{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.Monad (unless, forM_) import System.FilePath (isAbsolute, ()) import System.Console.CmdArgs -- import System.IO (hFlush, stdout) import qualified Numeric.SGD.Momentum as SGD import Data.String (fromString) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L -- import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as L import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as L import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import Data.Tagset.Positional (parseTagset) import qualified Data.Tagset.Positional as P import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Dhall as Dhall import qualified Data.DAG as DAG import qualified Data.CRF.Chain1.Constrained.DAG.Dataset.Codec as CRF.Codec import qualified Data.CRF.Chain1.Constrained.DAG.Train as CRF.Train import qualified NLP.Concraft.DAG.Guess as Guess import qualified NLP.Concraft.DAG.Schema as Schema -- import qualified NLP.Concraft.DAG.Disamb as Disamb -- import qualified NLP.Concraft.DAG2 as C -- import qualified NLP.Concraft.Polish.DAG2 as P import qualified NLP.Concraft.DAGSeg as C import qualified NLP.Concraft.DAG.Morphosyntax as X import qualified NLP.Concraft.DAG.Morphosyntax.Accuracy as Acc import qualified NLP.Concraft.DAG.Segmentation as Seg import qualified NLP.Concraft.Polish.DAG.Morphosyntax as PX import qualified NLP.Concraft.Polish.DAGSeg as Pol import qualified NLP.Concraft.Polish.DAG.Format.Base as DB import qualified NLP.Concraft.Polish.DAG.Server as Server -- import qualified NLP.Concraft.Polish.Request as R import Paths_concraft_pl (version, getDataFileName) import Data.Version (showVersion) --------------------------------------- -- Command line options --------------------------------------- -- | A description of the Concraft-pl tool. concraftDesc :: String concraftDesc = "Concraft-pl " ++ showVersion version data Concraft = Train { trainPath :: FilePath , evalPath :: Maybe FilePath , tagsetPath :: Maybe FilePath , iterNum :: Double , batchSize :: Int , regVar :: Double , gain0 :: Double , tau :: Double , disk :: Bool , outModel :: FilePath , guessNum :: Int , r0 :: Guess.R0T , zeroProbLabel :: String , visibleOnly :: Bool -- , disambTiers :: Pol.DisambTiersCfg , config :: FilePath } | Tag { inModel :: FilePath -- , marginals :: Bool , inFile :: Maybe FilePath , outFile :: Maybe FilePath , probType :: DB.ProbType -- , suppressProbs :: Bool , mayGuessNum :: Maybe Int , freqPath :: Maybe FilePath , freqSmoothing :: Double , shortestPath :: Bool , longestPath :: Bool , numericDisamb :: Bool } | Server { inModel :: FilePath , probType :: DB.ProbType , mayGuessNum :: Maybe Int , numericDisamb :: Bool , port :: Int } | Client { serverAddr :: String , inFile :: Maybe FilePath , outFile :: Maybe FilePath , batchSize :: Int } | Eval { justTagsetPath :: FilePath , goldPath :: FilePath , taggPath :: FilePath , onlyOov :: Bool , onlyAmb :: Bool , onlyEos :: Bool , expandTags :: Bool , ignoreTags :: Bool , heedEos :: Bool , weak :: Bool , discardProb0 :: Bool , verbose :: Bool } | Check { justTagsetPath :: FilePath , dagPath :: FilePath } | Freqs { dagPath :: FilePath -- , justTagsetPath :: FilePath -- , outPath :: FilePath } | Ambi { dagPath :: FilePath , onlyChosen :: Bool } deriving (Data, Typeable, Show) trainMode :: Concraft trainMode = Train { trainPath = def &= argPos 1 &= typ "TRAIN-FILE" , evalPath = def &= typFile &= help "Evaluation file" , tagsetPath = def &= typFile &= help "Tagset definition file" , config = def &= typFile &= help "Global configuration file" -- , discardHidden = False &= help "Discard hidden features" , iterNum = 20 &= help "Number of SGD iterations" , batchSize = 50 &= help "Batch size (the number of dataset elements taken in a single SGD update)" , regVar = 10.0 &= help "Regularization variance (the higher variance, the higher penalty for large params)" , gain0 = 0.25 &= help "Initial gain parameter (gain is used to scale the gradient before parameter update)" -- The value `0.25` makes sense given that SGD momentum is used , tau = 5.0 &= help "Initial tau parameter (after how many passes over the full dataset the gain is halved)" , disk = False &= help "Store SGD dataset on disk" , outModel = def &= typFile &= help "Output Model file" , guessNum = 10 &= help "Number of guessed tags for each unknown word" , r0 = Guess.OovChosen &= help "R0 construction method" , zeroProbLabel = "xxx" &= help "Zero probability label" , visibleOnly = False &= help "Extract only visible features for the guesser" -- , disambTiers = Pol.TiersDefault &= help "Dismabiguation tiers configuration" } tagMode :: Concraft tagMode = Tag { inModel = def &= argPos 0 &= typ "MODEL-FILE" -- , noAna = False &= help "Do not analyse input text" -- , marginals = False &= help "Tag with marginal probabilities" } , inFile = def &= typFile &= help "Input file (stdin by default)" , outFile = def &= typFile &= help "Output file (stdout by default)" , probType = DB.Marginals &= help "Type of probabilities" -- , suppressProbs = False &= help "Do not show probabilities" , freqPath = def &= typFile &= help "File with chosen/not-chosen counts" , freqSmoothing = 1.0 &= help "Smoothing parameter for frequency-based path selection" , shortestPath = False &= help "Select shortest paths prior to parsing (can serve as a segmentation baseline)" , longestPath = False &= help "Select longest paths prior to parsing (mutually exclusive with shortestPath)" , mayGuessNum = def &= help "Number of guessed tags for each unknown word" , numericDisamb = False &= help "Print disamb markers as numerical values in the probability column" } serverMode :: Concraft serverMode = Server { inModel = def &= argPos 0 &= typ "MODEL-FILE" , probType = DB.Marginals &= help "Type of probabilities" , mayGuessNum = def &= help "Number of guessed tags for each unknown word" , numericDisamb = False &= help "Print disamb markers as numerical values in the probability column" , port = 3000 &= help "Server port" } clientMode :: Concraft clientMode = Client { serverAddr = "http://localhost:3000/parse" &= help "Server address" , inFile = def &= typFile &= help "Input file (stdin by default)" , outFile = def &= typFile &= help "Output file (stdout by default)" , batchSize = 10 &= help "Sent graphs in batches of the given size" } evalMode :: Concraft evalMode = Eval { justTagsetPath = def &= typ "TAGSET-FILE" &= argPos 0 , goldPath = def &= typ "GOLD-FILE" &= argPos 1 , taggPath = def &= typ "TAGGED-FILE" &= argPos 2 , onlyOov = False &= help "Only OOV edges" , onlyAmb = False &= help "Only segmentation-ambiguous edges" , onlyEos = False &= help "Only EOS edges" , expandTags = False &= help "Expand tags" , ignoreTags = False &= help "Ignore tags (compute segmentation-level accurracy)" , heedEos = False &= help "Pay attention to EOS markers (ignored