{-# LANGUAGE CPP                      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE JavaScriptFFI            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards            #-}

  Copyright 2016 The CodeWorld Authors. All rights reserved.

  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  You may obtain a copy of the License at


  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  limitations under the License.

module CodeWorld.Driver (
    ) where

import           CodeWorld.Color
import           CodeWorld.Event
import           CodeWorld.Picture
import           Control.Concurrent
import           Control.Concurrent.MVar
import           Control.Exception
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import           Data.Char (chr)
import           Data.List (zip4)
import           Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import           Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Text as T
import           Data.Text (Text, singleton, pack)
import           Numeric

#ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS

import           Data.IORef
import           Data.JSString.Text
import           Data.Time.Clock
import           Data.Word
import           GHCJS.DOM
import           GHCJS.DOM.Window as Window
import           GHCJS.DOM.Document
import qualified GHCJS.DOM.ClientRect as ClientRect
import           GHCJS.DOM.Element
import           GHCJS.DOM.EventM
import           GHCJS.DOM.MouseEvent
import           GHCJS.DOM.Types (Element, unElement)
import           GHCJS.Foreign
import           GHCJS.Marshal.Pure
import           GHCJS.Types
import           JavaScript.Web.AnimationFrame
import qualified JavaScript.Web.Canvas as Canvas
import qualified JavaScript.Web.Canvas.Internal as Canvas
import           System.IO.Unsafe
import           System.Random


import           Data.Time.Clock
import qualified Debug.Trace
import qualified Graphics.Blank as Canvas
import           Graphics.Blank (Canvas)
import           System.IO
import           Text.Printf


-- The common interface, provided by both implementations below.

-- | Draws a `Picture`.  This is the simplest CodeWorld entry point.
drawingOf :: Picture -> IO ()

-- | Draws a `Picture`.  This is the simplest CodeWorld entry point.
pictureOf :: Picture -> IO ()
{-# WARNING pictureOf "Please use drawingOf instead of pictureOf" #-}

-- | Shows an animation, with a picture for each time given by the parameter.
animationOf :: (Double -> Picture) -> IO ()

-- | Shows a simulation, which is essentially a continuous-time dynamical
-- system described by an initial value and step function.
simulationOf :: world -> (Double -> world -> world) -> (world -> Picture) -> IO ()

-- | Runs an interactive event-driven CodeWorld program.  This is the most
-- advanced CodeWorld entry point.
interactionOf :: world
              -> (Double -> world -> world)
              -> (Event -> world -> world)
              -> (world -> Picture)
              -> IO ()

-- | Prints a debug message to the CodeWorld console when a value is forced.
-- This is equivalent to the similarly named function in `Debug.Trace`, except
-- that it uses the CodeWorld console instead of standard output.
trace :: Text -> a -> a

-- Draw state.  An affine transformation matrix, plus a Bool indicating whether
-- a color has been chosen yet.

type DrawState = (Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Maybe Color)

initialDS :: DrawState
initialDS = (1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, Nothing)

translateDS :: Double -> Double -> DrawState -> DrawState
translateDS x y (a,b,c,d,e,f,hc) =
    (a, b, c, d, a*25*x + c*25*y + e, b*25*x + d*25*y + f, hc)

scaleDS :: Double -> Double -> DrawState -> DrawState
scaleDS x y (a,b,c,d,e,f,hc) =
    (x*a, x*b, y*c, y*d, e, f, hc)

rotateDS :: Double -> DrawState -> DrawState
rotateDS r (a,b,c,d,e,f,hc) =
    (a * cos r + c * sin r,
     b * cos r + d * sin r,
     c * cos r - a * sin r,
     d * cos r - b * sin r,
     e, f, hc)

setColorDS :: Color -> DrawState -> DrawState
setColorDS col (a,b,c,d,e,f,Nothing) = (a,b,c,d,e,f,Just col)
setColorDS _ (a,b,c,d,e,f,Just col) = (a,b,c,d,e,f,Just col)

getColorDS :: DrawState -> Maybe Color
getColorDS (a,b,c,d,e,f,col) = col

-- GHCJS implementation of drawing

#ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS

foreign import javascript unsafe "$1.drawImage($2, $3, $4, $5, $6);"
    js_canvasDrawImage :: Canvas.Context -> Element -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()

foreign import javascript unsafe "$1.getContext('2d', { alpha: false })"
    js_getCodeWorldContext :: Canvas.Canvas -> IO Canvas.Context

canvasFromElement :: Element -> Canvas.Canvas
canvasFromElement = Canvas.Canvas . unElement

elementFromCanvas :: Canvas.Canvas -> Element
elementFromCanvas = pFromJSVal . jsval

withDS :: Canvas.Context -> DrawState -> IO () -> IO ()
withDS ctx (ta,tb,tc,td,te,tf,col) action = do
    Canvas.save ctx
    Canvas.transform ta tb tc td te tf ctx
    Canvas.beginPath ctx
    Canvas.restore ctx

