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module CodeWorld.Color where

data Color = RGBA !Double !Double !Double !Double deriving (Show, Eq)
type Colour = Color

white, black :: Color
white = RGBA 1 1 1 1
black = RGBA 0 0 0 1

-- Primary and secondary colors
red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow :: Color
red        = fromHSL (0/3 * pi) 0.75 0.5
yellow     = fromHSL (1/3 * pi) 0.75 0.5
green      = fromHSL (2/3 * pi) 0.75 0.5
cyan       = fromHSL (3/3 * pi) 0.75 0.5
blue       = fromHSL (4/3 * pi) 0.75 0.5
magenta    = fromHSL (5/3 * pi) 0.75 0.5

-- Tertiary colors
orange, rose, chartreuse, aquamarine, violet, azure :: Color
orange     = fromHSL ( 1/6 * pi) 0.75 0.5
chartreuse = fromHSL ( 3/6 * pi) 0.75 0.5
aquamarine = fromHSL ( 5/6 * pi) 0.75 0.5
azure      = fromHSL ( 7/6 * pi) 0.75 0.5
violet     = fromHSL ( 9/6 * pi) 0.75 0.5
rose       = fromHSL (11/6 * pi) 0.75 0.5

-- Other common colors and color names
brown      = fromHSL (1/6   * pi) 0.5  0.5
purple     = fromHSL (1.556 * pi) 0.75 0.5
pink       = fromHSL (23/12 * pi) 0.75 0.75

mixed :: Color -> Color -> Color
mixed (RGBA r1 g1 b1 a1) (RGBA r2 g2 b2 a2)
  | a1 + a2 == 0 = RGBA 0 0 0 0
  | otherwise    = RGBA r g b a
  where r = sqrt(r1^2 * a1 + r2^2 * a2 / (a1 + a2))
        g = sqrt(g1^2 * a1 + g2^2 * a2 / (a1 + a2))
        b = sqrt(b1^2 * a1 + b2^2 * a2 / (a1 + a2))
        a = (a1 + a2) / 2

-- Helper function that sets the alpha of the second color to that
-- of the first
sameAlpha :: Color -> Color -> Color
sameAlpha (RGBA r1 g1 b1 a1) (RGBA r2 g2 b2 a2) = RGBA r2 g2 b2 a1

lighter :: Double -> Color -> Color
lighter d c = sameAlpha c $ fromHSL (hue c) (saturation c) (fence (luminosity c + d))
  where fence x = max 0 (min 1 x)

light :: Color -> Color
light = lighter 0.15

darker :: Double -> Color -> Color
darker d = lighter (-d)

dark :: Color -> Color
dark = darker 0.15

brighter :: Double -> Color -> Color
brighter d c = sameAlpha c $ fromHSL (hue c) (fence (saturation c + d)) (luminosity c)
  where fence x = max 0 (min 1 x)

bright :: Color -> Color
bright = brighter 0.25

duller :: Double -> Color -> Color
duller d = brighter (-d)

dull :: Color -> Color
dull = duller 0.25

translucent :: Color -> Color
translucent (RGBA r g b a) = RGBA r g b (a/2)

gray, grey :: Double -> Color
gray = grey
grey k = RGBA k k k 1

hue :: Color -> Double
hue (RGBA r g b a)
  | hi == lo           = 0
  | r  == hi && g >= b = (g - b) / (hi - lo) * pi / 3
  | r  == hi           = (g - b) / (hi - lo) * pi / 3 + 2 * pi
  | g  == hi           = (b - r) / (hi - lo) * pi / 3 + 2/3 * pi
  | otherwise          = (r - g) / (hi - lo) * pi / 3 + 4/3 * pi
  where hi = max r (max g b)
        lo = min r (min g b)

saturation :: Color -> Double
saturation (RGBA r g b a)
  | hi == lo  = 0
  | otherwise = (hi - lo) / (1 - abs (hi + lo - 1))
  where hi = max r (max g b)
        lo = min r (min g b)

luminosity :: Color -> Double
luminosity (RGBA r g b a) = (lo + hi) / 2
  where hi = max r (max g b)
        lo = min r (min g b)

-- Based on the algorithm from the CSS3 specification.
fromHSL :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Color
fromHSL h s l = RGBA r g b 1
  where m1             = l * 2 - m2
        m2 | l <= 0.5  = l * (s + 1)
           | otherwise = l + s - l * s
        r              = convert m1 m2 (h / 2 / pi + 1/3)
        g              = convert m1 m2 (h / 2 / pi      )
        b              = convert m1 m2 (h / 2 / pi - 1/3)
        convert m1 m2 h
          | h < 0     = convert m1 m2 (h + 1)
          | h > 1     = convert m1 m2 (h - 1)
          | h * 6 < 1 = m1 + (m2 - m1) * h * 6
          | h * 2 < 1 = m2
          | h * 3 < 2 = m1 + (m2 - m1) * (2/3 - h) * 6
          | otherwise = m1