendly relations with/in the past/previous/ 过得 過得 S - 0 guò dé f /How are you getting by?/How's life?/contraction of 過得去|过得去, can get by/tolerably well/not too bad/ 过得去 過得去 S - 82 guò dé qù f /lit. can pass through (an opening)/fig. can get by (in life)/tolerably well/not too bad/How are you getting by?/How's life?/ 过惯 過慣 S - 3 guò guàn f /to be accustomed to (a certain lifestyle etc)/ 过意不去 過意不去 S - 198 guò yì bù qù f /to feel very apologetic/ 过房 過房 S - 3 guò fáng f /to adopt/to give for adoption (usually to a childless relative)/ 过招 過招 S - 261 guò zhāo f /to fight/to exchange blows/ 过敏 過敏 S 1815 521 guò mǐn f /to be allergic/allergy/ 过敏反应 過敏反應 S - 3 guò mǐn fǎn yìng f /allergic reaction/ 过敏性 過敏性 S - 151 guò mǐn xìng f /hypersensitive/allergic reaction/anaphylaxis/ 过敏性休克 過敏性休克 S - 0 guò mǐn xìng xiū kè f /anaphylactic shock/ 过敏性反应 過敏性反應 S - 0 guò mǐn xìng fǎn yìng f /allergic reaction/hypersensitive reaction/anaphylaxis/ 过日子 過日子 S - 351 guò rì zi f /to live one's life/to pass one's days/to get along/ 过早 過早 S - 897 guò zǎo f /premature/untimely/over-hasty (conclusion)/ 过早死亡 過早死亡 S - 0 guò zǎo sǐ wáng f /premature death/ 过早起爆 過早起爆 S - 0 guò zǎo qǐ bào f /preinitiation/ 过时 過時 S - 340 guò shí f /old-fashioned/out of date/to be later than the time stipulated or agreed upon/ 过时不候 過時不候 S - 3 guò shí bù hòu f /being late is not acceptable (idiom)/ 过期 過期 S 2242 186 guò qī f /to be overdue/to exceed the time limit/to expire (as in expiration date)/ 过来 過來 S - 10268 guò lái t /to come over/to manage/to handle/to be able to take care of/ 过来 過來 S - 10268 guò lai f /see 過來|过来[guo4 lai2]/ 过来人 過來人 S - 56 guò lái rén f /an experienced person/sb who has 'been around (the block)'/sb who has personally experienced it/ 过桥贷款 過橋貸款 S - 0 guò qiáo dài kuǎn f /bridge loan/ 过气 過氣 S - 3 guò qì f /past one's prime/has-been/ 过氧 過氧 S - 15 guò yǎng f /peroxy-/peroxide (chemistry)/ 过氧化 過氧化 S - 15 guò yǎng huà f /peroxide/ 过氧化氢 過氧化氫 S - 58 guò yǎng huà qīng f /hydrogen peroxide H2O2/ 过氧化氢酶 過氧化氫酶 S - 0 guò yǎng huà qīng méi f /catalase (enzyme)/hydrogen peroxidase/ 过氧化物 過氧化物 S - 62 guò yǎng huà wù f /peroxide/ 过氧化苯甲酰 過氧化苯甲酰 S - 76 guò yǎng huà běn jiǎ xiān f /benzoil peroxide/ 过氧物酶体 過氧物酶體 S - 0 guò yǎng wù méi tǐ f /peroxisome (type of organelle)/ 过氧苯甲酰 過氧苯甲酰 S - 0 guò yǎng běn jiǎ xiān f /benzoil peroxide/ 过河拆桥 過河拆橋 S - 27 guò hé chāi qiáo f /lit. to destroy the bridge after crossing the river (idiom)/fig. to abandon one's benefactor upon achieving one's goal/ 过活 過活 S - 123 guò huó f /to live one's life/to make a living/ 过渡 過渡 S 3979 3036 guò dù f /to cross over (by ferry)/transition/interim/caretaker (administration)/ 过渡性 過渡性 S - 114 guò dù xìng f /transitional/bridging/ 过渡性贷款 過渡性貸款 S - 0 guò dù xìng dài kuǎn f /bridging loan/ 过渡时期 過渡時期 S - 3 guò dù shí qī f /transition/ 过渡贷款 過渡貸款 S - 0 guò dù dài kuǎn f /bridging loan/ 过渡金属 過渡金屬 S - 0 guò dù jīn shǔ f /transition metal (chemistry)/ 过滤 過濾 S 3914 408 guò lǜ f /to filter/filter/ 过滤嘴香烟 過濾嘴香煙 S - 0 guò lǜ zuǐ xiāng yān f /filter-tipped cigarette/ 过滤器 過濾器 S - 57 guò lǜ qì f /filtering apparatus/(machine) filter/ 过激 過激 S - 85 guò jī f /drastic/extreme/aggressive/ 过火 過火 S - 56 guò huǒ f /to go too far (in word or deed)/over the top/ 过热 過熱 S - 148 guò rè f /to overheat (e.g. an economy)/ 过犯 過犯 S - 0 guò fàn f /previous sins/ 过犹不及 過猶不及 S - 30 guò yóu bù jí f /too far is as bad as not enough (idiom, from the Analects)/ 过瘾 過癮 S 4057 142 guò yǐn f /to satisfy a craving/to get a kick out of sth/gratifying/immensely enjoyable/satisfying/fulfilling/ 过目 過目 S - 207 guò mù f /to look over/ 过目不忘 過目不忘 S - 25 guò mù bù wàng f /to have a highly retentive memory/to have sth imprinted in one's memory/ 过硬 過硬 S - 328 guò yìng f /to have perfect mastery of sth/to be up to the mark/ 过磅 過磅 S - 4 guò bàng f /to weigh (on a scale)/ 过程 過程 S 894 18051 guò chéng f /course of events/process/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 过程比终点更美 過程比終點更美 S - 0 guò chéng bǐ zhōng diǎn gèng měi f /The process is more beautiful than the outcome./It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive./ 过站大厅 過站大廳 S - 0 guò zhàn dà tīng f /transit lounge/ 过细 過細 S - 26 guò xì f /extremely careful/meticulous/over-attentive/ 过继 過繼 S - 45 guò jì f /to adopt/to give for adoption (usually to a childless relative)/ 过而能改,善莫大焉 過而能改,善莫大焉 S - 0 guò ér néng gǎi , shàn mò dà yān f /If one can change after making a mistake, there is nothing better (idiom)/ 过肩摔 過肩摔 S - 0 guò jiān shuǎi f /shoulder throw (judo)/ 过胖暴食症 過胖暴食症 S - 0 guò pàng bào shí zhèng f /binge eating disorder (BED)/ 过节 過節 S - 252 guò jié f /to celebrate a festival/after the celebrations (i.e. once the festival is over)/ 过街天桥 過街天橋 S - 7 guò jiē tiān qiáo f /skywalk/pedestrian bridge/ 过街老鼠 過街老鼠 S - 17 guò jiē lǎo shǔ f /sb or sth detested by all/target of scorn/anathema/cf. 老鼠過街,人人喊打|老鼠过街,人人喊打[lao3 shu3 guo4 jie1 , ren2 ren2 han3 da3]/ 过誉 過譽 S - 3 guò yù f /to praise too much/I really don't deserve so much praise/ 过路人 過路人 S - 32 guò lù rén f /a passer-by/ 过路费 過路費 S - 3 guò lù fèi f /toll (fee for using a road)/ 过载 過載 S - 57 guò zài f /overload/ 过过 過過 S - 3 guò guo f /to enjoy/to satisfy (one's desires etc)/ 过道 過道 S - 141 guò dào f /passageway/corridor/aisle/ 过重 過重 S - 199 guò zhòng f /overweight (luggage)/ 过量 過量 S - 336 guò liàng f /excess/overdose/ 过错 過錯 S - 258 guò cuò f /mistake/fault/blame/ 过门 過門 S - 118 guò mén f /to pass through a doorway/(of a woman) to marry/orchestral music interlude in an opera/ 过问 過問 S 4353 206 guò wèn f /to show an interest in/to get involved with/ 过马路 過馬路 S - 0 guò mǎ lù f /to cross the street/ 过高 過高 S - 0 guò gāo f /too high/ 迈 邁 S 3420 926 mài f /to take a step/to stride/ 迈克尔 邁克爾 S - 101 Mài kè ěr f /Michael (name)/ 迈克尔·乔丹 邁克爾·喬丹 S - 0 Mài kè ěr · Qiáo dān f /Michael Jordan (1963-) US basketball player/ 迈克尔·克莱顿 邁克爾·克萊頓 S - 0 Mài kè ěr · Kè lái dùn f /Michael Crichton (1942-), US techno-thriller writer, author of Jurassic Park/ 迈克尔·杰克逊 邁克爾·傑克遜 S - 0 Mài kè ěr · Jié kè xùn f /Michael Jackson (1958-2009), American musician and entertainer/ 迈凯伊 邁凱伊 S - 0 Mài kǎi yī f /McKay or Mackay (name)/ 迈凯轮 邁凱輪 S - 0 Mài kǎi lún f /McLaren/MacLaren/ 迈出 邁出 S - 435 mài chū f /to step out/to take a (first) step/ 迈向 邁向 S - 172 mài xiàng f /to stride toward (success)/to march toward/to take a step toward/ 迈巴赫 邁巴赫 S - 3 Mài bā hè f /Maybach, German car brand/ 迈杜古里 邁杜古裡 S - 0 Mài dù gǔ lǐ f /Maiduguri, city in north Nigeria/ 迈赫迪 邁赫迪 S - 3 Mài hè dí f /Mahdi or Mehdi (Arabic: Guided one), redeemer of some Islamic prophesy/ 迈赫迪军 邁赫迪軍 S - 0 Mài hè dí jūn f /Mahdi army, Iraqi Shia armed militia led by Moqtada Sadr/ 迈进 邁進 S - 651 mài jìn f /to step in/to stride forward/to forge ahead/ 迈阿密 邁阿密 S - 144 Mài ā mì f /Miami (Florida)/ 迋 - 3 wàng f /to deceive/to scare/to travel/ 迍 - 10 zhūn f /falter, hesitate/ 迎 - 4509 yíng f /to welcome/to meet/to face/to forge ahead (esp. in the face of difficulties)/ 迎亲 迎親 S - 52 yíng qīn f /to escort the bride/the groom's family sends a marriage sedan 花轎|花轿 to escort the bride/ 迎來送往 迎来送往 T - 25 yíng lái sòng wǎng f /lit. to meet those arriving, to send of those departing (idiom); busy entertaining guests/all time taken over with social niceties/ 迎击 迎擊 S - 117 yíng jī f /to face an attack/to repulse the enemy/ 迎刃而解 - 93 yíng rèn ér jiě f /lit. (bamboo) splits when it meets the knife's edge (idiom)/fig. easily solved/ 迎合 - 225 yíng hé f /to cater to/to pander to/ 迎头 迎頭 S - 102 yíng tóu f /to meet head-on/face-to-face/directly/ 迎头儿 迎頭兒 S - 0 yíng tóu r f /erhua variant of 迎頭|迎头[ying2 tou2]/ 迎头打击 迎頭打擊 S - 0 yíng tóu dǎ jī f /to hit head on/ 迎头痛击 迎頭痛擊 S - 23 yíng tóu tòng jī f /to deliver a frontal assault/to meet head-on (idiom)/ 迎头赶上 迎頭趕上 S - 28 yíng tóu gǎn shàng f /to try hard to catch up/ 迎娶 - 342 yíng qǔ f /(of a groom) to escort the bride to the wedding ceremony/fig. to take as one's wife/to marry/ 迎客松 - 8 Yíng kè Sōng f /Greeting Pine, symbol of Mt Huang 黃山[Huang2 shan1]/ 迎宾 迎賓 S - 438 yíng bīn f /to welcome a guest/to entertain a customer (of prostitute)/ 迎战 迎戰 S - 417 yíng zhàn f /to meet the enemy head-on/ 迎戰 迎战 T - 417 yíng zhàn f /to meet the enemy head-on/ 迎接 1990 2388 yíng jiē f /to meet/to welcome/to greet/ 迎接挑战 迎接挑戰 S - 3 yíng jiē tiǎo zhàn f /to meet a challenge/ 迎接挑戰 迎接挑战 T - 3 yíng jiē tiǎo zhàn f /to meet a challenge/ 迎擊 迎击 T - 117 yíng jī f /to face an attack/to repulse the enemy/ 迎新 - 14 yíng xīn f /to see in the New Year/to welcome new guests/by extension, to receive new students/ 迎春花 - 17 yíng chūn huā f /winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum)/ 迎来送往 迎來送往 S - 25 yíng lái sòng wǎng f /lit. to meet those arriving, to send of those departing (idiom); busy entertaining guests/all time taken over with social niceties/ 迎江 - 0 Yíng jiāng f /Yingjiang district of Anqing city 安慶市|安庆市[An1 qing4 shi4], Anhui/ 迎江区 迎江區 S - 3 Yíng jiāng qū f /Yingjiang district of Anqing city 安慶市|安庆市[An1 qing4 shi4], Anhui/ 迎江區 迎江区 T - 3 Yíng jiāng qū f /Yingjiang district of Anqing city 安慶市|安庆市[An1 qing4 shi4], Anhui/ 迎泽 迎澤 S - 8 Yíng zé f /Yingze district of Taiyuan city 太原市[Tai4 yuan2 shi4], Shanxi/ 迎泽区 迎澤區 S - 3 Yíng zé qū f /Yingze district of Taiyuan city 太原市[Tai4 yuan2 shi4], Shanxi/ 迎澤 迎泽 T - 8 Yíng zé f /Yingze district of Taiyuan city 太原市[Tai4 yuan2 shi4], Shanxi/ 迎澤區 迎泽区 T - 3 Yíng zé qū f /Yingze district of Taiyuan city 太原市[Tai4 yuan2 shi4], Shanxi/ 迎火 - 0 yíng huǒ f /to clear a firebreak by setting a counter-fire/ 迎神賽會 迎神赛会 T - 11 yíng shén sài huì f /folk festival, esp. involving shrine or image of God/ 迎神赛会 迎神賽會 S - 11 yíng shén sài huì f /folk festival, esp. involving shrine or image of God/ 迎親 迎亲 T - 52 yíng qīn f /to escort the bride/the groom's family sends a marriage sedan 花轎|花轿 to escort the bride/ 迎賓 迎宾 T - 438 yíng bīn f /to welcome a guest/to entertain a customer (of prostitute)/ 迎面 4662 607 yíng miàn f /directly/head-on (collision)/in one's face (of wind)/ 迎面而來 迎面而来 T - 66 yíng miàn ér lái f /directly/head-on (collision)/in one's face (of wind)/ 迎面而来 迎面而來 S - 66 yíng miàn ér lái f /directly/head-on (collision)/in one's face (of wind)/ 迎頭 迎头 T - 102 yíng tóu f /to meet head-on/face-to-face/directly/ 迎頭兒 迎头儿 T - 0 yíng tóu r f /erhua variant of 迎頭|迎头[ying2 tou2]/ 迎頭打擊 迎头打击 T - 0 yíng tóu dǎ jī f /to hit head on/ 迎頭痛擊 迎头痛击 T - 23 yíng tóu tòng jī f /to deliver a frontal assault/to meet head-on (idiom)/ 迎頭趕上 迎头赶上 T - 28 yíng tóu gǎn shàng f /to try hard to catch up/ 迎風 迎风 T - 222 yíng fēng f /in the wind/facing the wind/downwind/ 迎風招展 迎风招展 T - 10 yíng fēng zhāo zhǎn f /to flutter in the wind (idiom)/ 迎風飄舞 迎风飘舞 T - 0 yíng fēng piāo wǔ f /to whirl about in the wind/ 迎风 迎風 S - 222 yíng fēng f /in the wind/facing the wind/downwind/ 迎风招展 迎風招展 S - 10 yíng fēng zhāo zhǎn f /to flutter in the wind (idiom)/ 迎风飘舞 迎風飄舞 S - 0 yíng fēng piāo wǔ f /to whirl about in the wind/ 运 運 S - 5366 yùn f /to move/to transport/to use/to apply/fortune/luck/fate/ 运交 運交 S - 0 yùn jiāo f /to consign/to send (goods to customers)/shipping/delivery/ 运价 運價 S - 45 yùn jià f /fare/transport cost/ 运作 運作 S - 1247 yùn zuò f /to operate/operations/workings/activities (usu. of an organization)/thread (computing)/ 运使 運使 S - 0 yùn shǐ f /commissioner (old)/ 运出 運出 S - 51 yùn chū f /shipment/to dispatch/to ship out/to send/ 运出运费 運出運費 S - 0 yùn chū yùn fèi f /outward freight (accountancy)/ 运动 運動 S 263 18435 yùn dòng f /to move/to exercise/sports/exercise/motion/movement/campaign/CL:場|场[chang3]/ 运动会 運動會 S - 440 yùn