{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} module Data.Array.Comfort.Shape ( C(..), Indexed(..), InvIndexed(..), Static(..), Zero(Zero), ZeroBased(..), zeroBasedSplit, OneBased(..), Range(..), Shifted(..), Enumeration(..), Deferred(..), DeferredIndex(..), deferIndex, revealIndex, (:+:)(..), Square(..), Cube(..), Triangular(..), Lower(Lower), Upper(Upper), LowerTriangular, UpperTriangular, lowerTriangular, upperTriangular, triangleSize, triangleRoot, Cyclic(..), ) where import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Shape.Set as ShapeSet import Data.Array.Comfort.Shape.Utility (errorIndexFromOffset) import qualified Foreign.Storable.Newtype as Store import Foreign.Storable (Storable, sizeOf, alignment, poke, peek, pokeElemOff, peekElemOff) import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, castPtr) import qualified GHC.Arr as Ix import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as MS import qualified Control.Monad.HT as Monad import qualified Control.Applicative.Backwards as Back import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, rnf) import Control.Applicative (Applicative, pure, liftA2, liftA3, (<*>)) import Control.Applicative (Const(Const, getConst)) import qualified Data.Traversable as Trav import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(Identity), runIdentity) import Data.Function.HT (compose2) import Data.Tagged (Tagged(Tagged, unTagged)) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Set (Set) import Data.List.HT (tails) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Tuple.HT (mapSnd, mapPair, swap, fst3, snd3, thd3) import Data.Eq.HT (equating) {- $setup >>> import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Shape as Shape >>> import qualified Data.Map as Map >>> import qualified Data.Set as Set >>> import Data.Array.Comfort.Shape ((:+:)((:+:))) -} class C sh where -- Ix.rangeSize size :: sh -> Int -- Ix.unsafeRangeSize uncheckedSize :: sh -> Int uncheckedSize = size class C sh => Indexed sh where {-# MINIMAL indices, (sizeOffset|offset), inBounds #-} type Index sh :: * -- Ix.range indices :: sh -> [Index sh] -- Ix.index offset :: sh -> Index sh -> Int offset sh = snd $ sizeOffset sh -- Ix.unsafeIndex uncheckedOffset :: sh -> Index sh -> Int uncheckedOffset = offset -- Ix.inRange inBounds :: sh -> Index sh -> Bool sizeOffset :: sh -> (Int, Index sh -> Int) sizeOffset sh = (size sh, offset sh) uncheckedSizeOffset :: sh -> (Int, Index sh -> Int) uncheckedSizeOffset sh = (uncheckedSize sh, uncheckedOffset sh) class Indexed sh => InvIndexed sh where {- | It should hold @indexFromOffset sh k == indices sh !! k@, but 'indexFromOffset' should generally be faster. -} indexFromOffset :: sh -> Int -> Index sh uncheckedIndexFromOffset :: sh -> Int -> Index sh uncheckedIndexFromOffset = indexFromOffset class (C sh, Eq sh) => Static sh where static :: sh data Zero = Zero deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance C Zero where size Zero = 0 uncheckedSize Zero = 0 instance Static Zero where static = Zero instance C () where size () = 1 uncheckedSize () = 1 {- | >>> Shape.indices () [()] -} instance Indexed () where type Index () = () indices () = [()] offset () () = 0 uncheckedOffset () () = 0 inBounds () () = True instance InvIndexed () where indexFromOffset () 0 = () indexFromOffset () k = errorIndexFromOffset "()" k uncheckedIndexFromOffset () _ = () instance Static () where static = () {- | 'ZeroBased' denotes a range starting at zero and has a certain length. >>> Shape.indices (Shape.ZeroBased (7::Int)) [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] -} newtype ZeroBased n = ZeroBased {zeroBasedSize :: n} deriving (Eq, Show) instance Functor ZeroBased where fmap f (ZeroBased n) = ZeroBased $ f n instance Applicative ZeroBased where pure = ZeroBased ZeroBased f <*> ZeroBased n = ZeroBased $ f n instance (NFData n) => NFData (ZeroBased n) where