by default)" , weak = False &= help "Compute weak accuracy rather than strong" , discardProb0 = False &= help "Discard sentences with near 0 probability" , verbose = False &= help "Print information about compared elements" } checkMode :: Concraft checkMode = Check { justTagsetPath = def &= typ "TAGSET-FILE" &= argPos 0 , dagPath= def &= typ "DAG-FILE" &= argPos 1 } freqsMode :: Concraft freqsMode = Freqs { dagPath = def &= typ "DAG-FILE" &= argPos 1 -- , justTagsetPath = def &= typ "TAGSET-FILE" &= argPos 0 -- , outPath = def &= typ "FREQ-FILE" &= help "Output file to store counts" } ambiMode :: Concraft ambiMode = Ambi { dagPath = def &= typ "DAG-FILE" &= argPos 1 , onlyChosen = False &= help "Take only the chose tokens into account" } argModes :: Mode (CmdArgs Concraft) argModes = cmdArgsMode $ modes [ trainMode, tagMode, serverMode, clientMode , evalMode, checkMode, freqsMode, ambiMode ] &= summary concraftDesc &= program "concraft-pl" --------------------------------------- -- Main --------------------------------------- main :: IO () main = exec =<< cmdArgsRun argModes exec :: Concraft -> IO () exec Train{..} = do tagsetPath' <- case tagsetPath of Nothing -> getDataFileName "config/nkjp-tagset.cfg" Just x -> return x tagset <- parseTagset tagsetPath' <$> readFile tagsetPath' -- Dhall configuration let configPath = if isAbsolute config then config else "./" config dhall <- Dhall.detailed (Dhall.input Dhall.auto $ fromString configPath) -- let zeroProbLab = P.parseTag taset zeroProbLabel let zeroProbLab = PX.Interp { PX.base = "none" , PX.tag = T.pack zeroProbLabel , PX.commonness = Nothing , PX.qualifier = Nothing , PX.metaInfo = Nothing , PX.eos = False } train0 = DB.parseData <$> readFileUtf8 trainPath eval0 = case evalPath of Nothing -> return [] Just ph -> DB.parseData <$> readFileUtf8 ph -- putStrLn $ "\nRegularization variance: " ++ show regVar concraft <- Pol.train (trainConf dhall tagset zeroProbLab) train0 eval0 unless (null outModel) $ do putStrLn $ "\nSaving model in " ++ outModel ++ "..." Pol.saveModel outModel concraft where sgdArgs = SGD.SgdArgs { SGD.batchSize = batchSize , SGD.regVar = regVar , SGD.iterNum = iterNum , SGD.gain0 = gain0 , SGD.tau = tau } trainConf dhall tagset zeroLab = Pol.TrainConf { tagset = tagset , sgdArgs = sgdArgs -- , reana = not noAna , onDisk = disk , guessNum = guessNum , r0 = r0 , zeroProbLabel = zeroLab , guessOnlyVisible = visibleOnly -- , disambTiersCfg = disambTiers , globalConfig = dhall } exec Tag{..} = do -- crf <- Pol.loadModel P.parseTag inModel crf <- Pol.loadModel Pol.simplify4gsr Pol.simplify4dmb inModel -- inp <- DB.parseData <$> L.getContents inp <- DB.parseData <$> case inFile of Nothing -> getContentsUtf8 Just path -> readFileUtf8 path pathSelection <- case (shortestPath, longestPath, freqPath) of (True, _, _) -> return $ Just Seg.Min (_, True, _) -> return $ Just Seg.Max (_, _, Just freqPath) -> do freqMap <- loadFreqMap freqPath let conf = Seg.FreqConf { Seg.pickFreqMap = freqMap , Seg.smoothingParam = freqSmoothing } return . Just $ Seg.Freq conf _ -> return Nothing let guessNum = case mayGuessNum of Nothing -> C.guessNum crf Just k -> k cfg = Pol.AnnoConf { trimParam = guessNum , pickPath = pathSelection } out = Pol.annoAll cfg crf <$> inp showCfg = DB.ShowCfg -- { suppressProbs = suppressProbs { probType = probType , numericDisamb = numericDisamb } case outFile of Nothing -> putStrUtf8 $ DB.showData showCfg out Just path -> writeFileUtf8 path $ DB.showData showCfg out exec Server{..