dòng huì f /sports competition/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 运动员 運動員 S - 1690 yùn dòng yuán f /athlete/CL:名[ming2],個|个[ge4]/ 运动场 運動場 S - 105 yùn dòng chǎng f /sports field/playground/exercise yard/ 运动学 運動學 S - 48 yùn dòng xué f /kinematics/ 运动定律 運動定律 S - 3 yùn dòng dìng lǜ f /laws of motion (mechanics)/ 运动家 運動家 S - 0 yùn dòng jiā f /athlete/sportsman/activist/ 运动战 運動戰 S - 133 yùn dòng zhàn f /mobile warfare/ 运动方程 運動方程 S - 0 yùn dòng fāng chéng f /equations of motion/ 运动服 運動服 S - 17 yùn dòng fú f /sportswear/ 运动病 運動病 S - 7 yùn dòng bìng f /car sickness/motion sickness/ 运动衫 運動衫 S - 12 yùn dòng shān f /sports shirt/sweatshirt/CL:件[jian4]/ 运动鞋 運動鞋 S - 31 yùn dòng xié f /sports shoes/sneakers/ 运势 運勢 S - 3 yùn shì f /horoscope/one's fortune/ 运匠 運匠 S - 0 yùn jiàng f /driver (of a taxi etc) (Taiwan, Japanese loanword)/ 运十 運十 S - 50 yùn shí f /Shanghai Y-10/Yun-10 commercial jet aircraft/ 运单 運單 S - 5 yùn dān f /way bill/transport charge/ 运命 運命 S - 4 yùn mìng f /fate/one's fortune/ 运城 運城 S - 70 Yùn chéng f /Yuncheng prefecture level city in Shanxi 山西/ 运城地区 運城地區 S - 4 Yùn chéng dì qū f /Yuncheng prefecture in Shanxi/ 运城市 運城市 S - 11 Yùn chéng shì f /Yuncheng prefecture level city in Shanxi 山西/ 运将 運將 S - 0 yùn jiàng f /see 運匠|运匠[yun4 jiang4]/ 运庆 運慶 S - 0 Yùn qìng f /Unkei (c. 1150-1224), Japanese sculptor of Buddhist images/ 运思 運思 S - 3 yùn sī f /to think/to exercise one's mind/ 运数 運數 S - 8 yùn shù f /one's fortune/destiny/ 运气 運氣 S 1500 1059 yùn qi f /luck (good or bad)/ 运河 運河 S - 1170 yùn hé f /canal/ 运河区 運河區 S - 37 Yùn hé Qū f /Yunhe District of Cangzhou City 滄州市|沧州市[Cang1 zhou1 Shi4], Hebei/ 运球 運球 S - 35 yùn qiú f /dribble (basketball)/ 运用 運用 S 1976 4112 yùn yòng f /to use/to put to use/ 运用自如 運用自如 S - 10 yùn yòng zì rú f /to operate easily (idiom); to use freely/to have fluent command of/to have sth at one's fingertips/ 运神 運神 S - 0 yùn shén f /to concentrate/to think what you're doing/ 运移 運移 S - 90 yùn yí f /migration (geology)/ 运程 運程 S - 5 yùn chéng f /one's fortune (in astrology)/ 运笔 運筆 S - 27 yùn bǐ f /to wield the pen/to write/ 运筹 運籌 S - 76 yùn chóu f /to plan/operations/logistics/ 运筹学 運籌學 S - 72 yùn chóu xué f /operations research (OR)/ 运筹帷幄 運籌帷幄 S - 81 yùn chóu wéi wò f /lit. to devise battle plan in a tent (idiom)/fig. planning strategies/ 运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外 運籌帷幄之中,決勝千里之外 S - 0 yùn chóu wéi wò zhī zhōng , jué shèng qiān lǐ zhī wài f /a general planning in the seclusion of his tent is able to determine the outcome of the distant battle (idiom)/ 运算 運算 S 4311 721 yùn suàn f /(mathematical) operation/ 运算式 運算式 S - 0 yùn suàn shì f /(math.) expression (arithmetic, Boolean etc)/ 运算方法 運算方法 S - 0 yùn suàn fāng fǎ f /rules of arithmetic/ 运算法则 運算法則 S - 0 yùn suàn fǎ zé f /rules of calculation (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)/algorithm/fig. to scheme/to calculate (i.e. plot)/ 运算环境 運算環境 S - 0 yùn suàn huán jìng f /operating environment/ 运脚 運腳 S - 0 yùn jiǎo f /freight charge/ 运营 運營 S - 1039 yùn yíng f /to operate/to be in operation/to be in motion/to do business/scheduled service (train, bus etc)/ 运营商 運營商 S - 983 yùn yíng shāng f /operator (of a power station, transport network etc)/carrier (telecommunications etc)/ 运行 運行 S 3205 3393 yùn xíng f /to be in motion/to move/(of a computer) to run/ 运行方式 運行方式 S - 0 yùn xíng fāng shì f /operating method/running mode/ 运行时 運行時 S - 0 yùn xíng shí f /run-time (in computing)/ 运行时错误 運行時錯誤 S - 0 yùn xíng shí cuò wù f /run-time error (in computing)/ 运行状况 運行狀況 S - 3 yùn xíng zhuàng kuàng f /operational state/running state/ 运货员 運貨員 S - 0 yùn huò yuán f /porter/ 运货马车 運貨馬車 S - 0 yùn huò mǎ chē f /cargo wagon/ 运费 運費 S - 87 yùn fèi f /freight fee/ 运转 運轉 S - 689 yùn zhuǎn f /to work/to operate/to revolve/to turn around/ 运载 運載 S - 393 yùn zài f /to carry/to convey/delivery/supply/ 运载火箭 運載火箭 S - 266 yùn zài huǒ jiàn f /carrier rocket/ 运载量 運載量 S - 0 yùn zài liàng f /transport volume/ 运输 運輸 S 2060 6308 yùn shū f /transport/haulage/transit/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 运输网 運輸網 S - 36 yùn shū wǎng f /transport network/ 运输舰 運輸艦 S - 52 yùn shū jiàn f /transport ship/ 运输船 運輸船 S - 53 yùn shū chuán f /transport ship/ 运输量 運輸量 S - 324 yùn shū liàng f /volume of freight/ 运送 運送 S - 653 yùn sòng f /to transport/to carry/ 运道 運道 S - 3 yùn dao f /fortune/luck/fate/ 运量 運量 S - 119 yùn liàng f /volume of freight/ 运钞车 運鈔車 S - 2 yùn chāo chē f /armored car (for transporting valuables)/ 运销 運銷 S - 120 yùn xiāo f /distribution/transport and sale (of goods)/ 近 254 17557 jìn f /near/close to/approximately/ 近东 近東 S - 46 Jìn Dōng f /Near East/ 近义词 近義詞 S - 6 jìn yì cí f /synonym/close equivalent expression/ 近乎 - 473 jìn hu f /close to/intimate/ 近乎同步 - 0 jìn hū tóng bù f /plesiochronous/ 近亲 近親 S - 150 jìn qīn f /close relative/near relation/ 近亲交配 近親交配 S - 0 jìn qīn jiāo pèi f /inbreeding/ 近亲繁殖 近親繁殖 S - 11 jìn qīn fán zhí f /inbreeding/ 近人 - 0 jìn rén f /contemporary/modern person/close friend/associate/intimate/ 近代 2487 2572 jìn dài f /the not-very-distant past/modern times, excluding recent decades/(in the context of Chinese history) the period from the Opium Wars until the May 4th Movement (mid-19th century to 1919)/capitalist times (pre-1949)/ 近代史 - 336 jìn dài shǐ f /modern history (for China, from the Opium Wars until the fall of the Qing Dynasty, i.e. mid-19th to early 20th century)/ 近似 - 759 jìn sì f /similar/about the same as/approximately/approximation/ 近似等級 近似等级 T - 0 jìn sì děng jí f /order of approximation/ 近似等级 近似等級 S - 0 jìn sì děng jí f /order of approximation/ 近似解 - 0 jìn sì jiě f /approximate solution/ 近來 近来 T 3355 1311 jìn lái f /recently/lately/ 近光灯 近光燈 S - 3 jìn guāng dēng f /low beam (headlights)/ 近光燈 近光灯 T - 3 jìn guāng dēng f /low beam (headlights)/ 近况 近況 S - 200 jìn kuàng f /recent developments/current situation/ 近几年 近幾年 S - 3 jìn jǐ nián f /in recent years/ 近前 - 224 jìn qián f /to come close/to get near to/front/ 近卫文麿 近衛文麿 S - 0 Jìn wèi Wén mǒ f /Prince KONOE Fumimaro (1891-), Japanese nobleman and militarist politician, prime minister 1937-1939 and 1940-1941/ 近古 - 3 jìn gǔ f /near ancient history (often taken to mean Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing times)/ 近因 - 38 jìn yīn f /immediate cause/proximate cause/ 近在咫尺 - 242 jìn zài zhǐ chǐ f /to be almost within reach/to be close at hand/ 近在眼前 - 40 jìn zài yǎn qián f /right under one's nose/right in front of one's eyes/close at hand/imminent/ 近地天体 近地天體 S - 0 jìn dì tiān tǐ f /near-Earth object (NEO)/ 近地天體 近地天体 T - 0 jìn dì tiān tǐ f /near-Earth object (NEO)/ 近地点 近地點 S - 19 jìn dì diǎn f /apsis/perigee/ 近地軌道 近地轨道 T - 0 jìn dì guǐ dào f /low Earth orbit (LEO)/ 近地轨道 近地軌道 S - 0 jìn dì guǐ dào f /low Earth orbit (LEO)/ 近地點 近地点 T - 19 jìn dì diǎn f /apsis/perigee/ 近墨者黑 - 15 jìn mò zhě hēi f /proximity to pitch makes you black (idiom, from Ouyang Xiu 歐陽修|欧阳修); different environments provide different influence./Nurture determines a person's character./ 近处 近處 S - 314 jìn chù f /nearby/ 近年 - 616 jìn nián f /recent year(s)/ 近年來 近年来 T - 3723 jìn nián lái f /for the past few years/ 近年来 近年來 S - 3723 jìn nián lái f /for the past few years/ 近幾年 近几年 T - 3 jìn jǐ nián f /in recent years/ 近打 - 0 Jìn dǎ f /Kinta valley and river in Perak, Malaysia/ 近打河 - 0 Jìn dǎ Hé f /Kinta River in Perak, Malaysia/ 近日 - 2033 jìn rì f /in the past few days/recently/in the last few days/ 近日点 近日點 S - 34 jìn rì diǎn f /perihelion, the nearest point of a planet in elliptic orbit to the sun/lower apsis/ 近日點 近日点 T - 34 jìn rì diǎn f /perihelion, the nearest point of a planet in elliptic orbit to the sun/lower apsis/ 近期 - 1285 jìn qī f /near in time/in the near future/very soon/recent/ 近朱者赤,近墨者黑 - 0 jìn zhū zhě chì , jìn mò zhě hēi f /proximity to cinnabar makes you red, to pitch makes you black (idiom, from Ouyang Xiu 歐陽修|欧阳修); different environments provide different influence./Nurture determines a person's character./ 近朱近墨 - 0 jìn zhū jìn mò f /one is judged by the company one keeps (idiom)/ 近来 近來 S 3355 1311 jìn lái f /recently/lately/ 近東 近东 T - 46 Jìn Dōng f /Near East/ 近水楼台 近水樓臺 S - 13 jìn shuǐ lóu tái f /lit. a pavilion near the water (idiom); fig. using one's proximity to the powerful to obtain favor/ 近水楼台先得月 近水樓臺先得月 S - 15 jìn shuǐ lóu tái xiān dé yuè f /the pavilion closest to the water enjoys moonlight first (idiom)/to benefit from intimacy with an influential person/ 近水樓臺 近水楼台 T - 13 jìn shuǐ lóu tái f /lit. a pavilion near the water (idiom); fig. using one's proximity to the powerful to obtain favor/ 近水樓臺先得月 近水楼台先得月 T - 15 jìn shuǐ lóu tái xiān dé yuè f /the pavilion closest to the water enjoys moonlight first (idiom)/to benefit from intimacy with an influential person/ 近況 近况 T - 200 jìn kuàng f /recent developments/current situation/ 近海 - 407 jìn hǎi f /coastal waters/offshore/ 近照 - 8 jìn zhào f /recent photo/ 近现代史 近現代史 S - 22 jìn xiàn dài shǐ f /modern history and contemporary history/ 近現代史 近现代史 T - 22 jìn xiàn dài shǐ f /modern history and contemporary history/ 近畿地方 - 0 Jìn jī dì fāng f /Kinki chihō, region of Japan around the old capital Kyōto, including Kyōto prefecture 京都府[Jing1 du1 fu3], Ōsaka prefecture 大阪府[Da4 ban3 fu3], Shiga prefecture 滋賀縣|滋贺县[Zi1 he4 xian4], Nara prefecture 奈良縣|奈良县[Nai4 liang2 xian4], Mi'e prefecture 三重縣|三重县[San1 chong2 xian4], Wakayama prefecture 和歌山縣|和歌山县[He2 ge1 shan1 xian4], Hyōgo prefecture 兵庫縣|兵库县[Bing1 ku4 xian4]/ 近端胞浆 近端胞漿 S - 0 jìn duān bāo jiāng f /proximal cytoplasm/ 近端胞漿 近端胞浆 T - 0 jìn duān bāo jiāng f /proximal cytoplasm/ 近義詞 近义词 T - 6 jìn yì cí f /synonym/close equivalent expression/ 近臣 - 89 jìn chén f /member of a monarch's inner ministerial circle (old)/ 近藤 - 57 Jìn téng f /Kondō (Japanese surname)/ 近處 近处 T - 314 jìn chù f /nearby/ 近衛文麿 近卫文麿 T - 0 Jìn wèi Wén mǒ f /Prince KONOE Fumimaro (1891-), Japanese nobleman and militarist politician, prime minister 1937-1939 and 1940-1941/ 近視 近视 T - 130 jìn shì f /shortsighted/nearsighted/myopia/ 近親 近亲 T - 150 jìn qīn f /close relative/near relation/ 近親交配 近亲交配 T - 0 jìn qīn jiāo pèi f /inbreeding/ 近親繁殖 近亲繁殖 T - 11 jìn qīn fán zhí f /inbreeding/ 近视 近視 S - 130 jìn shì f /shortsighted/nearsighted/myopia/ 近距离 近距離 S - 3 jìn jù lí f /close range/ 近距離 近距离 T - 3 jìn jù lí f /close range/ 近路 - 16 jìn lù f /shortcut/ 近道 - 0 jìn dào f /shortcut/a quicker method/ 近邻 近鄰 S - 101 jìn lín f /close neighbor/ 近郊 - 266 jìn jiāo f /suburbs/outskirts/ 近郊区 近郊區 S - 6 jìn jiāo qū f /suburbs/city outskirts/ 近郊區 近郊区 T - 6 jìn jiāo qū f /suburbs/city outskirts/ 近鄰 近邻 T - 101 jìn lín f /close neighbor/ 近零 - 0 jìn líng f /to approach zero (in calculus)/ 近頃 近顷 T - 0 jìn qǐng f /recently/of late/ 近顷 近頃 S - 0 jìn qǐng f /recently/of late/ 迓 - 42 yà f /to receive (as a guest)/ 返 - 1370 fǎn f /to return (to)/ 返乡 返鄉 S - 49 fǎn xiāng f /to return to one's home town/ 返利 - 7 fǎn lì f /dealer incentive/sales bonus/rebate/ 返券黃牛 返券黄牛 T - 0 fǎn quàn huáng niú f /"shopping coupon scalper", sb who sells unwanted or returned shopping coupons to others for a profit/ 返券黄牛 返券黃牛 S - 0 fǎn quàn huáng niú f /"shopping coupon scalper", sb who sells unwanted or returned shopping coupons to others for a profit/ 返台 返臺 S - 3 fǎn Tái f /to return to Taiwan/ 返回 - 2528 fǎn huí f /to return to/to come (or go) back/ 返国 返國 S - 70 fǎn guó f /to return to one's country/ 返國 返国 T - 70 fǎn guó f /to return to one's country/ 返家 - 14 fǎn jiā f /to return home/ 返岗 返崗 S - 3 fǎn gǎng f /to resume one's former