Warning: The install command is a part of the legacy v1 style of cabal usage. Please switch to using either the new project style and the new-install command or the legacy v1-install alias as new-style projects will become the default in the next version of cabal-install. Please file a bug if you cannot replicate a working v1- use case with the new-style commands. For more information, see: https://wiki.haskell.org/Cabal/NewBuild Resolving dependencies... Starting StateVar-1.2 Starting call-stack-0.2.0 Starting cabal-doctest-1.0.8 Starting base-orphans-0.8.1 Building call-stack-0.2.0 Building StateVar-1.2 Building cabal-doctest-1.0.8 Building base-orphans-0.8.1 Completed call-stack-0.2.0 Starting exceptions-0.10.4 Completed base-orphans-0.8.1 Starting hashable- Completed StateVar-1.2 Starting parallel- Building exceptions-0.10.4 Building hashable- Building parallel- Completed cabal-doctest-1.0.8 Starting primitive- Building primitive- Completed parallel- Starting reflection-2.1.5 Building reflection-2.1.5 Completed hashable- Starting semigroups-0.19.1 Completed exceptions-0.10.4 Starting tagged-0.8.6 Building semigroups-0.19.1 Building tagged-0.8.6 Completed semigroups-0.19.1 Starting th-abstraction- Building th-abstraction- Completed tagged-0.8.6 Starting transformers-compat-0.6.5 Building transformers-compat-0.6.5 Completed reflection-2.1.5 Starting vinyl-0.11.0 Building vinyl-0.11.0 Completed th-abstraction- Starting void-0.7.3 Building void-0.7.3 Completed transformers-compat-0.6.5 Starting contravariant-1.5.2 Building contravariant-1.5.2 Completed void-0.7.3 Starting unordered-containers- Building unordered-containers- Completed primitive- Starting distributive-0.6.1 Completed contravariant-1.5.2 Starting transformers-base- Building transformers-base- Building distributive-0.6.1 Completed transformers-base- Starting vector- Building vector- Completed vinyl-0.11.0 Starting monad-control- Building monad-control- Completed distributive-0.6.1 Starting comonad-5.0.6 Completed monad-control- Building comonad-5.0.6 Completed unordered-containers- Starting ekg-core- Building ekg-core- Completed comonad-5.0.6 Starting bifunctors-5.5.6 Completed ekg-core- Building bifunctors-5.5.6 Completed bifunctors-5.5.6 Starting semigroupoids-5.3.4 Starting profunctors-5.5.1 Building profunctors-5.5.1 Building semigroupoids-5.3.4 Completed profunctors-5.5.1 Starting invariant-0.5.3 Building invariant-0.5.3 Completed vector- Completed semigroupoids-5.3.4 Starting free-5.1.3 Building free-5.1.3 Completed invariant-0.5.3 Completed free-5.1.3 Starting adjunctions-4.4 Building adjunctions-4.4 Completed adjunctions-4.4 Starting kan-extensions-5.2 Building kan-extensions-5.2 Completed kan-extensions-5.2 Starting lens-4.17.1 Building lens-4.17.1 Completed lens-4.17.1 Starting composite-base- Building composite-base- Failed to install composite-base- Build log ( /home/builder/.cabal/logs/ghc-8.6.3/composite-base- ): cabal: Entering directory '/tmp/cabal-tmp-29396/composite-base-' Configuring composite-base- Preprocessing library for composite-base- Building library for composite-base- [1 of 6] Compiling Composite.Record ( src/Composite/Record.hs, dist/build/Composite/Record.o ) src/Composite/Record.hs:175:3: error: • Couldn't match expected type ‘Rec Identity rs -> g (Rec Identity rs)’ with actual type ‘s :-> record1 f1 rs1’ • In the expression: Vinyl.rlens proxy $ \ (Identity (Val a)) -> Identity . Val <$> f a In an equation for ‘rlens’: rlens proxy f = Vinyl.rlens proxy $ \ (Identity (Val a)) -> Identity . Val <$> f a • Relevant bindings include f :: a -> g a (bound at src/Composite/Record.hs:174:13) proxy :: proxy (s :-> a) (bound at src/Composite/Record.hs:174:7) rlens :: proxy (s :-> a) -> (a -> g a) -> Rec Identity rs -> g (Rec Identity rs) (bound