# NKJP tagset definition [ATTR] # Attributes and their values nmb = sg pl cas = nom gen dat acc inst loc voc gnd = m1 m2 m3 f n # n1 n2 n3 p1 p2 p3 per = pri sec ter deg = pos com sup asp = imperf perf ngt = aff neg acm = congr rec acn = akc nakc ppr = npraep praep agg = agl nagl vlc = nwok wok dot = pun npun # sentiment = spos sneg [RULE] # Parsing rules definitions. adja = adjp = adjc = conj = comp = interp = pred = xxx = adv = [deg] imps = asp inf = asp pant = asp pcon = asp qub = [vlc] prep = cas [vlc] siebie = cas subst = nmb cas gnd depr = nmb cas gnd ger = nmb cas gnd asp ngt ppron12 = nmb cas gnd per [acn] ppron3 = nmb cas gnd per [acn] [ppr] num = nmb cas gnd acm numcol = nmb cas gnd acm adj = nmb cas gnd deg pact = nmb cas gnd asp ngt ppas = nmb cas gnd asp ngt winien = nmb gnd asp praet = nmb gnd asp [agg] bedzie = nmb per asp fin = nmb per asp impt = nmb per asp aglt = nmb per asp vlc # `ign` is a special tag and we treat in a special way. # ign = brev = dot burk = interj =