applyColor :: Canvas.Context -> DrawState -> IO ()
applyColor ctx ds = case getColorDS ds of
    Nothing -> do
      Canvas.strokeStyle 0 0 0 1 ctx
      Canvas.fillStyle 0 0 0 1 ctx
    Just (RGBA r g b a) -> do
      Canvas.strokeStyle (round $ r * 255)
                         (round $ g * 255)
                         (round $ b * 255)
                         a ctx
      Canvas.fillStyle (round $ r * 255)
                       (round $ g * 255)
                       (round $ b * 255)
                       a ctx

foreign import javascript unsafe "$1.globalCompositeOperation = $2"
    js_setGlobalCompositeOperation :: Canvas.Context -> JSString -> IO ()

drawCodeWorldLogo :: Canvas.Context -> DrawState -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
drawCodeWorldLogo ctx ds x y w h = do
    Just doc <- currentDocument
    Just canvas <- getElementById doc ("cwlogo" :: JSString)
    case getColorDS ds of
        Nothing -> js_canvasDrawImage ctx canvas x y w h
        Just (RGBA r g b a) -> do
            -- This is a tough case.  The best we can do is to allocate an
            -- offscreen buffer as a temporary.
            buf <- Canvas.create w h
            bufctx <- js_getCodeWorldContext buf
            applyColor bufctx ds
            Canvas.fillRect 0 0 (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) bufctx
            js_setGlobalCompositeOperation bufctx "destination-in"
            js_canvasDrawImage bufctx canvas 0 0 w h
            js_canvasDrawImage ctx (elementFromCanvas buf) x y w h

followPath :: Canvas.Context -> [Point] -> Bool -> Bool -> IO ()
followPath ctx [] closed _ = return ()
followPath ctx [p1] closed _ = return ()
followPath ctx ((sx,sy):ps) closed False = do
    Canvas.moveTo (25 * sx) (25 * sy) ctx
    forM_ ps $ \(x,y) -> Canvas.lineTo (25 * x) (25 * y) ctx
    when closed $ Canvas.closePath ctx
followPath ctx [p1, p2] False True = followPath ctx [p1, p2] False False
followPath ctx ps False True = do
    let [(x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3)] = take 3 ps
        dprev = sqrt ((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2)
        dnext = sqrt ((x3 - x2)^2 + (y3 - y2)^2)
        p     = dprev / (dprev + dnext)
        cx    = x2 + p * (x1 - x3) / 2
        cy    = y2 + p * (y1 - y3) / 2
     in do Canvas.moveTo (25 * x1) (25 * y1) ctx
           Canvas.quadraticCurveTo (25 * cx) (25 * cy) (25 * x2) (25 * y2) ctx
    forM_ (zip4 ps (tail ps) (tail $ tail ps) (tail $ tail $ tail ps)) $
        \((x1,y1),(x2,y2),(x3,y3),(x4,y4)) ->
            let dp  = sqrt ((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2)
                d1  = sqrt ((x3 - x2)^2 + (y3 - y2)^2)
                d2  = sqrt ((x4 - x3)^2 + (y4 - y3)^2)
                p   = d1 / (d1 + d2)
                r   = d1 / (dp + d1)
                cx1 = x2 + r * (x3 - x1) / 2
                cy1 = y2 + r * (y3 - y1) / 2
                cx2 = x3 + p * (x2 - x4) / 2
                cy2 = y3 + p * (y2 - y4) / 2
            in  Canvas.bezierCurveTo (25 * cx1) (25 * cy1) (25 * cx2) (25 * cy2)
                                     (25 * x3) (25 * y3) ctx
    let [(x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3)] = reverse $ take 3 $ reverse ps
        dp = sqrt ((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2)
        d1 = sqrt ((x3 - x2)^2 + (y3 - y2)^2)
        r  = d1 / (dp + d1)
        cx = x2 + r * (x3 - x1) / 2
        cy = y2 + r * (y3 - y1) / 2
     in Canvas.quadraticCurveTo (25 * cx) (25 * cy) (25 * x3) (25 * y3) ctx
followPath ctx ps@(_:(sx,sy):_) True True = do
    Canvas.moveTo (25 * sx) (25 * sy) ctx
    let rep = cycle ps
    forM_ (zip4 ps (tail rep) (tail $ tail rep) (tail $ tail $ tail rep)) $
        \((x1,y1),(x2,y2),(x3,y3),(x4,y4)) ->
            let dp  = sqrt ((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2)
                d1  = sqrt ((x3 - x2)^2 + (y3 - y2)^2)
                d2  = sqrt ((x4 - x3)^2 + (y4 - y3)^2)
                p   = d1 / (d1 + d2)
                r   = d1 / (dp + d1)
                cx1 = x2 + r * (x3 - x1) / 2
                cy1 = y2 + r * (y3 - y1) / 2
                cx2 = x3 + p * (x2 - x4) / 2
                cy2 = y3 + p * (y2 - y4) / 2
            in  Canvas.bezierCurveTo (25 * cx1) (25 * cy1) (25 * cx2) (25 * cy2)
                                     (25 * x3) (25 * y3) ctx
    Canvas.closePath ctx

