-- ------------------------------------------------------ --
-- Copyright © 2014 AlephCloud Systems, Inc.
-- ------------------------------------------------------ --

{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

-- | This module provides a collection of utils on top of the packages
-- optparse-applicative, aeson, and yaml, for configuring libraries and
-- applications in a composable way.
-- The main feature is the integration of command line option parsing and
-- configuration files.
-- The purpose is to make management of configurations easy by providing an
-- idiomatic style of defining and deploying configurations.
-- For each data type that is used as a configuration type the following must be
-- provided:
-- 1. a default value,
-- 2. a 'FromJSON' instance that yields a function that takes a value and
--    updates that value with the parsed values,
-- 3. a 'ToJSON' instance, and
-- 4. an options parser that yields a function that takes a value and updates
--    that value with the values provided as command line options.
-- The module provides operators and functions that make the implmentation of
-- these entities easy for the common case that the configurations are encoded
-- mainly as nested records.
-- The operators assume that lenses for the configuration record types are
-- provided.
-- An complete usage example can be found in the file @example/Example.hs@
-- of the cabal package.
module Configuration.Utils
-- * Program Configuration
, programInfo
, piDescription
, piHelpHeader
, piHelpFooter
, piOptionParser
, piDefaultConfiguration
, piOptionParserAndDefaultConfiguration

-- * Running an Configured Application
, runWithConfiguration
, PkgInfo
, runWithPkgInfoConfiguration

-- * Applicative Option Parsing with Default Values
, MParser
, (.::)
, (%::)

-- * Parsing of Configuration Files with Default Values
, setProperty
, (..:)
, (%.:)

-- * Misc Utils
, (%)
, (×)
, (<*<)
, (>*>)
, (<$<)
, (>$>)
, (<.>)
, ()
, dropAndUncaml
, Lens'
, Lens

-- * Configuration of Optional Values
-- $maybe

-- * Reexports
, module Data.Aeson
, module Options.Applicative
) where

import Configuration.Utils.Internal

import Control.Error (fmapL)

import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Monoid.Unicode
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml

#if MIN_VERSION_optparse_applicative(0,10,0)
import Options.Applicative hiding (Parser, Success)
import Options.Applicative hiding (Parser, Success, (&))

import qualified Options.Applicative as O

import Prelude.Unicode

import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Useful Operators

-- | This operator is an alternative for '$' with a higher precedence which
-- makes it suitable for usage within Applicative style funtors without the need
-- to add parenthesis.
(%)  (α  β)  α  β
(%) = ($)
infixr 5 %
{-# INLINE (%) #-}

-- | This operator is a UTF-8 version of '%' which is an alternative for '$'
-- with a higher precedence which makes it suitable for usage within Applicative
-- style funtors without the need to add parenthesis.
-- The hex value of the UTF-8 character × is 0x00d7.
-- In VIM type: @Ctrl-V u 00d7@
-- You may also define a key binding by adding something like the following line
-- to your vim configuration file:
-- > iabbrev <buffer> >< ×
(×)  (α  β)  α  β
(×) = ($)
infixr 5 ×
{-# INLINE (×) #-}

-- | Functional composition for applicative functors.
(<*<)  Applicative φ  φ (β  γ)  φ (α  β)  φ (α  γ)
(<*<) a b = pure (.) <*> a <*> b
infixr 4 <*<
{-# INLINE (<*<) #-}

-- | Functional composition for applicative functors with its arguments
-- flipped.
(>*>)  Applicative φ  φ (α  β)  φ (β  γ)  φ (α  γ)
(>*>) = flip (<*<)
infixr 4 >*>
{-# INLINE (>*>) #-}

-- | Applicative functional composition between a pure function
-- and an applicative function.
(<$<)  Functor φ  (β  γ)  φ (α  β)  φ (α  γ)
(<$<) a b = (a .) <$> b
infixr 4 <$<
{-# INLINE (<$<) #-}

-- | Applicative functional composition between a pure function
-- and an applicative function with its arguments flipped.
(>$>)  Functor φ  φ (α  β)  (β  γ)  φ (α  γ)
(>$>) = flip (<$<)
infixr 4 >$>
{-# INLINE (>$>) #-}

