{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-} import Conduit import Prelude hiding (FilePath) import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe) import Data.Conduit.Combinators.Internal import Data.Conduit.Combinators (slidingWindow, chunksOfE, chunksOfExactlyE) import Data.List (intersperse, sort, find, mapAccumL) import Safe (tailSafe) import System.FilePath (takeExtension) import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TL import Data.IORef import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS import Control.Monad (liftM) import Control.Monad.ST (runST) import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer import System.FilePath (()) import qualified System.IO as IO #if ! MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..)) import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>)) #endif import Data.Builder #if MIN_VERSION_mono_traversable(1,0,0) import Data.Sequences (LazySequence (..), Utf8 (..)) #else import Data.Sequences.Lazy import Data.Textual.Encoding #endif import qualified Data.NonNull as NN import System.IO.Silently (hCapture) import GHC.IO.Handle (hDuplicateTo) import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L8 import System.Random.MWC (createSystemRandom) import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16 import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16.Lazy as B16L import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64 import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.Lazy as B64L import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.URL.Lazy as B64LU import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.URL as B64U import qualified StreamSpec main :: IO () main = hspec $ do describe "yieldMany" $ do it "list" $ runIdentity (yieldMany [1..10] $$ sinkList) `shouldBe` [1..10] it "Text" $ runIdentity (yieldMany ("Hello World" :: T.Text) $$ sinkList) `shouldBe` "Hello World" it "unfold" $ let f 11 = Nothing f i = Just (show i, i + 1) in runIdentity (unfoldC f 1 $$ sinkList) `shouldBe` map show [1..10] it "enumFromTo" $ runIdentity (enumFromToC 1 10 $$ sinkList) `shouldBe` [1..10] it "iterate" $ let f i = i + 1 src = iterateC f seed seed = 1 count = 10 res = runIdentity $ src $$ takeC count =$ sinkList in res `shouldBe` take count (iterate f seed) it "repeat" $ let src = repeatC seed seed = 1 count = 10 res = runIdentity $ src $$ takeC count =$ sinkList in res `shouldBe` take count (repeat seed) it "replicate" $ let src = replicateC count seed seed = 1 count = 10 res = runIdentity $ src $$ sinkList in res `shouldBe` replicate count seed it "sourceLazy" $ let tss = ["foo", "bar", "baz"] tl = TL.fromChunks tss res = runIdentity $ sourceLazy tl $$ sinkList in res `shouldBe` tss it "repeatM" $ let src = repeatMC (return seed) seed = 1 count = 10 res = runIdentity $ src $$ takeC count =$ sinkList in res `shouldBe` take count (repeat seed) it "repeatWhileM" $ do ref <- newIORef 0 let f = atomicModifyIORef ref $ \i -> (succ i, succ i) src = repeatWhileMC f (< 11) res <- src $$ sinkList res `shouldBe` [1..10] it "replicateM" $ do ref <- newIORef 0 let f = atomicModifyIORef ref $ \i -> (succ i, succ i) src = replicateMC 10 f res <- src $$ sinkList res `shouldBe` [1..10] it "sourceFile" $ do let contents = concat $ replicate 10000 $ "this is some content\n" fp = "tmp" writeFile fp contents res <- runResourceT $ sourceFile fp $$ sinkLazy nocrBL res `shouldBe` TL.encodeUtf8 (TL.pack contents) it "sourceHandle" $ do let contents = concat $ replicate 10000 $ "this is some content\n" fp = "tmp" writeFile fp contents res <- IO.withBinaryFile "tmp" IO.ReadMode $ \h -> sourceHandle h $$ sinkLazy nocrBL res `shouldBe` TL.encodeUtf8 (TL.pack contents) it "sourceIOHandle" $ do let contents = concat $ replicate 10000 $ "this is some content\n" fp = "tmp" writeFile fp contents let open = IO.openBinaryFile "tmp" IO.ReadMode res <- runResourceT $ sourceIOHandle open $$ sinkLazy nocrBL res `shouldBe` TL.encodeUtf8 (TL.pack contents) prop "stdin" $ \(S.pack -> content) -> do S.writeFile "tmp" content IO.withBinaryFile "tmp" IO.ReadMode $ \h -> do hDuplicateTo h IO.stdin x <- stdinC $$ foldC x `shouldBe` content it "sourceRandom" $ do x <- sourceRandom $$ takeC 100 =$ sumC :: IO Double x `shouldSatisfy` (\y -> y > 10 && y < 90) it "sourceRandomN" $ do x <- sourceRandomN 100 $$ sumC :: IO Double x `shouldSatisfy` (\y -> y > 10 && y < 90) it "sourceRandomGen" $ do gen <- createSystemRandom x <- sourceRandomGen gen $$ takeC 100 =$ sumC :: IO Double x `shouldSatisfy` (\y -> y > 10 && y < 90) it "sourceRandomNGen" $ do gen <- createSystemRandom x <- sourceRandomNGen gen 100 $$ sumC :: IO Double x `shouldSatisfy` (\y -> y > 10 && y < 90) let hasExtension' ext fp = takeExtension fp == ext it "sourceDirectory" $ do res <- runResourceT $ sourceDirectory "test" $$ filterC (not . hasExtension' ".swp") =$ sinkList sort res `shouldBe` [ "test" "Spec.hs" , "test" "StreamSpec.hs" , "test" "subdir" ] it "sourceDirectoryDeep" $ do res1 <- runResourceT $ sourceDirectoryDeep False "test" $$ filterC (not . hasExtension' ".swp") =$ sinkList res2 <- runResourceT $ sourceDirectoryDeep True "test" $$ filterC (not . hasExtension' ".swp") =$ sinkList sort res1 `shouldBe` [ "test" "Spec.hs" , "test" "StreamSpec.hs" , "test" "subdir" "dummyfile.txt" ] sort res1 `shouldBe` sort res2 prop "drop" $ \(T.pack -> input) count -> runIdentity (yieldMany input $$ (dropC count >>= \() -> sinkList)) `shouldBe` T.unpack (T.drop count input) prop "dropE" $ \(T.pack -> input) -> runIdentity (yield input $$ (dropCE 5 >>= \() -> foldC)) `shouldBe` T.drop 5 input prop "dropWhile" $ \(T.pack -> input) sep -> runIdentity (yieldMany input $$ (dropWhileC (<= sep) >>= \() -> sinkList)) `shouldBe` T.unpack (T.dropWhile (<= sep) input) prop "dropWhileE" $ \(T.pack -> input) sep -> runIdentity (yield input $$ (dropWhileCE (<= sep) >>= \() -> foldC)) `shouldBe` T.dropWhile (<= sep) input it "fold" $ let list = [[1..10], [11..20]] src = yieldMany list res = runIdentity $ src $$ foldC in res `shouldBe` concat list it "foldE" $ let list = [[1..10], [11..20]] src = yieldMany $ Identity list res = runIdentity $ src $$ foldCE in res `shouldBe` concat list it "foldl" $ let res = runIdentity $ yieldMany [1..10] $$ foldlC (+) 0 in res `shouldBe` sum [1..10] it "foldlE" $ let res = runIdentity $ yield [1..10] $$ foldlCE (+) 0 in res `shouldBe` sum [1..10] it "foldMap" $ let src = yieldMany [1..10] res = runIdentity $ src $$ foldMapC return in res `shouldBe` [1..10] it "foldMapE" $ let src = yield [1..10] res = runIdentity $ src $$ foldMapCE return in res `shouldBe` [1..10] prop "all" $ \ (input :: [Int]) -> runIdentity (yieldMany input $$ allC even) `shouldBe` all evenInt input prop "allE" $ \ (input :: [Int]) -> runIdentity (yield input $$ allCE even) `shouldBe` all evenInt input prop "any" $ \ (input :: [Int]) -> runIdentity (yieldMany input $$ anyC even) `shouldBe` any evenInt input prop "anyE" $ \ (input :: [Int]) -> runIdentity (yield input $$ anyCE even) `shouldBe` any evenInt input prop "and" $ \ (input :: [Bool]) -> runIdentity (yieldMany input $$ andC) `shouldBe` and input prop "andE" $ \ (input :: [Bool]) -> runIdentity (yield input $$ andCE) `shouldBe` and input prop "or" $ \ (input :: [Bool]) -> runIdentity (yieldMany input $$ orC) `shouldBe` or input prop "orE" $ \ (input :: [Bool]) -> runIdentity (yield input $$ orCE) `shouldBe` or input prop "elem" $ \x xs -> runIdentity (yieldMany xs $$ elemC x) `shouldBe` elemInt x xs prop "elemE" $ \x xs -> runIdentity (yield xs $$ elemCE x) `shouldBe` elemInt x xs prop "notElem" $ \x xs -> runIdentity (yieldMany xs $$ notElemC x) `shouldBe` notElemInt x xs prop "notElemE" $ \x xs -> runIdentity (yield xs $$ notElemCE x) `shouldBe` notElemInt x xs prop "sinkVector regular" $ \xs -> do res <- yieldMany xs $$ sinkVector res `shouldBe` V.fromList (xs :: [Int]) prop "sinkVector unboxed" $ \xs -> do res <- yieldMany xs $$ sinkVector res `shouldBe` VU.fromList (xs :: [Int]) prop "sinkVector storable" $ \xs -> do res <- yieldMany xs $$ sinkVector res `shouldBe` VS.fromList (xs :: [Int]) prop "sinkVectorN regular" $ \xs' -> do let maxSize = 20 xs = take maxSize xs' res <- yieldMany xs' $$ sinkVectorN maxSize res `shouldBe` V.fromList (xs :: [Int]) prop "sinkVectorN unboxed" $ \xs' -> do let maxSize = 20 xs = take maxSize xs' res <- yieldMany xs' $$ sinkVectorN maxSize res `shouldBe` VU.fromList (xs :: [Int]) prop "sinkVectorN storable" $ \xs' -> do let maxSize = 20 xs = take maxSize xs' res <- yieldMany xs' $$ sinkVectorN maxSize res `shouldBe` VS.fromList (xs :: [Int]) prop "sinkBuilder" $ \(map T.pack -> inputs) -> let builder = runIdentity (yieldMany inputs $$ sinkBuilder) :: TextBuilder ltext = builderToLazy builder in ltext `shouldBe` fromChunks inputs prop "sinkLazyBuilder" $ \(map T.pack -> inputs) -> let lbs = runIdentity (yieldMany inputs $$ sinkLazyBuilder) in lbs `shouldBe` encodeUtf8 (fromChunks inputs) prop "sinkNull" $ \xs toSkip -> do res <- yieldMany xs $$ do takeC toSkip =$ sinkNull sinkList res `shouldBe` drop toSkip (xs :: [Int]) prop "awaitNonNull" $ \xs -> fmap NN.toNullable (runIdentity $ yieldMany xs $$ awaitNonNull) `shouldBe` listToMaybe (filter (not . null) (xs :: [[Int]])) prop "headE" $ \ (xs :: [[Int]]) -> runIdentity (yieldMany xs $$ ((,) <$> headCE <*> foldC)) `shouldBe` (listToMaybe $ concat xs, drop 1 $ concat xs) prop "peek" $ \xs -> runIdentity (yieldMany xs $$ ((,) <$> peekC <*> sinkList)) `shouldBe` (listToMaybe xs, xs :: [Int]) prop "peekE" $ \ (xs :: [[Int]]) -> runIdentity (yieldMany xs $$ ((,) <$> peekCE <*> foldC)) `shouldBe` (listToMaybe $ concat xs, concat xs) prop "last" $ \xs -> runIdentity (yieldMany xs $$ lastC) `shouldBe` listToMaybe (reverse (xs :: [Int])) prop "lastE" $ \ (xs :: [[Int]]) -> runIdentity (yieldMany xs $$ lastCE) `shouldBe` listToMaybe (reverse (concat xs)) prop "length" $ \xs -> runIdentity (yieldMany xs $$ lengthC) `shouldBe` length (xs :: [Int]) prop "lengthE" $ \ (xs :: [[Int]]) -> runIdentity (yieldMany xs $$ lengthCE) `shouldBe` length (concat xs) prop "lengthIf" $ \x xs -> runIdentity (yieldMany xs $$ lengthIfC (< x)) `shouldBe` length (filter (< x) xs :: [Int]) prop "lengthIfE" $ \x (xs :: [[Int]]) -> runIdentity (yieldMany xs $$ lengthIfCE (< x)) `shouldBe` length (filter (< x) (concat xs)) prop "maximum" $ \xs -> runIdentity (yieldMany xs $$ maximumC) `shouldBe` (if null (xs :: [Int]) then Nothing else Just (maximum xs)) prop "maximumE" $ \ (xs :: [[Int]]) -> runIdentity (yieldMany xs $$ maximumCE) `shouldBe` (if null (concat xs) then Nothing else Just (maximum $ concat xs)) prop "minimum" $ \xs -> runIdentity (yieldMany xs $$ minimumC) `shouldBe` (if null (xs :: [Int]) then Nothing else Just (minimum xs)) prop "minimumE" $ \ (xs :: [[Int]]) -> runIdentity (yieldMany xs $$ minimumCE) `shouldBe` (if null (concat xs) then Nothing else Just (minimum $ concat xs)) prop "null" $ \xs -> runIdentity (yieldMany xs $$ nullC) `shouldBe` null (xs :: [Int]) prop "nullE" $ \ (xs :: [[Int]]) -> runIdentity (yieldMany xs $$ ((,) <$> nullCE <*> foldC)) `shouldBe` (null (concat xs), concat xs) prop "sum" $ \xs -> runIdentity (yieldMany xs $$ sumC) `shouldBe` sum (xs :: [Int]) prop "sumE" $ \ (xs :: [[Int]]) -> runIdentity (yieldMany xs $$ sumCE) `shouldBe` sum (concat xs) prop "product" $ \xs -> runIdentity (yieldMany xs $$ productC) `shouldBe` product (xs :: [Int]) prop "productE" $ \ (xs :: [[Int]]) -> runIdentity (yieldMany xs $$ productCE) `shouldBe` product (concat xs) prop "find" $ \x xs -> runIdentity (yieldMany xs $$ findC (< x)) `shouldBe` find (< x) (xs :: [Int]) prop "mapM_" $ \xs -> let res = execWriter $ yieldMany xs $$ mapM_C (tell . return) in res `shouldBe` (xs :: [Int]) prop "mapM_E" $ \xs -> let res = execWriter $ yield xs $$ mapM_CE (tell . return) in res `shouldBe` (xs :: [Int]) prop "foldM" $ \ (xs :: [Int]) -> do res <- yieldMany xs $$ foldMC addM 0 res `shouldBe` sum xs prop "foldME" $ \ (xs :: [Int]) -> do res <- yield xs $$ foldMCE addM 0 res `shouldBe` sum xs it "foldMapM" $ let src = yieldMany [1..10] res = runIdentity $ src $$ foldMapMC (return . return) in res `shouldBe` [1..10] it "foldMapME" $ let src = yield [1..10] res = runIdentity $ src $$ foldMapMCE (return . return) in res `shouldBe` [1..10] it "sinkFile" $ do let contents = mconcat $ replicate 1000 $ "this is some content\n" fp = "tmp" runResourceT $ yield contents $$ sinkFile fp res <- S.readFile fp res `shouldBe` contents it "sinkHandle" $ do let contents = mconcat $ replicate 1000 $ "this is some content\n" fp = "tmp" IO.withBinaryFile "tmp" IO.WriteMode $ \h -> yield contents $$ sinkHandle h res <- S.readFile fp res `shouldBe` contents it "sinkIOHandle" $ do let contents = mconcat $ replicate 1000 $ "this is some content\n" fp = "tmp" open = IO.openBinaryFile "tmp" IO.WriteMode runResourceT $ yield contents $$ sinkIOHandle open res <- S.readFile fp res `shouldBe` contents prop "print" $ \vals -> do let expected = Prelude.unlines $ map showInt vals (actual, ()) <- hCapture [IO.stdout] $ yieldMany vals $$ printC actual `shouldBe` expected #ifndef WINDOWS prop "stdout" $ \ (vals :: [String]) -> do let expected = concat vals (actual, ()) <- hCapture [IO.stdout] $ yieldMany (map T.pack vals) $$ encodeUtf8C =$ stdoutC actual `shouldBe` expected prop "stderr" $ \ (vals :: [String]) -> do let expected = concat vals (actual, ()) <- hCapture [IO.stderr] $ yieldMany (map T.pack vals) $$ encodeUtf8C =$ stderrC actual `shouldBe` expected #endif prop "map" $ \input -> runIdentity (yieldMany input $$ mapC succChar =$ sinkList) `shouldBe` map succChar input prop "mapE" $ \(map V.fromList -> inputs) -> runIdentity (yieldMany inputs $$ mapCE succChar =$ foldC) `shouldBe` V.map succChar (V.concat inputs) prop "omapE" $ \(map T.pack -> inputs) -> runIdentity (yieldMany inputs $$ omapCE succChar =$ foldC) `shouldBe` T.map succChar (T.concat inputs) prop "concatMap" $ \ (input :: [Int]) -> runIdentity (yieldMany input $$ concatMapC showInt =$ sinkList) `shouldBe` concatMap showInt input prop "concatMapE" $ \ (input :: [Int]) -> runIdentity (yield input $$ concatMapCE showInt =$ foldC) `shouldBe` concatMap showInt input prop "take" $ \(T.pack -> input) count -> runIdentity (yieldMany input $$ (takeC count >>= \() -> mempty) =$ sinkList) `shouldBe` T.unpack (T.take count input) prop "takeE" $ \(T.pack -> input) count -> runIdentity (yield input $$ (takeCE count >>= \() -> mempty) =$ foldC) `shouldBe` T.take count input prop "takeWhile" $ \(T.pack -> input) sep -> runIdentity (yieldMany input $$ do x <- (takeWhileC (<= sep) >>= \() -> mempty) =$ sinkList y <- sinkList return (x, y)) `shouldBe` span (<= sep) (T.unpack input) prop "takeWhileE" $ \(T.pack -> input) sep -> runIdentity (yield input $$ do x <- (takeWhileCE (<= sep) >>= \() -> mempty) =$ foldC y <- foldC return (x, y)) `shouldBe` T.span (<= sep) input it "takeExactly" $ let src = yieldMany [1..10] sink = do x <- takeExactlyC 5 $ return 1 y <- sinkList return (x, y) res = runIdentity $ src $$ sink in res `shouldBe` (1, [6..10]) it "takeExactlyE" $ let src = yield ("Hello World" :: T.Text) sink = do takeExactlyCE 5 (mempty :: Sink T.Text Identity ()) y <- sinkLazy return y res = runIdentity $ src $$ sink in res `shouldBe` " World" it "takeExactlyE Vector" $ do let src = yield (V.fromList $ T.unpack "Hello World") sink = do x <- takeExactlyCE 5 $ return 1 y <- foldC return (x, y) res <- src $$ sink res `shouldBe` (1, V.fromList $ T.unpack " World") it "takeExactlyE 2" $ let src = yield ("Hello World" :: T.Text) sink = do x <- takeExactlyCE 5 $ return 1 y <- sinkLazy return (x, y) res = runIdentity $ src $$ sink -- FIXME type signature on next line is necessary in GHC 7.6.3 to -- avoid a crash: -- -- test: internal error: ARR_WORDS object entered! -- (GHC version 7.6.3 for x86_64_unknown_linux) -- Please report this as a GHC bug: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/reportabug -- Aborted (core dumped) -- -- Report upstream when packages are released in res `shouldBe` (1, " World" :: TL.Text) prop "concat" $ \input -> runIdentity (yield (T.pack input) $$ concatC =$ sinkList) `shouldBe` input prop "filter" $ \input -> runIdentity (yieldMany input $$ filterC evenInt =$ sinkList) `shouldBe` filter evenInt input prop "filterE" $ \input -> runIdentity (yield input $$ filterCE evenInt =$ foldC) `shouldBe` filter evenInt input prop "mapWhile" $ \input (min 20 -> highest) -> let f i | i < highest = Just (i + 2 :: Int) | otherwise = Nothing res = runIdentity $ yieldMany input $$ do x <- (mapWhileC f >>= \() -> mempty) =$ sinkList y <- sinkList return (x, y) (taken, dropped) = span (< highest) input in res `shouldBe` (map (+ 2) taken, dropped) prop "conduitVector" $ \(take 200 -> input) size' -> do let size = min 30 $ succ $ abs size' res <- yieldMany input $$ conduitVector size =$ sinkList res `shouldSatisfy` all (\v -> V.length v <= size) drop 1 (reverse res) `shouldSatisfy` all (\v -> V.length v == size) V.concat res `shouldBe` V.fromList (input :: [Int]) prop "scanl" $ \input seed -> let f a b = a + b :: Int res = runIdentity $ yieldMany input $$ scanlC f seed =$ sinkList in res `shouldBe` scanl f seed input prop "mapAccumWhile" $ \input (min 20 -> highest) -> let f i accum | i < highest = Right (i + accum, 2 * i :: Int) | otherwise = Left accum res = runIdentity $ yieldMany input $$ do (s, x) <- fuseBoth (mapAccumWhileC f 0) sinkList y <- sinkList return (s, x, y) (taken, dropped) = span (< highest) input in res `shouldBe` (sum taken, map (* 2) taken, tailSafe dropped) prop "concatMapAccum" $ \(input :: [Int]) -> let f a accum = (a + accum, [a, accum]) res = runIdentity $ yieldMany input $$ concatMapAccumC f 0 =$ sinkList expected = concat $ snd $ mapAccumL (flip f) 0 input in res `shouldBe` expected prop "intersperse" $ \xs x -> runIdentity (yieldMany xs $$ intersperseC x =$ sinkList) `shouldBe` intersperse (x :: Int) xs describe "binary base encoding" $ do describe "encode/decode is idempotent" $ do prop "64 non-url" $ \(map S.pack -> bss) -> mconcat bss == runIdentity (yieldMany bss $$ encodeBase64C =$ decodeBase64C =$ foldC) prop "64 url" $ \(map S.pack -> bss) -> mconcat bss == runIdentity (yieldMany bss $$ encodeBase64URLC =$ decodeBase64URLC =$ foldC) prop "16" $ \(map S.pack -> bss) -> mconcat bss == runIdentity (yieldMany bss $$ encodeBase16C =$ decodeBase16C =$ foldC) describe "encode is identical" $ do prop "64 non-url" $ \(map S.pack -> bss) -> B64.encode (mconcat bss) == runIdentity (yieldMany bss $$ encodeBase64C =$ foldC) prop "64 url" $ \(map S.pack -> bss) -> B64U.encode (mconcat bss) == runIdentity (yieldMany bss $$ encodeBase64URLC =$ foldC) prop "16" $ \(map S.pack -> bss) -> B16.encode (mconcat bss) == runIdentity (yieldMany bss $$ encodeBase16C =$ foldC) describe "decode leftovers work" $ do let test name encL dec decC = prop name $ \(L.toChunks . encL . L.pack -> bss) -> do let invalid = "\0INVALID" src = yieldMany bss >> yield invalid sink = (,) <$> (decC =$ foldC) <*> foldC expected = (dec $ mconcat bss, invalid) actual <- src $$ sink actual `shouldBe` expected test "64 non-url" B64L.encode B64.decodeLenient decodeBase64C test "64 url" B64LU.encode B64U.decodeLenient decodeBase64URLC let b16Decode x = case B16.decode x of (y, "") -> y _ -> error "FIXME!" test "16" B16L.encode b16Decode decodeBase16C prop "mapM" $ \input -> runIdentity (yieldMany input $$ mapMC (return . succChar) =$ sinkList) `shouldBe` map succChar input prop "mapME" $ \(map V.fromList -> inputs) -> runIdentity (yieldMany inputs $$ mapMCE (return . succChar) =$ foldC) `shouldBe` V.map succChar (V.concat inputs) prop "omapME" $ \(map T.pack -> inputs) -> runIdentity (yieldMany inputs $$ omapMCE (return . succChar) =$ foldC) `shouldBe` T.map succChar (T.concat inputs) prop "concatMapM" $ \ (input :: [Int]) -> runIdentity (yieldMany input $$ concatMapMC (return . showInt) =$ sinkList) `shouldBe` concatMap showInt input prop "filterM" $ \input -> runIdentity (yieldMany input $$ filterMC (return . evenInt) =$ sinkList) `shouldBe` filter evenInt input prop "filterME" $ \input -> runIdentity (yield input $$ filterMCE (return . evenInt) =$ foldC) `shouldBe` filter evenInt input prop "iterM" $ \input -> do (x, y) <- runWriterT $ yieldMany input $$ iterMC (tell . return) =$ sinkList x `shouldBe` (input :: [Int]) y `shouldBe` input