drawFigure :: Canvas.Context -> DrawState -> Double -> IO () -> IO ()
drawFigure ctx ds w figure = do
    withDS ctx ds $ do
        when (w /= 0) $ do
            Canvas.lineWidth (25 * w) ctx
            applyColor ctx ds
            Canvas.stroke ctx
    when (w == 0) $ do
        Canvas.lineWidth 1 ctx
        applyColor ctx ds
        Canvas.stroke ctx

fontString :: TextStyle -> Font -> JSString
fontString style font = stylePrefix style <> "25px " <> fontName font
  where stylePrefix Plain        = ""
        stylePrefix Bold         = "bold "
        stylePrefix Italic       = "italic "
        fontName SansSerif       = "sans-serif"
        fontName Serif           = "serif"
        fontName Monospace       = "monospace"
        fontName Handwriting     = "cursive"
        fontName Fancy           = "fantasy"
        fontName (NamedFont txt) = "\"" <> textToJSString (T.filter (/= '"') txt) <> "\""

drawPicture :: Canvas.Context -> DrawState -> Picture -> IO ()
drawPicture ctx ds (Polygon ps smooth) = do
    withDS ctx ds $ followPath ctx ps True smooth
    applyColor ctx ds
    Canvas.fill ctx
drawPicture ctx ds (Path ps w closed smooth) = do
    drawFigure ctx ds w $ followPath ctx ps closed smooth
drawPicture ctx ds (Sector b e r) = withDS ctx ds $ do
    Canvas.arc 0 0 (25 * abs r) b e (b > e) ctx
    Canvas.lineTo 0 0 ctx
    applyColor ctx ds
    Canvas.fill ctx
drawPicture ctx ds (Arc b e r w) = do
    drawFigure ctx ds w $ do
        Canvas.arc 0 0 (25 * abs r) b e (b > e) ctx
drawPicture ctx ds (Text sty fnt txt) = withDS ctx ds $ do
    Canvas.scale 1 (-1) ctx
    applyColor ctx ds
    Canvas.font (fontString sty fnt) ctx
    Canvas.fillText (textToJSString txt) 0 0 ctx
drawPicture ctx ds Logo = withDS ctx ds $ do
    Canvas.scale 1 (-1) ctx
    drawCodeWorldLogo ctx ds (-225) (-50) 450 100
drawPicture ctx ds (Color col p)     = drawPicture ctx (setColorDS col ds) p
drawPicture ctx ds (Translate x y p) = drawPicture ctx (translateDS x y ds) p
drawPicture ctx ds (Scale x y p)     = drawPicture ctx (scaleDS x y ds) p
drawPicture ctx ds (Rotate r p)      = drawPicture ctx (rotateDS r ds) p
drawPicture ctx ds (Pictures ps)     = mapM_ (drawPicture ctx ds) (reverse ps)

drawFrame :: Canvas.Context -> Picture -> IO ()
drawFrame ctx pic = do
    Canvas.fillStyle 255 255 255 1 ctx
    Canvas.fillRect (-250) (-250) 500 500 ctx
    drawPicture ctx initialDS pic

setupScreenContext :: Element -> ClientRect.ClientRect -> IO Canvas.Context
setupScreenContext canvas rect = do
    cw <- ClientRect.getWidth rect
    ch <- ClientRect.getHeight rect
    ctx <- js_getCodeWorldContext (canvasFromElement canvas)
    Canvas.save ctx
    Canvas.translate (realToFrac cw / 2) (realToFrac ch / 2) ctx
    Canvas.scale (realToFrac cw / 500) (- realToFrac ch / 500) ctx
    Canvas.lineWidth 0 ctx
    Canvas.textAlign Canvas.Center ctx
    Canvas.textBaseline Canvas.Middle ctx
    return ctx

setCanvasSize :: Element -> Element -> IO ()
setCanvasSize target canvas = do
    Just rect <- getBoundingClientRect canvas
    cx <- ClientRect.getWidth rect
    cy <- ClientRect.getHeight rect
    setAttribute target ("width" :: JSString) (show (round cx))
    setAttribute target ("height" :: JSString) (show (round cy))

display :: Picture -> IO ()
display pic = do
    Just window <- currentWindow
    Just doc <- currentDocument
    Just canvas <- getElementById doc ("screen" :: JSString)
    on window Window.resize $ liftIO (draw canvas)
    draw canvas
    draw canvas = do
        setCanvasSize canvas canvas
        Just rect <- getBoundingClientRect canvas
        ctx <- setupScreenContext canvas rect
        drawFrame ctx pic
        Canvas.restore ctx

