{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, KindSignatures, RankNTypes, MultiParamTypeClasses,
  TypeOperators, ScopedTypeVariables, EmptyDataDecls #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Comp.MultiParam.Term
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2011 Patrick Bahr, Tom Hvitved
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Tom Hvitved <hvitved@diku.dk>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable (GHC Extensions)
-- This module defines the central notion of /generalised parametrised terms/
-- and their generalisation to generalised parametrised contexts.

module Data.Comp.MultiParam.Term
    ) where

import Prelude hiding (mapM, sequence, foldl, foldl1, foldr, foldr1)
import Data.Comp.MultiParam.Any
import Data.Comp.MultiParam.HDifunctor
import Data.Comp.MultiParam.HDitraversable
import Control.Monad 
import Unsafe.Coerce

{-| This data type represents contexts over a signature. Contexts are terms
  containing zero or more holes, and zero or more parameters. The first
  parameter is a phantom type indicating whether the context has holes. The
  second paramater is the signature of the context, in the form of a
  "Data.Comp.MultiParam.HDifunctor". The third parameter is the type of
  parameters, the fourth parameter is the type of holes, and the fifth
  parameter is the GADT type. -}
data Cxt :: * -> ((* -> *) -> (* -> *) -> * -> *) -> (* -> *) -> (* -> *) -> * -> * where
            Term :: f a (Cxt h f a b) i -> Cxt h f a b i
            Hole :: b i -> Cxt Hole f a b i
            Place :: a i -> Cxt h f a b i

{-| Phantom type used to define 'Context'. -}
data Hole

{-| Phantom type used to define 'Term'. -}
data NoHole

{-| A context may contain holes, but must be parametric in the bound
  parameters. Parametricity is \"emulated\" using the empty functor @Any@,
  e.g. a function of type @Any :-> T[Any]@ is equivalent with
  @forall b. b :-> T[b]@, but the former avoids the impredicative typing
  extension, and works also in the cases where the codomain type is not a type
  constructor, e.g. @Any i -> (Any i,Any i)@. -}
type Context = Cxt Hole

type Trm f a = Cxt NoHole f a (K ())

{-| A term is a context with no holes, where all occurrences of the
  contravariant parameter is fully parametric. Parametricity is \"emulated\"
  using the empty functor @Any@, e.g. a function of type @Any :-> T[Any]@ is
  equivalent with @forall b. b :-> T[b]@, but the former avoids the
  impredicative typing extension, and works also in the cases where the
  codomain type is not a type constructor, e.g. @Any i -> (Any i,Any i)@. -}
type Term f = Trm f Any

{-| Convert a difunctorial value into a context. -}
simpCxt :: HDifunctor f => f a b :-> Cxt Hole f a b
{-# INLINE simpCxt #-}
simpCxt = Term . hfmap Hole

{-| Cast a \"pseudo-parametric\" context over a signature to a parametric
  context over the same signature. The usage of 'unsafeCoerce' is safe, because
  the empty functor 'Any' witnesses that all uses of the contravariant argument
  are parametric. -}
coerceCxt :: Cxt h f Any b i -> forall a. Cxt h f a b i
coerceCxt = unsafeCoerce

toCxt :: HDifunctor f => Trm f a :-> Cxt h f a b
{-# INLINE toCxt #-}
toCxt = unsafeCoerce

{-|  -}
type Const f i = f Any (K ()) i

{-| This function converts a constant to a term. This assumes that the
  argument is indeed a constant, i.e. does not have a value for the
  argument type of the higher-order difunctor @f@. -}
constTerm :: HDifunctor f => Const f :-> Term f
constTerm = Term . hfmap (const undefined)

-- | This is an instance of 'hfmap' for 'Cxt'.
hfmapCxt :: forall h f a b b'. HDifunctor f
         => (b :-> b') -> Cxt h f a b :-> Cxt h f a b'
hfmapCxt f = run
    where run :: Cxt h f a b :-> Cxt h f a b'
          run (Term t) = Term $ hfmap run t
          run (Place a) = Place a
          run (Hole b)  = Hole $ f b

-- | This is an instance of 'hdimapM' for 'Cxt'.
hdimapMCxt :: forall h f a b b' m . HDitraversable f m a
          => (NatM m b b') -> NatM m (Cxt h f a b) (Cxt h f a b')
hdimapMCxt f = run
    where run :: NatM m (Cxt h f a b) (Cxt h f a b')
          run (Term t)  = liftM Term $ hdimapM run t
          run (Place a) = return $ Place a
          run (Hole b)  = liftM Hole (f b)