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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, 
FunctionalDependencies, DeriveDataTypeable #-}

module Cgm.Data.WordN (
    module Cgm.Data.Nat,
    module Cgm.Data.Super
) where

import Data.Word
import Data.Int
import Data.Bits
import Control.Applicative
import GHC.Enum
import Cgm.Data.Bool
import Cgm.Data.Super
import Cgm.Data.Nat
import Cgm.Control.Combinators
import Cgm.Control.InFunctor
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), Gen)
import Data.Typeable

--testAddZ :: forall a. Nat a -> RWord (Add D0 (Nat a)) -> RWord (Nat a)
--testAddZ a r = addZ a r'
--	where r' :: (Add D0 (Nat a) ~ (Nat a)) => RWord (Nat a)
--              r' = r
--testRWordJoin :: forall a b. (NatClass a, NatClass b) => RWord (Nat a) -> RWord (Nat b) -> RWord (Add (Nat a) (Nat b))
--testRWordJoin a b = addComm (nat :: Nat a) (nat :: Nat b) $ addClosed (nat :: Nat b) (nat :: Nat a) $ \s -> rWordAdd (rWordJoin a b) $ rWordJoin b a
--runTestRWordJoin = print $ testRWordJoin (RWord 2 :: RWord D4) (RWord 3 :: RWord D5)

-- WordN

class (Bits w, Integral w, Nat (WordNBits w)) => WordN w where
    type WordNBits w :: *

instance WordN Word8 where type WordNBits Word8 = D8
instance WordN Word16 where type WordNBits Word16 = D16
instance WordN Word32 where type WordNBits Word32 = D32
instance WordN Word64 where type WordNBits Word64 = D64

wordNBits :: forall w. WordN w => w -> Int
wordNBits _ = (at :: At (WordNBits w)) intOfNat

-- RWord

newtype RWord w n = RWord {unRWord :: w} deriving Typeable

toRWord :: WordN w => w -> RWord w (WordNBits w)
toRWord = RWord

fromRWord :: RWord w n -> w
fromRWord = unRWord

rWord :: WordN w => Bijection' w (RWord w (WordNBits w))
rWord = uncheckedBijection toRWord fromRWord

boolAsWord :: Bijection' Bool (RWord Word8 D1)
boolAsWord = uncheckedBijection (bool 0 1) (== 1)

-- RWordC is just shorthand for an otherwise verbose context
class (WordN w, Nat n, Nat (WordNBits w :-: n)) => RWordC w n
instance (WordN w, Nat n, Nat (WordNBits w :-: n)) => RWordC w n

rWordJoin :: forall n m w. (Nat n, Nat m, Bits w) => RWord w n -> RWord w m -> Tagged n (RWord w (m :+: n))
rWordJoin (RWord un) (RWord um) = Tagged $ RWord $ um .|. (un `shiftL` (at :: At m) intOfNat)

rWordBool :: RWordC w D1 => RWord w D1 -> Bool
rWordBool = (`testBit` 0)

rWordSplit :: forall w n m. (RWordC w (n :+: m), RWordC w n, RWordC w m) => RWord w (n :+: m) -> Tagged m (RWord w m, RWord w n)
rWordSplit (RWord w) = Tagged $ (RWord (w `shiftR` (at :: At m) intOfNat), rClean $ RWord w)

rClean :: forall w n. RWordC w n => RWord w n -> RWord w n
rClean = liftRToR $ (.&.) $ (at :: At n) $ lowMaskNat

rSaturate :: forall w n. RWordC w n => RWord w n -> RWord w n
rSaturate = liftRToR $ (.|.) $ complement $ (at :: At n) $ lowMaskNat

-- TODO: The Nat ((WordNBits w) :-: n) is not used, so if it were defined as 'undefined' it would side-step out type checks (Nat only
-- closed if we exclude 'undefined' definitions). We could change the code so that it is used just to make sure it is not undefined.
-- Would representing the bound by a TBool valued type function be safer?
lowMaskNat :: RWordC w n => Tagged n w
lowMaskNat = (complement . shiftL (complement 0)) <$> intOfNat

-- TODO replace with more general versions in InFunctor, lift.... Oops no. That would no work. A Bijection cannot
-- be polymorphic. If we use a type function, like Structure, we could have more general lift functions.
liftRToA f = f . unRWord
liftAToR f = RWord . f
liftRToR f = RWord . f . unRWord
liftRRToR f = RWord ./ dot2i f unRWord -- could be written "wrapB rw rw rw", and we might then want to inline manually
liftRRToA f = dot2i f unRWord
liftRAToR f = RWord ./ dot2 f unRWord id
liftRRToRR f = (\(a, b) -> (RWord a, RWord b)) ./ dot2i f unRWord