drawingOf pic = display pic `catch` reportError

pictureOf pic = display pic `catch` reportError

-- Stand-alone implementation of drawing


withDS :: DrawState -> Canvas () -> Canvas ()
withDS (ta,tb,tc,td,te,tf,col) action =
    Canvas.saveRestore $ do
        Canvas.transform (ta, tb, tc, td, te, tf)
        Canvas.beginPath ()

applyColor :: DrawState -> Canvas ()
applyColor ds = case getColorDS ds of
    Nothing -> do
      Canvas.strokeStyle "black"
      Canvas.fillStyle   "black"
    Just (RGBA r g b a) -> do
      let style = pack $ printf "rgba(%.0f,%.0f,%.0f,%f)" (r*255) (g*255) (b*255) a
      Canvas.strokeStyle style
      Canvas.fillStyle   style

drawFigure :: DrawState -> Double -> Canvas () -> Canvas ()
drawFigure ds w figure = do
    withDS ds $ do
        when (w /= 0) $ do
            Canvas.lineWidth (25 * w)
            applyColor ds
            Canvas.stroke ()
    when (w == 0) $ do
        Canvas.lineWidth 1
        applyColor ds
        Canvas.stroke ()

followPath :: [Point] -> Bool -> Bool -> Canvas ()
followPath [] closed _ = return ()
followPath [p1] closed _ = return ()
followPath ((sx,sy):ps) closed False = do
    Canvas.moveTo (25 * sx, 25 * sy)
    forM_ ps $ \(x,y) -> Canvas.lineTo (25 * x, 25 * y)
    when closed $ Canvas.closePath ()
followPath [p1, p2] False True = followPath [p1, p2] False False
followPath ps False True = do
    let [(x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3)] = take 3 ps
        dprev = sqrt ((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2)
        dnext = sqrt ((x3 - x2)^2 + (y3 - y2)^2)
        p     = dprev / (dprev + dnext)
        cx    = x2 + p * (x1 - x3) / 2
        cy    = y2 + p * (y1 - y3) / 2
     in do Canvas.moveTo (25 * x1, 25 * y1)
           Canvas.quadraticCurveTo (25 * cx, 25 * cy, 25 * x2, 25 * y2)
    forM_ (zip4 ps (tail ps) (tail $ tail ps) (tail $ tail $ tail ps)) $
        \((x1,y1),(x2,y2),(x3,y3),(x4,y4)) ->
            let dp  = sqrt ((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2)
                d1  = sqrt ((x3 - x2)^2 + (y3 - y2)^2)
                d2  = sqrt ((x4 - x3)^2 + (y4 - y3)^2)
                p   = d1 / (d1 + d2)
                r   = d1 / (dp + d1)
                cx1 = x2 + r * (x3 - x1) / 2
                cy1 = y2 + r * (y3 - y1) / 2
                cx2 = x3 + p * (x2 - x4) / 2
                cy2 = y3 + p * (y2 - y4) / 2
            in  Canvas.bezierCurveTo ( 25 * cx1, 25 * cy1, 25 * cx2, 25 * cy2
                                     , 25 * x3,  25 * y3)
    let [(x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3)] = reverse $ take 3 $ reverse ps
        dp = sqrt ((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2)
        d1 = sqrt ((x3 - x2)^2 + (y3 - y2)^2)
        r  = d1 / (dp + d1)
        cx = x2 + r * (x3 - x1) / 2
        cy = y2 + r * (y3 - y1) / 2
     in Canvas.quadraticCurveTo (25 * cx, 25 * cy, 25 * x3, 25 * y3)
followPath ps@(_:(sx,sy):_) True True = do
    Canvas.moveTo (25 * sx, 25 * sy)
    let rep = cycle ps
    forM_ (zip4 ps (tail rep) (tail $ tail rep) (tail $ tail $ tail rep)) $
        \((x1,y1),(x2,y2),(x3,y3),(x4,y4)) ->
            let dp  = sqrt ((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2)
                d1  = sqrt ((x3 - x2)^2 + (y3 - y2)^2)
                d2  = sqrt ((x4 - x3)^2 + (y4 - y3)^2)
                p   = d1 / (d1 + d2)
                r   = d1 / (dp + d1)
                cx1 = x2 + r * (x3 - x1) / 2
                cy1 = y2 + r * (y3 - y1) / 2
                cx2 = x3 + p * (x2 - x4) / 2
                cy2 = y3 + p * (y2 - y4) / 2
            in  Canvas.bezierCurveTo ( 25 * cx1, 25 * cy1, 25 * cx2, 25 * cy2
                                     , 25 * x3, 25 * y3)
    Canvas.closePath ()