position/to return to work/ 返崗 返岗 T - 3 fǎn gǎng f /to resume one's former position/to return to work/ 返港 - 0 fǎn Gǎng f /to return to Hong Kong/ 返点 返點 S - 0 fǎn diǎn f /sales bonus/affiliate reward/rebate/commission/ 返璞归真 返璞歸真 S - 10 fǎn pú guī zhēn f /to return to one's true self/to regain the natural state/ 返璞歸真 返璞归真 T - 10 fǎn pú guī zhēn f /to return to one's true self/to regain the natural state/ 返程 - 87 fǎn chéng f /return journey (e.g. home)/ 返老还童 返老還童 S - 31 fǎn lǎo huán tóng f /to recover one's youthful vigor/to feel rejuvenated (idiom)/ 返老還童 返老还童 T - 31 fǎn lǎo huán tóng f /to recover one's youthful vigor/to feel rejuvenated (idiom)/ 返臺 返台 T - 3 fǎn Tái f /to return to Taiwan/ 返航 - 94 fǎn háng f /to return to the point of departure/ 返还 返還 S - 126 fǎn huán f /restitution/return of something to its original owner/remittance/ 返还占有 返還占有 S - 0 fǎn huán zhàn yǒu f /repossession/ 返還 返还 T - 126 fǎn huán f /restitution/return of something to its original owner/remittance/ 返還占有 返还占有 T - 0 fǎn huán zhàn yǒu f /repossession/ 返鄉 返乡 T - 49 fǎn xiāng f /to return to one's home town/ 返銷糧 返销粮 T - 4 fǎn xiāo liáng f /grain bought by the state and resold to areas undergoing a grain shortage/ 返销粮 返銷糧 S - 4 fǎn xiāo liáng f /grain bought by the state and resold to areas undergoing a grain shortage/ 返青 - 24 fǎn qīng f /(of plants) to turn green again/to revegetate/ 返點 返点 T - 0 fǎn diǎn f /sales bonus/affiliate reward/rebate/commission/ 迕 - 23 wǔ f /obstinate, perverse/ 还 還 S 157 157058 Huán f /surname Huan/ 还 還 S 157 157058 hái t /still/still in progress/still more/yet/even more/in addition/fairly/passably (good)/as early as/even/also/else/ 还 還 S 157 157058 huán f /to pay back/to return/ 还不如 還不如 S - 0 hái bù rú f /to be better off .../might as well .../ 还乡 還鄉 S - 92 huán xiāng f /to return home/fig. to retire from public life/ 还乡女 還鄉女 S - 0 huán xiāng nǚ f /(Korean term) women who returned to Korea after being abducted during the Manchu invasions of Korea in the 17th century, only to be regarded as defiled and therefore ostracized, even by their own families/ 还书 還書 S - 0 huán shū f /return books/ 还价 還價 S - 14 huán jià f /to make a counter-offer when haggling/to bargain/ 还俗 還俗 S - 82 huán sú f /to return to normal life (leaving a monastic order)/ 还债 還債 S - 51 huán zhài f /to settle a debt/ 还击 還擊 S - 223 huán jī f /to hit back/to return fire/ 还原 還原 S 4138 836 huán yuán f /to restore to the original state/to reconstruct (an event)/reduction (chemistry)/ 还原剂 還原劑 S - 66 huán yuán jì f /reducing agent/ 还原真相 還原真相 S - 0 huán yuán zhēn xiàng f /to set the record straight/to clarify the facts/ 还口 還口 S - 0 huán kǒu f /to retort/to answer back/ 还嘴 還嘴 S - 16 huán zuǐ f /to retort/to answer back/ 还好 還好 S - 709 hái hǎo f /not bad/tolerable/fortunately/ 还席 還席 S - 3 huán xí f /to offer a return banquet/ 还愿 還願 S - 29 huán yuàn f /to redeem a vow (to a deity)/to fulfil a promise/votive/ 还手 還手 S - 149 huán shǒu f /to hit back/to retaliate/ 还是 還是 S 332 9922 hái shi f /or/still/nevertheless/had better/ 还有 還有 S - 18487 hái yǒu f /furthermore/in addition/still/also/ 还本 還本 S - 0 huán běn f /to repay capital/ 还款 還款 S - 126 huán kuǎn f /repayment/to pay back money/ 还清 還清 S - 108 huán qīng f /to pay back in full/to redeem a debt/ 还礼 還禮 S - 50 huán lǐ f /to return a politeness/to present a gift in return/ 还给 還給 S - 269 huán gěi f /to return sth to sb/ 还账 還賬 S - 6 huán zhàng f /to settle and account/ 还贷 還貸 S - 81 huán dài f /to repay a loan/ 还魂 還魂 S - 31 huán hún f /to return from the grave/(old) to recycle (waste products)/ 还魂纸 還魂紙 S - 0 huán hún zhǐ f /recycled paper/ 这 這 S 11 261791 zhè f /this/these/(commonly pr. [zhei4] before a classifier, esp. in Beijing)/ 这一阵子 這一陣子 S - 3 zhè yī zhèn zi f /recently/currently/ 这下 這下 S - 0 zhè xià f /this time/ 这下子 這下子 S - 70 zhè xià zi f /this time/ 这个 這個 S - 61310 zhè ge f /this/this one/ 这么 這麼 S - 18886 zhè me f /so much/this much/how much?/this way/like this/ 这么样 這麼樣 S - 35 zhè me yàng f /thus/in this way/ 这么着 這麼著 S - 165 zhè me zhe f /thus/in this way/like this/ 这些 這些 S - 47400 zhè xiē f /these/ 这些个 這些個 S - 0 zhè xiē ge f /these/ 这会儿 這會兒 S - 1117 zhè huì r f /(coll.) now/this moment/also pr. [zhe4 hui3 r5]/ 这位 這位 S - 7656 zhè wèi f /this (person)/ 这儿 這兒 S - 3784 zhè r f /here/ 这几天 這幾天 S - 0 zhè jǐ tiān f /the past few days/ 这咱 這咱 S - 0 zhè zán f /now/at this moment/ 这天 這天 S - 1453 zhè tiān f /today/this day/ 这山望着那山高 這山望著那山高 S - 11 zhè shān wàng zhe nà shān gāo f /lit. the next mountain looks taller (idiom); fig. not satisfied with one's current position/the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence/ 这年头 這年頭 S - 3 zhè nián tou f /(coll.) nowadays/ 这早晚儿 這早晚兒 S - 0 zhè zǎo wǎn r f /now/at this time/this late/ 这时 這時 S - 11628 zhè shí f /at this time/at this moment/ 这末 這末 S - 0 zhè me f /variant of 這麼|这么[zhe4 me5]/ 这样 這樣 S - 48926 zhè yàng f /this kind of/so/this way/like this/such/ 这样一来 這樣一來 S - 518 zhè yàng yī lái f /thus/if this happens then/ 这样子 這樣子 S - 0 zhè yàng zi f /so/such/this way/like this/ 这次危机 這次危機 S - 0 zhè cì wēi jī f /present crisis/current crisis/ 这种 這種 S - 40923 zhè zhǒng f /this/this kind of/this sort of/this type of/ 这类 這類 S - 3 zhè lèi f /this kind (of)/ 这般 這般 S - 3009 zhè bān f /like this/this way/ 这边 這邊 S - 901 zhè biān f /this side/here/ 这边儿 這邊兒 S - 12 zhè biān r f /erhua variant of 這邊|这边[zhe4 bian1]/ 这还了得 這還了得 S - 0 zhè hái liǎo dé f /How dare you!/This is an outrage!/Absolutely disgraceful!/ 这里 這裏 S - 29358 zhè lǐ f /variant of 這裡|这里[zhe4 li3]/ 这里 這裡 S - 29358 zhè lǐ f /here/ 这阵儿 這陣兒 S - 20 zhè zhèn r f /now/at present/at this juncture/ 这阵子 這陣子 S - 3 zhè zhèn zi f /now/at present/at this juncture/ 这麽 這麽 S - 0 zhè me f /variant of 這麼|这么[zhe4 me5]/ 进 進 S 202 25668 jìn f /to go forward/to advance/to go in/to enter/to put in/to submit/to take in/to admit/(math.) base of a number system/classifier for sections in a building or residential compound/ 进一步 進一步 S - 10588 jìn yī bù f /one step further/to move forward a step/further onwards/ 进了天堂 進了天堂 S - 0 jìn le tiān táng f /to die/to enter the hall of heaven/ 进京 進京 S - 697 jìn Jīng f /to enter the capital/to go to Beijing/ 进价 進價 S - 36 jìn jià f /opening price/ 进位法 進位法 S - 0 jìn wèi fǎ f /system of writing numbers to a base, such as decimal or binary (math)/ 进修 進修 S - 436 jìn xiū f /to undertake advanced studies/to take a refresher course/ 进入 進入 S - 18436 jìn rù f /to enter/to join/to go into/ 进关 進關 S - 152 jìn guān f /inbound customs (international trade)/ 进军 進軍 S - 1051 jìn jūn f /to march/to advance/ 进出 進出 S - 978 jìn chū f /to enter or exit/to go through/ 进出口 進出口 S - 966 jìn chū kǒu f /import and export/ 进出境 進出境 S - 8 jìn chū jìng f /entering and leaving a country/ 进击 進擊 S - 129 jìn jī f /to attack/ 进化 進化 S 3272 1052 jìn huà f /evolution/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 进化论 進化論 S - 207 jìn huà lùn f /Darwin's theory of evolution/ 进去 進去 S - 4929 jìn qù f /to go in/ 进发 進發 S - 495 jìn fā f /to set out/to start/ 进取 進取 S - 367 jìn qǔ f /to forge ahead/to go forward/ 进取心 進取心 S - 57 jìn qǔ xīn f /ambition/enterprise/initiative/ 进口 進口 S 2291 3404 jìn kǒu f /to import/imported/entrance/inlet (for the intake of air, water etc)/ 进口商 進口商 S - 46 jìn kǒu shāng f /importer/import business/ 进场 進場 S - 128 jìn chǎng f /to go into/to enter an arena (e.g. sporting)/ 进城 進城 S - 1468 jìn chéng f /to go to town/to enter a big city (to live or work)/ 进士 進士 S - 2072 jìn shì f /successful candidate in the highest imperial civil service examination/palace graduate/ 进学 進學 S - 3 jìn xué f /to advance one's learning/to enter the prefecture school under the imperial examination system/ 进宫 進宮 S - 794 jìn gōng f /to enter the emperor's palace/(slang) to go to jail/ 进展 進展 S 2574 2022 jìn zhǎn f /to make headway/to make progress/ 进度 進度 S - 392 jìn dù f /pace/tempo/degree of progress (on project)/work schedule/ 进度表 進度表 S - 7 jìn dù biǎo f /timeline/work schedule/ 进接 進接 S - 0 jìn jiē f /access/ 进接服务 進接服務 S - 0 jìn jiē fú wù f /access server/ 进攻 進攻 S 2696 7091 jìn gōng f /to attack/to assault/to go on the offensive/attack/assault/offense (sports)/ 进料 進料 S - 8 jìn liào f /to feed (a machine)/foreign goods (abbr. of 進口資料|进口资料)/ 进来 進來 S - 6878 jìn lái f /to come in/ 进栈 進棧 S - 0 jìn zhàn f /to push on/ 进步 進步 S 1723 5265 jìn bù f /progress/improvement/to improve/to progress/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 进步主义 進步主義 S - 0 jìn bù zhǔ yì f /progressivism/ 进步号 進步號 S - 0 Jìn bù Hào f /Progress (name of Russian spaceship)/ 进水 進水 S - 155 jìn shuǐ f /to have water get in (one's ear, shoes etc)/to get flooded/inflow of water/ 进水口 進水口 S - 32 jìn shuǐ kǒu f /water inlet/ 进水闸 進水閘 S - 17 jìn shuǐ zhá f /water intake/inlet sluice/ 进犯 進犯 S - 342 jìn fàn f /to invade/ 进献 進獻 S - 36 jìn xiàn f /to offer as tribute/ 进球 進球 S - 1023 jìn qiú f /to score a goal/goal (sport)/ 进益 進益 S - 43 jìn yì f /income/(literary) improvement/progress/ 进程 進程 S - 2589 jìn chéng f /process/course/ 进而 進而 S 4581 1372 jìn ér f /and then (what follows next)/ 进行 進行 S 677 54355 jìn xíng f /to advance/to conduct/underway/in progress/to do/to carry out/to carry on/to execute/ 进行交易 進行交易 S - 0 jìn xíng jiāo yì f /to carry out a transaction/ 进行性 進行性 S - 77 jìn xíng xìng f /progressive/gradual/ 进行性交 進行性交 S - 0 jìn xíng xìng jiāo f /to have sex/to have sexual intercourse/ 进行性失语 進行性失語 S - 0 jìn xíng xìng shī yǔ f /progressive aphasia/gradual loss of speech/ 进行曲 進行曲 S - 375 jìn xíng qǔ f /march (musical)/ 进行编程 進行編程 S - 0 jìn xíng biān chéng f /executable program/ 进行通信 進行通信 S - 0 jìn xíng tōng xìn f /to communicate/to carry out communications/ 进补 進補 S - 23 jìn bǔ f /to take a tonic (for one's health)/ 进袭 進襲 S - 66 jìn xí f /raid/to carry out a raid/to invade/ 进言 進言 S - 64 jìn yán f /to put forward a suggestion (to sb in a senior position)/to offer a word of advice/ 进贡 進貢 S - 184 jìn gòng f /to offer tribute/to pay tribute that a vassal owes to his suzerain/ 进贤 進賢 S - 16 Jìn xián f /Jinxian county in Nanchang 南昌, Jiangxi/ 进贤县 進賢縣 S - 4 Jìn xián xiàn f /Jinxian county in Nanchang 南昌, Jiangxi/ 进账 進賬 S - 17 jìn zhàng f /income/receipts/ 进路 進路 S - 13 jìn lù f /way of proceeding/approach (to a task etc)/ 进身 進身 S - 3 jìn shēn f /to get oneself promoted to a higher rank/ 进身之阶 進身之階 S - 8 jìn shēn zhī jiē f /stepping-stone to greater power or higher rank/ 进退 進退 S - 217 jìn tuì f /to advance or retreat/knowing when to come and when to leave/a sense of propriety/ 进退不得 進退不得 S - 0 jìn tuì bù dé f /can't advance or retreat (idiom); no room for maneuver/stalled/in a dilemma/stuck in a difficult position/ 进退两难 進退兩難 S - 80 jìn tuì liǎng nán f /no room to advance or to retreat (idiom); without any way out of a dilemma/trapped/in an impossible situation/ 进退中绳 進退中繩 S - 3 jìn tuì zhōng shéng f /to advance or retreat, each has its rules (idiom from Zhuangzi); many translations are possible/ 进退为难 進退為難 S - 3 jìn tuì wéi nán f /no room to advance or to retreat (idiom); without any way out of a dilemma/trapped/in an impossible situation/ 进退失据 進退失據 S - 3 jìn tuì shī jù f /no room to advance or to retreat (idiom); at a loss/in a hopeless situation/ 进退无路 進退無路 S - 13 jìn tuì wú lù f /to have no alternative (idiom)/ 进退有常 進退有常 S - 3 jìn tuì yǒu cháng f /to advance or retreat, each has its rules (idiom from Zhuangzi); many translations are possible/ 进退维谷 進退維谷 S - 15 jìn tuì wéi gǔ f /no room to advance or to retreat (idiom); without any way out of a dilemma/trapped/in an