language: haskell before_install: # Uncomment whenever hackage is down. # - mkdir -p ~/.cabal && cp travis/config ~/.cabal/config && cabal update - cabal update # Try installing some of the build-deps with apt-get for speed. - travis/cabal-apt-install $mode - cabal install packdeps packunused install: - cabal configure -flib-Werror $mode - cabal build --ghc-options=-ddump-minimal-imports script: - $script - hlint src --cpp-define HLINT - packdeps comonad.cabal - packunused notifications: irc: channels: - "" skip_join: true template: - "\x0313comonad\x03/\x0306%{branch}\x03 \x0314%{commit}\x03 %{build_url} %{message}" env: - mode="--enable-tests" script="cabal test --show-details=always"