fontString :: TextStyle -> Font -> Text
fontString style font = stylePrefix style <> "25px " <> fontName font
  where stylePrefix Plain        = ""
        stylePrefix Bold         = "bold "
        stylePrefix Italic       = "italic "
        fontName SansSerif       = "sans-serif"
        fontName Serif           = "serif"
        fontName Monospace       = "monospace"
        fontName Handwriting     = "cursive"
        fontName Fancy           = "fantasy"
        fontName (NamedFont txt) = "\"" <> T.filter (/= '"') txt <> "\""

drawPicture :: DrawState -> Picture -> Canvas ()
drawPicture ds (Polygon ps smooth) = do
    withDS ds $ followPath ps True smooth
    applyColor ds
    Canvas.fill ()
drawPicture ds (Path ps w closed smooth) = do
    drawFigure ds w $ followPath ps closed smooth
drawPicture ds (Sector b e r) = withDS ds $ do
    Canvas.arc (0, 0, 25 * abs r, b, e,  b > e)
    Canvas.lineTo (0, 0)
    applyColor ds
    Canvas.fill ()
drawPicture ds (Arc b e r w) = do
    drawFigure ds w $ do
        Canvas.arc (0, 0, 25 * abs r, b, e, b > e)
drawPicture ds (Text sty fnt txt) = withDS ds $ do
    Canvas.scale (1, -1)
    applyColor ds
    Canvas.font (fontString sty fnt)
    Canvas.fillText (txt, 0, 0)
drawPicture ds Logo              = return () -- Unimplemented
drawPicture ds (Color col p)     = drawPicture (setColorDS col ds) p
drawPicture ds (Translate x y p) = drawPicture (translateDS x y ds) p
drawPicture ds (Scale x y p)     = drawPicture (scaleDS x y ds) p
drawPicture ds (Rotate r p)      = drawPicture (rotateDS r ds) p
drawPicture ds (Pictures ps)     = mapM_ (drawPicture ds) (reverse ps)

drawFrame :: Picture -> Canvas ()
drawFrame pic = do
    Canvas.fillStyle "white"
    Canvas.fillRect (-250, -250, 500, 500)
    drawPicture initialDS pic

setupScreenContext :: (Int, Int) -> Canvas ()
setupScreenContext (cw, ch) = do
    Canvas.translate (realToFrac cw / 2, realToFrac ch / 2)
    let s = min (realToFrac cw / 500) (realToFrac ch / 500)
    Canvas.scale (s, -s)
    Canvas.lineWidth 0
    Canvas.textAlign Canvas.CenterAnchor
    Canvas.textBaseline Canvas.MiddleBaseline

runBlankCanvas :: (Canvas.DeviceContext -> IO ()) -> IO ()
runBlankCanvas act = do
    putStrLn $ printf "Open me on" (Canvas.port options)
    Canvas.blankCanvas options $ \context -> do
        putStrLn "Program is starting..."
        act context
    options = 3000 { Canvas.events =
        [ "mousedown", "mouseup", "mousemove", "keydown", "keyup"]

display :: Picture -> IO ()
display pic = runBlankCanvas $ \context ->
    Canvas.send context $ Canvas.saveRestore $ do
        let rect = (Canvas.width context, Canvas.height context)
        setupScreenContext rect
        drawFrame pic

pictureOf = drawingOf

drawingOf pic = display pic `catch` reportError

-- Common activity managing code

data Activity = Activity {
    activityStep    :: Double -> Activity,
    activityEvent   :: Event -> Activity,
    activityDraw    :: Picture

handleEvent :: Event -> MVar Activity -> IO ()
handleEvent event activity =
    modifyMVar_ activity $ \a0 -> return (activityEvent a0 event)

passTime :: Double -> MVar Activity -> IO Activity
passTime dt activity = modifyMVar activity $ \a0 -> do
    let a1 = activityStep a0 (realToFrac (min dt 0.25))
    return (a1, a1)

-- Common event handling code

keyCodeToText :: Int -> Text
keyCodeToText n = case n of
    _ | n >= 47  && n <= 90  -> fromAscii n
    _ | n >= 96  && n <= 105 -> fromNum (n - 96)
    _ | n >= 112 && n <= 135 -> "F" <> fromNum (n - 111)
    3                        -> "Cancel"
    6                        -> "Help"
    8                        -> "Backspace"
    9                        -> "Tab"
    12                       -> "5"
    13                       -> "Enter"
    16                       -> "Shift"
    17                       -> "Ctrl"
    18                       -> "Alt"
    19                       -> "Break"
    20                       -> "CapsLock"
    27                       -> "Esc"
    32                       -> " "
    33                       -> "PageUp"
    34                       -> "PageDown"
    35                       -> "End"
    36                       -> "Home"
    37                       -> "Left"
    38                       -> "Up"
    39                       -> "Right"
    40                       -> "Down"
    42                       -> "*"
    43                       -> "+"
    44                       -> "PrintScreen"
    45                       -> "Insert"
    46                       -> "Delete"
    106                      -> "*"
    107                      -> "+"
    108                      -> "Separator"
    109                      -> "-"
    110                      -> "."
    111                      -> "/"
    144                      -> "NumLock"
    145                      -> "ScrollLock"
    186                      -> ";"
    187                      -> "="
    188                      -> ","
    189                      -> "-"
    190                      -> "."
    191                      -> "/"
    192                      -> "`"
    219                      -> "["
    220                      -> "\\"
    221                      -> "]"
    222                      -> "'"
    _                        -> "Unknown:" <> fromNum n
  where fromAscii n = singleton (chr n)
        fromNum   n = pack (show (fromIntegral n))