-- | Functional composition for applicative functors.
-- This is a rather popular operator. Due to conflicts (for instance with the
-- lens package) it may have to be imported qualified.
(<.>)  Applicative φ  φ (β  γ)  φ (α  β)  φ (α  γ)
(<.>) = (<*<)
infixr 4 <.>
{-# INLINE (<.>) #-}
{-# DEPRECATED (<.>) "use '<*<' instead" #-}

-- | For people who like nicely aligned code and do not mind messing with
-- editor key-maps: here a version of '<.>' that uses a unicode symbol
-- The hex value of the UTF-8 character ⊙ is 0x2299.
-- A convenient VIM key-map is:
-- > iabbrev <buffer> ../ ⊙
()  Applicative φ  φ (β  γ)  φ (α  β)  φ (α  γ)
() = (<.>)
infixr 4 
{-# INLINE (⊙) #-}
{-# DEPRECATED (⊙) "use '<*<' instead" #-}

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Applicative Option Parsing with Default Values

-- | An operator for applying a setter to an option parser that yields a value.
-- Example usage:
-- > data Auth = Auth
-- >     { _user ∷ !String
-- >     , _pwd ∷ !String
-- >     }
-- >
-- > user ∷ Functor φ ⇒ (String → φ String) → Auth → φ Auth
-- > user f s = (\u → s { _user = u }) <$> f (_user s)
-- >
-- > pwd ∷ Functor φ ⇒ (String → φ String) → Auth → φ Auth
-- > pwd f s = (\p → s { _pwd = p }) <$> f (_pwd s)
-- >
-- > -- or with lenses and TemplateHaskell just:
-- > -- $(makeLenses ''Auth)
-- >
-- > pAuth ∷ MParser Auth
-- > pAuth = id
-- >    <$< user .:: strOption
-- >        × long "user"
-- >        ⊕ short 'u'
-- >        ⊕ help "user name"
-- >    <*< pwd .:: strOption
-- >        × long "pwd"
-- >        ⊕ help "password for user"
(.::)  (Alternative φ, Applicative φ)  Lens' α β  φ β  φ (α  α)
(.::) a opt = set a <$> opt <|> pure id
infixr 5 .::
{-# INLINE (.::) #-}

-- | An operator for applying a setter to an option parser that yields
-- a modification function.
-- Example usage:
-- > data HttpURL = HttpURL
-- >     { _auth ∷ !Auth
-- >     , _domain ∷ !String
-- >     }
-- >
-- > auth ∷ Functor φ ⇒ (Auth → φ Auth) → HttpURL → φ HttpURL
-- > auth f s = (\u → s { _auth = u }) <$> f (_auth s)
-- >
-- > domain ∷ Functor φ ⇒ (String → φ String) → HttpURL → φ HttpURL
-- > domain f s = (\u → s { _domain = u }) <$> f (_domain s)
-- >
-- > path ∷ Functor φ ⇒ (String → φ String) → HttpURL → φ HttpURL
-- > path f s = (\u → s { _path = u }) <$> f (_path s)
-- >
-- > -- or with lenses and TemplateHaskell just:
-- > -- $(makeLenses ''HttpURL)
-- >
-- > pHttpURL ∷ MParser HttpURL
-- > pHttpURL = id
-- >     <$< auth %:: pAuth
-- >     <*< domain .:: strOption
-- >         × long "domain"
-- >         ⊕ short 'd'
-- >         ⊕ help "HTTP domain"
(%::)  (Alternative φ, Applicative φ)  Lens' α β  φ (β  β)  φ (α  α)
(%::) a opt = over a <$> opt <|> pure id
infixr 5 %::
{-# INLINE (%::) #-}

-- | Type of option parsers that yield a modification function.
type MParser α = O.Parser (α  α)

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Parsing of Configuration Files with Default Values

dropAndUncaml  Int  String  String
dropAndUncaml i l
    | length l < i + 1 = l
    | otherwise = let (h:t) = drop i l
        in toLower h : concatMap (\x  if isUpper x then "-"  [toLower x] else [x]) t

