{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude, UnicodeSyntax, ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Main where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Imports ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- from base import Control.Applicative ( (<$>) ) import Control.Concurrent ( forkIO, threadDelay ) import Control.Exception ( catch, try, throwTo, ErrorCall(..), SomeException ) import Control.Monad ( (>>=), (>>), return, fail, fmap , mapM_, replicateM, replicateM_ ) import Data.Bool ( Bool, not ) import Data.Char ( String ) import Data.Either ( Either(Left, Right) ) import Data.Function ( ($) ) import Data.Int ( Int ) import Data.Maybe ( isJust ) import Prelude ( fromInteger ) import System.IO ( IO ) import System.Timeout ( timeout ) -- from base-unicode-symbols import Data.Function.Unicode ( (∘) ) import Prelude.Unicode ( (⋅) ) -- from concurrent-extra import qualified Control.Concurrent.Lock as Lock import qualified Control.Concurrent.RLock as RLock import qualified Control.Concurrent.Event as Event -- from HUnit import Test.HUnit hiding ( Test ) -- from test-framework import Test.Framework ( Test, defaultMain, testGroup ) -- from test-framework-hunit import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit ( testCase ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- main ∷ IO () main = defaultMain tests tests ∷ [Test] tests = [ testGroup "Events" [ testCase "set wait a" $ test_event_1 1 1 , testCase "set wait b" $ test_event_1 5 1 , testCase "set wait c" $ test_event_1 1 5 , testCase "set wait d" $ test_event_1 5 5 , testCase "conc set wait" $ test_event_2 , testCase "multi wake" $ test_event_3 10 , testCase "exception" $ test_event_4 , testCase "wait timeout" $ test_event_5 , testCase "wait blocks" $ test_event_6 ] , testGroup "Lock" [ testCase "acquire release" test_lock_1 , testCase "acquire acquire" test_lock_2 , testCase "new release" test_lock_3 , testCase "new unlocked" test_lock_4 , testCase "newAcquired locked" test_lock_5 , testCase "acq rel unlocked" test_lock_6 , testCase "conc release" test_lock_7 ] , testGroup "RLock" [ testCase "recursive acquire" $ test_rlock_1 5 , testCase "conc acquire" $ test_rlock_2 ] ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Events -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set an event 's' times then wait for it 'w' times. This should -- terminate within a few moments. test_event_1 ∷ Int → Int → Assertion test_event_1 s w = assert $ within (10 ⋅ a_moment) $ do e ← Event.new replicateM_ s $ Event.set e replicateM_ w $ Event.wait e test_event_2 ∷ Assertion test_event_2 = assert $ within (10 ⋅ a_moment) $ do e1 ← Event.new e2 ← Event.new _ ← forkIO $ do Event.wait e1 Event.set e2 wait_a_moment Event.set e1 Event.wait e2 -- Waking multiple threads with a single Event. test_event_3 ∷ Int → Assertion test_event_3 n = assert $ within (10 ⋅ a_moment) $ do e1 ← Event.new es ← replicateM n $ do e2 ← Event.new _ ← forkIO $ do Event.wait e1 Event.set e2 return e2 wait_a_moment Event.set e1 mapM_ Event.wait es -- Exception handling while waiting for an Event. test_event_4 ∷ Assertion test_event_4 = assert $ within (10 ⋅ a_moment) $ do e1 ← Event.new e2 ← Event.new helperId ← forkIO $ catch (Event.wait e1) $ \(_ ∷ ErrorCall) → Event.set e2 wait_a_moment throwTo helperId $ ErrorCall "Boo!" Event.wait e2 test_event_5 ∷ Assertion test_event_5 = assert $ within (10 ⋅ a_moment) $ do e ← Event.new Event.waitTimeout e a_moment test_event_6 ∷ Assertion test_event_6 = assert $ notWithin (10 ⋅ a_moment) $ do e ← Event.new Event.wait e -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Locks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_lock_1 ∷ Assertion test_lock_1 = assert $ within a_moment $ do l ← Lock.new Lock.acquire l Lock.release l test_lock_2 ∷ Assertion test_lock_2 = assert $ notWithin (10 ⋅ a_moment) $ do l ← Lock.new Lock.acquire l Lock.acquire l test_lock_3 ∷ Assertion test_lock_3 = assertException "" $ do l ← Lock.new Lock.release l test_lock_4 ∷ Assertion test_lock_4 = assert $ do l ← Lock.new fmap not $ Lock.locked l test_lock_5 ∷ Assertion test_lock_5 = assert $ do l ← Lock.newAcquired Lock.locked l test_lock_6 ∷ Assertion test_lock_6 = assert $ do l ← Lock.new Lock.acquire l Lock.release l fmap not $ Lock.locked l test_lock_7 ∷ Assertion test_lock_7 = assert ∘ within (10 ⋅ a_moment) $ do l ← Lock.newAcquired _ ← forkIO $ wait_a_moment >> Lock.release l Lock.acquire l -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RLocks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_rlock_1 ∷ Int → Assertion test_rlock_1 n = assert ∘ within (10 ⋅ a_moment) $ do l ← RLock.new replicateM_ n $ RLock.acquire l replicateM_ n $ RLock.release l -- Tests for bug found by Felipe Lessa. test_rlock_2 ∷ Assertion test_rlock_2 = assert ∘ within (20 ⋅ a_moment) $ do rl ← RLock.new t1_has_rlock ← Event.new t1_done ← Event.new t2_done ← Event.new -- Thread 1 _ ← forkIO $ do RLock.acquire rl Event.set t1_has_rlock threadDelay $ 10 ⋅ a_moment RLock.release rl Event.set t1_done -- Thread 2 _ ← forkIO $ do Event.wait t1_has_rlock RLock.acquire rl RLock.release rl Event.set t2_done Event.wait t1_done Event.wait t2_done ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Misc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Exactly 1 moment. Currently equal to 0.005 seconds. a_moment ∷ Int a_moment = 5000 wait_a_moment ∷ IO () wait_a_moment = threadDelay a_moment -- True if the action 'a' evaluates within 't' μs. within ∷ Int → IO α → IO Bool within t a = isJust <$> timeout t a notWithin ∷ Int → IO α → IO Bool notWithin t a = not <$> within t a assertException ∷ String → IO α → Assertion assertException errMsg a = do e ← try a case e of Left (_ ∷ SomeException ) → return () Right _ → assertFailure errMsg