-- GHCJS event handling and core interaction code

#ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS

getMousePos :: IsMouseEvent e => Element -> EventM w e Point
getMousePos canvas = do
    (ix, iy) <- mouseClientXY
    liftIO $ do
        Just rect <- getBoundingClientRect canvas
        cx <- ClientRect.getLeft rect
        cy <- ClientRect.getTop rect
        cw <- ClientRect.getWidth rect
        ch <- ClientRect.getHeight rect
        return (20 * fromIntegral (ix - round cx) / realToFrac cw - 10,
                20 * fromIntegral (round cy - iy) / realToFrac cw + 10)

fromButtonNum :: Word -> Maybe MouseButton
fromButtonNum 0 = Just LeftButton
fromButtonNum 1 = Just MiddleButton
fromButtonNum 2 = Just RightButton
fromButtonNum _ = Nothing

setupEvents :: MVar Activity -> Element -> Element -> IO ()
setupEvents currentActivity canvas offscreen = do
    Just window <- currentWindow
    on window Window.keyDown $ do
        code <- uiKeyCode
        let keyName = keyCodeToText code
        when (keyName /= "") $ do
            liftIO $ handleEvent (KeyPress keyName) currentActivity
    on window Window.keyUp $ do
        code <- uiKeyCode
        let keyName = keyCodeToText code
        when (keyName /= "") $ do
            liftIO $ handleEvent (KeyRelease keyName) currentActivity
    on window Window.mouseDown $ do
        button <- mouseButton
        case fromButtonNum button of
            Nothing  -> return ()
            Just btn -> do
                pos <- getMousePos canvas
                liftIO $ handleEvent (MousePress btn pos) currentActivity
    on window Window.mouseUp $ do
        button <- mouseButton
        case fromButtonNum button of
            Nothing  -> return ()
            Just btn -> do
                pos <- getMousePos canvas
                liftIO $ handleEvent (MouseRelease btn pos) currentActivity
    on window Window.mouseMove $ do
        pos <- getMousePos canvas
        liftIO $ handleEvent (MouseMovement pos) currentActivity
    return ()

run :: Activity -> IO ()
run startActivity = do
    Just window <- currentWindow
    Just doc <- currentDocument
    Just canvas <- getElementById doc ("screen" :: JSString)
    offscreenCanvas <- Canvas.create 500 500

    setCanvasSize canvas canvas
    setCanvasSize (elementFromCanvas offscreenCanvas) canvas
    on window Window.resize $ do
        liftIO $ setCanvasSize canvas canvas
        liftIO $ setCanvasSize (elementFromCanvas offscreenCanvas) canvas

    currentActivity <- newMVar startActivity
    setupEvents currentActivity canvas (elementFromCanvas offscreenCanvas)

    screen <- js_getCodeWorldContext (canvasFromElement canvas)

    let go t0 a0 = do
            Just rect <- getBoundingClientRect canvas
            buffer <- setupScreenContext (elementFromCanvas offscreenCanvas) rect
            drawFrame buffer (activityDraw a0)
            Canvas.restore buffer

            t1 <- waitForAnimationFrame

            Just rect <- getBoundingClientRect canvas
            cw <- ClientRect.getWidth rect
            ch <- ClientRect.getHeight rect

            Canvas.clearRect 0 0 (realToFrac cw) (realToFrac ch) screen
            js_canvasDrawImage screen (elementFromCanvas offscreenCanvas) 0 0 (round cw) (round ch)
            a1 <- passTime ((t1 - t0) / 1000) currentActivity
            go t1 a1

    t0 <- waitForAnimationFrame
    go t0 startActivity `catch` reportError

-- Stand-Alone event handling and core interaction code


fromButtonNum :: Int -> Maybe MouseButton
fromButtonNum 1 = Just LeftButton
fromButtonNum 2 = Just MiddleButton
fromButtonNum 3 = Just RightButton
fromButtonNum _ = Nothing

getMousePos :: (Int, Int) -> (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double)
getMousePos (w,h) (x,y) = ((x - fromIntegral w / 2)/s, -(y - fromIntegral h / 2)/s)
   s = min (realToFrac w / 20) (realToFrac h / 20)