-- | A JSON 'Value' parser for a property of a given
-- 'Object' that updates a setter with the parsed value.
-- > data Auth = Auth
-- >     { _userId ∷ !Int
-- >     , _pwd ∷ !String
-- >     }
-- >
-- > userId ∷ Functor φ ⇒ (Int → φ Int) → Auth → φ Auth
-- > userId f s = (\u → s { _userId = u }) <$> f (_userId s)
-- >
-- > pwd ∷ Functor φ ⇒ (String → φ String) → Auth → φ Auth
-- > pwd f s = (\p → s { _pwd = p }) <$> f (_pwd s)
-- >
-- > -- or with lenses and TemplateHaskell just:
-- > -- $(makeLenses ''Auth)
-- >
-- > instance FromJSON (Auth → Auth) where
-- >     parseJSON = withObject "Auth" $ \o → id
-- >         <$< setProperty user "user" p o
-- >         <*< setProperty pwd "pwd" parseJSON o
-- >       where
-- >         p = withText "user" $ \case
-- >             "alice" → pure (0 ∷ Int)
-- >             "bob" → pure 1
-- >             e → fail $ "unrecognized user " ⊕ e
     Lens' α β -- ^ a lens into the target that is updated by the parser
     T.Text -- ^ the JSON property name
     (Value  Parser β) -- ^ the JSON 'Value' parser that is used to parse the value of the property
     Object -- ^ the parsed JSON 'Value' 'Object'
     Parser (α  α)
setProperty s k p o = case H.lookup k o of
    Nothing  pure id
    Just v  set s <$> p v

-- | A variant of the 'setProperty' that uses the default 'parseJSON' method from the
-- 'FromJSON' instance to parse the value of the property. Its usage pattern mimics the
-- usage pattern of the '.:' operator from the aeson library.
-- > data Auth = Auth
-- >     { _user ∷ !String
-- >     , _pwd ∷ !String
-- >     }
-- >
-- > user ∷ Functor φ ⇒ (String → φ String) → Auth → φ Auth
-- > user f s = (\u → s { _user = u }) <$> f (_user s)
-- >
-- > pwd ∷ Functor φ ⇒ (String → φ String) → Auth → φ Auth
-- > pwd f s = (\p → s { _pwd = p }) <$> f (_pwd s)
-- >
-- > -- or with lenses and TemplateHaskell just:
-- > -- $(makeLenses ''Auth)
-- >
-- > instance FromJSON (Auth → Auth) where
-- >     parseJSON = withObject "Auth" $ \o → id
-- >         <$< user ..: "user" × o
-- >         <*< pwd ..: "pwd" × o
(..:)  FromJSON β  Lens' α β  T.Text  Object  Parser (α  α)
(..:) s k = setProperty s k parseJSON
infix 6 ..:
{-# INLINE (..:) #-}

-- | A variant of the aeson operator '.:' that creates a parser
-- that modifies a setter with a parsed function.
-- > data HttpURL = HttpURL
-- >     { _auth ∷ !Auth
-- >     , _domain ∷ !String
-- >     }
-- >
-- > auth ∷ Functor φ ⇒ (Auth → φ Auth) → HttpURL → φ HttpURL
-- > auth f s = (\u → s { _auth = u }) <$> f (_auth s)
-- >
-- > domain ∷ Functor φ ⇒ (String → φ String) → HttpURL → φ HttpURL
-- > domain f s = (\u → s { _domain = u }) <$> f (_domain s)
-- >
-- > path ∷ Functor φ ⇒ (String → φ String) → HttpURL → φ HttpURL
-- > path f s = (\u → s { _path = u }) <$> f (_path s)
-- >
-- > -- or with lenses and TemplateHaskell just:
-- > -- $(makeLenses ''HttpURL)
-- >
-- > instance FromJSON (HttpURL → HttpURL) where
-- >     parseJSON = withObject "HttpURL" $ \o → id
-- >         <$< auth %.: "auth" × o
-- >         <*< domain ..: "domain" × o
(%.:)  FromJSON (β  β)  Lens' α β  T.Text  Object  Parser (α  α)
(%.:) s k o = case H.lookup k o of
    Nothing  pure id
    Just v  over s <$> parseJSON v
infix 6 %.:
{-# INLINE (%.:) #-}

