name: collections-api build-type: Simple version: category: Data Structures license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Jean-Philippe Bernardy maintainer: jeanphilippe.bernardy (google mail) synopsis: API for collection data structures. description: This package provides classes for a consistent API to data structures. The behaviour of the interface is specified by QuickCheck properties. It is intended as an evolution of the API of the data structures in the @containers@ package. homepage: cabal-version: >= 1.6 tested-with: GHC==6.12.1 exposed-modules: Data.Collections, Data.Collections.Foldable, Data.Collections.Properties build-depends: base >= 3 && < 5, QuickCheck == 2.*, array extensions: CPP, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances ghc-options: -Wall