module Composite.Aeson.Base ( ToJson(..), FromJson(..), JsonProfunctor(..), _JsonProfunctor, JsonFormat(..) , toJsonWithFormat, fromJsonWithFormat, parseJsonWithFormat, parseJsonWithFormat' , dimapJsonFormat, jsonFormatWithIso, wrappedFormat ) where import BasicPrelude import Control.Lens (AnIso', Iso, Wrapped(type Unwrapped), _Wrapped', _Wrapped, iso, over, withIso) import Control.Lens.TH (makeWrapped) import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson import qualified Data.Aeson.BetterErrors as ABE import Data.Functor.Contravariant (Contravariant, contramap) import Data.Profunctor (Profunctor(dimap)) import Data.Void (Void) -- |Type of functions which take a value @a@ and convert it to an 'Aeson.Value'. -- -- Wrapper around a function of type @a -> Aeson.Value@. -- -- Doesn't currently include support for the newer Aeson Encoding machinery, but should. newtype ToJson a = ToJson { unToJson :: a -> Aeson.Value } instance Contravariant ToJson where contramap f (ToJson g) = ToJson (g . f) -- |Type of parsers which might emit some custom error of type @e@ and produce a value of type @a@ on success. -- -- @a@ is the type of value that can be parsed from JSON using this profunctor, and @e@ is the type of custom error that can be produced when the JSON is -- unacceptable. If your parser doesn't produce any custom errors, leave this type polymorphic. -- -- Wrapper about an @aeson-better-errors@ 'ABE.Parse' @e@ @a@. newtype FromJson e a = FromJson { unFromJson :: ABE.Parse e a } deriving instance Functor (FromJson e) -- |Type of profunctors which produce and consume JSON, a composition of @ToJson@ and @FromJson@. -- -- @a@ is the type of value that can be converted to 'Aeson.Value' using this profunctor. -- @b@ is the type of value that can be parsed from JSON using this profunctor, and @e@ is the type of custom error that can be produced when the JSON is -- unacceptable. If your parser doesn't produce any custom errors, leave this type polymorphic. -- -- Profunctors must have two type parameters @a@ and @b@ so this type has two, but @JsonProfunctor@s with different types aren't useful for JSON processing -- directly. See 'JsonFormat' for a wrapper which fixes the two types. -- -- Doesn't currently include support for the newer Aeson Encoding machinery, but should. data JsonProfunctor e a b = JsonProfunctor (a -> Aeson.Value) (ABE.Parse e b) instance Profunctor (JsonProfunctor e) where dimap f g (JsonProfunctor o i) = JsonProfunctor (o . f) (g <$> i) -- |Observe that a 'JsonProfunctor' is isomorphic to a pair with a @ToJson@ and @FromJson@. _JsonProfunctor :: Iso (JsonProfunctor e a b) (JsonProfunctor e' a' b') (ToJson a, FromJson e b) (ToJson a', FromJson e' b') _JsonProfunctor = iso (\ (JsonProfunctor o i) -> (ToJson o, FromJson i)) (\ (ToJson o, FromJson i) -> JsonProfunctor o i) -- |Wrapper around 'JsonProfunctor' for use in JSON processing when the profunctor represents a bijection between JSON and a single type @a@, i.e. for -- @JsonProfunctor e a a@. newtype JsonFormat e a = JsonFormat { unJsonFormat :: JsonProfunctor e a a } -- |Given a 'JsonFormat' for @a@, convert a value of @a@ into an 'Aeson.Value'. toJsonWithFormat :: JsonFormat e a -> a -> Aeson.Value toJsonWithFormat (JsonFormat (JsonProfunctor o _)) = o -- |Given a 'JsonFormat' for @a@ which can produce custom errors of type @e@, yield an @aeson-better-errors@ 'ABE.Parse' which can be used to consume JSON. fromJsonWithFormat :: JsonFormat e a -> ABE.Parse e a fromJsonWithFormat (JsonFormat (JsonProfunctor _ i)) = i -- |Given a 'JsonFormat' for @a@ which produces custom errors of type @e@ and some function to format those errors as messages, produce an Aeson parser function -- @Value -> Parser a@. parseJsonWithFormat :: (e -> Text) -> JsonFormat e a -> Aeson.Value -> Aeson.Parser a parseJsonWithFormat showError = ABE.toAesonParser showError . fromJsonWithFormat -- |Given a 'JsonFormat' for @a@ which doesn't produce custom errors, produce an Aeson parser function @Value -> Parser a@. parseJsonWithFormat' :: JsonFormat Void a -> Aeson.Value -> Aeson.Parser a parseJsonWithFormat' = ABE.toAesonParser' . fromJsonWithFormat makeWrapped ''ToJson makeWrapped ''FromJson makeWrapped ''JsonFormat -- |Wrap a 'JsonFormat' for type @a@ in a pair of functions representing an isomorphism between @a@ and @b@ to produce a new @JsonFormat@ for @b@. dimapJsonFormat :: (b -> a) -> (a -> b) -> JsonFormat e a -> JsonFormat e b dimapJsonFormat f g = over _Wrapped (dimap f g) -- |Wrap a 'JsonFormat' for type @a@ in an isomorphism to produce a new @JsonFormat@ for @b@. jsonFormatWithIso :: AnIso' b a -> JsonFormat e a -> JsonFormat e b jsonFormatWithIso i = withIso i dimapJsonFormat -- |Given a format for the value type inside some wrapper type @a@ which instances 'Wrapped', produce a format which works on the wrapper type. wrappedFormat :: Wrapped a => JsonFormat e (Unwrapped a) -> JsonFormat e a wrappedFormat = jsonFormatWithIso _Wrapped'