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Main Configuration

data ProgramInfo α = ProgramInfo
    { _piDescription  !String
      -- ^ Program Description
    , _piHelpHeader  !(Maybe String)
      -- ^ Help header
    , _piHelpFooter  !(Maybe String)
      -- ^ Help footer
    , _piOptionParser  !(MParser α)
      -- ^ options parser for configuration (TODO consider using a typeclass for this)
    , _piDefaultConfiguration  !α
      -- ^ default configuration

-- | Program Description
piDescription  Lens' (ProgramInfo α) String
piDescription = lens _piDescription $ \s a  s { _piDescription = a }
{-# INLINE piDescription #-}

-- | Help header
piHelpHeader  Lens' (ProgramInfo α) (Maybe String)
piHelpHeader = lens _piHelpHeader $ \s a  s { _piHelpHeader = a }
{-# INLINE piHelpHeader #-}

-- | Help footer
piHelpFooter  Lens' (ProgramInfo α) (Maybe String)
piHelpFooter = lens _piHelpFooter $ \s a  s { _piHelpFooter = a }
{-# INLINE piHelpFooter #-}

-- | options parser for configuration (TODO consider using a typeclass for this)
piOptionParser  Lens' (ProgramInfo α) (MParser α)
piOptionParser = lens _piOptionParser $ \s a  s { _piOptionParser = a }
{-# INLINE piOptionParser #-}

-- | default configuration
piDefaultConfiguration  Lens' (ProgramInfo α) α
piDefaultConfiguration = lens _piDefaultConfiguration $ \s a  s { _piDefaultConfiguration = a }
{-# INLINE piDefaultConfiguration #-}

-- | 'Lens' for simultaneous query and update of 'piOptionParser' and
-- 'piDefaultConfiguration'. This supports to change the type of 'ProgramInfo'
-- with 'over' and 'set'.
piOptionParserAndDefaultConfiguration  Lens (ProgramInfo α) (ProgramInfo β) (MParser α, α) (MParser β, β)
piOptionParserAndDefaultConfiguration = lens g $ \s (a,b)  ProgramInfo
    { _piDescription = _piDescription s
    , _piHelpHeader = _piHelpHeader s
    , _piHelpFooter = _piHelpFooter s
    , _piOptionParser = a
    , _piDefaultConfiguration = b
    g s = (_piOptionParser s, _piDefaultConfiguration s)
{-# INLINE piOptionParserAndDefaultConfiguration #-}

-- | Smart constructor for 'ProgramInfo'.
-- 'piHelpHeader' and 'piHelpFooter' are set to 'Nothing'.
programInfo  String  MParser α  α  ProgramInfo α
programInfo desc parser defaultConfig = ProgramInfo
    { _piDescription = desc
    , _piHelpHeader = Nothing
    , _piHelpFooter = Nothing
    , _piOptionParser = parser
    , _piDefaultConfiguration = defaultConfig

data AppConfiguration α = AppConfiguration
    { _printConfig  !Bool
    , _mainConfig  !α

-- | A flag that indicates that the application should
-- output the effective configuration and exit.
printConfig  Lens' (AppConfiguration α) Bool
printConfig = lens _printConfig $ \s a  s { _printConfig = a }

-- | The configuration value that is given to the
-- application.
mainConfig  Lens' (AppConfiguration α) α
mainConfig = lens _mainConfig $ \s a  s { _mainConfig = a }

pAppConfiguration  (FromJSON (α  α))  α  O.Parser (AppConfiguration α)
pAppConfiguration d = AppConfiguration
    <$> O.switch
        × O.long "print-config"
         O.short 'p'
         O.help "Print the parsed configuration to standard out and exit"
#if MIN_VERSION_optparse_applicative(0,10,0)
    <*> O.option (O.eitherReader $ \file  fileReader file <*> pure d)
        × O.long "config-file"
         O.short 'c'
         O.metavar "FILE"
         O.help "Configuration file in YAML format"
         O.value d
    <*> O.nullOption
        × O.long "config-file"
         O.short 'c'
         O.metavar "FILE"
         O.help "Configuration file in YAML format"
         O.eitherReader (\file  fileReader file <*> pure d)
         O.value d
    fileReader file = fmapL (\e  "failed to parse configuration file "  file  ": "  show e)
        $ unsafePerformIO (Yaml.decodeFileEither file)