rnf (ZeroBased n) = rnf n instance (Storable n) => Storable (ZeroBased n) where sizeOf = Store.sizeOf zeroBasedSize alignment = Store.alignment zeroBasedSize peek = Store.peek ZeroBased poke = Store.poke zeroBasedSize instance (Integral n) => C (ZeroBased n) where size (ZeroBased len) = fromIntegral len uncheckedSize (ZeroBased len) = fromIntegral len instance (Integral n) => Indexed (ZeroBased n) where type Index (ZeroBased n) = n indices (ZeroBased len) = indices $ Shifted 0 len offset (ZeroBased len) = offset $ Shifted 0 len uncheckedOffset _ ix = fromIntegral ix inBounds (ZeroBased len) ix = 0<=ix && ix InvIndexed (ZeroBased n) where indexFromOffset (ZeroBased len) k0 = let k = fromIntegral k0 in if 0<=k && k n -> ZeroBased n -> ZeroBased n :+: ZeroBased n zeroBasedSplit n (ZeroBased m) = if n<0 then error "Shape.zeroBasedSplit: negative number of elements" else let k = min n m in ZeroBased k :+: ZeroBased (m-k) {- | 'OneBased' denotes a range starting at one and has a certain length. >>> Shape.indices (Shape.OneBased (7::Int)) [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] -} newtype OneBased n = OneBased {oneBasedSize :: n} deriving (Eq, Show) instance Functor OneBased where fmap f (OneBased n) = OneBased $ f n instance Applicative OneBased where pure = OneBased OneBased f <*> OneBased n = OneBased $ f n instance (NFData n) => NFData (OneBased n) where rnf (OneBased n) = rnf n instance (Storable n) => Storable (OneBased n) where sizeOf = Store.sizeOf oneBasedSize alignment = Store.alignment oneBasedSize peek = Store.peek OneBased poke = Store.poke oneBasedSize instance (Integral n) => C (OneBased n) where size (OneBased len) = fromIntegral len uncheckedSize (OneBased len) = fromIntegral len instance (Integral n) => Indexed (OneBased n) where type Index (OneBased n) = n indices (OneBased len) = indices $ Shifted 1 len offset (OneBased len) = offset $ Shifted 1 len uncheckedOffset _ ix = fromIntegral ix - 1 inBounds (OneBased len) ix = 0 InvIndexed (OneBased n) where indexFromOffset (OneBased len) k0 = let k = fromIntegral k0 in if 0<=k && k>> Shape.indices (Shape.Range (-5) (5::Int)) [-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5] >>> Shape.indices (Shape.Range (-1,-1) (1::Int,1::Int)) [(-1,-1),(-1,0),(-1,1),(0,-1),(0,0),(0,1),(1,-1),(1,0),(1,1)] -} data Range n = Range {rangeFrom, rangeTo :: n} deriving (Eq, Show) instance Functor Range where fmap f (Range from to) = Range (f from) (f to) instance (NFData n) => NFData (Range n) where rnf (Range from to) = rnf (from,to) instance (Ix.Ix n) => C (Range n) where size (Range from to) = Ix.rangeSize (from,to) uncheckedSize (Range from to) = Ix.unsafeRangeSize (from,to) instance (Ix.Ix n) => Indexed (Range n) where type Index (Range n) = n indices (Range from to) = Ix.range (from,to) offset (Range from to) ix = Ix.index (from,to) ix uncheckedOffset (Range from to) ix = Ix.unsafeIndex (from,to) ix inBounds (Range from to) ix = Ix.inRange (from,to) ix -- pretty inefficient when we rely solely on Ix instance (Ix.Ix n) => InvIndexed (Range n) where indexFromOffset (Range from to) k = if 0<=k && k < Ix.rangeSize (from,to) then Ix.range (from,to) !! k else errorIndexFromOffset "Range" k uncheckedIndexFromOffset (Range from to) k = Ix.range (from,to) !! k -- cf. sample-frame:Stereo instance Storable n => Storable (Range n) where {-# INLINE sizeOf #-} {-# INLINE alignment #-} {-# INLINE peek #-} {-# INLINE poke #-} sizeOf ~(Range l r) = sizeOf l + mod (- sizeOf l) (alignment r) + sizeOf r alignment ~(Range l _) = alignment l poke p (Range l r) = let q = castToElemPtr p in poke q l >> pokeElemOff q 1 r peek p = let q = castToElemPtr p in Monad.lift2 Range (peek q) (peekElemOff q 1) {- | 'Shifted' denotes a range defined by the start index and the length. >>> Shape.indices (Shape.Shifted (-4) (8::Int)) [-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3] -} data Shifted n = Shifted {shiftedOffset, shiftedSize :: n} deriving (Eq, Show) instance Functor Shifted where fmap f (Shifted from to) = Shifted (f from) (f to) instance (NFData n) => NFData (Shifted n) where rnf (Shifted from to) = rnf (from,to) instance (Integral n) => C (Shifted n) where size (Shifted _offs len) = fromIntegral len uncheckedSize (Shifted _offs len) = fromIntegral len instance (Integral n) => Indexed (Shifted n) where type Index (Shifted n) = n indices (Shifted offs len) = map snd $ takeWhile ((>0) . fst) $ zip (iterate (subtract 1) len) (iterate (1+) offs) offset (Shifted offs len) ix = if ix InvIndexed (Shifted n) where indexFromOffset (Shifted offs len) k0 = let k = fromIntegral k0 in if 0<=k && k Storable (Shifted n) where {-# INLINE sizeOf #-} {-# INLINE alignment #-} {-# INLINE peek #-} {-# INLINE poke #-} sizeOf ~(Shifted l n) = sizeOf l + mod (- sizeOf l) (alignment n) + sizeOf n alignment ~(Shifted l _) = alignment l poke p (Shifted l n) = let q = castToElemPtr p in poke q l >> pokeElemOff q 1 n peek p = let q = castToElemPtr p in Monad.lift2 Shifted (peek q) (peekElemOff q 1) {-# INLINE castToElemPtr #-} castToElemPtr :: Ptr (f a) -> Ptr a castToElemPtr = castPtr {- | 'Enumeration' denotes a shape of fixed size that is defined by 'Enum' and 'Bounded' methods. For correctness it is necessary that the 'Enum' and 'Bounded' instances are properly implemented. Automatically derived instances are fine. >>> Shape.indices (Shape.Enumeration :: Shape.Enumeration Ordering) [LT,EQ,GT] -} data Enumeration n = Enumeration deriving (Eq, Show) instance NFData (Enumeration n) where rnf Enumeration = () instance (Enum n, Bounded n) => C (Enumeration n) where size = uncheckedSize uncheckedSize sh = intFromEnum sh maxBound - intFromEnum sh minBound + 1 instance (Enum n, Bounded n) => Indexed (Enumeration n) where type Index (Enumeration n) = n indices sh = [asEnumType sh minBound .. asEnumType sh maxBound] offset = uncheckedOffset uncheckedOffset sh ix = fromEnum ix - intFromEnum sh minBound inBounds _sh _ix = True instance (Enum n, Bounded n) => InvIndexed (Enumeration n) where indexFromOffset sh k = if 0<=k && k <= intFromEnum sh maxBound - intFromEnum sh minBound then uncheckedIndexFromOffset sh k else errorIndexFromOffset "Enumeration" k uncheckedIndexFromOffset sh k = toEnum $ intFromEnum sh minBound + k asEnumType :: Enumeration n -> n -> n asEnumType Enumeration = id intFromEnum :: (Enum n) => Enumeration n -> n -> Int intFromEnum Enumeration = fromEnum instance (Enum n, Bounded n) => Static (Enumeration n) where static = Enumeration instance Storable (Enumeration n) where {-# INLINE sizeOf #-} {-# INLINE alignment #-} {-# INLINE peek #-} {-# INLINE poke #-} sizeOf ~Enumeration = 0 alignment ~Enumeration = 1 poke _p Enumeration = return () peek _p = return Enumeration instance (Ord n) => C (Set n) where size = uncheckedSize uncheckedSize = Set.size {- | You can use an arbitrary 'Set' of indices as shape. The array elements are ordered according to the index order in the 'Set'. >>> Shape.indices (Set.fromList "comfort") "cfmort" -} instance (Ord n) => Indexed (Set n) where type Index (Set n) = n indices = Set.toAscList offset = ShapeSet.offset uncheckedOffset = ShapeSet.uncheckedOffset inBounds = flip Set.member instance (Ord n) => InvIndexed (Set n) where indexFromOffset = ShapeSet.indexFromOffset uncheckedIndexFromOffset = ShapeSet.uncheckedIndexFromOffset {- | Concatenate many arrays according to the shapes stored in a 'Map'. -} instance (Ord k, C shape) => C (Map k shape) where size = Fold.sum . Map.map size uncheckedSize = Fold.sum . Map.map uncheckedSize {- | The implementations of 'offset' et.al. are optimized for frequent calls with respect to the same shape. >>> Shape.indices $ fmap Shape.ZeroBased $ Map.fromList [('b', (0::Int)), ('a', 5), ('c', 2)] [('a',0),('a',1),('a',2),('a',3),('a',4),('c',0),('c',1)] -} instance (Ord k, Indexed shape) => Indexed (Map k shape) where type Index (Map k shape) = (k, Index shape) indices = Fold.fold . Map.mapWithKey (\k shape -> map ((,) k) $ indices shape) offset m = let mu = snd $ Trav.mapAccumL (\l sh -> (l + size sh, (l,sh))) 0 m in \(k,ix) -> case Map.lookup k mu of Nothing -> error "Shape.Map.offset: unknown key" Just (l,sh) -> l + offset sh ix uncheckedOffset m = let mu = snd $ Trav.mapAccumL (\l sh -> (l + uncheckedSize sh, (l,sh))) 0 m in \(k,ix) -> case Map.lookup k mu of Nothing -> error "Shape.Map.uncheckedOffset: unknown key" Just (l,sh) -> l + uncheckedOffset sh ix inBounds m (k,ix) = Fold.any (flip inBounds ix) $ Map.lookup k m sizeOffset = mapSizeOffset . Map.map sizeOffset uncheckedSizeOffset = mapSizeOffset . Map.map uncheckedSizeOffset {-# INLINE mapSizeOffset #-} mapSizeOffset :: (Ord k, Num i) => Map k (i, ix -> i) -> (i, (k, ix) -> i) mapSizeOffset ms = (Fold.sum $ Map.map fst ms, let mu = snd $ Trav.mapAccumL (\l (sz,offs) -> (l + sz, (l+) . offs)) 0 ms in \(k,ix) -> fromMaybe (error "Shape.Map.sizeOffset: unknown key") (Map.lookup k mu) ix) instance (Ord k, InvIndexed shape) => InvIndexed (Map k shape) where indexFromOffset m i = (\xs -> case xs of (_u,ix):_ -> ix [] -> errorIndexFromOffset "Map" i) $ dropWhile (\(u,_ix) -> u<=i) $ snd $ List.mapAccumL (\l (k,sh) -> let u = l + size sh in (u, (u, (k, indexFromOffset sh (i-l))))) 0 $ Map.toAscList m uncheckedIndexFromOffset m i = (\((_u,ix):_) -> ix) $ dropWhile (\(u,_ix) -> u<=i) $ snd $ List.mapAccumL (\l (k,sh) -> let u = l + size sh in (u, (u, (k, uncheckedIndexFromOffset sh (i-l))))) 0 $ Map.toAscList m {- | This data type wraps another array shape. Its index type is a wrapped 'Int'. The advantages are: No conversion forth and back 'Int' and @Index sh@. You can convert once using 'deferIndex' and 'revealIndex' whenever you need your application specific index type. No need for e.g. @Storable (Index sh)@, because 'Int' is already 'Storable'. You get 'Indexed' and 'InvIndexed' instances without the need for an 'Index' type. The disadvantage is: A deferred index should be bound to a specific shape, but this is not checked. That is, you may obtain a deferred index for one shape and accidentally abuse it for another shape without a warning. Example: >>> :{ let sh2 = (Shape.ZeroBased (2::Int), Shape.ZeroBased (2::Int)) in let sh3 = (Shape.ZeroBased (3::Int), Shape.ZeroBased (3::Int)) in (Shape.offset sh3 $ Shape.indexFromOffset sh2 3, Shape.offset (Shape.Deferred sh3) $ Shape.indexFromOffset (Shape.Deferred sh2) 3) :} (4,3) -} newtype Deferred sh = Deferred sh deriving (Eq, Show) {- | 'DeferredIndex' has an 'Ord' instance that is based on the storage order in memory. This way, you can put 'DeferredIndex' values in a 'Set' or use them as keys in a 'Map' even if @Index sh@ has no 'Ord' instance. The downside is, that the ordering of @DeferredIndex sh@ may differ from the one of @Index sh@. -} newtype DeferredIndex sh = DeferredIndex Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance (NFData sh) => NFData (Deferred sh) where rnf (Deferred sh) = rnf sh instance (C sh) => C (Deferred sh) where size (Deferred sh) = size sh uncheckedSize (Deferred sh) = uncheckedSize sh instance (C sh) => Indexed (Deferred sh) where type Index (Deferred sh) = DeferredIndex sh indices (Deferred sh) = map DeferredIndex $ take (size sh) [0 ..] offset (Deferred sh) (DeferredIndex k) = offset (ZeroBased $ size sh) k uncheckedOffset _ (DeferredIndex k) = k sizeOffset (Deferred sh) = mapSnd (\offs (DeferredIndex k) -> offs k) $ sizeOffset (ZeroBased $ size sh) uncheckedSizeOffset (Deferred sh) = mapSnd (\ _offs (DeferredIndex k) -> k) $ uncheckedSizeOffset (ZeroBased $ size sh) inBounds (Deferred sh) (DeferredIndex k) = inBounds (ZeroBased $ size sh) k instance (C sh) => InvIndexed (Deferred sh) where indexFromOffset (Deferred sh) k = DeferredIndex $ indexFromOffset (ZeroBased $ size sh) k uncheckedIndexFromOffset _sh = DeferredIndex deferIndex :: (Indexed sh, Index sh ~ ix) => sh -> ix -> DeferredIndex sh deferIndex sh ix = DeferredIndex $ offset sh ix revealIndex :: (InvIndexed sh, Index sh ~ ix) => sh -> DeferredIndex sh -> ix revealIndex sh (DeferredIndex ix) = indexFromOffset sh ix instance (Static sh) => Static (Deferred sh) where static = Deferred static instance Storable (DeferredIndex sh) where {-# INLINE sizeOf #-} {-# INLINE alignment #-} {-# INLINE peek #-} {-# INLINE poke #-} sizeOf (DeferredIndex k) = sizeOf k alignment (DeferredIndex k) = alignment k poke p (DeferredIndex k) = poke (castPtr p) k peek p = fmap DeferredIndex $ peek (castPtr p) instance (C sh) => C (Tagged s sh) where size (Tagged sh) = size sh uncheckedSize (Tagged sh) = uncheckedSize sh instance (Indexed sh) => Indexed (Tagged s sh) where type Index (Tagged s sh) = Tagged s (Index sh) indices (Tagged sh) = map Tagged $ indices sh offset (Tagged sh) (Tagged k) = offset sh k uncheckedOffset (Tagged sh) (Tagged k) = uncheckedOffset sh k sizeOffset (Tagged sh) = mapSnd (. unTagged) $ sizeOffset sh uncheckedSizeOffset (Tagged sh) = mapSnd (. unTagged) $ uncheckedSizeOffset sh inBounds (Tagged sh) (Tagged k) = inBounds sh k instance (InvIndexed sh) => InvIndexed (Tagged s sh) where indexFromOffset (Tagged sh) k = Tagged $ indexFromOffset sh k uncheckedIndexFromOffset (Tagged sh) k = Tagged $ uncheckedIndexFromOffset sh k instance (Static sh) => Static (Tagged s sh) where static = Tagged static instance (C sh0, C sh1) => C (sh0,sh1) where size (sh0,sh1) = size sh0 * size sh1 uncheckedSize (sh0,sh1) = uncheckedSize sh0 * uncheckedSize sh1 {- | Row-major composition of two dimensions. >>> Shape.indices (Shape.ZeroBased (3::Int), Shape.ZeroBased (3::Int)) [(0,0),(0,1),(0,2),(1,0),(1,1),(1,2),(2,0),(2,1),(2,2)] -} instance (Indexed sh0, Indexed sh1) => Indexed (sh0,sh1) where type Index (sh0,sh1) = (Index sh0, Index sh1) indices (sh0,sh1) = Monad.lift2 (,) (indices sh0) (indices sh1) offset (sh0,sh1) = offset sh0 . fst `combineOffset` mapSnd (.snd) (sizeOffset sh1) uncheckedOffset (sh0,sh1) = uncheckedOffset sh0 . fst `combineOffset` mapSnd (.snd) (uncheckedSizeOffset sh1) sizeOffset (sh0,sh1) = mapSnd (.fst) (sizeOffset sh0) `combineSizeOffset` mapSnd (.snd) (sizeOffset sh1) uncheckedSizeOffset (sh0,sh1) = mapSnd (.fst) (uncheckedSizeOffset sh0) `combineSizeOffset` mapSnd (.snd) (uncheckedSizeOffset sh1) inBounds (sh0,sh1) (ix0,ix1) = inBounds sh0 ix0 && inBounds sh1 ix1 instance (InvIndexed sh0, InvIndexed sh1) => InvIndexed (sh0,sh1) where indexFromOffset (sh0,sh1) k = runInvIndex k $ liftA2 (,) (pickLastIndex sh0) (pickIndex sh1) uncheckedIndexFromOffset (sh0,sh1) k = runInvIndex k $ liftA2 (,) (uncheckedPickLastIndex sh0) (pickIndex sh1) instance (Static sh0, Static sh1) => Static (sh0,sh1) where static = (static, static) instance (C sh0, C sh1, C sh2) => C (sh0,sh1,sh2) where size (sh0,sh1,sh2) = size sh0 * size sh1 * size sh2 uncheckedSize (sh0,sh1,sh2) = uncheckedSize sh0 * uncheckedSize sh1 * uncheckedSize sh2 instance (Indexed sh0, Indexed sh1, Indexed sh2) => Indexed (sh0,sh1,sh2) where type Index (sh0,sh1,sh2) = (Index sh0, Index sh1, Index sh2) indices (sh0,sh1,sh2) = Monad.lift3 (,,) (indices sh0) (indices sh1) (indices sh2) uncheckedOffset (sh0,sh1,sh2) = uncheckedOffset sh0 . fst3 `combineOffset` mapSnd (.snd3) (uncheckedSizeOffset sh1) `combineSizeOffset` mapSnd (.thd3) (uncheckedSizeOffset sh2) sizeOffset (sh0,sh1,sh2) = mapSnd (.fst3) (sizeOffset sh0) `combineSizeOffset` mapSnd (.snd3) (sizeOffset sh1) `combineSizeOffset` mapSnd (.thd3) (sizeOffset sh2) uncheckedSizeOffset (sh0,sh1,sh2) = mapSnd (.fst3) (uncheckedSizeOffset sh0) `combineSizeOffset` mapSnd (.snd3) (uncheckedSizeOffset sh1) `combineSizeOffset` mapSnd (.thd3) (uncheckedSizeOffset sh2) inBounds (sh0,sh1,sh2) (ix0,ix1,ix2) = inBounds sh0 ix0 && inBounds sh1 ix1 && inBounds sh2 ix2 instance (InvIndexed