at src/Composite/Record.hs:174:1) | 175 | Vinyl.rlens proxy $ \ (Identity (Val a)) -> | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Composite/Record.hs:175:23: error: • Couldn't match kind ‘[k1]’ with ‘*’ When matching types rs1 :: [k1] g (Identity (s2 :-> a)) :: * Expected type: record1 f1 rs1 Actual type: Identity (s3 :-> a) -> g (Identity (s2 :-> a)) • The lambda expression ‘\ (Identity (Val a)) -> Identity . Val <$> f a’ has one argument, but its type ‘record1 f1 rs1’ has none In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘\ (Identity (Val a)) -> Identity . Val <$> f a’ In the expression: Vinyl.rlens proxy $ \ (Identity (Val a)) -> Identity . Val <$> f a • Relevant bindings include f :: a -> g a (bound at src/Composite/Record.hs:174:13) proxy :: proxy (s :-> a) (bound at src/Composite/Record.hs:174:7) rlens :: proxy (s :-> a) -> (a -> g a) -> Rec Identity rs -> g (Rec Identity rs) (bound at src/Composite/Record.hs:174:1) | 175 | Vinyl.rlens proxy $ \ (Identity (Val a)) -> | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Composite/Record.hs:202:3: error: • Couldn't match expected type ‘Rec f rs -> g (Rec f rs)’ with actual type ‘s :-> record0 f0 rs0’ • In the expression: Vinyl.rlens proxy $ \ (fmap getVal -> fa) -> fmap Val <$> f fa In an equation for ‘rlens'’: rlens' proxy f = Vinyl.rlens proxy $ \ (fmap getVal -> fa) -> fmap Val <$> f fa • Relevant bindings include f :: f a -> g (f a) (bound at src/Composite/Record.hs:201:14) proxy :: proxy (s :-> a) (bound at src/Composite/Record.hs:201:8) rlens' :: proxy (s :-> a) -> (f a -> g (f a)) -> Rec f rs -> g (Rec f rs) (bound at src/Composite/Record.hs:201:1) | 202 | Vinyl.rlens proxy $ \ (fmap getVal -> fa) -> | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Composite/Record.hs:202:23: error: • Couldn't match kind ‘[k0]’ with ‘*’ When matching types rs0 :: [k0] g (f (s0 :-> a)) :: * Expected type: record0 f0 rs0 Actual type: f (s1 :-> a) -> g (f (s0 :-> a)) • The lambda expression ‘\ (fmap getVal -> fa) -> fmap Val <$> f fa’ has one argument, but its type ‘record0 f0 rs0’ has none In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘\ (fmap getVal -> fa) -> fmap Val <$> f fa’ In the expression: Vinyl.rlens proxy $ \ (fmap getVal -> fa) -> fmap Val <$> f fa • Relevant bindings include f :: f a -> g (f a) (bound at src/Composite/Record.hs:201:14) proxy :: proxy (s :-> a) (bound at src/Composite/Record.hs:201:8) rlens' :: proxy (s :-> a) -> (f a -> g (f a)) -> Rec f rs -> g (Rec f rs) (bound at src/Composite/Record.hs:201:1) | 202 | Vinyl.rlens proxy $ \ (fmap getVal -> fa) -> | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Composite/Record.hs:213:41: error: • Could not deduce (Vinyl.RecordToList rs) arising from a use of ‘recordToList’ from the context: (r : rs) ~ (r2 : rs2) bound by a pattern with constructor: :& :: forall u (a :: u -> *) (r :: u) (rs :: [u]). a r -> Rec a rs -> Rec a (r : rs), in an equation for ‘recordToNonEmpty’ at src/Composite/Record.hs:213:19-31 Possible fix: add (Vinyl.RecordToList rs) to the context of the data constructor ‘:&’ or the type signature for: recordToNonEmpty :: forall u a (r :: u) (rs :: [u]). Rec (Const a) (r : rs) -> NonEmpty a • In the second argument of ‘(:|)’, namely ‘recordToList rs’ In the expression: a :| recordToList rs In an equation for ‘recordToNonEmpty’: recordToNonEmpty (Const a :& rs) = a :| recordToList rs | 213 | recordToNonEmpty (Const a :& rs) = a :| recordToList rs | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ cabal: Leaving directory '/tmp/cabal-tmp-29396/composite-base-' cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: composite-base- failed during the building phase. The exception was: ExitFailure 1 composite-ekg- depends on composite-ekg- which failed to install.