{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances   #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Comp.Ops
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2010-2011 Patrick Bahr, Tom Hvitved
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Patrick Bahr <paba@diku.dk>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable (GHC Extensions)
-- This module provides operators on functors.

module Data.Comp.Ops where

import Data.Foldable
import Data.Traversable

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad hiding (mapM, sequence)
import Data.Comp.SubsumeCommon

import Prelude hiding (foldl, foldl1, foldr, foldr1, mapM, sequence)

-- Sums

infixr 6 :+:

-- |Formal sum of signatures (functors).
data (f :+: g) e = Inl (f e)
                 | Inr (g e)

fromInl :: (f :+: g) e -> Maybe (f e)
fromInl = caseF Just (const Nothing)

fromInr :: (f :+: g) e -> Maybe (g e)
fromInr = caseF (const Nothing) Just

{-| Utility function to case on a functor sum, without exposing the internal
  representation of sums. -}
caseF :: (f a -> b) -> (g a -> b) -> (f :+: g) a -> b
{-# INLINE caseF #-}
caseF f g x = case x of
                Inl x -> f x
                Inr x -> g x

instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (f :+: g) where
    fmap f (Inl e) = Inl (fmap f e)
    fmap f (Inr e) = Inr (fmap f e)

instance (Foldable f, Foldable g) => Foldable (f :+: g) where
    fold (Inl e) = fold e
    fold (Inr e) = fold e
    foldMap f (Inl e) = foldMap f e
    foldMap f (Inr e) = foldMap f e
    foldr f b (Inl e) = foldr f b e
    foldr f b (Inr e) = foldr f b e
    foldl f b (Inl e) = foldl f b e
    foldl f b (Inr e) = foldl f b e
    foldr1 f (Inl e) = foldr1 f e
    foldr1 f (Inr e) = foldr1 f e
    foldl1 f (Inl e) = foldl1 f e
    foldl1 f (Inr e) = foldl1 f e

instance (Traversable f, Traversable g) => Traversable (f :+: g) where
    traverse f (Inl e) = Inl <$> traverse f e
    traverse f (Inr e) = Inr <$> traverse f e
    sequenceA (Inl e) = Inl <$> sequenceA e
    sequenceA (Inr e) = Inr <$> sequenceA e
    mapM f (Inl e) = Inl `liftM` mapM f e
    mapM f (Inr e) = Inr `liftM` mapM f e
    sequence (Inl e) = Inl `liftM` sequence e
    sequence (Inr e) = Inr `liftM` sequence e

infixl 5 :<:
infixl 5 :=:

type family Elem (f :: * -> *) (g :: * -> *) :: Emb where
    Elem f f = Found Here
    Elem (f1 :+: f2) g =  Sum' (Elem f1 g) (Elem f2 g)
    Elem f (g1 :+: g2) = Choose (Elem f g1) (Elem f g2)
    Elem f g = NotFound

type family Choose (e1 :: Emb) (r :: Emb) :: Emb where
    Choose (Found x) (Found y) = Ambiguous
    Choose Ambiguous y = Ambiguous
    Choose x Ambiguous = Ambiguous
    Choose (Found x) y = Found (Le x)
    Choose x (Found y) = Found (Ri y)
    Choose x y = NotFound

type family Sum' (e1 :: Emb) (r :: Emb) :: Emb where
    Sum' (Found x) (Found y) = Found (Sum x y)
    Sum' Ambiguous y = Ambiguous
    Sum' x Ambiguous = Ambiguous
    Sum' NotFound y = NotFound
    Sum' x NotFound = NotFound

data Proxy a = P

class Subsume (e :: Emb) (f :: * -> *) (g :: * -> *) where
  inj'  :: Proxy e -> f a -> g a
  prj'  :: Proxy e -> g a -> Maybe (f a)

instance Subsume (Found Here) f f where
    inj' _ = id

    prj' _ = Just

instance Subsume (Found p) f g => Subsume (Found (Le p)) f (g :+: g') where
    inj' _ = Inl . inj' (P :: Proxy (Found p))