sh0, InvIndexed sh1, InvIndexed sh2) => InvIndexed (sh0,sh1,sh2) where indexFromOffset (sh0,sh1,sh2) k = runInvIndex k $ liftA3 (,,) (pickLastIndex sh0) (pickIndex sh1) (pickIndex sh2) uncheckedIndexFromOffset (sh0,sh1,sh2) k = runInvIndex k $ liftA3 (,,) (uncheckedPickLastIndex sh0) (pickIndex sh1) (pickIndex sh2) instance (Static sh0, Static sh1, Static sh2) => Static (sh0,sh1,sh2) where static = (static, static, static) runInvIndex :: s -> Back.Backwards (MS.State s) a -> a runInvIndex k = flip MS.evalState k . Back.forwards pickLastIndex :: (InvIndexed sh) => sh -> Back.Backwards (MS.State Int) (Index sh) pickLastIndex sh = Back.Backwards $ MS.gets $ indexFromOffset sh uncheckedPickLastIndex :: (InvIndexed sh) => sh -> Back.Backwards (MS.State Int) (Index sh) uncheckedPickLastIndex sh = Back.Backwards $ MS.gets $ uncheckedIndexFromOffset sh pickIndex :: (InvIndexed sh) => sh -> Back.Backwards (MS.State Int) (Index sh) pickIndex sh = fmap (uncheckedIndexFromOffset sh) $ Back.Backwards $ MS.state $ \k -> swap $ divMod k $ size sh infixr 7 `combineOffset`, `combineSizeOffset` {-# INLINE combineOffset #-} combineOffset :: Num a => (ix -> a) -> (a, ix -> a) -> ix -> a combineOffset offset0 (size1,offset1) ix = offset0 ix * size1 + offset1 ix {-# INLINE combineSizeOffset #-} combineSizeOffset :: Num a => (a, ix -> a) -> (a, ix -> a) -> (a, ix -> a) combineSizeOffset (size0,offset0) (size1,offset1) = (size0*size1, \ix -> offset0 ix * size1 + offset1 ix) {- | 'Square' is like a Cartesian product, but it is statically asserted that both dimension shapes match. >>> Shape.indices $ Shape.Square $ Shape.ZeroBased (3::Int) [(0,0),(0,1),(0,2),(1,0),(1,1),(1,2),(2,0),(2,1),(2,2)] -} newtype Square sh = Square {squareSize :: sh} deriving (Eq, Show) instance Functor Square where fmap f (Square sh) = Square $ f sh instance Applicative Square where pure = Square Square f <*> Square sh = Square $ f sh instance (NFData sh) => NFData (Square sh) where rnf (Square sh) = rnf sh instance (Storable sh) => Storable (Square sh) where sizeOf = Store.sizeOf squareSize alignment = Store.alignment squareSize peek = Store.peek Square poke = Store.poke squareSize instance (C sh) => C (Square sh) where size (Square sh) = size sh ^ (2::Int) uncheckedSize (Square sh) = uncheckedSize sh ^ (2::Int) instance (Indexed sh) => Indexed (Square sh) where type Index (Square sh) = (Index sh, Index sh) indices (Square sh) = indices (sh,sh) offset (Square sh) = offset (sh,sh) uncheckedOffset (Square sh) = uncheckedOffset (sh,sh) sizeOffset (Square sh) = let szo = sizeOffset sh in mapSnd (.fst) szo `combineSizeOffset` mapSnd (.snd) szo uncheckedSizeOffset (Square sh) = let szo = uncheckedSizeOffset sh in mapSnd (.fst) szo `combineSizeOffset` mapSnd (.snd) szo inBounds (Square sh) = inBounds (sh,sh) instance (InvIndexed sh) => InvIndexed (Square sh) where indexFromOffset (Square sh) = indexFromOffset (sh,sh) uncheckedIndexFromOffset (Square sh) = uncheckedIndexFromOffset (sh,sh) {- | 'Cube' is like a Cartesian product, but it is statically asserted that both dimension shapes match. >>> Shape.indices $ Shape.Cube $ Shape.ZeroBased (2::Int) [(0,0,0),(0,0,1),(0,1,0),(0,1,1),(1,0,0),(1,0,1),(1,1,0),(1,1,1)] -} newtype Cube sh = Cube {cubeSize :: sh} deriving (Eq, Show) instance Functor Cube where fmap f (Cube sh) = Cube $ f sh instance Applicative Cube where pure = Cube Cube f <*> Cube sh = Cube $ f sh instance (NFData sh) => NFData (Cube sh) where rnf (Cube sh) = rnf sh instance (Storable sh) => Storable (Cube sh) where sizeOf = Store.sizeOf cubeSize alignment = Store.alignment cubeSize peek = Store.peek Cube poke = Store.poke cubeSize instance (C sh) => C (Cube sh) where size (Cube sh) = size sh ^ (3::Int) uncheckedSize (Cube sh) = uncheckedSize sh ^ (3::Int) instance (Indexed sh) => Indexed (Cube sh) where type Index (Cube sh) = (Index sh, Index sh, Index sh) indices (Cube sh) = indices (sh,sh,sh) offset (Cube sh) = offset (sh,sh,sh) uncheckedOffset (Cube sh) = uncheckedOffset (sh,sh,sh) sizeOffset (Cube sh) = let szo = sizeOffset sh in mapSnd (.fst3) szo `combineSizeOffset` mapSnd (.snd3) szo `combineSizeOffset` mapSnd (.thd3) szo uncheckedSizeOffset (Cube sh) = let szo = uncheckedSizeOffset sh in mapSnd (.fst3) szo `combineSizeOffset` mapSnd (.snd3) szo `combineSizeOffset` mapSnd (.thd3) szo inBounds (Cube sh) = inBounds (sh,sh,sh) instance (InvIndexed sh) => InvIndexed (Cube sh) where indexFromOffset (Cube sh) = indexFromOffset (sh,sh,sh) uncheckedIndexFromOffset (Cube sh) = uncheckedIndexFromOffset (sh,sh,sh) data Lower = Lower deriving (Eq, Show) data Upper = Upper deriving (Eq, Show) class TriangularPart part where switchTriangularPart :: f Lower -> f Upper -> f part instance TriangularPart Lower where switchTriangularPart f _ = f instance TriangularPart Upper where switchTriangularPart _ f = f getConstAs :: c -> Const a c -> a getConstAs _ = getConst caseTriangularPart :: (TriangularPart part) => part -> a -> a -> a caseTriangularPart part lo up = getConstAs part $ switchTriangularPart (Const lo) (Const up) {- | >>> Shape.indices $ Shape.Triangular Shape.Upper $ Shape.ZeroBased (3::Int) [(0,0),(0,1),(0,2),(1,1),(1,2),(2,2)] >>> Shape.indices $ Shape.Triangular Shape.Lower $ Shape.ZeroBased (3::Int) [(0,0),(1,0),(1,1),(2,0),(2,1),(2,2)] -} data Triangular part size = Triangular { triangularPart :: part, triangularSize :: size } deriving (Show) newtype Equal part = Equal {getEqual :: part -> part -> Bool} equalPart :: (TriangularPart part) => part -> part -> Bool equalPart = getEqual $ switchTriangularPart (Equal (==)) (Equal (==)) instance (TriangularPart part, Eq size) => Eq (Triangular part size) where x==y = compose2 equalPart triangularPart x y && equating triangularSize x y type LowerTriangular = Triangular Lower type UpperTriangular = Triangular Upper lowerTriangular :: size -> LowerTriangular size lowerTriangular = Triangular Lower upperTriangular :: size -> UpperTriangular size upperTriangular = Triangular Upper -- cf. Data.Bifunctor.Flip newtype Flip f b a = Flip {getFlip :: f a b} instance (TriangularPart part, NFData size) => NFData (Triangular part size) where rnf (Triangular part sz) = rnf (flip getFlip part $ switchTriangularPart (Flip $ \Lower -> ()) (Flip $ \Upper -> ()), sz) instance (TriangularPart part, C size) => C (Triangular part size) where size (Triangular _part sz) = triangleSize $ size sz uncheckedSize (Triangular _part sz) = triangleSize $ uncheckedSize sz instance (TriangularPart part, Indexed size) => Indexed (Triangular part size) where type Index (Triangular part size) = (Index size, Index size) indices (Triangular part sz) = let ixs = indices sz in concat $ caseTriangularPart part (zipWith (\cs r -> map ((,) r) cs) (NonEmpty.tail $ NonEmpty.inits ixs) ixs) (zipWith (\r cs -> map ((,) r) cs) ixs $ tails ixs) uncheckedOffset sh = snd $ uncheckedSizeOffset sh sizeOffset (Triangular part sz) = let (n, getOffset) = sizeOffset sz in (triangleSize n, \(rs,cs) -> let r = getOffset rs c = getOffset cs in if compareIndices part r c then triangleOffset part n (r,c) else error "Shape.Triangular.sizeOffset: wrong array part") uncheckedSizeOffset (Triangular part sz) = let (n, getOffset) = uncheckedSizeOffset sz in (triangleSize n, \(rs,cs) -> triangleOffset part n (getOffset rs, getOffset cs)) inBounds (Triangular part sz) ix@(r,c) = inBounds (sz,sz) ix && let getOffset = offset sz in compareIndices part (getOffset r) (getOffset c) triangleOffset :: TriangularPart part => part -> Int -> (Int, Int) -> Int triangleOffset part n (r,c) = caseTriangularPart part (triangleSize r + c) (triangleSize n - triangleSize (n-r) + c-r) compareIndices :: (TriangularPart part, Ord a) => part -> a -> a -> Bool compareIndices part = caseTriangularPart part (>=) (<=) instance (TriangularPart part, InvIndexed size) => InvIndexed (Triangular