} = do crf <- Pol.loadModel Pol.simplify4gsr Pol.simplify4dmb inModel let guessNum = case mayGuessNum of Nothing -> C.guessNum crf Just k -> k cfg = Pol.AnnoConf { trimParam = guessNum , pickPath = Nothing } showCfg = DB.ShowCfg { probType = probType , numericDisamb = numericDisamb } serverCfg = Server.ServerCfg { concraft = crf , annoCfg = cfg , showCfg = showCfg } Server.runServer serverCfg port exec Client{..} = do -- clear the file, if specified (stdout otherwise) case outFile of Nothing -> return () Just path -> writeFileUtf8 path "" inpAll <- case inFile of Nothing -> getContentsUtf8 Just path -> readFileUtf8 path let inputs = map (L.intercalate "\n\n") . group batchSize $ filter (not . L.null) (L.splitOn "\n\n" inpAll) forM_ (map L.toStrict inputs) $ \inp -> do let req = Server.Request {dag = inp} cfg = Server.ClientCfg {serverAddr=serverAddr} Server.sendRequest cfg req >>= \case Nothing -> putStrLn "<< NO RESPONSE >>" Just Server.Answer{..} -> case outFile of Nothing -> putStrUtf8 (L.fromStrict dag) Just path -> appendFileUtf8 path (L.fromStrict dag) exec Eval{..} = do tagset <- parseTagset justTagsetPath <$> readFile justTagsetPath let simplify = fmap $ \seg -> let simplify4eval interp = ( P.parseTag tagset $ PX.tag interp , PX.eos interp && heedEos ) newTags = X.mapWMap simplify4eval (X.tags seg) in seg {X.tags = newTags} process = PX.packSent . simplify fromFile = fmap (map process . DB.parseData) . readFileUtf8 putStrLn $ concat [ "Note that in this evaluation lemmas " , "are *not* taken into account." ] let cfg = Acc.AccCfg { Acc.onlyOov = onlyOov , Acc.onlyAmb = onlyAmb , Acc.onlyMarkedWith = if onlyEos then S.singleton True else S.empty , Acc.accTagset = tagset , Acc.expandTag = expandTags , Acc.ignoreTag = ignoreTags , Acc.weakAcc = weak , Acc.discardProb0 = discardProb0 , Acc.verbose = verbose } stats <- Acc.collect cfg <$> fromFile goldPath <*> fromFile taggPath putStr "Precision: " >> print (Acc.precision stats) putStr "Recall: " >> print (Acc.recall stats) putStr "Accuracy: " >> print (Acc.accuracy stats) exec Check{..} = do tagset <- parseTagset justTagsetPath <$> readFile justTagsetPath dags <- DB.parseData <$> readFileUtf8 dagPath forM_ dags $ \dag -> do if (not $ DAG.isOK dag) then do putStrLn "Incorrectly structured graph:" showDAG dag else if (not $ DAG.isDAG dag) then do putStrLn "Graph with cycles:" showDAG dag else case verifyProb tagset dag of Nothing -> return () Just p -> do putStr "Probability equal to " putStr (show p) putStrLn ":" showDAG dag where showDAG dag = forM_ (DAG.dagEdges dag) $ \edgeID -> do let from = DAG.begsWith edgeID dag to = DAG.endsWith edgeID dag val = DAG.edgeLabel edgeID dag putStr (show $ DAG.unNodeID from) putStr ", " putStr (show $ DAG.unNodeID to) putStr " => " T.putStrLn (PX.orth $ X.word val) verifyProb tagset dag = let schema = Schema.fromConf Schema.nullConf rawData = Guess.schemed (Pol.simplify4gsr tagset) schema [PX.packSent dag] [encDag] = CRF.Codec.encodeDataL (CRF.Codec.mkCodec rawData) rawData p = CRF.Train.dagProb encDag eps = 1e-9 in if p >= 1 - eps && p <= 1 + eps then Nothing else Just p exec Freqs{..} = do -- tagset <- parseTagset justTagsetPath <$> readFile justTagsetPath dags <- DB.parseData <$> readFileUtf8 dagPath let freqMap = Seg.computeFreqs $ map PX.packSent dags printFreqMap freqMap exec Ambi{..