toEvent :: (Int, Int) -> Canvas.Event -> Maybe Event
toEvent rect Canvas.Event {..}
    | eType == "keydown"
    , Just code <- eWhich
    = Just $ KeyPress (keyCodeToText code)
    | eType == "keyup"
    , Just code <- eWhich
    = Just $ KeyRelease (keyCodeToText code)
    | eType == "mousedown"
    , Just button <- eWhich >>= fromButtonNum
    , Just pos <- getMousePos rect <$> ePageXY
    = Just $ MousePress button pos
    | eType == "mouseup"
    , Just button <- eWhich >>= fromButtonNum
    , Just pos <- getMousePos rect <$> ePageXY
    = Just $ MouseRelease button pos
    | eType == "mousemove"
    , Just pos <- getMousePos rect <$> ePageXY
    = Just $ MouseMovement pos
    | otherwise
    = Nothing

run :: Activity -> IO ()
run startActivity = runBlankCanvas $ \context -> do
    let rect = (Canvas.width context, Canvas.height context)

    offscreenCanvas <- Canvas.send context $ Canvas.newCanvas rect

    currentActivity <- newMVar startActivity

    let go t0 a0 = do
            Canvas.send context $
                Canvas.with offscreenCanvas $
                    Canvas.saveRestore $ do
                        setupScreenContext rect
                        drawFrame (activityDraw a0)
            tn <- getCurrentTime

            threadDelay $ max 0 (50000 - (round ((tn `diffUTCTime` t0) * 1000000)))
            t1 <- getCurrentTime

            Canvas.send context $ Canvas.drawImageAt (offscreenCanvas, 0, 0)
            a1 <- passTime (realToFrac (t1 `diffUTCTime` t0)) currentActivity

            -- Handle events now
            events <- mapMaybe (toEvent rect) <$> Canvas.flush context
            mapM_ (\e -> handleEvent e currentActivity) events

            go t1 a1

    t0 <- getCurrentTime
    go t0 startActivity `catch` reportError


-- Common code for interaction, animation and simulation interfaces

interactionOf initial step event draw = go `catch` reportError
  where go = run (activity initial)
        activity x = Activity {
                        activityStep    = (\dt -> activity (step dt x)),
                        activityEvent   = (\ev -> activity (event ev x)),
                        activityDraw    = draw x

data Wrapped a = Wrapped {
    state          :: a,
    paused         :: Bool,
    mouseMovedTime :: Double

data Control :: * -> * where
  PlayButton    :: Control a
  PauseButton   :: Control a
  StepButton    :: Control a
  RestartButton :: Control Double
  BackButton    :: Control Double
  TimeLabel     :: Control Double

wrappedStep :: (Double -> a -> a) -> Double -> Wrapped a -> Wrapped a
wrappedStep f dt w = w {
    state          = if paused w then state w else f dt (state w),
    mouseMovedTime = mouseMovedTime w + dt

wrappedEvent :: (Wrapped a -> [Control a])
      -> (Double -> a -> a)
      -> Event -> Wrapped a -> Wrapped a
wrappedEvent _     _ (MouseMovement _)         w
    = w { mouseMovedTime = 0 }
wrappedEvent ctrls f (MousePress LeftButton p) w
    = (foldr (handleControl f p) w (ctrls w)) { mouseMovedTime = 0 }
wrappedEvent _     _ _                         w = w

handleControl :: (Double -> a -> a)
              -> Point
              -> Control a
              -> Wrapped a
              -> Wrapped a
handleControl _ (x,y) RestartButton w
  | -9.4 < x && x < -8.6 && -9.4 < y && y < -8.6
      = w { state = 0 }
handleControl _ (x,y) PlayButton    w
  | -8.4 < x && x < -7.6 && -9.4 < y && y < -8.6
      = w { paused = False }
handleControl _ (x,y) PauseButton   w
  | -8.4 < x && x < -7.6 && -9.4 < y && y < -8.6
      = w { paused = True }
handleControl f (x,y) StepButton    w
  | -7.4 < x && x < -6.6 && -9.4 < y && y < -8.6
      = w { state = f 0.1 (state w) }
handleControl _ (x,y) BackButton    w
  | -6.4 < x && x < -5.6 && -9.4 < y && y < -8.6
      = w { state = max 0 (state w - 0.1) }
handleControl _ _     _             w = w

wrappedDraw :: (Wrapped a -> [Control a])
     -> (a -> Picture)
     -> Wrapped a -> Picture
wrappedDraw ctrls f w = drawControlPanel ctrls w <> f (state w)

drawControlPanel :: (Wrapped a -> [Control a]) -> Wrapped a -> Picture
drawControlPanel ctrls w = pictures [ drawControl w alpha c | c <- ctrls w ]
  where alpha | mouseMovedTime w < 4.5  = 1
              | mouseMovedTime w < 5.0  = 10 - 2 * mouseMovedTime w
              | otherwise               = 0