impossible situation/ 进退自如 進退自如 S - 3 jìn tuì zì rú f /free to advance or retreat/room for maneuver/ 进逼 進逼 S - 199 jìn bī f /to advance on sth/to press closely (on some goal)/ 进道若蜷 進道若蜷 S - 0 jìn dào ruò quán f /entering the Way, you seem to coil back (Laozi 老子, the Book of Dao 道德经, Chap. 14)/progress in the Dao can seem illusory/ 进道若退 進道若退 S - 3 jìn dào ruò tuì f /entering the Way, you seem to coil back (Laozi 老子, the Book of Dao 道德经, Chap. 14)/progress in the Dao can seem illusory/ 进门 進門 S - 872 jìn mén f /to enter a door/to go in/to learn the basics of a subject/to join one's husband's household upon marriage/ 进阶 進階 S - 3 jìn jiē f /advanced/ 进项 進項 S - 46 jìn xiang f /income/receipts/earnings/revenue/ 进食 進食 S - 232 jìn shí f /to take a meal/to eat/ 进餐 進餐 S - 73 jìn cān f /to have a meal/ 进香 進香 S - 64 jìn xiāng f /to burn incense at a temple/ 进驻 進駐 S - 721 jìn zhù f /to enter and garrison/(fig.) to establish a presence in/ 远 遠 S 227 13523 yuǎn t /far/distant/remote/(intensifier in a comparison) by far/much (lower etc)/ 远 遠 S 227 13523 yuàn f /to distance oneself from (classical)/ 远东 遠東 S - 525 Yuǎn dōng f /Far East (loanword)/ 远东山雀 遠東山雀 S - 0 Yuǎn dōng shān què f /(bird species of China) Japanese tit (Parus minor)/ 远东树莺 遠東樹鶯 S - 0 Yuǎn dōng shù yīng f /(bird species of China) Manchurian bush warbler (Horornis borealis)/ 远东苇莺 遠東葦鶯 S - 0 Yuǎn dōng wěi yīng f /(bird species of China) Manchurian reed warbler (Acrocephalus tangorum)/ 远东豹 遠東豹 S - 0 Yuǎn dōng bào f /Amur leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis)/ 远亲 遠親 S - 38 yuǎn qīn f /a distant relative/ 远亲不如近邻 遠親不如近鄰 S - 7 yuǎn qīn bù rú jìn lín f /A relative afar is less use than a close neighbor (idiom). Take whatever help is on hand, even from strangers./ 远人 遠人 S - 0 yuǎn rén f /an estranged person/sb who is alienated/people far from home/ 远光灯 遠光燈 S - 4 yuǎn guāng dēng f /high beam (headlights)/ 远劳 遠勞 S - 0 yuǎn láo f /you have made a long and exhausting journey (套语 polite talk)/you will make a long trip (when asking a favor that involves going to a far away place)/ 远古 遠古 S - 294 yuǎn gǔ f /antiquity/ancient times/ 远因 遠因 S - 0 yuǎn yīn f /indirect cause/remote cause/ 远地点 遠地點 S - 25 yuǎn dì diǎn f /apsis/ 远处 遠處 S - 1580 yuǎn chù f /distant place/ 远大 遠大 S - 101 yuǎn dà f /far-reaching/broad/ambitious/promising/ 远大理想 遠大理想 S - 3 yuǎn dà lǐ xiǎng f /lofty ideal/ 远天 遠天 S - 7 yuǎn tiān f /heaven/the distant sky/ 远安 遠安 S - 783 Yuǎn ān f /Yuan'an county in Yichang 宜昌[Yi2 chang1], Hubei/ 远安县 遠安縣 S - 262 Yuǎn ān xiàn f /Yuan'an county in Yichang 宜昌[Yi2 chang1], Hubei/ 远客 遠客 S - 29 yuǎn kè f /guest from afar/ 远征 遠征 S - 531 yuǎn zhēng f /an expedition, esp. military/march to remote regions/ 远征军 遠征軍 S - 158 yuǎn zhēng jūn f /expeditionary force/army on a distant expedition/ 远志 遠志 S - 29 yuǎn zhì f /far-reaching ambition/lofty ideal/milkwort (Polygala myrtifolia), with roots used in Chinese medicine/ 远房 遠房 S - 36 yuǎn fáng f /distantly related/a distant relative/ 远扬 遠揚 S - 66 yuǎn yáng f /(fame) spreads far and wide/ 远方 遠方 S - 378 yuǎn fāng f /far away/a distant location/ 远方来鸿 遠方來鴻 S - 0 yuǎn fāng lái hóng f /letter from afar (literary)/ 远日点 遠日點 S - 4 yuǎn rì diǎn f /aphelion, the furthest point of a planet in elliptic orbit to the sun/opposite: perihelion 近日點|近日点[jin4 ri4 dian3]/higher apsis/ 远景 遠景 S - 170 yuǎn jǐng f /prospect/long-range view/ 远望 遠望 S - 92 yuǎn wàng f /to gaze afar/to look into the distance/ 远期 遠期 S - 108 yuǎn qī f /long term (loan)/at a fixed date in the future (e.g. for repayment)/abbr. for 遠期合約|远期合约[yuan3 qi1 he2 yue1], forward contract (finance)/ 远期合约 遠期合約 S - 0 yuǎn qī hé yuē f /forward contract (finance)/ 远未解决 遠未解決 S - 0 yuǎn wèi jiě jué f /far from solved/ 远水不救近火 遠水不救近火 S - 2 yuǎn shuǐ bù jiù jìn huǒ f /see 遠水救不了近火|远水救不了近火[yuan3 shui3 jiu4 bu5 liao3 jin4 huo3]/ 远水不解近渴 遠水不解近渴 S - 5 yuǎn shuǐ bù jiě jìn kě f /lit. distant water does not cure present thirst; fig. urgent need/a slow remedy does not address immediate needs/ 远水救不了近火 遠水救不了近火 S - 2 yuǎn shuǐ jiù bu liǎo jìn huǒ f /lit. water from afar quenches not fire; fig. urgent need/a slow remedy does not address the current emergency/ 远洋 遠洋 S - 352 yuǎn yáng f /distant seas/the open ocean (far from the coast)/ 远涉 遠涉 S - 3 yuǎn shè f /to cross (the wide ocean)/ 远渡重洋 遠渡重洋 S - 11 yuǎn dù chóng yáng f /to travel across the oceans/ 远游 遠遊 S - 33 yuǎn yóu f /to travel far/distant wanderings/ 远略 遠略 S - 3 yuǎn lüè f /long-term strategy/ 远眺 遠眺 S - 281 yuǎn tiào f /to gaze into the distance/ 远祖 遠祖 S - 165 yuǎn zǔ f /a remote ancestor/ 远离 遠離 S - 824 yuǎn lí f /to be far from/to keep away from/ 远程 遠程 S - 989 yuǎn chéng f /remote/long distance/long range/ 远程导弹 遠程導彈 S - 0 yuǎn chéng dǎo dàn f /long distance missile/ 远程登录 遠程登錄 S - 0 yuǎn chéng dēng lù f /telnet/rlogin/remote login/ 远程监控 遠程監控 S - 0 yuǎn chéng jiān kòng f /RMON/remote monitoring/ 远端 遠端 S - 3 yuǎn duān f /far end/remote end/remote/distant/ 远端胞浆 遠端胞漿 S - 0 yuǎn duān bāo jiāng f /distal cytoplasm/ 远端转移 遠端轉移 S - 0 yuǎn duān zhuǎn yí f /metastasis/ 远缘 遠緣 S - 21 yuǎn yuán f /distantly related/remote affinity/ 远胄 遠胄 S - 0 yuǎn zhòu f /distant descendants/ 远航 遠航 S - 155 yuǎn háng f /distant sea voyage/ 远藤 遠藤 S - 0 Yuǎn téng f /Endō (Japanese surname)/ 远虑 遠慮 S - 20 yuǎn lǜ f /long term (considerations)/(to take) the long view/ 远行 遠行 S - 151 yuǎn xíng f /a long journey/far from home/ 远见 遠見 S - 174 yuǎn jiàn f /vision/ 远见卓识 遠見卓識 S - 94 yuǎn jiàn zhuó shí f /visionary and sagacious (idiom)/ 远视 遠視 S - 26 yuǎn shì f /farsighted/hyperopia or hypermetropia (farsightedness)/ 远识 遠識 S - 3 yuǎn shí f /foresight/ 远谋 遠謀 S - 4 yuǎn móu f /a long term plan/an ambitious strategy/ 远走高飞 遠走高飛 S - 85 yuǎn zǒu gāo fēi f /to go far/to escape to faraway places/ 远赴 遠赴 S - 0 yuǎn fù f /to travel to (a distant place)/ 远超过 遠超過 S - 3 yuǎn chāo guò f /to exceed by far/to outclass/ 远足 遠足 S - 23 yuǎn zú f /excursion/hike/march/ 远距离 遠距離 S - 293 yuǎn jù lí f /long-distance/ 远距离监视 遠距離監視 S - 0 yuǎn jù lí jiān shì f /off-site monitoring/ 远近 遠近 S - 344 yuǎn jìn f /far and near/distance/ 远近皆知 遠近皆知 S - 3 yuǎn jìn jiē zhī f /known far and wide (idiom)/ 远远 遠遠 S - 3159 yuǎn yuǎn f /distant/ 远远超过 遠遠超過 S - 0 yuǎn yuǎn chāo guò f /surpassing by far/ 远途 遠途 S - 16 yuǎn tú f /long-distance/long-haul/ 远避 遠避 S - 3 yuǎn bì f /to keep at a distance/to forsake/ 远郊 遠郊 S - 42 yuǎn jiāo f /outer suburbs/remote outskirts of a city/ 远销 遠銷 S - 684 yuǎn xiāo f /to sell to faraway lands/ 远门 遠門 S - 35 yuǎn mén f /(to go to) distant parts/faraway/a distant relative/ 远门近枝 遠門近枝 S - 0 yuǎn mén jìn zhī f /near and distant relatives/ 远隔千里 遠隔千里 S - 0 yuǎn gé qiān lǐ f /thousands of miles away/far away/ 远非如此 遠非如此 S - 0 yuǎn fēi rú cǐ f /far from it being so (idiom)/ 违 違 S - 480 wéi f /to disobey/to violate/to separate/to go against/ 违令 違令 S - 34 wéi lìng f /to disobey/to go against orders/ 违例 違例 S - 41 wéi lì f /to break the rules/ 违信背约 違信背約 S - 3 wéi xìn bèi yuē f /in violation of contract and good faith/ 违傲 違傲 S - 0 wéi ào f /to disobey/ 违利赴名 違利赴名 S - 3 wéi lì fù míng f /to renounce profit and seek fame (idiom); to abandon greed for reputation/to choose fame over fortune/ 违别 違別 S - 0 wéi bié f /to leave/to depart/to go against/ 违反 違反 S 1696 1512 wéi fǎn f /to violate (a law)/ 违反宪法 違反憲法 S - 0 wéi fǎn xiàn fǎ f /to violate the constitution/ 违命 違命 S - 0 wéi mìng f /disobedient/to violate the Mandate of Heaven (天命[Tian1 Ming4])/ 违和 違和 S - 0 wéi hé f /unwell/indisposed/out of sorts/euphemism or honorific for ill/ 违天害理 違天害理 S - 3 wéi tiān hài lǐ f /lit. violating heaven and reason (idiom); immoral character/ 违天逆理 違天逆理 S - 3 wéi tiān nì lǐ f /lit. violating heaven and reason (idiom); immoral character/ 违失 違失 S - 0 wéi shī f /fault/mistake/shortcoming/error/misconduct/ 违宪 違憲 S - 71 wéi xiàn f /unconstitutional/ 违强凌弱 違強凌弱 S - 0 wéi qiáng líng ruò f /to avoid the strong and attack the weak (idiom); to bully/also written 違強陵弱|违强陵弱/ 违强陵弱 違強陵弱 S - 3 wéi qiáng líng ruò f /to avoid the strong and attack the weak (idiom); to bully/ 违心 違心 S - 59 wéi xīn f /false/untrue to one's convictions/against one's will/disloyal/ 违心之言 違心之言 S - 3 wéi xīn zhī yán f /false assertion/speech against one's own convictions/ 违忤 違忤 S - 2 wéi wǔ f /to disobey/ 违恩负义 違恩負義 S - 0 wéi ēn fù yì f /to disobey one's benefactor/to violate debts of gratitude/to repay good with evil/ 违悖 違悖 S - 0 wéi bèi f /to transgress/to violate (the rules)/same as 違背|违背/ 违戾 違戾 S - 0 wéi lì f /to violate/to go against/ 违抗 違抗 S - 224 wéi kàng f /to disobey/ 违拗 違拗 S - 147 wéi ào f /to disobey/to defy/deliberately going against (rule, convention, sb's wishes etc)/ 违时绝俗 違時絕俗 S - 3 wéi shí jué sú f /to defy the times and reject custom (idiom); in breach of current conventions/ 违标 違標 S - 0 wéi biāo f /to go against the stipulated criteria/ 违法 違法 S - 1214 wéi fǎ f /illegal/to break the law/ 违法乱纪 違法亂紀 S - 73 wéi fǎ luàn jì f /to violate discipline/ 违犯 違犯 S - 114 wéi fàn f /to violate/to infringe/ 违碍 違礙 S - 6 wéi ài f /taboo/prohibition/ 违禁 違禁 S - 83 wéi jìn f /to violate a prohibition or ban/prohibited/illicit/ 违禁药品 違禁藥品 S - 0 wéi jìn yào pǐn f /illegal medicines/ 违章 違章 S - 178 wéi zhāng f /to break the rules/to violate regulations/ 违章者 違章者 S - 2 wéi zhāng zhě f /violator/lawbreaker/ 违约 違約 S - 196 wéi yuē f /to break a promise/to violate an agreement/to default (on a loan or contract)/ 违约金 違約金 S - 105 wéi yuē jīn f /penalty (fee)/ 违纪 違紀 S - 294 wéi jì f /lack of discipline/to break a rule/to violate discipline/to breach a principle/ 违者 違者 S - 233 wéi zhě f /violator/ 违背 違背 S 3120 887 wéi bèi f /to go against/to be contrary to/to violate/ 违规 違規 S - 463 wéi guī f /to violate (rules)/irregular/illegal/corrupt/ 违言 違言 S - 0 wéi yán f /unreasonable words/wounding complaints/ 违误 違誤 S - 3 wéi wù f /to disobey and cause delays/to obstruct and procrastinate/ 违逆 違逆 S - 15 wéi nì f /to disobey/to defy an edict/to violate/to go against/to run counter to/ 连 連 S 657 23315 Lián f /surname Lian/ 连 連 S 657 23315 lián f /to link/to join/to connect/continuously/in succession/including/(used with 也, 都 etc) even/company (military)/ 连三并四 連三併四 S - 3 lián sān bìng sì f /one after the other/in succession (idiom)/ 连串 連串 S - 22 lián chuàn f /repeated/a series of (accidents)/ 连书 連書 S - 0 lián shū f /to write without lifting one's pen from the paper/(in the Romanization of Chinese) to write two or more syllables together as a single word (not separated by spaces)/ 连云 連雲 S - 8 Lián yún f /Lian'yun district of Lianyungang city 連雲港市|连云港市[Lian2 yun2 gang3 shi4], Jiangsu/ 连云区 連雲區 S - 3 Lián yún qū f /Lian'yun district of Lianyungang city 連雲港市|连云港市[Lian2 yun2 gang3 shi4], Jiangsu/ 连云港 連雲港 S - 137 Lián yún gǎng f /Lianyungang prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ 连云港市 連雲港市 S - 45 Lián yún gǎng shì f /Lianyungang prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ 连任 連任 S - 334 lián rèn f /to continue in (a political) office/to serve for another term of office/ 连体 連體 S - 13 lián tǐ f /conjoined (twins)/ 连体双胞胎 連體雙胞胎 S - 0 lián tǐ shuāng bāo tāi f /conjoined twins/Siamese twins/ 连体婴 連體嬰 S - 3 lián tǐ yīng f /conjoined twins/ 连体婴儿 連體嬰兒 S - 0 lián tǐ yīng ér f /conjoined twins/Siamese twins/ 连写 連寫 S - 10 lián xiě f /to write without lifting one's pen from the paper/(in the Romanization of Chinese) to write two or more syllables together as a single word (not separated by spaces)/ 连击 連擊 S - 3 lián jī f /to batter/combo (hit) (gaming)/(volleyball, table tennis etc) double hit/double contact/ 连动 連動 S - 20 lián dòng f /to link/to peg (currency)/gang (gears)/continuously/serial verb construction/ 连动债 連動債 S - 0 lián dòng zhài f /structured note (finance)/ 连南县 連南縣 S - 0 Lián nán xiàn f /Liannan Yaozu autonomous county in Qingyuan 清远, Guangdong/ 连南瑶族自治县 連南瑤族自治縣 S - 2 Lián nán Yáo zú Zì zhì xiàn f /Liannan Yao Autonomous County in Qingyuan 清遠|清远[Qing1 yuan3], Guangdong/ 连卺 連巹 S - 0 lián jǐn f /to share nuptial cup/fig. to get married/ 连县 連縣 S - 3 Lián xiàn f /Lian county in Guangdong/ 连号 連號 S - 3 lián hào f /consecutive serial numbers/chain (of supermarkets, hotels etc)/hyphen/ 连合 連合 S - 21 lián hé f /to combine/to join/to unite/alliance/same as 联合|聯合/ 连同 連同 S 4243 981 lián tóng f /together with/along with/ 连哄带骗 連哄帶騙 S - 0 lián hōng dài piàn f /to cajole/to sweet talk sb into doing sth/ 连坐 連坐 S - 73 lián zuò f /to implicate and punish also the criminal's associates/ 连城 連城 S - 107 Lián chéng f /Liancheng county level city in Longyan 龍岩|龙岩, Fujian/ 连城县 連城縣 S - 3 Lián chéng xiàn f /Liancheng county in Longyan 龍岩|龙岩, Fujian/ 连声 連聲 S - 782 lián shēng f /repeatedly (say something)/ 连夜 連夜 S - 826 lián yè f /that very night/through the night/for several nights in a row/ 连天 連天 S - 117 lián tiān f /reaching the sky/for days on end/incessantly/ 连奔带跑 連奔帶跑 S - 0 lián bēn dài pǎo f /to run quickly/to rush/to gallop/ 连字号 連字號 S - 3 lián zì hào f /hyphen (punct.)