      α . FromJSON (α  α)
     ProgramInfo α
     ( β . Maybe (MParser β))
     O.ParserInfo (AppConfiguration α)
mainOptions ProgramInfo{..} pkgInfoParser = O.info optionParser
    $ O.progDesc _piDescription
     maybe mempty O.header _piHelpHeader
     maybe mempty O.footer _piHelpFooter
    optionParser = fromMaybe (pure id) pkgInfoParser
        <*> nonHiddenHelper
        <*> (over mainConfig <$> _piOptionParser)
        <*> pAppConfiguration _piDefaultConfiguration

    -- the 'O.helper' option from optparse-applicative is hidden be default
    -- which seems a bit weired. This option doesn't hide the access to help.
    nonHiddenHelper = abortOption ShowHelpText
        × long "help"
         short 'h'
         short '?'
         help "Show this help text"

-- | Run an IO action with a configuration that is obtained by updating the
-- given default configuration the values defined via command line arguments.
-- In addition to the options defined by the given options parser the following
-- options are recognized:
-- [@--config-file, -c@]
--     Parse the given file path as a (partial) configuration in YAML
--     format.
-- [@--print-config, -p@]
--     Print the final parsed configuration to standard out and exit.
-- [@--help, -h@]
--     Print a help message and exit.
     (FromJSON (α  α), ToJSON α)
     ProgramInfo α
     (α  IO ())
     IO ()
runWithConfiguration appInfo mainFunction = do
    conf  O.customExecParser parserPrefs mainOpts
    if _printConfig conf
        then B8.putStrLn  Yaml.encode  _mainConfig $ conf
        else mainFunction  _mainConfig $ conf
    mainOpts = mainOptions appInfo Nothing
    parserPrefs = O.prefs O.disambiguate

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Main Configuration with Package Info

pPkgInfo  PkgInfo  MParser α
pPkgInfo (sinfo, detailedInfo, version, license) =
    infoO <*> detailedInfoO <*> versionO <*> licenseO
    infoO = infoOption sinfo
        $ O.long "info"
         O.short 'i'
         O.help "Print program info message and exit"
         O.value id
    detailedInfoO = infoOption detailedInfo
        $ O.long "long-info"
         O.help "Print detailed program info message and exit"
         O.value id
    versionO = infoOption version
        $ O.long "version"
         O.short 'v'
         O.help "Print version string and exit"
         O.value id
    licenseO = infoOption license
        $ O.long "license"
         O.help "Print license of the program and exit"
         O.value id

-- | Information about the cabal package. The format is:
-- @(info message, detailed info message, version string, license text)@
-- See the documentation of "Configuration.Utils.Setup" for a way
-- how to generate this information automatically from the package
-- description during the build process.
type PkgInfo =
    ( String
      -- info message
    , String
      -- detailed info message
    , String
      -- version string
    , String
      -- license text

-- | Run an IO action with a configuration that is obtained by updating the
-- given default configuration the values defined via command line arguments.
-- In addition to the options defined by the given options parser the following
-- options are recognized:
-- [@--config-file, -c@]
--     Parse the given file path as a (partial) configuration in YAML
--     format.
-- [@--print-config, -p@]
--     Print the final parsed configuration to standard out and exit.
-- [@--help, -h@]
--     Print a help message and exit.
-- [@--version, -v@]
--     Print the version of the application and exit.
-- [@--info, -i@]
--     Print a short info message for the application and exit.
-- [@--long-inf@]
--     Print a detailed info message for the application and exit.
-- [@--license@]
--     Print the text of the lincense of the application and exit.
     (FromJSON (α  α), ToJSON α)
     ProgramInfo α
     (α  IO ())
     IO ()
runWithPkgInfoConfiguration appInfo pkgInfo mainFunction = do
    conf  O.customExecParser parserPrefs mainOpts
    if _printConfig conf
        then B8.putStrLn  Yaml.encode  _mainConfig $ conf
        else mainFunction  _mainConfig $ conf
    mainOpts = mainOptions appInfo (Just $ pPkgInfo pkgInfo)
    parserPrefs = O.prefs O.disambiguate

