-- |
-- Module      : Conjure
-- Copyright   : (c) 2021 Rudy Matela
-- License     : 3-Clause BSD  (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  : Rudy Matela <rudy@matela.com.br>
-- A library for Conjuring function implementations
-- from tests or partial definitions.
-- (a.k.a.: functional inductive programming)
-- This is currently an experimental tool in its early stages,
-- don't expect much from its current version.
-- It is just a piece of curiosity in its current state.
-- Step 1: declare your partial function
-- > square :: Int -> Int
-- > square 0  =  0
-- > square 1  =  1
-- > square 2  =  4
-- Step 2: declare a list with the potential building blocks:
-- > primitives :: [Expr]
-- > primitives =
-- >   [ val (0::Int)
-- >   , val (1::Int)
-- >   , value "+" ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int)
-- >   , value "*" ((*) :: Int -> Int -> Int)
-- > ]
-- Step 3: call conjure and see your generated function:
-- > > conjure "square" square primitives
-- > square :: Int -> Int
-- > -- testing 3 combinations of argument values
-- > -- looking through 3 candidates of size 1
-- > -- looking through 3 candidates of size 2
-- > -- looking through 5 candidates of size 3
-- > square x  =  x * x
module Conjure
-- * Basic use
  , val
  , value
  , Expr

-- * Advanced use
  , conjureWithMaxSize
  , conjureWith
  , Args(..)
  , args

-- * Conjuring from a specification
  , Spec1
  , Spec2
  , Spec3
  , (-=)
  , conjure1
  , conjure2
  , conjure3
  , conjure1With
  , conjure2With
  , conjure3With

-- * When using custom types
  , Conjurable (conjureEquality, conjureTiers, conjureSubTypes)
  , reifyEquality, reifyTiers
  , conjureType

-- * Pure interfaces
  , conjpure
  , conjpureWith

-- * Helper test types
  , A, B, C, D, E, F

import Conjure.Engine
import Conjure.Spec
import Conjure.Conjurable