{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeOperators #-} -- | This module exports the primitives and combinators for constructing formats with sub- or cross-byte -- components. See @test/MBR.hs@ for an example of its use. -- -- >>> testParse (bigEndianBytesOf $ pair (count 5 bit) (count 3 bit)) (ByteString.pack [9]) -- Right [(([False,False,False,False,True],[False,False,True]),"")] module Construct.Bits (Bits, bit, -- * The combinators for converting between 'Bits' and 'ByteString' input streams bigEndianBitsOf, bigEndianBytesOf, littleEndianBitsOf, littleEndianBytesOf) where import Data.Bits (setBit, testBit) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Word (Word8) import Text.Parser.Input (InputParsing (ParserInput, anyToken)) import Construct import Construct.Classes import Construct.Internal -- | The list of bits type Bits = [Bool] bit :: (Applicative n, InputParsing m, ParserInput m ~ Bits) => Format m n Bits Bool bigEndianBitsOf :: (InputParsing (m Bits), InputParsing (m ByteString), InputMappableParsing m, Functor n, ParserInput (m Bits) ~ Bits, ParserInput (m ByteString) ~ ByteString) => Format (m ByteString) n ByteString a -> Format (m Bits) n Bits a bigEndianBytesOf :: (InputParsing (m Bits), InputParsing (m ByteString), InputMappableParsing m, Functor n, ParserInput (m Bits) ~ Bits, ParserInput (m ByteString) ~ ByteString) => Format (m Bits) n Bits a -> Format (m ByteString) n ByteString a littleEndianBitsOf :: (InputParsing (m Bits), InputParsing (m ByteString), InputMappableParsing m, Functor n, ParserInput (m Bits) ~ Bits, ParserInput (m ByteString) ~ ByteString) => Format (m ByteString) n ByteString a -> Format (m Bits) n Bits a littleEndianBytesOf :: (InputParsing (m Bits), InputParsing (m ByteString), InputMappableParsing m, Functor n, ParserInput (m Bits) ~ Bits, ParserInput (m ByteString) ~ ByteString) => Format (m Bits) n Bits a -> Format (m ByteString) n ByteString a -- | The primitive format of a single bit -- -- >>> testParse bit [True, False, False, True] -- Right [(True,[False,False,True])] bit = Format{ parse = head <$> anyToken, serialize = pure . (:[])} bigEndianBitsOf = mapMaybeSerialized (Just . enumerateFromMostSignificant) collectFromMostSignificant bigEndianBytesOf = mapMaybeSerialized collectFromMostSignificant (Just . enumerateFromMostSignificant) littleEndianBitsOf = mapMaybeSerialized (Just . enumerateFromLeastSignificant) collectFromLeastSignificant littleEndianBytesOf = mapMaybeSerialized collectFromLeastSignificant (Just . enumerateFromLeastSignificant) collectFromMostSignificant :: Bits -> Maybe ByteString collectFromLeastSignificant :: Bits -> Maybe ByteString enumerateFromMostSignificant :: ByteString -> Bits enumerateFromLeastSignificant :: ByteString -> Bits collectFromMostSignificant bits = (ByteString.pack . map toByte) <$> splitEach8 bits where toByte octet = List.foldl' setBit (0 :: Word8) (map snd $ filter fst $ zip octet [7,6..0]) collectFromLeastSignificant bits = (ByteString.pack . map toByte) <$> splitEach8 bits where toByte octet = List.foldl' setBit (0 :: Word8) (map snd $ filter fst $ zip octet [0..7]) enumerateFromMostSignificant = ByteString.foldr ((++) . enumerateByte) [] where enumerateByte b = [testBit b i | i <- [7,6..0]] enumerateFromLeastSignificant = ByteString.foldr ((++) . enumerateByte) [] where enumerateByte b = [testBit b i | i <- [0..7]] splitEach8 :: [a] -> Maybe [[a]] splitEach8 [] = Just [] splitEach8 list | length first8 == 8 = (first8 :) <$> splitEach8 rest | otherwise = Nothing where (first8, rest) = splitAt 8 list