{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, LambdaCase, OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables, StandaloneDeriving, TemplateHaskell, TupleSections, TypeApplications #-} module URI where import Data.Bits ((.|.), (.&.), shift) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as ASCII import Data.Char (isAlpha, isAlphaNum, isDigit, isHexDigit, chr, ord, toUpper) import Data.Foldable (fold) import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity, runIdentity) import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Maybe (isNothing, maybe) import Data.Monoid.Textual (TextualMonoid) import qualified Data.Monoid.Factorial as Factorial import qualified Data.Monoid.Textual as Textual import Data.String (fromString) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8, encodeUtf8) import Data.Word import Numeric (readHex, showHex) import Numeric.Natural (Natural) import qualified Rank2.TH import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString (Parser) import Construct import OrphanInstances import Prelude hiding ((<$), (<*), (*>), take, takeWhile) data UriReference t f = UriReference{ scheme :: f (Maybe t), authority :: f (Maybe (Authority t Identity)), path :: f [t], query :: f (Maybe t), fragment :: f (Maybe t) } data Authority t f = Authority{ user :: f (Maybe t), host :: f (HostName t), port :: f (Maybe Word16) } data HostName t = IPv4address [Word8] | IPv6address [Word16] | IPvFuture Word t | RegisteredName t deriving (Eq, Read, Show) deriving instance Show t => Show (UriReference t Identity) deriving instance Show t => Show (Authority t Identity) $(Rank2.TH.deriveAll ''UriReference) $(Rank2.TH.deriveAll ''Authority) uriReference :: Format Parser Maybe ByteString (UriReference ByteString Identity) uriReference = record UriReference{ scheme = optional (uriScheme <* literal ":"), authority = optional (literal "//" *> uriAuthority), path = encodedCharSequence pathChar `sepBy` literal "/", query = optional (literal "?" *> encodedCharSequence queryChar), fragment = optional (literal "#" *> encodedCharSequence fragmentChar) } uriAuthority :: Format Parser Maybe ByteString (Authority ByteString Identity) uriAuthority = record Authority{ user = optional (takeCharsWhile userChar <* literal "@"), host = hostName, port = optional (mapValue fromIntegral fromIntegral $ satisfy (< 65536) $ literal ":" *> mapDec (takeCharsWhile1 isDigit))} -- port = *DIGIT in spec? uriScheme :: Format Parser Maybe ByteString ByteString uriScheme = mapValue (uncurry (<>)) (Factorial.splitAt 1) $ pair (satisfy (any isAlpha . Textual.characterPrefix) $ take 1) (takeCharsWhile schemeChar) hostName :: Format Parser Maybe ByteString (HostName ByteString) hostName = mapMaybeValue (Just . IPv4address) (\case (IPv4address a)-> Just a; _ -> Nothing) ipV4address <|> literal "[" *> (mapMaybeValue (Just . IPv6address) (\case (IPv6address a)-> Just a; _ -> Nothing) ipV6address <|> mapMaybeValue (Just . uncurry IPvFuture) (\case (IPvFuture v a)-> Just (v, a); _ -> Nothing) (pair (literal "v" *> mapHex (takeCharsWhile1 hexDigit)) (literal "." *> takeCharsWhile1 ipFutureChar))) <* literal "]" <|> mapMaybeValue (Just . RegisteredName) (\case (RegisteredName a)-> Just a; _ -> Nothing) (encodedCharSequence hostChar) ipV4address :: Format Parser Maybe ByteString [Word8] ipV4address = satisfy ((== 4) . length) (decOctet `sepBy` literal ".") where decOctet = mapValue fromIntegral fromIntegral $ satisfy (< 256) $ mapDec $ takeCharsWhile1 isDigit ipV6address :: Format Parser Maybe ByteString [Word16] ipV6address = satisfy ((== 8) . length) $ mapValue fill shorten ipV6addressShort where fill :: [Maybe Word16] -> [Word16] shorten :: [Word16] -> [Maybe Word16] fill words = concatMap (maybe (replicate (9 - length words) 0) (:[])) words shorten [] = [] shorten (0:0:words) = Nothing : map Just (dropWhile (== 0) words) shorten (word:words) = Just word : shorten words ipV6addressShort :: Format Parser Maybe ByteString [Maybe Word16] ipV6addressShort = satisfy zeroOrOneNothings $ mapValue (uncurry (++)) (, []) $ pair (optional h16 `sepBy` literal ":") (literal ":" *> mapValue v4tov6 v6tov4 ipV4address <|> [] <$ literal "") where v4tov6 [] = [] v4tov6 (byte1:byte2:bytes) = Just (shift (fromIntegral byte1) 8 .|. fromIntegral byte2) : v4tov6 bytes v4tov6 _ = error "odd number of ipv4 bytes" v6tov4 [] = [] v6tov4 (Just word:words) = fromIntegral (shift word $ negate 8) : fromIntegral (word .&. 0xFF) : v6tov4 words v6tov4 (Nothing:words) = 0 : 0 : v6tov4 words zeroOrOneNothings words = elisionCount == 0 && length words == 8 || elisionCount == 1 && length words < 7 where elisionCount = length (filter isNothing words) h16 = mapHex $ satisfy ((<5) . Factorial.length) $ takeCharsWhile1 hexDigit mapHex :: (Integral n, Show n) => Format Parser Maybe ByteString ByteString -> Format Parser Maybe ByteString n mapDec :: Format Parser Maybe ByteString ByteString -> Format Parser Maybe ByteString Natural mapDec = mapValue (read . Textual.toString (error . show)) (fromString . show) mapHex = mapValue (fst . head . readHex . Textual.toString (error . show)) (fromString . flip showHex "") hexDigit, schemeChar, hostChar, userChar, ipFutureChar, pathChar, queryChar, fragmentChar, unreserved, subDelim :: Char -> Bool hexDigit c = isHexDigit c schemeChar c = isAlphaNum c || elem @[] c "+-." ipFutureChar = userChar hostChar c = unreserved c || subDelim c userChar c = unreserved c || subDelim c || c == ':' pathChar c = unreserved c || subDelim c || c == ':' || c == '@' queryChar c = pathChar c || c == '/' || c == '?' fragmentChar = queryChar subDelim c = elem @[] c "!$&'()*+,;=" unreserved c = isAlphaNum c || elem @[] c "-._~" encodedCharSequence :: (Char -> Bool) -> Format Parser Maybe ByteString ByteString encodedCharSequence predicate = mapValue concatSequence splitSequence $ many (takeCharsWhile1 predicate <+> percentEncoded) where concatSequence :: [Either ByteString Char] -> ByteString splitSequence :: ByteString -> [Either ByteString Char] percentEncoded :: Format Parser Maybe ByteString Char concatSequence = mconcat . map (either id Textual.singleton) splitSequence s = case Textual.splitCharacterPrefix s of Just (c, t) | predicate c, (prefix, rest) <- Textual.span_ False predicate s -> Left prefix : splitSequence rest | otherwise -> Right c : splitSequence t _ -> [] percentEncoded = mapValue hexChar (padLeft . map toUpper . (`showHex` "") . ord) $ literal "%" *> count 2 (satisfy hexDigit char) hexChar = chr . fst . head . readHex padLeft [c] = ['0', c] padLeft cs = cs