-- | We compute the @GL2@-equivariant open and closed CSM classes recursively,
-- starting from smallest strata. 
-- The idea is that we have a smooth resolution of the /closure/ of the strata @X_mu@, 
-- namely, the set of @n=length(mu)@ ordered points: @Q^n = P^1 x ... x P^1@
-- We can pushforward this to @Q^m@, and get a linear combination of the strata of
-- the CSM-s we want to compute. Since the smallest strata is actually closed,
-- we know that, and can work upward from that.
-- This is rather slow, however as it's a very different algorithm copmared to
-- the direct approach, it's useful for checking if the two agrees.

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Math.RootLoci.CSM.Equivariant.Recursive where


import qualified Data.Set as Set ; import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Map as Map ; import Data.Map (Map)

import Math.Combinat.Partitions.Integer
import Math.Combinat.Partitions.Set

import qualified Math.RootLoci.CSM.Equivariant.Ordered as Ordered
import Math.RootLoci.CSM.Equivariant.PushForward

import Math.RootLoci.Algebra
import Math.RootLoci.Geometry
import Math.RootLoci.Misc

import qualified Math.RootLoci.Algebra.FreeMod as ZMod

-- * CSM calculation

-- | This is just the pushforward along @Delta_nu@ of the tangent Chern class.
-- As @Delta@ is injective, the resulting class is just the CSM class of the
-- closed /ordered/ strata corresponding to one of the set partitions which
-- matches the given partition 
upperClass :: ChernBase base => SetPartition -> ZMod (Eta base)
upperClass = polyCache2 calcUpper where

  calcUpper :: ChernBase base => SetPartition -> ZMod (Eta base)
  calcUpper part@(SetPartition ps) = delta_star part (Ordered.tangentChernClass d) where
    d = length ps

-- | pushforward of `upperCSM` to the space of unordered points
lowerClass :: ChernBase base => Partition -> ZMod (Gam base)
lowerClass = polyCache2 calcLower where

  calcLower :: ChernBase base => Partition -> ZMod (Gam base)
  calcLower part = pi_star n (upperClass $ defaultSetPartition part) where
    n = partitionWeight part


-- | We know from the pushforward property of CSM clsses that @(pi_* upperCSM) = sum (chi * openCSM)@.
-- we can use this to recursively compute the CSM classes of the open loci
openCSM :: ChernBase base => Partition -> ZMod (Gam base)
openCSM = polyCache2 calcOpenCSM where

  calcOpenCSM :: ChernBase base => Partition -> ZMod (Gam base)
  calcOpenCSM part = ZMod.invScale thisCoeff (pushdown `ZMod.sub` smaller) where
    n = partitionWeight part
    pushdown  = lowerClass part
    smaller   = ZMod.linComb [ (c , openCSM q) | (q,c) <- Map.assocs theClosure ]
    (thisCoeff,theClosure) = preimageView part  -- closureView' part

-- | To compute the CSM of the closed loci, we just some over the open strata
-- in the closure. 
closedCSM :: ChernBase base => Partition -> ZMod (Gam base)
closedCSM = polyCache2 calcClosedCSM where

  calcClosedCSM :: ChernBase base => Partition -> ZMod (Gam base)
  calcClosedCSM part =
    ZMod.sum [ openCSM q | q <- Set.toList (closureSet part) ]  

equivDualClass :: Partition -> ZMod Gam
equivDualClass part = filterGrade (codim part) (closedCSM part)

equivOpenEuler :: Partition -> ZMod Gam
equivOpenEuler part = filterGrade (partitionWeight part) (openCSM part)

equivClosedEuler :: Partition -> ZMod Gam
equivClosedEuler part = filterGrade (partitionWeight part) (closedCSM part)
