# Version ## Breaking API changes: - `Environment` concept has been introduced. This allows the user to specify an endpoint (production, sandbox) in which to query or stream. - `run` (and associated functions) now take an `Environment` as the first parameter. `runSandbox` and associated functions have been removed. - `runWithManager` now has different parameter ordering. Signature is `runWithManager :: Manager -> Environment -> ClientM a -> IO a` - `runCbAuthT` now takes a `Runner a`, where `Runner a = ClientM a -> IO a`; allows users to specify an environment in which to run - `placeOrder` now has `Maybe ClientOrderId` as the first parameter that allows users to assign `client_oid` to submitted orders. The `client_oid` field is visible on the `Full` channel. - `CoinbasePro.WebSocketFeed.subscribeToFeed` has two additional parameters: - `Environment` - `Maybe CoinbaseProCredentials`: allows users to authenticate on subscription. See `User` - Moved `UserId` and `ProfileId` to `CoinbasePro.Types` from `CoinbasePro.WebSocketFeed.Channel.Full.Activate` ## Additional Features: - Added `User` channel functionality that allows users to see `user_id` and `profile_id` on messages that pertain to the subscriber. See [documentation](https://docs.pro.coinbase.com/#the-user-channel) for more details - `user_id` and `profile_id` fields are now parsed from `Full` channel messages if available. - `CoinbasePro.Types.ClientOrderId` has been introduced to specify `client_oid` in `placeOrder` API request. - `client_oid` is now parsed from `CoinbasePro.WebSocketFeed.Channel.Full.Received. - `CoinbasePro.Authenticated.getOrder` allows users to query status of order - `CoinbasePro.Authenticated.getClientOrder` allows users to query status of order using `client_oid` ## Misc - minor cleanups of unused imports # Version - Upgraded to stack lts-14.17 # Version - Fixed broken examples # Version - Unauthenticated requests are now all in the `ClientM` monad. `CoinbasePro.Request.run` is now required to operate in the IO monad. Example: `run (trades (ProductId "BTC-USD")) >>= print` - Added `run_`, `runSandbox`, `runSandboxWithManager` in `CoinbasePro.Request` - Added `currencies`, `fees`, and `trailingVolume` queries