/ 连字符 連字符 S - 0 lián zì fú f /hyphen/ 连字符号 連字符號 S - 0 lián zì fú hào f /hyphen/ 连宵 連宵 S - 0 lián xiāo f /the same night/that very night/successive nights/ 连山 連山 S - 32 Lián shān f /Lianshan district of Huludao city 葫蘆島市|葫芦岛市, Liaoning/ 连山区 連山區 S - 3 Lián shān qū f /Lianshan district of Huludao city 葫蘆島市|葫芦岛市, Liaoning/ 连山县 連山縣 S - 0 Lián shān xiàn f /Lianshan Zhuang and Yao autonomous county in Qingyuan 清远, Guangdong/ 连山壮族瑶族自治县 連山壯族瑤族自治縣 S - 3 Lián shān Zhuàng zú Yáo zú zì zhì xiàn f /Lianshan Zhuang and Yao autonomous county in Qingyuan 清远, Guangdong/ 连州 連州 S - 9 Lián zhōu f /Lianzhou county level city in Qingyuan 清远, Guangdong/ 连州市 連州市 S - 2 Lián zhōu shì f /Lianzhou county level city in Qingyuan 清远, Guangdong/ 连带 連帶 S - 342 lián dài f /to be related/to entail/to involve/joint (liability etc)/ 连带责任 連帶責任 S - 3 lián dài zé rèn f /to bear joint responsibility for sth/joint liability (law)/ 连平 連平 S - 22 Lián píng f /Lianping county in Heyuan 河源[He2 yuan2], Guangdong/ 连平县 連平縣 S - 2 Lián píng xiàn f /Lianping county in Heyuan 河源[He2 yuan2], Guangdong/ 连年 連年 S 4955 425 lián nián f /successive years/over many years/ 连忙 連忙 S 2500 2085 lián máng f /promptly/at once/ 连战 連戰 S - 63 Lián Zhàn f /Lien Chan (1936-), Taiwanese politician, former vice-president and chairman of Guomintang/ 连战连胜 連戰連勝 S - 0 lián zhàn lián shèng f /fighting and winning a series of battles (idiom); ever victorious/ 连手 連手 S - 13 lián shǒu f /concerted action/to collude (in dishonesty)/ 连拖带拉 連拖帶拉 S - 0 lián tuō dài lā f /pushing and pulling (idiom)/ 连指手套 連指手套 S - 0 lián zhǐ shǒu tào f /mittens/ 连接 連接 S - 2554 lián jiē f /to link/to join/to attach/connection/a link (on web page)/ 连接号 連接號 S - 2 lián jiē hào f /hyphen/ 连接器 連接器 S - 13 lián jiē qì f /connector/ 连接框 連接框 S - 0 lián jiē kuàng f /connection frame/linked frame/ 连接至 連接至 S - 0 lián jiē zhì f /to connect to/ 连接词 連接詞 S - 3 lián jiē cí f /conjunction/ 连接酶 連接酶 S - 3 lián jiē méi f /ligase/ 连日 連日 S - 336 lián rì f /day after day/for several days running/ 连本带利 連本帶利 S - 3 lián běn dài lì f /both principal and interest/capital plus profit/ 连枷 連枷 S - 3 lián jiā f /flail/ 连枷胸 連枷胸 S - 0 lián jiā xiōng f /flail chest (medicine)/ 连根拔 連根拔 S - 17 lián gēn bá f /to pull up by the roots/to uproot/ 连横 連橫 S - 3 Lián Héng f /Horizontal Alliance, clique of the School of Diplomacy 縱橫家|纵横家[Zong4 heng2 jia1] during the Warring States Period (425-221 BC)/ 连歌 連歌 S - 0 lián gē f /renga/ 连比 連比 S - 3 lián bǐ f /compound ratio/ 连江 連江 S - 15 Lián jiāng f /Lianjiang county in Fuzhou 福州[Fu2 zhou1], Fujian/Lienchiang county of Taiwan, i.e. the Matsu Islands 馬祖列島|马祖列岛[Ma3 zu3 Lie4 dao3]/ 连江县 連江縣 S - 2 Lián jiāng xiàn f /Lianjiang county in Fuzhou 福州[Fu2 zhou1], Fujian/Lienchiang county of Taiwan, i.e. the Matsu Islands 馬祖列島|马祖列岛[Ma3 zu3 Lie4 dao3]/ 连滚带爬 連滾帶爬 S - 39 lián gǔn dài pá f /rolling and crawling/trying frantically to escape (idiom)/ 连片 連片 S - 49 lián piàn f /forming a continuous sheet/continuous/contiguous/closely grouped/ 连环 連環 S - 267 lián huán f /chain/ 连环图 連環圖 S - 0 lián huán tú f /comic strip/ 连环杀手 連環殺手 S - 0 lián huán shā shǒu f /serial killer/ 连环画 連環畫 S - 81 lián huán huà f /lianhuanhua (graphic novel)/ 连环计 連環計 S - 13 lián huán jì f /interlocked stratagems/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 连珠 連珠 S - 154 lián zhū f /joined as a string of pearls/in rapid succession/alignment/Renju, a Japanese game, also called Gomoku or five-in-a-row/ 连珠炮 連珠砲 S - 40 lián zhū pào f /in quick-fire succession/ 连理 連理 S - 35 lián lǐ f /two trees that grow together as one/fig. conjugal union/ 连璧 連璧 S - 0 lián bì f /to join jade annuli/fig. to combine two good things/ 连用 連用 S - 37 lián yòng f /to continue using/use together with sth/use next/ 连番 連番 S - 17 lián fān f /repeatedly/ 连笔 連筆 S - 7 lián bǐ f /to write without lifting one's pen from the paper/ 连篇累牍 連篇累牘 S - 37 lián piān lěi dú f /(of a piece of writing) long and tedious (idiom)/verbose/ 连系 連繫 S - 3 lián xì f /to link/to connect/ 连系词 連繫詞 S - 0 lián xì cí f /copula (linguistics)/ 连累 連累 S - 208 lián lěi f /to involve/to implicate sb/to spread to others (harm, trouble, damage etc)/ 连线 連線 S - 162 lián xiàn f /electrical lead/connecting line/(Tw) to connect (to a network, device etc)/to go online/connection/ 连结 連結 S - 239 lián jié f /variant of 聯結|联结[lian2 jie2]/ 连结主义 連結主義 S - 0 lián jié zhǔ yì f /connectionism/ 连结线 連結線 S - 3 lián jié xiàn f /tie (music)/ 连络 連絡 S - 18 lián luò f /variant of 聯絡|联络[lian2 luo4]/ 连续 連續 S 1827 6317 lián xù f /continuous/in a row/serial/consecutive/ 连续不断 連續不斷 S - 112 lián xù bù duàn f /continuous/unceasing/ 连续介质力学 連續介質力學 S - 0 lián xù jiè zhì lì xué f /mechanics of a continuous medium/fluid mechanics/ 连续函数 連續函數 S - 31 lián xù hán shù f /continuous function/ 连续剧 連續劇 S - 136 lián xù jù f /serialized drama/dramatic series/show in parts/ 连续变调 連續變調 S - 0 lián xù biàn diào f /tone sandhi/ 连续性 連續性 S - 257 lián xù xìng f /continuity/ 连续犯 連續犯 S - 3 lián xù fàn f /successive offenses/serial crime/ 连续监视 連續監視 S - 0 lián xù jiān shì f /continuous monitoring/ 连续统假设 連續統假設 S - 0 lián xù tǒng jiǎ shè f /(math.) the continuum hypothesis/ 连续译码阶段 連續譯碼階段 S - 0 lián xù yì mǎ jiē duàn f /sequential decoding stage/ 连续集 連續集 S - 0 lián xù jí f /TV series/ 连绵 連綿 S - 193 lián mián f /continuous/unbroken/uninterrupted/extending forever into the distance (of mountain range, river etc)/ 连绵词 連綿詞 S - 0 lián mián cí f /variant of 聯綿詞|联绵词[lian2 mian2 ci2]/ 连缀 連綴 S - 24 lián zhuì f /to put together/linking/successive/a cluster/ 连缀动词 連綴動詞 S - 0 lián zhuì dòng cí f /linking verb/ 连署 連署 S - 4 lián shǔ f /to cosign/to countersign/ 连翘 連翹 S - 32 lián qiáo f /Forsythia/ 连翩 連翩 S - 4 lián piān f /variant of 聯翩|联翩[lian2 pian1]/ 连衣裙 連衣裙 S - 61 lián yī qún f /woman's dress/frock/gown/ 连袂 連袂 S - 9 lián mèi f /variant of 聯袂|联袂[lian2 mei4]/ 连裤袜 連褲襪 S - 3 lián kù wà f /panty hose/tights/CL:雙|双[shuang1]/ 连襟 連襟 S - 5 lián jīn f /husbands of sisters/brothers-in-law/extremely close (of a relationship)/ 连词 連詞 S - 20 lián cí f /conjunction/ 连读 連讀 S - 3 lián dú f /liaison (in phonetics)/ 连败 連敗 S - 82 lián bài f /consecutive defeats/to lose several times in a row/ 连贯 連貫 S - 154 lián guàn f /to link up (disparate elements)/coherent (narrative, argument etc)/ 连踢带打 連踢帶打 S - 3 lián tī dài dǎ f /to kick and beat (idiom)/ 连轴转 連軸轉 S - 13 lián zhóu zhuàn f /lit. to continuously revolve/to work non-stop/to work around the clock (idiom)/ 连载 連載 S - 97 lián zǎi f /serialized/published as a serial (in a newspaper)/ 连连 連連 S - 1418 lián lián f /repeatedly/again and again/ 连通 連通 S - 160 lián tōng f /to connect/to communicate/to relate/(math.) connected/ 连通器 連通器 S - 4 lián tōng qì f /communicating vessels (in scientific experiment)/ 连铸 連鑄 S - 0 lián zhù f /continuous casting (metallurgy)/ 连销店 連銷店 S - 0 lián xiāo diàn f /chain store/ 连锁 連鎖 S 3807 466 lián suǒ f /to interlock/to be linked/chain (store etc)/ 连锁反应 連鎖反應 S - 67 lián suǒ fǎn yìng f /chain reaction/ 连锁商店 連鎖商店 S - 3 lián suǒ shāng diàn f /chain store/ 连锁店 連鎖店 S - 127 lián suǒ diàn f /chain store/ 连锅端 連鍋端 S - 8 lián guō duān f /to take even the cooking pots (idiom)/to clean out/to wipe out/ 连镳并轸 連鑣並軫 S - 3 lián biāo bìng zhěn f /lit. reins together and carriages level (idiom); keeping exactly abreast of one another/running neck and neck/ 连长 連長 S - 522 lián zhǎng f /company commander/ 连队 連隊 S - 390 lián duì f /company (of troops)/ 连音 連音 S - 3 lián yīn f /tuplet (music)/sandhi (phonetics)/ 连骨肉 連骨肉 S - 3 lián gǔ ròu f /chop/rib meat/ 迟 遲 S - 1919 Chí f /surname Chi/ 迟 遲 S - 1919 chí f /late/delayed/slow/ 迟了 遲了 S - 0 chí le f /late/ 迟交 遲交 S - 0 chí jiāo f /to delay handing over (payment, homework etc)/ 迟到 遲到 S 471 337 chí dào f /to arrive late/ 迟发性损伤 遲發性損傷 S - 0 chí fā xìng sǔn shāng f /delayed lesion/ 迟延 遲延 S - 44 chí yán f /to delay/ 迟慢 遲慢 S - 3 chí màn f /slow/late/ 迟早 遲早 S 1836 517 chí zǎo f /sooner or later/ 迟暮 遲暮 S - 47 chí mù f /past one's prime/ 迟浩田 遲浩田 S - 130 Chí Hào tián f /Chi Haotian (1929-), Chinese Minister of National Defense 1993-2003/ 迟滞 遲滯 S - 85 chí zhì f /delay/procrastination/ 迟疑 遲疑 S 4339 862 chí yí f /to hesitate/ 迟缓 遲緩 S 4553 262 chí huǎn f /slow/sluggish/ 迟误 遲誤 S - 81 chí wù f /to delay/to procrastinate/ 迟迟 遲遲 S - 415 chí chí f /late (with a task etc)/slow/ 迟钝 遲鈍 S 3456 250 chí dùn f /slow in one's reactions/sluggish (in movement or thought)/ 迟顿 遲頓 S - 0 chí dùn f /inactive/obtuse/ 迢 - 8 tiáo f /remote/ 迣 - 0 zhì f /to leap over/ 迤 - 206 yí t /winding/ 迤 - 206 yǐ f /extending to/ 迤逦 迤邐 S - 101 yǐ lǐ f /meandering/winding/ 迤邐 迤逦 T - 101 yǐ lǐ f /meandering/winding/ 迥 㢠 S - 396 jiǒng f /variant of 迥[jiong3]/ 迥 - 396 jiǒng f /distant/ 迥 逈 S - 396 jiǒng f /old variant of 迥[jiong3]/ 迥异 迥異 S - 107 jiǒng yì f /totally different/ 迥然 - 12 jiǒng rán f /vastly (different)/ 迥然不同 - 118 jiǒng rán bù tóng f /widely different/utterly different/ 迥異 迥异 T - 107 jiǒng yì f /totally different/ 迦 - 349 jiā f /(phonetic sound for Buddhist terms)/ 迦南 - 9 Jiā nán f /Canaan (in Biblical Palestine)/ 迦叶佛 迦葉佛 S - 0 jiā yè fó f /Buddha Kassapa (Pāli) or Kāśyapa (Skt) (one of the Buddhas of the past)/ 迦太基 - 548 Jiā tài jī f /Carthage/ 迦持 - 0 jiā chí f /the laws of the Buddhism/ 迦納 迦纳 T - 3 Jiā nà f /Ghana (Tw)/ 迦纳 迦納 S - 3 Jiā nà f /Ghana (Tw)/ 迦葉佛 迦叶佛 T - 0 jiā yè fó f /Buddha Kassapa (Pāli) or Kāśyapa (Skt) (one of the Buddhas of the past)/ 迨 - 108 dài f /until/while/ 迩 邇 S - 42 ěr f /recently/near/close/ 迩来 邇來 S - 3 ěr lái f /recently/until now/up to the present/lately/also written 爾來|尔来/ 迪 - 393 dí f /to enlighten/ 迪伦 迪倫 S - 7 Dí lún f /Dylan/ 迪倫 迪伦 T - 7 Dí lún f /Dylan/ 迪克 - 17 Dí kè f /Dick (person name)/ 迪化 - 21 Dí huà f /Dihua or Tihwa (old name of Ürümqi 烏魯木齊|乌鲁木齐[Wu1 lu3 mu4 qi2])/ 迪厅 迪廳 S - 3 dí tīng f /disco/night club/abbr. for 迪斯科廳|迪斯科厅/ 迪吉里杜管 - 0 dí jí lǐ dù guǎn f /didgeridoo (loanword)/ 迪吧 - 3 dí bā f /disco (coll.)