prop "scanlM" $ \input seed -> let f a b = a + b :: Int fm a b = return $ a + b res = runIdentity $ yieldMany input $$ scanlMC fm seed =$ sinkList in res `shouldBe` scanl f seed input prop "mapAccumWhileM" $ \input (min 20 -> highest) -> let f i accum | i < highest = Right (i + accum, 2 * i :: Int) | otherwise = Left accum res = runIdentity $ yieldMany input $$ do (s, x) <- fuseBoth (mapAccumWhileMC ((return.).f) 0) sinkList y <- sinkList return (s, x, y) (taken, dropped) = span (< highest) input in res `shouldBe` (sum taken, map (* 2) taken, tailSafe dropped) prop "concatMapAccumM" $ \(input :: [Int]) -> let f a accum = (a + accum, [a, accum]) res = runIdentity $ yieldMany input $$ concatMapAccumMC ((return.).f) 0 =$ sinkList expected = concat $ snd $ mapAccumL (flip f) 0 input in res `shouldBe` expected prop "encode UTF8" $ \(map T.pack -> inputs) -> do let expected = encodeUtf8 $ fromChunks inputs actual <- yieldMany inputs $$ encodeUtf8C =$ sinkLazy actual `shouldBe` expected prop "encode/decode UTF8" $ \(map T.pack -> inputs) (min 50 . max 1 . abs -> chunkSize) -> do let expected = fromChunks inputs actual <- yieldMany inputs $$ encodeUtf8C =$ concatC =$ conduitVector chunkSize =$ mapC (S.pack . V.toList) =$ decodeUtf8C =$ sinkLazy actual `shouldBe` expected prop "encode/decode UTF8 lenient" $ \(map T.pack -> inputs) (min 50 . max 1 . abs -> chunkSize) -> do let expected = fromChunks inputs actual <- yieldMany inputs $$ encodeUtf8C =$ concatC =$ conduitVector chunkSize =$ mapC (S.pack . V.toList) =$ decodeUtf8LenientC =$ sinkLazy actual `shouldBe` expected prop "line" $ \(map T.pack -> input) size -> let src = yieldMany input sink = do x <- lineC $ takeCE size =$ foldC y <- foldC return (x, y) res = runIdentity $ src $$ sink expected = let (x, y) = T.break (== '\n') (T.concat input) in (T.take size x, T.drop 1 y) in res `shouldBe` expected prop "lineAscii" $ \(map S.pack -> input) size -> let src = yieldMany input sink = do x <- lineAsciiC $ takeCE size =$ foldC y <- foldC return (x, y) res = runIdentity $ src $$ sink expected = let (x, y) = S.break (== 10) (S.concat input) in (S.take size x, S.drop 1 y) in res `shouldBe` expected prop "unlines" $ \(map T.pack -> input) -> runIdentity (yieldMany input $$ unlinesC =$ foldC) `shouldBe` T.unlines input prop "unlinesAscii" $ \(map S.pack -> input) -> runIdentity (yieldMany input $$ unlinesAsciiC =$ foldC) `shouldBe` S8.unlines input prop "linesUnbounded" $ \(map T.pack -> input) -> runIdentity (yieldMany input $$ (linesUnboundedC >>= \() -> mempty) =$ sinkList) `shouldBe` T.lines (T.concat input) prop "linesUnboundedAscii" $ \(map S.pack -> input) -> runIdentity (yieldMany input $$ (linesUnboundedAsciiC >>= \() -> mempty) =$ sinkList) `shouldBe` S8.lines (S.concat input) prop "initReplicate" $ \seed delta (min 50 . abs -> cnt) -> do let sink = sumC res1 <- initReplicate (return seed) (return . (+ delta)) cnt $$ sink res1 `shouldBe` cnt * (seed + delta) res2 <- initReplicateConnect (return seed) (return . (+ delta)) cnt sink res2 `shouldBe` res1 prop "initReplicate" $ \seed delta (min 50 . abs -> cnt) -> do let sink = takeC cnt =$ sumC res1 <- initRepeat (return seed) (return . (+ delta)) $$ sink res1 `shouldBe` cnt * (seed + delta) res2 <- initRepeatConnect (return seed) (return . (+ delta)) sink res2 `shouldBe` res1 it "slidingWindow 0" $ let res = runIdentity $ yieldMany [1..5] $= slidingWindow 0 $$ sinkList in res `shouldBe` [[1],[2],[3],[4],[5]] it "slidingWindow 1" $ let res = runIdentity $ yieldMany [1..5] $= slidingWindow 1 $$ sinkList in res `shouldBe` [[1],[2],[3],[4],[5]] it "slidingWindow 2" $ let res = runIdentity $ yieldMany [1..5] $= slidingWindow 2 $$ sinkList in res `shouldBe` [[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,5]] it "slidingWindow 3" $ let res = runIdentity $ yieldMany [1..5] $= slidingWindow 3 $$ sinkList in res `shouldBe` [[1,2,3],[2,3,4],[3,4,5]] it "slidingWindow 4" $ let res = runIdentity $ yieldMany [1..5] $= slidingWindow 4 $$ sinkList in res `shouldBe` [[1,2,3,4],[2,3,4,5]] it "slidingWindow 5" $ let res = runIdentity $ yieldMany [1..5] $= slidingWindow 5 $$ sinkList in res `shouldBe` [[1,2,3,4,5]] it "slidingWindow 6" $ let res = runIdentity $ yieldMany [1..5] $= slidingWindow 6 $$ sinkList in res `shouldBe` [[1,2,3,4,5]] it "chunksOfE 1" $ let res = runIdentity $ yieldMany [[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]] $= chunksOfE 3 $$ sinkList in res `shouldBe` [[1,2,3], [4,5,6]] it "chunksOfE 2 (last smaller)" $ let res = runIdentity $ yieldMany [[1,2], [3,4], [5,6,7]] $= chunksOfE 3 $$ sinkList in res `shouldBe` [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7]] it "chunksOfE (ByteString)" $ let res = runIdentity $ yieldMany [S8.pack "01234", "56789ab", "cdef", "h"] $= chunksOfE 4 $$ sinkList in res `shouldBe` ["0123", "4567", "89ab", "cdef", "h"] it "chunksOfExactlyE 1" $ let res = runIdentity $ yieldMany [[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]] $= chunksOfExactlyE 3 $$ sinkList in res `shouldBe` [[1,2,3], [4,5,6]] it "chunksOfExactlyE 2 (last smaller; thus not yielded)" $ let res = runIdentity $ yieldMany [[1,2], [3,4], [5,6,7]] $= chunksOfExactlyE 3 $$ sinkList in res `shouldBe` [[1,2,3], [4,5,6]] prop "vectorBuilder" $ \(values :: [[Int]]) ((+1) . (`mod` 30) . abs -> size) -> do let res = runST $ yieldMany values $$ vectorBuilderC size mapM_CE =$ sinkList expected = loop $ concat values where loop [] = [] loop x = VU.fromList y : loop z where (y, z) = splitAt size x res `shouldBe` expected prop "mapAccumS" $ \input -> let ints = [1..] f a s = liftM (:s) $ mapC (* a) =$ takeC a =$ sinkList res = reverse $ runIdentity $ yieldMany input $$ mapAccumS f [] (yieldMany ints) expected = loop input ints where loop [] _ = [] loop (a:as) xs = let (y, ys) = Prelude.splitAt a xs in map (* a) y : loop as ys in res `shouldBe` expected prop "peekForever" $ \(strs' :: [String]) -> do let strs = filter (not . null) strs' res1 <- yieldMany strs $$ linesUnboundedC =$ sinkList res2 <- yieldMany strs $$ peekForever (lineC $ foldC >>= yield) =$ sinkList res2 `shouldBe` res1 prop "peekForeverE" $ \(strs :: [String]) -> do res1 <- yieldMany strs $$ linesUnboundedC =$ sinkList res2 <- yieldMany strs $$ peekForeverE (lineC $ foldC >>= yield) =$ sinkList res2 `shouldBe` res1 StreamSpec.spec evenInt :: Int -> Bool evenInt = even elemInt :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool elemInt = elem notElemInt :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool notElemInt = notElem addM :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> m Int addM x y = return (x + y) succChar :: Char -> Char succChar = succ showInt :: Int -> String showInt = Prelude.show nocrBL :: L8.ByteString -> L8.ByteString nocrBL = L8.filter (/= '\r')