Name: codeworld-api Version: Synopsis: Graphics library for CodeWorld License: Apache License-file: LICENSE Author: The CodeWorld Authors Maintainer: Chris Smith Copyright: (c) 2016, The CodeWorld Authors Build-type: Simple Cabal-version: >=1.8 Description: This module provides the drawing code for CodeWorld. It is heavily inspired by Gloss, but modified for consistency and pedagogical reasons. . It comes with two backends. When compiled with GHCJS, it uses the JavaScript FFI to run on . When compiled with GHC, it uses the blank-canvas package to provide a webpage consisting of just a panel locally. This way, the same program that runs on the CodeWorld server can also be run locally. Library Hs-source-dirs: src Exposed-modules: CodeWorld Other-modules: CodeWorld.Color, CodeWorld.Picture, CodeWorld.Event, CodeWorld.Driver Build-depends: base < 5, mtl, random, text, time if impl(ghcjs) Build-depends: ghcjs-base, ghcjs-dom else Build-depends: blank-canvas Exposed: True Ghc-options: -O2