drawControl :: Wrapped a -> Double -> Control a -> Picture
drawControl _ alpha RestartButton = translated (-9) (-9) p
  where p = colored (RGBA 0   0   0   alpha)
                    (thickArc 0.1 (pi / 6) (11 * pi / 6) 0.2 <>
                     translated 0.173 (-0.1) (solidRectangle 0.17 0.17))
         <> colored (RGBA 0.2 0.2 0.2 alpha) (rectangle      0.8 0.8)
         <> colored (RGBA 0.8 0.8 0.8 alpha) (solidRectangle 0.8 0.8)

drawControl _ alpha PlayButton = translated (-8) (-9) p
  where p = colored (RGBA 0   0   0   alpha)
                    (solidPolygon [ (-0.2, 0.25), (-0.2, -0.25), (0.2, 0) ])
         <> colored (RGBA 0.2 0.2 0.2 alpha) (rectangle      0.8 0.8)
         <> colored (RGBA 0.8 0.8 0.8 alpha) (solidRectangle 0.8 0.8)

drawControl _ alpha PauseButton = translated (-8) (-9) p
  where p = colored (RGBA 0   0   0   alpha)
                    (translated (-0.15) 0 (solidRectangle 0.2 0.6) <>
                     translated ( 0.15) 0 (solidRectangle 0.2 0.6))
         <> colored (RGBA 0.2 0.2 0.2 alpha) (rectangle      0.8 0.8)
         <> colored (RGBA 0.8 0.8 0.8 alpha) (solidRectangle 0.8 0.8)

drawControl _ alpha StepButton = translated (-7) (-9) p
  where p = colored (RGBA 0   0   0   alpha)
                    (translated (-0.15) 0 (solidRectangle 0.2 0.5) <>
                     solidPolygon [ (0.05, 0.25), (0.05, -0.25), (0.3, 0) ])
         <> colored (RGBA 0.2 0.2 0.2 alpha) (rectangle      0.8 0.8)
         <> colored (RGBA 0.8 0.8 0.8 alpha) (solidRectangle 0.8 0.8)

drawControl _ alpha BackButton = translated (-6) (-9) p
  where p = colored (RGBA 0   0   0   alpha)
                    (translated 0.15 0 (solidRectangle 0.2 0.5) <>
                     solidPolygon [ (-0.05, 0.25), (-0.05, -0.25), (-0.3, 0) ])
         <> colored (RGBA 0.2 0.2 0.2 alpha) (rectangle      0.8 0.8)
         <> colored (RGBA 0.8 0.8 0.8 alpha) (solidRectangle 0.8 0.8)

drawControl w alpha TimeLabel = translated (8) (-9) p
  where p = colored (RGBA 0   0   0   alpha)
                    (scaled 0.5 0.5 $
                        text (pack (showFFloatAlt (Just 4) (state w) "s")))
         <> colored (RGBA 0.2 0.2 0.2 alpha) (rectangle      3.0 0.8)
         <> colored (RGBA 0.8 0.8 0.8 alpha) (solidRectangle 3.0 0.8)

animationControls :: Wrapped Double -> [Control Double]
animationControls w
  | mouseMovedTime w > 5    = []
  | paused w && state w > 0 = [ RestartButton, PlayButton, StepButton,
                                BackButton, TimeLabel ]
  | paused w                = [ RestartButton, PlayButton, StepButton,
                                TimeLabel ]
  | otherwise               = [ RestartButton, PauseButton, TimeLabel ]

animationOf f =
    interactionOf initial
                  (wrappedStep (+))
                  (wrappedEvent animationControls (+))
                  (wrappedDraw animationControls f)
  where initial = Wrapped {
            state          = 0,
            paused         = False,
            mouseMovedTime = 1000

simulationControls :: Wrapped w -> [Control w]
simulationControls w
  | mouseMovedTime w > 5 = []
  | paused w             = [ PlayButton, StepButton ]
  | otherwise            = [ PauseButton ]

simulationOf simInitial simStep simDraw =
    interactionOf initial
                  (wrappedStep simStep)
                  (wrappedEvent simulationControls simStep)
                  (wrappedDraw simulationControls simDraw)
  where initial = Wrapped {
            state          = simInitial,
            paused         = False,
            mouseMovedTime = 1000

#ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS
--- GHCJS implementation of tracing and error handling

foreign import javascript unsafe "window.reportRuntimeError($1, $2);"
    js_reportRuntimeError :: Bool -> JSString -> IO ()

trace msg x = unsafePerformIO $ do
    js_reportRuntimeError False (textToJSString msg)
    return x

reportError :: SomeException -> IO ()
reportError e = js_reportRuntimeError True (textToJSString (pack (show e)))

--- Stand-alone implementation of tracing and error handling

trace = Debug.Trace.trace . T.unpack

reportError :: SomeException -> IO ()
reportError e = hPrint stderr e