/diva (loanword)/ 迪士尼 - 195 Dí shì ní f /Disney (name)/ 迪士尼乐园 迪士尼樂園 S - 0 dí shì ní lè yuán f /Disneyland/ 迪士尼樂園 迪士尼乐园 T - 0 dí shì ní lè yuán f /Disneyland/ 迪奥 迪奧 S - 122 Dí ào f /Dior (brand name)/ 迪奧 迪奥 T - 122 Dí ào f /Dior (brand name)/ 迪庄 迪莊 S - 0 Dí zhuāng f /Dijon (French town)/ 迪庆州 迪慶州 S - 0 Dí qìng zhōu f /abbr. for 迪慶藏族自治州|迪庆藏族自治州, Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/ 迪庆藏族自治州 迪慶藏族自治州 S - 13 Dí qìng Zàng zú zì zhì zhōu f /Dêqên or Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture, northwest Yunnan, capital Jiantang 建塘鎮|建塘镇[Jian4 tang2 zhen4]/ 迪廳 迪厅 T - 3 dí tīng f /disco/night club/abbr. for 迪斯科廳|迪斯科厅/ 迪慶州 迪庆州 T - 0 Dí qìng zhōu f /abbr. for 迪慶藏族自治州|迪庆藏族自治州, Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/ 迪慶藏族自治州 迪庆藏族自治州 T - 13 Dí qìng Zàng zú zì zhì zhōu f /Dêqên or Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture, northwest Yunnan, capital Jiantang 建塘鎮|建塘镇[Jian4 tang2 zhen4]/ 迪戈·加西亚岛 迪戈·加西亞島 S - 0 Dí gē · Jiā xī yà Dǎo f /Diego Garcia tropical island and US military base in the Indian Ocean, main island of Chago archipelago 查戈斯群島|查戈斯群岛[Cha2 ge1 si1 Qun2 dao3]/ 迪戈·加西亞島 迪戈·加西亚岛 T - 0 Dí gē · Jiā xī yà Dǎo f /Diego Garcia tropical island and US military base in the Indian Ocean, main island of Chago archipelago 查戈斯群島|查戈斯群岛[Cha2 ge1 si1 Qun2 dao3]/ 迪拜 - 113 Dí bài f /Dubai (also 杜拜[Du4 bai4])/ 迪斯可 - 3 dí sī kě f /disco (loanword) (Tw)/ 迪斯尼 - 331 Dí sī ní f /(Walt) Disney/Disneyland/ 迪斯尼乐园 迪斯尼樂園 S - 83 Dí sī ní lè yuán f /Disneyland/ 迪斯尼樂園 迪斯尼乐园 T - 83 Dí sī ní lè yuán f /Disneyland/ 迪斯科 - 28 dí sī kē f /disco (loanword)/ 迪斯科厅 迪斯科廳 S - 0 dí sī kē tīng f /disco hall/nightclub/ 迪斯科吧 - 0 dí sī kē bā f /discotheque/ 迪斯科廳 迪斯科厅 T - 0 dí sī kē tīng f /disco hall/nightclub/ 迪斯雷利 - 0 Dí sī léi lì f /Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881), British conservative politician and novelist, prime minister 1868-1880/ 迪莊 迪庄 T - 0 Dí zhuāng f /Dijon (French town)/ 迫 廹 S - 929 pò f /variant of 迫[po4]/to persecute/to oppress/embarrassed/ 迫 - 929 pò f /to force/to compel/to approach or go towards/urgent/pressing/ 迫不及待 3117 303 pò bù jí dài f /impatient (idiom); in a hurry/itching to get on with it/ 迫不得已 - 188 pò bù dé yǐ f /to have no alternative (idiom); compelled by circumstances/forced into sth/ 迫临 迫臨 S - 3 pò lín f /to approach/to press in/ 迫于 迫於 S - 326 pò yú f /constrained/restricted/forced to/under pressure to do sth/ 迫令 - 3 pò lìng f /to order/to force/ 迫使 - 1393 pò shǐ f /to force/to compel/ 迫促 - 14 pò cù f /to urge/urgent/pressing/ 迫击炮 迫擊炮 S - 455 pǎi jī pào f /mortar (weapon)/ 迫切 2311 756 pò qiè f /urgent/pressing/ 迫切性 - 22 pò qiè xìng f /urgency/ 迫在眉睫 - 188 pò zài méi jié f /pressing in on one's eyelashes (idiom); imminent/ 迫害 3740 701 pò hài f /to persecute/persecution/ 迫擊炮 迫击炮 T - 455 pǎi jī pào f /mortar (weapon)/ 迫於 迫于 T - 326 pò yú f /constrained/restricted/forced to/under pressure to do sth/ 迫胁 迫脅 S - 0 pò xié f /to coerce/fig. narrow/ 迫脅 迫胁 T - 0 pò xié f /to coerce/fig. narrow/ 迫臨 迫临 T - 3 pò lín f /to approach/to press in/ 迫視 迫视 T - 0 pò shì f /to stare at/to watch intently/ 迫视 迫視 S - 0 pò shì f /to stare at/to watch intently/ 迫近 - 160 pò jìn f /to approach/to press in/ 迫降 - 74 pò jiàng t /to force a plane to land/ 迫降 - 74 pò xiáng f /to force sb to surrender/ 迭 - 463 dié f /alternately/repeatedly/ 迭代 - 44 dié dài f /iteration (math.)/repeated substitution/ 迭起 - 58 dié qǐ f /continuously arising/to arise repeatedly/ 迭部 - 5 Dié bù f /Têwo or Diebu county in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘南藏族自治州[Gan1 nan2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ 迭部县 迭部縣 S - 4 Dié bù xiàn f /Têwo or Diebu county in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘南藏族自治州[Gan1 nan2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ 迭部縣 迭部县 T - 4 Dié bù xiàn f /Têwo or Diebu county in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘南藏族自治州[Gan1 nan2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ 迮 - 6 zé f /haste/to press/ 迮径 迮徑 S - 0 zé jìng f /narrow path/ 迮徑 迮径 T - 0 zé jìng f /narrow path/ 述 - 1671 shù f /to state/to tell/to narrate/to relate/ 述語 述语 T - 3 shù yǔ f /predicate/ 述說 述说 T - 215 shù shuō f /to recount/to narrate/to give an account of/ 述语 述語 S - 3 shù yǔ f /predicate/ 述说 述說 S - 215 shù shuō f /to recount/to narrate/to give an account of/ 迳 逕 S - 343 jìng f /way/path/direct/diameter/ 迳向 逕向 S - 0 jìng xiàng f /radial/ 迳庭 逕庭 S - 3 jìng tíng f /very different/ 迳流 逕流 S - 0 jìng liú f /runoff/ 迳直 逕直 S - 3 jìng zhí f /straight/direct/ 迳自 逕自 S - 3 jìng zì f /on one's own/without consulting others/ 迳赛 逕賽 S - 0 jìng sài f /track/ 迳迹 逕跡 S - 0 jìng jì f /track/ 迴 回 T 53 23572 huí f /to curve/to return/to revolve/ 迴廊 回廊 T - 276 huí láng f /winding corridor/cloister/ambulatory (covered walkway around a cloister)/ 迴旋 回旋 T - 582 huí xuán f /to turn around/maneuvering room/leeway/ 迴盪 回荡 T - 140 huí dàng f /to resound/to reverberate/to echo/ 迴紋針 回纹针 T - 3 huí wén zhēn f /paper clip/ 迴轉 回转 T - 298 huí zhuǎn f /to revolve/to rotate/rotation/ 迴避 回避 T 3219 984 huí bì f /to shun/to avoid (sb)/to skirt/to evade (an issue)/to step back/to withdraw/to recuse (a judge etc)/ 迴響 回响 T - 67 huí xiǎng f /to echo/to reverberate/to respond/echo/response/reaction/ 迶 - 0 yòu f /to walk/ 迷 - 1608 mí f /to bewilder/crazy about/fan/enthusiast/lost/confused/ 迷上 - 3 mí shàng f /to become excited with/to be enchanted by/ 迷不知返 - 0 mí bù zhī fǎn f /to go astray and to not know how to get back on the right path (idiom)/ 迷乱 迷亂 S - 3 mí luàn f /confusion/ 迷亂 迷乱 T - 3 mí luàn f /confusion/ 迷人 2659 421 mí rén f /fascinating/enchanting/charming/tempting/ 迷住 - 59 mí zhu f /to fascinate/to strongly attract/to obsess/to infatuate/to captivate/to enchant/ 迷你 - 51 mí nǐ f /mini (as in mini-skirt or Mini Cooper) (loanword)/ 迷你裙 - 7 mí nǐ qún f /miniskirt/ 迷信 3586 689 mí xìn f /superstition/to have a superstitious belief (in sth)/ 迷因 - 0 mí yīn f /meme (loanword)/ 迷夢 迷梦 T - 11 mí mèng f /pipedream/unrealizable plan/ 迷失 - 230 mí shī f /to lose (one's bearings)/to get lost/ 迷奸 迷姦 S - 3 mí jiān f /to drug and then rape sb/ 迷姦 迷奸 T - 3 mí jiān f /to drug and then rape sb/ 迷宫 迷宮 S - 321 mí gōng f /maze/labyrinth/ 迷宮 迷宫 T - 321 mí gōng f /maze/labyrinth/ 迷幻 - 21 mí huàn f /psychedelic/hallucinatory/ 迷幻剂 迷幻劑 S - 0 mí huàn jì f /a psychedelic/hallucinogen/ 迷幻劑 迷幻剂 T - 0 mí huàn jì f /a psychedelic/hallucinogen/ 迷幻药 迷幻藥 S - 5 mí huàn yào f /hallucinogen/dimethyltryptamine (DMT)/psychedelic/ 迷幻藥 迷幻药 T - 5 mí huàn yào f /hallucinogen/dimethyltryptamine (DMT)/psychedelic/ 迷幻蘑菇 - 0 mí huàn mó gu f /psilocybin mushroom/magic mushroom/ 迷彩 - 77 mí cǎi f /camouflage/ 迷彩服 - 103 mí cǎi fú f /camouflage clothing/ 迷思 - 3 mí sī f /myth (loanword)/ 迷恋 迷戀 S - 436 mí liàn f /to be infatuated with/to indulge in/ 迷惑 3139 435 mí huo f /to puzzle/to confuse/to baffle/ 迷惑不解 - 53 mí huò bù jiě f /to feel puzzled/ 迷惑龍 迷惑龙 T - 0 mí huo lóng f /apatosaurus/former name: brontosaurus/also called 雷龍|雷龙[lei2 long2]/ 迷惑龙 迷惑龍 S - 0 mí huo lóng f /apatosaurus/former name: brontosaurus/also called 雷龍|雷龙[lei2 long2]/ 迷惘 - 186 mí wǎng f /perplexed/at a loss/ 迷戀 迷恋 T - 436 mí liàn f /to be infatuated with/to indulge in/ 迷晕 迷暈 S - 0 mí yūn f /to knock sb out with a drug/to render sb unconscious/ 迷暈 迷晕 T - 0 mí yūn f /to knock sb out with a drug/to render sb unconscious/ 迷梦 迷夢 S - 11 mí mèng f /pipedream/unrealizable plan/ 迷津 - 20 mí jīn f /a maze/to lose the way/bewildering/ 迷漫 - 27 mí màn f /vast haze/lost in boundless mists/ 迷濛 迷蒙 T - 53 mí méng f /misty/ 迷瞪 - 5 mí dèng f /puzzled/bewildered/infatuated/ 迷离 迷離 S - 106 mí lí f /blurred/hard to make out distinctly/ 迷离惝恍 迷離惝恍 S - 3 mí lí chǎng huǎng f /indistinct/blurred/bewildering/confusing to the eye (idiom)/ 迷离马虎 迷離馬虎 S - 0 mí lí mǎ hu f /muddle-headed/ 迷糊 - 240 mí hu f /muddle-headed/dazed/only half conscious/ 迷航 - 8 mí háng f /off course/lost (of ship or plane)/having lost one's way/ 迷茫 - 238 mí máng f /vast and indistinct/perplexed/bewildered/at a loss/ 迷药 迷藥 S - 3 mí yào f /knockout drops/incapacitating agent/Mickey Finn/ 迷蒙 迷濛 S - 53 mí méng f /misty/ 迷藥 迷药 T - 3 mí yào f /knockout drops/incapacitating agent/Mickey Finn/ 迷誤 迷误 T - 59 mí wù f /to mislead/to confuse/error/misconception/erroneous/ 迷误 迷誤 S - 59 mí wù f /to mislead/to confuse/error/misconception/erroneous/ 迷走神經 迷走神经 T - 37 mí zǒu shén jīng f /vagus nerve/ 迷走神经 迷走神經 S - 37 mí zǒu shén jīng f /vagus nerve/ 迷路 1045 155 mí lù f /to lose the way/lost/labyrinth/labyrinthus vestibularis (of the inner ear)/ 迷踪罗汉拳 迷蹤羅漢拳 S - 0 mí zōng luó hàn quán f /Mizongyi, Mizong, My Jhong Law Horn - "Lost Track Fist" (Chinese Martial Art)/ 迷蹤羅漢拳 迷踪罗汉拳 T - 0 mí zōng luó hàn quán f /Mizongyi, Mizong, My Jhong Law Horn - "Lost Track Fist" (Chinese Martial Art)/ 迷迭香 - 10 mí dié xiāng f /rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)/ 迷迷糊糊 - 310 mí mí hū hū f /in a daze/bewildered/ 迷途 - 50 mí tú f /to lose one's way/ 迷途知返 - 15 mí tú zhī fǎn f /to get back on the right path/to mend one's ways/ 迷醉 - 30 mí zuì f /bewitched/intoxicated by sth/ 迷阵 迷陣 S - 4 mí zhèn f /maze/ 迷陣 迷阵 T - 4 mí zhèn f /maze/ 迷離 迷离 T - 106 mí lí f /blurred/hard to make out distinctly/ 迷離惝恍 迷离惝恍 T - 3 mí lí chǎng huǎng f /indistinct/blurred/bewildering/confusing to the eye (idiom)/ 迷離馬虎 迷离马虎 T - 0 mí lí mǎ hu f /muddle-headed/ 迷雾 迷霧 S - 192 mí wù f /dense fog/fig. completely misleading/ 迷霧 迷雾 T - 192 mí wù f /dense fog/fig. completely misleading/ 迷魂 - 48 mí hún f /to bewitch/to enchant/to cast a spell over sb/ 迷魂汤 迷魂湯 S - 16 mí hún tāng f /lit. waters of oblivion/mythological magic potion to bewitch sb/ 迷魂湯 迷魂汤 T - 16 mí hún tāng f /lit. waters of oblivion/mythological magic potion to bewitch sb/ 迷魂阵 迷魂陣 S - 29 mí hún zhèn f /stratagem to trap sb/to bewitch and trap/ 迷魂陣 迷魂阵 T - 29 mí hún zhèn f /stratagem to trap sb/to bewitch and trap/ 迷魂香 - 0 mí hún xiāng f /a kind of sleeping gas or smoke used by thieves to incapacitate victims/ 迷鳥 迷鸟 T - 0 mí niǎo f /vagrant bird (a migrating bird which has lost its way)/a vagrant/ 迷鸟 迷鳥 S - 0 mí niǎo f /vagrant bird (a migrating bird which has lost its way)/a vagrant/ 迸 - 404 bèng f /to burst forth/to spurt/to crack/split/ 迸发 迸發 S 4469 130 bèng fā f /to burst forth/ 迸发出 迸發出 S - 3 bèng fā chū f /to burst forth/to burst out/ 迸流 - 3 bèng liú f /to gush/to spurt/ 迸發 迸发 T 4469 130 bèng fā f /to burst forth/ 迸發出 迸发出 T - 3 bèng fā chū f /to burst forth/to burst out/ 迹 跡 S - 580 jì f /footprint/mark/trace/vestige/sign/indication/Taiwan pr. [ji1]/ 迹 蹟 S - 580 jì f /variant of 跡|迹[ji4]/ 迹 - 580 jì f /variant of 跡|迹[ji4]/ 迹线 跡線 S - 3 jì xiàn f /trajectory/ 迹证 跡證 S - 0 jì zhèng f /traces of/material evidence/ 迹象 跡象 S 2769 780 jì xiàng f /mark/indication/sign/indicator/ 迺 乃 T - 4905 nǎi f /variant of 乃[nai3]/ 迻 - 2 yí f /to shift/to transfer/ 追 1321 5675 duī f /to sculpt/to carve/musical instrument (old)/ 追 1321 5675 zhuī t /to chase after/to seek/to do one's utmost to seek or procure sth/to recall/ 追上 - 3 zhuī shàng f /to overtake/ 追亡逐北 - 2 zhuī wáng zhú běi f /to pursue and attack a fleeing enemy/ 追光灯 追光燈 S - 3 zhuī guāng dēng f /(theater) spotlight/followspot/ 追光燈 追光灯 T - 3 zhuī guāng dēng f /(theater) spotlight/followspot/ 追击 追擊 S - 515 zhuī jī f /to pursue and attack/ 追剿 - 43 zhuī jiǎo f /to pursue and eliminate/to suppress/ 追加 - 952 zhuī jiā f /to add something extra/an additional increment/addendum/to append/an additional posthumous title/ 追叙 追敘 S - 4 zhuī xù f /to recount what happened prior to events already known/ 追問 追问 T - 623 zhuī wèn f /to question closely/to investigate in detail/to examine minutely/to get to the heart of the matter/ 追回 - 73 zhuī huí f /to recover (sth lost or stolen)/to