{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} #include "containers.h" module Data.Map.Internal.Debug where import Data.Map.Internal (Map (..), size, delta) import Control.Monad (guard) -- | /O(n)/. Show the tree that implements the map. The tree is shown -- in a compressed, hanging format. See 'showTreeWith'. showTree :: (Show k,Show a) => Map k a -> String showTree m = showTreeWith showElem True False m where showElem k x = show k ++ ":=" ++ show x {- | /O(n)/. The expression (@'showTreeWith' showelem hang wide map@) shows the tree that implements the map. Elements are shown using the @showElem@ function. If @hang@ is 'True', a /hanging/ tree is shown otherwise a rotated tree is shown. If @wide@ is 'True', an extra wide version is shown. > Map> let t = fromDistinctAscList [(x,()) | x <- [1..5]] > Map> putStrLn $ showTreeWith (\k x -> show (k,x)) True False t > (4,()) > +--(2,()) > | +--(1,()) > | +--(3,()) > +--(5,()) > > Map> putStrLn $ showTreeWith (\k x -> show (k,x)) True True t > (4,()) > | > +--(2,()) > | | > | +--(1,()) > | | > | +--(3,()) > | > +--(5,()) > > Map> putStrLn $ showTreeWith (\k x -> show (k,x)) False True t > +--(5,()) > | > (4,()) > | > | +--(3,()) > | | > +--(2,()) > | > +--(1,()) -} showTreeWith :: (k -> a -> String) -> Bool -> Bool -> Map k a -> String showTreeWith showelem hang wide t | hang = (showsTreeHang showelem wide [] t) "" | otherwise = (showsTree showelem wide [] [] t) "" showsTree :: (k -> a -> String) -> Bool -> [String] -> [String] -> Map k a -> ShowS showsTree showelem wide lbars rbars t = case t of Tip -> showsBars lbars . showString "|\n" Bin _ kx x Tip Tip -> showsBars lbars . showString (showelem kx x) . showString "\n" Bin _ kx x l r -> showsTree showelem wide (withBar rbars) (withEmpty rbars) r . showWide wide rbars . showsBars lbars . showString (showelem kx x) . showString "\n" . showWide wide lbars . showsTree showelem wide (withEmpty lbars) (withBar lbars) l showsTreeHang :: (k -> a -> String) -> Bool -> [String] -> Map k a -> ShowS showsTreeHang showelem wide bars t = case t of Tip -> showsBars bars . showString "|\n" Bin _ kx x Tip Tip -> showsBars bars . showString (showelem kx x) . showString "\n" Bin _ kx x l r -> showsBars bars . showString (showelem kx x) . showString "\n" . showWide wide bars . showsTreeHang showelem wide (withBar bars) l . showWide wide bars . showsTreeHang showelem wide (withEmpty bars) r showWide :: Bool -> [String] -> String -> String showWide wide bars | wide = showString (concat (reverse bars)) . showString "|\n" | otherwise = id showsBars :: [String] -> ShowS showsBars bars = case bars of [] -> id _ -> showString (concat (reverse (tail bars))) . showString node node :: String node = "+--" withBar, withEmpty :: [String] -> [String] withBar bars = "| ":bars withEmpty bars = " ":bars {-------------------------------------------------------------------- Assertions --------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | /O(n)/. Test if the internal map structure is valid. -- -- > valid (fromAscList [(3,"b"), (5,"a")]) == True -- > valid (fromAscList [(5,"a"), (3,"b")]) == False valid :: Ord k => Map k a -> Bool valid t = balanced t && ordered t && validsize t -- | Test if the keys are ordered correctly. ordered :: Ord a => Map a b -> Bool ordered t = bounded (const True) (const True) t where bounded lo hi t' = case t' of Tip -> True Bin _ kx _ l r -> (lo kx) && (hi kx) && bounded lo (kx) hi r -- | Test if a map obeys the balance invariants. balanced :: Map k a -> Bool balanced t = case t of Tip -> True Bin _ _ _ l r -> (size l + size r <= 1 || (size l <= delta*size r && size r <= delta*size l)) && balanced l && balanced r -- | Test if each node of a map reports its size correctly. validsize :: Map a b -> Bool validsize t = case slowSize t of Nothing -> False Just _ -> True where slowSize Tip = Just 0 slowSize (Bin sz _ _ l r) = do ls <- slowSize l rs <- slowSize r guard (sz == ls + rs + 1) return sz