{- | Module : Cookbook.Project.Quill.Quill2.Q2Parse Copyright : (c) 2014 by Nate Pisarski License : BSD3 Maintainer : nathanpisarski@gmail.com Stability : Stable Portability : Portable (Cookbook) Q2Parse is the "engine" of Quill2. It is able to turn a string (or a list of them) into a Quill database. The syntax of Quill currently supports Whitespace-inclusive strings, comments, and whitespace-independence. -} module Cookbook.Project.Quill.Quill2.Q2Parse where import qualified Cookbook.Essential.Common as Cm import qualified Cookbook.Essential.Continuous as Ct import qualified Cookbook.Ingredients.Lists.Modify as Md import qualified Cookbook.Ingredients.Lists.Access as Ac import qualified Cookbook.Ingredients.Lists.Encompass as En import Cookbook.Project.Quill.Quill2.Q2Prelude -- | Remove all C-style comments frm the code. Does not support single-line comments, because Quill2 is fully whitespace independant. decomment :: String -> String decomment = (`Ct.splice` ("/*", "*/")) -- | Prepare the lines of a file for processing. prepare :: [String] -> String prepare = decomment . (`Ct.remove` '\n') . unlines -- | Process a single entry in the database into a Table. pTable :: String -> Quill pTable x = typ where name = Md.between (Ct.before x '{') ('(',')') --table(name) or list(name) typ = (name,if (Ct.before x '{') `Ac.contains` "table" then Table (parseTables body) else List body) body = Md.splitOn (En.encompassing x ('{','}')) ';' quoted y = if ('`','\'') `Ac.surrounds` y then En.encompassing x ('`','\'') else Ct.remove y ' ' parseTables [] = [] parseTables (x:xs) =(quoted $ Ct.before x ':', Ct.after x ':') : parseTables xs -- | Turn the lines of a file into a list of tables, AKA a Database. pFile :: [String] -> [Quill] pFile x = case allTables of [] -> [] (y:ys) -> pTable y : pFile ys where prepared = prepare x allTables = Md.splitOn prepared '}'