-- Todo: remove Nat (WordNBits w' :-: n) which is redundant, it can be infered by transitivity: WordNBits w' >= n' >= n
--instance (RWordC w n, RWordC w' n', Nat (n' :-: n), Nat (WordNBits w' :-: n)) => Super (RWord w n) (RWord w' n') where 
--  super = rMoreBits `composeM` rChangeWord
--instance RWordC w n => Super (RWord w n) w where
--    super = uncheckedBijection unRWord RWord `composeM` (rMoreBits :: InjectionM' (RWord w n) (RWord w (WordNBits w)))
-- The above two commented instances are subsumed by the following instance, which might be less efficient

instance (RWordC w n, RWordC w' n) => Super (RWord w n) w' where
    super = uncheckedInjectionM fromIntegral (((RWord . fromIntegral) <$>) . predJust (<= bound)) where
      bound = fromIntegral (maxBound :: RWord w n) :: w'

rChangeWord :: forall w w' n . (RWordC w n, RWordC w' n) => Bijection' (RWord w n) (RWord w' n)
rChangeWord = uncheckedBijection (RWord . fromIntegral . unRWord) (RWord . fromIntegral . unRWord)

rChangeWord' :: forall w w' n . (RWordC w n, WordN w', Nat (WordNBits w' :-: WordNBits w)) => Bijection' (RWord w n) (RWord w' n)
rChangeWord' = uncheckedBijection (RWord . fromIntegral . unRWord) (RWord . fromIntegral . unRWord)

rMoreBits :: forall w n n' d . (RWordC w n, Nat d, (n' :-: n) ~ d) => InjectionM' (RWord w n) (RWord w n')
rMoreBits = uncheckedInjectionM (liftRToR id) ((RWord <$>) . predJust (<= (at :: At n) lowMaskNat) . unRWord)

rAdd :: Num w =>  RWord w n -> RWord w n -> RWord w (Succ n)
rAdd = liftRRToR (+)

instance RWordC w n => Bounded (RWord w n) where
    minBound = 0
    maxBound = (at :: At n) $ dupTag $ subI $ lowMaskNat

instance RWordC w n => Bits (RWord w n) where
    (.&.) = liftRRToR (.&.)
    (.|.) = liftRRToR (.|.)
    xor = liftRRToR xor
    complement = liftRToR (`xor` (at :: At n) lowMaskNat)
    shiftL = rClean ./ liftRAToR shiftL
    shiftR = liftRAToR shiftR
    rotateL x i = shiftL x i .|. shiftR x ((at :: At n) intOfNat - i)
    rotateR x i = rotateL x ((at :: At n) intOfNat - i)
    bitSize _ = (at :: At n) intOfNat
    isSigned _ = False

instance RWordC w n => Ord (RWord w n) where
    compare = liftRRToA compare

instance RWordC w n => Enum (RWord w n) where
  succ = rClean . liftRToR succ . rSaturate
  pred = liftRToR pred
  toEnum = rClean . liftAToR toEnum . ((+) $ fromIntegral $ complement $ ((at :: At n) lowMaskNat :: w))
  fromEnum = liftRToA fromEnum
  enumFrom     = boundedEnumFrom
  enumFromThen = boundedEnumFromThen

instance RWordC w n => Real (RWord w n) where
    toRational = liftRToA toRational

instance RWordC w n => Integral (RWord w n) where
    quot = liftRRToR quot
    rem = liftRRToR rem
    div = liftRRToR div
    mod = liftRRToR mod
    quotRem = liftRRToRR quotRem
    divMod = liftRRToRR divMod
    toInteger = liftRToA toInteger

instance RWordC w n => WordN (RWord w n) where
    type WordNBits (RWord w n) = n

instance RWordC w n => Eq (RWord w n) where
    (==) = liftRRToA (==)

instance (Show w, RWordC w n) => Show (RWord w n) where
    show = liftRToA show

instance RWordC w n => Num (RWord w n) where
    (+) = rClean ./ liftRRToR (+)
    (-) = rClean ./ liftRRToR (-)
    (*) = rClean ./ liftRRToR (*)
    negate = rClean . liftRToR negate
    fromInteger = rClean . liftAToR fromInteger
    abs = liftRToR abs
    signum = liftRToR signum

instance (Arbitrary w, RWordC w n) => Arbitrary (RWord w n) where
  arbitrary = (rClean . RWord) <$> arbitrary
  shrink = (RWord <$>) . shrink . unRWord

type RWord8 = RWord Word8
type RWord16 = RWord Word16
type RWord32 = RWord Word32
type RWord64 = RWord Word64

--type RangeT n iMin eMax = (n :>=: iMin) :&&: (n :<: eMax)
--type RWord n = If (RangeT n D0 D8) (RWord Word8 n)
--                  (If (n :==: D8) Word8
--                      (If (RangeT n D9 D16) (RWord Word16 n)
--                          (If (n :==: D16) Word16
--                              (If (RangeT n D17 D32) (RWord Word32 n)
--                                  (If (n :==: D32) Word32
--                                      (If (RangeT n D33 D64) (RWord Word64 n)
--                                          (If (n :==: D64) Word64
--                                              ())))))))