Copyright 2010-2012 Cognimeta Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is
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{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveDataTypeable, TupleSections #-}

module Cgm.Control.Concurrent.TThread (
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (catch)
import Data.IntMap
import Data.Typeable
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Cgm.Control.Combinators
import Cgm.Data.Bool

data Task n a = Task n ((Task n a -> IO ()) -> IO (a -> a))
data State n a = State {val :: a, nextId :: Int, threads :: IntMap (n, ThreadId, Bool), forcedCancel :: Bool}

data Abort = Abort deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception Abort -- Not exported since it should not be thrown by anyone else 
-- Could malicious code still throw it, by catching it as SomeException, unpacking the exitential, and using throwTo on  
-- itself (myThreadId) or some other thread which has leaked its identity?

-- When a task completes, it applies a transition function to the candidate return value. Whenever the cancel predicate is
-- true for that value, or if a forced cancellation has been triggerred by an exception in a child thread or an abort request
-- in the parent, then all tasks that have not yet been cancelled are cancelled. Tasks starting will start cancelled if
-- the cancel predicate is true on the current value, or if forced cancellation has been triggerred.
-- Users wil probably want to ensure that once the cancel predicate becomes true, it never becomes false again.
-- This function should not be used with asynchronous exceptions in the parent thread (beyond the Abort exception
-- that may be thrown by an outer invocation of this function). Any unhandled exception in a child will be rethrown (wrapped)
-- in the parent, after all children have been cancelled and have completed. The user should only rely on this behavior
-- to handle unexepected exceptions. Other exceptions should be caught and transformed into a value in the children, so
-- that the cancellation predicate can determine if cancellation is appropriate, and that the result transformation function
-- can determine the appropriate result (the caller of run can transform back some values into exceptions).
run :: forall n a. [Task n a] -> a -> (a -> Bool) -> IO a
run tasks initial cancel = newChan >>= run' where
  run' c = foldM (flip startTransition) (State initial 0 Data.IntMap.empty False) tasks >>= handler where
    handler s = do 
      state'@(State a _ ts _) <- readChan c >>= ($ s)
      bool (handler state') (return a) $ Data.IntMap.null ts
    startTransition :: Task n a -> State n a -> IO (State n a)
    startTransition (Task n f) (State a i ts fc) = do
      t <- forkIO (f (writeChan c . startTransition) >>= writeChan c . endTransition)
      let cancelT = fc || cancel a
      when cancelT $ throwTo t Abort
      return $ State a (i+1) (insert i (n, t, cancelT) ts) fc where
        endTransition :: (a -> a) -> State n a -> IO (State n a)
        endTransition af (State a next ts fc) = do
          let ts' = delete i ts
          let a' = af a
          ts'' <- bool (return ts') (foldWithKey cancelNonCancelled (return ts') ts') $ not fc && cancel a'
          return (State a' next ts' fc) where
            cancelNonCancelled :: Int -> (n, ThreadId, Bool) -> Id (IO (IntMap (n, ThreadId, Bool)))
            cancelNonCancelled i (n, t, x) = if x then id else (>>= (<$ throwTo t Abort) . adjust (const (n, t, True)) i)

-- A task represented as pair of a description, and an IO of a triple containing: 
--  1) whether to attempt to cancel the other task, 
--  2) our result when we finish first, which the other task will convert into a final result
--  3) a function from that result of the other task to the final result, to be used only if we finish second
type Task2 c a b = (String, IO (Task2Result c a b))
type Task2Result c a b = ((Bool, a), b -> c)

data UnexpectedTaskException = UnexpectedTaskException Bool String SomeException deriving (Show, Typeable)
data ConcurrentExceptions = ConcurrentExceptions SomeException SomeException deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception UnexpectedTaskException
instance Exception ConcurrentExceptions

data PeerTaskException = PeerTaskException deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception PeerTaskException

-- Unexpected exceptions in a child will be wrapped in an UnexpectedTaskException, and an asynchronous
-- exception PeerTaskException will be thrown in the other task (if it has not already completed). In that case
-- the PeerTaskException is expected by the run2 method, so it does not have to be handled in the child.
-- If both children return an exception, then both are wrapped and the resulting pair is thrown as a ConcurrentExceptions.
-- Child tasks are required to catch Abort (if the peer requests it), and produce a Task2Result
-- TODO handle Abort in parent 

run2 :: Task2 c a b -> Task2 c b a -> IO c
run2 (n1, task1) (n2, task2) = do
  h1@(_, m1) <- forkIOT task1
  h2@(_, m2) <- forkIOT task2
  let w1 = UnexpectedTaskException False n1
  let w2 = UnexpectedTaskException True n2
  join $ atomically $ getEitherJust (firstComplete w2 h2 w1) (firstComplete w1 h1 w2) m1 m2 where
    firstComplete :: Wrapper -> ThreadHandles (Task2Result c b a) -> Wrapper -> Either SomeException (Task2Result c a b) -> IO c
    firstComplete wl (tl, ml) wf = either ex normal where
      ex ef = do
        throwTo tl PeerTaskException
        atomically (getJust ml) >>= either exl (const $ throw wrappedFirst) where
          wrappedFirst = wf ef
          exl el = maybe twoExceptions (const $ throw wrappedFirst) (fromException el :: Maybe PeerTaskException) where
            twoExceptions = throw $ ConcurrentExceptions (SomeException $ wl el) (SomeException wrappedFirst)
      normal ((cancel, intermediate), _) = do
        when cancel $ throwTo tl Abort
        final <- atomically (getJust ml) >>= either (throw . wl) (return . snd)
        return $ final intermediate
type Wrapper = SomeException -> UnexpectedTaskException
runWithDeamon :: (String, IO c) -> (String, IO ()) -> IO c
runWithDeamon (n1, f1) (n2, f2) = run2
                                 (n1, handle (\(e::Abort) -> error deamonEnded) f1 >>= \c -> return ((True, c), error deamonEnded)) 
                                 (n2, handle (\(e::Abort) -> return ()) f2 >> return ((True, ()), id)) where
  deamonEnded = "Deamon ended spontaneously"

type ThreadHandles a = (ThreadId, STM (Maybe (Either SomeException a)))

forkIOT :: IO a -> IO (ThreadHandles a)
forkIOT f = do
  v <- atomically $ newTVar Nothing
  t <- forkIO $ handle (set v . Left) (f >>= set v . Right)
  return (t, readTVar v) where
    set v = atomically . writeTVar v . Just

getJust :: STM (Maybe a) -> STM a
getJust = (>>= maybe retry return)

getEitherJust :: (a -> z) -> (b -> z) -> STM (Maybe a) -> STM (Maybe b) -> STM z
getEitherJust z1 z2 m1 m2 = m1 >>= maybe (m2 >>= maybe retry (return . z2)) (return . z1)