# 1.1.2 * Add `chunksOfE` and `chunksOfExactlyE` combinators # 1.1.1 * Add `asum` combinator # 1.1.0 * Don't generalize I/O functions to `IOData`, instead specialize to `ByteString`. See: http://www.snoyman.com/blog/2016/12/beware-of-readfile#real-world-failures # * Fix version bounds for chunked-data/mono-traversable combos # * Fix foldl1 not being "a strict left fold" as advertised. [#115](https://github.com/snoyberg/mono-traversable/pull/115) # * Break on single elements and defer monoid concatenation until yield [#111](https://github.com/snoyberg/mono-traversable/pull/111) # 1.0.8 * Add lower bound on conduit 1.2.8 (make it easier to follow [the reskin](http://www.snoyman.com/blog/2016/09/proposed-conduit-reskin). # 1.0.7 * Add `sourceFileBS` and `sinkFileBS` # 1.0.6 * Add `peekForeverE` combinator # 1.0.5 * Add head, headDef and lastDef combinators # 1.0.4 * Move into mono-traversable repo, support mono-traversable 1.0 # * Support for QuickCheck 2.8.2 # 1.0.3 * sourceRandomWith [#19](https://github.com/fpco/conduit-combinators/pull/19) # 1.0.2 * Make mapAccumWhile & mapAccumS strict in accumulator state [#18](https://github.com/fpco/conduit-combinators/pull/18) # 1.0.1 * mapAccumWhile, mapAccumWhileM, mapAccumS # 1.0.0 * Drop system-filepath/system-fileio # 0.3.1 * `peekForever` # 0.3.0 Stream fusion enabled, drop compatibility with older conduit