get back/ 追奔逐北 - 3 zhuī bēn zhú běi f /to pursue and attack a fleeing enemy/ 追客 - 0 zhuī kè f /avid fan who anxiously awaits new content/ 追寻 追尋 S - 251 zhuī xún f /to pursue/to track down/to search/ 追寻现代中国 追尋現代中國 S - 0 zhuī xún xiàn dài Zhōng guó f /In search of Modern China by Jonathan D Spence 史景遷|史景迁/ 追封 - 3 zhuī fēng f /to confer a posthumous title/ 追尊 - 0 zhuī zūn f /posthumous honorific name/ 追尋 追寻 T - 251 zhuī xún f /to pursue/to track down/to search/ 追尋現代中國 追寻现代中国 T - 0 zhuī xún xiàn dài Zhōng guó f /In search of Modern China by Jonathan D Spence 史景遷|史景迁/ 追尾 - 12 zhuī wěi f /to tailgate/to hit the car in front as a result of tailgating/ 追忆 追憶 S - 97 zhuī yì f /to recollect/to recall (past times)/to look back/ 追念 - 18 zhuī niàn f /to recollect/ 追怀 追懷 S - 3 zhuī huái f /to recall/to bring to mind/to reminisce/ 追思 - 47 zhuī sī f /memorial/recollection (of the deceased)/ 追思会 追思會 S - 2 zhuī sī huì f /memorial service/memorial meeting/ 追思會 追思会 T - 2 zhuī sī huì f /memorial service/memorial meeting/ 追悔 - 28 zhuī huǐ f /to repent/remorse/ 追悔莫及 - 29 zhuī huǐ mò jí f /too late for regrets (idiom); It is useless to repent after the event./ 追悼 4631 29 zhuī dào f /to mourn/to pay last respects/mourning/memorial (service etc)/ 追悼会 追悼會 S - 119 zhuī dào huì f /a memorial service/a funeral service/ 追悼文 - 0 zhuī dào wén f /eulogy/ 追悼會 追悼会 T - 119 zhuī dào huì f /a memorial service/a funeral service/ 追想 - 3 zhuī xiǎng f /to recall/ 追憶 追忆 T - 97 zhuī yì f /to recollect/to recall (past times)/to look back/ 追懷 追怀 T - 3 zhuī huái f /to recall/to bring to mind/to reminisce/ 追打 - 3 zhuī dǎ f /to chase and beat/ 追捕 - 157 zhuī bǔ f /to pursue/to be after/to hunt down/ 追捧 - 167 zhuī pěng f /to chase after (a popular person or item)/to pursue/popularity/ 追擊 追击 T - 515 zhuī jī f /to pursue and attack/ 追敘 追叙 T - 4 zhuī xù f /to recount what happened prior to events already known/ 追星族 - 13 zhuī xīng zú f /groupie (slang)/idolator/ 追本穷源 追本窮源 S - 2 zhuī běn qióng yuán f /to trace sth back to its origin/ 追本窮源 追本穷源 T - 2 zhuī běn qióng yuán f /to trace sth back to its origin/ 追杀 追殺 S - 247 zhuī shā f /to chase to kill/ 追查 - 169 zhuī chá f /to investigate/to track down (information)/ 追根 - 9 zhuī gēn f /to trace sth back to its source/to get to the bottom of sth/ 追根問底 追根问底 T - 3 zhuī gēn wèn dǐ f /lit. to examine roots and inquire at the base (idiom); to get to the bottom of sth/ 追根寻底 追根尋底 S - 3 zhuī gēn xún dǐ f /see 追根究底[zhui1 gen1 jiu1 di3]/ 追根尋底 追根寻底 T - 3 zhuī gēn xún dǐ f /see 追根究底[zhui1 gen1 jiu1 di3]/ 追根求源 - 2 zhuī gēn qiú yuán f /to track sth to its roots/ 追根溯源 - 28 zhuī gēn sù yuán f /to pursue sth back to its origins/to trace back to the source/to get to the bottom of sth/ 追根究底 - 6 zhuī gēn jiū dǐ f /to get to the heart of the matter/ 追根究底儿 追根究底兒 S - 0 zhuī gēn jiū dǐ r f /erhua variant of 追根究底[zhui1 gen1 jiu1 di3]/ 追根究底兒 追根究底儿 T - 0 zhuī gēn jiū dǐ r f /erhua variant of 追根究底[zhui1 gen1 jiu1 di3]/ 追根问底 追根問底 S - 3 zhuī gēn wèn dǐ f /lit. to examine roots and inquire at the base (idiom); to get to the bottom of sth/ 追歼 追殲 S - 22 zhuī jiān f /to pursue and kill/to wipe out/ 追殲 追歼 T - 22 zhuī jiān f /to pursue and kill/to wipe out/ 追殺 追杀 T - 247 zhuī shā f /to chase to kill/ 追比 - 3 zhuī bǐ f /to flog/to cane (as punishment)/ 追求 1722 3065 zhuī qiú f /to pursue (a goal etc) stubbornly/to seek after/to woo/ 追溯 - 637 zhuī sù f /lit. to go upstream/to trace sth back to/to date from/ 追究 3891 902 zhuī jiū f /to investigate/to look into/ 追索 - 90 zhuī suǒ f /to demand payment/to extort/to trace/to seek/to pursue/to explore/ 追緝 追缉 T - 19 zhuī jī f /to pursue/to be after/to hunt down (the perpetrator of a crime, an escaped prisoner etc)/ 追繳 追缴 T - 42 zhuī jiǎo f /to recover (stolen property)/to pursue and force sb to give back the spoils/ 追缉 追緝 S - 19 zhuī jī f /to pursue/to be after/to hunt down (the perpetrator of a crime, an escaped prisoner etc)/ 追缴 追繳 S - 42 zhuī jiǎo f /to recover (stolen property)/to pursue and force sb to give back the spoils/ 追肥 - 18 zhuī féi f /top soil dressing/additional fertilizer/ 追荐 追薦 S - 0 zhuī jiàn f /to pray for the soul of a deceased/ 追薦 追荐 T - 0 zhuī jiàn f /to pray for the soul of a deceased/ 追补 追補 S - 3 zhuī bǔ f /a supplement/additional budget/ 追補 追补 T - 3 zhuī bǔ f /a supplement/additional budget/ 追記 追记 T - 7 zhuī jì f /to award posthumously/to write down afterwards/retrospective account/ 追訴 追诉 T - 46 zhuī sù f /to prosecute/given leave to sue/ 追訴時效 追诉时效 T - 3 zhuī sù shí xiào f /period during which one can prosecute or sue sb/within the statute of limitation/ 追詢 追询 T - 0 zhuī xún f /to interrogate/to question closely/ 追認 追认 T - 58 zhuī rèn f /to recognize sth after the event/posthumous recognition/to ratify/to endorse retroactively/ 追认 追認 S - 58 zhuī rèn f /to recognize sth after the event/posthumous recognition/to ratify/to endorse retroactively/ 追记 追記 S - 7 zhuī jì f /to award posthumously/to write down afterwards/retrospective account/ 追诉 追訴 S - 46 zhuī sù f /to prosecute/given leave to sue/ 追诉时效 追訴時效 S - 3 zhuī sù shí xiào f /period during which one can prosecute or sue sb/within the statute of limitation/ 追询 追詢 S - 0 zhuī xún f /to interrogate/to question closely/ 追購 追购 T - 0 zhuī gòu f /a bounty/a reward for capturing an outlaw/ 追贈 追赠 T - 46 zhuī zèng f /to give to the departed/to confer (a title) posthumously/ 追贓 追赃 T - 51 zhuī zāng f /to order the return of stolen goods/ 追购 追購 S - 0 zhuī gòu f /a bounty/a reward for capturing an outlaw/ 追赃 追贓 S - 51 zhuī zāng f /to order the return of stolen goods/ 追赠 追贈 S - 46 zhuī zèng f /to give to the departed/to confer (a title) posthumously/ 追赶 追趕 S - 1138 zhuī gǎn f /to pursue/to chase after/to accelerate/to catch up with/to overtake/ 追趕 追赶 T - 1138 zhuī gǎn f /to pursue/to chase after/to accelerate/to catch up with/to overtake/ 追踪 追蹤 S - 379 zhuī zōng f /to follow a trail/to trace/to pursue/ 追踪号码 追蹤號碼 S - 0 zhuī zōng hào mǎ f /tracking number (of a package shipment)/ 追踪报导 追蹤報導 S - 0 zhuī zōng bào dǎo f /follow-up report/ 追踪调查 追蹤調查 S - 3 zhuī zōng diào chá f /follow-up study/investigative follow-up/ 追蹑 追躡 S - 0 zhuī niè f /to follow the trail of/to track/to trace/ 追蹤 追踪 T - 379 zhuī zōng f /to follow a trail/to trace/to pursue/ 追蹤報導 追踪报导 T - 0 zhuī zōng bào dǎo f /follow-up report/ 追蹤號碼 追踪号码 T - 0 zhuī zōng hào mǎ f /tracking number (of a package shipment)/ 追蹤調查 追踪调查 T - 3 zhuī zōng diào chá f /follow-up study/investigative follow-up/ 追躡 追蹑 T - 0 zhuī niè f /to follow the trail of/to track/to trace/ 追还 追還 S - 0 zhuī huán f /to recover (lost property or money)/to win back/ 追述 - 165 zhuī shù f /recollections/to relate (past events)/ 追逐 - 525 zhuī zhú f /to chase/to pursue vigorously/ 追逐賽 追逐赛 T - 3 zhuī zhú sài f /pursuit race/chase/ 追逐赛 追逐賽 S - 3 zhuī zhú sài f /pursuit race/chase/ 追逼 - 16 zhuī bī f /to pursue closely/to press/to demand (payment)/to extort (a concession)/ 追還 追还 T - 0 zhuī huán f /to recover (lost property or money)/to win back/ 追问 追問 S - 623 zhuī wèn f /to question closely/to investigate in detail/to examine minutely/to get to the heart of the matter/ 追随 追隨 S - 407 zhuī suí f /to follow/to accompany/ 追随者 追隨者 S - 126 zhuī suí zhě f /follower/adherent/following/ 追隨 追随 T - 407 zhuī suí f /to follow/to accompany/ 追隨者 追随者 T - 126 zhuī suí zhě f /follower/adherent/following/ 追風逐電 追风逐电 T - 5 zhuī fēng zhú diàn f /proceeding at a tremendous pace/getting on like a house on fire/ 追风逐电 追風逐電 S - 5 zhuī fēng zhú diàn f /proceeding at a tremendous pace/getting on like a house on fire/ 迿 - 0 xùn f /to be the first to begin a quarrel/ 退 1461 7280 tuì f /to retreat/to decline/to move back/to withdraw/ 退下 - 3 tuì xià f /to retire/to withdraw/to retreat/to step down/ 退下金 - 0 tuì xià jīn f /retirement pension/ 退任 - 0 tuì rèn f /to retire/to leave one's position/ 退伍 - 121 tuì wǔ f /to be discharged from military service/ 退伍军人 退伍軍人 S - 74 tuì wǔ jūn rén f /veteran/ 退伍军人节 退伍軍人節 S - 0 Tuì wǔ Jūn rén jié f /Veterans' Day/ 退伍軍人 退伍军人 T - 74 tuì wǔ jūn rén f /veteran/ 退伍軍人節 退伍军人节 T - 0 Tuì wǔ Jūn rén jié f /Veterans' Day/ 退休 1666 1073 tuì xiū f /to retire/retirement (from work)/ 退休金 - 108 tuì xiū jīn f /retirement pay/pension/ 退休金双轨制 退休金雙軌制 S - 0 tuì xiū jīn shuāng guǐ zhì f /see 養老金雙軌制|养老金双轨制[yang3 lao3 jin1 shuang1 gui3 zhi4]/ 退休金雙軌制 退休金双轨制 T - 0 tuì xiū jīn shuāng guǐ zhì f /see 養老金雙軌制|养老金双轨制[yang3 lao3 jin1 shuang1 gui3 zhi4]/ 退位 - 295 tuì wèi f /to abdicate/ 退保 - 37 tuì bǎo f /to lapse (or terminate) an insurance/ 退党 退黨 S - 25 tuì dǎng f /to withdraw from a political party/ 退关 退關 S - 3 tuì guān f /shut-out, container or consigment not carried on the intended vessel or aircraft/ 退冰 - 3 tuì bīng f /to thaw (frozen food)/to bring to room temperature/ 退出 - 2313 tuì chū f /to withdraw/to abort/to quit/to log out (computing)/ 退出运行 退出運行 S - 0 tuì chū yùn xíng f /to decommission/ 退出運行 退出运行 T - 0 tuì chū yùn xíng f /to decommission/ 退化 - 534 tuì huà f /to degenerate/atrophy/ 退却 退卻 S - 513 tuì què f /to retreat/to shrink back/ 退卻 退却 T - 513 tuì què f /to retreat/to shrink back/ 退回 - 586 tuì huí f /to return (an item)/to send back/to go back/ 退场 退場 S - 55 tuì chǎng f /to leave a place where some event is taking place/(of an actor) to exit/(sports) to leave the field/(of an audience) to leave/ 退場 退场 T - 55 tuì chǎng f /to leave a place where some event is taking place/(of an actor) to exit/(sports) to leave the field/(of an audience) to leave/ 退学 退學 S - 94 tuì xué f /to quit school/ 退學 退学 T - 94 tuì xué f /to quit school/ 退守 - 161 tuì shǒu f /to retreat and defend/to withdraw and maintain one's guard/ 退居二線 退居二线 T - 20 tuì jū èr xiàn f /to withdraw to the second line of duty/to resign from a leading post (and assume an advisory post)/ 退居二线 退居二線 S - 20 tuì jū èr xiàn f /to withdraw to the second line of duty/to resign from a leading post (and assume an advisory post)/ 退席 - 8 tuì xí f /to absent oneself from a meeting/to decline to attend/ 退庭 - 4 tuì tíng f /to retire from the courtroom/to adjourn/ 退役 - 607 tuì yì f /to retire from the military/to demobilize/to decommission/retired from use/ 退思园 退思園 S - 0 Tuì sī Yuán f /The Retreat and Reflection Garden in Tongli, Jiangsu/ 退思園 退思园 T - 0 Tuì sī Yuán f /The Retreat and Reflection Garden in Tongli, Jiangsu/ 退房 - 3 tuì fáng f /to check out of a hotel room/ 退换 退換 S - 15 tuì huàn f /to replace a purchase/to exchange a purchase/ 退换货 退換貨 S - 3 tuì huàn huò f /to return a product for another item/ 退換 退换 T - 15 tuì huàn f /to replace a purchase/to exchange a purchase/ 退換貨 退换货 T - 3 tuì huàn huò f /to return a product for another item/ 退格鍵 退格键 T - 0 tuì gé jiàn f /backspace (keyboard)/ 退格键 退格鍵 S - 0 tuì gé jiàn f /backspace (keyboard)/ 退款 - 25 tuì kuǎn f /to refund/refund/ 退步 2435 71 tuì bù f /to do less well than before/to make a concession/setback/backward step/leeway/room to maneuver/fallback/ 退水 - 3 tuì shuǐ f /to divert water/to drain/ 退潮 - 48 tuì cháo f /(of a tide) to ebb or go out/ 退火 - 35 tuì huǒ f /annealing (metallurgy)/ 退烧 退燒 S - 28 tuì shāo f /to reduce fever/ 退烧药 退燒藥 S - 3 tuì shāo yào f /antipyretic (drug to reduce fever, such as sulfanilamide)/ 退热 退熱 S - 24 tuì rè f /to reduce fever/ 退熱 退热 T - 24 tuì rè f /to reduce fever/ 退燒 退烧 T - 28 tuì shāo f /to reduce fever/ 退燒藥 退烧药 T - 3 tuì shāo yào f /antipyretic (drug to reduce fever, such as sulfanilamide)/ 退片 - 0 tuì piàn f /to eject (media player)/ 退票 - 73 tuì piào f /to bounce (a check)/to return a ticket/ticket refund/ 退稅 退税 T - 