part size) where indexFromOffset (Triangular part sz) k = mapPair (indexFromOffset sz, indexFromOffset sz) $ caseTriangularPart part (let r = floor (triangleRootDouble k) in (r, k - triangleSize r)) (let n = size sz triSize = triangleSize n rr = ceiling (triangleRootDouble (triSize-k)) r = n - rr in (r, k+r - (triSize - triangleSize rr))) triangleSize :: Int -> Int triangleSize n = div (n*(n+1)) 2 {- n*(n+1)/2 = m n^2 + n - 2m = 0 n = -1/2 + sqrt(1/4+2m) = (sqrt(8m+1) - 1) / 2 -} triangleRoot :: Floating a => a -> a triangleRoot sz = (sqrt (8*sz+1)-1)/2 triangleRootDouble :: Int -> Double triangleRootDouble = triangleRoot . fromIntegral instance (TriangularPart part, Static size) => Static (Triangular part size) where static = Triangular autoPart static autoPart :: (TriangularPart part) => part autoPart = runIdentity $ switchTriangularPart (Identity Lower) (Identity Upper) {- | 'Cyclic' is a shape, where the indices wrap around at the array boundaries. E.g. prop> let shape = Shape.Cyclic (10::Int) in Shape.offset shape (-1) == Shape.offset shape 9 This also means that there are multiple indices that address the same array element. >>> Shape.indices (Shape.Cyclic (7::Int)) [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] -} newtype Cyclic n = Cyclic {cyclicSize :: n} deriving (Eq, Show) instance Functor Cyclic where fmap f (Cyclic n) = Cyclic $ f n instance Applicative Cyclic where pure = Cyclic Cyclic f <*> Cyclic n = Cyclic $ f n instance (NFData n) => NFData (Cyclic n) where rnf (Cyclic n) = rnf n instance (Storable n) => Storable (Cyclic n) where sizeOf = Store.sizeOf cyclicSize alignment = Store.alignment cyclicSize peek = Store.peek Cyclic poke = Store.poke cyclicSize instance (Integral n) => C (Cyclic n) where size (Cyclic len) = fromIntegral len uncheckedSize (Cyclic len) = fromIntegral len instance (Integral n) => Indexed (Cyclic n) where type Index (Cyclic n) = n indices (Cyclic len) = indices $ ZeroBased len offset = uncheckedOffset uncheckedOffset (Cyclic len) ix = fromIntegral $ mod ix len inBounds (Cyclic len) _ix = len>0 instance (Integral n) => InvIndexed (Cyclic n) where indexFromOffset (Cyclic len) k0 = let k = fromIntegral k0 in if 0<=k && k>> Shape.indices (Shape.ZeroBased (3::Int) :+: Shape.Range 'a' 'c') [Left 0,Left 1,Left 2,Right 'a',Right 'b',Right 'c'] -} data sh0:+:sh1 = sh0:+:sh1 deriving (Eq, Show) instance (NFData sh0, NFData sh1) => NFData (sh0:+:sh1) where rnf (sh0:+:sh1) = rnf (sh0,sh1) instance (C sh0, C sh1) => C (sh0:+:sh1) where size (sh0:+:sh1) = size sh0 + size sh1 uncheckedSize (sh0:+:sh1) = uncheckedSize sh0 + uncheckedSize sh1 instance (Indexed sh0, Indexed sh1) => Indexed (sh0:+:sh1) where type Index (sh0:+:sh1) = Either (Index sh0) (Index sh1) indices (sh0:+:sh1) = map Left (indices sh0) ++ map Right (indices sh1) offset (sh0:+:sh1) ix = case ix of Left ix0 -> offset sh0 ix0 Right ix1 -> size sh0 + offset sh1 ix1 uncheckedOffset (sh0:+:sh1) ix = case ix of Left ix0 -> uncheckedOffset sh0 ix0 Right ix1 -> uncheckedSize sh0 + uncheckedOffset sh1 ix1 sizeOffset (sh0:+:sh1) = let (n0, getOffset0) = sizeOffset sh0 (n1, getOffset1) = sizeOffset sh1 in (n0+n1, either getOffset0 ((n0+) . getOffset1)) uncheckedSizeOffset (sh0:+:sh1) = let (n0, getOffset0) = uncheckedSizeOffset sh0 (n1, getOffset1) = uncheckedSizeOffset sh1 in (n0+n1, either getOffset0 ((n0+) . getOffset1)) inBounds (sh0:+:sh1) = either (inBounds sh0) (inBounds sh1) instance (InvIndexed sh0, InvIndexed sh1) => InvIndexed (sh0:+:sh1) where indexFromOffset (sh0:+:sh1) k = let pivot = size sh0 in if k < pivot then Left $ indexFromOffset sh0 k else Right $ indexFromOffset sh1 $ k-pivot uncheckedIndexFromOffset (sh0:+:sh1) k = let pivot = size sh0 in if k < pivot then Left $ uncheckedIndexFromOffset sh0 k else Right $ uncheckedIndexFromOffset sh1 $ k-pivot instance (Static sh0, Static sh1) => Static (sh0:+:sh1) where static = static:+:static