    prj' _ (Inl x) = prj' (P :: Proxy (Found p)) x
    prj' _ _       = Nothing

instance Subsume (Found p) f g => Subsume (Found (Ri p)) f (g' :+: g) where
    inj' _ = Inr . inj' (P :: Proxy (Found p))

    prj' _ (Inr x) = prj' (P :: Proxy (Found p)) x
    prj' _ _       = Nothing

instance (Subsume (Found p1) f1 g, Subsume (Found p2) f2 g)
    => Subsume (Found (Sum p1 p2)) (f1 :+: f2) g where
    inj' _ (Inl x) = inj' (P :: Proxy (Found p1)) x
    inj' _ (Inr x) = inj' (P :: Proxy (Found p2)) x

    prj' _ x = case prj' (P :: Proxy (Found p1)) x of
                 Just y -> Just (Inl y)
                 _      -> case prj' (P :: Proxy (Found p2)) x of
                             Just y -> Just (Inr y)
                             _      -> Nothing

-- | A constraint @f :<: g@ expresses that the signature @f@ is
-- subsumed by @g@, i.e. @f@ can be used to construct elements in @g@.
type f :<: g = (Subsume (ComprEmb (Elem f g)) f g)

inj :: forall f g a . (f :<: g) => f a -> g a
inj = inj' (P :: Proxy (ComprEmb (Elem f g)))

proj :: forall f g a . (f :<: g) => g a -> Maybe (f a)
proj = prj' (P :: Proxy (ComprEmb (Elem f g)))

type f :=: g = (f :<: g, g :<: f)

spl :: (f :=: f1 :+: f2) => (f1 a -> b) -> (f2 a -> b) -> f a -> b
spl f1 f2 x = case inj x of
            Inl y -> f1 y
            Inr y -> f2 y

-- Products

infixr 8 :*:

-- |Formal product of signatures (functors).
data (f :*: g) a = f a :*: g a

ffst :: (f :*: g) a -> f a
ffst (x :*: _) = x

fsnd :: (f :*: g) a -> g a
fsnd (_ :*: x) = x

-- Constant Products

infixr 7 :&:

{-| This data type adds a constant product (annotation) to a signature. -}
data (f :&: a) e = f e :&: a

instance (Functor f) => Functor (f :&: a) where
    fmap f (v :&: c) = fmap f v :&: c

instance (Foldable f) => Foldable (f :&: a) where
    fold (v :&: _) = fold v
    foldMap f (v :&: _) = foldMap f v
    foldr f e (v :&: _) = foldr f e v
    foldl f e (v :&: _) = foldl f e v
    foldr1 f (v :&: _) = foldr1 f v
    foldl1 f (v :&: _) = foldl1 f v

instance (Traversable f) => Traversable (f :&: a) where
    traverse f (v :&: c) = liftA (:&: c) (traverse f v)
    sequenceA (v :&: c) = liftA (:&: c)(sequenceA v)
    mapM f (v :&: c) = liftM (:&: c) (mapM f v)
    sequence (v :&: c) = liftM (:&: c) (sequence v)

{-| This class defines how to distribute an annotation over a sum of
signatures. -}
class DistAnn s p s' | s' -> s, s' -> p where
    {-| Inject an annotation over a signature. -}
    injectA :: p -> s a -> s' a
    {-| Project an annotation from a signature. -}
    projectA :: s' a -> (s a, p)

class RemA s s' | s -> s'  where
    {-| Remove annotations from a signature. -}
    remA :: s a -> s' a

instance (RemA s s') => RemA (f :&: p :+: s) (f :+: s') where
    remA (Inl (v :&: _)) = Inl v
    remA (Inr v) = Inr $ remA v

instance RemA (f :&: p) f where
    remA (v :&: _) = v

instance DistAnn f p (f :&: p) where

    injectA c v = v :&: c

    projectA (v :&: p) = (v,p)

instance (DistAnn s p s') => DistAnn (f :+: s) p ((f :&: p) :+: s') where

    injectA c (Inl v) = Inl (v :&: c)
    injectA c (Inr v) = Inr $ injectA c v

    projectA (Inl (v :&: p)) = (Inl v,p)
    projectA (Inr v) = let (v',p) = projectA v
                       in  (Inr v',p)