68 tuì shuì f /tax rebate or refund/ 退税 退稅 S - 68 tuì shuì f /tax rebate or refund/ 退縮 退缩 T - 381 tuì suō f /to shrink back/to cower/ 退繳 退缴 T - 0 tuì jiǎo f /to make restitution/ 退缩 退縮 S - 381 tuì suō f /to shrink back/to cower/ 退缴 退繳 S - 0 tuì jiǎo f /to make restitution/ 退而求其次 - 25 tuì ér qiú qí cì f /to settle for second best/the next best thing/ 退耕还林 退耕還林 S - 27 tuì gēng huán lín f /restoring agricultural land to forest/ 退耕還林 退耕还林 T - 27 tuì gēng huán lín f /restoring agricultural land to forest/ 退色 - 151 tuì sè f /variant of 褪色[tui4 se4]/also pr. [tui4 shai3]/ 退落 - 0 tuì luò f /to subside/ 退行 - 3 tuì xíng f /to recede/to degenerate/to regress/ 退行性 - 3 tuì xíng xìng f /degenerative/retrograde/ 退讓 退让 T - 271 tuì ràng f /to move aside/to get out of the way/to back down/to concede/ 退让 退讓 S - 271 tuì ràng f /to move aside/to get out of the way/to back down/to concede/ 退貨 退货 T - 34 tuì huò f /to return merchandise/to withdraw a product/ 退货 退貨 S - 34 tuì huò f /to return merchandise/to withdraw a product/ 退路 - 252 tuì lù f /a way out/a way to retreat/leeway/ 退还 退還 S - 202 tuì huán f /to return (sth borrowed etc)/to send back/to refund/to rebate/ 退避 - 106 tuì bì f /to withdraw/ 退避三捨 退避三舍 T - 30 tuì bì sān shè f /lit. to retreat three day's march (idiom); fig. to give way in the face of superior strength/a strategic withdrawal/ 退避三舍 退避三捨 S - 30 tuì bì sān shè f /lit. to retreat three day's march (idiom); fig. to give way in the face of superior strength/a strategic withdrawal/ 退還 退还 T - 202 tuì huán f /to return (sth borrowed etc)/to send back/to refund/to rebate/ 退錢 退钱 T - 3 tuì qián f /to refund money/ 退钱 退錢 S - 3 tuì qián f /to refund money/ 退關 退关 T - 3 tuì guān f /shut-out, container or consigment not carried on the intended vessel or aircraft/ 退黑激素 - 0 tuì hēi jī sù f /melatonin/ 退黨 退党 T - 25 tuì dǎng f /to withdraw from a political party/ 送 207 13539 sòng f /to deliver/to carry/to give (as a present)/to present (with)/to see off/to send/ 送上太空 - 0 sòng shàng tài kōng f /to launch into space/ 送上軌道 送上轨道 T - 0 sòng shàng guǐ dào f /to send into orbit/ 送上轨道 送上軌道 S - 0 sòng shàng guǐ dào f /to send into orbit/ 送交 - 144 sòng jiāo f /to hand over/to deliver/ 送人 - 0 sòng rén f /to give away/to accompany/to see sb off/ 送信 - 165 sòng xìn f /to send word/to deliver a letter/ 送养 送養 S - 0 sòng yǎng f /to place out for adoption/ 送別 送别 T - 108 sòng bié f /farewell/ 送别 送別 S - 108 sòng bié f /farewell/ 送医 送醫 S - 3 sòng yī f /to send or deliver to the hospital/ 送去 - 3 sòng qù f /to send to/to deliver to/to give sb a lift (e.g. in a car)/ 送命 - 64 sòng mìng f /to lose one's life/to get killed/ 送客 - 48 sòng kè f /to see a visitor out/ 送客台 送客檯 S - 0 sòng kè tái f /seeing-off platform/ 送客檯 送客台 T - 0 sòng kè tái f /seeing-off platform/ 送往迎來 送往迎来 T - 11 sòng wǎng yíng lái f /see 迎來送往|迎来送往[ying2 lai2 song4 wang3]/ 送往迎来 送往迎來 S - 11 sòng wǎng yíng lái f /see 迎來送往|迎来送往[ying2 lai2 song4 wang3]/ 送旧迎新 送舊迎新 S - 3 sòng jiù yíng xīn f /usher out the old, greet the new/esp. to see in the New Year/ 送服 - 0 sòng fú f /to wash the medicine down/ 送死 - 84 sòng sǐ f /to throw away one's life/ 送气 送氣 S - 14 sòng qì f /aspiration (phonetics, explosion of breath on consonants distinguishing Chinese p, t from b, d)/ 送氣 送气 T - 14 sòng qì f /aspiration (phonetics, explosion of breath on consonants distinguishing Chinese p, t from b, d)/ 送灶 - 0 sòng Zào f /seeing off the kitchen god 灶神[Zao4 shen2] (traditional rite)/ 送礼 送禮 S - 331 sòng lǐ f /to give a present/ 送礼会 送禮會 S - 0 sòng lǐ huì f /shower (for bride, baby etc)/ 送禮 送礼 T - 331 sòng lǐ f /to give a present/ 送禮會 送礼会 T - 0 sòng lǐ huì f /shower (for bride, baby etc)/ 送秋波 - 3 sòng qiū bō f /to cast flirtatious glances at sb (idiom)/ 送終 送终 T - 28 sòng zhōng f /to pay one's last respects/ 送給 送给 T - 1679 sòng gěi f /to send/to give as a present/ 送终 送終 S - 28 sòng zhōng f /to pay one's last respects/ 送给 送給 S - 1679 sòng gěi f /to send/to give as a present/ 送股 - 3 sòng gǔ f /a share grant/ 送舊迎新 送旧迎新 T - 3 sòng jiù yíng xīn f /usher out the old, greet the new/esp. to see in the New Year/ 送葬 - 84 sòng zàng f /to participate in funeral procession/to attend a burial/ 送行 - 261 sòng xíng f /to see someone off/to throw someone a send-off party/ 送貨 送货 T - 36 sòng huò f /to deliver goods/ 送貨到家 送货到家 T - 0 sòng huò dào jiā f /home delivery/ 送货 送貨 S - 36 sòng huò f /to deliver goods/ 送货到家 送貨到家 S - 0 sòng huò dào jiā f /home delivery/ 送走 - 285 sòng zǒu f /to see off/to send off/ 送达 送達 S - 235 sòng dá f /to deliver/to serve notice (law)/ 送返 - 0 sòng fǎn f /to send back/ 送还 送還 S - 104 sòng huán f /to return/to give back/to send back/to repatriate/ 送達 送达 T - 235 sòng dá f /to deliver/to serve notice (law)/ 送還 送还 T - 104 sòng huán f /to return/to give back/to send back/to repatriate/ 送醫 送医 T - 3 sòng yī f /to send or deliver to the hospital/ 送養 送养 T - 0 sòng yǎng f /to place out for adoption/ 送餐 - 0 sòng cān f /home delivery of meal/ 适 - 766 kuò f /see 李适[Li3 Kuo4]/ 适 適 S - 766 Shì t /surname Shi/ 适 適 S - 766 shì t /to fit/suitable/proper/just (now)/comfortable/well/to go/to follow or pursue/ 适中 適中 S - 465 shì zhōng f /moderate/reasonable/conveniently situated/ 适人 適人 S - 0 shì rén f /(said of a woman) to marry (old)/ 适值 適值 S - 18 shì zhí f /just at that time/as it happens/by good luck, just then/ 适切 適切 S - 3 shì qiè f /apt/appropriate/ 适可而止 適可而止 S - 41 shì kě ér zhǐ f /to stop before going too far (idiom); to stop while one can/don't overdo it/stop while you're ahead/ 适合 適合 S 798 3795 shì hé f /to fit/to suit/ 适婚 適婚 S - 3 shì hūn f /of marriageable age/nubile/ 适婚期 適婚期 S - 0 shì hūn qī f /ages suitable for getting married/ 适存度 適存度 S - 0 shì cún dù f /fitness (evolution)/ability to survive and reproduce/ 适宜 適宜 S 4352 2206 shì yí f /suitable/appropriate/ 适应 適應 S 993 5971 shì yìng f /to adapt/to fit/to suit/ 适应性 適應性 S - 607 shì yìng xìng f /adaptability/flexibility/ 适度 適度 S - 417 shì dù f /moderately/appropriate/ 适当 適當 S - 5584 shì dàng f /suitable/appropriate/ 适得其反 適得其反 S - 125 shì dé qí fǎn f /to produce the opposite of the desired result/ 适得其所 適得其所 S - 0 shì dé qí suǒ f /exactly what one would wish/to find one's niche/ 适意 適意 S - 18 shì yì f /agreeable/ 适才 適才 S - 1656 shì cái f /just now/a moment ago/ 适时 適時 S - 501 shì shí f /timely/apt to the occasion/in due course/ 适格 適格 S - 0 shì gé f /to be qualified (to bring a complaint, lawsuit etc) (law)/ 适温 適溫 S - 0 shì wēn f /thermophile (e.g. bacteria)/heat-loving/ 适用 適用 S - 3142 shì yòng f /to be applicable/ 适者生存 適者生存 S - 51 shì zhě shēng cún f /survival of the fittest/ 适逢 適逢 S - 95 shì féng f /to just happen to coincide with/ 适逢其会 適逢其會 S - 4 shì féng qí huì f /to just happen to coincide with the occasion (idiom)/to be present just at the right time/ 适配 適配 S - 4 shì pèi f /adaptation/ 适配器 適配器 S - 26 shì pèi qì f /adapter (device)/ 适配层 適配層 S - 0 shì pèi céng f /adaptation layer/ 适量 適量 S - 362 shì liàng f /appropriate amount/ 适销 適銷 S - 6 shì xiāo f /marketable/saleable/appropriate to the market/ 适间 適間 S - 0 shì jiān f /just now/the present time/ 适龄 適齡 S - 367 shì líng f /of age/of the appropriate age/ 逃 1339 4781 táo f /to escape/to run away/to flee/ 逃不出 - 3 táo bù chū f /unable to escape/can't get out/ 逃之夭夭 - 73 táo zhī yāo yāo f /to escape without trace (idiom); to make one's getaway (from the scene of a crime)/to show a clean pair of heels/ 逃亡 - 434 táo wáng f /to flee/flight (from danger)/fugitive/ 逃亡者 - 31 táo wáng zhě f /runaway/ 逃债 逃債 S - 5 táo zhài f /to dodge a creditor/ 逃債 逃债 T - 5 táo zhài f /to dodge a creditor/ 逃兵 - 73 táo bīng f /army deserter/ 逃北者 - 0 táo běi zhě f /North Korean refugee/ 逃命 - 434 táo mìng f /to escape/to flee/to run for one's life/ 逃奔 - 75 táo bèn f /to run away to/to flee/ 逃婚 - 9 táo hūn f /to flee to avoid an arranged marriage/ 逃学 逃學 S - 34 táo xué f /to play truant/to cut classes/ 逃學 逃学 T - 34 táo xué f /to play truant/to cut classes/ 逃席 - 3 táo xí f /to leave a banquet (without taking one's leave)/ 逃往 - 382 táo wǎng f /to run away/to go into exile/ 逃漏 - 3 táo lòu f /to evade (paying tax)/(tax) evasion/ 逃災避難 逃灾避难 T - 3 táo zāi bì nàn f /to seek refuge from calamities/ 逃灾避难 逃災避難 S - 3 táo zāi bì nàn f /to seek refuge from calamities/ 逃犯 - 55 táo fàn f /escaped criminal/fugitive from the law (criminal suspect on the run)/ 逃狱 逃獄 S - 0 táo yù f /to escape (from prison)/to jump bail/ 逃獄 逃狱 T - 0 táo yù f /to escape (from prison)/to jump bail/ 逃生 - 317 táo shēng f /to flee for one's life/ 逃票 - 20 táo piào f /to sneak in without a ticket/to stow away/ 逃祿 逃禄 T - 0 táo lù f /to avoid employment/ 逃禄 逃祿 S - 0 táo lù f /to avoid employment/ 逃离 逃離 S - 276 táo lí f /to run out/to escape/ 逃稅 逃税 T - 73 táo shuì f /to evade a tax/ 逃稅天堂 逃税天堂 T - 0 táo shuì tiān táng f /tax haven/ 逃税 逃稅 S - 73 táo shuì f /to evade a tax/ 逃税天堂 逃稅天堂 S - 0 táo shuì tiān táng f /tax haven/ 逃窜 逃竄 S - 192 táo cuàn f /to run away/to flee in disarray/ 逃窜无踪 逃竄無蹤 S - 0 táo cuàn wú zōng f /to disperse and flee, leaving no trace/ 逃竄 逃窜 T - 192 táo cuàn f /to run away/to flee in disarray/ 逃竄無蹤 逃窜无踪 T - 0 táo cuàn wú zōng f /to disperse and flee, leaving no trace/ 逃脫 逃脱 T - 485 táo tuō f /to run away/to escape/ 逃脱 逃脫 S - 485 táo tuō f /to run away/to escape/ 逃荒 - 180 táo huāng f /to escape from a famine/to get away from a famine-stricken region/ 逃課 逃课 T - 67 táo kè f /to skip class/ 逃课 逃課 S - 67 táo kè f /to skip class/ 逃走 - 1335 táo zǒu f /to escape/to flee/to run away/ 逃跑 - 941 táo pǎo f /to flee from sth/to run away/to escape/ 逃逸 - 75 táo yì f /to escape/to run away/to abscond/ 逃逸速度 - 3 táo yì sù dù f /escape velocity/ 逃遁 - 88 táo dùn f /to escape/to disappear/ 逃避 1698 532 táo bì f /to escape/to evade/to avoid/to shirk/ 逃避責任 逃避责任 T - 3 táo bì zé rèn f /to evade responsibility/to shirk/ 逃避责任 逃避責任 S - 3 táo bì zé rèn f /to evade responsibility/to shirk/ 逃难 逃難 S - 254 táo nàn f /to run away from trouble/to flee from calamity/to be a refugee/ 逃離 逃离 T - 276 táo lí f /to run out/to escape/ 逃難 逃难 T - 254 táo nàn f /to run away from trouble/to flee from calamity/to be a refugee/ 逄 - 20 Páng f /surname Pang/ 逅 - 20 hòu f /to meet unexpectedly/ 逆 - 1328 nì f /contrary/opposite/backwards/to go against/to oppose/to betray/to rebel/ 逆产 逆產 S - 3 nì chǎn f /traitor's property/breech delivery/ 逆伦 逆倫 S - 3 nì lún f /unnatural relationship (parricide, incest etc)/unfilial conduct/against social morals/ 逆來順受 逆来顺受 T - 49 nì lái shùn shòu f /to resign oneself to adversity (idiom); to grin and bear it/to submit meekly to insults, maltreatment, humiliation etc/ 逆倫 逆伦 T - 3 nì lún f /unnatural relationship (parricide, incest etc)/unfilial conduct/against social morals/ 逆光 - 21 nì guāng f /backlighting (lighting design)/ 逆反 - 13 nì fǎn f /rebellious behavior/opposite/ob-/ 逆反应 逆反應 S - 3 nì fǎn yìng f /reverse reaction/counter-reaction/inverse response/ 逆反心理 - 38 nì fǎn xīn lǐ f /reverse psychology/ 逆反應 逆反应 T - 3 nì fǎn yìng f /reverse reaction/counter-reaction/inverse response/ 逆变 逆變 S - 28 nì biàn f /reversing (e.g. electric current)/ 逆向 - 84 nì xiàng f /backwards/reverse direction/ 逆喻 - 0 nì yù f /oxymoron/ 逆回音 - 0 nì huí yīn f /inverted turn (ornament in music)/ 逆境 - 109 nì jìng f /adversity/predicament/ 逆天 - 0 nì tiān f /to be in defiance of the natural order/ 逆夷 - 0 nì yí f /invaders (insulting term)/foreign aggressors/ 逆子 - 20 nì zǐ f /unfilial son/ 逆定理 - 3 nì dìng lǐ f /converse theorem (math.)/ 逆差 - 128 nì chā f /adverse trade balance/trade deficit/ 逆序 - 5 nì xù f /inverse order/