elem :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool -- testing 60 combinations of argument values -- pruning with 44/57 rules -- looking through 2 candidates of size 1 -- looking through 1 candidates of size 2 -- looking through 3 candidates of size 3 -- looking through 8 candidates of size 4 -- looking through 14 candidates of size 5 -- looking through 25 candidates of size 6 -- looking through 60 candidates of size 7 -- looking through 145 candidates of size 8 -- looking through 332 candidates of size 9 -- looking through 747 candidates of size 10 -- looking through 1826 candidates of size 11 -- looking through 4411 candidates of size 12 -- looking through 10932 candidates of size 13 elem x xs = not (null xs) && (head xs == x || elem x (tail xs)) set :: [Int] -> Bool -- testing 60 combinations of argument values -- pruning with 46/57 rules -- looking through 2 candidates of size 1 -- looking through 1 candidates of size 2 -- looking through 3 candidates of size 3 -- looking through 5 candidates of size 4 -- looking through 11 candidates of size 5 -- looking through 26 candidates of size 6 -- looking through 64 candidates of size 7 -- looking through 145 candidates of size 8 -- looking through 310 candidates of size 9 -- looking through 721 candidates of size 10 -- looking through 1762 candidates of size 11 -- looking through 4235 candidates of size 12 -- looking through 10038 candidates of size 13 set xs = null xs || not (elem (head xs) (tail xs)) && set (tail xs)