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Configuration of Optional Values

-- $maybe
-- Optional configuration values are supposed to be encoded by wrapping
-- the respective type with 'Maybe'.
-- For simple values the standard 'FromJSON' instance from the aeson
-- package can be used with the along with  the '..:' operator.
-- When defining command line option parsers with '.::' and '%::' all
-- options are optional. When an option is not present on the command
-- line the default value is used. For 'Maybe' values it is therefore
-- enough to wrap the parsed value into 'Just'.
-- > data LogConfig = LogConfig
-- >    { _logLevel ∷ !Int
-- >    , _logFile ∷ !(Maybe String)
-- >    }
-- >
-- > $(makeLenses ''LogConfig)
-- >
-- > defaultLogConfig ∷ LogConfig
-- > defaultLogConfig = LogConfig
-- >     { _logLevel = 1
-- >     , _logFile = Nothing
-- >     }
-- >
-- > instance FromJSON (LogConfig → LogConfig) where
-- >     parseJSON = withObject "LogConfig" $ \o → id
-- >         <$< logLevel ..: "LogLevel" % o
-- >         <*< logFile ..: "LogConfig" % o
-- >
-- > instance ToJSON LogConfig where
-- >     toJSON config = object
-- >         [ "LogLevel" .= _logLevel config
-- >         , "LogConfig" .= _logFile config
-- >         ]
-- >
-- > pLogConfig ∷ MParser LogConfig
-- > pLogConfig = id
-- > #if MIN_VERSION_optparse-applicative(0,10,0)
-- >     <$< logLevel .:: option auto
-- > #else
-- >     <$< logLevel .:: option
-- > #endif
-- >         % long "log-level"
-- >         % metavar "INTEGER"
-- >         % help "log level"
-- >     <*< logFile .:: fmap Just % strOption
-- >         % long "log-file"
-- >         % metavar "FILENAME"
-- >         % help "log file name"
-- For product-type (record) 'Maybe' values the following orphan 'FromJSON'
-- instance is provided:
-- > instance (FromJSON (a → a), FromJSON a) ⇒ FromJSON (Maybe a → Maybe a)
-- >     parseJSON Null = pure (const Nothing)
-- >     parseJSON v = f <$> parseJSON v <*> parseJSON v
-- >       where
-- >         f g _ Nothing = Just g
-- >         f _ g (Just x) = Just (g x)
-- (Using an orphan instance is generally problematic but convenient in
-- this case. It's unlikely that an instance for this type is needed elsewhere.
-- If this is an issue for you, please let me know. In that case we can define a
-- new type for optional configuration values.)
-- The semantics are as follows:
-- * If the parsed configuration value is 'Null' the result is 'Nothing'.
-- * If the parsed configuration value is not 'Null' then the result is
--   an update function that
--     * updates the given default value if this value is @Just x@
--       or
--     * is a constant function that returns the value that is parsed
--       from the configuration using the 'FromJSON' instance for the
--       configuration type.
-- Note, that this instance requires an 'FromJSON' instance for the
-- configuration type itself as well as a 'FromJSON' instance for the update
-- function of the configuration type. The former can be defined by means of the
-- latter as follows:
-- > instance FromJSON MyType where
-- >     parseJSON v = parseJSON v <*> pure defaultMyType
-- This instance will cause the usage of 'defaultMyType' as default value if the
-- default value that is given to the configuration parser is 'Nothing' and the
-- parsed configuration is not 'Null'.
instance (FromJSON (a  a), FromJSON a)  FromJSON (Maybe a  Maybe a) where

    -- | If the configuration explicitly requires 'Null' the result
    -- is 'Nothing'.
    parseJSON Null = pure (const Nothing)

    -- | If the default value is @(Just x)@ and the configuration
    -- provides and update function @f@ then result is @Just f@.
    -- If the default value is 'Nothing' and the configuration
    -- is parsed using a parser for a constant value (and not
    -- an update function).
    parseJSON v = f <$> parseJSON v <*> parseJSON v
        f g _ Nothing = Just g
        f _ g (Just x) = Just (g x)