## 0.5.0 * Remove surrounding double quotes from cookie values when parsing [#31](https://github.com/snoyberg/cookie/pull/31) This is a breaking change, as it changes the behavior of `parseCookies` and `parseSetCookie` to no longer include the surrounding double quotes in the cookie value. This is the correct behavior according to the RFC. ## 0.4.6 * Resolve redundant import of Data.Monoid [#26](https://github.com/snoyberg/cookie/pull/26) * Added `renderSetCookieBS` and `renderCookiesBS` ## 0.4.5 * Added `SameSite=None` ## 0.4.4 * Dropped dependency on blaze-builder * Made cookie text rendering slightly more efficient ## 0.4.3 * Added `defaultSetCookie` [#16](https://github.com/snoyberg/cookie/pull/16) ## * Clarified MIT license ## 0.4.2 * Added SameSite [#13](https://github.com/snoyberg/cookie/pull/13)