} = do dags <- DB.parseData <$> readFileUtf8 dagPath let stats = Seg.computeAmbiStats cfg $ map PX.packSent dags print stats where cfg = Seg.AmbiCfg { Seg.onlyChosen = onlyChosen } --------------------------------------- -- Frequency map --------------------------------------- printFreqMap :: M.Map T.Text (Int, Int) -> IO () printFreqMap freqMap = forM_ (M.toList freqMap) $ \(orth, (chosen, notChosen)) -> do T.putStr $ T.replace "\t" " " orth T.putStr "\t" putStr $ show chosen T.putStr "\t" putStrLn $ show notChosen loadFreqMap :: FilePath -> IO (M.Map T.Text (Int, Int)) loadFreqMap filePath = do M.fromList . map readPair . T.lines <$> T.readFile filePath where readPair line = case T.splitOn "\t" line of [orth, chosen, notChosen] -> (orth, (readInt chosen, readInt notChosen)) _ -> error $ "loadFreqMap: line incorrectly formatted: " ++ T.unpack line readInt = read . T.unpack --------------------------------------- -- UTF8 --------------------------------------- readFileUtf8 :: FilePath -> IO L.Text readFileUtf8 path = L.decodeUtf8 <$> BL.readFile path writeFileUtf8 :: FilePath -> L.Text -> IO () writeFileUtf8 path = BL.writeFile path . L.encodeUtf8 appendFileUtf8 :: FilePath -> L.Text -> IO () appendFileUtf8 path = BL.appendFile path . L.encodeUtf8 getContentsUtf8 :: IO L.Text getContentsUtf8 = L.decodeUtf8 <$> BL.getContents putStrUtf8 :: L.Text -> IO () putStrUtf8 = BL.putStr . L.encodeUtf8 --------------------------------------- -- Utils --------------------------------------- -- | Group the input list into the groups of X. group :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]] group n = doit n [] where doit k acc (x:xs) | k > 0 = doit (k-1) (x:acc) xs | otherwise = reverse acc : doit n [] (x:xs) doit _ acc [] | null acc = [] | otherwise = [reverse acc] -- --------------------------------------- -- -- Reading files -- --------------------------------------- -- -- -- TODO: make everything work on DAG input/output. -- -- parseFileO' :: Format -> Maybe FilePath -> IO [X.SentO X.Tag] -- parseFileO' format path = case path of -- Nothing -> return [] -- Just pt -> parseFileO format pt -- -- -- parseFileO :: Format -> FilePath -> IO [X.SentO X.Tag] -- parseFileO format path = parseParaO format <$> L.readFile path -- -- -- parseFile :: Format -> FilePath -> IO [X.Sent X.Tag] -- parseFile format path = parsePara format <$> L.readFile path -- -- -- --------------------------------------- -- -- Parsing text -- --------------------------------------- -- -- -- -- parseTextO :: Format -> L.Text -> [[X.SentO X.Tag]] -- -- parseTextO format = map (map X.withOrig) . parseText format -- -- -- parseParaO :: Format -> L.Text -> [X.SentO X.Tag] -- parseParaO format = map X.withOrig . parsePara format -- -- -- --------------------------------------- -- -- Parsing (format dependent) -- --------------------------------------- -- -- -- parseText :: Format -> L.Text -> [[X.Sent X.Tag]] -- parseText Plain = P.parsePlain -- -- -- parsePara :: Format -> L.Text -> [X.Sent X.Tag] -- parsePara Plain = P.parsePara -- -- -- --------------------------------------- -- -- Showing (format dependent) -- --------------------------------------- -- -- -- data ShowCfg = ShowCfg { -- -- | The format used. -- formatCfg :: Format -- -- | Show weights? -- , showWsCfg :: Bool } -- -- -- showData :: ShowCfg -> [[X.Sent X.Tag]] -> L.Text -- showData ShowCfg{..} = P.showPlain (P.ShowCfg {P.showWsCfg = showWsCfg})